Southern Literary Messenger in 1835. The story follows a man named Egaeus
who is preparing to marry his cousin Berenice. He has a tendency to fall into
periods of intense focus during which he seems to separate himself from the
outside world. Berenice begins to deteriorate from an unnamed disease until the
only part of her remaining healthy is her teeth, which become the object of
Egaeus' obsession. Berenice is buried, and Egaeus continues to contemplate
her teeth. One day Egaeus wakes up from a period of focus with an uneasy
feeling, and the sound of screams in his ears. A servant startles him by telling
him Berenice's grave has been disturbed, and she is still alive; but beside
Egaeus is a shovel, a poem about "visiting the grave of my beloved" and a box
containing 32 blood-stained teeth.
Plot summary
The narrator, Egaeus, is a studious young man who grows up in a large gloomy
mansion with his cousin Berenice. He suffers from a type of obsessive disorder,
a monomania that makes him fixate on objects. She, originally beautiful, suffers
from some unspecified degenerative illness, with periods of catalepsy a
particular symptom, which he refers to as a trance. Nevertheless, they are due
to be married.
One afternoon, Egaeus sees Berenice as he sits in the library. When she
smiles, he focuses on her teeth. His obsession grips him, and for days he drifts
in and out of awareness, constantly thinking about the teeth. He imagines
himself holding the teeth and turning them over to examine them from all
angles. At one point a servant tells him that Berenice has died and shall be
buried. When he next becomes aware, with an inexplicable terror, he finds a
lamp and a small box in front of him. Another servant enters, reporting that a
grave has been violated, and a shrouded disfigured body found, still alive.
Egaeus finds his clothes are covered in mud and blood, and opens the box to
find it contains dental instruments and "thirty-two small, white and ivory-looking
substances" – Berenice's teeth.
In "Berenice", Poe was following the popular traditions of Gothic fiction, a genre
well-followed by American and British readers for several decades.[2] Poe,
however, made his Gothic stories more sophisticated, dramatizing terror by
using more realistic images.[3] This story is one of Poe's most violent. As the
narrator looks at the box which he may subconsciously know contains his
cousin's teeth, he asks himself, "Why... did the hairs of my head erect
themselves on end, and the blood of my body become congealed within my
veins?" Poe does not actually include the scene where the teeth are pulled out.
The reader also knows that Egaeus was in a trance-like state at the time,
incapable of responding to evidence that his cousin was still alive as he
committed the gruesome act. Additionally, the story emphasizes that all 32 of
her teeth were removed.
The main theme lies in the question that Egaeus asks himself: "How is it that
from beauty I have derived a type of unloveliness?" [4] Poe also uses a character
afflicted with monomania for the first time, a device he uses many times again. [3]
Poe may have used the names of the two characters to call to mind the
conventions of ancient Greek tragedy. Berenice's name (which means "bringer
of victory") comes from a poem by Callimachus. In the poem, Berenice
promises her hair to Aphrodite if her husband returns from war safely. Egaeus
may come from Aegeus, a legendary king of Athens who had committed suicide
when he thought his son Theseus had died attempting to kill the Minotaur.[3]
The final lines of the story are purposely protracted using a series of
conjunctions connecting multiple clauses. The rhythm as well as the heavy
accented consonant and long vowels sounds helps unify the effect.[8]
Incidentally, this is one of the few Poe stories whose narrator is named.
by Tattoo