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CS_RESERVEMSG_CDLIMIT = System busy, please try again

unlocks when your Friendship Score reaches 100.
CS_RESERVEMSG_NOTDISTURB = This friend is currently not
accepting appointments
CS_RESERVEMSG_NOTFRIEND = You are not friends with this
CS_RESERVEMSG_NOTONLINE = This player is offline
CS_RESERVEMSG_OTHERERR = An error has occurred
CS_RESERVEMSG_SYSTEMCLOSE = This friend is currently not
accepting appointments
0000A7708B151B24_## = After 2 normal attacks, Wonder Woman's next normal attack
will throw her shield, dealing an additional {0} <color=#f3b74a>true damage</color>
to all enemies in its path and slowing their movement speed by {1}% for 0.5 second.
If the shield hits an enemy, Wonder Woman will recover {2}
<color=#f18d00>(+{3})</color> HP. If the shield hits an enemy hero, the HP
recovered is tripled.
0004483644DB4A05_## = Unknown
000814FD12B09E4B_## =
00095E03A4DA7E51_## = Zephys' passive allows him to keep fighting even with very
low HP. Purchase equipment that boosts his survivability. Death's Flurry causes a
lot of damage, but make sure to aim it properly to deal as much damage as possible
to multiple enemies.
000E01BE606B3BFE_## =
00154FF8F8022A8F_## = Be careful! If you<color=#f6bf17ff> attack enemy
heroes</color> within the range of an enemy Defense Tower, you will become that
<color=#f6bf17ff>tower's target</color>!
001D58045BDCB5C7_## = Đăng nhập mỗi ngày nhận quà
001D8720785E0C9E_## =
001E5F14F20CBEEB_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
0021E29C7B2093D3_## =
002907298B616C52_## = You already own the hero or skin in the gift.
002CC4ED642E8CE0_## = Damage Reduction
002F102EDC75FDB5_## =
002F6F0EDCDC5ACA_## =
002F7748C95EFE91_## = Marksman
003184C6073CA5BF_## =
003292c076d099e8 = 003292c076d099e8_##
003488F4456DCAB7_## =
0037BF38941D5333_## = Ranked Match Special
0038B75B837259DF_## = Magic Life Steal +0.5% \nMagic Defense +3.2
003D2FC5DC0D1DA0_## = Trial Card: Try out Tulen for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this hero.
003DE757756C6AB5_## =
003F0963A2986102_## = Valhein
0041A1551B04F678_## =
00445ED70BE0A393_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
0045708F2E1B5D1D_## = Attack Damage +10 Life Steal +8%
0048E0686BA22C5C_## = Red Gunner
004942C7C1994584_## = Unknown
004F0692F8CBB9F5_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Giờ vàng)
005003CE5A553F39_## =
00514FA86C1CB837_## =
005181B40D2E154F_## =
00537D85FB4107CC_## =
00547DCB009F5156_## =
00550CF448E54912_## =
005C542892410E43_## =
005CB1E3934CFE46_## =
005CEC5EA4AE290F_## = Practice Dummy
006143B9EEFE3E87_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi để nhận ruby miễn phí
00620CAEF142A70F_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
00624AB2A34E0429_## = Uriel's Brand Cooldown
0067BC93FC69BCF2_## =
006FBB64051ED868_## = Airi's Spin stuns enemies for a short time, so you can use
this ability frequently to contain enemies.\nUse Ryuu when you are around a lot of
enemies to gain a more powerful shield.
0070006F80CBD90A_## = Epic Valhein Skin: Techno Templar
00732E012CF4CD5D_## = Unpredictable
0074C0CDB8824BF5_## =
007829A1628F9E2F_## = Normal Attack
007A58DF371A0080_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
007FC8C4665A58BA_## =
0081858B86ED4E1C_## = Maloch
0084EC9E5FEDFE73_## = 本週活動精選
008744A4A5F98286_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Tím)
0087CD7841F14A40_## = Precision
008C2F03323CBE59_## =
008C6D8830D2FD7B_## =
008E33079D6BF5C0_## = Share trang phục Ormarr Thông thỏa thích để nhận quà đặc
biệt\nTrên IOS: Share qua Garena Mobile và ứng dụng Facebook\nTrên Android :Share
qua Garena Mobile
00904873383A0F05_## = Sea Spear
0091DB9BF6315065_## = Plunder
00936BC9F9456B7C_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi để nhận ruby miễn phí
009650816E589B62_## =
009994D5CF9F33BC_## = Open to get Aleister Skin
009F33D9E4C68E6B_## =
009FC7C6545EEC86_## =
00A4D38F815E5F93_## = "A messenger of death who lurks amongst the souls. An
assassin who is concealed in the shadows."\n\nIt was difficult to say if Kriknak
belonged to the living or the dead, because this being roamed freely amidst tombs,
absorbing power by sucking out the essence of rotten souls, and yet it also had a
body of flesh and its own soul. Of course, Kriknak was not concerned by matters
such as life or death. The only thing it cared about was the orders from its
master, Searcy the Banshee.\n\nAs Searcy's devoted servant, there was nothing
Kriknak was unwilling to do for its master. Even when it meant facing Claves Sancti
in the hands of Thane himself, Kriknak stood strong in front of its master and used
its proud horns to block any blow that came forth. These horns ended up being
ruthlessly cleaved away by Thane, but Kriknak's loyalty was rewarded through
Searcy's trust and gifts.\n\nSearcy, in turn, reluctantly pulled off her own horns
to treat Kriknak's severely depleted energies, and transplanted them by infusing it
with powerful spiritual energy. As the new horns took hold, the souls of Kriknak
and Searcy converged completely.\n\nEven if they were separated by a thousand
miles, Kriknak would always know what its master was thinking, and would spare no
effort to complete any task it was assigned to.
00A679788387636B_## = Base Damage
00A98F3F954A8E5B_## =
00ABC85FEFE852A3_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
00AC6F1D9DDE518C_## =
00AE78CA58D465BD_## =
00AEBDFAAF206225_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
00B1FD568AC93625_## = DNT
00B4D43E595ABB14_## =
00B8DEE893C2EE49_## = Unknown
00BAFAEC35E984F8_## = 独立日宝箱-普雷塔介绍
00C399DCD090C1F7_## =
00C42B50772922C6_## = Trial Card: Try out Astrid for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this hero.
00C644BDC03A08D2_## = Carapace
00C903019CBA1AD2_## =
00CC0854E61334BE_## = Natalya
00DB8D643F705E21_## = Lu Bu
00DBDFC8D4DFF922_## = Congratulations, you are now one step closer to becoming a
true hero!
00DED7883FD7CF16_## =
00DF3784BD6E6C0E_## =
00DF5256D255F514_## = Original
00E013E484B7C2FB_## = Tết đến rồi!
00E4D087BF00E1D8_## =
00E75C8A93A90BA5_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
00E81326A38F7A6D_## =
00E89562432F957B_## = Surge
00ED847FCE43925A_## =
00EDD5CF4164D97C_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
00FB008858E901D9_## =
00FD330F66011D24_## =
00FD82A27053C464_## =
00FE70FCAD96AAF1_## = Phoenix
010438FAADE79B51_## = 参与 5V5
01049B55949C89D9_## =
0108660C8A14E41D_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Zuka) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
010B498BE77A785D_## = When Kriknak's ability hits an enemy, the next normal attack
will be enhanced and deal an additional
<color=#f18d00>[162030p1q3*k1/10000]</color> <color=#ca3939>physical
0111050E0B4B89A2_## =
01183113C225F4AF_## = Butterfly
011AF4B5124C5411_## = EXP
01219AA39F8B12CD_## =
0122C65A685E18A3_## = Quà đặc biệt của Joker!
0123464F021B9749_## =
0124F3F971E5C9A7_## = Trial Card: Try out Yorn's skin: Po Po for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this skin.
01260F4CE90C2EF3_## = Trial Card: Try out Chaugnar for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color>
day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
01264B89226B188F_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
01267086D059D12C_## = Normal Attack
012757E7F1C552FA_## =
01276404331F53FC_## = Trial Card: Try out Wonder Woman for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
0129D73B3E235902_## =
012FD93B674FBF82_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nTướng vĩnh viễn
(Airi) / Thẻ thử tướng Airi (1 ngày) / Mảnh tướng
0133BE8750BD6CFC_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
01347D28D9FB9030_## = 本週活動精選
01388CFD45AA6CB4_## =
013BCCF86195DA77_## = Strong Bond
01403A868B078683_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
0144D66432CC0378_## = Đây là phần thưởng Cuộc chiến ngẫu nhiên của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
014565F4A373B2F8_## =
0145B58110CE9057_## =
0145F837EBFF01AA_## =
01472DD4F28014A3_## = Murad leaps forward, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies in
his path and stunning them. He can leap again within 5 seconds of the initial cast,
and he can return to his starting location if the ability is cast a 3rd time within
5 seconds.
01478AF718E9BEF4_## = Support mages have lower defensive attributes but are
equipped with control or healing abilities.
014D3EF7B6394B14_## =
014FFB3F68BA9E67_## = Trial Card: Try out Gildur's skin: Biker for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this skin.
015079E50E4C3651_## = Enhances Damage
0153F06D016FE091_## = Tham gia sự kiện Tết gắn kết - Anh em chấp hết tại
sukien9.lienquan.garena.vn - Nhận Dấu ấn Tulen và đổi tướng miễn phí!
01546EA0CE2B0701_## =
015B8B16782CCFA6_## =
015CA35C8F117525_## = Đây là phần thưởng Chơi tướng D.C - Cơ hội xem phim miễn
phí! của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
015D3A431B051FB8_## =
015D6D95227F20E3_## = Quy đổi ngọc đỏ cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
015E300A462AD976_## =
015EF10ADC72AC35_## = Midas Touch
015FDD56E47E8305_## =
0160B030A1CF211E_## =
01651E14ACE410B0_## =
016743CBD4856CEF_## =
01682A5840651C5B_## =
016958C19388385C_## = Arduin
016C5BCFA5C615A6_## =
016E524E830F88F4_## =
0170A507C787AEEC_## = Quy đổi ngọc đỏ cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
017134B64C8D347D_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tiêu xài Quân huy, Nhận gói quà HOT! của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
01735A5B83A6CD53_## = Academy
01740F744F9DCD81_## =
017BA989319B9177_## = Using any 2 abilities will strengthen the next Divine Light
cast within 3 seconds and refreshes its cooldown immediately.
017D296E6C74B986_## =
017DFC1A04CCDC53_## =
017E9C7428AE79D6_## = 签到图片
0182B1541D7544E5_## = The War Hammer
018716A4E321A5C8_## = Too cool for school recall animation.
018E161C01BA93CF_## = Tidal Rage
018E78288AD06A87_## = Long Range
018FDBB61019AC06_## =
01929565A5D5A45B_## = Unknown
01934AD113531566_## =
01952849C13D73E6_## = Mage
0195F892D118FC18_## = The Pixie
019615C4C82799FD_## =
019887E6E3D20C28_## = Cyber Samurai
019C20B2F800CF7C_## =
019C9CA8E8C765A2_## = Congratulations! You have completed the<color=#f6bf17ff>
Jungle Training</color>!
019D8F6500599143_## =
01A06867CB948B2C_## = Slimz at your service!
01A131593B4792AC_## = Trial Card: Try out Zill for <color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day.
You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
01A195B5EEDF5CAA_## =
01A6429900E90B1F_## =
01A712E7C27319A5_## =
01A756A9C0C60ACA_## =
01A7B3C653ED186B_## = Keep an eye on your ability use rate. Arduin is most powerful
when you make use of Undying Protector to buff your normal attacks in conjunction
with the healing abilities of Bloodlust.
01AA9623F93B6D60_## = Unknown
01AAC3AE62F84CB7_## =
01ACA060E2A81079_## = obsolete+10dfd8224f8d7e75
01ADC90ED8DF3808_## =
01B884FAD57B4695_## =
01B8F028B1100D5C_## = Open to obtain Wukong and Embers Wukong
01B9BD52D5C744DE_## =
01BA0ABB98E6A96F_## =
01BBA11588B39D3D_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Moren)
01BEC8598D0C96F2_## = When Thane's HP falls below 30%, he regenerates 24% of his
maximum HP over 6 seconds. 75-second cooldown.
01BFD00211A7BB30_## =
01C1475F3CF94243_## =
01C3C09C7F87ED65_## = Base Damage
01C3CD8FE171FEEF_## =
01C3DF74D78E6688_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
01C5B2D859DB85D3_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
01C888496C3F2FF9_## = Trial Card: Try out Tel'Annas' skin: Woodland for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
01CC4BBCDDEA9253_## =
01D06D31F6C92FB2_## = Preyta charges his Plague Specter for up to 2 seconds, then
unleashes it and deals {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
damage</color> for each second spent channeling. Any command while charging will
unleash the Specter immediately to deal reduced damage. In the Disciple of the
Plague state, movement is possible while charging.
01D2E331A3C59D5F_## =
01D3097192AFF9C5_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
01D3146FB45F543E_## =
01D4094F541C8572_## = Lindis
01D4135902AFEAAB_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
01D42F0EE343CD06_## = Protect our tower!
01D5DC1D3E2F54C8_## = Getting Stronger
01D6CF1498F9D179_## =
01DD3DE6635E3CB3_## = Every 4th normal attack knocks the target into the air. Each
time an ability hits an enemy, Nakroth gains {0}% attack speed.
01E131C1F7861730_## =
01E4BEFA824219DD_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
01E5CDED57CC4D7B_## =
01E9EC36F8C5D35D_## = Kill minions to earn gold.
01EB0D7B9A7208B0_## =
01EB7A313D9DF0FB_## =
01ED49CC546C000C_## = Airi
01EF6F6C8BEA008F_## =
01F0FBA40370153E_## = Kumiho's Legacy
01F24D92B91B0C38_## =
01F368A0215ED581_## = Zuka
01F44E924C79048E_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
01F911EFDBF9F18E_## = Diaochan
01F96BFD466DCCAC_## =
Đăng nhập mỗi ngày để nhận mảnh ghép năm mới và đổi lấy cơ hội sở hữu bộ đôi tran
g phục giới hạn Long kỵ sĩ và Nghệ nhân Lân!
01FA3C40AB924713_## = You're low on HP. Use Recall to return to base and recover
your HP and Mana.
01FBFD9A3081CE1B_## = Every time Max damages an enemy, the enemy gets shocked,
causing them to suffer {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#f3b74a>true
damage</color> per second and have their health regeneration reduced by 25% for 3
01FF3471048B26F0_## =
0200BA6C2CDF5352_## = Unknown
0200D44AAC448F3E_## = Nhận từ sự kiện Tết gắn kết - Anh em chấp hết. Có thể sử
dụng để đổi tướng miễn phí tùy chọn
0204370FAD8F2698_## = Trial Card: Try out Preyta's skin: Leviathan for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
0204F5BFB4C9BB56_## =
02074CB02D06C071_## = Thu thập 2 mảnh Chúc mừng năm mới và Mậu Tuất 2018 để đổi 4
trang phục miễn phí tùy chọn!
020CF9A5F2352436_## = 限時充值送好禮(test)
021066C6DBE1902D_## =
0213EB7E51C88AB4_## =
0213F0C69587EADE_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Wukong {C}/{T} lần
021636F1F71419F2_## =
02182A35D44B4D3E_## = Swagger
02187B2CB79F55E1_## =
021DAF9FA39A3F79_## =
021E183CF022E624_## = [新英雄-Lauriel 登場] 愛不釋手
02207703B576AE31_## = Survivability
022126F6CFFCC523_## = Quy đổi ngọc đỏ cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
022C8D4DB3BD6E69_## = <color=#00d5ff>Mission:</color>\nVanquish the<color=#d8aa1a>
Dark Slayer</color>
02320642FECC44FB_## =
023465C2FC45F707_## =
0235421174A60E53_## = The Ageless
0237D0B8FEB3BCE2_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
0239BF86AF71EF6D_## = 本週活動精選
024330A9ADB47E37_## = Trang phục Điêu Thuyền: Hoa hậu
0243CC020AFD8344_## = Li'l Red
0243EBF2664D0B30_## = Open to receive 20 gold
024464C3DED38C1B_## = Đăng nhập nhận quà
0245C3FB0D9E5B7D_## = Congratulations, you are now one step closer to becoming a
true hero!
024DD67C5C8DE056_## =
024E1DEF1322BC32_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
024FA80A865CA289_## =
0250CFCBCF2AF1FD_## =
02514399B73D6AD4_## = Aleister
0253BC9C7DAD5676_## = Select the Arcana you want
0253C786C94EB755_## = 7 日累積簽到
0258083B7883318E_## = Trial Card: Try out Tel'Annas' skin: Woodland
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
025A8F093C4B238C_## =
025B4EB0BDA3AB30_## = The Chi
025C93CBD07EE4CE_## =
0262916212290F2B_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
0262C8F79185D3E6_## = Clear the minion wave!
02643EAA514DB692_## = When a non-hero enemy dies near TeeMee, the brothers quickly
pick up the spoils and give nearby allies an extra {0}% gold.
026A2C944E583C12_## =
026B5853606B449C_## = Unknown
026F7C72B863622F_## =
0273601417D94BF2_## = 本週活動精選
0274C9E2E8D20029_## = Haven't died once?
02760B6FDFE6E9F5_## =
0277DF12D0F0A24E_## = Kill {0} enemy [/0:$(hero|heroes)/] with no deaths in a
single match
0278071512DC0A7B_## = Garnak Buff (x1): \nDragon's Curse: Damage to the Garnak
decreases by 30%\n1st Stack: Damage to towers increases
027807DC6F221F3B_## = Unwavering Death
027AA7C1D4AFD646_## = Limited-time offer
027B6C07A3ECC23B_## = Cooldown
027D3BC94A2ADA6E_## =
027DE62E0F84BB64_## =
027E109F2AF94FBC_## = Cơ hội nhận ngọc cấp II/III hoặc Mảnh ngọc để nâng cấp
027E79EDDDB97ACA_## = Unknown
0280DC8891200A92_## = Survivability, Sustained Damage
0281955823DC9148_## = Tank
02823102C3244F6C_## = You can use a <color=#f6bf17ff>Talent</color> to help your
0283231956E27317_## = Buffs, Control
02832414535E5583_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Payna {C}/{T} lần
02839E4B36A3AF13_## = Gildur
0283DDAA3561566B_## = Lauriel
028703C00259F9A0_## = Moren
028DFA03A7C56045_## =
028F6EB67345230F_## =
02928ECA59D028EF_## = Santa's here with gifts for all
02938F5C7444C51D_## =
02962A6DBAD436A4_## = Heart of Incubus
029633B771017F8F_## =
02969DA241DE9D1E_## =
029AE2D8BE5C94D4_## =
029BC336F850128F_## = Airi
029D04A70A76363A_## =
029EACF35F95D44E_## = Arduin
029F5EA45FFD78B0_## = My resolve will never waver!
02A232861171DF47_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
02A2D49E45E7EFFC_## = 孙悟空
02A393660DA64818_## = Veera
02A3AF7213D36C32_## = Quà may mắn (Lộc)
02A96B1A07B172F0_## = Pain on a Stick
02A9C3FFB488289D_## =
02AC5B2454B76209_## =
02AE1848E4CC5AD3_## = Nhận lì xì Liên Quân khi nạp Quân huy trong thời gian sự
kiện! Cơ hội nhận Đá Quý siêu dễ dàng!
02B0B1EC123B2BBA_## =
02B805A7504E58DD_## = Yorn
02BAAC8C61533DA3_## = Unknown
02BCD0D2B044DD94_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
02BD81EF434F78A5_## = You must wait before editing your gender again.
02BEDAEBFF015B30_## =
02C04A33514BDBD5_## =
02C98F8B23AAF293_## =
02C9A94399B79924_## = Ranked Match
02CC368E08D58CF1_## = Azzen'Ka's abilities apply a Sand Trap stack on the enemy.
After reaching 3 stacks, the enemy will be petrified and suffer {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>.
02CD71C61CC2F85B_## =
02CF9BF6AFA4670A_## = 充值获新英雄拉兹
02D138B5932CFEC7_## = Original
02D1A0289DBD584C_## =
02D274A76014D9FF_## = Snow Festival
02D3EDD398093F9F_## =
02DFA71AA8DF3F77_## = Snow Angel
02E2D14BB546E652_## =
02E8CAF8AFA7DD75_## = 26.11 - Đăng nhập giờ vàng
02E94FECD08F91E6_## =
02EF2E966D4644A7_## = Mage
02F55EC16BDFC35B_## = Retreat
02F5F144B084881E_## =
02FA9FCBF22EEBB7_## = Đây là phần thưởng Săn mục tiêu lớn của bạn, xin mời kiểm
02FBE0D1865DA881_## = Tulen
02FD15756ADA68D6_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
030239499C3B2313_## =
030484CB1F606293_## = Warrior
03048865963C3A3D_## =
0307DC3713130513_## = mở để nhận một thẻ thử tướng ngẫu nhiên (1 ngày)
030D05A18A8D3897_## =
030DFFF99451EF47_## = obsolete+c30d22ed9bdabfe2
030EE7003CCAA20F_## = Đổi Thư tình nhận từ sự kiện mỗi ngày thành quà tặng
030F83D6915E97B7_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Batman + trang phục Đôi cánh đại dương
03106B28A57523FC_## = Cooldown
0315C9108005C5F8_## =
0318EE235807F791_## = Preyta
0319DE24E5D6557E_## = +50% Exp Năm mới - Hạng
031B9EF14D469421_## =
031C2C06F0D0D00B_## =
031E11B5DDD6DA32_## = +50% Exp Năm mới
032010DE2C0F47A2_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
032554523CFBBB6A_## =
0325E1DE13DB7169_## = Gold
032A96A5E325BCB8_## =
032B8B923C8A472E_## = Chúc mừng năm mới (5v5)
032CC8CA848DE2D6_## =
032D1AEE1FAFDA2F_## = Makin' Moves
032D33719063F181_## = Rương may mắn Murad MTP mua 4 tặng 1 cực HOT! Mua ngay nào!
032D7B2D199F07F7_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
0331F8FD0B4CA8FA_## = Violet
03336CC4B35FF75B_## =
03345ACBF9AF20D0_## =
0336B31E59E18712_## =
03398B51B398BF28_## = Gunslinger
033991F110D1C4F7_## = Do not try to attack enemies when your HP is running low.
033a4962d3aa7576 = Volume
033C5049A6201012_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
033F49AD5A742567_## = Enemies missing!
034505C957191B34_## = 好友大作战
0345AE4C237C0CBD_## = Original
034732C9B5A26261_## = Jinnar
0348D9C9BF5CCC96_## = Mở để nhận ngẫu nhiên 1 trong các VP: Tướng vĩnh viễn, mảnh
tướng và Ruby may mắn
0349F77861FEFD85_## =
034A04896CABDFF9_## =
034C89CF15775421_## =
034CD0EC51C1A983_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
035301BA8F3D3E84_## =
03578248AF67153A_## =
03595C5B6C68DED1_## = Tăng 50% Exp Đấu Hạng 5v5
035C064C9EC59A7E_## = Buccaneer
036113022795EC50_## = Diaochan
0361CBACB9E90B05_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 hạng mỗi ngày
036CED3758FFA00E_## = Unlocked at level 4.
0372394D58532C3F_## = Cooldown
0372994F7477E743_## =
0373424A30DCAFA5_## =
0375863076B24E32_## = 1. Season Duration: Each season lasts for approximately
<color=orange>3 months</color>. All results are tabulated at the end of the season
and all players who participated in Ranked Matches will receive gems according to
the highest rank they reached during the season.\n\n2. Participation Rules: Ranked
Matches are unlocked when a player has acquired <color=orange>5 or more
heroes</color>. When entering a queue, players are matched according to their rank
and level.\n\n3. Tiers: In Ranked Matches, there are six tiers: <color=#ffd200>
Bronze</color>,<color=#ffd200> Silver</color>,<color=#ffd200>
Gold</color>,<color=#ffd200> Platinum</color>,<color=#ffd200> Diamond</color>,
and<color=#ffd200> Master</color>. <color=#ffd200>Bronze</color> and
<color=#ffd200>Silver</color> are divided further into 3 divisions,
<color=#ffd200>Gold</color> is divided into 4 divisions,
<color=#ffd200>Platinum</color> and <color=#ffd200>Diamond</color> are divided into
5. All Master players will also be numerically ranked on their servers based on
their performance.\n\n4. Rewards: All players participating in Ranked Matches will
receive gems based on the highest rank they reached when the season
ends.\n\n<color=orange><color=#ffd200>Master: </color>{0}
gems\n<color=#ffd200>Diamond: </color>{1} gems\n<color=#ffd200>Platinum:
</color>{2} gems\n<color=#ffd200>Gold: </color>{3} gems\n<color=#ffd200>Silver:
</color>{4} gems\n<color=#ffd200>Bronze: </color>{5} gems</color>\n\n5.
Promotion/Demotion: After winning a match, players gain 1 star. Once a player earns
all of the stars required within a division, their next win will take them to the
next tier or division. If a player loses all of their stars within a division, they
will be demoted by one division. For example, if a player in the Master tier with
no stars loses a Ranked Match, the player will be demoted to the Diamond tier.
Players in the lowest tier, Bronze III, cannot be demoted further.\n\n6. Team
Formation: Friends or team members that are separated by two or more tiers cannot
queue in the same Ranked Match. An arranged team of 5 players will always be
matched with another arranged team of 5 players.\n\n7. Joining a Ranked Match with
2-3 Players: Players can team up with friends who are up to 1 rank away.\n\n8.
Weekly Check: After players reach the Master tier, the system will deduct 1 star
from players who have not played in a Ranked Match for 7 days.\n\n9. Master
Rewards: The top 50 players in the Master tier will be honored with the
<color=orange>Conqueror</color> title. The rankings will be recalculated and the
title will be reset every night at 5:00 AM (GMT).
0375D54A32A366D7_## = Base Damage
0378242ECA8E7738_## = Tome of the Reaper
03788163EFEA60B1_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
038085CCE5741F3D_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
03840ECA99C6DD26_## = Zanis
03858A7C47CA743D_## = Unknown
0386056CC6E12350_## =
03891DCA6D8C052D_## = Base Damage
038A57CA44D6F7FB_## = You have received the {0} Trial Card sent from {1}. Don't
forget to thank your guildmate!
038AC3E67B812C62_## =
038AD4CABD53308A_## = Nạp quân huy - Nhận trang phục miễn phí!
038D9A394DA8E53B_## = Số lượt đấu chế độ móc {C}/{T}
0392DEE2F5BE52E8_## = Feel the true power of love.
039425644CDE134C_## = Little Adventurer
0398A3D36A32BF86_## = Zephys lunges forward dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies
along the path. His next normal attack deals {2} <color=#f18d00>(+{3})</color>
<color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> and reduces the enemy's movement speed by
25% for 2 seconds.
039967CE4B52AF79_## = Skyfall
039AF618D0DA0936_## = I'll be a Marksman!
039B68D0403CD662_## = M-TP Thần tượng học đường
039CC7FFC5F8B934_## = Damnation
03A06D42E9A36457_## = 参与 5V5
03A1F0DA57F40C72_## = 本週活動精選
03A2A1DD259A9FE5_## =
03A330C29D86EF5B_## =
03A3B4BA6405A780_## = Divine Protection
03A56CBF7C0FCBFD_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mừng xuân Đinh Dậu, Lì xì đầy tay: Mời
bạn chơi! của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
03A8AC78DD4E80D3_## = Share trang phục nhận quà Giáng sinh
03af7336c06d64e1 = Jungle Strategy
03B132D8C7CE1468_## = Tank
03B36E8BF82DC398_## =
03B99ABA3D0F33A3_## =
03B9B2FAC74CB11A_## =
03BDCB918E8EEDE7_## = Unknown
03BE8701D3DCF989_## = Killing the<color=#ffd200> Dark Slayer</color> will boost
team damage.
03BF1EDCD2DB4A3C_## = Cơ hội sở hữu tướng và các trang phục của Airi chỉ với 15
Quân Huy
03C1748FFD5D2064_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Lauriel để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
03C1D2E392685B6A_## =
03C209F527DE5750_## =
03C21B2441839D55_## = Unknown
03C46190388190B1_## =
03C479B51EADA3D1_## = Sustained Damage
03C609647B48F39D_## =
03C633B950347B3D_## = Misc.
03C870E98E8773BE_## = Don't try to attack a<color=#f6bf17ff> Tower</color>
by<color=#f6bf17ff> yourself</color>.
03CB6E9414DF3CB9_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
03CCC653E6B81F81_## =
03CD48776FE9537B_## = Trial Card: Try out Mina for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days.
You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this Hero.
03D1D7CA0195C73A_## = Select<color=#f6bf17ff> the Arcana you want to equip</color>
03D34559F346899A_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
03D858790B91C242_## = Come Hither
03D98F492C6AE268_## = Zill
03DA9B037220BC59_## = Unknown
03DB30A8396430A3_## = obsolete+660680cdec69c555
03E00441E55F57CE_## = Veera
03E2ABFBB94AEA08_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
03E2C7F7C5B2725E_## =
03E8162F4C3A6246_## = Original
03E9A0F701904D11_## = EXP
03F3ED1C3A044095_## =
03F481D481F789C0_## =
03F72BB6EF4B2F91_## =
03F7E746279FFF20_## = Rương may mắn Payna
03FB260D0183403F_## =
04035DBA4E215BE4_## =
040496C0970D298C_## = Trial Card: Try out Ormarr's skin: Superset
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
0406E89173F87C40_## = Normal Attack
0407B3E8FF57E7C4_## =
04085C63886EB7E1_## =
0408CB7AEDF2D202_## = 3 局游戏送六个钥匙
0408E5ED9BA667CF_## =
0411ADB4A9C347C1_## =
041652C95EE2DD61_## = OK
04168C9A041E9B54_## =
041736DFD2A4E504_## = Maloch
041B9291B3B143A9_## = 登陆获取蝙蝠侠道具
041C000323836F09_## = Mở để nhận ngẫu nhiên 1 trang phục vĩnh viễn ( Trang phục đã
sở hữu được quy đổi thành ruby)
04203FD866DEA519_## = Batman
04270432CC304CCD_## = Chỉ cần nạp 35 Quân Huy, nhận ngay Fennik Nhà Thám hiểm miễn
04271A54362BE8BA_## = Add Gold
042C02A7869D8E67_## =
042EE9D402AAEF9B_## =
0435B14437A353C1_## = 签到图片
043F406EA1CA41C0_## = Slowdown
043F8616730A826D_## =
04424E80ACE34D7F_## =
04452F65622F0822_## = Ignite
0449C95F7CB11355_## = Tích lũy hạ gục {C}/{T}
044B3642FE378468_## =
044B969DF646BD68_## =
04523778E363400D_## = Astrid
0455CE9879ABA264_## = Nhận từ sự kiện đăng nhập và đấu 5v5 mỗi ngày. Sử dụng để
đổi huy hiệu đội tuyển GameTV và ProArmy tại phần sự kiện
0459024435C52022_## = Trang phục đón xuân
045B60756CC74FB3_## = Mage
045CC03C1345249B_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi để nhận ruby miễn phí
045DE0D7988F0139_## = Harass
0464635B9578A45F_## = Prep School
04646EE14DFCAA92_## = Trial Card: Try out Mina for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day.
You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
0467D9205E1B0FAF_## =
046A2EE98E757F17_## = Tulen
046BE7749E538C4B_## = Survivability, Control
046CD8CBB14658FD_## =
046D9245DEC1E229_## = Trial Card: Try out Lauriel's skin: Halloween Scream
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have
this skin.
046DCD6A4EF81FC3_## =
046E6187A4B046DE_## = Arduin
046E676FED774E92_## = HP After\nResurrecting
046EB86F7875A5AA_## = 本週活動精選
046F11A61F7BA70A_## = 本週活動精選
04710E94C61B5B30_## = Critical Chance +1%
047212E4A51EF5E3_## =
04782597AB3C4E8E_## = Killing monsters increases ability power and mana.
047885907BBDDAEB_## =
0479F7C3338620E3_## = 签到图片
047AC4F8A3AF7EC5_## = Original
047BF02A8D2DE5B6_## =
047EB1FD5D05FF2A_## =
0480256C158B1F63_## = Survivability, Control
0482C20123EF9B03_## =
0484929F62B74C04_## = Warrior
0484E4379555D8FA_## = Base Damage
048857EEC340B441_## = Standard\nMatch
048F22947B7AF1D7_## =
048F995E2D0E8D38_## = Tuần lễ Nguyệt tộc (Đăng nhập)
04929C73143D8D08_## =
04946B055BB3F0BD_## = Nhận lì xì Liên Quân khi nạp Quân huy trong thời gian sự
kiện! Cơ hội nhận Đá Quý siêu dễ dàng!
0494D346CDE35128_## = Đăng nhập giờ vàng
049CA440987466EB_## =
049D0B38BA699BC5_## =
049E64004B26177B_## = <color=#55f26c>Your current Credibility Score is {0}.</color>
<color=#62b7ff>Please maintain good conduct.</color>
049EDE51E230E2EE_## = Focus on their Carry!
04A359AF27647910_## = Cybercore Level 1
04A5521F009244AA_## = Unknown
04A6C63D1440E089_## =
04A7BE3AD27EE389_## = Thu thập Bánh Chưng và Đầu lân để đổi thưởng Tết mỗi ngày
04A8DC4C7708F7F3_## = Love Sworn
04ADD2BFA450A903_## =
04AE69DC58753DA2_## =
04B8D2DBA547AB6D_## =
04C1AF4EB9D4DF2F_## =
04C29D2A7ED2A683_## =
04C56D1F83DC5358_## = Maloch has a longer attack range than other melee units. When
his weapon is enchanted, his normal attacks deal <color=#f18d00>{0}</color>
<color=#f3b74a>true damage</color> instead of physical damage and restore {1}% of
his lost HP.
04C8B28FB91280BD_## =
04CADA9E66DD5F57_## = Veera
04D18DA0BF90C417_## = Shadow Arrow Slowdown
04D30E6255F44CFF_## = 7 日累積簽到
04D4028FB2064C12_## = Butterfly
04D52FF9D5C561C2_## = Unique Passive: Magic Life Steal +25%
04D5727FD0629B46_## =
04D5ACE546EF08E1_## = Arduin swings his axe, sending out an energy arch that deals
{0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> and slows
enemy movement speed by {2}% for 2 seconds. If Arduin hits an enemy hero, he can
also smash his axe into the ground to deal {3} <color=#f18d00>(+{4})</color>
<color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> and knock enemies into the air for 1 second.
04D8383D6FE58F4E_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
04E7D890F906D4DA_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
04EBA07FF4A2404A_## =
04ECECE07D2A9BFE_## =
04EEE2BC951BCA5D_## = Astrid
04F1908C49B2EAEE_## = Try your best to complete all the level tasks to
receive<color=#f6bf17ff> great rewards</color>!
04F2FE793AC8BB1D_## =
04F55506DC3A1CDD_## = Đổi quà tình nhân
04F7554838CF7B14_## =
04F82A88F4AA24F6_## = Raz
04FF186C8E081314_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
0501803E1E53BE39_## = Zill tosses his scythes forward, dealing {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to all enemies in
their paths and reducing their movement speed by {2}% for {3} seconds.\n\nThe
scythes then fly back to Zill and deal {4} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{5})</color>
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to all enemies in their paths.
0506473974436173_## =
05069F152ED4CA8E_## =
050C02799750C547_## =
0511CC6835738F0F_## =
0511E5A93706DDDD_## = Unknown
051292D8715AD99A_## = Unknown
051616C530CF578C_## = Tel'Annas
0517F75227DBF1DC_## = Mage
051CB2937D9993A0_## = Sustained Damage, Control
051DFE74F091DDDD_## =
051E6DD8921B881A_## = 限時充值送好禮(test)
0527D046FD41B3A7_## = Armageddon
0528699EDC4D87FA_## = Chơi tướng D.C - Cơ hội xem phim miễn phí!
052DB03DBC03911D_## =
0533317801D64DE7_## = Trial Card: Try out Butterfly for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color>
day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
0536179770A82785_## =
053E07A2136DE413_## =
053F70DD42279AB0_## =
053F8DFB4DF74027_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
05419C04A037864D_## = Trial Card: Try out Nakroth for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
05432FB3BD8C7722_## =
0545DEACC14921FC_## = Gunslinger
0547051269450B49_## =
0548A45663EFFE59_## = Đây là phần thưởng Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
054FE5B1D72413C7_## = Red Middle Tower
05508988EE6D4FDE_## = Đây là phần thưởng Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
0552489BF1BA95C2_## = Midnight
055742AC452C2C93_## = Reach Level {0}
0557C19AE79EC761_## = Unknown
0558F87AB8FAD02A_## = Keep a distance between Ryoma and his enemies to fully
exploit his damage output. If you find yourself too close to your enemies use
Pinwheel to open some space.
05603922BCEFAAAC_## =
0562B679C3B88EA5_## = Sustained Damage
0566D4983B9788D6_## =
05670E047559732C_## = Demons beware!
05681A6ED92FB70C_## = Mganga hurls magic items in the specified direction to cause
{0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to any enemy
he hits. However, if he hits an ally hero, he will affix a healing mark on them
that will recover HP.
056B6C98433D62BD_## = Original
056D675A326EECB3_## = Butterfly
056DA96ACAF266B4_## = Zephys
0578E1220F153794_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
057AC166C18CD2EE_## = 签到图片
057E272368EACF5F_## = Unknown
057E6510BF11E995_## =
057EA517815CBAE0_## = Ranged
057F5BF295CD0B9F_## = Moren knocks back enemies and deals {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>. Also reduces
enemy movement speed by 30% for 2 seconds.
057F9070E9488FD6_## =
057FE1A02A48130E_## = Butterfly
0583CD4BF66D46F3_## =
0583F832E8805DA6_## = Might Buff: Enemy movement speed reduced (melee)
05854F946471D7DD_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
058DBF54B5722557_## = Đây là phần thưởng Săn mục tiêu lớn của bạn, xin mời kiểm
058DF421E7DD709C_## = Săn mục tiêu lớn
059009472D2D9524_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Ryoma) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
0592E201F5E0F448_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
05937F893EDA6021_## =
0594A107D62CE26A_## = Will not be affected by control effects when using abilities.
Damage taken also reduces by {0}%.
0594B2B17D6DE768_## =
059540FCFA3A3246_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
0596F301ECC839DF_## =
0598BBBDA4999BBC_## =
059D3A03699B1A7E_## =
05A02B30BF3D61D2_## =
05A124F5ABDFA3EE_## =
05A288C503650BC0_## =
05A2D92720CEA6D7_## =
05A3FB8DEAA2DA41_## = Mở để nhận 1 trong 3 rương quà sau: Rương tội phạm, Rương
vinh danh (Tướng), Rương vinh danh (Skin)
05A5249951F85679_## =
05A7102C83CF090B_## = Trang phục Nakroth: Siêu việt
05A847C24003DF1D_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Tel'Annas) của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
05A9162B651C39A5_## = Bronze
05AA1AB14301B9AB_## =
05AAFEA533791A32_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
05AB34EF0F84DD33_## =
05ACD768D8D3B335_## = Unknown
05B224C4D1D267FC_## =
05B3F85A9F402B43_## =
05B528C0034A8A5C_## =
05B735705093FBE9_## =
05B9A73BEF3D1FC3_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
05BA2F367C568FB9_## =
05BC3A2778F4F208_## =
05C62DF01E93F358_## = Propeller
05C98B34A4D54FA5_## =
05C9C5CEE7BFD490_## = Mages inflict high amounts of damage and have lower defensive
attributes. They are best used in matches as damage dealers while teammates protect
05CA6B26EE5C7557_## =
05CCAC4158D62F7D_## =
05D83D379AFF4D35_## = Not Available
05DA1BFCD9E80347_## =
05DA4E64278D2127_## =
05DFE56A2381F77E_## = 签到图片
05E2BF891FEB67AE_## = Trial Card: Try out Wukong for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this hero.
05E44044592DF37F_## = Trial Card: Try out Veera for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this Hero.
05EF4C6A28584784_## = Đây là phần thưởng Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
05EFF6BF4DA2E757_## = 本週活動精選
0609C0F157167DA7_## = Trial Card: Try out Lu Bu's skin: Summer Bash
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
060CC8E56525FDFF_## =
060DB4FD8A632556_## = Original
060E4D1420EE8695_## =
06114A8DA31E1315_## =
06139DF115D23163_## = Trial Card: Try out Aleister for <color=#01d1f8ff>3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
06157A997D69C551_## =
0617F2A16A7E353A_## = Alice
06180227AFB78F57_## =
061B5ED43CC75074_## = Chơi đấu thường 5v5 mỗi ngày để nhận thưởng
061C2E7FC0E8A0A4_## =
061CF019C9AB5C49_## = 消费点券活动
061DBD47268903E1_## =
061FC15671BC5EF9_## = Kahlii desecrates the target area, dealing {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> every 0.5 seconds
to all enemies in the target area and slowing their movement speed by {2}% for 2
seconds. The slow effect stacks up to 5 times.
06249A155B6A10E4_## = Pocket Glaive
06259EB5BAC7DE26_## = That all you got?
0626629C981ECA01_## = Let me invite a friend.
0629F284BDD155C3_## = Wailing Blade
062BC63F6F15FCEE_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
062D84A2B3F97ABD_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
063026B5303EF697_## = Guerrilla
0630826CF84EE4C2_## =
0631C6EE6341CBED_## =
0639582522D200CA_## =
063B8D752A7C6339_## = Blue Base
063C28C0CE0BD0DC_## =
063CC9A6D2B62298_## = Orb of the Magi
063FBED81B39B269_## =
063FCC658D28BA7C_## =
0644C80C3B398B4C_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
064509BE5DD5ED88_## = Inferno
06473B0022E47326_## = Purify
064A9D454B9AA653_## =
064F0CE1829BF810_## = The Chosen
06511E332D79754B_## =
0651286022B10517_## = 26.11 - Thưởng đấu đặc biệt
065356A0CF5F195E_## = Đổi quà tình nhân
06556D53534A47C8_## =
065CCD4BD2183366_## =
06685D70DC884F22_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Cresht) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
0669BB61A129EC50_## =
066A1F5F01F57E30_## =
066A82BAC54BFE7E_## =
066E04E4FDDEEA39_## =
06700686C5784888_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
0675F89163671AD5_## =
0676800C0E989976_## =
067875F59B41F754_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
0679FFBCEFFDC481_## =
067C52A69677887B_## =
067CAFC48645C821_## = Attack Damage +60, Attack Speed +30%, Movement Speed +5%,
+10% Critical Damage\n[Chain Lightning]
067F5290E65CB821_## = "We fairies of the forest are heralds of the
Creator."\n\nLike other fairies, Krixi could often be found dancing in flowerbeds
or playing with the animals. However, whenever danger draws near, Krixi's cruel
side would emerge in full force. She would use her sharp fangs and claws to shred
any demon who intrudes upon the forest.\n\nWhat really broke Krixi's heart was
seeing the humans, whom she once considered her companions, destroying the forest
for material wealth. Their armies were highly organized and armed to the teeth, so
Krixi gathered the inhabitants of the forest in an effort to fight off the human
invaders. The plan worked, and she was able to coerce the humans into signing a
peace treaty.\n\nThe forest quickly returned to its peaceful and serene state, but
Krixi knew that the invaders' ambitions weren't much different from that of the
demons. She began training wild creatures with human methods and formed her own
powerful beast army in hopes to prevent future invasions!\n\n"War has no other
purpose than the destruction of life!"
0682662D3632C3AC_## =
06847E30DCA4D899_## = 本週活動精選
06856AE5839BD479_## =
0685B026B7608460_## =
0685B81134D547AB_## = Đổi quà tình nhân
068638E817F23367_## =
0689875502275DD2_## = Lustrous
0695E6B1EE053BD8_## =
06960820495C93ED_## = Đây là phần thưởng Share liền tay, nhận ngay quà của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
069A9B136CCF6EAE_## =
06A027D4C25BFE5C_## = Mage
06A043B5FD957D40_## = That all you got?
06A56DA7DC338358_## = Now, we will further hone your skills.
06AD82113BE9C2F5_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
06AE7A14FDE3FCA8_## = Combo thử 1n
06B224C5BD18487E_## = Trial Card: Try out Arum for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
06B2C78B45E04B12_## = Halloween Scream
06B5227CE9930A3D_## = Zuka
06B756A46E79D7BB_## =
06BA0316BD3CBD4C_## =
06BCC9A3E669942E_## =
06BCE56B7DC115DD_## = Liên Quân đón Xuân
06C3328824656E36_## = Steel
06C5973ADD108FC8_## = Cooldown
06CBFC8C0049A781_## = 签到图片
06D834C8997C8781_## = 签到图片
06D8EE1520A1D236_## =
06D9C554D71F7DD1_## = Epic Butterfly Skin: Sailor
06DBE996F44B4B04_## =
06DC559FC2F25858_## =
06E11AF5C2081336_## =
06E204E6C062B315_## =
06E5970A0E1E49FF_## = Original
06EA618E9A31ED19_## = Ringmaster
06EE1DC1FC6CB5CC_## = 消费点券活动
06F2179CE2FC868B_## = When Astrid's HP falls below 80%, she gains a shield that
absorbs {0} HP for 4 seconds. The shield effect has a 24-second cooldown and will
be reactivated when Astrid takes damage again. While the shield is active, it deals
{1} <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to surrounding enemies. Cooldown is reduced
by 3 seconds every time Astrid hits an enemy hero with an ability or normal attack
and by 1.5 seconds every time she hits an enemy minion or monster.
06F45700F8EE07DA_## =
06FDF03DE8DD1DC6_## = Trial Card: Try out Zill's skin: Inferno for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
07043A5B7A088751_## =
0706D97F4B9E603B_## =
0707CD5516C6DA4B_## =
070A92BC4BFB1872_## = Mage
070ECB31858318ED_## =
070F4F3855132503_## = Destroy the<color=#f6bf17ff> Abyssal Dragon</color>. It will
award your team<color=#f6bf17ff> a massive amount of EXP</color>.
0711ED4929E86E4D_## =
07134EECA5667677_## =
07183A7095F24123_## =
071878E8F0C31266_## =
071AA7BFD2951DB5_## =
071DB5A13D4588F7_## = Original
0721FDAEADF6BCD2_## = 本週活動精選
0722756858834E18_## =
072325F61111B71B_## =
0725F912A39AF407_## = "Men may think they rule the world, but I rule men."
\n\nDiaochan said this at the tender age of 18. She had just learned the art of
Sleeve Dancing and with it, she had already managed to seduce all the men who
frequented Chang'an Avenue. An old official claimed: "This girl must be the
incarnation of heavenly sin!" before falling at her feet, eager to catch the
fragrance of her dress. \n\nEven the mighty Lu Bu could not resist Diaochan's
beauty. When she frowned, Lu Bu was ready to slay his own godfather, Dong Zhuo, for
unintentionally offending this beauty with his glance. The very sight of Diaochan's
sad face was enough for Lu Bu to kill. \n\nDiaochan was indeed beautiful, but her
beauty was matched by her manipulative nature. Heroes all over the world came to
challenge Lu Bu to become Diaochan's new champion. Most of them were killed with a
single strike. In fear, some banded together and yet met the same fate. Seeing his
enemies multiply and Lu Bu's thirst for battle grow, Diaochan quietly left the man
who loved her so deeply on one stormy morning. \n\n"Try not to think of me too
0728367CC498B1C5_## =
072A92ED1C244103_## = Pay Attention to Your HP
072C378BC4E01C0C_## =
0730D56007810C0B_## = Base Damage
0734F4B0B297AB29_## = Cresht gains Rage with normal attacks when Metamorphosis is
not active. When morphed, Cresht shakes the earth each time he uses an ability,
reducing movement speed of enemies in the area by 50% for 2 seconds and
significantly increases his attack damage.
07350ACAE3281C91_## =
073A44671A352352_## =
073C37EA3F7F427F_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
073DF2943BB4880C_## = Defense
074148C88822E783_## =
074235350EAFE764_## = Unknown
07447E287C743426_## = Damage Dealer, Heals
07453ED68A6F3326_## = Dấu hiệu Siêu nhân
074599EA3BD6D274_## =
07475A49F5E16ECC_## = obsolete+d6a3b75b4de45f86
07498876BEEB93B1_## =
074F6CCD42AD5CC3_## =
0754CEC33CA88239_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
0755AABFF9D5BE5D_## = Tap the<color=#f6bf17ff> marked</color> delivery
point<color=#f6bf17ff> on the small map</color>
07594BC1AB6A189F_## = Toro
075A144EF03458A0_## =
075F4A69C1311384_## =
07626F7C88888B58_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
07652900361D604C_## = Mage
0769B206C9776A95_## = HP regen +30
0771DA5BD2488915_## =
07726097FA19FB94_## = Trot
07776FC51A931806_## = Share trang phục nhận quà Giáng sinh
077C2C9C84EA408B_## =
078392AB55E5ED93_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
07854252D81BA49C_## = Ion Blasts
0789106EA465AAB7_## = Outlaw
078CDDE60C07AC18_## =
0790BA66DFC04DF5_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 hạng mỗi ngày
0790C604B4AEBC0E_## = Melee
0795386D366304F0_## =
07966A7780EE3AA4_## = Quy đổi ngọc đỏ cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
079D9B7E83BAE71B_## = Mở ra ngẫu nhiên được 1 trong 3 món: 10-30 Vàng, Ngọc cấp 1-
2, 10-20 Ruby
07A0761085FFA6DC_## = Great Master
07A0E126EB5FF7A3_## =
07A18DF43D06E3F9_## =
07A2F864AC4D630E_## =
07A5B381B34A5DDC_## =
07A7D19F7440B48D_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
07A879C4E89753B6_## = EXP and Gold for the whole team.
07AC339C67F82256_## = obsolete+930827f6efd68464
07AED4FFD69DED94_## =
07B3D4313CF6A897_## = Tích lũy tiêu diệt quân địch trong chế độ 5v5 để nhận bánh
sinh nhật và Huy hiệu 1 năm Liên Quân
07B5270E493B0EF0_## = Demolition Mode
07B6DAD3096829A9_## = Armor +2.5
07BCCDBB4B6E77AA_## = 7 日累積簽到
07BD6BEB7DE650BA_## = Is high mobility or high damage more important? (3/3)
07BDB92E25122BE6_## = Nạp Quân Huy - Nhận Skin hiếm!
07C1A9177DF2C97E_## = Every 3rd normal attack becomes a glaive with an additional
random effect (Slowdown, stun or extra Damage).
07C58D17637A8B8E_## =
07C5B36B366000EA_## = Unknown
07C9F61FB8980610_## = Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
07CB75D95DCD3BB3_## =
07D15E1A7601C719_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
07D18011C46FCC5C_## = Keep moving around the map with Slimz early in matches. Try
to launch surprise attacks on enemy heroes by stunning them with Flying Spear.
Later in matches, use Savage Potion before attacking enemies or entering team
fights to inflict more damage on your targets.
07D25AF8685807A1_## =
07D57710CB418F25_## =
07D647CC622A0D06_## = Chaugnar trembles and deals {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color>
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to all nearby enemies. Damage increases by 30%
with each cast and stacks up to 2 times. Also reduces cooldown of Energy Surge by 1
07D97F7CE9042A2B_## =
07DA002CBECED3E5_## =
07DF8AE678619A02_## = Minions and Towers
07DFF9004492111C_## = Gói KM 30% Nakroth & Skin
07E069553B64E54C_## = Trial Card: Try out Lu Bu's skin: Prom King for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
07E0AC46F1F96D73_## = Backstab
07E0F75016E8BE33_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
07E1639ED3AA7829_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
07E2599E664EC6FE_## = Thu thập Bánh Chưng và Đầu lân để đổi thưởng Tết mỗi ngày
07E64AF02401903B_## = Hellbat
07E728505DB9352C_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tiêu Quân Huy, nhận Gấu tuyết của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
07E7AF38038805AD_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Skud) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
07E8EA1BEA627BAD_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Kriknak để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
07EC60FC633584A9_## = Marksman
07F04C3B3C4A6428_## =
07F5079CC30FF361_## = 参与 5V5
07F5F0BD09C04B59_## =
07F9B3C2D78AE07F_## = <color=#00d5ff>Mission:</color>\nEliminate the
<color=#d8aa1a>enemy hero</color>
07FB96DB88E3AF43_## =
07FE2C806C257963_## =
0800F6A957986BC2_## =
0808F9170345F419_## = Tiêu Quân Huy - nhận ưu đãi
080BA47040B0AAE6_## =
080BE3E46D031FE8_## = Cooldown
080D01C4CC59F0E0_## = 5-9 minutes
0810285E47122F0E_## =
08115615A64BDD6F_## =
0811739489525186_## = Technoblade Level 1
08136E24E156FC3E_## =
0815198C45AEA855_## =
081E10A0FEC8B358_## = Toro
08236F03E8836670_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Maloch)
0825F8F2ADF79057_## = Trial Card: Try out Preyta's skin: Leviathan
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
082602BD5CCFB9C8_## = <blankspace89>
08273B96136FD149_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tiêu Quân Huy - nhận ưu đãi của bạn, xin
mời kiểm tra!
0829AF6EF1B5315D_## = Lauriel's Smite allows her to keep using other abilities in
rapid succession. This is extremely valuable and can keep her safe. Make sure Blink
hits an enemy when you unleash it to reduce its cooldown.
0829B4A92E3F98D5_## = Warrior giftbag
0829D22AF2F90F4C_## =
082A12CEA401C6EE_## = Damage (Morphed)
082BDF4C6DDB7F63_## =
082C7064FEE2DB93_## =
082F07559CDCBCEF_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
083195BBA4C2F4A2_## =
083423E42EB1222B_## =
083632447334C19F_## =
08370BD1AD2B6D8F_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
0838C036550658FA_## = Trial Card: Try out Lu Bu for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
083A2E0CF875B9DB_## = Original
083B4D830B0C22B9_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Ryoma) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
083DAF69512F587A_## =
084484AF17FF5914_## = OK
08455E963DD562CD_## = 本週活動精選
084E5D8980A9F275_## =
085250B147EDC5D9_## = “The Holy Flame will lead us to the Kingdom of Truth."\n\nIn
the doctrine of the Veda, the Holy Flame was the symbol of light and truth. As the
guardian of the Holy Flame, Ignis had long relied on his abundant knowledge and
unwavering faith to lead the believers along the path of light. It was for this
reason that he was widely known as the "Guide." However, before all this, Ignis had
been an ordinary Temple scholar.\n\nObsessed with the pursuit of truth, Ignis spent
all his time studying in the Veda's Tower of Contemplation. He read countless
ancient texts, among which he discovered the long forgotten Holy Flame manipulation
spells. Unfortunately, the Holy Flame burned out a century ago, making his
discovery worthless. Everyone in the Temple lamented this fact, but Ignis was
delighted, for his study of the Holy Flame had brought him one step closer to the
Kingdom of Truth that he had dreamed of for so long.\n\nAlthough it could not be
put into practice, Ignis' discovery sent shockwaves through the forces of darkness
that lurked just out of sight. No one what would happen with his next discovery,
and it might just break the balance between light and dark. Commanded by Volkath,
the Dark Lord, the Demon Army mounted an attack on the Veda, during which the
scorching flames of hell engulfed the Tower of Contemplation. Terrified, most of
the scholars fled, but the resolute Ignis refused to leave, desperate to protect
the precious texts.\n\n“If this is to be my fate, then bury me in the Kingdom of
Truth along with all the precious knowledge!" Death was right in front of him, but
Ignis showed no fear. He trusted in his belief till the end, reciting a devout
prayer again and again: “The darkness has come. I will sacrifice my body, my heart,
my spirit, to bring the sparks of Veda back to the world and light the way!”\n\nAs
Ignis prayed, an orb of pure white flames appeared in his palm and reduced the
Demons surrounding him to ashes. “Is...is this the power of the Anointed One?”
Ignis wondered for a split second, but he did not remain confused for long. He
began to chant the spell to control the Holy Flame—a spell that had long been
ingrained in his brain. The flames transformed into a majestic wall that enveloped
and protected the Tower of Contemplation. “Death for those that pass the barrier!”
And so they did—Ignis stood powerful and resolute, glorious flames in his hand,
voice echoing through the walls of the Sacred Mt. Orphean.\n\n“Are the seeds of
Light Magic sprouting again?” Volkath, who was fighting Ilumia the Seer outside the
Palace in the Clouds, noticed the strange phenomenon at the Tower of Contemplation
and the sudden morale boost of the Veda troops. This was big—this was out of his
control. As unhappy as he was about this, he had to give orders to retreat. That
was how the Veda was saved once again.\n\nAfter the battle, Ignis returned to the
Tower of Contemplation and continued his journey towards the truth.\n\n“Before the
truth, the knowledge I possess is but a drop in the ocean.”
08542F807EBEBF3C_## =
08543DF3A78AAEBE_## = Base Damage
0854BC53C1E8808A_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
08580CD96D5BD6D6_## =
085CCF43F52A1CD6_## =
0860C8849C16F5AE_## = Butterfly
0861D65499379BCC_## =
0863CB101D013B76_## =
08674EC2F26ACC6F_## = Shockwave
08677A0344E7E085_## = Quy đổi ngọc tím cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
086B0B2A34A1CD45_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
086D7A7E2DE803AA_## = 好友大作战
086EA8061530C3C0_## = Unknown
086F00C3F4A843F9_## =
087057D7F4E5150C_## = Dandy
0874845514264432_## =
08750E49B050FA4B_## = Trial Card: Try out Rourke's skin: Captain Kraken for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
087686405D73EACF_## = Tank (Mobility)
08788DAC8A82623B_## =
0879A8C23C28F9E9_## =
087A8811D76837E7_## =
087B27E81E5A1892_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
087C9FA9BC16251F_## =
08850C3F1B34C629_## = When Kriknak's ability hits an enemy, the next normal attack
will be enhanced and deal an additional
<color=#f18d00>[162030p1q3*k1/10000]</color> <color=#ca3939>physical
088611279D6B7C7D_## =
0888CC5A2F2384F1_## = Speeding Bullet
088BDDF5E8A1EAD2_## = Tap here to modify quick-buy equipment for specific heroes
088C7F767267E539_## = 本週活動精選
088DDC5947FDF042_## =
088F01B8A6584CEE_## =
088F417A3FC37026_## = Đấu trường Huyền thoại
089190B0ED881081_## =
08951FD5E49E5C49_## =
08959F6BC7A0796E_## =
0895D9FB96672A0C_## = Base Damage
08986AE07DC3DF04_## =
089AAA05FFF225B4_## = Arduin's skin: Royal Guard
089AC094E1C8727B_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
089CCACA833D2BF5_## = Alice
08A833936ABA6451_## = Combo thẻ thử tướng và trang phục Chaugnar 1 ngày
08A8DCEDA8479C02_## =
08AAD7779452B065_## = Receive 5 Gold.
08AE813BBDD7681E_## =
08B029A88AF8ADF0_## = Inferno
08B4D01BD0505EA1_## =
08b57a94e4dceec6 = Complete
08B63D4821B37641_## =
08BC440D87B785D9_## = Hazmat
08BE034042A13C64_## =
08BE8D8091C533A8_## =
08BFCEA2D94F88D2_## = Jinnar's close range attacks cause a lot of damage, but he is
an easy target for opponents. Equip him with defensive items and arcana or he will
have to rely on talents to protect himself.
08C051E41F890B32_## = Cooldown
08C20D37A94552CE_## = Mở để nhận 1 ngọc cấp 3 ngẫu nhiên
08C3690419AFF323_## = Jinnar creates a spirit orb formation and deals {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to nearby
enemies, slowing their movement speed by <color=#f8be32>{2}%</color> for 2 seconds.
08C4220C798E99AE_## =
08C5E7DD2FA056C5_## =
08C609768ACCD8F5_## = 7 日累積簽到
08C6941789FD61CD_## =
08C702012334C257_## =
08C8E6DC03456305_## =
08CD15D76D5B59D8_## =
08D707510E9250AA_## = Fiery
08DEF2B856F4FC12_## = Cooldown
08E3FD59A8412E69_## = It's all about footwork.
08E561B85776787C_## =
08E9E44BACC6BA3B_## = Original
08ECF47EBA8DCC79_## =
08EF29560CA9EE5D_## =
08EF39A38A9BD608_## =
08EF6C2CEE332B27_## = Đây là phần thưởng Cuộc chiến cứ điểm của bạn, xin mời kiểm
08F0AD78EAD9504C_## =
08F18A72178FCB58_## = Unknown
08F3E6A844E0609B_## =
08F486946ADBA2E1_## = 本週活動精選
08F87C729A34FAA4_## = If Arduin's HP falls below 50%, Arduin will enter Bloodlust
mode for 8 seconds. While in Bloodlust mode, Arduin restores 2% of his maximum HP
when his abilites or normal attacks damage enemies. Bloodlust has a 60-second
cooldown and Arduin will enter Bloodlust mode again immediately after the cooldown
if his HP is below 50% at that time.
08FC3051B64C6BFA_## = Natalya
09031B1CB5F7FEAE_## = Claw Attack
090496E021F52336_## = Trial Card: Try out Xeniel's skin: Armageddon
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
09055415040B0F87_## =
090B329EFC0C8BCE_## = Arduin
090F0A7580B8E3AD_## =
090F346AE21BA36D_## = Level 30 Chest
090FFA354593610E_## =
0910F194319D533B_## = Lauriel
091502A5CBFA56E5_## = Armor +360, HP +1200\n[Spirit Bond]
0915B8F7ADC9553B_## = Đây là phần thưởng Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
091C74BF060E3606_## = Normal attacks reduce Tactical Fire's cooldown by 0.5
091D7171D96B2B4F_## =
091E5DC3472F7BF0_## = Đây là phần thưởng Nạp Quân Huy - Nhận Skin hiếm! của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
092271A3401C30B0_## = 本週活動精選
092299E4D54E759A_## =
092D988795EC941A_## =
09308FE5791F1BE1_## =
0932AE4400282A18_## = Trial Card: Try out Lumburr for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
0932D64454408C70_## = Purchase equipment to strengthen your hero.
09339FF81F74BFF2_## = Mage
09342F23FB37FB3F_## =
0937809045481BF3_## = "Your sins will be judged in the underworld."\n\nNakroth
served as the Arbiter of Souls to the underworld. Prince or pauper, sinner or
saint, all must face his judgment before continuing their journey to the
underworld.\n\nWhen Preyta opened the channel between the underworld and the
continent, Nakroth joined Hell's Legions in invading the mortal realm. However,
unlike the ruthless Fallen, the souls under his command were prohibited from
killing prisoners and civilians under his strict code. For Nakroth, combat was the
means to test his mettle against the most formidable adversaries available, not an
excuse for unbridled slaughter.\n\nOf course, Nakroth's benevolence did not extend
to the battlefield, where he inspired deep reverence in his enemies for his bravery
and skill. "No one would dare ignore Nakroth's presence. The blade he wields is the
source of our nightmares." Although usually reserved, Nakroth couldn't help but
give a faint smile upon hearing such words from his enemies.\n\n"In life or in
death, you will not escape me."
0939CBB566D1AA91_## = Wukong
0940366C6868BD1F_## = Nakroth
09427812459ABEB2_## = Complete Annihilation
0943DEFD2C99E9C5_## = 本週活動精選
09447676585DFC5F_## =
0949F339FBA383BF_## =
094CD7563BD42FFD_## =
094F182F9076BE65_## =
0952639287EF67C7_## = 7 日累積簽到
0954BA933995B786_## = Unknown
09552D8A62AD08C3_## =
0955657FEE43C0AF_## =
0955BE900DF1E366_## =
0956AB080AD815DC_## =
09573646650F0CAB_## = Omega
095ED92524C72FA9_## =
095F6AAD783B4AF3_## = Jungling, Sustained Damage
09616BD02C18CA21_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
0962DC94CE5F8D51_## =
096526CFCAD6FD66_## = Toro
09661AEF7C4DE99E_## =
09689BE84837168B_## = Death becomes you…
096940CFBC9DBE03_## =
096CD1720C14F937_## = Cooldown
096D0A72D46A5779_## =
096E47B7F55EA089_## = About <color=orange>35%</color> of all players currently
share this ranking.
09747F1287E722BB_## = 参与 5V5
0974B5158F223350_## = Krixi
09765550AF04A794_## = Cooldown Speed +10%, Armor +110
09775B1249ED1F70_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
097A39B7D505FD9D_## = Trial Card: Try out Wonder Woman for<color=#01d1f8ff>
12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
097FD4EAFDFD4F4A_## =
09813BCC5C384CA5_## = Trial Card: Try out Zanis' skin: Ascended
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
09853A28814AB8A8_## = Alice Hero Pack
0990f3279327296e = 0990f3279327296e_##
09952E54127A1944_## =
09954232226587A8_## = The Wunderkind
09A06C59A4C5D283_## =
09A0EE017ED61BD5_## =
09A11889ED62292D_## = Uncaged
09A84EAEDAFE626F_## =
09A8DAE8D061F469_## = Tempest Blades
09A9673A3BE8B267_## =
09AA0D3C637B1E70_## = "The roar of the storm signals your demise!"\n\nHistory tells
of many heroes who broke free of the constraints of gravity and flew through the
air. However, none of them were ever able to attain the free, unfettered flight of
a bird. The reason for this is Zill, a lethal danger hidden in the seemingly
peaceful skies. The embodiment of the wind element, Zill can not only conjure
devastating storms, but can also form the wind into razor-sharp blades that tear
through even the toughest of enemy defenses.\n\nIn the great war, Zill slaughtered
dozens of marauding demons, earning him fame and admiration throughout the land.
His remarkable martial exploits brought him status and influence. However, no one
could understand why he refused the title of Guardian of the Forest of Shadows. He
simply stated that the trappings of glory are incompatible with his free-spirited
nature.\n\n"When you need me, I will sever the heads of your enemies, tear them
limb from limb, and drink their blood. But the free wind should never be shackled."
That was the explanation he gave to Queen Tel'Annas. His unwavering loyalty and
selflessness won the Queen's respect and trust. Before entering her slumber, she
awarded Zill the right to exercise free will. Although this did not require him to
undertake any specific duties, it allowed him complete access to the collective
resources of the Forest of Shadows.\n\nFollowing this episode, Zill gradually faded
from the public's attention. Other than the fairy Krixi who occasionally sensed his
presence, no one else saw any trace of him. For a time, people completely forgot
all about the hero who ruled the skies in the days of old. However, on the day of
the Queen's awakening, Zill was the first to return to her side. For a thousand
long years, Zill had given up the freedom he so desired to keep a silent vigil over
the slumbering Tel'Annas. This was his way of repaying the unconditional trust she
had placed in him.\n\n"My blades will cut through any obstacle!"
09B126EEA8F56E26_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Payna để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
09B335B64D28FA0A_## =
09BF45B06E9B7CDF_## = 26.11 - Thưởng đấu đặc biệt
09C07544EDE59820_## =
09C0F2505D7D3FB7_## =
09C26D3E43F98733_## =
09C3CA95C55C1D1F_## =
09C9C2BD22B61469_## =
09C9D08FB5D3EA48_## = Tham gia phá trụ trong bản đồ 5v5 Thường để nhận thưởng
Ruby miễn phí mỗi ngày
09D0042B3BC40AE0_## =
09D0BB921E02C245_## = Trial Card: Try out Moren's skin: Wrecking for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
09D146E7C7B87A77_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
09D5A1CD8FC0AC7E_## = Đây là phần thưởng Nạp Quân Huy - Nhận Skin hiếm! của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
09DE2D68BBBDC121_## =
09DF750EE9FDBE60_## =
09E173724E7FFAFA_## = Structure
09EB9EE4D99B1BFE_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 hạng mỗi ngày
09F0CFC559B5886C_## = Death's Whisper
09F1D7A46162C2A9_## = Monkey Business
09F3D0115C0D7B5D_## =
09F879A6641AE3FD_## =
09F892AA6B24C45F_## =
09FA5895FEF01DA4_## = Marksman
09FDE53BEC3EF9F9_## =
09FE535DBF4BFAA2_## = Red Outer Tower
0A04127E05DB0701_## = Base Damage
0A0496B8AD524166_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
0A04C11B10C6A513_## = Trial Card: Try out Skud for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days.
You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
0A0583BE476E8B6B_## =
0A06B6EBBCF95504_## = They hit me first, I had to kill 'em.
0A07766CBFA433B4_## = Might Golem
0A09B3EFD53111C3_## =
0A0C577DE2B2FD7C_## = Level 15 Chest
0A0E1EA667C5A868_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
0A0F3CB6AD69D2BF_## = Original
0A11AE7707475E31_## = Yorn
0A162A2E37EADB8A_## = We need a Tank!
0A238DFB73607A46_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
0A2573AD2AF9FCF4_## =
0A2661A5BBDD3DAB_## = 本週活動精選
0A27C72674E3637C_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 3V3 thường
0A2927598A9F8F76_## = Trial Card: Try out Raz's skin: Zulu Warrior
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
0A2A7C1F5AF1BF49_## =
0A2D6651ADE4DE59_## =
0A36AA7914E543C5_## = Killing the Dark Slayer will boost team damage.
0A389C1A9CAFD73B_## = Trang phục Violet: Phi công trẻ
0A39011F751332AC_## = Gói KM Butterfly Teen nữ Công nghệ
0A391EDCF563A71C_## = Zanis strikes the target, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#f3b74a>true damage</color> and knocking
enemies into the air briefly. For the next 5 seconds, he takes 20% less damage and
his normal attacks deal an additional {2} <color=#f18d00>(+{3})</color>
<color=#f3b74a>true damage</color>.
0A3BA913CC996C6D_## =
0A3BB33BCDE01A4C_## =
0A3D2DC4BBB54773_## = Đây là phần thưởng Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
0A3E4ACF327F0F81_## = <blankspace89>
0A3E758F8BA1FEAE_## =
0A3F0A81C56AE50B_## = Marksman
0A3F8C7F44EE0AAC_## =
0A40FE2EF22A513A_## = My blood boils in anticipation!
0A4104BC957FC8C9_## = Blue Middle Tower
0A4957F5CB54B9C5_## = Be careful! Attacking enemy heroes within range of an enemy
tower will make the tower target you!
0A4A173709818C01_## =
0A4AAB166BD9EB30_## = Now, let's start <color=#f6bf17ff>jungling</color>!
0A4C8B697577CE48_## =
0A4E07AFA994A3E1_## = Nakroth Value Pack
0A531AD625A5E6A2_## = Level 22 Chest
0A534691E78975D2_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
0A5546189B5D13D9_## =
0A5680D97504F516_## = Holy Guard
0A5A87B7B2C40677_## = Technoblade
0A5E86B369477512_## =
0A6298FB8260D0FA_## =
0A62D47C19C6D8D4_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 hạng mỗi ngày
0A648E424556562E_## = Summer Bash
0A6671492BC7EED9_## =
0A678B5057818E84_## =
0A682195FE88029F_## = Warrior
0A6D44DB4AC96C44_## = 好友大作战
0A6DFE033FB1A967_## = Đăng nhập giờ vàng
0A6FAAF13869D239_## = Abyssal Dragon
0A70EA132FE21959_## = Avalon's Fury
0A7222B73AF3EC3E_## = Omega Value Pack
0A79DEDF4D5B7069_## = Next shot will reduce target's movement speed.
0A7E73211017B7D7_## = Grakk
0A80A231A9A1BB66_## =
0A81178A329EE715_## = <color=#ffffff>%s</color> <color=#a4afb7>has obtained a hero
from %s</color>: <color=#f2c71a>%s</color>!
0A846FAE4A545143_## =
0A866C8A99A9D968_## =
0A8A97CC40C8112B_## =
0A8BB3479C388DD4_## = Warrior
0A91171B7B976FF9_## =
0A97F18735F543B7_## =
0AA1ADA553506606_## =
0AA4DECAA86FE253_## =
0AA7B428059437DC_## = TeeMee
0AA7E6F63A58C983_## = Base Damage
0AADAC5A2D512A35_## = Structure
0AAED21F49692D6B_## =
0AAFAA50C573032C_## =
0AB0BDF843941A91_## = Nakroth
0AB27A10D5BFD6BE_## = Diaochan
0AB37CA89724F04A_## = The power of the arctic.
0AB8E3CF0509770A_## = Unknown
0ABB4602F5569BC4_## =
0ABC41556FDA0F86_## = Melee
0ABD4A2B7B8A0AA1_## =
0ABDA26CCD2FAD41_## =
0ABE399C2B09A903_## =
0ABEAEFE7BA95FE8_## = 7 日累積簽到
0AC34F26316141F9_## = Snowsickle
0AC5E664745E77E2_## = Fancy Footwork
0AC80AE943F19517_## = Each normal attack increases Kil'Groth's attack speed by {0}-
{1}% (scales with hero level), stacks up to {2} times. Kil'Groth's 3rd normal
attack has a longer attack range.
0ACC8A2B99E1E61D_## =
0ACCE753BBADC969_## =
0AD0CF327CBBB2FF_## = Melee
0AD337B30A162647_## = Chiến thắng 1 trận trong chế độ 5v5 Độc Đạo để nhận được
Ruby miễn phí
0AD6AAEB2B0157D0_## =
0AE1B0B74AF7FC62_## =
0AE68BE59D49B746_## = Săn lùng tội phạm
0AECD1A6EF97D87B_## = Static Shock
0AF0A00F2605E9BB_## = Best Buddies Gift
0AF0E55CDAC49CDD_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
0AF259E472F4BC7F_## =
0AF4F5AEDB7EA19E_## = Butterfly
0AF668AD7AB0CFDE_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
0AF716054BE84DDB_## = 7 日累積簽到
0AF875AE95BEA810_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
0AF8D1ACB323498C_## = Armor +210\n[Spirit Bond]
0AFA4DCB395EA107_## =
0AFAE27C76125D06_## = Trial Card: Try out Zill's skin: Inferno for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
0AFAF92B4BE0FC47_## =
0AFD167076AC5BFA_## =
0B01F1592B4F61B9_## = Long Range
0B02F4959EB19F78_## = Souleater
0B083BC3CE8E850F_## =
0B0C9834B61E8B83_## =
0B0D08674668CDE9_## =
0B14355EF6FA7263_## =
0B15663CB3F7E716_## = Royal Guard
0B1924DE7DAAC32D_## = Base Damage
0B1F6EB9DA045742_## =
0B2046D49B1C6CEC_## =
0B2065F75263EAF5_## =
0B236B1203C91114_## = Uriel's Brand
0B260B08B777E164_## = Đấu trường Huyền thoại
0B26DCE32BD1CD56_## = Quy đổi ngọc đỏ cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
0B277BCB9095E5E4_## =
0B29EDA496D49CD8_## =
0B2CF750F28EB885_## =
0B2F54E17ECCA70C_## = Original
0B313D06D7E9C314_## = Kil'Groth
0B33E4C812B30537_## = 参与 5V5
0B3BF46C54A23683_## =
0B3F1E5743892934_## =
0B411484D228AB10_## = Piercing
0B43907680EBF904_## = Trial Card: Try out Peura for <color=#01d1f8ff>7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this hero.
0B462A41331160D1_## = Long Range
0B4923F5E0E958B1_## =
0B583FC262FC93EC_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
0B5862BDE1946CD0_## =
0B58ED278429594B_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Giờ vàng)
0B5ACDE458DCA2F6_## = Tín vật của Joker
0B5D34C7EA2AD3B0_## =
0B5E28E83D884537_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
0B6050F387DAE6E9_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
0B605D294AA3A0EB_## = When there are friendly heroes within 500 units of Lumburr,
both Lumburr and the hero with the lowest HP gain <color=#f8be32>{0}</color> armor
and magic defense.
0B66852BF28EFC41_## = Bleeding Hook
0B6823261BBA6860_## =
0B68550698D969F5_## = Lustrous
0B6A50C38F6BA255_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
0B6E1B2C7E20118B_## =
0B6EF2702AF21406_## =
0B6F286C74B03470_## = Grakk was known for his brutality. As the executioner, he
shackled imprisoned souls, and tore open the offending souls with his teeth to
torture them. He had to pay a steep price for this though. The price was that he
could no longer digest any food other than souls. He needed to devour souls to
satisfy his constant hunger. \n\nTo stave off hunger during times of peace, he had
to ask for help from Zephys and Nakroth; the former harvested souls while the
latter past judgment. All guilty souls became his food. After the war broke out, in
return for Grakk's strength, Maloch promised Grakk that he could do whatever he
wanted with the enemies he captured.\n\nThe never-ending feast turned Grakk into a
war maniac. With every fresh soul consumed, his power grew. He turned all of the
things he could not eat into the Fallen to capture more food for him.\n\n"I…
0B7203C039B4FC22_## = Reach Level {0}
0B787E56AEFFE7B3_## =
0B7D7260E62DD5A8_## = How do you like to deal out damage? (3/3)
0B7F53BC542EA0D7_## = Attack Speed +0.6%
0B830C10B04B87BD_## =
0B83CA31C94D1165_## = ProPlayer Suggestion
0B84D394220CC674_## =
0B8A28E856363D94_## = Long Range
0B8A606651138727_## = 本週活動精選
0B8BCCEA02AACEE1_## = (Abilities come with life steal or shields)
0B8E7F16DFDE943F_## =
0B909A57482E93C7_## = Roxi-Skill-01
0B913741877FAC04_## = Đổi Thư tình nhận từ sự kiện mỗi ngày thành quà tặng
0B93756C11BBFBC4_## =
0B93EE6328D66F79_## = Trial Card: Try out Maloch's skin: Don for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
0B94C8E40A26BB70_## =
0B9CCC489782BFE4_## = Arthur is blessed by the heavens and gains
<color=#f8be32>{0}</color> armor (scales with hero level).
0B9E7EC61C9C3ECD_## = Thư tình
0B9EA58CA99D4541_## = Broken Spear - Haste
0B9F1607C811B45E_## =
0BA12CDCC6F2A5DB_## =
0BA821FF90EFEB43_## =
0BAA93859A58EDA5_## = 登录送两封信
0BAAC62648F2FA4D_## =
0BAB1CBD28581716_## =
0BACF5AFEE5B7C14_## =
0BB285290F0FABEB_## =
0BB46D43415D6D93_## = Structure
0BBC14EB1CBFE18A_## = Garnak
0BBE2C0D8D54ABBB_## = Raz's footwork moves him closer to his enemies on his 2nd and
3rd consecutive normal attacks. The 3rd normal attack deals extra
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>, knocks back enemies, and stuns them.
0BC019DEA04D93B6_## = Assassin
0BC1F0ADBE78DE2E_## =
0BC3495810296A03_## = "You cannot outrun Death. It cannot be tricked, bargained
with, or intimidated. Run, and you'll only die trying."\n\nSome cultures told
stories of angels or Valkyries that came to lead the dead to the afterlife;
however, it was actually Lord Zephys who ferried souls to his domain with a
chilling west wind. \n\nSteadfast and meticulous in his duty, Zephys personally
harvested the soul of every mortal. In the final terrifying moment of their lives,
it was his towering figure that came to rip their spirits from their bodies, so
they would face judgment in the underworld. Admired by few and envied by none,
Zephys carried the mantle of the harvester with unrivaled dignity, for only he
understood the calamity that would ensue should he falter.\n\nIn times of war,
Zephys led his undead army at the front; his ranks ever growing as he reaped.
\n\n"Run, walk, or crawl, death comes for us all."
0BC3D1940493F608_## =
0BC6896B22CDFEAF_## =
0BCF0EB475A3187A_## =
0BCFFC18D4B20F68_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Fennik {C}/{T} lần
0BD1347922AF3C13_## = Đây là phần thưởng Săn mục tiêu lớn của bạn, xin mời kiểm
0BD20A23F7BF2BB4_## =
0BD332F807806FD1_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
0BD373757990F2CE_## =
0BD509B19EC27B01_## = Original
0BD603A665EABD4D_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK {C}/{T}
0BD67F14C0D91ADC_## = Cooldown
0BDDC361B7604510_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Zuka) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
0BDFA95A1BC004EB_## =
0BE0DCC5D5D8EA42_## =
0BE1C2AE5831D1C4_## =
0BE3B049535A7FE9_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Teemee {C}/{T} lần
0BE4FF66A3BDCFF6_## =
0BE672600F0B342B_## = After learning this ability, Tel'Annas' normal attacks reduce
the target's movement speed by 6%. Stacks up to 5 times.\n\nAfter activating this
ability, Tel'Annas' range significantly increases and her attack speed increases by
{0}% for 3 seconds. Also, her normal attacks are imbued with dark power and deal an
additional {1} <color=#f18d00>(+{2})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>.
While active, normal attacks place an additional stack of the movement speed
reducing effect.
0BE67617B4F60957_## = Gói 35% KM Arduin + skin
0BE8B9ABA47281C8_## = 签到图片
0BEC4C0835535BBC_## =
0BED4CEB438A486D_## =
0BEDB1631706DC04_## = Cap'n
0BEF4A41A6AB4C08_## =
0BF37533E779D740_## =
0BF3819F71E0FE09_## =
0BF38ADC2061F408_## =
0BF50DA83E9C0D42_## =
0BF57C40CB442F87_## = I'll be a Marksman!
0BF715F66BBF8E42_## = Share kết quả thi đấu mỗi ngày lên GM/Facebook để nhận Lì xì
mỗi ngày!
0BF7F15C041E8DF4_## = Lucky Draw
0BF831AA735DEF2C_## =
0BFA5C44276D5478_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Zill) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
0BFADE162111CB69_## =
0BFB70F1EE4EA5AF_## = Trial Card: Try out Astrid's skin: Regnant for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
0C02E0229EA16A6F_## = 7 日累積簽到
0C03AAA6C0A74B0E_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
0C055115F378666E_## = Bronze
0C06688041B7124E_## = Ilumia had it all: beauty, intelligence, power, glory, and
strength. Just as Maloch represented the dark power, Ilumia was the embodiment of
light. No hero was above Ilumia. She never showed anyone her true self because she
had a more important identity to assume: Goddess of Light.\n\nHer elegance, purity,
and magic compelled people to believe that Ilumia was the Goddess that brought hope
and light to the people. The Temple was founded and expanded on these beliefs. With
a revered Goddess, the Temple firmly established the religion, which commanded its
fearless followers to resist dark invasions.\n\nAs the actual power wielder of the
Temple, Ilumia knew how to play the game. She managed to wrestle the Temple free
from the castle's rule and protect her followers' interests when Thane's power
reached its pinnacle. Ilumia lived and breathed power, and she would never give it
up willingly.
0C0BD78671BAD3C7_## = Carapace
0C0D318670D682DA_## =
0C0D4C4D10A0BAC8_## =
0C119412BA77EA0C_## = Original
0C1374D711E4C9DA_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
0C1443BDF41848BC_## = Base Damage
0C144D9757374407_## = Unknown
0C186B26E23C6832_## =
0C19EDE072C70560_## = Limited Event Gift
0C1A5BA36F3FC035_## = Ancient Scriptures
0C1D0639F98D1B40_## =
0C1D879D4B187C21_## =
0C239AE692D0DA6A_## = Woodland
0C26E1863F543C73_## = Damage Bonus
0C2863BF5079F74E_## = Dread Knight
0C2A638A395A5DF3_## = Violet
0C2AC3CBF72EF366_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mừng xuân Đinh Dậu,
0C2C8C5B8CB7017B_## = Omen
0C2DEC6043B7E51E_## = Cyberpunk
0C3267BE4392B166_## =
0C33218F476C86D7_## = Leap of Vitality
0C344DAE43FD6A27_## = Đây là phần thưởng Chuẩn bị đón Tết (Đấu thường) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
0C345136590766DB_## = 本週活動精選
0C34A28E03F6916E_## =
0C34ADE048B7F96D_## = Phoenix
0C3B1214A5B3222E_## =
0C3E130AA9320E34_## =
0C3FD104FD298517_## =
0C404DC88FCB5812_## =
0C43A221C7B4914F_## =
0C43AB36D0BABCCC_## = Wrecking
0C441137D3C559C9_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
0C44B591C71096C9_## = Trial Card: Try out Violet's skin: Tagger for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
0C4AABC6E06D1863_## =
0C4AC701A5B9A092_## = Batman
0C4B50529EFBC738_## = "I will become your sword and cut through thorns for you."
\n\nWhen Astrid bent the knee in front of Thane and to take her vows, she was not
yet 18. But as the bearer of the famous sword "Embertrail" and the legitimate heir
of the Duke of Roses, Astrid took up the mantle imposed upon her by history. She
raised the Flaming Rose standard high and stood next to Thane, showing the world
the allegiance of an old noble house to the new king.\n\nWith Astrid's support, the
doubts that followed Arduin's death eventually quieted and people started to
reflect on the failure of Arctica. Even though Astrid's father and brother died in
the war, she did not pay any mind to gossip and whispers from the Temple. Her
support in Thane's ascension provided some much-needed stability in times of
conflict.\n\nIn return, Thane awarded unprecedented honor to the Rose family, and
Astrid became the kingdom's first duchess. But before she could do anything with
her territory, dark powers returned with Taara leading the charge. Arduin and Mina,
corrupted by dark power, were spotted among their ranks.\n\nAstrid knew that the
murderous leader was one of those responsible for her father's and brother's
deaths. She could not wait to join the battle and avenge them, but Thane gently
stopped her. Looking at the girl with affection and care, Thane said, "You have
done enough for me. I shall take care of the rest."\n\n"My lord, I don't think you
understand," declared Astrid with her head held high, showing resolve that no man
of her age would ever possess. "I took my vows as a knight. Dukes can wait in their
castles for news of victory, but knights must charge into battle!" With that said,
she unclasped her crimson mantle, unsheathed Embertrail and led her knights to
war.\n\n"My resolve will never waver!"
0C4CA2C7D67C1293_## =
0C50476FE4B99562_## = Zuka
0C5070639358D01F_## =
0C56D13629FD0716_## =
0C5B2E9CBADFE986_## = Limited Event Gift
0C5BAED2B74D165E_## =
0C62D0FBD7D96D46_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
0C63D7440CBBEA73_## =
0C69EDC3245CACE3_## = ProPlayer Suggestion
0C7406B323B638E6_## = Follow the arrows to advance to the target.
0C74E87103918D6E_## = High burst damage
0C750373C1AD2AA0_## =
0C75E82076BCBA1E_## = Đăng nhập nhận quà mỗi ngày!
0C76E7D6BE0F95D6_## = Red Outer Tower
0C7930725C76753A_## = Đăng nhập tại thời gian chỉ định để nhận thêm Bánh sinh nhật
và Hộp quà thú vị
0C7B047EE885818D_## =
0C7CDD1FD5736BDE_## =
0C7E83A4A92E224C_## = Not Available
0C7F5AFAB2A42EF8_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
0C83E5FB64D7BD7E_## =
0C85DF825474A56A_## =
0C8D12DDCBD36C00_## =
0C8F2367CCDA7FD9_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Zuka để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
0C8FE3E7ADE735DD_## = 击杀魔龙
0C9165F1403BF207_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Teemee {C}/{T} lần
0C9519D44B1050DE_## = Kills/Assists earn a 125 HP bonus. Has a maximum stack of 20.
0C95B4535CCFAAF9_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Slimz) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
0C968C0E415CAEC2_## =
0C96E50BCA8682F7_## = Unknown
0C9A41CA74671141_## = Mganga
0CA46D160237B348_## =
0CA7784EE4CE5A49_## =
0CA8EC2137562F05_## = Đây là phần thưởng Nạp Quân Huy - Rinh Lì xì cực HOT! của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
0CAD6FC4C1A256C4_## =
0CADCCE2E65D72A8_## =
0CAEF34AD9345583_## =
0CAF0FDBAD31C459_## =
0CB12841CDD76CFB_## = Lauriel
0CB2CF5892C620D3_## = Road to Glory
0CB7656A1AC9B1E4_## =
0CBC8A475C1BB80D_## = Mở để nhận 2 Loa to + Thẻ x2 EXP 3 ngày
0CBCF5EF197A688D_## =
0CBD0CFDFE14DCC6_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
0CC39D12BAB6B36E_## = Túi ngọc III ngẫu nhiên (lục)
0CC68A042855709A_## = Mage
0CD266F41E137B9A_## = Divine Firestone
0CD437FFD1C86778_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nTướng vĩnh viễn
(Cresht) / Thẻ thử tướng Cresht (3 ngày) / Mảnh tướng
0CD62C459C5C04CE_## = Cresht is great at protecting allies. Use Aquatic Shield to
give allies a shield in team fights. He is incredibly powerful after using
Metamorphosis as he is granted a massive shield and his damage output increases.
After morphing, target the strongest enemies to give your team the best advantage.
0CD773B905E6D8BB_## =
0CDB7DDF6D4E8434_## = Lauriel
0CDC3D30EF784DD8_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
0CDC7CC08D12A66D_## = Chơi 1 trận 5v5 đấu thường nhận 5 bánh sinh nhật & Huy hiệu
1 năm Liên Quân
0CDD81E937EC2EA5_## = 9.2 对局宝箱
0CDE1F06B0D7B2FB_## =
0CEBFAD99BA49C4D_## = (Damage dealer - Focuses on the enemy's carry)
0CECA2DAA9D6F27B_## = TeeMee
0CF044F624B3D3B7_## = 本週活動精選
0CF7ED132022771F_## =
0CF8A344E8ADBA05_## =
0CFA2E33F21CD7D3_## = Each time Wukong uses an ability, his next normal attack is
enhanced and deals an additional {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color>
<color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>. Wukong also tumbles toward the target.
Wukong's staff grants 15% critical chance permanently.
0CFE8FF1007699BC_## = Max
0D01BADA1930046F_## = Original
0D055DD5AAE524E4_## =
0D06090ABCE68AE4_## =
0D068AB07D31CBB1_## =
0D09985E0C172122_## = 0
0D0BF63B095B2BB9_## =
0D0D06B4C1A95DE5_## = Azure
0D14A85D8F443CD0_## =
0D15FF703ADEF59F_## =
0D167D41CC79811C_## =
0D1705FE83472513_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
0D17AE61C1365477_## =
0D19769A422EAF23_## =
0D1A5BBBD6FEF497_## =
0D1CAE5AE196DE55_## =
0D1DAA6DE99FF719_## = Đấu trường Huyền thoại
0D21F2500CE535A0_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK {C}/{T}
0D26145CFE6BFE8E_## = Unknown
0D262ACA74935356_## = 打开有机会获得马洛斯英雄,马洛斯皮肤幽暗冥王,英雄皮肤体验卡,碎片及钻石
0D26403163C01268_## =
0D264245189CEBC3_## = Magic Defense +5.4
0D2913D588E78F33_## =
0D2CC6C76A0197D9_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
0D2EE7384EDB47F7_## = Use Kriknak's Terrifying Plague to put Marks of Horror on
enemies to inflict increased amounts of damage on them and significantly reducing
Terrifying Plague's cooldown.
0D30A924F9DAD7AD_## =
0D397797BC7589D9_## =
0D3DCE0A0F6040A6_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tháng sinh nhật - Tiêu Quân Huy nhận
thưởng của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
0D43A44B2204222E_## = Tăng 50% Exp Đấu thường 5v5
0D43D4CE9B11B81B_## =
0D4D8889804012D2_## =
0D51A7473C6FFE60_## = Credibility Score Notice
0D55CAB91034C4C0_## = Unknown
0D59215735FFC917_## = Viking
0D593F687F8B65D8_## = Moren
0D59996505F859DE_## = Death becomes you…
0D5B54A1563DDD18_## = Rương Công lý
0D5CDDC6D63CB796_## = Please open the Settings screen to switch targets.
0D5FA67B86A65085_## =
0D62161848D5513A_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 hạng mỗi ngày
0D65B0517A564BC7_## =
0D6E09D3D3C8229F_## = Trial Card: Try out Zephys for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this Hero.
0D707B471FD920DF_## = Superman
0D779FC36F1D80A7_## = Default
0D797A1C7A432698_## = Trial Card: Try out Liliana's skin: Kumiho's Legacy for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
0D7AA09BB85316EA_## =
0D7C211368BE7802_## =
0D7C83F3BAF862F3_## = Cooldown
0D80DEF5B177613F_## = Sharkover
0D825CC45C38F6DF_## =
0D82F0DD08BC7478_## = Mage
0D839E5AEC73A15E_## = Original
0D85EF56D797B5A3_## = Quy đổi ngọc tím cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
0D869A307BA7C0A6_## = 和好友对战送六个钥匙
0D9218CD91939252_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nTướng vĩnh viễn
(Lindis) / Thẻ thử tướng Lindis (1 ngày) / Mảnh tướng
0D93BE1AB2D48871_## =
0D9732C5367CC8B7_## =
0D997C9506F476C4_## = Gold +100% for your next Win in a match (excluding custom
matches and 1v1 bot matches). Can be paired with a Double Gold Days Card for Gold
0D9E95D0A3A294F1_## =
0da0ce5314d9a4d2 = 0da0ce5314d9a4d2_##
0DA36E7DB9678674_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
0DA89633E1291833_## = Unknown
0DAB7BF35F57A505_## =
0DB0C9E8C856F6E7_## = Normal Attack
0DB1A2A31DFC3805_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
0DB68AF88F025624_## =
0DB990ADC78D697C_## = 限時充值送好禮(test)
0DB9A85CA6FF40A3_## =
0DBA472D4C9D0C50_## =
0DBB550FBF721860_## = Anabolic Rage
0DBCB042DE9D30B0_## = Every 4th normal attack knocks the target into the air. Each
time an ability hits an enemy, Nakroth gains {0}% attack speed.
0DC0470EFE42AD02_## =
0DC1CCAA43E8F135_## =
0DC30C94E1B34566_## = Misc.
0DC32095CE163EC3_## = Omega
0DC90D2ACA07A7D8_## =
0DC9449F300373DF_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin: Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this skin.
0DCA3333DB4EC437_## = Butterfly
0DCC3964B678FE24_## = Corpse Bride
0DCDFC9351B85894_## = Cooldown
0DD148A72751AA76_## = 特殊夺宝券介绍
0DD7EB049E12850F_## = Trial Card: Try out Thane's skin: Chief Knight for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
0DDB57B72C782DD1_## =
0DDCF4025D2523D6_## =
0DDD81C729D6F037_## = Đổi Dấu ấn Tulen
0DDEB35B68DEAA49_## =
0DE06B61F161B1FA_## =
0DE1267270D70748_## =
0DE2DEDBBB463D34_## =
0DE327389DD499B1_## = Cuộc chiến ngẫu nhiên
0DE590F629FF0834_## = 等級達到{T}級
0DE63F158825FBD5_## = HP Regen
0DE7AACB54BBD65D_## = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Entering the brush can hide your
location from enemies. Make good use of it to ambush or escape.
0DE81D33D7ADD47C_## = If Arduin's HP falls below 50%, Arduin will enter Bloodlust
mode for 8 seconds. While in Bloodlust mode, Arduin restores 2% of his maximum HP
when his abilites or normal attacks damage enemies. Bloodlust has a 60-second
cooldown and Arduin will enter Bloodlust mode again immediately after the cooldown
if his HP is below 50% at that time.
0DF100CB0C74282F_## =
0DF12F832DEA7F6D_## = The team will receive extra gold if they end a kill streak.
0DF479D88B1006E1_## =
0DF4D7CA003D3EB5_## = Trot
0DF82F22716695DF_## = Đổi quà tình nhân
0DF842D2C7FD6686_## =
0DF89239EB6A8FCC_## =
0E0001B9397A5790_## = Another Dimension
0E039F62F3F443B8_## = Valhein
0E0579E91D48CAA3_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Raz để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
0E0BED1E9C89E0DB_## = Tank
0E0CDE2D07D71FAA_## = Đấu trường huyền thoại
0E0E1F15376C238B_## =
0E0F968057C44A00_## = Bite
0E1656E9EB08A4B8_## =
0E1AF317E0A5BCCD_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tết đến rồi! (Đấu thường) của bạn, xin
mời kiểm tra!
0E1B55A90305D113_## =
0E1DF06E2429BCAF_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
0E2070F2C2129412_## =
0E21BEDFCB613EDF_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tết chưa hết đâu! (Đấu thường) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
0E25313330207AB9_## = Blood Knight
0E25565E717E3AEF_## = "The chaos-ending Sword of Justice, and the invincible leader
that brought order to the orderless!"\n\nWith the holy sword in his hand and
righteousness in his heart, Arthur was the first true leader in human history. He
was born in an age when faith had collapsed and the world was shrouded in darkness.
Facing frenzied beasts and bloodthirsty demons, the humans lacked not only the
strength to defend themselves, but also guidance from the gods, which could have
prevented their civil wars. This era of turmoil persisted until Arthur rose.
Preaching principles of justice and honor, he started down the path of order and
discipline as a knight.\n\nArthur's chivalry was well-received and admired by all,
drawing brave human warriors from far and wide to pledge their allegiance to him.
Under his leadership, they formed a valiant order of knights trained in the art of
war. They marched under the banner of justice and valor in the name of Arthur. They
toured the land, exterminating evil along the way. Most importantly, they
established order and peace amidst the darkness, ensuring humanity's
survival.\n\nThe deeds of the Order greatly impeded the demon legion's invasion
plans. Arthur had become a thorn in Maloch's side, and his knights were attacked at
every turn. However, the Order was not shaken one bit. Arthur and his knights
resolutely stood their ground. Their resilience and persistence inspired
all.\n\nYoung men flocked at the opportunity to become a part of the Order. Any
vacant positions in their ranks were promptly filled. This band of brothers, loyal
to both the chivalric spirit and their leader gradually grew into a force to be
reckoned with. Humans, long looked down on by the other races, were finally earning
the recognition and respect of all.\n\nEven their age-long rival, the Afata,
extended the hand of friendship to Arthur. The secluded Veda brought the blessings
of the gods upon the Order and its knights. Arthur and his chivalric spirit gave
courage to humankind and his successors, notably Thane, to pass on the torch from
one generation to the next.\n\n"The radiance of the Sword of Justice shall cast its
light upon the path of every knight!"
0E27051D3F280259_## =
0E298A4F699B4B0E_## = Harass, Survivability
0E2B4E1C4E2F448D_## =
0E2CC7ABDC32BF91_## =
0E2F7BC31700DE4B_## = Hell hath no fury like a demon scorned.
0E30F67FDA115D4F_## = Buy more items to become stronger!
0E329BB953F18CB6_## =
0E345A3490580E30_## =
0E36186A9E43AC08_## = Each time Ormarr deals damage, he has a chance to stun the
target and deal <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> equal to <color=#ca3939>{0}-
{1}%</color> (scales with hero level) of the target's current HP. ({2} second
internal cooldown)
0E361F60C21CB16E_## =
0E39816C3724D404_## =
0E3DDAF4BCB54211_## = Nâng cấp ngọc quý
0E3F7ED598004248_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
0E41261FDEB68EF2_## = Unique Passive - Chill: Abilities that deal damage will also
reduce enemy movement speed by 25% for 2 seconds.
0E46407ED6F95469_## =
0E495313CBF2ECC2_## = Open to receive the Hero: Fennik and his Skin: Little
0E4AB9EBD9056566_## = Đổi Dấu ấn Tulen
0E4B57C9CAAC63DD_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
0E4C5E807D39ED74_## = Attack Damage +1.5 \nHP +13.5
0E51B6C48F73C0D0_## =
0E540ADDA617E980_## =
0E59BE0829268501_## = TeeMee
0E59EA2FF8A1C940_## = Cooldown
0E5C7B189C9E87D1_## = Base Damage
0E61C74DD12FDF6D_## = Standard\nMatch
0E6520C6FF1825A2_## = Tích lũy hạ gục {C}/{T}
0E69FADB8258A9E7_## =
0E6EA38592D3954B_## = Base Damage
0E73911A42D4A269_## = Xeniel
0E73B74B25CB8A7F_## = Unique Passive: Cooldown Speed+10%
0E73F5247A8FA70B_## = Airi charges in the specified direction and deals {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies in
her way. This ability can be cast three times in a row before triggering the
0E799A13997D5C9F_## =
0E7BB1C3168B8CAC_## =
0E7C812DDCE6C103_## = Unknown
0E802E236442B8A1_## =
0E81668DC7195599_## = Standard\nMatch
0E857B19B5B24594_## =
0E92BCF58ACD3495_## = Tiêu Quân Huy - Mừng sinh nhật Liên Quân!
0E945C1763E3567E_## = Combo Fennik Tiệc Bánh kẹo
0E95C6EC84737010_## = Holy Guard
0E9B90C994947DC7_## =
0E9D48D3D1B38460_## =
0E9DE615DFF5E17B_## = Increase Life Steal
0EA21D65CB21C76A_## = Đây là phần thưởng Share liền tay, nhận ngay quà của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
0EA377F465968303_## =
0EA67C35B4BE2667_## = Tuần lễ Nguyệt tộc (Đăng nhập)
0EAA1A5D5DD9EC34_## =
0EAA79147403313E_## = Kil'Groth
0EABB01F72CD6338_## = Zanis strikes the target, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#f3b74a>true damage</color> and knocking
enemies into the air briefly. For the next 5 seconds, he takes 15% less damage and
his normal attacks deal an additional {2} <color=#f18d00>(+{3})</color>
<color=#f3b74a>true damage</color>.
0EACB9F5AC13DE85_## =
0EAEA1E497694903_## = 元旦登陆活动
0EB0ED50954A7733_## = I'll jungle!
0EB5D5396B8333B2_## = Đăng ký thông tin tại: https://LNK.PICS/thuthapdauan-MuradMTP
để có cơ hội trúng bộ quà tặng Thần tượng học đường (gồm Lịch, Áo, Mũ, Dây đeo
cổ) cực độc!
0EBF3DD9A88523CE_## = Trial Card: Try out Diaochan's skin: Prom Queen
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have
this skin.
0EBF53345344810C_## =
0EBFD73DFE6DA5A7_## = [新英雄-Moren 登場] 愛不釋手
0EC1C50FF5B4751D_## =
0EC4BBFE037D6331_## = Attack
0EC63EB5D772A6B9_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Tím)
0EC7892CD31B7570_## = Unique Passive - Adrenaline: Increases movement speed by 2%
and deals 2% additional damage after taking damage. Stacks up to 5 times.
0EC90C6953065167_## =
0ECA59CF554A757B_## = You will obtain the following rewards for your good
sportsmanship yesterday:
0ECA80A04B84B259_## =
0ECC4D4214943FC9_## =
0ED0E2B1C7765805_## =
0ED1BCF5187807FA_## =
0ED46110D1826A02_## = Melee
0ED489CDAECD8A61_## =
0ED5C0278856D0C9_## = Do not try to attack a tower by yourself.
0ED7416542C0847A_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Lục)
0ED8884C4693A61C_## = Trial Card: Try out Ryoma for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this hero.
0EDD441070AD5A33_## =
0EE043A693667A34_## =
0EE2902349B66FA1_## = Unknown
0EE5976B8DBF5C15_## =
0EE86FE52880A980_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
0EEAD9478625D718_## = Arum
0EEB2F9D7B058664_## =
0EF1E6CC834CB929_## =
0EF23A006BE544FB_## = Mừng xuân Đinh Dậu, lì xì đầy tay: Mở hầu bao!
0EF2995168B4B7E2_## = Ignis
0EFF991E564F1FF0_## =
0F02C7AE53097CA9_## = Share trang phục nhận quà Giáng sinh
0F02DF76B799FAAF_## =
0F0826A392E3C0AB_## =
0F09151E2C42E015_## = Đấu trường đỉnh cao
0F0A02C5A001ED3A_## =
0F0A1FD889637AE0_## =
0F0C7D51B7ACA618_## = Tap here to<color=#f6bf17ff> find a match</color> and join
the battle!
0F0CBE2BEA57F23F_## =
0F0D7E6FAF0F4F3D_## = Base Damage
0F0FC91DD3DCD197_## = Tỉnh Hậu Giang
0F13755D6184409B_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Vàng
0F16FC2BDF9FC7EB_## = Po Po
0F1746CE44CDA6FC_## = Double EXP Card: \n1 day
0F1896F43954AFE0_## =
0F1A025F97E71CCC_## = [新英雄-Payna 登場] 愛不釋手
0F1B9D454CF0C282_## = Maybe stop letting others have all the glory?
0F21C189821E9626_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
0F23FD6E725C72C5_## = Unknown
0F25E4FF310C2A11_## =
0F27E61B13C8C570_## =
0F31D010DF4AF257_## = Unknown
0F38C93B7C6595CA_## = Quy đổi ngọc lục cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
0F39A7E286ADE4BA_## =
0F3BAA458646C6E8_## =
0F3D57993FAA9D51_## = obsolete+f7cb3ecff188fe85
0F3F4A502FE90539_## = Đấu với bạn - Tết đến rồi
0F4618996EAA4A02_## =
0F49738FD016EB8D_## =
0F4A842973400CEA_## =
0F4F85ADA6E97F77_## =
0F4FE7F3CC53E310_## = Nice!
0F5578EBEA7E3E36_## =
0F5D984D03F2E6AC_## = Base Damage
0F5EE45A03B9FA48_## =
0F61F731ADCADF31_## = Mở ngẫu nhiên thẻ trải nghiệm 1 ngày của một trong các trang
phục Công Chúa Bướm, Nhà Chiêm Tinh, Đặc Cảnh NYPD, Cung Thủ Bóng Đêm, Thủy Thủ,
Nữ Đặc Cảnh
0F63DC5A4DD08BF4_## = Vitality
0F64A3A54DC8A8C1_## = HP +1100, Armor +240\n[Rock Shield]
0F65421ABC3EDBB8_## = Heartbreaker
0F67C31D8D0AC13E_## = Congratulations Challenger! You have completed Advanced
0F69F88939097E80_## = Trial Card: Try out Thane's skin: Chief Knight for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
0F6A1B82B0802D12_## =
0F6A52CB4271AE8F_## = Trial Card: Try out Raz for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days.
You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
0F6D77761BC75853_## = Trial Card: Try out Taara for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
0F700C2BCFCC3F82_## = Tank giftbag
0F7383411DFD6181_## = Taara
0F742128FF8FCC33_## = Original
0F74361B2089203F_## =
0F7437638F395396_## =
0F756122CE0193E5_## =
0F7906B70DE87B39_## = Reload
0F7A461B702C10E6_## =
0F822E3411DA477E_## =
0F82990FBAB6ABE6_## =
0F834329882D3664_## =
0F861C61E4DDD5C5_## =
0F86D5E1C3B0BBFC_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
0F8C1402DB740171_## = Melee
0F8DA352A25F0BF9_## = That all you got?
0F8DB60905F54988_## = New snazzy ability effects
0F8E812E59A301CD_## =
0F8FF486DC08B778_## = 参与 5V5
0F901192A7DB0F74_## = Slimz
0F97147C0F79F0DA_## =
0F98F521CC8CB774_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Đỏ)
0FA2282E63E2F632_## =
0FA2334C489D9E7C_## =
0FA52C495351F02C_## = Recent Teams Help
0FA61EED094581F1_## =
0FA6496DEC991A52_## = Mời bạn bè chơi game để nhận Ruby miễn phí!
0FA7F35DC1DA0377_## =
0FA9C48AEE80568B_## =
0FAD18FA84035B67_## = Valhein
0FADB838B8CE18D5_## =
0FB0E554102C42B7_## =
0FB451DB6B8329E7_## = 26.11 - Thưởng đấu đặc biệt
0FB546BF3A265491_## = Guild Invitation
0FBE254384809BBF_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
0FC0B9663E15473D_## = Base Damage
0FC113323F1C8B6E_## = Share trang phục Natalya Quà quái quỷ để nhận quà đặc
biệt\nTrên IOS: Share qua Garena Mobile và ứng dụng Facebook\nTrên Android :Share
qua Garena Mobile
0FC408AEF526411F_## =
0FC4366352C00083_## = Tướng Điêu Thuyền + trang phục Hoa Hậu
0FC65809C51CB02B_## = Join the Silver League
0FC8AFC3320E9E0D_## = (We will provide suggestions for you)
0FC964150B42C5F3_## = Rampage
0FC9C7BC7F79A974_## =
0FCC7E82EDD93C21_## = When Batman approaches an enemy hero, his movement speed
increases by 20%.
0FCC911A2C8D3F5C_## =
0FD09CE8F384B89B_## = Not enough warriors
0FD843AB3751CA13_## = Trial Card: Try out Chaugnar's skin: Imperium Guard for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
0FD91CA87F808DD2_## =
0FDA8A5D050821A0_## = Chaugnar
0FDB6E61722B01F9_## =
0FDCB4D45236F015_## =
0FDDE0B103B3FDD8_## = Damage From\nExplosion
0FDE2F7AF0B2F501_## =
0FE0ED12CA998974_## = Technoblade Level 5
0FE1F9FBD4D024B3_## =
0FE3C9D6D0DA3379_## =
0FE47EB084A79AC8_## = The Elemental
0FEC3AF327E80618_## = Unknown
0FF077956CAEBEAF_## =
0FF17DAF3FE1429B_## =
0FF35EAF29692606_## =
0FF3E9126A446CAD_## =
0FF8F44FD699FB41_## = Melee
0FFB41A5DCFD94E4_## =
0FFC4C05D5867091_## = Flowerchild
0FFE77BAE5668B6E_## =
0FFFC58429D86CA4_## = Kill {0} enemy [/0:$(hero|heroes)/] with no deaths in a
single match
0FFFF98F09456B62_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
10006 = Unread mail cannot be deleted.
10007 = Please collect the attachment first.
10010 = {0} has sent you some gold!
10014 = 10014_##
10015 = 10015_##
10016 = 10016_##
10017 = 10017_##
10018 = You must meet the level requirement to use this feature.
10019 = No event configuration found.
10020 = Other errors!
10023 = You've reached your purchase limit for today.
10034 = 10034_##
10035 = 10035_##
10036 = 10036_##
1004F68B8EE61CDE_## = Navy Cadet
1005D1A1AADAF0C3_## = Trial Card: Try out Wisp for <color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days.
You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this hero.
10061E6832FCB4C9_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Kil'Groth {C}/{T} lần
100A4F289B8630AA_## =
100A7D9013BBD8B5_## =
100C9286B4BC2D2E_## =
100D036F8A624DB0_## = Trial Card: Try out Veera's skin: Snow Angel for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
100E0418CFCBBB32_## =
100f69129de63a49 = 100f69129de63a49_##
101215D8B374447B_## = Ilumia
1013019EEEB58E00_## =
10143F53062E5877_## = Neon
101669121D9FF743_## =
101B9A1F460844C9_## =
101FDF6D643202D5_## =
1021624C19A809F6_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
102886B9A14DA20A_## =
102AD50A54BB1F15_## = Enchanted Scroll
102B6BF1804E6980_## =
102DC5EDBE6406FC_## =
102EA8B9CA5136D4_## =
10314D62A9E78AD9_## = Trang phục đón xuân
1032BB775C97150F_## = Wrecking
10366236D8DF9A24_## = Survivability, Sustained Damage
1036963D907A324A_## = Peura
103C4CAE660D3A3F_## = Magic Life Steal +0.7% \nArmor +5.9
103C56A995E2F18C_## =
103DFE778DD8693B_## =
103ECABC3A85F184_## =
1040E84F79E7468F_## = Defense
10414094A7B82DD5_## =
104438055C37BE77_## =
10458387F523FF3C_## = Original
1049904D638D8B67_## = Krixi
104A3EB8DEE4A2D8_## = Heart Shot
10540FA5777300BB_## = 本週活動精選
1055783E3172DAD7_## =
10567D9DAB644908_## =
105AB9177E844862_## = Explorer
105BDBAA5D86752A_## =
105C2793FD3BC8CF_## = Nhận ngay Ruby hoặc thẻ thử Trang phục đặc biệt - Mina Tiểu
thư đoạt hồn
1060085AE8F54E4A_## = Long-term No Login Punishment
106160CD95EEC7B4_## = Toro leaps to the target area and stomps the ground 3 times.
The first 2 stomps deal {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical
damage</color>, and the third stomp deals {4} <color=#f18d00>(+{5})</color>
<color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>. \n\nThe first stomp reduces enemies'
movement speed by {2}% for 1 second; the second stomp reduces enemies' movement
speed by {3}% for 1 second; the third stomp knocks enemies into the air.
10619471CAA66024_## = Hộp Ngọc cấp II
10687CBA91FCE6DB_## =
106A9FDF50235039_## =
106D4C7EE2094C28_## =
106EB0E26841C88B_## =
1073EBA55EF152FC_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
107752D76398A36A_## = That all you got?
107935D1BE45C996_## =
107c9cd2aa0f5aee = Today's rewards
107D34F2FB462588_## = Đây là phần thưởng Săn mục tiêu lớn của bạn, xin mời kiểm
1080A18178A48646_## =
10865EB5385EE479_## =
1088C0E2EDAE418E_## =
108B1D9607298F40_## =
109175A6F5ADEE60_## =
1095715CFFEBD8B4_## =
1097FE98F0DD9541_## = Trial Card: Try out Zuka for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days.
You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this Hero.
109A0B59348FC60D_## =
10A028535FD78CD0_## = Unknown
10A1A4E961FF5D6F_## =
10A53E29EA1E781E_## =
10AAC65005ED36F9_## = Maloch
10ABB4878229867F_## = Trial Card: Try out Thane for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this Hero.
10ACAA437B3CA9EC_## = Warrior
10B748683E810898_## =
10B7ECD5BA107AC6_## =
10BAB379C0D5816D_## = Tread Softly
10BB30054245E44F_## = Unknown
10C06E65C6C28A1A_## = Getting Started
10C0E2DC72BB38C3_## =
10C5D8365B4DC15E_## =
10D128C4363D781D_## = Your level and equipment will<color=#f6bf17ff> reset</color>
after each<color=#f6bf17ff> battle</color>.
10D3153754067EA3_## =
10D7A0DCC7A4E057_## =
10D9084A28056BA0_## =
10DC9D360494650D_## = Triumphant
10E794F8864226A7_## =
10E8E2BC919297F1_## = Butterfly
10EBB5A97286313A_## = The Boy Who Lived
10F23CDE49877BE8_## = Not Available
10F3F1DDDABA7396_## = Unknown
10F59AA9AAE063FA_## = In-Game Tips
10FBED78A08BBCB2_## = ProPlayer Suggestion
1101D4444256E307_## =
1104FD98FC835133_## = Trial Card: Try out Murad's skin: Outlaw for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
110638F55CD4B70C_## =
11063E1D7EE5804F_## = Ascended
1107F700860C3FFB_## =
1108066D87776D83_## = Trial Card: Try out Valhein's skin: Techno Templar for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
110870238B1C7748_## = After a short charge up, The Flash dashes forward, dealing
{0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to all
enemies in his path. The Flash cannot be controlled while dashing and can cancel
the dash by using another ability.\n\nWhen The Flash reaches his destination, he
can activate the skill again to return to where he started, dealing {2}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{3})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>. Enemies damaged
by the initial dash are dealt an additional {4} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{5})</color>
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>.
110C5AFC405B7DEF_## =
110FB212F0F13F13_## = Đấu trướng Throne of Glory
11100A17160D5B9B_## = Nether Drake
11103C50DAEFC7FA_## = Mantle of Ra
11111DD8CA8546FB_## = Peura
11169878A477C7EE_## =
111acaa340a3e360 = Joystick
111AD6EBC15900A4_## =
111CBDB0156C9E25_## = Trial Card: Try out Gildur for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color>
day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
111D5DC4902E0522_## = Rương ngọc may mắn
111E48E696E2A666_## = Lauriel
112043289ACE2A8A_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 mỗi ngày
11215BA2744EB39A_## =
11220FF5CF11BD44_## =
1125773C43F4B107_## =
112680AC65322CC7_## = Unknown
113111DD13E38084_## =
11356BD3ADBB1BD4_## =
11376DC95C7656A8_## =
113BE19546936D32_## = Butterfly
113DB4EBB20E9BF0_## =
113E9425EE8BFA69_## = Valhein
113F6460DDCF4F8D_## =
11407962F5BAD04E_## = 本週活動精選
1141F9A67FA34D74_## = Thắng đấu hạng với Violet {C}/{T} lần
1142D04905A2E25B_## = Aleister Chest
11448EBBA2BE88B0_## =
11452952EC631CA8_## = Đấu trướng Throne of Glory
1146EDAE8AE59AC8_## =
1149862B940A3EA4_## = Not Available
114F3D7BB153993C_## =
114FF1CE193651AF_## =
11535EBE88A0D597_## = Base Damage
11562FB61A3FD913_## = 登录送钥匙和宝石
1159FD34A87138F9_## =
115D185C2EE62FB2_## =
116174FD9F5BB224_## = Trial Card: Try out Ormarr's skin: Snow Festival for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
116234B567AC07EE_## =
11689C1C34248DFE_## = Cyber Samurai
116A0113DF8CADD3_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
116B5AC9CEABB922_## = Nhận ngẫu nhiên 21 đến 30 Mảnh trang phục
116cf8f1da6e9c1a = Do you want to save this clip?
116DF5ADD59BC521_## =
116F5C437A2C08F7_## = Punch Line
11755CD90B6E410A_## = Colossus
1176242066B43A15_## = Not Available
1177EB22A5D1F01F_## = Cơ hội nhận Trang phục/thẻ thử những trang phục Ác quỷ HOT
nhất Halloween năm nay!
1178F8CBF8DADA01_## =
117d78f4a241f0e = Time Left
117FD20349420CCF_## =
1182BCC70E674576_## = God of War
11854059125DAC59_## = Candycane
1188335E298A8691_## =
118B8E20A9CFE9F9_## =
118C55223B1AF367_## =
118CDCD500BE7DEE_## = Butterfly
118E36A668990D08_## = obsolete+6e13a11f6e859ac4
118e4f6eab4b544b = 118e4f6eab4b544b_##
1190877F2041B7F5_## = Returning Heroes
119185E8E1782E26_## =
11940B7071C87321_## =
11956EA4B23D9866_## =
11978e50841ab9c2 = Search Results
11a2c880d70ce06f = 11a2c880d70ce06f_##
11A38905642BEC16_## = Trial Card: Try out Veera's skin: Heartbreaker
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
11A3B95EB71F9B67_## =
11A453542CB364DF_## = Unique Passive - Wild: Increases maximum HP by 70 for every
monster killed. Stacks up to 15 times.
11A981CB4EFCF8E9_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
11AD48646496F61D_## =
11AD76D778C54641_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 hạng mỗi ngày
11AEA037045B4B31_## =
11AEC56484A74BD9_## =
11B0D73F9D141EFB_## = Skud
11B131E3566C7C00_## =
11B17ACC15CB9A97_## = Buffs, Harass
11B28B344B172500_## =
11B2E89791260B1B_## =
11B3ABCF60C7FD9D_## =
11B4EA29CEA58049_## =
11B6C765B0CC6D5B_## =
11B7D813002F9D54_## =
11BA1CF1DEABB2BA_## = Gói Xmas (tướng)
11BA5E32F4845EAC_## = Trial Card: Try out Zephys' skin: Halloween Scream
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have
this skin.
11bbc970490b1a6b = 11bbc970490b1a6b_##
11BEE78F743F3D57_## = Lauriel
11BFAF7C609E4E71_## = Unknown
11C272BB4D242501_## = Villain Chest
11C94D520C0B2FC7_## = Butterfly
11CBCDE1B830C367_## =
11CE3934A59B6CC7_## =
11CFEC5756C0B216_## = Lumburr
11D056EF53C1C7A7_## =
11D09BD1FB3E0B0B_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Zill để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
11D12CAF9A9991C0_## =
11D37EDF118312DE_## = Don't underestimate the damage of enemy minions!
11D3E2146386AE4D_## = Fennik
11D7508AD4A75A31_## = [新英雄-Slimz 登場] 愛不釋手
11DA5F96F671D262_## = Principanda
11DC49C0171C1701_## = Avatar Lock Mode
11DC7032A7E5F623_## =
11E20D8EAF69C16D_## = 参与 5V5
11E272940E5E2D94_## =
11E2839AC56208A8_## = Aten
11E5289A5B9E983C_## = Attack+100, Life Steal +10%\n[Soul Prison]
11E5816E9E5A9EEE_## = 本週活動精選
11E64197FA4F9AB0_## =
11E751B2672F1E7D_## = Share trang phục nhận quà Giáng sinh
11ECA4E24F9D3E34_## =
11F42EF7AFBEE6C3_## =
11FA4E83F12F697C_## =
11FAC2076F65C06F_## = Blue Ballista
11FF4A4EDF00803A_## =
11FF5E711212129B_## =
11FF86008B8A4295_## = The Terror
12000C5005034DB7_## = Jungling, Lane Pushing
12008264EE9DD947_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Ignis) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
120807A7B8980B98_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Teemee)
120B4DAE086B6C76_## =
120F87BCCD67B18A_## =
1211054645A06521_## = Kil'Groth
12119E64F005CDE8_## = OK
12140A4F8820038E_## = Cooldown
1216951D2FE8740A_## = Damage Reduction
12193D4DBF78BD2D_## =
121FE031EE6F56CA_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 hạng mỗi ngày
122029253F6F8C95_## = Knocking on Death's Door
1223C80AA4463602_## =
122734E92BFA694B_## = Master
12296226D53D341B_## = Sand Trap
122FBB58DD5B00E0_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
12341542071DDA7C_## =
123602ec23399490 = Active Feeding
1238578739FF5935_## = Roxi-Skill-01
123A058BB1C85411_## = Butterfly
123A8BC808A60634_## =
123C66AB9193D005_## =
123DC1527C7D74F2_## = Yorn
1241A683334C0E9D_## =
12424F0DAD018EE4_## =
12448605B3379BB9_## = Reload
12461A86D2E29AEE_## =
12466AA04B3E98B8_## = OK
125575752EAE6444_## =
1256312C24517EF5_## = Ilumia
1258C3DEE8D02394_## = Unknown
1269F3328F0AD2C1_## = TeeMee
126CA9634C09EEAE_## = "You submit? How dare you submit!" \n\nSitting upon his
mighty steed, Red Hare, Lu Bu looked down upon his enemies, prostrate and shaking
in horror, and found them inadequate. He could not suppress this anger for much
longer. Such victories meant nothing to him. What he desired was a good fight with
a real opponent. He loved nothing more than pushing himself when in danger, and
that was how he came to be known as the "Peerless Warlord." \n\nLu Bu began to
reminisce of his battle against Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei at Hulao Gate. It
did indeed seem unfair to fight against the three of them, but Lu Bu was accustomed
to these kinds of odds. Truth be told, it was highly unlikely that any other mortal
could match him in single combat. \n\n"Tell me, am I the strongest warrior in the
world?" \n\nLu Bu seldom showed his gentle side as he shone resplendently in his
armor. The enchanting Diaochan smiled sweetly at this, and fished out a note from
her sleeve. \n\n"There may be no one in this world worth fighting with. But, my
General, how about the opponents in Heaven? Would you care to battle against them?"
\n\n"In Heaven?! That's it!" \n\nLu Bu could not hide the excitement in his eyes.
126DFF5104FC2825_## = Survivability
1273B9034E5C97D4_## =
1278CF25C67110C6_## =
1279B6DD48CE632E_## =
12842203F6C5FACC_## =
128B13C498C7B450_## = The Protector
128BCC01752A3184_## = Nạp Quân Huy - Rinh Lì xì cực HOT!
1290E0F2A2E038C9_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
12921B389D6F1579_## = <size=30>{0}</size>\n fight participant
1292AB9345568202_## = Let's be friends.
1294E2CBC43EBB86_## = Cooldown
1295C97953D14718_## =
129f6f576e1df1b3 = Day 5
12A03692BE2249C2_## = Base Damage
12A1DFC5977ED831_## =
12A6C0AAA1A4AFAD_## = Guardian of the Glade
12A93317306421DB_## = Original
12A938BFD259BBAD_## = Dragon's Wrath
12AD3990B0AD13A5_## =
12B00632217F34F0_## =
12B3740C34F481D8_## =
12B75167680C377C_## =
12B7651650523D57_## = Unique Passive: Movement Speed +60
12B871FC7AF81607_## =
12BB286361E82766_## =
12BBA84427A15A86_## = Mừng ngày Quốc tế Phụ nữ 8.3, thắng đấu hạng với tướng nữ
để nhận Ruby & thẻ thử trang phục giới hạn Mina - Tiểu thư đoạt hồn!
12BDDF5019E64A86_## =
12BEA37DC55DB2D2_## =
12BEB1A5D0C1687C_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
12BEE3F688AB15C9_## =
12C09932ED37178B_## =
12C15A527FA6189F_## = Trial Card: Try out Zuka for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
12C3927196BC57FD_## =
12C4374E3E620C19_## =
12C49079927981C2_## = Unknown
12CC1C6B6EF48AFB_## =
12CE22313C8DDE4F_## =
12CE28074C83ECA4_## =
12D09E4F3832DAE0_## = Use voice chat.
12D1192FD28818DC_## = Long Range
12D1BEF6ED62DFD2_## =
12D4BC6B38447EE3_## = Tích lũy Tiếu Quân Huy - Nhận ngay skin Butterfly Xuân Nữ
Ngổ Ngáo!
12D59BD7FB5E8EA0_## = Demolition
12D7FB5D05BEE913_## = Thirst
12D8AFAAEC9BB768_## =
12D9AD72EBEB471B_## =
12DAD20D5E375555_## = Long Range
12DE908072C6B304_## = Đây là phần thưởng Săn mục tiêu lớn của bạn, xin mời kiểm
12DFBBD620EB3846_## = Zephys
12E143D0C1F93F61_## = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Get familiar with a new hero's
abilities in Practice Mode.
12E4C3E396839A46_## = Phần thưởng khi chiến đấu chống lại tội phạm. Mở để có cơ
hội nhận Tướng vĩnh viễn/Mảnh tướng/Ruby
12E941B8B285D66B_## = Caped Crusader
12EB9840343227F3_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Payna) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
12EC35B468CCAEDD_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với The Joker {C}/{T} lần
12ECA94C3DD22D59_## = Lumburr
12ED2A60B1688CDA_## = Cooldown
12F09042D224FF84_## = Diamond Dust
12F29236D5A05141_## = Guest Mode Notice
12F2B9D0D30D719B_## =
12F7584015064B2D_## = Red Middle Tower
12FA5EA5C395088A_## = Mời bạn bè chơi game để nhận Ruby miễn phí!
13025F8FACF41B24_## =
130429E3592A7E12_## = Trial Card: Try out Kriknak's skin: Steel
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
13086843E52075B0_## = Đây là phần thưởng Nạp quân huy - Nhận trang phục miễn phí!
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
130DF2A884A28573_## = Tulen
130E98D7F6DCB513_## = 签到图片
13110D714432FB04_## =
13119C24DA4D5084_## =
1311A859DAEEEC36_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Murad) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
13120A5CBDBC35FE_## = Gold
131A9529A2D636CD_## = Những cuộc bạo loạn liên tiếp nổ ra, mau kêu gọi anh em cùng
hành động để ngăn chặn chúng!
131AD63C509E3443_## =
131B99D9FBF0921A_## = Ormarr's skin: Viking
131C5BDC680DD421_## =
131E9052B6BE7D74_## = OK
1320434306763F2D_## =
1322796c325904a0 = 1322796c325904a0_##
132353F7E66F1E3E_## =
1323DE81C66A8527_## = Support
1324F3D2088FDDA4_## =
13255003156705A3_## = Preyta
1327EB13B26D4B1E_## = Tướng Lauriel + trang phục Hỏa Phượng Hoàng
132A528A024E21FA_## = You are playing the game in guest mode. According to our
data, <color=orange>90%</color> of account issues happen while in guest mode, and
data (including purchases) may be lost when deleting the game or changing
devices.\nTo protect your data, we strongly suggest linking with a Facebook
account.\n\nBenefits of linking your account:\n1. Your account is safer and your
progress is synchronized across multiple devices.\n2. You can see which of your
friends are playing Liên Quân Mobile and check their rankings.\n3. Get a Link
Reward Pack (<color=orange>1 Rename Card, 100 Gems, 1 Random Hero Trial
132E2C2B6CDB375D_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
13315B9EA34B8078_## =
13327A04329219A2_## = Ormarr
13343529C6EF0EDC_## = Every time Chaugnar uses Energy Surge, he calls upon chaos
energy to remove all Control Effects, reduce damage taken by 10% and increase
movement speed by 20% for 2 seconds.
13345F864E15E527_## = Ice Queen
1334D317624AAACB_## = Base Damage
1337B76D93067EF2_## =
1339A367DBB2BF45_## = 26.11 - Thưởng đấu đặc biệt
133BAAC25EEC2BE7_## =
133DD366AABCF092_## =
133F38C06364C0E1_## = I'll deal with the upper jungle!
1342FF0B573BDDEA_## = Mage
1345825C76C3CA2D_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 hạng mỗi ngày
134AA67CB76C5331_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
134D3E5A2F8A6475_## = Cybercore
134D6000BFCED828_## =
134EDED26DA449CF_## =
135478ED72B95CFB_## = Trial Card: Try out Grakk for <color=#01d1f8ff>7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this hero.
1356BE104AEDB0B4_## =
1356D0E28F00369C_## =
1357D8AF056F7870_## =
135ACF4414C82553_## =
135B947D0A7F84AE_## =
135DA0818918CC5F_## =
1360095ECF34227C_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Zill {C}/{T} lần
13612CB36A51EC39_## =
136136CC377F05F8_## =
136289A94E9A0C03_## =
13633B855A1E7D9B_## =
136378E664980387_## =
1366B5FFB42406D9_## =
136732ED32EC4AD1_## =
13682FD7CFBD5281_## = Lauriel
136C9E6FE866CC35_## =
136E7E0694570D61_## = Nhận ngẫu nhiên 1 đến 10 Mảnh trang phục
137365F3B6ECF2A2_## =
137395DA3A3225CD_## = obsolete
13743A003D93A451_## =
137549CABB7FBCC9_## = Trial Card: Try out Ilumia's skin: Femme Fatale for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
1375662D247A136E_## =
13762A1FF642C42A_## = "Mankind's only hope during the century-long vampire
war."\n\nValhein was not born a famous vampire hunter. A pious man, he did not
believe in superstitions or folklore. This changed while traveling to Romania to
claim an inheritance left for him. The journey robbed Valhein of the possibility of
a normal life. Helpless and horrified, Valhein could do nothing as Dracula abducted
and murdered his wife. His world shattered, Valhein swore vengeance upon the
nosferatu and his entire species.\n\n"I hereby swear in the name of God that I
shall defeat all the dark powers lurking within the shadows. I will battle the
vampire scourge until my last breath!" A man possessed, this solemn vow became his
singular driving force. \n\nValhein sought out vampires wherever they nested, and
one by one he slew each and every one of them. When the last had crumbled to dust
at his feet, Valhein felt a sudden and certain emptiness. An ethereal voice called
out to him "You have dared to do what few mortals in history could have done. You
have fought back against the creatures of night and triumphed. Yet darkness takes
on many forms, vampires were but one of many." As the voice spoke, Valhein felt
himself renewed. It continued, "Please lend aid, there are other terrors, demons
which only you are capable of vanquishing."\n\nValhein steeled himself for his new
vigil, as a demon hunter.
1377BA44403A43B2_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trướng Throne of Glory của bạn, xin
mời kiểm tra!
137DC4A78EC84B26_## =
138C3D7B30539A29_## = Preyta
1391B50E0A37CC1A_## = Trang phục đón xuân
1394C3E987D542F7_## =
1395BEA9A7848D51_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Payna) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
13964024499E2F7F_## =
139A27B672F36F4C_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
13A1154908E415D9_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nSkin vĩnh viễn
(Grakk Chàng gấu tuyết) / Thẻ thử skin Grakk Chàng gấu tuyết (1 ngày) / Mảnh
skin / Ruby
13AA876FD23C2D37_## = Original
13AAFBCE25458F00_## = Trial Card: Try out Ignis' skin: Flaming for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this skin.
13AEFE1190D2602B_## =
13B30ADDE52A3B8D_## =
13B49BCCC060036B_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK {C}/{T}
13BB73EAC637456B_## =
13BBE505443D894E_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
13BDFE62C263E98F_## =
13C268F80E7A2086_## = <color=#00d5ff>Mission:</color>\nLeave the
13C57F06994905CF_## = Chơi bản đồ 5v5 Miền đất hứa (Thường & Hạng) để nhận ruby
miễn phí
13c692e2bb108093 = 13c692e2bb108093_##
13C72F2618E991E3_## =
13C73C1A827B1343_## = Receive a random 12 hour trial card
13C85AA5C62138D2_## = Unknown
13CAE5C97557D1A5_## =
13CB6DE27BDAA39B_## =
13CBA2A7B1CA2BA3_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
13CE14C0BE0D5BCB_## = Trang phục Teemee: Xiếc cung đình
13CE2ED861AF4E0F_## = Cracked Earth
13CEA48D01F2B883_## = Đây là phần thưởng Thợ Săn tiền thưởng của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
13D09733C2AB599C_## = Các Kiện tướng hãy giữ thật kỹ những mẩu sô cô la ngon lành
này để tham gia sự kiện online cực hấp dẫn nhé. Tích càng nhiều cơ hội đạt giải
sự kiện càng cao, chớ bán nó đi trước 20/02 nhé.
13D13FD8639B4080_## = The Dragoon
13D1D3C2CCF9C3BB_## = Thu thập 2 mảnh Chúc mừng năm mới và Mậu Tuất 2018 để đổi 4
trang phục miễn phí tùy chọn!
13D2E2AAFD058AF1_## = Murad
13D364026847BBC2_## =
13D6559DAB8D13EA_## = On Murad's 4th consecutive normal attack within 3 seconds
(ineffective against buildings), he gains 5% attack damage and releases the seal on
Temporal Turbulence for 5 seconds.
13d6b193df3818cd = 13d6b193df3818cd_##
13E087DA5CBA00C3_## = Chaugnar
13E219B8C24B104D_## =
13E459AF86EE5F67_## =
13E5ADFE378E2BBA_## =
13E91197CE41FA9E_## = Trial Card request
13EA86F1E3DB9A4A_## = Đây là phần thưởng Săn mục tiêu lớn của bạn, xin mời kiểm
13EA8A3175BE6B52_## = Your friend <color=#ffd700>{0}</color> has gifted you a skin:
13EBE531D7DD1778_## = Nurse
13EF3D371B7DD33A_## = Đây là phần thưởng Chơi là có quà của bạn, xin mời kiểm
13EF8CFC33418568_## = Wukong's Disguise
13F0B53C4AC9FA8A_## =
13F0B649A4B2F414_## = Đầu Lân
13FB4FFEE8BC2A6E_## = 妇女节挑战活动
13FC103669D1EDB6_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
1409F1B637F8B6C2_## =
140B76BD2688149E_## = Unknown
140DD1EC00D6A56C_## = Mage
1413B0BFD3482B05_## =
1414ADBD18012D71_## = Unknown
14156FE28C991D2C_## = Unknown
14188101B55564DF_## =
141A246D42FF457B_## = Trial Card: Try out Max's skin: Excelsior for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
141A487EF40EAA0A_## = Victory is near! Destroy the<color=#f6bf17ff> Enemy
141D0A02F6AC8A3C_## =
1420E4D8EABFA64F_## = Diaochan can slow enemies down with Chilling Frost. Use this
ability first, then follow up with Diamond Dust to freeze your enemy, allowing you
to deal further damage and take them out.
142452CAC407A256_## =
142462E267FA45D4_## = Valhein
1424CCFC570412F9_## = Magic Life Steal +0.4%
1426411122D559FB_## =
14272E7C86E2AA4F_## = Heed the call of the hive.
1427A65CD30F63C4_## =
1427CCE5F778017A_## = Piercing
143019ED0E565496_## =
14353FA7B9E41AEA_## = <color=#f6bf17ff>That's some fancy fighting</color>!
1435D0A11EB2D8B0_## = Death Rift
1436630C208BC8B2_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
143CE06994E782CC_## =
1442282D5E08DC74_## =
1442B1E9D76AA48D_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Ignis) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
1445807762D8E8EE_## =
1448D35119149668_## = Tướng Natalya và trang phục Quà quái quỷ
144906C9195B0FEF_## = 马洛斯幽暗冥王体验卡
14491C61AA966528_## = Here are the enemy's<color=#f6bf17ff> Base</color>
and<color=#f6bf17ff> Defense Tower</color>. \nDestroy them to achieve victory!
1449E78AB2306693_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
1449F1ED91025EC2_## =
144B0B930433FE4D_## = Every 3rd normal attack becomes a glaive with an additional
random effect and grants 1 stack of the Hunter buff, which increases 10% movement
speed for 2 seconds and stacks up to 5 times.
14503009122a4204 = 14503009122a4204_##
145089201313D8C6_## =
1457E08440264674_## = Burst
145963907D273444_## =
1460F4FBE518778C_## = Unknown
1462ED5993951CCD_## =
146365D99EB440E7_## = Bodhi
14640D7CF1D47D72_## = Có thể quy đổi tại mục Sự kiện thành 1 trong các trang phục
sau (Vĩnh viễn): Tiệc bánh kẹo (Mina), Quân Đoàn Địa Ngục, Nhà Thám Hiểm, Oán Linh,
Tiệc bánh kẹo (Mganga), Phượt thủ, Thợ săn tiền thưởng, Trò đùa tử vong, Đại tư
tế, Nữ chúa tuyết.
14662E98D97675CD_## =
1466F76C50D2FB11_## = I await your command.
14675D8DAF11262D_## = obsolete+0177bf4f4eb1a763
1468D922C27CB87B_## =
146E180DDE830696_## = Base Damage
146E75A1E7D2B9A9_## = Explosive Arrow
147025D6A29CA191_## =
1471595E6B7028B2_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mừng xuân Đinh Dậu, Lì xì đầy tay: Mời
bạn chơi! của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
1471B40559A889CE_## =
1472F87EA666B8AA_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
147B4E5DF1222030_## = Cơ hội nhận vĩnh viễn/thẻ thử trang phục của cặp tình nhân
lãng mạn nhất trong thế giới Liên Quân!
147CEE17678A227D_## =
1482D04F9F799E7A_## =
148451A53F36FF47_## =
1484AA4C198FF16C_## = Trial Card: Try out Xeniel for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this hero.
148A3828AFB9A0B6_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Lauriel {C}/{T} lần
148E4448D2D64671_## = Used to redeem skin
1490F4AC24FC7049_## = When you use Skud's Wild Beast Fury to fend off the enemy, be
aware of your position as well as the enemy's. This will ensure that the enemy is
pushed back to an ideal location where allies can finish them off.
14915B32F6034153_## =
1494CFA5CA950A00_## = Rương Thời trang Violet
14958C1B2ED0776F_## = Tulen
14978187F9A97E9C_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mừng xuân Đinh Dậu, lì xì đầy tay: Mở
hầu bao! của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
149E3BAFB1E5FEA9_## =
14A824F0FAE50E34_## = Initiator, Control
14B31168A1758AF6_## = Trial Card: Try out Zill for <color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days.
You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this hero.
14B5D4EC4EBF3F10_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
14BBB0B192F8D516_## =
14BBE43AA30F110E_## =
14BCB835B4172FDD_## = Blue Hammer Soldier
14BE4B6151F4C6E0_## = Unknown
14BF56AD3ADA2B99_## =
14BFCE695185815B_## =
14C12DA3289119D8_## = Zill Chest
14C51CF345B131C7_## = Open to receive 1 Hero Trial Card (1 day)
14C6460771606B49_## =
14CA5C7CE37A42E0_## = Violet
14CE751BFC9503E3_## =
14CF8BE8D6E2B03B_## =
14D12616C8E1C1DC_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
14D22B5E4CAB0411_## =
14D8EC21723CCB2F_## = Trial Card: Try out Lu Bu's skin: Cyber Samurai for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
14DD9F79577FE847_## =
14E985032357EF4D_## =
14F4535D890F0A39_## = Tap an empty arcana slot and the available arcana will appear
on the right
14F59302B7984147_## =
14F6224BB1F49F6A_## =
14FBEB710D0998FF_## = Pooty Poots
1501AA5B38946481_## =
15020B4F7163F648_## = Cooldown
150265F381081096_## =
150461B519F0A63E_## =
15063A6096B26416_## = Cresht
1507336981F37CC2_## = 5V5 经验翻倍
1507CB8B1627FE0A_## = Will the real monster killer please stand up?
150A0CC0DB2DB749_## =
150A8E0CF4F7134E_## = Long Range
15120A5CEA5BCF6E_## =
1517710FA4C125DF_## = Great Sage
151a366e275d4324 = Challenger, please tell me<color=#f6bf17ff> your name</color>.
151A7E17AEFBDACF_## = Đây là phần thưởng Săn mục tiêu lớn của bạn, xin mời kiểm
151C2F19EA56D5C0_## =
151D15C13182DDAC_## =
1521230A84CB7900_## =
15216C11D9339F4B_## = Unknown
152414c0fc63bcbb = Ability Wheel\n<color=#827864><size=20>(Default)</size></color>
1525A23231628CE8_## =
1527179FCFD04EA5_## =
1529090A39C388F7_## = Friendship
153169B9DD87C870_## = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Look around before using
<color=#ffd200>healing</color> abilities and talents. They will be interrupted if
you're attacked.
1532CA70F7CABE01_## = After Jinnar uses his spirit orbs four times (normal attacks
or abilities), the next normal attack will fire a spirit orb with a penetrating
effect to deal {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
1533E5EBF433445D_## =
154108339C25A4B9_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
1541A5E657C95B26_## = Base Damage
154291E4B7A10A89_## = 1-20 minutes
1542F0536A3BC432_## =
154B0D9A03CA1B79_## =
154BC26904141F07_## = Trial Card: Try out Butterfly for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
154C16940AAC4A6F_## = You're the best around!
154C1E49D2F88A3F_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
154DFAB37DE0DD73_## = Normal Attack
1550B21E5E26E405_## =
1552F8EA7C99A72E_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
1555A2EBEB20FA5C_## = Congratulations, you are now one step closer to becoming a
true hero!
155621CB0AEB906B_## =
155995B2C495C436_## = Normal Attack
1559F4023C66D4EA_## =
155A1F38508065FC_## = Lucky Ruby Bag
155B5CAB685BFBA3_## = Warrior
155ECFC2DF586449_## = Gói may mắn Maloch
155F49CDDA667D36_## =
155FA7B978C0DD10_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
1562B44463E1AD6D_## =
1567AD6CA0C85AB0_## =
156D2F75515564FB_## = 本週活動精選
156E53465C74D7E3_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Payna để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
156EF40709178BC8_## =
157484ABB27898A6_## =
157B2D060A8D2680_## = Khích lệ đấu hạng
157B581168B273FE_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
157C40EF29C257CE_## =
157d2b1304d66435 = 157d2b1304d66435_##
157D9DB33F08F097_## = Melee
157E8C714CBF4973_## = {3}:{4}:{5} on {0}/{1}/{2}, your report of player
<color=#ffd700>{6}</color> is being validated by the system. We need more
information so we will keep record and continue to follow up. Currently no
punishment will be given to this player. Thank you for your report.
1580A68644601E09_## = Every 4th normal attack knocks the target into the air. Each
time an ability hits an enemy, Nakroth gains {0}% attack speed.
1581D7800BD330EE_## = Natalya
158354FB2D09A8E3_## = Viper
15867C129AE59CFA_## =
1589A5621C73E16D_## =
158A136041659E72_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Chiến thắng)
158E4A4BAD859818_## =
1590D4ABE1235406_## =
15948EE3B30E2C87_## = Do not try to attack multiple enemies by yourself.
15955B70B0762CB0_## = Jinnar
15968D4F704DE8AC_## =
1597A5FE1F3BA781_## = Spin
159B5FA6D573570E_## =
15A073D3B7514759_## = obsolete+e91cd4371b16a517
15A416DCAB58A894_## = 本週活動精選
15A482363E592635_## = Mage
15A549553B9CD7ED_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK {C}/{T}
15A71EA3B3950A87_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
15A7B9BBF54289C1_## = Maloch
15A7BD7E042B40E7_## = Mobility
15ADB111725AA83F_## = Quy đổi ngọc tím cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
15ADC442E9F56B30_## =
15B0D4A7F62447A2_## =
15B25C073C1BB5E1_## =
15BBEF145842A72B_## =
15BD6C58321BA595_## = When Lu Bu was but a boy, a jealous warlord killed his
father, in an attempt to win his mother’s affection. However, when the warlord came
after Lu Bu, his mother fled. The warlord’s men gave chase and Lu Bu’s mother could
not outrun them. Lu Bu’s mother sustained several mortal wounds on her flight, but
her love for her son enabled her to somehow make her way to a river.\n\nA dragon
heard the sobs of Lu Bu’s mother and appeared from the river. The woman begged the
dragon to take her son and protect him. The dragon told her that he could only take
one of his own kind. She begged and pleaded. Finally, the dragon assented. However,
there was an issue; this would curse Lu Bu to share part of his blood with the race
of dragons, and that was not something that should be entered into lightly. With
her dying breaths, Lu Bu’s mother accepted the dragon’s terms.\n\nThe dragon’s
breath of fire vanquished the warlord’s men, and then he vanished with Lu Bu into
the river below. Under the tutelage of the dragon that Lu Bu came to call father,
the boy transformed into a man of some renown. The Dragon Father taught Lu Bu the
ancient ways and arts of combat and tactics and gave him armor that was made from a
dragon’s scales. Lu Bu loved the Dragon Father dearly, but his guardian had
nefarious plans for Lu Bu.\n\nThe Dragon Father preyed on Lu Bu’s hatred of the
warlord that slaughtered his family, and used this anger to poison him against all
humanity. He knew that Lu Bu could become the perfect bridge to his own rule over
the world of man.\n\nWhen Lu Bu was finally released into the world, his first
course of action was to hunt down the warlord. Lu Bu stole out from the riverlands
and descended upon the warlord’s sleeping camp. His might was unparalleled and his
ability to create and manipulate fire allowed him to slaughter every last one of
the men in the warlord’s camp, saving the warlord for last.\n\nAs he approached the
warlord, the man he hated most of all, something quite unexpected happened. A young
handmaiden stepped in front of Lu Bu. She carried with her the grace of the
nightingales and seemed to have the ferocity of a lion. This was Diaochan, the
maiden of whom one day poets would write about. Floored by her beauty and
tenderness, Lu Bu’s heart was no longer his own: it belonged to
Diaochan.\n\nDiaochan convinced Lu Bu to follow her away from this place of death,
and he willingly followed her into an enchanted grove. Diaochan could sense the
fire inside of Lu Bu, and spent several weeks quelling the fires of his rage. As Lu
Bu relinquished his anger, Diaochan realized that her heart was no longer her own:
it belonged to Lu Bu.\n\nThe two lived in peace and happiness for a time, until the
day the Dragon Father descended upon the grove. He was furious that Diaochan had
taken his prize; her meddling had deterred his plans of domination. He reprimanded
Lu Bu in front of his love, demanding that he abandon whatever dreams this harlot
had filled his head with. The Dragon Father commanded Lu Bu to return with him to
the fray to fulfill his destiny.\n\nFor the first time in his life, Lu Bu denied
his adopted father. He had seen rage, and he had seen love, and he chose love. This
disturbed the Dragon Father greatly, and he lamented putting so much into such a
wasted cause. Fire exploded from his nostrils as he pounced on Lu Bu, but the
Dragon Father met his match in the form of the Dragon Born. The Dragon Father was
able to gain the upper hand, briefly, but Diaochan rushed forward to place her hand
upon Lu Bu, and a surge of power flooded his body. Together, they killed the great
dragon, and in doing so earned their freedom.\n\nWhen the smoke cleared, Lu Bu and
Diaochan were left to roam the highlands together. The legend of Lu Bu drew many to
their cause, and he has become one of the greatest warlords in all Athanor. As long
as Diaochan is by his side, he is invincible.
15BF5574096345AC_## =
15BF866FE62D9AE9_## =
15c5e7ab64bf37a4 = Match Found
15C889A9DFEB1971_## = Mganga
15CB65AB1CA76E2A_## = Cooldown
15CC1E418A2C946A_## =
15CEF7E9AB0C3418_## =
15D60CB52738859B_## = Nâng cấp ngọc quý
15D6807D4DA42729_## = Pocket Glaive
15D694F040A8A3D1_## =
15DBCDF30C3E2BDA_## = Tap "minions" to switch targets between minions and Defense
15DC311CA1CB064A_## = 签到图片
15DD9C31FEA47309_## = I reaaaaaaaally want one of these. Will you buy me one?
15E1BC9C0B5E7FF5_## = Murad
15E2BBC5C759E394_## =
15E5C9CF73077A02_## =
15E91C550DC6CF70_## = 签到图片
15F2D338560E7AF8_## = Đây là phần thưởng Chơi tướng D.C - Cơ hội xem phim miễn
phí! của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
15F6EAC248B94133_## =
15F72A7CEC139EAB_## = Tỉnh Vĩnh Phúc
15FACB497A3311BB_## = Batman giftbag
1602E6CA2A50E65A_## = Đây là phần thưởng Truy tìm vinh quang của bạn, xin mời kiểm
1605527741BC841A_## =
16073078C0399FEE_## =
1607B60DFDFA5DD7_## = Nhân dịp Tết dương lịch, hệ thống sẽ tự động +50% Exp nhận
được khi đấu 5v5 Thường. Còn chờ gì nữa, nhanh tay chiến ngay và thăng cấp vù vù
160875E893CC60A0_## =
160AD677E713619E_## = Rend
160D7AC7C589CE01_## = Chìa khóa Lân
160E99FD90701554_## = 26.11 - Đăng nhập giờ vàng
160FDDDF5F1CA57B_## = Ravenous Beasts
1612594EF413E664_## =
1615BAA2B7626390_## = Djinn
16169ec1d1c8e637 = 16169ec1d1c8e637_##
161766A56D70878D_## = Slimz
1617925A6717E36A_## =
1618422C2FF6FA61_## = Đây là phần thưởng Thu thập dấu ấn Murad M-TP (Kiếm Murad)
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
1618f1aaeff27040 = Online
1619ECBDD6CF1533_## = Ryoma's next normal attack unleashes a shadow blade with a
longer range
1619FC3355162727_## = Đấu trường huyền thoại
161abb841bd7ad7 = 161abb841bd7ad7_##
161C6618E9DED722_## = Butterfly
161CCE933BCF5A25_## =
161F8810F1741BE8_## =
16220ACCED214DCC_## = Tap here to put on<color=#f6bf17ff> Arcana</color>, it will
give your hero extra power.
1626E9267986255A_## =
16272FB84B1EC609_## =
162A06B8CA8B7C61_## =
162ED4059A861D3B_## = Unknown
162EE79B88256B9D_## = Zephys
16308450F184BE60_## = Mo' money, less problems.
1631654CA49352EB_## = Ability Power +240 \n[Explosion]
1634175904E2E19E_## =
163578B7D8AB4EF8_## =
1636d00fc2054174 = Friend Request
16381dd3dfbbc7fe = 16381dd3dfbbc7fe_##
163945B4649877E1_## = obsolete
163C42B6447A5CAC_## = HP +1100, Magic Defense +180, Movement Speed +5%\n[Heal]
163D790451CC4754_## =
163E3040682D0698_## =
163E916B36383585_## = Charge Time
163F0778F65176CB_## =
164023F7CEE3D0E6_## =
164140954FE80151_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
164198575CCB9D07_## = Trial Card: Try out Zephys' skin: Halloween Scream
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
164270A10D853082_## =
1643164ED805BBB8_## = 独立日宝箱-拉兹
1644685A3034D2FB_## = The Flash deals additional damage when both dashes of the
Super Speed hit, so you can do some serious damage if you plan ahead and time it
right with Sonicboom.
1645A20DCE21CC5A_## =
164A92181468A45A_## = Master
164FA24289AB745B_## = Reach "Legendary" proficiency with {0} [/0:$(hero|heroes)/]
1654B2D3452C4226_## =
1655C158C0DC2B66_## =
165B550CCE53E435_## = Can you stand the heat?
165C9083407B8DD3_## = Ignis
165CCB9D7C273917_## = Gold I
166031722895AA6C_## =
16624FD0704E4022_## =
16670F0548035E44_## = Sustained Damage
1667D48241BF75DF_## = Tiêu Quân Huy, nhận Gấu tuyết
16697C2014BD060E_## = Unknown
166AA08DCB8ED68F_## =
166B3B4A1CCF4BE6_## = Phoenix
166C761CEECF861B_## =
166E0AB172A7EEE9_## = Trang phục Zill: Dung nham
166F2636F72107C6_## = 签到图片
167014733A250699_## = 好友大作战
1671023175227C0E_## =
16766F8B7F9B0D4A_## =
167840B39425A636_## =
167D1C44F331B237_## = Harass
167F8B9A0BA2A5D4_## =
167FA40735D04549_## = Liliana fires Reiki Shots at an enemy hero, dealing {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to the target and
surrounding enemies.
16839FAD10A9182D_## = Every 5th consecutive normal attack triggers a burst of
arrows, each one dealing <color=#f18d00>{0}</color> <color=#ca3939>physical
1685E3198049A85B_## = Leveling
1686FE47BED1431E_## = <blankspace89>
168AA7B3A6B7599A_## = Arthur
1691343EF96DA8F2_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
1691DB686D68CBD3_## = Tết chưa hết đâu
1693EAB54441ABD0_## =
16973F58B7FBDA72_## = 7 日累積簽到
169AD0E0FEB9837C_## =
169B831203AAC4F1_## = Rương #LQM ngọc
169EF4A9B20BA376_## = Trang phục đón xuân
169FC5C7292C43CE_## =
16A1212EE6BFCA0E_## = 登录送钥匙和宝石
16A2B96EB4C12D94_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Chiến thắng)
16A3276613F1E161_## = 好友大作战
16A47854EB288BA7_## =
16A62CA4B6042EF2_## = Lì xì đặc biệt Năm mới Mậu Tuất 2018.
16A723C6A7970257_## = Unknown
16AD21CA06175AC9_## = Passive Reflect
16B00967E8159E1C_## = 本週活動精選
16B59B2E354AA2C0_## =
16ba255dab4ae78f = Purchase
16BA8E4275915865_## =
16BDF0190DCB775A_## =
16BECB0CFCBB9685_## = Slimz
16BF17D095E54563_## = Airi leaps up and summons a spirit that deals {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> and reduces
enemies' movement speed. Then she strikes the ground, deals the same amount of
damage and stuns affected enemies. She also gains a shield that absorbs {2}
<color=#f18d00>(+{3})</color> damage for every hero hit. Airi is immune to control
effects during the ability, gains a 100% movement bonus that decreases over 2.5
seconds and 30% attack speed for 5 seconds.
16C20A999908868A_## = Don't rush the towers!
16C46E017C2A1EE8_## = Tulen
16C7F661A8770734_## = Cơ hội nhận vĩnh viễn/thẻ thử tướng của những vị tướng anh
hùng trong thế giới Liên Quân!
16C8FF7299460209_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
16CA738DADD190E2_## =
16CD62018B1974FB_## =
16CEADCDCF935494_## = That all you got?
16D1F463ACC840A8_## =
16DE53FCF495FCF3_## =
16E03A5FE4131F64_## =
16E2AA33759781C1_## = Legendary
16e457581df2d9d1 = Congratulations! You're the MVP!
16E57C9F92390BD2_## = Awesome Trial Pack
16E7B1FDD7060103_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
16EA31AB2BEDCBC1_## = Summer Bash
16EBC0E4D9BE3393_## =
16ECC0DFE8246B1E_## =
16EE367BE37B6CC1_## =
16EEE80B1F726C33_## =
16F0B7671196969A_## =
16F1D54BEE287298_## = Increased Healing:\nHP and Mana Regen for 5 seconds
16F65F5FF87185BC_## = Tiêu Quân huy {C}/{T}
16FB7F696F65BD39_## =
16FED2C7E3028A80_## =
170182A80388855C_## =
1704ED426127D70B_## =
17054C8046D28B93_## =
17089906483D96D1_## = Quy đổi ngọc tím cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
1708E1B93881E13E_## = Mina
170C89DF7BE69E1C_## =
170DC5753B784A74_## = Open to get ruby 1-100
17106CCF7BFBB850_## = Real Steel
17140BBFC13708FF_## = First Blood
17143898A2CADDAA_## = Fright Circus
1717688DE08693CF_## =
1717EA9D0B4322EF_## = Quy đổi ngọc đỏ cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
171825A89159A4F9_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
1719A5931635C904_## = Cyber Samurai
172709A85220E125_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
172775DB2C45EE2C_## =
17277E1846A1DB5D_## =
17291830EEDDF013_## = Leave the <color=#f6bf17ff>Base</color>.
172B54BD62F8A9EC_## = Power Glove
172BD78CDC51391A_## = Ilumia fires a divine light in the specified direction, which
explodes upon contact with enemies in range and deals {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>. The divine light
deals double damage and knocks enemies back when it is enhanced by Ilumia's
172D12994DA7BEAA_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
1731D875EDE8C407_## = Invalid auto-translate language.
1732AFD2951416CD_## = Original
1735D6CA1F9EE848_## =
173680E4964CB753_## = Combo thẻ thử Điêu Thuyền 1n
17371B81ED4E7363_## = I'm more than a match for you!
1738F2A746FF5A86_## = Winged Sandals:\nMovement Speed +30% for 30 seconds
173932B27BF308E6_## = The Doomspear
1739E58B15F39A49_## =
173B4A8D22E0EF39_## = Let's set up an ambush.
173BEC68066C3996_## = Đấu trường Huyền thoại
173CC26CF8A56A67_## = Unknown
173D96B2DA56A87D_## = Arthur powers up, raising his movement speed by {0}%. During
his next normal attack, Arthur leaps at his target, dealing {1}
<color=#f18d00>(+{2})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> and slowing
their movement speed by {3}% for 1 second. The enemy hero damaged by this ability
will be marked for 5 seconds. Marked enemy heroes will suffer additional damage
from Arthur's normal attacks and abilities equal to <color=#ca3939>1% of their
maximum HP</color> as <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>. This ability also raises
the movement speed of nearby ally heroes for 5 seconds.
173E70419A4FE008_## = Gem Chest
173ECA2AA20B8C8D_## =
174C66A3573C5AAD_## = 签到图片
174CBB365A0DA7F8_## =
174ECC80E0955F16_## = Melee
1750B5DBC8E52D07_## = Thắng 2 trận 5v5 với người {C}/{T}
1756863A0E8373F2_## = Armor +2.7 \nMagic Defense +2.7 \nCooldown Speed +0.6%
17571F72DC9D5509_## = Thirst
175E81DDBF21E881_## =
175EB10438C18EDE_## =
1763D99079F486C8_## = Maximum Damage
1764760D658863EF_## =
176BCECBA129D0A7_## =
176D9BA6178D881F_## = Trang phục đón xuân
1773AFF99F725608_## = Trang phục đón xuân
17742CBB5BDA1D7F_## =
17797031C275E90E_## = Dragon Master
177D72E1937A5AA5_## = Best kill streak? What's that mean? Did I break it?
177FD66EF309A33B_## =
178341F675581825_## = Gore Lord
178381E201531C3A_## = Unknown
17863F5EC4FB6C56_## =
178667BDDA7E23FE_## = Base Damage
178ACC0F11344ED4_## =
178B455C0043E512_## = Cơ hội sở hữu tướng/trang phục vĩnh viễn chỉ với 15 Quân
178C7E53241A7620_## = <blankspace89>
178CD1BD436CF7C4_## = Sinh nhật Liên Quân (đăng nhập)
178D77B67061A759_## = Base Damage
178EAAFDB8130FD2_## =
178EF1E966818F76_## = Butterfly's skin: Academy
178FE683030A2290_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
1790385C0C7B1A40_## =
1791376552388BCB_## = Lauriel
17932F0615128BCC_## =
179574C4CC547096_## =
179D914CD8634CE9_## = Tham gia sự kiện Tết gắn kết - Anh em chấp hết tại
sukien3.lienquan.garena.vn - Nhận Dấu ấn Tulen và đổi tướng miễn phí!
179edd64769241b8 = 179edd64769241b8_##
17a54f9b06cb7296 = Victories
17A57781F09E18CD_## = Unknown
17A59A1A51FD82EA_## = The blade has evolved.
17A67B2BAAA7372E_## = Amazon Shield
17A6C64BCF1C4938_## = Agent
17AA153E932021D9_## = Melee
17B0BF7B1920B29B_## = Arcana System
17B3798DC2FD37BB_## = Reach Level {0}
17B4986050DB3DAA_## = Obtain {0} [/0:$(hero|heroes)/]
17B4CCFCFBC9425D_## = Mở để nhận thẻ thử 3 ngày của 1 tướng ngẫu nhiên
17BB8B2D4D17B12B_## = Blood Knight
17BC9EE85E3AEDC3_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tiêu Quân Huy - Nhận Xuân Nữ của bạn, xin
mời kiểm tra!
17BE57767AFB213E_## = Lauriel
17be7900829756cd = 17be7900829756cd_##
17BEF9D1BAA97DF4_## =
17C1C4E0249A0AD6_## =
17C25A1C626C336F_## = Voidweaver
17C2B06391B778EE_## = [新英雄-Skud 登場] 愛不釋手
17C3174B9C4A20DF_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Skud để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
17C656DFD4DE637B_## =
17C7E18B2D2C2599_## = Trang phục Toro:\nTrung phong cắm
17C803D6F6C56ACF_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
17C827B6412CE376_## = You get by with a little help from your friends.
17CACE1827EB68FA_## = Skud
17cb056e91ad5dc8 = Constitution
17CC014F7EBD8015_## = Gold Chest
17D2B3C28582B0EC_## = Burst, Finisher
17D47CC11013DBF1_## =
17D649B9636C77A8_## = Đổi quà tặng, nhận rương may mắn Valentine
17D8A76D048C9DE8_## =
17D8C3C30F868384_## =
17DA1E5B23EC68E9_## =
17E00643721F50CA_## =
17E3016E7FAE46F6_## = Krixi
17E89F495727C84E_## = Original
17E9372A131908C3_## = Leatherwing
17ED662594FEC9A3_## = Trial Card: Try out Arthur for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
17EE0AD29005AF1F_## = 签到图片
17F1D1D991377717_## = Unknown
17F2A5E0143FA8BF_## = Diamond V
17FB2D24F7546CA1_## = Tagger
17FCF70A77D2A982_## =
17FDA0BAC0E429B5_## = Tham gia sự kiện Tết gắn kết - Anh em chấp hết tại
sukien5.lienquan.garena.vn - Nhận Dấu ấn Tulen và đổi tướng miễn phí!
18043C7A26F89EAC_## =
180480C561A29CA8_## =
18089E3D86E27145_## = Furious Strike
180BA21A8CE4227F_## =
180BC7FDDC74E1BC_## =
180C0028643065BF_## =
180CAE636E079879_## =
180EB52B5CFAFF58_## =
181414206E87D601_## =
1815E8F098805AF5_## =
1817A22B62D698C5_## = 消费点券活动
181B5A1D1EC451A7_## = Cooldown
181D3B4DAC9FD8B0_## = Sorry about that, my connection was wonky.
1822AE0B77A746BB_## = Trial Card: Try out Zuka's skin: Bodhi for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
1822EAC36D76633D_## =
1826572F472F2EC4_## =
18272DE16BCCD421_## = Thẻ thử tướng Ilumia (1 ngày) + 1 Vé quay Kho báu
1828B46D980F547A_## = 本週活動精選
1828BDC9C825F867_## =
182B9A1D93541463_## = Mời bạn bè cùng chơi để nhận thưởng sự kiện
182E8F2E96AC7BAE_## = Burst, Control
182FB23C2C5EF3D7_## = Blue Altar
183037021D6D286A_## =
183AC694418E81A4_## = Rương ngọc xạ thủ (x4+1)
183AE98ECADEB25E_## =
183C18B2F2534449_## =
183C5A01FE76B67D_## =
183C6E4B4990E24A_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
183CC9A3604ABDAD_## = Lumburr
183E4F7BAC7EC9A6_## =
1841711E4252B0FF_## = Thắng đấu hạng với Krixi {C}/{T} lần
1841F733C92FE71A_## =
1842B919EAEBB37D_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
18504f9236e7dde4 = Please enter a name.
18527C03DE2F76FE_## =
1858EB2D36A12040_## = Tỉnh Sóc Trăng
1859863B6AE830D3_## =
1859CDEF163C0566_## =
185C45C5E44F5894_## =
185c51b4c80717e2 = Events
185CA9FAD5163A07_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi để nhận ruby miễn phí
185fae76366a38b0 = 185fae76366a38b0_##
186214A588134B99_## = 等級達到{T}級
186495117690EE9D_## =
1865266EEB0752D1_## = Tank
1865FA8DEF9EDD83_## = Original
18668dcaa751b120 = Normal attack bonus
18687B0699E2F585_## = Chaugnar trembles and deals {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color>
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to all nearby enemies. Damage increases by 30%
with each cast and stacks up to 2 times. Also reduces cooldown of Energy Surge by 1
1868E8E02DD8C58E_## = Violet
18695BD5E4E813ED_## =
186B9A6D637DBC3F_## = Mở để nhận Bí ngô Ma Quái & Bí ngô Kẹo Ngọt. Mỗi loại bí ngô
có thể sử dụng để đổi 1 trang phục vĩnh viên tự chọn tại mục Sự kiện.
186E82F7BF16DE03_## =
186EF2D14991DA89_## = Max
1871703BA60F4139_## = Rương Tình nhân
1871D459C82F8C5B_## = Trial Card: Try out Alice's skin: Explorer
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
1873F18CFDE3CDF2_## =
1876D71726499936_## = Unknown
187B4B3C1314E23E_## = Airi
187E5DB6DA497AA5_## = Đăng nhập giờ vàng
18815AA5A927AF37_## =
1882FB7CE46309AB_## = Candycane
1884C6B3BD888FD4_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
1885F3F2212FDF8D_## =
18867B27E40C0D22_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
18889C9E0D9C2CAB_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
188D3EEDBAB3A394_## = Melee
188D984652E22CA3_## = Trial Card: Try out Fennik for <color=#01d1f8ff>7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this hero.
188DE6B732DA11FA_## =
188EBB81895E7524_## = Cute, cat-like sound effects
188F8D6DBB5427D9_## =
18929EF89588441E_## =
1896029901DE2A82_## = Hàng ngày đăng nhập để nhận Rương may mắn TOG!
1896EB4AD99D2B83_## = My jungle is mine. The enemy's jungle is ALSO mine!!
18970D0B415CB132_## =
1898E313DC3D1E89_## = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Free to play heroes will change
every week. Use this opportunity to try out different heroes!
18996F46F045BA6F_## = Earth Splitter
1899E6C598CB9963_## = 莫拉武器
189AFB26265613CD_## = Lauriel charges towards the target direction and summons 3
energy orbs to attack nearby enemies, dealing {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color>
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> with each attack. Ability cooldown is reduced
by 4 seconds when it hits enemies.
189DCFF2CE966D8F_## =
189E5BF64814A12A_## = 签到图片
189E6F780D8F2B59_## =
189F9C29CCC67032_## =
18A08A64BC48595F_## = Corpse Bride
18A0DF552598B94C_## = Original
18A6DC47C0D15759_## =
18AB8E9C0B24B0BD_## =
18AB9A0AC2451B0F_## = Tank
18B06FF891633ECE_## = Đấu trường Huyền thoại
18b257ae503b12a1 = 18b257ae503b12a1_##
18B3D4131542CBAB_## =
18B3E1A85F2E2DC4_## = 签到图片
18B6DD5AB428C2A2_## = 7 日累積簽到
18B74BD05003AD64_## = Combo thẻ thử 1n
18C13193AA2D6882_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
18C55952089E240B_## =
18c6dc3e8a5c38a5 = {0} Victory Rewards
18C71D1EFD16890D_## = The Dark Knight
18C829E3D6C9244A_## = The Bull King
18CCD14DA0D66659_## = Open to Receive Slimz and his Demolition Skin
18CD670D3F371832_## = Biker
18D32989BC727637_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi (Mảnh ngọc)
18D6379BA41789D1_## = Maloch has a longer attack range than other melee units. When
his weapon is enchanted, his normal attacks deal <color=#f18d00>{0}</color>
<color=#f3b74a>true damage</color> instead of physical damage and restore {1}% of
his lost HP.
18D7853C014E85DC_## =
18D7CB68667FE808_## = Murder Clown
18D96AE5B6B6FCA3_## = Sử dụng các tướng Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman hoàn tất 1
trận đấu thường trong chế độ 5v5 để tham gia sự kiện. Chi tiết sự kiện xem tại
trang chủ
18d9ba7a4e162aed = 18d9ba7a4e162aed_##
18D9C9FA26CC6B72_## =
18DA262345C70FD5_## = Đón Xuân mới - Khuyến mãi nạp thẻ mỗi ngày!
18da46050ab078a4 = Move the left stick along.
18DBCD1C2F89BC97_## = 7 日累積簽到
18DD60A044B53932_## =
18DDA90F2D8D8B2E_## =
18DF308A672031E5_## =
18DFE01C617103A0_## =
18E02FA11B17E095_## =
18E13374EA16A01C_## =
18E18C96B79D008A_## = Butterfly
18E49A13D6E6E688_## = Marksman
18E5DF5DC9BA2CC8_## = Open to Receive Raz and his Zulu Warrior Skin
18E84F9200544CAE_## = For honor and righteousness!
18E8E69D108D1162_## =
18EE08B7B9F03FC1_## = Invincible
18EF64E326E34185_## =
18F326BD5FD0DEFC_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Zill để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
18F44CFC264B63ED_## =
18F5BB4B6081535D_## = Murad
18F5D4CEAB8865E4_## = Explorer Alice
18FAF952836037A9_## =
18FFBF22F1C0041B_## = Cleaving Claymore
19011FC545467E12_## =
1902CA645479F1F6_## = Control, Harass
1903278E034B15CF_## = Double Gold Card: \n1 day
1903297B07B32196_## = Zephys' passive allows him to keep fighting even with very
low HP. Purchase equipment that boosts his survivability. Death's Flurry causes a
lot of damage, but make sure to aim it properly to deal as much damage as possible
to multiple enemies.
19052FB443F94BC3_## =
1906147B687DDA31_## =
19063BFE68781AAF_## =
19064007E937ACEE_## = Red Outer Tower
190A13CE62450574_## =
190A934F48DCE029_## = Forearm Strike
190B73159096B0AB_## =
190BA327115AF665_## =
190F695FB4A63296_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Mortos + trang phục Đại gia Xương
190F7B698470127D_## =
19105D0A795C3A8C_## = Every 5th consecutive normal attack triggers a burst of
arrows, each one dealing <color=#f18d00>{0}</color> <color=#ca3939>physical
19154B9528ECF70E_## = Trial Card: Try out Chaugnar's skin: Imperium Guard for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
1915B538EF43D41A_## = Trial Card: Try out Skud's skin: Linebacker for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
1917CE8E0EC43524_## = Base Damage
1918E7CFC4A434E7_## = That all you got?
191946C4209B3DE2_## = Đây là phần thưởng Săn mục tiêu lớn của bạn, xin mời kiểm
191A86EA15B02EAF_## = I'll gank top.
191B842FCE3D65E6_## = Hook Wars
191c5fdd68bc393e = Your rating reward
191C9474B40C434C_## =
192001F2A1CBEDC6_## = Vé kho báu (4+1)
1920a6b562ddcbdc = 1920a6b562ddcbdc_##
1920B2E9AA652FBD_## =
19217B843F1A404D_## =
192190CD70ED25D5_## =
1922CFFAD5277CA5_## = Combo thẻ thử 1n
192371BF96C276F1_## = Base Damage
192404FC65899E90_## = Đây là phần thưởng 26.11 - Tích lũy chiến công của bạn, xin
mời kiểm tra!
19252C4373EDFAD9_## =
192880FB04C302CD_## =
1929CAE64E1047E7_## = Unknown
192A38D140E62834_## =
192BF982FA35446A_## = There Goes My Hero
1931114C2367ACBC_## =
193AC936342C8083_## = Trial Card: Try out Fennik's skin: Propeller for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
193DABF39849E1EB_## = Đây là phần thưởng Săn mục tiêu lớn của bạn, xin mời kiểm
193E37CC43A95AE2_## = Unknown
1940565D819F26E3_## =
194262432C9AE1E4_## = Life Steal +1% \nMagic Defense +4.1
19468D502AC51F1E_## =
194b70452ab90fe7 = Tip: Use these functions to<color=#f6bf17ff> quickly
194B75CAF13ECA50_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
194C07467E351F17_## = Each normal attack reduces Spin cooldown by 1 second on hit.
194E4A41C86E7258_## =
194ED434DDDE06FB_## =
1953715D9CBCD10E_## =
1957698986A8286D_## =
1958772341AD279E_## =
1958DF3773CA168B_## = Blue Inner Tower
195CAA9BEE6E7872_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Skud)
195D283FC66504F9_## = End Zone
196169B5758EBC09_## =
196265C7B878A72D_## =
19692B6DF9BB5865_## = Prep School
196B318E8A1D656A_## =
196FF5074E7D67C1_## = Tham gia mỗi ngày để nhận mảnh ghép năm mới và đổi lấy cơ
hội sở hữu bộ đôi trang phục giới hạn Long kỵ sĩ và Nghệ nhân Lân!
19764F4873658F3B_## =
1976FDD94357B9CB_## =
19773A7C72AC31AC_## = Thu thập Bánh Chưng và Đầu lân để đổi thưởng Tết mỗi ngày
1978344E5B23F158_## =
19784FF267167466_## = Nhận ngẫu nhiên từ 1-50 mảnh trang phục! Đặc biệt từ 10.1 -
16.1: cơ hội nhận 1 trang phục MIỄN PHÍ!
19786D9E31AF0998_## =
197FB1496EB4CE76_## = Never Give Up
1983D7D46ACB126D_## =
1987BBCA0949702E_## = Unknown
198C5002AE913AB3_## =
198CABC2F5DC6E3C_## = Fox Form
198D02DD6AF5D4DB_## = Auto-translate disabled.
198E954D6B8EF665_## =
198E9F5839CC5CF6_## =
198F9AC54D0CE49A_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
19907B8FBE5047C2_## = Rương may mắn Tết
19948276F1A23497_## = Obtain <color=#D99114>Max Output</color> in Quick or Ranked
Match to increase Honor Points for <color=#D99114>Chaos Spear</color>. \n\nWhen
enough points are accumulated, you can obtain the <color=#D99114>Chaos
Spear</color> Badge.
199680B37819C165_## = Unknown
199B0C924C35BDA6_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
199F223C7EFD718B_## = Burst
19A0F563E6C2F319_## = Cooldown
19A211DB77F9F073_## = Fragment unused<color=#f6bf17ff> Arcana</color>
to<color=#f6bf17ff> get Arcana Fragments</color>
19A293CEC2553D14_## = Watch out<color=#f6bf17ff> for the brush</color>! Enemies
waiting in ambush can appear at any time!
19A90B3475128CE2_## =
19AA389D33C8BF14_## = "Mankind's only hope during the century-long vampire
war."\n\nValhein was not born a famous vampire hunter. A pious man, he did not
believe in superstitions or folklore. This changed while traveling to Romania to
claim an inheritance left for him. The journey robbed Valhein of the possibility of
a normal life. Helpless and horrified, Valhein could do nothing as Dracula abducted
and murdered his wife. His world shattered, Valhein swore vengeance upon the
nosferatu and his entire species.\n\n"I hereby swear in the name of God that I
shall defeat all the dark powers lurking within the shadows. I will battle the
vampire scourge until my last breath!" A man possessed, this solemn vow became his
singular driving force. \n\nValhein sought out vampires wherever they nested, and
one by one he slew each and every one of them. When the last had crumbled to dust
at his feet, Valhein felt a sudden and certain emptiness. An ethereal voice called
out to him "You have dared to do what few mortals in history could have done. You
have fought back against the creatures of night and triumphed. Yet darkness takes
on many forms, vampires were but one of many." As the voice spoke, Valhein felt
himself renewed. It continued, "Please lend aid, there are other terrors, demons
which only you are capable of vanquishing."\n\nValhein steeled himself for his new
vigil, as a demon hunter.
19af75b2a85f14de = 19af75b2a85f14de_##
19B0368F47657377_## =
19B129C67C7BC014_## = Butterfly
19B7A6D4D2BAAD00_## =
19B7F2D49F628CA1_## = Max fires trackers that attach to all enemy heroes for a
short time. The trackers allow allies to see the enemies' locations and interrupt
enemy recall actions. While the trackers are active, Max can then select an enemy
to track and ram into by holding down the ability button. Ramming into the enemy
deals {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> and
knocks them back. If Max takes too long to select an enemy, then he will have to
fire the trackers again. When Max lands, he activates a magnetic force field that
reduces his damage taken, increases his resistance by 30%, and shocks all nearby
enemies. Pressing the ability again while Max is tracking an enemy will cancel the
attack, making Max land immediately and activate his force field.
19B8638E6D6EB8E2_## =
19B9CC7C2E9EE514_## =
19B9F521A0F02610_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với tướng chỉ định {C}/{T} lần
19BCD8569FBBA754_## = Đấu trường Huyền thoại
19C02E1BF3B8F677_## = Trial Card: Try out Ignis' skin: Flaming for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this skin.
19C6E169E6D8BF92_## =
19CC5183E7BFDEFB_## =
19CD6D5348F184F4_## = Natalya
19CDEC91B542A12A_## = Contains 10 Gems, 1300 Gold and 1 lvl 2 Arcana: Cyclone
19D081D59E28CC44_## = Rương vinh danh (tướng)
19D0CB0C55CF26C2_## =
19D2319304369657_## = Summer Bash
19D38F3028E69C47_## = You did not earn very much gold this match.
19D4BEEC6A86AD41_## = Săn mục tiêu lớn
19D79013BAE8C596_## =
19D92FD79EDB1CDB_## = Đây là phần thưởng Chơi là có quà của bạn, xin mời kiểm
19DAAA65C230C9E0_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
19DBB69EF4ADC087_## = 26.11 - Tích lũy chiến công
19DC734F17DC4964_## =
19DCE28BEE982198_## =
19E102F762EFF269_## = The Pistol Assassin
19E180532BAFF495_## =
19E3DE190835A051_## = Unique Passive - Soul Prison: On dealing damage, reduces
target's HP regeneration by 50% for 1.5 seconds. If this is triggered by normal
attacks, the duration is extended to 3 seconds.
19EB6645540D0B2E_## =
19EC61E46486FC65_## = Road to Glory
19ED294049677FCB_## = Tiêu Quân Huy - Nhận Xuân Nữ
19EE25C891D7785B_## =
19F589846514D766_## =
19F93FD5811DFD03_## =
19FA25E4CB6704EF_## =
1A0011899FCF0011_## =
1A007892C1ADA155_## =
1A01311118AD53B7_## =
1A0A88A56488EF85_## = Temporal Turbulence can only be triggered by landing
continuous normal attacks, so focus and make sure all those attacks make contact.
Triggering Murad's passive gives him a burst in damage output, so make sure he is
not under any control effects when it's about to trigger.
1A0ED1EBC249EFF6_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
1A100801C0DFBB3F_## = Base Damage
1A1208FA0ED0C430_## =
1A123E245A63F73C_## =
1A14AC52140ACCFA_## = Congratulations, you are now one step closer to becoming a
true hero!
1A194D4184E882C6_## = Trial Card: Try out Raz's skin: Zulu Warrior for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
1A194FE9CC36A303_## =
1A1A2FCF267F7A50_## = 本週活動精選
1A1A4C5470CF94FA_## =
1A1A746BB47CB395_## =
1A1B2EB8718D822B_## = Rương may mắn ngọc
1A22F7DB13AA0C40_## =
1A234E0013DBDC6E_## = Base Damage
1A24D0ABF70DD0A2_## = Batman bundle
1A2B82B2CD4DE630_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
1A2C587CCB6A079E_## = Unknown
1A2DEF65AF819942_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Kriknak + trang phục Bọ cánh bạc
1A2FC9136B6A8D15_## =
1A378D2B8FF7A8C0_## =
1A3F7673FDF175BB_## = Unknown
1A40C4F572567647_## =
1A46B6DFDBE7B63E_## = Demolition
1A4733FB91F19156_## =
1A473AFC75F78612_## =
1A4822B020C3A14D_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Murad + trang phục Thợ săn tiền thưởng
1A4B8DBDD114578A_## = 妇女节挑战活动
1A4D368E1F31BFE2_## = 签到图片
1A4D3AC56A509039_## = Cooldown
1A501C12BDE4BD89_## = Original
1A51B82DCD02933B_## =
1A56187A42E9F850_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
1A56A70F2322186C_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
1A59EAB43B79F4D0_## = Trial Card: Try out Lu Bu's skin: Dread Knight
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
1A5CBF348F70E52E_## =
1A5CE4C830D15D10_## = Enter<color=#f6bf17ff> Bot Match</color>
1A5FD7654E773962_## = Thu thập chìa khóa để kết hợp với Rương khóa bí ẩn và đổi
thưởng trong phần Sự kiện
1A601BD1B00D624B_## = Beginner
1A6190FCA4087CBC_## = "We might not be able to take care of the problem, but we can
take care of the person who brought it up."\n\nPeople may have forgotten that
Aleister, the infamous crook, was once a candidate for the Temple of Light. With
Yorn the Hotshot, they were hailed as the Sons of Light at the time and had the
most potential to be fully inducted into the Temple. Despite Aleister's
intelligence, he didn't possess a strong will and he fell into the darkness due to
Veera's charm.\n\nThough on a different note, Aleister's brilliance had a huge
impact on the war. His endless tricks and traps helped the Fallen to defeat the
resistance forces time after time.\n\nTo eliminate the master think tank behind the
dark power, Yorn left glory behind and led an elite team deep into enemy territory
to assassinate Aleister. His near-perfect plan was foiled by Aleister, who turned
the tables on him and nearly trapped him in the abyss forever.\n\n"Are you smart
enough to go up against me?"
1A625D7F4AE6E35E_## =
1A64C2959EC49C65_## = Raz
1A677B97725D7A99_## =
1A67DD4EA211BF98_## = 赢得排位送符文碎片
1A6A25B0F68CABD9_## = Cơ hội sở hữu các sát thủ siêu HOT và bộ ngọc sát thủ chỉ
với 15 Quân Huy
1A6DD0A2D11AC9FD_## =
1A794DAA340BC940_## =
1A7A97ED8223D9EF_## = EXP +100% for your next Win in a match (excluding custom
matches and 1v1 bot matches). Can be paired with a Double EXP Days Card for EXP
1A8000AA4BF194F3_## = Turn it off in "Settings".
1A80996FA4A1EF02_## = Nhận ngẫu nhiên 11 đến 20 Mảnh trang phục
1A8913A3019F5EA4_## = Tỉnh Thái Bình
1A8BDC89D31B2960_## =
1A8E58CC45E394BE_## = Unknown
1A8FC6E1540641CE_## = Astral Spear
1A9163419287D56A_## = Papillon
1A955620C0EC8B23_## = Mũ Santa
1A95C95501B02EE9_## =
1A98C6BDC96E33E1_## =
1A9A34EA66E34EDF_## =
1A9C10F3D6C30FB4_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
1A9E46D2D45A113F_## = Battle Help
1A9FDC7F87F24E23_## = Original
1aa33a7e7092578a = Update
1AA4AC88742DB208_## = Movement Speed
1AA5D3AFF8347859_## =
1AA68011F2960B80_## =
1AA91AD12F2B3831_## =
1AA9DCE859813BDF_## =
1AACEAB848C8C0B8_## =
1AB155B78A7B2F65_## =
1AB1CC0B8F58B11A_## = Frostbite
1AB27BF5B22057D3_## = Level 3 Arcana Chest
1AB50C5E68C9B6C3_## = Mở để nhận vĩnh viễn 1 trong 7 tướng HOT nhất Liên Quân với
giá đặc biệt ưu đãi. Mỗi người chỉ một cơ hội mở duy nhất!\nLưu ý nếu đã sở hữu
tướng vẫn có thể mở ra trùng, hệ thống sẽ tự quy đổi sang số Ruby tương ứng.
1AB5C229CE978BC2_## =
1AB94A41542931A0_## = Taunt
1ABC3DE01616ABE1_## =
1abca1cc7f88a7d = 1abca1cc7f88a7d_##
1ABD2345707B130A_## = Red Inner Tower
1AC39BCF9A910297_## =
1ACA01C5A62CD795_## = Khích lệ đấu hạng
1ACCD0F32C6E9AEF_## = Zill
1ACDFE5021D3B7A6_## = Unknown
1ACF081A5EEB6A36_## = Congratulations! You have obtained an<color=#f6bf17ff>
1ACF544A65DACC8E_## = Trial Card: Try out Lauriel's skin: Phoenix
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
1AD492A0F14312AC_## = Tap here to attack<color=#f6bf17ff> the enemy</color> nearest
to you first
1ADA9209A6B8BB37_## = Original
1ADAE7C786DAAF21_## = 签到图片
1ADC4E18A42D4095_## = mở ngẫu nhiên 5-10 Ruby, hoặc một ngọc cấp I/II
1ADC9F2D8F4CBE24_## =
1ADD37E6EE90E5B6_## = 7 日累積簽到
1AE106855234D638_## =
1AE3B28608A116F1_## = Krixi
1AE49F01745B93B5_## =
1AE610FBEAA2704A_## = Sustained Damage, Control
1aec5e63478be606 = 1aec5e63478be606_##
1AEF52DB76FDF767_## = Let the cold consume you.
1AF186376BFC9B80_## = Rock Shield
1AF306B6A9D7B9D1_## =
1AF3FB89C4F01988_## =
1AF96384F0A794E9_## = Sonicboom
1AF9B27016CBE8C7_## =
1AFCDB373F34AEF1_## = Mage
1AFE85281AA953EF_## =
1AFE8EE8E94D1033_## =
1B056C060E19674B_## = The Killing Joke
1B088D5F0678C9E3_## = Viking
1B0B2F8814381912_## = Stop the enemy from taking down our towers.
1B0E4948ACB3A33F_## =
1B0F7CF34E3C977D_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 mỗi ngày
1B121C90D1866FBB_## =
1B127B1CA082D485_## = Đây là phần thưởng Nạp Quân huy - Nhận Núi quà của bạn, xin
mời kiểm tra!
1B1486337AE589C2_## = Cooldown
1B14E56D27A8A826_## =
1B17AD6B7A1C6757_## = Peura
1B1868963D1375E0_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
1B2054ECFA85F647_## =
1B2EE1A637107F0F_## = Bodhi
1B2F4BD1178B64FF_## =
1B3D1A683FBD9226_## =
1B4107701C560960_## =
1B4BB55D78D84752_## =
1B4C63812C2B92DD_## = Assassin
1B4EAC485F18AC46_## =
1B4FAB3808AC8362_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
1B5319C43820D96C_## = Control, Sustained Damage
1B56B79FA20817EB_## = Đấu trường Huyền thoại
1B58ED2E415AD834_## = After exiting battle, The Joker reloads his gun with enhanced
bullets so that his next normal attack deals bonus 200
<color=#f18d00>(+{0})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> and increases
attack range. The enhanced bullets also reduce the target's movement speed by 90%
and gradually weakens over 1.5 seconds.
1B5DCD3594D3EE82_## = That all you got?
1B5E5126C23C8728_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
1B5F1DBD95E2332F_## =
1B600DF24D6D4671_## = Burst
1B6ADD299FC89200_## =
1B6DB6604DC8E37F_## = Welcome to Liên Quân Mobile!
1B6F6599AD4BD21E_## = Base Damage
1B6FAF7CF38195FE_## =
1B719854D23AFAC5_## = ProPlayer Suggestion
1B71E3E446A5FF61_## =
1B745B94FACA5EDF_## =
1B74C29A0ECF453E_## = Trial Card: Try out Jinnar for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
1B755094DD8A008E_## =
1B7761285967580E_## = Activation Damage
1B790247B94418F9_## =
1B795F59475B55FC_## = Unique Passive - Hunter: Deals 30% extra damage to monsters
and receives 30% more experience from killing monsters.
1B7ADA73DD2BE9B0_## =
1B8127E5B187A3AC_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Chiến thắng)
1B826BFA49CE8DC1_## =
1B862E01558BE48C_## = Trial Card: Try out Azzen'Ka for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this Hero.
1B8B3E6381BFDC9A_## = Attack Damage +0.9
1B8D0A4BE755F4B5_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
1b8da985af41426f = 1b8da985af41426f_##
1B90B48541393D85_## =
1B9595B581FA5D23_## = Matches
1B9929ED0F0B7366_## = Airi
1B99A6540555294B_## = Level 3 Chest
1B9F21D4E20F7F3A_## =
1b9f8eb837ee7b0c = 1b9f8eb837ee7b0c_##
1BA07DD7EF7777FA_## = Đây là phần thưởng Truy tìm vinh quang của bạn, xin mời kiểm
1BA0B8725C1FE393_## =
1BA6AB5C4E35C370_## =
1BA978D72BA7F82F_## =
1BB2161BF5B8F27F_## =
1BB3439EB1FF7276_## = 7 日累積簽到
1BB3EDC6F824FB46_## = Event offer
1BB8E767D7B740C7_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
1BBD56B9A97D976A_## = Batman
1BBF3B0AF43B5EC7_## = KM -35% combo Tulen
1BC5D689B71F1F8B_## =
1BCD931707AE694D_## = TeeMee
1BD3BA56F22AFADC_## =
1BD479F4F45DBD73_## =
1BDB62882B90FE54_## = The Reaper Queen
1BDF3B3F1FACC543_## =
1BDF637F19852B26_## = Controlled enemies for\n<size=30>{0}</size> seconds
1BE04BAD58457DCC_## =
1BE56962C715203C_## = Batter
1BE714356F8718E6_## = Vigor
1BE9210EED66CE3B_## = Candycane
1BE98D5F5602032E_## = Blue Defense Tower
1BEA3239DC261AB5_## = Nether Drake
1BEA3CAA81B88C65_## = Not Available
1BED2119D55E9380_## = Trial Card: Try out Zanis for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
1BEE86055FA7E165_## = Shadow
1BEEF7E070EDB0E4_## = Red Gunner
1BF06E321DD7FDEF_## = Triumphant
1BF14352D6A100A3_## = Thẻ thử tướng + skin (3n)
1BF2C88D1CB543AD_## = Lumburr
1BF35E97A53799AB_## =
1BF3933731A14426_## = Sword & Shield
1BF3C806ABC6BDBE_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Ormarr + trang phục Cựu chiến binh
1BF4406D679D93B3_## = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Check out different hero skins in
the Hero Menu.
1BF91936B08135E0_## = <blankspace89>
1BF95E6149D585EF_## = Normal Attack
1BFC7D3DE0252FBE_## = Thane's name is seemingly written on the first page of every
book on human history. Not only did he break the dark reign, but he was also the
pioneer of technology. In a time when faith was scarce and demons ran amok, humans
used technology to break away from being ruled by demons and became their own
masters.\n\nFrom a refugee that could barely protect himself to a king that
everyone admires, Thane has undergone arduous training, has seen dead bodies
covering battlefields, has slain countless demons and has lost countless friends.
But Thane never gave up, and he always led his troops through dark times, clinging
onto glimpses of hope when there was almost none.\n\nOn the day of his ascension to
the throne, he earned enormous respect from his people. Even though the Temple was
wary of his rise, and dubious politics overshadowed the capital, people still
believed that Thane would be the one to lead them to a bright and peaceful
future.\n\nThat's why Valhein, The Demon Hunter, brought his people from afar and
swore fealty to Thane.\n\nThat's why Astrid, The Indomitable, risked the honor of
her family and cleared the way for Thane to become king.\n\nThat's why Raz, The
Fist, became a spy and formed the resistance in an enemy camp.\n\nHuman fighters
have decided to stop fighting against each other and unite under Thane, combining
their strengths to create a tidal wave that will push history forward and drive the
demons back to their abyss. When a savage beast learns self-control, even gods
should be afraid. Throughout all of this, Thane has kept his head cool, because
when the horn of war is blown, he will lead the charge.\n\n"With this sword in my
hand, I will vanquish all evil!"
1BFDD853C30062BE_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
1C000C9EB7DE44E2_## =
1C030B150FD49119_## = Trial Card: Try out Krixi for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day.
You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
1C03414D1E65D50A_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
1C057A81EAB80372_## = Leatherwing
1C09BB19BD54CC75_## = Death Rift
1C0AF6B4718756E5_## =
1C103B6FE38BE217_## = 签到图片
1C12AB832E22BCF8_## =
1C14AE3C7C163F3E_## = Fiery
1C1546DFC7A2897E_## = Đá tiến hóa - Nakroth Siêu việt
1c188ff73e4fa1fd = obsolete+6c86b228937538d9
1C19A2E8F6DA3DB8_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Airi để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
1C1E921B0BDA9B52_## =
1C20BE842FE2FCB3_## = Hàng ngày chơi 5v5 đấu thường với 1 trong những tướng sau
để nhận Rương may mắn TOG: Nakroth, Preyta, Maloch, Alice, Ormarr, Airi, Zuka,
Zephys, Raz, Taara
1C2186FBED34127A_## = Rare Violet Skin: Tagger
1C22347520A936CB_## =
1C23A3716E4E8FFD_## = Long Range
1C250D4BD5F25A2D_## = TOG 精选阵容宝箱
1C2ABBD69666C97B_## =
1C2E32FA12465A6F_## = Tidal Rage
1C30110BE655A51B_## = Quy đổi ngọc lục cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
1C3CEA5CA0F8D283_## = 签到图片
1C407BD5B7CEE6C4_## = Thane's name is seemingly written on the first page of every
book on human history. Not only did he break the dark reign, but he was also the
pioneer of technology. In a time when faith was scarce and demons ran amok, humans
used technology to break away from being ruled by demons and became their own
masters.\n\nFrom a refugee that could barely protect himself to a king that
everyone admires, Thane has undergone arduous training, has seen dead bodies
covering battlefields, has slain countless demons and has lost countless friends.
But Thane never gave up, and he always led his troops through dark times, clinging
onto glimpses of hope when there was almost none.\n\nOn the day of his ascension to
the throne, he earned enormous respect from his people. Even though the Temple was
wary of his rise, and dubious politics overshadowed the capital, people still
believed that Thane would be the one to lead them to a bright and peaceful
future.\n\nThat's why Valhein, The Demon Hunter, brought his people from afar and
swore fealty to Thane.\n\nThat's why Astrid, The Indomitable, risked the honor of
her family and cleared the way for Thane to become king.\n\nThat's why Raz, The
Fist, became a spy and formed the resistance in an enemy camp.\n\nHuman fighters
have decided to stop fighting against each other and unite under Thane, combining
their strengths to create a tidal wave that will push history forward and drive the
demons back to their abyss. When a savage beast learns self-control, even gods
should be afraid. Throughout all of this, Thane has kept his head cool, because
when the horn of war is blown, he will lead the charge.\n\n"With this sword in my
hand, I will vanquish all evil!"
1C438A4F1272B6DD_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
1C441EC4C703C1FA_## =
1C44B8C10788523A_## = 妇女节挑战活动
1C46336AB1565AEA_## =
1C483620D1AB331A_## =
1C4BBBADD75CB967_## =
1C4C2DC6407DB144_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
1c4edb3dd47708e4 = Full
1C5358E9028A1CA8_## = Mở để nhận ngẫu nhiên 1 trong 7 vị tướng siêu HOT của Liên
Quân Mobile. Lưu ý: Nếu đã sở hữu tướng vẫn có thể mở ra trùng, hệ thống sẽ tự
quy đổi ra số Ruby tương ứng.
1C53868BA53DFED5_## =
1C54CE910F12348C_## =
1C571D9D0C086634_## = 7 日累積簽到
1C5AE6DA94FACC67_## =
1C60D5268B2C8815_## =
1C61D4781A0FD037_## =
1C6229CB2CC0A3E1_## = [新英雄-Ilumia 登場] 愛不釋手
1C64346A8ACD8FDB_## = Đây là phần thưởng Chào năm mới 2018 (Chơi game) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
1C643685C45693B3_## =
1C696BAA3EDBCB0E_## = Trang phục đón xuân
1C6D434DF381CD48_## =
1C7070A947848783_## =
1C72833216F4D3E3_## =
1C7322134002C714_## = Butterfly
1C73AE058FEAE3CC_## =
1C75BC3C26A918FB_## =
1C7898978312A5E0_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
1C79E756DE4DC513_## = Airi
1C7A722D51041B52_## =
1C7D01D2DE039EC4_## = Max
1C7D5D0C0F7EA672_## =
1C817359108A27C8_## = Propeller
1C841CE3FDE31447_## = Mage
1C876930C24FF5ED_## = Maximum Damage
1C88819C022D5234_## = Ranked Match Special
1C8B765ED66D86EB_## = Unknown
1C8FFF5851556CC5_## =
1c92b3ec7f2941cc = 1c92b3ec7f2941cc_##
1C978EDEDCD2C3E2_## =
1C988B3F8DD27478_## =
1C98E03861F882FA_## =
1C9AD365F637C593_## =
1C9C9652BFC06410_## = Walking Tall
1C9F64BD46C827B6_## = Tap the <color=#f6bf17ff>"+"</color> button next to your
first ability to learn <color=#f6bf17ff>Bloody Hunt</color>.
1CA2771346D433D7_## =
1CA2B5CC6A82E047_## = Pay attention to the team composition.
1CA4C279EDD0FB6D_## = 本週活動精選
1CA74A62F829C2ED_## =
1CAC1F7D1897E05E_## =
1CB0A358D60864A4_## =
1CB0D99FBEBC3D97_## = Lindis
1CBEFF3C17F3EB3A_## = Trial Card: Try out Yorn's skin: Midnight
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
1CC175CCE653C5DB_## =
1CC1DE85A5717242_## = Arduin summons a shield that has 12% of his own maximum HP,
which lasts for 5 seconds. When the shield is summoned, Arduin deals {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to surrounding
enemies. Within 8 seconds of summoning his shield, Arduin's next 3 normal attacks
deal an additional <color=#f8be32>{2}</color> <color=#f3b74a>true damage</color>,
and each time his normal attacks damage an enemy, the cooldown time for Cull is
reduced by 1 second.
1CC75C2FDD47BF7C_## =
1CC839C9FDFE887D_## =
1CC921F06C14E187_## = Cooldown
1CCFE0738FE35EDB_## =
1CD263395B58C8C8_## = Starlight
1CD2BBC051B9AF7D_## =
1CD5BF799DE476FF_## =
1CD67BEC27336FA8_## =
1CD8E92A50313F07_## =
1CDB8B35AEFA8434_## =
1CDC924799FAE4E6_## = Base Damage
1CE51C0B7BAB5CF9_## = Trial Card: Try out Maloch's skin: Count for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this skin.
1CE6E80FF2569D04_## =
1CE8F965FC70CEDB_## =
1CE95453C8AB86B9_## =
1CE97395004CC9AD_## = Protect
1CEAC638A95E395E_## =
1cee01f170aa5070 = 1cee01f170aa5070_##
1CEE5786E2C8A567_## =
1CF1118721BE7D20_## = Minions of<color=#f6bf17ff> both sides</color> are going to
engage in a fierce battle!
1CFB3DA874EEC851_## =
1D02D61773A23F66_## =
1D09D7F2318B9B2C_## =
1D0B36E47DFC7485_## =
1D0BAA2CFF04FB99_## =
1D0C3BCAC39A054A_## = Ilumia
1D0E839F2F271345_## =
1D0E8DE6EDCDAA99_## = Trial Card: Try out Butterfly's skin: Technoblade for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
1D0EB1A33C73E7A1_## = Unique Passive - Flame Magic: Deals 90 (+5 per level) magic
damage to nearby enemies every second (deals double damage to minions and
1D0EBCF72DAE7320_## =
1D0F6541839498AF_## =
1D112DFB94AE1FAB_## = Chơi bản đồ 5v5 Miền đất hứa (Thường & Hạng) để nhận ruby
miễn phí
1D14E20FAF1347FA_## = Túi Ruby may mắn
1D1B430C45C63B59_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
1D1BD4FEE6150078_## = Đây là phần thưởng Săn mục tiêu lớn của bạn, xin mời kiểm
1D1C97E9F86D045B_## =
1d1d1837660fc62f = Physical Damage Reduction Rate
1D1EAC07FE35EC76_## = Butterfly
1D20D324C26C53C8_## = Every 3rd normal attack becomes a glaive with an additional
random effect and grants 1 stack of the Hunter buff, which increases 10% movement
speed for 2 seconds and stacks up to 5 times.
1D245433744EE3E3_## =
1D2478746F0435DA_## =
1D251FBB36853D62_## = Open to get Slimz Hero Trial Card for 1 Day
1D2CB8B804B676EF_## = Lunar Fairy
1D2EC5A62EB837FD_## =
1D3242CB0F73DF86_## =
1D35CB67ECF0C5C7_## =
1d36d5f7c88bb5c8 = 1d36d5f7c88bb5c8_##
1D3E31221AFA1FE8_## = Attack Damage +100\n[Gift of the Swift][Critical Chance +30%]
1D3E6624A3A7B10B_## = <color=#00d5ff>Mission:</color>\nKill the<color=#d8aa1a>
1D40323B49D438B5_## = Survivability
1d458628ed903d22 = 1d458628ed903d22_##
1D463092C8794D86_## =
1D49554DE742357F_## = Idle Hands
1d4bfb711b604c32 = Mail
1D4E2EF4CEC70B3B_## =
1D4FE6A76DC2AB14_## = Murder Clown
1D54CDD5BFF9A990_## =
1D58793ABF5F9F66_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Cresht) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
1D5DE3AFA55BD60B_## = Find a Match %72
1D5E7CD957D6E629_## = Thẻ thử tướng Preyta (1 ngày) + 1 Vé quay Kho báu
1D5F0E6F862FA2E3_## =
1D5F4D9AF38CCA6C_## = Medium Kill Pack
1D604D17295FCD4C_## = Thunderclap
1D61B7D5DF5F559F_## = Diaochan
1D61E6ABBAE81ACD_## = Evolution Skin
1D644A1F3266E4DB_## =
1D66946498EA343C_## =
1D72E84C528A114F_## = Level 4 Activity Rewards
1D78B753F53F2996_## = Melee
1D7B7BC1B176D393_## = Maximum Damage
1D7C320FA060F388_## = Mở để nhận ngẫu nhiên 5-10 Ruby
1D8441FD1B35528F_## =
1D89CF380EA1CD89_## = Look at this guy. Engage and teach her a lesson!
1D91B290582308C0_## =
1D9B703E17DC0376_## = Invincible
1d9d18d13bc4e9f0 = Choose a server
1D9DD0E80969B271_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Lục)
1D9F4A8BC9A2BE79_## =
1DA70E670E2B6548_## =
1daa34710de124e5 = Hi everybody!
1DAC1231C92353B5_## =
1DACB69EB1D09F80_## =
1DADC96A1EA98CBF_## =
1DAE98E0C5377ABF_## =
1DB126C9864635FD_## =
1DB4915D8A08A9AE_## = Nakroth Skin: Neon
1DB5E03FD97D19F2_## = Melee
1dc0e62f8e9b572b = Accept
1dc4ecdf5eafd5 = 1dc4ecdf5eafd5_##
1DC55DF8694E1D8A_## = Original
1DCDB0D8D53CFC8E_## = Attachment collection failed.
1DD2F4DD91855CBB_## =
1DD511EF3F040CD6_## = Đổi quà tặng, nhận rương may mắn Valentine
1DD5A86459681874_## =
1DDC897E57235C24_## = Đăng nhập giờ vàng
1DDCBD05EA61EA54_## =
1def6561cdbfcaa1 = Daily limit:
1DEFB99A1D94A860_## = Ryoma
1DF0E4A18AED3C2C_## = Base Damage
1DF3A4577C2156EE_## = Raz unleashes a powerful uppercut that deals {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to enemies within
range and knocks enemies into the air. Restores 25 energy if the ability hits an
1DF3AA8DB181DE02_## = Max HP +21
1DF649D846E4E5B6_## = Trial Card: Try out Arduin for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this hero.
1DF6D5B355001586_## =
1DF9DC07B7956E87_## = Use voice chat.
1DFAD649EF95B6ED_## =
1DFB7ED26B7443B1_## = Agent
1DFC623C68CA0296_## = Quà sinh nhật đặc biệt, có thể mở ra rất nhiều phần quà giá
1DFEFDF9E2CAE413_## = Unknown
1E040099534FA15A_## = 击杀魔龙
1e07dd5e1f3d1301 = 1e07dd5e1f3d1301_##
1E091B36C9EEF27D_## = Azzen'Ka
1E0959659A422B60_## =
1E0D2F672E398458_## =
1E13748454DAE685_## =
1E15D36C5A856CAF_## = Moren's movement speed is increased by 40% for 1.5 seconds.
His next normal attack within 5 seconds fires 2 bullets, each dealing 25
<color=#f18d00>(+{0})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>. Moren also
gains {1} armor and magic defense for 5 seconds. These effects can be extended by
successfully landing normal attacks up to 7 times.
1E198A76C63CAFCA_## = Cuộc chiến cứ điểm
1E1B31424072F1C7_## = Cooldown
1E1C57FC883B00DF_## = Original
1E20852D88A07078_## =
1E23CC57207E087B_## = Unknown
1E2813C8F19736AE_## = Butterfly
1E2B320B940BD129_## = [ex] (DNT)
1E2B596A28BD4DD5_## =
1E30F5F0AD7671C4_## =
1E398EC849ACF802_## =
1E3AE69AE0F4EC5A_## =
1E4DA5D2CFC0EEE8_## = Mở để nhận 1 thẻ thử tướng ngẫu nhiên 1 ngày. Đừng quên
theo dõi giải đấu TOG tại garena.live/lienquan trong 2 ngày từ 15-16/07 nhé!
1E4F572FB41B3AC3_## = Airi
1E51D9EC236621F4_## =
1E530230C3DA7F78_## =
1E5502CC408771BA_## =
1E58C1A90ABFAFB3_## = Cap'n
1E594897FF4CB73F_## = Unknown
1E5C5D3DA181B31A_## =
1E64AE8333CB5711_## = That all you got?
1e66d695bfed61ef = obsolete+1e66d695bfed61ef
1E6918B1CA2B0DFB_## =
1E69E1D2C859F6E9_## = 登录送狮子头+蛋糕+皮肤宝箱
1E6DE9BF24E29C05_## =
1E6E7CCB7AF85ECF_## = 7 日累積簽到
1e70ae33e21bd674 = Reward
1E77B620F7E08083_## = Snare
1E77C6760318A6DD_## = 参与 5V5
1E78AB3434BDADDD_## =
1E78DD36C7A34ABD_## = Tiêu Quân Huy, nhận Gấu tuyết
1E792BC43F74DE0A_## = <color=#f8be32>120-second</color> cooldown: Removes all
debuffs and control effects on yourself and gains immunity to them for
<color=#f8be32>1.5 seconds</color>.
1E7968CD7A13D1DC_## =
1E7C42684C232DB6_## =
1E7D0C0B1B69F9C2_## =
1E84B5485E9E636E_## = 本週活動精選
1E85A9AA1FAEC381_## =
1E8726282BFB533A_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Lục)
1E8AA7A04EF1EB09_## =
1E8B047A8F351D86_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tiêu Quân Huy - nhận ưu đãi của bạn, xin
mời kiểm tra!
1E8F57D1B313D033_## = Base Damage
1E98BED5ADAC7D3B_## =
1E99116E1F27863F_## =
1E9AF5FE728C7DE5_## = Trial Card: Try out Fennik's skin: Snow Festival for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
1E9CF53A7B630B39_## = Demons beware!
1E9D43794FC45CA8_## = Chỉ cần đăng nhập - nhận ngay Huy hiệu LQM! Có thể sử dụng
đổi trang phục vĩnh viễn!
1E9D9510C517B189_## = Upgraded sound effects
1E9DCF910C1EFD47_## = Zephys attacks from above, dealing <color=#ca3939>physical
damage</color> to enemies in the target area and knocking them into the air
1E9E1DD39D241659_## =
1E9F2627F0C7B079_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Tím)
1EA0A7218FDCCF02_## = Đây là phần thưởng Nạp Quân Huy - nhận rương Raz! của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
1EA0BE3CE04BEE73_## =
1EA4DD598C9243C0_## =
1EA944D69E01E1D4_## =
1EB5EB0A23184685_## = Cooldown
1EB6F5B8D6A84503_## =
1EBADA3D80B1D2CB_## =
1EBF9A52CE763D94_## =
1EC0EAA38B9EA3AB_## =
1EC4223F08FA223B_## =
1EC5E8A4A92F6FC6_## = Trial Card: Try out Mganga's skin: Murder Clown for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
1ECA46A777CEB884_## =
1ECB52B6CA75E4FB_## = Tiêu Quân Huy - Mừng sinh nhật Liên Quân!
1ECCE92727B17C08_## =
1ed0c2a3bb85a1f9 = Critical Damage Reduction Chance
1ED42F449B71DBA7_## =
1ED69783DCDCBD96_## = Original
1EDA077086F18D73_## = Techno Templar
1EDAA59026CF4331_## = Natalya
1EDCF75A3A002E81_## =
1EDDBADB4022DA55_## =
1EE10534658F8995_## = Leveling, Sustained Damage
1EE503C44218CE8B_## =
1EE50DC15C1A8B1E_## = Your report of player <color=#ffd700>{6}</color> at {3}:{4}:
{5} on {0}/{1}/{2} has been validated by the system. The player's Credibility Score
has been decreased by {7} and their Brave Points were reset. Thank you for your
1EE81E3EEB6B0515_## = Assassin
1EEA7DDDC3B8C452_## =
1EEB686A7E6F0B29_## =
1EEBA75579786F18_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin: End Zone for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
1EF0DE261FF3EF61_## =
1EF21B8598FE1879_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
1EF38984634111E4_## = 消费活动
1EF3A54644D282A7_## = Trial Card: Try out Violet's skin: Piolet
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
1EF5C121043302DE_## =
1EF90E2A3DBF27F1_## =
1EF95EB9ECAE3661_## =
1F0546A18B1C1D21_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
1F05AD5383A23A8A_## =
1F0720CADA276A09_## =
1F081F76EFB6522B_## = Butterfly
1F0B1B1888B4BB19_## = Outlaw
1F120C5B4281CDED_## =
1F19B6AAF0FB5772_## = Mage
1F19C0970C410AFC_## = Voodoo
1F1A893501C3245E_## = Butterfly
1F1F4909AFA605D4_## = Support
1F1F9728AAD922ED_## = This time, I'll do the branding.
1F2070549986B9D5_## =
1F20C1E19FD3E159_## = Ability Power +120, HP +400\n[Hunter][Wild][Curse Power]
1F226F7028826582_## =
1F29A708007ECF5A_## =
1F2B26880BCE78CF_## =
1F30DED7A84C26F0_## = Blue Outer Tower
1F33CC63377E4DCE_## = Open to receive the hero: Toro
1F3935FA57A63EB4_## =
1F3A5382B938BE08_## = Original
1F3C4ADC329D48A6_## = Cơ hội duy nhất với giá cực ưu đãi, chỉ 35 Quân huy để sở
hữu độc quyền trang phục Giáng Sinh hữu hạn: Veera Cô Nàng Dơi Tuyết! Cả năm chỉ
một lần, thật khó bỏ qua!
1F3CD377181F29B9_## =
1F3D8BB3002CAE3B_## = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Activate Minions and Towers
Attack Mode to help you prioritize attacking enemies or towers.
1F41484E103AA8B8_## = Trial Card: Try out Wukong's skin: Agent for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
1F414C5EBA111532_## = Kills/Assists earn a 125 HP bonus. Has a maximum stack of 20.
1F4201103AE4B322_## = Papillon
1F432153E9255BB9_## = [新英雄-Ignis 登場] 愛不釋手
1F4502E702CBB777_## =
1F462407AE134DBB_## =
1F4E312266728A44_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days.
You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
1F4F0E112D1218C8_## = Cooldown
1F51B5C2B98F5F60_## = Trial Card: Try out Max's skin: Excelsior for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
1F579781B1A9FBDD_## = “The Tower of Souls exists for the salvation of the
suffering spirits.”\n\nKahlii, the Ghost Guardian, was a rather controversial
Abyssal Lord. Once part of the Veda, she held the might and powers of blessing. Yet
despite her untouchable position, she was humble and willing to dedicate all her
time, patience and kindness to listen to the prayers of the believers in the Gospel
Palace of the Sacred Mt. Orphean and do her best to soothe their wounded hearts and
souls.\n\nKahlii had seen too many shattered souls. It weighed heavily on her mind.
“Master, how shall we relieve these tormented souls from their grief?” She often
asked Edras, the Archmage of Veda and her favorite teacher. He was wise and
powerful, and if anyone had the answer, it would be Edras.\n\n“When it comes to
mortals, from birth to death, from happiness to grief, the Creator controls all.
The mortals have to suffer to achieve innovation and change the world. This is the
mission they’re born with, their destiny,” Edras would explain. This answer did not
satisfy Kahlii. She couldn’t understand why these fragile Humans were given such a
great yet heavy burden. All she could do was to try to help them with her limited
powers.\n\nShe was doubtful, she was lost. Volkath saw it all. The prisoner, kept
by Edras in the Sacred Mt. Orphean, had yet to become the Dark Lord who ruled the
Abyss, but was already as cunning as could be. He decided to bring Kahlii onto his
side in order to escape from the clutches of Edras sooner and bring his rebellion
into action more efficiently.\n\n“Time and space are both the origins of life. All
beings in this world will cease to exist without the origins.”\n\n“Be it us, be it
the mortals, no one would be able to escape the binds of the Order of the World.
That’s where the origin comes from.”\n\n“But do remember—the powers that constitute
the origin are not limited to just time and space.”\n\n“Light and darkness, too,
are parts of the origin. These are powers that could bring us above the Order, so
that we would no longer be bound.”\n\n“You know all about Light Magic. Naturally,
you know that the essence of Light Magic is the control of the power of
light.”\n\n“Wouldn’t you like to learn more about Dark Magic as well? If you have a
good grasp of both, you’ll no longer be restricted by time and space. You’ll be
able to do everything and anything.”\n\n“Such as...protecting those weak
Humans.”\n\nWhat Volkath said was indeed appealing. Kahlii knew that there had to
be a catch somewhere, yet the offer was impossible to refuse. She knew that the
abyss lay right in front of her—yet she still jumped without an ounce of
regret.\n\n“You’d better be telling the truth, or else, no matter what happens,
I’ll find you and blast your head off!” Kahlii said. These were her last words as
the Goddess of Blessings. Volkath was the only one who heard them.\n\n“As you wish,
my Lady.” Volkath’s lips curved into an elegant smirk.\n\nFrom then on, the Veda
lost a gentle, beautiful Goddess, while the Abyssal world gained a kind, peaceful
Ghost Guardian. Legend had it that no matter how much you sinned, no matter what
tortures you had been through, as long as you entered the Tower of Souls, you would
be truly free.\n\n“I see the light.”
1F5A545AE1DB2D6C_## =
1F5B547606B18BDD_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Astrid) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
1F5F8C3176F14CF8_## =
1F60EAC4A502AB98_## =
1F6104D847EC3990_## =
1F64AB63E14E7C58_## = Lunar Bunny
1f6613d2d0eeb1b1 = You already own all the items from this value pack
1F67B54D07236423_## = Martial Master
1F70E3E456612193_## =
1F710AFB09F224C9_## = Tướng Cresht và trang phục Cresht Cá cắn cáp
1F7855278FB70DCA_## = Krixi
1F79C4251C398B18_## =
1F7C1359D36A424A_## =
1F81F530BBC7054F_## = Marksman
1F881FB3615D2DA2_## =
1F896001A36DC61D_## = Unknown
1F8AEC4980F30222_## = Always remember: let minions soak up the defense tower's
1F8B4754DFDE63BC_## =
1F8BE4558E91C4A4_## = Level 14 Chest
1F8F2A47C9799ECF_## = Pocket Glaive
1f9089682efb2591 = Friends
1F940843F0153F05_## = Cooldown
1F94294058BF1C0D_## = Chaugnar
1F94C4EC40273DFA_## = Cooldown
1F9851035E2F07AD_## = Omen
1F988890291EF0FA_## = Ice Queen
1F9925EEFEA256F5_## =
1F999D25A20C52A4_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
1F9CF735E2DE5EC3_## = Đây là phần thưởng Nạp quân huy - Nhận trang phục miễn phí!
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
1FA0291124AEF071_## = Preyta
1FA1A09203EAEAA1_## =
1FA52309D6025705_## =
1FA6022790E8CFAA_## =
1FA9F8DFCF303DE2_## = Blue Inner Tower
1FB09402F826AFFF_## =
1fb1a0f45b66c902 = Antaris Battlefield Layout
1FB440F393265ADB_## =
1FB7AE6AAA9C7151_## =
1FB9963D368F2E35_## =
1FBB785F7449506E_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mừng xuân Đinh Dậu,
1FBDFC05558DA76E_## =
1FBFAD2C0E12EFD2_## =
1FC0A5654925A1C7_## =
1FC0C04ABE01F4E8_## = Piolet
1FC1368983A5AB63_## = Tail Sweep
1FC462FB5C1F6897_## =
1FC484F46DE9F66E_## =
1FC67130EC424BBB_## =
1FC73D9806E7F7E9_## = Chúa tể công lý đang đến gần! Mua ngay để có cơ hội sở hữu
Batman và những trang phục đang thực thi công lý tại Miền đất hứa!
1FC939797D51F32C_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
1FCBD7CF34E087DF_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
1FCF56093229E986_## = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: If you've selected the
<color=#ffd200>Punish</color> talent, try using it in the jungle!
1FD0AB9F423836F5_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
1FD720A06FA9FCE6_## = Papillon
1FD87F6386ECB84C_## =
1FD8C5237DCB92AE_## =
1FD98B3F0BE337D9_## = Attack Damage +60, HP +1000\n[Adrenaline]
1FDAC9B89B304DFA_## = Jungling, Finisher
1FE0B2269B45BE43_## =
1FE11D4B7EE257C1_## = Azure
1FE3A0B423D75840_## = Blue Defense Tower
1FE40BB8605C4577_## =
1FE59ED9C316F998_## =
1FE5CEFB0F51D8B8_## =
1FE69C0012C49C9D_## = Combo Natalya & Skin
1FE7268E50307ABF_## =
1FE76713A8458A07_## =
1FEC5E1D287AC405_## =
1FEC917ED7B9D714_## = Snow Festival
1FED97BE0CBBC5CD_## = Destroy the enemy Core to achieve victory.
1FEE7C2C7B3FB051_## =
1FF2911C2FA9A479_## = Double EXP Card: \n7 days
1FFDFD86E5951150_## = Original
200065368D0DBAAB_## = Airi's Spin stuns enemies for a short time, so you can use
this ability frequently to contain enemies.\nUse Ryuu when you are around a lot of
enemies to gain a more powerful shield.
20021AE0AE470A3C_## =
2003D0469A7B1252_## = When the Fallen invaded, a group of devout followers at the
Temple of Light willingly submitted themselves to Poison Fang, a parasite, becoming
immortal warriors to protect their sacred ground from the Fallen while bearing the
eternal and wicked curse. \n\nThe hosts of Poison Fang cannot be killed, and the
parasite can be passed onto offspring through generations. Natalya, a descendant of
these warriors, also carried the parasite.\n\nWhen one of the tribe fell to
insanity caused by the overwhelming power, the warrior was devoured, and his
strength was absorbed by the rest of the tribe. To fight the external threats, the
Temple quarantined the tribe to breed stronger hosts.\n\nNatalya happened to be the
best descendant the Temple had seen in years. To appease her, the Temple even sent
an emissary with extravagant gifts to her coming-of-age ceremony. What they did not
know was that Natalya had grown tired of the humiliating quarantine and did not
want to see her tribe falling insane.\n\n"I will bear all the sins!" She devoured
her entire tribe during the ceremony to end their cursed destiny. With her head
held high, Natalya showed her determination to break away from the Temple, for she
knew very well that the root of the curse was the ambitious Temple.\n\nNatalya
faded into darkness and managed to split from the Poison Fang with curses from the
same school of magic. In exchange, she swore allegiance to Veera. With Poison Fang
by her side as a loyal pet, Natalya held the power to rain destruction in her wake.
20042EF8BDEC081A_## =
200AB51620415164_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi để nhận ruby miễn phí
200EC385E828D4AF_## = Arthur
20129BA5901D439C_## =
2014458B3DE33031_## = Talisman
201601B9422E6131_## =
20160EF762ECE877_## = Butterfly
201A5ABB2DBC5C94_## =
201B19439D2EEA6F_## =
201DA78BF7D7C1CB_## = 签到图片
202031E12ECE1373_## =
20255C44C6A80B38_## =
2029F6132A5024C5_## = Focus on teamwork.
202C9E319AE0BB34_## = [新英雄-Zuka 登場] 愛不釋手
202D25A877BDCF41_## = Cooldown
202FBEF11FC050D3_## = 签到图片
203484f2268fffe9 = Sound Effects
2034E13C5AD99B62_## = Normal Attack
203995569550C820_## =
2041672D3E68294B_## =
2043548D4C67562D_## =
204546F7705DD222_## =
2046578D066A00A7_## = Cơ hội nhận Trang phục/thẻ thử của tất cả các trang phục đã
ra mắt của Butterfly!
20465F0030F1CF0C_## =
20468F91DB9DC928_## =
20479F66FA8DAD7B_## = Uncollected Match Rewards have been sent to you by mail.
204BA2207B89B48F_## = Zuka
204BA4C1011EA650_## =
204FCD6316918D74_## = Chỉ cần đăng nhập - nhận ngay cực nhiều quà tặng. Rủ ngay
500 anh em vào nhận thôi!
2052E777B699D345_## =
2058521C88B8192C_## = Please communicate with the team.
2059CEBCAEDD3F9E_## =
205B4C204DB8A920_## =
205DB44D5DA9CF65_## = Death's Beckon
2065E4BC247D022F_## =
20672DA4CDA18584_## = Excelsior
20673F06D7EEB847_## = Imperium Guard
206804EA514F6FFF_## =
2069A26009605BC0_## = Trang phục Triệu Vân Quý Công tử và Ilumia Hồng Hoa Hậu
206B2F718B79117A_## = Eliminate the <color=#f6bf17ff>monster</color>!
206DFD2F2F68F917_## =
206EF5E783D84CB4_## = Base Damage
2070B01AC6C74D12_## =
20761613C569023A_## = Captain Kraken
2076AAD47762F272_## =
2077ECBE0E7AF387_## = Payna
207AE9F21D99AA4F_## =
207E1E56C6387A65_## =
20803E0F8FCACA74_## = Veera and Grakk Lucky Draw
20806F1C4834578C_## = Sorry, something came up and I had to take care of it.
20829F78508022BB_## = Heal yourself with <color=#f6bf17ff>Restore</color>.
2086C59BB0E99BBE_## = Lu Bu
20897F366F06D159_## = 好友大作战
208D3E9159A67E15_## = 26.11 - Tích lũy chiến công
208D4C14F11D87A6_## = "Don't dwell on the past. Instead, focus on the
future."\n\nRyoma's father's last words became his motto. As the heir of a samurai,
Ryoma not only trained hard, he also studied military strategy. In a training camp
where strength was valued above all else, he stood out among his peers. The other
children had suffered the same fate as Ryoma: their fathers slain, it fell to them
to pick up the mantle and earn glory for their families.\n\nRyoma was timid when he
was young. This, combined with his peculiar hobby of studying military tactics,
made him an easy target for bullies. But Kondo always stood up for him. Kondo had
studied under Ryoma's father and wanted to repay the kindness that his family had
shown him. With Kondo as his guide, Ryoma became a samurai like his
father.\n\nTheir friendship did not last forever, as orders from the military sent
them on diverging paths. The courageous Kondo was chosen to become the personal
guard of the kingdom's heir apparent, while one of the younger princes chose Ryoma
for his cunning. Once fiercely loyal friends, they were now rivals serving their
princes. Ryoma would never have guessed that they would eventually become
enemies.\n\nAfter some time, the aging king passed away while dealing with enemies
outside of the kingdom. The princes, both well-trained in the ways of the court,
quickly turned on one another. Ryoma, now the chief military strategist for the
younger prince, swiftly led the prince's army to several decisive victories. The
elder prince, running out of options, concocted a dangerous plan to send Kondo's
death squad to assassinate the younger prince. \n\nThe plan appeared to be
successful as the squad reached the younger prince's throne without any resistance.
Ryoma had anticipated this move from the elder prince, but was shocked to see Kondo
and hesitated. Kondo and his squad took advantage of the momentary lapse and sliced
through Ryoma's defenses effortlessly.\n\nBy the time Ryoma regained his focus, he
could hear his prince's screams as his father's words reverberated in his mind.
There was no need to hold onto the past, and at that moment, he decided to give
everything he had.\n\nSword in hand, Ryoma sliced through every single soldier that
dared come near the prince. It was Kondo's turn to be surprised, but he had no
choice but to press on. Kondo's attacks became sharper and more deadly as he
taunted Ryoma. The duel ended when both launched one final attack. Ryoma buried his
sword into Kondo's chest, but Kondo's blade had stopped at the last second, inches
from Ryoma's throat.\n\n"Why?" Ryoma was confused. "I was always an orphan," said
Kondo, "I never had anyone other than you and my teacher. He'd be proud of y…"
Before Kondo could finish his sentence, Ryoma burst into tears.\n\nAfter burying
Kondo, Ryoma snapped his blade in half and buried it with Kondo. He vowed to never
again use his right hand, the hand that killed Kondo. He picked up Kondo's naginata
and walked away.\n\n"Glory and honor? The samurai code? That's none of my concern.
From here on, Ryoma and Kondo are one, and we will start a new life."
2090FFB04C0C009F_## = Abilities deal additional damage to enemies and can be
stacked up to 10 times within a short time.
20924523A42D34D7_## = Đây là phần thưởng Share trang phục nhận quà Giáng sinh của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
20948BC2CA67FF3A_## =
209760C7250A6636_## =
2097e83b8bc57813 = Heroes
2098AD4BB7AFA64B_## = "Peace or war? That is the question."\n\nThe birth of this
weapon was juxtaposed with the capability of destroying all weapons. It was unclear
whether or not Omega was created to wage wars or to end them.\n\nHis existence and
the contradictions his abilities possess had captivated and fascinated gods and
mortals alike. Omega was one of a kind. It belonged to no specific realm or
civilization, yet it possessed intelligence, self-awareness, controlled behavior,
and a natural instinct to wage war. Theories suggested that Omega was part of an
ancient, powerful, and mysterious civilization that proceeded all civilizations and
divine realms of the present. Yet he was the only living proof of it, and was
alienated by this world because of it.\n\nThe intrigue of Omega's origins were not
important, for the more pressing issue was its abilities and their contrasting
connotations. Omega's compulsion to wage war and his prowess in battles had led
suspicions to rise among the gods. They had every reason to doubt by which method
Omega was created to end all wars.\n\n"Violence for violence, war for war!"
2099355AEF627627_## =
209A2EB8F94DC1F8_## = <color=#00d5ff>Mission:</color>\nDestroy the<color=#d8aa1a>
enemy Core</color>
20a31a6e2b9d6ab7 = x2: Increase damage to towers.
20A367E0DCCE3FD2_## = Tiêu Quân Huy, nhận Gấu tuyết
20A5AB4EF49BAE15_## =
20A65E3685E4F1FF_## = 限時充值送好禮(test)
20AB7B4655667BC7_## = Shutterbug
20ABC7726C1AC2F8_## =
20AC05A3C6FAEE4B_## =
20AC793B716E0878_## = Guild Season Help
20AEB92CCE582703_## = 圣诞节登陆活动
20B5B54441FBB673_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Wukong)
20B8B0C71FAF955C_## = Arum
20C272DC0374EC84_## = Leo
20C3E2BB028CE3ED_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
20C9A83CF6C17C7E_## =
20CDD3F42AB1609A_## =
20D14DFC9E8DD26E_## =
20D463B13ADC2EDD_## = Mở để nhận 1 Loa to + Thẻ x2 EXP 1 ngày
20D4E95BF322468F_## =
20D7B17AB76F1F56_## =
20D8AC0046EEA2AB_## =
20DA65CC0E794ED7_## =
20DC71844958D55F_## =
20DD42915273072C_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Airi) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
20DDFE7D7912299F_## =
20DF53FC4DB787B6_## =
20E05394016A6EC6_## = Fierce Shot
20E5DAFFC59B09C5_## =
20E6D9A469572FF4_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
20E78F1D5CBE8B75_## =
20E84F5A400D01A8_## = Midnight
20E896297ED2D844_## =
20E936AAB2E6EBFE_## = Dragon's Wrath
20ECC5A3E87409AA_## =
20EE03E3994430A2_## =
20EE397A2D45F5DA_## =
20F4A6BE06741431_## =
20F65A284D5CCBB3_## =
20F84FF3C956EFA2_## =
20FD8AC03824BA81_## =
20ff5c3f04df659e = Receive now
2104C8CDEB1640B0_## = Unknown
21088AE5268E2901_## =
2108F2C5F5294155_## = Đây là phần thưởng 26.11 - Thưởng đấu đặc biệt của bạn, xin
mời kiểm tra!
21099c76fed5484a = 21099c76fed5484a_##
210C993FDDF38E40_## =
210D770ADE5B8583_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
210FF4F43489FD97_## =
2114782B0E01D858_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
211B4BB0F92E70B5_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Astrid) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
211B74067B7A76E2_## =
212071b2d8087ea7 = 212071b2d8087ea7_##
212E475A9491F036_## = Bronze II
2130948A3E59A67F_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
2130A5102781D704_## = Trang phục đón xuân
2131a7953e124676 = 2131a7953e124676_##
21331657F10CF484_## = Level 5 Chest
213322A24EE56B1B_## = Support
2133ADF88D14CF8E_## =
2136C963C929F31F_## = 7 日累積簽到
21371012E56207E7_## = Unknown
213998FDAF8370EE_## =
213A47B7185540F0_## =
213A56A23C780BD0_## =
213FA4A6834BCA82_## = Death Rift
2143939A80DFBCC0_## =
21440C1958445D92_## = Sorry, the guild, <color=#ffd700>{0}</color>, could not be
created due to not collecting enough signatures during the charter period. Guild
creation failed.
21442A06FE87FF2E_## =
21466676DD32FF0F_## = Reach {0} [/0:$(win|wins)/]
21468D32ED53B336_## = 1. All players begin with a Credibility Score of
<color=orange>100</color>.\n\n2. If you are guilty of misconduct, your Credibility
Score will be affected.\n\nDeductions are applied as follows:\n\n• <color=orange>3-
5 points</color> will be deducted every time you abandon multiplayer games
(including bot matches).\n\n• <color=orange>3-5 points</color> will be deducted, if
you are reported by other players during a match and the system determines that the
reports were valid.\n\n• <color=orange>Up to 12 points</color> will be deducted if
you abandon multiple matches in a short period of time.\n\n• Deductions will be
higher for misconduct in Ranked Matches. If you abandon too many Ranked Matches,
your Brave Points will be forfeited.\n\n3. Finishing one multiplayer battle will
earn you 1 point, regardless of whether you win or lose. \nEach victory in a
multiplayer bot match will earn you 1 point.\n\n4. If your Credibility Score is
above <color=orange>{0}</color>, you are eligible to a bonus when collecting the
weekly Credibility Score reward.\n\nIf your Credibility Score goes below
<color=orange>{1}</color>, you will be prohibited from joining Ranked
Matches.\n\nIf your Credibility Score goes below <color=orange>{2}</color>, you
will be prohibited from joining standard PvP matches.\n\n5. You will be banned from
entering matchmaking queues if you frequently abandon matches or remain idle. More
infractions result in longer penalties.\n\n6. If you are repeatedly guilty of
verbal abuse, you will be muted and lose <color=orange>3 points</color> from your
Credibility Score. While you are muted, you cannot use voice chat or send messages.
214820BD58AF4D9C_## = Diaochan
2149D60127A9D8B9_## = Lauriel
214AACCA0180DA6F_## =
214EAE2575DFA0C0_## =
215063C6E975F5E7_## = Warrior
2154F5D97D117421_## =
215A513312C4FA79_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
215BBBAE2C893005_## = Tham gia sự kiện Tết gắn kết - Anh em chấp hết tại
sukien4.lienquan.garena.vn - Nhận Dấu ấn Tulen và đổi tướng miễn phí!
216272A1DDF95B86_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
2164EE58A6D375E5_## = When Kriknak's ability hits an enemy, the next normal attack
will be enhanced and deal an additional
<color=#f18d00>[162030p1q3*k1/10000]</color> <color=#ca3939>physical
2167A1E80743497D_## = Đăng nhập mỗi ngày, nhận Chìa khóa Nguyệt tộc
21685C8104DDD820_## = Tough Hide
21737008A5448E54_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
2173F89A891DCA14_## = You can also unlock the secret<color=#f6bf17ff> level
2178893B65D6FB4C_## =
217A3D567EF19EBD_## =
2180922BF4D4362F_## = Unknown
21831A0015FE9EBA_## =
2184CE9172A045B7_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
21865322E603DD12_## = Mganga Skin: Fright Circus
2187253400FDA20E_## = Lauriel
2187EB39A56B7D44_## = Diaochan
2187F8E5AF87D48C_## = I'll take the middle lane!
2189029F8439FF79_## =
218B0B7F8CEFD8B8_## =
218BBCD121128B4E_## = Lên cấp đã vui, nay kèm thêm quà lại càng vui hơn nữa!
218D664BD080E4DE_## = Trial Card: Try out Cresht's skin: Sharkover
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
218EA3ED29205610_## = 测试分享活动
21950C500CEEE6ED_## = The Bone Baron
2198814699087413_## = Limited-time offer
21998F83F0BA423B_## = Huy hiệu LQM
219abf4499a7d7e7 = 219abf4499a7d7e7_##
219AC866C1B842C1_## =
219ADFF30A9AE56B_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc thành rương ngọc cấp III may mắn
219CB2468E5A5921_## = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Equip skins before joining a
battle to earn more gold.
219D44109787155A_## = Wukong
219E2DE8C92AC316_## =
219E9E56411185FE_## =
21A444FA330DD7FF_## =
21A71A0AEFED015F_## = Trial Card: Try out Kriknak's skin: Steel
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
21A852FC4606BF46_## = Rương ngọc Trợ thủ
21AA159BF7887693_## = Don't try to attack a tower by yourself.
21AF348EA1A7D8AC_## = Melee
21B112E1CB9C6DBB_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
21B19524E1C97A94_## = Wisp
21B2EF1316C0C963_## =
21B600D82DFF4FAB_## = Dấu vết Wonder Woman
21B628349CFF2AAB_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Preyta + trang phục Không tặc
21b9c4b4636c573d = Unlocked at level 4.
21C1D24F826E1AE4_## = Max HP +36 \nArmor +1.6
21C21D067A6251D0_## = Ranked Match Compensation
21C95941FBED4F4D_## =
21C996FD5E2A4825_## =
21CAD4A9EBF99282_## =
21CEA78FDE93A3C8_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
21D081036D5EAC00_## =
21DD504092852983_## =
21DF126C42D8AD2A_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
21E24A79FEAEFBDE_## =
21E2C38633D62C08_## = The Joker rushes towards the target, stuns them for a short
time and attaches a canister of laughing gas to them before spinning back to his
original position. He cannot be targeted during the action. The canister explodes,
dealing {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>.
The gas released reduces the target's movement speed by 90% with the effect
gradually weakening over 1.5 seconds.
21E32D26A838FAF2_## =
21E484DE315CC2DA_## =
21E4B67DCE6123B6_## = Trial Card: Try out Tel'Annas' skin: Love Sworn for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
21E582294927DA67_## =
21E99BB80FEEC5A5_## = The Bone Baron
21EC7599D336027F_## =
21ECA82094EAD616_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
21F3B16EBC76FBDC_## =
21F3E903FD4B3CD9_## =
21F73523C9ADA075_## = Trial Card: Try out Airi for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days.
You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this Hero.
21F8A8FE010CEB9A_## = Chơi tướng D.C - Cơ hội xem phim miễn phí!
21FF46790A009B83_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
22034788C7AE293D_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
220d3a4afc44a82a = 220d3a4afc44a82a_##
220DAA9EF1D6DBB8_## = Base Damage
220EAE6E671C8398_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Cresht để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
2210C519DDFE673E_## = 消费点券活动
2213FFA4C65CD4FB_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Maloch để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
2217B15F73EB02E4_## =
221D73903D8F5728_## =
221EF865CAFA6E1D_## = Lobby disbanded.
2221C743312C087E_## = The Fanatic
22261BD95E271C66_## =
22289A2A199384E0_## = Rương ngọc may mắn - Bộ ngọc tốt nhất để sử dụng với kết
hợp với Lindis
222C7AC9B572F3AF_## =
222F4403058D54E0_## = Trial Card: Try out Zephys' skin: Halloween Scream
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
22332EAB9D59C351_## =
2234467AB183C129_## =
22355FD3CBD75D1F_## =
2235aac4ae793f5d = 2235aac4ae793f5d_##
2236713449F5CAE5_## = Grakk + Trang phục Chàng Gấu Tuyết
2237F5D495A2BDE3_## =
22393F701FDC6F63_## =
223E293A37A3C0A8_## =
2241F0D77FA812C7_## =
2245E70DE849B28F_## =
22489D046BAB534E_## = obsolete+0bf31ca869f9a900
2249810F8E067DF4_## = Fire Crash
22526C636442092E_## = Bạn đã lên cấp<color=green>{C}</color>/{T} , cố lên!
2253068BC60DBFF2_## = Nakroth skin: Cybercore Level 1
2253119611FDE535_## =
22536BC10C1EF83A_## = Tham gia sự kiện Tết gắn kết - Anh em chấp hết tại
sukien6.lienquan.garena.vn - Nhận Dấu ấn Tulen và đổi tướng miễn phí!
225714090C2C842A_## = The Soul Harvester
225C40369344F8A5_## =
225D317D159EE79A_## = Butterfly
225DD73FBE170C30_## =
225E819353A5C36C_## =
226303CDE3890663_## = Zulu Warrior
2264B8CAEA07FC4B_## = Tank
22672C017E7F02EB_## =
226AF460A7318AF6_## = Trial Card: Try out Zuka for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days.
You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
226b4df89cf536b5 = Turn on Battle Lane
226E5E9D637A3672_## = Arthur
226EA1771CFF6846_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Lục)
22712E5CC12F0AA2_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK {C}/{T}
2273BEA304451B80_## =
22754510A532EFE6_## = Unknown
2275A3C886C2D352_## = Nurse
2276F39650331B8D_## = Wukong tumbles towards the specified direction, gaining {0}
armor and magic defense for 3 seconds.
227CFDB108416964_## =
227d9b569a73d1ed = Watch out for the brush
227E78F2BC72FA56_## =
227F3E878633CDA1_## = Put on a swimsuit
2280066C120CB9FA_## =
2282E7AB26091CFE_## =
22844B18AEB4B760_## = Airi
228788B2C56C2128_## = Long Range
22894D98930BA503_## = Shadowstrike
228AC75C2A5A2F39_## = Aleister's abilities and every 3rd normal attack apply 1
Curse stack on the enemy. The Curse explodes at 3 stacks, dealing {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#f3b74a>true damage</color> to the enemy.
228B07DD61876E18_## =
228D870E1B5F21F6_## = Đổi Dấu ấn Tulen
228F2E0895A1462E_## =
228FED8CCF959494_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Kriknak) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
229383A79F120407_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tiêu Quân Huy nhận Rương Độc lập của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
2293CDE00A729C7A_## =
2293ED84E7BD0EDD_## = Original
229C48E42D8959AD_## = SIT!! Stay... OK, good boy!
229F5C91C33D26D0_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Wukong) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
22A2799F736217BA_## = Trial Card: Try out Valhein for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
22A61B89F0911F6A_## =
22A73E8190EC8240_## =
22A7E922E5FA1ACC_## =
22ACDE599AD8DD5B_## = Armor +360, Mana +400, Cooldown Speed +20%\n[Spirit Bond]
22B1013F6ED90E84_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tiêu Quân Huy - Nhận Xuân Nữ của bạn, xin
mời kiểm tra!
22B18D8D4BABD14D_## = Awesome! You've netted an awful lot of Coins. Let's buy more
powerful equipment!
22B23A524DAA2E8C_## =
22BCCA4957AA9FEA_## = < {0} Points
22BE4DD8D7ED492D_## = Zill
22C15B5B7721CCA5_## = Open to receive the Hero Omega
22C4E486E460FA04_## = Cooldown
22CCF5EB17700E6F_## = 签到图片
22D13C8DA9D84DE5_## =
22D41BB53F635AF2_## =
22D68367CDBC45A8_## = Cô dâu hắc ám
22D911886800D076_## = Unknown
22DE97B1574B3958_## =
22DEA3C3CB8D6204_## =
22E494D36A55F063_## = Taara
22E9950B61DA82CE_## = Đây là phần thưởng Săn mục tiêu lớn của bạn, xin mời kiểm
22EFC6F680810974_## =
22EFD5509AA5296C_## =
22F38BED146C94F9_## = Ilumia Value Pack
22F3FE917D040EEE_## = Cleave
22F45F2B64A0CB45_## =
22F5B4FA4204F51C_## =
22F930AE63476B02_## = Thợ Săn tiền thưởng
22FA09AC30ADB73B_## =
22FCEDED18B5DC09_## = Thane
2301A278CCC33994_## = Wrecking
2301B048471AB1EF_## = Mini-Map Expansion
230243AFA15F8481_## = 7 日累積簽到
2306a002332cd142 = Use
230985C50BA037CF_## = Cơ hội nhận vĩnh viễn/thẻ thử tướng của những vị tướng
thần thánh trong thế giới Liên Quân!
23109FE97A35766A_## = Leech
2310AD43F622C52F_## = Missile Damage
231738BF2F80687F_## =
231B778505C79038_## = Original
231D5A324D05C1A0_## =
231FC7DA5B21A517_## = Credibility Score and Behavior Score Compensation
232020496D73C850_## = Alice creates shields for herself and nearby ally heroes that
absorb {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> damage, and increases their movement speed
by 30% for 2 seconds.
2323833066d6e29b = 2323833066d6e29b_##
232A4C1A044165AD_## = Tướng Maloch + Trang phục Maloch Ác ma
232A7D912C1FC20D_## = Healing packs can restore your HP and mana
232BE9230B1360CA_## =
232C7C349CEDD071_## = Thane
2335CCBD187789B7_## =
233AD27CDB559DB0_## =
233CB00FA8EF207D_## = Sinh nhật Liên Quân (đăng nhập)
233E4D4E918CAFAD_## = Original
23416703C0CD6A7E_## = Trial Card: Try out Zephys for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
2344F60A86D8B711_## =
23454247C1EFD30A_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Slimz + trang phục Thỏ thợ mỏ
2345BA13849A1491_## = Ability Power +0.9 \nMagic Pierce +3.8
23474E7FB96BC456_## =
234A215AA196F468_## = 充值获新英雄拉兹
234BA9B4FF2ABF06_## =
234D4C26D148130C_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Lục)
234E21887C65059E_## =
2350363C4AA99673_## = Grakk
2355E894550A7389_## = Thợ săn tiền thưởng
2357DC0BA3234EA0_## =
235C484DC3A42DA8_## = Lumburr + Trang phục Dung Nham
235D4E2756E2D25A_## = Rương may mắn 7QH
235DED9FA4CE89FF_## = Melee
235E1BD0409377D2_## = Raz
2362C40CC0902E8B_## = Marksman
23678B5B91925119_## =
2368FD6FBB13F08D_## = 本週活動精選
236C7E6DF3AD00A9_## = <blankspace89>
236D8C2F7B18339F_## = Road to Glory
236E9F8B3D39688C_## = Not Available
23737A236B474DAD_## =
23749F60915EB131_## = Savage Potion
237BA60D1B7A1F92_## = Dùng đổi các món quà hấp dẫn trong dịp Valentine
237BE579E9B19ECE_## = Lumburr
237C60DA249D9656_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Lục)
237CFAC2BE900D84_## =
237FC8F58ADCC617_## = Đổi Dấu ấn Tulen
237FCF8658FF7989_## =
237FF4070394574F_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
2387EF85BEEF9218_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
238C107D7E239221_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi để nhận ruby miễn phí
238E9D8259F88FBD_## = Omen
2393B0FBC6CA1E99_## =
239556D1E20087F7_## = Trial Card: Try out Wonder Woman's skin: Bombshell for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
239A3B929B1C303F_## = Tướng Kil Groth và trang phục
239D328EA85A9F0C_## = Ignis creates a Sacred Fire formation that deals {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> after 1 second to
enemy heroes in the target area. Marked targets take {2}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{3})</color> <color=#f3b74a>true damage</color>.
239D747D69F734D2_## = Diaochan
23A132802A946FC5_## = Valiance
23A3002ACCC03F51_## = The Fanatic
23A39C45E4962520_## = EVO Ⅲ
23A51395CCCFBCD0_## = Thu thập Bánh Chưng và Đầu lân để đổi thưởng Tết mỗi ngày
23AC05D21F3620FD_## =
23AC0A0828D61032_## =
23AD574808571736_## =
23B18B1229B77CB0_## = Trang phục Lữ Bố: Nam vương
23B3B910A8FF5E1F_## =
23B45034D1555660_## = [ex] (DNT)
23B56796566CF635_## =
23B68C7388AAF153_## = Thẻ thử tướng 3 ngày
23B87E2FBE691D9A_## = Medium
23BD0C685EC56D51_## =
23BDAE60D506D659_## = 7 日累積簽到
23C07C0FF961A695_## = Trial Card: Try out Airi's skin: Bloodraid
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
23C2C581875FF2A5_## =
23C387AB7450E755_## = Unknown
23C5DF8921D08575_## = Đăng nhập giờ vàng
23C6C367966B40CC_## =
23C6C5A616AD5599_## = obsolete+9c070bbf5c78699d
23C7BA71358069DA_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
23C840FDA1E54BD9_## = Original
23C8CC9557BF1E1C_## =
23C8D5AF82A75F12_## = 7 日累積簽到
23DAD8A5EC770F83_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
23DB8141668E3853_## = Tham gia sự kiện Tết gắn kết - Anh em chấp hết tại
sukien8.lienquan.garena.vn - Nhận Dấu ấn Tulen và đổi tướng miễn phí!
23E28FD993CB4AC6_## = Yorn
23E8F01DE0A10D6E_## =
23ED584A41CD85EA_## =
23F62C5E43D4370F_## = Cooldown
23F716C521BE3466_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK để nhận ruby miễn phí (Đấu
23F7AD50282C2F49_## =
23F884691A727127_## = Combo thẻ thử Ormarr 1n
23F8D2FEB8FBB290_## =
23FDA68207032053_## = Đây là phần thưởng Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
2408C6888AF72223_## = Zephys
240BDB87D49E26D9_## = Kahlii can move while casting Grievance. This allows her to
help teammates retreat easily. Activating her Incorporeal shield before casting
Grievance increases her damage output significantly.
240F40D6E4AB332D_## = Level 29 Chest
241099B426A590E5_## = Assassin
241150C60D7B2BEE_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tiêu xài nhận thưởng của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
2412FFCCA20F8676_## =
24171987BBCCF58B_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
24173D37165183B9_## =
2417CE8DE53965A5_## = Arduin
2418BF13CB7F6176_## = Đây là phần thưởng Săn mục tiêu lớn của bạn, xin mời kiểm
241A870715258A01_## =
241E6D38DA421803_## = Sử dụng để tiến hóa trang phục Nakroth Siêu Việt. Có cơ hội
x2 hoặc x5 điểm thưởng khi tiến hóa!
2423FF6A5472DE8E_## = Whenever Tulen hits an enemy with an ability, he gains 1
charge of Thunderclap. After reaching 5 charges, he summons 5 lightning bolts that
shoot out in sequence towards nearby enemies, prioritizing heroes. Each lightning
bolt deals {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>.
If more than one lightning bolt hits the same target within 1 second, the damage
dealt by the subsequent bolts will be reduced by 20%. The lightning bolts will only
attack monsters if they're in aggression mode.
24277F770009AD49_## = <color=#f8be32>120-second</color> cooldown: You and nearby
teammates instantly recover <color=#f8be32>15%</color> HP and gain
<color=#f8be32>15%</color> movement speed for <color=#f8be32>2 seconds</color>.
242A6EDAA86A16E1_## = Alice was the youngest maiden to ever serve in the temple,
which was why she was allowed to refuse work and spend her days frolicking with all
manner of innocent creatures. The other maidens doted on her, akin to a mother's
love for her child.\n\nAs childlike and innocent as she was, the word "fear" was
not understood by her. Even in the presence of the temple leader, she did not hold
back her playfulness. The smile that she shared with everyone from the bottom of
her heart never failed to win people over.\n\nBut it would be foolhardy to
underestimate her because of her kind-hearted nature. When the Fallen invaded,
Alice left the temple and joined the resistance. Her participation, skill, and
magic, greatly bolstered the army's combat strength. With her outstanding
contribution, Alice received the title of "The Princess."\n\n"Don't get on the
wrong side of this little princess."\n\nThis warning was always wise to bear in
mind. Indeed, all of the enemies that Alice defeated serve to underpin this advice,
further proving her prowess. If you were fortunate enough to witness Alice during
battle, you would be amazed at how one so small can unleash such a godly force with
cataclysmic effects.\n\n"There is no bravery without fear!"
242A9E73B0B2BA5D_## = Rương Pháo hoa
242B877C04B1CF57_## = Wisp
242C4C0723445B69_## = Zuka has no fear of death. She is extremely swift and can act
faster than anyone else when the time comes.
242D4C412A564566_## =
242F1A9D079717E7_## = Trial Card: Try out Taara for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
242FCF26914D64C1_## = Beginner
243203E488CBB0B8_## =
2432d95b6e8ac6b0 = Report
2433869354FDC313_## =
2435CBBC29C027BD_## =
243A7AE70E56753C_## =
243B23B317FCAFC1_## =
243C3C9C4E354878_## =
243da5012de62043 = Attack Damage:
2440980F4E1CE49C_## = Trial Card: Try out Kriknak for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this Hero.
24420fc79240934 = 24420fc79240934_##
24427DC25C0D9D6F_## = Ripper
244659082605AAC3_## = Azzen'Ka
2447A0ABECBE02B6_## =
244A43EBA764D689_## = Thu thập Bánh Chưng và Đầu lân để đổi thưởng Tết mỗi ngày
244ABB7682726D5B_## =
244c5cb195403854 = In use
2452814EF0620BCE_## = Toro's passive gives him excellent maneuverability. When you
think you're about to be immobilized, use an ability to counter those effects.
Cooldown speed and HP are incredibly important, so try to purchase items and arcana
that boost these attributes.
2453BB81FCB618C8_## =
2453F459822F6F43_## = Raz
24578D2801AEDBCE_## = Huy hiệu 1 năm Liên Quân
2464E0BA835E039B_## = "Lời mời đã được phát ra, những kẻ nào muốn theo ta thì hãy
thu thập càng nhiều thẻ bài này càng tốt. Ta sẽ tặng các ngươi một món quà cực
lớn vào 30.9! HAHAHA!"
2465A0A37EAC654F_## = <color=#f6bf17ff>The three colors of arcana</color> represent
the different<color=#f6bf17ff> attributes that they enhance</color>
2465F51F32711D31_## =
246BBF4018A962E8_## = Zephys
24707B1298E59C64_## = 对局送 U23skinbox
2473CE9149AEACD0_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Mortos) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
247446897C35285F_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Payna {C}/{T} lần
247515F423C53944_## =
247919A73497E896_## =
247c6bde0af22b8d = 247c6bde0af22b8d_##
247E1DA431F86D6A_## =
247EB87B90D24F82_## = Sự kiện Chơi Liên Quân nhận vé xem phim miễn phí. Vui lòng
điền đủ thông tin tại đây để hoàn tất tham gia sự kiện:
2483AF1B4BB90D59_## =
2484BD055B75D88D_## =
2485166E41AE7FFA_## = Well, not bad!
2485E6504C2302DA_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Slimz để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
24878642A879E2C8_## = Max
2487E34B215A84CA_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
2490cacbf4b2bf61 = Skins
24912CC4B0F1BF87_## = Quà mừng chiến công U23 Việt Nam (đăng nhập)
2494528E54F95860_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK để nhận ruby miễn phí (Đấu
2494B20891D0F633_## = Trial Card: Try out Airi's skin: Shadowstrike
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
249633B9FAD67C84_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
24998973A5F74CA8_## =
249A2FA7AA81B52B_## = Tail Damage
249B01B7CEB8B3DF_## = There are<color=#f6bf17ff> tasks</color> every day, don't
miss out on great rewards!
249C09EF1C4269CA_## =
249C77360058D94E_## = Chúc mừng năm mới. Mở để nhận quà may mắn Liên Quân (Vật
24A2EB472FF02A9E_## =
24A95912DEE4243B_## =
24AC0D377461822B_## = Ability Power +4.2 \nMagic Pierce +2.4
24AFB326D98ECD07_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
24AFD24C61B14C8A_## = Trial Card: Try out Jinnar's skin: Aten for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this skin.
24B0B27D6A2E5BA3_## =
24B2928AF5B9C001_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
24B432445211B6CC_## = Phá trụ nhận quà
24BC8E5048C0FD1E_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Alice + trang phục Nhà Chiêm Tinh
24BCBEF84E47D5FA_## =
24BE8CB0DE005144_## =
24C0FCE0CC2E6177_## = Original
24C1A7F365F71F83_## = Tulen
24C350872B3DB810_## =
24CE8C0F73A60335_## =
24CF86DF9267183E_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi để nhận ruby miễn phí
24D0DC728D67394C_## = Butterfly
24D67B2D8C3CE277_## = Superman unleashes his full power, which immediately frees
him from control effects and significantly increases his movement speed. If in
Flight mode, Superman will slam the ground and knock back enemies, dealing
<color=#f18d00>(+[240200p1q3*k1/10000])</color> <color=#ca3939>physical
damage</color> as well as rid himself of control effects and increase his movement
24D9B297740C7F00_## = Unique Passive - Hunter: Deals 30% extra damage to monsters
and receives 30% more experience from killing monsters.
