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Technical Data P34x/EN TD/F33

MiCOM P342, P343

P34x/EN TD/F33 Technical Data

MiCOM P342, P343

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1.1 Currents 7
1.2 Voltages 7
1.3 Auxiliary voltage 7
1.4 Frequency 8
1.5 ‘Universal’ logic inputs (P340 range) 8
1.6 Output relay contacts 8
1.7 Field voltage 9
1.8 Loop through connections 9
1.9 Wiring requirements 9

2.1 Current circuit 10
2.2 Voltage circuit 10
2.3 Auxiliary supply 10
2.4 Optically-isolated inputs 10

3.1 Reference conditions 10
3.2 Influencing quantities 11


4.1 Dielectric withstand 12
4.2 Impulse 12
4.3 Insulation resistance 12
4.4 ANSI dielectric withstand 12

5.1 Performance criteria 12
5.1.1 Class A 13
5.1.2 Class B 13
5.1.3 Class C 13
5.2 Auxiliary supply tests, dc interruption, etc. 13
5.2.1 DC voltage interruptions 13
5.2.2 DC voltage fluctuations 13
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5.3 AC voltage dips and short interruptions 14

5.3.1 AC voltage short interruptions 14
5.3.2 AC voltage dips 14
5.4 High frequency disturbance 14
5.5 Fast transients 15
5.6 Conducted/radiated emissions 15
5.6.1 Conducted emissions 15
5.6.2 Radiated emissions 15
5.7 Conducted/radiated immunity 15
5.7.1 Conducted immunity 15
5.7.2 Radiated immunity 15
5.7.3 Radiated immunity from digital radio telephones 15
5.8 Electrostatic discharge 16
5.9 Surge immunity 16
5.10 Power frequency magnetic field 16
5.11 Power frequency interference 16
5.12 Surge withstand capability (SWC) 17
5.13 Radiated immunity 17

6.1 Temperature 17
6.2 Humidity 17
6.3 Enclosure protection 17

7.1 Performance criteria 18
7.1.1 Severity classes 18
7.1.2 Vibration (sinusoidal) 18
7.1.3 Shock and bump 19
7.1.4 Seismic 19




10.1 Generator differential protection (87G) {P343} 20
10.1.1 Setting ranges 20
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10.1.2 Accuracy 20
10.2 2-Stage non-directional overcurrent (50/51) 20
10.2.1 Reset characteristics 22
10.2.2 RI curve 22
10.2.3 Accuracy 23
10.3 Restricted earth fault (low impedance) 26
10.3.1 Accuracy 26
10.4 2-Stage non-directional earth fault (50N/51N) 26
10.4.1 Setting ranges 26
10.4.2 Time delay settings 26 Accuracy 27
10.4.3 IDG curve 27
10.5 Neutral displacement/residual overvoltage (59N) 28
10.5.1 Setting ranges 28
10.5.2 Time delay settings 28
10.5.3 Accuracy 29
10.6 Sensitive directional earth fault (67N) 29
10.6.1 SEF accuracy 29
10.6.2 Wattmetric SEF accuracy 29
10.6.3 Polarising quantities accuracy 30
10.7 100% Stator earth fault {P343} 30
10.7.1 Accuracy 31
10.8 Voltage dependent overcurrent (51V) 31
10.8.1 Accuracy 32
10.9 Transient overreach and overshoot 32
10.9.1 Accuracy 32
10.10 Under impedance (21) 32
10.10.1 Accuracy 32
10.11 Under voltage (27) 33
10.11.1 Level settings 33
10.11.2 Under voltage protection time delay characteristics 33
10.11.3 Accuracy 33
10.12 Over voltage (59) 34
10.12.1 Level settings 34
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10.12.2 Over voltage protection time delay characteristics 34

10.12.3 Accuracy 34
10.13 Under frequency (81U) 35
10.13.1 Accuracy 35
10.14 Over frequency (81O) 35
10.14.1 Accuracy 35
10.15 Reverse power/low forward power/over power (32R /32L /32O) 35
10.15.1 Accuracy 36
10.16 Sensitive reverse power/low forward power/over power (32R /32L /32O) 36
10.16.1 Accuracy 37
10.17 Field failure (40) 37
10.17.1 Accuracy 38
10.18 Negative phase sequence thermal (46) 38
10.18.1 Accuracy 38
10.19 Volts/Hz (24) 38
10.19.1 Accuracy 39
10.20 Unintentional energisation at standstill (dead machine) {P343} 39
10.20.1 Accuracy 39
10.21 Resistive temperature detectors 39
10.21.1 Accuracy 39
10.22 Pole slipping (78) {P343} 40
10.22.1 Accuracy 40
10.22.2 Hysteresis 41
10.23 Thermal overload (49) 41
10.23.1 Accuracy 42


11.1 Voltage transformer supervision 42
11.1.1 Accuracy 42
11.2 Current transformer supervision 42
11.2.1 Accuracy 43


12.1 Level settings 43
12.2 Accuracy 43
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13.1 Measurements 43
13.2 IRIG-B and real time clock 44
13.2.1 Features 44
13.2.2 Performance 44
13.3 Current loop input and outputs (CLIO) 44
13.3.1 Accuracy 47
13.3.2 Performance 47


14.1 Level settings 48
14.2 Accuracy 48


15.1 CB state monitoring control and condition monitoring 48
15.1.1 CB monitor settings 48
15.1.2 CB control settings 48
15.1.3 Accuracy 48
15.2 CB fail and backtrip breaker fail 49
15.2.1 Timer settings 49
15.2.2 Timer accuracy 49
15.2.3 Undercurrent settings 49
15.2.4 Undercurrent accuracy 49


16.1 CT and VT ratio settings 49




19.1 Front Port 51
19.2 Rear Port 51
19.2.1 Performance 51
19.3 Second rear communications port 52
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Figure 1: IEC inverse time curves 24

Figure 2: American inverse time curves 25
Figure 3: IDG characteristic 28
Figure 4: Hysteresis of the pole slipping characteristic 41
Figure 5: Frequency response 50
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1.1 Currents
In = 1A or 5A ac rms.
Separate terminals are provided for the 1A and 5A windings, with the neutral input of
each winding sharing one terminal.

CT Type Operating Range

Standard 0 to 16 Ιn
Sensitive 0 to 2 Ιn

Duration Withstand
Continuous rating 4 Ιn
10 minutes 4.5 Ιn
5 minutes 5 Ιn
3 minutes 6 Ιn
2 minutes 7 Ιn
10 seconds 30 Ιn
1 second 100 Ιn

1.2 Voltages
Maximum rated voltage relate to earth 300Vdc or 300Vrms.

Nominal Voltage Vn Short Term Above Vn (Operating Range)

100 – 120Vph - ph rms 0 to 200Vph - ph rms
380 – 480Vph - ph rms 0 to 800Vph - ph rms

Withstand Withstand
(Vn = 100/120V) (Vn = 380/480V)
Continuous (2Vn) 240Vph - ph rms 880Vph - ph rms
10 seconds (2.6Vn) 312Vph - ph rms 1144Vph - ph rms

1.3 Auxiliary voltage

The relay is available in three auxiliary voltage versions, these are specified in the
table below:

Operative dc Operative ac
Nominal Ranges
Range Range
24 – 48V dc 19 to 65V -
48 – 110V dc (30 – 100V ac rms) ** 37 to 150V 24 to 110V
110 – 240V dc (100 – 240V ac rms) ** 87 to 300V 80 to 265V

** rated for ac or dc operation.

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1.4 Frequency
The nominal frequency (Fn) is dual rated at 50 – 60Hz, the operate range is
5Hz – 70Hz.

1.5 ‘Universal’ logic inputs (P340 range)

The P340 series relays are fitted with universal opto isolated logic inputs that can be
programmed for the nominal battery voltage of the circuit of which they are a part.
They nominally provide a Logic 1 or On value for Voltages ≥80% of the set lower
nominal voltage and a Logic 0 or Off value for the voltages ≤60% of the set higher
nominal voltage. This lower value eliminates fleeting pickups that may occur during
a battery earth fault, when stray capacitance may present up to 50% of battery
voltage across an input. Each input also has a pre-set filter of ½ cycle which renders
the input immune to induced noise on the wiring.
In the Opto Config menu the nominal battery voltage can be selected for all opto
inputs by selecting one of the five standard ratings in the Global Nominal V settings.
If Custom is selected then each opto input can individually be set to a nominal
voltage value.

