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IBM WebSphere Business Integration Adapters 

Adapter for User Guide (for

BASIS 4.0–4.6,
SAP Web AS 6.20)
Adapter Version 6.0.x
IBM WebSphere Business Integration Adapters 

Adapter for User Guide (for

BASIS 4.0–4.6,
SAP Web AS 6.20)
Adapter Version 6.0.x
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 343.“Notices.”

This edition of this document applies to the adapter for, for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20
(5724-H01), version 6.0.x.
To send us your comments about IBM WebSphere Business Integration documentation, email doc- We look forward to hearing from you.
When you send information to IBM, you grant IBM a nonexclusive right to use or distribute the information in any
way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1997, 2004. All rights reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix

About this document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi

What this document includes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
What this document does not include . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Related documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Typographic conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
Naming conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii

New in this release . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii

New in version 6.0.x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
New in version 5.5.x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv
New in version 5.4.x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
New in version 5.3.x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
New in version 5.2.x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
New in version 5.1.x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
New in version 5.0.x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvi
New in version 4.8.x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvi
New in version 4.7.x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvi
New in version 4.6.x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvi
New in version 4.5.x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii
New in version 4.4.x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii
New in version 4.3.x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xviii
New in version 4.2.x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xviii
New in version 4.1.x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix

Part 1. Connector overview and setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Chapter 1. Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Adapter environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Connector architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
How the vision connector framework works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Chapter 2. Installing the connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Installation tasks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Installing the connector for and related files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Verifying installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Installing the SAP JCo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Upgrading the connector for the ALE Module’s management of TIDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Chapter 3. Configuring the connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Overview of Connector Configurator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Starting Connector Configurator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Running Configurator from System Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Creating a connector-specific property template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Creating a new configuration file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Using an existing file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Completing a configuration file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Setting the configuration file properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Saving your configuration file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Changing a configuration file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Completing the configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 iii

Using Connector Configurator in a globalized environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Chapter 4. Running the connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Starting the connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Taking advantage of load balancing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Chapter 5. Generating business object definitions using SAPODA . . . . . . . . . . 43

Installation and usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Using SAPODA in Business Object Designer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
After using SAPODA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

Chapter 6. Troubleshooting the connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

Generic troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
WBI performance tuning and memory management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Troubleshooting for the ABAP Extension Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Troubleshooting for the BAPI Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Troubleshooting for the RFC Server Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Troubleshooting for the ALE Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Troubleshooting the Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Troubleshooting SAPODA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Getting support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

Part 2. BAPI Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

Chapter 7. Overview of the BAPI Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

BAPI Module components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
How the BAPI Module works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

Chapter 8. Configuring the BAPI Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

BAPI Module directories and files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
BAPI Module configuration properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

Chapter 9. Developing business objects for the BAPI Module . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

Business object naming conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Business object structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Supported verbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Business object attribute properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Business object application-specific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Using generated business object definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Using custom business object handlers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

Part 3. ALE Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

Chapter 10. Overview of the ALE Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

Overview of ALE technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
ALE Module components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

Chapter 11. Using the ALE Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121

Prerequisites to running the ALE Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
ALE Module directories and files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Configuring the ALE Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Checking the SAP configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Checking MQ configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Configuring SAP to update IDoc status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Running the ALE Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

Chapter 12. Developing business objects for the ALE Module . . . . . . . . . . . 135

iv Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Creating the IDoc definition file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Business object structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Supported verbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Processing multiple IDocs with a wrapper business object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147

Part 4. RFC Server Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151

Chapter 13. Overview of the RFC Server Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153

RFC Server Module components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
How the RFC Server Module works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155

Chapter 14. Configuring the RFC Server Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159

RFC Server Module directories and files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
RFC Server Module configuration properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Registering the RFC Server Module with the SAP gateway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159

Chapter 15. Developing business objects for the RFC Server Module . . . . . . . . 161
Business object naming conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Business object structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Supported verbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Business object attribute properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Business object application-specific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
Using generated business objects and business object handlers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169

Part 5. Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173

Chapter 16. Overview of the Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module . . . . . . . . . 175

Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
How the connector works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176

Chapter 17. Configuring the Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module . . . . . . . . . 177

Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module directories and files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module configuration properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177

Chapter 18. Developing business objects for the Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve
Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Business object development utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Business object names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Business object structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Business object attribute properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Business object application-specific information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Generating business objects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190

Part 6. ABAP Extension Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193

Chapter 19. Overview of the ABAP Extension Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195

ABAP Extension Module components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
How the ABAP Extension Module works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196

Chapter 20. Installing and customizing the ABAP Extension Module . . . . . . . . . 209
Connector transport file installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Verifying connector transport file installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Upgrading the ABAP Extension Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Enabling the SAP application for the connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Modifying adapter-delivered ABAP objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
Preventing event ping-pong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216

Contents v
Chapter 21. Business object processing in the ABAP Extension Module . . . . . . . 219
Business object conversion to a flat structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Business object data routing to ABAP handlers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
How ABAP handlers process business object data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
Flat structure conversion to a business object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229

Chapter 22. Developing business objects for the ABAP Extension Module . . . . . . 231
Background information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Developing business objects using dynamic transaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
Developing business objects using IDocs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
Calling the ABAP Extension Module and ABAP handler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249

Chapter 23. Developing event detection for the ABAP Extension Module . . . . . . . 251
Designing an event detection mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Implementing an event detection mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255

Chapter 24. Managing the ABAP Extension Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263

Managing the connector log file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
Monitoring the SAP gateway service connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
Shutting down the connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
Maintaining the event queue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
Maintaining the archive table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268

Chapter 25. Upgrading the ABAP Extension Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271

Upgrading within a new version of SAP R/3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
Upgrading ABAP handlers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
Upgrade considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274

Part 7. Appendixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279

Appendix A. Quick Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281

Common configuration properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
Quick steps for the BAPI Module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
Quick steps for the RFC Server Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
Quick steps for the ALE Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
Quick steps for the HDR Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291

Appendix B. Common event infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293

Required software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
Enabling Common Event Infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
Obtaining Common Event Infrastructure adapter events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
For more information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
Common Event Infrastructure event catalog definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
XML format for “start adapter” metadata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
XML format for ″stop adapter″ metadata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
XML format for “timeout adapter” metadata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
XML format for ″request″ or ″delivery″ metadata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297

Appendix C. Application response measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299

Application Response Measurement instrumentation support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299

Appendix D. Standard configuration properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301

New properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
Standard connector properties overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
Standard properties quick-reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
Standard properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309

Appendix E. Connector-specific configuration properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325

vi Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Connector-specific configuration properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325

Appendix F. IBM WebSphere BI Station support levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335

Development tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
Tools tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
Management tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336
Configuration tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336
Troubleshooting tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339

Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
Programming interface information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
Trademarks and service marks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345

