DDos 2017 Report
DDos 2017 Report
DDos 2017 Report
01 Executive Summary
• Top Level Findings
• Threat Landscape Trends
03 Threat Landscape
• Anatomy of a Hacker: Profiles, Motivations & Tools of the Trade
• Business Concerns of Cyber-Attacks
• Cyber-Attack Ring of Fire
• Attack Vector Landscape
04 Emerging Perils
• The Bottom Line: The Rise of Cyber Ransom
• Friend Turned Enemy: SSL-Based Cyber-Attacks
• Internet of Threats: IoT Botnets and the Economics of DDoS Protection
• Evolve and Adapt: Why DevOps is Raising the Bar for Security Solutions
05 Third-Party Viewpoints
• From the Corner Office: Views from a Chief Information Security Officer
• From the Frontlines: How a Multinational Bank Handled a Ransom Threat
and SSL-Based Attack
• See Through the DDoS Smokescreen to Protect Sensitive Data
• Adaptive Security: Changing Threats Require a New Security Paradigm
08 Respondent Profile
09 Credits
• Authors
• Advisory Board
The threat landscape—who the attackers are, their motives and tools
Potential impact on your business, including associated costs of different cyber-attacks
How your preparedness level compares to other organizations
Experiences of organizations in your industry
Emerging threats and how to protect against them
Predictions for 2017
In addition to outlining the findings and analysis of our 2016 security industry survey, this report reflects our
Emergency Response Team’s (ERT) in-the-trenches experiences fighting cyber-attacks and offers advice for
organizations planning for cyber-attack protection in 2017. It also incorporates perspectives of third-party service
providers. This report offers a detailed review of:
• Known and common attacks of the past year (that is, what most people are attempting to secure against)
• Known and uncommon attacks (that is, what top-performing organizations attempt to address—security
incidents akin to the natural disasters cited above)
• Unknown attack forecast (that is, what has yet to demonstrate itself with evidence but is VERY “forecastable”)
Mirai Rewrites the Rules Radware encourages you to use our findings and
As the first IoT open-source botnet, Mirai is changing analysis as you design security strategies against
the rules of real-time mitigation and makes security cyber-attacks and work to reduce the costs associated
automation a must. It isn’t just that IoT botnets can with them. Apply these insights to understand the real
facilitate sophisticated L7 attack launches in high and meaningful changes that have occurred to the
volumes. The fact that Mirai is open-source code threat landscape, to explore potential changes to your
means hackers can potentially mutate and customize investments in protection strategies, and to look ahead
it—resulting in an untold variety of new attack tools that to how possible threats may evolve into real attacks.
On average, responding organizations have annual revenue of USD $1.9 billion and about 3,000 employees. Ten
percent are large organizations with at least USD $5 billion in annual revenue. Respondents represent more than
12 industries, with the largest number coming from the following: professional services and consulting (15%),
high tech products and services (15%), banking and financial services (12%) and education (9%).
The survey provides global coverage—with 44% of respondents from North America, 26% from Europe and
20% from Asia. Additionally, 44% of the organizations conduct business worldwide.
Anatomy of a Hacker:
Profiles, Motivations & Tools of the Trade
Hacking used to require a distinct set of skills and capabilities. These days,
attack services are bought and sold via marketplaces on the Clearnet
and Darknet—a phenomenon that’s closing the gap between skilled and
amateur hackers and fueling an exponential increase in threats.
Thanks to the growing array of online marketplaces, it’s now possible to wreak havoc even if you know virtually
nothing about computer programming or networks. As attack tools and services become increasingly easy to
access, the pool of possible attackers—and possible targets—is larger than ever. While many hacktivists still
prefer to enlist their own digital “armies,” some are discovering that it’s faster and easier to pay for DDoS-as-a-
Service than to recruit members or build their own botnet. Highly skilled, financially-motivated hackers can be
invaluable resources to hacktivists seeking to take down a target.
By commoditizing hacktivist activities, hacking marketplaces have also kicked off a dangerous business trend.
Vendors are now researching new methods of attack and incorporating more efficient and powerful vectors
into their offerings. Already some of the marketplaces offer a rating system so users can provide feedback on
the tools. Ultimately, this new economic system will reach a steady state—with quality and expertise rewarded
with a premium.
These are the hackers who have the wherewithal to carry out their own attacks and spearhead hacktivist
operations. They have a good enough understanding of networking and programming to write their own
attack programs, as well as build their attack platforms by exploiting cloud and trusted services. Given their
skills, hackers are not constrained by an attack time limit or power. Consequently, they are capable of
launching sustained, long-term attacks against their targets, sometimes at very high volumes.
This segment is home to hackers who have realized they can generate a great profit by providing attack
services to consumers. As in any economic system, higher quality or sophistication yields greater returns
and forces improvement. Some vendors are selling enough services to generate more than $100,000 a year.
AppleJ4ck, the vendor behind vDoS, the DDoS-for-hire service1, allegedly made $600,000 in just two years
before being arrested.
Not surprisingly, money is the primary motivation in the attack marketplace. Those who want to commit a
crime—but don’t know how to execute—will always pay someone to do it for them. And with demand
outpacing supply, this is one crime that pays. Stressers—services orchestrating the generation of massive
amounts of traffic—are known to bring in more than $100,000 a year. Vendors offering application exploits can
generate thousands of dollars from selling one exploit on the Darknet.
The ability to evade detection is one of the most important capabilities a vendor offers to his or her business
and clients. Vendors are highly motivated to stay on top of the market. After all, detection or mitigation of
their services will cost them customers and profits. Thus, vendors continually research and discover new
attack methods to help their clients bypass mitigation techniques and take down their targets undetected.
This represents one of the primary motivators for hacktivist groups. Hacktivists are motivated to disrupt their
target’s operations and/or reputation; vendors thrive by investing in researching and discovering new attack
vectors. A vendor offering the most disruptive power for the lowest price will stand to do more business than
his or her competition.
1 http://www.newsbtc.com/2016/09/18/professional-ddos-service-vdos-offline-two-arrested/
A prime example of a DDoS-as-a-service can be Shenron—the second-generation stresser service from Lizard
Squad. Shenron prices used to range from $19.99 to $999.99 a month for access to the attack network. Each
package includes a specific attack time—ranging from 20 minutes to five hours. Shenron’s network strength
claims the ability to launch attack sizes up to 500Gbps. It offers customers different attack vectors, including two
UDP attacks, DNS and SNMP, along with a TCP attack method (SSYN).
Gathering the valuable feedback, Radware has identified areas of excellence, areas that require improvement
and advice for how organizations can better protect their business operations.
In 2015, 50% claimed not to know the motivation behind cyber-attacks, versus 2016 when 89% could actually
tell what is behind the attacks they experienced. This is a significant improvement that implies that security
practitioners are dedicating more resources to visibility and investigation. Understanding is a good start to
planning a security strategy.
The primary motivations—political/hacktivism and competition—have remained consistent in recent years. For
the fifth consecutive year, political hacktivism holds the second spot in the survey, accounting for 27% of known
attack motivations, with competition retaining the number four position at 26%. Two new threats introduced
this year are insider threats and cyberwar (state- and government-sponsored cyber-attacks, as well as attacks
organizations suffer as a result of geopolitical tensions). Both are a main concern in the Asia-Pacific region,
where one out of three indicate cyberwar and two out of five indicate an insider-threat as possible motivation to
launch an attack against them.
30% 27% 26% 26% 24%
20% 21%
Ransom Insider Threat Political Competition Cyberwar Angry User No Attacks Motive Unknown
Figure 1: Which motives are behind any cyber-attacks your organization experienced?
Attack Impact
Most often the impact on an 5% Other
organization’s infrastructure
from a cyber-attack is service
degradation, mentioned by 15%
57% of the participants. In
today’s interconnected, digital
era, service degradation can
negatively impact the end-user
experience, followed by lower
conversion rates, lower brand
equity and significant financial
losses. Fewer reported having a
22% Service
complete outage impact due to No Impact Degradation
a cyber-attack, and one in five
continued to say that attacks had
no impact on their infrastructure.
Figure 2: Typically, what is the impact of a cyber-attack on your infrastructure?
