Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensi Fication
Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensi Fication
Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensi Fication
Article history:
Received 22 March 2016 A general design methodology for reactive liquid–liquid extraction is introduced in this paper. It is
Received in revised form 4 July 2016 composed of three different steps: feasibility analysis, pre-design determination and simulation
Accepted 7 October 2016 validation. This paper is focused on the first and the second step. This methodology leads to the design
Available online 13 October 2016 specifications of the units from the information concerning the physico-chemical behaviour of the
studied system, exploiting the equilibrium and material balance equations. The results of this
Keywords: methodology are a good starting point for an optimization study or for an investment calculation process.
Reactive liquid–liquid extraction This methodology has been applied to different case studies: two different strategies of extraction and
Liquid-liquid diagram
several solvents to recover succinic acid in fermentation broth.
Process design
ã 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Process synthesis
Physical and chemical equilibrium
Succinic acid
Fermentation broth
0255-2701/ã 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
B. Mizzi et al. / Chemical Engineering and Processing 113 (2017) 20–34 21
2.2. Reactive liquid–liquid phase diagram reaction. The resolution of this non-linear algebraic system is done
with a Matlab algorithm with the Simulis1 toolbox. The algorithm
To consolidate and exploit thermodynamic information, liquid– uses the “fsolve” function and uses the trust-region dogleg
liquid diagrams are implemented. They represent the locus of algorithm. The algorithm is a variant of the Powell dogleg method
aqueous and organic phases which respected the chemical and described in the work of [9].
phase equilibrium. In this section, the calculation method and the Once the resolution is done, the reactive compositions are
representation of reactive phase equilibrium are presented. calculated by choosing successively the reference compounds and
Building a reactive liquid–liquid diagram (rLLD) requires to the independent variables (Appendix A). These variables are then
perform coupled chemical and phase equilibria calculations for a represented in the reactive composition domain.
given system with set pressure and temperature. Descriptive According to the variance of the system, the shape of the field of
equations of such a system with Nc component and Nr indepen- reactive compositions can have different forms. At fixed tempera-
dent reactions, in thermodynamic equilibrium at fixed pressure ture and pressure the expression of the variance is:
and temperature are described below. There are the Nr chemical
equilibrium equation, the Nc physical equilibrium, Nc partial V ¼ Nc Nr 1 ð5Þ
material balance and sum to unity for the molar composition of
The variance represents the space dimension needed for the
phase I.
representation of the system. If the variance is equal to 2, the
Nc #i;r system is representable in two dimensions. For a variance equal to
g i xIi ¼ K eq;r r ¼ 1; . . . ; Nr ð1Þ 3 the representation of the LLD is in three dimensions. The example
B. Mizzi et al. / Chemical Engineering and Processing 113 (2017) 20–34 23
F Fzi þ ExIIi ¼ 0 i ¼ 1; . . . ; Nc ð11Þ
dmi E
zi þ xIIi ¼ 0 i ¼ 1; . . . ; Nc ð12Þ
dt F
The Nc liquid–liquid equilibrium equations:
Nc #i;r
Keq;r xIi g Ii ¼0 r ¼ 1; . . . ; Nr ð14Þ
1 xIi ¼ 0 ð15Þ
FZ i þ SX i ¼ ML X ML ;i xIIi;j 1 ¼ 0 ð27Þ
FZ i þ SX i ¼ ðF þ SÞX ML ;i i¼a
i X ML ;i Þ ¼ SðX ML ;i X i Þ The set of Eqs. (23)–(27) allows to perform the design method
S ðZ i X ML ;i Þ ð17Þ
¼ from the known flows and compositions of F and E1 stream if the
min ðX Xi Þ
L ;i
M method starts at the top of the column. The boundary value design
S S S method is based on this property. From the top or the bottom of the
¼ 1:6 $S ¼ F 1:6
F F min F min column, the design of the column is defined with a succession of
equilibrium lines, which is the solution of the equilibrium
The last unknown variables of the system are calculated from
equation, and operating line, which is the solution of the material
the resolution of the following equation system which is composed
balance and chemical equilibrium equations. This is for graphical
of the overall material balance and partial material balances on the
representation and can be easily translated in equation for the
column written with the reactive compositions (equation 18 and
resolution algorithm on Fig. 6.