Contents vii
viii Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
1. Configuring agent properties . . . . . . . 7 42. Providing additional information for an HDR
2. Architecture of the connector for SAP . . . . 8 business object . . . . . . . . . . . 70
3. Vision connector framework and connector 43. 512 byte warning . . . . . . . . . . 70
modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 44. Size and type of BO properties for an HDR
4. Multi-Threading architecture of the connector business object . . . . . . . . . . . 71
for SAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 45. Saving business object definition . . . . . 71
5. Selecting the ODA . . . . . . . . . . 47 46. BAPI Module architecture . . . . . . . . 90
6. Configuring agent properties . . . . . . . 48 47. Business object processing for the BAPI
7. Tree with expanded nodes . . . . . . . 51 Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
8. Caching notification . . . . . . . . . . 52 48. Mapping between a business object and a
9. Associating a file and entering search criteria 52 BAPI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
10. Confirming selection of nodes and leaves 53 49. Correspondence between a business object
11. Generating the definition . . . . . . . . 53 and an example BAPI . . . . . . . . . 104
12. Providing additional information for an IDoc 50. ALE Module architecture . . . . . . . 116
type business object . . . . . . . . . . 55 51. Business object event processing . . . . . 126
13. Specifying function modules for the ABAP 52. Relationship of WebSphere business objects
handler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 for SAP and an IDoc . . . . . . . . . 137
14. Specifying the ABAP handler in Business 53. Relationship Between data record business
Object Designer . . . . . . . . . . . 56 object and IDoc Definition fields . . . . . 145
15. Providing additional information for BOR or 54. Wrapper business object containing child
RFC business objects . . . . . . . . . 58 business objects . . . . . . . . . . . 148
16. Specifying attributes for removal from the 55. RFC Server Module architecture . . . . . 153
definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 56. Business object processing . . . . . . . 156
17. Caching notification . . . . . . . . . . 59 57. Mapping between a business object and a
18. Enter a Search Pattern . . . . . . . . . 59 BAPI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
19. Search results tree expanded for RFC node 60 58. Mapping between a business object and an
20. Confirm source nodes for BAPI calls in the example BAPI . . . . . . . . . . . 168
transaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 59. Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module
21. Multiple BAPI call selection message . . . . 61 architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
22. Assign a prefix and business object name to 60. Example customer and address relationship 181
the transaction . . . . . . . . . . . 61 61. Multiple-cardinality business object
23. Assign a BAPI call sequence within the BAPI relationship . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
transaction object . . . . . . . . . . 62 62. Example customer and sales view
24. Optional BAPI call parameters message 62 relationship . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
25. Attributes tab for the sap_salesorder_txn 63. Example: current business object stores the
business object . . . . . . . . . . . 63 foreign key . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
26. Configure Agent window with ResultSet 64. ABAP Extension Module architecture 195
property set to True . . . . . . . . . . 63 65. Business object processing of doVerbFor() 198
27. Caching notification . . . . . . . . . . 64 66. Adapter-provided business object processing
28. Search criteria for ResultSets . . . . . . . 64 components . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
29. Search results tree expanded for RFC node 64 67. Event notification process . . . . . . . 201
30. Confirm source nodes for attributes . . . . 65 68. /CWLD/ADD_TO_QUEUE . . . . . . . 205
31. Provide business object name information 66 69. /CWLD/ADD_TO_QUEUE_IN_FUTURE 205
32. Specify the Query attribute of the business 70. Event priority with function module
object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 /CWLD/ADD_TO_QUEUE . . . . . . . 207
33. Select the primary key . . . . . . . . . 67 71. Business object processing . . . . . . . 220
34. Select a field on the table/structure . . . . 67 72. Conversion from a business object to a flat
35. Notification of Query attribute name . . . . 68 structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
36. Select the foreign key . . . . . . . . . 68 73. Flat business object SAP_Material . . . . . 227
37. Foreign key path confirmation . . . . . . 68 74. Hierarchical business object SAP sales order
38. Optional parameters notification for the (IDoc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
GETLIST BAPI . . . . . . . . . . . 69 75. IDoc handler architecture . . . . . . . 241
39. Set property values for the ResultSet object. 69 76. Business Object Wizard—Select Agent 283
40. Optional parameters notification for the 77. Business Object Wizard—Select Source 284
GETDETAIL BAPI . . . . . . . . . . 69 78. Test Connector . . . . . . . . . . . 285
41. Attributes tab of the ResultSet object . . . . 70 79. Test Connector—New Profile . . . . . . 285

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 ix

x Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
About this document
The IBMR WebSphereR Business Integration Adapter portfolio supplies integration
connectivity for leading e-business technologies, enterprise applications, and legacy
and mainframe systems. The product set includes tools and templates for
customizing, creating, and managing components for business integration.

What this document includes

This document describes installation, connector property configuration, business
object development, and troubleshooting for the IBM WebSphere Business
Integration Adapter for

What this document does not include

This document does not describe deployment metrics and capacity planning issues
such as server load balancing, number of adapter processing threads, maximum
and minimum throughputs, and tolerance thresholds.

Such issues are unique to every customer deployment and must be measured
within or close to the exact environment where the adapter is to be deployed. You
should contact your IBM services representative to discuss the configuration of
your deployment site, and for details on planning and evaluating these kinds of
metrics, given your specific configuration.

This document is for IBM consultants and customers. You should be familiar with
SAP and WebSphere business integration system adapter development.

Related documents
The complete set of documentation available with this product describes the
features and components common to all WebSphere Business Integration Adapters
installations, and includes reference material on specific components.

You can download, install, and view the documentation at the following sites:
v For general adapter information; for using adapters with WebSphere message
brokers (WebSphere MQ Integrator, WebSphere MQ Integrator Broker,
WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker); and for using adapters with
WebSphere Application Server, see the IBM WebSphere Business Integration
Adapters InfoCenter:
v For using adapters with WebSphere InterChange Server, see the IBM WebSphere
InterChange Server InfoCenters:
v For more information about WebSphere message brokers:
v For more information about WebSphere Application Server:

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 xi

Note: Important information about this product may be available in Technical
Support Technotes and Flashes issued after this document was published.
These can be found on the WebSphere Business Integration Support Web
Select the component area of interest and browse the Technotes and Flashes
sections. Additional information might also be available in IBM Redbooks at

Typographic conventions
This document uses the following conventions:

courier font Indicates a literal value, such as a command name, filename,

information that you type, or information that the system
prints on the screen.
bold Indicates a new term the first time that it appears.
italic, italic Indicates a variable name or a cross-reference.
blue outline A blue outline, which is visible only when you view the
manual online, indicates a cross-reference hyperlink. Click
inside the outline to jump to the object of the reference.
{} In a syntax line, curly braces surround a set of options from
which you must choose one and only one.
[ ] In a syntax line, square brackets surround an optional
... In a syntax line, ellipses indicate a repetition of the previous
parameter. For example, option[,...] means that you can
enter multiple, comma-separated options.
< > In a naming convention, angle brackets surround individual
elements of a name to distinguish them from each other, as
in <server_name><connector_name>tmp.log.
\ In this document, backslashes (\) are used as the convention
for directory paths. All product pathnames are relative to the
directory where the product is installed on your system.
%text% Text within percent (%) signs indicates the value of the
WindowsTM text system variable or user variable.
ProductDir Represents the directory where the product is installed.

Naming conventions
In this document the following naming conventions are used:
v The connector component of the adapter for is referred to simply as
the connector.
v The “connector” refers to the combination of the Vision Connector Framework
and a connector module.

xii Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
New in this release
New in version 6.0.x
This release of the document contains the following new information:

Editorial changes:
v The title of this manual has changed from Adapter for User Guide
(SAP R/3 V.4.x) to Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web
AS 6.20)
v Certain parts and chapters of this manual have been restructured for editorial
v The title of the IBM CrossWorlds Station tool has changed to ″IBM WebSphere BI

Adapter environment changes:

v As of version 6.0.x, the adapter for is not supported on Solaris 7, so
references to that platform version have been deleted from this guide.
v The adapter now runs with WebSphere Business Integration Adapter
FrameworkV2.6. For details about supported integration broker versions, see
“Broker compatibility” on page 3.
v The adapter is now supported on Solaris 9, Windows 2003, Red Hat Enterprise
Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, and SUSE Linux Standard Server. For
details about the various platform versions of each, see “Adapter platforms” on
page 4.
v The connector provides support for bidirectional (bi-di) data when the adapter
runs on Microsoft Windows 2003 and connects to an SAP 6.20+ Unicode system,

SAPODA changes:
v New configure agent properties have been added to the Configure Agent
window of the Business Object Designer wizard. The properties enable new
connector features, such as BAPI transaction and ResultSet support. For details,
see Table 5 on page 48.
v SAPODA provides caching support of search results in RFC nodes. The caching
service runs in the background whenever you start SAPODA and the cached
searches are purged when you end the session. For details, see “Expand nodes
and select objects” on page 50.
v SAPODA supports BAPI transaction objects. For details, see “BAPI transaction
business objects” on page 59.
v SAP provides ResultSet support for DB2 Information Integrator. For details, see
“ResultSet business objects” on page 63.