24d9e1122ad4ac58 = 24d9e1122ad4ac58_##
24DB2FFA2A00A104_## = Shield Points
24E091DB8D9241FC_## =
24E0B468CA85A1A3_## =
24E18C0A0967596F_## =
24E1E5C17C884748_## = Kill enemies
24E3E6F39AF46666_## = Death From Above
24E4C4732C8BD041_## =
24EBD560493A86F0_## =
24EE9000D6B7E843_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Kil'Groth để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
24F03B32AA11DA68_## =
24F0A5A5AE34F25C_## =
24F2DE55D09FC432_## =
24F517223B059926_## = Normal attacks
24F530B828FBB5C1_## = Đăng nhập nhận quà
24F8222D80B55502_## =
24F9214ADE97A699_## = Tham gia phá trụ trong bản đồ 5v5 Thường để nhận thưởng
Ruby miễn phí mỗi ngày
24FA7AD75865FE56_## =
24FAE0570CEFAF70_## = Enter<color=#f6bf17ff> Standard Mode</color>
24FB21F0C453742D_## = Chúc mừng năm mới. Mở để nhận quà may mắn Liên Quân (Trang
24fb56a49284da37 = 24fb56a49284da37_##
24FC09D51D993484_## =
24FDA83143A42399_## = Azzen'Ka
24FE20BCB3D4B3E0_## = Attack Speed +10%
250089a44d8e7943 = Purchase again
25014E4E80880C38_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
25073DF10CD401DD_## = Divine Light
2509F27165E3528B_## =
250ACED6914F58E0_## =
250E403A53C595AE_## = Trial Card: Try out Airi's skin: Racer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this skin.
25122D17446D61B9_## =
25141E3DFEBBEC6E_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 hạng mỗi ngày
251553FE6B2FA44D_## = Corrosion
251A722EE133BD5A_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 hạng mỗi ngày
251A9F5214D62802_## =
251AA5BAB395343A_## =
251C483AB5B6819E_## =
251CC7332D04F9F3_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
252189FAE30AA918_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
2521E5C5FFDD83CF_## = Man of Steel
252515CCD7F5997D_## = 本週活動精選
252D0F762DBCDD22_## = Leo
25307F2BB0F8A647_## = Redeem for rare heroes and skins in the Pendant Shop.
2539B48C60E002EB_## =
253C384D6536C2F4_## = Trial Card: Try out Joker's skin: The Killing Joke
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
253C6835E6DAF12E_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Đỏ)
253D9A0751E7C990_## = Bạn đã lên cấp<color=green>{C}</color>/{T} , cố lên!
253F8AFD59311786_## =
2545040CBD2A52F7_## = Normal attacks and abilities inflict a continuous poison
effect that deals [119900p1q2+119900p1g2*hl-119900p1g2]
<color=#7FFFD4>(+[119900p1q4*k2/10000])</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>
and adds 1 Voodoo Mark (up to 5 marks) to enemy heroes.
254A06525A0608D7_## =
2555162E5B74C462_## =
25576915877DD704_## = Tham gia mỗi ngày để nhận mảnh ghép năm mới và đổi lấy cơ
hội sở hữu bộ đôi trang phục giới hạn Long kỵ sĩ và Nghệ nhân Lân!
2558C9BCD350746B_## = Quẩy cùng anh em!
255C3DA59BB64AFC_## = Trial Card: Try out Ormarr's skin: Viking for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
255DBFF141DD5C72_## =
255DF485C3BC1B7C_## =
255E7154B09F4601_## = Săn mục tiêu lớn
255F8B701427F719_## = Poke the enemies!
2563F74B5FA7D4FA_## =
256952D72DBACE6D_## =
256D46CCF1920D42_## =
256DC28741A3DEDB_## =
256E34D3C9704310_## =
25711CF44B428D0A_## = Cybercore Level 3
25751EAB59F67181_## =
2575A56ABC8F74EE_## = Ormarr
257986640A96CDC9_## = Original
257A0ED5F3618AF1_## = Gói Xmas (skin đặc biệt)
257AE3CC78E4F2E9_## =
257BC35C9CD6A58B_## =
257D503C36888B9A_## = Đây là phần thưởng Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
2581458CA407D946_## =
2586F9E2480019E5_## = Tap <color=#f6bf17ff>Casual Match</color>.
258D6C638EF584B7_## =
2590C3E9E9839175_## =
25A145DCDBB6E0C4_## = Rương may mắn Preyta
25A67FE41D9207AB_## = Nhận Chìa khóa từ sự kiện trong khoảng 24.1 - 26.1. Kết hợp
với Rương khóa bí ẩn để đổi thưởng tại mục Sự kiện
25A689DD56D4BF6B_## = Base Damage\n(Sword)
25A964C8DB877E62_## =
25AE70F1DBE5C4A0_## = Trial Card: Try out Kil'Groth's skin: Carapace for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
25B298F1166F51E2_## =
25B2F7DF258EA372_## =
25B3E52AFB6D711D_## = Use Maloch's Cleave to hit an enemy hero and enchant his
weapon. This will make his normal attacks and subsequent Cleave attacks deal true
damage and restore a lot of HP.
25B731AA26847B41_## = Ormarr bashes the ground with his hammer, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies
within range and reducing their movement speed by {2}% for 1 second. Each cast that
hits 1 or more targets grants Ormarr a stack of Fighting Spirit. After reaching 3
stacks, the next cast will trigger Gut Punch.
25B8BAEB585017E4_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Batman {C}/{T} lần
25BBEC6B124F7311_## = Trial Card: Try out TeeMee's skin: Ringmaster
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
25BC43E34A4EDE9D_## = I'll be a Support!
25BCD5B22C312091_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Tel'Annas)
25BEB09D09D7898F_## =
25BF9E297155BB28_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Tel'Annas + trang phục
25BFAE68FEA17320_## = Natalya
25C12C67F7871007_## = Open to randomly receive the hero The Joker, The Joker’s
Skin, lvl 2 Arcana, gems and gold.
25C16893DEE60234_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
25C4836866A00002_## =
25C899F5336F48B7_## =
25C963849A4DEE6A_## =
25CABE02BCC1D2A7_## = Long Range
25CB5AB773A60282_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Chaugnar + trang phục Ác Mộng Sinh Hóa
25CDB792AA1ACEA0_## =
25CFBC59325449EB_## =
25D099CC76B2A455_## =
25D1AD328A2F8C29_## = Poison Gas Bomb
25D27BF3F7CD9656_## =
25D578319C42A34C_## = Justice Lord
25D660B97BE293B0_## = 元旦登陆活动 高峰
25DAEC20EA1B54FC_## =
25DB9A25D957BFEF_## =
25DDE9CB8B53C0AF_## =
25E053837CAB8467_## = Thane
25E231CC685F251D_## =
25EAA650320A039C_## = That all you got?
25EAD28F1931442F_## = Omega
25EE5E04C46D0FD6_## =
25F0850FE41AACEE_## = Ability Power +60, Cooldown Speed +10%, Mana Regen
+20\n[Soaring Spirit]
25F0FD013984D132_## =
25F214FAF4CA7327_## =
25F42115E4255C5B_## =
25F4932CCCBD5A18_## = Batman
25F8EC2833401CA2_## = Assassin
25FB6D84E2CF6768_## = Raz Chest
25FD7A7AD75D43AE_## = "Above the Heavens, she stands beside the throne of the Great
Ones. Lauriel spreads her six majestic wings and soars."\n\nLauriel was the
guardian of the Temple of Light and the spiritual leader of its followers. Devoted
to her task, she kept an endless vigil within the Temple directing her power
against the encroachment of darkness. She devoutly obeyed the words of the Great
Ones and was thereby imbued with their almighty power. She was their herald,
spreading truth to the Great One's followers, in whose eyes, she was the
embodiment of their Grace and Righteousness.\n\nThe sincerity of Lauriel's belief
gave her unrivaled power and, for a while, wielded control over reincarnation
itself. During that time, the rebirth, resurrection, and guidance of souls through
reincarnation were all under Lauriel's control. The flapping of her wings would
bring new life into being, while the closing of her wings would throw life into yet
another cycle of toil.\n\nWhile doing battle with the army of the Fallen, the
followers once witnessed Lauriel spreading her wings and charging the enemy ranks.
The lightning she summoned arched and sliced through the demonic horde in a single
blow. The forces under her command were then fearless in their mission of
vanquishing the army of the Fallen.\n\n"I will blow the horn of judgment at the end
of days!"
25FEA0775791B204_## =
2603DEFDBBC2F1EB_## =
260660798C7E6318_## = The Joker's origins are shrouded in mystery, but what is
known is that he was once a small-time criminal who, after a freak accident,
transformed into the Clown Prince of Crime. The Joker's belief that life can change
at any moment drives his thirst for chaos, which has fueled his reign of terror in
Gotham City. Believing that life is nothing more than a cosmic joke, the Joker has
dedicated himself to showing others—the whole world, even—that in one moment, your
whole life can get turned upside down. \n\nThe Joker has kidnapped, crippled,
maimed, murdered, and tortured countless individuals throughout the world, but his
locus of operations is Gotham City. Or, it was. In Gotham, the Joker was obsessed
with the punchline to his best joke: the destruction of Batman's ideals. Yet, try
as he might, no matter how agonizing nor how elaborate the situation, Batman
refused to give in to the Joker's games. Even after the Joker's actions cost Batman
some of his dearest allies, the Dark Knight would not break. Instead, Batman turned
the tables on the Joker by utilizing a highly modified version of Scarecrow's fear
toxin. \n\nPrior to this moment, the Joker had never truly tasted fear. With
Batman's altered fear toxin sluicing through his veins, the Joker was terrified for
the first time. The traumatic nature of the experience was enough to unmoor the
last fastenings of the Joker's sanity. Rather than stand trial for his crimes, he
was committed to Arkham Asylum. Here, the Joker was a comedian without a joke. What
could be truly funny in the face of true terror? The Joker began to despair that he
might never laugh at the world ever again. \n\nThat changed when a new inmate was
brought into Arkham. This man, too, was mad, but in between his demented ravings he
spouted lucid streams of mathematical equations and whispered incantations in
hushed tones. And when he would sleep, a single phrase was on his lips: "Athanor…
Athanor." The man's madness intrigued the Joker. With some charm and deception
Joker befriended the inmate and learned of where the man had come from. A scientist
in a former life, the Arkham inmate had studied radiation spikes across the world
that coincided with paranormal phenomena. The scientist had found the answer to
these riddles: a portal to another world. \n\nThe scientist spoke of this realm,
Athanor, with reverent tones. It was clear that the experience had changed the
scientist profoundly. The Joker was not in search of spiritual enlightenment or an
experience that would cure his madness; no, he longed to see this world of beauty
and order, so that he might make a grand joke of it. With his mind finally resolved
to a productive endeavor, the Joker escaped Arkham, as he had so many times before.
This time, instead of wreaking havoc upon Gotham, the newly freed Joker made for
Athanor. \n\nAfter months of searching, the Joker finally found the portal to
Athanor. And now, even the gods who contend to rule that realm will have to wrestle
with the man who is chaos personified.
26075BC84937640B_## =
260A1DA96025597D_## = Unknown
260B8E3578647777_## =
260C0061D2253823_## =
26105522EAE80AB7_## = A kill or an assist resets the cooldowns for all of
Butterfly's abilities and restores 15% of her lost HP.
26123E9032B9B3B7_## =
26132D6C264E2C8F_## = Original
2617340B6F2AA243_## =
261740266DA7FC2B_## =
2618F9FA5587A5CC_## =
261d4f22c296a106 = 261d4f22c296a106_##
26239c97c98b3064 = Events
2623BE8D82E037DF_## = Level 6 Chest
262459DEB2EBC75A_## = Receive a random 12 hour trial card
262475F47355FD84_## =
2625B2FD036F1C4D_## = Săn mục tiêu lớn
2626643789C891CA_## =
2627D0B3AD6A5BD3_## =
262BB30B76984320_## =
262C1B7E7CD82EED_## = Congratulations, you are now one step closer to becoming a
true hero!
262DDA896D02BE91_## = 签到图片
262EFC8ACA284AA5_## = Tết chưa hết đâu! (Đấu thường)
262FA995DAC12120_## =
2631681D476E64A4_## = Wukong's Disguise
26384D1705EF5196_## =
2639709E71C356D0_## = Limited-time offer
263c175007b19d84 = Level up
26424A31576FA3F4_## =
2644AB404DF0F4DE_## = Relinquish your self to oblivion.
2647D17F6509CA46_## = Destroy the enemy Core!
2649a8c9e399e199 = Yes
264ACA7503E72426_## =
264C4F3B2BD0B4EF_## = Defense
264DF3B90F735CBD_## = Tank
264E30C429BC978B_## = Unique Passive - Soaring Spirit: Restores 20% mana after
earning a kill or assist.
2650F99C53989DEF_## =
2651A88ACA9305E1_## = Lauriel's Smite allows her to keep using other abilities in
rapid succession. This is extremely valuable and can keep her safe. Make sure Blink
hits an enemy when you unleash it to reduce its cooldown.
265745E104B14B14_## =
265961A375C3140C_## =
2659EA10E9E1F281_## = Túi Ruby may mắn
265D634A39F3D2E6_## = Terrifying Plague
265EB7E844C28131_## = +50% Exp Năm mới - Hạng
265f204416f6a2ac = Permanent Events
2663183C34D5885A_## =
266996AAF4627B20_## = Each time Ormarr deals damage, he has a chance to stun the
target and deal <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> equal to <color=#ca3939>{0}-
{1}%</color> (scales with hero level) of the target's current HP. ({2} second
internal cooldown)
266F5EBC17B69FD5_## = Unknown
266FF3051BE2BF4B_## =
26718D598B916670_## = Unknown
2674EA88F5F6E780_## =
267A165DFA14AB33_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
26802E4AC63D38C3_## =
26811C2B51300131_## =
268321AD8698F44D_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
2687348E1DFB936B_## = Normal Attack
268870191C3EBCA0_## =
268B8B1608AAF60B_## =
268D456E82671B82_## = Summer Bash
268E3B2497E8A519_## =
26925405E6733040_## =
2693E65E03C9BB0A_## = Omega Value Pack
26943F0C71EA3468_## =
2697D83764E46844_## = Trial Card: Try out Arthur for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this Hero.
269A787D56F98B2F_## =
269BB45814990EB6_## = Combo thử 1n
26A00A8EBEB3BE2A_## = HP Regen
26A37048EE592A98_## =
26A388231DF6A54E_## = Demolition Mode
26A4EDC7DC6D0F9C_## =
26A61A35114719AB_## =
26A9128427EC7168_## = (Inflict consistent damage through rapid normal attacks)
26abaf361e4c4969 = Controls
26ACD6E643824888_## = Wisp
26B022C470E29923_## =
26B2323BF25B9165_## =
26B4148DA6E5DE2D_## =
26B56499AC1200B5_## =
26B70F19AE3D4823_## = Trang phục Triệu Vân: Dũng sĩ đồ long
26B77CE10CEF2C09_## = Crowd control
26B93561D023FA36_## = First!
26BCD8868F56F0A3_## =
26C0BF914965BC50_## =
26C241A95B7C6355_## = Long Range
26C3EEE061AB2FA0_## =
26C7BFFA8839A8D4_## = Thu thập Chìa khóa - Mở rương bí ẩn
26CF10D97756FDD1_## = Unknown
26D6289064F0497B_## = Đây là phần thưởng Thợ Săn tiền thưởng của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
26D932B028D101A2_## = Dustdevil
26D962EEDFE480D4_## = Using abilities increases movement speed by 20% for 1 second.
26D96C1467F6FB31_## =
26DAE54B00E35800_## = Trial Card: Try out Murad's skin: Outlaw for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
26DB5B4B2C008B60_## = Nethra
26DD0C48C77F3E35_## =
26DE3F1E6D374260_## =
26DEA278657A06A4_## = Fiery
26E2BEA3EA8A1F1F_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Ilumia) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
26E9BEBCBD8B1E96_## = Đấu trường đỉnh cao
26ea11253ea7025b = On
26EEEA2AB600FA34_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
26F06B9495A6EC0C_## =
26F3B3485B698853_## =
26F55A28A15AFD2B_## =
26FB0818F84BC406_## =
26FCFBC2330B533E_## = Cooldown
26FEFCB4F40ECD39_## =
26FF10A260345D5E_## =
26FF73947E3A6D80_## = Trial Card: Try out Gildur for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
27002b6e9f433686 = Custom Match
2701352B01A2CB6C_## = Please wait a minute, then try again.
27084b18cd28ff7a = Magic Defense:
27096E59BCCEB444_## =
270D40B061D30C56_## = Unknown
270DA2391239A5C0_## = Base Damage
270E32771A89E2A2_## = Trial Card: Try out Violet for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color>
day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
270FEB9E6418DE6D_## =
27130D93D6A0EC5F_## = Kriknak
271591E3C84266AD_## =
2715B6FF1577761C_## =
27187CC1284D7ABF_## = Tết đến rồi! (Đấu thường)
27195F58E844CA3C_## = Đăng nhập nhận quà
2719DB85107DC0C9_## =
271E56DF24835E75_## = Lauriel
271E7B651B868B96_## = Gói 30% KM Skud + skin
2721D503FDE654E1_## = Tank
27232D7F550058ED_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
27248089CC08564F_## =
2724AEEE88A21262_## =
27253F77D3B310BC_## = Midnight
2725BB0BF90F1A63_## = Trial Card: Try out Arduin for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this hero.
272C78BF83D0C2A7_## = An error has occurred. Error code: 8038
272e5d07b89af39c = Invite
272F900A74A63121_## = Magic Crystal
2730A0D01F4AAC64_## = You are playing the game in guest mode. According to our
data, <color=orange>90%</color> of account issues happen while in guest mode, and
data (including purchases) may be lost when deleting the game or changing
devices.\nTo protect your data, we strongly suggest linking with a Facebook or
Garena account.\n\nBenefits of linking your account:\n1. Your account is safer and
your progress is synchronized across multiple devices.\n2. You can see which of
your friends are playing Liên Quân Mobile and check their rankings.\n3. Get a Link
Reward Pack (<color=orange>1 Rename Card, 100 Gems, 1 Random Hero Trial
273249B10EC8FDF7_## =
2732998C831EA355_## = Open to receive the Hero Azzen'Ka
2732BDDED8C3D90D_## =
273416A06C135315_## = Switch to suggested heroes
2734738B09995EBE_## = Thane strikes the ground, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies
within range. He also knocks enemies into the air and slows their movement speed by
90% for 2 seconds.
27356B55C8598C13_## = It's my time to shine! %48
2735E896B1B6CFE2_## = Original
273AFB60BF09FAB5_## = Ringmaster
273C17BBF9C4C170_## = Prom Queen
273DC11C6398B792_## =
273E1C27CA64E2BE_## =
273E4C1BC711AA91_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
27433C3A7FE2CF38_## = Not Available
27471A4E19B14739_## = Trial Card: Try out Violet's skin: Sharpshooter
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
27471F9F6421AE65_## =
2749225A826E1D0D_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Giờ vàng)
274BE7654409DBF1_## =
274CA879D2ACD29B_## = The Fanatic
274CBB4A710A3ACF_## =
274CF4E0229234FD_## = Unknown
2752CFD75EA4B998_## = Base Damage
275977C4C65B2520_## = Use Divine Light and Banish together to trigger Ilumia's
passive. It will allow her to chain her attacks. Follow this up with Cataclysm to
keep up the offense. In a team fight, save Cataclysm for finishing.
275A8869D4DF92A4_## = Attack Speed +0.6% \nCritical Chance +0.3% \nCritical Damage
275BE0DAE755DA4A_## = Murder Clown
275F4045B1F15004_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
2764222E276ED4C1_## = Base Damage
276730186B9E9499_## =
276816C040BAEA43_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
2768B0A77FD7C560_## = I wasn't planning on taking First Blood. #justtoogood
276BD607C43CF6A8_## =
276DAA69BF8E9CD8_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Ignis)
276E55CD948BCFF5_## = Red Outer Tower
276F3852A197118F_## =
276FFD402A82F28F_## = Trial Card: Try out Maloch's skin: Dreadwyrm for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
27701AA1009DC78D_## = We need a Support!
27708A2C09F50CB3_## =
27714DBE6C691CA6_## =
2773220FEB463411_## = Thời niên thiếu
2776BA62656DB84F_## =
277AF3C4D9FCF1D4_## = Tee starts to build up the gas in his stomach, causing him to
increase his movement speed for {0} seconds. During this time, Tee tries to hold it
all in for as long as possible (can be unleashed earlier by tapping the ability
again). Tee then unleashes a stinky plume, causing all enemies in the area to
suffer up to {1} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{2})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>
and become stunned for up to 2 seconds. The longer Tee holds in his funky fumes,
the higher the damage and stun period.
277B9B6A4CE36F87_## =
277C8C8153953249_## = Enter team fights when your ultimate is ready.
27871FE17D1917FE_## =
2787CF5F9DE45DAB_## =
278BD4727BBE1889_## =
278D5FCF8DE00234_## = Open to receive 10-100 Gems
279036E35A76A395_## = Base Damage
27920B09A953A4F8_## = Red Outer Tower
279271D9A916CCDA_## = Prep School
2797189BC08E62A7_## =
27973D994335BEEA_## =
2798C4CB8DC79657_## =
27A01883D7A3FE6F_## =
27A35B5CF076D1F1_## =
27A3DF437423821C_## =
27A5882905AC50E3_## =
27A672A78210E8A0_## =
27A8021E5F0030A8_## =
27A9EDF490A12F04_## =
27AC6416E6FD739A_## =
27B01404254E42EA_## = Butterfly
27B286F6182E5B8B_## = Tee starts to build up the gas in his stomach, causing him to
increase his movement speed for {0} seconds. During this time, Tee tries to hold it
all in for as long as possible (can be unleashed earlier by tapping the ability
again). Tee then unleashes a stinky plume, causing all enemies in the area to
suffer up to {1} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{2})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>
and become stunned for up to 2 seconds. The longer Tee holds in his funky fumes,
the higher the damage and stun period.
27B2C2F339905B15_## = TeeMee
27B457537AB2B9AE_## = Red Hammer Soldier
27B7A951B67325D2_## =
27B83421647A8953_## = Who's worthy of a challenge?
27B8A2520A1AD439_## = Trial Card: Try out Diaochan for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
27B97C0A20A296C7_## = [新英雄-Raz 登場] 愛不釋手
27B9A4321721F9A5_## = 参与 5V5
27BCA2234DB29D66_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
27BEE63B95BFC734_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
27C1698403248DC6_## =
27C567CA5C6C4D1F_## =
27C856D1D104DD04_## = Batman
27CA00D02EC4AF5D_## = 等級達到{T}級
27CDA0DE13998B82_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Lục)
27CDC352B6A20864_## = Trial Card: Try out Nakroth's skin: Neon for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
27CDE03E74583582_## = Real Steel
27D24B92109B7208_## =
27DD5570D379AB0E_## =
27df16584ef71663 = Basic Gameplay Controls
27E024BD40501B4A_## = Magic Defense +9
27E0737F0630923F_## =
27E15CD7A32189F5_## = Chỉ cần đăng nhập - nhận ngay cực nhiều quà tặng. Rủ ngay
500 anh em vào nhận thôi!
27e6fa94f2fb61c1 = 27e6fa94f2fb61c1_##
27E93FCEA094CF59_## = When Lindis passes through the brush, she will increase her
movement speed and strengthen her next normal attack for a short period of time.
The strengthened attack will fire 2 arrows with each arrow dealing
<color=#f18d00>{0}</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>. 4-second
27E9D18B075D26BA_## =
27EAED84EFDD10AA_## =
27F0590FF602F508_## =
27F278F3F0D0FF84_## = We fight for glory!
27F67A07059E4C75_## = Combo thẻ thử tướng và trang phục Zephys 1 ngày
27F71A0DB97D716A_## = Đổi quà tặng, nhận rương may mắn Valentine
27F7DDB653502A06_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mừng xuân Đinh Dậu,
27FCE6B14D526510_## = Use Batman's Dark Knight to get close to enemies, then look
for protection opportunities from allies and mount a surprise attack. Activate Dark
Knight again to deal a quick burst of damage. You can also activate Dark Knight
while in the brush to prevent enemies from detecting Batman on the mini-map and
27FDE0BB7E6B7DCB_## =
27FFF2C3B92621EE_## = Combo Lauriel + Vé Quay
2809FDA6743EEEDB_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
280B4ADC8940C6AA_## =
280C17DD91FC1104_## =
280DA9E249EB7FBA_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
2817F31D71A7C7C3_## = The Doomspear
28182522ABE1BB00_## = Cooldown
2818BFB51C0C0A43_## = Hellbat
281A2B57DBF7D6E7_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
281BD6A8DCC19A0E_## = Use your defense towers for backup.
281C1E46C5498A79_## =
281C3F1973EBFAAF_## =
281EB81F414FE038_## =
28208D900E21BC66_## =
2820DCCD52D5A02A_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi để nhận ruby miễn phí
2825c2e9ba459b83 = Log in
282B00AC0B33D3CA_## =
282BE07DA574811D_## =
282F7919B5348522_## = Atrocity
28315A5430E6F153_## =
2831E05C3E3E3001_## = Unknown
2834E44B6960F509_## =
2837DD9420626B4C_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tiêu Quân Huy - nhận ưu đãi của bạn, xin
mời kiểm tra!
283C4256F7F597D7_## =
283FDD2738D30F54_## =
2843C61203CC970D_## =
2846777524F78116_## =
2846BFB82766D0BF_## =
284BD13C6B4A32D2_## =
2856F0C649070E11_## =
285c0d8874d5a1ed = 285c0d8874d5a1ed_##
285D855E5A9778AD_## =
285ec21f6804225 = Nearest
286076D8612570ED_## =
2861AF4315A8A699_## = Cooldown
2861BDD1167123F2_## = After a short charging period, Lumburr tears the ground apart
with great strength and knocks enemies on the path into the air, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>. The earth
stays torn for 5 seconds, and enemies within suffer a {2}% movement speed
reduction, as well as taking {3} <color=#f18d00>(+{4})</color>
<color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>.
286956BDAAEBAB37_## =
286E0FD18DCFCCA8_## = Cooldown
286E31DA37267DA9_## =
286E5A0F0EF9FBEB_## = Endure
286E65499EE5275A_## = Mina
287076ECDCE7C792_## =
28711b8b58927dd3 = 28711b8b58927dd3_##
28730B758A3F75A8_## = Butterfly
2878B7E126AB77C1_## =
287A0C9601CC3796_## = HP Regen
287A737FC458DA84_## =
287D27ADBC7C5BB1_## = Kil'Groth charges forward, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies
along the path and slowing their movement speed by <color=#f8be32>{2}%</color> for
1.5 seconds. The cooldown is reduced by <color=#f8be32>{3}</color> seconds when it
hits enemy heroes.
28838587CFFD4711_## = Dark Knight
289122C24D7AB5A0_## = Trial Card: Try out Max's skin: Excelsior for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
28914FDD95A95483_## =
289458CB87DF8C9D_## =
289738A370E75580_## =
28994763FE317425_## =
289E2F5C8D3E97AB_## =
289F55645012B72C_## = Chaugnar trembles and deals {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color>
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to all nearby enemies. Damage increases by 30%
with each cast and stacks up to 2 times. Also reduces cooldown of Energy Surge by 1
28A446742B6038ED_## =
28A708F8220A5D82_## =
28A71D2CDA4AA753_## =
28AB90F4FB7DBA05_## = 消费金币
28B4E748FB01906B_## = Veera
28B82A0897F9A22F_## = Trial Card: Try out Krixi's skin: Papillon for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
28BEE13BA126A087_## = Unknown
28C056456E88DAA7_## = War Boots
28C25E67F7F1D7C4_## = 击杀魔龙
28C2E58BF0030613_## = Trial Card: Try out Veera's skin: Heartbreaker
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
28C38158C4ECD287_## =
28C51151C0B41723_## = Shadowstrike
28C5FF0847279871_## =
28C6FFE8A8F702C5_## = Unknown
28C7FB63444AA935_## =
28C85E50FEB59242_## =
28C91DCB2B55F167_## =
28CB54777C2CCF89_## = Mừng xuân Đinh Dậu, lì xì đầy tay: Mở hầu bao!
28D6CB27553D9E6A_## = Melee
28D76D60D80AD2FD_## = Bladed Guardian
28D82A04F6F97A5D_## =
28D835B1E34368CC_## = Tubular wave effects
28DB71F69B3ED151_## =
28DC3CF1E6F4BE93_## = Unknown
28ddf5e95a1a1d85 = Change
28DE7FD227C97C4E_## = [ex] (DNT)
28E04FB8CE052CD5_## =
28E159E60C855703_## = 5 ruby
28E1B47357C096AA_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
28E5BBE3461B3299_## = <color=#00d5ff>Mission:</color>\nDestroy the<color=#d8aa1a>
Might Golem</color>
28e8cb46ad910da6 = Now, we will further hone your skills.
28EAC60658E2C0D8_## =
28ECAADDEF20C071_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Batman {C}/{T} lần
28ed48a8ad34a3b2 = 28ed48a8ad34a3b2_##
28EFFC1423709F23_## =
28F780392E6FD7D8_## = Carapace
28F897B95F3F032D_## = The Killing Joke
28FBABD47BDDA691_## = Zuka raises his staff and charges forward, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to nearby
enemies. This ability can be used again within 5 seconds of the first use and each
use enhances Zuka's next normal attack, increasing its range and dealing an
additional <color=#f18d00>(+{2})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>.
28FDCD9D4C8F9089_## =
28FF51E6F0802712_## = "Power, is the only worthy pursuit."\n\nHis ruthless nature
and thirst for power make Mganga a natural in the world of black magic. In an
effort to gain more knowledge, Mganga planned to enslave the strongest of beasts,
and trade them with the demons in exchange for powerful black magic. The priests of
his tribe caught wind of this wicked plan, and knew they had to intervene. With
their powers combined, they finally put a stop to his evil plans.\n\nMganga, always
the one to hold a grudge, plotted mercilessly against the priests for their
tampering. The priests, seen as the divine light of the tribe, were hung from trees
or slaughtered in their own caves… Overnight, the tribe was placed in serious
peril. However, it appeared that Mganga's madness had pushed the powers of
righteousness too far, and they mounted a counterattack against him.\n\nThey
swarmed him relentlessly, leaving him no choice but to retreat to the deepest parts
of Dead Jungle. There, he took refuge amongst the venomous serpents and poisonous
marshes. This by no means ended his study of black magic. On the contrary, he used
his knowledge to communicate with dark forces, and now his mastery of black magic
is greater than ever.\n\n"The weak cowers before power, whereas the strong
dominates it."
2901c4630a819c67 = Attack
2906900280988831_## = Jungling, Survivability
2907AF093CD4EEC5_## =
290C67482C928AF4_## = Use the Recall Button
2911DA876DBEBF3A_## = mở ngẫu nhiên 5-10 Ruby, hoặc thẻ 1 ngày trải nghiệm một
trong các trang phục Công chúa bướm, Chiến binh sành điệu, Nhà chiêm tinh, Đặc
cảnh NYPD, Cung thủ bóng đêm, Sát thủ học đường
2916537C70BAE1F4_## =
291A895116794764_## = Getting Started
291C33E753F79963_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Ryoma {C}/{T} lần
291FC54887E1A2B2_## = Assassin
2920F293C3B18886_## = 7 日累積簽到
29238ED48BA1DDDD_## =
292720D813AE475D_## =
2927A1174124D9B8_## = Đây là phần thưởng Săn mục tiêu lớn của bạn, xin mời kiểm
292A994992D2F316_## = Prom King
292AEBAE939CDD79_## = Long Range
292C275BB0DC7A59_## = Base Damage
292C9F77078E0E26_## =
292D5149535D4FEB_## =
292D7B2B97F1220B_## = Base Damage
2937ABDF30E31C66_## =
293EA421EF54A16F_## = Rương may mắn Ignis
2944EE2F61160BB2_## =
29467FD0C6C6BED1_## =
2947256BB879438F_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
294CB1F7459F370D_## = Trial Card: Try out Slimz's skin: Demolition
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
294EFAE97A8605EC_## = Blue Outer Tower
2950DA1FDE24AD39_## = Not Available
29554550484AAAB4_## = Player is not in the lobby.
295546834F3EE2E0_## = Thu thập Bánh Chưng và Đầu lân để đổi thưởng Tết mỗi ngày
2956810901F5673F_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
2957A34AF2813D30_## = This player abandoned or remained idle in the last match and
has been punished.
2959CEE4321C210F_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Vàng
295BFD8B15D8BE58_## =
295d9b371b8c8f70 = 295d9b371b8c8f70_##
29633973559E8C6A_## =
2964CDF4C4ECAE7A_## = Sage Golem
296690A99BD0DC7A_## = Behold the sun!
296705EFD2FC2BCE_## =
29677965B73D6216_## = Tap here to equip the arcana
2968043C77243FD6_## = Ignis
29684AC7A6EE3953_## = Đây là phần thưởng Thu thập Chìa khóa - Mở rương bí ẩn của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
296B1168B5D21948_## =
296F042EFE98DE31_## = Butterfly
29749DD937A94511_## =
2974FBAD08F24D07_## = You should all call me "Dragon Slayer" from now on.
2979E1B4B85C63B1_## = 签到图片
297B514876CF5E3A_## = That all you got?
297FEE15EEEF54E4_## =
2981444BFD169CFD_## = Do not abandon your teammates even when your team is down.
298239B66644E447_## =
2983F8F11E082145_## =
2988C4174D2CAF8E_## =
29890390EFE8D2C4_## = 本週活動精選
298B273E8D0BF570_## =
2991424B5E510330_## =
299176e47a2adade = 299176e47a2adade_##
2999641ADE5DBAC5_## = Đăng nhập nhận 3 Kẹo Giáng sinh mỗi ngày. Kẹo Giáng sinh là
vật phẩm không thể thiếu để đổi thưởng từ sự kiện Lễ hội mùa đông.
299B30BA0745F3CC_## = Tank
299B7E2501FE7F3D_## = Sustained Damage
299C881F6C93417D_## = Control, Buffs
299EDC6A2F8191EF_## =
29A163A85DE82D04_## =
29A46265E11AFEA5_## = Quy đổi ngọc tím cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
29A5FE2A21BC8409_## = 7 日累積簽到
29A6DCC0B529E96E_## = 本週活動精選
29A8D572F3E9A2A6_## =
29B0C4CA44442B68_## = Archmage
29B0E3CE07DD831C_## =
29B4352C030129C8_## =
29B513A150DC2DFC_## = Nhận Rương khóa từ sự kiện hàng ngày từ 18.1 - 23.1. Rương
khóa có thể kết hợp với Chìa khóa (nhận từ 24.1) để đổi thưởng.
29B62C9CEE63044D_## = 7 日累積簽到
29B7347ED6CEC464_## =
29BA094D7C4BD179_## =
29BD4F728E8D87C2_## =
29C118CAC8C91735_## =
29C132143888B317_## =
29C3EA6CA58A7A36_## = <blankspace89>
29C6C5A9CAF7C276_## =
29CD2C16B3F79D7F_## =
29CE144A50749C91_## = Odin's Will
29CF5EE68CFA83A2_## = Rương tướng (x4+1)
29D44D0C25FCD7EB_## =
29D6913D29EA80FD_## = That all you got?
29D763D0222E11C1_## =
29D8463CE521249A_## = Gói KM 30% Natalya & Skin
29D850174D4B3B97_## =
29DABCEBBD594624_## = Flutter
29DB133742B8DE08_## = Lì xì tết đặc biệt
29E09305D64E186C_## =
29E13B2B84492C90_## =
29E35E5FD0C8B67B_## =
29E5F31CE1209463_## =
29F1D4E79ECEAA88_## = Tank
29F2268CC9B04522_## = 小丑上锁箱子
29F25E6CD02C26B7_## =
29F4FA37A16E662D_## = Shadowstrike
29F9D28B549C16F1_## =
2A0181A92393CFF5_## =
2A018D8AB07CE9CB_## = Rương ngọc may mắn - Bộ ngọc tốt nhất để sử dụng với kết
hợp với Lindis
2A029921989F5D52_## =
2A02F628E3B8C57F_## = Unknown
2A076E6E981E6887_## = 累计推塔任务
2A077846E5352B23_## =
2A0B8F631C065C8E_## =
2A0BF1380E9B07A3_## =
2A115964CC3CAD2C_## = Krixi summons a clone to fly about and deal {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to any enemy it
touches. Damage decreases by {2}% after each hit (down to {3}% of original damage).
2A12BF17BCB77592_## =
2A169FEFFC26D198_## = After a short delay, Grakk pulls in enemies in front of him,
stunning them and dealing a total of {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color>
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> during the pull. Grakk also gains a shield if
the ability hits at least 1 enemy. This ability must be channeled and has a maximum
duration of 3 seconds. Moving or using another ability after 1.2 seconds of
channeling will interrupt this ability.
2A1BFED6C8FCE115_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Mortos {C}/{T} lần
2a1d2085e305afa8 = <color=#f6bf17ff>Challenger</color>, the world is
waiting<color=#f6bf17ff> for you</color>!\n
2A1DB203C27A8701_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
2A25E0F194D69F58_## =
2A25E974A8C121FB_## = Đây là phần thưởng Khuyến mãi nạp Quân Huy của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
2A26F01EBD3A0151_## =
2A26F2DDCC35CA91_## =
2A2812D468E3FF47_## = Quy đổi ngọc tím cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
2A2BDD2C08DF9DA7_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
2A3095EDEB7F4C43_## = Sunshine
2A31DC33CC8DD976_## = Red Inner Tower
2A349488E475E98F_## = Summer Bash
2A34C525F870993F_## = Đây là phần thưởng Vô Địch ARAM của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
2a3522763627f0ec = Featured
2A3B0E93D03BE1EC_## =
2A3EB0AB4E5ABA8F_## = Pay attention to the mini-map, watch out for enemy ambushes.
2A3F0A03ED5A9A5C_## = The Herald of the Void
2A3FCD054E5D71DB_## = Burst
2A4306C40DECE20B_## = Combo Zephys Bí ngô
2A4577A7F92DB051_## =
2A4678029904527A_## = Butterfly took a deep breath and her palms broke into a
sweat. This time her task was to locate and annihilate the enemy in the dark and
narrow corridor. The target could escape at any moment, and she only had a few
clues. As if celebrating the occasion, little Halloween pumpkin lamps hung on every
door in the long corridor, seemingly for the Monster Festival. \n\nButterfly had a
very keen sense of intuition; only one of the doors was not locked. A dim light
came from inside through the half-shut door--obviously, it was meant to tell
passersby that there was no one inside. She drew closer to the door slowly, and a
beefy figure gradually came into sight from the darkness, just as she had
anticipated. Her target saw her at the same time she spotted him. He wasn't empty-
handed; the hunting-knife in his hand frightened her. \n\n"I don't think I'll lose
when it comes to using a knife!" \n\nIt was only after years of training that
Butterfly became confident enough about her knife-fighting abilities. A single
meter, just enough for her to turn and charge at the enemy. Blade in. Blade out.
The figure collapsed. \n\n"Target down. Task completed."
2A4C7F000A71ECDF_## = 本週活動精選
2A4D8C84A698FB31_## =
2A4F4536F3FE0B7E_## = Mobility
2A528C0B0228BA7C_## =
2A5584854FD2D61B_## =
2A56DCF01A2493EE_## =
2A57A2204ECFF23B_## =
2A5D964D748999EC_## = Rương may mắn Zuka
2A5D9DF8874341F7_## =
2A5FDA86F5BB9179_## = Trial Card: Try out Ormarr's skin: Superset
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
2A61A515C8408FC8_## =
2A63BA158866A4B9_## = Base Damage
2A69F0B6E2A25716_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
2A719F6F193E0611_## =
2A727F3992AF863F_## = Open it for a chance to get the Nurse skin, the Abomination
skin or other items.
2A74788D2C269986_## = Piolet
2A75E8CD49FD10BE_## =
2A76092A47AB9103_## = Đăng nhập mỗi ngày để nhận quà tết từ Liên Quân
2A7C9C201650CF89_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
2A82276012F65EBA_## = Control
2A8291EAE3FC9AC0_## =
2A84E7A14DB09C46_## =
2A876744A8248370_## =
2A87CF866CF2D347_## = Trial Card: Try out Arthur's skin: The Bone Baron
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have
this skin.
2A88E6EE164E89B2_## =
2A8F781CF3BF013C_## =
2A9138E95113455B_## = Unique Passive: Magic Pierce +75
2A914BA970DD7E9A_## = Toro
2A944D6B14403D13_## =
2A96B4181E7D7B40_## =
2A99BEFA1B8CD04C_## = Damage (Morphed)
2A9CF6DF7D51A2FA_## = <color=#f6bf17ff>HP Restoration</color> will be
<color=#f6bf17ff>canceled</color> if you take <color=#f6bf17ff>damage</color>!
2a9f19ca7defb50d = 2-3 Players
2A9F8B10797A87DA_## =
2aa09e06defd9615 = Heroes
2AACDC2BA39B3400_## = Unique Passive: Movement Speed +60
2AAEFDB78C81D1BF_## =
2AC0F95FC2E83212_## =
2AC36E5248644BB9_## =
2ac47f2d7d7f34b7 = 2ac47f2d7d7f34b7_##
2AC5A9030FE4BD73_## =
2AC859EBA81104D3_## =
2ACB19E12D0E07AA_## = Crusader
2acc012fd6fdaa07 = 2acc012fd6fdaa07_##
2ACC3CFE9A3B22FD_## = 本週活動精選
2ACE674B6F9B3EF3_## =
2ACFE5D9C42045C7_## =
2AD1462D342D32E7_## = Arthur
2AD71A0759F5E6F7_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Đỏ)
2ADA8D9660973230_## =
2ADE404ADC45D6CD_## =
2AE169D498FB979A_## =
2ae7e67e50f78363 = 2ae7e67e50f78363_##
2AE807D5490A736A_## = Tích lũy hạ gục {C}/{T}
2AE81CCBC99181A9_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
2AEA31B05554413D_## =
2AEA64F4ED979368_## =
2AEFF4D02D0EE6A5_## =
2AF97E8DD1E7C187_## =
2afd357958a0475 = Details
2AFD45E84796D0CF_## = Open to receive the Hero: Kahlii and her Skin: Corpse Bride
2B016C500923CBC5_## = Cooldown
2B06982DF31D12ED_## =
2B070D19CD8A02F2_## =
2B0770B24F81EE27_## =
2B10B6028554C8D2_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
2B14CF6FE3928989_## =
2B181209A13EE8D1_## =
2B1E8CFDCA727DB5_## = The Anointed One
2B1F6D6C35A8FBBE_## =
2b22a9b8fc16097a = 2b22a9b8fc16097a_##
2B22B2FC0FB7DB4A_## =
2B2550EC14689251_## = Attention! <color=#f6bf17ff>Garnak</color> has appeared.
Defeat it! \n<color=#f6bf17ff>Seize </color>his power!
2B2B7F030A842A63_## = Butterfly
2B2F2C4E86EA4680_## =
2B31D3F338BF1CE3_## = <blankspace89>
2B3381EE63A457EB_## =
2B38B1BB08D4BB95_## =
2B3B3DAF9BE06E1D_## =
2B428A0780BAA338_## = Rend
2b4406de1ec4c568 = Share Location
2B48B7EEDB712AB5_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
2B491EEDBC377FD3_## = Base Damage
2B4B1FBEB3EE5E6E_## =
2B4B287A85B86AE5_## = Unknown
2b4b863526686855 = All
2B523781992005EB_## = Unknown
2B52EC6F1EDFC363_## = Arum
2B53094B88E87F51_## =
2B552C8FD974355A_## = Mở để nhận thẻ thử tướng và thử trang phục 1 ngày
2B57C58068F5665A_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
2B5A6169610EE4CB_## = Cooldown
2B5ABF7EA275E5F6_## = Kết hợp với Chìa khóa của Joker và đổi rất nhiều phần
thưởng đặc biệt!
2B64806FE1ECF489_## = Shield Points
2B65B17BDE9C2B31_## = Krixi
2B6AE932D042567B_## = Marksmen inflict high amounts of damage and have lower
defensive attributes. They also have abilities with control effects that can give
their team an advantage in fights.
2B714D2157765282_## = Base Damage
2B72D2D5E2EA8ACC_## =
2B759110D8AF4B45_## =
2B782B471787B7E9_## = Shockwave
2B78DE2FFA8A5FDD_## =
2B78EBE49F12569C_## =
2B7A0026827324BE_## =
2B8019EB527005C6_## = Chơi bản đồ 5v5 Miền đất hứa (Thường & Hạng) để nhận ruby
miễn phí
2B83AC6F363D7C51_## =
2B88186C36F03537_## = Obtain {0} [/0:$(hero|heroes)/]
2B883467509FE696_## = <color=#f8be32>90-second</color> cooldown: Instantly attacks
a nearby enemy hero and deals damage equal to <color=#f8be32>16%</color> of the HP
the enemy hero has lost as <color=#f3b74a>true damage</color>.
2B8BD488F3E8B773_## = 签到图片
2B8F7B47DFE04233_## = 签到图片
2B9006F8C6087DC1_## =
2B9148DAD8040FCE_## = Normal Attack
2B922DBA70C0C2B5_## = Quà may mắn (Thọ)
2B942D6F7FB04B6F_## = 本週活動精選
2B94BEDD87AD1814_## = Support
2B954D29B34F78F7_## = Raz
2B9ABBE34FA3562E_## = Unknown
2B9C1740498BFC70_## =
2B9F8D4BF24AD123_## =
2BA11F480FE46B08_## =
2BA420066ECC233C_## =
2BA482388433E98B_## = Unknown
2BA61B896FD00AF4_## =
2BA7720BB13DAD89_## = Natalya
2BA9843584BD1713_## =
2BAA14E749CD0B9D_## =
2BAE14C6ED6A2DD1_## = Chaugnar
2BB0BECD77290393_## =
2BB159B530024A2D_## =
2BB2C880FA8A4308_## =
2BB39133B35C60C3_## =
2BBC939D7A2A55B3_## =
2BC43A6FA244C1AB_## =
2BC4F6FB8A02F99A_## =
2BCAA0307701947C_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Ilumia)
2BCBF162470B8470_## =
2BCC6151008FEFC4_## =
2BCC92F03438D8DB_## =
2BCCD9DC802CA397_## = Romantic avatar frames.
2BCE3A03FB2E012C_## =
2BD9CA6AF7262362_## = Mừng ngày Quốc tế Phụ nữ 8.3, thắng đấu hạng với tướng nữ
để nhận Ruby & thẻ thử trang phục giới hạn Mina - Tiểu thư đoạt hồn!
2BDBFE13982975E1_## =
2BDDF22740309C1A_## =
2BE005C0C80EBB76_## =
2BE159BD95D85ADA_## =
2BE41CF98B36AC9B_## = Base Damage
2BE538BFB8AC938D_## = <blankspace89>
2BE8A37F40749C05_## = Obliterate
2BE97EC74979D3D3_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
2be98065d4e7c9f6 = Change places
2BECA01965DCD21B_## = Survivability, Sustained Damage
2BED1C5200360A61_## = World Devourer
2BEE97352677764C_## =
2BF475E6F50040D5_## = Evolve to level 2 to obtain a <color=#f6bf17ff>new skin
2BF4AF4E02A409C6_## = You are better than <color=orange>90%</color> of all players.
2BF5B392C2AA09D9_## = Embrace the pandharma.
2BF6BF2247715CEE_## = Reach Level {0}
2BF78DB5CB1AEC62_## = Đổi Dấu ấn Tulen
2BFE1966B52627CD_## =
2BFF5862C651BC37_## = Captain Kraken
2C0453F1830612E1_## =
2c06291d073b35c2 = System Menu
2c085500d37846b7 = 2c085500d37846b7_##
2C0E53BC933E930E_## = 签到图片
2C0EF6505F10CB8D_## = Săn mục tiêu lớn
2C115930D56E9B4F_## = Trial Card: Try out Veera's skin: Snow Angel for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
2C1457EA567522AA_## = Toro
2c15f35bbac389d2 = 2c15f35bbac389d2_##
2C18282183C55F2E_## = Butterfly
2C22E888AF67A766_## = Rương ngọc Xạ thủ
2C23887A961E9CC8_## =
2C2469E1E4754092_## = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Please don't take it out on your
family when you lose.
2C246D0BB96F7720_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
2C25002A31EC2032_## = Butterfly blinks behind the enemy with the lowest HP
(prioritizes heroes) and stabs the target, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>, and
increasing her damage reduction by 60% and movement speed by 50% for 1 second.
2C2596D12D5431B0_## =
2C26CA0566E305B4_## = Rương Tình nhân - 2018 mua 4 tặng 1 cực HOT! Mua ngay nào!
2C2CF78A043B7372_## = Arrogance is weakness disguised as strength.
2C2D996F95AF7DBA_## = Long Range
2C32F6628CE5967C_## =
2C3380A7F8AF6790_## = Request refused.
2C34482344B0D8DF_## = Verdant
2C3B292BB5A2DD7B_## =
2C3E2AE6F7DF5E09_## = Tourney Mode
2c3e861fe7cc5d30 = Armor Pierce:
2C3EB77FCA5FB963_## = (Grants Frostbite talent)
2C3F98D03345E7D6_## = Swim with the dolphins
2C3FA8F42C65499E_## = [新英雄-Preyta 登場] 愛不釋手
2C4117D36BE30490_## = 签到图片
2C43884F5C9BF9C4_## = Death Rift
2C464976F8B20109_## = Bí ngô Kẹo Ngọt
2C48031FBD141ADE_## = Unique Passive - Bide: Gains 12 ability power and 110 HP
every 30 seconds. Stacks up to 10 times.
2C4A98367A7896C0_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
2C4B2854B3254A9B_## = Plague Specter
2C53618201FC353C_## =
2C55D1AD4A71201E_## = Base Damage
2C57C4D8AF024E36_## =
2C596B0098AA5AE7_## = Ancestral Glory
2C5C44803530B9C3_## =
2C5E2A063BE255D7_## = "Men may think they rule the world, but I rule men."
\n\nDiaochan said this at the tender age of 18. She had just learned the art of
Sleeve Dancing and with it, she had already managed to seduce all the men who
frequented Chang'an Avenue. An old official claimed: "This girl must be the
incarnation of heavenly sin!" before falling at her feet, eager to catch the
fragrance of her dress. \n\nEven the mighty Lu Bu could not resist Diaochan's
beauty. When she frowned, Lu Bu was ready to slay his own godfather, Dong Zhuo, for
unintentionally offending this beauty with his glance. The very sight of Diaochan's
sad face was enough for Lu Bu to kill. \n\nDiaochan was indeed beautiful, but her
beauty was matched by her manipulative nature. Heroes all over the world came to
challenge Lu Bu to become Diaochan's new champion. Most of them were killed with a
single strike. In fear, some banded together and yet met the same fate. Seeing his
enemies multiply and Lu Bu's thirst for battle grow, Diaochan quietly left the man
who loved her so deeply on one stormy morning. \n\n"Try not to think of me too
2C62A21D8B1371CF_## =
2C646C76FB1E8C70_## = Onslaught
2C67C9779BED9891_## = Trial Card: Try out Azzen'Ka's skin: Djinn for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
2C685D952C6BAE73_## = Unknown
2C68D2D12CD46644_## = Human Form Damage
2C69C0E9AA3AAC2F_## =
2C713818B483F26E_## =
2C7523B716D5EDAE_## = Unknown
2C75F3CCCF3850B9_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Astrid {C}/{T} lần
2C766A3BAB99F042_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin: End Zone
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
2C777043179EB144_## =
2C7A964F2E543194_## = Liên Quân đón Xuân
2C7BD2DB90137157_## =
2C7DEFD9C2D77215_## = Magic Defense +360, HP +1000, Cooldown Speed +10%\n[Blessed]
2C7F09698FE82BF9_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Omega + trang phục Người máy Xanh
2C7F399CE60A1DD7_## =
2C83135D0DBA1954_## =
2C8456D13CF7CFC2_## =
2C8A36851B0A4D00_## =
2C8D1B590315B340_## = Original
2C8F15FFBECB9144_## = Before entering a team fight, use Plague Specter to lower
enemies' HP. Follow this up with Disciple of the Plague, so that you can increase
Preyta's damage output and use Plague Specter again immediately.
2C8F35B100FBEBD2_## = Gildur
2C90E6BDA3C254E4_## =
2C961787F60122CA_## = Mở để nhận ngẫu nhiên Chúc Mừng Năm Mới & Mậu Tuất 2018
2C96D8280DFACCF9_## =
2C97B20CAE62DF97_## = 使用{0}{1}击杀 20 人 ({3}/{2})
2C9929E60411298D_## =
2C9BC264010892AE_## = Sustained Damage
2CA06CB67EC46750_## = Đấu trường huyền thoại
2CA0F4A4E5474338_## =
2CA77B5F83C0A2D0_## = Triumphant
2CA99ED9DC622B75_## = Not Available
2CAAA26C7621D5E1_## = TeeMee
2CAEADD54F1D91C7_## =
2CB102C4B4AA5E81_## = The Adorable Mystic
2CB1441EEFA66AD6_## = Quy đổi ngọc tím cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
2CB15FA628FB2C70_## = Zanis
2CB24AA7466EB7D7_## = Rương Noel 2017
2CB2A812136DCF33_## =
2CB70DB3219E559A_## = 累计推塔任务
2CB9940E11B509E1_## = Gói quà 8.3
2CBA49B51AE4616D_## =
2CBB995B7D617D40_## =
2cbde9227121403b = Tank
2CC3FA3653BA2C02_## = You have rewards to receive!
2CC4AE588EAB858A_## =
2CC845EFACD5AE24_## =
2CC9C58D6F76EBE7_## = Trial Card: Try out Nakroth's skin: Neon for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this skin.
2CCF2169C3C9C021_## = Legendary
2CCFFD787645D14D_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
2CD04712428D8094_## =
2CD5FB67CA30D0CC_## =
2CD68102236E7E64_## = Original
2CD9D7CC40F4A822_## = Base Damage
2CE0C380BD28BB55_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
2CE3A1326A940482_## = Dustdevil
2CE48DE56AAC1864_## = If you attack enemy heroes, the towers will pummel you with a
heavy barrage.
2CE83AF86BF0152C_## = Long Range
2cee1a966dba9109 = Surrender
2CEF21FC46C4D458_## =
2CF61F465264C4B6_## =
2CFEE344828ACDDB_## =
2CFF0D860632F838_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
2CFFEAF6E256177C_## = Enter<color=#f6bf17ff> Bot Match</color>
2D009E0A25E9672B_## = DNT
2D0802F71B08ECF3_## =
2D0887924FE6F394_## =
2D0A832074F78F63_## =
2D0B64BE2B69BE0B_## = Wonder Woman
2D0D05362CBC9EB5_## =
2D133DC45FD38EAD_## =
2D13892FBF085014_## =
2D14DE64E5A7F4F9_## = The Joker reloads his clips with enhanced bullets once he
exits a fight. Use these enhanced attacks wisely to deal additional damage at key
moments. Increase the hit rate of The Killing Joke by hitting enemies with Punch
Line first to reduce their movement speed.
2D16A692BA8D8FB4_## = Azzen'Ka
2D1885D64AD1AC8B_## = Cyberpunk
2D196E5D30D54567_## = Alice
2D1C83AF12F06A06_## = Quy đổi ngọc đỏ cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
2D1D844FAA3C40B4_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
2D22282D346432C4_## =
2D29C9A0E67EDC5C_## =
2D2A35CC91991220_## = The things I do for fashion!
2D2B62E21857907F_## = 7 日累積簽到
2D2F3A0E3B6122C4_## = Nirvana
2D3019063EBAC693_## = Return Damage
2D342569AD43B4DC_## = Woodland
2D34644460AD5465_## =
2D355B6B68998452_## =
2D3673AF37F7CACC_## =
2D3A1D8AEB728C5C_## = Unable to join Standard Matches.
2D3CD13EF7965A49_## =
2D3E8B84E87A6827_## =
2D3EAF81BE1628EC_## =
2D3F351F99E29677_## =
2D40D2402A933715_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tiêu Quân Huy - Mừng sinh nhật Liên Quân!
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
2D4226B0DA6CD4C3_## = Trial Card: Try out Mganga's skin: Murder Clown for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
2D42C2AED32D1E61_## = Trial Pack
2D42CFE1EA75924E_## =
2D43C60DF690A376_## = Preyta charges his Plague Specter for up to 2 seconds, then
unleashes it and deals {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
damage</color> for each second spent channeling. Any command while charging will
unleash the Specter immediately to deal reduced damage. In the Disciple of the
Plague state, movement is possible while charging.
2D466193467DFD18_## = "You cannot outrun Death. It cannot be tricked, bargained
with, or intimidated. Run, and you'll only die trying."\n\nSome cultures told
stories of angels or Valkyries that came to lead the dead to the afterlife;
however, it was actually Lord Zephys who ferried souls to his domain with a
chilling west wind. \n\nSteadfast and meticulous in his duty, Zephys personally
harvested the soul of every mortal. In the final terrifying moment of their lives,
it was his towering figure that came to rip their spirits from their bodies, so
they would face judgment in the underworld. Admired by few and envied by none,
Zephys carried the mantle of the harvester with unrivaled dignity, for only he
understood the calamity that would ensue should he falter.\n\nIn times of war,
Zephys led his undead army at the front; his ranks ever growing as he reaped.
\n\n"Run, walk, or crawl, death comes for us all."
2D4808DB8BD469E2_## =
2D4EE28BEC4B62F1_## =
2D4F789C590F85E8_## =
2D52524F48E62F1C_## =
2D525D5E0FE5FC5C_## = Chia sẻ hình ảnh sở hữu trang phục Murad M-TP Thần tượng
học đường để nhận Khăn choàng Murad M-TP\nLưu ý: Trên Android chỉ tính chia sẻ qua
Garena Mobile
2D53CBCA419E925D_## =
2D55D968D4052B16_## =
2D57416571C04206_## = Nhận ngay Ruby miễn phí khi tham gia đấu hạng mỗi ngày
2D57CEAAC45FB12C_## = Share trang phục nhận quà Giáng sinh
2D58895977686BB5_## =
2D58A8349BE42D7B_## =
2D58A8CAE6F43BBE_## = Cooldown
2D5B5CB707CB8C32_## = Ignis' passive makes chaining his abilities extremely
damaging. Use Fire Crash, followed by Rain of Fire, and finally Holy Embers to take
advantage of the escalating additional damage for using his abilities
2D5C2B5728FAFAC0_## =
2D5CDC5F8A3AFD84_## =
2D5CE343021A861D_## =
2D5D8F7D5F265258_## = Original
2D5E2A34F86FEE24_## = Original
2D61E4FD9B77B20E_## =
2D633565BCDC649C_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Murad) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
2D67618140ECF918_## = Quy đổi ngọc đỏ cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
2D6A5D3518564685_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
2D6C52ED985787BB_## = Trial Card: Try out Arthur's skin: Love Sworn for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
2D6EF5200AE76006_## = Nhận Rương khóa từ sự kiện hàng ngày từ 18.1 - 23.1. Rương
khóa có thể kết hợp với Chìa khóa (nhận từ 24.1) để đổi thưởng.
2D6F5F178F464A1E_## =
2D70E1F0A3A3E94A_## = Extravagant
2D72EF6E89822E4F_## =
2D73C552E118E401_## = Gildur
2D743B850743F044_## = Bodhi
2D7830C693D62D40_## =
2D7CD2976182E0F3_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đón Xuân mới - Khuyến mãi nạp thẻ mỗi
ngày! của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
2D7D8DBECDF3C569_## = Trial Card: Try out Zanis' skin: Blood Knight
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
2D7E76AF7D4189AB_## = Thẻ bài bí ẩn
2D7FEC200D98BFC2_## =
2D802C58F0524213_## = Gói 30% KM Ngộ Không + skin
2D82069B6E319267_## =
2D86BBAF91B60AFC_## = Unknown
2D88F6F818768A6E_## =
2D8978762B9A2525_## =
2D8A324406D8B605_## = Propeller
2D8C183136F7BEEE_## =
2D8C728255AD00F8_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
2D8F733552D45C59_## =
2D8FB1404F965297_## =
2D963C6CE1B1961E_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK để nhận ruby miễn phí (Đấu
2D9655CA762657E9_## = Attack Damage +100, HP +600\n[Magic Guardian]
2D9777A0C288658B_## = Huy chương TOG
2DA252C4264A3CA1_## = I'll deal with the lower jungle!
2DA43CAEF0D6FCDF_## = Cooldown
2DA460BEBA19CC8F_## = Paragon
2DAF1AEA5BC1BE55_## = Flowerchild
2dafc698cc9da482 = 2dafc698cc9da482_##
2DB04DAF1A859B38_## =
2DB08745958A75E3_## =
2DB7589FB301DCAF_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
2DB7B7A5DF567565_## = Enemies hit by Lauriel's abilities become marked. Every 4
marks trigger an explosion that deals {1} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{2})</color>
<color=#f3b74a>true damage</color> to nearby enemies and slows their movement speed
by {3}% for 1 second. Lauriel also recovers {0} HP after the explosion.
2DB8265E22D55C63_## =
2DB99B182F168B4A_## =
2DB9D53B97863B9A_## =
2DBE25339F692F33_## =
2DC13BBE197924EF_## =
2DC8340C7D19FC2B_## = 7 日累積簽到
2DC90117222688C0_## =
2DCE702C1A12097D_## =
2DCEAA38C8474876_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
2DCEEE489536E6C4_## = Comrades in Arms
2DD0A54AFBF1540B_## =
2DD0B6E4447650A0_## = The Killing Joke
2DD3D2BC5A951AAB_## =
2DD791DC73C168E3_## = Gildur
2DDB2F0DA008997F_## = Blood Ritual
2DDCB7918B5A5489_## = Thu thập chìa khóa để kết hợp với Rương khóa bí ẩn và đổi
thưởng trong phần Sự kiện
2DDF9C4C10F54648_## =
2DE19F23D90F580A_## =
2DE253BF6989E269_## = Cresht gains Rage with normal attacks when Metamorphosis is
not active. When morphed, Cresht shakes the earth each time he uses an ability,
reducing movement speed of enemies in the area by 50% for 2 seconds and
significantly increases his attack damage.
2DE3F22DFD879A41_## = Lindis
2DE4B88FFDCE2F89_## =
2DE5B49E181B3EB4_## = Tỉnh Đồng Tháp
2de5efa57c421460 = Heroes
2DF4980E9A011B94_## = Cute
2DF64E26F79B42F7_## =
2DF6EBB6EE2D07D3_## = Original
2DF9D0D9EF4E85B2_## = Arum consumes all her spirit beasts to spawn a lion that
charges at the target area, dealing {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color>
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>. Arum gains a short speed boost after
casting.\n\nThe lion charges ahead the same number of times as the number of beasts
consumed. The effects are as follows:\n1st charge: reduces enemy movement speed by
50% for 1 second.\n2nd charge: reduces enemy movement speed by 90% for 1
second.\n3rd charge: stuns the enemy for 1 second.
2DFC9D516B920C92_## = Grakk can hook enemy heroes from far distances, so try to
hide in the brush when you are using Grakk to take key damage dealers out of the
fight. Grakk also continues to pose a large threat after he dies. Finding a
strategic death location at the right time will help your team immensely.
2DFE91DCE4AECD64_## = ProPlayer Suggestion
2E021AF14D23368D_## =
2E0E4A2762539374_## =
2E0F75DB42B19DF5_## = Do not attack enemies if your HP is running low.
2E0FD098C72E6769_## = Cyber Samurai
2E1357809DE538AD_## =
2E22779F6701F80D_## = Diamond
2E22F7AE1735A6CD_## = You cannot send more gifts today.
2E29D2DBCAA932A2_## = Dreadwyrm
2E3A8E50A34E7AE2_## = Unknown
2E3B114ACE9DE62A_## =
2E3C2A51F0590E9B_## = 本週活動精選
2E3D05150BCCEB9B_## =
2E3EDC1C31D08F11_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
2E3EF0757F25D36B_## = Reach "Legendary" proficiency with {0} [/0:$(hero|heroes)/]
2E3F7F9B15ED9BC7_## = Duration
2E491BC6850F93B1_## =
2E491D18D2950ACF_## =
2E4C625F251959A4_## =
2E4CDC63951302D1_## = Leo
2e4dfa73c5f9a795 = 2e4dfa73c5f9a795_##
2E50CE6811DCA8F5_## = Open to receive the hero, Skud
2E5389CFF4269A69_## = The results from the last guild season have been calculated.
Your guild did not place in the top 100. \n\nYou contributed
<color=#ffd700>{0}</color> activity points and ranked <color=#ffd700>{1}</color>
for your guild.\n\nAll guild members will obtain the following rewards:
2E57218977DE031F_## = Dread Knight
2E5724EB4B477042_## = Lu Bu
2E5B4B1F91D4A082_## =
2E5D12B4A9EDE149_## = The Bone Baron
2E5F7C60001A41B9_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
2E61F1D512B66810_## = 妇女节挑战活动
2E623D16D0E02122_## =
2E63FB660C5D5598_## = Đây là phần thưởng Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
2E676361F47433BE_## = Đăng nhập giờ vàng mỗi ngày nhận quà
2E705DB2F098DB5C_## = Next normal attack enhanced
2e78016b4b8c5622 = 2e78016b4b8c5622_##
2e78f266bc79edb9 = 2e78f266bc79edb9_##
2E7C0FB52E40EDA1_## = Trang phục Valhein: Đại công tước
2E7D1F4186300AEA_## = Mage
2E7D5B06341CE1D5_## = Cơ hội sở hữu những tướng và trang phục được tăng sức mạnh
và trở nên siêu hot trong phiên bản mới
2E7E6ADD47642442_## =
2E8FBBA1464C0EFB_## =
2E9682CB0C083A15_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
2E96E1370B521CFA_## = 本週活動精選
2E9B09C2FEA55BFD_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Lục)
2E9CF1C3FF83C09F_## =
2E9E385D16040C83_## =
2E9E4D216327898B_## = When you use Skud's Wild Beast Fury to fend off the enemy, be
aware of your position as well as the enemy's. This will ensure that the enemy is
pushed back to an ideal location where allies can finish them off.
2E9F31FC6AE265DA_## = Zuka
2EA301201C8FCFE8_## = 好友大作战
2EA4202F5F1D8BC1_## =
2EA5155AAD027E4E_## =
2EA7A4244B462297_## =
2EA99A03FE672A89_## =
2EAA5CA4FF797B44_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Moren)
2EB0543AA68C3058_## =
2EB4C48F5936D833_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
2EB96739CBF7FFC4_## = Your guild accumulated <color=#ffd700>{0}</color> activity
points during the last season. Your guild ranked <color=#ffd700>{1}</color>, with a
star level of <color=#ffd700>{2}</color>. Congratulations! Keep it up in the new
2EB983B279342479_## =
2EBE96D32918F6D3_## = Double EXP Card:\n4-Wins
2EBF7077AF95B550_## =
2EBF88F8967CAFEC_## = Lu Bu
2EC03DD2EB07835E_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
2EC9765580E3F66D_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Lindis để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
2ECC0EEDBB7B7D55_## = Tap here to<color=#f6bf17ff> get Arcana</color>
2ECC4BE9235B6CC5_## =
2ED06F7A95D1BD62_## =
2ED0A481B8963695_## = Hộp quà thú vị (VP)
2ED29CFD3C8D84AD_## =
2ED2EB80304BFD84_## =
2ED7610E479C2330_## = Liliana teleports to the target location and returns to Human
Form, leaving magic circles behind at both the origin and destination, and reducing
the movement speed of enemies inside the circles by 50%. The circles explode after
1 second, dealing {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
damage</color>. Liliana cannot be targeted while teleporting, and gains
<color=#f8be32>{2}</color> ability power for 2.5 seconds after entering Human Form.
2ED9FB0C1780438D_## = Burst
2EE876DC55BA1930_## =
2EEC452F6CAC260C_## =
2EECDEF30898C9CE_## = Life
2EED660AECD2D6F1_## =
2EEF2F59A0C98B03_## =
2EF0545E735A6301_## = After exiting battle, The Joker reloads his gun with enhanced
bullets so that his next normal attack deals bonus 200
<color=#f18d00>(+{0})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> and increases
attack range. The enhanced bullets also reduce the target's movement speed by 90%
and gradually weakens over 1.5 seconds.
2EF173FCB0314718_## =
2EF7198F1D79579E_## =
2ef8817e895e9047 = 2ef8817e895e9047_##
2EFBB51EBB02665B_## =
2EFDC2CFB636752B_## = Trial Card: Try out Omen for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days.
You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this hero.
2EFE66ED1CA2893B_## = Dấu ấn Tulen
2EFE89362F7452D9_## = 本週活動精選
2eff34b6a0ee4b33 = Equip
2F0169C343072713_## =
2F020973306BABDB_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Kriknak để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
2F02C68DA38DCD81_## =
2F07E6DC02A2318E_## = Trial Card: Try out The Joker for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color>
day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
2F0929100AEB4A33_## =
2F0C3BF69C0385CE_## = Đổi Dấu ấn Tulen
2F12F3957F03E3D8_## = Mr. Stabby
2F146C2B8E9ADBDF_## = obsolete+a0afebe2515a0a4e
2F14DCCA80FA0B13_## =
2F15C30E2784424F_## =
2F1687E582EAE9B5_## = Base Damage
2F1838CCFBAF30F9_## =
2F1BAF692DEA3967_## =
2F23C6473892C816_## =
2F25603089D63101_## =
2F2754FFD0C8D58A_## = Krixi
2F2AAFF3DE0D7809_## = Mage
2F2FE1B3D94E3B68_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
2F30D85CCD51EC96_## =
2F36FA417096789C_## =
2F37A923794A6907_## = Trang phục đón xuân
2F3E33AE661B3E72_## =
2F3E5F152214169F_## =
2F41B8AA0FCEFF6E_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
2f420e915b68905e = 2f420e915b68905e_##
2F421F8C22891476_## =
2F485EEF7638D370_## =
2F4A934DDA6797BF_## =
2F4C75042D790342_## =
2F50879BA6A3C6E2_## = Nethra
2F588DAA5D5702FC_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
2F591D36A689920D_## =
2F5D7CB69FA229E4_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
2F64E88D344E9CEE_## =
2F65FB4C26998FF1_## = I can be your shield, baby.
2F6BED7076A0ABC2_## = Trial Card: Try out Skud for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day.
You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
2F6F80ED12C6B8ED_## = Quy đổi ngọc đỏ cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
2F7105DAF7DCE81D_## =
2F717EEA8E5DCB83_## = 7 日累積簽到
2F731DAFF61028B7_## = Original
2F74AE3A9DD852B1_## =
2F74CACE27E2CFE3_## =
2F77C9912D1F3B7A_## =
2F79106A294D6089_## = Reach Level {0}
2F7C26F1621A8C03_## =
2F8212654D58CF39_## = Ranked Match Reward
2F930247BA5E19BB_## =
2F931A36834C49DE_## = Tel'Annas
2F975DBF220684AE_## = Neon
2F97E17C186BAB6A_## = Attack Damage +50\n[Armor Pierce +60]
2F98081CBA829EA3_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Arduin + trang phục
2F98193BC44481D3_## =
2F9A01801A2ED74D_## = Unknown
2FA1483FDBE91D11_## = Demonic
2FA418C9730EC7E1_## =
2FACC9F872277F29_## = Match Rewards
2FB688F8730193D2_## = Đồng hành cùng AIC 2017
2FB71FEBBB1800A3_## = Standard\nMatch
2FB80D66639ED5AD_## =
2FBE2801ED1A0240_## =
2FC024BBC98C3E39_## =
2FC092E3F557351F_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin: End Zone
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
2FC3E64DAF0464B4_## =
2FC3F8322A27DC01_## = Wukong Skin: Embers
2FC429BA1110A91D_## =
2FC476ECC419B967_## = Open for a chance to receive Ignis, the Flaming skin or other
2FC54D5ECFC4D758_## =
2FC60E421788A99A_## = Aten
2FC65BC3FA236D88_## =
2FC8476409C33D38_## =
2FCC79F89D1FFA9C_## = You are better than <color=orange>90%</color> of all players.
2FCD52C897200401_## =
2FD1A1F856059123_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
2FD21CD9E96501AC_## = Số trụ phá {C}/{T}
2FD392200D7BBB09_## = Before entering a team fight, use Plague Specter to lower
enemies' HP. Follow this up with Disciple of the Plague, so that you can increase
Preyta's damage output and use Plague Specter again immediately.
2FD5225C01299728_## = Holy Brand
2FD6DE1AF6AC76AB_## =
2FD869E0B8CF5CF7_## =
2FDA2679B311F07C_## = Damage from\nexplosion
2FDD08BACA07FC21_## = 本週活動精選
2FDD3F477FE5E542_## =
2FDEF28CAFE0085D_## = Cơ hội nhận thẻ thử trang phục ngẫu nhiên 1 ngày & 5-10 Ruby
2FE299C71E31B035_## = 参与 5V5
2FE540221EC14421_## =
2FEAC491463B72D1_## = Get {0} [/0:$(assist|assists)/] in a single match
2FEB1A350CE7B312_## =
2FEBF94F89D042D4_## =
2FEFDFCF7C4D92E3_## =
2FF041C11A68CF59_## =
2FF3BFB2863BE2DF_## = Cơ hội nhận được những vị tướng mạnh mẽ nhất đã tỏa sáng
trong AIC 2017!
2FFA44ECE4166C96_## = Trial Card: Try out Taara's skin: Divine Firestone
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
2FFB96369D261A9C_## = 本週活動精選
300113BC240DD3A6_## = Cooldown
3001FEECBCD27621_## = Unknown
3006A8CAFEC3D209_## =
3007F069D7FF1D6D_## = Nightmare
3009726C1CB85180_## = Unknown
300F882DC0138182_## =
300FFAB9D2167CAD_## = Sustained Damage
30100DE9BAF3DCE8_## = OK
3019A451E9907E9E_## = 5-9 minutes
301AB83BCA7BBB7C_## =
301bf08854e6d3c0 = Redeem a skin
301C6287C7417BBE_## =
301DD419C108AF42_## = Reduces healing by 50%
301F0892BF6CF02B_## =
301F960011604F68_## = 签到图片
30204C2010B5D5AA_## =
302172D5E2102D72_## = [新英雄-The Joker 登場] 愛不釋手
30225EEFBD3CCE1E_## =
3026B562AF19DDC7_## =
3026FA22A390F9C5_## = <blankspace89>
3029EAD5358B891B_## =
302BCDE35CB97C40_## = Base Damage
302D6D2C7986E3CC_## = Ignis skin: Flaming
3030E1559534C98B_## = Tham gia sự kiện Tết gắn kết - Anh em chấp hết tại
sukien2.lienquan.garena.vn - Nhận Dấu ấn Tulen và đổi tướng miễn phí!
3031A862F92292D9_## =
3036ec77ba303c79 = Most Gold
303B3D491D2FE602_## = Trial Card: Try out Fennik's skin: Snow Festival for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
303B6D99AE6AA017_## =
303C8A019687B340_## = 赢得排位送符文碎片
304736BADD36932F_## =
304903DA0ADB64D5_## =
305326E9FA800BAC_## = Unknown
3055A70FCB55D888_## =
305FEAAFA612120D_## = obsolete+f1d60f92b60a608a
306139E7DC1EC88F_## =
3061BC43B3CD16DE_## =
3061C17D864FABEB_## =
306511CC51D2C996_## = Zanis
307657A7893AD77C_## =
30794560A6623D28_## =
3079F69A6A28DCC0_## =
307C20DDA596CF01_## = Unlocks at level 7
307CCAA8CD4DD7A1_## = Lindis calls forth a spirit to attack enemies, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> and adding any
bonus normal attack effects from equipped items or buffs. She can store this
ability up to {2} times.
3083C6EC31FCF979_## =
30869193D548EC66_## = Trial Card: Try out Arthur's skin: Catacombs
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
308915783173380B_## = Thane
30891E4CD11B2836_## = I'll defend the base.
3090DDBCE0F6EE10_## = Trial Card: Try out Violet's skin: Piolet
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
30923706CA2CFE8E_## = Human Form grants ranged normal attack.\nFox Form increases
armor and magic defense by 20 (+5 per level) and movement speed by 30. Normal
attacks in Fox Form deal <color=#7FFFD4>{0}</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
30937348AEC2F7F9_## = Trial Card: Try out Preyta's skin: Nether Drake
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
30970A87A02C86A2_## =
309ADA3A3D563ED6_## =
309D16E9A93F17D9_## = Original
309E5F8AF873B0D4_## =
30A4F075048FB228_## = Not Available
30a984b3ed607d9 = Choose Target
30AE03C1CBCE2B2B_## = Butterfly
30AE59CE298A43C1_## =
30AEC54C19051571_## = Get {0} [/0:$(kill|kills)/] in a single match
30B3715E2EF154C6_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
30B3FF741565362B_## = That all you got?
30B8F9142B59DD0A_## =
30BA85833440F392_## =
30BD1A174C622243_## =
30C18DCFE30F10D1_## =
30C586A1DBE61209_## =
30C5AF7171353209_## = Unknown
30CBEF4E09924C6A_## =
30CC85C48DD26CCA_## = Base Damage
30CFDB5BFA60E17E_## = Don't feed the enemies!
30D0B9E604005E89_## =
30D2CC425ED37B13_## =
30D3C98D7946C55D_## = Mage
30D45A9C295D5A5C_## = Tel'Annas
30D47561A46AA7E4_## = Trial Card: Try out Ormarr for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
30D4BD466ECD2433_## = Buffs
30D5A1A9B88B9D11_## = Trial Card: Try out Kriknak's skin: Steel for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
30DF91756E208DE5_## = Chơi 5V5 thường {C}/{T} lần
30DFCC5721BA33C8_## =
30E753D3F9A964BA_## =
30E81E011ED2C969_## =
30EA06E99DCAB8BA_## =
30EAAA77D7B9FCDE_## = Attack Damage +40
30F303E6D289D562_## = Base Damage
30F6F1E5E9634402_## = Grakk's Skin: Snowsickle
30FA766A2DAB5DAF_## = Tướng Xeniel và trang phục Xeniel Thiên sứ hủy diệt
3100D036962D09FE_## = Blue Gunner
3101596154AB570D_## = You were just the ordinary summoner, but now has become the
real Great Warlord.
31024CC3EAABCC18_## = Mage
3105475791B4AE14_## = <color=orange> Basic Data</color> \n Win rate excluding bot
matches and custom matches.\n\n<color=orange> Battle Data</color> \nHonor
accumulation, rounds and win rates, not including bot matches and custom
matches.\n\n<color=orange> Frequently Used Heroes</color> \nYour
numbers<color=orange> of the rounds used, win rates and proficiency</color> of your
heroes (excluding bot matches and custom matches).
310D5DE3C6F06784_## = Benevolence
31142c753e3d2a5f = 31142c753e3d2a5f_##
311804A193455D13_## = Congratulations! <color=#f6bf17ff> Arcana</color> unlocked.
311BB554EC429C59_## =
3122844B715D564E_## =
3123598C56B84776_## = Rương may mắn Joker
312359EB82195660_## = Tagger
312913D866CACCF9_## = 参与 5V5
312E8705CB03015C_## = Mganga
31325C809B8B35FF_## =
313B0DDADCB61C9C_## = 签到图片
314097661754352C_## = Base Damage
3141D578F183387A_## =
3142dfc91696db03 = 3142dfc91696db03_##
314461F3C45B9F38_## = Since you previously left the game during a battle, you
didn't receive any EXP or gold, and {0} points have been deducted from your
Credibility Score. If your Credibility Score falls below a certain level, you will
receive the corresponding punishment. If you abandon or remain idle in a Ranked
Match, you might have your Brave Points removed as well. Please take each battle
3147B0963CE49556_## = Nạp Quân Huy - Nhận Vé quay Kho Báu
31483C86422F44B8_## =
3148750E5D9F973C_## = Trial Card: Try out Taara's skin: Tribal Chief for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
314AF764F60825C4_## = Gunslinger
314C6FE1A07E79BA_## = <color=#ffd700>{0}</color> has invited you to join the guild,
314D1AB23888D918_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
314DDD148B9148E8_## =
314FB0F013929543_## = 本週活動精選
31509D39AA5A8ABF_## = Base Damage
3151DB40A9A885F1_## = Cooldown
31539104BD5E18FC_## =
3154C3A30A60263D_## =
31556DD72092C726_## =
3156155B2B52530D_## =
315A0617FFEAFD93_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
315D671C913458B6_## =
315E24A6F81A93D8_## = Share trang phục nhận quà Giáng sinh
3169ACC4C6F0BCD6_## =
316F0B3B92C39942_## =
317152C6C452126B_## = Trial Card: Try out Grakk for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
317392D1479F6561_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Teemee)
31764AA481DCAA0D_## = Precision
3177D48BC90BB42B_## =
317DDD07EAC8163C_## = Steel
317EF190D5DFA3C4_## = Please wait a second.
3180DE6C1A7336F7_## =
31830FC564BBE1ED_## = Original
3184960c84547de2 = 3184960c84547de2_##
31853FDD1E5304E7_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
318739EBD303C26B_## = 参与 5V5
3188AD7E23B7A883_## = 签到图片
3188B55BBBF80718_## =
3188C1143791CB25_## =
318A0D059C95A45E_## = Searcy
318A1178C2204448_## =
318CC1F6EC55A2A5_## =
318E7CC67F85F042_## = Trang phục đón xuân
31924D8D20C6B21A_## = Skud
319573CF34E30C3A_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
319703807F269382_## =
31A962641831A2EA_## =
31ADA48B3B766109_## = Melee
31AE80C2C0353B3C_## =
31AFE6B6B46F9DBC_## =
31B16982AB9F0354_## =
31B180E7DD3083FB_## = Jinnar
31B1AA50EB49C5FD_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
31B2D08A46583764_## =
31B6F57AC918664B_## = Ignis' passive makes chaining his abilities extremely
damaging. Use Fire Crash, followed by Rain of Fire, and finally Holy Embers to take
advantage of the escalating additional damage for using his abilities
31B6F9A0BF439EC1_## =
31B72EE1C2D4D5DE_## =
31B98D5C644D5D9C_## = Getting Stronger
31BDF182D0110304_## = Reach "Seasoned" proficiency with {0} [/0:$(hero|heroes)/]
31BE064D767A19C4_## =
31BE58E6CBE8E198_## =
31C091D643DA3131_## = Unknown
31C4362D25F94C15_## =
31C442ABC0E76C71_## = The shifting sands are mine to command.
31C61F57775BD3C6_## =
31C70DA6A54E02DD_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tiêu Quân Huy nhận Rương Độc lập của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
31C76F25707ED137_## =
31C931347D437CF4_## = Đây là phần thưởng Cuộc chiến cứ điểm của bạn, xin mời kiểm
31C9A6B9E5188B15_## =
31CACCAFC2CBDD0F_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
31CFF7CF6FE6BB5B_## = 本週活動精選
31D0BD5B3713CEBC_## =
31D13A184F92E1B1_## =
31D1FF60A9ADE969_## = Gildur
31D4085296BCEDCB_## =
31D9E9E7BDA72795_## = obsolete+b87df19426194b44
31DB84B28FCA8F61_## = Trial Card: Try out Grakk's skin: Snowsickle for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
31DF55D38EDAC944_## =
31E1322EAFC702F3_## = Cooldown
31E31455F32929E9_## = Catacombs
31E4562F4C492781_## = Túi ngọc III ngẫu nhiên (tím)
31E8DE9B1971FFB1_## =
31EA5BB86C4E6266_## =
31EA98956B9ADA92_## =
31ECA57CD51DF8FC_## = Melee
31EEA619E18C2A9D_## = Marksman
31EF7F85B0D14DAE_## =
31EFDAD14304AFFC_## = Melee
31F18F71CD1D2DE9_## =
31F67E42E4E56471_## =
31F862AAF91EB871_## =
31f99187dd2c4e79 = Abandoned
31F9A9D7B9A37D82_## = Săn Rồng đón xuân!
3200CCEA1D50450F_## =
320171A941CB61E2_## =
3203BB68CAFAB329_## =
3203F6D07F99F868_## =
3204088EF981E490_## = Trial Card: Try out Thane's skin: Lustrous for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
320504AE2D19920B_## =
32090DB57A8C3A2F_## =
320C359DA7A0B853_## =
321069E5C9FE38F5_## = Cuộc chiến ngẫu nhiên
3210D2EF223665FD_## = Si tình kiếm
321857D8CC9C4553_## = Xeniel forms an enveloping barrier that absorbs {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>(+{2})</color> <color=#ca3939>({3}% of
his own maximum HP)</color> damage. Xeniel can detonate the barrier after 2.5
seconds by pressing the ability button again, dealing {4}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{5})</color> <color=#ca3939>(+{6})</color> <color=#ca3939>({7}% of
his own maximum HP)</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to enemies nearby
and reduces their movement speed for 1 second. If the barrier is destroyed by an
enemy, then no damage nor movement impairing effects will be dealt.
3218AD3700C74001_## =
3219C5BDE2C218E2_## = Tap to quickly purchase the recommended item.
321BCB08C42AC94C_## =
321C70C4B37CA6A3_## =
3220F43CF00561F9_## =
322a09a117fee17f = 322a09a117fee17f_##
322DF7C1DF36EAB9_## = Survivability
3230661695370D58_## =
32355FE049219241_## =
323D375B78577620_## = Every time Omen hits an enemy with a normal attack, he gains
one Thirst point. After reaching five points, Omen increases his movement speed by
{0} and his attack speed by {1}% for 5 seconds. His strengthened normal attack will
also deal <color=#f18d00>{2}</color> <color=#f3b74a>true damage</color> and reduce
the cooldown for Death's Beckon and Untouchable by 1 second.\n\nOmen's 3rd normal
attack triggers a second hit that deals 50% damage. The counter is reset after
reaching 5 points of Thirst and after coming out of Thirst.
32435B2CCB4C1674_## = 限时赛
3243AE5401887D1C_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
3244D962AAD391FA_## = 本週活動精選
324556CD15A155FD_## = 独立日宝箱-马洛斯
3247D0390A6145E2_## =
3247DEDE335448E2_## = Limited-time offer
324A37B1E94433A3_## = ProPlayer Suggestion
324B36B707044BD7_## =
3253A7062C4A34A9_## =
32594359F9D9F997_## =
325A2E48B1C84D6A_## =
325b98651b9e2594 = Failed to find the server.
3266165211331CF6_## =
326660B98609FA1F_## = Magic Prison
32696EDD7F484401_## =
326A3278DE5A8B43_## = Collect {0} [/0:$(skin|skins)/]
326D1536DAE248CF_## = Original
327037C474CA49F4_## = Divine Light
3270C842E251AE58_## = Event offer
327240C8DE1E88FF_## = Đổi Thư tình nhận từ sự kiện mỗi ngày thành quà tặng
32772DE8465EFCE2_## = Keep building up your roster!
3278EFDD6AA7E2BC_## = Butterfly
327B98F605911129_## = The Joker
327CB40A9D81BC0D_## =
32801146B925478E_## = Player level 1 unlocked.
3282580CBA166A90_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
32829CC6A2EB9E84_## = Quy đổi ngọc tím cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
3282DA91BEF966F7_## = Gói may mắn Jinna
32871CE68DA73670_## =
328937DFC1E8E3F2_## = Trial Card: Try out Natalya's skin: Shutterbug
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have
this skin.
328A616D93B338BC_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
328B7F96D1027CAD_## =
328FAC4341F8BB39_## =
3290383EC9E05DC4_## =
32910F9DAD18738D_## = Liên Quân Mobile thân tặng tất cả Kiện tướng
<color=orange>gói quà ra mắt.</color>Chúc các bạn có những trải nghiệm thật thú
32913F65811A6B48_## = Diaochan summons a blizzard, dealing {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to enemies within
the target area and slowing their movement speed by {2}%. She also gains {3} armor.
This ability must be channeled and has a maximum duration of 5.3 seconds. Moving or
using another ability after 0.6 seconds of channeling will interrupt this ability.
3297A5732DC4FD29_## = Melee
3297BDAF051917AE_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
3297CA2A2AE7D9CC_## = That all you got?
32987FC9CD0DE002_## =
3298868DCC361238_## = Share trang phục nhận quà Giáng sinh
329FC418272EE970_## =
32A430819F4715EE_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tết đến rồi! (Đấu thường) của bạn, xin
mời kiểm tra!
32A649473B48A19A_## =
32ADC92A69BBD98C_## = Đây là phần thưởng Săn Rồng đón xuân! của bạn, xin mời kiểm
32AEEEA31EFD2532_## = Earn MVP {0} [/0:$(time|times)/] in total
32B56FBD1B1B2D2E_## =
32b6b4f33cd37b75 = Failed to join the Match
32B6F7D42C47C32C_## = Trang phục đón xuân
32B868FF4F3894A6_## = Quy đổi ngọc tím cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
32B98B6A9818EFE6_## =
32BA4B3E1A262E65_## = Damage Bonus
32BA86067BB3FC14_## =
32C2A7F9B58FE2A4_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
32C86B540B154270_## = Trial Card: Try out Zuka for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day.
You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
32CACC9C94D79B04_## =
32CB2E5230EFE4DB_## =
32cc7aa36c1785a6 = 32cc7aa36c1785a6_##
32CD8214FE388E59_## = Gildur once had more money than everyone. With assets all
over the continent, his family crest sometimes carried more power than the King's
order. His wealth earned him the title of "The Gilded."\n\nBut material wealth made
Gildur feel emptier inside than ever. He tried to numb the emptiness with alcohol
and the companionship of beautiful women, but that did not help. That was when the
Temple of Light, advocating soul-cleansing, caught his attention.\n\nThe
ritualistic religion quickly filled the void inside Gildur, but being the
calculative person that he is, Gildur realized that the fervor was not any
different from his previous endeavors; he was in no hurry to leave though. After
experiencing a religious life, he realized it could be potentially profitable. The
hierarchy within the Temple gave him more reasons to seek power.\n\nHis wealth
quickly paved the way for him to rise through the hierarchy and become one of the
most powerful men on the continent.\n\n"My ambition for power is like a beast
uncaged. I am not done."
32D1E27162E1F768_## =
32D95FF096084F8A_## = Đấu trường Huyền thoại
32E0074ACD549314_## =
32E03CE5455E56D0_## = "Wukong, you'll reap what you sow!"\n\nToro still held a
grudge against Wukong even after all of those years. As the master of Accumlated
Thunder Mountain and Emerald Cloud Mountain, Toro was considered one of the great
lords of the world. His strength and power were so renowned that he was ranked as
the highest of the seven demon kings, even above the great Wukong.\n\nIndeed, Toro
once shared a good time with Wukong, but everything had turned sour since Wukong's
epic journey. Because of Wukong, Toro's concubine was killed and his son taken away
by Boddhisattva Guanyin. "We're sworn brothers and we said we would be brothers no
matter what. Why is he always messing with me?" Toro still loses his mind every
time he thinks of these tragic events.\n\nToro wanted to confront Wukong to set
things straight, but Wukong had become a Buddha upon finishing his journey. Toro
felt inferior. After learning that Wukong was heading to Athanor, Toro seized the
opportunity and followed Wukong. He won the Afata's trust by revealing his true
identity and now looks forward to the decisive battle with his sworn
brother.\n\n"Where is that stupid monkey? I'm gonna teach him a lesson… with my
32E078B4A5DC624A_## = Dấu vết Wonder Woman
32E45A9E5FB3629B_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
32E4A9F144F74B8C_## = The Fanatic
32E73CE267306637_## = Unknown
32E84BAB833AFA6D_## = Bastion
32EADCF19332FBC0_## = Quy đổi ngọc tím cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
32F0352CA12F773D_## =
32F0ADE74D9FAEC7_## = Đổi quà tặng, nhận rương may mắn Valentine
32F339AB6E6F1403_## = Contains 10 Gems, 1300 Gold and 1 lvl 2 Arcana: Assault
32F3CA565FE77B65_## = Unknown
32F69EE96A5CAEB7_## =
32FA10C25E0D07A6_## = Tích lũy tiêu diệt quân địch trong chế độ 5v5 để nhận bánh
sinh nhật và Huy hiệu 1 năm Liên Quân
32FDD6CF67081508_## =
32FF936CD3D318AA_## = Liên Quân đón Xuân
33026917C4912A1F_## = Rương may mắn Lindis
33027E59668F6042_## = Kriknak takes to the skies, significantly increasing his
movement speed for {0} seconds. When casting this ability while airborne, Kriknak
attacks the target area, dealing {1} <color=#f18d00>(+{2})</color>
<color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to the enemies in the area and reducing
their movement speed.
33031EB767270A1C_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
330A4A91347835FF_## = Trial Card: Try out Zuka for <color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day.
You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
330E896930653F62_## =
330FBE32C41C997F_## =
3310359E172E1200_## = <blankspace89>
331043066D198710_## = Có thể mở ra: Tướng vĩnh viễn, Thẻ thử tướng ngẫu nhiên,
10-30 Vàng, 10-30 Ruby
331B399D19A5DD24_## =
331C79BBFF017242_## =
331DF08AD5CE7B58_## = Unknown
331F569E0B23EDB3_## = Dibs on the first dragon.
33209E5ED7D04522_## =
3320CBF9E991EACC_## = Temporal Turbulence can only be triggered by landing
continuous normal attacks, so focus and make sure all those attacks make contact.
Triggering Murad's passive gives him a burst in damage output, so make sure he is
not under any control effects when it's about to trigger.
33216695487F40B9_## = Thane
3321BB36FE752BC4_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
3325683DD8FE219E_## =
332911116823677F_## =
333127C06851B688_## = Trial Card: Try out Moren for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
33313508B469F373_## =
333484893F52B06D_## = Đấu trường Huyền thoại
3336C9B0DF58A8B1_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
3340DA2129EB47F2_## = Đây là phần thưởng Săn mục tiêu lớn của bạn, xin mời kiểm
3341b1835cdc29f2 = Armor
3342B185D36EF15C_## = Butterfly
3343143BF4FC7160_## = Kil'Groth
334801D3DE11F80B_## = 消费点券活动
334F5A36C583FD9A_## = Burst
334F68A41E265DCC_## =
3350C1714BC89E07_## =
335307BB07133B51_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
3354BE3FEA6A417D_## = Đổi Dấu ấn Tulen
33597FF13BADE162_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
3359CF4AC50077ED_## = Attack Speed +1.6% \nCritical Chance +0.5%
335A9CD4F5A67876_## =
335C12282D8BDFE4_## =
335CDEF043EDB739_## = Omega
3361395421C1D397_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
336182820D0152E1_## =
3365DEF2360F2DF9_## =
336A24BE90D1B686_## = Kill enemies
336DC6BC0A637D3F_## = Hercules' Madness
336EB6DB534E7F33_## =
3373339FF28ACB9A_## = Cuộc chiến cứ điểm
337774426130709A_## = Gói thiên văn
337EAEA993C37099_## = Long Range
3381D9554373FE72_## = Dấu hiệu Siêu nhân
3381E827C701FF3F_## =
33827C89769117C6_## = That all you got?
338607DF91C4C886_## = Embers
3387DD320979AC5D_## =
33892FF432DC33D8_## =
338A41CC1D883204_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
338AB2CEA07D7099_## = Base Damage
338AE76FADF5CA23_## =
338DEAB48D1BB1DB_## = Grakk Skin:Abomination
339117249567473D_## = The Chi
3391B4B70760BAC2_## = Critical Chance +1.6%
3392BF15AB322D22_## = Trial Card: Try out Veera's skin: Nurse for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
33941A9FD88AA0DE_## =
339AF39BDD638C93_## =
33A419F5E71BD90A_## =
33a4962d3aa7576 = Volume
33A71EB7310D96C0_## = Trial Card: Try out Tulen's skin: Starlight for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
33A78131A7737798_## = I'm only interested in real challenges.
33A86CF11E218C10_## =
33AA62F5A8AA9757_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Đỏ)
33AB70447D24EA26_## =
33ACB7364F8C524F_## = Getting Started
33ACBB9AC806A9B9_## =
33ACCA08701C91D8_## = Tỉnh Hoà Bình
33adc08da6231335 = 33adc08da6231335_##
33B1D47BD7C470A1_## = Tích lũy tiêu Quân huy để có cơ hội sở hữu trang phục Grakk
Chàng gấu tuyết cực hiếm\nLưu ý: không áp dụng với QH tiêu từ Shop Tế đàn và các
shop đặc biệt khác
33B3403A4E958FF5_## =
33B3E113D364A0C6_## =
33B3FC9478A2E1F8_## =
33B6F637DF151A0C_## = Defense towers deal more damage when you take continuous
33B6F6816D7FD795_## =
33B721178F0E7FB8_## = Nhận 1 Thẻ đổi quà Đặc biệt khi tích lũy tiêu thụ Quân Huy
33B7B56F91817920_## =
33BB2CC6C90DC7A7_## =
33BF77F819D58905_## = Unknown
33C1E666BB4C2F19_## =
33C2345657F6C632_## = Gold +100% for 1 day
33C375B0CD26F995_## = Starlight
33C3B9C67B58217A_## =
33C528EC6F86AEA6_## =
33C68EDEF9E869BE_## =
33C70F54F5DAE334_## =
33CA56D89357A247_## = Armageddon
33CCE4ADFBCB4283_## = Trial Card: Try out Zuka's skin: Bodhi for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
33CDE391E0D2945E_## =
33CF584B61318239_## =
33D308BC9C461DFA_## = Mage
33D60ABF1B3F37AD_## = Control, Buffs
33DABE2049EB4052_## = Structure
33DCF6556E0AE32D_## =
33DE97930578E79D_## = Newbie mission IV
33DEE9B535FA2A6F_## = Diamond IV
33E498D0348712D3_## = <size=30>{0}</size>-kill streak
33ED1B9187EF9892_## = Rương quà U23 (Trang phục)
33EFEB75DA30FFA5_## = Cooldown
33F6CA754B161E6A_## = Marksmen inflict high amounts of damage and have lower
defensive attributes. They also have abilities with control effects that can give
their team an advantage in fights.
33FC1B5EC92356E9_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
33FF446BDA7BD565_## = Original
3401FCCC1E82C20E_## =
34058F4A1E050866_## =
3407B37958F1DF2C_## = Summer Bash
3409C089596D5428_## =
340B8FA69F715ADE_## = Đấu trường Huyền thoại
340E9511E32DE63F_## =
3413340604B37FF0_## = 参与 5V5
34136797CE174151_## = Rương may mắn Xeniel
341542AA698AE23E_## = Max fires trackers that attach to all enemy heroes for a
short time. The trackers allow allies to see the enemies' locations and interrupt
enemy recall actions. While the trackers are active, Max can then select an enemy
to track and ram into by holding down the ability button. Ramming into the enemy
deals {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> and
knocks them back. If Max takes too long to select an enemy, then he will have to
fire the trackers again. When Max lands, he activates a magnetic force field that
reduces his damage taken, increases his resistance by 30%, and shocks all nearby
enemies. Pressing the ability again while Max is tracking an enemy will cancel the
attack, making Max land immediately and activate his force field.
341777B7652E5691_## = Control
34189994E14EDFEB_## =
341B7C2840A7AF13_## =
341D1FA4C7AA74B4_## = 签到图片
3420E378FEBE2E2E_## =
34253FA61017DFE2_## =
3426B74C1C6873D3_## = That all you got?
342D1B45C91A6E6B_## =
3430D3633E8DE603_## = Sự kiện 8.3 - Xuân nữ tái xuất
3430ECFC0464ABFB_## = Cooldown
3431A15C1222849E_## =
3432A4C47AC3C372_## =
34383089ed2eeb2c = Content
343863D33DA02BB3_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Maloch) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
343F9BCDA484D119_## =
344919EF68C2CEE2_## =
3449534046F9F184_## =
344CDA3B88545D34_## = Trial Card: Try out Valhein's skin: Dandy
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
3450191DE1441D35_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Slimz) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
3455C185BBFCA779_## =
34584315561D6150_## =
3458C6AC17088977_## =
34617675CEE781BC_## =
3464FF045DD45F0D_## = Tích lũy Tiếu Quân Huy - Nhận ngay skin Butterfly Xuân Nữ
Ngổ Ngáo!
3467661c9b2afd48 = 3467661c9b2afd48_##
346A098015FD8CBD_## =
346C54BA04178D71_## =
346E48B7D37FEBA6_## = That all you got?
346EFCD180E0D556_## =
346FD9C45B5E0179_## = 好友大作战
3472F9BAB7BAD49B_## = Original
347464A16EF073B9_## = Trial Card: Try out Wisp for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
347490F04218E162_## =
34750CAC2ADE42BD_## = Trial Card: Try out Preyta's skin: Nether Drake
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
347C02CCDE963301_## = Trang phục đón xuân
348023D319A1FCBD_## =
34882D6A9F5A1D06_## = Get random hero trial card (3D)
34890113AC9484E6_## =
348C1BB34D2ED140_## =
348D8C69800DBF34_## = Kriknak
3492F3602084179A_## = Unknown
34965CDAC83FC395_## =
34977312211BCF66_## =
34983BDB524DD37D_## =
349AF99478A23EFB_## =
349C21E70FD859FE_## = Open to receive your Best Buddies Gift
349D086D0E4BA443_## = Gift voucher mail
349D8DB4B7DCF3AA_## = 签到图片
349D97F63C70614D_## = Your report of <color=#ffd700>{6}</color> at {3}:{4}:{5} on
{0}/{1}/{2} has been confirmed by the system. This player has been muted and 3
points have been deducted from their Credibility Score. Thank you for your report.
349DE1CA88E5D98A_## =
349E3223B30CA914_## =
349FAC85E401B318_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
34A06CBEBC56BA4F_## =
34A167B06EFBE8EA_## =
34A2190AC24273FF_## =
34A21E6C38B5B2AC_## =
34A257489685945C_## = Guild Battle Reward
34A48105C0DE1189_## = Đăng nhập nhận quà mỗi ngày!
34A7ADDF3C9E2F51_## = 消费点券活动
34A9330A787774DE_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Superman + trang phục Chúa tể công lý
34a9e16328ba2360 = Equipment
34ABE9A772289BC8_## =
34AE9218F0A07EDF_## = You are better than <color=orange>35%</color> of all players.
34AE9B962ED14DE3_## =
34B0F0CE928C9B72_## =
34B3987CD222DA59_## = Butterfly
34B581651726402C_## =
34BD3F175F84FC52_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
34BE6D8E0CECC1C9_## = Deals the same damage as the normal hook, but its large size
makes it more likely to hit enemies.
34BF7529081C3E37_## =
34C7052627E3D62F_## = Unknown
34C7604A9B111CE8_## = Gói vàng năm mới
34C85C87148785B8_## =
34CBF1E88C6C892B_## = Trang phục đón xuân
34CC8BE1014D15D8_## = Normal Attack
34CF39664A557EDC_## = ProPlayer Suggestion
34D282BADAF3D078_## = Unknown
34D35C36934900E5_## = 本週活動精選
34D3FB7EAF6938E4_## = 本週活動精選
34D745777372579A_## = Rương ngọc Trợ thủ (x4+1)
34DBCC0A139AF5F4_## =
34DE9F5C4C2DDAC4_## =
34E0B76E3EE88206_## =
34E1F711AF90E523_## = Base Damage
34E49570E1C63F15_## =
34e5ba3a4673496d = 34e5ba3a4673496d_##
34E5D13AC0B3A66A_## =
34E6B84F09F8D47F_## = Max HP +60 \nHP Regen +4.5
34E75821D270B271_## =
34E7BDCF698C7B0B_## = Gói ưu đãi tướng Lauriel. Thêm 3 Vé Quay giá chỉ 30 Quân
34E8C518696B1E4F_## =
34ECBF1B2C78B61F_## =
34F046B16CF5CA27_## = Trang phục đón xuân
34F3C70584C56377_## =
34F3E1ED3642FE51_## =
34F67BFBF5103C88_## = Aleister
34F79CD33A309259_## =
34F992E28028AF7E_## = You are better than <color=orange>90%</color> of all players.
34FB2C6A28E1DF79_## = Attack Speed +25%, Movement Speed +5%
34FD2A0DAFB52BE4_## =
3500F527DC924F9A_## = Every time Chaugnar uses Energy Surge, he calls upon chaos
energy to remove all Control Effects, reduce damage taken by 10% and increase
movement speed by 20% for 2 seconds.
35087779E1BF63F7_## = Đây là phần thưởng Chào năm mới 2018 (Chiến thắng) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
35092baebdee9d81 = Share
350CE22375994FE6_## =
350FAB5CCF04C4FD_## = Silver I
350FDE88ADA6E550_## = OK
35112FF8D33817CB_## =
3511DA530AE7C11A_## = Tham gia sự kiện Tết gắn kết - Anh em chấp hết tại
sukien2.lienquan.garena.vn - Nhận Dấu ấn Tulen và đổi tướng miễn phí!
351597487C9E39F5_## =
35189BC85C5347C3_## =
3518D7AF91E0FF47_## =
351B50B2AC555B58_## =
3521FC6229E56CD6_## =
352235A67C22C960_## = Unknown
35239AA4C8446BF0_## = Lauriel
3526C393351E65DD_## =
35270A1F0A39FEBF_## = The Stalwart Twins
3528CC5532F5497B_## = Static Shock
352B49C09D6F15E7_## = Trial Card: Try out Kahlii's skin: Li'l Red
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
352BDCCC41BF6E0A_## = Unknown
352D6B4C9E2D6D9C_## = It's good to be the MVP.
35314D7F939D5855_## = Unknown
3533039A0062B169_## = <color=#f6bf17ff>Unlock new functions</color> when you level
353571A1F86F2076_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
35388B1C74126476_## =
353C4A17BB281E0F_## = The Protector
353CFC55E1C90855_## = After Jinnar uses his spirit orbs four times (normal attacks
or abilities), the next normal attack will fire a spirit orb with a penetrating
effect to deal {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
353D856FB39C92A9_## = Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
353E1865A0274F69_## =
35425C931A8A5DA5_## =
35428DB67DFEB8DE_## =
354A0B273951E111_## =
3550B102EA8C6CD9_## = Arum's spirit beasts deal {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color>
<color=#ca3939>(3% of target's maximum HP)</color> as <color=#8e91fd>magic
damage</color> and heal Arum for {2} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{3})</color>
<color=#ca3939>(3% of hero's maximum HP)</color> whenever they hit an enemy. If the
beasts hit a minion, then Arum is only healed 1% of her maximum HP.
355162E61EFD47B9_## =
3556D6A8282283A2_## = Wisp
35588AE5C7F66F3C_## =
355B01DDABB21C56_## = Mage
355F045245642DCD_## = Trang phục đón xuân
355F06D274CA93FB_## = Cooldown
356220d1aa8e363a = An error has occurred.
3566625CDC4CE923_## = Tiêu Quân huy trong thời gian sự kiện để nhận ngay cực nhiều
Rương Độc lập!
35681C70B0A47AAB_## = Cooldown
356890203C60E12F_## =
3569B0B4450CF105_## =
356E6A3D12022B8C_## = The Flash takes off in a circle and creates a cyclone,
dealing {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to
surrounding enemies for {3} seconds. While he is generating the cyclone, The Flash
cannot be targeted by abilities and can move the cyclone's position at {2}% of his
movement speed. 2 seconds later when The Flash stops, the vacuum from the cyclone
pulls in surrounding enemies, dealing {4} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{5})</color>
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>.
35770090ABDCC673_## = Warrior
3578B2B5223CA116_## = Introduction contains invalid words or characters.
3578C9AC7A8592F7_## = Warrior
357B9750D340C1A5_## = Đăng nhập mỗi ngày để nhận Huy hiệu Wonder Woman. Có thể sử
dụng để đổi thưởng tại phần Sự kiện
357C9FF636842075_## =
357CCBCC933D61E1_## =
357D35AA7E19F2CE_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
35801559725A09FB_## = Original
35807D9C8B9B73EE_## = 26.11 - Tích lũy chiến công
35839A2E22BBF1E0_## = Trial Card: Try out Tel'Annas for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
35872496BD2E8C40_## =
358943282D391CE3_## = Aleister's Matrix of Woe does continuous damage for a decent
amount of time. Trap enemies in the matrix by following up with Magic Prison and
maximizing the damage received.
358D9DF24B2CC894_## = Rương thẻ thử skin 1N
35979EE6845AC61F_## = 用菲尼克战斗!赢豪礼!
3599C6CD9F0D8A29_## = Heartbreaker
359CACBA1AE3A440_## = Unknown
359d8720dcadab8e = 359d8720dcadab8e_##
359DF038B268F17C_## = Remember to hit enemies with a normal attack after using an
ability to properly utilize the additional damage from Wukong's passive. Follow
this with another ability immediately to continue the combo. If any of these hits
are critical, it will deal a ton of damage.
359EEC1624033B5A_## =
35A2D74493375B73_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Slimz)
35A41C7911A9B1CE_## = Cooldown
35A88340CD55F764_## =
35A9247B0B399F5D_## = Zephys' passive allows him to keep fighting even with very
low HP. Purchase equipment that boosts his survivability. Death's Flurry causes a
lot of damage, but make sure to aim it properly to deal as much damage as possible
to multiple enemies.
35AB725C686012BD_## =
35AC29F65557FABA_## =
35B2426ACA00B96B_## =
35B4FAE8DF45472E_## = Krixi's Mischief has an extremely long range. Use this
ability combined with the movement speed bonus from her passive to harass enemies.
Nature's Wrath and Moonfall are great for aiding allies in team fights while
maintaining a safe distance.
35B85F64FC743917_## =
35BDE45CF4DFD0FE_## = Original
35C1501D68952C18_## =
35C596B082C4EE32_## = Pre-register reward
35C8133901CD5C44_## =
35C82625D856CF39_## = Unknown
35CB9D5160A29FFA_## = Chơi bản đồ 5v5 Miền đất hứa (Thường & Hạng) để nhận ruby
miễn phí
35CC8B6E58FACF56_## =
35CF037A28D6F5DE_## = Cresht is great at protecting allies. Use Aquatic Shield to
give allies a shield in team fights. He is incredibly powerful after using
Metamorphosis as he is granted a massive shield and his damage output increases.
After morphing, target the strongest enemies to give your team the best advantage.
35d0e2e4fb87c9da = 35d0e2e4fb87c9da_##
35D339E784EBCBB0_## = Thu thập 2 mảnh Chúc mừng năm mới và Mậu Tuất 2018 để đổi 1
trang phục miễn phí tùy chọn!
35D73C2232737A6E_## =
35D8F0563E6FF03F_## =
35DC5226D1DA5900_## = Đấu trường đỉnh cao
35E4FEA8D2FA90CB_## = Gói 30% KM Ilumia + skin
35E5B37DA882B154_## =
35E7B249D93C6163_## = Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
35E8E2A3F7674BA4_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
35E94855FF10720E_## =
35EE39EA7D23B65E_## = Misc.
35EF0DB74ED0D8CC_## = Long Range
35F3FB4508F890C7_## = 我要努力向上!升等獎勵
35F6F983277F89DA_## = Lauriel
35FDDBD4A8E38590_## =
35FE0E490AB98AAE_## = Raz
36010395CBE2D6C9_## =
36049ADC6B7A5D4B_## = Warrior
360A104FFF2F85C9_## = Batman has become a symbol of dark justice that hangs over
Gotham City. Born into wealth as Bruce Wayne, he witnessed his parents murdered in
front of him as a boy. This tragedy transformed his entire existence, reshaping him
into the consummate crime-fighter. \n\nWayne traveled the world for a decade,
training his mind and body relentlessly, pushing himself to the limits of human
capacity, all in preparation of donning the mantle of the caped crusader. His years
of tremendous effort have left him as not only the world's greatest detective, but
with a physical prowess that has yet to be bested by any foe.\n\nAs Batman, he has
consistently been forced into battle in an array of alternate worlds, dimensions
and universes. And it was through a bruising encounter with Zephys that Batman
pieced together the existence of Athanor. Zephys collided into Earth, bringing with
him a power of unimaginable magnitude. He had come to subdue the earth and build a
new world. One that would be subjugated by Athanor and be forced to provide fresh
troops for its eternal war.\n\nDuring the tumult, Batman found himself chasing
Zephys, passing through countless worlds and fragments of time. Finally catching up
to him, Batman sought to end Zephys' dark plot right then and there. However, he
just could not find an opening to end the fight. Suddenly, the hero Valhein
appeared, under orders from Thane, to investigate the strange rumblings of doom.
With his aid, Batman finally beat back Zephys and temporarily banished him back to
his realm.\n\n"Traveler, welcome to Athanor," Valhein whispered in a deep, but
urgent voice. Batman felt drawn towards this mysterious new land, to understand
just what sort of role it would play in his destiny. Stepping into the light, he
found himself in Thane's court. The resplendent king sat high above the rest as a
gloomy pall hung over the room. He thanked the Dark Knight for subduing Zephys and
handed him a shining gem, a fragment of Andura.\n\nUpon touching the gem, Batman
experienced a vision of fire and despair. Gotham lay in ruins, consumed by flames
that licked the air. Its inhabitants were being led towards the darkness in chains.
The old and feeble were disposed of. The young and strong were ripped away from
their loved ones and cowed. And above all of this sat a malevolent shadow that
seemed to glow brighter than the very flames swallowing the city. Then, at a snap
of its immaterial fingers, the light extinguished, and life existed no
more.\n\nBatman stood unmoving, transfixed in the horror. "This isn't real, is it?"
were his only words. This must be some sort of trick. However, the solemn shake of
Thane's head and his mournful eyes, brought ice into the Dark Knight's veins.
Thoughts raced through Bruce's mind. What is this madness? What is this despair?
Thane finally spoke "It is what will come to pass, if we sit idle." He continued,
"The Andura fragment you hold must be returned whole. It has the power to create,
and a devastating power to destroy. It matters not where your world lies in time
and space, all is connected to Athanor."\n\nAnd with that, Batman felt himself
hurdled back to Gotham, to ponder upon the choices that lay ahead. Then with quiet
and steeled determination, he fought. With Lucius and Alfred's aid, he modified his
armaments to prepare himself for the coming battle. His friends worried for him.
They were unsure of the threats lying in wait for Bruce. But as we all know from
experience, never underestimate the Batman.
360A5B406A5674EE_## = Butterfly
360BDC2B46D9586E_## =
360BE78A1531D5D7_## =
360E3DF3596AF66E_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
360F56AC5F465048_## = Long Range
361297E6A4F14496_## =
3612DBF4D7AE435A_## =
3614C550B513EC09_## =
361682CB215426B9_## =
3616F7A1C99E8BF4_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Tím)
361806866D7C78E4_## = Cooldown
3618876B1F97B180_## =
361B97997C263BE7_## =
361C411D0B9FA04F_## = Basic Shield
361DE29436103B7A_## = Melee
362279F81E626D04_## = Contains 10 Gems, 1300 Gold and 1 lvl 2 Arcana: Atrocity
3623327D04D27BF8_## =
36233F82A44BAA10_## = Your trial period for <color=#ffd700>{0}</color> -
<color=#ffd700>{1}</color> has ended.
362436A5556722AF_## = Dấu ấn Tulen
3627930DD63027EE_## = Trial Card: Try out Veera's skin: Snow Angel for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
36283277eabbab04 = x1: Increase HP Regen speed
362BDFD7C1FD3376_## = 本週活動精選
362C40C783F6F508_## = Nhận ngẫu nhiên từ 8 - 68 Ruby
362D2BF4A8D4E3FC_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
362D9D258FA60D59_## = Quy đổi ngọc lục cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
362E2EDFB958073F_## = Let's be friends.
362FEFADC5F916AC_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
363229329BC943E8_## =
3636F59503F23B00_## = Position Yorn appropriately when he is about to unleash his
burst of arrows (his passive). Heavenly Barrage is very useful for team battles and
laning, and is best used after each cooldown.
363710C8C4CEC592_## = Firefighter
363AB3AA3BEB453E_## =
3640E336E42534E6_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
3640E51D07467BE1_## =
36410F6D189F502F_## = Trial Card: Try out Tel'Annas' skin: Love Sworn for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
36489785FA57C5C4_## = Tham gia mỗi ngày để nhận mảnh ghép năm mới và đổi lấy cơ
hội sở hữu bộ đôi trang phục giới hạn Long kỵ sĩ và Nghệ nhân Lân!
364EE4263BE151AB_## = Contains one hero: Zanis.
3655A2DB8BBBF29B_## = The Fastest Man Alive
365C7D60CC67DA73_## = Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
36626BEA0E02F364_## = Fiery Mountain
36651D4A71866571_## = Tham gia sự kiện Tết gắn kết - Anh em chấp hết tại
sukien5.lienquan.garena.vn - Nhận Dấu ấn Tulen và đổi tướng miễn phí!
3667AAAC99432114_## = Lumburr
366AA19C0A4A9026_## = Base Damage
366B6C1F875D2DAC_## =
366B7F226ACA4C50_## = Krixi's Mischief has an extremely long range. Use this
ability combined with the movement speed bonus from her passive to harass enemies.
Nature's Wrath and Moonfall are great for aiding allies in team fights while
maintaining a safe distance.
366D056052B6196E_## =
366EA58949598B99_## = 回流拍脸活动测试<color=orange>英雄回归!</color>
36703B8C4957F7A9_## = Damage Bonus
367AE591FCF95B08_## = Vui Tết cũng đừng quên Liên Quân nhé!
367B69DB9A25428A_## =
3681E0A6C191DC59_## =
36857FD17F219194_## =
3689AB272BEBEAC9_## =
368BE4CFA0CFF853_## = Unknown
368C8F5141A08DC8_## = Armageddon
368F0F6AA7D197FD_## =
3691C68C0E967CB9_## =
3694AB3FEF28FE7B_## = Structure
36973733EF2FDA6C_## = 7 日累積簽到
369B42872B9BACE0_## =
36A1FF844ADC4ECE_## =
36A5C94479A2A097_## = Yorn Value Pack
36AA93D822E939DF_## = Cresht gains Rage with normal attacks when Metamorphosis is
not active. When morphed, Cresht shakes the earth each time he uses an ability,
reducing movement speed of enemies in the area by 50% for 2 seconds and
significantly increases his attack damage.
36AD487F8CFEDDF0_## =
36ADC63F78D4D3E2_## = Disciple of the Plague
36AFFEBADA3A886F_## =
36B01D91212364DF_## = Unknown
36B1EF46845D9524_## =
36B387DE545D9437_## = Tham gia mỗi ngày để nhận mảnh ghép năm mới và đổi lấy cơ
hội sở hữu bộ đôi trang phục giới hạn Long kỵ sĩ và Nghệ nhân Lân!
36B5DC801CDFEE85_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
36B67F788432C8FC_## = Natalya
36B78A59F20610B2_## =
36BA553BC9EB876D_## =
36BA86C0C0E34FCB_## = Arduin
36BE7C58128751DE_## =
36C0B554D3BC2F58_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
36C1265146069480_## =
36C29578969EE252_## =
36C4D166E7A668EA_## = Focus on their Assassin!
36c72747496c92c2 = There are no current Masters. Fight for glory!
36C9FE677C419A1B_## =
36CC401B0D19B584_## = Dark Knight
36CC722E7E23AE9A_## = Unknown
36CFBE49248A1AFE_## = Silver II
36D0986930672A4E_## =
36D18C0422977C05_## =
36D3F311FCF235F4_## = EXP
36dc03509d9c8e38 = Suggested friends
36DC135B800DBA22_## = Thane
36DD8A4C3D90E87B_## = Unknown
36DDFCF1ED9B2DA2_## =
36DE0A2AFDE6CE05_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
36DE667734735065_## = Cooldown
36E254404E55567A_## =
36E311A7B346DEBF_## =
36E971A4456B4B54_## = Long Range
36EB3A448C9559CF_## =
36ED07A13763FBD4_## = Unknown
36ED104E99996C9C_## = Metamorphosis
36F0F7BB9043524B_## = Fright Circus
36F2798B7723597E_## = Stark Wolf
36F32E406D896DBD_## =
36F4659FB13E32FD_## =
36f7ddf5017ee127 = Status
36F939E87807066E_## = Roxi-Ultima
3700B8512EE3BD16_## = Yorn
3703FD1D0795E0B0_## =
37048EF4B77235E4_## = The Hotshot
37093E6AFB2B779C_## =
370DC304DEB034C5_## = Every 5th consecutive normal attack triggers a burst of
arrows, each one dealing <color=#f18d00>{0}</color> <color=#ca3939>physical
371242101DCDB9CD_## = Trial Card: Try out Natalya's skin: Shutterbug
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
3715F1A9E58DAD24_## =
3716EDBE2C716E31_## = 五次击杀送六个钥匙
371D3F6C2E3AFD74_## =
371D7CE760B66924_## = After bidding farewell to her verdant homeland where she had
slumbered for a millennium, the newly awakened Elven Queen Tel'Annas shone like the
morning star.\n\nAs one of the valiant warriors who resisted the first invasion by
the dark forces, the legend of Tel'Annas and her unrivaled archery skills became
the subject of numerous songs and poems throughout the centuries. Renowned for her
remarkable deeds in the decisive final battle against the invading horde, it was
Tel'Annas who shot the lone arrow that mortally wounded the Lord of Darkness,
securing the survival of all living things that had lost the protection of the Gods
in this terrifying episode in history.\n\nHowever, Tel'Annas paid the ultimate
price when her body and mind were corrupted by the dark power unleashed by the Lord
of Darkness in his final moment. She was forced to seal herself and fall into a
deep sleep that would last a thousand years, until all of the dark power within her
was neutralized. For the entire duration of her slumber, Maloch, the successor of
the Lord of Darkness, tried to break the seal and take the dark power inside
Tel'Annas, but the seal was far stronger than he imagined.\n\nSeeing his
opportunity during the second invasion by the dark forces, Maloch ordered a
massacre of the Afata, forcing Tel'Annas to break the seal and return to the
battlefield. Her striking face bore not a trace of the thousand years that had
passed, and her mastery over her formidable power showed that she was fully capable
of manipulating the explosive dark power that coursed through her. Confronting the
army of demons, spirits and corrupted souls, Tel'Annas once again drew her bow to
defend the life and dignity of all living things.\n\n"The radiance of the morning
star will forever protect this land."
3720068DC8BF0291_## = Tỉnh Bình Thuận
3724C3EED1973FB3_## =
37277F3D1BB0EE19_## =
372B89699C9F2976_## =
372C7B1DBF337235_## = Melee
372E0B01F42903F5_## =
373193c0e989982e = Guild
37321EC488856C92_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
373573327CA4DA8D_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc thành rương ngọc cấp III may mắn
37362EDE13A5972D_## =
3738A7E949E2F97E_## = Slimz
373A5F9BF8880E42_## =
373E99C9985DF961_## =
37407FF49EA2F210_## = Leviathan
374497E111F874A8_## = When fully armed, leave the <color=#f6bf17ff>Base</color>
prepared and enter the jungle.
374779395DF0152B_## =
3749DBF58D4FAF6A_## =
374ac24ae668e9e1 = Rank
374B854046AD0532_## =
374c73d04b4d4af8 = 374c73d04b4d4af8_##
374E963048FC0074_## =
374FBBC096A45F77_## =
375a7386e129ccc3 = 375a7386e129ccc3_##
375C00B97A7B3589_## = Thirst
375F907910707FC2_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
3760DB297725E157_## =
3770B5270494CF2A_## = Mganga
37733746E369041E_## =
3774B38EB3AE72BA_## =
3775820FE44C364C_## =
3778EF244E72A0D8_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
377BDFEB718A06F7_## = Lumburr
377F4F8EA0828675_## =
377FA5ABC1874424_## =
37824D257456150C_## =
378293160CD46074_## =
378DC583A540FED0_## = Preyta fuses with the Wyvern Spirit and enters the Disciple
of the Plague state for 10 seconds, immediately refreshing the cooldowns of Plague
Specter and Poison Gas Bomb and enhancing their effects on their next use. While in
this state, Preyta also receives a shield that absorbs {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> damage, gains 15% movement speed, and 10% attack
speed. His normal attack's range is also significantly increased and inflicts {2}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{3})</color> area <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>.
378E0129F2B742D7_## =
37924E8C28C6D1EF_## =
379455C1C682DC17_## = Melee
379578E93B1CCB3A_## =
3797A58FFBAD0CF9_## =
3797C838F8F55E7E_## = Leap of the Fox
379AF2E856D7521E_## = Bull Rush
379FF27E529B9515_## = Charge Time
37A0B54B84ED309B_## = 1. All training stages can be
<color=orange>repeated</color>.\n2. All training stages have <color=orange>first-
clearance rewards</color> except for Practice Mode.\n3. Practice Mode is a good
place to get familiar with the terrain, monsters, minions, equipment, and
abilities.\n4. <color=orange>Beginner Training</color> teaches players basic
gameplay.\n5. <color=orange>Practical Training</color> helps players get familiar
with using the Antaris Battlefield.\n6. <color=orange>Advanced Training</color>
teaches players how to aim and cancel abilities.\n7. <color=orange>Jungle
Training</color> teaches players about the monsters in the jungle and on the rest
of the battlefield.
37A1135AB9E49494_## = Nâng cấp ngọc quý
37A307D3A20BBA52_## =
37A7196ECD17B66D_## = Unknown
37AB53BF9ACF9169_## = "Technology will advance humanity!"\n\nAs stated by Max the
Wunderkind in his autobiography, the "genius" inventor owed his accomplishments to
his master, Moren the Technowiz. Old Moren may be contentious and rude, but he
spared no expense when it came to Max's education.\n\nMax lived a rough life. His
father died in war before he was born and his mother worked herself to death trying
to raise her son alone. With no money to his name and no life skills to speak of,
Max was left wandering the streets. He spent his time huddled near the home of
humanity's largest producer of waste, Moren.\n\nMeanwhile, Moren was still mired in
the shadows in Skud's wake. His productivity and quality was taking a hard hit as
he tossed out priceless machinery like trash. This trash became a source of income
for Max, and he, in turn, was inspired to become an inventor.\n\nMax's "riches"
provoked the ire of the other vagrants. They banded together to chase the young
orphan off their streets. Knowing he was outnumbered, Max wisely opted to retreat,
at least until he built himself a mechanical weapon from the scrap parts he had
collected, and returned to teach those bullies a lesson.\n\nAwakened by the noise,
Moren was impressed by what he witnessed. The weapon Max held was rough around the
edges but it held a certain sleekness to it. He invited Max into his home and
questioned him about it. Upon discovering that Max had built it himself, Moren
immediately offered to take the young genius under his wing. Max saw no reason to
say no to the generous offer.\n\nUnder Moren's tutelage, Max learned the
intricacies of building machines. He built vehicles and even transformed the
realm's feeblest soldiers into ruthless fighting machines equal to any other
warrior in the field. With his inventions, Max became the youngest human in the
realm to be knighted. Since then, he has driven his vehicles into countless wars
and cemented his place in history.\n\n"You'll be sorry you ever underestimated me."
37AD4D2F250784A2_## =
37AD9BFA759D1CD7_## = I am death incarnate!
37ADE994A7D0DCFF_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
37AE72B0D0C40471_## = III: Chỉ 7 Quân Huy! Cơ hội nhận tướng Ilumia vĩnh viễn và
thẻ thử hàng loạt các trang phục HOT nhất Liên Quân!
37AEA6820A0DB9C4_## = EXP
37B08478F295DBCE_## = EVO Ⅰ
37B39A3052FDE2B6_## = Tiêu Quân huy trong thời gian sự kiện để nhận ngay cực nhiều
Rương Độc lập!
37B573CA0F14860C_## = Base Damage
37B880039E0E0EA3_## = 签到图片
37b914d090a42da4 = 37b914d090a42da4_##
37BC93F3687DC576_## =
37BF2F59D22D53D1_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK {C}/{T}
37C2FF3F49170CE2_## =
Nhân dịp Tết Nguyên đán, hệ thống sẽ tự động +100% EXP nhận được khi đấu 5V5 thườ
ng và hạng. Còn chờ gì nữa, nhanh tay chiến ngay thôi!
37C39482508C989E_## =
37C4B6AA8C772E7D_## =
37CDFA62D79F1266_## = Each kill or assist increases Zanis' attack damage by 12
(stacks up to 20 times) and restores his maximum HP by 5%.
37D156F3104D0E92_## = 参与 5V5
37D4E931B33D9BCB_## =
37D5EE34C4AD0CAB_## = Original
37D7CBE2350B313F_## = Leviathan
37D806BF6A133914_## = Quy đổi ngọc tím cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
37D9020250B33809_## = Contains 10 Gems, 1300 Gold and 1 lvl 2 Arcana: Spellbound
37E3B75BB3D00089_## = You shall be judged!
37E4AD66A052F6BE_## =
37E5B1E599EB2F36_## = Cooldown
37E67902EEFAC076_## = Use Valhein's Bullet Storm at close range to maximize its
damage to enemies. After triggering a golden glaive with his passive, quickly
follow up with more normal attacks to destroy your stunned opponent.
37E9518FAFB18CB4_## = Ignis
37ED0275FDE9C275_## = Base Damage
37F6155DBDE7FBD6_## =
37F95A3F98A42731_## =
37FA7F1D29F04C62_## = Thu thập dấu ấn Murad M-TP (Khăn choàng)
37FBD54000EE5B7A_## = Unique Passive - Blessed: Gains a shield that absorbs 300(+50
per level) magic damage every 18 seconds.
37FE65FE1B54EE3D_## = Cooldown
38019B958F411AC8_## =
38056D527D6CF39D_## = Zephys lunges forward, dealing [sl*107300p1g2]
<color=#f18d00>(+[107300p1q3*k1/10000])</color> <color=#ca3939>physical
damage</color> to enemies along the path. This ability can be used 3 times in a
380597483C8F14F3_## = Unknown
38059BADCE82EE9E_## = New
3805AEB789A61CF9_## = 好友大作战
3808B55CBB009DCB_## = Congratulations, you are now one step closer to becoming a
true hero!
3808BD568489753B_## = Mở ra Vương miện Wonder Woman và 15 Ruby. Hãy đọc mô tả vật
phẩm để có cơ hội nhận vé xem phim miễn phí!
380E0EFB0A634FDF_## =
380ed54c5aed7d53 = 380ed54c5aed7d53_##
380F194055EAE61C_## =
3810079385877AB4_## =
3810D76896608D15_## = 本週活動精選
381177BB379E7976_## = <color=#d4e600>Purchase Restriction</color> \nYou cannot make
a purchase after leaving the <color=#f6bf17ff>Altar</color>.
3816F1C7FC3C9409_## =
3818D0C268C14E5F_## = Butterfly
3819A3988F06506A_## =
381C06D415B9E85E_## =
381C78457D2CF6F2_## = Original
381FE9F437E9C814_## = Reach Level {0}
3821CA18A1B7A0E9_## =
38224C1202DB3FC7_## =
3824E7FB8A933561_## = That all you got?
38257083C153C65A_## =
382C2F5639558E85_## =
382DBC42A8249E4E_## =
382E2BFC46159F0F_## =
383173B3A6EE468D_## = The Joker
38322C05D2C57AFD_## =
383500C5C942B924_## = Raz
3838C7FB72F41EB6_## = Thử tr.phục tùy biến: 1 ngày
383AA6DE46627176_## = Nâng cấp ngọc quý
384035FB87588BAE_## =
38417E805350FEC4_## = Unknown
38440DC38E390D17_## = All rune giftbag
3846E7AFDFD03D51_## = Dấu vết Wonder Woman
384B047B55983AD8_## =
384BE2EFB6D4EF62_## =
384E844DCE897826_## =
385136107B2F6D3F_## =
3852B7EFB528B4F8_## =
3854E4C032CEBEB1_## =
385559D5EEC86D10_## =
38569606D8EFEED0_## = Truy tìm vinh quang
3856A3EE1405BECF_## = Unknown
38586E1A422CA8DB_## = Violet
385951B715973D2E_## =
3859E73F5DD03B74_## = Original
38660C6BCBA89D86_## =
3868FE8C35F3973D_## = Snowsickle
3869F5D00077431B_## = Kahlii
3869F664DC1EA1E7_## =
386A8FA1B8B1C540_## = Original
386B7B8EABF8D9D7_## = Khích lệ đấu hạng
386E894ABDB339A7_## =
386EA5D6FD9706BE_## = That all you got?
386EBAC66030980A_## =
38712485E6E31F76_## = 签到图片
387554386B483EFE_## =
387AA33C2C57193B_## = Bộ tứ trang phục Cung thủ bóng đêm + Thủy thủ + Nhà chiêm
tinh + Nữ Đặc cảnh
387B74AB8C87A3A8_## = Red Ballista
387E6956415F3BD7_## =
38831E105C30F669_## =
38860BDAECB5CB81_## =
38901D5DC9E9C054_## = Trial Card: Try out Airi's skin: Racer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this skin.
389142E10BB11939_## = Detonation
389353FA8C1BBDE6_## =
38989667BD19FE78_## = Cull
3899F364569EFE83_## = Quy đổi ngọc lục cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
389C175890B1AD12_## =
389CFE754E034513_## = Attack the Dark Slayer!
389d2014db99a5b4 = Today's remaining times
389D250C43287E79_## = Quà mừng chiến công U23 Việt Nam (đăng nhập)
389FC3CA2C5399EE_## =
38A2B073C0D8657D_## = Trial Card: Try out Ignis' skin: Flaming for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this skin.
38A335DAD47FF12D_## = Let's prepare for the coming battles!
38A62B0F4DC5F208_## = Normal attacks have a pierce effect that deals
<color=#7FFFD4>{0}</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>.
38ABB7E816DC92A7_## = Attack
38ACB82C0091AE85_## = Zanis strikes the ground, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to nearby
enemies. If any enemy units are hit, Zanis' attack speed will be increased by 50%
for 5 seconds.
38B0C1629449E134_## = Violet
38B261C3DB37B8A0_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
38B61EB337E093BC_## = Divine Firestone
38B77977086A03BF_## = 登陆获取蝙蝠侠道具
38BB529A08DFCA1A_## =
38BB6621D1070B5A_## = Happy to Help
38BC24249DF3A789_## =
38C55DB9B05799EF_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
38C79E6AA0445192_## = Ormarr Hero Pack
38C8C020962D95FA_## =
38C9130869CDE73E_## =
38CB7C1AD8E27434_## = Original
38CC767AAC6EB51B_## =
38CC97C0FCE1E826_## =
38D06D2A720BEA0C_## = Ruby may mắn
38D14E2B1E2622C4_## =
38D405F25F0AE0CB_## = Lu Bu
38d6f38d0ef490cb = Sell
38DBD70C8302061D_## =
38DBF1D5D3EA1340_## = Nakroth
38E68BE24904674A_## = Survivability, Damage Dealer
38E69728927E3A14_## = Trial Card: Try out Ormarr's skin: Snow Festival for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
38E772BAE04B38FD_## =
38EC05244B5911C4_## = Chơi bản đồ 5v5 Miền đất hứa (Thường & Hạng) để nhận ruby
miễn phí
38EC7B85C9714537_## = Protect allies
38F28989BD0A90C7_## = Rename Card
38F3F23AC619074C_## = Road to Glory
38F4C0677A23D7D1_## = This is your<color=#f6bf17ff> Arcana Tome</color>. Equipping
Arcana can make your<color=#f6bf17ff> heroes stronger</color>
38F77BB77CAF1B2C_## = Azzen'Ka
38F80ACB766E1AEE_## = Unknown
38F8C8C46A68B46A_## =
38FC839AB97A7D8F_## = 7 日累積簽到
38fd6b14fe438a23 = Loading error. Please try again.
39010BA06406AC5B_## =
390264C27910FA8F_## =
39040D60231C216B_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nTướng vĩnh viễn
(Kriknak) / Thẻ thử tướng Kriknak (3 ngày) / Mảnh tướng
390480BC94E2C427_## =
39072F9570E8CC0B_## =
39081B4290A99229_## =
3908C6AAAB038DC5_## = Unknown
39096839BF904AD9_## = That all you got?
390A4E73102A334F_## = Diamond
390BB66C8419423E_## = Astrid
390DAD8ABFDB1419_## = Something wicked lurks in the dark.
390FB873E516A512_## = Valhein fires six silver bullets at once. Each bullet deals
{0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#7FFFD4>(+{2})</color>
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to an enemy. If a target is hit by multiple
bullets, additional bullets deal 40% damage. Each hit increases movement speed by
10% (up to 60%) and attack speed by 8% (up to 48%) for 3 seconds.
3910120A735A2850_## = Gói 30% KM Preyta + skin
391227E38E2E44BE_## = Butterfly
3913072A482E92E8_## = obsolete
3914D5236D344478_## = Defend
3918FB1FFF7739FE_## =
391A2C46027851B2_## = Kết hợp với Rương Nghệ nhân lân để nhận trang phục giới hạn
Natalya Nghệ nhân lân
391E3171DB2DD6C8_## = Trial Card: Try out Arthur's skin: The Bone Baron
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
391E35C42E39AE71_## =
391E796418B98558_## = Ignis
391F82079B07571F_## = 0
392376120F2D7761_## =
3925246C754136A7_## =
39280DD23D036DE6_## = Rare Slimz Skin: Demolition
3929C366478C8EC2_## = Survivability
392AB578F196B512_## =
392B9CCA61307836_## =
39353D3F43F60FA7_## =
3938E506F392BB56_## =
39393C7B90B50F48_## = Trial Card: Try out Ignis for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
393BB5D80529FD15_## = Midnight
393CFF1646766833_## =
39422CAA5CD3ED2B_## = Unknown
3944B4278D493548_## =
3945D67442887E73_## = What kind of abilities would you like your hero to have?
3948D0B890D2D3DF_## = Halloween Scream
394bb8c2e8e1ed39 = 394bb8c2e8e1ed39_##
394BFB3BEBFEBA20_## = When Peura takes damage, she counterattacks and deals {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to the attackers
and slows their movement speed by 90% for 1 second. This effect only triggers once
every 10 seconds.
394DF30532B447DD_## =
394f5e5ef7006151 = 394f5e5ef7006151_##
3956FA1012F0C214_## =
39582BC963D5D050_## =
395C392EFF56C22B_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
395C51B36F35D381_## = Butterfly
3960609371E295FB_## = Base Damage
396331C2CD646131_## =
39641FDF6A1841C1_## =
3965C26EB906FDDF_## =
39681B8FBACEB610_## = Time Warp
396866FE7BC203A9_## =
396A9CA380968CD3_## = Lì xì năm mới Liên Quân tặng bạn! Biết đâu bạn có thể may
mắn mở ra Đá quý?
396C726107CB57F4_## = No
396F1C500BDDD9AF_## = Thi đấu xếp hạng và giành chiến thắng để nhận thưởng sự kiện
397312EE8A705B43_## = Item Info Display
3973F60B7F85C501_## =
3977E01150EDF42C_## =
397E3722E82AECA5_## =
397F53BFE7B4E584_## = Cooldown
39804aa66fa1f6d6 = Name
3980D0B49535B0A7_## =
398428c792e30fa4 = Receive Rewards
3987CA257AD9F93A_## =
398bffc3a2a1ba22 = 398bffc3a2a1ba22_##
399161FE108E7E4A_## =
39926BC76E91A295_## =
39936E50F80F66F7_## = Unknown
3998c60b9d2df942 = Skin features
39994F42ADD6272A_## = 26.11 - Thưởng đấu đặc biệt
39A2780089E9FA28_## = End Zone
39a4870402988c07 = 39a4870402988c07_##
39A48E55700833F1_## =
39A767AF113A5012_## = Cooldown
39A998D86E7B661E_## =
39AC243048D57E25_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
39AFC1B4CB1620CB_## =
39B5D889FC525BA5_## = Original
39B63465632BDB80_## =
39B697D0F2CC1328_## = Diamond
39B7EDAFE73F9D81_## =
39BAB14C11A2EC0F_## =
39BF87CE3D3C0A96_## =
39BFA4B46BEB3265_## = Krixi
39C3CF4DA960CF1B_## = Khuyến mãi nạp Quân Huy
39C638AFAB69C714_## =
39C9742A1C338667_## = Smooth Moves
39CA2E94F56F146B_## =
39CAE8D779502182_## = Did I cross the line?!? Good.
39D31F3C82B126BE_## =
39D4C16D59F8232F_## = Đăng nhập giờ vàng
39D600567674C558_## =
39D65C1DFB54E1E3_## = Rương may mắn sát thủ mua 4 tặng 1 cực HOT! Mua ngay nào!
39D7EE6E516AAF15_## = Unique Passive: Reduces normal attack damage taken by 15%.
39DF5ECDBA74870E_## =
39E1D0E047C03303_## =
39E385D0F2D6F4DF_## =
39E6C69A566D4337_## =
39ED2242F9BDBFF4_## = 参与 5V5
39F2292FF1BDBED6_## =
39F2DB1E980FF7DA_## =
39F37912C617C078_## =
39F4D77711663104_## =
39FC5B113755A7BB_## = Ability Power +2.5 \nCritical Chance +0.3%
39FE4EDC5C3F4A6A_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Lục)
3A00D87286DF9A0A_## =
3A0177B924E662C8_## = Reach Level {0}
3A02FE83878D7C37_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (The Joker)
3A05C5BA48CC9E46_## =
3A065DD8EAD749EC_## =
3A09E07AF7852F2E_## = You are better than <color=orange>90%</color> of all players.
3A0D12BA321F23A4_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
3A0DC1E187A645F7_## =
3A11C399F55A2A0B_## = 本週活動精選
3A125FC1E2BC9716_## = 签到图片
3A182DA7C66037BA_## =
3A1A46D123891C2A_## = 马洛斯幽暗冥王幸运宝箱
3A1AFD15490C28FF_## =
3a1efbcf610901cb = 3a1efbcf610901cb_##
3A1F5AFBE769FDA7_## =
3A2C69C4BD6798E6_## = Unknown
3A312025AC79C0B1_## =
3A3186FA890F8DB9_## = Huy hiệu Trang phục
3A3488C96ADF0034_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
3A34CFC395EE5344_## =
3A3504428907CBE8_## = Flowerchild
3A3F9A3E1C0BC941_## = Tuần lễ Nguyệt tộc (Hạ gục)
3A3FF2ACD9F764E0_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
3A414D2C57614A64_## =
3A431613EF141E0B_## = Tap to quickly purchase the recommended item.
3A4600016FCC90D6_## =
3A46DC7D2732C9CA_## =
3A4D3AA1F3EB7489_## =
3A4EC6B37B6B5AA1_## = Diamond
3A4F830A45BBAF83_## = Zuka raises his staff and charges forward, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to nearby
enemies. This ability can be used again within 5 seconds of the first use and each
use enhances Zuka's next normal attack, increasing its range and dealing an
additional <color=#f18d00>(+{2})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>.
3A4FBF92F18CA23C_## =
3A518512408F821C_## =
3A57FA9D11BC8713_## =
3A58197B3712B985_## =
3A5B76454AC77325_## =
3A5DDA055A3727A1_## = 签到图片
3A5EC9943374B44F_## = Passive Reflect
3A60D851D10DB6E0_## = Earn MVP {0} [/0:$(time|times)/] in total
3A664607E42C602B_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Giờ vàng)
3A6F25001764B575_## = Original
3A7397C5785C052C_## =
3A748AE57E7AE489_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
3A7BEDF8DCD3563C_## = God of War
3A7E88B3942579E6_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc thành rương ngọc cấp III may mắn
3A817CC9EB7B603A_## =
3a85a6f89ffe036e = Title
3A85BF8BA14093F6_## = Viking
3A92781F14C9E595_## =
3A93BCE205ACF029_## =
3A967EF914653863_## =
3A98F5A45651C06C_## = Thu thập 2 mảnh Chúc mừng năm mới và Mậu Tuất 2018 để đổi 2
trang phục miễn phí tùy chọn!
3A9ABADFEB29C54F_## =
3A9AD5D60E96709B_## =
3A9EE0AFD877E916_## = Diamond I
3A9EE4F1DC5155CA_## =
3A9F579707E224D9_## = Trial Card: Try out Maloch's skin: Count for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this skin.
3AA701D05C28CCF5_## = Linebacker
3AA8F2B040295E23_## =
3AB01254476B1457_## = Academy
3AB4D39156B19E9F_## =
3AB58AB3B0C496D0_## =
3AB5A5A3036143A2_## = <color=#f8be32>60-second</color> cooldown: Teleports your
hero a short distance.
3AB9704FF77A3ACC_## = Ngày hội của Joker 1
3ABA7BDF5168BDC3_## = EXP +100% for 7 days for matches (excluding custom matches
and 1v1 bot matches). Can be paired with a Double EXP Wins Card for EXP +200%.
3ABEE956E7D14847_## = Toro
3AC4D208530BF2E6_## =
3AC5FA9B79DAF626_## =
3AC6E5310743E62D_## = Trial Card: Try out Butterfly's skin: Cyberpunk
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
3AC7DE7584B4C5CF_## =
3AC8ADEBD763B071_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Arduin để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
3AC9A07E9A01DA2C_## = Trial Card: Try out Veera's skin: Snow Angel for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
3ACA52CF8F340490_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Airi {C}/{T} lần
3AD47D0D1CBF1560_## = 签到图片
3AD50C4D87F36889_## =
3AD601A85539E646_## = 登陆获取蝙蝠侠道具
3ad8769bc19b25c1 = 3ad8769bc19b25c1_##
3ADB2AB90E997CE9_## = Giant Hook
3ADB66DB6826307A_## = Hurry up!
3ADBF2F6C13627E0_## =
3ADF70DDB6BF2A13_## =
3AE21802F53FBF46_## =
3AE3FBF475408F58_## =
3AEC101D34B5B4B6_## =
3AEF1C8B4CFB3B02_## = Đấu trường huyền thoại
3AEF5626F09A1E33_## = Sender's level is too low.
3AF0A76683FE5CAF_## = Barrel Bomb
3af7336c06d64e1 = Jungle Strategy
3AF7B4C09C216D1E_## =
3AF8A395A218F00F_## = Melee
3AFC4A0C26259788_## =
3AFF27D29E13F3A0_## =
3B03F4EB4CFC9409_## =
3B083C182B913C1F_## =
3B0A260AFB203E94_## =
3B11467AE8121CA4_## =
3B126315259E4539_## = The enemy has earned extra gold for drawing first blood.
3B1767CB8EA03D8E_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi để nhận ruby miễn phí
3B198E159EDAF049_## = Unknown
3B1C2B615A190DBF_## = Every 4th normal attack knocks the target into the air. Each
time an ability hits an enemy, Nakroth gains {0}% attack speed.
3B1C7D2D2A598EA9_## =
3B1F08DCC84822FF_## = Giant Spider
3B1FCFA24AC01FE0_## = Watch festive snow flurries fall
3B247C2A9421AABE_## = Melee
3B27AF71B003EC15_## = Rương AIC 2017
3B28B427DE96AA2B_## = Armor +110 \n[Movement Speed +60]
3B29E5250B266A1B_## =
3B2EE846555110AA_## =
3B33751A8E9597C8_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
3B35474F2702A2FA_## = Gói cao gót
3B3A61E99194C6EB_## = Towers fall wherever I go.
3B3B492C312A2ED7_## = TeeMee
3B3D20BE2A1F2166_## =
3B403B6CEF450633_## = Đấu thường 5v5, nhận quà chúc mừng VN lên ngôi Á Quân tại
giải U23 Châu Á
3B4344570B09663D_## = 7 日累積簽到
3B4EAD1577B72C2C_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
3B4F261F241BF1C1_## =
3B55F442C2B45C1D_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Lauriel)
3B55FE40DF3F0D16_## = Original
3B5A46198793A0CB_## = Unknown
3B5AB9EC3FD6CEAD_## = Omen
3B5BE6B521F1758B_## =
3B5CE75FA9685265_## = Quà trung thu của Joker!
3B600CA46AB0DFEE_## = Unknown
3B60DD449A252C3F_## = Liftoff
3B64517F68A2FCF3_## =
3B6597AEBD509C3E_## = Tap to quickly purchase the recommended item.
3B66BB7F8A07ADB8_## =
3B6A657160899DED_## = Mage
3B6B66381057CBFB_## = Base Damage
3B6F0FA0772A6090_## = Red Middle Tower
3B71E0A78768FE50_## = Fennik
3B72982978A1042D_## = Fearless Charge
3B75A9E37ED1FBAF_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
3B7B3AA268FB9341_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Astrid để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
3B7E37F82EE5FBC6_## = Trial Card: Try out Chaugnar's skin: Hazmat for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
3B7F044125B8C77B_## = Lu Bu
3B7F5C76E103EBDE_## = Leviathan
3B8437432D81E9D1_## = Blink
3B87262EF050D821_## = Time to battle!
3B8CFFB64775DF86_## = Gói thẻ thử trang phục 1 ngày
3B8D876FD0F1C861_## = Unknown
3B8E921F5847EC5E_## =
3B91D4E32CAD7F0E_## = Original
3B92255B56ADAB95_## = <size=24><color=#ffffffff>I. Friendship
Scores</color></size>\nInteracting with in-game friends will increase your
friendship scores. When interacting with friends from other platforms (Facebook,
VK, etc.) in Liên Quân Mobile, the system will automatically add them to your
friend list and increase your friendship scores (friend lists have a limit
of<color=orange> 200</color> friends).\n\n <size=24><color=#ffffffff>II. Increasing
Friendship Scores</color></size>\nThe following behavior between friends will
increase your friendship scores:\nJoin casual matches, Abyssal Clash, or
multiplayer matches together: +3\nParticipate in a Ranked Match together: +6\nSend
Gold: +2\n1v1 and custom matches will not increase friendship
scores.\n<color=orange>Maximum of 20 points with the same friend every
day.</color>\n\n <size=24><color=#ffffffff>III. Friendship Scores
Levels</color></size>\nThe friendship score levels are:<color=orange>
Low</color>,<color=orange> Medium</color>,<color=orange> High</color>
and<color=orange> Max</color>. The friendship scores will turn<color=orange>
gray</color> to remind you if you have not interacted with each other for more than
2 weeks.
3B9313F52B291D58_## =
3B93E3BD3B464ACE_## = Đấu trường huyền thoại
3B997D9BB7F66C4E_## = 7 日累積簽到
3BA2F5C1AC659FF3_## =
3BA44896ADFB8E76_## = Zephys rapidly attacks adjacent enemies. Each attack causes
[sl*107200p1g2] <color=#f18d00>(+[107200p1q3*k1/10000])</color>
<color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> and decrease their armor by [107200p2q2]
points for 5 seconds.
3BAB47CB5B93CF17_## = Warrior
3BAB4A8618ADCCE0_## =
3BAE7A3137EC9AD9_## = Fire Hook
3BB1C8DFC9B5AE8D_## = Throws an extra wide hook
3BB2DCFA20A7D68D_## =
3BB3D624AF4063CE_## =
3BBC79140BB4CECE_## =
3BBE35AFB52B22DD_## =
3BC46658C539CD43_## = Outlaw
3BC4884F58CAA6DE_## =
3BC82ADA11959D1D_## =
3BCD74028DA7799B_## = Cooldown
3BD57A700541D78D_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Tím)
3BD6A2A484D1289D_## = Royal Guard
3BD6BBB1402A99AC_## = Absorption
3BD80ED15528DE7D_## =
3bdc0df79f5d6b6d = Critical Chance:
3BDC7578D9DC82F3_## = The Executioner's Blade
3BDD09A0A0EC7844_## =
3BDD61267EDDCCD9_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
3BDDB3FD3717FDBC_## = Liên Quân đón Xuân
3BE3D44C987571FA_## = Krixi's Mischief has an extremely long range. Use this
ability combined with the movement speed bonus from her passive to harass enemies.
Nature's Wrath and Moonfall are great for aiding allies in team fights while
maintaining a safe distance.
3BE9E97244C14886_## =
3BEA4F74FE1D3FE3_## = Chỉ cần nạp 35 Quân Huy, nhận ngay trang phục Fennik Nhà thám
3BF0CD458C3BC2D7_## =
3bf615f6af0a9c44 = Verbal Abuse
3BF775F20B334D7C_## = Arduin flings his axe forward dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> and stunning
the first enemy hit for 1.5 seconds. He then hurls towards the axe's spot, dealing
{2} <color=#f18d00>(+{3})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to
surrounding enemies. Once Cull is activated, control effects will not stop Arduin
from completing the ability.
3BFA347F2EE96C22_## = Unknown
3BFE47175A868D70_## = Unknown
3bfe6b872a98391 = 3bfe6b872a98391_##
3C00FF0FEC26D4ED_## =
3C0268FDB704A76C_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
3C04733BA79A1C2A_## = Typhoon
3C05DD3D8A15AF07_## =
3C09E9ABC3ABC392_## =
3C0A6D5B0CE76B32_## = Unknown
3C0B6CE32C718652_## = Arum unleashes a roar that deals {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> and summons a
spirit beast. While beasts are active, using the skill again and damaging an enemy
will reduce the cooldown by 50%. Arum can summon up to 3 beasts, and the number of
beasts determines the power of Uncaged.
3C10E517CBBB6882_## =
3C124289A3F2F925_## = Altar
3C1400E5A5E4103B_## =
3C15E9BA2D03B45E_## =
3C163532F9A4CE8A_## = Let others have some fun too, please. You're hogging the
3C1651AA72ACA17C_## = Trial Card: Try out Rourke's skin: Captain Kraken for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
3C17D1D2BA66A6D3_## = Base Damage
3C1ADF6F1FF54138_## =
3C1EDD035A13A053_## = Đây là phần thưởng Chào năm mới 2018 (Chơi game) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
3C205DFB11C068C5_## =
3C208E26DF429397_## =
3C27CD0783D4BC6F_## =
3C29A35D883FE987_## =
3C2B804EEA170126_## =
3C2C5D0E020A8E05_## =
3C2C836F45044EA8_## =
3C2DD6C92F177C0D_## = Original
3C2F538D6315BE81_## =
3C3080DFAE4196C2_## =
3C31F4CBC7AD8F8B_## =
3C32A78E6CEE753B_## =
3C34B38706B48193_## =
3C3572EFC8A9637A_## = Sustained Damage
3C360897CD8EA746_## = Kriknak
3C399D3507193A8B_## =
3c3a6305f692cd5f = 3c3a6305f692cd5f_##
3C3B5EADA45E9586_## =
3C426F8225C7036B_## = Tel'Annas
3C43D308ADBC3F08_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Đỏ)
3C452AD34F25FC19_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
3C471F9417E9FE4E_## = (Long-range attacks)
3C4C3DE40E300B37_## = (Able to attack enemies off-screen)
3C4F409B7DAF47F6_## =
3C55FEDF44547C3B_## =
3C574A2933B8B8D3_## =
3c57c9da2f30c111 = Team<color=#ffffff> 3v3</color>
3C5A3488686849B1_## =
3c61801538d00e2e = 3c61801538d00e2e_##
3c627f3fb0b5fbcc = Attributes
3C640416791480FB_## = Trial Card: Try out Diaochan's skin: Prom Queen
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
3C6608296380709C_## =
3C6741017CF28C83_## = 3 局游戏送六个钥匙
3C688419B9539679_## =
3C68E0F127CB35D9_## = Original
3C6985EC044DECF5_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
3C6E33DAF088984A_## = The Bone Baron
3C732C5550F1DA41_## = Unique Passive: Movement Speed +60
3C7707BF2BF7A4F8_## = Trial Card: Try out Tel'Annas' skin: Woodland
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
3C78513C9B74A3BD_## =
3C78F6AD16B6ECE2_## =
3C7DE281535277B2_## = Lucky Draw
3C8173D0B938C972_## = Nurse
3C8215AECA86BA4E_## = Beginner Training
3C8271AC8D3A55B7_## = Cooldown
3C8383909B206166_## =
3C85934362D39474_## = Nạp Quân Huy - nhận rương Raz!
3C85B727A7EC02C4_## = Each normal attack increases Kil'Groth's attack speed by {0}-
{1}% (scales with hero level), stacks up to {2} times. Kil'Groth's 3rd normal
attack has a longer attack range.
3C86D8B654944AD1_## =
3C86FEEE9C6DB3E0_## =
3C89F4767E2E12BE_## =
3C8DBCBA4311A15F_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
3C949B3483BFB38D_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
3C9C56643453EDCC_## =
3CA25E6932D76164_## =
3CA4A619C9F9F6E1_## = Wisp
3CA65632B1C8CC5B_## = Don
3CA73A7E4A18DD3D_## = Kahlii Oan Hồn Cô Dâu + Mganga Hề Cung Đình
3CA96BF6DC4F4F22_## =
3caa4e0e8f3be39e = Passive
3caed1358be6ff73 = x3: Greatly increase damage
3CB12FB34BDA9396_## = Invalid account.
3CB246DCCCF622C4_## = Quy đổi ngọc lục cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
3CB5730CF9D6E141_## =
3CB6ECE5A2CD212B_## = Every 3rd normal attack becomes a glaive with an additional
random effect (Slowdown, stun or extra Damage).
3CBADC50B417B657_## =
3CBB22C3EF8D13ED_## = Prep School
3CBD59923E7B8178_## =
3CBDA44812317250_## =
3CBF58F473D54E9A_## = I need backup!
3CC0B5E7DA8A3B2C_## =
3CCD7CB2E35A5A74_## =
3CCEB10AB86DDDE7_## =
3CCFFF8227C46CBE_## = The guild, <color=#ffd700>{0}</color>, you have created has
entered its charter period. During the charter period of <color=#ffd700>{1}</color>
hours, potential guilds must collect <color=#ffd700>{2}</color> signatures to be
established. Good luck!
3CD2D2684122422E_## =
3CD6CABFB6633D8B_## = Hỏa Phượng Hoàng
3CDA7D1F2A78E6F6_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đón Xuân mới - Khuyến mãi nạp thẻ mỗi
ngày! của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
3CDC6F618B01C1C7_## =
3cdd8a8ddddfd7a0 = 3cdd8a8ddddfd7a0_##
3CE019CFEA2FCC2D_## =
3CE2BAD08E5CF92C_## = Krixi's Mischief has an extremely long range. Use this
ability combined with the movement speed bonus from her passive to harass enemies.
Nature's Wrath and Moonfall are great for aiding allies in team fights while
maintaining a safe distance.
3CE5B64D12B03290_## = 本週活動精選
3ceaa207cae4bd1b = obsolete+3ceaa207cae4bd1b
3CF5503859201CCA_## =
3CFE8FF51BA3EAA0_## = Maloch unleashes a massacre from above at the specified
location. He knocks nearby enemies when he lands and deals {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>. Also reduces
the movement speed of any enemy that tries to enter or exit the zone.
3D006657E2D40C48_## =
3D0A54B9489718BC_## = 4-6 minutes
3D0AF1E4A1DE23C7_## =
3D0BD8D69D1A1968_## = 7 日累積簽到
3D0CA9302964E3CE_## = Veera's Mesmerize has a limited range, so you should be very
careful when you use it. It is best to position Veera as far as possible from the
enemy when in a team fight.
3D0DE407FFF8428B_## =
3D0F7E58CCBCCFCD_## = Pocket Glaive
3D13023E2BC967C2_## =
3D1446923114F21B_## = Reiki Shot
3D1808B88ADD97C9_## = 签到图片
3D1C57D08C8CCA44_## =
3D1C6C6137EE1A1B_## = 7 日累積簽到
3D1D95F0EBD147E0_## =
3D1DA99138B8BD0B_## = Rương may mắn Wonder Woman
3D1FE8ECBB985DC2_## = Rương Thời trang Violet
3D2678F420217834_## = True Damage
3D278C565E6FAFCA_## =
3D28C978C6CD15C6_## = Tiêu Quân Huy nhận cực nhiều ưu đãi!
3D2B12B26AC18AC4_## =
3D2C83557A18478A_## = Đấu trường Huyền thoại
3D303B348520A93B_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
3D3812D79D3C6A32_## = You're already in a lobby.
3D38FE086CC73E2D_## = You can learn basic gameplay here.
3D3AD86DCD465BEF_## =
3D3DA19851F18288_## =
3D3E5AE98A536757_## =
3D3F7139830AE50B_## =
3D3FDC30A94906E4_## = Batman
3D4286B5F11047F4_## = <color=#f8be32>60-second</color> cooldown: Increases attack
speed by <color=#f8be32>60%</color> and attack damage by <color=#f8be32>10%</color>
for <color=#f8be32>5 seconds</color>.
3D43537B7EE3299A_## = Diaochan
3D440E7685AF3C05_## =
3D50140B750DD4B6_## = Additional Damage
3d519678526f0be1 = Highest Damage
3D5243EC28127FAD_## =
3D5371FDCEBF5904_## =
3D547FFFDB39F493_## = Melee
3D5B955989628556_## = You are better than <color=orange>35%</color> of all players.
3D5CCACF3C7A502E_## =
3D6100420106973C_## = Long Range
3D618950D62775C0_## = Mời bạn bè chơi game để nhận Ruby miễn phí!
3D61A64CDB25427B_## = Rương tựu trường(x4+1)
3D61FF3A2F52167B_## = Lên cấp đã vui, nay kèm thêm quà lại càng vui hơn nữa!
3D68B12BE8FC4D77_## =
3d693d8f15da0ff1 = Description of the skin's features
3D69AD2AC59C0E2A_## = All the heroes long to fight for you!
3D6C3EA0178FCE90_## =
3D6CC43CEC61D64D_## = We need a Marksman!
3D70E0786BB0FBDA_## = 7 日累積簽到
3D711AEA27C02344_## =
3D76EDF8420626A7_## = Dragon Master
3D7B1BB1F2E63BA8_## = Alice + Nhà chiêm tinh
3D7CD5804949B33F_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Payna) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
3D7E7EA6293EB129_## =
3D806723CB797B0F_## = Focus on the towers.
3D81782B99751909_## =
3D822668EDDD8CF9_## = Bronze I
3D8374B6B877E306_## = The demon has awakened.
3D83CCE94B44E4C3_## =
3D844D8D567CBDCB_## =
3D84E71A5FEE9C9D_## = Unknown
3D85C97E6689DAEB_## = Medium
3D86663BC52A4C82_## =
3D88E5CE9B62B45A_## =
3D8AE8A3393377A3_## =
3D8B3B562754C189_## = Academy
3D8B45748A269EE6_## =
3D8CF2A1F6F4F2DB_## = Unknown
3D8DC304D277537C_## = Nhận từ các sự kiện trong chuỗi hoạt động mừng sinh nhật
Liên Quân. Sử dụng để đổi quà đặc biệt từ ngày 26/11
3D8EB2EE21F7E868_## =
3D96A58A7B6EAAFC_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tiêu Quân Huy - Nhận Xuân Nữ của bạn, xin
mời kiểm tra!
3D99F1C2A5DC525E_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Batman)
3D9B7222F00C528A_## =
3D9E6F80064C1371_## =
3d9ea9bd109fd812 = 3d9ea9bd109fd812_##
3DA07A6D0B6B6AB9_## = Nakroth
3DA0AE35FEA83D07_## =
3DA6C0F1DADF0956_## = Snow Festival
3DADEF27C68C6942_## =
3DB1A46C436303ED_## = 7 日累積簽到
3DB90053FBE70014_## =
3DBABF9E714BD971_## = Quy đổi ngọc tím cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
3DBED1D946CFB4C3_## =
3DBEEE6EF0CAD65B_## = Every time Omen hits an enemy with a normal attack, he gains
one Thirst point. After reaching five points, Omen increases his movement speed by
{0} and his attack speed by {1}% for 5 seconds. His strengthened normal attack will
also deal <color=#f18d00>{2}</color> <color=#f3b74a>true damage</color> and reduce
the cooldown for Death's Beckon and Untouchable by 1 second.\n\nOmen's 3rd normal
attack triggers a second hit that deals 50% damage. The counter is reset after
reaching 5 points of Thirst and after coming out of Thirst.
3DBF054471F77B02_## =
3DC24BDBBF0D2F74_## =
3DC3241B7D58324B_## = This is the real DPS!
3DC73733DB3F8ED9_## =
3DC88DFEA1C23BDE_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
3DCB8FFDF50740BF_## =
3DD59E6240A9DB0E_## = Diaochan
3DD751BEA20FAF76_## =
3DD768813BD65D8D_## = Mời bạn bè cùng chơi để nhận thưởng sự kiện
3DD941920CDA80A9_## = Shield Points
3DDA6234634B3232_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
3DDA76192CC6F34C_## = Veera Heartbreaker Chest
3DDC6D688F28F085_## = Base Damage
3DE0A6F7F12DB1B2_## =
3DE1B508387F3BF9_## =
3DE5527BAF2C9F8E_## = Airi's Spin stuns enemies for a short time, so you can use
this ability frequently to contain enemies.\nUse Ryuu when you are around a lot of
enemies to gain a more powerful shield.
3DE788008B58F95E_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
3DE78C45B17AF323_## = Cơ hội nhận vĩnh viễn/thẻ thử tướng của những nữ thần trong
thế giới Liên Quân!
3DE899BA8FD99A31_## = Survivability, Sustained Damage
3DE9889367273893_## = Cooldown
3DE98FB56EBBD1B1_## =
3DEB21D571807196_## =
3DEE865CB792A9D4_## = Blue Outer Tower
3DF11BA5849693C9_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mừng xuân Đinh Dậu, Lì xì đầy tay: Mời
bạn chơi! của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
3df52b73bb5d98c9 = 3df52b73bb5d98c9_##
3DF725EA1A3DE889_## = Disciple of the Plague:\nIncreases movement and attack speed.
Normal attack also gains increased range and area magic damage.
3DFACD9BBA41550B_## = Hell Bat
3DFDF2ABE832E098_## = Đăng nhập mỗi ngày, nhận quà dài dài từ Liên Quân
3DFFBCEB2378710C_## =
3E06D9657A898DD7_## = Wisp
3E06EAA0C8C8126A_## = Ormarr bashes the ground with his hammer, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies
within range and reducing their movement speed by {2}% for 1 second. Each cast that
hits 1 or more targets grants Ormarr a stack of Fighting Spirit. After reaching 3
stacks, the next cast will trigger Gut Punch.
3E0A2B88B1D61705_## =
3E0DAAB1BAB21C65_## =
3E15A56E97A72B63_## =
3E16C0D8143D8205_## =
3E1BE5CEBD8D3EC7_## =
3E1D3741DD8F969A_## =
3E1FDD6264BC0554_## = obsolete+9460556cedabde5a
3E2648E77440E29F_## = EXP +100% for 1 day
3e26c31adfecb013 = Attack Damage
3E2956BA507D694E_## =
3E3413B328D60027_## = Drag the highlighted icon to use the skill,<color=#f6bf17ff>
"Bullet Storm"</color>
3E3527380AB4CC5A_## = Jungling, Sustained Damage
3E3B0F13E935A383_## = Base Damage
3E3E618C5E3C9510_## = <blankspace89>
3E3F0D27F452956C_## =
3E3F8073924A33FE_## =
3E48F7B77DC42626_## = Lauriel
3E4BBA27A324DE44_## = Vulpis Ignis
3E4D328DDA074E85_## = Trial Card: Try out Ignis for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this hero.
3E4F8BCAD166FD47_## = Burst
3E545C9AC258C0B7_## = Trial Card: Try out Wukong's skin: Embers for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
3E54CC68BAB6A947_## = Trial Card: Try out Airi for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days.
You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
3E56116DAE2854FE_## =
3E570BAEFEA9F1E8_## =
3E582638C21732AC_## =
3E591D1DE21D05C7_## = Đây là phần thưởng Thợ Săn tiền thưởng của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
3E5BE825280AC9EF_## = Nakroth
3E5E46C44C6476DB_## = 妇女节挑战活动
3E5EA65B70A35857_## = Midnight Yorn
3E5FFE63E4F08326_## = Đăng nhập nhận quà
3E60169C75710834_## =
3E60E92AF8609619_## = 分享对战结果次数{C}/{T}
3E660FDD62D1EDB3_## = Murad leaps forward, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies in
his path and stunning them. He can leap again within 5 seconds of the initial cast,
and he can return to his starting location if the ability is cast a 3rd time within
5 seconds.
3E66925530F42EC4_## =
3E68D0F5DB3C1321_## = Wisp bombards the target area 6 times, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> each time. The
damage from bombardment can critically hit and deals 50% additional damage. This
ability must be channeled and has a maximum duration of {2} seconds. Moving or
using another ability after {3} seconds of channeling will interrupt this ability.
3E6D04751B8D17CE_## = 10 Ruby
3E742048B8F321E4_## =
3E756B9D3BDBBFD1_## =
3E79A2214373FA1F_## = 参与 5V5
3E821A7DD1D56D78_## = Unstoppable power.
3E856A3D6F7EE2B0_## =
3E8652A7BE6DB338_## = Đổi Thư tình nhận từ sự kiện mỗi ngày thành quà tặng
3E8AD57641B0EA40_## =
3E91E219CB0A690E_## =
3E950941029D8675_## =
3E9567C419A5903E_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
3E97508AFCD1A1B7_## = Femme Fatale
3E979DF982AFF2CC_## =
3E98572FDAC3829A_## =
3E9B8ED738C47BDB_## =
3E9EE48BDF4EC29A_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
3E9F6B85B8D2962A_## = Heavenly Barrage
3EA0BF2AF7D2A619_## = Receive upon completing 3 Ranked Matches
3EA2144B8B5839EB_## = Kriknak
3EA34EA9E431B061_## = Blue Hammer Soldier
3EA6413746A1A59B_## = Tap to report this player.
3EA69FEE5D164163_## = Butterfly
3EA8BC90B1D321A2_## =
3EA9FBF4E8AFC6A1_## =
3EADB86F49283C6B_## = Masters
3EB7411BEF0C71E9_## = 本週活動精選
3EB9840FE91CC011_## = Mời bạn bè cùng chơi để nhận thưởng sự kiện
3EBAA6709847F8AC_## = Explorer
3EBC5EBD36F37C4B_## = Unknown
3EBDF2DB9D884A28_## = Đăng nhập giờ vàng, nhận quà cực HOT, chúc mừng VN lên ngôi
Á Quân tại giải U23 Châu Á
3EBF5A563B9E4E71_## =
3EBFE68CC1957532_## =
3EC05D1C4A90482B_## = Toro
3EC093D1123A5801_## =
3EC095A7D7746AA9_## =
3EC1EDFD16CE2CBD_## = Brotherhood
3EC5A91A0DA86464_## = Wait for your minions and follow them into battle!
3ec8405b0996d55d = Notice
3EC8539E57C5E814_## = Bloodlust
3ecbb29b03ca9833 = 3ecbb29b03ca9833_##
3ECD3F59DA5AEAFE_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
3ECF05FD060A4B6E_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nTướng vĩnh viễn
(Wonder Woman) / Ngọc cấp II/III ngẫu nhiên / Thẻ thử tướng Wonder Woman (1
ngày) / Mảnh tướng
3ED125C7FBB581E8_## =
3ED3E02172F65C34_## =
3ED6473795AAB72E_## = KM 30% tướng Zill + trang phục Dung nham
3EE0A50A8926E0E4_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
3ee0f792f189c553 = Sage Golem Location
3EE1C235D158D9A6_## = Achieve a victory when you are {0} [/0:$(point|points)/]
behind in a single match
3EE40C4EE1183F2B_## = Prom Queen
3EE4374D68929ADD_## = Short Sword
3EE44CEAA19C5409_## =
3EE7AA4BBBFCB1AF_## = I am death incarnate!
3EE8908A6668FE24_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
3EEED36315A8FEC2_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
3EF42701B9EC624C_## = Quà may mắn (update)
3EF4FE7BDA2EB9B5_## = Quà may mắn (Phúc)*2
3EF604F97E22FB13_## =
3EF8624F553A30B9_## =
3EFFB67584B97E21_## = Combo Ilumia + Vé Quay
3EFFCFDEC0888C64_## = 7 日累積簽到
3F01E47B2C4EB43C_## = Superman
3F034476DE1F39E2_## = Lauriel
3f07993a4ca0d5dc = Heroes
3F079BB835AE6EB8_## =
3F07DA99E8C70954_## =
3F0EF4CB13861EB4_## =
3F0FCA46273A7152_## = Trial Card: Try out Zanis' skin: Blood Knight
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
3F109AF86772FD39_## =
3F116414290CFF2B_## = Watch the jungle!
3F11E1A4137985EF_## =
3F1219C21776ABE7_## = Đăng nhập mỗi ngày, nhận Chìa khóa Nguyệt tộc
3F139F9DC742253B_## = Zuka
3F169177247F0276_## = When things are too hot, use Death Sentence to escape and
position yourself for a counter attack. If Nakroth's other abilities are on
cooldown, you can use Judgment's Blade to avoid enemies' control effects.
3F17F166214A6C2E_## =
3F1F8489500CE3CA_## = Trial Card: Try out Preyta's skin: Leviathan
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
3F2366CACFD927EC_## = Toro
3F2379A492363FE7_## =
3f247bf0cc02104b = Gold gift
3F24C7CFDEE35D4A_## = Butterfly
3F24D6838B080DAF_## =
3F260E37EE41B978_## = Trang phục Kahlii: Cô dâu hắc ám
3F2D86537253FE8B_## = Original
3F2E716A65F58D36_## = Limited Event Gift
3F3095B2A3E35D0E_## = Tham gia sự kiện Tết gắn kết - Anh em chấp hết tại
sukien9.lienquan.garena.vn - Nhận Dấu ấn Tulen và đổi tướng miễn phí!
3f326e86c8507f02 = 3f326e86c8507f02_##
3f3624605d5c85a4 = Life Steal
3F36BED63B69193F_## =
3F39A7B49E2C3A17_## = Unknown
3F3AC0AB3ECA02EB_## =
3F3BF7D702E92193_## =
3F3F1CE347809720_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
3F428ED24D05FF2B_## =
3F42AE2F37E6E832_## = Original
3F42DB21E9776F6F_## = Arthur Catacombs Chest
3F4384466A6EC5DA_## = Trial Card: Try out Lu Bu's skin: Cyber Samurai
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
3F48E1A7D3B1E54A_## = Wicked Plot
3F4AD68453206D6C_## =
3F4BFD6D992B34E8_## =
3F50D8027CF5183F_## =
3f5121b8e3dd8f0f = 3f5121b8e3dd8f0f_##
3F51A374972D7FCE_## =
3F5290A37994F98C_## =
3F5453E3FA77714D_## =
3F551390A49D91AF_## = Master
3F59093EB9252E20_## =
3F5B371AE2A9852D_## = Gains a shield
3F5ECF464A7033C4_## =
3F610F29BB454732_## =
3F635E7CB09DB634_## = 签到图片
3F663018FEF98706_## =
3f66d86d0a06efd7 = 3f66d86d0a06efd7_##
3F6808F4217EEAE3_## =
3F6CFEC7357CB65E_## = Trial Card: Try out Yorn's skin: Po Po for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this skin.
3F6F2378FEA2D893_## = The Merciless
3F702CF7FD8D3838_## = <color=#ffffff>%s</color> now has a win streak of more than
<color=#f2c71a>%d!</color> <color=#a4afb7>All he does is win no matter what!
3F7344FA8BB628FB_## = Trial Card: Try out Maloch's skin: Don for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
3F754DE37BC22A22_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Raz {C}/{T} lần
3F782C6CF3162717_## =
3F80D9D81AE44EA5_## = Hero Tokens
3F8186526A192E8A_## = Unknown
3F86168C876CE8CD_## =
3F87C33D19112345_## =
3F8A1AB971484E1F_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
3F8B09B3801A5596_## = Rising Uppercut
3F8C4E546B4AFAE2_## =
3F8D068EDCFB5F4B_## = Liên Quân đón Xuân
3f8e5bf905d86144 = Magic Damage
3F92E468B5780340_## = Contains 10 Gems, 1200 Gold and 1 lvl 1 Arcana: Shock
3F933F920F76B83F_## = Use Valhein's Bullet Storm at close range to maximize its
damage to enemies. After triggering a golden glaive with his passive, quickly
follow up with more normal attacks to destroy your stunned opponent.
3F944A99A279EBA0_## = Justice Lord
3FA1EE003FC2E6EC_## =
3FA298BCC5EFBE4E_## = Mở để nhận ngẫu nhiên 1 trong các VP: Tướng vĩnh viễn, mảnh
tướng và Ruby may mắn
3FA4EBA1291B8789_## = That all you got?
3FAA6113367DB4C2_## =
3FAD3AC293C3844D_## = Gildur
3FAD9A7DD6A9266B_## =
3FADC5962C2EDF50_## =
3FADFDEA792ABB28_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 hạng mỗi ngày
3FAFE37D063CF7FB_## = Arduin
3FB1158ED20BB931_## = Tết chưa hết đâu
3FB26762B23E8BD8_## =
3FB438E9C0EA6117_## = Butterfly
3FB4F615B464ECB1_## = Rương may mắn sát thủ
3FB5F793BA032470_## =
3FB663504CDB0CC1_## =
3FB80899CBDB4C67_## = Unknown
3FBC449A4B49796F_## = Advanced Training
3FC1EB8DC6636117_## = Racer
3FC48EB8EC3E8141_## = Tham gia mỗi ngày để nhận mảnh ghép năm mới và đổi lấy cơ
hội sở hữu bộ đôi trang phục giới hạn Long kỵ sĩ và Nghệ nhân Lân!
3FC6E6939D180C49_## = 本週活動精選
3FC8FD730FBB3977_## =
3FC99705AC28B28C_## = Wukong
3FCC36DFD39E67D0_## = TeeMee
3FCDF7754D3B6513_## =
3FCF809B86817FC0_## = Arduin summons a shield that has 12% of his own maximum HP,
which lasts for 5 seconds. When the shield is summoned, Arduin deals {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to surrounding
enemies. Within 8 seconds of summoning his shield, Arduin's next 3 normal attacks
deal an additional <color=#f8be32>{2}</color> <color=#f3b74a>true damage</color>,
and each time his normal attacks damage an enemy, the cooldown time for Cull is
reduced by 1 second.
3FD0C2B265A3DDE2_## =
3FD34A6349A533D6_## = Azzen'Ka sends a Dust Devil towards his enemies, bouncing
between them and dealing {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
damage</color>. The same target can be hit up to 2 times, only taking 60% damage
the 2nd time.
3FD5969823305B99_## = Arthur
3FD8328B13B7428B_## =
3FD8CF32300A3215_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
3FD8E9397310A85F_## =
3fda2d761aa3c7f0 = Skin status
3FDD79FB0E231DAB_## =
3FE0142BDBCA80DE_## =
3FE4F69445BDBE95_## =
3FE76614B915EC16_## =
3fe9eacccc605ae8 = Deaths /
3FEA4E39EF4E9ABE_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Chiến thắng)
3fec9a567e1e7182 = 3fec9a567e1e7182_##
3FED1C9A5C213E63_## =
3FEDA447AD8ABDE2_## =
3FF3026D58F1FE32_## = Trial Card: Try out Arum's skin: Sekhmet for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
3FF438E42246E82A_## =
3FF4F324E10981A7_## = Normal attacks reduce Tactical Fire's cooldown by 0.5
3FF519BC349AD5C1_## =
3FF7EF12B0FD706E_## = 签到图片
3FFF0A88FEB32DAC_## =
40009EADD697AD7A_## = Liên Quân đón Xuân
4004C4448D703DCA_## =
4005A6B53412EDD4_## = Raz
40098A1A81AFAD3D_## = Butterfly
4009989E7B4FBBB9_## = Original
40102E05068853A4_## = Unknown
401038201F2FB8FE_## = (Inflicts high amounts of damage - Lower defensive
401393A076DB2723_## = 本週活動精選
4014BBE273F16189_## = Trial Card: Try out Murad for <color=#01d1f8ff>7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this hero.
40181AC2662AB543_## = Double EXP Card:\n1-Win
401BD6186492FFCA_## = Attack Damage +80, Cooldown Speed +15%, Armor +150\n[Shatter]
401F2F299920B6F4_## = EXP
40248C877FC69F3C_## = Trial Card: Try out Lindis for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this hero.
40250A9B6C9A6A86_## = Lethal Rays
40255135AE0CCC28_## =
4025c31fa574f5f5 = 4025c31fa574f5f5_##
40270467292B6035_## =
402754955BF06FE3_## = 签到图片
402762214B119A2B_## = Chơi cùng bạn bè trong chế độ đấu thường để nhận thưởng mỗi
402B3D7EE9E9AB49_## = Sacred Flame
402EE4653CE5FA6B_## = Combo thử Nakroth 1n
402F078B0590B106_## =
403654C6D93EEEF4_## =
4037465ABA5CC50E_## =
403C2197B732B989_## =
40408E6B8B524549_## =
404519EB49C51B92_## = Original
4045B74AB1531802_## = Accomplished
404774CD5696893A_## =
4049B1DC6F2EB13A_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
40537815C5A3D655_## =
405553225BF6C656_## =
4055820299B2493F_## =
40581d6466837f58 = 40581d6466837f58_##
405BC5CB1213B06B_## = Loose Cannon
405DE57B3763E98D_## =
4061AE9995F6A309_## =
40694F4AC4D52EEF_## = Azzen'Ka
406CC2EDB30CC64D_## = <size=30>{0}</size>\n kill streaks ended
406D69B4BE42C9A3_## =
406D92BD6AC1496B_## =
406EE16082D99EF5_## =
407329E224EDED5A_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
407344EDDE9E0874_## = Blue Inner Tower
407411D707C99E79_## = Nhận Chìa khóa từ sự kiện trong khoảng 24.1 - 26.1. Kết hợp
với Rương khóa bí ẩn để đổi thưởng tại mục Sự kiện
407C8EE3D2A0B83B_## = Unknown
4080CD4D81D89EA8_## = Max HP +45 \nHP Regen +5.2 \nMovement Speed +0.4%
4083C55391313941_## = Reiki Shot Damage
4084708453F8C21B_## = Mở để nhận ngẫu nhiên mảnh trang phục! Đặc biệt, cơ hội
trúng độc đắc tới 100 mảnh trang phục!
408AB7AA08F316D5_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
408BDA614EFED2BF_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Lục)
408E4F8926983A5E_## =
408E8DD2C013A5EE_## = Đây là phần thưởng Săn mục tiêu lớn của bạn, xin mời kiểm
409003ED43BF01C8_## = You are better than <color=orange>35%</color> of all players.
4091E76325A4633F_## = Lucky Draw
4092DDF385C71DFE_## =
409760856F49C22C_## =
409CB3CA985C36CA_## = Warrior
409F64CF1D5BBC6E_## = Raz launches a projectile from his fists that deals {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to the first
enemy it hits, briefly reducing their magic defense by <color=#f8be32>{2}</color>
and movement speed by <color=#f8be32>{3}%</color>. Restores 25 energy if the
ability hits an enemy.
409FE81D208647EB_## = Unknown
40A3DA8E73A6D200_## =
40A4144BAF73DC30_## = Frostbite
40A4ED2A6660353C_## =
40A732331AFAB702_## = Reach Level {0}
40AF11228D576FB8_## = Thu thập Bánh Chưng và Đầu lân để đổi thưởng Tết mỗi ngày
40B92BF993570C79_## =
40BA41E2A67C9CFE_## =
40BC113B6BE7E26F_## =
40BC303741CE31E8_## =
40BC5DBAB43B2ADE_## =
40C3D2262C00C20C_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Ignis để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
40C4DB067F3E5000_## = 赢得排位送符文碎片
40C5A3F995F17A77_## = Open to Receive Natalya and her Azure Skin
40C5AF8C0A0EC3E1_## = 复活卡
40CB35C42D578716_## = Tỉnh Quảng Trị
40CBACA999933687_## =
40CBF8FBC2C6C669_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Giờ vàng)
40CFF796952F4188_## = 5v5 限时模式
40D70F3D667CC238_## =
40D7F4221EAB1D51_## = Aleister summons a matrix at the target area, continuously
dealing {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to
enemies within the area and applying 1 stack of Curse both when the matrix appears
and disappears.
40DA31E3810BB189_## =
40DA6D081C419B3F_## =
40DCF048D55013CF_## = Human Form grants ranged normal attack.\nFox Form increases
armor and magic defense by 20 (+5 per level) and movement speed by 30. Normal
attacks in Fox Form deal <color=#7FFFD4>{0}</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
40E016D7A663596A_## =
40E08A8F7D094406_## =
40E1530AC7217DE3_## = Butterfly
40E1BEBA59A1237F_## = 本週活動精選
40E6308B9876256D_## =
40E7FD3303337112_## = When in a group battle, cast Zanis' Dragon's Wrath first to
control enemies, then use Blood Wyrm to increase his attack speed and finish them
40E8C31493F398DB_## = Survivability, Sustained Damage
40E951117731B1B6_## = Cooldown
40F81B1151BD06FE_## = Số trụ phá {C}/{T}
40FB9AF38326E1F6_## =
40FD051655086213_## = Trial Card: Try out Gildur's skin: Summer Bash
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
40FD4E56E071453F_## = Trial Card: Try out Lu Bu for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day.
You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
40FE8225BD8A122A_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tích lũy tiêu Quân Huy - Nhận skin miễn
phí của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
4101CA4531648E84_## = Omega
4101D46F5FEA1DA2_## = Item is not available.
410261CDD62A3CA4_## =
4103368C9EC63BBF_## = Skin trial card (1D)
4104F030434C2526_## =
4108C75542053942_## =
4109B4FE12A24DB5_## =
410B9F72FB534C3D_## = Original
4110D48692CD10F5_## = Combo thẻ thử tướng và trang phục Nakroth 1 ngày
411882197192AF11_## =
411D636DCA5406CF_## =
411dbfec5f185e16 = Rounds
411E7DAF8949F8AB_## =
4122DBFF523300E4_## =
412BAA296D6EFD4B_## = 7 日累積簽到
4132C38807396781_## =
4133ADB71DCCDEFE_## = Trang phục Cresht:Cá cắn cáp
41346A7FE39C16FD_## = Cooldown
413619121B2B8956_## = Tăng 50% Exp Đấu Hạng 5v5
413EB258D567951D_## =
414113892F5CAB11_## = Leviathan
414451DADB3263D9_## = Superman
4144939476D7742A_## =
41478B6D7A2499CA_## = Thu thập 2 mảnh Chúc mừng năm mới và Mậu Tuất 2018 để đổi 2
trang phục miễn phí tùy chọn!
41546FD7E0BFC69C_## = Long Range
415E19CC911D9637_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Arduin) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
415F27869671B738_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Arduin)
415FB55079A83B88_## =
4168C4B82461D866_## = Ignis
416A3491517E0FC5_## = Not Available
416CCB8EAB12095E_## = Royal Guard
416D6164804D21AC_## = After 2 normal attacks, Wonder Woman's next normal attack
will throw her shield, dealing an additional {0} <color=#f3b74a>true damage</color>
to all enemies in its path and slowing their movement speed by {1}% for 0.5 second.
If the shield hits an enemy, Wonder Woman will recover {2}
<color=#f18d00>(+{3})</color> HP. If the shield hits an enemy hero, the HP
recovered is tripled.
4170FB90C18A04C9_## =
41718E5E7FFB1570_## = (Roams the battlefield to deal killing blows)
4172155A3972E3CC_## =
417558A7A1B2D925_## =
4175B65EF15F4485_## = Survivability, Sustained Damage
417A3B65AB644EF8_## =
417b02f1f2cbe29 = 417b02f1f2cbe29_##
417BA56786492A8E_## = Mở để nhận 1 món quà ngẫu nhiên
41801A9454A37B3C_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Kriknak) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
41825CC771EBB7BF_## =
418337DEFD652FB6_## = Snow Festival
418A6C1814820876_## =
418AD022EB67933A_## =
418C02EA886F94ED_## =
418DFB4AE610A306_## =
418F15791401D53D_## = 本週活動精選
41942431CC6D5734_## =
419A6437D40FFC13_## = Report Feedback
419AE9459F856D3C_## =
419E3A0C999FDB49_## = Bloody Baron
419EAD97351B303C_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
41A6F2A2BB3963FB_## =
41A7BDCDB2C6128A_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
41A9062FFB045616_## = We need a Tank!
41A98E8ABEF55538_## =
41ADEF32C62B9FF5_## =
41AF83B41554B237_## = Execute
41B51374650F563A_## =
41B881206896790C_## = Lindis
41B93623E1B0423E_## = Marksman
41BA039FDBDDA3AE_## =
41bc5eb8a76261e = 41bc5eb8a76261e_##
41BDC2D017A2F69C_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nTướng vĩnh viễn
(Skud) / Thẻ thử tướng Skud (3 ngày) / Mảnh tướng
41BE9497F7CB625A_## = Attack
41C28E3B8BCB5EE3_## = Blue Super Minions
41C2C2A8A422A695_## = Gói 50% KM Ormarr + skin
41C5D324AEEC494A_## = Li'l Red
41C9FAFE8C4A5ACE_## = Red Tide
41CC86E5DE86A39B_## = Regnant
41CCDF66D566CB0F_## =
41CD90D83F07ADE9_## = Every time Max damages an enemy, the enemy gets shocked,
causing them to suffer {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#f3b74a>true
damage</color> per second and have their health regeneration reduced by 25% for 3
41CF7C9C00ACA04C_## = Cresht consumes all Rage and morphs into his true form,
growing in size and gaining an absorption shield. He then summons a massive tidal
wave, pushing enemies aside and stunning the enemies at the end of the wave, also
dealing {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>.
Cresht gains movement speed while riding the wave, and loses speed once he leaves
41D008E08523AFA8_## = Tham gia mỗi ngày để nhận mảnh ghép năm mới và đổi lấy cơ
hội sở hữu bộ đôi trang phục giới hạn Long kỵ sĩ và Nghệ nhân Lân!
41D1C739DE2202CE_## = Marksman
41D46C8A419EA50A_## = Cooldown
41D8EE09A83A8FA6_## = Trial Card: Try out Alice's skin: Explorer
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
41DC4C4684DE3685_## =
41DEA69F85FD8555_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
41DFCF7DA117F765_## = Trial Card: Try out Natalya's skin: Shutterbug
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
41E0DDB66E286321_## =
41E14EA2C47B4A68_## =
41E287B6E2688949_## = Bound
41E359CAD6358F1B_## =
41E5AE053B94B83D_## =
41E690B3F16C046F_## = Đổi Dấu ấn Tulen
41EF02679BD98A5B_## =
41F38E4A53DBFCF2_## =
41F4A62D8B30CD08_## =
41F5BE7161337512_## = Đổi quà tặng, nhận rương may mắn Valentine
41F9706D75FDD791_## =
41FA128A0A0D3B2B_## = Red Inner Tower
41FE77FB0E12E8F4_## = Batman
41FF27529E1DE27D_## = Đổi Dấu ấn Tulen
4206D321407BC133_## =
420A11C4CCDBF98C_## = What can I say? I just like to fight.
420CF86C8EC878D5_## = Achieve a {0}-Win Streak
420D5EE25E6C5601_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Lục)
421556AE3A40324B_## = Rương may mắn Zill
421983CF183E6277_## =
421CA358C3DEB6E4_## = The Best Accomplice
421CC65E792DB27B_## = Completing<color=#f6bf17ff> tasks</color> will help you grow
into a qualified Challenger.
421ECCC202DF4B8B_## = 参与 5V5
421F63E8B5BD4EFE_## = Trial Card: Try out Lauriel's skin: Halloween Scream
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
422122A3F9844610_## =
4224F5C18D30C93E_## =
4224f6cefed4673b = 4224f6cefed4673b_##
422504F8277EAA1F_## =
422822EC3BB4C06D_## = Original
4229c2478242a26a = 4229c2478242a26a_##
422CF17F82019A2C_## =
4230A829142ED0B8_## = Cooldown
4230C50DF4058C16_## =
42322164A0D23DF9_## =
423370ED8A03BFD1_## =
42359A86F2F4198B_## =
42400A2BBA8D512E_## =
42408F5A08057D33_## =
424321E9B7AA5CDA_## =
42443EFEA8DD43D9_## = Bloodraid
4245bd54c601264d = obsolete+4245bd54c601264d
4247141D8B0EDFEB_## =
424809ADB6A3D9FD_## =
424918A6EBC94005_## = Pocket Glaive
424BAF0A76B7180A_## = Trang phục đón xuân
424E16B44AACB19C_## = Thane
424FCF23EAE842D8_## =
42500C9EC42056EA_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Raz) của bạn, xin
mời kiểm tra!
4251BA21510B8156_## =
425206FA5897299E_## =
4254ce0283e35739 = HP
4254E3490326E308_## = Opens every weekend
425A1B634C901A96_## = Knights, rally to me!
425A5E663D3FA1EA_## = Red Hammer Soldier
425B9D2E120D15CC_## = 7-11 minutes
425F8BF1D2A4D959_## = Natalya Value Pack
42658CCF30BD4498_## =
42687275A8435126_## = Trial Card: Try out Natalya for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
42689DA6DD3DC13A_## =
426B42F3AC7B4A17_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Kil'Groth {C}/{T} lần
426CB0CB00021A77_## = Unknown
426FF5B2FCB29EC7_## = 击杀魔龙
427190D211D769A4_## = Unknown
42752b6b6b99024e = Offensive
4276EFF8F0B57EA9_## =
427E3121C4A64456_## = Advanced Reward for warriors who have participated in a Quick
Match. Contains 188 Gold and a chance to obtain an additional 128 Gold.
42822F473466136A_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Zill) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
428322317D66E03A_## =
42845D13525D45C1_## = Liên Quân đón Xuân
428BB3666040A7E1_## = Thane's name is seemingly written on the first page of every
book on human history. Not only did he break the dark reign, but he was also the
pioneer of technology. In a time when faith was scarce and demons ran amok, humans
used technology to break away from being ruled by demons and became their own
masters.\n\nFrom a refugee that could barely protect himself to a king that
everyone admires, Thane has undergone arduous training, has seen dead bodies
covering battlefields, has slain countless demons and has lost countless friends.
But Thane never gave up, and he always led his troops through dark times, clinging
onto glimpses of hope when there was almost none.\n\nOn the day of his ascension to
the throne, he earned enormous respect from his people. Even though the Temple was
wary of his rise, and dubious politics overshadowed the capital, people still
believed that Thane would be the one to lead them to a bright and peaceful
future.\n\nThat's why Valhein, The Demon Hunter, brought his people from afar and
swore fealty to Thane.\n\nThat's why Astrid, The Indomitable, risked the honor of
her family and cleared the way for Thane to become king.\n\nThat's why Raz, The
Fist, became a spy and formed the resistance in an enemy camp.\n\nHuman fighters
have decided to stop fighting against each other and unite under Thane, combining
their strengths to create a tidal wave that will push history forward and drive the
demons back to their abyss. When a savage beast learns self-control, even gods
should be afraid. Throughout all of this, Thane has kept his head cool, because
when the horn of war is blown, he will lead the charge.\n\n"With this sword in my
hand, I will vanquish all evil!"
428DEC5E6A52B23F_## = Tap here to switch between<color=#f6bf17ff> Arcana
42907326CDD33BCB_## =
42916F8CB5C312F5_## = Aleister
429B27DCC006FA48_## = You must have a talent for taunting!
429D10544B620B91_## =
429D1A52AF247EA1_## =
42A3806AFCCD44A9_## =
42A5C4E37793CB1F_## =
42A713884A6F1C5F_## =
42aa489e487283d7 = Username
42AB2738D4C84F09_## = Lu Bu
42AB70346B409375_## =
42AD875D3097698F_## =
42ADEF61C3562C51_## =
42AE7809519B552C_## =
42B930ED357A0DAD_## =
42B96B3CBFFF9A51_## =
42BC33AAAC325DAB_## = Cybercore Level 2
42BED0740D93F186_## =
42C40F7676AF1EB2_## =
42C58DDD5A206BFC_## =
42C769C0D6BF8080_## = Wisp
42CA2E4B00E05656_## =
42CD1825500CF2FE_## = Mở để nhận ngẫu nhiên 1 trong các VP: Trang phục vĩnh viễn,
mảnh trang phục và Ruby may mắn
42CE0CBF1F54B91C_## = Thu thập Chìa khóa - Mở rương bí ẩn
42ce46b346c03659 = How to obtain
42cff6baddb291bd = 42cff6baddb291bd_##
42D1826AC0F2CD42_## = Demolition
42D258E9F0593E82_## = Reach Level {0}
42D492BAD728D6A8_## = Control
42D4E442861CB64C_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
42E096E245F3254C_## =
42E65C4A58B87E50_## = I am death incarnate!
42E74DE3CE595FBC_## =
42EA73277F9430E8_## =
42EBF407A94EB422_## = 7 日累積簽到
42EDCC3EE54C1C7D_## =
42F0E769A0FBE7FA_## = Trial Card: Try out Alice's skin: Explorer
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
42F1FAB3463949E2_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
42F27E08E442B601_## =
42F94B7C10A80A08_## = Little Adventurer
42FAFE0F82F96A56_## = 26.11 - Đăng nhập giờ vàng
42FB3C2D524B0DFF_## = Hazmat
42FBC162203E4851_## =
42FDD2A2ADEEC9B9_## =
42FEB41FDB4FDC2F_## =
4300FCE59756A7B1_## = Điêu Thuyền + Nữ Vương Anh Đào
4301A4E645E4F448_## = Burning Hook
43085BCED8B14787_## =
4309c58051c69bc6 = Update
43108DF4CE1EE4AD_## =
43117F8766079A12_## = Unique Passive - Rapid Blade: Normal attack hits increase
attack speed by 50% for 4 seconds. 10-second cooldown.
4315A140666A34D0_## = Đăng nhập nhận quà
4317E3B47F20B9FB_## = Magma
431AC0FEB418DC61_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Superman để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
431D6C524C1A2DAB_## =
431F93AF2CAFA942_## =
4321A184147E3BD0_## = Medium Reward for warriors who have killed enemies. Contains
30 Gems and a chance to obtain an additional 20 Gems.
432300BAEAAB1BFD_## = Mở để có cơ hội sở hữu các tất cả các trang phục từng ra
mắt của Violet (kể cả giới hạn)"
432549626EA87B25_## = The Chi
43258F0860DC0073_## = You are better than <color=orange>65%</color> of all players.
4326F8B9CC2D188D_## = Chaugnar
4326FC5EED533AC9_## = Mở để có cơ hội nhận ngẫu nhiên: Thẻ thử trang phục 1-3-7
ngày hoặc Ruby
4327AEC838D3ED01_## = Tăng 50% Exp Đấu Hạng 5v5
4329C6D5DFAF4FFF_## = We need a Tank!
432C7BAB29DBD9B3_## = Mind the fireballs.
432C98596CC1039A_## =
432FF9B3C9BFA3E5_## = Zephys attacks from above, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies in
the target area and knocking them into the air for a brief period. Enemies hit are
inflicted with the Thundercrash debuff and take an additional {2}
<color=#f18d00>(+{3})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> when hit by
Zephys' normal attacks and abilities.
4330C367850D0E24_## = Unknown
433463856D8F5A87_## =
4334AD1AAD7EAB5C_## =
43350c1f510a70e7 = 43350c1f510a70e7_##
433574498A368C3A_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Đỏ)
433D0C9309935873_## =
433D4790A7FFF49C_## = Trial Pack 1
433e82ee1067cc29 = 433e82ee1067cc29_##
433EF434C76173B6_## = Trial Card: Try out Veera for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
433F01D6AF7FE5D6_## =
433F058022D37333_## = Ability Power +140, Cooldown Speed +10%\n[Magic Life Steal
+25%][Life Shield]
433FBDB4385F20C7_## =
4342F8AFC8B9666C_## = Cooldown
4345D6842D06EFA1_## =
4347DD1503833AE0_## = Sorry, something was wrong with my network.
43495E8808CD160A_## = Melee
434AECB62AA42009_## =
434D7359B6FA7249_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
434E7444D4966CDB_## =
43534DC4A03A6396_## = You friend <color=#ffd700>{0}</color> has gifted you a hero:
435808fd5b0bbbaf = 435808fd5b0bbbaf_##
435BBB8BC5C7DC1D_## =
436230BA5D474384_## =
4366FDCD6E805395_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Skud)
4367643509EF741A_## = (Stops enemies' movement)
43716DEA7575C25B_## = Unknown
4373509FA96B12C6_## = Raz launches a projectile from his fists that deals {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to the first
enemy it hits, briefly reducing their magic defense by <color=#f8be32>{2}</color>
and movement speed by <color=#f8be32>{3}%</color>. Restores 25 energy if the
ability hits an enemy.
437CC47D91CE18BF_## =
437D6F6378CCE6BD_## =
43802F8A54FA36C2_## =
43811148E530B07E_## =
43823134DCA3A2A8_## = Little Adventurer
4383798CABBB2BA2_## =
438407058A723FC2_## = Trial Card: Try out Diaochan for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color>
day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
43847739834F6316_## = Contains 10 Gems, 1300 Gold and 1 lvl 2 Arcana: Endurance
43940B3F349D828E_## = Combo thẻ thử tướng và trang phục Nakroth 1 ngày
4394B39FC6FC87C8_## = Zill
4395E3E7C0AF8C34_## =
43979E9B72446D03_## = 限時充值送好禮(test)
439814330812C733_## = Đây là phần thưởng Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
439d53ec9f1416b9 = Please choose a hero.
439E4BEA884ACFD4_## = Huy chương danh vọng
439EFC898230765F_## = The Spirit
43A0EB34BD352D1C_## = Chúc mừng năm mới (Đăng nhập)
43A23C81CE8E910B_## = Nâng cấp ngọc quý
43A2D6C9BBFEDFB8_## =
43A6398BC2598630_## = Đây là phần thưởng Săn mục tiêu lớn của bạn, xin mời kiểm
43AD30DFC81CB771_## = Combo thử 1n
43B0AE8D0DD63673_## =
43B12BA73D7795A9_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Skud + trang phục Sơn tặc
43B408F5DBA04890_## = Huy hiệu AIC
43B5D38CCD4AA28B_## =
43BB5F72D5EF4C00_## =
43BE163FF75722EA_## = Jinnar
43BE8CCD2FE110B6_## =
43BED9BD117D96A0_## =
43C2F0CC0E3E7C06_## = Nakroth Skin: Nightmare
43C3CDA1BBA5A70E_## =
43C847AE7A275BDD_## =
43CC0B52FD7EFC94_## =
43CE1B78AE85EE24_## =
43D343DBCDA8A83D_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
43D6BD5F6CCC79A3_## = Đổi quà tình nhân
43D735D3FBF6E1BA_## = Cooldown
43D9BD04B1DF7B94_## =
43DAB527729D127D_## =
43dbe1e58da9ad06 = <color=#f3ca4dff>Damage greatly increased</color>
43DE16769208BB0E_## =
43DE57E9CCD0E455_## =
43E718670F92E697_## = High Damage
43e7a02c18389f12 = Redeem a skin
43EF1B9457BAFB6C_## = Normal Attack
43F032D294276BDF_## =
43F42D86A5D00F02_## = Bánh sinh nhật
43f68dac9423acd = 43f68dac9423acd_##
43F6E861E16DF08C_## = Tích lũy tiêu Quân Huy để nhận thưởng
43F965A886A7BCAE_## = Cooldown
43FAC6CEC3BFB794_## = When Astrid's HP falls below 80%, she gains a shield that
absorbs {0} HP for 4 seconds. The shield effect has a 24-second cooldown and will
be reactivated when Astrid takes damage again. While the shield is active, it deals
{1} <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to surrounding enemies. Cooldown is reduced
by 3 seconds every time Astrid hits an enemy hero with an ability or normal attack
and by 1.5 seconds every time she hits an enemy minion or monster.
4407618E13CF9DCC_## =
4407E79A2FCE4600_## =
44092770DD25F3BA_## = Chơi là có quà
4409A84F0C6ECEEE_## = Trial Card: Try out Superman's skin: Justice Lord for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
440C74B7D2ECE532_## =
440CA887B3714352_## =
4410ce9017b01e1a = 4410ce9017b01e1a_##
4414C5286276BF2F_## =
4414F9C00FB28555_## =
4416C36E75867A6F_## =
4416CF5918FC4A6C_## = 26.11 - Tích lũy chiến công
44189271901B3102_## =
441B877790A369EF_## =
441D249907D3A8BB_## = Base Damage
44200803FF00E740_## = Unknown
4423340B10889866_## = Divine Firestone
4424F7BFE3B34D9A_## = Slimz Value Pack
442BCCCDB59EA457_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
442C15D96151431B_## =
4430AD4EBF129170_## = Cuộc chiến cứ điểm
44337379064BE9CF_## = EXP
4435DA0F33A62EB7_## =
4436E2099A86C4AA_## =
4436E38056D163A3_## =
44370D1E776583FA_## =
4439745A61276BDF_## =
443A4791E340620B_## = Road to Glory
443B9B65FEF5E843_## = Veera summons up to 5 bats to attack surrounding enemies.
Each bat deals {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
damage</color>. If a target has been hit once, all subsequent hits only deal 50%
443D0D46F5210EB5_## =
443F0E7769B7F9DA_## =
444368772CB063DB_## =
44496F7BDEC6C8BC_## = Chìa khóa
444AF9D2E05AA1DC_## = Đây là phần thưởng Thợ săn tiền thưởng của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
444E5A354BA25E85_## =
444F0B047543EC19_## = Congratulations, you are now one step closer to becoming a
true hero!
44501CA306FA3281_## =
445282FDD82A6580_## =
445313C78B085F43_## = Trial Card: Try out Tulen for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this hero.
44541A01D2A8E632_## = Melee
445486BF1DAED049_## = 签到图片
4454F49B4DF63D89_## = Chơi 1 trận 5v5 đấu thường nhận 5 bánh sinh nhật & Huy hiệu
1 năm Liên Quân
44563C36E429F033_## =
44578AADE22636DA_## = Trial Card: Try out Taara's skin: Tribal Chief for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
445BCC53609CC792_## = Ace
446273F410AA3062_## =
4462d9e338ef3b9 = Will be back after the update.
4463B4A044DBF0E5_## = 回流拍脸活动测试
44652AEB43DC3DB7_## = Try to anticipate the enemy's movements when attacking!
4469432166C13320_## =
446ABF11826EB34C_## =
447142368DD8BD96_## =
447176600433d842 = Loading
44746430D8CEF727_## = Unknown
4478B05DC97F87BF_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
447A4B390AB85ADD_## =
447AD71AC30AF0C0_## =
447CA2B7D6E919A5_## =
447CDDA367F85F5F_## = Fright Circus
4481754316DE99EF_## =
4484C7438C1E4B1D_## = Long Range
448508BF3668C8A5_## =
448968F066413A1F_## = COMING SOON
448A62508E527E78_## = Unknown
448CB5C199413487_## = Fennik
449302EC598D952B_## =
449304C33F24001F_## =
4493A10E08647D35_## =
449707DAF8A6B7CC_## = Khích lệ đấu hạng
4498DF85E397309D_## = Trial Card: Try out Taara's skin: Divine Firestone
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
4499EE19D6B9ECBF_## = That all you got?
449C06EB3445CE3D_## =
449D0BF372B7542A_## =
449d646e2a9f9377 = Purchase
449DAEA26858D068_## =
449E4E1DB4065A1C_## = Original
44A07CBAF0A559A9_## = Zill
44A115CAB0D53C52_## =
44A319994DD702EA_## =
44AA04EA813124A6_## = Rương ĐTDV - TOP PICK
44AA7634DEC614FF_## = Tham gia sự kiện Tết gắn kết - Anh em chấp hết tại
sukien3.lienquan.garena.vn - Nhận Dấu ấn Tulen và đổi tướng miễn phí!
44AB1C763DC48623_## =
44B36DFB4BAE4E6E_## =
44B3DCDA841129DE_## = Base Damage
44B42208A24BDC79_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng Fennik để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
44B811B0CDC22F50_## = That all you got?
44B817818505E7C0_## =
44B8D52C8CCC94B6_## = Tỉnh Đắk Lắk
44BA3E77843008D6_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
44BA423046DFEB27_## = Zanis strikes the target, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#f3b74a>true damage</color> and knocking
enemies into the air briefly. For the next 5 seconds, he takes 20% less damage and
his normal attacks deal an additional {2} <color=#f18d00>(+{3})</color>
<color=#f3b74a>true damage</color>.
44BB795BBFCB6B6E_## = Đây là phần thưởng Phá trụ nhận quà của bạn, xin mời kiểm
44BDB188A3857C66_## =
44C0F46CF0D83035_## = An error has occurred. Error code: 8025
44C1A806C2F01EE1_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
44C97E263DC76B80_## = Cooldown
44CC370443ACCA3F_## = Melee
44CEB42207979940_## =
44D0F317B59017CB_## =
44D6194314059CE6_## = Trial Card: Try out Astrid for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this hero.
44D6CABC9B55CE20_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Kil'Groth)
44DA00A87B1F1C55_## = Movement Speed Bonus
44DA4E78F4472642_## =
44E370121C32E0A8_## = Contains 10 Gems, 1300 Gold and 1 lvl 1 Arcana: Guard
44E775D3BFC29C17_## = Unknown
44EA2D85F5470BAE_## = Devil
44EAB27BBBE20178_## =
44EB8A2B86DB0E7C_## = Kil'Groth
44ECD148DB567793_## = Phoenix
44EE19AA4ACC1DD9_## = Butterfly
44EF842071F81B45_## =
44F1830CBE6A91B0_## =
44F46E460C6E0D5D_## =
44F5927487574F3B_## =
44F627F665F4F3C6_## = Cooldown
44F716672207737D_## =
44F80216B3182A7F_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi để nhận ruby miễn phí
44FA10AEF1722CB8_## = Sand Trap
44FA7E9D997DEFF6_## = [新英雄-Astrid 登場] 愛不釋手
44FB52616556CB8B_## = All rune giftbag
44FC2A3E7FCB2B74_## =
44FCE11FC43FC229_## = Ilumia
4502C86ABD988E61_## =
4502F21E044C1F62_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
450407abc44b7fe0 = 450407abc44b7fe0_##
450821BD4FF27620_## =
45086F3173B50165_## =
450960b6072c57a7 = Obtain
450984E5C7503894_## =
450B057CE9DBD695_## =
450b414ca2ff3894 = 450b414ca2ff3894_##
450D80440C5F7F52_## =
450EEAD40773F5FC_## =
450FF9C99F9FF0B5_## = Unknown
4516276E3D8F0186_## = Unknown
45185052CF64F783_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Đỏ)
451D5164FE5592FB_## = 妇女节挑战活动
451EAE7CABD82A79_## = King's Glory
451EDEA5E79AC72B_## = Base Damage
451FC0F246EC55AD_## =
45209BE063D2CAA8_## =
4522007ADC93C0CD_## =
452385F277727613_## =
4526A03B930E3A87_## =
4527DC1DBA862CC6_## = Arduin
452D8750392E52F5_## =
452F53AC76DB17D8_## =
452FAB5512670F09_## = Arum consumes all her spirit beasts to spawn a lion that
charges at the target area, dealing {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color>
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>. Arum gains a short speed boost after
casting.\n\nThe lion charges ahead the same number of times as the number of beasts
consumed. The effects are as follows:\n1st charge: reduces enemy movement speed by
50% for 1 second.\n2nd charge: reduces enemy movement speed by 90% for 1
second.\n3rd charge: stuns the enemy for 1 second.
4530E573F7795401_## =
4532B0CA713A78BB_## =
45377C063FEB6055_## = Skin Expert
453866E489D293A8_## =
454BE11672211D69_## =
454BE7EC668B2905_## =
454C12AA43586A9D_## =
454FB13430DC6140_## =
45536E1FA37DB78F_## = Congratulations, you are now one step closer to becoming a
true hero!
45537BF6C98FD4DB_## = The Frenzy
4557294190C70309_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
45585AE6F96CFC59_## = Gildur
455AC9A1195054B7_## =
455CF78425CDFEC5_## =
455EA67F29884676_## =
455F02CBE0851500_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
455F3B9A7E044BD4_## = Level 16 Chest
45609B581E6853EE_## = Trial Card: Try out Fennik for <color=#01d1f8ff>3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this hero.
4560CBFCD30A76EA_## = Normal Attack
4560F3AFE980FCFC_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trướng Throne of Glory của bạn, xin
mời kiểm tra!
4561621807C81AB9_## =
45625EA81F865423_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đón Xuân mới - Khuyến mãi nạp thẻ mỗi
ngày! của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
456D788495AA0AF8_## =
456DB76C34009DF3_## = Zill
457082C0915478A0_## =
4572e0f48a55d3cd = 4572e0f48a55d3cd_##
4577C0115B4AC36D_## = 本週活動精選
4578424641F7E6C0_## = Double Gold Card: \n4-Wins
45784BDFCE72B57C_## = 本週活動精選
457DFF26CE5603AA_## =
457F6B8744D83110_## =
4581C5751467A1C4_## =
4586B3015DC1D2C0_## = Tap here to get powerful Arcana
45878fa3fb72a551 = 45878fa3fb72a551_##
458B61BA552173B6_## =
458CBB416340C8EE_## = Trial Card: Try out Nakroth's skin: Demonic for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
45907878D604C952_## = Maloch
4591176F8FA979C6_## =
4594A12FF3D0016A_## =
4597B56F81DC8380_## = Don't touch my robes, you'll soil them.
459C61A3257F7556_## = Zephys attacks from above, dealing [sl*107100p1g2]
<color=#f18d00>(+[107100p1q3*k1/10000])</color> <color=#ca3939>physical
damage</color> to enemies in the target area and knocking them into the air.
459E3B43DB508539_## = Unknown
45A0F4367BBC268F_## = Kil'Groth
45a934660b6b82d9 = Mega Kill
45AA43500F6D215F_## =
45AC36E8D38CA2E3_## =
45ace34bed64db34 = 45ace34bed64db34_##
45ACFBB33D8AFE65_## = Skud
45AE17186EF0AB27_## = Thu thập chìa khóa để kết hợp với Rương khóa bí ẩn và đổi
thưởng trong phần Sự kiện
45AEA1A632843E25_## =
45B01AB984363C4A_## =
45B193F6093B9E57_## = Wisp's barrel bombs explode prematurely when they hit
obstacles. If you're being hounded by an enemy hero, use Loose Cannon to soften
them up and follow it up with a Barrel Bomb stun. Combine Shock and Awe and normal
attacks enhanced by Loose Cannon to deal significant area damage. Team up with a
control hero to devastate your enemies.
45B1E8D051F5CD02_## =
45B21F92231733F5_## =
45b45bf05b09361b = Beginner Training
45B6CA896869775F_## = Every {0} seconds, dealing damage to an enemy hero triggers
Zuka's Chi, increasing his attack damage by 14/15.5/17/18.5/20% (occurs at Level
1/4/7/10/13) for the next {1} seconds.
45B8D80B09F5653C_## =
45B930382883CF5D_## = <color=#ffffff>%s</color> <color=#a4afb7>has obtained from
%s</color>: <color=#f2c71a>%s</color>!
45B930498C7C1A9D_## =
45BA8DC2D0AC4E8B_## =
45BFAAD8B83D162E_## =
45C03A5304BA6F8B_## =
45C18E3E62763E1D_## = Red Inner Tower
45C3038A82EE5377_## = Unknown
45c42824233688a5 = 45c42824233688a5_##
45C49B225ED3EC20_## = Melee
45CA9FA3FB68B3E7_## = 7 日累積簽到
45cb8fdb4d9f49e5 = Favorites
45CBD1BDE73345FB_## = obsolete+83c697d27e999a8e
45CD27F55845F818_## = Missile Damage
45CFC1BF8F9C0903_## = Max
45D3170694A9746A_## =
45D48D93A6153C86_## =
45D8B479EDFA14A4_## = Ilumia
45D97D6724780813_## = Mythril
45DA54F197B85FAE_## = Mở để nhận 1 ngọc đỏ cấp 3 (ngẫu nhiên)
45DA98FAEA83D1E0_## = Tham gia mỗi ngày để nhận mảnh ghép năm mới và đổi lấy cơ
hội sở hữu bộ đôi trang phục giới hạn Long kỵ sĩ và Nghệ nhân Lân!
45E08DE0424B8351_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
45E5C13C372BA511_## = Original
45E65F42B6F95E05_## =
45E92A2CDCA934EA_## = Cuộc chiến cứ điểm
45EA0FCE77300F1B_## = 参与 5V5
45ED5703B51E6AA7_## =
45EE0E536F86A851_## = Sưu tập Huy hiệu Siêu nhân để đổi thưởng tại mục Sự kiện!
45EF502E66C33307_## = Demons beware!
45F41D9347031E0E_## =
45F70AE2E054B6D1_## =
45F81ACE8920A5D7_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
45FAAF322B4A2F79_## = Thu thập Bánh Chưng và Đầu lân để đổi thưởng Tết mỗi ngày
45FF022AE5B33801_## = You can use Gold to purchase any kind of Arcana!
45FFC4E8C41D2DB1_## =
45FFF30A790277C5_## = Trial Card: Try out Alice for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day.
You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
46032A6B0C6535C9_## =
460482648BF7BA0B_## = Preyta
46071C9DAE5D25B0_## =
4608F419FC99A844_## = Kahlii
460F9D80E39E1926_## =
4610F1307764E4DB_## = Combo Thử tướng + Vé Quay
461318077F9B479F_## = Anytime there's a fight, I'm there!
4613691DB62533D9_## =
461491CF0E9DD124_## = 参与 5V5
4616CCB3B9BF9ECB_## =
46179c7f2ed9c8b2 = 46179c7f2ed9c8b2_##
4619693DD626C7D9_## =
461BBD70C1F7011F_## = Sonic Boots
461C128F87C088EB_## = Standard\nMatch
461C92DFF727F139_## =
462062D3FE270AF1_## =
462c59f31933e3f = Collected
462CC2446845AF22_## = Protect
462D7A74AA7B71D3_## = obsolete+6e9c3e576b74db54
462FADA127B8C54B_## =
46395C19E57A864F_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Murad để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
463A64902E50C2B1_## =
463D4508D1D66899_## = Defeat the enemy minion with a <color=#f6bf17ff>normal
463D6A9A75F7B820_## =
463F6346E63DFC4A_## = Congratulations, you are now one step closer to becoming a
true hero!
463FAEF57C19E081_## = Ringmaster
46406D065625354D_## =
4640EC1B5ADBDB42_## =
4644EB8B57573856_## = Mana Regen
4647CAB713452F6F_## = Mở để nhận thẻ thử 7 ngày của 1 trang phục ngẫu nhiên
464DEA7AB925FD26_## = Shock and Awe
464E1E6290A52B02_## = Trial Card: Try out Krixi's skin: Flowerchild for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
465796CBBF91581C_## = Trial Card: Try out Jinnar for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color>
day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
4658CBFD8887AC3C_## =
465D22AFCED8A7F6_## = Brave Points Help
465F055F09B642A6_## =
466042B77F15727D_## =
4662A542B678A568_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
46632E54383E8855_## =
466447366DA3D1D9_## = All the towers in that lane <color=#f6bf17ff>have been
466510C155574072_## = Prom King
466C11BE264BA5BC_## =
466DD2858E039F11_## =
466DE71C99E3082F_## = Red Hammer Soldier
466E2555DC6D8185_## = Aleister's skin: Voidweaver
46735DC3F11986B9_## =
467FB57E43B46F0E_## = Lunar Fairy
46874ED32B65A8CD_## =
468C5A9ED1F6373D_## =
468E64C2CEBC0623_## =
468F7ED22C664238_## =
4695AA42A7B97B56_## = <size=30>{0}</size>\n epic monsters killed
46992404C9C0BEFE_## =
469B55127028CB9B_## = Thu thập Chìa khóa - Mở rương bí ẩn
469DB09B8A1F8967_## =
469E2769B70AF228_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Ignis) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
469E6588B7E1AFF2_## = Trial Card: Try out Arthur for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
469ED496BDDCF9A3_## =
46A13B94569A3380_## = Your teammates are in trouble! Go to their aid and push back
the enemy!
46A7ECAF195F7269_## = 7 日累積簽到
46A89861B6734D50_## =
46AC18E635BC782B_## = Warrior
46AC3B9CD414108A_## = Burst, Initiator
46AEB809F7B00EEB_## = My ultimate is ready.
46b1f1d01684c8ea = 46b1f1d01684c8ea_##
46b3edc00c0b42d = Bot Match
46B61485277991F5_## = Base Damage
46B68D2751210C1D_## = Not Available
46B87EC6A62A3617_## = Grakk
46B907A80C8153D1_## = Trial Card: Try out Slimz for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day.
You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
46BF83BA740D9F79_## = Black Wing
46C05FC921C34944_## = Unknown
46C6AE4808973C82_## =
46C724EB1097152B_## = Cooldown
46C8D4241D0F9159_## = Nakroth
46CCF03829DFA536_## = Rương ngọc xạ thủ4 tặng 1 cực HOT! Mua ngay nào!
46DC8732B96856E0_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
46DC917EAE05C3F3_## =
46E1A9BBEC8FC638_## =
46E1F692F1DB91AB_## =
46E378A025AD436D_## = Trial Card: Try out Ormarr for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this Hero.
46e3ade5839a40ae = Attribute Bonus
46E66B46CD6F833B_## =
46E6D1FB791D330F_## =
46E969C8C951D054_## =
46E9E78F4C2B4128_## =
46EFED86FE63CF75_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc thành rương ngọc cấp III may mắn
46F0252B77A0F7C6_## = It's all about strength and skill!
46F16ACDFAC7E767_## = Unknown
46FCED460B4B8D79_## = Navy Cadet
46FCF84322FEE60C_## = <blankspace89>
46FD4344681BD7C1_## = Q.E.D. - quite easily done.
47000A2F4ABEBCF4_## =
47020557956D6348_## =
47022C4075005DF9_## =
4702B77B13492B62_## = Unknown
470A5D40CE3CCA0A_## =
470E963C316DA480_## = Original
470F3B681E94C2EC_## = Melee
470FBDF1ED84806D_## =
470FC7DEA3E246A7_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Arduin {C}/{T} lần
47122000900592FD_## = Trial Card: Try out Xeniel's skin: Armageddon
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
47176627892BA996_## = Reach Level {0}
471971FB621F5DA2_## = Reach Level {0}
471AEF75522CF944_## = Trial Card: Try out Skud's skin: Linebacker
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
471C1C8C0D9EA38E_## = "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust!"\n\nWithout the element of
earth, this world would be nothing! As the manifestation of Mother Earth's will,
Lumburr was bestowed with sentience and unmatched resolve. He had silently guarded
the earth and its creatures for millennia. Lumburr acted in accordance with the
laws of nature: the survival of the fittest! With this single law as his moral
code, he never intervened between the wars of Men and Beasts. \n\n"That is nature's
way. "\n\nHowever, Lumburr could not stand idly by when he saw the unnatural forces
of Hell destroying everything within their path. Witnessing their brutality
firsthand, Lumburr was more than willing to take the burden of war onto his
powerful shoulders. Without hesitation, he emerged from the forest and threw
himself into the fray. \n\nAfter engaging in countless battles, Lumburr was soon
recognized as the most reliable defensive force for the Allied Army. In fact, once
Lumburr's mountainous form began rampaging across the battlefield none stood a
chance at victory.\n\n"I must eradicate all those who would oppose nature!"
471CADD889225D88_## = Rương ngọc xạ thủ4 tặng 1 cực HOT! Mua ngay nào!
471E32CD4691A38B_## = The Pandharma Master
471ECE91DAA7C432_## =
471F0D10188C6470_## =
47257980FB49ABAD_## = Return Damage
4744E357C306D3C2_## = Strike from the shadows.
47462E4F1E219586_## = OK
474681469B594D23_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Batman)
47477457554BAF8D_## =
474BB3F465E19380_## = Butterfly
474C5ECA519F2B1E_## = Butterfly
4750A3A4EFE9AA88_## = 好友大作战
47550ee160281d7b = Life Steal:
47570DE55B1B985E_## = Solo Battle
4759E483FFA05E3F_## =
4759F2F28041CB4F_## = <color=#f6bf17ff>Monsters</color> have appeared. Kill them!
475BB92D20FED68B_## = Combo Hồng Hoa hậu
475E3C12BBFEEB18_## =
475F194F03AD7CB9_## = Long Range
475F28D02AC057B0_## = Omega
4760F56FC112D7D5_## = 7 日累積簽到
47635F2F1FE2E432_## =
476391FDE1498852_## = Quy đổi ngọc tím cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
4764F7D699B2D8DC_## = Support
476C750B1A30F82A_## =
476CA6B17E9A5D2F_## =
476CEB51BFB280F7_## = Cơ hội sở hữu các Pháp sư chất nhất và bộ ngọc chỉ với 15
Quân Huy
476D3BF6871AB096_## =
476E03BEBB2A9A60_## =
476E6538B63F13B0_## =
47702B0FE0F64FA9_## = I wanna see some fireworks!
47703CD22A309E0C_## =
4771C4B93E855485_## = Tết đến rồi!
4773F4F5738F3195_## =
47764A95EBB4BD5D_## =
4779EA7BCB764E8C_## = The blue bars show our team's HP. The red bars show the
477F51C14830EE93_## = Tel'Annas' attack damage is increased by 10% when there are
ally heroes nearby.
478285F5DAFDA744_## = Đón Xuân mới - Khuyến mãi nạp thẻ mỗi ngày!
47829CEEB6A79730_## = Arum
478409980458664D_## =
47866A1410A9717F_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi (Mảnh ngọc)
478A8756B2BB2525_## =
478BFE482F7CB12B_## = After exiting battle, The Joker reloads his gun with enhanced
bullets so that his next normal attack deals bonus 200
<color=#f18d00>(+{0})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> and increases
attack range. The enhanced bullets also reduce the target's movement speed by 90%
and gradually weakens over 1.5 seconds.
478F1019DF599AD4_## = 签到图片
478FB9E3044678C1_## = Old buff (DNT)
47925A07366823E0_## =
4796872453901F5D_## = Kriknak
479A596D6FEBCBD5_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi để nhận ruby miễn phí
479C12F4BD98A752_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
479DCAAF67BA3E27_## = Trial Card: Try out Natalya's skin: Leo for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
479DD9AB32D60F21_## = Quà sinh nhật KC
47A0557FC8C0BE06_## = Blitz Blade
47A0A819F09CF089_## =
47A383BCCE026DD7_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
47A41C9CDC436508_## = Justice Lord
47A737EE66AEB661_## = Attack Damage +60, Cooldown Speed +5%\n[Shatter]
47A9AE42F37D1451_## =
47AC4A6A4DDB2AD9_## = Player level 1 unlocked.
47ACE9BD36AC76EC_## = Base Damage
47AE66FB877371E2_## =
47AF3B6737207AB7_## = Rương may mắn pháp sư
47B09F41F53D6DD2_## =
47BDBAF7106FBAFF_## =
47C585B1E9A9BE47_## =
47CDF975924406F9_## =
47D048A64546D6E5_## = Base Damage
47DB61446226F15F_## =
47E1AFC239637D67_## =
47E78D44B4B8D79E_## =
47EADA7F4B9E5007_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mừng xuân Đinh Dậu, lì xì đầy tay: Mở
hầu bao! của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
47EC703C399D7D91_## = Blue Super Minions
47f3ab90ffb02d7b = Select
47F3E885859985E5_## = Thu thập Bánh Chưng và Đầu lân để đổi thưởng Tết mỗi ngày
47F6593C9DD50137_## = obsolete+a33c9c3aa7589f10
47FE0160369D6057_## =
48047B980ED29407_## =
4806315b52e81fb6 = 4806315b52e81fb6_##
4809698EB03D5E81_## =
4809E4B7F8799280_## = Nạp tích lũy quân huy- Nhận ngay skin Butterfly Xuân nữ ngổ
480AAA964FB45C50_## =
480E1640E00E0D7C_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
48107C99825D5210_## =
481152F025B81F1B_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK để nhận ruby miễn phí (Đấu
4811C9BA2F038B18_## = Original
4812C16669EFF300_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 mỗi ngày
4813512F3343E2B8_## =
48137AC9C3F89F30_## =
4814261354610C2D_## = Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
481ECB1DEEAB9988_## = Omen
4820A394830C49D4_## = Unique ability effects
4822C42C88CDA17A_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
482440c10cb01dae = Griefing
482ADE9F42E9C709_## =
482B739812A0E153_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
482CC1831E4FF875_## = Đăng nhập mỗi ngày để nhận quà tết từ Liên Quân
482E9EB3EB107250_## = Mina
4830C5F8A177270B_## = Thắng đấu hạng với Kahlii {C}/{T} lần
48326669ECAFC515_## =
4833D308DB5695E9_## =
48381A4BB80143BC_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
483890496BD669E0_## =
483EA36DDFEF750C_## = Every time Zanis gets a kill or assist, his attack damage
will permanently increase by 12. Stacks up to 20 times.
484195CCFB4D043A_## =
4841B6A1504A0FD8_## = Keep an eye on your ability use rate. Arduin is most powerful
when you make use of Undying Protector to buff your normal attacks in conjunction
with the healing abilities of Bloodlust.
4843437875BA2C90_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
48452FE176BD9FC5_## = Butterfly
4845ACE87EC9A0D6_## = 签到图片
4849c415a171c292 = Confirm Change
484B56767BF14468_## =
484CA63C58BCF3DC_## = Unable to claim the highest bonus to the weekly reward
because your Credibility Score is below {0}. Please maintain good conduct to raise
your Credibility Score.
484CED4B0E465FC3_## = Unknown
484F6A903CB9BEC9_## = Original
484FA21FFD2754CB_## = 消费点券活动
485008CE5D71CFD2_## =
48515CD6286C58C2_## = Fighting Spirit:\nStack this 3 times to guarantee Gut Punch
on the next cast.
485807AC7E9A04F0_## = Cooldown
4859EF6AC3CBDEC3_## = Unique Passive: Critical Chance +30%
485A5A769188CEE4_## =
4861EC552A381E6C_## = 好友大作战
4865E8E0FA7C44CB_## =
4867E35AD525B2BB_## =
486e46ecd6e954a6 = 486e46ecd6e954a6_##
486F399EBB120AEB_## = Level 20 Chest
48711A0810113C69_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
48724E800195F756_## =
48727CC1B263D38A_## =
48729329AC0B6C2E_## =
487654D2FB2DF749_## =
487736C5E0A57E39_## =
487D22C3561B9436_## =
487D2C9B82A59CE9_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
487D4DB670F9113A_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
487D4E2B94706FFB_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin: Officer for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
487FA9D5EAC1EFBD_## = Ouch! You're injured! Use the<color=#f6bf17ff>
Restore</color> skill.
4882A7E3CEF2F3C4_## =
4883706F5D74F8B0_## = Đấu trường Huyền thoại
4885177CCB4736F2_## =
4888433406952B6D_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK để nhận ruby miễn phí (Đấu
488D12F394C8EEC3_## =
488D62D9B9C1B354_## = Nạp Quân Huy - Nhận Skin hiếm!
489076CFDF67AF77_## = Trial Card: Try out Murad's skin: Outlaw for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
4891058ABD182190_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mừng xuân Đinh Dậu, Lì xì đầy tay: Mời
bạn chơi! của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
4892661BAA5AE25F_## = 分享对战结果次数{C}/{T}
48984BDF6B6A5485_## =
48992A75E7FDC527_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
489F0A25BDC29EBC_## = Trial Card: Try out Mganga's skin: Murder Clown for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
489F5D557970338C_## = Airi
48A0F5E25A661AA1_## =
48A15B5E831F4238_## = Nightmare
48a6a1712aa469b2 = Ability Wheel Placement
48AAE3B7F4B10A05_## = Riposte
48AEEFCB0F11C1A1_## =
48AF9F08B2E733F9_## =
48B258A7A4B30B2C_## = Attack Damage +20
48b4724753deb48e = Target Lock Mode
48B5A8BB459C1B83_## = Getting Started
48B5BEFA20282D94_## =
48BADD74806EDFE6_## = Trial Card: Try out Natalya's skin: Leo for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this skin.
48BBB4CC626E706E_## = Navy Cadet
48BCB318BAD74BB4_## = Original
48BCC016E044719A_## = Warrior
48BE90AB2222E188_## =
48C26091010F0F0D_## =
48C460A30F57914F_## =
48c618ab96d8d076 = Swipe your finger around<color=#f6bf17ff> this area</color>
to<color=#f6bf17ff> move the camera</color>.
48CB4FF09A832DDC_## =
48CE68E19A237BBA_## =
48D1FC74ECBDF11D_## =
48D2E23766998708_## = Tỉnh Bắc Giang
48D71082F34C1C12_## = Excelsior
48DB44419B562B9C_## = Thu thập chìa khóa để kết hợp với Rương khóa bí ẩn và đổi
thưởng trong phần Sự kiện
48DB922936301594_## = 参与 5V5
48E1FF6068E0673F_## = Propeller
48E49BD8F14D8A26_## = 参与 5V5
48E589FC952E23DE_## =
48E687C074D2F8C3_## = Ormarr
48E7E3B427AC0EF3_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Ryoma) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
48E7F5C89B60D0AC_## =
48EA1EC04D3AD60B_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Moren {C}/{T} lần
48EAC4640FBC452F_## = Quy đổi ngọc lục cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
48EDC47CF81136B6_## = [新英雄-Mortos 登場] 愛不釋手
48F10CB1EECA8FD3_## =
48F68D1B9127B57A_## =
48F6ADE9112595EC_## =
48F6C87922D2C616_## =
48F949884C87DA8E_## = Leveling, Sustained Damage
48FA7CA1F345324D_## =
490306BA53DCB738_## =
4906C6A59C61D4E5_## =
490AB20F49E81631_## = Unknown
490B97B073FA0947_## =
490F032C804C67D3_## = Unwavering Death
49145B2B156AC411_## = Chain Lance
4914B9E99A0F2C1F_## =
49152E3DF449A01A_## = They're defenseless! Destroy their core!
4917C1AD3A7DB176_## =
491AB62F2CC23924_## =
491CF12A02841DE2_## = Lifeforce: For 60 seconds, recovers 2% HP every second and
increases movement speed by 60 (effect starts after exiting combat).
491FFF28830604C6_## =
4922FB9254B5E266_## = Used in Batman event
4923AF5A7A294B7B_## =
49275F3F41980B60_## = Trial Card: Try out Lumburr's skin: Magma for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
4929AA28CD3E4AEE_## = Trial Card: Try out Thane's skin: Chief Knight for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
4929BF3797CD3091_## = I am death incarnate!
492C475F058D1DB6_## = Rương Xmas - Trang phục
492E5BBEA45C8EB9_## =
4932613B9525A9C9_## = Wukong
493425765B912639_## =
4936F0E2DC51F61F_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Tím)
4939D6E4E6A8C21A_## =
493E4D692FCB70D7_## = Trial Card: Try out Max for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day.
You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
4942F9A986F6E189_## =
4947BCE017173BEF_## =
4947FD7D3ECE88C0_## =
494D754FB9059028_## = Trial Card: Try out Lu Bu's skin: Cyber Samurai
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
494E6417BB2DAB75_## =
4950325351C33790_## =
49539F64B2338EB8_## = Trial Card: Try out Zephys for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
4955CA4C7958DDE8_## =
49569AD718EC7007_## = Zuka
495C77B5AB1CEE02_## =
496230BBD91A525E_## = Gói Sành điệu
4962BAB8EFA7E68D_## =
4963746E00994B8B_## = Cooldown
4964DA29A162D9B9_## =
496956C62CE95026_## = Wonder Woman
496984C495B0E02A_## = Diaochan can slow enemies down with Chilling Frost. Use this
ability first, then follow up with Diamond Dust to freeze your enemy, allowing you
to deal further damage and take them out.
496A1C19DCB168F5_## =
496c8d78b0db61d8 = The New Target Locking Mode
4972047E29AAA39C_## =
4975794313ECB247_## = Unknown
4976a787e8c9a932 = 4976a787e8c9a932_##
49783B9770E9CD4A_## =
4978E19852786ADA_## =
497B1BE5B6134CB1_## =
497CC70B356A7ACA_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Zuka để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
49847004A9DCC7CC_## =
498D033B80CB9DAD_## = Blue Gunner
498E2EF189063884_## = OK
498F4E029617A746_## = <blankspace89>
498FBE7DE2C8B134_## =
4990013593A032DF_## = Gói 30% KM Payna + skin
4993664F544A2161_## =
4993995374DA5902_## = Cooldown
4993D885B7F4CFFC_## = Share trang phục Fennik Tuần lộc láu linh để nhận quà đặc
biệt\nTrên IOS: Share qua Garena Mobile và ứng dụng Facebook\nTrên Android :Share
qua Garena Mobile
499A526C94732D17_## =
499C511744BBC873_## = Attack
499FB86FAE24CE77_## = Normal attacks and abilities inflict a continuous poison
effect that deals {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
damage</color> and adds 1 Voodoo Mark (up to 5 marks) to enemy heroes.
49A0ABBA1F0BFBBF_## = Gói KM -35% Xeniel & Trang phục
49A398C56103E527_## =
49A7ADD1698FD9D9_## = Quy đổi ngọc lục cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
49AD2DBA3E2BD187_## = Attack Damage +25, Attack Speed +15%\n[Speed Up]
49AFF2074723F857_## = Divine Protection
49B885BE385C11CC_## = Newbie Bonus
49BB50C2395BBA0E_## = Hidden Weapons
49C0CC0A2AB7C76A_## = Trial Card: Try out Airi's skin: Viper for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this skin.
49C18BF6A091D137_## =
49C4595BA2F55B28_## = Love Sworn
49C73543899B03D5_## =
49C7B91D7AACE6ED_## =
49C9645073F2195D_## = Shutterbug
49C9C6844A04B6E8_## = Kill {0} enemy [/0:$(hero|heroes)/] with less than 10% HP
remaining in a single match
49cab3d1ea794161 = Basic
49CADB42E9A6991E_## = Nhận 1 Thẻ đổi quà Đặc biệt khi tích lũy tiêu thụ Quân Huy
49CEB59C52639C1B_## = Open to receive Veera's skin: Heartbreaker
49D071CAA8972F36_## = Tank
49D51151321A8228_## =
49D6F70496F44032_## = 登录送春季皮肤宝箱
49DB8D05047A1CEA_## = Cannot send gift to self.
49E08F6FD4BF9E3E_## = Fashion Icon
49E1AC9B9DF24174_## = Violet's passive reduces Tactical Fire's cooldown quickly.
Use frequent normal attacks in conjunction with Tactical Fire to harass the enemy.
To finish enemies quickly, use Fire in the Hole to slow enemies down, then follow
up with Tactical Fire or Concussive Rounds.
49E41D0CDB7AD78B_## =
49E424892ECA64E5_## = Kahlii
49E95AE528FE0D14_## =
49EADD824CD727B8_## =
49EDD31B67B01C3F_## = 登陆获取蝙蝠侠道具
49EF5F12AEB59861_## = Ryoma
49F4C0E8596513B3_## =
49FF23BCBE16E352_## = Butterfly
4A01247CF6C6B3A6_## =
4A04B9D2D408C71E_## = Mảnh trang phục (41~50)
4A0C07E8E8316A93_## =
4A0C4C4771B5018A_## = Gói mảnh skin may mắn
4A0D7772A9965BBF_## =
4A0F60320103F0DA_## = Blizzard
4A167AEF12CD4A6D_## = Maloch swings his blade and deals {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>. If he hits a
hero, his weapon becomes enchanted. When his weapon is enchanted, Cleave will deal
<color=#f3b74a>true damage</color> and recover {2}% (up to {3}%) of his own lost HP
for every hero it hits.
4A204C98C5903E79_## = 本週活動精選
4A266B4EBCD06BB1_## = Gói hoạt bát
4A2AB5BD97BC2AC7_## = What abilities would you like to use to protect allies? (3/3)
4A2EFB6C81D70F7D_## =
4A31EA9D5BC1852E_## =
4A34F5EC28EAB8B3_## = Seasoned
4A354EB740370BA3_## =
4A3694536102D8F0_## = Rare Thane's skin: Chief Knight
4A4BB9A7BD3A6696_## = Not Available
4A4CE1D8847EA4AC_## = Enemy defense towers protect their Core.
4A4DAC1749D509CD_## = 元旦登陆活动
4A4F6FFD3E069169_## = <color=#f8be32>60-second</color> cooldown: Disables a
structure for <color=#f8be32>5 seconds</color>.
4A519978FADD023A_## =
4A56FCA553725083_## =
4A583E9004138EB2_## = Survivability, Sustained Damage
4A5F56EB786CC995_## =
4A5F756B9AAEE212_## = Each time Ormarr deals damage, he has a chance to stun the
target and deal <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> equal to <color=#ca3939>{0}-
{1}%</color> (scales with hero level) of the target's current HP. ({2} second
internal cooldown)
4A65BF690DD617DE_## =
4A679DE9E1D8DCE1_## =
4A6C6BF9D2EC0638_## = Bloodied Club
4A6E39D70A73A4F7_## =
4A6EEC176917E8D6_## =
4A7316D0EA697914_## =
4A7374EC2FB12C41_## = Holy of Holies
4A74DFA52E93C2C4_## =
4A75A2FE417FC95A_## = Mage
4A76217360BFC786_## = Original
4a78d9860b4d3cd5 = You can still type 50 words more.
4A7B5032085D5195_## =
4A7C5B3916A98098_## = Trial Card: Try out Natalya's skin: Shutterbug
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
4A7E4EB914E370C3_## = Congratulations, you are now one step closer to becoming a
true hero!
4A83BFB62F5669B8_## =
4A863C3DD91130BB_## =
4A876CB1766A8457_## =
4A889F6574C975BD_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
4A88CEACA376D92B_## =
4A8DA51EF6950E29_## = Gói vàng 1
4A8EA6EFF54D60D1_## = Lindis sets a trap that lasts for 2 minutes. The trap will
slow enemy movement speed by {0}%, reveal enemy locations, and after a short while
deal {1} <color=#f18d00>(+{2})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>.
Lindis can store and set up to {3} traps. Traps will become invisible {4} seconds
after being set.
4A8FE401CB86C90B_## = Goddess
4A900F7B4FE700EA_## =
4A938088E374C4FB_## = EXP
4A938E1ECACB9241_## =
4a94d56cff8a0310 = 4a94d56cff8a0310_##
4aa026af5d5fa9a9 = Obtained
4AA1F2F3A8779101_## = Trial Card: Try out Liliana's skin: Kumiho's Legacy for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
4AA6CFC063E05286_## = Trial Card: Try out Butterfly's skin: Cyberpunk
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
4AA6E99409344046_## = <color=#d4e600>Occupy the Control Zone</color>\nto earn
points and achieve<color=#f6bf18ff> victory</color>.
4AA7AFA8E4F35ADA_## = Shadowstrike
4AADA1FAF873000A_## = Zephys
4AAF6A4C3EE0DADE_## = Original
4AB04093480FB2AC_## =
4AB049075C0C58A5_## = Damage Reduction
4AB61427108A2661_## = Blue Defense Tower
4AB8D11BED79290B_## = Trial Card: Try out Ormarr's skin: Snow Festival for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
4ABA9E7669D71464_## =
4ABB92F08BEC9B97_## = Yorn's skin: Po Po
4abbbbc25cc6a0ba = Not now
4ABD0A9AE3D516E1_## = Thực hiện các nhiệm vụ mỗi ngay để nhận cực nhiều quà trong
dịp sinh nhật Liên Quân
4ABFF04D46D3C8AA_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
4AC31F5EC96DB06F_## =
4ac355b97d0a406c = 4ac355b97d0a406c_##
4AC433CFF4E6361C_## = Aleister
4AC51D89BA1DFED4_## = Attack
4AC5C920564FA966_## =
4AC643D9346B9252_## =
4AC67BE80E74E37C_## =
4AC8591C0837F9EB_## =
4AC8EA7A2C366E6A_## = Samsara
4ACBD384E11E0DB3_## = Original
4AD055620698F5A7_## = <blankspace89>
4AD06716BF98B9A1_## = Enemy mages are glass cannons, consider neutralizing them
4AD0FF6B2CD722E9_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
4AD6D14DFCBE8419_## =
4AD9DB976664D804_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Tím)
4ADE4B43670CEEDD_## = Azzen'Ka
4AE575A82CB0EFC5_## =
4AE9E1982F4B52D2_## =
4AEE4B3A3E7196E6_## = Ryoma
4AEE6FB2781FD849_## = Jungling, Finisher
4AEE8C4EE97B5987_## =
4AF0F2846AE947B5_## = Base Damage
4AF21038B9316D1B_## =
4AF33624E1D8CBEE_## =
4AF34187295967AB_## =
4AF67B70AB78C0A8_## =
4AF8C0AF24BBDC7D_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
4AF9673910DC51EF_## = Techno Templar
4B088B632C39A1FD_## =
4B08AE2E2E6E381E_## = Standard\nMatch
4B093C23CCF35A36_## = Cooldown
4B0AE60894201F0D_## = Wonder Woman
4B1116708BCDF9BE_## = Wisp
4B1697A2E3A2223F_## = Ranked Match Reward
4B1832E962F6AA79_## =
4B189EC0BF73D9CB_## = Trial Card: Try out Ormarr's skin: Viking for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
4B18E005758792FF_## =
4B1A61A8566F24F6_## =
4B1B04F14BB06AD2_## =
4B1CB29194FB6682_## = Base Damage
4b1dfbb7739849ba = 4b1dfbb7739849ba_##
4B1FDF2AC361CA13_## =
4B216BF3D950E219_## =
4B23BDD5C3CB7B73_## =
4B263964BE738BFF_## =
4B26DE43161C6495_## = Trial Card: Try out Kahlii for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
4B27AA1C239C0FFE_## =
4B2852E0762A58F4_## =
4B2B42596E6B424B_## =
4B2FB1862D694623_## = Chơi bản đồ 5v5 Miền đất hứa (Thường & Hạng) để nhận ruby
miễn phí
4B3088A435D67A09_## =
4B30B8130D9DE232_## =
4B31E7A8FC4C9638_## = Impale
4B32435D646BFD1F_## =
4B32FD187DE2C79C_## =
4B3623A3240D1FFD_## =
4B38D53CF7486F25_## = 阿斯崔德造型包
4B3AA80EE37D706B_## = Săn mục tiêu lớn
4B3C38CBDB18AA5F_## = 参与 5V5
4B4077259C910FA5_## = Snow Festival
4b423eb3f2ee6f10 = Arcana Page
4B492DDECDFAAA47_## = Blue Middle Tower
4B4C9A5DCA0091BE_## = Team disbanded.
4B50E5F7CB1881A5_## = HP Regen +4.5 \nArmor +3.2
4B5361D0EED201EF_## = Quà thăng cấp
4B59EEA458D59069_## = Combo thử Nakroth 1n
4B5AC55E71F9B6E6_## = You will obtain great rewards<color=#f6bf17ff> upon
completing</color> the tasks!
4B5C2DED60019467_## = Snow Festival
4B5EE14C53BF927F_## = Cooldown
4B5F521534CCF2E4_## = Gói vàng 3
4B5FF84E32FEF97C_## = Original
4B680E8522CA3091_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK {C}/{T}
4B68A64FC69B4E63_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK {C}/{T}
4B71B277CFD84661_## =
4B73C15705B836C5_## =
4B7430783DE4B799_## =
4b75a680a48df2ca = 4b75a680a48df2ca_##
4B7BED2EC526ACC2_## = Chaugnar
4B7D7C616D46D627_## = Unknown
4B7F3D9BB5C3041A_## =
4B806E225ADDA6D4_## = Sentinel
4B80C12CDB1F342E_## =
4B80F635AE4B5B66_## =
4B838230A56D0232_## = Trial Card: Try out Ilumia for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
4B847B3E8DD6DA67_## =
4B8A7FF9B8C73137_## =
4B8B151280C8C19F_## =
4B8CE173194B321A_## = 本週活動精選
4B8D2443FA2FE6AC_## =
4B8D8298902FAD8C_## =
4B8DBDE8F7B94965_## = Unknown
4B90E4B1223076AC_## =
4B9576AA2A3C5F81_## = Tap Arcana
4B96801B690A58F9_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
4B96EA480261039C_## = Preyta
4B99D30E320BA088_## = Trial Card: Try out Valhein for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this Hero.
4B9E9F9E6820C8B9_## = Assaccin giftbag
4BA41ACF8CFAE819_## =
4BA4CEFA14D1FC9C_## = Emerald
4BA8528E0EBC32B7_## =
4BAF3B92356D68DE_## =
4BAFDF8D39585ED7_## =
4BB1D99F24653BB1_## =
4BB4A0F80795D56B_## = Cooldown
4BB85240BA8ACBC1_## = Rương vinh danh (skin)
4BBBF01811E5B955_## = Support
4BBE19BDBA434CFD_## = 等級達到{T}級
4BC05C64CC11CCA6_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
4BC0D59F483A0E08_## =
4BC39514CB66EA8B_## = Tribal Chief
4BC4C1E131EA9CCA_## =
4BC69306218320CA_## =
4bc7586b3170724e = 4bc7586b3170724e_##
4BCB003E157B79C0_## = Zuka
4BCC533C47F2D11F_## = Đây là phần thưởng 26.11 - Thưởng đấu đặc biệt của bạn, xin
mời kiểm tra!
4BD22797E632F93D_## =
4BD23E16904037CF_## =
4BD24818DC67A3C0_## = Đây là phần thưởng Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
4BD354CF8CF4443F_## = Natalya
4BDDBDF733F1898D_## =
4BDE2ED93749D701_## =
4BE29F7F9DF8463C_## = Po Po
4BE9E4745005EAE5_## =
4BEA176E03EAA6D7_## = Leatherwing
4BEA68A9A62758F6_## = Unknown
4beb60b0648258d2 = Damage type
4BEB95A40A2A6194_## =
4BECA852448E2A03_## = 消费点券活动
4BECCA606F40785B_## =
4BEFD4A21F5B0D24_## =
4BEFF04B9D3A207F_## = Siêu việt
4BF25F73968A9D22_## =
4BF7CBD919E059E4_## =
4BFB84CAFD9CC257_## = Base Damage
4C09118D9AC969FC_## = Storm Wraith
4C0985955DBEDD8F_## =
4C09E18773F220A8_## =
4C0AE580B9609B90_## = Kil'Groth
4C0CC1F69B5E2C66_## = Blue Ballista
4C1088AB0FF0D25A_## = Cooldown
4C11FA1C9C57B024_## = Unknown
4C1431C7595C8F47_## =
4C187421714812D1_## = 本週活動精選
4C1B95FC2FAB89BD_## = Arcane Hammer
4C1E57D9512AF5D0_## =
4C202C773AEF6896_## =
4C2473820CCF1DD5_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Tím)
4C269799592C83C4_## = Đây là phần thưởng Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
4C2B7ED2752C8506_## =
4C30BC5FB6B28E0E_## =
4C36504951ECEC3C_## =
4C37343A2DA767D5_## =
4C44B3AFF7442FB8_## = Trial Card: Try out Preyta's skin: Nether Drake for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
4C452C172B710833_## =
4C471AF7F3364013_## =
4C47ED2089812190_## =
4C4876D5D2276599_## =
4C49F6BEBD2BB088_## = Alice
4C4D8CC5FFCAEB71_## = Not Available
4C4DCD239C86C92F_## =
4C52702B0253645E_## = Cooldown
4C5495F28CF54B4A_## = Quy đổi ngọc lục cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
4C5559E56E442E47_## = Cooldown
4C56F71C60DCE34B_## =
4C5A8C67D45BB584_## = 12-18 minutes
4C5AC76D4805DF99_## = Open to receive Wukong and his Agent skin
4C5AE9A25AEB0A03_## = Sweet sweet victory!
4C5E2493B3C9FAD1_## = <color=#f6bf17ff>The Ability Wheel</color> let you choose a
direction \nIt is more accurate but requires finesse
4C60CA0C143121BB_## = Original
4C60F85E0ACF7CDA_## = Tăng 50% Exp Đấu thường 5v5
4C63030CEA5FCAFD_## =
4C636AC849A1A2A6_## =
4C6DB0DABF31A5A1_## =
4C6F60B34FA73A48_## = Trial Card: Try out Azzen'Ka's skin: Djinn for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
4C72F54ECE6427BD_## =
4C76C143985E4F27_## =
4C775BFC52BBB052_## = Sekhmet
4C7A41DA79E93CA6_## =
4C7A9B8630F9A807_## =
4C7EBD9038BC4111_## = Unknown
4C7F197B726D6C80_## =
4C7F71DAA22F40B0_## =
4C80574D5E971031_## = Your HP's low! Return to the altar to heal yourself.
4C80BA8A783A714E_## =
4C85ADAA8527FAD7_## = Passive Cooldown timer
4C88710E9D600EF5_## =
4C8944D2203C4ED4_## = Melee
4c8a8a513580fb9d = Delete
4C940CDFBDBCEB8B_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
4C96BD6E49D6561E_## =
4C97176FB89F5DAD_## = Max
4C9A7AD5091FD24E_## =
4C9B36C247E19527_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
4C9D700ED665AD7A_## =
4C9F0B5493192BFF_## =
4C9FC51BCD4BB007_## =
4CA686BDC907E280_## =
4CA6D992347B856E_## = Blue Altar
4CABBE94C180AF8A_## = 本週活動精選
4CAD8768384875E0_## =
4CB9A9901FD4167F_## = Lauriel
4CBBE74E60C2A96F_## = Unknown
4CBC0C655B74108C_## = Red Altar
4CC0E20347DF80DD_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Teemee để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
4CC15A520F8BE832_## =
4CC1E3B74968B3B7_## =
4CC3271521BC82A8_## = Cooldown
4CC3E06A3C210242_## =
4CC44D7D8247C174_## =
4CC48DEEF9420408_## = (Can also withstand moderate amounts of damage)
4CC5F1D950B456A2_## = Arthur
4CC83C6CAA6FBDF9_## = With friends, you're unstoppable.
4CCA2DFAE1FE1150_## = Đổi Thư tình nhận từ sự kiện mỗi ngày thành quà tặng
4CCA9542737D5B63_## = Link your Facebook account and team up with your friends!
4CCD50B5D4BB5E20_## = Unknown
4CD0D5284473FF53_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nSkin vĩnh viễn
(Violet Nữ Hoàng pháo hoa) / Thẻ thử skin Violet Nữ Hoàng pháo hoa (1 ngày) / Mảnh
skin / Ruby
4CD1F20875B3EAE0_## = Viper
4CD80D4D15F5E210_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
4CD9CE04AFE2FD01_## = When using Azzen'Ka, pay attention to enemy positioning so
you can chain your attacks. Use abilities to trigger his passive and trap enemies,
then follow it up with Dust Devil.
