CAR 147 Basic
CAR 147 Basic
CAR 147 Basic
CAR 147
Issue 1, Revision 0
Rule 133B of the Aircraft Rules 1937 stipulates that organizations engaged in the
aircraft maintenance training shall be approved.
Subsequent to the release of CAR 66, on 1st December 2011, it was essential to
harmonize training requirements for the maintenance training organizations to
international standards. CAR 147 (Basic) is based on EASA Part 147.
Initially the basic knowledge examination will be conducted by DGCA, however, once
the systems and procedures are well established and the DGCA is confident that the
institutes are mature to conduct the knowledge examination, they may be allowed to
conduct knowledge examinations in phased manner, on behalf of DGCA.
This CAR provides the technical standards and guidelines for the approval of aircraft
maintenance training organizations.
CAR 147 (Basic) for training organizations is issued under the provision of Rule 133A
of the Aircraft Rules, 1937 and shall be applicable from 01 March 2018.
Initial Issue (Revision 0)
The CAR 147 (Basic) provides the common technical standards and guidelines to
conduct approved aircraft maintenance training courses, to conduct examinations if
permitted and to issue training course completion certificates (Certificate of
GM to 147.A.10 General
Such an organization may conduct business from more than one address and may
hold more than one CAR approval.
(a) An application for the approval, renewal or change of an existing approval shall be
made on a form and in a manner established by DGCA.
(b) An application for an approval or change to an approval shall include the following
1. the registered name and address of the applicant;
2. the address of the organisation requiring the approval or change to the approval;
3. the intended scope of approval or change to the scope of approval;
4. the name and signature of the accountable manager;
5. the date of application.
AMC147.A.15 Application
In a form and in a manner prescribed by the DGCA means that the application should
be made on a CA Form 12a given in Appendix IV to AMC of this CAR, with the
following enclosures.
147. A.100 Facility requirements
(a) The size and structure of facilities shall ensure protection from the prevailing
weather elements and proper operation of all planned training and examination on
any particular day.
(b) Fully enclosed appropriate accommodation separate from other facilities shall be
provided for the instruction of theory, and the conduct of knowledge examinations.
1. The maximum number of students undergoing knowledge training during any
training course shall not exceed 30. Institute may induct maximum two batches of
students per category in a year.
2. The size of accommodation for examination purposes shall be such that no student
can read the paperwork or computer screen of any other student from his/her
position during examinations.
(c) The paragraph (b) accommodation environment shall be maintained such that
students are able to concentrate on their studies or examination as appropriate,
without undue distraction or discomfort.
(d) The basic training workshops and/or maintenance facilities separate from training
classrooms shall be provided for practical instruction appropriate to the planned
training course. If however, the organization is unable to provide such facilities,
viable arrangements may be made with another organization located conveniently
to provide such workshops and / or approved maintenance facilities under long term
written agreement and technical arrangements specifying the conditions of access
to all relevant areas and use thereof. The agreement shall include provision for
issuance of airport entry passes if any. The DGCA shall require access to any such
contracted organisation and the legal agreement and technical arrangement shall
specify this access.
Note 1: Maintenance training organization shall develop an interface manual / SOP
with control procedures to manage and administer the course agreeable to both
the primary training organization approval holder and the maintenance
organisation acceptable to DGCA.
Note 2: Arrangements made for imparting practical training with Approved aircraft
maintenance organisation should be documented in the organisation exposition.
Note 3: An approved AMO may have contract with only one institute at particular
(e) Reserved.
(f) The maximum number of students undergoing practical training during any training
course shall not exceed 15 per supervisor or assessor.
(g) Office accommodation shall be provided for instructor’s knowledge examiners and
practical assessors of a standard to ensure that they can prepare for their duties
without undue distraction or discomfort.
(h) Secure storage facilities shall be provided for examination papers and training
records. The storage environment shall be such that documents remain in good
condition for the retention period as specified in 147.A.125. The storage facilities
and office accommodation may be combined, subject to adequate security.
