St. Chrysostomos The New
St. Chrysostomos The New
St. Chrysostomos The New
The Ἁγιοκατάταξις (Hagiokatataxis) of a Saint signifies the Procla-
mation of the placement of his or her name in the Church’s Festal Calen-
dar. This is sometimes designated as the Saint’s “Glorification” in English,
in order to avoid the Roman Catholic term “canonization,” which does not
reflect properly an Orthodox understanding of the Christocentric nature of
sanctity and how the Church acknowledges the veneration of Saints. How-
ever, even the term “Glorification” is inadequate in describing the natural,
organic process by which holy men and women, united to and deified by
Christ, come to be venerated by the Christ-loving People of God as exem-
plars of human restoration in the Grace of the Redeemer and Savior.
6 Orthodox Tradition
In 1944, he assumed full administrative guidance of the Church.
Volume XXXIII, Number 3 7
Thrace is an ancient region in southeastern Europe that today lies be-
tween Greece, Turkey, and Bulgaria, its borders on the North defined by
the Balkan Mountains and on the South by the Rhodope Mountains and the
Aegean Sea.
His thesis was recently edited and published, with various apparatus,
by Nicholas Mannes: Ἡ ἐπὶ πτυχίῳ Διατριβὴ τοῦ Μακαριστοῦ Μητρο-
πολίτου πρ. Φλωρίνης Χρυσοστόμου Καβουρίδου: «Ἡ Ὀρθοδοξία Κυ-
ρίλλου τοῦ Λουκάρεως» (The baccalaureate thesis of the ever-memorable
metropolitan emeritus of Phlorina, Chrysostomos Kabourides: the ortho-
doxy of Cyril Loukaris) (Athens, 2016).
8 Orthodox Tradition
Imbros (the modern-day Turkish island of Gökçeada) is a large island
in the Aegean Sea, inhabited since ancient times and frequently mention-
ed in Greek mythology. At the time that St. Chrysostomos was Bishop, the
island was still largely Greek, as it remained for some years. In the mid-
1940s, when a policy of discrimination and persecution by the Turkish gov-
ernment was implemented, the Greek population began to dwindle, and to-
day only a very small handful of Greeks live on the island.
Pelagonia is an ancient region that in modern times covers an area
shared by the Greek Macedonian district and the former Yugoslavian ter-
ritories known, since 1991, as the Republic of Macedonia. The city of Bito-
la (Битола in Macedonian, Mοναστήριον or Mοναστήρι in Greek, mean-
ing “monastery”), now in the Republic of Macedonia, was the ecclesiastical
Seat of the Greek Metropolis of Pelagonia.
Later, when he assumed the leadership of the Old Calendar move-
ment, despite his advanced age and the persecution that he suffered for do-
ing so, these same absurd accusations were leveled against him, as part of
constant attempts by the calendar reformers to discredit the Orthodox tra-
ditionalists in Greece.
Volume XXXIII, Number 3 9
This See, now known as the Metropolis of Paramythia, Philiates, Ge-
romerion, and Parga, is in Greek Epirus, which is located in northwestern
Greece. The borders of ancient Epirus, after which Greek Epirus is named,
lie, today, within the borders of Greece and Albania.
Like Bitola, Phlorina, a city in the mountainous northwestern region
of Greek Macedonia, is situated on the expansive plain of Pelagonia.
The so-called “corrected” or “revised” Julian Calendar—in its orig-
inal form the invention of the Serbian astronomer Milutin Milanković, but,
as adopted only in part, in 1923, by Patriarch Meletios, a clumsy attach-
ment of the Orthodox Paschalion to the Gregorian Calendar—was imple-
mented by the Church of Greece in 1924. The result was a breach with Holy
Tradition and an assault on the liturgical unity of the national Orthodox
Churches, the majority of which, to this day, follow the traditional Festal
Calendar of the Orthodox Church, which is largely based on the Julian or
“Old” Calendar and runs thirteen days behind the Gregorian Calendar.
See Metropolitan Cyprian II of Oropos and Phyle, Ἱερὰ Ἀκολουθία
τοῦ ἐν Ἁγίοις Πατρὸς ἡμῶν Χρυσοστόμου τοῦ Nέου, Ὁμολογητοῦ Ἱε-
ράρχου (1870-1955) (The holy service for our father among the saints,
Chrysostomos the new, confessor and hierarch [1870-1955]) (Athens: The
Holy Synod of the Church of the Genuine Orthodox Christians of Greece,
2016), p. 18 (ιη). This publication contains the magnificent service to St.
Chrysostomos the New, composed by Metropolitan Cyprian, as well as a
helpful timeline of the Saint’s life.
10 Orthodox Tradition
See his “῾Yπόμνημα ἀπολογητικὸν ὑπὲρ ἀναστηλώσεως τοῦ Πα-
τρίου Ἐκκλησιαστικοῦ Ἡμερολογίου” (Memorandum in defense of the
restoration of the traditional church calendar), in Elias Angelopoulos and
Dionysios Batistatos, Μητροπολίτης πρ. Φλωρίνης Χρυσόστομoς Κα-
βουρίδης: Ἀγωνιστὴς τῆς Ὀρθοδοξίας καὶ τοῦ Ἔθνους (Chrysostomos
Kabourides, metropolitan emeritus of Phlorina: struggler for orthodoxy and
for the Greek nation) (Athens, 1981), pp. 157, 158.
Volume XXXIII, Number 3 11
Metropolitan Chrysostomos (formerly) of Phlorina, “Ἀναίρεσις τοῦ
«Ἐλέγχου» τοῦ Ἀρχιεπισκόπου Ἀθηνω ͂ ν Χρυσοστόμου Παπαδοπού-
λου” (Refutation of the “censure” of archbishop Chrysostomos Papado-
poulos), in Ἅπαντα πρ. Φλωρίνης Χρυσοστόμου (The complete works of
[metropolitan] Chrysostomos of Phlorina) (Ἑλληνικὸ τῆς Γορτυνίας: Hi-
era Mone Hagiou Nikodemou, 1997), Vol. I, pp. 260f.).
12 Orthodox Tradition
See Archbishop Chrysostomos, Bishop Ambrose, and Bishop Aux-
entios, The Old Calendar Orthodox Church of Greece, Fifth Edition (Etna,
CA: Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies, 2009), pp. 19-22.
Volume XXXIII, Number 3 13
Ibid.,pp. 23-26.
For a partial list of the Saint’s numerous writings, see Metropolitan
Cyprian, op. cit, pp. 27-33 (κζ-λγ).
Chrysostomos et al., op. cit., p. 59.