Belt and Road Initiative
Belt and Road Initiative
Belt and Road Initiative
Printed in Pakistan
Center for Global & Strategic
Studies, Islamabad
Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) is a massive project which can be termed as a revival of the Ancient Silk Road in order to
materialize the Prophecy of Asian Century through the economic expansion and infrastructural build-up by China. The project
comprises of two major components that are: 21st Century Maritime Silk Route (MSR) and Silk Road Economic Belt (SREB)
which is further distributed in six overland economic corridors where China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is one
significant corridor. The project holds massive importance for China in particular and all the other stakeholders in general and
will provide enormous opportunity for the socio-economic as well as the infrastructural development of many countries across
the globe. The rationale behind China’s massive investment in this project is to attain global domination through geopolitical
expansions. China’s economic activities and investment are directed to the promotion of global trade. Although the
commencement of the project met with skeptical views as for few specific countries, it is China’s strategic policy to upsurge and
enhance its military and economic presence in the World especially in the Indian Ocean and emerge as an economic giant by
replacing USA’s superpower status. However, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) being the most important in terms
of its strategic location caters the attention of many countries who are willing to become a part of this gigantic project. CPEC
will provide China with direct access to the warm waters of Indian Ocean along with the deep sea port in Gwadar. The
development of this project will provide Pakistan with an opportunity to overcome its dire need of infrastructural and economic
development. Therefore China and Pakistan must try to overcome all the obstacles that are hindering the progress of such an
important project which has yielded a win-win solution for both the states.
Table of Contents
Introduction.................................................................................................................................................. 1
Ancient Silk Routes ...................................................................................................................................... 1
Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) ........................................................................................................................ 2
21st Century Maritime Silk Road (MSR) ..................................................................................................... 5
Route of Silk Road Economic Belt (SREB) .................................................................................................. 5
China - Mongolia - Russia Economic Corridor (CMREC) ........................................................................ 6
New Eurasian Land Bridge (NELB) ........................................................................................................... 7
China - Indo - China Peninsula Economic Corridor (CICPEC) ............................................................... 8
The Bangladesh - China - India - Myanmar Economic Corridor (BCIMEC) .......................................... 9
China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) ............................................................................................. 9
Introduction by the merchants for trade and commercial purposes in the
The movement of human beings from place to place for the ancient world.
purpose of trade and exchange of goods, skills, and ideas is The Silk Road consisted of two trade routes one from
a survival skill adopted since centuries. Even in the past, the Mediterranean to Central Asia and the second was from
Eurasia was crisscrossed with the routes of communication Central Asia to China. The Silk Road expanded from China
and trade paths. through different countries including India, Asia Minor,
This paper has highlighted different aspects of Belt & Road Later on, the export of other goods also started through the
Initiative (BRI) initiative by China through putting a great ancient Silk Road where more than the trade of Silk other
emphasize on China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, which is goods also started to take up prominent proportion in the
one of the six economic corridors under BRI and due to the total trade which included: Olives, Olive Oil, Spices, as well
strategic location of Pakistan this project is of utmost as human resource which was in high demand to carry out
importance for both Pakistan and China. labor work. China used to export things like Jade, Silver, and
Iron. However, China was not the only country which
Ancient Silk Routes attained benefits through this route, other countries such as
Formally established during the Han Dynasty of China (206 India and the European states also become a part of this trade
BC–220 AD), Silk Road is one of the oldest trade routes in route to export things like Ivory, spices and oyster shells.
the world. The Silk Road is closely associated with China
and has a long history of political and economic success. It With the growth of trade via Silk Road the nomadic people
was a network of various trade routes that were a linkage of Central Asia attained access to the global economy and
between China and various Asian countries and were used international markets.
