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Crystal Defects, Growth and Epitaxy

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Lecture 4

Crystal defects
Crystal growth and epitaxy

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

Crystal defects
Crystal growth and epitaxy

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

Crystal defects
In practise, crystals are never perfect. Crystal defects affect the
material properties in many ways.

Crystal defects can be divided based on their dimensionality:

1) Point defects (0-D)
2) Line defects (1-D)
3) Planar defects (2-D)
4) Volume defects (3-D)

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

Point defects
Different types of point defects and
their notation (silicon as example)

1) Vacancy (VSi)
2) Self-interstitial (Sii)
3) Impurity interstitial (Bi)
4) Impurity (small, BSi)
5) Impurity (large, PSi)

In addition, if the lattice contains

naturally different atoms (as GaAs),
an antisite defect can form. E.g.,
Gallium at arsenic site is labeled

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

Complexes and strain fields
Impurity atoms can be inserted in semiconductors delibarately to
dope the semiconductor. They are called dopants, and are divided
into donors (n-doping) and acceptors (p-doping).

Two or several point defects next to each other can form complexes
or clusters. E.g., a Ga atom ”jumping” from the lattice site to an
interstitial position (called Frenckel pair).

The effect of point defects is mainly based on their charge and strain
field created around the defect (see below).

Vacancy self-
distortion distortion interstitial
of planes
of planes

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

Line defects (1-D) are most often dislocations. The two types of
dislocations are called edge dislocation (left) and screw dislocation
(right). Dislocations are usually very detrimental in crystals affecting
electrical and optical properties, and causing enhanced diffusion of
impurities along the dislocations.

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

Dislocation imaging

Dislocations can imaged by, e.g., transmission electron

microscopy (TEM, above) or x-ray topography.

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

Planar and volume defects
Examples of planar defects (2-D) are grain boundaries in
polycrystalline materials (left), anti-phase domain boundaries
(APDs, right), and stacking faults.

Examples of volume defects (3-D) are voids (empty spaces),

amorphic regions, inclusions, and precipitates (impurity clusters).


ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

Crystal defects
Crystal growth and epitaxy

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

Bulk crystal growth: Czochralski method
Czochralski = crystal pulling method
Single crystal
Quartz crucible
Water cooled chamber
Heat shield
Carbon heater
Graphite crucible
Crucible support
Spill tray

• Standard technique for Si, InP, GaAs, GaSb, InSb, InAs and GaP growth.
• For III-V, liquid encapsulation is required to prevent the evaporation of the
V-element = Liquid Encapsulation Czochralski (LEC).

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

Float Zone (FZ) method
- More expensive (slow method)
- Better quality, less impurities
- Higher resistivity possible

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

Bridgman method

• Growth on the seed from a melt in a furnace ( Tseed < Tmelt)

• TºC and pressure condition sets the vapour pressure for As
• Low vapour pressure system only Good for GaAs, CdTe growth
Impossible for InP and GaP

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

Preparation of silicon wafers
Polysilicon Seed crystal 6. Edge Rounding
1. Crystal Growth

2. Single Crystal 7. Lapping

3. Crystal Trimming 8. Wafer Etching

and Diameter
Slurry head

4. Flat Grinding 9. Polishing

Polishing table

5. Wafer Slicing 10.Wafer Inspection

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics


ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

Liquid phase epitaxy (LPE)
LPE liquid phase epitaxy
- Simple and inexpensive, rarely used nowadays
- Thick layers quickly from molten sources
- Horizontal graphite boat, substrate is moved under the melt bins
- Process close to thermodynamical equilibrium
- Interfaces between materials are not accurate

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

Vapor phase epitaxy

VPE vapor phase epitaxy

- Gases/vapors as source materials, dissociation and chemical reactions
close to heated substrate
- Thick layers quickly
- Thickness control, thin layers problematic

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

Hydride and Halide Vapor Phase Epitaxy
Near-equilibrium technique, growth rate determined by the mass input rate
of the reactants  high growth rates (> 10 µm/h)

©Challentech International Corp.