(i) A library shall be provided containing all technical material commensurate to the
scope and level of training under-taken.
Issue 1, Rev 0 dated 27.12.2017
CAR 147 (Basic)
1. For approved basic maintenance training courses this means holding and ensuring
reasonable access to copies of all CARs and other DGCA regulations examples of
typical aircraft maintenance manuals and service bulletins, Airworthiness
Directives, aircraft and component records, release documentation, procedures
manuals and aircraft maintenance programme.
2. Except for the CARs and DGCA regulations, the remainder of the documentation
should represent typical examples for both large and small aircraft and cover both
aeroplane and helicopters as appropriate. Avionic documentation should cover a
representative range of available equipment. All documentation should be reviewed
and updated on a regular basis.
(a) The organization shall appoint an Accountable manager who has corporate
authority for ensuring that all training commitments can be financed and carried out
to the standard required by this CAR.
(b) A person or group of persons, whose responsibilities include ensuring that the
maintenance training organization is in compliance with the requirements of this
CAR, shall be nominated. Such person(s) must be responsible to the Accountable
manager. The senior person or one person from the group of persons may also be
the Accountable manager subject to meeting the requirements for the Accountable
manager as defined in paragraph (a).
(c)The maintenance training organization shall have sufficient staff to plan / perform
knowledge and practical training, conduct knowledge examination and
practical assessments in accordance with the approval.
(d) By derogation to point (c), when another organisation is used to provide practical
training and assessments, such other organisation's staff may be nominated to
carry out practical training and assessments.
(e) Any person may carry out any combination of the roles of instructor, examiner and
assessor, subject to compliance with paragraph (f).
(f) The experience and qualifications of instructors, knowledge examiners and
practical assessors shall be established in accordance with criteria published or in
accordance with a procedure and to a standard agreed by the DGCA.
(g) The knowledge examiners and practical assessors shall be specified in the
Organization exposition for the acceptance of such staff.
(h) Instructors and knowledge examiners shall undergo updating training at least every
24 months relevant to current technology, practical skills, human factors and the
latest training techniques appropriate to the knowledge being trained or examined.
1. The larger maintenance training organization (an organization with the capacity to
provide training for 50 students or more) should appoint a training manager with
the responsibility of managing the training organization on a day to day basis. Such
person could also be the Accountable manager. In addition, the organization
should appoint a quality manager with the responsibility of managing the quality
system as specified in paragraph147.A.130 (b) and an examination manager with
the responsibility of managing the relevant CAR147 Subpart C examination
system. Such person(s) may also be an instructor and/or examiner.
2. The smaller maintenance training organization (an organization with the capacity
to provide training for less than 50 students) may combine any or all of the sub-
paragraph (1) positions subject to the DGCA verifying and being satisfied that all
functions can be properly carried out in combination.
3. When the organization is also approved against other CARs which contain some
similar functions then such functions may be combined.
The number of post holders for CAR 147 approved organization may depend upon its
size and complexity and acceptable to DGCA. DGCA may consider need for a specific
person to be nominated as post holder depending upon the responsibility shared. In
general guideline in a CAR 147 organization there should be minimum.
Any person currently accepted by the DGCA in accordance with the regulations prior
to CAR147 coming into force may continue to be accepted in accordance with
147.A.105 (f).
Appendix-V to AMC 147.A.105 (f) provides Guidance for assessing the qualifications,
skills, competency and the revalidation of CAR-147 Instructors, Knowledge Examiners
and Practical Assessors.
1. Records should show for each instructor/examiner when the updating training was
scheduled and when it took place.
2. The updating training may be subdivided during the 24 months into more than one
element and may include such activities as attendance at relevant lectures and
1. The following minimum information relevant to the scope of activity should be kept
on record in respect of each instructor, knowledge examiner and practical assessor:
(a) Name
(b) Date of Birth
(c) Personnel Number
(d) Experience
(e) Qualifications
(f) Training history (before entry)
(g) Subsequent Training
(h) Scope of activity
(i) Starting date of employment/contract
(j) If appropriate – ending date of employment/contract.
