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Order Flow and The Bitcoin Spot Rate

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Applied Economics and Finance

Vol. 3, No. 3; August 2016

ISSN 2332-7294 E-ISSN 2332-7308
Published by Redfame Publishing
URL: http://aef.redfame.com

Order Flow and the Bitcoin Spot Rate

K. H. McIntyre1 & Kristine Harjes2
Department of Economics & Business, McDaniel College, Westminster, MD, USA.
The Motley Fool, Alexandria, VA, USA.
Correspondence: K. H. McIntyre, Department of Economics & Business, McDaniel College, 2 College Hill,
Westminster, MD 21157 USA. Email: mcintyre@mcdaniel.edu

Received: April 5, 2016 Accepted: April 21, 2016 Available online: April 25, 2016
doi:10.11114/aef.v3i3.1574 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.11114/aef.v3i3.1574

Bitcoin is a decentralized, open-source cryptocurrency used to make private, peer-to-peer transactions anywhere across
the world. Although the individuals involved are (mostly) anonymous, every Bitcoin transaction is a matter of public
record; anyone can view every Bitcoin transaction ever made. Following the methodology developed by Evans and
Lyons (2002), this paper adapts and estimates a FX microstructure model that emphases order flow, the difference
between buyer- and seller-initiated trading volume, to the Bitcoin market Using a data set consisting of all major
currency transactions occurring on the Mt. Gox exchange, our results are quite similar to prior microfinance research on
traditional currencies insofar order flow is a significant determinant of Bitcoin spot rates.
Keywords: Bitcoin, order flow, asset pricing, FX microstructure, cryptocurrency
1. Introducation and Overview
As the number of Internet users grows on a daily basis, different industries including the financial services industry are
being affected (Riasi, 2015). Bitcoin, an open-source digital currency used to make private, peer-to-peer transactions,
can be considered as one of the most significant innovations in financial services industry in recent years, emerging as a
direct result of the expansion of Internet accessibility across the globe. Designed by cryptographer Satoshi Nakamoto
(2008) and launched in 2009, Bitcoin has simultaneously been called a disruptive asset that will fundamentally alter the
international payments system and a financial oddity that will disappear once the novelty wears off. Regardless of
which, if any, view is correct, Bitcoin has experienced rapid growth in visibility and interest from investors and the
financial press, in addition to drawing the attention of financial regulatory agencies in the United States, Japan, and
other countries. That said, Bitcoin has received limited quantitative attention beyond calculation of the usual financial
market summary statistics—trading volume, market capitalization, transactions, and so on. This is not terribly surprising:
the Bitcoin market is a small one—at the time of this writing, approximately U.S. $7 billion in Bitcoin are in
circulation—with limited links to macroeconomic fundamentals.1
This paper formally analyzes the early Bitcoin market by exploiting the fact that every Bitcoin transaction is recorded
and publicly available. As such, Bitcoin is uniquely suited for analysis using the foreign exchange (FX) microstructure
methods developed by Evans and Lyons (2002). These models emphasize the importance of order flow, the difference
between buyer- and seller-initiated volume. In theory, order flow reflects information, and resulting behaviors, that
influence currency valuations; that is, order flow is a measure of demand pressure. Empirically, this approach has been
quite promising: order flow and exchange rates are strongly correlated, and quantitative microstructure models have
done a remarkably good job tracking price fluctuations in a variety of traditional currencies (King et al., 2013). On a
cursory level, a relationship between cumulative order flow and the U.S. dollar/Bitcoin exchange rate seems to mirror
previous findings with standard currencies. As seen in Figure 1, order flow and the Bitcoin spot rate exhibit clear
comovement and at +0.88, share a near-perfect correlation. Microfinance theory on mainstream currencies would
suggest that increases in buying pressure may be driving Bitcoin price increases.
We adeapt and estimate a FX microstructure model for the Bitcoin market, with promising results. Our results are
roughly consistent with prior microstructure research on standard currencies insofar we find that order flow accounts for
up to 40% of measured volatility in the Bitcoin spot exchange rate. In contrast, available fundamentals have minimal or
no explanatory power for changes in bilateral Bitcoin prices. We view this as noteworthy for two reasons: first, our

Applied Economics and Finance Vol. 3, No. 3; 2016

results suggest that from an empirical perspective, Bitcoin has more in common with standard currencies than perhaps
meets the eye. Second, the success in explaining price fluctuations in a young, undeveloped, and very turbulent asset
like Bitcoin points to the fundamental robustness of the of the order flow/microstructure approach to asset pricing.

