J005177-Housing-Newsletter-Jan-2018 Web

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City Housekeeping:


Tenant Review

A few tenants have not yet

returned the Tenant Review form
that was due last November. If
that’s you, please contact us or
return your form to us urgently,
so we can avoid your rent subsidy
being affected.

PĀNUI – NOHO WHARE, NOHO WHĀNAU If you have any questions, or

need help with the form, please

The Journey Continues…

talk with your tenancy advisor –
phone (04) 499 4444.

“H ousing is the number one

priority for New Zealand right
now and one of my passions. That’s
why I wanted this job” says Michelle
Riwai, new City Housing Manager.
“Over the past few years I’ve worked
in a number of areas but Housing
is always the area I’ve been most
interested in.”
“I’m very lucky to be taking over this
role after all the great work that has
already been done by the previous
managers and the team themselves.
John McDonald has now moved on
to the role of Housing Development
Manager with the Council’s newest
unit, Build Wellington. Where he’ll
be working to develop new housing
for Wellington City Council as part of overseas including the UK where
councils plan to build 750 new social John was heavily involved in this
type of work”
and affordable homes over the next
ten years.” “One of John’s, and the Housing
Keeping in touch pg 3
Development team’s, major projects
“Wellington needs more over the coming months will looking Computer Hub hours pg 3
affordable housing and the at the redevelopment of Arlington
Council will continue to be Site 1. It’s a very exciting project and Survey: what you told us
a big part of that work. I know the team are working hard on pg 4-5
this. While at City Housing we are
In December, council approved the currently arranging transfers for all Tenant liability explained
draft 10 year Housing Strategy. Over the permanent tenants on the site.” pg 6
the coming months you will hear
“As for me I’m excited to continue Farewell Arlington
more about this work.”
the Council’s work in social housing.
community room pg 7
“The Council’s plan is to modernise City Housing has an impressive
its properties by upgrading them and reputation for the services it delivers. Community Action
disposing some of our older units Already since I’ve arrived it’s been Programme details pg 8
which aren’t up to standard and announced the Community Action
would cost too much to repair. Then Programme has won the Leading
we can use this money to build new Community Engagement Award at
properties, much like we’re doing the Australasian Housing Institute
with Arlington site 2 or reinvest Awards in Sydney. Great work and
elsewhere in our stock. This way of further proof of how customer
working has been really successful focused the team are.”

Contact us: City Housing | PO Box 2199 | Wellington | Phone 04 499 4444 | Email info@wcc.govt.nz | wellington.govt.nz 1
... continued from Page 1

“Over the coming months we’ll be refining what we do and crafting

our services to meet the needs of all our tenants. The feedback
you’ve already given us through the Tenant Satisfaction Survey has
been invaluable to get us started. We want to increase the amount of
feedback we get from you. You will hear more about this as the project
progresses. There will be challenges for City Housing over the coming
years. Your feedback will help us shape the future of the service.”
“I’m delighted to be at City Housing and I look forward to continue to
improve the work we do for you.”

We celebrated our 2017 Housing heroes in style back in October

A ntz Michael, Joe Fa’amaoni, Steve Kohler and Mary
McNamara were awarded certificates by our Mayor
Justin Lester, saying, “It’s an honour to present these
Among the many accolades Antz was commended for
his involvement in the tenant cookbook project; Joe,
for presenting about the work of the CAP team at a
annual awards that are a long running tradition at City social housing sector conference; Steve for his work
Housing, going back 16 years. They’re an important way with the Amigos
to acknowledge the contribution these people make as group (see page 3);
volunteers and friends serving their neighbourhoods”. and Mary for her more
than 20 years’ work in
Our Heroes, guests and some Council staff, including
her community.
Chief Operating Officer Barbara McKerrow, gathered
for morning tea at the Wakefield Plaza hotel lobby. The Huge thanks to our
Mayor handed over to Corrina McGregor, well known as heroes and to those
Senior Community Advisor with the Community Action who nominated their
(CAP) team, to share anecdotes of each one’s generous, neighbours.
dedicated and joyful involvement in their community.

