LT Changing Land

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A publication of the Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute

September 2017

Texas landowner
changes and trends
Texas Land Trends | September 2017
Texas landowner
changes and trends
PUBLISHED BY About the Data
Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute
The goal of the Texas Landowner Changes and

CONTRIBUTORS Trends report is to describe the state’s growing
Alison Lund population and changing rural landowners (also
Addie Smith
Angelica Lopez referred to as operators in this report). Through
Roel Lopez incorporation of several datasets, we developed a
framework for evaluating landowner demograph- Texas is changing. Rural working lands in Texas are selling, subdividing, and converting to alternative
Alison Lund ics among privately owned, rural working lands land uses at an unprecedented rate. Rapid population growth across the state continues to influence
in Texas. This report considers racial and ethnic land fragmentation and land use changes, impacting rural working lands and the natural resources
James Cathey demographic datasets to better understand Texas’ they provide. Landowner factors such as age, land residency, and land-use preferences influence
Leslie Lee population and rural landowners, and follows the management decisions on rural working lands. Public benefits derived from these lands, such as clean
Kathy Wythe
Census of Agriculture’s racial classifications (i.e., air and water, fish and wildlife habitat, ecosystem services, and recreation, are needed but are limited
EXTERNAL REVIEWERS African-American, Hispanic, White, and Other by a shrinking open space land mass. Understanding Texas’ changing population and land manage-
Justin Dreibelbis [including Asian, Multi-Race, American Indian or ment needs can help inform land development planning, education, and policies geared toward sus-
James Oliver
Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian or other Pacific taining the states’ rich open spaces and natural resources for generations to come.
Photo credits: Carol M. Highsmith, Islander]).
Library of Congress; Mike Robinson

Citation: Lund, A.A., L.A. Smith, A.D.

Data Disclaimer
Lopez, and R.R. Lopez. 2017. Texas Several datasets and sources were used in the
landowner changes and trends. Texas A&M
drafting of this report. Due to differences in data
Natural Resources Institute.
College Station, TX, USA. collection and methodology among these data
sources, there are some differences in reported
Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute numbers. Missing data and undisclosed data due to
578 John Kimbrough Blvd. confidentiality concerns may also result in discrep-
College Station, TX 77843
979.845.1851 | ancies between the various data sources used in this
report. Note the U.S. Department of Agriculture
For more information, (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service’s
visit our website at (NASS) Census of Agriculture conducts nationwide
surveys every five years, and most recently released data for the year 2012; the current survey for 2017
will not be publicly available until 2019. The data
sources used in this report include:

• USDA NASS Census of Agriculture

• United States Census Bureau
• Texas Demographic Center
• Texas State Comptroller of Public Accounts Texas Land Trends 2017 1
Figure 3. Expected population increase
Total Increase by county (2010–2050), 0.5 Migration
Decrease Scenario
They say everything is bigger in Texas, 5,000-10,000
and the same can be said about the state’s
ever-growing human population. Since
the early 1900’s, Texas has outpaced the
nation in population growth. Most recent
increases averaged about 2% per year
between 1997 to 2012, while the national
average was approximately 2% for the
entire 15-year period (Figure 1). The state’s
various attractions, including its central Total Increase
location, ample natural resources, vast Decrease
landscapes, and business-friendly environ- 1-5,000
ment, have likely contributed to the state’s 5,000-25,000
net migration patterns and employment 25,000-50,000
sector gains. State demographer projec- 50,000-100,000
tions indicate continued population growth 100,000-500,000

should be expected over the next 40 years,
and could potentially double by 2050 (Fig-
Figure 1. Total population increase by county (1997–2012)
ure 2).

The movement and distribution of people on the landscape has impacted land use and ownership
patterns across the state. Texas Land Trends data suggests increases in population density in urban
centers may influence private, rural ownerships and subsequent changes to current land uses in
1.0 Migration Scenario—population growth with a migration rate Texas due to the increased needs for development, resulting in urban sprawl outside city limits. State
equal to growth patterns observed from 2000–2010
migration scenarios predict the fastest growth from 2010 to 2050 will occur in the suburban ring

0.5 Migration Scenario—population growth at a migration

rate that is half of the observed population growth
54M surrounding large urban counties, including Harris, Dallas, Tarrant, Bexar, and Travis (Figure 3). This
projection mirrors population growth trends from 1997 to 2012, where the greatest increases over the
15-year period occurred within an area known as the “Texas triangle.” During this period, other coun-
from 2000–2010
ties with major urban centers, such as El Paso, Cameron, Hidalgo, and Webb counties, demonstrated

Zero Migration Scenario—population similar trends with development around urban outskirts.

growth with zero migration

The Texas triangle includes counties within

25M 31M and surrounding the metroplexes of

Austin, San Antonio, Houston,
and Dallas/Fort Worth.
2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

Figure 2. Projected population increase (2010–2050) Texas Land Trends 2017 2


Texas Land Trends demographic data highlights a statewide increase in average operator age, a 4-year
increase since 1997 (Figures 4 and 5). Over the next decade, Texas will experience the largest intergener-
ational land transfer and potential change in land use to date. Aging rural landowners in Texas will soon
transfer working lands to younger generations and first-time landowners. There new landowners may have
less experience or connection with the land, lack basic knowledge of agricultural operations and manage-
ment, or lack the financial capital to maintain the land once inherited.

