Parker PDF
Parker PDF
Parker PDF
London’s newest landmark, The Shard, now dominates the city’s
skyline. Western Europe’s tallest building, designed by Italian
architect Renzo Piano, is now complete with access to the public
due in 2013. Ingenia spoke to John Parker, project director for
structural engineers WSP, who outlined the engineering decisions
made in building the enormous steel and glass structure.
The Shard was conceived in 2000 an 80% stake in the project. surrounding tower to be built London Bridge station and
by Renzo Piano at the behest of Building work started in 2009 before the basement beneath it Guy’s Hospital, a 24-storey
London-based entrepreneur Irvine and The Shard’s 95 storeys will had been fully excavated. 1970s concrete-framed office
Sellar, to be built on the land eventually be home to a 200- Top-down is not an block had to be removed piece-
occupied by Southwark Towers, bed 5-star hotel, three floors of innovation in itself: it was used by-piece before construction
an office-block Sellar owned restaurants, 10 residences, and a to build the new parliamentary work could start.
and wanted to replace. Like all public viewing platform. office building, Portcullis House, Structural engineers
London skyscrapers, The Shard Visually, The Shard’s most in Westminster in the 1990s while calculated that this removal of
quickly gained a nickname, which striking features are its 310m excavating for the Jubilee line 25,000 tonnes of concrete and
has since also become its formal height and the glass which Underground station beneath. glass could cause the ground to
name. The name ‘The Shard’ is forms its sloping walls and But using the technique for the ‘relax’, with the potential to cause
derived from master architect gives the structure its name. core of a very tall building was movement to nearby structures.
Renzo Piano’s description of the Less obvious but equally a world first. By cutting three A finite element analysis
development as a ‘shard of glass’ impressive is the use of the latest months off the construction of the soil and soil-structure
during planning stages. structural engineering tools and programme, carried out by Mace, interaction was performed to
In late 2007, the uncertainty techniques to optimise every it enabled substantial savings to assess the heave and settlement
in global financial markets aspect of the structure, from the be made and kept the cost down effects during demolition and
sparked concerns about getting foundations to the shard tips. to under £450 million. subsequent construction. These
The Shard’s construction One of the most impressive revealed a zone of influence
started. The project was almost innovations was the bold and extending about 70 m outside
cancelled, but in January imaginative use of ‘top-down’ NARROW MARGINS the perimeter, and an extensive
2008, it was announced that a construction which allowed This super-tall building has been monitoring system was put
The last piece of steel being lifted
into place on The Shard’s spire in consortium of Qatari investors the first 23 storeys of the developed within a confined in place. At the demolition
March 2012 © Mace/Sellar had paid £150 million to secure concrete core and much of the site area. Sandwiched between stage, there was less than
5 mm movement measured of The old building’s large concrete sinking interlinked secant piles a concrete basement, structural Unlike the building it replaced, The Shard
the adjacent Jubilee line tunnel under-reamed piles, for example, – closely-spaced bored piles steel from ground to level 40, CONTROLLING THE SWAY
and there was no more than were not deep enough to use used to form a retaining wall. concrete from levels 41 to 69, occupies virtually every square metre of the All tall buildings move in the wind, and gusts of 100 mph have been
12 mm during the whole course on the new building, and were The ground floor slab was then and steel again from there to recorded near the top of The Shard. What the occupiers will notice
of the project. too difficult to remove or to drill cast, with a hole left for the core the top at level 95. The whole site, with no surrounding space for storage. is not the movement itself – in The Shard’s case, up to around 300-
Unlike the building it through – both in terms of time to pass through, in order to act structure is given stability by 400 mm at the top – but the horizontal acceleration as the building
replaced, The Shard occupies and cost of jackhammering out as a prop for the wall ahead of a massive concrete core that sways back and forth, and this was particularly important in the
virtually every square metre of all the concrete. The answer was excavation beneath. is placed in the middle of the hotel and residential section. A limit of just 0.15 m/s2 at level 65 was
the site, with no surrounding to arrange the new piles in a building. placed on the design, and achieving this required a combination
space for storage. Pre-planning pattern which avoided the old. SHARD CONCEPT This design solution was of damping the oscillations (provided, conveniently, by the heavy
was an essential requisite With the demolition over, The Shard is an unusual mixture driven by the intended use of concrete section between levels 41 to 69) and increasing stiffness.
