Special Construction Methods and Techniques

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What is Soil Stabilization? What are the various methods of

stabilization? Explain these briefly. Prepare concrete formwork and concrete
reinforcement checklists?
Soil Stabilization:

It is the process by which a soil is improved and made more stable. It is the
alteration of soils to enhance their physical properties. Stabilization can
increase the shear strength of a soil and/or control the shrink-swell properties of
a soil, thus improving the load bearing capacity of a sub-grade to support
pavements and foundations.

Various soil stabilization methods and materials:

 Soil Stabilization with cement

 Soil Stabilization using lime
 Soil Stabilization with bitumen
 Chemical Stabilization of soil
 Soil Stabilization by grouting
 Soil stabilization by geo textiles and fabrics

 Soil Stabilization with cement:

The soil stabilized with cement is known as soil cement. The cementing
action is believed to be the result of chemical reaction of cement with
siliceous soil during hydration reaction. The important factors affecting the
soil cement are nature of soil content, conditions of mixing, compaction,
curing and admixtures used.
The appropriate amounts of cement needed for different types of soils may
be classified as follows:
 Gravels – 5 to 10%
 Sands – 7 to 12%
 Silts – 12 to 15%
 Clays – 12 to 20%

The quantity of cement for a compressive strength of 25 to 30 kg/cm2

should normally be sufficient for tropical climate for soil stabilization. If the
layer of soil having surface area of A (m2), thickness h (cm) and dry density
rd ( tonnes/m3) has to be stabilized with percentage p of cement by weight
on the basis of dry soil.

Cement mixture will be = [(100*p)/(100+p)]

And the amount of cement required for soil stabilization is given by

Amount of cement = [(A*h*rd/100)*(p/(100+p)] in tonnes

Lime, calcium chloride, sodium carbonate, sodium sulphate and fly ash are
some of the additives commonly used with cement for cement stabilization
of soils.

 Soil Stabilization using lime:

Slaked lime is very effective in treating heavy plastic clayey soils. Lime
may be used alone or in combination with cement, bitumen or fly ash.
Sandy soils can also be stabilized with these combinations. Lime has been
mainly used for stabilizing the road bases and the subgrade.
Lime changes the nature of the adsorbed layer and provides pozzolanic
action. Plasticity index of highly plastic soils are reduced by the addition of
lime with soil. There is an increase in the optimum water content and a
decrease in the maximum compacted density and thus the strength and
durability of soil increases.

Normally 2 to 8% of lime may be required for coarse grained soils and 5 to

8% of lime may be required for plastic soils. The amount of flyash as
admixture may vary from 8 to 20% of the weight of the soil.

 Soil Stabilization with bitumen:

Asphalts and tars are bituminous materials which are used for stabilization
of soil, generally for pavement construction. Bitumen materials when added
to soil, they impart both cohesion and reduced water absorption. Depending
upon the above actions and the nature of soils, bitumen stabilization is
classified in following four types:
 sand bitumen stabilization
 soil bitumen stabilization
 water proofed mechanical stabilization and
 oiled earth
 Chemical stabilization of soils:
Calcium chloride being hygroscopic and deliquescent is used as a water
retentive additive in mechanically stabilized soil bases and surfacing. The
vapour pressure gets lowered, surface tension increases and rate of
evaporation decreases. The freezing point of pure water gets lowered and it
results in prevention or reduction of frost heave (upward push of ground or
pavement caused by the freezing of moist soil).
Depressing the double electric layer, the salt reduces the water pick up and
thus the loss of strength of fine grained soils. Calcium chloride acts as a soil
flocculent and facilities compaction. Frequent application of calcium
chloride may be necessary to make up for the loss of chemical by leaching
action. For the salt to be effective, the relative humidity of the atmosphere
should be above 30%
Sodium chloride is the other chemical that can be used for this purpose with
a stabilizing action similar to that of calcium chloride.
Sodium silicate is yet another chemical used for this purpose in
combination with other chemicals such as calcium chloride, polymers,
chrome lignin, alkyl chlorosilanes, siliconites, amines and quaternary
ammonium salts, sodium hexametaphosphate, phosphoric acid combined
with wetting agent.
 Soil Stabilization by grouting:
In this method, stabilizers are introduced by injection into the soil. This
method is not useful for clayey soils because of their low permeability. This
is a costly method for stabilization.
This method is suitable for stabilizing buried zones of relatively limited
extent. The grouting techniques can be classified as following:
 Clay grouting
 Chemical grouting
 Chrome lignin grouting
 Polymer grouting
 Bituminous grouting
 Soil stabilization by geotextiles and fabrics:
Geotextiles are porous fabrics made of synthetic materials such as
polyethylene, polyester, nylons and polyvinyl chloride. Woven, non-woven
and grid form varieties of geotextiles are available. Geotextiles have a high
strength. When properly embedded in soil, it contributes to its stability. It is
used in the construction of unpaved roads over soft soils.
Reinforcing the soils for stabilization by metallic strips into it and providing
an anchor or tie back to restrain a facing skin element.
 Electrical stabilization of clayed soils:
Electrical stabilization of clayey soils is done by method known as electro-
osmosis. This is an expensive method for soil stabilization and is mainly
used for drainage of cohesive soils.

 Text book on construction Technology

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