Figure 1. Bitcoin prices and order flow

The organization of the remainder of the paper is as follows: Section 2 briefly describes Bitcoin, the size and structure
of the Bitcoin market, and discusses the relevance of using microfinance methods to analyze this market. Section 3
presents our data, empirical model, and results and Section 4 concludes.
2. The Bitcoin Market
2.1 Basics
Bitcoin is a pure fiduciary currency, operating with no sovereign central authority or banks. All transactions and Bitcoin
creation are carried out and verified privately by the Bitcoin network. Entry into this network is free. As the identities of
Bitcoin market participants are extremely difficult to ascertain, and because the Bitcoin network relies on sophisticated
cryptographic methods to prevent counterfeiting and double-spending, Bitcoin is often referred to as a “cryptocurrency”
in the popular and business press. Although its use as a currency in the traditional sense is to date limited, Bitcoin, like
traditional currencies, is also used as a speculative financial asset (Velde, 2013).
One hallmark of the Bitcoin market is transparency: each Bitcoin transaction is recorded in the “blockchain,” a database
record of every transaction ever. The blockchain is in turn part of the Bitcoin “wallet,” a computer file containing a
series of encrypted keys on every Bitcoin user's computer; thus, any participant in the system can verify the validity of a
transaction by tracing the history of a given Bitcoin or partial Bitcoin back its original creation. 2
Any person involved in the Bitcoin market can conceivably see every transaction back to the initial creation of the
currency, although the parties involved are anonymous. This peer-based monitoring inherent in the blockchain keeps the
system in check and minimizes fraudulent activities such as double spending. Interestingly, that each and every
computer with a Bitcoin wallet on it must also contain the blockchain means that any single, up-to-date user would be
able to restore the entire system should it ever be destroyed. Additionally, the size of each transaction can be traced all
the way back to the original creation of the bitcoin network. However, downloading the entire blockchain and updating
it with each transaction is incredibly time consuming, and transactions can accordingly take up to a day to be processed
and completed.
Formal management of the Bitcoin system is carried out through a public-key cryptographic system. That process works
as follows: once a Bitcoin is officially purchased and the buyer has downloaded the wallet, the blockchain is updated by
Bitcoin “miners,” individuals who confirm and hash-encode a set of Bitcoin transactions into a “block” for addition to
the blockchain. Miners are compensated through transactions fees and creating, or “mining” new Bitcoin in the
compiled block.3 As such, Bitcoin miners serve two key purposes: they are de facto guarantors of Bitcoin security and
are responsible for the creation of new Bitcoin. The majority of Bitcoin transactions, including transactions on the
various Bitcoin exchanges, occur directly between end-users. Human intermediation in the Bitcoin market is extremely
limited at present, or better, for the time period covered in this paper, and there are relatively few Bitcoin dealers or
Another hallmark of Bitcoin—indeed, a key attraction for many of its enthusiasts—is anonymity. Although each

Applied Economics and Finance Vol. 3, No. 3; 2016

transaction is recorded in a publicly visible way and traceable back to an address, the identity behind a given address is
extremely difficult to uncover; identity and address are anything but synonymous and a single person can have any
number of addresses. This aspect of Bitcoin has been something of a blessing and a curse. On one hand, Bitcoin as an
“online equivalent of a bag of cash” has benefits beyond basic privacy and civil liberties; it is a means, for example, for
residents of unsafe and/or despotic nations to secrete wealth. On the other, the anonymity inherent in Bitcoin is
attractive to those doing business in the darker corners of the Internet. 4 Indeed, the potential to use Bitcoin for illegal
activities like money laundering and drug dealing has tainted its reputation and is a commonly cited cause for concern
about the future of the currency.
2.2 Structure and Size
While the Bitcoin market is miniscule compared to the broader foreign currency market, it has grown rapidly since
Bitcoin's introduction in 2009, most notably in the 2013-2014 period. As noted in Figure 2, the total market value of all
Bitcoin is at the time of this writing approximately U.S. $7 billion. Daily Bitcoin volume is about U.S. $50 million,
compared to the U.S. $5 trillion daily foreign currency market volume. Bitcoin is traded on peer-to-peer networks, with
minimal intermediation and regulation (Plassaras, 2013). This is beginning to change, however, as more Bitcoin brokers
and dealers are beginning to appear, and efforts are afoot in both the United States, Europe, and Japan to create a proper
regulatory structure for Bitcoin. Like traditional currencies, most Bitcoin trading occurs in formal peer-to-peer
exchanges. Through most of Bitcoin's early history, the Tokyo-based Mt. Gox exchange was the largest and best-known
Bitcoin exchange, at its height handling approximately 70% of all Bitcoin trading until its spectacular collapse in early
2014. Of this, 80-90% all Bitcoin trading occurred into and out of the U.S. dollar. Other major currencies, namely the
Euro, British pound, and Yen, in sum accounted for the lion's share of the remaining 10-20% of all Bitcoin trading on
Mt. Gox.5

