G James Glass Handbook PDF
G James Glass Handbook PDF
G James Glass Handbook PDF
glass handbook
AUSTRALIA Rockhampton
Hervey Bay
Narangba Gympie
Sunshine Coast
Toowoomba Brisbane
Eagle Farm Ipswich Gold Coast
Logan City
Perth Port Macquarie
The G.James Group is the most comprehensive and technologically advanced processor of glass
in the Asia Pacific region. Significant investment in training, technology, equipment, business
resources, infrastructure, and quality control systems ensure that all processes - including
cutting, edging, laminating, toughening, double glazing, curving, coating, profiling and painting -
are to world best standards.
Today, G.James operates the only vacuum-coating glass plant in Australia. The Group’s
impressive in-house capability has led to it being the preferred supplier on many national and
international landmark projects.
With its worldwide reputation as an innovator of glass and associated products used in
residential, commercial and high rise monumental buildings, G.James is at the forefront of
developments within the glass industry.
Glass today is used to perform many functions other than its primary role of allowing light to
enter a building. Its applications can be visual, mechanical, structural, decorative, thermal,
architectural, artistic or a combination of any or all of these aspects. G.James provides a range of
services including design assistance, specification guidelines, product development, testing and
assessment to cover all of these elements.
This book has been compiled as a training and reference document for G.James employees,
tutors, students, architects, engineers, builders, those within and those entering our industry.
Whatever your interest, we trust we can pass on a greater understanding of this amazing and
versatile material - GLASS.
If you require further assistance or information on any of the material contained within this
handbook, please contact the G.James Technical Advisory Service on 1800 452 637.
Mr Joseph Saragossi, AO
Chairman of Directors
The G.James Story As the product range gradually expanded, a
small network of regional branches were
The origin of the G.James Group of established and fabrication facilities were
Companies began when the late George increased. However with the limited availability
James migrated from England in 1912. He of safety glass from within Australia and the
established a glass merchandising business constant reliance on local extruders for
initially at West End, Brisbane and then from aluminium profiles, G.James recognised the
the early 1920’s at 31 Bridge Street, Fortitude need to become more autonomous. So began
Valley, Brisbane. what would become a perpetual program of
capital acquisitions and the establishment of
The business was based on buying cases of
strategically located glass processing and
glass from Australian and overseas sources
service facilities.
and then selling to timber joiners. He
commanded a large market covering
Queensland, the northern part of New South
Wales and as far south as Taree.
Table of contents
10.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
10.2 Figured Rolled Patterned Glass . . . . . . . . 72
11.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
11.2 Dry Glazing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
11.3 Wet Glazing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 5
1.1 A Brief History
to know glass
Crowns were subsequently replaced by the The quantum leap came in late 1958 when
cylinder blown and later the cylinder drawn Pilkington launched their Float Glass process,
process in 1903. In principle a long balloon of which has since been licensed to glassmakers
glass was blown or drawn; split and flattened throughout the world. This innovative process
and then allowed to cool slowly to avoid stress involved molten glass being floated on a
in the glass, however sizes were again limited. shallow bath of molten tin, while being heated
on the top surface. The resulting product is
It was in 1913 that continuous processes such
optically true and requires no further grinding
as; the Fourcault process (Belgium); the
or polishing. While manufacturing methods
Colburn - Libbey - Owens process (USA); and
have changed dramatically over the last
the most successful of all, the P.P.G. Pittsburgh
century, the basic ingredients used in glass
process. All involved drawing the glass up
making are still very much the same.
vertically out of a tank of molten glass, the
edges being held by knurled rollers to retain
the ribbon width.
Furnace loading
A typical batch mix would consist of: Compressive strength: 25mm cube: 248MPa
1000 parts silica (sand) + 310 parts soda (248 x 106 Pa).
ash + 295 parts limestone/dolomite + 60
Tensile strength: For sustained loading 19.3 to
parts feldspar and 400 parts cullet. Hence
window glass is known as a soda/lime/silica. 28.4 MPa. Determined as modulus of rupture.
Glass may also be formed by mixing soda ash
Hardness scale: Moh’s scale: diamond 10,
and silica. This product is referred to as ‘water
sapphire 9, glass 6.5 – 5.5, gypsum 2.
glass’ because it is soluble in water. It is the
limestone/dolomite that is required to stabilise Dielectric constant: 6mm glass at 21˚C.
the glass into a durable product. • 1,000,000,000 cycles per sec 6.0
• 10,000,000 cycles per sec 6.5
1.2 Glass Properties • 1,000 cycles per sec 7.4
• 10 cycles per sec 30.0
The general physical characteristics of
soda/lime/silica glass for building purposes are: Refractive index: 1.52.
Refractive index varies for light of different
Mass (kg): Area x Thickness(mm) x 2.6
Density: 2600 kg/m3
Approximately 8 to 10% per
Reflection loss:
Specific gravity: Approximately 2.60. Glass used panel (no absorption) normal incidence. Light is
for building purposes has a specific gravity always reflected when it passes from a
comparable with that of aluminium which is medium of one refractive index to a medium of
approximately 2.70. another refractive index. The loss is a function
of both the refractive indices of the medium
Coefficient of linear thermal expansion: and the angle of incidence of the light.
88 x 10-7/˚C. Glass has a much lower
coefficient of linear thermal expansion than Thermal transmittance (U-value):5.8 W/m2˚C for
most metals. summer - 6.2 W/m2˚Cfor winter. This U-value
is for a single panel of 6mm glass and is based
the glass, and is absorbed by the plants, The structural characteristics of these glass
benches, walls, etc, inside the house. These types are nominated in AS 1288 but they are
become hot and in turn re-radiate heat but of summarised as follows:-
longer wavelength which cannot pass through
the glass and is reflected back to the interior. Laminated glass: This process does not
significantly affect the strength of the glass
Ordinary glass
Ultra-violet transmittance: but it does improve the safety of the glass as
transmits a very small proportion of the sun’s laminated glass typically remains intact and
ultra-violet rays. At 315nm less than 1%, at retains some strength even after fracture. For
340nm 41%. this reason, it is possible that future practice
may allow higher stresses for such glass.
Chemical resistance: Glass will resist most acids
except hydrofluoric and at high temperature, Heat treated glass: Both heat strengthened and
phosphoric. Alkalis, however will attack the fully toughened have a surface compression
surface of glass. When glazed into concrete induced by a temperature increase and
framing, alkalis released from the concrete by sudden quenching. The existence of the
rain may be leached onto the glass causing surface compression means that it must be
staining, or etching of the glass surface. overcome by load before any surface tensile
Weathering steels can deposit soluble stress is achieved. The magnitude of the
sulphates, which may be difficult to remove surface compression is of the order of 3 to 6
from glass. Should this occur, any deposits times the typical stress values used in
should be removed as soon as possible. annealed glass design. This leads to a similar
strength increase without any affect on the
Glass Strength glass stiffness and deflections.
Glass in its pure form is an extremely strong,
The hermetically sealed air
Insulated glass units:
perfectly elastic non-crystalline brittle solid. In
or gas in the space between the glass units by
commercially available float products, its
virtue of Boyle’s law ensures that the individual
flexural or bending strength is limited by the
pieces of glass share the applied load
surface tensile strength of the inevitable
approximately in proportion to their stiffnesses.
microscopic defects, flaws or cracks. These
Therefore for two pieces of equal thickness
defects reduce the glass strength by a factor
glass, the load is shared about 50:50.
in excess of 100 compared to the strength of
pure glass. Glass Strength Design
The property of pure elasticity with brittleness Refer to AS 1288 for specific design
means that glass can not be permanently provisions. There has been significant
improvement in the understanding of, and
deformed by load as is the case for most solids
design methods for glass design since the
such as metals and plastics, and that it fails
1980’s. Glass (supported on all sides) under
without warning. Other phenomena affecting
wind loading typically deflects more than its
the surface flaws and thus the strength of the
thickness and sometimes for the heat treated
glass relate to the manufacturing process (with
glass, many times more than their thickness.
different strengths produced on the tin side and
This large deflection behaviour introduces non-
the air side), the duration of the load and
Apart from the simple statically determinate simply supported under uniform load has been
case of simple span glass plates supported on well analysed and is the basis of the present
2 opposite sides, any analysis of glass under glass design thickness recommendations of
load must be carried out using a non-linear the ASTM and other bodies.
analysis method such as finite difference or
The advances in computer technology with
finite element to determine the glass stresses dramatic reductions in computer costs now
and deflections. The correct application of a allows for the analyses of more complex
suitable failure prediction model is currently shapes, support conditions and load patterns
under debate. The extremely common case of to be economically achieved. Two examples of
a rectangular piece of glass with all four sides typical analyses are illustrated in Figure 1.2a.
