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October 2011

The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER)
Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM) is concurrently distributed from the Ministry of
Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) Earth Remote Sensing Data Analysis Center
(ERSDAC) in Japan and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Earth Observing System (EOS) Data Information System (EOSDIS) Land Processes
(LP) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) in the United States.

Version 2 is produced with the same gridding and tile structure as Version 1.
Improvements over version 1 include the use of additional scenes to improve coverage,
a smaller correlation kernel to yield higher spatial resolution, and an improved water

- ii -
Executive Summary ................................................................................................................. ii
Contents ................................................................................................................................... 3
List of Tables and Figures ....................................................................................................... 3
Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 4
ASTER GDEM Characteristics ................................................................................................ 5
Basic GDEM Characteristics .................................................................................................. 5

GDEM Package ..................................................................................................................... 5

QA File Description ................................................................................................................ 6

GDEM Validation Summary ..................................................................................................... 9

Disclaimer................................................................................................................................. 9
Use Constraints ....................................................................................................................... 9
User Services ..........................................................................................................................10
Acronym List ...........................................................................................................................11


Figure 1 ASTER GDEM File Structure ....................................................................................... 6

Table 1 ASTER GDEM Characteristics ...................................................................................... 5

Table 2 Anomaly Replacement Sources .................................................................................... 8

The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) on
the National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA) spacecraft Terra is capable
of collecting in-track stereo using nadir- and aft- looking near infrared cameras. Since
2001, these stereo pairs have been used to produce single-scene (60- x 60-kilometer
(km)) digital elevation models (DEM) having vertical (root-mean-squared-error)
accuracies generally between 10- and 25-meters (m). On June 29, 2009, NASA and the
Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) of Japan released a Global Digital
Elevation Model (GDEM) to users worldwide at no charge as a contribution to the
Global Earth Observing System of Systems. This “Version 1” ASTER GDEM (GDEM
1.0) was compiled from over 1.2 million scene-based DEMs covering land surface
between 83 degrees (°) north (N) and 83° south (S) latitudes. GDEM 1.0 is a 1 arc-
second elevation grid divided and distributed as 1° x 1° tiles.

A joint U.S.-Japan validation team assessed the accuracy of GDEM 1.0, augmented by
a team of 20 cooperators selected through an Announcement of Opportunity. In
summary, GDEM 1.0 was found to have an overall accuracy of around 20-m at the 95
percent (%) confidence level. The team also noted several artifacts associated with poor
coverage, cloud contamination, water masking issues, and the stacking process used to
produce GDEM 1.0 from individual scene-based DEMs (ASTER GDEM Validation
Team, 2009). An independent horizontal resolution study estimated the effective spatial
resolution of GDEM 1.0 to be on the order of 120-m.

NASA and METI released a second version of the ASTER GDEM (GDEM 2) in mid-
October, 2011. GDEM 2 has the same gridding and tile structure as GDEM 1.0, but
benefits from the inclusion of additional scenes to reduce artifacts, higher horizontal
resolution using a smaller correlation kernel (5 x 5 versus 9 x 9 used for GDEM 1.0),
and an improved water mask. Also, a 5-m overall bias observed in GDEM 1.0 was
removed in the newer version. GDEM 2 has an overall accuracy of around 17-m at the
95% confidence level, and a horizontal resolution on the order of 75-m.

The ASTER GDEM covers land surfaces between 83 N and 83 S and is comprised of
22,702 1 x 1 tiles. Tiles that contain at least 0.01% land area are included. The
ASTER GDEM is distributed as Georeferenced Tagged Image File Format (GeoTIFF)
files, and in geographic coordinates (latitude, longitude). The data are posted on a 1
arc-second (approximately 30-m at the equator) grid and referenced to the 1984 World
Geodetic System (WGS84)/1996 Earth Gravitational Model (EGM96) geoid. The basic
characteristics of the GDEM collection are summarized in the following table.

Table 1 ASTER GDEM Characteristics

°degree, DEM Digital Elevation Model, GeoTIFF Georeferenced Tagged Image File Format, m meter, DN
digital number, WGS84 1984 World Geodetic System, EGM96 1996 Earth Gravitational Model,

Tile Size 3601 x 3601 (1 x 1 )

Pixel Size 1 arc-second

Geographic Coordinate
Geographic latitude and longitude

GeoTIFF, signed 16-bit, in units of vertical meters

DEM Output Format
Referenced to the WGS84/EGM96 geoid

Special DN Values -9999 for void pixels, and 0 for sea water body

Coverage North 83 to South 83 , 22,702 tiles

The basic unit of the ASTER GDEM is the 1 x 1 tile. Each GDEM tile includes a DEM
(.dem), a quality assessment (QA, .num), and this readme file (.pdf), all of which are
compressed into a single “.zip”. Both data files (.dem and .num) have dimensions of
3,601 samples by 3,601 lines, corresponding to the 1 x 1 tile area.

