Application Thermistor NTC 10k
Application Thermistor NTC 10k
Application Thermistor NTC 10k
he negative temperature coeffi- Temperature Detection Circuit Changes in output characteristics when
cient (NTC) thermistor is a kind Design the 9kΩ and 1.5kΩ resistors are inserted
of ceramic semiconductor and a Fig. 2 shows a common temperature in parallel and in series are also shown.
temperature sensor that has neg- detection circuit that uses an NTC ther- In this case, the output voltage is con-
ative temperature characteristics, that is, mistor and the circuit’s output voltage trolled to be anywhere between 1V and
its resistant values decrease as ambient characteristics. In the circuit, an NTC ther- 2V.
temperatures rise. The NTC thermistor’s mistor and a fixed resistor are connected When designing a temperature detec-
resistance changes are large in a wide tem- in series and a constant voltage is imposed. tion circuit using an NTC thermistor, it is
perature range. With recent innovations Then, the divided voltage potential is out- necessary to consider the applied voltage,
in production methods, small chip-type put as temperature information to an ana- the resistance values of the voltage di-
NTC thermistors with narrow deviations log-to-digital (A/D) converter, which is viding resistors and others, or the speci-
can now be supplied at low prices. For built in a microcontroller. The NTC ther- fications of an A/D converter. For instance,
these reasons, NTC thermistors are ap- mistor’s change in resistance and tem- if the rate of change in the output voltage
plied widely as temperature detection de- perature is not linear, but by adjusting re- against the temperature falls short of an
vices in mobile devices, secondary bat- sistance values of the
teries and automobiles. voltage dividing re-
Fig. 1 shows the features of a typical sistor, a large output
NTC thermistor that has a resistance value voltage change can
of 10kΩ at room temperature or 25°C. be obtained in a wide
The resistance value decreases in an ex- temperature range.
ponential rate as temperatures rises. In addition, by
An engineer need to have some level adding a fixed resis-
of expertise when designing a tempera- tor connected with
ture detection circuit using an NTC ther- the thermistor in par-
mistor. If successful, it offers several gains allel or in series, its
and its output can be freely adjusted ac- output voltage range
cording to the application. Moreover, Mu- can also be adjusted
rata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. also offers to make the output
a tool to assist during the circuit design. more linear.
Fig. 2: Temperature detection circuit using an NTC thermistor and
output voltage characteristics
Fig. 1: NTC thermistor’s resistance-temperature characteristics Fig. 3: Adjustment of output voltage characteristics
A/D converter’s resolution capability, de- are among the features of an NTC ther-
tection accuracy may be adversely af- mistor.
fected. As the output voltage characteris- The cost is one of the key issues to be
tics of a temperature detection circuit us- considered in measuring temperature. Take
ing an NTC thermistor are not completely the resistance deviation of a thermistor
linear, the rate of change at each temper- for instance. Common temperature de-
ature point is not constant. Ensuring ad- tection thermistors with resistance value
equate detection accuracy at a point where deviations of ±5, ±3, and ±1 percent are
the rate of change becomes smallest must now available in the market. Normally,
be considered. these products are priced differently, and
Fig. 3 presents a typical application of users prefer cheaper products that feature Fig. 5: Approximation formula simulation
an NTC thermistor. Within a detection the largest possible deviation within the
temperature of -20°C and 85°C, when the allowable range. The final circuit detec- easily find out the optimal circuit by
voltage dividing resistance is set to make tion errors are influenced by other factors, changing the parameters (Figs. 4a and 4b).
the output voltage most linear and a volt- such as the thermistor’s self-heating, de- Finally, all the results of these simula-
age of 3.3V is applied, the average rate of viation and temperature characteristics of tions can be saved as text data by 1°C in-
change of 22.9mV/°C and the lowest rate voltage dividing resistance and input volt- terval, allowing the designer to take and
of 12.8mV/°C are obtained. If the applied age deviation. Ultimately, it is necessary use the necessary data into his or her de-
voltage becomes 1.8V with the same cir- to select the needed thermistor’s devia- sign tools. If these characteristics data
cuit, the lowest rate of change falls to tion after verification of the total allow- cannot be saved due to insufficient mem-
7.0mV/°C. In case when a temperature able errors. ory or other causes, the output voltage is
detection circuit is driven at a low volt- converted into temperature data through
age and if the temperature range for de- Design Support Tool an approximation formula. This simula-
tection with high accuracy can be nar- While it is possible to gain a high rate tor comes with a function that approxi-
rowed down between 25°C and 85°C, the of change in a wide temperature range and mates output voltage through any ap-
lowest rate of change can be brought down flexibly adjust the output characteristics proximation formulas that can vary from
to 11.2mV/°C by adjusting the voltage di- of a temperature detection circuit using primary to sextic expressions. When an
viding resistance. an NTC thermistor, the process of veri- approximation formula is used, the user
A flexible circuit design is made pos- fying more than one parameter is needed should pay attention to the differences
sible by getting the voltage dividing re- to find out the optimal circuit. To address from the actual characteristics, but as the
sistance value that optimizes various con- this issue, Murata Manufacturing offers temperature errors and voltage errors are
ditions, such as the voltage to be applied, the Output Voltage Simulator to support shown graphically as needed, the user can
the necessary detection temperature range the process. This application software can find out the optimal approximation for-
or detection accuracy, and the linearity or be downloaded free of charge and can be mula through comparison (Fig. 5).
rate of change of the output voltage. This installed in a personal computer to simu-
late a temperature detection circuit in a Future Simulator Improvements
short period of time. Murata Manufacturing offered the first
Among the company’s 200 thermistors version of the Output Voltage Simulator
stored in the simulator, there are about 10 in March 2004, and the present version is
kinds of detection circuits and resistance available in 1.6. In an aim to make the
temperature characteristics data that are simulator simple and speedy, the company
used frequently. By selecting a circuit or identifies the functions with the highest
a thermistor and by setting a detection priority and improves them. The company
temperature range, an applied voltage and will continue to upgrade the simulator at
other parameters, the recommended value least once a year in an effort to make it an
of the voltage dividing resistance at which even easier-to-use support tool that bet-
the output voltage becomes the most lin- ter fits the actual circuit design process.
ear will be automatically calculated. The Output Voltage Simulator can be
As a first step, one can start to verify downloaded from the Design Tools page
the optimal circuit by using the recom- of Murata’s homepage at
mended value. The output voltage char-
acteristics can be obtained intuitively by
changing the voltage dividing resistance,
and by adding the parallel or serial resis- About This Article:
tance to the thermistor.
Then, items that need to be verified, Akiyoshi Okawa from the Thermis-
such as errors in output voltage, self-heat- tor Product Department of the Prod-
ing of the thermistor, and the fluctuating uct Engineering Section of Murata
rates of change at each temperature point Manufacturing Co., Ltd. contributed
Fig. 4: Output voltage simulator are displayed graphically. Thus, one can this article.