19) and the physical and chemical equilibrium equations (Eqs. (20)
and (21)).
3. Application to succinic acid recovery
S RN E1 þ F ¼ 0 ð18Þ
The previous parts present the general method for the design
determination of a reactive-extractive column. Now this method is
SX IINþ1 RN X IN E1 X II1 þ F Z i ¼ 0 i applied to different liquid–liquid systems involving Succinic acid,
¼ 1; . . . ; Nc Nr ð19Þ different heavier or lighter alcohols, water and the corresponding
mono-ester and di-ester. Selected n-alcohols are ethanol (C2), 1-
butanol (C4) and 1-octanol (C8). This choice allows to identify the
Nc effect of alcohol carbon length on the biphasic zone and on the
Keq;r xIi g Ii r ¼ 1; . . . ; Nr ð20Þ column design. Another system is studied with a non-reactive
i¼1 compound (para-xylene) used as a solvent. In that case the number
of compounds is Nc = 6 and in these conditions the graphical
representation is tridimensional.
xIi;1 g Ii xIIi;1 g IIi ¼ 0 i ¼ 1; . . . ; Nc ð21Þ
3.1. Thermodynamic model
Nc In this article the reactions of succinic acid with different
xIIi;1 1 ¼ 0 ð22Þ alcohols (methanol, ethanol, butanol or octanol) and with or
Nc #i;r
Kr xIi g Ii r ¼ 1; :::; Nr ð25Þ
xIi;j 1 ¼ 0 ð26Þ
Fig. 6. Algorithm for the pre-design step, determination of the NTS.
26 B. Mizzi et al. / Chemical Engineering and Processing 113 (2017) 20–34
without inert compounds are considered. The main compounds reactive alcohol, hence, the heavier the alcohol will be, the more
are listed in Table A1 of Appendix B. non-polar the mono-ester and di-ester will be. A high composition
The esterification reaction of succinic acid with an alcohol is in alcohol widens the two phase area.
composed of two consecutive reactions: initially, the formation of Fig. 7 shows this phenomenon, it presented the different bi-
a mono-ester and then the formation of a di-ester. The assumption phasic zones for a system with different carbon length alcohols. As
that there is no secondary reaction is formulated. discussed previously, for the heavier alcohol: octanol (C8), the bi-
phasic zone will be larger than for the lighter one: butanol (C4) and
SA þ ROH$H2 O þ MonoEster
ethanol (C2).
Then, different types of reactive liquid–liquid equilibria can be
identified as for liquid ternary diagrams. In accordance with a
MonoEster þ ROH$H2 O þ DiEster
ternary diagram, the immiscibility or partial immiscibility
The data on chemical reaction are the results of the work of between different compounds can be deduced from reactive
Orjuela et al. [6] on the esterification of succinic acid. These liquid diagrams. If a binary mixture considered separately does not
chemical data are considered the same regardless of the alcohol present total or partial immiscibility, the diagram is type 0 (see the
chosen, in accordance with the literature [7]; the same order of example of reactive mixture with ethanol). If the diagram presents
magnitude can be found for the chemical equilibrium constant an immiscible binary, it will be type I (see the example of reactive
(Table 1). mixture with butanol and octanol), and a diagram with two or
The UNIFAC thermodynamic model is chosen for the represen- more immiscible binary can be expected, in this case then the
tation of the liquid–liquid equilibrium. The major difficulty is the diagram will be type II or higher.
lack of some molecules in the data base, especially for mono-ester The design methodology for reactive extractive column is
and for long carbon chain on the alkoxy group. The unknown applied to these different systems. The shape of the two-phase area
molecules are created on Simulis1 with the regression tools and has an impact on the design of the column and according to the
from the Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry Specification system, particularly the molecular weight of the alcohol, the
(SMILES), the UNIFAC decomposition. separation may be more or less easy. For butanol and octanol, the
diagrams are type I, but for octanol the two phase’s area is larger.