0 3%
fight cyber-attacks
on a daily basis Figure 4: On a scale of 1-10, what is your organizational approach to the
tradeoff between avoiding false positives (i.e. blocking legitimate users)
and maintaining a strong security policy to prevent data breaches?
Almost half of survey participants said that, on average, security threats lasted up to three hours. Attacks lasting
longer than a week declined in 2016—continuing the trend from 2015, when perpetrators began to use shorter
burst attacks and to do so repetitively.
2014 2015 2016
30% 28% 27%
23% 23%
15% 17
20% 16%
10% 10% 9% 7%
Up to 3 hours 3 hours to 12 hours Up to 1 day 1 day up to 1 week 1 week up to 1 month Over a month
When looking at maximum (versus average) duration, 10% of respondents suffered attack campaigns that lasted
longer than a month.
2014 2015 2016
32% 33%
30% 28 % 29%
26% 25% 24%
20% 17% 17 % 19 %
14 %
12% 12% 10%
10% 7%
Up to 3 hours 3 hours to 12 hours Up to 1 day 1 day up to 1 week 1 week up to 1 month Over a month
DDoS 16 %
28 %
12 %
6 %
Advanced Persistent Threat 11% 32% 35% 16% 6% Not Prepared at All
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Figure 8: How prepared is your organization to safeguard itself from the following cyber-attacks?
High Tech Prof. Retail/ Banking &
Products & Services & Wholesale/ Govt./Civil Financial
Extremely/Very Well Prepared Total Services Consulting Media Online Service Services Education
Malware & Bots (Worms, Viruses, Spam) 66% 78% 74% 70% 68% 63% 58% 50%
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) 55% 56% 53% 61% 46% 59% 51% 43%
Web Application Attacks (SQLi, XSS, Defacement) 55% 59% 54% 58% 59% 59% 57% 37%
Social Engineering (Phishing, Fraud) 49% 51% 56% 58% 46% 54% 47% 28%
Ransomware 47% 56% 48% 52% 49% 37% 51% 20%
Advanced Persistent Threat 43% 54% 46% 52% 43% 39% 38% 28%
Consistent with results from the past three years, half of respondents are currently using only a premise-based
DDoS protection solution to guard against cyber-attacks. Seventy-five percent are managing it internally. Two out
of five are using a cloud-based solution or a clean link service or CDN-based DDoS/filtering.
The results underscore the reality that the larger the company, the greater the likelihood to use multiple solutions.
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Figure 13: Which solutions does your organization use against cyber-attacks?
70% 66%
30% 28%
10% 8%
3 %
On-premise Security Secure Coding Cloud-based Run-time Application Other None
Web Application Tests Tech & Code Web Application Self Protection
Firewall Scanning Firewall (RASP)
Figure 14: Which solution does your organization use for application security?
Looking Ahead
Compared to 2016, the cyber security community seems more pessimistic about what to expect in 2017.
Nineteen percent of respondents expect a 30% increase in the number of attacks in 2017. That’s almost 50%
growth compared to the 13% who expected an increase in attacks in 2016.
Figure 15: What percent do you anticipate the number of cyber-attacks to increase over the next 12 months?
2016 underscores the conflict businesses face when being forced to fight on two fronts simultaneously. While
the right hand is protecting sensitive data, the left hand must maintain service availability at all times, mitigating
threats at the perimeter.
level from threat actors. Service
There have been changes to Health
the Ring of Fire since last year. Government Gaming
Telecom, government institutions
and gaming companies stay at the
center of likelihood while the financial
services industry has moved toward
the center. Retail, education and
healthcare industries remain stable,
but technology companies are actually
moving away from the center. Energy and Energy & Utility
utility companies remain in the low risk
level due to tighter security. In addition to
industry, company size can be a predictor
of likelihood to be attacked. The larger the 2016 Change from 2015
business, the greater the chance. Indeed, Figure 16: Cyber-Attack Ring of Fire
organizations with more than $1 billion in
revenue or 10,000 employees experienced TCP and UDP floods on a daily or weekly basis.
Professional High Tech Banking & Retail/
Services & Products & Financial Government/ Wholesale/ Media/
Total Consulting Services Services Education Civil Service Online Telecom
Daily/Weekly 28% 13% 18% 28% 26% 46% 19% 24%
Daily 14% 5% 12% 14% 15% 27% 14% 15%
Weekly 13% 8% 5% 15% 11% 20% 5% 9%
Monthly 17% 14% 24% 16% 20% 12% 19% 12%
1-2 a Year 28% 34% 25% 28% 31% 24% 27% 45%
Never 13% 21% 16% 14% 4% 12% 19% 9%
Unknown 14% 18% 16% 14% 19% 5% 16% 9%
Figure 17: How often have you experienced cyber-attacks in the past 12 months?
Anonymous operations like OpKillingBay often target government sites hoping to attract their attention and
force them to enact a ban against the fishing season. Other operations, such as OpRight2rest, OpGaston,
and OpLGBT, are also launched directly at the government, government officials, state and local offices
and individuals as a reaction to a political event or ruling. These attacks can quickly escalate to target not
only government but also the families of government employees, thereby crossing the line and making their
involvement a controversial action.
The United States presidential election served as fodder for a number of attacks targeting presidential
candidates and business holdings entities outside of the election. Both Republican and Democratic candidates
were the targets of a number of DDoS attacks. These attacks are not only originated by hacktivists and
protesters, but can be the result of an alleged activity of foreign states. In addition to the United States
presidential election, the Philippines Election Commission was breached this year over the integrity of the
election and the electronic voting systems. The group Lulzsec Pilipinas hacked and dumped the voter database.
Another notorious incident was the series of attacks taking down the Australian census website2.
In 2016, several high-volume attacks targeted the gaming industry and directly and indirectly impacted ISPs.
Some of these attacks were so large that they did not make it to the target destination, as the pipes become
too small. Thus, if there was no scrubbing mechanism, the saturation resulted in a complete network outage.
In addition, in 2016 many ISPs were subject to a phony DDoS for ransom campaign perpetrated by fake cyber-
ransom groups portraying themselves as notorious DDoS groups like Armada Collective, Lizard Squad and New
World Hackers.
Web and cloud service providers faced an increased likelihood of being attacked compared to 2015, and are
now the target of a global cyber-campaign that has stricken several Web and cloud hosting companies. Since
the beginning of February 2016, an ongoing cyber-assault has targeted hosting providers across the UK; it was
later expanded to include similar companies in various countries. These hosting providers suffered long-term
outages affecting the business operations of their enterprise customers. They also suffered major reputation
damage—even though some of these attacks were related to their clients’ controversial content or websites.
Attackers mainly target authentication servers to prevent users from logging into the game or upstream providers
to prevent gameplay itself. Attackers are using a wide variety of tools, such as DDoS-as-a-Service or their own
custom botnets like Mirai. For as little as $19.99 a month, an attacker can run 20-minute burst attacks for 30
days. Using these tools, attackers can gain powerful access to vectors like DNS, SNMP, SSYN and GET/POST
application layer.
The value of medical records in the dark market now exceeds the value of credit card information. Consequently,
the healthcare industry found itself at the center of cyber-attacks—putting at risk not only patient data but also
the credibility of the system and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Several data
leakage incidents have been reported, many caused by an actor named “The Dark Overlord,” who published
hospital databases on the Darknet. In parallel, Anonymous hacked into the database of multiple Turkish
hospitals and medical institutions, allegedly in retaliation for a series of attacks on U.S. hospitals in the form
of ransomware earlier this year. The most famous was the one against Hollywood Hospital, which ended up
paying $17,000 in ransom in 2016. Ransomware has proven very profitable for cybercriminals, especially when it
encrypts medical records needed in real time.
This year the educational system came under fire as vendors on the Darknet began offering school hacking
services. In 2016, 444 school networks in Japan went offline as a result of a massive cyber-attack. Hacking
services found on the Darknet make it increasingly easy for non-hackers to carry out an attack or cause damage
to a school’s resources. In addition, a potential attacker can rent a botnet or a stresser service for as little as
$20 in Bitcoin and launch the attack themselves. In most cases, it’s either a student looking to delay a test
or manipulate the registration process or a personal attack against the school by a student or staff member.