Cl-VPE: Group V precursors are halides (Ex: AsCl3, PCl3)

HVPE: Group V precursors are hydrides (Ex: AsH3, PH3)

Note: Al and Sb compounds difficult to grow with this method

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics
Modern epitaxy methods
Modern epitaxial techniques
- good control of layers thickness d
and composition needed (Dd < 1Å)
MBE (molecular beam epitaxy)
- ultra-high vacuum
- like vacuum evaporation
- often solid sources
- several systems in Tampere, one
in Micronova
P Ga
(metalorganic vapor As Al In
phase epitaxy)
- sources vapors or gases
- three systems in

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE)
• Growth by effusion of the precursors onto the sample under ultra-
high vacuum (10-6-10-7 Torr) (1 Torr = 103 atm, deep space: 10-17 Torr)

© www.atweiwei.net

• The substrate is heated up to enhance atom diffusion on the surface

• The walls of the chamber are cooled to trap excess reactants
• The growth can be interrupted abruptly by closing shutters front of
the effusion cells

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE)

©Tanwin Chang, NBER

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE)
To rotation motor and
substrate heater
Helium cooled
shroud Ionization

Gate valve
Effusion cells,
(or gas cracker Fork
cells or injectors)


Fluorescent Substrate
screen Quadrupole mass

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE)
Slow but accurate!
Slow growth (~0.1-1μm/hour) and low contamination level allow
sharp material transition (over one monolayer!)

© Centre for Electron
Microscopy of TASC

Also MBE ZnSe growth
at TKK 200nm
SiO2/Si lattices (non-crystalline growth)

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MBE at Micronova

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

Reflection High-Energy Electron Diffraction

Monolayer growth beam RHEED

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

Knudsen effusion cell
Molecular flux onto the substrate:

Angle between beam

and normal to substrate
 A cos  
subst.   
Area of the cell
Molecular flux
 d 2  cell from the cell
 s  Distance of the cell
from the substrate
• Group V elements stick on the surface only in presence of Group III elements
Growth rate limited by the flux of group III
(provided that group V is in excess)

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

Molecular flux
Molecular flux onto the substrate as a function of partial pressure

F P
2 mk T

• This applies to both VPE and MBE

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

Semiconductor physics

Lecture quiz 3

Time: 5 minutes
Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
• Source materials are metal organics (ex:
Ga(CH3)3, In(CH3)3). The bond between metal
and organics is weak and can be broken by
temperature above ~400 °C
• Normal growth temperatures 500-800°C 
diffusion limited growth regime

• Trimethylgallium (TMGa) pyrolysis reaction:

Ga(CH3)3 Ga(CH3)2 + CH3
Ga(CH3)2 Ga(CH3) + CH3
Ga(CH3) Ga + CH3

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

Metalorganic Vapour Phase Epitaxy

• Growth rate: ~1 μm/h Allows quantum structure growth

Less contamination by parasitic
• Cold wall reactor reactions on reactor walls

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

III-V growth (on the substrate)
Reactor door
(CH3)3Ga(g) + (C4H9)H2As(g) + H2(g) Reactor



MFC MFC MFC Substrate

Carrier gas
Bubbler SiH4
TMGa = trimethylgallium
TMGa TBA TBA = tertiarybutylarsine

650ºC GaAs(s) + 3CH4(g) + C4H10(g)

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

MOVPE precursors

• Group III
Choice of the precursors relies on several
TMGa, TEGa criteria:
TMIn, TEIn • Purity
• Toxicity
• Group V • Price
TBP • Vapor pressure
TBAs, AsH3 • Decomposition T
• Dopants
DEZn, SiH4, Mg(C5H5)2
Precursor bubblers are kept in temperature
200g TMG bottle costs
controlled baths. The bath temperature
determines the vapor pressure of the

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

Optical in-situ monitoring
• Reflectance measurement

• Fabry-Perot oscillations layer

thickness or refractive index n

• n  growth rate  composition

• Absorption taken into account by the

Imaginary part of the complex
refractive index

• Optical ports for optical fibers are

located on top of the reactor

• Halogen lamp as a light source, 635


ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

MOVPE at Micronova

Three MOVPE systems for GaAs-, InP- and GaN-based materials

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

Comparison of epitaxy methods
- Only simple structures
+ Cheap - Poor layer thickness
LPE + Fast growth control

+ Control of doping and - Slow growth

MBE composition at the monolayer
- Poisonous precursors
HVPE, + Fast growth - Quantum structures
Cl-VPE - Al- and Sb-compounds
difficult to grow
+ Fairly good doping and - Poisonous precursors
MOVPE composition control
+ Low contamination
ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics
Comparison of epitaxy methods

Cheap, simple method with fast growth rate. Still in

LPE used in the industry for growing devices with simple

Expensive and highly accurate method. Attractive for

MBE material research. Also used in the industry to
manufacture complex quantum structures or grow
demanding materials (Ex: GaInNAs)

HVPE, Fast growth, in-situ cleaning & etching.

