Understanding Food Additives
Understanding Food Additives
Understanding Food Additives
© Chemical Industry Education Centre Sheila Stewart, Northallerton College, North Yorkshire
ISBN 1 85342 571 0 Sheila Tripp, Skipton Girls High School, North Yorkshire
Introductory activities
Anti-caking agents
The teaching of concepts related to food and nutrition are extremely important as
they form an integral part of many syllabuses. In addition, the ability to feed
oneself, and maybe a family, with due regard to nutritional content and safety is an
essential life skill that should be nurtured in all young people.
We all need food and most of us derive great pleasure from it. The modem day
consumer demands ever increasing standards of quality, choice, convenience and,
of course, safety. The ways in which the food manufacturers meet this challenge
can be technologically fascinating, if sometimes, controversial.
Food additives are not a new invention. Since early times, there has been a need to
preserve food from one harvest to another and to improve the presentation and
nutritional value of food. The use of salt and smoke for preservation dates back to
early history. The Egyptians used colours and flavourings, while the Romans used
saltpetre, spices and colours. Some of these substances, which we would now call
additives, were quite costly and only the rich could afford them.
Since the first half of this century, new substances have been discovered which
fulfil these and other beneficial functions at relatively low cost. Examples of such
early food additives are colours in cheese, emulsifiers in margarine, baking powder
in cake mixes and gelling agent in jams. In the last 40 years, developments in food
science and technology, as well as changes in consumer demand, have led to a
substantial increase in the use of food additives. This has enabled the food industry
to produce a wide range of foodstuffs of good and uniform quality at reasonable
Some people, of course, still bake their own bread, make their own jam and make a
conscious effort to prepare much of their food at home in their own kitchen. For
most people, however, changing lifestyles has meant that they have come
increasingly to rely on factory-made food, so called processed food. Unlike food
made in the kitchen - whether at home, in a canteen or in a restaurant - processed
food must maintain its taste, texture and appearance and still remain safe to eat
weeks and even months after it has been made. Food additives play an important
part in this. In summary their role is:
(i) to improve the keeping quality of food (e.g. preservatives and antioxidants);
(ii) to provide texture, consistency and stability to food (e.g. gelling and
thickening agents, emulsifiers and stabilisers);
(iii) to maintain and improve sensory properties such as taste, aroma and colour
(e.g. flavourings, acidulants and colours);
(iv) to facilitate the manufacture and use of particular foods (e.g. anti-caking
(v) to provide food for consumers with particular nutritional requirements
(e.g. intense sweeteners for diabetics).
The use of additives in food is regulated and controlled on a European wide basis
and all food additives must be tested and shown to be safe before food
manufacturers are able to use them.
We hope that the classroom activities, teachers notes and reference material that
follow will help pupils (and teachers) to arrive at a better understanding of this
important topic.
The statutory orders for Design and Technology make the study of food
compulsory for all children from 5 to 11 years. It is anticipated that in the majority
of secondary schools, Food Technology will be part of every child's Key Stage 3
curriculum. At Key Stage 4 pupils can opt to study a full GCSE examination
course in Food Technology.
The statutory orders for Science include reference to the nutrition of humans as
organisms in the Life Processes and Living Things section. Science is, of course,
compulsory for all pupils up to the age of 16.
There are also examples of food related topics appearing in a number of post-16
(i) a reference section aimed specifically at teachers explains the functions and
origins of the major classes of food additives.
(ii) and in the second section, there are a variety of associated activities for
pupils that could be used in the food technology laboratory and/or science
laboratory; these are accompanied by teachers' notes.
Words which appear in the text in normal bold type are defined in the glossary.
Italics are used to emphasise key words or phrases.
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reference material ACIDULANTS
Acidulants are food additives used to impart a sharp, characteristic taste to foods.
They also assist in the setting of gels and to act as preservatives.
The pH of a system is an extremely important physical parameter. pH is a measure pH is a mathematical expression of the
of the acidity, alkalinity or neutrality of a chemical system, including food systems. concentration of hydrogen ions in
aqueous solutions. It is expressed as a
In biological systems, it is extremely important to maintain a constant pH. The number ranging from 1 to 14. Values
delicate balance of processes within the living cell can easily be upset by below 7 are acidic; the lower the number,
fluctuations in acidity or alkalinity. Living systems contain within them solutions the more acidic the solution. Values
above 7 are alkaline; the higher the
called buffers which are capable of 'mopping up' any chemicals which may
number, the more alkaline the solution.
significantly alter the pH. In this way buffers are acting as pH regulators. A value of 7 is said to be neutral.
Many natural foods are acidic, for example, oranges, lemons, apples, tomatoes,
cheese and yoghurt. The natural acids present in these foods give them their
characteristic taste. Baking soda (sodium hydrogencarbonate) is an example of an
Food acids, with the exception of phosphoric acid, are all organic acids and are
present within the living cells of plants and animals. Many of these acids are
involved with the biochemical reactions of respiration.
As the food industry has developed, so has the growth in production of processed Food acids and their salts also perform
foods. Many of these need the inclusion of an acidulant to impart an acidic or sour other functions such as antioxidant
synergists, chelators and buffering
Acids, alkalis and buffers all have important roles in the food industry. Acids have
been used in food preparations for centuries as important contributors to flavour.
They also have significant preservative properties. The acid environment created
by these substances will prevent the growth of many microorganisms.
Bicarbonates, particularly bicarbonate of soda, are used as mild alkalis. Many
phosphates are used for their buffering action as well as for their characteristic
Citric acid also has various medical, industrial and agricultural uses.
ACIDULANTS reference material
Phosphoric acid Phosphoric acid is the acidulant used in the second largest amounts by the food
Cola drinks are the best selling flavoured industry. It owes this position and its importance to one single product - cola.
soft drink in the world. The acid used in
these drinks is exclusively phosphoric Salts of phosphoric acid have many uses in the food industry. They can act as
acid. This has a harsh, biting taste which buffers, acidulants for baking powders and emulsifying salts in the production of
complements the cola flavour. processed cheese.
Phosphoric acid is manufactured Salts of phosphoric acid also act as synergists in the interaction of salt with muscle
commercially from phosphate rock mined protein giving excellent water, meat and fat binding effects when used in the
principally in North Africa and North production of cooked meat products such as hams and processed poultry products -
America, either directly or via the
though this use is controversial. There is understandable concern around products
production of elemental phosphorous.
in which the consumer appears to be paying merely for water. The nutritional
Phosphorus itself is important to us all content of such products has, therefore, been questioned. However, it should be
because it is the second most abundant noted that the water content must be clearly labelled on the packaging.
element in the human body and is
involved in countless key functions Polyphosphates are used as emulsifying salts in the production of processed cheese.
including controlling energy balance.
Malic acid has similar applications to citric acid and has the advantage of being the
It is essential to life.
preferred acid in low calorie drinks, cider and apple drinks. It has the disadvantage
Malic acid of being slightly more expensive than citric acid.
Malic acid is found naturally in apples,
Lactic acid is widely used:
pears, tomatoes, bananas and cherries.
It is produced commercially from maleic in the sugar confectionery industry for the production of boiled sweets
anhydride. • in the pickling industry
Lactic acid • as a raw material in the manufacture of important emulsifiers which are used
Lactic acid is produced naturally during by the baking industry.
anaerobic respiration. It is responsible
for the painful effects of exercise!
This latter use is probably the major use of lactic acid.
Tartaric acid was the first food acidulant to be used in significant quantities by the
Lactic acid is manufactured naturally by
food industry. Most of its applications have been replaced by citric acid. The
a fermentation process but can also be
produced synthetically. The fermentation
largest single application for tartaric acid is as a raw material for the manufacture
method is the one most commonly used. of the so-called Datem emulsifiers (diacetyl tartaric acid esters of monoglycerides).
These are very important protein and starch complexing emulsifiers and are used as
Tartaric acid bread improvers.
Tartaric acid can be manufactured by
natural and synthetic routes. The natural An important salt of tartaric acid, potassium hydrogen tartrate (or cream of tartar),
route involves the recovery of tartaric has applications as an acidulant for baking powder and sugar confectionery.
acid from wine. The synthetic route
involves the chemical reactions of maleic Acetic acid is the acid found in vinegar. It is a volatile acidulant with a
anhydride. characteristic pungent aroma.
Vinegar is made by the alcoholic Acetic acid is also used in confectionery goods and flavourings. The flavouring
fermentation of a carbohydrate source. sodium diacetate is commonly known as 'salt 'n' vinegar' and is widely used in crisps.
In Britain the carbohydrate used is
usually malt. Acetic acid is manufactured Acetic acid has excellent bacteriostatic properties and hence has considerable
synthetically by various methods all of importance as a preservative.
which produce good purity acetic acid.
Fumaric acid is the strongest tasting food acidulant. It has limited applications due
Fumaric acid
to its very low solubility. In the main, it is used in gelatin dessert powders,
It is manufactured synthetically from cheesecake mixes and some powdered drinks.
malic acid.
A substantial amount of fumaric acid is used in animal feedstuffs mainly because
of its strong flavour and favourable price.
Food additives can be classified by their functional purpose. Most fall into just two Some anti-caking agents may extend
categories: across the boundary between these
categories. For example, magnesium
those that assist in manufacture or use carbonate is used in table salt to improve
the flow during manufacture. The
those that produce end-product characteristics.
substance remains within the product and
Free-flow or anti-caking agents fall into the first category. They are added to hence improves the flow of the product at
the consumer's table.
foods and food ingredients, usually when they are in a powdered form. Many food
processing plants have problems with handling powders due to:
• the nature of the powders
the design of the machinery
a combination of these factors.
Thus, improving the flow characteristics of the powders can dramatically improve
the efficiency of the manufacturing process. In some cases, the agent is added by
the supplier of the powdered ingredient in order that their customer, the food
manufacturer, can handle the product.
Only a small proportion of the agents find their way into the final products, sold
directly to the consumer. The agents rarely have nutritional value.
Vending machine powders are exposed to high humidities and temperature. Their Examples of foods that contain anti-
flow properties must be maintained to ensure dependable machine operation and caking agents include:
• vending machine powders
consistent dosing. Chocolate, coffee, soup powder, meat extracts and dried fruit
• milk and cream powdered substitutes
drinks are all materials which can manifest flow problems.
• grated cheese
Milk and cream powder substitutes (non-dairy creamers) normally have a high • icing sugar
• vegetable powders
vegetable oil content, causing the particles to stick together during processing,
• powdered flavours
packing and subsequent storage and use. • dextrose
Cheese which has been grated for convenience of use, e.g. pizza topping, tends to • topping powders
• baking powder
reagglomerate. This is because of its reaction to compressive forces during
• cake mixes
storage. This undermines the benefit of the grating to the end user. • soup mixes
• powdered spices
Sugar, when subjected to a humid atmosphere, tends to cake easily. Incorporation
• drinking chocolate
of a free-flow aid before grinding will prevent adhesion of the sugar to processing
• tomato powders
equipment. It also reduces the tendency of the powdered sugar to cake. • powdered egg
• salt
How do these agents work? • dried fruit
Moisture is a prime cause of caking and it can affect flow through several Flow problems in powders:
mechanisms: • Moisture
Particle size and shape can affect the way in which a powder settles. It is • Particle size and shape
particularly exacerbated by the presence of small particles. Particular size/shape
combinations can severely affect flow properties.
• Temperature Temperature is an important factor for some powders. Organic based powders with
low softening points tend to become mobile and sticky as temperature increases.
This effect becomes more pronounced under any form of compression (see below).
• Surface activity Surface activity of some powders can lead to chemical reactions with substances in
the air such as water vapour or oxygen. It is also possible for particles to react
with adjacent particles with which they are in contact. This will cause flow
problems as well as producing undesirable changes in the chemical composition of
the original product.
• Compression Compression is an obvious cause of caking. Powders with plastic properties will
deform and 'weld' under pressure. An immiscible component which migrates to
the surface of the powder can have a similar effect if it is susceptible to
Any substance added to the powder which reduces the number of contacts, or
which modifies the effect of them, is acting as an anti-caking agent.
Free-flow agents work in slightly different ways to overcome the specific problems
described above. They may:
absorb water vapour which then prevents caking
absorb fats to prevent compression or temperature effects
modify the particle size distribution to ensure a more suitable distribution
which increases flow.
There are a number of factors which influence the choice of anti-caking agent.
Salt is commonly kept free flowing by Some products have very specific uses, e.g. table salt, and only specific anti-caking
using small quantities (up to 20 mg/kg) of agents are suitable. Other anti-caking agents are more general purpose and can be
potassium ferrocyanide or other
used in a variety of situations, such as carrying liquid ingredients in a powder form,
ferrocyanides (sodium or calcium). A
e.g. silica. The ease of application and/or the effect on the end product's other
more traditional method of ensuring free
flowing table salt is to add grains of rice properties are also important considerations. As with most industries, cost
to the salt in the salt cellar. effectiveness is a major consideration.
reference material ANTIOXIDANTS
Oxidation can be a very destructive process. Oxidation of food can result in loss Rancidity caused by the oxidation of fats
of nutritional value and changes in chemical composition; the unpleasant and and oils is one of the major obstacles
preventing longer shelf life of many food
undesirable oxidation of fats and oils leading to the characteristic development of
In natural conditions, animal and plant tissues contain their own antioxidants and
protective enzyme systems. However, in killed or harvested products these natural
systems inevitably break down and oxidation is bound to follow.
Antioxidants are added to food in order to slow down the rate of oxidation. None
are capable of preventing the process of oxidation completely. If used properly
they can usefully extend shelf life of the ingredient and/or the food product in
which they have been used.
Antioxidants can be used in pure fats and oils as well as products which merely The products in which antioxidants are
contain them. Even if a food has a very low fat content it may still be necessary to most commonly used are:
• vegetable oil
employ the benefits of an antioxidant.
• snacks (extruded)
Potatoes contain usually less than 1% fat. However it is in such a form as to make • animal fat
it very prone to oxidation. In processing potato to make dried potato, the plant cell • meat, fish, poultry
• margarine
structure is destroyed. This releases the potato lipid into the bulk of the product.
• dairy products
The potato lipid will rapidly oxidise and be inedible if not protected by a suitable • mayonnaise/dressing
antioxidant. • baked products
• potato products,
Technological needslbenefits
In recent years there has been a gradual change in the eating habits of the
population with respect to fats. There has been a move away from the hard
saturated fats towards the softer unsaturated/polyunsaturated fats and oils.
Importantly for food manufacturers, the softer fats are naturally more susceptible to
Modem processing techniques themselves may increase the risks of oxidation. Processing techniques have been
Consequently, lipid oxidation is a problem that many food manufacturers must improved in many areas to reduce the risk
of oxidation. For example, many snack
food manufacturers fry crisps and similar
Antioxidants are only one way of fending off the inevitable. The use of barrier products under a blanket of steam. This
packaging, vacuum or gas flushing and refrigeration can all be used to delay the reduces the amount of oxygen that can get
into the frying oil. This extends the life of
oxidation process. Many manufacturers have increasingly used these methods in
both the oil itself and the product fried
recent years to meet the consumer demand for fewer additives. However, these
in it.
measures can still be inefficient and antioxidants can be a relatively inexpensive,
yet effective way of extending the shelf life of a product.
In a 'fresh' product the amount of peroxides is very low. As the fat decomposes Antioxidants prevent the formation of
and reacts with oxygen, the amount of peroxides rises. As all the fat becomes peroxides. Some of them are described as
oxygen scavengers since they react with
broken down, the amount of peroxides reaches a maximum. The peroxides then
oxygen itself thereby preventing the
change into the substances characteristic of the odour and soapy flavour of a rancid formation of peroxides.
ANTIOXIDANTS reference material
This process, leading to the decomposition of fats, is sometimes known as the cycle
of events. Antioxidants work by breaking this cycle.
For example: Synthetic and natural antioxidants give similar performance. Typically, they are
BHA (E320 butylated hydroxyanisole) used together. This results in a synergistic effect, that is, their individual
may be used with BHT (E321 butylated performance is enhanced when used together.
hydroxy toluene );
and Ascorbyl palmitate is an ester derived from ascorbic acid, vitamin C. One of the
ascorbyl palmitate (E304) with tocophenols, a-tocophenol is vitamin E. They work in harness in the body as
tocopherol (E306-309).
Sometimes metal chelators, such as citric acid, are used. These substances act by
removing metal ions such as iron and copper. These ions, if present, are extremely
effective at speeding up the oxidation process.
reference material COLOURS
Colour has played, and will continue to play, an important role in the production Colour has a number of important
and presentation of food. Our first impressions of food are influenced by its biological functions, as peacocks and
zebras ably demonstrate. In the case of
appearance. Food has to look good for us to eat it.
black and yellow striped caterpillars,
Adding colours to food products is a controversial subject. Certainly the use of colour can say 'be warned! eat me at
added colour is more difficult to justify in technical terms than the use of other your peril!'; in the case of fruit such as
strawberries, colour can say 'eat me! I
categories of additives such as emulsifiers which fulfil a clear technological purpose.
taste good!'.
The purpose of adding colours to food is to improve its general appearance. Or, in The appearance of our food is important
other words, colour additives are used for sensory purposes such as taste, smell and in many nutritional situations - from
introducing young children to new foods
appearance, and not for more clearly defined technological purposes.
to encouraging patients to take food to
aid recovery.
The examples of foods which contain added colours is extremely varied. They
range from soft drinks, confectionery and sauces through to tinned peas, soups and
fish fingers.
Technological needslbenefits
Colouring of food products takes place to:
enhance the natural colour. The ingredients used to produce a particular food Adding colours help consumers to
may well have their own colour. However, this is often weaker than the recognise products,for example,
colour normally associated with this food and with its flavour. flavoured yoghurts and pickles such as
piccalilli .
ensure uniformity of colour in foods from batch to batch. A food such as a
jam bought in December would be expected to look like a similar pot bought Brands of jam can be compared since
in July. they are packaged in transparent
replace colour which may have been lost during the processing procedures
and subsequent storage of the product. Colour can also be bleached out by
the use of preservatives or affected by light during lengthy storage.
add colour to those products which would otherwise be entirely colourless.
Many drinks and boiled sweets fall into this category.
Our perception of taste, colour and smell seem to be related. It may be that food The fine discrimination which we are
has to 'look like' the 'correct' taste for us to perceive the taste accurately. For capable of demonstrating, between very
example, a colourless, shapeless product is very difficult to identify and clues such closely related flavours, is almost
certainly attributable to our sense of
as colour seem to enhance our perception.
The merit, or otherwise, of the use of colours in processed foods is a matter of
consumer perception or, to be more precise, the perceptions which food
manufacturers have of their customers' needs.
Food manufacturers insist that they must always be sensitive to concerns of their
customers and claim that trials of foods with no added colours, e.g. canned peas For example, tinned strawberries would
be a dull brown and tinned peas a khaki
and strawberries, demonstrate that such products have no consumer appeal. By the
green colour.
same token, food manufacturers did not hesitate to reduce their reliance on artificial
colours following adverse publicity about them in the late 1980s.
COLOURS reference material
Colours from natural sources can be Most natural and nature identical colours are soluble in oil rather than water. To
obtained from many plant and animal make them suitable for use in food products, other additives like emulsifiers are
materials. Some of which have already used to disperse them in water. They are then re-processed to form salts of sodium
been mentioned. Others include grasses,
or potassium, thereby becoming water soluble.
leafy vegetables, fruit skins and seeds.
Synthetic colours are usually water soluble. There are some commercially
available products which have been produced from water soluble colours which
actually behave as pigments, the so-called 'lakes'. These dyes are rendered
insoluble by being absorbed onto hydrated alumina (aluminium oxide).
The levels allowed in a product are very low. Synthetic colours have a strong hue
and are allowed at typical concentrations of O.Olg/kg to 0.02g/kg (0.001 %-
0.002%). Levels of natural/nature identical colours are from 0.05-10g/kg of food
product. Caramel colours are allowed at these higher levels which explains why
they account for over 90% of all colour use in volume terms.
reference material EMULSIFIERS
Emulsions found in the context of food can be of two sorts. In an oil-in-water Oil is immiscible with water. Together,
emulsion (o/w), small droplets of oil are dispersed through the water. The water is they form two separate layers; and as oil
is less dense than water it floats on top.
said to be the continuous phase. In a water-in-oil emulsion (w/o), small droplets of
When shaken vigorously it is possible to
water are dispersed through the oil. get them to mix temporarily to form an
An emulsifier or emulsifying agent has the ability to keep an emulsion mixture in a emulsion. This is where tiny drops of one
liquid will be dispersed in the other
stable state, that is, the two immiscible liquids are prevented from separating.
liquid. On leaving to stand the mixture
will revert to its two layers.
Emulsifiers are widely used in food manufacturing. They actually possess a broad
range of functional properties which find many applications in food products.
Emulsion stabilisation
Food emulsions are either oil-in-water emulsions, e.g. liquid milk, in which the
milk fat is the dispersed phase and water the continuous phase; or water-in-oil
emulsions, e.g. margarine, in which water is the dispersed phase and oil the
continuous phase.
The emulsifiers allow the oil and water to be mixed more easily resulting in a finer
droplet size of whichever phase is dispersed within the continuous phase.
Wheat is by far the most important cereal crop in the UK diet. Wheat flour is used
in the production of bread. During the processing of a wheat dough, a wheat
protein called gluten forms a network which is responsible for the dough's elastic
nature. A high quality product will only be produced if this network is of a good
quality. If it is weakened during processing, the carbon dioxide produced during
yeast fermentation will escape resulting in bread of poor quality. Emulsifiers with
larger molecular structures, particularly diacetyl tartaric esters of monoglycerides See page 2, paragraph; tartari~ acid
(E472e), interact with the gluten in such a way as to strengthen the gluten network.
Starch complexing
Starch, which is present in flour, consists of two types of carbohydrate. These are
called amylose and amylopectin.
Amylose is a smaller molecule than amylopectin. Its molecular weight varies from
about 10000 to about 50 000. This corresponds to the molecule being made up of
70-350 units of the sugar glucose.
When flour is mixed with water, both carbohydrates swell and form a gel.