4CDADA6FF0918D13_## = Dragon's Wrath
4CDAF96A132E75E4_## = Quà trung thu của Joker!
4CDC2B7A604CB4AF_## = Original
4CDC532AB873489C_## =
4CE0FE920C88100A_## = Unknown
4CE1C2AF03F1F61C_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
4CE25CCFE3854DC8_## = Makin' Moves
4CE2815BD4A07F42_## =
4CE43D252D6D9C03_## =
4CED9F52ACA2C181_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
4CEE8FE0188311C7_## =
4CF2F1A07ABA18EA_## =
4CF39B34C0BD5AA3_## =
4CF68F8E71975AC8_## = Dandy
4CF8D15C519DCB30_## = Who's worthy of a challenge?
4CFB6B8E28E3B095_## = The Mermidon
4CFBF0879BDF1C74_## = Harass, Control
4CFD03396858800F_## = Unknown
4D01DE8C2D8EE96E_## =
4D027EFDC0BDE024_## = Share trang phục nhận quà Giáng sinh
4D03CE1E2D21D07B_## = Embers
4D04180C19E1E09B_## =
4D05540AFF788AA0_## = Butterfly
4D0CFD0231D4472B_## = 4-6 minutes
4D151B99CF4E25DB_## = Số trụ phá {C}/{T}
4D16F085D386DD10_## =
4D174DC4EC26E221_## =
4D1B82186F4C73D6_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
4D1BE12089604609_## = Kill the<color=#ffd200> Might Golem</color> to boost damage
and reduce enemy movement speed.
4D2882AE4E328E39_## = Mage
4D2D124D335891E0_## =
4D2F0D7EA968125F_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
4D30E828D47AD724_## = Thunderbird
4D3196CBF76AB5B1_## =
4D31CEA46606003E_## = Melee
4D3562CB848AE7E1_## = Getting Stronger
4D399171B078EA62_## = Số trụ phá {C}/{T}
4D39FCB4573E7526_## = Long Range
4D4352B1F68A400B_## =
4D439718ACE9F9A8_## = Unite the Three Realms
4D441DB71FE8C577_## = 签到图片
4D45E589AF7BEF18_## =
4D460C447EB799CA_## = Dread Knight
4D46ED6BB52834B8_## =
4D48185F20007A30_## = Thắng {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường
4D4A356FDEF43773_## =
4d50ef76a2c52695 = 4d50ef76a2c52695_##
4D535AA3DB044894_## = 参与 5V5
4D5AC6A9D88D6523_## =
4D5C2CCEA99A7D57_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Zill)
4D5DA8D01CA240CC_## =
4D65671D38A32E7C_## = Leap Damage
4D6939A1E4DCC93E_## = [新英雄-Arduin 登場] 愛不釋手
4D69FD36AF518BB1_## =
4D6B0C5680ED231D_## = Red Middle Tower
4D6C2AB1CC4BAE55_## =
4D6C50A397D64667_## = Batman
4D6E7C2879E5B8DB_## = Gói 50% KM Murad + skin
4D7016468D88FD1C_## = EXP
4D72621C5CCC1153_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Teemee) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
4D72E0607A59CB64_## = 打开活动 TOG 精选阵容英雄或皮肤 3 日体验卡
4D739BB67AB74828_## = Butterfly
4D74CFDF36231A6C_## = Đây là phần thưởng Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
4D789E61D4651C48_## =
4D7A62F8A2C6A1CE_## = Superman
4D7BB9F309A65613_## =
4D7DEC62F9CEDB8F_## =
4D7E0442B5A15606_## = Vương miện Wonder Woman
4D808FCC472C772C_## = Trial Card: Try out Wisp's skin: Buccaneer for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
4D81455231FC90DC_## = This time, I'll do the branding.
4D81FAD9FDBC3EDA_## = 独立日礼包介绍
4d87df4c47501b19 = 4d87df4c47501b19_##
4D89B290E99491F7_## =
4D90E4E2410823E7_## = Quy đổi ngọc tím cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
4D9160C9E92B0F3E_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
4D95B314FE851F4F_## = Unknown
4D969E4C4CF7120D_## = Zill
4D96EA2AE8A557B8_## =
4D9768D427795310_## = Get {0} [/0:$(assist|assists)/] in a single match
4D9A85CE5F76FE74_## = 本週活動精選
4D9CF556173CBBC7_## = Djinn
4D9D6077635784F1_## = Paragon
4D9F29EC8EFF506A_## = Reduces healing by 50%
4DA0A9E0F81E5F08_## = Trial Card: Try out Grakk's skin: Snowsickle for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
4DA1B940140682A3_## = Know your enemy like you know yourself.
4DA3AB2449899DF1_## = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Free to play heroes will change
every week. Use this opportunity to try out different heroes!
4DA592FB1E291D3F_## =
4DA6F364078732D9_## =
4DA6FCAB167B8771_## = Tank
4DA722C7D87E067F_## = Superman
4DA80BCAEAA2BB05_## = When using Azzen'Ka, pay attention to enemy positioning so
you can chain your attacks. Use abilities to trigger his passive and trap enemies,
then follow it up with Dust Devil.
4DA89CA7EF71E212_## =
4DA8F492E4C89F06_## =
4DAA4880719B5DFE_## =
4DAF205476F58D76_## = Unknown
4DAFDBB1B6E7177E_## =
4DB04C65EF7A0FC7_## =
4DB376248E930807_## = Riposte: Reflects damage taken
4DB3C36045D273AD_## =
4DB635F382A32413_## =
4DBBB2F6EEB76F69_## =
4DBE278F31158552_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Teemee)
4DC0E175BFA8F665_## =
4DC1463D67268335_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
4DC1B6ADD9EA9469_## = Phá trụ nhận quà
4DCD05F42CB13266_## = 独立日礼包
4DCF036F931C370A_## = Quy đổi ngọc tím cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
4DCF6EB8C030EF57_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
4DD17547B56C8951_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
4DD350C502190FFC_## = Mở để để nhận được phần quà đặc biệt. Đừng quên theo dõi
giải đấu TOG tại garena.live/lienquan trong 2 ngày từ 15-16/07 nhé!
4DD4CAF52835B8C6_## = Attack Damage Increase
4DD4D9E52C053A8B_## =
4dd58c3ba6a879b7 = <color=#f6bf17ff>Congratulations, Challenger!</color>\nWe all
think that you have done a great job!\nAre you ready for the
<color=#f6bf17ff>3v3</color> challenge?\n
4DD5945E2138F3BB_## = Bombshell
4DD6640796C2F7FF_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK {C}/{T}
4DD8802F218C864A_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
4DDA1B5CCA62462D_## = Warrior
4DDC3DA2504EB724_## =
4DDD0E5127DC4433_## = Max HP +15.7 \nHP Regen +3.1 \nCooldown Speed +0.3%
4DE4FDD82FCC3638_## =
4DEC83B4C6710764_## = Each time Ormarr deals damage, he has a chance to stun the
target and deal <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> equal to <color=#ca3939>{0}-
{1}%</color> (scales with hero level) of the target's current HP. ({2} second
internal cooldown)
4DECDF284B8EF9E5_## = Agility
4ded33cd519c7892 = 4ded33cd519c7892_##
4df3f242b4b3338e = Show frames per second
4DF50986EB156C26_## = Harass
4DFA54CB9B6B8460_## =
4DFE4F1974C675FD_## =
4DFF09BDB191F207_## = Unknown
4DFFF77270284D16_## =
4E007ECDE606F23E_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
4E091CE8EA71F61C_## =
4E0B1712B3AB8EE7_## = Chơi đấu thường 5v5 mỗi ngày để nhận thưởng
4E0C391C954F0E06_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
4E0DD7A1E1FC16E9_## =
4E0E5F7A8AECBFF4_## =
4E14626320636BE1_## = Long Range
4E15105A6F35D8EE_## = Grakk
4E15B6414441CA96_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Tím)
4E1C84E8876F9F80_## =
4E1FF3FC0456CA96_## = Red Ballista
4E20C6E6FDFCBB17_## = Combo thẻ thử tướng và trang phục Nakroth 1 ngày
4E243BF5F223BD71_## = Tham gia sự kiện Thu thập dấu ấn Murad M-TP để có cơ hội
nhận bộ quà tặng đặc biệt từ Liên Quân Mobile
4E2534668BB2D6AE_## = [新英雄-Kriknak 登場] 愛不釋手
4E28187CC91FB8F5_## = Enhanced Normal Attack
4E294AB699316FAA_## = Demonic
4E29B5D3318B79D1_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Payna + trang phục Cảnh vệ rừng
4E2B93D292B6F0AB_## =
4E328D8B940FA80A_## = Rare Azzen'Ka Skin: Djinn
4E32F4FB3E871F8E_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
4E33F1BA00E7F589_## = obsolete
4E35EAE59743D643_## = 签到图片
4E3D19F198F964C8_## =
4E3E9773F56EADFE_## = Destroy the<color=#f6bf17ff> Might Golem</color>.
4E43C39A0944144D_## = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: We will take good care of your
heroes for your teammates' sake if you cannot quickly log back in once
4e44149668eb016d = Movement Speed:
4E442B37223B1731_## =
4E467FD434C8532F_## = Xeniel
4E49A133F7946D69_## = Shield Increase
4e4a638b71756ef3 = Watch the battle
4E4D2AE1E1ED7F83_## = The Chi
4E50BCFCB5A4BE7C_## = The Bull King
4E542E8AFE6C46B9_## =
4E558DB5938ACC06_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
4E570A802964D9C1_## =
4E597F483B6CA2ED_## = <blankspace89>
4E61895CFB72D056_## = Don
4E6345F8FC9BEFBE_## =
4E6595CD13AA11EC_## = Blinding Light
4E6AD2F6D83163DC_## = Lunar Bunny
4E6C128DF6E7AAD0_## =
4E6FF3F0A7726925_## = 堇火焰狂花造型包
4E7060172AA51724_## =
4E73D4A8225190CA_## = Tap<color=#f6bf17ff> Evolve </color> to level up!
4E750E48325D029B_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Jinna) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
4E78F57CD2D95613_## = Mage
4E7AD402DB4694B8_## =
4E7C9F49C831688A_## = Rương ngọc may mắn
4E7E170C6C85FCA7_## = 限時充值送好禮(test)
4E7F4218EF1EE654_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
4E81820D14B20AEB_## =
4e831dbd207c0776 = Nice job!\nContinue to <color=#f6bf17ff>Valley
Skirmish</color>,\nExperience playing <color=#f6bf17ff>Flatland
4E840E1DAF623F09_## =
4E84A599751C9EDA_## =
4E853BB9BB063E39_## =
4e854b9eab8ee57 = Physical Damage
4E8B651605D51D35_## = Control, Sustained Damage
4E8BDA8CAB93775A_## = Technoblade
4E8BF1CCF11CF169_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Lindis)
4E8DB01A93DDB652_## =
4E8E649EA13E3482_## = Beginner Value Pack
4E9081F12772FE75_## = Cyberpunk
4E91A474814AEDA3_## =
4E931B60501EAD90_## = Zanis
4E95119AEB3EC437_## =
4e960815161aea84 = An error has occurred.
4E9810DBE56B2BA4_## =
4E994C0840AA2BFE_## =
4E9A3A03DDBDDA30_## = Prophecy: Activates a shield for 1.5 seconds to resist the
effects of the next enemy ability, restoring (300+0.4AP) HP and 20% Mana after
resisting. Also reduces movement speed of all enemies within 4 meters by 80% for 1
4E9A8BA5592C505B_## =
4E9F7086FD0E91B5_## =
4EA096077E7352F1_## =
4EA481815BB55024_## = Tiêu thụ nhận thưởng
4EA5956AC4CCC0AA_## =
4EA5C4B566057598_## =
4EAAA203AE4FE8E7_## = Scavenge
4EAB748187648640_## = Veera
4EAB9AB139EE0F4A_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
4EAD5F367E4D689A_## =
4EAD8C58230D4870_## =
4EADCDE1ECC3C8B3_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
4EAFCF733D7C5CB0_## =
4EB0DB275ED993E4_## =
4EB130647358747D_## =
4EB4D56BCD501F58_## =
4EB5AB1734C1C9A0_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
4EBB8DB601F2402D_## = Azzen'Ka's abilities apply a Sand Trap stack on the enemy.
After reaching 3 stacks, the enemy will be petrified and suffer {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>.
4EBF16E21FFEE7E1_## =
4EC03450993D1F95_## = Rương Nguyệt tộc
4ECC7526ED085F88_## = Share trang phục nhận quà
4ECCD501B037D95F_## = Attack
4ECD0EC6BF8C5043_## =
4ED00C4C82F95876_## = Nạp tích lũy quân huy- Nhận ngay skin Butterfly Xuân nữ ngổ
4ED146AD37955815_## = I fight for truth and justice.
4ED2856BB3036916_## = Original
4ED4EE5A3C00BAB4_## = Cleave
4ED72BCF2860A99E_## =
4ED826421F5874E7_## =
4EDCDE64DF81FDF2_## = Open to receive Aleister and the Voidweaver skin
4EE21D205A5BA825_## =
4EE67B4A2FF7292D_## = After 2 normal attacks, Wonder Woman's next normal attack
will throw her shield, dealing an additional {0} <color=#f3b74a>true damage</color>
to all enemies in its path and slowing their movement speed by {1}% for 0.5 second.
If the shield hits an enemy, Wonder Woman will recover {2}
<color=#f18d00>(+{3})</color> HP. If the shield hits an enemy hero, the HP
recovered is tripled.
4EEC1E4DD4030FC8_## = Lindis
4EEF51E1100F9B6D_## = Contains 10 Gems, 1300 Gold and 1 lvl 2 Arcana: Agility
4EF0EF2824A43670_## = 签到图片
4EF44A6E5A3AB7C7_## =
4EF549D6622E7161_## = Cooldown
4EF56E7573A9D902_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
4EF9016D938107CF_## =
4EFDEC30E6EB8BA9_## = Lindis
4F03D84D2AF48987_## = Natalya
4F04FDBF7339037E_## = Time Warp
4F053D2D2C9F775F_## = Burst
4F0551DFD16C32FF_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
4F0B59AB0430CEA0_## =
4F0C840F8A631894_## =
4F0CB2C62291B2CC_## = Melee
4F0FD80DF5B01462_## =
4F1113B5AD2E0EC3_## = Charge Time
4F119DE8807D3C3D_## =
4F121FA8BB17B2DF_## = Cooldown
4F17558A52107CC9_## = 7 日累積簽到
4F1BACA0027FF094_## =
4F1D3576C16A219C_## = + Nhận ngẫu nhiên 5-10 Ruby, hoặc một ngọc cấp I/II\n + 1
Kẹo Sôcôla MTP
4F2078640B9B0DE6_## = Nạp Quân Huy trong thời gian chỉ định để có cơ hội nhận
được tướng Maloch miễn phí!
4F26F04934F4BC06_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
4F2914B466DCB58E_## = Melee
4F2945597F77F651_## = Unique Passive - Explosion: Ability hits trigger a small-area
explosion that deals 50 (+50% ability power) magic damage. 5-second cooldown.
4F295C34CD0351D4_## =
4F2AAEE371A8357D_## =
4F2C9C4630B6EADB_## = Bullet Storm
4F2EF89059381D03_## = Lindis
4f305b6b2e1c299d = 4f305b6b2e1c299d_##
4F3505800477368A_## = Mở để nhận 3 mảnh ngọc có thể đổi ngọc cấp III
4F35472096CD3915_## =
4F37DE635C712B68_## = EVO Ⅳ
4F3987D1ECB75532_## =
4F3A47981759F932_## = Original
4F3CFB4B90FA9BF5_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
4F3F84F9DFE332F9_## =
4F4008768447E691_## =
4F447C3B0563AE8F_## =
4F45ACC60F1432C5_## = 参与 5V5
4F4A7F8F206A04AC_## =
4F4E1E7029B38077_## =
4F4EEE96D8C462D4_## = Nhận thêm quà tặng khi tiêu Quân Huy trong thời gian sự
kiện\nLưu ý : Không tính Quân huy tiêu từ Shop tế đàn và VQ nguyệt tộc
4F5141F1E49A609D_## = <blankspace89>
4F5483A00748F985_## = Little Adventurer
4F54DCC4AA16BBCF_## = Attack Damage +80, Armor +330\n[Burn]
4F56A654D6137EEE_## = 签到图片
4F617AEF25CF8E36_## =
4F624F44704450AE_## = Arcane Fire
4F62611E7C235C93_## =
4F63C067689DF714_## = Blue Hammer Soldier
4F652D4703AC5738_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
4F677500E108A5A6_## = Maloch
4F67E54004645CD1_## = Your report of <color=#ffd700>{6}</color> at {3}:{4}:{5} on
{0}/{1}/{2} has been validated by the system. The player has already received the
corresponding punishment. Because this player's Credibility Score has fallen below
{7}, they are no longer able to join Ranked Matches. Thank you for your report.
4F67FFE15D93139F_## = I'm honored to fight by your side.
4F6F9F7060EE8586_## =
4F709A9B521748B7_## = Trial Card: Try out Cresht's skin: Sharkover for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
4F714712F87AD5C7_## =
4F728D12359E5BBD_## = Unique Passive - From the Ashes: When the hero gains a level,
20% of HP and mana are restored over 3 seconds.
4F73B8274391CFBB_## =
4F7797051A75AA4D_## =
4F798702869FD0CA_## = HP +1200, Armor +100, Magic Defense +100\n[Biting Cold]
4F7E17D3F1399724_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
4F81C107668135A3_## =
4F833C385A79515C_## = Increases attack speed by 10% for 2 seconds after a
successful normal attack. Stacks up to 5 times.
4F867F539E2D22D4_## = Butterfly
4F8D01936329D4B3_## = Unknown
4F95063DD4ED9619_## = Đổi Dấu ấn Tulen
4F9726684FC3F84A_## = "A true warrior defends the weak and punishes the
evil."\n\nZuka was born in a beautiful and prosperous village. It was a hive of
activity during the day, but quiet and tranquil during the night. It was a place
where people were sheltered from the hardship and misery of the world. However, the
one thing the inhabitants of this serene place valued above all else was martial
arts. Despite being a young cub, Zuka had to study all manner of combat styles and
ascend through the grades by passing the examinations set by his teacher. \n\nThe
young Zuka could not understand why he needed to do this. After all, why should he
spend so much time and effort learning martial arts that he would never need to
use? Surely it would be better to help work the fields or engage in scholarly
pursuits? In response to Zuka's question, the teacher responded, "It is not enough
to simply wish for peace, one must have the ability to defend peace!"\n\nThose
words left a deep impression on him. When the fallen souls that emerged from the
demon abyss spread plague and chaos across the land, the once peaceful village was
mercilessly engulfed in the flames of war. In an effort to flee, the young Zuka
embarked on a long journey with his family, crossing treacherous mountains as they
made their way to the legendary Forest of Shadows.\n\nZuka had heard about the
Forest of Shadows in the stories told by the older villagers. Not only was it home
to the legendary Elven Queen, Tel'Annas, but there were also countless elemental
and orc warriors. They were the Queen's valiant army, charged with defending the
land from evil.\n\nDuring the journey, Zuka witnessed all manner of depraved acts
perpetrated by the fallen souls. The martial arts that he had practiced for so many
years finally had a use. Wearing armor symbolizing his coming of age, and wielding
a staff he made with his own two hands, he fought countless battles against evil
and saved those who had suffered at their hands.\n\nTales of Zuka's heroic exploits
spread far and wide. From the noble and proud Temple of Light, to the Castle of
Inception, which has long been suspicious of animal races, all factions publicly
commended Zuka's heroism. Even Queen Tel'Annas herself prepared a lavish welcome
ceremony in his honor. Then, at the invitation of Earth Elemental Lumburr, Zuka
formally joined the resistance army, becoming a warrior with a duty to eradicate
evil and protect peace.\n\nNo matter where Zuka may be, he is an undisputed symbol
of peace!
4F97772D240461B9_## =
4f9a757caacca86f = Follow
4F9B2DF6C89C7403_## = Bloody Hunt
4F9C274426E3E9DB_## = Nature's Wrath
4F9D0AD186CA8BC6_## = Bronze
4F9DCA7B2BA37B86_## =
4F9EAC8CF75DA87F_## = An error occurred while enabling/disabling auto-translate.
4FA0111E25E31003_## =
4FA399537E1E6531_## = You're not in a guild.
4fa3c17a5b69176c = 4fa3c17a5b69176c_##
4FAD76A27303EBF5_## = Quy đổi ngọc đỏ cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
4FB01B7CFF0B0DE0_## =
4FB0803FCFB2EEF9_## =
4FB09596D15C5DBF_## = Trial Card: Try out Tel'Annas' skin: Navy Cadet for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
4FB124D8A85F1167_## =
4FB922B8712BCCA7_## =
4FBD184B2F10708D_## = Butterfly throws her sword, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies in
its path. Also increases her attack speed by 50% for 3 seconds.
4FBDA5BE7DA04E0D_## = Tank
4FBEC922D2A31ED0_## = Zephys
4FC784673DAC1C06_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
4FCC4AFCD9C85C71_## =
4fd1973a9cfa1121 = Received
4FD32E4185CA03C1_## =
4FD433A58E7B5D95_## = Trial Card: Try out Arum's skin: Sekhmet for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
4FD51BD7D2D6640E_## = Papillon
4FD65BEE81D8FBC4_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nTướng vĩnh viễn
(Arduin) / Thẻ thử tướng Arduin (1 ngày) / Mảnh tướng
4FD987F0260E7AEF_## = Trial Card: Try out Mganga's skin: Fright Circus for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
4FD9C0D1A4129425_## = HP Regen
4FDEE587221BE4A9_## = Mở để nhận ngẫu nhiên 1-5 Ruby
4FE21EC289EBBBFF_## = Trial Card: Try out Butterfly's skin: Academy
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
4FE8632C42E13216_## =
4FE90C420EAF3993_## = Roxi-Atk-01
4FECFDB882E1298D_## = Trial Card: Try out Fennik's skin: Little Adventurer for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
4fefa1446ef87257 = Cancel
4FF24A2ECFF76AE9_## =
4FF4DBC67CED44D0_## =
4FF55963491B8328_## = Unknown
4FFC6A5E65A9E3CF_## = Peura
4fff88ea7c30d8bd = Magic Defense
4FFFCD62E01570E2_## =
5002C07D44E94871_## = Cyclone
5003D3FC679C6B86_## =
500803A0ECACC7A5_## =
501470F496EF9CE0_## = Archmage
50167933290E5231_## = Demolition
501F8AB1D115E1CE_## = Congratulations, you are now one step closer to becoming a
true hero!
502253C5C37D06F6_## = 元旦登陆活动 高峰
50233243C1EE4B7E_## = 签到图片
5028AD353F7ACF01_## = Trial Card: Try out Butterfly's skin: Academy
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
502D729674D0064B_## = Natalya
503D7D388F7994CE_## = Share trang phục nhận quà Giáng sinh
50408C13EDB0D964_## = Lu Bu
5040A2D1AEAA381B_## = Control, Buffs
5047740F04946FA4_## =
504922A98AF5A1F6_## =
504B4969AAC72ED8_## = Nhận mảnh ghép năm mới để đổi lấy 1 trang phục Miễn phí!
Mảnh còn lại (Chúc mừng năm mới) có thể nhận được từ sự kiện đăng nhập!
504D58CB1F60442A_## = Red Hammer Soldier
504ddcdbacb827bb = 504ddcdbacb827bb_##
504ED6F4FB502875_## = Sinh nhật Liên Quân (thử thách)
504F3563A20DCE53_## = Use Valhein's Bullet Storm at close range to maximize its
damage to enemies. After triggering a golden glaive with his passive, quickly
follow up with more normal attacks to destroy your stunned opponent.
504FA33C6BD29394_## = I desperately need this. Can you help me buy it?
505FA470DCCC5804_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường/hạng
5061DF0CAEE154DB_## = Maloch
5064627A4C7A9CBF_## =
5065A1791C2D6674_## =
506730D09F0BC510_## = 7 日累積簽到
5067C43D38286027_## =
506AFFB301A235F2_## =
506EBDDA88389792_## =
5071513D4FA851F3_## = It's all about footwork.
50725921D7055BD6_## = Before you go for the kill, think about how to survive first.
50782AE56B17303F_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
50784BFE2E6171EC_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
507986E09579A106_## = [新英雄-Arduin 登場] 愛不釋手
507D8C17ACD5C019_## = Unknown
507F3770625F2B93_## = Tuần lễ Nguyệt tộc (Chơi cùng bạn)
5080E652333ED3E2_## = Unknown
50810538F494AAA5_## =
50819519BC8D06A0_## = Base Damage
508203A11B2577D4_## = 好友大作战
50840D7FC15B02AC_## =
50920F76BA6D5950_## = Every 10 seconds, Skud's next normal attack deals an
additional <color=#ca3939>20%</color> damage, restores {0}
<color=#ca3939>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>(+4% of his maximum HP)</color> HP
and {2} <color=#37adc7>(+3% of his lost mana)</color> mana. Each normal attack
also reduces the cooldown of this ability by 1 second.
5092A3DD7A3DC594_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
5092FECCFBD8828C_## = [新英雄-Ilumia 登場] 愛不釋手
5095851ce40137e = 5095851ce40137e_##
5097E39D679AB84A_## = Prom Queen
509827a193d03293 = 509827a193d03293_##
5099831DBD9AEFEC_## = Original
509B577DF45A08C1_## =
50A0188820410E9A_## =
50A39B602EADBFA5_## = Liliana's normal attacks in both Human Form and Fox Form are
enhanced if her abilities in Human Form hit enemies.\n\nReiki Shot deals a lot of
damage and is best paired with control abilities because it moves slowly.
50A9EE4553C820B2_## = Racer
50ACEE4AF887F4AC_## =
50AD5B99290CC259_## =
50B0E446A057314E_## =
50B40464725E428D_## = Alice
50b96d16aa5d1e2e = Select Hero
50BD5D5358D725EF_## =
50BD88CFE335CBC4_## = Zanis
50BDAEF6115E31CE_## = Unknown
50C724A70186A986_## =
50CA14F1723020BE_## =
50CD69E94E9D1B28_## =
50CE720B8B7292BF_## =
50CE8D480B762738_## = Mở để nhận 10 Ruby
50D16DCCE2127CDC_## = Trial Card: Try out Cresht for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
50D49C1F7FC88491_## = Smooth Moves isn't just a typical movement ability, it is
great for positioning yourself to absorb damage for your team. Be sure to block as
much damage as you can for your team when you use this ability.
50D58DEF017A12AC_## =
50D783E8C332864F_## =
50DBDF4BC6A8CFC2_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
50DC58B4F7234326_## = An error has occurred. Error code: 9001
50E17B5FEA7CF51F_## =
50E44CDF210C6F66_## = Ethereal new ability effects
50E95E4BA1C6BBA2_## =
50EB22A64841E382_## = Control
50F3F2546B983B82_## = Control, Sustained Damage
50F46114E767C192_## = TOG 精选阵容体验卡
50F734D920815264_## =
50F8523312672232_## = Melee
50FBF99B21723933_## = Moren
50fddfeb4827200d = 50fddfeb4827200d_##
5100457159F5DAC2_## = Fight hand-in-hand, heart-to-heart.
5101001B2D909CF2_## = Kill minions or destroy towers to increase your gold
51042140b40be6a0 = Details
510529B1AD0C4F03_## = It's hammertime.
5106C715E3D88AE5_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
5108CA4200966631_## =
5108E3C2955B8AFA_## = Bí ngô Ma Quái
510A8591759B037F_## =
510BF0C53E9A592B_## = Arduin flings his axe forward dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> and stunning
the first enemy hit for 1.5 seconds. He then hurls towards the axe's spot, dealing
{2} <color=#f18d00>(+{3})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to
surrounding enemies. Once Cull is activated, control effects will not stop Arduin
from completing the ability.
51122D42F7929055_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
51142D7EE943FA14_## =
5117B1294C8EDD06_## = EXP
511A03F6B5CD391C_## =
511AF7165D9EE848_## = Winter's in full force.
511BD74176D0858D_## = Whirling Scythe
511BF220F1C91699_## =
512962D5A7AC27E3_## = Marksman
5132E785E3B11262_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Wonder Woman {C}/{T} lần
5135054a2b2a3cfd = 5135054a2b2a3cfd_##
5137510BA8417AE8_## = 'Til death do they part.
513B3A3FE675D245_## = Excelsior
513ECFB58F677D05_## =
51400CF321441293_## =
51458B509CE43737_## =
514CDB3CFD5F52D5_## = Veera
514FB198C9092211_## =
5150712DD411B743_## =
5153319509A45A7C_## =
5153AB975E9B06C2_## = Rock Shield
51547F6789769E89_## =
5154DB2B32557C2F_## =
5157C1240D12BE3C_## =
51594D058C6F1587_## = Defense
515B745C3A2A419C_## = Trial Card: Try out Lu Bu's skin: Crimson
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
515BBF5CF53EA77D_## =
515BC2D442BD340B_## = Piercing
515C7A8D776E9F6E_## = Ignis
515EE402E862252E_## =
516356008A18D33C_## =
51636CF713FE46CC_## =
5169DB6753F7670F_## =
516AD5A119DBD062_## = Butterfly
516BE532CF77D0A3_## = Omega is great at harassing enemies with his maneuverability
and control abilities. His abilities also damage structures making him great for
516E4793912F56BE_## = Trial Card: Try out Butterfly's skin: Sailor
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
516EC3440A804D22_## =
517198D409D6DB75_## = Maloch
51740510FE3CAE9B_## = Armor +180, Magic Defense +150, Attack Damage +50\n[Berserk]
51750635A7CC887C_## =
517511D8C88ED0D6_## =
5176CAF12FB49689_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tiêu Quân Huy - nhận ưu đãi của bạn, xin
mời kiểm tra!
517778A1416F4B9B_## = Cap'n
517ACD04571FDE8C_## = All that glitters must be gold.
517B6F1AAE290E13_## = Đây là phần thưởng Thợ săn tiền thưởng của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
518996E1EA0E2A25_## = Dread Judge
518DE6E0EFB9CB43_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 hạng mỗi ngày
51903552944D9069_## = Chaos Protection
519084453EC3FC78_## =
51968897AB5377D5_## =
519C9E5F5ECEC29A_## =
51A08E204EB1F3C0_## =
51A3B3E9BD52CC66_## =
51A3D4D15B30BD61_## =
51A75DB825C90744_## =
51A76E9388082E79_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Kriknak)
51A96960C583CF48_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
51B20E1ADD0329E2_## = Use to race in a web-event, also can be exchange to different
prizes after the event
51B799ACD24DAF16_## = Tactical Maneuver
51BB76E0CE109730_## =
51C2ABED24FA709D_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
51C9EEB1A6986548_## =
51CE44B83937DF22_## =
51D7ADFC411BBC24_## =
51D8638D5192D37F_## =
51DA055E95EC2C93_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Wukong để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
51DAF95349229F74_## = Unknown
51DC30FAF73C0417_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
51DEC4C07814D4ED_## =
51E0354EA1272E98_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
51E04E2F84663545_## = Cooldown
51E0EF98B93D7B41_## = % of Max HP
51E39129380C1033_## = Săn Rồng đón xuân!
51E97220352DFFA7_## = 五次击杀送六个钥匙
51EB5599F12C292A_## =
51EE789D908E6916_## = Trial Card: Try out Peura for <color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day.
You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
51F05A64F148371F_## =
51F30A944B65FE01_## = Loki's Curse
51F38AC8D54036EF_## =
51F6C62E6A354C42_## =
51F7C22B1F2EFE13_## = Player level 3 unlocked.
51F945AD6B4CFEA2_## = Butterfly
51FA4E68CA1A42EF_## =
51FA9F120B9CCE36_## =
51FE5EAEB4B0A55E_## = Thane
520091E956C89C74_## = Base Damage
520165B8E44566C2_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
520C271969AEEEA1_## =
520DF7CAFB244680_## =
520FEC6EF879F209_## = Returning Player Gift Pack
52111D0216DD7495_## = Base Damage
52120FC31E3CE62D_## =
5214C1771CA544CA_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Jinna để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
521542F4B0EF34FD_## =
521826E9DB0E044B_## = Tỉnh Hưng Yên
521A5E0A22CD7185_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
521CDE2A17E98795_## = Unknown
521E7680041A36CA_## =
521E9BEEB4619CB4_## = Base Damage
521EDAD5F2F1E392_## = Tagger
5229DB528F21C03F_## =
522BE9E73393E26E_## =
522fb0ec3d5e4db2 = End of season:
52317E3B00FE4C71_## =
5239F56469DC6C1F_## =
523E3F7F7DE2A102_## = Trial Card: Try out Ilumia for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this Hero.
523F1F7249F4E48D_## =
52404d82fb5e29f4 = No suitable Arcana.
524056EB7077BDA3_## = Go on, amuse me.
5251339923F8E35D_## = 参与 5V5
52552CF59F69141A_## = Rương Thời trang Violetmua 4 tặng 1 cực HOT! Mua ngay nào!
5258436DC9C3EF85_## = Woodland
525E24BBEAE56114_## =
526193C680C6CF50_## = Đấu trường huyền thoại
5261A542E5F2D9BF_## = Limited Event Gift
52677D598A69462C_## = Trial Card: Try out Wonder Woman's skin: Bombshell for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
5268AC651430B107_## = Nakroth skin: Cybercore Level 5
526D5AA18CD648BB_## = Liên Quân đón Xuân
526DFFE06F84DC53_## =
527119916C078EB5_## = Trial Card: Try out Tulen's skin: Starlight for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
52769AD876787D7B_## =
527878EB220854D1_## =
5278BFD33E79F401_## =
527A7DDA6D2F7EE6_## = Unknown
527B382D56591BA0_## =
527B9A6326F7121C_## = Tỉnh Tuyên Quang
527D0B5916EA0289_## =
527D3058F784E5F1_## = 本週活動精選
527E2992DC4FDC4A_## = Reach Level {0}
527F8F42AB2EC288_## =
527f8f593e8d9718 = Damage Taken
5283B460D78C6ADD_## =
528565F9514C4157_## =
52864638AE0454EA_## = Trial Card: Try out Chaugnar for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
528AA989DEA5BC1A_## = Sentinel
528BE5F99E24F98A_## =
52925D00390240F0_## =
52940978A8370677_## = Message has been opened.
529668480649D03A_## =
5296BCE72E6AE5C0_## =
5297AF15F4C91E2B_## =
5299A70135758905_## =
529A10B6873FE12E_## = Death Rift
529A9B784D97F1E6_## = "Peace or war? That is the question."\n\nThe birth of this
weapon was juxtaposed with the capability of destroying all weapons. It was unclear
whether or not Omega was created to wage wars or to end them.\n\nHis existence and
the contradictions his abilities possess had captivated and fascinated gods and
mortals alike. Omega was one of a kind. It belonged to no specific realm or
civilization, yet it possessed intelligence, self-awareness, controlled behavior,
and a natural instinct to wage war. Theories suggested that Omega was part of an
ancient, powerful, and mysterious civilization that proceeded all civilizations and
divine realms of the present. Yet he was the only living proof of it, and was
alienated by this world because of it.\n\nThe intrigue of Omega's origins were not
important, for the more pressing issue was its abilities and their contrasting
connotations. Omega's compulsion to wage war and his prowess in battles had led
suspicions to rise among the gods. They had every reason to doubt by which method
Omega was created to end all wars.\n\n"Violence for violence, war for war!"
52A0E206C57CFBA7_## =
52A8FA7BAEB9E0D8_## =
52AE924253E875E9_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
52afa92af3d6afb5 = 52afa92af3d6afb5_##
52B5F46626C47C95_## = Base Damage
52B69732BA907EC4_## =
52B85CD2286B2A89_## =
52BA34C848C38623_## =
52bbcec9b8b6b05f = 52bbcec9b8b6b05f_##
52BC962A435ACDD4_## =
52BEF7C3E5B62E7F_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Chơi game)
52C59CBB9CB14EDA_## = Defense
52C8101717A39462_## =
52C959657BFB1E1E_## = 参与 5V5
52D0570CFC4F91F7_## =
52D12E9F1AA18707_## =
52D4A74D0A74EF25_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tiêu Quân Huy - nhận ưu đãi của bạn, xin
mời kiểm tra!
52D7B02B66E6780C_## = 签到图片
52D7D9ECEB0242D0_## = Crimson
52DAB9D92D6CD560_## = Original
52E1966B1C8C6CA7_## = Maloch
52E799E6B0326F20_## = Magma
52E7A88566406D1C_## = Gladiator's Gauntlets
52E8F7E29A882EDE_## = EXP
52ECB1EA5A3B501D_## =
52ECD278F3F0FB67_## =
52ED4DA48E42BCEA_## = Mganga is adept at inflicting continuous magic damage and
healing allies. Use his normal attack to mark enemies, then use Detonation to deal
a ton of damage.
52EE58B23D8B7F29_## =
52EE8B19754AF4A5_## =
52F09E0F85DEA73B_## =
52F28D8A6CCF9A48_## =
52F75FA281B2749B_## = Astrid powers up and becomes immune to all damage for 2
seconds. After 1.5 seconds, she swings her sword, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>. For every 2%
of her own maximum HP that Astrid has lost, she will deal 1% more damage. The
ability also slows the enemy's movement speed by 50% for 1.5 seconds. If the
enemy's HP is higher than Astrid's, then the ability also stuns the enemy for 1
52FB7CA932BD2F55_## = Every 3% of HP lost grants 1% damage reduction.
5308E7A9AFB52230_## = Unknown
5308F89FB3D0C893_## = Fennik
530B0C0166339444_## = Taara
530F0B110B3D4EBD_## = Diamond II
53163A2B0A91EE9D_## = Nhận ngay Ruby miễn phí khi tham gia chế độ giải trí Móc câu
lần đầu tiên!
53177889e27177ae = Sonika
5317B1A7586C14A8_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Kriknak) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
531907AD71A23D41_## =
531927DDAB844BEA_## = Đây là phần thưởng Săn lùng tội phạm của bạn, xin mời kiểm
531B255AD963DA2F_## =
531C008480DEC95F_## =
531C9C9E6E999881_## = Toro
531E7800C067F670_## = When Krixi hits an enemy with an ability, she gains {0}%
movement speed for 2 seconds.
532014393905749C_## =
5321288DD7EF9174_## =
53212AE3E3D5C433_## = Gains 2-5 attack damage for every 1% of HP lost. Scales with
5328642492E17FF8_## = Unknown
53293F5753A765DA_## =
532DCBF44D471D79_## = HP and Mana Regen within 5 sec
532F5CCF3BE5DE21_## =
532F88BF9570E414_## = Murad
533029A7F45F2CC2_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 3V3 thường
5332FDC1207CE359_## = Mganga
5338CC9C14A73BC1_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
5339BED72290C790_## =
533A1B0BF214D3B2_## =
533A3013D35F958F_## =
533D3F85CB9BC490_## = Unknown
533E5AD8FEA33942_## = Số lượt đấu chế độ móc {C}/{T}
53493D5774B7C453_## = Sinh nhật Liên Quân (thử thách)
534F76F36A18DC40_## =
535179420F2E01E6_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
53588F9D8C30A632_## = Original
535994035449F49E_## = 好友大作战
535D8463F88D4C71_## =
536152580D561729_## =
5363447b8f4fb0b = Settings
53657DBE7479D795_## =
5369C7337956FE7D_## =
536C0D352A94ABD0_## = Cooldown
536F39A2A7F45883_## =
536FA3DB44819D14_## = Trial Card: Try out Airi's skin: Shadowstrike
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
53712E03541EA3AB_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
53793D672E813B18_## =
5379874C3EA7BABC_## = Piercing
537C358FD386B8A5_## =
538055AD1572B489_## = Dreadwyrm
53834B2D8A837590_## = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Killing monsters is a good way to
earn EXP. Assigning 1 or 2 heroes to the jungle could prove useful.
5383D220D466C023_## = Assaccin giftbag
5385605E7EC31347_## = Zanis strikes the target, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#f3b74a>true damage</color> and knocking
enemies into the air briefly. For the next 5 seconds, he takes 15% less damage and
his normal attacks deal an additional {2} <color=#f18d00>(+{3})</color>
<color=#f3b74a>true damage</color>.
538B53980E05AADC_## = Mời bạn bè cùng chơi để nhận thưởng sự kiện
538EE01D14433103_## = Đây là phần thưởng Chào năm mới 2018 (Chơi game) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
538F27618A6AFDEE_## = If Arduin's HP falls below 50%, Arduin will enter Bloodlust
mode for 8 seconds. While in Bloodlust mode, Arduin restores 2% of his maximum HP
when his abilites or normal attacks damage enemies. Bloodlust has a 60-second
cooldown and Arduin will enter Bloodlust mode again immediately after the cooldown
if his HP is below 50% at that time.
5390AD2CF768826E_## = Trial Card: Try out Diaochan's skin: Archmage for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
5390CB0434820BFE_## =
5397D18E48E7279C_## = Structure
5398F76792D4E07F_## =
539C9DC2EBA7A313_## =
539D62453432E7D5_## = Tướng Ormarr và trang phục Thông thỏa thích
539DB4F54CEF454C_## =
539E2E6A9DEA7939_## =
539EDEE6A666209E_## = Tough Hide
539F0AA84E3675B9_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
53a4f41ecb92394a = Class
53A64376B2961C9A_## =
53AA2DF5DA5131E3_## = Lizardman
53B2A6759B6478DB_## =
53b406d7c1145be4 = 53b406d7c1145be4_##
53B95ED42F9CDCF8_## = Flaming
53bb3984daaff98a = 53bb3984daaff98a_##
53BC9C671CE66913_## = Ngày hội của Joker 1
53BCAD51449633C7_## =
53BEF9D2BC53CCE1_## = Nâng cấp ngọc quý
53BEFB54FFEE9E83_## =
53C0675A9DAFF5C6_## =
53C33EC414BAF939_## =
53C56231A57D1C3C_## = Trial Card: Try out Veera's skin: Heartbreaker
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
53C5BA4C73A27BA1_## =
53C7122A35D4926B_## = Mage
53C774283FB16874_## = Not Available
53C8D8F0CBF51F87_## =
53C8F20481B5A174_## = Lucky Draw
53C98EAB2CB9B577_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
53CD7A66BE183739_## = 签到图片
53D2328F461DCBB0_## = Unknown
53D35FDC8681E6C1_## =
53D5EC717B1E9AF6_## = Casanova
53D6047CCB04E010_## =
53D8C7DF72BBA02C_## =
53DE86249C22B94F_## =
53DF14899AF9A3DC_## = Trial Card: Try out Ryoma for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day.
You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
53DF36A7753ECF79_## = Mở để nhận 1 viên ngọc ngẫu nhiên (cấp II hoặc cấp III)
53df7abeba1c3fe8 = obsolete+53df7abeba1c3fe8
53E6F3249D2FF5E8_## =
53E72F5BAEC76FE8_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nTướng vĩnh viễn
(Slimz) / Thẻ thử tướng Slimz (3 ngày) / Mảnh tướng
53EF0889C2774A16_## =
53F4DCB827E883D7_## =
53F7349B80066066_## = Mina swings her scythe in an arc, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color><color=#ca3939>(+{2})</color><color=#ca3939>(2% of own
maximum HP)</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to all enemies within
53F84C86732E694F_## =
53F857438100C288_## =
54003FA9F6DB87DA_## = Unknown
540386B1C11A7193_## = Bronze III
540535E9F80F2B5D_## = Amazon Shield
54056E76A905D9DB_## = Attack Speed +30%, Critical Chance +20%, Movement Speed
54083260DE3CA367_## =
540cc5a308c3f00 = Ability Power
540CDD434481B956_## =
540E0D02A43D6EBE_## = Trial Card: Try out Tulen's skin: Starlight for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
541265C61D619766_## =
541716ED363EE73F_## =
5417194F0C5032E0_## =
54174E50EEDBA442_## =
541905CB88443550_## =
54199E43F7C1AD71_## =
541DC5800B674A3E_## =
541F730723B84226_## = 签到图片
5427B3659A857A34_## = Mage
542D775CE50E556B_## =
542DC50C631D4FC6_## = 英雄三日体验卡介绍
542F5B9477CC7D9E_## =
543307904E49FFCA_## = The Trustworthy
5434CA7F61694881_## = Đổi Dấu ấn Tulen
5437D989EE8361CA_## = obsolete+83c697d27e999a8e
543826DB54ECEA5D_## = Trial Card: Try out Zuka's skin: Bodhi for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
543DC4F680556902_## =
543DDFC437382018_## =
543F0C48798759CF_## =
543F2802BBDF1D29_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
544585B295BFE863_## =
5446A2D51064380C_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
5449A3035E5E823A_## =
544A6424C26175DA_## = Cancelling Abilities
544A99751A0202D1_## = Keep attacking! Destroy the<color=#f6bf17ff> Enemy
Base</color> to achieve<color=#f6bf17ff> victory</color>!
544F67E1222E6810_## =
54515E130C395AC8_## =
54537F51D2A3E379_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
5455E887CA7EB4E8_## =
5455F8C190262CE7_## =
545F150040BC869A_## =
545FD04B465C3101_## =
545FF646338C0590_## = Tết đến rồi!
5460872AFB9715EC_## =
546980579C83C230_## =
546B2FF4D29455EA_## =
546BC428AEA7943B_## =
546E580E808C113C_## =
54711DB5BA4A35FB_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
5471A120C224BA7D_## =
54788F16A30F948B_## = EXP +100% for your next 10 Wins in matches (excluding custom
matches and 1v1 bot matches). Can be paired with a Double EXP Days Card for EXP
547E2D40219D3130_## = Jinnar
547FE8F2FD365BE4_## =
548009487AD9E3D2_## =
54829177D65843D5_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mừng xuân Đinh Dậu,
5484120FBA4E6869_## = Attack
5484A96A4FD80377_## = Ripper
5486A63EEE9CBE52_## =
54895DDF18B05B9F_## =
5489D1491C2A2CE7_## =
549209DDACDE1DF7_## = Raz
54923E4D1F5B94C3_## = 参与 5V5
5497B88063ACB883_## = > {0}
5498B74FD6FA061B_## = Cresht
54998BF6F97A7F04_## = Thirst
549FF458D053C8B6_## = Unknown
54A244D0E9C37C77_## =
54A30349F1F65216_## =
54AAD46B3E58AA62_## =
54ADFF5F5298D9DE_## =
54AF913B7D055913_## =
54B1AC880DA82FB3_## =
54B1DDBE994BE77D_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
54B5E13BD2076D86_## = Increases Armor and Magic Defense.
54B815A51787DCCB_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
54B8E314F90C689F_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Zill) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
54B997742DD05CC5_## = Unknown
54BFB5D6AFCABCC1_## = Azzen'Ka
54BFF3AAD2E16548_## = Sinh nhật Liên Quân (thử thách)
54CB5A09A445F275_## =
54CC6080B9990F9D_## =
54CCF27D7F2C2572_## =
54CE14515B33458A_## =
54CFADC99FCA0222_## =
54D2591B3128C626_## = Quy đổi ngọc tím cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
54d456cca0c9fbac = You have
54D8285058E43571_## = Dũng sĩ đồ long
54D9378B0627AFC7_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 1V1 thường
54D9A1EA2EA8B2E9_## = Unknown
54DA9848E36AD24C_## =
54DC0E275A203ADD_## =
54DC5C800F227276_## = 限時充值送好禮(test)
54DE785B3C1B7720_## = 经典
54E216835F0253E1_## =
54E3097D73825173_## = Trial Card: Try out Krixi for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
54E4C78A4EBE9840_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Giờ vàng)
54E54FCE8DC66507_## =
54EA29A82E265ACB_## = Đổi Dấu ấn Tulen
54F032CA463626DB_## = Trang phục Aleister: Quang vinh
54F17F6B48F40C44_## = Cresht
54F43217A1148596_## =
54F48608C1570460_## = Try to hit as many enemies as possible with Conqueror to take
advantage of Lu Bu's bonus life steal from this ability.
54F48AA9843265A0_## = Obtain <color=#D99114>Most Assists</color> in Quick or Ranked
Match to increase Honor Points for the <color=#D99114>Aegis Aura</color>. \n\nWhen
enough points are accumulated, you can obtain the <color=#D99114>Aegis Aura</color>
54F6C4E7BE4E51DD_## = Sử dụng để đổi trang phục miễn phí (chỉ từ 10.1 - 16.1)
54f6d30cbfe61fb3 = Music
54FAF7FADD891CEA_## =
54FBB69E1A87010D_## = Lauriel<color=#f6bf17ff> will stand by you and fight with
you</color> in the battle!
550180196D733241_## =
55063EF797515431_## = 7 日累積簽到
550FFE580ACD7EE9_## =
5511350114A201B4_## = Chơi bản đồ 5v5 Miền đất hứa (Thường & Hạng) để nhận ruby
miễn phí
55157321A4806165_## = Trial Card: Try out Wukong's skin: Agent for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
5519D14D81C03373_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
551BFCDF9518AB8D_## = Hidden Weapons
551CDC6650572E51_## =
551EFF66723FBA44_## = Contains 10 Gems, 700 Gold and 1 lvl 1 Arcana: Gale
5523BF4E4F1EED0B_## = Combo thử Nakroth 1n
55246A927AC5D6D2_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
5524F2E7C26AA491_## = 26.11 - Đăng nhập giờ vàng
552603BBAA290AA3_## = Blue Outer Tower
552A09A3D5AB0210_## = Warrior
552a89e029fdebbd = 552a89e029fdebbd_##
552DA97CAFB4383C_## =
552F04AB3579F1F9_## = Base Damage
5536F24E95092C2D_## = Kill all the enemies\non the screen!
5536FD2D6D744137_## =
553a3945f3fd2943 = Amount
553B2696EA788AC9_## =
553C3C42DED3079A_## = Zill
553CF2F3FFF42711_## = Your backpack is full. New items will be sent via mail,
please be aware of your mail quota.
55417C2455F2FBF4_## = Firefighter
5542C5A20D2BD455_## =
55433318C00F3A1F_## = Contains 10 Gems, 1300 Gold and 1 lvl 2 Arcana: Final Battle
5544F838F74AAB36_## =
5545FF97C4FD674B_## = "Death reigns eternal!"\n\nOmen the Insatiable was a killing
machine. He was born from the deepest, darkest depths of the demon abyss, a place
as cold and soulless as he. Even demons born of the same abyss refused to stand by
him, fearing that his chill would wipe them away.\n\nDespite this, Omen rarely
graced the stage of war. For Omen lived only to kill – not just his enemies, but
fellow demons and the Lokheim fighting alongside him. All who could use him, feared
him. Suffice to say, he was a loose cannon nobody wanted.\n\nThe leader of the
Lokheim, Maloch, was at a loss. He understood Omen was the physical manifestation
of the Lokheim's desire to kill, and that retribution would be swift should he try
to leash Omen's abilities. In the end, Maloch could only hide Omen away in the
abyss. There he stayed, forgotten, until Arduin's army invaded Maloch's
ranks.\n\nMaloch was badly injured and Veera was busy leading what was left of
their army against Arduin's main forces. Neither had the energy to spare to defend
themselves against Arduin's reinforcements. In desperation, Omen was awakened from
his deep slumber, unleashing the murderous desires suppressed for many years. Omen
stood alone on the passage of frost, fighting off every last member of Arduin's
army. No tales of this battle were ever shared as there was no one left alive to
tell them.\n\nSatiated, Omen once again found peace. But tales of his return soon
spread across the land.\n\n"He's the physical manifestation of the abyss! The
bringer of senseless wars and gruesome murders!"
5546A6472FE56945_## = Mganga
554A799F04868037_## =
555010ACE39EA578_## = Long Range
5550527C1CA498B7_## =
5550B1145C8EDFB7_## =
555329195882D69B_## =
55551A44A1D9E93B_## =
555630489C674AAE_## = Thu thập Bánh Chưng và Đầu lân để đổi thưởng Tết mỗi ngày
5557483A8B83A882_## = Rương may mắn Nakroth mua 4 tặng 1 cực HOT! Mua ngay nào!
555A2390BC5464F3_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
555B549A2646120D_## = Tỉnh Bắc Kạn
555BD5A346E20D59_## = Wind Blade
555C6B221286990E_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
555CC5E69CC708D6_## =
5571A030A4667C68_## =
5573A4B1BC9C385A_## =
5575771209EDB9A2_## =
55768FA215E3CA48_## =
557801CE7D819EE1_## = Butterfly
557A77A070E2C678_## =
557C4ACE5E997CF6_## =
557d5cfad3bf9fdd = Cleared
558171A1B5DC2397_## = 26.11 - Đăng nhập giờ vàng
55842C96D9D0E64F_## =
55870A41874ADB63_## =
558D46FF458217AA_## = Let me kiss it and make it all better.
558DCA574B72FC70_## = Superman
5590DB2AF90B8EB5_## =
5593A7E5729A2D97_## =
55940651e85007fc = Equip Arcana to boost your Heroes.
55946BF35BA1FBE9_## =
5595A5AF32C7542B_## =
559679F9588EA614_## = Share trang phục nhận quà Giáng sinh
5596E24233608632_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Cresht + trang phục Thợ nối cáp biển
55989D22EA8D8FF7_## = The Forgotten
559A2F17A8E52547_## = The Kunoichi
559BB7627C643CCC_## =
559C02D3156AD770_## = Đấu trường Huyền thoại
55A1EA542C1898F6_## = Congratulations, you are now one step closer to becoming a
true hero!
55A35EC6D572F0DE_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng và Kinh Kong - kiếm quà Liên Quân
55A4C63FE86CD5A7_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
55AAA62A58A860D0_## =
55AB07EBD1127962_## = Flying duration
55AE28F20F6BEADF_## = Airi
55B0BF7527E54FA4_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
55B28AD20AF93D4A_## = Base Damage
55B46A16B07384A5_## = Gildur
55B498C83FBEF407_## =
55B4B5616D36B0E8_## = Tel'Annas
55B61921471ABC79_## = obsolete+3f621d1369b157c7
55B85F2B5B57DCD1_## =
55BFE2CA9152C5BA_## = Base Damage
55C01EFE304D85C8_## =
55CA5B20110FFFC7_## =
55CAC8FA06782DAA_## = When a non-hero enemy dies near TeeMee, the brothers quickly
pick up the spoils and give nearby allies an extra {0}% gold.
55CD31A28661FEEE_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tiêu Quân Huy - nhận ưu đãi của bạn, xin
mời kiểm tra!
55CFE4C03BD3F75E_## = 本週活動精選
55CFEDC5DE1FAC6A_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
55D115C615858A6A_## =
55d54c2818da13d3 = 55d54c2818da13d3_##
55DB0C3CF5CC7659_## =
55E17463AB2BD226_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
55E3729DB166FF06_## = Ignis
55EA7EDAC1CF903E_## =
55EDF50E50B5CBE6_## = Rương thời trang Butterfly
55EE1889AEF0B5DE_## =
55EFBA8EDFCDF690_## =
55F480CCBBCA6803_## =
55f4bbfc1a75cc3a = Training Camp
55F5B07EEC66CAAE_## = Invincible
55f6c42974edc370 = 55f6c42974edc370_##
55f8dee1cf6f440f = Privacy Policy
55FB323DC9B8A902_## = Casanova
55FC1633DF6D4D71_## =
56020ACEDCDC53D6_## =
560399E959800C06_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
5605D09655CB8707_## =
5608655FC2F4F12D_## =
560A4DFEFFC45D2E_## =
560C2FBDC635326A_## = Melee
560F4F11AC875934_## = 本週活動精選
56125941C7F10642_## = 签到图片
56145528893E0382_## = Zephys’ exclusive Skin: Halloween Scream
5619267EEE6AB056_## = Sử dụng Murad trong chế độ đánh thường để nhận Kiếm Murad
561FD6A79C2B0CB9_## = Trial Card: Try out Taara's skin: Tribal Chief for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
562E2FDDCCF0A13A_## =
5631FB1CC2C936F2_## =
56322EF9DEEAB8E3_## = Toro's passive gives him excellent maneuverability. When you
think you're about to be immobilized, use an ability to counter those effects.
Cooldown speed and HP are incredibly important, so try to purchase items and arcana
that boost these attributes.
56348CA5082DD754_## =
563525DEBB8AC1E4_## = The Plague Wyvern boosts Preyta's movement speed.
5636A16F143EFBE0_## = TeeMee
5636CB559A63A8DB_## =
563C76D68D53F61E_## = Mời bạn bè chơi game để nhận Ruby miễn phí!
563D0FFDE0F0695A_## =
56457441B9AB6583_## = Airi slings her shuriken to slice enemies along the path,
dealing {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>
and stunning enemies in her path.
56458C4C80503220_## =
564597B2B9DCC0CC_## =
56490619FB2B74B2_## = Arthur
5649D674EF708667_## = Diaochan
564C7BA4AFB4CACF_## = 本週活動精選
564ECCF26C4FA1E7_## = 26.11 - Thưởng đấu đặc biệt
564FB2065B7A98AC_## = Blue Inner Tower
56502DAF060D00C2_## =
5653691E17F3E4F3_## = Use Thunderbird on enemies with low HP to help activate
Tulen's passive. Use Lightning Strike to move Tulen to a good position to launch
further attacks.
5655FA6E7A8F61AF_## = Gói Sát thủ
5656DF0ADE6A8796_## = Tap<color=#f6bf17ff> the Arcana slot</color>
565AAF0D0B6960D8_## = True Damage
565AB6EBDF873491_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
56602CA367357FEB_## =
5661A5A5DCC39FE3_## = Count
5663065C7F409CD4_## = Thẻ thử tướng + skin (7n)
56679ED0B20DD65F_## = Thu thập dấu ấn Murad M-TP (Khăn choàng)
566B807C8966144B_## =
566BFB5374635C16_## = Cybercore Level 5
566C9DACC26DE9EC_## =
566DB7DDD67E455D_## =
566EBF4AEB4CEE66_## = Thu thập Bánh Chưng và Đầu lân để đổi thưởng Tết mỗi ngày
566FB74C4A80D6C8_## =
5670C548BCB9EE17_## =
5673040194B3D7E9_## = Remaining idle or abandoning a match ruins the experience for
the other 9 players.
5673EF3C51C778A3_## = Tăng 100% Exp Đấu Hạng 5v5
56773ECD8B03E553_## = Unknown
567867C011352C34_## =
56793B0CB3D63402_## =
567A3A43947E5964_## = 7 日累積簽到
567AF14258224F33_## =
567E11136C2B0D25_## =
567E85A727B34A8D_## = mở ngẫu nhiên 1-5 Ruby, hoặc thẻ 1 ngày trải nghiệm một
trong các tướng Zephys, Kahlii, Alice, Ormarr, Azzen'Ka, Yorn, Omega, Thane
568218175198ED97_## =
5683560ec1fb4d23 = 5683560ec1fb4d23_##
56847ABD496A87BD_## =
5686AC842F503DB4_## = Đăng nhập giờ vàng
568A23157691D2A9_## = Taara
568A76BE3CEFF452_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Đỏ)
568F67033A137E65_## = (Abilities that impair enemy movement)
569041BEE017E48D_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
5696820E83B5B08F_## = <blankspace89>
569721A69D50FD26_## = Level 21 Chest
569D5069171D52B1_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với tướng chỉ định {C}/{T} lần
569FC5DF80176BFB_## = Trick Blade
56A15F52F18CAF60_## =
56A1C01BE2FDBD3F_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK {C}/{T}
56A3784167835EF6_## = Burst
56A45E61DC0B160E_## = Original
56A5C98D41E65B29_## =
56A5F2E051F34458_## = Platinum I
56A60D4FB6F2EC9D_## =
56A61674BD4710B8_## = Mage
56AA35B25B92B893_## = Grakk
56AACAD63FB077DD_## =
56ABFDB090425D03_## = Trial Card: Try out Krixi's skin: Summer Bash
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
56B2580E6F916B01_## = Taara
56B4B5F6BDED6165_## =
56B4D444D0E09822_## =
56B5AE2CCD18B121_## = Zephys
56B96DCB17FE86D2_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
56B9F25A1FD3D7E0_## = Sustained Damage, Burst
56BA972A261C815A_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
56BB00FBCA80DBA5_## = Support
56c287bf65ed1d31 = Timer sec
56C3AC121F73A61C_## = Control
56C44BD947246282_## = Zephys unleashes a series of rapid attacks, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> with each
attack to the enemies in front of him. Each hit on an enemy hero restores {2}
<color=#f18d00>(+{3})</color> HP to Zephys.
56C5FD8CAE20E3AB_## = Arduin
56C6D72D45BE7CAD_## =
56CF4D6C4A3D89E6_## =
56CFB586FEE78744_## =
56D5DCDA2E0D95D0_## = Thẻ thử tướng Slimz (1 ngày) + 1 Vé quay Kho báu
56DA13245788823C_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
56DD615E0FD5C559_## =
56DF8016E2F5B1F1_## = Mage
56E21A3C487B051F_## = Butterfly
56E947928DDA6C55_## = Trial Card: Try out Krixi's skin: Lunar Fairy
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
56EA52224A9B1D37_## =
56EB8C31C9C0D9FE_## =
56EBB0BD2899F59D_## = Original
56EC0133BE03C4F8_## = 12-18 minutes
56F365D61D2DAB2A_## =
56F49DDE04524434_## = Rương may mắn Lauriel
56F6BF7D19086759_## = Murad
56F6D7B2DDA76BDC_## = Peura summons an owl to attack enemies. The owl flies between
the enemy units and deals {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
damage</color> each hit (up to 6 hits) and stuns enemies temporarily. When there
are 2 or more enemy targets, the same enemy can be hit more than once.
56F87492A1574C34_## =
56F8E1F608D282C3_## =
56F8F517E7BF3E5D_## =
56FCF64F39E1AADB_## = Thú nuôi yêu thích trong dàn trang phục của Natalya mỗi mùa
Giáng sinh. Mở để nhận 20-50 Ruby
570090dae22dfbe8 = 570090dae22dfbe8_##
5700ECABE32FF6F0_## = Evolve to higher levels to obtain special sounds and visual
5700F7E0021323C1_## = Red Gunner
570420E2E69E0C13_## =
5705ADFBBAFF5BFE_## = 签到图片
5707214d2ed1ac22 = 5707214d2ed1ac22_##
570B2A635A9FE789_## =
570C6640F2A2C8FB_## =
570D97CFB721B599_## = Moren is a powerful Marksman that gets stronger as the battle
rages on. Farm with Precision to buy better equipment that increases both
survivability and damage.
570E81F7F5A3AB69_## = Tank
5715274398CE980D_## =
5715D6FF57B1A59C_## =
5715E4D213230C1F_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
57171652C8028262_## = Trial Card: Try out Astrid's skin: Regnant
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
5717b8c0141b397e = 5717b8c0141b397e_##
571AA9D40325E91A_## = Level 28 Chest
571AD8BB161DAB15_## =
571B5F74103C2D58_## =
571C066943930838_## =
571CE2C115858DE7_## =
571EEF64E133D389_## =
572362A99F3B88EA_## =
5729877012037E5C_## =
572DE527D734AEBB_## =
572EF9A0BD425FBD_## =
5730195F62B7CEE4_## = Attack Damage +70, Cooldown Speed +10%\n[Armor Pierce +40%]
573151C48AC5FA48_## = Violet
5732C102CA0A97DC_## =
5735182e15908c09 = 5735182e15908c09_##
5738EE13759678CC_## = 参与 5V5
5739BB7B58FCB9E1_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK để nhận ruby miễn phí (Đấu
5741F94667B185D1_## = Unknown
57455A8619494759_## = Tham gia mỗi ngày để nhận mảnh ghép năm mới và đổi lấy cơ
hội sở hữu bộ đôi trang phục giới hạn Long kỵ sĩ và Nghệ nhân Lân!
57460BCA39723546_## =
574625B7AC7D51CD_## =
5748F8CDAEE1276E_## =
5749F7CBC96FB7AA_## =
574B82ED2C0F570B_## = Normal Attack
574C671EEA49A7F6_## =
574cab5e66d38f05 = 574cab5e66d38f05_##
574CC5B571B00704_## =
574E860BF996C3C0_## =
574EA881D950A30B_## = Wonder Woman
575AE59DA77DD809_## =
575C6B54A68F3142_## = Wukong's Disguise
575F523053DB9A56_## = Đây là phần thưởng Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
575FDC6B3BB9D7E6_## = Taara swings her hammer in circles, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> twice to each
enemy within range.
57631464406C8B9C_## =
57699B3314B07036_## =
576A303627A3ECA4_## = Azzen'Ka's abilities apply a Sand Trap stack on the enemy.
After reaching 3 stacks, the enemy will be petrified and suffer {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>.
576E3321D860C30D_## = Trial Card: Try out Batman for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
5778A56B9DBEAC08_## = "Wukong, you'll reap what you sow!"\n\nToro still held a
grudge against Wukong even after all of those years. As the master of Accumlated
Thunder Mountain and Emerald Cloud Mountain, Toro was considered one of the great
lords of the world. His strength and power were so renowned that he was ranked as
the highest of the seven demon kings, even above the great Wukong.\n\nIndeed, Toro
once shared a good time with Wukong, but everything had turned sour since Wukong's
epic journey. Because of Wukong, Toro's concubine was killed and his son taken away
by Boddhisattva Guanyin. "We're sworn brothers and we said we would be brothers no
matter what. Why is he always messing with me?" Toro still loses his mind every
time he thinks of these tragic events.\n\nToro wanted to confront Wukong to set
things straight, but Wukong had become a Buddha upon finishing his journey. Toro
felt inferior. After learning that Wukong was heading to Athanor, Toro seized the
opportunity and followed Wukong. He won the Afata's trust by revealing his true
identity and now looks forward to the decisive battle with his sworn
brother.\n\n"Where is that stupid monkey? I'm gonna teach him a lesson… with my
5779C4BF1729247A_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng{C}/{T}
577D90AA3915AA73_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
577E8100A55068AC_## =
57808B97473F3021_## =
578108F8385EB645_## = Tết đến rồi!
57868FEEC24CEC43_## = Moren
578734BDE1FF66DD_## = Viper
578EC761CE9DECC9_## =
578EE344403FB0F0_## =
579377903f447846 = 579377903f447846_##
579413DE1EB619C5_## = Butterfly
5797938CE5FB6E6A_## = Base Damage
579977B92D81BE49_## = Base Damage
5799AA5AB80B9B70_## = Tham gia mỗi ngày để nhận mảnh ghép năm mới và đổi lấy cơ
hội sở hữu bộ đôi trang phục giới hạn Long kỵ sĩ và Nghệ nhân Lân!
579B8C54EDEAC4FB_## =
579C7C8D9E3036C4_## = Max
579D074E0900D9AA_## = 签到图片
57A0CFBBA83ED952_## = Original
57A4853F3A027E50_## =
57A71B19F83E98FE_## = 7 日累積簽到
57A8D14A044507A6_## = Gildur
57AEC95C3729F32F_## = Suspension Warning
57AFD6DD00000422_## = (Has control abilities and buffs)
57B8A68FFEBE1935_## = Impale's cooldown is reduced by 1 second whenever Lu Bu hits
a target with an ability or normal attack.
57C29DB28FFCB32B_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 hạng mỗi ngày
57C34F13B46C044D_## = Time Warp
57C4B18B26CF9015_## =
57C90DF0C174B499_## =
57CD2A30182590CE_## =
57D23CAB858672EB_## = Trial Card: Try out Violet's skin: Sharpshooter
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
57D81047D367E4C8_## =
57D9ECCC3204928F_## =
57DD2D4DE501EE19_## =
57DEF2048D9C47CD_## =
57DF067CACD2B87A_## = Trial Card: Try out Zephys' skin: Sentinel
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
57DFFC4AE255E013_## = Trial Card: Try out Mganga's skin: Murder Clown for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
57E0CBE2D5FBFC60_## =
57E1CF260DAAFF84_## =
57E2720C44A9597D_## = Support
57E85020BD436511_## =
57EC9402A18A3475_## = Lu Bu
57ED31D277C4E4BB_## =
57EE13DD686C6EA7_## = Wonder Woman
57F064BDDFE60EC5_## =
57F2DCB0A2646783_## = Steel
57F46D7E6ED4E2D4_## = 7 日累積簽到
57F62061E4DD2A67_## =
57FD8F0E74F8B1F5_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
57FD9A64A8C93D81_## = Movement Speed
580090AE69A17219_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
58016380001D0AAD_## = Refusing Death
580993A0CF315D4B_## = 参与 5V5
580A451DA4ABB79E_## =
580B3BC7E2B09309_## = Obtain <color=#D99114>Most Gold</color> in Quick or Ranked
Match to increase Honor Points for the <color=#D99114>Wealth of Nations</color>.
\n\nWhen enough points are accumulated, you can obtain the <color=#D99114>Wealth of
Nations</color> Badge.
580B73F6341D67C7_## =
58139A1B4DBE902E_## =
58155E27EFCC325C_## =
581638221BF142C5_## =
5816AA0AF2F01108_## = Base Damage
581CF3E60F942D4C_## = <color=#f6bf17ff>"BULLET STORM"</color> can damage enemies in
a wide arc.
582542EED43BE7B5_## = Attack Damage +1.6 \nMovement Speed +1%
58273C5D871D9646_## =
58284343164CFE36_## =
58299164ED68230A_## = Roxi-Atk-01
5829E31922A2C863_## =
5831B84C287EA80D_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
5831BCF03E5D2311_## = Unique Passive - Elemental Power: After using an ability, the
next normal attack deals additional magic damage equal to 30% of attack damage
(+80% ability power). 2-second cooldown.
58347DFB17F7F6C1_## =
5835BB0E2F762429_## =
583718ebe269717e = Text reminder
5839A0CFF58E865E_## =
5839C1D3085AA011_## =
583A88B5469FBFD7_## =
583D4121901E478D_## = (Provides buffs to allies while attacking)
583F2435FD554307_## =
58404252500F2469_## = Blue Base
584078E94614F286_## = Magic Defense +110 \nUnique Passive: [Movement Speed +60]
[Resistance +35%]
5841F5793809CC22_## =
58441F5A064CDBF5_## = Earn MVP {0} [/0:$(time|times)/] in total
5846E211ACB3BF63_## =
5846E5B588D3CFD4_## = When Kriknak's ability hits an enemy, the next normal attack
will be enhanced and deal an additional
<color=#f18d00>[162030p1q3*k1/10000]</color> <color=#ca3939>physical
58498C1AAC0984B4_## = Unknown
584A0A36DB7C834F_## = EXP
584a1e08d137614a = 584a1e08d137614a_##
584F4CCBE3A3BCEE_## = Trial Card: Try out Omen for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day.
You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
584FBB89F8257D8B_## =
58531CD5FFE70E30_## = EXP and Gold for the whole team.
58550D88C1325620_## =
5855FDBB67DD67AA_## = Trial Card: Try out Xeniel for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
5859B804EC11EDA7_## =
585BC7932B128285_## =
585CFA12D4AEEC78_## = 签到图片
5861576F18FA8806_## = Legendary
58642223C6B6CF42_## = Unknown
58663ED59ABBC0FF_## =
5868E924B281E28A_## = Đăng nhập giờ vàng
586E1110FA09E115_## = Each normal attack increases Kil'Groth's attack speed by {0}-
{1}% (scales with hero level), stacks up to {2} times. Kil'Groth's 3rd normal
attack has a longer attack range.
586E65362C63D078_## =
586E83E6BCEE3B49_## = Long Range
58703f71a7310b6e = 58703f71a7310b6e_##
5871322537969BC3_## = Trial Card: Try out Batman's skin: Hellbat for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
58757EB69835E85E_## = Batman
5878DC5B870A813C_## = Tap here to change avatars
5879C72CB8CE63FD_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Chiến thắng)
587D76FFF9521FB1_## = 签到图片
58815FBC875000FD_## = Dragons dwelled inside the body of their newest descendant,
Airi the Kunoichi. Her every breath seemed to exhibit the power of dragons.\n\nMany
ninja clans had only come into existence recently, but the mysterious Oriental
Dragons had been around for generations. This reclusive clan of ninjas loyally
protect the peace and tranquility of the realm using the power of the ancient
dragons. As the leader of a new generation of ninjas, Airi had not only inherited
the title of "Kunoichi", her incredible talents had also earned the approval of the
Ancient Dragon. She has been bestowed with the almighty Dragon's Mark as
well.\n\nAs night engulfed day, the elite Ninjas led by Airi rushed to save the
Temple of Light from the evil forces that surrounded it. Using her shadow clone
ability, Airi passed with ease through the savage bombardment of black magic. The
iron wall made up of thousands of Fallen crumpled beneath her feet. She transformed
herself into a sharp blade and hurled herself straight at Maloch, the commander of
the Demon Army, leaving a bloody trail of corpses in her wake.\n\nAiri took more
and more wounds as she fought her way towards Maloch. By the time she finally
reached him, she had defeated nearly all of his demon guards. Airi was punished for
her actions with three more mortal wounds. With her strength depleted, Airi
realized that she wouldn't stand a chance in a drawn-out battle, so she activated
the last bit of power in her Dragon's Mark, raised her blade and sliced at Maloch.
In that moment, Maloch was unable to lift his own weapon. He was so overcome by the
unleashed dragon spirit that he could only use his demon wings to shield himself
from Airi's attacks.\n\nThe blade rose and fell. Blood hotter than lava gushed out
from a wound in Maloch's chest and the impregnable demon wings were tattered. The
force from Airi's blade had completely stripped the invincible commander of his
combat abilities. Maloch was forced to return to the demon abyss to recover and, in
turn, left the demon army their demise.\n\nAiri's determination, demonstrated in
this battle, immediately earned her the respect of everyone. Even the most
despicable of demons could not hide their fear of Airi's blade.
58817A8CE8FFAA9B_## =
588374E0B0B39CB7_## =
5885C73B022D2772_## = Claim up to 5 gifts of Gold from friends per day!\nSend Gold
to friends without losing any of your own!
58873EA274DDBAD9_## =
5888FE64601D9578_## = Shutterbug
588CEF88CB107756_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK để nhận ruby miễn phí (Đấu
588E93DEFD26FFFB_## =
588FF52D9DC05D0F_## = Dandy
5890611FD4CC24D8_## = Static Shock
5893133545D18301_## = Đăng nhập giờ vàng
5896F60FCD582FF2_## = Butterfly
58981B52E1B98BD1_## = Combo Thử tướng + Vé Quay
5898A31A3B9C2414_## = I'll take care of the enemies you can't handle.
589BD78204F2C38B_## =
589F59CCCD391350_## = Minimum Damage
58A1C6779A9C5147_## =
58A8E843CEC7DA2D_## = Sand Punch
58A970CF4D703809_## =
58AA42CB83F7A7D4_## = Trial Card: Try out Grakk's skin: Snowsickle for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
58ABF5715FF28436_## =
58AED855B40EBA1D_## = Try to hit as many enemies as possible with Conqueror to take
advantage of Lu Bu's bonus life steal from this ability.
58B134CF6C7E7BC4_## =
58B41B941B76A223_## =
58B4A29A229C2752_## = Nakroth
58B59DB98576DEF9_## =
58BF462CB6F7E7AE_## =
58C472DE85BC8573_## = Đón Xuân mới - Khuyến mãi nạp thẻ mỗi ngày!
58C962623343FD35_## =
58CA812ED4B1DF3E_## = Chơi tướng D.C - Cơ hội xem phim miễn phí!
58D0DE3F7E0D74D3_## =
58D5860F80B5372E_## = 签到图片
58D79A44651E76A3_## =
58D909C70D0286EA_## = Pay attention to the team composition.
58DA487DCD8ABA4F_## =
58DB25D99B48967E_## =
58dfab3c9e2b559f = Training Camp
58E09D439D463ADB_## = Trial Card: Try out Lumburr's skin: Magma for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
58E6F370325BE32C_## =
58e73f732f4b1db3 = Search
58E912B5AF9EA1C1_## =
58EB1ABE440323AD_## = High burst damage
58ebc957954afdff = Armory
58EF01A022B3C98D_## =
58EFB146009B12E5_## =
58F2317B78BBC56A_## =
58F639F2EE67C22C_## = 好友大作战
58F718577B3C6431_## = Có thể sử dụng để đổi tướng Joker khi ra mắt
58F750C84D00D7C1_## = Trial Card: Try out Gildur's skin: Biker for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this skin.
58F95A6BC3EDE9D9_## = Quy đổi ngọc đỏ cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
58ff3a222814a684 = No friends are online. Search for friends under the "Find
Friends" tab.
5906E249D82806F3_## = Ravenous Beasts
59090CCA6A2275BF_## = Nhà thám hiểm
590B6B02ACC4C21B_## = Trial Card: Try out Ormarr's skin: Superset
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
591DFA09CA73EF7F_## = Thi đấu xếp hạng và giành chiến thắng để nhận thưởng sự kiện
59238EE0F9B99564_## =
59251ACEE2654FE9_## = Base Damage
5928CFC346112291_## = Not Available
592CDE5BD771B823_## =
592EAC4FB91A5EB3_## = Corpse Bride
592EFB7F6514D90C_## = Ice Queen
5933E88AB75B7FD2_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
59393D28D5A70706_## =
593C20B390C267FD_## = Cá cắn cáp
594018DF5AE9C4C5_## = Return to the<color=#f6bf17ff> Main Menu</color>
5941C2D094482D64_## =
5942A2B0667707F7_## =
5944B639BD5697DB_## = Double EXP Card:\n4-Wins
5947c1b0b24262f6 = Damage to Heroes
594C6708A3BE8EA5_## = Every 3% of HP lost grants 1% damage reduction.
594CD5AD41C3FEA5_## = Nhận mảnh ghép năm mới để đổi lấy 1 trang phục Miễn phí!
Mảnh còn lại (Chúc mừng năm mới) có thể nhận được từ sự kiện đăng nhập!
594CEE1554A68D52_## = Unknown
594E9807E9F5D6C5_## = Max rushes towards his target and flips over them, landing on
their opposite side. Once on the other side, Max activates a magnetic force field
that reduces Max's damage taken by {0}% for {1} seconds. This ability can be used
again within 4 seconds.
594fe50756691535 = Armor
5950DC8E6CAF155E_## = Attack
5953227E243CE703_## = Dread Judge
5956136363C9F58E_## = Dire Blow makes Astrid immune to all damage, which is
invaluable when she has low HP. This allows Astrid to deal heavy damage and stun
enemies while running to safety.
59595EFF663B22DE_## = Structure
5959FE71A9A5D4CA_## =
595A9DEA24937D0B_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Tím)
595DAC04A8E2D2AE_## = Reached Platinum Tier
595FDDC2F7111CCB_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
59647523FB793D27_## =
5969D868D401D4EC_## = Marvelous! We have killed<color=#f6bf17ff> the Garnak</color>

596B10A007A7A507_## = Violet rolls forward, enhances her next normal attack and
deals {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to
enemies on a straight line. The subsequent normal attack within a short period of
time retains the range of the enhanced normal attack. Tactical Fire also grants a
{2}% movement speed bonus that declines over 2 seconds if there are enemy heroes
nearby after rolling.
596D2B39A6B2676B_## =
596D3DD21638B5E7_## = Thu thập 2 mảnh Chúc mừng năm mới và Mậu Tuất 2018 để đổi 1
trang phục miễn phí tùy chọn!
596EC38C72480B3F_## = Turn the Tides
596F7A4E203F1367_## = The Dark Knight
5971133C93553EFB_## = Đổi quà tình nhân
59727550D220007C_## = Tặng thêm 1 vé quay khi mua 4 vé quay!
59732FB309845EE0_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
5974F8E0387F2759_## =
597572ABF9271056_## =
59799A9473ABBC0B_## = Mở để nhận 1 Vé quay + 3 Loa to + Thẻ x2 EXP 3 ngày
598080DFD650FDF5_## = Tank
59819DA9286C9585_## = Lauriel
5982686FF00F4E0C_## = Unknown
59828D472F85C9F4_## = Batman launches an explosive Batarang that deals {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies and
reduces their movement speed. The target will receive additional
<color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> equal to <color=#f8be32>{2}% of their lost
HP</color> after 3 seconds. Enemies hit are stunned if attacked by Batman again,
and Batman restores {3} <color=#f18d00>(+{4})</color> HP.
5984BA43541727C2_## =
5984C240EF634A09_## =
5984E6CD4B31E157_## = Marksman
5985966B4EFF0DD8_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
598ACB5823C5D0DE_## =
598F807C447244FE_## = Cooldown
59908066B8CF0BC4_## = Wrecking
59930E44DFFFD12A_## =
599533D7D70E95D7_## = Trial Card: Try out TeeMee for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this hero.
59984606957D131A_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
59998E596CDC56E4_## =
599B7C17C9E68C03_## = 5V5 经验翻倍
599FE2CFED9B1D23_## = 参与飞钩
59A2450DE7FE4BF5_## = Keep a distance between Ryoma and his enemies to fully
exploit his damage output. If you find yourself too close to your enemies use
Pinwheel to open some space.
59A2E381C38A58B4_## = Jungling, Burst
59A426148D2B1111_## = Mừng ngày Quốc tế Phụ nữ 8.3, thắng đấu hạng với tướng nữ
để nhận Ruby & thẻ thử trang phục giới hạn Mina - Tiểu thư đoạt hồn!
59A9D992C43C4A94_## = Fox Form
59AB977BBF72626F_## =
59AD2FEEC28ABE1F_## =
59ADB8168CEC4FDA_## =
59AE0CB9364EC9D6_## = 好友大作战
59B11235F76FB00B_## =
59B540D5DC184142_## = Dragon's Wrath
59B9559581176D4D_## = Attack Speed +25%\n[Vital Point]
59B974B0F352A88F_## =
59BC153B71AD73C6_## =
59C145D066CE1265_## = Alice
59C192517F5792F8_## =
59C60DD255960628_## = Maximum Damage
59C62161C5FD72E9_## =
59C6BCFAC71EE0F6_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Chơi game)
59C6D0AB2321B2A5_## = Chain Hammer Cyclone
59C6D76A1A53ACE2_## = Let's test your aim!
59C7AB637C974C98_## = "I'm the Queen of the Night, my name is Veera."\n\nThe
ancient books said that Veera was the most devout and powerful apostle of the Great
Ones. Long did she pray and beseech their wisdom, but long have they remained
silent. \n\nEager to prove her mettle, she attempted to take on the Ravagers alone.
Surely with their demise by her hand, the Great Ones would reward her with glory.
However, it may also be that same hubris that made the Great Ones so disgusted with
her.\n\nThough she fought bravely and peerlessly, inevitably she was captured. The
tortures she suffered need not be mentioned. All that matters was those bright
eyes, which once looked up to the heavens for guidance, are now filled with malice
and dark fire.\n\nMaloch, the leader of the Ravagers, personally performed the
tortures, which founded a dark and awful relationship between the two. From then
on, she was always by his side, commanding his armies and vanquishing his
foes.\n\nBut she always preferred the silent approach, bringing down the mightiest
foes with her wiles and charms. Tome upon tome had been written to warn off men who
might ever come across her path to not to listen to the dark shadows whispering
promises of greatness; all that lies at the end of that road is doom. \n\nThe Queen
of Night is patient. She knows ultimately she will always have her way. She will be
the last one standing. She still dreams of the day she can bathe in the Great Ones'
blood and look them in the eyes, so that they may know her wrath.
59CD1261A88EEEE6_## =
59CD444EF4BB8EC5_## = Don't Rush In
59D187A8DEA10BCB_## = Choose any of the<color=#f6bf17ff> three</color> battle lanes
and destroy the enemy defense towers on it. Destroy the enemy base to achieve
59DE1ACDF1666825_## = Gói 30% KM Raz + skin
59E1064B8FB8575E_## = Warrior giftbag
59E11534014ACFE6_## = 本週活動精選
59E3889EB9DCD316_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mừng xuân Đinh Dậu,
59E5C1B520779D1B_## = Base Damage
59EEE199A356BE85_## =
59EF084D04AB64CF_## =
59F1A35F02C0D546_## = Running out of gold? Tap here
59F383276C68E146_## = Seasoned
59F40F86CAB277A2_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
59F50A2872CD9CBF_## = Your<color=#f6bf17ff> Credibility Score</color> is an
evaluation of your in-game behavior. A good score will give you extra rewards while
a low score may lead to punishment.
59F56D44C1D6B9FC_## =
59F6AD736AD72BEC_## =
59F9B76E6DC6394D_## =
59FC3B13650C6928_## = Shield Bonus
59fcc734c2ed2e8d = 59fcc734c2ed2e8d_##
59FE06C6E7D2C0F7_## =
5A011E9F6F05913A_## = Tank
5A02A567D5EE4D17_## = Contains 10 Gems, 1300 Gold and 1 lvl 2 Arcana: Brute Force
5A0330F812D5DD30_## =
5A03FEDC0ED2A23A_## =
5A082BC9CB2DC599_## = Tel'Annas
5A0BF4913D8ECF17_## = Tiêu Quân huy {C}/{T}
5A130E1609D3E340_## = 本週活動精選
5A14F33BE2D22315_## = Sustained Damage
5A201BD6F625E350_## = Tank
5A24479558877E19_## = Before engaging the enemy, use Pooty Poots so you can build
up its strength and unleash its maximum effects on an enemy. Being a Bro's
resurrection effect is extremely valuable, but the effect only lasts for a short
time. Be sure to time its use properly when engaged in a team battle.
5A2E3C41FB94058C_## = Players can use Angelic Splendor to aid allies in battle.
Also, raising Xeniel's maximum HP will increase his damage output and improve his
5A2F78798B32AFBF_## =
5A2FD6898632AB65_## = Thunderclap
5A32BC8C68B10DD0_## = Vanquishing<color=#f6bf17ff> Minions, Heroes,</color> and
destroying<color=#f6bf17ff> Defense Towers</color> can earn you Coins to buy
powerful equipment.
5A36698A7A83572D_## = Ice Queen
5A388198997EC956_## = Cyclone
5A38E4D4BC2DA44E_## = Viper
5A3928483B81F2C6_## = Trial Card: Try out Yorn's skin: Midnight
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
5A3A1543F5E647E8_## =
5A3F1458FF722309_## =
5A44C26C2C8AC3D0_## =
5A4D5C9F92BDCC61_## =
5A50B090DADE2C20_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
5A51E5DE7B71B622_## =
5A5275AE6C049CD4_## = Diaochan
5A5588AFB851A12F_## =
5A56422E8FFD4A42_## = Firefighter
5a634bf1851b9bce = 5a634bf1851b9bce_##
5A6958266D9217FC_## = Tap<color=#f6bf17ff> Talents</color>
5A6C17C6F8ED2CAC_## =
5A6CBDA4F46736F3_## = Tuần lễ Nguyệt tộc (Đăng nhập)
5A7677C5186D24CC_## = Trial Card: Try out Azzen'Ka's skin: Djinn for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
5a77da6e2ba67f06 = obsolete+5a77da6e2ba67f06
5A79BC864275B642_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
5A7A188696F7D326_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
5A83021ECA83475E_## = Snowsickle
5A882AE5E10A5484_## = Cooldown
5A8A4EF7B08CD2B9_## = Nạp Quân Huy trong thời gian chỉ định để có cơ hội nhận
được tướng Raz miễn phí!
5A8A75AF6D088272_## =
5a8d94cebe66618c = Trolling
5A90C3531A6848A9_## =
5A92C0B466C73497_## = [新英雄-Ignis 登場] 愛不釋手
5A951FC4B3674438_## = Chief Knight
5A956CE02798FF24_## =
5A982841FF9BC62C_## = Original
5A9D49D5B17CE3E8_## =
5AA35C9C96E36097_## =
5AA53EC483B8922D_## =
5AA7395CC7338897_## =
5AAC9F0420872D11_## =
5AACF894825FF858_## =
5AB24BFE7E68B61C_## = Mở để nhận ngẫu nhiên 1 ngọc cấp 2 hoặc 3
5AB3ACD717A85578_## = Tham gia phá trụ trong bản đồ 5v5 để nhận được Ruby miễn phí
mỗi ngày
5AB54200A0DC2D4E_## = Frostbite
5AB73C0893802013_## = Arduin swings his axe, sending out an energy arch that deals
{0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> and slows
enemy movement speed by {2}% for 2 seconds. If Arduin hits an enemy hero, he can
also smash his axe into the ground to deal {3} <color=#f18d00>(+{4})</color>
<color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> and knock enemies into the air for 1 second.
5AB797DB9F3A26B4_## =
5ABB43943F88DDC8_## =
5ABBEBB6B8158AE6_## = Tank
5ABBFE39AFF988AC_## = Đổi quà tình nhân
5AC0002697192C2D_## =
5AC8B25E27598080_## = Survivability, Sustained Damage
5AC9054558D65092_## = Trial Card: Try out Krixi's skin: Summer Bash
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have
this skin.
5ACB136DDE5DF550_## = Sustained Damage
5ACF63B47BB3955E_## =
5AD3537617BC6D22_## = Poison Gas Bomb
5ADA093299A2D12E_## = Piercing
5ADC15D42E491586_## =
5ADD96985569666E_## =
5AE1406073E89F5C_## =
5AE55A334434A0E8_## =
5AE5789B73C9589D_## = Huy hiệu đặc biệt của Nữ chiến binh Amazon. Sử dụng để đổi
thưởng trong phần sự kiện.
5AE67B0309CD147A_## =
5AE8C20D5A22C532_## = Nhận ngay Ruby miễn phí khi tham gia chế độ giải trí Móc câu
lần đầu tiên!
5AEC13144F23B024_## =
5AEC42D09538F43D_## = Murad Lucky Draw
5AEDD0DE619319D5_## =
5AF0DFC0DA6E9F5E_## =
5AF3C05C8EA59ABC_## =
5AF8584A5B3AE3EE_## = Base Damage
5af9a657625fe6b5 = 5af9a657625fe6b5_##
5AFB49159C46D936_## =
5B00D84556E3AD7D_## =
5B0491F5E0E5646C_## = TeeMee
5B0633DD83EA547B_## = Lauriel
5B091881AF1A0DB1_## = Everyone push top!
5B09CC73F49E558C_## =
5B0B579C5D179411_## =
5B0BD79F1DC5E123_## = Destroy the<color=#f6bf17ff> enemy base</color> to bring us
5B116DB6BC9E6843_## = When a non-hero enemy dies near TeeMee, the brothers quickly
pick up the spoils and give nearby allies an extra {0}% gold.
5B155D17CEF7BBBE_## =
5B18AF363C832B34_## = When you're using Raz, try to plan out the best position in
advance to avoid counterattacks. Hit enemies with a third consecutive normal attack
to stun enemies before using a combo of his abilities.
5B1E1183C21A7B6B_## =
5B1E163FC46F810B_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
5B239A726F388FC3_## =
5B25C261A8C923A7_## =
5B2AA82E704C6950_## =
5B2B879BA9E2A8D6_## = Lindis
5B2E5F9CA4F99A65_## = Mobile warriors use movement-based abilities to move around
the battlefield and better position themselves in team fights. They are balanced
with moderate damage output and defensive attributes.
5B2FABCA0D52234C_## =
5B2FDD2B9F93B30C_## =
5B306FC3EBC4C37E_## =
5B35AC8157628F7E_## =
5B375A6781815555_## = Yorn shoots an arrow that travels extremely far and deals {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>, plus
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> equal to 10% of the target's lost HP. His next
normal attack becomes a burst shot.
5B393FAC1EBAAC38_## =
5B3B96BFD88FEACF_## =
5B3C5A67BA47872F_## = Kil'Groth immediately gains <color=#f8be32>{0}</color> stacks
of <color=#f8be32>Fanatic</color>, removing all control effects for the next
<color=#f8be32>{2}</color> seconds. Also, his movement speed is increased by
<color=#f8be32>{1}%</color> for a short period.
5B3C788EDF78CCCF_## = Gold II
5B424B840FB8BC29_## =
5b43e321e5ff4e71 = (You must have 5 heroes)
5B442610FBB46672_## =
5B445D71AF4EC4FE_## = Ryoma furiously stabs with his naginata, inflicting up to 4
instances of damage on enemies. Every hit deals {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color>
<color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>. For each stab that damages an enemy hero,
Ryoma regains {2} <color=#f18d00>(+{3})</color> <color=#f8be32>HP</color> (no
additional HP gained for hitting multiple enemies with one stab).
5B484FA54AC3E030_## = Unknown
5B4B35F9E54B4915_## =
5B4EFE13F6E6E16E_## = Tỉnh Sơn La
5B50DCE428E9AC7B_## =
5B52BAB00C2826CD_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
5B5340C18CED287A_## =
5B552C4604738388_## =
5B55C5A5D2E81234_## =
5B565D281AD3B787_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
5B57B5BAF748931C_## =
5B61C307B579E4E7_## = Ngày hội của Joker 1
5B6536FADB18D9A5_## =
5b66df512bb4b0b5 = Arcana
5B6A90EEB567663A_## = Human Form Damage
5B6D587E6118D369_## = Trial Card: Try out Fennik's skin: Little Adventurer for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
5B6DE38F2A4B4E14_## = Chơi 1 trận ở mỗi chế độ để nhận bánh sinh nhật
5B74FD573B335723_## =
5B7E82F0772FF631_## = 7 日累積簽到
5B7FC47DB5A25F08_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
5B81AA6A863BEB9C_## = Congratulations! You have obtained the<color=#f6bf17ff> Sage
5B81D05ED91AB2C4_## =
5B83017BCC269915_## = Unknown
5B83E80B6CA1367E_## =
5B8508FBA27D4766_## =
5B864A451D8AB168_## =
5B884D86E62DE1D3_## = Thu thập Bánh Chưng và Đầu lân để đổi thưởng Tết mỗi ngày
5B888ACB8C0B1B3B_## = Cresht
5B8D82B30AE33B0E_## =
5B8E758655E0F396_## = Practice Makes Perfect
5B9173E6C7C72D1B_## =
5B94F9E243F775B2_## = Combo Skin Lễ hội
5B998A7039A66D59_## = 本週活動精選
5B9E5D98E4FBACD4_## = Unknown
5BA030F5D63BDF1A_## = Amuse Me
5BA2F2A8A608B48A_## = Blue Inner Tower
5BA3BF2962D77D86_## = Murad
5BA4C9F0032BAC72_## = [新英雄-Lauriel 登場] 愛不釋手
5BA8F2A492CBFEDF_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
5BACAAA6AF8F0888_## = Cooldown
5BADABB1A18C1BBF_## = Explorer
5BB1129A8FE5F92E_## = Strength
5BB1D521F4A85A7E_## =
5BB1FEF8A4C26C86_## = That all you got?
5BB270D40AB4F3AC_## = Cyberpunk
5BB3361644105A27_## = Tham gia sự kiện Tết gắn kết - Anh em chấp hết tại
sukien4.lienquan.garena.vn - Nhận Dấu ấn Tulen và đổi tướng miễn phí!
5BB361C0BDCBC009_## = Săn mục tiêu lớn
5BB497AF64A7B433_## = Trial Card: Try out Liliana's skin: Kumiho's Legacy for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
5BB50A775F702E7E_## = Structure
5BB6FBDB47603E18_## = 12-18 minutes
5BBAE8F9FEE8C26F_## = Unknown
5BBBD504B707BA54_## =
5BBEFF79C060B5C4_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Lauriel)
5BBFC9B69F6F896F_## = 签到图片
5BBFD433C0CB3D81_## = Let me get the buff.
5BC26222604AC7AB_## =
5bc3f64657bacdbb = Send
5BCB5EA9C66F9031_## = Base Damage
5BCF4B2ACB59711A_## =
5BD1215379721FDA_## =
5BD13202D89BA0E3_## =
5BD1D17F65600293_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
5BD44278DEA7A234_## = Max HP +13.5 \nMovement Speed +0.7%
5BD59EB9273842A5_## = Vé quay thưởng Murad M-TP
5BD651871F8AFC0D_## = Survivability, Control
5BD67AA177255CA7_## =
5BD69E684026741C_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5v5 cùng bạn
5BD7B20DD75046CE_## = 限時充值送好禮(test)
5BD96270ED8B29B1_## = Original
5BDB9970BA156E3D_## = Quà mừng chiến công U23 Việt Nam
5BE2AA54BF963381_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
5BE451DC59BF2C98_## =
5BE46EE551135253_## =
5be59fac05dfbf72 = 5be59fac05dfbf72_##
5BEA6FE0A395B760_## =
5BED02E2E75B9A93_## = Preyta detonates a Poison Bomb at the target location,
knocking back surrounding enemies, dealing {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color>
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> and reducing their movement speed by 50% for 2
seconds. In the Disciple of the Plague state, the Poison Bomb is replaced by nether
spikes and they also stun the targets for 1 second.
5BEE4F4D4A64CA57_## = Max
5BF34BAA058AABFF_## = Unique Passive - I'm Golden: Increases healing taken by 20%.
5BF54DA0EAB1EB10_## = 生日 Token
5BF7A8711CDA9E8E_## = Normal Attack
5BFBEE8792FD188B_## = Peura does not deal much damage but she plays an important
role in protecting her team. She performs best with an ally nearby. Use Nature's
Rally after the enemy has used up their control abilities.
5BFD46D42A43BA72_## =
5BFF95FD7F488813_## = 本週活動精選
5BFFD27BBFA39A49_## =
5C07E4D3E1A294E0_## = Cooldown
5C08FFA88BB96101_## = Trial Card: Try out Mina's skin: Fatal Scythe
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
5C0A3EA0AB1BAFCA_## = Deals double hook damage
5C0C25BBEC081EB9_## = Rương quà Wonder Woman - Ngọc
5c1354b26c3b4e5e = 5c1354b26c3b4e5e_##
5C1484142DA08B87_## = Jinnar
5C19E48742172F0F_## = Cooldown
5C1BDAAAAD60249D_## = Cơ hội nhận vĩnh viễn/thẻ thử tướng của những tay kiểm đỉnh
nhất Liên Quân!
5C1C43366CE48E77_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
5C2163D07A350FB8_## = Activation Damage
5C25E60C5E261A38_## = Rương quà U23 (Tướng)
5C28C62B556FBDD4_## = We can turn this around!
5C29EF38F1C30C28_## = Crimson
5C2D0BC32E9FF6FC_## =
5C2D1E16975B3032_## =
5C3069303A2D5E60_## =
5C339D4B2C75314C_## = Red Inner Tower
5c3400ee5a392656 = obsolete+5c3400ee5a392656
5C341CA7FC5AE12C_## =
5C37CD41D43322CF_## =
5C42E3DFDBA81817_## = Base Damage
5C45E016454AE8F3_## =
5C481A4E8ABAF375_## =
5C48C06D95196245_## = Đây là phần thưởng Thu thập Chìa khóa - Mở rương bí ẩn của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
5C4D7CB1AE8FE9CF_## =
5C51B537AE87262F_## =
5C56DD009C604FF5_## = Zulu Warrior
5C5A75F3BC3338E7_## =
5C5C4400047AB0BA_## = Trial Card: Try out Yorn for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day.
You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
5C6023B05BD17315_## = The Joker
5C615BF5B5EC7AA5_## =
5C67E4154D33CF90_## = Tee and Mee lived carefree lives before they became knights.
No matter how close the war came to the land of the Afata, the clever Mee would
always say, "The sky will never fall on me!" Meanwhile, all Tee cared about was
eating his fill each day.\n\nSadly, the good days were about to come to an end. It
became harder to find food, what with all of the forest's resources being funneled
into the war. The brothers had to get jobs cleaning up the battlefields in exchange
for food and daily necessities. Even so, Mee never let any opportunity slip him by.
"Finders keepers!" he would say.\n\nWhen the humans and the Veda joined the war,
TeeMee began to find stranger items, the most valuable of which being the armor of
a knight. It was just large enough to fit both brothers and was engraved with the
Vedan symbol for "resurrection." The masterpiece was built by Max the Wunderkind.
Sweeping (and scavenging) the battlefield may not have compared to the fray of war,
but it was still rife with danger. Still, they never in their wildest dreams
expected this armor to save their lives.\n\nOne day, in the midst of battle, the
Lokheim army suddenly retreated. After the opposing army had cleared their troops
from the battlefield, they sent in a crew to sweep up the battlefield, TeeMee among
them. It was at this time that the Lokheim army returned. Forced into battle, Mee
used all his wits to guide Tee and their allies on the battlefield, leading them to
fight back from higher ground.\n\nAnd Tee, faced with the threat of death, grew
focused and determined. He followed Mee's every command and even put himself
between their allies and danger. With the armor's incredible defenses and the power
from the engraving, TeeMee held off the Lokheim army until the army returned and
proceeded to crush their enemies.\n\nAfter the battle, the brothers were showered
with praise and gratitude, and it gave them a swell of pride. "This feels pretty
good, huh?" Mee cautiously suggested. "I love it!" Tee replied emphatically. And so
it came to pass that TeeMee fought in the front line. The brothers came away with
their share of ridiculous and funny stories, but it was their determination and
bravery that earned them respect.\n\n"We'll make our own path to the stars!" Mee
exclaimed. \n\n"To the stars!" Tee echoed.
5C69E3FFEDF7BD3A_## =
5C7167B99B965A70_## =
5C77691139DADE4E_## =
5C79F9F0892F9443_## = Unknown
5C7DA4744C6317DE_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
5C7E4D4F10494347_## =
5C809EF06BC6B31A_## = Combo Zill Dung nham
5C81518DEFEA4021_## = New cyberpunk ability effects
5C87587AD952D782_## = Mesmerize
5C877EE47EBF3B59_## = Trial Card: Try out Arthur's skin: Love Sworn for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
5C8B20914EDA5AE7_## = Makin' Moves
5C8CE0EB53AA491B_## =
5C8D68835FE1065B_## = Unknown
5C93E49580A2F0D0_## = Emerald
5C948960449766BF_## = Silver
5C94CD24DE426602_## =
5C95EDFC99AC20D5_## = Rương may mắn 7QH
5C9767A163D7B203_## = Trial Card: Try out Wukong for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color>
day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
5C99AFB5E4B1FF62_## =
5CA5BB2603623237_## =
5CA83619DD2F9080_## = Valhein
5CAD1171F856D255_## =
5CB40800333B5CC2_## = Bite
5CB4151105C4546B_## =
5CB69EC0F256349E_## =
5CB98BA85B0280D9_## =
5CBB396D1EC6C923_## = Shield Points
5CBF8EE77118D79A_## = 7 日累積簽到
5CC1E22FE82E3F37_## =
5CC7E13835838573_## = Original
5CCD2D228710475B_## = Zuka
5CD129668CDD5003_## = obsolete+a045733a1ed4ba6e
5CD168442D68C8FB_## = Standard warriors attack enemies from a close range. They are
balanced with moderate damage output and defensive attributes.
5CD16D2E90CE0AB3_## =
5CD7B4EB50632A8B_## =
5CD8028829C01F52_## = Azure
5CD87080906E9B9D_## =
5CD8AD981D75045C_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK để nhận ruby miễn phí (Đấu
5CDA7F089458CDDD_## =
5CDB4D982D20E53E_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
5CDB9B8D33C74CDE_## = Valhein
5CDD2600291810C3_## = Unique Passive - Windwalk: Increases movement speed by 10%
after exiting battle.
5CE44302FAEA00BA_## =
5CEC10D245991A7E_## = Base Damage
5CED480D93C48FEF_## = Default
5CEDB2A1C7DFDB75_## =
5CEDF843837E2BB4_## =
5CEE24A503E31BE9_## = Endurance
5CF062C99B92959D_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
5CF0E28286FAAE65_## = Snow Angel
5CF13BEC9CAA5481_## =
5CF316D4F6B50045_## =
5CF466D3E9542AC5_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
5CF6224FD39B984B_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
5CF7325472F5BCF1_## = <blankspace89>
5CF8AD388CCD0905_## =
5CF92E1261F4D1E4_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
5CFA32662F423FDB_## =
5CFC4530F08C7DA6_## = %67%67%67%67%67%67%67
5D030D7D9FD2C047_## =
5D050388DDB5F54C_## = Tham gia sự kiện Tết gắn kết - Anh em chấp hết tại
sukien8.lienquan.garena.vn - Nhận Dấu ấn Tulen và đổi tướng miễn phí!
5d061dbb1e5ad304 = Ability Targeting
5D0664F5B3699D89_## =
5D0B2BCE67D4D8C6_## = 签到图片
5D0C9450AADE93B2_## =
5D0D7F8244BEA44E_## =
5D114FC120706D3A_## =
5D132AF4B6BF4DED_## = Warrior
5D1699A739B0251F_## = Thorn of Time
5D1AC8ED7DA19E82_## = Obtain <color=#D99114>Most Kills</color> in Quick or Ranked
Match to increase Honor Points for the <color=#D99114>Dark Slayer</color>. \n\nWhen
enough points are accumulated, you can obtain the <color=#D99114>Dark
Slayer</color> Badge.
5D1DFEBB60B2836B_## =
5D2014928C73F00A_## =
5D21978FE1D5D8EC_## = Marksman (Standard)
5d249b127f0f9a07 = Don't follow
5D25A3626D2F97BF_## = Base Damage
5d26e78a6e3666c4 = 5d26e78a6e3666c4_##
5D26EADA3B810806_## =
5D275D8D10DEE620_## = Blue Ballista
5D2918D5BEDFF2BA_## = Love Sworn
5D29AE050E9D1B7A_## = Ilumia
5D2F31A2BB94B8A1_## = Max
5D348F26680D1849_## = Death Scythe
5D3D3FCCAB1C8E56_## =
5D3D7F734108DA34_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
5D40B16899E179EB_## =
5D42F84F1BB3CEA2_## =
5D4643E8F1C6C60D_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Airi)
5D476073E3FA8EDE_## = Tank
5D4850AD46D7A29E_## = Survivability, Control
5D48B390FF8C4C9D_## = Legendary
5D4D7ED684AF6BAB_## =
5D515CA714D63A90_## = Heartbreaker
5D5CAB504700B8C5_## = If Arduin's HP falls below 50%, Arduin will enter Bloodlust
mode for 8 seconds. While in Bloodlust mode, Arduin restores 2% of his maximum HP
when his abilites or normal attacks damage enemies. Bloodlust has a 60-second
cooldown and Arduin will enter Bloodlust mode again immediately after the cooldown
if his HP is below 50% at that time.
5D5D57575136E2A3_## =
5D5E659298881C87_## =
5D626439995D0CC2_## =
5D65AD350FDBE0CD_## =
5D68045D25A2CD8F_## = Mừng ngày Quốc tế Phụ nữ 8.3, thắng đấu hạng với tướng nữ
để nhận Ruby & thẻ thử trang phục giới hạn Mina - Tiểu thư đoạt hồn!
5D6999E37A785793_## =
5D6D44E50D1EB00F_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đón Xuân mới - Khuyến mãi nạp thẻ mỗi
ngày! của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
5D6DECC702BEEC62_## =
5D6E1F7EF9A063D0_## = Shadow Clone
5D6E59191BAA9834_## =
5D72EFB452A2D34F_## = The Crystal Lotus
5D75E115AAAFE80C_## = Nhận thêm quà tặng khi tiêu Quân Huy trong thời gian sự
kiện\nLưu ý : Không tính Quân huy tiêu từ Shop tế đàn và VQ nguyệt tộc
5D76514D4E1B43CE_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
5D7B99C5A362ED53_## =
5D7CA1DB58ACAC81_## = Trial Card: Try out Mganga for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color>
day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
5D7DDB90A03414C4_## = Ghost Samurai
5D7FA8EF1C2868A5_## = Sustained Damage
5D825237A2823464_## = Veera
5D86744BF81FFD29_## =
5D86838A1870B15B_## =
5D88EBC777C21FF0_## =
5D8BABD7E47D0A3C_## = Horn Rush
5D8F390F6A081751_## = Ice Queen
5D8F50D115C8069C_## = Gói 45% KM Lauriel + skin
5D90E34236378713_## =
5D9506A6024D1745_## =
5D95AA67C13DB89F_## =
5D964E86ABDCD1A3_## = Open to receive the Hero: Ormarr
5D9706E2CCC5C858_## = 7 日累積簽到
5D978AF57111FE4D_## = Buffs
5D99039A3C8D326F_## =
5D99205CA53D11F5_## =
5D99D2AB49967B15_## =
5D99FAD49B5D7A89_## = Ilumia knocks back enemies in range using Banish, dealing {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>.
5D9A9FA8DE686CE7_## = obsolete+b87df19426194b44
5DA0F458673556CB_## = Jungling, Control
5DA1E7E08BC0C800_## =
5DA2AF519208861A_## = 签到图片
5DA324978264876A_## = As long as Superman keeps moving, even if he wanders in
circles, he will be able to enter Flight mode. Strike your enemies with Man of
Steel while in Flight mode to fly over obstacles. The damage from Kryptonian
Strength while in Flight mode can be devastating, but the target area is not very
big, so use it when the enemy is very close.
5DA673B8781846B4_## =
5DA7F8E527AE00C3_## = Gói 35% KM Murad + skin
5dadd4b58a0cfaa8 = 5dadd4b58a0cfaa8_##
5DB094EA805FBE98_## =
5DB5E013FA16A956_## = Butterfly
5DB62A905A544418_## = Base Damage\n(Sword)
5DBA291261E6C36B_## = Using any 2 abilities will strengthen the next Divine Light
cast within 3 seconds and refreshes its cooldown immediately.
5DBE0AAC09DE9A2E_## = Your HP is running low. Return to the Altar to restore HP and
5DC06F54C2CBCAD4_## = Trial Card: Try out Arum for <color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days.
You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this hero.
5DC0F94E9FE66494_## =
5DC42214C41A0E5F_## = Chơi bản đồ 5v5 Miền đất hứa (Thường & Hạng) để nhận ruby
miễn phí
5DC74DBBA3372025_## = Airi
5DC8A8AB18D16598_## = Moren
5DD251A4A01413DF_## =
5DD5AA0176135C90_## = That all you got?
5DD710AF53C5BABB_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Ignis để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
5DD8F349FC6B7E00_## = Thu thập dấu ấn Murad M-TP (Kiếm Murad)
5ddb08d8dd50291f = Send to friend
5DDE1DA0853FEFB3_## = ProPlayer Suggestion
5DE4BC7BB5076F58_## = Base Damage
5DE57DF76845C055_## =
5DE5B54CEA5067BA_## =
5DE5E9CD4E7B6B80_## =
5DF22E38B529C123_## =
5DF268E53EE83DE6_## = Base Damage
5DF56031B0D7DEBE_## = Unknown
5df71825a377adea = Surrender
5DFAE36EDA5D950B_## = Level 29 Chest
5DFB5D6267F9A26D_## =
5DFBC51D686E6121_## =
5E0336ED1C5A467E_## =
5E077EC437C78DBD_## =
5E082AA0D66E6758_## = Demolition Mode
5e0b05a6a00bef51 = Wave:
5E0CB372A23AD91F_## = <size=30>{0}</size>\n HP restored for team
5E1378304CF18181_## =
5E1744DA1CD55243_## =
5E197877E4BDBAA9_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
5E1C12C5BDFA7324_## = Cooldown
5E1DD1837A31BE3A_## = Unknown
5E1F9B1E8CBABCF7_## = Original
5E224CC95A20E696_## = Buffs
5E22D58DF858C948_## = Ilumia Skin: Ice Queen
5E22F072D73E09AB_## = Original
5E2DF8B73A148F10_## =
5E2F839B2274CA87_## =
5E312F5DB7424C9D_## = 菁英擂台
5E3263FCF97897C8_## =
5E3444408680738D_## =
5E34B496025D2A4A_## = Unknown
5E34BB6F3CEE386B_## = Mage
5E36AD91F964D2A9_## = Chiến đấu trên bản đồ 5v5 Miền đất hứa mỗi ngày để nhận Lì
xì và Ruby cực hot!
5E3F831B6F3E68EF_## =
5E3F9519E4FC53C5_## = Trial Card: Try out Arthur's skin: Love Sworn for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
5E401CB5D1EB11A5_## =
5E402EA9A794AFBD_## = Thẻ thử tướng Raz (1 ngày) + 1 Vé quay Kho báu
5E41922A6786D61B_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
5E44ED36034E4701_## =
5e462c9bc2369467 = Centered on Button\n<color=#827864><size=20>(Recommended for
5E4A794D8AB4F68A_## = The enemies are attacking, so protect your<color=#f6bf17ff>
Base</color> and<color=#f6bf17ff> Defense Tower</color>.
5E4A932B70D81659_## = Sailor
5E4B50BE0F44C58F_## =
5E4C373EFD07FBE4_## = DNT
5E50F9021D7F31A2_## = Nakroth
5E5376FF2A098BDD_## =
5e5775984b532db8 = Ability Wheel Settings
5E58343098D2CB1E_## = An error has occurred. Error code: 8032
5E5C8924B197BCDF_## = Superman unleashes his full power, which immediately frees
him from control effects and significantly increases his movement speed. \n\nIf in
Flight mode, Superman will slam the ground and knock back enemies, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> as well as rid
himself of control effects and increase his movement speed.
5E5D9B932E436A0E_## = Nethra
5E5DE3B728245BB3_## = Gildur
5E5F040AC57A8E8C_## =
5E5FEDDE2C6D5FB6_## = "I'm the Queen of the Night, my name is Veera."\n\nThe
ancient books said that Veera was the most devout and powerful apostle of the Great
Ones. Long did she pray and beseech their wisdom, but long have they remained
silent. \n\nEager to prove her mettle, she attempted to take on the Ravagers alone.
Surely with their demise by her hand, the Great Ones would reward her with glory.
However, it may also be that same hubris that made the Great Ones so disgusted with
her.\n\nThough she fought bravely and peerlessly, inevitably she was captured. The
tortures she suffered need not be mentioned. All that matters was those bright
eyes, which once looked up to the heavens for guidance, are now filled with malice
and dark fire.\n\nMaloch, the leader of the Ravagers, personally performed the
tortures, which founded a dark and awful relationship between the two. From then
on, she was always by his side, commanding his armies and vanquishing his
foes.\n\nBut she always preferred the silent approach, bringing down the mightiest
foes with her wiles and charms. Tome upon tome had been written to warn off men who
might ever come across her path to not to listen to the dark shadows whispering
promises of greatness; all that lies at the end of that road is doom. \n\nThe Queen
of Night is patient. She knows ultimately she will always have her way. She will be
the last one standing. She still dreams of the day she can bathe in the Great Ones'
blood and look them in the eyes, so that they may know her wrath.
5E611D6A3E004F12_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
5E63B159AA07DC07_## =
5E647B7DAB90CE47_## =
5E64FC4243D30869_## =
5E6802286CF372C9_## = Unique Passive: [Swift][Movement Speed +60%]
5E6867DA35AE14EE_## = Original
5E69675AA45BD1BB_## =
5E69B56A7CF9AB95_## =
5E6D2F38C4E5623C_## = Your hero has acquired the<color=#f6bf17ff> Celestial
5E726C3EB73DEA1A_## =
5E7359DA340E9753_## =
5E73CFD83CAA8F57_## = Open to receive a random lvl 3 Arcana
5E7786C5C4F1EEEA_## = Keep to the shadows!
5E784065789EF30A_## = Trial Card: Try out Arthur's skin: Catacombs
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
5E795F16A195A4A8_## = 本週活動精選
5E7B85D3D3923DAA_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
5E7CEC64947E4012_## = Unknown
5E7EA3D7953E704A_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
5E822EF96B32E7B5_## = The Demon Hunter
5E8C758AE7EB4EF9_## = Trial Card: Try out Mina's skin: Candycane
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
5E8D8D69760622A3_## = Arduin
5E8E8C722FB6F7F2_## = Thu thập 2 mảnh Chúc mừng năm mới và Mậu Tuất 2018 để đổi 8
trang phục miễn phí tùy chọn!
5E9588532351706A_## = Raz
5E9B2B0C7ACED5E2_## = Nhân dịp Tết dương lịch, hệ thống sẽ tự động +50% Exp nhận
được khi đấu Hạng. Còn chờ gì nữa, nhanh tay chiến ngay và thăng cấp vù vù thôi!
5E9B84255D0D016D_## = EXP
5E9C168BEF7F7F09_## =
5EAF70B7248EBA4F_## =
5EB04519D5AE9067_## = Original
5eb61c6b3fccd82b = FREE HERO WITH FIRST PURCHASE -
5EB9083A00E015AF_## = Grakk
5EB9262FB86A94F3_## = Đây là phần thưởng Nạp Quân Huy - nhận rương Raz! của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
5EBAFF972B63267C_## = Naginatajutsu
5EBE999A5C963E05_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Jinna {C}/{T} lần
5EC1B557A0CE3693_## = 击杀魔龙
5EC21E752A879D49_## =
5EC734B025516D57_## = Ryoma
5EC824DD8BC4F80B_## =
5ECA4E892ECB450E_## =
5ECADC7FEC797F7F_## = Maloch snatches the souls of the surrounding enemies, dealing
a small amount of <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> and reducing their
movement speed by 30% for 3 seconds. He gains a shield for snatching souls,
absorbing up to {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> damage taken with 4 snatched
5ED1667C0C3B402E_## = Tham gia mỗi ngày để nhận mảnh ghép năm mới và đổi lấy cơ
hội sở hữu bộ đôi trang phục giới hạn Long kỵ sĩ và Nghệ nhân Lân!
5EDB42A15EC7F3D7_## =
5EE0DE02C1F36E3B_## =
5EE185CEDAAF8520_## = Sentinel
5EEF5546972939A5_## = It's your lucky day!
5EF0E4A958C4FCBA_## =
5EF605DA15BA0434_## =
5EF87250DC0B30BC_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
5EF8D4094970440E_## = Legendary
5EFA6A7217B60A7B_## =
5EFA6C12B40880EA_## = Flowerchild
5EFA92D48FA9DB60_## = Cơ hội sở hữu các sát thủ siêu HOT và bộ ngọc sát thủ chỉ
với 15 Quân Huy
5EFDA26FEE86B576_## =
5F0154093D2D8835_## =
5F01ADFB5205BC7B_## =
5F032D193A7777AF_## = Skud
5F04CBD8DE80CFF7_## =
5F05A1963E4E4696_## = Tết đến rồi! (Đấu thường)
5F098BFFF021C96C_## = Buffs
5F0AC119CD00A50E_## = Abomination
5F0F58CAF99313FB_## = Red Frame
5F1322F739B09670_## =
5F165845B875F245_## = Wind Blade
5F1672D37EC95860_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Lục)
5F16C527D17D7105_## = Survivability
5F1CC3548FCAD5C7_## = Just one shot…
5F25092A78B8C79F_## = Max
5F26282C25B3CBE1_## =
5F28C572392BEE17_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
5F28F5CCB1F1086E_## =
5F29D5F2D9E26DAF_## =
5F2BAD2252F7B84C_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
5F306EB3C47A5E51_## =
5f3377b551f1bb1d = Reward
5F343A16FF03F2DD_## =
5F375134B161000A_## = Armor of gold descended from the heavens
5f39ea797a5aed3e = Magic Pierce:
5F4583956CC98556_## = Cơ hội sở hữu các trang phục Tình nhân 2018 chỉ với 15 Quân
5F486561925C6B67_## =
5F487CAFC1FDFC9A_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
5F4BD5E840AD4812_## = Survivability, Sustained Damage
5F4BF117B985277F_## =
5F4DD2B3C9DBFA3C_## = Participate in a match with your friends {0} [/0:$(time|
5F4E8CF1E257B430_## = You've earned a new ability point. Tap the
<color=#f6bf17ff>"+"</color> button next to <color=#f6bf17ff>Bloody Hunt</color> to
upgrade the ability and increase its <color=#f6bf17ff>magic damage</color>!
5F4EF08E67819E51_## =
5F5185A00B92067A_## =
5F528C3BDE740EF6_## = 消费点券活动
5F5319D1EF921CB4_## = Thắng đấu hạng với Natalya {C}/{T} lần
5F54301CCA17187A_## =
5F55432BB53CA833_## =
5F58430DBD36C1AD_## = Nhận <color=orange>Quà ngủ ngon từ 20:00 đến 23:00 mỗi ngày!
</color>Chúc các kiện tướng một buổi tối thật thú vị.
5F598FB97FF344AC_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
5F59E3537488D641_## = Violet
5F5C80FD7DDB7974_## = Open to get guest gift
5F5DE0237F962D89_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
5F5F8D7AA6C6BF8B_## = Ignis skin: Flaming
5F61CCA7DDC4A719_## = Trial Card: Try out Lu Bu's skin: Dread Knight
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
5F66EAB11266FAA1_## =
5F67F192E1F5BEDF_## = Tham gia sự kiện Tết gắn kết - Anh em chấp hết tại
sukien3.lienquan.garena.vn - Nhận Dấu ấn Tulen và đổi tướng miễn phí!
5F6809104C225979_## = Invincible!
5F6A5719C77C20CF_## =
5F6AF868139E1987_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
5F6B5842937CBA38_## =
5F6B81D51A1329EA_## = That all you got?
5F6C802392B79CF5_## = Trial Pack
5F6FC7DCDD59AC11_## = Base Damage
5F73311480FE2EE0_## = Trial Card: Try out Kriknak's skin: Emerald for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
5F737E8B39A266F7_## = Every 3rd normal attack from Slimz gains a pierce effect
where both the target and enemies behind them take 130% of the normal
<color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>.
5f786b9bd7a6e4a6 = 5f786b9bd7a6e4a6_##
5F7C9593150177E2_## =
5F7D78D80C7793AA_## = Base Damage
5F7D9665F65E35E3_## = 7 日累積簽到
5F7FE4F5A45BCA34_## = Cybercore
5F848A7BADFFF2FF_## = Nakroth
5F85025BEAC4245E_## =
5F8FA21B08858512_## =
5F90BFDA483FE0DD_## = DNT
5F970A6B2A7BB07D_## = Nightmare
5F9A4979FC5827C6_## = The Doomspear
5F9CD912D2C263E9_## =
5F9E06D27AC84E9E_## =
5F9ECEC77211B4BC_## =
5FA32165264EFC8F_## = Rương may mắn Skud
5FA4F41275DF5300_## =
5FA53664E8D4A5DF_## =
5FA56F731E8D51AA_## = Facebook Link Reward
5FA67A18D6C46E34_## = Raz was an important figure in Thane's eternal struggle
against the Corrupted. The magnificent king embedded Raz deep in the darkness to be
his eyes and ears.\n\nRaz possessed superhuman speed and agility, most importantly
his blinding fists struck fast and true. In his long mission, Raz won the trust of
Preyta. Earning his favor, Raz was made head of a small strike team in Preyta's
army. Using his authority and guile, Raz was always able to stay two steps ahead of
the Corrupted, leveraging sabotage and subterfuge to impede the dark
army.\n\nHowever, Preyta was no fool. He could smell a rat. He laid careful
machinations to catch the traitor in his midst, even Raz was blissfully unaware
until it was too late. While pursuing a false lead, he fell into Preyta's trap. He
was immediately surrounded by an ocean of corrupted souls.\n\nUttering foul curses,
Preyta and his ilk closed in around Raz. He could sense that the end was near, but
he could not just lay down and accept this kind of fate. Using his last bit of
strength Raz lashed out with a fury never before seen in Athanor. His fists were on
fire, lighting up his foes and his rage, until finally he broke through. However,
his hands were badly broken and his spirit greatly wounded.\n\nRaz limped his way
back into Thane's court where he collapsed onto the ground. To save his friend,
Thane rushed Raz to the citadel and beseeched the angel Lauriel for aid. But in
order to receive the Light's blessing, Raz would have to undergo a grueling trial,
and if he failed, he would die.\n\nBut luckily, he did not. Not only did Raz
triumph and heal himself, he was stronger than he was even before. His gauntlets
glowed a crimson light that grew steadily stronger as his resolve to vanquish the
Corrupted grew ever more steeled. His fists would tear anything down that stood in
the way of his righteous fury.
5FB00AB9DD2A759A_## =
5FB08C18992DF9CB_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Preyta)
5FB5F513E38C54CC_## = Tỉnh Lào Cai
5FB9C626DCE774B8_## = 妇女节挑战活动
5FBC063D42A9A3E2_## = Survivability, Control
5FBC61748E38D8EE_## = Lindis
5FBD78E5F0937D0D_## =
5FBDC7490694B189_## = Harass, Control
5FC1105EB8F35638_## = Gói 50% KM Ormarr + skin
5FC1A964D669CA4B_## = Rương may mắn Nakroth mua 4 tặng 1 cực HOT! Mua ngay nào!
5FC35613F3BC5098_## =
5FC3B961C77E7E40_## =
5FC8318F11A93F4A_## = Storm Wraith
5FCA763F0BE162C0_## = Butterfly is a skilled assassin with high burst damage that
requires precise timing. Save an ability to secure kills in order to take advantage
of her passive ability.
5FCC9E049F5C0E39_## = Đây là phần thưởng Thu thập Chìa khóa - Mở rương bí ẩn của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
5fccd22bdc833ca9 = Check out the discounts.
5FD49028EA06AE24_## = Trial Card: Try out Ryoma for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
5FD4A73559A24518_## =
5FD4FA12B703030F_## = Đây là phần thưởng 26.11 - Thưởng đấu đặc biệt của bạn, xin
mời kiểm tra!
5fdbfbfafb2d75d3 = Garnak Respawned
5fdc0bd5e1623b73 = Camera Distance
5FDCC90ACC69B20B_## =
5FDCEF728FDF6BF1_## = Unknown
5FDD7ED2E996DE85_## =
5FE06BACDD891B2D_## =
5FE2616A850743E9_## =
5FE6D4378468191F_## = Maloch
5fe81df3ea778d97 = Result
5FE8293EB8C224EF_## = Nạp tích lũy Quân Huy trong thời gian sự kiện để nhận bộ đôi
trang phục Xuân cực hot!
5FE91408EB62E893_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
5FE9367A20DF3B4B_## = After 2 normal attacks, Wonder Woman's next normal attack
will throw her shield, dealing an additional {0} <color=#f3b74a>true damage</color>
to all enemies in its path and slowing their movement speed by {1}% for 0.5 second.
If the shield hits an enemy, Wonder Woman will recover {2}
<color=#f18d00>(+{3})</color> HP. If the shield hits an enemy hero, the HP
recovered is tripled.
5FEA67EBDB1CB272_## =
5FECE5A9072E5B95_## =
5FF27E1E1E0A2A78_## = Guild Battle Reward
5FF4026FAF46EFC6_## =
5FF60305DCE9D523_## =
5FF6AA4C5B9D7643_## = Butterfly
5FF9A9C7C70BA6F8_## =
5FFC64D153A0FD38_## = Open to Receive Gildur and his Biker Skin
5ffcd50c39673979 = Leave Match
5FFDB5F5079AF005_## =
5v5_Map_Intro = Map Info
5v5_Map_Intro_Url = https://goo.gl/joCMWe
600075B6E87ABFD1_## =
60007924789DEF14_## = Support, Control
6001120034F8D905_## =
60021A74D600FBFA_## =
60070e5e18265a44 = 60070e5e18265a44_##
6007DEEC5DF8B4C9_## = 妇女节挑战活动
600C162BF3A17BE9_## = Damage from\nexplosion
600C328298FAF49F_## =
600C5D843EF08DF1_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
600EAB65D5CEE931_## = Somebody left the furnace on.
600F719F32995E3A_## =
600F7BE90647B93A_## = Đổi quà tình nhân
6014985A82A2E40E_## = Rương may mắn tướng mua 4 tặng 1 cực HOT! Mua ngay nào!
6018861465781C3A_## =
6021326B3E8CD9CF_## = Trial Card: Try out Mganga for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
6023FD396779F130_## =
60240DD30D291089_## = Trial Card: Try out Superman for <color=#01d1f8ff>1</color>
day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
6027D41580174048_## = Unknown
603443A8A3D950B9_## = Red Middle Tower
6035CA06A567814E_## = Kriknak
6035CF3A2298443B_## = EXP
6036EBAF4DAA3DBD_## = Ignite
603C8C1B9BADA3CE_## = Infinite Courage
603E772BB21F6413_## =
603EF70990BBCE9A_## = Batman conceals himself behind a colony of bats and becomes
invisible after 1.5 seconds. Batman's invisibility lasts for 30 seconds unless he
stays within 6 units of an enemy hero for more than 3 seconds. If the ability is
used again while invisible, he will fly towards the target direction, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies in
his path. He gains 50% attack speed for 5 seconds after coming out of invisibility.
603FF51B621CA443_## =
60445AEDAEDB705E_## =
6046AA0C22FB1CFF_## = Quy đổi ngọc lục cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
6049F2A1017AB140_## = An error has occurred. Error code: 8039
604B9D7AF943DE1D_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
604C1D614970846F_## =
604CEBFB115C55AC_## = Open to Receive Jinnar and his Aten Skin
604FC8DC4E23CACC_## =
60548AF7258AAFD9_## = Hook leaves a burning trail in its path
60560C3F68E448A9_## =
605629F33B050E86_## = Trial Card: Try out Nakroth's skin: Demonic for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
605B7200B950DCAD_## = You are better than <color=orange>90%</color> of all players.
605E0E2D7AF4E78B_## =
605EC1C04D82B093_## =
60618B730313F015_## = Attachment has been collected.
6062E979CA702D78_## = Platinum
6064F11677FBA5BB_## =
606599A6762BEEBC_## = Melee
6067201D2B4528D5_## = Đây là phần thưởng Nạp Quân huy - Nhận Núi quà của bạn, xin
mời kiểm tra!
6067265445C1706C_## = Rương may mắn Long kỵ sĩ
6067DDBB1B3C8358_## =
606EDF51F8C28767_## = Grand Battle
60709E68D51A1E20_## =
60728E083D9BF550_## = Black Wing
6072FE1A119F6762_## = When taking damage, Mina has a chance to counterattack,
dealing {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color><color=#ca3939>(+{2})</color>
<color=#ca3939>(2% of own maximum HP)</color> <color=#ca3939>physical
damage</color> to nearby enemies.
60788FAB4FE83ECE_## =
60798046A00184AB_## = Nâng cấp ngọc quý
607A0C22C5F10FFE_## =
607C4CB57DDB836D_## =
607CBA52251F6533_## = Level 12 Chest
607CEAC5A2E8469A_## =
607E8E01B62C904D_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
6082D319146A4488_## = The Merciless
6083524CDBC8B5C8_## =
6084E07FFE2AA273_## =
608ABE72D9708F63_## = Marksman
608C3D322981EF6A_## = Zanis' greatest achievement was undoubtedly his brave
endeavor in saving the valuable life of the imperial successor.\n\nSince then, the
people living on the slopes of Chang-Pan took pride in themselves for being in the
birthplace of Zanis, the legendary Dragoon, who was respected by all. Even the
undefeated Peerless Warlord, Lu Bu, paid his respects to Zanis. "The swing of his
spear is like that of a dragon: both furious and graceful. True fear is reflected
in the eyes of his enemies when they face his spear in action." His prowess in
battles and tactical brilliance could not be denied by any, not even his greatest
enemies.\n\n"I'm not a fighter," Zanis once whispered. Even the wise Zhuge Liang,
nicknamed the Crouching Dragon, noticed Zanis was growing weary of the battles.
Zhuge Liang could not let Zanis' potential go to waste, so he continued appointing
Zanis tasks and missions, leaving him no time to second-guess himself. Regardless
of Zanis' feelings towards combat, they never outweighed his loyalty to the emperor
or the love for comrades. \n\n"I may have grown weary of battle, but I'll always
tend to my duties and fight whenever I am needed."
608D6AFE71D835F4_## =
60900AF752430138_## = + Nhận ngẫu nhiên 1-5 Ruby, hoặc thẻ 1 ngày trải nghiệm một
trong các tướng Zephys, Kahlii, Alice, Ormarr, Azzen'Ka, Yorn, Omega, Thane,
Violet, Điêu Thuyền, Butterfly, Nakroth, Grakk, Aleister\n + 1 Kẹo Sôcôla MTP
6091123872FC6C20_## = Krixi
6095D89AB399B583_## =
6097B1EDEDD748A3_## = Quẩy cùng anh em!
60A4183AE1013335_## = Participate in a match with your friends {0} [/0:$(time|
60A4BC3B65EEC4E8_## =
60A764988CC37442_## = Đăng nhập nhận 3 Kẹo Giáng sinh mỗi ngày. Kẹo Giáng sinh là
vật phẩm không thể thiếu để đổi thưởng từ sự kiện Lễ hội mùa đông.
60A7E4E202CCD5CF_## =
60AE9845CE7832C4_## = That all you got?
60B29FCC701C3D9E_## = <blankspace89>
60B409740CD5FFE5_## =
60B4894C36AB5DBC_## =
60B95A04E95C0F09_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
60BC461764C9ADD1_## =
60C0C58D55E34DC1_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Tím)
60C114B2CEFD9739_## =
60C158D401FB6E2B_## = Disrupt
60C2719DD0FF3982_## =
60C6524C8980D672_## =
60C82F060448D1C5_## = Veera blows a kiss at an enemy, dealing {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> and stunning the
target for 1.5 seconds.
60CF440E2CB59A84_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
60D59E46E0D66B21_## =
60DA63841A4A3667_## =
60DAA7D2383C50C3_## = The Joker
60E2A1FCDDFE592F_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
60E40E6D67694443_## =
60E5753F1ECC2307_## =
60E9AD42E620D261_## = Mừng xuân Đinh Dậu, Lì xì đầy tay: Mời bạn chơi!
60EA7C68A0F57BE9_## = Shooting blind is a great skill too. Try hitting enemies
outside the screen.
60EC3105D603B56D_## =
60ECFDBB408B5AD4_## =
60EFF9D910597025_## = Unknown
60F0662531850C6C_## =
60F14534AE66435A_## = Vui Tết cũng đừng quên Liên Quân nhé!
60F94D425B490118_## = Cooldown
60FD9BA46E588713_## = Chơi bản đồ 5v5 Miền đất hứa (Thường & Hạng) để nhận ruby
miễn phí
6105BE9016AB2CB7_## =
6108272EF0643E97_## =
610CADCFA13A8DEC_## = Đây là phần thưởng Vô Địch ARAM của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
610D0A7A4232A34A_## = Azzen'Ka
610F12C602CA083D_## = 26.11 - Đăng nhập giờ vàng
6112347EA7544C88_## = 签到图片
611BBC56F5592C79_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Lục)
611DADD818743BFB_## = Base Damage
611F7469524276E3_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
61203a8ac87d8dad = 61203a8ac87d8dad_##
61205B5F784C2E3B_## =
6125E55E5F0DAB39_## = Thắng đấu hạng với Mina {C}/{T} lần
61280B1C5E506EC9_## = 4-6 minutes
612A8AA07306F873_## =
612B6485011A4096_## =
612C87A0AA0B5CBA_## = Trial Card: Try out Peura for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
612E9A546CA13BA2_## = Unknown
612EF78928533B53_## =
61362337006D2EE4_## =
613685261E7B2E19_## = Superman's skin: Justice Lord
613C841FCA5155B2_## = Hộp quà Giáng sinh
613D2BD73998CCC9_## = Base Damage
613E78CBF0854B77_## = Ilumia summons a divine matrix that explodes after a short
delay below all enemy heroes, dealing {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color>
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to the heroes and nearby enemies as well as
stunning them.
61426D2A9D010444_## =
61466938ADBDFC2A_## =
6148BA6499E5F6F5_## = Astrid
614CF9BB34C71785_## =
614DCD8046F94A05_## = Control, Buffs
614EC5A0F1DAEE57_## = Base Damage
615096B05DB164DB_## = Temporal Turbulence
615696F771C268AA_## =
615FA4670D186090_## =
6163482B8A01D944_## = obsolete
616679812347A589_## = Trial Card: Try out Chaugnar's skin: Hazmat for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
616A7B54BD60D7C0_## = Use Valhein's Bullet Storm at close range to maximize its
damage to enemies. After triggering a golden glaive with his passive, quickly
follow up with more normal attacks to destroy your stunned opponent.
616D1C78A6FAF795_## = Trial Card: Try out Omega for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this Hero.
616D2EB73AC952D6_## =
616E3E3FF0F6DB28_## = Fennik can clear lanes quickly thanks to his Hidden Weapons
passive. Combined with his normal attacks, his abilities make him very efficient in
the jungle. Try to trigger the explosion from Thief's Mark by attacking the enemy
with a normal attack after marking them 4 times. This will deal a massive amount of
damage to enemies in the area.
616F87DFDB96AEEA_## =
6171E67762CBF7FF_## = Airi
6172A72333D48C9D_## =
6176088D7DECC13D_## = Ilumia
6178CF6241A5B5ED_## = Grakk stomps, dealing {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color>
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to enemies within range and reducing their
movement speed by {2}% for 2 seconds. Enemies closer to Grakk will take double the
damage and their movement speed will be further reduced.
6179D12BB45F6E6C_## =
617ADF25C95DEC0E_## =
6181111EFC34588F_## = Conqueror
6181FB059E4E4E1C_## = Original
61842FCCE28CE434_## = Mảnh ghép năm mới
6184A97A4E171558_## = Gildur
61852B9809686F8B_## = Zephys lunges forward. This ability can be used twice before
it triggers a cooldown, but does not deal damage.
61853845AC17666E_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
618594FE774C798A_## =
6185CF5D969D1D50_## = Tap your second ability to use <color=#f6bf17ff>Curse of
Death</color> to <color=#f6bf17ff>stun</color> the target!
6186ACDD852649DD_## =
618731AEE8D3ECB6_## =
6188E86D5C2CB220_## = Moren launches a magnetic grenade towards the target area.
The explosion triggers a magnetic storm over 2.5 seconds, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939> physical damage</color> 6 times to
enemies in the area and reducing their movement speed by 50%. Enemies knocked into
the storm by Impact Barrage are also stunned for 1.5 seconds.
618968AC3FA7EE4D_## = Arthur
618DE43CD0342E62_## = Structure
6191B50FADD0C864_## =
619593DE541E62A7_## = Techno Templar
6195F13136890545_## = Unique Passive - Hunter: Deals 20% extra damage to monsters
and receives 15% more EXP from killing monsters.
6196944E4EE889CC_## =
619B10FB60B81096_## = Additional Damage
619E24CD258B3568_## =
619EC07AE3EADDD8_## = Trial Card: Try out Kriknak's skin: Emerald for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
61A18C3C5664FFAE_## = Unknown
61A622154B5F7F75_## = Level 9 Chest
61A6DDCDFD8DE1D0_## = Đấu trướng Throne of Glory
61A7D5BC8B468D3D_## =
61A81C6CB757832A_## = Unknown
61A86ABFAEAAD313_## = Attack Damage +0.9 \nArmor Pierce +6.4
61A9E31128978D29_## =
61B05533D0EB6125_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
61B0FC10560180F6_## = Trial Card: Try out Nakroth's skin: Demonic for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
61B137C5FEE073CF_## =
61B166A7DA613064_## =
61B1B47DCA519C72_## =
61B47480F22C9CB8_## =
61B4984107CD3197_## = Matchmaking
61B5A88F52EAD100_## = Everybody, smiles!
61B682FBBEA46C85_## = Đăng nhập giờ vàng
61B9949EBAB142D2_## =
61BA1724D77D3F1D_## =
61BE23FFEFAEAD50_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi để nhận ruby miễn phí
61BFDDDD78F3F959_## =
61C0FD5711FF9FEF_## =
61C6073CF9223F8A_## = You were once just a common warrior, but are now a true
61C7616F45256E97_## = Lu Bu
61CC42DCE8243710_## = Base Damage
61CD4B81F8B96C2B_## = Arum
61D027C529010BB4_## =
61D1D602C75D4AA7_## = Carapace
61D532ADB86EEDB5_## = 9.2 对局掉落宝箱
61D5A064E62701D2_## =
61D6CAD5F1F5AF46_## = Unknown
61D6DFA813D1BE74_## = Unknown
61D755AA4B75D2CC_## = Original
61D90AF74C1661C3_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Ilumia) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
61DDF3A7D8ED315D_## =
61E0B17207FCFE81_## =
61e0d5a6fe756c44 = 61e0d5a6fe756c44_##
61ea6799d0d65ff = 61ea6799d0d65ff_##
61EA8AC4300674E3_## = [ex] (DNT)
61EAAB6A1C5105F3_## =
61ED3A37F36AD3C4_## =
61EF29247CC99A23_## =
61F2A6DE8A54B184_## =
61F2C74EEF8F9CCD_## = Whirlwind
61F4A1C5FFF7444E_## = Report AFK players after a match and they will be penalized
61F72E54B0ED7FB6_## = Riposte cooldown
61F7520306C068DE_## = Use Thunderbird on enemies with low HP to help activate
Tulen's passive. Use Lightning Strike to move Tulen to a good position to launch
further attacks.
61FBF3DC8AEC5416_## = Critical Chance +0.5% \nCritical Damage +2%
61FDA31B73A10881_## = That all you got?
62009142FA6F2C54_## =
6203316F28CE4A20_## =
6206A7341213BE4A_## =
620A76AF1D8F4EE1_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
620AFBB8DECE264E_## = Yorn
620B59FA1EC83765_## = Gói KM 30% Ormarr & Skin
620D4DF36503F277_## = Trial Card: Try out Nakroth's skin: Nightmare for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
620E0770D1E7F207_## = What fighting style do you prefer? (1/3)
62103216406D4C7D_## = Unknown
621344911A933F5C_## =
62172553640DB60F_## =
62181AC2C5E86E0D_## =
621C96DF68C2B788_## =
621f51af271efb62 = 621f51af271efb62_##
6222B4504308B2AA_## = Your <color=#ffd700>{0}</color> trial has expired.
6223943fdb33e8ab = You must hone your skills before charging into battle!
622BA154B7FD612C_## =
622EE84522899534_## = -500
622FC52BD2D5200B_## =
6233BDBE248645DE_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (The Joker) của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
6235137F02EE50BF_## = Astrid
6236B4FE1BB8C25F_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Mortos) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
6236FBE147FAE3F6_## = Structure
623A672EEBA3C0FA_## =
6241E15A75818D20_## = Trial Card: Try out Zanis' skin: Ascended for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
624350B2BDE518FF_## = 签到图片
6246614D423D85BE_## = Every time Omen hits an enemy with a normal attack, he gains
one Thirst point. After reaching five points, Omen increases his movement speed by
{0} and his attack speed by {1}% for 5 seconds. His strengthened normal attack will
also deal <color=#f18d00>{2}</color> <color=#f3b74a>true damage</color> and reduce
the cooldown for Death's Beckon and Untouchable by 1 second.\n\nOmen's 3rd normal
attack triggers a second hit that deals 50% damage. The counter is reset after
reaching 5 points of Thirst and after coming out of Thirst.
62476C05D1B3900C_## =
624a5999847c1a88 = 624a5999847c1a88_##
624AF380C3726766_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
624B618234CF5A8A_## =
624c41000eb50c07 = 624c41000eb50c07_##
624C4EE681090363_## =
624CDB6817F0B1FE_## =
624debb76e357e97 = First, let's take a look at the battlefield.
6252698D72262417_## = Cooldown Speed +10%, Armor +300, HP +800\n[Frost Power]
6252D1B48BFD9462_## = Principanda
6256CB52BE06F09C_## = MVP God
6258EC2A7428BEC9_## = Control
625C741E646D9A03_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
625DD643DEA7CBA2_## = Disruption
626A1E42FF15374F_## =
626B30FEA2F21BD8_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đón Xuân mới - Khuyến mãi nạp thẻ mỗi
ngày! của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
626D20D4C7B96095_## = Cooldown
626FC08D0EE91FF1_## = special chest for king's day
626FE55074EF0FC6_## = Spread out!
6272C6EF673721ED_## =
62732441009B1B9A_## =
62759C18FE06CB0D_## = Violet's passive reduces Tactical Fire's cooldown quickly.
Use frequent normal attacks in conjunction with Tactical Fire to harass the enemy.
To finish enemies quickly, use Fire in the Hole to slow enemies down, then follow
up with Tactical Fire or Concussive Rounds.
6279AE4A73C3BF12_## =
627AB4087E6531CD_## = 7 日累積簽到
627F99E034AD15E3_## =
6284af2a874210b8 = You don't have any mail.
628620FA3DBD78B9_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
62864FF5112F1234_## =
62879A288286AB4F_## =
628967AE3A13EACA_## =
628A59B44EE0C82D_## =
628AEF121F46200B_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
628B0383EA068381_## =
628C1180C33438FC_## = Trial Card: Try out Lauriel's skin: Halloween Scream
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
628C295DB78C5AD3_## =
628C74077AA02B22_## = Đăng nhập nhận Rương TOG mỗi ngày!
628CB6CB83E9DAB4_## =
628E15CC46F16317_## = Mage
62937B6876F499CA_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
62967AC288A830A5_## = Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
629685800ab96ae7 = 629685800ab96ae7_##
62994B2AF3A9DF74_## =
629AD441B333DD51_## = Đổi Dấu ấn Tulen
629AE4B1BFD5EA25_## = Guardian Mode
629C0000F3EA6B69_## = Normal Attack
629C888C622535C3_## = Damage Dealer, Heals
62A08209D8A012E2_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Kil'Groth) của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
62A1335DEE98225F_## =
62A3ADC6DB0CE71F_## = Base Damage
62A5FDA6EE959554_## =
62a6604c4bb83269 = Growth
62A916434392F465_## = Original
62A96776F533608C_## = Base Damage
62ADD14B61D7A6A2_## =
62B424C52D7925D9_## = Verdant
62B54CC7B83317B3_## =
62B8DF156CF36ADF_## = 用菲尼克战斗!赢豪礼!
62BB412D467FFA15_## = Uncaged
62BBE06467754D49_## =
62BCA1A8DE74AF3E_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Jinna) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
62BD02944C858C1B_## = Raz throws an extremely powerful punch, dealing {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to enemies in its
path and knocking them back. Restores 25 energy if the ability hits an enemy.
62BD4DB954E1F577_## =
62C083CAAEEBB538_## =
62C70D601790EED4_## = Combo thử Zephys 1n
62CCC961D162ED7B_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK {C}/{T}
62CCD9E881E944FB_## = 7 日累積簽到
62CD3EAE7BEE19D3_## =
62CED882F28B1AF9_## =
62D25DE021DAD357_## = Original
62D85235791FCD36_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
62DA4F09208DB379_## = Trial Card: Try out Zanis' skin: Blood Knight
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
62DBDE66CCD95F0D_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
62DC26FB9EC52065_## =
62DEF48E772FFB7F_## =
62E02EAA74E7FA87_## = 参与 5V5
62E055EF81C067D6_## = Đăng nhập giờ vàng
62E0BEE3B749ACDE_## = [新英雄-Kriknak 登場] 愛不釋手
62E0DFFE0D76DE3C_## = Assassin
62E18208A2232796_## = Open to receive Ignis and the Flaming skin
62E182F58F58C605_## = Redeem skins in the Token Shop
62E3277F1300A2D7_## = Trial Card: Try out Nakroth's skin: Nightmare for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
62E4D87F17E8C7E4_## = Mina
62e763f305d3ac0e = 62e763f305d3ac0e_##
62EA53949F024178_## =
62EBD5C55F3842D8_## = Tap to go
62EC53E71B74157B_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Superman)
62EDD375B71A3868_## =
62F0B5D340CD6F97_## = Red Inner Tower
62F378904EC75EB9_## =
62F49A224D58BAB3_## =
62FA6BAB44C3C653_## = Trang phục đón xuân
62FBDC7A3DD09F73_## =
62FD6F1E81C6920D_## =
62FDDEBBDBFDF43C_## = Tulen
62FE0F080B135941_## = Rương may mắn Murad
630062AAA3D5285C_## =
6301CA7EEED3A425_## =
63077D91979D9FC1_## = The Seer
6309823C4098E9F1_## = Every 3rd normal attack becomes a glaive with an additional
random effect and grants 1 stack of the Hunter buff, which increases 10% movement
speed for 2 seconds and stacks up to 5 times.
630D61BD2B26C77A_## =
63102CFF19B445AE_## =
6314A253EDEC8D0D_## = Pummel
631664B0961D47FC_## = Unpredictable
631BBA8AACD215A5_## =
631BF00E099F375B_## =
631CC91A5825FC52_## = Phá trụ nhận quà
631EB07433934FC0_## = Kill monsters to increase Max HP.
63252B3E6DED27F1_## = Fast movement
632644A846BB6A53_## =
632C5CA600C2B13F_## = Your backpack's full
632C77D1A9062933_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
632DA1BE930B65B3_## = Unique Passive - Burn: Deals 100 (+4 per level) magic damage
to nearby enemies every second (deals double damage to minions and monsters).
633127B2D6F4AB12_## =
6333C87532709598_## = Because you remained idle during or abandoned your last
match, you will not receive any EXP or Gold. {0} points have been deducted from
your Credibility Score. Please be aware that not finishing a match due to these
reasons can cause your account to be blocked.
63387D6A5A7C833A_## =
633D66811C1D5597_## =
633E52F2F51B67F9_## = Will not be affected by control effects when using abilities.
Damage taken also reduces by {0}%.
63424237CE414D5F_## = Tỉnh Cao Bằng
634983EA01773242_## = Đây là phần thưởng Nạp Quân huy - Nhận xuân nữ của bạn, xin
mời kiểm tra!
634F93F8D21681C7_## =
6350FB2D944896A4_## = Hộp trang phục
6351EB99AD918988_## = [新英雄-Moren 登場] 愛不釋手
63534E23FEB31AC8_## =
6356135AB6F30674_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 hạng mỗi ngày
6357F3C44E6146DF_## =
6358B7564DC589A1_## =
635A9FEC57193A44_## = Ringmaster
635AC9C65FF33025_## =
635C2516B01F0C61_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
63615B46F73C9771_## =
63627451564B6B4C_## =
63689E10CA29E482_## = Every 3rd normal attack from Slimz gains a pierce effect
where both the target and enemies behind them take 130% of the normal
<color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>.
636B2CF3A71B3A73_## = Level 27 Chest
6371548A7A97B518_## = Target Info Display
6374924CFB54329D_## =
6375A4C175938282_## = ProPlayer Suggestion
6378A857CBE8BCE0_## = Let me carry you to victory.
637C5330D612DA6A_## =
637C69D6FA337ACC_## =
637E4C87402F3ECB_## = Thank you!
63863A3E886ED762_## = Level 11 Chest
6387666F81BFF5EF_## = Omen
638906859B002F63_## =
6389B9D105EF95FF_## =
638A1F13E7A899A4_## =
638B6691C5BC80EC_## = Abomination
638FD22D94567E01_## = Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
63919A3D01E5DF38_## = Asterion's Buckler
63994AE789B501EA_## =
639A9BC6CEBEDB91_## =
639BF9E52FEE0A2F_## = Propeller
639C2EB430284F09_## =
639EEB553C960518_## = Magma
63A04C59F67A76D2_## =
63A24A8DDF7D0FA3_## = Item not found.
63A70A5A5B874756_## =
63A845F745C3AE33_## =
63A90BA242C1038B_## =
63A93714CE632CC7_## =
63AA0C29E715C087_## = Violet Value Pack
63ACC026FF1C941D_## =
63B0DF3186BE8FE1_## =
63B12A6BFABD42E5_## =
63B36EE208798BDA_## = Ryoma
63BB4A6FF9AA6A9B_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
63BBAB57BB57FE17_## = Tham gia sự kiện Tết gắn kết - Anh em chấp hết tại
sukien6.lienquan.garena.vn - Nhận Dấu ấn Tulen và đổi tướng miễn phí!
63BD28F3AF745090_## =
63C774A31EEFF8E0_## = (Stops enemies' movement)
63DEB2E7FFA92A3A_## = Unknown
63DF104C8F8F01F2_## = Blue Inner Tower
63E1AEB51623CD33_## = Unknown
63E7118276693B41_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Superman) của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
63E991675226A587_## = Unknown
63EBB0CC9E19D91D_## =
63EF22FEF366C592_## = Chaugnar
63F1DDB63176EF0C_## = Nhận ngay <color=orange>Ruby miễn phí</color> lần đầu tham
gia đấu hạng!
63F5ED24ACB217E0_## = Zanis
63F7DD836BA9655E_## = We need a Marksman!
63F9608BF2BB088A_## = Thắng đấu hạng {C}/{T} lần
63FA53BF6EC7E3CC_## = Original
63FB052E755BCDC8_## = Jinnar
63FBF7496E373BA3_## =
63FC64771BFE88FF_## =
63FD44CAB9BB0CD1_## =
640216FB7F279579_## = Tích lũy tiêu Quân Huy trong thời gian sự kiện, nhận ngay
mảnh trang phục và rương ngọc may mắn!
6402C42260559947_## = When things are too hot, use Death Sentence to escape and
position yourself for a counter attack. If Nakroth's other abilities are on
cooldown, you can use Judgment's Blade to avoid enemies' control effects.
64040C722C68EAC3_## = Unknown
6406BDD59B4AABF8_## =
64097834E23FB772_## = That all you got?
640A30EFD7FE5A57_## =
640B37991749EB21_## = Sorry, the guild <color=#ffd700>{0}</color> you have joined,
was not established due to not collecting enough signatures during the charter
period. Guild creation failed.
640D1ECB608F0DE7_## = Maloch
6411118EB0650760_## =
641285d664319bdd = No events at the moment. Stay tuned.
64199E5C575A83C2_## = The Executioner's Blade
641A459353FEA610_## = 消费点券活动
641E09E4C0A9CD12_## = Ability Power +2.5 \nMagic Pierce +1.4
64227F2C460266A1_## = Lane Pushing
64268C5005A69F16_## =
642B706D261BA601_## =
64303FDF58C1588C_## =
64385161A27541F7_## = Ruby may mắn
643A6EBBA5120527_## = Dreadwyrm
64415E6A8331BEB2_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
644B57394B8FFC4E_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
644E98AE018964FD_## = The results from the last guild season have been calculated.
Your guild placed <color=#ffd700>{0}</color>.\n\nYou contributed
<color=#ffd700>{1}</color> activity points and ranked <color=#ffd700>{2}</color>
for your guild.\n\nAll guild members will obtain the following rewards:
644F8F2C985FC299_## = Violate
64520E8C44D38B64_## = <blankspace89>
64528E91C206F7AE_## = 7 日累積簽到
64564A298DBAC9AD_## = Murad
6456B4706276F11E_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
6458535FBCF2F9AD_## = Cooldown
645BF7FBC603A4B6_## = Dread Judge
64606D15222E5D90_## = Tel'Annas Lucky Draw
6460DC8E6571D6F9_## = Đây là phần thưởng Săn mục tiêu lớn của bạn, xin mời kiểm
64613EEF3BF7EC2F_## = Keep moving around the map with Slimz early in matches. Try
to launch surprise attacks on enemy heroes by stunning them with Flying Spear.
Later in matches, use Savage Potion before attacking enemies or entering team
fights to inflict more damage on your targets.
6461B651668AAEC3_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tuần lễ Nguyệt tộc (Chơi cùng bạn) của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
64624BC66C3074E5_## = Getting Stronger
64652A0443AE5CF8_## = Đây là phần thưởng Khích lệ đấu hạng của bạn, xin mời kiểm
64659DCC1FDFE307_## = Original
64662A6D42D39B50_## = That all you got?
64678D3663FD5FEE_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
6468E50C65E1F43B_## = Original
64693DF99C36E677_## =
646BA3B6A2A4474F_## =
646ec795fb8777a6 = Leader
646F5F761CDE8628_## =
646F8246FA4EA37C_## = Enemies hit by Lauriel's abilities become marked. Every 4
marks trigger an explosion that deals {1} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{2})</color>
<color=#f3b74a>true damage</color> to nearby enemies and slows their movement speed
by {3}% for 1 second. Lauriel also recovers {0} HP after the explosion.
6470CB5529293890_## = Nhân dịp Tết dương lịch, hệ thống sẽ tự động +50% Exp nhận
được khi đấu Hạng. Còn chờ gì nữa, nhanh tay chiến ngay và thăng cấp vù vù thôi!
64731610118BFDBD_## =
64743BA37AE2C0D0_## = <color=#00d5ff>Mission:</color>\nLeave the<color=#d8aa1a>
647A6D129389E30F_## = Level 28 Chest
6480F932B84F9E46_## =
648525D979B3E3D6_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
648625EBA676251F_## = Rương Kiếm sư
6487E7AC77B6DC5B_## =
648922EEF0E42B71_## =
648AD1A007726FFF_## =
648B2BAC1615E394_## = (High damage - Low defense)
648C2BEB1DC3C8C7_## =
648fbe8f0020018e = Purchase
6495C9E7303F0B60_## = Attack Damage +3.2
649662EA7541ABEB_## =
6498F70B84FB0B77_## =
649BF5C2B9165131_## =
649CC282C1223AD9_## = Zill
649D1B4C5509714C_## = Rương may mắn TOG (Tướng)
64A035F450658914_## =
64A3DD6D227D08DD_## =
64A97A8F4887AEE4_## =
64ABF302561A971B_## = Tỉnh Kon Tum
64ADE877B699F9B9_## =
64B8CC1366B0AC33_## =
64B9B219C728B081_## = Unknown
64BA5C60C52B0B5F_## = When you're using Raz, try to plan out the best position in
advance to avoid counterattacks. Hit enemies with a third consecutive normal attack
to stun enemies before using a combo of his abilities.
64BCEAC2FC083C61_## =
64BF3D57207378A0_## = Trial Card: Try out Mina's skin: Candycane for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
64C5401D2B9B10C6_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
64c6016612cfec77 = Tap an empty slot to equip Arcana
64C8FCAA042AEC54_## = 分享对战结果次数{C}/{T}
64CED9EB83C4F7EB_## =
64CFCE383E7B2123_## = Unknown
64d2ed17ff56a6db = 64d2ed17ff56a6db_##
64D38EF0E7B1A945_## =
64D79478FC9658F8_## =
64D83753EF70A94F_## = Trial Card: Try out Arthur's skin: Love Sworn for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
64D9C1AAFDE8505C_## =
64DC49246AF2F582_## = Tướng Ilumia và Ilumia Hồng Hoa Hậu
64DCB95C6FCEA39E_## =
64DEC30D73102517_## =
64DF6FDFEC3CE990_## =
64E20419B2676BA4_## = Flight
64E3397693250821_## = Toro
64E33C6F72BA5811_## = Rương ngọc may mắn - Bộ ngọc tốt nhất để sử dụng với kết
hợp với Lindis
64E5878CBA051B57_## =
64E64682CE30C9DB_## =
64E6D22002549D65_## = King's symbol
64E9E25D529A9696_## =
64EB7033DFBDB4CD_## =
64F357B1A8224CA0_## =
64F9238948B89037_## =
64F94518EE6ABA1E_## =
64F9EEB5CFE0C6F2_## =
64FC1F190A9D89D6_## =
64FCF94C447AD8AD_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Arduin) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
64FF106BD0C1C64E_## = Quy đổi ngọc đỏ cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
6503DCAE5F2AC4FC_## = Trial Card: Try out Mina's skin: Fatal Scythe for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
65055E0710C159DF_## = Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
6507CF9F5B75BFBC_## = Claves Sancti
650A9F30DE23F521_## =
650C20D1BE87237B_## = Unknown
650DB3A653C6FB3F_## = Quy đổi ngọc lục cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
651196C6ADC2F4CD_## =
65144B9250BFD952_## =
651547B4329EBAC1_## =
65162D6479B353E1_## = Yeah, I know... I save lives. No big deal.
651ADF40B6BD16D2_## = Ignis
651AF882D62D09D9_## = Original
651B2E05AC849F33_## = Technoblade Level 4
651BB3E7A926DCAA_## = Săn mục tiêu lớn
651D6E6FACDE09CE_## =
651EFED111C9129D_## = Arthur's skin: Catacombs
65205128658B28B1_## =
6520E7567D99F56D_## = "Your sins will be judged in the underworld."\n\nNakroth
served as the Arbiter of Souls to the underworld. Prince or pauper, sinner or
saint, all must face his judgment before continuing their journey to the
underworld.\n\nWhen Preyta opened the channel between the underworld and the
continent, Nakroth joined Hell's Legions in invading the mortal realm. However,
unlike the ruthless Fallen, the souls under his command were prohibited from
killing prisoners and civilians under his strict code. For Nakroth, combat was the
means to test his mettle against the most formidable adversaries available, not an
excuse for unbridled slaughter.\n\nOf course, Nakroth's benevolence did not extend
to the battlefield, where he inspired deep reverence in his enemies for his bravery
and skill. "No one would dare ignore Nakroth's presence. The blade he wields is the
source of our nightmares." Although usually reserved, Nakroth couldn't help but
give a faint smile upon hearing such words from his enemies.\n\n"In life or in
death, you will not escape me."
652199530C3D2CAF_## = Veera's Mesmerize has a limited range, so you should be very
careful when you use it. It is best to position Veera as far as possible from the
enemy when in a team fight.
65255EE490466443_## =
65258877743935A6_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
652C26ECA19927B4_## = Airi's Spin stuns enemies for a short time, so you can use
this ability frequently to contain enemies.\nUse Ryuu when you are around a lot of
enemies to gain a more powerful shield.
652CF26BF2989439_## =
652E3BD9CC58A2A5_## = Butterfly
65312857C4C9DBDB_## =
653A64DF9BCFCA5F_## = Reach "Legendary" proficiency with {0} [/0:$(hero|heroes)/]
653a69cda385cdff = 653a69cda385cdff_##
653C5CB18B3AE13E_## =
653D8D40A146EA81_## = Superman
65416FBCD7CD05D0_## =
6545A95B7AE669A6_## = You are better than <color=orange>80%</color> of all players.
6549385A102B58CE_## = We must destroy these wretched towers.
654D03B2423B86D0_## = Greaves of Protection
654D70B4EBA514F1_## =
654F3BAE0CFAC0B2_## = Săn Rồng đón xuân!
6551478DB4793237_## = 击杀魔龙
655203375E9AFBF7_## = TeeMee
65522850A1AF39A0_## = Unknown
6556959083809949_## = Rift
655727F07D3E9415_## =
655C79936F09B955_## =
655FEBE485A630A1_## = Cyber Samurai
6565848AE9E223A1_## = Master
656B843DE1069DFC_## =
656BF3C7BC87A319_## = Base Damage
65766B3C4AAF4DE0_## = 7 日累積簽到
65777ebf254282e1 = 65777ebf254282e1_##
65788B944808CBB7_## = Taara leaps into the air and smashes the ground with her
hammer, dealing {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical
damage</color> to enemies within range and slowing their movement speed by {2}% for
2 seconds.
6578C13E4F0E246D_## =
657F627514EB038A_## = How Can I Be of Assistance?
65834095B7A69683_## =
65841D9C1B1799B9_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi để nhận ruby miễn phí
6585579D33231871_## =
65877BCD0A03749C_## =
6588CA2F13EF9FDC_## = Dread Knight
658A43ACD67DC14F_## =
658BC922D74F8FB8_## =
6591822B3AA4514F_## =
6591F735FC6F8ED7_## =
6594AFD8E4395567_## = EVO Ⅱ
6598C5592FC02A0D_## =
65993DD4B5EB1842_## =
659BE5ABAB77AD31_## = Butterfly
659D90BBD8313CF3_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
659E0ABECB114E2D_## = Brand-new hero audio
659FD3DAAEABE262_## = Trang phục Preyta: Băng hỏa long sư
659FD42BB6AC8581_## = Demonic
65A0CF245E9C7528_## = 签到图片
65A18C35AAA23F70_## =
65A52F3EED9DEDE6_## =
65A7BED10E7B01A9_## =
65B06F428F2EB7F7_## = Enchanted Kicks
65B1FE6937D883FA_## =
65BBD74DCD777A09_## = Report Feedback
65BBE413A5BFD490_## =
65BC2D75D9633615_## = By joining a guild, you can receive great rewards and request
trial cards from your guildmates. Get one of these packs and share some trial cards
with your guild.
65C012097258E67C_## =
65C3168ACB0C8DBA_## = Support tanks have high defensive attributes and high HP.
They can take damage for allies and provides buffs while attacking or impairing
enemies' movement.
65C5759DE46BFBA7_## = Đăng nhập giờ vàng
65C8051123E4CD94_## =
65CB8F1CA3913951_## =
65CDD3D805F35D77_## = Level 17 Chest
65D25C61BE980B36_## =
65D2E8F5239A257E_## = Ready? Let's go!
65DD1BB2C960730D_## =
65E06E5613747AE4_## =
65E480E88DED5935_## =
65E52849AE2E07D8_## = Original
65E6DA10B23BB309_## = 菁英擂台
65E85BEBA45A7DB9_## =
65EC5A46D97B58F0_## = Sacred Flame
65F66AD00C0A53C3_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
65FB62597CE2D6EF_## = Rương may mắn đấu sĩ mua 4 tặng 1 cực HOT! Mua ngay nào!
65fc81b6c6b11561 = Auto-aim
65FF8CA0DFF2A431_## =
6600C2E766106546_## =
6600F06465994D44_## = Engage!
6602E92629DDA361_## =
6604E6CEE9FC2DDB_## = Quy đổi ngọc tím cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
6604EF5E63E3E002_## =
6605ECFC223021BF_## = Đây là phần thưởng Truy tìm vinh quang của bạn, xin mời kiểm
660754F35FB544B5_## = "Wukong, you'll reap what you sow!"\n\nToro still held a
grudge against Wukong even after all of those years. As the master of Accumlated
Thunder Mountain and Emerald Cloud Mountain, Toro was considered one of the great
lords of the world. His strength and power were so renowned that he was ranked as
the highest of the seven demon kings, even above the great Wukong.\n\nIndeed, Toro
once shared a good time with Wukong, but everything had turned sour since Wukong's
epic journey. Because of Wukong, Toro's concubine was killed and his son taken away
by Boddhisattva Guanyin. "We're sworn brothers and we said we would be brothers no
matter what. Why is he always messing with me?" Toro still loses his mind every
time he thinks of these tragic events.\n\nToro wanted to confront Wukong to set
things straight, but Wukong had become a Buddha upon finishing his journey. Toro
felt inferior. After learning that Wukong was heading to Athanor, Toro seized the
opportunity and followed Wukong. He won the Afata's trust by revealing his true
identity and now looks forward to the decisive battle with his sworn
brother.\n\n"Where is that stupid monkey? I'm gonna teach him a lesson… with my
660D14C443E1F33B_## =
660D57ACD9F820B4_## = Mở để nhận thẻ thử tướng và thử trang phục 1 ngày
660FD8CC21CAA898_## = New ability effects
66145E47BAD906B1_## = Base Damage
6615773708538514_## = Amazon of Themyscira
66173C484B18B477_## = Unknown
661FB9E375709754_## = Healing Light
662AA3C580608933_## =
662AF9132D7B0EF7_## = Alacrity
662B66AFD4A1FFF0_## = Use {0} to kill {1} enemies ({2}/{3})
663040531693EF3D_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nTướng vĩnh viễn
(Batman) / Thẻ thử tướng Batman (1 ngày) / Mảnh tướng
66306E9E84011B98_## = The Ronin
6632B7E99A28B12C_## =
6633B00064055E49_## =
6635648ac6060b76 = 6635648ac6060b76_##
6635A345803BFCBA_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường đỉnh cao của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
6635D97F8CBBA98C_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Slimz) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
663811C53C9FF1E9_## = Lauriel
663AAC552A006366_## = Chiến thắng 1 trận trong chế độ 5v5 Độc Đạo để nhận được
Ruby miễn phí
663D7DBCED6A13E9_## = That all you got?
663DA535D351B261_## = Failure
663E7B1FE3B70073_## =
663F3861C080497A_## =
6641F08D9C9F400B_## =
66424BC3FA04AE4E_## =
6644954CE5DD1E15_## =
664715B432BBB351_## =
664ab42c795a4b0c = 664ab42c795a4b0c_##
664D425A68CEBBF5_## = +50% Exp Năm mới - Hạng
664F9921A783A040_## = That all you got?
6653F1ACB2B8E1DF_## =
66564D623E22AA9E_## = Đăng nhập mỗi ngày, nhận quà chúc mừng VN lên ngôi Á Quân
tại giải U23 Châu Á
6659724A86FC699E_## = Trial Card: Try out Ryoma's skin: Gunslinger for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
665A46E8BFD7C769_## =
665C25606C8F72F8_## =
66644C623BB6354A_## = Base Damage
6664AD31ED6927D5_## =
6665F65B18770BEF_## = Human Form grants ranged normal attack.\nFox Form increases
armor and magic defense by 20 (+5 per level) and movement speed by 30. Normal
attacks in Fox Form deal <color=#7FFFD4>{0}</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
6666A76E1E71A15D_## =
6666EDCC432C34EB_## =
666700DC2F7ADCC8_## = Naginatajutsu
6668F9A1855C36D8_## = Catacombs
666CFE7817A41BEB_## = Casanova
666D42C346852A79_## = Armor increased
666F53D27D982916_## = As a support hero, Lumburr should be with allies at all
times. Earth Splitter has a brief delay, so try to anticipate the enemy's
movements. Use his abilities to open space in a team fight and supply allies with
the opportunity to attack.
6673DB563D3AA461_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
66764C559E601D71_## =
667695F28ADED8A2_## = Original
667C5D4A827F0971_## =
667D1CC153368DCF_## =
667E78F21572D19C_## =
667FD1A9DC781199_## =
6682466D90802955_## =
6689DA40AC007D8B_## = Red Super Minions
668A4FE6B0F48622_## = <color=#f6bf17ff>Jungling</color> can help you level up super
quickly! \nTry it yourself!
668C6BD229660764_## =
668dbc022daf37ce = 668dbc022daf37ce_##
6691D5035B3EAEF2_## = Trial Card: Try out Ilumia for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color>
day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
66935F0E35930947_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc thành rương ngọc cấp III may mắn
669560495ACFF9BD_## = Share trang phục nhận quà Giáng sinh
6695B54C6731A59F_## = Raz
6697B4A71325802E_## =
669853B654012C64_## =
669B7B0B394EC58B_## =
669D3ED132675784_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
669D93397212F3F6_## =
669E0E812B039EF7_## =
669FF63E771F66FC_## = Mở để nhận 1 món quà ngẫu nhiên
66A2AD92C1513636_## =
66A4FD17BA9A642A_## =
66A591FB95A23815_## =
66a65c6a55bfc5 = 66a65c6a55bfc5_##
66A837679D53A32C_## = Original
66A84F21C3BB6B07_## = Ability Power +100 \n[Magic Pierce +75]
66A9BF35C540B893_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nTướng vĩnh viễn
(Preyta) / Thẻ thử tướng Preyta (3 ngày) / Mảnh tướng
66AB1EBB299B1C47_## =
66AD58BC66030F51_## =
66AD59BBA88C0466_## =
66ADB5CDAF8FE811_## =
66AE625FD12EA999_## = You get by with a little help from your friends.
66B145227043D04E_## = 26.11 - Đăng nhập giờ vàng
66B353304B84B65E_## =
66b43b87b746c0c2 = Attack Range:
66B58F6857A8CC2D_## = Heartbreaker
66B61CE700B5C1A0_## =
66B9BAED477F0A40_## =
66BA456C1FEA5B57_## = Makin' Moves
66BE19D7CE4AA30E_## =
66BFF8D805E1A101_## =
66C2DDC828E94AD6_## =
66C3EAAA6CA993D2_## =
66CC4190116E264B_## =
66DDA4DCE75D20A9_## =
66E4DD8073383FF8_## = Original
66E5D3BC09A4E038_## =
66E7A01B5A50AA18_## =
66EA77CB67337BA7_## =
66EB76393100EF06_## = 签到图片
66ED4BE33F5ACF0E_## =
66EDA8D6C757D81E_## = This player is still active.
66EDCBA8839A8FAE_## =
66eff359c9b8c218 = 66eff359c9b8c218_##
66F1A2E70830CF56_## = Kriknak
66F318B40A7E89EC_## =
66F9503A76DCE08E_## = Armor Pierce +2.2
66FDE04F0CE4E889_## = The Fanatic
66FF1E6D9632F04E_## = Femme Fatale
6708C3C34DB66E3E_## = Số trụ phá {C}/{T}
6709835AAED61EB6_## =
670a2e40bfcdad1b = 670a2e40bfcdad1b_##
670B61930AE94F41_## = Viking
670D9921713380AF_## =
670E0955CEE2785D_## = Shop Purchase
6710D0E85DEF8FB4_## = Warrior
671116630D535B31_## =
671282AAE038B410_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
671BFE29C720B357_## =
671F24EF0E7FA2B4_## =
672954673A0E4BFB_## = Unknown
672A7E4E0FA86B62_## = Abilities
672C466118F9E1C2_## = Quà trung thu của Joker!
672D07D0A07EFFA6_## = Zanis strikes the target, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#f3b74a>true damage</color> and knocking
enemies into the air briefly. For the next 5 seconds, he takes 20% less damage and
his normal attacks deal an additional {2} <color=#f18d00>(+{3})</color>
<color=#f3b74a>true damage</color>.
672D845647A76680_## = Taara
672E775E4F6F01A5_## = Default
672F0FA0019FB3C7_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK {C}/{T}
6731204C60EB6433_## = Crimson
6735426FBA6C20ED_## =
67375342F7EC62B0_## =
673C7E554EFAD01A_## =
673E69C2E41B1422_## = Ascended
673FCD1CE1F8A979_## = Attack
674116E695D08D0E_## = Embrace the blight!
6741DE1BBB1A4D79_## = Damage from\nexplosion
674383813684C0E3_## = I'll scout the Abyssal Dragon!
67438B9CEA7A34F4_## = Lu Bu lunges forward, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies in
his path. Lu Bu will stop immediately if he hits an enemy hero. This ability can be
used 3 times in a row, with the 3rd cast knocking enemies into the air.
674614316C7E8681_## = Mời bạn bè cùng chơi trong dịp đầu xuân năm mới? Nhận ngay
Lì xì!
674B43F0E2BED749_## =
674BB51FEA9EB503_## = Piercing
674FBFC6FAFC64E0_## = Trial Card: Try out Kriknak for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color>
day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
6753B64BBA4553B0_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Ilumia)
6754C319E58802FC_## = obsolete+8b256a829d846e29
6758D993A8026727_## = Trial Card: Try out Murad's skin: Prep School
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
675941A4726A06C9_## = Cooldown
6759FCFACFF08AAB_## = Rương thẻ thử skin 3N
675D247CA898177F_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Cresht {C}/{T} lần
675FFDB01C86E190_## =
676353F59F28AC23_## =
6768B562C6CA57C5_## =
676F88F1364DE281_## =
677119D391F508D8_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
67721C8BC5FC35A9_## =
6772A65E92B1F906_## = obsolete+4bcd142bb9dfd003
677455EF6C69C73D_## = Splashingly cool sound effects
677889D6D5C69946_## =
6779B4377FDE8553_## =
677CF668940A0538_## = [新英雄-Slimz 登場] 愛不釋手
677D54D35091F128_## = Critical Chance +12%
677E904F3F4539AF_## =
6780049944C1E66D_## =
678025D8A743101F_## =
67828BFE125A2DEC_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
678439E15F0BD15B_## = Kil'Groth Chest
6786897E7F3B7BCD_## =
6789879FF4A93824_## =
678A5C41CD333FA4_## =
Đăng nhập mỗi ngày để nhận mảnh ghép năm mới và đổi lấy cơ hội sở hữu bộ đôi tran
g phục giới hạn Long kỵ sĩ và Nghệ nhân Lân!
678D27968D4F9144_## =
678F3A4D05BD3C4F_## = Gold
678FD1861FC9F029_## =
67935BE5C22FDFC6_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
6797120432F465FB_## = Crimson
67974C64295110F3_## = Đấu trường đỉnh cao
67984112d1e0611b = 67984112d1e0611b_##
679C7972FF57096F_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
679DAED77F528CA5_## = Original
679E626EE379103E_## = Unique Passive - Life Shield: Gains a shield that absorbs 450
(+50 per level) (+40% ability power) damage when HP falls below 40%. The shield
lasts 4 seconds and has a 75-second cooldown.
67A3DE5F33265108_## =
67A6D6A415FFA124_## = The Soul Harvester
67A7D6480FDAB9BD_## = 限時充值送好禮(test)
67AF085A104B9313_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
67B5BD68384317D0_## = Original
67BA30B912C3E4C7_## = OK
67BA90F373FC7992_## = Tích lũy điểm hạ gục trong chế độ 5v5 thường mỗi ngày,để
nhận Chìa khóa Nguyệt tộc
67bbac36688ed9ea = Tap to enter message
67C2C9010EEAE682_## =
67C377DA45C4E698_## =
67C41514292D2118_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (The Joker) của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
67C646E47958ABF1_## =
67D11FD5A248F0E0_## =
67D79E549DDD167F_## =
67DA337696024EBA_## = Jungling, Burst
67DC4D4D9FFB04A2_## = Yorn
67DCB3E740DFAC35_## = Đây là phần thưởng Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
67DD69A0B80E22C4_## = Unknown
67DDF280AAB5C932_## = Unknown
67E0BE9250B68572_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
67E0C4BC23D7F3B1_## =
67E16541A34DB3FB_## =
67E1C5BC0336064E_## =
67E3E8B518D87FEB_## = Tulen
67E6F32FB4EBEC4B_## =
67F13E3DA8E82EF8_## = Open to get random 7d hero trial card
67F2EB7EB39075A3_## = Gói 35% KM Tel'Annas + skin
67F46B0476D0C9AF_## = 本週活動精選
67FB1CC2EF900044_## = Sweet sweet victory!
680116F76D4CA235_## = The Awoken Mech
6802A9680B3941A9_## = Grand Battle
68054562C75CA8FF_## =
68093ec002beec55 = Limited-time sale
680DC390789C8FB4_## = Kumiho's Legacy
680F914ED3F89F6D_## = Ability Power Increase
6810D992C882FF31_## = 7 日累積簽到
68199B2A15AF4705_## = The Enemy's<color=#f6bf17ff> Defense Towers</color> protect
their Base. Destroy them!
681A3D4D2418DD74_## =
681A9D9ACB6811F5_## =
681AABB6C5327057_## =
681AE674DE2A74B0_## = Rhea's Blessing Cooldown
681B5B66F971D073_## = Level 8 Activity Rewards
681BCEC04B5662CD_## = Đây là phần thưởng Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
681C48B21DDD8B76_## =
681C842A3B968318_## = Kahlii Value Pack
682044731CF9D022_## = Fennik can clear lanes quickly thanks to his Hidden Weapons
passive. Combined with his normal attacks, his abilities make him very efficient in
the jungle. Try to trigger the explosion from Thief's Mark by attacking the enemy
with a normal attack after marking them 4 times. This will deal a massive amount of
damage to enemies in the area.
68249643EC501EE0_## =
68254eb96a881c41 = Stay Tuned
6825A30FA39A5B81_## =
682C7F2111240E97_## =
682c8a25b1a39c1b = Help
682DB9259F62A24B_## =
682E04BB26FEDC27_## = Trial Card: Try out Cresht's skin: Firefighter for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
682E0D620AD8D2EA_## = Use Valhein's Bullet Storm at close range to maximize its
damage to enemies. After triggering a golden glaive with his passive, quickly
follow up with more normal attacks to destroy your stunned opponent.
682ED6787643C959_## = 登录送蛋糕
682FA137448EB757_## = That all you got?
683170FAE0AD7D22_## = <blankspace89>
6831C7D47BABF256_## =
6833EF90F5CCCC62_## = The Conjurer
68386ED29A5FA2A7_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
683872068FCAA0A4_## =
6838D0ECC81E342C_## = When things are too hot, use Death Sentence to escape and
position yourself for a counter attack. If Nakroth's other abilities are on
cooldown, you can use Judgment's Blade to avoid enemies' control effects.
683D3B4E0D69B62C_## = Grakk
683DAECAE09BB581_## = Unknown
683DDE8B06A34FA1_## =
684036AEA9304681_## = Tướng Airi và trang phục Airi Quái xế công nghệ
684129719FF1D0F9_## = Unknown
6843416255E92682_## =
6843B89B8AC9FE58_## = TeeMee
684ACBCE5406E232_## =
684C401803E041A4_## = Base Damage
6850EE00E78781CF_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tuần lễ Nguyệt tộc (Hạ gục) của bạn, xin
mời kiểm tra!
685370D8D08B60D0_## =
685625C7E467B93F_## =
685A7B46CB1D6B81_## = Veera
685C6AF9AB5FEAA3_## = Original
685C6F5E78F52E43_## = Long Range
685F2FE1D2707F21_## =
6860C36A8A5DD539_## =
6868317211861658_## =
6868FAA208C09FE1_## = Tank
6869AF7523340D30_## = 7 日累積簽到
686D222B14287A0D_## =
686E491D9E20FF75_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
68714BAD6D0EA4BF_## = "You cannot outrun Death. It cannot be tricked, bargained
with, or intimidated. Run, and you'll only die trying."\n\nSome cultures told
stories of angels or Valkyries that came to lead the dead to the afterlife;
however, it was actually Lord Zephys who ferried souls to his domain with a
chilling west wind. \n\nSteadfast and meticulous in his duty, Zephys personally
harvested the soul of every mortal. In the final terrifying moment of their lives,
it was his towering figure that came to rip their spirits from their bodies, so
they would face judgment in the underworld. Admired by few and envied by none,
Zephys carried the mantle of the harvester with unrivaled dignity, for only he
understood the calamity that would ensue should he falter.\n\nIn times of war,
Zephys led his undead army at the front; his ranks ever growing as he reaped.
\n\n"Run, walk, or crawl, death comes for us all."
6872DF7D5FBB138B_## =
687332778B9D3DD3_## = 本週活動精選
6878D6DA29CEB348_## = Lindis
687A83EED206A36D_## = Increased Healing:\nHP and Mana Regen for 5 seconds
6880269347E58A65_## = We need an Assassin!
68857F6D21CAAA0D_## =
6885A431CBA51A39_## =
68881ED2B13EB577_## = Kahlii
689075FD33F4EECE_## = Trial Card: Try out Valhein's skin: Dandy
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
68916F43221EA7D0_## =
689211FDA0B12EF0_## = Đấu trường huyền thoại
689361E2109817D3_## = Base Damage
689685E6C23B74BA_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
6899BF1CD70FA9B4_## =
68A53B618BD738BD_## =
68A8A9FA9DF5C37F_## = Battles Worth Fighting For
68A949EE4FA2302A_## =
68A9FECECC574CC1_## = Ability Power +400\n[Enlightenment]
68AB3145EB0C29CC_## = Lucky Draw
68AEE61C90AF18A9_## =
68B2EFF0502A96E1_## =
68B48713821BBB26_## =
68B5FD4BC106F301_## =
68B743507127ADDE_## = Thu thập dấu ấn Murad M-TP (Kiếm Murad)
68B8435E0434A388_## =
68B8C5A370451460_## = Blue Base
68B9365A391DAC77_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
68BF996249E287DF_## = EXP
68C0BF4C91CBB75E_## = Trial Card: Try out Zanis's skin: Casanova for
<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
68C24DE3F45B2224_## = Unknown
68c7694f3a8fcfa4 = 68c7694f3a8fcfa4_##
68C7766D0659C272_## = Original
68C782FBBB6F2384_## =
68C99D9E30EF43A3_## = Người ta có kẹo có bánh, anh không có gì mỗi trái bóng bay!
68C9F724E15CD913_## =
68CA1542B9826DF3_## =
68CCA1F09AF56AD3_## =
68CD9A6DD68821E2_## =
68D06ABC2B908AC6_## =
68D12D3EEFD9CABA_## = Unknown
68D4A9AA99344C16_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
68D4E75E2C5C7F7F_## =
68D53D87B0D74557_## = Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
68D58EFE9E81E820_## = Butterfly
68D6FC94232778EF_## = Winter
68E2B638866DA9EB_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
68E590C3ABB5957C_## = Happy
68E653A67BF0D724_## =
68EA92A8702ACE5B_## =
68F2344E0AE936CA_## = 等級達到{T}級
68F268FB366E0A9C_## =
68F2A6862A41276E_## = Death becomes you…
68F5296BC3F2FD74_## = COMING SOON
68F6AF26D3E86633_## =
68FA903808E3B24B_## = Cơ hội sở hữu trọn bộ trang phục Tiệc bánh kẹo chỉ với 15
Quân Huy
68fd0610529836db = 68fd0610529836db_##
68FD0E362729EAC2_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
68FE17EFC7742776_## =
68FF516DBE5C245C_## =
6901E8CBEA228C10_## = [新英雄-Maloch 登場] 愛不釋手
690309F502542439_## =
6903D3D688CFE905_## = Unique Passive - Chain Lightning: Every 8 seconds, the next
normal attack triggers a chain lightning that deals 150 (+20% attack damage)
physical damage. Each normal attack also carries Life Steal and reduces cooldown by
1 second on hit.
6903F3F293E04402_## = Sustained Damage
69068F183DC9E8F5_## = Use the <color=#f6bf17ff>Punish</color> talent to increase
your jungling efficiency!
6907A12D28204871_## = Unknown
69081A5F4A83CC5A_## = Every 3rd normal attack becomes a glaive with an additional
random effect (Slowdown, stun or extra Damage).
690A2FBF8E7CB2DE_## = Red Stallion
690c61c8ec379e6d = Team 1
690E96285C4260F9_## =
690FDF463CCD7D8C_## = [新英雄-Zill 登場] 愛不釋手
6910313718F4C4DD_## = <blankspace89>
6910B7DF93FC56D9_## =
69121387C393BAFB_## = Use Maloch's Cleave to hit an enemy hero and enchant his
weapon. This will make his normal attacks and subsequent Cleave attacks deal true
damage and restore a lot of HP.
69143AF394241B29_## =
6914569100603630 = Progress
69159A5A5904E936_## =
691688357E73CBB9_## = You are better than <color=orange>65%</color> of all players.
6918718F9306C4D7_## =
691ED60155B317D3_## =
691FBFE3F59E49DD_## = That all you got?
6924BFCFD2CAEFC1_## = Unknown
6929689CAC2C6A21_## = Tuần lễ Nguyệt tộc (Chơi cùng bạn)
692AB44DC4F65FA3_## =
692D230EA7FA3295_## =
692D40A65D9E34B4_## = Unknown
692e361b837103b2 = Medium
69306F6F75DD4C05_## =
6930DC160407D7BA_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Slimz) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
6933774CBB6F6557_## = Tel'Annas fires 3 arrows simultaneously, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies in
their paths and reducing their movement speed by {2}% for 2 seconds. The arrows
lose 20% damage for each enemy hit, up to 40% damage loss.
693397031807432F_## =
69365218075C6821_## =
6937770B8DF103A3_## = "Torture brings suffering, and suffering brings
power."\n\nClawing from the deepest pits of Hell with seething fury and vile
intents for torture and suffering, Maloch would become the ruler of the
Ravenors. \n\nHe knew full well the world's most cruel and sadistic punishments. He
enjoyed nothing more than shattering the souls of those unfortunate enough to cross
his path. The howls of pain and anguish that emerge from the torture pits within
Hell were music to Maloch's ears, and that was where he drew powers from. In this
place where light could never touch, the Ravenors were law and they served
Maloch. \n\n"My underlings hunger for my power, but they shall never have it!"
Maloch was always proud to demonstrate his cold intellect and vile schemes, and was
quick to refute any rumors about his foolhardiness.\n\nMaloch's cruelty knew no
bounds, and he frequently delighted himself by torturing the Ravenors under his
command until their very souls were broken. It helped passing his time, but Maloch
gradually grew tired of them as well.\n\n"Every living soul must lay broken,
weeping and pleading for death at my feet!" He thought to himself. With this new
desire, Maloch left his realm and sought out battles.\n\n"I will show all that
breathe what true suffering really is!"
693834d6e5b47b00 = Timer
693A7CEAACF6206E_## =
6943C7ACA1459FFE_## = Fighting Spirit
69461DACAA6EF855_## =
6948BB2CDE56C9B2_## =
69493122370D71C1_## = Unique Passive - Soul Prison: On dealing damage, reduces
target's HP regeneration by 50% for 1.5 seconds. If this is triggered by normal
attacks, the duration is extended to 3 seconds.
694A649B8883751B_## =
694B389FD5EDF3BD_## =
694BED2C4017F573_## =
694CF60295F39ABF_## = Mach Punch
69500837188B32D0_## = Attack
69506B238EB397BF_## = Corruption
69531CFD9E2A026A_## =
69555DAF6D06F22B_## =
6956002379FCE69D_## =
695635BB5DA44349_## = OK
6957162D9B63B582_## =
6960367A4EB3E9B8_## =
69644036C642661C_## =
69661089403FF06B_## =
696769D00DA43A16_## = Trial Card: Try out Aleister for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
69689DAC2EDC6152_## = Zuka
696B8C3D08623175_## = Thunder Blast
69706F44A3417358_## = 本週活動精選
6971B8073807C917_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
6971cf975c928f40 = 6971cf975c928f40_##
69752753BD0BF26E_## = Đăng nhập nhận quà
6975AA5152B76D5E_## = Trial Card: Try out Lu Bu's skin: Crimson for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
697C4BDAD4FA215C_## =
697D82558BABD5EE_## =
698211F3F7410B75_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
69827C3FDF04FE44_## =
69834C3C11808C78_## =
698584C50EAA7B4A_## = Daze
698754045CEFE003_## =
698861A6B5461FFC_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
698A76671E640E70_## = Unknown
698F4FA2C784F7D8_## = 7 日累積簽到
6992E671298BE931_## =
6993EF4CB2602B9B_## = Quick, get online.
6995FB526FA00CBC_## = Nakroth
6999F1957EBB7B11_## = Unknown
699AAC8CA4D89033_## = 好友大作战
699C944D3645EFC4_## = Every 4th normal attack knocks back targets and deals
<color=#7FFFD4>{0}</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>. Additionally,
Gildur gains a shield for a short period of time when he uses any of his abilities.
699CA2E220C7D871_## =
69A1FCB50F17DF14_## =
69A518D0218155DF_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
69A7077BDED249EC_## = Red Hammer Soldier
69A853DAE6322C6A_## =
69AB4FB77295C373_## = [新英雄-Ryoma 登場] 愛不釋手
69B16414D1FBF270_## = Trial Card: Try out The Joker for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this hero.
69B4723E88109068_## =
69B7F8BD457E2862_## =
69B8789A7CB6F749_## =
69BBC52546BE783D_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
69BE0E5656DDFDDB_## = New gleeful sounds effects
69BEA6BDCAF60697_## =
69C1E88FBB83418B_## = Original
69C64EE6BEB1377C_## =
69C76DE1032DBF3D_## =
69C7BF468FA8655E_## =
69C9A4B2DE620963_## =
69CC95C1B1739D70_## =
69CF128FFF3519CB_## = I await your command.
69D0E21EA59F5BA0_## = Every time Omen hits an enemy with a normal attack, he gains
one Thirst point. After reaching five points, Omen increases his movement speed by
{0} and his attack speed by {1}% for 5 seconds. His strengthened normal attack will
also deal <color=#f18d00>{2}</color> <color=#f3b74a>true damage</color> and reduce
the cooldown for Death's Beckon and Untouchable by 1 second.\n\nOmen's 3rd normal
attack triggers a second hit that deals 50% damage. The counter is reset after
reaching 5 points of Thirst and after coming out of Thirst.
69D7D0C83623A563_## =
69db83ecb6c4e2ee = Centered on Finger\n<color=#827864><size=20>(Suitable for
69DC0A9CB39EC95C_## = Đăng nhập và chơi đấu 5v5 mỗi ngày để nhận Huy hiệu AIC
69DF09F764B056F4_## = Trial Card: Try out Jinnar for <color=#01d1f8ff>7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this hero.
69DF5EC8B42F634D_## = I'll take the middle lane!
69E5E76374476279_## =
69F1A31D8E5B1F87_## = Trial Card: Try out Astrid's skin: Regnant
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
69F282EEB5940F6F_## =
69f6dcd42f8f718e = Turn off Battle Lane
69F9A6E768E8B21E_## =
69FCD7952110B01F_## =
69FE3CB53CE5B6AA_## = 26.11 - Đăng nhập giờ vàng
6A019775BB1D7514_## = Unknown
6a01d900551ceed4 = 6a01d900551ceed4_##
6A031272A29193AD_## = Original
6A0793D02A2A51E3_## = Rương may mắn Tel'Annas
6A0933DCED77C575_## =
6A098ED81CF134AD_## = That all you got?
6A0EA7BB544867BA_## =
6A0FFE5DEC80E367_## =
6a12b9b2cb56d442 = An error has occurred.
6A14FA2EA25569C0_## =
6A1667FC6A15BF6B_## = Veera applies a Come Hither stack to every enemy hit by her
abilities. Each stack reduces an enemy's magic defense by 30-72 (scales with hero
level), up to 3 stacks.
6A17E864000E64D6_## = Tulen
6A1D9516B31C37EC_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
6A1EAB9DEDB0A74D_## =
6A1EC0BAB9994A53_## = Butterfly
6A21E9A221ECC74F_## = Let me kiss it and make it all better.
6A2507CDA9B7609D_## = Catacombs
6A26DD4B1FFB188C_## = Violet
6A2925D455D2C229_## =
6A2A899AD463B809_## = Don't flame!
6A2E442BB0A72296_## = Lindis
6A30DCC1B626F0DC_## = Đăng nhập mỗi ngày để nhận quà tết từ Liên Quân
6A31EFE7F0DA26A4_## =
6A3335F6FA345364_## = Base Damage
6A35A85FC29EED15_## =
6a366823d11faf53 = 6a366823d11faf53_##
6A38E130208DEAF2_## = Conqueror
6A39C71F26076246_## =
6A3B7B099B09BF9A_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nTướng vĩnh viễn
(Maloch) / Thẻ thử tướng Maloch (3 ngày) / Mảnh tướng
6A3C37D2A431B747_## =
6A411213387E6654_## =
6A42FE32E5BFE7B7_## = Arthur
6A47BE5A2110A8FC_## =
6A49C051170CE55B_## = Chơi bản đồ 5v5 Miền đất hứa (Thường & Hạng) để nhận ruby
miễn phí
6A4A4AFF939186FE_## =
6A4D49A43584C60E_## = Burst
6A4DCC494D1F1CE7_## = Unknown
6A4E775F55A7A896_## =
6A4FD6AFAE22E35D_## = Crimson Banner
6A540F15DB0A8C87_## =
6A54B12258476C58_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nTướng vĩnh viễn
(Payna) / Thẻ thử tướng Payna (3 ngày) / Mảnh tướng
6A55E5A4F26609BA_## = Snow Festival
6A56B4683B99827B_## = Xeniel
6A58CCF7105A2E0F_## = Tuần lễ Nguyệt tộc (Hạ gục)
6A59ADF5EB4FD278_## = When Thane's HP falls below 30%, he regenerates 24% of his
maximum HP over 6 seconds. 75-second cooldown.
6A5A992A0E6F5582_## = <color=#f6bf17ff>Tap</color> and
<color=#f6bf17ff>hold</color> here to view details about the ability.
6A5F9C579697A321_## =
6A60210CC4A5E5C6_## =
6A62F755AEE5CE4A_## = Chúc mừng năm mới (5v5)
6A70BBB289A2CDEA_## = Trial Card: Try out Violet's skin: Tagger for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
6A72E048D77F4371_## = Unknown
6A73D702D8457FC2_## = Cooldown
6A76FF9DE0186264_## =
6A782E654DCC7A4F_## =
6a79587efeb62f0e = 6a79587efeb62f0e_##
6A7E1997C0B73C92_## =
6A7FFFE7345AE28B_## = Snow Festival Special
6A80627861D0C0C4_## =
6A824628C3A0F96F_## = Magma
6A857C0044D1517E_## = Khuyến mãi nạp Quân Huy
6A896B976FBD4D9B_## = Base Guardian:\nMovement speed increased
6A8A32728A790EB2_## = Thu thập Bánh Chưng và Đầu lân để đổi thưởng Tết mỗi ngày
6A8AE9B4895017FA_## = Nạp tích lũy 90 Quân Huy, nhận quà ngay
6A8B630D3598B5E2_## =
6A921A6A4C722A33_## =
6A9373BF04208BF7_## = Red Stallion
6A9404AABC7503DE_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
6A956467B00316A9_## = Mov. Speed increases by 70%, lasts 20 sec.
6A99C9C0E9A3D42F_## = Mở để nhận thẻ thử tướng và thử trang phục 1 ngày
6A9ACB1EC51250C4_## = ProPlayer Suggestion
6A9B5816D5AE75CC_## =
6A9D061ED098A815_## =
6A9D21CEC29F5A61_## =
6AA1CC7BFF0EB685_## = Hissy Fit
6aa356c00828a7eb = Recent
6AA4F87FF6297816_## =
6AA6B290AB1EBF14_## = Omen
6AA8FE40230A7302_## = Rương ngọc tối ưu dành cho Valhein gánh team. 6PGG!
6AAC6D20E0812254_## = Undying Protector
6AACFD73130E9FE4_## =
6AB0D737F0338759_## = Rare Fennik Skin: Little Adventurer
6AB28C9148857F76_## =
6AB3C064D5A64F5A_## = Get some <color=#f6bf17ff>jungling equipment</color> to
jungle more efficiently!
6AB41D61B0BBC2C6_## = That all you got?
6AB70ACC26A6A86A_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Chơi game)
6AB8A190537C4000_## =
6AB8CC956230E574_## =
6ABBBAAE994F9D54_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
6ABE0F116913B112_## =
6ABE880A9B05BCBA_## = Cooldown
6AC0A0FD860C3191_## = Trial Card: Try out Violet for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
6AC1356CDB959982_## = Đây là phần thưởng Khuyến mãi nạp Quân Huy của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
6AC3C7C08E584DF2_## =
6AC4469EE66A9655_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
6AC4786B029E273E_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
6AC4F10ACE11794F_## = Trial Card: Try out Yorn's skin: Po Po for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
6AC6F6A83A629479_## = [新英雄-Tel'Annas 登場] 愛不釋手
6AC71FA00EF44291_## =
6AC8C5565DE9143B_## = Leap Damage
6AC9285E504A00CA_## = Quy đổi ngọc tím cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
6AD203233DA05EBA_## =
6AD4CB6CC8DF4C33_## = Nhận từ sự kiện hoặc đổi ngọc cấp II. Có thể sử dụng để đổi
ngọc III ngẫu nhiên
6AD7A4043C72CFC4_## =
6AD93C3B511E92D5_## =
6AE2092C99DD69CE_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
6AE33D88B38225FA_## = Survivability, Sustained Damage
6AE468DB4A569EF7_## =
6AE5BDC81657014A_## = 本週活動精選
6AE637E1143DF923_## = Follow the<color=#f6bf17ff> arrows</color> to advance
on<color=#f6bf17ff> the target</color>!
6AE669BC8B85A357_## = Contains 10 Gems, 1300 Gold and 1 lvl 2 Arcana: Revelation
6AE932E8501E4880_## = 参与 5V5
6AEA3F89C5ED3A6E_## =
6AEBD255F11B017F_## =
6AEFD8438FB44B62_## =
6AF25C9A4810776E_## = Every 4th normal attack knocks back targets and deals
<color=#7FFFD4>{0}</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>. Additionally,
Gildur gains a shield for a short period of time when he uses any of his abilities.
6AF518270466CA9B_## = Unknown
6AF58FFEDB34BADD_## = (Closes on enemies quickly/stealthily - Deals high amounts of
6AF640590895C33B_## =
6AF6DB50193482E7_## = Your request of item: {1} from {0} has been refused.
6AF8F40716BEBAEE_## =
6AFAF3D867D4F316_## = Original
6AFBCD8426F4BB1D_## =
6AFBF2EE159B1DBD_## =
6AFC2C7D3905560C_## = Black Wing
6AFCC8975943846A_## = I vow to never lose again.
6AFD2EDEA9754A82_## = Wicked Plot
6B05C3F745BCF7D9_## =
6B06F576D1ECFEB1_## = Survivability
6B0FA82E25532D40_## =
6B10CE3B976BE492_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Lục)
6B1625A62C919260_## =
6B16CB003E108E18_## = Melee
6B17807127A8A8A6_## = Blood Ritual
6B18A3B036985660_## = Combo thẻ thử 1n
6B18C92BABFFDE32_## =
6B18D3B41059F2D4_## =
6B1ABC7AF35CADA0_## = Limited Event Gift
6B1B23CD97D03520_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Tím)
6B1FFDD3BD94A300_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc thành rương ngọc cấp III may mắn
6B20F2AEE177BB5E_## = Alice
6B2407A656F94651_## = Đây là phần thưởng Nạp Quân Huy - Nhận Vé quay Kho Báu của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
6B24A8EE11423494_## =
6B24EA5100549AE1_## =
6B27ED62C723A45C_## =
6B2AA66D45293E1D_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
6B2C93DC4A5A9996_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
6B2F4363F156BAA9_## =
6B32AC0B998C82FB_## = Tank
6B32D5850DC26A2B_## =
6B33071036BA6E8A_## =
6B345DAD91D5B38D_## = Rương may mắn pháp sư mua 4 tặng 1 cực HOT! Mua ngay nào!
6B36265DFCE9FB82_## = Zuka gains a shield from successful hits with Panda Chariot,
so make sure you hit an enemy or a monster when you use this ability. Zuka's
positioning abilities take him through most obstacles and can produce unexpected
effects on certain terrains.
6B3944C9F49A1D87_## = 参与 5V5
6B401C3544AEAEC5_## = Failed to deliver the gift voucher, will be sent out as a
6B414A87189A940B_## =
6b41aecfc24dcacf = 6b41aecfc24dcacf_##
6B44D42E4DD1BC09_## =
6B48F0A8D4273F28_## = Trial Card: Try out Krixi's skin: Papillon for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. If you already have this skin, you'll receive 15
Gems instead.
6B48FB08EE6807A7_## = Summer Bash
6B4C7A7B988DD7FE_## = Untouchable
6B4EA787CFCB018B_## =
6B54F506471DC3EA_## =
6B585F2F7F06AEF3_## =
6B5ADCD30BE5A691_## =
6B5D25825F88820C_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
6B5F7AD868C2F10A_## = Outlaw
6B6114BE9A266FE0_## =
6B64E8800C5976EC_## =
6B654C00886A75B9_## = Invalid message type.
6B6578647E9A5044_## =
6B66BD985AF60A24_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
6B6AACCAE48612E1_## = Lucky Draw Chest
6B6C7948AB2676F9_## =
6B6DBA8F7A813576_## = Unique Passive - Vital Point: Normal attacks deal additional
20-34 physical damage (scales with hero's level).
6B6FE35D91E7B841_## = Fennik
6B6FFD8BE450290D_## = Combo Thử tướng + Vé Quay
6B76A17817B73B47_## =
6B772D33CDFAC560_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
6B7751F0C02503EB_## =
6B7D007E84F27064_## = Tulen
6b7ddcac5c253b1a = <blankspace89>
6B85E5075EE4FA91_## =
6B85FDC12728CC2A_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
6B87E1124421764D_## = Unable to join Ranked Matches.
6B8A34C160116162_## = AWOL
6B9305621E1FEB1D_## = Heed the call of the wild.
6B9B88395648D880_## = Attack
6BA0355D556EE124_## = Trial Card: Try out Lumburr's skin: Magma for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
6BA24E4D6DB2875F_## =
6BA49E348DDDDE6B_## = Rương may mắn Batman
6BA49EE6E129C8DA_## = Trial Card: Try out Diaochan for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this Hero.
6BA67E25B2C0DD8F_## = (Has movement speed-increasing abilities)
6BA7A79DA37DB499_## =
6BA836E26A3B6C39_## = Romantic avatar frames.
6BA905DAFC5C38F6_## = Đổi Dấu ấn Tulen
6BAB083882997652_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Moren {C}/{T} lần
6BAFE190CB2483FC_## = Melee
6BB53792AACCC6C7_## =
6BB595EFFDC9B243_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
6BB6460E883F03A2_## =
6BB67813E993CD7A_## = Assassin
6BB6C5A2B8D1DE8B_## = Melee
6BB7FAE421DE31DE_## = Share liền tay, nhận ngay quà
6BB9DFF6BFAA96F4_## =
6BBF826DCD6FAB9B_## = obsolete+660680cdec69c555
6BC4963C61A1220A_## = Cooldown
6BC6361C1166B2DD_## = Unknown
6BC78FC835D6A332_## = Rương khóa bí ẩn
6BC817A4593E8CF9_## =
6BC83CDEEA7CDC12_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
6BCAF1213D969287_## = Keep equipping arcana to get stronger
6BCB01898CE9414D_## = Trial Card: Try out Arum's skin: Sekhmet for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
6BCD83D47A5B0B41_## = Time Warp
6BD01A97FDA2748A_## = Using abilities increases movement speed by 20% for 1 second.
6BD50A078B9DAEF9_## = Đổi quà tình nhân
6BD63A0831EE37C4_## =
6BDD7B79CC03343B_## = Maloch
6BE21164079CF648_## = What other traits would you like your hero to have? (3/3)
6BE33941252F9AAC_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Kil'Groth)
6BE59D8EFD7C3A77_## = Ability Power +40
6BE59F400B44D130_## =
6BE63624E3FCEA91_## = Base Damage
6BE6994CE7006C0A_## =
6BE72390DBADEEE3_## = We need a Marksman!
6be72bcef0a8dbad = 6be72bcef0a8dbad_##
6BE79BA4F771B5E9_## = 本週活動精選
6BE815D8320B83D2_## =
6BEBF450982D7D8D_## = Master
6BEF2B822EEAB6E8_## =
6BF7451E95990A09_## =
6BFB47C12C3C4CEB_## = Số trụ phá {C}/{T}
6BFE563F9996772E_## = obsolete+965ae1ac2adb30c6
6BFEFEC8868503A8_## =
6C008B54D62554D0_## = Get {0} [/0:$(assist|assists)/] in a single match
6c01a63707e2bd7b = 6c01a63707e2bd7b_##
6C01CE84EE77A31D_## = Don't forget to buy<color=#f6bf17ff> jungling
equipment</color>, it'll really come in handy!
6C070D2FB31EE014_## =
6c0ca7b79d6fa9c6 = Voice Chat
6C0D86966B8A5A7D_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Astrid)
6C13140BB347CD0C_## =
6C18CEF55873BDAC_## = Every time The Flash moves 4 units, he will receive one stack
of speed force. Upon reaching 10 stacks, The Flash will activate the speed force,
strengthening his next normal attack while dashing forward. He also temporarily
reduces his target's movement speed by {0}% and deals <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color>
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>. When he hits his target, he gains a shield of
{2} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{3})</color>.
6C18EA1D28EA89EF_## =
6C190D0AFF8480AE_## = Guild creation successful.
6C1973EAA6E9EBA4_## = 1-20 minutes
6C199FBE77366D1A_## = Zanis
6C19F90D73875665_## =
6C1BE710849CC404_## =
6C1CC61AAD7F4B86_## =
6C21772029466EEB_## =
6C23A71A4F3C2C59_## = Butterfly
6c23b73584b1f2fd = Enemy Team
6C2459700ED2944B_## =
6C26129F750A8602_## = Only the strong survive!
6C264BA346277445_## = Use Righteous Fervor when entering fights with Arthur to mark
enemies and deal additional damage with subsequent attacks.
6C268D886D7C1ADB_## = Soaring Aura
6C26CDC23E166D5C_## = Zanis
6C27FA86E5B3D5E3_## = Cybercore Level 4
6C287B749278D5DF_## = Invalid item quantity.
6C2E2E50C3009F88_## =
6C2F1BCF82418389_## = Base Damage
6C2F3C5A21A0245F_## = Mage
6C32946B8EDE67C5_## = obsolete+968988f0a07017f9
6c33bde51b61551d = Ability Power:
6C360ABD2B11DDFB_## = Wisp's barrel bombs explode prematurely when they hit
obstacles. If you're being hounded by an enemy hero, use Loose Cannon to soften
them up and follow it up with a Barrel Bomb stun. Combine Shock and Awe and normal
attacks enhanced by Loose Cannon to deal significant area damage. Team up with a
control hero to devastate your enemies.
6C3BE25AE6502878_## = Control, Buffs
6c3cf2641746db65 = 6c3cf2641746db65_##
6C3F8AB3BC72C9C1_## =
6C48E5DE55AC6C6E_## =
6C4BDE8D3B13A198_## =
6C4BF905EA2ECBE8_## =
6C4C4E7D34640E3C_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tiêu Quân Huy nhận cực nhiều ưu đãi! của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
6C4C7E543FF83956_## =
6C4CD8ED849C585D_## = Unknown
6C4D7B18D6685EA2_## =
6C4DC78B45FB69E9_## =
6C4F1CFBDFA50D1D_## = Zephys
6C4F3BFD7E18A7CE_## =
6C4FA177C402FB51_## = Gói 40% KM Zill + skin
6C5051C38983833F_## =
6C5197EEECE1683E_## =
6C547CA2BD239CF3_## = Counterattack
6C5761D2F1B6A65F_## = Trial Card: Try out Wukong for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this hero.
6C5B27283829B0D9_## = Thu thập Chìa khóa - Mở rương bí ẩn
6C5FA011081E6089_## =
6C5FC001121042EB_## =
6C6138B95DE22F08_## = Halloween Scream
6C61DB3F49697961_## =
6C63515DC28E9EFA_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
6C655E2E24A55320_## = Nâng cấp ngọc quý
6C697E700AEAE7EA_## =
6C6DFFC85988A49A_## =
6C6E2F7A6E723F47_## =
6C7014129AB5386D_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Moren để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
6C7059EA20A75FCE_## =
6C7122A33A488645_## = Level 7 Activity Rewards
6C74D675939F6DD9_## = Khích lệ đấu hạng
6C76057E68D97D37_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Wukong để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
6C8505031F6A0F28_## =
6C8A84B8FE8A9481_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
6C8CBB0DAC235132_## = Trial Card: Try out Arduin's skin: Royal Guard
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
6C8D53BD8A5DDD83_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Raz)
6C8D895D9836B35E_## = 本週活動精選
6C91D6E9EEA7B976_## =
6C936F46861DA312_## =
6C93A7B77C4BEB38_## = Ranged
6C93AF1BAB188935_## =
6C95DB55B4697BC8_## = Base Damage
6C9690AE2E3C54BC_## = God of War
6C992EC8B82AB29A_## =
6C99A9CC21E3FA78_## = If Arduin's HP falls below 50%, Arduin will enter Bloodlust
mode for 8 seconds. While in Bloodlust mode, Arduin restores 2% of his maximum HP
when his abilites or normal attacks damage enemies. Bloodlust has a 60-second
cooldown and Arduin will enter Bloodlust mode again immediately after the cooldown
if his HP is below 50% at that time.
6C9ADB2915E5E36A_## =
6C9D65A72EF3DA0A_## = Original
6CA02D1C6FFCB746_## = Arthur
6CA171869753D0FD_## =
6CA263F1C2547BFE_## =
6CA2CFEEDF6F79C8_## =
6CA46E983CC657DC_## = Mage
6CA5EC44705619BF_## =
6CA776BB409BF8F4_## =
6CA92C555110525F_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
6CAF94F2F436CBB9_## = Po Po
6CB1B4B7E4F0C9AC_## = Snow Festival
6CB1D0100D29002B_## = Mừng ngày Quốc tế Phụ nữ 8.3, thắng đấu hạng với tướng nữ
để nhận Ruby & thẻ thử trang phục giới hạn Mina - Tiểu thư đoạt hồn!
6CB290DC5377B818_## = Return to the Altar to quickly restore HP and mana when
they're running low.
6CB4A476F2808D42_## = Tham gia sự kiện Tết gắn kết - Anh em chấp hết tại
sukien7.lienquan.garena.vn - Nhận Dấu ấn Tulen và đổi tướng miễn phí!
6CB63C5592422DA7_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
6CBB715AA1DA7CF5_## = Trial Card: Try out Tel'Annas' skin: Navy Cadet for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
6CC64C4D849037D9_## = Số lần tham gia 5V5 {C}/{T}
6CC6CFD77DC138A1_## = Voidweaver
6CCDC68860EF63AD_## =
6CCDFC90D3A76E4F_## =
6CCED2CB3C6C6663_## = No
6CCFD76C149CD925_## =
6CD7087144D56B57_## =
6CD7DACA8679E0ED_## =
6CD879752ACE3287_## =
6CDBA0FB7B168BF8_## = Unknown
6CDD928834BF1B71_## =
6CE2BDC371025BE1_## = Tulen
6CEBBB84DB21CC1A_## = Original
6CEC6DE2E6A630F4_## = Red Super Minions
6CEDD0F462ECA6FE_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
6CEEF4B99BD2767E_## =
6CF57D17BC68D8B2_## =
6CF5BBAF4F7F2DA7_## = That all you got?
6CF5EC2C9F7573F6_## = Shock
6CF6795EC5FAC264_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
6CF7CD1C46928F2D_## =
6CFE17B6DC11028C_## = Kriknak lunges forward with his enormous horns, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies in
his path. Every enemy hero hit restores {2} <color=#f18d00>(+{3})</color> HP for
6D048E0FC800712E_## =
6D04EA27760FD171_## = Hero's total damage dealt is above {0} and total damage taken
is below {1} in a single match
6D0619450870D879_## =
6D0F868D9A86F576_## = Melee
6D0FCD54D3B40001_## = Trial Card: Try out Gildur's skin: Biker for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
6D13854755BD3FF8_## = Carapace
6D15573DF98C4B6B_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
6D168C65D75BC8D6_## =
6D2175EC0A31B3E2_## = Unlocks at level 5
6D21B356C7F70A82_## = Ghost Samurai
6D25360264CB1C95_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
6D2BB18E8CED69F9_## = Base Damage
6D2F21D08E37B31B_## = Ability Power +120
6D3625884FA2773F_## = Mage
6D39FAFDD78FB872_## =
6D3AD16041D298F9_## =
6D3F4A76B4FBD260_## = Open to obtain Nakroth and Neon Nakroth
6D403DCDFF7A1A9F_## = Bite
6D40E017B87222A5_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
6D42D84B3A229980_## =
6D44513521258AAE_## =
6D458D3EF1902816_## =
6D46F30D9E31F695_## =
6D48699AAFAF3745_## =
6D4AE9B7311DE0F3_## = Original
6D4EB75AB44650F0_## = Mage
6D522F628BE37389_## =
6d527afa11e7cf3f = +
6D557BE4289A1CE2_## =
6D5C7A9F6AB88C83_## =
6D5C8E1423AE367B_## =
6D5D1E6AF2C01625_## = Arcana Recommendations
6D5E8655F361591B_## =
6D5F717D30D973A2_## = The Pandharma Master
6D60FB9D2D426F2B_## =
6D629F6792B3F283_## =
6D6A429778EFD066_## =
6D6A473851BDCE79_## =
6d6ac8ac81c68709 = Tap here to<color=#f6bf17ff> Chat</color>
6D6B1EBA01EBC6C4_## =
6D746CAB2FF5382F_## =
6D7DA450E3BEE5CC_## =
6D81418A203A3124_## =
6D8153A8EBEA23F5_## = Lindis
6D8252808ABE72D3_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu với bạn - Tết đến rồi của bạn, xin
mời kiểm tra!
6D82C87E2804DF04_## =
6D85697AA1DF77BA_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
6d8c583a1bf37135 = 6d8c583a1bf37135_##
6D8D99E082CEDB50_## =
6D914F09608F204B_## =
6D966C659A31C0C3_## =
6D98739BFB60D8FB_## = Săn mục tiêu lớn
6D98892ABD4B69E9_## = Unknown
6D98B671B89C326F_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
6D9D62122DB70209_## = Đổi quà tình nhân
6DA054D92525CED3_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Lục)
6DA358265F302CE9_## =
6DA72086A358E9AB_## = Gut Punch
6DA768A1893597F9_## = Level 18 Chest
6DA9815EFB2E78E5_## =
6DA9A76AF4630E10_## =
6DAA86E036550169_## =
6db10e0d6c05d09 = 6db10e0d6c05d09_##
6DB1DBAC1B598511_## = Cooldown
6DC13FA5EFC8BF18_## = Level 1 Activity Rewards
6DC19611E9EDCB78_## = Link your Facebook account and team up with your friends!
6DC2EBFFD614C7AF_## =
6DC34561464F5DC5_## =
6DC423A7CDB754CD_## =
6DC6D2C5C4A15169_## = Normal Attack
6DCA8BF7F32E2F2C_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Jinna)
6dcc2fcc55a3b96e = Edit
6DCE8E74BCD34F5D_## =
6dceecea635a763a = 6dceecea635a763a_##
6dd0f15be947c655 = Equipment Presets
6DD5AE0D0C4B7FA4_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
6DD5E46B40EFCA8C_## = Martial Master
6DDA194DDB2F8F4F_## = Burst
6DDE1E1F13CFB6AD_## = Unknown
6DE0747A78A06EB2_## = 签到图片
6DE38E459AE9567B_## = The Man of Steel
6DE4C3FC9732A7C3_## =
6DE62BCE4C171600_## = Preyta
6DEA040BE513CFDC_## =
6DEA2B4CDB6EAFB0_## = Tháng sinh nhật - Tiêu Quân Huy nhận thưởng
6DF5E17E9F0FEAE4_## = Combo thẻ thử tướng và trang phục Nakroth 1 ngày
6DF7EF230E123E8B_## =
6DF89CF23A3C2DF5_## = Trial Card: Try out Arthur for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color>
day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
6DFA9599EF29F500_## = Tagger
6DFE375C34643709_## =
6E03D43FAD8CFBDD_## =
6E06A0EEE49391DD_## = Punch Line
6E0732E622D2751E_## = <size=30>{0}</size>\n towers demolished
6E09682D373DED22_## = 菁英擂台
6E099408E76C04A7_## = The Joker
6E0CA851E82D3171_## = Let your minions lead the charge!
6E0D714C384CC6DF_## =
6E0F55C34FCFDBFE_## =
6E0FE19DE8D4B75E_## =
6E158F1C0B3B42C7_## = Thu thập dấu ấn Murad M-TP (Kiếm Murad)
6E1601F585959D51_## =
6E196A9D555D1383_## = Let's blow it all up!
6E199AFA99C8FDBB_## =
6E1B8DDC7377B0C0_## = Chơi bản đồ 5v5 Miền đất hứa (Thường & Hạng) để nhận ruby
miễn phí
6E1BA9DFE34A4C15_## = Lauriel
6E1D83F02ADE3941_## = 本週活動精選
6E2262CF240377C6_## = Krixi's skin: Flowerchild
6E283E1601236230_## =
6E28980873A97747_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
6E29398DDC7DA958_## =
6E2976419454A1E2_## =
6E2A00AAC55B3588_## = Đấu trường Huyền thoại
6E2BCCDAC3B38DD2_## =
6E2DB7C8D843EA0C_## = Thu thập dấu ấn Murad M-TP (Kiếm Murad)
6E307EAC2E0DAC43_## =
6E3148CF1329E6FC_## =
6E329042AECBC221_## = Road to Glory
6E3564900D294979_## =
6E35D592C7229EEF_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
6E3690B764A9C4A4_## = Blue Defense Tower
6E3740BC8E3E8D63_## = Road to Glory
6E3A29E90E88FC1D_## = Each time Wukong uses an ability, his next normal attack is
enhanced and deals an additional {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color>
<color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>. Wukong also tumbles toward the target.
Wukong's staff grants 15% critical chance permanently.
6E3A50EBF34C15C9_## =
6E3A8A979EA9695B_## =
6E414C2D85554E0B_## = Trial Card: Try out The Joker for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this hero.
6E470D55B71DE202_## = Unknown
6E4A41EC9B4FC10B_## =
6E4AA58A997BF3B0_## = Sorry, bad internet day.
6E53A35F97CA7329_## =
6E55E36D3DBE894F_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Ryoma để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
6E565582F781867D_## = Gold +100% for 3 days for matches (excluding custom matches
and 1v1 bot matches). Can be paired with a Double Gold Wins Card for Gold +200%.
6E58BA28F37A421F_## = Kumiho's Legacy
6E58E55AB442031D_## = Combo Thử tướng + Vé Quay
6E5AB8D34AA830B9_## =
6E5EB7EA05AACDEE_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
6E5F5E2FBBDE244B_## =
6E607B58429E0BE2_## = Cooldown
6E65BC01081DF646_## = <color=#f6bf17ff>Hold</color> here<color=#f6bf17ff> to
speak</color>, you can communicate<color=#f6bf17ff> with teammates</color> through
voice messages
6E65F7FC2C37F432_## =
6E674AFD896C35F6_## = Trial Card: Try out Superman's skin: Justice Lord
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
6E67E299EE10381A_## = <blankspace89>
6E6A874CF7AE4446_## =
6E6BA8E39C386ACA_## = Natalya commands Poison Fang to release lethal rays, dealing
{0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> every 0.25
seconds to enemies. While channeling, Natalya gains a shield that absorbs {2}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{3})</color> damage. Natalya is immune to crowd control effects
while the shield lasts. This ability must be channeled and has a maximum duration
of 3.5 seconds. Channeling can be canceled after 1 second by using the ability
6E6C369B0D692447_## =
6E6DA45FE2EF137A_## =
6E6E3FD8536D2A4B_## =
6E6EC01DC4B68D9E_## =
6E6F2473F4E0ADC7_## =
6E6FD3D19F822D15_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Superman để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
6E708D484AC185D0_## =
6E7233D764636C4F_## = Player is not on the team.
6E73967926238727_## = "Torture brings suffering, and suffering brings
power."\n\nClawing from the deepest pits of Hell with seething fury and vile
intents for torture and suffering, Maloch would become the ruler of the
Ravenors. \n\nHe knew full well the world's most cruel and sadistic punishments. He
enjoyed nothing more than shattering the souls of those unfortunate enough to cross
his path. The howls of pain and anguish that emerge from the torture pits within
Hell were music to Maloch's ears, and that was where he drew powers from. In this
place where light could never touch, the Ravenors were law and they served
Maloch. \n\n"My underlings hunger for my power, but they shall never have it!"
Maloch was always proud to demonstrate his cold intellect and vile schemes, and was
quick to refute any rumors about his foolhardiness.\n\nMaloch's cruelty knew no
bounds, and he frequently delighted himself by torturing the Ravenors under his
command until their very souls were broken. It helped passing his time, but Maloch
gradually grew tired of them as well.\n\n"Every living soul must lay broken,
weeping and pleading for death at my feet!" He thought to himself. With this new
desire, Maloch left his realm and sought out battles.\n\n"I will show all that
breathe what true suffering really is!"
6E74C66653AFEFDA_## =
6E75CD5DBBE0CE08_## =
6E771F708FDDE40A_## = Airi charges in the specified direction and deals {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies in
her way. This ability can be cast three times in a row before triggering the
6E796A96BCCA336D_## = I can do this all day long!
6E7A7D83E65FFF34_## = Trial Card: Try out Slimz for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this Hero.
6E7E066CAFF08E1B_## =
6E7E26B479E60B73_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
6E808D7423C138D8_## =
6E8402C834A2A74C_## = Base Damage
6E8440822567523C_## =
6E85BDAAD8B54DB7_## =
6E873DC7B936A40D_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
6E88419D0FB8B9A8_## =
6E89147592A461C3_## =
6E939AF900AA90CA_## =
6E9643693A7607DC_## = Destroy the<color=#f6bf17ff> Dark Slayer</color>
6E97D40C19FFD76A_## = Cooldown
6E99947C448F410F_## = Aleister's abilities and every 3rd normal attack apply 1
Curse stack on the enemy. The Curse explodes at 3 stacks, dealing {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#f3b74a>true damage</color> to the enemy.
6E9C3EF71FC8D02E_## =
6E9E7D8D58473BC2_## = Go to<color=#f6bf17ff> Training Camp</color>
6E9F49FA13F8BE42_## = Flutter
6EA47C5B8D9E33C9_## =
6EA6BDC4B77A101E_## = Cresht jumps to the target location, summoning a whirlpool
that grants friendly heroes a shield, absorbing up to {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> damage. Cresht also gains Rage. Under Metamorphosis,
Cresht jumps to the target location and summons a whirlpool that deals {2}
<color=#f18d00>(+{3})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies
within range.
6EA6D464CBF9708E_## = <size=30>{0}</size>\n gold per minute
6EABCD644828E1AF_## =
6EACA5D7B45282BD_## =
6EAD0C886D3DC64E_## = Devour
6EB2590A6D89A534_## = Butterfly
6EB26D2F33C22475_## =
6EB332E4A87313BD_## =
6EB3D86A100158F0_## =
6eb671e36043e500 = 6eb671e36043e500_##
6EB6DF22F15D7689_## = 26.11 - Thưởng đấu đặc biệt
6EB6F5288D7320A0_## =
6EBA54F006A174A5_## =
6EBCDBFC86123A71_## = Thắng đấu hạng với Mina {C}/{T} lần
6EBFBF5E6A2753BC_## =
6EC0285FC919B4F1_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Airi) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
6EC32BE45A62D781_## =
6EC7FE3493472903_## = Original
6EC80A7B0C877562_## =
6EC845AE53C3C028_## =
6EC8B6492B7DB598_## = So close!
6EC97E0170F15163_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
6ECB5CD79A564D41_## =
6ECB8F4821A4D12E_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận xếp hạng mỗi ngày
6ECD442D32AC23C0_## =
6ED7A2A943829590_## = Attack Speed
6ED93842DECA138F_## = 本週活動精選
6EDA1F3FA61D0AF0_## = Beginner Value Pack
6EDACFBB903FF1B8_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
6EE14C9E11603081_## = Cresht
6EE191F05BBC9EAC_## =
6EE311D66C2A7A9C_## =
6EE6114517FA3054_## = (Deals high amounts of damage at the cost of mobility)
6EE9AE4F57AFD295_## = Grakk
6EED17AA444657E5_## =
6EEDB6B335093ED5_## = Thắng {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
6EF31CE9AD0EC74B_## = Chơi 5v5 Thường/Hạng để nhận ngay 10 Thẻ bài Joker
6EF67180CD3D45BC_## =
6EFC92D24C0FF6BD_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trướng Throne of Glory của bạn, xin
mời kiểm tra!
6EFDC7A6D4586CD7_## =
6F0058A31F42712E_## =
6F005D65C70AE3B2_## = Guild Rename Card
6F008F73DD282C2C_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Arduin để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
6F0246FE3F5BCAF5_## = Level 23 Chest
6F03AFCC31E7DA7D_## =
6F0E5C07F01DC7DD_## =
6F0F5FFE01BCC57D_## =
6F0FB248C00E79C5_## =
6F1662A3388FCFDA_## =
6F17D26740B6F2F5_## =
6F2198F2537458E2_## = Kahlii
6F243603E95FCFDD_## = 击杀魔龙
6F26FADAA0FA9F65_## =
6F27C728944D63E0_## = Original
6F27DCC5C324F9F2_## = Gildur Skin: Summer Bash
6F295DF6104DACEE_## = <color=#ffffff>%s</color> won the Rare Skin, <color=#f2c71a>
%s</color>, in <color=#a4afb7>Lucky Draw</color>!
6F2DAF369ABF5015_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
6F3BC06ACEED613B_## =
6F3D9B2BDE83E492_## = Unknown
6F40016A1287AB1E_## =
6F428B16AE3A9ED3_## =
6F43175FDC557801_## = Chi: increase Attack Damage
6F432939D9231E53_## =
6F433C0F0800C3FD_## =
6F434DED3E710256_## = Mage
6F463E53539B3B15_## = Violet + Nữ Đặc Cảnh
6F47AFED59663BAB_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
6F488892AB98549B_## = Unknown
6F4976007B7910DA_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
6F4A2FAC1FFC07A5_## =
6F4B030278855661_## = Chơi bản đồ 5v5 Miền đất hứa (Thường & Hạng) để nhận ruby
miễn phí
6F4CD7C1CBFA1BDD_## = Cooldown
6F4CF55967F2C477_## =
6F4F3A51760CF158_## = Piolet
6F520C8DF55A1AB2_## =
6F557A6DCACE7B77_## = I will rend the flesh from your bones!
6F5862BB39B77694_## =
6F59CEC8B508D213_## = Reach Level {0}
6F5C96B2060898BE_## = Preyta
6F5CF259FF7F92FB_## =
6F6B0AACC9310EBF_## =
6F6B94C1201459C3_## =
6F6C00F4E8B21857_## =
6F6CDBCE7536CBE2_## =
6F6CDC6EEA46B539_## = Academy
6F6D120AD1EDFAA5_## =
6F6E4536574F3FE2_## =
6F715AEA48C97832_## =
6F7533E699A26CF9_## =
6F7B461B99A88A99_## = Trial Card: Try out Butterfly's skin: Academy for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
6F7CEFCF2455A056_## =
6F7D4D5845E0985B_## =
6F7E627776C79B5E_## =
6F80A07C6059DF81_## =
6F8126F077CD37E9_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
6F824FB23FD16CF1_## = Thu thập dấu ấn Murad M-TP (Khăn choàng)
6F84D0366B7F224A_## = Natalya
6F8B19082ECCE16E_## =
6F8B49E6125B673B_## =
6F8FE6FE103416E2_## = Watch the video for more information.
6F8FFAB719CABFCB_## = Alice
6F913F6424446ED2_## = Gói 30% KM Slimz + skin
6F952AA6E5CD54A0_## =
6F95C12110F4400B_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Kriknak)
6F96E8F76C2CB56F_## =
6F9FCE3ADA7A3521_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
6FA33CBD413D1FEE_## =
6FA3E08AB622B9A0_## = Cooldown
6FA66BF888E99C28_## =
6FAA45CF6ECEF0E5_## = Batman
6FAAAE56BA181F97_## = Omega
6FAC8C3D6C6D4AC3_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
6FB0DB766CD3BDCD_## = Đây là phần thưởng Chào năm mới 2018 (Chiến thắng) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
6FB3D9CB2231E349_## = Liliana
6FB926712E40340C_## =
6FB9F72B087B99A3_## = Since you remained idle for an extended period of time or
abandoned a match at {3}:{4}:{5} on {0}/{1}/{2}, you didn't earn any EXP or gold,
and {6} points have been deducted from your Credibility Score. If your Credibility
Score falls below a certain amount, you will receive the corresponding punishment.
If you abandon or remain idle in a Ranked Match, your Brave Points may be removed
as well. Please take each battle seriously.
6FBBAAE65BCEC095_## = Số lượt đấu chế độ móc {C}/{T}
6FC23FAB004CA60D_## = Broken Spear
6FC3C68D44EBC9DA_## =
6FC494F5601B5803_## = Blue Gunner
6FC49B70AA26FCF4_## = Unknown
6FC4AD4D14B75002_## =
6FC7E8D08BEB4FA6_## = Gildur
6FC89E3978D18E8E_## =
6FCB606A98D337C8_## = Peura
6FCEC52865B5F580_## = The Glutton
6FD04DC125FD3635_## =
6FD10B141FF59416_## =
6FD5B34F14A6C623_## = Marksman
6FD998DE6977CB2E_## = Mừng xuân Đinh Dậu, Lì xì đầy tay: Mời bạn chơi!
6FDAD0346289CDBB_## =
6FDCFF253FAF4E47_## =
6FDE8DBBD24F8DA9_## = Thu thập Chìa khóa - Mở rương bí ẩn
6FDF4F2970F811F0_## =
6FE131E763578CBD_## = Cooldown
6FE24F7399528CDC_## = 签到图片
6FE6C9BC547A993D_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nTướng vĩnh viễn
(Astrid) / Thẻ thử tướng Astrid (1 ngày) / Mảnh tướng
6FE6F02E55622D02_## =
6FE74D240C8F69D8_## = Zuka
6FEBBB50E9FB84B8_## =
6FED663A74BCB954_## = Unknown
6FEE73B73AF032D3_## =
6FF023025D0244D3_## = Khích lệ đấu hạng
6FF3788EA84BCFB6_## =
6FFBD8DF9D51DC0B_## =
6FFD0BE9D15E7D70_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
70066C0DBB7F9DC6_## =
70068CC17D985882_## =
700C4780C60142CC_## =
700DF368DAFBD6CA_## = Warrior
700F47D8CAABDD75_## = Thane
700FBBAA94CB22CA_## = Open to receive the Hero: Alice
701053C0035F8F87_## =
70110E7088944F40_## = Butterfly
701BEDC69CDAB1A5_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Raz + trang phục Đại tù trưởng
701C639776CC496D_## = Đăng nhập giờ vàng
701E21D051E11EDF_## = Unknown
701F67277056FC5F_## =
70237BF80C007CF7_## =
70237D9C08135454_## = Solo Battle
70255B317F0B7CF6_## =
70259D91439CF4F5_## =
7025FE2D724DF4C7_## =
7027A2970B277378_## = Mừng ngày Quốc tế Phụ nữ 8.3, thắng đấu hạng với tướng nữ
để nhận Ruby & thẻ thử trang phục giới hạn Mina - Tiểu thư đoạt hồn!
7029BD016E5DF119_## =
702A9FFBFEA2BC04_## =
702CF477A98EE932_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
702DE7E23582B735_## =
702F8E11BDEA0D5C_## =
703193C65D2F08E3_## = Real Steel
703663E734813992_## =
7037287523FBCD83_## =
70387959054AFBDE_## = Original
703998B246F101D8_## = Melee
703bdf9748da0375 = Credibility Score:
703FA49FFB617724_## =
7040B1DDC1503301_## =
70450B30CFE4791E_## = Hộp quà Quái quỷ
704810F30E0F8A59_## = Săn rồng để nhận Ruby miễn phí!
7049335E3A6F4D46_## = Trial Card: Try out Diaochan's skin: Prom Queen
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
704A1E5E8A54078B_## = Biker
704A723158AC045E_## =
704B164DBD139C4D_## =
704C9FED87451F66_## = Trial Card: Try out Maloch's skin: Don for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
704CC8DE90BADD3E_## =
704D1A714CAA68DB_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
704E8E9BBCDF2BD6_## =
704F70AE73FBC439_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Murad {C}/{T} lần
70512DEB898201E4_## = Red Barracks
705510BD20E84A16_## =
7057B8AFB6F43945_## =
705afcfcc2400a47 = Turn on AI
705E80D8424A7FEF_## = 好友大作战
7063531F60320566_## =
70666ED6022D5672_## = Channel and send the current hero back to the Altar after 7
7066A16ACE0E181A_## = Trial Card: Try out Fennik's skin: Snow Festival for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
7066A58AD50BC9CC_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
7070A89129FB69F9_## = Đăng nhập mỗi ngày nhận Kẹo Giáng sinh. Thu thập Kẹo Giáng
sinh và Mũ Santa để đổi thưởng từ sự kiện Lễ hội mùa đông.
707529b46d60e661 = 707529b46d60e661_##
7075589E76F14393_## =
7075AB51B99539FC_## = Unknown
7076F7DB832D9B8D_## = Daily Quest
70770C3CC3B32A64_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Lục)
707A0829BE8926A9_## = DNT
707BA713E1730E84_## = Mảnh ngọc
707BE09AB65421E0_## = Preyta
707CFF912DB22837_## =
7084673C7C9FA8E0_## = Summer Bash
70868EFDA7C4863F_## = Level 9 Chest
7086ed6e6a576eda = Female
70884F724E1C49D7_## = Cooldown
70889015B53578F2_## = The flames are spreading.
7091D38EC817423D_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
7092CC3F70F94F9D_## =
Đăng nhập mỗi ngày để nhận mảnh ghép năm mới và đổi lấy cơ hội sở hữu bộ đôi tran
g phục giới hạn Long kỵ sĩ và Nghệ nhân Lân!
70942E288C3C6F38_## = Trial Card: Try out Lindis' skin: Time Warp for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
7095A2D5E2B1E59E_## = Butterfly's skin: Cyberpunk
70975B9F39329440_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
709B08BC800410A6_## =
709ef8a9e23841a6 = General
70A2282CC92D7C1C_## = Unknown
70A3A576B48717F3_## = Cull
70A47690CF24A8BB_## =
70A500EA977975A3_## = Searcy
70A8B12515D56EFB_## =
70A905963337FF55_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
70A985E3C2AD7B79_## =
70ACF75294F9B4B2_## = Trial Card: Try out Natalya's skin: Azure
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
70B214893CC784B2_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Payna)
70B74998CB5A535B_## =
70B8189DB5D4CA1A_## =
70B9C65A30583805_## = Original
70BCFFFF33FBC8D4_## = Butterfly
70BE386A105FD0DB_## = Cơ hội nhận trang phục Yorn Đặc nhiệm SWAT vĩnh viễn hoặc
thẻ thử rất nhiều trang phục HOT!
70BF6E521FE321BB_## =
70BFE9735E23751C_## =
70C236477FC91A70_## = 签到图片
70C37D9E156D29EF_## =
70C49462E7B86D77_## = Tướng Teemee + trang phục Xiếc cung đình
70C55161FFF4826E_## = Cresht gains Rage with normal attacks when Metamorphosis is
not active. When morphed, Cresht shakes the earth each time he uses an ability,
reducing movement speed of enemies in the area by 50% for 2 seconds and
significantly increases his attack damage.
70C65820E87AA888_## =
70C685C43F246825_## =
70C8A372EF60AA1A_## =
70CA0B6589F5071C_## = Nhận ngay Ruby miễn phí khi tham gia chế độ giải trí Móc câu
lần đầu tiên!
70CC4F7ACC077F29_## = Return to a match immediately and receive a lower penalty for
abandoning or no penalty at all.
70CE3271223ECD00_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
70CE7DDA02A70D54_## = Report Warning
70cf1bd1b9108201 = 70cf1bd1b9108201_##
70CF27961EB3D238_## = Kahlii
70CF2DA9622D391C_## = [新英雄-Payna 登場] 愛不釋手
70D20D27478D7D37_## = 妇女节挑战活动
70D4C9084BF1393D_## =
70D60C6C27F8D98C_## =
70DCBF8EE52D15C3_## =
70DD33782067E96A_## =
70DE83CDEAE1B244_## =
70DED9CF43DC7968_## = Holy Embers
70DF8E81C9B10D57_## = Toro
70E2C337E18FA1F0_## =
70E303742FC2544E_## =
70F175EB98F09871_## =
70F35C85BF588D3F_## = Có thể nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nTướng vĩnh viễn
(Violet/Alice/Ormarr) / Thẻ thử tướng 3 ngày / Thẻ x2 Vàng/EXP - 4 thắng / Ngọc
cấp 2
70F38F0EE4988E36_## =
70F5230EFD08C70E_## = Wisp charges forward and enters barrage mode, firing bombs
with her normal attacks for 5 seconds, each bomb dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to the target
and surrounding enemies. Also increases Wisp's attack speed by {2}% while active.
70F613F25EB5AD26_## =
70F84C4D6B279734_## =
70FA817A6CCA33BC_## = Sage Golem
70FC0069CCF858A2_## = Diamond
70FE7E0AAD38701C_## = Trial Card: Try out Grakk's skin: Abomination for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
70FEF048F48B966B_## =
70FFE8F7C66E245C_## = Wukong unleashes his inner Chi, dealing
{0}<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to nearby
enemies and stunning them for 1 second.
70FFFC299F76531B_## = Grakk
7102BB12ADBAD179_## =
710347747E0809F8_## = Techno Templar
7106B67A1084E6C0_## = Melee
710796904497463A_## =
710bbdbe25fab64c = 710bbdbe25fab64c_##
710BFB03C6E48103_## = Kahlii
710CC4B6236BD892_## =
710D09A1835F9B01_## = Shadow
710D6464209DAD34_## = Belt of Clarity
710F22915868CD00_## = You have been removed from the guild.
711052B466CEBD72_## = Your current Credibility Score is <color=#55f26c>{0}</color>.
<color=#62b7ff>Reach a score of |2| to join Ranked Matches.</color>
7114C48F2766A76B_## =
7114EB203F283E10_## = Trial Card: Try out Valhein's skin: Techno Templar for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
71205BF80D336414_## =
7122E4E04B5D3B9F_## =
7125E64FA9E251D0_## = Chaugnar
712A6FD56443DC32_## = 签到图片
712ACC326F261767_## = Preyta Lucky Draw
712B6CEBFDD88A67_## =
712D79CBF9BA0F65_## =
7130251967F1DFDA_## =
71319608F1AD2B4F_## = Sự kiện 8.3 - Xuân nữ tái xuất
7136DDA35E63F72C_## =
713F9C7A127E2A37_## =
714050A8B9FF1C37_## =
7145b291cf2be0b = Ranked Match
7146E310AFD73418_## = Unknown
7147A53759AB69FF_## = Support
7147E694785F4A42_## = <blankspace89>
714804DA693F9B38_## = Standard\nMatch
7149B36307084A40_## = 参与 5V5
714A04986D7A55DF_## = Unknown
714A4D9D187714B9_## =
714C39319478C7E5_## =
714C5548EB9B031B_## = Tết đến rồi!
714E1D8A1532EB9B_## =
714E30D5ECF3A394_## = Follow Your Minions
714E9EFC18B32BCF_## = Combo thử 1n
715027BA7E24DE68_## = Time Warp
715318145F50A2E2_## = Dragoon
715708FCF5C37063_## = Zulu Warrior
715933A0DB4A7DBB_## = That all you got?
715B7D81DE12ABDF_## =
715C8EC7888F76D1_## =
715CD2C674BCBB7F_## = Tham gia mỗi ngày để nhận mảnh ghép năm mới và đổi lấy cơ
hội sở hữu bộ đôi trang phục giới hạn Long kỵ sĩ và Nghệ nhân Lân!
715D0B75D8695E33_## = Reload
7161188E0F457600_## =
716603DF117C3F6B_## = Every third normal attack, Xeniel deals <color=#ca3939>4%-8%
of his own maximum HP</color> as <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> (+1% at level
7169F6460128C4CD_## =
716BBF420908AC44_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
7171c3e8158ab603 = 7171c3e8158ab603_##
717700ED27B01433_## = Murad skin: Outlaw
717960B5BAF8BBB9_## =
717AF8BB8686931E_## =
7183561C36BBAE88_## =
71839DCE06FAC0EF_## = Stay frosty dear.
71886673B2316241_## =
718D05F7FBAC545D_## = Wonder Woman repels her enemies with her sword and shield.
Her shield bash deals {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>(+5% of the
target's maximum HP)</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> and slows enemy
movement speed by {2}% for 3 seconds. If the shield hits an enemy hero, Wonder
Woman will receive {3}% damage reduction for 3 seconds.\n\nAfter Wonder Woman
bashes with her shield, she can activate the ability again to follow with a sword
attack that deals the same amount of physical damage. Enemies hit by the center of
her blade suffer double damage.
7194FBAC6ECB28FE_## =
7197736B338665F9_## =
7198EC09F002EF0D_## =
719E8B7F293BB794_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc thành rương ngọc cấp III may mắn
71A337C2227A2FC3_## = Trial Card: Try out Alice for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this Hero.
71A5914AA6E17568_## = Zill
71A59DC6DD83669A_## = That all you got?
71A5CFDBCB39EDE2_## =
71AD7189C7D730B5_## = Platinum
71B08CE64A532F65_## =
71B15DCD99E1A41C_## =
71B17EE165358D46_## =
71B6F2F2E612BBD0_## =
71BA5A7FEC21B12D_## =
71BB103882879434_## = Unknown
71BD4442420C966B_## =
71BE5E108DC7F666_## =
71BF47529F8C7970_## = Đây là phần thưởng Săn lùng tội phạm của bạn, xin mời kiểm
71C5F7C7B2E18773_## = Tread Softly
71C6E82DA3C93185_## =
71C730F6A1CB8CE0_## =
71C8855CA34137CE_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
71CB9C77FC877CB1_## =
71CBE9D2796F2EA2_## =
71CD5335061EB56B_## = Trial Card: Try out Omega's skin: Real Steel for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
71D27C06AC14DC4F_## = Limited Event Gift
71D64C54B8893F8E_## =
71D68EFD76B2DFFA_## =
71D709A121294C6E_## =
71DA52249F8608AC_## =
71DC9385ACF07C62_## =
71E58036B66AFD2D_## = Unknown
71EB5045EB0671F0_## = Zuka
71EDF0EE83F23CD8_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
71EF3550A841D21E_## = Congratulations, you are now one step closer to becoming a
true hero!
71F459EE057BDFA2_## = Gold
71F665354714E964_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
71FAFC662B638946_## = Cơ hội nhận vĩnh viễn/thẻ thử những Tướng được lựa chọn
nhiều nhất Đấu trường Danh Vọng mùa đông 2017!
71FB04B4A2007992_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
71FD35A32101FD32_## =
71FF7B9C1E0A96EB_## =
720333ABFCFB46BE_## = Skud
72057D91A8DF0669_## = Quà sinh nhật từ chương trình Garena Membership
7206711AC2370FC3_## = Open to Receive Payna and her Verdant Skin
720730C1C5AC42C5_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Tel'Annas để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
720D6F6098485293_## = Rương Tiểu thư đoạt hồn
720FF5020AD21339_## = Marksman
7211677235B3AFBC_## = Tiêu Quân Huy - nhận ưu đãi
72154736C67A8E67_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Moren)
72195CF8ABF57DDC_## =
7219A1FA7F6CF8FF_## =
7219DC74F1AC59B8_## = Kill the <color=#ffd200>Abyssal Dragon</color> to shower your
team with Gold and EXP.
72256EAE5FA7AD7A_## = Survivability
7226B90CAA345EEC_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Astrid) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
722B739AAAE90460_## =
72311F15CD32A895_## =
7232CABE5578905F_## =
7236488DC13BAA71_## = Trial Card: Try out Lauriel's skin: Black Wing
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
723763568D939C04_## =
7237ACA39FA7C94B_## =
7238248F65367C6F_## = Prowess
7239BF6EAF8F0B8A_## = Superman
723C05014CFF3861_## = Eliminate the <color=#f6bf17ff>enemy hero.</color>
7241CF6E42CBF55A_## = Maloch
724246B596CC1732_## = Quy đổi ngọc đỏ cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
7243291AE89BA149_## = Report Warning
7245544E1B713497_## =
72462FD7902627DA_## = Original
724E9B5FD71EB629_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
72555E04BFD162BD_## = Mảnh trang phục (21~30)
725A90A4B7AED002_## = Tulen
725AC4BFD5C67E81_## =
725B284FE168C0F4_## =
725CFEB5621FB7C1_## = <color=#ffb422>Whole team gets an acceleration effect</color>
725DFE05FCBAF952_## =
725F521590D6B500_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Lauriel + trang phục
7261F83C484FD7FC_## =
72668ECD06ECD55E_## = Lauriel
72694D7EFCCCD783_## =
72696E6F063EFACC_## =
726A83761AC6D3F9_## =
726B4AE517487600_## =
726C9D16373F23C3_## = We need a Tank!
7273034711FF60D4_## =
7273167bc7c5ec91 = 7273167bc7c5ec91_##
727AD9ECA06015E7_## =
727B5D0D943EF403_## =
727C1064409D10B6_## = When Lindis passes through the brush, she will increase her
movement speed and strengthen her next normal attack for a short period of time.
The strengthened attack will fire 2 arrows with each arrow dealing
<color=#f18d00>{0}</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>. 4-second
727CDAA5DF6A174B_## =
727D8CFD719C2DE6_## =
727E033A656F36F4_## = Every {0} seconds, dealing damage to an enemy hero triggers
Zuka's Chi, increasing his attack damage by 14/15.5/17/18.5/20% (occurs at Level
1/4/7/10/13) for the next {1} seconds.
727E0EB2DEB55DD2_## = Payna Value Pack
72812EE2598586A1_## = Survivability, Buffs
7281E647E61E6E6C_## =
7281F8649D324488_## =
728255F1295E289B_## = Tap "Hero" to switch targets amongst the enemy heroes!
7283FDA5CC41F98C_## =
7284E6AA44003D66_## = Frozen enemies take extra <color=#7FFFD4>{0}</color>
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>.
728525AE04E7B084_## =
72862F55D64AD2A8_## = Wukong
728739E1F6752A44_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
72875E0ABB11FE91_## = Sustained Damage
728CFC4C03063623_## = Gói 30% KM Omega + skin
7290362B1B05841E_## = Combo Airi Thích Khách
72984E65D36D7DF3_## =
72989D380452585C_## = Đây là phần thưởng Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
729A171BE23C1483_## = Tướng Butterfly + Trang phục Teen nữ Công nghệ
729F3EF8CCD73E48_## =
72a061de4f23529d = 72a061de4f23529d_##
72A0BBEA7B19261E_## =
72A148EB33164AB3_## = Sharpshooter
72A2AE2820DD126D_## = Phoenix
72A4188EEAF761F1_## = Defense
72A55EED2BC4BBA5_## = (Higher damage output - Lower mobility)
72A7BFAC35585511_## = 本週活動精選
72A8F3959CD9F0A0_## = Unknown
72AAF0507A228705_## = Shadowstrike
72ac159ff86d706c = Share
72ADC12944F822FE_## = Rương may mắn Tulen
72B1168C1D522BBD_## = After charging for a short period, Tel'Annas combines the
power of Darkness and Morning Star and fires an Arrow of Chaos, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>. Enemies
further away take more damage, up to {2} <color=#f18d00>(+{3})</color>
<color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>. Enemies along the arrow's path are knocked
back and stunned. Tel'Annas gains 20% movement speed for 2 seconds.
72B51C1EB4989FE8_## =
72B578EA43004289_## =
72B9E89E0FFF6A96_## = 签到图片
72BE8C53149D2200_## = Mganga
72BFC35543174125_## = Attack
72C27E873D0B46D6_## =
72C377D18C98BC21_## =
72C626702D2EF6F7_## =
72C694BBA71C2D29_## = Tỉnh Nam Định
72C8514C164EA7C5_## = Trial Card: Try out Krixi's skin: Flowerchild
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
72C8EAACE11024EB_## = Quà trung thu của Joker!
72CB6BA49667E6AE_## = Arcane Fire
72CEBEFCD520A0CE_## = Cooldown
72d0720bba7f346d = Gold order
72D109C10315119C_## = Trial Card: Try out Fennik for <color=#01d1f8ff>1</color>
day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this Hero.
72D1EF223627D7CC_## =
72D2C8066EEDCF71_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
72D7046350280A54_## =
72da55ba7ebdca33 = Show Chat
72DE7BF5B56161DE_## = 击杀魔龙
72E15C44E2C8DA23_## =
72E7B756973AE147_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Đăng nhập)
72E812C3EB87B955_## = Heal yourself with Restore.
72E930379A1F11C3_## =
72EEB58BA7746542_## = Unique Passive: [Movement Speed +60][Magic Pierce +75]
72EF71E0EBF823BF_## = That all you got?
72F06352C0C4C299_## = Before engaging the enemy team, try to activate Omen's
passive by attacking monsters or minions. Use Untouchable on ranged enemy heroes to
reduce their movement speed and reveal their location to allies.
72F07EC5AE151A67_## = Cooldown
72F237CEE11BF845_## = Gói 30% KM Mortos + skin
72F782C370EFC38A_## = Thu thập Chìa khóa - Mở rương bí ẩn
72FB22B75C17882E_## = On the dying planet of Krypton, an infant named Kal-El was
placed inside of a rocket and sent to the distant planet Earth. The last alien
survivor, Kal-El was raised by farmers-Martha and Jonathan Kent-who named their son
Clark and infused in him the strong moral values that would give birth to the hero
known as Superman.\n\nAs he grew from a boy to a teen, and then into a man, the
radiation from Earth's yellow sun allowed him to manifest incredible abilities,
including superhuman strength, speed, and invulnerability. He also possesses the
power of flight, as well as X-ray, heat, microscopic, and telescopic vision. Yet,
along with his tireless desire to help the people of Earth escape calamity and
reach their highest potential, came a sense of isolation. \n\nThough he calls Earth
his home, he is not of this world. The knowledge that his true home, the planet
Krypton, is but stardust and solar debris, has kept Superman from venturing too far
from Earth. \n\nThat all changed on a fateful autumn day, when Superman encountered
one of his greatest foes. The villain Brainiac, supercharged with power from an
unknown source, descended upon Earth with a fleet of advanced robotic drones. It
took every last ounce of Superman's power to defeat Brainiac. The Man of Steel's
endurance won out, and before dispatching Brainiac, his X-ray vision spotted
something with a bright, glowing aura. Superman removed the glittering gem from
Brainiac's armor and felt a surge of power ripple through his hand and up his
spine. Immediately distrustful of the object's incredible power, Superman retreated
to the Fortress of Solitude to analyze the rare artifact. \n\nThe Fortress of
Solitude's computer could find no analog for the artifact's substance anywhere in
the galaxy. However, there was one clue that the artifact found: a log from
Kryptonian scientist Jor-El—Kal-El's father. Superman discovered that his father
had been researching a similar artifact, which had been called an Andura Shard.
This object, which could have given Brainiac the key to domination of the entire
Earth, was only one piece of a much larger whole! The Andura Shard originated in a
realm called Athanor, a place beyond even the Phantom Zone. Mainstream Kryptonian
scientists had scoffed at Jor-El's assertion of the fact that parallel dimensions
existed, and his boldest claim, that the magic which emanated from Athanor was
linked to the physical universe, nearly brought him professional ruin. \n\nBut Jor-
El was right. As Superman eagerly combed through the Fortress of Solitude's
archives, he learned that ancient Kryptonians had explored the galaxy in search of
the Andura Shards, and may have even visited the Earth long ago as part of their
quest. But as Superman searched the Fortress of Solitude, it was revealed that
Brainiac had redoubled his search for the Andura Shards and, if he claimed this
ultimate source of their power, all of Earth would be in danger.\n\nSuperman has
already lost one world: he refuses to lose another. So the Man of Steel has taken
flight across the galaxy in search of Athanor and the Andura Shards. On his quest
to fulfill the legacy of his father, he will find himself cast as the defender of a
new realm in desperate need of truth and justice.
72FB83924ECAAEB0_## =
72FC97FC1D03AA85_## =
72FCF1A2E9F7D5E2_## =
72FE87696FBF6089_## = Taara
72FF0E426BF3E419_## =
73036BF01F75284D_## =
7306B34660543290_## = Tỉnh Long An
7306B916E7B17AF3_## = Not Available
7306BFEDB12056A6_## =
7308E47D1D6BBDB1_## =
7309BAB262414714_## = Go to <color=#f6bf17ff>Tutorials</color>
730ECC4F3F9E70C3_## = Tribal Chief
730F8E5CB43D5CD2_## =
731038477ACEAEE3_## = Royal Power
731265DD97AEEA45_## =
73129F2846571C9D_## =
7313298E51513D0E_## = Swagger
73182a73f8dc136b = Shop
73185F36BD18E71D_## = Rương ngọc cấp 3
731D04F4CDAE2587_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Zuka {C}/{T} lần
7325567D74F43B53_## = Cooldown
7325B692B61B7FCF_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
732674FCEEF2006C_## =
732867C0DEAF82BD_## = TeeMee
7329DF7C2DD33FFF_## = 消费金币得红包
732A8A967421AD35_## =
732F8F428949F075_## =
73306682A9D6EEC8_## = 7 日累積簽到
7337EB600BC4C062_## =
7338E0CBCA14365D_## = Wukong
7339E74007FA8E5F_## =
733F849C7E7B9F32_## = Trial Card: Try out Natalya's skin: Azure for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
73452F459907A57C_## =
7345978A9C93524C_## = Original
73464D657DEA498A_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
7346E34C5C99D98C_## = 本週活動精選
734DB3F6CC35C511_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
734E3080582338F8_## =
73537C184449C755_## = Trial Card: Try out Zill for <color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days.