Glass thickness 9.7mm 2kPa UDL Curved glass, thickness 5.8mm 1.2kPa
2900mm high x 1000mm wide, 3000mm high, 1000mm radius x 90 degrees
supported 3 sides Load Case = 1
Load Case = 1 Loadcase 1 Inc. 1
Loadcase 1 Inc. 1 Results = 1
Results = 1 Bottom stress contours of S1
Bottom stress contours of S1
0 24 -1
3 27 1
6 30 3
9 33 5
12 36 7
15 39 9
18 42 11
21 12
Max 46.71 at Node 49
Min -.1049 at Node 7
Max 13.10 at Node 123
Min -.609 at Node 49
NB: These figures are accepted Australian Industry Tolerances. Tolerance of non-standard thicknesses may fall outside the
10 ranges stated above.
1 2 1 2 3 4 1 23 4 1 2 3 4
Surfaces Surfaces Surfaces Surfaces
Pencil point How to tell the difference between coated and uncoated
image meets on surfaces on monolithic reflective glass
the coated
Figure 1.5b: Reflective Laminated Glass 1.6 Glass Staining and Cleaning
Glass is generally resistant to chemical attack
and other degradation. It is inert to most
Coated glass – darker edge acids, except hydrofluoric and phosphoric.
Typical glass problems on buildings would be:
Uncoated glass
• Alkalis leaching from concrete, mortar,
How to tell the difference between glazing surfaces
on reflective laminated glass.
plaster and gravel onto glass can cause
Subject to certain exceptions, tinted PVB interlayered
staining and etching
laminated glass (i.e. 6.38mm SS22 green laminated) has • Hard water, high in calcium concentrates,
the reflective coating on surface position (3). The effect which are allowed to continually run on the
of the tinted PVB interlayer is to dampen the reflectivity
and allow a building to exhibit a specific colour. This
makes identification of ‘outside’ and ‘inside’ surfaces • Deterioration of labels and protective films
easier. However, with clear PVB interlayered laminated when left on the glass for prolonged periods
glass it may be difficult to determine the coated surface
• Pitting of the glass, mainly due to weld
(i.e. 6.38mm TS21 clear laminated). The coated surface
splatter (in the form of black specs on the
can usually be identified by the darker of the two glass
edges (identification may be difficult after edge work glass), improper sandblasting on site or
e.g. flat grinding). wind blown debris
• Abrasions to the glass surface by using Glass should always be stacked at an incline
harsh, powder based cleaning products of 4 degrees from the vertical. Thick glass,
• Scratches or spalling caused by the tinted glass, insulated glass (IG) units and
improper removal of plaster, paint, varnish or reflective glass should be stored out of direct
mortar splash sunlight to avoid any risk of thermal breakage.
IG units must not be rotated or ‘cartwheeled’
• A white staining effect which occurs when
over their corners.
condensation repeatedly forms and dries on
the glass, which in turn can cause surface Always use clean dry suction cups and do
decomposition not use glass with severely vented or
• Iridescence or the oil-stain image is a direct damaged edges.
result of the wet-dry action of condensation
or water on, or between the glass(es) Figure 1.7a: Handling and Storage
Cleaning 1
Holes – Limitations
• Minimum 5mm diameter
• Holes up to 100mm Oval cut-out
diameter – ground finish only
• Holes over 100mm
diameter – polishing on Multiple speak CNC drawn
application processed shapes
• Notches and cut-outs not Corner notch and internal and
available on wired or external radius
laminated glass curves.
Finger slot
Pay and
• Slot depth equal to or
speak hole
less than half glass
thickness (but residual
depth must be greater
than 3mm when
Rectangular • The length and depth
of the slot is
dependent on the glass
• Standard finger slot
Switchplate width is 13mm
5mm 30mm
All bevelled glass has a clean cut edge as a
6mm-19mm 35mm
standard finish, flat polishing is an optional
Shaped Bevelling
Countersunk Hole
• Rakes with more than two corners not at
right angles (90˚)
• Glass that requires a diagram because it
cannot be expressed as a size on paper
• Holes can be countersunk in toughened • Squares and rectangles with notches
glass before toughening to accommodate
Not recognised as irregular shapes are:
mechanical fixings
• Squares and rectangles with radius or cut-
Hole Sizes
off corners (charged as corners)
The available holes are:
See Figure 1.8b for examples of irregular
5mm, 6mm, 6.5mm, 7mm, 8mm, 9mm,10mm,
11mm, 12mm, 13mm, 14mm, 15mm, 16mm, shapes.
17mm, 18mm, 19mm, 20mm, 21mm, 22mm,
23mm, 25mm, 26mm, 28mm, 30mm, 32mm,
In many instances templates provided on
35mm, 40mm, 42mm, 45mm, 50mm, 58mm
plywood or proper architectural drawings are
and 80mm. (Other hole sizes are available on
requested. Detailed information required is
Finger pull/thimble hole size = 21mm. as follows:
• Glass sizes
Cut-outs, Notches and Special
• Holes
• Edgework
See Figure 1.8a. For your specific requirements
contact the G.James Technical Advisory • Cut-outs
Service on 1800 452 637. • Stamp position (if applicable)
Simple shapes
Complex shapes
unequal equal
unequal unequal
Radius corners
glass is such that it fragments into large, non- 47% visible and 51% infra-red. Only the visible
jagged pieces which tend to remain in place light band is seen by the human eye.
within the frame. Heat strengthened glass is
It is important to understand that the shorter
not considered a safety glass and therefore
the wavelength (i.e. the lower the nanometres),
cannot be used where human impact
the higher is the energy associated with the
requirements apply.
radiation. This is highlighted by the fact that it
is the shorter wavelength, high energy UV light
1.10 Solar Spectrum which causes humans to sunburn, fabrics to
fade and plastics to deteriorate. While the
The sun radiates solar energy or sunlight by longer wavelength, low energy radiation
electromagnetic waves over a range of produced by the visible light and infra-red
wavelengths known as the Solar Spectrum bands are less damaging.
(290 – 2500 nanometres, where 1 nanometre
RAT Equation
= 1/1,000,000,000 of a metre).
When the combined UV, visible light and infra-
The solar spectrum is divided into three red (solar energy) strikes glass it is reflected
bands, these are: (R), absorbed (A) and transmitted (T) in
Ultra-violet light (UV) 290nm – 380nm different proportions, depending on the type
Visible light 380nm – 780nm of glass involved. This gives us the RAT
Infra-red 780nm – 2500nm Equation which accounts for 100% of solar
energy. For example, 3mm clear float glass
The energy distribution within the solar Reflects 8% of solar energy, Absorbs 9% and
spectrum is approximately 2% UV, Transmits (directly) 83% (See Figure 1.10b).
Short wave
fm pm (Å) nm um mm(cm) m km
Visible light
Wavelength (nm)
a - 6mm Clear
60 b - 6mm Grey
6% 3% Performance Terms
Re-radiated Re-radiated
Outside Inside (E) Visible Light Transmittance: Expressed as the
percentage of visible light (380 - 780nm’s) that
is transmitted through a glass type.
clear glass
Energy Transmittance: The proportion of directly
transmitted and absorbed solar energy that
E enters into the building’s interior. The lower
the number is, the better the glass is able to
exclude solar radiation.
i Technical Advisory
to-air heat transfer (either loss or gain) due to
thermal conductance and the difference
between indoor and outdoor temperatures.
The lower the number is, the better the
Phone: 1 8 0 0 G J A M E S
insulating qualities of the glass.
National Toll Free Number Shading Coefficient (SC): The ratio of total solar
18 radiation through a particular glass type,
relative to the total solar radiation through Glass which has cracked as a result of thermal
3mm clear float glass. The lower the number, stress can be easily identified by the break
the better the glass performs in reducing heat pattern which is unique to a thermal fracture.
gain. (See Figure 1.10b) The crack in the glass is initially at 90˚ to the
edge and glass face for approximately 2cm-
Luminous Efficacy (or Coolness Factor): The ratio of 5cm and then branches out into one or more
visible light transmittance to the shading directions. The number of branches or
coefficient. This ratio is helpful in selecting secondary cracks is dependent on the amount
glass in terms of those which transmit more of stress in the glass. (See Figure 1.11b)
light than heat. A glass with a luminous efficacy
Factors affecting Thermal Stress
of 1 or greater is considered thermally efficient.
Any factors that encourage an increase in the
‘hot centre/cold edge’ conditions tend to
1.11 Thermal Breakage increase the thermal stress. These include:
Solar Energy
Heated Portion
Heated Central Portion
Heat Absorption (glass tends to expand)
Cold Edge
computers etc. onto the glass surface may determine if heat strengthened glass is
increase the risk of thermal breakage. (See required (See Appendix One for a Thermal
Figure 1.11e) Safety Assessment Request form).
