UofK - Guidelines For Thesis Writing
UofK - Guidelines For Thesis Writing
UofK - Guidelines For Thesis Writing
Guidelines for the submission of theses and dissertations for higher degrees of the
University of Khartoum in basic and applied sciences
I. General
The thesis or dissertion must be type - written or printed on good quality A4 paper. Typing must be double
- spaced and on one side of the page only. Copies must be clear. There should be a 5cm margin on the left
and a 2.5cm margin on the right side of page. Typing should be about 4cm from the upper edge, and there
should be a 2.5cm margin at the bottom of page. Pages should be numbered consecutively, and the number
should appear just below the center of the lower margin.
Each copy of the thesis or dissertation is to be bound in black. The spine should be embossed in gold with
the initials and surname of the candidate, the degree for which the thesis or dissertation is being submitted
and the year of submission.
II. General Layout of Theses and Dissertations
There are, generally two plans for the layout of theses and dissertations. These are ouitlined
Plan A :- this is the usual plan, and consists of the following:
Plan B:- this may be necessary if the work is so diverse as to to need separate sections. This is
not likely for short M.Sc. theses and more often is found in Ph.D. theses.In this plan, the layout is
as follows:-
1) Preliminaries (as in plan A )
2) General introduction (inculding literature review)
3) section1:
i. Title
ii. Introduction
iii. Materials and methods
iv. Results
v. Discussion
4) section2:
(same as in section1)
(same as in section1)
6) General Discussion
7) References
8) Appendices (optional)
* Arabic and English abstracts , should be included in the thesis .Abstracts in other languages
will be required if the thesis is prepared in a language other than English or Arabic. * Abstract
should not exceed a thousand words. It briefly reports the objective(s) of the investigation, the
material and methods used, the main results and the principal conclustion(s).
* The Abstract is a mini-version of the thesis. It should not contain reference to the literature,
tables or figures. (in medical sciences structured abstracts are used).
(v) Acknowledgements: inculde all those who helped in conducting the research, e.g.,
supervisor, co-supervisor(if any), fund and material providers, persons who gave advice or
technical assistance ... etc.
(vi) Lists of tables; figures and plates should inculde a number, a caption and a page number of
each table, figure and plate.
It usually consists of six sections, starting with the introduction and ending with the list of
references.hereunder is abrief description of the main contents of each of these sections
(i) Introduction: it defines the nature and importance of the problem studied and justicfication for
the study.
(ii) Material and methods: this section should contain a full description of what was done and
how it was done and the tools which were used. If experiment(s) was conducted indicate site (s),
dates (s) and design. Most of this section is written in the past tense.
(iii) Literature review: this section should contain an extensive up-to-date review of the
important work carried out previously in the sudan and elsewhere, on the problem under study.
Literature must be cited in the text by author and date(Harvard system )or citation sequence
system). Students should consult their supervisors in this regard.
(iv) Results: this section describes what was found. The data should be presented in tables or
figures or both, but the same should not be presented in both a table and afigure. Each table,
figure and plate should be self-explanatary and have a number and a caption (title). The latter
should be apharse rather than a sentence. Refer to the tables, figures and plates by their
numbers and not by their postions (below, above , following ). Results are written in the past
(v)Discussion: this is the key section and the most difficult part to write. It inculdes interpretation
explanation of the results and comparison with the results reprted in the literature on the same
problem under study. It ends with a sentence or more on conclusitions or else conclusitions may
be written under a separate heading. Make sure that your conclusions are,in fact conclusion and
not a summary.
(vi) Referencs ( literature cited):
The reference list should inculde all works cited in the text. There is no "right" way and "wrong"
way for listing references, but consistency is a must.
Generally, there are three common styles for reference lists in the biological sciences. These are:
(a) name-year system ( some times is referred to as the Harvard system).
(b) Alphabet -number system, and
(c) Citation -sequence system ( sometimes referred to as the vancouver system). This system is
prefered in the biommedical studies.
Within these three systems, there are many variations. The list of references should include
mainly published references. Personal commuications should not be included in the reference list;
they may be cited in the text, e.g. M.M.A. Elnur pers.Comm.).
All references cited in the text should be inculded in references section and vice versa, and that
the spelling of the names of authors and year of pubication are the same in the text and the list.
Further reading:
1. Khidir, M. Osman (2003). Guide to Scientific Writing, second edition.,76p.,Khartoum University
Press. (It deals mainly with basic and applied biological sciences).
2. Mohamed, Adam Elzein (2001). Guide to research methodlogy and writing of thesis, third
edition (In Arabic ). Omdurman Islamic University Printing & Publishing. (It deals mainly with
research in humanities).