03 Tourism and Infectous Disease

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International Journal of Safety

and Security in Tourism/Hospitality

Tourism and the Health Effects

of Infectious Diseases: Are There
Potential Risks for Tourists?

David Mc.A Baker

Facultad de Ciencias Económicas


Tourism and the Health Effects of Infectious

Diseases: Are There Potential Risks for Tourists?

David Mc.A Baker1

According to statistics of the WorldTourism Organization (WTO), international touristarrivals
for 2014 exceeded 1138 million. In the same year the majority ofinternational tourist arrivals
were for thepurposes of leisure, recreation and holiday, about 55%. However travel is a potent
force in the emergenceof disease since the migration of humans has beenthe pathway for
disseminating infectious diseases throughout recorded history andwill continue to shape the
emergence, frequency, and spread of infections in geographicareas and populations. The current
volume, speed, and reach of travel are unprecedented.The consequences of travel extend beyond
the traveler to the population visitedand the ecosystem.International travel and tourism can pose
various risks tohealth, depending on the characteristics ofboth the traveler and the travel.
Travelersmay encounter serious health risks that may arise inareas where accommodation is of
poorquality, hygiene and sanitation areinadequate.The purpose of this paper is to highlightthe
details and impact of significant infectious diseases that can pose a risk to tourists and threaten
public health.The paper also seeks to raiseawareness of the issues outlined and thereby increase
efforts to enhance travel safety.

Keywords: tourism, risks, infectious diseases, health

1. Introduction

Recovery from the global financial crisis and an emergence of new source markets has led to
considerable growth in the global tourism industry from 2009 to 2014. The volume of travel has
grown exponentially too. International tourist arrivals increased from 25.3 million in 1950 to
1138 million in 2014, an astounding 45-fold increase. In recent years, the World Tourism
Organization has estimated growth in travel at approximately 6% per year, and anticipates

PhD. Program Coordinator of Hospitality Management, Associate Professor of Hospitality Management
Tennessee, State University College of Business, Department of Business Administration, Suite J-405, Nashville,
Tennessee 37203. Tel: 615-963-7143. Fax: 615-963-7139. Email: dmbaker@tnstate.edu

similar growths in upcoming decades as seen in the tourism highlight United Nation World
Tourism Organization (UNWTO) 2014 report. The demand in the international markets (5.4%)
expanded at a slightly faster rate than domestic travel (4.9%).Strongest overall growth (domestic
and international combined) was recorded by carriers in the Middle East (11.4%) followed by
Asia-Pacific (7.1%), Latin America (6.3%) and Africa (5.2%). The slowest growth was in the
developed markets of North America (2.3%) and Europe (3.8%). These areas of rapid growth
include many developing countries in tropical/subtropical regions, places characterized by
greater species richness, (Guernier et al. 2004). Other attributes of these areas, including poor
infrastructure, lack of clean water and sanitation, and poor vector control, may increase the risk
that travelers will be exposed to local infections. The shift of international tourist arrivals to less-
developed regions predicts increased exposure for tourists to diseases endemic in those regions.

An expansion in the overall global tourism market has contributed significantly to the spread of
infectious diseases.Like trade, international travel is vast, rapid, on the rise, and a significant risk
factor for infectious disease emergence.Human travelers can easily carry person-to-person
transmitted infections to any part of the world as has been seen recently with the Ebola virus. In
looking ahead, it is unclear to what extent the current dramatic changes in the global economy
will affect numbers of travelers or favored destinations. Political instability and disease
outbreaks can also influence travel destinations, sometimes abruptly.Travelers play a critical role
in the movement of microbes globally. In an increasingly interconnected world with a growing,
increasingly urban population in low-latitude areas, new risks exist and disease-causing microbes
and resistance genes can move even more rapidly than in past decades. In some instances,disease
can be prevented by vaccination, but there are someinfectious diseases,including some of the
most important and most dangerous, for which no vaccinesexist, e.g. the Ebola virus.General
precautions can greatly reduce the risk of exposure to infectious agentsand should always be
taken for visits to any destination where there is a significantrisk of exposure. These precautions
should be taken regardless of whether anyvaccinations or medication have been administered.