Clear 18 Low
Tinted 30 - 40 Medium
frame material
frame colour
glazing material
Table 1.12a: Damaged Weighted Transmission Figure 1.12a: Fading your Furnishings
He igh iatio
6.38mm Green Laminate 0.26
6mm Solarplus TS30 on Clear 0.15
6.38mm Solarplus SL22 Laminate 0.12
absorbs up to 99% of the UV. By incorporating the better the fade reduction.
Depth of daylight penetration
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Visible light transmission (%)
Apparent loudness change Just perceptible Clearly noticeable Twice (or half) as loud
Recreation areas 30 dB(A) 40 dB(A)
Sleeping areas 30 dB(A) 35 dB(A)
Work areas 35 dB(A) 40 dB(A)
NB: (A) refers to a weighted measure which has been included to correlate subjective results with measured results.
Threshold of feeling
Perceived loudness on the other hand relates
80 Orchestal music to the human ears ability to detect changes in
60 Conversational speech
the sound pressure level and doubles every 10
40 imu
udib dB change in measured SPL (See Table 1.14a).
20 le t
Graphs 1.14a & b provide an indication of the
20 50 100 500 1000 5000 10000
various SPL’s experienced in our daily lives and
Frequency (Hz)
the frequency range over which certain
sounds occur. Note that as a normal human
into water. The vibrations travel at a constant
ear can only detect sound at 0 dB, this is used
speed of 344 metres per second at 20˚C (i.e.
as a reference point for such acoustic scales -
the speed of sound) but faster if the
it does not mean there is no sound.
temperature is higher. The more the air
pressure is disturbed, the louder the sound. Sound Insulation Measures
As the distance from the source increases, As all glass allows the transmission of sound, in
there is a gradual decrease in the energy varying degrees, it is important to be aware of
associated with the sound waves and the
Graph 1.14c: Coincidence Dip
sound decays or attenuates.
All sound waves have a frequency which is
12mm float
measured in Hertz (Hz). A sound wave with a 45 6mm float
frequency of 800 Hz implies there are 800 4mm float
Sound transmission loss
vibrations per second generating from the
source. The human ear is able to detect 35
Sound Intensity 20
Frequency (Hz)
directly proportional to the Sound Pressure
Frequency spectra for 4mm, 6mm and 12mm Float
Level (SPL). For instance, the SPL of a jet
Glass showing how the coincidence dip occurs at
plane’s engines at 10 metres would be
different frequencies for each glass thickness.
24 significantly reduced at a distance of 1
the various rating systems that may be referred Graph 1.14d: Laminated Glass Insulation
to when considering the acoustic performance
of glass in the construction industry.
6mm laminated
6mm float
Sound Transmission Loss (STL)
The STL measures (in decibels) the insulation
Sound Transmission Class (STC) 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
Frequency (Hz)
STC utilises a single-number rating system to
The effect of lamination on the sound insulation of
categorise the acoustic reducing qualities of
glass. Note the coincidence dip for solid glass is
glass when used for interior applications such virtually non-existent for laminated glass.
as partitions, ceilings and walls. While not
intended for use in selecting glass for exterior
To proceed in this regard, the sound insulation
wall applications, STC ratings are often
qualities of the various glass configurations
specified for such purposes. G.James can
are as follows:
provide a comprehensive range of openable
windows and doors, and fixed glass systems Monolithic Glass
that have been STC rated and tested at the
Glass generally follows the Mass Law, i.e. the
National Acoustic Laboratories.
thicker the glass, the better the sound
insulation properties. Graph 1.14c illustrates
Traffic Noise Reduction (Rtra)
this principle by portraying 12mm monolithic
This measure incorporates a weighted factor
float as superior to 4mm or 6mm float over
for typical town and city road traffic noise over
the lower frequency range, which is generally
a range of frequencies. Combining this factor
associated with unwanted traffic noise.
with the basic sound insulation of the window,
provides a more meaningful guide to the
Laminated Glass
actual acoustic performance of a glazed area.
The polyvinyl butyral interlayer (0.38mm to
Coincidence Dip
1.52mm) used in laminated glass provides a
This term refers to the dip or loss in insulating dampening effect which reduces the loss of
properties of glass which occurs when the insulation at the coincidence frequency. Graph
glass is vibrating at the same frequency as the 1.14d shows the coincidence dip for laminated
sound being transmitted. The frequency at glass is significantly reduced when compared to
which this occurs is largely dependent on the float glass of equal thickness. Laminated glass
thickness of the glass (See Graph 1.14c). also has superior sound insulation qualities in
the higher frequency range where the noise
Glass Performance from sources such as aircraft are a problem.
Unwanted sound is considered noise when it Increasing the interlayer thickness will only have
intrudes on our daily lives. To minimise this a marginal effect on improving the sound
intrusion all aspects of the building insulation performance of laminated glass.
construction need to be evaluated, however in
this instance we will only analyse the acoustic Double Glazing
qualities of glass. The first step in this analysis A common misconception is that a standard
is to determine the source of the unwanted hermetically sealed double glazed unit with an
noise. This is a critical step, as the noise airspace (up to 12mm) will provide effective
source can vary from low frequency traffic sound insulation, this is not the case. For
noise to high frequency aircraft noise. double glazing to be effective an airspace 25
Float glass
Transmittance (%)
80 6mm clear
6mm bronze
50 6mm grey
30 6mm green
6mm Evergreen
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5
Wavelength (um)
3.2 Process
The manufacture of laminated glass
commences with the glass being thoroughly
washed and dried before passing into an air-
conditioned ‘clean room’. Here the humidity
and temperature are strictly controlled, with
operators wearing special lint-free headgear
and clothing, to ensure the atmosphere is free
of dust, moisture and debris of any description.
Clean room, G.James Malaysia
A PVB interlayer, initially translucent in
appearance, is sandwiched between the
3.1 Introduction
glass(es) which then pass through pressurised
In 1903 French chemist Edward Benedictus rollers and heating ovens. This pre-nip, de-airing
accidentally broke a bottle of cellulose acetate process removes air trapped between the glass
in his laboratory. As a result, he discovered that and the interlayer(s) as well as softening the
the cellulose, on hardening, held the fragments PVB to give initial adhesion or pre-tacking.
of glass together. This subsequently led to the
use of cellulose as the binding agent in the The glass is then autoclaved where it is again
glass laminating process. A Saint-Gobain heated and subjected to extreme pressure
patent of the process followed in 1910. Further (between 8 and 12 BAR) permanently bonding
development by Dupont and Monsanto led to the glass and the interlayer. It is during this
the use of laminated windscreens in cars after final process that the glass becomes
the Second World War. completely transparent.
Sound Reduction
3.3 Benefits
In many instances laminated glass is often
G.James laminated glass is a durable, overlooked as an acoustic glass. For most
versatile, high performance glazing material applications, laminated glass provides an
that offers a range of benefits: effective, low cost method of reducing the
transmission of noise through the glass. This
Safety is achieved through the ‘viscoelastic’
When subjected to accidental human impact, properties of the PVB interlayer which
the bond between the glass and interlayer dampens the coincidence dip (See Section
combine to absorb the force of the impact, 1.14) in the mid to high frequency range (1000
resisting penetration of the laminate. Should - 2000 Hz). Coincidence impairs the overall
the impact be sufficient to break the glass, acoustic performance of glazing systems, as
the resulting fragments typically remain general environmental noise sources such as
intact, firmly adhered to the PVB interlayer. traffic and aircraft have significant amounts of
This important characteristic significantly sound energy in this frequency range.
reduces the likelihood of serious injury
Heat and Glare Control
3.5 Optilight
Optilight is G.James’ range of spectrally
selective, high performance laminated glass
products that offer optimum light transmission,
reduced solar heat gain/loss and minimum
reflectance while maintaining the natural toning
of the glass.
Incident solar
3.4 Applications energy
Lloyds of London
Heat Treated glass
G.James operates the following heat recommended for doors, side panels and low
processing facilities: lites, glass balustrades, shower and bath
screens, pool fences and glass walled
Brisbane: Two horizontal furnaces, the largest squash courts. It is also used in automotive,
of which is gas-fired. marine, rail and land transport as well as
furniture applications.
Sydney: Three horizontal furnaces (one of
which manufactures both flat and curved Heat Strengthened
toughened glass) and one vertical tong • Twice as strong as annealed glass of equal
furnace for specialty glass. thickness
• Designated Grade A safety glass as per
AS/NZS 2208
• In the event of breakage, the panel will
Phone: 1 8 0 0 G J A M E S
fracture into relatively small harmless
particles National Toll Free Number
• Greater resistance to thermal stress when
compared to annealed glass (can be
subjected to temperatures ranging from 4.4 Available Sizes
70˚C to 290˚C) G.James Safety Glass can offer an extensive
Because of its mechanical strength it is ideal range of toughened and heat strengthened
for creating a ‘total vision’ concept in all glass products and manufacture to the following
assemblies, foyers and entrance ways. It is size specifications:
NB: Holes will have a ground finish with arris unless otherwise specified.