12% 45-54 YEARS: 21%

25-44 YRS OLD 45-64 YRS OLD

2007 2012
35-44 YEARS: 8%
55-64 YEARS: 28%

25-34 YEARS: 4%

Average Age

<1% 39%
<25 YRS OLD >65 YRS OLD 65
Figure 4. Percent of operators by age group (2012) Figure 5. Average age of operators by county (1997–2012) Texas Land Trends 2017 3
WOMEN & MEN s) e
While men still make up the
e al
<25 YEARS: <1%
>65 YEARS: 43%
majority of landowners in Texas 25-34 YEARS: 3%
(a ed of to
(85% of operations in 2012), the
S i z e
r a t
a tio ale ors
presence of women as primary 35-44 YEARS: 7%
n s age n p e R m rat
operators and the number of acres tio ver rati o
s O Fe pe
r A e re O
e p c
2012 Op
they manage have increased since
1997 (Figure 6). This gain could be
attributed to unexpected changes
1997 O A
PERCENT OF 45-54 YEARS: 20% 202,463 593 120,057,426
in ownership, such as the death of

a spouse. In 2012, the average age
of female operators in Texas was
FEMALE 25,710 398 10,244,051
63 years old, slightly higher than
the overall average landowner
age (60 years old). As landown-
ers across Texas age, continued
changes in land ownership and MALE 210,357 544 114,343,873
55-64 YEARS: 27%
operators are likely to continue to
shift. FEMALE 38,452 307 11,809,537

1997 2002 2007 2012

No data
<50 150-200
50-100 200-250
100-150 >250

Figure 6. Number of female operations by county (1997–2012) Texas Land Trends 2017 4
The number of operations reported by the USDA’s NASS Census of Agriculture Hispanic 20,351 23,689
demographic dataset reveals minor changes in Texas’ landowner base since African-American 6,124 8,551

2007, the first reporting year of this data. Statewide data indicates increasing
Other 4,686 4,782
trends in both African-American and Hispanic-owned operations and acres
over the 5-year period from 2007 to 2012. Future population increases may
contribute to continued upward trends in minority landowner groups in future
years. According to state population projections, the Hispanic population, for total operations
example, made up 38% of the state’s population in 2010 and will likely surpass
all other ethnicities and make up 53% of the entire population by 2050
(Figure 7).
White African-American

Hispanic Other
Population (millions)

total acres

2007 2012
White 104,554,595 112,741,530
Hispanic 5,142,720 6,612,971
White African-American African-American 561,693 900,870
Hispanic Other Other 733,251 694,266

Figure 7. Texas projected population increase by race/ethnicity (2010–2050), 0.5 Migration Scenario NUMBER OF ACRES OPERATED Texas Land Trends 2017 5

TRENDS(1997- 2012)
Texas Land Trends data reveals
an important trend in the con-
centration and rise of resident

As Texas’ working lands undergo shifts in owner- landowners and small-acreage
ship and management, an important variable comes operations (<100 acres in size).
The number of resident land-
to light—landowner residence. Absentee landown-
ers, or those who own the land but do not live on it, owners and small-acreage farms OPERATIONS
are often perceived to live primarily in urban areas both appear to increase together,
and use their rural lands solely for recreational or indicating a possible connection
financial purposes. During the 1997 to 2012 period,
absentee ownership remained relatively consistent,
in 2012 between fragmentation of work-
ing lands and residency of Texas
fluctuating within a range of about 5,000 operators rural landowners (Figures 9 and

across the state, suggesting a minimal turnover of
ownership in this category (Figure 8). Conversely,
statewide data highlights a substantial gain of

about 40,000 new resident landowners, or those
who own and reside on the land, during this same
period (Figure 8). Intergenerational land transfers, RESIDENT
paired with rising land market values and expand-
ing urban centers, all lend themselves to an overall
increase in the number of new operators, particu- ABSENTEE 31%
larly in areas in close proximity to urban centers.

Ownerships (thousands)