Mark, J. J. (2014, march 28). Silk Road. Retrieved from
Ancient History Encyclopedia :
Silk is one of the most luxurious fabric and has been language, art, philosophy, science and technology in fact
exclusively associated with China as Chinese held expertise almost all the component of civilization were exchanged
in processing silk the techniques adopted in culturing the silk through the Silk route. The trade of paper and gunpowder
worms is unique. China closely guarded these techniques which were also a Chinese invention had a vital cultural
because economic benefits by the Silk production was the impact on other cultures and empires. Coming on to the
lion's share of China’s economy. However, in the 7th century, negative aspect of this route usually plague and other
the West succeeded in identifying these techniques. Silk was diseases also traveled through this route, for instance, the
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the most preferred commodity for the merchants in those Bubonic Plague in 542 AD and Black Death in the years
days especially from the Central Asian region. Therefore, 1346-1353 traveled to Europe through this Silk route. The
they used horses, hides (animal skin), furs, and luxurious closure of Silk Road forced merchants to use the sea routes
items such as Jade and Ivory in exchange of Silk to China. that played an important role in initiating the age of
Other commodities traded through the silk route were discovery between the years 1453-1660 CE (Common Era)
Carpets, Jewels, Amber, Metals, Dyes, Drugs, and Glass. that ultimately led to the beginning of a global community
The traders also introduced new commodities to the Chinese referred to as globalization today.4
such as Cucumbers, Figs, Alfalfa, Walnuts, Pomegranates,
Chinese Trade Patterns
and Sesame Seeds, apart from that, skills such as the making
of wine using grapes were also introduced to the Chinese. According to an estimate by the Economic Complexity
Hence, this is how the exchange of trade commodities and Index (ECI), China is the largest trade economy in the world
skills transferred from one region to another. 2 and ranked as the 38th most complex economy. In the year
2015, China’s exports and imports were $2.37 Trillion and
During the time period of Han dynasty, the Central Asian
$1.27 Trillion respectively, and its Gross Domestic Product
nomadic tribes started attacking the trade caravans which led
(GDP) was $11 Trillion in the same year. With the advent of
to the closure of borders. The trade was then resumed during
technology now the Chinese exports comprise of
the Tang Dynasty from 618 AD until 760 AD when the Tang
Computers, Broadcasting Equipment, Telephones,
Dynasty lost its control over the western part. The trade on
Integrated Circuits and Office machine parts. The bulk of the
the Silk Road reached its zenith during the Yuan Dynasty
Chinese trade is directed towards the countries such as
(1271-1368), at that time China was heavily dependent on
Japan, United States of America (USA), Germany, Hong
its silk trade. During his rule, Genghis Khan unified a large
Kong, South Korea and other Asian regions including South
empire of China by conquering all the small states. Slaves,
and Central Asia.5
medicines, precious stones and perfumes were exchanged
for silk. The routes were ceased when the Ottoman Empire
Belt & Road Initiative (BRI)
boycotted the trade with the west.3 Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) initiative is a revival of the
The Silk Road was not only important for the trade of ancient Chinese Silk Road in order to materialize the
commercial goods, but it was also significant for the spread prophecy of the Asian Century. BRI is a string of projects
of Buddhism and exchange of architecture, culture, that connects the Baltic Sea with the Pacific Ocean via roads,
2 4
About the Silk Road. (n.d.). Retrieved from United Mark, J. J. (2014, march 28). Silk Road. Retrieved from
Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization Ancient History Encyclopedia :
3 5
railway network, and sea lanes for free trade. The “Grand this grand vision of BRI where high-speed railway projects
Dream” was unveiled during the visit of the Chinese have been initiated. However, a major chunk of the Grand
President to Kazakhstan and Indonesia in the year 2013. Chinese Dream covers the region of Asia where countries
from the Central Asia, Middle Eastern States, and the South-
The One Belt One Road is a gigantic project that has catered East Asian States have readily accepted the economic
the interests of many countries across the world, and with the development proposals of China. The Asian countries which
enormous expansion of this venture, it can be speculated that are a part of BRI includes; Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia,
21st Century Maritime Silk Road (MSR)
Maritime Silk Road (MSR) is one of the two components of communication infrastructure which will include a web of
the Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) project. The route will connections through roads, highways, and railways routes. It
encompass a string of different sea ports hence, making an comprises of six corridors which are as follow:
exclusive maritime route which originates from the Guangxi
Zhuang Autonomous Region in South Central China near the 1) China - Mongolia - Russia Economic Corridor
China and will connect various sea ports throughout its route 2) New Eurasian Land Bridge (NELB)
that will start from the South China Sea, and will be passing 3) The China - Central and West Asia Economic
through the Andaman Sea, the Bay of Bengal, the Arabian Corridor (CCWAEC)
Sea, the Persian Gulf and will end at the Baltic Sea. 4) China - Indo - China Peninsula Economic Corridor
Route of Silk Road Economic Belt (SREB) 5) The Bangladesh - China - India - Myanmar
Economic Corridor (BCIMEC)
The Silk Road Economic Belt (SREB) is the second 6) China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) 8
component of BRI project that comprises of overland
BRI with both Silk Road Economic Belt and Maritime Silk Road Initiatives9
“If you want to be rich, you must build roads” is an old infrastructure and revamping of ports. All of this is actually
Chinese proverb which explains the entire mindset behind directed towards the development of a regional economy
the establishment of such an extensive road and railway which China will lead to fulfilling the mantra of “Asian
8 9
economic-corridors-one-belt-road-silk-syed-gilani road/
Century.” The funding for the project will be rendered from This skeptic behavior and trepidations by these states will
different sources including Asia Infrastructure and not only trigger and bolster the Military and Naval
Investment Bank (AIIB), the BRICS New Development capabilities of China but will also enhance the strategic
Bank, the China- ASEAN Interbank Association, SCO competencies of its allies.