Cut-outs / notches
with corner holes
must be as noted in
Insert (above)
External corners
must be rounded
The distance between edge of cut-
out / notch and edge of glass to be
at least 50% of the relevant width Cut-outs / notches to have
or height of the cut-out / notch. rounded corners or semi-
N.B. Minimum 75mm (4-6mm) and circular ends with a radius equal
100mm (8-25mm) Corners rounded to, or greater than the glass
NB: Cut-outs and notches will have a ground finish with arris. Polished cut-outs and notches are available on request.
Frameless toughened glass showerscreen
Toughened glass assemblies can be designed
Consult the following to ensure compliance: to incorporate the following systems:
• AS 1170: Wind Load requirements • ‘Spider’ fittings with cable/bow trusses
• AS 1288: Use of Glass in Buildings • Patch plate fittings
• The Building Code of Australia • Countersunk, flush faced patch fittings
• Local Authority requirements • Structural trusses (without the need for holes)
• AS 1926: Fences for Swimming Pools
G.James can design assemblies to suit a wide
• AS 2820: Gate Units for Private Swimming range of applications incorporating either flat
Pools or curved toughened glass.
NB: G.James does not recommend monolithic toughened
NB: It is recommended that glass used in suspended glass
glass be used on the exterior sheer face in elevated
assemblies be heat soak tested.
locations above trafficable areas.
Frameless Showerscreens
Frameless toughened safety glass
showerscreens offer a unique and stylish
alternative to aluminium framed screens by
creating the illusion of space and a distinct
feature in bathrooms and ensuites.
Glass Assemblies
Suspended glass assemblies allow designers
to create an impressive feature without the
interference of framing, providing greater light
and a feel of open space with minimal visual
barriers. In principle, the system involves
38 toughened glass panels bolted together at the
Toughened glass assembly
Patch fitting
Frameless Entries
For building entrances and shopfront
applications, frameless toughened glass
entries provide impressive, unobstructed
views with design flexibility and functionality.
• Heavy-duty floor springs in single or double
action with hold open or non-hold open
• Automatic pivot systems
• Concealed overhead closers
• Automatic, overhead operators with electric
locks, card readers or panic bars
Hardware Options:
• Locks fitted to the top and/or bottom rails,
Frameless toughened glass entry or at the handle position
Type A Full width rails fitted along top and bottom edges
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6
Type B Full width rails fitted along bottom edge only, patch fitted at top corner
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8
4.8 Characteristics
An inherent consequence of the heat
treatment process is roller-wave which is
caused by the heated, slightly softened glass
being in continual contact with the
oscillating ceramic rollers. This distortion is
more noticeable in reflective or dark tinted
glasses and if applicable, the direction of
roller-wave should be specified. It is
Colourlite spandrel application
recommended the roller-wave run horizontal
provided the sizes are within the
Figure 4.7b: Colourlite Spandrel Application
manufacturing constraints of the furnace.
Quench Pattern
During the quenching phase of the heat
treatment process, the glass is rapidly cooled
by high velocity blasts of air. Inevitably this
results in slightly higher levels of compression
at those areas adjacent to the air nozzles. The
Concrete slab consequence of these areas of high
Vision glass compressive stresses is the occasional
appearance of a strain pattern of iridescent
Ceiling transom spots or darkish shadows. This effect is
Vision glass Front view referred to as the ‘quench pattern’ as it occurs
42 in the furnace quench.
An example of a quench pattern viewed under polarised light 4.9 Heat Soak Testing
Typically, the pattern is only visible at times of G.James Safety Glass can conduct heat soak
polarised light or by viewing the glass from testing (HST) on toughened glass if required.
the inside at acute angles. Similarly, the thicker Heat soaking is a destructive test which heats
and more reflective the glass, the more the glass for several hours at 280˚C to speed
obvious the quench pattern will be. up the Alpha to Beta transformation of any
nickel sulphide (NiS) should it be present. This
Nickel Sulphide Inclusion accelerated testing process reduces the
Toughened glass can on rare occasions likelihood of breakage by a factor of 20 with a
shatter for what appears to be no apparent 95% conversion rate of potentially damaging
reason. This is sometimes referred to as a nickel sulphide inclusions. Obviously
‘spontaneous breakage’. identifying NiS inclusion prior to on-site
installation has distinctive cost, safety and
In the early 1960’s, the I.C.I. building in security benefits and is therefore strongly
Melbourne had extensive breakage in the recommended for toughened glass
spandrel panels. Mr Ron Ballantine of the assemblies or where the consequence of
CSIRO investigated the case and discovered breakage could result in injury.
the cause was nickel sulphide (NiS) inclusions,
a substance that possesses both an Alpha and
a Beta phase. Once subjected to heat, as
would occur during the toughening process,
this phase alters to the more unstable Beta
phase. Since the quenching process is very
rapid, the structure of NiS does not have time
to transform back to the stable Alpha phase.
Left: Typical failure pattern (butterfly wings) observed after
This phase transformation will continue to spontaneous breakages of toughened glass due to NiS inclusions
occur over periods of time ranging from a few Right: Scanning Electron Micrograph of a typical NiS inclusion
observed after the spontaneous failure of toughened glass (about
minutes to years after glazing. 0.2mm diameter). One can note the rough aspect of the surface, as
always seen on dangerous NiS stones
CURVEDCurved toughened glass
5.2 Terminology
To assist designers and clients when seeking
quotations or placing orders the following
terminology should be used:
5.1 Introduction
V - Curves
Thic Radius
nt gent
Reflective & Coated glass
products that offer the following benefits: By fine-tuning, the process is capable of
• A wide choice of external appearances with uniform coatings on sheets of glass up to
varying degrees of reflectance 2140mm x 3660mm or as small as 300mm x
• Superior, all-round performance levels when
compared to those of body tinted glass
• A multitude of combinations to satisfy
specific aesthetic and performance
Sputter Chamber
Vacuum Pumps
0 to 100+
Anode Volts
– Gas in
-500 to -800 + Material to be deposited (Target) +
Surface atom ejected
Positive ions
DC Power Plasma accelerated
Supply to target
Material to be coated
(Glass panel)
• Handle glass manually, or with clean, oil-free
vacuum pads
• Use gloves or vacuum pads which are dirty
or contaminated
Plasma glow during the sputtering process • Take care not to damage the coating when
fitting into the frame, or with glazing tools,
Solarplus Coatings
sealant guns etc., or by leaning materials
TS Series against the coated surface
External Appearance*: Silver Blue to Deep Blue • Glaze with coated surface to the INSIDE of
Product Code: TS21, TS30, TS35***, TS40 and the building (monolithic form only)
TS50*** • Remove excess lubricants immediately and
check regularly for any reappearance
TE Series
External Appearance*: Earth
• Clean up splashes from plaster, mortar or
concrete before they harden
Product Code: TE10
• Minimise damage by hanging protective
SS Series plastic drapes over (but not touching) glazed
External Appearance*: Neutral Silver panels once completed
Product Code: SS08, SS14*** and SS22 Don’t
• Glaze sheets with damaged edges
SC Series
• Use glass with vented or severely feathered
External Appearance*: Pewter (Antique Silver)
Product Code: SC22**, SC30*** and SC40***
• Glaze with coating exposed to weather
SL Series (Laminated glass only) Cleaning
External Appearance**: Silver Do
Product Code: SL10***, SL20 and SL30*** • Clean panels as soon as possible after
installation, especially if there is a risk of
leaching, run-off or spattering from other
*External appearance based on clear glass.
**External appearance based on clear glass with clear PVB. materials
***Non Standard coating (surcharge may apply). • Use ammonia and water or well-diluted mild
As with all solar control glass products, a detergent for routine cleaning
The radiant energy is long wave infra-red, which, when combined with a high
which is in effect re-radiated back towards the performance reflective or body tinted glass
heat source. and incorporated into a Twin-Glaze unit, results
in a thermally efficient window with both a low
A black body is the perfect emitter with a
shading coefficient and U-value.
surface emissivity of 1.0. Comparatively,
ordinary clear glass has a surface emissivity Solarplus Low E LE54 is a tinted coating which
level of 0.84, meaning 84% of the absorbed is ideal for use in warm climates, as it offers a
heat is emitted from the surface. When Low E balance between light transmission and solar
coatings are applied to the glass, the surface energy control. By combining this coating with
emissivity is reduced to less than 0.20. a body tinted glass in a Twin-Glaze unit, a
Therefore the lower the surface emissivity, the desirable shading coefficient is achieved while
better the glass reduces heat gain or heat maintaining good light transmittance, minimal
loss. For assessment purposes, heat gain or external reflectance and low U-value.
loss is measured in U-value (W/m2K) with the
G.James also stock a range of on-line coated
lower the number, the better the performance Low E glass which can be cut, toughened,
of the glass. laminated or curved in the same way as
ordinary annealed glass and requires no edge
Solarplus Low E
deletion for fabrication. This range of coated
In terms of visible light transmission and products has very high light transmission, low
thermal insulation, Solarplus Low E is the reflectance and is only available on clear glass.
optimum glass product. These off-line sputtered When incorporated with a solar control glass
coatings are transparent layers of silver and in a laminate (Optilight) or a Twin-Glaze unit, a
metal oxide deposited onto the glass surface. desirable shading coefficient and a reduction
The metal oxides, which surround the silver, in U-value can be achieved.
protects and suppresses the visible reflectance
NB: Please refer to Section 15 for performance figures
of the silver. This range of coatings can only be
supplied on glass that will form part of a Twin-
Glaze unit (edge deletion required).