2. The record may be kept in any format but should be under the control of the
organizations quality system.
4. The DGCA may investigate the records system for issuance of initial and renewal
approval or when it has cause to doubt the competence of a particular person.
d) Reserved
e) The training organization shall have a long-term viable contract with documented
technical agreement and procedures with aircraft maintenance organization with
regard to facility, instructors, assessors, examiners etc. if desirous of utilizing the
facility for practical training so as to have the uninterrupted availability of the facility
for the entire length of the course for students to become eligible to acquire license.
system such that maintenance and system functioning can be observed and
therefore more fully understood by the student in the working environment.
2. A synthetic training device is considered beneficial for complex systems and fault
diagnostic purposes.
a) Maintenance training course material shall be provided to the student and cover as
1. The basic knowledge syllabus specified in CAR-66 for the relevant aircraft
maintenance licence category or subcategory.
2. Reserved
Training course notes, diagrams and any other instructional material should be
accurate. Where an amendment service is not provided a written warning to this effect
should be given.
The organization shall keep all student training, examination and assessment records
for a period of ten years.
In case the institute having privilege for conduction of examination on behalf of DGCA,
the above records shall be kept for unlimited period.
1. The independent audit procedure should ensure that all aspects of CAR-147
compliance should be checked at least once in every 12 months and may be carried
out as one complete single exercise or subdivided over a 12-month period in
accordance with a scheduled plan.
4. When training or examination is carried out under the sub-contract control system:
I. a pre audit procedure should be established whereby the CAR 147 approved
basic training organisation should audit a prospective sub-contractor to
determine whether the services of the sub-contractor meet the intent of CAR 147.
II. a renewal audit of the subcontractor should be performed at least once every 12
months to ensure continuous compliance with the CAR 147 standard.
III. the sub-contract control procedure should record audits of the subcontractor and
to have a corrective action follow-up plan.
1. The primary objective of the quality system is to enable the training organization to
satisfy itself that it can deliver properly trained students and that the organization
remains in compliance with CAR 147.
2. The independent audit is a process of routine sample checks of all aspects of the
training organization’s ability to carry out all training and examinations to the
3. A report should be raised each time an audit is carried out describing what was
checked and any resulting findings. The report should be sent to the affected
department(s) for rectification action giving target rectification dates. Possible
rectification dates may be discussed with the affected department(s) before the
quality department confirms such dates on the report. The affected department(s)
should rectify any findings and inform the quality department of such rectification.
4. A large training organization (an organization with the capacity to provide training
for 50 students or more) should have a dedicated quality audit group whose sole
function is to conduct audits, raise finding reports and follow up to ensure that
findings are being rectified. For the small training organisation (an organisation with
the capacity to provide training for less than 50 students) it is acceptable to use
competent personnel from one section/department not responsible for the function
or procedure to check the section/department that is responsible subject to the
overall planning and implementation being under the control of the quality
5. The management control and follow up system should not be contracted to outside
persons. The principal function is to ensure that all findings resulting from the
independent audit are corrected in a timely manner and to enable the
Accountable manager to remain properly informed of the state of compliance.
Apart from rectification of findings the Accountable manager should hold routine
meetings to check progress on rectification except that in the large training
organization such meetings may be delegated on a day to day basis to the quality
manager as long as the accountable manager meets at least once per year with
the senior staff involved to review the overall performance.
(a) The examination staff shall ensure the security of all questions.
GM to 147.A.135 Examinations
The DGCA will determine when or if the disqualified examiner may be reinstated.
(a) The organization shall provide an exposition for use by the organization describing
the organization and its procedures and containing the following information:
7. A list of the maintenance training courses which form the extent of the approval.
12. Reserved
(c) Notwithstanding point (b) minor amendments to the exposition may be approved
through an exposition procedure (hereinafter called indirect approval).