However, with time, the starch components will re-crystallise and squeeze the
water out of the gel. This phenomenon is known as retrogradation. This is
responsible for, amongst other things, the staling process in bread.
Amylose retrogradation occurs more rapidly than amylopectin retrogradation. This amylose complexing effect is also
Some emulsifiers, e.g. monoglycerides (E471), can form complexes specifically used to prevent stickiness in extruded
with amylose and hence retard the rate of retrogradation. They are used as anti- products, pasta and instant potato.
EMULSIFIERS reference material
True sponge cakes are completely fatless. Many other cakes contain very little fat.
It is more difficult to produce a stable product in these examples. Specially
produced emulsifiers facilitate aeration and increase the whipping rate of the cake
batter in these cases. This helps to produce a more even cell structure and better
volume in the finished cake. Emulsifier preparations, typically of monoglycerides
in a special gel form, are used.
Crystal modification
Most fats are polymorphic (poly = many, morph = shapes/forms). They can exist
in more than one crystalline form. These are called alpha, beta-prime or beta.
In chocolate containing cocoa butter If fats are melted and cooled rapidly they will crystallise into their alpha form.
substitute, the fat tends to rise to the Alpha crystals have the lowest melting point of all three forms and are also the
surface of the chocolate as crystal form most unstable. They will soon convert into the more stable beta or beta-prime
changes resulting in a white layer or fat
form. There can be several practical consequences of this. As the crystal form
bloom being created. The emulsifier
sorbitan tristerate (E492) is used to changes, the new crystals are larger and coarser than the original. This will have a
prevent this from happening. negative effect on the texture of the products, for example, this could occur in
margarine made from hardened sunflower or rapeseed oils.
The foods in which they are most Emulsifiers are among the most frequently used types of food additives.
commonly used are given below:
The use of emulsifiers in bread:
• biscuits
• extruded snacks/breakfast cereals • gives the fermented dough more tolerance to mechanical handling as it is
• cakes moved around the bakery
• bread • inhibits the rate at which bread goes stale .
• margarine/spreads
• coffee whiteners/topping powders Technological needslbenefits
• desserts/mousses
It can be seen that the range of products in which emulsifiers are used is wide.
• peanut butter
• soft drinks The reasons for this include:
• chocolate coatings
To make foods appealing - emulsifiers have a pronounced effect on the
• caramels/toffees
• chewing gum
structure and texture of many products.
• frozen desserts/ice-cream To aid in the processing and preparation of foods - modem high speed
• dried potato
food processing techniques often require the use of emulsifiers to give the
product the required tolerance to the production process.
To maintain product quality and freshness - this role may well be expected
to be filled by preservatives or antioxidants. However, in many products
emulsifiers playa similar role, for example, the control of mould growth in
low fat spreads by creating an emulsion with a finely dispersed water phase
of a small droplet size.
reference material EMULSIFIERS
In a wlo emulsion, the emulsifier is orientated in such a way so that the polar part
dissolves in the water and the lipophilic part dissolves in the oil (see diagram).
In effect, the emulsifier forms a complete protective film around the water droplets
and yet allows them to be dispersed evenly through the oil.
polar - hydrophilic
portion of emulsifier
molecule oil
~ _II1II(- molecule of
~ emulsifier
non-polar - hydrophilic
portion of emulsifier
droplet U- oil
This property makes emulsifiers indispensable in the modem food industry where
foams, suspensions (particles of solid dispersed evenly through a liquid) and
emulsions are used so frequently.
By far the most common type of emulsifier used in the world are the
monoglycerides. These are produced by reacting fatty acids with glycerol. This
reaction produces a mixture where about 40% of the product is monoglycerides.
This is a commercial product in its own right. However, it can be concentrated in a
process known as molecular distillation so that a product containing 90-95%
monoglycerides is formed.
Most of the other emulsifiers are produced by the esterification of other materials, Esterification reactions are those which
produce ester groups between reactants;
such as lactic acid with mono-diglycerides or distilled monoglyceride, i.e. the
ester groups are found in the animal fats
E472 a-e group of additives. and vegetable oils commonly used as food
The range of emulsifiers
One might question why there seem to be so many different emulsifiers. A By far the most commonly used
emulsifiers are lecithin (E322) and the
particular emulsifier is capable of producing very subtle but desirable differences to
mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids
similar products. Each food manufacturer wishes to optimise the product or
process so that slight differences in functionality become commercially very
FLAVOURINGS reference material
There are specific areas of the tongue The acceptability of any food product greatly depends on the impression of taste
which can detect the different tastes. The when it is eaten. Our sense of taste is really a combination of two of our senses,
tip perceives both salt and sweet tastes.
taste and smell. Both of these senses are responses to certain chemicals.
The sides detect sour and the back
perceives the bitter sensation. Each of The receptors for the human sense of taste are located on the tongue and on the
these sensations may have different soft palate. There are just four stimuli to which these receptors respond. These are
qualities depending on the chemical
sweet (as in sugar), sour (as in acidic substances), bitter (exemplified by strong
structure of the food ingredient applied.
coffee or quinine in tonic water) and salt.
It is our sense of smell which enables us Our sense of smell is far more complicated than our sense of taste. The area which
to distinguish between similar types of is sensitive to odour is located at the back of the nose. It consists of several million
food such as oranges and lemons.
receptor cells which make up just one square centimetre of nasal tissue. The
receptor cells respond individually to many thousands of discrete, volatile
chemicals. One function of the brain is to integrate these responses and turn them
into an impression of an odour. How the receptor cells function, or what the
characteristics of individual chemicals which actually stimulate them are, is not
well known or understood.
Some cheeses, such as parmesan and Before a food is eaten, an odour impression is obtained by our sense of smell.
camembert, smell different once they are When the food is taken into the mouth, a taste impression is made. This is
in the mouth. enhanced by the chewing process and because more odour is transferred from the
mouth to the back of the nose. In many instances this second odour profile is quite
different to the initial impressions gained.
Flavourings are added to food products to give, enhance or intensify flavour.
Flavourings are used in a wide range of food products.
The performance of any flavouring will depend upon the medium in which it is
used. Some foods are high in water content; other foods have a high fat content.
Each of these situations, and others in between, will significantly modify the
performance of a specific flavouring.
There is really only one way to Different media will selectively extract certain ingredients and will alter the
demonstrate that a particular flavour is perceived flavour profile. It is essential, therefore, that flavours are designed with
suitable for a particular product. This is
their end use in mind. Most flavour producing companies have application
by incorporating it into the food and then
facilities in which flavours can be tested in a variety of food products which
evaluating the product organoleptically.
This involves using specialised facilities closely resemble those on sale. These facilities are used to ensure that flavourings
for smelling and tasting in both flavour will satisfy the production conditions of the food which is to be flavoured.
and food companies. The results from
taste panels can then be statistically Technological needslbenefits
Some products, like ice cream and margarine, would be unacceptable without
the addition of flavourings.
• New foods such as meat analogues made from spun vegetable protein would,
without added flavour, be uninteresting, despite being extremely nutritious.
Some products, like table jelly, would have no flavour at all without the
addition of flavourings.
reference material FLAVOURINGS
• Some products, like strawberry yoghurt, have natural flavour present but
possibly at a low intensity. Flavourings may be added to enhance the natural
Flavouring substances are well defined chemical substances with flavouring Flavouring substances
properties. They are sub-divided into natural, nature identical and artificial
depending on their method of preparation and their occurence in nature or
The starting materials for natural flavouring substances are animal and vegetable Natural citral is extracted from lemon
matter. This material may be used raw or can be processed solely by physical, grass and natural benzaldehyde from
bitter almonds.
microbiological or enzymatic methods during food processing.
Nature identical flavouring substances are chemically identical to natural Nature identical flavouring substances
flavouring substances. They are prepared by, or extracted using, chemical include: ethyl acetate (identical in nature
to many fruits) and decanal (nature
identical to orange).
It is very important to remember that naturally occurring compounds that are built
up in the laboratory are exactly identical to those substances found in nature. The Vanilla was originally prepared from
vanilla beans but is now produced
body cannot distinguish between them and metabolises them in the same way. The
chemically from a plant material called
best example of this is vanilla. lignin.
Artificial flavouring substances are compounds which are not chemically identical
to natural flavouring substances. Examples are ethyl vanillin or ethyl maltol which
have not been identified in nature.
Flavouring preparations are materials other than flavouring substances which also Flavouring preparations
have flavouring properties. They too are obtained from animal or vegetable
material by solely physical, microbiological or enzymatic processes. They are
classified as natural.
Essential oils, extracts, tinctures and even fruit juices come into this category if
they are used for their flavouring properties.
Process flavourings are produced by heating together materials which themselves Process flavourings
need not have flavouring properties. One of these materials must contain nitrogen
in the form of an amino group (e.g. -NH2) and another must be a reducing sugar.
This process is analogous to the processes that occur when meat, or other similar
material containing protein and reducing sugar, is cooked.
Smoke flavourings are smoke extracts which are obtained by the extraction of Smoke flavourings
smoke generated in a similar way to that used in traditional smoking processes.
FLAVOURINGS reference material
present in the original flavour. The job of a creative flavourist is to identify the
substances present in a food and evaluate the contribution of these compounds to
the overall flavour. The task is then to combine the most important of these
compounds, and other ingredients, into a flavour profile which mimics the
particular food in the most effective way.
Since ancient times, oriental cooks have used a particular seaweed to make a stock
which added richness to their foods. Early in the twentieth century a Japanese
scientist identified the active substance in the seaweed as glutamic acid. It was not
long before monosodium glutamate was commercially produced. The taste
perception caused by glutamic acid was described as a fifth taste sensation. The
Japanese scientist called it 'umami' which roughly translates as 'deliciousness'.
It is perceived as a mouth-filling or mouth watering sensation.
Many natural raw materials are used in the stabiliser industry. The stabilising
properties of many natural raw materials have been used in foods for hundreds of
years. The ingredients used in the stabiliser industry are varied and widespread.
The functions of these substances is fairly self explanatory:
• Gelling agents gel foods, i.e. they give shape and structure.
• Thickeners or thickening agents make foods thicker.
• Stabilisers help to retain the physical and textural properties of foodstuffs There are many different situations where
which have been through many different processes such as production, stabilisers are employed - from preventing
separation of oil and water components in
transport, storage and cooking.
a sauce or spread, to reducing ice crystal
formation in frozen desserts.
Applications (See next section for details)
Technological needs/benefits
Many of the foods already mentioned can be made at home without the addition of
gelling agents, thickeners or stabilisers. So why are these additives used so widely in
the food industry? Food cooked at home is often produced in small quantities. It is
usually eaten shortly after it has been prepared and cooked. Processed foods, on the
other hand, are produced in comparatively large quantities. They are expected to have
a far longer shelf life, which could even be years in some cases. This may require
processes such as freezing or the high temperatures of canning or UHT processing.
Products such as jam, marmalade, syrup and treacle all have a high sugar content. Fruits such as currants, damsons,
However, jam and marmalade are set whereas syrup and treacle flow. This is because gooseberries, lemons and bitter oranges
are rich in both acid and pectin. These
a mixture of polysaccharides called pectin is responsible for the formation of a gel
can easily be made into jams. The home
which sets preserves. jam maker will know that it is more
The formation of a gel is affected by the amount of sugar and the pH of the mixture; difficult to make jam from fruits such as
strawberries, raspberries and cherries.
the best sets being obtained when the pH is quite acidic, around a low value of pH 3.5.
Other specialist types of pectin known as Fruits, such as strawberries, which are very low in pectin need extra pectin added
low ester pectins are used to produce the before jam can be successfully made from them. It is possible to rectify the
reduced-sugar jams. Without these it
situation by adding a small amount of a fruit rich in pectin to the mixture.
would only be possible to have reduced-
Alternatively, commercially produced pectin can be used.
sugar runny fruit syrups!
Gelling agents are important in the fillings for commercial fruit pies. Without them
the filling would boil out during cooking or soak through the crust of the pie during
the period that the pie spends in the supermarket and at home after purchase; both
are unacceptable situations to the consumer.
Low calorie (kilocalorie) drinks, just like Sugar obviously provides sweetness and energy (kilocalories) to foods. Less
reduced sugar jams, often need a obviously it also contributes to the body and structure of the food. When reduced
thickener to give body and remove
sugar products are produced it is often necessary to add a gelling agent or thickener
to restore a texture comparable to the high sugar product.
Many long-life yoghurt products could Many desserts rely on gelling agents to gel or set. Many milk desserts and water
not have a long shelf life without a based jellies would remain liquid without the assistance of gelling agents. Cocoa
stabiliser to protect the milk protein. powder in chocolate milk drinks would settle to the bottom of the pack or bottle
Thick milk shakes would be difficult to
without the help of a suitable stabiliser.
produce without the help of thickeners.
Vegetarian foods are becoming more popular and readily available. The protein
used in vegetarian burgers and sausages is often based on soya protein. However,
the proteins used in these products do not have very good binding properties. Such
products would easily disintegrate during cooking. This can be overcome by the
use of special gelling agents which retain their properties at cooking temperatures.
A smooth textured ice cream will become Ice creams or ice lollies made without stabilisers tend to have a grainy feel in the
grainy with storage and with repeated mouth. This is due to the formation of undesirable, large ice crystals. The use of
variations in temperature. Transportation
stabilisers helps to assist the formation of a weak network of molecules through the
between shop and home and taking the
ice cream which enhances the texture, resists melting and, just as importantly,
product in and out of the freezer is
enough to encourage the formation of ice retains these qualities until the product is consumed.
Many consumers are aware of the health benefits of reducing their intake of fats
Low fat spreads, dips and dressings and oils. Even so, the average diet still contains too much fat compared to medical
would have a watery consistency and may recommendations. Reduced fat or low fat versions of traditional products are now
separate into their oil and water being produced. When a quantity of fat or oil is removed from a product, the
components without the addition of
equivalent mass must be replaced if the product is to be comparable with the
stabilisers or gelling agents.
traditional one. Often the mass is replaced by adding water and either a gel,
thickener or stabiliser to restore the texture.
Stabilisers help to maintain many sauces in good condition. Without their use the
sauces, both in sweet and savoury products, would at least partly separate into their
original components. This is not unsafe but it is unattractive to the consumer.
Gelling agents, thickeners and stabilisers can be divided into a number of different
categories. These categories reflect their different origins.
The seeds of certain plants are valuable sources. In these cases the outer husk and Seeds
protein containing parts of the seed are removed by physical means. The seed Agents from seeds include:
endosperm (the seed's food store) is then milled to a powder. Substances obtained • guar gum
• locust bean gum
in this way include guar gum (from Cyamopsis tetragonolobus or C. psoraloides),
• tara gum.
locust bean gum (from the locust or carob tree Ceratonia silqua) and tara gum.
Plant exudates (substances which may ooze out of a plant) include gum arabic Plant exudates
• gum arabic
(acacia gum from Acacia senegal), karaya gum (from the Sterculiaceae family) and
• karaya gum
tragacanth gum (from Astragalus gummifer). These are normally cleaned and • tragacanth gum.
milled or flaked.
Pectin is present in many plants. It is extracted by dissolving the pectin out of the Pectin
plant using water. The solution obtained is filtered and the pectin is then Commercially extracted from fruit,
precipitated out. especially citrus fruits and apples.
Cellulose is another basic plant material. This is the raw material for a number of Cellulose
cellulose related compounds, such as carboxymethyl cellulose, methyl cellulose most plant material
and microcrystalline cellulose. In the first two compounds the cellulose molecules
have been modified to make them soluble in water.
Maize and potato plants are the commonest source of starch. Native starches can Starch
be used but improved specialist properties can be obtained by chemical treatments. • maize
• potato
Specific types of seaweed will yield agar (red seaweeds such as Gelidium algae),
alginates (brown seaweeds such as Laminaria) and carrageenans (from the seaweed
• agar
Chondrus crispus). Nowadays, these seaweeds are often farmed rather than • alginates
collected from the seashore. • carrageenens
Special fermentation methods can be used to produce gums such as xanthan gum
(from Xanthomonas campestris) and gellan gum.
PRESERVATIVES reference material
The oldest known food preservative is There are many methods of food preservation currently in use in domestic and
probably wood smoke. Prehistoric man commercial situations. All of them attempt to remove one or more of the factors
may have stumbled across the fact that necessary for the growth of microbes. Microbes, like other living organisms,
meat and other foods that came into
require nutrients, water and energy to multiply. If anyone is absent, microbes will
contact with the smoke from his fires,
lasted just that bit longer than normal. not reproduce. Processes such as freezing lower the temperature so it is unsuitable;
This chance find led to the development of processes such as drying remove the water necessary for life. The first ever
smoke houses specifically designed for convenience foods were canned. Canning uses temperatures high enough to kill all
this purpose. This ancient method microbial life. The production of pickles, chutneys and jams still goes on in many
survives into our modern times. Some households so that large quantities of foods do not go to waste, food can be eaten
meat, particularly bacon, and fish, such
out of season and variety is added to our diets.
as haddock and salmon, are smoked.
Nor must preservatives be seen as being capable of substituting for good food
The production of bread, yoghurt, cheese, hygiene practice. No preservative can bring spoiled products back to an acceptable
wine and a host of other products rely on
level or cover for the effects of poor quality processing. They must be
the presence and growth of specific
microbes. Any preservative or method of incorporated into stringently clean and hygienic methods of production.
preservation employed in this type of The greatest threat to the quality and safety of our food comes from microbial
product must take into account the role of
spoilage. Microbial spoilage may result in loss of sensory qualities leading to such
these useful microbes.
things as bad taste, unpleasant smell and poor appearance. It may result in the loss
of nutrients. More importantly, it may increase to a dangerous level the presence
of harmful microorganisms or the toxins (poisons) they produce.
Different species, and even different Most preservatives today are actually fungistatic in their action, that is, they are
strains of the same microorganism, show used to prevent the growth and proliferation of fungi, moulds and yeasts. Their
different sensitivities to different antibacterial activity is less pronounced but a combination of preservatives, each
preservatives. This goes some way to
with some antibacterial action, can be used to give good all round protection.
explaining the large number of different
preservatives in use today. Food preservatives reduce the risk of exposure to harmful microorganisms and
their products. They help to control the spread of those bacteria which can cause
life threatening illnesses such as salmonellosis or botulism.
reference material PRESERVATIVES
However, there are maximum permitted levels of preservatives so that exaggerated Typically, preservatives attack the enzyme
usage is not possible. systems of cell metabolism leaving the
cells unable to carry out normal chemical
There is much concern about the increasing incidence of the phenomenon of reactions. The preservatives are also
resistance of bacteria to antibiotics. Over the decades in which preservatives have capable of altering the properties of the
been used, there has been no need to increase the dosage to maintain their cell wall of the microorganism so that
substances are impaired from normal
effectiveness. It has been surmised that the use of these substances has not resulted
entry and exit routes. These two
in the selection of bacterial strains which are resistant to preservatives.
processes kill (fungicidal or bactericidal)
or seriously affect the growth (fungistatic
Origin and manufacture of preservatives or bacteriostatic) of the organism.
Preservatives are usually present in nature in such small quantities as to make them
Many preservatives are:
difficult to obtain. Therefore, they are produced as synthetic copies of the natural
• present naturally in fruits and berries
products. Other preservatives are manufactured in chemical reactions using a
• produced by microorganisms
variety of substances as starting blocks.
• produced in natural reactions, such as
The range of preservatives
• present as minerals
There are over 80 substances which have permitted use as preservatives. • found in their pure state, such as the
Sorbic acid and its salts (E200-203) are the most important food preservatives for gas sulphur dioxide.
Sorbic acid has two main advantages favouring its widespread use: Sorbic acid and its salts
Sorbic acid is a naturally occurring
• it is effective over a wide range of foods and beverages substance and is metabolised safely in the
• it imparts no taste or flavour to products. human body.
Sorbic acid is used in beverages, dairy products, fish and seafood, fat-based
products, fruit and vegetable products, baked goods and confectionery products.
Benzoic acid and its salts (E210-E213) is also a widely used preservative and its Benzoic acid and its salts
use is important in less well developed countries. It is only used in acidic Benzoic acid is a naturally occurring
situations which include non-alcoholic beverages, products prone to spoilage by substance.
bacteria and fruit-based products.
Sulphur dioxide and sulphites (E220-E228) are multifunctional food ingredients Sulphur dioxide and sulphites
which act as preservatives, antioxidants and stabilisers of colour. They have a The Romans, Ancient Greeks and
much more pronounced antibacterial effect than other preservatives and are Egyptians used the gas sulphur dioxide to
preserve wine.
therefore used when control of bacterial growth is essential. They are used in a
wide range of products including packet soup, dried bananas and apricots, tinned
crabmeat, sausage meat, beer, wine, quick frozen chips and jams.
Potassium nitrite and sodium nitrite (E249 and E250 respectively) are not naturally Potassium nitrite and sodium nitrite
occurring substances. They are multifunctional in the food industry having E249 + £250 are particularly important
preservative, stabilising and flavouring properties. There are health concerns about in the preservation of cured meat
their use. However, without their contribution there would undoubtedly be many
more deaths from the disease botulism which is caused by the bacterium
Clostridium botulinum.
Propionic acid and its salts, the propionates (E280-E283) are other examples of Propionic acid and propionates
naturally occurring preservatives. They work better in the more alkaline conditions
of bakery products and may be used, for example, to delay the green mould growth
on bread.
There are a few more specialised preservatives in use for limited applications. Specialised preservatives
Nisin (E234) is a naturally occurring antibacterial substance used in some dairy Even caviar has its own specialised
products and another, natamycin (E235), is used on the rind of ripened cheeses or preservative, boric acid/sodium
tetraborate (£284/£285), to protect it!
dried meats.
It is a buffer solution.
SWEETENERS reference material
'Jack Sprat could eat no fat, Sugar is a most important flavouring substance. It conveys the sensation of
His wife could eat no lean, sweetness and provides a source of energy. However, sugar is associated with a
But both got fat,from eating sugar,
number of health problems, including tooth decay, weight gain and it causes
Strange as this may seem.'
difficulties for diabetics.