Global travel has evolved dramatically during the past two centuries, with ever escalatingspeed,
distance, and volume. Because the geographic distribution of diseases isdynamic and influenced
by ecologic, genetic, and human factors, travel allowshumans to interact with microbes and
introduce pathogens into new locations andpopulations. The increased numbers of travelers and
their spatial mobility havereduced geographic barriers for microbes and heightened the potential
for the spreadof infectious diseases that can negatively affect the tourism industry. Between 1950
and 2013, world population grew from 2.5 to more than 6.9 billion.Thepopulation growth
favored centers of commerce, usually urban or suburban areas,which brought more humans into
close contact with larger groups of people. Concurrently,progress in transportation led to
speedier movement of humans and goods as well asmicrobial organisms which cause the rapid
spread of diseases.

2. Methodology

An extensive literature review was conducted using published reports from the World Tourism
Organization, World Health Organization, World Bank, U.S Center for Disease Control &
Prevention and Internet sources. This investigation was conducted utilizing the secondary data
analysis research method. The research method consistsof how the researcher collects, analyzes,
and interprets the data in the study(Creswell, 2009). Secondary analysis is a systematic method
with proceduralandevaluative steps similar to the primary research method. Secondary data
analysis offers methodological benefits and can contribute to tourism research through
generating new knowledge. The overall goal of this method is the same as that of others,
tocontribute to scientific knowledge through offering an alternate perspective; itonly differs in its
reliance on existing data. Tourism researchers should takeadvantage of the high quality data that
are available and consider the potentialvalue in gaining knowledge and giving insight into a
broad range of tourism issuesthrough utilizing the secondary data analysis research method.

3. Literature Review

3.1 Risk Theory

Risk is a many-layered concept, one that has yet to have a single, widely accepted definition
(Clarke and Short Jr, 1993; Fischhoff, et al, 2004; Tierney, 1999). Risk can take myriad forms
and is influenced by facts, perceptions, experience, social groups, culture, and personal
judgments (Boholm, 1998; Cole and Withey, 1981; Rogers, 1997; Sjoberg, 2000). In addition,
sensational occurrences can dramatically affect risk perception, as evidenced by the 2001
September 11th terrorist attacks that led to an increased awareness in the tourism academic and
non-academic literature (Kegley, 2003) of terrorism. Tourism is an integral part of the global
economy; it generates spending internationally and creates jobs (Allen et al, 2002; Dwyer, 2002;
Tarlow, 2005). Socially, tourism provides a venue exposing travelers to new cultures and ideas,
thereby promoting a more global community (Goeldner& Ritchie, 2003; Tarlow, 2002). In
addition, visitors are highly mobile and may change their choice of destination if they perceive
an increase in risk at a destination. Tourism studies have consistently found five critical tourism
risk factors: (1) War and politicalinstability (Gartner & Shen, 1992; Ioannides &Apostolopoulos,
1999; Mansfeld, 1996; Seddighi et al., 2000); (2) Health concerns (Miller & Ritchie, 2003;
McKercher& Chon, 2004; Cooper, 2005); (3) Crime (Brunt, Mawby&Hambly, 2000;
Dimanche&Leptic, 1999; Pizam, 1999); (4) Terrorism (Sönmez, 1998; Aziz, 1995;
Sönmez&Graefe, 1998a, 1998b; Sönmez, Apostolopoulos&Tarlow, 1999); and (5) Natural
disaster (Faulkner, 2001; Amstrong& Ritchie, 2007; Faulkner &Vikolov, 2001;
Mazzocchi&Montini, 2001; Chandler, 2004; Higgins, 2005).