Setting Range
Menu Text Default Setting Step Size
Min Max
24-27, 30-34, 48-54, 110-125, 220-250,
Global Nominal V 24-27
Opto Input 1 24-27 24-27, 30-34, 48-54, 110-125, 220-250
Opto Input 2-32 24-27 24-27, 30-34, 48-54, 110-125, 220-250

Battery Voltage (V dc) Logical “off” (V dc) Logical “on” (V dc)

24/27 <16.2 >19.2
30/34 <20.4 >24
48/54 <32.4 >38.4
110/125 <75 >88
220/250 <150 >176

All the logic inputs are independent and isolated. Relay type P342 has a base
number of opto inputs of 8 in the 40TE case and 16 in the 60TE case. Relay type
P343 has a base number of opto inputs of 16 in the 60TE case and 24 in the 80TE
case. One optional opto input board or one output relay relay board can be added
to each relay model to increase the number of opto inputs by 8 or relay contacts by

1.6 Output relay contacts

There are 2 versions of the output relay board one with seven relays, three normally
open contacts and four changeover contacts and one with eight relays, six normally
open contacts and two changeover contacts.
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For relay models with suffix A hardware, only the 7 output relay boards were
available. For equivalent relay models in suffix B hardware or greater the base
numbers of output contacts, using the 7 output relay boards, is being maintained for
compatibility. The 8 output relay board is only used for new relay models or existing
relay models available in new case sizes or to provide additional output contacts to
existing models for suffix issue B or greater hardware. Note, the model number suffix
letter refers to the hardware version.
Relay type P342 has a base number of relay contacts of 7 in the 40TE case and 16 in
the 60TE case. Relay type P343 has a base number of relay output contacts of 14 in
the 60TE case and 24 in the 80TE case. One optional output relay board or one
opto input board can be added to each relay model to increase the number of relay
contacts by 8 or opto inputs by 8.

Make & Carry 30A for 3s

250A for 30ms
10A continuous
dc: 50W resistive
dc: 62.5W inductive (L/R = 50ms)
ac: 2500VA resistive (P.F. =1)
ac: 2500VA inductive (P.F. =0.7)

ac: 1250VA inductive (P.F. = 0.5)

Maxima: 10A and 300V
Loaded Contact: 10,000 operation minimum
Unloaded Contact: 100,000 operations minimum

Watchdog Contact
dc: 30W resistive
Break dc: 15W inductive (L/R = 40ms)
ac: 375VA inductive (P.F. = 0.7)

1.7 Field voltage

The field voltage provided by the relay is nominally 48V dc with a current limit of
112mA. The operating range shall be 40V to 60V with an alarm raised at <35V.

1.8 Loop through connections

Terminals D17 – D18 and F17 – F18 are internally connected together for
convenience when wiring, maxima 5A and 300V.

1.9 Wiring requirements

The requirements for the wiring of the relay and cable specifications are detailed in
the installation section of the Operation Guide (Volume 2, P34x/EN O/E33).
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2.1 Current circuit

CT burden (At Nominal Current)

Phase <0.15 VA
Earth <0.2VA

2.2 Voltage circuit

Reference Voltage (Vn)

Vn = 100 – 120V <0.06VA rms at 110V
Vn = 380 – 480V <0.06VA rms at 440V

2.3 Auxiliary supply

Case Size Minimum*

Size 8 /40TE 11W or 24 VA
Size 12 /60TE 11W or 24 VA
Size 16 /80TE 11W or 24 VA

* no output contacts or optos energised

Each additional energised opto input 0.09W (24/27, 30/34, 48/54 V)

Each additional energised opto input 0.12W (110/125 V)
Each additional energised opto input 0.19W (220/250 V)
Each additional energised output relay 0.13W

2.4 Optically-isolated inputs

Peak current of opto inputs when energised is 3.5 mA (0-300V).
Maximum input voltage 300 V dc (any setting).

For all accuracies specified, the repeatability is ±2.5% unless otherwise specified.
If no range is specified for the validity of the accuracy, then the specified accuracy is
valid over the full setting range.

3.1 Reference conditions

Quantity Reference Conditions Test Tolerance

Ambient temperature 20 °C ±2°C
Atmospheric pressure 86kPa to 106kPa –
Relative humidity 45 to 75 % –
Input energising quantity
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Quantity Reference Conditions Test Tolerance

Current Ιn ±5%
Voltage Vn ±5%
Frequency 50 or 60Hz ±0.5%
DC 48V or 110V
Auxiliary supply ±5%
AC 63.5V or 110V

Settings Reference value

Time multiplier setting 1.0
Time dial 7
Phase angle 0°

3.2 Influencing quantities

No additional errors will be incurred for any of the following influencing quantities:

Quantity Operative Range (Typical Only)

Temperature –25°C to +55°C
According to
Mechanical (Vibration, Shock, IEC 60255-21-1:198
Bump, Seismic) IEC 60255-21-2:1988
IEC 60255-21-3:1995
Quantity Operative range
Frequency 5 Hz to 70 Hz
Harmonics (single) 5% over the range 2nd to 17th
Auxiliary voltage range 0.8 LV to 1.2 HV (dc) 0.8 LV to 1.1 HV (ac)
Aux. supply ripple 12% Vn with a frequency of 2.fn
Point on wave of fault waveform 0 to 360°
DC offset of fault waveform No offset to fully offset
Phase angle –90° to + 90°
No operation with OC elements set to 35%
Magnetising inrush
of peak anticipated inrush level.
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4.1 Dielectric withstand

2.0kVrms for one minute between all terminals and case earth.
2.0kVrms for one minute between all terminals of each independent circuit grouped
together, and all other terminals. This includes the output contacts and loop through
connections D17/D18 and F17/F18.
1.5kVrms for one minute across dedicated normally open contacts of output relays.
1.0kVrms for 1 minute across normally open contacts of changeover and watchdog
output relays.
1.0kVrms for 1 minute for all D-type connections between line and ground.

4.2 Impulse
The product will withstand without damage impulses of 5kV peak, 1.2/50µs, 0.5J
Each independent circuit and the case with the terminals of each independent circuit
connected together.
Independent circuits with the terminals of each independent circuit connected
Terminals of the same circuit except normally open metallic contacts.

4.3 Insulation resistance

The insulation resistance is greater than 100 MΩ at 500Vdc.

4.4 ANSI dielectric withstand

ANSI/IEEE C37.90. (1989) (Reaff. 1994)
1kV rms. for 1 minute across open contacts of the watchdog contacts.
1kV rms. for 1 minute across open contacts of changeover output contacts.
1.5kV rms. for 1 minute across normally open output contacts.


5.1 Performance criteria

The following three classes of performance criteria are used within sections 5.2 to
5.13 (where applicable) to specify the performance of the MiCOM relay when
subjected to the electrical interference. The performance criteria are based on the
performance criteria specified in EN 50082-2:1995.
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5.1.1 Class A
During the testing the relay will not maloperate, upon completion of the testing the
relay will function as specified. A maloperation will include a transient operation of
the output contacts, operation of the watchdog contacts, reset of any of the relays
microprocessors or an alarm indication.
The relay communications and IRIG-B signal must continue uncorrupted via the
communications ports and IRIG-B port respectively during the test, however relay
communications and the IRIG-B signal may be momentarily interrupted during the
tests, provided that they recover with no external intervention.
5.1.2 Class B
During the testing the relay will not maloperate, upon completion of the testing the
relay will function as specified. A maloperation will include a transient operation of
the output contacts, operation of the watchdog contacts, reset of any of the relays
microprocessors or an alarm indication. A transitory operation of the output LEDs is
acceptable provided no permanent false indications are recorded.
The relay communications and IRIG-B signal must continue uncorrupted via the
communications ports and IRIG-B port respectively during the test, however relay
communications and the IRIG-B signal may be momentarily interrupted during the
tests, provided that they recover with no external intervention.
5.1.3 Class C
The relay will power down and power up again in a controlled manner within 5
seconds. The output relays are permitted to change state during the test as long as
they reset once the relay powers up.
Communications to relay may be suspended during the testing as long as
communication recovers with no external intervention after the testing.

5.2 Auxiliary supply tests, dc interruption, etc.

5.2.1 DC voltage interruptions
IEC 60255-11:1979.
DC Auxiliary Supply Interruptions 2, 5, 10, 20ms.
Performance criteria - Class A.
DC Auxiliary Supply Interruptions 50, 100, 200ms, 40s.
Performance criteria - Class C.
5.2.2 DC voltage fluctuations
IEC 60255-11:1979.
AC 100Hz ripple superimposed on DC max. and min. auxiliary supply at 12% of
highest rated DC.
Performance criteria - Class A.
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5.3 AC voltage dips and short interruptions

5.3.1 AC voltage short interruptions
IEC 61000-4-11:1994.
AC Auxiliary Supply Interruptions 2, 5, 10, 20ms.
Performance criteria - Class A.
AC Auxiliary Supply Interruptions 50, 100, 200ms, 1s, 40s.
Performance criteria - Class C.
5.3.2 AC voltage dips
IEC 61000-4-11:1994
AC Auxiliary Supply 100% Voltage Dips 2, 5, 10, 20ms.
Performance criteria –Class A.
AC Auxiliary Supply 100% Voltage Dips 50, 100, 200ms, 1s, 40s.
Performance criteria - Class C.
AC Auxiliary Supply 60% Voltage Dips 2, 5, 10, 20ms.
Performance criteria - Class A.
AC Auxiliary Supply 60% Voltage Dips 50, 100, 200ms, 1s, 40s.
Performance criteria - Class C.
AC Auxiliary Supply 30% Voltage Dips 2, 5, 10, 20ms.
Performance criteria - Class A.
AC Auxiliary Supply 30% Voltage Dips 50, 100, 200ms, 1s, 40s.
Performance criteria - Class C.