BAPI Module changes:

v The connector now uses a single business object handler that supports all BAPI
calls, rather than multiple BAPI-specific business object handlers, each one
supporting a specific BAPI. For details, see Chapter 7, “Overview of the BAPI
Module,” on page 89.
v The connector supports BAPI transaction objects. For details, “Business object
structure for BAPI transactions” on page 99.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 xiii

v SAPODA no longer generates custom business object handler templates for the
BAPI Module. To create a custom business object handler, you must code it
yourself from the templates provided. For details, see “Using custom business
object handlers” on page 108.
v The connector provides ResultSet support for DB2 Information Integrator, and as
such uses new standard connector properties. For details, see “Business object
structure for BAPI ResultSets” on page 100, and Appendix D, “Standard
configuration properties,” on page 301.

ABAP Extension Module changes:

v Transport files are now installed in the
\connectors\SAP\dependencies\transports_40_45_46\ and the
\connectors\SAP\dependencies\transports_47\ directories, depending on your
version of SAP. For details see “Connector transport files” on page 210.

ALE Module changes:

v The connector supports breaking up IDoc messages into smaller units, each of
which is a JMS-MQ message that translates into a smaller business object. For
details see “Event processing components” on page 116.

End-of-life feature changes:

v The Advanced Outbound Wizard has been removed in this release.
v The Object Definition Generator has been removed in this release.
v The following Unit Test Tools have been removed in this release:
– Test File Generation
– Unit Test Execution
v The ability to generate a business object definition using IBM WebSphere BI
Station (formerly called IBM CrossWorlds Station) has been removed in this
v The following tools have been removed from the IBM WebSphere BI Station
(formerly called IBM CrossWorlds Station):
– Development tab:
- Transaction Based- Outbound-- Hierarchical
– Tools tab:
- CW object definition
- Unit Test Tools

New in version 5.5.x

February 2004
v New appendix with quick configuration steps
v Updated information on the ALE Module
v Application version support for the SAP Product Suite based on the 4.0-4.7 and
6.20 Basis kernels

December 2003
v Adapter installation information has been moved from this guide. See Chapter 2
for the new location of this information.
v Beginning with version 5.5, the adapter for is no longer supported
on Microsoft Windows NT.

xiv Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
New in version 5.4.x
This section lists the new features and improvements made in this release.
v The Extension Module supports objects with hierarchy levels greater than eight.
v Support for newer versions of SAP JCo have been added, up to version 2.0.8.
v Performance enhancements have been made for service call requests in the ALE
v The Adapter for is now supported on HP-UX

New in version 5.3.x

Updated in March, 2003. The “CrossWorlds” name is no longer used to describe an
entire system or to modify the names of components or tools, which are otherwise
mostly the same as before. For example “CrossWorlds System Manager” is now
“System Manager,” and “CrossWorlds InterChange Server” is now “WebSphere
InterChange Server.”

This release provides the following new features and improvements.

v The adapter fully supports the in-progress event recovery feature through the
ABAP Extension Module.
v The ABAP Extension Module supports the use of name/value pairs for the
object key when populating events in the future event table.
v The ODA allows the option of choosing the attribute name for simple attributes
when generating objects from IDoc types, BAPIs and Remote Function modules.
The attribute name can be derived from either the SAP field name or the SAP
field description.

New in version 5.2.x

This release provides numerous bug fixes and enhancements.

New in version 5.1.x

v The internationalized connector is delivered with adapter for
v SAPODA has been expanded to enable generation of business object definitions:
– from IDoc definitions for both the ALE and ABAP Extension Modules
– from IDoc definitions in the SAP system as well as those extracted to a file
– for the Dynamic Hierarchical Retrieve Module (flat business object definitions

For more information, see the following chapters:

v Chapter 22, “Developing business objects for the ABAP Extension Module,” on
page 231.
v Chapter 12, “Developing business objects for the ALE Module,” on page 135.
v Chapter 9, “Developing business objects for the BAPI Module,” on page 97.
v Chapter 15, “Developing business objects for the RFC Server Module,” on page
v Chapter 18, “Developing business objects for the Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve
Module,” on page 179.
v Chapter 5, “Generating business object definitions using SAPODA,” on page 43.

New in this release xv

New in version 5.0.x
The connector has been internationalized. For more information, see
“Locale-dependent data” on page 6 and Appendix D, “Standard configuration
properties,” on page 301.

Note: Patch releases refer to this version of the connector as R/3

New in version 4.8.x

The adapter for includes the connector for SAP. This adapter operates
with both the InterChange Server (ICS) and WebSphere message brokers. An
integration broker, which is an application that performs integration of
heterogeneous sets of applications, provides services that include data routing.

This adapter includes:

v An application-component specific to SAP R/3 Version 4.x
v A sample business object, which is located in \connectors\SAP\samples\
v IBM WebSphere Adapter Framework, which consists of:
– Connector Framework
– Development tools (including Business Object Designer and Connector
– APIs (including ODK, JCDK, and CDK)

This manual provides information about using this adapter with InterChange
Server (ICS) and WebSphere message brokers as your integration broker.

Important: Because the connector has not been internationalized, do not run it
against InterChange Server version 4.1.1 if you cannot guarantee that
only ISO Latin-1 data will be processed.

New in version 4.7.x

The connector has replaced the CWSAPGEN utility with SAPODA. For more
information, see Chapter 5, “Generating business object definitions using
SAPODA,” on page 43.

New in version 4.6.x

v The connector supports invocation of the ABAP Debugger for the appropriate
function module when the connector begins processing a business object. For
more information, see “ABAPDebug” on page 327.
v The connector supports updating the status of an ALE event. For more
information, see “Configuring SAP to update IDoc status” on page 123.
v If MaxNumberofConnections is set to a value greater than 1, the connector
dedicates a connection for business object events and allocates the remaining
connections to a pool used for request processing. For more information, see
“Processing multiple concurrent interactions” on page 11.
v The BAPI Wizard is no longer supported. Documentation of this wizard has
been removed. For information on supporting BAPI and other RFC-enabled
functions, see Chapter 7, “Overview of the BAPI Module,” on page 89.

xvi Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
v This manual documents how to specify ALE Communication Partner
information in application-specific information. For more information, see
“Parent wrapper business object” on page 139.

New in version 4.5.x

v This version of the connector contains minor changes to the ALE Module that
enabled the connector to be certified by SAP for integration. The changes
maintain backwards compatibility with objects generated for use with previous
versions of the ALE Module.
v When running the connector multi-threaded, one of the available threads
allocated with the MaxNumberofConnections property will be dedicated for
polling operations.

New in version 4.4.x

v The Modules configuration property has been simplified. The new configuration
values are shorter and more intuitive. However, for backward compatibility, the
previous values are still accepted. For the list of module names, see “Modules”
on page 330.
v The new Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module processes hierarchical or flat
business objects in response to requests from collaborations configured to work
with the connector. For information on this module, see Chapter 16, “Overview
of the Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module,” on page 175.
v The ALE Module provides non-invasive event processing. For more information,
see “Event processing components” on page 116, and “AleEventDir” on page
v The ALE Module uses Transaction IDs (TIDs) to guarantee that each piece of
data is delivered or processed once and only once. For more information see
Chapter 10, “Overview of the ALE Module,” on page 115.
v The connector supports multi-threading. For more information, see “Processing
multiple concurrent interactions” on page 11 and “NumberOfListeners” on page

Important: BAPI business object handlers generated before the IBM CrossWorlds
Connector for SAP version 4.3.0 are not thread-safe. To guarantee
data consistency and integrity when using multi-threading, you must
regenerate these business object handlers. The business objects do
not require any change.
v The connector running on Solaris now uses SAP’s Java API and fully supports
all connector modules. Because IBM WebSphere does not ship the Java API, you
must download it from SAP’s website. For more information, see “Adapter
dependencies” on page 5.
v Corrections have been made to the following sections of the Overview:
– “Communication between the connector and an SAP application” on page 9
– “Processing business objects” on page 10
v The connector no longer uses the CharacterEncoding configuration property.
v The connector uses the RefreshLogonCycle configuration property differently.
For more information, see “RefreshLogonCycle” on page 331.
v A new section that documents a namespace problem has been added to the
troubleshooting chapter: “Event distribution problem on Microsoft Windows
(connector version 4.2.7 only)” on page 76.

