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Literature B2+ Units

The Old Chief Mshlanga by Doris Lessing

The Old Chief Mshlanga is a short story set in Africa at a time when large parts
of it were colonised by Britain. The story is about the daughter of British settlers
who live on a farm in the middle of Africa. Although many native Africans
work for her family, she does not really know them and is ignorant about their
language, culture and traditions. One day she meets an old man called Chief
Mshlanga, who is the chief of a local village. She realises that the land she lives
on used to be his country – it used to belong to his people before the white
settlers came. She discovers that the Chief's son works for her family, so one day
decides to follow him back to the village to see the Chief.


Doris Lessing (1919–2013) was a British writer who wrote novels, poems, plays and short stories. She was born in Iran but
spent much of her childhood in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). At the age of 15, she started writing short stories and selling
them to magazines. She was very active politically and much of her writing is based on her experiences of life in Africa, and
the problems of colonialism. She won many awards in her lifetime, and is the oldest person to be awarded the Nobel Prize
in Literature (in 2007).

Deliberately I set myself to think of this village I And now I did not know what to do next. I called a
was seeking, and what I should do when I entered small black boy, who was sitting on a log playing a
it – if I could find it, which was doubtful, since I stringed gourd, quite naked except for the strings of
was walking aimlessly and it might be anywhere 30 blue beads round his neck, and said: 'Tell the Chief
5 in the hundreds of thousands of acres of bush I am here.' The child stuck his thumb in his mouth
that stretched about me. With my mind on and stared shyly back at me.
that village, I realized that a new sensation was For minutes I shifted my feet on the edge of what
added to the fear: loneliness. Now such a terror seemed a deserted village, till at last the child
of isolation invaded me that I could hardly walk; 35 scuttled off, and then some women came. They
10 and if it were not that I came over the crest of a were draped in bright cloths, with brass glinting
small rise and saw a village below me, I should in their ears and on their arms. They also stared,
have turned and gone home. It was a cluster of silently: then turned to chatter among themselves.
thatched huts in a clearing among trees. There I said again: 'Can I see Chief Mshlanga?' I saw they
were neat patches of mealies and pumpkins and 40 caught the name; they did not understand what I
15 millet, and cattle grazed under some trees at a wanted. I did not understand myself.
distance. Fowls scratched among the huts, dogs At last I walked through them and came past the
lay sleeping on the grass, and goats friezed a kopje huts and saw a clearing under a big shady tree,
that jutted up beyond a tributary of the river lying where a dozen old men sat cross-legged on the
like an enclosing arm around the village. 45 ground, talking. Chief Mshlanga was leaning back
20 As I came close I saw the huts were lovingly against the tree, holding a gourd in his hand, from
decorated with patterns of yellow and red and which he had been drinking. When he saw me, not
ochre mud on the walls; and the thatch was tied a muscle of his face moved, although I could see he
in place with plaits of straw. was not pleased: perhaps he was afflicted with my
50 own shyness, due to being unable to find the right
This was not at all like our farm compound, a forms of courtesy for the occasion. To meet me, on
25 dirty and neglected place, a temporary home for
our own farm, was one thing; but I should not have
migrants who had no roots in it. come here. What had I expected?

aimlessly (line 4): without any particular purpose or plan friezed (line 17): formed a line up
crest of a small rise (line 10): the top of a small hill kopje (line 17): a small hill
cluster (line 12): a small group of things that are very jutted (line 18): stuck out
close to each other ochre (line 22): a brown-yellow colour
mealies (line 14): corn glinting (line 36): shining with quick flashes of light
millet (line 15): a type of grain gourd (line 46): the shell of a hard fruit
fowls (line 16): chickens afflicted (line 49): suffering from

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Literature B2+ Units

The Old Chief Mshlanga by Doris Lessing

  Before reading 4 Using your completed table in the previous
exercise to help you, answer the questions below.
1a You are going to read a story set in colonial Africa 1 What words and phrases does the girl use to
called The Old Chief Mshlanga. Work in pairs and describe her journey to the village? What does this
answer the questions. tell us about her life there and how she feels about
1 What do you understand by 'colonial Africa'? the area?
2 Who do you think ‘The Old Chief Mshlanga’ is? 2 Think again about the different settings described
in the extract: the protagonist’s farm, the village
1b Read About the story and check your answers. and the open country. How does the author create
different atmospheres?
2 The story is set in rural Africa. Work in the same 3 The author uses some long and complex sentences,
pairs and brainstorm what you think it is like especially when describing the landscape. Look at
there. Think about the following points: the first sentence of the extract. What effect does
this have on the reader?
■ the environment
■ what life is like for a British settler
  After reading
■ what life is like for a native African person.

1 Discuss the questions in groups.

  While reading
1 What feelings does the girl experience during this
1 Read the text. Choose the correct options to whole episode? Think about her feelings whilst
complete the sentences. Find evidence in the text trying to find the village, as she arrives in the village,
to support your answers. and after she meets the Chief.
2 Look at the description of the village in While
1 The girl knows /doesn't know where she is going.
reading 3. Do you think it's a nice place? Why/Why
2 She has been/hasn't been to the village before.
3 She knows/doesn't know what to do when she
3 Do you agree with the girl's view of why the Chief
arrives in the village.
isn't pleased to see her? Can you think of any other
4 The small boy fetches/doesn't fetch the Chief for her. reasons why he might not be pleased?
5 The women understand/don't understand her 4 The girl's reason for coming to the village is never
question. stated. Why do you think she came?
6 The Chief is/isn't happy to see her.
2 Imagine you are the girl. Follow the instructions
2 Read the text again and answer the questions. below.
1 How does the girl feel when she is trying to find the 1 Think about what you have learned from your
village? Why do you think she feels like that? experience. Make some notes on what you have
2 What differences does the girl notice between the learned about yourself as a British settler in Africa,
villagers’ houses and her own home? and also about the native African people.
3 How is the girl greeted by the boy and the women in 2 Write a diary entry describing the episode. Use
the village? Why do they greet her like this? words and phrases from While reading 3 and your
4 Why does the girl think the Chief is not pleased to ideas in After reading 1 to describe the scene and
see her? your feelings. Use your notes from the previous
5 What does the girl realise at the end? question to say what you have learned from this
3 Look at the words and phrases used to describe
the scene. Complete the table with words and
phrases from the extract.

the surroundings
the animals
the village
the huts

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