Rent Advisors
are here to help
If keeping up with your rent or other bills is a struggle,
our Rent Advisors can help you find practical advice.
Phone us on (04) 499 4444.
Bevan Anne

Our city has a big future - have your say

D id you know that 50,000 to 80,000 people are
expected to move to Wellington in the next
30 years! This and other changes, including in the
environment, will affect everyone so it’s important
you have your say.
Visit www.ourcityromorrow.org.nz to see
• more about what is ahead for our city
• i deas to make our city better prepared for
the future
• ways you can give your feedback

If you would like help to with this, ask a member

of your Community Action Programme team,
phone (04) 499 4444.

Keeping in touch
Want to talk with a Tenancy Advisor?
Computer Hub
Monday, Tuesday,
Ruzanna Rachel Bobby David
Thursday, Friday
Feel free to approach us whenever we are visiting our properties. 9am – 12noon and 1 – 4pm

It’s easy to arrange a face to face meeting with a tenancy advisor (TA):
• phone (04) 499 4444
1pm – 4pm only
• email cityhousing@wcc.govt.nz
• text free 3400 (state your name, address, and “request a meeting with a TA”)
• Visit the Wellington City Council Service Centre on Wakefield Street.
Central Park Apartments
We will do our best to meet when and where it suits you (though we are limited Near the community room,
to the Wellington City area, and Council’s business hours of 8am to 5pm). We are ground floor off Brooklyn Road.
always happy to talk about any tenancy matters. Newtown Park Apartments
Opposite the community room,
CAP chats 2018 ground floor, D block.

Bobby Rosalina Ruth Shelley

W e have said fond farewells to Corrina McGregor and Joanna Burleigh from
the CAP team. CAP Chats will continue with Bobby, Rosalina, Ruth (and
sometimes Shelley), on their usual days, weekly or fortnightly as last year. See
Computer Hub Hosts Tom and

days and times below, and we look forward to seeing you soon! If you would
like a calendar of dates, phone Shelley on (04) 499 4444.

Kotuku Apartments, Kilbirnie Central Park, Mt Cook

1pm – 3pm 1:30pm – 4pm

Tuesdays Duncan Terrace, Kilbirnie Marshall Court, Miramar

(weekly) morning tea 10am – 11am 2pm – 3:30pm

Heath Flats, Batchelor Hanson Court, Rintoul Street,

Johnsonville Street, Newtown Berhampore Amigos Peer Support Group
1:30pm – 3:30pm Newlands 2pm – 3:30pm 2:30pm – (people supporting people) is
2pm – 4pm 4:30pm a group for those who have
experienced mental distress.
Pukehinau, Hobart, Central Park, Granville, We run free groups: coffee
Mt Cook Miramar Mt Cook Berhampore group, arts & crafts group,
11am – 12:30pm 1:30pm – 3:30pm 1:30pm – 4pm 2pm – 4pm waiata Maori group, realities
group, etc. Comradeship and
social contact. Phone Steve
Thursdays Newtown Park Apartments Te Ara Hou, Newtown
1pm – 3pm 3:30pm – 4:30pm on 04 385 4752.

City Housing
Tenant Satisfaction Survey 2017
We sent the survey to all of our 1948 head tenants. Council’s scorecard
35% returned their surveys to Council’s Research team.
These results are published in the Council’s Annual Report.
They say this is a good representation of the views
of the tenant community.
These results have a margin for error of +/- 3.02%.
Feel safe outside their home at night
Target 75%
Surveys returned All head tenants
2017 score 78%
43% Female 46% Female
Overall condition of home rated good
57% Male 54% Male or very good
Target 85%
2017 score 94%

Had positive contact with neigbours

Target 75%
2017 score 93%

Satisfied with services and facilities

Target 90%
2017 score 96%
Top five ways City Housing could improve its
customer service

22% 26% Maintenance of your home and logging jobs

Said get a cleaning Said there’s nothing
or repair job done to improve

Said to return calls
more quickly
Satisfied with the ongoing
maintenance of their home

Of tenants had logged a
job in the last year

Said to improve

17% 86%
Said to respond to
complaints or maintenance Of these said the trades-
requests more quickly person did a good job

Getting involved

79% 88%
Are satisfied with the Who attended community
service their tenancy activities were satisfied.
advisor provides

Keeping in touch – how you like City Housing

to contact you
More than half of tenants would like to get more involved

in how City Housing is run

You like mail: Letters, the City Yes

Housing News and leaflets in No
the mailbox are most popular,

62% 59%
preferred by up to 50%

86% 2016 2017

Who had read the
City Housing News
were satisfied with it

Text, email and face-to-face contact are all more Top 5 ways to have a say
popular than last year