2. Reserved
3. Reserved
4. The DGCA may approve a delegated Organization exposition approval system for
all changes other than those affecting the approval.
(a) The maintenance training organization may carry out the following as
permitted by DGCA and in accordance with the maintenance training organization
2. Reserved
(b) Training, knowledge examinations, and practical assessments, may only be carried
out at the locations identified in the approval certificate and/or at any location
specified in maintenance training organization exposition.
(c) Reserved
(d) 1. Reserved
2. Reserved
3. Reserved.
(f) Reserved
(a) The maintenance training organization shall notify the DGCA of any proposed
changes to the organization that affect the approval before any such change takes
place, in order to enable the DGCA to determine continued compliance with this
CAR and to amend if necessary the maintenance training organization approval
(b) The DGCA may prescribe the conditions under which the maintenance training
organization may operate during such changes unless the DGCA
determines that the maintenance training organization approval must be
(c) Failure to inform the DGCA of such changes may result in suspension or
revocation of the maintenance training organization approval certificate backdated
to the actual date of the changes.
(a) An approval shall be issued for a period not exceeding five years and shall be
limited to the validity of the contractual agreement with the maintenance
organisation (if applicable). It shall remain valid subject to:
1. the organization remaining in compliance with this CAR, in accordance with the
provisions related to the handling of findings as specified under 147.A.160; and
2. the DGCA officials being granted access to the organization including contracted
organisation to determine continued compliance with this CAR and
5. The approval of the organization may be withdrawn / limited if the organization has
not inducted any batch of student consecutive for two years.
(b) Upon surrender or revocation, the approval shall be returned to the DGCA.
(b) Internal audit programme for the succeeding 12 months period should provide
at the time of making application for renewal of approval and audit should be
submitted to DGCA within 15 days of their completion.
(c) It will be the responsibility of training manager to ensure findings emanating from
any of the oversight programme are handled as per the procedure specified
under 147.A.160
(b) A level 2 finding is any non-compliance with the training process other than level 1
(c) After receipt of notification of findings, the holder of the maintenance training
organization approval shall define a corrective action plan and demonstrate
corrective action to the satisfaction of the DGCA within a period agreed by DGCA.
(d) Failure to complete the rectification of any level 1 finding within three days of written
notification shall entail revocation, suspension or limitation by the DGCA, of the
maintenance training organisation approval in whole or in CAR.
Level 1 findings shall be addressed immediately and intimated to the respective DGCA
office. DGCA office shall confirm/verify compliance action to ensure that the hazard to
safety has been resolved.
Level 2 findings must be resolved within a short time not exceeding 30 days.
147.A . 200 The Approved Basic Training Course
(a) The approved basic training course shall consist of basic knowledge training,
Knowledge examination, practical training and a practical assessment.
(b) The knowledge training element shall cover the subject matter for a category or
subcategory aircraft maintenance licence as specified in CAR-66.
(c) The knowledge examination element shall cover a representative cross section of
subject matter from the paragraph (b) training element.
(d) The practical training element shall cover the practical use of common
tooling/equipment, the disassembly/assembly of a representative selection of
aircraft parts and the participation in representative maintenance activities being
carried out relevant to the particular CAR-66 complete module
(e) The practical assessment element shall cover the practical training and determine
whether the student is competent at using tools and equipment and working in
accordance with maintenance manuals.
(f) The duration of basic training courses shall be in accordance with Appendix I of this
(g) The duration of conversion courses between (sub) categories shall be determined
through an assessment of the basic training syllabus and the related practical
training needs.
Each licence category or subcategory basic training course may be subdivided into
modules or sub modules of knowledge and may be intermixed with the practical
training elements subject to the required time elements of 147.A.200 (f) and (g) being
1. Where the maintenance training organisation approved under CAR 147 contracts
the practical training element either totally or in part under long term contract and
technical arrangement with another organisation in accordance with 147.A. 100(d),
the organisation in question should ensure that the practical training elements are
properly carried out. Practical training facility shall be as per the scope of approval
of the training organization.