Science has shown that the desire for Sugar has been used for centuries for its sweetness. More recently, alternatives to
sweet taste is inborn. Five month old sugar, which provide the sweetness without the calories, have become common in
foetuses have been reported to respond commercial use. The artificial sweetner, saccharin was discovered in 1878 but its
positively to sweet taste.
potential was not developed until much later. The World Wars made rationing of
The use of honey dates back to 2000 BC staple foods such as sugar necessary, thus the popularity of saccharin increased.
but it is sugar which has been the
The cyclamates were discovered in 1937 but it was not until the 1950s that low
sweetener of choice for centuries.
calorie (energy is given in kcal or kJ) sweeteners came into significant use. At this
On cans of low calorie soft drinks, energy time, food supplies were more secure and consumers were beginning to show
content is often referred to as Calorie,for interest in the concept of reduced calorie foods and drinks.
example cans often state there is 'less than
1 Cal' in the can; where 1 Cal (with a Functions
capital 'C') is equivalent to 1 kcal or 4.2 kl.
Obviously the function of sweeteners is to provide the sweet taste!
Some people like to sweeten otherwise
tart fruits like grapefruit. Many like It is important to note that sugar has a number of different functions in food.
sweet tasting tea and coffee. Bitter • it provides texture in baked goods
tasting medicines may be helped down by
'a spoonfuL of sugar'. Most sweeteners it is a humectant in cakes
share the interesting property of being it is a freezing point depressor in ice creams
able to modify other flavours.
• it acts as a preservative in jams
• it thickens liqueurs
Humectant: a substance added to another
it strengthens mouthfeel in soft drinks
substance to keep its moist
it adds bulk to baked goods.
Artificial sweeteners cannot provide all of these properties.
Technological need
Sweeteners are generally used in: Applications
• beverages (carbonated, non-
Sweetners are used in a wide variety of foods and beverages (see margin).
carbonated, milk-based and alcoholic)
• breakfast cereals Sugar is still one of the cornerstones of the food industry. Today, in Western
• confectionery (including chewing gum)
society, the nature of work has changed from active, often highly physical work to
• desserts.fillings and toppings
(ice-cream, sweet whipped cream)
a far more sedentary lifestyle. In consequence, there has been a dramatic rise in
• processed fruit and vegetable obesity.
products (jams, je llies, baked beans,
In an attempt to limit energy intake, a great demand has arisen for foods and drinks
canned fruit)
• medicines
which have fewer calories (kcal or kJ) than their traditional counterparts. One way
• syrups to accomplish this is to replace sugar with a sweet tasting, non-calorific sweetener.
• salad dressings and condiments
Another reason for using sweeteners is to provide appropriate foods and drinks for
• baked goods.
diabetics. Diabetes results from a failure of the pancreas to produce a hormone
called insulin which regulates the amount of glucose in the blood. Eating a sugary
meal can be dangerous, even fatal, to a diabetic. Sweeteners allow diabetics to
have sugar free, sweet tasting foods.
reference material SWEETENERS
(C6 HIO OS)n
Cs HIO 081 C6 Hl2 06 Cl2 H22 011 Starch
Glucose Sucrose
Sugars are one type of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are ubiquitous in the plant Sweeteners can be:
and animal kingdoms. sugars and sugar syrups
Bulk sweeteners or sugar alcohols are significantly less sweet than sugar. They are Bulk sweeteners or sugar alcohols
based on sugar chemistry but are modified for various reasons of functionality or • sorbitol
energy value. They do not contribute as many calories as sugar. They can add • mannitol
• xylitol
body and bulk to a product.
• maltitol and maltitol syrup
Xylitol has proven anti-cariogenic properties, that is, it can prevent tooth decay, • isomalt
• isomaltulose
and is often used in chewing gum.
The intense sweeteners are not able to be grouped chemically since there origins Intense sweeteners
and structure are diverse. They are very much sweeter than bulk sweeteners and • aspartame
sugar. Intense sweeteners are generally used in products in which added sugars are • acesulfame- K
• saccharin
undesirable. This may be for reducing calories (kcallkJ), making tooth friendly
• cyclamates
confections or, in a few cases, for cost. • thaumatin
• neohesperidine dihydrochalcone
Aspartame is a dipeptide, that is, a compound of two amino acids joined
(NHDC) and soon to be approved
together. These are aspartic acid and phenylalanine. These are naturally
• alitame
present in living things. Aspartame has a sweetness value of about 200 times • sucralose
that of sugar. This means that only a very small amount is used for
sweetening purposes.
Acesulfame-K (the 'K' signifies that it is the potassium salt of acesulfame) is
a synthetic compound. It is also about 200 times sweeter than sugar. Its taste
is not as good as aspartame but it can act as a synergist with other
sweeteners. This means that a mixture of two sweeteners can be sweeter
than an equal quantity of either sweetener alone.
Saccharin is about 300 times sweeter than sugar. It is a synthetic compound.
The taste of saccharin is not ideal when used alone or at high
concentrations. It synergises well with acesulfame-K and is more economical
when used in this way.
Cyclamates are not as sweet as most of the other intense sweeteners (30
times that of sugar). Again their taste is not ideal at higher concentrations
but well suited for blends.
It is becoming more common to see blends of sweeteners used in foods and drinks.
This is a good thing as sweeteners used in combination can be chosen to provide
functionality far superior to that of any single sweetener. The concept of synergy
will result in the use of less of anyone sweetener and the exposure of the consumer
to any single sweetener is reduced. The more safe sweeteners that can be found
and approved, the more this trend will be realised.
The legal blueprint for the establishment Food additives are regulated and controlled on a European Union (EU) wide basis.
of a common, harmonised list of The relevant directive clearly states that food additives are allowed only if:
permitted additives across the EU was set
out in the 1989 'framework directive' on they present no hazard to health at the level proposed;
additives (8911071EC). a reasonable technological need can be demonstrated;
The SCF represents a broad cross section The EU body responsible for evaluating the safety of food additives is the
of expertise. Its members are appointed Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) which is a group of experts composed mainly
in their own right, as independent experts,
of toxicologists.
not as representatives of national
governments. The results of SCF The SCF has issued guidelines setting out the tests that must be carried out on food
evaluations are published by the additives in order to demonstrate their safety. The guidelines require an extensive
European Commission. They are also
range of animal and other tests to assess every conceivable risk to the consumer:
accessible via the Internet.
metabolic/phannacokinetic studies (to understand how the body absorbs,
http://europa.eu.int/commldg24/healthlscl distributes, metabolises and eliminates the substance);
genetic toxicity (the potential for gene and chromosome damage);
reproduction and teratogenicity studies (life-time studies, including the
potential for fertility and birth defects);
• chronic and carcinogenicity studies (the potential for causing cancer).
Paracelsus: "All things are poisons; In assessing risk, toxicologists use a principle first stated by the 16th century
nothing is without poison; only the dose physician, Paracelsus (see margin). Everything is toxic if consumed at a high
determines whether there is a harmful
enough dose, and everything is safe, with a few exceptions, if taken at a low
enough dose. To put it another way, a threshold level exists above which
consumption is unsafe and below which consumption is safe.
The aim of testing is the identification of an adverse effect caused by the additive.
The aim is to test at three different dosages: the top dose should show an effect and
The ADI is defined as the amount of the both mid- and low doses show no effect. This being the case, the mid-dose
additive that can safely be ingested daily, becomes the no observable effect level (NOEL). This is considered to be a safe
over a lifetime, without risk. It is
level for humans since there were no effects in animals. The toxicologist takes this
expressed as mg of the additive per kg of
body weight. level and applies a safety factor which recognises, amongst other things, that
humans are not just big rats. The safety factor is usually, but not always, 100.
The value then obtained by dividing the NOEL by 100 is called the
Allowable/Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI). So, for example, a NOEL of 5000
mg/kg gives an ADI of 50 mg/kg for humans.
The costs of the required safety testing for a food additive must, of course, be
borne by the additive manufacturer, who invariably contracts out the work to an
independent test house. The cost can be as high as several million pounds.
Nevertheless, the SCF cannot afford to be anything other than scrupulously
thorough and its reviews are rarely straightforward. The SCF usually asks the
additive manufacturer for additional data and can insist on further testing.
Eventually, when the SCF is satisfied with the data, it reports its findings to the
European Commission.
The procedure for final EC approval for the additive, involving agreement on the Armed with the SCF evaluation, the
foods in which it will be allowed and maximum levels of use in each of those Commission can initiate the necessary
foods, is more complex. Three principal institutions are involved: legislation for EC directives on:
• an EC specification for the additive
the European Commission (appointed officials) • an EC approval for its use infood.
• the European Parliament (directly elected MEPs) which provides the political
From start to finish, it can take 10 years
dimension to obtain an approval for a new food
the Council of Ministers (representatives of national governments) where additive: 5 years to carry out safety
differing national interests are resolved. testing; 1-2 years for the SCF to evaluate
it; perhaps a further 12 months before the
The Commission's proposals are issued after discussions with the member states, Commission is able to deal with it; 2
and input from consumer groups and the food industry. These proposals are, years to obtain EC approval; and at least
however, invariably amended further by the European Parliament and the Council. 12 months before the directive is
This, too, can take a great deal of time as agreement among the political groups in implemented by member states.
the Parliament and among member state representatives in the Council can be
difficult. Final agreement of a joint text between the Council and the Parliament is
also required. Consequently, the approval procedure is, unfortunately but
necessarily, both long and arduous.
There are three directives on food additives, one on colours, a second on The directive on colours (94136IEC) and
sweeteners and a third on remaining categories of additives, e.g. preservatives, sweeteners (94135IEC) were both adopted
stabilisers, emulsifiers, the so-called 'miscellaneous additives'. All have now been in 1994. The directive on the
miscellaneous additives (9512IEC) was
implemented into the national laws in each member state, which means the same
adopted in 1995. Each directive contains
additives are now allowed in the same foods in every country in the Union. A total a list of permitted additives, the foods in
of 297 additives are now approved for use in food across the Union (43 colours, 12 which each of the additives niay be used,
sweeteners and 242 'miscellaneous additives'). and permitted levels of use. .
"One man's meat is another man's The fact that certain susceptible people suffer unpleasant reactions to foods which
poison" Lucretius 96-55BC everyone else is able to enjoy without the slightest ill-effects has been known for a
very long time. Lucretius recognised it, and famously paraphrased it, over 2000
years ago.
'Food allergy' describes an abnormal These days, the terms 'food allergy' and 'food intolerance' are sometimes used
response triggered by the immune system. interchangeably to describe the phenomenon - but these terms have a precise
medical meaning.
'Food intolerance' describes an abnormal
response that is not immunological in
nature,for example, an enzyme
Food allergy
deficiency. Food allergy is essentially 'immunity gone wrong', where a normally harmless,
natural protein is perceived as a threat and attacked by the body's immunological
The foods most likely to cause allergy are
defences. -The resulting release of chemicals such as histamine in the body causes
eggs, cow's milk, shellfish, wheat.fish,
soya, peanuts (which is one of the main a variety of symptoms:
foods associated with severe anaphylactic
gastrointestinal (e.g. nausea, colic , diarrhoea)
reactions) and treenuts such as walnuts,
but reactions can also occur to spices respiratory (e.g. sneezing, wheezing),
such as sesame or to vegetables such as dermatological (e.g. eczema).
The most serious reaction is anaphylaxis, a life threatening shock that can occur
within minutes of ingestion.
Food intolerance
Food intolerance can be caused by a number of mechanisms.
An extensive survey carried out by the High Wycombe Health Authority in the
1980s estimated prevalence to be 1.4% using strict criteria and 1.8% using less
stringent criteria. As part of the High Wycombe study, a questionnaire was sent
out to 11 000 households to find out how many of those questioned believed they
were intolerant to food additives. A total of 18 562 individuals responded, 7.4% of
whom claimed an adverse reaction to food additives. However, only three people
showed adverse reactions that could be confirmed. It was estimated from this that
the prevalence of food additive intolerance in the general population is in the range
of 0.01 % (using stringent criteria) to 0.23% (using less stringent criteria). This
finding is similar to an earlier estimate by experts of the European Commission.
Food additive intolerance therefore appears to be rare.
Intolerance is more common in children who, however, have usually grown out of
it by the age of five. Trials at the Brompton Hospital suggest that food additive
intolerance is a genuine problem in some children but is likely to be transient.
These findings parallel the situation with allergies to food such as eggs and milk
which are usually transient, but which may persist into adult life.
In summary, adverse reactions to food additives are rare; reactions to foods more
common. There are, in any case, many causes of food related illness and it is
important to consult a qualified professional to determine whether symptoms are
related to allergy/intolerance, or other medical disorders.
GLOSSARY reference material
Allowable/ Acceptable Daily Intake, ADI the level of a substance such as a food additive that can be ingested daily over a
lifetime without health risk; determined from toxicology tests, a dose is found
which gives no observable effect, this is then divided by 100
acidulant a food additive used to impart a tart, acidic taste to a food; may also assist in the
setting of gels or to act as preservatives
amino acid an organic compound containing both an amino group (-NH2) and a carboxyl
group (-COOH); essential component of proteins
amylopectin is one of the components of starch; amylopectin consists of long chains of glucose
units which are branched and linked to one another
amylose is one of the components of starch; it is a smaller molecule than amylopectin and
consists of straight chains of glucose units
artificial sweeteners substances which are not carbohydrates but which have the ability to impart the
sensation of sweetness
bread/flour improvers gluten obtained from 'old' flour is stronger and more elastic than the gluten from
flour that has just been milled and hence will produce better loaf; this ageing
process can be copied by the addition of tiny quantities of agents that are called
buffers substances which are capable of 'mopping up' excess acidity or alkalinity (excess
hydrogen ions or hydroxyl ions) to maintain a constant pH
bulking aids additives which add to the bulk of a particular food; often used in slimming
products but may also be used to replace more expensive ingredients
carbohydrates compounds which contain the elements carbon, hydrogen and oxygen; there is
always twice as much hydrogen as there is oxygen, made up of sub units called
simple sugars; carbohydrates are one of the major classes of nutrients; one function
in the body is as an energy source
chelators substances capable of combining with free metal ions; they are important in
preventing the oxidation of food
COT Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment
emulsion tiny drops of one liquid spread evenly through a second liquid
enzymes biological catalysts, protein in nature, which control the rate of all biological
reactions; some have uses in the production of food
ester formed by the combination of an alcohol with an organic acid; fats and oils are
examples of esters
reference material GLOSSARY
esterification the process which produces fats through a combination of glycerol and three fatty
acids. Generally, the reaction between an alcohol and a carboxylic acid.
Food Advisory Committee, FAC advises MAFF on the composition, labelling and advertising of food products
fatty acids unbranched hydrocarbon chains having about 14-24 carbon atoms with an acidic
group (see saturated/unsaturated fatty acids)
fats compounds which contain the elements carbon, hydrogen and oxygen; made up of
sub units called glycerol and fatty acids; fats are one of the major classes of
nutrients; one function in the body is to provide energy
firming agents food additives used to prevent the loss of crispness to fruit and vegetables during
food additive food additives are those substances deliberately added to food by the manufacturer
to facilitate processing or to improve the appearance, texture, flavour, keeping
quality or nutritional value of foods
free radicals reactive species which usually have an unpaired, or free, electron
fungistatic having the ability to slow down the rate of growth of fungi and moulds
gel/gelation gels are systems where large volumes of liquids can be held stationary by small
amounts of solids; gelation can be caused by polysaccharides such as starch or
proteins such as gelatin
glazing agents food additives used to produce a glaze which gives a shine and protection to a final
glucose a simple sugar; a monosaccharide; the most common substrate for respiration
gluten a protein found in flour; it has stretching and elastic properties which allow it to
provide a network within dough which can trap carbon dioxide
glycerol is a sweet, sticky liquid containing three alcohol groups; it can combine with one,
two or three fatty acid molecules to give a mono-, di- or tri-glycerides
humectants substances capable of keeping other substances moist; added to food to prevent it
from drying out
hydrophilic hydro = water, philic = loving; substances that are hydrophilic will dissolve in water
hydrophobic hydro = water, phobic = hating; substances which are hydrophobic will not dissolve
in water
ions particles which carry a positive (cations) or negative (anions) electrical charge
immiscible/miscible liquids which will not mix to form a homogeneous substance when combined are
said to be immiscible, e.g. oil and water; liquids that completely mix on combining
are miscible, e.g. water and alcohol
interfacial tension the surface tension between two immiscible liquids, when the two are mixed, is
called the interfacial tension
GLOSSARY reference material
lipophilic lipo = fat or lipid, philic = loving; substances which are lipophilic will dissolve in fat
MAFF Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food; a government body, responsible for
labelling of food and regulation of food additives. However, these will come under
the responsibilities of a new Food Standards Agency.
microorganisms microscopically small organisms such as viruses, bacteria, protozoa and fungi;
bacteria and fungi are principally responsible for decay in food
monomer a small molecule which forms the building block to make a polymer
organic compounds compounds that contain chains of atoms of the element carbon, i.e. carbon based
compounds, e.g. proteins, fats and carbohydrates
organoleptic able to stimulate a sensory organ particularly the nose and the tongue
oxidation a chemical reaction which involves at least one of the following: loss of electrons,
the gain of oxygen or the loss of hydrogen. (Rust is the result of the oxidation of
iron; the oxidation of fats in foods results in rancidity.)
pectin (E440) a plant polysaccharide capable of producing a gel and hence has important
setting properties, particularly, in the production of jams
phospholipid a lipid containing 2 fatty acid residues and 1 phosphate group attached to the
glycerol molecules; these are polar molecules
polar some molecules, such as water, have areas of both positive charge and negative
charge; such molecules are said to be polar; this is due to an unequal distribution of
polymer a long chain molecule built up from small units called monomers
polymorphic poly = many, morphic = shape or form; substances that are polymorphic exist in a
number of different forms
polysaccharide poly = many, saccharide = sugar; polysaccharides are the carbohydrates made up of
many sugar sub units
polyunsaturated fatty acids the occurrence of two or more carbon to carbon double bonds in a fatty acid chain
will result in a polyunsaturated fatty acid (see saturated fatty acids).
proteins compounds which contain the elements carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and
sometimes, but not always, phosphorus and sulphur; consist of sub units called
amino acids; one of the major classes of nutrients having a wide range of biological
rancidity process in which fats exposed to the air undergo oxidation and liquefy; other
reactions, such as hydrolysis, take place which result in the release of foul smelling
free acids
receptors cells capable of detecting changes or stimuli in the internal or external environment
of an organism; in humans the receptors for sight, taste and smell are of particular
importance to food manufacturers
releasing agents substances used to coat the inside of baking tins, mixing equipment, etc. to prevent
food from sticking
reference material GLOSSARY
respiration process which takes place in the living cells of all plants and animals which
releases energy
retrogradation when starch is mixed with water it swells and forms a gel; with time, the starch
components will re-crystallise and squeeze the water out of the gel; this
phenomenon is known as retrogradation and is responsible for the staling process
in bread
resistance a phenomenon where the use of chemicals, such as antibiotics, has led to the
selection of individuals in a population which are not affected by the chemical;
chemical preservatives have not been known to cause this.
saturated/unsaturated fatty acids fats are the result of the reaction between an alcohol such as glycerol and, typically,
three fatty acid molecules.
When carbon atoms are joined to each other by single carbon to carbon bonds, the
resulting fatty acid is said to be saturated; as each carbon atom has a full
complement of hydrogen atoms. Fats formed from this type of fatty acid will tend
to be hard.
When there is one carbon to carbon double bond within the fatty acid chain, the
fatty acid is described as being monounsaturated; the occurrence of two or more
carbon to carbon double bonds in the fatty acid chain will result in a
polyunsaturated fatty acid. The double bonds mean that the carbon atoms have
fewer hydrogen atoms attached to them. Fats formed from this type of fatty acid
will be softer. The greater the degree of unsaturation, the softer the fat and, indeed,
an oil may be produced. Food manufacturers must take into consideration, the fact
that softer fats are naturally more susceptible to oxidation.
stabilisers those food additives which help to retain the physical and textural properties of
food particularly emulsions and low fat systems
surface tension a property of liquids where forces between the molecules near the surface leads to
the apparent presence of a film
syneresis the loss of water from a gel is called syneresis; it is also an important mechanism
in the production of curds in cheese manufacture
synergist a substance that is used in conjunction with another substance which results in their
performance being enhanced by each other; their performance together is better
than their total effect if they were used separately
tenderisers substances or processes which alter the fibrous structure of meat to make it less tough
volatile a liquid which will easily change into a gas is said to be volatile
viscosity is a measure of the 'runniness' or 'flow' of a liquid; water is less viscous or more
runny than treacle
'E' NUMBERS reference material
Before an additive is given an 'E' number, it must first be cleared for safety by the
ECs Scientific Committee on Food (SCF - see page 22) and shown to be safe in
the foods in which it is allowed. An 'E' number is only given to those substances
which have passed all the safety checks.