24% Direct
59% Outward 7% Reflectance
Radiation and 10% Inward
Convection Radiation
Insulated glass units
7.2 Process
Cut-to-size glass is moved vertically along a
conveyor through a washing and inspection
process which ensures the glass is thoroughly
clean and free of defects. The hollow
aluminium spacer is then shaped to suit with a
strip of Polyisobutylene applied to both sides
providing the primary seal and an excellent
vapour barrier. The spacer, which is filled with
molecular sieve (desiccant) to prevent
condensation from forming after sealing, is
Russell Offices, Canberra
positioned between the two panels of glass
sealed space
insulated glass in 1865. Stetson discovered
that by adding a second panel of glass
separated by still, dry air the insulating
Glass as
properties of glass could be improved. The selected
improved performance of this insulated glass
is attributed to the low thermal conductivity of
the air pocket. It was not until after World War
One that commercial production of the spacer
‘bonded units’ commenced, with
manufacturing techniques improving primary seal
Application of the secondary seal provides the 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 15mm, 16mm, 18mm,
of the Insulated Glass Manufacturers the unit configuration this includes the glass
Association (IGMA) and complies with type/s, glass thickness and spacer width. Twin-
BS5713:1979 and CAN/CGSB - 12.8-M90. Glaze units incorporating solar control
NB: Minimum/maximum sizes will be dependent on human impact/wind loading requirements. Maximum size will be
dependent on weight (max. 225kg) and unit configuration.
Summer Winter
Less heat gain Less heat loss source
Low E glass helps prevent heat from entering in the summer Low E glass helps prevent heat from escaping in the winter
Outside Inside
C on
surroundings surfaces
Outside Inside
Long wave
panels of glass significantly
exchange improves insulation due to the
low thermal conductivity of air
wind an
surroundings surfaces
& Convection
7.6 Characteristics
There are three main optical effects that can
occur with Twin-Glaze units:
the extreme where they touch in the centre of however it can be avoided by limiting the size
the unit, creating irregular, coloured circles of the unit and/or using thicker glass.
similar to an oil stain effect. If either panel is
Brewsters Fringes
pushed, the rings will move and change
Only possible with very high quality float
glass, this rare and temporary occurrence is a
consequence of using two glasses of exactly
i Technical Advisory
the same thickness with precise parallel
surfaces. The reflected light within one glass
blends with the reflection within the other
Phone: 1 8 0 0 G J A M E S glass to form faint coloured streaks. Brewsters
(452637) Fringes can appear anywhere over the glass
National Toll Free Number surface and can be avoided by using different
glass thicknesses. 55
Safety and Security
individual components into one complete
the nominated calibre of weapon correlating to prisons, armoured vehicles, embassies, payroll
a specific level of protection (See Table 8.2a). offices, police stations, airports, public
buildings, government offices and special
The components used in the manufacture of defence vehicles.
ArmaClear BR ensure normal vision is
maintained. The final product is resistant to Framing and Accessories
abrasion while also providing superior sound It should be emphasised that the surrounding
insulation. The strength and appearance of frame and support structure are equally
this product is unaffected by exposure to important as the glass, and must be of a
sunlight however a thermal safety assessment strong construction and capable of providing
is recommended where tinted or reflective the same level of protection to that of the
components are incorporated. Care must be bullet resistant glass.
taken to avoid edge damage.
For this reason, G.James has developed
In the event of an attack, ArmaClear will framing systems to complement all ArmaClear
maintain a protective barrier and degree of BR products, including the supply of
visibility, except around the area of bullet document trays and voice transfer louvres.
impact. It is ideal for installation in banks, Installation can also be provided if required.
• ‘G’ - Resistant to hand gun attack G.James has the manufacturing capabilities
• ‘S’ - Resistant to shotgun attack and expertise to meet the various criteria for
• ‘R’ - Resistant to rifle attack intruder resistance and levels of attack. The
G.James Technical Advisory Service is
ArmaClear BR products have been tested and available to assist with reliable and
certified by an independent, accredited NATA confidential advice.
laboratory to ensure compliance with the
various parameters outlined in Table 8.2a. Test Properties and Applications
certificates can be supplied upon request. ArmaClear PA products comprise an all glass
construction or incorporate a combination of
NB: NATA - National Association of Testing Authorities.
glass and polycarbonate with the multi-ply
construction resisting penetration even after
8.3 ArmaClear – Physical the glasses within the composite are
Attack (PA) Glass broken. The multiple glass layers used on
the attack side absorb the force inflicted by
G.James’ ArmaClear Physical Attack (PA) glass
various hand held implements, making the
has a remarkable resistance to human attack
progress of penetration slow with the
and penetration.
attacker quickly tiring and eventually ceasing
The Process the attack.
It should be noted that the surrounding frame
and support structure are of equal importance
and must be of a strong construction and
capable of providing a level of protection
similar to that of the PA glass.
Standards Australia issued AS 3555 to
maintain high levels of performance and
outline the guidelines for physical attack
9.1 Mirrors (Silver Glass)
purpose glass
The production of mirror commences with
float glass being thoroughly washed with de- Basecoat
ionised water and cerium oxide. A thin layer of
tin is then sprayed onto the surface of the
glass to promote the adhesion of the silver.
The almost pure silver (99.9%) coating is next Copper
applied, followed by a coating of copper which
protects the silver from tarnishing. Finally two
layers of special backing paint; the first
(basecoat) protects against chemical attack Silver
and corrosion and the second (topcoat) resists
mechanical abrasion. (See Figure 9.1a)
3mm •
6mm • • • •
300mm To 6m
450mm To 8m
600mm To 12m
Lighting Lighting
minimised maximised Table 9.3b: Convex Mirrors – Outdoor
to 30% to 70%
(Only) & Combined Indoor/Outdoor
300mm To 12m
When lighting is installed to maximise one-way
observation, the lighting source must not shine 450mm To 15m
directly on the glass as this will only increase the
600mm To 20m
brightness on the observation side and reduce the
effect intended. 800mm To 25m
Venetian Strip Mirror Distances are an indication only - most mirrors provide
Venetian strip mirror is produced by applying satisfactory service well beyond this range.
Table 9.4a: Lead Glass Comparison Table Non-reflective glass is available in thicknesses
Glass Minimum Lead X-ray peak ranging from 2mm - 12mm (single glazed), or
Thickness Equivalent voltage (KV) can be incorporated into laminated glass or
5mm ± 0.3 1.0mm 150
Twin-Glaze units. The coating can be applied
to tinted glass for increased solar control
7mm ± 0.3 1.5mm 150
performance resulting in an effective, all-round
8mm ± 0.3 1.8mm 150 shopfront glazing material.
9mm ± 0.3 2.0mm 150
However once the temperature exceeds this line and consequently offers superior optical
parameter, or the non-heated surface is qualities and light transmittance. In addition the
rapidly reduced in temperature, toughened chemical resistance of Borofloat, even at
glass will disintegrate in the normal manner temperatures above 100˚C, is better than most
(See Section 4.3). metals. This glass can be cut and worked as
would float glass and be supplied toughened
Standard toughened glass is generally used in (not a Grade A safety glass) if required. Available
oven doors, cook tops etc. in thicknesses from 3.3mm to 15mm with a
standard sheet size of 850mm x 1150mm (larger
Glass Ceramics
sheet sizes are available on request).