Figure 1 ASTER GDEM File Structure

The names of individual data tiles refer to the latitude and longitude at the geometric
center of the lower-left (southwest) corner pixel. For example, the coordinates of the
lower-left corner of the tile ASTGTM_N00E006 tile are 0 degrees north latitude and 6
degrees east longitude. ASTGTM_N00E006_dem and ASTGTM_N00E006_num files
accommodate DEM and QA data, respectively. The rows at the north and south edges,
as well as the columns at the east and west edges, of each tile overlap and are identical
to the edge row and column in the adjacent tile.

The QA file indicates the number of ASTER stereo scene pairs (“stacking number”)
used to determine elevation at given pixel (if positive), or indicates the source of non-
ASTER elevation data used to replace bad values in the ASTER GDEM (if negative).

Without adequate input, the automated cloud masking and statistical approaches used
to select data for stacking are not totally effective in avoiding anomalous elevation
values. The figure below shows the effect of the number of scene pairs used on
elevation accuracy, as compared to over 18,000 geodetic reference points within the
Conterminous U.S. The mean (red) and root-mean-square errors (blue) are high for
stacking values below 5, but stabilize between 5 and 10 scene pairs. Thus a low
stacking number can suggest less accurate GDEM elevations.

Figure 2 The relationship between mean and RMS error, and the stacking number (“NUM”), using
18,000 geodetic control points as a reference over the Conterminous U.S. The yellow line
indicates the number of pixels having a given stacking number value; thus “NUM” values below 3
or above 23 occur rarely in this region. Note that the occurrence of low “NUM” values can be more
common over persistently cloudy regions, particularly at high latitudes.

Negative values in the QA file indicate pixels that have been replaced with non-ASTER
data. Replacement includes adjustment for offsets between the ASTER and reference
DEM data. Each negative value is assigned to a specific replacement DEM, as shown
in the table below.

Table 2 Anomaly Replacement Sources

SRTM3 Shuttle Radar Topography Mission 3, V3 Version 3, V2 Version 2, ° degrees, % percent, NED
U.S. National Elevation Data, U.S. United States, CDED Canadian Digital Elevation Data, DEM Digital
Elevation Model

Source Description GDEM QA


Posting: 3 arc seconds

Coverage: North 60 to South 56 -1
(Void-filled version)
Only about 90% tiles of SRTM V3 are void filled

Posting: 3 arc seconds

SRTM3 V2 -2
Coverage: North 60 to South 56

NED Posting: 1 arc second

Coverage: Conterminous U.S.

Posting: 3 arc seconds for latitude; 3, 6 and 12 arc

seconds for longitude, depending on latitude
Coverage: all Canada territory

Posting: 2 arc seconds

Alaska DEM -11
Coverage: all Alaska territory

NASA and METI, in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Earth
Remote Sensing Data Analysis Center (ERSDAC), and other collaborating members of
the ASTER GDEM 2 Validation Team evaluated the new collection and compiled their
findings in a report. This report can be downloaded from or

Substantial improvements were noted in the quality of GDEM 2 over the original GDEM
1.0, due specifically to the increased number of acquired ASTER stereo pairs and
refinements to the production algorithm (water masking, smaller correlation kernel size,
bias removal). These improvements include increased horizontal and vertical accuracy,
better horizontal resolution, reduced presence of artifacts, and more realistic values
over water bodies.

While the ASTER GDEM 2 benefits from substantial improvements over GDEM 1, users
are nonetheless advised that the products still may contain anomalies and artifacts that
will reduce its usability for certain applications. The data are provided “as is” and neither
NASA nor METI/ERSDAC will be responsible for any damages resulting from use of the

ASTER GDEM 2 is subject to user acknowledgment of redistribution and citation
policies required by METI and NASA. Before ordering ASTER GDEM data, users must
agree to adhere to these policies, which can be found on the LP DAAC ASTER Product
Policies Web page at When
presenting or publishing ASTER GDEM data, users are required to include a citation
stating, "ASTER GDEM is a product of METI and NASA."

ASTER GDEM users are welcome to contact either ERSDAC or LP DAAC support
teams for information and assistance.

Earth Remote Sensing Data Analysis Center

ASTER GDS User Service

LP DAAC User Services
Voice: 011 1 605 594 6116
Toll Free in U.S.: 888-573-3222
Facsimile: 011 1 605 594 6963

- 10 -
Acronym Definition
° Degree
% Percent
AO Announcement of Opportunity
ASTER Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer
CalTech California Institute of Technology
CDED Canadian Digital Elevation Data
DAAC Distributed Active Archive Center
DEM Digital Elevation Model
DN Digital Number
EGM96 1996 Earth Gravitational Model
ERSDAC Earth Remote Sensing Data Analysis Center
GDEM Global Digital Elevation Model
GDS Ground Data Systems
GEOSS Global Earth Observation System of Systems
GeoTIFF Georeferenced Tagged Image File Format
km Kilometer
LP Land Processes
m Meter
METI Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry
N North
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NED National Elevation Data
PDF Portable Document Format
QA Quality Assurance
RMSE Root Mean Square Error
S South
SRTM Shuttle Radar Topography Mission
U.S. United States
USGS U.S. Geological Survey
WGS84 1984 World Geodetic System

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