Figure 2. Bitcoin market snapshot, 2009-2014

A frequently noted feature of the Bitcoin market is volatility. Yermack (2013) reports that Bitcoin exchange rates are
about twice as volatile as those of standard currencies, and that the Bitcoin exchange rate is largely uncorrelated with
traditional exchange rates. A few examples may be illustrative here. When active daily Bitcoin trading began in April
2010, the U.S. dollar/Bitcoin exchange rate was approximately U.S. $0.06 on the Mt. Gox exchange. At its height in late
2013, the U.S. dollar Bitcoin price had risen to over U.S. $1100 (see Figure 2). In between, Mt. Gox experienced a
serious hacking incident in 2011, multiple major technical glitches, and an investigation by the U.S. Department of
Homeland Security, all of which suspended trading and roiled the Bitcoin market overall.
Mt. Gox collapsed spectacularly in February 2014 after the exchange reported it had lost nearly 850,000 Bitcoin, or
about 7% of the entire Bitcoin supply, with a market value of over U.S. $470 million as a result of a long-term hacking
operation (Takemoto and Knight, 2014). It is noted that this hacking theft had gone undetected for years. Given that Mt.

Applied Economics and Finance Vol. 3, No. 3; 2016

Gox accounted for such a large share of Bitcoin trading, the broader market response to its collapse bodes well for the
long-term viability of the currency. The U.S. dollar Bitcoin price had fallen from its late-2013 high in advance of
February 2014, and stood at about U.S. $700 just prior to the Mt. Gox failure. The Mt. Gox insolvency pushed the
Bitcoin price down to about U.S. $400, which rebounded to U.S. $500 by summer 2014. The collapse of Mt. Gox has
led to a consolidation of Bitcoin trading, and total Bitcoin trading volume is increasingly concentrated in larger
exchanges. Moreover, brokers and dealers continue to enter the market. Accordingly, one can easily suggest that
liquidity in the Bitcoin market is at an all-time high and is increasing.
2.3 FX Microstructure Literature and Applications to Bitcoin
The microfinance approach to exchange rates follows from the well-documented inability of traditional,
fundamentals-based models of exchange rates to consistently track and forecast exchange rate movements over
shorter-term time horizons.6 Instead of directly linking currency fluctuations to changes in broad macroeconomic
fundamentals, the microstructure approach to exchange rates is predicated on the information, specifically the
information regarding fundamentals and other factors relevant to currency values, available to individual market
participants. This approach assumes that the information and beliefs relevant to currency valuations available at any
given time is asymmetric among various agents (Evans, 2011). As such, the information relevant to currency values can
be decomposed into public and private components, and the resulting behaviors stemming from innovations to each are
important, individual drivers of exchange rate changes.
The key variable linking private information to currency valuations is order flow, the difference between seller- and
buyer-initiated trading volume. As proposed in Evans and Lyons' (2002) portfolio balance model, order flow reveals and
disseminates innovations in private information to others market participants, while changes in traditional, measured
fundamentals such as interest rates, the money supply, output, and so on reflect new public information. Empirically,
order flow has been shown to be strongly correlated with exchange rate fluctuations at higher frequencies over
shorter-term time horizons (Evans and Lyons, 2002; Kitamura, 2010; Daní elsson et al., 2012) and additional work
suggests macroeconomic news is indirectly reflected in order flow (Evans and Lyons, 2005 and 2008; Carlson and Lo,
2006; Evans, 2010; Chinn and Moore, 2011).
More recent work in microfinance has noted the distinctions among different types of order flow. Early microfinance
research tended to focus on intradealer order flow, mainly due to a dearth of data on end-user or customer order flow.
Although intradealer order flow contains information helpful to understanding currency movements, an increasing share
of the microfinance literature stresses customer order flow (Reitz et al., 2007; Sager and Taylor, 2008; Lovcha and
Perez-Laborda, 2010; Ding and Ma, 2013). There is good reason for this. Specifically, currency dealers typically open
and close their day with a zero inventory position in foreign exchange. It follows that intradealer order flow should
primarily reflect foreign exchange transactions initiated by end-users; dealer trading simply amplifies this process.
Unfortunately, confidentiality concerns with banks and brokerages make the acquisition of customer order flow data
difficult and as such, has limited this line of research.
The FX microstructure approach represents a natural starting point to study the Bitcoin market. Applying a traditional
currency valuation model based on fundamentals to Bitcoin is a non-sequitur as there are few fundamentals associated
with Bitcoin. There are no debt instruments, for example, denominated in Bitcoin, nor are there any real-valued
fundamentals like output associated with the currency. The closest thing there is to a true fundamental is the supply of
Bitcoin, which behaves more or less like a deterministic, logarithmic trend. That is, unlike typical money supplies,
growth in the supply of Bitcoin is not influenced by policy or the state of the economy. It follows that private
information and heterogeneous expectations should play an even greater role in determining Bitcoin prices.
Most importantly, all Bitcoin transactions, including those into and out of Bitcoin made on exchanges are publicly
available. Included with information from exchanges is information on whether or not a given transaction was initiated
as a bid or an ask order. That is, measuring order flow is a relatively straightforward process. Brokers and dealers, while
present, are not the major players in the Bitcoin market that they are in regular currency markets, yet. As such, one can
treat the Bitcoin order flow measured from a given exchange as the customer type.
That said, two points are in order. First and as previously mentioned, there are no traditional fundamentals save a mostly
deterministic money supply associated with Bitcoin. This is noteworthy as microfinance models of exchange rates
include a role for (bilateral) fundamentals, usually included as an interest rate spread due to data frequencies, in driving
currency values.7 As previously noted, there are no debt instruments denominated in Bitcoin. Accordingly, it is
problematic to formally incorporate bilateral fundamentals into any type of Bitcoin pricing model. Second, the
pseudo-anonymous nature of the Bitcoin market makes distinguishing between agents virtually impossible. This may be
a concern going forward given that order flows arising from different types of agents may have different impacts on a
given exchange rate (Marsh and O'Rourke, 2005). We do not view these issues as particularly problematic for this study,
however. Regarding the former issue, we can and do include unilateral fundamentals in the Bitcoin model we estimate;