Whatever the reason, the outcome is the same: an individual’s act results in turmoil for the institution.
Technology Companies
Due to the nature of these businesses, they are very aware of the technological risks in the digital world. In
addition, they have the right personnel and expertise to fight cyber-attacks. They also tend to be early adopters
in testing new tools, exploits and mitigation mechanisms. Successfully hitting these companies requires a higher
hacker skillset—a challenge many hackers are keen to accept.
Top Trends
Application: Application: Application:
Most Harmful 65% Network: Application: Network: Application: Application: 50% 57%
Attack Types Network: 61% 61% 61% 54% 66% Network: Network:
63% 50% 50%
Daily Weekly Monthly Once or Twice a Year Never Unknown
Figure 20: How often have you experienced cyber-attacks in the past 12 months?
More than one-quarter of respondents reported daily and weekly attacks via TCP-SYN flood, TCP-Other, ICMP
and UDP-flood attacks in the past year. The most infrequent attack was on IPv6 networks, although daily/weekly
attacks in 2016 were higher than in 2015.
100% 100%
14 % 70%
16 % 8%
17% 17% 18% 18% 18% 17%
Annually 18% 18% Annually
60% 60% 12%
7% 8 %
9% 9% 9% 9% 7%
50% 7% 7%
12 % Quarterly
11% 14 % Quarterly
10% 9% 11% 10%
11% 40% 9% 11 % 10%
13% 9% 10%
11 %
12 % 10% Monthly 9 %
16% 12% Monthly
30% 7% 30% 10% 12%
12 %
16% 7 %
18% 18%
13% 13% 13% 13% 14%
Daily 11% Daily
6 %
0 0
TCP-SYN UDP-Flood ICMP IPv6 TCP-Other HTTPS HTTP DNS SMTP Login Malware, App. Vulnerability
Flood Flood Page Phishing Exploitations (SQL
Injection, XSS, CSRF)
Figure 21: How often have you experienced the Figure 22: How often have you experienced the following application
following network attacks in the last year? attacks in the last year?
The application with the highest attack frequency is malware and phishing, with two in five participants
experiencing it on a daily/weekly basis. This rate is consistent with our findings in 2015. About a quarter of
respondents experienced other application attacks daily or weekly.
About half of all respondents indicated that they did not experience any reflected amplification attacks this year.
Roughly 30% said they had suffered from a reflected amplification attack but were able to mitigate the attacks.
In 2016, Radware’s Emergency Response Team (ERT) observed DNS attacks mainly targeting A and AAAA
records. In addition to DNS, the ERT also observed 256,925 NTP monlist floods.
Multi-Vector Attacks
Hackers continue to move away from single vector attacks as advanced persistent DDoS campaigns
become the norm. Attackers are still using burst attacks in an attempt to defeat mitigation processes. In
2016, Radware witnessed the rise of massive 1Tbps botnets using TCP attack vectors versus amplified and
reflected vectors. In addition, attackers are exploring new techniques, such as GRE encapsulation, in hopes of
bypassing ACL limitations.
Thirty-nine percent of organizations report having experienced an SSL- or TLS-based attack. This represents
continuous growth of 10% year-over-year, with 35% reporting the same in 2015 (see the chapter: Friend Turned
Enemy: SSL-Based Cyber-Attacks).
In 2016, 64% of organizations experienced attacks on their network infrastructure. Of those that experienced
a network-based attack, 40% experienced a TCP-SYN flood, followed by UDP (33%) and TCP-Other (29%).
Thirty-two percent of respondents experienced an ICMP attack and 16% experienced an IPv6 attack.
Sixty-three percent of respondents experienced application-based attacks during the year. Forty-two percent
indicated that they experienced an HTTP flood; 36% experienced an HTTPS flood.
20% 19%
10% Combining firewall, IPS and load balancers,
5% 3%
we learn that stateful devices fail when
10M or 10M to 100M to 1B to 10B & at least 36% of attacks hit. They simply
Less 100M 1B 10B Above
cannot handle all kinds of cyber-attacks,
Figure 30: What are the three biggest cyber-attacks you and a dedicated attack mitigation solution is
have suffered by PPS?
required to maintain availability at all times.
30% 27% 26% 26% 24%
20% 21%
Ransom Insider Threat Political Competition Cyberwar Angry User No Attacks Motive Unknown
Figure 31: Which of the following motives are behind any cyber-attacks your organization experienced?
This cybercriminal group, whose name is an acronym for “distributed
denial of service for Bitcoin,” started launching Bitcoin extortion
campaigns in mid-2014. Initially targeting the online gambling industry,
DD4BC has since broadened targets to include financial services,
entertainment and other high-profile companies.
Named after the elite forces of the Kadyrov administration in Chechnya, this is one of the newest groups to
emerge on the RDoS scene. It recently threatened two Polish banks and a Canadian media company. The group
even launched demo assaults (15-20Gbps) to prove its competence, much like the infamous Armada Collective.
RedDoor issued its first threats in March 2016. Per the “standard,” these criminals use an anonymous email
service to send messages demanding a ransom of 3 Bitcoin. Targeted businesses have just 24 hours to wire the
payment to an individual Bitcoin account.
Assess the request. The Armada Collective normally requests 20 Bitcoin. Other campaigns have been
asking for amounts above and below this amount. Fake hackers typically request different amounts of
money. In fact, low Bitcoin ransom letters are most likely from fake groups who are hoping their price point
is low enough for someone to pay rather than seek help from professionals.
Check the network. Real hackers prove their competence by running a small attack while delivering a
ransom note. If there is a change in network activity, the letter and the threat are probably genuine.
Look for structure. Real hackers are well organized. Fake hackers, on the other hand, don’t link to a
website, and they lack official accounts.
Consider other targets. Real hackers tend to attack many companies in a single sector. Fake hackers are
less focused, targeting anyone and everyone in hopes of making a quick buck.
An organization’s culture can make it more or less likely to be targeted by cybercriminals. The two key factors:
cultural views on paying versus not paying and the organization’s overall appetite for risk. Some organizations
are afraid to go public about a breach or simply aren’t interested in a public “fight.” Very private, risk-averse
organizations may represent strong candidates for
an RDoS or ransomware attack. Similarly, those with
a pay-up culture—who are quick to send funds to
“make it go away”—often earn a reputation as such. 50% 49 %
At the end of the day, cyber “ransomers” are out for 20%
profits. For their threats to be effective, the target
must have some digital asset—business or personal 10%
data, interface or communication—that is critical to
the individual’s life or the organization’s operations. 0
Those digital assets are what the criminals will Europe APAC North America
attempt to hold hostage to maximize their reward. Figure 33: Distribution of cyber-ransom attacks by geography
Criminals aren’t looking for expertise—they’re looking for a lack of it. Indeed, they’re more likely to focus on
organizations or people lacking the resources to hire professionals; those with few or modest investments in IT
security support; and those who lack knowledge of cyber-ransom techniques and how best to respond.
Only 7% of security industry survey respondents indicated they keep Bitcoin at hand as part of their emergency
response plan.
Prof. High Tech Banking & Retail/
Services & Products & Financial Govt./Civil Wholesale/ Media/
Extremely/Very Well Prepared Consulting Services Services Education Service Online Telecom
Ransomware 48% 56% 51% 20% 37% 49% 52%
For more on this topic, see Radware’s ebook, Cyber Ransom Survival Guide: The Growing Threat of
Ransomware and RDoS – and What to Do About It
Increasingly, attackers are using the SSL protocol to mask and further complicate attack traffic and malware
detection in both network and application-level threats. Challenges posed by encrypted traffic are poised to
get worse, as Gartner has noted: “The continued growth of SSL/TLS traffic will be amplified by the adoption of
HTTP 2.0. It creates a new attack surface for malware infection, data exfiltration and call back communication.”5
According to Netcraft, use of SSL by the top one million websites has increased by more than 48% over the past
two years.6 As the percentage of inbound and outbound traffic increases, so does the effectiveness of encryption
as a smokescreen for hackers.
Recent surveys show that on average, 25% to 35% of enterprise communication sent through a LAN and WAN
infrastructure is SSL-encrypted traffic.7 In certain verticals, such as finance or medical, it can reach as high as
70% due to the information being communicated. SSL technology continues to improve the security it provides,
with longer, more complex keys used to encrypt data.