You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this hero.
7353E6DF7858E07C_## =
735442762496068A_## = ProPlayer Suggestion
7357153065482D0E_## =
735784232C6A9C29_## = Rương Phán xét
7358602806135B1E_## =
735906FAB6F36B94_## = Đổi quà tình nhân
735B54CE3D689FF0_## = Base Damage
7360890D3A731BF9_## =
736203AF71BCC0EC_## =
7363BB5960A5E3B5_## = Trial Card: Try out TeeMee for<color=#01d1f8ff> 12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
73669D34035E8949_## = Femme Fatale
7367ACF3718D0D9B_## =
73693EA54489B1ED_## = Outlaw
736AA04521FD3B18_## = The first time Peura saw the wings of Lauriel, she was being
wildly chased by Aleister. In fact, after Aleister defected from the Bright Temple,
he started coveting the Fountain of Light under Lauriel's protection. After all, it
was a key ingredient for his magic experiments. \n\nLauriel fell under siege of the
Fallen and suffered severe injuries. She was left with no other choice but to
escape into the Dark Forest. This is when she encountered the forest guardian,
Peura, who lent her a helping hand.\n\nHowever, Peura had no way to resist the
destructive power of Aleister's magic. In order to prevent Aleister from
succeeding, Lauriel handed the Fountain of Light to Peura and stood her ground so
that she may escape. Aleister was very cunning however. He didn't give them any
chance as he dropped thunder on them and turned them black and blue.\n\n"I will
drink this all before I let him succeed!" The weakened Peura used her last bit of
energy to drink the Fountain of Light and the light energy it contained burst
throughout her body. In fact, the overflow of power even burst forward and healed
the prostrate Lauriel before her eyes. With Peura's help, Lauriel recovered and
successfully defeated Aleister.\n\nAfter it was all over, Lauriel invited Peura to
join the Temple of Light, but she politely refused. "I have a sworn oath to protect
the Dark Forest, but visitors from the Bright Temple will always be considered
7370AD50D727BAE0_## =
73758E30041326FF_## =
7376717EA0EED6A9_## =
7379829b342058fc = Go
737BCC17772C91E0_## =
737C147944B290BB_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
737EF866F3914E3C_## =
737F3F6083CA3B37_## = Trial Card: Try out Kriknak's skin: Emerald for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
73852A2A27A26006_## = Unique Passive - Swift: Increases movement speed by 60 after
exiting battle.
73864011B11BF18E_## =
7387375F30F79134_## = Tulen
73885044C96DCE6F_## = Use to try out a variety heroes and skins.
738B7FAF4A1060AE_## =
738C975E85833D94_## = Rương quà Wonder Woman - Skin
738D0CC6D9C54ED3_## = Mũ tuần lộc
7391995972B4A034_## =
7391EBDB8D5CC355_## =
7395D5A83A114313_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
73974C5AAB683D60_## = Mage (Standard)
739AD8CC65F8BB7A_## = Choose one of the <color=#f6bf17ff>battle lanes</color>!
739BA623218F4061_## = Fatal Scythe
739E704696BF64A7_## = Now, let's practice<color=#f6bf17ff> changing targets
739EE6EA1FA73AF9_## =
73A1445FF9E88ED7_## = Trial Card: Try out Violet's skin: Fiery for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this skin.
73A1D5DE24DA60B1_## =
73AAEBCF35ACA2E5_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Lục)
73B39F9BFFF6B514_## = Unique Passive: Magic Pierce +75
73B3C1C736198D67_## = Unique Passive: Magic Pierce +40%
73B5D6152CC72CDD_## = Unknown
73B7012F088C4D2C_## =
73BB4900A9666A19_## =
73BFBBB6BE6F0142_## =
73C3428A32C1D8D4_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Airi {C}/{T} lần
73C3A873B4E4C982_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Raz) của bạn, xin
mời kiểm tra!
73C463BA7BDC655F_## = Max
73C60B75AC9523B4_## =
73C92273D510344A_## = Original
73CA09C0B1063D4A_## = Holy Brand
73D93EE8683C8CF5_## = Mganga
73E2272B5C814B5A_## = Quy đổi ngọc đỏ cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
73E3B96ABCD453FD_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Đỏ)
73E3E9AD3199CA13_## =
73E6CACACB397399_## =
73e95b636e16653a = Today\n{}:{}
73f1a003baea6794 = 73f1a003baea6794_##
73F1F3E1AEEC567E_## =
73F9384BE37120C0_## = Not Available
73FAB1D478F80E12_## =
73FD4A4CF32770A2_## =
73FD6FD6F1399D73_## = When Peura takes damage, she counterattacks and deals {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to the attackers
and slows their movement speed by 90% for 1 second. This effect only triggers once
every 10 seconds.
7403BEFF563AD265_## =
74043C43BF825604_## =
740C6473D93A6070_## = Ormarr
740D61F37B00E9EE_## = Bionic Blender
740E95EC84D56294_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
740EDF3A7C68FD4E_## = Đây là phần thưởng Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
740F31B11BC69E79_## = Trial Card: Try out Airi's skin: Shadowstrike for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
740F34B80043C5B9_## =
7410B6F21F08C194_## = EVO Ⅴ
741264609E10CE06_## = Quy đổi ngọc tím cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
74129E1A3C934562_## =
74148AB01DBBF7FF_## = Normal Attack
741CA25817FB78C6_## =
741D44ED8B27A2A2_## = Original
7421FE5ABB093269_## = Alice, Chaugnar, Zephys và Thẻ x2 Exp 3 ngày
7422228910A46ECF_## =
7426674f08109e87 = Save the playback
7427fc5c04b65e62 = Recall
74285350C5BC3B08_## =
7431B1C234820F80_## = Red Middle Tower
7433406B59E5E29D_## = 回流拍脸活动测试
74335F3F32DCAEB3_## = Thane
7434650D4FB7A15B_## =
7434DD55B5387BB5_## = Lucky Draw Chest
743BF8397AE2F26D_## = Biker
743D7BCA370CE7D6_## =
743E6F8EED8A4669_## =
74420146F4824B5B_## = Can't nobody take my pride! Can't nobody hold me down!
7443CA1B311C7024_## = Lindis
744700E4F9FAE66F_## = Unstoppable
744819405C251AB3_## = Tỉnh Ninh Thuận
744822A466B7197B_## = Trial Card: Try out Ormarr for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
744B0BAFCE94B89A_## =
744CAB94970ECCD5_## = Quy đổi ngọc tím cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
744D6A6E7A74CDAD_## = Fatal Scythe
744E30D74FE87E9D_## = Snowsickle
744EB6DE8A553A22_## =
744EF1C9A62645FB_## =
74512DC01AC7F9C7_## = Welcome back to Liên Quân Mobile! Here is a special returning
player gift pack for you!
74569E5DA27AE6CC_## = Trial Card: Try out Kriknak's skin: Steel
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
745755f9cac15a22 = 745755f9cac15a22_##
74584101968F3F19_## = Aleister's abilities and every 3rd normal attack apply 1
Curse stack on the enemy. The Curse explodes at 3 stacks, dealing {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#f3b74a>true damage</color> to the enemy.
7458EBA0957AD0E6_## = Veera
7459CE52875A3BB9_## = Damage Bonus
745A4C9740C2B5E7_## = ProPlayer Suggestion
745DE126C4B0B58E_## =
745E2203DD4F88C8_## = Survivability, Sustained Damage
745E5197FC2181B5_## =
74611345B528BCEB_## = Burst
74673446B1877F57_## = Trial Card: Try out Yorn's skin: Midnight for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
746BA464190E472B_## =
746C53492C3D2076_## = Red Super Minions
746E8733BC8C38A7_## =
746F9B815B4A65B2_## = Moren
746FE73302191FA8_## = Long Range
74708058127B03D3_## = Tap to select language channels
74718E7377041DCE_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Raz {C}/{T} lần
7471B9C4F422E096_## = Uncaged
7472EBCFD19E950D_## =
7473C68455C250EF_## =
747463E9A1CB6CE4_## = 12-18 minutes
747499C9743C7EE4_## =
7474A813E5986FE2_## =
7476E7A9B0101FDF_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
7476F81E99BC1DD3_## = 新挑戰者首登禮
747B51C29CC999EC_## =
747C941B3437F422_## = Quy đổi ngọc tím cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
747CC23475F2DF66_## =
747CC342EF53BCB8_## =
747D0354FBA89A24_## =
747D2C7C65EE664D_## = Human Form grants ranged normal attack.\nFox Form increases
armor and magic defense by 20 (+5 per level) and movement speed by 30. Normal
attacks in Fox Form deal <color=#7FFFD4>{0}</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
747D71E97AA1CE39_## = Dire Blow makes Astrid immune to all damage, which is
invaluable when she has low HP. This allows Astrid to deal heavy damage and stun
enemies while running to safety.
747E1E3474AC47AD_## = Original
74821E8455CD5ECC_## = Unknown
74842E9A47D0A578_## =
7485235D81BDC7D4_## = Report Feedback
748736661B54459D_## = Tulen
748A1901B42E190A_## = Chaugnar
748BE04CF5D717FC_## = Chuẩn bị đón Tết (Đấu thường)
748CE9464E305E27_## = Sustained Damage, Control
74926B40C005FBF2_## =
74985a1e1eb4b058 = 74985a1e1eb4b058_##
7499397E8C55645F_## =
749F56621C63CEF2_## =
74A04CE066E9F6DD_## = Officer
74A06B323BBFBD59_## = Tulen
74A249A7C7D75696_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
74A33D1241A6163B_## = Unknown
74A85E73288CC55D_## = 参与 5V5
74AA1532E1A4AD0F_## =
74B528D98C1CEEF9_## = At your service.
74B5B3A5A223CD2B_## =
74B779F5BFB7CD87_## =
74B965DE409A8835_## = Trial Card: Try out Zill's skin: Ripper for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
74BA5953F8303F07_## =
74BBCA3AE1E654A6_## = Arthur
74CB6F3A0FE09948_## =
74CCF780AD05FBE4_## = 登陆获取蝙蝠侠道具
74D23B62F1B78501_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
74D5B952C3E7E658_## =
74D83E4817344B0E_## =
74D8EEC46032FEE7_## =
74DBBDD595036DA8_## = Base Damage
74DF2A915D0EF836_## =
74E3B333A44135C8_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK {C}/{T}
74E58AF2F034426A_## = Mở để nhận 1 ngọc tím cấp 3 (ngẫu nhiên)
74E5B2C52DEBFF62_## = An error has occurred. Error code: 8045
74E5C86E3C64D93B_## =
74E5E25537373B93_## = Good Night! 晚安登入禮
74E87CB863802D5A_## =
74E96C2B54D86F15_## =
74EAE84553FC1C73_## =
74F82AD2BB9F8C52_## = Base Damage
74F935B854C205D7_## =
74FA05ED97B4F915_## = Chúc mừng năm mới. Mở để nhận quà may mắn Liên Quân (Tướng)
74FBF8F859C91850_## =
74FDE1B8D91FEE8B_## = Unknown
74FDEC32D5C0D79B_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
74FE414939765183_## = Regnant
7502E706EEBD6E79_## = Not Available
7504A78CC5689E2E_## = Omega's abilities deal full damage to structures.
750558e2d87299d9 = 750558e2d87299d9_##
7505741D030C4236_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Đỏ)
7508C0AABDAB05DE_## = Chơi 5V5 thường {C}/{T} lần
750C7E922FCE7C07_## = Zulu Warrior
750D60D448405ED9_## = Rương tướng may mắn
750E862BE48A6A0A_## =
75128EC9FCD2CA91_## = 击杀魔龙
751498BFC1B565EA_## =
75162C96A9159831_## =
751635C5C6D15D54_## =
751695C8A4704409_## = 本週活動精選
751757032BC421DD_## = Lindis illuminates the area around her and reveals the
location of nearby enemy heroes for {0} seconds. This ability can be stored {1}
times.\n\nAfter learning this ability, when Lindis hits the same enemy {2} times,
the target will suffer an additional {3}<color=#f18d00> (+{4})</color>
<color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>.
751D839D460D999C_## =
751DBFFE764A229B_## =
751EB973FEB3BCBC_## =
751F9AFB82520E5A_## =
7526ADF6B713914F_## = Butterfly
752B263A59327F53_## = Infinite Courage
752DA90916E78C85_## =
752E182EA554E7A4_## =
753104CDC803FC36_## = Wukong
7533DC9DE760BE84_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
753541E566B0C59D_## = Gildur
753957FCBFE4881E_## = Mystical demon appearance
753BD75C9E796A37_## = Đổi Dấu ấn Tulen
753F20D11296C61B_## = Trial Card: Try out Nakroth for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this Hero.
75402419575BB9BB_## = Unknown
75418CEAC2151E4B_## =
7541A916D40D2241_## = Rương may mắn 7QH
7542D787D7BFFA44_## = Thu thập Rương khóa bí ẩn để đổi thưởng hấp dẫn từ ngày
754A8BBCFDD01A7F_## =
754CD3D6ABD2A884_## =
754D790A07A74A40_## =
755976AED328C7D7_## = Armor Reduction
755A06AA8747F615_## =
755A5F7581E76AB0_## = The Reaper Queen
755C31715573DD47_## = Original
755C45DC42E9A86A_## =
755FA1B080B53792_## = 签到图片
7561053D1E772AF0_## = Mganga
7561EBA8BB96A3FF_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
75634B31BFE08A8F_## = Zanis strikes the ground, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to nearby
enemies. If any enemy units are hit, Zanis' attack speed will be increased by 40%
for 4 seconds.
7563A89ABC9C1198_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
7565AE01C8745967_## =
756A091422C98CB7_## = Dragon's Wrath
756D92D2E7434FDB_## = Base Damage
75731177E462D7C9_## =
75744884A4404134_## =
7575367A46CFA407_## =
757603F1AA817202_## = Rương may mắn Raz
7577D1867DC3DA6E_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Tím)
7579A3D4AF5CBD60_## =
757A12315456773B_## = OK
757BE998E9F51F1B_## =
757D7266ACC117D8_## = Tank
757E33EE190C1A62_## = Preyta detonates a Poison Bomb at the target location,
knocking back surrounding enemies, dealing {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color>
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> and reducing their movement speed by 50% for 2
seconds. In the Disciple of the Plague state, the Poison Bomb is replaced by nether
spikes and they also stun the targets for 1 second.
7581BD1A9C5B7535_## = Base Damage
75862F7D780CA45B_## = Original
7587092f883d85a0 = Assists
7587DD7AEF684044_## =
758A1FBAED58709A_## = Pick a Card, Any Card
758AFD49750B9D8D_## =
758B67B933B47E84_## = Sharpshooter
758EEF268220BD4E_## = You can drag the ability icon to the "x" to cancel.
758F602D5F28F37A_## =
75905471D26CF3D0_## = Practice Dummy
759075920C19C3F6_## =
7593EDA95A460F44_## =
75950D0A9D514F69_## = Road to Glory
7595DCF54056C011_## = Dish out damage. Earn some gold. Eh, no problem!
7595F6AB8781636D_## = 签到图片
759d277f8028cd6 = Challenger,<color=#f6bf17ff> Training Camp</color> provides you
with<color=#f6bf17ff> Advanced Training</color>. Go check it out!
759E4C7159D64789_## =
75A0E636B4C929FB_## = Now entering 3v3 battles,<color=#f6bf17ff> let's
75A3D4B60A8BC177_## =
75A49D0F2B81D6A3_## =
75A6B05D61403685_## = Trial Card: Try out Batman's skin: Hellbat for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
75A74A89EE819FB9_## =
75AB0477CCBDF617_## = Original
75ACDFFB96C0C419_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Ruby
75ACF91DDBC8EC76_## =
75B0FBD4DC551376_## =
75b4463c1b9dda79 = Decline
75B7F945FDAAEB5C_## = 累计推塔任务
75B9ED57AABCD630_## = Omega charges forward, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies and
stunning them.
75BFC408C54663CB_## = Mời bạn bè chơi game để nhận Ruby miễn phí!
75C08D7A5B53216D_## = That all you got?
75C30A01F13DE4BE_## = Base Damage
75C39F1F1BA105C2_## = Pooty Poots
75CB355A84C17ECC_## =
75CBF9D3FFEDC3F5_## = Scavenge
75CE6C9FFA6A4597_## =
75CFCA14260E08E4_## = Đăng nhập mỗi ngày để nhận Huy hiệu Siêu nhân. Huy hiệu Siêu
nhân có thể sử dụng đổi thưởng mỗi ngày!
75D074369C5CB815_## = If Arduin's HP falls below 50%, Arduin will enter Bloodlust
mode for 8 seconds. While in Bloodlust mode, Arduin restores 2% of his maximum HP
when his abilites or normal attacks damage enemies. Bloodlust has a 60-second
cooldown and Arduin will enter Bloodlust mode again immediately after the cooldown
if his HP is below 50% at that time.
75D3D2F0344492A5_## =
75D5824C994D9087_## = Unique Passive - Berserk: Increases attack damage by 40 and
gains a shield for 8 seconds when HP is below 40%. 90-second cooldown.
75D9200AB61917FF_## =
75DB29254EE25A74_## =
75DB70E58CA7C7FA_## = Tích lũy nạp Quân Huy đạt mốc chỉ định để nhận phần thưởng:
75DD50052F881CE0_## =
75DE320E6A85BE83_## = Harass, Control
75E05EAE768BC0ED_## =
75E10A71EF24B5EA_## =
75E325D644FAE930_## = Long Range
75E61F39C7019512_## =
75EB4FBB690FB467_## = Thane's name is seemingly written on the first page of every
book on human history. Not only did he break the dark reign, but he was also the
pioneer of technology. In a time when faith was scarce and demons ran amok, humans
used technology to break away from being ruled by demons and became their own
masters.\n\nFrom a refugee that could barely protect himself to a king that
everyone admires, Thane has undergone arduous training, has seen dead bodies
covering battlefields, has slain countless demons and has lost countless friends.
But Thane never gave up, and he always led his troops through dark times, clinging
onto glimpses of hope when there was almost none.\n\nOn the day of his ascension to
the throne, he earned enormous respect from his people. Even though the Temple was
wary of his rise, and dubious politics overshadowed the capital, people still
believed that Thane would be the one to lead them to a bright and peaceful
future.\n\nThat's why Valhein, The Demon Hunter, brought his people from afar and
swore fealty to Thane.\n\nThat's why Astrid, The Indomitable, risked the honor of
her family and cleared the way for Thane to become king.\n\nThat's why Raz, The
Fist, became a spy and formed the resistance in an enemy camp.\n\nHuman fighters
have decided to stop fighting against each other and unite under Thane, combining
their strengths to create a tidal wave that will push history forward and drive the
demons back to their abyss. When a savage beast learns self-control, even gods
should be afraid. Throughout all of this, Thane has kept his head cool, because
when the horn of war is blown, he will lead the charge.\n\n"With this sword in my
hand, I will vanquish all evil!"
75EC087A52F26AD8_## =
75f4b8c788a9ecf = Trial Period
75F90BC0ACA2F507_## = Azzen'Ka
75FB4B5F2821CCF7_## = 本週活動精選
75FB6CEF7F5AB7E3_## =
75FD7F791FCE960E_## = Đây là phần thưởng Săn mục tiêu lớn của bạn, xin mời kiểm
7600CE4A357D1D0C_## = Red arcana increase <color=#f6bf17ff>attack</color>
7601091C4558F399_## = Trial Card: Try out Nakroth's skin: Nightmare for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
76047EF131DB3022_## =
76057DF379B368FD_## = Contains 10 Gems, 400 Gold, 1 lvl 1 Arcana: Passion and 1 lvl
1 Arcana: Life
76079AE1845C4EC6_## = Yorn
7607D168A3FD3672_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
76096E589A0A8815_## =
7612538B3AE048EC_## =
7617AE2E7219485D_## = Every time The Flash moves 4 units, he will receive one stack
of speed force. Upon reaching 10 stacks, The Flash will activate the speed force,
strengthening his next normal attack while dashing forward. He also temporarily
reduces his target's movement speed by {0}% and deals <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color>
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>. When he hits his target, he gains a shield of
{2} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{3})</color>.
76182BC0F9C2999B_## =
7618ECEFB0C3AB23_## = Burst
7619AE47C71DAD68_## = Long Range
761E48CC5312B3B9_## =
761F710F18193E9A_## =
7620E306EB57C6AA_## = Level 1 Activity Rewards
7621082CFB385DCE_## = Đăng nhập mỗi ngày để nhận Huy hiệu Siêu nhân. Huy hiệu Siêu
nhân có thể sử dụng đổi thưởng mỗi ngày!
762130120EDACC57_## = 签到图片
7626F41AE23AF223_## =
762A753E4905E97D_## = Rương may mắn tháng 3
762B21B77A00F4E8_## =
76302E418AA89F19_## = Ormarr
7631AC154AE12225_## =
7632EC207724DADE_## =
76355056A032C552_## = Thu thập Bánh Chưng và Đầu lân để đổi thưởng Tết mỗi ngày
763592BDF25DA90A_## =
7636D5DDFD3150E1_## = Open it for a chance to get Lauriel, the Black Wing Skin or
other items
763AB6558B782A33_## =
76464D7738508786_## = Burst
7646E1E6E1778457_## = Thu thập 2 mảnh Chúc mừng năm mới và Mậu Tuất 2018 để đổi 4
trang phục miễn phí tùy chọn!
7646E50FEC8CA2F2_## = Quy đổi ngọc tím cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
764AC2F92C6D443B_## =
7653D0EDF9656525_## = Unknown
765487F9FF0A5CE0_## =
76578E647FCC4C4D_## = Kahlii
765A45F61779E982_## = Valhein
765AE265EBBD63A5_## =
765C7FCDF76BE912_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
765F08EE6558C3CB_## =
7661C4FADC5D4A4E_## = Guild Season Reward
7666B29BF2EA87AA_## =
7666DD3AA0ACC2A0_## = Nhân dịp Tết dương lịch, hệ thống sẽ tự động +50% Exp nhận
được khi đấu 5v5 Thường. Còn chờ gì nữa, nhanh tay chiến ngay và thăng cấp vù vù
766B280E445E046F_## = <blankspace89>
766B719EE47F8A8C_## = Quy đổi ngọc đỏ cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
766DB0EA2750BADF_## = Omega
766FC2360C3AB820_## =
76713B226EEEBECC_## =
767684F4565F9DA1_## =
76775CE946915FBF_## =
76795B0207216A58_## = Trial Card: Try out Aleister's skin: Voidweaver for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
767A249C924646E1_## = Blood Hook
767ADD8BD73AADEB_## = Azzen'Ka
7681D29B57897572_## = Coming Soon
7682BA90FDC57A89_## = Cooldown
76857EA53E4049E9_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
768B4A7DE5C1A255_## = That all you got?
768C39ADE53EEC4D_## = Tidal Rage
768CC4FA65CA3664_## =
768D33A2D42FEF09_## =
768DB650B3B241E5_## = Valentine (Ngọc)
769145D7B79729AA_## = (Once 2nd or 3rd tier jungling equipment is purchased, the
Punish talent will become Frostbite. Frostbite deals damage to enemy heroes and
reduces their movement speed.)
769524402eaddd29 = The blue dot<color=#f6bf17ff> on the map</color>
is<color=#f6bf17ff> where the Sage Golem</color> spawned.
76994C80746EFD66_## = Grand Master
7699FD17A29B5CFD_## = Fiery
769C39ACD8B69857_## = ProPlayer Suggestion
769C83B7AC94B97A_## =
769E9D2153313CE7_## =
76A6263BC538B381_## =
76A65D3A9775A48D_## =
76A755D39AAB84FF_## =
76AB0149F934B1EE_## = Warrior
76AB082B5C92B696_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tích lũy tiêu Quân Huy - Nhận skin miễn
phí của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
76AE044F2B014D7A_## =
76B03617DD4F32D4_## = Lu Bu lunges forward, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies in
his path. Lu Bu will stop immediately if he hits an enemy hero. This ability can be
used 3 times in a row, with the 3rd cast knocking enemies into the air.
76B74EED6E9E01CC_## = Đại công tước
76BA2721782D0962_## =
76BD8F4A0137E90D_## =
76BEDCA9F7FB1081_## =
76BF914673B53D37_## = Preyta
76C6F0F79ADA36D2_## = Tap to view stronger <color=#f6bf17ff>Lvl 2 Arcana</color>.
76C7F80C6E506812_## =
76C8A3E9B34450B3_## =
76D28C39B489BFD7_## = Wonder Woman
76DA55F9FD585FCC_## = Cooldown
76DBCCFE92EA42E0_## =
76E10FE916764D40_## = Original
76E1D11771B92F50_## = Trial Card: Try out Veera's skin: Nurse for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
76E6BE13E0276322_## = Chaugnar's Chaos Protection is the most powerful immunity
ability in the game. Equip items and arcana that boost his HP and defense to make
him even stronger. Chaugnar's abilities also have area effects and short cooldowns,
so they can be used frequently when he is close to enemies.
76EC3B2C5D3E3097_## = Ring of Vitality
76EE18624C427401_## = 击杀魔龙
76EE7E8AC391D5B3_## =
76EEF18AF7680B59_## =
76EF27D9110EAACE_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Tím)
76f116718fd5b373 = Free
76F6547A184A3C1F_## = Gunslinger
7700E929C620461C_## = Kil'Groth
77027E5EE7EE5002_## = Not Available
770429A11BF8A100_## =
7709230EF7CDECFE_## = Flying Dragon
77137CB7EFA3F97F_## =
7716182B7D0DEA7A_## =
77198CE8501E330C_## = Cơ hội nhận ngay tướng Maloch vĩnh viễn!
771A83841385A111_## = That all you got?
771E51DCDBCB7F29_## =
771F01CE9FD59609_## = Trial Card: Try out Zuka for <color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days.
You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this hero.
771F3DFEF442CD0F_## =
7722B84AD24C584B_## = What role do you like to play in matches? (2/3)
77235A461FF0263C_## = Unknown
772EC8395FD59AA7_## = Thu thập Chìa khóa - Mở rương bí ẩn
772F5E7C4568E614_## =
772F8B6E857FBAA7_## = Trial Card: Try out Lu Bu's skin: Crimson
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
773046D28C2C9458_## = Rương ngọc xạ thủ (x4+1)
77316306F047DFF1_## =
7736730386337860_## =
773C2F76D3DC5AA6_## =
773C693219A5C9D0_## =
773D14A8693DC3C4_## = Mời bạn bè cùng chơi trong dịp đầu xuân năm mới? Nhận ngay
Lì xì!
773E8B441DFD6B1B_## = Guest Mode Notice
77411B5E780BD3F1_## = Spend Gold, Gems, and Vouchers in the Shop \nto acquire many
new Heroes!
7748D139B58276FA_## =
77495BF68A4E77D1_## =
774A4D6994B9412A_## =
774CF294B6FE9CC9_## =
77548451324D1590_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Arduin) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
77569612D4D5A1E8_## =
775B015966476F88_## = Đây là phần thưởng Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
775B4836D1BD94D5_## =
775D65D07E8EEA58_## =
775F9588D7879CBD_## = Arduin
7765D086F50AB69D_## = Cooldown
7768451EF5FD3BB0_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nSkin vĩnh viễn
(Veera Nàng dơi tuyết) / Thẻ thử skin Veera Nàng dơi tuyết (1 ngày) / Mảnh skin /
7769ED11F890CE15_## = Blue Hammer Soldier
776A0C4701A1B85B_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
77743FDC3DA4DFFE_## =
777634EE263D3AFA_## = The <color=#f6bf17ff>Slayer Buff</color> will carry us to
777B8F3109FC2B09_## = Kriknak
778054AA0901DF5D_## = Warrior
77821B34A1FB355F_## =
7784FD1F3E5C437B_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
7785577DD4763EF5_## =
7786FFE73E0E34DF_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nTướng vĩnh viễn
(Tel'Annas) / Thẻ thử tướng Tel'Annas (1 ngày) / Mảnh tướng
778C0118B8637466_## =
77900903FF1759A6_## = Original
7796AFA91E281846_## = Tidal Rage
779AEDB739523075_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
779B956649073910_## = The Monkey King
779C43D597901823_## =
77A1299736522EBF_## = 堇火焰狂花造型包
77A485034270A86C_## =
77B15DEEAB6B80C8_## =
77B6C98BBDF2439C_## =
77B7E1FC9D01779C_## = Lu Bu
77B8387017805B8B_## =
77B928B8144FE2EC_## = Survivability
77BB7AA46754C64D_## = Normal attacks and abilities inflict a continuous poison
effect that deals [119900p1q2+119900p1g2*hl-119900p1g2]
<color=#7FFFD4>(+[119900p1q4*k2/10000])</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>
and adds 1 Voodoo Mark (up to 5 marks) to enemy heroes.
77BCF3A3D7875500_## =
77BDFB34A029A5C9_## = Blue Inner Tower
77BFEBEFF1F57049_## =
77C2F5476EE67339_## = Rương Phán xét
77C7B996D0A6D592_## =
77CAC1FD18A72F95_## = 7 日累積簽到
77CAF615C2ABA971_## = Original
77CE9485F016523E_## = Kill monsters to increase Physical Damage
77D0244E4B539510_## = 7 日累積簽到
77d0e8ee6ab19526 = Log out
77D448C2AAB1D7D4_## =
77D79619394331B8_## = Wisp lights the fuse and rolls out a barrel bomb. The bomb
deals {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to
enemies along its path and slows their movement speed by {2}% for 1 second. The
bomb explodes when it reaches the target destination or runs into an obstacle,
dealing {3} <color=#f18d00>(+{4})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to
enemies in the surrounding area and stunning them for 1 second. Damaging an enemy
hero will reduce the skill's cooldown by 3 seconds.
77DDA4F03F88E247_## = Omen
77E11C34571D6B87_## = Where's Bigfoot? I'll take him down too!
77E4710EA11F4A50_## = Ringmaster
77E5C40B046C6DF6_## =
77E6D9AAFAF8F530_## = < {0}
77E868DE1313275B_## = Unknown
77E8A5C048CD4ED1_## =
77e8b46df36c826b = 77e8b46df36c826b_##
77EA85315F63DFED_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK {C}/{T}
77EDB4451D5360C3_## =
77F36A7BE7A3D733_## = Our minions are attacking the enemy. Go join them!
77F38DE107E6E6A0_## = Attack Damage +50\n[Armor Pierce +35%]
77F3B14788B077E5_## = Superset
77F57021410ACF2B_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Chơi game)
77F999660C3D86C0_## = Chơi tướng D.C - Cơ hội xem phim miễn phí!
77F9A67241F6ADB0_## =
77F9D9026A9A7891_## = Base Damage
77FC978929775FA2_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Superman) của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
77FCEAE137EF7072_## =
77FE81D001D72F03_## =
77FF0E757CF4AD40_## =
78011C23E599C377_## =
78057EE3D2FD641D_## = Wukong's Disguise
78059F62C008FB8C_## =
780617E912DE8067_## =
780671D479D37876_## = Base Damage
78069137EE4C1E63_## =
7806BE43A84AD33B_## =
7809126D7628A43A_## = Contains 10 Gems, 1300 Gold and 1 lvl 1 Arcana: Absorption
780b56b4e5298c2c = 780b56b4e5298c2c_##
780B71C862294B5D_## =
780C0DD6695771E6_## = Attack Damage +60, Attack Speed +30%, Life Steal
+10%\n[Dragon's Breath]
780E558C18993779_## = Unknown
780ebf2a43e1340b = Difficulty
780F5C29F240AABE_## = Cooldown
78107AF461D778B4_## =
781201CEEFAABD88_## = Unknown
78156F24964CDCFA_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
78168353567C5769_## = Firefighter
7818371A24C45BC8_## =
781854E4C79E058A_## = Rương ngọc Nguyệt tộc
78192D5C92F4143E_## =
781DA6FCD4CD316A_## = Fennik
781FE21A40D279C9_## =
7822AD2345E5400C_## =
78270A4E9C9C71BE_## =
782718E652CD9E5A_## =
7827A11C63341CD5_## = Due to system maintenance, your Credibility Score may have
been deducted. We have restored {0} points to your Credibility Score. We apologize
for any inconvenience caused.
7828BCE0426B6E1F_## =
782BDBAAE1C69741_## =
782EEA3E7563C21D_## = Unknown
782FE55992E21FC9_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mừng xuân Đinh Dậu, Lì xì đầy tay: Thi
đấu thôi! của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
78308CEF47A13690_## = Unknown
783203b10747df74 = 783203b10747df74_##
7835F040358F2885_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Slimz + trang phục Thỏ thợ mỏ
7838C3DCD0AF8AF3_## = Unique Passive - Curse Power: After using an ability, the
next normal attack deals additional magic damage equal to 35% attack damage (+45%
ability power). 2-second cooldown.
783EAB120B9D542D_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Ryoma để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
783F67066DD7D422_## = Lu Bu
7840064B9271B389_## = Rương may mắn II (Skin)
7842BA2AA161BE53_## =
7843C4AA270CD145_## =
7846532A7EB90777_## = Technoblade
78466A64E02EFF89_## = Justice Lord
784A966A1644BB8E_## = Astrid charges forward, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>, slowing enemy
movement speed by {2}% for 1.5 seconds, and decreasing target armor by 30% for 4
seconds. Her next normal attack will be a critical hit and will reduce Fearless
Charge's cooldown by 1 second. This effect cannot stack.
78514DE12B9EF27C_## =
78527A92152D0BF9_## =
7854BFA825AEB40F_## = Rương quà Hỗn mang
7855B115B6B3944C_## =
785D330D58EFC0A2_## =
7863060BFA2FE76F_## = Quy đổi ngọc lục cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
786453A1898F3C41_## =
786842A2081AE176_## = Bullet Storm
78695E21C1E91BAF_## =
786A57685FD6817E_## =
786A61B99A8BE597_## = Rương bánh kẹo
786de2dbe076db87 = HP
786F7199622F0207_## =
7872510382A4C041_## = Long Range
7880A71F622D4BD9_## = 本週活動精選
788609DBD07FB39B_## =
78869B7398BE2CEE_## =
7889C84B0E5EC13D_## = Trial Card: Try out Diaochan's skin: Archmage
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
788AE7BD6AC3C9D2_## = Gói tân thủ
788BCFD41B8DDC01_## =
788C5F7098807DE5_## =
788EFF89D9EE7FA8_## = Li'l Red
788F457785A92F4E_## = Pocket Glaive
7893A39486A66F4A_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
789a7871fedf8465 = Beta version does not represent the final quality.
789CFEFE2BF66DDE_## =
78A3931AF007FC56_## =
78A4DD661D3583D9_## = Watch out for hooks!
78A794327B99AD77_## = When Taara's HP is low, her attack damage increases
dramatically. Avoid using Steeled Focus when she has full HP as it does not take
full advantage of the HP regeneration effects. Taara can leap over walls and other
obstacles with Colossal Smash, so you can use this to surprise enemies.
78A88DF58C9F5A23_## =
78A8E8FB4857BF4E_## =
78AB6E0577C055CC_## =
78ACBCD483FB0E41_## =
78AF4297016F1838_## = Mage
78B6D6BC314342E2_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
78B72FBA371EFAE8_## = Unknown
78B9DBB24A83C878_## = Clone Contest
78BA66A034C62082_## =
78BB703DFC6F55AF_## = Long Range
78BD576563A99393_## =
78C2D5D2985715BF_## =
78C34CCAC15D84A1_## = Leveling, Sustained Damage
78C3DC60FADBB28E_## = Yorn's skin: Ghost Samurai
78C558B832D4C7CA_## =
78CD18D0F4C91ECB_## = 签到图片
78CD4B01EB0DDF2F_## =
78CDBF54826A3914_## = obsolete+696b2ac44e9beec3
78D691843F699A87_## =
78D6C3811D11CC99_## =
78D70AC2723D98B3_## =
78DAC7BB1309AE82_## = Trial Card: Try out Peura for <color=#01d1f8ff>3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this hero.
78DB2974EEABF3BD_## = Regnant
78DB6AD437EB4970_## =
78DCB18992D703D1_## =
78E01A025BCB216B_## =
78E0C25D8F78B2C1_## = Voidweaver
78E2E19585CB6E13_## = Đây là phần thưởng Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
78E48AE1512093CB_## = Rương ngọc may mắn dành riêng cho Trợ thủ - vị trí không thể
thiếu trong team!
78EE582084C57B15_## = Buccaneer
78EEB8A251D9034E_## = Survivability, Damage Dealer
78EEE9AA59F0EB1A_## =
78F920B354CA19E8_## = "Torture brings suffering, and suffering brings
power."\n\nClawing from the deepest pits of Hell with seething fury and vile
intents for torture and suffering, Maloch would become the ruler of the
Ravenors. \n\nHe knew full well the world's most cruel and sadistic punishments. He
enjoyed nothing more than shattering the souls of those unfortunate enough to cross
his path. The howls of pain and anguish that emerge from the torture pits within
Hell were music to Maloch's ears, and that was where he drew powers from. In this
place where light could never touch, the Ravenors were law and they served
Maloch. \n\n"My underlings hunger for my power, but they shall never have it!"
Maloch was always proud to demonstrate his cold intellect and vile schemes, and was
quick to refute any rumors about his foolhardiness.\n\nMaloch's cruelty knew no
bounds, and he frequently delighted himself by torturing the Ravenors under his
command until their very souls were broken. It helped passing his time, but Maloch
gradually grew tired of them as well.\n\n"Every living soul must lay broken,
weeping and pleading for death at my feet!" He thought to himself. With this new
desire, Maloch left his realm and sought out battles.\n\n"I will show all that
breathe what true suffering really is!"
78FA9A658FD96883_## = Heroes for Beginners
78FDE3C854A59A32_## =
79030E5943768C8B_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
79035234f90048d2 = Total Damage
790A943219F73503_## = Mage giftbag
790BB334147D76C8_## =
790C231F4A4B9964_## = Murad
7918C8BA179769FD_## = Yellow Frame
791C1CC8EA0B3929_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nTướng vĩnh viễn
(Tulen) / Thẻ thử tướng Tulen (1 ngày) / Mảnh tướng
791C996F437EE441_## = Cooldown
792171D217DBE72F_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
79264C349A596F3E_## = Trial Card: Try out Batman's skin: Leatherwing for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
792A4742DF081397_## = Krixi
792A7C66A3DE2D7E_## =
792BFE00F4CBCD2F_## =
792D568BBF87C881_## =
792DD87769449664_## =
792EEAF6947D075E_## = 1-21 minutes
792FC0A3682D1CA4_## = 本週活動精選
7930C1F8B6AAD6A3_## =
793109CABE88C0D8_## = Trial Card: Try out Max for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days.
You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this hero.
7931F04BC7715B36_## = OK
79341DB8F1CECD8C_## =
7934BEB9C6ED2064_## = Original
79369404F4EFCD19_## =
79385CDE69CEF9E8_## =
79399408ACDBA4AF_## =
793FF2F0B1DFBAA6_## =
79400781A97AB96E_## = 本週活動精選
794F350095CEB0B7_## = Túi mảnh trang phục (x2-x5)
7951AB863351CD59_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
79536DB5F3CC8E2F_## = Survivability
79548BFEB7EAFC73_## = Skud
7955AACD24FDA1A3_## =
7955DB4A12B148BA_## = Base Damage
795879D976332E23_## = (High damage in a short time)
7959917EA498FA8B_## =
79599C736C495B5C_## =
795C17EC303C1D31_## =
795DA313FADC8E37_## =
795E3527E72B20BD_## =
795E8927ECBD18E3_## = 本週活動精選
795F32474EADD2D0_## = Extended range
795FF2A55A30C520_## =
7960780B97D6EEFC_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Đỏ)
7960C736E712889B_## =
79627C6637ECA5BD_## = Slimz Hero Trial Card 1Day
7962EFD4A7EB1D90_## = Attack Speed +30%, Critical Chance +20%, Movement Speed
+5%\n[Flame Wrath]
7966482B6A9B4D44_## =
7966FC5A97B8AF6F_## =
796A0DEFA5674DED_## =
796EEE180FBC95B0_## = Unique Passive - Flame Wrath: Normal attacks increase attack
speed by 10% for 2 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times.
7972A06DEBB09CA0_## =
797767F1F7FC3476_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Đỏ)
797AB67A8FB2A549_## = Red Ballista
797C1E6BDF3C18E4_## = 测试分享活动
797C37B7558AD688_## = Wide Hook
79831A8C167FF970_## = When Batman approaches an enemy hero, his movement speed
increases by 20%.
79832A7C73782FF1_## =
7987F2BB8990F0A2_## =
798961186A7D7207_## = Dread Judge
798DAE7901C609F9_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
798DFCE980300DA7_## = Original
798FA84EFC3E815F_## = Thunderclap
7997EE2855956051_## = Technoblade Level 3
799853885E6ACF80_## =
799A3FB3056E7806_## =
799bcc7d3bd2571f = 799bcc7d3bd2571f_##
799F2961FE1DE505_## =
79A322C8D2BA7D34_## = That all you got?
79A48CA1CE110F42_## =
79A673540350D4D3_## =
79A673EFE8C4398A_## =
79ACD4F46D7DD682_## =
79B07A14EF720967_## =
79B0AD48DD8C4F44_## =
79B2F363BE44D655_## = Đỉnh cao danh vọng
79B80500D8B266FF_## = Pooty Poots
79BBAF2C0FACE450_## = Antaris Battlefield: Jungle Strategy
79BBCE23AD816EAF_## =
79BEE69615C10CBE_## =
79bef995aa36125e = 79bef995aa36125e_##
79BF31268B885ABE_## = Liên Quân đón Xuân
79C2205FE60C99F1_## = Tower Diving
79C69E6FA2DEF9E5_## =
79C726307369AD3C_## = (Able to take damage for allies)
79C72CD59B8BA8F7_## =
79CA019A42FCF29E_## = Combo Ormarr & Skin
79CD346CB8D91947_## =
79CDD900C26CB5DD_## = Max HP +13.5 \nArmor Pierce +3.8
79CE6A0F107D9833_## = Bombshell
79D1AA8791ADBDC8_## = Jungling, Finisher
79D305A3087ADB30_## = Trial Card: Try out Maloch for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color>
day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
79D5452A27403F7F_## = Zuka
79D6A7CFDA7FC593_## = 充值获夺宝券
79D6E329D65D02D4_## =
79D78303B5DE13C6_## = obsolete+6dd7cdef77387c92
79DA7FF24D7EF655_## = Unknown
79DAD4114F4F72F4_## =
79E15FCAEE8F91B3_## =
79E1A0E6C40929CD_## =
79E1B46D7FB26BEC_## = Kiếm Murad
79E2215090245B37_## =
79E5540F33AA19A8_## =
79E66549E1DEFDC7_## =
79E8411738038CC5_## =
79EB534294BE5B9A_## =
79F197B0B73AEFDE_## =
79F2F320EA57A6A7_## = Moren
79F39FD63FE5A549_## = Tham gia sự kiện Tết gắn kết - Anh em chấp hết tại
sukien4.lienquan.garena.vn - Nhận Dấu ấn Tulen và đổi tướng miễn phí!
79fb22454932e088 = Damage Total
79FB831B7E96F4D2_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
79FBCCBE82189CF8_## = Fury
79FCB55F83DA6566_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nTướng vĩnh viễn
(Ignis) / Thẻ thử tướng Ignis (1 ngày) / Mảnh tướng
79FCC8D34B4D8170_## =
79FE52B5787B020E_## =
79FF39138A31B5D1_## =
7A008331152B8909_## = Melee
7A047540E1EDB60A_## = Alice
7A08E620D212FC66_## =
7A0B21583B869D43_## = A soldier to respect!
7A0BF89392E65D7C_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Tel'Annas) của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
7A0D0908E4EC5BEE_## =
7A0D5080D5DF75D7_## =
7A14F217FFA8088E_## = 消费点券活动
7A1EC93E17660ABD_## = Unknown
7A1ED4F00356380B_## = Nhân dịp Tết dương lịch, hệ thống sẽ tự động +50% Exp nhận
được khi đấu 5v5 Thường. Còn chờ gì nữa, nhanh tay chiến ngay và thăng cấp vù vù
7A25D220D991941A_## =
7A265E9E9D0851D7_## = Đây là phần thưởng Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
7A27218152534485_## = Zanis
7A274821285F1E5F_## =
7A2AC096C86D4B26_## = Unknown
7A2B64690BB106E3_## =
7A2D14ADF29B297A_## = Unknown
7A2D6893EE187846_## =
7A2DC642612A70B6_## = Base Damage
7A2FDB08E815BE20_## =
7a2fde1f50c3704b = 7a2fde1f50c3704b_##
7A3681B15EBC04C3_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
7A3825D73EC9001A_## =
7A3ABB9837F62C7F_## =
7a3ae8490ff4fb25 = 7a3ae8490ff4fb25_##
7A3D6CD7790FBEFA_## =
7A4053B83D3673AE_## =
7A420E23A92FC8C4_## =
7A42D35173A3238A_## = Cooldown
7A46B3CB0AC2B30C_## = Piolet
7A4813B12FC75C8D_## =
7A4A37758A692925_## = Peura
7A4AAF8525C80BFF_## = Open to get random 7d skin trial card
7A4DB56956F8B74B_## =
7A4F9405F6A9D824_## = <size=30>{0}</size>\n of team damage taken
7A5667A0530F5370_## = Misc.
7A58FF7CD48D7DA3_## =
7A59168D20044324_## =
7A5AE4E9C3D86F5C_## =
7A5FA96FA1AB7EC6_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
7A60808CAE423B0B_## =
7A6099724292B556_## = Reduces healing by 50%
7A655049A39ADBCB_## =
7A665B4AD07EAA34_## =
7A6799AE121DB119_## = Chaugnar
7A693A2D44AFAD40_## = Thẻ thử Sát thủ (1 ngày)
7a6c392de96521b1 = 7a6c392de96521b1_##
7A70C3A4336FA01A_## = Unknown
7A713940B1CF6E11_## =
7A739B5F976E2ACC_## =
7A752331A5E8789D_## = Unknown
7A7640507107ECB6_## = obsolete+2c61f47cf9280da0
7A768318D21583F3_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
7A76E3ABF7FED366_## = 本週活動精選
7A7B46CACEA189B0_## = Krixi
7A7D3E284BEC977E_## = Collect {0} [/0:$(skin|skins)/]
7A7D6DC40431ACD2_## = Unknown
7A82DA65E45E8FF0_## = Gold
7A86097A0D308675_## =
7A8D96FC3034F3AD_## =
7A8F4E2415C47073_## = Techno Templar
7A90CF82721976F0_## = Damage Reduction
7A90E26236C1295B_## =
7A9135601B107917_## =
7A9511E6F2862C27_## = Assassin
7A9A11082D2305D5_## =
7A9C35E0B7069687_## = Blood Knight
7A9F2C6A5C61E81E_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Chiến thắng)
7AA84AAE02217752_## =
7AA96131E146FF70_## = Butterfly
7AAA092AFCD0B809_## =
7AAB15CD83097D43_## =
7AAC1D96C2E0F056_## = Abilities deal additional damage to enemies and can be
stacked up to 10 times within a short time.
7AAC7A17222B48E7_## =
7AACB2900A9285C5_## = Support
7AB1E6FABEF2565D_## = Magic Defense Reduction
7AB3610B00018F5B_## = Liliana fires a magic missile that explodes upon reaching an
enemy target, dealing {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
damage</color> to nearby enemies and stunning them for {2} seconds.\n\nReplaced by
Leap of the Fox in Fox Form.
7AB780434EB24BB6_## = [Hunter]
7AB854BBF2319E66_## =
7AB98A18B41AFC4B_## = Diaochan's Skin: Archmage
7ABA31DD5EA377E3_## =
7ABAAEEC1CDE4E09_## = Trial Card: Try out Violet's skin: Fiery for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this skin.
7ABBC97B525C9303_## =
7ABC9B7C3F836BD1_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
7ABE31762235D714_## =
7ABE694F4F3F34C8_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
7AC09F2D9F498DF9_## =
7AC2DAA3A96E19C3_## =
7AC459D56EB158A3_## =
7AC5AE78815F3111_## = Summer Bash
7AC6881A95432BA0_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
7AC9EB6A1359A64A_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nTướng vĩnh viễn
(Zuka) / Thẻ thử tướng Zuka (1 ngày) / Mảnh tướng
7AD0049E7A5A4D20_## = Đổi quà tình nhân
7AD20A66B2511751_## = Support
7AD6D0271FA08308_## = Maloch
7AD73112EB62E9FC_## = Burst
7ADCC7ABEA6A11AE_## = Tích lũy hạ trong 5V5 thường {C}/{T}
7ADDC01212FA4B3E_## =
7ADDF4FE2AF08496_## =
7AE159841DE2D9E9_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
7AE1F0001FC7EFBE_## =
7AE5BCE42B433F58_## =
7AE6B3989C75CCD7_## = Attack
7AEA64DCD4912A40_## = Mage
7AEAC2F1DFA2F864_## =
7AEF5C31555B1CF1_## =
7AF02F1BD6263C25_## = 本週活動精選
7AF4D255B8E865C0_## =
7AF50CC8A75419C7_## = Azzen'Ka calls forth the hand of shifting sands, dealing {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> initially. The
sand then starts to rage, continuously dealing {2} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{3})</color>
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to enemies within the target area and slowing
their movement speed by {4}%.
7AF6982B1CF4A1DB_## = Your report of player <color=#ffd700>{6}</color> at {3}:{4}:
{5} on {0}/{1}/{2} has been validated by the system. The player's Credibility Score
has been decreased by {7}. Thank you for your report.
7AF7D2110C270E21_## =
7AF82876082BFF42_## = Unlock ranking<color=#f6bf17> Superior</color> profile frame
7AF8C83091AED19D_## =
7AFCA4C1B45EA008_## = Butterfly
7AFDE736A108E929_## = Trial Card: Try out Kil'Groth for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
7AFF2602EA1E5A58_## = "We might not be able to take care of the problem, but we can
take care of the person who brought it up."\n\nPeople may have forgotten that
Aleister, the infamous crook, was once a candidate for the Temple of Light. With
Yorn the Hotshot, they were hailed as the Sons of Light at the time and had the
most potential to be fully inducted into the Temple. Despite Aleister's
intelligence, he didn't possess a strong will and he fell into the darkness due to
Veera's charm.\n\nThough on a different note, Aleister's brilliance had a huge
impact on the war. His endless tricks and traps helped the Fallen defeat resistance
forces time after time.\n\nTo eliminate the master think tank behind the dark
power, Yorn left glory behind and lead an elite team deep into enemy territory to
assassinate Aleister. His near-perfect plan was foiled by Aleister, who turned the
tables on him and nearly trapped him in the abyss forever.\n\n"Are you smart enough
to go up against me?"
7B019F59866B501F_## = Đăng nhập mỗi ngày để nhận quà tết từ Liên Quân
7B022886FE458922_## =
7B0378C15DB5624E_## =
7B05283FEB056994_## =
7B06FB5AB02FEC68_## =
7B072C92AA22B9AA_## = Trial Card: Try out Veera's skin: Heartbreaker for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
7B0744C0BEB1BFFC_## =
7B08788DDEEACAD5_## = Skud
7B10DBAD78C1EA85_## = Midas Touch
7b1136bc609b5f84 = Shake
7B16882F39461799_## =
7B180A48ED048CAB_## =
7B1D0051D74F739B_## =
7B1D7E6766D335D6_## = Year
7B1EC7611C9B9B3A_## = Xeniel forms an enveloping barrier that absorbs {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>(+{2})</color> <color=#ca3939>({3}% of
his own maximum HP)</color> damage. Xeniel can detonate the barrier after 2.5
seconds by pressing the ability button again, dealing {4}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{5})</color> <color=#ca3939>(+{6})</color> <color=#ca3939>({7}% of
his own maximum HP)</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to enemies nearby
and reduces their movement speed for 1 second. If the barrier is destroyed by an
enemy, then no damage nor movement impairing effects will be dealt.
7B21A6396BD3EDC0_## = Vamp
7B26D7457BC5452E_## =
7B2C6ED81AAC4317_## =
7B2CADE0CE36482E_## = Alice
7B3073179DBEE3E9_## = Woodland
7B309E1128BF294D_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Lục)
7B31244D3759FFD3_## = Rương may mắn Batman
7B31755E3655377B_## = Trial Card: Try out Tulen's skin: Starlight for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
7B33A16AEA605C2A_## =
7B3517F70B2FBA4E_## =
7B374336E2C384B1_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Airi + trang phục
7B37C0B703441541_## =
7B3D134BCF620BC7_## = [新英雄-chrest 登場] 愛不釋手
7B3FEC0210F14E00_## =
7B41CCD78BA9AB87_## =
7B43876FADA34B18_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
7B44468C719CF6D7_## =
7B49AC620AB6AD35_## = 参与 5V5
7B4A172178B2C547_## =
7B4CB7B83C54BDD1_## = Tỉnh Tây Ninh
7B4D24D7BF07046A_## = Nạp tích lũy 90 Quân Huy, nhận quà ngay
7B4EB3C0BCBC0E8B_## = Your report of <color=#ffd700>{6}</color> at {3}:{4}:{5} on
{0}/{1}/{2} has been validated by the system. This player has already received the
corresponding punishment. Players are not able to join Standard Matches if their
Credibility Score falls below {7}. Thank you for your report.
7B4EEF1DF4CB7D61_## = 好友大作战
7b4f1604cdc1e30b = Slide
7B534946B622ACD3_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
7B53CE5333C1C772_## = I'll never let the Andura Shard fall to you.
7b5c7f48ebb33cfa = Practice
7B5F1ECA1564D411_## = Hellbat
7B61666BA6304419_## = Bông tuyết
7b634fcb4314a1cd = Time
7B65DDA222A4821F_## = Level 6 Activity Rewards
7B65F29516C02B11_## = Rương may mắn tháng 4
7B682F2AC6F03B40_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
7B68B7AD6F8A8AB4_## = Cooldown
7B6AF4DECC43E4FD_## = Trial Card: Try out Grakk's skin: Cap'n for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this skin.
7B6C2F32F64EADCE_## = Trial Card: Try out Murad's skin: Prep School
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
7B6F96DEA8B47766_## = EXP
7B72FDB433C776BC_## = An error has occurred. Error code: 8044
7B7466181DB0CFBD_## =
7B7576FCDF591F3A_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
7B76674E6457EBDD_## = Unknown
7B773D8D785DC144_## =
7B7AF37FCD64C037_## = Original
7B7BA17555706CB8_## =
7B7E8733969AE418_## = Normal Attack
7B871EC531829229_## = 1-20 minutes
7B8ADDD60F56ED84_## = Original
7B8D6BE3E74E128E_## = Roxi-Skill-02
7B8F295C22831F94_## = Assembly of Pros
7B8FC19D90A43FDF_## = Base Damage
7B912584E0E33F9A_## = Toro
7B91AB5E92006095_## = Rain of Fire
7B95C0788A3F4773_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
7B989B6E5EDFA305_## = <blankspace89>
7B9970B612DCABEF_## = Lumburr's Skin: Magma
7B9F311192C6DA5B_## = 8-12 minutes
7ba1a5338816a8d1 = Tap here
7BA656C20C3823FB_## = Chơi bản đồ 5v5 Miền đất hứa (Thường & Hạng) để nhận ruby
miễn phí
7BAA78850D6A042C_## =
7BAA8D346DF77292_## =
7BAB15880BCB2F2E_## =
7BB285BB8E75BC49_## = Trial Card: Try out Violet's skin: Fiery for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
7BB51B0FCD8D2D31_## = Shield Points
7BB53C796B5D1ED8_## =
7bb8ec1ccd962a1f = Highest
7BB8F793DFFCF773_## = Woodland
7BC0220C88335FBA_## = Femme Fatale
7BC154F0E01932CB_## = 本週活動精選
7bc2e8542d08515f = 7bc2e8542d08515f_##
7BC3B3501EDB5229_## =
7BC3E6915C85D684_## = Base Damage
7BC406CC61D1CF18_## = 签到图片
7BC683AFD58A5531_## =
7BC75668EB73CF04_## = Veera
7BC7BF9DEFF14540_## =
7BC87DA68781190F_## =
7BCAEC7CC98583A6_## =
7BCCA9F06B476C2C_## =
7BCFF118445FE317_## =
7BD121ED554666E1_## = Trial Card: Try out Joker's skin: The Killing Joke
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
7BD4D69C3945A1AE_## = Quy đổi ngọc đỏ cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
7BD86B29B038C2A2_## =
7BD8EBA75B620C2B_## = Đón Xuân mới - Khuyến mãi nạp thẻ mỗi ngày!
7BDB35C3D2978E66_## = Thu thập chìa khóa để kết hợp với Rương khóa bí ẩn và đổi
thưởng trong phần Sự kiện
7bdcb37d3866903a = Add
7BDCBEEC69C16140_## =
7BDE8B8D489066BC_## =
7BDF0187816CB8B5_## =
7BE000D40A963445_## =
7BE079EFBD49B5ED_## = Trial Card: Try out Butterfly's skin: Cyberpunk for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
7BE4C2ACD2E55646_## = Nhận ngay Ruby miễn phí khi tham gia 5v5 Độc đạo lần đầu
7BE9C3FFC87231C1_## = Unknown
7BEB85BBD1A1F3B8_## =
7BED9FB212CD3B87_## = Alice
7BF1BDE3ABBA9B78_## =
7BF5F8737131BDE1_## =
7BF7F81CFE2BA076_## = Xeniel
7BF9F760F67203C4_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
7BFB2B2CEDC7FD92_## = Warrior
7BFC77B17897489D_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
7BFDAF06B95D1409_## =
7BFDECD258668314_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
7C02C3A5E7BBCD0F_## = Trial Card: Try out Arthur's skin: The Bone Baron
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
7C02C5D0A6A01E4C_## = Jinnar
7C0EE226921A7A54_## = Thắng đấu hạng với Violet {C}/{T} lần
7C0EF31BFF2E01FD_## =
7C0FFF7672AE10F6_## =
7C10AD9A548821D5_## =
7C19161C47910F97_## = Mở để nhận 1 thẻ thử trang phục ngẫu nhiên 1 ngày. Đừng quên
theo dõi giải đấu TOG tại garena.live/lienquan trong 2 ngày từ 15-16/07 nhé!
7C1D0BD74D329B7A_## = Diaochan can slow enemies down with Chilling Frost. Use this
ability first, then follow up with Diamond Dust to freeze your enemy, allowing you
to deal further damage and take them out.
7C24966078E27E5E_## =
7C2816CCCB800C14_## =
7C2A19364867B07F_## =
7C2A956DBC3421B1_## = Control
7C2B198E19948048_## =
7C2CD5CD7B1F987F_## =
7C2DBB3C09CE53C4_## = <color=#f8be32>120-second</color> cooldown: Teleports your
hero a short distance.
7C3BDF59B9EC11C8_## = Jungling, Finisher
7C41596C97E18665_## = Unknown
7C4492426A14721B_## =
7C47BACF57D8AED6_## =
7C4840598A4ED969_## =
7C4C691AAC6CADFF_## =
7C4EA3150A7A5743_## = Leo
7C50F8750A17E62B_## =
7C52ADB82329DCEA_## =
7C5477543D93DAFD_## = Trial Card: Try out Kil'Groth for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
7C5556A48DEE292D_## = Butterfly
7C56213CBDECCA48_## = Critical Chance +0.5%
7C575695FCD5B58D_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
7C59779DFC1E1837_## = Movement Speed increased
7C5A4603E6BE5849_## = Zill's abilities place Marks of the Wind on their targets
when dealing damage. At 3 stacks, enemy movement speed is reduced by {0}% for 0.25
seconds. Marks will last for {1} seconds.\n\nWhen Zill's normal attacks deal damage
to targets with 3 marks, Wind Shift's cooldown is immediately refreshed, and the
targets take an additional {2} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{3})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
damage</color>.\n\nZill's normal attacks deal additional {4} <color=#8e91fd>magic
7C5A75F893D80845_## = Gildur
7C5C44C4534AED34_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
7C5C4E25F7F6DB7F_## = Bottomless Pool
7C60FE0D8C740A09_## = Tết chưa hết đâu! (Đấu thường)
7C6126F14C82B15A_## =
7C65333CA649E2CF_## =
7C6B46B8843D2BC4_## =
7C70FB089BD6379C_## =
7C737BBFCBC0F322_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
7C74A2E08B2E6637_## = Gói 30% KM Maloch + skin
7C776B06B1BA41B2_## = <color=#ffffff>%s</color> <color=#a4afb7>has obtained a skin
from %s</color>: <color=#f2c71a>%s</color>!
7C780D516DE85671_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm:\n - Tướng\n - Skin
ngẫu nhiên (3-7 ngày)\n - Thẻ x2 EXP/Vàng (1-3-7 ngày)\n - Hòm ngọc
7C7A94850F117836_## = Đăng nhập tại thời gian chỉ định để nhận thêm Bánh sinh nhật
và Hộp quà thú vị
7C7B45FA611F9BAA_## = Diamond
7C7B96C587ED8413_## =
7C7F1707067F2ECB_## =
7C81744530F609EC_## = Tỉnh Thái Nguyên
7C828E07D0906AD5_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Đăng nhập)
7C829906CBBC94A2_## = Unknown
7C82CC17F12C439E_## = Share trang phục Fennik Tuần lộc láu linh để nhận quà đặc
biệt\nTrên IOS: Share qua Garena Mobile và ứng dụng Facebook\nTrên Android :Share
qua Garena Mobile
7c82ec70492ce861 = 7c82ec70492ce861_##
7C839D73BB978494_## = Your Credibility Score has been deducted due to AFK or going
offline during recent games. You may receive punishments if you continue this
7C84577EA8A724B2_## = Zanis
7C85E3301CE8260D_## = Voodoo
7C8E493CF83F7CD8_## = Unique Passive - Gift of the Swift: After dealing a critical
hit, movement speed increases by 3 per hero's level. Lasts for 1.5 seconds (only
effective when using a ranged hero).
7C8F66D6D3194CDD_## =
7C8FACC750233363_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
7C9044BCE41469A3_## = Reiki Shot Damage
7C90FB2B88CFF9C9_## =
7C943809E46609B2_## =
7C9448060B05F57F_## = Count
7C96464B35BC631C_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
7C977D8B444ADF28_## = obsolete+f384d5ae7f54ec42
7C993CA3B3D8B785_## = Trial Card: Try out Kriknak for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
7C998AE939489F71_## = Phoenix Tear
7C9D439B71F0D6E3_## = EXP
7C9F72F93B85FD65_## =
7C9FBEB7A3AAC5A5_## = Hazmat
7CA1D8EC1CA323BF_## = Base Damage
7CA400F94E56BC48_## = Knights, rally to me!
7ca426d34e2e25fb = 7ca426d34e2e25fb_##
7CA5B9A3728A4A0C_## = Arum
7CA6C4ACC4D3653E_## = Road to Glory
7CB465BF0F248154_## = Unique Passive - Hunter: Deals 30% extra damage to monsters
and receives 30% more experience from killing monsters.
7CB5914AC312B2B3_## =
7CB6F8367001C6A8_## =
7CBE2F25B32F6F8A_## = 参与 5V5
7CBFFC0B6F59F916_## = Unknown
7CC0D63A97678132_## = Melee
7CC2E01C261FBD0C_## =
7CC4837E674E71E1_## = Đổi quà tình nhân
7CC5BC0AAD4DC4A4_## = Original
7CC64F6C5D9B7284_## =
7CC8BE829C5296A9_## = Base Damage
7CCC79D07C1E594B_## = Quà ngủ ngon
7CCD0E3D1C356822_## = Not Available
7CCF39C5BD120C6E_## = 7 日累積簽到
7CD035496E6A734A_## = Original
7CD0DF29765FA017_## =
7CD2DEFD522246B7_## =
7CD55AC095F88872_## = Combo Skud + Vé Quay
7CD68977CF705637_## = Unknown
7CD77158554F17B3_## =
7CD89C9E7AF53FB1_## =
7CDB3B61CA583DDB_## = Superman has two modes: flying and walking. He gains 2%
movement speed and charges energy for every 100 units he walks, and takes flight
once energy is fully charged. Flight mode grants 20% movement speed when moving
towards an enemy, and his normal attacks deal additional <color=#ca3939>physical
damage</color> equal to <color=#ca3939>12% of his own maximum HP</color>. Superman
exits Flight mode when he is hit with a control effect that lowers his movement
speed to 375 or less.
7CDC54B3B0101EDC_## = HP Regen
7cde5e6759e93ae4 = Ability type
7CDED7A67C115127_## = Survivability
7CE04132AF21C932_## =
7CE1079E2DC63E31_## =
7CE207517C305132_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
7CE59386EA508BEC_## = Double Gold Card: \n3 days
7CE94C0C2D645462_## = Tỉnh Quảng Bình
7CEA8D38E75438A2_## =
7CF24762104BD3E9_## = Abomination
7cf423859952df00 = 7cf423859952df00_##
7CFAFBDC96B1299A_## =
7CFBEDEF69A1A02B_## =
7D01CB51E071FC09_## =
7D025C99659C6F5C_## = Lucky Draw Help
7D046FEE665E9187_## =
7D05563898DEE773_## =
7D070DA6692C4E32_## =
7D0A0E57B1CA5D69_## = Đấu trường Huyền thoại
7D0B05368367C144_## =
7D103F89CAE9C2D0_## = (Movement-based abilities that allow you to quickly move in
and out of fights)
7D106F4AF390D5C9_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
7D11C75CEB1D65E8_## =
7D18E9C53573A650_## =
7D19158B4BCD5B73_## = 7 日累積簽到
7D1B3C7B9F1078F4_## =
7D1B5ED775FA8C4E_## =
7D1DDE390EAD3E91_## = Trial Card: Try out Krixi's skin: Flowerchild
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
7D21080AA14C6C31_## =
7D213CFA6D3E3896_## = Đây là phần thưởng Share trang phục nhận quà Giáng sinh của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
7D22C4D1F13B99C4_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Preyta {C}/{T} lần
7D22E092A9A19BB5_## =
7D24E83CAA47E9E2_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
7D26C1E7F40D7D17_## =
7D29440AD74C7388_## =
7D2A1A0029AD9C6F_## = Combo thử Nakroth 1n
7D2A4ECF4B94EB04_## =
7D2AA5B7AFE8A678_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tháng sinh nhật - Tiêu Quân Huy nhận
thưởng của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
7D2BB03239029FF1_## = How do you like to deal out damage? (2/3)
7D2FC04844F3F749_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
7D31F014BCEA71A3_## = Butterfly
7D32C34887C6D6E3_## = The Gilded
7D35537AC0B7242B_## = Kill {0} enemy [/0:$(hero|heroes)/] with no deaths in a
single match
7D356E051412DFD4_## =
7D3C49F57176AF57_## = Mở để nhận 50 Ruby & Vé quay số trúng thưởng bộ quà tặng
Thần tượng Học đường
7D3CD000D9CB6B1A_## = Đây là phần thưởng Nạp Quân Huy - Nhận Vé quay Kho Báu của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
7D3E17EB462D84E3_## =
7D401857D7C1B1D2_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Tím)
7D43636507C6F2C5_## =
7D43F026DBF154C1_## =
7d4627effc728dd5 = 7d4627effc728dd5_##
7D486EF3E9C5BF23_## =
7D490625EDF91EB7_## =
7D4D84AB33493EBC_## =
7D4F2BA7015197CB_## =
7D524D39D407D8AB_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 1V1 thường
7D550DE765C886E3_## =
7D5A64D42EB0F4CF_## =
7D5AECAF5B05CE2A_## = Đổi quà tặng, nhận rương may mắn Valentine
7D5BC5F4659A9581_## =
7D5CF0747E2CFF56_## = Original
7D5D457BCAC872C3_## = Gói ưu đãi tướng Ilumia. Thêm 3 Vé Quay giá chỉ 30 Quân Huy!
7D6004B2D6A61C15_## =
7D6347FDB9BA07D6_## = Butterfly
7D64FBBBF6ADBBD4_## = Thẻ Tướng + skin (1n)
7D67F8E0BF5CF44B_## = Burn Damage
7D68E314F3D237F4_## =
7D69B67DEDF6D8DB_## = TeeMee
7D6C56D229E0334C_## =
7D6DD80664E112C2_## = Unique Passive - Hunter: Deals 30% extra damage to monsters
and receives 30% more experience from killing monsters.
7D6EC60CF1266ABA_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
7D718E443EB9F036_## = Butterfly
7D7254CBE79E3F2F_## =
7D74409AFFDA5EEB_## =
7D76654040F399F7_## = Zweihander
7D791D57D8229D27_## =
7D793F33827968CE_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
7D808EE2F2CCF332_## = Human Form grants ranged normal attack.\nFox Form increases
armor and magic defense by 20 (+5 per level) and movement speed by 30. Normal
attacks in Fox Form deal <color=#7FFFD4>{0}</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
7D83D0ADF6070C06_## = Use Natalya's abilities in quick succession so that her
passive ability's effects will be maximized and deal the most damage.
7D8B9D61E852C5D2_## =
7D8BDCF79B194429_## = Each stack of the Hunter buff increases movement speed by 8%
for 2 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times.
7D8D61756F4C71BE_## =
7D8E1F59FEF1ABFE_## = Rương Tình nhân - 2018
7D91A9D9111783C1_## =
7D9288025F02B25A_## = Superman
7D934B7578805531_## = Tỉnh Yên Bái
7D93648F311A6310_## = Account Link Rewards
7D95941A9E60C1CE_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Tel'Annas {C}/{T} lần
7D95D30D5F9425AE_## =
7D9947F26E03C0B5_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nTướng vĩnh viễn
(Mortos) / Thẻ thử tướng Mortos (3 ngày) / Mảnh tướng
7D9B33C9B10DF6E7_## = Butterfly
7DA26E8D36D8063E_## =
7DA3278BE75FE757_## = Level 5 Activity Rewards
7DA69EED2E0A2026_## =
7DA78CA5A3541C43_## = Original
7DA7CD32D673EDDE_## = Đăng nhập hằng ngày và nhận cực nhiều quà Trung thu của
7DAB078A2C15DD2D_## = Melee
7DB15A71B441C367_## =
7DB1D56B1A3C36A0_## = As a support hero, Lumburr should be with allies at all
times. Earth Splitter has a brief delay, so try to anticipate the enemy's
movements. Use his abilities to open space in a team fight and supply allies with
the opportunity to attack.
7DB2169D257EA2A8_## = 本週活動精選
7DB269B4D36123B1_## =
7DB3C3541DC51CDF_## = Combo thử 1n
7DB41E76FB908872_## =
7DB4AD5B8489C652_## = Energy Surge
7DB4C4364EFB1DE3_## = Demolition
7DB55F023B11AC60_## =
7DB5D962E38AC467_## = Level 4 Activity Rewards
7DB790F304E16FDE_## =
7DB8A4AF77D077AF_## =
7DB97521B774D9D7_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Ignis)
7DB9B4735A52C93E_## =
7DBA5353F7034A7B_## =
7DBB34848B884DA2_## = Increased Healing:\nHP and Mana Regen for 5 seconds
7DBD7C30FE26AE4F_## =
7DBE1EC12C551428_## =
7DBFF67022DC4771_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Astrid) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
7DC130207C75FF76_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
7DC55161BC9B3AF2_## = Chaugnar invokes the energies of chaos to remove all control
effects from nearby allies, granting them immunity to further control effects, and
reducing the damage they take. This buff lasts 0.5 seconds for allies and 3 seconds
for himself. This ability also reduces Shockwave's cooldown and removes Shockwave's
mana cost for 6 seconds.
7DC664500F292436_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nSkin vĩnh viễn
(Natalya Nghệ nhân lân) / Thẻ thử skin Natalya Nghệ nhân lân (1 ngày) / Mảnh
skin / Ruby
7DC86AD049C7844A_## = Thắng {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
7DCBEC950F09D0F6_## = Trang phục đón xuân
7DCD399F5162A6BA_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
7DD224E860E5F3F3_## =
7DD28A413DC4A026_## =
7DD2A61F77DAB8F8_## = Unknown
7DD98CAC23368FF1_## =
7DDAB23B86045AF3_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
7DDDBF5DA9996E4A_## = Skud
7DE123CE8B7A08E3_## =
7DE1C830C0743E73_## =
7DE296644ED41B64_## =
7DE483E3574A04AC_## = Recall
7DE4FE65B45F8855_## = EXP +100% for 1 day for matches (excluding custom matches and
1v1 bot matches). Can be paired with a Double EXP Wins Card for EXP +200%.
7DE6EC8D9D09C8E0_## =
7DE7B9320A1438A0_## = Krixi
7DE965821C6D2C77_## = You have already sent a Best Buddies Gift to this friend.
7DEC4923A31112F6_## = Kil'Groth
7DF037A900B059D5_## = obsolete+a0afebe2515a0a4e
7DF0922D369FE3FE_## =
7DF0DBB80F16C5C4_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Batman để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
7DF11F70E59EF00F_## =
7DF1E67983D20CBF_## = 7 日累積簽到
7DF5341C7453AD59_## = Sustained Damage
7DF6C45A5C649A4D_## =
7df9960208b88523 = Talents
7DFAAF1B78C98F9D_## = Mảnh ngọc
7DFE1DECDF58522F_## = Số lần tham gia đấu hạng {C}/{T}
7DFF9C2DB852B95A_## = Quy đổi ngọc lục cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
7E00FF0D96446D71_## =
7E04FF7865EF1132_## =
7E055FD1C99ABBD7_## = Tham gia sự kiện Tết gắn kết - Anh em chấp hết tại
sukien8.lienquan.garena.vn - Nhận Dấu ấn Tulen và đổi tướng miễn phí!
7E0AF2E60BDE4C2B_## = Lindis
7E0E208A0B6FB967_## = Butterfly
7E0F895D31A5854B_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
7E11302B2F6500EE_## =
7E13D4E4CE2652EE_## =
7E17208443EBC748_## =
7E173DE7B64C56E2_## = I see the light.
7E1ACA7D6BA88DD4_## = Trial Card: Try out Slimz's skin: Lunar Bunny
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
7E1E0C330294C805_## =
7E1F08E61B8117AC_## =
7E231B8AED12EB3B_## =
7e239dae074f7756 = 7e239dae074f7756_##
7E2453CA34CABE5D_## =
7E29D8AD1FBB28E1_## =
7E2D9953C96BD7D7_## = We need an Assassin!
7E2F3D07D8B22F4A_## =
7E30870F5274741F_## = Lu Bu
7E346B1C37EED3A9_## = Tap<color=#f6bf17ff> to close</color>.
7E3C430CCDD18053_## = 签到图片
7E3F5D5816DBE698_## =
7E417DBADC8CA0B9_## =
7E427B37F2D01300_## = Additional Magic Damage
7E44A60788600FB1_## =
7E468C89E1CC5709_## = Gildur Value Pack
7E4ADC03C7F08F04_## = Reach Level {0}
7E4B520206B0AA98_## = Double EXP Card: \n1 day
7e4cd2f4e1fd89ae = Talent: Restore
7E4EAB4AE4AE73C4_## =
7E4FA184A8220BE2_## = <color=#f6bf17ff>Auto spell</color> needs no specified
direction \nIt can discharge abilities quickly
7E5040A5F638B673_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Murad {C}/{T} lần
7E509C19991D2600_## = Share trang phục nhận quà Giáng sinh
7E55E622E43EDB16_## =
7E5722C49911E520_## = Quy đổi ngọc lục cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
7E5D0CC98F0CB700_## =
7E5F290F77A9CA1F_## = Long Range
7E659980013F28CA_## =
7E6C8EA6BED1FF56_## =
7E70F0F87D175881_## =
7E731798F50C3782_## =
7E74818360D73E55_## = You are playing the game in guest mode. According to our
data, <color=orange>90%</color> of account issues happen while in guest mode, and
data (including purchases) may be lost when deleting the game or changing
devices.\nTo protect your data, we strongly suggest linking with a Facebook
account.\n\nBenefits of linking your account:\n1. Your account is safer and your
progress is synchronized across multiple devices.\n2. You can see which of your
friends are playing Liên Quân Mobile and check their rankings.\n3. Get a Link
Reward Pack (<color=orange>1 Rename Card, 100 Gems, 1 Random Hero Trial
7E74FD6BCC1D1794_## = Unknown
7E75792F1C2F36AD_## =
7E758436F5F22E39_## = Unknown
7E77B1ECFDF332D5_## = Mganga is adept at inflicting continuous magic damage and
healing allies. Use his normal attack to mark enemies, then use Detonation to deal
a ton of damage.
7E78AF421FC37BBC_## = Krixi summons the power of nature to knock enemies into the
air and deal {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>.
7E7912D1DE25EA27_## = Airi
7E7CC7540AD137C0_## =
7E7D0AAE28F6E65F_## =
7E7D217CA38D258B_## =
7E8123495361627C_## = Chaugnar
7E857318C5848667_## = Butterfly
7E86648B5C8DD52F_## = 7 日累積簽到
7E889EC40E7C3164_## = Tham gia sự kiện Tết gắn kết - Anh em chấp hết tại
sukien3.lienquan.garena.vn - Nhận Dấu ấn Tulen và đổi tướng miễn phí!
7E88A8C505F9CDA9_## = Jinnar
7E896406606271A6_## =
7E8BE9BCEF874E77_## = Base Damage
7E927449E53DB969_## =
7E928FB3CCF76DF7_## = The <color=#f6bf17ff>Abyssal Dragon</color> has appeared!
Let's take it down!
7E96D3AF03042D9F_## =
7E98A896D04256AB_## = Wonder Woman
7E9CF1A28D3F16D4_## =
7EA1F42A327F348D_## =
7EA50EB3A110D9BF_## =
7EA54CC6EB295D33_## = Thẻ bài bí ẩn
7EAA3B49C9A95746_## = Trang phục Lauriel: Hỏa Phượng Hoàng
7EAB0465B4D14395_## =
7EAE24F7FE83B514_## =
7EAF714934F6DF1C_## = Rương Cánh dơi
7EB35BA5CD76675A_## = Đây là phần thưởng Cuộc chiến cứ điểm của bạn, xin mời kiểm
7EB3A8735FD228AC_## = Butterfly
7EB65A8D512CFB4E_## = Base Damage
7EB7048649760481_## = Arrow of Chaos
7EB91565E1FFA216_## = 無法抗拒薇菈\n14 日累積登入送
7EC161599EDF6647_## =
7EC21283BBCA0246_## =
7EC2613F397137ED_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
7EC96923F9CFEA29_## =
7EC96EBD0A96EC8D_## =
7ED1DF0FC77BD1B9_## = Original
7ED1E85081D402CB_## =
7ED2D3F30CFE8DE4_## = A storm's a brewin'.
7ED3C1EB09F670CF_## =
7ED419B3A13E5575_## =
7ED7EC6C06C83E22_## =
7ED854D65905E4C0_## =
7ED9109CA94B089B_## = The powerful <color=#f6bf17ff>Garnak</color> will spawn here.
\nSeize his power and victory will be yours!
7EDA1EAE14371792_## = <blankspace89>
7EE267C6A058E623_## =
7EE2F6D279650D2D_## = Arum
7EEA1969B6F0E3F6_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
7EEA43CC3F3719E6_## =
7EEA79934B43D289_## = Spinning Arrow Ultimate Knockout
7ef169a68c2c974d = Reset level
7EF3A1EBBE951AF8_## = Mganga
7EF79FA310FE8673_## = Limited-time offer
7EF7F89D32FA9970_## =
7EF93CFEBEDBB610_## = Unknown
7EFF1145B862155A_## =
7effbdf28784f99c = obsolete+7effbdf28784f99c
7EFFDE1B5D4202C1_## =
7f0225bd16d81121 = 7f0225bd16d81121_##
7F047562CA212CDF_## =
7F05469685E032FD_## =
7F09671F2638F07D_## =
7F0A313288B982AF_## = Sharpshooter
7F0AB3092A773A1E_## =
7F117728DF2C5E70_## = Pendant of Faith
7F1632213CF5F612_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Ilumia) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
7F19BC0021C9B6C0_## =
7F1A0984ECA4A750_## =
7F1BB3CDFC4CEBBF_## = Cooldown
7F1F6C35A5F427DA_## = Unknown
7F1FADD3B62BBA6B_## = You don't move until I say so!
7F207C232387B136_## =
7F211F065524F0C0_## =
7F21CBAFF77D8237_## = Đây là phần thưởng Nạp Quân huy - Nhận xuân nữ của bạn, xin
mời kiểm tra!
7F22B7F7D130CC57_## = Chuẩn bị đón Tết (Đấu thường)
7F232BAF157EBC63_## =
7F2964124A3CC4E8_## = Fierce Shot
7f2cc4403c8639aa = Magic Life Steal:
7F31008854DD022E_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
7F33B67F20C580C2_## = Trial Card: Try out Valhein's skin: Techno Templar for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
7F34CB935FA91C0B_## =
7F3B0730B386FF04_## = Mừng ngày Quốc tế Phụ nữ 8.3, thắng đấu hạng với tướng nữ
để nhận Ruby & thẻ thử trang phục giới hạn Mina - Tiểu thư đoạt hồn!
7F3C942B31637539_## =
7F4A9A91A6DE2DCB_## = 本週活動精選
7F4F64C2EE9C6CE6_## =
7F525DE68B154AC2_## =
7F54E56193DF5C19_## = EXP
7F5659164103FAAF_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
7F5925BB54A3DC3A_## = Trial Card: Try out TeeMee for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color>
day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
7F5D099DF554792D_## = Trial Card: Try out Maloch for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
7F621B19F08EB34D_## = Zanis triggers his inner dragon blood to remove all debuffs
and increase his movement speed by 80% for 1.5 seconds. He also enhances his next
normal attack, which deals an additional {0} <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>
to nearby targets and reduces their movement speed by 50% for 2.5 seconds.
7F62C88141A25E9A_## =
7F658FF178F9B908_## =
7F66B52DE778264B_## =
7F67931BE2939C3B_## = Max
7F682CDC0CFAF180_## =
7F6DFA4D141CE161_## = Unique Passive - Hurricane: Increase critical damage by 50%.
7F6FFC3168E06029_## = Alice unleashes the power of the sun, dealing {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> and stunning
7f710cf798c5bb02 = Malicious AFK
7f72e090295d053b = 7f72e090295d053b_##
7F7358AC12783A6B_## = Red Ballista
7F770F7782F10AC8_## = 7 日累積簽到
7F781A3E1BFB0E6D_## =
7F818345170FAC46_## =
7F81DD065FC0208F_## = Hộp quà thú vị (Trang phục)
7F82C35F8F30CF9D_## = Tướng Maloch + Trang phục Maloch Ác ma
7F85AA026C698D3C_## =
7f8799fb6c32a15e = OK
7F88CBD23400502C_## = Naginatajutsu
7F8AD8B6B4EE576C_## = Halloween Scream
7F8D48E99B7CF594_## = Camera Movement
7F8E9FF19E02540C_## = Sustained Damage
7F90BC49FB274F87_## = Toro
7F9415FA60DDD527_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
7F94D057F79E0902_## =
7F96FF48440C95E8_## =
7F972231E11939BF_## =
7F9C64E22DD62225_## = Trial Card: Try out Wisp's skin: Buccaneer for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
7FA180BE0399A08A_## = "The silver moon shines eternal."\n\nHidden among the
population of the Afata, there is a small tribe who worships the moon. Every thirty
years, a young woman is chosen to wield the full power of the moon and become the
tribe's guardian priestess. As the time for selecting the chosen one neared, Lindis
and Luna were deemed the two most promising candidates as they had displayed the
greatest potential for developing their abilities and controlling the full power of
the moon.\n\nBut Lindis knew her chances were slim. Luna, her sister, outshone her
in every way. She was talented, smart, beautiful, and held in high regard by their
peers. Meanwhile, Lindis merely stood in her shadow, unnoticed and
overlooked.\n\nLindis bore her sister no ill will, however. She loved her sister
and admired her beauty. And, in return, Luna lavished her normally quiet and
reserved little sister with love. Their bond was incredibly strong, and as time
passed, the two sisters developed a psychic connection with one another. Lindis was
content just being Luna's little sister. She had no sense of jealousy as all she
wanted was for Luna to become the tribe's priestess.\n\nSadly, that heartfelt wish
would soon be dashed. Mganga the Unspeakable had quietly maneuvered his way into
the tribe. He began to work his charm on Lindis, plying her with sweet lies and
luring her into his trap.\n\nJust as he was prepared to start siphoning away
Lindis' power, Luna, sensing her sister's predicament, came to the rescue. Yet, she
was not powerful enough to defeat Mganga alone. As Lindis returned to her senses,
she was overcome with both guilt and despair. "I'll take both your powers!" Mganga
exclaimed with delight and avarice.\n\n"I won't dare let you!" shouted Luna. And
with all her might, Luna released a bright burst of energy that drew out the full
power in both sisters, melding their souls together inextricably. "You... What have
you done?! You would sacrifice your own life and existence for her?!" an enraged
and distraught Mganga roared as he tried to stop the fusion. But there was little
he could do to stop the fully realized potential of the silver moon.\n\nUnder the
light of the silver moon, Luna grew ever weaker while her energy brought Lindis
back from the brink of death. "Lindis, I'm so proud of you," was all that was said
before Luna's physical presence faded, signaling the completion of their union. In
a fit of anguish, Lindis fired a deadly arrow from her crossbow towards Mganga. She
could sense Luna's soul within her as she raised her weapon, calling upon the full
power of the silver moon together. Badly wounded and defeated, Mganga fled and
never returned.\n\n"Luna, I promise you. I will defend our tribe to the bitter
7FA43CC1E8643E40_## =
7FA44E99EFDFB329_## = Butterfly
7FAC069555980501_## = Azzen'Ka
7FAC8E6DA607362A_## =
7fada6b1441c362c = Send on Small Speaker
7FAE4F4A001853CA_## = Alice's Friendship is a very powerful and unique ability that
enables her entire team to go after enemies or retreat quickly. Hissy Fit lowers
enemy's magic defense. Pair her with a mage to completely annihilate the enemy.
7FB25BC84A1CE12E_## = Fierce Shot
7FB2730109B220FD_## = Support
7FB37CE777A5E83F_## =
7FB39A3B184A630B_## =
7FB592B7401A7A6F_## = Nhận từ sự kiện Tết gắn kết - Anh em chấp hết. Có thể sử
dụng để đổi tướng miễn phí tùy chọn
7FBE3C6947A84D36_## = Jinnar Value Pack
7FBFDAF606B79B93_## =
7FC0C65443F23260_## = Tank
7FC162C55109C2F1_## = Each normal attack increases Kil'Groth's attack speed by {0}-
{1}% (scales with hero level), stacks up to {2} times. Kil'Groth's 3rd normal
attack has a longer attack range.
7FC2DF3303941836_## = Contains 10 Gems, 1300 Gold and 1 lvl 1 Arcana: Passion
7FC453EB5D2BEE73_## =
7FCEEF9341103829_## =
7FD3C644F907F4D6_## =
7FE05A9F25289688_## = Hero Trial Card Pack
7FE213FC0D30F0F8_## = 参与 5V5
7FE3C84FEA8F1FEC_## = Skin Tokens
7FF8E56C911F5D4C_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
7FFE129AF6D666D9_## =
7FFF253E70C8ECA8_## =
7FFFFE5902C3875A_## =
8000F64CB697F2DC_## = Ryoma
80014BAB7982B06B_## =
8005078C1D65A368_## = Arum
80064E8E21F01F7F_## =
800740D54BD1BD1B_## =
8009A09C4F2D8868_## =
800C13F1C6179E63_## = Please cancel a Skill! (Tap and drag "Skill" to "Cancel" on
top right)
800D0C2910BEB8B5_## =
80101F8441BF4410_## =
80182B63B9442909_## =
801945CFAC8FB392_## = Dark Slayer
80213033129A96D7_## = Superman
802190BA85EE3679_## =
8022AE0BBC363D74_## = Naginatajutsu
80242D8DBE1DE4B7_## = Sailor
80273C35F864FFB1_## =
802C8F65FD8A8A74_## =
802E03D47D6E06E6_## =
802f6b60c791e57a = Kills /
8031C852A53E98A0_## =
80351668AB55A5A5_## = Red Hammer Soldier
8037439AFFC9AD14_## = Ryoma
803C483A273A9B2A_## =
803F1CD9B47BF5C9_## =
8043D18D59CCB41E_## = TeeMee
804E8C3037F4FD10_## =
804EBBD5F2E5921A_## =
804FAF2EF3E9A5A2_## = 7 日累積簽到
8050B08B00EBDA53_## =
8050DBF87E24C19A_## =
80511762CCA4BEDD_## = Unlocks at level 1
805167A5B9A43D63_## =
80521DBF10EF3147_## = Trial Card: Try out Zanis' skin: Casanova for
<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
805247A027180F32_## = Nhận ngay một cặp thẻ thử 3 ngày của 1 tướng & trang phục
ngẫu nhiên
80592DAA70D4E8EB_## = Structure
8059C91817CEFFFC_## =
805B0DE2008403C6_## =
805C32CB72BB9508_## =
8064A06005482122_## =
8069F99D3B14A946_## =
806B301A027168CC_## = 签到图片
806FB0E92585BC48_## = Diaochan
80703005A0C54D5A_## = Every 5th consecutive normal attack triggers a burst of
arrows, each one dealing <color=#f18d00>{0}</color> <color=#ca3939>physical
8072BC383203FC88_## =
8072CBF4AEFDB3C6_## = Đây là phần thưởng Top up get extra spin ticket của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
80774E887118FAA6_## = Trial Card: Try out Violet's skin: Sharpshooter for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
807EB7E2DA45A37A_## = Kahlii
8081A6EBBF06553F_## = [新英雄-Mortos 登場] 愛不釋手
80866F3AADE0311A_## =
808860178E1F46CB_## = Tỉnh Bạc Liêu
808946C17B6C7C79_## =
808D072B47992D5D_## =
80970C78631EF17D_## =
809CA7BB709C2DD9_## =
809F793AB97168CD_## = It's going to be a long night.
80A0889669213FEA_## =
80A4BDDEC6C0E2C8_## = Officer
80A556475E8C65B6_## = Base Damage
80A810BB42CA5FAF_## =
80a9622067dab4a6 = Next wave:
80AD4A07B8F67E79_## =
80B53A657383FF40_## = Mina pulls enemies to her with her scythe, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to affected
enemies and slowing their movement speed by {2}% for 2 seconds.
80C6C49CA80C83D6_## =
80C72776C9CEBE23_## =
80C77CC300F0BB91_## =
80C9C1780708B7D8_## = Charge Time
80C9F506AB4734E2_## = Original
80CD21CE822EFD98_## = obsolete+2c61f47cf9280da0
80CE4F859AFA8A59_## = 7 日累積簽到
80D28E5ED3A3A140_## = Level 5 Chest
80D82C95786E3F4B_## = The River Wisp
80DDBF1A4193C51C_## = 消费点券活动
80DEF423AA214010_## = Chance to get Veera's skin: Heartbreaker
80DF40FF30A1704B_## =
80E1D699D2AE69AA_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mừng xuân Đinh Dậu, Lì xì đầy tay: Thi
đấu thôi! của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
80E1FA72945F8F46_## =
80E2DBF8197C83C4_## =
80E3F410A62D4650_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
80E69AD7F9201852_## = Unknown
80F41A7854942394_## = Slimz
80F94888C766FFD3_## =
80F9ADD5F68BD283_## = Rương ngọc Valhein 6PGG
80FD4C105D5C3995_## =
80ff8f53839f050f = 7 Days Log In
810031D9467F5063_## = Mina
81049FD3F936DBAF_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
8104ECBBEAD17143_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Preyta để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
8107A11F89D545D6_## = Ability Power +2.4 \nMagic Life Steal +1%
81083052F3493732_## =
810B83A589E63940_## =
81133C252ED4DB5F_## =
8114FEF66CF6787B_## =
811CAB8B99D5EF48_## = Cooldown
811E0AF8E2B40BF4_## =
812009588CE442A8_## = Royal Guard
81220978BD40184B_## = Arduin
81239C4ED70E7DCF_## =
8127A5FD0C8A8981_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
81281E418E52F324_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
81286CAC0CD1EAC3_## =
81289FEB43D85949_## =
8128C931E53DFA71_## =
812905E6E402349A_## =
812A6AB481B63DD8_## =
812AE024A5CF3B0D_## = 和好友对战送符文碎片
812BA88BACE0D3F8_## = Melee
812CFC181771842E_## = Astrid
812DA065C2D046E9_## = Max
81312B65C702D6BE_## =
8132BD68DB0CA33F_## = Trial Card: Try out Raz's skin: Zulu Warrior
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
8133B0968ABB3D8E_## =
8133E8080B3C2323_## =
8136CB2682BD10B8_## =
8137186EC1658BA1_## =
81375970A9BCB22B_## = Tuần lễ Nguyệt tộc (Đăng nhập)
81376967867A6B1A_## =
81383FC5D0CED9A4_## =
813906CFFFD2F9FE_## = Cooldown
813cdf85cb148df7 = Buy Gold
813D6EE20F5D7CC6_## = Midas Touch
813E3F0E67F607CB_## =
813EAD6C7FAFD5BD_## =
813F4B695070B4ED_## = Unknown
814019951892B732_## = <blankspace89>
81402FE32B9AF4C7_## =
8141A5069197C711_## =
8142EC367682F4E4_## = Here is <color=#f6bf17ff> the lower jungle</color>. Kill the
monster to get plenty of resources for rapid growth!
8146A36BDC36798C_## = Valhein
814778D5E4067C6E_## = Trial Card: Try out Tel'Annas' skin: Navy Cadet for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
81498E1630EDFFD1_## = Ormarr
815093B067956B7F_## =
8150FC91872E81D0_## = Level 2 Chest
815222cd2a30ec2f = Prompts
81565A8316A946ED_## = Not Available
81574CF57D234EDB_## =
815764A2D4C07C5B_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
815b214639146a32 = Targeting Priority
815BCF7E3D36FA56_## = Share trang phục nhận quà Giáng sinh
8166C29B813947BB_## =
81680101871EEBA9_## = Scavenge
8169679F5E87A2AE_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tích lũy tiêu Quân Huy - Nhận skin miễn
phí của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
816A92F4666AC857_## =
816C69827983B809_## =
816DD58365604732_## =
8170CC8B3BFF2876_## =
8174131966FE9AAD_## =
81744218FB7F5237_## =
81766C991429D1EB_## = <color=#d4e600>Purchase Restriction</color> \nYou cannot make
a purchase after leaving the <color=#f6bf17ff>Altar</color>.
817B5EB24F50A663_## = Unknown
817EACE89593B693_## = 限時充值送好禮(test)
8185CE16E1A4D826_## =
818656BA6B69A104_## =
8188015A2E1E4D03_## = Liliana charges in the target direction and enters Fox form,
dealing {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to
enemies along the path and slowing them by 50% for 2 seconds. Liliana cannot be
targeted while charging, and gains {2} armor and magic defense as well as
<color=#f8be32>{3}</color> ability power for 2.5 seconds after entering Fox Form.
8189F7397CD057E4_## =
818CB8D92ADA965A_## = Butterfly
819055D1FE0D0D8D_## =
8191A74E6C81F915_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 mỗi ngày
8191C00D9EDFB850_## = Unique Passive - War Cry: Increases damage dealt and damage
reduction of nearby friendly units by 5% and 10% respectively.
81945A5427AFF559_## =
8197cb42d9aa2493 = HD Display
819A9DD8B5D411AC_## = <color=#f8be32>30-second</color> cooldown: Deals
<color=#f8be32>[801040p1q2+801040p1g2*hl-801040p1g2]</color> <color=#f3b74a>true
damage</color> to surrounding enemies and stuns them for <color=#f8be32>1
second</color>; or deals damage to surrounding enemy heroes and reduces their
movement speed by <color=#f8be32>50%</color> <color=#f8be32>for 2 seconds</color>.
819ADC98E9A5D353_## = Killed anything lately?
819BABEB9B295FF2_## = You've recently sent a reminder to this friend. Please try
again later.
819DF23A8D983BFC_## =
81A0FFC75985D309_## =
81A5AF2374231261_## = Trial Card: Try out Ormarr's skin: Snow Festival for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
81A6C420F8405415_## = Unique Passive - Spirit Bond: When taking damage, reduces the
attacker's attack speed by 30% and movement speed by 15% for 3 seconds.
81A98DC8C266E109_## = That all you got?
81AA933E9C38FFEE_## =
81ACFAD8B8EFD03B_## =
81AEC686414AAC84_## =
81B076359223F7CC_## = Đây là phần thưởng Thu thập dấu ấn Murad M-TP (Khăn choàng)
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
81B230167A0B8F06_## =
81B48F858E85A077_## = Caped Crusader
81B6AFEFB83C88BB_## = Raz was an important figure in Thane's eternal struggle
against the Corrupted. The magnificent king embedded Raz deep in the darkness to be
his eyes and ears.\n\nRaz possessed superhuman speed and agility, most importantly
his blinding fists struck fast and true. In his long mission, Raz won the trust of
Preyta. Earning his favor, Raz was made head of a small strike team in Preyta's
army. Using his authority and guile, Raz was always able to stay two steps ahead of
the Corrupted, leveraging sabotage and subterfuge to impede the dark
army.\n\nHowever, Preyta was no fool. He could smell a rat. He laid careful
machinations to catch the traitor in his midst, even Raz was blissfully unaware
until it was too late. While pursuing a false lead, he fell into Preyta's trap. He
was immediately surrounded by an ocean of corrupted souls.\n\nUttering foul curses,
Preyta and his ilk closed in around Raz. He could sense that the end was near, but
he could not just lay down and accept this kind of fate. Using his last bit of
strength Raz lashed out with a fury never before seen in Athanor. His fists were on
fire, lighting up his foes and his rage, until finally he broke through. However,
his hands were badly broken and his spirit greatly wounded.\n\nRaz limped his way
back into Thane's court where he collapsed onto the ground. To save his friend,
Thane rushed Raz to the citadel and beseeched the angel Lauriel for aid. But in
order to receive the Light's blessing, Raz would have to undergo a grueling trial,
and if he failed, he would die.\n\nBut luckily, he did not. Not only did Raz
triumph and heal himself, he was stronger than he was even before. His gauntlets
glowed a crimson light that grew steadily stronger as his resolve to vanquish the
Corrupted grew ever more steeled. His fists would tear anything down that stood in
the way of his righteous fury.
81B8EF8A3CB85A6A_## = Đón Xuân mới - Khuyến mãi nạp thẻ mỗi ngày!
81BCDA127859BC3B_## =
81C031CDE6E1B4AF_## = Return to continue the battle
81C2B172FB6EAF46_## = Trial Card: Try out Max for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days.
You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this hero.
81C51F33E628982D_## =
81C681F455198134_## = Every 4th normal attack knocks back targets and deals
<color=#7FFFD4>{0}</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>. Additionally,
Gildur gains a shield for a short period of time when he uses any of his abilities.
81C69EF884D2F542_## = 签到图片
81CA281D697B87E5_## = Trial Card: Try out Max for<color=#01d1f8ff> 12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
81CD820A4953E536_## =
81CE09D0F7CC58BA_## = No damage, no life.
81CEF91BDBE2D1C6_## =
81CF4B2E29A9EEFE_## =
81D506D94263C1BF_## =
81D9799082E9A392_## =
81DD28EF91E5E0DC_## = Blue Defense Tower
81E3DEBFDF988176_## =
81E49422B21ECE67_## =
81EAAB7EA67715D9_## = 7 日累積簽到
81EE71E8F4C454D7_## = 7 日累積簽到
81EFD669946CADA1_## =
81F10BA12225FC41_## =
81F247D94DDE257E_## = Sailor
81F2A947C1F8B17C_## =
81F34E7214BC5CF6_## =
81F3C685076E60C8_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
81F6C3BD08B04AC7_## =
81F8822A55235D54_## =
81FBE61511E2B78C_## = Little Adventurer
81FC1FD5FB17A16D_## = Summer Bash
81FF41F556AB7C93_## =
8201A00BF4EE6F9B_## = Đây là phần thưởng Top up get extra spin ticket của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
8202433F040D39A9_## = Base Damage
82086053693924C3_## =
820BC5F34156A280_## =
821087558A574038_## = Harass, Control
821956B81606EB1A_## = Cooldown
8219A669DCDBE131_## =
821A76BA6F3545AE_## =
821FE17F83E123B5_## = Ability Power +90\n[Magic Life Steal+15%]
82209AB53CDD75B6_## =
8220F2CDDAF47958_## = Original
82211E701674DBFC_## =
8221CA709180398F_## = Rare Veera Skin: Heartbreaker
822374A47B80FFA7_## = Unknown
8224845C7D241040_## =
8226F14CEFF7DCC5_## =
82277359255C201E_## = Unknown
8229F2EF2D4F4949_## = Survivability
822A48A1192C6B6A_## = Nhận được khi thực hiện nhiệm vụ mỗi ngày. Đừng quên theo
dõi giải đấu TOG tại garena.live/lienquan trong 2 ngày từ 15-16/07 nhé!
822EB6DE33B4847D_## =
822FB105C7ED987F_## =
82314AA30A29AD9E_## = 本週活動精選
82381CA39BD17F35_## =
823BFFB491C75BD8_## = All shall return to the earth.
823D1923BE46AF10_## =
823DCB7B430183CC_## = Base Damage
823F82F6BC50643F_## = Lucky Draw
8240E1DCFFE0AA97_## = 独立日宝箱-马洛斯介绍
8243285F3A2B3B65_## =
8245A0112CFF6E10_## = Trang phục Arthur: Si tình kiếm
8246B883F83F4C1D_## =
8247A2BA51763709_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
8247F41D34D6C97E_## = Zill blinks to the target location and deals {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to nearby
824AA1FAA997A005_## = Quà mừng chiến công U23 Việt Nam
824B3C7AE999FEFD_## = Cooldown
824CD67AD3DFFAAE_## =
825274A05010751A_## =
82542e1da2a3ce6a = None
8254708B0884A364_## = Tiêu Quân Huy, nhận Gấu tuyết
825A15459F9C9393_## =
825C674320B70F2E_## = Hero Tokens
825ECCA8F7CED016_## =
825FE4346AE2EB7E_## = Burst
826654AACE884532_## = Trial Card: Try out Wukong for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
826886B39EF80E80_## = Tyrant
826A8740A3FA0425_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Lục)
826C89E5A243AC3F_## = Winning Team MVP
8270DF5CBC56442C_## = Trial Card: Try out Airi for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
82733D480F43EE28_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
827CDC0146DF2351_## = 1-20 minutes
8280ED87881649F8_## =
8285E5E600D190E8_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
828C576878695428_## =
828D9A0CF9003A2A_## = Thief: Increase Fennik's Attack Speed
8292C7DB2F88B269_## = Thane
829366CB733E8535_## = Thu thập chìa khóa để kết hợp với Rương khóa bí ẩn và đổi
thưởng trong phần Sự kiện
829BA42728E21ECB_## = Unknown
829DD61BC78069FB_## = Cơ hội sở hữu tướng Raz miễn phí!
82A0A01DA79A03D3_## = Quy đổi ngọc lục cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
82A736BB5397425F_## = Mage
82A8ED9F94B058EA_## = Cooldown
82AA0A4B3D84AF35_## = Nakroth
82AE4609A1B6DB8E_## = Unknown
82AFDE466F479DB4_## = Tread Softly
82B0226E367BD1D9_## =
82B11C63C732D107_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
82B13730E16ED66F_## = 签到图片
82B13A4CA354B868_## =
82B6A8DB72856824_## = Original
82B8D280CEB185DA_## = Lunar Champion
82ba923d7708d0b6 = 82ba923d7708d0b6_##
82BE867160D08C3C_## =
82C02FE5925E043D_## = 本週活動精選
82C30161B7B1C14F_## =
82CCC9A4E97B2CAE_## = Share trang phục Ormarr Thông thỏa thích để nhận quà đặc
biệt\nTrên IOS: Share qua Garena Mobile và ứng dụng Facebook\nTrên Android :Share
qua Garena Mobile
82CFF01344058ADF_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Astrid)
82D045CB51681BAA_## = Base Damage
82D0D37C55870571_## = Red Base
82D3492A5E7C12DB_## = 26.11 - Tích lũy chiến công
82DDE62FB0C2329F_## =
82E1D4926379BB1B_## =
82E365E734E7C637_## =
82E3DF7C28E909EB_## =
82E497A9F0188FD7_## =
82E5A8B8C737686E_## =
82EB5B0B6A214FA9_## =
82f43aa9a3d26f2 = Advanced Training
82F7CC8E9947C433_## = Mừng ngày Quốc tế Phụ nữ 8.3, thắng đấu hạng với tướng nữ
để nhận Ruby & thẻ thử trang phục giới hạn Mina - Tiểu thư đoạt hồn!
82F8038D0E4E4B7B_## =
82F844484F8A2188_## =
82FC4F20F2B2B8FF_## = Congratulations, you are now one step closer to becoming a
true hero!
82FC88D8DD7DD586_## = Trang phục đón xuân
82FE642C75F62AA4_## = Base Damage
830348F396EF47A3_## = Max
8308348B5381A53B_## =
83087F22574E3222_## =
8309484561F44F13_## =
831058BA929A42F9_## = Base Damage
8310F8AC192D6B86_## =
83123BB223D0C3B2_## =
8312BDF861955131_## = Tham gia sự kiện Tết gắn kết - Anh em chấp hết tại
sukien7.lienquan.garena.vn - Nhận Dấu ấn Tulen và đổi tướng miễn phí!
831C7DAB10A16CF7_## =
8325E768CDB3425A_## =
832626B7B0E32C35_## = Đây là phần thưởng Thu thập Chìa khóa - Mở rương bí ẩn của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
8326C7B5C3A426CA_## =
8326D99A18573586_## = Attack speed increased
832B854EFE2CFB3D_## = Superman taps into his full potential, which increases his
charge up speed by 100% for 10 seconds.\n\nIf in Flight mode, Superman will ram
into his enemies and knock them back, dealing {0} <color=#ca3939>(+{1})</color>
<color=#ca3939>(12% of maximum HP)</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>,
and have his charge up speed increased by 100% for 10 seconds.
832C8FEBBAB5CD7B_## =
832CFC20A6034FDF_## = Arduin
832E7C3F44BFC4EC_## = Marksman
83320256E814D201_## =
8332D6D97BD75859_## =
83330702C86C617B_## = Papillon
8338166A6E8C1442_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
833C213221D8017D_## = Unknown
8340ED16254EE934_## =
83435B5E99929747_## =
8346722D73D8D74C_## = Thu thập 2 mảnh Chúc mừng năm mới và Mậu Tuất 2018 để đổi 5
trang phục miễn phí tùy chọn!
8346c80d7a53d2b9 = 8346c80d7a53d2b9_##
834771E30F21F785_## = Blue Inner Tower
834C4DC648EAB69F_## = Nhận ngẫu nhiên 31 đến 40 Mảnh trang phục
835046332EF1D35E_## = obsolete+f384d5ae7f54ec42
835583D9E8980D05_## =
8359F69269E0A6A4_## = Maloch has a longer attack range than other melee units. When
his weapon is enchanted, his normal attacks deal <color=#f18d00>{0}</color>
<color=#f3b74a>true damage</color> instead of physical damage and restore {1}% of
his lost HP.
835C93CE7A6027BE_## =
835D024567AEC811_## =
835F3ECD34657000_## = Base Damage
83616DAC2EC3ADFC_## = Achieve a {0}-Win Streak
8364E8A0274F05C0_## = Life Steal +0.4%
836513C99CF57BB9_## = Sand Wraith
8365A8C495631499_## =
83660D2021D5DDDE_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nTướng vĩnh viễn
(Lauriel) / Thẻ thử tướng Lauriel (1 ngày) / Mảnh tướng
83689198FD782BD3_## = Unknown
83711BA4573970CC_## = Marksman giftbag
83744310EC56D3C6_## = Arum unleashes a roar that deals {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> and summons a
spirit beast. While beasts are active, using the skill again and damaging an enemy
will reduce the cooldown by 50%. Arum can summon up to 3 beasts, and the number of
beasts determines the power of Uncaged.
8377600BEE6841E8_## = Nâng cấp ngọc quý
837A788FAFFAE70C_## = Đây là phần thưởng Cáo siêu thanh Fennik! của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
837D6CA4AD6E9947_## =
837FD70F266C1934_## = Unknown
8385F7687FF31535_## = Quy đổi ngọc tím cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
838AB66C6044D788_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Đỏ)
838D0338C0D7E0CD_## =
838D6BEA037C8A6B_## =
838DCE0F182675AD_## =
838EE9A1168BF1C2_## =
83923DEFA16C8810_## =
839D57B41E17C408_## = Dread Knight
839D9869AD29CC03_## = Sharkover
839E24173451AF15_## =
839E80D9CF35126B_## =
83A707F1F0BAF276_## = Unknown
83AE8431161898E7_## = Melee
83af4a840902c93e = General
83B3D90A1621B480_## = Nakroth
83B4C8AAFD22BA7D_## =
83B737AEF26EDE6A_## = Cơ hội sở hữu các trang phục Tình nhân 2017 chỉ với 15 Quân
83B878D48AEE7810_## =
83BD55AB42D7E803_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
83C5D6F37619B708_## = Due to an unstable Internet connection, your rank may have
been affected. We have restored {0} stars to your rank. Please accept our apologies
for any inconvenience caused.
83C6A39A93295D64_## = Gói 30% KM Jinna + skin
83C7C84E65C699DA_## =
83C7FF046A0D0075_## = Anabolic Rage
83C8F725D58AD905_## =
83CA9594AC64632C_## =
83CC4721340CDC6D_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
83cea59dcbd62806 = 83cea59dcbd62806_##
83CED4D41421FD73_## =
83CEE3135750DA82_## = Valor Badge
83CF32552A4B600A_## = Survivability, Control
83CFFC3CCF8663C5_## = Makin' Moves
83D1F3788BD3339D_## =
83d3203c756e899f = Drag to cancel
83DEE847B18FBF7C_## =
83E1EB6DBB448FC0_## =
83E59B3E57CE96CB_## =
83E9CF5CBC169ED1_## =
83F005E71BA892C8_## = Fennik
83FA84CAC612AEC8_## = Red Altar
83FAE8749B868CD8_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
83FB596DAC8E5182_## =
83FBD0C19739C7DE_## = Magic Ring
83FC82445C33AE00_## = Trial Card: Try out Ilumia's skin: Ice Queen for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
83FED4AC073B7FA4_## =
8402F282D2C1B3F8_## = obsolete+83c697d27e999a8e
8403DDAE787738C3_## =
840804F23C2F8AD8_## =
84096F622C403CF1_## =
84101C1E357B2926_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc thành rương ngọc cấp III may mắn
84113BDC020FC117_## =
841488D6F1B7B8D3_## = Ilumia
84178D5176CCF869_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
8417A216BE81F9D3_## = Arcana<color=#f6bf17ff> Fragments</color>
can<color=#f6bf17ff> be used to make Arcana</color>
841DB95E04BE6183_## = Bloody Baron
841DE55196CB226F_## = Standard\nMatch
84223892C940B9D7_## = Cooldown
8425C7A423B90455_## = 签到图片
8425DB9A315D1320_## =
8426071AEFB4EDB4_## = Beach party appearance
84263F719AFCFBAE_## =
842799C72B7164B7_## = Trial Card: Try out Violet for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this Hero.
842F08094A5166D5_## = Nhận thêm quà tặng khi tiêu Quân Huy trong thời gian sự
kiện\nKhông tính Quân huy tiêu từ Shop tế đàn và các sự kiện ngoài Game
842F1AE83B9D58EB_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
8430140AD7A06701_## = Ngày hội của Joker 1
84302D20F49406EB_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
84325690F010F8E8_## = Unknown
843332086D37BAFC_## = Trung phong cắm
8435E7827FB9070B_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Đỏ)
8436C7777482C979_## =
84381FCD42E91F74_## =
843A3CCE52DEB20A_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
843D8AAEB68B8C31_## =
8443C9748580A10B_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK {C}/{T}
844B044D1F8BCC8E_## =
844C46668AC4BF86_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi trong đấu thường để nhận ruby miễn phí
844DBBB15A362DE4_## =
844DD9ADFB74A3F2_## = Verdant
8451800368F58E6F_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Raz) của bạn, xin
mời kiểm tra!
84522651CD618E5F_## = Lindis
8457643C782398BE_## =
8458ED9146A9935C_## = 本週活動精選
8458F588F3E5E961_## =
8459C59DD71C6446_## =
845C77785227DD24_## =
845DA3637271817F_## = 7 日累積簽到
845FD0B144E742BB_## =
84653E5C4B4A90B6_## = Reach Level {0}
84695D20B478FD20_## =
846D4CD8D04BEBE0_## =
846D8853651B985B_## =
846E2836C378E367_## = Combo thử 3n
8471683806EDE01D_## = Wukong
847211A263C0859F_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
8477B816BB119DDF_## =
847ABF93BDBB0483_## =
8483CA3C1A07C3E3_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Skud để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
848C5358875AC4B4_## = Kriknak
84909D77F6C3E3D5_## =
849154D1850048E1_## =
849229ABC46139EE_## = 签到图片
84925B6AD3008E4F_## =
849A04D79DC404AE_## = Melee
849CB6890EB5236C_## = Kẹo Giáng sinh
849F33D42A998FEA_## =
84A1266B77665FAA_## = Cơ hội nhận được tướng/trang phục vĩnh viễn của các tướng:
84AC02AF61E5CAA5_## =
84b3fc74bbc49dbd = Credibility Score
84B57E31931A7EFF_## = Control
84B629D3224AB4F1_## = Quà may mắn (update)
84BBDB4594BC3ECF_## =
84BC340D40E2A65D_## = Đăng nhập nhận 5 bánh sinh nhật & Huy hiệu 1 năm Liên Quân
84BEAF6F05D17FFB_## =
84BEBB3BF4BF63AC_## = Every 5 seconds, Ryoma's next normal attack unleashes a
shadow blade that has a longer range and deals <color=#f18d00>{0}</color>
<color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to each enemy hit and reduces enemy movement
speed by {1}% for 2 seconds. Enemies hit by the shadow blade at the outer border of
the range will suffer an additional 50% <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>.
84C09900F8958446_## =
84C294AB552AA8BF_## =
84C48953EC7F76D3_## = Wonder Woman
84CB09C46B0B7231_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
84CCF7CE803210B0_## = 签到图片
84CDA31540FE1AA2_## = 签到图片
84D08B002300B58E_## =
84D0A59054D81572_## = Trial Card: Try out Grakk 's skin: Abomination for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
84D0CF69EC110F5B_## = Officer
84D78AF37E255541_## =
84DB5829C3E9D558_## = Xeniel
84DCE45292B3CCE5_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
84DD3E108FA69DBF_## =
84DEDA101A886D5F_## = Always good to lend a helping hand!
84DF710C04730995_## = Melee
84E1687884C6EA6C_## = Tank (Standard)
84E1EACB4742512B_## = "Strength or death!"\n\nCresht, the Mermidon, frequently
talked of the Boiling Sea from which he came from. However, when dealing with
Cresht, one would do well to remember that this sea was not called so because of
its temperature, but because of the constant chaos beneath its waters, and that he
remained at the top of its food chain.\n\nAncient records didn't contain much
detail regarding Cresht's origins. The only relevant knowledge that man was able to
garner came from a bard's song: "A monstrosity rising from the sea's hungry depths;
its trident so terrible it brings naught but death." \n\nIn the War of Man and
Beast, Cresht fought fearlessly on the front lines, endlessly tormenting the
humans. Surprisingly, Cresht didn't return to the Boiling Sea after the war.
Instead, he took it upon himself to pursue higher goals than just devouring the
frail and weak.\n\n"A battle between Gods and Demons must include Cresht!"
84E217E99B27965D_## =
84E31075D2475459_## =
84EAD389F965C78C_## =
84EF68FFBEB0B12D_## = 7 日累積簽到
84F03D08B508A2B6_## =
84F1F56480DA57B6_## = Đăng nhập từ 20:00 đến 23:00 trong thời gian sự kiện để nhận
nhận Hộp quà thú vị (tướng)
84f3446cce824d05 = Enter
84F3A271A2DB1583_## =
84F71D2398F9412A_## = Royal Power cooldown
84F9A746AF6135A2_## =
84FAE419BF78E279_## = Bladed Guardian
84FE9C83018A6E52_## =
85032CAF65D9F212_## =
8503859DF05B5D55_## =
850439E9D86E969C_## =
8507BD20F1642AB1_## =
850A9DA9907A9707_## =
850A9DCAB8046F64_## =
850AFE3BCC760554_## =
850D516B5A5993FA_## = Omega's abilities deal full damage to structures.
850F9AE673E5C58D_## = Ormarr
8517EAD62C95C484_## = Đổi quà tình nhân
8518AB9B7E160824_## = Veera
851AA0C22478C8EE_## = Mừng ngày Quốc tế Phụ nữ 8.3, thắng đấu hạng với tướng nữ
để nhận Ruby & thẻ thử trang phục giới hạn Mina - Tiểu thư đoạt hồn!
85242DD138C34CF6_## = Every time you defeat the<color=#f6bf17ff> Garnak</color> you
will absorb its power. \nYou can even get<color=#f6bf17ff> Celestial Force</color>
when you defeat it a third time!
85245E9B79476BA3_## = Trial Card: Try out Wisp for <color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days.
You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this hero.
8528090454B341FD_## =
852AA62D1D02D2C2_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Mortos)
852C16FB48AD0232_## =
852C50469C112C20_## = Do not translate
852C5E5F8FB7F07F_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
852E575F28DFF99B_## = That all you got?
852E8AA82033D017_## = Missile Damage
8533696B86E57AC7_## = Sell to obtain 1,000 Gold.
853491E2BF820D8B_## = Chơi bản đồ 5v5 Miền đất hứa (Thường & Hạng) để nhận ruby
miễn phí
85355F7D3CF10AA4_## =
85367013E7DA0ECF_## =
853A2F434F352599_## =
853A3ECA5644AA0A_## = Tham gia mỗi ngày để nhận mảnh ghép năm mới và đổi lấy cơ
hội sở hữu bộ đôi trang phục giới hạn Long kỵ sĩ và Nghệ nhân Lân!
853ADBA43B263094_## = Đây là phần thưởng Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
853E31478B05ADF0_## = Please communicate with the team.
85407355F89A5559_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
8540cd4264690247 = 8540cd4264690247_##
85417EDFABDA0655_## =
85444F3232FBDF17_## =
854AD8E538ACF11B_## = Superset
854CBE716DCD759C_## =
85515269A74AD6F7_## = Tích lũy hạ gục {C}/{T}
855518F3C80899E4_## =
8555454FA5CE87E4_## = Tee starts to build up the gas in his stomach, causing him to
increase his movement speed for {0} seconds. During this time, Tee tries to hold it
all in for as long as possible (can be unleashed earlier by tapping the ability
again). Tee then unleashes a stinky plume, causing all enemies in the area to
suffer up to {1} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{2})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>
and become stunned for up to 2 seconds. The longer Tee holds in his funky fumes,
the higher the damage and stun period.
85576C31F4049CEF_## = Trial Card: Try out Thane's skin: Lustrous for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
85590665AA9A246A_## = Unknown
855AE272D3F2A1B2_## = Arcane Nova
855ED9227BC1F6D7_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường
856063450AF25C2A_## =
85613024FA93C1B9_## = Attack Damage +200 \n[Fenrir's Tooth]
85637A6A104AF210_## = Nakroth
8566E8D502FB696C_## = Mage (Support)
8567DCA521DA8AEE_## = Trial Card: Try out Wisp's skin: Buccaneer for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
856AF6CE4611E668_## = Đổi Dấu ấn Tulen
856B706644D45604_## =
856e071fa9d3ea70 = Select
85716383CEE9B077_## = Trial Card: Try out Lu Bu's skin: Prom King for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
8574E33444BD2708_## = Defense
8577717634D59083_## = Blood Knight
857CA0A11B2E3DFF_## =
85855D6A35739257_## =
8587C30E8C02D200_## = 生日 Token
858D6EFEA20C95FB_## =
858E53B1A4E54A02_## = Platinum II
858F983A65DEC47C_## = Trial Card: Try out Natalya's skin: Leo for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this skin.
85907EA198446CA7_## =
8590FF416A7E21AD_## = Unknown
8594C32E489367D2_## = Rương ngọc Xạ thủ
8597A2ACD9301859_## =
8598E7E704C58EEF_## = Principanda
859C87FFF05B4CB0_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
859D041A9EDE226E_## = Trang phục đón xuân
859d99ab720739ba = Conqueror
859FD6A63CF2A659_## =
85A37FB31CCFB683_## =
85A490189EBC227E_## = Trial Card: Try out Omega for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
85A8BB23B3CF2767_## = Magic Pierce. +2.2
85A963F29AFD548C_## =
85ABEB84847FAFCE_## =
85AD0B49D4554157_## = Level 8 Chest
85B35DA67649C55A_## =
85B4429CA49180E6_## = Đăng nhập mỗi ngày nhận Bánh sinh nhật. Tích lũy thu thập
Bánh sinh nhật qua chuỗi sự kiện để đổi quà khủng từ ngày 26/11!
85B5CDE08770DA41_## = Lauriel Chest
85B8D24B489567E2_## = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Don't panic when you get
disconnected. We'll work on reconnecting you as quickly as possible.
85B9BFE25005C967_## =
85B9DE61D0D8E1A7_## = What a splendid set of heroes! Surely you are unbeatable!
85B9EE283B1EA7D3_## =
85BBA4C7C15E3A9C_## =
85BBC49F2AB363DC_## =
85BBCC6933570C09_## = Zanis' skin: Casanova
85BD8D3006DB75ED_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
85C31276C21D2DA5_## =
85C40C3153C7A748_## =
85C41DF165D97438_## = Moren
85C536AC9D21EE0C_## = Damage Bonus
85CB7E6CA18F1B3A_## =
85CC2331E8C08BE3_## = Đăng nhập giờ vàng
85D1D25A0BB75049_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
85d2587cda26f921 = In Progress
85D3630BE0E75D61_## = "Mankind's only hope during the century-long vampire
war."\n\nValhein was not born a famous vampire hunter. A pious man, he did not
believe in superstitions or folklore. This changed while traveling to Romania to
claim an inheritance left for him. The journey robbed Valhein of the possibility of
a normal life. Helpless and horrified, Valhein could do nothing as Dracula abducted
and murdered his wife. His world shattered, Valhein swore vengeance upon the
nosferatu and his entire species.\n\n"I hereby swear in the name of God that I
shall defeat all the dark powers lurking within the shadows. I will battle the
vampire scourge until my last breath!" A man possessed, this solemn vow became his
singular driving force. \n\nValhein sought out vampires wherever they nested, and
one by one he slew each and every one of them. When the last had crumbled to dust
at his feet, Valhein felt a sudden and certain emptiness. An ethereal voice called
out to him "You have dared to do what few mortals in history could have done. You
have fought back against the creatures of night and triumphed. Yet darkness takes
on many forms, vampires were but one of many." As the voice spoke, Valhein felt
himself renewed. It continued, "Please lend aid, there are other terrors, demons
which only you are capable of vanquishing."\n\nValhein steeled himself for his new
vigil, as a demon hunter.
85D7607D95DF9E35_## =
85DA16E20B8BBEF0_## =
85DFC93020ADB235_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
85E1A0D3DA43E1D9_## =
85E3785F33C7A49E_## = Not Available
85EA25EB9EDDFDF0_## =
85EA7E47B22E794C_## = Mobility
85EE285C743FC13A_## = Demons beware!
85F2882F8DCBE7F7_## =
85F380C76924B897_## =
85F50B4809E00D19_## = When Wisp's HP reaches 0, she ejects all of her remaining
bombs, dealing {0} <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> and slowing enemy
movement speed by 25% for 1.5 seconds. If multiple bombs damage the same enemy,
subsequent bombs only deal 50% damage.
85F5D77AEF71BBAF_## =
85F968A48BD11F88_## =
85F975AF4B303684_## = Zephys lunges forward, dealing <color=#ca3939>physical
damage</color> to enemies along the path and knocking them into the air.
85FB16D633DD2A45_## = On the Way
85FEBC40CF026549_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tiêu xài Quân huy, Nhận gói quà HOT! của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
86017067B12B8868_## = Maloch swings his blade and deals {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>. If he hits a
hero, his weapon becomes enchanted. When his weapon is enchanted, Cleave will deal
<color=#f3b74a>true damage</color> and recover {2}% (up to {3}%) of his own lost HP
for every hero it hits.
860325B42A53E6BB_## = Lauriel
8603D5E88FB9B152_## =
860567E6BD62952A_## =
8605F8F9D4201469_## =
86061EEF6F5FA641_## =
8608070830C7408B_## = Cuộc chiến cứ điểm
8609CC09BED53123_## =
860DB6E8A72D4BB9_## =
860FCF09CFC96953_## = Grakk
860FFD0153C1DDF5_## =
86116CC2786B9BCA_## =
8611DC2133BAC9E4_## =
8611F242C88A9FC3_## =
861216F519EE6C18_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Đỏ)
861285E1F8D9E524_## =
861630414CB6F6A7_## =
861ACEBA602DF9A2_## =
861E8E6F26889D65_## =
861F3E31BCF94A16_## = Defense
8621E6774133AA60_## =
8622A812F76A593D_## = Zuka
8623F88EF8C3B8E3_## = Wukong's Disguise
8624A0671A4CC46C_## = Open to receive the Hero: Violet and her Skin: Sharpshooter
8625A01B18F8FE3A_## = 7 日累積簽到
86263676A214CE38_## =
86267B110A00BF32_## =
8626C0EDB5105F44_## =
862736D592F24742_## =
8627B71CFF2FFA98_## = Ice Queen
8629DE0A48DC978A_## =
86306411A1E5C67F_## =
8634AC0592FB2A44_## = Go to<color=#f6bf17ff> Ranked Match</color>
863802E1FD244AA8_## = Unknown
86399C3EF94AEC23_## = It's hammertime.
863BE06C3D321428_## = Original
863CD6A4323D3BA9_## =
863D9EC6C88F56B6_## =
863F236CB39AD19C_## = Wukong unleashes his inner Chi, dealing
{0}<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to nearby
enemies and stunning them for 1 second.
86430078768AFB60_## =
8643433104A1E578_## = Cooldown
8644E449E636E41F_## = Melee
8646E35DE473C648_## = Bodhi
8646EDA1C75E4D39_## = Nakroth
864A153C8E52A68F_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Superman {C}/{T} lần
864BAE6FC6AE3FE2_## = Trang phục đón xuân
864BEC7C3626E028_## = Cooldown
865181da7d344430 = Resistance:
8652456C2428C7BB_## =
Nhân dịp Tết Nguyên đán, hệ thống sẽ tự động +100% EXP nhận được khi đấu 5V5 thườ
ng và hạng. Còn chờ gì nữa, nhanh tay chiến ngay thôi!
8657803E85A5BF87_## =
865868CF6926A93B_## = Silver
865D25649CC252A2_## =
865EF102389BB69F_## = obsolete+aa6db8e18578a84e
8660B2E38CDF63AD_## =
866143163EF71778_## = Lindis
866C992BF3A5C219_## =
866F1804DABA5B18_## =
866F5172171EBAAF_## =
867497ED92B6413F_## = Magma
8679BEEF620864CA_## = Tiêu Quân Huy nhận Rương Độc lập
867af06d52e0248c = Date Added
867C59F82F4B44EA_## =
867CEA118FD124F6_## = Work together!
867F6AEC8598A5D1_## = Roar of Fright
8683FA5A5F61E38B_## = Normal Attack
8685321448440FB0_## = Share trang phục nhận quà Giáng sinh
868623F30BD75BB9_## = Tulen
8687E77D93ECE69B_## =
868BE026EDBF77C3_## =
8691109AB30238D8_## =
8697435A613E8289_## =
86A13C1960B8C1F2_## =
86A1D2CD6AF42E6A_## = Initiator, Survivability
86A633AA9FF9EE6F_## =
86A7FCED13C35AF0_## = Blue Ballista
86AB474F3CF22286_## =
86AC21481E876E30_## =
86AE2DD1158BBF77_## = Damage from\nexplosion
86AEF30355529695_## =
86B48859F82469B4_## =
86B8F2838880A8AE_## =
86B98132108182CA_## =
86BA002487CA7948_## =
86BA0F570B2F54D9_## = Omega continuously strikes nearby enemies, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> on each hit.
86BD89B3AA36ED68_## =
86BE0750166CEE3B_## = Cáo siêu thanh Fennik!
86BF8E3548492522_## = Tiêu Quân Huy - Mừng sinh nhật Liên Quân!
86C1160A092A371C_## = Butterfly
86C3E9994F20ED53_## =
86C63ACFDBB903B8_## =
86C8C38033E17951_## = Cresht gains Rage with normal attacks when Metamorphosis is
not active. When morphed, Cresht shakes the earth each time he uses an ability,
reducing movement speed of enemies in the area by 50% for 2 seconds and
significantly increases his attack damage.
86CC8A9B65A89073_## = Tham gia sự kiện Tết gắn kết - Anh em chấp hết tại
sukien7.lienquan.garena.vn - Nhận Dấu ấn Tulen và đổi tướng miễn phí!
86CE8FACE912B203_## = Trial Card: Try out Diachan's skin: Archmage
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
86CEA515EFE5C216_## = Mở ra ngẫu nhiên được Ngọc cấp I-II hoặc 5~10 Ruby
86D27CACB1164822_## = #LQM
86D5B1CDDD014186_## =
86D5CD6D9C9AC1EF_## = Original
86DEFC8398C16C7B_## =
86DF7D9DF1047F2B_## =
86E0AE991E344525_## = Raz
86E60E609BA1B1D8_## = Righteous Fervor
86E86C2BECB97C13_## = Heal
86E8A8F286F8538F_## =
86EB7AC89D6B191B_## = Trial Card: Try out Xeniel's skin: Armageddon
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
86EC05DB36BB2B92_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
86EE39CF9231C9C2_## = Thu thập dấu ấn Murad M-TP (Khăn choàng)
86F10C3F68796841_## =
86F3321A55459BA3_## = Tiêu Quân Huy nhận cực nhiều ưu đãi!
86F4D133A527B97F_## =
86F4EB158B82968D_## =
86F61EFE19BBE0A2_## = Hazmat
86f98986e5bccabd = 86f98986e5bccabd_##
86FB764513849D97_## =
86FFCB0EE9E1A91C_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
8707DBDCD43E59F4_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tháng sinh nhật - Tiêu Quân Huy nhận
thưởng của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
8708105ED429C0C5_## =
870819FBBE8B043F_## = Murad
870C26C456FA8031_## =
870D4C3F272A13DA_## =
870D97D53F0FBA62_## = Săn mục tiêu lớn
87101219A4CEA4A8_## = Unknown
8711280155EAF358_## =
8714CEBAF462E19F_## = [Hunter][Seek and Destroy]
87159ce283e8428b = Change
871783B3147F10E1_## =
8717AD387CF51A17_## = Special effects for Whirlwind\nSpecial effects for
Backstab\nSpecial effects for Sword Propel
87191D8A1CA2447A_## =
871927E8D39AE9FB_## = Slimz activates his primal instincts and enhances his normal
attacks to deal additional <color=#ca3939>damage</color> equal to
<color=#ca3939>{0}% of the target's maximum HP</color> (up to 150 damage for
monsters). His movement speed is also increased by {1}% for 8 seconds. Each kill or
assist extends the ability's effects by 3 seconds.
8719C517F17B8E0A_## = HP Lost ≥
871B8EC6B1251C80_## =
871C5C7222BD63F4_## = Rương niềm vui
8721A309504BE9BE_## =
87236508AD5D8E9F_## = Makin' Moves
872BC7538774FE87_## = Dustdevil
87314fefcd1611aa = 87314fefcd1611aa_##
8733B523159A0BD7_## =
87350ED6EEA4C836_## = When Krixi hits an enemy with an ability, she gains {0}%
movement speed for 2 seconds.
8736EC6106C6B0D4_## =
87371ab9de20c4d5 = Death Match
873748ECC25339B4_## = Liên Quân đón Xuân
8737F5C1E89B580D_## =
87386F3B775F16B7_## = Original
8739C12C657C4956_## =
8739D8EDCA957B22_## =
873A7511642AD6E2_## =
873AC9BF8EFB1FAA_## = Midas Touch
873AD71FEE88DF25_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Giờ vàng)
8740b77e0f288cf3 = 8740b77e0f288cf3_##
8742B82F16DA1337_## = Bloodraid
874487068DF753FE_## = Gói 35% KM Zill + skin
8747DA5371610AF8_## =
874D438F35548C8D_## = Contains 10 Gems, 600 Gold and 1 lvl 1 Arcana: Willpower
874F6116820E775A_## = There are 3 battle lanes.\nDestroy the enemy towers\non 1 to
reach the enemy Core.
87522C3FAAC7354D_## =
875389E61CD80728_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
8754F431CEBFC90D_## = Original
87568F9A5227D646_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng Fennik để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
87587EE812AC8BAE_## =
875AB3BE4FA7FAC0_## = (Grants Frostbite talent)
875AE10E0F1B06E6_## = Đây là phần thưởng Săn lùng tội phạm của bạn, xin mời kiểm
875d78f54de20c8b = Magic Defense
875DB1C1DAF63606_## = Trial Card: Try out Violet's skin: Sharpshooter
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
8760A4854BA0139E_## = Gói Dung nham
8766EECDB4A59BD7_## = Cooldown
876C55D7036A99A1_## =
876CB2D8F2B418F1_## =
876D21B01F9959A3_## =
876DE4A94AFF292B_## = Cooldown
876F5EF4103B69D7_## = All-Time Winner
877834462D634CEA_## =
8779D0A8AEE92F63_## = Huy hiệu Wonder Woman
877AC1CC182FBAAE_## =
877B3C13EAAC3B79_## = Increases armor and magic defense
877EB8B73F96CAC8_## = Incorporeal
877F7A211ADA5FD8_## =
878430E7060A2283_## =
87851EDB972C369C_## = Quỷ kiếm dạ xoa
87862D16AD610CA4_## = Damage from\nexplosion
8787BFFB66601C18_## =
8787E0CF8F6D7627_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
878A4A08070DBB78_## =
878B6B2FDD58B7C9_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
878D205504058EE1_## =
87914EEC4C86CD52_## = Throw snowballs and enjoy the holiday season
87916C9AAAAD67B9_## =
8792F098BA234B3F_## =
8797B0C40C0DB101_## = Lu Bu
879B0BEBD1E7D94D_## = Gold +100% for 4 Wins in matches (excluding custom matches
and 1v1 bot matches). Can be paired with a Double Gold Days Card for Gold +200%.
879e5ab997d59b06 = 879e5ab997d59b06_##
879EC5E3B5A6EB40_## = Butterfly
879F1D6218E31695_## = Due to an unstable Internet connection, points may have been
deducted from your Credibility Score. We have restored {0} points to your
Credibility Score. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.
87A54B466D1F4594_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 hạng mỗi ngày
87A70B6B2BB86CA4_## =
87A732FA46BF30AF_## = Tham gia đấu thường mỗi ngày để nhận quà Tết Liên Quân
87A880F9966D7958_## =
87A91603DC93A0AD_## = Mina
87AAFFC879156EAA_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
87AF8389E5ADC273_## = Nakroth lunges forward and knocks the target into the air,
dealing {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>.
The ability can be used again within 5 seconds of first use before triggering the
full cooldown.
87B02678D5BDAB63_## = Trial Card: Try out Omen for<color=#01d1f8ff> 12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
87b2cf9c866d2fc5 = Welcome to the <color=#f6bf17ff>Jungle Training
Grounds</color>.\nYou will now learn how to jungle.
87B62E88EAE32573_## =
87B6CDDE121CE500_## = Unknown
87BB4228707FC9C3_## =
87BC6D96F5054D6A_## =
87BE6A4B4CD743E5_## = Đây là phần thưởng Thợ săn tiền thưởng của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
87C81CE515C9F0EE_## =
87C8B81C9A498679_## =
87CCF13497A752C1_## = Kriknak takes to the skies, significantly increasing his
movement speed for {0} seconds. When casting this ability while airborne, Kriknak
attacks the target area, dealing {1} <color=#f18d00>(+{2})</color>
<color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to the enemies in the area and reducing
their movement speed.
87D109D096A855D7_## =
87D871DE22D712DB_## = Sword & Shield
87DC77BF5EF6B275_## =
87de36125ae88542 = Unlocked at level 5
87E1BEDAE1FBDB53_## = 签到图片
87E3736B8BC7C69A_## = Enemies hit by Lauriel's abilities become marked. Every 4
marks trigger an explosion that deals {1} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{2})</color>
<color=#f3b74a>true damage</color> to nearby enemies and slows their movement speed
by {3}% for 1 second. Lauriel also recovers {0} HP after the explosion.
87E5A36817311C08_## = Grakk
87E7009A92A8F9EA_## = Earn gold by participating in battles each day!
87E811592373B4E1_## =
87E8135467A57F86_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới The Joker để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
87E833E00B0EC838_## =
87E966002CAB1751_## =
87EBFF586F089444_## =
87EC07B9DE11EFE0_## =
87F214F7B91C35C8_## = Better run through the jungle!
87F50B8E2002D7E5_## = 登录送两封信
87F672A9B70A9C24_## = Friends Help
87F84FB90E0A6FAC_## =
87FA554B00510658_## = Ignis Chest
87FB76C87F63D863_## =
87FD5CFADED04787_## =
87FE5248836A597F_## =
8800712056B3A2BC_## = Unknown
88028FCED12A6A9B_## = Dùng để đổi Rương #LQM
8803D6E6205ADBBC_## = Đấu trường Huyền thoại
880908D43E05EC56_## = Đây là phần thưởng Nạp Quân Huy - Rinh Lì xì cực HOT! của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
8809EE518C69EC82_## = Cooldown
8809F2315F20CBD1_## = Unique Passive - Seek and Destroy: Gains 8 ability power and
30 mana for every monster killed. Stacks up to 15 times.
880C3C3F1EA173AB_## = Flight
880CE0BD7A6AB046_## = Thu thập Chìa khóa - Mở rương bí ẩn
880CFB881D4950E5_## =
88119CE3A2FB5C22_## = Unique Passive - Wild: Increases attack damage by 3 for every
monster killed. Stacks up to 15 times.
88123E81A334A080_## = "We fairies of the forest are heralds of the
Creator."\n\nLike other fairies, Krixi could often be found dancing in flowerbeds
or playing with the animals. However, whenever danger draws near, Krixi's cruel
side would emerge in full force. She would use her sharp fangs and claws to shred
any demon who intrudes upon the forest.\n\nWhat really broke Krixi's heart was
seeing the humans, whom she once considered her companions, destroying the forest
for material wealth. Their armies were highly organized and armed to the teeth, so
Krixi gathered the inhabitants of the forest in an effort to fight off the human
invaders. The plan worked, and she was able to coerce the humans into signing a
peace treaty.\n\nThe forest quickly returned to its peaceful and serene state, but
Krixi knew that the invaders' ambitions weren't much different from that of the
demons. She began training wild creatures with human methods and formed her own
powerful beast army in hopes to prevent future invasions!\n\n"War has no other
purpose than the destruction of life!"
8814DCEE5FAA662B_## = The Insatiable
8816F34A2D7FEC76_## = Unknown
881F20FA6F74E794_## =
882142837B237526_## = Violet
8826181F12DCF79E_## = Guild creation successful.
8828e3bf96753bd6 = Reward 30 Gems
882B497431254F45_## = Xeniel
882C4EB17FD8B4A1_## = 1. Evolution skins are special types of skins. You can
upgrade them to obtain new arena entrance animations, dynamic splash screens,
special sound effects, and unique profile icons.\n\n2. Use Evo Crystals to increase
Evolution EXP. Skins can be evolved once the required Evolution EXP has been
reached.\n\n3. You need to meet the requirements before evolving the skin to the
next level. The requirements can be met only in Standard 5v5 and Ranked
Matches.\n\n4. You will receive 10 EXP each time you press "Evolve." There is also
a chance to trigger a 2x Multiplier and gain 20 EXP or a 5x Multiplier and gain 50
882EF6312BD0FC96_## =
882ff664e2152e6e = 882ff664e2152e6e_##
8832005C02452A2A_## = 消费活动
8833832A878A432A_## = Low on<color=#f6bf17ff> Gold</color>? Tap here
88339FC395F37F04_## =
88366428AA86EA5B_## =
8839A60715BB986B_## = Request refused.
883A7A098D122ADD_## =
88424734AFB0123A_## =
8845357705997608_## =
88453A0E794AC611_## =
8845E46548086184_## = Melee
8845FF465D789CD5_## = Voidweaver
88489D86A7E1C69C_## = It's great to be the MVP so often.
8849A3E29C535DE5_## = Lumburr charges in the target direction, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies in
his way and knocking them into the air. Affected enemies are slowed by 50% for 1
second after they land. Friendly heroes on the path will receive a shield that
absorbs {2} <color=#f18d00>(+{3})</color> damage and gain 15% movement speed for 3
884E9D1F4204C955_## = Mganga
8853322213C48589_## =
88565010C822FEBB_## = Do not translate
8857965EBCCA4EB7_## = Moonfall
8859494A593B8751_## = [新英雄-Astrid 登場] 愛不釋手
88598CD93513C641_## =
885AF7E7F652BEC5_## = Ability Power +2.4 \nCooldown Speed +0.7%
885B181FAD55ED51_## = Flying Dragon
885D712B049B8F1E_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Đăng nhập)
8860A76910914F6C_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
8860b8ccf101d2e6 = Reward
8862992D59598650_## = 签到图片
886449A0816CC6EF_## =
886ADE732CDEB39D_## =
886CF7AED3314A2B_## =
88730775695A32B7_## = Unknown
8877F70774181210_## =
887950D8D0CC8649_## = Attack
8879883EDF997A98_## = Tactical Fire
887999E44CF035A4_## = Gói KM -35% Kil Groth & Trang phục
887F87B372721E6A_## =
88808695C60EE320_## =
888238A3A0458A28_## =
8884BF0A9578F6CD_## = Trial Card: Try out Violet for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
8887217344E0F578_## =
88892FE884D8F440_## =
888C3F178E45CD06_## = EXP +100% for your next 4 Wins in matches (excluding custom
matches and 1v1 bot matches). Can be paired with a Double EXP Days Card for EXP
888DDA519ECACD07_## =
888FE6FF59522436_## =
8892D24D11641B0F_## = Justice Lord
8896C5F6A3F908CE_## = Imperium Guard
8897B105CFAAF068_## =
889CC003080C7157_## = TeeMee
889CEA3BA1C13E23_## =
889e02f3bcb384e3 = Results currently unavailable
889F5459341CBD60_## = Unknown
88A1008C7B5032E2_## = Tham gia sự kiện Tết gắn kết - Anh em chấp hết tại
sukien6.lienquan.garena.vn - Nhận Dấu ấn Tulen và đổi tướng miễn phí!
88A2D455022F01F9_## =
88A47E6CF8ECA40F_## = For thousands of years, Liliana had traveled to every corner
of the world.\n\nOne of the most ancient existences in Athanor, Liliana was born
when the world was still in Chaos and all living beings survived purely through
instinct. Full of curiosity, Liliana forged her own path of exploration in the
chaotic world, continuing to seek for the essence of the universe and the source of
power. She wanted to learn about the past and the future, the beginning of life and
the meaning of death. In order to succeed in her quest for answers, Liliana morphed
into different forms and saw life through the eyes of different species. \n\nA
Nine-tailed Fox was the first sentient being Liliana came across. She considered
the Fox her master and consultant, and was influenced so much by the creature that
she identified herself as a Nine-tailed Fox thereafter. Through the instruction of
her master and what she saw during her own travels, Liliana soon became quite
knowledgeable. However, she understood that she still had a long way to go in terms
of finding the ultimate answer to all things. She chose to live in seclusion,
taking her time to slowly digest and ponder over all she had learned. Still, she
would emerge from solitude every few hundred years to accumulate more wisdom and
insight.\n\nDuring her previous journey, Liliana came in contact with Humans and
was able to observe them up close. Humans seemed dull and average at best in all
aspects, including powers, spirituality and constitution, which was why Liliana
used to not have any interest in the species. Yet after she learned more about the
thirst Humans had for knowledge and the ways they passed down their legacies, she
soon became fascinated by their out-of-the-box thinking and began following their
innovations and developments closely. Whenever Humans made huge leaps, Liliana
transformed into one of them in order to learn from Human scholars.\n\nDuring the
Dark Era, Humans were often attacked by Abyssal Beings. Not wanting to just sit
back and watch the suffering, Liliana used subtle methods to reveal hints and tips
on wielding magic here and there to aid Humans during the troubling period. From
her observations, she predicted that if Humans survived this time of darkness, they
would likely be able to create a civilization never seen before, in which new
knowledge and new skills would be born, bringing her one more step closer to the
ultimate answer she was seeking. She considered the aid she offered Humans a kind
of investment—after all, if it helped her get what she wanted, why not? With a
smile and high hopes for the future, Liliana went back into hiding.\n\nSome hundred
years later, when Liliana returned to Human civilization once again, she was
shocked to say the least. The candles and fireplaces she was used to were replaced
by crystal lamps carved with magical arrays, capable of bringing light to thousands
of families at once. The blades and swords she once knew were no longer used by
many—instead, Humans Warriors now favored sleek and incredibly powerful mechanical
guns and cannons. These improvements, which Humans called “technology”, completely
changed how Liliana saw the world.\n\nIt was an ideal turn of events for Liliana,
who was eager to gobble up all new developments available. But even one with her
level of wisdom would need dozens, even hundreds of years to digest all this—not to
mention that new inventions were popping up practically every day! Therefore
Liliana decided to transform into a Human and join the Empirical Army as a
Communications Officer who had the freedom to roam the Continent and collecting
intelligence. Her role would make it very convenient for her to achieve all she
wanted. Of course, it did bring her new enemies as well, but Liliana didn’t mind
doing Humans a favor and taking out these nuisances. \n\n “That’ll just count as
part of my tuition!”
88A4EFF85039D2C0_## =
88A8F0F0B8223558_## = Midnight
88AB6FF14982849A_## =
88AC54837DBB953E_## =
88AF063A6C925E08_## =
88AF6BE17A9327F1_## =
88B220327735993F_## =
88B2637983C09B03_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 hạng mỗi ngày
88B3CEC4211389D7_## =
88B634F5DCF2E565_## = Aleister
88B9A22350FA5B42_## =
88bca6c811d2b841 = Skins
88BCAB1685973819_## = The Aegis
88BD1A7AEB55A34A_## = Trial Card: Try out Thane for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day.
You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
88BDBFF153F42097_## = Gildur charges forward, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#7FFFD4>(+{2})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical
damage</color> to enemies in his path. His next normal attack becomes Midas Touch.
88C189F0A3B1693B_## =
88C2EE6093B40E5B_## =
88C6D49AD6812E76_## = Hide
88C7EEB0535AFB26_## = Streak Star
88C9F515B4584115_## = Trial Card: Try out Airi's skin: Viper for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
88CB940F95BF01A4_## =
88CC7E66B3A01BB5_## =
88CF680FC7FC05AE_## =
88D0418D1A4EFF70_## = Taara
88D2491A1B02EAFF_## = Kill {0} enemy [/0:$(hero|heroes)/] with less than 10% HP
remaining in a single match
88D2AFCC866BF9C7_## =
88D4F2512A3133B3_## =
88D8895B6F1F2CA2_## =
88DB0B5239730992_## = Aleister summons lightning and stops enemies from advancing.
Enemies touched by lightning take {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color>
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>, are stunned and slowed, and receive 1 stack of
88DE1AB69686E229_## = Blue Middle Tower
88DFCF27CE65C19C_## =
88DFEC71C0F98303_## = Archmage
88E323F3044E420A_## = Nakroth lunges forward and knocks the target into the air,
dealing {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>.
The ability can be used again within 5 seconds of first use before triggering the
full cooldown.
88E3D8E34DDCDAED_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Airi) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
88E973B3AD9EFD54_## = Share trang phục Natalya Quà quái quỷ để nhận quà đặc
biệt\nTrên IOS: Share qua Garena Mobile và ứng dụng Facebook\nTrên Android :Share
qua Garena Mobile
88E997DA39495A14_## = Gói 35% KM Zuka + skin
88EE9BED16CD81A2_## =
88EF7FB6C97C0CCF_## = The Lord of Mischief
88F17A483F66747A_## = 7 日累積簽到
88F220FF97DC22C4_## =
88f222c6946f4b0b = 88f222c6946f4b0b_##
88F56B8E0CA81A7A_## =
88F96724974175C7_## = 好友大作战
88FDE85498A86A82_## =
8905CEC7AEDD5F9D_## = Level 5 Activity Rewards
8906C531B672E68D_## = Your current Credibility Score is <color=#55f26c>{0}</color>.
<color=#62b7ff>You may be banned from participating if the score falls below |
890E55297557F055_## = Đây là phần thưởng Nạp Quân huy - Nhận xuân nữ của bạn, xin
mời kiểm tra!
89127A9C7F662F16_## = Damage-dealing assassins inflict high amounts of damage and
have lower defensive attributes. Using them effectively requires that the player
times their attacks well.
891BA8E32D527C5E_## =
891E69ACB81346D6_## = 参与 5V5
892011EDDBCEC7D0_## =
8926df196f936a6b = 8926df196f936a6b_##
8926E41C82038A4D_## =
89282546A41DCF32_## = Trial Card: Try out Tel'Annas for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this Hero.
8929027D59BFEA00_## =
892A6B77C2F43248_## =
892B694776EE3F9E_## =
892C81C47E2ECA16_## =
892D59843492E886_## =
892EE16787B4DDB3_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường đỉnh cao của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
892F1DCF3CD1338F_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
892F9A003D20F07D_## =
892FE490AC45131E_## =
89333F1362AA99BE_## = Ability Power +200\n[Warlock][Magic Pierce +75]
8939FC696CA79839_## = Each normal attack reduces Spin cooldown by 1 second on hit.
893A4351AA10BEFD_## = Săn mục tiêu lớn
893A528B0F48ACB8_## = Standard\nMatch
893c1690e906b3c2 = 893c1690e906b3c2_##
893D228292CD4AE7_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Moren) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
893D4C82EF72FAC0_## =
89403DA9833C656F_## = 本週活動精選
89467FA0DBF45A36_## =
894804D1D6188169_## = Green arcana increase <color=#f6bf17ff>defensive</color>
8949725191E52253_## = Lauriel
895153706BED8DAE_## =
8952D404279DE8A0_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
8952FFFF240CA941_## =
895ffcfb6034431d = 895ffcfb6034431d_##
896038AA35B0C15F_## =
89617FC03E82538B_## = Gói Tình Nhân Hoa hồng
8964D8FA497A4ACD_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
8965B65FA5522E57_## =
896614C77A8C1629_## =
896840D763177188_## = We need a Support!
8968ECA1BB26E989_## =
896B684CF558407A_## = 本週活動精選
896F2F00534D4267_## = Butterfly
89705917ACC9FEDF_## = Mage
89726B77DD0BCCAF_## = Airi slings her shuriken to slice enemies along the path,
dealing {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>
and stunning enemies in her path.
8975E63F9E2D82DB_## =
89763E0C57EE862F_## = Trial Card: Try out Kahlii's skin: Li'l Red
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
8976CE13C23539C6_## = Attacking enemy heroes within the range of their tower will
cause it to attack you!
8976DA59738508CD_## = Ryoma
8976ee367f325b21 = 8976ee367f325b21_##
8979CDB4990EA89B_## =
897C4C19FD18B15E_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
897F2FED0BE35E9D_## =
8981A902C7A5E4C2_## = Lần đầu của mỗi người
8982766D0012378A_## = Mganga
89857596C7A43F76_## =
898F3A43F80960A5_## =
8991109534AF13D8_## =
8992B9778EF4DAB8_## =
8996E9B56416F26C_## = Well played!
8998D5C5D57EBAAC_## = Base Damage
899b6f5e5a785123 = 899b6f5e5a785123_##
899C7292A646EF13_## = Flaming
899de3f5ef1fea53 = Please give us more details (160 characters).
899E21834E6F3023_## = 'Til death do they part.
89A294184C0810C4_## =
89A72D5F63E4B1D6_## =
89A84080C64EACEB_## = Nightmare
89A840ECC9E0AD5A_## =
89A87E6A6EE04EEA_## =
89ABFB248D924CA5_## =
89AC5783A99D3A89_## =
89AD3D3D720DF1BC_## =
89B1435EC52324B6_## = Propeller
89B4015DFACB2161_## =
89B522B05D70C1BF_## = Trial Card: Try out Raz's skin: Frostbite for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
89B6BF4C0F3F9ACE_## = Reave
89B81A5105055571_## =
89BC68541D22EA39_## = Trial Card: Try out Ilumia's skin: Femme Fatale for
<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
89BC868EDE638926_## = Reach Level {0}
89BCC7A011590D36_## =
89BD520AE6F4DB07_## =
89C737B8544BBF47_## = 对局送 U23skinbox
89C7DAB8177DA90C_## = 5V5 经验翻倍
89C81B4D117B2139_## =
89CB45899149A89E_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
89CCD6E9AEE0EB46_## =
89CE9521CFA8518A_## = Slimz throws a flying spear, dealing a minimum of {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> and up to
double the base damage as well as stunning the target for up to 2.5 seconds
(effects based on distance the spear has traveled). Upon hitting an enemy, Slimz's
attack speed is increased by {2}% for 5 seconds and if the hit enemy is an enemy
hero, Slimz's movement speed is also increased by 60% for 1 second. The spear deals
additional {3} <color=#f3b74a>true damage</color> when hitting monsters or minions.
89D0F2C6277DCC89_## = Login Bonus
89D1CC2574285555_## =
89D43E10F4D7AB30_## =
89D5F87EA124EF4D_## = Pooty Poots
89D68323021E4E27_## = Murad
89DAB5D602BD443C_## =
89DC431670094320_## = Trial Card: Try out TeeMee's skin: Ringmaster
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
89E28782A722EA62_## = Trial Card: Try out Yorn for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
89E2B94ABE028E99_## = Makin' Moves
89F6A0FD5BF9E9FF_## =
89F6CFE8FBD90B68_## =
89F75C0DA7BE9277_## = Rank reached\nGold I
89F76C92C6EA8CF0_## = 5V5 经验翻倍
89F8ECE2E1B832ED_## =
89FDF5A74B180D5C_## =
89FEA15B6D6A34B6_## =
89FEF618B556D162_## =
89FFFC66BFD3BD03_## = Fennik
8A021FB358755EA1_## = Burst
8A0A8667458A74FE_## = Nakroth
8A0D23908D36D398_## = Limited Event Gift
8A121ACACC4EFC0E_## = Position Yorn appropriately when he is about to unleash his
burst of arrows (his passive). Heavenly Barrage is very useful for team battles and
laning, and is best used after each cooldown.
8A13674820D65592_## =
8A13B8D545E08BF4_## = Mừng xuân Đinh Dậu, Lì xì đầy tay: Thi đấu thôi!
8A1490DD1828CF74_## = Silver
8A15B14968E3594B_## = Blue Base
8A16C5A6CE5F1B83_## = Rương may mắn Superman
8A194C38A59A3553_## = Backstab
8A1A634C50670F9B_## = Long Range
8A1D1E17D7162934_## = Unknown
8A1DA57918D9F27E_## = Thắng đấu hạng {C}/{T} lần
8A213CC0761399F7_## = Rương may mắn III (ngọc)
8A250BEB3FDB6294_## = Unwavering Death
8A270181E2FEBB88_## = OK
8a27523995f08adf = 8a27523995f08adf_##
8a277d8ced26a71f = Tap to speak
8A2859E84D2CD062_## = Trial Card: Try out Peura's skin: Verdant
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
8A2A5CA47E69379F_## =
8a2b0b29ccbdbf0b = Yesterday
8A2D83CF676E42F5_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
8A2DC96E3BA4C034_## =
8A2DD4D0BBACCC19_## = Red Inner Tower
8A30BF5D0A2884C4_## = Kahlii unleashes her frenzied vengeance on enemies. She
summons 55 waves of wraiths over 5 seconds that continuously attack enemies in the
target direction, each wave dealing {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color>
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>. Deals 10% more damage to monsters.
8A30E8A2553323B5_## = Super Speed
8A331BA45BF6E44F_## =
8A3AE04505616EF5_## = Unknown
8A3BABD46491B4E2_## =
8a3cf3c2467b5bcb = Maintenance
8A410BA4C1955F05_## =
8A41410AA71A29B1_## = Ormarr
8A45D81A0CDA58CB_## =
8A4635E9A9FE2BDC_## =
8A47B7B88DA50D2C_## = Krixi
8A484A784950C96D_## = Diaochan
8A49A0148DD07347_## = Reach Level {0}
8A4D2779789D6E60_## = Plunder
8A511226237461D5_## = Butterfly
8A521B78FA337795_## = Halloween Scream
8A5654B4942A6D1A_## =
8A57FCE7D176EB4E_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
8A5B7957934CA89D_## = Quà đặc biệt của Joker!
8A609CC3F7A9D581_## = Unknown
8A60E5B6873E7C44_## =
8A64CAC54C0D0268_## =
8A66E6E02B7982EB_## = Neon
8A6E6E1D8E1A5064_## =
8A7176E25AAD8069_## = Veera applies a Come Hither stack to every enemy hit by her
abilities. Each stack reduces an enemy's magic defense by 30-72 (scales with hero
level), up to 3 stacks.
8A739163976BEFAE_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
8A74E9222F5ABA88_## = Mở và nhận một ngọc II
8A798E4321D9B892_## =
8A7A1526F7C94B5D_## = Spectral Ire
8A7DB35936997A5D_## = DNT
8A80C264E3AB5822_## = Thẻ bài bí ẩn
8A82A0C56127DC53_## = Trial Card: Try out Lumburr for <color=#01d1f8ff>7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this hero.
8A82C4FF3BDE4207_## = Trial Card: Try out Lauriel for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this Hero.
8A8302CF3AFBB8E2_## =
8A8824EEC7779EEE_## = (Grants Frostbite talent)
8A8C1DA780277C96_## =
8A8CBF91950E967C_## = Thu thập mảnh ghép năm mới để nhận Trang phục mIễn phí! Xem
chi tiết tại phần sự kiện
8A90F8F548B6B859_## =
8A93CDE231127C14_## = Melee
8A940644E75B8F7A_## = Miễn phí hàng chục tướng dành tặng riêng Kiện tướng trong
dịp Tết Đinh Dậu. Lưu ý: Thẻ thử có thời hạn sử dụng trong 1 ngày, tính từ lúc
bắt đầu sử dụng.
8A98D0E523292A03_## =
8A98E0588707D570_## = 和好友对战英雄宝箱
8A99BC8F3A9A1A6A_## =
8a99e1608b8d3a9 = Insert
8A9C73795C4E58B9_## = 签到图片
8A9C9FB94F67BD27_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
8A9CE953B572E3DC_## =
8AA48CDCF89A2187_## =
8AA84694B139ED22_## = 7 日累積簽到
8AA88348CC723CD6_## = Rương Dơi tuyết
8AAAA01CF732BEB5_## =
8AAAB18D702A0287_## = Halloween Scream
8AAC5161135CFAA1_## = Skin Evolution Help
8AB109399F2A57A4_## = Mở để nhận cặp thẻ thử 1 ngày của 1 tướng & trang phục ngẫu
8AB7C390C80D5FC5_## = Ưu đãi sốc, chỉ 10 Quân huy với cơ hội sở hữu tướng vĩnh
viễn. Cả năm chỉ một lần Giáng sinh, chớ bỏ lỡ!
8AB83AD031977004_## = Trial Card: Try out Azzen'Ka's skin: Djinn for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
8ABA22399D21E37E_## =
8ABB36AE9BD8355D_## = Thu thập 2 mảnh Chúc mừng năm mới và Mậu Tuất 2018 để đổi 7
trang phục miễn phí tùy chọn!
8AC0B3437F6DBCE0_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Đỏ)
8AC2B45ACD3429B6_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
8AC5146659911F0C_## = When outnumbered, you can leverage your tower for backup.
8AC55A3BB83C86C0_## =
8AC5A36595B89772_## = Stay frosty dear.
8AC66E53C0288D3C_## =
8ac7073a8240b8d2 = 8ac7073a8240b8d2_##
8ac8cd190d30d4aa = Slayer Buff
8ACAE3FBC7E6DB70_## = 本週活動精選
8ACB86276DE9D68D_## = Original
8ACDD48CDF0249AF_## =
8ACF2EBAAF1349F2_## = Cooldown
8ad2d4fda484c459 = Attack Speed:
8AD3ED08E9FB0D7B_## =
8AD69CEEA5377CF1_## = Cyberpunk
8ADA62AB3B72E926_## = Congratulations, you are now one step closer to becoming a
true hero!
8ADC6B8C63911847_## =
8ADCAC6CC325A733_## =
8ADF93359B20292A_## = Trial Card: Try out Zanis for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day.
You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
8AE0FCB318A4B926_## = I've got the power!!
8AE1AAF7508DD297_## = Unique Passive: Movement Speed +30
8AE2B7722889804F_## =
8AE47D1BCEB32706_## = Đổi Dấu ấn Tulen
8AE4C3556C5E602B_## =
8AE65E4F1308E90E_## = After Jinnar uses his spirit orbs four times (normal attacks
or abilities), the next normal attack will fire a spirit orb with a penetrating
effect to deal {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
8AE6CA8725C51CAF_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Batman) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
8AE93CBB6A27D99F_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tiêu xài nhận thưởng của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
8AEE779F9306B3FE_## = Zuka has no fear of death. She is extremely swift and can act
faster than anyone else when the time comes.
8AF0E9610F999692_## = 英雄三日体验卡
8AF206507522A3F0_## =
8AF2A430797E9927_## = Trial Card: Try out Astrid's skin: Regnant
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
8AF9627A7226E688_## = Normal Attack
8AFA9197A753C4F9_## = Trial Card: Try out Skud for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
8AFAC96EEEFEA378_## = Thunder Blast
8AFC9BE29DD294D8_## = HP Regen +4.2
8AFE5B6DDC6E8B06_## =
8AFF8471D8F9A1F1_## = Omega
8B00166A476744FE_## =
8B034F8A7F996D4C_## = Butterfly
8B048C2969E78118_## = Peura
8B085603E4708178_## = Base Damage
8B088BCE5471BF7D_## =
8B08BC028380B874_## =
8B096AAD2729A090_## = Nạp Quân huy - Nhận Núi quà
8B0D4BF129EAB8B8_## =
8b0ef22360e457df = Turn off\nCooldown
8B13DF7D0FA8D7A8_## = 本週活動精選
8B16360A114DB432_## =
8B1B68E4E8F39ABF_## =
8B1B6B0735755006_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường đỉnh cao của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
8B1BDC420DD0A6A0_## =
8B1CE2A7BEE68F34_## = Taara
8B1D110FB5E234A6_## =
8B1DF6002A7B2E3C_## = Unknown
8B1EE83EFB0F912D_## = 参与 5V5
8B257445A0849CE4_## =
8B27258B6C2ECB13_## =
8B2B861D484A8621_## = Grakk can hook enemy heroes from far distances, so try to
hide in the brush when you are using Grakk to take key damage dealers out of the
fight. Grakk also continues to pose a large threat after he dies. Finding a
strategic death location at the right time will help your team immensely.
8B2C11EECEB0F1FA_## = 2018
8b2ea4e7e2c8ca10 = 8b2ea4e7e2c8ca10_##
8B3752CEBBEF3643_## =
8B38098BBD5A6095_## = The Ghost Guardian
8B38466A0E1503E7_## = Level 26 Chest
8B3C01337BF7F2CC_## =
8B3C24EC5C700BCC_## =
8B3C4AC09A606FE5_## =
8b40dc7c3dc8a6fe = 8b40dc7c3dc8a6fe_##
8B41902DE77DADAD_## = Grakk
8b437c57aed15c83 = Use WiFi to conserve data
8B49D79F06D17807_## = Base Damage
8B4A769B1032A7C1_## =
8B4AAEC9D953CB64_## =
8B4D0C9C1237F8C0_## =
8B4DAD1968F7A8B4_## = Armor Increase
8b57a94e4dceec6 = Complete
8B598FA28A29759A_## = Mage
8B599CB24CAAF234_## =
8B5BCAE64148B1C2_## = Wind Shift
8B5BDBA526AB1D3A_## =
8B5F9347D88DBF9C_## =
8B5FCFBB44577799_## = 5-9 minutes
8B5FD34899A113F0_## = Fennik
8B5FFD6555A77D59_## = Anabolic Rage
8B640A13E90B729D_## =
8B65BA661E4D46DE_## =
8B6E71FAC49F79BE_## = Tích lũy hạ trong 5V5 thường {C}/{T}
8B72888646915C8D_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
8B733934C5E46F99_## =
8B774A8301B0F273_## = Đấu trường đỉnh cao
8B79E05EFECCF9FA_## =
8B7A4F022FEE25C2_## =
8B7CE6BCD1DE1BB1_## = Survivability, Burst
8B7CF5FF8A918BC1_## = Kriknak
8B7E0310F75E7496_## = That all you got?
8B7F1CEC172D8DEF_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi (Mảnh ngọc)
8B7F2E6DD150B9A9_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trướng Throne of Glory của bạn, xin
mời kiểm tra!
8B7FF7746AD7B912_## =
8B80A08E924A2B5E_## = 签到图片
8B886C63294E7FD3_## = Nhận thêm quà tặng khi tiêu Quân Huy trong thời gian sự
kiện\nLưu ý: Không tính số Quân huy tiêu trong Shop tế đàn
8B8873F9C40C9659_## =
8B89DA4CB0891FB9_## =
8B8C7B48DBADFEE6_## = Unknown
8B8DBB08C4BD7E67_## =
8B8ED3F004C254B0_## = Platinum
8B902F5C9B9790CC_## =
8B90D48DE02A8AFA_## = Don't overextend! Get back to farming.
8B91CB6844BCB6C0_## =
8B928DE66551ADD2_## = Trial Card: Try out Wonder Woman for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
8B92E3AEB6F4EB84_## = Best Buddies Gift
8b937c5f4d8acd03 = Attack Speed
8B9482C097511007_## =
8B96544893BA09ED_## = Cooldown
8B973E9087FC86CA_## =
8B97DA10EE9B13F7_## = Thẻ thử Sát thủ (1 ngày)
8B980022B96AB480_## = Thane
8B98B8EFA315AE0D_## = Technoblade
8B9F89D684E37B5C_## = Ormarr
8BA1891FAA4982E0_## = Base Damage
8BA4223D365E3DEE_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đón Xuân mới - Khuyến mãi nạp thẻ mỗi
ngày! của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
8BA73F968FFB8BD6_## = Burst
8BAC605C222A39DF_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
8BAEB8AD6D364298_## = Quick-Buy Placement
8BB41472A51A6448_## =
8BB46826B016521B_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
8BBA09ABAE4520D8_## = Original
8BBD3AABD101B025_## =
8BBF0DDD48E5EF30_## = Level 7 Chest
8BC26CDE258AA323_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
8BC2C05FDB21A784_## =
8BC3705CF87A6F23_## = 7 日累積簽到
8BC5427BA6B59545_## = Base Damage
8BC6A257CC8B92F6_## = Melee
8BC6B8ADAC2ACB26_## = Cooldown
8BC840E99051DE13_## = Rương Joker Đặc biệt!
8BC971DC1DEE489B_## = 7 日累積簽到
8BC9C64BFA867AE7_## =
8BCBA55F42CFCC1D_## =
8BCCC803B39BA0A7_## = Long Range
8BCDE9FBAC1D5EFF_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
8BD0DA6B5D20AD8E_## =
8BD1A0FD4DFCA919_## = <blankspace89>
8BD244A7A31B2C01_## =
8BD341ED0C94624F_## = When in a group battle, cast Zanis' Dragon's Wrath first to
control enemies, then use Blood Wyrm to increase his attack speed and finish them
8BD3BA7E79A053F3_## = Rương may mắn Moren
8BDB1938C42A37A9_## =
8BDB8F4321C53BCE_## = Limited Event Gift
8BDC9E1F6FBBE26A_## = Use the<color=#f6bf17ff>joystick</color> to control your
hero's movement.
8BE092F00B604BDF_## =
8BE2C1FE4B9E7C87_## = Trang phục đón xuân
8BE313C9C5C3C710_## = Original
8BE6331DF52D40DB_## = Vacuum Damage
8BEDB12FF6A39526_## =
8BF3255A59F17212_## = Level 3 Activity Rewards
8bf9a6e00adac29e = Welcome to<color=#f6bf17ff> Valley Skirmish </color>,\nOn this
Battlefield<color=#f6bf17ff> Lauriel</color> will team up with<color=#f6bf17ff>
8BFAC94DD4AFF973_## =
8BFBD251117D0B5E_## =
8BFEB1467AC7046E_## =
8BFFA277349422C6_## = When in a group battle, cast Zanis' Dragon's Wrath first to
control enemies, then use Blood Wyrm to increase his attack speed and finish them
8C020C28FBDA7BE8_## =
8C07609F0110F215_## = Original
8C08A82BEB706964_## = Butterfly
8C0952C5590A6472_## = Trial Card: Try out Arduin's skin: Royal Guard for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
8c0e2a75ef5dab49 = Mana cost: 100\n
8C1759581CD4F034_## = Số trụ phá {C}/{T}
8C17CCF5D9F825AA_## = Base Damage
8C1FB90346DF888D_## =
8C213465D26BD4E8_## = Gains 2-5 attack damage for every 1% of HP lost. Scales with
8C21B37D50FF9105_## =
8C22C59FBC930D11_## = Melee
8C263010CA92978E_## = Rương Tình nhân
8C2696433EA675FE_## =
8C27C3C6E252CDC5_## = Slimz
8C27EDA764AA17C0_## =
8C2A68D628E39318_## =
8C2B77BB6252E967_## = Ormarr
8C2C844B12AC9681_## = Trial Card: Try out Zill's skin: Ripper for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this skin.
8C3112B6305B5709_## =
8C321EA1E944979D_## =
8C34825DEF926427_## =
8C37682F79A38CE8_## =
8C381FCF1861FF7C_## = Trial Card: Try out Diaochan for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
8C38E1BAF2EF4650_## =
8C3A08E150FE7165_## = Practical Training
8C3AE43952765AD1_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Lục)
8C3C510DB4961ACF_## =
8C400B5716907A22_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
8C403EF5544FA1CA_## =
8c408c1878e0a05c = 8c408c1878e0a05c_##
8C45E3EB7C347125_## = Mảnh trang phục (1~10)
8C464474A8ABAC0E_## =
8C4B239EBC1CB10B_## = Cooldown Speed
8C4CC7FA1A210D97_## = Cooldown
8C4DC3F84BFF6614_## = 登录送春季皮肤宝箱
8C584A1101AA674A_## = Master
8C59EB356798199D_## = Summer Bash
8C5C4827616D7362_## = Kahlii absorbs the power of the wraith and gains an
absorption shield. She also gains <color=#f8be32>{0}</color> ability power and
<color=#f8be32>{1}%</color> movement speed for 60 seconds.
8C5DDB670E5CDAF6_## = Long Range
8C601153CD35D2B3_## = Original
8C62361C99E78B65_## =
8C640C4D8AD0301A_## = Nakroth swings his blades against enemies in range, dealing
{0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> each hit,
with the last hit knocking enemies into the air. He is immune to control effects
for the duration of this ability.
8C65C99BBC992E15_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
8C65E6AC17ED9CAC_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi để nhận ruby miễn phí
8C6775F550675152_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
8C6A601669468B7D_## = Slash
8C6BBA7DED98F5D1_## =
8C6EE0FA965E0E96_## =
8C722F4564E9A0A2_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
8C731B86C9D1997D_## =
8C7570DBA36E8168_## =
8C76AD6C8FB2E59D_## = Tỉnh Hải Dương
8C770CC547A37F60_## = Rally
8C78C8B99C0F7596_## =
8C7A3413AD4B96E6_## = Trial Card: Try out Lu Bu's skin: Crimson
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
8C81FC5345D7252D_## = Đây là phần thưởng Chào năm mới 2018 (Chiến thắng) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
8C8419BC0F61C056_## =
8C8BE3591DE8398D_## =
8C8E650894C6766F_## = Original
8C8ED35E47D534C3_## = Unknown
8C910D0A610037A3_## = Melee
8C9509F22DEA1599_## =
8C955B05CF341DEA_## =
8C95C4205A9F62D6_## =
8C973D857417029F_## = Lauriel Lucky Draw
8C985A4B2B1D677D_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
8C9A2048383A078B_## = An error has occurred. Error code: 2003
8C9A355F3309ECEB_## =
8C9C6D410D01AEF6_## = Zanis triggers his inner dragon blood to remove all debuffs
and increase his movement speed by 80% for 1.5 seconds. He also enhances his next
normal attack, which deals an additional {0} <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>
to nearby targets and reduces their movement speed by 50% for 2.5 seconds.
8C9E92843EFFFED8_## =
8CA0FD05D65AA51B_## =
8CA3FA5DB4B2A701_## =
8CA440102B934CA6_## = Hộp quà thú vị (tướng)
8CA736E24638AB8B_## =
8ca79b763016f644 = 8ca79b763016f644_##
8CA7DB6180865D07_## = Túi ngọc III ngẫu nhiên (đỏ)
8CA9092DD6796DD7_## = Every time The Flash moves 4 units, he will receive one stack
of speed force. Upon reaching 10 stacks, The Flash will activate the speed force,
strengthening his next normal attack while dashing forward. He also temporarily
reduces his target's movement speed by {0}% and deals <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color>
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>. When he hits his target, he gains a shield of
{2} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{3})</color>.
8CAD18141DE0F4F1_## = Trial Card: Try out Yorn's skin: Po Po for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this skin.
8CB15E4130BEAD47_## = That all you got?
8CB551E3125EBB06_## = Zephys
8CB676EF8F19D6CA_## =
8cb8abd086c88a27 = Bronze
8CBA878EF2C91C75_## =
8CC6025535339F42_## = Tỉnh Bình Dương
8CC6C85740CA0137_## = Đổi Dấu ấn Tulen
8CC703236237D237_## = Share liền tay, nhận ngay quà
8cc79913a1fff6f7 = 8cc79913a1fff6f7_##
8CCB0FB4D3FDF71F_## =
8CCCD636437A8047_## = Warrior
8CCD637C5136FA23_## = Reach Level {0}
8CCE2334FFACE51C_## = Trial Card: Try out Murad for <color=#01d1f8ff>3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this hero.
8CD24E33DF1D2762_## = Every 5 seconds, Ryoma's next normal attack unleashes a
shadow blade that has a longer range and deals <color=#f18d00>{0}</color>
<color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to each enemy hit and reduces enemy movement
speed by {1}% for 2 seconds. Enemies hit by the shadow blade at the outer border of
the range will suffer an additional 50% <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>.
8CD61A917CAD1ABE_## =
8CD8E256B0758B83_## = obsolete+da0787e712ce1b97
8CDA4E574CB35C3D_## = Original
8CDC1B67BEA51767_## =
8CE26F998FEEF117_## = 元旦登陆活动
8CE93778D9F02CFC_## = Marksman
8CE9F317ADC8E495_## = Đây là phần thưởng Share trang phục nhận quà Giáng sinh của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
8CEC37E4201212CF_## = Level 25 Chest
8CEC6BFC77BE14B2_## = 和好友对战送物品宝箱
8CEF3EC110B89811_## = Blue Altar
8CF1E5C7F0C2F2CD_## =
8cf29dd9f16f1771 = Check
8CF3078D1BB91EB8_## = That all you got?
8CF6D25A1DBE8691_## = Unlocked at level 4.
8CF71A52E89D6337_## =
8CFB599B0DB6A08F_## =
8CFB9BA042B66D6E_## = Melee
8CFC3831B96B25B9_## =
8D02ABC84D970CCE_## =
8D02E88425FA01EB_## = Mở để nhận thẻ thử tướng và trang phục Airi 1 ngày
8D054FD19B508F0D_## =
8D0A27ECAB1F0AA5_## = "Torture brings suffering, and suffering brings
power."\n\nClawing from the deepest pits of Hell with seething fury and vile
intents for torture and suffering, Maloch would become the ruler of the
Ravenors. \n\nHe knew full well the world's most cruel and sadistic punishments. He
enjoyed nothing more than shattering the souls of those unfortunate enough to cross
his path. The howls of pain and anguish that emerge from the torture pits within
Hell were music to Maloch's ears, and that was where he drew powers from. In this
place where light could never touch, the Ravenors were law and they served
Maloch. \n\n"My underlings hunger for my power, but they shall never have it!"
Maloch was always proud to demonstrate his cold intellect and vile schemes, and was
quick to refute any rumors about his foolhardiness.\n\nMaloch's cruelty knew no
bounds, and he frequently delighted himself by torturing the Ravenors under his
command until their very souls were broken. It helped passing his time, but Maloch
gradually grew tired of them as well.\n\n"Every living soul must lay broken,
weeping and pleading for death at my feet!" He thought to himself. With this new
desire, Maloch left his realm and sought out battles.\n\n"I will show all that
breathe what true suffering really is!"
8D0A5F43B73AD4AD_## = Nakroth
8D0AE6A831C33CCE_## = Nam vương
8D0B9F1C1B4760B7_## = Defense
8D0DA018AE1D39D2_## =
8D1127F1CAE188C7_## =
8D175D52E4993B51_## =
8D1C4EEC1637F2C7_## = Platinum
8D1DEDF7B89E3357_## =
8D203749D04CA92A_## =
8D210EB93C37F5DC_## = Sử dụng các tướng Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman hoàn tất 1
trận đấu thường trong chế độ 5v5 để tham gia sự kiện. Chi tiết sự kiện xem tại
trang chủ
8D25082236C2358F_## =
8D27DBFBC76E56B9_## =
8D2B1944F33C6483_## =
8D2BAD4D26A46820_## = OK
8D2F5E7A7933CDF0_## = Trial Card: Try out Batman's skin: Leatherwing for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
8D2FA180C2D4F4F0_## =
8D3041B32369169A_## = Nạp Quân Huy - Nhận Vé quay Kho Báu
8D308407B446CD3C_## = OK
8D33792CBC2670A6_## = Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
8D341EC478248453_## = Marksman
8D34E70FC639F3E9_## = Trial Card: Try out Ryoma's skin: Gunslinger for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
8D374881A9497D4F_## =
8D37990F86163551_## = Raz
8d38a9c282724195 = Chest obtained
8D38F9584126872D_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
8D3D724C6017C671_## = 打开获得马洛斯英雄体验卡+幽暗冥王体验卡
8D42F725BFE17642_## = Chaugnar: Hazmat
8D45B64F3A737BE1_## = Gold
8D4A699E5681A237_## =
8D4B5BA9FCD93305_## = Chaugnar unleashes a wave of energy, dealing {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to enemies along
the path and slowing their movement speed by 50% for 2 seconds.
8D4B784935303319_## = Your request of skin: {1} from {0} has been refused.
8D4BFFD745198FC7_## = Sử dụng để quy đổi Tướng/Trang phục từ Sự kiện sinh nhật
vào ngày 26/11
8D51A009C75A84B5_## = Is high mobility or high damage more important? (3/3)
8D53D7BB69B3979C_## = Paragon
8d57bc6b0d4eabc5 = Surrender Result
8D5CEA0E8961E8C9_## = Normal attacks have a pierce effect that deals
<color=#7FFFD4>{0}</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>.
8D607D84DD86BFBB_## =
8D60C015E258B4A2_## =
8D61BB5311DE2B50_## = Verdant
8D6327CBC613765B_## = Prom Queen
8D64A18305D0EED1_## = Abomination
8D655FA6710B5497_## = Mina
8D68BF2F262DD1D1_## = Congratulations! The guild, <color=#ffd700>{0}</color>, has
been successfully created with <color=#ffd700>{1}</color> as the Guild Leader.
8D6BDC38B16626F0_## = Action not available to room owner.
8D6D08BD05F91950_## = 本週活動精選
8D6D1C287A591E41_## =
8D6E7290B291AF08_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin: Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this skin.
8D71B19635FA1B83_## =
8D71CF7DB3DC81F9_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi để nhận ruby miễn phí
8D736CA80446A81A_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
8D75165E2F09EEE6_## = Trial Card: Try out Aleister's skin: Voidweaver for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
8D760E77606E0DBA_## = Open for a chance to receive Murad, the Outlaw skin or other
8D794C1709AA67DA_## = +50% Exp Năm mới
8D7CE32B2148D9F0_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Teemee để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
8D7D2A6899D119DA_## = Arum
8D7E08699FAB7029_## =
8D81CD3DCB1C2C3D_## =
8D838DDDA69BF0B1_## =
8D860D690D95CCC5_## =
8D8AB274699B5C2F_## = Unknown
8d8af6b6ff9b6ef6 = Centered on Button\n<color=#827864><size=20>(Recommended for
8D8BE9813E55CEC0_## = Original
8D8F6368FC32F997_## = Original
8D94B40E6A77CEE3_## =
8D96D054AA6FA106_## =
8D976F171EF1CFC5_## = Kill {0} enemy [/0:$(hero|heroes)/] with less than 10% HP
remaining in a single match
8D98063201C2BFA9_## = Rương ngọc may mắn - Những ngọc tuyệt hảo kết hợp với Yorn
Thế tử nguyệt tộc
8D9AB7926530B3FA_## =
8D9C78901DB145F3_## = Sustained Damage
8DA02E1B0CAC229E_## = Defense
8DA0A2C977B3F4E5_## = Rương tướng
8DA46B283E499922_## =
8DA9EF1144EAEC09_## = Divine Light
8DAA0BFB5740F48C_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Tím)
8DAB50B068AA35B6_## =
8DB128FDC1113BE6_## = Every successful attack and ability places a Mark of
Precision on Moren. At 5 stacks, the cooldown for Tactical Maneuver is refreshed
immediately and Moren gains 12-26% (1% increase per level) Life Steal.
8DB444E866F970F5_## = Divine Punishment
8DBA3118D8C8EB3D_## =
8DC478C8DA646B18_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
8DC5D6898A7422EF_## = Shuriken
8DC73B342DAB8F72_## = Wicked Plot
8DC95CA4F504D17D_## =
8DCA2027F4808EEA_## = Azzen'Ka
8DCC15AB1441DB60_## = Astrid
8DCF0D19119D9CB7_## =
8DD19D892BB19617_## = Bronze
8DD24E9ED2E43E71_## =
8DD2DAE814D650BE_## = Sentinel
8DD3698916472D98_## =
8DDB442A566B7F85_## =
8DDC58875F87F35E_## = Enraged Spear
8DDE96980730DE1E_## = Rương ngọc may mắn - Bộ ngọc tốt nhất để sử dụng với kết
hợp với Lindis
8DE3A82E7A75D1FC_## =
8DE468CFCE1D8C20_## =
8DEBB9ED24D360D3_## = Đây là phần thưởng Săn mục tiêu lớn của bạn, xin mời kiểm
8dedc860589b6788 = Poster
8DEEB6485CEE9DBD_## =
8DF2AFF1C1CDC1CB_## = Siege
8DF6D347E24991DC_## =
8DFCF5CC052FBBDF_## = Attack damage
8DFD28AE09F43FFE_## = Tỉnh Lâm Đồng
8DFDD792F7ED9FB3_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
8DFEEBFF83ED4FB4_## = Using abilities increases movement speed by 20% for 1 second.
8E00621ADF871E0D_## = Hero Trial Card
8E06D99EF14D37EE_## = Murder Clown
8E07C653830551B8_## =
8E07E5F852F0CE4F_## =
8E0975B3C35516FC_## = Pocket Glaive
8E0A8EA1BBD5471F_## = Trial Card: Try out Zuka for <color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days.
You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this hero.
8E0BCE169F00DF3C_## = Base Damage
8E0CA946F121DE85_## =
8E0F0811287043AE_## = <color=#00d5ff>Main Quest:</color> \nDestroy an outer tower
8E0F5B973B566415_## = Mở để nhận thẻ thử tướng và thử trang phục 1 ngày
8E10094387D002AC_## = <color=orange>Tướng & trang phục miễn phí!</color>Ngoài ra
còn vô số Ruby và Vàng đang chờ đợi. Chỉ cần <color=orange>đăng nhập & nhận
quà</color>, đơn giản đến không tưởng!
8E1273DABB875D8D_## =
8E12F1DD34197F9C_## =
8E14503F0E925824_## = Quẩy cùng anh em!
8E15C759CE3FA6CC_## = Chơi tướng D.C - Cơ hội xem phim miễn phí!
8E1895D6603EC211_## = Cresht gains Rage with normal attacks when Metamorphosis is
not active. When morphed, Cresht shakes the earth each time he uses an ability,
reducing movement speed of enemies in the area by 50% for 2 seconds and
significantly increases his attack damage.
8E18EF76AB065DC9_## = Tỉnh Nghệ An
8E25380C4380D645_## = All the heroes long to fight for you!
8E25B36091F0DE53_## =
8E2E87C64EDCC862_## =
8E2FC2806091C45D_## = Defense
8E316BE21962571E_## =
8E326776ED3A30E0_## =
8E328830D48D1E6B_## = Trial Card: Try out Omega for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
8e33897b4b981b07 = No favorite heroes yet
8E343C06A4666B51_## = "My magic staff is getting rusty!"\n\nAfter completing the
journey to the west, Wukong earned the title, "Victorious Fighting Buddha" for all
his accomplishments, and he got to stay at Pūrva-videha to enjoy all the donations
from the mortals. However, such a peaceful life was not suitable for the restless
Wukong, who always thought about his days of adventuring on the Silk
Road.\n\nWukong had traveled thousands and thousands of miles by foot, and survived
81 tribulations. With the staff in hand, he defeated countless fierce monsters,
increasing the body count along the way to the West. Wukong was never warm-hearted
or well-behaved. Had he not been on Gautama Buddha's leash, he would have gotten
into fights every day, even after becoming a god.\n\nWhen the crisis of Athanor
spread to Pūrva-videha, Wukong knew that it was the chance he had been waiting for.
Pretending to investigate the crisis, Wukong volunteered to head for Athanor, where
he returned to his old self, alerting all heroes to his presence.\n\nAs divinity
tends to attract one another, Ilumia the Seer was the first to converse with
Wukong. By her invitation, Wukong became one of the members of the Holy Hall and
enjoyed the donations with the other deities. Ilumia promised that Wukong would not
be bound by rules as long as he did no harm to Vedä. In other words, Wukong could
battle any enemy hero at any time.\n\n"I've been idle for 500 years. I can't wait
any longer!"\n
8E41D528BA32C52C_## = Ignis' abilities place the Mark of the Flame on targets. The
mark activates after 1 second and adds an additional effect for his next ability
used within 2.5 seconds.
8E44DB8EDABF2273_## =
8E4749F67692D901_## = Tel'Annas
8E48C3CFA48C0173_## = Mở để nhận ngẫu nhiên 1 trong các VP: Trang phục vĩnh viễn,
mảnh trang phục và Ruby may mắn
8E497079124145E1_## = Firefighter
8E4A013C77395894_## =
8E4DAE633ABE1C7D_## = Zuka
8E4DB8FCF8F0688C_## = Chỉ cần đăng nhập - nhận ngay Huy hiệu LQM! Có thể sử dụng
đổi trang phục vĩnh viễn!
8E4FBE9A987B7795_## = Sonicboom
8E50AF10F0BAC8CD_## =
8E526C568426C4D3_## =
8E547AB7F57F03F2_## = Cooldown
8E56E45268059D20_## = Fox Form
8E5CA0D895AF4075_## = Unknown
8E5D25DBBC813F81_## = Might Golem
8E5D828B6D151A34_## = Đây là phần thưởng Khuyến mãi nạp Quân Huy của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
8E5F811653878B58_## =
8E657CFA3882094A_## =
8E68FBBAD9DC01FB_## =
8E69F96AFF33FC7E_## =
8E6AC2E41991B637_## =
8E6AC6D77CEB2E7A_## =
8E6F3C9884BE623E_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Cresht {C}/{T} lần
8E7067803377CF51_## =
8E7239F3447AF16F_## = Original
8e73acbf1635d809 = Event
8E748818B5E529BD_## = Cơ hội hiếm có để sở hữu ngọc III bằng Quân Huy
8E75C89DFC5A65C9_## =
8E77A2EC55663A59_## = Marksman
8E7AA85112675A15_## =
8E7D9C3E0C01D7AF_## =
8E7DC0B22E27762D_## = 7 日累積簽到
8E7F873FB0AE3E51_## =
8E808BC777E2F8A0_## =
8E827C9ED16519D6_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
8E8369E023452F48_## = Trial Card: Try out Omen's skin: Bloody Baron
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
8E874AD425A7D34A_## = Let's go get the<color=#f6bf17ff> Might Buff</color>.
8E8867378C48FDA5_## = Limited-time offer
8E89B0312ECE6251_## = Unknown
8E8ED686C1C9E7C6_## =
8E92A3031D035DF0_## = Đây là phần thưởng Share liền tay, nhận ngay quà của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
8E93573DDA15336F_## = Butterfly
8E93D53D43916132_## = Fox Form
8E94F8CE3B5ED416_## = Natalya
8E97FD7C9C64DA8E_## = Tham gia sự kiện Tết gắn kết - Anh em chấp hết tại
sukien7.lienquan.garena.vn - Nhận Dấu ấn Tulen và đổi tướng miễn phí!
8E9D337EE36E4E5D_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
8E9E99D3DD608000_## =
8E9F3D3035A2EBB9_## =
8EA1EA9D3925823C_## =
8EA3CFF79E698C94_## = Ilumia
8EA604B0512A52B0_## = Unknown
8EAAB34F33C27761_## =
8eac13763c6ae9ae = 8eac13763c6ae9ae_##
8EAF49FEC0389785_## = Ranked Match
8EB2136ADDA35376_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Tím)
8EB2C8C82BFBC6C4_## =
8EB9546FFC19E471_## =
8EBAC21B45DDCAA8_## = Original
8EBD95F32F1E9260_## = 26.11 - Quà đăng nhập đặc biệt
8EC0F5DED0FB15FD_## =
8EC45F76785CAF32_## =
8ec7dad257ac1e94 = To redeem
8EC8E09281797C59_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
8ECE5A0E279FA44A_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
8ECE95D34D37C652_## = Unknown
8ED65CD6658381D5_## = Pay attention to positioning.
8ED77CA4DD75619E_## = Base Damage
8ED7A1EA8B08DFDE_## = Gói ưu đãi tướng Skud. Thêm 3 Vé Quay giá chỉ 30 Quân Huy!
8EDD8ED2BB131667_## = Arum
8EE62169E660A66B_## = I am the MVP
8EE7713FE9B19080_## =
8EEB1A08F1DC12DB_## = Every {0} seconds, dealing damage to an enemy hero triggers
Zuka's Chi, increasing his attack damage by 14/15.5/17/18.5/20% (occurs at Level
1/4/7/10/13) for the next {1} seconds.
8EEC704163EA5D78_## =
8EF183FBAD19DABC_## = Level 8 Activity Rewards
8EF7933638A2DDD8_## = Mobility
8EF9EF5B215B095F_## = Base Damage
8EFEE82FF636972E_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Wukong) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
8F0445BA5315FE67_## =
8F07982695223FAE_## =
8F09049B8D43A578_## = obsolete+555084b6d87a0516
8F0A0B44B05495DF_## =
8F0C194DF3A6A9B5_## =
8F1223576137C05D_## =
8F13345A9B89A8D1_## = Share trang phục nhận quà Giáng sinh
8F1533E8F40AA980_## =
8F18FBF842BAA3ED_## = Open to receive the Hero: Krixi
8F1BC12CEB8CF6E6_## = Cooldown
8F1D3A574D8CB245_## =
8F1FEBC841672080_## = Cooldown
8F2014ECAC3AB8FC_## = Not Available
8F234CDB1032290A_## =
8F23560281E917E6_## = <color=#00d8ff>Objective:</color> \nDefeat
the<color=#f6bf17ff> Sage Golem</color>
8F2432FA3496B9BB_## = Sharkover
8F2CFF3B119B98A5_## =
8F2DE61CE24A7776_## = 7 日累積簽到
8F31F015A76F4926_## =
8F333AB663BB0E72_## =
8F3554693B4BD21B_## = Thu thập 2 mảnh Chúc mừng năm mới và Mậu Tuất 2018 để đổi 8
trang phục miễn phí tùy chọn!
8F35C6CA8402626F_## =
8F369BE8F8AD9E19_## =
8F38B03EFA4E5F1F_## =
8F3A189317A6ADE5_## = Shield Increase
8F3AFF6D6775BD0C_## =
8F3C00C5D6ED9FC3_## = That all you got?
8F3C52A28AFB9803_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Chiến thắng)
8F41CB458690BD71_## =
8F42C6A95301BA01_## = Original
8F4373CB578EB097_## = Let's be friends.
8F45218E3C427732_## = Chơi là có quà
8F46291DA8DE439F_## = Base Damage
8F4A84AE3FB938AB_## = Blue Gunner
8F4B7B63C80B88BF_## =
8F4BD12F5A1AB146_## = Trial Card: Try out Natalya's skin: Snow Festival for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
8F4EF51D60DE1573_## =
8F5026DD5AB612B5_## = Death Sentence
8F51BE8396568EF4_## = Cooldown
8F581332AB293648_## = Tower dive!
8F5CC73A289BC1C9_## =
8F5E0297DB818E7F_## =
8F5F15D8FEE59F1D_## =
8F61814A0F653729_## =
8F62A4E71EA7A4C7_## =
8f655ddcea5efc6a = Talents
8F6582D06565C2BF_## =
8F6641087389801D_## = 参与 5V5
8F689CAC9816DB01_## = Lindis
8F68AC4E82A556FC_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
8F691A84308B703B_## =
8f691d124294de01 = Purchase Vouchers
8F6AC913E7F0C646_## =
8F6E04106C299229_## = Original
8F6E91847B5A8A71_## = Not only is Wisp the adopted daughter of the renowned master
Moren, she is also the younger sister of Max, the “Wunderkind”. While envied by
many in Cedar City, a hub for talented elites from all around Athanor, Wisp
secretly confessed that it’s difficult being the sister of a genius.\n\nBut having
a famous father and a genius brother does have its perks. Under their influences,
Wisp became a tinkerer of machines at a very young age, even though everything she
touched broke down mysteriously or simply exploded. Eventually she became known as
the “Demolition Expert of the Lab”.\n\n“Don’t worry, it’s just wear and tear,”
Moren always comforted Wisp with these kind words to encourage her to keep
exploring. She believed him and carried on with her experiments, but at the expense
of Max, who worked in the same lab and had to put up with mysterious explosions,
shock waves and the mess that Wisp left behind...\n\n“Don’t worry, it’s just wear
and tear,” Wisp would comfort Max with those very same words.\n\nIn less than two
years, Wisp had mastered everything about machines and what they are capable of.
She also found her calling in bombs, which meant that she had to move into the
mountainous areas with less residents to carry out advanced
experiments.\n\nNaturally, Max was very happy about this arrangement, because it
meant he would be free from the nightmare that is his sister. But being the big
brother, he was still worried about her moving out, so he built her the
“Destructor”, a mechanical transport that becomes deadly when loaded with
ammunition.\n\n“Thank you, bro!” Wisp immediately climbed into the cockpit. Max
suddenly recalled a fatal bug that he hadn’t fixed, but it was too late. The
Destructor came to a halt after a series of grinding noises.\n\nWisp scowled, “What
was that? Did you build me something defective?”\n“It was just an accident!” Max
replied, but he was really thinking, “well, you touched, it, so it broke
down.”\n\n“Actually, you are now an extraordinary tinkerer, so you should fix it
yourself,” Moren finally spoke up.\n\n“A piece of cake!” Wisp complied, slid down
from the Destructor and grabbed the wrench from Max.\n\nSoon, Wisp and a
functioning Destructor were on their way. Both Moren and Max had smiles on their
faces as they saw her off. She was finally on her own. But before they even turned
around to go home, an explosion rocked the area and they could hear Wisp screaming,
“the energy core just exploded! Help me fix this!”
8F747610662F012C_## =
8F7B2B6920808121_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
8F7E444F43277E4F_## = Voidweaver
8F7ED2DDE944132F_## = When Astrid's HP falls below 80%, she gains a shield that
absorbs {0} HP for 4 seconds. The shield effect has a 24-second cooldown and will
be reactivated when Astrid takes damage again. While the shield is active, it deals
{1} <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to surrounding enemies. Cooldown is reduced
by 3 seconds every time Astrid hits an enemy hero with an ability or normal attack
and by 1.5 seconds every time she hits an enemy minion or monster.
8F80816A1A7E85CA_## = Guest Mode Notice
8F81A473153BDA64_## = Demolition Mode
8F83E395AC269A15_## = Alice
8F845245A44A17B5_## = Đăng nhập giờ vàng
8F869D51E5593F24_## =
8F89CE2C3E990302_## =
8F8A62C7327855F6_## = Veera
8F8BCEED1100368D_## = Murad
8F8F2AA421318229_## =
8F901FEC06618029_## =
8F90BD946DE9B813_## =
8f9114fc950402b3 = Drag outside the ability area
8F91D7BE06AFD5CB_## =
8F94818C44815079_## =
8F9BBED861482E4D_## = Chơi bản đồ 5v5 Miền đất hứa (Thường & Hạng) để nhận ruby
miễn phí
8FA2EC2F87AFED69_## =
8FA691F49ADB728E_## = Đấu với bạn - Tết đến rồi
8FA93F560F8757F7_## = Peura's Skin: Verdant
8FA9752FC1B4F4B5_## = Butterfly
8FAFD1F9000DAED0_## =
8FAFFA4F03AF1954_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
8FB1706F3EBC71E5_## = Use Maloch's Cleave to hit an enemy hero and enchant his
weapon. This will make his normal attacks and subsequent Cleave attacks deal true
damage and restore a lot of HP.
8FB1AAB297458688_## = Unknown
8FB3068C52874A6A_## = Unknown
8FB361E75E36633A_## =
8FB4FC29142B1264_## =
8FB61F77F8681CF5_## =
8FB880BFB3B600D8_## = Quà tặng thú vị. Biết đâu nàng lại thích ăn bánh thay vì
8FBCBE15DE635E42_## =
8FC119FB51F3B429_## = 签到图片
8FC1353BCAF45DD0_## =
8FCF6E7DD0C58C1E_## =
8FCF8BE6C3C983F3_## = 中国移动|VIETTEL|VINAPHONE|Mobifone|Vietnamobile|BeelineVN|
8FD55139E0FA7327_## =
8FD9EFA46A7DAD31_## =
8FDA1ED8D2D5F142_## = Unique Passive - Pentapower: After using an ability, the next
normal attack within 5 seconds deals 100% more physical damage. 2-second cooldown.
8FDB54194D0D0706_## =
8FDBC82739F0462D_## = Use Valhein's Bullet Storm at close range to maximize its
damage to enemies. After triggering a golden glaive with his passive, quickly
follow up with more normal attacks to destroy your stunned opponent.
8FE24364E7C42BE3_## = (Inflict large amounts of damage from abilities)
8FE679DBDE8B0C09_## =
8FE83BF3B8A15835_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
8FEC0419D624146C_## = Bloodlust Cooldown
8FEC4F26DA335520_## = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Choose your arcana wisely so it
complements your current hero.
8FEC57116FBAA9F6_## = Moren
8FED8DDA230FEF20_## = 限時充值送好禮(test)
8FEF5AA89FA21495_## =
8FEFF6645840BE51_## =
8FF1836A3A164895_## = 签到图片
8FF493766F140A24_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
8FF6D791E67E491C_## =
8FF6F5BE83A91F51_## =
8FF9EA5945E96BFF_## =
8FFB32DA9F464E64_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
8FFD0C77030E30B8_## =
8FFFE4AFB3642C9C_## = Hoverboarding recall effects
90038A27A062FA8C_## = That all you got?
9005AD15DB76667C_## = Increases armor and magic defense
9006A46BEABFE845_## =
90084C99A6769681_## = Alice summons a cursed circle, reducing movement speed of
enemies within range by {0}% for 2 seconds and decreasing their magic defense by
{1}%. While active, the circle also deals {2} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{3})</color>
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> every 0.5 seconds and silences enemies within
for 1 second.
90088E59FB2C4F5F_## =
9008B7C04A922B21_## = Rương may mắn 7QH
900AEBE24AA3ACA1_## =
900DAF50FF4ECC9B_## =
9011FC37089485C5_## =
9012C8DBE4C9B7CD_## = Violet
9014FE9958514ABA_## = 打开活动 TOG 精选阵容英雄 1 日体验卡
901501755673414C_## = Ignis
9018A4B7710FC86E_## = Original
901925FC40B2D979_## =
901B99F81C8228E0_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
901CC7D2ECC52450_## = Guard
901D39C20DD0E4B4_## = 签到图片
90208FF2A27C3F0E_## =
902493CB2DDB994D_## = Attack Speed +1.2%
9026BF892C870B03_## = Liên Quân đón Xuân
9026DEB46FC64B28_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
902AADF0355BBB82_## =
902B73A615F21824_## = Xeniel selects an ally hero to bless with {0}% damage
reduction for 3 seconds as he soars into the air towards the ally hero's location
at the time of casting. After 2.2 seconds, Xeniel crashes down in the target area
dealing {1} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{2})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to
nearby enemies, while also healing the ally hero for 15% of their maximum HP and
increasing Xeniel's movement speed by 40% for 3 seconds.
902D1D428BEA10C8_## =
902DA9D9CFD40E92_## = Range increased
9035C0179EDE79E7_## = Combo thẻ thử tướng và trang phục Nakroth 1 ngày
90373D3FBF358879_## =
9038EC3E8FE5B17F_## = Makin' Moves
9039EE96B1C17D14_## =
903AC997B21F764B_## = Contains 10 Gems, 900 Gold and 1 lvl 1 Arcana: Leech
903B9BCE66A39DCF_## = Trial Card: Try out Arduin's skin: Royal Guard
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
903DBDD4DABF6039_## = Each normal attack increases Kil'Groth's attack speed by {0}-
{1}% (scales with hero level), stacks up to {2} times. Kil'Groth's 3rd normal
attack has a longer attack range.
90432592EDCF169A_## = Receive a random 12 hour trial card
90472ED64C6B3CF7_## =
90490FD05D1213F7_## =
904BEA7F4A1CAD07_## = Quy đổi ngọc lục cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
904E379BF9B4B8A1_## =
904ED6C54ECCF7F6_## =
905331A44A7F379C_## =
90543D6260D09CC2_## =
90547A1AF11236C8_## = Limited Event Gift
90550DB7A72152EC_## =
90576D16948D24BF_## = Let the world hear your voice! Use to broadcast your message
over the Main Menu.
905B2A9D6D8DFC50_## =
905d2a37b26036f = Remove All
9060282C23BE7A56_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
90624AF8B90F4A74_## = Mở để nhận ngẫu nhiên 5-10 Ruby và thẻ thử trang phục ngẫu
nhiên 1 ngày
906274788B41F139_## = Liên Quân đón Xuân
906410372EAD7AED_## =
9065CEF9A013AB26_## = Death From Above
90660455F7E40CAA_## = Everyone makes mistakes. Play safe from now on!
906C44BE57FA40C7_## = Worm, there's no one to save you now!
90701796A065DDA4_## = Tank
907510AC8698AD97_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Tím)
9078DEB7D76E2D20_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
9084dc83d8542c80 = How to use the Mini Map
90852AE341271E14_## = Unknown
90868B1D30BF0A46_## = 击杀魔龙
908C372B278F7941_## = Quang vinh
908DA69BB9347E8F_## =
908E4FFB46BE3B50_## = When in a group battle, cast Zanis' Dragon's Wrath first to
control enemies, then use Blood Wyrm to increase his attack speed and finish them
908F83B7808BB844_## = Endure
90938488E23ADC80_## =
9094FC8A44C9FAAE_## = 7 日累積簽到
909567E31773A4DA_## =
90A1A3A3F31FCFE9_## =
90A337505EC595C8_## = Unique Passive - Bloody Battle: Restores 20% HP over 5
seconds after earning a kill or assist. 10-second cooldown.
90A5A67C0C8B2268_## = Base Heal
90A7FFEB6967DE67_## = Mở để nhận 3 mảnh ngọc có thể đổi ngọc cấp III
90AAA2A992FE21C3_## = That all you got?
90AC678690A9C7EF_## =
90B3711B3C42D6C9_## =
90B7AB4F970EA081_## =
90BAB0FC5A59DE5B_## =
90BB58D09F2A8CBA_## = Blue Inner Tower
90BE982A6ECE5525_## =
90BFBD1F2447BBF6_## =
90CA33C671E3F88E_## =
90CCE7A10A876CEA_## =
90CD3FA2DC63D995_## = Survivability, Sustained Damage
90D08015F1AE87A0_## = Thắng đấu hạng với Kahlii {C}/{T} lần
90D223A69736E5D3_## =
90D5B53CAACEF42D_## = Each normal attack increases Kil'Groth's attack speed by {0}-
{1}% (scales with hero level), stacks up to {2} times. Kil'Groth's 3rd normal
attack has a longer attack range.
90E18D37CE11B126_## = Don
90E5428B0D40508F_## = Trial Card: Try out Yorn's skin: Ghost Samurai for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
90E9982104307691_## =
90EF1FA8B62ED9E5_## = Unknown
90F2E4DF0B94822E_## = Cuộc chiến cứ điểm
90F36D6ACEEBBE3A_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Mortos {C}/{T} lần
90F55E9239985D28_## = 7 日累積簽到
90F8DDC67A06D4EC_## = You have been reported for verbal abuse by multiple players
recently. If you continue this behavior, you have a chance of being muted, having
your Credibility Score lowered, and losing your Brave Points.
9101D9464DE21E44_## = Survivability, Sustained Damage
9105FDE0CD4AFB8F_## =
91073463DF995EBF_## = Tribal Chief
9107D1D7A4420313_## =
9109996130B97288_## = 5V5 经验翻倍
910A14633BB5BD14_## =
910A300E1CCFD104_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
911011438BD178ED_## = Nakroth
9116D8DF7BFF616E_## =
91207DA2E76ABE66_## = Ascended
9122C986388F074B_## = Unknown
9126dec84c8cc2ab = Lowest HP% <color=#827864><size=20>(Default)</size></color>
912c5e84499fb268 = Sonika
912C74C128E148C5_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 hạng mỗi ngày
912EF0DD553EB5F9_## =
91314A8067EC19BB_## =
91352BE675C470D6_## =
91370E4C86E235FE_## =
913AD1740671815F_## =
913B00138EF49820_## = Melee
913D4DE2B85DFB76_## = Trial Card: Try out Liliana's skin: Kumiho's Legacy for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
913E010F314975FD_## = Message deletion failed.
9144F049B37AD2AA_## =
91453135209D69E3_## =
91469C0238F38D28_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
9146D5A0C4A28C86_## =
91497F8E4A000166_## =
9149FA2BBD9A1460_## = The<color=#f6bf17ff> Sage Buff</color> and
the<color=#f6bf17ff> Might Buff</color> can boost your power to better support your
allies along the battle lanes!
915601D620E3E83B_## =
9156BB1272EDA9A0_## = Not Available
91571347B0F60601_## =
915770CC3894F3BF_## =
9157BFEE18C47F25_## = Jungling, Survivability
915A7BA9872021D1_## =
915CC1D88C2E0231_## =
915FC92A83FE0201_## = Starlight
9163A5FC61EEFF5B_## = Base Damage
91646DE455AB6E9A_## = 等級達到{T}級
916D2BC4A76C8D99_## = Trial Card: Try out Zephys' skin: Sentinel
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
916DFADAFAD13224_## =
916E02D2CED2A409_## = Tướng Zuka + trang phục Giáo sư sừng sỏ
91703F9A67FF8C28_## = obsolete+d589bac919977822
9170f28d2fb7ab5e = 9170f28d2fb7ab5e_##
9178E9A800DFC378_## = Zephys' passive allows him to keep fighting even with very
low HP. Purchase equipment that boosts his survivability. Death's Flurry causes a
lot of damage, but make sure to aim it properly to deal as much damage as possible
to multiple enemies.
91808EA7D3ADDC22_## = Base Damage
9184E687AA61381F_## =
91855E43B720307E_## = It's all about strength and skill!
9188BE919072235A_## = Shield Bonus
91899EF6EA06B580_## = Đây là phần thưởng Săn mục tiêu lớn của bạn, xin mời kiểm
918C6C2AA5A7FE6E_## =
91930FA75C595588_## = <color=#d4e600>Purchase Activation</color> \nAfter respawning
you will be able to purchase equipment.
9194529A2EA10D2A_## =
9195754742a8bfce = About the tips :)
9196079224D2DA52_## = Trial Card: Try out Butterfly for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this Hero.
919B4015422EC9AB_## =
91a284c43f181d5c = Day 6
91A3D0FA52141C33_## = Unknown
91A932F8E0B0A965_## =
91A99020123A77B6_## = Trot
91AAB957743433CE_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
91AE0349F999E830_## = We need a Mage!
91AF4F0DDEBD3818_## =
91B1C0302E691769_## =
91B31145302BB219_## = Krixi
91B8B9B3F4FE0E2E_## = Quy đổi ngọc đỏ cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
91BCEC5CF06145EE_## = Rương Thời trang Violet(x4+1)
91BD411BA47755E7_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
91C03D2D0F7324A8_## = Tướng Grakk + Trang phục Grakk Khô lâu
91C1384EC22BC747_## = 本週活動精選
91C1F6CED9AD57F0_## =
91C4A159B7F1E736_## = Trial Card: Try out Mina's skin: Fatal Scythe
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
91C59797836783A0_## = Original
91C5A2D74C474977_## = Đây là phần thưởng Cuộc chiến ngẫu nhiên của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
91C7142909C60BF2_## =
91C857B610FB83AE_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Ilumia {C}/{T} lần
91C8F67B8E34E844_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Zuka + trang phục Sơn tặc
91c95a31b4ac6a9b = obsolete
91C9925689DDF5CA_## = Matrix of Woe
91CB3383D4C41B17_## = Buy Gaia's Standard to protect yourself when enemy mages are
dealing heavy damage.
91CD12C2B11B2BAC_## = Unknown
91CE11AC3110A7B3_## = Thu thập Bánh Chưng và Đầu lân để đổi thưởng Tết mỗi ngày
91DC171FAD70740F_## = Thẻ thử tướng Skud (1 ngày) + 1 Vé quay Kho báu
91DFA89851AAC0A0_## = Unknown
91E04475D79832EA_## = Unknown
91e5d83f1113e47f = a3032
91E7A5EEABE9662B_## =
91EDF0FF47C09EA5_## = 赢得排位送符文碎片
91F1B51903DC3A0C_## =
91F366ED4FD8F209_## = New ability effects
91F485C8CF59CF86_## = Unlocks at level 6
91F9881C13CE79CD_## = Red Outer Tower
91FB84DA78AB0F15_## = Valhein
91FCB6CB7533317F_## =
91FEFC8F6726D1C2_## =
91FF6F7CE1B6C260_## =
91FF98D8C0A215CB_## =
920028CE760D39E1_## = Base Damage
920777C77BE79D85_## = Training Camp Help
9207D1A8EA33F06D_## = Nurse
92080375F0396D45_## =
9209CFA1D0F03211_## = Trial Card: Try out Batman's skin: Hellbat for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
920B1A21E41B4509_## = Yorn
920f6858adc651d6 = Send to friend
921087CE15BC2BFB_## =
9211D0EA5B187293_## = Lunar Fairy
9212B11ACA24F75F_## = 签到图片
92176BE07A5A9D98_## =
9217CFB2DF5393D7_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Đỏ)
921E92926DEECA77_## =
9220B8F4D5D02BE4_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Natalya + trang phục Nghệ nhân lân
92220BA77F4FE684_## =
922306450FB0C957_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
922340D7D2CD3531_## = Unique Passive - Protection: Reduces magic defense of enemies
within 800 units by 75(+5 per level).
9224C40DB145FDC9_## = Please communicate with the team.
922638A8402A8184_## =
92265D82DC65E6C6_## = Thane
9229E9DAE844D112_## = Phá trụ nhận quà
922D10674DA86145_## =
922ED3B2920906C3_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
922EEA6D52680983_## = Leatherwing
9236AECAD21AC44B_## = Tết chưa hết đâu!
923A82CBB0AE8C30_## =
924039A270ED8422_## =
9241DF3B0A4F72CF_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
9244C964E12F1FED_## = Time to battle!
924C8655B9BE26E9_## =
924DC46FD0A935DF_## = Blue Base
9254CD86E03CF675_## =
9255BFBAEFCEB590_## =
9255C8EBD103F619_## =
9259dbdb68dd7e90 = 9259dbdb68dd7e90_##
925C97E2869E2699_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK {C}/{T}
925CF7CEC5D96BAB_## =
925F0228E1A84915_## = Trial Card: Try out Superman's skin: Justice Lord
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
925F22EFD86DC586_## = Đấu trường Huyền thoại
9260001BA481781E_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
9260D96F39D68496_## =
9261012AF073A37E_## = Trial Card: Try out Moren for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this hero.
92612D1D9315FDDD_## = Original
9267EDD5811A9644_## = Murad
926858D2715EFDE6_## =
926942514E032B83_## = Original
9269A3C7EEB31EF6_## =
9269D4B6ECD6CDD4_## = Newbie Bonus
926BFC1621BEB01C_## =
926CC2712CA375C1_## = 本週活動精選
926CF970BB286CB4_## =
9272D0E77C717B94_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Lục)
92763CD8D517BF17_## =
9278968C55936CB4_## =
92795FB9057A3C25_## = 击杀魔龙
927CD8C758033B80_## =
9280395A301DE721_## = 参与 5V5
92826DB04302E272_## = Murder Clown
92848D1950BC8A7E_## =
9284D4CA4086A332_## = 26.11 - Tích lũy chiến công
9285674F631D5901_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
92873EBED861AAE0_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tháng sinh nhật - Tiêu Quân Huy nhận
thưởng của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
9287C23A80CD39EE_## = Combo thử Chaugnar 1n
9294BCCDB3297FDB_## = 新挑戰者首登禮
9296FC1DD1354011_## = Quy đổi ngọc lục cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
9297067D5E3EF1E6_## = Tết đến rồi!
92981BE255A2239A_## = Thu thập 2 mảnh Chúc mừng năm mới và Mậu Tuất 2018 để đổi 3
trang phục miễn phí tùy chọn!
92993FEE941088CE_## =
929B70ED2DE9EC0A_## = Veera
929FF38CF3BA72BA_## =
92A803B14A0A2B06_## = Trial Card: Try out The Joker for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
92AA19042C3FA3E0_## = Original
92AA6644FC3FF541_## = Burst
92B984CACC3FB5E4_## =
92BB5E95EF480A9D_## = Dread Knight
92BEA70C0234899C_## = Omni Arms
92C03236AE28605B_## = Trial Card: Try out Xeniel for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color>
day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
92C13A7622C74EC0_## =
92C45537E15DC2CB_## =
92C5F50DFC91D179_## = Đây là phần thưởng Săn mục tiêu lớn của bạn, xin mời kiểm
92C6A070BE5C9036_## =
92C8558C29968A0E_## = [新英雄-Lindis 登場] 愛不釋手
92C98DB6F27E3C10_## =
92CD9D3FF1620721_## =
92CE06D90AC66228_## =
92CE8F2DCA14D55E_## =
92cec3cfc688bb92 = Watch out for towers
92cecc55577b1f4c = 92cecc55577b1f4c_##
92CF3519F8FCC4B8_## =
92CF42976F059D0C_## = Display Recent Heroes
92D1C30A308E49A1_## = Focus on the towers!
92D404A945D9AA7F_## = The Bone Baron
92D754F0E2779A7C_## = Trial Card: Try out Zuka's skin: Principanda for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
92DE75773EAA9A10_## =
92e02345e7e9859b = Hero Trial
92E0F9D5219C3E28_## = Sweet Revenge
92eb9dc594e335f4 = Redeem
92ebad6762baca94 = 92ebad6762baca94_##
92EF4E89A09906F1_## = Return to the Altar when your HP is running low.
92F0AA38ADFDF855_## = Gói Maloch Ác ma
92F471C0E57DD3F6_## =
92F7852AD523ECD5_## = Nakroth
92fe7d475a8c60cc = HD Display
930CE57234F9D7A8_## = Liên Quân đón Xuân
9313A5D241795F27_## = Bloodlust
93171B8A0E030AF6_## =
931C5318924E505B_## =
931E0ECAC0B3EB9D_## = Unknown
931F184A12FFF3C2_## =
931F81F5201F7A15_## = Zuka
9320E8619F477FDA_## = Original
9321E273F44FD3A8_## = Preyta charges his Plague Specter for up to 2 seconds, then
unleashes it and deals {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
damage</color> for each second spent channeling. Any command while charging will
unleash the Specter immediately to deal reduced damage. In the Disciple of the
Plague state, movement is possible while charging.
93260CE383C0C497_## = 本週活動精選
932654C0F608EFC3_## = Ogre
9327AA192AE5F908_## =
932CD7C45657616C_## =
932F96EC5F6EBDDA_## =
93354C21CF1B608B_## = Shop Purchase
9339cf0e3a002add = 9339cf0e3a002add_##
933B2429B68E4430_## =
933B3514AD85C56E_## = Melee
933DD65493049BF6_## = The things I do for fashion!
9344C32753FDAD53_## =
9347680517ADE525_## =
93477CBAA58FFE3E_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin: Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this skin.
9354984E7705EA6E_## =
9354A6F6AD731BE7_## = <size=30>{0}</size>\n damage dealt per gold earned
9355D440B08DAC5E_## =
93582B12A0B99DA8_## =
935A1F0B48865DC8_## = HP +1500, Armor +200\n[Bloody Battle]
935CD82E995F9D33_## =
935EFFB304927E88_## = 12-18 minutes
9362EBD1AB5F8F79_## = Hunter's Crossbow
936A5E135A4D5104_## =
936d5e9e3dd3930e = 936d5e9e3dd3930e_##
936D73E1F23D351A_## = Valley Skirmish
936D9601CD588765_## = Guild joined
93765C06263CD8B9_## = Zephys
937FADAB2C4DDFA1_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
93825A5737AD2655_## = Arum
9382E570E4494335_## = Original
93851a8fbd3234d7 = Get rewards when you log in for 7 days in total!
93858AD12142C190_## =
938853DAB132601F_## =
93890703EF720514_## = Road to Glory
93896424F42DD208_## = Ability Power +160, Cooldown Speed +10%\n[Prophecy]
938A742676CBF1BD_## = Tidal Rage
938C0E832A4E513E_## = Damage Reduction
938D53867A4C2E4C_## = Spinning Arrow Acceleration
938DC39D26544B15_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nTướng vĩnh viễn
(Raz) / Thẻ thử tướng Raz (3 ngày) / Mảnh tướng
938E1F133091F6A6_## = Tiêu Quân Huy - nhận ưu đãi
938FFAF0347F6884_## = Đổi quà tặng, nhận rương may mắn Valentine
939280A9DAEC61CF_## = Normal Attack
9392C14713E80109_## = <color=#f6bf17ff>Awesome!</color>
93967CF531A44CEA_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
9397092ACE829E6A_## = Alice's Friendship is a very powerful and unique ability that
enables her entire team to go after enemies or retreat quickly. Hissy Fit lowers
enemy's magic defense. Pair her with a mage to completely annihilate the enemy.
9399101BE2B07C45_## =
93997240A70CCC23_## =
9399BD1850A2FA36_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Ngộ Không + trang phục
939E12EDB48509E7_## =
939F52C2EF03D0BD_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Lindis)
93A218C7F5E290B9_## = Warrior
93A3948AABFD166A_## = Consume
93A4FC80F916C127_## =
93A63B817E5A7069_## =
93A692067A2FF52F_## = 签到图片
93A841B16ADB8C63_## =
93B0BDB1B9941E0F_## =
93B6D3D3A0A4222D_## = Cooldown
93B70B4741EFF353_## =
93BA20E6E0313CB8_## = Trial Card: Try out Zuka's skin: Dragon Master for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
93BDC3202A8B687F_## =
93C2FE1128C67A8D_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
93C4B3EE8D289260_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Lục)
93CD2D233B24FB8F_## = Shadowstrike
93CEBAC087E02F06_## =
93CFDE0D8923E123_## =
93D0480B307BB4CC_## = Ascended
93D0DAEAA519E8BA_## = 签到图片
93D0E737D50CD0D2_## = Chaugnar
93D2A57AB23C4362_## =
93D611E70FF18179_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
93D8159BA979E843_## = Unknown
93DA34430F5C4E00_## = Thắng {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
93DA4A4096CFDED5_## =
93DBA5D1FD161B91_## =
93DC8D9523B37489_## =
93DD4EB9D2ADD8CC_## =
93DEA6D779AAE66F_## = Cresht jumps to the target location, summoning a whirlpool
that grants friendly heroes a shield, absorbing up to {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> damage. Cresht also gains Rage. Under Metamorphosis,
Cresht jumps to the target location and summons a whirlpool that deals {2}
<color=#f18d00>(+{3})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies
within range.
93E35351A9A28825_## = Purify
93E8AB826E693A2D_## = 本週活動精選
93ECEA3A5EF2E3AA_## = Gildur's Indulgence is extremely easy to interrupt. Only use
it when you're sure that it will connect. Extravagant can be used from afar, making
it great to use as an opener or for ganking.
93EFB35896F97FF3_## =
93F01C16FF11013D_## =
93F315F5492D4272_## =
93f3871f304b9b90 = Poster
93FC8EE9ADC49A9E_## = Out of all the tanks, Mina has the most area of effect
abilities. Use them to your advantage in team fights. Death Scythe is very easy to
see coming, so try to use it preemptively or as a finisher.
93FCCFA865C4C5B5_## = Ability Power +1.5
93FD8900669CCF0D_## = Willpower
9400CBFB39FE8454_## = Violet
9400CE37307A48BC_## = Let your minions shield you from the tower's blasts.
9403963E79940F6F_## = Limited Event Gift
9408094DB325F07F_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Wukong) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
940A59152144353E_## = Thẻ Tướng + skin (1n)
940F0DD8F51012B7_## = Not enough mages
940F2CECE64C51DA_## =
941900618321801A_## = Ilumia's skin: Femme Fatale
941A8E6D29964F35_## =
94213D8752490B5E_## = Come Hither
94215AC84E846E69_## = Combo Grakk + Trang phục
9421AF1B69DF405A_## = HP Regen
942573166F2D9807_## =
9427BBE192F2B416_## = Rare Violet Skin: Sharpshooter
94296ACBD03C5802_## =
942A5DED6ACF671A_## =
942B3BAE98219E91_## = Đây là phần thưởng Chúc mừng năm mới (5v5) của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
942DB83CCEB98805_## =
942E2BEB27B33546_## = Trial Card: Try out Batman for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color>
day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
942EE7DBE289829B_## =
9430107C982BD14A_## = 本週活動精選
9430254249c9f85a = Tap here to chat
9430FD820EB57802_## =
943134BA58EE3518_## =
9434513C94F1015E_## = 26.11 - Thưởng đấu đặc biệt
9434773C869E418F_## = Cooldown
943A45A1AE1F777D_## =
943DFF15B6C99466_## = Gildur
9444FCEFDF92E3AA_## =
944512D7D7A25876_## =
9445D5C9D1984979_## = Not Available
9448435208FD99E4_## = Level 26 Chest
944855924743CAEF_## =
944DDB9212703764_## = 本週活動精選
94514F0156564BF2_## =
9451F80FDFB2DC71_## = Thu thập Chìa khóa - Mở rương bí ẩn
945357D606D38BAE_## = Tail Sweep
9453F40CDB758B5A_## =
945698E026B0ED2D_## =
945C622A1CE936B6_## = Black Wing
945D714A2796DAA2_## =
945ED91EA27FFAE2_## = Ngày hội của Joker 2
9461E1D17BFCC853_## = Level 30 Chest
946241D06C7CF32F_## = 1. One draw costs one magic crystal. You will receive a
reward for each draw.\n2. You can use vouchers or gems to buy magic crystals from
the shop.\n3. You will not receive a previously obtained hero or skin.\n4. Every
time you play Lucky Draw and do not win a pendant, you will receive 1 or more Lucky
Points. As you accumulate more Lucky Points, your chances of winning a pendant
increase. You are guaranteed to win a pendant before you reach the maximum number
of Lucky Points.
946289CF67DB6D00_## =
946A5C02635A4D69_## = Angelic Splendor
946C02B51FC35422_## =
946FD3FB9506A7BD_## = I will protect the sacred glade.
9471B057FDECF160_## =
9474D3BBC1E9596C_## =
9475C0AAC29C5F52_## = Thunder Blast
9476730D71856A90_## =
947D3530E5312648_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
948253D031660F0D_## =
94826749F3AC5F4D_## = Sacred Flame
94833D018451C6B2_## =
9483CA09DDE16794_## =
9485A15D7E24D3C1_## =
9486DF99FB4D8ECA_## =
948F0117986DBB46_## = Mở để nhận ngẫu nhiên 2-5 Mảnh trang phục.
948F3E5848C79BCE_## =
94922C4FEE0F9DC0_## =
949852B1203E59C5_## = Snow Angel
949c083ee8bc3a8f = 949c083ee8bc3a8f_##
949C8AF04B481A08_## =
949ED66AE41A40B9_## = Unknown
949FA6DC1F1CE198_## = [新英雄-Jinna 登場] 愛不釋手
94a3ce2ee6f0f836 = 94a3ce2ee6f0f836_##
94A590830FFC7274_## = Neon
94A603E2FE59A0EA_## = Cooldown
94A633CD0DCF6BF7_## = Critical Chance +0.5% \nMax HP +60
94A6E8D0414C6F88_## =
94AB0C8356FF2215_## = Cybercore Level 4
94AB7ED64F659F01_## = Share trang phục nhận quà Giáng sinh
94AC5858D6D2371E_## =
94B26DF2CF605C6D_## =
94B3E80B0E4F7118_## = The Fist
94B4A3A14F7D0F1C_## = (Stops enemies' movement)
94B62DC76257CBEA_## =
94B6D3561E050D84_## = Skin Lover
94BA3D8A6D53E4B7_## = Nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm: Thẻ đổi tên/Vé quay/Mảnh
tướng/Mảnh trang phục/Loa
94BA79C8421C6BE1_## =
94BBC5EA79A248E8_## =
94BCC911BAA57A16_## =
94BDC5D771741CA6_## =
94BE9F023D7A20D6_## = Mina taunts nearby enemies, making them attack her for 2
seconds. Damage dealt by taunted enemies is reduced by 50%.
94C553E5BF84CE2F_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
94CD31A7EBF375D2_## =
94D0BDFAB4513C66_## = 签到图片
94D26C6FF10CB9CD_## = Sử dụng để đổi thưởng và nhiều quà tặng trong Tuần lễ Nguyệt
94D3EBB17E7F976F_## =
94D507198118934F_## = Original
94D779C311CF1DDF_## =
94D83FB8496DB0F4_## = 签到图片
94D91DBB2141CFB5_## = Đây là phần thưởng Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
94DA18A5D1FFF4A1_## = Unknown
94DA683944AF5147_## =
94DAF35CAD48BF86_## =
94DAF96439278C24_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
94dbe2163ab03412 = Map
94DD068BC7C91E4D_## = Original
94DD57091670C5E4_## =
94DD93477F25DAA3_## = Trial Card: Try out Skud for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days.
You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this Hero.
94DF1CBD7124A9C3_## = Batarang
94E092FAEFAB897D_## =
94E3883BD714E6D7_## = Ascended
94E7BDE45B1E9682_## = Officer
94E8CA244245C82F_## = Mganga creates a poisonous cloud at the target area that
slowly spreads and deals {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
damage</color> for 4 seconds and slows enemy movement speed by {2}% for 2 seconds.
94E983C3AA159AE0_## = Tham gia sự kiện Tết gắn kết - Anh em chấp hết tại
sukien5.lienquan.garena.vn - Nhận Dấu ấn Tulen và đổi tướng miễn phí!
94ECDC10774E4D1B_## = Blue Outer Tower
94F016E09DE4FCD1_## =
94F31E50D15695FB_## = Rương siêu anh hùng
94F3CCD74E0474A6_## = Dustdevil
94F4F6D3A03391D6_## =
94F5C839F5CB22D3_## =
94F96BBA6BE3B7E7_## =
94FA6968D0FEB83D_## = 本週活動精選
94FC32D277701403_## = Assassin
94FF7D2E6F682595_## = Each time Wukong uses an ability, his next normal attack is
enhanced and deals an additional {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color>
<color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>. Wukong also tumbles toward the target.
Wukong's staff grants 15% critical chance permanently.
9500D5F2CA284F11_## = TeeMee channels their armor's resurrective powers to protect
themselves and the nearby ally hero with the lowest health for {0} seconds (can
still be used while TeeMee is being subjected to control effects). While the
ability is active, if TeeMee or the protected ally dies, they will be resurrected
in {1} seconds at the spot they died with {2} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{3})</color> HP and
full mana.. When a hero is resurrected, the resurrection will deal {4}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{5})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to surrounding
enemies and reduce their movement speed by 50% for 2 seconds.
9503167EE4288B30_## = 本週活動精選
9503A47ACB31B5DA_## =
95091D820DE9C8DC_## =
950F3CFC3980DCD0_## =
95117EC00C49270E_## =
9512E0BDD4773381_## = Base Damage
95171DEC774A03E8_## = 7 日累積簽到
951A5816385A0FBD_## =
9527FD4A1A8A4CB3_## =
952924FD30BE7019_## = 本週活動精選
952B8AD32CA1174A_## = Vô Địch ARAM
952D5E5D57C54C82_## =
9536D96E0BF76E38_## = Trial Card: Try out Valhein's skin: Dandy for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
9536F35F54AD4CCC_## = When Taara's HP is low, her attack damage increases
dramatically. Avoid using Steeled Focus when she has full HP as it does not take
full advantage of the HP regeneration effects. Taara can leap over walls and other
obstacles with Colossal Smash, so you can use this to surprise enemies.
953778B1D2F934E4_## =
953A4764558F1778_## = Medium Matching Pack
953BC40BB40F5644_## =
9543A0B014489AC0_## =
954647192829F631_## = Samsara
954730C521571FC8_## =
954732FF0398A3EE_## = Tiêu Quân Huy - nhận ưu đãi
95485B5AE330F635_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường
954B96F4AAD8F4C4_## = Player is offline.
954CC5C8AA08ABA6_## = Double EXP Card:\n10-Wins
954FE08C807DE783_## = Nhận ngay Ruby miễn phí khi tham gia chế độ giải trí Móc câu
lần đầu tiên!
95503C37FE385A2C_## =
95518203594A4B59_## = TeeMee
95525A3EA1005510_## =
955932C17EB228D2_## = Base Damage
9559C9980B1A3578_## = Warrior
955D6D3319D3A01E_## =
9563CBA88B63BB58_## =
9566F02BF98307B3_## =
956BEB30E1B8FA78_## =
956F1EE9F9673374_## = Trial Card: Try out Ignis for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day.
You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
956F96F134C0187E_## =
957099E754F9EA6E_## =
957308B09C2E43FC_## = 本週活動精選
957341B350947472_## =
9575054863D174EC_## = Trial Card: Try out Omen's skin: Bloody Baron
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
9577647CE42E522A_## = An error has occurred.
95776F15DF3FFE20_## = Trick or treat
9578F00C44D3731D_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Kriknak {C}/{T} lần
957BE666C51A88C4_## = Original
957D96C2EBC751CF_## =
957F1CFFC7831751_## =
957FCB7C4F2BE0E0_## = Trial Card: Try out Veera's skin: Nurse for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
957FCFC70908B85E_## = Djinn
9582f3bbc63e6c61 = Leave Match
95847C05AED85E7C_## = OK
958ADFE7EA4F8969_## = obsolete+b62512ca9eabcc40
958D04387F348E5D_## =
958D5F307D1D754E_## = Mganga
958E9A13F4EACA3B_## =
95923D5B8F2CD8CD_## = Try to hit as many enemies as possible with Conqueror to take
advantage of Lu Bu's bonus life steal from this ability.
9594B97464D93ED9_## = Unknown
95997349FE7EA3E3_## = Trial Card: Try out Butterfly's skin: Cyberpunk
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
959A4F319D2F5C3A_## = The enemy is faltering, push forward!
959AE473750FCFEF_## = Superman taps into his full potential, which increases his
charge up speed by 100% for 10 seconds.\n\nIf in Flight mode, Superman will ram
into his enemies and knock them back, dealing {0} <color=#ca3939>(+{1})</color>
<color=#ca3939>(12% of maximum HP)</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>,
and have his charge up speed increased by 100% for 10 seconds.
959C7F56E8079FC2_## = Mage
959CDD55FF891174_## = <color=#d4e600>HP Regen Restriction</color>\nThe Altar of
Life will not help <color=#f6bf17ff>restore HP</color>.
959EEDEB9AF47E9B_## = (Grants Frostbite talent)
95a9f6945c0919b2 = 95a9f6945c0919b2_##
95AF1F56BBE12E1F_## =
95B004737346CE74_## =
95B803302E8107A9_## =
95B96F67989AC3C0_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Đỏ)
95BFD6FC54E686D2_## =
95BFF9DDEA913421_## =
95C02AB933393A84_## = Natalya
95C36CB7EF668B13_## = Trial Card: Try out Murad for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
95C3F3CD9B692F23_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
95C48251AC5717AA_## =
95C68098FB8BC2C4_## = Power Surge
95CC839A8F3965DC_## = Survivability, Sustained Damage
95CD4C7E014C2203_## =
95D19833BECAEA31_## =
95D29F36AF31256C_## = Attack the Abyssal Dragon!
95D91131C4C01A27_## = Trial Card: Try out Lauriel's skin: Black Wing
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
95D9196A9DA1CFB4_## = Trial Card: Try out Ignis for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this hero.
95DA1E96700D18E1_## = Unknown
95E1B20B6AE1A00E_## =
95E2FA2658F1EFB4_## = Halloween Scream
95E410D14F6D0DCD_## =
95E7FDF006C07408_## = <blankspace89>
95EE0EFF8A7BC7DB_## = Đây là phần thưởng Nạp quân huy - Nhận trang phục miễn phí!
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
95F28FD75DBF936F_## =
95f5eb4825af06ab = 95f5eb4825af06ab_##
95F76B1A24848C66_## =
95F9BA51521429A3_## =
95FA5F9CCA28C976_## = Fortify
95fc5d0caf7eab53 = Log out
95FCD52135984E0A_## =
95FE2BC83FD615C9_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
95FFA195619E0E63_## =
9605C0D4F4180303_## = Technoblade Level 2
960955B65D16BBAB_## = Original
960FE084E4BA56E5_## = Dire Blow
9612847957D84339_## =
9612d5dfe98cff1a = Defensive
9615934A13130DDA_## =
96191B64C09F4890_## = 本週活動精選
9619C34D03661BEE_## = 本週活動精選
961D30ACBE962A46_## =
962090A85D022645_## =
9621909215AE2405_## =
9623CBF08F8967F2_## = Original
9625DED6A9AC09AA_## = You are better than <color=orange>80%</color> of all players.
962A5A52273533EC_## =
962B6C1FFE3AD8F5_## =
9631993C7913856B_## =
963328A4B563C7C0_## =
96334135653E0B0D_## = Standard\nMatch
9633CA36566489E0_## =
9636bf25eaef1035 = 9636bf25eaef1035_##
9636F2E41E186646_## = Drone Drop
96370C5E1254E969_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
9637B001A359B163_## =
9638F2EF541CA958_## =
963972B165C7F1CB_## = Tank
9643477741FAFA0F_## =
96471923E99A4A44_## =
9648DE598A4ADED7_## = Trial Card: Try out Valhein's skin: Nethra
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
964C829122534ACD_## = Jinnar's close range attacks cause a lot of damage, but he is
an easy target for opponents. Equip him with defensive items and arcana or he will
have to rely on talents to protect himself.
96505D5BF61501A2_## = Lần đầu của mỗi người
96552A789BAD47BC_## = The dominion of the light cannot be stopped.
96561200067C1154_## =
9656B8E4379A2B83_## =
9657606FAD18E69D_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
965AECF9B250EEA9_## = Fenrir's Tooth
965BFACDF843D961_## =
965DC6A90A7B3993_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Teemee) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
965E9D2D98AEEC08_## =
965FCF62322C7DF1_## =
9661CEC728E32A74_## = <color=orange>Tướng & trang phục miễn phí!</color>Ngoài ra
còn vô số Ruby và Vàng đang chờ đợi. Chỉ cần <color=orange>đăng nhập & nhận
quà</color>, đơn giản đến không tưởng!
96629500F4F1ED7D_## =
9662FA3BB191D703_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
9663BAAE5DFE2454_## =
9664F7A33CC5A57B_## = Blitz
966A6E1A43811F30_## = Cooldown
966F816912947E7A_## =
9677407E2D75CE3D_## = Thane charges forward, knocking enemies back and dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> each hit.
Valiant Charge's final hit will also knock enemies into the air.
967EA39706082241_## = 本週活動精選
9688266FEC10122B_## =
9688926E79AEBBFA_## = Trial Card: Try out Mganga for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
968901D6B964407C_## = Lauriel
968C9A2C38E0D498_## =
968DA523F3361527_## = Normal Attack
968EADEA30B12A3F_## = Gói ngẫu nhiên 1 trong 7
969159A60F225848_## = Unknown
9691751DDCD3BF94_## = Sinh nhật Liên Quân (đăng nhập)
9697B8FFEDA97E76_## =
969B0A3810618259_## = Gildur
969E2773C082C401_## = The Wanderer
96A1B449A2C9E4CC_## = Thử tướng tùy biến: 1 ngày
96A412A0AB478823_## =
96A6E54382B11D3C_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
96A6F802C6E5061D_## = Wicked Plot
96A746D1B0E972AC_## = Heartbreaker
96A94495D435C82A_## =
96AAA32D1CB581ED_## =
96AE08891197F14E_## = Cooldown
96B780B63C4FEBB3_## =
96BB26EE55AE7FDE_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
96BC99CB3DFF6BAE_## = Superman uses his ice breath to generate a blizzard that
deals {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to
enemies and slows their movement speed by 50% for 1 second.\n\nIf in Flight mode,
Superman rams into enemies, dealing {2} <color=#ca3939>(+{3})</color>
<color=#ca3939>(12% of maximum HP)</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>,
and then fires his heat vision, dealing an additional {4}
<color=#f18d00>(+{5})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>.
96BE7824642CA92A_## = Trial Card: Try out Raz's skin: Frostbite for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
96C161BF64634A2A_## =
96C1A9DA7128AFB5_## = [新英雄-Kil'Groth 登場] 愛不釋手
96C28ECB1706183B_## = Spell Tome
96C44ADFD0FA4E07_## =
96C6C63A7D20BD6C_## = Thu thập chìa khóa để kết hợp với Rương khóa bí ẩn và đổi
thưởng trong phần Sự kiện
96CC7FB715A637D3_## = Thu thập 2 mảnh Chúc mừng năm mới và Mậu Tuất 2018 để đổi 7
trang phục miễn phí tùy chọn!
96CE93DA954AE5E4_## =
96D3E49364ADF3B8_## =
96d52d21ecb9121e = Recommended
96D7867C3C7F97B5_## =
96D903B890BD912C_## =
96DDCF6A1B909E3B_## = Đấu trường Huyền thoại
96E75E53541B9376_## = Thu thập dấu ấn Murad M-TP (Kiếm Murad)
96E9A278924CF42B_## =
96F169364954F7DA_## =
96F5709D6F816FA8_## = Đây là phần thưởng Ngày hội của Joker 2 của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
96F743A3081BB35E_## =
96F7565D68821852_## = <color=#ffffff>%s</color> <color=#a4afb7>just obtained rank
level</color> <color=#f2c71a>%d</color>!
96F7FC42B2FF3A4F_## =
96F8685DB8DE4B99_## =
96F8A526FFDCFF56_## = Lindis
96FC7CDE98DF7164_## = Slash
96FEF6B5A99992C8_## =
9700c71c260ada5f = Profile
9701AA5299A24C07_## =
97046F9DEF6AF8F8_## = Ability 2 Iron Body
97050EBCC8E18CB3_## = Zephys
9705E3A27A7A251A_## = Harass, Sustained Damage
97063EA7C0450367_## =
97074DB1829B4B61_## = Trial Card: Try out Preyta for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color>
day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
970F5D0C8BD1A432_## = 妇女节挑战活动
970F7E23F1501B9E_## =
97118B454B882991_## =
971206F52D06D55B_## = Tank
97132C51361BA8A0_## =
971420CB68A53A4F_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK {C}/{T}
9716AF45C6D18108_## = Unique Passive - Resurrect: Revives wearer 3 seconds after
death with 40% HP. 3-minute cooldown.
971943E09DCBE5C6_## = End Zone
9721A8168484043B_## =
97254574C409C89A_## = 击杀魔龙
9725F2A4F98AC756_## =
97276C881FB74544_## =
97292B614EEBACC9_## = Lauriel
972B553BFF2AFC15_## = The 3 spirit beasts are the source of Arum's power. Be sure
to use Uncaged wisely because it will consume all her spirit beasts.
972BFB5D6B3D5329_## = Focus
972CF229397A3D03_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nTướng vĩnh viễn
(Lindis) / Thẻ thử tướng Lindis (1 ngày) / Mảnh tướng
972E34FA0327F6C5_## = Original
972F045D84642241_## = Unique Passive - Frost Power: After using an ability, the
next normal attack reduces movement speed by 30% and deals 150 physical damage (20
additional damage for each level gained) to an area. 3-second cooldown.
973413C584187412_## =
9734CF493EAA9C9A_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
9735A8ED274655B9_## =
97383F524787E8F1_## =
973848F785D3B8A6_## =
9738856641107AFB_## =
973A6408B7832D5A_## =
973B209269618C95_## = Base Damage
973CFC9D1AD734E6_## = Halloween Scream
973E8AB0572B632D_## = Thu thập 2 mảnh Chúc mừng năm mới và Mậu Tuất 2018 để đổi 4
trang phục miễn phí tùy chọn!
974029BBC78A48C9_## = Biker
9740EDE6FBE88FC4_## = <blankspace89>
9746DF006BED6259_## = Nhân dịp Tết dương lịch, hệ thống sẽ tự động +50% Exp nhận
được khi đấu 5v5 Thường. Còn chờ gì nữa, nhanh tay chiến ngay và thăng cấp vù vù
97471FA118AC484A_## = Valhein
9750C7829D85A0C3_## = Butterfly
975A2E6769322A58_## =
975D0A40C0BF8CCE_## = 限時充值送好禮(test)
976167B9025CDF3F_## =
97651FDC5F723645_## = "We fairies of the forest are heralds of the
Creator."\n\nLike other fairies, Krixi could often be found dancing in flowerbeds
or playing with the animals. However, whenever danger draws near, Krixi's cruel
side would emerge in full force. She would use her sharp fangs and claws to shred
any demon who intrudes upon the forest.\n\nWhat really broke Krixi's heart was
seeing the humans, whom she once considered her companions, destroying the forest
for material wealth. Their armies were highly organized and armed to the teeth, so
Krixi gathered the inhabitants of the forest in an effort to fight off the human
invaders. The plan worked, and she was able to coerce the humans into signing a
peace treaty.\n\nThe forest quickly returned to its peaceful and serene state, but
Krixi knew that the invaders' ambitions weren't much different from that of the
demons. She began training wild creatures with human methods and formed her own
powerful beast army in hopes to prevent future invasions!\n\n"War has no other
purpose than the destruction of life!"
9767FB8ABFE6E5AB_## =
9768B19A7ED2959D_## =
976A10D90044A81E_## = Astrid
976DD0640C6E58C2_## =
976f0a8c22969257 = 976f0a8c22969257_##
9770623A4F24A207_## = Beginner
9770D970C8952C22_## = Storm Wraith
97736B53B6FBCEB6_## = Magic Barrier
977B39919029F54D_## =
9781CCCB4082B522_## = Yorn
9784BA08860E3302_## = Unstoppable
978CDE6C6F864C97_## = Trial Card: Try out Yorn for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days.
You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this Hero.
978CE142FE9BBBF0_## = Assassin (Damage Dealer)
978DB7E0EF36AD9B_## = Enchant
978FD5E40949B89C_## = Li'l Red
9791BDAB9C622BAC_## = Survivability, Control
97935A42F0E420B6_## =
979A2162979606C8_## =
979C336279D0C9BD_## =
97A64576B8CD9865_## = Silently sneak around the battlefield
97A821956558B011_## =
97A95EA19830EE01_## = Fafnir's Talon
97AA16C7496830A5_## = Base Damage
97AD85F40F1F7BC6_## =
97ae6464ba2b8970 = 97ae6464ba2b8970_##
97AFF3062D42DCEE_## = Additional Damage
97B84790128AD714_## = Tuần lễ Nguyệt tộc (Chơi cùng bạn)
97B8A95A85DA839B_## = Ryuu
97BCA9008633F983_## = Thane cannot be stopped once he starts his Valiant Charge, so
use this to your advantage. King's Glory has a slight delay and not a very long
range. It is best to unleash this ability when enemies are close.
97BCDE14FFB5511A_## = Cooldown
97BCFA72FC361448_## = It feels so good to kill.
97BFA4CFF7B13094_## = Wonder Woman is Princess Diana of the immortal Amazons from
Greek mythology. When army pilot Steve Trevor crashed on the warriors' secluded
island paradise, Diana won the right to escort him home and make her people known
to the world. Entering the cynical world of humanity for the first time, Diana
found a people who needed a hero. Over the years, the ways of mankind have vexed
Diana—war, hate, and a callous disregard for the health of the Earth—but her
superhuman strength, speed, bulletproof bracelets, and the famed Lasso of Truth
have aided her in the quest to bring order to humanity's chaotic ways. \n\nA
warrior by birth and training, Wonder Woman fights evil while hoping to unlock the
potential of a humanity she doesn't always understand—and it is this mission that
has driven her to work in close concert with the Justice League. However, Wonder
Woman's mission to promote peace on Earth is sometimes complicated by the political
machinations and familial disagreements of her relatives—the gods and personas of
Greek mythology. It was a message from her mother, Hippolyta, that eventually sent
Wonder Woman to the realm of Athanor. \n\nHippolyta had kept a secret from Diana
her whole life—a secret that now threatened to tear Mount Olympus apart. Hippolyta
confessed that she had a passionate affair with Zeus; the resulting child was none
other than Diana. But Wonder Woman had no time to process the emotional uppercut
she had just received, as she was attacked by Hera, Zeus' jealous wife. The ensuing
battle involved many of the gods, but Wonder Woman was able to quell the fighting
by binding Hera with her Lasso of Truth. \n\nWonder Woman learned that Zeus had
been missing from Olympus for some time—and in his absence, the gods were at war
with each other, vying for control of Olympus. Zeus had left in search of the
source of the gods' power: a star that was rumored to exist at the center of the
universe. \n\nKnowing that without peace on Olympus, Earth and humanity would be
threatened, Wonder Woman took it upon herself to find Zeus. But Hippolyta cautioned
that what she would find in Athanor would make all of her previous challenges feel
like child's play. There were gods in Athanor, with strange powers and magic that
would rival anything that Wonder Woman had faced. \n\nBut Athanor has never seen a
hero like Wonder Woman. And when she eventually finds Zeus, what he tells her will
have grave ramifications, not just for Olympus… but Earth as well.
97C03B04041E4596_## = Open to Receive Lumburr and his Magma Skin
97C48A3CDE24BF70_## =
97C53527D922FB14_## = Trang phục Woner Woman: Thời niên thiếu
97C54F6FCBA1B7EB_## = Trial Card: Try out Lu Bu for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this Hero.
97C56C6AAFA3AFFC_## = Quy đổi ngọc tím cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
97C66CF68FF48EDD_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nTướng vĩnh viễn
(Batman) / Thẻ thử tướng Batman (1 ngày) / Mảnh tướng
97C96A365252DF05_## =
97CB1F3A5960A3BA_## =
97CEBEFB820C9471_## =
97CF503E6639703A_## = Boomstick
97D8EAF26B1C9420_## = Base Damage
97DA06D786EB414F_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
97DCB76AE5A57ECF_## = Violet and Kahlii Lucky Draw
97DCBD6CC92A6BF0_## =
97DE417EBFB13336_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
97E0BDF95AC7600F_## = Mở để nhận thẻ thử 1 ngày của 1 trang phục ngẫu nhiên
97E191118C089187_## = Vô Địch ARAM
97E3BFDBA098455C_## = 7 日累積簽到
97E6373BA7AC979B_## =
97E6847A1784F590_## =
97E71AE4DEEE47BD_## =
97E77C2A4346F6F4_## =
97EC6C7DF43B276D_## = Snow Festival
97ECAF4B5E754D95_## = Veera's Mesmerize has a limited range, so you should be very
careful when you use it. It is best to position Veera as far as possible from the
enemy when in a team fight.
97ED1BF766481331_## =
97EFD6E97D2D873F_## =
97F34828E2180193_## =
97F3EDB9E2317627_## = Ignis Lucky Draw
97F62E7B9F936E55_## = Sorry, I did my best.
97F7AFAD9906C57B_## =
97F7D009EAF9E6AC_## =
97F8F9DCE03D4F3A_## = Veera's Mesmerize has a limited range, so you should be very
careful when you use it. It is best to position Veera as far as possible from the
enemy when in a team fight.
97F90E91F3C348F2_## = obsolete+968988f0a07017f9
97F989A656954BCD_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
97FE5F0579C4F3B9_## = Trial Card: Try out Kahlii's skin: Corpse Bride for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
97FF08F8A4EFB5C2_## =
9806A47E24F97A23_## =
980a96e4779241bb = Lobby
980ABC3D7A0C6436_## = Base Damage
980B210E674499F0_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
980B6D72BCD15A9C_## =
9810F40EABE42E05_## = Trial Card: Try out Nakroth's skin: Neon for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this skin.
9819a125508a51ae = Event details
9819ADB0500570E8_## =
981A0A990F1B1829_## =
981B421C273916FD_## = Thu thập 2 mảnh Chúc mừng năm mới và Mậu Tuất 2018 để đổi 8
trang phục miễn phí tùy chọn!
981E1CC98835813D_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
981F9D7AE0C11DD0_## =
98203A07442B5A65_## = 签到图片
98232f692aebfa15 = Upgrade to
98266AF525445C3E_## = Đổi quà tình nhân
9826899A767DD90A_## = Warrior
9826B1D161F61723_## =
9827FFBE31C888AE_## = Every time Omen hits an enemy with a normal attack, he gains
one Thirst point. After reaching five points, Omen increases his movement speed by
{0} and his attack speed by {1}% for 5 seconds. His strengthened normal attack will
also deal <color=#f18d00>{2}</color> <color=#f3b74a>true damage</color> and reduce
the cooldown for Death's Beckon and Untouchable by 1 second.\n\nOmen's 3rd normal
attack triggers a second hit that deals 50% damage. The counter is reset after
reaching 5 points of Thirst and after coming out of Thirst.
982A3CC1F3843A11_## = That all you got?
983174635240A982_## =
98348A8FA74D2291_## =
98361C63D1ABCE32_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mừng xuân Đinh Dậu,
98376DD3FCD643F0_## =
9838FFD14506854B_## = Quà sự kiện Tiêu 90 Quân Huy, bao gồm:\n1 Thẻ thử skin 3
ngày (ngẫu nhiên)\n1 Ngọc cấp 2 (ngẫu nhiên)\n40 Ruby
983ADCC352B1DB9C_## =
983B2793EA69C423_## = Mở để nhận thẻ thử trang phục ngẫu nhiên 3 ngày
983C105A28A3F822_## =
983DF9A98CA7D420_## = Tỉnh Bắc Ninh
983EBF6B57C05E63_## = Inferno
9840FA9B32EF2792_## =
9846D4AC1F835003_## = Trial Card: Try out Moren for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this hero.
984E4A9745BEF280_## = Sword Propel
985925EED6E133C5_## = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Don't force yourself when you're
tired. Take a break and play again later.
985BBDD5B9EEDEA7_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Ignis {C}/{T} lần
985DDC2EE87D186F_## = Ormarr swings his hammer in a circle, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies
within range on each hit.
985FC3DE9544ECE0_## =
9867A45F54AD58C4_## = Melee
98695C1B889B7E5D_## = Ability Power +140, Armor +270, Cooldown Speed
986FDEE931532512_## =
9878934C0E9AB4C5_## = Ormarr's passive triggers randomly, but it is extremely
powerful when it triggers. Swagger triggers the same stun effect and damage bonus
as Ormarr's passive every 4th time it deals damage, so take advantage when you know
these effects will trigger on the next use.
987DF5E4F5813417_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
987E1C0C51ACD998_## = Ascended
987F7160F0FF4F39_## = Normal Attack
988117D0AB17A04D_## = Có thể sử dụng để đổi trang phục miễn phí trong phần Sự kiện
> Đổi trang phục miễn phí
9883A978DD841236_## = Unknown
9886E4EA479581D0_## = Unknown
988713402CD77EDF_## =
98888519F5FFCB58_## = 参与 5V5
98890693C9F1A676_## = > {0} Points
988B345496EA5003_## =
9893436367CBEE98_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
9893A27A2DB0D185_## = Thắng 2 trận 5v5 với người {C}/{T}
989428115FAFB3AB_## = Gói hoa lệ
98957A06CA56F745_## =
98975B93F3394394_## =
989A8AD197B7455F_## =
989B975BF3923DB4_## =
989C49545679E311_## =
989DC665AA8967DB_## =
989E52F1109A97B3_## = Liliana attacks the target with her tails, dealing {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>. Her next normal
attack is enhanced and deals <color=#7FFFD4>{2}</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
damage</color> 3 times. She also dashes forward.\n\nReplaced by Shining Light in
Human Form.