2. At least 30% of the practical training element should be carried out in an actual
maintenance working environment. The list of such practical training element
required to be documented in the organisation MTOE. The practical task should
cover cross representative sections of the aircraft systems and listed ATA chapter
1. In order to follow pedagogical and human factors principles, the maximum number
of training hours per day for the theoretical training should not be more than 6 hours.
A training hour means 60 minutes of tuition excluding any breaks, examination,
revision, preparation and aircraft visit. In exceptional cases, the DGCA may allow
deviation from this standard when it is properly justified that the proposed number
of hours follows pedagogical and human factors principles. These principles are
especially important in those cases where:
Theoretical and practical training are performed at the same time;
Training and normal maintenance duty/apprenticeship are performed at the
same time.
2. The minimum participation time for the trainee to meet the objectives of the course
should not be less than 90 % of the tuition hours. Additional training may be
provided by the training organisation in order to meet the minimum participation
time. If the minimum participation defined for the course is not met, a certificate of
recognition should not be issued.
a) The approved basic training course to qualify for conversion from holding a CAR 66
aircraft maintenance licence in subcategory A1 to subcategory B1.1 or B2 should
not be less than 1600 hours and for conversion from holding a CAR 66 aircraft
maintenance licence in subcategory A1 to subcategory B1.1 combined with B2
should not be less than 2200 hours. The course should include between 60% and
70% knowledge training.
b) The approved basic training course to qualify for conversion from holding a CAR 66
aircraft maintenance licence in subcategory B1.1 to B2 or category B2 to B1.1
should not be less than 600 hours, and should include between 80% and 85%
knowledge training.
c) The approved basic training course to qualify for conversion from holding a CAR 66
aircraft maintenance licence in subcategory B1.2 to subcategory B1.1 should not
be less than 400 hours, and should include between 50% and 60% knowledge
d) The approved basic training course to qualify for conversion from holding a CAR 66
aircraft maintenance licence in one subcategory A to another subcategory A should
not be less than 70 hours, and should include between 30% and 40% knowledge
(c) cover a representative cross section of subjects from the particular module of
training completed in accordance with CAR-66.
(a) Basic practical assessments shall be carried out during the basic maintenance
training course by the nominated practical assessors at the completion of each
visit period to the practical workshops/maintenance facility.
(b) The student shall achieve an assessed pass with respect to point
CAR147.A.200 (e)
Where the maintenance training organisation approved under CAR147 contracts the
practical training element either totally or in part to another organisation in accordance
with 147.A.100 (d) and chooses to nominate practical assessors from the other
organisation, the organisation in question should ensure that the basic practical
assessments are carried out.
An assessed pass for each student should be granted when the practical assessor is
satisfied that the student meets the criteria of 147.A.200 (e). This means that the
student has demonstrated the capability to use relevant tools/equipment/test
equipment as specified by the tool/equipment/test equipment manufacturer and the
use of maintenance manuals in that the student can carry out the required
inspection/testing without missing any defects, can readily identify the location of
components and is capable of correct removal/fitment/adjustment of such
components. The student is only required to carry out enough inspection/testing and
component removal/fitment/adjustments to prove capability. The student should also
show an appreciation of the need to ensure clean working conditions and the
observance of safety precautions for the student and the product. In addition, the
student should demonstrate a responsible attitude in respect to flight safety and
airworthiness of the aircraft.
Appendix III to AMC to CAR-66 provides criteria for the competence assessment
performed by the designated assessors (and their qualifications).
(B.S. Bhullar)
Director General of Civil Aviation
Appendices to
Technical Requirements
Appendix I
Basic Training Course Duration
The minimum duration of complete basic courses
Appendix II
Reference No: _______________
Pursuant to Rule 133B of Aircraft Rules 1937 and CAR‐147 (Basic maintenance
training organisation) for the time being in force and subject to
the conditions specified below, DGCA hereby certifies:
1. This approval is limited to that specified in the scope of work section of the
approved maintenance training organization exposition as referred to in Section
A of CAR‐147(Basic), and
2. This approval requires compliance with the procedures specified in the
approved maintenance training organization exposition, and
3. This approval is valid whilst the training organization remains in compliance with
CAR‐147 (Basic).
