Mental Rotation Ability of Individuals W PDF
Mental Rotation Ability of Individuals W PDF
Mental Rotation Ability of Individuals W PDF
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Gerardo Echeita, Ph.D., profesor titular, Allen, 2001; Noordzij, Zuidhoek, & Postma,
Departamento Intetfacultativo de Psicolog(a 2007).
Evolutiva y de la Educaci6n, Facultad de
Formiaci6n de Profesorado y Educaci6n, Various studies have been conducted to
UniversidadAuO6norna de Madrid, Spain; e-mail: evaluate mental rotation (Carpenter & Eisen-
<>. Maria Sandoval, berg, 1978; Dulin & Hatwell, 2006; Marmor
Ph.D., profesora ayudante doctor, Departanzento
& Zaback, 1976) and perspective taking (Mil-
Intetfacultativo de Psicologfa Evolutiva y de la
Educaci6n, Facultad de Formaci6n de lar, 1976) in individuals with visual impair-
Profesoradoy Edecaci6n, UniversidadAut6notna ments. The results suggested that visual im-
tie Madrid, Spain; e-mail: <maria.sandoval@ agery facilitates the performance of a mental>. Mauricio LUpez, M.S., research
assistant, Universidad Aut6noma de Madrid,
rotation task (rotation of either an object or of
Spain; e-mail: <>. the self).
The aims of the study presented here were
to examine the mental rotation ability of in-
Mental Rotation Ability dividuals with visual impairments and the
of Individuals with Visual effect of visual status, gender, and chrono-
Impairments logical age on this ability. For this purpose,
Eleni Koustriava two tests were conducted-the clock test
and Konstantinos Papadopoulos and the room test. The first test was in
The term mental rotation refers to a mental essence a perspective task (Huttenlocher &
process during which individuals "encode the Presson, 1973), and the second test was a
spatial information into an image, rotate the mental manipulation task (Penrod & Petrosko,
image mentally, and then access the image in 2003). However, because both tests require
conceptually difficult mental rotations (Mil-
its new orientation" (Warren, 1994, pp. 107-
lar., 1976), we refer to them both as mental
108). Spatial perspective taking is based on a
rotation tests.
mental rotation process of the self. In spatial
perspective taking, individuals seem to rotate METHOD
themselves mentally into others' orientation to
adopt their spatial perspective (Kessler &
In our study, we followed the ethical principles
Thomson, 2010).
of the Declaration of Helsinki. In addition,
The mental representation of space is es-
we obtained consent froom the participants
sentially visual (Huttenlocher & Presson,
using the appropriate forms and according
1973), and some of its aspects, such as per-
to the procedure suggested by the World
spective, are considered to be visually ac-
Medical Association.
quired (Arditi, Holtzman, & Kosslyn, 1988).
Twenty-eight individuals with congenital
However, there is another point of view ac- visual impairments were selected, 15 boys
cording to which mental representation, even and 13 girls, aged 6 years, 8 months, to 18
perspective (Heller et al., 2002), neither re- years (M = 12.37). The sample was randomly
suits from nor reflects visual perception (Mil- selected, and none of the participants had
lar, 1976). Paivio (1986) suggested that im- additional disabilities. Of the 28, 14 partici-
agery can result from every sensory modality. pants, aged 6 years, 8 months, to 17 years,
Some studies have underlined the force of were totally blind (from birth or prior to age
touch in specific tasks, by which individuals 3) or had only light perception (M = 11.90),
with visual impairments performed as well as and 14 participants aged 8 years, 6 months, to
or even better than their sighted counterparts 18 years, had residual vision (M = 12.85).
(Heller, 1.989; Heller, Brackett, Scroggs, & The visual acuity of the participants with
570 Journalof Visual impairMent & Blindness, September 2010 02010 AFB, All Rights Reserved
A 12 B 12 C
a ,,2.1
t• 9 3M
I .7.5
.. ...
Figure 1. Materials that were used in the clock test.
residual vision was better than 20/400 and tion was examined. This test is similar to
worse than 20/200, and their central func- others that have been used in previous §tud-
tional visual fields were better than 20 de- ies in which sighted children and children
grees (binocularly), examined through a con- with visual impairments participated (Hut-
frontation method using a pen light. tenlocher & Presson, 1973; Millar, 1976).