5.4 High frequency disturbance

IEC 60255-22-1:1988 Class III.
1MHz burst disturbance test.
2.5kV common mode.
Power supply, field voltage, CTs, VTs, opto inputs, output contacts, IRIG-B and
terminal block communications connections.
1kV differential mode.
Power supply, field voltage, CTs, VTs, opto inputs and output contacts.
Performance criteria Class A.
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5.5 Fast transients

IEC 60255-22-4:1992 (EN 61000-4-4:1995), Class III and Class IV.
2kV 5kHz (Class III) and 4kV 2.5kHz (Class IV) direct coupling.
Power supply, field voltage, opto inputs, output contacts, CTs, VTs.
2kV 5kHz (Class III) and 4kV 2.5kHz (Class IV) capacitive clamp.
IRIG-B and terminal block communications connections.
Performance criteria Class A.

5.6 Conducted/radiated emissions

5.6.1 Conducted emissions
EN 55011:1998 Class A, EN 55022:1994 Class A.
0.15 - 0.5MHz, 79dBµV (quasi peak) 66dBµV (average).
0.5 - 30MHz, 73dBµV (quasi peak) 60dBµV (average).
5.6.2 Radiated emissions
EN 55011:1998 Class A, EN 55022:1994 Class A.
30 - 230MHz, 40dBµV/m at 10m measurement distance.
230 - 1000MHz, 47dBµV/m at 10m measurement distance.

5.7 Conducted/radiated immunity

5.7.1 Conducted immunity
EN 61000-4-6:1996 Level 3.
10V emf @ 1kHz 80% am, 150kHz to 80MHz. Spot tests at 27MHz, 68MHz.
Performance criteria Class A.
5.7.2 Radiated immunity
IEC 60255-22-3:1989 Class III (EN 61000-4-3: 1997 Level 3).
10 V/m 80MHz - 1GHz @ 1kHz 80% am.
Spot tests at 80MHz, 160MHz, 450MHz, 900MHz.
Performance criteria Class A.
5.7.3 Radiated immunity from digital radio telephones
ENV 50204:1995
10 V/m 900MHz ± 5 MHz and 1.89GHz ±5MHz, 200Hz rep. Freq., 50% duty cycle
pulse modulated.
Performance criteria Class A.
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5.8 Electrostatic discharge

IEC 60255-22-2:1996 Class 3 & Class 4.
Class 4: 15kV air discharge.
Class 3: 6kV contact discharge.
Tests carried out both with and without cover fitted.
Performance criteria Class A.

5.9 Surge immunity

IEC 61000-4-5:1995 Level 4.
4kV common mode 12Ω source impedance, 2kV differential mode 2Ω source
Power supply, field voltage, VTs.
The CT inputs are immune to all levels of common mode surge as per IEC 61000-4-
5: 1995 Level 4. Total immunity to differential surges to Level 4 can be achieved by
adding a time delay of at least 20ms. Note, routing the CT wires as a pair reduces
the likelihood of a differential surge.
4kV common mode 42Ω source impedance, 2kV differential mode 42Ω source
Opto inputs, output contacts.
4kV common mode 2Ω source impedance applied to cable screen.
Terminal block communications connections and IRIG-B.
Performance criteria Class A under reference conditions.

5.10 Power frequency magnetic field

IEC 61000-4-8:1994 Level 5.
100A/m field applied continuously in all planes for the EUT in a quiescent state and
tripping state
1000A/m field applied for 3s in all planes for the EUT in a quiescent state and
tripping state
Performance criteria Class A.

5.11 Power frequency interference

NGTS* 2.13 Issue 3 April 1998, section
500V rms. common mode.
250V rms. differential mode.
Voltage applied to all non-mains frequency inputs. Permanently connected
communications circuits tested to Class 3 (100-1000m) test level 50mV
Performance criteria Class A.
* National Grid Technical Specification
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5.12 Surge withstand capability (SWC)

ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1 (1990) (Reaff. 1994)
Oscillatory SWC Test.
2.5kV – 3kV, 1 - 1.5MHz - common and differential mode – applied to all circuits
except for IRIG-B and terminal block communications, which are tested common
mode only via the cable screen.
Fast Transient SWC Tests
4 - 5kV crest voltage - common and differential mode - applied to all circuits except
for IRIG-B and terminal block communications, which are tested common mode only
via the cable screen.
Performance criteria Class A

5.13 Radiated immunity

ANSI/IEEE C37.90.2 1995
35 V/m 25MHz - 1GHz no modulation applied to all sides.
35 V/m 25MHz - 1GHz, 100% pulse modulated, front only.
Performance criteria Class A.


6.1 Temperature
IEC 60068-2-1:1990/A2:1994 - Cold
IEC 60068-2-2:1974/A2:1994 - Dry heat
IEC 60255-6:1988.

Operating Temperature Range °C Storage Temperature Range °C

(Time Period in Hours) (Time Period in Hours)
Cold Dry Heat Cold Dry Heat
Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature
-25 (96) 55 (96) -25 (96) 70 (96)

6.2 Humidity
IEC 60068-2-3:1969
Damp heat, steady state, 40° C ± 2° C and 93% relative humidity (RH) +2% -3%,
duration 56 days.
IEC 60068-2-30:1980.
Damp heat cyclic, six (12 + 12 hour cycles) of 55°C ±2°C 93% ±3% RH and 25°C
±3°C 93% ±3% RH.

6.3 Enclosure protection

IEC 60529:1989.
IP52 Category 2.
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IP5x – Protected against dust, limited ingress permitted.

IPx2 – Protected against vertically falling drops of water with the product in 4 fixed
positions of 15° tilt with a flow rate of 3mm/minute for 2.5 minutes.


7.1 Performance criteria

The following two classes of performance criteria are used within sections to (where
applicable) to specify the performance of the MiCOM relay when subjected to
mechanical testing.
7.1.1 Severity classes
The following table details the Class and Typical Applications of the vibration, shock
bump and seismic tests detailed previously

Class Typical Application

Measuring relays and protection equipment for normal use in
1 power plants, substations and industrial plants and for normal
transportation conditions
Measuring relays and protection equipment for which a very high
security margin is required or where the vibration (shock and
bump) (seismic shock) levels are very high, e.g. shipboard
application and for severe transportation conditions.

7.1.2 Vibration (sinusoidal)

IEC 60255-21-1:1988
Cross over frequency - 58 to 60 Hz
Vibration response

Peak Displacement Peak Acceleration Number of

Severity Above Cross Over Frequency
Below Cross Over Sweeps in
Class Range (Hz)
Frequency (mm) Frequency (gn) Each Axis
2 0.075 1 1 10 – 150

Vibration endurance

Severity Peak Acceleration Number of Sweeps Frequency Range

Class (gn) in Each Axis (Hz)
2 2.0 20 10 – 150
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7.1.3 Shock and bump

IEC 60255-21-2:1988
IEC 60255-21-2:1988

Type of Severity Peak Acceleration Duration of Number of Pulses

Test Class ( gn) Pulse ( ms ) in Each Direction
2 10 11 3
1 15 11 3
Bump 1 10 16 1000

7.1.4 Seismic
IEC 60255-21-3:1993
Cross over frequency - 8 to 9Hz
x = horizontal axis, y = vertical axis

Peak Displacement Peak Acceleration

Below Cross Over Above Cross Number of Frequency
Severity Frequency (mm) Over Frequency Sweep Cycles Range
Class (gn) in Each Axis (Hz)
x y x y
2 7.5 3.5 2.0 1.0 1 1- 35

Compliance to the European Community Directive 89/336/EEC amended by
93/68/EEC is claimed via the Technical Construction File route.
The Competent Body has issued a Technical Certificate and a Declaration of
Conformity has been completed.
The following Generic Standards used to establish conformity:
EN 50081-2:1994
EN 50082-2:1995.

Compliance with European Community Directive on Low Voltage 73/23/EEC is
demonstrated by reference to generic safety standards:
EN 61010-1:1993/A2: 1995
EN 60950:1992/A11 1997
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10.1 Generator differential protection (87G) {P343}

10.1.1 Setting ranges

Settings Range
Step Size
Mode Percentage Bias/High Impedance/Interturn
Ιs1 0.05 Ιn – 0.5 Ιn 0.01Ιn
k1 0 – 20% 5%
Ιs2 1 Ιn – 5 Ιn 0.1Ιn
k2 20 – 150% 10%
Interturn Ιs_A 0.05 Ιn – 2 Ιn 0.01Ιn
Interturn Ιs_B 0.05 Ιn – 2 Ιn 0.01Ιn
Interturn Ιs_C 0.05 Ιn – 2 Ιn 0.01Ιn
Interturn time delay 0 to 100s 0.01s

10.1.2 Accuracy

Pick-up Formula ±5%

Drop-off 95% of setting ±5%
Operating time <30ms for currents applied at 4x pickup level or greater
Repeatability <7.5%
Disengagement time <40ms

10.2 2-Stage non-directional overcurrent (50/51)

