Unit Plan
Unit Plan
Unit Plan
MA Frameworks:
3.1 Play independently with accurate intonation, steady tempo, rhythmic
accuracy, appropriate technique, and correct posture
3.4 Echo and perform easy rhythmic, melodic, and chordal patterns accurately
and independently on rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic classroom instruments
3.6 Perform independent instrumental parts while other students sing or play
contrasting parts
5.1 Perceive, describe, and respond to basic elements of music, including beat,
tempo, rhythm, meter, pitch, melody, texture, dynamics, harmony, and form
5.2 Listen to and describe aural examples of music of various styles, genres,
cultural and historical periods, identifying expressive qualities, instrumentation,
and cultural and/or geographic context
This unit will reinforce the Singing Games Unit covered last month. Students will
be introduced to different rhythmic patterns. These will be played on percussion
instruments, which will later help them understand notation.
Essential Questions:
What does the percussion instrument do in the band?
Can you mention some percussion instruments?
What styles of music, that you know, use percussion?
Enduring Understanding:
Students will learn how to play several percussion instruments, such as:
xylophones, drums, hand drums, and claves.
Students will develop rhythmic pattern ideas that will be used as a percussive
accompaniment for different songs they know.
Behavioral Objectives:
Students will distinguish the sound of percussion instruments.
Students will understand the basics of percussion instruments.
Students will recognize rhythmic patterns played by the teacher and/or musical
Students will create their own rhythmic pattern and play it on a percussion
Informal: Teacher observation
Formal: Quiz – Students will perform rhythmic patterns that fit one of the
singing games learned in the previous unit.
Long Range Assignment/Project/Product: Performance
1. Special needs – Students that have a physical condition: Teacher
might ask them to sing rhythms, or play them on a smaller percussion
instrument such as: shakers, güiros, tambourines, claves, etc.
2. ELL – Use of pictures and pre or re-teach vocabulary.
Performance of different rhythms, solo and in groups.
Bow, Wow, Wow
Johnny Works with One Hammer
Ring around the Rosy
San Serení
Materials Needed:
Markers, Pictures, Percussion Instruments, iPod and Speakers.
Lesson Outlines
1. Introduction to rhythm