3 https://security.radware.com/ddos-threats-attacks/threat-advisories-attack-reports/heartbleed-openssl/
4 https://security.radware.com/ddos-threats-attacks/threat-advisories-attack-reports/sslv3-poodle/
5 “Security Leaders Must Address Threats From Rising SSL Traffic” Gartner Research, January 8, 2015
6 https://news.netcraft.com/archives/2014/01/03/january-2014-web-server-survey.html
7 http://www.networksasia.net/article/3-reasons-ssl-encryption-gives-false-sense-security.1424935771
Many solutions that can do some level of decryption tend to rely on limiting the rate of request, which results
in legitimate traffic being dropped and effectively completes the attack. Finally, many solutions require the
customer to share actual server certificates. That requirement complicates implementation and certificate
management and forces customers to share private keys for protection in the cloud.
Visibility into encrypted traffic isn’t the only challenge related to SSL/TLS. When surveyed about the ability of
existing security solutions to decrypt, inspect and re-encrypt traffic, most are similarly working blind. Specifically,
75% of industry practitioners doubt their security solutions provide full encrypted attack protection.9 According
to Gartner, less than 20% of organizations decrypt inbound traffic at the network perimeter; less than half
inspect encrypted traffic leaving the network. Further, more than 90% with public websites decrypt inbound Web
traffic (often through a Web Application Firewall); however, many of the encrypted attack vectors are doing their
damage before traffic gets this deep into the network or application infrastructure.10
Cloud Complexity
Traditional data center environments aren’t the only place where encrypted traffic creates challenges of visibility
and security. As volumetric attacks that saturate Internet pipes or overwhelm data center resources continue to
grow, many are turning to cloud-based attack mitigation solutions.
Cloud-based services vary in capabilities but generally allow an attack target to rely on purpose-built resources
outside of its network to scrub traffic—that is, removing attack traffic and returning what’s legitimate. However,
rerouting encrypted traffic to a third party creates a new set of challenges related to private key management
and coordination. On one hand, decryption by the cloud DDoS provider is necessary to provide protection from
encrypted threats (some providers simply pass encrypted traffic along to the customer). On the other, enabling
a third party to decrypt traffic by sharing private keys sometimes means the customer must coordinate any
certificate management changes with the cloud DDoS provider. It also means potential loss of end-user data
privacy and confidentiality.
Given these challenges, organizations looking to handle volumetric attacks within encrypted traffic flows need to
identify vendors with the ability to support wildcard certificates that do not need to match the server certificates.
This does two things. First, it eliminates the need to share private keys with the cloud DDoS vendor, which will
be against most organizations’ security policies. Second, it dramatically reduces the administrative burden for
coordinating changes and updates to the server certificates and also eliminates the additional risk of exposing
server certificates to the network perimeter.
• Visibility. Aim to decrypt and re-encrypt SSL sessions to enable security inspection of both clear and
encrypted traffic while maintaining privacy of content en-route.
• Service chaining. Any SSL inspection solution needs to be able to selectively forward traffic to one or more
security solutions.
9 “Security Leaders Must Address Threats From Rising SSL Traffic” Gartner Research, January 8, 2015
10 “Security Leaders Must Address Threats From Rising SSL Traffic” Gartner Research, January 8, 2015
Internet of Threats:
IoT Botnets and the Economics of DDoS Protection
2016 brought a long-feared DDoS threat to fruition: cyber-attacks were launched from multiple connected
devices turned into botnets. These attacks are propelling us into the 1Tbps DDoS era. What follows is a closer
look at what happened—and what to do now.
Notable Attacks
June 28, 2016: PCWorld reports that “25,000 digital video recorders and CCTV cameras were
compromised and used to launch distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, flooding its targets with
about 50,000 HTTP requests per second.”11 Though impressive and startling, this attack said nothing about
what was still to come.
September 20, 2016: Around 8:00 pm, KrebsOnSecurity.com becomes the target of a record-breaking
620Gbps12 volumetric DDoS attack from a botnet designed to take the site offline.
September 21, 2016: The same type of botnet is used in a 1Tbps attack targeting the French Web host
OVH.13 A few days later, the IoT botnet source code goes public—spawning what would become the
“marquee” attack of the year.
October 21, 2016: Dyn, a U.S.-based DNS provider that many Fortune 500 companies rely on, is attacked
by the same botnet in what is publicly known as a “water torture” attack (see below). The attack renders
many services unreachable and causes massive connectivity issues—mostly along the East Coast of the
United States.
• IoT devices usually fall short when it comes to endpoint protection implementation.
• Unlike PCs and servers, there are no regulations or standards for secure use of IoT devices. Such regulations
help ensure secured configurations and practices. Among them: changing default passwords and
implementing access control restrictions (for example, to disable remote access to administrative ports).
According to Radware’s survey, 55% of security professionals indicated that they believe Internet of Things
complicates mitigation or detection requirements.
11 http://www.pcworld.com/article/3089346/security/thousands-of-hacked-cctv-devices-used-in-ddos-attacks.html
12 https://krebsonsecurity.com/2016/09/krebsonsecurity-hit-with-record-ddos/
13 https://twitter.com/olesovhcom/status/779297257199964160
In a surprising departure from previous record-holding amplification attacks, attackers did not use DNS and NTP.
Instead, these attacks consisted mainly of TCP-SYN, TCP-ACK and TCP-ACK + PSH along with HTTP and non-
amplified UDP floods. In the case of KrebsOnSecurity, the biggest chunk of attack traffic came in the form of
GRE, which is highly unusual.14 In the OVH attack, more than 140,000 unique IPs were reported in what seemed
to be a SYN and ACK flood attack followed by short bursts over 100Gbps each over a four-day period.15
Figure 41: Mirai’s HTTP flood program creates huge 80MB POST requests
6. The malware is able to recognize DDoS protection solutions and adjust the attack accordingly.
16 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BusyBox
Figure 43: “I made my money, there’s lots of eyes looking at IOT now” –Anna-senpai
As security reporter Brian Krebs wrote, “Miscreants who develop malicious software often dump their
source code publicly when law enforcement investigators and security firms start sniffing around a little too
close to home.”
That can fuel copycats—and “enhanced” copycats. Radware performed a quick test to see how easy or difficult
it would be for an average hacker to take the now open-sourced Mirai source code and extend its capabilities
with a new, advanced attack vector.
Figure 44: Mirai 1.0 source code showing attack vectors including UDP, DNS, SYN, GRE, HTTP
Figure 46: We can see that during “peacetime,” the server CPU usage is very low (4 cores, 8 threads)
Figure 47: But when we launch an SSL attack using our “improved” Mirai bot,
our server starts to get “busy” handling the incoming SSL connections
In our test landscape, we have observed that a single instance of our new Mirai code is capable of generating
350 SSL connections per second, which takes 50% of our server CPU resources. Multiple instances easily bring
the server to full CPU utilization—dramatically hurting system performance and availability.
For large enterprises with high-end backend servers, load balancers, proxies and the like, 350 SSL connections
per second is negligible. However, if we extrapolate this value to 100,000 instances—or even 1,000,000
instances—the resulting numbers are large enough to take down, in theory, every major website.
Of course, we need to remember that an IoT device is running on very low power and with limited CPU/network
capabilities. Even so, if we take a factor of x1,000, then an IoT botnet with 20,000 zombies will generate an
attack that is 20 times higher than the one we have measured.
Not so long ago, hackers were investing a great deal of money, time and effort to scan the Internet for vulnerable
servers, build their army of zombie bots and then safeguard it against other hackers who might also want to
claim ownership of them. All the while, hackers would keep continual watch for new infection targets that could
join their zombie army.
Things have changed: Now we see millions of vulnerable devices sitting with default credentials. Bot masters—
the authors and owners of the botnets—do not even bother to secure their bots after infection. After all, as Mirai
demonstrates, it does not even persist infection to disk, so a simple device reboot brings it back to a clean and
healthy state.