New in this release xvii

New in version 4.3.x
v The ABAP Extension Module is capable of handling events that represent an
object with a composite key. For more information on how the connector
handles composite keys when retrieving the full object for an event, see “Code
enhancement” on page 253 in the section “Implementing an event detection
mechanism” on page 255, “Event processing” on page 203, and “Event
triggering” on page 204.
v This document contains revised information about reprocessing archived objects.
For more information, see “Using the reprocessing tool” on page 265.
v This document contains all patches from the 4.2.x releases.

New in version 4.2.x

v With the 4.2.7 release, the IBM CrossWorlds connector for SAP uses SAP’s Java
Connector (SAP JCo) API. This is for Windows only. As of the 4.2.7 release, SAP
does not support the SAP JCo for UNIX; therefore the 4.2.7 version of the
connector does not support SAP JCo for UNIX.
v With the 4.2.7 release, the “RefreshLogonCycle” on page 331 connector-specific
configuration property has been changed so that the connector can either log off
and then back on after every processed event, or not log off at all.
v Appendix F, “IBM WebSphere BI Station support levels,” on page 335 contains a
list of all of the tools available in IBM WebSphere BI Station (transaction
/n/CWLD/HOME). You must have the ABAP Extension Module transport files
installed to use IBM WebSphere BI Station.
v The ABAP Extension Module is capable of handling events that need to be
processed in the future. For example, you may want to update employee
information three weeks from today. For more information on how the connector
handles events that need to be processed at a later time, see “Event triggering”
on page 204. For more information on implementing the event trigger for future
events, see Chapter 23, “Developing event detection for the ABAP Extension
Module,” on page 251.
v The Adapter for (SAP R/3 V. 4.x) User Guide contains new information
supporting the three new connector modules. Part III describes the Part 3, “ALE
Module,” on page 113, Part IV describes the Part 2, “BAPI Module,” on page 87,
and Part V describes the Part 4, “RFC Server Module,” on page 151.
The ALE Module provides a non-invasive solution to sending IDocs into an SAP
application. The BAPI Module provides a non-invasive solution to calling BAPIs
in an SAP application. The RFC Server Module enables RFC-enabled functions to
call the connector.
The ALE Module enables service call requests only. The BAPI Module enables
service call requests and event notification. The RFC Server Module enables
real-time non-invasive event notification.
v A new return code (return code 21) is supported by the ABAP Extension
Module. Return code 21 is useful when you only need to send a success
message back to the connector agent and not business object data.
v In the ALE Module, simple attributes in a data record business object that use
CxIgnore or CxBlank are now represented with a blank. Previously CxIgnore was
interpreted as a forward slash (/). SAP handles forward slash (/) characters
differently depending on the function used. For more information see
“Attributes: Data record business object” on page 142.
v New connector-specific configuration properties that support the new modules
are documented. For more information, see “gwService” on page 330,

xviii Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
“NumberOfListeners” on page 331, “PollQuantity” on page 331,
RefreshLogonCycle, “RfcProgramId” on page 331, and “RfcTraceOn” on page
v During startup, a temporary log file is created that contains all of the startup
messages. For more information, see .

New in version 4.1.x

v IBM CrossWorlds provides an archive object reprocessing tool for development
and test environment use in the SAP R/3 version 4.6 system. For more
information, see “Reprocessing archived objects” on page 264.
v “Upgrading ABAP handlers” on page 272 contains upgrade information for the
connector and objects. This includes how to upgrade to the IBM CrossWorlds
namespace /CWLD/.
v New standard connector configuration properties Agent URL, Anonymous
Connections, CA Certificate Location, GW Name, and Listener Port were added.

New in this release xix

xx Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Part 1. Connector overview and setup

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 1

2 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Chapter 1. Overview
This chapter provides an overview of the connector for and contains
the following sections:
v “Adapter environment”
v “Connector architecture” on page 8
v “How the vision connector framework works” on page 9

The connector for is a run time component of the WebSphere Business
Integration Adapter for The Adapter includes a
connector, message files, configuration tools, and an Object Discovery Agent
(ODA). The connector allows the WebSphere integration broker to exchange
business objects with SAP applications.

A connector consists of an application-specific component and the connector

framework. The application-specific component contains code tailored to a
particular application. The connector framework, whose code is common to all
connectors, acts as an intermediary between the integration broker and the
application-specific component. The connector framework provides the following
services between the integration broker and the application-specific component:
v Receives and sends business objects
v Manages the exchange of startup and administrative messages

This document contains information about the application-specific component and

connector framework. It refers to both of these components as the connector.

Adapter environment
Before installing, configuring, and using the adapter, you must understand its
environment requirements. This section contains the following topics:
v “Broker compatibility”
v “Adapter supported software and standards” on page 5
v “Adapter platforms” on page 4
v “Adapter dependencies” on page 5
v “Common event infrastructure” on page 6
v “Application response measurement” on page 6
v “Locale-dependent data” on page 6

Broker compatibility
This adapter runs with the WebSphere Business Integration Adapter
FrameworkV2.6 and requires one of the following:
v WebSphere InterChange ServerV4.2.2,V4.3
v WebSphere MQ IntegratorV2.1
v WebSphere MQ Integrator BrokerV2.1
v WebSphere Business Integration Message BrokerV5.0.1
v WebSphere Application Server EnterpriseV5.0.2, in conjunction with WebSphere
Studio Application Developer Integration EditionV5.0.1
v WebSphere Business Integration Server FoundationV5.1.1

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 3

v DB2 Information IntegratorV8.2.3 - supported by WebSphere Business
Integration Adapters for, Peoplesoft, and Siebel only.

See Release Notes for any exceptions.

Note: For instructions on installing the integration broker and its prerequisites, see
the following documentation.

For WebSphere InterChange Server (ICS), see the System Installation Guide for
UNIX or for Windows.

For message brokers (WebSphere MQ Integrator Broker, WebSphere MQ

Integrator, and WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker), see
Implementing Adapters with WebSphere Message Brokers, and the installation
documentation for the message broker. Some of this can be found at the
following Web site:

For WebSphere Application Server, see Implementing Adapters with

WebSphere Application Server and the documentation at

Adapter platforms
In addition to a broker, this adapter requires one of the following operating
v All operating system environments require the Java compiler (IBM JDK 1.4.2 for
Windows 2000) for compiling custom adapters
v AIX:
AIX 5.1 with Maintenance Level 4
AIX 5.2 with Maintenance Level 1. This adapter supports 32-bit JVM on a
64-bit platform.
v Solaris:
Solaris 8 (2.8) with Solaris Patch Cluster dated Feb. 11, 2004 or later
Solaris 9 (2.9) with Solaris Patch Cluster dated February 11, 2004 or later. This
adapter supports 32-bit JVM on a 64-bit platform.
v HP-UX:
HP-UX 11.i (11.11) with June 2003 GOLDBASE11i and June 2003 GOLDAPPS11i
v Linux:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 3.0 with Update 1
Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES 3.0 with Update 1
Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS 3.0 with Update 1
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server x86 8.1 with SP3
SUSE Linux Standard Server x86 8.1 with SP3

Note: The TMTP (Tivoli Monitoring for Transaction Performance) component of

the WebSphere Business Integration Adapter FrameworkV2.6 is not
supported on Linux Red Hat.
v Windows:
Windows 2000 (Professional, Server, or Advanced Server) with Service Pack 4
Windows XP with Service Pack 1A, for WebSphere Business Integration Adapter

4 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Framework (administrative tools only)
Windows 2003 (Standard Edition or Enterprise Edition)

Adapter supported software and standards

v Support for SAP applications running on SAP application severs versions 4.0,
4.5, 4.6, and 6.20 (including 6.20 Unicode).
v Support for bidirectional (bi-di) data when the adapter runs on Microsoft
Windows 2003 and connects to an SAP 6.20+ Unicode system, exclusively.