Applied Economics and Finance Vol. 3, No. 3; 2016

a sovereign interest rate, for example, represents an opportunity cost of holding Bitcoin as opposed to a traditional
currency or asset, and may also reflect real-time expectations and public information regarding other sovereign
fundamentals. Moreover, fundamental variables have been typically shown to add relatively little explanatory power
in order flow models (Evans and Lyons, 2002; Cerrato et al. 2011). Regarding the latter, the typical Bitcoin exchange
transaction averaged about U.S. $1,500 over the latter half of 2013. The small transaction sizes suggests a lack of
institutional investors of various sorts; anecdotal evidence found in the business and popular press suggests that for the
time period studied in this paper, the Bitcoin market was primarily populated by individual investors. Therefore, it
seems unnecessary to distinguish between various agents in the Bitcoin market at the present time.
3. Order Flow and Bitcoin Price Movements
3.1 Model and Data
Following the methodology detailed in Evans and Lyons (2002), we specify the following estimating equation:
∆𝑠𝑡 = ψX ΔXt + ΨF Ft + εt (1)
In the above expression, s denotes the natural logarithm of the standard currency/Bitcoin exchange rate; Δs is the daily
return to Bitcoin. ΔX denotes customer order flow with coefficient ψX, and F is a vector of k publicly-known
fundamentals with coefficient vector ΨF of length k. ε is a mean-zero, i.i.d. error term.
Our data set consists of all U.S. dollar-, Euro-, British Pound-, and Yen-Bitcoin transactions occurring on the Mt. Gox
exchange ending on May 23, 2013. The length of time series differs for each currency, with a start date corresponding to
initial continuous daily trading in that currency. The U.S. dollar has the longest history, beginning on June 27, 2011. Our
Euro time series begins on September 6, 2011, while the Pound and Yen start dates are December 28, 2011 and
September 12, 2012, respectively. All Mt. Gox completed transactions were publicly available. Individual trade
information includes the number of Bitcoin involved, the market value, and whether each trade was buyer- or
seller-initiated. Bid and ask transactions were aggregated separately for each day. Daily order flow, ΔX, is calculated as
the difference between the value of bid trades and the value of ask trades, and is denoted in millions of U.S. dollars,
Euros, and so on. Given the pseudo-anonymous nature of Bitcoin trading, we are unable to differentiate types of order
flow. As noted previously, however, market characteristics and relatively small average transaction sizes make it very
reasonable to treat all Bitcoin order flow as being of the consumer variety.
Descriptive statistics for Bitcoin order flows are found in Table 1. As expected, average and median order flows are
close to zero. The standard deviation of Bitcoin order flows is largest for the U.S. dollar, which is expected given that
the vast majority of Bitcoin trading occurs into and out of dollars. Order flow for the British Pound and Yen are both
positively skewed and order flows for all currencies display a high degree of kurtosis. 8 In the case of the British Pound
and Yen, both currencies are thinly traded, and these results are the result of a handful of high-volume trading days. The
last two columns of Table 1 report the first-order autocorrelation and corresponding p-value for each. With the
exception of the Yen, daily order flows are positively autocorrelated. These autocorrelations are statistically significant,
implying that past order flows carry some predictive power.
Table 1. Order Flow Descriptive Statistics
N Mean Median Deviation Skewness Kurtosis ar(1)
U.S. Dollar 499 0.001 0.002 0.0171 -0.846 3.137 0.170
Euro 448 0.000 0.000 0.0010 -0.250 3.369 0.264
British Pound 367 0.000 0.000 0.0001 2.178 14.589 0.180
Yen 177 0.000 0.000 0.0001 3.931 30.429 -0.062
Before continuing, a few additional words about the validity of these transactions data are in order. Specifically, we note
that, if current commentary is true, the Mt. Gox exchange was victim to extensive theft operation during much of our
sample period. We are not concerned about this as to date no suspicious activity or specific transactions have been
identified that directly link to the alleged hacking theft. Of course there were such transactions, it is just likely that the
thieves liquidated their Bitcoin positions in a way so as not to arouse suspicion. Accordingly, we argue that these
criminal trades can be considered largely representative. Finally, we note that our sample ends in May 2013, well before
Mt. Gox's February 2014 collapse.
Daily data on Bitcoin exchange rates at Mt. Gox was obtained online at www.bitcoincharts.com. Following Evans and
Lyons (2002), various overnight nominal interest rates were used as fundamental drivers. Because there are no
Bitcoin-denominated debt instruments, only interest rates for traditional sovereign currencies are employed as
regressors, in lieu of international interest rate spreads. We test two interest rate specifications: the daily change in the