Nevertheless, this will not prevent re-infection. As we now know, it takes less than six minutes to scan the entire
IPv4 space—and the time-to-infection of vulnerable devices is constantly dropping. It is now estimated to take
less than an hour.
For a bot master, gaining control of powerful servers with 1Gbit cards or 10Gbit cards was considered to be the
ultimate goal—the “Holy Grail.” Sometimes a hacker would pay hundreds of dollars every month for it. Often he
or she would gain illegal access to it and work very diligently to hide it from others. And finding these servers—
then gaining access and maintaining exclusive control—was and still is difficult and expensive.
Now with IoT botnets, we see a different picture. Instead of spending months of effort and hundreds of dollars to
control a few powerful servers and several hundred infected PCs, bot masters can take control over millions of
IoT devices with near zero cost.
The botnet attacks of 2016 also underscore the need to move beyond IoT security as an afterthought. IoT
platforms and devices need to be designed—from the ground up—to be secure. Right now it is far too simple
to victimize IoT devices; all it takes is telnet and a limited list of factory default usernames and passwords to
generate botnets of unimaginable proportions. And this is only the beginning.
Reducing the potential impact of IoT botnets should be a combined effort by all IoT stakeholders:
1. “Smart appliances” manufacturers need to be mindful of producing resilient products with robust
security components.
2. To protect enterprise customers, network carriers need the ability to detect and manage traffic that
originates from such devices.
3. Enterprise customers should understand that when making a security investment to protect their
infrastructure and assets, they need to be able to protect not only against today’s threats, but also against
those that will arise in the next three to five years.
The bottom line: The effort and money we’ve been expending to build defenses is no longer proportional
to attackers’ investments. It is time to review the attack landscape, re-evaluate the architecture of defense
mechanisms and consider how best to defend against higher-order-of-magnitude attacks.
As organizations work to drive higher IT and organizational performance, many are embracing agile and DevOps
methodologies. These approaches emphasize strong connection between IT and the business and focus on continual
improvements. They also strive to speed up delivery while improving quality, security and business outcomes.
For its 2016 State of DevOps Report, Puppet Labs surveyed 4,600 technical professionals. In analyzing the
results, Puppet identified three types of organizations:
High IT performers, which complete multiple deployments per day
Medium IT performers, which deploy between once a week and once a month
Low IT performers, which deploy once per month or less frequently
The study found that high IT performers deploy 200 times more frequently than low IT performers. Further, their
lead times are 2,555 times faster and recovery times are 24 times faster than their low-performing counterparts.
It would be tempting to assume that frequent deployments could lead to higher failure rates. However, one
of the study’s surprising findings is that high IT performers have three times lower failure rates. These high IT
performers also spend 22% less time on unplanned work and rework—reflecting a high level of quality.18
According to another industry study, 20% of organizations emerged as advanced adopters of DevOps.19
Similarly, in Radware’s latest survey, 18% of respondents told us they deploy application changes to production
at least once a day, suggesting that they are high IT performers.
The trend is clear: agile development practices and DevOps have become mainstream. What does it mean for security?
17 http://www.internetlivestats.com/internet-users/
18 https://puppet.com/company/press-room/releases/puppet-2016-state-devops-report-addresses-most-pressing-issues-devops
19 Assembling the DevOps Jigsaw survey by Freeform Dynamic
Chalk it up to a number of traditional security tools and controls that are at odds with agile and DevOps
methodologies. These include:
• Penetration testing. On average, it takes several weeks 19%
Low Degree
to test, produce and assess the report, and then implement 27%
High Degree
necessary security changes in development and production.
That cadence is clearly at odds with the pace of deployments
in a DevOps model.
• Web Application Firewall (WAF). Initial implementation
cycles can take weeks, while security policy modifications can
take even longer—often requiring manual changes. Four out of
five organizations report at least a medium degree of manual
work to try and optimize their WAF. 54%
Medium Degree
• Code analysis methodologies. A medium-sized enterprise
Figure 49: What level of manual tuning does your
application can take days just to scan. The results of such a application security solution require?
scan may reveal issues that require additional time to remediate.
Radware’s security industry survey underscores the prevalence of these traditional tools, with 75% of respondents
using WAF. One-fourth said they only use one method to secure their applications (most often on-premise WAF or
penetration testing) and 66% reported relying on multiple tools and controls.
Look for a continuous security delivery service that integrates detection tools, such as Dynamic Application
Security Testing (DAST), with mitigation/blocking controls, such as WAFs. This combination provides immediate
resolution of newly introduced vulnerabilities via automated real-time patching, as described above. Automated
independent security controls with self-adjusting rules and policies can assist in conducting scans that focus on
the application zones that have been changed. That saves time and accelerates detection of vulnerabilities.
Given the rate and pace of change in both external threats and internal applications, now is the time for a new paradigm
for security services. Insist on a service that has been designed for agile development environments and that adapts the
protections of evolving Web applications, thereby delivering effective protection at every stage of the development lifecycle.
2. We’ve also experienced a tremendous spike in malicious use of messaging protocols being tweaked
to carry out attacks—including MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service), SMS (Short Message Service) and
traditional email into these numbers. More than 99% of the total volume in our environment we identified as
being malicious or otherwise inappropriate to deliver to the customer.
3. The third trend is a large increase in mobile-specific ransomware activity targeting the two largest
platforms: Android and Apple. We believe most of that activity is originating in a foreign country and being
delivered via third-party app stores.
Sophistication. Attacks are also growing in sophistication. That holds true more so based on what we’ve seen
with mobile-originating attacks. There’s been a sharp increase in malware targeting Android devices and then
leveraging them for DDoS events. Many of those malware packages we’ve identified weren’t written specifically
for DDoS events. It’s typically ad clicking or some other purpose, but we’ve seen some very advanced malware
being leveraged for DDoS.
We’re safeguarding thousands of apps—applications in our own corporate environments, applications for our
enterprise customers and more than 20 million subscribers ranging from hotspots with connected Windows
and Linux devices to Android and Apple devices. We lean on our vendor’s Emergency Response Team and
Advanced Services group to help us validate an appropriate implementation of our security policies. These are
high-value devices so we want to ensure we’re getting maximum value for those dollars, and those teams help
us achieve that.
One of the first things I do every morning is go to our dashboards, which display alarms and DDoS trends in an
executive view. Our SOC is looking at metrics on a 24x7 basis and our manager and director levels are looking at
these dashboards daily. We’ve established five severity categories for attacks and each is further broken down
by event or total volume transfer. Our goal is to provide the business with the complete story.
On a daily basis, I am asked the question, “Why?” I don’t have a quantified response other than a gut feeling.
However, those feelings are reassured and backed by our program development and threat intelligence. We
leverage a series of tools to identify that attacks are increasing. We’re now pretty confident that more and more
advanced malware is being produced targeting the Android platform in particular.
On Black Friday 2015—the busiest retail day of the year—we were the target of a large attack. I was able to send
an email to our senior execs letting them know that it had occurred and we blocked it with a 100% effective rate.
That was a big win for our security team.
You simply cannot paint a broad brush in architecture and platforms. You may protect 99 of 100 apps, but if
that one app might be business critical, you still failed. Not all code development has the same level of quality
or standards, and we’ve had to take that in account. Regardless of size or industry, an organization will have
a reasonable, if not definitive, population of assets it’s trying to protect. Solutions must have a broad range of
coverage—focusing not just on traditional network protocol protections but also offering high quality in session
management and all the various techniques, like hold-down timers and HTTP protections.
When I have an incident, I have a very high level of confidence that when I engage Radware’s ERT, I’m getting
support from some of the world’s leading cyber security experts.
Above all, I tell people that if they feel they are at increased risk for DDoS attacks, they should not underestimate
the level of commitment required for maintaining these platforms. Attacks and techniques change daily. You
need flexible solutions and the ability to make adjustments just as frequently to protect the business. Pull those
levers to keep pace with ever-changing threats to your applications and networks.
In this contributed piece, the Network Architect shares his notable experiences protecting this financial
services organization’s network perimeter from cyber security threats during the past 12 months.