The clock test was divided into two subtests:
Materialsand design clock test 6 and clock test 7.5. For both
Three white cardboard squares measuring subtests, the participants who are blind and
25 x 25 centimeters (or about 10 x 10 inches) the participants with low vision used touch,
were used in the first test. In the center of the although the participants with low vision
first square, a fixed, constant indicator made were allowed to use their residual vision as
of black sandpaper was placed in a similar well.
direction to that of a clock hand pointing to The researcher placed the two piec6s of
number 6 (see Figure 1, section a). Similarly, cardboard on a table in front of the partici-
in the center of the second square, there was pant, the one with the constant indicator
a fixed, constant indicator that pointed toward pointing to position 6 and the other one with
the clock position between numbers 7 and 8 the revolving indicator. Afterward, the partic-
(see Figure 1, section b) (hereafter position 6 ipant was asked to imagine the direction of
and position 7.5). In the center of the third the constant indicator for an observer who
square there was an indicator that was fixed would have been moved to position 12, posi-
with a metal nail in such a way that it could be tion 3, and position 9, and then to point to the
turned (see Figure 1, section c). direction on the cardboard with the revolving
indicator. The same process was repeated
Procedure with the constant indicator pointing at posi-
Each participant was examined individually tion 7.5 (subtest 2). Each participant's record
in a quiet room. The researcher explained was calculated as an error of direction, based
every detail in the process that should be on the divergence (in degrees) that the direc-
followed for performing the two tests. A tion of the revolving indicator had from the
short period (5 minutes) followed, so the correct direction (see Figure 2). Every time
participant could be familiarized with the that the divergence was higher than 20 de-
process. grees, the participant's answer was consid-
In the first test (the clock test) the partic- ered wrong. The wrong answers were re-
ipants' ability to redefine the direction of an corded, and each wrong answer scored one
indicator from a different place of observa- point.
02010 AFB, All Rights Reserved Journal of Visual hipairment & Blindness, September 2010 : 57.1
the wrong answers, and each wrong answer
scored one point. A similar test was used in
Penrod and Petrosko's (2003) study.
Initially, the means and the standard devia-
tions of the participants' scores were calcu-
lated. The scores corresponded to the wrong
answers (see Table 1).
An analysis of variance (ANOVA; a GLM
with repeated measures) revealed that there
Figure 2. Divergence between the direction was a within-subjects effect of the direction
of the revolving indicator and the correct di- of the indicator in clock test 6 (F = 12.789,
rection. Angle a illustrates the divergence
p < 0.001), but not in clock test 7.5 (F =
and is measured in degrees.
2.359, p = 0.104).
Figure 3 illustrates an example of the pro- In clock test 6, the participants' answers
cedure. The participants looked at the card- were less accurate in the case of a 90-degree
board Square (position a); they had to ima 'gine clockwise rotation (position 9) (t = -4.500,
the direction of the constant indicator for an df = 27, p < .001) or a 270-degree clockwise
observer who would have been moved to po- rotation (position 3) (t = -3.104, df = 27,
sition 3 (position b); and having the cardboard p < .005) than when the mental rotation had
with the revolving indicator in front of them to be made at an angle of 180 degrees
(position c), they had to indicate the right (position 12). In clock test 7.5, there were
answer (position d). no statistically significant differences be-
[In the second test (the room test) the par- tween the participants' answers for the
ticipant was asked to imagine that he or she three positions. Moreover, the participants'
was in the center of a square room. The po- answers were more accurate in clock test 6
sitions of 4 space points in relation to himself than in clock test 7.5 (1 = -2.837, df = 27,
or herself were orally described to the partic- p < .01).
ipant (see Figure 4, position 1). The partici- On the room test, the participants made an
pant was then asked to imagine that he or she average of 1.32 errors (SD = 1.39). Fourteen
was moving toward one of the four positions of the 28 participants did not give any wrong
and to redefine the position of the other three answer, 5 participants gave wrong answers on
points in relation to himself or herself (see two of the three points, and 9 participants
Figure 4, position 2). The researcher recorded gave wrong answers on all three points (first
16 b LILTd
572 Journalof Visual Impainnent & Blindness, September 2010 02010 AFB, All Rights Reserved
door door
bookcase bookcase
Figure 4. Room test: The initial imaginary condition (position i) and the final position
of the observer, resulting from the imaginary performed movement in the room (position 2).
group: aged 12 or younger, second group: residual vision (M = 1.36, SD = 1.216). For
aged 12 or older). the room test, the 2 x 2 x 2 ANOVA rev6aled
To examine the influence of residual vision, a main effect of vision status, F(l, 20) =
gender and age to mental rotation ability, we 4.722, p < .05, but no main effect of age and
calculated a 2 x 2 x 2 (gender x vision status x gender and no interactions. The participants
age) (ANOVA). This analysis applied for each who are blind performed less accurately (M =
test of mental rotation separately. Moreover, the 1.79, SD = 1.424) than did the participants
sample was divided into two age-groups. with residual vision (M = 0.86, SD = 1.231).