'E' numbers are intended as a shorthand notation for purposes of food labelling. An exception has been made for the
The Food Labelling Directive (791112/EC) allows food manufacturers to use either modified starches, E1404 - E1450, any
the name of the additive and/or its 'E' number on their labels. one of which may be labelled as modified
Complete lists of EC-approved additives, firstly in numerical order and then in
alphabetical order, are given in the following pages.
reference material 'E' NUMBERS
'E' NUMBERS (BY FUNCTION) reference material
miscellaneous (continued) E472e mono- and diacetyl tartaric esters of mono- and
diglycerides of fatty acids
E418 gellan gum E472f mixed acetic and tartaric acid esters of mono-
E420 sorbitol and diglycerides of fatty acids
(i) sorbitol E473 sucrose esters of fatty acids
(ii) sorbitol syrup E474 sucroglycerides
E421 mannitol E475 polyglycerol esters of fatty acids
E422 glycerol E476 polyglycerol polyricinoleate
E431 polyoxyethylene (40) stearate E477 propane-l ,2-diol esters of fatty acids
E432 polyoxyethylene sorbitan monolaurate E479b thermally oxidised soya bean oil interacted with
(polysorbate 20) mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids
E433 polyoxyethylene sorbitan monooleate E481 sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate
(polysorbate 80) E482 calci urn stearoy 1-2-lacty late
E434 polyoxyethylene sorbitan mono palmitate E483 stearyl tartrate
(polysorbate 40) E491 sorbitan monostearate
E435 polyoxyethylene sorbitan monostearate E492 sorbitan tristearate
(polysorbate 60) E493 sorbitan monolaurate
E436 polyoxyethylene sorbitan tristearate (polysorbate E494 sorbitan monooleate
65) E495 sorbitan monopalmitate
E440 pectins E500 sodium carbonates
(i) pectin (i) sodium carbonate
(ii) ami dated pectin (ii) sodium hydrogencarbonate
E442 ammonium phosphatides (iii) sodium sesquicarbonate
E444 sucrose acetate isobutyrate E501 potassium carbonates
E445 glycerol esters of wood rosins (i) potassium carbonate
E450 diphosphates (ii) potassium hydrogencarbonate
(i) disodium diphosphate E503 ammonium carbonates
(ii) trisodium diphosphate (i) ammonium carbonate
(iii) tetrasodium diphosphate (ii) ammonium hydrogencarbonate
(iv) dipotassium diphosphate E504 magnesium carbonates
(v) tetrapotassium diphosphate (i) magnesium carbonate
(vi) dicalcium diphosphate (ii) magnesium hydroxide carbonate (syn.
(vii) calcium dihydrogen diphosphate magnesium hydrogen carbonate)
E451 triphosphates E507 hydrochloric acid
(i) pentasodium triphosphate E508 potassium chloride
(ii) pentapotassium triphosphate E509 calcium chloride
E452 polyphosphates E511 magnesium chloride
(i) sodium polyphosphate E512 stannous chloride
(ii) potassium polyphosphate E513 sulphuric acid
(iii) sodium calcium polyphosphate E514 sodium sulphates
(iv) calcium polyphosphate (i) sodium sulphate
E460 cellulose (ii) sodium hydrogen sulphate
(i) microcrystalline cellulose E515 potassium sulphates
(ii) powdered cellulose (i) potassium sulphate
E461 methyl cellulose (ii) potassium hydrogensulphate
E463 hydroxypropyl cellulose E516 calcium sulphate
E464 hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose E517 ammonium sulphate
E465 ethyl methyl cellulose E520 aluminium sulphate
E466 carboxy methyl cellulose E521 aluminium sodium sulphate
sodium carboxy methyl cellulose E522 aluminium potassium sulphate
E470a sodium, potassium and calcium salts of fatty E523 aluminium ammonium sulphate
acids E524 sodium hydroxide
E470b magnesium salts of fatty acids E525 potassium hydroxide
E471 mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids E526 calcium hydroxide
E472a acetic acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of E527 ammonium hydroxide
fatty acids E528 magnesium hydroxide
E472b lactic acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of E529 calcium oxide
fatty acids E530 magnesium oxide
E472c citric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of E535 sodium ferrocyanide
fatty acids E536 potassium ferrocyanide
E472d tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of E538 calcium ferrocyanide
fatty acids E541 sodium aluminium phosphate, acidic
reference material 'E' NUMBERS (BY FUNCTION)
'E' NUMBERS (ALPHABETICAL) reference material
reference material 'E' NUMBERS (ALPHABETICAL)
'E' NUMBERS (ALPHABETICAL) reference material
For almost all of the activities, it would be very useful if pupils collected labels
from as large a variety of food packets as is possible.
11. Food ingredient card games Eight 11 master sheets for the playing
cards accompany these activities. They
There are 52 playing cards which have information on them about a variety of should be photocopied onto card. The
foods. On one side (the face side), the cards show the amounts of energy, protein, corresponding food name should be stuck
fat, carbohydrate, calcium, iron and vitamin C contained in 100g of the foodstuff. or written onto the reverse side and then
The back of the card merely has the name of the food. the cards cut out. There are blank cards,
should you wish to add other foods.
Since the information given is for the same mass of food, fair comparisons can be
made. It is important to remember, however, that 100g may not represent a
'normal' portion of that particular food. The information on the cards is adapted
from the MAFF Manual of Nutrition
Please note - the values for energy have been rounded up or down to make them (HMSO publication ISBN 011 2411126).
easier to compare. Conversion from kcal and kJ has been simplified to a factor of 4. Strictly: 1 kcal = 4.2 KJ
In some games, having the name of the food on the back of the card will give
players, with knowledge of that food, an advantage over their opponents.
Hopefully, this will motivate pupils to acquire useful and relevant information.
The rules for some of the many games that can be played are given below. It is
likely that you, or your students, will devise more games and variations as the
cards are used.
Aim: with 2 - 5 cards gain an energy score as close to the limit of 1000 kcal/4000 kJ
as possible without going 'bust'. The player is allowed a maximum of 5 cards.
The first player to be dealt the cards goes first. (S)he adds up openly the kcal or kJ Twist: player takes another card
Stick: player takes no more cards
for the two cards and then decides whether to 'twist'.
Bust: score is more than 1000kcall4200kJ
The player should look at the back of the next card in the pile so that an educated and the player is out.
guess can be made as to whether or not taking the next card would keep the score
below the limit.
If the player decides to twist, the next card is dealt face upwards for all the players
to see.
The winner is the person who is not 'bust' The next player(s) then take a turn.
and whose total is the nearest to
lOOOkcall4000kJ. The dealer is the last person to go. All of the dealers' cards are placed face
A '5-card trick' beats any other hand. upwards and the dealer then plays in the same way as other players.
If anyone ties with the dealer, the dealer
Game lb. A 'blind' version
The winner becomes the dealer. The dealer deals two cards face down to each player .
Player 1 has to estimate the energy value from the back of the cards only.
Player 1 is allowed to see the back of the next card on the pile and must decide
whether to twist or not from the name of the next food and the information on the
back of the original two cards. If the player decides to twist, the next card is dealt
but still only with the back facing. The player sticks when they feel their limit is
Players do not look at the value of the cards yet. Player 2 then has a tum in a
similar way. When each player has stuck, the value of the cards is added up. The
winner is decided as described before.
Food whist
Game 2a. Game2a.
for 2 - 6 players
simplest version Only one of the categories of information on the cards is used. If the players use
the 'fat' category then the winner has the lowest value. If the other categories have
The person winning the greatest number been chosen, the winner has the highest value. The aim is to win tricks.
of tricks is the winner.
For example, using the protein category; imagine there are 2 players.
7 cards are dealt face down to each player. The players pick up their cards to
look at protein values.
The first player chooses a card from his/her hand and places itface down on
the desk.
If the second player does not think that The second player looks at the name of the food and then at their own hand.
they have a card to beat the original card, They choose a card to play, making an educated guess as to which of their
they can throwaway a low value card.
cards may beat the protein value of the card that was played initially.
Two cards played which happen to have The second card is placed with the original card and then both cards are examined.
the same value for the category results in
a void trick and the trick is discarded. The winner of the trick is the person who played the card with the highest protein
These cards are removed, ready to play the next trick. The winner of the trick
leads the next card. The game continues until all 7 tricks have been played.
The player to the left of the dealer goes first and places a card face down in front of
the players.
The next player plays a card which they think may beat the energy value of the
original card (or they 'throwaway' a card) by placing the card face down next to
the original card.
When each player has played, the cards are turned over to find the card with the
greatest energy value.
The player of this card is the winner of that trick and begins the next trick in the If two people win the same number of
same way as the first. tricks, they cut the cards. The person
with the greatest energy value on their
Tricks are played for all 7 cards. card is the winner. This is the procedure
for any round that ends in a tie.
The person who wins the greatest number of tricks in this round becomes the dealer.
Second round: the winner of the first round deals 6 cards to the players.
The winner looks at his/her hand and decides which category (s)he wants as the Remember - the category for the first
category for comparison and declares this. round is energy; subsequent categories
are chosen by the dealer; the category
The game continues as before till all six cards have been played. cannot be changed in the middle of a
The person who wins the greatest number of tricks becomes the dealer.
The game continues with 5 then 4 then 3, 2,1 cards being dealt in subsequent
rounds. In each case, the person who wins the greatest number of tricks in the
previous round becomes the dealer and choses the category for comparison.
A 'thinking' period after the cards are dealt, for players to decide which card to play The player who wins the most tricks is the
for each trick, will be helpful. Decisions may be altered in the light of the winner.
outcomes of previous tricks.
Game 3. "My card can beat yours" (similar to 'Top trumps') Game 3.
2 players
The cards are shuffled.
Each player holds all of their cards in a pile with the information on the first card
only facing them.
The player who was not the dealer goes first. (S)he looks at the information on the Example, if they are looking at the 'Chips'
first card and decides which of the categories has a possible 'winning' value. card they might decide that an energy
value of250 kcal (1000 kJ) has a good
The player declares 'energy' and the name of the food at which (s)he is looking. chance of beating many other cards in
this category.
The second player looks at the energy category on their first card and reads out the
The person who has the card with the greatest value wins both cards and puts them
on a pile in front of them.
Whoever wins the cards looks at their next card to choose the category, and the The cards can also be used as a source
game continues until all cards have been compared. of information in any situation where
the nutritional value of common,
The cards in the winning piles for each player are counted. The person with the everyday foods is needed.
greatest number of cards is the winner.
KS3 and upwards 12. Guess the foods from these labels
science and food technology
Pupils are given copies of labels from food packaging which list the ingredients in
Timing -10 -15 minutes the foods. Pupils use this information to identify the foods concerned.
Pupil activity sheet 12 accompanies this If you wish to make this easier, the pupils could be given a list of foods including
activity. the correct names from which to choose their answers, or you may like to use
pictures or the parts of the labels with names on them.
KS3 and upwards 13. Would you eat these for breakfast?
science and food technology
The purpose of this exercise is to illustrate that all foods are chemicals; it is not
Timing -10 minutes intended as a test of a pupil's chemical knowledge.
The mention of the word 'breakfast' gives a clue to the identity of the foods. You may
Pupil activity sheet I3 accompanies this
activity. like to provide pictures or a list of possible correct answers to make the task easier.
Food 1 - tomato
Food 2 - bacon
Food 3 - eggs
Food 4 - buttered toast
Food 5 - coffee
4. Since they are present in small amounts they will be found near the end of the
list; mustard, pepper.
5. 20.7 - l.7 = 19.0g.
6. starch (of some description), non-starch polysaccharide (NSP)
7. in the storage information; suitable for home freezing
8. recyclable packaging
To answer Q9, pupils may need access to some information about food additives. Timing -15 - 20 minutes
You may wish to supply the pupils' sheet 14 What can be added to the food you
Pupil activity sheet 16 accompanies this
buy? and the E number lists, page 30. activity.
Answers to Pupil activity sheet 16
1. water
2. flavourings
3. 12 substances are present in smaller quantities than salt; 3 of garlic, basil,
oregano, green peppers, modified starch, tartaric acid, colours (caramel and
copper chlorophyll), lemon juice, stabiliser (xanthan gum), antioxidant (BHA),
4. At first glance, there don't appear to be any because the letter 'E' and numbers
are not present. Some pupils are likely to be 'suspicious' about some of the
All the additives appear after salt.
5. They must be present in very small quantities.
6. 2 months after purchase, assuming it has not been opened.
7. Not very long! A few days only and certainly not 2 months.
8. Xanthan gum is an effective stabiliser and suspending agent for water
based foods such as salad dressings.
You may like to ask pupils to think about why the bought dressing will stay fresh
for 2 months.
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Read the labels and see if you can guess the foods described.
dried potato, vegetable oil, potato starch,
barbecue beef flavour (flavourings, flavour
enhancer: E621, E635), salt
maize, sugar, salt, niacin, iron, vitamin 86'
riboflavin (82), thiamin (81), folic acid, vitamin
D, vitamin 812
whole milk, wheat flour, egg (14%), sugar,
vegetable oil and hydrogenated vegetable oil,
vegetable margarine, dextrose, salt, nutmeg,
flavourings, colours (beta-carotene, caramel)
fresh whole milk, double cream, sugar, skimmed
milk powder, glycerine, eggs, emulsifiers (mono-
and di-glycerides of fatty acids), stabilisers
(sodium alginate and guar gum)
wheat flour, vegetable oil, sugar, malt extract,
whole milk powder, salt, raising agents (sodium
bicarbonate, ammonium bicarbonate), flavourings
wheat flour, water, sugar, desiccated coconut,
apple puree, oil, cinnamon, salt, clarified butter,
skimmed milk powder, sesame seeds, spices,
raising agents (disodium dihydrogen
phosphate, sodium bicarbonate), preservative
(calcium propionate), black onion seed, yeast
water, vegetable oil, spirit vinegar, mustard
seed, salt, modified starch, egg & egg yolk,
sugar, flavourings, cream, stabilisers
(xanthan gum, guar gum), spices, lemon juice,
preservative (potassium sorbate), colour
(beta-carotene), white wine, mustard flour,
citric acid, tartaric acid, antioxidant (BHA)
The following lists show the ingredients in five foods. What do you think these foods
are? Would you eat them for breakfast?
Food manufacturers often use food additives. These substances are added to food
we eat to:
• improve flavour or colour
• improve the texture
• preserve, that is slow down the speed at which food goes off.
Important groups of additives are acidulants, anti-caking agents, antioxidants,
colours, emulsifiers and stabilisers, flavourings, preservatives and sweeteners.
Food manufacturers must:
• test all food additives to show that they are safe to eat
• show that an additive is really needed in a product before the additive is allowed
on the list of permitted additives.
Certain additives, like certain foods, can cause a small number of people to react
badly to them. Such people need to avoid the food or food additive to which they
are sensitive. To do this they must learn how to read the labels on food packages.
Food additives must be named on the food label; they are shown as:
E-numbers, e.g. E440. or they may be shown as their chemical name, e.g. pectin, or
both, e.g. E440 - pectin.
The label must also say what sort of additive it is, e.g. gelling agent E440 - pectin. You
will then know why the additive has been used.
Colours are found in the E100 series.
Preservatives are found in the E200 series.
Antioxidants are found in the E300 series.
Miscellaneous additives such as emulsifiers, gelling agents and stabilisers are
found in the E400 series.
Some products would not exist at all if additives were not used, e.g. processed
cheese, low fat products, sugar-free products.
An overview of the main classes of food additives follows.
Many foods we eat are acidic, so they have a sharp, sour taste. Fruit such as lemons
contain a lot of citric acid. Cheese and yoghurt contain lactic acid. Acidulants are
added to food, such as soft drinks, desserts, jams, sweets, soups and sauces to give a
better taste. They also act as a preservative.
Anti-caking agents
These are particularly important in the manufacture of powdered foods. The small
particles present in powdered food tend to stick together or cake. This causes
problems when manufacturers are trying to put powders into containers such as jars.
The powders tend to get stuck in the machinery and the packing process can be
delayed. The addition of an anti-caking agent allows powders to flow more easily.
Anti-caking agents are also important in vending machines which make tea, coffee,
etc. from powdered ingredients.
Another common place to find an anti-caking agent is in table salt. The anti-caking
agent prevents the salt from clogging up the salt cellar.
The oxygen that we breathe is essential for life. However, it can also be destructive, for
example, it makes iron rusty! Our food will also react with oxygen and will be very
unpleasant to eat if it does so. Substances called antioxidants are used to stop our
food reacting with oxygen in the air.
Foods that contain fats and oils are particularly affected by oxygen. When this
happens the fats and oils go rancid. Rancid foods taste and smell horrible. They can
also be harmful.
We are more likely to eat food which looks good. Some processed foods lose their
natural colour as they are being made, so colours are added to make them look
appetising again. Some sweets would be colourless if the manufacturer did not add
However, some people do believe colour additives are not needed.
If food does not taste very nice, you will not want to eat it. The substances that give
food a recognisable flavour are often a complicated mixture of chemicals. Food
manufacturers try to copy the taste of natural flavours so that the food tastes good. If
you are making a dish at home you often add substances such as herbs and spices
to give the dish a good flavour. Flavours are added to manufactured foods in very
small quantities.
The food we eat can also be 'eaten' by tiny organisms (microbes or microorganisms)
such as bacteria and fungi. These microbes can make poisons (toxins) which can
harm us. You have probably heard of food poisoning caused by a bacterium called
Many different sorts of food contain preservatives. Preservatives are used to destroy
bacteria and fungi or to slow down their growth. Some preservatives are simple
substances such as vinegar (E260 - acetic ccld). This is a natural substance. You may
add it to chips!
Other preservatives such as nitrates and nitrites (E249 - E252) have a slight chance of
causing some people health problems. People may choose not to eat products
containing these substances. However, if they were not used, more people would
certainly die from food poisoning. The nitrates and nitrites are used in meat products
to prevent the growth of very dangerous bacteria.
We only have 4 tastes. These are sweet (like sugar), sour (like lemons), bitter (like strong
coffee or tonic water) and salt. Most of us like to eat sweet tasting foods. Food
manufacturers can add different sorts of sugars or sweeteners to their products to
make them sweeter. Sugar may be bad for your teeth and if you eat too much your
body can change it into fat and you will put on weight.
Scientists have tried to find or make substances which will make your food sweeter but
which do not affect teeth or make people fat. These are called artificial sweeteners.
A substance like this would also be very useful for foods made for people who have
diabetes. Artificial sweeteners can be added to many different products such as
chocolate, jam and chewing gum.
1. Give two reasons why food manufacturerS use food additives.
2. Complete the table below using information from food labels. Try to find
four different foods. You may need to use a list of E numbers with names.
a colour
a preservative
an antioxidant
any miscellaneous
READING THE LABEL pupil activity 15
By law, food manufacturers must list, on the packet, the ingredients in a food.
Usually, the ingredients are listed in descending order by weight (mass). This means
that the ingredient that is in the largest amount must be listed first. The ingredient that
is in the smallest amount will be last.
There is a lot of other information on packets, for example:
• storage instructions
• a date telling you when you should eat the food
• cooking instructions
• nutritional information, which shows how much of the major nutrients such as
protein, carbohydrate and fat are present in the food.
3. Find the additives in this food. (These appear as an E - number and, on this
packet, the name of the type of additive is given, e.g. EMULSIFIER- E471 .)
pupi I activity 15 READING THE LABEL
4. The packet says that there is "no artificial flavour" in this food. Find 2 natural
flavours that have been added to the food (clue - they are present in very small
4. Are there any additives in this food? At first glance, there are no E-numbers, but
the following additives are present:
tartaric acid E334 caramel E150
copper chlorophyll E141 xanthan gum E415
BHA-Butylated hydroxyanisole E320
6. How long after buying this food would it still be safe to eat?
7. Imagine you made a similar dressing at home using only ingredients that you can
buy easily. How long, approximately, would you expect it to stay fresh?
8. Find out what job/function xanthan gum (E415) has in this food.
teachers' notes ACIDULANTS
Task 2 Requirements
Task 1 (per group)
Citric acid has a pH of <5. 30 g citric acid powder
30 g sodium hydrogencarbonate
Sodium hydrogencarbonate has a pH of> 7. powder
2x50 cm3 water in small beakers
When the two are mixed effervescence occurs. Pupils may suggest that this could
stirring rods (or access to magnetic
be because a gas/carbon dioxide (because a carbonate has been used) is being
produced. This can be tested for using limewater which goes from clear to cloudy.
Task 2
By mixing the volumes suggested on the pupil sheet, it should be possible to see
equal concentrations (4.0 g in
that neutralisation occurs when acids are added to alkalis. 100 cmi) of citric acid solution &
The equation for this reaction is: sodium hydrogencarbonate solution
Universal indicator & chart
citric acid + sodium hydrogencarbonate ~ carbon dioxide + sodium citrate + water measuring cylinders
small beakers
How much acid is present in drinks? apparatus for testing for gases such
as carbon dioxide and oxygen
Pupils investigate acidity and carry out a titration.
Task 1 Task 1
Universal indicator & chart
All of the suggested foods are acidic to some extent except for water. The samples of water, cola.fizzy
inclusion of the juice from fresh fruit is to show that many natural foods are highly lemonade, blackcurrant juice, orange
acidic. Fresh milk may not give an acidic plI; but with time the production of squash, milk, freshly squeezed juice
lactic acid by bacteria causes milk to 'sour' resulting in a solution with pH <7. from oranges/lemons/other fruits
Task 2 Task 2
250 em' conical flasks
Pupils carry out a titration to determine accurately the concentration of an acid in a 10 cm3 measuring cylinders/pipettes
fizzy drink. distilled water
phenolphthalein indicator solution
funnels to assist filling of burette
Hints for the teacher: various small beakers
Some of the soft drinks which the students will wish to test contain a range 0.1 M sodium hydroxide solution
of acidulants, companies such as Britvic will often quote on labels total Solution 1: citric acid solution of
7 g/dm3
acidity, as an expression of citric acid.
samples offizzy drinks; Tango,
• Make sure the drinks supplied do contain mainly citric acid rather than other lemonade, 7Up and limeade all work
acids such as malic acid, which is found in apple drinks. well; coloured solutions can be used
• The correct use of burettes is quite a difficult skill and pupils will need
guidance if this is the first time that they carry out a titration. If this is the
case they should be allowed to practice using the equipment. How to read
the burette correctly with respect to the meniscus and the scale must also be
The end point is taken when the pink colour just remains in the solution.
The standard citric acid solution should take between 7 and 8 em- to be neutralised
by the sodium hydroxide. Other results will depend on the drinks tested.
ACIDULANTS teachers' notes
See A3 Acids and Alkalis in food. Dentists are very concerned about the effects that acids from all food sources,
including drinks, could be having on our teeth. The best advice to anyone would
be to consume these drinks in moderation; this should be stressed to pupils. It
could be recommended that any action which reduces the amount of contact time
between the acidic drink/food and the teeth, such as not constantly sipping small
volumes, may be of benefit. Caution should be applied to suggestions since
scientific studies have yet to analyse the situation conclusively.
Raising properties
A combination of an acid and alkali is needed to produce an acceptably risen
product as this reaction produces carbon dioxide which is responsible for
making the dumpling rise.