Our organization is geographically separated from the rest of the world. This has implications on both the
organization’s ability to protect itself (for instance, in terms of latency in times of diversion) and also limits the
ability of hackers to use volumetric attacks; hackers can’t get even half a terabyte of traffic here. For us, a teaser
attack may bring 300 megabytes of traffic. As a safety precaution, when we receive a flood attack and ransom
note, we divert network traffic to the scrubbing center of our DDoS mitigation vendor, Radware, before the
ransom payment deadline. We believe that hackers executing the ransom attack will observe the traffic being
diverted and will realize the futility of launching a teaser attack. We also believe that it sends a clear signal to
Armada Collective and other ransom groups. By taking powerful and decisive action, we send the message that
we won’t be victimized.
In April of 2016, we received another ransom email purporting to be from Lizard Squad. Because we
communicate frequently with our local banking risk management association, we learned that the emails were
from a copycat. Since we identified it as a hoax, we decided not to divert traffic. However, we did receive a small
teaser attack and relied on Radware’s Emergency Response Team of experts for support.
Yet not all attacks are burst attacks. In September 2016, we received an attack that was relatively small (only
2-3 Gbps) but lasted over four hours and gradually evolved in several stages. First, we noticed that some of
the attacks were ping-back attacks. We experienced attacks of 16,000 SYN connections which were mitigated
via our on-premise DDoS protection appliance. After the Half-SYN attack, there was an HTTP flood with about
2,000 sources in the attack, which was also successfully mitigated. However, we had difficulty mitigating the full
HTTPS flood attack. It was the first time we experienced an encrypted attack, highlighting the need for dedicated
protection against encrypted attacks that leverage SSL standards to evade security controls.
Normally the bank faces UDP fragmented attacks followed by a DNS reflective attack. In this case, we were hit
with a typical SSL attack that we were not prepared to mitigate. Typically attacks only last three to four minutes
and immediately follow each other, but this SSL attack lasted an hour and a half, putting our defenses under
tremendous stress because of the computing resources the attack consumed. In fact, we generated so much
response load that it pushed our outbound connection to its limit; it tripled our usual throughput.
Lessons Learned
1. The benefits of behavioral analysis over rate-limiting analysis.
In the past, the bank tested a DDoS mitigation solution that leveraged rate-limiting technology and discovered
that using behavioral analysis provided a significant advantage. Since it doesn’t block legitimate traffic, it
enables us to maintain our service levels.
2. The importance of time to mitigation.
By having the ability to develop attack signatures in real time, we have been able to mitigate attacks in as little
as 20 seconds. Our traffic pattern during the day is heavy and at night it’s quieter, so we had to do some fine
tuning to reflect different behavioral traffic patterns at different times of the day.
3. The advantages of a single vendor hybrid DDoS protection solution.
The baseline on our perimeter and the baseline on the Radware scrubbing center are now identical. As a
result, we can mitigate attacks faster versus another solution that would have to reanalyze traffic in the cloud
again, or require a lot of manual tuning to reach the same protection level.
4. Let the experts deal with attacks.
Because we are backed by Radware’s Emergency Response Team, we can focus on our daily tasks knowing
that we can rely on their expertise within seconds. It means the bank isn’t required to have that expertise in-
house, which is important since the attack landscape is always evolving. Access to this level of expertise
should be part of any response and business-continuity strategy.
Our networking team preferred no form of Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) on-ramping or off-ramping. Nor
did they want a security application that would interfere with any routine decisions. We suggested leveraging
Radware’s Cloud DDoS Protection and a flow monitor that is deployed out-of-path so the bank’s IT security
team only engages with larger attacks that cross certain bandwidth thresholds. That all takes time and short,
low-bandwidth attacks could “fly under the radar.” With the behavioral engine, we can detect smaller, shorter
attacks. With another DDoS mitigation solution, we would never have detected those attacks.
DDoS attacks can be costly and risky. TierPoint is witnessing a growing trend of using such
attacks as the means to another, potentially more devastating, end: stealing sensitive data.
Call this new breed of attack the “DDDoS”—deceptive distributed denial-of-service. For
two recent examples, look to attacks on Carphone Warehouse and Linode. By bombarding
Carphone Warehouse with online traffic, hackers were able to steal the personal and banking
details of 2.4 million people. Similarly, cloud provider Linode suffered more than 30 DDoS
attacks that appeared to be a ruse to divert attention away from a breach of user accounts.
With these “DDDoS” attacks, cybercriminals distract business and IT resources to pursue larger objectives. The
most recent Radware security industry survey shows that a growing number of security leaders are aware of
escalating threats.
These are true concerns. DDoS as a smokescreen isn’t new. Yet, as with so many cyber security trends, its
rise can be traced to financial motives. The value of stolen data in the dark market intrigues potential cyber-
delinquents to find ways to get access to it. The Darknet offers a marketplace for capturing that value. Consider
the following based on research by McAfee:
• Average estimated price for stolen credit and debit cards: $5 to $30 in the United States, $20 to $35 in the
United Kingdom, $20 to $40 in Canada, $21 to $40 in Australia and $25 to $45 in the European Union
Bank login credentials for a bank account with a $2,200 balance: $190
Patient Health Information (PHI): $500 to $1,800 depending on patient age and insurance coverage
• Login credentials for online payment services, such as PayPal: $20 to $50 for account balances from $400
to $1,000; $200 to $300 for balances from $5,000 to $8,00020
TierPoint observations and experience point to these as the most common vectors for DDoS smokescreen attacks:
• Encrypted/non-volumetric attacks. This includes protocol attacks, such as SYN floods, fragmented
packet attacks and Pings of Death. These types of attacks consume actual server and/or firewall resources.
Such resource starvation attacks use service calls to the IP stack, such as TCP-SYN requests and calls
to the underlying authentication or operating system, to tie up and eventually overwhelm system memory
and computing processes.
• Application-layer attacks. These include Slowloris and zero-day DDoS attacks, as well as DDoS attacks
targeting Apache, Windows or openBSD vulnerabilities. Built around seemingly legitimate and innocuous
requests, these attacks aim to crash the Web server. Their magnitude is measured in requests per second.
• Volumetric attacks. These include User Datagram Protocols (UDP) floods, ICMP flood and other
spoofed-packet floods. The goal: to saturate the bandwidth of the attacked site. Magnitude is measured
in bits per second.
An example is an organization combining a mitigation appliance Total U.S. U.K.
and a mitigation service. While the appliance blocks attacks at the
application layer, a cloud-based service scrubs higher volumes
of malicious traffic. In the financial services industry, 45% of Yes No
institutions have already adopted this approach. Figure 50: Security and the C-Suite: Threats
and Opportunities, Radware, 2016
As the stakes get higher—and the “smoke” grows thicker—TierPoint advises organizations to solidify a strategic
DDoS detection and mitigation plan before an attack takes place. This includes understanding your risk profile
and tolerance as well as determining the right balance of managed security services and security solutions
administered internally.
Adaptive Security:
Changing Threats Require a New Security Paradigm
Contributed by Enterprise Security & Risk Management, Tech Mahindra
As organizations continue to embrace the digital evolution, a growing number of assets are
being connected to the Internet. In fact, most organizations are now using cloud-based
applications to power operations. With this shift, IT infrastructures have become more
distributed. Applications are now accessible from anywhere and personal devices are being
used to conduct business. Together, these realities have blurred the boundaries of the
traditional network perimeter.
Attackers operate under a host of motivations—from hacktivism to monetary gain. No matter their intent,
attackers benefit from the trend toward distributed IT, which increases the threat surface. Gone are the days
when bolt-in and “afterthought” security architectures were sufficient. Static firewalls and intrusion detection
or prevention solutions (IDS/IPS) woven around the asset simply cannot provide adequate protection. That’s
because static firewalls and IDS/IPS leverage a model whereby they are fed known attack & protocol behavior
and are not aware about the assets they protect. They are not cognizant of network behavior and are unable to
protect against emerging attacks. If those approaches don’t work, what does? Tech Mahindra believes there
is a need to realign security architecture by focusing on ensuring application availability and preserving user
experience while protecting applications from both volumetric DDoS attacks and exploitation of vulnerabilities. In
designing such a strategy, there are two important prerequisites for success:
1. Know Your Assets. This includes components such as web and mobile interfaces, databases, development
and test cycles, operating systems, where applications are being deployed, by whom and from where the
infrastructure is being accessed. Understanding these variables is an important requirement for reducing the
attack surface within the environment.