Text messages
Having a tenant
2016 26% representative
2017 32%

Talking face-to-face with tenancy advisor 29% 41%

2017 30% Meetings with staff to Focus groups with
look at documents City Housing staff

Email 23%
2016 14% Telephone surveys
2017 17%

Tenant wellbeing Crisis support services and
contact numbers
Stress, grief, mental illness or feeling helpless or lonely
Te Haika: Mental Health Crisis Team 0800 745 477
Life Line 0800 543 354
Salvation Army Wellington Community Ministries (at the Hope
Centre) after hours emergency welfare support, phone 04 389 0594
Julie McDonald

Youth Line 0800 376 6333
t City Housing we don’t simply
think about our buildings. Our Samaritans for sympathetic, caring and confidential support 24/7
focus is always the people, our tenants. phone 0800 726 666
Supporting those who need a little extra
Skylight Foundation for information, advice, counselling
help is the focus of Julie’s role, working
with local services that provide excellent skylight.org.nz or 0800 299 100 or (04) 939 6767
Feeling unsafe or a victim of crime
“We know that the holiday season can
Family Violence ‘It’s OK to ask for help’ 0800 456 450 or
be a difficult time. It’s important to
remember that even if you think you’re
alone, you’re not.” Victim Support, Manaaki Tangata helps people hurt by crime and
“I really love my job, seeing people care other trauma, phone 0800 VICTIM or 0800 84 28 46
about their neighbours. Making sure there Wellington Women’s Refuge crisis line 04 473 6280
is support can mean the world to someone
who’s struggling.” Meals and food assistance and budget help
Compassion Centre Soup Kitchen, 132 Tory Street (04) 385 9299
Worried about a neighbour?
Wellington City Mission, 200 Riddiford Street Newtown
Tell your Tenancy Advisor
(04) 245 0900
There is no one solution for
supporting people, as everyone Downtown Community Ministry and Te Hapai, Compassion
has different needs. If you think a House, 2 Lukes Lane (04) 384 7699
neighbour needs some help, please
tell your Tenancy Advisor – you can Medical and healthcare
do this confidentially. Their first *For emergencies dial 111 ambulance or go to the hospital
step will be to talk with the person, emergency department, Newtown*
to work out what type of support is
Newtown Union Health Service, 14 Hall Street (04) 380 2020
needed. Then we will coordinate with
the right agency (or agencies) to get Te Aro Health Clinic, 331 Willis Street (04) 385 0255
support in place.

Explaining Tenant Liability charges

D ripping taps, leaking sinks,
wobbly doors… things wear out
in our 2000+ properties and City
Tenant Liability (TL) is included in
Tenancy Agreements for all tenants
with City Housing as well as other Our most common TL charges are
Housing pays for our contractor landlords). for broken windows, lost keys, and
CityCare to make hundreds of repairs It means that when damage is caused missed visits. (If you are not home
like this every month. by someone in a rented property at the agreed time and the repairer
Wear usually happens gradually (even if it is caused by guests), the cannot get into do the job, they still
through normal use over time and tenant agrees to pay for fair costs to have to be paid for the time to travel
City Housing pays for these repairs. repair or replace affected items. to the property).
Damage is different. Before charging for repairs, we If a TL charge is causing you concerns
Damage can happen suddenly consider the facts and what is fair: please talk to your tenancy advisor,
(often by accident), or using Was this damage, or wear? Was phone (04) 499 4444. TIP: You can
something improperly, or letting a damaged item in near new, or arrange regular small payments.
small problems grow. used condition?

Housing Upgrades and Maintenance
Farewell to the Arlington Apartments community room
I n November the Arlington
Apartments community room
coordinators closed the room for the
running out of the tower block, all
crying. I said to myself, this is a time
when I should help my community
last time. This space was the heart of because I’m the Kaitiaki (guardian).
the community for two years, after It was cold and windy and people
the original Arlington Community were scared to go back into their
Hall on Taranaki Street (now the Site 2 buildings, so I opened up the
building site) closed in 2015. Community Room so people
The smaller temporary space could drink tea and coffee and
hummed with the kids club, eat biscuits”.
CAP chats, cooking classes, tea Once the new Arlington Apartments
ceremonies, mural design sessions, is built I hope I can be the Kaitiaki
barbecues and meetings – and not over there as I’m doing today.”
all of them planned! Community
Room Coordinator Kishor Maharaj A brand new community room will
remembers the night of the November open when Site 2 is completed, due
2016 earthquake: “Everyone came in late 2018.