Given the economic importance of the tourism industry, the effects of a crisis can potentially be
devastating and can have long-term impacts on a destination and the nation’s economy (Blake &
Sinclair, 2003; Faulkner, 2001; Heath, 1998; Santana, 2004). Research on risk perceptions and

travel intentions has been found to exhibit an inverse relationship, in that when perceptions of
risk are high, intentions to travel are lower. Many studies have examined mediating variables
between risk perceptions and intentions to travel. These variables include past travel experience
(Lepp& Gibson, 2008); nationality/culture (Reisinger&Mavondo, 2005); psychographics (Priest,
1990; Roehl &Fesenmaier, 1992); and knowledge seeking (Hennig-Thurau& Walsh, 2004). A
recent study by Reisinger and Mavondo (2005) found that travel safety was positively associated
with intentions to travel and travel safety was negatively associated with travel anxiety. Travel
anxiety was impacted mostly by personality, but motivation also played a role inpeople’s level of
anxiety (Reisinger&Mavondo, 2005). Scholars have found that risk perceptions significantly
influence the intention to travel. Sönmez and Graefe (1998b) found that perceptions of risk are
pivotal to the travel-related decision-making process. For instance, when potential travelers
perceive a destination as risky, these travelers may modify their intentions to travel to that

Risk perceptions associated with international travel may vary depending on the geographic
region (Sönmez&Graefe, 1996). Furthermore, risk perceptions seem to have a great effect on
avoidance of geographic regions and destinations (Sönmez&Graefe, 1998b). Thus, if the
potential tourist perceives that the risk of encountering the Ebola virus at a destination is high,
then the individual may seek other destinations for their vacation. Therefore, riskier destinations
may be omitted from the destination choice set(Crompton, 1992; Sönmez&Graefe 1998a, 1998b).
When traveling internationally, tourists often experience a great degree of anxiety
(Korstanje,2011). Risk perceptions, whether real or perceived, can potentially become the
dominant factors in travel related decisions, particularly in the international context
(Sönmez&Graefe, 1998a; Sönmez, 1998). The influence of risk perceptions related to
international travel has been found to be related to several factors: (1) type of risk, (2)
culture/nationality, (3) proximity to origin, and (4) international media coverage.

3.2Implication of Travel Pattern on Disease Outbreaks

Travel pattern influences disease outbreaks. Frequent travelers accelerateinternational spread if
they are infected early and the outbreak does not otherwiseexpand rapidly, (Hollingsworth, 2007).
The travel routes, aviation network, number of flights departingfrom and arriving at airport,
number of passengers carried, and size of aircraft areimportant considerations inestimating the
spread of modern epidemics (Hufnagel et al., 2004). For sometypes of infections, simulations
illustrate that travel restrictions, particularly isolationof largest cities, will be a necessary
component in epidemic control strategies, (Hufnagel et al., 2004).The present pattern of air travel
could expedite the spread of an influenza pandemiccompared with past pandemics. In 1968 to
1969, 160 million persons traveled internationallyon commercial flights, (Rvachev&Longini,
1985), this number increased to 2.9 billion in 2012 (International Civil Aviation Organization,
2012). The Hong Kong influenza strain of 1968 to 1969spread globally through the network of
cities by air travel: first to northern latitudes,then southern latitudes.(Rvachev&Longini,

1985).Modeling of the epidemic with air transportation data in2000 for 52 cities showed that
influenza would spread concurrently to cities in bothhemispheres, resulting in minimal seasonal
swing and little time for public health intervention, (Grais et al., 2003). Disease would reach
nearby cities first, but also distant cities with high airtravel volumes; a pandemic initiating in
Hong Kong can now spread speedily to northernhemisphere cities 111 days earlier than in 1968,
(Grais et al., 2003). Understanding the local ecologyand linkages through travel can provide
projection of disease spread.