Glass ceramics such as FireLite, Borosilicate,
Borofloat and Robax are manufactured from a Robax is a glass ceramic with a brownish
unique mix of raw materials, unlike that of colour capable of tolerating temperatures and
ordinary soda/lime/silicate glass. This special thermal shock up to 700˚C. Robax can be cut
and processed in the same way as ordinary
composition results in glass products with
annealed float. The standard sheet size is
dramatically reduced coefficients of linear
840mm x 1580mm.
expansion and therefore, a greater ability to
tolerate thermal stresses (heat). Traditional
applications for ceramic glass include space 9.8 Fire Rated Glass
heaters, fire guards, furnaces and wood stoves,
or where temperatures can reach 700 - 800˚C. The heat radiating from a fire through glass
can often inhibit escape and ignite materials
FireLiteis a transparent, crystallised glass on the unexposed side. Fire rated glass in its
developed by Nippon Electric Glass Co. Ltd. many forms provide a non-combustible,
(Japan). With an extremely unusual ‘thermal protective barrier in the event of fire. They
expansion coefficient’ of almost zero, FireLite form an important and integral component of
will not crack even when heated to 800˚C and a complete fire rated window or door system.
then doused with ice cold water. Available in Fire rated systems are graded and measured
sheet sizes up to 2438mm x 1220mm. based on three distinct criteria:
Borosilicateis manufactured with the inclusion Structural Adequacy relates to the system’s
of Boron using the sheet drawn process. ability to maintain structural stability and
Borosilicate has a lower rate of expansion and adequate load bearing capability as specified
higher softening point when compared to in AS 1530.4;
ordinary float glass. It can also be toughened measures the system’s ability to
for improved heat resistance. prevent the spread of flames and combustible
gases as specified by AS 1530.4;
Borofloat has a very low coefficient of thermal
expansion and therefore is capable of Insulation refers to the system’s ability to
withstanding temperatures up to 500˚C. As the restrict the rise in temperature of the glass
name implies, Borofloat is produced on a float surface not exposed to the fire, below the
NB: It must be stressed that all the above FRL classifications are based on tested framing and glazing systems.
Maya Metallik
Welle 1919
Maya 2424
Aktis 1919
No Dimension Weight per unit No. of blocks per m2
1919 190x190x80mm 2.4kg 25
2424 240x240x80mm 4.0kg 16
2411 240x115x80mm 2.0kg 32
3030 300x300x100mm 7.3kg 9
1111 115x115x80mm 1.0kg 64
1919/10 190x190x100mm 2.8kg 25
Water Level
Water Level
Water has an approximate density of one tonne per cubic metre. This mass exerts significant pressures which increase
linearly with the water depth.
Mesh properties
Signal Attenuation (dB)
Radio Frequency
10 100 1000 10000
Recommended for external
glazing applications.
The various product codes
70 T60 (T45, T50 & T60) indicate the
Attenuation (dB)
example, T50 indicates a data
T45 shielding Twin-Glaze unit with an
40 approximate attenuation of 50 dB
at 1000 MHz.
Frequency (MHz)
Cell Phones
Recommended for internal walls
and partitions.
The various product codes
70 (L45 & L60) indicate the
Attenuation (dB)
example, L45 indicates a
laminated data shielding glass
40 with an approximate attenuation
of 45 dB at 1000 MHz.
Figure 9.12a: Typical Drained Glazing System 9.13 Glass Floors and Stair
Outside Inside Treads
Silicone Twin-Glaze Glass is normally not considered a traditional
flooring material, however with the obvious
Setting Block Conducting Gasket
visual effects it can create, glass in such
applications is gaining in popularity.
Outside Inside
Silicone Laminated
Setting Block Conducting Gasket
20mm min
i Technical Advisory
Phone: 1 8 0 0 G J A M E S
Decorative glass
encompass figured rolled patterned and patterned glass in a variety of colours, textures
decorative ceramic painted glass. and degrees of opacity with the majority
capable of being toughened while a small
number can be laminated (See Table 10.2a).
10.2 Figured Rolled
Patterned Glass Georgian Polished Wired is a clear, totally
transparent wired glass. Produced as a cast
Process glass, and subsequently ground and polished
Patterned glass is manufactured by squeezing on both sides using the old plate glass method,
semi-molten glass between two rollers, one of this product is optically true and the preferred
which has a surface pattern and creates a glass for use in fire doors where small vision
continuous, permanent impression onto the panels are installed. Note that polished wired
72 glass ribbon. The pattern is printed onto one glass is a Grade B safety glazing material.
Tandarra • • • • •
Seadrift • • • • • •
Broadline • • •
Narrow Reeded • • •
Strata • • • • • •
Glacier/Sparkle • • •
Kosciusko • • •
Roughcast • • • • •
Satinlite • • • • • • • •
Spotswood • • • • • • • • • • •
Glue Chip • • • • • • •
New Cathedral • • • • • • • • •
Flemish • • • •
Scintilla • • • • •
Obscura • • • •
Squarelite • • • •
Polished Wire • • •
Legend: Text – Textured; Print – Printed; W3 – White 3mm; W4 – White 4mm; W5 – White 5mm; W6 – White 6mm;
B5 – Bronze 5mm; B6 – Bronze 6mm; G5 – Grey 5mm; G6 – Grey 6mm; Lam – Laminated; Tou – Toughened; Wir – Wired;
Non-dir – Non-directional; Dir – Directional.
Cover (%) 40 50 60
Transmission (%) 63 56 49
3mm strip, 50% cover
Figures based on 6mm clear float with printed coverage to
Surface #2.
G.James offers Patternlite in four standard
designs (See Figure 10.3a) in eight standard
colours (See Figure 4.7a) however custom
designed patterns and colours for specific Gum leaf design
Glazing techniques
11.1 Introduction
neoprene and CANNOT be used in the glazing each silicone type has some drawbacks which
of laminated glass or Twin-Glaze units. may be detrimental to the application.
Structural Glass to aluminium Neutral cure ONLY Black 1 part 1 part or 2 part
Weatherseal Laminated glass Neutral cure ONLY Black and 1 part 1 part
to glass translucent
NB: The use of black silicone is recommended in all applications.
There are two main categories of silicone: that release solvents or ammonia during curing. Specific
acetic cure and neutral cure. Recognised by glazing products and methods must be used when glazing
polycarbonate products.
their pungent odour, acetic cure silicones
contain chemical compounds that produce Masonry surfaces should have loose dust, dirt
acetic acid as a by-product of the curing and debris removed by a brush.
(hardening) process. Alternatively certain types
Aluminium surfaces should be cleaned with
of neutral cure silicones release alcohol as a by-
white spirit using clean cloths or lint free
product of the curing process. Table 11.3a
paper and employ the two stage cleaning
details the specific type/s of silicone suitable
process described above.
for various glass applications. Silicone is
available in either high or low modulus (i.e. NB: It is important to use white spirits as the cleaning
movement capability and tear resistance) and/or solvent to properly remove waxes and other contaminates
from painted aluminium surfaces. Alcohol based cleaners
in a choice of one-part or two-part products.
like methylated spirits may not be sufficient to obtain
optimum adhesion on all surfaces.
Adhesion, Compatibility and Stain
Testing Priming may be required if adhesion tests show
Due to the wide variety of painted and other cleaning only, provides inadequate adhesion.
Should this occur the manufacturer’s
surface types currently available for
recommendations must be followed.
construction purposes, simple adhesion,
compatibility and stain testing should be NB: Suitable protective clothing, eyewear and gloves should
carried out prior to the commencement of any be worn when using solvents or primers.
sealant application. If required, samples of all Sealant Application and Tooling
intended materials can be supplied to the
After preparing the surface (and the primer, if
relevant sealant manufacturer for testing.
required, has dried), it is critical the sealant is
Surface and Joint Preparation immediately applied. Delays will allow dust
etc. to collect on the various surfaces and
Glass and polycarbonate surfaces should be
For correct size and position of setting blocks For sloped overhead glazing, either 4-sided or
consult AS 1288. 2-sided structural glazing can be used to
ensure a weather tight system is achieved.
Butt-Joint Glazing
Figure 11.5a: Example of Structural Glazing
2-edge Support
Silicone (structural
and weatherseal) 2-edge butt-joint glazing involves the glass
being retained horizontally in an aluminium
channel glazed with a gasket while the
Double-sided Laminated
vertical joints are sealed with silicone. This
glazing tape glass type of glazing is used in office partitions and
Flat aluminium internal shopfronts (subject to the
Steel requirements of AS 1288).
4-edge Support
4-edge butt-joint glazing incorporates a glass fin 11.6 Considerations for Glazing
at the silicone joint which provides structural Annealed and Heat Treated Glass
support for the glass panels. The size of the
Annealed and heat treated glass with any
glass fin and how it is retained at the head and
surface or edge damage must not be glazed
sill are important considerations to ensure
as this weakens the glass causing possible
adequate structural support is achieved.
thermal or spontaneous breakage.
