Balba v. Peak Development Inc.
Balba v. Peak Development Inc.
Balba v. Peak Development Inc.
Procedure: LA – NLRC – CA (on 65) – SC (on 45) individual respondent terminated the complainant’s services
Facts: on the ground of loss of trust and confidence.
She was hired Systems Administration Personnel. Thus, her LA upheld dismissal, NLRC said it was illegal
first assignment was to oversee the computerization of the CA ruled in favor of Peak during Certiorari, but on MR
respondent company’s Finance Department. changed decision and ruled in favor of Balba.
The dispute between the parties incepted when complainant Issue:
was assigned to conduct a study on the new law on expanded WON the CA erred in reversing the factual findings in the case instead
value added tax (E-VAT). Thus, she attended an E-VAT of ruling only on errors of jurisdiction, as befits a judgment in a special
seminar at the expense of the respondent company. Until the civil action for certiorari and prohibition.
law was implemented on January 1, 1996, complainant failed
to submit her report. According to the respondents, since the Held:
first quarter report was due for submission on April 20, 1996, The flaw in petitioners reasoning lies in the failure to
the complainant was reminded about her long delayed E-VAT appreciate that it is sometimes necessary to delve into
[study]. factual issues in order to resolve allegations of grave abuse
A new Internal Auditor was hired. In a summary of audit of discretion as a ground for the special civil action of
findings, she noted there were irregular accounting practices certiorari and prohibition.
and control systems and procedures. Furthermore, the conflicting views of the LA and the NLRC on
According to the respondents, when the complainant’s the factual issues or the insufficiency of the evidence
attention was called regarding the audit finding, instead of supporting the respective allegations of the parties,
cooperating, complainant allegedly questioned Ms. Icaros warranted the review thereof by the CA, at the very least to
authority as Internal Auditor, and it was only upon the determine the existence of grave abuse of discretion
alleged intervention of the individual respondent that tantamount to lack or excess of jurisdiction.
complainant began to implement the audit SC said she was illegally dismissed.
A memorandum was issued by the individual respondent
placing complainant under preventive suspension, and at the
same time, requiring the complainant to explain why no
disciplinary action should be taken against her for
insubordination, negligence and incompetence.
Subsequently, another memorandum was issued requiring
complainant to explain why despite being a managerial
employee, she collected overtime pay for alleged overtime
services rendered.