Human Resource Outsourcing: Threat or Opportunity
Human Resource Outsourcing: Threat or Opportunity
Human Resource Outsourcing: Threat or Opportunity
Assignment On:
Threat or opportunity?
Submitted to:
Jayendra Rimal
Submitted by:
Rinky Shah
Term III
1. What questions/issues is the author trying to address? How important are they?
Human resources outsourcing is when businesses hire companies to
manage personnel functions. That includes administration of health benefits plans,
retirement plans, and workers’ compensation insurance. It also includes hiring,
training, and legal expertise.
In this paper, the author is trying to address that HR outsourcing is an
opportunity for the internal HR department and HR outsourcing as a cost-cutting
instrument gradually reducing HR staff. The purpose of this study is to examine
whether HR outsourcing is a manifestation of a strategic HR focus, a cost-cutting HR
focus or both. Kenter distinguishes four developments playing an important role in the
formation of HR architecture. These are the automisation of HR tasks, The
outsourcings of HR tasks, The devolution of HR tasks to line managers and the
integration of HR tasks into shared service centers.
Outsourcing is the name of the game in 21st century. Companies that want to
be lean and competitive, need to aggressively pursue outsourcing. The flight of key
functions to low-cost nations has happened in a big way in the past and is going to
continue in future also. Like a coin has two sides, Outsourcing can prove to be a pain
in the neck if not addressed properly It can be a game changing strategy for
companies that are on the move. It may prove to be suicidal for companies that are
unable to address key challenges posed by outsourcing - when pursued in an
aggressive manner.
4. What conclusions does the author draw? Are these conclusion justified in the
light of the empirical/theoretical evidence by the author? How important are
these conclusions?
Human Resources outsourcing refers to the practice of contracting a third-
party organization to handle some or all of a business’s HR tasks and functions. When
small business owners or HR professionals consider outsourcing HR, they want to
consider who else is outsourcing, what functions can be outsourced, and to whom
they should outsource. This study have tried to examine whether HR outsourcing is an
opportunity or threat for an organization. Some observers approach outsourcing as an
opportunity as outsourcing creates more time and resources to focus on strategic and
value creating and HR activities. Other observers, however, portray outsourcing as a
threat for the HR department. Here, outsourcing is seen as a cost-cutting instrument
causing “HRM without HR managers”.
The analysis highlights two main results:
Firstly, Organizations with a strong focus on HR cost-cutting do not
outsource more than organization weaker focus on HR cost-cutting.
The analysis show the positive relationship between strong focus on
strategic HRM and level of HR outsourcing\
Secondly, HR devolution and HR outsourcing are closely related. By,
outsourcing operational HR tasks and delegating people management
to line managers, more time and resources can be released for more
strategic Hr contributions.