Pi Glycerine Suppositories

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package until you are ready to use it If you have any further questions

4. Position yourself comfortably. Lying on please do not hesitate to ask.

your left side with feet level or slightly
elevated is the best position when in
inserting a suppository Contact details
5. When ready, take the suppository out Colorectal clinical nurse specialists:
of the package and hold it in between 0121 371 4980 (with answerphone)
your thumb and middle finger. Be
careful not to drop it 0121 371 4501 (with answerphone)

6. Use water soluble lubricant to coat the

blunt end of the suppository Useful contacts
7. Be sure that the blunt shape is pointing Bladder and Bowel Foundation
toward the anus not the tip. Insert Helpline: 0845 345 0165
suppository directly into the anus. www.bladderandbowelfoundation.org
Insert it enough to avoid suppository
from coming out. (Usually to the depth Core
of your finger is sufficient) Telephone: 0207 486 0341
8. Lie still and hold suppository inside the www.corecharity.org.uk
back passage for 10-15 minutes
9. Remember to wash your hands with
The Trust provides free
How to use
soap and water after your bowel
movement monthly health talks on a
variety of medical conditions
How many do I use?
It is usual to start on one suppository a
and treatments. For more information visit
www.uhb.nhs.uk/health-talks.htm or suppositories
call 0121 371 4323.
day at a time convenient to yourself and
increase this to 2 per day if one is not
sufficient. Ideally the bowel should be Functional Bowel Disease Service
emptied in the morning as that is when Delivering the best in care
the urge is strongest. However, if you Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham
have insufficient time it may be necessary Mindelsohn Way, Edgbaston
Birmingham, B15 2GW UHB is a no smoking Trust
to use them in the evening after a meal.
They are a safe medication and are not Telephone: 0121 371 4980
addictive so can be used long term. To see all of our current
patient information leaflets please visit
PI16/1396/02 Author: Yvette Perston
Date: November 2016 Review date: November 2018
What are glycerine to facilitate a bowel movement. area after insertion of the suppositories,
but this will disappear after the bowel
suppositories? When used for people with leakage
problems this emptying of the lower
Glycerine suppositories are rectal
bowel prevents leakage of stool for
laxatives for relieving mild to moderate
the rest of the day and so helps with What are the benefits?
constipation. They are for rectal use only
confidence. They can be used with The benefits of using glycerine
– this means that they are inserted into
loperamide in this situation as the suppositories are easier passage of stool
the back passage.
loperamide slows the bowel movement from the back passage. As they help to
Glycerine suppositories are used to down, and the suppositories help in completely empty the back passage of
empty the back passage of stool which emptying the back passage completely. stool, they are also useful in treating
encourages the bowel to empty. As leakage and incontinence. Some people
they are very efficient in emptying the What are the risks? find it useful to firm the stool consistency
back passage they are also used in the by using loperamide (a medication used
Glycerine suppositories are very safe
treatment of faecal leakage. This is to treat diarrhoea) on a regular basis.
to use and do not react with other
effective because when the back passage Glycerine suppositories can then be used
medication. It is safe to use them long-
is empty there is nothing there to leak daily to empty the firmer stool from the
term to help control symptoms. There
out and so cause an accident. back passage. As the back passage is
are uncommon side effects related to
taking glycerine suppositories, but they then empty this can prevent leakage and
How do they work? are normally mild. Side effects associated incontinence.
The melting of glycerine suppositories with glycerine suppositories typically
inside the back passage lubricates and include irritation, abdominal pain, What are the alternatives?
softens faecal matter. Lubricating and swelling and loose stools. There are other suppositories available
softening stools helps to prevent straining but they contain much stronger
Following the insertion of the
during a difficult bowel movement. medication and therefore have more side
suppository, some patients report burning
Glycerine is a mild irritant which increases or irritation. The irritation is normally effects. There are also enemas available
the frequency of bowel movement by felt in the area of the back passage and but these are more messy to use and can
stimulating the bowel muscles to contract. some women report vaginal burning. The cause more side effects.
These contractions help to move stools irritation does not last long because it
along and makes passing them out of the occurs immediately before the bowels are How to use glycerine
body much easier. opened. suppositories
Glycerine suppositories attract water Abdominal pain is another side effect 1. Wash hands thoroughly in warm water
from the bowel down towards the mass that accompanies the insertion of and soap
of hardened stool to relieve constipation glycerine suppositories. Cramps will
quickly and effectively. Glycerine 2. You may opt to use gloves
often subside shortly after the bowels
suppositories also cause the muscles in the are empty. There may be some minor 3. Open the package of the suppository,
rectum to move more effectively in order temporary swelling felt around the anal but keep the suppository inside the

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