The taste of sodium hydrogencarbonate • Sodium hydrogencarbonate alone will make the dumpling rise a little as the
used as the sole raising agent is soapy compound decomposes thermally to produce carbon dioxide. Thermal
and thus its use is limited to baked decomposition is completed at higher temperatures than boiling.
products which have strong flavours such
as gingerbread and parkin so that the
unpleasant taste is masked.
teachers' notes ACIDULANTS
Pupils may wonder why the acid and alkali are not present in equal amounts.
They could make a dumpling where this is the case (use 0.60 g of each). This will
produce a slightly alkaline, pale yellow dumpling which has a softer texture.
In commercial situations the proportions of acid (and acid type) to alkali vary
according to the product, taking into account factors such as added flavours,
waiting time between mixing and baking. Most usually the proportion of
monocalcium phosphate to sodium hydrogencarbonate is 1.2 : 1.0.
A simple experiment, such as mixing each substance alone with water and then
combinations of the substances with water, will show that the icing sugar is not
essential to the fizzing reaction whereas the other two ingredients are. The sherbet
must be kept in a sealed container until consumed so that it does not react with
moisture in the air.
ACIDULANTS teachers' notes
• To save time it might be more convenient to have the flour plus the raising
agent mixtures already weighed out and prepared.
It is important to roll the scones out to the same thickness. The use of roller
guides would help this process.
• If the cut surfaces of the cooked scones are brushed over with an ink -soaked
piece of sponge, a texture print can then be made. Alternatively, the cut
surface of the scones can be photocopied.
Results for scones
Discussion of results:
teachers' notes ACIDULANTS
Pupils may wonder why the acid and alkali are not present in equal amounts. They
could make scones where this is the case (use 3.61g of each). This will produce a
slightly alkaline, pale yellow scone which has a softer texture. In commercial
situations the proportions of acid (and acid type) to alkali vary according to the
product taking into account factors such as added flavours, waiting time between
mixing and baking and others. Most usually the proportion of monocalcium
phosphate to sodium hydrogencarbonate is 1.2 : 1.0.
AS. Citric acid
science and food technology;
This is a text based activity concerning citric acid. possibly a homework written exercise
2. A table seems the most appropriate form of presentation; its content will vary
depending on the labels.
ACIDULANTS teachers' notes
c. Emulsions - formed when tiny drops of one liquid are spread evenly through
a second liquid; there are many examples of foods which are emulsions, such as
ice cream, margarine and mayonnaise.
The reactions between acids and alkalis are very important reactions in everyday life
as well as in both food technology and science lessons.
acid + alkali --.. a salt + water
Sometimes other substances are produced depending on the nature of the acids
and alkalis which take part in the reaction.
Task 1
You are given 30 g each of citric acid and sodium hydrogencarbonate.
You are given 2 beakers each containing 50 em" of water.
Find out how much of each substance you can dissolve in the water. Thiswill
compare the solubility of the two substances. Do not heat the water.
Comment on your findings.
Task 2
You are given solutions of citric acid and sodium hydrogencarbonate. Use Universal
indicator to find the pH of each solution.
Mix 10 em" of the citric acid solution with 20 crrr' of the sodium hydrogencarbonate
solution. What happens? Use Universal indicator to find the pH of the resulting solution.
What gas do you think might be produced when the two are mixed? Devise how you
could test for this gas. Write a word equation for the reaction between these two
Present your results in a suitable way.
Explain your findings.
Task 1
Use Universal indicator to find out the pH of a range of drinks. Make sure you test tap
water, cola, fizzy lemonade, blackcurrant juice, orange squash, milk and freshly
squeezed orange or lemon juice.
Present your results in a suitable way.
Task 2
The acid that is used in most fizzy drinks is citric acid. It is quite easy to determine the
acidity of drinks using a technique called titration.
You are given a number of solutions. Find how much citric acid is in each.
1. Measure accurately 10 ern" of solution 1 into a conical flask.
2. Add about 15 ern" of distilled water to the flask.
3. Add 5 drops of phenolphthalein to the flask. Swirl Phenolphthalein is an
the flask carefully to mix the contents of the flask. indicator. It is colourless in
4. Fill the burette to a convenient point with sodium acids. It will change to
hydroxide solution. Sodium hydroxide solution is pink in alkalis.
an alkali. (Your teacher will show you how to use
a burette properly.) You will notice that a pink
5. Slowly and carefully add the sodium hydroxide colour appears when the
solution to the flask. Swirlthe flask carefully after sodium hydroxide is first
each addition. added to the flask. This
6. Keep adding the sodium hydroxide until the pink disappears when you
colour just remains after swirling. Carefully read swirl the flask as the alkali
from the burette how much alkali you added.
reacts with the acid.
7. Repeat the titration (steps 1 - 6) another 2 times.
You will then be able to work out from the *00 not include the
three* readings, an average volume of sodium reading from the first
hydroxide added. titration if this was much
8. You can find out the total acidity of the solution larger than the second
using the following equation. The amount of acidity two.
will be expressed as the amount of citric acid:
amount of citric acid = 0.64 x volume of sodium
hydroxide g per ern"
9. If there is time, repeat the titration using another
drink in place of solution 1.
10. Write up your investigation.
Present your results in a suitable way.
Comment on your results.
11 . If your teeth are in contact with acidic foods, not just fizzy drinks, tooth
erosion may occur. Think of any advice you could give to individuals who
like to drink acidic drinks so that the effects of the acid are minimised.
BOILING DUMPLINGS pupil activity A2
Many foods, particularly those made from a dough, rise when they are cooked. There
are a number of raising agents which are used in cooking and some of them involve
the reaction between an acid and an alkali.
The following investigation considers the effect of components in some raising agents.
To do this, you are going to make 4 dumplings using different recipes.
Recipe A
50 g plain flour only
Recipe B
50 g plain flour
0.60 g sodium hydrogencarbonate
Recipe C
50 g plain flour
0.72 g monocalcium phosphate (acid calcium phosphate)
Recipe D
50 g plain flour
0.60 g sodium hydrogencarbonate
0.72 g monocalcium phosphate (acid calcium phosphate)
1. Put about 500 ern" of water into two, 1 ern" beakers and heat to boiling. This
will be used to cook the dumplings.
2. Meanwhile, mix each of the dumpling mixtures with sufficient water to give a "
stiff ball of dough.
3. Place two of the dough balls into each of the beakers of boiling water for
15 minutes. Make sure you know which dumpling is which.
4. Remove the dumplings from the water and allow them to cool for a few
minutes after cooking.
5. Cut each dumpling in half so that you can see inside. Compare the dumplings in
the following ways:
• Which has the greatest volume? Give the greatest one the value 4, the
next 3, the next 2 and the smallest 1.
• Describe the colour as white, off-white, pale yellow or yellow.
• Describe the texture/structure as closed, medium or open.
• Place three drops of universal indicator on a cut surface of each dumpling.
Wait one minute. Describe what happens in terms of colour and pH number.
6. Put your results in a suitable table.
Try to explain the differences in the results.
What reaction is taking place in recipe D which makes the dumplings rise?
The reactions between acids and alkalis are very important in everyday life as well as
in both food technology and science lessons,
Making sherbet
Sherbet fizzes when it comes into contact with moisture on your tongue, Sherbet can
be made from icing sugar, citric acid and sodium hydrogencarbonate (an alkali; it is
sometimes called sodium bicarbonate or bicarbonate of soda),
Can each of these chemicals make the fizz on their own? Or is a combination of 2 or
all 3 of them needed? Plan a simple experiment to find out.
You can then make your own sherbet by using the following recipe:
9 teaspoons of icing sugar
2 teaspoons of citric acid
1 teaspoon of sodium hydrogencarbonate
Mix all the ingredients very thoroughly, Keep the sherbet in a sealed container until you
want to eat it, Why do you think this is important?
Do we drink acids?
The use of artificial sweeteners in soft drinks has helped to reduce the amount of sugar
we eat, This has also reduced the amount of tooth decay, Tooth decay is caused by
the production of acids by bacteria in plaque, Tooth decay should not be confused
with tooth erosion, The acids found in many of the foods and drinks we consume can
cause the loss of tooth enamel, This is known as erosion,
The frequent exposure of teeth to any acidic food or drink may cause this chemical
Use Universal indicator to find out the pH of a range of drinks, Make sure you test tap
water, cola, fizzy lemonade, blackcurrant juice, orange squash, milk and freshly
squeezed orange or lemon juice,
Present your results in a suitable way,
If your teeth are in contact with acidic foods, not just fizzy drinks, tooth erosion may
occur. Think of any advice you could give to individuals who like to drink acidic drinks
so that the effects of the acid are as reduced as is possible,
BAKING SCONES pupi I activity A4
Before being eaten, any product which contains flour must be cooked. This alters the
starch in the flour so that it becomes digestible. Flour is used in many savoury and
sweet dishes, particularly in foods that consist of a dough.
Cakes, bread and other similar dishes often contain a raising agent. A raising agent
consists of an acid and an alkali. The acid present can vary but the alkali used is
usually sodium hydrogencarbonate. Raising agents are classed as food additives; the
two most important ones being E341 - the acid calcium phosphates and E500 -
sodium carbonate.
You are going to investigate what makes scones rise.
Recipe A
1. Sift 250 g of plain flour into a mixing bowl.
2. Rub 62.5 g of margarine into the flour.
3. Add 62.5 g of sugar into the mixture.
4. Gradually add approximately 120 ern' of milk and mix to give a good
dough. The amount of milk you will need to add may vary.
5. Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface or board. It must be 1cm thick.
6. Cut the dough into scones using a pastry cutter.
7. Place the scones onto a lightly greased baking tray and bake for 12 to 15
minutes in an oven at 230°C.
Recipe B
1. Weigh out 300 g of plain flour.
2. Add to this 3.61 g of sodium hydrogencarbonate.
3. Mix these dry ingredients very thoroughly.
4. Take 250 g of this mixture and sift it into a mixing bowl. Keep the rest of the
mixture for a later test.
Carry out steps 2-7 of recipe A.
Recipe C
1. Weigh out 300 g of plain flour.
2. Add to this 4.33 g of monocalcium phosphate (acid calcium phosphate).
3. Mix these dry ingredients very thoroughly.
4. Take 250 g of this mixture and sift it into a mixing bowl. Keep the rest of the
mixture for a later test.
Carry out steps 2-70f recipe A.
pupi I activity A4 BAKING SCONES
Recipe D
1. Weigh out 300 g of plain flour.
2. Add to this 3.61 g of sodium hydrogencarbonate and 4.33 g of monocalcium
phosphate (acid calcium phosphate).
3. Mix these dry ingredients very thoroughly.
4. Take 250 g of this mixture and sift it into a mixing bowl. Keep the rest of the
mixture for a later test.
Carry out steps 2 - 7 of recipe A.
When the scones are ready and cool, cut each of the scones in half so that you can
see inside. Compare them in the following ways:
• Describe the colour; white, off-white, pale yellow or yellow.
• Which scone has risen the most? Give 4 to the highest scone, 3 to the next, 2 to
the next and 1 to the smallest.
• Describe the texture/structure; closed, medium or open.
• Add three drops of Universal indicator to each cut surface. Wait for one
minute. Describe what happens in terms of colour and pH number.
You should have samples of unused mixtures from recipes B, C and D and some plain
flour as used in recipe A. Add 3 drops of Universal indicator to each of these mixtures
and comment on what you observe.
Present your results in tables similar to those below. Tryto explain the differences in the
sodium hydrogen
carbonate (Recipe B)
phosphate (Recipe C)
sodium hydrogen
carbonate and
phosphate (Recipe 0)
from recipe B
from recipe C
from recipe D
CITRIC ACID pupil activity A5
Many of the foods we eat are acidic, that is they contain acids. This explains their
sharp taste. Natural foods like oranges, lemons, apples, tomatoes, cheese and
yoghurt are all strongly acidic. Citrus fruits contain citric acid, apples and pears
contain malic acid, cheese and yoghurt are rich in lactic acid.
Citric acid was first extracted from lemon juice about 200 years ago. It is the most
versatile and widely used acidulant. It is found abundantly in nature. It is used
extensively in foods, beverages and the pharmaceutical industry.
Citric acid is economically very important. It is manufactured in 20 countries with
world wide production, in 1997, in the region of 750 000 tonnes. Just over 350/0of
citric acid is manufactured in Europe, where about 250 000 tonnes of citric acid is
used each year.
The table below shows the % use of citric acid in the UK.
soft drinks 48
health salts 8
other foods 12
confectionery 9
detergents 16
other uses 7
Answer the following questions after you have read the information about
citric acid (on next page).
3. Make a table which summarises the functions of citric acid and its salts in
food. The first column should show the type of food product. The second
should show the function of citric acid.
4. What is meant by:
a. pH?
b. a buffer?
c. an emulsion?
5. From food labels, find the names of two food products which contain a
preservative. Write down the name of the food, the name of the preservative
and the E-number.
6. From food labels, find the names of two food products which contain an
antioxidant. Write down the name of the food, the name of the preservative
and the E-number.
pupil activity AS CITRIC ACID
"Citric acid is used extensively in food and industrial applications because it has
many important chemical properties.
Citric acid (E330), sodium citrate (E331) and potassium citrate (E332) are widely
used in beverages and soft drinks. A combination of these three substances is
used to give flavour, provide buffering properties and increase the effectiveness of
In jams, jellies and preserves, citric acid is used to give a sour taste. An acidic pH
(< 7) is also needed for these products to set properly, i.e. to produce a gel.
Citric acid is able to combine with free metals in foods that are frozen. This is
described as being a chelating agent. This is important since it enhances the
actions of antioxidants. Citric acid also prevents colour and flavour deterioration in
frozen food.
The oxidation of fats and oils in food products can be prevented by the addition of
citric acid. It acts, again, by removing trace metals.
Sodium citrate acts as an emulsifying salt in processed cheeses. It modifies the
protein in the cheese enabling it to form an emulsion between the water and fat.
This prevents the separation of these components and improves the body and
texture of the cheese. Sodium citrate is also an important stabiliser in whipping
cream and vegetable based dairy substitutes.
Citric acid is used in seafood and cured meat products to increase the
effectiveness of colours, flavourings, preservatives and antioxidants. It also modifies
the texture of meat products.
Citric acid and citrate salts have a number of medical uses. They are used as
buffers in a wide range of pharmaceutical products. Effervescent formulations
(such as Alka Seltzer) contain a mixture of citric acid and sodium bicarbonate to
assist dissolving and to improve taste. Sodium citrate is added to human blood to
prevent coagulation before it is used in transfusions, etc.
Citric acid has many industrial uses, such as a laundry detergent, and a number of
agricultural uses. Other uses include the production of concrete and mortar, a
blowing agent in plostic production and an important component of many
cosmetics and toiletries.
It is a truly versatile compound!"
teachers' notes ANTI-CAKING AGENTS
Hints Requirements
balance accurate to 0.1 g
It should be noted that, without care, this has the potential to be a very messy clamps and stands
investigation! The cocoa is most easily mixed with the anti-caking agent by powder funnels
putting the two together into a plastic bag or lidded container and shaking them. [Ordinary filter funnels are not
suitable since the opening to the stem
Make sure the bags are tied at the top or that the lids fit well! When transferring
is too narrow; suitable funnels may
the cocoa from any container into another, there is a tendency for it to fly around. be purchased from Philip Harris,
Using either 100 g or 50 g of cocoa (the smaller of the two suggested funnels will Lynn Lane, Shenstone, Lichfield,
Staffs, WS14 OEE; two sizes are
not hold 100 g) it is possible to count the number of taps on the side of the funnel
appropriate and have code numbers
needed to make the cocoa pass through the funnel. R8643216 and R8643318j
plastic bags approximately 25x25cm
The process must be repeated a number of times to find a mean.
[It is essential that the bags do not
The maximum amount of anti-caking agent that can be used in food legally is 1% have holes in them! The bags are
by mass in the final product. Pupils may design an experiment which covers a used to mix the cocoa with the anti-
caking agent; you could also use
range of concentrations from O.l to 1%.
plastic containers with lids j
The addition of the anti-caking agent makes a significant difference to the flow of cocoa
the cocoa above a certain concentration. [This must be 100% cocoa and not
have an anti-caking agent already
Leaving the mixture to stand for any length of time also makes a considerable present (check the label!) j
difference. This is one factor which may not be immediately apparent. Making up anti-caking agent*
This is supplied with the resource.
all the concentrations together, but leaving them standing while testing one of
Store this in a dry place; this additive
them, may affect the results. However, it is advisable to leave the two powders
is silicon dioxide, E551
together for a short and standard period of time before carrying out the test. other simple equipment such as
beakers, spatulas, spoons
Factors to keep constant include:
how 'strong' the tap is on the side of the funnel * Further supplies are available from
the Chemical Industry Education
how the anti-caking agent and cocoa are mixed before use
Centre, University of York,
size of funnel Heslington, York, YOlO 5DD,
(tel 01904 432523)
the length of time the anti-caking agent is left mixed with cocoa before use.
AC2. The function of anti-caking agents - a case study Two pupil activity sheets AC2 accompany
this case study.
The effect of Neosyl GP (silicon dioxide, E551) on the ability of Sainsbury's cocoa
to flow is investigated.
The case study, on pupils sheet AC2, gives the procedures and results for an
example investigation. You may prefer to replace the actual experiment AC1 with
a discussion of AC2.
Aim of the first part of the investigation: to determine the orifice size through
which cocoa without Neosyl GP will not readily flow.
Aim of the remaining investigations: to determine the effect on the flow of cocoa
with Neosyl GP added.
The problem with powders is that the particles in the powder have a tendency to stick
together or cake. This is commonly seen with table salt which sticks in the salt cellar
and refuses to be sprinkled over your chips! This is really only a minor inconvenience
and the problem can often be solved by adding a few grains of rice. It may be
interesting to consider how this works.
Manufacturers of food powders may experience real problems if the powder sticks
together to form big lumps and clogs up the machinery.
Many production systems will use an anti-caking agent at some point in the
production process.
You receive the following letter from the manufacturers of a cocoa powder:
As you know, we manufacture a high quality powdered cocoa which is used in cooking
and for hot drinks.
We have found that particles of cocoa stick together and stop flowing through various
parts of the machinery. This causes us to stop production in order to clear the
blockages, which wastes a lot of time and is costing us a lot of money. The time taken
to fill the containers is double what it should be.
If this situation continues we will be forced to pass this extra expense on to the consumer.
We have available to us an anti-caking agent which claims to help the cocoa powder
to flow more freely and enable us to overcome this problem. We understand, by law,
that the maximum permitted level of anti-caking agent is 1% of the mass of the final food.
We would like you to carry out an investigation using our cocoa and the anti-caking
agent to find out:
a. Does the anti-caking agent really make the cocoa flow more freely?
b. Sometimes the machines are left full of cocoa overnight and so the agent would remain
mixed in with the cocoa. Will this make further difference to how quickly it flows?
Yours sincerely,
Investigation into the effect of Neosyl GP (silicon dioxide, E551) on the ability of
Sainsbury's cocoa to flow
Method 1
1. Different sized funnels were prepared by removing 'sterns'.
2. 100 g of cocoa was placed in the funnels.
3. The sides of the funnels were tapped to allow cocoa to flow through.
4. The number of taps required to remove all the powder was counted.
5. Each test was done 6 times and an average calculated.
Results: Cocoa without Neosyl GP
On the basis of these results, the funnel with the 30 mm orifice was chosen for
subsequent experiments as cocoa would not readily flow through this size.
Method 2
1. 100 g of cocoa powder was mixed with varying amounts of Neosyl GP so that the
Neosyl GP was present as 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6 % by weight of the final
2. The mixing took place in a plastic bag. The two substances were placed in the
bag and shaken vigorously.
3. Each mixture was placed in the funnel, as described before, and the number of
taps needed to get all the powder through the funnel were counted. Each
experiment was repeated 6 times.
4. One of the mixtures, the 0.3 0/0, was left for ~48 hours before carrying out the test.
5. A 0.6 % mixture was left for ~24 hours before being tested.
Results: Cocoa with Neosyl GP
Discussion: It appears from the data that the maximum allowed dose of 1.0% Neosyl
GP will almost make the cocoa entirely free flowing and that leaving the mixture to
stand improves the flow.
The improvement in flow when left to stand may be due to the fact that the Neosyl GP
is capable of absorbing fat. Cocoa has a fat content of ~ 20 %. The absorption of
fat by the Neosyl GP may thus allow the particles of cocoa to flow more freely.
The action of an anti-caking agent can be demonstrated using ball bearings or
something similar. If particles of the same size are within a container, they reach a
point where they 'lock' together and become stationary. The addition of other
spheres of different sizes has the effect of 'unlocking' the spheres so that they move
again. Cocoa consists of small particles of similar size. The Neosyl GP consists of
particles of a different size to the cocoa. Mixing of the two increases the mobili1y of
the cocoa particles.
teachers' notes ANTIOXIDANTS
5. The piece in boiling water should take a long time, if at all, to brown. If this F or teacher information: the browning
was a purely chemical reaction, the rate of browning should increase with reaction/is really a series of reactions
temperature. The result suggests an enzyme controlled reaction. This is which ;~suLt in the oxidation of
enhanced by the fact that the piece at 30 °C should brown more quickly than compounds which contain the structure of
1,2-dihydroxybenzene. The first reaction
others at room temperature.
in the sequence is cataLysed by the
6. Bruising should have a similar effect to pulping since bruising also causes enzyme polyphenoloxidase and this is the
extensive cell damage. Pupils may wonder how the reaction occurs without reaction that is important in the pupils'
investigations. It is an oxidation reaction
the air/oxygen seemingly being in contact with the tissues. It is important for
which produces a quinone.
them to realise that very little oxygen is needed to initiate oxidation.
Dissolved oxygen will be present in the tissues and this is taking part in the
Two important points come from these tasks. The browning reaction is:
an oxidation reaction.
Hence, the reaction may be prevented or slowed down by using methods which
restrict enzyme action or methods which employ an antioxidant or reducing agent.
ANTIOXIDANTS teachers' notes
You could try a number of acids - malic acid (E296), this is the principal acid
in apples; citric acid (E330), the principal acid in citrus fruits; acetic acid
(E260) which is vinegar.