90° Butt Corner
Laminated Glass
With 90° butt corner joints, the glass is
Glazing systems incorporating laminated glass
considered to be structurally supported by the
should include weep (drain) holes as it is
adjacent panel, i.e. the glass panels support
essential that the edges remain dry as
one another in a similar method to that of a
prolonged exposure to moisture will cause
glass fin providing sufficient structural bite is
delamination around the edges. This may even
available. This may also apply to internal
angles up to 135°. It is necessary to check that occur when laminated glass is glazed in
the glass thickness is sufficient to provide the unframed applications such as balustrade in-fill
required silicone bite. panels. All types of silicones may cause slight
delamination, with acetic cure silicone being
Weatherseal Glazing - Non-structural the most detrimental. If silicone is to be used
Weatherseals have many different forms and a neutral cure type is recommended. It should
include glass to glass butt-joints, glass to be noted that delamination does not effect the
aluminium seals or aluminium to aluminium structural integrity of the glass or joint.
seals for cladding joints. It is important that
Twin-Glaze Units
silicone weatherseals have the correct joint
design to accommodate building movement, All systems glazed with Twin-Glaze units must
expansion and contraction due to heating incorporate weep (drain) holes as any long
and cooling. term exposure to moisture WILL result in unit
Technical Advisory
from these unsealed surfaces. Service
12.1 Standards
and testing
AS 3959
Construction of buildings in bushfire-prone
13.1 Clear Float
TS21: 3mm & 6mm
1.2mm, 2mm, 2.5mm, 3mm, 4mm, 5mm, TS30: 3mm & 6mm
6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 15mm, 19mm &
SS08: 3mm & 6mm
SS22: 3mm & 6mm
Arctic Blue: 4mm, 6mm & 10mm 13.4 Figured Rolled Patterned
Azurlite: 4mm, 6mm & 10mm
Non-reflective: 2mm
Panasap (Dark) Blue: 5mm & 6mm
Optigray 23: 6mm
Broadline: 4mm
Supergrey: 4mm & 6mm
Cathedral: 3mm, 4mm & 5mm
Low Iron Glass Flemish: 4mm
Starphire: 6mm,10mm & 12mm Glue Chip: 5mm
Diamant: 6mm,10mm & 12mm Kosciusko: 3mm
On-line Reflective Narrow Reeded: 4mm
Solarcool Grey: 4mm & 6mm Roughcast: 3mm & 5mm
Solarcool Bronze: 4mm & 6mm Satinlite: 3mm
Solarcool Azurlite: 4mm & 6mm Seadrift: 5mm
NB: Some discontinued patterned glass also available ex-stock Figured Patterned Laminated
Translucent: 6.38mm, 8.38mm, 10.38mm &
13.5 Wired Glass 12.38mm
Tinted Clear
Qualage Tinted
Units 1 sq. yard = 0.836 sq. metre
Length Mass
Metric to Metric Metric to Metric
Metric to Metric
1 watt = 1000 milliwatts
Metric to Metric
= 1 joule/second
1 metre/second = 3.6 kilometres/hour
1 kilowatt = 1000 watts
1 kilometre/hour = 0.277 metre/second
1 megawatt = 1000 kilowatts
1 knot = 1.852 kilometres/hour
Imperial to Metric
= 0.514 metre/second
1 horsepower = 0.746 kilowatt
Imperial to Metric
1 British Thermal
1 foot/second = 0.305 metre/second
Unit (Btu)/hour = 0.293 watt
1 mile/hour = 1.609 kilometres/hour
1 pound force = 4.448 newtons
= 0.447 metre/second
Metric to Imperial
Metric to Imperial
1 watt = 3.412 Btu/hour
1 metre/second = 3.281 feet/second
= 0.738 feet pound
force/second 1 kilometre/hour = 0.621 mile/hour
Metric to Metric
Area of Circle
1 joule = 1000 millijoules
Area = πr2 (3.14159 x radius2)
= 1 newton metre
1 kilojoule = 1000 joules Circumference of Circle
1 megajoule = 1000 kilojoules Circumference = 2πr (2 x 3.14159 x radius)
1 kilowatt hour = 3.6 megajoules = πd (3.14159 x diameter)
Imperial to Metric
Temperature Conversions
1 foot pound
force = 1.356 joules ˚Celsius = (˚Fahrenheit - 32) x 5/9
= Kelvin - 273.15
1 Btu = 1.055 kilojoules
Kelvin = ˚Celsius + 273.15
Metric to Imperial
˚ Fahrenheit = (9/5 x ˚Celsius) + 32
1 joule = 0.738 foot pound force
1 kilojoule = 0.948 Btu
Thermal Values
R-value = 1 ÷ U-value
U-value = 1 ÷ R-value
Btu/ft2.h.˚F = W/m2.K ÷ 5.68
W/m2.K = Btu/ft2.h.˚F x 5.68
Metric to Metric
16.1 Glossary
Aspect Ratio
The quotient of the long side of a glazing
panel over the short side of that panel.
That portion of total incident radiation that is Attenuation
absorbed by the glass and subsequently re- The reduction of sound intensity (or signal
radiated either outside or inside. strength) with distance. Attenuation is the
opposite of amplification, and is measured in
Acoustics decibels.
The science of sound, and sound control.
Adipic Acid A vessel that employs high pressure and
A weak organic acid whose function is to heat to produce a bond between glass and
neutralise any bases produced by the prolonged PVB or urethane sheet, creating a laminated
contact of moisture with the glass surface. glass product.
Backer Rod
Ambient Temperature
A polyethylene or polyurethane foam material
Temperature of the surrounding air (˚C).
installed under compression and used to
control sealant joint depth, provide a surface for
sealant tooling, serve as a bond breaker to
In the manufacturing of float glass, it is the
prevent three-sided adhesion, and provide an
process of controlled cooling done in a lehr to
hour glass contour of the finished sealant bead.
prevent residual stresses in the glass. Re-
annealing is the process of removing Bead
objectionable stresses in glass by re-heating A strip of timber, aluminium or other suitable
to a suitable temperature followed by material secured to the rebate to retain the
controlled cooling. glass in place (sometimes referred to as
glazing bead).
Annealing Lehr
An on-line, controlled heating/cooling Bent Glass
apparatus located after the tin bath and before (See Curved Glass.)
the cooling conveyor of a float glass
production line. Its purpose is to relieve
The process of edge finishing flat glass to a
induced stress from the flat glass product to
bevel angle.
allow normal cold end processing.
Also referred to as structural bite, is the width
To apply a hard corrosion resistant oxide film of silicone sealant that is applied to the panel
onto the surface of aluminium using electrolysis. of glass to adhere it to the frame.
Arriss Blisters
A small bevel at an angle of approximately A profusion of bubbles or gaseous inclusions
45 degrees to the surface of the glass applied in the glass. Small bubbles less than 2mm
88 usually with a wet or dry belt, stone or machine. diameter referred to as seeds.
Bloom C.T.S
A surface film on the glass resulting from Abbreviation for cut-to-size glass.
atmospheric attack or deposition by smoke or
other vapours. Cast-In-Place Lamination
Lamination process where the interlayer is a
Body Tinted Glass liquid poured between the glass and then
(See Tinted Glass.) chemically cured to produce the final product.
to size. Cullet is an essential ingredient in the Glass used in picture framing to avoid
raw glass (batch) mix as it facilitates the reflections and the glare of lighting.
melting process.
Direct Radiation (Transmittance)
Curved Glass
Flat glass which has been shaped while hot Draw Lines
into cylindrical or curved shapes. Refers to the direction of flow (or pull) of glass
during production. (See also Sheet Glass.)
Scoring glass with a diamond, steel wheel, or Distortion
other hard alloy wheel and breaking it along Alteration of viewed images caused by
the score. Other methods of cutting glass variations in glass flatness and is an inherent
units the air between the glass sheets is Supporting glass panels incorporated into the
thoroughly dried and the space is sealed, design of glass facades installed at 90˚ angle
eliminating possible condensation and to the glazed surface.
providing superior insulating properties.
Figured Glass
Dry Glazing (See Patterned Glass.)
Also called compression glazing, this term is
used to describe various means of sealing Fire-Polish
monolithic and insulating glass in the To make glass smooth or glossy by the action
supporting framing system using pre-formed of fire or intense heat.
and extruded materials such as glazing gaskets.
Durometer A protrusion on the edge of a panel of a glass.
An instrument for measuring the relative
hardness of materials such as rubber. Also, Flat Glass
the term often used (loosely) as a synonym for A general term that describes float glass,
relative hardness. sheet glass, plate glass and rolled glass.
Nominal spacing between the edge of the Glass formed on a bath of molten tin. The
glass and the bottom of the surrounding surface in contact with the tin is known as the
glazing pocket (channel). tin surface or tin side. The top surface is
known as the atmosphere surface or air side.
Edge Cover
The distance between the edge of the glass Flush Glazing
and the edge of the rebate forming the sight Glass set in a aluminium frame without any
opening of the window frame. external mullion or transom projections.
A synthetic rubber prepared by polymerising thickness when exposed to uniform static
ethylene, propylene and a diene monomer. pressure loads. Is sometimes called ‘tempered
To alter the surface of glass with hydrofluoric Gaskets
glass and will not completely dice as will fully Fabricated framing components shipped loose
toughened glass. for assembly at another location.
Term used for both fully toughened glass and Two or more panels of glass permanently
both sides to produce optically high quality.
