Requirements - RiverGIS 1.0 Documentation
Requirements - RiverGIS 1.0 Documentation
Requirements - RiverGIS 1.0 Documentation
QGIS LTR (2.8) is the minimum required QGIS version for RiverGIS 1.0. RiverGIS can be installed
from the plugin manager:
In the All tab search for rivergis, select it and click Install plugin button.
PostGIS Installation
PostGIS is a spatial database extender for PostgreSQL database. PostgreSQL is released under the
PostgreSQL License, a liberal Open Source license, similar to the BSD or MIT licenses. PostGIS is
released under the GNU General Public License (GPLv2).
The Database
During the installation you will be asked for database superuser (postgres) password – remember
it well. Choose the default port for connections (5432). In the end the installer offers a Stack
Builder for installing additional tools. Please, skip it.
Run the installer and choose ‘Yes’ for all questions (set GDAL_DATA environment variable, enable
raster drivers and out of db rasters).
Run pgAdmin and connect to server. If you have just installed PostgreSQL , localhost:5432 is the
only option.
Double-click on the server and enter the password you set during the installation.
Enter a name and click OK. There are plenty of other options to set, but for now we choose
Open newly created database rivergis . There is only one schema (public) in the database and it
has only one extension (plpgsql). You can create new schemas here by right-clicking on the
Schemas or create them later from RiverGIS GUI.
Use to open SQL query editor and create PostGIS extensions for the database. Enter the
following query and press F5 :