989E5A921F5E0C39_## =
989EE968D3FBB92A_## =
989FAF2F21799842_## =
98A022A2A1746E5A_## =
98A5DC24ABE221D7_## = Quà thăng cấp
98A82CF867AF69CF_## =
98A92B106F990E86_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
98A9C7EDDA6689D4_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
98AA6BC7B6D45FF4_## = mở ngẫu nhiên 5-10 Ruby, hoặc một ngọc cấp I/II
98AACB3DE4DBA7B2_## = Initiator, Burst
98AAF28F1C72711E_## =
98b4db2317b809a0 = Critical Chance
98B68CDBA37294D2_## = Movement Speed Reduction
98B7CA2583B23B0A_## = Trial Card: Try out Batman's skin: Leatherwing for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
98B862A167932C9B_## = Halloween Scream
98BE2494251B6F72_## = 本週活動精選
98C018B602265B42_## = Harass, Sustained Damage
98C2175BBE5BEC16_## =
98C45934804C4D3D_## =
98C5355EE5179007_## = Viper
98C7EDBA97FFB94E_## =
98C873D90219B65F_## =
98C8D109BDD1E754_## = Po Po
98CA871CD8C64642_## = Tee starts to build up the gas in his stomach, causing him to
increase his movement speed for {0} seconds. During this time, Tee tries to hold it
all in for as long as possible (can be unleashed earlier by tapping the ability
again). Tee then unleashes a stinky plume, causing all enemies in the area to
suffer up to {1} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{2})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>
and become stunned for up to 2 seconds. The longer Tee holds in his funky fumes,
the higher the damage and stun period.
98CE694E4915A85B_## = Trang phục đón xuân
98CED62F4886E94A_## = Your friend <color=#ffd700>{0}</color> has sent you a Best
Buddies Gift.
98CF80F847413AC9_## = Chơi bản đồ 5v5 Miền đất hứa (Thường & Hạng) để nhận ruby
miễn phí
98D13349EB6DCE37_## = Tăng 100% Exp Đấu Hạng 5v5
98D58E345CACF645_## =
98D8052A8A1F0DBA_## = Kil'Groth
98DE63569C3288F4_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Teemee)
98DEC4B874FBE3F3_## = Tham gia sự kiện Tết gắn kết - Anh em chấp hết tại
sukien6.lienquan.garena.vn - Nhận Dấu ấn Tulen và đổi tướng miễn phí!
98DECBEC75DC65DA_## = The Killing Joke
98e14763b33f7786 = Please select a new arcana from the vault
98E1A892669A52AD_## = Mage (Standard)
98E420A498F8EAC9_## = We need a Support!
98E602761BB38042_## = 参与 5V5
98E6333717995348_## = Attack Damage +80
98E67935FC23D171_## = Plunder
98E7847ED1117180_## =
98E96B0A69344549_## =
98EA956C0B3476D0_## =
98ECBFD61FC07B6A_## = Attack Speed Increase
98F17FF966B5EE37_## =
98F59E3C9987BA2C_## =
98F7FEC7832026B7_## =
98F84761E228E6C1_## = Viking
98F9603E0ADD300A_## =
98FB6B40ED35ECB7_## = Unknown
98FD5EAB2ECF4AF2_## = Số lần tham gia 5V5 {C}/{T}
98FF4C939867BEC8_## =
9900BB7541854D7C_## =
9907C2C0A39D363E_## = Blue Outer Tower
990904B5D98EC70E_## =
990B50880DC8146F_## = Starlight
990C8768F7098B55_## = Murder Clown
990F1FC8D3BEBE93_## =
990FB5FBA1EC3DB2_## = TeeMee
991098AA73886A57_## = 打开有机会获得 TOG 精选阵容
991939C6584D6F77_## = Blood Ritual
991B4493A087DEE8_## = Original
991BF60C2A7254CE_## =
991DD6358204FEF0_## =
991FA10177B55204_## =
991FE96EA19063EA_## = Each kill or assist increases Zanis' attack damage by 12
(stacks up to 20 times) and restores his maximum HP by 5%.
9920EE285833FC34_## = Mobility
9921314B1953C864_## =
9929BEF2BC76E57C_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Raz để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
992B9F69544E3D43_## = Original
992DC6B34A425B79_## =
992DE5034259E58D_## = Count
992EEAC1BC4893DD_## = Veera
993709F3BCCE9C8A_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
99389F77A54FED02_## =
99413294A9DD90E4_## =
994371DE6907FAC5_## = Grand Battle
994555982EF296FE_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
99487014CA431AA7_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 hạng mỗi ngày
994C560293FEE536_## = Remaining idle or abandoning a match leaves behind an unfair
match for your teammates.
99515099ED8B2F71_## =
99534FB9040893B5_## =
99544AD4860555FA_## = When outnumbered, avoid direct conflict.
995C5613F41A55FA_## = Melee
995E2EACD338591B_## =
995F9B29B0DE72A7_## =
9960080308DEC868_## = Double Gold Card: \n7 days
9962A2D7EBFB43CC_## =
9962B35E2CF12B54_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
996317BF5D28216F_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
996D755C26921FD4_## = Roxi-Atk-01
997146FFADBEF217_## =
9971EEEB5EB63381_## = Kriknak lunges forward with his enormous horns, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies in
his path. Every enemy hero hit restores {2} <color=#f18d00>(+{3})</color> HP for
997882E1895A33F6_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
997CA92F9E58352E_## = <blankspace89>
997DB1EA0C65B1D2_## = Huy hiệu Siêu nhân
998457B160CD4C45_## = Tiêu Quân Huy - nhận ưu đãi
9984B4B0FC07C16C_## =
99890944E2969B06_## =
998C7B7517450006_## = Facebook Link Rewards
998C8274E17DB0D4_## =
998D28C274207E71_## =
998ebb2eb7fd574b = Bronze III
99950F8F4D028F6C_## =
9996F3558DC38B66_## =
999770939DFB5C39_## =
999F43ABF84766B4_## =
99A39FA9EB6FA1A7_## =
99A3C46784764E2A_## = Moonfall
99AA1312C03746BB_## = Curse of Death
99AA17A2A4B6D28B_## = Base Damage
99ACDD4F9AC36CBB_## =
99B5BB54F0300D33_## = Original
99B8BB22EADCA549_## =
99BB006E8C9A61AA_## = Entrapment
99C1426696B075CC_## =
99C2E552D7631E4C_## = What role do you like to play in matches? (2/3)
99C71B1C6FFB97FD_## = Tulen
99C998672034E37C_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Đỏ)
99D10F8E7E1561BB_## =
99D1B4AF05D47770_## = Rương may mắn Kriknak
99D208BED3EF9277_## =
99DBBC99C221BF76_## = Buffs, Harass
99DCCAD5142A365A_## =
99DF309A6159CD5B_## =
99E1EB677F390686_## = Platinum IV
99E8C51B67D60E4C_## =
99EC912CBE4AA9D5_## =
99F4536E8599616F_## =
99F864BA6C5DEFA2_## = Each kill or assist increases Zanis' attack damage by 12
(stacks up to 20 times) and restores his maximum HP by 5%.
99F8EEBD8B6F5A91_## =
99F93CF4695CF157_## = Combo thẻ thử 3n
99FA3E101A86603A_## = Original
9A07BF458C9D8B40_## = TOG 精选阵容三日体验卡
9A0970F6E805F5C7_## = Gold +100% for 7 days for matches (excluding custom matches
and 1v1 bot matches). Can be paired with a Double Gold Wins Card for Gold +200%.
9A0A070B00A89245_## =
9A0B55E51D4220EA_## = Krixi summons a meteor shower that pummels nearby enemies
dealing {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> with
each hit. Each enemy can be hit up to 4 times and the meteor shower lasts for 5
9A1253A77771ECDB_## = Yorn fires an explosive arrow that deals {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> and
immobilizes the target for 1 second. His next normal attack becomes a burst shot.
9A12DAE4B0B83AAA_## =
9A17D560F77FFFCC_## = Jungling, Survivability
9A1949952779306A_## = Zuka leaps up and crushes his enemies from above, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies in
the target area and stunning them for 1 second. His next normal attack will deal an
additional <color=#f18d00>(+{2})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to
nearby enemies.
9A1971770A0244D2_## = When you run out of <color=#f6bf17ff>Gold</color>,
<color=#f6bf17ff>Arcana</color>, or looking for new
<color=#f6bf17ff>heroes</color>, remember to pop in here!
9A1CDF8653604410_## = Wukong
9A1D6744CA6C2CAC_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
9A1D8A4FE5156BC6_## = Gold +100% for 1 day for matches (excluding custom matches
and 1v1 bot matches). Can be paired with a Double Gold Wins Card for Gold +200%.
9A1FEBB6E86D0691_## =
9A25CBBDC17F0EFE_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
9A25CF631D952BE6_## =
9A275B76B1FFEEFB_## =
9A28D0EE914E178E_## =
9A2A232F7F40CEDB_## = 参与 5V5
9A3599F17068AF9C_## = Raz
9A37DD57200327CF_## = Ormarr's passive triggers randomly, but it is extremely
powerful when it triggers. Swagger triggers the same stun effect and damage bonus
as Ormarr's passive every 4th time it deals damage, so take advantage when you know
these effects will trigger on the next use.
9A3A340C440FAED8_## = Flutter
9A3A85A295378677_## =
9a3db72b44b9b3be = Tap the screen to return.
9A3E92C9A43A4660_## = Arduin was the leader of mankind trained by the
Vedä.\n\nBrave and perseverant, Arduin was the epitome of a great leader in the
public's eye. His speech was so affectionate and evoking, it attracted young and
passionate rebel warriors to join his legion, fighting for a higher
goal.\n\nInstructed by the Vedä, Arduin once regarded Thane as his rival. He
decided to fight Thane for honor, but won Thane's admiration with his fearless
combat style and confident tactics. After years of collaboration, Arduin finally
accepted Thane as an ally and their friendship grew. \n\nThe duo was fundamental to
the rebels' victory. The Fallen were forced to withdraw their defense lines and
retreat to Inferi. In the last battle, Arduin and Thane quarreled for the first
time in a long time. Arduin wanted to keep on battling, in hopes of obliterating
the dark forces and bringing back the long-awaited peace, while Thane thought such
an action would only devastate what they had achieved so far.\n\nFailing to
persuade him, Arduin abandoned Thane and, together with his warriors and supporting
Vedän squads, marched into Inferi to hunt down the remaining Fallen and demons.
Yet, Arduin's legion was misled to the Icy Terrain by the cunning Veera. She
ignited the frost fire, hoping to annihilate the entire legion. Feeling a deep
regret of his own decision, Arduin strode through the frost fire and created a
storm by swinging his ax, attempting to create a safe passage for his
warriors.\n\nThanks to Arduin's resourcefulness, a few soldiers managed to survive,
but many of their fellows perished in the unforgiving frost fire. Even Arduin
himself was scorched in battle, but was saved by the Vedä-blessed armor. Despite
the fact that Arduin swung his ax blindly, he managed to kill any enemies who dared
to come close.\n\nVeera swiftly stepped in and stopped the Fallen from taking
revenge. She poured frost fire into Arduin's crippling body, rendering the holy
seal of Vedä useless. Soon, Arduin's body was burned to ashes, and though his
spirit remained, it was marked with a dark seal by Veera. Freezing frost fire
replaced the Holy Force and became the sole driving force of the armor.\n\n"Those
who lament the loss of Arduin will never expect to see their legendary hero again
like this!"
9A40F7BF498CF1CB_## = The guild you have joined did not pass the charter period.
9A44D97A5A4962DD_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
9A49B11B6BCCC1FB_## = Cooldown
9A4A8AB836472801_## = Tỉnh Đồng Nai
9A5231E6EFD917EF_## =
9a52fa2b887f894d = 9a52fa2b887f894d_##
9A5368AD0BBF7ACF_## =
9A585D49ED2F0E50_## = On Murad's 4th consecutive normal attack within 3 seconds
(ineffective against buildings), he gains 5% attack damage and releases the seal on
Temporal Turbulence for 5 seconds.
9A5C66D608CED969_## = 1. Complete battles to earn rewards.\n\n2. Custom matches,
bot matches, and battles with AFK will be ignored.\n\n3. Rewards and number of
battles reset at 5am every Monday.\n\n4. Credibility Score bonuses are as
follows:\n\nAbove <color=orange>{0}</color>: +<color=orange>{1}%</color>\n\nAbove
<color=orange>{2}</color>: +<color=orange>{3}%</color>\n\nBelow
<color=orange>{4}</color>: +<color=orange>{5}%</color>\n\nBelow
<color=orange>{6}</color>: no rewards.
9A5F2AE0BDA99088_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Arduin)
9A662623DDAFC176_## = Attack Damage +2.5 \nLife Steal +0.5%
9A66CDBA71DEC9BD_## =
9A69579463F354DB_## =
9A6E5BC047B1461A_## = Mở để có cơ hội nhận combo Tướng Joker + Trang phục vĩnh
viễn và cực nhiều phần thưởng đặc biệt khác!
9A6ECD3C446F33A9_## = Đỉnh cao danh vọng
9A6FAC9506C78264_## = Limited-time offer
9A7036D4B49A22DE_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
9A717F1C49AC7171_## =
9A7678675549639A_## =
9A76848A1234CFA4_## =
9A775DCD9D48D4C9_## =
9A79954EAE6D7DE9_## = Cybercore Level 5
9A79B2B5D4469CBD_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
9A7C4272E4AE800A_## =
9A7D3620ED386022_## = 签到图片
9A7E97A02567EF3E_## = Arthur summons divine blades that circle around him, dealing
{0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#7FFFD4>(+{2})</color>
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> per hit for 5 seconds.
9A7FEF5D3C7B3936_## =
9A8074095D1B2435_## =
9A80AD6356853EB5_## =
9A80B4C679A2C9AC_## =
9A814A90EAD3C24C_## =
9A81C04349725992_## = Original
9A856FDE5CD952F8_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
9A8B3E638C8514B4_## =
9A921B36932D7693_## =
9A93A9613AD0D5F6_## =
9A95E5672E902636_## = Trial Card: Try out Tel'Annas' skin: Love Sworn for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
9A964C487A17D737_## =
9A9732E679793A66_## = Melee
9A973FC6F37F39D6_## =
9A99756A18961C56_## = Rương Murad MTP
9A9C4CF37ABC5931_## =
9A9D77BA54FF5740_## =
9AA2284000F38089_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Kriknak) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
9aa24545315da2c5 = 9aa24545315da2c5_##
9AA468849818E4BB_## = Lvl 4 Arcana: Brute Force
9AB3976217B64C25_## = Zephys' passive allows him to keep fighting even with very
low HP. Purchase equipment that boosts his survivability. Death's Flurry causes a
lot of damage, but make sure to aim it properly to deal as much damage as possible
to multiple enemies.
9AB9F8FA3D44C973_## = Special Coupon
9AC657CBC99A6767_## =
9AC8D00EF8797CB6_## = Harass
9ACA52B32468A6B3_## = Warrior
9ACCA368F4B0B15A_## = Burst
9ACECDEC7737C62F_## = Steeled Focus
9ACEE70D45895D75_## = Cooldown
9AD6B1B18BD20030_## = Diaochan
9AD7EBB48A4B3CF7_## =
9ADA97C3FA391966_## =
9ADD810E662B4B16_## =
9ADF5B7B84B85237_## =
9AE3174E6E7FE682_## = Whenever Grakk receives damage equal to more than 10% of his
current HP in a single blow, he triggers an explosion, dealing {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>(+{2})</color> <color=#ca3939>(2% of
his own maximum HP)</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to enemies within
500 units (2-second cooldown). Grakk will also trigger an explosion 3 seconds after
his death, dealing {3} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{4})</color> <color=#ca3939>(+{5})</color>
<color=#ca3939>(8% of his own maximum HP)</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
damage</color> to enemies within 500 units.
9AE34801D7F0D10B_## =
9AE4DD40CB77737A_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
9AE84FEE7398D0F3_## =
9AE97BA94EE725EB_## =
9AF0498C2349DA66_## = Nâng cấp ngọc quý
9AF7F97A06569D8E_## = Unknown
9AFE145DC6745CF3_## =
9B06596FEA120B98_## = Tăng 50% Exp Đấu thường 5v5
9B06E620A33A8D21_## =
9B0A09CFAA545C6E_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
9B0BC2B3B49545A3_## =
9B0D2A484C57779E_## = New skin model
9B10D54F773656BD_## =
9B113AA97ED58549_## = Base Damage
9B15C18A8512B5C8_## =
9B165DE3EA4C0A06_## = Blood Wyrm
9B1688F95585F3D1_## = Since you were <color=#ffd700>reported by multiple
players</color> during a battle at {3}:{4}:{5} on {0}/{1}/{2} and the system
determined that the situation was severe, {6} points have been deducted from your
Credibility Score. Please take each battle seriously.
9b16ab40e32d00bf = Cancel
9B186B8D6E4CC0EA_## = Open to receive a Guild Trial Card Pack. Get one of these
packs and share some trial cards with your guildmates.
9B19E63B8DC7C151_## = Madness is mercy my friend.
9B1B6772E90E2B10_## = The Pure
9B1BBD9A9F806264_## =
9B1C83C5EFC0F551_## =
9B1E417498DBDCCF_## = Thắng đấu hạng với Butterfly {C}/{T} lần
9B235C97DC127471_## = Butterfly
9B244E0BA90384B7_## =
9B253313F271FC08_## =
9B25770A71F345EE_## =
9B26FB820668BE3B_## = Peura
9B2BE7D83BCDD556_## =
9B2D587AD5940F47_## =
9B2FA5ED30EA4165_## =
9B2FBB83D9717515_## = Shadowstrike
9B321B69025B7C31_## = Base Damage
9B32A66E87B341B6_## = Enter the advanced<color=#f6bf17ff> practice
9B3B4C70E0DA8F15_## = Mischief
9B3CAE6AE6DB44D9_## = Rương may mắn Lindis
9B3E7B4FF5227A71_## = The Merciless
9B3EAB9345894D33_## =
9B481B457B655D6B_## = Trial Card: Try out Chaugnar's skin: Hazmat for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
9B48CAD9DA9BA91E_## = Maloch
9b4aeb8461ee6316 = 9b4aeb8461ee6316_##
9B4FFCBD9669C858_## =
9B52AAAFAA27F499_## =
9B52EE68204961F3_## = What kind of abilities would you like your hero to have?
9B60D737C5D8065E_## =
9B65D5E6B7321D43_## =
9B66EB4D47D65381_## = Slash
9b6c2de0ab665c32 = 9b6c2de0ab665c32_##
9B6D7B6CFCBE25BE_## =
9B6D7EDB76F288BA_## = Cooldown
9B726E024B425AF0_## = Trial Card: Try out Lauriel's skin: Black Wing
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
9B74F15C2155D476_## = 本週活動精選
9B7504B9853E74AE_## =
9B7648AF2AF1B6EB_## = 7 日累積簽到
9B76620E26804511_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
9B7715F2B7B3593F_## = Gói phán xét
9B78934B3E63E6EF_## = Structure
9B7BBD76D7630A59_## = Lucky Draw
9B7E83E6990F301D_## =
9B7F1C144D41A3C6_## =
9B808FD921F9573B_## =
9B867FFBB943DB53_## =
9B8A06E898417237_## = Roar of Fright
9B8D292A1650694C_## =
9B902D9D1A94EB81_## =
9B90698C6CCD2AE4_## = Make it a pastel world
9B9211E6BE95B11A_## = Red Gunner
9B93E57F4AD06A67_## =
9B984A8DB3667250_## = Original
9B9B3D1EFFC74D50_## =
9b9b62eaaee7f41b = Final Adjustment
9BA6B6419551283D_## =
9BAE675460777008_## =
9BAEB9BAFD0F8D17_## = Cooldown
9BB0C92F4EF19686_## = Mở để nhận 1 ngọc tím cấp 3 (ngẫu nhiên)
9BB3F91CC28BB6B7_## =
9BB4E4F0BAFF903D_## = Max
9BBD06F1BCDEB45C_## =
9BBFB1DBF4EA9809_## = Pay attention to the team composition. %19
9BBFE196CCD9F722_## = Marksman (Standard)
9BC26CE39A53A826_## =
9BC34533627499A1_## =
9bc4c5b08765e1d9 = Mana cost: 100
9BC57C7479B563D8_## =
9BC86421457CBA92_## = 参与 5V5
9BCA7F2070B1BC62_## =
9BCC61E3D27E5316_## =
9BCFA18408AE21EA_## = Report Feedback
9BCFF99745397900_## =
9BD05616800F80EC_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK {C}/{T}
9BD11F2A55B5003A_## =
9BD1BF449D3C6579_## = Unknown
9BD1C0F4A6053107_## = Abyssal Dragon
9BD421FE22F7733D_## = Everyone push bottom!
9BD8FCFB37649734_## = Kumiho's Legacy
9BD90BD1EA20F5E0_## = Kriknak
9BDAAF536D45647F_## =
9BDC15C2FCB49FD8_## = Trial Card: Try out Lumburr for <color=#01d1f8ff>1</color>
day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
9BE0103ECD528281_## =
9BE0C1B5620492BF_## =
9BE645B986DAA484_## =
9BE8222251477234_## = Trial Card: Try out Mganga's skin: Fright Circus for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
9bead35a40dfcc0f = Map Name
9BEF0570FF84ECF4_## =
9BF1710AD0EAD53A_## = Riposte
9BF317289FC31874_## =
9BF3F867B1E58277_## = 本週活動精選
9BF6B29696B874B1_## = Base Damage
9BF6D53823F7B954_## = <color=#f8be32>120 second</color> cooldown: Immobilizes your
hero to become invulnerable for <color=#f8be32>1.5 seconds</color>.
9bf8170fa57e293f = Clip
9BF88D299989BDBA_## =
9BFB6AE1B02CC9DB_## =
9BFBD8DDAB3F123F_## = Base Damage
9BFE42134ECA0781_## = 本週活動精選
9C01AE2578523808_## =
9C023A9707BBEC09_## = Đây là phần thưởng Sinh nhật Liên Quân (thử thách) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
9C035A6D49D84898_## = Impale's cooldown is reduced by 1 second whenever Lu Bu hits
a target with an ability or normal attack.
9C03F145EA819AFB_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
9C05DDF795B5B980_## = Buy items to strengthen your hero!
9C08925DCE6B899E_## = Unknown
9C09424E872A4285_## =
9C09ACD0A7F33F70_## =
9C0A13FBBBF51D24_## =
9C0D2DF4278055E1_## =
9C1C328B28F9410E_## = Tulen
9C1D262CB2C36538_## =
9C2325D41C58CCE0_## =
9C2593EBB675EE0F_## =
9C27531FFFBA16C1_## =
9C28D2EC44636177_## = Unique Passive: Resistance +35%
9C2F6F2B6B32884C_## =
9C301D6B59299790_## =
9C373224C766D21A_## = Hidden Weapons
9C398C36FE3673E6_## = Original
9C3BC945C47C9C33_## = Zill
9C3D8B8338DA75D4_## = Xeniel
9C3E78E87FB96865_## = Veera
9C40C49575D18505_## = Sacred Flame
9C413E082CE7F118_## =
9C41C4C4CEC2702A_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Batman {C}/{T} lần
9C41CE84778C758F_## = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Adjust the display quality and
sound effects in the settings if the game starts to lag.
9C431FF12D1E926D_## = 本週活動精選
9C4572DBC5DCEDEE_## =
9C478E362BF25B27_## =
9C48D01155A2095C_## = Unknown
9C48FB42A5180C65_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nTướng vĩnh viễn
(Xeniel) / Thẻ thử tướng Xeniel (1 ngày) / Mảnh tướng
9C4BC658D04B8EB4_## = Flowerchild
9C4C0A37BE058DFF_## =
9C4CB19F03DC7CFE_## =
9C509F1C6163D1A3_## = <size=24><color=#ffffffff>1. Guild
Creation</color></size>\nGuilds will first enter a charter period. If enough
signatures are collected during the charter period, the guild will be established.
The founder and the charter signers will become guild members with the founder
becoming the Guild Leader and 2 of the signers becoming Guild
Officers.\n\n<size=24><color=#ffffffff>2. Adding Members</color></size>\nThe Guild
Leader and Officers can invite their friends to join the guild. Members can
recommend their friends, but these recommendations must be approved by the Leader
and Officers. Invitations will be sent once they are
approved.\n\n<size=24><color=#ffffffff>3. Gold Bonuses</color></size>\nGuild
members will receive gold bonuses when participating in Standard Matches and Ranked
Matches. Guilds with higher member limits will receive larger gold bonuses (up to
9C5109149DE1683A_## = Contains 10 Gems, 1100 Gold and 1 lvl 1 Arcana: Stab
9C511402BB21C646_## = Vé quay may mắn (2-5)
9C52C89547D106AC_## =
9C533C0587661359_## =
9C5786942BC1D6FF_## = Maloch
9C585EACE4EDC5AE_## = Contains 10 Gems, 1300 Gold and 1 lvl 2 Arcana: Vitality
9C5BC1B7E71731A9_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
9C5CAFD0C56B8B52_## =
9C5D47E90CDEE473_## = Lunar Fairy
9C5E3E49ED69FBC3_## =
9C61712E7DA72D84_## =
9C61BED96C6EB9E5_## =
9C620F1211F3E28E_## = [新英雄-The Joker 登場] 愛不釋手
9C63AF15EBCA2532_## = Base Damage
9c6507ff577fdaac = Rounds Wins Winning Rate Top Streak
9C68FEBD26E87074_## = Magic Defense Reduction
9C69A53DFF1D2A6E_## = Slimz
9C6D67F3B20A9F03_## = Base Damage
9C6DA761941834AC_## = Nhận từ kho báu
9C6FA7C4F03E9B81_## =
9C702089D3D60540_## = Trial Card: Try out Airi's skin: Shadowstrike
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
9C70A830607CDAAD_## =
9C71C93DA1EBA5A5_## = <color=#d4e600>HP Regen Restriction</color>\nThe Altar of
Life will not help <color=#f6bf17ff>restore HP</color>.
9C75A33F779E7419_## = Aten
9C763739F7448036_## =
9C78445C2CA1E4E5_## = HP +1700, HP Regen +100 \n[Longevity][I'm Golden]
9C7A7D6089607E32_## =
9C7C15EAD789359D_## =
9C7D2AFA0692ED34_## = Jinnar
9C7F53EEA92B1488_## = Unknown
9C7FB84433725C87_## =
9C860C639908AD34_## = Tap "Normal Attack" to give it a go!
9C8C3F4E4F29E980_## =
9C8CE5CB439551D0_## =
9C8EDEBD6EC0CD65_## =
9C904C368F3E53DF_## = Trial Card: Try out Omen for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days.
You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this hero.
9C90F475985971DC_## = Melee
9C964448827096CF_## = Congratulations! The guild, <color=#ffd700>{0}</color>, has
been successfully created with <color=#ffd700>{1}</color> as the Guild Leader.
9C9777BF288492AB_## =
9C99C80423D04143_## = Skud
9C9A791EF615A65F_## =
9CA2449A91F36D1C_## = 本週活動精選
9CA49F4E3E2BC45D_## =
9CA5CBF4FF374C5A_## = Airi
9CA741D8BC0B9B95_## =
9CA82F1CC01AC5E5_## =
9CA843FBCF515936_## = Violet
9CAFAD022709CC64_## = Tank
9CB2F0B483D2273C_## = Unique Passive: Movement Speed +60
9CB30627BCB77435_## = Select your hero preferences
9CB76ECC093D33E8_## =
9CBBD683CC4455CA_## =
9CBC23A1F78BE94E_## =
9CC22F9C4AFB4056_## =
9CC5B0A7E51EAF2A_## = +50% Exp Năm mới - Hạng
9CC6613B326E0497_## = We need a Mage!
9CC9E991964B4836_## = Burst
9CCB2408657A79A8_## =
9CCB5B57F87ABB0D_## = <color=#00d5ff>Main Quest:</color> \nDestroy the enemy's Core
9CD0EBFC64059B13_## = Kil'Groth's Gore Lord removes control effects and makes
Kill'Groth temporarily immune to them, so remember to activate this ability when an
enemy is trying to control you. Target enemy heroes when you use Sea Spear so the
cooldown is reduced.
9CD11649C886045B_## =
9CD51F21BE746A07_## =
9CD693B71ABD09E5_## = Trial Card: Try out Tel'Annas' skin: Woodland
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
9CD96ABBEE3C839C_## =
9CDA064130A902D5_## = Unknown
9CDC0661AC79C8C8_## = Azure
9CDE03662390AE66_## = Pain on a Stick
9CE20C63CB499243_## = Linebacker
9CE21C3B6839ED0F_## = Each normal attack increases Kil'Groth's attack speed by {0}-
{1}% (scales with hero level), stacks up to {2} times. Kil'Groth's 3rd normal
attack has a longer attack range.
9CE639EE5EC6668A_## =
9CE7178C8E095E4F_## = Request refused.
9CEDBE679779E43D_## =
9CEE8D8EC87CFAD5_## = When taking damage, Mina has a chance to counterattack,
dealing {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color><color=#ca3939>(+{2})</color>
<color=#ca3939>(2% of own maximum HP)</color> <color=#ca3939>physical
damage</color> to nearby enemies.
9CEF287DAEFAB4B2_## =
9CEF3B15E1DF7BE7_## =
9CEF732481318EAB_## = Tham gia mỗi ngày để nhận mảnh ghép năm mới và đổi lấy cơ
hội sở hữu bộ đôi trang phục giới hạn Long kỵ sĩ và Nghệ nhân Lân!
9CF267FB8A116661_## =
9CF5DAC46A0EA247_## = Trial Card: Try out Superman for <color=#01d1f8ff>3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this hero.
9CF919D6FB81A219_## = Mở để nhận ngẫu nhiên 10-30 Ruby
9D0343F892D85D1F_## = Cơ hội nhận vĩnh viễn/thẻ thử combo trang phục Giáng sinh
cực chất: Ormarr Thông Thỏa Thích và Natalya Quà Quái Quỷ!
9D049C08DB979D05_## = Rương Nguyệt tộc
9D05E5ACBAF98A49_## =
9D0935D9C8787CF5_## = (Grants Frostbite talent)
9D09434DEE18A298_## = Omega
9D0EE6F33972ABA3_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
9D0F0B10F81EC02D_## =
9D105F0FA53FF979_## =
9D139E81C793EA9F_## = Unknown
9D155143E5FCA22F_## =
9D1817D6103FF09D_## = Chìa khóa Nguyệt tộc
9D1CA3DD463E080F_## =
9D1E5A1FFC544AFD_## = Midas Touch
9D22F5D5E83C8CF0_## =
9D28F251DC8BE8DF_## = Guest giftbag
9D290E690FFE56EF_## =
9D292287E74B4BAF_## = Mage
9D2A627270D976B4_## =
9D2EB45A4DB37964_## = 圣诞节登陆活动
9D33D51BA99501EE_## = Original
9D363BB03EFD2A7A_## =
9D369470F12A2D78_## = Crowd Control Immunity
9D37225412448D45_## = Peura creates a zone that increases armor of nearby friendly
units by {0}. Enemy units in the zone suffers {1} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{2})</color>
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> every 0.5 seconds and 20% reduced movement
speed while in the zone. Enemies who remain in the zone for more than 2 seconds are
stunned for 1.5 seconds. This ability must be channeled and has a maximum duration
of 5 seconds. Moving or using another ability after 0.6 seconds of channeling will
interrupt this ability.
9D4768A07C529310_## = Red Defense Tower
9D495F342EAF079A_## = Summer Bash
9D49E42A3EFFD793_## = Nakroth skin: Cybercore Level 2
9D4A499773CFA74B_## =
9D4BDB1CBC635121_## =
9D540CFCD2518305_## =
9D57DAB48DF77D2A_## = Sinh nhật Liên Quân (thử thách)
9D5DF57F4EDB09C3_## = Natalya
9D5ECE8449A8870A_## = Nạp tích lũy 90 Quân Huy, nhận quà ngay
9D5F255CE17252C5_## = Trial Card: Try out Superman's skin: Justice Lord
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
9D62CFF0A39A457B_## = Hex
9D634006495AA4D8_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Chơi game)
9D643EF96895D9CD_## = Lunar Bunny
9D66877E28F7D455_## = Melee
9D668C6673B7DB5E_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
9D66EDD8F7787456_## = Returning Heroes
9D67235EB4FD4B99_## = Trial Card: Try out Krixi's skin: Summer Bash
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
9D683DBD08254F7A_## =
9D686ECD970C922C_## =
9D6F3DB1E3EFD8E1_## = 登录送 token1
9D71587E18F8123F_## = Mở để nhận thẻ thử tướng và thử trang phục 3 ngày
9D73386FD85564C2_## =
9D76ACC4867FD87A_## = obsolete+83c697d27e999a8e
9D79AD6B1B567DCD_## =
9D7A19A9DA33DC12_## = Melee
9D7BBE8D4C150491_## =
9D868F51D317E35A_## =
9D8737945A9550BD_## =
9D8A642481E9BA28_## = Gold IV
9D8EBDF6D5DC9E6E_## = Long Range
9D90B0A504A3E402_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
9D981C95AF4BAD00_## = Embers
9D9B79603959A42F_## = Limited-time offer
9D9CAA4BAD1DB533_## = Marksman
9D9CCC9F7567C43E_## =
9DA0A3A0E0CC0A79_## = Đổi quà tặng, nhận rương may mắn Valentine
9DA2CE2490F29FCE_## =
9DA3EF404753BEDB_## =
9DA445D1DEB7811B_## = Trial Card: Try out Valhein for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
9DA99E1A2071E2EF_## = Additional Damage
9DAB4218A5F7BB5E_## =
9DAEE0D707B0350A_## = Số lần tham gia 5V5 {C}/{T}
9DB3192AB0EF990B_## = Trial Card: Try out Lindis for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color>
day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
9DB5D383E261ABAF_## =
9DB756E3D8B9B797_## = You have been removed from the guild,
<color=#ffd700>{0}</color>, by <color=#ffd700>{2}</color>, the {1}.
9DB87382C86CB8A4_## = 本週活動精選
9DB95494399DE3A4_## = Regnant
9DBC88B87CDCB2BA_## = 本週活動精選
9DBCFDE690587590_## = Zanis
9DBD8FB896A3400E_## =
9DBFAD4B21104727_## = Every {0} seconds, dealing damage to an enemy hero triggers
Zuka's Chi, increasing his attack damage by 14/15.5/17/18.5/20% (occurs at Level
1/4/7/10/13) for the next {1} seconds.
9DC0486DE28B54DC_## = (Abilities that impair enemy movement or buff teammates)
9DC19C8796AD77B7_## =
9DC2455AFE4A2E59_## = Navy Cadet
9DC630938127464D_## =
9DC89B09D9099AA6_## = Gói tuyết rơi
9DD1D0A360CC5832_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
9DD507EBBFF79250_## = Unknown
9DD786DE85149F2B_## = Săn rồng để nhận Ruby miễn phí!
9DD948B887FCE49D_## =
9DDB11B0840C492C_## = Chơi cùng bạn bè trong chế độ đấu thường để nhận thưởng mỗi
9DDE1EBA7E450632_## =
9DE0390D023DDEA4_## =
9DE100FD15D6333B_## =
9DE2A0B663924AA2_## =
9DE3A69703D0E13B_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Lục)
9DE640FEC998B7C7_## = 5V5 经验翻倍
9DE93961B5A89C67_## = Blue Hammer Soldier
9DEA98B04509ED37_## = Blue Base
9DECDD961781E1B6_## = Get 5 ruby
9DEFAF501F804D2F_## =
9df09d1f3c1f4770 = Querying the network…
9DF3E36294BFCFD7_## = Melee
9DF461FDBB12B639_## = Warrior giftbag
9DF55EE55C4C1029_## = Reach Level {0}
9DF80C8249BAAE8D_## =
9DFA6451CADBF7E0_## =
9DFF3E8BC9916349_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
9E00DF8CB06B0092_## =
9E044F7D372331E3_## =
9E081544898844D9_## = Cooldown
9E0B974C73D288D4_## =
9E0CC9DF00506EB0_## = Sweet Revenge
9E0F65637FFF485B_## = Nhân dịp Tết dương lịch, hệ thống sẽ tự động +50% Exp nhận
được khi đấu Hạng. Còn chờ gì nữa, nhanh tay chiến ngay và thăng cấp vù vù thôi!
9E10B8C8C9D55927_## =
9E11078FBB791405_## = Unknown
9E15B89AF4CB93C8_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
9E168D1ADABB25BC_## =
9E179E06943BBCE4_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
9E1815E4FF7B85FF_## =
9E18CCAD53FFC149_## = Recipient's level is too low.
9E1F4BD91AA4D1FD_## = Original
9E26A53476E8A32B_## = Congratulations, you are now one step closer to becoming a
true hero!
9E27F843F7F45ED5_## = Lauriel
9E2D1D5E0443B34F_## = Nhận thêm quà tặng khi tiêu Quân Huy trong thời gian sự
kiện\nLưu ý: Không tính số Quân huy tiêu trong Shop tế đàn
9E2D921B93365E0B_## =
9E30ABE10DD63756_## =
9E30F5AB5DB5A7C9_## = Pleading
9E341D61A09633A5_## = Victory Goddess' Favor
9E34E38054071604_## = 签到图片
9E352F781A904CC5_## =
9E36779C800816FE_## =
9E368DB44C57A6CA_## = Warrior giftbag
9E37502A1AD05A8B_## = Chocolate M-TP
9E37AEF870407C30_## =
9E3B1E94A7361152_## =
9E3B90E025250DBC_## = Trial Card: Try out Cresht's skin: Firefighter for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
9E3C498039381702_## = Lvl 5 Arcana: Blitz
9E3C5BD642EE0DA7_## =
9e3f215df641cd92 = 9e3f215df641cd92_##
9E3F924564745A6D_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
9E43C146D9BE209B_## = Flicker
9E4F17441721F941_## = Original
9E52348C358C4064_## = Zephys attacks from above, dealing <color=#ca3939>physical
damage</color> to enemies in a large target area and reducing their movement speed.
9E55B3E8CBB8B7C1_## =
9E598B63FF34ACBF_## = Alice
9E5B9222F2D965D4_## =
9E5C9F8C545C1433_## = Ormarr
9e5e3a91268e102c = Season
9E6016C81180B309_## = Use voice chat.
9E62A584066B184C_## =
9E64004CD9B32190_## = Trial Card: Try out Kahlii's skin: Corpse Bride for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
9E6970D3B44672CB_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
9E6B9169328A487C_## =
9E6D9C8FF1C465CA_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
9E6F13B7B41A2D4A_## =
9E7196B0F9E958EF_## =
9E7315429E92630F_## =
9E78C5F813C0C8AE_## =
9E79023E6294EDED_## =
9E8122C1D70C677B_## = You got what it takes.
9E819FC25062ECF0_## = Butterfly
9E82AE940529C6FF_## = Sweet Revenge
9E831F46BC6A0B7C_## = That all you got?
9E841596683E8737_## = Unknown
9E86D88DE7E4C602_## =
9E87F01A7498FD2E_## = Armageddon
9e8ca93851548629 = New
9E8E9743B6EA95BF_## = Unknown
9E8F321E5970C046_## = Arum
9E9048071B11ACCB_## =
9e92127270b01df8 = obsolete+9e92127270b01df8
9E95CD786CA19B3B_## =
9E9AF1AE2B8E97CE_## = Flicker
9E9CB38BCD650E8B_## =
9E9D5EE6C0CC4ABA_## = Talisman of Strength
9E9D84C29539E3F2_## = Original
9EA604477E573F00_## =
9EA7D48A743B63A2_## = Đổi quà tình nhân
9EAE127073F46269_## =
9EB16256A87B95A7_## =
9EB183099DC4BE29_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nTướng vĩnh viễn
(Murad) / Thẻ thử tướng Murad (1 ngày) / Mảnh tướng
9EB2C2D8466F70F1_## =
9EB4229FEB8D8D28_## = Unique Passive - Riposte: 15% of the physical damage taken is
deflected to the enemy as magic damage (calculation is based on damage before
damage reduction).
9EB6F0F27295E7CE_## = obsolete
9EB958C2FB0A4E77_## =
9EB97FF84840C6A1_## = Tiêu Quân Huy - nhận ưu đãi
9EBA03BD0647B788_## =
9EBD431C3F3EBA86_## =
9EBD715D3B6FA5D0_## =
9EC1F72C95827574_## = Superman
9EC4493080FC73BC_## = <color=#00d5ff>Main Quest:</color> \nDestroy a mid tower
9EC47329704E6A63_## = Krixi
9eca658d74694414 = Sure
9ECAE1473B58B03A_## =
9ECC046F7622AFD6_## =
9ED4D305407DF495_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
9ED5493C01B13AA3_## = War is not a game.
9ED5F8C2C2621B79_## =
9ED6F632DB2EF9FC_## = Dark Slayer
9ED803673A008E22_## =
9EDE3D375BC33B41_## =
9EE3AA14A7105D07_## = Kết hợp với Chìa khóa Lân để nhận trang phục giới hạn
Natalya Nghệ nhân lân
9EE587EAC63F3210_## = Tel'Annas' Eagle Eye has a very long range, so use that to
your advantage to keep the enemy from advancing as well as kite them with the
passive. When enemies are grouped together, use Arrow of Chaos at the right time to
dish out tons of damage, knock them back, and stun them.
9eeb50d338ad0a3 = 9eeb50d338ad0a3_##
9EEC0D76B951DA10_## = Astrid
9EF5999D0D16B8BD_## =
9EF682A2A6EDDBA5_## = Ormarr
9ef6c4f7ed78fe95 = Victory
9EF776071319EE6C_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
9EF803F45085A688_## = Tap here to see heroes available for purchase.
9ef9e5db9e664ea5 = 9ef9e5db9e664ea5_##
9F014FC283E6BCEF_## = Every 5 seconds, Ryoma's next normal attack unleashes a
shadow blade that has a longer range and deals <color=#f18d00>{0}</color>
<color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to each enemy hit and reduces enemy movement
speed by {1}% for 2 seconds. Enemies hit by the shadow blade at the outer border of
the range will suffer an additional 50% <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>.
9F03F7EAD5EEC61E_## =
9F04D8A45B478399_## = Unknown
9F06E5FFA2D15EF7_## =
9F06EFA84B071B34_## =
9F07EF2E25100C56_## =
9F09AD0C9E283E1F_## = Your friend <color=#ffd700>{0}</color> has created the guild,
<color=#ffd700>{1}</color>, and has invited you to join.
9F0EA907CFB4C573_## =
9F0F8B0763B75F26_## =
9F18F7623319C48E_## = Burst, Finisher
9F1D0EC986FAFE58_## =
9F1D660D8A7DB07A_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
9F1E14825FD805C2_## = Burst
9F22B91413A5E3FD_## =
9F25DCA6C8544FD1_## = Using any 2 abilities will strengthen the next Divine Light
cast within 3 seconds and refreshes its cooldown immediately.
9F29808E27AEA3B3_## =
9F2C00EB77534CC2_## = Trial Card: Try out Fennik for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
9F2C941EAA6C6CC1_## =
9F2CE6E6D0206F16_## = Fiery weapon effects
9F33C51598CDBD8F_## = 本週活動精選
9F34FB8910D116C5_## = Butterfly
9F35DFADBD64AF56_## =
9F36CBCBA1BCB29F_## =
9f3a8cff772d82a1 = Movement Speed
9F3CD864D5FD9AAB_## = Ilumia
9F412E09B622626D_## = Achieve victory by destroying the enemy Core.
9F439EC101497C04_## = Trial Card: Try out Azzen'Ka's skin: Storm Wraith for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
9f445955f77bab52 = Most Kills
9F44EEE2785B7681_## =
9F459894499AE183_## =
9F4711DD5C86CA1C_## = Execute
9F4721C6FFD0079D_## = Đăng nhập mỗi ngày để nhận 1 Thẻ bài Joker bí ẩn
9F47E08CF6F60FBD_## = Snow Festival
9F48D9F5B028D703_## =
9F4A14A904B7C2D6_## =
9F4C23165F43416A_## = Original
9F4F7D2CACEB0B23_## =
9f4feb357697672b = 9f4feb357697672b_##
9F506AE72088E930_## =
9F549CC1983E9982_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tích lũy tiêu Quân Huy - Nhận skin miễn
phí của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
9F55F43387F3A7F8_## =
9F56BB08159CA6C6_## =
9F5A4BE196E9A9F2_## =
9F5A6EE1E8A7F339_## =
9F5F98600BF604FC_## =
9F6119427B7241B9_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Chơi game)
9f61e8a5379438da = Records
9F62DD237FD75E9E_## = A friend has gifted you Gold!
9F67C9CE5DBE66F0_## =
9F6D0A539F638DEE_## = Krixi's Mischief has an extremely long range. Use this
ability combined with the movement speed bonus from her passive to harass enemies.
Nature's Wrath and Moonfall are great for aiding allies in team fights while
maintaining a safe distance.
9F6F9715A7806733_## =
9f7098ef1eea9bfc = Season Results
9F71EE38B8ABD3C4_## = Base Damage
9F723DDD45AA1BA8_## = Lumburr
9F72E0452FC06D03_## = Abomination
9f73bd972195b217 = 9f73bd972195b217_##
9F754D9A2C17B782_## =
9F75D2DACD3763FC_## =
9F76EC289013A742_## = Bức thư tình đầu tiên
9f77051bd0d3d790 = Hero's name
9F77FD4664926EDA_## =
9F7A0B637BA7F09A_## = Play casual or Ranked matches against other players! Win or
lose, you'll still earn lots of Gold!
9F7A32916CEBF0EA_## = Behold the sun!
9F7B8D9A64CC1D3E_## =
9F7DA74B23AD2054_## = Trial Card: Try out Aleister's skin: Triumphant for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
9f7f18ddac89e0ab = 9f7f18ddac89e0ab_##
9F7F3232A0C4086C_## =
9F8127F08C5C7F08_## =
9F84DACE52E3877F_## =
9F87E0E06502B5A7_## =
9F883C4CF99DE442_## =
9F892DCBF2782C6B_## =
9F89A832D3A9E721_## = Nakroth flips backwards and the next normal attack within 3
seconds becomes a horizontal sweep that deals {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color>
<color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>.
9F8A30FEB9C07D92_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
9F8B653FC7436D94_## = Normal Attack
9F8BBB61142E73ED_## =
9F8D4224BB946C32_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5v5 cùng bạn
9F919571E67B6506_## =
9F923F79141A8E27_## =
9F96BCE26CFE7C8E_## = Trial Card: Try out Lindis' skin: Time Warp for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
9F97FACDAE055138_## = Tham gia sự kiện Tết gắn kết - Anh em chấp hết tại
sukien8.lienquan.garena.vn - Nhận Dấu ấn Tulen và đổi tướng miễn phí!
9f982ea3b0acf757 = Join
9F98D3187E0598D6_## =
9F9B3E2DE80DAACA_## =
9F9C162BF8CD688C_## = That all you got?
9FA1AA958E7B6599_## = Gale
9FA1F51C69160869_## = Đấu trường Huyền thoại
9FA21A166D3EB549_## = Rương thẻ thử tướng 7N
9FA796CB436E0FC9_## = Unlocks at level 5
9FABD7B503E6046E_## =
9FABE0510C3E77BD_## = Quy đổi ngọc lục cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
9FACB10522118643_## = Unknown
9FADA6177B5BCDC8_## = Lucky Draw Chest
9FAE3C513E728FED_## =
9FB5549128A4D4E4_## = Shield Increase
9FB7064BA3DA98AD_## =
9FB715724C693FCF_## = Liliana's normal attacks in both Human Form and Fox Form are
enhanced if her abilities in Human Form hit enemies.\n\nReiki Shot deals a lot of
damage and is best paired with control abilities because it moves slowly.
9FB75DAE6A3D091E_## =
9FB97F8C2602CCF7_## =
9FBA01CFD24D2619_## =
9FBA8B714C7B67D1_## = Reach {0} [/0:$(win|wins)/]
9FBB8C15702E213F_## = Veera
9FC0A2D1B3274939_## = Mage
9fc21d56361e3517 = Expand the <color=#f6bf17ff>mini-map</color> to signal
9FC8474B0094E9F2_## =
9FD1487953471FF5_## = Original
9FDE6A16CBE18B8A_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Vàng
9FDF30062AF81B04_## = Roar
9FDF68FFD6227B56_## =
9FE010D7516729EC_## = 签到图片
9FE4BD116308B99C_## = Djinn
9FE58969A965E218_## = A kill or an assist resets the cooldowns for all of
Butterfly's abilities and restores 15% of her lost HP.
9FE7D8B6ABB54097_## = Attack
9FEBEC40E3F2C8A2_## =
9FED557AA93A4DBE_## = Yorn
9FED8507594D0792_## =
9FEE9A853AEC6326_## = Warrior
9FEEBFB31AAFD9EB_## = Base Damage
9FF1ADB3B61675FC_## =
9FF9DE424D79CDC7_## = Use Kriknak's Terrifying Plague to put Marks of Horror on
enemies to inflict increased amounts of damage on them and significantly reducing
Terrifying Plague's cooldown.
9FFB97B42EA3A2C9_## =
9FFE1D06AFCA21BD_## = Endless Victor
9FFEA899541AA2FC_## =
9FFF1CC48D55C19B_## =
A0016F36E54FC1F5_## = Mảnh trang phục (31~40)
A003B04A33C36C7C_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
A004F5172EC02C21_## = Trial Card: Try out Zill's skin: Inferno for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
A0085A051A43F617_## =
A009EFE94EF6D0E6_## = Rebirth
A00E32426ABDDB96_## =
a00f470a2a99cb3d = a00f470a2a99cb3d_##
A010FB0DB9B5FEC5_## = Monsters' Bane
A01200E148EF4BBE_## = Don
A0165793C6068826_## = Red Inner Tower
A016B150A018259E_## = 签到图片
A017446AA7B21BCA_## = Cooldown
A01798FEEEF97135_## = Đăng nhập giờ vàng
A01C969EAFF4C3C5_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đón Xuân mới - Khuyến mãi nạp thẻ mỗi
ngày! của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
a02340c4fc88f0fa = a02340c4fc88f0fa_##
A02543BFCE6387B3_## = 签到图片
A026065A71543E4B_## = Skud charges in the target direction, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies in
his path and knocking them into the air for 0.5 seconds. Skud also gains
<color=#f8be32>{2}</color> armor for 3 seconds.
A026CE4FE6580B72_## = 消费金币
A027CF61E3ADE34C_## = Red Base
A029CFDE17F92C54_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (The Joker)
a02b523ae8f2a404 = a02b523ae8f2a404_##
A02CDD08751912F3_## =
A02DDCD56DCF32C4_## = Base Damage
A02E54C86F8F156F_## = Combo Quý cô thủy tề
A0316EA78205F7A5_## = 限時充值送好禮(test)
A036FC74BF523221_## = Hộp quà thú vị (tướng)
A0372AA9715517D5_## = Reach "Seasoned" proficiency with {0} [/0:$(hero|heroes)/]
A03A63DFBF16955E_## =
A03AE567410DD813_## = Unique Passive: Magic Pierce +75
A0409275C64DE420_## = Săn mục tiêu lớn
A0439510DE9E6008_## = Get Cresht, Fennik and Kahlii
A0445FF393B7EE95_## = Survivability, Sustained Damage
A044A4FEBFA8C7AB_## = Tulen
A047A108A819E4DB_## = Butterfly
A05319968F75D51E_## =
A05B8D1ED741B687_## =
A05F9A60FBB2F8D0_## =
A062366B9E91954F_## = Chơi bản đồ 5v5 Miền đất hứa (Thường & Hạng) để nhận ruby
miễn phí
A0637C0C96A2C726_## =
A063F1E8144EEAC2_## =
a0643e9662462b25 = a0643e9662462b25_##
A064803649C43EB7_## =
A06849D695AEB34D_## =
A06AE016EE8883CF_## =
A06E97D1144456D2_## = Arum
A07127EDC8D62352_## =
A073AAAA8F957A7C_## = Đăng nhập giờ vàng
A0749B8E85D13766_## = Colossal Smash
A077019E617FFB29_## =
A077045548BE7950_## =
A0782BFB9D54AD5D_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
A078E23985CFDF07_## =
A07B30B10C3896A9_## =
A07B6E417C94DDB5_## =
A07E1051999E5E84_## =
A07FE288109E0261_## = Fire in the Hole
A08051200BD9900B_## =
A089A6D78A33FD14_## = Ravenous Beasts
A08C15E0209EA18F_## = Unknown
A09304EB760E279C_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Đỏ)
A095A6A46A282D1D_## =
A09E4F6426D2C628_## = Rương may mắn Lauriel
A0A0C6DFC83F6C2F_## = Lauriel
A0A1319AA501E20E_## = Tỉnh Bà Rịa - Vũng Tàu
A0A1D86D3A8FBF4F_## =
A0A639C6AF5B80B4_## = Kriknak
a0ad28babd1b8509 = Monster Spawn Points
A0AFC9349E21E4CE_## =
A0B8730105E40F50_## =
A0B97BB26761A3DA_## = 回流拍脸活动测试<color=orange>英雄回归!</color>
A0BB38EDE48B436E_## =
A0BCD338B0AF10EE_## = Rank reached\nSilver I
A0BD1E812D38B940_## =
A0C25644C415FF36_## =
A0C7433925302F50_## = We need a Marksman!
A0C759A6581C5694_## =
A0C865C106DF5EC2_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Skud) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
A0CB3D78C8F866F4_## = Rock Shield: 3 seconds after activation, gains a shield with
50% of the damage taken in those 3 seconds (+30% of max HP) for 5 seconds. The
shield's HP is reduced by 20% every second, and the player's damage dealt is
reduced by 30% for whole duration of the ability, including the 3 seconds prior to
gaining the shield.
A0CD26FCB56F4E54_## =
A0D428FDA3A74D06_## = HP +600
a0d681815689931c = a0d681815689931c_##
A0E655F3D467176A_## = Đây là phần thưởng Share trang phục nhận quà Giáng sinh của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
A0E699E77481F44C_## = Let's be friends.
A0E7B663FA280506_## =
A0E87C90ED2A4ADB_## = Omen
A0EE1A31A7B80187_## =
A0F129D7581932BC_## = Slimz
A0F36FEAEF0CD05F_## = Sustained Damage, Survivability
a0f5ed41229e7d99 = Lvl 1 Armor Arcana
A0F679AA2C9995D4_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
A0F79F384895473D_## = Blue Base
A0F9058F968E1BBC_## = Unknown
A0FE074184EBC0C7_## = Damage from\nexplosion
A100C89C548D1BBA_## = Cooldown
A101875A0EA9FED7_## =
A101D360CC96B99E_## = Cresht
A1052DD9B8B5445F_## = Come on, I'll race ya for it.
A107DA4137FF1F37_## = 本週活動精選
A10FBB25229897B9_## = Tel'Annas
A1123DCBE9626D35_## =
A11296D9363F22D3_## = Butterfly
A1157813EB6C3C4F_## = 签到图片
A1168B72A1D01E72_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
A117E942E7BCEF4F_## = Mừng ngày Quốc tế Phụ nữ 8.3, thắng đấu hạng với tướng nữ
để nhận Ruby & thẻ thử trang phục giới hạn Mina - Tiểu thư đoạt hồn!
A119B099EF31F760_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
A11E83DE03135485_## = Rương ĐTDV - TOP WIN
A11F2729B1F710BF_## = Quy đổi ngọc lục cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
A125A23F634D6FC6_## =
A126208292850348_## =
A126B0C80FFD6293_## =
A1286127FC9527BB_## = Fox Form
A129413EA9C0E86C_## =
A12A148898055841_## = Lizardman
A12DA5469759CCD6_## = Zephys lunges forward, dealing <color=#ca3939>physical
damage</color> to enemies along the path and knocking them into the air.
A12E2D9970B430BF_## = Assassin
a130d485d308cbed = a130d485d308cbed_##
A1332CB3D1469BC2_## =
a1350e7fb4d6a068 = a1350e7fb4d6a068_##
A139334DD1B4E88C_## =
A13ACF051578937B_## = Max HP
A13B3EE1C58DB388_## = Pendant
A13B70BB009EE60A_## =
A13E2A25DDA966C7_## = Share trang phục nhận quà Giáng sinh
A143CE4243DB967C_## =
A145CA314CC8F427_## = Compensation for Disconnecting
A147F7FEA1291C1B_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
a149b00582b31ef3 = Tap the screen to continue
A14A2E7B37A997CE_## =
A14B829BE2842298_## =
A14B87DEE2FA9D38_## = Snow Festival
A15021A697853366_## =
A15376AAF312DA87_## =
A1537D16D304A3CF_## =
A154BA3A3EA38D58_## = 签到图片
A159892218B2963B_## =
A15C7B7D7B81904C_## =
A15E5EDFC358F962_## =
A15FCFC20A91536E_## = Mở để nhận ngẫu nhiên 1 tướng vĩnh viễn (Tướng đã sở hữu
sẽ được quy đổi thành ruby)
A160955958FAD7B9_## = Horn Rush
A161BCAAA59DFD45_## =
A1620F69827EF242_## = Muramasa
A1644C4AB82862AF_## =
A166438D2C4FC888_## =
A16952082F43CAC5_## = Đổi Thư tình nhận từ sự kiện mỗi ngày thành quà tặng
A1706E0AFF7C19DE_## =
A1799751B7818872_## = Red Inner Tower
A1808FB438093812_## = <blankspace89>
A180BE03822E4E36_## = Batman
A18134C47343FA21_## =
A18205A0EB5A021D_## = Butterfly
A18A12A1210BF549_## = Mừng ngày Quốc tế Phụ nữ 8.3, thắng đấu hạng với tướng nữ
để nhận Ruby & thẻ thử trang phục giới hạn Mina - Tiểu thư đoạt hồn!
A1909995CD3FC8F0_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Airi để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
A1918DF139AB3D0D_## =
A191962BFF44C0FE_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Lauriel) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
A192E682D0391AFB_## =
A1958C40B3FDD7D8_## = Trial Card: Try out Zephys' skin: Sentinel
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
A19694F52D81CA78_## =
A19C4F12BA779AE9_## = Săn lùng tội phạm
A1A2297C309FDD93_## =
A1A3885480878EF1_## = Divine Firestone
A1A93FE76723F208_## = Bloodlust
A1AE96D4EFAC1CF0_## = Quy đổi ngọc lục cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
A1B09463E2615E3F_## =
A1B1F5707D8E4861_## = Butterfly
A1BB0AD4A606C558_## =
A1BC4E909B0ADEB5_## =
A1C6BA296B2E487E_## =
a1c7aecbf5646230 = Nickname
A1CB279D87DB895A_## = Max
A1CCF14C39F21EC0_## = Moren is a powerful Marksman that gets stronger as the battle
rages on. Farm with Precision to buy better equipment that increases both
survivability and damage.
A1CFBCB89CB9D0E3_## = 本週活動精選
A1D0BB62FE0F5757_## = Every time Omen hits an enemy with a normal attack, he gains
one Thirst point. After reaching five points, Omen increases his movement speed by
{0} and his attack speed by {1}% for 5 seconds. His strengthened normal attack will
also deal <color=#f18d00>{2}</color> <color=#f3b74a>true damage</color> and reduce
the cooldown for Death's Beckon and Untouchable by 1 second.\n\nOmen's 3rd normal
attack triggers a second hit that deals 50% damage. The counter is reset after
reaching 5 points of Thirst and after coming out of Thirst.
A1D39545F05C829D_## =
A1D9E591E4B97798_## = Every successful attack and ability places a Mark of
Precision on Moren. At 5 stacks, the cooldown for Tactical Maneuver is refreshed
immediately and Moren gains 12-26% (1% increase per level) Life Steal.
A1DAA60D34FD691C_## = Tham gia sự kiện Tết gắn kết - Anh em chấp hết tại
sukien9.lienquan.garena.vn - Nhận Dấu ấn Tulen và đổi tướng miễn phí!
A1DB067AF21A5895_## = Đổi Dấu ấn Tulen
A1DD6E44B52B511F_## =
A1DDF0D97C79CEFB_## = HP +1000, HP Regen +60\n[War Cry]
A1DE0CB9A2B62E30_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
a1dea79401851173 = a1dea79401851173_##
A1E1BDF938757121_## = Nạp tích lũy 350 Quân Huy trở lên nhận cực nhiều quà
A1E57EEFA83E7270_## = Butterfly
A1EA1E998305CFAB_## =
A1EA67C9147DD71D_## =
A1F13F3EE7657282_## =
A1F315C660170741_## = Yorn
A1F37490794976D5_## = Burst
A1F5CD9418E778D7_## =
A1F7231D91FD6F24_## = Đây là phần thưởng Sinh nhật Liên Quân (thử thách) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
A1F84B398D298BDB_## =
A1F9F5E0AD08E040_## = Trial Card: Try out Lu Bu's skin: Dread Knight for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
A1FAA2F845701120_## =
A1FAF76F7FF625D0_## =
A1FC96DBD1EC8025_## =
A1FF4718341CB2CE_## = Arum
A2048F9A0B1E7EA4_## =
A2050E8AA0D7BCA1_## =
A20A394133D78C1A_## =
A20C8753C411A3FB_## = Tết chưa hết đâu!
A2100DF64A33AE8D_## = Trial Card: Try out Nakroth's skin: Neon for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this skin.
A211B08D334DAD91_## = Curse of Death
A215E05C01494C8D_## =
A217E7830EF9A9A6_## =
A218A8E5679F31F5_## = Because you remained idle during or abandoned part of your
last match, you will only receive 80% of the EXP and Gold for the match.
Accordingly, you will receive <color=#ffd700>{0}</color> EXP and
<color=#ffd700>{1}</color> Gold for this match. {2} points have also been deducted
from your Credibility Score. Please be aware that not finishing a match due to
these reasons can cause your account to be blocked.
A219187C02DF121C_## = Unknown
A219E1A3146AEE07_## = Batarang
A21EF71621E1CAE1_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
A2203D5BA3E92CB5_## =
A221D190B01892C6_## =
A222F5A97383D399_## = Survivability, Control
A225917B4A0FC3FD_## = Butterfly
A227FF6660199058_## = Đăng nhập vào game từ 20:00 - 23:00 để nhận quà mỗi ngày
A2293F25DAD57E12_## =
A22A96E33D87F952_## = Undying
A22AE2C8420D506B_## = Nạp quân huy - Nhận trang phục miễn phí!
A2321B5C9EE08226_## = Warrior
A2375959528007F2_## = Cơ hội nhận Trang phục/thẻ thử những trang phục hóa trang
HOT nhất Halloween năm nay!
A23D205F84D5792F_## = Suspension Notification
A23E31A7E2879992_## =
a23f47bdf2edb0bf = a23f47bdf2edb0bf_##
A23F498CC522FDC4_## =
A2426D801E135F4E_## =
A242D722779272B5_## = Natalya fires 5 arcane spirits towards the target area. Each
spirit deals {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>
to enemies within. When an enemy is hit by multiple spirits, each additional spirit
only deals 30% damage. Spirits stop traveling when they hit an enemy hero.
A2457D3340FFEF5A_## = Original
A2464E4B898E5E68_## = > {0}
A24A4B8091EAA04B_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Tel'Annas để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
A24FA47E05618F07_## = Superman
A2531EA5AA7E8E42_## =
A2567AECA1D47634_## =
A2577AC7C1481674_## = Roxi-Ultima
A25A6FA64E4D2EF0_## =
A25E77757E2A9F63_## =
A25F4E83DD947829_## = Arum
A2632BCFD1257092_## = Divine Punishment
A263F6496CF429C4_## =
A2661EB6929E663C_## =
A2698D3E78A5D773_## =
a274f70deb5d3162 = obsolete+a274f70deb5d3162
A27951BD362F0243_## =
A27DD347A611076D_## = Snowsickle
A280AC039C67CDFF_## = Nakroth
A284AF58912C4F5A_## = Gói 50% KM Cresht + skin
A28B894201EC548D_## =
A28C083F8435F305_## =
A28DD041D53C7146_## =
A29199967EBA022C_## = Ignis
A291BAF622C05B9A_## =
A29AF0D034A6708A_## =
A29B7FA9EF5DFF01_## =
A29D5564C664E27C_## = Trial Card: Try out Lu Bu's skin: Dread Knight
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
A29DC6EC49B695B1_## = Wukong
A29EDE8F21F84175_## = Unknown
a2a14a434c898655 = Check Info
A2A494CFA1A94FA8_## =
A2A53C53573D8F07_## =
A2A55B0719C62186_## = Đây là phần thưởng Nạp Quân huy - Nhận Núi quà của bạn, xin
mời kiểm tra!
A2B0040F915F8B93_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
A2B44BF729E0AF18_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
A2B5A44F90E810CB_## =
A2B7FBCCD39C101A_## = Taara
A2BE402313979671_## =
A2BE6EBD542C7DCA_## = Toro bellows with rage and gains a shield that absorbs {0}
damage. Also deals {1} <color=#f18d00>(+{2})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical
damage</color> to enemies within range and slows their movement speed by {3}% for 1
A2C0ADC3790CB74B_## = Marksman
A2C12B81E35CA25C_## = Rolling Lightning
A2C208A4836443A8_## =
A2C3EDE84FF65093_## = 和好友对战送符文碎片
A2C4E0DB99E9C594_## =
A2CB782E5AD60B54_## = Trial Card: Try out Raz's skin: Zulu Warrior
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
A2CCC655D1D093F4_## = Lu Bu
A2D066FBA61EB7C0_## =
A2D4624E8579ECCA_## =
A2D47A9668209F5A_## =
A2D5F401BD2B2F6D_## = Trang phục Krixi: Tiệc bãi biển
A2D8314951B59A1E_## =
A2DC0334A16A67A3_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
A2DD0BDA9CD82FA0_## =
A2DD13C6286C355E_## = The Sentinel
A2E405216DBE97AD_## = Leveling, Sustained Damage
A2E4609F34C90465_## =
A2E51BB0F955342A_## =
A2E7E782040BF289_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Ryoma) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
A2EB585E4C1F27F5_## = Unique Passive - Speed Up: Normal attacks increase movement
speed by 10%.
A2EB5B3FBD9A23F9_## = Kahlii
A2ECE4B07157921C_## =
A2ED836E09CF99A7_## = Woodland
A2F0B310537067D7_## = Warrior
A2F1FF000384C734_## =
A2F55041C9D3679D_## = Please communicate with the team.
A2F7654BE90FB632_## = Mậu Tuất 2018
A2FA77338F4367F7_## =
A2FC016083B6D507_## = Đây là phần thưởng Khích lệ đấu hạng của bạn, xin mời kiểm
A2FDF5746CBC145F_## = Chúc Mừng Năm Mới & Mậu Tuất 2018
A2FDFA9E156AC762_## = Mảnh ghép năm mới
A2FFA2ECD72E2C9B_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
A2FFA9A9CC80D6A5_## = Master
A303C66D3DF4F74A_## =
A30771CB9C8313B4_## = Dragoon
A3092AAF40D98C77_## =
A3093F37AF534CC9_## =
A3100C8A42217198_## = Mage
A3107D1E54C31F82_## = Unknown
A316FAC28699EE5E_## =
A31854FE6299C82B_## =
a31b5c5617b7fbad = Skip
A322D2541B7C19E4_## =
A327D92CA4BB1BA7_## =
A328B2EE382D8B16_## = Halloween Scream
A3290E085DE8D91D_## = Forest Sentry
A32C359FA3B132F6_## =
A32DD1D54968A534_## = Base Damage
A32EE4EF82185307_## =
A3305CF0D9158BE9_## =
A33061A1176DE9DB_## =
a330f4970c04f027 = Obtain one of the following items.
A3333D75F676399B_## = 7 日累積簽到
A33B3404D0769108_## = 登录送蛋糕
A33D35DF1F983937_## = Trial Card: Try out Taara's skin: Divine Firestone for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
A33D9CB007F03D10_## = Rương may mắn pháp sư(x4+1)
a341adb4287a4fcc = a341adb4287a4fcc_##
A344C38699CB8DE2_## =
A3455B2A8A117C70_## = Melee
A346C6A74C0F90D9_## = Mở để nhận thẻ thử tướng và thử trang phục 1 ngày
A34F8BA920001594_## =
A35197D3CE7DFCEF_## =
A355DEEF8F767308_## =
A356DEC5154B6030_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
A357DF77591E6B05_## = Trial Card: Try out Chaugnar for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this Hero.
A35ED167E4B023DF_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đón Xuân mới - Khuyến mãi nạp thẻ mỗi
ngày! của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
A3601937B8CE5B4C_## =
A3663D93EB8A23F1_## = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: You can get <color=#ffd200>double
EXP</color> and <color=#ffd200>double gold</color> cards in the shop.
A367EF4606E2DDC3_## = Every {0} seconds, dealing damage to an enemy hero triggers
Zuka's Chi, increasing his attack damage by 14/15.5/17/18.5/20% (occurs at Level
1/4/7/10/13) for the next {1} seconds.
A36A59529A250797_## = Trial Card: Try out Zanis's skin: Infinite Courage for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
A36CC154F9235A33_## =
A372E5FB672EA2F8_## =
A372EB48E1D90F01_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
A377EE3221437495_## = Valentine (Tướng)
A379F99A6935D339_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
A37BDCAFD661F9D8_## =
A37DEA7616499B4E_## =
A3825F1A4998C96E_## = Leveling, Damage Dealer
A383731A88F2AFB2_## = Steel
A3849889312C0705_## = Quy đổi ngọc lục cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
A3878DC28D156C7A_## =
A38D632750917639_## =
A39423DDEDF687FC_## = Trial Card: Try out Maloch for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this Hero.
A39A49D251DCDA78_## =
A39CFD3C1B8DF42C_## = Jinnar
A39D536BFE5BED99_## = Take the Towers!
A39D8E20C43337AC_## = Tướng Slimz và Trang phục Slimz Hiệp sĩ thỏ ngọc
A39E533CF6E0D707_## = Limited Event Gift
A39E5F30E586B861_## = Trial Card: Try out Skud's skin: Linebacker
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
A3A322165C351B82_## = Stick With Your Team
A3A6D1987423237D_## =
a3a6da7a7fb56cbc = a3a6da7a7fb56cbc_##
A3AC8810E8B94975_## =
A3B170B85152D3AF_## = The Wanderer
A3B2A0B783C11279_## = 与好友对战送钥匙
A3B421BAB98F8B41_## =
A3B9AC13E9EA88EA_## = Unique Passive - Wild: Increases maximum HP by 70 for every
monster killed. Stacks up to 15 times.
A3BC6172DA7300DA_## = How hard could this be?
A3BDDA9378506685_## = When a normal attack hits an enemy, the projectile explodes
and deals area damage to surrounding minions and monsters. Fennik has a slightly
longer attack range than any other marksman with positioning abilities.
A3BE0B8A5D1DB9FE_## = Trial Card: Try out Krixi for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this Hero.
A3BFB90B34278E53_## = Trial Card: Try out Kil'Groth's skin: Carapace
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
A3C035BCDEE598D7_## =
A3C08A36C90D40E5_## =
A3C0D0E150A3A55F_## = Zanis' greatest achievement was undoubtedly his brave
endeavor in saving the valuable life of the imperial successor.\n\nSince then, the
people living on the slopes of Chang-Pan took pride in themselves for being in the
birthplace of Zanis, the legendary Dragoon, who was respected by all. Even the
undefeated Peerless Warlord, Lu Bu, paid his respects to Zanis. "The swing of his
spear is like that of a dragon: both furious and graceful. True fear is reflected
in the eyes of his enemies when they face his spear in action." His prowess in
battles and tactical brilliance could not be denied by any, not even his greatest
enemies.\n\n"I'm not a fighter," Zanis once whispered. Even the wise Zhuge Liang,
nicknamed the Crouching Dragon, noticed Zanis was growing weary of the battles.
Zhuge Liang could not let Zanis' potential go to waste, so he continued appointing
Zanis tasks and missions, leaving him no time to second-guess himself. Regardless
of Zanis' feelings towards combat, they never outweighed his loyalty to the emperor
or the love for comrades. \n\n"I may have grown weary of battle, but I'll always
tend to my duties and fight whenever I am needed."
A3C12870FB7FD4EF_## =
A3C1ECD622685FD8_## = The Elegant
A3C5178F2226ED26_## = Base Damage
a3c5c18a0db839fa = Hero's name
A3C7737E392558C8_## = Trang phục Lindis:Thám tử tư
A3C7AD6BDF6412A4_## =
A3CAA94C27586539_## =
a3ccc70029854173 = New Message
A3D17A538FD29517_## = Batman
A3D41F45740CF72E_## =
A3D7B486B3A54839_## = The<color=#f6bf17ff> blue</color> bar is<color=#f6bf17ff> our
team's</color> HP. The<color=#f6bf17ff> red</color> bar is the<color=#f6bf17ff>
A3D9BAA8C9D19F58_## = Lauriel
A3DCECD04EF05102_## = Enhances attack. Kills or assists will increase the duration
of this effect.
A3DDFD29BFC07F7D_## =
A3E1D556456BE2AF_## = Số trụ phá {C}/{T}
A3E39CDCA37D1B9B_## = Melee
A3E4FF9E71477C29_## =
A3EFF9A85528EB4C_## = Maloch has a longer attack range than other melee units. When
his weapon is enchanted, his normal attacks deal <color=#f18d00>{0}</color>
<color=#f3b74a>true damage</color> instead of physical damage and restore {1}% of
his lost HP.
A3F1535482C79F4B_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
A3F2349D7CBC7E73_## =
a3f2927747d39f00 = Skin Trial
A3F4C96BE68DA1DD_## = Thắng {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
A3F74A33D8BA4F7D_## =
A3FAAD9B276866CE_## = You are playing the game in guest mode. According to our
data, <color=orange>90%</color> of account issues happen while in guest mode, and
data (including purchases) may be lost when deleting the game or changing
devices.\nTo protect your data, we strongly suggest linking with a Kakao
account.\n\nBenefits of linking your account:\n1. Your account is safer and your
progress is synchronized across multiple devices.\n2. You can see which of your
friends are playing Liên Quân Mobile and check their rankings.\n3. Get a Link
Reward Pack (<color=orange>1 Rename Card, 100 Gems, 1 Random Hero Trial
A3FD34A7E4C7C1AA_## =
a400f2f18b74a610 = Arcana suitable for the hero.
A40516D5B594F864_## = Đăng nhập nhận Rương TOG mỗi ngày!
A4065FB269F33D89_## =
A409864956E2F697_## = On my way to gank.
A40A5E397C1B6EDE_## = Tham gia phá trụ trong đấu thường, đánh nhanh thắng nhanh
còn đón Tết nào!
A40BBE6DD98A3E93_## =
A40DFE4BFD593FE9_## = Trial Card: Try out Zanis' skin: Ascended
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
A40EF09E5DD1F180_## = Đây là phần thưởng Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
A413CA0A4FF8108D_## =
A41933784C73D130_## =
A41A1194C17D5822_## = Rương mảnh ngọc
A41BFE82A1BE8A9A_## =
A420050E86B7A538_## = Movement Speed
A421EE5257C0A3F5_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
A4251E7D12C3FA39_## = Quy đổi ngọc lục cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
A4270FE7066ACE54_## =
A42CFA20187B6431_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
A42F67077762B6BD_## =
A4303BBC42A07B85_## = Epic Maloch Skin: Dreadwyrm
A43251CEDD471433_## = Magnetic Storm
A43322FFFAAF24A3_## = Yorn
A4337FFA08B00EA6_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
A434BD37B6B95B20_## =
A4359CCFF443F961_## = EXP +100% for 3 days for matches (excluding custom matches
and 1v1 bot matches). Can be paired with a Double EXP Wins Card for EXP +200%.
A439E1E6D6AE7478_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
a439fc3eccd01100 = All training stages can be attempted multiple times.
A44224CC1D00A839_## =
A44A2D47D78DC94A_## = Đây là phần thưởng Quà mừng chiến công U23 Việt Nam của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
A44BE431D479B0A6_## = Rương Gấu tuyết
A44DBA25DAB20341_## =
A45485A788A2A417_## =
A457C5FFC563C3E2_## =
A459B879D3D8AEBB_## = Tham gia mỗi ngày để nhận mảnh ghép năm mới và đổi lấy cơ
hội sở hữu bộ đôi trang phục giới hạn Long kỵ sĩ và Nghệ nhân Lân!
A45A332F3A3D24F9_## = Nâng cấp ngọc quý
A45A612C2995D9E8_## = Attack Speed +0.4% \nCritical Chance +0.3% \nMovement Speed
A45AC68E023CE56F_## =
A45D029F4F4C7523_## =
A45D6F6B17DD494D_## = Tiêu Quân Huy - Mừng sinh nhật Liên Quân!
A460E424CBFE4768_## =
A464F466B525DB53_## =
A4679B783645A671_## =
A467F002DB2A71FD_## =
a468dcb29b922f6 = a468dcb29b922f6_##
A46A6CBAAA29DE50_## =
A46ABC9855E40FC0_## =
A46EB09F4483EBBC_## =
A4706F0E7FEC5915_## =
A473B0B2113DD8E5_## = Chiến thắng trên bản đồ 5v5 để nhận Ruby miễn phí
A479B1944A14A8B2_## =
A47A0A5722BE4D1B_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Chơi game)
A47AF45F3B2A20ED_## =
A47B6F082732072E_## =
A47F33D306368280_## = Warrior
A47FAAF475022808_## = Oh yeah, there's a doctor in the house!
A47FB31786208F3B_## = "I am one with the wind and the sand."\n\nA mysterious being,
Azzen'Ka wandered the desert and was worshiped as a god by some. Anyone who wished
to pass through the desert must make an offering to him or be forever lost. The
treacherous terrain had isolated the desert from the rest of the world, and the
endless storms have prevented the other gods from entering, leaving Azzen'Ka as the
true ruler of the desert.\n\nThane had more than once led his army into the desert
in attempts to conquer this sandy realm beyond the control of the gods. However,
failure after failure had made it clear that Azzen'Ka had nothing to fear from
anyone in his domain. Even the Grim Reaper himself had no choice but to admit that
the desert was beyond his control. Although he was confident he could defeat
Azzen'Ka, he did not consider himself capable of pacifying the
sandstorms.\n\nNumerous writings accused Azzen'Ka of being evil, yet travelers
reported that Azzen'Ka would guarantee their safety as long as they make an
offering to him. This made him more honest and trustworthy than any of the gods in
the heavens. It was for this reason that opinions of him were extremely polarized.
Some feared and respected him as a god, while others simply loathed him. Azzen'Ka,
of course, could not care less.\n\n"The gods are forbidden from my domain."
A47FC6C8B774FD89_## = Base Damage
A4833B4092C96387_## = Survivability
A483764E40153039_## =
A4839E8BD58557EC_## = Bloody Baron
A483BC842F3AB5E2_## = Băng hỏa long sư
A483EF72E1F08DEA_## = Trial Card: Try out Xeniel for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this hero.
A48417339FA49525_## =
A486371F1346CB55_## = Warrior
A488293594D9032B_## =
A488D3EB2A644EAA_## =
A48ACB51537A316A_## = Red Super Minions
A48E1AEB883B2122_## = Sand Trap
A48E6C59F9719D8E_## = Airi
A48FD939E715EC6D_## = Chiến đấu trên bản đồ 5v5 Miền đất hứa mỗi ngày để nhận Ruby
cực hot!
A493F534601207FD_## =
A49568014EFAA541_## =
A4965584F2806D2A_## = Sustained Damage
A499EF34F20BA7A5_## = Flashy recall effects
A49B5590212C52EA_## = Base Damage
A49F07947832F806_## =
A4A13BD6ECE0498D_## = Snow Festival
A4A170AEEEE57596_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
A4A204D5DF45C4D0_## =
A4ABF5D4B8D75A4F_## = We need an Assassin!
A4AE6B7E2997FEFA_## =
A4AF09C099FE5D91_## = Rương Halloween may mắn III
A4AF958D8C6B0D97_## = Base Damage
A4B2008F0D8B813C_## =
A4BF93F95A880806_## = Halloween Scream
A4BFE5F00B22BD6B_## =
A4C19F56F11586CD_## = Open for a chance to obtain Preyta or the Leviathan skin
A4C4E3669370EC04_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
A4C64260E0B39C20_## = When Lindis passes through the brush, she will increase her
movement speed and strengthen her next normal attack for a short period of time.
The strengthened attack will fire 2 arrows with each arrow dealing
<color=#f18d00>{0}</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>. 4-second
A4C9BBE13708739E_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Kil'Groth)
A4CCDD5174A18320_## =
A4CD27FEF845EC45_## = Mage
A4CDF3AA97B84A06_## = 7 日累積簽到
A4D143BF49DF4A8A_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Murad) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
A4D5D4DF6377E5AC_## =
A4D8C109F5A6F9BA_## =
A4DB4AED0FAC1012_## = 独立日宝箱-拉兹介绍
A4DB6E86D2C67DA3_## =
A4E0C21E90B69CB4_## = About <color=orange>35%</color> of all players currently
share this ranking.
A4E6F8B05A9D68CB_## =
A4EA3033B4D2256E_## =
A4EC252E151440AF_## =
A4F3474783771BC7_## = Đây là phần thưởng Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
A4F354816FED4045_## = Original
A4F3619E2C65FBAA_## =
A4F3B755CC30C4BF_## = You have been noticed by the enemy!
A4F641B538EFC39D_## =
A4F8668AFD4E6EF3_## =
A4F9A61D8BE4961A_## =
A5007537D5070FBD_## =
A506FC96B68E3306_## = Sentinel
A50800C83F5CEEC2_## = Hàng ngày chơi 5v5 đấu thường với 1 trong những tướng sau
để nhận Rương may mắn TOG: Nakroth, Preyta, Maloch, Alice, Ormarr, Airi, Zuka,
Zephys, Raz, Taara
A508A01B7CA2D78F_## =
A50BDE9250EAB8FB_## =
A50CEEE656111555_## = Unknown
A50D67011000CFDD_## = Imperium Guard
A50E315B2686ABE2_## =
A512F78DB347452E_## =
A51A06AB6ED79B92_## =
A51CAB0B8281FA4B_## = Tham gia mỗi ngày để nhận mảnh ghép năm mới và đổi lấy cơ
hội sở hữu bộ đôi trang phục giới hạn Long kỵ sĩ và Nghệ nhân Lân!
A51CBBB7E1151682_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Lục)
A51E281AB609B5EC_## =
A524A459A036C23D_## = Quà đặc biệt của Joker!
A52711CCAAFA863C_## = Zephys lunges forward, dealing <color=#ca3939>physical
damage</color> to enemies along the path and knocking them into the air.
A5298A637E33912D_## = Kahlii
A52B54D1D58F62C7_## = Red Stallion
a52ba7799927ea98 = Seconds
A52C3256D649C82D_## =
A52CC6DF533EAC90_## =
A52DDA64431842B9_## = Nature's Wrath
A52F1B6F88DB160A_## = Original
A531297E9DA47DB6_## = Long Range
A531E5B8DBDEE9CE_## = Midnight
A5324C1C5E2D6E72_## =
A5332AD8EE3AEBF8_## = You are better than <color=orange>65%</color> of all players.
A533A7FFE99F002D_## = 1st Purchase Bonus
A533EFB811C184CD_## =
A5347B165AF1FBA3_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tiêu Quân Huy - Nhận Xuân Nữ của bạn, xin
mời kiểm tra!
A5362E6B25373D8A_## = You have recently switched regions. Please try again later.
A5394254E8CAD120_## = Combo Joker
A53A4847A3F6AA73_## =
A53CDA2D860FDB97_## =
A53DB239D9B8E40F_## = Cooldown
A5402B1993D8193D_## = Leap Damage
A54349EE6A8B5703_## =
A5453AFEE93C7284_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
A545A604352F2E24_## = Goddess
A546D56FCDB6D064_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
A5496384CAA609DD_## =
A54A06CD5C28ECEE_## = Buffs
A54AC59963E1BEC6_## = Quy đổi ngọc lục cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
A54C402699D423BA_## = 等級達到{T}級
A54D943541A9005A_## = That all you got?
A555D3D1CAD36E8E_## =
A5560FEB9BF5E793_## =
A55A6DF2EEFDCBF0_## = Cơ hội nhận thẻ thử tướng ngẫu nhiên 1 ngày & 5-10 Ruby
A55E87783A3889E7_## = Trial Card: Try out TeeMee's skin: Ringmaster
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
A55EB0B6573C58B7_## =
A55EC085B801B498_## = TeeMee
A55EC7F474B9B096_## =
A55F104047A9DF48_## = Bracelets of Submission
A55FE407D328BA5D_## = 7 日累積簽到
A5622E8308BBD0EA_## =
A5638FF871FD546E_## = Trial Card: Try out Diaochan's skin: Prom Queen
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
A563D3C326C3B431_## = Standard\nMatch
A5664D4568901103_## =
A568A3FC96D62925_## = Assassin
A570CA6C9A06FAFA_## = Thu thập Bánh Chưng và Đầu lân để đổi thưởng Tết mỗi ngày
A57671F0C9AD10AF_## = Road to Glory
A577A92ECE782C3C_## =
A57E2069295C314A_## =
A57EDF47A0C746B2_## =
A5861DE4C6D4DCB5_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Lục)
A586BD6728C00C38_## = “Trust me, thieving a promising career!”\n\nFennik believed
that all professions had their values and reasons for existing. Which was why he
stood by the belief that, since he was a thief, he should be the best of them all.
Go big or go home, right? This was how Fennik became renowned in the field—his
“masterpieces” included the Great Heist of the Luxis City Treasury and the Theft of
the Secret Treasures of Fort Alchemy.\n\nIt was one of Fennik’s principles to never
leave empty-handed. He was not one to fail, whether when robbing a bank or simply
picking some pockets on the street. Of course, if it turned out that his
unfortunate target was dirt-poor, he would not only return what he had stolen
afterwards but also add a little something to go with it, which was quite a
pleasant surprise for the victim. \n\n“A charity act? Nah, I just want my piggies
to be well-fed before I butcher ‘em,” Fennik would say. You see, Fennik’s the
second rule was to never leave the target without means to survive, and the first
rule was to aid those in poverty so that they might have a good life someday. After
all, the more rich people there were, the more targets to steal from, right? Fennik
trusted that raising the life quality of the general public would surely lead to a
broader scope of development for those of his trade, and pointlessly accumulating
riches would only mean more competition in the thieving industry. “If we thieves
become richer than everyone else, we won’t have any targets to steal from except
each other, no?”\n\nA notorious scoundrel known by all on the Moonlit Plains,
Fennik was in fact a better fighter than a strategist, which was saying something
as he was quite the strategist. At a young age, he had already out-ranked many of
his predecessors on the Wanted List of the Federation of the Free, and eventually
even snagged the top spot on the ranking. Even the great Officer Locke couldn’t
figure out what to do about him.\n\n“Jeez, relax! I’m here for the loot, not your
A58745CE6DACB05E_## = TeeMee
A587DFDE27A46540_## =
A588566E4D60BA68_## = Unknown
A5890C7444C44AE6_## =
A58D293A13C6BDAC_## =
A58DE7DCF90CF442_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
A58FA7D73A5AF087_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
A59304E9E526CE04_## = Trial Card: Try out Maloch's skin: Don for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
A5953DC734082898_## = Base Damage
A5959DBA7CF396EE_## =
A5982A32AAF48491_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
A59B1CE4F847C270_## =
A59DEE3A115C6A7D_## =
A59DF37C92871B74_## = Trial Card: Try out Lauriel's skin: Phoenix
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
A5A36D7D8EF3A5DA_## = Original
A5A9FDF4F0AC4115_## = Sử dụng để tiến hóa trang phục Nakroth Siêu Việt. Có cơ hội
x2 hoặc x5 điểm thưởng khi tiến hóa!
A5ACA723CB517FE0_## = Survivability, Sustained Damage
A5B07A2A2663B139_## =
A5B2A07433E3E9F2_## =
A5B70166ECE5148B_## =
A5B7051E186A2644_## = [新英雄-chrest 登場] 愛不釋手
A5B96AE466BA6BFD_## = Trial Card: Try out Ilumia's skin: Femme Fatale for
<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
A5C1E9A53B5C0479_## =
A5C2251D6DF6A54C_## =
A5C25CB6841B9B5A_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
A5C3D264DBED9F71_## = Trial Card: Try out Veera for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
A5C54DC2E2A452FC_## =
A5C5A306CAF43F51_## = Trial Card: Try out Thane's skin: Chief Knight for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
A5C5D495311C86C4_## = Đổi quà tình nhân
A5C90B4C54817AC2_## = Berith's Agony
A5CB78E09CD1F774_## =
A5CCDC95DA374CC5_## =
A5D5CD2BB4339FE7_## = Trial Card: Try out Wukong's skin: Agent for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
A5D5D2FC84B92E85_## = Red Hammer Soldier
A5D64F3482D5B1EF_## = End Zone
A5D6C8CC120D9AFE_## =
A5DC85D4F3466F64_## = Thu thập 2 mảnh Chúc mừng năm mới và Mậu Tuất 2018 để đổi 1
trang phục miễn phí tùy chọn!
A5DE332A93E7FCBC_## = Trial Card: Try out Wonder Woman's skin: Bombshell for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
A5DE4F80F90E688B_## =
A5E023968BA9B204_## = The Joker
a5e0517c2c367650 = Reconnecting…
A5E1586CE5CC0E90_## =
A5E4ACBE847C8726_## =
A5E5CE9ACF8AAFF6_## = Violet
A5E9DE4AD27DE939_## = Cooldown
A5EC9F919DF90940_## = Not Available
A5EE15FE81FEFEBF_## = Lvl 5 Arcana: Blitz
a5f0bcd3b1fb54a8 = Battle information
A5F58564288CFC53_## = Shockwave
A5F66F55631162BF_## =
A5F72182846687EE_## =
A5F80104D2BAFBCA_## = Sustained Damage
a5f96d0235a8d9f5 = Add Friend
A5FA6B818C72CCD7_## =
A5FCF3CC48FD0E61_## =
A5FEFC42877B70FD_## =
a601ce64391aadf3 = a601ce64391aadf3_##
A6073020DFE56B75_## = Ancestral Glory Cooldown
A608F94D416B0C5E_## =
A60C3BFCF4DF8486_## = Share kết quả thi đấu mỗi ngày lên GM/Facebook để nhận Lì xì
mỗi ngày!
a60f48311364a966 = Arcana Crafting
A615F4535C27E420_## = Unknown
A61712A3A51309B6_## = Quy đổi ngọc lục cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
A617A10489AD5A81_## = Trial Card: Try out Nakroth's skin: Demonic for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
A61D759F47B70D1F_## = Mừng xuân Đinh Dậu, lì xì đầy tay: Share chiến thắng mỗi
A61ED601B4469A4B_## = Go to Advanced Training; you will learn<color=#f6bf17ff> the
advanced-technique</color> Ability Wheel
A62A6B14B1D7C020_## = Butterfly
A62A867E57E54BE2_## =
A62C485782356BC5_## =
A62C4FA89A94F2B6_## =
A630106455CA83C9_## =
A632DC7C85DBD880_## = Top up get extra spin ticket
A634ECE792E3D808_## = Do not rush in recklessly, the opponent taking first blood
will put you at a disadvantage.
A6373147B837542C_## =
A63DD2578A86E59C_## =
A6403CA9ED840A54_## = Hàng ngày đăng nhập để nhận Rương may mắn TOG!
A6427A455E92BC45_## =
A643B373A4C71C9E_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
A6466940EADA208C_## = Sustained Damage
A646E72DD173104F_## = Po Po
A647CED5D28949A3_## = Toro's passive gives him excellent maneuverability. When you
think you're about to be immobilized, use an ability to counter those effects.
Cooldown speed and HP are incredibly important, so try to purchase items and arcana
that boost these attributes.
A648615F5E975E67_## =
A6488EA2BD0BD379_## =
A64895234FE6E67D_## =
A649D546B018B2B6_## = Jungling
A64AD5A677ED3457_## = Sustained Damage
A64BCF4E5DA53005_## = Unknown
A64E4869FF83DE1F_## = Trial Card: Try out Nakroth's skin: Cybercore for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
A653F6DECC16E35A_## = Chơi là có quà
A654BA953630C987_## = Rương may mắn Slimz
A65817F45239C529_## =
a6590a8676833b10 = a6590a8676833b10_##
a65c0f58ce4c096c = a65c0f58ce4c096c_##
A664E4CDC8F53496_## =
A66546073C509AC9_## =
A667967CB5DBCC91_## = Superman
A668A5B6539F2639_## = Base Damage
A668BF9C3FBC667C_## =
A66CA7591730CAE3_## = Shining Light
A66ED2DC5305BDB8_## =
A66F36D58BA369ED_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Cresht + trang phục Thợ nối cáp biển
A6706C6FD43BCEE9_## =
A673E1AC4EB03FF5_## =
A6742873F8D3FE39_## = Trial Card: Try out Grakk for <color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day.
You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
a6746e764c231dc9 = Start Game
A678BEA5458456FD_## = Quy đổi ngọc lục cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
A678EA1B7DF79BCA_## = Original
A67E5959A28FBE84_## = Rương may mắn Teemee
A68116BB6A601789_## =
A68123E78181C8DD_## =
A6825488BD10076C_## =
A686C1B0D54F4121_## = 7 日累積簽到
A68A4E4220DF8ABB_## = Close the Arcana Box
A68A963213F02BC8_## =
A68B16E7E500F61A_## = Flashy Boots
A690DC05AD527505_## =
A691D28EB526E059_## = 菁英擂台
A694951E3E7C6C9F_## = Cooldown
A6957365E271B681_## = That all you got?
A6999275AD94563B_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
A69A05ADF325C398_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Zill)
A69FD54214074C62_## = Original
A6A08DC453DEB898_## =
a6a2449cd23e0fe6 = a6a2449cd23e0fe6_##
A6A296F46811E0A1_## =
A6A57DE33E4590EB_## =
A6A60BB6BF3D0AC1_## = 签到图片
A6A68F605B2EB19B_## = Ripper
A6AB1D78ED01BC34_## =
A6ABECA67BF93791_## =
A6AD63EA9323556D_## = 1-20 minutes
A6AE77D27BEA38BD_## =
A6AEF29F2A3686AA_## = <blankspace89>
A6B365CD339467FB_## = 累计推塔任务
A6B556C3AD04765E_## =
A6B9E8A53B6A130A_## =
a6bafa823c8d0f46 = a6bafa823c8d0f46_##
A6BBB9DC651C54E0_## = Every 4th normal attack knocks the target into the air. Each
time an ability hits an enemy, Nakroth gains {0}% attack speed.
A6C0368C1E3853EB_## = Butterfly
A6C124160D7753CD_## = 7 日累積簽到
A6C46BD7B49A6A47_## = Sustained Damage
A6CE022A0093A01A_## =
A6D00A477AF3506B_## =
A6D4A7E4C6BEEBBD_## = Open to receive the Hero: Cresht and his Skin: Firefighter
A6D526E014CCF891_## =
A6D74D4B7EA77907_## = Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
A6D81F6F3A29471C_## =
A6D9B73D261FECC3_## =
A6D9C0FB23E66706_## = 签到图片
A6DB2E7F4CE5B753_## = OK
A6DE6860C9E8D5E0_## =
A6E43406FABB6EAA_## = Bombshell
a6e73201192a46a0 = a6e73201192a46a0_##
A6E75FFACDC5C568_## =
A6EEBBB87F693E42_## =
A6F2FFE41439CE8F_## = Player level 1 unlocked.
A6FC414C4359D6FB_## = Armor Increase
A70093853D36ED31_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Tel'Annas) của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
A700C06B64246600_## = Armor +300, HP +1200\n[Backfire]
A7047B8D588213BF_## = Onslaught
A7068606DEB5871C_## = Femme Fatale
A706C1D6EF0BF2FF_## = Exclusive Rank Crest
A709C13F8504E899_## = Fennik increases his attack speed by {4}% and places a mark
on an enemy or building. The mark explodes around the target after 4 seconds,
dealing area-wide {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical
damage</color>. Fennik's normal attacks deal an extra {2}
<color=#f18d00>(+{3})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> on marked
targets. The mark explodes immediately after reaching 4 stacks.
A70C358ACD0F2B3D_## =
A7104CE72E107B0D_## =
A7119B2E7ECD2126_## =
A7135BFF4E2E41A7_## = Đây là phần thưởng Sự kiện 8.3 - Xuân nữ tái xuất của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
A7151CF5CACDCC75_## =
A71627C2AA2BD3D3_## =
A717D9A78838B374_## =
A718AD67E748847B_## = Đấu trường đỉnh cao
A71BF4EC7389555C_## = Panda Chariot
A71DA85CB765EA01_## = ProPlayer Suggestion
A71DBBD62743E4E8_## =
A71E9775DB740DC5_## = Tăng 50% Exp Đấu thường 5v5
A7209CC1E6998D98_## = Ramadan Chest
A7212BDFBC727EAF_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Cresht)
A7238E11B61DB102_## = Grounded
A724116A70FB0600_## =
A726837F276A2610_## = Đăng nhập vào game từ 20:00 - 23:00 để nhận quà mỗi ngày
A72707BD022F9864_## =
A729BDF8FB4F85F6_## = 签到图片
A72BC69DE982F419_## = Kil'Groth
A72BCFAA91F4DFCC_## = The Tempest
A73221E867B4201E_## = Melee
A7343C2083401BE7_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
A735F577C2989D4C_## = Murad
A73B26412BABD178_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
A73B506C55CE846E_## =
A73CFD7760235A5E_## = Support
A73DC6D4085F51E3_## = Base Damage
a73e5cd710a77039 = a73e5cd710a77039_##
A7400CDD1CBE88F4_## = Demonic
A740748A987A56D3_## = Unknown
A740D54A8EDE8979_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Batman)
A742A1BE14A92AAE_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
A743E4060C8DEE08_## =
A7444A3EC049E412_## =
A744DAE4A8376D21_## = Veera's skin: Snow Angel
A747E10C02B2A354_## =
A74D7A49F079A904_## =
A74F44045016668C_## =
A7500690A2C909B5_## =
A75094388E8F029E_## = Li'l Red
A750F849F6A16AFB_## =
A7533CE4F1CC4B29_## = [新英雄-Superman 登場] 愛不釋手
A75798AB9D14D5C7_## =
A7582D3017B8EBE6_## =
A76951EC6E3D794D_## =
A76F7C486567E854_## =
A77513715DF6F7B5_## = Trial Card: Try out Natalya for <color=#01d1f8ff>7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this hero.
A77635FAF58CB83E_## = Ranked Match Help
A776447E520D6EC9_## = Unknown
A7775048CA82EE84_## =
A7781D5B03FD44DB_## = Chaugnar trembles and deals {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color>
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to all nearby enemies. Damage increases by 30%
with each cast and stacks up to 2 times. Also reduces cooldown of Energy Surge by 1
A77AAB43F42E3B69_## = After a short charge up, The Flash dashes forward, dealing
{0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to all
enemies in his path. The Flash cannot be controlled while dashing and can cancel
the dash by using another ability.\n\nWhen The Flash reaches his destination, he
can activate the skill again to return to where he started, dealing {2}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{3})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>. Enemies damaged
by the initial dash are dealt an additional {4} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{5})</color>
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>.
A77C1FCB5F504E8A_## = Zephys
A78A2D20CCF5CF71_## = That all you got?
A78A9F812FFA68F0_## = Plunder
A78BF16D5051E278_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
A78C29108DA96FB2_## =
A78F3EA8E1B0E714_## =
A78FF9A8E7A1522F_## = Blood Knight
A795E1302C01ADEF_## = Trial Card: Try out Jinnar's skin: Aten for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this skin.
A7969C9B849D38DB_## = Trial Card: Try out Ilumia's skin: Ice Queen for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
A799EBE691293493_## = Abyssal Clash
A79A9528EC99DFF3_## = Preyta
A79B4DEEC40F0EE4_## = Share trang phục nhận quà Giáng sinh
A79E75E4CB7FD0AD_## = Each bullet hit increases movement speed by 10% (up to 60%)
and 8% attack speed (up to 48%) for 3 seconds
A7A10CADC5F3854C_## = Thu thập Bánh Chưng và Đầu lân để đổi thưởng Tết mỗi ngày
A7A80636C8F4014D_## = Gói 35% KM Zuka + skin
A7AAB02B70E519E0_## =
A7B6C7A607B41C84_## =
a7b76159cbdff32b = a7b76159cbdff32b_##
A7B8E15C63630336_## =
A7BCD07722A3AD4C_## = If you ain't first, you're last.
a7bdb5477c08cef1 = a7bdb5477c08cef1_##
A7BE027C4A5B3631_## =
A7BF3788C5EDBA66_## = [Hunter][Seek and Destroy]
A7C56640CDF61606_## = Unknown
A7C6CB1F1F03FEB6_## = Original
A7C8345374D93F68_## = Mage
A7C998EBA2E041ED_## = 7 日累積簽到
A7CB7C9639F3A363_## =
A7D207E5FA8EF527_## =
A7D2A05AF198A081_## = Life Force: Recover 1% of Max HP every seconds
A7D3918E36629A58_## = The Joker
A7D4CD310BF1C6AD_## =
A7D96C708F3E59A1_## = Mina
A7DA0721253D5744_## = Red Outer Tower
A7DACBB60627E751_## = Warrior
A7DC395BC0FDB4D4_## =
A7DD79659608EB96_## = Nakroth
A7E185031CFB211F_## =
A7E454AF66713C82_## = Unknown
A7E5762BD6C0FF1A_## = Trial Card: Try out Tulen for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day.
You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
A7E67426F487C53A_## =
A7E9E486E502990C_## = Tapping<color=#f6bf17ff> "Hero"</color> can also switch
targets amongst heroes.
A7EB12B71C48F97F_## = An error has occurred. Error code: 8031
a7f4d3ac93e9f004 = a7f4d3ac93e9f004_##
A7F600862E056A7A_## = Lunar Fairy
A7F7C157F6A14B16_## =
A7FC95CFD0983465_## =
A7FFB05A86096018_## = Dreadwyrm
A8032D8E58C97AC9_## =
A80358227E3C3B53_## = Melee
A80716DC7A57E940_## =
A8075278C368890C_## =
A80835DD7E06C0ED_## =
A81333B43F443AD4_## = <color=#ffffff>%s</color> won <color=#f2c71a>%s</color> in
<color=#a4afb7>Lucky Draw</color>!
A815AE5D3EAF4E86_## =
A81B4CDB197C588B_## = Ghost Samurai
A81D0961A9DC5327_## =
A81D9882E4E01023_## =
A81F6FA5CEBF50A0_## =
A82137B8DA4ADC6A_## =
A8223A35F09AA361_## = Reach Level {0}
A82437CA77F4BEE4_## =
A8246428354C7D96_## =
A825EC4158C1C745_## = His terrifying aura precedes him
A8278D1F43259195_## = Unknown
A828ACF8628263E4_## = Tham gia mỗi ngày để nhận mảnh ghép năm mới và đổi lấy cơ
hội sở hữu bộ đôi trang phục giới hạn Long kỵ sĩ và Nghệ nhân Lân!
A82DE8BAE3B9A372_## = Butterfly
A83BC2BA51F055B5_## = Count
A83C9151C68D355E_## =
A83E97508300E86A_## =
A83F93F7A6F8EF31_## = Butterfly
A83FB07B9FE95E6D_## = Base Damage
A842BBE1CA112E4A_## =
A8447F2627E09544_## =
A84482D47A910468_## = Aleister
A8454F72E32A581E_## = Tỉnh Ninh Bình
A84AABAD396C2451_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
A84B0AB651548D92_## =
A84C11C961A2EFFB_## =
A84E66348C94759A_## = 7 日累積簽到
A84F309C1BD00214_## =
A8502C198050FDD2_## = Evolution Skin
A8512B182036C7B0_## =
A852DF15088D355D_## =
a853b237b2fe752a = Welcome to Liên Quân Mobile!
A856AA69E8F615D8_## = Butterfly
A859C2ADB4D49475_## =
A860EB8EEC36CE26_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
A8613F384FCA904B_## =
A8630C5E40905CFE_## = Ilumia fires a divine light in the specified direction, which
explodes upon contact with enemies in range and deals {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>. The divine light
deals double damage and knocks enemies back when it is enhanced by Ilumia's
A863C2F133214545_## = Tiêu Quân Huy - nhận ưu đãi
A8642C8179055B9B_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK {C}/{T}
A866467044E810A1_## = Flashy recall effects\nSpecial animations when leaving the
A8694CE37CB7911B_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
A8697690119CED10_## =
A86A5C41D4591E4C_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường
A86AA710506FDC11_## = Yo mama's so fat, she blocked my cell phone signal.
A86EBE1627727C54_## = 马洛斯幽暗冥王体验卡
A874468E19786E0E_## = Xeniel
A8798D218C6DB537_## =
A87D9AA997BBF3A3_## = obsolete+2c61f47cf9280da0
A87DDFE2F6D5B65C_## = 分享对战结果次数{C}/{T}
a8815da1acec777a = a8815da1acec777a_##
A881879191100C1C_## =
A881E04579EDB8BE_## =
A884CADF1DCD4C01_## =
A887FBFDB27DAD7B_## = Krixi
A88A1D16564A01A2_## =
A88B0F001362D3D7_## =
A88BFF5F79A591CA_## = Astrid
A88C76A98237719F_## =
a890e984fc9ddba0 = Open period
A891E1FD4FE881FB_## =
a8928462a6b2efaf = Do you want to purchase this?
A8929F46B252B50A_## =
A894405C01E2F852_## = Hold on. Don't engage without me!
A896F09418EEF082_## =
A89AE91AF8F5730D_## =
A89AEFED35665259_## = Every 10 seconds, Skud's next normal attack deals an
additional <color=#ca3939>20%</color> damage, restores {0}
<color=#ca3939>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>(+4% of his maximum HP)</color> HP
and {2} <color=#37adc7>(+3% of his lost mana)</color> mana. Each normal attack
also reduces the cooldown of this ability by 1 second.
A89E2F2181E1D36E_## =
A8A21ED07AB358C5_## = Zuka
A8A693FC365CFC9C_## = Tăng 50% Exp Đấu thường 5v5
A8A910DF8711E1BA_## =
A8B28EE46E3DF498_## = Đấu trường Huyền thoại
A8B836052640198D_## = Mở để nhận thẻ thử trang phục ngẫu nhiên 1 ngày
A8B849ED56C7CCD4_## = Astrid swings her mighty sword around, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to surrounding
enemies. If she hits an enemy hero, Astrid's attack speed will increase by {2}% and
an additional 5% for every other hero hit for 3 seconds.
A8B9CAAB069A1809_## = The Morning Star
A8BC28B69F081DFE_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
A8BC80E499AA73AA_## =
A8BE300897AC8D40_## = Tỉnh Kiên Giang
A8BF1AEB67B8C8E3_## =
A8C1EDD6D56C5565_## =
a8c7db30c5646ab7 = a8c7db30c5646ab7_##
A8CD6CE838ED97A2_## = Trial Card: Try out Ilumia for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
A8D205DD04730D6F_## = Original
A8D73454FCE3A4C4_## =
A8D8189C864F4C05_## = Đăng nhập mỗi ngày để nhận 1 Thẻ bài Joker bí ẩn
A8DBB653BC7F9686_## = Airi
A8DC1D099D0A63F1_## = [新英雄-Superman 登場] 愛不釋手
A8DD0520D7C4C171_## = Omega is great at harassing enemies with his maneuverability
and control abilities. His abilities also damage structures making him great for
A8DD6E280F72E7A9_## =
A8E01A49A797E763_## = Aleister Skin
A8E30CFE9073ED11_## = Thane
a8e43c808b5ba6e8 = Current
a8e70880ac1487de = a8e70880ac1487de_##
A8E73792E0BBFAE8_## =
A8F0BD5880E58937_## = Trial Card: Try out Lu Bu's skin: Prom King for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
A8F0C143D087A46B_## = Natalya
A8F0E6ED65629367_## = Base Damage
A8F2C0818B98ED17_## =
A900442BB143BE11_## = Abyssal Dragon
A90105517EEB3E13_## = Skud charges for a brief period, then spins and hits all
nearby enemies with his fist, dealing {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color>
<color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>, knocking them back and stunning them for 1
second. Also deals additional <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> equal to
<color=#ca3939>15% of the enemy's current HP</color> and resets the cooldown on
Furious Charge.
A9033ECC4F8FD622_## =
A907396A457A4AE9_## = You are better than <color=orange>80%</color> of all players.
A90B72B68CABBFD4_## =
A90BFFE2C607350C_## = Rương thẻ thử tướng 1N
A90DD09AF5506D80_## = Superset
a90eb34cda1130b1 = Antaris Battlefield
A90FF2FE483E931C_## =
A912C515ABE1AC92_## =
A918EEC8D4B456EA_## =
A91E6D2EACB9B3BA_## = Gói KM -30% Airi & Trang phục
A9206DC7D41AF929_## = Lustrous
A924131F0129CCE6_## = Unknown
A9264D5FF18F25BF_## = Unknown
A927D60CAEA02D83_## =
A92A9B238C10F0B4_## = Lean on me when you're not strong.
A92B0C2D7D69DE13_## = Trial Card: Try out Mina's skin: Candycane
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
A932CD38FE9E3E15_## = <color=#f8be32>30-second</color> cooldown: Deals
<color=#f8be32>[801040p1q2+801040p1g2*hl-801040p1g2]</color> <color=#f3b74a>true
damage</color> to nearby minions and monsters and stuns them for <color=#f8be32>1
A93821345AFF47C9_## = Trial Card: Try out Butterfly's skin: Technoblade
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
A93965A9940E2565_## =
A93AF9A717466BBA_## =
A93C5E48B5F0ACE5_## = Being a Bro
A943B3BD4B345355_## =
A9446BB7BBD27E8C_## = Sustained Damage
a944ebaf3d7267fd = Quick Chat
A94CD2789A9A9D0D_## = Frozen enemies take extra <color=#7FFFD4>{0}</color>
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>.
A94EF77A33DA1D02_## =
a9504493216fbfea = a9504493216fbfea_##
A9527CC54F97CF6C_## = <color=#ffffff>%s</color> <color=#a4afb7>has obtained from
%s</color>: <color=#f2c71a>%s</color>!
A9540E782E92DD54_## = Quy đổi ngọc đỏ cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
A9548802AB37512F_## = Unknown
A95881E65D147D86_## = Đổi Dấu ấn Tulen
A95FD6308739E3B2_## = Combo thử Airi 1n
A9615BE58DE0696D_## = Thu thập Bánh Chưng và Đầu lân để đổi thưởng Tết mỗi ngày
A96388479BA977A4_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 hạng mỗi ngày
A9686783F5B98E77_## =
A96AC01B373BF1CD_## = Ranked Match Special
A96BE6F78ECC4463_## = Hazmat
A97118EA439013EA_## = Open for a chance to get Tel'Annas, Woodland Tel'Annas or
other items
A9788361E0CA3A54_## =
A97CCDCBE489935F_## = Tel'Annas' attack damage is increased by 10% when there are
ally heroes nearby.
A97DE728783E07DA_## =
A980C4D9CE9E4EC5_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Tím)
A9849C6656F99725_## = Rally for a team fight!
A98B103EB6AAD14B_## =
A98C5BBEA1DE197E_## =
a98d024b1b77141 = Information on heroes' attributes and abilities.
A991236C59FF6375_## = 参与 5V5
A993A150863CE2C1_## = Base Damage
A993A36C856F42F1_## = Ryoma leaps backwards while extending his naginata, dealing
{0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to
surrounding enemies. If Ryoma damages an enemy hero, then Pinwheel's cooldown is
reduced by 3 seconds. This effect is not stackable.
A99A35BE4990A27F_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
A99BE6020B8324C9_## =
A99EE931B286DB3B_## =
A9A175B3C9FBD8FE_## =
A9A28E15BAB7EC3E_## = Level 20 Chest
A9A47C1E2D0B4577_## = We have plenty of training stages for you here. Let's choose
the "Ability Wheel" first.
A9A4D9ED280BC3A0_## =
A9A8849B9693143E_## = Trial Card: Try out Joker's skin: The Killing Joke
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
A9A88F308D065C5F_## =
A9AC907FC52DD8F0_## = Base Damage
a9b0b2442712bf0f = Pack Details
A9B52AFFE52FDE7C_## =
A9B7562293BCA0F7_## = The Technowiz
a9c250f638ef5958 = System
A9C978438FC72072_## = Killing the enemy Carry is priority, deal with the remaining
enemies after that.
A9CAEF25168A5EBC_## =
A9CC1870AE636B3F_## =
A9CFA52D771C1FE6_## =
A9D1DE0D6AF7BCA8_## = 限時充值送好禮(test)
A9D8250765C1AD4A_## = Unknown
A9D86F9349BD427C_## = ProPlayer Suggestion
A9D9444544B643B5_## =
A9DA63F8E933ABBF_## =
A9DAD2DE73229343_## = Deep Impact
A9DB5783ACD03D2E_## =
A9DD08AC433522BA_## =
A9E1A777756344F4_## = Mời bạn bè chơi game để nhận Ruby miễn phí!
A9E23871AE2C5381_## = Cooldown
A9E36F4AA1C12909_## =
A9E4360CCE9DEF95_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Lục)
A9E4FA37E07FB9F1_## = Trial Card: Try out Raz's skin: Frostbite for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
A9E50F65D53D1C9F_## =
A9E57E33031641DE_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
A9EB4C5301A5C7AF_## = Tham gia sự kiện Thu thập dấu ấn Murad M-TP để có cơ hội
nhận bộ quà tặng đặc biệt từ Liên Quân Mobile
A9ED9A327F1C6F6F_## =
A9EDC967394CB77B_## =
A9EFDB10F1C866F6_## =
A9F1A41341AFF865_## = Get ready!
A9F316B830D0FC67_## = Ripper
A9F3FFAF10D93B0D_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
A9F5E72499C8845F_## = Movement Speed Reduction
A9F67A6AB5766E94_## =
A9F9813416CC90A1_## =
A9FABD25FE72B0E5_## = Thu thập 2 mảnh Chúc mừng năm mới và Mậu Tuất 2018 để đổi 3
trang phục miễn phí tùy chọn!
AA00C8DB11D2CE00_## = Cooldown
AA016EE861B0D11A_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
AA05AAE33BF23DAD_## =
AA087C24495B704D_## =
AA0BC4133050156F_## =
AA0C13C569422002_## = Quà ngủ ngon
AA12FF6BD0E90D8A_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
AA15CB4965373A7C_## = Let your minions protect you from the tower's blasts.
AA175C6D4E5985B1_## =
AA1A25EAD5D23FC6_## =
AA1C6D6828A08E44_## =
AA1CE345C33053C2_## = Dragon Master
AA1D496EC2C9821B_## = Quà sinh nhật Bạc
AA1D5C699E4F42CA_## =
AA1EE91B5162B322_## = Unique Passive - Divine Intervention: Prevents damage from a
potential killing blow, then increases movement speed by 20% for 1 second. 90-
second cooldown.
AA2028ED365B4FAB_## =
AA24499A3DC7969A_## =
AA2B2FE95C5348E0_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
AA2DB3780C8F0DB3_## =
AA32427C29705A5B_## = Đây là phần thưởng Share liền tay, nhận ngay quà của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
AA3552BEC3A01817_## =
AA36516F27782319_## = Shutterbug
AA38F6B68700CF71_## =
AA3916433718B922_## =
AA3B174CC677E3F8_## =
AA3C15E35C45C1B9_## = Rương ngọc may mắn
AA3D746C422243E9_## =
AA4211AFC7F239A8_## =
AA4394E3BACFC30C_## = Yorn
aa44569b6a29a594 = Display Quality
AA45400F262FA805_## = Corpse Bride
AA461818B501B8D2_## =
AA48D7056654929F_## =
AA48E8F66E2792F7_## = Sorry, my connection died.
AA48F345DD006B0A_## =
AA4E148F258E5C74_## = Unique Passive - Enlightenment: Increases maximum HP by 1400.
AA5017144FA05844_## = Base Guardian:\nMovement speed increased
AA50C609A626B55B_## = Nakroth skin: Cybercore Level 3
AA5465D2C34EBC30_## = Royal Power
AA58C60ED244B693_## = Warrior
AA591391D04F246D_## =
AA5B281A70BA1140_## =
AA5B3202625FDC77_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
aa5ca9409c9d4454 = aa5ca9409c9d4454_##
AA5D5D789B18F984_## =
AA5E07B25E1CCAE6_## =
AA5E3E5EEB467B57_## = Roxi-Skill-02
AA5E4C37BA778A19_## = Trial Card: Try out Grakk's skin: Abomination for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
AA6D783B1796AC1C_## =
aa6db8e18578a84e = aa6db8e18578a84e_##
AA6ED9D4D891F286_## = 本週活動精選
AA6F87724423ACDA_## = Principanda
AA72304C7060AD89_## = Original
AA73847F52A2C403_## =
AA755BDDDE397AB3_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
AA7AD5F0B89B329A_## =
AA7B1861175CD379_## =
AA7DBB3CA0E452ED_## =
AA7F416C54BDA63A_## =
AA806DD735D9A7ED_## = Item cannot be used.
AA84ED12B1A2A220_## = Level 13 Chest
AA85EFF79394FEE8_## = Level 3 Activity Rewards
AA85F8C56005C434_## = Đổi Dấu ấn Tulen
AA88B431AEA4D249_## =
AA8CBE8E30026B83_## = Platinum
AA8D387A5C479545_## = Damage Bonus
AA909430556E72D0_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
AA913BBCFC7234B5_## =
AA932467702E52A3_## = Mảnh ghép năm mới
AA9670965DB5B78F_## =
aa9b0916c1ba07bd = Day 1
AA9D29451CCA0D7B_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
AA9F8F6843A37C54_## =
AAA28DF431053AE5_## =
AAA930D0B76E9679_## = “What should I do after the war is over?” On cold nights,
Butterfly's sword emits a crimson light that radiates a sense of
warmth.\n\n“Survival is never easy for people like me, the people who feed on dirt
and blood. I have no time to think about anything else,” her cold voice scoffed
from the shadows. Even after several straight days of fighting, Butterfly showed no
sign of fatigue. As a well-trained mercenary, she is capable of retaining and
recovering her stamina throughout an exhausting war.\n\nButterfly was a code name
given by her mercenary order. Unlike ordinary, freelance mercenaries, Butterfly was
specially trained by the order. As the order's numbers grew, their requests became
more complicated as well. Clients started demanding specific requirements of the
mercenaries; they insisted on certain abilities, genders, ages, and even
appearances. In response, the order assiduously trained Butterfly to cater to the
ever-changing requests.\n\nAccording to her contract, Butterfly, as an orphan, was
to be raised by the mercenary order and trained in combat. Growing up, she served
as a contractor for the association, requiring her to surrender half of the bounty
she earned from every assignment as repayment for the order's investment on her, at
least until her debt was cleared.\n\nThanks to her efficiency, competence, and the
shortage of other female mercenaries, Butterfly was offered the job of protecting
Astrid, the youngest daughter of the Duke of Rose. She had completed numerous
similar assignments, most of which required her to accompany noblewomen to
different events, offering protection while dressed as a servant.\n\nHad it not
been such a high-paying assignment, she would have chosen a far more exciting task,
like hunting a dragon from the abyss, or eliminating the leader of a group of
bandits. Anything else seemed a better alternative to entertaining a bunch of
socialites, spending the whole night listening to their trivial
gossip.\n\nStrangely, the new assignment was not as boring as Butterfly had
expected. In retrospect, she was thrilled, if not overwhelmed, by the experience,
as she was sent to protect Astrid in a fight against the Lokheim army that had
defeated Arduin and the Vedan knights.\n\nAfter the deaths of her father and
brother, and the siege of her castle, the young Astrid led the Knights of Rose into
battle in the name of the Rose family. Butterfly was hired to protect Astrid, and
when the fighting had finally stopped, both were left wounded and scarred from days
of battle.\n\nIn fact, according to the regulations of the mercenary order,
Butterfly was entitled to abandon the assignment according to the contract's clause
regarding “Colossal Changes in Assignment Complexity.” But she carried on with her
duties, protecting Astrid in the absence of the late Duke of Rose, who never
thought his daughter would have to go to war. When Astrid raised her father's
sword, “Embertrail,” Butterfly’s assignment became almost impossible.\n\nBut
Butterfly did not back down, not only because it was her duty, it was also how she
worked.\n\n“The word 'flee' is not in my vocabulary.”
AAAB83B85F3ABA21_## = Cybercore Level 1
AAAE598775DA785D_## =
AAB112B411FB290D_## =
AAB19EF7C8FF698A_## =
AAB1AA5CDE56375A_## = Please resume auto mode.
AAB685BE5A1AE347_## = Trial Card: Try out Violet's skin: Piolet
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
AAB72D8F5D6EC797_## = 7 日累積簽到
AAB9DD1976D0DFD1_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
aabd51c14df047ea = Send gift
AABE54AF89B3688D_## =
AABE795EB47A94D6_## = I'm coming to help.
AAC1F84DE89388F8_## = Cổ vũ đội tuyển GameTV tại giải đấu quốc tế AIC. Có thể quy
đổi thành Rương may mắn AIC sau khi giải đấu kết thúc (dựa vào thành tích của đội)
AAC6425BF9C59C3C_## = Valley Skirmish
AAC8676CE77347DE_## = Quy đổi ngọc tím cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
AAC8736E64C44060_## = Trial Card: Try out Arduin for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
AACB5013A2F3E878_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Tím)
AACDFF343B16E5D6_## = Diamond
AAD03F598FA191D6_## =
AAD0E56A82E5D58B_## =
AAD1D6D3567ED6E5_## = Pay attention to the team composition.
AAD2D1CBAE915AD7_## = Liên Quân đón Xuân
AAD3AB4E028EA5B7_## = Feast
AAD4B35536858822_## =
AADA908A97EE86AE_## =
AADAE92298911532_## =
AADBB8CE7D988D56_## =
AADF4B03FCCE07B0_## =
aae03dd1b0bb16da = Armor:
AAE1509773ACA096_## = I might be late, but I'll always make it to the fight!
AAE60FC8B523AEE0_## = Vanquishing <color=#f6bf17ff>Minions</color>,
<color=#f6bf17ff>Heroes</color>, and destroying <color=#f6bf17ff>Defense
Towers</color> can earn you <color=#f6bf17ff>Coins</color> to buy powerful
AAEAC1DD2AF5BA29_## = Unknown
AAEBCBFC3B6985A4_## = obsolete
AAEBDEE03CB9E1DC_## = The Iron Mountain Range laid at the northern tip of the land,
surrounding the Holy Hall like an iron wall. This renowned mountain range was known
for its deposits of metal ore, which served as the main source of income for the
Holy Hall. \n\nAs a group of people indigenous to the region, the Holy Hall
directly governs over all of their faithful followers. The tribe led by Taara
achieved many feats in the warring era. Though they lack the necessary crafting
skills for fine weapons, they held their crudely-made hammers in valiance and
smashed down on the invading Fallen at the foot of the mountains. Bloodbath after
bloodbath, Taara's tribe paid dearly. However, even on the verge of losing the
entire Iron Mountain Range, surrender never entered Taara's mind.\n\nOn the day of
the resurgence of light, Taara and her tribesmen held a great festival. They lit
the furnace deep in the mountains and celebrated with pillars of raging flames.
Thane's messengers came at this time, announcing the order of the new king; due to
Taara's valiance in the war, she was conferred a noble title. This meant she now
owned a wealthy piece of land in the new kingdom and her tribe was finally able to
escape the life of material shortages and hard mining work.\n\nHowever, before
Taara could plan her transition, Gildur's fury had spread to the Iron Mountains. As
the Holy Hall's financial officer, Gildur knew that population meant production
capacity, and he would not allow Thane to destabilize the cornerstones of the
Order. Thane's messenger was exiled, and Taara was regarded as a traitor to the
faith and imprisoned. In addition, the taxes for her tribe would be doubled for the
next ten years as a punishment.\n\nHaving the ground collapse beneath her, she fell
from heaven straight into hell and endless torment. Veera, who had been spying from
the dark, seized the chance to rescue Taara, leaving her with these words: "False
gods fail you in light; why not embrace true darkness?" Disappointed by the Holy
Hall, Taara submitted herself to the abyss. She was willing to be baptized by frost
fire, and commit her soul to a dark will.\n\n"I rely only on the power I can hold
in my hands!"
AAECA2E759AA3F36_## = Rare Omega Skin: Real Steel
AAF32A6495BD5629_## = Survivability, Control
AAF526F00F71F7E7_## = Trial Card: Try out Arum for <color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days.
You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this hero.
AAF696D16C280904_## = Original
AAF8767B22B8E37F_## = Unknown
AAF967EC0436517C_## =
AAF9E7A0503F0ABA_## =
AAFA188B03FC9532_## =
AAFC8CB6CE07D0B4_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mừng xuân Đinh Dậu,
AB037C5910BED5A4_## =
AB05BCCC48B3990C_## =
AB080465CC5F5D37_## =
AB08350EE16878A0_## = Chúc mừng năm mới. Mở để nhận quà may mắn Liên Quân (Tướng)
AB097008F9377A50_## = <color=#00d5ff>Main Quest:</color> \nDestroy an inner tower
AB0A20BE9EF11971_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
AB0A90CAD708B6BA_## =
AB0AC9C5AFE9A52C_## = 签到图片
AB0C63211A3105AD_## = Ignis summons a Rain of Fire at the target area for 3
seconds, dealing {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
damage</color> every second to enemies in the area and reducing their movement
speed by 30% for 2 seconds. Marked targets are stunned for 1 second.
AB0C67EFC6A860B5_## = Amulet of Longevity
AB1273440C2CD77F_## = 本週活動精選
AB19024EB26C90C5_## = Natalya
ab1b49505f2fdeaf = Function not open reminder
AB1D999F73C19028_## = Mina
AB22267161EF5E49_## =
AB2390DF40D8A524_## =
AB259486967621B7_## =
AB295A1119B3DC11_## =
AB2B5EE0BA7A647F_## =
AB2DE36F6220F947_## =
AB325AA0C867B7A4_## = 7 日累積簽到
AB3427A229D0622A_## =
AB354A21746AAA88_## =
AB39268C63FD0DD0_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Zuka) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
AB399E2B6436C551_## = 和好友对战送符文碎片
AB3CA36FF4259FC2_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
AB41F2270C075B0D_## = If Arduin's HP falls below 50%, Arduin will enter Bloodlust
mode for 8 seconds. While in Bloodlust mode, Arduin restores 2% of his maximum HP
when his abilites or normal attacks damage enemies. Bloodlust has a 60-second
cooldown and Arduin will enter Bloodlust mode again immediately after the cooldown
if his HP is below 50% at that time.
AB4623E4AD36F17C_## = Hellbat
AB46AD202AB9A46E_## = Get random hero trial card (1D)
AB46D72688D576BA_## =
AB46F1531E9AD211_## = Warrior
AB47AA768AFFDD7B_## =
AB4C5B8936D92D91_## =
AB4FB67282816098_## = Tỉnh Trà Vinh
ab52a9ed6784a38e = Attack Range
AB5572185CBE462B_## = Survivability, Control
AB56213A0CB31A5B_## = Void Cleanse
AB59FAFBADCBE854_## = Archmage
AB5F8BC4FD66C8CB_## = Combo thử Airi 1n
AB5FA730266177DE_## = Base Damage
AB61E46DC81F2568_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nTướng vĩnh viễn
(Jinna) / Thẻ thử tướng Jinna (3 ngày) / Mảnh tướng
ab6a21030e67e2bf = Kills Deaths Assists
AB6F33562C8C9EFF_## =
AB7323E01747E94B_## =
AB7B5CEB7A1A842E_## = Since you were <color=#ffd700>reported by another
player</color> during a battle at {3}:{4}:{5} on {0}/{1}/{2} and the system
determined that the report was valid,{6} points have been deducted from your
Credibility Score. Please take each battle seriously.
AB7D29D832A60503_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Slimz để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
AB81F20C5CC119E5_## =
AB8743A51275A968_## = Original
AB88E27205C3056D_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tết chưa hết đâu! (Đấu thường) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
AB893BFF8A3B3BD3_## =
ab8981e3109be45f = Report
AB8B335AFC56B407_## =
AB8DF18CBF7B2011_## = Tank
AB934AFC39274119_## = Base Damage
AB9473766B81F08A_## = Tỉnh Bến Tre
AB948BF5F4A9197C_## =
AB9593D7EEB09609_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
AB9C3484FADA4709_## =
ABA445373EC63005_## = Tag the arena
ABA82A37F7CA808E_## =
ABA9A951D8A37F70_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Ilumia {C}/{T} lần
ABABE279A55EC57E_## =
ABACF6586D97D0BA_## =
ABB72CA25ABA6FF8_## =
ABB794183CFAB939_## =
ABBAA242593B8EC2_## =
ABBAEF78F3D958A3_## =
ABBB84088E9C3F8F_## =
ABBF315E1F93D7CB_## =
ABC071DD38A381B1_## = Cooldown
ABC7A54633091A6D_## =
ABCBCB2EB1955002_## = <color=#ffb422>Gained Dark Slayer's Wrath</color>
ABCDD302DA95196F_## =
ABCE16D2744FCF9B_## = Nhận ngay Ruby miễn phí khi tham gia 5v5 Độc đạo lần đầu
ABD09897A18FAA00_## =
ABD1C586C2F3C84D_## =
ABD436BDCC4B4C8D_## =
ABD7E071A04C93E5_## =
ABD87244F6990CA0_## = Mage
ABDE6462C2690890_## =
ABDFA1643E3ECD2A_## = Chúc mừng năm mới (5v5)
ABDFD4852BABA93B_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
ABE07F66E047759D_## = Makin' Moves
ABE849BC637437A0_## = Survivability
ABE8B547CC409F25_## =
ABEAF173D2C4F09F_## =
ABEC777A24F94A8F_## =
ABF45C5B27363140_## = Might Buff:\nNormal attacks reduce enemy movement speed and
deal burn damage\nMelee heroes reduce enemy movement speed by 30%\nRanged heroes
reduce enemy movement speed by 16%-30% (based on level)
ABF59DB269B62A65_## = Đây là phần thưởng Sự kiện 8.3 - Xuân nữ tái xuất của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
ABF9CCB3718B6F8F_## = Unknown
ABFBAE6458351798_## =
absorb = Absorb
AC01E3F41201222F_## = Double EXP Card: \n3 days
ac034776f238c2e2 = ac034776f238c2e2_##
AC0401134F121BB6_## = Cooldown
AC075B628047A89D_## = Đây là phần thưởng Chúc mừng năm mới (5v5) của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
AC08A98D52ABCB92_## = 参与 5V5
AC0918A2A6B16E63_## = Open to receive the Hero: Ilumia and her Skin: Ice Queen
AC11B6DC7D55E3FA_## =
AC1581C09E2C4D7C_## = When Batman approaches an enemy hero, his movement speed
increases by 20%.
AC15C431F916A90C_## = Perhaps it is time to lay down your knife and get a job.
AC195B25FDEC2471_## =
AC1A9FF91AC641B7_## = Level 17 Chest
AC1ABACC7F6C656B_## =
AC1E621D3B3B9458_## = Road to Glory
AC1F7A7798633CB6_## = Support
AC22FE959F23E91D_## =
AC24D08DF3C15C0F_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Wukong)
AC293521F6E75D07_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
AC30F4B0615BBB08_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Lục)
AC325482D1FFEFC7_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
AC36765B0238E93A_## =
AC37A37C10D4C005_## =
AC38A59F5BF9B5E6_## = Tích lũy tiêu Quân Huy - Nhận skin miễn phí
AC3D674BD87257D9_## =
ac3e9f4035de4c9a = Most Pushes
AC45B8E887180623_## = Base Damage
AC478D7B9330D0DB_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
AC4C434797C85F7F_## = Attack Speed +1% \nMax HP +33.7 \nArmor +2.3
AC542CCD80C8FF9D_## =
AC543B1FE1666502_## = 消费点券活动
AC568738F47B1B35_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
AC589FDB7CE8D317_## =
AC5961F3537A8C79_## =
AC5A1D6D0ABABD67_## = Every {0} seconds, dealing damage to an enemy hero triggers
Zuka's Chi, increasing his attack damage by 14/15.5/17/18.5/20% (occurs at Level
1/4/7/10/13) for the next {1} seconds.
AC5BEB2ED2D3361E_## = The forest strikes back!
AC5F5CE84682DA03_## = Outlaw
AC6329AA8D720E5E_## = Bloodlust
AC6C14570B010FC8_## =
AC6DF3ADE363FF3B_## = Thành phố Hải Phòng
AC6E8103AD73F4A2_## =
ac6ec87f65c19f38 = Battle Stats
ac6f65631d0404b2 = ac6f65631d0404b2_##
AC719E6813D64B35_## = 测试分享活动
AC72D6A5F67A5603_## =
AC731433D20EBE2D_## = Assassin
AC737A971B6565DF_## = Ruby may mắn
AC7942CD79F24C74_## =
AC7AD8D69E87B2BD_## = Dazzling light effects
AC81951CBD783A06_## =
AC84EC59324256C4_## = Tỉnh Hà Nam
AC8DE5754E6E3C82_## =
AC909E9DB6A7A397_## = Choose<color=#f6bf17ff> a hero</color>
AC90B2B3421627F7_## = Achieve a victory when you are {0} [/0:$(point|points)/]
behind in a single match
AC92D837CD0C67A4_## =
AC93ADFEAF789BB5_## =
AC97FB0495AE9166_## = Base Damage
AC98A9CEE4B662E0_## = Mang những hương vị nồng nàn của tình yêu. Ai ăn phải là yêu
Liên Quân luôn!
ACA0197A7D94C5B2_## = Airi
ACA1EB344BCBB28D_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
ACA1F1D734B5B50B_## = Tank
ACA3C1CF6BCC14E3_## = Đây là phần thưởng Săn mục tiêu lớn của bạn, xin mời kiểm
ACA43319ACD42079_## =
ACA4F19BE3B1164F_## =
ACAB525CE94AB036_## = Toro
ACAB892C4DD4736A_## = Explorer
ACADB3147ECAF827_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
ACAEA7418F93B3FF_## = Level 16 Chest
ACAF0268102CB33C_## = Whenever Grakk receives damage equal to more than 10% of his
current HP in a single blow, he triggers an explosion, dealing {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>(+{2})</color> <color=#ca3939>(2% of
his own maximum HP)</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to enemies within
500 units (2-second cooldown). Grakk will also trigger an explosion 3 seconds after
his death, dealing {3} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{4})</color> <color=#ca3939>(+{5})</color>
<color=#ca3939>(8% of his own maximum HP)</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
damage</color> to enemies within 500 units.
ACBAA7F1E5297A6F_## =
ACBB958E456EBF7D_## = Warrior
ACBBF421409B6FAA_## = 马洛斯幽暗冥王幸运宝箱
ACBF631ABEC6D9C0_## = Tonight, we feast!
ACBF6CA57742DE74_## = Quy đổi ngọc lục cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
ACC2D774CEE59746_## = Hero Group Gift Pack 1
ACC4A92F24292788_## = Unique Passive - Regenerate: When taking damage, restores 4%
HP over 2 seconds. 15-second cooldown.
ACC745566408F469_## = Burst
ACC9F11312856469_## = Congratulations, you are now one step closer to becoming a
true hero!
Accept_Task = Quest accepted
ACD295FE00DD5BD1_## =
ACD3198589FAC962_## =
ACD6508AB1D759EC_## =
ACD683F319C67509_## = Hoa hồng
ACDC3AE599577D25_## = Quy đổi ngọc đỏ cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
ACDC7C83DD0BDAE7_## = Hero Group Gift Pack 2
ACDF203BCD179293_## =
ACE470E5F976AD7F_## =
ACE72F2F4952B943_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Lindis) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
ACEBBB2A80F11D8E_## =
ACF5641CB37E29CE_## = Ryoma
ACF575B44835B8C4_## =
ACFCE4126BA93793_## =
Achievement_10 = Your Credibility Score has fallen below the minimum. Unable to
join Ranked Matches and PvP matches until {0}.
Achievement_11 = Achievement_11_##
Achievement_12 = Achievement_12_##
Achievement_13 = Achievement_13_##
Achievement_14 = Achievement_14_##
Achievement_15 = Achievement_15_##
Achievement_Achievement = Achievements
Achievement_AchieveProgress = Achievement Progress
Achievement_AchieveStarProgressFormat = <color=#FECF41>{0}/{1}</color>
Achievement_Can_Get_Award = <color=#4cfef3>To be Collected</color>
Achievement_Full_Finish = Received
Achievement_Get_Award_Success = Collected
Achievement_My_Point = Achievement_My_Point_##
Achievement_Point = Achievement_Point_##
Achievement_Point_Desc = Achievement_Point_Desc_##
Achievement_Rank = Rank {0}
Achievement_Share_Desc = obsolete+fd2ac4760f999026
Achievement_State_Got_Award = Received
Achievement_State_In_Process = <color=#ffd929>In Progress</color>
Achievement_State_Unfinish = In Progress
Achievement_Type_Growing = Achievement_Type_Growing_##
Achievement_Type_Hero = Achievement_Type_Hero_##
Achievement_Type_Process_Format = <color=#7D879B>(<color=#ffff00>{0}</color>/
Achievement_Type_Pve = Achievement_Type_Pve_##
Achievement_Type_Pvp = Achievement_Type_Pvp_##
Achievement_Type_Rank = Achievement_Type_Rank_##
Achievement_Type_Socially = Achievement_Type_Socially_##
Achievement_World_Rank = Achievement_World_Rank_##
Action_Point = Action_Point_##
Activity_Difficulty = Difficulty {0}
Activity_Exchange_Finish = Redeemed
Activity_Exchange_Tips = Redeem the following?
Activity_Invite_Copy = Copy link
Activity_Invite_Get = Claim
Activity_Invite_Tip = My invitation link
Activity_Invite_Url = https://www.arenaofvalor.com/invitebind.html
Activity_Invite_Url_Type = L
Activity_Open = Unlocks at level {0}
Activity_OpenDay = Open<color=#ffff00> {0}</color> every week.
Activity_Random = Daily random activation
Activity_Remind_Tips = Redemption reminder
activityBriefTitle = Event info
activityDetailTitle = Details
activityEmptyTitle = No events
ActivityEntrance = Events
activityForever = Permanent Events
activityNotStart = Event not available.
ActivityPve_Tips_1 = Remaining times<color=#ffff00> {0}</color>
ActivityPve_Tips_2 = Difficulty:<color=#ffffff> {0}</color>
ActivityPve_Tips_3 = Today's remaining times:<color=#ffff00> {0}</color>
ActivitySys_SymbolExchangeFail = Unequip arcana to exchange them.
activityTimeOver = Event has ended.
AD029C7DB43DC71B_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK để nhận ruby miễn phí (Đấu
AD02BC43DD14F65B_## = Trial Card: Try out Ilumia's skin: Femme Fatale for
<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
AD05A03F37109B11_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
AD109959AFF527A2_## = Unknown
AD10E6605CCAE352_## = Gift sending failed.
AD1152FF375DB4CF_## = 妇女节挑战活动
AD1165502A883181_## =
AD12B83652623923_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
AD13A521A2B8E893_## = Rương bánh kẹo mua 4 tặng 1 cực HOT! Mua ngay nào!
AD17A6117EB394C5_## =
AD17B3D5ADF06718_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
AD17E3920FC8F126_## =
AD1916989FC85E75_## =
AD19ABA6EBA84FF2_## = Battering Beads
AD1AB2DD43F9B6C6_## = Medium Arcana Chest
AD1E4AE27F9D368B_## =
AD22BB914EF09278_## = Cataclysm
AD2433D71E766CA6_## = That all you got?
AD26ECF01394F79E_## = 和好友对战送物品宝箱
AD2E6FB0B9EBBD38_## =
AD319590818327EB_## =
AD324AE50A34CAC7_## =
AD3335A089E3E050_## =
AD3390FEB1DEE52E_## = Murad
AD3769C502806DFB_## = Armor +5 \nMagic Defense +5
AD442C070E4D615A_## = Tel'Annas
AD44F6676B92E249_## = Candycane
AD45379E0C66E74D_## = Superset
AD4608B2F1B5F90C_## = Cuộc chiến cứ điểm
AD469114DD55B4D1_## = Melee
AD49D5DB2F32B6B9_## =
AD4B2303C2AF9239_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Zill + trang phục
AD4B846A4741B748_## = This war isn't over!
AD4CE13A52FAA5DC_## = Hoa hậu
AD4FF4917DEB24EE_## = Tank (Support)
AD525033E4FAB752_## = Demonic
AD534B83F24A0C95_## = Agent
AD56F39083CDA214_## =
AD5A90EBDF7480AF_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Lauriel) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
AD5BA5552C968F35_## = Killing the Abyssal Dragon will earn a ton of extra gold and
EXP for your team.
AD5D7668F5265FC3_## =
AD5E114FC2AACA44_## = 签到图片
AD5E44C020A94A8C_## = Base Damage
AD5ED7792B26D970_## = Speed Force
AD5EF33993E887AF_## = Đăng nhập mỗi ngày nhận Bánh sinh nhật. Tích lũy thu thập
Bánh sinh nhật qua chuỗi sự kiện để đổi quà khủng từ ngày 26/11!
AD6450E7076C2D3C_## = Unknown
AD6453AF03B1ABBE_## = 本週活動精選
AD726B59AEA04E56_## = Regnant
AD73C15076E19A14_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
AD742458A55310AF_## = Fox Form
AD784824D28C14CD_## = Mời bạn bè cùng chơi để nhận thưởng sự kiện
AD791FF428ACC842_## =
AD7BB5AD74F89628_## = Dandy
AD836011D78EE058_## =
AD84A065D69C14E6_## =
AD8710C2A152F3EA_## = Trial Card: Try out Alice's skin: Explorer for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
AD871DF1B328E3A4_## =
AD882D8493ED4F5F_## = <blankspace89>
AD9063619B14AB9B_## =
AD90B58C06526C3E_## =
AD911D9F8E264241_## = Normal Attack
AD935E9074CB28A3_## =
AD94BE51B4DFD845_## = Get one permanent hero
AD958D08F8E1376F_## =
AD97765EDFBB169B_## = Getting Stronger
AD9A639AB467CFB3_## =
AD9DC2E4E70C459D_## =
AD9EEF998DC604F4_## =
ADA0D9774CE6D271_## = Yorn
ADA5A551FF99378C_## = Thane
ADA7E5150683645F_## =
ADA97327AF160955_## =
ADAA55B07F661680_## =
ADAABCA2FF7DD6F3_## = Omega
ADAAD86C38EB41D9_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 hạng mỗi ngày
ADAC1EE8CC007034_## =
ADADCAD140A6ED87_## = Đây là phần thưởng Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
ADB46131908C4707_## = Kil'Groth immediately gains <color=#f8be32>{0}</color> stacks
of <color=#f8be32>Fanatic</color>, removing all control effects for the next
<color=#f8be32>{2}</color> seconds. Also, his movement speed is increased by
<color=#f8be32>{1}%</color> for a short period.
ADB47FE0F41566A9_## = Unknown
ADB710D41EB6C700_## = Unknown
ADBBEC49AFB8E5B3_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
ADC3AE35F312BAD4_## =
ADC48CDC357DF8F0_## = Cooldown
ADC4D83304538F0D_## =
ADC58B96D45735A2_## =
ADC83FA3EFE52E05_## = Congratulations, you are now one step closer to becoming a
true hero!
ADCA593E9A57A3AD_## =
ADCEF833A7950C3E_## = Unknown
ADD043F26FBF0CA1_## = Aleister
ADD0E79E346F3F7A_## = Base Damage
ADD38F7CB804D27E_## = 7 日累積簽到
ADD6F41A22A81922_## =
ADD82FF4072028A0_## =
ADDD52338F7E3197_## = Critical Chance +0.7% \nCritical Damage +3.6%
ADDE42774E2AF954_## =
Added_Skill_Common_Tips_1 = Talents
Added_Skill_Common_Tips_10 = obsolete
Added_Skill_Common_Tips_2 = Current level {0}
Added_Skill_Common_Tips_3 = (Unlock at level<size=24> {0}</size>)
Added_Skill_Common_Tips_4 = (Unlocked)
Added_Skill_Common_Tips_5 = obsolete
Added_Skill_Common_Tips_6 = obsolete
Added_Skill_Common_Tips_7 = obsolete
Added_Skill_Common_Tips_8 = obsolete
Added_Skill_Common_Tips_9 = obsolete
ADE9832B789DC2EE_## =
ADEBA675FDD3A97C_## =
ADEE0E1E822FEACD_## = Punch Line
ADEF167E8B7831D7_## =
ADF36AF80335DA56_## = Navy Cadet
ADF52D2AAA11CFD8_## = Gói ưu đãi tướng Slimz. Thêm 3 Vé Quay giá chỉ 30 Quân Huy!
ADF83D1111ECAFCC_## =
ADFEAA86D25E4FA2_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
ADFEC9F24C61342F_## =
ADFF0015A7B1B565_## =
Adv_TeamNum_Confirm = Adv_TeamNum_Confirm_##
Adv_TeamPower_Confirm = Adv_TeamPower_Confirm_##
Adventure_Chapter_Max_Tips = Highest: {0}
Adventure_Level_1 = Normal
Adventure_Level_2 = Adventure_Level_2_##
Adventure_Level_3 = Adventure_Level_3_##
Adventure_Level_4 = Adventure_Level_4_##
Adventure_Unlock_Tips = Adventure_Unlock_Tips_##
AE0192F60246192A_## =
ae01dc99c103c9c0 = Turn off Invincibility
AE02225D9F3C2C62_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
AE022E9F494569AC_## = Combo Thử tướng + Vé Quay
AE043A9E389FB0CF_## =
AE0530DF3145C965_## = Long Range
AE075B74C1831BB7_## =
AE078CA65345DE23_## =
AE0B187B2DF579AF_## =
AE0D15C8E9283416_## =
AE1A8F48223AA949_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Arduin) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
ae1d43f41609c5d8 = Team 2
AE1FA4D49A9C15B9_## = Max fires trackers that attach to all enemy heroes for a
short time. The trackers allow allies to see the enemies' locations and interrupt
enemy recall actions. While the trackers are active, Max can then select an enemy
to track and ram into by holding down the ability button. Ramming into the enemy
deals {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> and
knocks them back. If Max takes too long to select an enemy, then he will have to
fire the trackers again. When Max lands, he activates a magnetic force field that
reduces his damage taken, increases his resistance by 30%, and shocks all nearby
enemies. Pressing the ability again while Max is tracking an enemy will cancel the
attack, making Max land immediately and activate his force field.
AE22DAB3E3EAE425_## = Shield Increase
AE283BC3D8060E36_## = Tel'Annas
AE29B68523FCCA82_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi trong đấu thường để nhận ruby miễn phí
AE2E56C0BBB915B4_## =
AE345F04BF8DC85A_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
ae39b0a7e66980a4 = ae39b0a7e66980a4_##
AE3A3B67274667C9_## =
AE3F9B666B49933F_## =
AE40A4F50E91310A_## = Lion Tamer
AE41C846FCE07242_## = Get Wukong, Aleister and Violet
AE4242772F3B4B4A_## =
AE43721DFF326B72_## =
AE4549C30D95408C_## = Ominous bat sound effects.
AE5148972B4A21E6_## = 签到图片
AE521F54B78AB5EB_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
AE53788A07E520E5_## =
AE5E149076963AEC_## =
AE614D9BC2359BBA_## =
AE61C4C42577AE5B_## =
AE61DC96054AA8D9_## =
AE62F55ECFE7E1EE_## = You shall be judged!
AE6440ECF7413EDF_## = (Close-range attacks)
AE65BA9E52880B2B_## = Mừng ngày Quốc tế Phụ nữ 8.3, thắng đấu hạng với tướng nữ
để nhận Ruby & thẻ thử trang phục giới hạn Mina - Tiểu thư đoạt hồn!
AE670E3AEF53F981_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Đỏ)
AE67B2452577D041_## = Đổi quà tình nhân
AE68DAA3F0811BF9_## =
AE6A39B752B6F4DB_## =
AE6FA682453A6578_## =
AE72B497C873A733_## = One Magic Crystal can be used for one Lucky Draw attempt.
AE7384411F711C12_## =
AE74490357713F65_## = Cap'n
AE750E669689829A_## = Marksman
ae75c900589d0763 = HP:
AE75F0B82E79100E_## = Activation Damage
AE7B02D7E11B97D6_## = 参与 5V5
AE7C86F28905AC9A_## =
AE7D964B9D4AB289_## = <size=30>1</size> vs <size=30>{0}</size>
AE80908A115BB46D_## =
AE83F7B4C867366E_## =
AE85E9F5D823EFE1_## = TeeMee
ae8862dc2c704be0 = ae8862dc2c704be0_##
AE8A139D958752A2_## = Here are the rewards for linking your account. Now you can
enjoy the game across multiple devices.
AE8BCB25DFF8048E_## = Trial Card: Try out Omen's skin: Bloody Baron
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have
this skin.
AE8C8E2C9A988D51_## = Long Range
AE8F399778349442_## =
AE9892125383DAA6_## = Original
AE9933F7E4C4D4E3_## = Open to receive Kil'Groth and the Carapace skin.
AE9A5DF1C519EE5D_## =
AE9EF67E0087B574_## =
AEA1DBD94CD63985_## =
AEA2AEDFD0652E81_## = Lu Bu powers up, boosting his attack damage by
<color=#f8be32>{0}</color>, life steal by {1} <color=#f18d00>(+{2})</color>, and
resistance by <color=#f8be32>20%</color> for <color=#f8be32>{3}</color> seconds.
AEA3C7AA0AB15CA7_## =
AEA3E3F8160ED7ED_## = On Murad's 4th consecutive normal attack within 3 seconds
(ineffective against buildings), he gains 5% attack damage and releases the seal on
Temporal Turbulence for 5 seconds.
AEA83BFDB4F75001_## =
AEA9390D6BC4C524_## =
AEAACD292509CE2D_## = Blue Super Minions
AEAE85A06CF5B04B_## =
AEB190044A0DAD89_## = Melee
AEB3791272D3C675_## =
AEB7F53A3567D6ED_## =
AEB9F78A4D9A0060_## = Roar of Fright
AEBA6C22E15BC41D_## = Preyta
AEBF6B16DE8BFA27_## = Contains 10 Gems, 1300 Gold and 1 lvl 2 Arcana: Magma
AEC002C0937B106C_## =
AEC1ACE3458A41EE_## =
AEC2177D154AFC35_## =
AEC33662DB136717_## = 签到图片
AEC50E7D3B8368A6_## = 独立日宝箱-纳克罗斯
AEC5BFDF772179AC_## =
AEC628CCADDFACCC_## = Original
AEC9232E93513C1B_## = Lion Tamer
AEC98E297B4D6E96_## =
AED1A23712D4E7A1_## =
AED3F3D69EDE80B7_## = Remaining idle or abandoning a match will lower your
Credibility Score.
AED94A3474028785_## = Watch festive snow flurries fall
AEDA25C4E5E36ACA_## = Base Damage
AEDBED35AD5C1E1E_## = Trial Card: Try out Aleister's skin: Triumphant for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
AEE172F26F86442B_## = Use to change your guild name. Can only be used by the Guild
AEE3A9DD374EF665_## =
AEE4F9B39DB88C84_## =
AEE5799F4912C2F5_## =
AEE7F01A4950A99A_## =
AEE9012815FC06A9_## = Xeniel leaps towards the target area, dealing {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to enemies in the
area, while also stunning them for 1.25 seconds.
AEE92BE41568DF4A_## =
AEEEE69C433E2B0E_## = Nạp Quân Huy - Rinh Lì xì cực HOT!
AEEFD9BE6698A90E_## = Mage
AEF4EE0CD39A3124_## = Nạp Quân huy - Nhận xuân nữ
AEF900FB4A969C3C_## = Trial Card: Try out Azzen'Ka's skin: Storm Wraith for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
AEF9D00E56CC746F_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
AEFC7F2EA51B986D_## = Combo Cresht Cá cắn cáp
AEFCF8C70B8F06FF_## =
AEFE43B4FB8ECC74_## =
AF043EB36B2EDE89_## = 本週活動精選
AF06406EA73B5742_## =
AF06A6014821B6FD_## = Cyber Samurai
AF09811D92082A5D_## = Crash Mode
AF10CC3CF852A3A5_## =
AF12C3CF5A80675A_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tuần lễ Nguyệt tộc (Hạ gục) của bạn, xin
mời kiểm tra!
AF12E1652B5CA4E6_## = Blue Middle Tower
AF165B9C2F54E027_## =
AF17FD9AAADEB4EF_## = High damage
AF196B5C7B617C46_## = Kryptonian Strength
AF199FC3647E52B6_## =
AF1A5C47504974DE_## = Trial Card: Try out Mina's skin: Fatal Scythe
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
AF1C2FD7D58574B3_## =
AF1E3D36C975827B_## = Ormarr
AF1F947E9EF466B0_## =
AF208B77E9E6FC41_## = Beginner Value Pack
AF291A4F6BFABD42_## =
AF2AFEBA35462630_## =
AF2BFFEB1025C921_## = Infinite Courage
AF2C2AF570924D13_## =
AF32274C4FA4B862_## =
AF327C392F058731_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
AF391AE5921ED9FA_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
AF3D2EC53CEA7E19_## =
AF3F9255D3C030A4_## = Fox Form
AF43258956098798_## =
AF495A1AC4853D48_## = Đổi Dấu ấn Tulen
AF49ED5A41AE1C5E_## = Maximum Damage
AF4A96656B5D7B23_## = Racer
AF52A2DA865427B9_## =
AF597D0DCD016737_## =
AF5A6832F2CF74FF_## = Long Range
AF60F2FF11630D7E_## = Sustained Damage, Survivability
AF64D388C4587C5E_## = Unique Passive: Magic Life Steal +15%
AF675A230108A8FD_## =
AF6B95CCD83BC0D3_## =
AF6FA50B3EA58F91_## = S5 Limited
AF7624D6DE440B10_## =
AF77884071ED6673_## = Cybercore
AF7898E269C25AA3_## = Tap here to send<color=#f6bf17ff> the "Defend"</color>
message to teammates
AF78E059ACAA36E8_## =
AF7A2464F532514A_## = You are better than <color=orange>99%</color> of all players.
The Top 50 Masters will earn the "Conqueror" title!
AF7A607B5518CDBF_## = About Activity Rewards
AF7DACB782FF5147_## =
AF8198003FC7872E_## = Original
AF8314EA77B27C60_## =
AF883F74913C94D2_## =
AF8DACF1F550E3C8_## = Mischief
AF92B0CDBC7834A1_## = Omega
AF943A6B99E896B2_## =
AF95435D0A06CB53_## = Combo Preyta + Vé Quay
AF977477314241A0_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Zill) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
AF998D18AFD1C52A_## = Butterfly
AF9AA38B50DD4826_## = Gore Lord
AF9AE2C552C26BEF_## =
AFA2C94A4E7C6237_## =
AFA72420B3D6780C_## = 妇女节挑战活动
AFA7A723E0B38B16_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tiêu xài nhận thưởng của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
AFA92FFB68C7DD0B_## = 签到图片
AFAA74160CA1D481_## =
AFAAC5FECE55237A_## =
AFAF17D542DF78D7_## =
AFB0A3A423B19D67_## = Cooldown
AFB1EF990126225D_## =
AFB6D122C6461760_## = Attack
AFBAF5F31C2039F9_## =
AFBC25E01A6FF59F_## =
AFBC982961A7E7EB_## =
AFC0FCCBD1661538_## =
AFC425B3FA716DB0_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đón Xuân mới - Khuyến mãi nạp thẻ mỗi
ngày! của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
AFC6E3118C325885_## = Reload
AFCA3A5853D107A9_## = Trial Card: Try out Kil'Groth for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color>
day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
AFCB86A7489DD8FB_## =
AFCC89AD1D5575E0_## =
afcc9ece47d770df = afcc9ece47d770df_##
AFD3196DAD19030C_## =
AFD7251C2F71B693_## = Attack Damage +1.5 \nAttack Speed +0.4%
AFD7AF13F5A4E187_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
AFDD8E959DC4F698_## =
AFDED4453C1B53C8_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
AFE1F0C9D76AD435_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Đỏ)
AFE444C743D49896_## = Armor +180\nUnique Passive: [Burn]
AFE594C0EEA4D562_## =
AFE8A4972FF68B4C_## = Murad
AFEB795288C1D312_## = Unknown
AFEDFC4766509032_## =
AFF17F58C86FB812_## =
AFF1C497C19FF121_## =
AFF23902488B74AF_## =
AFF83E187898A0F7_## =
AFFA0F82C3A690D5_## =
AFFA5262AF077082_## = Rương Anh hùng
AFFBB2ACB5B3F28B_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
AFFBED91250CA236_## = Unknown
affe01ca738dfb39 = Mana
ANDROID_APP_URL = https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?
Android_BackToast = Tap again to exit game.
Ao_Yi_Buy = Purchase Arcana
Apollo_SystemError = Operation failed. Please try again!
ApolloHelper_HardCode1 = Guest Mode Notice
ApolloHelper_HardCode2 = a2500
ApolloResult_0 = Your game has encountered an anomaly.\nPlease email our Customer
Service Team (CS@proximabeta.com) for assistance.
ApolloResult_10 = You have not logged in. Unable to perform this operation.
ApolloResult_1000 = Login information expired. Please log in again.
ApolloResult_1001 = Your account encountered an anomaly.\nPlease contact our
Customer Service Team (CS@proximabeta.com) for assistance.
ApolloResult_1002 = Your account does not exist.\nPlease create a new one or
contact our Customer Service Team \n(CS@proximabeta.com) for assistance.
ApolloResult_1003 = Your account encountered an anomaly.\nPlease contact our
Customer Service Team (CS@proximabeta.com) for assistance.
ApolloResult_1004 = Your account has already been linked.
ApolloResult_1007 = Google Play services are not installed on your mobile phone.
\nUnable to use this function.
ApolloResult_121 = Server connection failed.\nPlease try to log-in again.
ApolloResult_122 = Server connection failed.\nPlease try to log-in again.
ApolloResult_125 = Queuing. Please wait
ApolloResult_126 = The server is full. Please try again later.
ApolloResult_127 = Security server anomaly.\nPlease contact our Customer Service
Team (CS@proximabeta.com). \nSorry for the inconvenience.
ApolloResult_128 = Authentication failed.\nPlease try to log-in again.
ApolloResult_2 = Login canceled.
ApolloResult_3 = The system has encountered a malfunction.\nPlease contact our
Customer Service Team (CS@proximabeta.com) for assistance.
ApolloResult_4 = Your network connection is unstable.\nPlease check your network
connection and try again.
ApolloResult_5 = Server connection problem.\nPlease try again later.
ApolloResult_6 = Request timeout. Check network connection and try again.
ApolloResult_7 = This function is not yet supported.\nPlease wait for a newer
ApolloResult_8 = Corrupted files. Please reinstall the game.
ApolloResult_9 = This function is not yet supported.\nPlease wait for a newer
APP_COMMENT_Title = Please rate us!
Arena_13 = Arena_13_##
Arena_43 = Arena_43_##
Arena_44 = Arena_44_##
Arena_45 = Arena_45_##
Arena_46 = Arena_46_##
Arena_47 = Arena_47_##
Arena_48 = Arena_48_##
Arena_49 = Arena_49_##
Arena_50 = Arena_50_##
Arena_Arena = Arena_Arena_##
Arena_Arena_Can_Get_Coin = Arena_Arena_Can_Get_Coin_##
Arena_Arena_Coin_Not_Enough = Arena_Arena_Coin_Not_Enough_##
Arena_Arena_Count_Buy = Arena_Arena_Count_Buy_##
Arena_Arena_Defensive_Team = Arena_Arena_Defensive_Team_##
Arena_Be_Chanllenge = Arena_Be_Chanllenge_##
Arena_Buy_Challenge_Count = Arena_Buy_Challenge_Count_##
Arena_Cd_End = Arena_Cd_End_##
Arena_Challenge = Arena_Challenge_##
Arena_Change = Arena_Change_##
Arena_Defensive_Team = Arena_Defensive_Team_##
Arena_Defensive_Team_Change = Arena_Defensive_Team_Change_##
Arena_Fight_Record = Arena_Fight_Record_##
Arena_Fighting_Power = Arena_Fighting_Power_##
Arena_Function_Not_Open = Function not available yet
Arena_My_Award = Arena_My_Award_##
Arena_My_Rank = Arena_My_Rank_##
Arena_Not_In_Rank = Not entered
Arena_Opponent_Be_Challengeing = Arena_Opponent_Be_Challengeing_##
Arena_Opponent_Changed = Arena_Opponent_Changed_##
Arena_Playback = Replay
Arena_Rank_One_Tips = Arena_Rank_One_Tips_##
Arena_Ranking = Arena_Ranking_##
Arena_Ranking_Award = Arena_Ranking_Award_##
Arena_Ranking_Limit = Arena_Ranking_Limit_##
Arena_Ranking_Record_Recently = Arena_Ranking_Record_Recently_##
Arena_Resetting_Immediately = Arena_Resetting_Immediately_##
Arena_rule = Help
Arena_Shop = Arena_Shop_##
Arena_SINGLEGAME_ERR_FAIL = Cannot perform this action at this time.
Arena_Today_Challenge_Count = Arena_Today_Challenge_Count_##
Arena_Top_Challenge_Award_Tip = Arena_Top_Challenge_Award_Tip_##
Artifice_GetByTrain_HeroInfo = Rewards for completing training:
ArtificeButton_HeroInfo = Technique Training
Attack_Mode = Attack Mode
Auto_Attack = Auto-attack\n<color=#827864><size=20>(Default)</size></color>
AutoTransChatFormat = [from {0}]
AutoTransGuideText_1 = <color=#ffd200>[from Chinese]</color> Automatic translation
is here!
AutoTransGuideText_2 = <size=33>Chat messages during hero selection and in a match
can be auto-translated</size>
AutoTransGuideText_3 = <color=#18c8ff>Tel'Annas:</color> <color=#ffd200>[from
Chinese]</color> Automatic translation is here!
Avatar_hero_buybutton = Purchase
Avatar_hero_DianQuan_Not_Enough = Not enough vouchers, purchase more?
Avatar_hero_equipbutton = Equip
Avatar_hero_equipStatus = Equipped
Avatar_hero_Nohero = Hero not yet acquired, skin cannot be changed.
Avatar_hero_oweStatus = Acquired
Avatar_hero_purchase = Purchased
Avatar_hero_sharebutton = Share
Avatar_hero_unavailable = Cannot be used
Avatar_hero_unpurchasable = Cannot be purchased
awardToday = Today's Rewards
awardTomorrow = Tomorrow's Rewards
B002FB66CE107725_## =
B00357E855DB3E54_## =
B00608067A9C7FC9_## = Tỉnh Điện Biên
B00A025D45303920_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
B00BE4B80610E632_## =
B00D666BCC25A0C1_## =
B00E3434954AFED3_## = Hermes' Select
B00E6AC8F5ABE851_## =
B00E876140168209_## = Blue Outer Tower
B00EBF088BDC588E_## =
B0106A3FE13AF124_## =
B010F2DE67A51DAF_## = Attack increased
B0119FD3E8FA1852_## =
b013103f204da4ea = Preparing…
B015DA4CA57D4019_## = Rương Thánh thần
B01D54ED552CE365_## = Level 3 Arcana Chest
B01DBC81BCF1A972_## = Fennik throws a flail to create a thunder cyclone that lasts
for 6 seconds, reducing enemies' movement speed by {0}% for 1 second while dealing
{1} <color=#f18d00>(+{2})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to them
every 0.5 seconds. Enemies within the center of the thunder cyclone also take
double damage.
b01f38f5111cefbf = Please select a message
b021f300ee6f6f75 = Help
B02294BE2C730DFC_## =
B0239D1D165B5C96_## =
B02546766C12ECE6_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
B0255867F0B534A1_## =
B0264DC6478B6975_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Murad)
B02752ACE1580007_## =
B028DA619B0D454B_## =
B02A8B1E5C67B874_## =
B02E4063EBDA5644_## = Firefighter
B03646F5A2DB85D5_## = Maloch has a longer attack range than other melee units. When
his weapon is enchanted, his normal attacks deal <color=#f18d00>{0}</color>
<color=#f3b74a>true damage</color> instead of physical damage and restore {1}% of
his lost HP.
B0371713BB6547B5_## = Share trang phục nhận quà Giáng sinh
B03C86B1D9380800_## = Obtain <color=#D99114>MVP</color> in a Standard or Ranked
Match to get Honor Points for the <color=#D99114>Great Ruler</color> Badge.
\n\nWhen enough points are accumulated, you can obtain the <color=#D99114>Great
Ruler</color> Badge.
B040FCE4EECAA5FF_## = Gold +100% for 10 Wins in matches (excluding custom matches
and 1v1 bot matches). Can be paired with a Double Gold Days Card for Gold +200%.
B043CED5BF978A09_## =
B0470D39A04A566C_## = Structure
B048384CB46CBC7B_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
B048AD832B24E683_## =
B049490A920C051F_## = Caped Crusader
B04E022212D1BF77_## = You are better than <color=orange>80%</color> of all players.
B0501F0AB535289A_## = 特殊夺宝券
B051789B1339731B_## = Đây là phần thưởng Săn lùng tội phạm của bạn, xin mời kiểm
B054E75218716F65_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
B055021C3D9CBDC7_## = Every 3rd normal attack from Slimz gains a pierce effect
where both the target and enemies behind them take 130% of the normal
<color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>.
B0551906C8E00563_## = Conjure
B059B3B77488FB6D_## = "Peace or war? That is the question."\n\nThe birth of this
weapon was juxtaposed with the capability of destroying all weapons. It was unclear
whether or not Omega was created to wage wars or to end them.\n\nHis existence and
the contradictions his abilities possess had captivated and fascinated gods and
mortals alike. Omega was one of a kind. It belonged to no specific realm or
civilization, yet it possessed intelligence, self-awareness, controlled behavior,
and a natural instinct to wage war. Theories suggested that Omega was part of an
ancient, powerful, and mysterious civilization that proceeded all civilizations and
divine realms of the present. Yet he was the only living proof of it, and was
alienated by this world because of it.\n\nThe intrigue of Omega's origins were not
important, for the more pressing issue was its abilities and their contrasting
connotations. Omega's compulsion to wage war and his prowess in battles had led
suspicions to rise among the gods. They had every reason to doubt by which method
Omega was created to end all wars.\n\n"Violence for violence, war for war!"
B05A8632109C03B5_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
B066208C11A3ECAC_## = Structure
B06735406271DB05_## = Lindis
B0680A41EF542F48_## = Omega
B068F26BABA51559_## =
B06933A2DD616BA8_## =
b06a0b1a6fa15ca0 = In Game
B06BF4E295154005_## = My performance will be a scream.
B06E9BDECFEE993B_## = Krixi Hero Pack
B075060D0C88B0C2_## =
B07C0E8EA73D35CC_## = Royal Guard
B07F096F16FB1962_## =
B07F798D27AA71A9_## = Shockwave
b0804069815beaed = Game License and Service Agreement
B0879F52562C7F31_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
B08A16BCEFFEE349_## = Lumburr
B08CD7BC719657C6_## =
B08EBD7D062CA9C4_## =
B09261167319A70E_## = Guild Charter Period started.
B092DF78EC8A9CA0_## =
B097CDEBF3F65737_## =
B09B0DD878D3ACFD_## =
B09E49D59225399C_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
B0A1554D5D9811E3_## =
B0A15C4CB28741A2_## =
B0A30B186375922E_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tiêu Quân Huy nhận cực nhiều ưu đãi! của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
B0A62E20C42754D3_## = Thi đấu xếp hạng và giành chiến thắng để nhận thưởng sự kiện
B0A6F23170E5C3E3_## = Shockwave: Damage increased by 30%
B0A7864ED691B9D5_## = Polite
B0A7E13CB5F7833F_## = Original
B0AD026BF54D133F_## = Lu Bu's skin: Cyber Samurai
B0AD93EE61589298_## =
B0AF764805ECB306_## = Tap here to open the <color=#f6bf17ff>item shop</color>.
B0AFCA5494516D93_## = Gói 30% KM Kriknak + skin
B0B0437BD8E20C2D_## = Nhận mảnh ghép năm mới để đổi lấy 1 trang phục Miễn phí!
Mảnh còn lại (Mậu Tuất 2017) có thể nhận được sau trận đấu!
B0B3BA32B3F7E977_## = 参与 5V5
B0B4210626A6A383_## =
B0BAA5807EF71A81_## = Rương ngọc Nguyệt tộc
B0BB75CC178FE88A_## =
B0C387FBD9FE727C_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
B0C4FCF3801CDAC1_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
B0C5EBBB9B605D5B_## =
B0C73A0EE1CE2AAF_## =
B0C7569E33C24126_## =
B0D3146D7EFA6B77_## =
B0D8CA1894DDA3CA_## =
B0DCFD7D59E0122D_## =
B0E1FCF406FB072C_## = Xeniel
B0E9C655DF12717E_## = Enlightened
B0EEAA22EFD190AD_## =
B0EF4AE70B03EE2C_## = Reach Level {0}
B0EFD5F7B0BC493F_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
B0F1459C0AAA7331_## =
B0F685CA25AD0DE3_## =
B0F75F218DD21A01_## = Dragon Slayer
B0F79FC1A5D3B081_## =
B0F80494655468EE_## = Lauriel summons a Judgment Circle that lasts 12 seconds,
dealing {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> both
when the circle appears and fades. Also, reduces the cooldown of The Wheel and
Blink when she is in the circle.
B0F8631F4FF9ED10_## =
B0FB291D917E74EF_## = Killing the Abyssal Dragon will earn a ton of extra gold and
EXP for your team.
B102C5930BB1B903_## = Trial Card: Try out Lindis' skin: Time Warp for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
B1067E84D30135FA_## = 签到图片
B10C1BE436E1C513_## = Here is <color=#f6bf17ff>the upper jungle</color>. Kill the
monster to gain a powerful upgrade.
B10D31F92A74C822_## = Contains 10 Gems, 500 Gold and 1 lvl 1 Arcana: Curse
B116E9628F6C5575_## = Original
B11AAAE666067FC2_## = Marksman
B11DE013B9A47E8E_## =
B11F2AA768C779E2_## =
B121D2B968901423_## =
B128F73087E4D750_## =
B134C5F92660E1AA_## = Normal Attack
B1358D79F7DE5871_## =
B1371F1226ACD533_## = Djinn
b13cf2dbf09fa5e7 = b13cf2dbf09fa5e7_##
B13D232B0FE0B562_## =
B13E46F1D526C34E_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
B140C0EC33374422_## = Double Gold Card: \n1-Win
B142CEBBBD8A12B1_## = Lindis
B1459965D13807D4_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
B145CCEA7B665A0D_## = Cơ hội nhận trang phục Valhein Đại công tước vĩnh viễn hoặc
thẻ thử rất nhiều trang phục HOT! Duy nhất ngày 20.1!
B14651BA95D1BB96_## = Toro's passive gives him excellent maneuverability. When you
think you're about to be immobilized, use an ability to counter those effects.
Cooldown speed and HP are incredibly important, so try to purchase items and arcana
that boost these attributes.
B147B938E4590CB1_## = Don't overextend! Make sure to level up first.
B147BBDF712011C6_## = Flying Dragon
B1486906BE19177A_## =
b149b908dc88d037 = b149b908dc88d037_##
B14B4D89EC25B7BF_## =
B152CB6C1F145A5F_## = Time to battle!
B1544C6051CC79D1_## =
B156E0B479990F9E_## = Mảnh ghép năm mới
B156E3D043D01058_## = Trial Card: Try out Wonder Woman for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
b157155a63aa6621 = b157155a63aa6621_##
B157A0E0F16C3871_## =
B15834F57352A396_## = Collect Valor Badges during the event and redeem them for a
Catacombs Arthur
B15C741DD237A25A_## =
B15DA731764BE26B_## = Peura
B15E5A7BA32D59BE_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
B15E9BE380DAE307_## =
B15ED8329A48D1F6_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Giờ vàng)
B16156845FB2A381_## =
B1665F0CDC720CEF_## = We need a Mage!
B16846AF11EFDBF1_## = Cooldown
B1687B6CF6142193_## =
B16CD1C70413F306_## = Dust Devil
B16DA5BECD5558D7_## = Unique Passive - Break: Increases armor pierce by 100(+10 per
B16DBE190CE21231_## = Unknown
B17246858B7DBF33_## = When push comes to shove, I keep pushing.
B175FA774C4C8CB6_## = Casanova
B17674A192430DFB_## = Chaugnar
B179252ABA480BB4_## = Friendship System
B17B960DBC605C2F_## = Cooldown
B17D7082EFE8D822_## =
B1809ABC0AC6BC30_## =
B1824501B76D3C18_## = Unknown
B18319180AB6C428_## = Long Range
B18342792557B529_## = Ryoma
B183AC11DE2959C1_## =
b184da0cba17dff = No Data
b185662343cce7e5 = Use
B1899A8E514DD1C6_## =
B18BD956DD6A36FC_## = Use Batman's Dark Knight to get close to enemies, then look
for protection opportunities from allies and mount a surprise attack. Activate Dark
Knight again to deal a quick burst of damage. You can also activate Dark Knight
while in the brush to prevent enemies from detecting Batman on the mini-map and
B18E79C8E34FE7DD_## = Butterfly
b1903ec8a41045f5 = Day 4
B19605EC1ADF1874_## = Attack
B19AB2726955E69C_## = Săn mục tiêu lớn
B19AFA0AA69A066D_## =
B1A12648CE518892_## =
B1A5BB46BB16D07B_## = Open it for a chance to get the Pilot skin, the Li’l Red skin
or other items.
B1AEA7ACE41AF92D_## =
B1B0A76BE0A969F5_## = Tỉnh Thanh Hoá
B1B10450B4DD548B_## = Rương may mắn Teemee mua 4 tặng 1 cực HOT! Mua ngay nào!
B1B83D0922E95401_## =
B1B91F311C76CD21_## = Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
B1BB0AEFA6D46AE8_## = Officer
B1BB818A997E0EFA_## = Don't go alone!
B1BE5653396A56AC_## =
b1bf9fc09b7bee61 = The system setting
B1C69187E5EE3D10_## = Find out what the special effects of each
<color=#f6bf17ff>evolution level</color> look like here
B1C7DAEB20BB0FB1_## =
b1c91c72961620ed = b1c91c72961620ed_##
B1CFDE9C8A80A66F_## = Original
B1D2A0712EFCD43B_## =
b1d4f03ae7adb027 = b1d4f03ae7adb027_##
B1D7E85938774C5C_## =
B1DA1B0B34108F02_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Đỏ)
B1DE22001C40C06F_## =
B1E228C673BB8142_## =
B1E4EA0DDCDD181B_## = Ignis
B1E58ECC2556DA4C_## = Mina
B1E7956662FA3311_## =
B1E8752F6BDEA8E0_## =
B1EAD6ED498C1419_## =
B1F10CA208DEEDE1_## = Trial Card: Try out Yorn's skin: Ghost Samurai for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
B1F2F59E99897730_## =
B1F51429F9E77266_## = Movement Speed Reduction
B1F5D2CAA6E9D9AE_## = Sorry!
B1F801C52206C2AE_## = Going AFK frequently over a short period of time can lead to
being banned.
B1F863C205603C56_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
B1FA98066381034C_## =
B1FC5BA3E03B3A5C_## =
B2067AD23DCE19E6_## = Racer
B20984EC7B714925_## = Not Available
B20F933749167275_## = Butterfly
B2149DE2B899B3F2_## = Melee
B216D27342BE2086_## =
B219FE77F5E92B12_## =
B21B176599D2ED60_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
B22538CB889AB980_## = Ability Power +60\n[From the Ashes]
B226B0AC89CC75D6_## = Tap here to change <color=#f6bf17ff>Talents</color>
B22780C209B8E3F4_## =
B22796ED3C975EDE_## = Đăng nhập mỗi ngày, nhận quà chúc mừng VN lên ngôi Á Quân
tại giải U23 Châu Á
B227B051499E2FE0_## = Aleister traps an enemy hero in a lightning prison for 2.5
seconds, dealing {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
damage</color> and stunning the enemy on each hit. The enemy gains 1 stack of Curse
both at the beginning and the end. This ability must be channeled and has a maximum
duration of 3 seconds. Moving or using another ability after 0.7 seconds of
channeling will interrupt this ability.
B22933BC43DA0ECE_## = Aten
B229F7DCB5C17EA9_## = Dread Knight
b22abb410e0c8ac1 = b22abb410e0c8ac1_##
B22B479C481F9168_## =
B22DA61AC34AAF4F_## =
B22DF52F16093DA8_## =
B22F9D94D4679463_## =
B230071A41849A9D_## =
B2305B218542DD4E_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
B238F0179D5066DA_## = Chief Knight
B239FA809BF54EE6_## = Devil's Chain
B23CAD928D3BC070_## = 7 日累積簽到
B242A026BEAD15FE_## = Sustained Damage
B243786D42338E60_## =
B2451E148B439482_## = Base Damage
B245519B430D58DD_## = Martial Master
B24CD44C4F99682C_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
B2501BFD25B357BC_## = Receive upon completing 3 Ranked Matches
B25065E8C2369488_## =
B2507210B91AF641_## =
B25985CE1DF2A735_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
B266ED8575A1A347_## = 好友大作战
B26862A6F2BDEDC5_## = [新英雄-Lindis 登場] 愛不釋手
B26871CD97ECC67B_## =
B26FC8EE2C76FAC4_## = Unknown
B27506364215A286_## =
B2769E2BE1BE169D_## =
B278474019107337_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng và Kinh Kong - kiếm quà Liên Quân
B278A15EBD81468F_## = Spin Slash
b27c9a1e743f5339 = Collect
b27ecfaea79516c3 = Event period
B27F75F2418D9286_## = Sonicboom
B2800020AF670677_## =
B280463290D1C2E4_## =
B2804DA786DE09D0_## = Normal Attack
B280B9A602BDD956_## =
B281C4359155038B_## = Unknown
B283A7C834CAA911_## =
B285AF5338E31656_## =
B28C990E98675F27_## = Mở để có cơ hội nhận ngẫu nhiên: Tướng vĩnh viễn, mảnh
tướng, thẻ thử tướng hoặc Ruby
B28DC1C7EA9C66E9_## =
B28DC6ACD966AA2C_## =
B28E6BFEBC949006_## =
B28EC0B04B77B957_## = Cresht
B28EDADC691B5414_## =
B291DF9B5A155EF6_## = Base Damage
B292F039F5191BBA_## = 7 日累積簽到
B29A8C772A0132B4_## = Trial Card: Try out Wisp for <color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day.
You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
B2A0C8D8FA0E2CF9_## =
B2A2DD83628D6CEF_## = 26.11 - Tích lũy chiến công
B2B374BB24F0690D_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
B2B3DADC5D6D88AF_## =
B2B722857905EEFF_## = Your backpack's full, remaining rewards will be delivered
through mail.
B2B723784326810A_## =
B2B8547BF969906C_## = Trang phục đón xuân
B2B9096D11247AC0_## = Rương Tình nhân - 2018
B2BAA310C81F8ADA_## = Standard\nMatch
B2BAC2228896AF9A_## = Murad
B2BBB9180EDE4E4F_## =
B2BEE284438B812B_## = Trang phục đón xuân
B2C383E69A766C9F_## = Getting Stronger
B2C94E04FA4A4725_## = Blue Hammer Soldier
B2C9AB0492B8E1CD_## = Liên Quân đón Xuân
B2C9C98F785F217F_## =
B2C9EDC692B684D5_## = TeeMee
B2CE1DAB74B58207_## = 好友大作战
B2D043D20FB841A6_## =
B2D17F1482706A9D_## = Trial Card: Try out Jinnar for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
B2D7E81D6A3C7B36_## =
B2DC890962D4FB20_## = Amazon Shield
B2E36AFAD2EB0727_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Skud {C}/{T} lần
B2E37472826E8CF9_## = Chơi bản đồ 5v5 Miền đất hứa (Thường & Hạng) để nhận ruby
miễn phí
B2E5E5CDD39D7AB5_## =
B2E62280F617082C_## =
B2EB5F95153B9310_## =
B2EF9E590FDBF38C_## = Level 22 Chest
B2F16ED6FBA9EC20_## =
B2F38A3C9584FB76_## = Chúc Mừng Năm Mới
B2F4F8B5A6449AF4_## = Trial Card: Try out Zephys' skin: Halloween Scream
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
b2fb24b7da633cb5 = b2fb24b7da633cb5_##
B2FCF19536BD1BC0_## =
B2FF46784DD6AC42_## = Cơ hội nhận ngay bộ đôi trang phục đôi cực hot: Lữ Bố Nam
Vương và Điêu Thuyền Hoa hậu!
B303F0BB4FFCE618_## =
b30b1af39f11ff5c = Save to Device
B30EC11D871F1C88_## = Mage
B311FC08F1841CD7_## = Valiant Charge
B312AD4CCFD3E8F8_## = Unique Passive - Regenerate: When taking damage, restores 8%
HP over 2 seconds. 10-second cooldown.
B3172D44C4F6DD8A_## = Fennik Value Pack
B31AADCB47DFAAAB_## = Base Damage
B31E047DAA4D762C_## = Combo thẻ thử Natalya 1n
B31F9BD1EECDA103_## = Open to get ruby 3-6 and King's Symbol
B320FA6BEA15238C_## = Original
B320FA7278EADD26_## =
B32836D9B0E0AD45_## =
B32853B2DFF88B8C_## =
B32A595B00D88596_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi để nhận ruby miễn phí
B32B3EFB6E5A55A6_## =
B32B5B319D8BF747_## =
B32CD26FFB912D52_## =
b32e70803a1c2e5f = Share the Chest
B3302F6BFC7992B6_## = Level 6 Chest
b3306c5271c3f24e = b3306c5271c3f24e_##
B3317B147994CC88_## =
B335ABB3B579353A_## = 12-18 minutes
B336DB92B44E468A_## = Cooldown
B3387107C20E22B7_## =
B3393997F796652E_## =
B33E97B5D7ECDBAD_## = Death Sickle Cooldown
B341E48C834159FE_## = Base Damage
B344C40AD992B11B_## =
b34669f0187ecc21 = Price
B34958C3D2FAE901_## =
B34A03930FEE7A14_## = Original
B34B052CE03E04B3_## = Unknown
B34DC005CFDFA157_## = Đây là phần thưởng Thu thập dấu ấn Murad M-TP (Khăn choàng)
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
B34F3422FA37A76A_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
B35AC9D91E2397F2_## =
B35BBD29B984619A_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nTướng vĩnh viễn
(Teemee) / Thẻ thử tướng Teemee (1 ngày) / Mảnh tướng
B35C0A99232ED6F0_## =
B35C1503AC652680_## = 0
B35CFC93CA7F1D82_## = Assassin
B35E9C9DA60EFBDA_## =
B36043033F461C5F_## =
B361954ED9FCF07E_## = obsolete+cc582f93e46808cb
B363B0CA58F5EB8D_## = Lu Bu
b364de15f00fd849 = b364de15f00fd849_##
B366612199587B8E_## = Lustrous
B366BAB329384489_## = Tank
B369889EF8019B47_## =
B36FBD8B09A774B1_## = Quy đổi ngọc tím cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
B371F86B5106473A_## =
B3722BDD5024244E_## =
B379EF620A17EED5_## =
B37A5C8901FFF269_## = TeeMee
B37AA136D636AAEF_## = Double Gold Card: \n10-Wins
B37AAE4FF8A13583_## =
B37AE96FD24EBC29_## = Chơi đấu thường 5v5 mỗi ngày để nhận thưởng
B38169F2EE2A0692_## = Warrior (Mobility)
B383114599059F29_## =
B38BB4A6F6094ECB_## = Chaugnar's Chaos Protection is the most powerful immunity
ability in the game. Equip items and arcana that boost his HP and defense to make
him even stronger. Chaugnar's abilities also have area effects and short cooldowns,
so they can be used frequently when he is close to enemies.
B38E431B5B958FD4_## = Ryoma
B38F6D3D853C7EF9_## = Chơi cùng bạn bè trong chế độ đấu thường để nhận thưởng mỗi
B3907A461F2D6641_## = Trial Card: Try out Cresht for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color>
day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this Hero.
B3913A89D90F376D_## =
B3921ACA2A8537AC_## = Lì xì
B392C052B4DFBA48_## = Troll
B3953326723BEF07_## = Leader
B39663496CC752D9_## = Trial Card: Try out Zanis's skin: Casanova for
<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
B39CDBA74E546E40_## = Trial Card: Try out Azzen'Ka for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
B39CEAEE3F587DBD_## = Max
B39F21AC36DBB5D9_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tiêu xài Quân huy, Nhận gói quà HOT! của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
B3A0561DECAB1F1D_## =
B3A1830E50666E8D_## =
B3A2CD9287EB363F_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Fennik {C}/{T} lần
B3A507F52D701124_## =
B3A57C788A7AF50E_## =
B3A88DA08773090F_## = Trial Card: Try out Kil'Groth for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this Hero.
B3A9196AFBD34D13_## = Ryoma
B3AA1E77355553A7_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK để nhận ruby miễn phí (Đấu
B3AD6876D0883979_## =
B3B19AF9C809D2AE_## =
B3B461BD4BC13BB4_## = [新英雄-Airi 登場] 愛不釋手
B3BAA103B378E97F_## = Not Available
B3BC32D510E86CF1_## = Aleister
B3C15136CC446731_## =
B3CAE2989E33B3B2_## =
B3CDF2E101950BC4_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
B3CF0CD261572A4C_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
B3D0BE5C1529301A_## = Tham gia sự kiện Tết gắn kết - Anh em chấp hết tại
sukien4.lienquan.garena.vn - Nhận Dấu ấn Tulen và đổi tướng miễn phí!
B3D20DA9F2791721_## = Thu thập Rương khóa bí ẩn để đổi thưởng hấp dẫn từ ngày
B3D85C7129D66DA2_## = Use Maloch's Cleave to hit an enemy hero and enchant his
weapon. This will make his normal attacks and subsequent Cleave attacks deal true
damage and restore a lot of HP.
B3DFEB0149C8D718_## =
B3E1A46E5F3D0A42_## = mShop Operator
B3E3F8A9F208BB77_## = Gut Punch
B3E4226B356D7DA3_## = Share trang phục nhận quà Giáng sinh
B3E649537CA08249_## = 限時充值送好禮(test)
B3E902E194FB561A_## =
B3ED87933BD312B5_## = Valhein throws a red glaive, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#7FFFD4>(+{2})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
damage</color> to the target and enemies nearby. Grants 1 stack of the Hunter buff.
B3F08BBAE12D7FC6_## =
B3FA8C4BD3788CE5_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
B3FB44632CCD11BB_## = Unknown
B4022E6BE4E6EBE1_## = Tap a Talent's icon to view its effects.
B4038585CCC351B5_## =
B4061DF5BA1C1C75_## = Base Damage
B4081D4C7FEE46F5_## =
B410A70FDC12141A_## = Support
B416BACF12F66D1A_## = Thu thập Bánh Chưng và Đầu lân để đổi thưởng Tết mỗi ngày
B416DBAD16037D54_## =
b41c20d3b44a0e7f = Hot
B4232442C0DADBBE_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
B42D38DDC3789F3E_## =
B4372D3500A1B4B7_## = Static Shock
B437BFE0DB3A7F56_## =
B439BF77C501F13E_## =
B43C315AB14EA38A_## =
B43C7EFCE6FA356E_## = Rương Nghệ nhân lân
B43DBDD3F38C54BF_## =
B443BE48FA4C784D_## =
B4443FFA31644792_## = Leveling is a breeze when you
B4462A339409C77D_## =
B4464451F418C0F2_## =
B4464A3CE7DC787B_## =
B448B70A843EB601_## =
B44A19313D15A893_## = (Has self-healing abilities)
B44CEDFE021CDF7C_## =
B452D35DF8F08D55_## = 等級達到{T}級
B4543A0CB10B75BB_## = Storm Wraith
B4587F5A680C82AD_## = This is the <color=#f6bf17ff>Challenger's</color>
<color=#f6bf17ff>Growth Guide</color>. Follow the guide and you'll be destined for
greatness. There will also be <color=#f6bf17ff>lots of rewards</color>!
B45A4B3F4EBECB0E_## =
B45B8D317DCCDAC7_## = 本週活動精選
B45C3D12113FE616_## = Plague Specter
B45D1D6A94789E70_## =
B461E27E5907CED3_## =
B4648C978DEA468D_## =
B465863182ABD527_## = Congratulations, you are now one step closer to becoming a
true hero!
B467E4D1FE69D5A0_## = Superset
B4683CEEDED694FE_## = Antaris Battlefield
B46B7A37C41FA863_## =
B46BD391EB571A1F_## =
B46E1354B0D2DE4A_## =
B470676E8513AEB2_## =
B470D156F49FFCF8_## = Trial Card: Try out Jinnar's skin: Aten for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
B471BAF25651439D_## = Assault
B475B74259720845_## = Max
b476ebb9d0e3914d = Friends
B4791272F6957ABD_## =
B4829D8F9DE3B113_## = Gather as many teammates as possible before you mount an
B483C4FA4D529162_## =
B484757D191C5F22_## = Alice
B48715AF02B76885_## = Select the battle mode and start the<color=#f6bf17ff> 1v1
B4871B61FA5414FE_## = Attack
B48AB430F514F897_## = Butterfly
B48CD158C9C59D8C_## =
B48DFF30F0FF375D_## =
B491DE7E2E93C556_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi (Mảnh ngọc)
B492B6101C9233DF_## = Customize Quick Chat
B4944BAA7CFC0DDA_## = 击杀魔龙
B498F5442EA5C12D_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Lauriel + trang phục Đọa lạc Thiên sứ
B499FAA8FA261C04_## = Unknown
B49A6668B1AD1D2E_## = Warrior
B49B92D3152426B6_## = Taara unleashes her potential, regenerating 8% of HP every
second for <color=#f8be32>{0}</color> seconds and increasing her movement speed by
B4A0026EA574C674_## =
B4A06EA0ADD3E215_## =
B4A0D345894A5687_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
B4A187F39BAC867D_## = Report Feedback
B4A34D7ECDEA963E_## =
B4A3D195DE4BB0F9_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
B4A453D46C442360_## =
B4A771D30F9D323B_## =
B4AA090F1372EDA2_## = Embrace the pandharma.
B4ABB26E23E0CDDB_## =
B4AE14D194617C64_## = Nakroth
B4AF0986E01FE9F1_## =
B4B0A35EE040681B_## = Valhein's skin: Nethra
B4B5DC712120ACBE_## =
B4B92E03387E50FC_## = Plague Specter
B4B9D11A30CC09B7_## = Structure
B4BDE77F8780B529_## =
B4BEDF3A6E9A89F5_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
B4C0C4C4F14B0A01_## = Open for a chance to receive Kriknak or the Steel skin
B4C24FE65BD8C12E_## =
B4C47073A4E1F31C_## = Report Feedback
B4C5314BEFAA92B5_## = [新英雄-Teemee 登場] 愛不釋手
B4C5F308574931C7_## = Red Inner Tower
B4C750F85755E572_## = Open to receive the Hero: Diaochan
B4CE9785DB626CB0_## = Tiêu xài nhận thưởng
B4CFCADA558749AB_## = Every 3rd normal attack from Slimz gains a pierce effect
where both the target and enemies behind them take 130% of the normal
<color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>.
B4D0825B7D618F3D_## =
B4D084A96820539C_## =
B4DA102E499B631D_## = Open to receive the Heroes: Omega, Diaochan and Ormarr
B4E015D97293CC9E_## = Nhận từ sự kiện hoặc đổi ngọc cấp II. Có thể sử dụng để đổi
ngọc III ngẫu nhiên
B4E0C663355CEED4_## = [新英雄-Murad 登場] 愛不釋手
B4E5A77E112AD30C_## =
B4E66799353709A2_## = Tỉnh Bình Phước
B4E756E229F007B4_## =
B4E8CE32994A24B7_## = Open to obtain Raz and the Zulu Warrior Skin
B4EC7A488B68113D_## = Trial Card: Try out Yorn for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days.
You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
B4ECD87BDF77932A_## =
B4EE615C985778C5_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Murad + trang phục
B4F0EE970B93E8D2_## = Rương trang phục
B4F1ADC75F098FA9_## = Original
B4F5B3BF0963E706_## =
B4FAE65E16B75956_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
B4FD84D1E00F5E32_## = Thắng đấu hạng {C}/{T} lần
B4FD87162171252B_## = Fennik
B4FF3E9A3E2D1540_## =
B5036882B592E361_## = Nhận mảnh ghép năm mới để đổi lấy 1 trang phục Miễn phí!
Mảnh còn lại (Mậu Tuất 2018) có thể nhận được sau trận đấu!
B50BF2B017B08965_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đón Xuân mới - Khuyến mãi nạp thẻ mỗi
ngày! của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
B515C9C4BBF53256_## =
B51861C0F82D672B_## =
B51A8644CD3ED690_## =
B51B4358AE5CCE25_## =
B51CDE364376E557_## = Quy đổi ngọc tím cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
B51F4FF90C3C47A2_## =
B52177005D5A4904_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
B52474EC5E7D30BD_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nTướng vĩnh viễn
(Kil'Groth) / Thẻ thử tướng Kil'Groth (1 ngày) / Mảnh tướng
B526A3F6CD88B1D1_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Airi) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
B529281AE130C8E3_## =
B52AB0592AAB798B_## =
B52E7B4E6A212386_## =
B532642AFE2EE6A8_## = 签到图片
B533B3AE26F696DE_## = 本週活動精選
B537608303EA79A8_## = Original
B537EF157745BA0C_## =
B53A6043CE399BDF_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Wukong {C}/{T} lần
B53D53615E3AA8C0_## =
B53F651598ADA1FF_## =
B53F809DF9B150CD_## =
B54003F39E9E6A93_## = Arduin swings his axe, sending out an energy arch that deals
{0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> and slows
enemy movement speed by {2}% for 2 seconds. If Arduin hits an enemy hero, he can
also smash his axe into the ground to deal {3} <color=#f18d00>(+{4})</color>
<color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> and knock enemies into the air for 1 second.
B5440BC1ECA52A3A_## =
B5477853EC8BA00D_## =
B547AB3A0181F2CB_## = Unknown
B54FE5DCE40ADC19_## =
B551FFDD0926E7B5_## = Getting Stronger
B552104C99FD0D4A_## =
B5528B7F0598385E_## =
B55725089F337E63_## = Cooldown
B55BB49E3C695443_## =
B55DB701F97F80DF_## = Jinnar
B55DC7BFA04694E6_## = Burst, Finisher
B566C6D74CB196A6_## =
B567EDDBDBC8F1AD_## = Fox Form
B56B0E75C5261F8E_## =
B56BE0E1162AF75B_## = Cooldown
B5714EE9722EA28C_## =
B5733B74CC74DAF5_## = Survivability
B5753993C67B063B_## = Lvl 5 Arcana: Sword
B57620FB65813476_## = Đấu trường Huyền thoại
B578C6F50CBC8C2C_## = [Hunter][Seek and Destroy]
B57908130E9F95F2_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK {C}/{T}
B57C0EBAA20EFB8A_## = Shock
B57DB4A306F7B851_## =
B5803E343CE13A5A_## =
B5838543923D46D0_## = Getting Started
B585B77FBB4682E0_## = Dreadwyrm
B586125EB0DD65D8_## = Original
B5864864080538BE_## =
B5891D78E9394421_## = Trial Card: Try out Zill's skin: Ripper for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this skin.
B58B0049DDAD8CC5_## = Shield Points
B58EDEE5B7659D67_## = Trial Card: Try out Butterfly's skin: Technoblade
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
B58F7D20018C4777_## =
B59054C19B0367F2_## = Ability Power +200, Cooldown Speed +10% \n[Elemental Power]
B597BD2C6EE33C03_## = Whenever Tulen hits an enemy with an ability, he gains 1
charge of Thunderclap. After reaching 5 charges, he summons 5 lightning bolts that
shoot out in sequence towards nearby enemies, prioritizing heroes. Each lightning
bolt deals {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>.
If more than one lightning bolt hits the same target within 1 second, the damage
dealt by the subsequent bolts will be reduced by 20%. The lightning bolts will only
attack monsters if they're in aggression mode.
B59AD15EF9F74289_## = 10-50ruby
B59CE5F2769C718D_## = Plunder
B5A0205DAF249F1F_## =
B5A2F6C0AB9DF761_## =
B5A52339929CDA3B_## =
b5a5fd91bbc8db35 = The Brush
B5A631EE84FCBC76_## = Every 3rd normal attack from Slimz gains a pierce effect
where both the target and enemies behind them take 130% of the normal
<color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>.
B5A739A599FA7153_## = Toxic
B5AC6D26E0893214_## =
B5AD0C3A62247F6C_## = Biker
b5adfe985c973334 = Hero Result Kills Deaths Assists
b5b03b46dfcb35ba = (receive mail)
B5B0A7A7ECDC239E_## = Ability Power +80
B5B6A6BEB0ADE836_## = Now, let's check out those Arcana that<color=#f6bf17ff> can
give heroes extra power</color>
B5B740A919DBD56E_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Lindis)
B5B7E6FC7FAD1B45_## =
B5B820D90CA6CD5D_## =
B5B878C411A96A2C_## =
B5BAD5C34F13BBA1_## =
B5BDE35DD656E2DE_## = 和好友对战英雄宝箱
B5C20DBBC41ABC27_## = Sustained Damage
b5c377d9efdab86c = Quick Chat
B5C45CADED58FFB4_## = obsolete+a6bb7813c07b0132
B5CA4743A997A16B_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Lindis) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
B5CFD718F19EE473_## =
B5D00121B66520A8_## =
B5D0D4AB75501466_## =
B5D94E95B0F92425_## =
b5dd41bc69a24c4e = b5dd41bc69a24c4e_##
B5DE1CCCAFCC7657_## =
B5E1AF5EA987BBC4_## = Hecate's Diadem
B5E2B6598336BF66_## =
B5E2C92B06A0379E_## = Đổi Thư tình nhận từ sự kiện mỗi ngày thành quà tặng
B5E3C74D8A5DE083_## =
b5e59ec1eabc472d = Bronze
B5E9ABE926F87F80_## =
B5EAC9C6272F7503_## =
B5EED236C2426B4D_## =
B5EEF20C9EE21FFA_## = Daily Guild Gold
B5F15153DD5F0732_## = Preyta
B5F4C29DD1E31449_## =
B5F4D5D34BBAB248_## =
B5F6D296B936DEB0_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
B5F74C935CE87C2D_## = Your friend has created a guild and has invited you to join.
B5F75731A4A246A7_## =
B5F8A838F1E44FF6_## =
b5f91fac47deeb5a = Shop
B5FB11A178507BA0_## =
B5FB20B885643446_## = Natalya
B5FE7F1D99DB5204_## = Feel the true power of love.
B5FFAD0C25ADB650_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
B6001F03691F72C3_## = Original
B6037F550B7F4658_## = New Kriknak Chest
b60ccc51ea7d1fb5 = Magic Damage Reduction Rate
B60D93EDFED5ABCC_## = Blue Hammer Soldier
B6107E24E406E6D2_## =
B611B04589BC98E6_## =
B618B1584928891E_## = Ghost Samurai
B61A95960B2DB5BF_## = 26.11 - Thưởng đấu đặc biệt
B61DCFEBB37E46FD_## =
B623E5C3075712F2_## =
B62864DEFE516CDF_## =
B62B6EBCA7CB084B_## =
B6317AD16976CB2C_## =
B638709271280D02_## = Academy
B63A349B30996954_## = Snow Festival
B63BD23850C27F3E_## =
B63D1DF14DA2BFEC_## = <blankspace89>
B63DBA2D282C5DC5_## =
B63DC21A4B081CBD_## =
B63F24E4453B9774_## = Trick or treat
b640d0785de568e = b640d0785de568e_##
B641303F170690CC_## = Mở để nhận thẻ thử 3 ngày của 1 trang phục ngẫu nhiên
B6438660322804A8_## =
B644545F6A181FAF_## =
B644D601D74B675F_## = Good Credibility Score daily reward
B6475B8BEB4BFE3A_## = Cooldown
B647F669129FEAC1_## =
B64A0EE003EE5A35_## = Lion Tamer
B64A36989FA1883E_## = Yorn
B65107B56FD760CB_## = Số trụ phá {C}/{T}
B651ABB47DD88914_## = Jinnar
B651DA873DBD6167_## = 签到图片
B654D3CFDDDE2381_## = 我要努力向上!升等獎勵
B6553F1FAF66981B_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
B6589BE0136A0109_## = <size=30>{0}</size>\n enemy's monsters slain
B65C37170AC9280F_## =
B65D6F9EC5C575D4_## =
B65E689AE2797E56_## =
B663E9282C19E2E0_## = Đổi quà tặng, nhận rương may mắn Valentine
B664A78037A62EBF_## = Villain Chest
B667F345D3C657D9_## =
B66A5132A789B00D_## = Veera
B66D9916125D4298_## = Tulen
B66FA9A0C24D5896_## =
B66FC5B0527BFC49_## =
B6704CF6A2D9A450_## = Đây là phần thưởng Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
B6711422B4896D22_## = ProPlayer Suggestion
B6722661706B5E61_## =
b673c5b8115f0be6 = b673c5b8115f0be6_##
B6758D483AA4EFC1_## = Survivability, Sustained Damage
B678FB7777854C90_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
B67A971EF3B8562D_## = 签到图片
B67C49D5FA0B3FE0_## =
B680C9720FEFF8A0_## = Survivability
B681074BF0C3304E_## = Taara
B68610E9995E47AB_## =
B686F67C2A444F69_## = Reward 1
B68843C80F34C6FB_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
B688B7A1C5891E6D_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK {C}/{T}
B688E0ED4918F207_## =
B694FC02635E98AF_## = Wukong Embers Chest
B6984108BDEC2D00_## =
B69CFEDB363D4317_## =
B6A1FFF7D5D1F0D3_## =
B6A2436ECF85AF75_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
B6A2BFE9A45D0F9E_## =
B6A3D5138BB8E60A_## =
B6A49E3694E29721_## =
B6AB63D0D8D2EC60_## =
B6B267CE974907E9_## = Skin Tokens
B6B276388C711346_## = The Plague Wyvern boosts Preyta's movement speed.
B6B4CFDB82104D6D_## = 本週活動精選
B6B9A6B1B7468AEC_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Giờ vàng)
B6BA6DA231BAAE23_## = You are better than <color=orange>80%</color> of all players.
B6C7B110782D132B_## =
B6CAD54F8EC83F95_## =
B6D0BDC242CED8EE_## = 与好友对战送钥匙
B6D100BB0DE905E2_## =
B6D3C1E64454E360_## = Soulreaver
B6D8B3F1D964D134_## =
B6D903227E5E284D_## = Damage Reduction
B6DE04AD9173D326_## =
B6DF10F011051C17_## =
B6DF7E6449866835_## = Lunar Bunny
B6E3641D55FF9FFB_## = Thu thập 2 mảnh Chúc mừng năm mới và Mậu Tuất 2018 để đổi 5
trang phục miễn phí tùy chọn!
B6E4278862850F86_## = If you're nice, maybe I'll let you get a few kills next time.
B6E5A6C1D3845E7B_## = Lunar Bunny
B6E5E30F1E9CCAB2_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
B6EBAE6F8CF25AC5_## = Gildur summons golden shards that stun and deal {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to every enemy
hit. This ability must be channeled and has a maximum duration of {2} seconds.
Moving or using another ability after {3} seconds of channeling will interrupt this
B6ED512EFDF27FE2_## = Buccaneer
B6F1434C46B62CF5_## =
B6F85E8B519D70AD_## =
B6F8ACF70410B659_## =
B6FEFEA6286F3834_## = The Trial server is an important resource for us because we
observe and collect data from it. Since you haven't logged into the Trial server
for a long time, %d points have been deducted from your Credibility Score as
punishment. When your Credibility Score falls below a certain level, you will lose
your Trial server access.
B6FF720C202FB0CD_## = Getting Started
B70149147E377C0D_## = Level 14 Chest
B7031BA67A775B23_## = Kil'Groth
B705CD7A364F54C7_## =
B7068E142FA062FB_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
B7073A9E02FA5D38_## = Thắng {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
B7098502529B7551_## =
B70B223A24FEDCCC_## =
B70D77C070579769_## =
B70E14A54463F0CF_## = Sustained Damage
B70E8767A2D21527_## =
B70E99918DF16A67_## =
B710C0B6FA9FC95B_## = Săn mục tiêu lớn
B716A5B5C070BC44_## =
B71AA6CA65A29EC3_## =
B720A8416869CD08_## =
B72154BD93525182_## = Explosive KO
B723051CB0B2A113_## =
B7237F964AAD25FB_## = <blankspace89>
B7262D186771A66D_## = Trial Card: Try out Wukong's skin: Embers for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
B72666942D32C9B6_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
B7266915F688E386_## =
B727322207586B0F_## = Trial Card: Try out Grakk 's skin: Snowsickle for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> day. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
B72A4BDFD8F1ADDD_## = Report Feedback
B72B38AC07D4F2FD_## =
b72fea6e7207d376 = Day 2
B733DCA62EEA6FE0_## =
B735BD50F05F8527_## =
B73651461B70566B_## = Diaochan Hero Pack
B7373E5D3D34405F_## = Base Damage
B737F2E43D6027EB_## = Zephys
b73aeb9913e3b83f = Ability Wheel Sensitivity
B73B0C38CBF54D6A_## = Chơi cùng bạn mỗi ngày, nhận Chìa khóa Nguyệt tộc
B73E4702965943E9_## = Blue Defense Tower
B73E77A19CE23F79_## =
B73EBB6EAFFF608F_## = Tribal Chief
B73EDA7B1140FEE9_## = Tiêu Quân Huy nhận Rương Độc lập
B73F26F9CA875577_## =
B7425CDB01A1934F_## = Reach Level {0}
B743E3D27BF6B408_## = Open to receive Level 3 Arcana
B744E29EC9F8797F_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Tím)
B74623DF936CFF85_## = Diaochan can slow enemies down with Chilling Frost. Use this
ability first, then follow up with Diamond Dust to freeze your enemy, allowing you
to deal further damage and take them out.
B747D108624BE950_## = Quy đổi ngọc đỏ cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
B7489EF26FAFD256_## = Vlad's Impaler
B74F6121492CB3F1_## = Attack Speed +25%\n[Movement Speed +60]
B7539349CB7244DF_## = EXP
B7549651969AD022_## = Defense
B754CE04D99B81E7_## = Cooldown
B757A63D33E35B14_## = <blankspace89>
B7580053B3F1178E_## =
B759A001C2C0D29D_## =
B75AA87B51512D96_## =
b75c53354cd9ffdf = Backpack
B763628218B0B4BD_## = Rare Zephys Skin: Sentinel
B7639056B7F302EE_## = 5-9 minutes
B764909A3B771F9B_## =
B76685914FE43AF9_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
B767A2EBEB5172C5_## = Thu thập 2 mảnh Chúc mừng năm mới và Mậu Tuất 2018 để đổi 1
trang phục miễn phí tùy chọn!
B76BB48AA21F9C4C_## = Your request of hero: {1} from {0} has been refused.
B76BC8C9B8BFD109_## = Unknown
B77410D685308B06_## = Don
B77575F5B134A4AD_## =
B776738BBFE8391D_## =
B777188BB94C353E_## = Trial Card: Try out Kahlii's skin: Corpse Bride for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
B77A7B9F7EF022EA_## = Bức thư tình đầu tiên
B77CF665AE5E62F3_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
B77D5BE8AFA8DFC0_## = Love Sworn
B77E2D5EC4BA40A6_## = Infinite Courage
B77E95C42B5576EA_## = Frostbite
B77ED356E145A4AA_## = Snow Festival
B7860B115CF3D308_## =
B788EAF1BC0E6213_## =
B78E570A637132FD_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
B78FB51A9D57A7BC_## = Snow Festival
B795A4E977855F9E_## =
B7972187B905ABEA_## =
B799F8C2E855D96F_## = Hook Wars Guide
B79AC337737D786C_## =
B79C5BA276B2E329_## = Quà đăng nhập 14 ngày
B79CC1FCB38C7AFE_## =
B79E2AA5C02FB6DC_## =
B79EF39D35A16545_## = Peerless
B7A021CE0F07BDD2_## = Well played!
B7A27BF7428C0CD5_## = [新英雄-Preyta 登場] 愛不釋手
B7A39FB4747B08A8_## = Liliana focuses her magic and deals {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to enemies in the
target area. If the ability hits 2 or more enemy heroes, then normal attacks are
enhanced to deal additional <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> equal to
<color=#7FFFD4>{2}%</color> (+1% for every 120 ability power) of the target's
maximum HP for the next 4 seconds.\n\nReplaced by Foxtrot when in Fox Form.
B7A3F8159B062DEE_## = Unknown
B7B3EDC2F815B7F1_## = That all you got?
B7B44B2FB8333307_## =
B7B53A9A01664D9E_## = Normal Attack
B7B6F50AE817A3CF_## =
B7C4497C5E798C86_## = When Thane's HP falls below 30%, he regenerates 24% of his
maximum HP over 6 seconds. 75-second cooldown.
b7c50a2910bdf82a = b7c50a2910bdf82a_##
B7C5230423140526_## = Rương tựu trường mua 4 tặng 1 cực HOT! Mua ngay nào!
B7C698A605B43CF0_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đón Xuân mới - Khuyến mãi nạp thẻ mỗi
ngày! của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
B7C9193576CCBB29_## = Unknown
B7CB397FA6F5F2EC_## =
B7CB913CA58CF1F6_## = 本週活動精選
B7CBDEA6B29B19F9_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
B7D338E2E67A1470_## = Beginner
B7D5E3EDFB2831A8_## = Rương may mắn Astrid
B7D76114BC76822D_## = Tỉnh Lai Châu
B7D95C53C0A37384_## = Trial Card: Try out Lindis' skin: Time Warp for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
B7E0BE4E94718BCC_## = Giant Spider
B7E3B610BA4A334B_## =
B7E82DDA4977B64F_## = Taara
B7E8DF78A67B1352_## =
B7E9944937F7AC95_## = Rương Tình nhân - 2017 mua 4 tặng 1 cực HOT! Mua ngay nào!
B7EC36E12C69AD03_## =
B7F1976F772254A0_## = Original
B7F24DEF60114601_## = Trial Card: Try out Slimz for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
B7F2B87376CA52C1_## = Medium
B7F388065760B1E1_## = Trial Card: Try out Gildur's skin: Biker for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this skin.
B7F69855FF1D49FB_## = 参与 5V5
B7F7F1CA7FD71BF6_## =
B7FA1F4ECDF3611F_## =
B7FB858279F94EE4_## = We need a Mage!
B8031BC3C2CC7DB3_## = Bloodraid
B803A08B2D77E36B_## =
B809013C80B85E1D_## = Unknown
B80A6625A3CF53F5_## = Base Damage
B80D6BA78E3E78D9_## =
B80DB3A01D7627DD_## =
B8112FE30A9AD247_## =
B8142023BDB6B640_## = (Able to take damage for allies - Inflict lower amounts of
damage on enemies)
B8158D2D995129BE_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
B816C1FDF0D8E8FA_## = Smooth Moves
B81A3FE940A707C9_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
B81F7B4A74A9C783_## =
B820F26F8DA3358B_## = Butterfly
B823F2FBF1155247_## = Rương ngọc xạ thủ
B82A50AD9569CC20_## = Cuộc chiến ngẫu nhiên
B82C241ABAB4C228_## =
B832A7A7BD45A402_## = Thane charges for a short time, then unleashes a powerful
blow in a frontal cone, dealing {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color>
<color=#f3b74a>true damage</color> to enemies in the area. The blow also deals 15%
of the targets' lost HP as <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>. Thane gains 20%
damage reduction and cannot be interrupted while charging this ability.
B835F570BF5964F6_## =
B8393C82282EB4A4_## = 7 日累積簽到
B839E11C2F8C7AC5_## =
B84219DEC3D70307_## = Unknown
B843AEA388DD5D46_## =
B8457E7C3D870984_## =
B845CB67757A43CF_## = Unknown
B8474AE5B0353AC6_## =
B84B297661CCC786_## =
B84D47A56EB01D49_## =
B853FE74261E2937_## = KM -30% Gói Giáo sư sừng sỏ
B85643F00F42286D_## = Platinum V
B857B7AA381CDD3B_## =
B85B23DD6531AB77_## =
B85CD3B0336D5A47_## =
B85EE967BE2EC619_## = Alice
B861F0FAFBAB735D_## = Red Gunner
B863924EB383DD52_## = Moren
B86793A58CD88D2A_## =
B868E57404444227_## =
B86A67A1D4AFAF3D_## = Now, let's go back to<color=#f6bf17ff> auto mode</color>.
B86BD141B79B5FB7_## = Unknown
B86E8BFF2F1ADD80_## =
B87453A26D2028C3_## =
B876D1BD3D8B2487_## = Butterfly
B8776D8B50F5568E_## =
B87B82D4C7268F48_## =
B87EFC8108A1A45D_## =
B882AD7881E4F70A_## = Original
B884BE3177CD362A_## = Tribal Chief
B885BC0ECABC9E8B_## = Nakroth
B886E74732609082_## = Kumiho's Legacy
B887228D38DDF77B_## =
B88767D71A533503_## =
B88A29A4E0E3D36D_## =
B88F4E8FBFAD0FED_## = Melee
B89075AC953D3F34_## = 签到图片
B8918C01CC093AB9_## =
B891D8E6FF142E21_## = Tap<color=#f6bf17ff> Arcana</color>
B893E001BB6640B0_## =
B895A1E87C59D86F_## = Standard Match
B89A6BF72642C431_## = Ability Power +1.4 \nMagic Life Steal +0.8% \nMagic Defense
B89A70F27D9A9F0C_## = Share trang phục nhận quà
b89b1e5e0595a2ab = Minions
B89DA16AEF7693DA_## =
B8A2A5E9A997683A_## = Jungling
B8A58B5798DEA588_## =
B8A7F9AA512A5176_## = Batman has become a symbol of dark justice that hangs over
Gotham City. Born into wealth as Bruce Wayne, he witnessed his parents murdered in
front of him as a boy. This tragedy transformed his entire existence, reshaping him
into the consummate crime-fighter. \n\nWayne traveled the world for a decade,
training his mind and body relentlessly, pushing himself to the limits of human
capacity, all in preparation of donning the mantle of the caped crusader. His years
of tremendous effort have left him as not only the world's greatest detective, but
with a physical prowess that has yet to be bested by any foe.\n\nAs Batman, he has
consistently been forced into battle in an array of alternate worlds, dimensions
and universes. And it was through a bruising encounter with Zephys that Batman
pieced together the existence of Athanor. Zephys collided into Earth, bringing with
him a power of unimaginable magnitude. He had come to subdue the earth and build a
new world. One that would be subjugated by Athanor and be forced to provide fresh
troops for its eternal war.\n\nDuring the tumult, Batman found himself chasing
Zephys, passing through countless worlds and fragments of time. Finally catching up
to him, Batman sought to end Zephys' dark plot right then and there. However, he
just could not find an opening to end the fight. Suddenly, the hero Valhein
appeared, under orders from Thane, to investigate the strange rumblings of doom.
With his aid, Batman finally beat back Zephys and temporarily banished him back to
his realm.\n\n"Traveler, welcome to Athanor," Valhein whispered in a deep, but
urgent voice. Batman felt drawn towards this mysterious new land, to understand
just what sort of role it would play in his destiny. Stepping into the light, he
found himself in Thane's court. The resplendent king sat high above the rest as a
gloomy pall hung over the room. He thanked the Dark Knight for subduing Zephys and
handed him a shining gem, a fragment of Andura.\n\nUpon touching the gem, Batman
experienced a vision of fire and despair. Gotham lay in ruins, consumed by flames
that licked the air. Its inhabitants were being led towards the darkness in chains.
The old and feeble were disposed of. The young and strong were ripped away from
their loved ones and cowed. And above all of this sat a malevolent shadow that
seemed to glow brighter than the very flames swallowing the city. Then, at a snap
of its immaterial fingers, the light extinguished, and life existed no
more.\n\nBatman stood unmoving, transfixed in the horror. "This isn't real, is it?"
were his only words. This must be some sort of trick. However, the solemn shake of
Thane's head and his mournful eyes, brought ice into the Dark Knight's veins.
Thoughts raced through Bruce's mind. What is this madness? What is this despair?
Thane finally spoke "It is what will come to pass, if we sit idle." He continued,
"The Andura fragment you hold must be returned whole. It has the power to create,
and a devastating power to destroy. It matters not where your world lies in time
and space, all is connected to Athanor."\n\nAnd with that, Batman felt himself
hurdled back to Gotham, to ponder upon the choices that lay ahead. Then with quiet
and steeled determination, he fought. With Lucius and Alfred's aid, he modified his
armaments to prepare himself for the coming battle. His friends worried for him.
They were unsure of the threats lying in wait for Bruce. But as we all know from
experience, never underestimate the Batman.
B8A8A34FC6AF22CC_## = The Seagle
B8A8B7BA7106A5D5_## =
B8A99392C1FB1BCB_## =
B8ADA29E72DA35C9_## = Lauriel
B8B1C7E0FBCBBCC4_## = Zill
B8B24A2C4EFA248D_## =
B8B4BE96D723F187_## =
B8B70CF37F38CA30_## =
B8BD07CC5CF42A08_## = Unique Passive - Hunter: Deals 30% extra damage to monsters
and receives 30% more experience from killing monsters.
B8BEC6BC308E3641_## =
B8C2F38A4F811CE9_## = That all you got?
B8C48C0B6E0F511E_## =
B8C5E128FC81E862_## =
B8C8900217DFFD8C_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
B8CABEC95F6BE026_## =
B8CC537451172840_## = Đây là phần thưởng Khích lệ đấu hạng của bạn, xin mời kiểm
B8CF62955A8D0EAF_## =
B8CF8871351812BD_## = Đây là phần thưởng Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
B8D046FBC517405C_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Batman {C}/{T} lần
B8D3FCC026A7CE85_## = Original
B8D619EFC019CE89_## = Contains 10 Gems, 1300 Gold and 1 lvl 2 Arcana: Greed
B8D69D4B4165F6C2_## = Piolet
B8D6CE2BFAAABCEE_## = Rhea's Blessing
B8D750963AC8BAFA_## =
B8D76A92A3BCF644_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
B8DBD9864CBA1532_## = Unknown
B8DF7F2C843D995D_## =
B8DFDE39952DF2E6_## =
B8E04377BF635AAF_## =
B8E156E90B342535_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
B8E4F468A610CE94_## =
B8E96EE0A2A3F641_## =
B8EA01413D411E5F_## = ProPlayer Suggestion
B8EC79018C2DECC6_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
B8ECA25D63382A7B_## = Tướng Nakroth và trang phục Chiến binh hỏa ngục
B8EDF020A691EE34_## = 使用可复活一次
B8F27686FDB7CB35_## =
B8F6F2379624E3F9_## =
B8F834125904406C_## =
b8f89933ace88a60 = b8f89933ace88a60_##
B8F9E0C73A65B242_## =
B8FACBD4E6969E38_## = Murad
B903329A1443286A_## = Trial Card: Try out Maloch's skin: Dreadwyrm for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
B9055DC1DB7E65D4_## =
B90575987DA86F5C_## =
B905846C2317146E_## =
B906F7072B0D22BB_## = Everyone push mid!
B90A9A521AD6D725_## = 1-22 minutes
B90E24B8C90E9123_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi để nhận ruby miễn phí
B90E266E7793F770_## =
B90F8282ECE4FEA8_## = Unknown
B915B207E671B505_## =
B915F23F44A50267_## = Thu thập 2 mảnh Chúc mừng năm mới và Mậu Tuất 2018 để đổi 3
trang phục miễn phí tùy chọn!
B91AB72E3F0FFBF0_## =
B91B12E1D378DFDE_## = Nhận <color=orange>Quà ngủ ngon từ 20:00 đến 23:00 mỗi ngày!
</color>Chúc các kiện tướng một buổi tối thật thú vị.
B925C19023FA9AAE_## = Trial Card: Try out Arum for <color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day.
You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
B92BBCF2463146E6_## = Blue Core
B92D95807911E3A5_## =
B92F54F6A9D3B6FD_## = Grand Battle
B92F6C522C7F2FE3_## = Summer Bash
B93172BE76FFE950_## = Original
B9317BD37C45A65E_## =
b934275d4c54d766 = b934275d4c54d766_##
B93466C40FB81151_## =
B936A9E68900B588_## = Lobby disbanded.
b9375ad56242085e = b9375ad56242085e_##
B939FF9E2BDD5DF1_## =
B93A3A08253D30EE_## = Đổi quà tình nhân
B93A5460DAD9016C_## = Unknown
B93C5E56CC681F8F_## =
B9427851FE85CA73_## = Leatherwing
B947487B89B1B046_## = Batman attacks with his forearm blades and deals {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to nearby
enemies. One random enemy will take double damage.
B9483831554DF9D6_## = Rương #LQM trang phục
B9488FDD506B8886_## =
B94A8A375C200F81_## = Void Cleanse
B9597F7E536A3B3F_## =
B95D375B13DC7577_## =
B9616206341FAAE9_## =
B9625AF3090724B9_## = Trial Card: Try out Ryoma for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this hero.
B9676677A267A4C7_## =
B96B3F4EE54E1D39_## = Arum
B96C22B472A07E8D_## = The Fanatic: Attack speed increased for each normal attack.
B96DA799AE5C55FF_## =
B96DE8A41D276AF7_## = Quy đổi ngọc tím cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
B96E774DE8F0FE3E_## = Trial Card: Try out Zephys' skin: Sentinel for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
B96E8BE71589F932_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Maloch {C}/{T} lần
B9703BA4B34C92A8_## =
B972CEE915C50DF9_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
B975032409E76454_## = Rương Thần tượng học đường
B9758BC55BE4DD4C_## = Chainhammer
B97B314121D148F4_## = Blizzard
B97F319B8E690E9F_## =
b98092a1266c7589 = Got 7 kills in a row
B98196EBA9A31D55_## = 和好友对战送符文碎片
B9820E7FC85F0041_## = Chief Knight
B984BBBD68A650C6_## =
B9856D1F488A86FD_## =
B9863DFDCB0C511E_## =
B994CEECCBA4A306_## =
B994D21600A56E6B_## = Trial Card: Try out Thane's skin: Lustrous for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
B998C4D55C2C3666_## = Thu thập Chìa khóa - Mở rương bí ẩn
B999389CE5389944_## =
B99DE64148F8589C_## = Ilumia fires a divine light in the specified direction, which
explodes upon contact with enemies in range and deals {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>. The divine light
deals double damage and knocks enemies back when it is enhanced by Ilumia's
B9A15A0F6B79B35D_## =
B9A89A58E0F553B7_## =
B9AA95C5AF1F7555_## =
B9ABFF5BC5270598_## = (Self-healing abilities that allow you to take more damage
for teammates)
B9AC6BD983D47C12_## = Bloody avatar frame to frighten your opponents.
B9B17DCC31CBC314_## =
B9B459A304AA4724_## =
B9B560B412AB432A_## = Each kill or assist increases Zanis' attack damage by 12
(stacks up to 20 times) and restores his maximum HP by 5%.
B9B87D4AFE4ADFC6_## = 签到图片
B9BD1FE3F3CAD247_## = Unique Passive - Soaring Spirit: Restores 20% mana after
earning a kill or assist.
B9BDFF83A02DBD30_## = Chief Knight
B9BEE59C3376697F_## =
B9C0639224499B17_## =
B9C18CED1B967996_## =
B9C29D388A377C34_## = Arthur is blessed by the heavens and gains
<color=#f8be32>{0}</color> armor (scales with hero level).
B9C5D41F0082C0C7_## =
B9C92137F300E9E6_## =
B9CA7FE3421715F3_## = Ability Power Increase
B9CB4AECFAF40FC6_## = Daze
B9CD03D86D858945_## =
B9D02E282221176D_## = Trial Card: Try out Airi's skin: Racer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this skin.
B9DA7BCB404664D9_## = Divine Firestone
B9DECC38AEEB0236_## =
b9e2fc0dd82661b7 = Item Details
B9E3CBBBE8AE726A_## = Medallion of Troy
B9EAC44C87B18C48_## =
B9EB2AF15ACFC02E_## = Base Damage
B9EED17DD389DAE9_## =
B9F2075ACCD065FF_## = Marksman
B9F2662785BADCE4_## =
b9f5ab32a2c346dc = Mana Regeneration
B9F9555369E50E1C_## = Gut Punch
B9F9D8FA2ADE0029_## =
B9FC12AF8D427A49_## =
BA01397C45797623_## = Valley Skirmish
BA027D7D3B67AA3B_## = Zephys
BA04587E8350FABA_## = Catacombs
BA07038FE9491C89_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Tel'Annas)
BA0728DF257985FA_## = Tap Gold Purchase
BA0878745E947DB2_## = Cybercore Level 2
BA09F03DF264DD55_## =
BA0CBB248A997A57_## =
BA0DE1E7BC1F0E40_## = Xeniel's skin: Armageddon
BA109213F51D7DD7_## = Huy hiệu GameTV
BA148EC6EBB0DCB3_## = Gói ưu đãi tướng Preyta. Thêm 3 Vé Quay giá chỉ 30 Quân Huy!
BA154D02C1C4F787_## = Phát tài
ba1759c18b69187f = Centered on Finger\n<color=#827864><size=20>(Suitable for
BA1977E34054D84F_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
BA1DC6771FA22C03_## =
BA1F79FB824284C9_## = Nạp Quân Huy - nhận rương Raz!
BA25960EC6429FB1_## = Abomination
BA275FBB36461457_## =
BA27F047DF4ED66B_## = Love Sworn
BA29239881AF92E9_## =
BA292F5729C40EA4_## =
BA2AB2A4B15DAE81_## = Base Damage
BA2DA7BD436C549D_## = Trial Card: Try out Preyta's skin: Nether Drake
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
BA2DFDA028546A3A_## = Unknown
BA31579BDCD72DF5_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
BA31A9ED1AE30A62_## =
BA32CA0C497EB249_## =
BA332F4D071504F7_## =
BA33FBB51D4827D0_## =
BA3686C9AE1516F7_## = Đổi quà tặng, nhận rương may mắn Valentine
BA375E40D409375C_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
BA3A31E395D3F316_## = Tulen charges up and launches a Thunderbird at an enemy,
dealing {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> (+{2}% of the target's lost HP)
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> and giving Tulen 1 charge of Thunderclap. The
Thunderbird can be blocked by another enemy hero getting in the way. If the
Thunderbird kills an enemy hero, Tulen's passive will be activated immediately and
Thunderbird's cooldown will be reduced by {3}%. If the Thunderbird hits an enemy
minion on the way to its final target, they will suffer magic damage and be knocked
into the air.\n\nTulen can also use Lightning Strike while charging Thunderbird.
BA3C649DE5262AD4_## = Achieve a victory when you are {0} [/0:$(point|points)/]
behind in a single match
BA3D0ADC77B48CBB_## = Batman Symbol
BA40E9198736A842_## = Melee
BA41936ABFB94912_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
BA4F1D605D5F8DCF_## =
BA51CF76D2AB02CB_## = Trial Card: Try out Murad's skin: Prep School for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
BA527D3702DCDA32_## = TeeMee
BA5801EA9823EB25_## =
BA589E813FC8C1F6_## =
BA59D46C7FE802E7_## =
BA5D0A1511578B12_## =
BA5D742D63859A3B_## =
BA5DBB7A232AD673_## =
BA656859CD1A60E0_## =
BA69BBC902CA409E_## =
BA6A3CFBAC327E29_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Zuka)
BA6CB51BD0820394_## = Unknown
BA76D446E929823C_## =
BA77F8707F0B5020_## = Quà may mắn (Lộc)*2
BA78DF3A9212D728_## = Papillon
BA78FA72CCACE19A_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
BA7D4C22F3685010_## =
BA836DDA9FBBB435_## =
BA89480E4D5525C5_## =
BA8C83903A997847_## = Trial Card: Try out Valhein's skin: Techno Templar for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
BA8FF1FE6C317DE6_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
BA982E2E77D5E574_## = Đây là phần thưởng Nạp Quân huy - Nhận Núi quà của bạn, xin
mời kiểm tra!
BA9841AC90001A7A_## =
BA9D49E890DD0AC3_## = Moren's skin: Wrecking
BAA1480A69D5E3E6_## =
BAA20B4610E5D08D_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Lauriel)
BAA51E06DC388348_## = [新英雄-Ryoma 登場] 愛不釋手
BAA89930F54E5029_## = Lauriel’s exclusive Skin: Halloween Scream
BAACB4FC5E332DCD_## = Combo Slimz Thỏ ngọc
BAB037264A4A57A2_## =
BAB16CCFCA428A2F_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
BAB1C4CAE50AD202_## = Every time Chaugnar uses Energy Surge, he calls upon chaos
energy to remove all Control Effects, reduce damage taken by 10% and increase
movement speed by 20% for 2 seconds.
BAB1C951ACC9F80D_## =
BAB1DF51D6815AB4_## = Jinnar evokes the power of his spirit orbs to attack nearby
enemies 10 times over 5 seconds, dealing {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color>
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> per hit. When using this ability, Jinnar
immediately gains 15% damage reduction plus 5% for each nearby enemy hero for 5
seconds, and 70% movement bonus for 1.5 seconds.
BAB5DFF388ACD01C_## =
BAB5E7E070E36BCF_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Đăng nhập)
bab6d6825824a59e = bab6d6825824a59e_##
BABE93F8DE59DFB1_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
BAC52A67EDDBE1D0_## =
BAC79F6135394227_## = Xeniel
BAC86E2CD1F73523_## = Steel
BACC47429DC6FD58_## = Rare Preyta's skin: Leviathan
BACF087C8A1513C2_## = The monsters are wandering in the jungle. \nKill them to get
lots of <color=#f6bf17ff>EXP</color>.
BAD0FE444E391237_## = Unknown
BAD1C821096CF3AD_## =
BAD80E21D9F6305C_## =
bad9537e5e0d9e94 = bad9537e5e0d9e94_##
BADE3C6DC0643754_## = Chilling Frost
BAE1281CCDC02CAE_## = Normal attacks reduce Tactical Fire's cooldown by 0.5
BAE2822DC72923AA_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
BAE7A46A3BCC2F9E_## = This player is not a friend.
baea286d0dd221ff = baea286d0dd221ff_##
BAED2FDB2BFED369_## = Red Base
BAEF8D328ACBBE73_## = New techno look
baf13d6f3b79ef8e = Triple Kill
BAF226F5D179E591_## = Diaochan
BAF2A6C0AEC92A74_## = Every third normal attack, Xeniel deals <color=#ca3939>4%-8%
of his own maximum HP</color> as <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> (+1% at level
baf39af4f04354b = baf39af4f04354b_##
BAFF755B46E41B51_## = 签到图片
Bag_Text_1 = {0} Backpack limit reached {1}, you cannot get this item.
Bag_Text_10 = Bag_Text_10_##
Bag_Text_11 = Bag_Text_11_##
Bag_Text_12 = Bag_Text_12_##
Bag_Text_13 = Bag_Text_13_##
Bag_Text_14 = Bag_Text_14_##
Bag_Text_2 = Bag_Text_2_##
Bag_Text_3 = Bag_Text_3_##
Bag_Text_4 = Obtained
Bag_Text_5 = Bag_Text_5_##
Bag_Text_6 = Bag_Text_6_##
Bag_Text_7 = Bag_Text_7_##
Bag_Text_8 = Bag_Text_8_##
Bag_Text_9 = Bag_Text_9_##
barrageNotReady = Bullet Screen is currently unavailable
Battle_Absorb = Absorb
Battle_BeanShortage = No more stored ability uses
Battle_Blindess = Target missed!
Battle_Dragon_Buff_Desc = Kill the Garnak multiple times to get stronger.
Battle_Dragon_Buff_Name = Garnak's Power
Battle_Empty_5 = Battle_Empty_5_##
Battle_Empty_6 = Battle_Empty_6_##
Battle_Empty_7 = Battle_Empty_7_##
Battle_Empty_8 = Battle_Empty_8_##
Battle_EnergyShortage = Not enough Energy
Battle_FuryShortage = Not enough Rage
Battle_Immunity = Immune
Battle_InCooldown = On cooldown
Battle_MadnessShortage = Not enough Rage
Battle_MagicShortage = Not enough Mana
Battle_NoTarget = No target
Battle_Open_DeadReplay = View Death Details
battle_open_tips = Commands
Battle_Playing_time = <color=#ffd200>In a match for {0} [/0:$(minute|
Battle_Result_BeHurt_Title = Damage Taken
Battle_Result_Coin_Title = Gold Earned
Battle_Result_Hurt_Title = Damage to Heroes
Battle_Result_Mvp_Title = MVP
Battle_Review_Title = Match Review
Battle_Revive_Tips = Resurrection Time
Battle_Select_Soldier_Tower = Minions and Towers
Battle_Settle_Game_Type_Single = Battle_Settle_Game_Type_Single_##
Battle_Settle_Game_Type1 = 1v1
Battle_Settle_Game_Type2 = Team 2v2
Battle_Settle_Game_Type3 = Team 3v3
Battle_Settle_Game_Type4 = Team 4v4
Battle_Settle_Game_Type5 = Team 5v5
Battle_Settle_Game_Type6 = Battle_Settle_Game_Type6_##
Battle_ShieldDisappear = Shield Gone
Battle_Statistic_Sort_Coin = Default
Battle_Statistic_Sort_Common = Sort by Gold
Battle_Voice_Tips = Battle_Voice_Tips_##
BattleAward = Battle Rewards
BattleEquip_ActiveEquipInUse = Equipped
BattleEquip_ActiveEquipReplace = Equip
BattleEquip_CanclePreBuyBtn_Text = Cancel
BattleEquip_PreBuyBtn_Text = Pre-order
BattleHeroInfo_Property = Attributes
BattleHeroInfo_Skill = Abilities
BattleMsg_AttackedByTower = You are being attacked by the tower!
BattleStateView_Caesar = Dark Slayer
BattleStateView_Dragon = Abyssal Dragon
BattleStateView_EcoTrend = Gold chart
BattleStateView_ExpTrend = EXP chart
BattleStateView_Guard = Spirit Sentinel
BattleStateView_HeroInfo = Hero Stats
BattleStateView_MatchInfo = Battle Stats
BB06BECAA7446F99_## = Burst
BB07A0A484928288_## =
BB0C0FC6EFACD828_## = 26.11 - Thưởng đấu đặc biệt
BB10CBE46B5B9B1F_## =
BB13B6CC40003DEF_## =
BB141A225A670867_## =
BB155B32D6923DEA_## = Attack Damage
BB1B425ABA3DE484_## = Let's be friends.
BB1E0D8000F237BB_## = Tap here to send<color=#f6bf17ff> the "Attack"</color>
message to teammates
BB26F2A7F4319B61_## =
BB289D3513DD1539_## = Melee
BB294CE81B16777B_## = Rương may mắn TOG (Đặc biệt)
BB29835A21D18AFB_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
BB2B1BE7687602C1_## = Unknown
BB2CD71CABB8E0D8_## = Beware of the brush!
BB2D631272EEFCD3_## = Có thể nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nTướng vĩnh viễn
(Natalya/Azzen'ka/Lumburr) / Thẻ thử tướng 3 ngày / Thẻ x2 Vàng/EXP - 4 thắng /
Ngọc cấp 2
BB2DABA708B7747E_## = Maloch has a longer attack range than other melee units. When
his weapon is enchanted, his normal attacks deal <color=#f18d00>{0}</color>
<color=#f3b74a>true damage</color> instead of physical damage and restore {1}% of
his lost HP.
BB3239B9CC0563BF_## = Melee
BB32CBA5C185D4C2_## = "I'm the Queen of the Night, my name is Veera."\n\nThe
ancient books said that Veera was the most devout and powerful apostle of the Great
Ones. Long did she pray and beseech their wisdom, but long have they remained
silent. \n\nEager to prove her mettle, she attempted to take on the Ravagers alone.
Surely with their demise by her hand, the Great Ones would reward her with glory.
However, it may also be that same hubris that made the Great Ones so disgusted with
her.\n\nThough she fought bravely and peerlessly, inevitably she was captured. The
tortures she suffered need not be mentioned. All that matters was those bright
eyes, which once looked up to the heavens for guidance, are now filled with malice
and dark fire.\n\nMaloch, the leader of the Ravagers, personally performed the
tortures, which founded a dark and awful relationship between the two. From then
on, she was always by his side, commanding his armies and vanquishing his
foes.\n\nBut she always preferred the silent approach, bringing down the mightiest
foes with her wiles and charms. Tome upon tome had been written to warn off men who
might ever come across her path to not to listen to the dark shadows whispering
promises of greatness; all that lies at the end of that road is doom. \n\nThe Queen
of Night is patient. She knows ultimately she will always have her way. She will be
the last one standing. She still dreams of the day she can bathe in the Great Ones'
blood and look them in the eyes, so that they may know her wrath.
BB353E299271E61F_## = Magic Life Steal +1.6%
BB37D37B1AD63B7C_## = Tap the settings button on the top left to set
different<color=#f6bf17ff> battle operations</color>
BB3A8B919437467D_## =
BB3B06503B658845_## =
BB3C0B70E3D6310D_## = Warrior
BB437B4BBFBBBA2C_## = Hero's total damage dealt is above {0} and total damage taken
is below {1} in a single match
BB45BA7D02B5DAA6_## = Maloch
BB48569D03DD1AB4_## =
bb49ad88ea0edecb = bb49ad88ea0edecb_##
BB4B9E81D7F97751_## = Victory belongs to us!
BB4C1C3BBBFB5F70_## = Trial Card: Try out Batman for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this Hero.
bb4da5409068c48d = /
BB4ECEFAA4362256_## = Bloodlust
BB4FE34F6785F430_## = Veera
BB5288908F29D7F2_## = Arum
BB533E922BB24DC6_## =
BB55394F1040F701_## =
BB55CD260C74166B_## =
BB5653CFAE056C01_## =
BB5756601C88A4FA_## =
BB57F10A6281BFE3_## = Arum
BB5987A801923CBD_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
BB5AE88F22BF44BC_## =
BB5CC9A10820C669_## = Rare Raz Skin: Zulu Warrior
BB5F4B1443F37BC2_## = Tướng Lindis + trang phục Thám tử tư
BB61EC46370037C5_## = Đây là phần thưởng Ngày hội của Joker 2 của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
BB648C686C5FB38C_## = Every 4th normal attack knocks back targets and deals
<color=#7FFFD4>{0}</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>. Additionally,
Gildur gains a shield for a short period of time when he uses any of his abilities.
BB71E4559047A35F_## =
BB760C3B3B540EAE_## = Evolution Skin
BB7ACE9EAC0493E6_## =
BB7B527F7D4B03C2_## = Jungling, Survivability
BB7EBCFC90C3EC7A_## = Normal Attack
BB7F128C26EE63BD_## =
BB7F8525234F1036_## =
BB808A4EA4487301_## =
BB83B52193FFB728_## = "I am chaos incarnate!"\n\nChaugnar was an ancient mammoth
that was corrupted by the energy of chaos, which transformed him into his current
monstrous form. The chaos had not only changed Chaugnar's appearance, but also
warped his mind. In his eyes, existence was merely a constant battle between chaos
and order. Life, rules, logic, emotions, and faith meant nothing to him.\n\nAny
unfortunate souls to come before this sinister being would cower when struck with a
feeling more terrifying than the mere meaning of the term. If it hadn't been for a
gifted human, who lured Chaugnar into a trap and sealed him in the depths of the
Black Sea, this world would have been lost long ago.\n\nYet, the power of chaos
could never be exterminated completely. All that a human could do is to fight to
weaken Chaugnar, mitigating the threat he posed. However, everyone knew that
Chaugnar would eventually break out from his shackles, and his fury would rain upon
every corner of this world.\n\n"I will make you watch as this world is devoured by
BB86DB4D796ECAD9_## =
BB893FE3F5849D2E_## =
BB8A2078128DFA35_## = Quy đổi ngọc lục cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
BB8B35C4E74AB690_## = Airi charges in the specified direction and deals {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies in
her way. This ability can be cast three times in a row before triggering the
BB91A4F6EF352355_## = KM -30% Gói Hoa Hậu
BB95C404AF5BDB56_## =
BB97352C9A793469_## = Tham gia sự kiện Tết gắn kết - Anh em chấp hết tại
sukien2.lienquan.garena.vn - Nhận Dấu ấn Tulen và đổi tướng miễn phí!
BB984090EDE41974_## = Trial Card: Try out Zanis' skin: Casanova for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
BB9A2AA1388DEADD_## =
BB9AA81133717928_## = Burst
BB9AE6FB2ABFA776_## =
BBA18DE5B54B9D45_## =
BBA202FF7DC4D6D6_## =
BBA20A0D552217C6_## = Dragon Master
BBA578BA0829CCFD_## =
BBA583B424B00981_## = Sekhmet
BBA5AAC09DF18FD0_## =
BBA8F7A59012C488_## =
BBAA2DD5015A90BB_## = Base Damage
BBAB4FA6DF064B09_## = 签到图片
BBB121221C027438_## = Tỉnh An Giang
BBB17D587A7C59E3_## =
BBB2051456F0D87A_## =
BBB295B8816C1202_## = Max
BBB4B95E89C06360_## = Thu thập Bánh Chưng và Đầu lân để đổi thưởng Tết mỗi ngày
BBB80A3B71C20E14_## =
BBBB3432D4B0EF34_## = Thu thập Bánh Chưng và Đầu lân để đổi thưởng Tết mỗi ngày
BBBB6FA9ADC4023C_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Preyta) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
BBBC2E942114893A_## =
BBBC464ADF7F0D20_## =
BBBCC0E680CDF128_## =
BBBD2DE38A043605_## = Concussive Rounds
BBBDD104029A759E_## =
BBBE44DD17300BFB_## = Bloody Baron
BBBFB97E3B7F9777_## = Tháng sinh nhật - Tiêu Quân Huy nhận thưởng
BBC01A3F846514E9_## = Omega
BBC161EE62F2CAE9_## =
BBC4552AE0C0FB07_## = Combo thẻ thử tướng và trang phục Maloch 1 ngày
BBCAA2E2620B0817_## = Đăng nhập nhận quà
BBCB613B4631D4DB_## = Wukong
BBCCB3CEBE36587A_## =
BBCF8E8B7DC5B471_## =
BBD4363EB87EA99C_## = OK
BBD6748CC8797EB8_## =
BBDA7412F6509F39_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Ilumia để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
BBDCCC9D5A29E94A_## =
BBDD7770296907A3_## =
BBDFF985E2A14C60_## =
bbe355ad731b9609 = Male
BBE3D813BC5BF3F1_## =
BBE4BD59D5ACC42C_## =
BBE5BA0332519A91_## = Truy tìm vinh quang
BBE6EF6BA6035AB7_## =
BBE830F7E968D1B2_## =
BBE857A72699B000_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
BBEF70D3A3D6E263_## =
BBF33BB63A123219_## = Dragon's Wrath
bbf3ac9a96b4567e = Item name
BBF52749D4776366_## =
BBF9B52661AAD309_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
BBFFEE147ED0B549_## = Thẻ bài bí ẩn
BC0178B0CB67EA6E_## = Rương #LQM tướng
BC04B7C673CEDB6B_## = Bánh Chưng
BC0740F5CD3FF9AD_## =
BC09463A0D181E0E_## =
BC0CBE8272E21F76_## = Unknown
BC1379199E478E01_## = Cơ hội có 1 không 2 để sở hữu Trang phục Giới hạn Mina Tiểu
thư đoạt hồn!
BC168457830DC4DB_## =
BC177A8D1393367D_## = We have plenty of games for you here! Let's choose the 1v1
mode first!
BC18CA4B59152A26_## = Butterfly
bc19a210be27c041 = bc19a210be27c041_##
BC1C524F282B2CA0_## =
BC1F05B6EC059842_## =
BC20FD6FE4D53505_## =
BC22A9E5AE8AE349_## =
BC242E1311A29F2D_## =
BC24DEED6F33EEB6_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
BC252B449A07B3D4_## = 参与飞钩
BC2A098E276E79C3_## =
BC2CA2CD04527527_## =
BC2EFEFD031D4792_## = Tap to open Road to Glory.
BC3106045C340BF1_## =
BC38570BBFDCF256_## =
BC39BB71CEBFCA26_## =
BC3BFB1FE22B0B22_## = 妇女节挑战活动
BC3C85231EB3C931_## =
BC3E036E23965735_## = 签到图片
BC3F145979DD3A2D_## = Base Damage
BC4072B6FE9A2092_## =
BC42A300DD9B3A8F_## =
BC42D558AEDEA35C_## = "Mankind's only hope during the century-long vampire
war."\n\nValhein was not born a famous vampire hunter. A pious man, he did not
believe in superstitions or folklore. This changed while traveling to Romania to
claim an inheritance left for him. The journey robbed Valhein of the possibility of
a normal life. Helpless and horrified, Valhein could do nothing as Dracula abducted
and murdered his wife. His world shattered, Valhein swore vengeance upon the
nosferatu and his entire species.\n\n"I hereby swear in the name of God that I
shall defeat all the dark powers lurking within the shadows. I will battle the
vampire scourge until my last breath!" A man possessed, this solemn vow became his
singular driving force. \n\nValhein sought out vampires wherever they nested, and
one by one he slew each and every one of them. When the last had crumbled to dust
at his feet, Valhein felt a sudden and certain emptiness. An ethereal voice called
out to him "You have dared to do what few mortals in history could have done. You
have fought back against the creatures of night and triumphed. Yet darkness takes
on many forms, vampires were but one of many." As the voice spoke, Valhein felt
himself renewed. It continued, "Please lend aid, there are other terrors, demons
which only you are capable of vanquishing."\n\nValhein steeled himself for his new
vigil, as a demon hunter.
BC457D5060DFB87D_## =
BC47D7CB82DA9791_## = Magic Damage
BC4E38C5F16CAAC5_## = Tiêu Quân Huy nhận cực nhiều ưu đãi!
BC4F374ECFA5AEC1_## = 签到图片
BC512FB8CC1EA8C5_## = <size=30>{0}</size>\n of team damage dealt to heroes
BC516348ACF7FE25_## =
BC538C906A952180_## =
BC5766C645DCDA2E_## = <size=30>{0}</size> kills
BC5F3E10110E94A3_## = Lauriel
BC60998E9DFCD411_## =
BC6109B1FDB5F5E5_## =
BC62CD6727BDF5AE_## =
BC63BA4003EEFD98_## = (Abilities deal extremely high amounts of damage)
BC661F8B96D3F6CA_## = Đây là phần thưởng Chào năm mới 2018 (Chơi game) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
BC66E43C96519AFE_## = Unknown
BC67C301637B16E6_## = Cresht's lance swings grant Rage, knock back surrounding
heroes and deal {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical
damage</color>. Under Metamorphosis, Cresht summons a geyser that deals {2}
<color=#f18d00>(+{3})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>.
BC67D6C1EE89A115_## = 26.11 - Quà đăng nhập đặc biệt
BC6984566CC34C26_## =
BC6E18F7BAFB38C3_## = That all you got?
BC6FCDFF43960017_## =
BC78E8822E06B58E_## = 7 日累積簽到
BC7C3B7EB37E4819_## =
BC814AC883960712_## = Trial Card: Try out Butterfly for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
BC83ED8CF5679B99_## = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Give Thane an arcana that boosts
his survivability to make charging easier.
BC856AB46BF4A7D4_## = Slimz
BC85CE533A57F817_## = Melee
BC85DFE1652061F3_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
BC86361CAFEF32DC_## = From Yorn's <color=#f6bf17>Ghost Samurai</color> skin.
BC86BC1E798E49FB_## = Knights, rally to me!
BC87157F135A65DB_## = Defeat the<color=#f6bf17ff> Sage Golem</color>.
BC95D7DB19DFE9C1_## = Original
BC9A10D9292E31BC_## =
BC9E6A9A4C1965D6_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
BC9F8E5D19BECA01_## = Melee
BCA93B41AF87EEEF_## = Movement Speed Reduction
BCAA09BFB02695AD_## = Ilumia
BCAA41AF9E507D11_## =
BCB1655221162EF1_## = Halloween Scream
BCB6087AE56A3DD1_## =
BCB6AAF2BE3B431D_## =
BCB94ECA6C1174D0_## =
BCBC295EE76E6AC0_## =
BCBD5277249DFD50_## =
BCC17051468DACB2_## = Prom King
BCC2351725223B07_## =
BCC3F649BF037F23_## = Cơ hội nhận trang phục Valhein Đại công tước vĩnh viễn hoặc
thẻ thử rất nhiều trang phục HOT! Duy nhất ngày 20.1!
BCC56321D7DAC0F1_## = Reach Level {0}
BCC8609533741569_## = Chiến đấu trên bản đồ 5v5 Miền đất hứa mỗi ngày để nhận Lì
xì và Ruby cực hot!
BCCB50BB8E32655A_## = Arum
BCCBB8E1F9378762_## = Valhein
BCCD0ECF2E9A4C04_## = Structure
BCCE8E0808DA591A_## = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Use the healing packs behind
towers to keep your hero fit for battle.
BCD2A5EF9FC6100B_## = Mừng ngày Quốc tế Phụ nữ 8.3, thắng đấu hạng với tướng nữ
để nhận Ruby & thẻ thử trang phục giới hạn Mina - Tiểu thư đoạt hồn!
BCD2EE87140473D0_## = 参与 5V5
BCD9B8162A17C770_## = Trial Card: Try out Ryoma's skin: Gunslinger for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
BCDB954197200DBB_## =
BCDF281EDB5D393C_## =
BCE5020EA5FC8A9F_## = Đăng nhập mỗi ngày, nhận quà dài dài từ Liên Quân
BCE622111766A35C_## =
BCE9E7E821F2CFD1_## = Chơi bản đồ 5v5 Miền đất hứa (Thường & Hạng) để nhận ruby
miễn phí
BCE9F9DDE81BA821_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
BCEA21635DF6F183_## = Level 2 Activity Rewards
bcea4b86125dc33f = bcea4b86125dc33f_##
BCEA675A01AA2721_## =
BCEC2B84B3E83463_## =
BCEC91AD72C23E97_## = Liftoff
BCF41835D4FE27BA_## =
BCF7A7C07FB7E7B5_## =
BCF81D7065AEA1B3_## = Congratulations, you are now one step closer to becoming a
true hero!
BCFBBF0287AF2A03_## =
BCFCC71C25FA5F98_## =
BCFEEA6BFE4B3931_## =
BCFF23576209D2F1_## = Attack
BD02899F2A54F1EF_## = Red Base
BD0A8C2BDEE27BC7_## =
bd0d3a99e3074a2b = Long Range
BD0EA04715F15E9B_## = Sharkover
BD1079C84745E732_## = Wukong
BD1203E6B9E0A7DE_## =
BD15EF851F0807C4_## =
BD16BED429B49225_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
BD16C57741EC2594_## = Melee
BD1BD8074BD5184E_## =
BD1C7A9CD5816ADB_## = Unknown
BD1D9D2C661F93B3_## =
BD1EC45722403E86_## = Trial Card: Try out Krixi's skin: Summer Bash
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
BD1FDB26F827DDFC_## =
BD20B7F39ADAF205_## =
BD21FEC0D4F709BB_## = Attack
BD236B5974826F53_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Batman để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
bd23dee05ab74a6c = -
BD26F9424CF66F14_## =
BD277A600FB1F267_## = Marksman
BD27BA7D1B6E8AEC_## = Nhận ngay một cặp thẻ thử 7 ngày của 1 tướng & trang phục
ngẫu nhiên
BD2B36C8E3E80EF9_## = Share trang phục nhận quà Giáng sinh
BD2B3B2B3F40B60E_## =
BD2FF9528AD865D2_## = Player level 1 unlocked.
BD30EBC3CE5F2B22_## =
BD329221B3EEA998_## = <color=#f6bf17ff>The wild-raiding</color> has started!
BD35C4CCA2BDF1FA_## = Sustained Damage, Survivability
BD39845F5E9EF42F_## = Original
BD39C38CD86AFCCB_## =
BD3A7B7366793AB6_## = 7 日累積簽到
BD3ECE35D0F095FA_## =
BD45E0FC6F618B25_## =
BD4EF5EC4E97AE87_## =
BD51328AD291B6E5_## = Đăng nhập tại thời gian chỉ định để nhận thêm Bánh sinh nhật
và Hộp quà thú vị
BD53BDE89CEA4F6B_## = Arcane Fire
BD56BF075BA97F10_## =
BD5B590AD9CFA747_## = Royal Power
BD5D3E62B20F07D9_## = BULLET STORM can damage enemies in a wide arc
BD5F9B0195A9FC03_## = Good Credibility Score weekly reward
BD61499068217949_## = Bound
bd615cc57ed5b604 = bd615cc57ed5b604_##
BD6398EA26887C69_## = 测试分享活动
BD65034C6035B0B1_## =
BD6A596EF3629926_## = Behavior Warning
BD6C4552D5D446FE_## =
BD6C9E67870EA1B3_## =
BD711A209E8106D2_## = Thắng đấu hạng với Krixi {C}/{T} lần
BD73003AAFCB59CE_## = Guild Help
BD758AA0B46EBB5A_## = Unknown
BD790380134B84E9_## = Rương may mắn Tết(x4+1)
BD790F129ED1C36C_## =
BD7937EEC72D3F40_## = This is where we will forge our heroes.