Resilient = ready
I n case an emergency such as a
large earthquake happens, we
all need to be prepared. That includes
emergency water tanks at some of
our smaller properties in the northern
and eastern suburbs, outside the
having food, medicines and especially central city.
water for everyone in our household,
This emergency water supply is to
for at least 7 days.
supplement (not replace) residents’
own stored water, particularly for
Three litres of water per hygiene purposes such as washing
person, per day is the hands and cleaning waste buckets.
recommended amount every
household needs to store in For more information on getting
prepared, Ruth has booklets available
your own home.
in English, Chinese, Russian, Samoan,
Somali, Spanish and Arabic. To get
Ruth Locker, our resilience expert
one, or if you have questions phone
in the City Housing Community
Ruth on (04) 499 4444.
Action team, has been busy arranging
for small 200-litre community

Upgrade Current stage Next stage Completion Still to be

Month Jobs logged
project date completed

Arlington The contractor is well The below 2018 August 812 3

Site 2 past half way through ground services,
the construction. 7 of decks, retaining September 714 7
the 10 buildings have walls and
their roofs, and half landscaping October 700 28
have their double glazed will start soon.
windows. Internal Planning on the November 695 90
finishes and services handover process
are being installed. will start. Total 2921 % of the total
completed: 96%

Community Action What is Kaitiaki?
Kaitiaki means
“Guardian” in Te Reo

Maori and was chosen
he Kaitiaki group
to describe the group of
is expanding – all
tenants who volunteer
these new volunteers
their time in the
(pictured) joined in
community rooms and
the past year, from all
gardens provided by City
over City Housing. If Bob Jeff Joanne Liz and Nigel
Housing. Their aim is to
you are not sure how
be welcoming, friendly
to meet a Kaitiaki
and approachable
member where you
to help make their
live, or you’d like to
housing complex into
be a volunteer, phone
a community. Kaitiaki
the Community
Maureen Paul Roy Shelley and Karl receive regular training
Action team on
and support to help them
(04) 499 4444.
carry out their roles.

Susan Theresa Tina and Peggy Tom

Did you know...

Did you know about the FREE training, activities, support and groups the Community Action Programme provides for
all City Housing tenants? To make 2018 your year to try one of these, or bring us your idea for something new, phone
(04) 499 4444.
The Community Action Programme works with various training providers to offer free courses for tenants:
Free training courses First aid, computer skills (through our Computer Hubs – see page 3), budgeting; reading and writing;
cooking; English speaking; or personal development skills.

Community Many City Housing neighbourhoods community planned together to prepare and support each other in an
resilience: ready emergency. We can support you too (see page 7).
for an emergency?

Drama, acting, The DIY Drama Group meets fortnightly, with a professional coach. They write and perform their own
theatre sports material and are rated highly by audiences, they have even produced their own film!

There is always an event to look forward to and volunteers needed. Ask the CAP team what is coming up and
Events how to get involved.

Fun, friendship and All City Housing tenants aged 80+ receive an invitation to join the PrimeTimers. They get together once a
care for 80+ years month (transport provided) for afternoon tea and games, outings and activities.

Most City Housing properties have shared garden space or allotments, with a tenant Garden Coordinator.
Gardening Advice on growing in containers is also available.

The free 8-week Healthy Lifestyles Programme is run with professional trainers from Sport Wellington and
Healthy, fit uses Recreation Wellington pools, parks and gyms. You’ll start living better, see more of the city and make
and happy? new friends.

We can help develop your skills for job applications and interviews, and offer pathways to training and
Job seeking? volunteering.

The Men’s Health Group meets monthly to learn from experts and each other about keeping healthy, and
Men’s health they exercise together out and about.

The tenant CHOIR (Creating Harmony Optimistically In Rhythm) meets weekly in Berhampore for fun and
Sing! practice, and they perform regularly at City Housing gatherings, and other events around Wellington.

If you would like to start a group, plan a project, or teach a skill, we can help you to get going, with advice,
YOUR IDEA and the Communities in Action fund.

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