4. Subject to compliance with the foregoing conditions, this approval shall remain
valid for duration as specified in the attached validity sheet, unless the approval
is surrendered, superseded, suspended or revoked.
Page 1 of 2
Government of India
Directorate General of Civil Aviation
This Approval schedule is limited to those trainings and examination specified in the
scope of work section of the approved maintenance training organization exposition.
Page 2 of 2
Date of original issue: It refers to the date of the original issue of the
maintenance training organisation exposition.
Date of last revision approved: It refers to the date of the last revision of the
maintenance training organisation exposition affecting the content of the
certificate. Changes to the maintenance training organisation exposition which
do not affect the content of the certificate do not require the reissuance of the
Revision No: It refers to the revision No of the last revision of the maintenance
training organisation exposition affecting the content of the certificate. Changes
to the maintenance training organisation exposition which do not affect the
content of the certificate do not require the reissuance of the certificate.
Appendix III
The CAR-147 basic training certificate template detailed is to be used for recognition
of completion of basic training.
This certificate of recognition covers the theoretical and practical of the basic training
course and is issued to:
This certificate confirms that the above named person successfully passed the
knowledge and practical elements* of the approved basic training course stated
below and the related examinations in compliance with CAR-66.
For: [Basic Training organization name]…………………….……………………….
Some examples of cases where a DGCA CA Form 148 could be issued are the
After successful completion of a full basic course in one licence (sub) category
including successful completion of the examinations of all the corresponding
After successful completion of a full basic course in one licence (sub) category
without performing examinations.
Appendix to AMC
Appendix- I
1. The following subject headings form the basis of the MTOE required by CAR
2. Whilst this format is recommended it is not mandatory to prepare the MTOE in this
manner as long as a cross-reference index is included in the MTOE and the Part
1 items remain in Part1.
1.1 Corporate commitment by accountable manager
1.2 Management personnel
1.3 Duties and responsibilities of management personnel, instructors, knowledge
examiners and practical assessor
1.4 Management personnel organization chart
1.5 List of instructional and examination staff
Note: A separate document may be referenced
1.6 List of approved addresses
1.7 Reserved
1.8 General description of facilities at paragraph 1.6 addresses
1.9 Specific list of courses and type examinations approved by DGCA
1.10 Notification procedures regarding changes to organization
1.11 Exposition and associated manuals amendment procedure
4.1 Example of documents and form used
4.2 Syllabus of each training course
4.3 Cross reference Index - if applicable
Appendix II
CA Form 04
Directorate General of Civil Aviation
1. Name :
2. Position :
5. Signature :
Signature: Date:
Name: Office:
Name of Organisation:
Approval Reference:
Date(s) of Audit(s):
Audit reference(s):
Persons interviewed:
DGCA Office:
DGCA office:
2.18 Reserved
Part 3 Training System Quality Procedures
3.1 Audit of training
3.2 Audit of examinations
3.3 Analysis of examination results
3.4 Audit and analysis remedial action
3.5 Accountable manager annual review
3.6 Qualifying the instructors
3.7 Qualifying the examiners
3.8 Records of qualified instructors & examiners
Part 4 Appendices
4.1 Example of documents and forms used.
4.2 Syllabus of each training course
4.3 Cross reference Index – if applicable
L Corrective action
Part Audit reference(s): e
2 or 3 v Date Date Reference
ref Findings e Due Closed
Name of Organisation:
Approval Reference:
Audit reference(s):
The following CAR 147 scope of approval is recommended for this organisation:
Or, it is recommended that the CAR 147 scope of approval specified in CA Form
11A referenced ………………………………………………. be continued.