BD7E25D0396B12C0_## =
BD7FAA188F58C254_## = Survivability, Sustained Damage
bd8149cfc69a12e9 = Might Buff
BD85DB9B44D0DAA5_## = Tank
BD8BBF0736D739BC_## = Spirit Sentinel
BD8BC18809F9DB29_## =
BD8E11C70B2F7D87_## =
BD93E16BC9A1B295_## = Lumburr
BD945A08D2EA76AA_## =
bd9680bceff2f3ea = bd9680bceff2f3ea_##
BD9936125785EFAC_## = Stab
BD9AEDD5C49389C8_## = Login Bonus
BD9B8C7BA4224948_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
BD9BEA760049440A_## = Phần thưởng khi chiến đấu chống lại tội phạm. Mở để có cơ
hội nhận Trang phục vĩnh viễn/Mảnh Skin/Ruby
BD9C6F508CF732D4_## =
BDA178360C82EDF8_## =
BDAE7B6F2B66FFE8_## =
BDAE7F8E453ED7BB_## =
BDB57591CF31E118_## =
BDBC42ED03E49FEA_## =
BDC61268189851A6_## =
BDCF4AB6B2EBAE21_## = Arduin
BDCFBB9CCB280744_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc thành rương ngọc cấp III may mắn
BDCFFFA74ECF0647_## = Unique Passive - Torture: deals magic damage equal to 4% of
the target's current HP (up to 80 against monsters). 1.2-second cooldown.
BDD05D6DEBFA4FC6_## = Not Available
BDD2142BF3FA1A65_## = Wrecking
BDD46A0C5330F2AB_## =
BDD89DBC819D0C48_## =
BDDA121597CF8C43_## =
BDDC975A1215A6BE_## = Diamond
BDDCF47CADE445B4_## = Rift
BDE5CB5A41AE5930_## =
BDE7310146B81434_## = Fortunate Gift
BDE81A713544706F_## =
BDE979F527EBE653_## = At {3}:{4}:{5} on {0}/{1}/{2}, we received your report of
<color=#ffd700>{6}</color>. We will keep a record of this incident and continue to
investigate this player. However, no punishment will be given to this player at
this time. Thank you for your report.
BDEA4CC78F69CD43_## =
BDECD25F4A30E18E_## = Ormarr
bdee3e7ab163ff60 = bdee3e7ab163ff60_##
BDF32409CD896E87_## =
BDF4066DEDDDCC21_## =
BDF86A8FBF171C63_## =
BDFEC963C7AD1ACD_## = Arum unleashes a roar that deals {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> and summons a
spirit beast. While beasts are active, using the skill again and damaging an enemy
will reduce the cooldown by 50%. Arum can summon up to 3 beasts, and the number of
beasts determines the power of Uncaged.
Be_Invited_Tips = <color=orange>{0}</color> ({1}) has invited you to team up in a
<color=orange>{2} - {3}</color>
Be_Invited_Tips_2 = <color=#faf5be>Invited you to join a</color>
BE0D5E6F482AD43A_## =
BE0DBCE7B7ECC7BF_## = Game<color=#f6bf17ff> Gold</color> and<color=#f6bf17ff>
Vouchers</color> can be used to purchase Arcana gift packs, come and try!
BE0EE9F85743F85B_## = Cooldown
BE13A1DFA6F2CE0F_## = Butterfly
BE13B3918AED8E93_## = Burst, Initiator
BE1E6029BC066AAB_## =
BE1F7C6EB3161027_## =
BE2442B2A412DBFB_## =
BE271273BEE9807F_## = Killing the Dark Slayer will give you the
<color=#f6bf17ff>Dark Slayer Buff</color> and increase team damage, boosting
<color=#f6bf17ff>mana regen</color> and<color=#f6bf17ff> HP regen</color> speed.
BE29A448F06A7A28_## = The Flash
BE3027089F85D0D1_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
BE30549A667C2209_## =
BE33A44118EF4E18_## = Săn mục tiêu lớn
BE33F8BDAD9B63B0_## = Đây là phần thưởng Truy tìm vinh quang của bạn, xin mời kiểm
BE395546CF7DC48B_## =
BE3AC4E27A527A6D_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
BE3F9E6B53B0154B_## = The Flash deals additional damage when both dashes of the
Super Speed hit, so you can do some serious damage if you plan ahead and time it
right with Sonicboom.
BE490CF358B76531_## = Pay attention to the team composition.
BE4DCF2FD1BAA2A4_## = Cooldown
BE4F2F7FCD77F81E_## =
BE53CC0624D3422C_## = Có thể nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nTướng vĩnh viễn
(Omega/Yorn/Điêu Thuyền) / Thẻ thử tướng 3 ngày / Thẻ x2 Vàng/EXP - 4 thắng / Ngọc
cấp 2
BE55157D7EA8C23F_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
BE56B4B0CBD69D58_## =
BE5AF3AB2B96A78F_## =
BE5D5C761514938E_## = Nakroth
BE5FD28CC9DFC3C0_## =
BE60C4EE97A9F582_## =
BE68D96A9394BBAC_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
BE6EE3A01AAE2520_## = Tulen
BE6F6D776807412F_## = 7 日累積簽到
BE701BA96D0256FE_## =
BE744D26DD88B063_## =
BE767C0D00044DBD_## = Số trụ phá {C}/{T}
BE76DCB451812A88_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Lauriel để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
BE7DA61AA32D9A53_## = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Killing the
<color=#ffd200>Abyssal Dragon</color> will earn your team extra gold and EXP!
BE80661B13079167_## =
BE82E89B5FF7B771_## =
BE841E9BE38622CB_## = 本週活動精選
BE85AF7BDAA17651_## = Trial Card: Try out Aleister's skin: Voidweaver for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
BE877431AAB9762C_## =
BE8B3FD40CF7679B_## =
BE8BE51F27DB00D7_## =
BE8EC8FE7A6B37A3_## = Gói 40% KM Cresht + skin
BE8F985B53F9BAA0_## = The Morning Star
BE94D7129F415E3B_## = Arthur is blessed by the heavens and gains
<color=#f8be32>{0}</color> armor (scales with hero level).
BE9585681FF24B64_## =
BE970E2C29C552D3_## =
BE998693133B15D9_## = Giáo sư sừng sỏ
BE9A92092647EC2D_## = Aleister
BEA5EAD9C92913AC_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
BEAD85F49F503DDD_## = Tích lũy hạ gục {C}/{T}
BEAF8F2D49EB2D80_## = Serenity
BEB0D375CAF14F91_## = Racer
BEB44FC39D1AAB0D_## = Punch Line
BEB4A7E477A6B971_## = Đây là phần thưởng Săn Rồng đón xuân! của bạn, xin mời kiểm
BEB60CBB41F10CEF_## =
BEB74058AED958FB_## = Tham gia phá trụ trong đấu thường, đánh nhanh thắng nhanh
còn đón Tết nào!
BEB7A39ECF9E829D_## =
BEB8672F10C0DEAD_## = Reach Level {0}
BEBC0244259BDA1C_## =
BEBE3AE4DE11E593_## =
BEBFD2FB74AD7F99_## = Đây là phần thưởng Chào năm mới 2018 (Chiến thắng) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
BEC221E83D1AF00B_## =
BEC61B3AC9A395E7_## = Chơi tướng D.C - Cơ hội xem phim miễn phí!
BEC863DC51715462_## =
BECA171840CE3761_## = Tướng Fennik và Trang phục Fennik Tiệc bánh kẹo
BECD6A71AC41E355_## = 限時充值送好禮(test)
BED2969FC188A81E_## = Sharpshooter
BED2DED0F84D1324_## = Ormarr dashes forward and enhances his next normal attack to
deal {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> and
knock the target into the air.
BED802B469E9BD21_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Đỏ)
BEDCEA9EABC09983_## = (Abilities that impair enemies or buff teammates)
BEDD23FFE662F5C1_## = obsolete+a0afebe2515a0a4e
BEDDA766C3C791DF_## = Cooldown
BEDE20200576B9A2_## =
BEE0D5460892F6E9_## = Airi' skin: Racer
BEE109B2BB5C1DDA_## = Harass
BEE19A8EBCD9FDE9_## = Đạt đến cấp {T}
BEE36F34970C6E1F_## =
BEE9AFF88C75473E_## = 本週活動精選
BEEC91507285F205_## = Sea Spear
BEECF785B64D3D36_## = Tap here to preview training content
BEED10D4C93CD17B_## = Thane
BEEED01C3D236863_## = Movement Speed increases by 35% for 10 seconds
BEF4DD416566317E_## =
BEF527E8CD4D932F_## =
BEF635AEAFC06889_## = Melee
BEFEBAE536C89172_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Grakk + Trang phục Khô lâu đại tướng
Behavioral_score = Behavior Score
BF02BC939DAD7F65_## = Zanis
BF057AF30C0A5269_## =
bf07d19c34f5be7e = Arcana Page 1
BF08D7398E2DFB80_## = Unknown
BF09BA6F7E770F36_## = Shield Points
BF09E86B020D6DFC_## = Mage
BF09F0DAC5D4D4DB_## = (High defense - Close-range attacks)
BF1376C6CED848A8_## =
BF1638DDECEC750D_## = Thắng đấu hạng {C}/{T} lần
BF1A5A4D3CA41FA9_## =
BF1EF42EF20153F7_## =
BF23642DD6FDD8B7_## =
BF29608156F48490_## = Getting Stronger
bf29e45d92772c8b = Maloch is mustering his forces. We must stop him!
BF2BB370C7AD2FC3_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Ruby
BF2BB4E973B6C9ED_## = Trial Card: Try out Lu Bu's skin: Prom King for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
BF2BBD2D77CC7FCE_## = Normal Attack
BF2CF9F3E3948434_## = Every 3rd normal attack from Slimz gains a pierce effect
where both the target and enemies behind them take 130% of the normal
<color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>.
BF34B999E3000308_## = Omega
BF350FEF4A98CD31_## = You have<color=#f6bf17ff> a new task</color>, go check it
BF35D5591334DCAC_## = Butterfly
BF3AC9C1E1D97B56_## = Congratulations, you are now one step closer to becoming a
true hero!
BF3D0E06A486D8C2_## =
BF3F16D8CE740403_## =
BF3F5964CE429068_## =
BF40955535E7C660_## = Credibility Score Help
BF4226B0E18CA2AF_## =
BF44DECD33AEB759_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi để nhận ruby miễn phí
BF48BF3B04603BCB_## = Kill the<color=#f6bf17ff> Abyssal Dragon</color>.
BF4BEBE1BCA553CF_## = You can view the hero's background here.
BF4C97E75056244D_## =
BF576FA86FAF4E24_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
BF580A22A8D1AE5F_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
BF58179F779D3E00_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
BF59E869841733FC_## = Raise your Armor to shield your team in the fires of battle.
BF5A151E6FF474E5_## = Original
BF5B51261D101C1D_## =
BF5F46C677151A42_## =
BF653EAD70AE2F32_## = Ignis
BF663516918D8A3C_## = Death From Above
BF664CD960B288A3_## =
BF68B7B3A19DBC44_## = Quà sinh nhật từ chương trình Garena Membership
BF6AC7FB14B87863_## =
BF6BD4AC18C8D2CA_## =
BF791B0B2C952798_## = Tiêu 500 Quân Huy trong thời gian sự kiện để được tặng Vé
quay Kho báu miễn phí
BF7A0BB213500B07_## = Butterfly
BF7AAE5461F115CD_## = That all you got?
BF7C49686E76BE87_## = 7 日累積簽到
BF8BEA7505E3D1EC_## = Red Altar
BF8C2D86D6CC3528_## =
BF8D128BE5057F9E_## = Trial Card: Try out Butterfly's skin: Sailor for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
BF8DEAD0E3F9DD10_## = About <color=orange>35%</color> of all players currently
share this ranking.
BF8EEF5C68FA12EB_## =
BF900CBDA168BB98_## = All will be illuminated.
BF902F30835870BD_## = Bodhi
BF934FBB765BE31C_## = Chơi cùng bạn mỗi ngày, nhận Chìa khóa Nguyệt tộc
BF9394CCBA664B07_## = Sinh nhật Liên Quân (đăng nhập)
BF94B49564E8185A_## =
BF9734A206620A6F_## =
BF976F4255D9A37F_## =
BF9835B62C758A74_## = Wonder Woman builds up her energy and then slams her
bracelets together, unleashing an energy wave that deals {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies in
front of her and stunning them for 1 second. Wonder Woman and allies behind her
receive shields that absorb {2} <color=#ca3939>(+12% of her own maximum HP)</color>
damage for 3 seconds. Wonder Woman also increases her movement speed by 80% for 1
second. While she is building energy, Wonder Woman will receive high amounts of
damage reduction.
BF99D870144DADB7_## = Trial Card: Try out Mina's skin: Candycane
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
BF9D57E72945A89E_## =
BF9DDAD0B8A0B5A1_## = Trial Card: Try out Ilumia's skin: Ice Queen for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
BFA106D326A10D37_## =
BFA20C14C5563FB7_## = The Pixie
BFA561E55C1945DF_## =
BFA69DBA8D3E93A6_## = Grakk
BFA9B2EC45958440_## = Gem Pack
BFAC89C9E18EAC8B_## = Plunder
BFAC9077225EAA99_## =
BFB380E229E31774_## = Butterfly
BFBDC4383402D52A_## =
BFBFFF500671734F_## = The Flash channels the speed force and punches an enemy 5
times within 0.8 seconds, dealing {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color>
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> every time. The last punch deals double damage
and when it hits an enemy, grants The Flash an 80% movement speed increase that
weakens over 2 seconds.
BFC1556881F325F3_## = Thu thập 2 mảnh Chúc mừng năm mới và Mậu Tuất 2018 để đổi 6
trang phục miễn phí tùy chọn!
BFC1E54954EF55A1_## =
BFC2A55071B54E00_## = Wonder Woman
bfc82ffcd74ab08b = Upgrade your level.
BFC834F47D881F44_## = Ignis
BFCD6EBEB9AEB4CC_## = Open to obtain Lauriel and the Black Wing Skin
BFCFCE46E4FFA020_## = Lindis
BFD622E53327249B_## = Gildur
BFD7222017F0CFEB_## = Mage
BFD7DB1405E7B8A6_## =
BFD8348FA1FA5FF2_## =
BFDBAC39081E178D_## =
BFDBD240CC20F680_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Chơi game)
BFDBEA505E669C07_## = Max spins his robot arms around, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies.
Every time he hits an enemy, he increases his movement speed by {2}% (up to a
maximum of {3}%) for {4} seconds.
bfdc26187eb1157c = obsolete+bfdc26187eb1157c
BFE479EDB5801069_## = Melee
BFE54B6AD36687E0_## = 元旦登陆活动
BFE8ECAE267B7896_## = Lvl 2 Arcana Pack
BFED569F32D9820C_## =
BFED8314D4C140AE_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
BFF00C1F5E57C199_## =
BFF5FA5A0F27AF4D_## = Butterfly
BFF70DA84A84D313_## =
BFF743F9F4107BCA_## = Mở để nhận ngẫu nhiên từ 2 đến 5 Vé quay Kho báu!
BFF7CE8910ABDE3F_## =
BFF8522647A01EE2_## = Unique Passive - Dragon's Breath: Normal attacks deal
additional damage equal to 8% of target's current HP.
BFF908EC865E40C2_## =
BFF93A3C4159B949_## = Aleister
BigMap_Signal_Panel_Disappear = Missing
BigMap_Signal_Panel_OnWay = On my way
BigMap_Signal_Panel_Retreat = Defend
Bind_Facebook = Linked to Facebook
Bind_Facebook_Guide_SetHeadUrl = Tap here to change avatars
Bind_Facebook_Guide_Setting = Tap here to link your Facebook account
Bind_Facebook_Guide_Tips = Log in with your Facebook account to see which friends
are playing Liên Quân Mobile
Bind_Facebook_Link_Btn = Link now
Bind_Garena = Linked to Garena
Bind_Garena_Guide_Tips = Log in with your Facebook or Garena account to see which
of your friends are playing Liên Quân Mobile!
Bind_Kakao_Guide_Tips = Log in with your Kakao account to see which friends are
playing Liên Quân Mobile!
Bind_UserCancel = Account linking canceled.
BindTips_Lobby = Link Account
Black_BlockTip = Do you want to block <color=orange>{0}</color>? \n(You can unblock
this player in the <color=orange>Blacklist</color>).
Black_CancleBlockTip = Do you want to unblock <color=orange>{0}</color>?
Blacklist_Add_Tips = This player has been blocked. If this player is on your friend
list, they will be removed from your friend list as well.
Block_Successfully = Player muted.
BP_ChangeHero_Busy = This player is currently switching heroes with someone else.
BP_ChangeHero_Chanel = Refuse
BP_ChangeHero_Dis = Switch refused.
BP_ChangeHero_Mess = {0} wants to switch heroes with you.
BP_ChangeHero_OK = Switch
BP_Continue = The battle is about to resume
BP_Dummy_1 = BP_Dummy_1
BP_Dummy_10 = BP_Dummy_10
BP_Dummy_2 = BP_Dummy_2
BP_Dummy_3 = BP_Dummy_3
BP_Dummy_4 = BP_Dummy_4
BP_Dummy_5 = BP_Dummy_5
BP_Dummy_6 = BP_Dummy_6
BP_SureButton_1 = Ban
BP_SureButton_2 = Select
BP_TimeOut_Left = Pauses remaining:
BP_Tip_Dis_Hero = You cannot currently choose<color=orange> hero</color>.
BP_Tip_Dis_Skin = You cannot currently choose<color=orange> skin</color>.
BP_Title_1 = <size=34><color=#fa9696>Ban</color></size> hero
BP_Title_2 = <size=34><color=#fafa96>Choose</color></size> hero
BP_Title_3 = Final Adjustment
BuffReplaceName_CantBeSelected = Cannot be targeted
Bug_Feed_Back_Title = Bug Feedback
Bug_Feed_Back_URL = http://www.baidu.com
Burn_Box_Award = Burn_Box_Award_##
Burn_Buy_Count_Tip = obsolete+1e6110281338976d
Burn_Error_Find_Buff = Burn_Error_Find_Buff_##
Burn_Error_GetAward = Burn_Error_GetAward_##
Burn_Error_OutOfCount = Burn_Error_OutOfCount_##
Burn_Error_Progress = Burn_Error_Progress_##
Burn_Error_Reset = Burn_Error_Reset_##
Burn_Error_Settle_Failed = Burn_Error_Settle_Failed _##
Burn_Error_Show_Hero = Burn_Error_Show_Hero_##
Burn_Info_Coin = Gold
Burn_Info_Level = Level: {0}
Burn_Info_Name = obsolete+9f5a83adb0829795
Burn_Info_yuanzheng = Burn_Info_yuanzheng_##
Burn_Valid_Count = obsolete+fd52728c976b49e0
Buy_Coin_TimeNotEnough = You are out of purchases today.
Buy_For_Friend = {0} sent to friends
Buy_For_Friend_Success = Gift sent.
Buy_For_Friend_Tip = You can send Skins to friends when you reach
<color=#e7b135>level {0}</color>. Please make sure your friend does not have the
same Skin <color=#e7b135>before you send it</color>. Duplicated skins will be
transformed into Skin Tokens.
Buy_Ok = Purchased
Buy_Times = (Already purchased {0} times today)
Buy_Up_To_limi = You have already reached the limit.
Buy_Up_To_limit = You have already reached the limit.
BuyAct_BuyApSuccess = BuyAct_BuyApSuccess_##
BuyAct_BuySpSuccess = BuyAct_BuySpSuccess_##
BuyAct_Confirm = BuyAct_Confirm_##
BuyAct_NoMore = BuyAct_NoMore_##
BuyAct_NoSkillPoint = BuyAct_NoSkillPoint_##
BuyDianQuan = Buy Vouchers
BuyHero_Error_AlreadyHave = Hero obtained already
BuyHero_Error_Full = You cannot own more heroes.
BuyHero_Error_InitFail = Failed to receive first hero.
BuyHero_Error_Invalid = Cannot purchase this hero.
BuyHero_Error_Money = Not enough currency.
BuyHero_Error_Other = An error has occurred.
BuyHero_Error_WrongMethod = Purchase method error
BuyHero_Error_WrongSale = No promotion for purchase
BuyHero_Error_WrongTime = Hero not yet for sale
BuyJungleEquipWarning = Please select "Punish" as your Talent to purchase jungling
BuySkin_Error_AlreadyHave = Skin already obtained
BuySkin_Error_Dianjuan = Failed to pay by vouchers
BuySkin_Error_Invalid = Skin not yet for sale
BuySkin_Error_Money = Not enough currency.
BuySkin_Error_NoHero = Hero not found
BuySkin_Error_Other = Other error
BuySkin_Error_RankGrade = Ranking battles limit
BuySkin_Error_WrongMethod = Purchase method error
BuySkin_Error_WrongSale = No promotion for purchase
buySpecSaleFailed = You have already reached the daily purchase limit.
C004DBE1F1AF5CF6_## =
C006A9EBDBD8F71B_## = Use Divine Light and Banish together to trigger Ilumia's
passive. It will allow her to chain her attacks. Follow this up with Cataclysm to
keep up the offense. In a team fight, save Cataclysm for finishing.
C0154C7AE39AE0FE_## = Zuka
C01E9AD4BFCEACA1_## = 等級達到{T}級
C0200A6D73C6124E_## =
C020ED580C1B8147_## =
C0236220A9CC33C1_## = Grants a bonus to the weekly reward.
C0279A33B88CB59A_## = Open to receive the Snow Festival Special Skins: Snow Angel
and Snowsickle
C0317AD7796B67E3_## = Level 8 Chest
C0388C64FA024169_## = Melee
C03AD76621DB91D3_## = Rương Halloween may mắn I
C03BF1FD86535A64_## =
C03CE01D55E22FC4_## =
C03F0F4EF213DC00_## = 本週活動精選
C041ACA6875BC689_## =
C047DC4192825F11_## = Zanis
C0497914725351C4_## =
C04A784997C2539B_## =
C04C30D5CB847317_## = Unknown
c04fa5845bfa8b1b = c04fa5845bfa8b1b_##
C0508EFDB1ED6521_## =
C0509B19CAA32B3A_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
C05719C5A3A26690_## =
C05C0F8023DA6AD3_## =
C063A76D91A2DA7C_## = Trial Card: Try out Butterfly's skin: Sailor
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
c0672a70f57ec9cb = c0672a70f57ec9cb_##
C06E9FB858AD8FAF_## = Losing Team MVP
C06FF6301CF08ADF_## =
C07199A2C8EB93C6_## = Armageddon
C074452A686E648E_## =
C075CDF39D750CE3_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK {C}/{T}
C076B3D15A1E20A5_## = OK
C076C991DBDA3D9C_## =
C077B6019D112C6D_## =
C079337D3A4C48E3_## =
C07CAD6EC8F178C0_## = Tỉnh Quảng Ninh
C07D6FE9D802A3D8_## =
C084C8634CF75565_## =
C08548CB7C754EE2_## = Mở để nhận 1 ngọc lục cấp 3 (ngẫu nhiên)
C085E45A195C05CF_## = Tướng Natalya và trang phục Quà quái quỷ
C0889B821865449A_## =
C089E0850DCCBC8F_## = Cơ hội sở hữu tướng và toàn bộ các trang phục đã ra mắt của
Nakroth chỉ với 15 Quân Huy
C08B4C460355590F_## = Trial Card: Try out Rourke's skin: Captain Kraken for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
C08DEB0F315DDE2D_## =
C091E5103E3A59DE_## =
C09279A7F0C47E6B_## =
c093630fd39e10e4 = Turn on\nCooldown
C09483978B48549E_## = Chúc mừng năm mới (Đăng nhập)
C09561A70A4BCC85_## =
C095906A5F3BC6F6_## =
c0959d5e98b50dc4 = c0959d5e98b50dc4_##
C097AD34BA083154_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
C0987D2CE16376CA_## = Ignis
C0992E295E16D61A_## =
C09A776659A6D4C4_## = Trial Card: Try out Valhein's skin: Nethra for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
C09AD07F23A4BBF6_## = Attack
C09C56E7D4FEB3ED_## =
C09E91B05807848F_## =
C0A046D6F4446833_## =
C0A7FB93CACCD36B_## = 7 日累積簽到
c0aba44901b200ea = c0aba44901b200ea_##
C0AF0C7BB4EBFB72_## =
C0B137958A3EB78A_## = Rương ngọc Xạ thủ
C0B1CE4F3499A2BE_## = Unknown
C0B35D7B8401EE10_## =
C0B4D8AE71252D8A_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
C0B61B30AAFA622A_## =
C0B6906810E04B76_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Preyta) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
C0B85C860162A533_## =
C0B86C72F3B80B27_## = Trial Card: Try out Lauriel's skin: Black Wing for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
C0BAAF388EA5A91F_## = Attack Damage +0.6 \nHP +36
C0C35F73362B1E46_## = Occupy the base.
C0CD15A389A0633E_## =
C0CDFF8DFF8C926D_## = Airi
C0D078D8F00BC297_## =
C0D1712AA1E69C6D_## = Medium Arcana Pack
C0D65A768C618312_## =
C0D86F14A102AAD9_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu với bạn - Tết đến rồi của bạn, xin
mời kiểm tra!
C0DB490A34E48C2F_## =
C0DBF0EEC435E472_## = Warrior
C0DD1B1266A309CC_## = Trial Card: Try out Natalya's skin: Snow Festival for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
C0DE671677089849_## = Trial Card: Try out Preyta for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this Hero.
C0DEA9D3DF93DE78_## =
C0DF5CB97E6E09DB_## =
C0DF65B1AAF797A8_## = Nhận khi lần đầu nạp 35 Quân Huy trong thời gian từ 1/11 -
28/11. Sử dụng để đổi trang phục trong phần sự kiện
C0DFFFEF9B915739_## = Share trang phục nhận quà Giáng sinh
C0E0EA875850D4D7_## = Quy đổi ngọc đỏ cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
c0e3273c7eb16ae = OK
C0E4FFF6ECBDEB63_## = Unknown
C0E5483D8ACE4D36_## =
C0E594CDB2BAA484_## = Rương may mắn Mortos
C0EA45BB599CC91A_## = Original
C0EDF6F8FB4A4E18_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
C0EE135A4C366C88_## = MVP
C0EED0AB59521073_## =
C0F1C61E8955A874_## = Flying Dragon
C0F2514586F27147_## = Trial Card: Try out Cresht's skin: Sharkover
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
C0F4ECA165D53683_## =
C0FD3954BBD93BCE_## = Raz Value Pack
C0FE18C7E26B36A1_## = Your current Credibility Score is <color=#55f26c>{0}</color>.
<color=#62b7ff>You will not be able to join Ranked Matches if your score falls
below |2|.</color>
C101CAAE025A9799_## = Xeniel selects an ally hero to bless with {0}% damage
reduction for 3 seconds as he soars into the air towards the ally hero's location
at the time of casting. After 2.2 seconds, Xeniel crashes down in the target area
dealing {1} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{2})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to
nearby enemies, while also healing the ally hero for 15% of their maximum HP and
increasing Xeniel's movement speed by 40% for 3 seconds.
C103909524F7246D_## =
C10550F204F48D1C_## = Arum
C1064F5E1DE5EE4D_## = Devil
c10b8ed97d0c0ef2 = Valhein's Ultimate: Bullet Storm
C10E4603FEE195BA_## =
C1112092788DFF0F_## = Trial Card: Try out Yorn's skin: Ghost Samurai for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
C1117661D1116DD4_## =
C111E34540053936_## = Cooldown
C113583B4429F540_## =
C114184B62C60CFD_## = Trial Card: Try out Taara for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already obtained this Hero.
C118B1ED566A4562_## = Cresht
C1194F8D001BE76F_## =
C11A150E1357735E_## = There are Marks of the Wind nearby to be triggered.
C11AF6A3E3652A39_## =
C12013579BFA2E98_## =
C120516FBD466A4D_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
C121380923EDB4F7_## = Xiếc cung đình
C12367B5716F7BF8_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
C12742E5FA8D7A3B_## =
C127D17A52F10FD4_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
C128FB2FB7BCC8E9_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Tím)
C12CC08525C4B2F4_## =
C12CD358F5B86C07_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
C12D0C277340B5D1_## =
C12DF705C87FB2C2_## = Our system has detected that at {3}:{4}:{5} on {0}/{1}/{2}
your teammate, <color=#ffd700>{6}</color>, abandoned or remained idle in a match.
This player has received a warning and been punished. Please maintain good conduct
in the game.
C13A421C724D4D7A_## = 7 日累積簽到
C13AEB79B9803A86_## =
C13BE23BD0A214CE_## = Devil's Handshake
C13D98897333EEF6_## = Long Range
C141164351BD35FA_## = Tribal Chief
C14730E073F35FC7_## = Unknown
C14A6102A0D2B087_## =
C14B5AFB2E49F739_## = Veera
c14e32392ce90448 = c14e32392ce90448_##
C15393EDE3363A9D_## =
C1544C380D1DA78F_## =
c15b3e9f1fd57418 = Save to device
C15C0DEC111C005A_## = 好友大作战
C15F09BD85907FAC_## = 登录送春季皮肤宝箱
C161C479E0CF9BF6_## =
C1620421232FAB04_## = Trial Card: Try out Zuka's skin: Dragon Master for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
C16335484127A87B_## =
C163C39C5F21EB06_## = Trial Card: Try out Astrid for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color>
day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
C16617BD8BAFA815_## = Lauriel summons the divine light, dealing {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to enemies. The
path lights up shortly after and deals the same amount of <color=#8e91fd>magic
damage</color> again.
C16709A595600F78_## = 独立日宝箱-纳克罗斯介绍
C169BF7577BBC0AD_## = Nethra
C16C11A4D2F0DAE4_## = Original
C16EB761A79F8632_## = Enter<color=#f6bf17ff> Standard Mode</color>
C16F9CC4AE9936D7_## =
c171052ae71aa997 = (obtained already)
C171D78402924CCA_## = Quy đổi ngọc lục cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
C172B42E7C9792B2_## =
C17553CB52F25C69_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
C1755943E237929B_## =
c178cfae594bd2df = Ability's name
C178F1A734F36362_## =
C17AC04D52C266C4_## =
C17DADB23897DE74_## =
C1823736A54629CC_## = Trial Card: Try out Moren's skin: Wrecking
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
C1831E0ABE6681A4_## = Technoblade Level 6
C1857B125120B8ED_## = Furious Charge
C187737DE2D2E75B_## =
C18874061A41BC37_## = "Do you want to live or die?"\n\nMina opened her mouth to
answer, but couldn't utter a word. The hunger from two days without food and the
effects of drugs infused with dark magic were constantly eating away at what was
left of her mind.\n\nMganga looked down upon Mina with satisfaction. He could tell
that she was nearing the breaking point. The experiment far exceeded his
expectations. "You must hold on just a little longer, my dear," Mganga said while
putting away the equipment, "one more day, and you shall be reborn." However, he
failed to notice the growing cracks on the straps which had Mina bound.\n\n"Your
turn now. Do you want to live or die?"\n\nMganga was caught off guard by the voice
behind him. "It's not time yet… how did you…" Mina's scythe was upon him before he
could finish, but Veera, who had been watching in silence, finally made her move as
her slender hand effortlessly pushed away the scythe. Mina's savage eyes softened
before Veera's charm.\n\nVeera was happy with the results, and Mganga got the
reward he deserved. As for Mina… her identity and unspeakable secrets were buried
together with the remains of the lab, and the Mina that bows before Veera now is
the Reaper Queen.\n\n"Only the living fear death."
c18913aa4a6dc06 = +
C18C700F43FECB7D_## =
C18DEE22EABB0867_## = 限時充值送好禮(test)
C18F373EF36F0111_## =
C19021B5117ACC12_## = Guild Officer
C1908DDAFE14D2BE_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
C1918A1A9708E4E4_## =
C191F7828C74A22D_## =
C192549AB51F73B3_## =
C192636F148DD36F_## = Drawing "First Blood" in a match earns the killer extra gold.
C1934E26EEBE6237_## = Buffs
C1936589111FEBE9_## = Mana Regen +10
C193A524760F2605_## =
C19496C77E484F34_## = Neon
C1962493A445F1E3_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK để nhận ruby miễn phí (Đấu
C196A42C969FD81A_## =
C19AAE9548B1EC98_## =
C19C77D9A5D54ECB_## = Quy đổi ngọc lục cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
C1A245D2AA3407A5_## = Nature's Rally
C1A891786E0A58EC_## =
C1AAF46BEC980E82_## = 打开有机会获得马洛斯英雄,马洛斯皮肤幽暗冥王,英雄皮肤体验卡,碎片及钻石
C1AC294508531AA7_## =
C1ACB4ED4FC3EEB4_## = Gói 50% KM Alice + skin
C1AE6F59B24AE640_## = Open to receive 100 gems
C1B187520658AA99_## =
C1BB4099E7145B26_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Maloch) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
C1BC29CE164D12D9_## = Đây là phần thưởng Săn mục tiêu lớn của bạn, xin mời kiểm
C1BF95D90547F15F_## = Lustrous
C1BFEA9266A27339_## = Đấu với bạn - Tết đến rồi
C1C02E933C63D4C0_## =
c1c3e2d12e43985a = Own Team
C1C6F9E2FED0F669_## = Trial Card: Try out Lindis for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this hero.
C1CB096B112682B2_## = Melee
C1CDA8B9B74FCDE9_## = Mở để nhận ngẫu nhiên combo thẻ thử tướng và trang phục 3
C1CF923408A45AD8_## =
C1D17EB2274E8EBB_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
C1D2066721DF5F92_## = Could you please buy me this gift?
C1D2D486E25BF6BF_## = Trial Card: Try out Preyta's skin: Leviathan
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
C1D59EC9B1F5EDD1_## = Butterfly
C1D7261ACE4FC231_## =
C1DD6BD54ED1A236_## =
C1DE72D7420D9899_## = Monkey Business
c1dfad0812d86257 = c1dfad0812d86257_##
C1DFBB460557C693_## =
C1E09C276CC6E339_## = Original
C1E4D1B7839D93EB_## = Hộp quà Đặc biệt
C1E6EE5679E2F4D6_## =
C1E704C1033A06C0_## =
c1e7eda4eb163c62 = Selected message
C1E8A9029C1D849C_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Skud {C}/{T} lần
C1EBE6AEBD3B0C93_## =
C1EE32BC3653E90F_## = 签到图片
C1EEC26663E13E4D_## =
C1F03A180D1C2987_## =
c1f3f608c002541f = Trial Card
C1F4CB13FD79E6C5_## = Trial Card: Try out Batman's skin: Hellbat for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
C1FA041A42FA33CF_## =
C1FABF3947A0DC5A_## = Tỉnh Đắk Nông
C1FCAD635694383A_## = Defense
C203F5F1B88336C2_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mừng xuân Đinh Dậu, lì xì đầy tay: Mở
hầu bao! của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
C20429A326A22F09_## = Skud
C20F40F92073EE6B_## =
C213F392B155B757_## =
C2148182C7E1C8DF_## =
C21497C81D50BCEB_## =
C21565DD1AA83C98_## =
C2184786C841F1BA_## = Level 23 Chest
C21942396EC50C3A_## =
C2199E305CD24EE2_## = Platinum
C21C3D1A6FB0D213_## = Send an arrow through the enemy's armor
C221ED7DC01B914C_## =
C223992FDC54055D_## =
C225BCF6171E8B0A_## =
C226076FC6A71FB7_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Lauriel)
C229CBE2174E30E8_## =
C229D0F55108273C_## = Đây là phần thưởng Phá trụ nhận quà của bạn, xin mời kiểm
C22D36911CBE3BFB_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
C230FF9A3343D95A_## =
C23176738F93F0CE_## =
C233DF82345B4B01_## = Trial Card: Try out Arthur's skin: Catacombs
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
C23546CD7AB76210_## = Arthur
C235D3F892E815B5_## = <blankspace89>
C23784001109FEE9_## = Mage
C23AC728A5FD1A79_## = Gnoll Cleaver
C2405646D3CA8C99_## =
C2422EBF96810933_## = Trial Card: Try out Natalya's skin: Snow Festival for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
C2424E9701B1E125_## = Đây là phần thưởng Cáo siêu thanh Fennik! của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
C24528A70E060571_## = "Giương cung bạt kiếm - Chiếm người yêu - Duyên này có biết
duyên gì hay không?"
C2463DC162F3FE3A_## = Sap
C24753C9F03F7D33_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nTướng vĩnh viễn
(Zill) / Thẻ thử tướng Zill (1 ngày) / Mảnh tướng
C24B54015DF6197F_## = Smite
C24DD8112F6C4AB0_## = 签到图片
C24EE492D958D134_## = 签到图片
C24F8DE77FEC820A_## = Base Damage
C2528FB92977A8B4_## = Lunar Bunny
C255AC2935DBA0E5_## = Trial Card: Try out Cresht for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
C255D2515CB38209_## =
C25C51A1DF2F9C24_## =
C25D314EE19809F4_## =
C25F0F05DFD951AC_## = Login bonus
C261CA7CFB86ACD5_## = Trial Card: Try out Wukong's skin: Agent for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
C2626A31FFA5A94E_## =
C268CDAD5EF68372_## =
C26F06C136618F47_## = Peura does not deal much damage but she plays an important
role in protecting her team. She performs best with an ally nearby. Use Nature's
Rally after the enemy has used up their control abilities.
C2753097704DB86C_## =
C2756A894515F48F_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
C276C1ECF2F52ED9_## = Veera's Mesmerize has a limited range, so you should be very
careful when you use it. It is best to position Veera as far as possible from the
enemy when in a team fight.
C279955561DE6955_## =
C279D11F547DF721_## =
C279D2E630B270CC_## = Burst, Damage Dealer
C27B9A487ED555A5_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Tel'Annas {C}/{T} lần
C27E3B538D137E42_## = Zephys' passive allows him to keep fighting even with very
low HP. Purchase equipment that boosts his survivability. Death's Flurry causes a
lot of damage, but make sure to aim it properly to deal as much damage as possible
to multiple enemies.
C27E8CBD23613F06_## =
C2810BCB75A7F719_## = Kahlii
C281EAAD3C2C163B_## =
C28353D8EFD79E3B_## =
C284D970B237B56A_## =
C285E55D98E79643_## = I'll scout the Dark Slayer!
C2860C8C9EEE662E_## =
C28C452C0AA4D3A1_## =
C28C660758EC06DD_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Mortos để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
C28C7C270B0BA838_## = Cooldown
C2901B4F96823B58_## = Not Available
C292470A096329FA_## =
C2941015CB194685_## =
C2947C45790F8971_## = Nakroth
C296DF5880AC5153_## =
c2974804627872ab = Enter Message
C2974C496CC169F2_## = Ilumia
C29E118E3F4DBE88_## =
C2A0CF3CDDC5A437_## =
C2A3AE303A13B07C_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Zuka {C}/{T} lần
C2A4721245A1CE13_## = Survivability, Sustained Damage
C2A80C2935AA3BE5_## = Đổi quà tặng, nhận rương may mắn Valentine
C2AA071BFE40D9A3_## = Nhận ngẫu nhiên 2-10 Ruby
C2AC1D11844C470C_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Raz)
C2AD2144413782FD_## =
C2AE3483F5D15002_## =
C2AFD684D49CB57A_## =
C2B16D6010919982_## = Awesome! You have earned a lot of
<color=#f6bf17ff>coins</color>. Why don't you buy more powerful new equipment?
C2B261E7E30B1A10_## = Gunslinger
C2B63F9F779B76AE_## = Arduin
C2B788B4EA1E18AB_## = Thu thập Rương khóa bí ẩn để đổi thưởng hấp dẫn từ ngày
C2B99FFB0C88CAC6_## = 本週活動精選
C2B9C0C87D8CA420_## = Know your enemy like you know yourself.
C2BA0D8E6C612138_## = Do you need a friend?
C2BC4DAE0A3313F6_## =
C2C28F9FA3C8180D_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
C2C2F4DCEB5C12A6_## = Trial Card: Try out Alice for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
C2C67E97080238BA_## =
C2C6C72FDDE1FD8B_## =
C2C7124EA0709F6E_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận đấu hỗn loạn
C2C9BC1C4887BC12_## = Open for a chance to receive Arthur, the Catacombs skin, or
other items
C2C9D1EB768310E7_## =
C2CB92920BAA1FCE_## = Level 6 Activity Rewards
C2D376B5CE3C510D_## =
C2D3CC5AC249AA42_## = Unknown
C2DA469481A8DA3F_## = 7 日累積簽到
C2DA49F332AC556E_## =
C2DB62C05678E323_## =
C2DB8A2A43C0FA5C_## = Thirst
C2DC1EC1833B861F_## =
C2DE2DD7DC87E64D_## =
C2DED86EEDB56F28_## =
C2DF320BB3ABC7CC_## = Unknown
C2EB79AA220BADEC_## = Tagger
C2EBB90300932C3E_## =
C2ED213D0C6F198A_## = Sage Golem
C2EE4E384F6C7BBC_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
C2F20B242B059104_## =
C2F48317AB335810_## = Rương mảnh ngọc
C2F5C3F72BEC08B4_## = Max
C2F5E48F7D5C72F0_## = The Kunoichi
C2F6EE07895B3404_## =
C2F6FFD50A025A18_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
C2F7E1AE058C4C76_## = Use voice chat.
C2F9ABDC51D51A59_## =
C2FCD2EE2FEC4777_## =
C2FD088A2EA495D0_## = Tulen
C2FE5244B80AB2C5_## = New skin model
C2FFC6506D038E7F_## =
C30149566AD166C8_## = Thợ săn tiền thưởng
C304E5399AA13855_## = Trial Card: Try out Zanis for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this Hero.
C30858BD8C35BD50_## =
C30898C1C3110EDF_## = Tích lũy tiêu Quân huy để có cơ hội sở hữu trang phục Grakk
Chàng gấu tuyết cực hiếm\nLưu ý: không áp dụng với QH tiêu từ Shop Tế đàn và các
shop đặc biệt khác
C30DB042D1C5CA67_## = 好友大作战
C30FC7F7EC6D6399_## = Tank
C31116D71B7C5498_## =
C313D3DF6D326187_## =
c3146b5338bbdde3 = Medium
C31649BC5C346ADB_## = Original
C31707A1D9E3A0E6_## =
C31AB99F2064A0A0_## = 好友大作战
C31AD1C3A28AB95B_## = Shield Increase
C31D698E50F34464_## =
C31EC2A304DA522E_## = Every time The Flash moves 4 units, he will receive one stack
of speed force. Upon reaching 10 stacks, The Flash will activate the speed force,
strengthening his next normal attack while dashing forward. He also temporarily
reduces his target's movement speed by {0}% and deals <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color>
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>. When he hits his target, he gains a shield of
{2} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{3})</color>.
C31FF18AFBBC06E3_## = Cooldown Speed +10% \n[Movement Speed +60]
C32183636B93F504_## = The Joker
C323245311019F93_## = Rare Nakroth Skin: Demonic
C32571A1EA2EC851_## = Limited Event Gift
C325D5570B69E9F3_## =
C326FF76411DD593_## =
C32718DDDC1BBEF2_## =
C32755DF040E3D64_## = Let me at 'em! Let me at 'em!
C3283C6645677557_## = Defend the base!
C329E47448E515F5_## = Lì Xì may mắn
C32A45151D72654F_## = Long Range
C3360B782FDF545D_## = Dark Slayer
C337BC399E019E03_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
C338FA0005CF4F67_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Maloch + trang phục Ác quỷ dạ tiệc
C33A2C39420DCA02_## =
C33AC4EB074D9857_## = <color=#00d5ff>Mission:</color>\nDefeat the<color=#d8aa1a>
Sage Golem</color>
C33B76E83520B6C5_## =
C341371BB5027662_## =
C348CB89EE71C6E9_## =
C34A13983EE40645_## = I am the executor of the divine will.
C34E70F92F704321_## = Usually, 2 heroes go to the top lane,\n1 to the middle,\nand
2 to the bottom.
C34EF5EB9C0FE98F_## = 消费金币得红包
C35730BDBF8FB7A0_## = Assassin
C359BE40CEFE938A_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK để nhận ruby miễn phí (Đấu
C363C8EF627E4EE1_## = Thành phố Hà Nội
c3679ab9a06786ee = Challenger,
C36961C3EF173062_## =
C36E1714B6683DB5_## =
C36F25E840224282_## = Cooldown
C371D6C8B771FBE9_## =
C3721533172F15EA_## = Trial Card: Try out Zanis for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
C373D012CA0BD3D3_## = Tulen
C374665BB3669A09_## = Nether Drake
C3796CA2CCA5C9D9_## =
C3805F216747D70D_## = Samsara
C383932F4BAACB65_## = Combo thẻ thử 3n
C38639B4D3B14338_## = 消费点券活动
C38687A42F31498D_## =
C387F369E8E525EF_## = Trang phục Murad: M-TP Thần tượng học đường
c3880701ff22f0ba = Voice server not connected.
C38AED4D6324DB29_## = Xeniel
C38C593AFF5E407E_## =
C38DDF6FCF7091AA_## = Unknown
C38F0744FAF7C28E_## =
C39631F7C08DE54D_## = Platinum III
C399F4837AE38F37_## =
C39A56302CA6905F_## =
C39FC32B63F5DB08_## =
C3A03536A503900A_## =
C3A137F48D1C0389_## = Malleus
C3A41025E3213457_## =
C3A4ACBAE992B1A2_## = Survivability, Control
C3AA1B8A2A8CDC63_## =
C3ADA1F0F800756C_## =
C3B0DDF68ACB6071_## = Become a Master
C3B13AE3344491A0_## =
C3B5550579FEE7D0_## = Số lần tham gia 5V5 {C}/{T}
C3B73FCB3291E229_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Lauriel {C}/{T} lần
C3BE6DAD300DCDCF_## = Trial Card: Try out TeeMee's skin: Ringmaster
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have
this skin.
C3BF9AE498A83B34_## =
C3C6A736F35D2957_## = Ryoma Skin:Gunslinger
C3CB0835BF39AD79_## = Love Sworn
C3CCD9820A9F6797_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
C3CE2F082573278B_## = Temporal Turbulence can only be triggered by landing
continuous normal attacks, so focus and make sure all those attacks make contact.
Triggering Murad's passive gives him a burst in damage output, so make sure he is
not under any control effects when it's about to trigger.
C3D08F29472DF48B_## =
C3D3F17CB4A034B7_## = Unknown
C3D76E56A3C67B12_## =
C3D909D49887875C_## =
C3DCADC0879C5B98_## =
C3DD27457E1B1262_## = Veera
C3E1155A61B2E9F2_## =
C3E45226D54C500E_## = Not Available
C3E491CD1BED625F_## =
C3E6F26FFF2E7E64_## =
C3E84FBC8F7B09A1_## = Tiêu Quân Huy - nhận ưu đãi
C3EB775C34899144_## = Đây là phần thưởng Top up get extra spin ticket của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
C3ED0D82E31B3FFC_## =
C3EE3FC208D71B99_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Skud) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
C3F583B8A836CF06_## = Zanis
C3F68833C4F16438_## =
C3F742E33D0688CB_## = Support
C3F9B08396A9125C_## = Ormarr
C3F9C0BF62616F80_## = Sleeker than ever.
C3FA948F7E96E85C_## = Fennik
C3FBB51EA3CA7534_## =
C4012BCDEB322137_## = Thu thập Rương khóa bí ẩn để đổi thưởng hấp dẫn từ ngày
C40390B6A93324B8_## = Rankbreaker
C404B2C79DE551B1_## = 签到图片
C405633BD6D1DE0D_## = Cooldown
C407D7A944D8D112_## =
C4084CE769FC9CD1_## =
C409CA01EBAF14BD_## = Bumblebee
C40B0646CF9C1E66_## = Tel'Annas
C40DB4E8890AC730_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Giờ vàng)
C40E8DF67BB114F6_## =
C410BD182B83D235_## = Omega's abilities deal full damage to structures.
C41A8F404FE937A0_## = Unknown
C41D9A188202A00D_## = Trial Pack 2
C41D9F3EF8237C2B_## =
C41E989CA7011D1E_## =
C420671733835FDE_## = Thu thập 2 mảnh Chúc mừng năm mới và Mậu Tuất 2018 để đổi 7
trang phục miễn phí tùy chọn!
C421F5344864B95D_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK {C}/{T}
C426B7E776250C1D_## = Rương may mắn tháng 4
C428603CA3DAC302_## =
C42FDC6D73C59500_## =
C4300C68D0FC759B_## = Embers
c430129ebdccc2e9 = c430129ebdccc2e9_##
C4325ECAFA492C17_## =
C433AD258637306F_## =
C43438EC70E95977_## = Base Damage
C43714555946BBCC_## = Moren
C4379B42304E0E3B_## =
C437BB2B6902FEBF_## = Get {0} [/0:$(kill|kills)/] in a single match
C438281863F7B363_## =
C4388866C7FBAA79_## = Structure
C43AF90C5E7041DA_## =
c43d978aa6fa96a0 = c43d978aa6fa96a0_##
C43DB6EB29E0ABD6_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Ignis {C}/{T} lần
C4403B846AB8FB31_## =
C440899505BE5FB5_## = Mage
C44D1239AD60D409_## = Combo Lauriel Bí ngô
C451384B1D60D82F_## = Tăng 50% Exp Đấu Hạng 5v5
C451873017251051_## = Arthur summons divine blades that circle around him, dealing
{0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#7FFFD4>(+{2})</color>
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> per hit for 5 seconds.
C45340B2149BE55E_## =
C4550D996FE99751_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
C456ED65F947007C_## =
C458FA53D786ECEA_## = (Deals consistent damage through rapid normal attacks)
C45A8EA90F0F229B_## =
C45F076138CB27B8_## =
C45FAA1B16C52AF2_## =
C462422B64A5D31B_## = Sustained Damage
C46346E59E6829D3_## = 签到图片
C46451118497627E_## = Reinforce
C465CB6F2404751D_## =
C46905633050A762_## =
C46B7D79485EBBD8_## = Don
C46F902455D38AA6_## = Unknown
C474CC5AE2C0B24F_## = Original
C47585740EA6385C_## =
C4773F5CB7D2C06D_## = 好友大作战
C47C9708A21AAFE4_## = Who's the real boss here?!?
C47E1B6461B0A352_## = Fatal Scythe
C47ED836E2B42FC2_## =
C47F0E501858513D_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với The Joker {C}/{T} lần
C48089A19284AE4F_## =
C481DF4A6FD388F5_## = Cooldown
C4821BEFB2DC28C9_## =
Đăng nhập mỗi ngày để nhận mảnh ghép năm mới và đổi lấy cơ hội sở hữu bộ đôi tran
g phục giới hạn Long kỵ sĩ và Nghệ nhân Lân!
C484BCBCDF7906B9_## = Quy đổi ngọc đỏ cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
C486AA8CEA7907B3_## = Base Damage
C48B3B7D818A0572_## = Limited-time offer
C48D0FBE9E95F557_## = The fires of hell will consume the world.
C48E42E7F9AE9BBD_## = Triumphant
C48E5D2292279096_## =
C490BF169D8EE593_## = <blankspace89>
C4960BEEEF94E169_## = mở để nhận một thẻ thử trang phục ngẫu nhiên (3 ngày)
C49B5CF0F18CBCB9_## =
C49D7F8E8A1973C0_## = The Awoken Mech
C49F5BA74118C271_## =
C4A07DC16486CBEE_## = Li'l Red
C4A0BF52C3C17346_## = 击杀魔龙
C4A1F9B5777B3894_## = Đây là phần thưởng 26.11 - Tích lũy chiến công của bạn, xin
mời kiểm tra!
C4A73B908D2C741E_## =
C4ADE6339EBC47DB_## =
C4AEB066B169401A_## = Superman uses his ice breath to generate a blizzard that
deals {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to
enemies and slows their movement speed by 50% for 1 second.\n\nIf in Flight mode,
Superman rams into enemies, dealing {2} <color=#ca3939>(+{3})</color>
<color=#ca3939>(12% of maximum HP)</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>,
and then fires his heat vision, dealing an additional {4}
<color=#f18d00>(+{5})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>.
C4B58A8B1C51280F_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin: End Zone
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
C4BF2BA512875022_## = Open to get 2-5 ruby
C4BFE0DA91A885E2_## =
C4D2BA7AB79CB28B_## =
C4D58F0DC39BDE42_## = Combo thẻ thử tướng và trang phục Nakroth 1 ngày
C4D71DFC4E723EBB_## =
C4D760D83A584569_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
C4D7BB63D18B5FEE_## = Value pack contains the heroes: Omega, Preyta, and Azzen'Ka
C4DF1FF947048486_## =
C4DF6CA0F5EB00C5_## = Base Damage
C4E86DD9A31E9774_## =
C4E90A2DDE903F77_## = 7 日累積簽到
C4E9CD0203D28EFD_## =
C4ECDB51F75BE725_## = Đây là phần thưởng Quẩy cùng anh em! của bạn, xin mời kiểm
C4EF0084E0C821EB_## = Necklace of Vitality
c4f045c436f5290e = c4f045c436f5290e_##
C4F1B3F66DA73FB3_## =
C4F408904A845A82_## = Trial Card: Try out Lumburr for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
C4F4A13187E07EE8_## =
C4F6A4B55A505C9F_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Ilumia để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
C4FF4BB0F5EF4C37_## =
C502CE787BBC048B_## = Dagger
C503907D16D435A3_## = Unknown
C505DEDB5118B449_## = Violet
C50731C6E9E164E1_## =
C50AB9B7CC51BCD1_## = Crowd Control Immunity
C50B7805A501DEAC_## = Mganga
C50C03805784747A_## = Max
C50EC43BEA2DBCD3_## =
C50F4329F70DB71A_## =
C51006F7507174A6_## = Pain on a Stick
C51790D5788CDA42_## = Mail of Pain
C51C57A5B7D17C70_## = Every {0} seconds, dealing damage to an enemy hero triggers
Zuka's Chi, increasing his attack damage by 14/15.5/17/18.5/20% (occurs at Level
1/4/7/10/13) for the next {1} seconds.
C52598284142B329_## =
C52E419F5B01E629_## = Butterfly
C52E9DAEB24379C6_## = Marksman
C52F3AB70C9EFEA5_## = Nakroth
C53374D5C7605C16_## = Thu thập 2 mảnh Chúc mừng năm mới và Mậu Tuất 2018 để đổi 5
trang phục miễn phí tùy chọn!
C5352B16D4EDB43F_## =
C5364724B3D69608_## = Every 10 seconds, Skud's next normal attack deals an
additional <color=#ca3939>20%</color> damage, restores {0}
<color=#ca3939>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>(+4% of his maximum HP)</color> HP
and {2} <color=#37adc7>(+3% of his lost mana)</color> mana. Each normal attack
also reduces the cooldown of this ability by 1 second.
C5388BC2C982FCDE_## =
C539F726C79B196A_## = Rương Nữ thần
C53F766E8D782B73_## = Chơi bản đồ 5v5 Miền đất hứa (Thường & Hạng) để nhận ruby
miễn phí
C542EF8C7C247D3B_## =
C54E82B62C8B4133_## = Đây là phần thưởng Vô Địch ARAM của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
C55104FA56BE2CDF_## = Valhein
C552B44CCAEE1575_## = Đấu trường đỉnh cao
C5566F7513C0C91C_## = Tiêu thụ nhận thưởng
C556F88DF88A995C_## = Viper
C55DEE63249B9534_## = When Wisp's HP reaches 0, she ejects all of her remaining
bombs, dealing {0} <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> and slowing enemy
movement speed by 25% for 1.5 seconds. If multiple bombs damage the same enemy,
subsequent bombs only deal 50% damage.
C55F5E510927B9A9_## =
C56281736049A426_## =
C567AEF2C45664BF_## = Level 19 Chest
C571664F2984A2E5_## =
C572021A8AE113FB_## = Unique Passive - Twilight: Normal attacks gain additional
magic damage equal to 20% of the hero's ability power.
C5724E1A902E878F_## = Trang phục đón xuân
C579F2BB17DCA883_## = Man of Steel
C57D859B442970C8_## =
C57DD632ACC2EDA3_## =
C57F7E9D0D0B3615_## =
C5815763D1D53325_## = Fennik + Nhà thám hiểm
C588B9A983674D72_## = Rương siêu thích khách
C5894BC9BAA898E9_## =
C58A4CB46B9B9E06_## =
C58DAD3F30F4A1A1_## = 参与 5V5
C58FEF0310DCC246_## =
C591B9355CC41282_## =
C59281E41E654446_## =
C592BBDC886B2C70_## =
C59894327DCC9694_## =
C598DA153B4304EF_## = Burst
C59DAAC927D23030_## =
C59DCF3790208C8E_## =
C5A75952D8FBF136_## =
c5a9bca04ed50355 = Most Assists
C5AC09FE4180CA78_## = Butterfly
C5AC6AE2B30BBEA3_## = Butterfly
C5B29E30CE552BB3_## = Trial Card: Try out Kahlii for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color>
day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
C5B4A555C0C3588B_## = Whirlwind
C5B8327BFC37AF25_## =
C5BB69E33AF070FD_## =
C5C283138AC460EA_## = Slimz
c5c8e1397673037b = c5c8e1397673037b_##
C5C908A364050F9F_## =
C5C9812F9306F6EB_## =
C5CDA4F708C51A5A_## =
C5CFA0DF7CB96173_## = This is a beat'em up, right?
C5D177DAA8EFF6D1_## =
C5D83F6D47FC8EFE_## = obsolete+b87df19426194b44
C5D8B51AC032B138_## = Tích lũy điểm hạ gục trong chế độ 5v5 thường mỗi ngày,để
nhận Chìa khóa Nguyệt tộc
C5DAFC8126F1DFDB_## =
C5DF546A54C14B52_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Raz + trang phục Đại tù trưởng
C5DF949E799104B1_## =
C5E21175BBBC7501_## = 签到图片
C5E37C95BDFB239D_## =
C5E417069FF494F5_## = Cuộc chiến cứ điểm
C5E81CA9A521E399_## =
C5EA71E6A787D925_## =
C5EE205E81D067C4_## =
C5EF838E2B941DF2_## = Original
C5F378AD62A8ECBE_## = Evolution Skin
C5F58B9752DC1FE4_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
C5F8237C58FF2D07_## = Armor +90
C5F95EFD51F04447_## =
C5FF0DAE32F1B9BA_## =
C5FF4D0E2A72C4CA_## = Original
C5FF6F67AE2FF0EA_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Maloch) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
C5FFCD2F95C09761_## = Human Form grants ranged normal attack.\nFox Form increases
armor and magic defense by 20 (+5 per level) and movement speed by 30. Normal
attacks in Fox Form deal <color=#7FFFD4>{0}</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
C6009076AAD36F2E_## =
C601472B1DB4B705_## = Unique Passive - Fenrir's Tooth: Increases all damage dealt
by 30% when the target's HP is below 50%.
C6025DDE0F6C345A_## = Archmage
C60CA63CE640A920_## =
C6110449238B6357_## = Sutra of Pain
C6119AE0D07B7379_## =
C6125D0FEE27F880_## = Tulen
C6167F09E17FCAAA_## = Cáo siêu thanh Fennik!
C616A2A6BCB1F2E1_## =
C6187F04C62B65A5_## = Zill is able to avoid damage from abilities when using
Tornado, so use it at opportune moments. Make sure you attack enemy heroes again
after marking them 3 times as normal attacks trigger additional damage when a
target has 3 marks.
C618CE4DE5D9DF63_## = 好友大作战
C61F35560A9A2DF2_## = Love Sworn
C620B3F28536E2E1_## =
C6215F63817ED7D3_## =
C6249C5D8AC9FF0A_## =
C628B466BF61AB4B_## = Trial Card: Try out Zuka's skin: Dragon Master for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
C62C9087025D2F8A_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
C62D8D81B47A885C_## =
C62E6500E5255AC9_## = Dark Slayer
C630F52CF0568CA5_## =
C635722423C08032_## = 签到图片
C6371F038FB13B12_## =
C6372F6A89A45AE9_## =
C639DA7BFD0564D4_## = Trial Card: Try out Lu Bu for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
C63B915B39351C2C_## = Original
C63C964F5F69C0FE_## = Sử dụng Murad trong chế độ đánh thường để nhận Kiếm Murad
C640F7543095D60E_## = Protect
C64284695EAC4CC3_## = Trial Card: Try out Batman for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
C642BBD0ECAAAC96_## =
C6439C63063B5796_## = That all you got?
C6448493ADEC4486_## =
C6459D2B3744219D_## = Cooldown
C648442BD0182806_## =
C64A39EF4D8132E3_## = 本週活動精選
C64AEEE6BB3EA474_## =
C64E65EB5D5CC788_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Preyta để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
C65009521C1894EA_## =
c650d11815efa75a = c650d11815efa75a_##
C6510326C874CEC5_## =
C65169CB5FF6A1FD_## = Unknown
C652A92080E0F5DC_## = 消费点券活动
C65404B514E765A7_## = Zuka leaps up and crushes his enemies from above, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies in
the target area and stunning them for 1 second. His next normal attack will deal an
additional <color=#f18d00>(+{2})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to
nearby enemies.
C657DDE6AEC33BAB_## =
C6590CA59FA575AF_## =
C65C8FDE568AECBA_## =
C6630A952FAD2789_## = Others follow trends, you create them!
C66481AE6701FE05_## = Azzen'Ka
C6655A55DE5B8CA4_## =
c66ba33f218c37bc = Unlock
C66C2C17C950BF36_## =
C66C71DC40789384_## = Flurry
C66E6F4E33CD95C8_## = Frozen enemies take extra <color=#7FFFD4>{0}</color>
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>.
C670961DEF67BAA9_## = 等級達到{T}級
C675025E0A1A49DC_## =
C677045967665BB6_## =
C67CB053656A4856_## =
c67fd3c2c025e7ba = Purchase Skin
C6840A7C9361DEE6_## =
C684FC79DB909A41_## =
C68B8B4F32BD8F26_## = Unknown
C68D277B1A1D166F_## = The Protector
c68dd1f54b91fca3 = Items
C690D47044F799E0_## =
C694F6DF7F3F9062_## =
C69565D6650832BD_## = Dấu vết Wonder Woman
C697258AB358DF0C_## = The war horn is about to sound!
C698BFEF4463F254_## = Reduces healing by 50%
C69A8F8BCD4E19E3_## =
C69BDC9896A8C634_## = Unique Passive - Wild: Increases attack damage by 3 for every
monster killed. Stacks up to 15 times.
C69C9BE2DF9D033D_## = Rương ngọc may mắn - Những ngọc tuyệt hảo kết hợp với Yorn
Thế tử nguyệt tộc
C69EF9749DAEA163_## =
C6A704887D7F9DD3_## = Your<color=#f6bf17ff> Level</color>
C6AA25687C796899_## = Prep School
C6AB681DFA50C4BA_## =
C6B635BAA9460751_## =
C6B725D02FB13CA9_## = Mage
C6BA998627A8700E_## =
C6BC267B69A432DD_## =
C6C21B3EB4B1320D_## =
C6C2394388959D74_## =
C6C76B86D68909AE_## = 本週活動精選
C6C832AB00C6F65D_## = Unknown
C6C891DE8E6AB8F4_## =
C6CBDB7AAFF9257C_## = Every 10 seconds, Skud's next normal attack deals an
additional <color=#ca3939>20%</color> damage, restores {0}
<color=#ca3939>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>(+4% of his maximum HP)</color> HP
and {2} <color=#37adc7>(+3% of his lost mana)</color> mana. Each normal attack
also reduces the cooldown of this ability by 1 second.
c6cf3df67d7e8893 = Day 7
C6D1141C3D5CA803_## =
C6D4F79339642CE2_## =
C6DB0B0E7BF51791_## = Tỉnh Lạng Sơn
C6DB0EDA7372B073_## = Base Damage
C6DB2A6A4EECB75E_## =
C6DC60D2D330F47D_## = Zuka rolls forward, dealing {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color>
<color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies in his path. On a successful hit,
Zuka gains a shield that absorbs {2} <color=#f18d00>(+{3})</color> damage for 2.5
seconds and enhances his next normal attack to deal an additional
<color=#f18d00>(+{4})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> and knock
enemies into the air for 0.5 seconds.
C6DD60D8BDD7B1CE_## = Tag along with our minions and destroy<color=#f6bf17ff> the
Defense Tower</color>!
C6DF4CF380A3ADBF_## = Armageddon
c6e14e2cddf20c75 = c6e14e2cddf20c75_##
C6E38C60E29CB32C_## = Ignis' abilities place the Mark of the Flame on targets. The
mark activates after 1 second and adds an additional effect for his next ability
used within 2.5 seconds.
C6E3D67DBEA08DB4_## =
C6E45802318AB44C_## = Protect our Carry!
C6E52CBC7DCACE9A_## = Base Damage
C6E9AF0C27FB2E99_## =
C6EC64D8E489838F_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
C6EDA6040B0F3913_## = 签到图片
C6EEC4667383DED2_## =
C6F113C8E032DF21_## =
C6F318AE4979B589_## =
C6F6A3F9443D5CE0_## =
C6F9B616A0AA3E54_## = Come Hither
C6FAA21E5F07768D_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
C6FFEA9CAEC8A6A8_## = I will see my destiny to the end.
c7009597cbf6e50c = obsolete+c7009597cbf6e50c
C70277C4BFCA7A67_## =
C706ECF27394B350_## = Unlock ranking<color=#f6bf17> Advanced</color> profile frame
C709E9C4E591E459_## = Snow Festival
C70B6C9014F899BA_## =
C7112BF799AA398C_## = Mở ngẫu nhiên thẻ trải nghiệm 1 ngày của một trong các tướng
Zephys, Kahlii, Alice, Ormarr, Azzen'Ka, Yorn, Omega, Thane, Butterfly, Violet
C713273ECF13C1D2_## =
c71525987748ed73 = c71525987748ed73_##
C71698E7DA1721E9_## = Towers 4 lyfe.
C71A61DF34E86F1D_## = Đổi Dấu ấn Tulen
C71D91C109CB6DA6_## = Butterfly
C728E29B8EE01A04_## = Human Form grants ranged normal attack.\nFox Form increases
armor and magic defense by 20 (+5 per level) and movement speed by 30. Normal
attacks in Fox Form deal <color=#7FFFD4>{0}</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
C72AC1CFB02176CA_## =
C72B52795139A3BD_## =
C72D1E959F42A0DA_## =
C7307E41959E08BE_## =
C7382C78AA3C8ACF_## =
C738507CDC1EDC96_## = Nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm: Thẻ đổi tên/Vé quay/Mảnh
tướng/Mảnh trang phục/Loa
C73B3F9E4A2BA505_## =
C73B89AE9D533062_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Astrid để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
C73F439F46A6CC91_## = Leatherwing
C7403D48C730F932_## = Undying Protector
C740FDBD5D07A4CA_## = Seasoned
C741854F63379F6B_## = Limited Event Gift
C74200511694BC40_## = Earthquake
c7453dfc72a54b0a = Magic Pierce
C74AB79AE1AA2FC2_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
C74B520C0476BE2D_## =
C74CE0DBC67701DE_## = Superman has two modes: flying and walking. He gains 2%
movement speed and charges energy for every 100 units he walks, and takes flight
once energy is fully charged. Flight mode grants 20% movement speed when moving
towards an enemy, and his normal attacks deal additional <color=#ca3939>physical
damage</color> equal to <color=#ca3939>12% of his own maximum HP</color>. Superman
exits Flight mode when he is hit with a control effect that lowers his movement
speed to 375 or less.
C74D345D002F6FCD_## =
C7521E1C3BBD5927_## =
C7542A9C7F4F6FFF_## = Excelsior
C754BC91DADE3147_## = Combo thử Nakroth 1n
C75D3845ABA49551_## = Know your enemy like you know yourself.
C75D3E6E40B4266C_## =
C7600302330F8517_## = Zephys rapidly attacks enemies in front of him and deals a
great amount of <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>.
C7633D3020249259_## =
C7683E5A101C9688_## =
C76CEF3652BE38D1_## = 7-11 minutes
C76D6171E102FE81_## =
C76EBEEA6A10268A_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
C77063C0D5D656F9_## = Trial Card: Try out Zanis' skin: Infinite Courage for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
C77134D88D3C430B_## = Trang phục Tulen: Nhà thám hiểm
C7719244680A4990_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Preyta) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
C772AF727851EB32_## =
C7780EC61B619B16_## = Every 10 seconds, Skud's next normal attack deals an
additional <color=#ca3939>20%</color> damage, restores {0}
<color=#ca3939>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>(+4% of his maximum HP)</color> HP
and {2} <color=#37adc7>(+3% of his lost mana)</color> mana. Each normal attack
also reduces the cooldown of this ability by 1 second.
C7783934521CBE55_## = Butterfly
C77B8B069A426034_## =
C7809F7481A18EE2_## = [新英雄-Wukong 登場] 愛不釋手
C780F07958B7B895_## = Gói Grakk Khô lâu
C7842168728673D1_## =
C786981082320283_## =
C78772C7DCF8ACD2_## =
C788742A712D69AE_## =
C789813E29868526_## = Original
C78B12A38BE30A06_## =
C78E5D02ECED8867_## =
C792B2383156E3EF_## = I wanna know where da gold at!!
C7931F289081BE93_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
C79B22667E3E97A6_## =
C7A12FB9CB749643_## =
C7A5A2E49C8376E1_## =
C7A7122063F9A3E8_## = 消费点券活动
C7A9E714C010866F_## = Ryoma unleashes a phantom blade that deals {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to the first
enemy and 50% damage to subsequent enemies on the path. Enemies at the end of the
path will be stunned for 0.75 seconds.
C7AAFA5089017EA0_## = Reach "Seasoned" proficiency with {0} [/0:$(hero|heroes)/]
C7AD28F5D1A707E5_## =
C7B33597D8D39CB1_## = Gói Fennik Yêu tinh trứng
C7B60A14AFE4162D_## = That all you got?
C7B78039B0AE2464_## =
C7BCAD9EBA8F1B40_## =
C7BF73E5D66E14B0_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
C7C3C123C4E91E8C_## = Master
C7C47847DE3B227D_## = Imperium Guard
C7C56B51BB90C951_## =
C7C62ACA83C2EE7D_## = [新英雄-Tel'Annas 登場] 愛不釋手
C7C6AC725FF7D8FB_## = 签到图片
C7C6D477FCBE8E41_## = Alice
C7C8EF2A40196002_## =
C7CA44E3ED7304EF_## =
C7CB735105495787_## = Ilumia
C7D3E33096FEED98_## =
C7D4813248FA4AFA_## =
C7D561B392C7A36D_## = Batman
C7D587D893096164_## =
C7D62D8695BC28DC_## =
C7D6FC2989EC659E_## =
C7D8EE7BC59E6EC1_## =
C7D948096F55ED37_## =
C7D989122C062889_## =
C7D9F3A4EDEF860C_## = Đây là phần thưởng Chào năm mới 2018 (Chơi game) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
C7DC21A2007C9B06_## = Cooldown
C7E4C0816779CE20_## = Level 25 Chest
c7e8e1f16ea0da9d = c7e8e1f16ea0da9d_##
C7ED4B2D0658F4B1_## = Leviathan
C7ED99803833B927_## = Jinnar uses his spirit orbs to attack up to 2 nearby enemies,
dealing {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>. With
each hit, the spirit orb bounces to nearby enemies up to 2 times. If an enemy is
already hit once, subsequent hits only deal 30% damage.
C7F3504DE08806F0_## = Casanova
C7F3E0A7889EF8B3_## = The Indomitable
C7F427DCC96B627B_## =
c7f47becf3842de1 = No Arcana
C7F63F59A65B1592_## = Defense
C7F7ED888969F8B8_## =
C7FB1D66512DF831_## = Đăng nhập giờ vàng mỗi ngày nhận quà
C7FC285416E9550A_## =
C7FC5B267B08AB08_## = OK
C7FE752CCD29FF27_## =
C8012A2C4A5FF4FA_## = 签到图片
C80194C1F7AB7BD0_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
C80263B714338251_## = 10-50ruby
C802B0DA94B23069_## = Taara
C802DF43045C7F0F_## =
C804EB764380A6C3_## =
C8098CDE8684CE2B_## =
c80d1c307d3d245d = c80d1c307d3d245d_##
C80E50B5372BAF02_## =
C812835AFD65235A_## =
C8176CC42603DB35_## =
c81f97b03f43aaa6 = Tap to add
C82385266B93AE97_## =
C823B4F520E523E4_## = Cooldown
C826F7E56F4366CE_## =
c8270a7708042eba = c8270a7708042eba_##
C82808B15EC3FC63_## =
C82A8F340B357D39_## = I am Diana, Princess of Themyscira.
C82AA5D83DCBEFB7_## =
C82C2335A26B9BBB_## =
C82F385EE8EB6E05_## =
C82F68EE135FE0B1_## =
C8300E36DB488A66_## =
C834D1D798104FA7_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Lindis)
C834D88137125747_## =
C83798625440FB72_## = Rương may mắn TOG (Skin)
C83945ED36408138_## =
C83A3567AF5055D1_## = Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
C83BD045BC5B720F_## =
C83C2C441B87AE13_## = Embers
C846E8B3DF6E71F7_## =
C847451F8709B799_## = Mừng xuân Đinh Dậu, Lì xì đầy tay: Thi đấu thôi!
C847AF07F36B5E79_## =
C84996CDBCAC90A8_## = Raz's footwork moves him closer to his enemies on his 2nd and
3rd consecutive normal attacks. The 3rd normal attack deals extra
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>, knocks back enemies, and stuns them.
C84A13A789813B96_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
C84A2A4DBAD59800_## =
C84C148F90E12B2A_## =
C85063A0C6BD9AC6_## = Đăng nhập giờ vàng
C852244221892AE1_## =
C8562550F0DE4190_## =
C85A95491A7D9AC5_## =
C8611C3E576B2751_## = HP +300
c861532eb73305ae = c861532eb73305ae_##
C8620656A9630971_## = Sharkover
C8659E30841F7D56_## = Max
C86705548E38023F_## = Ryoma
C867C24A95DECAA5_## = Tel'Annas
C868E763661DB5FD_## = Cooldown Speed +1%
C8697E2FB9824939_## = Cooldown
C86F296CF24849D4_## = Contains a 12-hour hero trial card
C86FF7BEB4132DD6_## =
C87107F2DF4E86FB_## =
C871933DCE3CACC1_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
C871D3CBB9F7EDC0_## =
C87218EC15FC912C_## = Please wait before trying again.
C873D019A2F9EC92_## = Trial Card: Try out Zill's skin: Ripper for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this skin.
C873FB04150FADF5_## = You have not been friends long enough.
C874247575BED6B1_## =
C87EA5291A162B0A_## = 查看详情
C87FDBCC7F1E3B38_## =
C883A92F413892A0_## =
C88559DF6E49495D_## = Wukong
C886C2CB43D5CF4D_## =
C88718135F0564CD_## =
C887ACC6636981AB_## = Cooldown
C88A36309E11931C_## =
c88b4c4def325c6b = c88b4c4def325c6b_##
C89221AFC9284B6B_## = Base Damage
C893BEEFF02200EE_## = Valhein throws a golden glaive, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#7FFFD4>(+{2})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
damage</color> and stunning the target. Grants 1 stack of the Hunter buff.
c89db423fa1eb3ae = c89db423fa1eb3ae_##
C89EB4CFE40846B6_## =
C89F44C1FD2EE2CB_## =
C8A5E4A1A2D25913_## = Leviathan
C8AA32F8F0AFD5AA_## = Gói 32% KM Joker + skin
C8AB9059DA8D28A2_## =
C8B3E514BB41C4ED_## =
C8B8B4DC520930C9_## =
C8BADDFF1FF83BE3_## = Batman
C8BB70AA5886F97E_## =
C8C13B75768EC6B3_## = Tank
C8C5E0BED39768E6_## =
C8C8130283B8CF2A_## = Unknown
C8C8FE3AB6858028_## = Valhein fires six silver bullets at once. Each bullet deals
{0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#7FFFD4>(+{2})</color>
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to an enemy. If a target is hit by multiple
bullets, additional bullets deal 40% damage. Each hit increases movement speed by
10% (up to 60%) and attack speed by 8% (up to 48%) for 3 seconds.
C8CAB5F114CC1658_## = Liên Quân đón Xuân
C8CAD1AC656F4939_## =
C8CD3104E7996A6F_## =
C8D580D5BBE9EF76_## = Undefeated One
C8D7C5F00E50FDB7_## = Rương may mắn đấu sĩ (x4+1)
C8DB2BB7EEB31C72_## = Superman
C8DD383FC6D34192_## = Butterfly is a skilled assassin with high burst damage that
requires precise timing. Save an ability to secure kills in order to take advantage
of her passive ability.
C8DF840FD9D2D5B7_## = Lindis
c8e24bcf89f0c65a = Item description
C8E55FDF76174E1C_## =
C8E817052BC2943F_## =
C8E8C1E4E6D0625B_## = Đây là phần thưởng Share trang phục nhận quà Giáng sinh của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
C8F05AC722EA0A85_## =
c8f05ad1bf18d732 = My Rank
C8F05F95286560B0_## = Player already owns that skin.
C8F60C6FB41EFB66_## = 7 日累積簽到
C8F8842FC507F77F_## =
C902654039AE671C_## = Survivability, Control
c904ec47c07f6178 = Already Equipped
C906073C78CAD0ED_## = Unknown
C9065D7481A5B953_## = Use Righteous Fervor when entering fights with Arthur to mark
enemies and deal additional damage with subsequent attacks.
C908E5002E59AE1A_## = Chiến thắng trên bản đồ 5v5 để nhận Ruby miễn phí
C90B3ADE01F52823_## = Linebacker
C90BE51F94685906_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
C90DC4B5DA97232F_## =
C90FB3FE7F8112AA_## = Long Range
c9191f3a20178fe8 = Winning Team MVP
C9192CDBDF6C578E_## = Lucky Draw
C91CAFF7BA87DD38_## = EXP
C91EAC28554435C3_## =
C92054440B9E96D5_## = Red Base
C9253F9D2D79CF40_## = Level 7 Activity Rewards
C9270073D0EB7B57_## = Số lần tham gia đấu hạng {C}/{T}
C92B1418AEA6BC94_## =
C92D587BA0C5C9A2_## = Armor/Magic Defense Increase
C930DDB7D84C7455_## = Unknown
C9323D0BD7992AFA_## = Đây là phần thưởng Khuyến mãi nạp Quân Huy của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
C936C337F86E2961_## =
C937D8F896F6CDF8_## =
C938C12F1CC3C00A_## = Violet throws a grenade, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies
within range and slowing their movement speed by {2}% for 1 second.
C93AE3ED3D9CF651_## =
C93B3555EDB8F51C_## =
C93CF24CA3AE5F2F_## = Cooldown
C941722A3656ECCA_## = Tiêu thụ Vàng/Ruby mỗi ngày để nhận Lì xì mỗi ngày!
C943200D827FE273_## =
C94347C15959895C_## = Butterfly
C94375639C867E2A_## =
C943AA611B73C91F_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Superman {C}/{T} lần
C9440DD2F651B1FB_## = Thorn of Time
C95071319589480F_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
C951C97A02B096CA_## =
C953829362F31550_## = Assassin
C954661C62E2586A_## = High damage
C958C6A7FFEAE889_## =
C958D3F04B9DF9E7_## = Tee starts to build up the gas in his stomach, causing him to
increase his movement speed for {0} seconds. During this time, Tee tries to hold it
all in for as long as possible (can be unleashed earlier by tapping the ability
again). Tee then unleashes a stinky plume, causing all enemies in the area to
suffer up to {1} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{2})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>
and become stunned for up to 2 seconds. The longer Tee holds in his funky fumes,
the higher the damage and stun period.
C959B98A3DC648CE_## = Level 19 Chest
C95A06EB831B68D2_## = Tỉnh Bình Định
C95C72717B48AA37_## =
C95FA491BAFECE6C_## = Bloodlust
C96715D2370C799C_## = Jungling
C967816F8DBDDBCD_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
C96804A6A1F5EC92_## =
C96B2A4E2C0E5397_## = Wukong Value Pack
C96B8EF94CAFB67D_## = Warrior
C97574997BD385D7_## = Gaia's Standard
C97785DB0A6F77CD_## =
C97E3AE6F5B56E78_## = Structure
C97E5E2EF9B02CE2_## = Nạp Quân Huy - Rinh Lì xì cực HOT!
C97EED33ECACF6E3_## = Zanis strikes the target, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#f3b74a>true damage</color> and knocking
enemies into the air briefly. For the next 5 seconds, he takes 15% less damage and
his normal attacks deal an additional {2} <color=#f18d00>(+{3})</color>
<color=#f3b74a>true damage</color>.
C982775D138F5BD1_## = Grakk
C9829247FF637B4A_## =
C98ED0220E018F9E_## =
C991534FFD88A142_## = Sentinel
C991A80767391F23_## = Unique Passive - Hunter: Deals 30% extra damage to monsters
and receives 30% more experience from killing monsters.
C992971061539A25_## =
C9929774AC07BDC7_## = The Killing Joke
C993584C7F2ADC6A_## =
C994E10B712F5DBF_## = (Able to quickly approach enemies or escape)
C9967F7A70D47D8A_## = Cooldown
C99C885ABBF14333_## =
C9A040076E924CE7_## = Normal Attack
C9A31EF1B5AF5D9E_## =
C9A47A22E5595B46_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nTướng vĩnh viễn
(Ilumia) / Thẻ thử tướng Ilumia (3 ngày) / Mảnh tướng
C9A549CCCCB255F4_## = Your trial period for <color=#ffd700>{0}</color> -
<color=#ffd700>{1}</color> has ended.
C9B2AA2150D091A7_## =
C9B2DB05A2229AEA_## =
C9B4615606B285DD_## =
C9B654DF136CE3E2_## = Agent
C9BB66A84CF5600C_## = Rare Jinnar Skin: Aten
C9BD1781140F2C22_## =
C9BE3F406606EBF2_## =
C9BEC777A197AC9B_## = Trial Card: Try out Mina for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days.
You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
C9BFDF8E51183851_## =
C9C2507D22C8A3CE_## =
C9C4F7A4C940F42A_## =
C9C5BCA8B4C2D4B4_## =
C9C686A360EA4C3D_## = Reach {0} [/0:$(win|wins)/]
C9C7C5E27F26E2E1_## = Base Damage
C9C9FC9073D42C0E_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
C9CEE48FD48F976E_## = Unknown
C9D3CD93DCA626B2_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 hạng mỗi ngày
C9D81786EB08B140_## = Arthur jumps up high and crashes towards an enemy hero,
dealing {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>
and knocks surrounding enemies into the air for 0.5 seconds. Enemies caught in the
blast radius suffer {2} <color=#f18d00>(+{3})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical
damage</color> every second for 5 seconds.
C9D85624F26DF472_## = Unknown
C9D9009CB8599F19_## =
C9DA2C616DBB22C6_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
C9DAF3E0397A1F29_## =
C9DC576D13921A27_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
C9DCBBDFFEA70B7F_## = Tăng 50% Exp Đấu thường 5v5
C9DE72165935D63C_## = Butterfly
C9E0C564788AAC6F_## =
C9E31DF0AE34C54E_## =
C9E3E3C8D6B272BB_## = Base Damage
C9E994D03EBE30B4_## =
C9EB52C5334A1669_## =
c9ed0b62508cbaff = c9ed0b62508cbaff_##
C9EEFCA4EFC9E996_## = The forest strikes back!
C9F2D27D6167F438_## = Let's use voice chat.
C9FCD9443F9E7C03_## =
CA013DB5E04EF870_## =
CA0445DB10A2C437_## = Try to anticipate Thane's movements and use
<color=#f6bf17ff>Bullet Storm</color> to attack him.
CA0701E9FC97C22D_## =
CA09A974A6AF0266_## = Standard\nMatch
CA09C68BFDDA46CA_## = Zill
CA0EAB794BFB4B35_## = Butterfly
CA129A6AF79A15A2_## = Zuka
CA13FA3770AD237E_## = 参与 5V5
ca148849f7fe37d3 = Hero Information
CA14E8173A2B91BA_## = 12-18 minutes
CA1AD41BCE51B788_## = Red Base
CA1F824359F0AB7D_## =
CA1FB1E8BEC93B90_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Superman)
CA2079E824DBBD13_## =
CA20919EA6F01A67_## = 充值获夺宝券
CA2135D9F3BBA30F_## = Thirst
CA2439EFB7CD4950_## = Nạp Quân Huy - Rinh Lì xì cực HOT!
CA2621B591EFA3B7_## =
CA2776A9A1DBF68C_## =
CA2804115B2C78ED_## =
CA29924ECD9DF571_## = Trang phục đón xuân
CA2A0E98E34DC9AA_## =
CA2A314BDC8586CA_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Tím)
CA2FE58BD573FD03_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Tím)
CA2FE6147F4F2E10_## =
CA3CC950CE184279_## = Starlight
CA3DC7D682364D40_## =
CA402492AC02C676_## = Cybercore
CA4232E7C678B239_## = Fancy Footwork
CA429EC9A331A9EB_## = Inferno
CA4352DA43636E97_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
CA436BC5885204AE_## = Cooldown
CA4754D05E558E6F_## =
CA48A6BB5791268C_## =
CA4B2BBA38AAF570_## = Quy đổi ngọc đỏ cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
CA56637FF7BFA4FF_## =
ca5c325a7993add2 = AI
CA5EE6813AA2F763_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
CA60B195A92000D3_## = <blankspace89>
CA61094BABA03794_## = Zanis
CA6357188BA4151F_## = Trang phục đón xuân
CA64F733EEE8CDFD_## =
CA6681997A7D4C93_## =
CA6D20C9B07B111F_## = Foxtrot
CA6E7882A3F0D638_## =
CA7075D0F71128EB_## = Nhận ngay Ruby miễn phí khi tham gia đấu hạng mỗi ngày
CA72EC1E739B6E21_## =
CA7300F9B8BA9977_## = "The dominion of the light cannot be stopped."\n\nXeniel had
a strong body and a resilient mind. As a pious disciple, Xeniel was absolutely
loyal to the Holy Hall. His unwavering devotion drew the attention of Ilumia the
Seer, who assisted him in becoming the head of the clergy.\n\n"Everything is the
will of the divine, and I'm honored to be at their command." Despite occupying such
a powerful post, Xeniel was always humble and regarded orders as absolute. He
wielded the Hammer of Penance, which served as a warning to all blasphemers; and he
carried the Oracle of Enlightenment, spreading its words to the people. Within the
Holy Hall, Xeniel's diligence and devoutness were unparalleled. For this, Ilumia
awarded him the Six Wings, representing light and power.\n\nXeniel's achievements
were beyond Ilumia's expectations. During the dark invasions, Maloch and his legion
of demons stormed the Holy Hall set on the mountaintop. Ilumia, in hopes of turning
the tides of battle, appeared to boost the morale of her army in person. Lying in
wait, Zephys and Nakroth took the opportunity to launch a surprise attack and
ambush Ilumia, hoping to destroy her.\n\nXeniel, spreading his six wings, descended
from the sky and rescued Ilumia in the nick of time. His brawny physique withstood
the attacks of Zephys and Nakroth. Although Xeniel was injured by numerous blades
and projectiles, he stood tall and firm with his wings drenched in blood. The demon
legion was taken aback by Xeniel's resilience and their attack halted, giving Airi
the chance to ride out on her own and forge the legend of cutting off the demon's
wings.\n\nAfter the battle, word of Xeniel's bravery spread across the continent
and he became the Commander of Holy Hall, the same position as Yorn the
Hotshot.\n\n"Darkness has reached its end. Let the holy light shine on our land!"\n
CA7452515B1BF89A_## = 好友大作战
CA756249A742C031_## = All new summer party voice-over
CA78C1E8DEDC3338_## =
CA7CF56C73F6AD1A_## = Wonder Woman's Bracelets of Submission ability is effective
at controlling your enemies at the outset of a teamfight and then immediately
supporting your allies in the thick of it. Be sure to time its use carefully. Lasso
of Truth has different effects depending on your enemy's HP, be wary of timing when
you activate it.
CA7DCA11225A5310_## =
CA868E400E3C24D0_## = Blue Base
CA891593646DC913_## =
CA8A36329A0DDE62_## =
CA8A6156F8BFA7C4_## = Trial Card: Try out Krixi's skin: Papillon for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. If you already have this skin, you'll receive 35
Gems instead.
CA8BB871B4354232_## =
CA8D99B1666A93E2_## =
CA919AC9AC14DC23_## =
CA91A57E65C06154_## = Contains 10 Gems, 400 Gold and 1 lvl 1 Arcana: Guard
CA99629FE00E4FFF_## =
CA9A25F2FD6A1F6B_## = Tăng 100% Exp Đấu thường 5v5
CAA013CAA6A8F04E_## =
CAA4B3821F349716_## = Đây là phần thưởng Thu thập dấu ấn Murad M-TP (Kiếm Murad)
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
CAA58DF98C97E3DE_## =
CAA5D40CEB7168C5_## =
CAA67A8C3932FB20_## = Omega
CAA7DFB072B501A3_## = Trial Card: Try out Lauriel's skin: Phoenix
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
CAA8FCA481E6D56A_## = Choose<color=#f6bf17ff> a hero</color>
CAA957DB859B159A_## =
CAAF05E772A53F1C_## =
CAB17D75920270F5_## = Trial Card: Try out Airi's skin: Viper for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this skin.
CAB4D044ACEA8418_## = Tướng Yorn + Trang phục Yorn Đặc cảnh SWAT
cab5d4dd22cb501e = Screening the Arcana level
CAB7228A7F42F2E6_## = Combo thử Maloch 1n
CABCF77299F9E468_## =
CAC16BE8BBDC3BE2_## = 7 日累積簽到
CAC1A48BECD109BF_## =
CAC3CB1EAD1D3AA4_## = Unknown
CAC410F77389CADF_## = “Leo, do you think I'm stubborn?”\n\nFeeling the warmth from
the lion cub, Arum finally calmed down. As unhappy as she was about the arranged
marriage, running away from it might have brought more trouble and grief to her
father. Exhausted both mentally and physically, she finally fell asleep in the
forest, a place she called home, next to Leo, whom she trusted with her
life.\n\nTen years ago, Arum arrived in Tamuq with her father Varian, who took a
position as a guard. He climbed the ranks swiftly, and was soon awarded a General
position by the Federal Council. Life did not remain peaceful, however. The
conflict between the Federation and the Verno Woods escalated and Tamuq, a small
town unfortunately located smack on the border, became the ideal location for both
factions to duke it out.\n\nArum could be thoughtful and understanding when she
wanted to, and she knew how much pressure her father was under. But how could she
throw away her love for the Verno Woods, where she met and saved sweet little Leo,
and the guardian pact she had sealed with the spirit beasts of the Lion Clan, just
to support her father? Many had, in fact, shown hostility towards Arum because of
her extraordinary past and fence-sitting position—people are extra sensitive
nowadays after all. If not for Varian's unblemished reputation, perhaps Arum would
have already been thrown into jail for colluding with the enemy.\n\nWith the town
on the brink of war, Varian forced Arum to wed Rahms. It was for her own
protection, Arum knew, as her father didn't expect to come out alive from the
battle between the two races, and the only way to keep her safe was to make her the
wife of Rahms, the only eligible bachelor with noble blood in Tamuq. Once wed to
Rahms, Arum would gain all immunities exclusive to the nobility and could no longer
be targeted by the public's accusations. This would give her a safer and brighter
future, even if Rahms wasn't exactly the nicest and most blameless man out
there.\n\nHowever, now that Arum has ran away, Varian's elaborate plans have gone
to waste and the townspeople were rapidly losing their trust in him. They believed
he orchestrated this in order to give his daughter the opportunity to flee into the
Verno Woods. “Shameless traitor,” the enraged townies cried. They finally decide to
imprison Varian, who was burdened with too much guilt to try and justify his
actions.\n\nArum was distressed-too distressed. In the end she snuck back to town
and returned home to find that her father was no longer there—only guards awaited,
faces impassive. After learning her father has been sent to prison, Arum
surrendered under one condition: that she was to be placed in the same cell as her
father. The guards ended up letting her have her way, as she was, after all, the
daughter of the once highly esteemed Varian.\n\nArum reunited with her father in
prison. No longer a stoic and majestic general, Varian looked gaunt and listless.
Arum heard her own heart break several times over.\n\n“My child, why have you
returned? They...they'll send us both to the gallows!”\n\n“I'm so sorry, Father.
You wouldn't have been here if not for my stubbornness and selfishness,” Arum
sobbed, kneeling in front of her father and lamenting her thoughtless
actions.\n\n“No, I'm the one who's at fault. If I hadn't forced you to get married,
you wouldn't have-”\n\n“Father, no more crying! Trust me, I'll get you out of
here!”\n\nCold determination overtook Arum's dainty features. This was the first
time she has ever summoned her powers, limitless powers she had inherited from the
spirit beasts. Her whole demeanor changed. Out of the void, savage spirit beasts
appeared at her feet, radiating danger, dark gazes piercing. Varian had long known
his daughter's ties with the Woods, but never did he realize that she was capable
of controlling such incredible, mystic powers. \n\nWithin a few seconds, all powers
bestowed by the spirit beasts had manifested on Arum, making her the new Guardian
of the Lions. Arum was now a member of the Woods, and therefore no longer a human.
Arum had never attempted to activate her powers, not knowing how to explain them to
her father, but drastic times call for drastic measures. She needed power to break
out of the prison, to defeat all in her way, and to save her precious
father!\n\n“Spirits of all Beasts, the time has come to fight back!”
CAC4ED7C231C5723_## =
cac5186b1b732725 = Recover ability
CAC9BEC2063337E6_## =
CACECF5603FEDFC7_## = Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
CAD390CAE16A6E0D_## = Đây là phần thưởng Săn mục tiêu lớn của bạn, xin mời kiểm
CAD8D8C384125393_## = Blue Gunner
CAD9667AA14A7D0A_## = You have been reported for verbal abuse by multiple players
recently. You will be muted for {0} day(s) {1} hour(s) and {2} point(s) will be
deducted from your Credibility Score. Please maintain good behavior in the game to
avoid receiving any further punishments.
CAD9BFDF38A2769E_## =
CAE041FEE8A531E4_## = Đây là phần thưởng Cáo siêu thanh Fennik! của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
CAE2C453A7DF13A4_## =
CAE560755DB65F09_## = Rank reached\nDiamond V
CAE5FF81A712CFDF_## = Đăng nhập và chơi đấu 5v5 mỗi ngày để nhận Huy hiệu AIC
CAE7F1491B183E5D_## =
CAEA0B58D3680E55_## = First Tower
CAEAF8C873A38270_## = OK
CAEB30452EA91FE3_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc thành rương ngọc cấp III may mắn
CAEE71A0BF458FB2_## = Platinum Gauntlets
CAEFD1CC30FF42D5_## = Trial Card: Try out Valhein's skin: Dandy
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
CAF059ACCD78A3E8_## = Chúc mừng năm mới. Mở để nhận quà may mắn Liên Quân (Trang
CAF1C08490403A9A_## = Cooldown
CAF2C7E612350D08_## =
CAF40DF5628E2C39_## = obsolete+968988f0a07017f9
CAF55CE1AA109142_## = Successful.
CAF56AB7D64E1CB7_## =
CAF76C626E6C34A8_## =
CAFB691C5012AD83_## =
CAFBA55767FBEDA2_## = Unknown
Callback_Campaign_ClaimRewards = Collect
Callback_Campaign_Congrat = Well done! Collect your rewards and start a new match!
Callback_Campaign_Copy = Invitation link copied to clipboard.
Callback_Campaign_Copy_Fail = Your personalized link has not been generated. Please
switch networks or log in again.
Callback_Campaign_GotoBattle = Go now
Callback_Campaign_Rewards = Rewards:
Callback_Campaign_RewardsGet = Received
Callback_Campaign_Rule = Available after finishing one Standard Match.
Callback_Campaign_Title = Returning Heroes
Callback_Campaign_Welcome = Welcome back! Don't forget to collect your rewards.
CampaignForm_HardCode1 = Events
CampaignForm_HardCode2 = Announcements
CampaignForm_Pandora = Time Limited Event
Cancel_Account = Log Out
Cancel_Account_Butten_Bound_Cancel = No
Cancel_Account_Butten_Bound_Confirm = Log out
Cancel_Account_Butten_NotBound_AcceptLose = Log out
Cancel_Account_Butten_NotBound_Bound = Link
Cancel_Account_Tips_Android_Bound = This will wipe the current local data. Log into
your linked GooglePlay account to restore progress.
Cancel_Account_Tips_Android_Not_bound = You don't currently have a linked
GooglePlay account and this will wipe your current game progress. We suggest
linking an account before proceeding.
Cancel_Account_Tips_IOS_Bound = This will wipe current local data. Log into your
linked GameCenter account to restore progress.
Cancel_Account_Tips_IOS_Not_bound = You don't currently have a linked GameCenter
account and this will wipe your current game progress. We suggest linking an
account before proceeding.
Cancel_Account_Tips_Title = Log out of account
Cancel_Account_Tips_Title_2 = Are you sure you want to delete this account?
cancel_operation = Cancel casting
Cancel_preparation = Cancel
canGet = Get it during {0}-{1}
cannotShowSettle = An error has occurred.
Card_Change_Region_CD_Content = You can switch regions once every hour. Please wait
before switching again.
Card_DayTime_AllTime = All
Card_DayTime_Morning = Morning
Card_DayTime_Night = Night
Card_DayTime_None = Any
Card_DayTime_Noon = Afternoon
Card_Desc_Input = Describe yourself
Card_Hide_Comfirm_Content = Do you want to set your Player Card to private?
Card_Hide_Self = Set to\nPrivate
Card_Pro_Archer = Marksman
Card_Pro_Archmage = Mage
Card_Pro_Assassin = Assassin
Card_Pro_Assist = Support
Card_Pro_None = Any
Card_Pro_Tank = Tank
Card_Pro_Warrior = Warrior
Card_Region_None_Set = Not selected
Card_Show_Comfirm_Content = Do you want to set your Player Card to public?
Card_Show_Self = Set to\nPublic
Card_Weekday_Everyday = Every day
Card_Weekday_None = Any
Card_Weekday_Weekday = Weekdays
Card_Weekday_Weekend = Weekends
CB035291E220DD25_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
CB04624797C02277_## =
CB04F0B3F418C37B_## =
CB053598E16FE075_## = 本週活動精選
CB0BE823A7905A1C_## = Top up get extra spin ticket
cb1068fd6c01c05e = cb1068fd6c01c05e_##
CB11E32431850176_## = Base Damage
CB151B88A9CB328B_## =
CB1A45FED1AA08DB_## = When a normal attack hits an enemy, the projectile explodes
and deals area damage to surrounding minions and monsters. Fennik has a slightly
longer attack range than any other marksman with positioning abilities.
CB205C25E8BE4D4E_## =
CB254E52A171E89D_## = Tank
CB2643AAA8F383B0_## = Tap to report this player.
CB292DF44D9F4FCE_## =
CB296C07BA515BDB_## =
CB2BF9B7205D1E3E_## =
CB2C4CEA0B26157E_## =
CB2C7E464356A8A6_## = Reiki Shot Damage
CB2D098B97B97444_## =
CB2E3078BAC39D88_## = Liên Quân đón Xuân
CB2ED6C8D8A48438_## = Gói Maloch Ác ma
CB304178E0A9D54E_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Jinna) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
CB30E213F76C1D81_## =
CB32FAA27B1CF803_## =
CB3387B10E1B3411_## = Warrior
CB37AE8E66D39C13_## = Fright Circus
CB3B063D330A94AF_## =
CB3BA2DC122E817F_## = Pooty Poots
CB3E0D894F4C6820_## = Tagger
CB3E93F570A919D7_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Mortos)
CB4133C6A1750000_## =
CB487ECE15D8590E_## =
CB4A957C7DAD76AE_## = Long Range
CB4C7773E9DC84D5_## =
CB5063CC61A9CA6E_## = Lauriel
CB560F3FC4A36C8B_## = 本週活動精選
CB59072B84C1AD7C_## =
CB5D9193B0195759_## = Temporal Turbulence can only be triggered by landing
continuous normal attacks, so focus and make sure all those attacks make contact.
Triggering Murad's passive gives him a burst in damage output, so make sure he is
not under any control effects when it's about to trigger.
CB5E2C9A239B802A_## = [新英雄-Wukong 登場] 愛不釋手
CB5E9742CB72FA12_## = Check out my new toy!
CB63BA47C10F70E2_## =
CB647918712B024E_## = Support
CB64FD7093CD44D3_## =
cb68c0e9fe889e3b = According to date added
CB68C1895E60BBB8_## = Thắng {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường
CB6D4EBA47A98E1A_## = Crimson
CB6E21381D9BD583_## =
CB6EF74443EC9C2E_## = Trial Card: Try out Arum's skin: Sekhmet for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
CB6FF8E18CF6B484_## = You have completed a<color=#f6bf17ff> task</color>.
CB7797B6FC0A1526_## =
CB7E5E446AEC79AF_## = Receive<color=#f6bf17ff> the task rewards</color> now!
CB84BF85BC56D0BA_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Ilumia) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
CB85AB94889400ED_## =
CB8A4F1B72A31FBE_## = Kriknak's skin:Steel
CB91C5E01D8412BD_## =
CB9793B9E273EF67_## =
CB9798BC565158AA_## = <blankspace89>
CB982961E14D1AC0_## = Dùng để đổi Rương băng
cb9a024cced4f403 = cb9a024cced4f403_##
CB9B72553CBCDE37_## = Unwavering Death
CB9C08E5DCF80BF6_## =
CB9D98C0772960D5_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
CB9F7CDAC481E7F1_## =
CBA135876A24710E_## =
CBA24AFAB9292968_## = Toro lunges towards his enemies, causing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> and knocking
them into the air.
CBA2EC2C01F2BBCB_## = Use Maloch's Cleave to hit an enemy hero and enchant his
weapon. This will make his normal attacks and subsequent Cleave attacks deal true
damage and restore a lot of HP.
CBA62DEAF457181D_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Lindis {C}/{T} lần
CBAEA285F003E211_## =
CBagSystem_HardCode1 = All
CBagSystem_HardCode2 = Items
CBagSystem_HardCode3 = Gift Packs
CBagSystem_HardCode4 = Arcana
CBattleSystem_HardCode1 = You cannot leave multiplayer battles.
CBB3654A1098A7B3_## =
CBB54ACBA0A06539_## = Arthur is blessed by the heavens and gains
<color=#f8be32>{0}</color> armor (scales with hero level).
CBB9E3831D31ACAC_## = Kahlii
CBBC2EC1B4905B99_## = A new survey is available!
CBC03CE75F7CF907_## =
CBC3C837EF51A33A_## =
cbc63682e164859e = Win Streaks
CBCC403208414C5B_## = Đây là phần thưởng Cuộc chiến cứ điểm của bạn, xin mời kiểm
CBCCB32D3B4A15DA_## = Lời mời đã được phát ra, những kẻ nào muốn theo ta thì hãy
thu thập càng nhiều thẻ bài này càng tốt. Phần thưởng của các người sẽ không tồi
đâu! Hahaha!
CBD047C66DF70250_## =
CBD06412E12A542C_## =
CBD078B07EB36863_## =
CBD0AAE4AF1C9DC1_## = Zuka gains a shield from successful hits with Panda Chariot,
so make sure you hit an enemy or a monster when you use this ability. Zuka's
positioning abilities take him through most obstacles and can produce unexpected
effects on certain terrains.
CBD46C6768AEB537_## = 登录送狮子头+皮肤宝箱
cbd555411ae3217e = cbd555411ae3217e_##
CBDA83A3767C7592_## =
cbdcb3a26cd801bf = You don't have any mail.
cbe07d4f5f015655 = Use Items
CBE18588E872798C_## = Đây là phần thưởng Khích lệ đấu hạng của bạn, xin mời kiểm
CBE3508F27E120EC_## = Carapace
CBE7BCFCE16636DA_## =
CBEB782985EB7CEC_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
CBEEA8E83F107B68_## = Valhein
CBEFE25E044880D8_## =
CBF20128A08FCF4B_## =
CBF4C421E3E85B51_## =
CBF541437F84BCFB_## = Thu thập 2 mảnh Chúc mừng năm mới và Mậu Tuất 2018 để đổi 6
trang phục miễn phí tùy chọn!
CBF5713A9B56AEC8_## =
CBF6EBF00C5664A0_## =
CBF7776B88989817_## = Base Damage
CBF7A8852530ABC1_## = Attack
CBF7C27F55D7DBCC_## = Contains 10 Gems, 1300 Gold and 1 lvl 2 Arcana: Mutation
CBFA91DCDE57E68A_## = Fennik
CBFB333DAD18527A_## =
CBFC1E948DCCA491_## = Open to obain Tel'Annas and Woodland Tel'Annas
CBFF732D2F5F08D2_## =
CC02BE39DF2789CB_## = Unknown
CC056F038CFA21A4_## = Butterfly
CC066275B91A99D3_## =
CC07BEF58C4C2F41_## = Mage
CC0D1F10D364C2AA_## = Gut Punch
CC1387EF2A1CE5FB_## =
CC14CA2CF87B03E3_## = Attack speed increased
CC14E08ECC19FED5_## = Inferno
CC157D2AB69B4EB3_## =
CC15952B2C85BEDF_## = Blue Ballista
CC1ACA97956BE622_## = My empire will shine again.
CC1D702BE7FB8E26_## = 7 日累積簽到
CC1D8BCEF83F6335_## =
CC22C13F241E49DE_## =
CC25429BBAB00442_## = Unknown
CC256449E34380D2_## = The blood red sea roiled and boiled with fury.\n\nKil'Groth
was the ruler of the seas, where rage served as the only way to survive. Survival
of the fittest was the normal natural order, but Kil'Groth's fanaticism stemmed
from a complete disregard for balance in the food chain. The only thing he cared
about was instilling the fury of killing in all sea creatures. As for what they
killed, well, that was up to them.\n\nRelentless slaughter served as the source of
power of Kil'Groth's rage. Fresh blood diffusing into the seas aroused swarms upon
swarms of deep sea predators which then filled the gaps left in the food chain.
Such intense rage power was intoxicating for the demons.\n\nTaara, commander of the
Fallen, wielded her hammer like the coming of a cyclone. She used the power of
absolute zero ice to freeze the ocean surface. The water, which was heated by fresh
blood, cooled and even Kil'Groth felt the effects. His pride, however, did not
allow him to flee a fight. His raging will blazed and freed Kil'Groth from his icy
confines. He picked up his massive sea blade and began his last charge towards the
intruder.\n\nMany hundreds died at Kil'Groth's hands, but, under the command of
Taara, the flood of the Fallen drowned him like a massive tidal wave. When the
bloody battle ended, the dying Kil'Groth lacked the strength to even hold his
weapon. In fact, if Cresht hadn't led the beast army to the rescue, Kil'Groth may
have died there and become a legend in his own right.\n\nHowever, Kil'Groth
recovered from his wounds and ended up joining the Forest of Shadows array to show
his gratitude as well as exact revenge. The furious Kil'Groth refused to follow
orders from anyone. If any of the Fallen dared to insult him, his rage would finish
them in an instant.
CC27C8B4ED84F3B5_## =
CC2D3D51B689ECDA_## = Mừng ngày Quốc tế Phụ nữ 8.3, thắng đấu hạng với tướng nữ
để nhận Ruby & thẻ thử trang phục giới hạn Mina - Tiểu thư đoạt hồn!
CC30695DCD5E9565_## = 本週活動精選
CC3180FB9005204F_## =
CC3623EDB0B60476_## = Kriknak summons a plague of larvae that deals {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> and inflicts
the target with a Mark of Horror. When Kriknak attacks marked enemies, they take
additional <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> equal to <color=#ca3939>{2}% of
maximum HP</color>, the cooldown of this ability is reduced by 3 seconds, and
restores 35 mana.
CC36F4C021B3178C_## = [新英雄-Jinna 登場] 愛不釋手
CC3C1CBCF71BEA6E_## = Max HP +75
CC3CDE67E2D72928_## =
CC3E65156A0D7414_## = Tham gia đấu thường mỗi ngày để nhận quà Tết Liên Quân
CC3EFC9CB9D49229_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Đỏ)
CC43C57A16474CD1_## = Astrid
CC44B1033DD212FB_## = Tướng Tulen + trang phục Nhà thám hiểm
CC487AFBF1D91D80_## =
CC49C7321F109FB8_## = Bodhi
CC49C7FBB20462C3_## = Thẻ bài Joker
CC50181D024EA43E_## =
CC52019161884C6D_## =
CC53A9B9715A4288_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Tím)
CC559C6D72E0709C_## = Unknown
CC569ED795297371_## =
CC59AC724B62D1A0_## =
CC5C640BF98BCEA0_## = Unknown
CC5DEE988810C271_## = Base Damage
CC6045C5A7E8588B_## =
CC62060250A1D3C7_## =
CC62D2DB894030B2_## = Lindis
CC6349C164E08601_## = Max
CC6491A2978E4C27_## = Be wary of the levels of both teams, if your enemy has a
higher level, defend first, then counterattack.
CC6507C47A7E36EE_## = 登录送狮子头+蛋糕+皮肤宝箱
CC66DAEC4E9EB3B2_## = When Astrid's HP falls below 80%, she gains a shield that
absorbs {0} HP for 4 seconds. The shield effect has a 24-second cooldown and will
be reactivated when Astrid takes damage again. While the shield is active, it deals
{1} <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to surrounding enemies. Cooldown is reduced
by 3 seconds every time Astrid hits an enemy hero with an ability or normal attack
and by 1.5 seconds every time she hits an enemy minion or monster.
CC6D2F3C917A2CE5_## =
CC6FB7DD8FA60867_## =
CC70EC5C1CBC53C7_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Kil'Groth để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
CC72ADA1AA90705C_## =
CC76EAC41870F77F_## = Tidal Rage
CC7CDAFF7A8B645D_## =
CC7DA9B3538764A3_## =
CC7FE2C48FFF8974_## = Every third normal attack, Xeniel deals <color=#ca3939>4%-8%
of his own maximum HP</color> as <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> (+1% at level
CC8044EF89D27591_## = Tỉnh Vĩnh Long
CC886A092385A1B4_## = Kil'Groth
CC8A48EB08227535_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Jinna + trang phục đại tư tế
CC8C19A52AE12CE0_## = Đấu trường Huyền thoại
CC8DC5BF3C2DE405_## = Protect our Carry!
CC936F2584AE30F6_## = Love Sworn
CC9433343A1179CD_## = Additional Damage
CC9853801B6F3E70_## = Gói vàng 2
CC989434753ABF80_## = Tulen
CC99042EF378BF38_## =
CC99AE6C6645A0F5_## = Original
CC9FEFEC5225CA4A_## =
CCA0D4D647E261BB_## =
CCA21A783F517FE8_## =
CCA302123AEAD36A_## =
CCA622EF47C8EBE3_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mừng xuân Đinh Dậu,
CCA8A180231F23EC_## = Support
CCA922CCCD4642F1_## =
CCAA1F21C4E71214_## = Linebacker
CCAE5706B9CD8A22_## = Gói Yorn Đặc nhiệm SWAT
CCB177B81CEFBF71_## =
CCB867E40541D067_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường
CCB8DC3D51316F54_## =
CCB8ED9C6C2F50E5_## =
ccb991467f1c935f = ccb991467f1c935f_##
CCBC33ACA9E64896_## =
CCBD4FB014A121CC_## =
CCBE6E1276B3B9CF_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
CCBE7A76F5608D1B_## =
CCBFC85189BDB7C6_## = Burst
CCC08E354765689A_## = Kil'Groth's Gore Lord removes control effects and makes
Kill'Groth temporarily immune to them, so remember to activate this ability when an
enemy is trying to control you. Target enemy heroes when you use Sea Spear so the
cooldown is reduced.
CCC0F20315D0799F_## = Thu thập 2 mảnh Chúc mừng năm mới và Mậu Tuất 2018 để đổi 5
trang phục miễn phí tùy chọn!
CCC4ADE2751ACC4C_## = Omen
CCC509FB554F89E6_## = Chief Knight
CCC6A2F7A44144A0_## =
CCC8731BD9562FA1_## =
CCCB32B20E87BA25_## = Cooldown
CCCB40300BB987E8_## =
CCCB54D1CE99728D_## =
CCCB77C042F5F097_## =
CCD015C8230792F1_## =
Đăng nhập mỗi ngày để nhận mảnh ghép năm mới và đổi lấy cơ hội sở hữu bộ đôi tran
g phục giới hạn Long kỵ sĩ và Nghệ nhân Lân!
CCD10B564F02E31E_## = Use the brush to hide and avoid the enemy's pursuit.
CCD11550483B9137_## = Revelation
CCD31ACF91761D15_## =
CCE015284795CA22_## =
CCE0C891AD7F0E79_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Vàng
CCE526B1E48A41B8_## = Too Easy
CCE944F94E39BFCD_## = Bộ đôi sát thủ Butterfly + Nakroth
CCEB70176008E25B_## = Mobile tanks have high defensive attributes and high HP. They
can take damage for allies and they have movement-based abilities that allow them
to better position themselves after engaging in a fight.
CCEC34837F694729_## = Defense
CCEDA99A0D30AFA6_## =
CCF5449C6BA57D79_## =
CCFF38CC6523DA3B_## =
CChatController_HardCode1 = You have been muted until {3}:{4}, {2}/{1}/{0}.
CCheatSystem_HardCode1 = CCheatSystem_HardCode1_##
CCheatSystem_HardCode10 = CCheatSystem_HardCode10_##
CCheatSystem_HardCode11 = CCheatSystem_HardCode11_##
CCheatSystem_HardCode12 = Cache cleaning successful!
CCheatSystem_HardCode13 = Cache cleaning failed!
CCheatSystem_HardCode2 = CCheatSystem_HardCode2_##
CCheatSystem_HardCode3 = CCheatSystem_HardCode3_##
CCheatSystem_HardCode4 = CCheatSystem_HardCode4_##
CCheatSystem_HardCode5 = CCheatSystem_HardCode5_##
CCheatSystem_HardCode6 = CCheatSystem_HardCode6_##
CCheatSystem_HardCode7 = Skip the update.
CCheatSystem_HardCode8 = CCheatSystem_HardCode8_##
CCheatSystem_HardCode9 = CCheatSystem_HardCode9_##
CD0221025ED04F64_## = Contains 10 Gems, 1300 Gold and 1 lvl 2 Arcana: Fortify
CD04C06899176BD2_## =
CD06192987376E0A_## =
CD07D365BAAE67CE_## = Unknown
CD07E0AEABA937F4_## =
CD0973F6B7152C7E_## =
CD0A680281DC8992_## = Trial Card: Try out Aleister for <color=#01d1f8ff>1</color>
day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
CD0D05ECED8EAC08_## = 签到图片
CD0D448F002EBAF1_## =
CD0DC5E3266A11E4_## = Base Damage
CD0E43CE0A0EFC31_## = Đổi quà tình nhân
CD13893B9CD4D3F6_## = Buffs, Control
CD145B625BC1345C_## = Trial Card: Try out Raz for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
CD1506FDB443F6C7_## = Nạp tích lũy 350 Quân Huy trở lên nhận cực nhiều quà
CD16C8AB950D1A88_## =
CD18C4173B81B829_## = Base Damage
CD19BCF83FA9CA34_## = That all you got?
CD1A2E44AA99B206_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
CD1DB02C1470A08A_## =
CD24365F62801C58_## =
CD269A6A675BE719_## = Verdant
CD2728BC63DC8E23_## =
CD287B3D4B4F304A_## = Guest user log-in gift pack
CD2C8FFFA576B99C_## = Weekly Quest Reward
CD2FD0F319F8CA25_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
CD309BEA966633B2_## = Contains 10 Gems, 1300 Gold and 1 lvl 2 Arcana: Loyalty
cd30b38217e73e76 = cd30b38217e73e76_##
CD31F2D7839FAEE7_## =
CD358F4465C21B81_## = That all you got?
CD35E4441A0BD098_## =
CD37DE62700C70BF_## =
CD38E8ED37047534_## = Trial Card: Try out Natalya for <color=#01d1f8ff>1</color>
day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
CD3AFF63DA53E648_## = Survivability, Control
CD3DF4CD952D0857_## =
CD40371A50D346CD_## =
CD41B81AA775F6F6_## =
CD4228C6E6B2B1FB_## =
CD42641C2DE6FECE_## = Ruby may mắn
CD44B7B783ABB980_## =
CD467E7E084CD04B_## = Trial Card: Try out Taara's skin: Tribal Chief for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
CD4801BDF67F6AAF_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
CD484EAD71734B37_## =
CD55B287DF640885_## = Đây là phần thưởng Nạp Quân Huy - nhận rương Raz! của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
CD56729C4F4CF9FB_## =
CD58BDE6C9C61FB9_## = Mở để nhận tướng Joker + Trang phục Trò đùa tử vong (vĩnh
CD58DDCF0A8B9A6E_## = Slayer Buff: \nTeam attack damage and ability power
+30%\nTeam recovers 1% of HP and mana every second\nLasts 90 seconds
CD5B9982DD2EFBEA_## = Săn mục tiêu lớn
CD5F4F66B25FB880_## =
CD60BC4C438A9010_## = Assassin
CD61E44D97BEEB15_## = I'm not sure
CD61ED8603433396_## = Thane cannot be stopped once he starts his Valiant Charge, so
use this to your advantage. King's Glory has a slight delay and not a very long
range. It is best to unleash this ability when enemies are close.
CD62A6183F9F6B61_## =
CD646F6E4621C6CD_## =
CD64E4FB6FBD91EF_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Mortos để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
CD66A85920D8B1FF_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
CD67817E0EF6A92C_## = 用于莫拉兑换活动
CD6A111B6CD059B8_## =
CD6D03A9109D7DCA_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
CD74E7D63BD0DCC5_## = OK
CD7675CAF21AAD1F_## =
CD78077867C755F5_## =
CD78E13CBF165340_## =
CD7B1B9EB5B5ADC3_## =
CD7DD86829830A2A_## = Chaugnar
CD7DF37BFE2B2A65_## =
CD7E4F9BBC6CAF44_## =
CD7E551A44808A27_## = Lauriel
CD7FB9B0D4F71AEB_## =
CD802B6991423A14_## = 本週活動精選
CD8613A10F33E93D_## = Damage Reduction
CD8AFCA08CEC5D56_## =
CD8BEF313896BDA3_## = Armor +5.4
CD8BEF9F8008650D_## =
CD8E670FBD375044_## =
CD8F9C9BB803FF76_## =
CD91180636C1BEBD_## = Change the Talent to<color=#f6bf17ff> Execute</color>
CD94372D0059D288_## = Attack Damage +100, Cooldown Speed. +10%\n[Break] [Windwalk]
CD95D208C751A5E2_## =
CD9698A5E9BB9503_## =
CD98BB606B694181_## = Christmas Special
CD9A266A6896B71F_## =
CD9EB902CCF79647_## = Love Sworn
CDA1D521DC908F99_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
CDA5FA44BA8DAB86_## = Rương Tình nhân - 2017
CDA931BDAC445FDF_## = Trial Card: Try out Maloch for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
CDA9576372285417_## =
CDAB7D1910B81895_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
CDABC30A0AAC175A_## = Assassin
CDAF932E5B7CA308_## = Đây là phần thưởng Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
CDB63565F298CA2A_## =
CDBA02F77CD12D0B_## =
CDBC516512A1177C_## =
CDBE6FC43B4EE953_## = Nạp tích lũy 90 Quân Huy, nhận quà ngay
CDBF42D0487043D9_## = Quy đổi ngọc tím cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
CDC25DE79EDCCBC8_## = 妇女节挑战活动
CDC2E56AF717F902_## = +50% Exp Năm mới
CDC560F000C1457B_## =
CDC7086FDFDC3100_## = Raz launches a projectile from his fists that deals {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to the first
enemy in it hits, briefly reducing their magic defense by
<color=#f8be32>{2}</color> and movement speed by <color=#f8be32>{3}%</color>.
Restores 25 energy if the ability hits an enemy.
CDC9A6F1E636C1A5_## =
CDCC67E033DC3C1D_## = The Smasher
CDD25FE0F1B14900_## = Melee
CDD44A9D0AABA14A_## = <color=#f8be32>100-second</color> cooldown: Increases
movement speed by <color=#f8be32>30%</color> for <color=#f8be32>10 seconds</color>.
CDDE7DF445DA8EBE_## = Tiêu xài nhận thưởng
CDE1201D5709F4A5_## = Mở để nhận ngẫu nhiên 1-5 Ruby
CDEEC52C627A0826_## =
CDF09684F9E23E74_## = Unknown
CDF2084C6006F3A8_## = Trial Card: Try out Cresht for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this Hero.
CDF2D0BAAE5CB0C7_## = Tiêu thụ Vàng/Ruby mỗi ngày để nhận Lì xì mỗi ngày!
CDF36B38646252FF_## =
CDF39B49BE79A720_## = Original
CDF696BC26FCEA67_## = Đổi Dấu ấn Tulen
cdf9383bb871404a = cdf9383bb871404a_##
CDFB18462F840D82_## =
CDFC3F210B5B4FBF_## = Control mages use control abilities to impair enemies'
movement. They are best with an ally that can provide protection.
CDFCBEA390185E61_## =
CDFF8D5A0EB3F05D_## =
CDN_Loadingtip = Loading…
CE02E896A4B4397C_## =
CE060031545081E6_## = Long Range
CE06169D4E1F60EB_## = Mở để có cơ hội sở hữu các trang phục Tết hữu hạn chỉ 15
Quân Huy
CE06A16CB73EA8FE_## =
CE06BCC4A0E902D2_## = Not Available
CE07E7D60B9BAF1B_## = 限時充值送好禮(test)
CE08BE794EAD3EA9_## = Amazon Shield
CE0BC017FA4FB311_## =
CE0E9084D90337BA_## = Cooldown
CE12213BB29D93F2_## = Trial Pack 3
CE13A8209F5D0FF8_## = Not Available
CE14FAD25CC72052_## =
CE15E637B79DD72E_## = 26.11 - Quà đăng nhập đặc biệt
CE18966BFD8C5E23_## =
CE191319A83F6685_## = Trial Card: Try out Mganga for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this Hero.
CE1A9023C78D3A6B_## = The Joker
CE1B03353320F0EC_## = Butterfly
CE1BC8C335177A28_## = Max HP +45
CE1EC8F019E82BD3_## = Trot
CE1F4492BCA1CF9A_## =
CE21FE7227E3C111_## =
CE296C99FEEA9B26_## = Mở để nhận ngẫu nhiên 1-5 Ruby
CE2B8B486FFA5719_## = Ripper
CE2E957482E32816_## =
CE304C53C0472C4A_## = Quà đăng nhập 14 ngày
CE31D1038379CCFE_## = 本週活動精選
CE336F6DCFD76F6A_## =
CE33C51EE3F531BA_## = Disrupt
CE35C156F485415D_## =
CE39D81288C99E74_## =
CE39F1CC48C714AD_## =
CE3B0AFD21DAB152_## = Medium
CE3B86BBFE713078_## =
CE3F64B648595C0F_## = Butterfly
CE41DBDEDE61172E_## = Cooldown
CE4540B67967964E_## = Original
CE50271DA83D4714_## =
CE52294FBEAD8B33_## = Base Damage
CE550653FD9C4E21_## =
CE558A9C9913456C_## =
CE56E9E53DA01F39_## = Not Available
CE58ED4B82093A61_## =
CE5A13A0D305C3D1_## = Đổi Dấu ấn Tulen
CE5A9D132CC3CBDC_## = Human Form grants ranged normal attack.\nFox Form increases
armor and magic defense by 20 (+5 per level) and movement speed by 30. Normal
attacks in Fox Form deal <color=#7FFFD4>{0}</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
CE5EF638F0381F49_## = Mina
CE6667B6AFC21F6B_## = Tiêu Quân Huy nhận cực nhiều ưu đãi!
CE6A890DC5792ED1_## = Bộ đôi trang phục giới hạn Lữ Bố Long kỵ sĩ và Natalya Nghệ
nhân lân
CE6AFDC301A8C953_## = Moren
CE7067A394F0C51A_## = Liên Quân Mobile thân tặng tất cả Kiện tướng
<color=orange>gói quà ra mắt.</color>Chúc các bạn có những trải nghiệm thật thú
CE71980602A120D9_## =
CE71B84AB3787A93_## = When a normal attack hits an enemy, the projectile explodes
and deals area damage to surrounding minions and monsters. Fennik has a slightly
longer attack range than any other marksman with positioning abilities.
CE738FBCA4E91ACF_## = My empire will shine again.
CE74A3E97EF801F3_## = Trial Card: Try out Airi's skin: Racer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this skin.
CE7666045213CF3E_## =
CE76AD87B0CB354D_## =
CE7863C702CFB3CF_## =
ce799976fd2ad3d0 = No Data
CE7B5B1816840ACE_## = Lauriel
CE7C5452B3C9829D_## = Đấu với bạn - Tết đến rồi
CE7CA374783E8BC6_## = Passive Reflect
CE83975D669F95D0_## = Hyoga's Edge
CE84EE44F919C88B_## =
CE8A7FE2F792D204_## =
CE8B246F2BC3F15B_## =
CE8B56EBB05FDAF2_## =
CE8BC07A681F9F62_## = Tích lũy nạp Quân Huy đạt mốc chỉ định để nhận phần thưởng:
CE8D43C587012C3B_## = Fennik Skin: Snow Festival
CE8DAC51C9F8F033_## = The Dragoon
CE912F6DDC4F7630_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
CE9184CC961E6745_## =
CE944CF568033752_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Batman) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
CE9545FC13217964_## =
CE959C14F352D6E6_## =
CE95B4706A8E88D3_## = 限時充值送好禮(test)
CE96C4F78518DB6A_## = 签到图片
CE9959315815078A_## = Trial Card: Try out Violet's skin: Tagger for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
CE9993D655F01E68_## =
CE9C4C62363B1F9C_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
CE9DDF70BD87E244_## = Kil'Groth
CEA2875C452AE1AB_## =
CEA614514E68448A_## =
CEAAA6F9C5D2624E_## = Abyssal Clash
CEABC4134601B6AA_## = Veera
CEAC66D8B44F0F15_## = Trial Card: Try out Natalya's skin: Azure
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
CEAD4EE1AC48F5EC_## = 击杀魔龙
CEAE28ADA7487854_## =
CEB23474EAE15F05_## =
CEB399A50AEDBAC6_## = Tel'Annas
CEB46BEE7E94CDD1_## = 参与 5V5
CEB476FBB47BA2A0_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
CEB622A70D6D8F4E_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
CEB7B24960DC6B51_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
CEB98A3C0465800E_## = Arum consumes all her spirit beasts to spawn a lion that
charges at the target area, dealing {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color>
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>. Arum gains a short speed boost after
casting.\n\nThe lion charges ahead the same number of times as the number of beasts
consumed. The effects are as follows:\n1st charge: reduces enemy movement speed by
50% for 1 second.\n2nd charge: reduces enemy movement speed by 90% for 1
second.\n3rd charge: stuns the enemy for 1 second.
CEBBB8E116D37C4B_## = TeeMee
CEBF7FF6B462BAC3_## =
CEC0021E46C0E792_## = Tích lũy tiêu Quân Huy để nhận thưởng
CEC13CA816C7E7AE_## = Diaochan
CEC1446A405A1241_## =
CEC2964D602CC27A_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
CEC421FE4370B19C_## =
CEC606D7E90696E2_## =
CECA8614B88FB592_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK {C}/{T}
CECF026F5118EADE_## =
CECFC53C4E7FBA22_## = 1-20 minutes
CED03E1FF8EAAC4C_## = Control, Buffs
CED165D0E3F86D08_## =
CED68B24B0209773_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Maloch để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
CED7052E69B2EEAE_## =
CEDAA7BF1054565A_## = He was a mobile war machine complete with blood running
through his veins that was infused with demonic rage.\n\nSkud was Mganga's proudest
creation. Infused with demonic blood, he possessed an astounding destructive power
and a thirst for carnage to match. His powerful fists could shake the courage of
anyone who attempted to overthrow the dark rule. During the warring years, Skud was
summoned to serve as Preyta's subordinate and lead the Fallen to charge
forward.\n\nThe battle for the Castle of Alchemy proved to be the pinnacle of
Skud's achievements. Even though he had fewer than one hundred men, he successfully
led them to break through the mechanical defenses that were laid by Moen, the arms
specialist. Then he single-handedly destroyed ten alchemy puppets and fought his
way into the castle interior. At that moment, Omega, who had been undercover for
some time, issued an order to attack. Soon Skud and his men were flooded by a sea
of steel.\n\nAs he watched the Castle of Alchemy's defenses rose again and found
himself surrounded by enemies, Skud became infuriated beyond reproach. The demonic
blood in his body started boiling and his willpower was ignited. The iron blitz
could not stall his progress. The strongest of armor crumpled like paper under his
fists. The enraged Skud managed to single-handedly squash the enemy counterattack.
Omega grabbed Moen and fled in panic, leaving Skud and his Fallen followers to
enjoy the bounty of treasures and resources left by the army.\n\nWhen the battle
finally ended, Skud got the reward he deserved: a set of alchemy gloves forged by
Moen himself. Mganga made some adjustments that allowed the alchemy gloves to bond
with Skud's demonic blood, giving him even more violent destructive powers.\n\n"My
blood boils in anticipation! "
CEDB3ECE678367D3_## = Attack Speed +35%, Life Steal +10%\n[Hunter][Wild][Hunter's
CEDB83D1500D16DE_## =
CEE2E23D06BACD96_## = Fancy Footwork
CEE43952B4E12654_## =
CEE6717CDF5309A2_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
CEE728AC75819E4E_## =
CEE900690D4B3728_## = Base Damage
CEEB5DE3CF6A150C_## = Liên Quân đón Xuân
ceedaa332ed2633c = ceedaa332ed2633c_##
CEF269C3A4DEAE11_## = Damage Bonus
CEF44330FDADF26F_## = The Firecracker
CEFF4CD52771D366_## =
CF01079A6B677E22_## = Tham gia đấu thường mỗi ngày để nhận quà Tết Liên Quân
CF043A28EB287789_## =
CF046B77089BF77D_## =
CF04A9D0422EA617_## = Butterfly swings her blade in a full arc at nearby enemies,
dealing {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>
and reducing their movement speed by 50% for 2 seconds.
CF0AD023C8B1DF8D_## =
CF0C3C2076F8D48A_## =
CF0CA015DB5CA9D0_## = Số trụ phá {C}/{T}
CF0DE84A31420965_## =
CF0E1337AB677631_## = Target Lock Mode
CF11500E2F20D8A6_## = You've joined the guild, <color=#ffd700>{0}</color>.
CF12C41F9DA29FEE_## = Murad
cf1578f10bcc53a5 = Change Arcana
CF17101B7E0CB618_## = Survivability, Buffs
CF174954DC9E38FD_## = obsolete+a0afebe2515a0a4e
CF1A9B833E721354_## = Gilded Greaves
CF211D921C4FC150_## = Normal Attack
CF23F711DE8AE2B7_## =
CF292A652C6AE195_## = Invincible
CF2A5C2DFB9FB3AB_## = Cooldown
CF2B8F97F48445EB_## =
CF2EFBB7A42BE3E2_## = You're out of your league!
CF311D6198E9E5A5_## =
CF32F91D7CD6A815_## =
CF33D1EE5DFB19B2_## = Structure
CF34492654DE029B_## =
CF369FA2E6B9435B_## =
CF3E41B3B3263A7F_## =
CF41BB666D103092_## =
CF43E2CCB6FA2F55_## =
CF45047E559EA370_## = Thắng đấu hạng với Alice {C}/{T} lần
CF46BB18716A26DE_## = Zill's abilities place Marks of the Wind on their targets
when dealing damage. At 3 stacks, enemy movement speed is reduced by {0}% for 0.25
seconds. Marks will last for {1} seconds.\n\nWhen Zill's normal attacks deal damage
to targets with 3 marks, Wind Shift's cooldown is immediately refreshed, and the
targets take an additional {2} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{3})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
damage</color>.\n\nZill's normal attacks deal additional {4} <color=#8e91fd>magic
CF49632082E55141_## = Mở để nhận thẻ thử 1 ngày của tướng/trang phục Sát thủ ngẫu
nhiên.\nMurad - Hoàng tử sa mạc sẽ ra mắt từ 04/08! Xem thêm tại:
CF4DCA47EDFDAEE9_## = Zephys
CF5247C5CB427FC5_## = Đấu trường Huyền thoại
CF5570D552939D15_## =
CF566B111B5662E9_## = Unknown
CF5809EDBAA51B33_## = Cresht Value Pack
CF58F8B12B71F0A5_## =
cf5a71e110091815 = cf5a71e110091815_##
CF5AF1795CB947B8_## = Cooldown
CF5B74ACA0995D9C_## = Có thể nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nTướng vĩnh viễn
(Butterfly/Aleister/Lumburr) / Thẻ thử tướng 3 ngày / Thẻ x2 Vàng/EXP - 4 thắng /
Ngọc cấp 2
CF62343660F40F43_## =
CF6274CAC9B9AC2F_## =
CF62F55D84EB339B_## = Level 12 Chest
CF6602E15FE41B12_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Ryoma)
CF6678E22B918CA0_## = Gold III
CF6B95FCAF7FB101_## = Flaming
CF6B9BCB9AE71DB4_## =
CF6DB03D0D42DBCD_## =
CF704C0AE3F603DB_## =
CF71186CEF5CB199_## = Flight
CF76758E714F3984_## =
CF769C8CC1BE5E09_## =
CF7A5ED0B8DAFC08_## = Sonika
CF7E23BB4CD5946E_## =
CF7E81A5E252EA68_## = Batman
CF82AE2954EAE09B_## = 5V5 经验翻倍
CF82D7C3CFB0762D_## =
CF82FAE016264E43_## =
CF88543C19BEF226_## = Zanis
CF88839CEEB30B1D_## =
CF8C19D1A4A5ADCB_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Preyta {C}/{T} lần
CF8E3991E9E5DD3B_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Superman) của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
CF8E4708E8F0EF60_## = Damage Increase\n(% of AD)
CF8E7F97EDAC53E1_## =
CF9077EF71F8C8E9_## = Newbie mission II
CF91FEFECD45D864_## = Hold them off. I'll take the towers!
CFA082ECF3A9B88C_## =
CFA316FCDD0B2EED_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
CFA4429DA9D8A2EC_## =
CFA907B59A8BD448_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
CFA9832EB3F51081_## =
CFAB44C9AB0E734A_## =
cfae9ca4654a4fce = Turn off AI
CFB061E9070C643C_## = Zill Lucky Draw
CFB1870A0A1B3C45_## = Unknown
CFC2A94B9FF5E1CC_## = Not Available
CFC39FCBDF029C2D_## = Gói 30% KM Chaugnar + skin
CFCC22ADEF4ED9AE_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
CFCFB23DAFD93571_## =
CFD06CA1066A6BD1_## = Every third normal attack, Xeniel deals <color=#ca3939>4%-8%
of his own maximum HP</color> as <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> (+1% at level
CFD4CD35152467F5_## = Lu Bu lunges forward, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies in
his path. Lu Bu will stop immediately if he hits an enemy hero. This ability can be
used 3 times in a row, with the 3rd cast knocking enemies into the air.
CFDA1E152985B4B3_## = Fatal Scythe
CFDBF8310D7B5470_## = Trial Card: Try out Omega's skin: Real Steel for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
CFDCA7CA23B1F73A_## = Valhein
CFE0D7995358011C_## = Những cuộc bạo loạn liên tiếp nổ ra, mau kêu gọi anh em cùng
hành động để ngăn chặn chúng!
CFE130B3F2599059_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 hạng mỗi ngày
CFE357E90ABA7F81_## = Seasoned
CFE36F722ED5B235_## = Fennik
CFE45E8EEBAFC65D_## = Jinnar
CFE47F366D50F0BE_## = Slash
CFE51B3242FF2742_## = Wisp
CFE67216E89F3FE1_## = Đây là phần thưởng Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
CFE75EFBD6F0C7D7_## = Đăng nhập mỗi ngày nhận quà
CFE9B96EDDE59AC4_## = Unknown
CFEA91C9D7A7AB33_## =
cff4db9a1e446be5 = cff4db9a1e446be5_##
CFF5635CC187EF93_## =
CFF7E280C1C4207B_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
CFFA721683012973_## =
CFFAB43786B471B9_## = Slaying dragons is easy, bro!
CFFF5ADD53838F39_## =
CFriendController_HardCode1 = You cannot earn any more Friendship Score points with
this friend today.
CFriendController_HardCode2 = Locating, please wait…
CFriendController_HardCode3 = You have reached max Friendship Points with this
CFriendData_HardCode1 = ---map, id:{0}, name:{1},
CFriendData_HardCode2 = CFriendData_HardCode2_##
CFriendData_HardCode3 = CFriendData_HardCode3_##
CFriendData_HardCode4 = CFriendData_HardCode4_##
CFriendData_HardCode5 = CFriendData_HardCode5_##
CFriendData_HardCode6 = {0} km
CFriendData_HardCode7 = {0} m
CFriendView_HardCode1 = Blacklist
CFriendView_HardCode2 = People Nearby
ChangeLanguage_Title = Language Preferences
ChangeTranslate = Choose language
ChangeTranslate_Success = Change successful. Please log-in again.
Character_Limi = 140
Chat_Common_Tips_1 = Tap to chat (also speak<color=#ca3939> {0}</color> times free
of charge).
Chat_Common_Tips_10 = You can't send empty messages!
Chat_Common_Tips_11 = Tap here to chat with teammates
Chat_Common_Tips_2 = Tap after<color=#ca3939> {0} sec</color> to chat.
Chat_Common_Tips_3 = Tap to chat
Chat_Common_Tips_4 = Stay vigilant against phishing attempts and never give out any
personal information!
Chat_Common_Tips_5 = Tap to enter message
Chat_Common_Tips_6 = Reach<color=#f6bf17ff> Level 4</color> to be able to chat with
Chat_Common_Tips_7 = Chat payment failed!
Chat_Common_Tips_8 = Don't go over this again. Let's talk about something else.
Chat_Common_Tips_9 = Please wait a minute before sending another message.
Chat_Common_Tips_NotInGuild = You cannot send a message because you are no longer
in this guild.
chat_entry_friend = <color=#3e98fe>[Friends] {0}:</color> {1}
chat_entry_guild = <color=#feff99>[Guild] {0}: </color>{1}
chat_entry_room = <color=#6ef56e>[Room] {0}:</color> {1}
chat_entry_total = <color=#ccffff>[All] {0}:</color> {1}
Chat_FilterLang = Select language
Chat_HasFriend_Tip = Select a friend to start chatting.
chat_input_cd = Please wait a minute before sending another message.
chat_input_max = Character Limit is {0}
Chat_NoFriend_Tip = No friends. Invite them to chat!
Chat_NoOnlineFriend_Tip = All your friends are offline, let's call them up for a
chat_title_friend = Friends
chat_title_guild = Guild
Chat_title_region = Region
chat_title_room = Room
Chat_title_Settle = Room
chat_title_team = Team
chat_title_total = General
CheckDevice_QuitGame = Log in failed. Your device doesn't meet the minimum
requirements to play the game.
CheckDevice_QuitGame_CurMemNotEnough = Your device does not have enough storage.
Please free up some space and log in again.
CheckInProgress = Cumulative log in<color=green> {0}</color>/{1} days.
CheckInTips = Log in for {0} [/0:$(day|days)/]
Chip_Shop_Confirm = Do you want to spend {0} {1}(s) to get {2}?
Chip_Shop_Expired = Redeeming failed. Selected goods cannot be redeemed at this
Chip_Shop_NotEnought = Not enough {0}.
Chip_Shop_NotReady = Redeeming failed. Selected goods cannot be redeemed at this
Chip_Shop_Titile = Redeem
Choose_Hero = Hero
Choose_Skin = Skins
ChooseHero_CancelLock = Cancel
ChooseHero_LockUp = Select
ChooseSvr_Exit = Leave Game
ChooseSvr_Retry = Reconnect
ChooseSvr_WeakNetwork = Weak connection. Please check your network and try again.
CHS_Standard_Global = 简体
CHT_Garena = Traditional Chinese
CHT_Garena_TW = 繁體
chuzhi = Purchase in Store
chuzhiguandao = Payment Methods
CLobbySystem_HardCode1 = {0}0k
CLoginSystem_HardCode1 = The current server is full
CLoginSystem_HardCode2 = You need to wait in line because the current server is
CLoginSystem_HardCode3 = Server not responding
CLoginSystem_HardCode4 = Server not responding
CLoginSystem_HardCode5 = Authorization failed. Please log in again.
CLoginSystem_HardCode6 = An error has occurred. Please wait a minute and try
CLoginSystem_HardCode7 = Please, wait for {0} and restart game.
CLoginSystem_HardCode8 = {0} minutes
CLoginSystem_HardCode9 = {0} sec
Clone_Confirm_Tips = Selection complete. Waiting for the other side.
Clone_Swap_Tips = Both sides have entered the final adjustment stage.
CloseNightPush = {0} The function has been turned off
CloseNoticePush = {0} Notification has been turned off
CMallFactoryShopController_HardCode1 = Daily limit:
CMallFactoryShopController_HardCode2 = Weekly limit:
CMallFactoryShopController_HardCode3 = Limit:
CMallFactoryShopController_HardCode4 = -{0}%
CMallFactoryShopController_HardCode5 = {0}(error code {1})
CMallFactoryShopController_HardCode6 = Discount
CMallFactoryShopController_HardCode7 = {0}% discount
CMallMysteryShop_HardCode1 = ? Discount
CMallMysteryShop_HardCode2 = Hero not obtained {0}, do you want to purchase?
CMallMysteryShop_HardCode3 = Item cannot be purchased.
CMallMysteryShop_HardCode4 = You have reached the purchase limit at the Mystery
Shop. Please come back later.
CMallMysteryShop_HardCode5 = The Mystery Shop is closed.
CMallRouletteController_HardCode1 = Item
CMallRouletteController_HardCode2 = Received
CMallRouletteController_HardCode3 = Obtained
CMallRouletteController_HardCode4 = CMallRouletteController_HardCode4_##
CMallRouletteController_HardCode5 = CMallRouletteController_HardCode5_##
CMallRouletteController_HardCode6 = Complete
CMallRouletteController_HardCode7 = Received
CMallRouletteController_HardCode8 = Congratulations! You have obtained
CMallSymbolGiftController_HardCode1 = CMallSymbolGiftController_HardCode1_##
CMallSystem_HardCode1 = Free
CMiniPlayerInfoSystem_HardCode1 = Blocked
CMiniPlayerInfoSystem_HardCode2 = Block
Coin_Count = {0} Gold
Coin_GetCnt_Daily_Desc = <color=#e7b135>{0}/{1} gold received this week.</color>
Coin_GetCnt_Week_Desc = <color=#e7b135>{0}/{1} gold received this week.</color>
Coin_Million = {0}0k
coinNotEnough = Insufficient balance!
COM_ACNT_CLIENT_BITS_TYPE_GET_HEROTitle = The more the merrier
COM_ACNT_CLIENT_BITS_TYPE_LEARN_TALENT = obsolete+04149cd5762372e3
COM_ACNT_CLIENT_BITS_TYPE_UPGRADE_EQUIP = obsolete+4141f036b5a8b599
COM_ACNT_CLIENT_BITS_TYPE_UPGRADE_EQUIPTitle = obsolete+8fd2911f13e4fb75
COM_CREDIT_CHG_TYPE_DOWN_MATCH = Unable to join multiplayer matches because your
Credibility Score is below {0}. Please join {1} multiplayer bot match(es) and
maintain good conduct to raise your Credibility Score.
COM_CREDIT_CHG_TYPE_DOWN_RANK = You are not permitted to join a Ranked Match
because your Credibility Score is below {0}. Participate in {1} multiplayer
match(es) and maintain good conduct to raise your Credibility Score.
COM_CREDIT_CHG_TYPE_DOWN_REWARD = Your Credibility Score is below {0} and are not
eligible for a bonus to the weekly Credibility Score Reward. Please join {1}
multiplayer match(es) and maintain good conduct to raise your Credibility Score.
COM_CREDIT_CHG_TYPE_UP_MATCH = Your Credibility Score is above {0}. You can now
participate in casual matches. Please maintain good conduct to keep your
Credibility Score high.
COM_CREDIT_CHG_TYPE_UP_RANK = Your Credibility Score is above {0}. You can now
participate in Ranked Matches. Please maintain good conduct to keep your
Credibility Score high.
COM_CREDIT_CHG_TYPE_UP_REWARD = Your Credibility Score is above {0} and you are
eligible for a bonus to the weekly Credibility Score Reward. Maintain good conduct
to keep your Credibility Score high.
COM_GUILD_ERR_APPROVE_FAIL_ACNT_DEL = Action failed because the player doesn't
COM_GUILD_ERR_APPROVE_GET_ACNT_DATA_FAIL = Action failed. Please try again.
COM_GUILD_ERR_GUILD_INVITE_FAIL_ACNT_DEL = Invitation failed because the player
doesn't exist
COM_GUILD_ERR_HAS_SAME_UID_MEMBER = Multiple characters from the same user cannot
join the same guild.
COM_GUILD_ERR_RECOMMEND_FAIL_ACNT_DEL = Action failed because this player does not
COM_GUILDEVETERRORCODE_GIVE_ITEM_TIMES_LIMIT = You have reached the daily limit for
gifting Trial Cards.
for gifting trial cards. Try again tomorrow.
COM_GUILDEVETERRORCODE_SEND_TOO_FASTLY = You have already requested a trial card in
the last 12 hours. Please wait before requesting another one.
COM_MATCH_ERRCODE_NEED_SHOW_RANK_NOTICE_1 = Good teamwork is critical in Ranked
Matches. Frequent negative behavior will affect all other players' gaming
experiences. Please take each battle seriously.
COM_MATCH_ERRCODE_NEED_SHOW_RANK_NOTICE_2 = Your performance last season was very
impressive. Keep up the good work!
below {0} and cannot participate in Standard Matches.
COM_MATCHTEAMEERR_OBING = The friend you're inviting is watching a battle. Please
try again later.
before you switch languages
Common_Ap_Not_Enough = obsolete+aa47b71076749c98
Common_Arena_Coin_Not_Enough = Common_Arena_Coin_Not_Enough_##
Common_Arena_Coin_Pay_Tip = Common_Arena_Coin_Pay_Tip_##
Common_Assist = Assist
Common_BindAccount_Tip = Do you want to <color=#f6bf27ff>link this account</color>?
Common_Burning_Coin_Not_Enough = Common_Burning_Coin_Not_Enough_##
Common_Burning_Coin_Pay_Tip = Common_Burning_Coin_Pay_Tip_##
Common_Cancel = Cancel
Common_Check = Check
Common_Click_To_View_More = Tap to see more
Common_Close = Completed
Common_Coin_Cost = Spent {0} Gold
Common_Confirm = OK
Common_Confirm_TH = OK
Common_Continue = Continue
Common_Day = Days
Common_DianQuan_Not_Enough = Not enough vouchers, purchase more?
Common_DianQuan_Pay_Tip = Spend {0} vouchers to purchase {1}?
Common_DontDisturb = <color=#f47878>Do not disturb </color>
Common_Edit = Edit
Common_Exit_Tip = Do you want to <color=#f6bf27ff>log out</color>?
Common_Exp_Abbreviation = xp
Common_Gaming = In Game
Common_Gold_Abbreviation = g
Common_GoldCoin_Not_Enough = obsolete+13dc18a6c227cfb7
Common_GoldCoin_Not_Enough_2 = Not enough gold. You can obtain more in PvP matches.
Common_GoldCoin_Pay_Tip = Spend {0} gold to purchase {1}?
Common_Guild_Coin_Not_Enough = Not enough guild gold.
Common_GuildCoin_Pay_Tip = Spend {0} guild gold to purchase {1}?
Common_Has_Invite = Invited
Common_HeroExtraProp_Tips_1 = Common_HeroExtraProp_Tips_1_##
Common_HeroExtraProp_Tips_10 = Common_HeroExtraProp_Tips_10_##
Common_HeroExtraProp_Tips_11 = Common_HeroExtraProp_Tips_11_##
Common_HeroExtraProp_Tips_12 = Common_HeroExtraProp_Tips_12_##
Common_HeroExtraProp_Tips_13 = obsolete
Common_HeroExtraProp_Tips_14 = obsolete
Common_HeroExtraProp_Tips_15 = obsolete
Common_HeroExtraProp_Tips_16 = obsolete
Common_HeroExtraProp_Tips_17 = obsolete
Common_HeroExtraProp_Tips_18 = obsolete
Common_HeroExtraProp_Tips_19 = obsolete
Common_HeroExtraProp_Tips_2 = Common_HeroExtraProp_Tips_2_##
Common_HeroExtraProp_Tips_20 = obsolete
Common_HeroExtraProp_Tips_3 = Common_HeroExtraProp_Tips_3_##
Common_HeroExtraProp_Tips_4 = Common_HeroExtraProp_Tips_4_##
Common_HeroExtraProp_Tips_5 = Common_HeroExtraProp_Tips_5_##
Common_HeroExtraProp_Tips_6 = Common_HeroExtraProp_Tips_6_##
Common_HeroExtraProp_Tips_7 = Common_HeroExtraProp_Tips_7_##
Common_HeroExtraProp_Tips_8 = Common_HeroExtraProp_Tips_8_##
Common_HeroExtraProp_Tips_9 = Common_HeroExtraProp_Tips_9_##
Common_Hour = Hours
Common_Invite = Invite
Common_Language_Title = Language
Common_Level_Format = Lvl {0}
Common_Log_Off_Tip = This account is logged in from another device. Please make
sure you did not share your password with anyone else.
Common_Login_Canceled = You have canceled your login.
Common_Login_Different_Account_Tip = The system has detected that the account you
are trying to log in with does not match the current account. Do you want to log in
with the new account anyway?
Common_Login_Different_Account_Tip_Force = The system has detected that the account
you are trying to log in with does not match the current account, please log in
Common_Login_FaceBook = Logged into Facebook
Common_Login_Garena = Logged in to Garena
Common_Login_Guest = Guest Login
Common_Login_Install_Platform = The system has detected that you have not installed
{0}, please install {1} first.
Common_Login_PC = obsolete+30410186216233d7
Common_Login_QQ = Common_Login_QQ_##
Common_Login_QQ_Canceled = Common_Login_QQ_Canceled_##
Common_Login_QQ_Failed = Common_Login_QQ_Failed_##
Common_Login_Title = Current Acct.
Common_Login_Weixin = Common_Login_Weixin_##
Common_Login_Weixin_Canceled = Common_Login_Weixin_Canceled_##
Common_Login_Weixin_Failed = Common_Login_Weixin_Failed_##
Common_Login_Weixin_Not_Installed = The system has detected that you have not
installed {0}, do you want to use QR log-in?
Common_Mail_Num = Messages: {0}/<color=#828282>{1}</color>
Common_Modify = Change
Common_MsgBox_Title = Notice
Common_MsgBox_Title_TH = Notice
Common_My_Friend = Friends
Common_Name = Name
Common_Need_Login = Log-in session expired. Please log in again.
Common_Network_Err = There has been a network failure, please try again.
Common_Next_Step = Next step
Common_No = No
Common_NoData = None
Common_Nolonger_Reminded = Don't show this message again.
Common_None = No
Common_Not_In_Rank = No Rank
Common_Not_Open = Preparing
Common_Offline = <color=#828282>Offline</color>
Common_Online = <color=#1eff7d>Online</color>
Common_Online_Friend = Friends: {0}/<color=#828282>{1}</color> online
Common_Online_lastgame = Recent
Common_Online_Member = Online {0}/<color=#828282>{1}</color>
Common_Online_Nearby = People nearby: {0}/<color=#828282>{1}</color> online
Common_Online_Squad = Guildmates: {0}/<color=#828282>{1}</color> online
Common_Operate = Status
Common_Pass = Accept
Common_Platform_QQ = Common_Platform_QQ_##
Common_Platform_QQ_Uninstall_Tips = Common_Platform_QQ_Uninstall_Tips_##
Common_Platform_Weixin = Common_Platform_Weixin_##
Common_Platform_Weixin_Uninstall_Tips = Common_Platform_Weixin_Uninstall_Tips_##
Common_Protocol_Error = Your game version is out of date. Please update to the
latest version.
Common_QuitGameTips = Do you want to <color=#f6bf17ff>leave the game</color>?
Common_Reject = Decline
Common_Save_To_Phone = Save to device
Common_Share = Show off
Common_Share_To_Desc = Share on
Common_Share_To_Friend = Send to friend
Common_Share_To_Friend_Area = Share
Common_Share_To_Guild = Share
Common_Sign = Sign In
Common_Signed = Already signed in
Common_Slash = /
Common_Sns_Tips_1 = Crazy Gold Gift
Common_Sns_Tips_10 = Online invitation has been sent to friends.
Common_Sns_Tips_11 = Invite
Common_Sns_Tips_12 = Let's head to group battle, my good friend!
Common_Sns_Tips_13 = Invitation sent.
Common_Sns_Tips_2 = Sent you Gold to buy heroes. We have enough people here for
good battles, come on and join in!
Common_Sns_Tips_3 = Gold sent successfully. Tell your friends now?
Common_Sns_Tips_4 = Next time
Common_Sns_Tips_5 = Tell them
Common_Sns_Tips_6 = obsolete
Common_Sns_Tips_7 = Sharing completed
Common_Sns_Tips_8 = Shared
Common_Sns_Tips_9 = Sharing failed
Common_Svr_Acnt_Exception = Account malfunctioned, please log in again.
Common_Svr_BanAcnt = Your account is blocked!
Common_Svr_In_BlackList = Something is wrong with your account; you cannot play the
game normally. Please, try again with other accounts.
Common_Svr_Not_WhiteList = You are not a white-list user.
Common_Svr_Shutdown_Tip = The server is about to shut down temporarily. Tap 'OK' to
log out.
Common_System_Not_Open_Tip = Stay Tuned
Common_Tag_Hot = Hot
Common_Tag_New = New
Common_Tag_Rare = Rare
Common_Team_Player_Type_1 = 1v1 PvE
Common_Team_Player_Type_2 = Common_Team_Player_Type_2_##
Common_Team_Player_Type_3 = 3v3 Team
Common_Team_Player_Type_5 = 5v5 Team up
Common_Team_Player_Type_6 = Ranked Co-op
Common_Teaming = <color=#ffd200>In a Lobby</color>
Common_Thousand_Abbreviation = k
Common_Up_Level = Upgrade
Common_VS = vs
Common_Yes = Yes
Complete_Task = Quest completed
confirmCheckFill = confirmCheckFill_##
confirmContinueGuide = Do you want to skip ahead?
confirmJudgePause = Do you want to pause the game?
ConfirmPay = Spend <color=#f6bf17>{0}</color> {1} to {2} {3}?\n{4}
confirmQuitWatch = Do you want to leave?
congraduFinish = Congratulations! 14 day gift received.
ContinueBuy = Continue
continueGuideCancel = No
continueGuideSkip = Yes
Continuous_Win_Text = Win Streak Reward: Extra Stars!
Copy = Copy
Copy_Video_Share_Url = Link copied.
CPaySystem_HardCode1 = Top-up exceeds the Gem limit.
CreateDirectoryFail = Failed to create the file! Please, check your storage (e.g.
SD card) and make sure it is authorized.
Credit_Change_Tips_1 = <color=#6092ED>{0}
Credit_Change_Tips_2 = <color=#6092ED>{0}
Credit_Forbid_Ladder = You are not permitted to join a Ranked Match because your
Credibility Score is below {0}. Participate in PvP or bot matches and maintain good
conduct to raise your Credibility Score.
Credit_Next_Level = You are<color=#e7b135> {0} Points </color> short of the next
Credit_NextReward_Title = The highest rating reward
Credit_Punish_Title = Your rating penalty
Credit_Reward_Title = Your rating reward
credit_score = Credibility Score
Credit_Score_Act_Desc = Available if your Credibility Score is above {0}
Credit_Score_Act_Get_Reward = Collect
Credit_Score_Act_Reward_Received = Received
Credit_Score_Btn_Record = History
Credit_Score_Btn_Rule = Help
Credit_Score_No_Punish_Record_Tips = No history
Credit_Score_Punish_Record_Title = History
Credit_Score_Punish_Record_Title_Behavior = Behavior
Credit_Score_Punish_Record_Title_Hero = Heroes
Credit_Score_Punish_Record_Title_Mode = Mode
Credit_Score_Punish_Record_Title_Value = Change
Credit_Score_Punish_Rule_Content = Abandon a match:\n<color=#FA4647>- 3 to 10
points</color>\nReported by another player:\n<color=#FA4647>- 3 to 12
points</color>\nFinish a Standard/Ranked Match:\n<color=#4BD7FF>+ 1
point</color>\nWin a 5v5/3v3 bot match:\n<color=#4BD7FF>+ 1 point</color>
Credit_Score_Punish_Rule_Title = Scoring System
Credit_Score_Tips_COM_CHGCREDIT_COMPLAINT_GUA_Green = Use of third-party plugins
will lead to punishment and ban!
Credit_Score_Tips_COM_CHGCREDIT_COMPLAINT_GUA_Red = Use of third-party plugins will
lead to punishment and ban!
Credit_Score_Tips_COM_CHGCREDIT_COMPLAINT_GUA_Yellow = Use of third-party plugins
will lead to punishment and ban!
Credit_Score_Tips_COM_CHGCREDIT_COMPLAINT_GUAJI_Green = Well done! Please remember
to avoid going AFK.
Credit_Score_Tips_COM_CHGCREDIT_COMPLAINT_GUAJI_Red = Warning: You will be banned
due to going AFK or leaving games recently.
Credit_Score_Tips_COM_CHGCREDIT_COMPLAINT_GUAJI_Yellow = Please remember to avoid
going AFK during the game.
Credit_Score_Tips_COM_CHGCREDIT_COMPLAINT_MAREN_Green = Please avoid abusive
behavior in the game!
Credit_Score_Tips_COM_CHGCREDIT_COMPLAINT_MAREN_Red = Abusive behavior in the game
may lead to punishment!
Credit_Score_Tips_COM_CHGCREDIT_COMPLAINT_MAREN_Yellow = Please avoid abusive
behavior in the game!
Credit_Score_Tips_COM_CHGCREDIT_COMPLAINT_SONG_Green = Well done! Keep up with the
fair behavior!
Credit_Score_Tips_COM_CHGCREDIT_COMPLAINT_SONG_Red = Warning: Behaving unfairly may
lead to punishment!
Credit_Score_Tips_COM_CHGCREDIT_COMPLAINT_SONG_Yellow = Please avoid negative
behaviors and play fairly!
Credit_Score_Tips_COM_CHGCREDIT_COMPLAINT_XIAOJI_Green = Well done! Keep up with
the positive attitude!
Credit_Score_Tips_COM_CHGCREDIT_COMPLAINT_XIAOJI_Red = Warning: You may be punished
for behaving negatively!
Credit_Score_Tips_COM_CHGCREDIT_COMPLAINT_XIAOJI_Yellow = Please remember to
compete with a positive attitude!
Credit_Score_Tips_COM_CHGCREDIT_COMPLAINT_YANYUAN_Green = Well done! Keep up with
the fair behavior!
Credit_Score_Tips_COM_CHGCREDIT_COMPLAINT_YANYUAN_Red = Warning: Behaving unfairly
may lead to punishment!
Credit_Score_Tips_COM_CHGCREDIT_COMPLAINT_YANYUAN_Yellow = Please avoid negative
behaviors and play fairly!
Credit_Score_Tips_COM_CHGCREDIT_HANGUP_Green = Well done! Please remember to avoid
going AFK.
Credit_Score_Tips_COM_CHGCREDIT_HANGUP_Red = Warning: Your Proficiency may be
affected by abandoning matches!
Credit_Score_Tips_COM_CHGCREDIT_HANGUP_Yellow = Please remember to avoid going AFK
during the game.
Credit_Score_Tips_COM_CHGCREDIT_NONE_Green = Please maintain good conduct in the
Credit_Score_Tips_COM_CHGCREDIT_NOTLOGIN_Green = You have not logged into the Trial
server for a long time. You may be permanently banned from the competition!
Credit_Score_Tips_COM_CHGCREDIT_NOTLOGIN_Red = You have not logged into the Trial
server for a long time. You may be permanently banned from the competition!
Credit_Score_Tips_COM_CHGCREDIT_NOTLOGIN_Yellow = You have not logged into the
Trial server for a long time. You may be permanently banned from the competition!
Credit_Score_Tips_COM_CHGCREDIT_OUTGAME_Green = Please remember to avoid abandoning
Credit_Score_Tips_COM_CHGCREDIT_OUTGAME_Red = Avoid abandoning matches, otherwise
you may receive a punishment!
Credit_Score_Tips_COM_CHGCREDIT_OUTGAME_Yellow = Please remember to avoid
abandoning matches.
Credit_Score_Tips_COM_CHGCREDIT_SETTLE_ADD_Green = Please maintain good conduct in
the game!
Credit_Score_Tips_COM_CHGCREDIT_SETTLE_ADD_Red = Please maintain good conduct in
the game!
Credit_Score_Tips_COM_CHGCREDIT_SETTLE_ADD_Yellow = Please maintain good conduct in
the game!
Credit_Score_Tips_COM_CHGCREDIT_SETTLE_DEL_Green = Well done! Keep up with the fair
Credit_Score_Tips_COM_CHGCREDIT_SETTLE_DEL_Red = Warning: Behaving unfairly may
lead to punishment!
Credit_Score_Tips_COM_CHGCREDIT_SETTLE_DEL_Yellow = Please avoid negative behaviors
and play fairly!
Credit_Score_Tips_COM_CHGCREDIT_UNCONFIRM_Green = Well done! Remember to click
Enter after getting matched!
Credit_Score_Tips_COM_CHGCREDIT_UNCONFIRM_Red = Warning: Rejecting too many games
may lead to punishment!
Credit_Score_Tips_COM_CHGCREDIT_UNCONFIRM_Yellow = Note: Please avoid rejecting
games after getting matched!
Credit_Score_Warning_Tips = Please maintain good conduct
CreditPunishmentDescribe = Your Behavior Score has fallen below the minimum. You
cannot join the standard PvP matches.
CreditScoreDesc = Credibility
CRoleInfo_HardCode1 = obsolete+07927eda7d6b9a8c
CrossPlat_Plat_Channel_Not_Open_Lobby_Msg =
CrossPlat_Plat_Channel_Open_Lobby_Msg = CrossPlat_Plat_Channel_Open_Lobby_Msg_##
CS_ERR_BLACKLIST_EXCEED = Blacklist is full.
CS_ERR_BLACKLIST_NOT_EXSIST = Blacklist not found.
CS_ERR_DEFRIEND_REPEATED = This player is already blacklisted.
CS_ERR_DELETE_NEED_DISMISS_GUILD = Please disband the guild or pass leadership to
another member before deleting your account
CS_ERR_DELETE_NEED_DISMISS_PREPARE_GUILD = Please disband the chartering guild
before deleting your account
CS_ERR_DELETE_NEED_QUIT_GUILD = Please leave the guild before deleting your account
CS_ERR_DELETE_NEED_QUIT_PREPARE_GUILD = Please leave the chartering guild before
deleting your account
CS_ERR_DELETE_NEED_WAIT_GUILD_RESULT = Please before deleting your account
CS_ERR_FRIEND_IN_BLACK = This player has blocked you.
CS_ERR_GET_ACNT_DETAIL_INFO_ERR = Error retrieving player information. Please try
again later.
CS_ERR_NETMARBLE_DELETED = Player does not exist!
CS_ERR_REFUSE_ADDFRIEND = Adding a friend rejected by the player!
CS_ERR_SEND_GUILD_MAIL_AUTH = Unknown error encountered. Message sending failed.
CS_ERR_SEND_GUILD_MAIL_CONTENT = Guild mail content contains invalid characters.
CS_ERR_SEND_GUILD_MAIL_LIMIT = Daily mail delivery quota {0} reached.
CS_ERR_SEND_GUILD_MAIL_SUBJECT = Guild mail title contains invalid characters.
CS_ERR_VERIFICATION_ILLEGAL = You have exceeded the word limit.
CS_HEADID_NOT_GET = This Avatar is still locked. You can't use it.
CS_HEROOPER_ERROR_CODE_HERO_FORBIT = This hero is currently not available
CS_HUOYUEDUREWARD_GETED = Rewards already received
CS_PRESENTHEROSKIN_LOCK = Game has not been unlocked.
CS_PRESENTHEROSKIN_NOALLOW = Cannot send the gift.
CS_PRESENTHEROSKIN_UNFRIEND = The receiving party is not your friend.
CS_RESERVEMSG_TEMPCLOSE = This friend is currently not accepting appointments
CS_RESERVEMSG_USRCLOSE = This friend is currently not accepting appointments
CS_ROOMERR_ROOM_ANTI_DISTURB = Invitation declined.
CS_ROOMSHOWID_ERROR_BANTIME = Your account has been suspended.
CS_ROOMSHOWID_ERROR_PARAM = Configuration error.
CS_ROOMSHOWID_ERROR_REPEAT_GEN = An ID has already been generated for this lobby.
CS_ROOMSHOWID_ERROR_STATE = Failed to join the lobby.
CS_SINGLEGAME_ERR_HEROFORBIT = This hero is currently not available
CUICommonSystem_HardCode1 = Ten thousand
Currency_DiamondAndDianQuan = Gems and Vouchers
CurrencyNotEnough = Not enough {0}
CurrencyNotEnoughWithJumpToAchieve = Not enough {0}, do you want more?
CurrentCreditBuff1 = When your Credibility Score is <color=#1EFF7D>{0}</color>, you
gain a <color=#1EFF7D>{1}%</color> bonus to your weekly reward.
CurrentCreditBuff2 = When your Credibility Score is <color=#69DC0A>{0}</color>, you
gain a <color=#69DC0A>{1}%</color> bonus to your weekly reward.
CurrentCreditScore1 = Credibility Score: <color=#1EFF7D>{0}</color>
CurrentCreditScore2 = Credibility Score: <color=#69DC0A>{0}</color>
CurrentGet = x
CustomEquip_AddBtn = Insert
CustomEquip_CancleBtn = Cancel
CustomEquip_ChangeHeroBtn = Change
CustomEquip_ChooseEquipTip = Please choose equipment
CustomEquip_ChooseHeroTitle = Select Hero
CustomEquip_ChooseOneEquipment = Please choose an item.
CustomEquip_ComposeText = Crafts into:
CustomEquip_ConfirmBtn = OK
CustomEquip_ConfirmRevertDefaultTip = Do you want to restore the default settings?
CustomEquip_EquipCnt = Customize<color=#ff0000> {0}/{1}</color>
CustomEquip_EquipComplete = <color=#00ffff>Customized</color>
CustomEquip_Equipment = Equipment
CustomEquip_EquipTreeBtn = Item Tree
CustomEquip_EquipTreeTitle = Item Tree
CustomEquip_ExpandBtn = Spread
CustomEquip_GodEquipBtn = Pro Builds
CustomEquip_GodEquipTitle = Pro Builds
CustomEquip_HeroOwnFlag = Acquired
CustomEquip_ModifyBtn = Change
CustomEquip_NoGodEquipData = Pro Builds are coming soon, stay tuned!
CustomEquip_PackUpBtn = Hide
CustomEquip_RcmdEquipPlan_Name = Build {0}
CustomEquip_ReqGodEquipTip = Getting the Pro Builds now.
CustomEquip_RevertBtn = Default
CustomEquip_RevertDefaultTip = Default settings restored successfully.
CustomEquip_Rule = Help
CustomEquip_SequenceTip = Modify your quick-buy <color=#e7b135>equipment</color>
here. Be sure to check out the <color=#e7b135>Pro Builds</color>!
CustomEquip_Text10 = Customize Equipment
CustomEquip_Text8 = Customize Equipment
CustomEquip_Text9 = Customize Equipment
CustomEquip_Title = Armory
CustomEquip_UseGodEquipTip = Build updated.
CustomEquip_WinCntText = Victory {0}
CustomEquip_WinRound = Ranking
CVirtualItem_HardCode1 = CVirtualItem_HardCode1_##
D0030D309D49F236_## = Skin trial card bag (7D)
D005335EAFFB8B01_## = Preyta
d00632ff3d1ee071 = Victory Points
D00A85F77085DC40_## =
D00C19F67E3AD4FA_## =
D00C1AEACCDFC866_## =
D016611634A2DE48_## =
D0168C553A9F764F_## = Tướng Moren và trang phục
D01B0A5641BBD75B_## = Arum
D01D976C3A4B6399_## = Quy đổi ngọc đỏ cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
D01DB33A3D8C9D83_## =
D01DFED063000EAC_## = Passive Shield Cooldown
D01F34413382814B_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
D0204E2C28ADC66F_## =
D022DBB755A5111E_## =
D0258F8F497EB784_## = Cooldown
D026987A96CD0CFF_## = Movement Speed Increase
D027987F3C915807_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
D02A3649FD699487_## =
D02B1C4677700363_## =
D02C2483EF153657_## = The Pixie
D02CD11F626B0ED0_## =
d0302ec062d917dc = Sell Items
D0337F02FF35C49C_## =
D035147972FBD7A6_## = Red Outer Tower
D03B62A1CC8CD8E0_## = Stunning sound effects
D03C6395D8DC6558_## = Super Speed
D03DEA9F6727B12B_## =
D03E8F6EA3E971B5_## = Lauriel
D03F4579AF984854_## =
D04014769983ECA5_## = Staff of Nuul
D0408AD3D0FF4432_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Tím)
D040F0C95DAB3F54_## = Thirst
D0412BCCA88DA12E_## = Sekhmet
D047CDC4FBFAD9F8_## = Invalid item type.
D04CAC8466EA2B35_## = Săn mục tiêu lớn
D04D25394F7C5AA2_## =
D04EC135C91EAA8E_## =
D053CD5CD5D97BED_## = Lindis
D05DBBE1530D2910_## =
D061722EAD698E3A_## = Nạp Quân huy - Nhận xuân nữ
D06270ADC6829A13_## = Evolution Skin
D0628875408EF895_## =
D0640BD167C57E34_## = Real Steel
D064C5F14679416F_## = Your <color=#ffd700>{0}</color> trial has expired.
D06586952E29A9BB_## = Phần thưởng sự kiện Khung giờ danh vọng. Hãy theo dõi Đấu
trường danh vọng (được phát trực tiếp từ 17:00 - 21:00) tại
D065E0F52766AF3C_## =
D06697D5D2400B38_## =
D0697AA9A2084D3B_## =
D06EF00D76D053C1_## =
D06F9D4DD95C6913_## =
D072EC5540DC4EAE_## =
D0737D4209704841_## = Candycane
D0766C700AB3FFEE_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
D077338755210D29_## =
D07875318A2DF2DE_## = Zephys
D07A996396C4654D_## = Anabolic Rage
D07B038C6E59A10A_## =
D07B9357625CB548_## =
D07EB8FABB5B1BAF_## = Red Super Minions
D080791B28DBDC75_## =
D0842001377F7A40_## = Anabolic Rage
D0865CCDEE5D6DCE_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
D088A4BB9D157876_## =
D08CA6113A517527_## = Base Damage
D08DF0705E757962_## =
D08F6ED9C0AC6704_## =
D0962570292D9EBE_## =
D0973EA25639EE6F_## = Cooldown
D097E5DD51C56068_## =
D098AECE598F73A1_## =
D09966C18254BE19_## = Liên Quân đón Xuân
D09D9FB8CB974493_## = Missing
D09E65D3CCC38EA6_## = Survivability, Control
D09E7679802589BB_## = Original
D09F84374D89B2E6_## = Your hero has reached <color=#f6bf17ff>Level 4</color>. Tap
the <color=#f6bf17ff>"+"</color> next to the ultimate ability button to learn
<color=#f6bf17ff>Bullet Storm</color>.
D09FEDE5FBD76A1D_## = Melee
D0A048F6CF60DAF0_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Kriknak {C}/{T} lần
D0A23F3377C79FE7_## = Bow before the goddess!
D0A2557ED3BFF316_## = Structure
D0A5AFE8B7CD1080_## =
D0A6B7DDE86485BA_## =
D0AC5223B4343229_## =
D0AC95F32B9D49BF_## =
D0B227AAC7140FB8_## = Mở để nhận thẻ thử 7 ngày của 1 tướng ngẫu nhiên
D0B31351A95CFE20_## =
D0B77435513D0452_## =
D0B8AE7F2FEF650F_## =
D0BEF58A7D25FDE6_## = Rương may mắn I (Tướng)
D0C3044728A536FF_## = Original
d0c8ee439c62043f = d0c8ee439c62043f_##
D0CD2F5CCD3E2E27_## =
D0CE231788B1E733_## = Lauriel
D0CEBB50264449FF_## =
D0CFD8D842106ED6_## = EXP
D0D1D5E80B33FB7C_## =
D0D762FE836126E2_## = Trial Card: Try out Preyta for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
D0DBE6A4D8E40120_## = Unknown
D0DD45CA0A0A9975_## =
D0E34ABCADEDC442_## = Warrior
D0E592844F07292C_## = Silver
D0E665D61926A80C_## = Trial Card: Try out Preyta for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
D0E86806EA45A2B3_## = Unknown
D0EB3BA48A5D87CC_## =
D0F113C69B974E30_## =
D0F391604A753E13_## =
D0F54D5E9692C4C0_## = Magic Defense +90
D0F5921F5137EC30_## =
D0F6D73DC7462692_## = Nether Drake
D0F7DA2613DBE69C_## = Thu thập 2 mảnh Chúc mừng năm mới và Mậu Tuất 2018 để đổi 7
trang phục miễn phí tùy chọn!
D0F7DA377A7227B1_## = < {0}
D0FEAD470A742C3D_## = Toro's skin: Officer
D1042D39886CFFD0_## = Typhoon: cannot be targeted or attacked.
D10A29E3AE821D6D_## =
D10EF1B3106D5FE6_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
D11225BBBD162382_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Murad)
D1128659C119C0C8_## = Assassinate
D1129B6E01DCF00E_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
d113a2fc1bed1fcf = d113a2fc1bed1fcf_##
D11A73A100DA793E_## =
D11A8E876BCEBE34_## =
D11BCA500DA0185C_## =
D11E5C8E6FA1F429_## = Original
D11F2B8BDD16BB5C_## = Omega
D1223C91CB799357_## =
D1241D85FD8AB62D_## =
D12D0ED31C123B50_## =
D132860EF82E8232_## = Long Range
D13364291EF0D70F_## =
D134659F32053C75_## = Superman
D138A4C2F3879BBB_## = <blankspace89>
D13B0A86117BEF5E_## =
D13FD9A0C094A2F3_## =
D1458EE1435033FA_## = Gói 40% KM Payna + skin
D14616B00D67DE5A_## =
D148C913C2DC3772_## = 本週活動精選
D14995F221F3DFB2_## = Lvl 2 Arcana Pack
D14BC0EE03BC2F3C_## =
D154B5E9B83209E1_## =
D1575CEDD437E19C_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
D157909B5DE85930_## =
D157B3A2CC011664_## =
D157B9184E64D992_## = Butterfly Value Pack
D15B7E03F72F7846_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Jinna) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
D15C86318ED38C9A_## =
D15DB957F455CEEB_## =
D15F64E9A3B4D08F_## = Arduin
D161C2BE83B5ED7A_## =
D16249920826B461_## = (Grants Frostbite talent)
D16281E286623B75_## = Piercing Gaze
D16513FF62F2D512_## = Thu thập 2 mảnh Chúc mừng năm mới và Mậu Tuất 2018 để đổi 6
trang phục miễn phí tùy chọn!
D1658EA65545ADDB_## =
D165962D6B72E6E6_## =
d16697eb038c71c1 = Item name
D1688D5AB8596289_## =
D1689B83439E84B4_## =
D16AF5A35DB710C9_## = [新英雄-Kil'Groth 登場] 愛不釋手
D16EA97BEB042A09_## =
D16FFBD767E206B2_## =
D176C5B3199539AB_## =
D1774F9C3693D087_## = Grievance
D179842C1309010D_## =
D17B5073D3F0FFF1_## = Zulu Warrior
D17D4DDBC3EE00C1_## = Road to Glory
D17EEC37C6E4A47C_## =
D183B124F5304FF9_## =
D186045E451026A5_## = Cooldown
d18639eb27273aba = d18639eb27273aba_##
d1894e9119b59470 = d1894e9119b59470_##
d18e82c7f1547c69 = Standard
D18F92C5A317D3CD_## = TeeMee
D19049DFDAC9F074_## = Rương may mắn Maloch
D1922936C1F26112_## = Original
D193170E90B31EFE_## =
D193C9F14FF92A0D_## =
D19535BBA304B2AD_## =
D196BEDB61656B67_## = Lumburr
D19AAC7403435AA2_## =
D19BFDEEDA5F5551_## =
D19D1A82D9DAA0AC_## =
D19E374B5722490B_## =
D19E97D69936AAFE_## =
D1A04194FBEA5BCD_## = Cây Thông Ormarr
D1A082D3BF15B597_## = When Thane's HP falls below 30%, he regenerates 24% of his
maximum HP over 6 seconds. 75-second cooldown.
D1A379692750563D_## = Original
D1A3848AF13DA102_## = Trial Card: Try out Gildur's skin: Summer Bash for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
D1A69A81C54CEBB2_## =
D1A6A8DC2E8DB932_## = Original
D1A732B7F9F5DB6D_## = Quy đổi ngọc đỏ cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
D1AADCD8032B12B0_## = [新英雄-Zill 登場] 愛不釋手
D1AB37B3ECD051B6_## =
D1AF6224F5291607_## =
D1B44A3CF6493122_## = 签到图片
D1BAB4F2DD52ADBF_## = Reach Level {0}
D1BEBEF63D01F991_## = Flicker
D1BFD18C84DF4199_## = 登录送狮子头+皮肤宝箱
D1C0B360C8D024BE_## =
D1C1A226FCD951D7_## = Trial Card: Try out Ryoma's skin: Gunslinger for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
D1C44475E6523FD7_## = Omen enters a state of heightened awareness and gains {0}%
damage reduction, while increasing his movement speed by {1}% for 2 seconds. In
this state, Omen can reflect normal attacks, dealing physical damage to the
attacker, decreasing their movement speed by 50%, and adding any bonus normal
attack effects from Omen's equipped items or buffs. Each attacker can only have
their attacks reflected once.
D1C549789DC13A00_## =
D1C62FACE3DD6626_## = Cooldown
D1C882D0EC0C8079_## =
D1C89434A936F0BF_## =
D1CB60B6D9B04C86_## =
D1D12F8D12696BB6_## =
D1D3C5B2C5CA46BE_## = Murad enters a temporal rift, unleashing 5 attacks on enemies
in the target area, dealing {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color>
<color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> per attack and 50% of life steal effects
apply for these attacks. While in the temporal rift, Murad cannot be targeted and
attacked. This ability can only be used after Murad's passive opens the seal, which
will close again after use.
D1D86DE9353D30CA_## =
D1DADEEC416A648F_## =
D1DBAD941EBB8F12_## = 签到图片
D1DD0D4094E5C8E5_## =
d1dd403fb4aab040 = d1dd403fb4aab040_##
D1DF1E7D1C095D24_## = Gold
D1E2BAFDFFD25A80_## = "Wherever I go, darkness trembles in terror!"\n\nThe most
illustrious warrior of the Temple of Light, the hotshot Yorn was as radiant as his
dazzling arrows. Not only was he an accomplished fighter, he was also tall,
muscular, and handsome. Adoring female followers had made a laurel wreath and
placed it on his silky blond hair, further accentuating his beauty. When he played
his harp, the heavenly tune enchanted all who heard. There was not a single trace
of darkness in Yorn, for he was the embodiment of light.\n\nWhenever the forces of
darkness begin to stir, Yorn would mount his steed and lead his army into battle.
His divine bow would always be by his side, just as the sun's countless rays of
light giving no quarter to darkness. His peerless abilities as an archer meant his
arrow never misses its target. During battles, even Maloch himself would be wise to
stay out of Yorn's sight to avoid falling victim to the Temple of Light's most
powerful weapon.\n\n"Watch out! I have you in my sight!"
D1E737A06D09C442_## = [新英雄-Murad 登場] 愛不釋手
D1E838BC2153AABB_## = 限时赛
D1EA7BD705C6BE2E_## =
D1EACCC5B69BB7B6_## = Lu Bu launches a mass of dark energy in the specified
direction, dealing {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical
damage</color> and reducing enemies' movement speed by {2}% for 2 seconds.
D1EB9FC3754E24D9_## =
D1EE49BFEFEE402E_## = 参与 5V5
D1F316F44DA603D4_## =
D1F32823FCC3E95E_## = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: If you attack an enemy hero when
you are in range of a <color=#ffd200>tower</color>, the tower will immediately
start firing at you.
D1F4EE50191C2540_## =
D1F9D72D23773699_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Maloch)
D1FF60037EC5F2FE_## =
D203A6EB6E3A3BE7_## = Aleister
D203DEBE31F6BF21_## = Có thể quy đổi tại mục Sự kiện thành 1 trong các trang phục
sau (Vĩnh viễn): Đại Tù Trưởng, Cô Giáo Hắc Ám, Nữ Vương Anh Đào, Tiệc hóa trang,
Thợ sửa cáp, Đại tù trưởng, Đôi cánh đại dương, Kỵ sĩ âm phủ, Cựu chiến binh,
Quý cô thủy tề.
D206B91793A5733A_## = Unlock <color=#f6bf18ff>Ranked Matches</color>
D207A6599E4A424F_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Slimz {C}/{T} lần
D208AAA19FE4624B_## =
D209F19FFDAA5A1F_## = Tap here to check the power of the Garnak
D20A4CAF6307656C_## = Female
D21151F70285CB0E_## = Did Death himself ignore you?
D215B52DCE454F52_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
D21843F204832187_## =
D218DFB7F10770D0_## =
D224B460E8EACC29_## = Long Range
D2255F59A38A78EB_## = Keep an eye on the battle by tapping and holding spots on the
D22991E00404A1B8_## =
D22CE0FDBF0FC196_## =
D22DD57DBF1F9EFB_## = Xeniel
D22FE2754747E48A_## =
D23097E87DC2B6B6_## = Justice Lord
D231B0EEDFFA4130_## = Natalya casts an Arcane Orb towards the specified direction.
When the orb touches an enemy or reaches the end of its path, it becomes an Arcane
Nova and stuns enemies hit for 1 second. Then the orb grows in size and flies
slowly to deal {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
damage</color> each time it comes into contact with an enemy, reducing their
movement speed by {2}% for 1.5 seconds.
D2333D07E84821F3_## = 签到图片
D235AF1DCDAF9C9C_## = obsolete+784e30bdc39eee26
D235B364C2ABD9E0_## = The Bone Baron
D235F5C3E671ACE9_## = Li'l Red
D2371A1198D66B8B_## =
D23905C3165A2AAB_## =
D23ADDAFD912C6D5_## = Trial Card: Try out Grakk's skin: Abomination for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
D23DC508FFC90D88_## =
D23EF568B1DC66FB_## = <color=#00d5ff>Mission:</color>\nKill the<color=#d8aa1a>
Abyssal Dragon</color>
D24E0C66EC959A17_## = Beginner
D24F243AB347A490_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK {C}/{T}
D24F9A2A27A15449_## = Original
D253739E1668A916_## =
D258E77250478D51_## = Support
D25FF039DCC194A0_## = The Joker
D261CD47A10E2852_## = Trial Card: Try out Arthur's skin: Catacombs for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
D26202E03E5190DF_## = Veera
D2633BD2046FA9DC_## =
D26813E3F53C4598_## =
D26A5A358EDFC1B3_## =
D26B90FAE2E7B1A3_## =
D26C21B1437250E2_## =
d271e123e8e2a6bc = d271e123e8e2a6bc_##
D271EF879D73A145_## =
D2778A9BE5D2138A_## = Your Facebook account was successfully linked. Please claim
your rewards and enjoy the game!
D27816A8DAF6ECBA_## = Attack Speed +1% \nMovement Speed +1%
D2788308EA90EF16_## = 7 日累積簽到
D27B3383A49242FB_## =
D27BDEEC993A7D8C_## = HP +1000\n[Resurrect]
D27E514772CF9AF9_## = Lì xì năm mới (Đặc biệt)
D2824ED61AE1EFA7_## =
D283628A591888BE_## = Preyta charges his Plague Specter for up to 2 seconds, then
unleashes it and deals {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
damage</color> for each second spent channeling. Any command while charging will
unleash the Specter immediately to deal reduced damage. In the Disciple of the
Plague state, movement is possible while charging.
D286DFD86B379710_## =
D2881CDA4AD40218_## = +100% Exp Năm mới
D2882387B90B8A07_## =
D28BD7DF9859C334_## = Trial Card: Try out Kahlii for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this Hero.
D28E95B3C554D271_## =
D292AFD2B437324C_## =
D293B55616967CBE_## = When there are friendly heroes within 500 units of Lumburr,
both Lumburr and the hero with the lowest HP gain <color=#f8be32>{0}</color> armor
and magic defense.
D2953D7F5DF43DE8_## =
D29680F603133FBB_## =
D29B5A13F4CAA5B7_## = Trial Card: Try out Azzen'Ka's skin: Storm Wraith for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
D29C16965AD81B86_## = Thane
D29C295434BBBEAB_## = Dùng để đổi thưởng sự kiện Khung giờ danh vọng. Hãy theo
dõi Đấu trường danh vọng (được phát trực tiếp từ 17:00 - 21:00) tại
D29EBA3F53BBAED8_## = Tap here to<color=#f6bf17ff> send voice messages to
D2A1294FD51C3920_## = Dread Judge
D2A22A6F8DA3D774_## = Base Damage
D2A3E4CDAB76A457_## =
D2A560DADAD33DE0_## = Flaming
D2A579BB2EE6FC7D_## =
D2AC6DCA671476C3_## =
d2aec5f3611ffdc3 = d2aec5f3611ffdc3_##
D2B2AEE8A09F3184_## =
D2BB753C2346EB06_## =
D2BFFCB9C6C35072_## =
D2C5A8447102ED21_## = Đây là phần thưởng Săn mục tiêu lớn của bạn, xin mời kiểm
D2C62C951EC8701D_## = Arthur
D2C7FCEAFE91E9F5_## = Trial Card: Try out Gildur's skin: Summer Bash
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
D2CAC02C07F2F942_## =
D2CC67A1D0BBA3B5_## = Diaochan attacks with frost, dealing {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to enemies in the
target area and slowing their movement speed by {2}% for {3} seconds. She also
places a mark on targets for {4} seconds. When marked targets are hit with Chilling
Frost again, they become rooted for 1 second.
d2cdd7b400d6111a = d2cdd7b400d6111a_##
D2CE3C18C810B52A_## =
D2D071ADC2988E68_## =
D2D70DE49151A506_## = Standard\nMatch
D2D8E388236D41BE_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
D2DA009BA4AAFFED_## = Veera
D2DAD741164765D9_## = Base Guardian:\nMovement speed increased
D2DD55908DA8959B_## =
D2DDB5BD68409E0B_## =
D2DE8B4D63ADA29A_## = Stay frosty dear.
D2E2156758D645AD_## = Nice! Go ahead and kill more<color=#f6bf17ff>
D2E25796DBA05DD7_## = Trial Card: Try out Butterfly's skin: Sailor
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
D2E43AC129F6F7DA_## =
D2E9AFFC5477805C_## =
D2E9D22DA46E132C_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc thành rương ngọc cấp III may mắn
D2ED29DBD128D13F_## = Unknown
D2F33758BF1048D9_## = Cooldown
D2F38D59DBB1A244_## = Original
D2F3FCCDE1DF7E21_## = Maloch
D2F5A972C6D8B9AF_## =
D2FE9874156A9D35_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Mortos) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
D2FECD0A885DC481_## = Gói thẻ thử trang phục 3 ngày
D3001BC1F6DC26D1_## = Mage (Support)
D3037B690D15B1E6_## = The Merciless
D3060C922A2E210D_## = Thắng đấu hạng với Điêu Thuyền {C}/{T} lần
D306B97C1473FC6A_## =
D30B0F88434EBEB5_## = Trial Card: Try out Fennik's skin: Propeller for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
D30B7770D9016818_## = Shield of the Lost
D30BA1A68AD8363E_## =
D30C0CA3AB08CEC2_## = Unknown
D30E577F66A5E90C_## =
D30F336C0FBAA6F8_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
D3119B8FD0DE90F0_## = When a normal attack hits an enemy, the projectile explodes
and deals area damage to surrounding minions and monsters. Fennik has a slightly
longer attack range than any other marksman with positioning abilities.
D312A6EBFF289DC0_## =
D312EFDDBB8FCD54_## = Base Damage
D313A551C4DF5CBE_## = Double EXP Card:\n1-Win
D31533719DC764DF_## =
D316A02A59DA6988_## = Long Range
D317D59BEB067008_## = Gift sending of {1} to {0} has failed. Your {2} vouchers have
been returned.
D318903862541A94_## = Rương thẻ thử tướng 3N
D319F2E0BD05CCC3_## = Long Range
D31AEEFDE22036CA_## = Unknown
D31B546FE6B7749F_## = Demonic
D32068A6F10A94F0_## = Enter the <color=#f6bf17ff>Advanced Training</color>
D3208C74DFD64849_## = Open to receive 100 Gems
D322C5F761D17A9B_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Payna) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
D3230545A0D5F965_## =
D327B8E543EE9583_## =
D32B999AD4DB503D_## =
D32C1F9D75A47A2B_## =
D32DF39E10541FF6_## = Chơi 5v5 Thường/Hạng để nhận ngay 10 Thẻ bài Joker
D331E4850836CA7A_## = 签到图片
D339B73615CAB93E_## =
d33c9b189d0b439f = Camera Movement
D33CEEE366FB9BB4_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
d340f309ab0fecaa = d340f309ab0fecaa_##
D341C934A0C3C919_## = Death Rift
D34308EA4C21FCEE_## = Murad leaps forward, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies in
his path and stunning them. He can leap again within 5 seconds of the initial cast,
and he can return to his starting location if the ability is cast a 3rd time within
5 seconds.
D343B50075D8D62C_## =
D3445F5DD558BB37_## =
D344D283B930EA2D_## = Unique Passive - Shatter: Decreases target armor by 50 on hit
for 5 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times.
D344EFE4BD8EE0A6_## = Trial Card: Try out Ignis' skin: Flaming for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
D3461ADA99121D85_## = Omega
D3491723A1E7B017_## =
D34F39BCD1061189_## = Unique Passive - From the Ashes: When the hero gains a level,
20% of HP and mana are restored over 3 seconds.
D34F9AC677150AFA_## = Movement Speed Increase
D35119AC9BD80B47_## =
D3516B5579FDBFCC_## = Original
D353CC74A095C8C3_## =
D353F536B2E8BFEA_## = Combo Nam vương - Hoa hậu
D355D297AF33CD4D_## =
D356A9B82046FD10_## =
D358D6AF276DAB11_## =
D35B32EA8F788BE1_## = Mganga sets off explosions that deal {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to all nearby
enemies and heal ally heroes by {2} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{3})</color> HP. Damage dealt
is increased by {4}<color=#7fffD4>(+{5})</color> per stack for marked enemies, and
HP restored to allies is increased by 50% per stack.
D35C6A81DE54537E_## = Damage from\nexplosion
D35DACF13FA2BD4B_## =
D35FB49F89FE01DA_## =
D361FED8C7799A52_## =
D36680DF03C434A7_## = Grakk throws a hook to pull the first enemy hit towards him,
dealing {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
damage</color>.\n\nAfter this ability has been learned, Grakk's maximum HP will be
increased by {2} with each kill or assist (up to 20 times).
D36B7519D901244B_## = Jungling, Survivability
D36D4B2D304587B1_## =
D36D9AB37A47E0FF_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Tím)
D36F226DFBB60FAE_## = Tướng Lindis + trang phục Thám tử tư
D36FC0E675BFB08A_## = Makin' Moves
D3708F7A60B02124_## =
D37C4E7A24027C0E_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
D37EACFD59CCC309_## = Ilumia fires a divine light in the specified direction, which
explodes upon contact with enemies in range and deals {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>. The divine light
deals double damage and knocks enemies back when it is enhanced by Ilumia's
D37F4CD9C2598E4B_## = OK
D382809FAA3B3185_## = Mage
D382E39C7E6BDD6D_## =
D383C7D18219FD03_## =
D3840B5F7104BDF4_## =
D3844EAD00CD9964_## = Ghost Samurai
D386FBA6A6AA9C79_## =
D389B16151D93DE4_## = Cooldown
D38CB2CFF1C4E0A5_## = <blankspace89>
D390B43DF8124681_## =
D392345BE93CCA49_## = Skud
D39739A2673816FE_## = Base Damage
d397ece277564a49 = My Team
D39945E457B5F328_## =
D39A658F18125907_## = Warrior
D3A1682CBD10C145_## = Hook
D3A279DE13AC12A1_## = Trial Card: Try out Lindis for<color=#01d1f8ff> 12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
D3A2B9662337A5A5_## = 签到图片
D3A38B9F6238E573_## =
D3A9B21F670618A5_## =
D3AB828CFE821B5A_## = <color=#ffffff>%s</color> won the Rare Hero, <color=#f2c71a>
%s</color>, in <color=#a4afb7>Lucky Draw</color>!
D3ABD85CB7B5048A_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Ignis + trang phục Sơn tặc
D3AD0479D22628A7_## =
D3AD5E6F2BD1293B_## = Silver
D3AE90BF1E4FE9E9_## = Base Damage
D3B334D73A941080_## =
D3BBDCFAA3661D36_## =
D3BDC0E9A0C81ACD_## = Move through the brush whenever possible to take advantage of
Lindis' passive. This can help you kite your enemies or establish map control. Use
Piercing Gaze to view your surroundings before rushing into unknown territory.
Also, before entering a group battle, be sure to lay a trap along one of your
enemies' possible escape routes.
D3C01C16FD0ADEE1_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
D3C0B0290261F546_## = Omen
D3C4C9AEED3D3988_## =
D3CA4BA7EEE367E1_## = 参与 5V5
D3CA948DB8E210A7_## = Trial Card: Try out Max's skin: Excelsior for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
D3CC77E7BBE1AD32_## = Cooldown
D3CD30345632B511_## = 7 日累積簽到
D3D01DB68416D24C_## =
d3d3b63b26dbf075 = d3d3b63b26dbf075_##
D3D8AE2FE646AC20_## = [新英雄-Maloch 登場] 愛不釋手
D3D920BF423511BE_## = Đây là phần thưởng Top up get extra spin ticket của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
D3DA11C027985001_## =
D3DAED5C7FB4012D_## = Firepower Contest
D3DC5734114F56E7_## = The Beast
D3DF38585A45ED54_## = Ability Power +4.2 \nAttack Speed +0.6%
D3DF40EDCC17A66B_## =
D3DFF5752592D5F8_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Đỏ)
D3E6B97D5E23EA15_## =
D3E741DA552D290B_## =
D3E88DAE382A0DF4_## = 5V5 经验翻倍
D3EB7A4593686836_## = Trial Card: Try out Thane for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
D3EBC3DD83F86240_## =
D3F3E3638CFC7EDB_## =
D3F490DD802E7B1D_## =
D3F87F6E507D66D9_## = Arum
D3F8A66A47BE112C_## =
D3F8FD4420F1D9F6_## = Damnation
D3F93C597F8437EF_## = Đây là phần thưởng Chào năm mới 2018 (Chơi game) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
D3FC08C33B9359D2_## =
D3FF29A29568E4F3_## = Speeding Bullet
D4000317A5711A3A_## =
D40378ECCA214954_## =
D405998641A4FD78_## = The Unspeakable
D405A7A814B23B00_## =
D40E9C70B6FB08FE_## =
D4146A050205F3E4_## =
D41631DD776D5FA7_## = Value pack contains the heroes: Omega, Mina and Azzen'Ka
D41AC2B7B9B6865D_## =
D41CAD01D31446AD_## =
D422728B682404D7_## =
D423F59D030E29C4_## = Trial Card: Try out Tel'Annas for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
D42671FD9D5A3E77_## =
D426991C81C5C639_## = Sustained Damage
D4281A01E4F6B997_## = Using abilities increases movement speed by 20% for 1 second.
d429cf259a1e109 = d429cf259a1e109_##
D42B1B5F9C26073E_## =
D42F274C8C537D25_## =
D431E4A9AA432325_## =
D434939BA88487D8_## = Tỉnh Thừa Thiên Huế
D434C30ADCD2C26E_## = Tulen shoots three ion blasts, each dealing {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to enemies along
its path. When enemies are hit by more than one blast, each additional hit will
deal 30% damage. Each prism that hits an enemy will add 1 Thunderclap charge (1
charge per blast).
D435FE26107AF538_## = Cooldown
D446753A394B2126_## =
D4483B0640176288_## = Trial Card: Try out Grakk for <color=#01d1f8ff>3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this hero.
D4542E6EAC50AC2E_## = Movement Speed Reduction
D45434E586B0619F_## = Ilumia
D45B53C239BB4334_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Kil'Groth) của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
D45EF92FFCE9C4D3_## =
D45F4A9B70E2243E_## = Tỉnh Quảng Ngãi
D45FF8778C0024B8_## =
D460AD3D6EEE2BE5_## =
d4626b091264eddd = d4626b091264eddd_##
D46566F08300F4FF_## = Mở để nhận ngẫu nhiên combo thẻ thử tướng và trang phục 3
D4661FD031928B00_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Zuka) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
D4685C49CB806CCC_## =
D46C395A065EBA8F_## = Long Range
D46E040C39786A04_## =
D46EB1359BFAAA02_## = Base Damage
D470FDAB685EA698_## =
D4729A82E4E68CAB_## = Thief's Mark
D472C5B38C143EB7_## =
D476B2166C200425_## = Lauriel
D4783C696879C617_## = Use to change your Challenger Name.
D47BDC3748DD04FB_## = 26.11 - Tích lũy chiến công
D47C5E23D16785F1_## =
D47D8B50F8887AA3_## = Airi
D483D63C8728F531_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
D48499BF19824EAC_## =
D48E8D275CF47DC9_## = Base Damage
D49144A2363DEEA7_## = Trial Card: Try out Chaugnar's skin: Imperium Guard for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
D4932ECE18B321D9_## = Base Damage
D494928184AB7FE2_## =
D4961A82BEF8E0F9_## =
D4993D50D0C5FF42_## = Chơi bản đồ 5v5 Miền đất hứa (Thường & Hạng) để nhận ruby
miễn phí
D49A201CC75D549B_## =
D49C74ADBB400373_## = Cooldown
D4A072A720A76A02_## = Trial Card: Try out Krixi for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
D4A2320AC9EDB38A_## = Thu thập 2 mảnh Chúc mừng năm mới và Mậu Tuất 2018 để đổi 6
trang phục miễn phí tùy chọn!
D4A5CE9A433FABDD_## = Players can use Angelic Splendor to aid allies in battle.
Also, raising Xeniel's maximum HP will increase his damage output and improve his
D4A6348FD1D8A2E3_## =
d4a6dd3e0a1ad03e = Terms of Service
D4A79DF2D2E60E83_## =
D4A7D05A3A108CEA_## = Agent
D4A7F9AE6F61A8F5_## =
D4ACAEBE15C1AFCE_## = Level 18 Chest
D4ADCC201D38B5AE_## = Tulen
D4AEE9AD36162312_## =
D4B0913EBF734A27_## = Base Damage
D4B500B03AF269E5_## = Fighting Spirit:\nUsing Swagger will trigger Gut Punch.
D4B77529FE6C27C3_## =
D4B93950ED1C6EB0_## =
D4BAB50C5FB01431_## = Đây là phần thưởng Nạp Quân Huy - Nhận Skin hiếm! của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
D4BB1D623466B409_## =
D4C66E46B8F3F018_## =
D4C6D80C1E14C813_## = Tướng Maloch + Trang phục Maloch Ác ma
D4C6E18313EF0F69_## =
D4CB2C4CE87FAC86_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Raz) của bạn, xin
mời kiểm tra!
D4CBDF8FC101DB28_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
D4CE3D98C0BF615E_## =
D4CEA05F42F3E6E1_## =
D4CF72BE8CCBAA7D_## = Hear the waves crash on the beach
D4D0378665E15A10_## = My blade has betrayed me.
D4D05181EA284336_## = "The heavier it is, the more damage it causes."\n\nTaara's
roots lay deep within the Steel Mountains, where she obtained all of her knowledge
and passion for weaponry. She prided herself on her profound understanding of them.
Amongst all her crafted weapons, her earth-shatteringly strong hammer reigned
supreme. Primarily chosen because it was the ideal choice for the weapon forger, it
became a lethal extension of herself on the battlefield and consequently unified
them.\n\nThe lack of resources in the Steel Mountains set poor precedents for
living conditions of the mountain-dwellers. Selling forged weapons to the city
below was the mountain-dwellers main source of income. The scarcity of the
mountains made the people vulnerable to exploitation, breeding discontent and
oppression.\n\n"Why are we allowing ourselves to be subjects of exploitation and
oppression?" Through Taara's empowering words, the dwellers collectively set out to
reclaim their freedom and livelihood through, if needed be, violent compromise.
With her massive hammer slung over her shoulder, Taara led them in formation to
drive the garrison army out of the city so that she could claim the throne and
prevail gracefully and justly. \n\n"Neither god nor demon can stop the will of
D4D2108041DC941A_## = The Chi
D4D26A4E72F2093D_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Moren)
D4D9ED4FFA86F035_## = Buccaneer
D4DA3931AE4EBFE8_## =
D4DDE16D9360915F_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Tím)
D4E0E6BDF832CE4E_## = Jungling, Burst
D4E13C973706A134_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
D4E3397F24B46FE0_## = Đổi Thư tình nhận từ sự kiện mỗi ngày thành quà tặng
D4E3CD726CBF6576_## =
D4E57B973D11C217_## = Ability Power +180, Mana +400, Movement Speed +8%\n[Rapid
Blade] [Twilight]
D4E59FDB2C8CDCDB_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
D4E7932E190AC6EC_## =
D4EA0FA3B019752F_## = Survivability
D4EAFF161B573473_## = Support
D4EE17DCB8B6EE45_## = Medium
D4EE39E71F0E516C_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
D4F149D75D3619C8_## =
D4F6FD930579653D_## = Emerald
D4F8F1F4D82C418E_## = Cooldown
D4F98C8960A9ABA3_## = Base Damage
D502C68754B5D8AA_## = Tough Hide
D5046F19EF02940F_## = Base Damage
D506561170FC3934_## =
D50840091E73E0EF_## = That all you got?
d5084fff9d12e5eb = Total<size=50> {0}</size> rounds
D509198494C6783A_## =
D50A3BDABAA50F80_## = Unknown
D50B7FA9FB1E4643_## = 参与 5V5
D50CF4CF9ABEC8B6_## = You can count on me!
D50DE6B43A8572F8_## =
D51000329E8BFC24_## = Nurse
D513DEE8B3F0243C_## = obsolete+dce8d3a8931ed518
D516EEC11A39161B_## =
D518A771F817CBB8_## = Urban clothing style
D51A29936AD93718_## = Lauriel
D51C2930E3D09D8F_## =
D525B754F7D3EF7B_## =
D52A05C4859C3D8D_## =
D52E51E5A70DE4CE_## = Nakroth Neon Chest
D52E8C33697442AB_## =
D531B3119FAD89C8_## = Cooldown
D5346CDED8F8CB82_## =
D536FB8BFBED8435_## = Gildur's Indulgence is extremely easy to interrupt. Only use
it when you're sure that it will connect. Extravagant can be used from afar, making
it great to use as an opener or for ganking.
D537E224AD75C39A_## = Conqueror
D5383B65EC2AB664_## = Thunder Blast
D5396B115B346225_## = Attack Speed +0.6% \nMagic Pierce +6.4
D53F984C3BC397CE_## =
D542D646FF949436_## = Rương quà U23 (Vật phẩm)
D5433FEF6EE56DB9_## = Marksman giftbag
D545D9E1AC2480AF_## = 本週活動精選
D549442453A38E04_## = Bộ đôi trang phục Lữ Bố Nam Vương & Điêu Thuyền Hoa Hậu
D54C264A9D8DB714_## =
D54E41644E73CBF4_## =
D551115F5570247A_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Moren) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
D55A6DDA59E08C94_## = Trial Card: Try out Zuka's skin: Principanda for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
D55BE7088416DC95_## =
D55C1AABD74AF318_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
D5634564FE568FAE_## =
D5658AFC02E7DF9B_## = Đổi Thư tình nhận từ sự kiện mỗi ngày thành quà tặng
D56904DBF6D2DC81_## = Raz launches a projectile from his fists that deals {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to the first
enemy it hits, briefly reducing their magic defense by <color=#f8be32>{2}</color>
and movement speed by <color=#f8be32>{3}%</color>. Restores 25 energy if the
ability hits an enemy.
D57210F49E504F33_## = Draft Mode Help
D572DB4D2E88D57A_## = Quy đổi ngọc lục cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
D572F2D2D05BC1A8_## = Rương danh vọng
D57A9983F08E300E_## =
D57C344F4A1DB87B_## =
D5816D5A58D07DC1_## = 参与 5V5
D5817C4E9B785611_## =
D58479962FB5EFE6_## =
D5886CD14EB8108C_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
D588B3E374B78FEC_## = Plague Specter
D58ABDDC1406D752_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Ryoma {C}/{T} lần
D58DF9AE535C74A4_## = The love of a lifetime.
D58E2122B48D03F3_## = Support mages have lower defensive attributes but are
equipped with control or healing abilities.
D58F94062E38A3F8_## = Siege
D59006E317FD24BD_## = Purple arcana increase <color=#f6bf17ff>HP recovery</color>
D59580605BC8C481_## =
D59795D60D75C9C8_## = Original
d599781b02d4b802 = Search for player
D59E941628E8A084_## =
D59EBD2D0678735C_## = Trial Card: Try out Airi's skin: Bloodraid
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
D5AD0964ACE525F3_## = 等級達到{T}級
D5AE1C62D72B27F2_## =
D5B16039D2222AAB_## =
D5B474AC2147FAFD_## = Relax, sit back, and watch the world burn!
D5B5C8B51CE5D956_## = Đổi Dấu ấn Tulen
D5B89D541F537FEA_## = Dustdevil
D5B8A3C5DD2E4DF1_## = Kriknak
D5BA2259FE06F122_## =
D5BA6CA8AD914CDF_## =
D5BAC6404E00EDAC_## = Snow Angel
D5BB93AEA784AEAC_## = An error has occurred. Error code: 8023
D5BED3910F5E0941_## = Vui Tết cũng đừng quên Liên Quân nhé!
D5BF420BBAFE3265_## = Open to obtain Zill and the Ripper Skin
D5BFBCA14D97222C_## = Tulen uses his lightning powers to zap a short distance,
damaging enemies at the origin and destination. Enemies in the origin and
destination areas will suffer {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color>
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>. Enemies damaged by both the origin and the
destination areas will receive 50% damage for the second hit. Enemies damaged by
Lightning Strike twice within 5 seconds will have their movement speed reduced by
{2}%, gradually decreasing over the following {3} seconds. Each time Tulen
teleports and hits an enemy, he will receive 1 charge of Thunderclap.\n\nTulen can
store this ability up to 3 times (cooldown between stored uses can be affected by
items and arcana).
D5C13ACC4D63A3B7_## =
D5C2938FA52CE65D_## =
D5C93CAA8B2818D0_## = Trial Card: Try out Mganga's skin: Fright Circus for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
D5CB99A594C1AC8C_## = Continue attacking! Destroy the<color=#f6bf17ff> Enemy
D5CDE14D262488CB_## =
d5ced248b51ffca8 = Obtained
D5D35D63A271E7F3_## = Butterfly
D5DB0865F1FAC639_## =
D5DB79741F1C8972_## =
D5DEA56A336A4113_## =
D5DFE9531DF0D61C_## = My performance will be a scream.
D5E9D5C51C160B25_## = Wrecking
D5EADF7C89198FBF_## =
D5EB53E3C8757253_## =
D5EBB568D40120F2_## =
D5EE99243999A983_## = Unknown
D5EEAEBADD674DF8_## = Banish
D5F2CEAD68974962_## =
D5F8D0C13CA081A8_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
D5FC5709870A84E9_## = 打开获得马洛斯英雄体验卡+幽暗冥王体验卡
D5FE607A63083515_## =
D5FE85A585DB9918_## = Túi ngọc III ngẫu nhiên (tím)
D6028CB93A7904EF_## =
D60E96773B1D8B4C_## =
D61DE8E4D1D6428E_## = Trial Card: Try out Krixi's skin: Lunar Fairy
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
d61f8c9de50bc369 = Antaris Battlefield Map Intro
D621820046D0318F_## = Protect
D62204379C6417E2_## = Every time Max damages an enemy, the enemy gets shocked,
causing them to suffer {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#f3b74a>true
damage</color> per second and have their health regeneration reduced by 25% for 3
D62455579EF2807A_## = Omen
D6255D9C00636C0D_## =
D625AEF735335762_## = Túi ngọc III ngẫu nhiên (đỏ)
D625EC0DF2A00DA8_## =
D626479E1593D906_## =
D628B783BD4DD639_## = Academy
d628d0ca73933ebc = Jump to
D62D796567C523A0_## = Cooldown
D631963A9AD112BD_## =
D6349BF76147D4D4_## = Player already owns that hero.
D634D99773EACDAB_## = Unknown
D635E9D4CDEA12ED_## = Reach Level {0}
D63746EEF30F49F2_## =
d63ceb5eec43c804 = Change Icon
D63D546CD9091AE5_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mừng xuân Đinh Dậu, lì xì đầy tay: Mở
hầu bao! của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
D63EBA82772455AE_## = Arum
D640657D922FDD9A_## =
D6465E30EB7E165C_## = Tích lũy tiêu Quân Huy trong thời gian sự kiện, nhận ngay
mảnh trang phục và rương ngọc may mắn!
D647BF45A60B5143_## =
D64B83C8EE603B25_## = Chiến đấu trên bản đồ 5v5 Miền đất hứa mỗi ngày để nhận Ruby
cực hot!
D64D7CDA63682515_## =
D64E0DF9DB5337B1_## = Become an adorable bundle of joy!
D64FCF318A919F62_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nTướng vĩnh viễn
(Joker) / Thẻ thử tướng Joker (1 ngày) / Mảnh tướng
D650C65008BDDDB7_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
D65267B148915AD4_## = 本週活動精選
D654CBC16656F329_## =
D655B50C508F5FAB_## =
D657E33798F9A26A_## = Biểu tượng của Tết Việt. Thu thập để đổi thưởng Tết đặc
D658BF823A2E2D4C_## =
D66450E32932091A_## = Support
D6646C2617B00548_## = Hộp quà thú vị (VP)
D664D4A627A47535_## = Original
D6697ED98066DB82_## = Đổi quà tình nhân
D66FA22270B3EB40_## = Trial Card: Try out Diaochan's skin: Archmage
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
D674F4642017FFD7_## = Ryoma
D67A5217012FFEE4_## =
D67BB1F35505B1C6_## =
D67D201BEF630B77_## = Ooh, I just can't get enough.
D67E3868F58A2E39_## =
D681617AA8753B35_## = Trial Card: Try out Cresht's skin: Firefighter for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
D682E780D29481FD_## =
D687D17D6EF77A39_## = Roxi-Atk-03
d6899891c1b1a819 = Gold
D68BCD16B85CD083_## =
D690374F6335769E_## = Liên Quân đón Xuân
d69064753b8d99fb = d69064753b8d99fb_##
D692E6BF3E740D0B_## =
d694db65a7e3966f = Overall Rankings
D694FCB19AEB84E5_## =
D695D4F64F0DF630_## = Mage
D696C8A07853C2CD_## = The Archangel
D697798E2C88371F_## = [ex] (DNT)
D697CA3527A34C33_## = Level 2 Chest
D6998275FFDA690A_## =
D69B80AFE0DDEC5E_## =
D69D4ABA4FD0B256_## =
D69F317425DDDC7A_## = Trial Card: Try out Rourke's skin: Captain Kraken for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
D6A036B42F31CC20_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tiêu Quân Huy nhận Rương Độc lập của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
D6A4674A6B70E56F_## = Maximum Damage
D6A8CBE14806940F_## = The Joker
D6A903BB43783BA7_## = Ability Power +140, Magic Defense +220, Movement Speed
D6AAD6B1DE51A84E_## =
d6ada5447ad71e6c = d6ada5447ad71e6c_##
D6B28F65DCCBBAD4_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
D6B6D059CF69F2A8_## =
D6B738282CB4C621_## = Divine Punishment
D6BA714F553A4FB5_## = Stop attacking the Dark Slayer!
D6BC364D24ADE850_## = Trial Card: Try out Tel'Annas' skin: Love Sworn for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
D6BCD3ED4161233C_## = Level 27 Chest
D6BDADAB7FC646EE_## = Yorn
D6C0E0AC8990B6B2_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
D6C1DFF9B2758EBC_## = Max
D6C2985B2D1B196B_## =
D6C6259C77D9F55E_## = Medium
D6C9880CC9139FBA_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng{C}/{T}
D6CC375F12682F21_## =
D6CD1898B2F60145_## =
D6CE34C685C4631B_## = Light Armor
D6CE67B50A5DBF2C_## =
D6D53C2DCBE3B6E7_## = True Champion
D6DCE31014FAD2CA_## =
D6E5A593845BEC0B_## = Standard\nMatch
D6E7094DD8D97D8B_## =
D6E89A559AE66356_## =
D6EC81F025D43E67_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
D6EC905165E10AE3_## =
D6EDC161B0DCA641_## = Open to Receive Omega and his Real Steel Skin
D6EEDE6B22259529_## = After exiting battle, The Joker reloads his gun with enhanced
bullets so that his next normal attack deals bonus 200
<color=#f18d00>(+{0})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> and increases
attack range. The enhanced bullets also reduce the target's movement speed by 90%
and gradually weakens over 1.5 seconds.
D6EF5A49F5C68DC3_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
D6F07802784FD84D_## = Original
D6F1B106EC7B42FB_## = Use Maloch's Cleave to hit an enemy hero and enchant his
weapon. This will make his normal attacks and subsequent Cleave attacks deal true
damage and restore a lot of HP.
D6F356CA0135A280_## = Base Damage
D6F3F4BF2CD14E5F_## = Open to receive the Hero: Yorn and his Skin: Midnight
D6F4D79317ECEA3E_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
D6F6F03D3FA66037_## = Tết đến rồi! (Đấu thường)
D6F705336FB568DF_## = Cooldown
D6FECAB382CAE815_## =
D700057738D73DF0_## =
D702BD899C663425_## = Cooldown
D704496A46FF9A3F_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
D70921796337D8E5_## = Not Available
D70A5947871C38F3_## = Unknown
D70C0C28EA81D74D_## = Ability Power +140, HP +1050\n[Protection]
D70E37BDD56622D2_## = Đón Xuân mới - Khuyến mãi nạp thẻ mỗi ngày!
D711B2BABD938D40_## = 7 日累積簽到
D713191B0E9D1C66_## = Shutterbug
D713A39D505D725E_## = Taara
D715707E13B3BBB5_## = Level 24 Chest
D716B6AA079A298C_## = Arum
D718820462B6E322_## = Thu thập Chìa khóa - Mở rương bí ẩn
D71A50E76A3E4416_## =
D71D68E7131711CF_## = Unknown
d71de2e45f34b0c2 = Create a Character
d721f17de97fd05f = d721f17de97fd05f_##
D722D7CDA45FE086_## =
D724A1636AFFCB63_## =
D727408AE0E6892E_## =
D727ED306D33CE05_## =
D72809DC0C3B7CA3_## =
D72A4074CEA21CBE_## = Base Damage
D72E5216453D0B25_## =
D72E52871F7165AE_## = Report Warning
D72F49B25B998DAE_## =
D72F7AC68C077962_## = Base Damage
D7330A851DADD016_## =
D735B2E8C2608B97_## = 本週活動精選
D73923A2D026F065_## = Liên Quân đón Xuân
D73BDB75292CFC3C_## =
D73CC35AEC601459_## = Unknown
d73f09098ec2c6f3 = d73f09098ec2c6f3_##
D73F1D380D21C2E9_## =
D740E580A1EAAEA9_## =
D741DD2B73C024B5_## = 签到图片
D745C963E178125C_## =
D746113309E60818_## =
D749035026EB3561_## =
D74B1F9573F8AF9B_## =
D7515D8B249E018E_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Chơi game)
D752C0FA1B7FB2DB_## =
D753AF802E37A0AA_## =
D755D679E966E16D_## = Đây là phần thưởng Chuẩn bị đón Tết (Đấu thường) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
D75898BDCD99BCFC_## =
D75BCEC2D4B1AAE9_## =
D75CDDFC016E6794_## = Impale's cooldown is reduced by 1 second whenever Lu Bu hits
a target with an ability or normal attack.
D76158619D3EF3FA_## =
D763D2260C6B12FA_## = Congratulations, you've become a veteran!
D76717E9B78B747E_## =
D76909D065C576EF_## = Cyberpunk skin style
D769E4956D229C4A_## = Marksman (Mobility)
D7703F6FB7945091_## =
D77ABEB534985835_## =
D77D5A73A128DFC5_## = Original
D7860C7C535FFE5E_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
D7877A5BC191D9DD_## =
D787F1607FCF66CA_## =
D7890C74F8E7ECE6_## =
D78D26274DD7E221_## = Đổi Dấu ấn Tulen
D78E87868CA42B86_## = Vé quay x 4(+1)
D78F84B859DA77FD_## =
D79177EAF0FAC616_## =
D793D74C2F9142FC_## =
D793F38B8ED2FA4E_## = Max HP +37.5 \nCooldown Speed +0.6%
D7976014CF5FBC87_## = 7 日累積簽到
D7988F9E90F02DC9_## = Sailor
D79D91CCB4A7021D_## = Every time Omen hits an enemy with a normal attack, he gains
one Thirst point. After reaching five points, Omen increases his movement speed by
{0} and his attack speed by {1}% for 5 seconds. His strengthened normal attack will
also deal <color=#f18d00>{2}</color> <color=#f3b74a>true damage</color> and reduce
the cooldown for Death's Beckon and Untouchable by 1 second.\n\nOmen's 3rd normal
attack triggers a second hit that deals 50% damage. The counter is reset after
reaching 5 points of Thirst and after coming out of Thirst.
D7A2EC1665DBC8DF_## = 签到图片
D7A6FCAA4FB2791D_## = Original
D7A79209907FF6EB_## =
D7A890F39A46EADB_## =
D7ADC9685BCF58B5_## =
D7B0694464B577B5_## =
D7B0DB17ADED3B7D_## = Void Cleanse
D7B3FB2F9D635B66_## = Frostbite
D7B405FD68A2D1CA_## =
D7B8FA82D9AD12D1_## =
D7BE97E1CB607554_## = Blue Inner Tower
D7BFF861963FEA35_## = Summer Bash
D7C66B7DC86FFC53_## = Friend Gifts
D7CC1A5FCB7022EC_## = Butterfly
D7CCFE7DFC6C3D6F_## = Krixi summons a clone to fly about and deal {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to any enemy it
touches. Damage decreases by {2}% after each hit (down to {3}% of original damage).
D7CEA0B4C5FBEEC6_## = Enter<color=#f6bf17ff> the Training for beginners</color>
D7D031378623F8E0_## = Trial Card: Try out Xeniel's skin: Armageddon for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
D7D0F4CF4B3BE876_## =
D7D56F65C51C8A79_## =
D7D5E6575ED13BD3_## = Bloody Baron
D7E1C66C2BB3031E_## =
D7E2769D93A8A69C_## = Original
D7E5C52AFE92706B_## =
D7E65BD1CACF728D_## =
D7E99E05356C6DCB_## =
D7EB01D4C618C1C4_## = A mere mortal dares challenge me?!?
d7eb8aec98ed287a = Continue
D7F014B739818150_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mừng xuân Đinh Dậu, Lì xì đầy tay: Thi
đấu thôi! của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
D7F1A71B60153189_## =
D7F1FBFBD557D45F_## = 击杀魔龙
D7F2079201328E82_## = You have received a gift!
D7F49913AD36EFB1_## =
D7F6CAA59DCB3C70_## =
D7FCE233D591A8A7_## =
D7FD264BC554A936_## = Thực hiện các nhiệm vụ mỗi ngay để nhận cực nhiều quà trong
dịp sinh nhật Liên Quân
D800885468FC1C2F_## = Superman has two modes: flying and walking. He gains 2%
movement speed and charges energy for every 100 units he walks, and takes flight
once energy is fully charged. Flight mode grants 20% movement speed when moving
towards an enemy, and his normal attacks deal additional <color=#ca3939>physical
damage</color> equal to <color=#ca3939>12% of his own maximum HP</color>. Superman
exits Flight mode when he is hit with a control effect that lowers his movement
speed to 375 or less.
D80108806BD0E105_## = Normal attacks reduce Tactical Fire's cooldown by 0.5
D80280198B28D133_## =
D802C9863076B15A_## = Getting Started
D8068059FF008B77_## =
D80B6D560A0EDCFB_## = Tap the first ability button to use <color=#f6bf17ff>Bloody
Hunt</color> to defeat the group of minions.
D80BF73E655618F6_## =
D80D09AE6A718022_## = Not enough marksmen
D80E0B80F2E2CFEE_## =
D80EF000C59EFC4F_## =
D81005DE8B9A36BD_## = The enemies are attacking our<color=#f6bf17ff> defense
tower</color>! \nDefeat them!
D812424BAFC8313F_## = Quà đặc biệt của Joker!
D812B57C857CB820_## = Unknown
D812E284A94C8E8E_## =
D813F8009F43E32D_## = Boots of Speed
D815187DDE963D93_## = Maloch
D8169F11B8343130_## = Viper
D81C70017D08B4A4_## =
D81DE28F5199D034_## = Trial Card: Try out Moren for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day.
You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
D823272134671C36_## = 签到图片
D823B840A271F806_## = Don't try to attack enemies by yourself.
D82411F5F8E84E94_## = Đây là phần thưởng Thu thập Chìa khóa - Mở rương bí ẩn của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
D832E0D7EBEA0951_## = The Incorruptible
D836AF1C2784807F_## = Trial Card: Try out Butterfly's skin: Technoblade
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
D8372EAD2C3005B5_## = Damage Reduction
D83841ABF24A52B2_## =
D839933C865FBF6B_## = Sustained Damage, Burst
D83A017DB1EBE13C_## =
d84046b888667fd3 = Number of games
D847A85BF7ECF643_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
D84B2E2465B8E64B_## = Base Damage
D84D2DE84ADC799F_## =
D84D7F426F4B07BC_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
D84DF3D0BFB544E3_## = Lu Bu
D851721F5A21A445_## = Taara
D85284B757ECA947_## = Shocking storm sound effects
D8553870F50CFF1B_## = Cresht
D85543FAEAEC4931_## = Buccaneer
D855E7CDE0DAA8F4_## = Colorful Christmas-themed effects
D85759C117963C36_## = Zephys
D85EDD6EE1E05B95_## =
D85FF0310768F722_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
D861F69CBF81D6E2_## =
D862902ACD9AD02B_## =
D865C04FF929B191_## = Trial Card: Try out Zuka's skin: Principanda for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
D866751AFBDDC90F_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Đăng nhập)
D866B962FD6B008B_## =
D86A91BEBC2F9CF2_## = Samsara
D8764F12B7CFAF68_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
D87943A36F59CC50_## = Base Damage
D879B6B1D51EBD99_## =
D87CB235D3FB95F7_## = Ignis' abilities place the Mark of the Flame on targets. The
mark activates after 1 second and adds an additional effect for his next ability
used within 2.5 seconds.
D87F31A19273F9B4_## = Rương khóa bí ẩn
D87F761D39C7D669_## = Chơi bản đồ 5v5 Miền đất hứa (Thường & Hạng) để nhận ruby
miễn phí
d881b446f2e1e520 = d881b446f2e1e520_##
D885755251B42766_## =
D8876E1F76491595_## = Nakroth
D888356D748271E6_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường
D88C168108FB566A_## =
D88DE3F88051CBA2_## = Cooldown
D891D9622D59EEE4_## = Zuka generates a strong shield to reduce
<color=#f18d00>(+[183350p1q3*k1/10000])</color> points of damage and confers
immunity from Control Effects for 1.5 sec, dealing [183300p1q2+183300p1g2*sl-
183300p1g2] <color=#f18d00>(+[183300p1q3*k1/10000])</color> <color=#8e91fd> Magic
Damage</color> to all enemies in range and slowing their Movement Speed; Zuka will
be stunned for 1 second when the shield breaks.
D8929403481971E3_## =
D893CCDCC96F1AA1_## =
D89466DCA58192E6_## = Ignis
D896CF649A24A2D8_## = Ignis forms the Sacred Flame into an orb and launches it,
dealing {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to
the first enemy hit and nearby enemies in a cone behind it. Also increases Ignis'
movement speed by 40% for 1 second. If marked targets are hit, then Ignis gains a
shield that absorbs {2} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{3})</color> damage for 3 seconds.
D896D238587527F6_## =
D896D882DC3A711C_## = "You call that a gun?!?"\n\nWere it not for his violent and
stubborn temper, perhaps Moren would have become a scholar, quietly studying in a
tower somewhere. But being a dwarf, Moren was born to drink and fight, preferring
fists and bullets over words even when the debate was academic. As a result, no
scholars wanted to take him on as an apprentice. This forced him to use his
dexterous hands to forge another path: science and blacksmithing.\n\nAccording to
(somewhat incomplete) statistics, nearly half of the most highly regarded weapons
in the land were either crafted or modified by Moren. Therefore, everyone, from the
mightiest of Gods to the most despicable of demons, holds him in high regard. This
also meant that Moren was able to maintain a neutral position and, in some ways,
remain above it all, for a very long time. \n\nSlimz the Trustworthy sensed a new
business opportunity in Moren's weapon forging abilities. After haggling over the
price, the two eventually signed a lifetime contract. From then on, Slimz had
complete ownership of all weapons created by Moren. In return, Moren received
several precious mechanical diagrams, an endless supply of materials, and the
Castle of Alchemy. This partnership made both parties extremely wealthy, but it
also made them the new target of the Army of the Fallen.\n\nFollowing a joint
assault by Preyta and Skud, the Castle of Alchemy suffered a devastating defeat.
Slimz hoped to retain at least some influence, but he had nothing left to bargain
with, and could not persuade the stubborn Moren to stop resisting. He had no choice
but to terminate the contract and make Moren a free agent again. Deeply moved by
this, Moren deployed his few remaining weapons at the castle and launched a final
attack that halted the enemy's advance.\n\nMoren's actions enraged Skud who, in a
devastating fit of rage, completely annihilated the castle's defenses and all but
destroyed Omega, who had recently arrived to aid the castle's defense. Moren, who
was seriously injured, attempted to detonate an incendiary bomb that would have
taken Skud down with him. However, Omega dragged him to safety before he could
detonate the bomb. Moren was grateful yet resentful. Eventually, he followed
Omega's advice and accepted a proposal by Thane, the human commander. \n\nIn
exchange, Omega shared with him the secrets of advanced mechanical principles,
allowing him to create a new generation of high-tech weaponry.
D897B657709C6518_## = Explorer
D89878E9DF754541_## =
D8988463B07DFFF1_## =
D89922BA9A923B18_## = That all you got?
D89973836F839631_## = Tích lũy tiêu Quân Huy - Nhận skin miễn phí
D89D2F0614B08C27_## =
D89E21380F5B7D4D_## = Apocalypse
D8A1620F5351259C_## =
D8A22C3E0E4748E5_## =
D8A60E2CA1A605D5_## = Đây là phần thưởng Cáo siêu thanh Fennik! của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
D8B7FF6923A11735_## = Peura
D8BFD6E9A96306C4_## = Butterfly
D8C206C87C1DF4E9_## =
D8C4E46574585C37_## =
D8C63C7D64353A51_## = Butterfly
D8C649B191E2D6D1_## = Ryoma
D8CA68B4145A74A0_## =
D8CADB0597E38627_## = Unknown
D8CADC240EBFDC9C_## = Trial Card: Try out Natalya's skin: Azure
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
D8CCD363217D93B1_## = Krixi
D8D16289F8E6101E_## =
D8D24653C80E6E0E_## = Survivability
D8D58916F92581BE_## = Level 10 Chest
D8D59BF3B299AF02_## =
D8D6FABAA3B7E43B_## =
D8DA13169BEA56E5_## = Ability Power +240, HP +500\n[Protection]
D8DAFFF1CEB541A8_## =
D8DBE0E867A150ED_## = 限時充值送好禮(test)
D8DE5278426C9E0B_## =
D8DF02CA43A27CD3_## = Shield Points
D8DF25B53DB9992F_## = 独立日宝箱-普雷塔
D8E0EE3B24B19B2D_## =
D8E3707658A44206_## = Original
D8E6D134BF879751_## =
D8E8FF69C91F13CC_## =
D8EBFACE0E9C720C_## = Preyta
D8ECDF998FD53EE1_## =
D8ED4AB219F9CDED_## =
D8EE8AE2524ED6DB_## = [新英雄-Raz 登場] 愛不釋手
D8F1B776D68D3C5A_## = Diamond
D8F1BA228063D97C_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
D8F7986D2194C6FE_## = Butterfly
D8FB396C23AA0F5A_## =
D8FC979175139082_## = 26.11 - Thưởng đấu đặc biệt
D8FCDA48C21F9BBA_## = Đây là phần thưởng Sự kiện 8.3 - Xuân nữ tái xuất của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
D8FD258E446604FE_## =
D8FDFD1EB59AC4BC_## = Linebacker
D90134A325C1BD92_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
D907948CD8C47928_## = An error has occurred. Error code: 8033
D908C42D2FC86F51_## = Lu Bu
D9090B5C983309A6_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
D909AB50DE7D0788_## =
D90A1E38A303D326_## =
D90C209BAAD030CC_## = Trial Card: Try out Krixi's skin: Lunar Fairy
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
D90D6017938D9982_## = Lindis
D915760F23E3F9FE_## = Move through the brush whenever possible to take advantage of
Lindis' passive. This can help you kite your enemies or establish map control. Use
Piercing Gaze to view your surroundings before rushing into unknown territory.
Also, before entering a group battle, be sure to lay a trap along one of your
enemies' possible escape routes.
D915B5392A90CE73_## =
D915F1CEBE9BDDD5_## = Stay alert of<color=#f6bf17ff> the brush</color>. Enemies may
be hiding.
D91776A249FC5275_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
D918AA6A8AFF60BB_## =
D91D9D117A8F61CD_## = Trial Card: Try out Aleister for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this hero.
D91E869E173697FC_## =
D91F08EDE225E99F_## = Mở để nhận thẻ thử 1 ngày của 1 tướng ngẫu nhiên
D91F27BBAB9ACE13_## =
D9208147BB9C5572_## =
D923810380257DF7_## =
D92832E7B45513DC_## = Enters flying mode and lunges forward.
D92C6BEFDD9FA867_## =
D931E6D2B5575CB1_## =
D93349659841696A_## =
D9357D3420C1BA3B_## = Base Damage
D935E6E8B8497DBC_## = Maloch
D935F7F23F031D58_## = Kahlii
D9390F5BCD39595A_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Đỏ)
D939A76A2AD68D43_## =
D9458AEF02D0656D_## = Melee
D945C42986B9F8B9_## =
D94CEB3FB4C123F5_## = Trial Card: Try out Maloch's skin: Count for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
D95B3445EE95CE2B_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
D95C0F74F6FF88B6_## =
D95F6EBC4ED86057_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
D95FCF03981BB011_## = Penetrating Shot
D9620DE480B6D780_## = Obtain {0} [/0:$(hero|heroes)/]
D962A930B421B88C_## = Sage Golem
D9656699B4EB88B5_## =
D965BB742D27715C_## = Ilumia
D9668082DC4276B0_## = Jury Fury
d96b3e9d62b31efd = Price
D96C7165F05493F0_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
D96C76197D892743_## =
D96D6ADBFB3FDCB1_## = Jury Fury
D97194E466BF8453_## =
D976B0DCF49F57C6_## =
D97767FDC44A220E_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
D97CF8DCB87AE275_## = Arum
D97DB849FCD57850_## = 7 日累積簽到
D97EB94CD6A32AED_## = Jungling, Survivability
D97F7D34FDDA9D52_## = Space and time are the fabric in which this world exists.
They are also a source of supreme power. However, none of the known systems of
magic have spells capable of harnessing the power of space-time. Only an Andura
Stone can contain the intangible power of space-time, and allow people to harness
it.\n\nWith the aim of acquiring this power, Murad's ancestors journeyed deep into
the desert to look for fragments of Andura. However, Murad's ancestors were able to
outsmart Azzen'Ka and acquire the fragments. They used the fragments to forge an
extremely powerful weapon that could manipulate space and time, and built a new
empire in the desert with its power.\n\nWhen Murad came of age, he inherited the
weapon from his father and officially became the heir apparent. He led the imperial
army on many expeditions, eliminating dangerous creatures and expanding the empire.
This eventually threatened the authority of Azzen'Ka who was furious after
discovering the truth behind Murad's weapon. But Murad paid Azzen'Ka no mind. As
long as he had the weapon, Azzen'Ka couldn't hurt him.\n\nAzzen'Ka was forced to
parley with Murad, and capitulate to the demands of the imperial prince. Murad
gladly accepted his enemy's willingness to surrender, and missed the golden
opportunity to rid the empire of a potential threat once and for all. No power
lasts forever, and Azzen'Ka understood this only too well. From the shadows, he
manufactured multiple crises that forced Murad to use his weapon to defend the
fledgling empire.\n\nOveruse of the power accelerated the Andura Stones' decay and,
unable to withstand the burden, the weapon developed numerous cracks through which
the power of space-time leaked. This efflux greatly weakened Murad's ability to
fight, and Azzen'Ka seized the opportunity to conjure a mighty sandstorm that
completely engulfed the once prosperous empire. The weapon only had enough power to
protect Murad himself, so after a plea by his father, he escaped the
catastrophe.\n\nBut he did not give up. He covered his handsome face and became a
solitary desert ranger, seeking a way to repair his weapon while accumulating the
strength to confront Azzen'Ka. Murad firmly believes that as long as he has his
weapon, he will one day be able to kill Azzen'Ka and restore the honor and glory of
his empire.
D9813F8C1A7961CF_## =
D9830B7B0B183D44_## = Tham gia sự kiện Tết gắn kết - Anh em chấp hết tại
sukien2.lienquan.garena.vn - Nhận Dấu ấn Tulen và đổi tướng miễn phí!
D9840C7CA22CED94_## =
D985501D277DDB6C_## =
D988246139D40992_## =
D988BF11D9D466A6_## =
D988D0FCA9A2E15F_## = 和好友对战送符文碎片
D98BD8BFE8DE2EAA_## = obsolete+2c61f47cf9280da0
D98DE7752690BC8B_## = Butterfly
D98DE82C0682FAA9_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
D991BD5E5D2389BC_## =
D994554FA7B69E94_## = Red Core
D9982786BBF8BEAC_## =
D998862990927245_## = Zuka
D99BC6BFAC339932_## =
D99D01A5284CCFEB_## =
D99D1BAEDF7572AA_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
D99E14743F3FE07D_## = Obtain <color=#D99114>Most Damage Received</color> in Casual
or Ranked Match to increase Honor Points for the <color=#D99114>Shield of
Honor</color>. \n\nWhen enough points are accumulated, you can obtain the
<color=#D99114>Shield of Honor</color> Badge.
D99F5140FEF4B205_## = Skud
D9A6ADB4D526FDBB_## = Sailor
D9A93552A50C6FA5_## =
D9AA97961EFA2CAB_## = EXP
D9AAAAD6F64D9C3E_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
D9ABDCC2A0809C59_## = Wonder Woman
D9AC259B643E3FD9_## =
D9AD9EEBC0B01628_## =
D9B0558B32575DB8_## = 本週活動精選
D9B34991F0E00C60_## = Xeniel
D9B357F6E843EE30_## = Toro
D9B5D799E1E5D636_## = Red Defense Tower
D9B6A335BA81E710_## =
D9B7789260B72DEE_## =
D9BEBCEDAE6C2E88_## = Omen rushes forward and deals {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to the first
enemy hero he runs into. He then summons a plasma sword that curses the target for
5 seconds. While cursed, the target deals less damage with attacks and cannot leave
the sword's area.
D9BFEF20A84D24DC_## =
D9C191EAB5E31FD1_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
D9C2E8D77EB4659B_## =
D9CBEB67FFDE966B_## =
D9CE727A6B6C3973_## = Not Available
D9CFD697F0B74203_## =
D9D0B510668E5F49_## =
D9D7403F1699AFF3_## = Shadow Arrow
D9D82E429DA6FCAC_## =
D9D8DDF7608E15B0_## =
d9d9231ae1334b4b = Particle Quality
D9DA3E96F93A84E7_## = Kryptonian Strength
D9DB7E58D46AF7E8_## = Đấu trường Huyền thoại
D9E3DDF8AD44D4C0_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
D9E833DFA374FF35_## =
D9E932C4F6109DDC_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Tím)
D9EA042DD6D72699_## = Valhein
D9EA0C5D32C0858F_## = Thu thập 2 mảnh Chúc mừng năm mới và Mậu Tuất 2018 để đổi 3
trang phục miễn phí tùy chọn!
D9EA32A6A8371D4A_## = Rương may mắn đấu sĩ
D9EB7CE209DDF52E_## =
D9F1021BB599F1FD_## =
D9FBF3E04335828C_## = Trang phục Tel'Annas: Chung tình tiễn
DA00C107A6B01E41_## = Ride a dolphin back to the altar
DA061B968C338352_## =
DA09E6280B233EE1_## = The Joker launches a powerful rocket that deals {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies in
its path, but each subsequent enemy hit reduces its damage by 10%, up to 40%.
DA0EDC26C8B600A7_## =
DA12B020260BC4FA_## =
DA14DB5EA3534E3B_## =
DA164854B59265B4_## = Original
DA16E6E82D468659_## = When Krixi hits an enemy with an ability, she gains {0}%
movement speed for 2 seconds.
DA16E9B7E5190795_## =
DA19CF7FEEEE6992_## = Quy đổi ngọc đỏ cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
DA1E3E30E1CFD752_## = Unknown
DA20433DDD5C962C_## = Trial Card: Try out Natalia's skin: Snow Festival for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
DA263C12C0CFBA86_## = Đổi Dấu ấn Tulen
DA2792F4C59A3011_## = Mina
DA305B4F9C05D0A0_## =
DA3084141A020097_## = Mage (Control)
DA32071C08D76FF9_## = Enter the 5v5 <color=#f6bf17ff>Antaris Battlefield</color>.
DA332FCBA98E7191_## = Batman Symbol
DA33587EA03F467C_## = Might Golem
DA33A968A4A5200D_## = Unknown
DA36A8B835E2A8CE_## = Survivability, Sustained Damage
DA37C015AC59F412_## = Đổi Dấu ấn Tulen
DA3B8207C6C85985_## =
DA3BFF5F62DCA112_## = Attack Damage +100, Life Steal +25%
DA407D4C63D39CF3_## = Skud increases his attack speed by 20% and movement speed by
10% for 5 seconds. The next normal attack deals an additional {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies and
reduces their movement speed.
DA40836B75D11BF8_## = Using his cunning and guile, The Joker removes all slowdown
effects on him and gains <color=#ca3939>{0}%</color> movement speed as well as
immunity to <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> for 2 seconds.
DA40878278A33F9E_## =
DA442A03AE151C18_## = Raz
DA44CD7C379FD2A8_## =
DA4821F108AC9268_## = The Plague Wyvern boosts Preyta's movement speed.
da4a477e06d8690c = I'll get the Buff, thanks.
da4db86a8b133c20 = Most Damage Taken
DA4ECEC71CA8525F_## = Control
DA514BD65A10B434_## = Captain Kraken
DA575ADCEAB5F1E7_## = Tulen
DA5B4B611D092D64_## =
DA5CEB7D086244B7_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Cresht) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
DA6351C66492D2FA_## =
DA64A8CE16CE6FCC_## = Catacombs
DA737BD98179B966_## = Sustainability
DA73FE679B094F11_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
DA79C9B3862D3EFD_## = Unknown
DA80740E97C1D2AB_## = Aten
DA81FB15706A89AE_## = Fledgling
DA847F5D7103771D_## = Base Damage
DA9092A2B1747608_## =
DA927D070ACD8909_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Tím)
DA93B360486B5FAD_## =
DA95A2ADD85FAE81_## =
DA95BCF2977ABDDE_## = 和好友对战送六个钥匙
DA98CEBB4D442782_## = Unknown
DA98D61D8B82E910_## = Lumburr
DA9D45AD15394BD2_## = In the middle of something. Give me a minute!
DA9DF71B3DA4C3B8_## =
DAA1724CC18FA8F3_## =
DAA17AD8F8AE8730_## = Liftoff
DAA26F534604620E_## = Trial Card: Try out Thane for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
daa442095cdb58ba = Rankings
DAA5A86D819C349E_## =
DAAE213899656AF2_## = New arena entrance animation\nDynamic splash screen\nSpecial
sound effects
DAAE2E7988FE4D6A_## = Original
DAAE504FCC6B1951_## = OK
DAB180F9CF4F1050_## =
DAB3F42ECBEE9671_## = Nethra
DAB51AF50D61E84F_## = Rương Raz đặc biệt
DABA70A42991EDAC_## = Trial Card: Try out Ormarr's skin: Superset for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
DABD48EB9A924FBE_## =
DABE62D24B78A622_## = Mina's skin: Fatal Scythe
DAC4833069FFDB6D_## =
dac5fc2aa8384a9e = a2977
DAC73A5F3B6C3874_## =
DAC8734F8A265411_## = Yorn
DACAED601019E3C0_## =
DACB4340F137FE41_## =
DACBD899E130FAE7_## = Buffs, Harass
DACE0F09F1F15AEF_## =
DACF35DADE466F77_## = Cooldown
DAD115036348FD10_## =
DAD18235E66BD6B4_## =
DAD244FA32B45541_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Murad {C}/{T} lần
DAD592FF630D6BB5_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
DAD77106FD461D2B_## = Movement Speed increased
DAD81CC4769153EC_## = Base Damage
DAD99173779CCF54_## = Human Form grants ranged normal attack.\nFox Form increases
armor and magic defense by 20 (+5 per level) and movement speed by 30. Normal
attacks in Fox Form deal <color=#7FFFD4>{0}</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
DAE5F0CA7E648E8D_## =
DAEBEE0145F21B69_## =
DAEEAE59C4D8C2DD_## = Attack enemies when you have a decent amount of HP.
DAEF593FC0C351C9_## = Airi
DAF4217C23D65BDC_## = Since you remained idle for an extended period of time or
abandoned a match at {3}:{4}:{5} on {0}/{1}/{2}, you didn't earn any EXP or gold.
Because you returned to the match, only {6} points have been deducted from your
Credibility Score. If your Credibility Score falls below a certain amount, certain
game modes will be unavailable to you. Please take each battle seriously.
DAF522CDAEC77AE6_## = Healing Light
DAF8A43352C4F2FB_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mừng xuân Đinh Dậu,
DAFF004096E085C0_## =
Daily_Quest_Career = Progress
Daily_Quest_FirstVictory = First Win Reward
Daily_Quest_FirstVictoryCD = First Victory Reward:
Daily_Quest_FirstVictoryName = First Victory +{0}
Daily_Quest_NeedGrowing = Development
Daily_Quest_NeedHero = Heroes
Daily_Quest_NeedMoney = Gold
Daily_Quest_NeedSeal = Arcana
DailyReward = Daily
DB003A728454B9CE_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tiêu Quân Huy - Mừng sinh nhật Liên Quân!
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
DB0243D6F3BD3465_## =
DB040F5C47D83AA4_## = Unknown
DB050998A95276E0_## = Zill turns into a tornado for 1.5 seconds and attacks nearby
enemies 5 times, dealing {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
damage</color> each hit. Once a target is hit, subsequent hits only deal 40%
damage. Zill cannot be targeted or attacked while in tornado form.
db05d9a3038b8e7b = Choose the message you want to use.
DB09477E0D1610DB_## =
DB0A465B2A7F1E26_## = Lauriel Skin: Black Wing
DB0E06E89FD84FCC_## =
db0e0ba2358154e = db0e0ba2358154e_##
DB0F05BB93C33058_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
DB10C7B4377E5CA0_## = Long Range
DB1A1B3DDF3E1CD9_## =
DB1EC1DD342C57CE_## = Ability Power +5.3
DB1FC83EEDE433EA_## = "I'm the Queen of the Night, my name is Veera."\n\nThe
ancient books said that Veera was the most devout and powerful apostle of the Great
Ones. Long did she pray and beseech their wisdom, but long have they remained
silent. \n\nEager to prove her mettle, she attempted to take on the Ravagers alone.
Surely with their demise by her hand, the Great Ones would reward her with glory.
However, it may also be that same hubris that made the Great Ones so disgusted with
her.\n\nThough she fought bravely and peerlessly, inevitably she was captured. The
tortures she suffered need not be mentioned. All that matters was those bright
eyes, which once looked up to the heavens for guidance, are now filled with malice
and dark fire.\n\nMaloch, the leader of the Ravagers, personally performed the
tortures, which founded a dark and awful relationship between the two. From then
on, she was always by his side, commanding his armies and vanquishing his
foes.\n\nBut she always preferred the silent approach, bringing down the mightiest
foes with her wiles and charms. Tome upon tome had been written to warn off men who
might ever come across her path to not to listen to the dark shadows whispering
promises of greatness; all that lies at the end of that road is doom. \n\nThe Queen
of Night is patient. She knows ultimately she will always have her way. She will be
the last one standing. She still dreams of the day she can bathe in the Great Ones'
blood and look them in the eyes, so that they may know her wrath.
DB20AB3EB01DE539_## =
DB230F46710FAE5A_## = Base Damage
DB23A21FEAD0AD1F_## = Death From Above
DB24A0B6A92790B0_## = Trial Card: Try out Chaugnar's skin: Hazmat for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
DB28C5AC8908E5F0_## = Taara Skin: Tribal Chief
db3031769b13aef3 = db3031769b13aef3_##
DB310480974F2DC0_## = Let's start equipping the arcana
DB3792F6733536E1_## = Trial Card: Try out Zephys for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color>
day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
DB37A70A84F2D990_## =
DB38C0FD9866C348_## =
DB38F6213245272E_## = obsolete+be747c6eecc7778e
DB3BACB6C5ACA145_## = Trial Card: Try out Omega's skin: Real Steel for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
DB408E77CFA50C31_## = Veera Value Pack
DB4178610581CE47_## =
DB476F5C18868410_## = Unknown
DB48BF80EBAF11E7_## =
Đăng nhập mỗi ngày để nhận mảnh ghép năm mới và đổi lấy cơ hội sở hữu bộ đôi tran
g phục giới hạn Long kỵ sĩ và Nghệ nhân Lân!
DB4AC982ACE1FB61_## = Trial Card: Try out Raz for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days.
You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this Hero.
DB5163DBCE572C12_## =
DB517F0D9D947B62_## = Melee
DB56FCF082DAA254_## =
DB57A119884D3940_## = Batman launches an explosive Batarang that deals {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies and
reduces their movement speed. The target will receive additional
<color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> equal to <color=#f18d00>{2}% of their lost
HP</color> after 3 seconds. Enemies hit are stunned if attacked by Batman again,
and Batman restores {3} <color=#f18d00>(+{4})</color> HP.
DB58195E75ACBB7A_## =
DB5C9F40E9335A0A_## = You did not play with this player recently.
DB60366AFDF94BBF_## =
DB62F57212237352_## = Buffs
DB65C37510D885DF_## = Long Range
DB67E1587E1F3A43_## = (Deals high amounts of damage through abilities)
DB68FCF24338EB40_## = Mini-Map Window Outline
DB695552B3064650_## =
DB6B08EF954D7F7E_## = Red Ballista
DB6BE4E8FB85BCFD_## = Gunslinger
DB6F1D08AF1AB47A_## =
DB6F588BFF290664_## =
DB70703DE1962964_## = Goddess
DB746FC09C009417_## =
DB74DCDBB9CE4A99_## = Chocolate Valentines
DB75E84D61EC5189_## =
DB775B754F7C2772_## = Bloodlust
DB791037863350BD_## = Trial Card: Try out Veera's skin: Nurse for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
DB799466FBE2E965_## =
DB7AD072250811C8_## =
DB7DA27A72C3B596_## = Original
DB8028F15F174581_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
DB8081896D3309A1_## = Excelsior
DB8141DD53AA383C_## =
DB8166A6BA201961_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
DB81E1E4615DACCB_## =
DB8348AA0CCE5E1A_## =
DB836D4AAA733E55_## =
DB855411430C2097_## =
DB86F212243A169C_## =
DB874DB5E29DF9B6_## =
DB876ADA3802F921_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
DB8A06E2A4B51473_## =
DB8E8353B81406D7_## =
DB93818A19046E10_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
DBA4E6AF43F4B2DB_## =
DBA596F7C7251250_## = Technoblade
DBA927C8A5A82806_## = Trial Card: Try out Maloch's skin: Count for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this skin.
DBADFC2812C8B78C_## =
DBAE8FD9A3DB9D06_## = Murad Chest
DBB076496F6A498A_## = Mở để nhận ngẫu nhiên 5-10 Ruby và thẻ thử tướng ngẫu nhiên
1 ngày
DBBB26E640F0B092_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Zill {C}/{T} lần
DBBBB5B4C0AF4FEB_## = Defense
dbc0f39dc34a6c1c = You don't have any related record.
DBC4587185D026D3_## = Aleister
DBC8AE86887A8646_## = Quẩy cùng anh em!
DBC8B3D28CBE1978_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Wukong) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
DBCB23EAA3BE37D3_## =
DBCF884C4484EB9F_## = Tham gia đấu thường mỗi ngày để nhận quà Tết Liên Quân
DBD4AAF0B179CAA6_## =
DBD4C012A33F7853_## = Mảnh trang phục (11~20)
DBDB221056E16237_## =
DBDCC183A7DB2EBD_## = Balanced
DBDCCDE968072982_## =
DBDD07A27CF6386E_## = Mganga
DBDF1004089EB350_## = Barry Allen was always moving a mile a minute—no one could
ever get him to slow down. That changed the day his mother was murdered. Once a
hyperactive kid who drove his teachers crazy, Barry’s energy was harnessed into a
single-minded focus to find his mother’s true killer. His drive for justice led to
a career as a forensic scientist, and he was completely absorbed by his work.
\n\nWhen a freak lightning bolt hit his lab, Barry was imbued with the power of
super-speed, becoming the Flash. Now, he races up buildings, across oceans, and
around the world to stop those who transgress against justice. With his ability to
run at near light-speeds, Barry has discovered the ultimate adrenaline rush.
Through determination and concentration, the Flash has been able to learn how to
phase through objects, create sonic booms with the snap of his fingers—and never
lose a race. \n\nBut the Flash’s abilities were put the ultimate test by an
unexpected event. As he attempted to save a group of children from a school fire,
the Flash pushed his abilities to the limit, moving so fast that he approached the
horizon of the speed of light. As part of his successful rescue of the children,
the Flash tapped into the very heart of the Speed Force—the mysterious extra-
dimensional energy that powered his abilities—and found himself swept into the
Speed Force itself. \n\nAwash in the flowing, morphing, hyper-dimensional currents
of the Speed Force, the Flash catapulted through several alternate realities, until
he found himself in a magical land called Athanor. At first, the Flash lamented
being marooned in this perilous realm, but soon discovered that where the Speed
Force is concerned, there are no coincidences. In Athanor, the Flash discovered
that the Speed Force was being syphoned into Athanor by one of the Lokheim generals
—resulting in the catastrophe that kept him trapped in Athanor. \n\nThe Flash has
joined up with the rest of the Justice League members to uncover the mysteries of
Athanor and restore the Speed Force. As he embarks on his quest, the Flash may
uncover the true nature of his abilities—and this discovery will have ramifications
not only for his own abilities, but for all the speedsters who have ever merged
with the Speed Force.
DBE09ECAF0122144_## =
DBE124E214E09A02_## = Đây là phần thưởng Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
DBE23F743C21C240_## = Batman
DBE389A53B6B98C5_## = Lindis
DBE4BF54E5250F97_## = Trial Card: Try out Peura's skin: Verdant for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
DBEEA3A38A74E5C9_## =
DBF998FD644289BB_## =
DC_Authorized = Licensed
DC03004C64C368D6_## = Wukong
DC06D4D78102E472_## = Slowdown Duration
DC0AF48D4EC4CAD1_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Murad để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
DC0B15A6BFE669B7_## = Unique Passive: Movement Speed +60
DC107E12ACD2D67A_## = Roxi-Atk-02
DC11C038D5789C9E_## = Pinwheel
DC1B28EE4CA0012B_## = Rương phán xét (x4+1)
DC1C5F7699B9C252_## =
DC210A590DE55C25_## =
DC21C8644E03608A_## = Base Damage
DC243DD5B1009F4B_## = Batman
DC29AD6F383244E4_## = Rương ngọc Xạ thủ
DC2B79CFFF7E4E81_## =
DC31113982C04E0D_## = Structure
DC33C880990E120E_## =
DC40B8F315538438_## =
DC42291AC0B0497F_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
DC43845E14D3C6A5_## = Want more<color=#f6bf17ff> heroes</color>? Tap here
DC43C190A9E96778_## = Protect allies
DC4410DA044A7BD4_## =
DC49E578427F3398_## = obsolete+cc886c6a9a5ca685
DC4BAB193B4DBFC1_## = Slimz leaps to a specified location and increases his attack
damage by <color=#f8be32>{0}</color> for 5 seconds after he lands.
DC52E06DB66C2CA8_## = Trial Card: Try out Gildur's skin: Summer Bash
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
DC57726217CD015A_## =
DC585C9684CCAE43_## = I await your command.