3.2. Strategy A: solvent is the reactant Therefore reactive extraction process is possible with both alcohols
but it is most favourable with octanol. This part of the article deals
3.2.1. Choice of solvent with the design method for a reactive liquid–liquid extraction
The main component of the aqueous phase is water while in the column which is illustrated by the extraction of succinic acid with
organic phase it is non-polar or slightly polar molecules. The octanol.
higher the molecular mass of the reactive alcohol will be, the more
non-polar mono-ester and di-ester will be. As a consequence the 3.2.2. Design determination of the reactive liquid–liquid extraction
composition in the organic phase will also increase. The envelope column
of the two phases area depends on the initial composition in Feasibility analysis. Fig. 8 represents the reactive liquid–
liquid diagram which shows the bi phasic zone and the mono
Table 1
Chemical reaction constant for the two consecutives reactions.
phasic zone. If the composition of the system is in the bi phasic
zone, the mixture splits in two phases with compositions
Keq() corresponding to the end point of the tie line. For the system
Succinic esterification 48.9 chosen, Fig. 8 presents the reactive composition domain composed
Mono-ester esterification 10.14 of five vertexes which represent the pure component. The blue and
green curves represent respectively the aqueous and organic phase
Fig. 8. Reactive liquid–liquid diagram for system Nc = 5 Nr = 2 succinic acid, octanol, water, mono-ester, di-ester represented in reactive coordinates.
and the black dotted lines represent the tie-line. As for a simple rate. This example however is confined to the strategy and the
liquid–liquid diagram, the tie-lines tend to approach a critical composition set above.
point marked by the intersection of the aqueous and organic phase.
The conservative appearance of balances and summation Pre-design. With the aqueous composition as input data
equations allows us to use the same tool and properties as the determined at the last step (feasibility analysis), the design
lever rule or design methodologies for the simple extraction methodology can be pursued. A Matlab algorithm was developed
process. Therefore, the liquid–liquid reactive diagram is an to resolve the equation described in the previous section synthesis
essential tool for the design method that must be developed; it and design. All the results obtained here are calculated with this
will be the core of the design methodology. algorithm.
The following task of the feasibility analysis is to determine the Fig. 9 is the representation of the steady states analysis. From
separation specifications with the rLLD and the RECM. The RECM the chosen separation specification, the boundary values of the
for the system can be presented on the reactive liquid–liquid process (useful for the next step) are determined. Here the material
diagram. The aqueous composition is located on the blue aqueous balance on the entire column is used to calculate the solvent rate,
curves of the reactive liquid–liquid diagram. Each point represents the aqueous and organic phase flows and composition.
a thermodynamically feasible point. The RECM starts at the critical The steady states analyses allow to determine the boundary
point which can be considered as the unstable node and tend to value thanks to separation specification. The method is as follows;
end at the binary water-alcohol mixture on liquid–liquid first point M representing the mixing of feed F and solvent S
equilibrium which is the stable node. Since this system has a (alcohol) is placed with the minimum solvent ratio. Secondly,
variance of 2, the phase envelope is a curve, and the RECM thanks to the steady states analyses the compositions of E1 are
correspond exactly to this equilibrium curve. Thus, we can resolved.
conclude that the RECM analysis does not give any more The next step is the determination of the column design with
information than the equilibrium diagram for system with a the resolution of Eqs. (23)–(27). Fig. 10 is the graphical
variance less or equal to 2. representation of the results with the boundary value of columns
The separation objective is set on the aqueous composition, the F, E1 RN and S depicted by the vertex alcohol. For this example the
higher the composition of the water compound in the aqueous column has four theoretical stages.