In all of these investigations, one of the most difficult aspects is the ability to
measure the extent of the brown colour accurately.
4. Herring oil (from fish) has a relatively low % of saturated fatty acids.
Coconut oil has a relatively high % of saturated fatty acids. (Pupils could give
answers that referred to correspondingly low % of unsaturated fatty acids.)
5. Olive oil, maize (com) oil and herring oil have the greatest % of total
unsaturated fatty acids and would be expected to go rancid most quickly.
teachers' notes ANTIOXIDANTS
6. Answers will vary according to chosen foods. Antioxidants are used in these
foods to prevent the fat in the food reacting with oxygen (prevent oxidation) to
produce rancidity.
right any more'. This project allows pupils to find out common practice in various
catering establishments.
The Department of Health has set a target to reduce the percentage of energy As a consequence of The Department of
derived from fat from 40 % to a healthier 33 %. The levels of saturated fatty acids Health's 1992 White Paper "The Health
should be reduced from 15.4 % for men and 16.5 % for women to 10 % for both of the Nation", the public was advised to
reduce their total fat intake in an attempt
to significantly reduce coronary heart
The Health of the Nation programme is also aiming to reduce obesity (see chart disease in Britain by the year 2000.
below) to 6 % in men and 8 % in women by the year 2005.
Access to books, leaflets and/or computer
At the moment it seems unlikely that targets will be met. Indeed the current rates of databases/programs and food labels is
obesity, of 13 % in men and 16 % in women, are actually predicted to rise! needed. The booklet 'Enjoy healthy
eating - the balance of good health'
This project asks pupils to find out about the fat content of common foods, simple published by the Health Education
ways of reducing fat intake and the contribution that 'light' versions of foods may Authority (ISBN 0 7521 0408X) is
make to our diets. particularly useful.
pupil activity AD1 OXYGEN - FRIEND OR FOE?
All life needs oxygen. It is used in all plant and animal cells in the process of
respiration. This process releases the energy contained in the food we eat so that we
can do things. Reactions between oxygen and another substance are called
oxidation reactions.
But is oxygen always useful? Foods can also be attacked by oxygen. Food additives
called antioxidants are used to try and slow down the reaction between food and
oxygen. Antioxidants are numbered from E220 - E330 (you may find that some of the
preservatives are found within these numbers too).
Foods which contain fats and oils, in small or large quantities, are particularly
susceptible to oxidation. The softer fats are described as being unsaturated. These
fats may be less likely to cause harm to our health than the saturated fats but they are
more likely to be attacked by oxygen. When fats become oxidised they produce
unpleasant and sometimes dangerous subsronces: the fats become rancid.
It is hard to believe, but pure oxygen can be dangerous to our health. It seems that
oxidation reactions inside our bodies could lead to increased riskfrom heart disease.
Our bodies have natural antioxidants (vitamins C and E are examples) and consuming
these, and other antioxidants, through our diets, could prove to be very important in
combating heart disease.
Other effects of oxidation are less dangerous but also undesirable. You are going to
investigate a very common oxidation reaction.
1. You will need 11 pieces of apple for the entire investigation. Each piece
needs to be about an eighth of a 1ypical eating apple.
2. Take 2 pieces of apple. Leave them both to brown. When they are brown cut
one of them in half using a knife/scalpel. Break the other into two pieces using
your hands. What happens to the freshly cut surface and the freshly broken
3. Take 2 pieces of apple. Turn one of them into a pulp (using a blender or a pestle
and mortar. Compare the browning of the pulp with the unpulped piece.
4. Take 4 pieces of apple. Put one in water. Put one in ascorbic acid solution. Put
one in dilute sulphur dioxide solution. Remember that apples will float so you will
need to find a way to keep them below the liquid surface. Leave the fourth piece
in the air. Leave them all for a few minutes and then compare.
5. Take 2 pieces of apple. Drop one piece into a beaker of already boiling water.
Leave in the water for 2 minutes. Transfer the piece to cold water for 1 minute.
Remove it and then leave it in the air.
Drop the second piece into a beaker of water at 30°C for 2 minutes.
Transfer the piece to cold water for 1 minute. Remove it and then leave it in
the air.
Compare the two pieces after a few minutes.
6. Take 1 piece of apple. It must still have the peel on. Bruise this piece, peel side
down, by hitting it against a hard surface. Leave for a few minutes and then cut it
open to see what has happened.
If different groups have done these tasks, you will have to get together to give each
other the results. Using the results, write a few sentences about what each of the tasks
tells you about the browning reaction in apples.
Further investigations
a. Investigate if other substances such as vanilla, other acids (instead of ascorbic
acid), mustard, sesame seeds and rosemary can also slow down the browning
b. What effect does pH have on this reaction?
c. Investigate in greater detail the effect of temperature on this reaction.
d. What is the lowest concentration of ascorbic acid that can be used to significantly
slow down the browning reaction?
e. Do different 1ypes of apples, e.g. Bramley, Golden Delicious, Cox, Granny Smith's,
brown at different rates?
pupil activity AD2 FATS
A great variety of fats are present in our foods, such as butter, lard, olive oil and suet.
All fats have very similar structures. Each molecule of a fat is made from one
molecule of a simple substance called glycerol joined to three molecules of
substances called fatty acids. Fats may be described as triglycerides. Fats are
also sometimes called lipids.
The fatty acid part of the fat molecule contains a long chain of carbon atoms to
which hydrogen atoms are attached.
a saturated molecule
If each carbon atom is attached to its full amount of hydrogen atoms, the resulting
molecule is said to be saturated. Molecules of saturated fat contain only carbon to
carbon single bonds.
When one or more pairs of hydrogen atoms are missing from neighbouring carbon
atoms, the resulting molecule is said to be unsaturated. Unsaturated molecules will
have some double bonds between the carbon atoms. When one pair of hydrogen
atoms is missing the fatty acid is said to be monounsaturated. When two or more
pairs of hydrogen atoms are missing the fatty acid is said to be polyunsaturated.
I" / H
"c=c -, H /
I H c=c I C
/ "H H "H
The table shows the composition of some fats and oils with respect to saturated,
monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. These figures are typical, average
figures. It must be remembered that the composition of fats, even from the same
source, will vary considerably.
130 1=Eff:EfEE ••
Cooking up trouble?
As fats get older they react with oxygen in the air and will eventually go rancid. Thisis
an unpleasant and potentially dangerous condition. The monounsaturated and
polyunsaturated fats become more saturated, i.e. the number of carbon to carbon
double bonds decreases while the number of carbon to carbon single bonds
correspondingly increases. There is no simple way of knowing that this is happening.
The saturated fats are not as healthy as the unsaturated fats. The rate at which this
happens will increase if the fat is heated.
This can have important consequences for food that is deep fried. Initially food may
be being fried in an unsaturated fat but as time progresses this will change to a more
saturated fat. This may not be good for your heart!
If food is deep fried in kitchens at your school, try and find out some information
about how this is done. You could look at the following areas:
• What sort of fat is used for frying?
• What is the typical composition (% saturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated
fatty acid content) of this fat?
• Is the same fryer and fat used for different foods?
• What temperature is the fat heated to when food is being cooked? Is a
thermometer used to check this?
• How often is the fat changed? Is it changed completely or is it just 'topped up' as
it is used up?
• Who decides when it is changed? How do they decide that this should happen?
Find out the answers to similar questions for the fat that is used at home. You may like
to extend your research to local restaurants and cafes.
b. If the food that the colour is to be used in is acidic or alkaline the colour may
change to an unsuitable colour (whatever 'unsuitable' means in this case!); if
the food changes in acidity or alkalinity before being consumed it may change
colour; many of these natural colours seem to fade in the light - not suitable for
a product in a clear container standing on a shelf for, maybe, weeks; some of
these natural colours are expensive; adding other acid or alkali foods to them at
home may change their colour.
7. This allows pupils to express an opinion. They may suggest to use names
rather than E-numbers because E-numbers do not seem to be popular with the
public and a product may be rejected merely because it contains them,
regardless of the nutritional quality, or other qualities, of the product.
Question 7 creates an opportunity for pupils to carry out some research into
consumers' perceptions of E-numbers and chemical names. Pupils may like to
devise some sort of questionnaire where lists of food ingredients are shown to
COLOURS teachers' notes
For example, the following lists are of the same product (which is an orange
squash; both lists are legal):
As there are waiting times in this experiment, it is advisable to have other activities
available to occupy pupils.
Jelly babies: different brands do contain different colours; pupils may like to
More able/older groups can go on to the investigate these differences and discuss why some manufacturers use a minimum
next investigation which analyses the of 3 colours (and yet the packet contains 6 different colours) while other
colours using chromatography. manufacturers use many more colours. It is also interesting to find out which
manufacturers use natural rather than artificial colours.
teachers' notes COLOURS
C3. Using chromatography to analyse the colours in jelly babies KS3 and 4
science (possibly technology, but access
Pupils use chromatography to investigate the composition of the colours extracted to laboratory facilities is advised)
from jelly babies in activity C2.
Timing - 60 - 70 minutes
SAFETY NOTE AND TECHNICIANS NOTES: Two pupil activity sheets C3 accompany
THE CONCENTRATED AMMONIUM HYDROXIDE IS For removing the dye from the wool:
CORROSIVE WITH A HARMFUL VAPOUR; YOU MUST USE lengths of dyed wool made in C2
SAFETY GOGGLES; MIXING MUST BE DONE IN A FUME dilute ammonia solution (see box)
CUPBOARD. 50 cmi or 100 cm3 beakers
hot plates or water baths
Care must be taken when heating the coloured solution to evaporate the liquid. It For chromatography:
is easy to heat the solution to dryness. Pupils must be aware that even when they chromatography or filter paper (if
single chromatograms are to be run
stop heating the solution, evaporation continues to occur.
this needs to be about 12 em x 3 em;
Heating ammonia solution may produce potentially dangerous fumes. if you would like to test all the
colours at the same time, then
It is advisable to use the finest tubing as possible to spot the liquids onto the appropriately larger pieces are
chromatography paper. needed)
solvent - dilute ammonia solution (see
There are a number of waiting times in this experiment and it is advisable to have box) volume required will depend
activities such as preparing the chromatography paper or others to occupy the upon the containers you use as
pupils. chromatography tanks (use the
amm"Onia solution in a well ventilated
The results will obviously depend on the sweets used. Tesco's own brand give room)
good results. melting point tubes or similar for
spotting the coloured liquids
beakers, or similar, of a suitable size
to act as chromatography tanks
pupi I activity C1 "IT LOOKS GOOD ENOUGH TO EAT!"
We are all attracted by food that looks good. Dull, grey food appears extremely
unappetising and is not what we have come to expect. Our world is full of colour and
many of these coloured things are good to eat.
In this investigation you are going to have a look at some coloured substances. You
are going to see if they are affected by adding acids and alkalis to them. You will be
asked to think about some of the consequences of your observations on the food we
Read the safety note before you begin.
In each series of tests. the petri dishes should be placed on a piece of white paper
so that differences in colour are easier to see.
1. Weigh out three samples of beetroot. Each sample should be about 109.
2. Chop up each sample and place in a petri dish.
3. Add about 5 ern" of distilled water to the first sample.
4. Add the same amount of distilled water to the second sample. Also add about
1ern" of acid to this sample.
5. Add the same amount of distilled water to the third sample followed by 1 crrr' of
6. Take 3 more petri dishes.
7. In each of them place three drops of blue food colouring. Repeat steps 3 - 5/
adding the water/ acid and alkali to the food colouring.
8. You will be given a variety of other things which you are going to test in the same
If the substance is another vegetable/ treat it in the same way as the beetroot.
If the substance is a liquid/ treat it in the same way as the blue food colouring.
9. Leave all of your samples for about 5 minutes then look at them carefully.
If you tilt each dish you can see if any coloured liquid is present.
Construct a table into which you can put all your observations.
"IT LOOKS GOOD ENOUGH TO EAT!" pupi I activity C1
1. Which foods produced a coloured liquid when only distilled water was added?
2. Which samples changed colour, (from their colour in water), when acid was
3. Which samples only produced coloured liquids when alkali was added?
4. Look at the results for the onion and green cabbage in the alkali. Cooks used to
add a pinch of bicarbonate of soda (sodium bicarbonate) to vegetables such as
sprouts and cabbage during cooking. Why do you think they did this? It is now
understood that adding bicarbonate of soda is not a good thing to do. Find out
5. The yellow/orange colour from the carrots is called carotene. It is a colour that
quickly fades in the light. Why might food manufacturers decide that this was an
unsuitable colour to use in orange squashes?
6. The colourings from the beetroot, carrot, green cabbage and red cabbage are
obviously all natural substances. All of them can be used as food colouring.
Their names and E - numbers respectively are:
7. Imagine you are designing the label for a food which uses one or more of the
natural colours named in question 6. In the list of ingredients would you advise the
manufacturer to put just the names of the colours, just their E - numbers or both
names and numbers? Why?
Some foods, like table jellies and boiled sweets, are colourless when they are first
made. Manufacturers then add different colours so that these foods 'look' flavoured.
pupi I activity C1 "IT LOOKS GOOD ENOUGH TO EAT!"
blue colouring
red cabbage
green cabbage
onion skin
(brown outside)
orange colouring
yellow colouring
pink colouring
1. Place two red jelly babies in a small beaker. Add 10 ern" of distilled water.
2. Heat this and stir with a stirring rod until the jelly babies dissolve. This should only
take a couple of minutes.
3. Add 1 ern" of dilute acid to the beaker and stir.
4. Add one length (about 50 cm) of pure white wool to the beaker. Cover the
beaker with a watch glass.
5. Carryon heating the mixture for about three minutes.
6. Using your stirring rod, remove the wool and place it in an empty beaker.
Wash the wool thoroughly using plenty of distilled water. Allow the wool to dry.
7. Repeat this method with the jelly babies of the other colours.
1. What happened to the water when you dissolved the jelly babies?
2. What happened to the wool when you put it in the jelly baby solution?
3. Make a display of your results.
pupi I activity C3 CHROMATOGRAPHY
6. Place your chromatography paper with the coloured spot into the solvent as
shown in the diagram.
7. The solvent will rise up the paper and carry the different colours different
distances. Thiswill only take a few minutes.
Dilute ammonia
In this section pupils have to make up their own recipe for coleslaw. They have to
choose the proportions of vegetables, etc. They may decide to add other
ingredients, e.g. nuts, fruit or other vegetables.
They can use ready prepared dressings or one of their own (without the use of the
stabiliser) .
They must decide how to test their product for taste, appearance, etc. (not
necessarily coating ability).
The label could also include any of the other information, such as storage,
nutrition, etc. that is found on packaging.
Following the introduction the pupils conduct a simple investigation which looks at
emulsions and emulsifiers.
Pupils should find that before shaking, the liquids form separate layers in the tube
with oil floating on top. The egg yolk may sink to the bottom. Immediately after
shaking, the contents of the tubes appear to have mixed. However, on leaving to
stand, the tube without the egg yolk will quickly revert back to two layers. The
tube with the egg yolk should remain mixed.
EMULSIFIERS teachers' notes
Egg yolk contains the phospholipid, lecithin. Lecithins are used as food additives
and have the E-number, E322. Lecithin acts an emulsifier because it enables the
vinegar and oil to mix. Eventually, most emulsions will separate out into their
components. The use of stabilisers prevents this for a considerable period of time.
More able groups/older pupils will be able to make the mayonnaise for this
Pupil activity sheet E2, accompanies this
investigation, otherwise you may like to carry out the investigation as a class exercise.
Stabilisers have been developed which are added to mayonnaise to give good
viscosity and 'cling' properties in cold conditions. A mayonnaise suitable for the
kitchen blender with horizontal blade
commercial market has to be able to thoroughly coat the pieces of vegetable and
balance or scales not 'run off'. The mayonnaise lubricates the vegetables and helps to prevent decay
granulated sugar over the shelf life of the product (typically 16 days under refrigeration). During the
table salt shelf life the vegetables release water, which is mopped up by the mayonnaise
white vinegar while still maintaining its clinging properties.
vegetable oil In this investigation, a mayonnaise is produced with the use of an industrial
• fresh egg yolk stabiliser. It is compared to the same mayonnaise made without the stabiliser. The
chopped white cabbage mayonnaise without the stabiliser has the consistency of water, separates into an oil
grated carrot
layer and a lower aqueous layer and is not suitable as a coating mayonnaise.
various bowls, spoons, etc
'HAMULSION' - a commercial The instructions for making the mayonnaise and carrying out the investigation are
stabiliser* supplied with this
on the pupil activity sheets E2. You may have to increase the quantities of the
resource; store this in a dry place
ingredients in the mayonnaise to make sure that the horizontal blades are covered
* Further samples of the stabiliser are during mixing, otherwise a froth will be formed.
available from the Chemical Industry
More able pupils may be able to calculate the cost of the two dressings (the cost of
Education Centre, University of York,
Heslington, York, YOlO 5DD the stabiliser is negligible). They may also be able to compare the nutritional value
of the dressings with respect to any, or all, of the following:
There are many recipes for home-made dressings for Dressing = oil and
salads. They are often made and added to dishes just vinegar mixture
before serving.
Mayonnaise = oil and
Home-made French dressing easily separates out into the
vinegar mixture, plus egg
two main ingredients. Home-made mayonnaise does not
do this as easily if it is made carefully. yolk, or similar, to stabilise
Find out, from recipe books, the main ingredients that are used in coleslaw salad.
Tryto find more than one recipe.
Compare these with some recipes for salad dressings.
From packaging, find the ingredients used in commercial coleslaw salads. .~~~
The packaging may give you nutritional information as well. Include other information
from the packaging such as storage instructions and the length of time the product
will remain suitable for eating.
The function of emulsifiers and stabilisers - see separate sheet, E2.
Design a recipe
Imagine that you are in charge of preparing all the salads for a restaurant. You have
been given the task of producing a brand new coleslaw salad which will be on sale to
the general public throughout the summer.
You have already researched into the sort of ingredients that go into such a salad.
You now have to come up with an original recipe. You may decide to alter the
proportions of the ingredients or add new ingredients.
You may make your own dressing for the salad or use a commercially available
product (if you make your own dressing it must not contain a stabiliser).
Once you have designed your recipe and made some trial salads, you will have to
test your product to make sure it is suitable for sale.
Two of the most important aspects are likely to be what the salad tastes like and what
it looks like. You may decide to carry out some sort of testing on your friends and
Stabilisers and emulsifiers are food additives, They, and other similar additives, are
numbered from E331[c) to E495 , They are widely used in the food industry in products
such as salad dressings, processed cheese, preserves, margarine, yoghurt, instant
desserts, ice cream, low fat products and others,
Emulsifiers and stabilisers are used to help to retain the physical qualities of products,
Emulsifiers make water and oil mix together evenly, Stabilisers give products good
texture and mouth feel ,
When you make food at home, such as some of the items mentioned above, there is
often no need to add extra emulsifiers or stabilisers to the recipe, So why does the
food industry use emulsifiers and stabilisers so often? To answer this question you
should think about the differences between producing food for the home and food
for sale in shops and supermarkets,
Home-made foods such as salad dressings, yoghurt and ice cream are excellent and
nutritious products, However, nowadays more of these products are bought from
shops rather than made at home, Think of as many reasons as you can to explain this
1, Pour about 2 cm depth of tap water into a test tube, Carefully add an equal
depth of cooking oil to the same tube, Note down what the contents of the tube
look like,
2, Pour about 2 cm depth of water into another test tube, Carefully add an equal
depth of cooking oil to the same tube, Add 1 cm depth of egg yolk, Note down
what the tube looks like,
3, Put a bung in each tube and then shake both of the tubes for 30 seconds,
4, Leave the tubes to stand in a test tube rack,
5, Look carefully at the tubes over the next few minutes and describe what is
happening in each tube,
Discuss with your group and with your teacher the explanation for your
1. Secure the horizontal blades in a blender. Put the water, vinegar, sugar and salt
into the blender. Mix on slow speed for 30 seconds.
2. Mix the stabiliser in about 5 em" of the oil.
3. Add this to the mixture in the blender and blend on slow speed for 3 minutes.
4. Add the egg yolk and blend to mix this in.
5. Very slowly and carefully add the remaining oil.
6. When all the oil has been added continue to blend for at least 3 minutes untilthe
final mayonnaise is white and homogeneous (evenly mixed).
7. Transfer the mixture to a bowl and wash the blender and blades thoroughly.
8. To show what the stabiliser does in the mayonnaise, make up exactly the same
recipe but do not add any stabiliser.
What differences are there between the mayonnaise with the stabiliser and the
mayonnaise without the stabiliser? Compare the two by looking at:
• the colour
• the consistency or thickness
• the homogeneity or how evenly mixed it is.
teachers' notes FLAVOURINGS
If each drink is sampled only once by each taster, the three drinks must be given to Requirements
25 g of 'vanilla sugar'
each taster in a different order; this compensates for palatability differences.
50 g of ordinary sugar
A basic rule of taste panels is that tasting must always be blind, e.g. samples are 1 .5 dm3 of milk
vanilla pods (e.g. Schwartz)
labelled A, Band C. This eliminates any possibility of bias on the part of the taster.
vanilla extract (e.g. Supercook*) -
Hygiene must be taken into consideration. It would be preferable to supply the natural essence
tasters with the drinks in small containers, such as those used for liquid medicines. vanilla flavouring (e.g. Supercook)
various containers in which to mix the
This would also ensure that each taster received the same volume of drink.
drinks, etc.
Other considerations small containers to use for the
tasting, e.g. those used for liquid
For the purpose of the exercise, pupils may wish to know the relevant prices. medicines.
In 1998, the costs were as follows:
vanilla pod, £1.77, for a single pod * Supercook are not the only producers
of these products. However, it is
vanilla extract, £1.07, for 38ml essential that you obtain a natural
extract and a flavouring.
vanilla flavouring, £0.37, for 38ml
On the basis of taste tests and cost, pupils will be able to make suggestions as to
which product should be used to produce a milky drink which tastes of vanilla.
pupil activity F1 WHATS IN A FLAVOUR?