3.3Interactions of Travelers, Microbes, and Locations

Travelers have dynamic interactions with microbes and places. Travelers can carrythese
microbes and their genetic material, and can play many roles with respect tomicrobes. Travelers
can be victims, sentinels, couriers, processors, and transmittersof microbial pathogens, (Wilson,
2003). Conversely, arrival of travelers can affect host populationsthrough contact with diverse
groups of people and microbes throughout their trip and sharing environments sequentially.
Travel should be considered a loop and notjust an origin and destination, (Wilson, 2003). Travel
can be associated with behavior that leads to transmission of pathogensthrough blood and body
fluid exposure. Travelers may engage in sexual activities, pursue extreme sports, and hike in the
mountains or jungle or other injury-prone activities that they would not risk athome. A survey
assessing possible exposures to hepatitis B among more than 9000European travelers found that
most had potential risk (60.8%–75.8%), including holidayromance (12.5% of all travelers), with
6.6%– 11.2% at high risk (Zuckerman & Steffen, 2000). A Canadianstudy found that 15% of
travelers had potential exposure to blood and body fluidsthrough vehicles such as new sexual
partner (9%); sharing instruments, such as razoror toothbrush (5%); receiving injection for
medical treatment (3.2%); having acupunctureor other percutaneous nontraditional treatment
(1%); tattooing or body piercing(0.5%); and abrasive injury (0.5%), (Correia et al. 2001).Other
investigators found that 5.6% of tourists departing from Cuzco engaged insexual activity with a
new partner during their stay, (Cabada, 2003). Although most reported havingsex with other
travelers (54.3%), some had sex with local partners (40.7%) or commercialsex workers (2.15%),
(Cabada, 2003). Sexually transmitted infections (including hepatitis B, HIV,and HTLV-1)
acquired during travel can further spread during the journey and after travelers returnhome.

4. Specific Infectious Diseases Involving Potential Health Risks for Travelers

4.1 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)

The outbreak of SARS in 2003 exemplifies the impact of spatial mobility and thedynamic role of
travelers. In 2002, a previously unrecognized coronavirus caused anoutbreak of respiratory
infections in the Guangdong Province of China. The virusapparently jumped species from civet
cats to humans, although subsequent researchsuggests that the reservoir host is the fruit bat, (Li
et al., 2005). The outbreak became visible to theworld community when an infected physician

from Guangdong, who stayed for a dayin Hotel Metropole in Hong Kong, was the source of
infection for multiple hotel guests,who then disseminated the virus inmany other countries upon
their return home. By May2002,more than8000 SARS infections had been reported by the World
Health Organization, (WHO, 2002). By July 2002, 29 countries and territories acrossfive
continents reported outbreaks and attributed 774 fatalities to SARS (WHO, 2002).
Transmissionof SARS on aircraft occurred at rates of 0% to 18.3%, and occurred as far asseven
rows from the source passenger, (Olsen et al., 2003).

One particular SARS case showed the potential for rapid international dispersion ofa pathogen
that is spread from person to person, (Breugelmans et al., 2004). A businessman flew from
HongKong to Frankfurt, Germany, on March 30, 2003. He traveled on seven flights
throughoutEurope during a 5-day period, including stops in Barcelona, London, Munich,
andHong Kong. He was hospitalized in Hong Kong on April 8 for suspected SARS,
subsequentlyconfirmed on April 10, (Breugelmans et al., 2004). Responding to SARS outbreak,
the Center for Disease Control (CDC) issuedadvisories to avoid travel to the SARS-affected
countries, thus negatively affecting tourism. Most countries in Asiainstituted strict quarantine
measures and restricted travel to reduce cross-borderspread and as inter-country spread. The
CDC temporarily suspended internationaladoption from China because of concern for
dissemination.SARS and the associated travel advisories led to significant decline in
international tourist arrivalsin 2003; the World Tourism Organization (WTO) reported that
arrivals to some affectedcountries in Asia plummeted to less than 50% of their usual levels,
(WTO, 2004 ). Although theregion rebounded quickly, SARS was responsible for a 9% overall
loss in travel volumefor Asia in 2003 and had substantial economic impact, (WTO, 2004).

