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Master of Science in Informatics at Grenoble

Université Grenoble Alpes-IM2AG / Grenoble INP-Ensimag

The Master of Science in Informatics at Grenoble offers access to world-class

graduate training in a domain where the scientific research community in
Grenoble is particularly strong. MoSIG is a highly competitive, two-year European
standard (LMD) graduate program, entirely taught in English.

Academic program
The Master’s Program (120 ECTS) combines three semesters of courses and
laboratory work (90 ECTS) with a six-month individual research project (30 ECTS).
The first semester is composed of a common core curriculum of fundamental
courses in Informatics. During the second semester, students have the opportunity
to choose a selection of introductory courses to different subdomains. During the
third semester, students follow an advanced academic program in one of the seven
areas of specialization. The fourth semester is devoted to the master research
project, conducted under the direction of an academic supervisor within one of the
research teams associated with the program.

To be admitted to the program, candidates must have previously completed their undergraduate studies and
been awarded a Bachelor degree in either Science (BSc) or Engineering (BEng) in Computer science, Computer
Engineering, Informatics or Applied Mathematics and solid practice in programming.
While students are normally expected to follow the full 2-year program, it is possible for students with a strong
academic background and the necessary prerequisite courses to apply for admission directly to the second year.
Selection is based on
• prior academic and/or scientific achievement as documented by academic transcripts,
• completed on-line application form,
• a motivational essay,
• letters of recommendation,
• standardized test scores for English language competence (B2 level required),
This requirement is waived for applicants from English speaking countries as well as applicants whose
previous degree is from a program taught in English.
An A2 level in French is recommended for everyday life
First Semester Second Semester
The first semester is a 12-week (September- The second semester is composed of a 12-week
January) program designed to ensure (February-May) academic program, followed by
competence in core areas of Informatics. participation in a 4-week internship in a research
group (June).
Students are required to follow 24 ECTS from the
The academic program combines advanced work on
following courses:
fundamental topics as well as introduction to more
- Principles of Operating Systems specialized subjects.
- Mathematics for Computer Science
- Software Engineering Students should select 21 ECTS from the following
- Visual Computing courses:
- Programming Languages and Compiler Design
- Data Base Foundations
- Algorithms and Program Design
- Adaptive Computing Systems
- And 6 ECTS of non-elective courses:
- Operations Research
English and/or French language training (3 ECTS)
- Computer Networks Principles
Programming Project (3 ECTS)

Réalisation communication Ensimag / Crédits photos Alexis Chezières/ Grenoble INP/Fotolia

- Intelligent Systems: Reasoning and Recognition
- 3D Graphics
Third Semester - Introduction to Robotics
- Introduction to Cryptology and Coding
- Introduction to Human Computer Interaction
The third semester (first semester of the second - Introduction to Distributed Systems
year, September-January) is composed of a 120
week academic program wich includes 30 ECTS The laboratory internship is worth 6 ECTS credits. The
credits from one of the following specialized program also includes a language course (English or
programs. French) of 3 ECTS credits.

The specialized programs include 18 ECTS in one of After the first year of the program it is also possible to
the following areas plus 12 ECTS chosen among the enter the Master in Cybersecurity (CySec)
optional courses (all areas):
-Advanced Information Systems & Software
-Artificial Intelligence and the Web,
-Data Science,
-Graphics, Vision and Robotics,
-High-confidence Embedded and Cyberphysical Tuition and fees
Systems, Approximately 500 Euros /Year Note
-Parallel, Distributed and Embedded Systems, that tuition fees are highly subsidized
-Ubiquitous and Interactive Systems. by the French Government.

Master project (February to July) Application Deadlines

- Non-European Students: Mid-February
The final semester is devoted to an individual research project
- European students: Mid-May
conducted at a local research laboratory, under the supervision of
the academic supervisor. Contact:
The research project requires an original solution to a problem
situated within an existing scientific domain. website :
Continuation for doctoral studies requires demonstration of aptitude
for scientific research.

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