Probably one of the most important sensations that we gain from the food we eat is
taste. Our sense of taste is really a combination of the sense of taste and the sense
of smell. Our noses, tongues and taste buds are sensitive to many thousands of
different chemicals.
Imagine that you are in charge of the catering for a primary school tuck shop which
looks after children between the ages of 4 -11 years. All of these children like to have
milky drinks at certain times of the day. Some of the parents of the older children
would like the milky drinks to taste of vanilla.
You can easily buy vanilla in 3 different forms:
• vanilla pods - the part of the plant which contains vanilla;
• extract of vanilla - this is a natural essence produced from vanilla pods;
• vanilla flavouring - this is a 'copv of vanilla.
Which of these alternatives would be most suitable to be used at the shop?
The following investigation may help you to answer this problem.
One week before the investigation, store 2 vanilla pods in 100 g of ordinary sugar.
Put this into a container with a lid. Shake the container occasionally during the week.
Thiswill make Vanilla sugar'.
1. Make up the samples of milky vanilla drinks as follows:
A, Dissolve 25 g of Vanilla suqor' in 500 ern" of milk.
B. Add 4 drops of natural vanilla extract to 500 crrr' of milk. Dissolve 25 g of ordinary
sugar in this milk.
C. Add 2 drops of vanilla flavouring to 500 ern" of milk. Dissolve 25 g of ordinary
sugar in this milk.
2. Devise a tasting test in which you will ask volunteers to compare the 3 drinks.
You must make sure that this is a fair test, Think about what questions you will ask
your volunteers.
3. Find out how much each of the forms of vanilla costs, Comment on this.
4. Look at the ingredients label on each of the products. Comment on this,
5. Think about other advantages and disadvantages of each product.
6. Write a report which details all of your findings and suggests the most suitable way
of producing milky drinks that taste of vanilla.
teachers' notes GELLING AGENTS
The method suggested for comparing the tubes after cooling is very simple and
* Certo produced by Citrus Colloids,
can l;~purchased from supermarkets
qualitative. At this point in the investigation it is all that is needed. The pupils and is a type of pectin which would
compare viscosity of the liquids in the tubes by laying the tubes flat. 5 minutes is be used to produce jam and
long enough to see an obvious difference between tubes C and E. The pupils will marmalade in the home.
• That the liquid in tube E is most viscous; a gel is produced in the given setting
time. None of the others produce the same set.
Tube C will be more viscous than A, B or D, which will all be very similar.
Further investigations
Allow 15 minutes - to perform a number
In science - the conditions needed for gel formation can all be used as continuous of tests and repeats
variables for a Sc1 investigation. However, since the amount of citric acid required
is so small, it would not be particularly easy to investigate this variable. The others Variables to investigate:
are much easier to investigate, (see margin). Whichever variable is chosen there amount of pectin
should then be evidence of fair testing by keeping the other variables constant. amount of sugar
length of heating at a particular
There is also the need for pupils to devise a quantitative method of comparing the
results; for example, liquid flow could be carried out against a graduated scale and different temperatures but same length
timed; the contents of the tubes could be poured into a suitable container and the of heating.
area of 'spread', in a particular time, measured.
Groups could make small quantities of jam using different methods of producing a
set and then compare the jams (see margin box).
Different groups produce jams using different methods and then devise methods of
comparing the jams with respect to setting properties, taste, colour and keeping
GELLING AGENTS teachers' notes
Fruit such as strawberries, raspberries This activity could include work on producing jams using artificial sweeteners, as
and cherries have low amounts of pectin yet another comparison, which would lead to a discussion of the preserving
and a high pH so that making jam from properties of sugar that artificial sweeteners fail to have. It is advised that jams
these fruits is more difficult.
produced using artificial sweeteners are stored in the refrigerator to slow down
There are two main ways of overcoming microbial, particularly fungal, growth. Pupils could compare the keeping qualities
these problems: of ordinary jams and jams made using artificial sweeteners under normal usage,
often small quantities of other fruits e.g. opening lids, removing jam, returning the lid, etc.
which are high in pectin and acid are
added to supplement that in the Additionally, the production of small quantities of jam at home could be compared
original fruit. to the commercial production of jam on a large scale (see G2 An introduction to
alternatively, commercial pectin, and pectin).
sometimes lemon juice, can be used.
G2. An introduction to pectin
science and food technology Answers to questions on Pupil activity sheet G2:
Some can be found in the text, others require research.
Timing - an extension exercise with some
revision points; suitable as a homework 1. poly = many, saccharide = sugar units; a polysaccharide is a long chain
carbohydrate, i.e. it consists of many sugar units joined together. Other well
Two pupil activity sheets G2 accompany
known plant polysaccharides are cellulose and starch.
this activity.
3. cellulose
4. As fruit ripens, enzymes begin to break down the pectin; less pectin will result
in a poorer set to the jam. Jam made from very ripe fruit will be difficult to set.
teachers' notes GELLING AGENTS
7. 'commercially viable' - capable of producing an actual, useful, practicable The production of pectin
product at a profit
Fresh or dried peel
8. Small quantities of other fruits, such as blackcurrants, can be added to
supplement the pectin (and acid) present in the strawberries.
9. Powdered pectin is extremely difficult to dissolve in ordinary circumstances washed
(last paragraph). If powdered pectin is available this could be demonstrated. It
would be virtually impossible to successfully use the lumpy, very viscous mass
that is produced. Pectin is very hydrophilic and is therefore water soluble but
placed in
its affinity for water means that unless high speed mixing (high shear mixing) extraction tanks
and increased temperatures are used it is difficult for it to fully hydrate without
the formation of lumps.
10. Pectin in a liquid state has had a quantity of water added to it. This greatly pectin dissolves
increases its mass and bulk compared to the powdered pectin alone. In the in acidic solution
quantities used by industry this would increase transportation, storage and
handling costs. This is particularly important when considering goods which
are to be exported. filtration
There are other less obvious reasons as to why pectin, as a powder, is used in
industry. Many more types of pectin can be produced in powdered fonn. peel
Different products require pectin with different properties. For example, jams pectin
with large pieces of solid require a very quick setting pectin to ensure that the solution ~
sold as
fruit pieces do not all sink to the bottom before the jam has set. Other products,
which may be needed to be packed in very large quantities, require a slower set feed
to prevent the jam setting whilst still in the machinery.
filter again
The quality of performance for an industrial operation is much better when
using powder rather than a liquid.
Less powder needs to be used compared to liquid. evaporation
pupi I activity G1 A JAMMING SESSION
The production of jams is a very old and traditional method of preserving fruit. At the
end of summer there is a large quantity of surplus fruit and vegetables that must not
be wasted.
Jams and marmalade are made by boiling the fruit with water and sugar. On cooling
the jam or marmalade will set. This is due to a special group of carbohydrates called
pectins. In the correct conditions, pectin will produce a gel. Some fruits, e.g. apples,
blackcurrants, contain a large amount of pectin. They can easily be turned into jam.
Other fruits, e.g. strawberries, raspberries, have a low amount of pectin and need help
to be turned into jam.
In this investigation you are going to find the conditions needed for pectin to produce
a gel and, hence, the conditions needed for making jam.
It is very important that you measure the substances accurately.
You must also time accurately the different parts of this investigation.
1. Label five test tubes A - E.
2. Add 4 g of commercially produced pectin to each of the tubes.
3. Heat a beaker of water to use as a water bath.
4. Treat the tubes as follows:
Tube A - leave as a control
Tube B - no other additions
Tube C - add 3.5 g of sugar
Tube D - add a tiny amount of citric acid powder
Tube E - add 3.5 g of sugar and a tiny amount of citric acid powder
5. Stirtubes C and E with different stirring rods.
6. When the water bath is boiling, place tubes B, C, D and E into it for 5 minutes.
You will need to stir tubes C and E every now and then.
7. After 5 minutes remove the tubes and place them in a cold water bath to cool
them down. Take out the stirring rods. Leave the tubes to cool for 5 minutes.
You now need to compare the contents of the tubes to estimate how thick or viscous
the liquid is and whether or not a gel is forming.
A simple way of doing this is to tilt the tubes and see how fast the liquid travels down
the tube. Make this a fair test.
Write up your investigation. Put the tubes into a rank order by putting the thickest (most
viscous) at the top and the thinnest (least viscous) at the bottom.
What conditions are needed for pectin to be able to produce a set?
Pectin is used to produce a wide range of preserves, jams, jellies and spreads, that is
those sweet fruit products which need to set. Some of these products are made in
the home as well as on a commercial basis.
Pectin is not a single substance. The word describes a group of polysaccharides
which are present in the cell walls, particularly near the middle lamella, of most land
plants. In the intact plant pectin is a very large molecule and is not soluble in water.
Although its distribution among plants is widespread, there are only a few
commercially viable sources from which pectin can be extracted. These are from the
peel of citrus fruits and apple pomace (this is a pulpy residue from apples which have
been pressed for cider making). Both of these sources are leftovers from the fruit juice
Ripe fruit is used in the fruit juice industry. However, when ripening begins, enzymes in
the fruit begin to break down pectin and it becomes soluble. This process decreases
the quantity and quality of pectin obtainable from the fruit. Therefore, it is important
for the pectin manufacturer to process the fruit obtained from the fruit juice industry as
quickly as possible.
Like all natural materials, the molecules of pectin, within the same plant and between
different plants, vary considerably. The major constituent of pectin is galacfuronic
Acid group
{ I
gaiacturonic acid
Several hundred of these units are linked together to form a long chained molecule of
polygalacfuronic acid. A certain number of the acid groups, -COOH, are
methylated, i.e. contain a methyl group, -CH3' It is the number of these methyl
groups which strongly influences the performance of the pectin in practical situations.
1. What is meant by a polysaccharide? Name two other polysaccharides, apart
from pectin, that are found in plants.
2. Draw a diagram of three or four simple plant cells to show the position of the cell
wall and the middle lamella.
3. What material makes up the greatest proportion of plant cell walls?
4. Jam recipes always advise that fruit to be used in jam making should be only just
ripe. Use the information in the third paragraph to explain this.
5. Using the information in 'The production of pectin' section, draw a flow chart which
shows the stages in pectin production.
6. Explain the scientific processes of filtration, evaporation, distillation and
7. Explain what is meant by 'commercially viable'.
B. Liquid pectin is readily available in shops so that making a jam such as strawberry
at home now presents few problems. How else can a strawberry jam be
produced without the use of liquid pectin?
9. Why would powdered pectin be unsuitable to use in home jam making?
10. Industry uses large quantities of powdered pectin. Suggest some reasons why
industry does not use liquid pectin.
teachers' notes PRESERVATIVES
You are advised to check the tubes periodically, and show them to the pupils when
some mould has appeared in tube B. None of the other tubes should show this in
the same period of time. The tubes can be left for longer if desired, in which case
mould growth will occur in the other tubes except tube A. However, this may take
a number of weeks.
The follow up discussion should reach the conclusion that water/moisture, warm
temperature and air (oxygen from the air) are needed for the growth of
microorganisms. Mould growth occurs because air containing mould spores has
been able to get into the tubes.
HANDLING THE CONTAINER AND TRANSFERRING THE LIQUID. optional table sheet) accompany this
A table for results is provided (third page of P2) for those pupils unable to design
one easily.
PRESERVATIVES teachers' notes
Requirements Peas are used here merely as an easily available medium. Alternatively, you could
test tubes or boiling tubes try cooked rice, cooked and pulped apple or cooked and pulped tomato. None of
marker pens or labels
these foods are ever preserved by the methods investigated in this practical; in
distilled water
commercial food processing they are either dried, canned or frozen.
salt solution - 20 g of sodium chloride
in 100 em' of distilled water After 24 hours the liquid in tubes C and E should already have gone cloudy (check
sugar solution - 109 sucrose in
this). It is possible to stop the experiment at this point. Leaving the tubes for 72
100 em! of distilled water
hours merely increases the cloudiness of these two tubes. Leaving the tubes for a
sodium nitrite solution - 0.1 M week will show the growth of mould. You may like to prepare such a tube a week
maximum concentration before it is needed.
sodium metabisulphite - to give a
dilute solution of sulphur dioxide Tube G tends to look green as the colour is removed from the peas.
use 2 g in 100 cm3 of water
Answers to questions on Pupil sheet P2:
cotton wool 1. Tube 2 should show more signs of spoilage than tube A. Tube A was at a
• frozen peas lower temperature and thus microbial growth is slowed down.
• forceps
access to a refrigerator (not one 2. Salt solution, vinegar, sodium nitrate solution and sulphur dioxide solution act
where food for consumption is stored) as preservatives. The liquid in these tubes remain clear. After 24 hours the
liquids in tubes C and E go cloudy; this shows the presence of fungal (mould)
Note: peas in the acidic vinegar and dilute sulphur dioxide solution have
discoloured. In alkali the colours would have been much brighter (see Cl It
looks good enough to eat!, page 55). As preservation methods may well alter
the natural colour of foods, certain foods have colours added to them after
3. Strong salt solution removes, by osmosis, the water necessary for microbial
Sodium nitrite and sulphur dioxide both kill microbes. Sodium nitrite is
particularly important for inhibiting the growth of Clostridium botulinum (the
bacterium responsible for botulism) in meat products. Its level is strictly
controlled in food products.
4. Salt imparts a particularly strong flavour which would be undesirable for many
products and tastes.
5. The most obvious are fruits and vegetables in jams, marmalades and pickles.
7. Sulphur dioxide (E220) is used to preserve soft fruits and alcoholic beverages.
teachers' notes PRESERVATIVES
Further investigations
Some of the following suggestions may be suitable for the assessment of ScI skills.
The last two may be homeworks or projects.
a. High salt concentrations are effective preservatives. However, pupils will realise
that this may produce unpalatable results and the lowest concentration which
still gives some preserving power may be desirable. A range of concentrations
between 0 and 20% could be investigated. If pupils have some scientific
knowledge of osmosis, then this could be an investigation suitable for a
complete ScI investigation.
c. Artificial sweeteners do not have osmotic activity and hence are not capable of
copying the preserving properties of sugar. A simple investigation similar to
the original one with peas may show this. You may like to use visking tubing
to demonstrate that osmotic activity is indeed absent. The labels from diabetic
(low sugar) jams may be used to help point out that these products do not have
keeping qualities as good as traditional jams.
d. KS3 pupils should use sodium nitrite solution with a maximum concentration of
O.1M. Keeping this constant and adding salt to other tests will find out
whether salt does enhance the performance. A range of salt concentrations
could be investigated.
e. Cook a few slices of raw apple for about 10 minutes in plenty of water. When
cool rub through some muslin or a sieve or liquidise to produce a smooth pulp.
This can then be used to see if the addition of cloves prevents the apple from
going off.
f. Most households will have food stocks which are preserved by a variety of
methods. A lot of information can be gained as to the keeping qualities of these
g. Louis Pasteur developed the process which now bears his name when he was
approached by the wine producers of France. Many producers were finding
that wine was turning into vinegar and hence the wine became an unacceptable
product. The solution to the problem was to heat the wine to a temperature of
around 60°C which killed the majority of the microbes responsible for the
spoilage. Pasteur was responsible for saving the French wine industry.
The pasteurisation process is applied to milk. The most common method is to heat
milk to 72°C, for not less than 15 seconds. After treatment, the milk is rapidly
The heat treatment kills most microbes but does not alter the flavour of the milk.
Milk which is heated to a high enough temperature to sterilise it, results in a
flavour that is not to the liking of the majority of consumers.
PRESERVATIVES teachers' notes
1. Label four tubes A - D.
2. Place some uncooked rice in tube A.
3. Place some cooked rice in tubes B, C and D.
4. Place enough cooking oil in tube D to just cover the rice.
5. Put a cotton wool bung in each tube.
6. Put tube C in a refrigerator.
7. Leave the other tubes at room temperature.
8. Look at the tubes after 1 week and 2 weeks.
Look for the growth of mould in the tubes. Decide what the conditions were like in
each tube during the experiment. Fill in the table below:
cooked rice
in refrigerator
If mould has grown in any of the tubes, where has the mould come from?
pupil activity P2 FOOD PRESERVATION
We have a constant demand for safe and nutritious food. However, most production
of raw food, such as fruit and vegetables, is seasonal. There are times of the year
when such food is plentiful and other times when certain foods are scarce.
Food may have to be transported over large distances from the site of production to
the places where it is to be eaten. Imported food may travel thousands of miles over
several days before it reaches our tables.
We have been developing methods of food preservation for thousands of years.
Preserving meat using the smoke from wood fires was probably one of the earliest
methods as was drying food in the sun. Irradiation is often thought of as the
preservation method of the future.
Preservatives are food additives which are numbered from E200 to E283 (you may
find some antioxidants here as well). They are chemicals which destroy or slow down
the growth of bacteria and fungi.
There are many traditional ways of preserving food. You will probably be familiar with
most of these.
In this investigation you will be looking at some ways of preserving food.
1. Label eight test tubes A - H. Put your initials and the date on each tube.
2. Use forceps to put three peas (these were frozen peas) in each test tube.
3. Treat the tubes and the peas in the following ways:
Tube A - add nothing to this tube
Tube B - add nothing to this tube
Tube C - half fill with distilled water
Tube 0 - half fill with a strong salt solution
Tube E - half fill with a strong sugar solution
Tube F - half fill with vinegar (this is acetic acid (E260))
Tube G - half fill with sodium nitrite solution (E250)
Tube H - half fill with a dilute sulphur dioxide solution (E220)
4. Put a cotton wool bung in each tube.
5. Put tube A in the refrigerator.
6. Leave tubes B - H in a warm place until next lesson.
FOOD PRESERVATION pupil activity P2
1. Construct a results table into which you will be able to put your observations from
each tube. You will be looking at what has happened to both the peas and the
liquid. You will need to decide whether the peas look different to normal. A cloudy
liquid shows that mould is beginning to grow.
2. Look at the peas and the liquid in each tube after 24 hours and 72 hours.
You may also like to leave the tubes for a week and then examine them again.
1. Compare tubes A and B. What differences are there? How can you explain these
2. Which of the solutions used in tubes C - H act as preservatives? How were you able
to tell this?
3. Why are these solutions able to act as preservatives? You will have to do some
research to find this out. Your teacher may discuss this with you.
4. A very strong salt solution may act as a very good preservative. Why might it be an
unsuitable preservative for some foods?
5. What sort of foods are preserved using a strong sugar solution?
6. What sort of foods are preserved using sodium nitrite?
7. What sort of foods are preserved using sulphur dioxide?
8. Other methods of preservation include drying, freezing and canning. Explain how
these processes prevent food from going bad.
in refrigerator
room temperature
distilled water
salt solution
sugar solution
sodium nitrite
sulphur dioxide
There is a need to preserve and process much of the food that is grown. Preservation
of food is necessary to ensure a safe supply of nutritious food to all individuals. It is a
way of preventing wastage of food when this is in quantities too great for immediate
consumption. It allows foods to be eaten out of season and gives variety and
nutritional quality to our diets all year round.
Many foods must be processed before they are fit for us to eat. Processing often
involves making the food easier to digest, preserving it, improving its flavour and its
Methods of processing vary from being simple, such as cooking raw vegetables at
home, to extremely complicated. Processing can be a great art as shown by the
blending of many ingredients to create superb dishes by skilled chefs. It can be on a
huge industrial scale such as the commercial baking of bread.
As soon as food is harvested (picked or slaughtered) the organisms of decay begin
breaking it down. This leads to unacceptable deterioration and the possible
production of dangerous substances. Preserving food must try to stop or greatly slow
down this natural process.
The skill in preserving and processing food is to get the best quality of product that is
possible. The aim is to produce the best colour, texture and flavour but without
reducing the nutritive value of the food. Processing must not introduce toxic material
and must be done at a cost that is acceptable to the consumer.
For you to do
The table, on the next page, shows the main methods of food preservation. Below it
are descriptions of how the methods of preservation are able to stop the spoilage of
Match the method of preservation with how it works. The first is done for you.
In the final column of the table add the names of foods that can be preserved by
each method.
Canning/ bottling
Jam making
Gas or vacuum
1. 16 correct foods appear in the pack of playing cards from the introductory
section of this resource.
2. 15 correct foods appear in the playing cards from the introduction section of
this resource.
3. starch
4. glycogen
5. The most well known ones are saccharin, aspartame and acesulphame K.
Others may be found in the full list of additives and E-numbers which features
in the reference material of this resource.
6. Insulin is a protein which will be digested and, hence, broken down into its
constituent amino acids if taken orally.
7. adrenalin
8. Tooth decay (dental caries) is caused by bacteria. The bacterial enzymes break
down sugary and starchy foods in the mouth and produce acids as by-products.
Acids dissolve the calcium salts in the teeth forming cavities.
You will find that tube B will not clean after the test has been carried out; a small
Timing - 30 - 40 minutes
amount of bench HCI added to the tube will remove the orange colour.
Answers to questions on pupil sheet S2: Pupil activity sheet 52 accompanies this
l. only sample B
2. sample B 3 samples of 'urine':
water + food colouring - labelled A
3. The information from the second paragraph will help pupils form an answer. water + glucose + food colouring -
labelled B
S3. Controlling the level of glucose in the blood water + food colouring - labelled C
(the food colouring is to make the
In this text-based activity pupils compare glucose and insulin levels recorded for a liquids look realisticl )
diabetic and a non-diabetic. Benedict's reagent
test tubes or boiling tubes
Answers to questions on pupil sheet S3: test tube holder
test tube rack
Task 1
water bath (beaker of water heated
over Bunsen flame)
1. Graph
safety goggles
2. Rapidly reduces the level of blood glucose. stop clocks
Clinistix - available from pharmacists
Task 2 follow the instructions on the pack
very carefully)
1. Rises steeply/quickly.
SWEETENERS teachers' notes
KS4 2. Eating a meal involves the digestion of food; this will increase the amount of
science glucose in the blood; this stimulates the production of insulin.
3. Returns to the original level (not to zero); it is important to note that there is a
Timing - 20-25 minutes; possible 'background' level of insulin in the bloodstream.
homework exercise
4. This is zero; this is not so in a 'normal' person.
Two pupil activity sheets 53 accompany
this activity. 5. It rises (but not as rapidly or to the same level as the 'normal' graph).