4.2 Chikungunya
Chikungunya virus, an alpha virus first isolated in Africa in 1952, is a mosquito-transmittedvirus
that was recently carried by travelers to geographically disparate regionson different continents.
Recent outbreaks of chikungunya virus infection originated inKenya in 2004, and major
outbreaks followed in the Indian Ocean Island countries like Reunion,Mauritius, Comoros,
Seychelles and Madagascar in 2005 to 2006 (Charrel et al., 2007). Outbreaks ensuedin India and
Indonesia, and the virus was carried by travelers to Europe, (Panning et al., 2007; Beltrame et al.,
2007; Parola et al., 2006; Simon et al., 2007; Hochedez et al., 2006); theUnited States, (Lanciotte
et al., 2007; CDC, 2007); Australia, (Bruce et al., 2007) and Hong Kong, (Lee et al., 2006). A
viremic traveler from India visitingthe Ravenna province of Italy became the index case of an
outbreak that infected 205local residents, which was transmitted through local Aedesalbopictus,
a mosquitospecies introduced into Italy by ship in 1990, (Rezza et al., 2007). The overall results
are the same, negatively affecting travel and tourism.

4.3 Dengue
Dengue virus, a flavivirus, is endemic in Southeast Asia, South Asia, the Pacific, Caribbean,and
Central and South America, and its history illustrates the intricate interactionsof travel,
movement of goods, and translocation of infectious disease, (Gubler, 2002). Mostcases of
dengue virus infection diagnosed in the United States have been importedin travelers, although
limited local transmission in Texas has also occurred recently.Less well-known is the fact that a
competent vector, Aalbopictus, or Asian tiger mosquito,was introduced into the United States in
1980s by ships that carried used tires.Since then, the mosquito has established itself in many
states, and could potentiateautochthonous dengue outbreaks.In 2001 Hawaii experienced dengue
outbreaks, the likely source being viremic travelersreturning from French Polynesia. Dengue had
been present in Hawaii until the1940s (after World War II), when autochthonous transmission
ceased. However, Aalbopictusbecame established in Hawaii, and in 2001was the primary vector
in a localoutbreak involving more than 100 cases, (Effler at el., 2005).

4.4 Influenza: Seasonal and Pandemic

Influenza remains an ongoing global challenge, given the large pool of influenza virusesin avian
and other species and the capacity of the virus to recombine, re-assort,and mutate. Spread
through aerosol or direct contact, the aircraft provides an idealenclosed space for transmission of
the influenza virus. In one well-characterized outbreak,a passenger who had influenza on an
airplane with a nonfunctioning ventilation systemfor 3 hours probably transmitted the infection
to 72% of 54 passengers onboard, (Moser et al., 1979). Movementof troops during World War I
contributed to the spread of influenza in 1918 to 1919. Nowadays the expandedrange and speed
of travel can rapidly disseminate a pandemic strain ofinfluenza.Influenza has caused multiple
outbreaks on cruise ships. A large outbreak of influenzacases during the summer of 1998 in
Alaska and the YukonTerritory-Canada affected primarily tourists and workers in the tourism
industry, (Uyeki et al., 2003).Outbreaks also occurred on two cruise ships, affecting passengers
between NewYork, Montreal, Tahiti and Hawaii, (CDC, 97-98).

A major outbreak on a cruise ship can affectthousands of individuals and passengers can carry
infection from one destination to the next. In a study of Swiss travelers that included a
questionnaire and paired serologic testingbefore and after travel (N =1450), 2.8% of travelers
tested positive for influenzaand 1.2% had more than a fourfold increase in antibody titers.
Investigators estimatedthe incidence for influenza-associated events to be 1.0 per 100 person-
monthsabroad, (Mutsch et al., 2005).These results indicate that influenza has become the most
common vaccine-preventable disease in Swiss travelers to the tropics, and highlight the risk
forspread through travel.An analysis of the CDC’s influenza and pneumonia mortality data from
1996 to 2005found that international air travel influences the timing of influenza introduction,
andthat domestic airline travel volume in November correlates with the rate of spread inthe
United States, (Brownstein et al., 2006). A study of the hemagglutinin of 13,000 human
influenza A(H3N2) viruses during 2002 through 2007 indicated that most new strains emerge
inEast and Southeast Asia, (Russell et al., 2008).The new strains circulate continuously in this

region andcause epidemics, leading to epidemics in temperate regions. The new strains
initiallyspread to Oceania, North America, and Europe, later reaching South America, (Russell et
al., 2008). It is widely accepted that thenew influenza strains most likely reach other parts of the
world through travelers.