Settings Range Step Size

1st Stage
Ι>1 0.08 - 4 Ιn 0.01 Ιn
Characteristic Rectifier, RI, MI(IEEE), VI(IEEE), EI(IEEE),
Inv(US), STI(US)
DT 0 to 100s 0.01s
TMS (IEC/UK) 0.025 to 1.2 0.025
Ι>1 Time Dial 1 0.01 100 0.01
K(RI) 0.1 - 10 0.05
0 to 100s 0.01s
2nd Stage
Ι>2 0.08 – 10 Ιn 0.01 Ιn
DT 0 to 100s 0.01s

Inverse time (IDMT) characteristic

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IDMT characteristics are selectable from a choice of four IEC/UK and five IEEE/US
curves as shown in the table below.
The IEC/UK IDMT curves conform to the following formula:

æ K ö
t = T x (Ι/Ι ) α - 1
+ L÷
ç s ÷
è ø
The IEEE/US IDMT curves conform to the following formula:

æ K ö
t = TD x ç (Ι/Ι ) α - 1
+ L÷
ç s ÷
è ø
t = operation time
K = constant
Ι = measured current
ΙS = current threshold setting

α = constant
L = ANSI/IEEE constant (zero for IEC/UK curves)
T = Time multiplier setting for IEC/UK curves
TD = Time dial setting for IEEE/US curves
IDMT characteristics

K α L
IDMT Curve Description Standard
Constant Constant Constant
Standard inverse IEC 0.14 0.02 0
Very inverse IEC 13.5 1 0
Extremely inverse IEC 80 2 0
Long time inverse UK 120 1 0
Rectifier UK 45900 5.6 0
Moderately inverse IEEE 0.0515 0.02 0.114
Very inverse IEEE 19.61 2 0.491
Extremely inverse IEEE 28.2 2 0.1217
Inverse US-C08 5.95 2 0.18
Short time inverse US-C02 0.16758 0.02 0.11858

The IEC extremely inverse curve becomes definite time at currents greater than 20 x
setting. The IEC standard, very and long time inverse curves become definite time at
currents greater than 30 x setting.
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Time multiplier settings for IEC/UK curves

Settings Range Step Size

TMS 0.025 to 1.2 0.025

Time dial settings for IEEE/US curves

Settings Range Step Size

TD 0.01 to 100 0.01

10.2.1 Reset characteristics

For all IEC/UK curves, the reset characteristic is definite time only.
For all IEEE/US curves, the reset characteristic can be selected as either inverse curve
or definite time.
The definite time can be set (as defined in IEC) to zero. Range 0 to 100 seconds in
steps of 0.01 seconds.
The Inverse Reset characteristics are dependent upon the selected IEEE/US IDMT
curve as shown in the table below.
All inverse reset curves conform to the following formula:

TD x S
tRESET = in seconds
(1 - M2)

TD = Time dial setting for IEEE curves
S = Constant
M = Ι / Ιs

Curve Description Standard S Constant

Moderately Inverse IEEE 4.85
Very Inverse IEEE 21.6
Extremely Inverse IEEE 29.1
Inverse US 5.95
Short Time Inverse US 2.261

10.2.2 RI curve
The RI curve (electromechanical) has been included in the first stage characteristic
setting options for Phase Overcurrent and Earth Fault protections. The curve is
represented by the following equation:

æ 1 ö
ç ÷
t = K x ç 0.339 - æ0.236/ ö ÷ in seconds
è è Mø ø
With K adjustable from 0.1 to 10 in steps of 0.05
M = Ι / Ιs
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10.2.3 Accuracy

Pick-up Setting ±5%

Drop-off 0.95 x Setting ±5%
Minimum trip level of IDMT elements 1.05 x Setting ±5%
±5% or 40ms whichever is greater
IDMT characteristic shape
(under reference conditions)*
IEEE reset ±5% or 50ms whichever is greater
DT operation ±2% or 50ms whichever is greater
DT reset ±5%
Directional boundary accuracy (RCA ±90°) ±2° hysteresis 2°
Characteristic UK curves IEC 60255-3 – 1998
US curves IEEE C37.112 – 1996
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IEC Curves


Operating Time (s)


Curve 4

Curve 1

Curve 2

Curve 3

1.0 10.0 100.0
Current (Multiples of Is)

Curve 1 Standard inverse

Curve 2 Very inverse
Curve 3 Extremely inverse
Curve 4 UK long time inverse

Figure 1: IEC inverse time curves

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Amercian Curves


Operating Time (s)

Curve 5

Curve 6

Curve 9

Curve 7

Curve 8

0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0

Current (Multiples of Is)

Curve 5 IEEE moderately inverse

Curve 6 IEEE very inverse
Curve 7 IEEE extremely inverse
Curve 8 US inverse
Curve 9 US short time inverse

Figure 2: American inverse time curves

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10.3 Restricted earth fault (low impedance)

Settings Range Step Size

K1 0% to 20% 1 % (minimum)
K2 0% to 150% 1 % (minimum)
Ιs1 0.05 Ιn to Ιn 0.01 Ιn
Ιs2 0.1 Ιn to 1.5 Ιn 0.1 Ιn

10.3.1 Accuracy

Pick-up Setting formula ±5%

Drop-off 0.80 (or better) of calculated differential current
Low impedance operating time <60ms
High impedance pick-up Setting ±5%
High impedance operating time <30ms

10.4 2-Stage non-directional earth fault (50N/51N)

10.4.1 Setting ranges

Settings Range Step Size

1st Stage
ΙN>1 0.02 – 4.0 Ιn 0.01 Ιn
ΙN>1 IDG Ιs 1–4 0.1
2nd Stage
ΙN>2 0.02 – 10 Ιn 0.01 Ιn

10.4.2 Time delay settings

Settings Range Step Size

1st Stage
Characteristic MI(IEEE), VI(IEEE), EI(IEEE), Inv(US), STI(US),
DT 0 to 200s 0.01 Ιn
TMS (IEC/UK) 0.025 to 1.2 0.025
K (RI) 0.1 to 10 0.05
IDG Time 1 to 2 0.01
TD (IEEE/US) 0.01 to 100 0.01
0 to 100s 0.01s
2nd Stage
DT 0 to 200s 0.01s
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The earth fault elements are followed by an independently selectable time delay.
These time delays have an extended range of 0 to 200s, but are otherwise identical
to those of the phase overcurrent definite time delay. The reset time delay is the
same as the phase overcurrent reset time. Accuracy

Pick-up Setting ±5%

Drop-off 0.95 x Setting ±5%
Minimum trip level of IDMT elements 1.05 x Setting ±5%
±5% or 40ms whichever is greater
IDMT characteristic shape
(under reference conditions)*
IEEE reset ±5% or 40ms whichever is greater
DT operation ±2% or 60ms whichever is greater
DT reset ±5%
Repeatability 2.5%

10.4.3 IDG curve

The IDG curve is commonly used for time delayed earth fault protection in the
Swedish market. This curve is available in stage 1 of the Earth Fault protection.
The IDG curve is represented by the following equation:

æ Ι ö
t = 5.8 - 1.35 loge ç ÷ in seconds
è ΙN > Setting ø
Ι = measured current
ΙN>Setting = an adjustable setting which defines the start point of the
Although the start point of the characteristic is defined by the “ΙN>” setting, the
actual relay current threshold is a different setting called “IDG Ιs”. The “IDG Ιs”
setting is set as a multiple of “ΙN>”.
An additional setting “IDG Time” is also used to set the minimum operating time at
high levels of fault current.
Figure 3 illustrates how the IDG characteristic is implemented.
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Operating time (seconds) 8 IDG Is Setting Range

IDG Time Setting Range

1 10 100

Figure 3: IDG characteristic

10.5 Neutral displacement/residual overvoltage (59N)

10.5.1 Setting ranges

Name Range Step Size

VN>1 (Vn 100/120V) 1 – 80V 1V
VN>2 (Vn 100/120V) 1 – 80V 1V
VN>1 (Vn 380/480V) 4 – 320V 4V
VN>2 (Vn 380/480V) 4 – 320V 4V

10.5.2 Time delay settings

The inverse characteristic for VN>1 shall be given by the following formula :
t =
(M - 1)

K = Time multiplier setting
t = operating time in seconds
M = Applied input voltage/relay setting voltage (Vs)

Range Step Size

TMS setting (K) 0.5 – 100s 0.5
DT reset setting 0 – 100s 0.01s
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10.5.3 Accuracy

For DT Start Setting ±5%

For IDMT Start 1.05 x Setting ±5%
Drop-off 0.95 x Setting ±5%
IDMT characteristic shape ±5% or 60ms whichever is greater
±2% or 20ms whichever is greater
DT operation
Instantaneous operation <55ms
Reset <35ms
Repeatability <5%

10.6 Sensitive directional earth fault (67N)

Settings Range Step Size

Non directional/Directional Fwd/Directional
ΙSEF>1 0.005 to 0.1 Ιn 0.00025 Ιn
0.5 to 80V (Vn=100/120V) 0.5V
ΙSEF>Vnpol 2 to 320V (Vn =380/480V) 2V

ΙSEF> Char Angle –95° to 95° 1°

DT 0 to 200s 0.01s
0 - 20W (Ιn=1A, Vn=100/120V) 0.05W
0 - 100W (Ιn=5A, Vn=100/120V) 0.25W
P N>
0 - 80W (Ιn=1A, Vn=380/480V) 0.20W
0 - 400W (Ιn=5A, Vn=380/480V) 1W

