Lecturer's Name: Mr. Flinch Course Name: Health and Physical Education Name: Paula Ellis ID Number: 20172351

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Lecturer’s Name: Mr.


Course Name: Health and physical Education

Name: Paula Ellis

ID number: 20172351
This project informs you on summary of the book “the seven habits of highly effective

people’ by Sleven covey. It contains the main ideas that was mention in the book, this

project will enlighten your knowledge base on how different individual act.
Habit 1: Be Proactive

The first habit talks about the influence concerning from the center of your life

work and to expand it, base on sleven covey you must not sit and wait in a reactive

mode, waiting for problems to happen (circle of concern) before action. Your life

doesn’t just happen you choose your happiness, sadness, courage, failure, success and

every situation provides a new choice. To be proactive is about talking responsibility

for your life. You can’t lame family or friends for events that happens in your life so

therefore being proactive you must recognize and take responsible for your action. A

proactive person uses proactive language such as “I can” and “I will” while a reactive

person uses reactive language such as “I can’t”, and “I have to”. Reactive persons

believe they are not responsible for what they say and do them—they have no choice

while proactive people focus on their efforts on their circle of influence. Graining an

awareness of areas in which we expand our energies in is a giant step in becoming

Habit 2: Begin with the End in mind

Habit 2 is based on imagination—the ability to envision what you want in the

future so you can work and toward it and understanding how people make decisions in

their life. It is based on the principle that all things are create twice. You must have a

mental and physical creation. The physical creation follows the mental, just as a

building follows a blueprint. You must make an effort to visualize who you are and

what you want in life. It’s about connecting again with your own uniqueness and then

defining the personal, moral and ethical guidelines within which you can most happily

express and fulfill yourself. Begin with the end in time mean to begin each day task or

project with a clear vision of your desired direction.

Habit 3: Put First things first

Habit 3 talks about the difference between leadership and management leadership

in the outside world begins with personal vision and personal leadership. This habit

talks about the urgent and important activity in your life, the activities that you do day

to day must base on the level of important and how urgent they are to you. Basically

habit 3 is telling you to organize your lively activities base on how important they are,

all it takes is realizing that it’s all right to say no when necessary and then focus on

your highest priorities.

Habit 4: Think win –win

Think win-win isn’t about being nice, nor is it a quick fix technique. It is a

character- based code for interaction and collaboration. We tend to focus instead of

producing personal and organizational excellence in an entirely different way by

information which reinforced the value of cooperation. There are six paradigms of

human interaction

 Win-win- is the mind and heart that constantly seeks mutual benefit in all

human interactions. This win-win statement refers to an agreement or solution

that is mutually beneficial mutually satisfying. Win-win believes that it’s not

your way or my way; it’s a better way, a higher way.

 Win lose – is an authoritarian approach ‘I get my way you don’t get your way

so therefore sometime in life you win and sometimes you lose.

 Lose win- this paradigms has no demands, no expectation, and no vision. Lose

win means being a nice guy, even if ‘nice guys finish last.

 Lose- lose- this when two win-lose combine looses all

 Win – this statement refers to when person think to win.

 Win-win or no deal tm- theses individuals had come up with synergistic

solution one that is agreeable to both so therefore everyone wins or no deal

Character is the foundation of win-win, integrity is the value we place on our self

and maturity is the balance between courage and consideration.

Habit 5: seek first to understand, and then to be

understood TM

In the fifth habits of highly effective people, covey speaks about being proactive,

beginning with the end in mind, putting first things first, thinking win, perking the first

to understand, then to be understood, synergizing and sharpening the saw, however

only seeking first to understand will be summarized effectively. In chapter five, covey

speaks about rushing into things and not really taking the time to deeply understand

the problem first. We have to build the skills of empathic listening which encourages

openness and trust. Empathic listening involves putting yourself in the person's shoes,

in order to better understand what they are saying. We must be able to find out the root

of the concern before we can advise an appropriate solution.

Because we so often listen autobiographically you tend to response in one of four

• Evaluating- you judge and then either agree or disagree.

• Probing- You ask questions from your own frame of refence.

• Advising- you give counsel, advice, and solution problems.

Interpreting- you analyze other motives and behavior based on your own

Habit6: Synergize TM

Synergize is the essence of principle- centered leadership. It means that the

relationship which the parts have to each other part in life and of itself.

 Synergistic communication- when you communicate synergistically, you

are opening your mind and heart and expressions to new options.

 Synergy in the classroom- synergy tests whether teachers and students are

really open to the principle of the whole being greater than the sum of its


 Synergy in business- the mission of a business is to empower people and

organizations to significantly increase their performance capability in order

to achieve life purposes.

 Synergy and communication- it’s phenomenal what openness and

communication can produce. Communicating with individual until they

come up with a solution they both feel good about.

 Negative synergy- is trying to solve different problems at once efficiently.

Combine the strength of people through positive teamwork, so as to achieve goals

that no one could have done alone.

Habit7: Sharpen the saw TM

Principles of balanced self renewal

Habit 7 is personal PC. Its preserving and enhancing the greatest asset you have –you.

Its renewing four dimensions of nature they are physical, spiritual, mental and

emotional or social.

 The spiritual dimension – renewing the spiritual dimension provides

leadership to your life. The spiritual dimension is your core, your center, your

commitment to your value system.

 The mental dimension- continuing education honing and expanding the mind-

is vital and mental renewal. Most of our mental development a study disciples

comes through formal education.

 The social/ Emotional dimension- the social and the emotional dimension of

our lives are tied together because our emotional life is primarily but

exclusively develop out of and manifested in our relationship with others.

 The physical dimension: this dimension tell you how to maintain a healthy

life style by eating and exercising on a daily basic.

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