DC5AEF33128C7D38_## =
DC5FFC72D5C11FF6_## =
DC6200E5A51D5760_## =
DC62C65BDE931680_## =
DC63DF93C270B04C_## =
DC65E428A6D83560_## =
DC6639C144C8C4C4_## = Taara
DC6DAD20A5628A71_## = Dragons dwelled inside the body of their newest descendant,
Airi the Kunoichi. Her every breath seemed to exhibit the power of dragons.\n\nMany
ninja clans had only come into existence recently, but the mysterious Oriental
Dragons had been around for generations. This reclusive clan of ninjas loyally
protect the peace and tranquility of the realm using the power of the ancient
dragons. As the leader of a new generation of ninjas, Airi had not only inherited
the title of "Kunoichi", her incredible talents had also earned the approval of the
Ancient Dragon. She has been bestowed with the almighty Dragon's Mark as
well.\n\nAs night engulfed day, the elite Ninjas led by Airi rushed to save the
Temple of Light from the evil forces that surrounded it. Using her shadow clone
ability, Airi passed with ease through the savage bombardment of black magic. The
iron wall made up of thousands of Fallen crumpled beneath her feet. She transformed
herself into a sharp blade and hurled herself straight at Maloch, the commander of
the Demon Army, leaving a bloody trail of corpses in her wake.\n\nAiri took more
and more wounds as she fought her way towards Maloch. By the time she finally
reached him, she had defeated nearly all of his demon guards. Airi was punished for
her actions with three more mortal wounds. With her strength depleted, Airi
realized that she wouldn't stand a chance in a drawn-out battle, so she activated
the last bit of power in her Dragon's Mark, raised her blade and sliced at Maloch.
In that moment, Maloch was unable to lift his own weapon. He was so overcome by the
unleashed dragon spirit that he could only use his demon wings to shield himself
from Airi's attacks.\n\nThe blade rose and fell. Blood hotter than lava gushed out
from a wound in Maloch's chest and the impregnable demon wings were tattered. The
force from Airi's blade had completely stripped the invincible commander of his
combat abilities. Maloch was forced to return to the demon abyss to recover and, in
turn, left the demon army their demise.\n\nAiri's determination, demonstrated in
this battle, immediately earned her the respect of everyone. Even the most
despicable of demons could not hide their fear of Airi's blade.
DC7182C4112A9023_## = Chỉ 15 Quân huy để có cơ hội nhận bộ ngọc bá đạo nhất cho
các tướng xạ thủ!
DC719D8958CE49A0_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Superman) của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
DC720D69805A3DA9_## = Raz's footwork moves him closer to his enemies on his 2nd and
3rd consecutive normal attacks. The 3rd normal attack deals extra
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>, knocks back enemies, and stuns them.
DC72DDC5D05338D6_## =
DC73E8AA2DE048D5_## =
DC7A1CB65B5C798E_## = New class: Finishing Kills 101. Register now!
DC7EEE0FB8C22277_## = We have prepared a selection of heroes from different classes
that are suitable for beginners. Try some of them out and see what kind of heroes
you like to use.
DC8BD38DEDC975D3_## = Trial Card: Try out Lauriel for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
DC8C42A4551DC422_## = Cyberpunk
DC8C9F0CF36B1879_## = Sweet ability effects
DC8DB265DBA214DC_## = Rương Tình nhân - 2017(x4+1)
DC8FA2575668B2A4_## = Eternal Blame
DC91A4614F7ECBE8_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
DC926ED5220342CF_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
DC9354B77F903A9C_## =
DC941CDD85B6A4FA_## =
DC958B683A27437E_## = Trial Card: Try out Raz for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day.
You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
DC96FEA7FA2C09CA_## =
DC9B7C6460B8FC0C_## =
DC9E017DFFF400F1_## = Cooldown
DC9E665C7996FC79_## = How do you like to deal out damage? (2/3)
dca0ca10b6fdd2fb = Verify the message
DCA1230013E873E6_## = We need an Assassin!
DCA558E1535E0917_## = Warrior
DCA5D77D1B72E871_## = Zanis's Skin: Infinite Courage
DCA95C16FB5A63CE_## =
DCADA31EE12301D4_## =
DCAF0E05D3298F0D_## = Road to Glory
DCAFB42BB68E1588_## = Gói 35% KM Ignis + skin
DCAFF4F014370DA9_## = Base Damage
DCB11477338F1882_## = Unknown
DCB6CBDC4C2C9A75_## =
DCB7595F54A87C8B_## = Chơi bản đồ 5v5 Miền đất hứa (Thường & Hạng) để nhận ruby
miễn phí
DCB82C038F5283D4_## = Movement speed increased
DCB8FED31CD267CC_## = Share kết quả thi đấu mỗi ngày lên Facebook/Garena Mobile để
nhận ngay ruby miễn phí mỗi ngày
DCBA578F06DFCAE2_## =
DCC1211D6617AB9F_## =
DCC1B751AAAE6EBB_## = Trial Card: Try out Ormarr's skin: Viking for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
DCC2FA95725C0346_## = 参与 5V5
DCC5E1FAE466D046_## =
DCC6418958FD8BC5_## = Obtain from login event
DCC69AA71F17262D_## = Attack
DCCA75F4C904B754_## =
DCD0B0B8DF670172_## =
DCD19C533F0EC33F_## =
DCD366320288ABFC_## =
DCD36A9ED6A7D520_## = Zephys
DCD684F796BE7756_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
DCD70022F326D7F5_## =
DCD8AE8BA633D0AE_## = Space and time are the fabric in which this world exists.
They are also a source of supreme power. However, none of the known systems of
magic have spells capable of harnessing the power of space-time. Only an Andura
Stone can contain the intangible power of space-time, and allow people to harness
it.\n\nWith the aim of acquiring this power, Murad's ancestors journeyed deep into
the desert to look for fragments of Andura. However, Murad's ancestors were able to
outsmart Azzen'Ka and acquire the fragments. They used the fragments to forge an
extremely powerful weapon that could manipulate space and time, and built a new
empire in the desert with its power.\n\nWhen Murad came of age, he inherited the
weapon from his father and officially became the heir apparent. He led the imperial
army on many expeditions, eliminating dangerous creatures and expanding the empire.
This eventually threatened the authority of Azzen'Ka who was furious after
discovering the truth behind Murad's weapon. But Murad paid Azzen'Ka no mind. As
long as he had the weapon, Azzen'Ka couldn't hurt him.\n\nAzzen'Ka was forced to
parley with Murad, and capitulate to the demands of the imperial prince. Murad
gladly accepted his enemy's willingness to surrender, and missed the golden
opportunity to rid the empire of a potential threat once and for all. No power
lasts forever, and Azzen'Ka understood this only too well. From the shadows, he
manufactured multiple crises that forced Murad to use his weapon to defend the
fledgling empire.\n\nOveruse of the power accelerated the Andura Stones' decay and,
unable to withstand the burden, the weapon developed numerous cracks through which
the power of space-time leaked. This efflux greatly weakened Murad's ability to
fight, and Azzen'Ka seized the opportunity to conjure a mighty sandstorm that
completely engulfed the once prosperous empire. The weapon only had enough power to
protect Murad himself, so after a plea by his father, he escaped the
catastrophe.\n\nBut he did not give up. He covered his handsome face and became a
solitary desert ranger, seeking a way to repair his weapon while accumulating the
strength to confront Azzen'Ka. Murad firmly believes that as long as he has his
weapon, he will one day be able to kill Azzen'Ka and restore the honor and glory of
his empire.
DCD8BBE974C940D6_## = Mage
DCDB4D69A26195F4_## = Original
DCDB7A1D19F1AC36_## =
DCDFE673BCCF680B_## = 登陆获取蝙蝠侠道具
DCE1E072F1C14CBF_## = Attack Damage +70, Attack Speed +15%, Cooldown Speed +10%, HP
DCE1FA9F0E114119_## =
DCE20B3506AF73E4_## =
DCE3A1FA6B341934_## = Nạp tích lũy 90 Quân Huy, nhận quà ngay
DCE3E4C068CC9EE4_## = Cooldown
DCE54D2209038ADF_## =
DCE809C29AE28864_## =
DCEA6CFF9BD1C96C_## = Unknown
DCED1C549DCAB785_## = Regnant
DCF07BC5061A3828_## =
DCF110C09F0149E5_## =
DCF302DEB181F644_## = Dual Defense Increase
DCF527D9434DC606_## = Đây là phần thưởng Thợ săn tiền thưởng của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
DCF64384164BC332_## = 签到图片
DCF6D948970FBF5F_## = Principanda
DCFC3032DE8505B8_## = Trial Card: Try out Azzen'Ka for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
DCFD6AA75D628AC2_## =
DCFDC5D2D79E541B_## = Normal Attack
DD03030D3B8EF10E_## = Trial Card: Try out Yorn's skin: Ghost Samurai for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
DD0521A7E131EF8F_## = Whenever Tulen hits an enemy with an ability, he gains 1
charge of Thunderclap. After reaching 5 charges, he summons 5 lightning bolts that
shoot out in sequence towards nearby enemies, prioritizing heroes. Each lightning
bolt deals {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>.
If more than one lightning bolt hits the same target within 1 second, the damage
dealt by the subsequent bolts will be reduced by 20%. The lightning bolts will only
attack monsters if they're in aggression mode.
DD099C970D425564_## = Nhận được khi tham gia Nhiệm vụ Sinh nhật. Sử dụng để đổi 1
trong 7 Tướng tại mục Sự kiện - Nhiệm vụ sinh nhật
DD0CB95D5F228478_## =
DD0DB75B142E6052_## =
DD114C7D218B7530_## = (Roams the battlefield to deal killing blows)
DD1462C89A0C04DC_## =
DD14C3B585115C75_## =
DD1548440EC2CDA1_## =
DD16386BB61B2029_## =
DD18B7EE64C33F6C_## =
DD1AC6883E328E11_## =
DD26976D932EB18C_## =
DD2A0F6C317CF96C_## =
DD2BDEFF34DBFFB6_## = Thành phố Đà Nẵng
DD2D63560BD46F47_## =
DD32CA0662A2A027_## =
DD3395E6D0421FE4_## =
DD33E2CB839D1587_## = An error has occurred.
DD343677807626FE_## =
DD37D8891B642EE1_## = Assassin
DD385E83CE2C20AE_## =
DD3BD83A7877309C_## = Blue Base
DD3C497FFA6E41EB_## = EXP
DD3DF82E57B1AB82_## =
DD432CBBF2B5426F_## = Arum
DD474C0B9BBA7791_## = Krixi's Mischief has an extremely long range. Use this
ability combined with the movement speed bonus from her passive to harass enemies.
Nature's Wrath and Moonfall are great for aiding allies in team fights while
maintaining a safe distance.
DD47ADCA08504045_## =
DD4C810487E794F0_## = Come One, Come All
DD53519EA7E9A78A_## =
DD54BD81B1CE6BF5_## =
DD559BBE90A62EAA_## = (New Game Mode) Help
DD55C17592CBCB0F_## = Tướng Ormarr + trang phục Cựu Chiến Binh
DD569D189278A2FF_## = Open to receive the Hero: Butterfly and her Skin: Academy
DD583DB5801B4727_## = [ex] (DNT)
DD595901C7135B9A_## =
DD5B1F9684CE4C17_## =
DD5C45208787A49F_## = Movement Speed Reduction
DD5C8745CEDB3457_## = Blood warrior armor
DD5E0112EF709F2D_## = Unknown
DD5FA5932B42F61E_## = Normal Attack
DD5FA8916E469905_## = Bodhi
DD5FD7CF31661578_## = You are better than <color=orange>65%</color> of all players.
DD6167AD929B9253_## = Double Gold Card: \n1 day
DD66171172CBD28C_## =
DD6647857A4244EE_## =
DD697D9ABC4DF525_## =
DD698F1FDF3644BE_## =
DD6C84059513B796_## =
DD6FB114ED07611E_## =
dd73d72da0bdc38e = dd73d72da0bdc38e_##
DD74465AA7AD51FE_## =
DD763305696AB39E_## =
DD768BCA0D096532_## =
DD78289E67C66738_## =
DD7861DB920EFC43_## =
DD7AF35E5FB31DE5_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
DD7C8CCC250684C0_## =
DD83DE43DAAD6579_## = Valhein
DD8447C9DC278099_## = Đây là phần thưởng Thợ Săn tiền thưởng của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
DD8884515BFE5A43_## = Double EXP Card:\n10-Wins
DD9130257CB98EE2_## = When activated, Omega gains a damage absorption shield and
increases movement speed by {0}% for 5 seconds. The next normal attack deals {1}
<color=#f18d00>(+{2})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>, knocking
targets into the air briefly.
DD91D6AF07F64934_## = Kil'Groth
DD95785AB5416333_## = Lasso of Truth
DD96D73AD79CFBE5_## = Cap'n
DD992C4B96104AE3_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
DD9B86FD776EC371_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Cresht + trang phục Thợ nối cáp biển
DD9C62B80DC44863_## = 7 日累積簽到
DD9CCB02A94F8429_## = Unknown
DD9E34FF78B4A7C3_## = Veera summons a Hell Bat that glides forward, dealing {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to enemies hit.
DDA07F45256B9458_## = Tank
DDA5576F4F97C197_## = TeeMee
DDA56EB5E1034ED6_## = Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
DDA6E8D1B7F0A916_## = Trial Card: Try out Nakroth's skin: Cybercore for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
DDA6F2B990582F83_## = Quà mừng chiến công U23 Việt Nam
dda91287d42d089c = Arcana Level
DDA9CB71D63DA2B7_## =
DDAB2C5BDA186A77_## = Rương may mắn Airi
DDABFA00ED700BF9_## = Burst, Finisher
DDACEE4FAB8226AA_## = Quà sinh nhật Vàng
DDBC5B103EF2FF67_## = Kil'Groth
DDBDA77F01481860_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Lindis {C}/{T} lần
DDC0F42E27CCC097_## = Đây là phần thưởng Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
DDC1206EAAFF8B69_## = Trial Card: Try out Slimz's skin: Lunar Bunny
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
DDC8857CDC972528_## = Mử để có cơ hội nhận ngẫu nhiên: Thẻ đổi tên, Vé kho báu,
Ngọc ngẫu nhiên, thẻ x2 EXP, Loa hoặc Ruby
DDCA1E7F8526771E_## =
DDCCFFE479890555_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
DDD4304ABC219235_## = 本週活動精選
DDD4771F725A7862_## =
DDD57867FF83B804_## =
DDD6B6081A789F18_## =
DDD766E99141BC19_## = Share trang phục nhận quà Giáng sinh
DDDA44B475F4A646_## = 本週活動精選
DDE6E4ED6CF3763D_## =
DDEB5D073E8024B7_## = "Mankind's only hope during the century-long vampire
war."\n\nValhein was not born a famous vampire hunter. A pious man, he did not
believe in superstitions or folklore. This changed while traveling to Romania to
claim an inheritance left for him. The journey robbed Valhein of the possibility of
a normal life. Helpless and horrified, Valhein could do nothing as Dracula abducted
and murdered his wife. His world shattered, Valhein swore vengeance upon the
nosferatu and his entire species.\n\n"I hereby swear in the name of God that I
shall defeat all the dark powers lurking within the shadows. I will battle the
vampire scourge until my last breath!" A man possessed, this solemn vow became his
singular driving force. \n\nValhein sought out vampires wherever they nested, and
one by one he slew each and every one of them. When the last had crumbled to dust
at his feet, Valhein felt a sudden and certain emptiness. An ethereal voice called
out to him "You have dared to do what few mortals in history could have done. You
have fought back against the creatures of night and triumphed. Yet darkness takes
on many forms, vampires were but one of many." As the voice spoke, Valhein felt
himself renewed. It continued, "Please lend aid, there are other terrors, demons
which only you are capable of vanquishing."\n\nValhein steeled himself for his new
vigil, as a demon hunter.
ddec2ab703a5b476 = Attack
DDEDA01BE98256D2_## =
DDF167354BC66336_## =
DDF3B2EE07F42E30_## = Not Available
DDF5BFDA576F7359_## = Arum's spirit beasts deal {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color>
<color=#ca3939>(3% of target's maximum HP)</color> as <color=#8e91fd>magic
damage</color> and heal Arum for {2} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{3})</color>
<color=#ca3939>(3% of hero's maximum HP)</color> whenever they hit an enemy. If the
beasts hit a minion, then Arum is only healed 1% of her maximum HP.
DDF81EBC408B1E2A_## = Tank
DDF8A3FB844B5DDC_## =
DDF9D60E3B3F8763_## =
DDFCEFD14482A13C_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
ddff500b4bc9c79 = ddff500b4bc9c79_##
DDFFC17CF56A9042_## = Trial Card: Try out Murad for <color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day.
You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
DE01315B2F628714_## =
DE03353E82C50D44_## =
DE04D2890BE978F9_## =
DE0501819A220AE2_## =
DE09CFB34C1EA624_## = Gói may mắn Cresht
DE09ECC02CD4B764_## =
DE0C93BB7F1E3CF5_## =
DE10E9241EC0A366_## = obsolete+f384d5ae7f54ec42
DE116709A727FF79_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
DE11AFBF09924372_## = Zephys attacks from above, dealing [sl*107100p1g2]
<color=#f18d00>(+[107100p1q3*k1/10000])</color> <color=#ca3939>physical
damage</color> to enemies in the target area and knocking them into the air.
DE138112CF4ADE15_## =
DE13BE2EB4B08EE7_## = AFK Warning
DE16EF3C0EBE0FE0_## =
DE1876113F2A49A8_## =
de188dc7d5a10921 = Shop
DE18A9824EDC2CCB_## = Dracul's Bane
DE1999FB1867E2E8_## = You can purchase new heroes.
DE1A0E615BA1BF18_## =
DE1C7EBC9683976B_## = Unique Passive - Magic Guardian: When hero's HP falls below
40%, Uriel's Brand grants +200 magic defense and summons a Shield that absorbs 500
(+100 per level) magic damage for 5 seconds. 75-second cooldown.
DE2611573E374F8E_## = 签到图片
DE275FD0F097A0E7_## =
DE2BB724C980E6F6_## =
DE305DF1F9FDB0CC_## =
DE30A221914A790E_## =
DE3103B35AD7BF19_## = Rare Cresht skin: Firefighter
DE34B5EE68A2EF6E_## = Cooldown
DE368001F14A5132_## =
DE3A569E5727A675_## = Techno Templar
DE40743280EF35D7_## =
de4075428c4765c9 = New Heroes
DE413420E124CC59_## = Agent
DE4478F50B68FCEC_## =
DE45337249D64A9B_## =
DE47BD705886AFEA_## = 7 日累積簽到
DE4D26DCD16E9F5F_## = After a short delay, Diaochan freezes and deals {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to enemies within
the target area. Frozen enemies take additional damage.
DE4DF58C3A120F76_## =
DE5075720763B9BB_## = Trial Card: Try out Slimz's skin: Demolition for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
DE53B3FE53186597_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
DE56701618ED2AD0_## = The Great Warlord
DE58370AD9C56E54_## = Combo Slimz + Vé Quay
DE589C40A2AEE331_## = [新英雄-Zuka 登場] 愛不釋手
DE59387D649B9D7E_## =
DE5A53A6678F74D2_## =
DE64861E54FB99F3_## = Aleister
DE655BB6429F0BA3_## = "Do you want to live or die?"\n\nMina opened her mouth to
answer, but couldn't utter a word. The hunger from two days without food and the
effects of drugs infused with dark magic were constantly eating away at what was
left of her mind.\n\nMganga looked down upon Mina with satisfaction. He could tell
that she was nearing the breaking point. The experiment far exceeded his
expectations. "You must hold on just a little longer, my dear," Mganga said while
putting away the equipment, "one more day, and you shall be reborn." However, he
failed to notice the growing cracks on the straps which had Mina bound.\n\n"Your
turn now. Do you want to live or die?"\n\nMganga was caught off guard by the voice
behind him. "It's not time yet… how did you…" Mina's scythe was upon him before he
could finish, but Veera, who had been watching in silence, finally made her move as
her slender hand effortlessly pushed away the scythe. Mina's savage eyes softened
before Veera's charm.\n\nVeera was happy with the results, and Mganga got the
reward he deserved. As for Mina… her identity and unspeakable secrets were buried
together with the remains of the lab, and the Mina that bows before Veera now is
the Reaper Queen.\n\n"Only the living fear death."
DE67FDBF655A8A6B_## = Officer
DE70955830394114_## = Trial Card: Try out Aleister's skin: Triumphant for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> day. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
DE7153C7B337E20F_## =
DE721DD139862661_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
DE7242D81A341B8C_## =
DE740F193EA10B6D_## =
DE7B871F69171A68_## =
DE7D5DA467FA4E38_## =
de7ebea2b772fc93 = You have reached the daily limit for activity points from PvP
DE7EE6831B010FE5_## = Rương may mắn Kil'Groth
DE80F93938F579FE_## = Cresht
de83d891d1649341 = de83d891d1649341_##
DE843DF8B10746A0_## = Goblin
DE8519ED1471DB28_## =
DE8702698237E0E0_## = Lauriel
DE8781208CF2F6DD_## = Đây là phần thưởng Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
DE87926A8C548766_## = Quy đổi ngọc đỏ cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
DE88B2D9B01D836F_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
DE89049834BDF59A_## =
DE92BFB1B9665B6D_## =
DE930DC5EDA04316_## = Explorer
DE9482DB2B214D15_## =
de98b47844e3b535 = de98b47844e3b535_##
DE9A406B4279CAE8_## = Gift mailbox is full, please clear it.
DE9E9AB194364F55_## = Arum's spirit beasts deal {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color>
<color=#ca3939>(3% of target's maximum HP)</color> as <color=#8e91fd>magic
damage</color> and heal Arum for {2} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{3})</color>
<color=#ca3939>(3% of hero's maximum HP)</color> whenever they hit an enemy. If the
beasts hit a minion, then Arum is only healed 1% of her maximum HP.
DE9EBBCAEE861503_## =
DE9EE1A6FD6B0673_## =
DE9EFBEA30BD6FF3_## = Tap here to send the <color=#f6bf17ff>"Rally"</color> message
to teammates.
DEA0552C3A40E07B_## =
DEA1DBD777B3AAA3_## =
DEA48E755D8A06FB_## =
DEA7EA2250FA1FE2_## = 签到图片
DEADB31671938B1C_## =
DEAEF938D7A8B9BE_## =
DEB4B6E15F0D18E0_## = Kriknak
DEBC3203BB614F01_## = Rương ngọc cấp 2-3
DEBFB53EAEEA6543_## = Sustained Damage
DebrisExchangeCfgErr = No item can be redeemed at this time.
DEC1050D07839DB7_## = Toro
DEC79647BB43BA1B_## = Số trụ phá {C}/{T}
DEC85850AAFB1E49_## = Unknown
DEC93DC9D84F2BB0_## = Open to get random 1d hero trial card
DEC98035C0EAC0E1_## = Sinh nhật Liên Quân (thử thách)
DECAFF8DAD9B3B8E_## = Trial Card: Try out Azzen'Ka for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color>
day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
DECC580A42E378B5_## = Kahlii
DECC946D47F5FCFC_## =
DECDC5552F646E63_## = Antaris Battlefield
DECEBE1CFAB0BA46_## = Candycane
DED046533118B723_## = Candycane
DED0A4768013E07D_## = Đây là phần thưởng Nạp Quân Huy - Nhận Vé quay Kho Báu của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
DED3D545A9C31B1E_## = Enter actual 3v3 Map
DED3E54E782E2D85_## = Đây là phần thưởng Chào năm mới 2018 (Chiến thắng) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
DED73B7B7AD63518_## = Butterfly
DED951D9DB05D3E8_## = Ilumia
DEDD3D9E5EE44484_## =
DEE109C655607A13_## =
dee6e17bab6c0024 = Your backpack is empty.
DEE800FD307C8A2C_## =
DEEC4874BE6129F2_## =
DEEF09A66699D43E_## =
DEF0F7F716CB4D64_## = Trang phục đón xuân
DEF10ABF670AC3C7_## =
DEF6657BCF978203_## = Silver
DEF6FBC41B59A232_## =
DEF8DCC0B3982242_## = Mage
DEF992CDA90765F8_## =
DEFBE9C3B1878518_## =
Delete_Guest_Account = Log out
DeleteDeviceAccountFail = Profile override failed. Please try again.
DeleteDirectoryFail = Failed to delete the directory! Please, check your storage
(e.g. SD card) and make sure it is authorized.
DeleteFileFail = Failed to delete the file! Please, check your storage (e.g. SD
card) and make sure it is authorized.
Description_AP = Description_AP_##
Description_Arena_Coin = Description_Arena_Coin_##
Description_Burning_Coin = Description_Burning_Coin_##
Description_Diamond = Complete quests to earn gems
Description_DianQuan = Vouchers can be used to purchase most items in the game.
Description_EXP = Earn EXP from battles to level up and unlock more game content.
Description_GoldCoin = Battle to earn Gold and purchase awesome heroes
Description_Skin_Coin = Description_Skin_Coin_##
DF009FF6D7A63483_## = Pendant of Prophecy
DF00F4F7D882335C_## = Mage
DF02E4E49E1EBEE9_## =
DF032E0C43280843_## = Unwavering Death
DF03AD93D979B106_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
DF0C1E9C70326353_## =
DF0EAE09C3B4C4CA_## =
DF0F903CECB5BFCA_## = Zuka Chest
DF10EF5BA81208F1_## = Unknown
DF112A9A1BD80F79_## =
DF114DD133E2CA80_## =
DF122391DA4CC694_## = Unknown
DF1258FD2C98C7FA_## =
DF163715EF2677F9_## = Original
DF191C4878D9F81D_## = Biker
DF1B69AEE03C0E8E_## =
DF1B96A7E2574660_## =
DF1C643D3378675E_## = Maloch
DF1CA288635EB3AB_## =
DF20A3F5F80BFB7C_## = Wisp
df22127f4364ba03 = Story
DF23F9F4676A35D8_## =
DF25243350FD276F_## =
DF279046B5A99367_## =
DF289F09A6E24D00_## = Level 10 Chest
df2aca062725ea00 = Arcana Vault
DF2E759755B2D20F_## =
DF305B1965203568_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Đỏ)
DF30C780F73E3E71_## =
DF36E6FE0757DD6B_## = Might Buff: Enemy movement speed reduced (long range)
DF370DED467972A2_## = Original
DF3B8695E0D51AC4_## =
DF3D889DC58D8357_## =
DF3FD4392CC2BC46_## =
DF42849ED17804D0_## =
DF460004B2992E6C_## =
DF483C590ABD930F_## =
DF4A8961C3DA79A3_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
DF4C648A613DFDA6_## = Kriknak
DF4F2FCC761492CC_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Zephys + trang phục
DF51AF272F27EE23_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
DF53567BF4B19408_## = Sinh nhật Liên Quân (thử thách)
DF57F01AB45A9FCF_## =
DF5DE29C474FED91_## = Before engaging the enemy team, try to activate Omen's
passive by attacking monsters or minions. Use Untouchable on ranged enemy heroes to
reduce their movement speed and reveal their location to allies.
DF60D37AEAA842C5_## = Trial Card: Try out Batman's skin: Leatherwing for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
DF634A212C7B96B0_## = Tank giftbag
DF639C93731ED8A0_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
DF65EA299878AFEF_## =
DF6885CCF6BAB728_## = Voidweaver
DF6BCC5A6B79F889_## = 本週活動精選
DF6E51046096EBB0_## = 参与 5V5
DF725CD862D38587_## = 本週活動精選
DF73A05F84EC7A31_## =
DF762BBB4DB3BCE4_## = The Bone Baron
DF778AB9058A5CBF_## = "Wherever I go, darkness trembles in terror!"\n\nThe most
illustrious warrior of the Temple of Light, the hotshot Yorn was as radiant as his
dazzling arrows. Not only was he an accomplished fighter, he was also tall,
muscular, and handsome. Adoring female followers had made a laurel wreath and
placed it on his silky blond hair, further accentuating his beauty. When he played
his harp, the heavenly tune enchanted all who heard. There was not a single trace
of darkness in Yorn, for he was the embodiment of light.\n\nWhenever the forces of
darkness begin to stir, Yorn would mount his steed and lead his army into battle.
His divine bow would always be by his side, just as the sun's countless rays of
light giving no quarter to darkness. His peerless abilities as an archer meant his
arrow never misses its target. During battles, even Maloch himself would be wise to
stay out of Yorn's sight to avoid falling victim to the Temple of Light's most
powerful weapon.\n\n"Watch out! I have you in my sight!"
DF7AE89D5D20B9A5_## = Long Range
DF7B42604CBEF4B6_## = Trial Card: Try out Krixi's skin: Papillon for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. If you already have this skin, you'll receive 5
Gems instead.
DF7E976796BF3862_## = Lumburr
DF80520FF2FB0AC9_## = Limited Event Gift
DF86E03C0041EBB8_## = View all heroes
DF8750B04B758AC2_## =
DF88D59280B1A1F3_## =
DF8FF0BD74C20A40_## =
DF91773FE2782313_## = Cooldown
DF99DD9173B19691_## = That all you got?
DF9BB4233C0F02BB_## = Hazmat
DF9D50E6897465AE_## = Ripper
DFA484E77917546F_## =
DFA54AEEA5843652_## =
DFA62BF17E9BCEF2_## = That all you got?
DFA77717C23EF1C3_## = 本週活動精選
DFAA44BE070D37E6_## =
DFAB3A1DD58A784A_## =
DFB1655CFA7BC8E6_## =
DFB1F83D4CEC68CD_## = Thane
DFB454736F0398CA_## = Sekhmet
DFB663EA453A3940_## = 限時充值送好禮(test)
DFB6F9CC1EBBE7FA_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
DFBEC585379E0676_## = Gold
DFBF35015FB6A09C_## =
DFBFBA8C5228171A_## = Vanquish the<color=#f6bf17ff> Dark Slayer</color>!
DFC063DA2D2EEDDE_## = 签到图片
DFC0E897F29425AE_## =
dfc2135652aa4caa = Outlines
DFC5FA5C1500C217_## =
DFC9619ACDE386EF_## = After Jinnar uses his spirit orbs four times (normal attacks
or abilities), the next normal attack will fire a spirit orb with a penetrating
effect to deal {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
DFCD54C33B826969_## =
DFCDAAF9BD6236D0_## = Astrid
DFD1A30E56D20C20_## =
DFD4632846753B5A_## =
DFD508F77EB25A8C_## =
DFD52B9CCA818DA9_## = Assassin
DFD61BE2BCC9C5E1_## =
DFD6DE22F62EAFF0_## =
DFD92EF3AC2F028A_## = [新英雄-Teemee 登場] 愛不釋手
DFDBE4612C288EAB_## = Temporal Turbulence
DFDE95B869F46233_## = Out of all the tanks, Mina has the most area of effect
abilities. Use them to your advantage in team fights. Death Scythe is very easy to
see coming, so try to use it preemptively or as a finisher.
DFDED1A10389AE82_## = Warrior (Standard)
DFDFDA3687735C8F_## =
DFE014EF72E29EFB_## = Here we have our<color=#f6bf17ff> Base</color>
and<color=#f6bf17ff> Defense Towers</color>
DFE0271AEED6BD49_## =
DFE2A82384740259_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
DFE4385665EC924C_## =
DFE869A098EB0883_## = Fennik rolls forward and reduces enemies' movement speed by
{0}% for 2 seconds, and deals {1} <color=#f18d00>(+{2})</color>
<color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies in his path. Traces of lightning
on the path deal {3} <color=#f18d00>(+{4})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical
damage</color> to enemies every 0.25 seconds.
DFEAA7713A36DF61_## =
DFEB80F04CDA5F36_## = 7 日累積簽到
DFEEAECB97D378CC_## = Valhein
DFF2EBA88DC2CB8E_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
DFF398AFF41B0C10_## =
DFF54AE7C61A8822_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
DFF9096EE55F68D2_## = Leo
DFFA8B70FB784CA6_## =
DianQuan_Count = {0} Vouchers
DISABLE_DAILY_REWARD_FOR_LOW_CREDIT = Unable to claim the rewards because your
Credibility Score is below {0}. Please join multiplayer bot matches and maintain
good conduct to raise your Credibility Score!
Disable_Member_Voice = Player muted.
DisConnect_Facebook_Failed = Failed to unlink your Facebook account
disconWithServer = Can't connect to server
DoubleCoinCountWinTips = <color=#f6bf17ff>Double
Gold:</color>\n<color=#3cff00>Victory</color> \n{0} [/0:$(win|wins)/] remaining
DoubleCoinExpireTimeTips = <color=#f6bf17ff>Double
Gold:</color>\n<color=#3cff00>Time</color> \nExpires in {0} [/0:$(day|days)/] {1}
DoubleExpCountWinTips = <color=#f6bf17ff>Double
EXP:</color>\n<color=#3cff00>Victory</color> \n{0} [/0:$(win|wins)/] remaining
DoubleExpExpireTimeTips = <color=#f6bf17ff>Double
EXP:</color>\n<color=#3cff00>Time</color> \nExpires in {0} [/0:$(day|days)/] {1}
Download_VersionNotMatch = Unable to download
DragonBuff_Get1 = Garnak 1: Regen 1% of HP per 2 seconds
DragonBuff_Get2 = Garnak 2: Increased damage to towers
DragonBuff_Get3 = Garnak 3: +30% Damage
dragonSpawned = Garnak Awakened
dragonSpawning = Garnak Respawned
drawRewardFailed = Failed to receive.
E0067099F6079C6D_## = Đấu trường huyền thoại
E009911BD138DEA2_## =
E00E79DB3C596176_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Mortos) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
e01150db98819cff = e01150db98819cff_##
E012182ED13CF8ED_## = Contains 10 Gems, 1300 Gold and 1 lvl 1 Arcana: Life
E0143E9C2E132B3A_## = Mina
E016F0CF0CEEFF19_## =
E018E651B8C7E54E_## =
E01A7594A8687DCC_## = Let me kiss it and make it all better.
E02437C236F3A983_## = Trial Card: Try out Slimz's skin: Lunar Bunny
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have
this skin.
E026CC60F2636750_## =
E0280AD5E9F78418_## = Blue Outer Tower
E02AAF16513F7061_## = Đây là phần thưởng Share trang phục nhận quà Giáng sinh của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
E02E909EB6BDF12F_## = Burst
E0318B0E6EDDF8DA_## =
E03265453686C767_## = 7 日累積簽到
E03489EE2D4A874C_## =
E039AB936E4445C8_## =
E03BB0DB167980BB_## =
e03decbf51b6264a = Camera Sensitivity
E03E4EB9A2D209D9_## = Rương may mắn Teemee (x4+1)
E03F21DD5BBB07A8_## = Snow Festival
E03FB96A0B71F618_## = Fancy Footwork
E044EC511C4C0DEE_## =
E045688013358217_## = Use Maloch's Cleave to hit an enemy hero and enchant his
weapon. This will make his normal attacks and subsequent Cleave attacks deal true
damage and restore a lot of HP.
E045D168017CDFDC_## =
E046459F1BFF5BA5_## = Chìa khóa
E04FDDFBDBC2902E_## = Trial Card: Try out Arduin's skin: Royal Guard
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
E04FFC5500B4704F_## =
E050312FB80D5FFC_## = <size=24><color=#ffffffff>I. Abandoning/Remaining
Idle</color></size>\n1. Players will be regarded as remaining idle by the system if
they have not made any actions with their hero for two minutes.\n2. If a player
returns to the match and continues playing, they will not receive a punishment for
remaining idle.\n3. If a player leaves a match, the system will regard it as
abandoning the match.\n4. Players guilty of abandoning matches will not receive
seasonal rewards and will also be recorded by the system. Repeat offenders will be
reported on the official website or even have their accounts blocked.\n\n
<size=24><color=#ffffffff>II. Misbehavior</color></size>\nTo ensure a positive game
environment, we will punish players who misbehave in games. Furthermore, we welcome
reports about players misbehaving. A positive game environment for all can only be
achieved by working together.\nThe following behavior will be punished: \n1.
Deliberately abandoning matches. \n2. Remaining idle during a match (going AFK).
\n3. Intentionally losing or ruining matches for other players. \n4. Using plugins
or similar software to interfere with the balance of the game.\n5. Posing as an
official to commit fraud. \n\n <size=24><color=#ffffffff>III.
Reconnecting</color></size>\nLiên Quân Mobile has a reconnection system, so if
players are disconnected <color=orange>before a match ends</color>, they will be
automatically reconnected. If you are disconnected again, please check your network
and restart the game to rejoin your match.
e0507bc09173d82 = e0507bc09173d82_##
E0534F6B5CB15B74_## =
E0590E78025FE89A_## = No
E05A50288D469455_## = Long Range
E05A933C7404FDB4_## = Đổi Thư tình nhận từ sự kiện mỗi ngày thành quà tặng
E05AC13675536B03_## =
E064CB1FF63AD1C7_## = Divine retribution awaits.
E0681FE88D733CCE_## =
E06AA6E347869FE3_## =
E06C7F23BEBCF87E_## = Slimz
E06CBC01EACAC262_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận đấu hỗn loạn
E06D32E23BC9496B_## = 参与 5V5
E070A4F75C7A6FAA_## = 签到图片
E076A123DB06E7B0_## =
E077CD33BBC0F25D_## =
E078496CAAC20597_## =
E078EAA02AF91CCA_## = Warrior
E079F532A010AAF2_## = Astrid Skin: Regnant
E07AABD690EE129F_## = The Wheel
E07E6ECE183E6041_## =
E07E8C6C62D8E991_## =
E08202B30F6C6BA1_## = Weekly Activity Rewards
E084AEC80A6161FB_## =
E088D8CF84648AC9_## = Melee
E089EA31B9BD9BF3_## = Đón Xuân mới - Khuyến mãi nạp thẻ mỗi ngày!
E08A1A567C0E9041_## = Valhein
E08B75F67475DB50_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
E08CF2CCEA45BD99_## = Impact Barrage
E08D6EF1F9E99915_## =
E08E4E6A20C0BFD4_## =
E08FD543AC750883_## =
E0905BE8195A04A2_## =
E090BC821551EB12_## =
E0936A0CA510839B_## = Marksman
E0959F4615076D0F_## =
E09A8004D5D8B7FF_## = Low Gold Accumulation
E09A832BA38D7B04_## = Red Base
e0a21762d09b6fbf = Talents
E0A231C085D5693E_## = Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
E0A339AAC5954C86_## = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Killing monsters is a good way to
earn EXP. Assigning 1 or 2 heroes to the jungle could prove useful.
E0A70AD06BF39E4D_## =
E0A965507AE7ED8F_## =
e0a9a7dab949d1f4 = e0a9a7dab949d1f4_##
E0AB1A35B2981173_## = <color=#ffffff>%s</color> <color=#a4afb7>has crushed the
competition and has reached the</color> <color=#f2c71a>%s</color>
E0AE0C392B00F1A7_## =
E0AF4ACBC511A79D_## =
E0B098B40DE234C7_## = Medium Lucky Arcana Pack
E0B0BDB784147771_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tiêu Quân Huy nhận Rương Độc lập của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
E0B12EFE3CE2FAA1_## =
E0BC8FFC147E409E_## = Fennik
E0BEE09A122337C6_## = Blood for money!
E0C1D64C8FF2D626_## = Bloodlust
E0C1EC805C4065EC_## =
E0C2DC7DA33389B0_## = <color=#ffffff>%s</color> <color=#a4afb7>just
obtained</color> <color=#f2c71a>%s</color>!
E0C3027AC3C40CCA_## =
E0C6F174A5DCEB14_## =
E0CB2B480117D893_## = Carapace
E0CD1CFF25C4C280_## =
E0CE4C08C1EE8CFE_## = Tap "Minions" to switch targets.
E0CE772B8DC8224E_## =
E0CF734FA0572414_## = Unknown
E0CFED2E70DF7E3D_## =
E0D1156CF6459602_## = 签到图片
E0D305B8D6F4BF2E_## = Trial Card: Try out Kil'Groth's skin: Carapace
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
E0D4A1045021E704_## =
E0D4E4A9E54B5697_## = Chúc mừng năm mới (5v5)
E0D73CDCE44DBA13_## =
E0DB0DEF1BDA5DCC_## = Lauriel
E0DB3C53973099E0_## = [新英雄-Airi 登場] 愛不釋手
E0DE28146FD318C6_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Đỏ)
E0DE2D06B2B3CAD8_## =
E0E507B8870915A5_## =
E0E7F92CCC0EFBB4_## = Tornado
E0E8F9998572DE73_## =
e0ebf44e28ef4301 = Auto-lock\n<color=#827864><size=20>(Default)</size></color>
E0ECE52243D04F3D_## = Original
E0F2A335BCCB7B5B_## =
E0F2F9AE9F731103_## =
E0F382039A1E6EFD_## =
E0F7D1574668117D_## = Survivability, Harass
E0FC10EBD4D64A1B_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Chơi game)
E0FF50949E3ED55C_## =
E100FCA2C13F53EC_## = Garnak Buff (x2): \nDragon's Curse: Damage to the Garnak
decreases by 30%\n1st Stack: Damage to towers increases\n2nd Stack: Damage
increases by 20%, damage taken decreases by 15%
E10275A63E6BB945_## = Ruby may mắn (2-10)
E1039A654A476B9F_## = Surf's up recall animation
E103DBAB3EA235BA_## =
E104D76EA78FC820_## = Trial Card: Try out Omega's skin: Real Steel for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
E105DA02E8C07FD9_## = Cooldown
e10649fd225105f9 = No
e106640e1aca69f0 = e106640e1aca69f0_##
E10E699A4CD02B01_## = Base Damage
E10E7485D68EFC76_## = Normal Attack
E10EFB39D1B03075_## = 签到图片
E110E9E4190481C0_## = When Peura takes damage, she counterattacks and deals {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to the attackers
and slows their movement speed by 90% for 1 second. This effect only triggers once
every 10 seconds.
E11576D64D1AA5D1_## =
E1170CBFB2FF06A2_## =
E1177F5CAA0DD301_## =
E117822D7E2363EC_## =
E117EDD89A47F6E3_## =
e11b95739e9e9e61 = e11b95739e9e9e61_##
E11F398CABB999C1_## = Chơi 1 trận ở mỗi chế độ để nhận bánh sinh nhật
E121758DFBCB615B_## = Original
E121860CA2934E61_## = Trial Card: Try out Yorn's skin: Midnight
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
E121879539A59CDC_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
E12800EC1C957B0E_## = Lauriel
E12BC80EB92EEFB5_## =
e12c8c7741782c42 = Unblock
E130097C0A270B8B_## = 参与 5V5
E1305E22944E2F81_## =
E131B016CC1FC64D_## =
E1338EFCE0F1BB8D_## = 12-18 minutes
E141AD8B64A504F8_## =
E1442605812495A8_## =
E144334FFC28434D_## =
E147A720D857911F_## =
E14A04B6A3159E3A_## =
E14AC12B81B28559_## =
E14E5199E8854730_## = Trial Card: Try out Violet's skin: Fiery for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this skin.
E14E5E4551936E7D_## =
E1529FBDAD1AF2D9_## = Dark Dominion
E1543059C49F0711_## = Tướng Natalya + Trang phục Natalya Quý cô thủy tề
E154390BD76694CC_## =
E154E73646DF9327_## =
E15A28A4F6E5DAD2_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
E15BFFE8AFF9346C_## =
E15C9F803156259C_## =
E15F20FC71BB571E_## =
E160C3702C30C413_## = Ilumia
E16FBB8DB34A631F_## = Base Damage
E171B73F14C45C44_## = [ex] (DNT)
E1736CB87D1580A8_## =
E178F98E88E1042F_## =
E17E7435C561DC23_## =
E17EDE10D5F9F0F3_## =
E17F987776FA5D3B_## = Nethra
E182C8C240D13645_## =
E183FEE0688957FC_## = Get rich or die tryin'!
E184205FC3668F1A_## = Next normal attack strengthened
E1851F2582ACA9FD_## =
E185A656987EC633_## =
E186C42A35AFF5FC_## =
E1894452C6137EBA_## = Platinum
E18967275ED6FA6A_## = Cooldown
E18D7CAA0747BC6D_## =
E18FF0B3D524D2E4_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
E1928444D5B548FA_## =
E192ACAC672032E4_## =
E194C0504EEFAE3A_## = Mina
e194f9c3ee188380 = Invite to 3v3
E197F5439D6E4FC2_## =
E19AB18CF03798F4_## =
E19B646CD2F42826_## =
E1A15B65D7056D1C_## = Unknown
E1A5E1ED568CBF66_## = Ignis
E1A6CDDB95FEA506_## = Trial Card: Try out Maloch's skin: Dreadwyrm for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
E1A802B9936A8C7C_## =
E1A8B02B1242BDEB_## = Bladed Guardian
E1AA96FE2D894D24_## =
E1B31A8DCF7552EF_## =
E1B6A0812DD2B88C_## =
E1B88E91590E63F5_## = Nạp tích lũy Quân Huy trong thời gian sự kiện để nhận bộ đôi
trang phục Xuân cực hot!
E1BBB8982C3E6142_## = Quy đổi ngọc lục cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
E1BC872EF3EA8038_## = 本週活動精選
E1BE8697E7AC28FF_## =
E1C1524294ED9405_## =
E1C7524F1922C3EA_## =
E1D091F838515BF5_## = Casanova
E1D1EC61E71791F4_## =
E1D39FB9BB5A12FD_## =
E1D6AC30710ED76D_## =
E1DBE7C1DD0EE930_## = Gloves
E1DCD0365F7FB53E_## =
E1E23ED6A2E95B8C_## =
E1E271A14A125F15_## =
E1E2D0769BD32848_## = Quy đổi ngọc đỏ cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
e1e43aa4c7c291cc = e1e43aa4c7c291cc_##
E1E4CC175A575D92_## = Trial Card: Try out Slimz's skin: Demolition
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
E1E6395945792BF2_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Astrid {C}/{T} lần
E1ED5DEFDB90AA25_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
E1F145A0EA96C5F3_## =
E1F45A19249AC3EB_## = Ability Power Increase
E1F87EF793542199_## =
E1F8B8A289314644_## =
e1fa5da6edf475c5 = Wins
E1FB87DAB4C81713_## = Ilumia
E1FE012E9363E55C_## = Lu Bu: Summer Bash
E1FF3BD30C3FA700_## = 消费点券活动
E2006EBFE6D10DFF_## =
E2052B5A831209DE_## = Bronze
E205740B4C374ECC_## =
E206EBAD233DF2DA_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
E207A6677A93E55C_## =
E20BC1800C56DE19_## =
E20CE3D025829E98_## = Aquatic Shield
E20DB9C426830583_## = Primal Roar:\nMovement Speed +30% and Ability Cooldown -20%,
lasts 30 seconds
E218A947CAA6702A_## = Since your Behavior Score has fallen below the acceptable
range, you have been banned from participating in Ranked Matches and Standard
Matches until {3}:{4}:{5} on {0}/{1}/{2}.
E21A1C030FACEC56_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
E21F91B99FA88FD8_## = 本週活動精選
E22045EF8A57213F_## = Tiêu 500 Quân Huy trong thời gian sự kiện để được tặng Vé
quay Kho báu miễn phí
E22086997FB625CD_## = Nhận ngay <color=orange>Ruby miễn phí</color> lần đầu tham
gia đấu hạng!
E227D9CE47E14468_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mừng xuân Đinh Dậu, Lì xì đầy tay: Thi
đấu thôi! của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
E2290C69BBA3E0E8_## =
E22E6AB74DA32700_## = Rương hóa trang Halloween
E231004196103E2E_## =
E231C9880140D5E1_## =
E236F9857DAAB8B0_## = Butterfly
E237D8EE970DF924_## = Demons beware!
E23869E61F7E5844_## = Wild Beast Fury
E238B323BBDD8633_## =
E23A4070D55315B3_## =
E23C34DF9D19B027_## =
E23F1369A45264FE_## =
E23F24367F517EDB_## = Pay Attention
E24302DA91A7419C_## = Reach Level {0}
E244CFAD1866EFF2_## = Trial Card: Try out Lumburr's skin: Magma for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
E245EFAC2C39BF5B_## =
E247A7B974BD28D8_## = Level 11 Chest
E24F4F2B811966D1_## =
E251739C0AAC17D8_## = Unknown
E253D7BD3D99B590_## = Warrior
E254100F5782952A_## =
E254A49624904087_## = Trial Card: Try out Superman for <color=#01d1f8ff>7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this hero.
E25818F2057071B9_## = Arcane Spirits
E25979D0E5963533_## = Damage Bonus
E25AFE4E461ED4D4_## = Liên Quân đón Xuân
E25B82CDC785D199_## =
E25C5E643A190D23_## =
E26A2617E5F0E175_## =
E26EAAE8FE296B4F_## =
E2716E4D1E96E896_## = Getting Started
E274B94624E98DBE_## = 無法抗拒薇菈\n14 日累積登入送
E276214D9768EE30_## = Thắng đấu hạng với Butterfly {C}/{T} lần
E2762F4F19680F79_## =
e276443f9f1ed330 = e276443f9f1ed330_##
E278C858E37CCABF_## = < {0} Points
E27D72F7E0AF00A4_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Payna)
E27E1F9F3B881167_## = Open to receive Arthur's skin: Catacombs
E285FE813C379DDC_## =
E2866F51EC368329_## =
E28BBEF3E07E9B61_## =
E28EAA99AF5DDC18_## =
E291404319512230_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Lục)
E2959D18E1DF16BC_## = Not Available
E295D526A5134B5B_## =
E296776751A1B5F2_## = Killing the Dark Slayer will boost team damage.
E29760E110F50926_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Đăng nhập)
E297988B3EBF8211_## = Crimson
E29999564B3B560B_## =
e29a29aa3afb7f2f = Main Menu
E29E6DCD77A59453_## =
E2A0A820389AA511_## =
E2A6DC4CEAA3E2A1_## = Original
E2A6FECE25F281A4_## =
E2A9A47C166307ED_## = Get {0} [/0:$(kill|kills)/] in a single match
E2AAAF7D1E0CF707_## = Unknown
E2AC9DED25B53356_## = Lumburr Value Pack
E2ADE424A715EA21_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Jinna)
E2B044AF127F3CDE_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
E2B20DA385B52D2D_## =
E2B2308E088627B6_## =
E2B2BE4C9D49D38F_## = Wukong's Disguise
E2B4B52432F12C9D_## = Đăng nhập giờ vàng
E2B91D0C3E31A1F8_## = "I'm the Queen of the Night, my name is Veera."\n\nThe
ancient books said that Veera was the most devout and powerful apostle of the Great
Ones. Long did she pray and beseech their wisdom, but long have they remained
silent. \n\nEager to prove her mettle, she attempted to take on the Ravagers alone.
Surely with their demise by her hand, the Great Ones would reward her with glory.
However, it may also be that same hubris that made the Great Ones so disgusted with
her.\n\nThough she fought bravely and peerlessly, inevitably she was captured. The
tortures she suffered need not be mentioned. All that matters was those bright
eyes, which once looked up to the heavens for guidance, are now filled with malice
and dark fire.\n\nMaloch, the leader of the Ravagers, personally performed the
tortures, which founded a dark and awful relationship between the two. From then
on, she was always by his side, commanding his armies and vanquishing his
foes.\n\nBut she always preferred the silent approach, bringing down the mightiest
foes with her wiles and charms. Tome upon tome had been written to warn off men who
might ever come across her path to not to listen to the dark shadows whispering
promises of greatness; all that lies at the end of that road is doom. \n\nThe Queen
of Night is patient. She knows ultimately she will always have her way. She will be
the last one standing. She still dreams of the day she can bathe in the Great Ones'
blood and look them in the eyes, so that they may know her wrath.
E2B9A748427C948C_## = Lunar Fairy
E2B9CB2A6C8A4CC3_## = Not Available
E2BAB1ECFDF47F62_## = 参与 5V5
E2BD9E677DBED999_## = 签到图片
E2C06594ED508E9F_## =
E2C2299011FCA131_## =
E2C651CE998A411D_## = Giáo viên thể hình
E2CB086A11620B63_## =
E2CB5921D41AB7A1_## = Jungling, Finisher
E2CDE6FA4D8C9B9C_## =
E2D10F0714635CCC_## = Lữ Bố Nam vương và Điêu Thuyền Hoa hậu
E2D16A85CA3DA541_## = Restore
E2D6EABADB324CB2_## = 8 日累積簽到
E2D8CEBEF47FC381_## =
E2DD8921870389FC_## = Tel'Annas
E2DD8FD99D83517E_## = Survivability, Control
E2E147D3DCEF7063_## = Unknown
E2E1EAC96129A909_## = Original
E2EB613C7FAFE96E_## =
E2EBA981D85A06C0_## = 好友大作战
E2ECF3DA2B57555A_## = Assassin
E2EE7CC5A4AA42CF_## =
E2F0246B88B7D509_## = Prom Queen
E2F2E96D4D95F599_## = Cybercore
E2F465F93F4E6B3C_## = Sustained Damage, Survivability
E2F628247EE024E2_## =
E2F8D4951DBF25AC_## = What fighting style do you prefer? (1/3)
E2F919AB7D3B6DDB_## =
E2F9579A0877105A_## = Thu thập 2 mảnh Chúc mừng năm mới và Mậu Tuất 2018 để đổi 2
trang phục miễn phí tùy chọn!
E2F9FC7164FDE424_## = 7 日累積簽到
E2FDE661334917E6_## = Slimz
E2FF4B8656536DC3_## = Hidden Weapons
e3010409f868eebe = Abyssal Dragon Buff
E30203AD6D8BA475_## =
E30589417E0BDE87_## = Your current Credibility Score is <color=#55f26c>{0}</color>.
<color=#62b7ff>You are eligible for a bonus to the weekly reward.</color>
E30DD62E9AA5AC94_## =
E30EF3E06B0A8D26_## =
E3130C00B092F152_## = Base Damage
E3133014A7935D5F_## = Gildur launches molten gold that explodes upon contact with
an enemy stunning and dealing {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color>
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to all enemies nearby.
E31428DFBC85F934_## = It's just a flesh wound.
E317FA6E60CF0D59_## = Superman
E318B4B8D36BF2C1_## = Jungling
E318E01D61EB1918_## = Lauriel
E31CA9A460D355D6_## = Sustained Damage
E31D2B9CD214D523_## =
E31DE7CFD99062B8_## = Harass, Control
E31F0B41ED3C0C8E_## = Emerald
E32061458522B60A_## = Shutterbug
E320ACBE2EE3C4D7_## =
E3217ADC45C334B5_## = Unknown
E322B1AD034726B8_## =
E3263E194269BE94_## =
E328464DCA16315E_## =
E32BF1355EB0299A_## = Original
E33014D42C2DD702_## =
E33475475F842B80_## = Leveling is a breeze when you
E33482D26D5E0240_## = Kil'Groth charges forward, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies
along the path and slowing their movement speed by <color=#f8be32>{2}%</color> for
1.5 seconds. The cooldown is reduced by <color=#f8be32>{3}</color> seconds when it
hits enemy heroes.
E336EF29F682B28B_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Tel'Annas) của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
E33EF0E454FDAE60_## =
E342CBB2883ABE0D_## = Thu thập Chìa khóa - Mở rương bí ẩn
E3432058CCCBA439_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Wonder Woman {C}/{T} lần
E3448F46F4733088_## = Đấu trường huyền thoại
E34600CA15659E50_## =
E3492B4B27B3737E_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
e34afdf66e59839f = e34afdf66e59839f_##
E34CAF586DADA803_## = 签到图片
E34E767C804915E2_## =
E34E7FCED565461C_## = obsolete+92e321e79f2036bc
E354257C1CF59921_## = 参与 5V5
E35619C3F8B8A939_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
E3565786A2C33F63_## =
e3573b371a26a01f = Easy
E357918C0FB0B8D1_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Zuka)
E35B72D7CC84F489_## =
E35DBB9DDC5A668C_## =
E362D7F514DAF0B0_## = 本週活動精選
E3636E0084198765_## =
E363D0159F2CA307_## = Wonder Woman
E36617EA089AF007_## =
E366DC37A2C7F947_## =
E366DC3824853A9B_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
E367C67F9F5BB585_## =
E36878B56C6D26FC_## =
E36AE3C766CF4313_## = Snowsickle
E371443C3C1117E9_## =
E372824610D26F81_## = Lustrous
E378B34112945800_## = Slikk's Sting
E37A9126E31DD275_## = Leave the <color=#f6bf17ff>Altar</color>.
E37C0497A3819162_## = The Clown Prince of Crime
E37C170285E64F98_## =
E38343317425F461_## =
E3858DF2F956409E_## =
E385E38CBAEE83B6_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
E386F5C0D1000916_## =
E3872A9ECAD7BE2D_## = I am Batman!
E3887659463387D1_## =
E3889F6FD412E6B7_## = Fox Form
E389E1103289D76C_## =
E38D65C5CDAA9B33_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
E39253DA59642D55_## =
E393A971E27AF313_## = Support
E396AE8499A3C5C6_## =
E39907F188DF7771_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
E399B3C6241129B4_## = Săn Rồng đón xuân!
E39BA4A85CDA2C77_## = Use Maloch's Cleave to hit an enemy hero and enchant his
weapon. This will make his normal attacks and subsequent Cleave attacks deal true
damage and restore a lot of HP.
E39FCC68DDE23764_## =
E3A0622ED77AD09A_## = Gói Anh Hùng Giai Nhân
E3A5700C5644825F_## =
E3A6110D227EAEA4_## =
E3B453FC6EFC7EB1_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
E3B7E955CFD98C90_## = We need a Mage!
E3B874B6C345445C_## =
E3B945986B4BE3C2_## = Congratulations, you are now one step closer to becoming a
true hero!
E3B9E4CA1F7593EC_## =
E3B9FB739B936B38_## = obsolete
E3BBF4B0363EBE3C_## =
E3BEC679E81F9EE2_## = Claim<color=#f6bf17ff> your rewards</color>
E3BF95F8DF843FCE_## = Original
E3C3E0F3CE08434E_## =
E3C52B992ADE3005_## =
E3C5E065127330A2_## = Ormarr
E3C5E81B7ECA7C73_## = Thử tướng tùy biến: 3 ngày
E3C633F509DB26FC_## = obsolete+c8d19b0824b43977
E3C9E48D6A29D241_## =
E3CC07CC010EF99A_## = Zill is able to avoid damage from abilities when using
Tornado, so use it at opportune moments. Make sure you attack enemy heroes again
after marking them 3 times as normal attacks trigger additional damage when a
target has 3 marks.
E3CE25E60E7BC34F_## =
E3CE55A1819058D3_## =
E3D03E6DA270B215_## = Diamond III
E3D583AFED337673_## =
E3D802ABC3BEBE4D_## =
E3D8ABD9F6F14928_## =
E3DA247CF3A282F7_## = Chỉ cần nạp 35 Quân Huy, nhận ngay trang phục Fennik Nhà thám
E3DF61529D00E127_## =
E3E061C4925F35B1_## =
E3E582CBF0DFE476_## = Trial Card: Try out Natalya for <color=#01d1f8ff>3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
E3E8FE850186FD2E_## = 本週活動精選
E3EDB3A163109E8C_## = Trial Card: Try out Nakroth for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color>
day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
E3F359F45CB03D1D_## = Azure
E3F4D5914BFB10A7_## =
E3F8FA2C396F6E18_## =
E404FAF2E0605E24_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Giờ vàng)
e4094f8d996e9bd6 = e4094f8d996e9bd6_##
E40E6CF2329F3AE8_## = 签到图片
E41318FF7760D87E_## = <color=#f6bf17ff>Challenger</color>, show us your power!
E41517B275408C8C_## = Out of all the tanks, Mina has the most area of effect
abilities. Use them to your advantage in team fights. Death Scythe is very easy to
see coming, so try to use it preemptively or as a finisher.
E415B091A009EDD3_## = Lauriel
E41E063D369599AA_## = ProPlayer Suggestion
E4262597A0B3897E_## =
E42991A3F743FD95_## =
E42A1CFBFF86BB08_## = Spin
E42ACA457D7D4299_## = Quy đổi ngọc đỏ cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
E42B419ECD61FC67_## =
E42E0F2CEFF202B0_## =
E43193DCE1681EB7_## = 签到图片
E431CA9D6B01BBB9_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
E4321756837016EA_## =
E4373688A70EC42A_## = DNT
E4380A0B719E09C0_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Jinna để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
E439CD4F428F3F87_## =
E43BBE82B3B02925_## =
E4410B66C7DB91DD_## =
E441C3FB20B3519D_## = Ghost Samurai
E44BFBF67C1AFAE9_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Đỏ)
E44FC8A422349E87_## = Natalya Skin: Snow Festival
E451266DF437F1E2_## =
E4554B2EE12B9E39_## =
E45D5113FA43EE17_## = Tham gia đấu thường mỗi ngày để nhận quà Tết Liên Quân
E45E772AE33389FE_## =
E4602A93FA57E222_## = Raz
E460C48D12145C92_## = Max
E461908D28E0D00A_## =
E4634061676B1136_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tuần lễ Nguyệt tộc (Chơi cùng bạn) của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
E463A031CEB7897C_## =
E4641F3589FB384D_## = Đăng nhập tại thời gian chỉ định để nhận thêm Bánh sinh nhật
và Hộp quà thú vị
E4664F39E7B2DD40_## = Unknown
E46725DF970C9802_## =
E467BA98F2314D31_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
e468cbe4fb56252 = Hard
E46E55DFB653E855_## = Unique Passive - Seek and Destroy: Gains 8 ability power and
30 maximum mana for every monster killed. Stacks up to 15 times.
E470CAF21D63AE0C_## = Tiêu xài Quân huy, nhận gói quà cực hot dịp Giáng sinh
E4726BC9DBC91089_## =
E4731EBC820B250D_## =
E475E4CDE22EEE98_## =
E47AB60F147484D8_## =
E47B11EBAD3742E2_## =
E482447408CC0861_## =
E4829B49C2E35499_## =
E48387C570C86ADC_## =
E48953DF17B59980_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
E489586CA6C570AF_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận xếp hạng mỗi ngày
E48958C8FCFC56EC_## =
E4916053B55BDFA7_## =
E495E073AB2C91DD_## =
E49949FBF42B622E_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
E49F6148C1754117_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Ryoma)
E4A0CD31FC6EF5F1_## = Max
E4A5B4FE617DC2BA_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Preyta) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
E4A7B5143F9FB730_## = 参与 5V5
E4A7EBAF8CD2785C_## =
E4AA9DC94C0715BF_## =
E4AAE115DF8016B0_## =
E4AC94D0FC1CB507_## = Frostbite
E4B2F7A0BB84ADF7_## = Cooldown
E4BBA45BFE1302A9_## = Trial Card: Try out Lu Bu's skin: Summer Bash
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
E4C19863AED6E286_## =
E4C8CA37E8EDC65F_## = Ormarr Skin: Snow Festival
E4CF897A305697F5_## = Tiêu xài Quân huy, nhận gói quà cực hot dịp Giáng sinh
E4D09C90C869ADEB_## = Report Feedback
E4D0F67836328F41_## =
e4d254bd868f0b66 = Practical Training
E4D90066F755C7D5_## =
E4DA20FF7DB2446F_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (The Joker) của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
E4DD0F0DA09BAC53_## =
E4E31C51FBB13E5D_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
E4E7DDBCD4260D92_## =
E4E8B7CA0342668F_## = 7 日累積簽到
E4ED827067FA5F92_## = Guild Activity Help
E4EF1B01F72FEB4A_## = Unique Passive - Biting Cold: Normal attacks increase the
wearer's movement speed by 10% and reduce target's movement speed by 25% for 2
E4EF29623A7A7539_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
e4f54d2e67598414 = Block
E4F8E303C5378250_## = Superman has two modes: flying and walking. He gains 2%
movement speed and charges energy for every 100 units he walks, and takes flight
once energy is fully charged. Flight mode grants 20% movement speed when moving
towards an enemy, and his normal attacks deal additional <color=#ca3939>physical
damage</color> equal to <color=#ca3939>12% of his own maximum HP</color>. Superman
exits Flight mode when he is hit with a control effect that lowers his movement
speed to 375 or less.
E4FEB32E29064082_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
E4FEBC81554E5DD0_## =
E4FFBD4A82565C18_## =
E500F6E31E8667AF_## = Beginner
E50A483F918C6423_## = Trial Card: Try out Thane's skin: Lustrous for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
E50AFB7A801BEAE1_## = Standard tanks have high defensive attributes and high HP.
They can take damage for allies and protect the carry. It is best to equip them
with armor and magic defense boosting items.
E51403213C5C0246_## = Tel'Annas Woodland Chest
E516EDC7953673F3_## = Unique Passive - Spirit Bond: When taking damage, reduces the
attacker's attack speed by 30%.
E517C82CD8593FA1_## = Butterfly
E51C929580271219_## =
E51D00F3DD4E7D6C_## = Veera
E51F0F9010CCF808_## = Peura uses healing magic to restore {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> (10% of target's lost HP) HP for herself and nearby
friendly heroes. Also increases attack speed by {2}% for 3 seconds.
E51F217C3D0A201D_## = Punish
E51F3B9FD7F98B76_## =
e5206d132d7c50eb = Invite to 5v5
E527830712FAB864_## =
E528809EA9A17734_## =
e5290fc1c8c591d3 = Awaiting
E52A76590073F2B9_## = Flaming
E52BA786599BBEC8_## =
E52F6D2F6A93F2E3_## = Technoblade
E533968A3CA9C282_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Lục)
E537A37082BD51CA_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
E537B3E3C35D8187_## =
E5394A215C4378D0_## = Chơi bản đồ 5v5 Miền đất hứa (Thường & Hạng) để nhận ruby
miễn phí
e5394fa7ae8471f7 = Ability Cancellation
E53FC76C024B1DF7_## = Fatal Scythe
E54017E07A8C0689_## = Cơ hội nhận ngọc cấp II/III hoặc Mảnh ngọc để nâng cấp
E5404B4578643D44_## = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Try turning on
<color=#ffd200>hero outlines</color> in the <color=#ffd200>settings</color>. You
might be surprised by the cool effects!
E541205DC3F1A294_## =
E542F95547F123CD_## = Drag the ability icon in the target direction and release to
use the ability.
E545F6396BCAE7C4_## = Mina
E546F2FEAD9B78D9_## =
E54701CED3F07C97_## = Mage
E54F22F88BDB492A_## =
E550576A76CD258E_## = Diaochan
E5518371EB917C29_## = Trial Card: Try out Zanis's skin: Infinite Courage for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
E553DC93602F2DAD_## =
E5557DB52C1D5570_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
E555B9DE4DFA73A4_## =
E55661221FB61552_## =
E5598110AD05742C_## =
E55C6CA8CD664CB2_## = Defense
E5604C8234DD4DE0_## =
E563AD4A7248662D_## = You have <color=#f6bf17ff>died</color>,
<color=#f6bf17ff>counting down</color> to <color=#f6bf17ff>revival at the
E566E69EEEE42161_## = 7 日累積簽到
E56D11AB3C19EE2B_## =
E56FEA2662879778_## = Endless Energy
E5718EC2C96DA22E_## = Burst
E573C98A39900B58_## =
E5765C6BEEEB91FC_## =
E5769B2BF6A649FB_## = Fierce Shot
E576F232F4B3A8F7_## =
E577E0E417355052_## =
E57B8BCC6035B8B2_## =
E57C9233473BE8BA_## = Mage
E57E10498D4B2565_## = Cooldown
E5811D3645C98604_## = Abyssal Dragon
E584806E16CC9DFC_## = Tiêu Quân Huy - nhận ưu đãi
E58EA5A7D01C1326_## = "Thunder! At my beck and call!"\n\nTulen was a demigod born
to the call of thunder and lightning. He was an extraordinary child, able to bend
thunder and lightning to his will. The thunder Tulen created was a thousand times
stronger than regular magic. Some would call it godlike. Ilumia the Seer saw fit to
place him under the tutelage of Aleister in order to learn the intricacies of his
powers.\n\nYet, the sly Aleister did not take a liking to Tulen. He sensed that
Tulen would one day take his place, and thus decided he would teach Tulen nothing,
not a single spell. Unfortunately, for Aleister, this method of teaching worked in
Tulen's favor. His innate ability to control thunder allowed him to harness his
powers without spells. While his vivid imagination propelled his powers to even
greater heights.\n\nTulen's success sent Aleister into a spiral that would
eventually lead to his downfall. Tulen was not blind to his teacher's ploy,
however. He had no intention of taking Aleister's place. Far from it. Yet, he also
had no intention of giving anyone else the throne of thunder. He wanted the
absolute freedom Aleister had... something a pupil like him would have great
difficulty achieving.\n\nFinally, Tulen descended upon the temple with his godlike
thunder and wiped away his teacher's sigil, burning his own upon the throne before
stunned eyes. In so doing, he proved that he not only had the strength to take
Aleister's place, but that the throne of thunder had already chosen him. Then,
under Ilumia's guidance, Tulen successfully ascended the throne of thunder.\n\nHis
first task was to recapture the throne's previous owner – his own teacher,
Aleister, for without Aleister, Tulen only held the title without the power. Tulen
understood that this near-impossible task was given to him to curb his wanton
display of power, but he didn't care.\n\n"No one understands what I truly desire!"
E593B5ACCF9F65C3_## =
e59c4db572798efb = Turn on Invincibility
E59D4F14A5647D8B_## =
E59E151CA6C55D6A_## = Ruby may mắn
E59E66D6AC9F5124_## =
E59F57142E22B09D_## =
E5A080B04A2E9163_## = Spoopy Mask
E5A32ECCA75C8EDF_## =
E5A417150A4053AC_## =
E5A4F4B6B8F22615_## =
E5A53B0E2E4BF99D_## =
E5A9B77B18613909_## = The Joker
E5ABA2BE02EAC6F0_## = Lobby ID
E5B85C0D4A9F0574_## =
E5B91B9332424C51_## = Cooldown
E5B9B6A3516FB7EC_## = Reach Level {0}
E5BB4C2B025B1B41_## = Batman
E5BCC406E4C11BFD_## =
E5BEDB70C37C195B_## = 妇女节挑战活动
E5BF684B19A91BE0_## = Rương Murad MTP (x4+1)
E5C067B9CD656E9C_## = Unknown
E5C2A29A70D835F5_## =
E5C6BC15DA9C3823_## = 7 日累積簽到
E5C75FE4B24819A3_## = Hộp quà thú vị (Trang phục)
E5C86F5632600577_## =
E5CD74533060D525_## = Tiêu Quân Huy - Nhận Xuân Nữ
E5D350A38D7557D3_## =
E5DA225673280202_## = HP +800\n[Hunter][Seek and Destroy][Flame Magic]
E5DF73809D479C93_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
E5E15C62D0E9324B_## = Trial Card: Try out Nakroth for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
E5EB40C4B8C30445_## =
E5F5BDECDE9A7BDF_## = Cơ hội sở hữu các đấu sĩ siêu chất và bộ ngọc Đấu sĩ chỉ
với 15 Quân Huy
E5F852FB11CF0F20_## = Original
E5FB653F90D94B29_## = +100% Exp Năm mới
E5FB96BC6A53D010_## = Nâng cấp ngọc quý
E5FC557916C16507_## = Shield Points
E602FDE45B4AF397_## = Redeem heroes in the Token Shop
E609574FB955B993_## = Tham gia mỗi ngày để nhận mảnh ghép năm mới và đổi lấy cơ
hội sở hữu bộ đôi trang phục giới hạn Long kỵ sĩ và Nghệ nhân Lân!
E609E3A9D86B16A3_## = 7 日累積簽到
E60AAB1E979EB85F_## = Đây là phần thưởng Ngày hội của Joker 2 của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
E60BF621F2CEB4C0_## =
E60D16B251305C5C_## = Gold
E60D6B960AAE9B6A_## =
E611EE49C750199D_## = Jungling
E6133560A6F61ADA_## =
E615842690663A60_## =
E615D19563FFE295_## =
E61909ADE50B0926_## = Blue Frame
E61DB7D8B4C3F1E8_## = Unknown
E61E6E21429930C1_## =
E61E7B3495070A89_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Payna + trang phục Cảnh vệ rừng
E61F34FC6794A6D7_## = Unknown
E6213E5348577FB1_## = [新英雄-Skud 登場] 愛不釋手
E62221FA7295B790_## = Open to obtain Zuka and the Bodhi Skin
E62276D4AE9A6C91_## = ProPlayer Suggestion
E62284A22F9877DF_## =
E6258919F6628684_## = 8 日累積簽到
E62920845A41370A_## = Đón Xuân mới - Khuyến mãi nạp thẻ mỗi ngày!
E629C80D0DC25C67_## =
E62B419EE60AA6B6_## = Đồng hành cùng AIC 2017
E62C220393CEE3B7_## =
E62DB50712DEBFD6_## = Chơi đấu thường 5v5 mỗi ngày để nhận thưởng
E62EED06983E9D9A_## = <color=#00d8ff>Objective:</color> \nDestroy<color=#f6bf17ff>
the Might Golem</color>
E63084DB57A1B54B_## =
E630AE67BF6A3ADA_## =
E63371F989782D09_## = Your recent reports have not been legitimate. Please take
this responsibility seriously, or your reports may lose credibility.
E634C95116B7CD7F_## = Sharpshooter
E63520C08DEEBCB0_## = Snow Angel
E63851ECD917BC2F_## =
E64156C62F438BF7_## =
E64473750132C151_## = Magic Defense +110, HP +700\n[Regenerate]
E644AAFADDC6DF1A_## = Trial Card: Try out Grakk's skin: Cap'n for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this skin.
E645CFC488C53EBF_## =
E64939397244201D_## = Tham gia mỗi ngày để nhận mảnh ghép năm mới và đổi lấy cơ
hội sở hữu bộ đôi trang phục giới hạn Long kỵ sĩ và Nghệ nhân Lân!
E64C27927A527F59_## = Nurse
E6509EA90094363D_## = Knight's Plate
E651E8FD7D42BDDC_## = Quite awesome to not be killed like this!
E653C6279C517902_## = Trang phục đón xuân
E657E8B4C325E0C7_## =
E6612E8723B6AD0A_## = Burst
E66306F268667BF4_## = Unknown
E6634E987805F7D0_## =
E6657CD9CE4359B3_## = mở để nhận một thẻ thử tướng ngẫu nhiên (3 ngày)
e6674f597b0b3dc3 = Max.
E669D3FF6ADDA952_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Cresht)
E66EBE8B06AC0DF1_## = Corpse Bride
E66FBCA66E76FB13_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
E6734FFCA2BF4AEB_## = Base Damage
E675D18C4AE9753C_## =
E67AE518E5E22156_## = Đăng nhập giờ vàng
E688245FF4BF5F78_## = Trial Card: Try out Moren's skin: Wrecking
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
E6884C694123C1D5_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc thành rương ngọc cấp III may mắn
E68A1CEA4A1D7DB6_## = Chơi đấu Thường/Hạng nhận Mũ Santa mỗi ngày. Thu thập Kẹo
Giáng sinh và Mũ Santa để đổi thưởng từ sự kiện Giáng sinh.
e68b684d79719f4f = e68b684d79719f4f_##
E68BD153110B4C7B_## =
E68EB3918961E00B_## =
E68EB539704B2500_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Superman {C}/{T} lần
E693E8E2579875E1_## =
E6951DA4CF45E64A_## = My abilities are on cooldown. Hold on!
E698BF778192D347_## =
E69E34CB28EBF968_## =
E6A1E032E4053C3D_## =
e6a665f9c166369f = Quad Kill
E6A6B184DD81E949_## = Trial Card: Try out The Joker's skin: The Killing Joke for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
E6A8010C71A44ADE_## =
E6A8851B293DE645_## =
E6A8F349AE886AA0_## =
E6AD55F4ADD2A572_## = Gói 30% KM Natalya + skin
E6B28F71EA5341D0_## =
E6B3373EB0AAF1C3_## = Lauriel
E6B38EB52C8653FC_## = Mage
E6B55CD2030C19D1_## = Trial Card: Try out Nakroth's skin: Nightmare for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
E6BAD80979F42618_## =
E6BB420471371E71_## = Unknown
E6BBA7368743BE2B_## = Attack Damage Decrease
E6C5CE9BDC2A9AAF_## = Congratulations! You have obtained the<color=#f6bf17ff> Might
E6C6FA10F4198431_## = THIS! IS! ATHANOR!
E6D0049A66656186_## =
E6D13A7CBEA9693D_## =
E6D8358635684DFF_## = Trial Card: Try out Arduin for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color>
day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
E6DA016D6B34B898_## =
E6DAA6BD784A42B3_## = Ogre
E6DEC6471948763D_## = Deals the same damage as the normal hook but leaves a burning
trail behind for 5 seconds. Enemies who walk over the burning trail will suffer
physical damage and have their movement speed reduced.
E6DF246779422734_## = Trial Card: Try out Gildur for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
E6DF72562F138B0F_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
e6e5eeb148a5142c = e6e5eeb148a5142c_##
E6E6B79868392F74_## = Ability Power +140, Cooldown Speed +10% \n[Bide][From the
E6EBB89DB3493E43_## =
E6EC82B8CC20E58F_## =
E6EE988CC5831F53_## = Natalya commands Poison Fang to release lethal rays, dealing
{0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> every 0.25
seconds to enemies. While channeling, Natalya gains a shield that absorbs {2}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{3})</color> damage. Natalya is immune to crowd control effects
while the shield lasts. This ability must be channeled and has a maximum duration
of 3.5 seconds. Channeling can be canceled after 1 second by using the ability
E6F9D99339CE863F_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
E6FF75E8308174DC_## =
E6FFDFEFF34184D5_## = Dealing killing blows is an art.
E7029347FD2C2975_## = Racer
E70376E9D9743729_## = Rương tướng
E705300C34D77429_## = Trial Card: Try out Kriknak's skin: Emerald for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
E7096CDD1065158D_## = Survivability, Sustained Damage
e70c7262770db4d8 = e70c7262770db4d8_##
E713BDE9E7F9AFE7_## = Butterfly
E7141E086AD75365_## = Sustained Damage, Finisher
E715BF9483D9DB4F_## = 阿斯崔德造型包
E717D3D1F0347DF6_## =
E718900204B57D75_## =
E7228B3812D9876D_## =
E72321F4393A80AA_## = 限時充值送好禮(test)
E723FA01481FEAB2_## = Peura uses healing magic to restore {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> (10% of target's lost HP) HP for herself and nearby
friendly heroes. Also increases attack speed by {2}% for 3 seconds.
E728706C66BEE05E_## = Astrid
E72954865973B461_## =
E72DC231358AA761_## =
E72EBD131849B364_## = "Do you want to live or die?"\n\nMina opened her mouth to
answer, but couldn't utter a sound. The hunger from two days without food and the
effects of the drugs infused with dark magic are constantly eating away at what's
left of her mind.\n\nMganga looked down upon Mina with satisfaction. He could tell
that she is nearing the breaking point. The experiment far exceeded his
expectations. "You must hold on just a little longer, my dear," Mganga said while
putting away the equipment, "one more day, and you will be reborn." But he did not
notice the cracks expanding on the straps that bound Mina.\n\n"Your turn now. Do
you want to live or die?"\n\nMganga was caught off guard by the voice behind him.
"It's not time yet…how did you…" Mina's scythe was upon him before he could finish,
but Veera, who had been watching in silence, finally made her move as her slender
hand easily pushed away the scythe. Mina's savage eyes softened under Veera's
charm.\n\nVeera was happy with the results, and Mganga got the reward he deserved.
As for Mina… her identity and unspeakable secrets were buried together with the
remains of the lab, and the Mina that bows in front of Veera now is the Reaper
Queen.\n\n"Only the living fears death."
E73515F4C5294905_## =
e735729b48138b42 = Congratulations!
E7358CA506D8FDC0_## = Nice! Use the ability wheel to kill the<color=#f6bf17ff>
Enemy's heroes</color>!
E73974D784DB1E4A_## =
E73DBB5D0ABF84BE_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
E74675C4E811B1A1_## =
E7472276D7D92963_## =
E747CA4D021D466C_## =
E7480C321AFE8699_## = Murad
E74FA9320022EC22_## = On Murad's 4th consecutive normal attack within 3 seconds
(ineffective against buildings), he gains 5% attack damage and releases the seal on
Temporal Turbulence for 5 seconds.
E75085AB7B9AB4C0_## = Skud
E753E9D79E205143_## =
E753EA7F82459FD4_## = You have received a gift!
E754DA84DE61558A_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
E75B064819B00D43_## = Zuka raises his staff and charges forward, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to nearby
enemies. This ability can be used again within 5 seconds of the first use and each
use enhances Zuka's next normal attack, increasing its range and dealing an
additional <color=#f18d00>(+{2})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>.
E75B9C50BD012C5F_## = Time Warp
E75E13749AA1D12D_## =
E7608255C95DE0D2_## =
E76180AF211014BE_## =
e7641e438080aa9 = Top Streak
E7661B8C8DEE687D_## =
E7673B202BC0B174_## = Riposte
E7679A38E3F5D07A_## =
E76B055CDE3BC87D_## = Đăng nhập nhận 5 bánh sinh nhật & Huy hiệu 1 năm Liên Quân
E76C625ADCB63C18_## =
E76CD4759A81955F_## = Participate in a match with your friends {0} [/0:$(time|
E76E3A777522B6DB_## =
E77380D986CF8207_## = Đây là phần thưởng Nạp quân huy - Nhận trang phục miễn phí!
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
E773AE1C5CEA3003_## =
E773AFA414A723BB_## =
E77457547A60F1DF_## = Yorn calls down celestial arrows that deal {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to a random
enemy in the zone every second. Also, his next normal attack becomes a burst shot.
E77C78AFD8BEBD12_## = Don't be a lone wolf, please communicate with your teammates.
E77D474BEE78664A_## = Embers
E77F2DEC5EC398C1_## =
E780A6752FF67F1E_## = 26.11 - Quà đăng nhập đặc biệt
E781D3FA40839C92_## =
E7830BEA763DAD52_## =
E783356CDBAD46B9_## =
E7841E5D8040A446_## = Valhein
E788B0AFC40EFCC7_## =
E78B1C331D5607CE_## = Melee
E78CE93B78AB1B50_## = Virtue's Bracelet
E7908F46FC562E86_## =
E791594907D037E5_## = Chief Knight
E791DA5337325BBF_## = Base Damage
E7958A373BFC01CF_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
E7960D3427E10433_## = In-game HUD
E7974AA1B78C2B82_## =
E798FCD10B5C60F4_## =
E799011F491CFC62_## = Unknown
E799731890F8099F_## = Enraged Spear
E7999B913EFEDA91_## =
E79D31A7F5CEF8F2_## =
E79D4C8DAEA50727_## = Butterfly
E79D87D0AC63AC19_## = Ouch! You're injured! Use the<color=#f6bf17ff>
Restore</color> skill.
E7A5590780B080ED_## = 签到图片
E7A66D0081617FFE_## = Fight hand-in-hand, heart-to-heart.
E7AAEFE23E2EC7F0_## = 0
E7ABB9E399AFE2A8_## =
E7ABF87055121A5A_## =
E7AF96968EEB2ADB_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (The Joker) của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
E7AFF2BCAF764A68_## =
E7B084FE57C7EFFA_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
E7B13318688152D2_## =
E7B4541CBC594340_## = When things are too hot, use Death Sentence to escape and
position yourself for a counter attack. If Nakroth's other abilities are on
cooldown, you can use Judgment's Blade to avoid enemies' control effects.
E7B72876EDE0BB84_## = Every 5 seconds, Ryoma's next normal attack unleashes a
shadow blade that has a longer range and deals <color=#f18d00>{0}</color>
<color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to each enemy hit and reduces enemy movement
speed by {1}% for 2 seconds. Enemies hit by the shadow blade at the outer border of
the range will suffer an additional 50% <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>.
E7BAFE9AA87D5F40_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 hạng mỗi ngày
E7BE1B369710A102_## = Lu Bu
E7BE62CA6E782893_## =
E7BFC36ADAFD1748_## = Diaochan
E7C16243ABB2CE32_## = Reward 2
E7C2F8F308EAE5B1_## =
E7C4CE8B19D7FA42_## = Tỉnh Cà Mau
E7C5C18866B9AF1F_## = Achieve a {0}-Win Streak
E7CA65090D658757_## = Airi
E7D0180D14C8F1FC_## =
E7D24191F03DE7F4_## = Item cannot be gifted. Please select another.
E7D4DE837D8DB2D2_## = Toro
E7D6FDDE36D3687E_## = Mở để nhận 1 Vé quay + 3 Loa to + Thẻ x2 EXP 3 ngày
E7D73C6D9AF77C21_## =
E7D88285D2DABD67_## = Head for<color=#f6bf17ff> its destination</color> and defeat
the Garnak!
E7D93BD8DA3FF38A_## = Summer Bash
E7E01F01A4EAF45D_## = Murder Clown
E7E484B2E9A638B7_## =
E7EB69C638CC9D86_## = Rương quà Wonder Woman - Tướng
E7EB84B519DC2317_## = Maloch
E7EFE1C9C28F81B2_## =
E7F0490C11BE2C52_## = Unknown
E7F2ED6F41B3AD03_## =
E7F4192DB898531F_## =
E7F68055F42B24F4_## = Shadow
E7F73C10933ABDD6_## = Unknown
E7F8EA1736364452_## =
E7F8EC501A1B288C_## =
E7FCB82DD92EDF4D_## =
E7FD57B3025D04BE_## = Level 24 Chest
E7FEC9CA8F8356E3_## =
E7FF003852BC1867_## = Top up get extra spin ticket
E8059F7D83EAB9A9_## = Tham gia sự kiện Tết gắn kết - Anh em chấp hết tại
sukien5.lienquan.garena.vn - Nhận Dấu ấn Tulen và đổi tướng miễn phí!
E807F4A146EEB70D_## = Punish
E8086FF52BAA5404_## = Original
E80AD8F6211FD47B_## = [新英雄-Batman 登場] 愛不釋手
E8109E102912FD60_## = Combo Halloween Đặc biệt
E8112E95D9D117C2_## = Let's be friends. %2
E811795DA2AE25A4_## = 查看详情
E8149C372D598231_## = Armor +9
E81598B878BE156E_## =
E815B39D79EBF92C_## =
E8172490DA5BE557_## = Butterfly
E817FCB14E8EAC07_## = Additional Damage
E81A394B93F47653_## =
E81BAF026029A748_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Preyta)
E81F463A177B6709_## =
E8276157168AC1F0_## = Rương may mắn sát thủ
E830A7A24110AA8C_## = Attack
E8313198D03A94BA_## =
E835B4B9721509E6_## =
E837A30CB3543EE4_## =
E838464BCE370F9C_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Murad) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
E83B343FA4702A43_## =
E83B7A0E16664AFD_## = Vanquishing <color=#f6bf17ff>Minions</color>,
<color=#f6bf17ff>Heroes</color>, and destroying <color=#f6bf17ff>Defense
Towers</color> can earn you <color=#f6bf17ff>Coins</color> to buy powerful
E840AF8AAF45CA33_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường
E84143A14CA0BF4C_## = 本週活動精選
E841E8A31EF5F52D_## = Catacombs
E842C6667D832E32_## =
E851CAAC31C50A46_## = Cơ hội nhận ngọc ngẫu nhiên (cấp 2/3)
E8524625C2ECBC4C_## = Unknown
E855FC2FC2AB881A_## =
E859CA9454328D53_## = Survivability
e859d41b5185bb51 = e859d41b5185bb51_##
E85A3BD1558CDDA4_## = Aten
E85BAB6E9047A0B0_## =
E862D8ECDE738A35_## =
E867AA3B24E3EA2E_## =
E86A482B3584D049_## = Trial Card: Try out Kahlii's skin: Li'l Red for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
E86AAC1E6476A7E9_## =
E86B52E041FE3FD4_## = [Cooldown Speed+10%]
E86C7E1E6E272E3D_## =
E87D048FCB61B772_## =
E87E43BF5BF88A47_## = Control, Buffs
E87E6691A8231AFC_## = 签到图片
E87EA259262D05DB_## =
E8822B2161DDA788_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
E882D0DA0907F0CC_## =
E883668271E7F90D_## = COMING SOON
E8861B5BDE020374_## = Tiêu xài Quân huy, Nhận gói quà HOT!
E8871E0D3902B974_## = Tuần lễ Nguyệt tộc (Chơi cùng bạn)
E88BBDAA79883B0E_## = Thủy triều máu đang đến gần! Chung sức chiến đấu với Đội
quân Ác quỷ của Maloch để bảo vệ Miền Đất hứa!
E88F3BFAD31ED77A_## =
E8914736C8DD72D7_## = Attack Speed +0.4% \nCooldown Speed +0.5%
E892C7A74CAF13EF_## = Zanis
E89972B17078008E_## =
E899C7297F57A248_## =
E89AC4D1197D6B6D_## = Skewer
E89C967EE6DDB6CE_## =
e89ee2e447b65449 = e89ee2e447b65449_##
E8A1D99C3FD35AF3_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
e8a22a31bb81e76a = a3007
E8A2AC3BB35950B3_## = 7 日累積簽到
E8A3A8BE569D12E3_## = Thu thập dấu ấn Murad M-TP (Khăn choàng)
E8A68E1E90043D3D_## = Butterfly
E8A9963136B5B248_## = Jinnar
E8AB132C53264A97_## = Stay with your teammates as much as possible.
E8AD5E3999AA2367_## = Đây là phần thưởng Thu thập Chìa khóa - Mở rương bí ẩn của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
E8ADA83299981B1A_## =
E8AE4C936641D4A3_## = Thử tr.phục tùy biến: 3 ngày
E8B0867B65373548_## =
E8B1F8942EA44CDC_## = Trial Card: Try out Aleister's skin: Voidweaver for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
E8B2770646F14264_## = The Illest
E8B355DAF2F0D8BD_## =
E8B794CE04E74E31_## =
E8B877CA0DADAD31_## =
E8B9455210490A62_## =
E8BB280D2E27DC9C_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
E8BC8C923942B0D9_## = Unknown
E8BD139CFF04DDAD_## =
E8BE1A6EC75A978D_## =
E8C0337D3C005F4C_## =
E8C5538A50089C77_## = Phục trang ưa thích của Fennik mỗi khi trời trở lạnh. Mở để
nhận 20-50 Ruby
E8C6D0464DE8C406_## =
E8C77B80ACF6C968_## = Assassin
E8C7AA25AA1B4546_## = Đổi Dấu ấn Tulen
E8C9C46DD96C1FB3_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
E8CF13CBC636667A_## =
E8D19985ED947F4D_## =
E8D1B14024415F02_## = Thane
E8D558DCB30D7B66_## =
E8D5CCFB52D7AF43_## =
E8D7E78F0CFAE79A_## = Trial Card: Try out Wukong's skin: Embers for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
e8d826ee1a74cc3d = Welcome back!
E8D94D69CB008F91_## =
E8DA53145991590E_## =
E8DAB03D5D384AC8_## = Zill's abilities place Marks of the Wind on their targets
when dealing damage. At 3 stacks, enemy movement speed is reduced by {0}% for 0.25
seconds. Marks will last for {1} seconds.\n\nWhen Zill's normal attacks deal damage
to targets with 3 marks, Wind Shift's cooldown is immediately refreshed, and the
targets take an additional {2} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{3})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
damage</color>.\n\nZill's normal attacks deal additional {4} <color=#8e91fd>magic
e8e28fdbfbc10dc5 = e8e28fdbfbc10dc5_##
E8E6BAFD1A1F8983_## = Butterfly
E8E6F6F6A8F733B1_## = Dấu hiệu Siêu nhân
e8e82a12058ff120 = e8e82a12058ff120_##
e8e9b6155e2be2df = e8e9b6155e2be2df_##
E8EFA397F80D373A_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK {C}/{T}
E8F4267589ACC00C_## =
E8F56AACA2E798C7_## = Unknown
E8F5DE85DAE44919_## = I'll gank mid.
E8F652C972FBC2EC_## =
E8FA207981C701E1_## =
E8FB88416326B15A_## =
E8FC56DCAC5EFD00_## =
E8FC69B2DE41D0E6_## =
E8FD7F89861A1FAF_## =
E902873A91868945_## =
E90376B1745BCDAC_## = Magma
E904B5F5721F6FCB_## = Use Natalya's abilities in quick succession so that her
passive ability's effects will be maximized and deal the most damage.
e90626e78c94d98a = Guild
E9075B9F39773426_## = Trial Card: Try out Lauriel's skin: Halloween Scream
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
E90C19A30E19240D_## = Contains 10 Gems, 1300 Gold and 1 lvl 1 Arcana: Disturbance
E9121B3A524A371D_## = When outnumbered, you can leverage your tower for backup.
E9145E0BD79E498F_## =
E91528A75662CB01_## =
E91D28BA8DB1B219_## = Unknown
E922F230D04D6B1E_## =
E92571F3FA5D85A7_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Skud) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
E92595435071F7E4_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Moren để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
E927C7E2C45A2410_## = Let's use voice chat.
E92836F806477745_## = Find out where the damage came from in Death Details.
E92A29D88D812F1C_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
E92B1612BE2562B7_## =
E92BB20B311F5994_## =
E92CADFB9DE110CF_## =
E93B13D1A0C1AA79_## = Level 4 Chest
E93E81FF1C1648EA_## = Mở để nhận 1 ngọc đỏ cấp 3 (ngẫu nhiên)
E940177E3F319042_## =
E943E66F67E07EBB_## = Contains 10 Gems, 500 Gold and 1 lvl 1 Arcana: Rebirth
E9441D431DD4B6F2_## =
E9473003498FE072_## = Thane
E9473586AB3305F1_## = Assassin
E94802B426A4CF8B_## = 5V5 经验翻倍
E94CADDBEFD80255_## = Chaugnar
e94e30744beb4d38 = e94e30744beb4d38_##
E95169288552CD39_## = Chơi cùng bạn bè trong chế độ đấu thường để nhận thưởng mỗi
E95823EF24BF9C2F_## = Peura
E95A6B7D4C4ADCA9_## =
E95ACD5E09D7EFCA_## = Improper game conduct warning
E95B383C7E129714_## = Pooty Poots
E95DA786D7FBD4A1_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
e95e4f2785046f42 = Your team
E965435EAD902544_## =
E965E810BE44666E_## =
E967530B3789A54E_## =
E96A6144849E06F9_## = Long Range
E96AD0F7E9CEA9F3_## =
E96CFF608724F8DA_## = Items returned to mail
E96FAEF8995F17F1_## = Red Gunner
E96FCE717E91DAC4_## = New Arthur Chest
E96FEDD746940171_## = Base Damage
E971F7E2CC9E4768_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
E975B079C9FAF2D0_## =
E977A90C9E3ABBC0_## =
E978F4F7F1A91F17_## =
E9795ECE0D488990_## = Chrome avatar frame.
E97A8CD792DF07D8_## = Trial Card: Try out Kahlii's skin: Li'l Red
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
E97AF2F5A6861B39_## = Vé quay kho báu mua 4 tặng 1 cực HOT! Mua ngay nào!
E97E6CE2F716D820_## = Trial Card: Try out Violet's skin: Piolet for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
E9825595DFCA073A_## =
E9849221E8FE3A18_## = Murad creates a distortion in space and time that deals {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to all enemies
in the distortion field. Also deals {2} <color=#f18d00>(+{3})</color>
<color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to those entering or leaving the distortion
field and reduces their movement speed by 90% for 2 seconds. In addition, he lowers
target armor by {4} for 3 seconds. Murad cannot be targeted or attacked while
creating the distortion.
E9888AD977968FB6_## =
E989DD85DA8753DE_## =
E98BBD71DCA7064E_## = Huy hiệu ProArmy
E98C01B2B170A26A_## = Unknown
E98F2E5A2F0E8666_## =
E99049970F1CEF43_## =
E99436ADE61C760F_## =
E996F6713CB4B93D_## = Cơ hội nhận vĩnh viễn/thẻ thử những Tướng có tỷ lệ thắng
cao nhất Đấu trường Danh Vọng mùa đông 2017
E9972AAC6D7CCE86_## =
E998152995A9C475_## = Đổi Thư tình nhận từ sự kiện mỗi ngày thành quà tặng
E9981F42FFB6BA97_## =
E998F502997968A3_## = Trial Card: Try out Raz's skin: Frostbite for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
E99B2E4C513C525F_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 hạng mỗi ngày
E99DCE5F10BE7CB3_## =
E99E1B486FE5858E_## = Kriknak
E99F920C2DAECDCC_## = Đổi quà tặng, nhận rương may mắn Valentine
E9A47D2939993E31_## = Butterfly
E9A5C6C0053F05A8_## = ProPlayer Suggestion
E9A81EF14B7E3664_## = Arthur
E9A994838778F52C_## =
E9A9C752593DFF94_## = Combo thử Nakroth 1n
E9AB81D303684A5C_## =
E9AF6F1A87776045_## =
E9B09F75C7C7DCDA_## =
E9B16738DB903894_## =
E9B27030F5F34D56_## =
E9B365A31D2EF32E_## =
E9B53B0DE9290E7E_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đón Xuân mới - Khuyến mãi nạp thẻ mỗi
ngày! của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
E9B6BC8005A310D0_## =
E9B7DF4F23A66C1F_## =
E9B954186C2E547D_## = Batman conceals himself behind a colony of bats and becomes
invisible after 1.5 seconds. Batman's invisibility lasts for 30 seconds unless he
stays within 6 units of an enemy hero for more than 3 seconds. If the ability is
used again while invisible, he will fly towards the target direction, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies in
his path. He gains 50% attack speed for 5 seconds after coming out of invisibility.
E9BAF84E882830C7_## =
E9C1CD06DB169652_## =
E9C403A952F40C94_## = Original
E9C6C0F6747375E5_## = Preyta
E9C9B7AA3045A817_## =
E9C9E15F196CE933_## =
E9CDE6642510D0BF_## = That all you got?
e9cf5223ed5dc297 = e9cf5223ed5dc297_##
E9D0391B1650790B_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
E9D0B7EE049330BA_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Lục)
E9D266464E3F9DB7_## = Tank
E9D364E7376BCA1E_## = Melee
E9D7049D91DC9471_## =
E9D8AC3BA7EBD118_## = Lumburr
E9D9691F0CC70EE1_## = Ravage
E9DCB6A19AE1291B_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
E9DCC3D3D334F04E_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
E9DF735E91E128DD_## =
E9E074F72CCB105C_## = Awesome! You have earned a lot of
<color=#f6bf17ff>coins</color>. Why don't you buy more powerful new equipment?
E9E146C813D48FB1_## = Thú cưng của Natalya Nghệ nhân lân. Thu thập để đổi thưởng
Tết đặc biệt!
E9E31427D5653FA0_## =
E9E66945A7FE4BE2_## =
E9E6C6B653F86DA5_## = Fierce Shot
e9e98b3bc9cecde8 = Change
E9EFE2554E235F30_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nSkin vĩnh viễn
(Lữ Bố Long kỵ sĩ) / Thẻ thử skin Lữ Bố Long kỵ sĩ (1 ngày) / Mảnh skin / Ruby
E9F02874D09E7F7F_## =
E9F3A9EFC42FD625_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
E9F3C2225632E01A_## = Azzen'Ka
E9F7AF085D685C8B_## = Rift
EA011A947F887DD8_## = Cooldown
EA02D4946DC583CF_## = Quà mừng chiến công U23 Việt Nam
EA04174DA23DC837_## =
EA07CCF69CEE98AB_## = Archmage
ea08d98896d96ec = ea08d98896d96ec_##
EA09A6E1176CFC8B_## = Level 3 Chest
EA0F78EFB0D7DD84_## = 26.11 - Thưởng đấu đặc biệt
EA15FAE272E6482E_## = Original
EA161D9759DCF1EE_## = Azzen'Ka summons the shifting sands to attack his enemies,
dealing {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> and
knocking them into the air.
EA17B36FDA0072B8_## =
EA1C19E492164EE8_## = 消费点券活动
EA1F4B8EA62436BA_## =
EA1FA39362CB75ED_## =
EA20C90E5B37987B_## = Đăng nhập giờ vàng
EA23E2BAA1186413_## =
EA254EE1B88396FF_## =
EA297E08461A3480_## =
EA2DF66A6F44FB18_## = Unlocks at level 3
EA2E060D759035F1_## =
EA33B1D5AC501CBE_## = Gói mảnh skin may mắn
EA3D508DADD4C88C_## = Free me from my purgatory.
EA420EA46D9DEAF6_## = Dandy
EA4210DAA22D9C73_## =
EA4A5989E4FA5939_## = Level 21 Chest
EA5421F05C29DACC_## =
EA5D685D1A5F3213_## = Open it for a chance to get the Candycane skin, Propeller
skin, Murder Clown skin or other items.
EA5F28ECB0C5C2DC_## =
EA5FE338E0D88EF2_## =
EA66C9605F78064B_## = Restore
EA67F8258A888CC0_## = I came in like a wrecking ball!
EA6949F0432BE02F_## =
EA6A706C96CBF81D_## =
EA6C8F73CE7CCA81_## = Unique Passive: Armor Pierce +60
EA6E3A84417B5EC7_## =
EA6F1FD9BC97E7D4_## =
EA719FD0AC21A3CA_## =
EA73D2BF42D2127B_## = Brilliant!
EA757C258A04B070_## = 本週活動精選
EA760DE375BD4BAF_## =
EA77F76E53E3DE92_## = Gói Maloch Ác ma
EA79BC4979EB2418_## = Quà sinh nhật từ chương trình Garena Membership
EA79EF26B6850797_## = Cơ hội sở hữu tướng và toàn bộ các trang phục đã ra mắt của
Nakroth chỉ với 15 Quân Huy
EA79F62D4DD09BC2_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
EA7C5F39C4979F71_## = obsolete+3ababa6e01491d2a
ea8b3dbd38dc2fb = Help
EA93E7F72763A5C4_## = Butterfly
EA99E778748A857F_## =
EA9A5F96D439F692_## =
EAA0916356E9A76C_## = Holy Brand
EAA14D292B096763_## = Trial Card: Try out Kahlii's skin: Corpse Bride for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
EAA4D669916A901A_## = Good Night! 晚安登入禮
EAA513BD68F1CA72_## =
EAA7BD92D98EA290_## =
EAA9B0A1EE848F21_## = Quy đổi ngọc lục cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
EAAA3ED6C5547E36_## =
EAAF2D8FF597B88A_## = Movement Speed Reduction
EAB30CCB724C4C51_## = Quy đổi ngọc đỏ cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
EAB859A21FD37E62_## =
EABA7A9EF7727232_## =
EABBF3B4B0E19A09_## =
EABDE5D42D90ABF0_## = Bóng bay trái tim
EABF4E2BD0532551_## = Standard\nMatch
EAC1C951BBCB8356_## = Rare Wukong Skin: Agent
EAC72AD8C81196A5_## = Nurse
EAC8B3C831FFBB24_## =
EACA52AFFB184C58_## = 本週活動精選
EACAA04BF4A33455_## =
EACE3799A15A23B3_## =
EACEA1192E2B1B6F_## = Burst
EAD279B7A8AF475D_## =
EAD95D7683FEA581_## =
EADC262D333686C1_## = 参与飞钩
EADC6D88E3C35C60_## =
EADDF91CEB1915CF_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
EADFB186CC3B1983_## = Warrior
EAE1CA03B8F239D1_## = Unique Passive: Armor Pierce +40%
EAE61F7C45F47D12_## = Fighting Spirit
EAE80C5428FCE959_## =
EAE94FBED6B20D76_## = Unique Passive - Longevity: Increases maximum HP by 10%.
EAF161569EAAF918_## = 7 日累積簽到
EAF807502F0AB006_## = Corrosive Venom
EB0061C6B3FB60A3_## =
EB00C1BEF04D38D1_## = Đổi quà tình nhân
EB01CC25B9A53BE4_## = Royal Guard
EB034AEB425043AA_## =
EB09A6449556A2BF_## = The<color=#f6bf17ff> Dark Slayer</color> has appeared! Help
your teammates kill it to get the <color=#f6bf17ff>Slayer Buff</color>!
EB1118BB9E3F716C_## =
EB15BBD84182C778_## = Tích lũy hạ gục {C}/{T}
EB16D344C82C7E55_## = Original
EB191A6569600FBE_## =
EB196A8FF87D192B_## = Not Available
EB1C424E475B0C1F_## = Gold
EB1CC5C159BF96A8_## =
EB1E6392A275F3C1_## = Đá tiến hóa - Nakroth Siêu việt
EB2129ADCF6F6561_## = Ilumia
EB2231CC7724B3F1_## =
eb294c81d5e5d150 = First Double
EB2F47A5C712AF8C_## =
EB33C37D87A81DF1_## = Dragon Master
EB374BBE9546DECF_## =
EB3A16CA0E267896_## =
EB3BB1032ECA4446_## =
eb3bbcacf6f44317 = eb3bbcacf6f44317_##
EB3DCA79CB7AA65D_## = Nạp Quân Huy trong thời gian chỉ định để có cơ hội nhận
được tướng Maloch miễn phí!
EB3E4D3171951053_## =
EB406289553FD9D2_## = Halloween night of fright
eb40a4171544d8f1 = Description of Icons
EB4164A9794D4828_## = Unknown
EB45595CEF2CDA70_## = Butterfly
EB48253C42CE50F4_## =
EB499C8735687B5A_## = Be careful when trying to finish off enemies under a tower.
EB4A8A8F10DF662D_## = Ability Power +140, Cooldown Speed +20%, Mana Regen +30, Mana
+300\n[Soaring Spirit]
EB4AF7840E9AAE5F_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tiêu xài Quân huy, Nhận gói quà HOT! của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
EB4C5C6C29D6F19B_## =
EB4D36442035C591_## =
EB515FEC6473A30D_## = Krixi summons the power of nature to knock enemies into the
air and deal {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>.
EB5850B5D929419B_## =
EB5A5231C85189F4_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Chiến thắng)
EB5A53E2AD9842C2_## = Attack Speed +0.4% \nLife Steal +0.8%
EB5BB93BD528C253_## =
EB5BCCFCC16C727B_## =
EB5CC991F4B02B85_## =
EB5DB4C3AF83EC02_## =
EB5E83BEA2E2A610_## = Tiệc bãi biển
EB5EED0B20308D97_## =
EB5FAF92980BF3F5_## = Death's Flurry
EB6044EB40A4B635_## = Marksman
EB65AB89D593B35F_## = Long Range
EB6609ABBA66F419_## = We need an Assassin!
EB6A9B464B291F59_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
EB6E053878C198DF_## =
EB6E83739F8AB7A8_## =
EB6E90BF73832127_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
EB716413DF43AE4D_## =
EB72F83100ADA4F9_## =
EB7408A10A38F191_## = You cannot give yourself a Like.
EB744A090F4A4ED5_## =
EB7887111A07E66F_## =
EB7D5723A9C4E2D9_## = Your current Credibility Score is <color=#55f26c>{0}</color>.
<color=#62b7ff>Reach a score of |1| to receive a weekly Credibility Score Reward
EB8066F3EAE0DD9C_## = Trial Card: Try out Zuka's skin: Principanda for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
EB80C63F6A61EC2D_## = Fiery
EB821D9222F6BDF0_## =
EB865021EF85ABF0_## =
EB87EB1D8C493975_## =
EB88F34BD3607739_## = Nạp Quân Huy trong thời gian chỉ định để có cơ hội nhận
được tướng Raz miễn phí!
EB89F4628E3FFF13_## = Trial Card: Try out Lauriel's skin: Phoenix for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
EB8DB64BFF04B0C2_## = Cooldown
EB8E9108FDD97A8B_## = The Killing Joke
EB903BE917139A9A_## = I: Chỉ 7 Quân Huy! Cơ hội nhận trang phục vĩnh viễn Teen nữ
công nghệ và thẻ thử hàng loạt các trang phục HOT nhất Liên Quân!
EB946836BD7E5B06_## = Thane
EB95BB363838161D_## =
EB9926E31CAC01F5_## =
EB9E3A1EC4EB3D3E_## = The Chi
eba46425aa077441 = No current ranking. Fight hard!
EBA991D6F4593A40_## =
EBAA7E1BCB03ED8B_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đón Xuân mới - Khuyến mãi nạp thẻ mỗi
ngày! của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
EBAAA81DD60D1408_## = That all you got?
EBABDA7B31EF72C7_## = Cresht's lance swings grant Rage, knock back surrounding
heroes and deal {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical
damage</color>. Under Metamorphosis, Cresht summons a geyser that deals {2}
<color=#f18d00>(+{3})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>.
EBB9506E6BA9091B_## =
EBBB7D05320F3E18_## = Verdant
EBBE25B293199FC4_## = Nakroth skin: Cybercore Level 4
EBBFFFF237A45522_## = Not Available
ebc2999ca4c39c40 = League battle request
EBC36A74CB956D73_## =
EBC576333C847F65_## =
ebc6a804ab6e55df = ebc6a804ab6e55df_##
EBC823BB460F5D5F_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
EBCF3399452A0249_## = Thu thập Bánh Chưng và Đầu lân để đổi thưởng Tết mỗi ngày
EBCFD04A8194E066_## = Violet
EBD09A745CE05C50_## = 本週活動精選
EBD3231D18238C58_## = Long Range
EBD39D22701E78FE_## = Trial Card: Try out TeeMee for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this hero.
EBD4A57D5EA127F8_## =
EBD5693F9051AB4D_## = Ice Queen
EBDA470445E2D2F2_## = Trial Card: Try out Zill's skin: Inferno for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
EBE261F4F4A6144D_## = Hang on, I'm on my way!
EBE4AC39574E131D_## = Base Damage
EBE5D61FF11C3FE1_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Batman)
EBE5E0CE7DFB345B_## =
EBE60005D863B0B4_## =
ebea4d64413335a = ebea4d64413335a_##
EBEB4876BB75DF5D_## = Dreadwyrm
EBEB5EBB0B8CBF23_## = The Joker reloads his clips with enhanced bullets once he
exits a fight. Use these enhanced attacks wisely to deal additional damage at key
moments. Increase the hit rate of The Killing Joke by hitting enemies with Punch
Line first to reduce their movement speed.
EBED25C8ECEE9265_## = Congratulations, you are now one step closer to becoming a
true hero!
EBEDC90253E43163_## =
EBEEC33241382E75_## =
EBF149A8365BB456_## = Bao lì xì xuân Đinh Dậu, dùng để đổi lấy các phần thưởng vô
cùng thú vị. Nào ta cùng chiến Liên Quân Mobile nhận bao lì xì!
EBF397B14477CDA8_## = Thành phố Cần Thơ
EBF3C48CEA0E3C1A_## = 7 日累積簽到
EBFA809C773B109D_## = Đấu trường Huyền thoại
EC010198573AFDD5_## =
EC0371C1C8D017A3_## = Ryoma
EC06CAECF3FA2894_## =
EC06F75EEFD631AE_## = 本週活動精選
EC10DE79499EB929_## =
ec12b657f4d02073 = Total Arcana Lvl
EC154DF86900DEE0_## =
EC158F3A0A3642AC_## =
EC159B46006E7756_## =
EC16B032A2E93A78_## =
EC17A801ECE49304_## = You've leveled up! Tap the <color=#f6bf17ff>"+"</color>
button next to your second ability to learn <color=#f6bf17ff>Curse of
EC1889E59DE06E9E_## = Summer Bash
EC1987430897876F_## =
EC1B926356D7929A_## =
EC1EEFBC68F8B13D_## = (Higher mobility - Lower damage output)
EC24DE12872B8899_## =
EC24F20BFF8FC075_## = Trial Card: Try out Kahlii for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
EC2F3C5E6107E1B8_## =
ec31f993a1a3bc00 = ec31f993a1a3bc00_##
EC365681C6B69EFD_## = True Damage
EC375F24098C4296_## = Tỉnh Hà Tĩnh
EC376DEA9B1F568A_## =
EC3971ABB0B7AB54_## = Trial Card: Try out Zanis' skin: Infinite Courage for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
EC3C647B771A24CB_## = Trial Card: Try out Slimz's skin: Demolition
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
ec41ac978c8c7183 = Remove
EC44A9C911FB019F_## =
EC458E2962E52C49_## = Guild Bonus
EC46112D3E009050_## = Trial Card: Try out Cresht's skin: Sharkover
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
EC469118F8E68BE1_## =
EC474DA776EB073E_## =
EC4D7D5EE1D402D9_## = Chuẩn bị đón Tết (Đấu thường)
EC4F130B1D7EC44A_## = Please open the Settings screen.
EC52E381D66BEB4D_## = Taara
EC5334A95E65552C_## = A gladiator to respect!
EC54C53C6B0B1076_## = Hellbat
EC54FE0610E90EBB_## = Original
EC5A5BE7A979C8FA_## =
EC5DB48C2DAEC7A1_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
EC69E97B6EFEC8DC_## =
EC6A8F89727B9368_## = Papillon
EC6D5C8B294A5F45_## = EXP
EC6F463695A10985_## = Long Range
EC7692A537C0CFBA_## = Original
EC8046871B400E28_## = Săn mục tiêu lớn
EC85C10FE6E365AD_## =
EC86789D683EB961_## =
EC8703A5F0CDA7C0_## = Ghost the battle and return to the altar
EC873F771CE29C81_## =
EC8CB7FEDE1EAA90_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
EC8FBCF3F0376D16_## =
EC914E217105C20A_## = Cooldown
EC9514449F8FFE28_## =
EC96FA84B7C121C8_## = Original
EC975F58E61A2291_## = Unknown
EC999C4D2066925A_## = Butterfly
EC9A079CFBBF27DC_## = Trial Card: Try out Tel'Annas for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color>
day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
EC9A82555C482147_## = Xeniel
ec9f8dc25ee78537 = Return
ECA36A303307DE75_## = Level 13 Chest
ECAAC31E175D5FF5_## =
ECB1D036B4C94C98_## = Emerald
ECB5C25297073732_## =
ECB5F0F1668786C0_## = Original
ECB602A05E0BDADD_## =
ECB71C18B3C77F18_## = 7 日累積簽到
ECB7EE8D39E9F51F_## =
ECBB7B64F0EB1F0A_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK để nhận ruby miễn phí (Đấu
ECBD16499C132C4E_## = Getting Stronger
ECBD1ECD0260E2FC_## =
ECBD4B6279C37B1C_## = Catch me if you can!
ECC3B5C8509E31E2_## = Dynamic electronic sound effects
ECC4B4376754BE8A_## =
ECC79AEB9A4EB4D7_## =
ECC83EF60A3EF19D_## =
ECC90AF5C74AEA2D_## =
ECCAEAE61ABD92DC_## = Long Range
ECCCFC4FAFF199A3_## = Unknown
ECCE778B7580F21D_## = The Plague Wyvern boosts Preyta's movement speed.
ECCEE97F67613C9F_## =
ECCF28D4DEF73D6B_## = Omega
ECCF2B932599C4B4_## = Lethal Rays
ECD00C7AE3C6FBF4_## =
ECD037A92218252E_## = Base Damage
ECD1104019EE5C4E_## =
ECD2D796AD392119_## =
ECD35114248E3DBE_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Chiến thắng)
ecd9c6690bf6fd53 = ecd9c6690bf6fd53_##
ECDAA7237C0BC0FC_## =
ECDE06EF6E171A0C_## = Dấu hiệu Siêu nhân
ECE14F2519289920_## =
ECE29795090E4C7E_## =
ECE6B747C7AC44E1_## = Level 15 Chest
ECE7C5D7ABCADF9B_## = Sekhmet
ECE7D4394DE46837_## = 参与 5V5
ECE8985767AA48C7_## =
ECEBA42EB5B8CC11_## = Đấu trường đỉnh cao
ECED6694F060FBEF_## = The love of a lifetime.
ECF1BE7EEB79BE1F_## = Arduin
ECF211FE461D8E9F_## =
ECF5182D7D3241C4_## = Structure
ECF7B5E5AC132D20_## =
ECF915E446485857_## = Trial Card: Try out Slimz's skin: Lunar Bunny
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
ECFC5CF0F00B4D48_## = Trial Card: Try out Lu Bu's skin: Summer Bash for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
ED054B265226E7F9_## =
ED076216CE5AFCD7_## =
ED0E0A0743CD725B_## = Guild creation failed.
ED131ABA52B16187_## = (Boosts allies' performance)
ED1449E9E018E4E0_## =
ED1BED77229636CE_## =
ED1BF425630F22FF_## = 签到图片
ED23EF4D2F857E84_## = Đây là phần thưởng Săn mục tiêu lớn của bạn, xin mời kiểm
ED25038E6E4CDE1E_## = Base Damage
ED27D2BC07A72A5E_## = 参与 5V5
ED285E68D3692393_## = Deals double hook damage
ED288609B3A2DBA1_## = Unique Passive - Burn: Deals 50 (+2 per level) magic damage
to nearby enemies every second (deals double damage to minions and monsters).
ED298048FC5EFA94_## = Mage
ED2993BDAC67CA94_## = Lauriel
ED2AF1B796B346DB_## = Trial Card: Try out Zanis' skin: Blood Knight for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
ED2C37960CEEDEBA_## = That all you got?
ED2D5162EA0EBF3D_## =
ED2F0644A8687C6A_## = Cooldown
ED30D145F6F95FA9_## =
ED3336C0B1A4C5E4_## =
ED37640D9FE4E332_## =
ED398D3CB4D6EC1C_## = Gói vàng 4
ED3FC414A4C24BF7_## =
ED423E581ED4D21D_## =
ED43F9B580332B22_## = Moren
ED4CA9B611B3F84A_## = Trial Card: Try out Kriknak for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
ED4D0A8A870D67F3_## =
ED4D6766BEC8E124_## =
ED4DC8809D8C78F6_## = Đây là phần thưởng Nạp Quân huy - Nhận xuân nữ của bạn, xin
mời kiểm tra!
ED511A0EA2CEEFF0_## =
ED54E50981822056_## =
ed5699a034f094c0 = Buy Gems
ED56EAFD3CCF7D40_## =
ED5859C434536604_## =
ED5CDAE8DDB6E95A_## = Chaugnar
ED5EFA981DD63AB8_## = Trial Card: Try out Mina for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
ED61335A37586800_## = Fight for the shogunate
ED625F3FD050A7F7_## = Voodoo
ED683C564575F1F5_## =
ED686F9F83C9A662_## = I'm the best hitman. Just ask anyone!
ED68829D0267D146_## =
ED6A8DE19A6057CF_## = "Tremble, for I am the Plague, the Avatar of
Pestilence."\n\nBorn from battle, Preyta lived to spread disease and pestilence.
During an ancient conflict between forgotten kingdoms, bodies began to pile high.
Without time for proper burials, the dead were rolled into a deep ravine to fester
and decay. \n\nPreyta was the soldier tasked with guarding this area. However, as
the corpse pile grew, the perpetual rot and festering corpses grew into something
more. Preyta's soul became infected, his mind warped and twisted until all that
remained was a servant of the plague. Empowered by the rot, a new creature was
born.\n\nAll living things were susceptible to the plague and Preyta knew just how
well and quickly it could spread in time of war. Bards told tales of battlefields
decimated by the purveyor of pestilence. He could appear anytime, on any
battlefield, and rain down a putrid virus capable of consuming all life.\n\nPreyta
could cause even the bravest of souls to cower in fear. Drawing powerful magic from
pestilence, he could obliterate any shred of willpower that his enemy could muster
before infecting them with a deadly pathogen. \n\n"He is the scourge, and he has
returned to this world."
ED6A917F26572D89_## = Unknown
ED6D5331C49BF823_## =
ED6E3D9A2D09104B_## = Chơi bản đồ 5v5 Miền đất hứa (Thường & Hạng) để nhận ruby
miễn phí
ED728CF109E958FD_## =
ED7389D318D4B3F4_## =
ED769596895367C3_## = Skud Value Pack
ED841E260A9FDFAE_## =
ed842c6114597e5a = Player 1
ED89843788B5CE5A_## = Royal Power
ED8CA2C9C2C547F6_## = Nakroth + Quân đoàn địa ngục
ED8E08D2130E67AA_## = Unknown
ED8E0B69E7593B5C_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
ED8EA83528C9CC05_## =
ED9033133ABD6266_## =
ED94BBDEE4966AFB_## =
ED9A3B971DE0DE4A_## =
ED9A63DB4BA64D55_## = Warrior
EDA1AB87C01C30DC_## = Unknown
EDA2FA4E0339E3EB_## = Flying duration
EDA6837FED8DFD8C_## = Snow Angel
EDADA71305BD4F90_## = 7 日累積簽到
EDB0E4399637E623_## = Return to the tower
EDB2210CAC6FF91A_## =
EDB92DA23838E535_## =
EDBE20D916F2E264_## =
EDC6161AE8BD818F_## =
edc7665e5e0f9ce4 = Day 3
EDC9E2CB6638D6B8_## = Attack Speed
EDD0541C35712D89_## = Zanis
EDD075090A27577D_## =
EDDC926F57BED8C9_## =
EDE6856F695115BB_## =
EDEA80742AA01F96_## = Diaochan
EDEB928760AAF891_## =
edec61e7e6f0ebf7 = Win Streak Rankings
EDEED8F8C14EF53F_## = Tiêu Quân Huy - nhận ưu đãi
edef22d61ecd3e9b = obsolete+edef22d61ecd3e9b
EDEF3E5096A116AC_## =
EDF4A6FBAF88C1C7_## = Trial Card: Try out Taara for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day.
You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
edf85586064b8f4a = OK
EDFB2BC1C30B81E2_## =
Editor_InputNum = Character limit:
EE03811E73425CDA_## =
EE048A68B39FBCB6_## =
EE097F3D85FEE11F_## =
ee0a4eb6c46a3db0 = ee0a4eb6c46a3db0_##
EE0FAA5DD52923F9_## =
ee0fac229b40b848 = ee0fac229b40b848_##
EE163AD35E628783_## =
EE1759933955E689_## = Thắng đấu hạng với Natalya {C}/{T} lần
EE193BC41F84856C_## = Unknown
EE1EBB22E5ACEC7D_## = Mời bạn bè cùng chơi để nhận thưởng sự kiện
ee234db6e19da7e3 = ee234db6e19da7e3_##
EE235B57E40603BB_## = [Movement Speed +30]
EE25D51E9B0B99AB_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
EE286961520C23BC_## =
EE2B83C24B7219D2_## = Snow Festival
EE2BCEEA473A5458_## = Săn mục tiêu lớn
EE33AA7422EF386D_## = Trial Card: Try out Ormarr for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color>
day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
EE37F4553E6DC4B8_## = Superman
EE3913014E9DCD4A_## =
EE3A7BCAAD3B0C17_## =
EE3FDF3B106DBA23_## = Tail Damage
EE420B72A85E8513_## = KM -35% combo Lindis
EE4BC53CEF7FE94E_## =
EE4D09D0EBFF21E4_## = Thu thập chìa khóa để kết hợp với Rương khóa bí ẩn và đổi
thưởng trong phần Sự kiện
EE50EBF919897E4D_## = 7 日累積簽到
EE561632F6A4D967_## =
EE595DDE0443B40B_## =
EE5D75BC867BAC1E_## =
EE5E33A9E61ECF00_## = Tăng 50% Exp Đấu Hạng 5v5
EE6498876731E58A_## =
EE681778F067AB41_## =
EE6B059C3FB14951_## = We need a Support!
EE6F3A1C42653E26_## =
EE7046F4EE8089F8_## =
EE7054551842BFAB_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường đỉnh cao của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
EE760B296C0475AB_## =
EE7671ECCE61B445_## =
EE78EAA326B4C5C0_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
EE7DCFE5B2392785_## = Every 3rd normal attack becomes a glaive with an additional
random effect and grants 1 stack of the Hunter buff, which increases 10% movement
speed for 2 seconds and stacks up to 5 times.
EE7E0DF3DE6FCEF8_## = Ilumia
EE836C77711854E5_## = Level 7 Chest
EE83FEAFCE53D80F_## = Trial Card: Try out Zuka's skin: Bodhi for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
EE8449E70A9AB1DE_## = [新英雄-Batman 登場] 愛不釋手
EE8A25FFF6367FEF_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nTướng vĩnh viễn
(Superman) / Ngọc cấp II/III ngẫu nhiên / Thẻ thử tướng Superman (1 ngày) / Mảnh
EE8A4F28C22A417F_## = Đăng nhập mỗi ngày để nhận quà tết từ Liên Quân
EE8B96E6A9D92674_## = Melee
EE8D276979D316BB_## = A kill or an assist resets the cooldowns for all of
Butterfly's abilities and restores 15% of her lost HP.
EE90BDA4ACE13DA3_## = Survivability, Sustained Damage
EE912D48E73A5A1C_## = Trial Card: Try out Murad's skin: Prep School
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
EE9160A9121C6ECB_## = 7 日累積簽到
EE933B0B27C0E58C_## =
EE93BB30FB8CB783_## = Gói KM tân thủ
EE94414795D1C213_## = Let's practice some jungling techniques!
EE967EC049354B02_## =
EE98A1F822F69B48_## = Dragoon
EE994C781E47BB8E_## = Lauriel
EE9B5093B6E50711_## = Trial Card: Try out Fennik's skin: Little Adventurer for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
EE9E6F2DC82DF9D1_## = Lindis
EEA6AF017C7DB9EE_## = Trang phục Omen: Quỷ kiếm dạ xoa
EEA6E054227F7C0C_## =
EEA740C22EB074ED_## =
EEA834E00B26CCE9_## =
EEA86DD1D4FEC8DF_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK {C}/{T}
EEA99C21905B540E_## = Cổ vũ đội tuyển ProArmy tại giải đấu quốc tế AIC. Có thể quy
đổi thành Rương may mắn AIC sau khi giải đấu kết thúc (dựa vào thành tích của đội)
EEAC24212E9E0BF2_## =
EEAD9F38B6F15A5F_## = Cooldown
EEADD708D180B468_## =
EEAEA6E7D6263896_## = Quy đổi ngọc tím cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
EEB0CD158FBE88F2_## =
EEB0FD3474343CFF_## = Blue Base
EEB85D4E1C46114C_## = Friend is not accepting any requests.
EEB8A6367FEC0F34_## =
EEBA9634032DF41D_## = Rương may mắn Nghệ nhân lân
EEBB7421411BE3E9_## =
EEBC053F967672AD_## = Drag the highlighted icon here to
<color=#f6bf17ff>cancel</color> the ability.
EEC27E4965576A5F_## = Lauriel
EEC56C357EE7C026_## = Nakroth
EEC64A454A28F079_## = Cooldown
EEC679D1DE63A2D7_## =
EEC772D13D7F482C_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
EEC7F568F145915D_## = Combo thử 1n
EEC9CEE76CC98C47_## =
EECAE74C9C4E5003_## =
EECC87C938939488_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Cresht để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
EED1DBC08C0C584C_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi để nhận ruby miễn phí
EED23838F4CC5338_## = Gore Lord:\nGrants immunity from all control effects.
EED2D53E868500DD_## =
EED86918A8A16869_## = Skud's skin: Linebacker
EEDA44FACA0BAD9A_## = 和好友对战送符文碎片
EEE18104B7B1E662_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
EEE3AC72560179E8_## = Quy đổi ngọc lục cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
EEE5C43AEFC0D18D_## =
EEE9D4194776F48C_## = Gold
EEED76258C671C18_## =
EEEEA80C849DB571_## = Storm Wraith
EEF0AF27AC9D10B1_## =
EEF310D2B55672B2_## = Trial Card: Try out Krixi's skin: Flowerchild
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
EEF352E18EE98550_## =
EEF6079A0D9EE4F1_## = Real Steel
EEF6A191C2DEAD98_## =
EEF81F23A78522D4_## =
EEF852B7AE1C2396_## = Teammate Penalty Notice
EEFF5C26152D05F0_## = Trial Card: Try out Chaugnar's skin: Imperium Guard for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
EF00184C46CBE36D_## = Ambush
EF059F80B29B228E_## = Bombshell
EF0C8E746DB48497_## =
EF0E99824A12E230_## = Original
EF0F14AD637832BC_## = Nạp tích lũy 90 Quân Huy, nhận quà ngay
EF11414222768FAB_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Murad {C}/{T} lần
EF16886752862ADD_## = You will obtain the following rewards for your good
sportsmanship last week:
ef17553220106a14 = Talents
EF18EB11B260D534_## =
EF1D8F34628D8D87_## =
EF1EBB450F1EFF30_## =
EF225DD3AC2BA4E1_## =
EF22BA89D49A4604_## = Come on, let's get familiar with the terrain of the
ef22bb7c7f46b10d = obsolete+ef22bb7c7f46b10d
ef250428ab53b99d = Casual Match
EF26647A77CD91E9_## = God of War
EF32C271D8CDE978_## =
EF33214ADAB76464_## = 签到图片
EF3357665EB684FC_## =
EF3470C0AD40DEC3_## =
EF35BE848E3E83E7_## =
EF36C90F7DF3EC9B_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
EF37CD9C2D70E9D2_## =
EF383081ED370E6B_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Cresht) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
EF387CE892E55A97_## =
EF39E45DFA6976AA_## = Ability power
EF3C7CF2C0E417D7_## =
EF3F69F9C58821D0_## = Passion
EF3FA1421598E807_## = Hercules' Madness Cooldown Timer
EF41CA82A93ACC2A_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 hạng mỗi ngày
EF4E7B465C5EF5E2_## = Defense
EF50ED569624BBA5_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
EF527953DFB2F8F1_## =
EF5AD03FA72FDE9B_## =
EF602D3B183A483E_## = Nạp Quân huy - Nhận Núi quà
EF603E31F8D87A64_## =
EF60DB5143A51E69_## =
EF610449C0DC3478_## = Propeller
ef615c27eb50c98e = +1000 Gold
EF625D636B9FCA84_## =
EF640CAC523A51FF_## = Nightmare
EF652D5CE5936973_## = Wonder Woman's Bracelets of Submission ability is effective
at controlling your enemies at the outset of a teamfight and then immediately
supporting your allies in the thick of it. Be sure to time its use carefully. Lasso
of Truth has different effects depending on your enemy's HP, be wary of timing when
you activate it.
EF65B514A9E52761_## = Cooldown
EF6939F1FE2F1B54_## = Mages inflict high amounts of damage and have lower defensive
attributes. They are best used in matches as damage dealers while teammates protect
EF6A97FCBD8808B4_## = Unknown
EF6B231E5BD3A734_## =
EF6B5375E4A01466_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Zill + trang phục
EF6DF349D3A5F85F_## =
EF7260DD1B49576F_## =
EF76BB41EAD2D4FC_## =
EF788F482EEB9B6F_## =
EF79CF3E524F4E45_## = What abilities would you like to use to protect allies? (3/3)
ef7b7c3930f7801c = ef7b7c3930f7801c_##
EF7DCC42FF2FA6D2_## = Attack speed increased
EF7DD8C95342B031_## = Wukong temporarily disappears and gains {0}% movement speed
for 1 second.
EF835561DC58A313_## = Real Steel
EF87D88953B05A9F_## =
EF91A5AE5769AB28_## =
EF95050D35C843C8_## =
EFA059724A34F04C_## =
EFA28424BF89CB1B_## =
EFA2E83504122610_## =
EFA3E36A611AFF8B_## =
EFA415990D7108ED_## = Zill's abilities place Marks of the Wind on their targets
when dealing damage. At 3 stacks, enemy movement speed is reduced by {0}% for 0.25
seconds. Marks will last for {1} seconds.\n\nWhen Zill's normal attacks deal damage
to targets with 3 marks, Wind Shift's cooldown is immediately refreshed, and the
targets take an additional {2} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{3})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
damage</color>.\n\nZill's normal attacks deal additional {4} <color=#8e91fd>magic
EFA4A8AAEAC5F447_## = <color=#ffb422>EXP and Gold for the whole team</color>
EFA78BC64B5D53BE_## =
EFA7AB038CC72E0E_## = Blue Ballista
EFA7B10C2F1C5086_## = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Make sure your team has one or
more support heroes. They can make or break a match for you.
EFACB975D4862850_## =
EFB8A375BD041C5E_## = Each normal attack reduces Spin cooldown by 1 second on hit.
EFBBA5388FCFE523_## = Thu thập 2 mảnh Chúc mừng năm mới và Mậu Tuất 2018 để đổi 2
trang phục miễn phí tùy chọn!
EFC1A56E9C2F2089_## =
EFC39E5164DD64B2_## = Tham gia sự kiện Tết gắn kết - Anh em chấp hết tại
sukien9.lienquan.garena.vn - Nhận Dấu ấn Tulen và đổi tướng miễn phí!
EFC503E2F72F2F98_## = 本週活動精選
EFC971363006F69C_## =
EFCAE15AF24B83B5_## = Trial Card: Try out Nakroth's skin: Cybercore for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> day. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
efcb5fd28a10c206 = 1 Player
EFCD9BD4547FCDAA_## = After learning this ability, Kil'Groth's 3rd normal attack
will deal an additional {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
damage</color>.\n\nWhen the ability is activated, every normal attack in the next
{2} seconds also deals the same additional <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>. For
each target Kil'Groth hits, his HP restores by {3} <color=#f18d00>(+{4})</color>.
Kil'Groth can hit more than 3 enemies, but will only restore HP up to 3 times per
attack. HP also restores by {6}% when Kil'Groth's HP is less than {5}%.
EFCF7D16E1EC6C11_## = Arum
EFCF8B62575092C1_## =
EFD44D273AAB4BB3_## = Mage giftbag
EFD5B67189609ED9_## = Xeniel
EFD716DDA90CE1AE_## = Toro Chest
EFD75E40AE19F835_## = Support
efd8711749d53353 = Buy now
EFDC9248A175014A_## =
EFDFCEF976FBCA7A_## = Infinite Courage
EFE268A3C77FCBF1_## = Unknown
EFE3A56884212379_## =
efe414dde44b0f7c = efe414dde44b0f7c_##
EFE433105A53BF89_## = Trial Card: Try out Wukong's skin: Embers for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
EFE4AAB1F1A43B04_## =
EFE70BB2DDF7280B_## = Trial Card: Try out Zuka's skin: Dragon Master for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
EFE88EF9FBDF6488_## = Level 4 Chest
EFE9641453D0358F_## = Trial Card: Try out Airi's skin: Viper for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this skin.
EFED3E5E9B785A71_## = Tap here to attack a nearby<color=#f6bf17ff> enemy</color>
with the lowest HP first.
EFED9C6483BD1A91_## = Cơ hội sở hữu Murad và trang phục MTP Thần tượng học đừng
cực HOT chỉ với 15 Quân Huy
EFF5FE26F440C75E_## = Trial Card: Try out Aleister's skin: Triumphant for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
EFF60641FDBF9CF9_## =
EFF8F039F6C9AE17_## =
EFFA0717EE5BEDE4_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
EFFA559BADF136D5_## =
EFFC2C6E2825450B_## = Trial Card: Try out Peura's skin: Verdant
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
EFFD27B4548B63A8_## =
EN_Standard_Global = English
EN_Standard_US = English
EN_Tencent_EU = English
EN_Tencent_US = English
Enable_Member_Voice = Player unmuted.
Enchantpt_Count = Enchantpt_Count_##
enRankDateType_Daily = Daily Rankings
enRankDateType_Season = Seasonal Rankings
enRankDateType_Team = Guild Season Rankings
Enter_Room_Different_Device = Your OS is incompatible with the invited friend's, it
has to be the same for you to enter the Game.
Enter_Room_Different_Platform = Your log-in platform is inconsistent with the
friend's you want to share with.
Enter_Room_InBattle = You are already in a Game
Enter_Room_Level_Limit = Gain level {0} to accept friend invitations.
EnterAdvanceGuide = EnterAdvanceGuide_##
EnterMode_Notice = Enter {0}?
EnterMode_RankMode = Solo Ranking
Equip_CommonTipsFormat = <size=22><color=orange>{0}</color></size>\n\n{1}
Equip_EquipTreeBtn = Item Tree
Equip_Item_PackUpBtn = Hide
Equip_plan_used = In use
Equip_selection = Equipment
Equip_Usage_Defence = Defense
Equip_Usage_Jungle = Jungling
Equip_Usage_MagicAttack = Magic
Equip_Usage_Move = Movement
Equip_Usage_PhyAttack = Attack
Equip_Usage_Recommend = Recommended
EquipPlan_plans = Suggested
EquipPlan_Popularplans_rewarning = Not available yet.
EquipPlan_Pros_rewarning = Not available yet.
EquipPlan_Prosdescribe = Class
EquipPlan_Prosplayer = Player
EquipPlan_Rank = Ranking
EquipPlan_systemRcmd_rewarning = Not available yet.
EquipPlan_WinMatches = Matches Won: {0}
EquipPlan_WinRate = Win Rate: {0}%
EquipPlanEdit_Popular = Popular
EquipPlanEdit_Pros = Pro
EquipPlanEdit_revert = Reset
EquipPlanEdit_select = Set as default
EquipPlanEdit_systemRcmd = Suggested
Err_Account_Leave = Player withdrew.
ERR_APOLLOPAY_FAST = Payment system busy, please try again later.
Err_Buy_Hero_ForbidCoin = This hero cannot be purchased with Gold.
Err_Buy_Hero_ForbidDiamond = Hero cannot be purchased with Gems!
Err_Buy_Hero_ForbidDianQuan = This hero cannot be purchased with Vouchers.
Err_Buy_Hero_NoCoin = Not enough gold.
Err_Buy_Hero_NoDianQuan = Not enough vouchers
Err_Buy_Hero_Time_Error = The hero is not on sale this session
ERR_CHANGING_LANGUAGE_Tips = Changing languages, please wait…
Err_Common_Pay_Couple_Network_Error = Expired
Err_Common_Pay_Couple_Param_Error = Error
Err_Common_Pay_Couple_Provide_Error = Loading…
Err_Common_Pay_Couple_Unknown_Error = Redeeming failed.
Err_Common_Pay_Failed = Payment failed, please try again.
Err_Common_Pay_Network_Error = Payment has timed out.
Err_Common_Pay_Param_Error = Payment error.
Err_Common_Pay_Provide_Error = Loading…
Err_Common_Pay_Risk_Hit_1139 = Vouchers cannot be credited as it is suspected that
you have purchased them through a third party platform. Please settle with the
third party. For inquiries, please submit an appeal in accordance with the
guidelines on the official forum.
Err_Common_Pay_Risk_Hit_1140 = The account is suspected of topping up though a
third party. You cannot log in as your account has been suspended. Please, settle
with the third party. For inquiries, please, submit an appeal in accordance with
the guidelines on the official forum.
Err_Common_Pay_Risk_Hit_1141 = The account is suspected of topping up though a
third party. You cannot log in as your account has been suspended. Please, settle
with the third party. For inquiries, please, submit an appeal in accordance with
the guidelines on the official forum.
Err_Common_Pay_Subscribe_Network_Error = Subscription expired.
Err_Common_Pay_Subscribe_Param_Error = Subscription error.
Err_Common_Pay_Subscribe_Provide_Error = Loading…
Err_Common_Pay_Subscribe_Unknown_Error = Subscription failed.
Err_Common_Pay_Subscribe_User_Canceled = Subscription canceled.
Err_Common_Pay_Unknown_Error = Payment failed.
Err_Common_Pay_User_Canceled = Purchase canceled.
Err_ENTERTAINMENT_Lock = Function has not been unlocked.
Err_ExchangeInvalidHero = Hero not available
ERR_Freehero_Expire = Hero has expired.
Err_Game_Abort = The game has stopped due to an error. Please restart the game.
Err_Game_Already_Start = Game has already started.
Err_Game_Ready_Error = Game verification failed.
ERR_InBattleMsg_CD = Signal is in cooldown, please try again later.
ERR_InBattleMsg_Input_Off = Chat is currently switched off.
Err_Invalid_Param = Configuration error.
Err_Invite_Result_1 = Sorry, you cannot team up with this player because your ranks
are more than two tiers apart.
Err_Invite_Result_2 = Err_Invite_Result_2_##
Err_Invite_Result_3 = A teammate has quit. Please enter the matchmaking queue
Err_Invite_Result_4 = Your Friend does not have access to Ranked Matches yet!
Err_Invite_Result_5 = Rounding up for your friend's Ranked Match results!
Err_Invite_Result_6 = obsolete+fcc9d13fdb4b5fbc
Err_Join_Litmi_Rank_Failed = Ranked Match currently closed
Err_Leave_Team_Failed = An error occurred when you tried to leave the team.
Err_Lottery_Bag = The backpack is full!
Err_Lottery_Max = Err_Lottery_Max_##
Err_Lottery_Other = Other errors!
Err_Lottery_Resource = Resource restrictions
Err_Mystery_Shop_Account_Not_Found = Empty account.
Err_Mystery_Shop_Buy_Limit = You have reached the purchase limit in the Mystery
Err_Mystery_Shop_Discount_Not_Found = No discounts found.
Err_Mystery_Shop_Invalid_Shop = Invalid shop.
Err_Mystery_Shop_Not_Close = Items cannot be purchased.
Err_Mystery_Shop_Not_Open = Shop not activated.
Err_Mystery_Shop_Product_Limit_Buy = The purchase limit for the item has been
Err_Mystery_Shop_Product_Not_Found = Items not available in shop.
Err_Newbie_Discount_Timeout = oobsolete+7d3c4e1aff26c85d
Err_NM_Cancel = Match not accepted. You have been returned to the Main Menu.
Err_NM_Othercancel = A player did not accept the match. You have been returned to
the matchmaking queue.
Err_NM_Otherexit = A player has quit. You have re-entered the matchmaking queue.
Err_NM_Teamcancel = Your teammates did not accept the match. You have been returned
to the Main Menu.
Err_NM_Teamexit = Your teammate has quit, you will be returned to the Main Menu.
Err_No_Privilege = Not authorized.
Err_Oper_Failed = Please re-login and try again.
Err_Player_Info_Honor_Use_Not_Have = Err_Player_Info_Honor_Use_Not_Have_##
ERR_PVP_ROOM_LOCAL_COMPETE_CONFLICT = You are not on the same server as the Lobby.
Please change server and try again.
Err_Quit_Single_Game = Error: you left while choosing heroes. Please, restart the
Err_Recommend_Recommend_Dup = You have already purchased this item.
Err_Recommend_Recommend_Exchange_Coupons_Err =
Err_Recommend_Recommend_Exchange_Coupons_Invalid =
Err_Recommend_Recommend_Failed = Purchase failed, please try again.
Err_Recommend_Recommend_ID = Invalid request.
Err_Recommend_Recommend_Money = Not enough currency.
Err_Recommend_Recommend_Out_Date = The item is no longer available.
Err_Recommend_Recommend_Pay = Invalid payment option.
Err_Recommend_Recommend_Sys = Server error, please try again later.
Err_Recommend_Roulette_ID = Invalid request.
Err_Recommend_Roulette_Money = Purchase failed.
Err_Recommend_Roulette_No_Data = No rewards at the moment, please try again.
Err_Recommend_Roulette_Out_Date = Rewards have been refreshed.
Err_Recommend_Roulette_Server = Server error, please try again later.
ERR_RECONNLOGICWORLDIDINVALID_Tips = An error has occurred. Please log in again.
Err_Resource_Limit = Resource restrictions
Err_Room_Ban_Pick_Hero_Limit = You need at least 12 heroes to join this mode
Err_Room_Ban_Pick_Hero_Limit_Accept = This player has less than 12 heroes
Err_Room_Ban_Pick_Limit = You need 10 players to start the game!
Err_Room_Inbantime_Lock = PvP not allowed.
Err_Room_Limit_Lock = Function is still locked.
Err_Room_Member_Full = Lobby is full.
Err_Room_Not_Found = Lobby no longer exists.
Err_Room_Timeout = Lobby has expired. Disbanding lobby...
Err_Roulette_Extern_Drawed = Rewards already received.
Err_Roulette_Extern_No_Reach = Not qualified for rewards.
Err_Roulette_Extern_Period_Index_Invalid = Data error.
Err_Roulette_Extern_Reward_Id = Information loading error. Please try again.
Err_Roulette_Lottery_Cnt_Invalid = Incorrect purchase numbers.
Err_Roulette_Money_Not_Enough = Not enough gold.
Err_Roulette_Money_Type_Invalid = Gold type error.
Err_Roulette_Other_Err = An error has occurred. Please try again later.
Err_Roulette_Pay_Failed = Payment failed.
Err_Roulette_Pay_Time_Out = Payment has timed out.
Err_Sweep_AP = Err_Sweep_AP_##
Err_Sweep_DianQuan = Not enough vouchers
Err_Sweep_Other = Other error.
Err_Sweep_Star = Err_Sweep_Star_##
Err_Sweep_Ticket = Err_Sweep_Ticket_##
Err_Sweep_VIP = Err_Sweep_VIP_##
Err_Team_Destory = Team disbanded.
Err_Team_Member_Full = Team is full.
Err_Version_Different = Invitation failed. You and your friend have different
Err_Version_Higher = Invitation failed. You and your friend have different
Err_Version_Lower = Invitation failed. You and your friend have different versions.
Error_JoinRoom_Credit_Value_Low = Unable to join match because your Credibility
Score is too low.
Exchange_Btn = Redeem
Exchange_Btn_Crystal = Redeem
Exchange_Error = Redeeming failed.
Exchange_ItemCount = <color=#00ff00>{0}</color>/{1}
Exchange_ItemNotEnoughCount = <color=#ff0000>{0}</color>/{1}
Exchange_TimeLimit = Redeem limit {0}/{1}
ExchangePurpose_Exchange = Redeem
ExchangeType_Crystal_Exchange_Coupons = Redeem
ExchangeType_Crystal_Exchange_Tab = Crystals
ExchangeType_Hero_Exchange_Coupons = Hero Tokens
ExchangeType_NotSupport = Currency type is not supported.
ExchangeType_Skin_Exchange_Coupons = Skin Tokens
ExpCard_AlreadyHaveHero = Hero already obtained, you don't have to purchase a Trial
ExpCard_AlreadyHaveSkin = Skin already obtained, you don't have to purchase a Trial
ExpCard_ExpTime = Trial Period
ExpCard_ExtendDays = {0} Trial period extended by {1} [/1:$(day|days)/]
ExpCard_ExtendHours = {0} trial period extended by {1} hour(s)
ExpCard_Hero_ExpTime = Hero Trial
ExpCard_Hero_Text = Hero
ExpCard_HeroNoUse = No available Heroes
ExpCard_In_Experience = On Trial
ExpCard_NewHeroOrSkin_ExpTime = Trial period<color=yellow> {0} [/0:$(day|
ExpCard_NewHeroOrSkin_ExpTime_Hours = Trial period<color=yellow> {0} [/0:$(hour|
ExpCard_Skin_ExpTime = Skin Trial
ExpCard_Skin_Text = Skin
ExpCard_Use = Do you want to use the {0} Trial Card now?
ExpCardError_HeroForbit = This hero is currently not available
ExpCardError_HeroOwn = You already have a permanent hero.
ExpCardError_HeroSkinForbit = This skin is currently not available
ExpCardError_InsertHero = obsolete+07bc5a66e707c213
ExpCardError_InsertSkin = Skin Trial limit exceeded.
ExpCardError_Other = An error has occurred.
ExpCardError_SkinOwn = You already have a Skin.
Experience = EXP
ExpGiftBuySuccessCancel = No
ExpGiftBuySuccessConfirm = Yes
ExpGiftBuySuccessTip = Do you want to test some of the trial heroes now?
ExpGiftIntroduce1 = Try out the following {0} heroes and {1} skins for {2} days.
ExpGiftIntroduce2 = Trial heroes can be used in Casual Matches
Explore_Common_Type_1 = Explore_Common_Type_1_##
Explore_Common_Type_2 = Explore_Common_Type_2_##
Explore_Common_Type_3 = Explore_Common_Type_3_##
Extra_Res_Update_Download_ErrBox_Content = An error occurred. Please restart the
game and try again.
Extra_Res_Update_Download_Error = Download Error
Extra_Res_Update_Download_MsgBox_Content = You are using mobile data. WiFi is
recommended. Continue with download?
Extra_Res_Update_Download_MsgBox_Pause = Pause
Extra_Res_Update_Download_MsgBox_Resume = Continue
Extra_Res_Update_Download_Pause = Pause
Extra_Res_Update_Download_Resume = Continue
Extra_Res_Update_Download_Retry = Retry
Extra_Res_Update_Download_Speed = {0}<color=#828282>{1}</color>
Extra_Res_Update_Download_Tips_Content = Downloading animated resources right now.
Please switch to WiFi if possible.
Extra_Res_Update_Download_Tips_Title = Download
Extra_Res_Update_Download_TotalSize = Total: {0}
F00208955485E30E_## = Tỉnh Khánh Hoà
F007FF190ECE4A55_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
F00831267BE0491E_## =
F00A4989366DEA43_## =
F011F856C68C2D08_## = Trial Card: Try out Ilumia's skin: Ice Queen for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
F014552B8E105F32_## = Tỉnh Tiền Giang
F014A9DF90C61010_## = Unknown
F017C21AF4E9D49B_## =
F018D0C9634BCFEC_## = Warrior
F018F6D33124F825_## = Ice Queen
F01EA41B929B298C_## =
F01F4FC28678EE54_## =
F0219D130D705633_## =
F0221A24001111A7_## = Gói KM 20% Moren & Skin
F02BE621F923B183_## = Flying Spear
F02EDE3EB20E4953_## = Open it for a chance to get Kil'Groth, the Carapace skin or
other items.
F03765DE659D1415_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
F0393D9D38DB1FFE_## = Original
F03B327E8C80A0B4_## = Đây là phần thưởng Nạp quân huy - Nhận trang phục miễn phí!
của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
F03E1054C982395B_## =
F03EBF9B5251A690_## = Combo Tình nhân
F04367FCD1482D8F_## =
F044F9CBCA7F0680_## = Thắng đấu hạng với Điêu Thuyền {C}/{T} lần
F04646746DC470A6_## = Gildur charges forward, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#7FFFD4>(+{2})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical
damage</color> to enemies in his path. His next normal attack becomes Midas Touch.
F049887CB7B22223_## = Thorn of Time
F049CDC7EAB0D487_## =
F04B82048994123E_## =
F04BC587FA348F3D_## = Count
F050834FF17C3652_## =
F0527C160CB1D336_## = 消费点券活动
F0533F71A198B83A_## = Cooldown
F0539E597E66BB4F_## = Nakroth
F056602E03FC820D_## = Unknown
F057CD83CD5DB07B_## = I'll be a Support!
F05BF1CC3D0155A6_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Chơi game)
F06018EC1B5DDF2D_## =
F06318B0CFD093CA_## = Đổi quà tình nhân
F064AA8F48B91823_## =
F0724952C8566346_## = Ilumia
F073FAAD8F14D4F7_## = 本週活動精選
F0768235BDB060D8_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
F078372DDBEE057F_## = Red Ballista
F081CE0CBE23AD25_## =
F0831897F0BD9CA9_## =
F0849F065705BC88_## = 参与 5V5
F0883DC35A354936_## =
F08991526405EA81_## =
F089FA08EF97E4AB_## =
F08A87BB6E6B3174_## =
F08EBEB89903BC58_## = Mở để có cơ hội sở hữu các tất cả các trang phục từng ra
mắt của Violet (kể cả giới hạn)
F0938BFE7E997482_## = Fright Circus
F096913831212C21_## =
F0976E08C3CFFB09_## = Base Damage
F09801D833E92A62_## = Persistence leads to success!
f09805e72f40316a = Please select
F09A8A7DF9728C95_## = Unknown
f09be31686537385 = Create
F09CBA3EC0FC1DED_## = Original
F09F45000F9F00A4_## = Long Range
F09FAA331C3792D0_## =
F0A113895BE804D2_## = Prom King
F0A3F1B2B3E54911_## =
F0A50C55FAB0C747_## = Blue Base
F0A695EC7912B8D3_## =
F0A6FACD530109D0_## = 7 日累積簽到
F0A8AED63B68C9B3_## =
F0AE483890EBE600_## =
F0B4BE46786FDFB2_## =
F0B50C0FBF1CB068_## = Every 3rd normal attack becomes a glaive with an additional
random effect and grants 1 stack of the Hunter buff, which increases 10% movement
speed for 2 seconds and stacks up to 5 times.
F0B9EB0D0A58D349_## =
F0C7FFF7931F05DF_## = Death's Flurry
f0c903245124c134 = Ranking
F0CC3495077F922E_## = Original
F0D3DFDA360CE374_## =
F0D81149C933D33E_## = 妇女节挑战活动
F0D9DE1D7999FF8F_## =
F0DC78FA717D48F3_## =
F0DE2DE28E817C1F_## = Life Steal +1.6%
F0DE95259443F085_## = Đấu thường 5v5, nhận quà chúc mừng VN lên ngôi Á Quân tại
giải U23 Châu Á
F0E01C580A8807E7_## =
F0E6759D665B2355_## = Mina
F0E7B80058DD74A3_## = Follow me!
F0EC7838A46F2C00_## = Network unstable, please try again later.
F0EF41C7F123057C_## =
F0F166F637309127_## = Pre-register reward
F0FE04D33482708E_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
F0FE4B8CAEA7A6DD_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
F0FE7257327C267F_## =
F0FFFC8207C1F649_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Tím)
F1019981C20CD755_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi để nhận ruby miễn phí
F10258716102C52D_## = Cresht
F103E5E271B8F736_## = Hell Spout
F10937D9B701B513_## =
F10CD99B422DB5B4_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Lục)
F10D18EF7F1B0756_## = Wonder Woman throws her Lasso of Truth around an enemy. If
the enemy's HP is greater than 50% of their maximum HP, then Wonder Woman will be
pulled towards them, dealing {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color>
<color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>. If the enemy's HP is less than or equal to
50% of their maximum HP, then Wonder Woman will pull them towards her, dealing {2}
<color=#f18d00>(+{3})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>. If Wonder
Woman hits an enemy with this ability, the cooldown will be reduced by 3 seconds.
Targets hit are stunned for a short period of time.
F1109ACE72E3F5C5_## = Nhận ngẫu nhiên 41 đến 50 Mảnh trang phục
F116BB02A69220E8_## = Unknown
F118860056E8B8EF_## =
F11EC680CDE28177_## = +50% Exp Năm mới
F1201134CB695B0A_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
F1218DF440C926F6_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
f1219da3f5cc4d96 = f1219da3f5cc4d96_##
F12211A1FFB7F380_## =
F1225848B0BE0E4E_## =
F122E49F4C301492_## =
F1242473B5EC3D89_## =
F1265E851F5788C2_## =
F12A0509F848A72A_## =
f12e15ed104f90 = f12e15ed104f90_##
F12F3085FB1DDBC6_## = Mina
F12F370DB2F7D246_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Ignis) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
F13088DDD5E4271F_## = Mana +300
F131CC5C0AEF54DF_## = Heartbreaker
F13306200D19D255_## =
F13312FDAF467B0D_## =
F135359FB0D3508D_## =
F136B849088A53BB_## =
F137BAC60131981D_## =
F13A2C6E397B2026_## = Azzen'Ka
F13B3B627DA00BE3_## =
F13DCAAEF1186003_## = Unknown
F13E93E456E0CCC6_## =
F14783CC125C14ED_## =
F14882CA538C7CD3_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
F149B19241234924_## =
F14D2A8FC030647B_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Chơi game)
F14D51157C01AB54_## =
F14FFD4967025B7A_## = Unlock ranking<color=#f6bf17> Beginner</color> profile frame
F153C3A6A44D0985_## =
F156305DF4064BC4_## =
F158346A0F3FE66B_## = Virtue's Necklace
F1594092A4F450C7_## =
F159B78DA645546D_## = Toro
F15B7C80F0EB2987_## =
F15C05AEE2844748_## = Hear the roar of the firestorm!
F1634D05D98EC5F1_## = Tết đến rồi! (Đấu thường)
F16479E8FC2EBFCD_## =
F165AFC8CB6BE200_## = Ryoma
f166c32286bb1d5b = Mana Regeneration:
F167018B48CC4BA4_## =
F16D42DC9FF7673B_## = Jinnar
F16D6E3C80B85AD2_## =
F1748F2949FB848A_## = 本週活動精選
F175EB57C2AECB58_## =
F177CC526A1A4ECB_## =
F17996C64A2AB7B9_## =
F17DB2EA3BFC8320_## =
F1824379E9ECC827_## = Lindis
F1832898ED3FE695_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
F183F377A478A4EA_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Đỏ)
F18F286FEA8FA3F2_## = Cresht
F192499E026CB7F4_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
F1989CE9A87AE578_## =
F19A8EAFF64C6AD6_## =
F19D786BE87496BD_## =
F19E70146D68DDF4_## =
F19FCBEF9B332997_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
F1A16B0D5A09FB70_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
F1A238B54D3078F9_## = Max
F1A569F4A3B139E9_## = Pay attention to positioning.
F1A7831AEBE202F1_## = Sharpshooter
F1A9B52BBD3E4011_## =
F1AD8EEA46872E2F_## =
F1AFADA20827018F_## = Đây là phần thưởng Săn mục tiêu lớn của bạn, xin mời kiểm
F1B1D4E21FFD25BF_## =
F1B2E4C0EC1874FB_## = Long Range
F1B2FC9311F40C40_## = Slimz
F1B6F05CA3412F23_## =
F1B759AA6C91FC47_## =
F1BAB2EC7CFF2604_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
F1BB9647078292ED_## = A<color=#f6bf17ff> task is completed</color>!
F1BB9BE074456712_## =
F1BE04975CC4463A_## =
F1C007FA6EA3CFC6_## =
F1C2070C46FB14FD_## =
F1C639D910DDE89E_## = Violet
F1C96F34B532884D_## = Gildur
F1CB249203C8D951_## = Don
F1CB26645062EA6F_## = Trial Card: Try out Fennik's skin: Propeller for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
F1CD3A9039D5C9B5_## = Unknown
F1D0A9C121668577_## =
F1D0F3ACBBC881D0_## =
F1D3107BEEA6D9E6_## =
F1D4AEF89BFDBC34_## =
F1D4F9CEF371C47D_## =
F1D82D4C262F3D08_## =
F1D9592B5BB0B160_## = 等級達到{T}級
F1D9912F18429989_## =
F1DDAD827098F5C5_## =
F1E2BE1F31699C20_## = Lauriel
F1E403E5D6A56D1A_## =
F1E4A804D4E0C742_## =
f1e51c9a3a9c375d = Skin Name
F1E76C6261F3A113_## = Unknown
F1EABC011954F7E9_## = Nether Drake
F1EB09696F76FBFF_## = Flowerchild
F1F43DF0314335BA_## = That all you got?
F1F725EAF3E7357E_## = Gói 20% KM Superman + skin
F1FA07FEFE31A907_## =
F1FC3762B942F452_## = Base Damage
F1FE1EBC497E28C4_## =
F201AC368D143478_## = Skud
F202967272974421_## = Reach Level {0}
F2029E2246286D7E_## = Đấu trướng Throne of Glory
F203789315C5E1D5_## =
F2047CB8FE4C52A8_## = Rare Avatar
F207B35307454683_## = Unique Passive - Warlock: Ability Power +35%
F209801824ADE1A3_## =
F20EBD983B34C78B_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
F2157F21547DD8AD_## = Kil'Groth
F2187CB654FACDF0_## = Frosty's Revenge
F21B2C67537FE767_## = Butterfly
F21BA367174507C5_## = Mừng xuân Đinh Dậu, lì xì đầy tay: Share chiến thắng mỗi
F221CFF1880A3B31_## =
F2227D126DE915E0_## = Paragon
F2230E8526D3C98E_## = Unknown
F225874324C8083E_## =
F22A0BED6A2DA640_## =
F22CD6C11519D6E0_## = Cybercore Level 3
F22F9E8991B6F1AD_## = Tulen
F23302188D190B42_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Arduin {C}/{T} lần
F23540D7D57FC862_## = Thu thập 2 mảnh Chúc mừng năm mới và Mậu Tuất 2018 để đổi 8
trang phục miễn phí tùy chọn!
F2362D8A44FBCC92_## =
F23676E9D5B880BC_## =
F23A98332B362990_## =
F23AC9328F4B8133_## =
F23C3B918DD19601_## = Cooldown
F23C45BA5421B81B_## =
F23DACD8721E2182_## =
F23DF09D0EC79707_## = Batman
F245CBB099AD9E90_## =
F2465B83F708011F_## = Thu thập dấu ấn Murad M-TP (Khăn choàng)
F24847F3098E4542_## = Đây là phần thưởng Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Maloch) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
F248A029618E1DEA_## = Ability Power +60, Cooldown Speed +10%\n[Elemental Power]
F249BE5D2BFBA283_## = Tăng 100% Exp Đấu thường 5v5
f249c30b1dfc5052 = Let's be friends.
F24EC704B7E829D9_## = Rương Xmas - Ngọc
F2518E7CD2E9D3B4_## = 7 日累積簽到
F2521D65A10F5D9B_## =
F252502B59B9084B_## = Trial Card: Try out Kil'Groth's skin: Carapace
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
F25806594FA79524_## =
F259BAD2B913FE52_## = 1. The winners of a match will earn one star. The losers will
lose one star. Basic star rules don't change. Brave Points have different rules for
adding/subtracting stars. \n\n2. After a match is over, both the winners and losers
will earn Brave Points.\nBrave Points are earned for the
following:\n<color=orange>Did Not Abandon Bonus</color> - Earned for not abandoning
a match.\n<color=orange>Win Streak Reward</color> - Received for winning multiple
matches in a row.\n<color=orange>Team Rank Reward</color> - Earned for how a player
ranks among their team in a single match.\n<color=orange>Strong Fighter
Bonus</color> - Received when a player plays well, plays against an extremely
strong opponent, or teammates abandon the match.\n\nIf a player abandons a match or
remains idle, they will not earn any Brave Points. If it is a serious offense, the
player will forfeit all of their Brave Points.\n\n3. When a player earns the
maximum number of Brave Points, the system will automatically use them to award the
player a star. The Brave Points maximum increases based on the player's rank.
\n\n4. When a player has no stars and loses a match, if the player's current Brave
Points are higher than the Rank Protection requirement, the system will deduct all
of that player's Brave Points but not demote the player. If the player's current
Brave Points are below the Rank Protection requirement, the system will deduct all
of that player's Brave Points and demote the player.\n\n5. Did Not Abandon Bonus: 3
points\n\n6. Team Rank Reward:\nI: 5 points\nII: 4 points\nIII: 4 points\nIV: 3
points\nV: 3 points\n\n7. Win Streak Reward:\n2-Win Streak: 5 points\n3-Win Streak:
10 points\n4-Win Streak: 15 points\n5-Win Streak or more: 20 points\n\n8. Strong
Fighter Bonus:\nPlayers from the losing team who play well, are matched with
extremely strong opponents, or have teammates who abandoned the match, will receive
a bonus after the match. If a player joins a Ranked Match with a team of 2-3
players or 5 players, and one of the party members remains idle or abandons the
match, they will not receive a Strong Fighter Bonus either.
F25C5C561ACC3965_## =
F25E264FFB058498_## = Túi Ruby may mắn
F263B4902E444ADF_## =
F264A529FAA3772F_## =
F2683312A9B812D1_## = Unknown
F26A6046F8258B6B_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Zuka + trang phục Sơn tặc
F26D9DA8DDCDB6CF_## = Base Damage
F26E40680A8DC0CB_## = Trial Card: Try out Skud's skin: Linebacker
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
F2714585B42459F2_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
F27151A88D50FE45_## = Lumburr smashes the ground and shatters stones, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> to enemies in
a frontal cone. Heroes hit by the stones are weakened, reducing their attack damage
and ability power by <color=#f8be32>{2}%</color> for 3 seconds.
F2747F4CB33F2CA1_## = Sustained Damage
F27AD71753B92614_## =
F27BE6F635D6405B_## =
F28236D30DF4A439_## =
F282A180FF36E795_## = Spear of Longinus
F288F70BD2CC8FAF_## =
F28A4DE83F3A3C80_## = Open to receive Murad and the Outlaw skin
F28BAC480006E11A_## =
F2912E5A4A813BA6_## = OK
F291DB4C9971FE7D_## = Rương tựu trường
F29430F7CB61D936_## =
F2963CE01BC48DC1_## = Thane
F29A08D66BF967FE_## = The sharpest horns know no fear
F29AA8101C615212_## = Săn mục tiêu lớn
F29BF993FB2EA251_## =
F2A02A28EEF3A75E_## =
f2a2330b44afcb94 = Special Deal Pack
F2A25D4F241FAD09_## = Collect {0} [/0:$(skin|skins)/]
F2A2D571963F4F0C_## = Liliana leaps in the target direction, dealing {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to enemies along
the path. The ability turns into Reiki shot and becomes immediately usable if an
enemy hero is hit, firing Reiki Shots at the enemy hero and dealing {2}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{3})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to the target and
nearby enemies.\n\nReplaced by Blinding Light in Human Form.
F2A49AAFEC0B3DBE_## = 参与飞钩
F2A58C1B9C8CA1D8_## = Tee starts to build up the gas in his stomach, causing him to
increase his movement speed for {0} seconds. During this time, Tee tries to hold it
all in for as long as possible (can be unleashed earlier by tapping the ability
again). Tee then unleashes a stinky plume, causing all enemies in the area to
suffer up to {1} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{2})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>
and become stunned for up to 2 seconds. The longer Tee holds in his funky fumes,
the higher the damage and stun period.
F2AA8177343552A4_## = Trial Card: Try out Airi for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day.
You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
F2AC4C6F6907A6C6_## =
F2AD86951E7D8723_## =
F2ADFA5FD06EA644_## = Original
F2AF060EB76038D6_## =
F2B2BB712C47DD15_## = Rank Reward
F2B8D8A80C215C39_## =
F2BAF9FDFF946804_## = Arthur
F2BB6C617AB604C7_## =
F2BC41D63B7FCD71_## = Trial Card: Try out Fennik's skin: Snow Festival for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
F2BC84F9057581AD_## =
F2BDD5BF441C6219_## = Support
F2BE5050F1697722_## = Harass
F2BECB8D7084ECD2_## =
F2C0EB0BF2FC4C43_## = Battlecry
F2C4829E53A432BF_## = Congratulations, you are now one step closer to becoming a
true hero!
F2C68AEA01516E90_## = Mina
F2CEC5E37AD6B31B_## = Seasoned
F2D0192B41F34998_## =
F2D2574C56ABF9F2_## =
F2D623E82A29A182_## = <color=#55f26c>Your current Credibility Score is {0}.</color>
<color=#62b7ff>Please maintain good conduct in bot matches to raise your
Credibility Score.</color>
F2D8EB9E736D64DF_## =
F2D9064160B6608E_## =
F2DAB89E90DD47FC_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
F2DC9A5501AD149B_## = 本週活動精選
F2DD67E73DE98DEA_## = Summer Bash
F2E314EA5C7BD0FD_## =
F2E43645855FB065_## = Eagle Eye
F2E637AA5B8B2631_## =
F2E8DDEBAA1EA17C_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
F2E983C2C42C9021_## = mở để nhận một thẻ thử trang phục ngẫu nhiên (1 ngày)
F2EB7980E9F30FA2_## =
F2EC161E0D0619E1_## =
F2ECFE9916952F35_## = Unknown
F2F3BB23A9A13530_## =
F2F3BD780C1A3DF0_## =
F2F3D5D59ADFCE5F_## = Trang phục Zuka: Phát tài
F2F574D1D66F1957_## =
F2F6659C25D87BA6_## =
f2fd37bb773e9889 = f2fd37bb773e9889_##
F2FE2615F406CC21_## = Little Adventurer
F3000ED6946A97A9_## = Trial Card: Try out Lauriel for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
F300AF96314E0EE0_## = Mage
F300BC44036EA866_## = Trial Card: Try out Tulen for<color=#01d1f8ff> 12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
F300E2C9C2500520_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
F30101C3259583AA_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
F30B20474EB7A2C9_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tiêu Quân Huy, nhận Gấu tuyết của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
F30D7635FD22F5C8_## =
F30E82D7670D5801_## = Fennik
F30F6C6B762B20F3_## =
F3134D31FBB11445_## =
F31610E9E31CC3BC_## = Mở để nhận thẻ thử tướng và thử trang phục 1 ngày
F318CEF05FF9229B_## = Rương may mắn 7QH
F31ED9EDD93BCA30_## =
F31F0ECB9748CE43_## = Unknown
F31F9F40346E81D9_## = Sprint
F320C150F881492E_## =
F326B375B1C9690E_## =
F326BE116AB7C09C_## =
F32C4F0C765A43FC_## = Trial Card: Try out Airi's skin: Bloodraid
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
F32CB69D5F5DE454_## = Unknown
F330E4388922C847_## = This'll only hurt a bit…
F333B28BA59B7AC4_## = Unknown
F335438901F6050C_## =
F33AF38E986A7AC4_## = Might Buff:\nReduces enemy movement speed. Adds burn damage
to attacks causing 22-50 extra damage per hit.
F34020BA5CFA67FF_## =
F34209C9B6026F78_## =
F3444B1A959E2CB0_## = Bloodraid
F34519CC374922F3_## = EXP
F3452DAADD484732_## = Unknown
F3497375F14B1A32_## = During a battle,<color=#f6bf17ff> you can always switch
operation</color> methods to use abilities more flexibly.
F34B375A63DBD532_## =
F34D105E4470010A_## =
F34E4336B1F4BED1_## = Melee
F34EC662580C07F6_## =
f34ee1fae6a448ed = Attack Damage
F34F99B5C1552F3B_## = Mở để nhận ngẫu nhiên 20-50 Ruby
F353B01E232B7ABE_## = Remember to hit enemies with a normal attack after using an
ability to properly utilize the additional damage from Wukong's passive. Follow
this with another ability immediately to continue the combo. If any of these hits
are critical, it will deal a ton of damage.
F35D2C9C7FFBE8CF_## = The Fist
F35E7367B41C69F4_## = Mở để nhận cặp thẻ thử 1 ngày của 1 tướng & trang phục ngẫu
F35EE454F1436D00_## =
F361ACEDBD5D74BE_## = Bronze
F36244E3EB7FF9BF_## =
F367D0F539A0ACAE_## =
F368F57D381889E5_## = Rương may mắn Tết mua 4 tặng 1 cực HOT! Mua ngay nào!
F36AF2FC96117B67_## =
F3722090A1A1710E_## = Rare Gildur Skin: Biker
F372D31228BF08CA_## = You can <color=#f6bf17ff>evolve</color> the skin to higher
levels to obtain <color=#f6bf17ff>special sound and visual effects</color>!
F3779B82BA46632F_## = Wonder Woman
F37A26E283CDA556_## = Rampage
F37B00EB5013AF6F_## =
F37BD57A5619665B_## = Base Damage\n(Shield)
F37DC7AA4F3DB16D_## =
F3807D87BAF97C6B_## = Lizardman
F38612F7968D718A_## =
F3864512BD94D49E_## = 签到图片
F38748CC66BB5F9A_## =
F3888CF3B3283A7D_## = Demolition
F38A8565C1B20BAB_## = Rương ngọc Trợ thủ mua 4 tặng 1 cực HOT! Mua ngay nào!
F38CB82D77549934_## = Azzen'Ka Value Pack
F38E963EA1F8E0CE_## = Trial Card: Try out Veera for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day.
You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
F39302A022C94E38_## =
F39397F76CB35B6D_## = Divine Light
F3959C266F285504_## =
F3967BF5D963BC4D_## =
F397739A9E183E39_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
F397BEF81F436D8E_## = Woodland
F39819108D3EDE8C_## =
F399E812165461B7_## =
F39A63A50F8296A8_## = 签到图片
F39B8077CA5F57A1_## =
F39C0ED306399681_## =
F39CE9E89558B0A7_## =
F39DD13113FC54E7_## = Kahlii
f3a08e16e18bc89e = f3a08e16e18bc89e_##
F3A189AB40A4BEC8_## =
F3A2662B406FB735_## = Destroy the <color=#f6bf17ff>Enemy Defense Tower</color>!
f3a2a8ef74399749 = f3a2a8ef74399749_##
F3A6B571B3BA1F7B_## =
F3A6F8F39BAEEE8C_## = Attack Damage +2 \nArmor Pierce +3.6
F3AAA80B1C09D04C_## =
F3AD3F581227B524_## = Cooldown
F3B0C889B17EBE5B_## = Quy đổi ngọc tím cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
F3B2FA0C5FFAFC04_## =
F3B3F1D2049945AA_## =
F3B5D4257175E9B2_## = That all you got?
F3B6403290D5C797_## = Vui Tết cũng đừng quên Liên Quân nhé!
F3B8614EC390547A_## =
F3C28AC29FFE9074_## = Open to receive a random lvl 2 Arcana
F3C4C53DA016456D_## = Platinum
F3C5483B4DF3DBE8_## = A kill or an assist resets the cooldowns for all of
Butterfly's abilities and restores 15% of her lost HP.
F3C62081CFB4BAB3_## =
F3C78DFBB2D4BDA1_## =
F3C7DA4611B11E68_## =
F3CAEA9BF05E8080_## = Krixi
F3D284F2EC29AD26_## =
F3D2CD016AC12AD1_## = Judgment's Blade
F3D2F473E36FBDFF_## =
F3D3D7A25CDF2B8C_## = Newbie mission III
F3DA760482753C19_## = Peura
F3DB24C246C832E5_## =
F3E23B4F4FE75B1A_## = Đây là phần thưởng Chào năm mới 2018 (Chiến thắng) của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
F3E47166AF0A1FF6_## =
F3EC3A457E25429D_## = Survivability, Buffs
F3EDA1BB6747AFCF_## =
F3F1EBC2FCC1112C_## = Leatherwing
F3F3276C9C0540F1_## = 7 日累積簽到
F3F5C986C9511AA5_## = Base Damage
F3FA46DD994C09D6_## =
F3FDAC55A36E42E6_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
F4038C3EB2C448EF_## =
F409FE5FFA799CAE_## =
F40A3D6AF8D095D5_## = Khăn choàng M-TP
F40AA318A89F5464_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
F40D11DC9F68AE8E_## = Đây là phần thưởng Sự kiện 8.3 - Xuân nữ tái xuất của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
F40E66C7CC85C914_## =
F4108260442DA91E_## = Abilities deal additional damage to enemies and can be
stacked up to 10 times within a short time.
F41313CE06C6D6D3_## = Thane
F41595A099A70D2B_## =
F41AD11615E6B6DD_## =
F4215A99D477E676_## = We need a Marksman!
F421BCC52167DAD9_## =
f421c40e98898d35 = f421c40e98898d35_##
F422DF6D872E357C_## = The Killing Joke
F427701ABFD382A5_## =
F42A2AA6F6DC274B_## = Blue Super Minions
F42D2E195BAF7AF4_## = Thu thập mảnh ghép năm mới để nhận Trang phục mIễn phí! Xem
chi tiết tại phần sự kiện
F4304AF2D965D1A7_## = Aleister's abilities and every 3rd normal attack apply 1
Curse stack on the enemy. The Curse explodes at 3 stacks, dealing {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#f3b74a>true damage</color> to the enemy.
F43932AB62149E39_## =
F43962B7CEA3225F_## =
F43AA737A6337DE2_## = Red Hammer Soldier
F43D5594BDBEE3E3_## = Burst
F43E58F3FAB67419_## =
F43F46D0D2524E87_## = 签到图片
F43FF5230D004561_## = Survivability, Sustained Damage
F443102725950B99_## =
F44571AC4D2879A2_## = Original
F44B0542E452A8EB_## = Original
F44D03D13F738BAC_## = Đăng nhập mỗi ngày để nhận Huy hiệu Wonder Woman. Có thể sử
dụng để đổi thưởng tại phần Sự kiện
F44EB18AB84FC0F8_## = Slimz
F44F5D070CD38596_## =
F450BD56F662EB8E_## = Share kết quả thi đấu mỗi ngày lên Facebook/Garena Mobile để
nhận ngay ruby miễn phí mỗi ngày
F450DB3917AA02AE_## = A friend has gifted you Gold
F454EC8E04EFC4E4_## =
F4572A5A22F763F5_## = KM -35% combo Lindis
F4594C45DDBFA734_## =
F45FA28BB81FF814_## = Trial Card: Try out Peura's skin: Verdant
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
F461653E58522D80_## = 本週活動精選
F4637F00F2449761_## = Aleister's Matrix of Woe does continuous damage for a decent
amount of time. Trap enemies in the matrix by following up with Magic Prison and
maximizing the damage received.
F465409DBAD9F44B_## = Wonder Woman
F4663206AA0866C0_## = Thu thập Chìa khóa - Mở rương bí ẩn
F466E0C242D04712_## =
F4679E79C2D83088_## = Đây là phần thưởng Quà mừng chiến công U23 Việt Nam của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
F467C19C969CB703_## = Try to hit as many enemies as possible with Conqueror to take
advantage of Lu Bu's bonus life steal from this ability.
F469017C416CF835_## = Base Damage
F469A57D880C442E_## =
F46D543E87D71BB7_## = Black Wing
F46F10DDCBC973BC_## = Quy đổi ngọc đỏ cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
F4703A8E6B1652DC_## = Player Data Description
F4706931AC05E292_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
F4719FF19B7DDF62_## =
F4727F70491B50E0_## = Base Damage
F47D7C22B1FC39B1_## =
F47F68372220526B_## = Top up get extra spin ticket
F484824F56B62038_## = Strike from the shadows.
F4848DC6B1368B7E_## = Trial Card: Try out Fennik's skin: Propeller for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
F484C30AA3A46C82_## = Taara
F485F8987A6E9955_## = Nhận thêm quà tặng khi tiêu Quân Huy trong thời gian sự
kiện\nKhông tính Quân huy tiêu từ Shop tế đàn và các sự kiện ngoài Game
F48A2657A12E9D40_## =
F48CEEA5D38BE4A1_## =
F48F2C52B9C9252B_## =
F4903DD2686E9A95_## =
F4946D72983F538C_## = Infinite Courage
F4954D2F23414B95_## = Platinum
F4989894E924E263_## =
F49A50CE432E5C3F_## =
F49AE8F2056B2FD0_## =
F49D2364AA678E25_## = Base Damage
F4A33A9A57123EAA_## =
F4A4831010A73BA4_## =
F4ACBD55E2A8CCA5_## =
F4AE26B08C6F6E93_## = Kahlii can move while casting Grievance. This allows her to
help teammates retreat easily. Activating her Incorporeal shield before casting
Grievance increases her damage output significantly.
F4B3430D462A3728_## = Trial Card: Try out Fennik's skin: Little Adventurer for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
F4B4414E7C409DC7_## = Sailor
f4b5a5c916ed9dd2 = -
F4C34083B96D9384_## = Rương phán xét (x4+1)
F4C4F8AD733D8A18_## =
F4CA943A38947358_## =
F4CB7550C5C685BD_## =
F4CBBFF8E2AB5C48_## = Hộp Sinh nhật
F4CC236F7108D451_## = Kriknak
F4CEB047DAE9B2B5_## =
F4CEEB3DC29D128F_## =
F4D010F6ABDA18C6_## = Iron Body
F4D2AEFA49F3AF33_## =
F4D46EA9E5B05A87_## = Cupcake Valentines
F4D64678A8E6F573_## = Bladed Guardian
F4D7B55F09ED8A09_## = Unique Passive - Spirit Bond: Reduces the attack speed of
nearby enemies by 30%.
F4D83FE657880D8D_## = Trial Card: Try out Valhein's skin: Nethra
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
F4DC7C8B3E2290E6_## = Ice Queen
F4DF0D750596DFD8_## = Attack Speed Increase
F4E5B3619E760ECC_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Jinna {C}/{T} lần
F4E74D487C8FE6F1_## = Shattered Earth
F4E86D78228AF7DC_## = 签到图片
F4EA033766F5DB78_## = Increased Movement Speed
F4F54C564C578442_## = Base Damage
F4F6544C443D14EB_## =
F4FDA9473676A77F_## =
F4FE01DB8BB40FE7_## =
F4FEEA157ACACA90_## = Fatal Scythe
F50012A3831D0242_## = Đây là phần thưởng Ngày hội của Joker 2 của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
F50531C903BCE47B_## =
F5059E71B4764DA1_## =
F507268035388D1C_## = Thu thập dấu ấn Murad M-TP (Kiếm Murad)
F50D77982AEB0F04_## = Thắng {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
F50E5EB502F4D7B8_## = Mage
F5129EB41B6776AA_## =
F519C129BF2D7010_## =
F51D46AA52FCE3A1_## =
F52407A748784188_## =
F528ED3EF44C04B3_## = Đăng nhập hằng ngày và nhận cực nhiều quà Trung thu của
F528F90300C6B0A8_## = HP Regen
F52BBCF819CC1200_## =
F52C34C9A0C12D42_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
F52ECD7AFF34FA23_## =
F533F12FA6546D37_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đón Xuân mới - Khuyến mãi nạp thẻ mỗi
ngày! của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
F538878DA6ACFB15_## = Canned Laughter
F53A80AA565DC320_## =
F53C05ACB240F624_## =
F53FFF29BFDA829E_## = The Chi
F542425FDA555542_## =
F5427535F08660B4_## =
F5459F0E3074C366_## =
F545C08EC77CC2A8_## =
F5463B5E8AD02CE7_## = Prom King
F54856EF91645140_## =
F549934C4BEF58CD_## =
F54C58AF07268DFF_## = 本週活動精選
F54D71F739C291C5_## = Alice
F5503976E4621D6C_## = Xeniel
F5512025BA0DB016_## =
F5541C5301E9565A_## = 签到图片
F5559270997238AD_## = Base Heal
F55830E7E2A9E80F_## =
F55917BC350D2F92_## =
F55BE691634345F9_## = Unknown
F56C3AD8C0566B5E_## =
F56CAEEA904495F4_## =
F56F654AAF3DCDE9_## = Every 4th normal attack knocks back targets and deals
<color=#7FFFD4>{0}</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>. Additionally,
Gildur gains a shield for a short period of time when he uses any of his abilities.
F57186779CDBB69D_## =
F571FB1D995BA0A5_## =
F575B33E2A9013E7_## = Butterfly
F576A850C35D19FC_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
F579D741E955BA4C_## = 7 日累積簽到
F57F70EDF41EFB2C_## =
F5804365A8D7EA4B_## = Inferno Bats
f58128ce7d664970 = f58128ce7d664970_##
f5822f81b15f0824 = Redeem an exclusive skin using Skin Tokens.
F588FF64AD67FCD0_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
F58978B02A9DE702_## = Unknown
f5897cde5190ac13 = Tap to enter
F58ACC1A99223798_## =
F58B636EEB7F8E4A_## = Số lượt đấu chế độ móc {C}/{T}
F58C15C0C1D3A04F_## =
F58EA997BCB7CEB0_## = We need a Tank!
F5914BD1C47B8608_## = Unknown
F5971E7EA8AC031B_## =
F59AC41FC86E7B56_## =
F59B0E29F1181FC8_## =
F59B2313BFC88CB0_## =
F59B391A38B93C9F_## = Long Range
F59DC2DBE1A25041_## = Base Damage
F59ECDF90DA04052_## = Liên Quân đón Xuân
F5A325AA93260F1E_## = Melee
F5AA905CED74136C_## = Rương may mắn Arduin
F5AB5619539AFCB8_## =
F5AC5A6119692901_## =
F5BA89CD946048D7_## = Trial Card: Try out Mganga's skin: Fright Circus for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
F5BA96362EE746FC_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
F5BB76AB700F5FCE_## =
F5BBAEAFA26A3494_## = Mobile marksmen inflict high amounts of damage and have lower
defensive attributes. They have movement-based abilities that are used to deal
additional damage or impair enemies' movement.
F5C00858D41EEC1F_## =
F5C360EFC4F52AC3_## = Unknown
F5C48E79B7D8E473_## = Wisp
F5C4A6E0E3BA8B42_## = Indomitable
F5C7A6338442F23A_## =
F5C850DCB6DA2B6E_## = End Zone
F5CB4F1DC7D49AF2_## =
F5CD408A27AD51C3_## = Base Damage\n(Shield)
F5CE5763B48C15DF_## =
F5CF06FA3938215A_## = Tỉnh Phú Yên
F5D16F76CF9A1415_## =
F5D4BCC33ED83ADE_## = HP +1000
F5D9965354443BFE_## =
F5DD662902BD42EC_## = Getting Stronger
F5DF87DCB0511CD9_## =
f5e23e6a45ebf02f = Hero's name
F5E29ECBBEC6F718_## =
F5E2E2AAF167995E_## = Nightmare
F5E3D226A82FC226_## =
F5E96E0021E2A706_## =
F5EABEAC8B54B6EE_## = Select the Arcana you want to make
F5ED4710391CAF85_## =
F5F5ADEB09796616_## = Silver III
f5f6fe1dca4340e2 = Help:\r
F5FC3106E3F57ECB_## =
F5FD8FD3A0F587F5_## = Fiery
F5FDB8F204822E81_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
F6000A443DF59491_## = Xeniel
f601e3ba136725be = f601e3ba136725be_##
F6057C829711E2B6_## = Ruby may mắn
F6085DA707720040_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Chiến thắng)
F60BF2FA24DFBE12_## = Destroy<color=#f6bf17ff> the enemy Core</color>.
F60CDF2A2B347D48_## = Nhận ngẫu nhiên 8, 88 hoặc 888 Vàng
F60D16D3255CDA0C_## =
F60ECADBFD0820CE_## = Searcy
F60F2A365CE4B443_## = 击杀魔龙
F6114B8C6494C3A1_## =
F61427A834775D0B_## = Omega
F615A8E02075C2CC_## = Tướng Thane + Tướng Điêu Thuyền
F616601575BD3AFF_## =
F6189325BAD9E217_## =
F618D4AE201C16AF_## = Blood Wyrm
F61918A1D998DC69_## = Thắng đấu hạng với Alice {C}/{T} lần
F620F03B6DE88773_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day.
You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
F622FB8A3F7D7CDD_## =
F623C1568D635284_## = Trang phục đón xuân
F625FED30F5DBE0B_## = Increased Healing:\nHP and Mana Regen for 5 seconds
F629DA0D98E610B6_## =
F62BFFA7418D22DD_## = Level 2 Activity Rewards
F638C6FB49E32968_## =
F63E15ADF2F8DE50_## = <size=24><color=#ffffffff>1. Guild Activity Points:
</color></size>\nPlayers earn activity points by participating in matches. Players
earn an additional <color=orange>15%</color> activity points for playing matches
with guildmates. Players can also earn activity points by "liking" guildmates'
combat history and sending them trial cards.\n\n<size=24><color=#ffffffff>2. Weekly
Activity Rewards: </color></size>\nThe guild weekly activity rewards are divided
into <color=orange>8 different levels</color>. Earning a certain amount of activity
points is required to obtain the rewards for each level. Rewards include: gold,
gems and 12 hour trial cards. Rewards will be sent through in-game mail to all
guild members <color=orange>every Monday at 5 AM
(GMT)</color>.\n\n<size=24><color=#ffffffff>3. Resetting Activity Points:
</color></size>\nWeekly point counts refresh <color=orange>every Monday at 5 AM
(GMT)</color>.\n\n<size=24><color=#ffffffff>4. Guild Sizes: </color></size>\nGuild
Leaders and Officers who increase their guild's member limit will receive activity
points. The required activity points to obtain each level's rewards increase as
more members join the guild.
F63FFF093BFCA174_## = Don't worry, I've always got your back!
F642A1F037FCF967_## =
F6492EE43DC05B4D_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Slimz)
F64AE54E21A8DC99_## = Bronze
F64E6F87D0385FFF_## = Djinn
F64FDDD618463713_## = Nạp tích lũy 90 Quân Huy, nhận quà ngay
F650DBD75557BEEB_## =
F651C45B6DB65E44_## = <blankspace89>
F6549A5E026CA676_## = Thu thập Chìa khóa - Mở rương bí ẩn
F6580628A8847578_## =
F6582A9D0ED57569_## =
F658E15BC2FCCC79_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Superman {C}/{T} lần
F65F04296DB83D63_## = Trial Card: Try out Gildur for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color>
days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this Hero.
F6636937D2EDCD13_## =
F663FE5E2951995B_## = Bloodraid
F6672E395ED530C7_## = Unknown
F672AD1ED7D5A2CF_## =
F67C0AF39BB5E28A_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
F67D24C1EDCDF522_## =
F67DF6DFC27EB0F3_## =
F680E8E68CAB6FE6_## = Assassin
F6833BC15558A5B2_## =
F6833CD46036343C_## = I will reign supreme!
F689A9B9AD1BE74B_## = Thane
F68B8A3D9EA67F42_## = Đấu trường Huyền thoại
F68C2C9AE686D898_## = Lindis
F68C8D74955EC181_## =
F6913AC7CAB45660_## =
F69285BF25135C8F_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
F695178720DF2B6F_## =
F69CFBDE7812A9B1_## = Bite
F69EC19F16DB2252_## = Gói Nhân tình bóng tối
F6A058B048BED84C_## =
F6A0ECC490D1F7BE_## =
F6A15F47EB1E81ED_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
F6A21312E1A9A3E7_## = As long as Superman keeps moving, even if he wanders in
circles, he will be able to enter Flight mode. Strike your enemies with Man of
Steel while in Flight mode to fly over obstacles. The damage from Kryptonian
Strength while in Flight mode can be devastating, but the target area is not very
big, so use it when the enemy is very close.
F6A6763C66B02138_## = Bombshell
F6A723855C898D3F_## =
F6ABCA05E6DB481A_## =
F6AC11DD2E2B8F40_## = Thu thập Bánh Chưng và Đầu lân để đổi thưởng Tết mỗi ngày
F6AEA85FDA950E5F_## =
F6B50294474DCB87_## =
F6B607FEEE39EBD3_## = Mage
F6B97312ACE0873F_## =
F6BCA1F9CCED2421_## =
F6BE494EEDE69C09_## =
F6BF3DE433F80163_## = Chaugnar
F6C057B69B614BFD_## = Can you smell what Mganga's cooking?
F6C1D788C931E60E_## = Arum summons her 3 spirit beasts immediately and binds
herself to the target hero for 2.5 seconds. While active, both Arum and the enemy
hero are immobilized, and damage taken by either one will be replicated on the
other. This spell cannot be interrupted, and Arum cannot attack or use abilities
while it is active.
F6C47142476AB464_## =
F6C7B35857CD2BF8_## = Max rushes towards his target and flips over them, landing on
their opposite side. Once on the other side, Max activates a magnetic force field
that reduces Max's damage taken by {0}% for {1} seconds. This ability can be used
again within 4 seconds.
F6C8FEB9AE3CC359_## =
F6CA1F3A6E18D4E5_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mừng xuân Đinh Dậu,
F6CE86D4ED5F5037_## = Quà may mắn (Phúc)
F6D24E016807F17F_## = EXP
F6D2D6C376457B03_## =
F6D6C9D479953637_## =
F6D83EFE61C3ED4F_## =
F6D90740E5AC3B23_## =
F6DD4579979511E1_## =
F6E06CDA6EEAF68C_## =
F6E155B2BEACF92B_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
F6E1A4AC11E6BC7E_## = 签到图片
F6E4354C64A645FB_## =
F6E625B7E0226BF5_## =
F6E826B694A8742D_## = Harass, Sustained Damage
F6F5D1149DE75728_## = All the heroes long to fight for you!
F6FC50BE3BEDE885_## =
F6FF204261223D9F_## =
F70027F7025E393C_## =
F70165B944F83F83_## = Magic Defense +2.5
F701CA2819D2E933_## = Rương may mắn sát thủ (x4+1)
F703A12BCC93B844_## =
F703A61497B9DBAA_## =
F7075FAC911C6AA4_## = Skyfall
F707E6F50796F09E_## =
F70A735E26DCE355_## =
F70E5CB6455F17FD_## = Share trang phục nhận quà Giáng sinh
f7103793168b7b5f = Insert a friend's name in the search bar above.
F711E876FB97AC1F_## = "Knock me down and watch me rise again!"\n\nBorn of the
Bloody Axe clan, Ormarr had explosive powers and endurance. Ormarr had wielded his
massive hammer and sword in countless clan battles, and was always the first to
attack and the last to withdraw. His adept fighting abilities and thirst for battle
had earned him the nickname "The Frenzy", as well as the respect of all of his
enemies and his people.\n\nIt had always been Ormarr's dream to become the leader
of his clan, but in his pursuit for power, he made many foolish decisions. He once
tried to raid the supplies of an ally, and this lead to his clan being banished to
the ice fields of the north. Strangely enough, this did nothing to harm Ormarr's
reputation. On the contrary, his people stood firmly behind him as he fought for
glory.\n\nOrmarr had never disappointed his clan. When the Demon Army engulfed the
continent, Ormarr volunteered to lead the campaign to defend his clan's fortress.
Outsiders were so impressed by his bravery that they flocked to the fortress,
bringing in emergency supplies, reinforcements, and support. From then on, no one
dared to describe Ormarr and his clan as "barbarians" again.\n\n"The battlefield is
the only place for a warrior to die!"
F714B53E44EE7EEF_## = Original
F719C75A2760221B_## = That all you got?
F71C627E51E71E05_## = Unknown
F71D96B2814F8DD9_## =
F71FC02F2FC3A1E1_## = Rift
F722BC8CA26E4817_## = obsolete+c97716a5a35d197f
F724D47014488374_## = Unknown
F7253F5ED5377347_## =
f725cf7c41e6fa63 = Purchase
F729D268A9E88467_## = Trang phục Zuka: Giáo sư sừng sỏ
F72A52843E00B0EC_## =
F72B7FC1D243AF5E_## = Cuộc chiến ngẫu nhiên
F7304B943881C3E9_## = Thi đấu xếp hạng và giành chiến thắng để nhận thưởng sự kiện
F7335595E5469DAD_## =
F737CB6295DBC063_## =
F73BC3FF960A9688_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
F73D133095D38EC2_## =
F73E173E56A5479B_## = Mage
F73FB1313F093416_## = 7 日累積簽到
F7410A2666C7953C_## =
F745BDCA49D02C84_## = Nạp tích lũy 90 Quân Huy, nhận quà ngay
F7473234766F6303_## = Message opening failed.
F747A894DCB2799D_## = Rương quà Đặc biệt
F74869F5B9E27DE3_## =
F74889EE89204917_## = All-new character voiceovers
f74ac95ad72e0b87 = Battle Rewards
F74D5B25E3FBFA1D_## =
F74E96AF9371311A_## = Trial Card: Try out Airi's skin: Bloodraid
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have
this skin.
F74F532C23AD1879_## =
F74FB8B4A7CE3558_## =
F7513FBF2E80219D_## =
F751959A94A54169_## = Entrapment
F7529426ADC30675_## =
F752E28D9E7A293F_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Kil'Groth)
F7571886BBB13FC9_## =
F757D764EE6554E0_## = Base Damage
f75d8c0e5bcbfe84 = Critical Damage
f76235ac50d80b2 = Event Open
F7644A0DB5FE1BF6_## =
F7655E0C7B439C37_## = Sustained Damage
F766DC548D3678A9_## = For honor and righteousness!
F767E46C48D7E3A5_## = <blankspace89>
F76AB1D171A8B8AF_## =
F76C77B3F9974636_## = <size=24><color=#ffffffff>I. Activity
Points</color></size>\nGuilds earn activity points when their members participate
in matches:\n\n1. Victory Rewards: Each victory in non-bot matches in the Antaris
Battlefield awards 20 points (points doubled when teaming up with guild members).
Each Ranked Match victory awards 40 points. The guild can earn up to
<color=orange>200</color> points through these victories per day.\n\n2. Daily Sign-
in: Sign in on the guild interface every day. Players with higher ranks in Ranked
Matches will receive more activity points (maximum of 100 points per player).\n\n3.
Using Gems: For every 10 gems or vouchers used, 1 activity point is awarded, up to
<color=orange>200</color> points per day.\n\n<size=24><color=#ffffffff>II. Activity
Points and Guild Levels</color></size>\n1. Guild levels are determined by activity
points. A guild's level will increase as it accumulates more activity points.\n\n2.
Level:\nBronze: 0 - 199,999 points\nSilver: 200,000 - 399,999 points\nGold: 400.000
- 599,999 points\nPlatinum: 600,000 - 799,999 points\nDiamond: 800,000 - 999,999
points\nRegal: 1,000,000+ points\n\n3. Activity points are reset when a new season
starts.\n\n<size=24><color=#ffffffff>III. Guild Battle Rewards</color></size>\n\n1.
<color=orange>Weekly Rewards</color>:\nRankings will be determined by activity
points earned during the week, and rewards will be sent out based on the rankings.
Members of the same guild will receive the same rewards.\n\nRewards for Guild
Battles:\n1st: 1500 gold\n2nd: 1250 gold\n3rd: 1000 gold\n4th to 10th: 750
gold\n11th to 50th: 600 gold\n51st to 100th: 400 gold\nNo ranking: 150 gold\n\nIf a
member leaves the guild or is removed from the guild, their activity points will
not be counted towards the guild.\n\n2. <color=orange>Seasonal Rewards</color>:
\nRewards will be sent according to the guild level at the end of the
season.\n\nBronze: 100 Gems\nSilver: 200 Gems\nGold: 300 Gems\nPlatinum: 500
Gems\nDiamond: 750 Gems\nRegal: 1000 Gems\n\nOnly members with more than 2,000
activity points will receive rewards.\n\n3. <color=orange>Top Level
Rewards</color>: \nWhen a guild reaches the Regal level, members of the guild will
receive a special effects when leaving the altar. This effect disappears when the
next season starts.\n\n<size=24><color=#ffffffff>IV. Stars</color></size>\n1. Stars
represent the history of a guild. When a guild gains a level, it permanently gains
1 star.\n\n2. Stars will not be reset between seasons.
F771902906E38E24_## =
F773EAED0ABB8C13_## = Mở để nhận thẻ thử 1 ngày của tướng/trang phục Sát thủ ngẫu
nhiên.\n"Bạn đã sẵn sàng đối mặt Vua sát thủ...?"
F7756323A3DA80B0_## = Survivability, Harass
F778ACDF8AD168EF_## =
F7801EC81FC34F65_## = Tel'Annas' bonus damage
F786592EF4F8C9CD_## = Đây là phần thưởng Nạp Quân Huy - Nhận Vé quay Kho Báu của
bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
F78673D295E691FD_## = Marksman
F788CA25DF16BCCA_## = The Soul Harvester
F78975A3E12723FB_## =
F78AB1EE5C8A2236_## = Trial Card: Try out Arthur's skin: The Bone Baron
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
F78C49111A87454A_## =
F78DAA7FEEEAF765_## = That all you got?
F79289E970AA08D7_## =
F79570B91C42D0A1_## =
F79A6BE4C49036A8_## =
F79B8AB4D2283AC6_## = Azure
F7A52B407D4911D7_## = Every 3% of HP lost grants 1% damage reduction.
F7A7600B99556D2C_## =
F7AB665B489195AE_## =
F7AC708727A669AB_## =
F7B0EE2E040BD841_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
F7B221FB71718203_## = Krixi summons a meteor shower that pummels nearby enemies
dealing {0} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> with
each hit. Each enemy can be hit up to 4 times and the meteor shower lasts for 5
F7B3DEB5597DC62A_## =
F7B5B71E63FA8B03_## =
F7B7FA2DB8A34427_## = Veera applies a Come Hither stack to every enemy hit by her
abilities. Each stack reduces an enemy's magic defense by 30-72 (scales with hero
level), up to 3 stacks.
F7B8926E04E03219_## = Mina
F7BA2535314A932E_## = Mina
F7BCDCEA871A39ED_## = Holy Brand
F7BDC3D1BB4DC6C6_## =
F7C2939141183AE8_## = Chỉ cần nạp 35 Quân Huy, nhận ngay Fennik Nhà Thám hiểm miễn
F7C3B75C2E9239AC_## = I need to run. Have fun guys! %36
F7C75BD6510C17B2_## =
F7CCADFDA73B1A02_## =
F7CEF571F594A700_## =
F7D006E18E1B35F2_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
F7D1BB88291669AF_## = Original
F7D2E9C4787F45F0_## =
F7D445F12797B14F_## =
F7D8F370F6C5E709_## = Krixi
F7D96D55557E3726_## = Enter<color=#f6bf17ff> Standard Mode</color>
F7DA028228B3320B_## = Base Damage
F7DE68E7EA9BD49C_## =
F7DF871A9E4EF627_## = 等級達到{T}級
F7E143C81A6127EC_## = Neon
F7E26E5240C01B4F_## = Mark
F7E28E8AB1DD4EAE_## = Cooldown
F7E6C98A68AE9E8A_## = Lightning Strike
F7E6CA8AA5B3D294_## = Burst
F7E8A7347991A2BC_## = Maloch
F7E8DC73F79EA647_## =
f7e9558c590bc874 = f7e9558c590bc874_##
F7EE17128929B1C4_## = Chuẩn bị đón Tết (Đấu thường)
F7EF31B23F861BB3_## = Rương thẻ thử skin 7N
F7F0346B3F5363DE_## =
F7F04AD5BEF5C9BA_## = Lauriel
F7F54AFF56BCF61D_## =
F7F62D135F3A3224_## = Veera
F7FC4A5B1B0AECB0_## =
F7FE93C44AC1F6A6_## =
F7FFFDA1852902C1_## = Blue Middle Tower
F8027AC91E602A51_## = Storm Wraith
F80565E2EC604905_## =
F8061706EAB7BA12_## =
F806D6C83FECDFB3_## = The Strongest Player
F807FB8B99B40EB8_## = Holiday spirit attire
F8090616B87E92D8_## =
F80D35613B54D2AA_## = Zulu Warrior
F80F5E563FCCAE45_## = Thẻ bài bí ẩn
F8117D2CDBF781C3_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
F81225625599833C_## = Male
F812F14A5FE00688_## = Base Damage
F8159199AC7EEE9A_## =
F81BE896FEA6E9F8_## =
F820B8AAE0A485F7_## =
F82141185783A284_## = Quà Ngủ Ngon
F82200C5EFC2873F_## =
F82516E712C9EBA4_## = Trial Card: Try out Grakk's skin: Cap'n for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this skin.
f82586e0e937fc03 = f82586e0e937fc03_##
F828AB6EA48FA495_## = Chơi là có quà
F82A4889FAD757A2_## =
F82AB4E2128F59D7_## = Gói 30% KM Cresht + skin
F83430DA7E311F3E_## =
F83B1ED64F55B124_## = Black Wing
F83BA6FBD2E23C4A_## = Đạt đến cấp {T}
F83CF89533CAAB4E_## = Trial Card: Try out Butterfly's skin: Academy
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
F83D99D6171DAB08_## = Raz
F83F45C31D3FD2F1_## =
F84189D5B5233B1F_## =
F842C5817A585511_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới The Joker để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
F84337EAA7DC73DD_## = Đăng nhập giờ vàng
F8437653BAD4F9BA_## = Trial Card: Try out Taara's skin: Divine Firestone for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
F84446A1D04C648E_## = Indulgence
F845DB42BC76131F_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Đỏ)
F8473B611A5A50CA_## = The Demon Hunter
F84BE9D1F1ED6A39_## = Đấu trường huyền thoại
F8511C9A11A98ABE_## =
f852fea22aaac987 = Play Again
F854447A1F03399E_## = Limited-time offer
F858D0436F6A0B62_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
f859995f2f45e126 = obsolete+f859995f2f45e126
F859AF59CD8A8EF6_## = 7 日累積簽到
F85C3EBC1D46E090_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
F860AAEAC180D75F_## = Veera's Mesmerize has a limited range, so you should be very
careful when you use it. It is best to position Veera as far as possible from the
enemy when in a team fight.
F860AB458B306C9E_## = Blue Gunner
F8631F76623478B8_## =
F8653B9511F356A4_## =
F865E5CA9FC1712A_## = Blue Super Minions
F867E11300AA61DE_## = That all you got?
F8693286758B6F1F_## = TeeMee
F86DAB248BF70C66_## =
F876F281F9E074FF_## = Quy đổi ngọc đỏ cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
F87AB8B226A7CE26_## =
F87D7A5FA89C0373_## =
F87D8F3CA05E7524_## = Garnak Buff (x3): \nDragon's Curse: Damage to the Garnak
decreases by 30%\n1st Stack: Damage to towers increases\n2nd Stack: Damage
increases by 20%, damage taken decreases by 15%\n3rd Stack: Recover 1% of maximum
HP every second
F87E1F65F44B6A3E_## = Đăng nhập từ 20:00 đến 23:00 trong thời gian sự kiện để nhận
nhận Hộp quà thú vị (tướng)
F87F346049258871_## = Red Inner Tower
F87FEBF5C9B93A76_## = Captain Kraken
F880213951CB1635_## =
F8862EDE24AB3A2C_## = Cooldown
F8872D6524CE9DCE_## =
F888A9EF90DD2F90_## =
F88A3B1BB66E8D3D_## = That all you got?
F88A56E35774EB87_## =
f88ab07fa0c29084 = Tip: Identify a Hero or a Creep<color=#f6bf17ff> as your you are
aiming</color> in<color=#f6bf17ff> operation settings</color>.
F88B6FFE9113C26E_## = Halloween night of fright
F88BBE374918E1EE_## =
F88E01B4EDEB2BFD_## = Captain Kraken
F8918649EB91A1EE_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Joker + trang phục
F8929E86BB2525AD_## = Liên Quân đón Xuân
F898D39BBF6E1143_## =
F89BA3B13CEF7E06_## = Sonicboom
F89CD457BC86E2BD_## = Breezy island sound effects
F89DFE3DBA1EEDBB_## = Whenever Grakk receives damage equal to more than 10% of his
current HP in a single blow, he triggers an explosion, dealing {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>(+{2})</color> <color=#ca3939>(2% of
his own maximum HP)</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to enemies within
500 units (2-second cooldown). Grakk will also trigger an explosion 3 seconds after
his death, dealing {3} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{4})</color> <color=#ca3939>(+{5})</color>
<color=#ca3939>(8% of his own maximum HP)</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
damage</color> to enemies within 500 units.
F8A495D070A7FA91_## =
F8A6226CD88A40E4_## = Burst
F8A809BCB66BDBFB_## = Used in Batman event
F8A8D14F2DB33ACE_## =
F8A9C327E38D90FF_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
F8B000409FFE176C_## = Trang phục đón xuân
F8B2F52BB21EA9A2_## =
F8B5828BA09E2B65_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
f8b7a091a14dbf05 = Class
F8BAAD66F82CC64A_## = Ignis' abilities place the Mark of the Flame on targets. The
mark activates after 1 second and adds an additional effect for his next ability
used within 2.5 seconds.
F8BB03ADF7A2F834_## = Red Outer Tower
F8BB33914E52EE79_## =
F8BC25E780B5B32C_## =
F8C432C9F7C0B2C8_## = Hero's total damage dealt is above {0} and total damage taken
is below {1} in a single match
F8C6B312B577F453_## =
F8CB71F76B6D851B_## =
F8CCF973508A07D2_## = Slimz Skin: Lunar Bunny
F8CEB51030FA5227_## = Ability Power +180, Cooldown Speed +10%\n[Magic Pierce +40%]
F8CF904604B57937_## =
F8D6C0D0BB306785_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
F8D7E758657B49C6_## =
F8DADFA19C40E172_## = DNT
F8DD03CF1A803221_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
F8DF1C188E24FA81_## = Base Damage
F8E1AB205A516580_## = Tỉnh Quảng Nam
F8E210A6755DF25E_## = Cơ hội nhận trang phục Nakroth Chiến binh hỏa ngục vĩnh viễn
hoặc thẻ thử rất nhiều trang phục HOT!
F8E733CD017581EB_## = Please open the Settings screen.
F8E8522C5D1B394E_## = Trial Card: Try out Zanis' skin: Ascended
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have
this skin.
F8E8E7357AEAB20E_## =
F8E90055462D1E0F_## = Butterfly
F8ED77A79A1A4D0B_## = Platinum
F8EF48E137BC6BCD_## = 签到图片
F8F29DE962D414C9_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK {C}/{T}
F8F43A53A720D4D5_## =
F8F4F287EF69F9EC_## =
F8F734EED2604D09_## = Zephys
F8F92A48D9AB0B5E_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
F8F9D31548F2DFED_## =
F8FB2D99D5FF0F19_## = <color=#55f26c>Your current Credibility Score is {0}.</color>
<color=#62b7ff>Please take each battle seriously.</color>
F8FB2E42E43D18EE_## = Maximum Damage
f8fb63b9d834bd13 = f8fb63b9d834bd13_##
F8FE53DEEA4F6E06_## = HP Regen
f9037965df8c144b = Discount
F903A60E0F787C4C_## = 5V5 经验翻倍
F90659D49661C2C5_## =
F909F7B132BC30A8_## = Unknown
F90B014CE49C1E03_## = Thi đấu bằng tướng mới Lindis để nhận cực nhiều Ưu đãi
F90E75C27BF67514_## = Gói 50% KM Chaugnar + skin
F90EE13E1994EA07_## =
f90f3cff5722c823 = OK
F912CCE333D7A8C2_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
F9141AD94A440C89_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nTướng vĩnh viễn
(Lauriel) / Thẻ thử tướng Lauriel (1 ngày) / Mảnh tướng
F914EC67705ECEFB_## = Visitor Login Pack
F91621E1B0426C7A_## =
F916486432F67DB7_## = Trial Card: Try out Murad's skin: Outlaw for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
F91C93AA590856E5_## = OK
F91F5E454C79C83F_## = Follow the minions to attack the Enemy Defense Tower!
F92D508A9AD0B164_## = 好友大作战
f9301e1bba434ee6 = Ability Power
f932aa9425b76d65 = Default
F932B307D18C2CA0_## =
F939C5367796AC92_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
F93BDE37D4CF4265_## = Every time Max damages an enemy, the enemy gets shocked,
causing them to suffer {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#f3b74a>true
damage</color> per second and have their health regeneration reduced by 25% for 3
F93C5B9602BF5E97_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
F93E644F5BD91021_## = Blue Defense Tower
F94019885766D2FF_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
F94034DBACA2EDBF_## =
F941BB2ADDA084E5_## = Lauriel
F943FBA15CD4F1A8_## =
F9443FDCF527889A_## = Maloch
F945F9779EDA2CF2_## = Trial Card: Try out Azzen'Ka's skin: Storm Wraith for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
F94648E7C6BE2B41_## =
F949B5361F53F536_## = Trial Card: Try out Superman for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
F94B9F35CCBA0968_## = <color=#f8be32>90-second</color> cooldown: Stuns nearby
enemies for <color=#f8be32>0.5 seconds</color>, then reduces their movement speed
for <color=#f8be32>1 second</color>.
F94CEAB1186CFAED_## =
F94D0026794965B1_## = Original
F94F6D4895891107_## = When your HP is low, return to the Altar or use a healing
pack to restore HP and mana.
F9509B9C895D3984_## =
F955A8A05AA4AA71_## = Túi ngọc III ngẫu nhiên (lục)
F95629A0127598F0_## = Valhein
f95b0d3fe73923f8 = f95b0d3fe73923f8_##
F95CDDB2DD52AF0F_## =
F95DDD8D8B232656_## = Melee
F96406423AE11664_## = Trial Card: Try out Slimz for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
F967A96129D7FC61_## = Cần nạp thêm {R} Quân huy
F96F80435668D535_## = <blankspace89>
F97A3C7CE2AFBA4A_## =
F97C8ED977381789_## =
F97D7704C2304E7A_## = I'll gank bottom.
F97DF9B89B42BBE0_## =
F97F993E2C194EAB_## =
F9803C617C16F378_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Chiến thắng)
F981245ECFEC20A4_## = That all you got?
F98197F94732B834_## = Zuka
F982948766E467F2_## = Quy đổi ngọc tím cấp II thành mảnh ngọc để có thể đổi thành
ngọc cấp III
F9877D108893613B_## = Technoblade
F98790B5B8FCF185_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
F987A6AE7DF7FFBE_## = I don't think it's fair that I can beat all of them.
F9899605D8B76D46_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đón Xuân mới - Khuyến mãi nạp thẻ mỗi
ngày! của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
F98D6AF58E499A1A_## = + Nhận ngẫu nhiên 5-10 Ruby, hoặc thẻ 1 ngày trải nghiệm một
trong các trang phục Công Chúa Bướm, Nhà Chiêm Tinh, Đặc Cảnh NYPD, Cung Thủ Bóng
Đêm, Thủy Thủ, Nữ đặc cảnh, Nữ vương anh đào\n + 1 Kẹo Sôcôla MTP
F99112DB9CC01B65_## = Aleister
F99219C9AD39CA11_## =
F9962DE54CB50D00_## =
F999AD9FB2112F89_## = Đây là phần thưởng Nạp Quân Huy - nhận rương Raz! của bạn,
xin mời kiểm tra!
F99BD0B01E01B4A2_## = The Nether Queen
F99DFFDD50258BC8_## = Seasoned
F99F3B3324C04AEC_## =
F9A44DFF168E81B1_## = Tham gia phá trụ trong bản đồ 5v5 để nhận được Ruby miễn phí
mỗi ngày
F9A9BF74699DF537_## = Lapis Ring
F9A9EDA9613115DD_## = Unknown
F9AC200A1DB95AE4_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
F9AE5EEEAEF4B582_## =
F9AED8401E9DDEC1_## =
F9B0C4CC4B4BA987_## = Chơi bản đồ 5v5 Miền đất hứa (Thường & Hạng) để nhận ruby
miễn phí
F9B3DBBC84746FC3_## = 本週活動精選
F9B53C742BF36366_## = Tank
F9B5BF5B36136476_## =
F9BC8BBA2D7C7E7F_## = Base Damage
F9BD3D1BDE23AE68_## = Congratulations, you are now one step closer to becoming a
true hero!
F9BF7E4D8625DF72_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
F9BFFB67CB17D2B8_## = Tuần lễ Nguyệt tộc (Hạ gục)
F9C2C5E2813A42B6_## =
F9C358CE9FA5A5BA_## =
F9C7728C410F2F0A_## =
F9C8C79AEA446D7C_## = <color=#f6bf17>Ghost Samurai</color> Yorn exclusive
F9CD7B5FD4FE4FE7_## = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Check in every day to easily earn
valuable prizes!
F9D04C1FD770F7AF_## =
F9D0E8B1E3EA765F_## = Trial Card: Try out Maloch's skin: Dreadwyrm for
<color=#01d1f8ff>7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this
F9D1DEEBC6AF8E5F_## = The 3 spirit beasts are the source of Arum's power. Be sure
to use Uncaged wisely because it will consume all her spirit beasts.
F9D48F5A4D0CF4A8_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro for<color=#01d1f8ff> 7</color> days.
You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this Hero.
F9D7591EEF359674_## =
F9DFAA87D99AB1D2_## =
F9E0FA5CD04C20E1_## =
F9ED780FEF410738_## = Kill all the enemies\non the screen!
F9F04BD75CAE9667_## =
F9F27C1D34968721_## =
F9F77B36297FB278_## =
FA01935ED876E7E5_## =
FA03DBDACF022AF6_## = Throws a hook and pulls the first enemy hit into melee range.
The farther the hook flies, the more the damage it deals.
FA061DB5CC454B36_## = Đấu trường Huyền thoại
FA073B549A4D3D18_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
FA093BF84DAD60B1_## =
FA0C7B9E8C44EAEB_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nTướng vĩnh viễn
(Moren) / Thẻ thử tướng Moren (1 ngày) / Mảnh tướng
FA0DDBB1E0279BAE_## =
FA15DE740E78E980_## = Each time Wukong uses an ability, his next normal attack is
enhanced and deals an additional {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color>
<color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>. Wukong also tumbles toward the target.
Wukong's staff grants 15% critical chance permanently.
FA16B84000D8C90E_## = Drone Drop
FA16C12BBE07122B_## = AFK Punishment
FA1C05695DCE2817_## =
FA1C59620D821BB3_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Lục)
FA1CB71407574CEC_## = Vũ khí đặc biệt của Ormarr, chỉ sử dụng trong mùa Giáng
sinh. Mở để nhận 20-50 Ruby
FA1DDBA981A0C60E_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
FA1EFCF1D05DAE54_## = Legendary
FA1F2DCA7F0F6AF5_## = Preyta
FA2400840C0BB63F_## =
FA247C89E95F972E_## =
FA269840DB452CDC_## = Zill's abilities place Marks of the Wind on their targets
when dealing damage. At 3 stacks, enemy movement speed is reduced by {0}% for 0.25
seconds. Marks will last for {1} seconds.\n\nWhen Zill's normal attacks deal damage
to targets with 3 marks, Wind Shift's cooldown is immediately refreshed, and the
targets take an additional {2} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{3})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
damage</color>.\n\nZill's normal attacks deal additional {4} <color=#8e91fd>magic
FA27C7E0050113C9_## =
FA285BE177ABB0A9_## = Mở để nhận thẻ thử tướng và trang phục Airi 1 ngày
FA2A03A0E2F5F696_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
FA2BC90434F78B60_## =
FA2F0568E2FA49C1_## = Đăng nhập nhận quà
FA2FE7BB6F561CBC_## =
FA31022DABD45EE3_## = All towers are temporary towers.
FA331950CAC63328_## = Trial Card: Try out Lauriel for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color>
day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
FA3319DA68BC5476_## =
FA3400DB7FF2C037_## =
FA34ACD0E4CBB331_## =
FA385A7E5FBE5B24_## = When taking damage, Mina has a chance to counterattack,
dealing {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color><color=#ca3939>(+{2})</color>
<color=#ca3939>(2% of own maximum HP)</color> <color=#ca3939>physical
damage</color> to nearby enemies.
fa388816f4ddba12 = Expiry: Permanent
FA3CA2D630C5E12A_## = Omega
FA3D5D14D4C91DB3_## = Valentine (trang phục)
FA403F15B06F12D1_## =
FA4545D182853EC4_## = Congratulations, you are now one step closer to becoming a
true hero!
FA461DA523CB6616_## =
FA48C25B46EDBC4A_## = Used to redeem hero
FA48EBBB1404B8E0_## = Tỉnh Hà Giang
FA4B3E36C5262A24_## =
FA4C02E02E0FB1CF_## =
FA4EAA5C31003EE9_## = Hold on! I need to recover.
FA50E685CB763562_## = Đổi quà tình nhân
FA5262D31C8FDEFF_## =
FA56138041DDCCC8_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
FA5616926912E05A_## = Normal Attack
FA5791F22CB9505C_## =
FA594F8FA668ED3A_## =
FA5C07A348E41501_## = II: Chỉ 7 Quân Huy! Cơ hội nhận trang phục vĩnh viễn Ác ma
địa ngục và thẻ thử hàng loạt các trang phục HOT nhất Liên Quân!
FA5F71CD33EC1AA0_## = Aleister
FA62734E336A1BA4_## =
FA62A33D1FC4E3D7_## = Trial Card: Try out Cresht's skin: Firefighter for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
FA6383E8088D74CE_## =
FA64464002E2DA83_## =
FA693E35A62C8138_## = obsolete+f384d5ae7f54ec42
fa6b6c08c8b89c07 = Tap to continue
FA6C3FBAA2399B29_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
FA6D39B824D128D1_## =
FA6D9A47BD31AA56_## = Attack
FA713A6C086DE6A1_## =
FA72E27711FBBC6B_## =
FA7515203BB8ED94_## = Quà sinh nhật Bạch Kim
FA790D26D4004D0E_## = 5-9 minutes
FA7A7BA663DA60F3_## =
FA7BAAD4FAC5E918_## = Mage
FA7BBC1C93E2B91E_## = Gold
FA7BD6102623B576_## = Tăng 50% Exp Đấu Hạng 5v5
FA7D55FC30A0BF72_## =
FA8307AA4C0951F9_## =
FA87CFFFBE11903F_## = Death's Embrace
FA89D3A9A9A9F4D0_## = Original
FA8FC403611C68EB_## = Tướng Ormarr và trang phục Thông thỏa thích
FA903F7F35E7E053_## = Femme Fatale
FA9A443BFF9EE674_## = Đăng nhập mỗi ngày để nhận quà tết từ Liên Quân
FA9AB00838D3882C_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
FA9BC1D38E97FF35_## = Congratulations, you are now one step closer to becoming a
true hero!
FA9C847A5A354A30_## = Đổi Thư tình nhận từ sự kiện mỗi ngày thành quà tặng
FA9D0B6DB4C22A84_## =
FA9E35BFAA178A1C_## =
FAA3DF6C3D52FD29_## = Rương Halloween may mắn II
FAAA3E4A698D4E6A_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
FAAF0307FF67B321_## =
FAB16AEEC0290FDD_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
FABFFFB4842C29AE_## =
FAC072CE1637F79D_## =
FAC1ED2BBAE8E70B_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
FAC4A6933E8B1056_## =
FAC7C7A213EC62E1_## = Warrior
FAC86BB31724C3B7_## =
FAC9090BC4D3F489_## = Đồng hành cùng AIC 2017
FAC9B50D9B83587B_## = Combo Raz + Vé Quay
FACC24763B370B19_## = Heal
FACD9EE2A1609081_## = Base Damage
FACDEB8A49239AF9_## =
Facebook_attention_Button = Follow
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FAD386AEA87FF993_## =
FAD78231A90E07AE_## = Imperium Guard
fad8aa39d1ce5be0 = Upgrade
FAD9F4897A8A6B8D_## = 签到图片
FADC69CABAC10335_## = Trial Card: Try out Violet's skin: Tagger for
<color=#01d1f8ff>1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
FAE69BDD41664967_## =
FAE7867EAA7839AA_## =
faea79b08b7be849 = Region Ranking
FAEBBEC49A851538_## = Fright Circus
FAED3303F19DFE8E_## = Cooldown
FAEDAE2614F0C28A_## = You're staying calm. Well done!
FAEDD4A682F61475_## = Original
FAEF7533FDD7B52D_## =
FAEFA503D93633DC_## = Tướng Fennik + Trang phục Fennik Yêu tinh trứng
FAF01E3CC21FD44C_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 Gems if you already have this skin.
FAF03878BE315DFB_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Ilumia + trang phục
FAF2AB3166A379FE_## =
FAF37CCD4BA2F11B_## = KM -30% Combo Hỏa Phượng
FAF674C015A7D05B_## = Ormarr
FAF757AC58F876C7_## = Krixi
FAF75C103D5CD79B_## = 好友大作战
FAF80B07346AA526_## =
FAFCB579AB35EE07_## =
fafda1bae00a2897 = fafda1bae00a2897_##
FAFEFBB190675D86_## =
FAFF51FACE36BE78_## = Chung tình tiễn
FailToEnterQuque = Failed to join the Match
FB_Invite_Multi_Desc = Follow us to battle!
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FB_Invite_Multi_Other_Error = An error has occurred. Please try again later.
FB_Invite_Multi_SelectAll = Select All
FB_Invite_Multi_Sign = Friends
FB_Invite_Multi_Title = Invite
FB_Invite_Multi_User_Cancel = Invitation canceled.
FB01DD0A4F7C290B_## =
FB02CD5BBB68302B_## =
FB051F24DADA220B_## =
FB0E8F6F5E880975_## =
FB108F61516309CB_## = Tham gia đấu thường mỗi ngày để nhận quà Tết Liên Quân
FB12719FF47E9A0D_## =
FB135C85CEFF71E5_## =
FB161E3F1260C6CE_## = Original
FB168406877025F3_## = Oops. Did I kill too many?
FB16B39B389E0E77_## = Hero trial card bag (7D)
FB17ED7ACD2B827D_## = Diamond
FB1BCC2831962F5E_## =
FB1E89E86F4248DA_## =
FB1F3A8504F44BFB_## = Mừng ngày Quốc tế Phụ nữ 8.3, thắng đấu hạng với tướng nữ
để nhận Ruby & thẻ thử trang phục giới hạn Mina - Tiểu thư đoạt hồn!
FB21ACC984CAF55A_## = Base Damage
FB2547DC000630C3_## =
FB268FD9236F3A6D_## =
FB27C1B759E45949_## =
FB280DBF9A94B793_## = Base Guardian:\nMovement speed increased
FB28A4ECF42856D7_## = Nakroth
FB29517066C1229D_## =
FB29E1F6C7C8246F_## =
FB2A8DCFF89F7721_## = <blankspace89>
FB2B4648B71B38BE_## = Every 3% of HP lost grants 1% damage reduction.
FB2D3C4F9FC1E558_## =
FB2DBAD30B8E6D04_## = HP and Mana Regen for 5 sec
FB2F623F258CD554_## =
FB310B3997563E26_## =
FB317D305E681068_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Giờ vàng)
FB31D97C51BDC4B2_## = Original
FB3419875D4D065C_## =
FB39BD2682F77ECA_## = Aleister
FB3BF16B206E0851_## =
FB3CC6641FD387A1_## = Linebacker
FB3DDCA338369182_## = Nhân dịp Tết dương lịch, hệ thống sẽ tự động +50% Exp nhận
được khi đấu Hạng. Còn chờ gì nữa, nhanh tay chiến ngay và thăng cấp vù vù thôi!
FB3E3539837327FF_## =
FB46DD649FDCB8FC_## = Melee
FB4B68846FA8CE81_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Maloch {C}/{T} lần
FB4C5827F3C5AE49_## = Gói ưu đãi tướng Raz. Thêm 3 Vé Quay giá chỉ 30 Quân Huy!
FB4D08A15986613A_## = Death Sickle
FB52FD9FBECFD37E_## = Red Base
FB536D3031517A09_## = Wonder Woman repels her enemies with her sword and shield.
Her shield bash deals {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>(+5% of the
target's maximum HP)</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color> and slows enemy
movement speed by {2}% for 3 seconds. If the shield hits an enemy hero, Wonder
Woman will receive {3}% damage reduction for 3 seconds.\n\nAfter Wonder Woman
bashes with her shield, she can activate the ability again to follow with a sword
attack that deals the same amount of physical damage. Enemies hit by the center of
her blade suffer double damage.
FB54A297491B4502_## =
FB5865D34EE5967F_## =
FB5EC499EA06E60E_## = Trial Card: Try out Astrid for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
FB612217ECF7F489_## = HP Regen +9
FB634FCA1C1265DA_## = Đăng nhập giờ vàng, nhận quà cực HOT, chúc mừng VN lên ngôi
Á Quân tại giải U23 Châu Á
FB6799573C97E7EB_## =
FB68B227E92C46D9_## =
FB68E1F717E6B580_## = Thu thập Bánh Chưng và Đầu lân để đổi thưởng Tết mỗi ngày
FB6949D405AD62F1_## =
FB6E4F541EA99EB0_## =
FB7363459C67804C_## =
FB75604201760BCE_## = The Fanatic
FB75D98B374EDD39_## =
FB767ED8821C02AD_## = Open to receive a random lvl 2 Arcana
FB7B78717540FA47_## =
FB7FB007624868F5_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
FB81263728D9218E_## = Default
FB82DB004F4F592F_## =
FB84894266131B15_## = Cùng {C}/{T} bạn/Lập đội chiến
FB85A42ED4A1CF98_## =
FB86F4F36B81E7DC_## = Mở để nhận 1 viên ngọc ngẫu nhiên (cấp II hoặc cấp I )
fb8933aff141dee2 = Resistance
FB8E9790B5E4A74D_## = Harry, I've Reached the Top!
FB8F75BAB02BD03C_## =
FB9480E4DC94C7BE_## = Rương bánh kẹo (x4+1)
FB9567B1C6BC2617_## =
fb979a56a13ed2fc = fb979a56a13ed2fc_##
FB98A5E3EBD5BE60_## =
FB9DAA8C0CEE529E_## =
FBA0435B16AE9D20_## = Đây là phần thưởng Quẩy cùng anh em! của bạn, xin mời kiểm
FBA1E70089009ACC_## =
FBA3043E8F6F9520_## =
FBA31FBD84B3EB88_## = Tank
FBA5EC15B3F0E9FC_## =
FBA751D1EC44E486_## = Trial Card: Try out Wisp's skin: Buccaneer for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
FBA914E5C9F63A0B_## = Mở để nhận ngẫu nhiên 5-20 Ruby
FBA98386A8FD927F_## = Diamond
FBAA333D162D6D62_## = You're such a reliable teammate!
FBAB31003918362F_## = Trải nghiệm tướng mới (Airi)
FBAE6F7AEBEB8557_## =
FBB49D6BFFD66864_## = Aleister
FBB7A0E0DE48F885_## = Skud
FBB8D89C20C624BD_## =
FBBE73658892103D_## =
FBC2467E8FC53DC9_## =
FBC483C2E44F5ECC_## =
FBC84FA160EDBF2C_## =
FBC88E23A884F673_## =
FBC98EF4B4B1A049_## = Out of all the tanks, Mina has the most area of effect
abilities. Use them to your advantage in team fights. Death Scythe is very easy to
see coming, so try to use it preemptively or as a finisher.
FBCB6A7CC2A6F892_## =
FBCCDCA3F6273931_## = Ngày hội của Joker 2
FBCE6BD0664B8F60_## = Before engaging the enemy, use Pooty Poots so you can build
up its strength and unleash its maximum effects on an enemy. Being a Bro's
resurrection effect is extremely valuable, but the effect only lasts for a short
time. Be sure to time its use properly when engaged in a team battle.
FBD065382D7683E9_## = Rương Tình nhân - 2018(x4+1)
FBD15B71347EDCD1_## =
FBD3E795F8C15FE4_## = Rift
FBD47506BA4DCD91_## =
FBD8E8C54E2C1E0B_## = Steel
FBE1E869C4FE4654_## = Trial Card: Try out Natalya's skin: Leo for<color=#01d1f8ff>
3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this skin.
FBE1F18331705C53_## = Rương may mắn Ilumia
FBE313E9EBE560D6_## =
FBE480893D812C61_## = Đăng nhập nhận Rương TOG mỗi ngày!
FBE92DFAEAA7A811_## = After learning this ability, Kil'Groth's 3rd normal attack
will deal an additional {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic
damage</color>.\n\nWhen the ability is activated, every normal attack in the next
{2} seconds also deals the same additional <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>. For
each target Kil'Groth hits, his HP restores by {3} <color=#f18d00>(+{4})</color>.
Kil'Groth can hit more than 3 enemies, but will only restore HP up to 3 times per
attack. HP also restores by {6}% when Kil'Groth's HP is less than {5}%.
FBEAAD50F705568D_## = Trial Card: Try out Lu Bu's skin: Summer Bash
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
fbeb6deffedf2483 = fbeb6deffedf2483_##
FBEC0D2FB0FDE71D_## = Đây là phần thưởng 26.11 - Thưởng đấu đặc biệt của bạn, xin
mời kiểm tra!
FBEF52E854E5F9CF_## =
FBF07AB2658C28A8_## =
FBF21E2B537182F0_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
FBF8E2AC73785573_## = Tulen
FBF97F320DC04C59_## = The Immaculate
FBFE395DA2176417_## = Cơ hội nhận trang phục Yorn Đặc nhiệm SWAT vĩnh viễn hoặc
thẻ thử rất nhiều trang phục HOT!
FC0049C0E9E74E8B_## =
FC0102E6CFA17495_## = Gói 50% KM Raz + skin
FC04144D124CA2AB_## = Base Damage
FC094762B13F20DD_## =
FC0A78ADD2619A50_## = Not Available
FC0CD0BA52957B54_## =
FC0E24B4F3679237_## = Pocket Glaive
FC11B01027415759_## = Trial Card: Try out Chaugnar for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
FC145850A9F0030A_## =
FC146F6EBD92C1C0_## =
FC179CFBFC296DDA_## =
FC1999B1438175DD_## =
FC1D846070B69BA6_## =
FC225C33EC254C88_## =
fc2332bc9dc5c419 = Armor Pierce
FC242AC8C2259DF4_## = Unknown
FC245E19DAE0E11D_## = 签到图片
fc268642ef1b67e2 = fc268642ef1b67e2_##
FC270B154D2B2BC4_## = Master
FC294523D8C47E77_## = Leo
FC29F729FFE2EEC6_## = Zephys
FC2F3924D848311D_## = Leo
FC310B5F712A2914_## =
FC331DF497A2A6B6_## =
FC34871B85DB4EE6_## = Unknown
FC36D0D7BA138F33_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
FC37C6FAAA3B0E68_## = Angelic Splendor
FC384ACD2925BDFA_## = The Joker
FC38C9387FDBF09D_## = Quy đổi mảnh ngọc (Tím)
FC39883DF42D7A91_## =
FC4780C4E969F58F_## =
FC486B01FF13178B_## = Platinum
FC4CF058D4DFF34C_## =
FC505ED824027C96_## =
FC57C0F5010FA101_## = Attack Speed
FC5BA4E7A4002DAE_## =
FC5D330F9AB70FE1_## = Fiery
FC5D9505F8F3BC76_## = Gói 40% KM Slimz + skin
FC6049DAE853C905_## = Zill tosses his scythes forward, dealing {0}
<color=#7FFFD4>(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to all enemies in
their paths and reducing their movement speed by {2}% for {3} seconds.\n\nThe
scythes then fly back to Zill and deal {4} <color=#7FFFD4>(+{5})</color>
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> to all enemies in their paths.
FC612354E019C5ED_## =
FC6242F3314398E8_## =
FC63F43D37633C7B_## =
FC64DC6D663C467D_## =
FC67C3B6C8C4480E_## =
FC6B9341389E2D50_## =
FC6F7DC18AE0AC8E_## =
FC75C389184B5651_## = Spellbound
FC79C1C345B5D597_## = Thunder Blast
FC79C5A57F986CAD_## =
fc7c29bad27f2ccf = fc7c29bad27f2ccf_##
FC7DF8703709D494_## =
FC80CB39243F8C02_## = Tết chưa hết đâu! (Đấu thường)
FC8299980D267778_## = Mganga
FC82BC9F41257A57_## = Trial Card: Try out Krixi's skin: Lunar Fairy
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have
this skin.
FC8319DE12F42545_## = Original
FC88A5AA29369E24_## =
FC8AA88605E853AE_## =
FC8D56707AF3CC5F_## =
FC8F01ECA06ECE4C_## = Hero trial card bag (1D)
FC90B9A2A67DF564_## =
FC93C51E7B46EAED_## = Attacking enemy heroes within range of an enemy tower will
cause the tower to target you!
FC9454465E512AB2_## =
FC9520991D5A592A_## = Tap <color=#f6bf17ff>Normal Attack</color> to use a
<color=#f6bf17ff>heavy attack</color> on the enemies and make them
FC98568CFF984B92_## = Tỉnh Phú Thọ
FC99070D57F39F7A_## = Support, Burst
FC9AF353566102F1_## = Trial Card: Try out Valhein's skin: Nethra
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
FC9C79C20DA9D13A_## = Aleister
FC9D14747A050D21_## =
FC9FF6D96AB07901_## = Ascended
FCA1DFDF73C87BC9_## = Dragoon
FCA567EDFF88A70E_## = Support
FCA67A8261A148F4_## = Trial Card: Try out Alice for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color>
days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this Hero.
FCAAC85F219043CA_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đấu trường Huyền thoại của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
FCAF28437724B434_## = "My gunshots are the reminders of the vampire
menace."\n\nDuring the War of Stakes, Violet rose to fame by headhunting a new
breed of vampires called Princes. The abilities of these new vampires were
unorthodox yet advanced: their offensive strategies involved the casting of spells
to produce fireballs and lightning. Some had the ability of flight as well. The
Princes' abilities provided them with great advantages not easily overpowered. Only
the likes of Violet, who had undergone extensive training, could rival these
unnatural forces and their magic.\n\nThe more Princes she killed, the more of a
threat she became, and the more her name was known throughout the Princes' ranks.
Their collectively seething hatred for Violet amplified their desires to destroy
her. It motivated them to commit massive amounts of resources and effort to launch
long-distance attacks on her army.\n\nHer most powerful weapon was her personal
firearm, the Rose of Fate, which won countless battles for her. Unfortunately, it
was destroyed by a fireball. Violet immediately became weaker and her army began to
falter. This enraged her. She vowed to defeat them at all costs, not allowing the
loss of her weapon to prevent that from ever happening.\n\n"If vampires feed on
humans, then we shall feed on the vampires!"
FCB3678D5D8173E5_## = <color=#ffd200>Tip </color>: Turn on <color=#f6bf27ff>voice
chat</color> to talk with your teammates while you play!
FCB6515567854988_## = Cooldown
FCB815F836BE48C8_## = Tết chưa hết đâu! (Đấu thường)
FCBC947FEA31C9BD_## =
FCC0A35CFB82105D_## = Omen uses his blade to pull all enemies in front of him
closer, dealing {0} <color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical
damage</color> and slowing their movement speed by {2}%.
FCC23E58F75C2C25_## = 消费点券活动
FCC6F7E5DD17972C_## =
FCCCD17B2347C025_## = Attack
FCCDC1F327B747C0_## =
FCCF8F09D2562698_## = Each normal attack reduces Spin cooldown by 1 second on hit.
FCD0D524E2312414_## = Attack
FCD1841D5C7B9C8B_## = Unknown
FCD5270D42056F79_## = Laid-back summer appearance
FCD9E0EB216919B3_## = Unknown
FCDC371C3AB52163_## =
fcdd2bd2a5f8da02 = Ability description
fcde1b1331e623ee = fcde1b1331e623ee_##
FCDEBC2761B8EC62_## =
FCE2AB9A44A54E79_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
FCE4B69D5DADF42B_## =
FCE9D3918850BDE3_## =
FCED62FB5FB84BC4_## = Unknown
FCEE666A9C74B02A_## =
FCFB492CCA8F2AC2_## = Krixi
FCFFDC29EE9DDCA9_## = 等級達到{T}級
FCFFF3E76CC203BB_## =
FCFFFA6FD050867A_## =
FD0155ED6DBE1E2E_## =
FD0656E85BC032A7_## = <blankspace89>
FD0A9A18CB4520AE_## =
FD0EA497665CF68F_## = Base Damage
FD0F36AFF16AB96F_## =
FD1059895142FA01_## = Sự kiện hay trong tuần
FD11216E7909B899_## = Quà đăng nhập tuần
FD1883DD58B7E844_## =
FD18CF77634BCDCB_## =
FD1C518A346AA12E_## =
FD1FE9F5688F5FAD_## =
FD20931314F6D924_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
FD2250DF0BAB0892_## = Unknown
fd25b0ec09af5c22 = Event details
FD27F0CC74B843F2_## = Anabolic Rage cooldown
FD29F4987E460281_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
FD2B7BD92E2EDAB7_## = Rương Xmas - Tướng
fd2d6ca9d6ee5e14 = Might Golem Location
FD2DE73E845F6E49_## = Trial Card: Try out Zill for <color=#01d1f8ff>12</color>
hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this hero.
FD2F2FACA7575B23_## =
FD2F4D8E38FEC4E4_## = Tiêu Quân Huy - nhận ưu đãi
FD3049EDFB07DAA9_## = Every 5th consecutive normal attack triggers a burst of
arrows, each one dealing <color=#f18d00>{0}</color> <color=#ca3939>physical
FD38DDFD3E6144C5_## = Cooldown
fd3ae7f12e136c95 = fd3ae7f12e136c95_##
FD3D3FE50CD53E0E_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
FD3F017E582AE27C_## =
FD40698541231B26_## =
FD420AE010EA4526_## =
FD4576E86750C9BD_## = Trial Card: Try out Tel'Annas' skin: Navy Cadet for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
FD46059194C4E56F_## =
FD482215740584F6_## = Function not available.
FD4AE1C325FA9935_## =
FD4E768AA654C9B6_## = Burst, Finisher
FD4EB55DD7F523A1_## = Mừng ngày Quốc tế Phụ nữ 8.3, thắng đấu hạng với tướng nữ
để nhận Ruby & thẻ thử trang phục giới hạn Mina - Tiểu thư đoạt hồn!
FD4EB77599028C64_## = Long Range
FD5389ED3D0AE18A_## = Leviathan
FD54E2D58237E24D_## =
FD56B40186CFE8ED_## =
FD5BC9DE5CAFC748_## =
FD5E2839722DB249_## = Unknown
fd5e3d1a5beb6620 = fd5e3d1a5beb6620_##
FD5E8B308A9ED4CD_## =
FD62F3DD6BFC875A_## =
FD645A3444269587_## =
FD669F0E76106647_## =
FD66BE54FBF2C613_## =
FD6C1F63AFFD24C9_## = Triumphant
FD71CE5198BEC2D8_## = Your guild has received the level {0} Activity Reward. Thank
you for your active participation.
FD72C87745AE8302_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường mỗi ngày
FD76BC8EBC76B94D_## =
FD7A46DB8102B47B_## = Knights, rally to me!
FD7AB643F400CB04_## =
FD7D253D8D7481EE_## =
FD7FAB87A31D1D94_## =
FD813B06CBFF3525_## =
FD81CE906F6762FE_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
FD862750B8379D35_## = A legend to respect!
FD8AB0DEF8BF175C_## =
fd8bf47e2a583ba4 = fd8bf47e2a583ba4_##
FD8D4D84476BAF52_## = Stop attacking the Abyssal Dragon!
FD98DB4897A53C23_## = Zanis
FD9E4CE21185D8B1_## = Frost Cape
FDA1058F6E0578D2_## =
FDA156204D4F10E7_## = Original
FDA25EA78AB00FB1_## =
fda49fc4148ef6bf = Friends
FDA60AFC535CD364_## = Trial Card: Try out Omega for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day.
You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
FDAA659C32AA491A_## =
FDAAE16C7124EE71_## = Tuần lễ Nguyệt tộc (Hạ gục)
FDAAF517CF296274_## = Kill the<color=#ffd200> Sage Golem</color> to reduce Cooldown
and boost Mana Regen.
FDAD8EA9600BAF03_## = Violet fires Concussive Rounds at nearby enemies, dealing {0}
<color=#f18d00>(+{1})</color> <color=#ca3939>physical damage</color>.
FDAF01560F2B3039_## =
FDB33FC2908F3D07_## = Trial Card: Try out Lu Bu's skin: Cyber Samurai
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
FDB694688E10DAD4_## = Jinnar
FDB87213448A5DE9_## = Trial Card: Try out Wonder Woman's skin: Bombshell for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
FDB8AC3D2DD7AB87_## =
FDB9D597E428A366_## = obsolete+0883a26451babb95
FDBC05B5A8F7DE5E_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
FDBC35F11C46F635_## =
fdbdee535afb08b8 = fdbdee535afb08b8_##
FDC553572B9D43ED_## = Open to receive the Hero: Nakroth and his Skin: Demonic
FDC6A2BEB09FBC49_## = Đây là phần thưởng Tiêu xài nhận thưởng của bạn, xin mời
kiểm tra!
FDC7C0EEB068F6C4_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 hạng mỗi ngày
FDCCBE7CB40EBFAD_## = Tel'Annas' Eagle Eye has a very long range, so use that to
your advantage to keep the enemy from advancing as well as kite them with the
passive. When enemies are grouped together, use Arrow of Chaos at the right time to
dish out tons of damage, knock them back, and stun them.
FDD3BB7B77277180_## =
FDD425B8F69ABB2F_## = 12-18 minutes
FDD4A4D29AF10298_## = Cooldown
FDD54D34F7D7D500_## = Rend
FDD5B3C1288C1A51_## =
FDD63BD1AD3F2F1B_## =
FDD9E3E57F010997_## = ProPlayer Suggestion
fddd5f552cc5d059 = Off
FDDE6316E4DE35ED_## =
FDDECEB8529FFF6F_## = Good attitude!
FDE1DE7FC79DF416_## = Raz's footwork moves him closer to his enemies on his 2nd and
3rd consecutive normal attacks. The 3rd normal attack deals extra
<color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color>, knocks back enemies, and stuns them.
FDE567716CBD1A3D_## = 消费点券活动
FDEB8D5F9728821D_## = Trial Card: Try out Jinnar's skin: Aten for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 gems if you already have this skin.
FDEBA24114D0351F_## =
FDED722F490BA00C_## = Sự kiện 8.3 - Chơi tướng nữ nhận quà
FDED96E6B0E129C7_## = Chào năm mới 2018 (Chiến thắng)
FDF30A53C28487A2_## =
FDF35C38DD04F126_## =
FDF3DDDBA69736EC_## =
FDF6C9747DC2111C_## =
FDF7502C6FE3C36E_## = Zill Skin: Ripper
FDF7B0801B4E5DA2_## = Diaochan
FDFD5C28E8B52CBF_## = Ranked Match
FE01A3C0B947AA5A_## = Azzen'Ka
FE0C552C9D6ACB2B_## = This player is not on your Friend List.
FE107A997FC484A7_## =
FE131C7FCE460843_## = Exterminate
FE16B7A34794BD6C_## =
FE19AA8CB886F8CC_## = Cooldown
FE1CA04B5D09978C_## =
FE1CC8F410615CCD_## =
FE1D93D38885C601_## = Defense
FE1F6D5FFAD3F610_## =
FE20AD98E88A09FB_## = Trial Card: Try out Grakk's skin: Cap'n for<color=#01d1f8ff>
12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this skin.
FE223A44331263A3_## =
FE2D1761992D831B_## =
fe30344c91729818 = HP Regeneration:
FE339E154FE6821E_## = Sage Buff:\nReduces ability cooldown by 20% and restores
additional 2% mana every second
FE35F65596C09483_## = Dùng {C}/{T} Quân huy
FE37847EC1F34EAF_## = Base Damage
FE396EA3B7D9A4CB_## =
FE3C3533EA1E2622_## = Team disbanded.
FE41CDC394A6C83A_## =
FE420E8CA71F3189_## = Zanis
FE47E3025F29C236_## = Chơi {C}/{T} trận 5V5 thường/hạng
FE4D106FCFCA1F24_## = 本週活動精選
FE5010EDD4022936_## = 消费点券活动
fe526345bbe0b1d3 = Cheating
FE52C330207A1690_## = Tướng vĩnh viễn Chaugnar + trang phục Ác Mộng Sinh Hóa
FE533812E442A3A9_## =
FE550EC0955BB9DD_## =
FE55FF9D7D21AD3E_## =
FE572F6230020916_## = Đăng nhập nhận Rương TOG mỗi ngày!
FE59938CD2F3C39F_## = Control, Damage Dealer
FE5E3BEE154B1E60_## = Silver
FE6013303511E621_## = Đấu trường Huyền thoại
FE636E9AEC5F5D2C_## = Trial Card: Try out Moren's skin: Wrecking
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have
this skin.
FE654AC6C416B065_## =
FE657C10D20FF6E8_## = When you're using Raz, try to plan out the best position in
advance to avoid counterattacks. Hit enemies with a third consecutive normal attack
to stun enemies before using a combo of his abilities.
FE65D38793E39849_## = "Fairness is the most important thing in any trade!"\n\nSlimz
operated in the lands between the Castle of Inception and the Forest of Shadows.
Like many traders, he had always believed in the business principle of "fairness".
Once conditions for a trade were met, Slimz demonstrated this "fairness" by milking
his business associates dry.\n\nUnder the guise of being a successful merchant,
Slimz ended up taking complete control of all transactions conducted in the border
lands and became the ruler of this gray realm. After war broke out, Slimz
recognized a business opportunity and persuaded the arms specialist Moen to build a
Castle of Alchemy in the border lands. This castle would serve as a continuous
supply of weapons and equipment to warring men, beasts, or anything else that could
pay the price. After all, Slimz was a trader and neutral in the matter.\n\nBusiness
boomed for Slimz and he accumulated an astounding fortune, yet the scope of the war
grew larger and larger. To protect his wealth and the flow of his business, Slimz
had the foresight to build a private army that comprised of wild beasts, men and
alchemy puppets. Unfortunately for Slimz, it was Preyta, the supreme commander of
the Fallen, who was the first to go after his wealth. Slimz fought tooth and nail
and even enlisted the support of Omega, the Awoken Mech for support, but he was
unable to save the Castle of Alchemy from its ultimate fate. His wealth, which took
him many years to accumulate, was lost in a single night.\n\nHungry to regain his
wealth and status, Slimz returned to the Forest of Shadows and entered a new
agreement with Tel'Annas, the Queen of Spirits: The agreement stated that the queen
would mobilize forces to retake the Castle of Alchemy, while Slimz remained in the
Forest of Shadows and protected it in her absence.\n\n"The debt you owe me will be
repaid one day!"
FE663BC6C061E94B_## = Cooldown
FE6955D0328F80E7_## =
FE6B88BA01A42AE1_## = Po Po
FE71406682D06845_## =
FE7232FC4DC3D419_## =
FE76AA86C0C261FE_## =
FE80E5C94D348208_## = Viking
FE82771C7E4B0D5F_## =
FE886305E4CB67AE_## =
fe8e884df99ffe48 = The red dot<color=#f6bf17ff> on the map</color>
is<color=#f6bf17ff> where the Might Golem</color> spawned.
FE8F049601021CB1_## =
FE95007B22500DD8_## =
FE96BEC1B8F7C3EF_## = Kahlii
FE99826546D048B6_## = 签到图片
FE9B3F1F337B6F0B_## = 签到图片
FE9CA8887C293C5D_## = Weekly Quest Reward
FEA2798C6734BA94_## =
FEA53F52006FB64F_## = 7-11 minutes
FEA8E74530D7DD8C_## = Special Coupon
FEAC13B3BAAA368C_## = 7 日累積簽到
FEADAF309283665B_## = Quà sinh nhật từ chương trình Garena Membership
FEAF6CA59498958E_## =
FEAFEDC3A5776B90_## =
FEB088C4D4AC93AD_## = Cơ hội sở hữu các trang phục Tình nhân 2018 chỉ với 15 Quân
FEB0B076E7F657BD_## = Đồng hành cùng AIC 2017
FEB0CC00647D9DD3_## =
FEB391B439346621_## = Flight
FEB6C7BADE145CA8_## =
FEB974A21A04FE54_## = Diaochan came from very humble beginnings, but her ruthless
ambition has taken her far. She was born to a simple handmaiden and was raised
under the assumption that she would never exceed her mother’s standing in life.
However, Diaochan was blessed with incredible beauty. As she came of age, she
became very aware that she was more alluring than the beautiful fountains in the
royal cities that she visited.\n\nWhile many men sought her out, even some who
pledged to go on chivalric quests to win her hand, Diaochan mastered the art of
restraint. She would eye the high lords and smile at them until they requested her
service. Once there, she would flirt and tease just long enough to put herself in a
position to extract maximum value from another.\n\nEventually, this process left
her in the service of a warlord. This warlord, always concerned with the next great
conquest, had heard rumblings of a horrendous dragon laying waste to towns and
wreaking havoc among the realm. If he could just find a way to defeat this dragon,
his real power would be known. All of the other lords would not only praise him,
they would also truly fear him. As he trained himself physically for the fight
ahead, he gave his servants the task of finding out different ways of slaying the
dragon.\n\nThe warlord had inherited a tremendously well-stocked library, filled
with volumes upon volumes of writings on every imaginable subject. Diaochan had
been assigned to the magical arts section to scour for any information she could
find on defeating a dragon. As she poured over the stacks of spells and potions,
her interest in the subject took hold of her. She returned to the library day after
day and practiced what she learned under the cover of night. She found herself to
be a quick learner and was mastering advanced spells within a year. As she grew in
skill, she grew further from her screwed past. She found a sense of peace and
purpose on these pages and her newfound identity blossomed.\n\nAs she neared the
end of the library, the camp was attacked by a powerful warrior with dragon blood
known as Lu Bu. He tore through the camp, raining terror upon the soldiers. He was
outnumbered, but this did not matter; he was absorbed by rage and the outcome
turned. Diaochan was curious about the power of this new challenger, and also felt
her heart moved by the obvious pain he carried within him.\n\nAfter Lu Bu slew his
last enemy, he was still consumed by anger; so much so that the very dragon powers
within him failed to respond to his command. The vitriol within him would have
taken his heart and devoured him, but a touch from Diaochan’s hand cooled the fires
within. She had read about dragon magic in the library, and she knew the spell
necessary to still the vengeful thunder within him. He fell in love with Diaochan
the first moment he laid eyes on her, and she was fascinated by him.\n\nTogether,
Lu Bu and Diaochan traveled the realm, always by each other’s side. They dwelled in
relative peace and for a time things were right and good. This time of tranquility
came to an end when the Dragon Father, the very beast who had given Lu Bu his
dragon powers, came for Lu Bu. He was furious that Lu Bu had abandoned his previous
quest, and commanded that Lu Bu return to his service immediately.\n\nBut Lu Bu
would not leave Diaochan. This infuriated the Dragon Father and sealed the enmity
between the two. They clashed in an epic conflict a stalemate of great magical
powers. But the battle turned when Diaochan gave her magic to Lu Bu, allowing him
to reach a higher form and smite the Dragon Father.\n\nIn doing so, Diaochan’s
magic bonded with Lu Bu, so that the two are truly of one essence--fused together
but not confused. Theirs is the greatest love in all of Athanor, and its power has
healed the darkness of anger and vengeance from Lu Bu’s heart. In turn, through her
connection with Lu Bu, Diaochan has discovered a great power that will one day
define the history of Athanor.
FEBA88C110E5D5B9_## = OK
FEBDB086067312C8_## =
FEBF7E0614AF400A_## =
FEC8BE83D9AA5820_## =
FECAF94F36E9074C_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
FECC4B1157BA2223_## = Rương Ác quỷ Halloween
FECC82069D24FEA6_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
FECDB83879E66F22_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
7</color> days. You'll receive 35 Gems if you already have this skin.
FECE9F0F4D2716CB_## = Not enough tanks
FED3F0397CD6CF6D_## =
FED87978D93FDC3E_## = Đây là phần thưởng Mời bạn cùng chơi của bạn, xin mời kiểm
FEDA5599BC9B48F7_## =
FEDD58198D378454_## =
FEDE446E7C2E7C53_## = Base Damage
FEE275DD7DD05CE3_## = Yorn
FEE44035829905BB_## = Dung nham
FEE45F2AE32E544B_## =
FEE55D2F234735D2_## = Solo Battle
FEE76F87006730E3_## =
FEEB2A3AE78ED2F4_## = Đây là phần thưởng Săn mục tiêu lớn của bạn, xin mời kiểm
FEEFC5B97751C0A3_## =
FEF1707420A57EB3_## = When you're using Raz, try to plan out the best position in
advance to avoid counterattacks. Hit enemies with a third consecutive normal attack
to stun enemies before using a combo of his abilities.
FEF2BE787E6E2B6A_## = Thợ Săn tiền thưởng
FEF5792CDF5A69A4_## = 签到图片
FEF6A63C2881EC0D_## = Base Damage
FEF8940663257288_## = Mỗi tuần một niềm vui. Đăng nhập đều đặn hàng tuần để nhận vô
số quà tặng.