10.6.1 SEF accuracy

Pick-up Setting ±5%

Drop-off 0.95 x Setting ±5%
DT operation ±2% or 50ms whichever is greater
DT reset ±5%
Repeatability 5%

10.6.2 Wattmetric SEF accuracy

For P=0W ΙSEF> ±5%

For P>0W P> ±5%
For P=0W (0.95 x ΙSEF>) ±5%
For P>0W 0.9 x P> ±5%
Boundary accuracy ±5% with 1° hysteresis
Repeatability 5%
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10.6.3 Polarising quantities accuracy

Operating boundary pick-up ±2°of RCA ±90°

Hysteresis <3°
ΙSEF>Vnpol Pick-up Setting ±10%
ΙSEF>Vnpol Drop-off 0.9 x Setting or 0.7V (whichever is greater) ±10%

10.7 100% Stator earth fault {P343}

Settings Range Step Size

0.3 – 20V (Vn=100/120V) 0.1V
1.2 – 80V (Vn /440V) 0.4V
30 – 120V (Vn=100/120V) 1V
V< Inhibit
120 – 480V (Vn=380/440V) 4V
4W – 200W (Ιn=1A, Vn=100/120V) 0.5W
16W – 800W (Ιn=1A, Vn=380/480V) 2.0W
P< Inhibit 20W – 1000W (Ιn=5A, Vn=100/120V) 2.5W
80W – 4000W (Ιn=5A, Vn=380/480V) 10.0W
Equivalent Range in %Pn 2% - 105% 0.3%
4Var – 200Var (Ιn=1A, Vn=100/120V) 0.5Var
16Var – 800Var (Ιn=1A, Vn=380/480V) 2.0Var
Q< Inhibit 20Var – 1000Var (Ιn=5A, Vn=100/120V) 2.5Var
80Var – 4000Var (Ιn=5A, Vn=380/480V) 10.0Var
Equivalent Range in %Pn 2% - 105% 0.3%
4VA – 200VA (Ιn=1A, Vn=100/120V) 0.5VA
16VA – 800VA (Ιn=1A, Vn=380/480V) 2.0VA
S< Inhibit 20VA – 1000VA (Ιn=5A, Vn=100/120V) 2.5VA
80VA – 4000VA (Ιn=5A, Vn=380/480V) 10.0VA
Equivalent Range in %Pn 2% - 105% 0.3%
0.3V – 20V (Vn=100/120V) 0.1V
1.2V – 80V (Vn=380/480V) 0.4V
DT 0 – 100s 0.01s
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10.7.1 Accuracy

VN3H</VN3H> Setting ±5%

V/P/Q/S<Ιnh Setting ±0.5%
VN3H< 105% of Pick-up ±5%
VN3H> 95% of Pick-up ±5%
V/P/Q/S<Ιnh 95% of Pick-up ±0.5%
Operating time ±0.5% or 50ms whichever is greater
Repeatability <0.5%
Disengagement / reset time <50ms

10.8 Voltage dependent overcurrent (51V)

Settings Range Step Size

Operating mode Voltage controlled/voltage restrained
Current threshold Ι>set 0.8 – 4 Ιn 0.01 Ιn
Characteristic UK Rectifier, RI, M I(IEEE),VI(IEEE),
5 – 120V (Vn = 100/120V) 1V
Voltage threshold V<1
20 – 440V (Vn = 380/480V) 4V
5 – 120V (Vn = 100/120V) 1V
Voltage threshold V<2
20 – 440V (Vn = 380/480V) 4V
K factor 0.1 – 1.00 0.05
DT 0 –100s 0.01s
TMS 0.025 – 1.2 0.025
TD (IEEE/US) 0.01 to 100 0.01
K(RI) 0.1 - 10 0.05
tRESET 0 – 100s 0.01s

The reset time inverse time characteristics for IEEE/US curves are the same as the
phase overcurrent.
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10.8.1 Accuracy

VCO threshold Setting ±5%

Overcurrent formula ±5%
VCO threshold 1.05 x Setting ±5%
Overcurrent 0.95 x formula ±5%
Operating time <50ms
Repeatability <2.5%
IDMT operation ±5% or 40ms whichever is greater
Definite time operation ±5% or 50ms whichever is greater
tRESET ±5% or 50ms whichever is greater

10.9 Transient overreach and overshoot

10.9.1 Accuracy

Additional tolerance due to

±5% over the X/R ratio of 1 to 90
increasing X/R ratios
Overshoot of overcurrent elements <40ms
Disengagement time <60ms (65ms SEF)

10.10 Under impedance (21)

Settings Range Step Size

2 - 120 Ω (Vn=100/120V, Ιn=1A) 0.5W
0.4 - 24 Ω (Vn=100/120V, Ιn=5A) 0.1W
8 - 480 Ω (Vn=380/440V, Ιn=1A) 2W
1.6 - 96 Ω (Vn=380/440V, Ιn=5A) 0.4W
DT 0 - 100s 0.01s

10.10.1 Accuracy

Pick-up Setting ±5%

Drop-off 105% of setting ±5%
Operating time ±2% or 50ms whichever is greater
Repeatability <5%
Disengagement time <50ms
tRESET ±5%
Instantaneous operating time <50ms
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10.11 Under voltage (27)

10.11.1 Level settings

Name Range Step Size

V<1 & V<2
10 – 120V 1V
(Vn = 100/120V)
V<1 & V<2
40 – 480V 4V
(Vn = 380/480V)

10.11.2 Under voltage protection time delay characteristics

Under voltage measuring elements are followed by an independently selectable time
The first element have time delay characteristics selectable as either Inverse Time or
Definite Time. The remaining element shall have an associated Definite Time delay
Each measuring element time delay is capable of being blocked by the operation of a
user defined logic (optical isolated) input.
The inverse characteristic shall be given by the following formula :
t =
(1 - M)

K = Time multiplier setting
t = operating time in seconds
M = Applied input voltage/relay setting voltage (Vs)

Range Step Size

DT setting 0 – 100s 0.01s
TMS Setting (K) 0.5 – 100 0.5

Definite time and TMS setting ranges.

10.11.3 Accuracy

For DT Start Setting ±5%

For IDMT Start 0.95 x Setting ±5%
Drop-off 1.05 x Setting ±5%
IDMT characteristic shape ±2% or 50ms whichever is greater
DT operation ±2% or 50ms whichever is greater
Reset <75ms
Repeatability <1%
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10.12 Over voltage (59)

10.12.1 Level settings

Name Range Step Size

V>1 & V>2
60 – 185V 1V
(Vn = 100/120V)
V>1 & V>2
240 – 740V 4V
(Vn = 380/480V)

10.12.2 Over voltage protection time delay characteristics

Over voltage measuring elements are followed by an independently selectable time
The first elements have time delay characteristics selectable as either Inverse Time or
Definite Time. The remaining element shall have an associated Definite Time delay
Each measuring element time delay is capable of being blocked by the operation of a
user defined logic (optical isolated) input.
The inverse characteristics are given by the following formula:
t =
(M - 1)

K = Time multiplier setting
T = Operating time in seconds
M = Applied input voltage/relay setting voltage (Vs)

Range Step Size

DT setting 0 – 100s 0.01s
TMS Setting (K) 0.5 – 100s 0.5

Definite time and TMS setting ranges

10.12.3 Accuracy

For DT Start Setting ±5%

For IDMT Start 1.05 x Setting ±5%
Drop-off 0.95 x Setting ±5%
IDMT characteristic shape ±2% or 50ms whichever is greater
DT operation ±2% or 50ms whichever is greater
Reset <75ms
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10.13 Under frequency (81U)

Settings Range Step Size

f (for all stages) 45 – 65 Hz 0.01 Hz
t (for all stages) 0 – 100s 0.01s

10.13.1 Accuracy

Pick-up Setting ±0.01Hz

Drop-off (Setting + 0.025Hz) ±0.01Hz
DT operation ±2% or 50ms whichever is greater*

* The operating will also include a time for the relay to frequency track (20Hz/second)
10.14 Over frequency (81O)

Settings Range Step Size

f (for all stages) 45 – 68 Hz 0.01 Hz
t (for all stages) 0 – 100s 0.01s

10.14.1 Accuracy

Pick-up Setting ±0.01Hz

Drop-off (Setting - 0.025Hz) ±0.01Hz
DT operation ±2% or 50ms whichever is greater*

* The operating will also include a time for the relay to frequency track 20Hz/second)
10.15 Reverse power/low forward power/over power (32R /32L /32O)

Settings Range Step Size

Stage 1 Enable/disable
Operating Mode Generating/Motoring
Mode Reverse/low forward/over
4W – 300W (Ιn=1A, Vn=100/120V)
16W – 1200W (Ιn=1A, Vn=380/480V) 2W
–P> (reverse power) 20W – 1500W (Ιn=5A, Vn=100/120V) 2.5W
80W – 6000W (Ιn=5A, Vn=380/480V)
Equivalent Range in %Pn 2% - 157%
4W – 300W (Ιn=1A, Vn=100/120V)
16W – 1200W (Ιn=1A, Vn=380/480V) 2W
P< (low forward power) 20W – 1500W (Ιn=5A, Vn=100/120V) 2.5W
80W – 6000W (Ιn=5A, Vn=380/480V)
Equivalent Range in %Pn 2% - 157%
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Settings Range Step Size