flow, the higher the C4 compounds are recovered (C4 represent all Table 3 summarizes all the design results of the reactive liquid–
the molecules with 4 carbons, succinic acid, and the two ester). liquid extraction column for the recovery of succinic acid with
This example is to determine the design of a column with the alcohol as reactant and extractant.
objective, the best yield of C4 molecules recovered in the extract It may be necessary when the selected alcohol cannot act as
flow. The compositions of the raffinate phase at the boundary of both reagent and solvent (examples of ethanol and butanol) to use
the process can be set directly on the reactive liquid–liquid an inert compound that only plays the role of solvent. However, the
equilibrium diagram. The following table gives this chosen use of an inert in a system with already five compounds makes it
composition (Table 2). more difficult to represent the reactive phase equilibrium as
Other strategies to fix the separation specifications are possible, explained in the next section.
such as choosing the highest possible composition of the extract
flow or by formulating the separation objectives with recovery 3.3. Strategy B: solvent is an inert
Table 2 The system chosen for this part has six compounds with two
Compositions of the RN flow fixed with the feasibility analysis. reactions. Methanol, the selected alcohol is too miscible with water
SA OcOH H2O MMS DMS and the separation could be complex as seen previously in part
Compositions 0.0005 0.0005 0.999 0 0
2.2.1. It is necessary to use a compound as inert solvent for the
reaction. The design of a reactive extraction column appears as the
28 B. Mizzi et al. / Chemical Engineering and Processing 113 (2017) 20–34
Fig. 12. Decomposition of the phase envelope in a reagent triangular plane succession.
system (Fig. 12b and c).The design methodology is applied to this evolution of the retention on this surface. The reactive RECM of the
system. system succinic acid-methanol-water-mono-ester-di-ester-para-
xylene is represented in Fig. 13. The RECM is very useful in this case
3.3.1. Feasibility analysis to fix a thermodynamically feasible separation specification, that is
The RECM is calculated for this system with the proposed to say from the phase envelope. The RECM represents the
method. For this system the variance (Eq. (5)) is equal to 3. For this thermodynamic path for a reactive liquid extraction.
kind of system, the RECM allows to observe the composition
Fig. 13. Feasibility analysis, Reactive Extractive Curve Map of the system succinic acid/methanol/water/mono-ester/di-ester/para-xylene.
30 B. Mizzi et al. / Chemical Engineering and Processing 113 (2017) 20–34
For the aqueous phase, the green curves, all the RECM starts at representing the pure compound para-xylene. The critical points
an unstable node represented by the critical points represented on and the vertex para-xylene can be respectively related to unstable
the red line, and ends at the stable node symbolized by the aqueous node and stable node.
phase of the unreactive alcohol-water-para-xylene system sym- The principal node is the common point to all the extractive
bolized by the green point. This is in accordance with the dynamic curves can be spotted near the vertex water. This composition is
reactive extraction process. Initially the system presents a succinic thermodynamically feasible and because it is near the vertex
acid quantity which will decrease over time. Ultimatly, all the water, it is the composition that is the richest in water and the
succinic acid would be consumed and the aqueous mixture poorest in organic molecules. These characteristic could be chosen
composed only by alcohol, water and para-xylene. as a separation specification since the aqueous flow of the process
The blue curves on Fig. 13 represent the evolution of the is poor in valuable molecules. As a matter of fact, the recovery rate
composition of the extract flow. The points of these curves obtained here was the best.
represent the composition at physical and chemical equilibrium The Table 4 presents the fixed composition for the raffinate as
with the composition of aqueous phase. The blue curves start at the the composition with the fewest valuable compounds.
corresponding critical point on the red curve and end at the vertex
3.3.2. Pre-design
Table 5 gathered the results of the static analysis on the entire
Table 4 column. All the data needed for the static analysis are presented in
Compositions of the RN flow fixed with the feasibility analysis.