2. Map Your Risks and Take Steps To Reduce Them. Often attack activity goes unnoticed for a significant
periods of time. Thus, it’s crucial to understand attackers: how attacks have evolved over time, which direct
With applications being updated frequently, development and test cycles have shortened, and workloads have
become dynamic. In many organizations, time-to-market pressures, lack of resources and lack of awareness
and focus on security converge to create security gaps in applications. As a result, it has become critically
important that security be highly adaptable—with continuous adjustments to address fast-changing
applications and threats. With an adaptive security approach, an organization can establish an effective
security architecture for mitigating threats—both known and unknown.
2. Situational Awareness. Adaptive security must continually evolve at run time to address ever-changing
application and user behaviors. Contextual information from continuous monitoring is a key input for an
effective adaptive security strategy. With this approach, the security architecture is not entirely dependent
on the traditional signature-based threat information but is instead based on real-time situational awareness.
Continuously evolving security requires complete awareness of the assets being protected—such as the
core network, applications and endpoints—and user behaviors related to those assets. If new code or a
new application is deployed, the architecture detects the change and fine tunes the policies vis-à-vis any new
vulnerabilities. Volumetric DDoS attacks are a constant threat to online IT assets, with attackers typically
merging malicious traffic with benign traffic (sometimes even using encrypted protocols). Thus, the ability to
analyze traffic behavior and recognize user traffic patterns using various parameters, together with maximum
detection accuracy, is key to dropping only malicious traffic and preventing any service degradation.
3. Automation. When organizations deploy best-of-breed security solutions, these solutions almost always
operate in silos. Automation in security can enable organizations to design a security architecture where
security functions coordinate with each other, share information and respond dynamically to attacks. For
example, adaptive defense mechanisms can use signaling or other forms of messaging between security
controls; they can auto-learn new attack patterns; and they can accelerate time to mitigation through real-
time creation of protection. Ultimately, automation is about prevention versus detection—and it empowers
organizations to secure themselves at the speed of attacks. Automation in security can enable siloed security
modules to work as a synchronized system—operating with minimal intervention and significantly improving
both incident response time and resource consumption. Just as dynamic business environments lead
organizations to adapt, so does the threat landscape. With distributed, heterogeneous information
architectures, application protection can no longer count on static models, but rather must include advanced
mechanisms like real-time auto-learning and self-updating to provide seamless and continuous protection of
an organization’s most critical digital assets.
Tech Mahindra Security Service Portfolio includes Security Consulting, Identity Access Management, Application
Security, Infrastructure Security and Threat Management. We continuously help our customers in their journey
towards the mature security posture. Tech Mahindra’s global partnership with Radware for on premise and
cloud-based security solution is in line with the continuously adaptive security approach.
20% 17%
10% 8%
10% 6%
2% 2% 2%
Less than 100,001 - 250,001 - 500,001 - 1.1M - 3M 3.1M - 5M 5.1M - 10M 10M +
100,000 250,000 500,000 1M USD/EUR USD/EUR USD/EUR USD/EUR USD/EUR
Figure 51: How much do you believe an attack costs your business?
North America
(A) 52% 8% B 18% 10% 7% 2%2%2%
(B) 63% AC 15% 8% 9% 2%112%
(C) 47% 16% 10% 11% 5% 3% 6% 1%
Similarly, this year’s survey uncovered differences across business sectors. While educational institutions
continue to underestimate attack costs, healthcare, government and technology organizations are well aware of
the risks. Indeed, such organizations provide estimates that are five times higher than education respondents’
estimates. For healthcare and government, this better understanding of risk may be associated with the sensitive
nature of the information under their care. Respondents from retailers provided an above-average estimate of
$800,000 per attack. After all, retailers depend on optimal service availability to run their operations; once hit
with an attack, losses are immediate. Surprisingly, financial services organizations provide a relatively moderate
estimate of just $500,000 per attack.
Government Healthcare Tech Professional Retail Telecom Finance Education
Figure 53: Estimated cyber-attack cost by sector
Those organizations that do calculate monetary consequences of attacks cite a number of factors that they
take into consideration. For at least half, reputational damage and online revenue loss are factors. Other drivers
include SLA fees, legal damage, compliance and processing of unwanted traffic.
49% 47%
43% 43% 41%
Financial Impact of Online Revenue SLA Fees Legal Damages Compliance Processing of Unwanted Other
Reputational Damage Loss from Users Fees Attack Traffic
Figure 54: Which of the following does the calculation for cost of attacks include/factor?
underestimating by the education and media sectors, a
tendency by government security professionals to believe 1000
that cyber-attacks cost as much as $1 million, and tech and
professional services companies reporting the highest amounts, 800
The bottom line? Cyber-attacks are more expensive than many 400
organizations assume, making them a significant blind spot. By
more accurately understanding and precisely calculating all of 200
the financial impacts, security teams can make a stronger case
for funding—and use that funding to prepare more effectively
Calculating Guessing
and become a cyber-resilient business.
Figure 55: Average attack cost
Professional High Tech Banking & Retail/
Services & Products & Financial Government/ Wholesale/ Media/
Total Consulting Services Services Education Civil Service Online Telecom
Less than 100,000 54% 54% 57% 50% 74% 44% 54% 70%
100,001 - 250,000 17% 21% 10% 18% 17% 20% 14% 12%
250,001 - 500,000 10% 7% 9% 14% 4% 12% 11% 9%
500,001 - 1M 8% 8% 12% 7% 4% 10% 11% 3%
1.1M - 3M 6% 2% 4% 9% 2% 2% 3% 6%
3.1M - 5M 2% 3% 1% 1% 0% 5% 3% 0%
5M - 10M 2% 1% 1% 1% 0% 5% 5% 0%
10M+ 2% 4% 5% 0% 0% 2% 0% 0%
Figure 56: How much do you believe an attack costs your business?
Of course, not all attacks are created equal. For many organizations, dealing with a certain threshold of low-level
attacks has become commonplace. But some actually cause serious disruptions that pose a potential threat to
the business—and must be handled immediately. How can you tell which is which?
Other financial impacts are harder to pin down. A prime example is reputational impact, which can vary
depending on the severity of the attack and how much time your organization spends in the headlines.
The “textbook” incident response team has system administrators who are very familiar with IT resources and
how to backup data; network administrators who know network protocols and can dynamically reroute traffic;
and information security personnel who know how to thoroughly track and trace security issues as well as
perform post-mortem analysis of compromised systems.
Radware’s industry survey reveals that one-third of organizations have an incident response team with proven
technology talents. Another fifth say their team has experts with a long track record in IT security. Another fifth
told us they have a mixture of
hackers, experts and tech talent.
Alarmingly, a similar percentage 21%
Don’t Have an
reports having no incident In-house IR Team 34%
response team at all. In terms of Tech Talents
experience and within Organization
Those with a combination of all skills, which of the
three—tech, security and hacker following statements
expertise—were most likely to best describes your
report having experienced and incident response
successfully mitigated attacks. 19% team?
Mixture of All Three
Those who are solely white-
hat hackers indicated that they
experienced these attacks but 5% 21%
did not mitigate them. White Hat Hackers Experts in IT Security
Figure 57
Figure 58: Do you have a cyber security emergency response plan? If yes, which of the following practices does your plan include?
If you are relying solely on in-house resources for incident response, practice is even more crucial. This year’s
survey found that most respondents turn to in-house emergency response teams when they need to mitigate
a cyber-attack. Companies in APAC are more likely than those in North America and Europe to rely on security
vendors (50% versus 30% and 24%, respectively).
Figure 59: Who do you turn to when you are under attack for cyber-attack mitigation?
In security, it is generally wise to invest in prevention over detection. With cyber-attacks likely to impact every
business in some capacity, preparation is a major step toward mitigating successfully and minimizing the
financial, reputational and legal havoc an attack can wreak.
Let’s take a look back at how our predictions fared in 2016—and then
explore what Radware sees on the horizon for 2017.
Advanced Persistent Denial of APDoS is an attack technique that leverages multi-vector attack campaigns targeting
Service (APDoS) as Standard various layers of the victim’s IT infrastructure. The majority of today’s cyber-attacks
Operating Procedure are now multi-vector.