Adapter dependencies
Prior to installing the connector:
v Install the most recent SAP Support Package for your version of SAP.
SAP delivers Support Packages for: Basis, the R/3 application, ABAP, and HR.
They provide bug fixes for the ABAP code in the SAP application. Use an
updated SAP kernel. The kernel is the executables, written in C++, that carry out
transports, interface with the operating system, communicate with the database,
and run the system.
v Set up a CPIC user account in the SAP application. Give this account the
necessary privileges to manipulate the data required by the business objects
supported by the connector.
For example, if the connector must perform certain SAP business transactions,
the connector’s account in the SAP application must have the permissions to
perform these transactions. You must set the connector-specific configuration
properties ApplicationUserName and ApplicationPassword using this account
information. For more information on how to set these properties, see Chapter 3,
“Configuring the connector,” on page 21 and Appendix E, “Connector-specific
configuration properties,” on page 325.
v Set up a user account in SAP with privileges to install and administer the
connector. The account should have the following characteristics:
– A valid SAP user name and password
– ABAP developer access
– Table configuration access
– Administration access for transactions SM21 and SM50 to administer and
monitor the connector
v If using the ALE Module, see “Prerequisites to running the ALE Module” on
page 121 for additional information on installing WebSphere MQ queues.

After installing the connector:

v Install the SAP JavaAPI.
SAP calls their Java API the Java Connector (SAP JCo). The SAP adapter
currently supports SAPJCo V.2.1.3. If the SAPJCo version mentioned in this
document is not available for download from SAP Service Marketplace, please
contact your IBM representative.
SAP JCo pools connections and communicates to the adapter which connection
to use to execute the request. All connection properties of the adapter are set in
the Connector Configuration file. The JCo.PoolManager manages all
configurations for connection pooling in the SAP application.
For details about installing this connector dependency, see “Installing the SAP
JCo” on page 18

Chapter 1. Overview 5
For details about connector properties, see Chapter 3, “Configuring the
connector,” on page 21, Appendix D, “Standard configuration properties,” on
page 301, andAppendix E, “Connector-specific configuration properties,” on
page 325.

Common event infrastructure

This adapter is compatible with IBM’s Common Event Infrastructure, a standard
for event management that permits interoperability with other IBM WebSphere
event-producing applications. If Common Event Infrastructure support is enabled,
events produced by the adapter can be received (or used) by another Common
Event Infrastructure-compatible application.

For more information, refer to the Common Event Infrastructure appendix in this

Application response measurement

This adapter is compatible with the Application Response Measurement
application programming interface (API), an API that allows applications to be
managed for availability, service level agreements, and capacity planning. An
ARM-instrumented application can participate in IBM Tivoli Monitoring for
Transaction Performance, allowing collection and review of data concerning
transaction metrics.

For more information refer to the Application Response Measurement appendix in

this guide.

Locale-dependent data
The connector has been internationalized so that it can support multi-byte
character sets for non-Unicode SAP systems. Note that the information in this
section does not apply to Unicode-based SAP systems.

This adapter supports the processing of bidirectional script data for the Arabic and
Hebrew languages when the adapter is run in a Windows environment.
Bidirectional processing is not supported in non-Windows environments. To use
the bidirectional capacity, you must configure the bidirectional standard properties.
For more information, you must configure the bidirectional standard properties.
For more information, refer to the standard configuration properties fo connectors
in Appendix D, “Standard configuration properties,” on page 301.

When the connector transfers data from a location that uses one character code set
to a location that uses a different code set, it performs character conversion to
preserve the meaning of the data.

Note: The WebSphere BI Station log is available only in English.

The Java runtime environment within the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) represents
data in the Unicode character code set. Unicode contains encodings for characters
in most known character code sets (both single-byte and multibyte). Most
components in the IBM WebSphere business integration system are written in Java.
Therefore, when data is transferred between most IBM WebSphere business
integration components, there is no need for character conversion.

Because this connector is written in Java, it does not need to convert application
data (including data in an IDoc file) written in native encoding. The SAP JCo

6 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
library converts such application data to Unicode before the connector processes it.
Figure 1 illustrates the components involved in data conversion.

JCO library

Native encoding Unicode

SAP (character conversion)
application Java connector Integration broker

Figure 1. Configuring agent properties

To log error and informational messages in the appropriate language and for the
appropriate country or territory, configure the Locale standard configuration
property for your environment. For more information on these properties, see
Appendix D, “Standard configuration properties,” on page 301.

Important: The character code set that SAP applications use for Japanese is
SAP-8000. This code set does not support MS932 characters. Also, SJIS
maps some characters to non-standard Unicode characters. Therefore,
the SAP JCo library cannot handle some characters. If these characters
are included in the SAP application or the IBM WebSphere business
object, the connector replaces them with the # or ? character. When
data contains these characters, it is not processed correctly, and the
connector does not report errors.

The following terms are used in this guide:
v ASI (Application-Specific Information) Metadata tailored to a particular
application or technology. ASI exists at both the attribute and business object
level of a business object. See also Verb ASI.
v BO (Business Object) A set of attributes that represent a business entity (such as
Employee) and an action on the data (such as a create or update operation).
Components of the WebSphere business integration system use business objects
to exchange information and trigger actions.
v BO (Business Object) handler A connector component that contains methods
that interact with an application and that transforms request business objects
into application operations.
v Foreign key A business object attribute that defines the mapping of dependent
v ODA (Object Discovery Agent) A tool that automatically generates a business
object definition by examining specified entities within the application and
“discovering” the elements of these entities that correspond to business object
attributes. When you install the adapter, the ODA is automatically installed.
Business Object Designer provides a graphical user interface to access the ODA
and to work with it interactively.
v Verb ASI (application-specific information) For a given verb, the verb ASI
specifies how the connector should process the business object when that verb is
active. The verb ASI contains the name of the method to call to process the
current request business object.

Chapter 1. Overview 7
Connector architecture
The connector for SAP is written in Java and consists of two parts: the vision
connector framework and connector modules (the connector’s application-specific
component, the connector framework, and business object handlers). The vision
connector framework provides a metadata-driven layer of abstraction to the
connector framework used by all WebSphere business integration system adapters.

The vision connector framework extends the methods in the adapter framework.
The connector modules extend the methods in the vision connector framework and
communicate with an SAP application.

Figure 2 illustrates the architecture of the connector and the relationship of the
adapter framework and vision connector framework. The visionConnectorAgent
class can implement any number of connector modules.

System-wide connector framework

init() Terminate() PollForEvents() DoVerbFor()

Vision connector framework

Vision connector Vision BO handler

init() Terminate() PollForEvents() DoVerbFor()

Connector modules Connector modules

Figure 2. Architecture of the connector for SAP

Vision connector framework

The vision connector framework dynamically routes the initialization, poll, and
termination requests to connector modules. It also dynamically routes business
objects to business object handlers. A business object handler is a connector
module designed specifically to support business objects. To dynamically route
requests and business objects, the connector uses the verb application-specific
information of a business object and values of certain application-specific connector
configuration properties.

The vision connector framework consists of two classes: visionConnectorAgent and


Figure 3 on page 9 illustrates the vision connector framework and its association
with connector modules.

8 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Vision connector framework

visionConnector visionBOHandler

init() Terminate() PollForEvents() DoVerbFor()

Connector module Connector module

init() Terminate() PollForEvents() DoVerbFor()

Figure 3. Vision connector framework and connector modules

The vision connector framework provides the following capabilities for the
v Calls any implementation of the init(), pollForEvents(), and terminate()
v Routes business objects to specific business object handlers based on the verb
application-specific information of a business object.