Applied Economics and Finance Vol. 3, No. 3; 2016

interest rate, Δit = it - it-1, and the overnight yield with a one-day lag, it-1; both mirror Evans and Lyons (2002). For each
sovereign currency we estimate (1) with different overnight interest rates. These yields are: the effective Federal Funds
rate, the U.S. London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), and the AA Financial Commercial Paper rate for the U.S.; the
Euro LIBOR and the Euro Overnight Index Average (EONIA) rate for the Euro area; the British LIBOR and the
Sterling Overnight Index Average (SONIA) for the U.K.; and the Yen LIBOR and the Uncollateralized Overnight Call
Rate (OCR) for Japan.
3.2 Results
The results from estimating equation (1) are reported in Tables 2-5, with U.S. dollar results found in Table 2. Seven
versions of (1) are estimated, incorporating different interest rate and trend combinations. For each specification, the
order flow coefficient, ψX, is significant at at least the 1% level with the expected sign. That is, the positive sign on
order flow signifies that net Bitcoin purchases leads to an increase in Bitcoin prices. The magnitude of the order flow
coefficients, around 2.7 on average, suggests that on days with U.S. $1 million more Bitcoin purchases than sales, the
price of Bitcoin increases by about 2.7%.
In contrast, overnight yields are rarely significant. Only the lagged Federal Funds rate has a non-zero coefficient. This
sign, however, is correct; an increase in this yield decreases the U.S. dollar price of Bitcoin exactly as standard
exchange rate theory predicts. Two final model variants introduced a trend term to proxy the relative supply of Bitcoin.
(Over our sample period, the supply of Bitcoin relative to the U.S. M1 aggregate was more-or-less linear at monthly
frequencies.) The trend term, however, is only significant once, when included with the lagged Federal Funds rate, but
even then it is essentially meaningless with a magnitude at 7×10⁻⁵.
The explanatory power of the U.S. dollar models is exclusively due to order flow, which explains about 41-43% of the
variance in the Bitcoin returns. We note these results are consistent with those obtained when estimating order flow
models to standard currencies (King et al., 2013). Even when significant, interest rates and the trend term contribute
nothing to the model's R²statistic. In fact, simply regressing the Bitcoin return on the various interest rate specifications
always produces a zero R². This finding, however, is not surprising. It is a well-known fact in international finance that
macroeconomic fundamentals rarely carry little if any explanatory power for exchange rates at higher frequencies
(Frankel and Rose, 1995). In addition, finding significant interest rates in microfinance models is often a hit-or-miss
proposition and can be sensitive to model specification (Cerrato et al., 2011). And for the Bitcoin market, we again note
that there are no fundamentals with any variance denominated in Bitcoin. Accordingly, we would not necessarily expect