4W – 300W (Ιn=1A, Vn=100/120V)
16W – 1200W (Ιn=1A, Vn=380/480V) 2W
P> (over power) 20W – 1500W (Ιn=5A, Vn=100/120V) 2.5W
80W – 6000W (Ιn=5A, Vn=380/480V)
Equivalent Range in %Pn 2% - 157%
DT 0 – 100s 0.01s
DO Timer 0 – 100s 0.01s
Stage 2 Same as Stage 1

10.15.1 Accuracy

Pick-up Setting ±10%

Reverse/Over Power 0.95 of setting ±10%
Low forward Power 1.05 of setting ±10%
Pick-up (angle variation) Expected pick-up angle ±1 degree
Drop-off (angle variation) Expected drop-off angle ±2.5 degree
Operating time ±2% or 50ms whichever is greater
Repeatability <5%
Disengagement time <50ms
tRESET ±5%
Instantaneous operating time <50ms

10.16 Sensitive reverse power/low forward power/over power (32R /32L /32O)

Settings Range Step Size

Stage 1 Enable/Disable
Operating Mode Generating/Motoring
Mode Reverse/low forward/over
0.3W – 100W (Ιn=1A, Vn=100/120V) 0.1W
1.2W – 400W (Ιn=1A, Vn=380/480V) 0.4W
–P> (reverse power) 1.5W – 500W (Ιn=5A, Vn=100/120V) 0.5W
6.0W – 2000W (Ιn=5A, Vn=380/480V) 2.0W
Equivalent range in %Pn 0.5% – 157% 0.2%
0.3W – 100W (Ιn=1A, Vn=100/120V) 0.1W
1.2W – 400W (Ιn=1A, Vn=380/480V) 0.4W
P< (low forward power 1.5W – 500W (Ιn=5A, Vn=100/120V) 0.5W
6.0W – 2000W (Ιn=5A, Vn=380/480V) 2.0W
Equivalent range in %Pn 0.5% – 157% 0.2%
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Settings Range Step Size

0.3W – 100W (Ιn=1A, Vn=100/120V) 0.1W
1.2W – 400W (Ιn=1A, Vn=380/480V) 0.4W
P> (over power) 1.5W – 500W (Ιn=5A, Vn=100/120V) 0.5W
6.0W – 2000W (Ιn=5A, Vn=380/480V) 2.0W
Equivalent range in %Pn 0.5% – 157% 0.2%
DT 0 – 100s 0.01s
DO Timer 0 – 100s 0.01s
Compensation angle θC -5° – 5° 0.1°
Stage 2 Same as Stage 1

10.16.1 Accuracy

Pick-up Setting ±10%

Reverse/Over Power 0.9 of setting ±10%
Low forward Power 1.1 of setting ±10%
Pick-up (angle variation) Expected pick-up angle ±2 degree
Drop-off (angle variation) Expected drop-off angle ±2.5 degree
Operating time ±2% or 50ms whichever is greater
Repeatability <5%
Disengagement time <50ms
tRESET ±5%
Instantaneous operating time <50ms

10.17 Field failure (40)

Settings Range Step Size

0 – 40 Ω (Ιn=1A, Vn=100/120V) 0.5Ω

0 – 8 Ω (Ιn=5A, Vn=100/120V) 0.1Ω
Mho offset (-Xa1, -Xa2)
0 - 160 Ω (Ιn=1A, Vn=380/480V) 2ý
0 – 32 Ω (Ιn=5A, Vn=380/480V) 0.4Ω

25 – 325 Ω (Ιn=1A, Vn=100/120V) 0.5Ω

5 – 65 Ω (Ιn=5A, Vn=100/120V) 0.1Ω
Diameter (Xb1, Xb2)
100 – 1300 Ω (Ιn=1A, Vn=380/480V) 2ý
20 – 260 Ω (Ιn=5A, Vn=380/480V) 0.4Ω
Ffail Alarm angle 15º – 75º 1º
Ffail Alarm delay 0 – 100s 0.01s
Ffail 1 & 2 time delay 0 – 100s 0.01s
Ffail 1& 2 drop off timer 0 – 100s 0.01s
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10.17.1 Accuracy

mho characteristic Characteristic shape ±5%

linear characteristic Characteristic shape ±10%
mho characteristic 105% of setting ±5%
linear characteristic 105% of setting ±10%
±2% or 50ms whichever is
Operating time
Repeatability <1%

10.18 Negative phase sequence thermal (46)

Settings Range Step Size

Ι2>1 alarm 0.03 – 0.5 Ιn 0.01 Ιn
Ι2>1 time delay 2 – 60s 0.1s
Ι2>2 trip 0.05 – 0.5 Ιn 0.01 Ιn
Ι2>2 K 2 – 40s 0.1s
Ι2>2 Kreset 2 – 40s 0.1s
Ι2>2 tmax 500 – 2000s 10s
Ι2>2 tmin 0 – 100 0.01s

10.18.1 Accuracy

Pick-up Formula ±5%

Drop-off 95% of Pick-up ±5%
Operating time ±5% or 55ms whichever is greater
Repeatability <5%
Disengagement time <30ms

10.19 Volts/Hz (24)

Settings Range Step Size

1.5 – 3.5V/Hz (Vn=100/120V) 0.01 V/Hz
V/f trip
6.0 – 14V/Hz (Vn=380/480V) 0.04 V/Hz
1.5 – 3.5V/Hz (Vn=100/120V) 0.01 V/Hz
V/f alarm
6.0 – 14V/Hz (Vn=380/480V) 0.04 V/Hz
V/f Trip TMS 1 – 63 1
V/f Trip Delay 0 – 100s 0.01s
V/f Alarm Delay 0 – 100s 0.01s

Note: V/Hz setting refers to secondary voltage and the nominal

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10.19.1 Accuracy

Pick-up Setting ±5%

Drop-off 95% of Pick-up ±5%
IDMT operating time ±5% or 60ms whichever is greater
Definite time ±2% or 30ms whichever is greater
Repeatability <1%

10.20 Unintentional energisation at standstill (dead machine) {P343}

Settings Range Step Size

Dead Mach Ι> 0.08 to 4 Ιn 0.1 Ιn
10 to 120V (Vn=100/120V) 0.01V
Dead Mach V<
40 to 480V (Vn=380/480V) 0.04V
Dead Mach tPU 0 to 10s 0.1s
Dead Mach tDO 0 to 10s 0.1s

10.20.1 Accuracy

Ι> Setting ±5%

V< Setting ±5%
Ι> 95% of setting ±5%
V< 105% of setting ±5%
Operating time ±2% or 50ms whichever is greater
Repeatability 2.5% or 10ms whichever is greater

10.21 Resistive temperature detectors

Setting Min Max Step

RTD# alarm temperature 0°C 200°C 1°C
RTD# trip temperature 0°C 200°C 1°C
RTD Alarm delay 0s 100 s 1s
RTD Trip delay 0s 100 s 1s

10.21.1 Accuracy

Pick up Setting ±1°C

Drop off (Setting - 1°C)
Operating time ±2% or <1100ms
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10.22 Pole slipping (78) {P343}

Settings Range Step Size

0.5 - 350Ω (Ιn=1A, Vn=100/120V) 0.5Ω
0.1 - 70Ω (Ιn=5A, Vn=100/120V) 0.1Ω
ZA (Lens Forward Reach)
2 - 1400Ω (Ιn=1A, Vn=380/480V) 2Ω
0.4 - 280Ω (Ιn=5A, Vn=380/480V) 0.4Ω
0.5 - 350Ω (Ιn=1A, Vn=100/120V) 0.5Ω
0.1 - 70Ω (Ιn=5A, Vn=100/120V) 0.1Ω
ZB (Lens Reverse reach)
2 - 1400Ω (Ιn=1A, Vn=380/480V) 2Ω
0.4 - 280Ω (Ιn=5A, Vn=380/480V) 0.4Ω
Lens Angle (α) 90° - 150° 1°
Timer T1 0 - 1s 0.01s
Timer T2 0 - 1s 0.01s
Blinder Angle (θ) 20° - 90° 1°
0.5 - 350Ω (Ιn=1A, Vn=100/120V) 0.5Ω
0.1 - 70Ω (Ιn=5A, Vn=100/120V) 0.1Ω
Zc (Reactance line)
2 - 1400Ω (Ιn=1A, Vn=380/480V) 2Ω
0.4 - 280Ω (Ιn=5A, Vn=380/480V) 0.4Ω
Zone1 Slip Count 1- 20 1
Zone2 Slip Count 1- 20 1
Reset Time 0 -100s 0.01s