this Table 5. They are the feed flow chosen to be processed with a
SA MeOH H2O MOS DOS P-X reactive liquid extraction column (F, z), the composition of solvent
Compositions 0.00564 0.00604 0.988 0.000467 0 0 flow (xIINþ1 ) and the separation specification as the composition of
the aqueous phase (xIN ). This data are input data for the static
analysis procedure described in part 1.4 and they are exploited to
calculate the last variables as xII1 composition RN, S and E1 flow. The
Table 5 results of the static analysis are presented on the reactive liquid
Results of the static analysis on the extraction column for the Nc = 6 and Nr = 2 case diagram.
study. Figs. 14 present the results of the static analysis plotted in three
Stream Flow Composition dimensions (Fig. 14a) and according to the two static analysis
plane, the green and red planes (Figs. 14b and c). For the first plane
the point representing the composition of feed and solvent flow are
F 2 0.156 0.220 0.624 0 0 0
coplanar, whereas the points representing the compositions of
S 10 0 0 0 0 0 1
RN 1.67 0.00564 0.00604 0.988 0.000468 0 0 extract and raffinate are on either side of the plane. For Fig. 14c, it is
E1 10.33 0.00210 0.00111 0.00199 0.0138 0.0133 0.968 the contrary, the point representing the raffinate and extract
NTS = 4 composition are coplanar and on the phase envelope while the S
and F points are on either side of the green plane.
Fig. 14. a: 3D representation of the static analysis. b: plane representation of the static analysis plane with S-F. c: plane representation of the static analysis plane with E1-RN.
B. Mizzi et al. / Chemical Engineering and Processing 113 (2017) 20–34 31
This representation is the graphic interpretation of the static Different representations presented on Figs. 16 and 17 allow to
analysis equation (Eqs. (18)–(22)). It illustrate the alignment of the determine the number of theoretical stages.
FMS point and of the E1MRN according to the global material Fig. 16 represents the evolution of the reactive organic
balance and the positioning of the E1 and RN points on the phase composition for the reactive compound, succinic acid and
envelope due to the reactive liquid–liquid equilibrium. methanol along the column. The horizontal lines represent the
The setcomposition of RN xIN and the objective composition of E1 separation objectiveX IISA;1 . When the profile curves cut the objective
xII1 are now exploited as starting data for the determination of the line, the number of theoretical stages is determined. For this
number of theoretical stages. For this, Eqs (23)–(27) are solved example the number of theoretical stages is five.
with the following stopping criterion. The role of the reactive The distribution diagram proposed on Fig. 17 presents the
extractive column is to recover the C4 molecules (succinic acid, equilibrium curve and the operating curves required to determine
mono-ester and di-ester), the stopping criterion is the reactive the number of theoretical stages. The composition of succinic acid
composition of succinic acid XIISA;1 since the latter is the addition of in the extract (xIISA ) is plotted as a function of the succinic acid in the
the three real compositions of valuable molecules. The value of this raffinate (xISA ). It is another representation of the number of
reactive composition is X IISA;1
¼ 0:0292. theoretical stages in a manner analogous to McCabe Thiele for
On Fig. 15, the succession of equilibrium lines and operating distillation. The number of points on the equilibrium curves
lines are represented on the three-dimension representation. For represents the number of theoretical stages, and the exploitation of
this representation it is difficult to determine the number of this method returns the same result, the number of theoretical
theoretical stages. stages is equal to five.
Fig. 16. Reactive organic phase composition profile for Succinic Acid and Methanol. NTS determination, NTS = 5.
32 B. Mizzi et al. / Chemical Engineering and Processing 113 (2017) 20–34
- vTi : row vector of stoichiometric coefficients of component i in X
NcNr X
Xi ¼ 1 Yi ¼ 1 ð30Þ
each Nr reactions. i¼1 i¼1
vTi ¼ vi;1 ; vi;2 vi;Nr
Appendix B.
Table A1.
B. Mizzi et al. / Chemical Engineering and Processing 113 (2017) 20–34 33
Table A1
Compounds studied in this application.
Name of the molecules Empirical chemical formula developed chemical formula Molecular weight (g.mol1)
Succinic Succinic (SA) C 4 H 6 O4 118.09
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