of see U.S. dollar-denominated fundamentals having a consistent, meaningful impact in this market.
Results for the Euro and British Pound are reported in Tables 3 and 4. These findings are for the most part analogous to
the U.S. dollar results. The coefficients on order flow are strongly significant for the Euro and British Pound, and order
flow is responsible for all of the models' explanatory power. Interest rates are never significant in any model
specification that also includes order flow as a regressor. The main difference between the Euro and British Pound
models and that of the U.S. dollar is less overall explanatory power. The Euro models, for example, produce R²statistics
that are less then one-half that of the U.S. dollar model; the British Pound models have an even lower R².
The Yen models perform relatively poorly. As noted in Table 5, the order flow coefficient is significant for the Yen, but
at higher levels than for the U.S. Dollar, Euro, and British Pound. As usual, interest rates and a trend are not significant,
and the 4-5% overall explanatory power for these models is low. Although somewhat disappointing, these results are not
surprising, given how thinly traded the Yen-Bitcoin market was and is. Daily ongoing Bitcoin-Yen trading commenced
about a year after that for other currencies and the median number of daily Bitcoin trades into and out of Yen is 56 for
our sample. Even today, Yen trading comprises a very small share of the Bitcoin market. It remains to be seen if a
longer history and further market growth will improve the performance of this model variant.
Table 2. Regression Results, U.S. dollar
ΔXt ∆𝑡 ∆ 𝑡 ∆ 𝑡 ∆ 𝑡 ∆ 𝑡 ∆ 𝑡 TREND R2 D-W
1a 2.66*** -0.19 0.41 1.80
(0.21) (0.16)
1b 2.65*** -0.003 0.41 1.80
(0.21) (0.01)
1c 2.65*** -0.01 0.41 1.80
(0.21) (0.55)
2 2.65*** 0.41 1.80
3a 2.73*** -0.15** 0.42 1.82

Applied Economics and Finance Vol. 3, No. 3; 2016

(0.22) (0.07)
3b 2.65*** 0.0008 0.41 1.80
(0.22) (0.01)
2.66*** -0.014
3c 0.41 1.80
(0.21) (0.02)
4a -0.15 0.00 1.76
4b -0.005 0.00 1.76
4c -0.88 0.00 1.77
5a 0.15* 0.00 1.77
5b 0.00 1.77
5c 0.00 1.76
6a 2.64*** -0.19 8x10-6 0.42 1.80
(0.22) (0.16) (2x10-5)
6b 2.64*** -0.003 8x10-6 0.41 1.80
(0.22) (0.01) (2x10-5)
6c 2.64*** -0.004 8x10-6 0.41 1.80
(0.22) (0.57) (2x10-5)
7a 2.70*** -0.33*** 7x10-5** 0.43 1.86
(0.22) (0.09) (2x10-5)
2.64*** 0.001 8x10-6
7b 0.41 1.80
(0.22) (0.01) (2x10-5)
2.65*** -0.01 8x10-6
7c 0.41 1.80
(0.22) (0.02) (2x10-5)
N = 499; Date range: 27 June 2011 - 23 May 2013. Models are estimated using generalized method of moments correcting
for autocorrelation up to order 4. The last column, marked D-W, reports Durbin-Watson statistics.
Heteroscedasticity-consistent (Eicker-White) standard errors are in parentheses. *** = significant at 1%; ** =
significant at 5*; * = significant at 10%.
Table 3. Regression Results, Euro
ΔXt ∆𝑡 ∆ 𝑡 ∆ 𝑡 ∆ 𝑡 TREND R2 D-W
1a 21.56*** 0.05 0.16 1.91
(3.85) (0.03)
1b 21.56*** 0.01 0.16 1.90
(3.85) (0.04)
2 21.57*** 0.16 1.90
3a 21.21*** -0.01 0.17 1.91
(4.02) (0.01)
3b 21.23*** -0.01 0.16 1.91
(4.01) (0.01)
4a 0.05 0.00 1.74
4b 0.02 0.00 1.73
5a -0.03* 0.01 1.75
5b -0.02* 0.01 1.75