10.22.1 Accuracy

Lens characteristic Setting ±5%

Pick-up Blinder ±1°
Reactance line Setting ±5%
Lens angle adjusted by -5°, forward and
Lens DO characteristic
reverse reach (ZA+ZB) + 5%
Lens DO Lens DO characteristic ±5%
Blinder DO
Blinder displaced by (ZA+ZB)/2 x tan 87.5°
Blinder DO Blinder DO characteristic ±1°
Repeatability <2.5%
T1, T2 and Reset Timer ±2% or 10ms whichever is greater
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10.22.2 Hysteresis
Hysteresis is applied to the lenticular characteristic and to the blinder as soon as they
pick up individually. Hysteresis is not required for the reactance line as Zone 1 or
Zone 2 is determined at a single point when the locus traverses the blinder.
For the lens, the hysteresis consists of an angle of 5° subtracted from the α setting to
increase the lens size and an increment of 5% applied to ZA and ZB to extend the
Hysteresis for the blinder is dependant on the mode of operation. For generating
mode, the blinder is adjusted to the right, for motoring mode, the blinder is adjusted
to the left, with a distance which is equivalent to an angle separation of 175°. This is
shown in Figure 4. This distance is equivalent to (ZA + ZB) / 2*tan87.5°.
For both characteristics the hysteresis is reset when the impedance locus leaves the

Hysteresis for motoring mode


Lens Impedance centre

Hysteresis for generating mode


Figure 4: Hysteresis of the pole slipping characteristic

10.23 Thermal overload (49)

Settings Range Step Size

Thermal I> 0.5 - 2.5 Ιn 0.01 Ιn
Thermal Alarm 20 -100% 1%
T-heating 1 - 200 minutes 1 minute
T-cooling 1 - 200 minutes 1 minute
M Factor 0 - 10 1
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10.23.1 Accuracy

Pick-up Thermal alarm Calculated trip time ±5%

Thermal overload Calculated trip time ±5%
Cooling time accuracy ±5% of theoretical
Repeatability <2.5%


11.1 Voltage transformer supervision

Name Range Step Size

Negative phase sequence Fixed
10V (100/120V) 40V (380/480V)
voltage threshold (V2)
P.U. 30V, D.O. 10V (100/120V) Fixed
Phase overvoltage
P.U.120V, D.O.40V (380/480V)
Superimposed current 0.1 Ιn Fixed
VTS Ι2> Inhibit 0.05 Ιn to 0.5 Ιn 0.01 Ιn
VTS Ι> Inhibit 0.08 Ιn to 32 Ιn 0.01 Ιn
VTS Time Delay 1.0 – 10s 0.1s

11.1.1 Accuracy

Fast block operation <25ms

Fast block reset <30ms
Time delay Setting ±2% or 20ms whichever is greater

11.2 Current transformer supervision

The ΙN and VN thresholds take the same values as set for the directional earth fault

Settings Range Step Size

0.5 - 22V (Vn = 100/120V) 0.5V
VN <
2 - 88V (Vn = 380 / 440V) 2V
ΙN> 0.08Ιn - 4Ιn 0.01Ιn
Time delay t 0 - 10s 1s
CTS Time Delay 0 - 10s 1s
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11.2.1 Accuracy

ΙN> Setting ±5%

VN < Setting ±5%
ΙN> 0.9 x Setting ±5%
VN < (1.05 x Setting) ±5% or 1V whichever is greater
Time delay operation Setting ±2% or 20ms whichever is greater
CTS block operation < 1 cycle
CTS reset < 35ms


12.1 Level settings

Settings Range Step Size

Time delay t 0-14400000ms (4 hrs) 1ms

12.2 Accuracy

Output conditioner timer Setting ±2% or 50ms whichever is greater

Dwell conditioner timer Setting ±2% or 50ms whichever is greater
Pulse conditioner timer Setting ±2% or 50ms whichever is greater


13.1 Measurements
Accuracy under reference conditions.

Measurand Range Accuracy

Current 0.05 to 3 Ιn ±1.0% of reading
Voltage 0.05 to 2 Vn ±1.0% of reading
0.2 to 2 Vn ±5% of reading at unity
Power (W)
0.05 to 3 Ιn power factor
0.2 to 2 Vn ±5% of reading at zero
Reactive Power (VArs)
0.05 to 3 Ιn power factor
0.2 to 2 Vn
Apparent Power (VA) ±5% of reading
0.05 to 3 Ιn
0.2 to 2 Vn ±5% of reading at zero
Energy (Wh)
0.2 to 3 Ιn power factor
0.2 to 2 Vn ±5% of reading at zero
Energy (Varh)
0.2 to 3 Ιn power factor
Phase accuracy 0° to 360° ±0.5°
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Measurand Range Accuracy

Frequency 5 to 70Hz ±0.025Hz

13.2 IRIG-B and real time clock

13.2.1 Features

Real time 24 hour clock settable in hours, minutes and seconds

Calendar settable from January 1994 to December 2092
Clock and calendar maintained via battery after loss of auxiliary supply
Internal clock synchronisation using IRIG-B
Interface for IRIG-B signal is BNC

13.2.2 Performance

Year 2000 Compliant

Real time clock accuracy < ±1 second / day
Modulation ratio 1/3 or 1/6
Input signal peak-peak amplitude 200 mV to 20 V
Input impedance at 1000 Hz 6000 Ω
Conforms to IRIG standard 200-98, format
External clock synchronisation

13.3 Current loop input and outputs (CLIO)

Current loop inputs

Settings Range Step Size

CLI1 Input Type 0-1mA, 0-10mA, 0-20mA, 4-20mA
CLI1 Minimum -9999 to +9999 0.1
CLI1 Maximum -9999 to +9999 0.1
CLI1 Alarm Fn Over/Under
CLI1 Alarm Set CLI1 Minimum - CLI1 Maximum
CLI1 Alarm Delay 0-100s 0.1s
CLI1 Trip Fn Over/Under
CLI1 Trip Set CLI1 Minimum - CLI1 Maximum
CLI1 Trip Delay 0-100s 0.1s
CLI1 I< Alm Set
0-4mA 0.1mA
(4-20 mA input only)
Stage 2/3/4 Same as stage 1
Repeat for current loop inputs 2, 3 and 4
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Current loop outputs

Settings Range Step Size

CLO1 Output Type 0-1mA, 0-10mA, 0-20mA, 4-20mA
CLO1 Set Values Primary/Secondary
A list of parameters are shown in the table
CLO1 Parameter
Range, step size and unit corresponds to the
CLO1 Minimum
selected parameter in the table below
Range, step size and unit corresponds to the
CLO1 Maximum
selected parameter in the table below
Repeat for current loop outputs 2, 3 and 4

Current loop output parameters are shown in the following table:

Current Loop
Default Default
Output Abbreviation Units Range Step
Min Max
Current Magnitude IA Magnitude A 0 to 16A 0.01A 0A 1.2A
IB Magnitude
IC Magnitude
IN Measured Mag
Sensitive Current I Sen Magnitude A 0 to 2A 0.01A 0A 1.2A
Input Magnitude
Phase Sequence I1 Magnitude A 0 to 16A 0.01A 0A 1.2A
Current I2 Magnitude
Components I0 Magnitude
RMS Phase Currents IA RMS* A 0 to 16A 0.01A 0A 1.2A
P-P Voltage VAB Magnitude V 0 to 200V 0.1V 0V 140V
Magnitude VBC Magnitude
VCA Magnitude
P-N voltage VAN Magnitude V 0 to 200V 0.1V 0V 80V
Magnitude VBN Magnitude
VCN Magnitude
Neutral Voltage VN Measured Mag V 0 to 200V 0.1V 0V 80V
Magnitude VN Derived Mag
3rd Harmonic VN 3rd Harmonic V 0 to 200V 0.1V 0V 80V
Neutral Voltage
Phase Sequence V1 Magnitude* V 0 to 200V 0.1V 0V 80V
Voltage V2 Magnitude
Components V0 Magnitude
RMS Phase Voltages VAN RMS* V 0 to 200V 0.1V 0V 80V
Frequency Frequency Hz 0 to 70Hz 0.01Hz 45Hz 65Hz
3 Ph Active Power 3 Phase Watts* W -6000W 1W 0W 300W
3 Ph Reactive Power 3 Phase Vars* Var -6000Var 1Var 0Var 300Var
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Current Loop
Default Default
Output Abbreviation Units Range Step
Min Max
3 Ph Apparent 3 Phase VA* VA 0 1VA 0VA 300VA
Power to
3 Ph Power Factor 3Ph Power Factor* - -1 to 1 0.01 0 1
Single Phase Active A Phase Watts* W -2000W 1W 0W 100W
Power B Phase Watts* to
C Phase Watts* 2000W
Single Phase A Phase Vars* Var -2000Var 1Var 0Var 100Var
Reactive Power B Phase Vars* to
C Phase Vars* 2000Var
Single Phase A Phase VA* VA 0 1VA 0VA 100VA
Apparent Power B Phase VA* to
C Phase VA* 2000VA
Single Phase Power APh Power Factor* -1 to 1 0.01 0 1
Factor BPh Power Factor*
CPh Power Factor*
3 Phase Current IA Fixed Demand* A 0 to 16A 0.01A 0A 1.2A
Demands IB Fixed Demand*
IC Fixed Demand*
IA Roll Demand*
IB Roll Demand*
IC Roll Demand*
IA Peak Demand*
IB Peak Demand*
IC Peak Demand*
3Ph Active Power 3Ph W Fix Demand* W -6000W 1W 0W 300W
Demands 3Ph W Roll Dem* to
3Ph W Peak Dem* 6000W
3Ph Reactive Power 3Ph Vars Fix Dem* Var -6000Var 1Var 0Var 300Var
Demands 3Ph Var Roll Dem* to
3Ph Var Peak Dem* 6000Var
Rotor Thermal State NPS Thermal % 0 to 200 0.01 0 120
Stator Thermal Thermal Overload % 0 to 200 0.01 0 120
RTD Temperatures RTD 1* °C -40°C 0.1°C 0°C 200°C
RTD 2* to
RTD 3* 300°C
RTD 4*
RTD 5*
RTD 6*
RTD 7*
RTD 8*
RTD 9*
RTD 10*
Current Loop Inputs CL Input 1 - -9999 0.1 0 9999
CL Input 2 to
CL Input 3 9999
CL input 4

Note 1: For measurements marked with an asterisk, the internal refresh

rate is nominally 1s, others are 0.5 power system cycle or less.