Connector modules
The connector modules are Java classes that extend the methods in the vision
connector framework. They support the vision connector framework by providing
specific functionality, such as logging into the SAP application, processing events
and business objects, and terminating the connection to the SAP application. The
connector modules carry out requests between the vision connector framework and
the SAP application. By default, the vision connector framework uses the
connectors\SAP directory as the root directory for the connector modules.

Connector modules may not use all of the framework methods. For example, one
module might use the init() and terminate() methods while another module
uses only the pollForEvents() method. However, every method in the
visionConnectorAgent and visionBOHandler classes must be implemented for each
connector module. Methods that a connector does not use must be implemented as
dummy methods, that is, they do nothing but exit.

How the vision connector framework works

The connector interacts with an SAP application using connector modules. The
connector modules make calls to SAP’s Native Interfaces and pass data (business
object or event data) to and from an SAP application. The connector’s flexible
design enables different modules to be used for different tasks such as initializing
the connector with the SAP application or passing business object data.

Communication between the connector and an SAP

The connector uses SAP’s Remote Function Call (RFC) library to communicate with
an SAP application. SAP’s RFC API allows external programs to call ABAP
function modules within an SAP application.

Chapter 1. Overview 9
Processing business objects
The connector is metadata driven. Metadata, in the WebSphere business integration
system, is application-specific data that is stored in business objects and that assists
a connector module in its interaction with the application. A metadata-driven
connector module handles each business object that it supports based on metadata
encoded in the business object definition rather than on instructions hard-coded in
the connector module.

Business object metadata includes the structure of a business object, the settings of
its attribute properties, and the content of its application-specific information.
Because connector modules are metadata driven, they can handle new or modified
business objects without requiring modifications to the connector-module code.

The vision connector framework uses the value of the verb application-specific
information in the top-level business object to call the appropriate connector
module to process the business object. The verb application-specific information
provides the classname of the connector module.

The verb application-specific information of most top-level business objects must

identify the classname of the connector module. The syntax of this verb
application-specific information is:
AppSpecificInfo = PartialPackageName.ClassName,

For example:
AppSpecificInfo = sap.sapextensionmodule.VSapBOHandler,

In this example, sap.sapextensionmodule is the partial package name, and

VSapBOHandler is the classname. The full package name includes the
com.crossworlds.connectors prefix, which the WebSphere business integration
system adds to the name automatically. In other words, the full text of the example

Note: The verb application-specific information of most top-level business objects

must use a comma (,) delimiter after the connector classname. However, the
Server verb, which is used by the RFC Server Module, is delimited instead
by a semi-colon (;). For information about the Server verb, see “How the
RFC Server Module works” on page 155 and “Supported verbs” on page

You need not specify the package name and classname for the verb
application-specific information if the business object is used:
v by the ALE Module to process application events; however, when you use the
ALE Module to process service call requests, you must specify the package name
and classname
v by the ABAP Extension Module, which uses the default business object handler

Important: Customer-generated connector modules that process business objects

for the RFC Server Module must specify a full package name, which
must begin with bapi. For example,
bapi.client.Bapi_customer_getdetail2. The full package name in this
example is bapi.client, and the classname is

10 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Most business object processing is specific to each connector module. For more
information on business object processing for the ABAP Extension Module, see
“Business object processing” on page 197, “Business object data and ABAP
handlers” on page 225, and “Configuring an object to be archived” on page 265.

For more information on specifying verb application-specific information for the

ALE Module, see “Event processing” on page 12 and “Processing multiple IDocs
with a wrapper business object” on page 147.

Processing multiple concurrent interactions

The adapter framework can create separate threads for processing an application
event and a business object request. When processing multiple requests from the
integration broker, it can create multiple threads to handle multiple business object
requests. For example, when InterChange Server is the integration broker, the
connector can receive multiple business object requests from multiple
collaborations or from a multi-threaded collaboration.

Figure 4 illustrates the multi-threading architecture.

Chapter 1. Overview 11
System-wide connector framework

init() DoVerbFor()
Terminate() PollForEvents()

Thread1 Thread1 ThreadN

PollForEvents() DoVerbFor() DoVerbFor()

Vision connector framework


init() Terminate() PollForEvents() DoVerbFor()

Connection pool

Connector module
Connector modules

init() Terminate() PollForEvents() DoVerbFor()

SAP RFC library

WebSphere Business
InterChange Server

SAP gateway

SAP R/3 system Dialog Dialog Dialog

process1 process2 processN

Figure 4. Multi-Threading architecture of the connector for SAP

Event processing
The connector performs the following steps when handling a poll call:
1. The adapter framework creates a single dedicated thread to handle poll calls.
This thread calls the pollForEvents() method of the vision connector
framework at the frequency specified in the PollFrequency configuration
2. The thread polls SAP, which uses a dialog process to locate and return the

Note: If the connector’s MaxNumberOfConnections configuration property

evaluates to a number greater than 1, the vision connector framework
dedicates a connection to SAP for polling. If MaxNumberOfConnections
evaluates to 1, event and service-call request processing share a single
connection to SAP.

12 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
The polling thread dies only when the connector shuts down.

Note: Because the RFC Server connector agent pushes events out of SAP instead of
polling for events, it spawns its own threads instead of using threads
created by the connector framework. Because the ALE connector agent uses
the RFC Server connector agent to access events, it also spawns its own
threads instead of using threads created by the connector framework when
it processes events.

Request processing
Independently of polling, the adapter framework can create multiple
request-processing threads, one for each request business object. Each request
thread instantiates the appropriate business object handler.

For example, when processing business object requests from InterChange Server,
the number and type of business object handlers depends on the number and type
of the collaborations sending the requests:
v If multiple collaborations send business objects, each request thread instantiates
a business object handler of the appropriate type.
v If a multi-threaded collaboration sends multiple business objects of the same
type, the request threads instantiate an equal number of business object handlers
of that type.

If the connector’s MaxNumberOfConnections configuration property evaluates to a

number greater than 1, the vision connector framework dedicates one connection
to SAP for polling and allocates the remaining connections to a pool used only for
request processing.

As illustrated in Figure 4, the connector performs the following steps when

handling a business object request:
1. The adapter framework creates a separate thread for each business object
request. Each thread calls the doVerbFor() method of the Vision business object
2. If the connector’s MaxNumberOfConnections configuration property evaluates to
a number greater than 1, the Vision business object handler checks the vision
connector framework’s connection pool to determine if a connection handle is
v If the handle is available, the thread sends the request to SAP, which uses a
dialog process to handle the request.
v If the handle is not available, the thread waits until one becomes available.
Thread sequencing determines the order in which each business object
handler thread claims or waits for an available connection handle.
If the connector’s MaxNumberOfConnections configuration property evaluates to
1, the Vision business object handler shares a connection with event processing.
Note that
3. SAP releases the dialog process after it completes processing and sends a return
4. The connector releases the connection handle after it receives the return code
from SAP.

Setting the number of available connections

Use the MaxNumberOfConnections configuration property to specify the maximum
number of connection handles available. The number of connections cannot exceed
the number of dialog processes.

Chapter 1. Overview 13
SAP locks the dialog process while processing an interaction, releasing it only
when the interaction completes. Therefore, multiple concurrent requests lock an
equal number of dialog processes until processing finishes.

Important: Before setting a value for MaxNumberOfConnections, contact your SAP

BASIS administrator to determine an appropriate value to maximize
throughput without negatively affecting performance on the
application server.

Support for multiple connections

By default the connector supports multiple threads.

14 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Chapter 2. Installing the connector
This chapter describes how to install the connector component of the adapter for, and contains the following sections:
v “Installing the connector for and related files” on page 15
v “Installing the SAP JCo” on page 18
v “Upgrading the connector for the ALE Module’s management of TIDs” on page

Important: If you are upgrading versions of the connector, you must replace the
connector Java Archive files (.jar). You also need to upgrade the
connector transport files as well as any business object transports that
you have previously installed. Depending on changes made to the
connector, you may need to load a new copy of the SAPConnector.txt
file into your repository. See the Release Notes for more information.