FEFB3E096767B063_## = Đổi Dấu ấn Tulen
Feigou_open_Prompt_1 = Mode\nOpen
Feigou_open_Prompt_2 = Limited Time
FF01C3B6E8E2BDA6_## = The Dark Knight from hell.
FF03483F93E8EEDC_## =
FF053DF6D338F000_## =
FF09DDA0CC6EA9F0_## =
FF0C2B16C7C26974_## = Congratulations, you are now one step closer to becoming a
true hero!
FF0C92CB4C00C689_## =
FF0FB84B14171359_## = Mganga
FF1237EF87B5128A_## = Tiêu Quân Huy - nhận ưu đãi
FF15EFDDB3200086_## = Omega's abilities deal full damage to structures.
FF1602CD2B3C9C80_## = Not Available
ff16edcad2931fdf = No players found!
FF190AF5617BBD36_## =
FF19CA64019BB2F0_## = Buffs
FF1DE5286A5040EF_## = Omen
FF1EA2F052A5E9BE_## = Skud
FF1FC61C54E3F2C9_## = Trial Card: Try out Valhein for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color>
day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this hero.
FF1FFAAFED85DD7C_## = Tỉnh Gia Lai
FF215322E7157739_## =
FF21EB942AF35A48_## =
FF25183E54FFD5B9_## = The Spirit Orbs, the fragile and powerful family heirlooms
that protected Jinnar's family, also put them in harm's way. Jinnar's ancestors
solely relied on the orbs' power to defend themselves and to defeat the demons of
Hell. \n\nIt was an infinite battle that never ceased. The more the orbs were
exposed to dark forces in battle, the more they became tainted with evil. In order
to seal the orbs, Jinnar's ancestors sacrificed their souls to protect future
generations.\n\nThe war against the dark forces inevitably continued and the seal
loosened throughout the battles, making it vulnerable to be tainted by evil again.
Jinnar took it upon himself to travel to the Temple of Light, a sanctuary in which
the orbs would be safe.\n\nEn route to the temple, the traces of evil within the
orbs emitted dark energies to Hell, drawing the attention of Maloch the Merciless.
Instantaneously, Jinnar was captured by his minions. In that critical moment,
outnumbered and badly injured, Jinnar was convinced he was deprived of hope, and
that, resistance was futile… until something awakened within the orbs. \n\nThe
remaining soul energy from his ancestors was awakened, leading Jinnar to victory.
Jinnar attained all of his knowledge regarding the orbs shortly thereafter, for he
had heard the ancient stories of their capabilities but had never seen them
firsthand. The orbs would finally be delivered to the temple.\n\nUsing his
spiritual powers, control, and knowledge over the Spirit Orbs, he gained unanimous
approval from the temple to protect them. A newfound desire to grow stronger in
order to better protect the orbs and future generations sparked. Lauriel aided him
in practicing advanced Zen techniques, which he painfully withstood without
uttering a word. Jinnar knew that the purifying power of the light obtained from
the advanced Zen techniques could completely cleanse the orbs of their dark energy.
FF2766EDC3A1467B_## = Original
FF27C67EA2F2E52F_## =
FF2EE03639B5F5B1_## = Unique Passive: Movement Speed +60
FF2FEE18EA1A75C4_## = Tiêu xài Quân huy, Nhận gói quà HOT!
FF34DF7DE917D4E1_## = Mee shoots forth a chain from his lance, hooking the first
thing it hits. If the chain hits an enemy, it deals {0}<color=#7FFFD4>
(+{1})</color> <color=#8e91fd>magic damage</color> and stuns them for {2} second.
FF35575469B7A95C_## =
FF3597753374CDDE_## =
FF3CD14353804EF5_## =
FF3D2F93951D3F53_## = The Killing Joke
FF3DD8F6B5078C6D_## =
FF3EC2330F2B57C0_## =
FF415F3DB10B61D3_## =
FF416BD36D358AF4_## = Open it for a chance to get Zill, the Ripper Skin or other
FF44A88059BF15FB_## = Tham gia tiêu diệt Rồng/KK để nhận ruby miễn phí (Đấu
FF45C57155ECB727_## = Trial Card: Try out Omen's skin: Bloody Baron
for<color=#01d1f8ff> 1</color> day. You'll receive 5 gems if you already have this
FF4CC9251849178C_## =
ff4df9df91c0a89b = Remaining times:
FF4E128687738E4E_## = Krixi
ff501c6c3a17d405 = Attack Damage
FF50D84D7CCA65CB_## = Đổi Dấu ấn Tulen
FF52F699394614FA_## = Mời bạn cùng chơi
FF55E0DC0CC6A5B8_## =
FF5C7EB4E0407928_## = Unique Passive: Armor Pierce +35%
FF5D540E9AB13865_## =
FF66B731AC1913E9_## =
FF6B07A56DC8E0A3_## =
FF6B381BE9AB1735_## = Đây là phần thưởng Vô Địch ARAM của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
FF6D92FFFA98EA90_## =
FF714DA96C103D31_## =
FF716EE9FB964431_## = Trial Card: Try out Nakroth's skin: Cybercore for
<color=#01d1f8ff>12</color> hours. You'll receive 1 gem if you already have this
FF73F9C05D851E6D_## =
FF74C1A9F10D49E0_## = Unknown
FF7505E1177B304F_## = Smooth Moves isn't just a typical movement ability, it is
great for positioning yourself to absorb damage for your team. Be sure to block as
much damage as you can for your team when you use this ability.
FF758E29079FE74B_## =
FF78F90B72AF1F60_## = Iron Body
FF7F15AFEB51908C_## = Phi công trẻ
FF84629D567FCB99_## =
FF880276ED07FB43_## =
FF8CF149E28AB6D4_## = Crimson
FF9014C4C340FFAF_## = Warrior
FF923A1739817DD6_## = Cơ hội nhận được 1 trong các vật phẩm sau:\nTướng vĩnh viễn
(Batman) / Thẻ thử tướng Batman (1 ngày) / Mảnh tướng
FF9364F05D1959DD_## = When there are friendly heroes within 500 units of Lumburr,
both Lumburr and the hero with the lowest HP gain <color=#f8be32>{0}</color> armor
and magic defense.
FF979DF14E3721B7_## = Unique Passive - Elemental Power: After using an ability, the
next normal attack deals additional magic damage. 3-second cooldown.
FF984FEA4B5BAF29_## = Rương may mắn Tháng 1
FF998F7D8AACD38C_## = Medium Reward for warriors who have participated in a Quick
Match. Contains 128 Gold and a chance to obtain an additional 88 Gold.
FF9B70F4F061EC79_## = Unknown
FF9EBA81D019D337_## = Assassin
FF9FDE7AC83F7033_## = Trial Card: Try out Ormarr's skin: Viking for
<color=#01d1f8ff>3</color> days. You'll receive 15 gems if you already have this
FFA57BD0F7AFBA28_## = Trial Card: Try out Toro's skin Officer for<color=#01d1f8ff>
1</color> day. You'll receive 5 Gems if you already have this skin.
FFAAD4460678836D_## = 签到图片
FFAB33425D56524E_## = Jinnar
FFAE0A4621C8BB4A_## = Chia sẻ hình ảnh sở hữu trang phục Murad M-TP Thần tượng
học đường để nhận Khăn choàng Murad M-TP\nLưu ý: Trên Android chỉ tính chia sẻ qua
Garena Mobile
FFB094ED79F45C13_## =
FFB0AB99E46BF336_## =
FFB308DDB5C316A5_## =
FFB3555496ACD5D0_## =
FFB4C5CC1B40D200_## = Base Damage
FFB512D8DC7FD7F1_## =
FFB682480F8597A8_## = Base Damage
FFB75E9CBB084A34_## = The Scarabim
FFBE443A14C8323B_## =
FFC03851E7395E6B_## = Mở để nhận 1 ngọc lục cấp 3 (ngẫu nhiên)
FFC082A76412C81A_## = Trang phục Ormarr: Giáo viên thể hình
FFC155365DE868DE_## = Will not be affected by control effects when using abilities.
Damage taken also reduces by {0}%.
FFC1666C47FE8DC0_## = Mage
FFC826905E2364DD_## =
FFC87DAA810AEA70_## = Đây là phần thưởng Đón Xuân mới - Khuyến mãi nạp thẻ mỗi
ngày! của bạn, xin mời kiểm tra!
FFCBB4D75EAB0FA2_## = 本週活動精選
FFCBC423BA30D710_## = The forest strikes back!
FFCCBB6C4C5D5274_## =
FFCCD63CC0258E63_## =
FFCEFB51C775950B_## = Raz
FFCFA486D29678F9_## = The Fanatic
FFD40A2B86899B00_## =
FFD519E1620EAC4E_## = Storm Wraith
FFD62CA85A8920EC_## = KM -20% Combo Teemee
FFD9B333CDCBE533_## =
FFE16817835B9A9E_## = The Demon Hunter
FFE1E3ACDF7A6F33_## = Rare Natalya Skin: Azure
ffe50465f1c62a49 = ffe50465f1c62a49_##
FFE72B5F7C621D3E_## =
FFE7640B443C78EE_## = Love Sworn
FFEC062D9008A850_## =
FFF1B3AC5E7445E8_## = Your activity points from the previous day were
<color=#ffd700>{0}</color> and you obtained <color=#ffd700>{1}</color> guild gold.
FFF353BCD81B0171_## =
FFF49DA7426F316F_## = Roxi-Atk-01
FFF4C4FFE5578298_## = Diaochan
fff936c40905a796 = Mana:
FFFAD0DB1F07E72D_## = Đấu thường 5v5 với Slimz {C}/{T} lần
FFFDB287984893E3_## = Raz
FinalScore_HeroLevel0_Name = Beginner
FinalScore_HeroLevelUp = obsolete+da55587b41007ca7
FinalScore_HeroProficiency = Hero Proficiency
finished = Completed
FireHole_First_Notify_Num = 10
FireHole_Second_Notify_Num = 18
FireHole_Third_Notify_Num = 27
FirstReward_Desc = An extra 100 gold and 500 EXP will be awarded for your first
victory each day. Resets every day at 5 AM.
FollowMe = Follow Me
Form_BigSkill_Image = <size=36>Bullet Storm</size>\n can damage enemies in a wide
Form_BlueBuff_Image = Defeat the <size=32>Sage Golem</size> to reduce ability
cooldowns and increase mana regeneration
Form_CustomRecomEquipIntro_Image_tip = You can<color=#ffd200> view</color> and
<color=#ffd200> change</color> your equipment preset here
Form_Duke_Image = Kill the Dark Slayer to increase team damage and boost mana/HP
regen speed
Form_FountainIntro_Image = Return to the Altar to quickly restore HP and mana
Form_Grass_Image = Enemies cannot see you when you're hiding in the brush
Form_Guild_Sign_Success_imgSignSuccess = Sign-in Bonus
Form_Heal_Image = Restore's effects will be canceled if you take damage
Form_Mail_GoMatchRecord = Match Records
Form_Map_01_Image_Tip = The arena has three battle lanes.\nDestroy the enemy Core
to achieve victory.
Form_Map_02_Image_Tip = The yellow zone is our jungle and the red zone is the
Form_Map_03_Image_Tip = Defeat monsters to earn gold, EXP, and buffs
Form_MonsterRange = Attack monsters within the Aggression Range or the monsters
will retreat
Form_MonsterRange_Title = Aggression Range
Form_New_News_Url = https://www.arenaofvalor.com/mini3/bin/popup.json
Form_New_Title = Academy
Form_Newbie_Task_Finish_GO = OK
Form_Newbie_Task_Finish_TipsDes = You have finished the Road to Glory. You can now
access Daily Battle Rewards for additional gold and EXP rewards.
Form_Newbie_Task_Finish_Title = Congratulations!
Form_News_Url = https://webshop.lienquan.garena.vn/?
Form_PlayerLevelUp_Text = Lvl
Form_RedBuff_Image = Defeat the <size=32>Might Golem</size> to increase damage and
reduce enemy movement speed.
Form_Tower_Image = Towers will target you if you attack enemy heroes near them.
Form_XiaoLong_Image = Kill the Abyssal Dragon to shower your team with Gold and EXP
FourteenCheckIn_ActivityAlreadEnd = This event has ended.
FourteenCheckIn_DayTextFormat = Day {0}
FourteenCheckIn_Desc = New players who have logged in for 14 of the past 30 days
can collect a reward
FourteenCheckIn_ExpiredText = Expired
FourteenCheckIn_LeftTime = Event time remaining: {0}
FourteenCheckIn_Title = 14 Day Giveaway for New Players
FourteenDayCheckIn_SendHeroFormat = Day {0}
FourteenDays_SendHero1 = 2nd day, receive<color=#ffd200> Nethra</color>
FourteenDays_SendHero2 = 3rd day, receive<color=#ffd200> Veera</color>
FourteenDays_SendHero3 = 7th day, receive<color=#ffd200> Toro</color>
Free_Heroes_No_Proficiency = Not available for Free or Trial heroes
Friend_CS_ERR_COMMIT_ERR = Submission failed
Friend_CS_ERR_FRIEND_ADD_FRIEND_DENY = Friend request rejected
Friend_CS_ERR_FRIEND_ADD_FRIEND_EXSIST = Player is already your friend.
Friend_CS_ERR_FRIEND_ADD_FRIEND_SELF = Cannot add yourself as a friend.
Friend_CS_ERR_FRIEND_ADD_FRIEND_ZONE = Add friends cross-server.
Friend_CS_ERR_FRIEND_AP_FULL = Unable to continue receiving gold.
Friend_CS_ERR_FRIEND_DEFAULT = No corresponding error code: {0}
Friend_CS_ERR_FRIEND_DONATE_AP_EXCEED = Reached daily limit for giving gold.
Friend_CS_ERR_FRIEND_DONATE_REPEATED = Gold already sent.
Friend_CS_ERR_FRIEND_EXCEED = Friend recall limit exceeded.
Friend_CS_ERR_FRIEND_NOT_EXSIST = Friend not found.
Friend_CS_ERR_FRIEND_NUM_EXCEED = Friend limit exceeded.
Friend_CS_ERR_FRIEND_OTHER = An unknown error has occurred.
Friend_CS_ERR_FRIEND_RECALL_EXCEED = Friend recall limit exceeded.
Friend_CS_ERR_FRIEND_RECALL_REPEATED = Repeatedly recalling some friends.
Friend_CS_ERR_FRIEND_RECALL_TIME_LIMIT = Friend's offline period is not long enough
to be recalled.
Friend_CS_ERR_FRIEND_RECORD_NOT_EXSIST = Player not found
Friend_CS_ERR_FRIEND_RECV_AP_EXCEED = Reached daily limit for receiving gold.
Friend_CS_ERR_FRIEND_REQ_REPEATED = Friend request already sent
Friend_CS_ERR_FRIEND_SEND_MAIL = Gift Gold mail undelivered.
Friend_CS_ERR_FRIEND_TCAPLUS_ERR = The server is busy, please wait.
Friend_CS_ERR_PEER_FRIEND_NUM_EXCEED = The player you want to add has reached their
friend limit.
Friend_CS_ERR_REGISTER_NAME_DUP_FAIL = Name already exists.
Friend_Current_Intimacy = Friendship Score
Friend_FilterFriend_NoFriend = Friend not found.
Friend_FilterFriend_Pl = Enter a player's name
Friend_Input_Tips = Please type in player's name.
Friend_Intimacy_Reward_Bubble1 = You have reached a Friendship Score of 100 with
this friend.\nYou can send a Best Buddies Gift to this friend when you reach a
score of 240.
Friend_Intimacy_Reward_Bubble2 = You have reached a Friendship Score of 200 with
this friend.\nYou can send a Best Buddies Gift to this friend when you reach a
score of 240.
Friend_Intimacy_Reward_Tip = Friendship Rewards
Friend_Invitation_text = Let's open a group! Let's have a wonderful battle!
Friend_Invitation_title = Invite
Friend_Invite_SNS_Desc = Let me show you around!
Friend_Invite_SNS_Title = Invite
Friend_InviteSns_Label = Invite
Friend_Kakao_Guest_Tips = KR Version, DNT
Friend_LBSDisabled_Tip = Share your location to find more people to team up with.
Friend_LBSFristTimeOpen_Tip = Share your location to find and be seen by nearby
Friend_No_Invite_Friend = No friends to invite
Friend_NoBlackList_Tip = The blacklist is empty.
Friend_NoFriend_Tip = No friends are online. Search for friends under the "Find
Friends" tab.
Friend_NoLBSList_Tip = No nearby players found. Please try again later.
Friend_NoRequest_Tip = You don't have any friend requests at this time. \nGo to
"Find Friends" to search for new friends.
Friend_ReCall_Tips_1 = Online invitation
Friend_ReCall_Tips_2 = Invited
Friend_Search_Mine_Btn_Label = My Player Card
Friend_Search_Tab_Label = Find Friends
Friend_SearchNoResult = Friend not found. Please, enter your friend's correct name.
Friend_SNS_NTF_Switch_Tips_1 = Friend_SNS_NTF_Switch_Tips_1_##
Friend_SNS_NTF_Switch_Tips_2 = Friend_SNS_NTF_Switch_Tips_2_##
Friend_SNS_NTF_Switch_Tips_3 = Decline requests
Friend_Tips_AllSendHeartOK = Gift sent.
Friend_Tips_AlreadyBeFriend = You're already friends with this player.
Friend_Tips_BeFriend_Ok = You're now<color=orange> friends</color>.
Friend_Tips_DelFriend = Confirm to remove friend
Friend_Tips_lastTime_day = <color=#828282>[Last Online: {0}d ago]</color>
Friend_Tips_lastTime_default = <color=#828282>[Last Online: 1m ago]</color>
Friend_Tips_lastTime_hour_min = <color=#828282>[Last Online: {0}h {1}m
Friend_Tips_lastTime_min = <color=#828282>[Last Online: {0}m ago]</color>
Friend_Tips_Send_BeFriend_Ok = Friend Request Sent
Friend_Tips_SendHeartOK = Gold Sent
Friend_Tips_SendSenior = Gift sent! Remaining for today: {0}
Friend_Tips_SendSeniorOK_NoneLeft = You have reached the limit for sending Best
Buddies Gifts today.
Friend_Title_List = Friends
Friend_Title_Requests = Requests
FriendAchieveRankName = Achievement Rankings
FriendAdd_Invite_Btn_QQ = FriendAdd_Invite_Btn_QQ_##
FriendAdd_Invite_Btn_Weixin = FriendAdd_Invite_Btn_Weixin_##
FriendAdd_NoQQFriend_Tip = FriendAdd_NoQQFriend_Tip_##
FriendAdd_NoWeiXinFriend_Tip = FriendAdd_NoWeiXinFriend_Tip_##
FriendAdd_Tab_Game = Same-server friends
FriendAdd_Tab_QQ = Facebook Friends
FriendAdd_Tab_Weixin = FriendAdd_Tab_Weixin_##
FriendChat_Offline_Info = This friend is offline. Leave them a message.
FriendChat_online_Info = This friend is online. Chat with them now!
FriendConsumeQuanRankName = Voucher Spent Rankings
FriendConWinRankName = Win Streak Rankings
FriendGameVIPRankName = Friends Rankings Table
FriendHeroCountRankName = Hero Rankings
FriendLadderRankName = Overall Rankings
FriendList_WinRate = <color=#399196>Matches Together: {0} - Win Rate: {1}</color>
FriendList_WinRate_NoInfo = <color=#399196>No records found</color>
FriendShower_HardCode1 = <color=#fdda42>[In Game]</color>
FriendSkinCountRankName = Skin Rankings
FriendVerify_StaticText = <color=#827864>Message:</color>
FriendVerify_Text_0 = Let's be friends!
FriendVerify_Text_1 = Let's add each other!
FriendVerify_Text_2 = Need a new friend?
FriendVerify_Text_3 = Let's play together!
FriendWinCountRankName = Victory Rankings
FuncAutoTransBtn = OK
FuncAutoTransTitle = Auto-translate
FuncUnlock_Achievement = Achievements
FuncUnlock_AddedSkill = Talents
FuncUnlock_Bag = Backpack
FuncUnlock_Friend = Friends
FuncUnlock_Guild = Guild
FuncUnlock_Hero = Heroes
FuncUnlock_Rune = Arcana
FuncUnlock_Task = Quest
GameInvite_2_Chat_InCd = Team-up request sent. You can send another one in {0}
GameInvite_2_Chat_JoinImitate = Join
GameModeDecDieFight_1 = Death Match\n<size=20> (Coming soon!)</size>
GameModeDecDieFight_2 = No minions, no towers, and especially no brush or jungle.
GameModeDecDieFight_3 = 1. Play on a brand new map in 2v2, 3v3, and 5v5
matches.\n2. Heroes start out with full equipment (matching that of battle prep)
and fully leveled up abilities.\n3. All heroes start with double their normal HP,
but 0 HP regeneration.\n4. Heroes will not respawn after death (resurrection
abilities are an exception).\n5. The game ends when all heroes from one team have
been defeated.
GameResult_Draw = obsolete+b81db65a5f73ab28
GameResult_Lose = Lost
GameResult_Null = No result
GameResult_Win = Victory
GameTime_Template = {1}/{0} {2}:{3}
gameWasOver = Game is over!
Garena_BindFacebook_Login = You have just linked your account with Facebook. Try
logging in with Facebook!
Garena_BindFail = Account linking failed, please try again.
Garena_BindGarena_Login = You have just linked your account with Garena. Try
logging in with Garena!
Garena_BindSuccess = Your account has been successfully linked. Please re-enter the
Garena_BindTips = Your account is in the process of being linked. Please select
Garena/Facebook to link your account.
Garena_BindTips_Invite = Log in with your Facebook or Garena account to team up
with your friends!
Garena_BindTips_Ranking = Log in with your Facebook or Garena account and see which
of your friends has the highest ranking!
Garena_CancelBind = Canceling account linking…
GarenaLogin = Garena
Gear_Advance_LevelLimit = Gear_Advance_LevelLimit_##
Gear_Advance_Material = Gear_Advance_Material_##
Gear_Advance_MaterialNotEnough = Gear_Advance_MaterialNotEnough_##
Gear_Advance_MaxGrade = Gear_Advance_MaxGrade_##
Gear_Advance_Title = Gear_Advance_Title_##
Gear_LvlUp_GradeLimit = Gear_LvlUp_GradeLimit_##
Gear_LvlUp_HeroLevelLimit = Gear_LvlUp_HeroLevelLimit_##
Gear_LvlUp_MaxGradeLevel = Gear_LvlUp_MaxGradeLevel_##
Gear_LvlUp_Title = Gear_LvlUp_Title_##
Gear_LvlUpMax_MaxLvl = Gear_LvlUpMax_MaxLvl_##
Gear_Text_1 = Gear_Text_1_##
Gear_Text_10 = Gear_Text_10_##
Gear_Text_11 = Gear_Text_11_##
Gear_Text_12 = Gear_Text_12_##
Gear_Text_13 = Gear_Text_13_##
Gear_Text_14 = Gear_Text_14_##
Gear_Text_15 = Gear_Text_15_##
Gear_Text_16 = Gear_Text_16_##
Gear_Text_17 = Gear_Text_17_##
Gear_Text_18 = Gear_Text_18_##
Gear_Text_19 = Gear_Text_19_##
Gear_Text_2 = Gear_Text_2_##
Gear_Text_20 = Gear_Text_20_##
Gear_Text_3 = Gear_Text_3_##
Gear_Text_4 = Gear_Text_4_##
Gear_Text_5 = Gear_Text_5_##
Gear_Text_6 = Gear_Text_6_##
Gear_Text_7 = Gear_Text_7_##
Gear_Text_8 = Gear_Text_8_##
Gear_Text_9 = Gear_Text_9_##
Gender_cooltime = Cannot change again for {0} [/0:$(day|days)/].
Gender_cooltimeRemaind_day = Please wait {0} [/0:$(day|days)/] to change again.
Gender_cooltimeRemaind_time = Please wait {0} to change again.
Gender_edit = Edit Gender
Gender_female = <blankspace89>
Gender_male = <blankspace89>
Gender_secret = <blankspace89>
GenderSet_succeed = Gender updated.
Gesture_Tip = Slide the<color=#f6bf17ff> Ability icon</color> to release Ability
Gesture_Tip3 = Slide the<color=#f6bf17ff> Ability icon</color> to release Ultimate.
get = Collect
Get_Tdir_Failed = Failed to find the server list!
GetCoin_Limit = Weekly gold cap reached.
GetExp_Limit = Daily EXP\nCap Reached
GetMigrateCodeError = Failed to read the code. Please try again.
GetMigrateErrorAllBind = You can only transfer your account to a new device more
than once if you link your account to Facebook. If you have already linked your
account to Facebook, please use Facebook to log in.
GetMigrateErrorNOBind = You haven't linked your account to the current platform.
Please link your account to a platform before linking to different devices.
GetMigrateTokenError = Log-in session expired. Please log in again.
GETRANKREWARD_ERR_STATE_HaveGet = You have collected that reward.
GETRANKREWARD_ERR_STATE_INVALID = You are not eligible for that reward.
GETRANKREWARD_ERR_STATE_None = An error occurred while receiving your reward.
Please try again later.
GETRANKREWARD_ERR_STATE_Others = An error occurred while receiving your reward.
Please try again later.
Gift_Ask_Success_Tip = Your request has been sent.
Gift_Ask_Text = Request
Gift_Can_Not_Buy_Tip = You already own all the items from this value pack
Gift_Center_Ask_Label = Request from
Gift_Center_Ask_Message_Label = Messages
Gift_Click_Too_Fast = Please wait a minute.
Gift_Daylimit_warning = You have already sent gifts <color=#ffd200>{0}</color>
times today.
Gift_Friendlimit_warning = You've been friends for less than
<color=#ffd200>{0}</color> [/0:$(day|days)/]
Gift_FriendLvlimit_warning = Your friend has not reached level
Gift_fromsb = From: {0}
Gift_GiftMax = Gift_GiftMax_##
Gift_GiftNotToSelf = Gift_GiftNotToSelf_##
Gift_GiftNoXin = Gift_GiftNoXin_##
Gift_Give_Button = Send to friend
Gift_Give_Text = Send
Gift_LevelLimit = Your have not reached a high enough level to use the Gift
Gift_LvLimit = Level required to send gifts: {1}\nLevel required to request gifts:
Gift_Lvlimit_warning = You have not reached level <color=#ffd200>{0}</color>.
Gift_MUST = Required
Gift_Not_Receive_Ask = Do not accept any requests
Gift_Own_Hero_Skin_Tip = Price adjusted according to items you have already
Gift_Random = Randomly get one item.
Gift_Refuse_Text = Refusal from {0}
Gift_require_text = Gift Request From {0}
Gift_Search_Friend_Placeholder = Enter a friend's name
Gift_Send_Pay_Item_Tip = Spend <color=#ffd200>{0}</color> {1}(s) to buy
<color=#ffd200>{3}</color> a gift (<color=#ffd200>{2}</color>)?
Gift_Send_Pay_Tip = Spend <color=#ffd200>{0}</color> {1} to buy
<color=#ffd200>{2}</color> and send to <color=#ffd200>{3}</color>?
Gift_Send_Success_Tip = Gift sent.
Gift_send_text = Gift From {0}
Gift_SendLevellimit_warning = You can only send gifts starting at lvl {0}
Gift_Thanks_Text = Thank You Letter From {0}
Gift_tosb = To: {0}
Gift_words = Here's a gift for you. Enjoy! [<color=orange>{0}</color>]
GiftCenter_AddIntimacy_Success_Tip = Your friendship score with {0} has increased
by <color=#ffd200>{1}</color>.
GiftCenter_AllClose_Tip = Gift Center is coming soon.
GiftCenter_DeleteMail_Text = Delete
GiftCenter_FriendAsk_Hero_Text = A friend requested {0} from you.
GiftCenter_FriendAsk_Item_Text = A friend requested {0} from you.
GiftCenter_FriendAsk_Skin_Text = A friend has requested the {0} skin from you.
GiftCenter_FriendRefuse_Text = Your request has been rejected.
GiftCenter_FriendRefuseAsk_Text = Friend rejected request.
GiftCenter_FriendSend_Text = A friend has sent you {0}.
GiftCenter_FriendThanks_Text = Thanks for the gift!
GiftCenter_Get_Text = Collect
GiftCenter_GetGift_Success_Tip = You've received: {0}
GiftCenter_GetSkinHaveNotHero_Tip_Text = You've received the skin: {0}. You will
need to obtain this hero first in order to use this skin. Go and test out the hero!
GiftCenter_HaveItemUpdateTip_Text = You have already obtained {0}. This gift has
been converted into {1} {2}(s) for you.
GiftCenter_LoadPicFail_Text = Loading failed.
GiftCenter_MailNotHaveHero_Text = You've received the {0} skin, but you have not
obtained this hero yet.
GiftCenter_MaxSendMail_Text = You have received {0} gifts. Don't forget to claim
GiftCenter_OpenGift_Text = Open
GiftCenter_RefuseAsk_Text = You have declined the request from {0}.
GiftCenter_RefuseSend_Text = {0} has refused your request for {1}.
GiftCenter_SaveMail_Text = Save
GiftCenter_SaveMail_Tip_Text = Don't forget to check your mail.
GiftCenter_ThanksSend_Text = Your friend {0} received your gift
[<color=orange>{1}</color>] and expressed sincere thanks.
GiftCenter_Title = Gifts
GoBinding = Link now
Google_Card_Award_Tips = Gift Card Rewards
gotAward = Rewards
gotExtraAward = gotExtraAward_##
gotoFinish = Complete
GotoPvpHistoryErr1 = Record has expired.
GotoTehuiShopName = Voucher Shop
GotoTehuiShopTitle = Special Deal Pack
GPCLIVE_CODE_UNKOWN_UNKOWN = An error has occurred.
guanwangchuzhi = Purchase on Website
Guild_Abdicate_Confirm = Guild_Abdicate_Confirm_##
Guild_Accept_Invite = Accept
Guild_Act_Level_Casual = Casual
Guild_Act_Level_Competitive = Hardcore
Guild_Act_Level_Half_Competitive = Active
Guild_Act_None = n/a
Guild_Act_Value = {0}/{1} Activity Points
Guild_Active_Fighting_Power = obsolete+d09f6d40f4a1b931
Guild_Active_Point_Desc = Weekly Activity
Guild_Active_Point_Max = Guild weekly activity limit reached.
Guild_Activity_Title = Season Rankings
Guild_Add_Friend = Add
Guild_Already_In_Normal_Guild = You are already in a guild.
Guild_Already_In_Prepare_Guild = You are currently in the charter period for a
Guild_Announcement = Announcement
Guild_AnnouncementSharedTips = Shared with guild!
Guild_AnnouncementSharedTipsClose = Close
Guild_AnnouncementSharedTipsGo = Take a look
Guild_Applicant = Applicant
Guild_Apply_Close_Red_Dot = Clear Reminders
Guild_Apply_Join = Apply
Guild_Apply_Join_IM = Join
Guild_Apply_List = Requests
Guild_Apply_Management = Application Management
Guild_Appoint_Success = Appointed
Guild_Appoint_Vice_Chairman = Appoint a Guild Officer
Guild_Appoint_Vice_Chairman_Confirm = Appoint {0} as a Guild Officer?
Guild_Appoint_Vice_Chairman_Full_Tip = No officer openings. Please choose an
officer to replace.
Guild_Appoint_Vice_Chairman_Position_Limit_Tip =
Guild_Appoint_Vice_Chairman_Title = Appoint Officer
Guild_Appoint_You_Have_No_Authority = You do not have the authority to appoint.
Guild_Ask_Exp_Card_Success = Request sent
Guild_Ask_Exp_Card_Title = Select Trial Card
Guild_Ask_Exp_Default_Desc = Players can request two hero trial cards per day.
Guild_Award_Current_Desc = Current
Guild_Back_To_Field = Guild_Back_To_Field_##
Guild_Btn_Kick = Kick
Guild_Btn_View_Detail = Check Info
Guild_Building_Unlock_Condition = Guild_Building_Unlock_Condition_##
Guild_Bulletin = Guild Motto
Guild_Bulletin_Contain_Invalid_Character = Guild motto contains invalid words or
Guild_Cannot_Apply_Tip = Application failed because you have recently left a guild.
You can apply to join another guild in {0}m {1}s.
Guild_Cannot_Create = Guild creation failed
Guild_Cannot_Create_Guild_Tip = You are already part of a guild that is in their
charter period. You cannot create another guild at this time.
Guild_Cannot_Transfer_To_Self = You cannot pass on the post to yourself.
Guild_Cant_Join = Requirements not met.
Guild_ChairMan = Leader
Guild_Chairman_Quit_Confirm = Once the Guild Leader leaves, the guild will be
disbanded. \nLeave guild?
Guild_ChairMan_Quit_Tip = You are currently the Guild Leader and must pass
leadership to another member before leaving the guild.
Guild_Chairman_Transfer_Position = Leader Transfer
Guild_Change_Icon = Change
Guild_Channel_Gag = Channel Restrictions
Guild_Click_To_View_More_Guild = Tap to see more guilds
Guild_Coin_tips = Earn guild gold through daily team activities.
Guild_Construct_Building_Barrack_Guide_Text =
Guild_Construct_Building_Factory_Guide_Text =
Guild_Construct_Building_Hall_Guide_Text =
Guild_Construct_Building_Info_Text = Guild_Construct_Building_Info_Text_##
Guild_Construct_Building_Info_Text_Hall_Plus =
Guild_Construct_Building_Info_Text_Not_Hall_Plus =
Guild_Construct_Building_Level_Format = obsolete+3e438ea2797fffd5
Guild_Construct_Building_Shop_Guide_Text =
Guild_Construct_Building_Statue_Guide_Text =
Guild_Construct_Guide = Guild_Construct_Guide_##
Guild_Construct_Guide_Text = Guild_Construct_Guide_Text_##
Guild_Construction_Level = Guild_Construction_Level_##
Guild_Create_Coin_Not_Enough = Not enough gold to create a guild.
Guild_Create_Desc_Step1 = Create Charter
Guild_Create_Desc_Step2 = Collect 3 signatures
Guild_Create_Desc_Step3 = Guild established
Guild_Create_DianQuan_Not_Enough = Not enough vouchers to create a guild.
Guild_Create_Fee = Cost
Guild_Create_Friend_Not_Enough = Not enough friends to fulfill requirements: {0}/
Guild_Create_Guild = Create Guild
Guild_Create_Tip = The guild you've created will enter a charter period of {0}
hours. You will need to collect {1} signatures during this period to form a
guild.\nCreate guild?
Guild_Creator = Founder
Guild_Current_Guild_Has_Invited_Tip = You've already applied to join this guild.
Guild_Current_Reward_Title = This week
Guild_Day_Maintenance Active = Daily Activity Maintenance
Guild_Dividend = Guild_Dividend_##
Guild_Dividend_Brief = Guild_Dividend_Brief_##
Guild_Donate = Guild_Donate_##
Guild_Donate_Brief = Guild_Donate_Brief_##
Guild_Donate_Description = Guild_Donate_Description_##
Guild_Donate_Success = Guild_Donate_Success_##
Guild_Donate_Today_Times = Guild_Donate_Today_Times_##
Guild_Donate_Type_High = Guild_Donate_Type_High_##
Guild_Donate_Type_Low = Guild_Donate_Type_Low_##
Guild_Donate_Type_Middle = Guild_Donate_Type_Middle_##
Guild_Donate_Type_Top = Guild_Donate_Type_Top_##
Guild_Elder = Guild_Elder_##
GUILD_ERR_CREATE_QUEUE_FULL = Guild creation system is busy. Please try again
GUILD_ERR_DB = Database error
Guild_Err_Deal_Self_Recommend_Fail = Transfer failed (this player has left the
guild or is not an officer).
Guild_Err_Donate_Count_Limit = Guild_Err_Donate_Count_Limit_##
Guild_Err_Duplicate_Has_Got_Dividend = Guild_Err_Duplicate_Has_Got_Dividend_##
GUILD_ERR_FIRE_CNT_LIMIT = You have reached the daily kick limit.
GUILD_ERR_GUILD_NOT_EXIST = This guild does not exist \nor the charter period has
GUILD_ERR_HAS_GUILD = Already in a guild.
GUILD_ERR_INVITED_EXPIRE = Invitation has expired
GUILD_ERR_LEVEL_LIMIT = Level Restriction
GUILD_ERR_MEMBER_FULL = This guild is full. Please choose another or try again
GUILD_ERR_NAME_DUP = A guild with this name already exists.
GUILD_ERR_NO_PREPARE_GUILD = Guild not found. It may have already been established
or disbanded.
GUILD_ERR_NOT_SAME_LOGICWORLD = Guild not found on this server.
GUILD_ERR_UNKNOWN = Unknown error, please try again later.
GUILD_ERR_UPGRADE = Upgrade failed
Guild_Extend_Member_Limit_Confirm_Msg = Increase the member limit to {1} with {0}
Guild_Extend_Member_Limit_Success_Tip = Member limit increased
Guild_Fast_Apply_Enter = Quick Application
Guild_Fast_Filter = More
Guild_Fighting_Power = Guild_Fighting_Power_##
Guild_Filter_Desc = Search for guilds according to the following criteria:
Guild_Filter_Title = Search Guilds
Guild_Fire_Member = Kick Members
Guild_Fire_Member_Confirm = If you kick {0}, the activity points earned by {1}
today will be removed from the guild total. Kick {2}?
Guild_Fire_Member_Reach_Limit = You can only kick {0} members per day and the limit
has been reached.
Guild_Fire_Member_Success = You have kicked {0}.
Guild_Fire_Member_You_Have_No_Authority = You do not have permission to remove
Guild_First_Time_Entry_Tips = Guild successfully established. Time for the real
battle to begin!
Guild_Friend_Has_Been_Invited_Tip = This friend has been invited.
Guild_Full_Member_Tip = This guild is full.
Guild_Get_Dividend = Guild_Get_Dividend_##
Guild_Get_Dividend_Success = Guild_Get_Dividend_Success_##
Guild_Give_Exp_Card_Success = Gift sent.
Guild_Guide = Guild Info
Guild_Guild = Guild
Guild_Guild_Act_Title = Activity Level
Guild_Guild_Building_Type_Barrack = Guild_Guild_Building_Type_Barrack_##
Guild_Guild_Building_Type_Factory = Guild_Guild_Building_Type_Factory_##
Guild_Guild_Building_Type_Hall = Guild_Guild_Building_Type_Hall_##
Guild_Guild_Building_Type_Shop = Shop
Guild_Guild_Building_Type_Statue = Guild_Guild_Building_Type_Statue_##
Guild_Guild_Building_Type_Unknown = Guild_Guild_Building_Type_Unknown_##
Guild_Guild_Building_Unlock_Tip = Guild_Guild_Building_Unlock_Tip_##
Guild_Guild_Building_Upgrade_Success_Tip =
Guild_Guild_Declaration = Guild Motto
Guild_Guild_Degrade_Building_Level_Info_Plus =
Guild_Guild_Donate = Guild_Guild_Donate_##
Guild_Guild_Event = Guild News
Guild_Guild_Grade_Title = Required Rank
Guild_Guild_Level = Guild Level
Guild_Guild_Level_Title = Required Level
Guild_Guild_Member = Guild Members
Guild_Guild_Money = Guild_Guild_Money_##
Guild_Guild_Money_Not_Enough = Guild_Guild_Money_Not_Enough_##
Guild_Guild_Name = Guild Name
Guild_Guild_Name_2 = Guild Name
Guild_Guild_Overview = Overview
Guild_Guild_Position = Position
Guild_Guild_Region = Region
Guild_Guild_Shop = Guild Shop
Guild_Guild_Week_Active_Format = Current Points: {0}
Guild_Has_Applied = Applied
Guild_Has_Invited = <color=#ffd200>Invited</color>
Guild_Has_Recommended = Recommended
Guild_Icon = Guild Emblem
Guild_In_Guild_Step_Tip = Action failed because you are already in a guild.
Guild_In_Guild_Step_Tip_2 = You are already part of a guild that is in their
charter period. You cannot create another guild at this time.
Guild_Info_Guild_Chairman_Label = Leader:
Guild_Info_Guild_Member_Count_Label = Members
Guild_Info_Tab_Construct = Guild_Info_Tab_Construct_##
Guild_Info_Tab_Info = Info
Guild_Info_Tab_Member = Members
Guild_Input_Guild_Anno_Empty = Cannot be left empty.
Guild_Input_Guild_Bulletin_Empty = You must create a motto for your guild.
Guild_Input_Guild_Bulletin_Tip = Please create a guild motto.
Guild_Input_Guild_Name_Empty = You must create a name for your guild.
Guild_Input_Guild_Name_Invalid = Guild names cannot contain special characters.
Guild_Input_Guild_Name_Keyword_Tip = Please enter a keyword for the guild name.
Guild_Input_Guild_Name_Tip = Enter guild name
Guild_Invalid_Region = Not selected
Guild_Invite = Invitation
Guild_Invite_Success_Tip = Invitation sent
Guild_Invite_You = Invite
Guild_Join_Accept = Accept Applications
Guild_Join_Disabled = This guild is not accepting applications at this time.
Guild_Join_Guild = Guilds
Guild_Join_IM_Content = Join a guild to meet new friends and receive weekly rewards
Guild_Join_IM_Title = No approval needed
Guild_Join_Immediately = Join Now
Guild_Join_Immediately_Tips = There are no guilds that you can instantly join.
Please apply first.
Guild_Join_Immediately_Tips2 = Please wait 5 seconds before trying again.
Guild_Join_Level_Limit = Player can join a guild after reaching level {0}.
Guild_Join_Need_Approval = Applications\nNeed Approval
Guild_Join_Success_Tip = Joined guild: {0}
Guild_Last_Create_Time_Tip = Not enough time has elapsed since you last created a
Guild_Last_Reward_Title = Last week:
Guild_Last_Reward_Title1 = Last week
Guild_Last_Week_Dividend = Guild_Last_Week_Dividend_##
Guild_Left_Time = Time Left
Guild_Level = Level
Guild_Maintain_Money = Guild_Maintain_Money_##
Guild_Maintain_Money_Value = {0}/day
Guild_Management_Setting = Settings
Guild_Manager_Guild = Manage
Guild_Match_Share_Text = <color=#4BD7FF>{0}</color> vs <color=#FA4646>{1}</color>
{3} {2}\n{4}
Guild_Member_Act = Activity Level
Guild_Member_Count = Number of members
Guild_Member_Count_Format = {0} / {1}
Guild_Member_Count_Reach_Limit = Member limit reached
Guild_Member_Overview = Member Overview
Guild_Member_Require = Required
Guild_Modify_Anno = Update Announcement
Guild_Modify_Bulletin = Edit Motto
Guild_My_Prepare_Guild = My Guild
Guild_My_Share_Title = Activity Log
Guild_Name = Guild Name
Guild_Name_Contain_Invalid_Character = Guild name contains invalid words or
Guild_Name_Duplicate = Guild name is taken.
Guild_No_Applyer = No applicants
Guild_No_Dividend_Can_Get = Guild_No_Dividend_Can_Get_##
Guild_No_Friend = Unable to invite this friend because they do not meet the
Guild_No_Friends = You haven't added any friends yet.
Guild_No_Guild_Can_Accept_Invite_Tip = You can only accept an guild invitation when
you are not in a guild.
Guild_No_Operate_Authority = Unauthorized access
Guild_No_Prepare_Guild = No guilds are currently in a charter period.
Guild_Normal_Member = Member
Guild_Now_In_Prepare_Tip = You are part of a guild that is in their charter period
and cannot join another guild.
Guild_Online_Status = Status
Guild_Only_Chairman_Can_Transfer_Position = Only the Guild Leader can pass their
position to others.
Guild_Only_Friend_Can_Join_Tip = Only allow friends to join
Guild_Only_Friend_Can_Response_Tip = Only allow friends to respond
Guild_Open_For_Response = Open to responses
Guild_Our_Member_Full = Guild is full.
Guild_Permit_None_Friend_Response = Open to responses
Guild_Player_Number = Members
Guild_Pls_Select_Exp = Please select a card to request.
Guild_Position_Management = Post Management
Guild_Position_Transfer_Confirm = Transfer leadership to {0}? (You will swap roles
with this player)
Guild_Prepare_Guild = Charters
Guild_Prepare_Guild_Created_Tip = Invited all friends currently not in a
guild.\nGuild is currently in its charter period.
Guild_Prepare_List_Title_Creater = Founder
Guild_Prepare_list_Title_Responser = Signatures
Guild_PrepareGuild_Dismiss = Cancel Charter
Guild_PrepareGuild_Dismiss_Tip = Do you want to disband the chartering guild?
Guild_PrepareGuild_Quit = Leave guild
Guild_PrepareGuild_Quit_Tip = Do you want to leave the chartering guild?
Guild_Preview = Guilds
Guild_Profit_Desc = <color=#f5be17>+{0}%</color> (up to {1}%)
Guild_PVPHistorySharedTipsContent = Shared with guild.
Guild_QQ_Group = Guild_QQ_Group_##
Guild_QQ_Group_Add = Join
Guild_QQ_Group_Bind = Guild_QQ_Group_Bind_##
Guild_QQ_Group_Not_Bind = Guild_QQ_Group_Not_Bind_##
Guild_QQ_Group_Tip = Guild_QQ_Group_Tip_##
Guild_QQ_Group_Unbind = Guild_QQ_Group_Unbind_##
Guild_QQGroup_Join_Tip = Guild_QQGroup_Join_Tip_##
Guild_QQGroup_Query_Err_Group_Not_Bind = Guild_QQGroup_Query_Err_Group_Not_Bind_##
Guild_QQGroup_Query_Err_Group_Not_Exist =
Guild_QQGroup_Query_Err_Not_In_Group = Guild_QQGroup_Query_Err_Not_In_Group_##
Guild_QQGroup_Query_Err_System_Error = Guild_QQGroup_Query_Err_System_Error_##
Guild_QQGroup_Unbind_Confirm = Guild_QQGroup_Unbind_Confirm_##
Guild_QQGroup_UnBind_Err_Login_Session_Expired =
Guild_QQGroup_UnBind_Err_Param_Error = Guild_QQGroup_UnBind_Err_Param_Error_##
Guild_QQGroup_UnBind_Err_QQ_Group_Not_Bind =
Guild_QQGroup_UnBind_Err_System_Error = Guild_QQGroup_UnBind_Err_System_Error_##
Guild_QQGroup_UnBind_Err_Too_Many_Operations =
Guild_QQGroup_UnBind_Success = Guild_QQGroup_UnBind_Success_##
Guild_QQGroup_Waiting_Status_Tip = Guild_QQGroup_Waiting_Status_Tip_##
Guild_Quit_Confirm = You cannot join another guild within {0} [/0:$(hour|hours)/]
of leaving a guild. \nLeave guild?
Guild_Quit_Guild = Leave
Guild_Rank = Ranking
Guild_Rankinglist_Active = Activity
Guild_Rankinglist_Icon = Emblem
Guild_Rankinglist_Member = Members
Guild_Rankinglist_Name = Guild Name
Guild_Rankinglist_Rank = Ranking
Guild_Rankinglist_Reward = Reward
Guild_Rankinglist_Starlvl = Guild Level
Guild_Rankpoint = Season Rankings
Guild_Rankpoint_Best_Rank = Regional
Guild_Rankpoint_Best_Score_Format = {0}/{1}/{2}
Guild_Rankpoint_Brief = Guild_Rankpoint_Brief_##
Guild_Rankpoint_Clear_Time_Format = M/d/H:mm
Guild_Rankpoint_Current_Grade = Rating
Guild_Rankpoint_Current_Grade_Rank = Current
Guild_Rankpoint_Current_Rank = Current Ranking
Guild_Rankpoint_Help_Title = Guild Season Info
Guild_Rankpoint_Help1 = Guild_Rankpoint_Help1_##
Guild_Rankpoint_Help2 = Guild_Rankpoint_Help2_##
Guild_Rankpoint_Help3 = Guild_Rankpoint_Help3_##
Guild_Rankpoint_Help4 = Guild_Rankpoint_Help4_##
Guild_Rankpoint_Last_Week = Last\nWeek
Guild_Rankpoint_Last_Week_Rank = Last Week
Guild_Rankpoint_Level_Format = Lvl {0}
Guild_Rankpoint_Member = Members
Guild_Rankpoint_Member_Format = {0}/{1}
Guild_Rankpoint_Not_In_Rank_List = No Rank
Guild_Rankpoint_Personal_Award = Weekly Activity Reward
Guild_Rankpoint_Personal_Award_2 = Rewards:
Guild_Rankpoint_Personal_Today_Best = My Activity
Guild_Rankpoint_pvp_tip = Participate in battles to receive Activity Points
Guild_Rankpoint_Rank_List = Rankings
Guild_Rankpoint_Rankpoint_Mode = Battle
Guild_Rankpoint_Rankpoint_Title = Star Rankings
Guild_Rankpoint_Season_Clear_Time = Season ends in:
Guild_Rankpoint_Season_Current_Rankpoint = Seasonal Guild Activity
Guild_Rankpoint_Season_Rank = This Season
Guild_Rankpoint_Season_Rankpoint = Season\nPoints
Guild_Rankpoint_This_Week_Rank = This Week
Guild_Rankpoint_Week_Rank = This Week
Guild_Rankpoint_Week_Rankpoint = Activity\nPoints
Guild_Recommend = Recommend to join
Guild_Recommend_Fail_Tip = Recommendation failed. You have reached the
recommendation limit.\nYou can recommend 3 friends daily.
Guild_Recommend_Self = Guild_Recommend_Self_##
Guild_Recommend_Self_As_Chairman = Guild_Recommend_Self_As_Chairman_##
Guild_Recommend_Self_As_Chairman_Confirm =
Guild_Recommend_Success_Tip = Recommendation successful. Your friend is now on the
application list.\nPlease wait for a Guild Officer's approval.
Guild_Recommender = Recommended by
Guild_Response = Sign Up
Guild_Response_Confirm = Signed up
Guild_Response_Guide = Guild Creation Intro
Guild_Response_Tip = Once you sign up, you cannot apply to join another guild
during the charter period. \nSign up?
Guild_Responsor = Signatures
Guild_Responsor_Number = Signatures
Guild_Reward_Level = Level {0}
Guild_Rule = Help
Guild_Rule_Msg1 = 1. The guild will first enter a charter period. If enough
signatures are collected during the charter period, the guild will be established.
The founder and the charter signers will become guild members with the founder
becoming the Guild Leader and 2 of the signers becoming Guild Officers.
Guild_Rule_Msg2 = 2. The Guild Leader and Officers can invite their friends to join
the guild. Members can recommend their friends, but these recommendations must be
approved by the Leader and Officers. Invitations will be sent once they are
Guild_Rule_Msg3 = 3. The best results of each day (kills/deaths/assists) from guild
members participating in Standard and Ranked Matches will be converted to Guild
Season Points.
Guild_Rule_Msg4 = Guilds will be ranked according to their Guild Season Points at
the end of the season. Rewards will be sent based on the rankings.
Guild_Rule_Title = Guild Help
Guild_Search = Search
Guild_Search_Filter = Filter
Guild_Season_Award = Season Activity Reward
Guild_Self_Recommend_Success = Guild_Self_Recommend_Success_##
Guild_Send_Apply_Success_Tip = Application sent. Please wait for approval.
Guild_Send_Mail = Send mail
Guild_Settlement_Exp_Add = Guild Bonus +{0}%
Guild_Settlement_Guild_Coin_Plus_Tip1 = Join a guild to get up to {0}% more gold.
Guild_Settlement_Guild_Coin_Plus_Tip2 = <size=18>Extra Guild Gold:
Guild_Settlement_Guild_Info_Tip = Guild_Settlement_Guild_Info_Tip_##
Guild_Share_Card_No_Data = No request history
Guild_Share_Fight_History_Success = Shared
Guild_Share_No_Data = No records found
Guild_Share_Tab_ExpCard = My Requests
Guild_Share_Tab_HisScore = My Results
Guild_Share_Too_Frequent = Already shared with your guild. Please try again later.
Guild_ShareTo = Share
Guild_ShareTo_UnhandleError = Please try again later.
Guild_Shop_Brief = Guild_Shop_Brief_##
Guild_Shop_Tab_HeadFrame = Guild_Shop_Tab_HeadFrame_##
Guild_Shop_Tab_Item = Items
Guild_Sign_Success_Tip = Received <color=#f5be17>{0}</color> Activity Points
Guild_Signed = Signed in already
Guild_StarLevel = Stars
Guild_StarLevel_Current = Guild Level: {0}
Guild_Symbol = Guild_Symbol_##
Guild_Symbol_Brief = Guild_Symbol_Brief_##
Guild_Symbol_Condition_Construct = Guild Gold {0}
Guild_Symbol_Condition_Factory = Guild_Symbol_Condition_Factory_##
Guild_Symbol_Condition_History_Construct =
Guild_Symbol_Condition_Prefix = obsolete+acd45cae810de76d
Guild_Symbol_Err_Construct_Not_Enough = Not enough guild gold.
Guild_Symbol_Err_Factory_Level_Limit = Guild_Symbol_Err_Factory_Level_Limit_##
Guild_Symbol_Err_History_Construct_Not_Enough =
Guild_Symbol_Level_Format = Lvl {0}/{1}
Guild_Symbol_Level_Format_2 = Lvl {0}
Guild_Symbol_Not_Open = <color=red>Not activated</color>
Guild_Symbol_Open = Unlock
Guild_Symbol_Open_Success = Unlocked
Guild_Symbol_Rule_Content = Guild_Symbol_Rule_Content_##
Guild_Symbol_Upgrade_Att_Process_Percent = {0} -> +{1}%
Guild_Symbol_Upgrade_Att_Process_Value = {0} -> +{1}
Guild_Symbol_Upgrade_Condition_Construct = Guild Gold <color=#ffb900>{0}</color>
Guild_Symbol_Upgrade_Condition_Factory = Guild_Symbol_Upgrade_Condition_Factory_##
Guild_Symbol_Upgrade_Condition_History_Construct =
Guild_Symbol_Upgrade_Condition_Prefix = Guild_Symbol_Upgrade_Condition_Prefix_##
Guild_Symbol_Upgrade_Level_Process = Lvl {0} -> Lvl {1}
Guild_Symbol_Upgrade_Success = Upgraded
Guild_Tab_Guild_Activity = Guild Events
Guild_Tab_Guild_Contruct = Building
Guild_Tab_Guild_Info = Guild Info
Guild_Tab_Guild_Management = Guild Management
Guild_TEMP1 = obsolete
Guild_TEMP2 = obsolete
Guild_TEMP3 = obsolete
Guild_Tips_lastTime_day = <color=#828282>[Last Online: {0}d ago]</color>
Guild_Tips_lastTime_default = <color=#828282>[Last Online: 1m ago]</color>
Guild_Tips_lastTime_hour_min = <color=#828282>[Last Online: {0}h {1}m ago]</color>
Guild_Tips_lastTime_min = <color=#828282>[Last Online: {0}m ago]</color>
Guild_Today_Active = Today's Activity
Guild_Today_Apply_Reach_Limit_Tip = You have reached the daily application limit.
Guild_Total_Construct = Career Guild Gold
Guild_Un_Limited = All
Guild_Upgrade_Failed_Hall_Level_Not_Enough =
Guild_Upgrade_Failed_Other_Building_Level_Sum_Not_Enough =
Guild_Vice_Chairman = Guild Officer
Guild_Week_Active = Activity Points
Guild_Week_Active_Cond_Head = Activity Points Required
Guild_Week_Award_Box_Format = Level {0}
Guild_Week_Award_Desc_Head = Activity Rewards
Guild_Week_Award_Last_No_Reward = n/a
Guild_Week_Award_Level_Progress = Lvl.{0}/{1}
Guild_Week_Award_Long_desc = Players will receive 1 chest of rewards every week.
Chests range from lvl 1 to lvl 8 with lvl 8 chests containing the best rewards.
Guild_Week_Award_Not_Get = None
Guild_Week_Award_Short_Desc = Activity points increase by {0}% when players team up
with guildmates.
Guild_Week_Award_Title = Guild Weekly Rewards
Guild_Week_Reward_Desc = Guild members will receive weekly rewards.
Guild_Weekly_Act_Title = Activity Points
Guild_You_Have_Been_Fired = You have been kicked from the guild.
GuildApplyerCurGradeHighestGradeFormatKey = {0}/{1}
GuildApplyerGradeKey = Current/Highest Rank
GuildApplyerLevelFormatKey = Lvl {0}
GuildApplyerLevelKey = Level
GuildApplyerRecommanderKey = Applicant
GuildAskExpCardCDTipsFormatKey = You can request 1 trial card every 12 hours.
GuildAskExpCardFullHeroAndSkinKey = You already have all of these heroes and skins.
GuildAskExpCardHeroCantExpKey = This trial card can not be requested.
GuildAskExpCardHeroIsOwnedKey = You already own this hero.
GuildAskExpCardSkinCantExpKey = This trial card can not be requested.
GuildAskExpCardSkinIsOwnedKey = You already own this skin.
GuildAskHeroCardDescFormatKey = Request <color=#4bd7ff>{0}</color> Trial Card
GuildAskSkinCardDescFormatKey = Request <color=#4bd7ff>{0}</color>
<color=#ffd200>{1}</color> Trial Card
GuildAwardLevelFormatKey = Level {0} Reward
GuildAwardRefreshTimeFormat = Week ends in:\n
GuildChat_MatchInvitation_Success = Shared
GuildEvent_BegForGift = Request
GuildEvent_GiveItem2SomeOne = {0} has gifted {1} a trial card.
GuildEvent_JoinGuild = {0} has joined the guild.
GuildEvent_JoinPvpTeam = Join
GuildEvent_LeaveGuild = {0} has left the guild.
GuildEvent_LikeFailure = Liked
GuildEvent_LikeSuccess = Liked
GuildEvent_MatchHistory = [Score {0}] <color=#ffd200>{1}'s</color> {2} Results
GuildEvent_MatchInvitation = <color=#ffd200>{0}</color> wants you to join a {1}.
GuildEvent_OwnedItemCount = You currently have <color=#ffd200> {0}</color>.
GuildEvent_PlayerWhoRequested = {0} has requested a 12 hour trial card
GuildEvent_RemoveAMember = {1} has been removed from the guild by {0}.
GuildEvent_SendGift = Send gift
GuildEventMsg_SomebodyGiveItem = {0} has sent you
GuildGiveExpCardCDTipsFormatKey = You have reached the daily limit for gifting
Trial Cards. Please wait for {0}.
GuildMaxAwardLevelKey = Rewards
GuildMemberCntFormatKey = Guild Members: {0}/{1}
GuildObtainCardError_ItemNotGiven = You have not received this trial card yet.
GuildObtainCardError_NoItemToGain = No trial cards available.
GuildObtainCardError_PkgFull = Your backpack is full
GuildTips_SharedActivity_Invalid = Event expired.
GuildTips_SharedAnnouncement_Invalid = Announcement expired.
Hangup_Warnning = Warning: You will be penalized for leaving games or remaining
idle for too long.
HangUpPunishmentDescribe = You cannot join the team because you recently went
abandoned a match.
HasGetAchieve = New Achievement!
hasGot = Received
hasOwnHero = Hero obtained already, you cannot obtain this Hero again.
hasOwnHeroSkin = You already have this skin
HasRead = I have read carefully and agree
Have_Send = Gift received
Head_Change_Confirm = Use
Head_Change_Tab_Frame = Frame
Head_Change_Tab_Icon = Avatar
Head_loading = Downloading…\n
Head_Portrait_Item_Identification = Avatar
Head_Portrait_SNS_Name = Platform Avatar
Head_Portrait_SNS_Source = <blankspace89>
Head_Portrait_state = In use
Head_title = Choose Icon and Frame
HeadImg_Tab_Txt_1 = All
HeadImg_Tab_Txt_2 = HeadImg_Tab_Txt_2_##
HeadImg_Tab_Txt_3 = Events
HeadImg_Tab_Txt_4 = Skins
HeadImg_Tab_Txt_5 = Gameplay
HeadImg_Tips_1 = Permanent
HeadImg_Tips_2 = Expires on: {2}/{1}/{0}.
HeadImg_Tips_3 = Expires in: {0} [/0:$(day|days)/]
HelpMe_BuyDiamondText = Tap to let me know when you have topping-up problems
HelpMe_SettingText = Tap to let me know when you have problems
Hero_AtkDamage = Attack Damage
Hero_Buy_SkillPt_Btn = Purchase
Hero_BuySuccess = {0} Purchased
Hero_Click_Share = Tap here to share.
Hero_Coin_Not_Enough = Not enough gold.
Hero_Combat_Eft = Hero_Combat_Eft_##
Hero_Compose_Btn = Hero_Compose_Btn_##
Hero_ExpPool_Cnt = Hero_ExpPool_Cnt_##
Hero_ExpPoolNotEnough_Tip = Hero_ExpPoolNotEnough_Tip_##
Hero_ExpPoolNotEnough_Tip_iOS_Review = Hero_ExpPoolNotEnough_Tip_iOS_Review_##
Hero_Hurt_TakenBy_Enemy = Damage Taken
Hero_HurtTo_Enemy = Total Damage
Hero_HurtTo_Hero = Total damage to heroes
HERO_INFO_INTRO_URL = https://goo.gl/QzqNWP
Hero_Info_Text1 = The hero level must reach {0}
Hero_Info_Text2 = Hero_Info_Text2_##
Hero_Info_Text3 = Hero_Info_Text3_##
Hero_Info_Text4 = Hero_Info_Text4_##
Hero_Info_Text5 = Hero_Info_Text5_##
Hero_Info_Text6 = Hero_Info_Text6_##
Hero_Info_Text7 = Hero_Info_Text7_##
Hero_Info_Text8 = Hero_Info_Text8_##
Hero_Info_Type_Outline = Overview
Hero_Info_Type_Prop = Details
Hero_Info_Type_Story = Story
Hero_Job_Aid = Support
Hero_Job_All = All
Hero_Job_Archer = Marksman
Hero_Job_Assassin = Assassin
Hero_Job_Feature_Active = Initiator
Hero_Job_Feature_Buff = Buffs
Hero_Job_Feature_Control = Control
Hero_Job_Feature_Dash = Mobility
Hero_Job_Feature_HpSteal = Life Steal
Hero_Job_Feature_Poke = Harass
Hero_Job_Feature_Recover = Healer
Hero_Job_Feature_Slave = Finisher
Hero_Job_Master = Mage
Hero_Job_Soldier = Warrior
Hero_Job_Tank = Tank
Hero_Level_Not_Open = Stage temporarily locked.
Hero_LevelExp_Progress = Hero_LevelExp_Progress_##
Hero_Lobby_Share_Tip = Your win rate with a hero is over 60%. Show off to your
Hero_LvlUp_GradeLimit = Hero_LvlUp_GradeLimit_##
Hero_LvlUp_HeroNotOwn = This hero has not yet been acquired.
Hero_LvlUp_MaxGradeMaxLevel = Hero_LvlUp_MaxGradeMaxLevel_##
Hero_LvlUp_NeedExpCnt = Hero_LvlUp_NeedExpCnt_##
Hero_LvlUp_RoleLvlLimit = Hero_LvlUp_RoleLvlLimit_##
Hero_LvlUpMax_LvlMax = Hero_LvlUpMax_LvlMax_##
Hero_Material_Direct_Buy_Limit_Tip = Hero_Material_Direct_Buy_Limit_Tip_##
Hero_Material_Direct_Buy_Tip = Hero_Material_Direct_Buy_Tip_##
Hero_Max_Level = Hero_Max_Level_##
Hero_Max_Star = Hero_Max_Star_##
Hero_Not_Own_Skin = Hero not yet acquired, skin cannot be changed.
Hero_Not_SkinProp = No
Hero_Overview_List = Heroes
Hero_Proficiency_Txt = Proficiency
Hero_Prop_Anger_EpRecover = Rage Regen/ 5 sec
Hero_Prop_AntiCrit = Critical Damage Reduction Chance
Hero_Prop_AtkSpd = Attack Speed
Hero_Prop_AtkSpdLvl = Attack Speed
Hero_Prop_BaseAtkRange = Attack Range
Hero_Prop_BaseAtkType_1 = Melee
Hero_Prop_BaseAtkType_2 = Long Range
Hero_Prop_BaseHurtAdd = Normal Attack bonus
Hero_Prop_CdReduce = Cooldown Speed
Hero_Prop_CritEft = Critical Damage
Hero_Prop_CritLvl = Critical Chance
Hero_Prop_CritRate = Critical Chance
Hero_Prop_CtrlReduce = Resistance
Hero_Prop_CtrlReduceLvl = Resistance
Hero_Prop_Energy_EpRecover = Regen Energy / 5 sec
Hero_Prop_EpRecover = Mana / 5 sec
Hero_Prop_EpRecover_Desc = {0} Points / 5 sec
Hero_Prop_HitRate = Hit rate
Hero_Prop_HitRateAvoid = Dodge rate
Hero_Prop_HpRecover = HP / 5 sec
Hero_Prop_HpRecover_Desc = {0} Points / 5 sec
Hero_Prop_HurtLessRate = Damage Reduction
Hero_Prop_Madness_EpRecover = Rage Regen/ 5 sec
Hero_Prop_MaxAngerEp = Max Madness
Hero_Prop_MaxEnergyEp = Max Energy
Hero_Prop_MaxEp = Max Mana
Hero_Prop_MaxHp = Max HP
Hero_Prop_MaxMadnessEp = Rage
Hero_Prop_MaxScold = Max Thirst
Hero_Prop_MgcArmorHurt = Magic Pierce
Hero_Prop_MgcAtkPt = Ability Power
Hero_Prop_MgcDefEf = Magic Damage reduction rate
Hero_Prop_MgcDefPt = Magic Defense
Hero_Prop_MgcVamp = Magic Life Steal
Hero_Prop_MgcVampLvl = Magic Life Steal
Hero_Prop_MoveSpd = Movement Speed
Hero_Prop_Not_Enough = Not enough items.
Hero_Prop_PhyArmorHurt = Armor Pierce
Hero_Prop_PhyAtkPt = Attack Damage
Hero_Prop_PhyDefEf = Physical Damage Reduction Rate
Hero_Prop_PhyDefPt = Armor
Hero_Prop_PhyVamp = Life Steal
Hero_Prop_PhyVampLvl = Life Steal
Hero_Prop_RealHurt = True Damage
Hero_Prop_RealHurtLess = True Damage Reduction
Hero_Prop_ReduceCritLvl = Critical Damage Reduction
Hero_Prop_Scold_EpRecover = Thirst / 5 sec
Hero_Prop_SightArea = Vision
Hero_Recommend_Time_Surplus = {0}D {1}H
Hero_Share_Less_Than_Ten = You need to finish 20 matches with a hero to share the
win rate.
Hero_SimpleForm = Hero
Hero_Skill_Level_Up_Failed = Hero_Skill_Level_Up_Failed_##
Hero_Skill_Lock = Hero_Skill_Lock_##
Hero_Skill_Max_Level = Hero_Skill_Max_Level_##
Hero_SkillFunc = Ability Damage
Hero_SkillPoint_Full = Hero_SkillPoint_Full_##
Hero_SKillPoint_Get_One = Hero_SKillPoint_Get_One_##
Hero_SkillPoint_Last_Cnt = Hero_SkillPoint_Last_Cnt_##
Hero_SkillPoint_Not_Enough = Hero_SkillPoint_Not_Enough_##
Hero_SkinBuy_Data_Not_Find = Cannot find data for skin.
Hero_SkinBuy_Forbid_Diamond = Cannot purchase with gems!
Hero_SkinBuy_Forbid_DianQuan = Cannot be purchased with vouchers.
Hero_SkinBuy_Forbid_Gold = Cannot be purchased with gold.
Hero_SkinBuy_Forbid_LackCoin = Not enough currency!
Hero_SkinBuy_Forbid_MixPay = Cannot use mixed payment!
Hero_SkinBuy_Forbid_Show = This skin has not been unlocked.
Hero_SkinBuy_Has_Own = You already have this skin.
Hero_SkinBuy_Hero_Not_Exist = This hero does not exist.
Hero_SkinBuy_Lack_DianQuan = Not enough vouchers
Hero_SkinBuy_Lack_Gold = Not enough gold.
Hero_SkinBuy_Other_Error = An error has occurred.
Hero_SkinBuy_Pay_DianQuan_Fail = Voucher redemption failed.
Hero_SkinBuy_Time_Error = No current promotions for this skin.
Hero_SkinState_CannotBuy = Stay Tuned
Hero_SkinState_NotOwn = None
Hero_SkinState_Own = Acquired
Hero_SkinState_UnOwn = Not acquired
Hero_SkinState_UnUsable = <color=#e7b135>Obtain Hero First</color>
Hero_SkinState_Wear = Equipped
Hero_SkinState_Wearable = Wearable
Hero_SkinWear_Hero_Not_Exist = This hero does not exist.
Hero_SkinWear_Skin_Not_Exist = This skin does not exist.
Hero_Star_Flag_Not_Enough = Hero_Star_Flag_Not_Enough_##
Hero_Star_To_Max = Hero_Star_To_Max_##
Hero_Star_Up_Btn = Hero_Star_Up_Btn_##
Hero_Star_Up_Failed = Hero_Star_Up_Failed_##
Hero_Star_Up_Tip = Hero_Star_Up_Tip_##
Hero_Star_Up_Tip_Red = Hero_Star_Up_Tip_Red_##
Hero_StartedDifficulty = Difficulty
Hero_Step_Up_Btn = Hero_Step_Up_Btn_##
Hero_Step_Up_Success = Hero_Step_Up_Success_##
Hero_StepUp_Equip_Not_Enough = Hero_StepUp_Equip_Not_Enough_##
Hero_Text_30 = Hero_Text_30_##
Hero_Viability = Constitution
Hero_View_Sort_Type_Proficiency = Proficiency
Hero_View_Sort_Type_ReleaseTime = Date Added
HeroAwake_Tips1 = HeroAwake_Tips1_##
HeroAwake_Tips10 = obsolete
HeroAwake_Tips11 = obsolete
HeroAwake_Tips12 = obsolete
HeroAwake_Tips13 = obsolete
HeroAwake_Tips14 = obsolete
HeroAwake_Tips15 = obsolete
HeroAwake_Tips2 = HeroAwake_Tips2_##
HeroAwake_Tips3 = HeroAwake_Tips3_##
HeroAwake_Tips4 = HeroAwake_Tips4_##
HeroAwake_Tips5 = HeroAwake_Tips5_##
HeroAwake_Tips6 = obsolete
HeroAwake_Tips7 = obsolete
HeroAwake_Tips8 = obsolete
HeroAwake_Tips9 = obsolete
HeroConvertCoin = Heroes that have already been obtained, will be automatically
transformed into {0}.
HeroConvertItem = Heroes already obtained will be automatically transformed into
{0} Hero Tokens.
HeroDeadInfo_Assister = Assistant
HeroDeadInfo_EquipSkill_Name = Equipment Damage
HeroDeadInfo_Killer = Killer
HeroDeadInfo_PassiveSkill_Name = obsolete+c3d130b85eddc913
HeroDeadInfo_Skill0_Name = Normal Attack
HeroDeadInfo_Title = Death Details
HeroDeadInfo_TotalDamage = Total Damage
HeroDebrisShop_tab = Hero Tokens
HeroDetail_Intro_url = Hero Guides
HeroInfo_AtkDmg = Attack Damage
HeroInfo_BuyAndWear = Purchase
HeroInfo_BuyHero = Buy Hero
HeroInfo_BuySkin = Buy Skin
HeroInfo_Difficulty = Difficulty
HeroInfo_Equipment = Equipment
HeroInfo_ObtainHeroWay = Obtain via:
HeroInfo_ObtainSkinWay = Obtain via:
HeroInfo_Overview = Overview
HeroInfo_Property = Attributes
HeroInfo_SkinShow_Loading = Loading
HeroInfo_SpellDmg = Ability Damage
HeroInfo_Story = Story
HeroInfo_Viability = Constitution
HeroInfo_VideoShow_Txt = Show Videos
HeroIsSelectByOther = Please choose another hero.
HeroList_HeroLegend = The Liên Quân Mobile Universe
HeroList_HeroLegendLink = https://sok.proximabeta.com/herostory/en/{0}.shtml
HeroRecommend_BeginExp = Start Trial
HeroRecommend_GuidePanel = Come take a look at our new recommended hero system!
HeroRecommend_HeroChoice_NoHeroTips = You currently do not have any of the
recommended heroes
HeroRecommend_HeroChoice_ToggleButton1 = All
HeroRecommend_HeroChoice_ToggleButton2 = Suggested
HeroRecommend_HeroList_Button = Reset
HeroRecommend_HeroList_MyLike = My Choices
HeroRecommend_HeroList_TapName = Suggested
HeroRecommend_Left_Experience_Times = Remaining Trials:
HeroRecommend_LeftTimeTips = Your <color=#ffd200>{0}</color> 2 days trial has
started.\nTry them out in a match!
HeroRecommend_QuestionPanel_Button1 = Return
HeroRecommend_QuestionPanel_Button2 = Select again
HeroRecommend_QuestionPanel_Button3 = Submit
HeroRecommend_QuestionPanel_Button4 = Next
HeroRecommend_QuestionPanel_Tips = Here are your suggested heroes!
HeroRecommend_QuestionPanel_Tips1 = Please answer the following questions
HeroRecommend_QuestionPanel_Tips2 = Submit your hero preferences
HeroRecommend_QuestionPanel_TipsGo = OK
HeroRecommend_QuestionPanel_Title = Hero Finder
HeroRecommend_ShowInfo = Go to hero
HeroRecommend_TipsDes = Find out which heroes are the best for you. You will
receive a free hero trial after finishing the test!
HeroRecommend_TryPlay = Try now
HeroSelect_BattleHistoryPlayCount = Rounds
HeroSelect_BattleHistoryWinRatio = Win rate
HeroSelect_CreditFree = HeroSelect_CreditFree_##
HeroSelect_Free = Free
HeroSelect_GetHeroFirstTip = You must own the hero first.
HeroSelect_Proficiency = Difficulty
HeroSelect_SendBattleHistory = Send
HeroSelect_TeamTips_21 = {0}%
HeroSelect_TeamTips_22 = {0}
HeroSelect_UseSkinExpCard = Trial Card
Heroselect_YourTeam = Your team
HeroSkin_Job_Wakeup = Evolve
HeroSkin_TimeCountDown = Timer
HeroTag_TiYan = Trial
HeroTag_TiYanss = Trial
HeroTag_XianMian = Free
HeroTips_HeroInfo = {0}
Historical_Record_Data_Hero = Heroes
Historical_Record_Data_Mode = Mode
Historical_Record_Data_Mode_Man-machine = Bot Match
Historical_Record_Data_Mode_PVP = Standard
Historical_Record_Data_Mode_Rank = Ranked Match
Historical_Record_Data_Nodata = No Battle Records
Historical_Record_Data_Result = Result
Historical_Record_Data_Result_Loss = LOSS
Historical_Record_Data_Result_Win = WIN
Historical_Record_Data_Weapons = Equipment
Historical_Record_Tapd_Name = Recent
HistoryInfo_Tips1 = Custom Match
HistoryInfo_Tips2 = Bot Match
HistoryInfo_Tips3 = Today {0:D2}:{1:D2}
HistoryInfo_Tips4 = Yesterday {0:D2}:{1:D2}
HistoryInfo_Tips5 = 2 days ago {0:D2}:{1:D2}
HistoryInfo_Tips6 = {0:D2}-{1:D2} {2:D2}:{3:D2}
HistoryInfo_Tips7 = obsolete
HitMode_Locked = This feature is not supported under this mode.
Homepage_Community = Community
Homepage_Community_Facebook = Facebook
Homepage_Community_Official_Website = Official website
Homepage_Community_YouTube = YouTube
Homepage_Community_YouTube_URL = http://www.baidu.com
Honourment_Generate_Error = Cannot generate video. Either you left the game or your
device does not have enough storage space.
HonourMoment_Ask = LQM Time recorded
HonourMoment_Cancel = Cancel
HonourMoment_CopyUrl = Copy link
HonourMoment_Generate = Create
HonourMoment_NewMoment = New
HonourMoment_ShareTitle = Share Highlights
HonourMoment_Video = Videos
Hook_Guide_Introduction = Hook Wars Guide
Hook_Mode_Rule = Help
HuoKenPlayModeNotOpenTip = New games coming soon.
HuoyueDu_Desc = HuoyueDu_Desc_##
HuoyueDu_Text = HuoyueDu_Text_##
IDIPSys_HardCode1 = Update
IDIPSys_HardCode2 = Events
IIPS_Error_ExtractIFSError = Unzipping resource pack failed.
IIPS_Error_Result_DiskFull = insufficient ram. Please close some applications and
try again.
IIPS_Error_Result_NetworkError = an unstable network connection. Please check your
network and try again.
IIPS_Error_Result_NetworkTimeout = a failed connection. Please check your network
and try again.
IIPS_Error_Result_NoSupportUpdate = an incompatible game version. Please download
the new version from our official website.
IIPS_Error_Result_NotSure = an unknown error. Please check your network and try
IIPS_Error_Result_OtherError = a module error. Please restart your device and try
IIPS_Error_Result_OtherSystemError = a system error. Please restart your device and
try again.
IIPS_Error_Result_Unknown = an unknown error. Please contact player support.
iMSDK_Netmarble_Initialize_Fail = KR Version, DNT
In_Continueos_Win = {0} Win Streak
InBat_Bubble_CDTime = 3000
InBat_IntimeCD = 5000
InBat_IntimeMaxCount = 5
InBat_IntimeMSecond = 15000
InBatInput_InCD = Please wait a minute before sending another message.
InBatInput_InWarm = Can not connect to the server. Try again later.
InBattle_Jundge_Punish_Tips = {0} has been banned due to foul language.
InBattleInputChat_HardCode1 = [All]
InBattleInputChat_HardCode2 = System
InBattleInputChat_HardCode3 = Our side
InBattleInputChat_HardCode4 = All
InBattleMsgMgr_HardCode1 = Modified successfully
InBattleShortcutMenu_HardCode1 = [All]
InBattleShortcutMenu_HardCode2 = Please select item on the left.
InBattleShortcutMenu_HardCode3 = Please, select again
InMatching_Patience_Tips = Looking for challengers with similar experience levels.
Please wait...
Internation_Exit_App = Language changed. You need to restart the application -
Internation_Return_To_Login = Language changed. You need to return to the log-in
interface - continue?
Intimacy_CondLow = 60
Intimacy_CondMiddle = 300
Intimacy_FreezeDay = 14
Intimacy_UpInfo = Friendship between you and<color=orange> {0}</color> has
increased by<color=orange> {1}</color> points
Intro_Fountain = Altar of Life
Invitation_Award_Entrance = Invitation reward
Invitation_Award_Friend_List_Butten1 = Invite
Invitation_Award_Friend_List_Butten2 = Invited
Invitation_Award_Friend_List_Title = My Friends
Invitation_Award_Have_Invited1 = You have invited this friend
Invitation_Award_Have_Invited2 = {0} players
Invitation_Award_Instruction = A maximum of 30 players can be invited per day.
Rewards are issued once certain numbers are reached.
Invitation_Award_Instruction_IOS = You can invite up to 30 friends per day
Invitation_Award_Invite_progress = Players
Invitation_Award_Tips = Are sure you want to send a Kakaotalk invitation to {0}?
Invitation_Award_Title = Invitation reward
Invitation_listempty = No friends to invite
Invite_Anti_Disturb_Msg = Decline invitations from this player for {0} minutes.
Invite_Err_Credit_Limit = Your friend cannot participate in Ranked Matches because
their Credibility Score is below {0}!
INVITE_FRIEND_H5_URL = http://pics.ee/invite_friends
Invite_Friend_Tips_1 = You have just invited this player, please wait
<color=red>{0}</color> [/0:$(second|seconds)/] to invite them again.
Invite_Friend_Tips_2 = Rejected
Invite_Map_Desc = {0}v{1} {2}
Invite_Match_Type_1 = Ranked
Invite_Match_Type_2 = Standard PvP Match
Invite_Match_Type_3 = Bot Match
Invite_Match_Type_4 = Custom Match
Invite_Msg_IgnoreInAShortTime = Ignore invites for {0} minutes.
Invite_MsgBox_Accept = Accept
Invite_MsgBox_InviteMsg = Invite to match
Invite_MsgBox_Refuse = Decline
Invite_MsgBox_RefuseMsg_0 = Sorry, I can't join you right now. Maybe next time!
Invite_MsgBox_RefuseMsg_1 = Hold on, I need a minute.
Invite_MsgBox_RefuseMsg_2 =
Invite_MsgBox_RefuseMsg_3 =
Invite_MsgBox_RefuseMsg_4 =
Invite_MsgBox_RefuseReason = Reason for declining
Invite_MsgBox_Send = Send
Invite_MsgBox_Tile = Invite
Invite_Premade_Friends = From friends
Invite_Premade_lastgame_Enemy = <color=#6e6e56>From previous match
Invite_Premade_lastgame_Team = <color=#6e6e56>From previous match
Invite_Premade_Nearby = From people nearby
Invite_Premade_Squad = From guild
Invite_Src_Type_1 = Friend
Invite_Src_Type_2 = Facebook Friend
Invite_Src_Type_3 = Invite_Src_Type_3_##
Invite_Src_Type_4 = Guildmate
Invite_Src_Type_5 = People Nearby
Invite_Src_Type_6 = <color=#bebb95>(Teammate)</color>
Invite_Tab_Title_Friend = Friends
Invite_Tab_Title_Guild = Guild
Invite_Tab_Title_LBS = Nearby
INVITE_TEAM_URL = https://lienquan.garena.vn/invite/inviteplay.html
Invite_TeamRewards_Info = Team-Up Bonus: +{0}% EXP, +{1}% Gold
InviteFriend_VaildHeroCountNotEnough = This friend is unable to join Ranked Matches
because they don't have enough heroes.
InviteToRoom_BtnInvite = Invite
InviteToRoom_Cannot_Join = Unable to join the lobby. Please try again later.
InviteToRoom_FacebookFailed = Please install Facebook Messenger.
InviteToRoom_HaveInvite = Invited
InviteToRoom_Not_Installed = Please install {0}.
InviteToRoom_Other_Error = Failed to invite
InviteToRoom_Title = Invite
IOS_APP_URL = https://itunes.apple.com/vn/app/garena-lien-quan-mobile/id1150288115?
IOS_Subscription_Button = Subscribe
IOS_Subscription_Description = Extra bonus +10%
IOS_Subscription_Order = Subscription
IOS_Subscription_Tips = <color=#f6bf17ff>Subscription Bonus</color>\nEarn 10% more
EXP and Gold each game
Is_QuitGame = Do you want to leave the game?
Item_Source_Tips_1 = How to obtain
Item_Speaker_Not_Enough = You don't have any Sonikas. Do you want to purchase more
in the shop?
ItemTakeEffectTip = {0} card activated!
JoinTeamError_DontMeetRequirements = Unable to join because you do not meet the
rank or level requirements.
JoinTeamError_DupJoin = Please do not re-enter the same lobby.
JoinTeamError_GameBegan = Match has started.
JoinTeamError_GradeGap = You cannot join this lobby because your rank is too far
from the other players.
JoinTeamError_MemberFull = Team is full.
JoinTeamError_RankStateOfReward = Your rank has been updated for the start of the
new season.
JoinTeamError_TeamDestroy = Team disbanded.
JoyStick_Locked = This feature is not supported while using this ability.
JoyStick_Tip = Use the <color=#f6bf17ff>joystick</color> to control your hero.
Jungle_Text_Lock = Unlocks when training for the jungle reaches<color=#ca3939>
Level 5</color>.
Kakao_BindTips_Invite = Log in with your Kakao account to team up with your
Kakao_BindTips_Ranking = Log in with your Kakao account and see which of your
friends has the highest ranking!
Kakao_GetPushStatus_Error = KR Version, DNT
Kakao_Night_Push = KR Version, DNT
Kakao_Nocice_Push = KR Version, DNT
Kakao_Receive_Message = KR Version, DNT
Kakao_SetPushStatus_Error = KR Version, DNT
kakaoID_Butten = KR Version, DNT
KakaoID_Name = KR Version, DNT
kErrorMsgType_AndroidErrorLiveAppNotInstalled = You haven't installed a streaming
kErrorMsgType_AndroidErrorLiveAppNotInstalled_Cancel = Cancel
kErrorMsgType_AndroidErrorLiveAppNotInstalled_Confirm = Confirm
kErrorMsgType_kLiveNetWorkErrorMsg = Your stream has been interrupted. Please try
kErrorMsgType_kLiveRecordVideoFail = No recording permission.
kErrorMsgType_RPRecordingErrorBroadcastInvalidSession =
kErrorMsgType_RPRecordingErrorContentResize =
kErrorMsgType_RPRecordingErrorDisabled =
kErrorMsgType_RPRecordingErrorFailed =
kErrorMsgType_RPRecordingErrorFailedToStartn =
kErrorMsgType_RPRecordingErrorInsufficientStorage =
kErrorMsgType_RPRecordingErrorInterrupted =
kErrorMsgType_RPRecordingErrorSystemDormancy =
kErrorMsgType_RPRecordingErrorUnknown =
kErrorMsgType_RPRecordingErrorUserDeclined = Streaming has stopped.
Kill_Hook_Info_Type_Activate = The Control Zone is now open!
Kill_Hook_Info_Type_Countdown_Loading = Lucky Draw Progress
Kill_Hook_Info_Type_Fiftypercent_Enemy = The enemy has captured 50% of the control
Kill_Hook_Info_Type_Fiftypercent_Self = Our team has captured 50% of the control
Kill_Hook_Info_Type_Fightfor = Almost there!
Kill_Hook_Info_Type_Finesthour = Final push!
Kill_Hook_Info_Type_Lock_Countdown = After Base is unlocked
Kill_Hook_Info_Type_Loss_Pre = The treasure has been stolen!
Kill_Hook_Info_Type_Ninetypercent_Enemy = The enemy has captured 90% of the control
Kill_Hook_Info_Type_Ninetypercent_Self = Our team has captured 90% of the control
Kill_Hook_Info_Type_Speedup = Control rate has increased
Kill_Hook_Info_Type_Strongpoint_Max = Max
Kill_Hook_Info_Type_Strongpoint_Oneside = Full zone occupation!
Kill_Hook_Info_Type_Strongpoint_Two = Increased Movement Speed
Kill_Hook_Info_Type_Ten_Countdown = The Control Zone opens in 10 seconds
Kill_Hook_Info_Type_Welcome = Welcome to Hook Wars!
Kill_Hook_Info_Type_Win_Pre = The treasure is ours again!
Kill_Info_Type_Ace = Aced
Kill_Info_Type_Blue_SuperSoldier_Spawned = Blue Super Minions Deployed
Kill_Info_Type_Blue_Surrender = Blue Team Surrendered
Kill_Info_Type_Blue_Tower_Destroy = A Blue Defense Tower Has Been Destroyed
Kill_Info_Type_Blue_UltimateSoldier_Spawned = More Blue Super Minions Deployed Down
the Middle Lane
Kill_Info_Type_Cannon_Spawned = Deploying Siege Weapons
Kill_Info_Type_Disconnect = Disconnected
Kill_Info_Type_DoubleKill = Double Kill
Kill_Info_Type_Enemy_FireHole_First = The enemy has drawn first blood
Kill_Info_Type_Enemy_FireHole_Second = That was utterly ruthless. Nice!
Kill_Info_Type_Enemy_FireHole_Third = We're about to lose!
Kill_Info_Type_Enemy_SuperSoldier_Spawned = Enemy Super Minions Deployed
Kill_Info_Type_Enemy_Surrender = The Enemy Surrenders
Kill_Info_Type_Enemy_Tower_Destroy = Enemy Defense Tower Destroyed
Kill_Info_Type_Enemy_UltimateSoldier_Spawned = More Super Minions Deployed Down the
Middle Lane
Kill_Info_Type_First_Kill = First Blood
Kill_Info_Type_Game_Start_Wel = Welcome to Liên Quân Mobile
Kill_Info_Type_Kill = Defeated
Kill_Info_Type_Kill_By_Organ = Executed
Kill_Info_Type_Kill_Five = Bloodbath
Kill_Info_Type_Kill_Four = Onslaught
Kill_Info_Type_Kill_Seven = Legendary
Kill_Info_Type_Kill_Six = Dominating
Kill_Info_Type_Kill_Three = Ultimate
Kill_Info_Type_KillBaron = The Dark Slayer Has Been Killed
Kill_Info_Type_KillBigDragon = The Abyssal Dragon Has Been Killed
Kill_Info_Type_KillChest = Chest obtained
Kill_Info_Type_KillDragon = The Garnak Has Been Killed
Kill_Info_Type_PentaKill = Mega Kill
Kill_Info_Type_QuataryKill = Quad Kill
Kill_Info_Type_Reconnect = Reconnected
Kill_Info_Type_Red_SuperSoldier_Spawned = Red Super Minions Deployed
Kill_Info_Type_Red_Surrender = Red Team Surrendered
Kill_Info_Type_Red_Tower_Destroy = A Red Defense Tower Has Been Destroyed
Kill_Info_Type_Red_UltimateSoldier_Spawned = More Red Super Minions Deployed Down
the Middle Lane
Kill_Info_Type_RunningMan = Disconnected
Kill_Info_Type_Self_FireHole_First = Impressive
Kill_Info_Type_Self_FireHole_Second = So Weak
Kill_Info_Type_Self_FireHole_Third = We're gonna win!
Kill_Info_Type_Self_SuperSoldier_Spawned = Deploying Super Minions
Kill_Info_Type_Self_Surrender = Surrendered
Kill_Info_Type_Self_Tower_Destroy = We've Lost a Defense Tower
Kill_Info_Type_Self_UltimateSoldier_Spawned = More Super Minions Deployed Down the
Middle Lane
Kill_Info_Type_Soldier_Activate = All Minions Deployed
Kill_Info_Type_Soldier_Activate_Countdown3 = Deploying Minions in 3 sec
Kill_Info_Type_Soldier_Activate_Countdown5 = Deploying Minions in 5 sec
Kill_Info_Type_StopMultiKill = Shut Down
Kill_Info_Type_TripleKill = Triple Kill
Kill_Limi_Info_Type_CloseToWin_Self =
Kill_Limi_Info_Type_DeadTime =
Kill_Limi_Info_Type_DeadTime_Tips =
Kill_Limi_Info_Type_ScoreScale =
Kill_Limi_Info_Type_ScoreScale_Enemy =
Kill_Limi_Info_TypeGameRule =
kLiveGarenaAppNotInstall = You haven't installed a streaming application.
kLiveStreamPlatform_kLiveAuthFail = Authorization failed.
kLiveStreamPlatform_kLiveAuthSuccess = Authorized
kLiveStreamPlatform_kLiveGetRTMPFail = You must request authorization\nfrom the
platform of your choice before streaming.
kLiveStreamPlatform_kLiveNeverAskAgain = No mic access.\nGrant permission now?
kLiveStreamPlatform_kLiveNoPermission = No mic access.
kLiveStreamPlatform_kLivePlatformNotEnabled = Please enable YouTube streaming.
KN_HideTime = 3000
KN_MaxCount = 3
KN_Play_DeltaTime = 1500
kNetworkChangeType_kReachableVia2G = Connect via 2G
kNetworkChangeType_kReachableVia3G = Connect via 3G
kNetworkChangeType_kReachableVia4G = Connect via 4G
kNetworkCheckType_kNotReachable = No Internet connection.
kNetworkCheckType_kNotReachable_kReachableVia2G = Unstable network
connection.\nPlease try again later.
kNetworkCheckType_kReachableVia2G = Unable to stream via 2G.
kNetworkCheckType_kReachableVia3G = Continue to stream via 3G?
kNetworkCheckType_kReachableVia3G_Confirm = Continue
kNetworkCheckType_kReachableVia3G_kReachableVia4G = Use mobile data for streaming?
kNetworkCheckType_kReachableVia4G = Continue to stream via 4G?
kNetworkCheckType_kReachableVia4G_Confirm = Continue
kNetworkCheckType_NOT_kReachableViaWiFi = Connect via Wi-Fi
kNetworkCheckType_NOT_kReachableViaWiFi_Cancel = Cancel
kNetworkCheckType_NOT_kReachableViaWiFi_Confirm = Confirm
kNormalMsgType_kLiveClickCameraWhenLiveNotBroadcasting = Please enable your camera
once streaming starts.
kNormalMsgType_kLiveClickMicWhenLiveNotBroadcasting = Please enable your microphone
once streaming starts.
kNormalMsgType_kLiveGarenaAppNotInstall = Do not translate (DNT)
kNormalMsgType_kLiveGarenaAPPNotInstall_Confirm = Download
kNormalMsgType_kLiveHasStoppedErrorMsg = Streaming has stopped.
kNormalMsgType_kLiveHasStoppedMsg = Streaming has stopped.
kNormalMsgType_kLiveIsOverMsg = Streaming has stopped.
kNormalMsgType_kLiveWaitStoppedMsg = Please wait 10 seconds and try again.
kNormalMsgType_kNetworkDisconnectedMsg =
kNormalMsgType_kWifiInterruptMsg = Connection lost.
KO_Bind_Pay_Cancel = KR Version, DNT
KO_Bind_Pay_GO = KR Version, DNT
KO_Bind_PayTip_Android = KR Version, DNT
KO_Bind_PayTip_IOS = KR Version, DNT
KO_Tencent_KR = 한국어
Korea_Get_Reward_Tips = Invite friends to receive this reward!
Korea_share_Butten1 = Share with Kakaotalk friends
Korea_share_Butten2 = Share
Korea_share_Haveshared = Shared
Korea_share_short = KR Version, DNT
Korea_share_Tips = Are sure you want to publish information shared by {0} on
Korea_share_Title = Select friends to share with
Korea_Staff = KR Version, DNT
kPlayStatus_STOPED_STATE = Stream has ended.
kReachableViaWiFi = Connect via Wi-Fi
Ladder_Award_onEntry = Ranking Rewards
Ladder_Award_Tips_0 = Ladder_Award_Tips_0_##
Ladder_Award_Tips_1 = Ladder_Award_Tips_1_##
Ladder_Award_Tips_2 = Ladder_Award_Tips_2_##
Ladder_Award_Tips_3 = Ladder_Award_Tips_3_##
Ladder_Award_Tips_4 = Ladder_Award_Tips_4_##
Ladder_Award_Tips_5 = Ladder_Award_Tips_5_##
Ladder_BanPick_70250 = Teams take turns selecting heroes to ban
Ladder_BanPick_70250_Ban_Hero_Desc = Ban
Ladder_BanPick_70250_Final_Adujst_Desc = Finalize
Ladder_BanPick_70250_Hero_List = Heroes
Ladder_BanPick_70250_LeftHero1 = Jinnar&Tonic
Ladder_BanPick_70250_LeftHero2 = Taaaaaaaaara
Ladder_BanPick_70250_LeftHero3 = Mganker
Ladder_BanPick_70250_LeftHero4 = MortosLives
Ladder_BanPick_70250_LeftHero5 = LuBooBoo
Ladder_BanPick_70250_Main_Hero = Toro
Ladder_BanPick_70250_Rencent = Recent heroes
Ladder_BanPick_70250_RightHero1 = ICreshtMyCar
Ladder_BanPick_70250_RightHero2 = ZillsSkills
Ladder_BanPick_70250_RightHero3 = PandaKill
Ladder_BanPick_70250_RightHero4 = YornInTheUSA
Ladder_BanPick_70250_RightHero5 = BillLumburrg
Ladder_BanPick_70250_Select_Hero_Desc = Pick
Ladder_BanPick_70251 = Teams take turns selecting heroes to use
Ladder_BanPick_70251_Change = Talents
Ladder_BanPick_70251_FightCntDesc = Rounds
Ladder_BanPick_70251_Hero1 = Krixi
Ladder_BanPick_70251_Hero2 = Toro
Ladder_BanPick_70251_Skin = Skin
Ladder_BanPick_70251_SymbolPage = Arcana Page 1
Ladder_BanPick_70251_WinRatioDesc = Win Rate
Ladder_BanPick_70252 = Switch heroes with your teammates before the match begins
Ladder_BanPick_70252_Cancel = Cancel
Ladder_BraveStarTips = Points to next Star
Ladder_Buy_Skin_Ladder_Limit_Current_Grade = To be purchased on achieving {0} in
the current rankings.
Ladder_Buy_Skin_Ladder_Limit_History_Highest_Grade = To be purchased on achieving
the highest ever {0} in the league.
Ladder_Buy_Skin_Ladder_Limit_Season_Highest_Grade = To be purchased on achieving
the top {0} in the current season rankings.
Ladder_ChallengeAccept = Enter
Ladder_ChallengeLetterCredit = Current Credibility Score: {0}
Ladder_ChallengeLetterTitle = Ranked Matches
Ladder_Continuous_Win_Desc =
Ladder_Continuous_Win_Tip = Win Streak Reward: Extra Stars!
Ladder_Continuous_Win_Title = Brave Points
Ladder_Current_Season = Season
Ladder_Data_Error = Rankings data error
Ladder_Get_Last_Highest_Grade_Reward = Congratulations on your success in the last
season of Ranked Matches.
Ladder_Get_Skin_Reward_Msg_Title = Season rewards obtained
Ladder_Grade_Difference_Tip = No invitation allowed if the difference in rank is
too great.
Ladder_Inherit_Last_Season_Grade = <blankspace89>
Ladder_Inherit_Last_Season_Grade_Finish = Congratulations, you have surpassed your
rank from the previous season!
ladder_Match_fiveInRoom = 5 Players
Ladder_MotorcadeBattle = Full Team
Ladder_PlayersNum_Text = {0} [/0:$(Player|Players)/]
Ladder_RankingDataPanel = Rankings Info
Ladder_RankingDescPanel = Ranking Info
Ladder_Rankings_Text = Rankings
Ladder_Req_Hero_Num = Entry Requirements: You must have {0} heroes, currently you
have<color=#ff0000> {1}/{2}</color>
ladder_season_duration = {1}/{0} -- {3}/{2}
Ladder_Season_Reward = Reward
Ladder_SeasonRewardPanel = Season Rewards
Ladder_Settle_Low_Grade_Protect_Tip = Stars are protected from losses in this tier.
Ladder_SingleBattle = Solo
Ladder_Special_Skin = Exclusive Skins for Ranked Matches.
Ladder_star_Count_dec = <color=#6092ED>{0}
Ladder_Start_Dec = (Reach max points to earn 1 star)
Ladder_Super_Master = Master
Ladder_Task_Reward_Title = Congratulations!
Ladder_TeamBattle = Group
Ladder_Teamwork_Desc = Team up with friends to get extra rewards!
Ladder_temp1 = obsolete
Ladder_temp2 = obsolete
Ladder_TopGroup_Ranking = obsolete+fb189c1af0c54448
LadderAlert_NewSeasonBegin = S{0} starts on {1}/{2}
LadderBanPick_Desc = Draft Mode
LadderCantFightInForbinTime = Ranked Matches are temporarily unavailable.
LadderCredit_Alert = Unable to join Ranked Matches because your Credibility Score
is below {0}. Please participate in {1} casual match(es) and maintain good conduct
to raise your Credibility Score.
LadderEndRewardCondDesc = Receive at the end of season
LadderHistory_detail_ContiWinNum = Top Streak
LadderHistory_detail_GameNum = Battle Rounds
LadderHistory_detail_WinNum = Wins
LadderHistory_detail_WinRate = Win rate
LadderSkinRewardCondDesc1 = Wins {0}/{1}
LadderSkinRewardCondDesc2 = Reach {0} Tier
LadderTask_Desc = Complete {0} matches\nProgress: {1}/{2}
Lan_Switch_Cancel_CHS = Cancel
Lan_Switch_Cancel_CHT = Cancel
Lan_Switch_Cancel_DE = Cancel
Lan_Switch_Cancel_EN = Cancel
Lan_Switch_Cancel_ESEU = Cancel
Lan_Switch_Cancel_ESLT = Cancel
Lan_Switch_Cancel_FR = Cancel
Lan_Switch_Cancel_ID = Cancel
Lan_Switch_Cancel_IT = Cancel
Lan_Switch_Cancel_KO = Cancel
Lan_Switch_Cancel_MY = Cancel
Lan_Switch_Cancel_NL = Cancel
Lan_Switch_Cancel_PTEU = Cancel
Lan_Switch_Cancel_PTLT = Cancel
Lan_Switch_Cancel_RU = Cancel
Lan_Switch_Cancel_TH = Cancel
Lan_Switch_Cancel_TR = Cancel
Lan_Switch_Cancel_VN = Cancel
Lan_Switch_Tip = Good news! Liên Quân Mobile is now available in your system
language, ({0}). Would you like to download the language pack and switch to that
Lan_Switch_Tip_CHS = The game is now available in {0} language. Do you want to
download and switch languages?
Lan_Switch_Tip_CHT = The game is now available in {0} language. Do you want to
download and switch languages?
Lan_Switch_Tip_DE = The game is now available in {0} language. Do you want to
download and switch languages?
Lan_Switch_Tip_EN = The game is now available in {0} language. Do you want to
download and switch languages?
Lan_Switch_Tip_ESEU = The game is now available in {0} language. Do you want to
download and switch languages?
Lan_Switch_Tip_ESLT = The game is now available in {0} language. Do you want to
download and switch languages?
Lan_Switch_Tip_FR = The game is now available in {0} language. Do you want to
download and switch languages?
Lan_Switch_Tip_Hall = The game is now available in your system language ({0}). Do
you want to restart the game to download the update?
Lan_Switch_Tip_ID = The game is now available in {0} language. Do you want to
download and switch languages?
Lan_Switch_Tip_IT = The game is now available in {0} language. Do you want to
download and switch languages?
Lan_Switch_Tip_KO = The game is now available in {0} language. Do you want to
download and switch languages?
Lan_Switch_Tip_MY = The game is now available in {0} language. Do you want to
download and switch languages?
Lan_Switch_Tip_NL = The game is now available in {0} language. Do you want to
download and switch languages?
Lan_Switch_Tip_PTEU = The game is now available in {0} language. Do you want to
download and switch languages?
Lan_Switch_Tip_PTLT = The game is now available in {0} language. Do you want to
download and switch languages?
Lan_Switch_Tip_RU = The game is now available in {0} language. Do you want to
download and switch languages?
Lan_Switch_Tip_TH = The game is now available in {0} language. Do you want to
download and switch languages?
Lan_Switch_Tip_TR = The game is now available in {0} language. Do you want to
download and switch languages?
Lan_Switch_Tip_VN = The game is now available in {0} language. Do you want to
download and switch languages?
Lan_Switch_Ttile_CHS = Update
Lan_Switch_Ttile_CHT = Update
Lan_Switch_Ttile_DE = Update
Lan_Switch_Ttile_EN = Update
Lan_Switch_Ttile_ESEU = Update
Lan_Switch_Ttile_ESLT = Update
Lan_Switch_Ttile_FR = Update
Lan_Switch_Ttile_Hall = Update
Lan_Switch_Ttile_ID = Update
Lan_Switch_Ttile_IT = Update
Lan_Switch_Ttile_KO = Update
Lan_Switch_Ttile_MY = Update
Lan_Switch_Ttile_NL = Update
Lan_Switch_Ttile_PTEU = Update
Lan_Switch_Ttile_PTLT = Update
Lan_Switch_Ttile_RU = Update
Lan_Switch_Ttile_TH = Update
Lan_Switch_Ttile_TR = Update
Lan_Switch_Ttile_VN = Update
Lan_Switch_Yes_CHS = Yes
Lan_Switch_Yes_CHT = Yes
Lan_Switch_Yes_DE = Yes
Lan_Switch_Yes_EN = Yes
Lan_Switch_Yes_ESEU = Yes
Lan_Switch_Yes_ESLT = Yes
Lan_Switch_Yes_FR = Yes
Lan_Switch_Yes_ID = Yes
Lan_Switch_Yes_IT = Yes
Lan_Switch_Yes_KO = Yes
Lan_Switch_Yes_MY = Yes
Lan_Switch_Yes_NL = Yes
Lan_Switch_Yes_PTEU = Yes
Lan_Switch_Yes_PTLT = Yes
Lan_Switch_Yes_RU = Yes
Lan_Switch_Yes_TH = Yes
Lan_Switch_Yes_TR = Yes
Lan_Switch_Yes_VN = Yes
Lan_Update_Button = Update
Lan_Update_Title = Update
LanChange_Confirm_Tips = Do you want to restart the game to change your language
LanChange_Confirm_Title = Change Language
LanChange_SameLan_Tips = The current language is already the language you are
switching from
LanChange_Success = Restart the game to apply the changes.
LanChange_Title = Language Settings
LangNameInCurLang_AR = Arabic
LangNameInCurLang_CHS = Chinese (Simplified)
LangNameInCurLang_CHT = Chinese (Traditional)
LangNameInCurLang_DE = German
LangNameInCurLang_EN = English
LangNameInCurLang_ESEU = Spanish (Spain)
LangNameInCurLang_ESLT = Spanish (Latin America)
LangNameInCurLang_FR = French
LangNameInCurLang_ID = Indonesian
LangNameInCurLang_IT = Italian
LangNameInCurLang_KO = Korean
LangNameInCurLang_MY = Malay
LangNameInCurLang_NL = Dutch
LangNameInCurLang_PTEU = Portuguese (Portugal)
LangNameInCurLang_PTLT = Portuguese (Brazil)
LangNameInCurLang_RU = Russian
LangNameInCurLang_TH = Thai
LangNameInCurLang_TR = Turkish
LangNameInCurLang_VN = Vietnamese
Language_AR = ‫العربية‬
Language_CHS = 简体中文
Language_CHT = 繁體中文
Language_DE = Deutsch
Language_EN = English
Language_ESEU = Español (EU)
Language_ESLT = Español (Latinoamérica)
Language_FR = Français
Language_ID = Indonesian
Language_IT = Italiano
Language_KO = 한국어
Language_MY = Bahasa Melayu
Language_NL = Nederlands
Language_PTEU = Português (EU)
Language_PTLT = Português (BR)
Language_RU = Pусский
Language_TH = ไทย
Language_TR = Türkçe
Language_VN = Tiếng Việt
LBS_Location_Error = No nearby Challengers found.
LBS_SearchLBSZero = No nearby Challengers found.
Left_Bracket = (
LegendCrystal_tab = Pendants
level_display = Lvl {0}
Level_Error_Tips_1 = Level_Error_Tips_1_##
Level_Error_Tips_2 = Level_Error_Tips_2_##
Level_Error_Tips_3 = Level_Error_Tips_3_##
Level_Error_Tips_4 = obsolete
Level_Error_Tips_5 = obsolete
Level_Error_Tips_6 = obsolete
Level_Error_Tips_7 = obsolete
Level_Error_Tips_8 = obsolete
Level_Error_Tips_9 = obsolete
Level_Recommend_Tips_1 = Level_Recommend_Tips_1_##
Level_Up = Level up!
LinkDivice = Link Devices
Live_BG_Str1 = Please select a streaming platform
Live_BG_Str2 = Set title and description
Live_Btn_Start = Start
LIVE_CHECK_DESC_HAS_DIRTY_WORD = Stream description contains sensitive words.
LIVE_CHECK_TITLE_HAS_DIRTY_WORD = Stream title contains sensitive words.
Live_Default_Desc_Format = {0}'s stream
Live_Default_Title_Format = {0}'s stream
Live_Form_Title = Streaming
Live_IF_Ph1 = Input title
Live_IF_Ph2 = Input description
LIVE_START_LIVE_DESCRIPTION_MUST_MORE_THEN_3 = Stream description must be 3
characters or more.
{0} characters.
LIVE_START_LIVE_TITLE_MUST_MORE_THEN_3 = Stream title must be at least 3 characters
LIVE_START_LIVE_TITLE_MUST_MORE_THEN_LIMIT = Stream title cannot exceed {0}
Live_Start_Success = Streaming now.
Live_StartFailed = Stream hasn't started.
LIVE_SUPPORT_DEVICE_LIST_ANDROID = Devices Supported:\nSnapdragon 820 Processor or
LIVE_SUPPORT_DEVICE_LIST_IOS = Devices Supported:\niPhone 6s/iPhone 6s Plus/iPhone
SE\niPhone 7/iPhone 7 Plus/iPhone 8/iPhone 8 Plus/iPhone X
Live_Supprt_Checking = Testing device compatibility...
Live_Supprt_NotOK1 = Your device does not support this function.
Live_Supprt_NotOK2 = An error occurred while testing this device.
Live_Supprt_OK = Your device supports this function.
Loading_For_Score = Loading
Loading_PVE_Tips_1 = Loading_PVE_Tips_1_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_10 = Loading_PVE_Tips_10_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_11 = Loading_PVE_Tips_11_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_12 = Loading_PVE_Tips_12_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_13 = Loading_PVE_Tips_13_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_14 = Loading_PVE_Tips_14_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_15 = Loading_PVE_Tips_15_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_16 = Loading_PVE_Tips_16_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_17 = Loading_PVE_Tips_17_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_18 = Loading_PVE_Tips_18_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_19 = Loading_PVE_Tips_19_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_2 = Loading_PVE_Tips_2_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_20 = Loading_PVE_Tips_20_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_21 = Loading_PVE_Tips_21_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_22 = Loading_PVE_Tips_22_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_23 = Loading_PVE_Tips_23_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_24 = Loading_PVE_Tips_24_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_25 = Loading_PVE_Tips_25_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_26 = Loading_PVE_Tips_26_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_27 = Loading_PVE_Tips_27_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_28 = Loading_PVE_Tips_28_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_29 = Loading_PVE_Tips_29_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_3 = Loading_PVE_Tips_3_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_30 = Loading_PVE_Tips_30_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_31 = Loading_PVE_Tips_31_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_32 = Loading_PVE_Tips_32_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_33 = Loading_PVE_Tips_33_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_34 = Loading_PVE_Tips_34_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_35 = Loading_PVE_Tips_35_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_36 = Loading_PVE_Tips_36_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_37 = Loading_PVE_Tips_37_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_38 = Loading_PVE_Tips_38_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_39 = Loading_PVE_Tips_39_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_4 = Loading_PVE_Tips_4_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_40 = Loading_PVE_Tips_40_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_41 = Loading_PVE_Tips_41_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_42 = Loading_PVE_Tips_42_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_43 = Loading_PVE_Tips_43_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_44 = Loading_PVE_Tips_44_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_45 = Loading_PVE_Tips_45_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_46 = Loading_PVE_Tips_46_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_47 = Loading_PVE_Tips_47_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_48 = Loading_PVE_Tips_48_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_49 = Loading_PVE_Tips_49_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_5 = Loading_PVE_Tips_5_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_50 = Loading_PVE_Tips_50_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_6 = Loading_PVE_Tips_6_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_7 = Loading_PVE_Tips_7_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_8 = Loading_PVE_Tips_8_##
Loading_PVE_Tips_9 = Loading_PVE_Tips_9_##
Loading_PVP_Tips_1 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: You can change/purchase hero skins
in the Hero Menu.
Loading_PVP_Tips_10 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Use the healing packs behind
towers to keep heroes fit for battle.
Loading_PVP_Tips_11 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Don't force yourself when you're
tired. Take a break and play again later.
Loading_PVP_Tips_12 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Adjust the display quality and
sound effects in the settings if the game starts to lag.
Loading_PVP_Tips_13 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: If you've selected the
<color=#ffd200>Punish</color> talent, try using it in the jungle!
Loading_PVP_Tips_14 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Check in every day to easily earn
valuable prizes!
Loading_PVP_Tips_15 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Get familiar with a new hero's
abilities in Practice Mode.
Loading_PVP_Tips_16 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Give Thane an arcana that boosts
his survivability to make charging easier.
Loading_PVP_Tips_17 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Don't panic when you get
disconnected. We'll work on reconnecting you as quickly as possible.
Loading_PVP_Tips_18 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Entering the brush can hide your
location from enemies. Make good use of it to ambush or escape.
Loading_PVP_Tips_19 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Make sure your team has one or
more support heroes. They can make or break a match for you.
Loading_PVP_Tips_2 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Free to play heroes will change
every week. Use this opportunity to try out different heroes!
Loading_PVP_Tips_20 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: If you attack an enemy hero when
you are in range of a <color=#ffd200>tower</color>, the tower will immediately
start firing at you.
Loading_PVP_Tips_21 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: We will take good care of your
heroes for your teammates' sake if you cannot quickly log back in once
Loading_PVP_Tips_22 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Activate Minions and Towers
Attack Mode to help you prioritize attacking enemies or towers.
Loading_PVP_Tips_23 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Please don't take it out on your
family when you lose.
Loading_PVP_Tips_24 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Free to play heroes will change
every week. Use this opportunity to try out different heroes!
Loading_PVP_Tips_25 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Killing monsters is a good way to
earn EXP. Assigning 1 or 2 heroes to the jungle could prove useful.
Loading_PVP_Tips_26 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Free to play heroes will change
every week. Use this opportunity to try out different heroes!
Loading_PVP_Tips_27 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Free to play heroes will change
every week. Use this opportunity to try out different heroes!
Loading_PVP_Tips_28 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Free to play heroes will change
every week. Use this opportunity to try out different heroes!
Loading_PVP_Tips_29 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Free to play heroes will change
every week. Use this opportunity to try out different heroes!
Loading_PVP_Tips_3 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Look around before using healing
abilities and talents - they will be interrupted <color=#ffd200>if you're
Loading_PVP_Tips_30 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Free to play heroes will change
every week. Use this opportunity to try out different heroes!
Loading_PVP_Tips_31 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Free to play heroes will change
every week. Use this opportunity to try out different heroes!
Loading_PVP_Tips_32 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Free to play heroes will change
every week. Use this opportunity to try out different heroes!
Loading_PVP_Tips_33 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Tap "League" and check out
the<color=#f6bf31ff> Rankings</color>. You may be surprised by what you find!
Loading_PVP_Tips_34 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Free to play heroes will change
every week. Use this opportunity to try out different heroes!
Loading_PVP_Tips_35 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Free to play heroes will change
every week. Use this opportunity to try out different heroes!
Loading_PVP_Tips_36 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Free to play heroes will change
every week. Use this opportunity to try out different heroes!
Loading_PVP_Tips_37 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Free to play heroes will change
every week. Use this opportunity to try out different heroes!
Loading_PVP_Tips_38 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Free to play heroes will change
every week. Use this opportunity to try out different heroes!
Loading_PVP_Tips_39 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Free to play heroes will change
every week. Use this opportunity to try out different heroes!
Loading_PVP_Tips_4 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: You can get <color=#ffd200>double
EXP</color> and <color=#ffd200>double gold</color> cards in the shop.
Loading_PVP_Tips_40 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Free to play heroes will change
every week. Use this opportunity to try out different heroes!
Loading_PVP_Tips_41 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Pay attention to the different
events so that you can win awesome prizes!
Loading_PVP_Tips_42 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Pay attention to the different
events so that you can win awesome prizes!
Loading_PVP_Tips_43 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Pay attention to the different
events so that you can win awesome prizes!
Loading_PVP_Tips_44 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Pay attention to the different
events so that you can win awesome prizes!
Loading_PVP_Tips_45 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Pay attention to the different
events so that you can win awesome prizes!
Loading_PVP_Tips_46 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Pay attention to the different
events so that you can win awesome prizes!
Loading_PVP_Tips_47 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Pay attention to the different
events so that you can win awesome prizes!
Loading_PVP_Tips_48 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Pay attention to the different
events so that you can win awesome prizes!
Loading_PVP_Tips_49 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Pay attention to the different
events so that you can win awesome prizes!
Loading_PVP_Tips_5 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Killing the <color=#ffd200>Abyssal
Dragon</color> will earn your team extra gold and EXP!
Loading_PVP_Tips_50 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Pay attention to the different
events so that you can win awesome prizes!
Loading_PVP_Tips_6 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Killing monsters is a good way to
earn EXP. Assigning 1 or 2 heroes to the jungle could prove useful.
Loading_PVP_Tips_7 = <color=#ffd200>Tip </color>: Turn on <color=#f6bf27ff>voice
chat</color> to talk with your teammates while you play!
Loading_PVP_Tips_8 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Choose your arcana wisely so it
complements your current hero.
Loading_PVP_Tips_9 = <color=#ffd200>Tip</color>: Try turning on
<color=#ffd200>Outlines</color>. You might be surprised by the cool effects!
Loading_Tips_1 = Loading_Tips_1_##
Loading_Tips_10 = Loading_Tips_10_##
Loading_Tips_11 = Loading_Tips_11_##
Loading_Tips_12 = Loading_Tips_12_##
Loading_Tips_13 = Loading_Tips_13_##
Loading_Tips_14 = Loading_Tips_14_##
Loading_Tips_15 = Loading_Tips_15_##
Loading_Tips_16 = Loading_Tips_16_##
Loading_Tips_17 = Loading_Tips_17_##
Loading_Tips_18 = Loading_Tips_18_##
Loading_Tips_19 = Loading_Tips_19_##
Loading_Tips_2 = Loading_Tips_2_##
Loading_Tips_20 = Loading_Tips_20_##
Loading_Tips_21 = Loading_Tips_21_##
Loading_Tips_22 = Loading_Tips_22_##
Loading_Tips_23 = Loading_Tips_23_##
Loading_Tips_24 = Loading_Tips_24_##
Loading_Tips_25 = Loading_Tips_25_##
Loading_Tips_26 = Loading_Tips_26_##
Loading_Tips_27 = Loading_Tips_27_##
Loading_Tips_28 = Loading_Tips_28_##
Loading_Tips_29 = Loading_Tips_29_##
Loading_Tips_3 = Loading_Tips_3_##
Loading_Tips_30 = Loading_Tips_30_##
Loading_Tips_4 = Loading_Tips_4_##
Loading_Tips_5 = Loading_Tips_5_##
Loading_Tips_6 = Loading_Tips_6_##
Loading_Tips_7 = Loading_Tips_7_##
Loading_Tips_8 = Loading_Tips_8_##
Loading_Tips_9 = Loading_Tips_9_##
LoadingNotice2 = for a more immersive experience
LoadingNotice3_1 = RIVETING GAMEPLAY
LoadingSkinNameTxt = {0} <color=#e5dfab>{1}</color>
loadingtips_Tutorial_1 = Destroy the enemy Core to achieve victory.
loadingtips_Tutorial_2 = Remember to keep buying equipment while you are playing.
loadingtips_Tutorial_3 = Hold down on an ability to aim it and increase its
loadingtips_Tutorial_4 = Make use of the jungle and you will level up at light
Lobby_CreditAlert_Agree = Agree
Lobby_CreditAlert_AgreeMsg = Do you agree not to go AFK during the matches in the
Lobby_CreditAlert_Cofirm = OK
Lobby_CreditAlert_Continue = Continue
Lobby_CreditAlert_Type1 = You abandoned or were idle for too long during recent
matches. Frequent negative behavior will affect your Credibility Score and other
players' gaming experiences. Please take each battle seriously.
Lobby_CreditAlert_Type2 = You left or were AFK for too long during recent matches,
so {0} points have been deducted from your Credibility Score. If your Credibility
Score falls below a certain level, you may receive a punishment. Please take each
battle seriously.
Lobby_CreditAlert_Type3 = You left or were AFK for too long during recent matches,
so {0} points have been deducted from your Credibility Score. If your Credibility
Score falls below a certain level, you may be banned from joining multiplayer
Lobby_CreditAlert_Warning = Warning!
Lobby_FreeHero_Title = Free heroes
Lobby_Ladder_Title = Ranked Match
Lobby_MatchTime_OverShow = Estimated Time: \n> 10 minutes
Lobby_MatchTime_TitleShow = Estimated Time:\n{0}:{1}
Lobby_Punish_Game_Alert_Agree = OK
Lobby_Punish_Game_Lock_Time = Banned for {0:D2}:{1:D2}:{2:D2}
Lobby_pvp_activity_flag_0 = Grand Battle
Lobby_pvp_activity_flag_1 = Grand Battle
Lobby_pvp_activity_flag_2 = Grand Battle
Lobby_Pvp_Title = Casual Match
Lobby_Ranking_SelfRank = My Rank
Lobby_Ranking_Title = Rankings
Lobby_Room_Title = Custom Match
Lobby_Title = Main Menu
lobby_unlock_text = New function unlocked
LobbyBottom_AchievementBtn_Text = Achievements
LobbyBottom_AddedSkillBtn_Text = Talents
LobbyBottom_BagBtn_Text = Backpack
LobbyBottom_ChatBtn_Text = Armory
LobbyBottom_Equioment_Text = Equipment
LobbyBottom_HeroBtn_Text = Heroes
LobbyBottom_SocialBtn_Text = Guild
LobbyBottom_StoreBtn_Text = Shop
LobbyBottom_SymbolBtn_Text = Arcana
LobbyChat_AllRegions = All
LobbyChat_ChangeRegion = Change
LobbyChat_ChooseARegionText = Please select a region
LobbyChat_HotRegion = Popular
LobbyChat_MoreRegion = Regions
LobbyChat_RecentRegion = Recent Chats
LobbyConnector_HardCode1 = Reconnecting to the server…
LobbyLogic_HardCode1 = Unable to reconnect. Please return to the Main Menu.
LobbyMsgError_Start = Failed to enter game. Error code: {0}.
LobbyMsgHandler_HardCode1 = You have been banned from the server.
LobbyMsgHandler_HardCode2 = Your account has been banned until {3}:{4}, {2}/{1}/
LobbyMsgHandler_HardCode3 = The server is down for maintenance until {3}:{4}, {2}/
LobbyMsgHandler_HardCode4 = Lost connection with the server, please reconnect.
LobbyMsgHandler_HardCode5 = LobbyMsgHandler_HardCode5_##
LobbyMsgHandler_HardCode6 = LobbyMsgHandler_HardCode6_##
LobbyMsgHandler_HardCode7 = LobbyMsgHandler_HardCode7_##
LobbySvrLagBlockMatching = <color=#FA4647><size=24>Highly unstable network
connection</size></color>\n\nYou will not be able to respond to the ever-changing
conditions on the battlefield under a <size=20><color=#FA4647>highly
unstable</color> network connection. It will <color=#FA4647>severely affect</color>
both you and your teammates' gaming experience.</size>\n\n<size=18>Please check
your network connection or play in a bot match instead.</size>
LobbySvrLagCancel = Cancel
LobbySvrLagNeedsWarning = <color=#FFD200><size=24>Unstable network
connection</size></color>\n\n<color=#FFFFFF><size=20>Unstable network connections
may cause <color=#FA4647>delays</color> or <color=#FA4647>disconnects</color> and
may have a negative impact on you and your teammates' gaming
experience.</size></color>\n\n<size=18>Please check your network connection or play
in a bot match instead.</size>
LobbySvrLagProcceed = Continue
Location_Service_Tips = Enable location services on your device to make finding
friends easier!
Login_Current_Version = Version
Login_Logout = Log out
Login_Timeout = Authorization failed. Please log in again.
Login_UserCancel = You have canceled your login.
Login_UserDenied = Account has been banned.
LoginReviewMovie = Intro video
Lottery_Free_Exhausted = Today's free tries are all used.
Lottery_Free_Limit = Remaining free tries for today: {0}
Lottery_Level_1 = Lottery_Level_1_##
Lottery_Level_2 = Lottery_Level_2_##
Lottery_Level_3 = Lottery_Level_3_##
Lottery_Level_4 = Lottery_Level_4_##
Lottery_Level_4_Round = Lottery_Level_4_Round_##
Lottery_OnSale_Price = Sell Gold: {0}
Lottery_Quick_Lottery_Confirm = Lottery_Quick_Lottery_Confirm_##
Lottery_Recover = <color=#3cff00> Items have been put into your backpack</color>.
Lottery_Text_1 = Lottery_Text_1_##
Lottery_Title = Lottery_Title_##
Luandou_heroabandon_Tips_1 = You cannot choose your hero in this mode.
LvlUp_SymbolLvlLimit = LvlUp_SymbolLvlLimit_##
LvlUp_SymbolOpenCnt = Arcana Slot
LvlUp_SymbolPageCnt = Arcana Page
LvlUp_SymbolTips = Tip: Higher levels of Arcana provide greater attribute bonuses.
Mail_Btn_DeleteAll = Delete All
Mail_Btn_DeleteAll_2 = Delete
Mail_Btn_ReceiveAll = Collect All
Mail_Click_Here_To_Input_Content = Tap here to insert content
Mail_Click_Here_To_Input_Title = Tap here to insert a title
Mail_Content = Content
Mail_Content_Cannot_Be_Empty = The message cannot be empty
Mail_Default_Guild_Mail_Title = Guild mail from {0}
Mail_Description = The mailbox quota is 30; messages will be stored for 30 days
max. New mail will replace old messages when the mailbox is full.
Mail_Friend = Friends
Mail_Guild_Mail = Guild Mail
Mail_MsgCenter = News
Mail_MsgCenter_Tips_1 = Battle invite from<color=#e7b135> {0}</color> has expired.
Mail_MsgCenter_Tips_2 = Appointment request from {0}
Mail_MsgCenter_Tips_Status_Accept = <color=#44f39a>Accepted </color>
Mail_MsgCenter_Tips_Status_Reject = <color=#e56b6b>Declined </color>
Mail_Send = Send
Mail_Send_People = Sender
Mail_Send_Success = Sent
Mail_System = System
Mail_Title = Title
Mail_Today_Send_Num = Today's delivery quota {0}/{1}
Mail_Today_Send_Num_Full = You cannot send more messages today (max: 3/day).
Mail_Write_Mail = Write
Mailop_GetHeartLimit = You can receive gold from up to 5 friends each day. Please
come back tomorrow.
MailOp_ListGeting = Loading data…
MailOp_PackageClean = Your backpack is full. You can't currently receive
MailOp_Packagefull = You have reached the maximum number of items (999). Unable to
retrieve this item from the mail.
Mailop_SeniorDonate_DayLimit = Limit has been exceeded.
MailSys_Btn_DeleteAll = Delete all
MailSys_DeleteAll_Error_NoBatch = You don't have any mail.
MailSys_DeleteAll_Tips1 = Delete all read messages?
MailSys_DeleteAll_Tips2 = Unread mails will not be deleted.
MailSys_DeleteAll_Title = Warning
Maintaining = The server is temporarily unavailable. Please check back in a couple
of hours.
Maintask_changping = Maintask_changping_##
Maintask_has_received = Received
Maintask_level_task = Level quests
Maintask_receive = Collect
Mall = Shop
Mall_Boutique_More = More
Mall_Boutique_Text_1 = New Items
Mall_Boutique_Text_2 = Hot
Mall_Boutique_Text_3 = No current data
Mall_Boutique_Text_Hot = HOT
Mall_Buy = Purchase
Mall_Buy_For_Friend = Send to friend
Mall_BuyHeroSkin_GetGoldGain = Earn {0}% more gold at the end of each battle.
Mall_BuyHeroSkin_GetGoldGainTitle = Join battle using this skin to get:
Mall_BuyHeroSkin_GetWeekGoldUpperLimitGain = Weekly Gold Limit +{0}
Mall_Coin_Lottery_Buy = Mall_Coin_Lottery_Buy_##
Mall_Coin_Lottery_DianQuan_Buy = Activate Vouchers
Mall_Coin_Lottery_Quick_Buy = Mall_Coin_Lottery_Quick_Buy_##
Mall_Coin_Lottery_Quick_Buy_Pause = Pause
Mall_Diamond_Buy_only = Gem Shop
Mall_Diamond_Buy_only_daily = Daily
Mall_Diamond_Buy_only_hot = Hot
Mall_ExchangeCouponsBuy = Redeem
Mall_ExchangeCouponsTotal = Quantity:
Mall_Go_Buy = Go to Shop
Mall_Hero_Buy_Tab = Heroes
Mall_Hero_Buy_Title = Purchase Hero
Mall_Hero_Gifts_Buy_One_Dsc_Left = Mall_Hero_Gifts_Buy_One_Dsc_Left_##
Mall_Hero_Gifts_Buy_One_Dsc_Right = Heroes
Mall_Hero_Gifts_Buy_Ten_Dsc_Left = Mall_Hero_Gifts_Buy_Ten_Dsc_Left_##
Mall_Hero_Gifts_Buy_Ten_Dsc_Right = Mall_Hero_Gifts_Buy_Ten_Dsc_Right_##
Mall_Hero_Give_Title = Hero Gift
Mall_Hero_Sort_Type_Coin = Gold
Mall_Hero_Sort_Type_Coupons = Vouchers
Mall_Hero_Sort_Type_Default = Default
Mall_Hero_Sort_Type_Name = Name
Mall_Hero_Sort_Type_ReleaseTime = Date Added
Mall_Hero_State_Own = Acquired
Mall_Hero_Text_1 = Mall_Hero_Text_1_##
Mall_Hero_Text_10 = Mall_Hero_Text_10_##
Mall_Hero_Text_2 = Mall_Hero_Text_2_##
Mall_Hero_Text_3 = Mall_Hero_Text_3_##
Mall_Hero_Text_4 = Mall_Hero_Text_4_##
Mall_Hero_Text_5 = Mall_Hero_Text_5_##
Mall_Hero_Text_6 = Mall_Hero_Text_6_##
Mall_Hero_Text_7 = Mall_Hero_Text_7_##
Mall_Hero_Text_8 = Mall_Hero_Text_8_##
Mall_Hero_Text_9 = Mall_Hero_Text_9_##
Mall_Mystery_Banner_Bought_Limit = Purchase limit
Mall_Mystery_Congratulations = Congratulations, you've obtained an exclusive
Mall_Mystery_Discount = Discount
Mall_Mystery_FreeLottery_Former = Free draw for
Mall_Mystery_FreeLottery_Latter = Lucky Discounts \nand \nLucky Items
Mall_Mystery_Lobby_Icon_Time_Left = Remaining
Mall_Mystery_Lottery = Try Your Luck
Mall_Mystery_MyDiscount = Today, I shall give you
Mall_Mystery_Time_Day = {0} [/0:$(day|days)/]
Mall_Mystery_Time_Left = Time Remaining
Mall_New_Slot_Title = Lucky Draw
Mall_NewHero = New Heroes
Mall_NewHero_Exchanged = Redeemed
Mall_NewRoulette_Buy_LotteryTicket = Buy Magic Crystals
Mall_NewRoulette_BuyTip = You need {0} more {1}(s), do you want to purchase with
{2} Vouchers?
Mall_NewRoulette_Congratulations = Congratulations!
Mall_NewRoulette_DiscountTip = Purchase your first {0} to enjoy {1}.
Mall_NewRoulette_Draw = Draw {0} [/0:$(Time|Times)/]
Mall_NewRoulette_DrawFive = Draw 5 times
Mall_NewRoulette_DrawOne = Draw {0} [/0:$(Time|Times)/]
Mall_NewRoulette_RareHero = {0}
Mall_NewRoulette_RareSkin = {0}
Mall_NewRoulette_Rule = Help
Mall_NewRoulette_SimpleRule = <blankspace89>
Mall_NewRoulette_TicketNumber = You have
Mall_NewRoulette_TicketNumber2 = {0}
Mall_NewRoulette_Time_Remaining =
Mall_NewRoulette_Time_Text = Time Left
Mall_NewSkin = New Skins
Mall_NewSkin_Exchanged = Redeemed
Mall_Promotion_Tag_1 = {0} [/0:$(day|days)/]
Mall_Recommend_Config_Err_Tips = Failed to receive the message with the reward {0}
Mall_Recommend_Exchange_More = Mall_Recommend_Exchange_More_##
Mall_Recommend_Roulette_Memo = Mall_Recommend_Roulette_Memo_##
Mall_Roulette_Diamond_Buy_Tab = obsolete+62df62ad38ff3ff4
Mall_Roulette_DianQuan_Buy_Tab = obsolete+e6e5eeb148a5142c
Mall_Roulette_LuckNumber = Lucky Points
Mall_Roulette_LuckTips = Lucky Points increase your chances of winning rare items!
Mall_Roulette_SpecItemAward = Congratulations! You have received a {0}.
Mall_Roulette_Text_1 = Mall_Roulette_Text_1_##
Mall_Roulette_Text_2 = Mall_Roulette_Text_2_##
Mall_Roulette_Text_3 = Mall_Roulette_Text_3_##
Mall_Roulette_Text_4 = Mall_Roulette_Text_4_##
Mall_Roulette_Text_5 = Mall_Roulette_Text_5_##
Mall_Roulette_Text_6 = Mall_Roulette_Text_6_##
Mall_Roulette_Text_7 = Mall_Roulette_Text_7_##
Mall_Roulette_Text_8 = Mall_Roulette_Text_8_##
Mall_Skin_Buy_Tab = Skins
Mall_Skin_Buy_Title = Purchase Skin
Mall_Skin_Gifts_Buy_One_Dsc_Left = Mall_Skin_Gifts_Buy_One_Dsc_Left_##
Mall_Skin_Gifts_Buy_One_Dsc_Right = Skins
Mall_Skin_Gifts_Buy_Ten_Dsc_Left = Mall_Skin_Gifts_Buy_Ten_Dsc_Left_##
Mall_Skin_Gifts_Buy_Ten_Dsc_Right = Rare Skins
Mall_Skin_Give_Title = Skin Gift
Mall_Skin_Sort_Type_Coupons = Vouchers
Mall_Skin_Sort_Type_Default = Default
Mall_Skin_Sort_Type_Name = Name
Mall_Skin_Sort_Type_ReleaseTime = Date Added
Mall_Skin_State_Buy_hero = <color=#e7b135>Obtain Hero First</color>
Mall_Skin_State_Forbid_Buy = <color=red>Unavailable</color>
Mall_Skin_State_Own = Acquired
Mall_Skin_Text_1 = Get Hero
Mall_Skin_Text_10 = Mall_Skin_Text_10_##
Mall_Skin_Text_2 = Mall_Skin_Text_2_##
Mall_Skin_Text_3 = Mall_Skin_Text_3_##
Mall_Skin_Text_4 = Mall_Skin_Text_4_##
Mall_Skin_Text_5 = Mall_Skin_Text_5_##
Mall_Skin_Text_6 = Mall_Skin_Text_6_##
Mall_Skin_Text_7 = Mall_Skin_Text_7_##
Mall_Skin_Text_8 = Mall_Skin_Text_8_##
Mall_Skin_Text_9 = Mall_Skin_Text_9_##
Mall_Sort_Type_Desc = Sorting method
Mall_Symbol_Gifts_Buy_Five_Dsc = obsolete+a9bfaf31e6acec65
Mall_Symbol_Gifts_Buy_One_Dsc = obsolete+11bbc970490b1a6b
Mall_Symbol_Gifts_Common_Buy_Dsc = Mall_Symbol_Gifts_Common_Buy_Dsc_##
Mall_Symbol_Gifts_DianQuan_Buy_One_Tips = Feature is in development. Stay tuned.
Mall_Symbol_Gifts_Senior_Buy_Dsc = Mall_Symbol_Gifts_Senior_Buy_Dsc_##
Mall_Tab_Boutique = Recommended
Mall_Tab_Factory_Shop = Voucher Shop
Mall_Tab_Hero_Gifts = Hero Pack
Mall_Tab_Hero_Skin_Gifts = Skin Pack
Mall_Tab_Item_Prop_Gifts = Lucky Chest
Mall_Tab_Mystery = Mystery Shop
Mall_Tab_New = New
Mall_Tab_Roulette = Lucky Draw
Mall_Tab_Symbol_Gifts = Arcana
Mall_Title = Shop
Mall_Title_Memo = All retail goods can be purchased with vouchers.
Mall_Wakeup_Congratulations = Evolution Successful
Map_1v1 = Black City Arena
Map_3v3 = Flatland Battlefield
Map_5v5 = Antaris Battlefield
Map_ARAM = Abyss Canyon
Map_Dominion = Base Battle Map
Map_Hook = Treasure Bay
Map_RTS = Battlefield Commander Map
MapID_PVP_1V1 = 20001
MapID_PVP_3V3 = 20002
MapID_PVP_5V5 = 20011
MapID_PVP_5v5CD = 20013
MapID_PVP_5v5Clone = 20012
MapID_PVP_Fire = 20009
MapID_PVP_LimitTimeMode = 90002
MapID_PVP_MELEE = 90001
MapID_Robot_1V1_1 = 23001
MapID_Robot_1V1_2 = 23011
MapID_Robot_1V1_3 = 20001
MapID_Robot_3V3_1 = 22002
MapID_Robot_3V3_2 = 22003
MapID_Robot_3V3_3 = 22001
MapID_Robot_3V3Team_1 = 23002
MapID_Robot_3V3Team_2 = 23012
MapID_Robot_3V3Team_3 = 20002
MapID_Robot_5V5Team_1 = 90001
MapID_Robot_5V5Team_2 = 90001
MapID_Robot_5V5Team_3 = 90001
MapID_Robot_Melee_Team_1 = 20011
MapID_Robot_Melee_Team_2 = 20011
MapID_Robot_Melee_Team_3 = 20011
MapID_Room_1 = 20011
MapID_Room_10 = 0
MapID_Room_2 = 90001
MapID_Room_3 = 20002
MapID_Room_4 = 20001
MapID_Room_5 = 20009
MapID_Room_6 = obsolete
MapID_Room_7 = obsolete
MapID_Room_8 = 0
MapID_Room_9 = 0
MapID_Union_1 = 80003
MapID_Union_2 = 80004
MapID_Union_3 = 80001
MapID_Union_4 = 80002
MapID_Union_5 = 80005
MapID_Union_6 = 80006
MapID_Union_7 = 80007
Match_Center_URL = https://goo.gl/j97u6q
match_creditScore_so_low_jump_robpvp_go = Go
match_creditScore_so_low_jump_robpvp_tips = Unable to join the match because your
Credibility Score is below {0}. Please join {1} multiplayer bot match(es) and
maintain good conduct to raise your Credibility Score.
Match_Invitation_Btn_Label = Confirm
Match_Invitation_Mode = {0}
Match_Invitation_Msg_Default_1 = We're teaming up! Join us in the arena!
Match_Invitation_Msg_Default_2 = We need your help! Fight with us!
Match_Invitation_Msg_Default_3 = I don't need help, but you can tag along.
Match_Invitation_Msg_Default_4 = Don't fight alone. Join me!
Match_Invitation_Msg_Label = Slogan
Match_Invitation_Preset_Msg_Btn_Label = <blankspace89>
Match_Invitation_Requirements = Requirements
Match_Invitation_Requirements_Details = Requirements: <color=#48D7FF>{0},
Match_Invitation_Setting_Lv_Label = Required Level
Match_Invitation_Setting_Rank_Label = Required Rank
Match_Invitation_Setting_Title = Lobby Requirements
Match_Invitation_View_Team_Btn_Label = Details
match_lineup_is_perfect = <color=#a6e06e>Balanced Team</color>
Matching_Chat_Template_Group_ID = 6
Matching_Confirm_PlayerNum = {0}/{1} Ready
Matching_InviteSnsFriend = Invite
Matching_Team = TEAM
Matching_Tip_1 = Find a Match
Matching_Tip_10 = obsolete
Matching_Tip_11 = Your guild doesn't have any members yet.
Matching_Tip_2 = Start Game
Matching_Tip_3 = Match Up
Matching_Tip_4 = You haven't added anyone to your friend list yet.
Matching_Tip_5 = Matching_Tip_5_##
Matching_Tip_6 = Events not yet open
Matching_Tip_7 = In the <color=#ffd200>Friends Menu</color> you can share your
location to find nearby players.
Matching_Tip_8 = No nearby Challengers found.
Matching_Tip_9 = obsolete
Matching_Web_Prohibit = This page cannot be accessed while queuing for a match.
MatchingGuideAdvnace = We recommend that you check the Wi-Fi connection, do you
want to continue?
MatchInvitation_GuildChat = Guild
MatchInvitation_Message = You have been invited to join a {0}.
MatchInvitation_RegionChat = {0} Channel
MatchInvitation_To_Guild_DismissText = <color=#818183>Don't show this message
MatchInvitation_To_Guild_Ignore = Ignore
MatchInvitation_To_Guild_LobbyMessage = Your guildmate, <color=#d4cda5>{0}</color>,
has invited you to join a <color=#fadc45>{1}</color>.
MatchInvitation_WorldChat = General
MatchPersonalPoint_Desc = MatchPersonalPoint_Desc_##
MatchPersonalPoint_Name = MatchPersonalPoint_Name_##
MatchTeamPoint_Desc = MatchTeamPoint_Desc_##
MatchTeamPoint_Name = MatchTeamPoint_Name_##
MessageBox_Close_Time = 15
Micro_Forbidden = You have been muted.
Migrate_BeginTips = If you want to play the game on different devices or you want
to migrate your account to a new device, you may link your devices here.
Migrate_CodeFail = Link failed. Please try again.
Migrate_codeHere = Enter the code here
Migrate_CodeNull = You need to enter a valid code
Migrate_CodeSuccess = Link successful! Please log in again.
Migrate_CodeTime = Code expires in:
Migrate_CodeTimeUp = The code has expired
Migrate_CodeTimeUpTips = Code expired. You must enter the code on the new device
before it expires. Please generate the code on your original device and try again.
Migrate_CodeWarning = Warning: Don't reveal this code to anyone else. It's only for
your own use.
Migrate_Coding = Generating code…
Migrate_Devices = Which device is this?
Migrate_ErrorCode = Invalid code. Please try again.
Migrate_GareteCodeTips1 = Please don't close this interface. On your new device, go
to the Link Devices interface and select "New Device".
Migrate_GareteCodeTips2 = Enter the code on your new device:
Migrate_GenaratedCode = Generate code
Migrate_Getcodetips = On your original device, go to the Link Devices interface and
select "Original Device."
Migrate_InputCode = Enter code
Migrate_InputCodeConfirm = New account: {0}, Level {1}, {2} Heroes\nCurrent account
on this device: {3}, Level {4}, {5} Heroes\nDo you want to link the new account to
this device? \nExisting data will be overwritten, and this action cannot be undone.
Migrate_InvalidCode = Code expired. Please generate a new one and try again.
Migrate_NewDevices = New\nDevice
Migrate_OldDevices = Original\nDevice
Migrate_PleaseInputCode = Please enter the code
Migrate_SamePlatform = The code can only be used between devices on different
platforms. Please try again on different platforms.
Migrate_Title = Link Devices
Minecraft_Notcomplete = Jungle Training incomplete
Minimap_Show = Hold down on a spot on the mini-map to survey the battlefield.
Misc_HardCode1 = of
MixPayNotice = You still need {0} {1}. Would you like to use <color=#f6bf17>
{2}</color> {3} instead?
mLadderSeasonEndAlertDetailFormat = Season ends in:\n{0}
mLadderSeasonEndAlertFormat = Season ends in:\n{0} [/0:$(day|days)/]
mLadderSeasonEndSettlemFormat = Calculating season results...
MNA_Btn_Start = Test
MNA_Detection = Testing
MNA_DeviceAmount = {0}
MNA_ms = {0}ms
MNA_NetworkTest = Network Test
MNA_NetworkType = Network Type
MNA_NoWifi = Not Wi-Fi
MNA_NoWifiResult_000 = Stable internet connection.
MNA_NoWifiResult_001 = Weak signal.
MNA_NoWifiResult_010 = Stable internet connection.
MNA_NoWifiResult_011 = Weak signal.
MNA_NoWifiResult_100 = High ping.
MNA_NoWifiResult_101 = Unstable internet connection.
MNA_NoWifiResult_110 = Unstable internet connection. Wi-Fi is suggested.
MNA_NoWifiResult_111 = Connection in your area is unstable.
MNA_NoWifiResult_Default = Diagnosis complete.
MNA_Prepare = No data
MNA_TestNote = Run multiple tests for better accuracy.
MNA_Title_Base = Base
MNA_Title_Community = Network ping (area)
MNA_Title_Device = Wi-Fi devices
MNA_Title_Internet = Internet
MNA_Title_Router = Router
MNA_Wifi = Wi-Fi
MNA_WifiResult_00000 = Stable internet connection.
MNA_WifiResult_00001 = Signal is weak. Please move closer to the router.
MNA_WifiResult_00010 = High router ping.
MNA_WifiResult_00011 = Signal is weak. Please move closer to the router.
MNA_WifiResult_00100 = There are a lot of devices on the network.
MNA_WifiResult_00101 = There are a lot of devices on the network.
MNA_WifiResult_00110 = There are a lot of devices on the network.
MNA_WifiResult_00111 = Signal is weak. Please move closer to the router.
MNA_WifiResult_01000 = Stable internet connection.
MNA_WifiResult_01001 = Signal is weak. Please move closer to the router.
MNA_WifiResult_01010 = High router ping.
MNA_WifiResult_01011 = Signal is weak. Please move closer to the router.
MNA_WifiResult_01100 = There are a lot of devices on the network.
MNA_WifiResult_01101 = Signal is weak. Please move closer to the router.
MNA_WifiResult_01110 = High router ping.
MNA_WifiResult_01111 = Signal is weak. Please move closer to the router.
MNA_WifiResult_10000 = High ping.
MNA_WifiResult_10001 = Signal is weak. Please move closer to the router.
MNA_WifiResult_10010 = High router ping. We suggest restarting the router.
MNA_WifiResult_10011 = Signal is weak. Please move closer to the router.
MNA_WifiResult_10100 = Too many devices on the same Wi-Fi network.
MNA_WifiResult_10101 = Signal is weak. Please move closer to the router.
MNA_WifiResult_10110 = Too many devices on the same Wi-Fi network.
MNA_WifiResult_10111 = Signal is weak. Please move closer to the router.
MNA_WifiResult_11000 = Connection in your area is unstable or has a high ping.
MNA_WifiResult_11001 = Signal is weak. Please move closer to the router.
MNA_WifiResult_11010 = High router ping. We suggest restarting the router.
MNA_WifiResult_11011 = Signal is weak. Please move closer to the router.
MNA_WifiResult_11100 = Too many devices on the same Wi-Fi network.
MNA_WifiResult_11101 = Signal is weak. Please move closer to the router.
MNA_WifiResult_11110 = High router ping. We suggest restarting the router.
MNA_WifiResult_11111 = Weak signal.
MNA_WifiResult_Default = Diagnosis complete.
MNAW_UnknownError = Unknown error.
MNAW0 = Success.
MNAW1 = No network connection. Please try again later.
MNAW10 = Router has a high ping.
MNAW11 = Router could not be pinged.
MNAW12 = Router could not be pinged. Please try again later.
MNAW13 = Stable router connection.
MNAW14 = Only supported under Wi-Fi.
MNAW15 = A lot of devices.
MNAW16 = Not a lot of devices.
MNAW17 = Unable to ping the network node in your area.
MNAW18 = Failed to ping area network node.
MNAW19 = Connection in your area is busy.
MNAW2 = An error occurred. Please try again later.
MNAW20 = Connection in your area is stable.
MNAW21 = Failed to obtain ping. Please try again later.
MNAW22 = Slow connection.
MNAW23 = Unstable network.
MNAW24 = Good connection.
MNAW25 = Signal in your area is very weak.
MNAW26 = Signal in your area is unstable.
MNAW27 = Signal in your area is stable.
MNAW28 = Base station could not be pinged.
MNAW29 = Base station could not be pinged. Please try again later.
MNAW3 = An error occurred. Please try again later.
MNAW30 = Your ping is high.
MNAW31 = Stable network connection.
MNAW32 = Your device cannot ping the router.
MNAW33 = Router ping is only available under Wi-Fi.
MNAW4 = Network type has changed. Please try again later.
MNAW5 = 2G network is not suitable for gaming, unable to test.
MNAW6 = Failed to obtain signal strength. Please try again later.
MNAW7 = Weak Wi-Fi signal.
MNAW8 = Unstable Wi-Fi signal.
MNAW9 = Stable Wi-Fi signal.
Mode_1v1 = 1v1
Mode_2v2 = 2v2
Mode_3v3 = 3v3
Mode_5v5 = 5v5
Mode_ARAM = Abyssal Clash
Mode_Dominion = Base Battle
Mode_Hook = Hook Wars
Mode_RTS = Battlefield Commander
Mode_Select_1V1_Map_Name = Black City Arena
Mode_Select_1V1_Name = Solo Battle
Mode_Select_1V1_Name_huanhang = Solo Battle
Mode_Select_1V1_Race_Number = 1v1
Mode_Select_3V3_Map_Name = Flatland Battlefield
Mode_Select_3V3_Name = Valley Skirmish
Mode_Select_3V3_Name_huanhang = Valley\nSkirmish
Mode_Select_3V3_Race_Number = 3v3
Mode_Select_5V5_BP_Map_Name = Antaris Battlefield
Mode_Select_5V5_BP_Name = Tourney Mode
Mode_Select_5V5_BP_Race_Number = 5v5
Mode_Select_5V5_LimitTimeMode_Map_Name =
Mode_Select_5v5_LimitTimeMode_Name =
Mode_Select_5v5_LimitTimeMode_Race_Number =
Mode_Select_5V5_Map_Name = Antaris Battlefield
Mode_Select_5V5_Name = Grand Battle
Mode_Select_5V5_Name_huanhang = Grand Battle
Mode_Select_5V5_Race_Number = 5v5
Mode_Select_FalseMode_Map_Name = Death Realm
Mode_Select_FalseMode_Name = Death Match
Mode_Select_FalseMode_Name_huanhang = Death Match
Mode_Select_FalseMode_Race_Number = PvP
Mode_Select_Feigou_Map_Name = Treasure Bay
Mode_Select_Feigou_Name = Hook Wars
Mode_Select_Feigou_Name_huanhang = Hook Wars
Mode_Select_Feigou_Race_Number = 5v5
Mode_Select_Fuzion_Map_Name = Abyss Canyon
Mode_Select_Fuzion_Name = Abyssal Clash
Mode_Select_Fuzion_Name_huanhang = Abyssal\nClash
Mode_Select_Fuzion_Race_Number = 5v5
Mode_Select_LimitTimeMode_Name_huanhang =
Mode_Time_Display = Estimated time
Money_Type_DianQuan = Vouchers
Money_Type_GoldCoin = Gold
Monster_dragon_refresh = The <color=#f6bf17ff>Garnak</color> is about to awaken!
MonthCardTakeEffect = MonthCardTakeEffect_##
monthCheckTitle = {0} monthly sign in rewards.
Mopup_Condition = Mopup_Condition_##
Mopup10_Condition = Mopup10_Condition_##
More_Regions = More
moreDetail = Details
MultiGame_Not_Sync = Unknown Internet connection error.
MultiGame_Not_Sync_Try = Unknown network error, please reconnect.
MyGuildShare = Log
Name_Copy_Button = Copy
Name_Copy_Tips = Copied to clipboard
NameChange_ChangeName = Rename
NameChange_ConfirmChange = Confirm
NameChange_CostDesc = Renaming will cost<color=#afaf87> {0} Rename [/0:$(Card|
NameChange_ErrorAuthority = You are not authorized to rename the guild.
NameChange_ErrorDB = Database error
NameChange_ErrorInvalid = Unsuitable words.
NameChange_ErrorItemNotEnough = Need more Rename items.
NameChange_ErrorTypeInvalid = This name change is forbidden.
NameChange_GuideToMall = You still need {0} {1}(s), do you want to purchase with
{2} vouchers?
NameChange_GuildCostDesc = Renaming requires <color=#ffd200>{0} Guild Rename [/0:$
NameChange_GuildGuideToMall = You still need {0} Guild Rename [/0:$(Card|Cards)/],
do you want to get more?
NameChange_GuildInputNewName = Enter a new guild name
NameChange_GuildOnlyChairman = Only the Guild Leader can rename the guild.
NameChange_GuildSuccess = Guild renamed!
NameChange_InputNewName = New Name
NameChange_InvalidName = Name can only contain letters and numbers.
NameChange_Null = Cannot be empty!
NameChange_OutOfLength = The name should contain 2-6 Chinese characters or 3-9
Latin characters.
NameChange_Success = Renamed
Netmarble_Acnt_Deleted_OnLogin = KR Version, DNT
Netmarble_Bind_Network = KR Version, DNT
Netmarble_Bind_NotHandle = Unknown error: {0}, please try again later
Netmarble_Bind_UserCancel = KR Version, DNT
Netmarble_ClickScreenStart = KR Version, DNT
Netmarble_DeleteAccount_Fail = KR Version, DNT
Netmarble_Grace_Restore_Success = KR Version, DNT
Netmarble_GracePeriod = KR Version, DNT
Netmarble_GuestLogin_Warning = KR Version, DNT
Netmarble_Invalid_AccountStatue = KR Version, DNT
Netmarble_Login__PoweredBy = KR Version, DNT
Netmarble_Login_Cinematics = Cinematics
Netmarble_Login_Copyright = ©NetmarbleGames Corp. & Tencent. All Rights Reserved
Netmarble_Login_Error = KR Version, DNT
Netmarble_Login_PoweredBy = Powered By
Netmarble_Server_Error = Account server error
NetmarbleLogin = Use Kakaotalk to login
NetworkConnecting = Connecting…
New_Hero_Experience = Start Hero Trial
New_Hero_Get = Congratulations! You've received a new hero.
New_Items_Tips_1 = An error has occurred. Please try again.
New_Items_Tips_2 = There is an error with the Arcana you selected. Please try
New_Items_Tips_3 = You don't have enough money for purchase.
New_Items_Tips_4 = Current Arcana are stacked to the maximum.
New_Items_Tips_5 = The Arcana you've selected can't be made.
New_Items_Tips_6 = Current Hero is ineffective.
New_Items_Tips_7 = Error occurred on server.
New_Skin_Experience = Start Skin Trial
New_Skin_Get = Congratulations! You've received a new skin.
new_symbol_title = Congratulations! You've acquired a new Arcana!
Newbie_3v3tip = Well played!
Newbie_70010_1 = Drag the area under the scoreboard to
Newbie_70010_2 = view the battlefield
newbie_70030_msg_left1 = Beware of the brush!
newbie_70030_msg_left2 = Enemies missing!
newbie_70030_msg_left3 = Defend the base!
newbie_70030_msg_left4 = I need backup!
newbie_70030_msg_left5 = Don't overextend! Get back to farming.
newbie_70030_msg_right1 = Let me get the buff.
newbie_70030_msg_right2 = Don't overextend! Get back to farming.
newbie_70030_msg_right3 = I need backup!
newbie_70030_msg_right4 = Rally for a team fight!
newbie_70030_msg_right5 = Clear the minion wave!
newbie_70030_msg_right6 = Thank you!
newbie_70030_tab1 = Defense
newbie_70030_tab2 = Attack
newbie_70030_tab3 = Misc.
newbie_70030_tips = Tap here to save
Newbie_70050_1 = You can view your friendship score here
Newbie_70050_2 = Raise your friendship scores by playing together and exchanging
Newbie_70051 = Interact with your friends to increase Friendship Score!
Newbie_70051_Intimacy_Desc = Friendship Score
Newbie_70051_Intimacy_Num = 240/600
Newbie_70051_Lv_1 = Lvl 15
Newbie_70051_Lv_2 = Lvl 30
Newbie_70051_Tip_1 = Tap and hold to see your Friendship Score.
Newbie_70051_Tip_2 = Unlock the Best Buddies Gift when your Friendship Score
reaches 240.
Newbie_70060 = Drag abilities to use them\nDrag further to cancel them
Newbie_70070_aoyi1 = Agility
Newbie_70070_aoyi2 = Attack Speed+<color=#1eff7d>0.6%</color>
Newbie_70070_aoyi3 = Leech
Newbie_70070_aoyi4 = Life Steal+<color=#1eff7d>0.4%</color>
Newbie_70070_aoyi5 = Stab
Newbie_70070_aoyi6 = Armor Pierce+<color=#1eff7d>2.2</color>
Newbie_70070_hero = Valhein
Newbie_70070_tips1 = Select Hero
Newbie_70070_tips2 = Recommended Arcana
Newbie_70070_tips3 = Select the Arcana level
Newbie_70090 = Use hooks to pull enemies over
Newbie_70091 = Gain control faster with more heroes
Newbie_70092 = Gain full control to claim victory
Newbie_70092_Points = Base<color=#ffd200> Point</color>
Newbie_70100_1 = Tap here to attack towers
Newbie_70100_2 = Tap here to attack\nminions and monsters
Newbie_70110_1 = Tap here to lock onto heroes
Newbie_70110_2 = Tap here to lock onto minions
Newbie_70180_1 = Healing packs can restore your HP and mana.
Newbie_70180_2 = Tips
Newbie_70180_3 = Attacking enemy heroes within range of an enemy tower will cause
the tower to target you!
Newbie_70180_4 = Analysis
Newbie_70180_5 = Ability Levels
Newbie_70180_6 = Quickly master the keys to victory!
Newbie_70190 = Find some people to consistently team up with by joining a guild.
Newbie_70191 = You can request trial cards from guildmates and receive weekly guild
Newbie_70207_Hero_Tips = Recent heroes
Newbie_70207_Tips = Share your recently used hero info with your teammates.
Newbie_70290_1 = Disable to <size=48>reject</size> invitations from recently
grouped players.
Newbie_BigMap1 = Tap to mark for attack/defense
Newbie_BigMap2 = Tap to mark for death/assist
Newbie_BigMap3 = Tap outside of the map to close it
newbie_blue_buff_title = Sage Buff
Newbie_Map_01_1 = Top
Newbie_Map_01_2 = Middle
Newbie_Map_01_3 = Bottom
Newbie_new_jiaocheng1 = Move your hero with the joystick
Newbie_new_jiaocheng2 = Attack enemies with the Attack Button
Newbie_Task_Lobby_Entry_Name = Road to Glory
Newbie_Task_Lobby_Entry_NextDay_LeftTime = New hero in:
newbie_text70010 = Tap the enemy avatar to attack
newbie_text70120_1 = Recommended to hide target info
newbie_text70120_2 = Recommended to hide item info
newbie_text70120_3 = Selecting an item on the right side does not affect movement
newbie_text70130 = Send quick messages while moving.
newbie_text70140 = You can <size=36>display or hide</size> item info
newbie_text70150 = Display or hide target info
newbie_text70160 = The avatars of enemies within sight are displayed here.
<size=40>Click </size> an avatar to attack them.
newbie_text70270 = Easily track your location on the mini-map
Newbie_Train_70200 = Learn about the different monsters
Newbie_Train_70201 = Introduction to the Antaris Battlefield Jungle
Newbie_Train_70202 = Learn how to cancel abilities
Newbie_Train_70203 = Learn how to aim abilities
Newbie_Train_70204 = Learn how to fight on the Antaris Battlefield
Newbie_Train_70205 = Learn how to use and upgrade abilities
Newbie_Train_70206 = Learn the basic controls
Newbie_Train_QuitGameChk = Do you want to skip this training stage?
Newbie_Train_QuitGameChk_1 = You will learn how to move, attack, and activate
abilities in this training stage. Do you want to skip it?
Newbie_Train_QuitGameChk_3 = You will learn about the Antaris Battlefield layout in
this training stage. Do you want to skip it?
Newbie_Train_QuitGameChk_6 = You will learn about jungling techniques and the
purposes of each monster in this training stage. Do you want to skip it?
Newbie_Train_QuitGameChk_8 = You will learn about ability targeting in this
training stage. Do you want to skip it?
NewbieTask_Own_Hero_Change_Coin_Tips = Already obtained hero
NewHeroOrSkin_Skip = Skip
newSymbolPage = New Arcana Page
NobeSys_HardCode1 = NobeSys_HardCode1_##
NobeSys_HardCode10 = NobeSys_HardCode10_##
NobeSys_HardCode11 = NobeSys_HardCode11_##
NobeSys_HardCode12 = NobeSys_HardCode12_##
NobeSys_HardCode13 = NobeSys_HardCode13_##
NobeSys_HardCode14 = NobeSys_HardCode14_##
NobeSys_HardCode15 = NobeSys_HardCode15_##
NobeSys_HardCode16 = NobeSys_HardCode16_##
NobeSys_HardCode2 = NobeSys_HardCode2_##
NobeSys_HardCode3 = NobeSys_HardCode3_##
NobeSys_HardCode4 = NobeSys_HardCode4_##
NobeSys_HardCode5 = NobeSys_HardCode5_##
NobeSys_HardCode6 = NobeSys_HardCode6_##
NobeSys_HardCode7 = NobeSys_HardCode7_##
NobeSys_HardCode8 = NobeSys_HardCode8_##
NobeSys_HardCode9 = NobeSys_HardCode9_##
NoGarenaTokenInEdior = You do not have the authentication information of Garena for
the moment, please switch to Facebook and log in.
noLimit = ∞
Not_Allready_Tips = Someone on your team is not ready yet.
notInTime = Unavailable
OB_BigDragonCDStr = :
OB_BigDragonDieTipsStr = HP regen activated and damage increased
OB_Board_Item = Equipment
OB_Board_KDA = K / D / A
OB_Choose_Expired = The selected clip has expired
OB_Desc_1 = Battle starts in: {0} minutes
OB_Desc_10 = No battles to watch yet. Stay tuned!
OB_Desc_11 = Do you want to watch this battle?
OB_Desc_12 = {0}/{1} {2}:{3}
OB_Desc_2 = The chosen heroes: {0}
OB_Desc_3 = {0} players
OB_Desc_4 = Watch the battle
OB_Desc_5 = Delete
OB_Desc_6 = Saved replays will be deleted after updating
OB_Desc_7 = Do you want to delete these clips?
OB_Desc_8 = Deletion successful!
OB_Desc_9 = Deletion failed!
OB_Desc_CannotPlayExpiredFile = Can't play expired clips
OB_Edit = Edit
OB_Edit_Cancel = Completed
OB_Empty_Selected = Please select a clip
OB_Error_1 = There are too many spectators. Please try again later.
OB_Error_2 = The match has already ended!
OB_Error_3 = Cannot watch match. The other player needs to update to the latest
OB_Error_4 = Please update to the latest version to enter Tourney Mode.
OB_Error_5 = Your friend's match has already ended!
OB_Expert = OB_Expert_##
OB_Freind = Watch battle
OB_Hero_Type_Aid = Support
OB_Hero_Type_All = All heroes
OB_Hero_Type_Archer = Marksman
OB_Hero_Type_Assassin = Assassin
OB_Hero_Type_Master = Mage
OB_Hero_Type_Soldier = Warrior
OB_Hero_Type_Tank = Tank
OB_Local = Replay
OB_OtherSys_OB = It has been {0} minutes since the battle started. Do you want to
keep watching?
OB_PauseRequest_Failure = You've used all of your pause requests.
OB_Ref = Spectator {0}
OB_Ref_HeroPick = Select Hero
OB_Ref_Title = Spectators
OB_Room_Gamestart_Error = You need 10 players to start the game!
OB_SmallDragonCDStr = :
OB_SmallDragonDieTipsStr = Bonus EXP and Gold awarded to the whole team.
OB_Title = Watch battle
OfficialUrl_Fb = KR Version, DNT
OfficialUrl_We = KR Version, DNT
OpenNightPush = {0} The night function has been turned on
OpenNoticePush = {0} Notification been turned on
outDate = Expired
outDateRemain = Expired by {0} days
outOfTime = Time is over
Page_HeroInfo = Hero Stats
PauseGame = Pause
PauseGameAvailableTimes = Pauses remaining:
PauseTimeFormate = {0} min {1} sec
PauseTips_0Look0 = A spectator has paused the match
PauseTips_0Look1 = The Blue Team has paused the match
PauseTips_0Look2 = The Red Team has paused the match
PauseTips_1Look0 = A spectator has paused the match
PauseTips_1Look1 = Your team has paused the match
PauseTips_1Look2 = The opposing team has paused the match
PauseTips_2Look0 = A spectator has paused the match
PauseTips_2Look1 = The opposing team has paused the match
PauseTips_2Look2 = Your team has paused the match
Pay_As_Diamond = Buy Gems
Pay_As_DianQuan = Purchase Vouchers
Pay_As_GoldCoin = Buy Gold
Pay_Btn_BuyDiamond = Purchase in Store
Pay_Btn_FirstPay = Special Offer
Pay_Btn_Get_Reward = Receive Rewards
Pay_Btn_Renewal = Renewal
Pay_Btn_Top_Up = Buy now
Pay_DianQuan_Cnt = {0} Vouchers
Pay_DianQuan_Price = ${0}
Pay_DianQuan_Price_Android = ${0}
Pay_First_Pay_Double = First Double
Pay_Gift_Diamond_Cnt = <color=#add8e6ff>Extra</color> {0} [/0:$(voucher|vouchers)/]
Pay_Recommend_Hot = Hot
Pay_Recommend_OverValue = Best Value
pay_refundsRules = Refund rule text on payment page
pay_refundsRules_btn = Refund rule button text on payment page
Pay_Subscribe_ReStore = Restore Purchases
Pay_Subscribe_ReStore_Failed = You are not subscribed to Liên Quân Mobile.
Pay_Subscribe_ReStore_Success = Subscriber privileges restored.
Pay_Text_10 = Pay_Text_10_##
Pay_Text_3 = Pay_Text_3_##
Pay_Text_4 = Pay_Text_4_##
Pay_Text_5 = Pay_Text_5_##
Pay_Text_6 = Pay_Text_6_##
Pay_Text_7 = Pay_Text_7_##
Pay_Text_8 = Pay_Text_8_##
Pay_Text_9 = Pay_Text_9_##
payError = Payment error.
PayPurpose_Buy = Purchase
PayPurpose_Chat = Chat
PayPurpose_Empty_3 = PayPurpose_Empty_3_##
PayPurpose_Empty_4 = PayPurpose_Empty_4_##
PayPurpose_Empty_5 = PayPurpose_Empty_5_##
PayPurpose_Empty_6 = PayPurpose_Empty_6_##
PayPurpose_Empty_7 = PayPurpose_Empty_7_##
PayPurpose_GetSymbolGift = Purchase Arcana
PayPurpose_Open = Open early
PayPurpose_RecommendLottery = Open Chest
PayPurpose_Relive = PayPurpose_Relive_##
PayPurpose_Roulette = Lucky Draw
PaySystem_FirstPay_GiveTag = Gift
PayType_ArenaCoin = PayType_ArenaCoin_##
PayType_BurningCoin = PayType_BurningCoin_##
PayType_Diamond = Gems
PayType_DianQuan = Vouchers
PayType_Empty4 = PayType_Empty4_##
PayType_Empty5 = PayType_Empty5_##
PayType_Empty6 = PayType_Empty6_##
PayType_Empty7 = PayType_Empty7_##
PayType_Empty8 = PayType_Empty8_##
PayType_GoldCoin = Gold
PayType_GuildCoin = Guild Gold
PayType_NotSupport = Currency type is not supported.
PayType_SymbolCoin = Arcana Fragments
PCGuestLogin = Visitors cannot log in with PC editor. Please switch to another
platform to log in.
Personal_files_allScreening = Rounds
Personal_files_BestStage = Highest Rank
Personal_files_Guild_Position = Guild/Position
Personal_files_Guild_Position_set = {0}/{1}
Personal_files_Honor = <color=#fdda42>{0}/{1}</color>
Personal_files_Screenings = Rounds
Personal_files_Stage = Current Rank
Personal_files_WinningProbability = Win Rate
Platform_Name_Discord = Discord
Platform_Name_Facebook = Facebook
Platform_Name_Garena = Garena
Platform_Name_IMessage = iMessage
Platform_Name_Kakao = Kakao
Platform_Name_Line = Line
Platform_Name_Messenger = Messenger
Platform_Name_WhatsApp = WhatsApp
Player_Default_Name = Player
Player_Info_1V1_Label = 1v1
Player_Info_3V3_Label = 3v3
Player_Info_5v5_Label = 5v5
Player_Info_Cnt_Unit = {0}
Player_Info_Entertainment_Label = Abyssal Clash
Player_Info_Fighting_Cnt = {0}
Player_Info_Games_Cnt_Label = Rounds {0}
Player_Info_Guild = Guild:
Player_Info_Guild_Position = Status:
Player_Info_Honor_Btn_Browse = Player_Info_Honor_Btn_Browse_##
Player_Info_Honor_Btn_Use = Player_Info_Honor_Btn_Use_##
Player_Info_Honor_Btn_Using = Player_Info_Honor_Btn_Using_##
Player_Info_Honor_Name_MAXASSIS = Player_Info_Honor_Name_MAXASSIS_##
Player_Info_Honor_Name_MAXDAMAGETOHERO = Player_Info_Honor_Name_MAXDAMAGETOHERO_##
Player_Info_Honor_Name_MAXKILL = Player_Info_Honor_Name_MAXKILL_##
Player_Info_Honor_Name_MAXMONEY = Player_Info_Honor_Name_MAXMONEY_##
Player_Info_Honor_Name_MAXRECVDAMAGE = Player_Info_Honor_Name_MAXRECVDAMAGE_##
Player_Info_Honor_Name_MVP = Player_Info_Honor_Name_MVP_##
Player_Info_Hook_Label = Hook Wars
Player_Info_integral_now = Credibility Score
Player_Info_Legendary = Legendary
Player_Info_Lose_Soul = Losing MVP
Player_Info_Most_Used_Hero = Favorite Heroes:
Player_Info_Most_Used_Hero_No_Data = No current data
Player_Info_MVP = Overall MVP
Player_Info_Own = Collected:
Player_Info_Penta_Kill = Mega Kill
Player_Info_Pvm = PvE:
Player_Info_Pvp = Battle:
Player_Info_PVP_Total_Count = Rounds: {0}
Player_Info_PVP_Win_Rate = Win rate: {0}%
Player_Info_Quatary_Kill = Quad Kill
Player_Info_Quit_Game_Btn = Leave Game
Player_Info_Rank_Label = Ranked
Player_Info_Tab_Base_Info = General
Player_Info_Tab_Common_Hero_Info = Favorites
Player_Info_Tab_Credit_Info = Credibility Score
Player_Info_Tab_Honor_Info = Player_Info_Tab_Honor_Info_##
Player_Info_Tab_License_Info = Player_Info_Tab_License_Info_##
Player_Info_Tab_Pvp_Info = Battle Stats
Player_Info_Tab_PvpHistory_Info = Combat History
Player_Info_Tab_VisitingCard_Info = Player Card
Player_Info_Title = Player Info
Player_Info_Total_Fighting_Cnt = Rounds {0}
Player_Info_Total_Hero_Cnt = Heroes {0}
Player_Info_Total_Like_Cnt = Likes received
Player_Info_Total_Skin_Cnt = Skins {0}
Player_Info_Tripple_Kill = Triple Kill
PlayerHead_Dead = Fallen
PlayerHead_dianji = PlayerHead_dianji_##
PlayerHead_tuozhan = PlayerHead_tuozhan_##
PlayerInfo_Common_Rule = Help
PlayerInfo_Credit_Rule = Credibility Score Help
PlayerInfo_Guild = Not in a guild
PlayerInfo_NotObtained = Error
PlayerInfo_PlayWithFriend = <color=#ffd200>Matches with {0}</color>
PlayerInfo_Qualify_Level = Ranked Match Level
PlayerInfo_TeamMatchCnt = Team-Up Count
PlayerInfo_WinRate = Win Rate
PlayerLevelUp_Congratulation = Challenger Level Up
PlayerLevelUp_LevelUp = Upgrade Challenger
Premade_lastgame_Default = Players who you have recently teamed up with or played
against will be shown here.
Premade_lastgame_Title = Recent
PRIVACY_TERM_URL = https://goo.gl/A1Rv7m
prodOutOfStackLimit = You have already reached the limit for this item.
Progress = Progress
Prologue_WarmBattle = Great job!\nHowever, more difficult challenges await.
Punish_Game_Alert_Countdown_Label = Banned
Punish_Game_Alert_Describe = Unable to join multiplayer matches for {0}{1}{2}
because you were AFK or offline in recent matches.\nPlease maintain good conduct in
the game.
Punish_Game_Alert_Describe_Day = {0} [/0:$(day|days)/]
Punish_Game_Alert_Describe_Hour = {0} Hours
Punish_Game_Alert_Describe_Minute = {0} minutes
Punish_Game_Alert_Title = Suspension
Punish_Record_Behaviour_Type_Abuses = Verbal Abuse
Punish_Record_Behaviour_Type_Complaint_Guaji = Reported by another player
Punish_Record_Behaviour_Type_Complaint_Maren = Reported by another player
Punish_Record_Behaviour_Type_Complaint_Song = Reported by another player
Punish_Record_Behaviour_Type_Complaint_Waigua = Reported by another player
Punish_Record_Behaviour_Type_Complaint_Xiaoji = Reported by another player
Punish_Record_Behaviour_Type_Complaint_Yanyuan = Reported by another player
Punish_Record_Behaviour_Type_Guaji = AFK
Punish_Record_Behaviour_Type_No_Login = Consecutive not login
Punish_Record_Behaviour_Type_Out_Game = AFK
Punish_Record_Behaviour_Type_Settle_Del = Reported by another player
Punish_Record_Behaviour_Type_Unconfirm = Did not push ENTER when successfully
matched in queue
PunishmentDescribe = You cannot join the team because you have recently rejected
too many games or you left while choosing heroes.
Purchase_Lowercase = Purchase
PVE_Level_All_Chapter_Starts_Error = PVE_Level_All_Chapter_Starts_Error_##
PVE_Level_Buy_AP_Confirm = PVE_Level_Buy_AP_Confirm_##
PVE_Level_Buy_Sweep_Ticket_Confirm = PVE_Level_Buy_Sweep_Ticket_Confirm_##
PVE_Level_Can_Get_The_Box = Collect
PVE_Level_Can_Not_Find_Config = No corresponding data file found.
PVE_Level_Can_Not_Refresh_Level = PVE_Level_Can_Not_Refresh_Level_##
PVE_Level_Can_Not_Sweep = PVE_Level_Can_Not_Sweep_##
PVE_Level_Chapter_Number = PVE_Level_Chapter_Number_##
PVE_Level_Level_Number = PVE_Level_Level_Number_##
PVE_Level_Level_Refresh_Confirm = PVE_Level_Level_Refresh_Confirm_##
PVE_Level_Level_Refresh_Max = Daily purchase limit has been exceeded.
PVE_Level_Money_Type_Error = Illegal type of currency.
PVE_Level_Not_Enough_Starts = PVE_Level_Not_Enough_Starts_##
PVE_Level_Not_Enough_Sweep_Ticket = PVE_Level_Not_Enough_Sweep_Ticket_##
PVE_Level_Package_Item_Max_Tip_Level = PVE_Level_Package_Item_Max_Tip_Level_##
PVE_Level_Package_Item_Max_Tip_Sweep = PVE_Level_Package_Item_Max_Tip_Sweep_##
PVE_Level_Sweep_Battle_Number = PVE_Level_Sweep_Battle_Number_##
PVE_Level_Sweep_Error = PVE_Level_Sweep_Error_##
PVE_Level_Sweep_Number = PVE_Level_Sweep_Number_##
PVE_Revive_Data_Error = PVE_Revive_Data_Error_##
Pvp_Account_Wait_Tip = Clearing the battlefield, please wait…
PVP_Can_Not_Find_Friend = Friend {0} not found.
PVP_Count = Rounds
PVP_Enter_Room = Join Lobby
PVP_Enter_Room_Error = Error: {0}
PVP_Exit_Room_Error = Leave Lobby Error: {0}
PVP_ForbiddenTime = You are banned from matches until {3}:{4}, {2}/{1}/{0}.
PVP_Friend_Off_Line = Friend {0} offline.
PVP_Gaming_Tip = {0} is currently in a match.
PVP_GetHonour_Limit = Daily battle reward cap
PVP_Hero_Unlock_Tip = PVP_Hero_Unlock_Tip_##
PVP_Invite_credit_punishment_Time = {0} Hrs {1} Min {2} Sec
PVP_Invite_CreditPunished = Since {0}'s Behavior Score has fallen below the
minimum, \nthey are banned and can't join the list. Please try again after {1}.
PVP_Invite_HangUpPunished = {0} is unable to join the team because they recently
went abandoned a match. Try again in {1}.
PVP_Invite_HangUpTime = {0} min {1} sec
PVP_Invite_Punished = {0} is unable to join the team because they have left the
matchmaking queue too many times. Try again after {1}.
PVP_Invite_Refuse = {0} has declined your invitation
PVP_Invite_Refuse_Reason = {0} has declined the invitation. Reason: \n{1}
PVP_Invite_Tip = {0} You have been invited {1}, accept invitation?
PVP_Kick_Tip = You have been removed from the team.
PVP_Level_Max = Reached Max Level
PVP_Matching = You are now in a queue.
PVP_Matching_Errpr = Matchmaking Error: {0}
PVP_Matching_Errpr_1 = Matchmaking Error
PVP_Normal_Matching = Standard Match
PVP_Not_Enough_Honour_Point = Not enough gold. You can obtain more by participating
in battles and completing quests.
Pvp_PlayerName = <color=#ffffff>{0}</color>
Pvp_Please_Input_Valid_RoomID = Please enter a valid Lobby ID.
PVP_Ranking = Ranked Match
PVP_Room_Kick_Tip = You have been removed from the lobby
Pvp_RoomID = Lobby ID: {0}
Pvp_Search_By_RoomID = Lobby ID
Pvp_settle_Common__Skin_Tips = Skin bonus: <color=#f5be17>+{0}%</color>.
Pvp_settle_Common_Tips_1 = <size=18>EXP bonus <color=#f5be17>+{0}%</color></size>
Pvp_settle_Common_Tips_10 = Double Gold Card - Gold bonus
<color=#f5be17>+{0}%</color>\n(<color=#f5be17>{1}</color> [/1:$(win|wins)/]
remaining\n<color=#f5be17>{2}</color> [/2:$(day|days)/] remaining)
Pvp_settle_Common_Tips_11 = Double Gold Card - Gold bonus
<color=#f5be17>+{0}%</color>\n({1} [/1:$(day|days)/] remaining)
Pvp_settle_Common_Tips_12 = Double Gold Event - Gold bonus
Pvp_settle_Common_Tips_13 = Pvp_settle_Common_Tips_13_##
Pvp_settle_Common_Tips_14 = Pvp_settle_Common_Tips_14_##
Pvp_settle_Common_Tips_15 = <size=18>Guild bonus
Pvp_settle_Common_Tips_16 = obsolete
Pvp_settle_Common_Tips_2 = {0} [/0:$(match|matches)/] today - EXP bonus
Pvp_settle_Common_Tips_3 = Pvp_settle_Common_Tips_3_##
Pvp_settle_Common_Tips_4 = Double EXP Card - EXP bonus
<color=#f5be17>+{0}%</color>\n(<color=#f5be17>{1}</color> [/1:$(win|wins)/]
remaining\n<color=#f5be17>{2}</color> [/2:$(day|days)/] remaining)
Pvp_settle_Common_Tips_5 = Double EXP Card - EXP bonus
<color=#f5be17>+{0}%</color>\n({1} [/1:$(day|days)/] remaining)
Pvp_settle_Common_Tips_6 = Double EXP Event - EXP bonus
Pvp_settle_Common_Tips_7 = <size=18>Gold bonus <color=#f5be17>+{0}%</color></size>
Pvp_settle_Common_Tips_8 = {0} [/0:$(match|matches)/] today - Gold bonus
Pvp_settle_Common_Tips_9 = Pvp_settle_Common_Tips_9_##
PvP_Settle_Tips_1 = PvP_Settle_Tips_1_##
PvP_Settle_Tips_2 = Proficiency
PvP_Settle_Tips_3 = Rating for this round: {0}
PVP_SIMPLE_DESC1 = Join battles every day for awesome rewards!
PVP_SIMPLE_DESC2 = Custom matches, bot matches and battles with AFK are not
PVP_Single_Map_Can_Not_Match = Cannot use single-player maps to start multiplayer
PVP_Start_Game_Error = Start Game Error: {0}
PVP_Team_Normal_Matching = PvP Match
PVP_Team_Ranking = Team Qualifying
PVP_VS_NPC = Bot Match
PVP_VS_Player = Player vs. Player
PVP_XianShi_Close = This mode is not yet available.
pvpBan_descreibe = yyyy/M/d HH:mm:ss
PvpCreditScoreRule = Credibility Score
PvpEntry_Award = Reward
QQ_login = QQ_login_##
QQ_Vip_Buy_Vip = QQ_Vip_Buy_Vip_##
QQ_Vip_XuFei_Super_Vip = QQ_Vip_XuFei_Super_Vip_##
QQ_Vip_XuFei_Vip = QQ_Vip_XuFei_Vip_##
QQVipWidget_HardCode1 = QQVipWidget_HardCode1_##
QQVipWidget_HardCode2 = QQVipWidget_HardCode2_##
QQVipWidget_HardCode3 = QQVipWidget_HardCode3_##
QQVipWidget_HardCode4 = QQVipWidget_HardCode4_##
QQVipWidget_HardCode5 = QQVipWidget_HardCode5_##
QQVipWidget_HardCode6 = QQVipWidget_HardCode6_##
QQVipWidget_HardCode7 = QQVipWidget_HardCode7_##
Qualifying_Menu1 = Hero Information
Qualifying_Menu2 = League Ranking
Qualifying_rank_btn = More
Qualifying_Title0 = Overall proficiency {0}
Qualifying_Title1 = Rank
Qualifying_Title2 = Number of games
Qualifying_Title3 = Wins
Qualifying_Title4 = Victory Points
Qualifying_Title5 = Favorites
Qualifying_Title6 = Ranking
Qualifying_Title7 = Character Name
Qualifying_Title8 = {0} Warzone Ranking
Quit = Back
Random_Hero_SelectHeroUI = Reroll
Rank_5v5_Begin_Tips = This mode requires 5 players to begin.
Rank_A = Bronze
Rank_B = Silver
Rank_Back_Unlock = Return
Rank_Balance_1 = Full Score
Rank_Balance_2 = Did Not Abandon
Rank_Balance_3 = {0}-Win Streak
Rank_Balance_4 = Rank {0}
Rank_Balance_5 = Dominator
Rank_Balance_6 = Brave Points cleared, remain in same division.
Rank_Balance_7 = You didn't earn any Brave Points for this match because you went
AFK or quit the match. Your Brave Points have also been reset to 0. Please maintain
good conduct.
Rank_Balance_8 = Brave Points were not awarded due to AFK or quitting the match.
Please maintain good conduct.
Rank_Balance_9 = Lost 1 Star due to defeat, but gained a Star from Brave Points.
Tier remains unchanged.
Rank_Balance_Against = Strong Fighter
Rank_balance_title_Congratulations = Congratulations!
Rank_Banpick_choosing = Selecting…
Rank_Banpick_Iwannaban = Ban request
Rank_Banpick_Iwannapick = Pick request
Rank_Banpick_Mainprogress_1 = Ban
Rank_Banpick_Mainprogress_2 = Pick
Rank_Banpick_Mainprogress_3 = Finalize
Rank_Banpick_recentuseheros = Recent heroes
Rank_Banpick_skin = Skins
Rank_Banpick_wannaban = Request\nBan
Rank_Banpick_wannapick = Request\nPick
Rank_Banpick_wannapick_or_ban = Heroes
Rank_C = Gold
Rank_Condition = Obtain 5 heroes to unlock ({0}/{1})
Rank_D = Platinum
Rank_Division_Details = Tier represents standings in the Ranked Mode. There are 6
tiers in the game: Master, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. Bronze and
Silver are divided further into <color=orange>3</color> divisions, Gold is divided
into <color=orange>4</color> divisions, and Platinum and Diamond are divided into
<color=orange>5</color>. The top 50 Master players will also earn the
<color=orange>Conqueror</color> title.
Rank_Division_Title = Ranking Info
Rank_E = Diamond
Rank_GetTaskRaward_Tips = Quest
Rank_GoActivity = Events
Rank_GoMall = Shop
Rank_Intro = Joining Ranked Matches is the next step in your quest to dominate the
Antaris Battlefield.\n\nThe greatest challengers will climb the rankings as they
play.\n\nThe matchmaking system will team players up with other challengers at
similar levels.\n\nChallengers can join Ranked Matches by themselves or team up
with friends.
Rank_More = Ranked Match Rewards
Rank_MoreData = More
Rank_Not_In_Season = Season not yet started.
Rank_Reward_1 = Finish 3 Ranked Matches to receive XXXXX
Rank_Reward_2 = Reach the Gold tier in Ranked Mode to receive \nXXXXX
Rank_Reward_Title = Rewards
Rank_Rewards_Details = <color=#ffd200>Ranked Match Newbie Reward</color>: Complete
3 Ranked Matches to receive a<color=#ffd200> hero</color>.\n<color=#ffd200>Season
Skin Reward</color>: During each season, every player that reaches the
<color=#ffd200>Gold</color> tier will earn a<color=#ffd200> rare hero skin</color>.
Rank_Rewards_Details_2 = Rewards for this season:\n1. Reach the
<color=#ffd200>{0}</color> rank and win {1} ranked matches during the season to
earn this <color=#ffd200>season's special skins</color>.\n \n2. At the end of the
season, you will earn gems based on your rank:\n\n<color=#ffd200>Master:
</color>3000 Gems\n <color=#ffd200>Diamond: </color>2000 Gems\n
<color=#ffd200>Platinum: </color>1500 Gems\n <color=#ffd200>Gold: </color>1000
Gems\n <color=#ffd200>Silver: </color>500 Gems\n <color=#ffd200>Bronze:
</color>300 Gems
Rank_Rewards_Instruction_1 = Ranked Match Reward
Rank_Rewards_Instruction_2 = Season Skin Reward
Rank_S = Master
Rank_Team_Grade_Limit_2 = Compatible Ranks: <color=#fdda42>{0}, {1}</color>
Rank_Team_Grade_Limit_3 = Compatible Ranks: <color=#fdda42>{0}, {1}, {2}</color>
Rank_TeamReward_Tips = Team up with friends to get extra rewards!
Rank_Tips = Notice
Rank_Tips_Title = Own 5 heroes to unlock {0}/{1}\n1. Receive free heroes on the
2nd, 3rd and 7th day in the 14-Day Giveaway\n2. Use Gold to purchase heroes in the
Rank_Unlock = Unlock
Rank_Unlock_PopTips = You need <color=orange>5 heroes</color> to be able to
participate in Ranked Matches.\nYou currently have: <color=#FA4647>{0}/
{1}</color>\n\nHow to get heroes:\n1. In the 14 Day Giveaway, you can get
<color=orange>free</color> heroes on <color=orange>Day 2</color> and
<color=orange>Day 7</color> when you log in!\n\n2. Purchase heroes with Gold in the
Shop (some heroes can be purchased with gems)!
RankedListTitle = Rankings
ranking_1V1Count = 1v1 round {0}
ranking_2V2Count = ranking_2V2Count_##
ranking_3V3Count = 3v3 {0} round
ranking_AchieveRankName = ranking_AchieveRankName_##
ranking_ConsumeQuanRankName = ranking_ConsumeQuanRankName_##
ranking_ConWinRankName = Win Streaks
ranking_ForbidUpdate = Switching to new season...
ranking_GameVIPRankName = ranking_GameVIPRankName_##
ranking_GuildName = Guild: {0}
ranking_GuildNoName = Not in a guild
ranking_HeroCountRankName = Heroes
ranking_HeroCountRankNameF = Hero Rankings
ranking_ItemAchieveName = ranking_ItemAchieveName_##
ranking_ItemConsumeQuanName = ranking_ItemConsumeQuanName_##
ranking_ItemConWinCountName = Win Streak
ranking_ItemGameVIPName = ranking_ItemGameVIPName_##
ranking_ItemHeroCountName = Acquired Heroes
ranking_ItemNoLadderName = No Rank
ranking_ItemSkinCountName = Acquired Skins
ranking_ItemWinCountName = Victories
ranking_LadderRankName = Overall
ranking_MyRankNum = My Rank
ranking_NoRankingNum = No Rank
ranking_NoRankPeople = Rankings are not available yet...
ranking_NotInGuild = Please join a guild first.
ranking_OnLine = Online
ranking_PlayerLevel = Lvl {0}
ranking_PlayerPower = ranking_PlayerPower_##
ranking_PlayerPVP = ranking_PlayerPVP_##
ranking_PowerRankNameF = ranking_PowerRankNameF_##
ranking_PVPLevel1Name = ranking_PVPLevel1Name_##
ranking_PVPLevel2Name = ranking_PVPLevel2Name_##
ranking_PVPLevel3Name = ranking_PVPLevel3Name_##
ranking_PVPLevel4Name = ranking_PVPLevel4Name_##
ranking_PVPLevel5Name = ranking_PVPLevel5Name_##
ranking_PVPLevel6Name = Master
ranking_PVPPhase1Name = ranking_PVPPhase1Name_##
ranking_PVPPhase2Name = ranking_PVPPhase2Name_##
ranking_PVPPhase3Name = ranking_PVPPhase3Name_##
ranking_PVPPhase4Name = ranking_PVPPhase4Name_##
ranking_PVPPhase5Name = ranking_PVPPhase5Name_##
ranking_PVPRankNameF = Level Rankings
ranking_PVPValueName = {0}.{1}
ranking_SkinCountRankName = Skins
ranking_SkinCountRankNameF = Skin Rankings
ranking_Title = Rankings
ranking_ViewAll = World
ranking_ViewFriend = Friends
ranking_ViewGuild = Guild
ranking_VIPLevelName = ranking_VIPLevelName_##
ranking_VSAICount = Bot Match round {0}
ranking_WinCountRankName = Victories
ranking_WinRate = Win rate: {0}%
ranking_WinTotalCnt = Matches Won {0}
ReadFileFail = Failed to read the file! Please, check and make sure your storage
(e.g. SD card) is OK.
ReadTermsServiceLeft = Read TOS
ReadTermsServiceRight = Enter
ReadTermsServiceTips = In order to ensure things are in your best interests, please
review the terms of service and then choose to enter the game.
Ready_to_begin = Ready
Ready_to_wait = Waiting...
recentladdermatch_arms = Equipment
recentladdermatch_hero = Heroes
recentladdermatch_result = Result
recentladdermatch_times = Kills Deaths Assists
Reconnection_HardCode1 = Reconnecting…
Reconnection_HardCode2 = Server reconnection failed. Please check your mobile
Reconnection_HardCode3 = Try to reconnect manually.
Reconnection_HardCode4 = The game has ended. Tap to return to the Main Menu.
Reconnection_HardCode5 = Automatically reconnecting…\nAttempt {0}/{1}
Reconnet_TokenError = Login timed out. Please login again.
Redeem_Code_Butten = Redeem code
refunds_rules_content = Refund rule pop-up content
refunds_rules_title = Refund rule pop-up title
Region_AU = Australia
Region_EU = Europe
Region_SA = Latin America
Region_Svr_Select_Title = Choose a server
Region_US = USA/Canada
RegionChat_FunctionDisabled = This function is not available.
RegionChat_FunctionLocked = This function is still locked.
RegionChat_RegionAlreadySet = You have already selected this channel.
RegionChat_RegionIDInvalid = Invalid Region ID.
RegionChat_RegionNotSet = Chat region not selected.
RegionChat_RegionSetInCD = You can switch regions once every hour. Please wait
before switching again.
Register_Name_Invalid_Words = Invalid registration name.
Register_Name_Invalid_Words_2 = The registered name contains controversial words:
Register_Reach_Limit = We are sorry, the registration limit has been reached for
today. Please try again at 10 AM tomorrow.
Register_Reach_Total_Limit = Sorry, the registration quota has been reached on the
current server. Please, switch to another server and log in again (<color=#f6bf17>
cross-server teaming up is possible among friends</color>).
ReliveMessage = ReliveMessage_##
RemainDays = Remaining days
ReplayKit_Android_Live_Device_Limit_Tips = Your device does not support this
ReplayKit_Android_Live_DeviceDesc = <color=orange>Some devices may not support the
stream function.</color>
ReplayKit_Common_Live_Render_Quality_Limit_Tips = Please set the Display Quality to
ReplayKit_Course_Link = ReplayKit_Course_Link_##
ReplayKit_Course_Name = ReplayKit_Course_Name_##
ReplayKit_Disk_Space_Limit = You can't activate Screen Record because you have
insufficient storage space. Free up some space and try again.
ReplayKit_Disk_Space_Warning = You're running out of storage space. Free up more
space to avoid a game crash, and try again.
ReplayKit_Enable_Desc = Capture your exciting battles with the latest screen
recording feature!\n(Requires <color=orange>iOS 9 or higher</color>)
ReplayKit_Enable_First = Turn on Screen Record in Settings
ReplayKit_IOS_Live_DeviceDesc = Requires <color=orange>iOS 10.2 or higher</color>.
ReplayKit_IOS_Live_Title = Show Plugins
ReplayKit_Label_Auto_Record = Auto-Record
ReplayKit_Label_Name = Screen Record
ReplayKit_Live_DeviceLimit_Tips = Requires iOS 10.2 or higher.
ReplayKit_Mode_Desc = After activating, you won't need to press the record button.
All of your <color=orange>PvP battles</color> will be <color=orange>automatically
recorded</color> for you.
ReplayKit_Not_Support = This feature is limited to iPhone 6s or more recent devices
with iOS 9 or higher.
ReplayKit_Start_Record_Failed = Recording failed
ReplayKit_Start_Record_Success = Start recording
ReplayKit_Stop_Record_Failed = Failed to stop recording
ReplayKit_Stop_Record_Success = Recording has stopped
replaySaved = Local playback saved. Go to the Watch Battle menu to watch it.
replaySaveFailed = Insufficient storage space, save failed. Free more space and try
saving again.
Report_PlayerName = You are reporting {0}
Report_Report = Thank you for your report. We will investigate the issue.
Res_Extraction_Failed = Resource decompression failed.
<color=#ffd200>{0}</color> Honor this round.
Res_TaskType_Main = Main Quest
Res_TaskType_Usual = Daily Quest
Reservation_Accept_Text = Accepted
Reservation_Block_Text = Not enabled
Reservation_Confirm_TO_Friend = Schedule an appointment with {0}?
Reservation_Help_Info = You can only schedule a match appointment when your
Friendship Score is above <color=#ffd200>{0}</color>.\nHow to increase Friendship
Score (up to 20 points may be earned with the same friend):\n1. Join casual
matches, Abyssal Clash, or multiplayer matches together: +3\n2. Participate in a
Ranked Match together: +6\n3. Send Gold: +2\nNote: 1v1 and custom matches do not
increase Friendship Scores.
Reservation_Help_Title = Appointment Help
Reservation_Reject_Text = Rejected
Reservation_Send_Btn = Invite
Reservation_Send_Text = Sent
Reservation_Tips = Appointment
Reserve_Ending_Tips = Don't forget your match appointment with
Reserve_Failed_Tips = Your friend {0} has declined your appointment request
Reserve_Success_Tips = Your friend {0} has accepted your appointment request
ReservedMsg_Accept = <color=#44f39a>Accept </color>
ReservedMsg_Content = Your friend <color=#ffd200>{0}</color> <color=#afaf87> wants
to schedule a match with you. </color>
ReservedMsg_NomoreReceive = <color=#827864>Do not accept appointment </color>
ReservedMsg_Refuse = <color=#e56b6b>Decline </color>
Restrict_Dizzy = Stunned!
Restrict_Fear = Frightened!
Restrict_Floating = In air!
Restrict_Frozen = Frozen!
Restrict_None = Restrict_None_##
Restrict_Slient = Silenced!
Restrict_SlowDown = Slowed!
Restrict_Stone = Petrified!
Restrict_Taunt = Taunted!
ResumeGame = Resume Game
return = Return
RewardMatch_DayReward_Txt1 = RewardMatch_DayReward_Txt1_##
RewardMatch_DayReward_Txt2 = RewardMatch_DayReward_Txt2_##
RewardMatch_DayReward_Txt3 = RewardMatch_DayReward_Txt3_##
RewardMatch_DayReward_Txt4 = RewardMatch_DayReward_Txt4_##
RewardMatch_DayReward_Txt5 = RewardMatch_DayReward_Txt5_##
RewardMatch_DayReward_Txt6 = RewardMatch_DayReward_Txt6_##
Right_Bracket = )
Role_Desc_1 = Role_Desc_1_##
Role_Desc_2 = Role_Desc_2_##
Role_Desc_3 = Role_Desc_3_##
Role_Desc_4 = Role_Desc_4_##
Role_Desc_5 = Role_Desc_5_##
Role_Desc_6 = Role_Desc_6_##
RoleRegister_Dialog_Tips_1 = Challenger, what's your experience in the arena?
RoleRegister_Dialog_Tips_2 = Novice
RoleRegister_Dialog_Tips_3 = Intermediate
RoleRegister_Dialog_Tips_4 = Grandmaster
RoleRegister_Dialog_Tips_5 = RoleRegister_Dialog_Tips_5_##
RoleRegister_Dialog_Tips_6 = RoleRegister_Dialog_Tips_6_##
RoleRegister_Dialog_Tips_7 = RoleRegister_Dialog_Tips_7_##
RoleRegister_Dialog_Tips_8 = RoleRegister_Dialog_Tips_8_##
RoleRegister_InputName = Please enter your name.
RoleRegister_NameExists = This name is taken, please try another.
RoleRegister_NameInvaildChar = Name can only contain letters and numbers.
RoleRegister_NameOutOfLength = Name can only contain letters and numbers. (16
characters max)
Room_Change_Pos_Tip_1 = The player is changing places now.
Room_Change_Pos_Tip_10 = <color=#ffd200>{1}</color> from Position {0} on
the\n<color=#FA4646>Red Team</color> would like to swap with you.
Room_Change_Pos_Tip_11 = <color=#ffd200>{1}</color> from Spectator seat {0} would
like to swap with you.
Room_Change_Pos_Tip_2 = Awaiting
Room_Change_Pos_Tip_3 = No.{0} player wants to swap with you
Room_Change_Pos_Tip_4 = The requested party is changing places.
Room_Change_Pos_Tip_5 = obsolete+004d55c73d6654bb
Room_Change_Pos_Tip_6 = Request expired. It cannot be accepted.
Room_Change_Pos_Tip_7 = Request to cancel changing places.
Room_Change_Pos_Tip_8 = Place-swap request declined.
Room_Change_Pos_Tip_9 = <color=#ffd200>{1}</color> from Position {0} on
the\n<color=#9BCDFF>Blue Team</color> would like to swap with you.
Room_Forbidden_Tip = You are banned from matches until {3}:{4}, {2}/{1}/{0}.
Room_Name_Invalid_Words = Invalid Name.
ROOMERR_ROOM_INVALID_CREDIT_VALUE_FOR_PVP = Your friend's Credibility Score is
below {0} and cannot participate in custom matches.
ROOMERR_ROOM_INVALID_CREDIT_VALUE_FOR_PVP_1 = Unable to join match because your
Credibility Score is too low.
Roulette_TimeUp_Tip = Lucky Draw has ended.
RovSkipMovie = Skip
Save_Picture_Fail = Failed to save
Save_Picture_Success = Saved to Album
score_float_text =
ScoreBoard_FireHole_1 =
ScoreBoard_FireHole_2 =
ScoreBoard_Normal_1 = <color=#00B5FFFF>{0}</color>
ScoreBoard_Normal_2 = <color=#FF2A1FFF>{0}</color>
Search_By_RoomID_Intro_DefaultID = Lobby ID
Search_By_RoomID_Intro_Ladder = Search in <color=#ffd200>Ranked</color> matches
Search_By_RoomID_Intro_PvP = Search in <color=#ffd200>Casual</color> matches
Search_By_RoomID_Intro_Rule = Help
Secretary_Reward_Tips = You have rewards waiting for you!
Send_Coin = Gold gift
Send_Coin_Error_Tips_1 = You have already sent a gift to this friend today.
sendReserve_accepted_Idle_Tip = Your friend, <color=#ffd200>{0}</color>, has
finished their match. Team up now!
ServerCannotSupportCurLanguage = Language submitted by client is not supported.
Setting_AllowInvite_ClosedTip = You will no longer receive invitations.
Setting_AllowInvite_DoubleCheck = Turn off invitations?
Setting_AutoTransDescrip = Turn on to automatically translate chat content into
your system language.
Setting_AutoTransGeneralSwitch = Auto-translate
Setting_AutoTransPleaseSpecifyLang = Enable auto-translate to select languages to
be translated for you.
Setting_AutoTransTab = Chat Translation
Setting_Base = General
Setting_Bind_Account = Link Acct.
Setting_Camera_Height_Bar_Height = Normal
Setting_Camera_Height_Bar_Low = Close
Setting_Camera_Height_Bar_VeryHeight = Far
Setting_Cancel_Account = Log out
Setting_Change_Server = Switch servers
Setting_Change_Server_Tips = You must log out to switch servers. Log out?
Setting_Enable_CamHeightInIPad_Tips = High Frame Rate Mode will be automatically
turned off when camera distance is set as far. Continue?
Setting_Enable_FreeRecord_Disable_AutoRecord_Tips = LQM Time and Free Record cannot
be used at the same time. LQM Time has been disabled.
Setting_Enable_HighFrameRate_Tips = High Frame Rate Mode may drain your phone
battery and lead to overheating issues. Do you want to turn it on?
Setting_Enable_HighFrameRateWhenCamHeightInIPad_Tips = Far camera distance will be
automatically turned off when High Frame Rate Mode is activated. Continue?
Setting_Enable_NewbieTips_Close_Tips = This mode provides beginner guide in the
game. Do you want to turn it off?
Setting_Enable_NewbieTips_Min_Level_Tips = Please level up to turn off this
Setting_Enable_NewbieTips_Open_Tips = You can't position the Quick-buy on the right
in this mode. Do you want to continue?
Setting_Enable_TaleTimeRecord_Disable_FreeRecord_Tips = LQM Time and Free Record
cannot be used at the same time. Free Record has been disabled.
setting_item_descrip_1 = <color=#ffa500>Short Sword</color>\nAttack Damage +20
setting_item_descrip_2 = <color=#ffa500>Dagger</color>\nAttack Speed +10%
setting_item_descrip_3 = <color=#ffa500>Gloves</color>\nCritical Chance +12%
setting_item_descrip_4 = <color=#ffa500>Short Sword</color>\nAttack Damage +20
Setting_Live = Streaming
Setting_Live_Disable_FreeRecord_When_Start_To_Live_Tips = The Free Record and
streaming functions cannot be used at the same time. Free Record has been disabled.
Setting_Live_Disable_ReplayKit_When_Start_To_Live_Tips = The recording and
streaming functions cannot be used at the same time. Recording has been disabled.
Setting_Live_Disable_TaleTimeRecord_When_Start_To_Live_Tips = The LQM Time and
streaming functions cannot be used at the same time. LQM Time has been disabled.
Setting_Live_Living = Streaming
Setting_Live_Not_Living = Start
Setting_Live_Title = Streaming
Setting_Login_Kakao_Btn = KR Version, DNT
Setting_Login_Kakao_Tips = KR Version, DNT
Setting_Logout = Log out
Setting_Long_Click_To_Copy = Tap the ID to copy.
setting_Music = SFX
setting_Network = obsolete+f8e1b4dbd68f1e12
Setting_Op_LockingHeadShowTitle = Avatar Lock Mode
Setting_Op_LockingHeadShowTitle_Right = Target Lock Mode
Setting_Op_NotShowLockingHead = Hide avatars
Setting_Op_NotShowLockingHead_Right = Disable Target Lock Mode
Setting_Op_ShowLockingHead = Show avatars for available targets\n
Setting_Op_ShowLockingHead_Right = Set selected enemy avatar as target
Setting_Open_ID_Second_Title = Player ID
Setting_Open_ID_Title = Player ID
setting_Operation = Control
Setting_Player_Name = Player Name
Setting_Quality_Confirm = The current resolution is set to match the performance of
your device. Adjusting it may affect the game's smoothness; do you want to
Setting_QuitGameChk = Do you want to leave this battle? You may be punished for
leaving in the middle of a battle.
Setting_Record = Record Settings
Setting_Record_Attention_Tips = <color=red><size=20>Please make sure microphone and
album access have been granted. (Settings-Privacy-
Microphone/Photos)</size></color>. Recording videos may cause lag and sound issues.
You can find your videos in “Player Info - Videos."
Setting_Record_Attention_Title = Note
Setting_Record_Can_Not_Enable_FreeRecord_Because_Living_Tips = The streaming and
Free Record functions cannot be used at the same time. Please disable streaming
Setting_Record_Can_Not_Enable_TaleTimeRecord_Because_Living_Tips = The streaming
and LQM Time functions cannot be used at the same time. Please disable streaming
Setting_Record_FreeRecord = Free Record
Setting_Record_FreeRecord_Tips = <color=orange>Note:</color> Only one type of
recording can be used at a time.
Setting_Record_HDRecord = HD Record
Setting_Record_Maintain_Tips = Undergoing maintenance...
Setting_Record_No_Enough_Storage_Tips = Failed to turn on screen recording because
there is not enough available space on your device.
Setting_Record_No_Permission_Tips = Authorization failed. Unable to turn on screen
Setting_Record_No_Support_Tips = Failed to turn on screen recording because your
device doesn't support this function.
Setting_Record_No_Ticket_Tips = An error occurred. Cannot record at this time.
Setting_Record_OpenTaleTime = Watch clips
Setting_Record_TaleTimeRecord = LQM Time
Setting_Record_TaleTimeRecord_Tips1 = Automatically records your
<color=orange>kills/assists</color> and other exciting moments in a match and
combines them into a single video.\nPlayers can <color=orange>generate, save, and
share</color> the LQM Time with their friends via Match Results.
Setting_Record_TaleTimeRecord_Tips2 = You can generate clips, save them, and share
them with your friends.
Setting_Record_TimeUp_Tips = Request timeout. Failed to turn on screen recording.
Setting_Record_Unknown_Error_Tips = An error has occurred. Failed to turn on screen
Setting_Record_Unopened_Tips = This function is not available yet.
Setting_ReplayKit_Can_Not_Enable_ReplayKit_Because_Living_Tips = The streaming and
recording functions cannot be used at the same time. Streaming has been disabled.
Setting_Service_Center = Customer Service
Setting_Short_ID_Getting = Finding Player ID…
Setting_Short_ID_Second_Title = Short Player ID
Setting_Switch_StoreOnRight_Tips = You won't see the beginner tips in this mode. Do
you want to continue?
Setting_UI = Interface
Setting_UI_AdvancedLighting = Spotlight Effect
Setting_UI_AllowInvite = Allow Invitations
Setting_UI_BPShowLastUsedHero = Display Recent Heroes
Setting_UI_EquipmentDesc = Quick-Buy Info
Setting_UI_FriendReserve = Allow Appointments
Setting_UI_HighFrameRate = High Frame Rate Mode
Setting_UI_LowHPValue = Lowest HP amount
Setting_UI_MinimapOnLeft = Left side
Setting_UI_MinimapOnRight = Right side
Setting_UI_MinimapPos = Expanded Mini-Map Placement
Setting_UI_NewbieTips = In-Game Tips
Setting_UI_RecentMatchInvite = Recent Players
Setting_UI_ShowLockHeroInfo = Target Info
Setting_UI_StoreOnLeft = Left side <color=#827864><size=20>(Default)</size></color>
Setting_UI_StoreOnRight = Right side
Setting_UI_StorePos = Quick-Buy Placement
setting_videotape = Screen Recording
Settings_3DTouch_Name = Activate 3D Touch
Settings_CameraFrame_Name = Mini-Map Window Outline
Settings_SkillFloatCD_Name = Show ability cooldown decimals
settings_vibration_effect = Vibration
Settle_Add_GuildAddGetWay = Join a guild
Settle_Add_LimitUpgrade = (Daily limit has increased by a factor of {0})
Settle_Add_LostDurationReward = Long battle reward (L)
Settle_Add_PropAddGetWay = Obtain from the Shop or events
Settle_Add_ReachLimit = Daily limit reached. You will receive no further battle
rewards today.
Settle_Add_ReachWeeklyLimit = Weekly limit reached. You will receive no further
battle rewards this week.
Settle_Add_RewardDetails = Rewards Breakdown
Settle_Add_SingleReachLimit = <size=18>(Limit Exceeded) </size>
Settle_Add_SkinGetWay = Equip Skin
Settle_Add_TeamworkGetWay = Team up with friends
Settle_Add_ThisSettleGet = Received
Settle_Add_UpgradeTodayLimit = <color=#828282><size=15>(Increases daily limit by a
factor of {0}) </size></color>
Settle_Add_UpgradeWeekLimit = <color=#828282><size=15>(Increases weekly limit by
{0}) </size></color>
Settle_Add_WeekLimitUprade = (Weekly limit increased by <color=#FFD200>{0}</color>)
Settle_ExpAdd_TotalFormat = EXP received today: {0}/{1}
Settle_GoldAdd_TotalFormat = Gold earned through battle this week:
<color=#FFD200>{0}</color> /{1}
Settle_Newbie_Reward = Beginner Special
Settle_Newbie_RewardDesc = Beginner rewards are fixed
Settle_Reward_Activity = Double Rewards Event
Settle_Reward_BattleDuration = Long battle reward (W)
Settle_Reward_DoubleCard = Double Gold Card
Settle_Reward_ExpDoubleCard = Double EXP Card
Settle_Reward_FirstAdd = First Win Reward
Settle_Reward_GuildAdd = Guild bonus
Settle_Reward_Skin = Skin Bonus
Settle_Reward_Teamwork = Team-up Bonus
SettleAchievement_HangUp = Remained Idle
Settlement_Hangup_No_Reward = No\nRewards
Settlement_HeroStrategy_ContentKey = Learn more about {0} to increase your win
Settlement_HeroStrategy_TitleKey = Hero Guides
Settlement_HeroStrategy_UrlFormat = https://goo.gl/shUSrz
Settlement_ShareData = Share
Settlement_ShareRecord = Share
settlement_unload_text1 = Clearing the battlefield… {0}/9 finished.
settlement_unload_text2 = Generating battle results… {0}/9 finished.
settlement_unload_text3 = Loading… {0}/9 finished
SevenCheckIn_Date = <color=#19F4F3>Event period:</color> {0}-{1}
SevenCheckIn_Desc = Get rewards when you log in for 7 days in total!
SevenCheckIn_Title = 7 Days Log In
SevenDayCheckSystem_TenThousand = Ten thousand
Sever_maintaining = The server is temporarily unavailable. Please check back in a
couple of hours.
Share_FB_Defeat = My team may have lost, but I'm still a champ!
Share_FB_Kill3 = Triple Kill!
Share_FB_Kill4 = Quad Kill!
Share_FB_Kill5 = Mega Kill!
Share_FB_Legendary = I am legendary!
Share_FB_MVP = I'm the MVP!
Share_FB_NewAchievement = Check out my achievement!
Share_FB_NewHero = I have now obtained {0} heroes in Liên Quân Mobile!
Share_FB_NewSkin = I have now obtained {0} skins in Liên Quân Mobile!
Share_FB_PVPData = My record speaks for itself!
Share_FB_Title = Liên Quân Mobile: 5v5 Arena Game
Share_FB_Victory = I've forgotten what it's like to lose!
Share_FB_Victory10 = 10-win streak!
Share_FB_Victory15 = 15-win streak!
Share_FB_Victory5 = 5-win streak!
Share_listempty = No friends to share with
Share_PvpAchievement_Desc_0 = obsolete
Share_PvpAchievement_Desc_1 = My {0}[/0:#(st|nd|rd|th)/] Mega Kill
Share_PvpAchievement_Desc_2 = obsolete
Share_PvpAchievement_Desc_3 = My {0}[/0:#(st|nd|rd|th)/] Quad Kill
Share_PvpAchievement_Desc_4 = obsolete
Share_PvpAchievement_Desc_5 = My {0}[/0:#(st|nd|rd|th)/] Legendary Award
Share_PvpAchievement_Desc_6 = My {0}[/0:#(st|nd|rd|th)/] Triple Kill
Share_PvpAchievement_Desc_7 = My {0}[/0:#(st|nd|rd|th)/] MVP
Share_PvpAchievement_Title0 = Congratulations! Streak of 15 victories achieved!
Share_PvpAchievement_Title1 = Congratulations! You got a Mega Kill!
Share_PvpAchievement_Title2 = Congratulations! Streak of 10 victories achieved!
Share_PvpAchievement_Title3 = Congratulations! Quad Kill achieved!
Share_PvpAchievement_Title4 = Congratulations! Streak of 5 victories achieved!
Share_PvpAchievement_Title5 = Congratulations! You are legendary!
Share_PvpAchievement_Title6 = Congratulations! Triple Kill achieved!
Share_PvpAchievement_Title7 = Congratulations! You're the MVP!
Share_PvpText_Name_0 = Win Streak
Share_PvpText_Name_1 = Mega Kill
Share_PvpText_Name_3 = Quad Kill
Share_PvpText_Name_5 = Legendary
Share_PvpText_Name_6 = Triple Kill
Share_PvpText_Name_7 = MVP
Share_Room_Info_Desc = Share_Room_Info_Desc_##
Share_Room_Info_QQ = Share_Room_Info_QQ_##
Share_Room_Info_Title = Liên Quân Mobile
Share_Room_Info_WX = Share_Room_Info_WX_##
Share_Skin_Pic_Error_Loading = Generating your poster…
Share_Skin_Pic_Error_NotFound = Poster not found
Share_Skin_Pic_Error_OutofTime = Download failed.
Share_Tips = Please install {0} to share.
Share_Tips_Not_open = This function is not available now.
Share_WinRate_Count = Rounds
Share_WinRate_Rate = Win Rate
ShareFightHistoryToGuild_Haveshared = Shared
ShareGameInvite_Error_Frequently = Please wait a minute, then try again.
ShareGameInvite_Error_InvalidChannel = Invalid Channel
ShareGameInvite_Error_MatchLimit = This player has been banned.
ShareToGuild = Share
shield_end = Shield Gone
Shop_Arena_Shop_Go = Shop_Arena_Shop_Go_##
Shop_Buy = Purchased
Shop_CheckHero = View Hero
Shop_Discount = Discount
Shop_Err_Arena_Not_Enough2 = Shop_Err_Arena_Not_Enough2_##
Shop_Err_Arena_Not_Enough3 = Shop_Err_Arena_Not_Enough3_##
Shop_Err_Burning_Not_Enough2 = obsolete+8cdc6205210e48c7
Shop_Err_Burning_Not_Enough3 = Shop_Err_Burning_Not_Enough3_##
Shop_Err_buy = Purchase failed.
Shop_Err_DianQuan = Not enough vouchers, purchase more?
Shop_Err_DianQuan_Not_Enough2 = Not enough vouchers
Shop_Err_DianQuan_Not_Enough3 = Not enough vouchers, purchase failed.
Shop_Err_gold = obsolete+13dc18a6c227cfb7
Shop_Err_Gold_Not_Enough2 = Not enough gold.
Shop_Err_Gold_Not_Enough3 = Not enough gold, purchase failed.
Shop_Err_GoldCoin_Not_Enough2 = Not enough gold.
Shop_Err_GoldCoin_Not_Enough3 = Not enough gold, purchase failed.
Shop_Err_Guild_Not_Enough = Not enough guild gold.
Shop_Err_Manual_Refresh_Forbdden = Refreshing manually not allowed in the shop.
Shop_Err_Manual_Refresh_Limit = You've reached the daily limit for manual
Shop_Err_Manual_Refresh_Req_Sent = Please wait for the result from the last manual
Shop_Err_mystery = Shop_Err_mystery_##
Shop_Err_Shop_Time_Out = {0} has expired. Item cannot be purchased.
Shop_Err_soldout = Sold out
Shop_Expedition_Shop_Go = Shop_Expedition_Shop_Go_##
Shop_Guild_Head_Image_Shop_Unlock_Tip = Unlocks when guild reaches level {0}
Shop_Guild_Item_Shop_Unlock_Tip = Unlocks when guild reaches star level {0}
Shop_Item_Buy_Action_Name = Purchase
Shop_Item_Buy_Button_Text = Buy
Shop_Item_Buy_Status_Own = Owned
Shop_Item_Buy_Status_Unit = <blankspace89>
Shop_Item_Sale_Tip_Accept = Sure
Shop_Item_Sale_Tip_Exchange = Shop_Item_Sale_Tip_Exchange_##
Shop_Item_Sale_Tip_Reject = Not now
Shop_Item_Sale_Tip_Title = Shop_Item_Sale_Tip_Title_##
Shop_Manual_Refresh_Tip = Do you want to spend {0} {1} to refresh the shop items
(refreshed {2} [/2:$(time|times)/] today)?
Shop_Money_Type_Arena_Coin = Shop_Money_Type_Arena_Coin_##
Shop_Money_Type_Burning_Coin = Shop_Money_Type_Burning_Coin_##
Shop_Money_Type_Coin = Guild Gold
Shop_Money_Type_Diamond = Gems
Shop_Money_Type_DianQuan = Vouchers
Shop_Money_Type_GoldCoin = Gold
Shop_Money_Type_Guild_Coin = Guild Gold
Shop_Money_Type_Skin_Coin = Shop_Money_Type_Skin_Coin_##
Shop_mystery_text1 = Shop_mystery_text1_##
Shop_mystery_text10 = Shop_mystery_text10_##
Shop_mystery_text2 = Shop_mystery_text2_##
Shop_mystery_text3 = Shop_mystery_text3_##
Shop_mystery_text4 = Shop_mystery_text4_##
Shop_mystery_text5 = Shop_mystery_text5_##
Shop_mystery_text6 = Shop_mystery_text6_##
Shop_mystery_text7 = Shop_mystery_text7_##
Shop_mystery_text8 = Shop_mystery_text8_##
Shop_mystery_text9 = Shop_mystery_text9_##
Shop_NeedToBuyAHero = Obtain Hero First
Shop_NeedToBuyAHero_Fregment = You need to obtain this hero first.
Shop_Next_Refresh_Time_Prefix = Page Refresh:
Shop_normal_text1 = Shop_normal_text1_##
Shop_normal_text10 = Shop_normal_text10_##
Shop_normal_text2 = Shop_normal_text2_##
Shop_normal_text3 = Shop_normal_text3_##
Shop_normal_text4 = Shop_normal_text4_##
Shop_normal_text5 = Shop_normal_text5_##
Shop_normal_text6 = Shop_normal_text6_##
Shop_normal_text7 = Shop_normal_text7_##
Shop_normal_text8 = Shop_normal_text8_##
Shop_normal_text9 = Shop_normal_text9_##
Shop_Product_Only_Owned = Acquired
Shop_Refresh = Refresh
Shop_Sale_Success = Sold
Shop_Today_Left_Cnt = Remaining Refreshes:<color=#f5be17> {0}</color>
Shop_Type_1 = Shop_Type_1_##
Shop_Type_2 = Mystery Shop
Shop_Type_3 = Shop_Type_3_##
Shop_Type_4 = Shop_Type_4_##
Shop_Type_5 = Shop_Type_5_##
Shop_Type_Arena = Shop_Type_Arena_##
Shop_Type_Burning_Exp = Shop_Type_Burning_Exp_##
Shop_Type_Fixed = Shop
Shop_Type_Guild = Guild Shop
Shop_Type_Mystery = Mystery Shop
Shop_Type_Pvp_Symbol = Shop_Type_Pvp_Symbol_##
Shortcutchat_mes = In Game Message
ShortcutMenu_Delete = Delete
ShowStopWithTooLowQuality = Streaming has stopped.
ShowStopWithTooLowQuality_Confirm = Confirm
ShowStopWithTooLowQuality_Title = Notice
Skill_Anger_Cost_Tips = [ex]Madness consumed: {0}
Skill_Common_Effect_Type_1 = <color=#f76b69>Physical</color>
Skill_Common_Effect_Type_2 = <color=#a9acff>Magic</color>
Skill_Common_Effect_Type_3 = <color=#dada7a>True</color>
Skill_Common_Effect_Type_4 = <color=#6dd5ad>Control</color>
Skill_Common_Effect_Type_5 = Passive
Skill_Common_Effect_Type_6 = obsolete
Skill_Common_Effect_Type_7 = obsolete
Skill_Common_Effect_Type_8 = obsolete
Skill_Cool_Down_Tips = Cooldown: {0} sec
Skill_Energy_Cost_Tips = Mana Cost: {0}
Skill_EnergyEp_Cost_Tips = Energy: {0}
Skill_Madness_Cost_Tips = Rage: {0}
Skill_Scold_Cost_Tips = Thirst Cost
Skill_Text_Lock_PVE = Talents are not allowed in this mode.
Skill_Text_Lock_PVP = Skill_Text_Lock_PVP_##
SkillBuff_Custom_Type_1 = Increased Movement Speed and Cooldown Speed
SkillBuff_Custom_Type_10 = HP and Mana Regen
SkillBuff_Custom_Type_11 = Slayer Buff Obtained
SkillBuff_Custom_Type_12 = Whole team's EXP increased.
SkillBuff_Custom_Type_13 = Might Buff Obtained
SkillBuff_Custom_Type_14 = Sage Buff Obtained
SkillBuff_Custom_Type_15 = Bonus EXP and Gold awarded to the whole team.
SkillBuff_Custom_Type_16 = SkillBuff_Custom_Type_16_##
SkillBuff_Custom_Type_17 = SkillBuff_Custom_Type_17_##
SkillBuff_Custom_Type_18 = SkillBuff_Custom_Type_18_##
SkillBuff_Custom_Type_19 = SkillBuff_Custom_Type_19_##
SkillBuff_Custom_Type_2 = Increased Movement Speed
SkillBuff_Custom_Type_20 = Crowd Control Immunity
SkillBuff_Custom_Type_21 = Damage Reduced
SkillBuff_Custom_Type_22 = Blood Hook obtained
SkillBuff_Custom_Type_23 = Fire Hook obtained
SkillBuff_Custom_Type_24 = Knocked back!
SkillBuff_Custom_Type_3 = HP Regen
SkillBuff_Custom_Type_4 = Increases HP, reduce Cooldown.
SkillBuff_Custom_Type_5 = Increases damage, reduce Movement Speed.
SkillBuff_Custom_Type_6 = HP Regen, increase damage
SkillBuff_Custom_Type_7 = Garnak 1: Increased damage to towers
SkillBuff_Custom_Type_8 = Garnak 2: Damage increases, damage taken decreases
SkillBuff_Custom_Type_9 = Garnak 3: Regen HP per second
Skin_Exp_Card_Can_Not_Use = You must own the hero first to use the trial card.
Skin_NeedToBuyAHero = <color=#e7b135>Obtain Hero First</color>
Skin_SimpleForm = Skin
Skin_unpurchasable = Skin cannot be purchased. Please obtain in the events
SkinConvertItem = Skins already obtained will be automatically transformed into {0}
Skin Tokens.
SkinDebrisShop_tab = Skin Tokens
SkinGoldPlus0 = Join battle using this skin to get:
SkinGoldPlus1 = Earn <color=#ffd200>{0}%</color> more gold each game
SkinGoldPlus2 = Increases weekly gold limit by <color=#ffd200>{0}</color>
SkinGoldPlus3 = (not equipped)
SkipDialog = SkipDialog_##
SNS_Other_Error = Sharing failed
SnsPlatform_Invite_Desc = Join {0} in a {1} match!
SnsPlatform_Invite_Title = The battle is on - join me!
Social_Card_Cur_Rank_Label = Current Rank
Social_Card_Edit_Btn_Label = Edit
Social_Card_Edit_Successful_Tips_Msg = Update successful.
Social_Card_Guild_Role_Label = Position
Social_Card_Hidden_Txt = Hidden
Social_Card_Highest_Rank_Label = Highest Rank
Social_Card_Location_Label = Region
Social_Card_No_Data_Error_Tips_Msg = No players found.
Social_Card_Period_Label = Active Time
Social_Card_Position_Label = Preferred Role
Social_Card_Recommandation = Suggested friends
Social_Card_Search_Busy_Error_Msg = Friend search system is busy.
Social_Card_Search_Friend_Closed_Error_Msg = This function is not yet available.
Social_Card_Search_Too_Frequently_Error_Msg = Requests sent too frequently.
Social_Card_Signature_Label = Introduction
Social_Card_Tab_Label = Player Card
Social_Card_Turn_Off_Btn_Label = Set to\nPrivate
Social_Card_Turn_Off_Msg = Do you want to set your Player Card to private?
Social_Card_Turn_On_Btn_Label = Set to\nPublic
SoundChat_HardCode1 = Voice chat is not on, please switch it on in the settings.
SoundChat_HardCode2 = Failed to connect. Please try again later.
SoundChat_HardCode3 = Voice chat is not on, please switch it on in the settings.
SoundChat_HardCode4 = Voice server not connected.
Speaker_CharacterLimit = You still have {0} available characters.
Speaker_Use_Err_1 = Speaker Error: {0}
Speaker_Use_Err_2 = The Speaker message queue is full. Please try again later.
Speaker_Use_Err_3 = Item not available
Speaker_Use_Err_4 = Your message contains unsuitable content, please, edit it!
specProdOffSale = That item on offer has already been taken off the shelf!
specProdOutLimit = Sale item purchase limit reached!
Spectator_Battle = Watch the battle
Spectator_Events = Event
Spectator_Portal = Match
Star_12_Bonus = Star_12_Bonus_##
Start_Adventure = Start_Adventure_##
Start_Battle = OK
StartGame = Start
StayHome = Stay back
Story_Station_URL = http://sok.proximabeta.com/ingame/heroes/story/
Subscribe_Agree = Accept
Subscribe_Buy_Tips = After you purchase this item, you will receive an extra 10% of
gold and EXP from each battle. This monthly subscription service costs {0}/month
and can be canceled at any time.
Subscribe_Cancel = Cancel
Subscribe_PRIVACY_STATEMENT = Privacy Policy
Subscribe_PRIVACY_STATEMENT_URL = https://goo.gl/z3jxWc
Subscribe_TERMS_OF_SERVICE = Terms of Service
Subscribe_TERMS_OF_SERVICE_URL = https://goo.gl/z3jxWc
Suc_PaySuccess = Payment successful
Suggest_Entrance = Feedback
Symbol__Item_Not_Exist_Tip = Arcana not found in the Backpack.
Symbol_Adventure = Symbol_Adventure_##
Symbol_Adventure_Prop = Symbol_Adventure_Prop_##
Symbol_Bag_tips = The arcana in your backpack are not currently equipped.\n\nArcana
must be unequipped before you can sell them.
Symbol_Base_Prop = Arcana base type
Symbol_Battle = Battle
Symbol_Battle_Prop = obsolete+f571041849c2b9f1
Symbol_Blue = Blue Arcana
Symbol_Break_Coin_Cnt = Symbol_Break_Coin_Cnt_##
Symbol_Break_Item_Wear_Tip = Symbol_Break_Item_Wear_Tip_##
Symbol_Break_Rule_Desc = Symbol_Break_Rule_Desc_##
Symbol_Break_Tip = Symbol_Break_Tip_##
Symbol_BreakAllItem = Symbol_BreakAllItem_##
Symbol_BreakDetailBtn = Details
Symbol_BreakSomeItem = Symbol_BreakSomeItem_##
Symbol_Btn_GetSymbol = Buy Arcana
Symbol_BuyTip = Increasing arcana storage requires {0} gems. Do you want to
Symbol_ChangeName = Enter New Name
Symbol_Clear_NoWear_Tip = You have not equipped any arcana yet.
Symbol_Coin_Desc = Symbol_Coin_Desc_##
Symbol_Coin_Not_Enough_Tip = Symbol_Coin_Not_Enough_Tip_##
Symbol_Coin_Text = Arcana Fragments
Symbol_Compose_CoinNotEnough = Not enough gold.
Symbol_Compose_CountLimit = Not enough arcana.
Symbol_ComposeCost = Symbol_ComposeCost_##
Symbol_CountLimit = A maximum of ten arcana of the same type can be equipped.
Symbol_DynamicBlock_Coin_Not_Enough_Tip = 10 Arcana Fragments
Symbol_EditButton = Edit
Symbol_Editing = Editing
Symbol_Empty10 = Symbol_Empty10_##
Symbol_Empty11 = Symbol_Empty11_##
Symbol_Empty12 = Symbol_Empty12_##
Symbol_Empty13 = Symbol_Empty13_##
Symbol_Empty14 = Symbol_Empty14_##
Symbol_Empty15 = Symbol_Empty15_##
Symbol_Empty16 = Symbol_Empty16_##
Symbol_Empty17 = Symbol_Empty17_##
Symbol_Empty18 = Symbol_Empty18_##
Symbol_Empty19 = Symbol_Empty19_##
Symbol_Empty20 = Symbol_Empty20_##
Symbol_Empty21 = Symbol_Empty21_##
Symbol_Empty22 = Symbol_Empty22_##
Symbol_Empty23 = Symbol_Empty23_##
Symbol_Empty24 = Symbol_Empty24_##
Symbol_Empty25 = Symbol_Empty25_##
Symbol_Enhance_Prop = Symbol_Enhance_Prop_##
Symbol_EnhancePveProp_Desc = Symbol_EnhancePveProp_Desc_##
Symbol_FindSymbolLevelLimit_Tip = Symbol_FindSymbolLevelLimit_Tip_##
Symbol_FindSymbolNotOpen_Tip = The grid has not been activated.
Symbol_FindSymbolPosFull_Tip = The arcana grid for that color is full.
Symbol_fit_on_tips = Battle Attribute Bonus
Symbol_Free_GetPage = Reach <color=#ffd200>lvl {0}</color> to unlock another Arcana
Symbol_Get_From_Break = Symbol_Get_From_Break_##
Symbol_HasCurrentLevelItems = {0}
Symbol_Have = Obtained
Symbol_InputName = Please enter arcana page name.
Symbol_Level = Arcana Level
Symbol_Lock_Tip = Please increase your player level to unlock the Arcana System.
Symbol_LvLimit = Your level is not high enough, this arcana requires you to
reach<color=#ff5050> level {0}</color> to be unlocked.
Symbol_Make_Coin_Cnt = Symbol_Make_Coin_Cnt_##
Symbol_make_hasnum = Obtained
Symbol_Make_MaxCnt_Limit = Backpack full - cannot continue.
Symbol_Make_UnOpen_Tip = Arcana crafting has not been unlocked.
Symbol_Make_WearMaxLimit_Tip = You can only equip 10 of the same Arcana. Do you
wish to continue?
Symbol_MyPage = All Pages
Symbol_Name_illegal = Arcana name is not valid.
Symbol_Name_LenError = Arcana page name cannot be blank.
Symbol_No_More_Item_Break = Symbol_No_More_Item_Break_##
Symbol_No_Wear_Symbol_Tip = Arcana not equipped
Symbol_No_WearPos = No suitable Arcana slots.
Symbol_NoBreakSymbol = Symbol_NoBreakSymbol_##
Symbol_Not_Have = None
Symbol_Not_Own = None
Symbol_NotWearItem_Btn = Arcana Backpack
Symbol_Open_Lv = Unlock
Symbol_Own_Cnt = You have {0}
Symbol_Page_Buy_CoinLimit = Not enough gold.
Symbol_Page_Buy_DianQuanLimit = Not enough vouchers
Symbol_Page_Buy_PageFull = Arcana Page is full
Symbol_Page_Clear_Tip = Do you want to remove all Arcana on the current page?
Symbol_Page_Name = Arcana Page {0}
Symbol_PageName = Arcana Page {0}
Symbol_PageUnlock = Page hasn't been unlocked yet.
Symbol_PosUnlock_lvl_Tip = Arcana Slot unlocks at level {0}.
Symbol_Prop_Adventure_Mode = Symbol_Prop_Adventure_Mode_##
Symbol_Prop_Battle_Mode = obsolete+1f7933ccf4d39005
Symbol_Prop_Description = Attribute Bonus
Symbol_Prop_Tab_All = All
Symbol_Prop_Tab_Atk = Attack
Symbol_Prop_Tab_AtkSpeed = Attack Speed
Symbol_Prop_Tab_Crit = Critical Chance
Symbol_Prop_Tab_Defense = Defense
Symbol_Prop_Tab_Function = Ability
Symbol_Prop_Tab_Hp = HP
Symbol_Prop_Tab_HpSteal = Life Steal
Symbol_Prop_Tab_Penetrate = Piercing
Symbol_PutCompose_Element_Full = Symbol_PutCompose_Element_Full_##
Symbol_PutCompose_Level_Limit = This arcana requires a higher level to equip.
Symbol_PutCompose_MaxLvl_Limit = Symbol_PutCompose_MaxLvl_Limit_##
Symbol_PvpProp_Desc = Symbol_PvpProp_Desc_##
Symbol_Red = Red Arcana
Symbol_Select_BreakLvl_Tip = Symbol_Select_BreakLvl_Tip_##
Symbol_Sheet_Make = Symbol_Sheet_Make_##
Symbol_Sheet_Symbol = Arcana Pool
Symbol_State_NotWear = Unmounted
Symbol_State_Open_Level = Unlocks at level {0}
Symbol_State_UnOpen = Not activated
Symbol_SystemTitle = Arcana
Symbol_TakeOffTip = <color=#ff5050>Removed {0}</color>
Symbol_test = Symbol_test_##
Symbol_Text5 = obsolete+fcc9d13fdb4b5fbc
Symbol_Title_BatchBreak = Symbol_Title_BatchBreak_##
Symbol_Title_BatchDetail = Symbol_Title_BatchDetail_##
Symbol_Title_Change = Replace Arcana
Symbol_Title_NoWear = Arcana Backpack
Symbol_Title_Sale = Sell Arcana
Symbol_Title_SymbolBagList = Arcana Backpack
Symbol_UnlockButton = Unlock
Symbol_UseButton = Use
Symbol_Using = In use
Symbol_WearTip = <color=#FFD200>Equipped {0}</color>
Symbol_Yellow = Green Arcana
SymbolEuip_MakeBtn = Craft
SymbolRcmd_HeroLvlText = <color=orange>{0}</color> Recommendations for the level
<color=orange>{1}</color> Arcana:
SymbolRcmd_Rule_Desc = <color=orange>Tip:</color> The system will display
appropriate arcana for your hero.
SymbolRcmd_Tab = Recommended
SymbolRcmd_Text2 = SymbolRcmd_Text2_##
SymbolRcmd_Text3 = SymbolRcmd_Text3_##
SymbolRcmd_Text4 = SymbolRcmd_Text4_##
SymbolRcmd_Text5 = SymbolRcmd_Text5_##
SymbolRcmd_Text6 = SymbolRcmd_Text6_##
szAppNoInstallPlatform = You have not installed this social media app.
szCantOpenFormTipsKey = Unable to check friend's results from this screen at this
szChallengeCDNImageTimeOutKey = Loading failed.
szDirtyWordForbid = Video title contains sensitive words, please edit.
szFieldBestMvp = Overall MVP
szGuildWeekActiveRule = Activity Level Help
szGuildWeekDetailLevelFormat = Level {0}
szGuildWeekGuildAwardMaxCntFormat = Max {0}
szGuildWeekHeroExpCardFormat = Hero Trial Cards x{0}
szHonourMomentHead = [Liên Quân Mobile]
szHonourMomentTail = - LQM Time
szHonourMvpDesc = - MVP
szHonourPentaKillDesc = - Mega Kill
szHonourQuataryKillDesc = - Quad Kill
szHonourTrippleKillDesc = - Triple Kill
szInvalidUrlKey = Invalid link.
szLadderFinishTaskFormat = {0} Rewards
szLadderRecommendDescKey = Suggested
szLadderRecommendGetMoreHeroKey = Get more heroes
szLadderRecommendTitleKey = Requirements to unlock
szLadderRecommendUnlockFormat = You must acquire <color=#FED100>{0}</color> heroes
to unlock Ranked Matches. Please obtain <color=#FE6161>{1}</color> more heroes.
szLadderToActivityEndTips = This event has ended.
szNoAchievemBubbleFormat0 = How about another game?
szNoAchievemBubbleFormat1 = Thanks for the game. May I add you as a friend?
szNoAchievemBubbleFormat2 = Great job everyone!
szPlsCheckOnePlatform = Select a platform
szPlsJoinGuidKey = Please join a guild first.
szShare2GuildSuccess = Shared with guild.
szShare2SnsFailed = Sharing failed.
szShare2SnsSuccess = Shared.
szTeamBestMvp = Team MVP
szUnknowPlatformKey = Incorrect sharing platform.
Talent_Buy_1 = Talent_Buy_1_##
Talent_Buy_10 = Talent_Buy_10_##
Talent_Buy_11 = obsolete+cd80431ee9c767d9
Talent_Buy_12 = Talent_Buy_12_##
Talent_Buy_13 = obsolete
Talent_Buy_14 = obsolete
Talent_Buy_15 = obsolete
Talent_Buy_16 = obsolete
Talent_Buy_17 = obsolete
Talent_Buy_18 = obsolete
Talent_Buy_19 = obsolete
Talent_Buy_2 = Talent_Buy_2_##
Talent_Buy_20 = obsolete
Talent_Buy_3 = obsolete
Talent_Buy_4 = Talent_Buy_4_##
Talent_Buy_5 = Talent_Buy_5_##
Talent_Buy_6 = Talent_Buy_6_##
Talent_Buy_7 = Talent_Buy_7_##
Talent_Buy_8 = obsolete+c8ce313e4acbbeb9
Talent_Buy_9 = Talent_Buy_9_##
Talent_Learn = Talent_Learn_##
Talent_Open = Talent_Open_##
Task_AllFinish_Info = Task_AllFinish_Info_##
Task_Award_Text = Task_Award_Text_##
Task_Coin_Desc = Gold earned today - 0/0
Task_Completed = Completed
Task_Goto = Go
TASK_GUIDE_WEB_URL = https://goo.gl/QzqNWP
Task_HowToGet = Guide
Task_LevelRewardInfo_None = Task_LevelRewardInfo_None_##
Task_LevelRewardInfo_Normal = Task_LevelRewardInfo_Normal_##
Task_Main_Tips1 = No more quests
TASK_NEWBIE_DESC1 = You'll receive a new hero for finishing 3 matches in a day.
Data resets at the end of each day.
TASK_NEWBIE_DESC2 = Custom matches, bot matches and battles with AFK are not
Task_NEWBIE_TITLE = Road to Glory
Task_PVP_TITLE = Daily Battle Rewards
Task_Title_Main = Task_Title_Main_##
Task_Title_Usual = Task_Title_Usual_##
Task_Unlock_Text = Task_Unlock_Text_##
Task_Usual_Tips1 = All quests set for today are completed
TDir_CurRecommendTip = Based on your current location, we suggest you use the
server for <color=#ffd200>{0}</color>.
TDir_CurUnRecommendTip = <color=#ff9600>Due to your current location, choosing the
server for </color><color=#ffd200>{0}</color><color=#ff9600> may cause delays or
Tdir_My_Svr = My server
TDir_PleaseSelectRegSvr = Please choose a server.
Tdir_Rcmd_Svr = Recommended Server
TDir_Region_LastLogin = Recently used
TDir_Region_Recommend = Recommended
TDir_ShouldSelectRegSvr = Please tap <color=#ffd200>Change</color> to choose a
TeamMatching_Chat_CD_Inteval = Please wait a minute.
TeamMatching_Chat_PreText = Quick Chat
teamrewards_get = Team-up Bonus
teamrewards_getrewards = Invite your friend to earn extra rewards
teamrewards_getwhat = +{0}% EXP, +{1}% Gold
teamrewards_invitefriends = Team up with friends to get extra rewards!
teamrewards_noget = Bonus not available
teamrewards_playwithfriends = Team up with friends to get extra rewards!
teamrewards_teamadd = Team-up Bonus
teamrewards_tips = Invite your friends to join the match, +{0}% EXP, +{1}% Gold
Tencent_Bind_Android = Linked to Google Play
Tencent_Bind_IOS = Linked to Game Center
Tencent_Bind_OldFBAcnt_InSetting = This Facebook account was previously linked to
another account. Please change to a new Facebook account that can be linked to this
game account.
Tencent_BindLocalGuest = The system has detected an existing game account on this
device. Would you like to link the existing account to this Facebook account?
Tencent_CacheServerError = oobsolete+cb95eb99bdef3f2e
Tencent_Facebook_Reconnect = Reauthorize
Tencent_Facebook_Token_Expired = Facebook authorization has expired. You will not
be able to see your Facebook friends in friends, rankings and you cannot invite
them to a group.
Tencent_FB_BindGuest = Link now
Tencent_FB_NewAccount = New Game
Tencent_FB_NewFB_GuestAcc_Fail = Failed to link account.
Tencent_FB_NewFBAcc_Fail = Operation failed. Please try again.
Tencent_FB_Tips_AlreadyBindFB = This account has already been linked to a Facebook
account ({0}). Please log in with Facebook.
Tencent_FB_Title_AlreadyBindFB = Login Error
Tencent_Guest_Content = Our system has detected that you have logged in with your
Facebook account before.\n\n1) If this account has already been linked to your
Facebook account, please log in with Facebook to retrieve your profile.\n2) You may
find profile inconsistencies or missing data if log in with a guest account.\n3) If
you have multiple Facebook accounts, make sure you are using one linked to an Liên
Quân Mobile account.
Tencent_Guest_Continue = Guest\n(Continue)
Tencent_Guest_New = Guest\n(New Game)
Tencent_Guest_Title = Notice
Tencent_HasNotMatchServer = Cannot connect to server. Please try again later.
Tencent_Login_FB_Tips = Tap here to log in with your Facebook account.
Tencent_Login_GC_Tips = Tap here to log in as a guest or with your Game Center
Tencent_Login_GP_Tips = Tap here to log in as a guest or with your Google Play
TermsService = Terms of Service
TermsServiceURL = https://www.garena.vn/terms
Test_Login = Test_Login_##
Time_DayBefore = {0} [/0:$(day|days)/]
Time_Seconds = Countdown: <color=#ffd200>{0}</color>
TIME_SPAN_FORMAT = Time left: {0}D {1}H {2}M {3}S
Time_Today = Today
timeCountDown = Time left: {0}
Tip_Battle_Forbidden = The server is about to temporarily go offline. Unable to
join matches.
TIPS_AUTO_DEGRADE_QUALITY = Our system has noticed that your game speed is
unstable. Please, reduce the resolution for a smoother experience.
TIPS_DEGRADE_QUALITY = Your game speed is unstable; do you want to reduce the
Tips_GCBindTips = Please go to "Settings" to login to Game Center
Tips_TapScreenContinue = Tap the screen to continue
Title_Tips = Cannot connect to Game Center
Toggle_Locked = This feature is not supported under this mode.
Tourist_login = Guest Login
Training_Camp_Guide = Guide
Training_Camp_Raiders_Station = Academy
Training_Camp_Recruit = Tutorials
TrainingCamp_DirectButton_Claimed = Try now
TrainingCamp_DirectButton_HeroInfo = Hero Trial
TrainLevel_Settel_Tile0 = Training Camp Completion Reward
Trainlevel_Text_Lock_1 = Unlocked<color=#f6bf17ff> after completing</color> Basic
Trainlevel_Text_Lock_2 = Unlock<color=#f6bf17ff> after completing</color> Practical
Trainlevel_Text_Lock_3 = Unlock<color=#f6bf17ff> after completing</color> Advanced
Trainlevel_Text_Lock_4 = Trainlevel_Text_Lock_4_##
TrainLevel_Tips0 = Antaris Battlefield is a new map. \nWe suggest starting with the
Tutorial.\nCompletion rewards:<color=#ca3939> 50 Gems</color> \nEnter?
Transfer_Visitor_Data = Transfer_Visitor_Data_##
Trusteeship_Ask = Your teammate has left. Where should the AI hero go?
TurnOn_Speaker = Player unmuted.
Tutorial Engage = Tap here to send an \n<color=#f6bf17ff>Attack Signal</color>
Tutorial_Level_Qiut_Tip = Tutorial_Level_Qiut_Tip_##
Tutorial_Old_Glory_Button = Tutorial_Old_Glory_Button_##
Tutorial_Old_Glory_Title = Tutorial_Old_Glory_Title_##
Tutorial_Old_Task_Button = Tutorial_Old_Task_Button_##
Tutorial_Old_Task_Title = Tutorial_Old_Task_Title_##
Tutorial_ScoreBoard_AddFriend = You should probably add the MVP as your friend!
Tutorial_Wifi_Alert = These advanced clips require more bandwidth. We suggest
watching them using Wi-Fi. Continue?
UI_DaLuandou_MapName = Abyssal Clash
UI_HeroInfo_HeroFeatureTitle = Role
UI_HeroInfo_Proficiency = None
UI_Mail_TipsTxt = Tap your mail to check messages.
Union_Battle_Tips1 = Union_Battle_Tips1_##
Union_Battle_Tips10 = Union_Battle_Tips10_##
Union_Battle_Tips11 = Union_Battle_Tips11_##
Union_Battle_Tips12 = Union_Battle_Tips12_##
Union_Battle_Tips13 = Union_Battle_Tips13_##
Union_Battle_Tips14 = Union_Battle_Tips14_##
Union_Battle_Tips15 = Union_Battle_Tips15_##
Union_Battle_Tips16 = Union_Battle_Tips16_##
Union_Battle_Tips17 = Union_Battle_Tips17_##
Union_Battle_Tips18 = Union_Battle_Tips18_##
Union_Battle_Tips19 = Union_Battle_Tips19_##
Union_Battle_Tips2 = Union_Battle_Tips2_##
Union_Battle_Tips20 = Union_Battle_Tips20_##
Union_Battle_Tips3 = Union_Battle_Tips3_##
Union_Battle_Tips4 = Union_Battle_Tips4_##
Union_Battle_Tips5 = Union_Battle_Tips5_##
Union_Battle_Tips6 = Union_Battle_Tips6_##
Union_Battle_Tips7 = Union_Battle_Tips7_##
Union_Battle_Tips8 = Union_Battle_Tips8_##
Union_Battle_Tips9 = Union_Battle_Tips9_##
USBind_CannotInEditor = Unable to link account in Unity. Please use a mobile phone
or tablet instead.
USBind_ELSE_ERROR = An error has occurred. Please contact Customer Service
(CS@proximabeta.com) for assistance.
USBind_Fail = Failed to link account, please try again later.
USBind_NetWork = Please check your internet connection and try again.
USBind_NETWORK_ERROR = Sorry, something went wrong with your Internet connection!
Please have a check and try again.
USBind_NotHandle = An error has occurred. Please contact Customer Service
(CS@proximabeta.com) for assistance.
USBind_Pay_Cancel = Cancel
USBind_Pay_GO = Link
USBind_Pay_WithoutBind = Yes
USBind_PayTip_Android = You have not linked this account to Facebook yet. Please
link to Facebook to protect yourself from losing access to your account.
USBind_PayTip_IOS = You have not linked this account to Facebook yet. Please link
to Facebook to protect yourself from losing access to your account.
USBind_RestoreCBT_Cancel = No
USBind_RestoreCBT_Cancel2 = Cancel
USBind_RestoreCBT_Fail = Failed to override profile. Try again later.
USBind_RestoreCBT_Go = Yes
USBind_RestoreCBT_Go2 = Confirm
USBind_RestoreCBT_Success = Override profile success. Please login again.
USBind_RestoreCBT_Tip_Android = Your Google Play account is linked to another
profile. Do you want to replace the current profile with the one on your Google
Play account?
USBind_RestoreCBT_Tip_Android2 = Do you want to switch to the profile attached to
your Google Play account? If you choose "Confirm", the progress and payment data on
the current profile will be lost.
USBind_RestoreCBT_Tip_IOS = Your Game Center account is linked to another profile.
Do you want to replace the current profile with the one on your Game Center
USBind_RestoreCBT_Tip_IOS2 = Do you want to switch to the profile attached to your
Game Center account? If you choose "Confirm", the progress and payment data on the
current profile will be lost.
USBind_RestoreTimeUP = Override profile timed out. Try again later.
USBind_RetNotConnected = You have already linked to another account. Please switch
accounts and try again.
USBind_SERVICE_DISABLED = Google Play services are not enabled. Cannot link
USBind_SERVICE_INVALID = Google Play services are not enabled. Cannot link account.
USBind_SERVICE_MISSING = Please install Google Play Services to use this feature
USBind_SERVICE_VERSION_UPDATE_REQUIRED = Google Play service is out of date, Update
it and try again.
USBind_SIGN_IN_REQUIRED = Please log in to Google Play and try again.
USBind_Success = Congratulations! Your account was successfully linked.
USBind_UserCancel = You have canceled your account link.
UseDiamondForbid = Your gems have been frozen!
UseDianQuanForbid = Your Vouchers have been frozen!
UseGoldCoinForbid = Your Gold was frozen!
VaildHeroCountNotEnough = Unable to join Ranked Matches because you don't have
enough heroes.
VersionIsLow = Your game version is out of date. Please restart the game to update
to the latest version.
VersionNeedUpdate = An update is available. Tap 'OK' to log out, then restart the
game to finish the update. You may tap 'Cancel' to ignore the update but this may
negatively affect your gaming experience.
VersionUpdate = Update
VersionUpdate_DownloadYYB = VersionUpdate_DownloadYYB_##
VersionUpdate_DownloadYYBFail = VersionUpdate_DownloadYYBFail_##
VersionUpdate_DownloadYYBProgress = Current download progress: {0}
VersionUpdate_ForceUpdateResource_Lan = A new update is available! Please download
it as soon as possible.
VersionUpdate_NormalUpdate = Normal update
VersionUpdate_PrepareInstall = Analyzing update...
VersionUpdate_YYBSaveUpdate = Data-saving update
Video_Server_Error = Error connecting to server. The game has stopped.
Video_Share_Url_ForGuild = https://topplays.kg.garenanow.com/fcgi-
Video_Share_Url_Format = https://topplays.kg.garenanow.com/fcgi-
Voice_Battle_CloseMic = Microphone off
Voice_Battle_CloseSpeaker = Voice chat off
Voice_Battle_FIrstOPenSpeak = Tap the speaker icon\n to turn on voice chat
Voice_Battle_FirstTips = Tap the speaker icon\n to turn on voice chat
Voice_Battle_OpenMic = Microphone on
Voice_Battle_OpenSpeaker = Voice chat on
Voice_Cannot_JoinVoiceRoom = Failed to connect to voice server. Please try again
Voice_Cannot_OpenSetting = Voice chat is not on, please switch it on in the
Voice_Func_Not_Open = This function is not available yet.
Voice_Server_Not_Open_Tips = Failed to connect. Please try again later.
VoiceSysError_OnlyOnePersonDenied = Not enough people to start voice chat.
VotingResult = Results
VotingSystem_Commendation_0 = Nice work!
VotingSystem_Commendation_1 = Be my wingman anytime!
VotingSystem_Commendation_2 = Join me in another match?
VotingSystem_Commendation_3 = It was a pleasure pwning with you!
VotingSystem_Commendation_4 = Wow! Very impressive!
VotingSystem_Commendation_5 = Well done!
Wait_For_Me = Hold on
Wait_FoundOtherPlayers = Match Found
Wait_OtherPlayersToGetReady = Waiting for other players
Wakeup_Bigcon = You have met the requirements to evolve the skin:
<color=#399196>{0}</color>.\nEvolve the skin into: <color=#399196>{1}</color>!
Wakeup_Button = Evolve
Wakeup_Button1 = Ignore
Wakeup_Button2 = Evolve now
Wakeup_ConditionDes = Evolution Skin
Wakeup_CritExp_Tips = {0}x Multiplier
Wakeup_Description = Reach Evolution Level {0} to gain:
Wakeup_Error_1 = You don't have any Evo Crystals.
Wakeup_Error_2 = You have not obtained this hero yet.
Wakeup_Error_3 = You have already evolved this skin to the highest level.
Wakeup_Error_4 = You have not met the requirements.
Wakeup_Error_5 = An error has occurred. Please try again.
Wakeup_Exp = Evolution EXP
Wakeup_GetTopSkin_Tips = Congratulations! You have evolved the skin to the highest
Wakeup_Item_NotEnough = Need more Evo Crystals.
Wakeup_Level = Level {0}
Wakeup_Level_Number1 = Ⅰ
Wakeup_Level_Number2 = Ⅱ
Wakeup_Level_Number3 = Ⅲ
Wakeup_Level_Number4 = Ⅳ
Wakeup_Level_Number5 = Ⅴ
Wakeup_Level_Number6 = Ⅵ
Wakeup_Level_Title = Evolution Level {0}
Wakeup_Procedure = Evo Level Effects
Wakeup_Requirement = Evolution Requirements
Wakeup_Requirement_Title = Requirements:
Wakeup_Top = Highest Level
Wakeup_Way = Obtainable via <color=#399196>skin evolution</color>
WakeupSkinVideoAdd = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJ49HL27__A
WakeupSkinVideoCover = 301504_skin
WakupSkin_TopSkinTip = Evolve to level {0} to gain {1}
WakupSkinUse_NeedAchieve = You have not met the requirements to evolve this skin.
Watch_PauseMultiGame = Pause
WeChat_login = WeChat_login_##
WeekCardTakeEffect = WeekCardTakeEffect_##
WeeklyAward = Weekly Reward
WeeklyProgress = Completed <color=#ffd200>{0}</color> games
WeeklyReward = Weekly
WeeklyTips = Complete {0} matches to collect rewards.
Win_Times = Win Streak
WinTrick_Tips_DefaultHeroName = Heroes
WinTrick_Tips_text = WinTrick_Tips_text_##
WinTrick_Url_Hero = http://pvp.qq.com/ingame/all/newshero.shtml?
WinTrick_Url_Result = http://pvp.qq.com/ingame/all/newshero.shtml?
Words_Forbidden = Unable to send message because you have been reported for verbal
abuse. You have been muted for <color=yellow>{0}</color>.
WorldAchieveRankName = Achievement Rankings
WorldChat_FilterFunctionLocked = Function not available.
WorldChat_LangIDInvalid = Language not available
WorldChat_LoginLangNotContained = Please also select your system language
WorldConsumeQuanRankName = Voucher Spent Rankings
WorldConWinRankName = Win Streak Rankings
WorldGameVIPRankName = World Rankings Table
WorldHeroCountRankName = Hero Rankings
WorldLadderRankName = Overall Rankings
WorldSkinCountRankName = Skin Rankings
WorldWinCountRankName = Victory Rankings
WriteFileFail = Failed to write the file! Please, check your storage (e.g. SD card)
and make sure it is authorized.
ZeroProfit_Tips = You have 0 income!
Zone_All = All servers
Zone_CROWDED = Jammed
Zone_FINE = Good
Zone_HEAVY = Busy
Zone_HOT = <color=#b72d16ff>[Hot]</color>
Zone_LastLogin = Recently used
Zone_NEW = <color=#157f15ff>[New]</color>
Zone_Recommend = <color=#1981b2ff>[Recommended]</color>
Zone_Tips = (Friends from other servers can send Gold too)
Zone_UNAVAILABLE = The server is temporarily unavailable. Please check back in a
couple of hours.

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