Note 2: The polarity of Watts, Vars and power factor is affected by the
Measurements Mode setting.
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Note 3: These settings are for nominal 1A and 100/120V versions only.
For other nominal versions they need to be multiplied

Note 4: For the P343, the IA/IB/IC Current magnitudes are IA-1
Magnitude, IB-1 Magnitude, IC-1 Magnitude.
13.3.1 Accuracy

Current loop input accuracy ±1% of full scale

Current loop input Under setting +1% of full scale

drop-off threshold Over setting -1% of full scale
Current loop input sampling interval 50ms
Current loop input instantaneous
< 250ms
operating time
±2% setting or 200ms whichever is the
Current loop input DT operating time
Current loop output conversion interval 50ms
<1.07s or <70ms depending on the
CLIO output parameter’s internal
Current loop output latency
refresh rate – (1s or 0.5 cycle, see table
Current loop output accuracy ±0.5% of full scale
Repeatability <5%

With the current loop input set to instantaneous operation, two consecutive
acquisitions of data are required for an operate decision to be made.
13.3.2 Other specifications

Current loop input load resistance 0-1mA <4kΩ

Current loop input load resistance 0-10mA/0-20mA/4-20mA <300Ω
Isolation between common input channels Zero
2kV rms for
Isolation between input channels and case earth/other circuits
1 minute
0-1mA/0-10mA 10V
Current loop output compliance voltage
0-20mA/4-20mA 8.8V
Current loop output open circuit voltage <25V
Isolation between common output channels Zero
2kV rms for
Isolation between output channels and case earth/other circuits
1 minute
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14.1 Level settings

Settings Range Step Size

Duration 0.1 – 10.5s 10ms
Trigger position 0 – 100% 0.1%
8 analogue channels, 32 digital channels, single or extended trigger modes

14.2 Accuracy

Magnitude and relative phases ±5% of applied quantities

Duration ±2%
Trigger position ±2% (minimum trigger 100ms)


15.1 CB state monitoring control and condition monitoring

15.1.1 CB monitor settings

Setting Range Step

Broken Ι^ (mult) 1–2 0.1
Ι^ Maintenance 1 – 25000 (x (CT ratio^mult)) A 1 (x (CT ratio^mult)) A
Ι^ Lockout 1 – 25000 (x (CT ratio^mult)) A 1 (x (CT ratio^mult)) A
No CB Ops maintenance 1 – 10000 1
No CB Ops lockout 1 – 10000 1
CB time maintenance 0.005 – 0.5s 0.001s
CB time lockout 0.005 – 0.5s 0.001s
Fault frequency count 0 – 9999 1
Fault frequency time 0 – 9999 1

15.1.2 CB control settings

Setting Range Step

Man close RstDly 0.01 – 600s 0.01s

15.1.3 Accuracy

Timers ±2% or 20ms whichever is greater

Broken current accuracy ±5%
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15.2 CB fail and backtrip breaker fail

15.2.1 Timer settings

Setting Range Step

CB fail 1 timer 0 – 10s 0.01s
CB fail 2 timer 0 – 10s 0.01s

The timers are reset by:

• undercurrent elements operating, or
• initiating element drop-off (loss of external initiating signal), or
• circuit breaker open auxiliary contact. (If current operation/external device is not
15.2.2 Timer accuracy

Timers ±2% or 40ms whichever is greater

Reset time <30ms

15.2.3 Undercurrent settings

Name Range Step Size

Phase Ι< 0.02 - 3.2 Ιn 0.01 Ιn
Earth ΙN< 0.02 - 3.2 Ιn 0.01 Ιn
Sensitive Earth ΙSEF< 0.001 - 0.8 Ιn 0.0005 Ιn

15.2.4 Undercurrent accuracy

Pick-up ±10% or 25mA whichever is the greater

Operating time <12ms (Typical <10ms)
Reset <15ms (Typical <10ms)


16.1 CT and VT ratio settings

The primary and secondary rating can be independently set for each set of CT or VT
inputs, for example the earth fault CT ratio can be different to that used for the phase

Primary Range Secondary Range

1 to 30000 Amps
Current transformer 1 or 5 Amps
step size 1A
100V to 1000 kV 80 to 140V (Vn = 100/120V)
Voltage transformer
step size 1V 320 to 560V (Vn = 380/480V)
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Battery life (assuming relay energised for 90% of time) > 10 years
1/2 AA size 3.6 V lithium thionyl chloride battery (SAFT advanced battery reference


With the exception of the RMS measurements all other measurements and protection
functions are based on the Fourier derived fundamental component. The
fundamental component is extracted by using a 24 sample Discrete Fourier
Transform (DFT). This gives good harmonic rejection for frequencies up to the 23rd
harmonic. The 23rd is the first predominant harmonic that is not attenuated by the
Fourier filter and this is known as an ‘Alias’. However, the Alias is attenuated by
approximately 85% by an additional, analogue, ‘anti-aliasing’ filter (low pass filter).
The combined affect of the anti-aliasing and Fourier filters is shown below:

Power frequency (eg 50/60 Hz)
Magnitude (per unit)

Combined response of fourier
and anti-aliasing filters

Anti-aliasing filter response



0 5 10 15 20 25

Figure 5: Frequency response

For power frequencies that are not equal to the selected rated frequency the
harmonics would not be attenuated to zero amplitude. For small deviations of ±1Hz,
this is not a problem but to allow for larger deviations, an improvement is obtained
by the addition of frequency tracking.
With frequency tracking the sampling rate of the analogue / digital conversion is
automatically adjusted to match the applied signal. In the absence of a suitable
signal to amplitude track, the sample rate defaults to the selected rated frequency
(Fn). In the presence of a signal within the tracking range (5 to 70Hz), the relay will
lock on to the signal and the measured frequency will coincide with the power
frequency as labelled in the diagram above. The resulting outputs for harmonics up
to the 23rd will be zero.
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The following claims for Local & Remote Communications are applicable to the P34x
range of generator relays.

19.1 Front Port

Protocol Courier
Message format IEC 60870-5 FT1.2
Baud rate 19 200 bits/s

19.2 Rear Port

Rear Port Settings Setting Options Setting Available For:

Physical links EIA(RS)485 or Fibre optic IEC 60870-5-CS103
EIA(RS)485 only only Courier, Modbus
and DNP3.0
Remote address 0 - 255 (step 1) IEC 60870-5-CS103
and Courier
Modbus address 1 - 247 (step 1) Modbus only
DNP3.0 address 1 - 65519 (step 1) DNP3.0 only
Baud rate 9600 or 19200 bits/s IEC 60870-5-CS103
9600/19200/38400 Modbus only
64,000 bits/s Courier
1200/2400/4800/9600/ DNP3.0
19200/38400 bits/s
Inactivity timer 1 - 30 minutes (step 1) Not DNP3.0
Parity “Odd”, “Even” or “None” Modbus or DNP3.0
Measurement period 1 - 60 minutes (step 1) IEC only
Time sync Enabled / Disabled DNP3.0

19.2.1 Performance

Front and rear ports conforming to Courier communication protocol Compliant

Rear ports conforming to Modbus communication protocol Compliant
Rear ports conforming to IEC 60870-5-CS103 communication
Rear ports conforming to DNP3.0 communication protocol Compliant
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19.3 Second rear communications port

Setting Setting Options Setting Available For:

RP2 Port Config EIA(RS)232, EIA(RS)485
or kbus
RP2 Comms Mode IEC60870 FT1.2, 11bit EIA(RS)232 and
frame or EIA(RS)485
IEC60870, 10 bit frame
RP2 Address 0 – 255 (step 1) All
RP2 InactivTimer 1 – 30 minutes (step 1) All
RP2 Baud Rate 9600/19200/38400 EIA(RS)232 and
bits/s EIA(RS)485

Note: To avoid exceeding second rear communications port flash

clearances the length of the cable, between the port and
associated communications equipment should be limited to 300
metres. In situations where 300 metres may be insufficient it
must be ensured that the communications cable is not laid in
close proximity to high current carrying conductors. The
communications cable should be screened with screen earthed
at one end only.

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