4.5 Animal and Vector Movement and Travel

Human and livestock populationscontinue to grow rapidly, increasing the number of hosts
potentially susceptible tonovel infections. Mass transportation of people, products, livestock, and
vectors ofdisease brings each of these closer to one another, and more quickly (Kimball et al.

2005;Wilson 2003). Over half of all human infections are zoonotic (nonhuman animal) in origin

(Cleaveland et al. 2001; Woolhouse and Gaunt 2007), and the majority of allemerging pathogens
in humans are zoonotic in origin (Jones et al. 2008; Tayloret al. 2001). Population, ecological,
and behavioral changes that increase contactwith wildlife exacerbate emergence of these
pathogens (Daszak et al. 2000). Human encroachment into previously undisturbed areas
increases remote area accessibilityand introduces more vectors and reservoirs of infection to new
hosts. Encroachment,extensification of agricultural land, and urban sprawl all alter population
densitiesand distributions of wildlife, which change disease dynamics (Patz et al. 2004).Bush-
meat is an important source of protein and income for millions of people, andthe illegal bush-
meat trade has been facilitated by the use of modern weapons andcommunication, logging
operations that provide access to forests and transportationof products, lack of economic
alternatives, and minimal capacity to enforce laws(Karesh and Noble 2009). Bush-meat hunting,
preparation, and consumption are linked with several pandemicsand epidemics, most notably
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Ebola,and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).
Travelers have been affected by these and have helped with the spread to countries

4.6 Ebola Virus

In contrast to HIV, the Ebola virus is an RNA filovirus that has wiped out several nonhuman
primate populations over the past 20 years (Bermejo et al. 2006; Leroy et al. 2004; Walsh et al.
2003). The virus appears to be restricted to the rainforests of central and western Africa and
Southeast Asia (Monath 1999; Peterson et al. 2004). Marburg, a related virus, appears to be
restricted to dry, open areas of central and eastern Africa, and the distributions of Ebola and
Marburg likely reflect natural host distribution (ibid.). Nearly all cases of Ebola in humans can
be traced back to the handling or consumption of infected wildlife carcasses, particularly that of
apes (Leroy et al. 2004; Pourrut et al. 2005). Although not definitively known at this time,
several fruit bat species are suspected to be the natural reservoir host for Ebola (subtype Zaire)
and possibly other subtypes (Biek et al. 2006; Leroy et al. 2005). An outbreak of Ebola virus
disease in West Africa, with onset in early February 2014, has evolved in Guinea, Liberia,

Nigeria and Sierra Leone. This is the first such outbreak in the area. The first cases were reported
from the forested region of south-eastern Guinea. As of 7 April 2014, the Ministry of Health in
Guinea reported 151 clinically compatible cases of Ebola, 54 of which were laboratory-
confirmed. Ninety-five of these patients died, and the death toll is expected to go much higher in
the months to come. Liberia has reported 21 cases clinically compatible with Ebola, including 10
deaths. In Mali, the Ministry of Health has reported six suspected cases as of 7 April 2014, two
of which have tested negative for Ebola virus infection. Samples from the four remaining
suspected cases have been sent to CDC and the Institute Pasteur in Dakar for testing. According
to the UN and WHO, the first reported case in the Ebola outbreak that has ravaged west Africa
dates back to December 2013, in Guéckédou, a forested area of Guinea near the border with
Liberia and Sierra Leone and travelers took it across the border. By the end of June 759 people
had been infected and 467 people had died from the disease, making this the worst ever Ebola
outbreak. As of July 5th 2015, 27,609 cases and 11,261 deaths had been reported worldwide, the
vast majority of them in these same three countries; Guinea 2499 deaths, Sierra Leone 3940
deaths and Liberia 4807 deaths. Travelers carried the Ebola virus to North America but less than
5 persons have died.