DGCA office:
Date of Recommendation:
4. Contact Details
Telephone :
Fax No :
E Mail :
Scope of CAR‐147 Approval Relevant to this Initial*/Change/
Renewal of* application
Does the organisation hold approval under CAR‐21*/CAR‐145*/CAR‐M*
2. Definitions
3. Instructor Requirements
3.1.1 All Instructors, whether permanently or temporally employed, must have
undergone an instructor techniques course and be able to demonstrate an
understanding of the CAR-66 and CAR-147 regulatory requirements.
Additionally they should have a practical working knowledge of the
4.1 General
4.1.1 All Knowledge Examiners must be able to demonstrate an understanding of the
CAR-66 and CAR-147 regulatory requirements and a practical working
knowledge of the MTOE document and associated training procedures.
4.1.2 All CAR-147 Knowledge examiners should be listed in Part 1.5 of the MTOE,
(List of Training Instructors, Knowledge Examiners and Practical Assessors).
4.1.3 A Knowledge Examiner may also hold other positions within the training
organization, i.e. Instructor or Practical Assessor; these other roles must be
clearly identified against the individual within the MTOE.
Note: A Knowledge Examiner shall not prepare an examination question paper
or invigilate an examination in a subject area where he/she has acted as an
4.1.4 An organization may appoint a Chief Knowledge Examiner. This person should
submit a DGCA CA Form 04 to the DGCA for approval prior to inclusion into
the MTOE Para 1.2.
Note: Knowledge Examiners listed in the MTOE Para 1.5, appointed by a Chief
Knowledge Examiner, are not required to submit a DGCA CA Form 04.
5.1.1 All CAR-147 nominated Practical Assessors, whether permanently or
temporally employed, must demonstrate an understanding of the CAR-66 and
CAR-147 regulatory requirements; additionally they should demonstrate a
practical working knowledge of the MTOE document and associated training
5.1.2 Practical Assessors should be listed in Part 1.5 of the MTOE, (List of Training
Instructors, Knowledge Examiners and Practical assessors). List should identify
the scope of authorization for each Practical Assessor i.e. B1, B2, etc.
5.1.3 Practical Assessors may also hold other positions within the training
organizations, i.e. Instructor or Knowledge Examiner; these other roles must be
clearly identified against the individual within the MTOE.
5.1.4 The Practical Assessor should assist instructional personnel in developing the
practical training tasks and assessment criteria.
5.1.5 An organization may appoint a Chief Practical Assessor; this person should
submit a DGCA CA Form 04 to the DGCA for approval prior to inclusion into
the MTOE Para 1.2.
Note: Practical Assessors listed in the MTOE Para 1.2, appointed by the Chief
Assessor are not required to submit a DGCA CA Form 04.
6.1.1 CAR-147.A.105 Personnel Requirements, states: “Instructors and Knowledge
examiners shall undergo update training at least every 24 months relevant to
current technology, practical skills, human factors and the latest training
techniques appropriate to the knowledge being trained or examined”.
This training should consist of a minimum of 35 hours within the 24-month
period; in addition, training school personnel are to remain conversant with the
latest revision of the CAR-147 regulations, AMC’s, Guidance notes. They
should also be conversant with the respective organizations MTOE and
associated training procedures.
6.1.2 CAR-147 training organizations should ensure that personnel training records,
including records of qualifications, update training and experience is retained
for each Instructor, Knowledge Examiner and Practical Assessor.
7. Revalidation of Authorization
7.1.1 In order for an Instructor, Knowledge examiner or Practical assessor
authorization to be revalidated following expiry/ withdrawal, the maintenance-
training organization should implement a reinstating procedure that will cover
the relevant training disciplines associated with the authorization concerned.
7.1.2 The criteria for reinstating should take into consideration the length of time the
individual has been away from that specific training environment or discipline.
7.1.3 Any Instructor, Knowledge examiner or Practical assessor who has passed 24-
month period without exercising the privileges of his authorization, as a
minimum, must undergo 35 hours update training + Training School procedures
and processes + 2 monitored training sessions with another instructor.