Applied Economics and Finance Vol. 3, No. 3; 2016

6a 21.20*** 0.05 2x10-5 0.17 1.91
(5.29) (0.03) (3x10-5)
6b 21.19*** 0.01 2x10-5 0.16 1.91
(4.00) (0.04) (3x10-5)
7a 21.20*** -0.01 3x10-6 0.17 1.91
(4.00) (0.02) (5x10-5)
7b 21.19*** -0.01 1x10-5 0.16 1.91
(4.01) (0.02) (2x10-5)
N = 448; Date range: 6 September 2011 - 23 May 2013. Models are estimated using generalized method of moments
correcting for autocorrelation up to order 4. The last column, marked D-W, reports Durbin-Watson statistics.
Heteroscedasticity-consistent (Eicker-White) standard errors are in parentheses. *** = significant at 1%; ** =
significant at 5*; * = significant at 10%.
Table 4. Regression Results, British Pound
ΔXt ∆ 𝑡 ∆ 𝑡 ∆ 𝑡 ∆ 𝑡 TREND R2 D-W

21.14*** -0.43 0.07 1.55

(5.12) (2.08)

21.33*** 0.04 0.07 1.53

(5.11) (0.03)

2 21.16*** 0.07 1.54


21.11*** -0.08 0.07 1.55

(5.13) (0.10)

21.23*** -0.01 0.07 1.54

(4.01) (0.03)

-0.78 0.00 1.52


0.03 0.00 1.51


-.11 0.00 1.53


-0.02 0.00 1.52


20.77*** -0.96 4x10-5 0.07 1.56

(5.06) (2.04) (4x10-5)

21.00*** 0.04 4x10-5 0.08 1.54

(5.06) (0.03) (4x10-5)

21.44*** 0.45 1x10-5 0.08 1.57

(5.13) (0.29) (1x10-5)

20.84*** 0.01 4x10-5 0.07 1.56

(5.08) (0.03) (4x10-5)

Applied Economics and Finance Vol. 3, No. 3; 2016

N = 367; Date range: 28 December 2011 - 23 May 2013. Models are estimated using generalized method of moments
correcting for autocorrelation up to order 4. The last column, marked D-W, reports Durbin-Watson statistics.
Heteroscedasticity-consistent (Eicker-White) standard errors are in parentheses. *** = significant at 1%; ** =
significant at 5*; * = significant at 10%.
Table 5. Regression Results, Japanese Yen
ΔXt ∆ 𝑡 ∆ 𝑡 ∆ 𝑡 ∆ 𝑡 TREND R2 D-W

24.44* -0.31 0.05 2.10

(12.90) 0.94

24.26** -0.52 0.05 2.10

(12.70) (0.59)

2 0.30 0.00 2.05


0.27 0.00 2.05


-0.33 0.00 2.05


-0.54 0.00 2.05


24.15* -0.29 1x10-4 0.05 2.10

(13.10) (1.92) (1x10-4)

23.86* 0.11 1x10-4 0.05 2.10

(13.00) (0.28) (1x10-4)

23.99* -0.31 1x10-4 0.04 2.11

(12.83) (0.92) (1x10-4)

23.98* -0.33 1x10-4 0.05 2.11

(12.72) (0.47) (1x10-4)

24.44* -0.31 0.05 2.10

(12.90) 0.94

24.26** -0.52 0.05 2.10

(12.70) (0.59)

0.30 0.00 2.05


N = 177; Date range: 12 September 2012 - 23 May 2013. Models are estimated using generalized method of moments
correcting for autocorrelation up to order 4. The last column, marked D-W, reports Durbin-Watson statistics.
Heteroscedasticity-consistent (Eicker-White) standard errors are in parentheses. *** = significant at 1%; ** = significant
at 5*; * = significant at 10%.
4. Conclusion and Caveats
This paper applies an FX microstructure model to the Bitcoin market. As with all applications of FX microstructure, our
key variable is order flow, which acts as the conduit from often-heterogenous information to market behavior and
discovery. Given the lack of meaningful Bitcoin-denominated fundamentals, the microstructure approach is the only