Graph paper is needed 6. After an injection of insulin, there is a delay before it becomes 'actively'
present in the blood. Insulin is normally injected about half an hour before a
meal. (There are now types available which can be injected just before eating.)
Diabetic retinopathy affects the blood 2. In diabetes glucose levels in the blood rise. Eventually this glucose will reach a
vessels supplying the retina (the light level where it cannot be reabsorbed back into the bloodstream in the kidney
sensitive region of the eye). Blood vessels
tubules. After this threshold level, glucose will begin to appear in the urine.
in this area may become blocked, leaky or
Since glucose is removed from the body in solution, more water than normal
grow haphazardly. This may eventually
impair vision seriously and permanently. will be lost from the body as the glucose is excreted. This tends to dehydrate
the body with the response that the individual will feel thirsty.
By drinking orange juice, Ms G was
actually adding more sugar into her 3. hyperglycaemia - a higher blood glucose than normal. Symptoms include an
bloodstream hence exacerbating the increased thirst, increased frequency of passing urine, blurring of vision, nausea
situation. or vomiting, drowsiness, stomach pain, cold, dry skin, deep rapid breathing,
sweet smell on the breath.
4. If a diabetic were to have an accident whilst away from home or on their own,
it is important for other people who are trying to care for them to know that
they are diabetic. Being diabetic can have important consequences for the use
of drugs, anaesthetics, etc.
5. It may happen that a diabetic will suffer from mild hypoglycaemia (have a mild
'hypo') if meals are slightly delayed or if extra exercise than expected was
taken. By having sweets, etc. handy, it is possible to quickly reverse the
teachers' notes SWEETENERS
6. Advice to diabetics:
When travelling by aeroplane carry all the diabetic equipment in hand luggage
as suitcases have been known to go missing. Also the luggage hold is not
heated and insulin stored at too Iowa temperature may freeze and be inactive.
Always take spares of everything including insulin. This will cover breakages
or delays in returning home. Some countries will not be able to supply the
exact type of insulin used in this country.
Take extra food and snacks in hand luggage in case meals are missed.
In very hot climates special arrangements may have to be made to store insulin
in a cool place.
Meals should not really be a problem but it may be wise to check with a
dietician before travelling.
Make sure that appropriate health insurance has been taken out.
On arrival make sure the whereabouts of the nearest doctor and hospital are
Insulin keeps best in a fridge.
The effects of travelling through different time zones may have to be KS4
science and food technology
compensated for.
If the person suffers from travel sickness it may be appropriate to take travel Timing - 40 - 60 minutes
sickness tablets; if sickness occurs then access to snacks to replace lost
Two pupil activity sheets S5 accompany
carbohydrate may be needed. this activity.
SWEETENERS teachers' notes
considerably sweeter than sugar and are therefore present in relatively tiny
6. ,..,9.9g
7. ,..,10.5 g
8. The sugar solution weighs more than an equal volume of sweetener solution.
It has a greater density. The sweetener present has a much smaller mass than
the sugar.
Task 2
2. Knowledge of food labelling will show that sugar appears before the artificial
sweeteners and citric acid in the 'ordinary' lemonade. 'Ordinary' lemonade has
a certain amount of dissolved sugar in it whereas 'diet' lemonade does not.
Using the knowledge gained from Task 1, pupils need only to weigh equal
volumes of the two samples to discover which is which. 10 ern' of 'ordinary'
lemonade does indeed have a greater mass than 10 em' of 'diet' lemonade
('ordinary' lemonade has a greater density than 'diet' lemonade).
Task 3
1. graph; make sure that a suitable scale is used for the vertical axis.
2. ,..,10.3 g
3. This will vary depending on which drinks you have chosen to test.
The overall aim is to produce a booklet which concentrates on the special dietary
aspects of this condition. The booklet is to be aimed at the pupils' own age group.
* Pupils are asked to design, prepare and test one dish in which an artificial
British Diabetic Association, 10 Queen sweetener is used.
Anne Street, London, W1M OBD
tel: 0171 323 1531 The most important and obvious area in a diabetic's diet is the intake of
fax: 0171 6373644 carbohydrate.
teachers' notes SWEETENERS
Diabetics must balance the amount of carbohydrate they eat with the amount of
insulin they are injecting and with the amount of exercise they are taking. They
must try to keep the level of blood glucose as near normal as is possible. Both
situations of too much blood glucose and too little blood glucose are potentially
very dangerous. The diet of a diabetic is therefore of considerable importance.
Designing menus
Pupils are asked to produce menus but not to cook vast quantities of food. The aim
of the exercise is to give a greater understanding of the special dietary needs of a
diabetic, particularly in relation to carbohydrate intake.
Diabetics are advised to adapt their existing diets rather than to buy specialist
diabetic products. This should be reflected in the work produced by the pupils.
However, the inclusion of the so called 'diet' drinks in a diabetic's diet is
encouraged since they do not contribute to blood glucose levels. You could carry
out parts of the activity S5 Sweeter than sugar, page 73, to show this.
The use of artificial sweeteners in tea, coffee, etc. is also recommended. These
sweeteners, in granulated form, can also be used to produce puddings, cakes,
biscuits, etc. and it is in this area that pupils are asked to develop their own recipe
and product.
pupi I activity S1 DIABETES MELLITUS
Diabetes is a condition in which people are unable to control the amount of glucose
that is in their blood. Glucose is a simple sugar. It belongs to the group of nutrients
called carbohydrates.
All of the cells in your body need a constant supply of glucose. When you are
exercising, the cells in your muscles will need a greater supply than normal. Glucose
is used in the process known as respiration. This process produces energy.
The amount of glucose in your blood is controlled by special substances called
hormones. The hormones that control the amount of blood glucose are called insulin
and glucagon. Diabetes happens if a person is unable to produce insulin. Without
insulin the cells of your body are unable to use glucose. Some of the first symptoms of
diabetes include lethargy (extreme tiredness), thirst and the presence of glucose in the
urine. The disease can lead to serious problems. In some cases it can be fatal.
Diabetics (people who have diabetes) have two main ways in which they can correct
the problems due to this condition. Some of them can lead a normal life simply by
keeping a tight check on the amount of carbohydrate they eat. Other diabetics have
to have regular injections of insulin as well as being careful of the amount of
carbohydrate they eat.
It can be seen that it is very important for diabetics to know how much carbohydrate
is in the food they eat. It is very easy for them to eat too many sugary foods.
Some food companies have produced artificial sweeteners. Their availability is very
helpful to diabetics. The sweeteners can be used in the production of foods such as
jams, chocolate and drinks. They can also be use in baking. Artificial sweeteners are
sweet tasting substances but they do not add to the amount of glucose in the
bloodstream. Artificial sweeteners are useful because they can also be used to
produce foods to be included in a weight reducing diet. Their use in fizzy drinks, for
example, can also help in the battle against tooth decay.
Find out the answers to the following questions. You will have to research the answers;
none of them can be found on this sheet.
1. Find the names of four foods which have less than 5 g of carbohydrate per 100 g
of food.
2. Find the names of four foods which have more than 40 g of carbohydrate per
100 g of food.
3. What is the name of the storage carbohydrate in plants?
4. What is the name of the storage carbohydrate in animals?
5. Find the names of two artificial sweeteners.
6. Why does insulin have to be injected into the blood rather than taken by mouth?
7. Find the name of the hormone which is produced in times of stress. It makes
your heart beat faster and is a favourite of sports commentators!
8. What is the sequence of events that leads to tooth decay?
The presence of glucose in the urine is one of the signs that a person may be
suffering from diabetes.
There is a normal amount of glucose contained within the blood. When this blood is
filtered as it passes through the kidney, all of the glucose is reabsorbed back into the
bloodstream. This means that under normal circumstances glucose should not be
present in the urine. However, in a person suffering from diabetes there is an
abnormally high level of glucose in the blood. As this blood passes through the
kidneys not all of the glucose can be returned to the blood. Hence, some of it will be
present in the urine.
It is quite easy to test for the presence of glucose in a liquid such as urine. Glucose is
an example of a reducing sugar. It can be detected using a test called the
Benedicfs test.
An unknown sample of liquid is boiled with Benedicfs solution. If an orange-red
precipitate appears then the unknown sample does contain glucose. This is a positive
You are given three samples of 'urine' labelled A - C (it is not real urine!). Carry out the
following test on small samples of each 'urine'. Each test must be carried out in a
separate test tube.
4. After about 60 - 90 seconds record the colour of the mixture in the tube.
1. Which of the samples contained glucose?
2. Which of the samples could be from a person suffering from diabetes?
3. Imagine you were the doctor carrying out similar tests. How would you explain
simply the presence of glucose in the urine to the patient whose urine you had
Doctors do not usually carry out a Benedict's test in their surgeries. Instead, they can
carry out a test which takes just a few seconds, Thistest uses a special piece of
equipment called a Clinistix. If these are available you could use them to confirm the
results from the Benedict's test.
The level of glucose in the blood is normally controlled by two hormones. These are
called insulin and glucagon. Both of these are produced in the pancreas. This
means that the pancreas has two different but very important functions. These are
the production of digestive enzymes and the production of hormones.
The parts of the pancreas that produce the hormones are called the Islets of
Langerhans (islets - the tissue looked liked small islands; Langerhans- Paul Langerhans
discovered this tissue).
The control of blood sugar is an example of homeostasis (maintenance of a constant
internal environment). Insulin and glucagon work in opposition to one another. Insulin
works to remove excess glucose from the blood. Glucagon adds glucose to the
blood in times of shortage.
Insulin stimulates the conversion of glucose into a substance called glycogen.
Glycogen is a storage carbohydrate. It is stored in the liver and muscles. Insulin also
stimulates the uptake of glucose by the cells of the body. Glucose is used in the
process that produces energy, i.e. respiration. Insulin stimulates processes which have
the effect of lowering the amount of glucose in the blood.
Glucagon stimulates the conversion of glycogen from the liver into glucose. Thishas
the opposite effect to insulin. Thiswill increase the amount of glucose in the blood.
Early onset diabetes (Insulin Dependant Diabetes, 100) is a severe form of the
condition diabetes mellitus. In this condition there is a complete failure of the
pancreas to produce insulin. If this is left entirely untreated it will be fatal. Patients
suffering from this form of the disease have to regularly monitor the level of glucose in
their blood. (The level of glucose in the blood is measured in millimoles per cubic
decimetre (mmol/dm3)). In response to this patients have to have regular injections of
Task 1
The following questions show the effect that insulin has on the level of glucose in the
blood of a 'norrnol' person.
A person's level of blood glucose was measured. They were then given an injection of
insulin. The level of blood glucose was remeasured over time. The results are shown
(minutes) (mmol/dm3)
0 4.1
insulin injection 15 4.1
30 1.9
40 3.8
60 3.8
90 3.9
120 4.2
1. Plot a line graph of these results. Put time along the bottom (x axis). Put the level
of glucose (mrnol/drrf) up the side (yaxis).
Remember to give your graph a title. Label the axes. Show where the injection of
insulin was given.
2. What effect does insulin have on the level of glucose in the blood?
Task 2
The following sketch graph shows the level of insulin (not glucose) in a 'normal' person.
The graph shows what happens to this level after a meal has been eaten.
The graph also shows the level of insulin in a diabetic in the same situation.
The diabetic has been given an injection of insulin before the meal.
Meal eaten
Level of insulin
in a dibetic
after injection
of insulin
before the
Time meal
This is the story of a 39 year old woman who has been diagnosed as suffering from
the more severe form of diabetes (early onset diabetes). It is quite unusual for
someone to be diagnosed as having this more severe form of diabetes so late in life.
"I had been experiencing 'strange' vision for a few weeks. I had very poor long sight but
my short sight did not seem to be affected. My vision often appeared 'misty'. I could
recognise large shapes, like trees, but couldn't see detail, such as the leaves on the tree.
I thought I ought to see an optician about getting some glasses. I made an appointment.
As it turned out, I didn't get to that appointment.
I had other symptoms. I was very lethargic and felt very thirsty. I was drinking litres of
orange juice at a time to try and quench my thirst. It was on a Thursday of one
particular week that I began to feel really ill. I tried to make an appointment with the
doctor but could not get one until the following Tuesday.
The following day I could not even go to work. By the time Saturday arrived I was so
desperate that I rang the doctor for an emergency appointment and went down to the
surgery. Whilst sitting in the waiting room I remember feeling almost 'drunk' and
'completely out of it'.
On hearing my symptoms, the doctor immediately suggested that I may be developing
diabetes. I gave the doctor a sample of urine so that it could be tested for the presence
of glucose. This test proved positive. The doctor then took a drop of blood from my
finger to measure the amount of glucose in it. The normal level of glucose is between 4 -
7 rnrnol/drn". Mine was 2Smmol/dm31l The doctor told me that this was a very good
indication that I had a serious problem. He sent me immediately to hospital. I remained
remarkably calm given the circumstances. I think I was just too ill to have any other sort
of reactionl
I arrived at the hospital at about lO.30am. I was weighed and had my height measured.
They carried out two more tests. One tested for the presence of substances called
ketones in the urine. These substances appear when the amount of insulin in the blood is
low. This result was positive but it was not a major cause for concern at that stage. The
other test is called the glycosylated haemoglobin test. This test is able to indicate the
average glucose level in the blood for the previous few months. This resulted in a higher
figure than normal. There was no doubt about it; I was definitely developing diabetes.
These tests had taken quite a long time to perform. It was not until 2.30pm that the
hospital decided they had enough information about me to enable them to estimate a
correct amount of insulin to inject me with at that moment. They then taught me how to
inject myself and how to measure my blood glucose levels. By 4.00pm that afternoon I
was in a healthy enough state to be sent home.
I returned the following morning and two days later for more help and information.
It wasn't for a few more days after my diagnosis that the whole thing hit me. I felt very
unhappy and I cried. I knew that measuring blood glucose levels and injecting myself with
insulin were here for the rest of my life.
Now, a few months after the diagnosis, this change to my lifestyle is simply routine. It's
not nice, but it's manageable."
A CASE HISTORY pupil activity 84
Ms G has at least two very good factors in her favour. Firstly,she is not at all
overweight. Secondly, she was already eating a suitable diet. The only changes she
has had to make is that she avoids sweet sugary foods like chocolate, cakes and
puddings. She drinks low calorie (lOWkcal/kJ) or 'diet' versions of drinks. The only
specialist diabetic product she has purchased is low sugar jam.
For Ms G the greatest inconvenience is not the twice daily measuring of blood
glucose levels. It isn't even the twice daily insulin injections. It is how nothing
'unexpected' can be allowed to happen with respect to food. There can be no
skipped or missed meals; no surprise bars of chocolate; no unexpected delays at
meal times, for example, in restaurants. It has also been surprising to find out that
some people think they will be able 'catch' diabetes from her!
Diabetics can and do lead full and active lives. More often than not their condition
and their self discipline remain entirely unnoticed by the rest of us.
Task 1
You are given samples of sweetener tablets, a granulated sweetener and ordinary
sugar (sucrose).
1. Find out, from the labels the chemical names of the artificial sweeteners .
2. Find the mass of four of the small tablets.
3. Find the mass of four teaspoons of the granulated sweetener.
4. Find the mass of four teaspoons of ordinary sugar.
5. What do you notice? How do you explain this?
6. Dissolve the four teaspoons of granulated sweetener in 100 crrr' of water.
Find the mass of 10 ern" of this solution as accurately as you can.
7. Dissolve the four teaspoons of sugar in 100 crrr' of water. Find the mass of 10 crrr'
of this solution as accurately as you can.
8. What do you notice? How do you explain this?
Task 2
Artificial sweeteners can be used in the production of so-called 'diet' drinks, such as
'diet' lemonade and 'diet' cola.
You are given the empty bottles, or labels, from two bottles of lemonade. One of then
is 'diet' lemonade and the other is 'ordinary' lemonade.
1. Copy, into a table, the ingredients in each lemonade, in the order they appear.
Remember - the ingredients are shown in descending order of mass, i.e. the
ingredient present in the largest amount is always first.
2. You are now given samples of the liquids from each bottle, but you do not know
which is which! Using only the information you have learnt so far, devise a simple
way of finding out which sample is 'ordinary' lemonade and which sample is 'diet'
lemonade. Do not use up all of the lemonades.
Explain your test and the results.
3. Carry out the Benedict's test (and/or the Clinistix test) on a small sample of each
liquid to confirm your results.
SWEETER THAN SUGAR pupil activity S5
Task 3
You are given information about the mass of different sugar solutions.
Amount of sugar (g) Mass (g) of 10 em of
dissolved in 100 ern' this solution
of water
0 9.94
2 10.01
6 10.14
10 10.28
14 10.41
18 10.55
22 10.68
1. Plot a graph of this information. Put the amount of sugar dissolved (g) along the
bottom (x axis). Put the mass of 10 crrr' of solution up the side (y axis).
Remember to give your graph a title. Label the axes.
2. Use your graph to predict the mass of a solution containing 10.5 g of sugar.
3. Find the mass of 10 crrr' of each of the samples. Use your graph to find out
how much sugar is in each of the drinks. Record your results in a suitable
table. Do all drinks contain the same amount of sugar?
pupi I activity 86 FOODS FOR DIABETICS
Diabetics do not have to drastically alter their diet. They do have to keep a much
closer check on the food, particularly carbohydrate, that they eat. There are
guidelines for them to follow. These include:-
• Eat regular meals. Tryto eat similar amounts of starchy foods from day to day.
• Try to eat more high fibre (non-starch polysaccharide (NSP))foods. The fibre in
beans, peas, lentils, vegetables, fruit and oats is particularly good.
• Cut down on fried and fatty foods such as butter, margarine, fatty meat and
cheese. .
• Reduce the amount of sugar you eat by swapping high sugar foods for low sugar
• Try to get to the body weight that is right for your height and build and stay there.
• Be careful not to use too much salt.
Your task is to produce a Diet Booklet for Diabetics aimed to help them to eat a
healthy diet for their special needs. Aim the booklet at your own age group.
Suggestions for research:
• Find out as much as you can about the dietary needs of a diabetic.
• Carry out a survey of the information and products available to diabetics.
This could include looking in supermarkets and chemists for specialist products and
facts about diabetes.
• Find special recipes for particular dishes.
• Collect the labels of diabetic products or write down their ingredients. You can
then compare them to their equivalent 'normal' product.
It is not necessary that a diabetic diet should include specialist products. It is better to
just adapt ordinary food. However, imagine that one of the days' meals includes a
party, maybe for a birthday, at which guests will want to eat some special dishes.
Some of these must be suitable for a diabetic and will contain an artificial sweetener.
Your final booklet must contain menus (not recipes) for 2 days worth of meals.
Plan, prepare, cook and market test one of the dishes from your menus which uses an
artificial sweetener. The recipe for this dish should appear in your booklet.
Ani! - the desserts will be stored in the refrigerator on a shelf below the raw meat
intended for a later event; there is great potential here for cross contamination
between raw and cooked foods. This is enhanced with the possibility of
blood/juices from the raw meat dripping onto the cooked food. Raw meat should
always be carefully wrapped and stored below other foods. In shops and
restaurants, cooked and raw products should not be stored together.
Recommendations suggest that, where possible, raw and cooked food should be
served by different assistants.
Rahat - intends to put food onto the tables more than 3 hours before it will be
eaten; only some of the food will be covered. 3 hours is the absolute maximum
that food should be left in this type of situation before consumption; storage at low
temperatures is desirable. The delay between production and consumption only
allows for the growth of microbes. All food, even raw salad, should be adequately
covered to prevent flies, etc. landing on the food.
The social events committee at the local school are meeting to plan an important
social event in the school calendar. They have the responsibili1y of organising the
Summer fete and buffet lunch at which many pupils, teachers, parents and governors
will be present. You have decided to go and listen in on the conversation of their final
meeting the day before the lunch.
Liz: Joy isn't here! She's coughing and sneezing all over the place! But don't worry, nothing will
keep her away from helping us tomorrow no matter how sick she feels!
Jose: It's better for her to be here tomorrow than at this meeting. We can do this business without
her. Now Gill, how are you and Rahat getting on with the shopping?
Gill: Well, I know we are on a tight budget for this event. I'm a good shopper and I can spot the
bargains. I managed to buy a lot of food by choosing the dented and slightly damaged
canned foods which were on a special shelf at the supermarket.
Rahat: Yes, and I saved money by buying the eggs at half price because some of the shells were
cracked. It doesn't matter about the shells because we're going to make mayonnaise from
the eggs.
Gill: I also bought some foods that were just out of date and so were cheaper. I checked them by
smelling them and looking at them. They seemed fine.
JOsc3: All sounds good to me! Anil have you finalised the menu yet?
Anil: We're almost there. We're definitely having those 'cooked chicken pieces. They always go
down well. Because the kitchen is so small and we only hove one oven, I'm going to cook the
chicken, sausage rolls, quiches, etc. first thing in the morning and put them out of everyone's
way on that top shelf above the door.
Liz: Yes, space is a bit of a problem. As the dirty dishes accumulate, they will have be stacked
next to the crockery, cutlery and fruit that's waiting to go out with the puddings. That way the
one sink will still be free for all the other uses.
Anil: That's quite easy. All of them are going to be cold and they're going to stay in the big fridge in
the corner after they're prepared until there's enough space to move them. There's only just
enough room. The day after the buffet lunch, someone else is organising a barbecue. I've
told them they can put their meat, etc. on the top two shelves in the fridge after they've done
their shopping today. That leaves all the lower part for our desserts.
Jose: Aren't we all going to miss out on the entertainments if we're having to put food out?
Rahat: No, we've thought about that. We can get into the dining room about three hours before
we're due to eat. Almost everything can be put out on the tables then. Don't worry, we've got
a few large paper tablecloths that can cover it all except the salads - but they don't really
need covering.
Jose: Good! It sounds like it's a recipe for a really enjoyable day. Well done everyone!!
You are very worried by what you have heard. It sounds much more like a recipe for
a disaster than for a successful event. You feel you must talk to the committee and
point out and explain all the ways in which you think they will really be cooking up a
danger to everyone's health.