Lesson 4
Lesson 4
Lesson 4
Name: _______________________ Subject: Science Grade: 10 Date:
Estimated time required: minimal 3 classes. 1 for introduction and beginning research. 1 to
construct poster and 1-2 classes to present their findings and complete assessment.
● To be able to identify different uses of freshwater and how much their daily life is
affected by its availability.
Instructional Objective(s):
● The students will be able to describe multiple uses of freshwater (drinking, agriculture,
sanitation, generating power, ecosystems)
● The students will develop an awareness of their personal water consumption and to
develop possible ways to reduce personal water consumption
Teacher Students
● There are many uses of freshwater Brainstorm as a class what the uses of
such as for drinking, agriculture, freshwater are. Record class results.
sanitation, and generating power.
● After class presentations and Display the poster in different areas of the
assessment, provide each group classroom. The class will visit each poster where
with feedback on the strengths of the group responsible for its construction will
their poster as well as an area that present it to the class. The class will be able to
could be improved. ask questions and complete an assessment on
the poster.
Assessment and Evaluation:
1. Peer and self assessment of poster
● http://water.usgs.gov/edu/
● Each student could record their daily water use and record it on a chart. Groups could
then combine their individual use and create a large chart summing up their average
daily water use. The groups could decide on reasonable ways to reduce their daily