A synthetic rubber with similar properties to
natural rubber, but manufactured without Polished Wired Glass
sulphur for vulcanisation. Transparent wired glass that has been ground
and polished on both surfaces.
Nominal Thickness
The commonly used dimension by which the Polyvinyl Butyral Interlayer
thickness is described. NB: Actual thickness of An extremely tough resilient plastic film used to
glass may not coincide with nominal thickness. bond glass together in the laminating process. 93
A coating specifically designed to enhance the
A series of small scratches in glass generally
adhesion of sealant systems to certain
caused during transport by a chip lodged
surfaces, to form a barrier to prevent migration
between two panels.
of components, or to seal a porous substrate.
The thermal resistance of a glazing system.
Glass which has undergone further treatment
The higher the R-value the less heat is
after manufacture (e.g. laminated, toughened,
transmitted throughout the glazing material.
curved, silvered, coated etc).
The R-value is the reciprocal of the U-value
STC (Sound Transmittance Class)
(See Polyvinyl Chloride.)
A single number rating derived from individual
transmittance losses at specified test
frequencies. It is used for interior walls,
A glass which has a coating deposited during
ceilings and floors and in the past was also
the glass manufacturing process. The coating
used for preliminary comparison of the
is fired into the glass surface at 700˚C and is
performance of various glazing materials.
therefore extremely hard and durable.
Shading Coefficient
The bottom horizontal member of the
window/door frame.
Ratio of the solar heat gain through a specific
glass product compared to the solar heat gain
through 3mm clear glass.
The application by chemical or other
methods of a film of silver to a glass surface
Sheet Glass
to create mirrors.
Refers to the drawn sheet process, which is
pulled up vertically and consequently Sloped Glazing
embodies inherent lines of distortion. It is a Any installation of glass that is less than 70˚
fire finished glass. from vertical.
Shadowgraph Smoke
A test rig for inspecting glass with respect to Streaked areas appearing as slight
distortion and other defects. discolouration on glass. 95
Structural Glazing Gaskets
The panel(s) of a wall located between vision Cured elastomeric channel-shaped extrusions
areas of windows which conceal structural used in place of a conventional sash to install
columns, floors and shear walls. glass products onto structurally supporting
sub-frames, with the pressure of sealing
Spectrally Selective Glass exerted by the insertion of separate lockstrip
Tinted and/or coated flat glass that selectively wedging splines.
reduces the amount of ultra-violet and infra-
red transmittance. Structural Silicone Glazing
The use of a silicone sealant for the structural
Stain transfer of loads from the glass to its
Discolouration of either a glass or finished perimeter support system and retention of the
aluminium surface caused by alkalis that leach glass in opening.
from surrounding materials such as pre-cast or
cast-in-place concrete or from sealants,
A base material to which other materials
pollutants or other contaminants.
are applied.
Stained Glass
Tape Sealant
Refers to the craft of lead-lighting - glass A sealant having a pre-formed shape and
which is coloured by fusing pigments to the intended to be used in a joint under
surface or windows made up of pieces of compression.
stained glass.
Thermal Endurance
Stones The relative ability of glass to withstand
96 Any crystalline inclusion embedded in the glass. thermal shock.
extends throughout the thickness of the glass. Organic vinyl backing applied to mirrors that
Typical colours include bronze, grey, dark grey, holds the glass together when broken.
aquamarine, green, deep green and blue.
Visible Light Reflectance
Weep Holes
A cross piece which separates a door from a
Small holes or slots in the sash or framing
window above. The horizontal member that
system which allows water to drain to the
supports panels, glass, sashes or sections of
building exterior.
curtain wall.
Wet Seal
Two-Part (Multi-Component) Sealant
Application of an elastomeric sealant between
A product comprised of a base and curing
the glass and sash to form a weather-tight seal.
agent or accelerator, necessarily packaged in
two separate containers which are uniformly Wired Glass
mixed just prior to use. Rolled glass having a layer of meshed or
stranded wire embedded near to the centre of
Total Heat Gain
thickness of the panel. This glass is available
The sum of direct solar transmittance plus the as polished glass (one or both surfaces) and
proportion of absorbed energy, which is re- patterned glass.
radiated to the inside of the glazing.
Toughened Glass
(See Fully Toughened Glass)
A measure of air-to-air heat transmittance (loss Phone: 1 8 0 0 G J A M E S
or gain) due to thermal conductance and the (452637)
difference in indoor and outdoor National Toll Free Number
temperatures. As the U-value decreases, so 97
Distance (mm) a column extends beyond the
City, town or country where building is located. front of the glass face creating a vertical shadow.
Depth of Set Back
Glass Type
Full description required, e.g. IG unit Distance (mm) from extreme building face of
comprising 6mm TS40 (2) on Green/12mm the glass in a ‘punched’ (recessed) window.
airspace/6mm Energy Advantage (3). Blinds/Drapes Behind Glass
Glass Sizes
Will blinds or drapes be installed to the inside
Largest and smallest panel sizes required as the of the glass?
size of the glass has an effect on thermal stress. Ventilated Airspace
Glass Application
Will the space between blinds/drapes and the
Options are fixed glass, sliding windows and glass be ventilated? The criteria for a
doors (which include double hung windows) ventilated airspace are:
and openable awning or casement sashes. • A 50mm clearance between the glass and
The window configuration may effect thermal the shading device
stress, e.g. a fully opened sliding door/window • A 38mm clearance between the top and
can act as a double glazed unit increasing the bottom or one side and bottom between
amount of solar absorption to the outer lite. shading device and surround
Glass Orientation Colour of blinds
This refers to the aspect of the facades Refers to the colour of the blinds/drapes,
containing glass. If glass is installed to all four either light (white) or dark (black).
sides of the building, tick all four boxes. The
Venetian Blinds Between Two Glasses
angle of the glazing is also required, as glass
Will venetian blinds be installed between any
glazed on a slope is subject to higher solar
two glasses (i.e. double glazed or jockey sash
radiation than panels glazed vertically.
Glazing Type
Gaps (Glass-Blind-Glass)
Options include the following:
Distance (mm) between glass to blind to glass.
• Glass fully glazed (captive) in a frame
• 2-sided captive – vertical is framing only to Spandrel Glass
the vertical edges with no framing to the Glass Type
horizontal edges. Full description required, for example 6.38mm
• 2-sided captive – horizontal is the reverse TS21 Clear Laminated.
of 2-sided captive vertical.
Glass Sizes
• 4-sided structural is glass retained by Largest and smallest panel sizes required as the
silicone only without any framing. size of the glass has an effect on thermal stress.
Frame Material
Backup Wall
Options are metal (aluminium/steel), Does the spandrel cavity contain a backup wall
wood/timber or PVC. of masonry, metal sheeting or other material?
Frame Colour
Colour of Backup Wall
Options include Light (clear anodised, white), Refers to the colour of the backup wall
Medium (light grey, light blue) or Dark (black, material, either light (white) or dark (black).
dark bronze).
Distance from Wall to Glass
Overhead Shading
Distance (mm) from back of spandrel glass to
The following information is required to conduct a Thermal Safety Assessment. Please complete
all relevant sections. The accuracy of the assessment is based on the information supplied.
Mullion Projection mm
Depth of Column mm
Glass Application
Transom Projection mm
Fixed Glazed Sliding Windows/Doors
Framing Material
Venetian Blind Between Two Glasses
Metal Wood PVC
Yes No
Frame Colour
Gaps (Glass-Blind-Glass)
Light Medium Dark
mm and mm
Spandrel Glass
Glass Type (Full Description)
Signed Date
(Possible Combinations)
Customer Customer
condensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Glacier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 I
Contraflam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 glass insulated glass units
conversion factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 - assemblies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 - applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
convex mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 - blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65,66 - characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
K Pyroswiss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 STC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Kosciusko. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Q STL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
glass handbook
Bundaberg Hervey Bay
Narangba Gympie
Sunshine Coast
Toowoomba Brisbane
Eagle Farm Ipswich Gold Coast
Logan City
Perth Port Macquarie
G.James Safety Glass Pty. Ltd. G.James Safety Glass Pty. Ltd. G.James Safety Glass Pty. Ltd. G.James Industries (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.
1007 Kingsford Smith Drive, 26 Long Street, 217 Rex Road, Lot 2596, Jalan Perindustrian 3, Kawasan
Eagle Farm, Brisbane Smithfield, Sydney Campbellfield, Melbourne Perindustrian Senai Fasa 11, 81 400
Ph: 61 7 3877 2866 Ph: 61 2 9732 2111 Ph: 61 3 9219 2000 Senai, Johor, Malaysia
Fax: 61 7 3877 2295 Fax: 61 2 9732 2199 Fax: 61 3 9219 2099 Ph: 60 7 599 3266 Fax: 60 7 599 3212
Logan City, Narangba, Ipswich, Gold Coast, Lismore, Port Macquarie, Taree Auckland (New Zealand)