For tourists, visitors or residents in affected areas, the risk of infection is considered very low if
some elementary precautions are followed, e.g. avoiding contact with symptomatic patients
and/or their bodily fluids or with corpses and/or bodily fluids from deceased patients. In addition,
generic precautions for travelling in West African countries also apply for preventing infection
with Ebola virus, e.g. avoiding close contacts with alive or dead wild animals and consumption
of ‘bushmeat’, washing and peeling fruits and vegetables before consumption, and following
hand-washing routines. Those who are providing medical care in the outbreak area are advised to
wear protective clothing, including masks, gloves, gowns, and eye protection and practice proper
infection prevention and control measures. The risk related to seeking medical care in affected
countries depends on the implementation of precautionary measures in those settings. The
outbreak of the Ebola virus in West Africa is hitting many African economies where they hurt
most: the tourism industry, as jittery travelers reconsider trips to places as far away as Kenya and
South Africa. Fear of the virus is having some effects on would-be tourists to the continent and
underlines the exaggerated risks some associate with travel to Africa, Paris (2015). Travelers are
putting trips on hold to countries unaffected by Ebola, such as South Africa and Kenya. Africa’s
tourism industry is feeling the effects of concerns about Ebola, the virus generates so much fear
in people that it's almost impossible to reassure them with logic that the virus is not affecting the
entire continent of Africa. Yet, in the mind of many visitors, all of Africa is a single country.
Fear of the virus is rattling would-be tourists to the continent and is underlining the risks some
associate with travel to Africa. The Ebola epidemic will continue to cripple the economies of
Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone even as transmission rates in the three countries show
significant signs of slowing, according to a World Bank Group analysis on the economic impact
of Ebola in Africa. The Bank Group estimates that these three countries will lose at least US$1.6
billion in forgone economic growth in 2015 as a result of the epidemic.

5. Conclusion

The impact of air travel on the spread of infectious diseases has led to considerable concern but
limited study ((Mangili&Gendreau, 2005; Leder& Newman, 2005). More than 1 billion people
travel by air each year. There are several important ways in which air travel can influence the
global spread of emerging and established infectious disease. Infections may be spread on the
aircraft through close contact and large droplets (Mangili&Gendreau, 2005); airborne spread
through small-particle aerosols, as in the case of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
(Olsen et al., 2003); or even through contaminated food, (Eberhart-Phillips et al., 1996;
Widdowson et al.,2005). Aircraft can transport infected disease vectors, such as rats or malaria-
infected mosquitoes, as nonpaying passengers. Perhaps the greatest concern for global health,
however, is the ability of a person with a contagious illness to travel to virtually any part of the
world within 24 hours as has been seen with the Ebola virus. The importance of air travel for the
spread of seasonal influenza was recently demonstrated by empirical data showing that the
spread of influenza was delayed by the decrease in air travel after the attacks of 11 September
2001, (Brownstein et al., 2006). With the current heightened awareness of Ebola, it is timely to
reconsider the strategies to prevent more casualties.

Travelers should be considered an integral part of the global surveillance network for emerging
infections. Research and the knowledge gained can be used to alert the globalcommunity to the
presence or susceptibility patterns of pathogens in different regions;inform strategies that can be
used to control infections in developing countries; andprepare travelers to those areas and guide
the care of those returning. One major lesson from the Ebola outbreakwas for the world to
respond much more quickly than before to epidemics.The containment and preparedness efforts
dramatically limited the potential impact of Ebola on the African economy, compared to earlier
worst-case scenarios. This demonstrates why all countries, developing and developed, should
make investing in pandemic preparedness a top priority. It points to the need for a global
pandemic emergency financing facility that will enable the world to respond much more quickly
and effectively to any future deadly outbreaks, and avoid the tragic and unnecessary human and
economic costs that have resulted from the Ebola epidemic.


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