130 Resident
110 Total Increase
90 50-100
70 >500
1997 2002 2007 2012
(Top) Figure 9. Total change in small acreage operations (<100 acres) by county (1997–2012)
Figure 8. Total change in resident and absentee land ownership (1997–2012) (Bottom) Figure 10. Total change in resident landowners by county (1997–2012) Texas Land Trends 2017 6
Statewide ownership data indicates the majority of landowners (approximately 84%) hold small oper-
ations (<500 acres in size). Small ownerships in Texas experienced the greatest rise in individual own-
erships with a net increase of about 24,000 farms and ranches from 1997 to 2012. According to Texas Population and demographic changes greatly influence Texas’ working lands, as private landowners,
Land Trends data, there appears to be an important connection between land ownership size and the who own the majority of land in the state, are ultimately responsible for the stewardship of work-
profitability of a farm or ranch operation. As property size decreases, the ability to operate the land as ing lands. The states’ people, places, and perspectives change over time, innovative educational and
a primary source of income for traditional farming, ranching, and forestry uses also decreases (Figure financial options for landowners are needed to support and promote working land conservation and
11). As a result, landowners with smaller tracts may be less able to use their land to its fullest poten- management.
tial as a means of primary income, solely because of its small size. This does not diminish the value of
rural lands as an income source for landowners but instead suggests the need for multiple streams of
income. Operational challenges associated with smaller property sizes often facilitate the transition of
2012 USDA Census of Agriculture Data
land from one use to another (e.g., farm to residential development, etc.), thus creating potential loss

of working lands and natural resource services. Primary operator

B IL I T Y 56% 85%
IT A 65,547 depend on the

44% 15%
operation as
O F their primary
are new to occupation
P ag operations
% 37%
(<10 years on current operation)


25% 2016 Texas Parks & Wildlife Department/Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute
Landowner Survey

Family Recreation Hunting Wildlife Enjoyment

Size Class (acres)
Figure 11. Percent of farm and ranch operations reporting positive net proceeds by owership size (2012) Texas Land Trends 2017 7
DEFINITIONS Absentee landowner–landowners who do not reside permanently on their land. Donnelly, S., and T. P. Evans. 2008. Characterizing spatial patterns of land ownership

Ethnicity–the concept of social grouping with common national or cultural traditions or at the parcel level in south-central Indiana, 1928–1997. Landscape and Urban
heritage. People who identify their origin as Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish may be of any race. Planning 84:230-240.

Farm/Operation/Ownership–farms, ranches, or forests from which $1,000 or more of

Kjelland, M. E., U. P. Kreuter, G. A. Clendenin, R. N. Wilkins, X. B. Wu, E. G. Afanador,
agricultural products were produced and sold, or normally would have been sold, during the
and W. E. Grant. 2007. Factors related to spatial patterns of rural land fragmenta-
Census of Agriculture census year. See also working lands.
tion in Texas. Environmental Management 40:231-244.
Land fragmentation–the spatial discontinuity of habitat patches or land cover.
Net migration–includes both domestic in-migration and international immigration. Maler, G., and H. D. Hunt. 2010. The changing face of Texas. Texas A&M University
Open space–land that is valued for natural processes and wildlife, agricultural and forest Real Estate Center, College Station, Texas, USA.
production, aesthetic beauty, active and passive recreation, and other public benefits. Open
space may be protected or unprotected, public or private lands. Petersen, D., and L. Assanie. 2005. The face of Texas : jobs, people, business, change.
Dallas, TX : Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, [2005].
Operator/Landowner–a person who operates a farm, either doing the work or making
day-to-day decisions about such things as planting, harvesting, feeding, and marketing. The
operator may be the owner, a member of the owner’s household, a hired manager, a tenant, Petrzelka, P., Z. Ma, and S. Malin. 2013. The elephant in the room: Absentee landowner
a renter, or a sharecropper. If a person rents land to others or has land worked on shares by issues in conservation and land management. Land Use Policy 30:157-166.
others, he/she is considered the operator only of the land that is retained for his/her own
operation. The census collected information on the total number of operators, the total num- Pope III, C. A. 1985. Agricultural productive and consumptive use components of rural
ber of women operators, and demographic information for up to three operators per farm. land values in Texas. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 67:81-86.

Ownership fragmentation–the break-up of large farms, ranches, and forests into smaller
Potter, L. B., and N. Hoque. 2014. Texas population projections, 2010 to 2050. Texas
ownership sizes.
Demographic Center, Austin, Texas, USA.
Principal operator–the person primarily responsible for the on-site, day-to-day operation
of the farm or ranch business. This person may be a hired manager or business manager. See Texas A&M Institute of Renewable Natural Resources. 2014. Texas Land Trends: Status
Operators for further explanation. update and trends of Texas rural working lands. Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Race–according to the Census of Agriculture (2012), race (of operator) is defined as Afri- Service.
can-American, Hispanic, White, and Other (including Asian, Multi-Race, American Indian or
Alaska native, and native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander). Valencia, L., L. Potter, S. Robinson, B. Pecotte, S. White, and H. You. 2016. Aging in Texas:
Resident landowner–landowners who live and reside on their land. Introduction. Texas Demographic Center, Austin, Texas, USA.

Rural–characterized by low density development and low population density.

Wilkins, R. N., D. G. Brown, R. J. Conner, J. Engl, C. Gilliland, A. Hays, R. D. Slack,
Urban–characterized by high density development and high population density.  and D. W. Steinbach. 2000. Fragmented lands: Changing land ownership in
Working lands–privately owned farms, ranches, and forests that produce food and fiber, Texas. The Texas A&M University System, Agriculture Program, College Station,
support rural economies, and provide wildlife habitat, clean air and water, and recreational Texas, USA.

Texas Land Trends 2017 8


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