Interbank Association and the Silk Road Fund.
China - Mongolia - Russia Economic Corridor (CMREC)
The Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) initiative will have a China is considering to build a new platform for the
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significant impact on China and other participants of this economic development between China, Russia, and
mega project where China will be at the forefront of the Mongolia. The trilateral economic corridor is one of the six
connectivity between different regions of Asia and will put trade corridors that China is deeming to develop under the
together trade investment mechanisms by keeping the routes BRI initiative.
viable and through up-gradation of Infrastructure. BRI will
be the dawn of Asian Century by triggering a change in The construction of the China-Mongolia-Russia Economic
global power dynamics through a major policy shift by Corridor would connect China’s Silk Road Economic Belt
Wuhan, and Urumqi to the Western European cities like (CCWAEC) is considered to be developed under the BRI.
The project would run from Xinjiang province of China via
goods will reach Xinjiang, and from there the route will existing railway networks between Central Asia and the
cross Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Poland and the Czech Middle East. The corridor will cover the Central Asian
Republic ultimately reaching the shore of Atlantic Ocean. Countries of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan,
The main objective of the NELB is to promote inter-state Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Afghanistan as well as Iran
cooperation by strengthening railway connectivity through and Turkey. The corridor is in the developmental phase
high-speed rail technology. The NELB is directed towards where the different parts of the corridor are under
establishing a connection between Moscow and Beijing construction, and some had already been constructed based
through a high-speed railway line that would be 4350 miles on the individual efforts of the participating countries. For
long which will shorten the traveling time from six days to instance, the Kamchiq Tunnel in Central Asia and the
two days only. The project is expected to cost more than Angren-Pap railway line in Uzbekistan have successfully
been completed with the assistance from the China Rail
$230 billion.10 Whereas, in the latest news, a train carrying 7
goods to London reached in 21 days which is the shortest Group Limited to enhance the connectivity between China
recorded time until now. and Central Asia. Furthermore, in September 2016 a railway
connection was also inaugurated between China and
Afghanistan which will shorten the traveling time.
CCWAEC will also help in supplying the Central Asian gas
reserves to China through China-Central Asia Gas
10 11
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China - Indo - China Peninsula Economic Corridor Chinese city of Nanning. From there, additional
The China-Indo-China Peninsula Economic Corridor economic hubs of Guangzhou and Hong Kong, thus forming
8 a web connecting ten cities with a cumulative population of
(CICPEC) is also known as Nanning-Singapore Economic
Corridor. The project aims at connecting eight major cities over 50 million. The CICPEC reflects China’s strategic
which include: Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Phnom Penh, decision to create an outlet to the South China Sea from its
Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Vientiane, and the southwestern provinces.12
BCIMEC the traveling distance will reduce to 400-700 KM,
The Bangladesh - China - India - Myanmar Economic hence, reducing the traveling cost and time of the traded
Corridor (BCIMEC) goods and will provide a gateway to the landlocked areas of
The conceptualization of Bangladesh- China-India- India and China as well.
Myanmar Economic Corridor (BCIMEC) is deemed at
gaining significant advantages via sub-regional economic The project will be a combination of rail and road networks
cooperation. Being a multi-model corridor the project as well as the air and sea ports which will incorporate
will join India and China, passing through Bangladesh and Myanmar, Yunnan province of China and West Bengal in
Myanmar. The project received the formal endorsement in India. This region produces about one-tenth of the total GDP
the year 2013 following the government level visits between of the world. After the operationalization of this corridor,
Map 2 Map 3
The CPEC is a framework for achieving regional economic integration but will also encourage academic and
connectivity. It will not only benefit Pakistan and China but cultural exchange between different countries.15
carries promising ventures for other regional states such as
Afghanistan, Iran, and Central Asian Republics (CARs). The Initially, China pledged to invest $46 Billion for CPEC in
project is directed towards the enhancement of geographical the energy and infrastructural developmental projects in the
linkages through the improvement of rail, road, and marine following manner:
Pakistan is an important economic as well as military ally of happenings in the international arena, and always sound
China. The historical cordial relations based on the warm and sweet. China has emerged as the largest trading
friendship between China and Pakistan is a mutual partner of Pakistan over the last few years and has always
geopolitical advantage for both the states. The relations supported Pakistan in economic and military issues.
between Pakistan and China are independent of the current
15 16 http://china-trade-
China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) being a part of Pakistan since 1970. The CPEC will have a compound
Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) initiative is of great strategic economic impact on Pakistan which is already in dire need
importance for China as it will offer direct access to the of projects for the infrastructural development.
warm waters of the Indian Ocean and will also provide a
geographical proximity to the Oil enriched the Middle
Eastern States.
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