For clock test 6, the 2 x 2 x 2 ANOVA
revealed a main effect of vision status, F(1, DISCUSSION
20) = 4.489, p < .05, but no main effect of The results of our study indicate that a com-
age and gender and no interactions. The par- bination of two factors seemed to influence
ticipants who were blind performed less ac- the participants' performance: the relation of
curately (M = 1.86, SD = 1.099) than did the the initial and final position of the observation
participants with residual vision (M = 0.93, (the one after the mental rotation) and the
SD = 1.072). The results of the statistical angle that was shaped by the object of obser-
analysis of clock test 7.5 were similar; there vation (in our case, the indicator) and the
was a significant main effect of vision status, position of the observer. In both subtests-
F(l, 20) = 7.069, p < .05. The participants clock test 6 and clock test 7.5-the partici-
who are blind performed worse (M = 2.50,
pants' answers deviated less from the correct
SD = 0.650) than did the participants with
answers when the mental rotation should have
been made at an angle of 180 degrees; that is,
Table 1
Means and standard deviations for the the position of the observation was in the
participants' errors on the clock test. opposite direction of the initial one. In this
Clock test 6 Clock test 7.5 case the change of position was implemented
on the observer's vertical axis. These results
Position Mean SD Mean SD
verify the results of Millar (1976). However,
Position 12 .21 .418 .54 .508 contrary to our findings, Millar (1976) exam-
Position 3 .54 .508 .75 .441 ined only the vertical direction (that is, corre-
Position 9 .64 .488 .64 .488 sponding to position 6 of the indicator in our
Total 1.39 1.167 1.93 1.120
study), and the participants in her study were
02010 AFB, All Rights Reserved Journal of Visual Impainnent & Blinthiess, September 2010 573
given cards to pick the correct answer and were from this study is this: What is the magnitude
younger than the participants in our study. of influence that spatial representation has on
Furthermore, the participants with residual the mental rotation process? Future research
vision performed better than did the partici- should aim to answer these questions.
pants who are blind. This finding is in line
with reports from other authors that sup- Limitations
ported the effect of residual vision (Ungar, A probable limitation of this study was the
Blades, & Spencer, 1995; WarTen, 1994) and size of the sample. A larger number of par-
visual experience (Dulin & Hatwell, 2006; ticipants would have allowed us to draw more
Hatwell, 1985; Millar, 1976) in the ability to tangible conclusions and to examine the in-
engage in mental rotation. It should be noted fluence of other variables on their mental ro-
that in the room test, both the participants tation ability, such as the age at which the
who were blind and the participants with re- participants lost their vision, the participants'
sidual vision were tested in an imaginary sit- school achievement, and the participants'
uation, and, as a result, residual vision pro- ability to move independently.
vided no help. This fact could lead us to
conclude that congenital visual impairment
influences mental rotation ability even in
tasks for which vision is not necessary. How- Arditi, A., Holtzman, D. J., & Kosslyn, M. S.
(1988). Mental imagery and sensory expe-
ever, to strengthen such a conclusion, mental
rience in congenital blindness. Neuropsy-
rotation ability shoutd be examined in a clock
chologia, 26, 1-12.
test in which all the participants are in the Carpenter, A. P., & Eisenberg, P. (1978).
same circumstances, namely, with the partic- Mental rotation and the frame of reference
ipants with residual vision blindfolded. in blind and sighted individuals. Perception
The participants' performance on the tests & Psychophysics, 23, 117-124.
may have been influenced both by the accu- Dulin, D., & Hatwell, Y. (2006). The effects
racy of the mental representation that was of visual experience and training in raised-
stored in short-term memory and by the abil- line materials on the mental spatial imagery
ity to engage in a mental rotation of this of blind persons. Journal of Visual Impair-
representation. Hence, the first question that ment & Blindness, 100, 414-424.
Hatwell, Y. (1985). Piagetian reasoning and
springs to mind is whether individuals who
the blind. New York: American Foundation
are congenitally blind have difficulty with for the Blind.
spatial coding or with the mental rotation of Heller, M. (1989). Picture and pattern percep-
mental representation. In the first case, an tion in the sighted and the blind: The advan-
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tive spatial coding. Ungar et al.'s (1-995) find- Heller, M., Brackett, D. D., Scroggs, E., &
ings indeed verify this assumption. Moreover, Allen, A. C. (2001). Haptic perception of
Postma, Zuidhoek, Noordzij, and Kappers the horizontal by blind and low-vision in-
(2007) reported that the mental rotation of a dividuals. Perception,30, 601-610.
layout of objects requires recollection of the Heller, M., Brackett, D. D., Scroggs, E., Ste-
accurate position of the object and cannot be ffen, H., Heatherly, K., & Salik, S. (2002).
Tangible pictures: Viewpoint effects and
based on information relative to movement.
linear perspective in visually impaired peo-
Hence, we can conclude that the more accu- ple. Perception, 3-1, 747-769.
rate the mental representation of the layout, HuIttenlocher, J., & Presson, C. C. (1973).
the easier and more effective the mental ro- Mental rotation and the perspective prob-
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574 Journalof Visual Impairment & Blindness, September 2010 ©2010AFB. All Rights Reserved
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@2010 AFB. All Rights Reserved .ioural of Visual hIpairment & Blindness, September 2010 575
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