Cl-VPE Popular for regrowth processes

MOVPE Versatile and robust. Widely used in the industry

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

Transport processes in epitaxy

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

Lattice mismatch issues
Lattice mismatch is usually a limitation. Examples:
GaN on sapphire (13.5% lattice mismatch), InP on Silicon (7.5%)

• GaN bulk wafers cannot be grown neither by the Bridgman nor Czochralski
method (requires up to pressure 6 GPa pressure!) heteroepitaxy
10 μm
• GaN is grown on sapphire (Al2O3), SiC, ZnO, LiAlO2 by MOVPE or HVPE
• Lots of discolations due to lattice mismatch
• But sometimes lattice mismatch is desired: quantum dot growth!

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

If heteroepitaxy must be
used: dislocations should be
limited close to the substrate

GaN on sapphire
Dislocation density >1010
cm-2 at the interface
But ~ 108 cm-2 after a few
micrometers of growth

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

Growth modes in epitaxy
Frank-van der Merwe (2-d) Volmer-Weber (3-d)

Stranski-Krastanow (2-d + 3-d)

Transition to 3-d growth

after ultrathin strained
wetting layer

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

Stranski-Krastanow growth mode
Ge islands on Si not dislocated



Eaglesham, Cerullo, Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 1943–1946 (1990)

Stress is not released by dislocation formation. Strain energy is

accumulated both in the island and in the substrate.

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

Stranski-Krastanow growth
Example: InAs island formation on GaAs surface

• InAs has 8% larger lattice constant than GaAs

• After deposition of a very thin wetting layer of InAs (less
than monolayers) small islands (~10 nm wide) are formed

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

Vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth of nanowires
• Gold particles are placed on the substrate
• Gold forms a liquid eutectic alloy with e.g. Ga, In or Si
• Supersaturationatoms from vapor are incorporated at the liquid solid
interface below the liquid droplet a whisker is formed

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

VLS growth: Precursor molecule routes
Growth temperature typically well below 500Cgrowth limited by reaction

@ L. Samuelsson, Lund University

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics
Crystal defects
Crystal growth and epitaxy

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

Processing of wafers
Typical fabrication processes

Silicon wafers GaAs wafers

- Cleaning of wafer - Cleaning of wafer
- Oxidation - Epitaxy
- Photolithography - Thin film growth
- Etching - Photolithography
- Doping - Metallisation
- Thin film growth
- Metallisation

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

Oxidation of Si is an important process (SiO2 is used for masking,
insulator, passivation)

* Dry oxidation (thin oxides, high quality)

* Wet oxidation (thick oxides, lower quality)

- Reaction with water vapor

* Thermal CVD process PECVD Oxidation ovens

- From silane (SiH4), O2

* Plasma enhanced CVD

process (PECVD)
- From SiH4, N2O

CVD = chemical vapor

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics
Litography (i.e., patterning) is the basis for fabrication of all the
semiconductor devices. Typically mm-size features are needed.
Photolitography is based on photosensitive resist (UV sensitive,
yellow room). Resist is spread on the wafer by a spinning process:
- Cleaning and pre-bake of wafer
- Adding resist droplet
- Spinning of wafer (thickness is determined by rotation speed)
- Bake of wafer (increases

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics
The next process is the exposure . Mask aligner is used to align the
pattern with the markings on the wafer (can perform several
patterning steps) and expose the areas through the mask. Then the
exposed (positive resist) or unexposed (negative resist) areas are
chemically removed.

Mask aligner

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

- Wet etching using chemicals, e.g., HF etches SiO but it does not
etch Si (selective etch). Often the etching speed depends on the
crystallographic direction (anisotropic etch).
- Dry etching using ions and chemicals in gaseous form
- Plasma etching, surface is bombarded by ions accelerated in
electric field (physical etching)
· high energy => sputtering, not selective
· low energy => also chemical reactions,
- Reactive ion etching (RIE)
· mostly chemical reactions
- Inductive coupled plasma RIE (ICP-RIE)
· can select degree of physical and
chemical etching

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

Wet vs. dry etching

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

Other processes
- Doping by ion implatation (or diffusion)
- Wafer bonding
- Metallisation
electron beam

Resistive matallisation

DC-sputtering Metallisation by e-beam evaporation

ELEC-E3140 Semiconductor physics

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