Applied Economics and Finance Vol. 3, No. 3; 2016

way to avoid a pure time-series analysis of this market; accordingly, applying microstructure modeling techniques to the
Bitcoin market represents a “back to basics” approach to analyze a relatively young asset that is in the early stages of
development. As in prior studies employing microstructure methods on standard currency markets, we find that order
flow accounts for almost all or all of the explanatory power for changes in the Bitcoin exchange rate. Our strongest
result finds that order flow accounts over 40% of the daily change in the U.S. dollar/Bitcoin spot rate.
This work makes two contributions. First, our results suggest that although Bitcoin is very different than standard
sovereign currencies, Bitcoin's information structure and the way information is transmitted to prices is similar to that
found in regular FX markets. In other words, Bitcoin prices behave like those of any other currency in most respects. As
continued growth in and acceptance of Bitcoin as a currency and an asset is likely dependent on brokerage other
intermediation services becoming more readily available, this bodes well for the future of private digital currencies.
Second, they illustrate the general robustness, and hence relevance of the microstructure approach. As noted, Bitcoin
spot rates are much more volatile than standard exchange rates, a by-product of Bitcoin's age and a series of
idiosyncratic, market-disrupting shocks during our sample period. We would argue that being able to estimate a model
that had any explanatory power for this unsettled market is meaningful per se. And to deliver results for Bitcoin that
compare favorably with analogous research on traditional currencies is, in our opinion, consequential. Going forward,
we expect that the microstructure approach will continue to be an area of active and influential scholarship for
traditional currencies, non-monetary financial assets, and digital currencies like Bitcoin.
Finally, a few caveats about our findings are in order. We have noted that the Bitcoin market is in the early stages of
development. As (or if) this market matures, it is entirely possible, nay probable that the behavior of the Bitcoin spot
rate could change. With maturity brings decreased volatility, for example, and it is possible that Bitcoin-denominated
assets could be introduced. Anecdotally, one could argue that the typical Bitcoin investor differs from the typical
currency trader. The counterculture aspect of Bitcoin remains a selling point, and anecdotally, individual Bitcoin
enthusiasts are still a big part of this market and individual trades tend to be small. We expect this to change going
forward, as more professional investors are drawn into this market. We also note that Bitcoin brokers and dealers are
becoming much more commonplace. In all, the structure of the Bitcoin market stands to change considerably going
forward, and we stress that the conclusions presented here apply only to the early stages of Bitcoin's development. That
said, we anticipate that the microstructure FX approach will remain the best option to study this market in the future.
We would like to thank Zachary Littrell for valuable research assistance; and Julie Routzahn and seminar participants at
UniversitéSaint-Louis, Brussels and Anhui Normal University, Wuhu, China for helpful comments and suggestions. All
errors are ours.
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Applied Economics and Finance Vol. 3, No. 3; 2016

Note 1. We adopt the convention of using “Bitcoin” in both the singular and irregular plural tense.
Note 2. A Bitcoin can be divided to the eighth decimal place, or one “Satoshi.” Once divided, a Bitcoin cannot be
Note 3. Prior to 2016, additions to the blockchain occurred approximately every ten minues. 25 new Bitcoin are mined
per new block added. In 2016 this amount will be halved to 12.5 Bitcoin per new block and halved again in 2020 and
every four years thereafter for the next 100-130 years, until the total supply of Bitcoin reaches 21 million (Grinberg,
Note 4. Interest in Bitcoin went hand-in-hand with publicity generated by the now-defunct Silk Road, a notorious
deep-web marketplace dealing in illicit drugs and other black market wares. At its height, Silk Road had an estimated
sales volume of roughly U.S. $15 million, all conducted in Bitcoin. The original Silk Road website was taken down by
U.S. authorities in late 2013.
Note 5. Interestingly, the Chinese renmimbi and various developing-world currencies are accounting for an incresing
share of Bitcoin trading volume since 2013.
Note 6. See, for example, the seminal work by Meese and Rogoff (1983) and Frenkel and Rose’s (1995) summary.
Note 7. FX microstructure models are typically specified at weekly or daily frequencies, whereas most estimates of
inflation and output-related fundamentals are released on a monthly basis in most countries. This makes interest rates
the fundamental of choice by default. One noteworty exception is found in recent work by Evans (2010), who develops
real-time, high-frequency estimates of GDP, the money supply, and inflation.
Note 8. The latter observation—relatively high kurtosis—is consistent with Menkhoff et al. (2012) who find similar
results for customer order flow in standard currency trading.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.


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