Analysis of Student Learning

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Analysis of Student Learning 

Scoring Guide 

Rubric Scoring  DNM   PM  M  E 

No work  Some or all work  All work  All work 
completed  completed but  completed to a  completed to an 
  not to  satisfactory  exceptional 
satisfactory  level  level. 

✔, ✔+, ✔-  0  ✔-  ✔  ✔+ 


✔ or “No”  No  \  ✔  \ 

Absent= Ab         

Student  Pre  Pear  Limerick  Illustration  1st  Peer  Kahoot  Final  Completed 
Name:  (LG 2)  Deck  (LG 1, 3)  (LG 2)  Draft  Edit  (LG 2)  Draft  Goals: 
(LG 2)  (LG  (LG  (LG 1,  1| 2| 3 
1, 2,  3)  2, 3) 

JA  6/11  0/5  No  ✔-  ✔  ✔  11/21  PM  PM| PM| PM 
✔  (2.8) 

JB  4/11   2/5  No  ✔-  ✔  ✔  9/21   M  PM| PM| M 


KB  7/11  0/5  ✔  Missing  Miss no*   17/21  PM  M| PM| PM 
✔  ing  ✔  (2.8) 

HB  7/11  5/5 ✔

​   ✔  ✔  ✔  ✔  17/21  M  M| M| M 
✔  ✔  (3.2) 

GB  Ab  2/5  ✔  ✔  ✔  no*  19/21  M  M| M| M 

✔  (3.1) 

AC  5/11  4/5 ✔

​   ✔  ✔  ✔  ✔  15/21  PM  PM| M| PM 
✔  (2.8) 
GC  7/11  3/5 ✔
​   ✔  ✔  Miss no*  12/21  Ab  M| M| PM 
✔  ing  ✔ 

EF  Ab  ​   No 

4/5 ✔ ✔-  ✔  no*  10/21  DNM  PM| PM| 
(1.9)  DNM 

KF  9/11  2/5  ✔  ✔-  ✔  ✔  13/21  PM  M| M| PM 

✔  ✔  (2.6) 

AG  3/11  4/5​✔  ✔  Missing  ✔  ✔  5/21  PM  PM| PM| PM 


MG  6/11  0/5  ✔  Missing  ✔  ✔  12/21  PM  M| M| PM 

✔  ✔  (2.6) 

IH  4/11  3/5​✔  No  Missing  ✔  no*  9/21  PM (2)  DNM| PM| 

LH  10/11  5/5​✔  ✔  ✔  ✔  ✔  20/21  M  M| E| M 

✔  ✔  (3.2) 

JJ  2/11  3/5​✔  No  ✔-  ✔  ✔  9/21  PM  PM| PM| PM 

SK  8/11  5/5​✔  ✔  ✔  Miss no*  9/21  PM  PM| PM| PM 
✔  ing  (2.9) 

ML  8/11  3/5​✔  ✔  ✔  ✔  no*  Ab  Ab  PM| PM| M 


TM  9/11  4/5​✔  ✔  ✔  ✔  ✔  15/21  M (3)  PM| M| M 

✔  ✔ 

BM  7/11  3/5​✔  No  ✔-  ✔  ✔  9/21  M  PM| M| M 

✔  (3.1) 

OM  7/11  4/5​✔  ✔  ✔-  ✔  ✔  14/21  M  M| M| M 

✔  ✔  (3.2) 

OR  Ab  3/5​✔  ✔  ✔  ✔  ✔  9/21  Ab  PM| PM| PM 

CW  5/11  3/5​✔  No  ✔  ✔  ✔  16/21  PM  PM| M| PM 

✔  (2.8) 

JW  5/11  2/5  No  ✔-  ✔  ✔  10/21  PM  PM| PM| PM 
* “No” with an asterisk means that those students were not allowed to peer edit (or in GB’s case 
chose not to) because their rough draft was not completed by that day.  

Pre Assessment:  

Based on iReady scores and conversations with students and mentor the results of the 
pre-assessment were better than expected. I imagined that most students would not meet the 
goal of 50% correct that I set. The pre assessment focused on learning goal #2 mainly; I wanted 
to determine first what their knowledge of figurative language was and if they could find 
examples of figurative language in poems. The results show that 12/22 students met the first 
learning goal.  

Lesson #1:  

While examining the pre assessment I noticed a few misconceptions about some figurative 
devices. I chose to re-teach a select number of figurative devices to my students for the first 
half of this lesson. 15/22 students met my participation goal, though I would say students did 
not try to their full potential during this lesson; 5/22 students attempted to write correct 
answers. Therefore only five students met LG 2 during this lesson.  

Lesson #2:  

In lesson two students were asked to read and write limericks. This required them to 
understand the structure of a limerick. A total of 14/22 students wrote and completed a 
limerick. This result was upsetting for me as I was not grading the limericks; the only goal was 
to write a limerick that looked like a limerick and had the correct rhyme scheme.  

Lesson #3: 

Lesson three focused on finding imagery in poetry. We read a few poems and imagined what 
the poet was trying to describe. Students then chose a stanza in a poem I picked out and 
illustrated said stanza. The requirements were that they use detail and color and that they write 
and underline the imagery that they used to create their illustration. If students did not complete 
​ -. If they went above 
one of these requirements but handed in an illustration they recieved a ✔
and beyond with their illustration they recieved a ✔+. 8/22 students received a ✔-. 
10/22 students received a ✔, and four students never handed in their assignment. No 
students from this group received a ✔+. The goal was to receive an illustration that 
somewhat resembled the stanza they chose. I was disappointed that I never received an 
illustration from four students, especially since I gave them an extra week to complete 
the illustration. 

Students were handed back their illustrations with their grade.  

Lesson #4: 

Students wrote their first draft. They were given a brainstorming worksheet and a rubric. 
I expected students to have some completed work that resembled a poem passed in on 
the due date. I am still missing three first drafts.  

I gave either written or oral feedback to students who handed in their first draft poems 
on time.  

Lesson #4: 

This lesson resulted in three assessments: one was the peer edit worksheet, another 
was a Kahoot quiz, and the third was their final draft. The final draft of the poem was 
graded using the rubric. All students except those not completed with their rough draft 
at the beginning of class completed the peer editing process. 11/22 students met 
expectations on the Kahoot quiz, and seven students have received a “Meets” on their 
poems. My students have little to no accountability or work ethic. It was incredibly 
disappointing to me to see that even with due date extensions my students failed to 
complete their work or if it was completed few actually took the time to make their work 
presentable. I know according to iReady and observations of other assignments that my 
students are capable of creating satisfactory work. 

Students were handed back a graded rubric for their poems and kept their peer editing 


Overall, not enough of my students met my learning goals for me to believe that this unit 
was successful. I believe this was due to many factors including multiple snow days 
and field trips, student absences, and lack of work ethic. The summative assessment 
was their final poem and I am not happy with the work I was given. Those students who 
passed in a poem that either Partially Meets or Does Not Meet will be required to keep 
working on their poems or accept a failing grade.  

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