throughout the four-year build a perimeter wall was created of concrete and steel, a tiered The Shard, but its side effects The stiffness was increased by WSP with a ‘hat truss’ at level 66.
in this built-up commuter area. round the edge of the site by wedding cake of a building with have been to improve the This uses outrigger struts rising diagonally from the perimeter
columns to the central core, with the sole purpose of reducing
the lateral acceleration. But tightening the bolts on the truss had
dynamics of the building, save to be left until near the end of The Shard’s construction.
money and add lettable space
EXCAVATING This was because buildings shorten during construction –
– see Controlling the sway. The WHILE BUILDING through foundation settlement, elastic compression of materials
lower floors of the structure With the perimeter wall built and (with concrete) shrinkage and creep. For a building up to
will be offices, with spans of and the ground floor slab cast, around 15 storeys, the effects are negligible but with The Shard
up to 15 m from perimeter to concrete piles were sunk to they are substantial, and they vary across the building: the
core. Structural steel columns support the building, the largest perimeter columns have shortened much more than the core.
and beams were the optimal piles being underneath the This meant many additional deflection calculations for various
solution for these floors, with core and extended down as far stages of construction using ETABS structural analysis software,
plenty of space between the as 53 m. Massive steel plunge and considerable extra complications in construction: floors,
deep beams for the extensive columns were then embedded for example, had to be built slightly off the horizontal so that
services required. in the top of the piles, rising up to they would settle into the correct position. And only once the
In the upper part of the above B2 level. The building (and building was complete and most of the shortening had taken
building, the use changes particularly, the core) could then place could the hat trusses be finally fixed.
to hotel and residential start to rise upwards, supported
accommodation, where fewer on the plunge columns, while
ceiling-mounted services excavation of the basement
are required and where proceeded underneath.
acoustic separation of the With excavation complete,
floors becomes much more the B3 basement slab, the
important. The tapering of the bottom of the building, was
building here means that the ready to be cast. Here, the
maximum span at this height engineers worked hard to design
is down to 9 m. Concrete the slab to be as thin as possible,
columns and post-tensioned both to save unnecessary
concrete flat slabs were the best excavation and to avoid the
solution on these floors. And complications of deepening
then by reducing the storey the secant pile walls. The result
height in this section from was a remarkably thin slab by
3.75 m to 3.1 m it was possible comparison with similar sized
to include two extra floors – an buildings elsewhere in the world.
important consideration since Nevertheless, at 3 m thick The mini-crane’s boom is lifted up The Shard by the main tower crane.
The boom was then lifted up to level 87 and reattached to the mini-crane,
Aerial view of the site during piling, showing the proximity to London Bridge The Shard is a hybrid structure: concrete in the basement, steel to level 40, the overall height was limited under the core with four layers of ready for work to commence © GGR Group
station © WSP concrete again to level 69 and finally a steel ‘spire’ at the top © WSP by the Civil Aviation Authority. reinforcement in each direction,
building and lower cradles serve just part of the tower. The
to all parts of the façade. three-storey-high viewing gallery
John Parker is a Technical Director for WSP’s London structures Got ideas?
team. He has worked on Hungerford Bridge, the Jubilee Line
Extension and London Bridge station projects as well as The
Shard. He is particularly interested in enhancing architecture 3L[[OLTÅV^OLYL
through expressed structural engineering.
and the impact
The Shard is a significant addition to London’s South Bank skyline. The
exterior of The Shard was completed in June 2012 and the rooms inside are
now being prepared for completion by early 2013 © A Devlin/PA Photos
Hugh Ferguson spoke to John Parker on behalf of Ingenia
An independent
the quality of the welding where the finish would be visible. The
The Shard’s spire was pre-assembled on a North Yorkshire airfield by
modularisation and test erection paid off, as crane lifts for the the steel design and erection team Severfield Rowen. The firm used the
E&P company
highest levels were severely restricted by high winds during the exercise to create 3D models of the spire at every part of its construction,
and create a ‘building guide’ with detailed day-by-day instructions for the
build phase. team to build it on top of The Shard © Mace
with operations
30 INGENIA worldwide.