Installation tasks
To install the connector for, you must confirm that the necessary
connector prerequisites exist in your environment, install the integration broker,
and run the connector installation.

Confirming adapter prerequisites

Before you install the adapter, confirm that all the environment prerequisites for
installing and running the connector are on your system. For details, see “Adapter
environment” on page 3.

Installing the integration broker

Installing the integration broker, a task that includes installing the WebSphere
business integration system and starting the broker, is described in the
documentation for your broker. For details about the brokers that the connector for
supports, see “Broker compatibility” on page 3.

For details about installing the broker, see the appropriate implementation
documentation of the broker you are using.

Installing the connector

For information on installing WebSphere Business Integration adapter products,
refer to the Installing WebSphere Business Integration Adapters guide located in the
WebSphere Business Integration Adapters Infocenter at the following site:

Installing the connector for and related files

The connector consists of two parts that need to be installed: the connector’s
application-specific component and SAP’s RFC library.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 15

After you have installed the required connector files, you must download and
install the Java Connector (SAP JCo) files. For details about downloading and
installing the SAP JCo files, see “Installing the SAP JCo” on page 18.

Note: Installer adds a menu option for the connector’s application-specific

component to the IBM WebSphere business integration adapters menu. For a
fast way to start the connector, create a shortcut to this component on the

Installing connectors on remote machines

You can install and run the connector on a remote machine. Install the integration
broker on one machine and the connector on another machine. It is recommended
but not required that both machines be on the same subnet.

Installing multiple connectors

To enable the integration broker to handle multiple business objects for SAP at the
same time, you may want to install and configure multiple connector components
for an SAP system and customize each connector to handle specific business

Each connector component can subscribe to certain business objects depending on

their type (such as Customer or Purchase Order). Because you can have multiple
connectors accessing the same SAP application, each connector can process events
and pass them on to the integration broker. In addition, multiple connectors can
support multiple business object requests at the same time. This increases
throughput and speeds up the transfer of data into and out of the SAP application.

It is recommended that you choose a unique naming convention for each connector
component. For example, if you are using two connectors you could name them
SAP1Connector and SAP2Connector.

To install multiple connector components, do the following:

1. Install each of the connectors as described in Installation Guide for WebSphere
Business Integration Adapters. This includes the connector shared library files.
Give a unique name to each connector you install, and verify that you have the
supporting connector files.
If you are installing multiple connectors on the same machine, you need only
make a copy of the shared library files and rename them. You do not need to
install the transports again.
2. Create a copy of the startup script:
v On UNIX, make a copy of the existing connector_manager_SAP file for
starting the connector, and rename the file to match the name of the
v On Windows, make a copy of the existing shortcut to the start_SAP.bat file,
and rename the shortcut file to match the name of the connector. Add the
name of the connector as a parameter of the connector shortcut.
3. Make a copy of the connector template file, rename it to match the new
connector name, and then copy it to the repository directory (if IBM
WebSphere MQ Integrator is the integration broker), or load it into the IBM
WebSphere repository (if WebSphere InterChange Server is the integration
4. Make a copy of the connector class file, CWSAP.jar and rename it to the unique
connector name, such as CWSAP1.jar.

16 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
5. Initialize the connector configuration properties so that all connectors poll the
same SAP application for events.
6. Only if the IBM WebSphere InterChange Server is the integration broker, add
map references for each connector.
7. Specify the business objects supported by each connector.
8. Only if WebSphere InterChange Server is the integration broker, assign
collaborations to the appropriate connectors. Currently, a collaboration can be
handled by only one connector. If collaborations are already set up, you may
need to stop them and then rebind the ports.
9. If you are using the ABAP Extension Module for business object handing, set
up the distribution of events to each connector that you install. Use IBM
WebSphere BI Station (transaction /n/CWLD/HOME). See “Setting up event
distribution” on page 214 for instructions on setting up event distribution for
each combination of business object, integration broker, and connector.

Important: If a business object is not configured to go to a particular connector,

the business object is sent to the next connector that polls for events. If
a business object is configured to go to a particular connector, as for
example during the testing phase, but the connector is not used in the
production phase, the event queue for the connector fills up. To
remedy this situation, delete the connector/business object
configuration in the Event Distribution window (transaction

Verifying installation
The installer copies the standard files associated with the connector into your
system. It installs the connector into the ProductDir\connectors\SAP directory.

Note that ProductDir represents the directory where the connector is installed.
Backslashes (\) are used as the convention for directory paths. For UNIX
installations, substitute slashes (/) for backslashes (\). All file pathnames are
relative to the directory where the product is installed on your system

Confirming the installed file structure: UNIX environment

Table 1 lists the files installed by the connector in a UNIX environment. After
installing, verify that all the files listed have been copied to your machine in the
proper directories.
Table 1. WBIA: UNIX file structure
Directory/Filename Description
connectors/SAP/bapi/client Directory containing the BAPI Module business object handler
connectors/SAP/bapi/server Directory containing the RFC Server Module business object
handler files
connectors/SAP/dependencies Directory containing all version-specific transport files
connectors/messages Directory containing the SAPConnector.txt file
connectors/SAP/samples Directory containing sample ABAP objects
connectors/SAP/utilities Directory containing the generatedfiles subdirectory, into which
you can put files generated by SAPODA
connectors/SAP/CWSAP.jar Connector class files

Chapter 2. Installing the connector 17

Table 1. WBIA: UNIX file structure (continued)
Directory/Filename Description
connectors/SAP/ System startup script for the connector.

This script is called from the generic connector manager script.

The product installer creates a customized wrapper for this
connector manager script.

When the connector works with WebSphere InterChange Server,

use this customized wrapper to start and stop the connector.
When the connector works with WebSphere MQ message
brokers, use this customized wrapper only to start the connector;
use mqsiremotestopadapter to stop the connector
repository/SAP Directory containing the sap_idoccontrol.xsd file
/lib Contains the WBIA.jar file
/bin Contains the file
/bin/Data/app Contains the SAPConnectorTemplate file

Before you can use the connector, you must configure the connector from the
installer’s Connector Configuration screen. From this screen:
v Choose SAP from the Select Connector Name list.
v Click Install to have Installer generate the customized SAP wrapper,

Note: For more information on installing the connector component, refer to the
System Installation Guide for UNIX.

Confirming the installed file structure: Windows environment

Table 2 lists the files installed by the connector in a Windows environment. After
installing, verify that all the files listed have been copied to your machine in the
proper directories.
Table 2. WebSphere Business Integration Adaptor: Windows file structure
Directory/filename Description
connectors\SAP\bapi\client Directory containing the BAPI Module business object handler
connectors\SAP\bapi\server Directory containing the RFC Server Module business object
handler files
connectors\SAP\dependencies Directory containing all version-specific transport files
connectors\messages Directory containing the Connector.txt file
connectors\SAP\samples Directory containing sample ABAP objects
connectors\SAP\CWSAP.jar Connector class file
connectors\SAP\start_SAP.bat Batch file used to start the connector
repository\SAP Directory containing the CN_SAP.txt file
\lib Contains the WBIA.jar file
\bin Contains the CWConnEvn.bat file

Installing the SAP JCo

After you install the connector and confirm that all the files have been installed to
the appropriate directories, you must download and install the SAP JavaAPI. This
is a prerequisite for the SAPODA, which is described in Chapter 5, “Generating
business object definitions using SAPODA,” on page 43.