2016 was the year of cyber-ransom, with 56% of companies reporting being
Continued Rise of Ransom
threatened. While we predicted that cloud companies would be the main targets, it
Denial of Service (RDoS)
turns out that ransomware affected just about every type of business.
The United States and the European Union reached the “Privacy Shield” agreement
Privacy as a Right
in May of 2016, followed by a debate about whether or not it accurately reflects the
(Not Just a Regulation)
morals of personal privacy.21
More Laws Governing
Sensitive Data
Under new U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules in favor of online
privacy, consumers may forbid Internet providers from using and selling their data.22
The Internet of Zombies Everyone’s talking about the Mirai IoT botnet and its record-breaking volumes.
Arrival of Permanent
“Very slowly” turned out to be the operative words. While we have a few examples in
Denial-of-Service (PDoS) Attacks
2016, we foresee this threat gaining momentum in 2017.
(Albeit Very Slowly)
SSL-based attacks grew 10% year over year. Yet encrypting traffic to and from
Growing Encryption to
cloud applications requires additional resources, including overcoming the certificate
and from Cloud Applications
management challenge.
Also known loosely as “phlashing” in some circles, PDoS is an attack that damages a system so badly that it
requires replacement or reinstallation of hardware. By exploiting security flaws or misconfigurations, PDoS can
destroy the firmware and/or basic functions of system. It is a contrast to its well-known cousin, the DDoS attack,
which overloads systems with requests meant to saturate resources through unintended usage.
One method PDoS leverages to accomplish its damage is via remote or physical administration on the
management interface of the victim’s hardware, such as routers, printers or other networking hardware. In
the case of firmware attacks, the attacker may use vulnerabilities to replace a device’s basic software with a
modified, corrupt or defective firmware image—a process which when done legitimately, is known as flashing.
This “bricks” the device, rendering it unusable for its original purpose until it can be repaired or replaced. Other
attacks include overloading the battery or power systems.
Examples include:
• An article published by Help Net Security detailed a new USB exploit that, when inserted into a computer,
can render the machine bricked. According to Help Net, the latest PDoS USB attack “when plugged into a
computer … draws power from the device itself. With the help of a voltage converter, the device’s
capacitors are charged to 220V, and it releases a negative electric surge into the USB port.”23
21 http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2016/02/privacy-shield-doomed-from-get-go-nsa-bulk-surveillance-waved-through/
22 https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2016/10/27/the-fcc-just-passed-sweeping-new-rules-to-protect-your-online-privacy/
23 https://www.helpnetsecurity.com/2015/10/15/usb-killer-20-a-harmless-looking-usb-stick-that-destroys-computers/
• Recent safety hazard incidents of the Samsung Note 725 are stoking concerns about devices that can be
intentionally set on fire. There have been numerous test cases of malware and bots overheating devices,
causing them to physically distort or worse. These attacks, bundled into a cyber-attack, could have devastating
and lasting effects beyond what we commonly think about in the world of the “nuisance” DDoS attack.
Can the day be far away where a terrorist attack is magnified by an effective outage of first responders’
communication platforms? If you doubt the feasibility, review this bulletin.26 It was issued in 2013 by public safety
organizations asking for assistance in cracking a TDoS attack against 911 systems.
Prediction 3: Ransom Attacks Become More Segmented, More Real and More Personal
Radware predicts that cyber-ransomers extend their reach beyond companies. In 2017, ransom attacks could
get personal.
Hackers target personal implanted health devices. Imagine if your life depended on an implanted
defibrillator or other medical device. Now imagine if such a device were hacked and held for ransom. The idea of
hacking defibrillators is not science fiction. Cyber ransom is the fastest-growing motive and technique in cyber-
attacks. Can a marriage between the two be far off? For those unfamiliar with these risks and U.S. Government-
issued warnings in this category, please refer to the FDA’s Advice to Medical Device Manufacturers, a summary
of FBI & DHS alerts on Internet of Things and these warnings on cyber ransom.
Public transportation held hostage. In many ways, cyber ransoming a public transportation system is the
ultimate hack—empowering attackers to hold a community hostage for financial or criminal gain. If you live in
France, the United States or many other countries, you may have grown accustomed to railway or airline workers
striking and wreaking havoc on the communities around them.
From trains and planes to buses and automobiles, our entire system of transportation is becoming more
automated. This automation is meant to provide us with increased safety, improved reliability and higher
efficiencies. But is it really providing those things? If you have been following cyber security threats to public
transportation as closely as we have, you likely know there have already been many attacks—some of which
have distinguished themselves as harbingers of future attack categories. (In case you missed it, a recent
Radware blog post shares four real-world examples that help illustrate the problem.)
Just as other forms of transportation face increased threats, so does the aviation industry. Like water, terror
threats in aviation tend to take the path of least resistance. Via external analyses and documented evidence, we
now know that the aviation sector is vulnerable to cyber-attacks. How long will it be until terror strikes evolve
in the aviation industry—as they have around the world—to the cyber front? If you have responsibility for any
aspect of these areas, please don’t be a bystander. Be proactive about onboarding controls and saving lives.
24 http://www.darkreading.com/permanent-denial-of-service-attack-sabotages-hardware/d/d-id/1129499?print=yes
25 https://www.cnet.com/news/why-is-samsung-galaxy-note-7-exploding-overheating/
26 http://psc.apcointl.org/2013/03/15/updated-bulletin-tdos-attacks/
Military devices ransomed. Military branches have long been heavy technology users. They have also
had a technology procurement model based on an outdated approach and xenophobic buying behavior.
In a world of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) products, goods are procured fairly at will. Will these COTS
packages—frequently made with large numbers of foreign components—be the small pebbles that undermine
the operational capabilities of the world’s largest military forces? Seemingly innocuous cameras, sensors and
other IoT devices pervade the military—but are just as rife with security issues as any on the planet. Once
demonstrable vulnerabilities are validated, how much would a government pay to regain control of weapons or
other crucial resources?
• Compromised surveillance systems available for rent, enabling someone to see through another
person’s cameras
• Access to FBI files and lawsuit information
• Access to emails and computer systems of people going through a divorce, as well as teachers’ personal
communications or lawyers’ strategic documents and communications
• Personal medical records or previous criminal activity or misdemeanors
In the face of these frightening prospects, who is the definitive source of who we are, and how do we reconcile
file/record issues? Before you answer, picture yourself in a job interview. You provide one set of information
about your educational history; a report from your school serves up conflicting data. Who rules the day?
This analogy can be extended to numerous scenarios. The common thread: that your online avatar now
represents and requires high security and fidelity in order for you to function properly in society. In light of that,
one of the single most personalized acts of terror that can occur is a wide-scale loss, alteration or deletion of
records—with no reconstitution capability. This should strike fear in us all.
• With physical terror playing such a major role in global strife, how could cyber security sabotage NOT
be far behind?
• Given the threat landscape, what controls/testing can be performed to ensure that the public risk is abated
through proactive measures—and that private scenarios are regulated so that we can trust our Internet
avatar system as we trust our financial system?
Given the evolution of threats and the importance of the sanctity and trustworthiness of online systems,
government needs to step in and provide something akin to a Federal Bureau of Cyber Security with a separate
and distinct charter. This agency’s role would be equivalent to the physical Secret Service in numerous ways.
However, its operating space and domain would be one with the ghostly characteristics of computer warfare. In
defending the citizenry, this agency would need to cover freedoms of press and speech overall.
No matter when or how the government responds, each organization has a responsibility to be aware and
prepared. Radware urges you to contemplate how our 2017 predictions could affect your organization and the
people you serve—then work to devise appropriate strategies and controls for mitigating the risks.
Which best
describes you and
your role at work?
My manager reports
directly to the top IT
executive at business
unit or location 37%
I report directly to the
top IT executive at my
business unit or location
Figure 61: Role within organization
20% 23%
10,000 or More Less than 100
11% 500-999 15%Region-wide
Figure 63: Number of employees in organization Figure 64: Geographic scope of business
Carolyn Muzyka
Director, Marketing Communications
Colin Beasty
Manager, Content Marketing