Good Stress MGMT Project
Good Stress MGMT Project
Good Stress MGMT Project
Volume No 04, Special Issue No. 01, May 2015 ISSN (online): 2394-1537
The productivity of the work force is the most decisive factor as far as the success of an organization is
concerned. The productivity in turn is dependent on the psychosocial well being of the employees. The banking
organization, have been facing greater challenges in terms of technological revolution, service diversification
and global banking. Stress is unavoidable on the part of the employees as the systems, procedures; techniques
are getting complicated with the use of advance technology. Every employee cannot cope with such rapid
changes taking place in the jobs. This will lead to arising of stress among employees. Stress can affect one‘s
health, work performance, social life and the relationship with family members. The stressors and its
consequences are to be understood at individual and organizational level. An attempt has been made through
this research paper to know the reasons of stress among the bank employees and the ways used by employees to
cope with the stress generated at workplace The aim of this paper is to provide insight that will help the reader
further improve his/her management competencies in managing stress in the workplace.
Stress is a natural human response to its environment. Stress has become significant due to dynamic social
factor and changing needs of life styles. Stress is man‘s adaptive reaction to an outward situation which would
lead to physical, mental and behavioral changes., In fact, moderate levels of stress are considered essential
motivators. However, high levels of stress have the capacity to greatly impact physical and emotional health, not
all stresses are destructive in nature. Appropriate amount of stress can actually trigger passion for work, tap
latent abilities and even ignite inspirations. Stress can make a person productive and constructive, when it is
identified and well managed.[1]
Both primary and secondary method is used to collect information. The sample size is 50. It was collected from
the employees of various bank situated in Hissar. Data was collected through self-structured questionnaire.
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International Journal of Science, Technology & Management
Volume No 04, Special Issue No. 01, May 2015 ISSN (online): 2394-1537
Books, internet web sites, journals etc were used as a source of secondary data. Percentage Analysis method
was used to analyze and interpret results and achieves research objectives.
Most of the employees fear with the fact that they lack quality in their work. This puts stress on them. It is found
that maximum number of employees in banks remains in stress. 50% employees feel that they are overloaded
with work. 42% employees feel tensed due to their non-achievement of their target of work. 36% employees
accepted that they will obey the order of their boss by sacrificing their important domestic function. It\ indicates
fear and stress among employees. 37% employees feel stress due to their family related problems. It means such
employees feel greater level of stress as compared to other employees. Half of the employees accepted that there
is conflict among the employees[3]. It is a concern for top management. Only 44% employees feel that strategies
used by banks to manage stress of employees are effective. Majority of the employees try to find solution to
relieve them from stress.47% employees use YOGA or other ways to relieve them from stress. In spite of stress,
majority of the employees balance in their social life.
Causes and Consequences of Workplace Stress Table
Causes Consequences of distress
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International Journal of Science, Technology & Management
Volume No 04, Special Issue No. 01, May 2015 ISSN (online): 2394-1537
Workplace aggression
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International Journal of Science, Technology & Management
Volume No 04, Special Issue No. 01, May 2015 ISSN (online): 2394-1537
Physical activities planned in job design The body can release stress, better through physical exertion, as
physicians were suggesting, indulging any kind of physical activity is recommended while job design.
Stress can make an individual productive and constructive when it is identified and well managed. In times of
great stress or adversity, it‘s always best to keep busy, to plow anger and energy into something positive.
Positive attitude and meditation will be helpful for coping the stress. Stress can be minimized if companies take
the right steps. Stress–free employees perform better, work harder, feel happier and have a long term
commitment to the organization as compared to their counterparts. Having broader perspective of life will
definitely change the perception of stress. Let us hope that we will be successful in making distress into eu-
stress for our healthy lifestyle as well as organizational well being.
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doi: 10.1186/1745- 6673-1-26
[4]. Selys, H., (1936), Quoted by Pestonjee, DM(1999), Stress and Coping: the Indian Experience, Sage
Publication, 2nd Edition, p 15
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