18 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
SAP calls their Java API the Java Connector (SAP JCo). The connector for SAP
currently supports SAP JCo V.2.1.3.
1. Download the SAP JCo for the operating system on which your connector is
running. The SAP JCo is available for download from SAP’s website at You must have an SAPNet account to
access the SAP JCo (if you do not already have one, contact your local SAP
Basis administrator).
If the SAP JCo version that the connector supports is not available for
download from SAP Service Marketplace, please check the most current
adapter patch notes for the latest version of JCo that is supported or contact
your IBM representative.
2. Copy the following unzipped SAP JCo files into your environment:
From the zipped file, extract the executable jar file (sapjco.jar) and the
runtime libraries (librfccm and libsapjcorfc).
If you have already followed instructions for installing the adapter on the same
machine on which you install SAPODA, copy these files from the
\connectors\SAP directory to the \ODA\SAP directory. If you install SAPODA on
a different machine from the connector, after you unzip the SAP JCo files, copy
these three files to the \ODA\SAP directory.
From the zip file, extract the executable jar file, (.jar extension) and the
runtime libraries (.dll extension). If you have already followed instructions for
installing the adapter on the same machine on which you install SAPODA,
copy these files from the \connectors\SAP directory to the \ODA\SAP directory.
If you install SAPODA on a different machine from the connector, after you
unzip the SAP JCo files, copy these three files (librfc32.dll, sapjco.jar, and
sapjcorfc.dll) to the \ODA\SAP directory. For Windows, the librfc32.dll
requires one or more C runtime dlls. The C runtime dlls depend on the version
of the SAP release being used.

Note: Through SAP release 45B, the C runtime dll required is msvcrt.dll
version 5.00.7022 or newer. Starting with SAP release 46A, the C runtime
dlls required are msvcrt.dll version 6.00.8267.0 or newer and
msvcp60.dll version 6.00.8168.0 or newer. The dll or dlls should be
copied into the C:\WINNT\system32 directory. This dll or these dlls
may already be present and if not, can be found on the “Presentation
CD” that contains the Windows SAPGUI setup in the folder
<cddrive>:\GUI\Windows\Win32\system. See SAP OSS note number
0182805 for more information.

Upgrading the connector for the ALE Module’s management of TIDs

The ALE Module persistently stores IDoc objects and Transaction IDs (TIDs) for
every transaction it receives from the SAP application. In releases of the connector
prior to version 4.8.x, the connector used IBM WebSphere collaborations, business
objects, and maps to store the data in the repository. Version 4.8.x of the connector
replaces the previous way of TID management with the use of WebSphere MQ

Attention: To enable the ALE Module to process IDocs to and from the SAP
application, you must upgrade the connector. However, it is imperative that you
allow the current IDoc processing cycle to complete before upgrading the

Chapter 2. Installing the connector 19

Before you upgrade the connector to enable the ALE Module to process IDocs, you
must complete the processing of current files in the event and WIP directories.
Also, check the archive directory for failed and unsubscribed events.

To complete the processing of current files in the event and WIP directories:
v Temporarily halt the transmission of IDocs both to and from the connector.
v Verify that there are no IDocs (files) in the following directories when you



To complete processing of any failed and unsubscribed events:

v Temporarily halt the transmission of IDocs both to and from the connector.
v Verify the status of the IDocs (files) in the following directory when you



v Correct any errors to the failed or unsubscribed events.

v Move the corrected file to the event directory for processing.

Note: If, when using transaction SM58, you find unsuccessfully processed IDocs in
the SAP system, wait until the connector is upgraded to resubmit these
IDocs. After you complete the upgrade of the connector, correct the errors
and resubmit the IDocs for processing through the WebSphere MQ queues
using the new TID management.

Once these directories are clear, apply the upgrade and follow the configuration
instructions in:
v “Connector-specific configuration properties” on page 325
v Chapter 10, “Overview of the ALE Module,” on page 115
v Chapter 11, “Using the ALE Module,” on page 121

20 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Chapter 3. Configuring the connector
This chapter describes how to install and configure the adapter using Connector

Overview of Connector Configurator

Connector Configurator allows you to configure the connector component of your
adapter for use with these integration brokers:
v WebSphere InterChange Server (ICS)
v WebSphere MQ Integrator, WebSphere MQ Integrator Broker, and WebSphere
Business Integration Message Broker, collectively referred to as the WebSphere
Message Brokers (WMQI)
v WebSphere Application Server (WAS)

If your adapter supports DB2 Information Integrator, use the WMQI options and
the DB2 II standard properties (see the Notes column in the standard properties

You use Connector Configurator to:

v Create a connector-specific property template for configuring your connector.
v Create a connector configuration file; you must create one configuration file for
each connector you install.
v Set properties in a configuration file.
You may need to modify the default values that are set for properties in the
connector templates. You must also designate supported business object
definitions and, with ICS, maps for use with collaborations as well as specify
messaging, logging and tracing, and data handler parameters, as required.

The mode in which you run Connector Configurator, and the configuration file
type you use, may differ according to which integration broker you are running.
For example, if WMQI is your broker, you run Connector Configurator directly,
and not from within System Manager (see “Running Configurator in stand-alone
mode” on page 22).

Connector configuration properties include both standard configuration properties

(the properties that all connectors have) and connector-specific properties
(properties that are needed by the connector for a specific application or

Because standard properties are used by all connectors, you do not need to define
those properties from scratch; Connector Configurator incorporates them into your
configuration file as soon as you create the file. However, you do need to set the
value of each standard property in Connector Configurator.

The range of standard properties may not be the same for all brokers and all
configurations. Some properties are available only if other properties are given a
specific value. The Standard Properties window in Connector Configurator will
show the properties available for your particular configuration.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 21

For connector-specific properties, however, you need first to define the properties
and then set their values. You do this by creating a connector-specific property
template for your particular adapter. There may already be a template set up in
your system, in which case, you simply use that. If not, follow the steps in
“Creating a new template” on page 23 to set up a new one.

Running connectors on UNIX

Connector Configurator runs only in a Windows environment. If you are running
the connector in a UNIX environment, use Connector Configurator in Windows to
modify the configuration file and then copy the file to your UNIX environment.

Some properties in the Connector Configurator use directory paths, which default
to the Windows convention for directory paths. If you use the configuration file in
a UNIX environment, revise the directory paths to match the UNIX convention for
these paths. Select the target operating system in the toolbar drop-list so that the
correct operating system rules are used for extended validation.

Starting Connector Configurator

You can start and run Connector Configurator in either of two modes:
v Independently, in stand-alone mode
v From System Manager

Running Configurator in stand-alone mode

You can run Connector Configurator without running System Manager and work
with connector configuration files, irrespective of your broker.

To do so:
v From Start>Programs, click IBM WebSphere InterChange Server>IBM
WebSphere Business Integration Tools>Connector Configurator.
v Select File>New>Connector Configuration.
v When you click the pull-down menu next to System Connectivity Integration
Broker, you can select ICS, WebSphere Message Brokers or WAS, depending on
your broker.

You may choose to run Connector Configurator independently to generate the file,
and then connect to System Manager to save it in a System Manager project (see
“Completing a configuration file” on page 27.)

Running Configurator from System Manager

You can run Connector Configurator from System Manager.

To run Connector Configurator:

1. Open the System Manager.
2. In the System Manager window, expand the Integration Component Libraries
icon and highlight Connectors.
3. From the System Manager menu bar, click Tools>Connector Configurator. The
Connector Configurator window opens and displays a New Connector dialog
4. When you click the pull-down menu next to System Connectivity Integration
Broker, you can select ICS, WebSphere Message Brokers or WAS, depending on
your broker.
22 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
To edit an existing configuration file:
v In the System Manager window, select any of the configuration files listed in the
Connector folder and right-click on it. Connector Configurator opens and
displays the configuration file with the integration broker type and file name at
the top.
v From Connector Configurator, select File>Open. Select the name of the
connector configuration file from a project or from the directory in which it is
v Click the Standard Properties tab to see which properties are included in this
configuration file.

Creating a connector-specific property template

To create a configuration file for your connector, you need a connector-specific
property template as well as the system-supplied standard properties.

You can create a brand-new template for the connector-specific properties of your
connector, or you can use an existing connector definition as the template.
v To create a new template, see “Creating a new template” on page 23.
v To use an existing file, simply modify an existing template and save it under the
new name. You can find existing templates in your
\WebSphereAdapters\bin\Data\App directory.

Creating a new template

This section describes how you create properties in the template, define general
characteristics and values for those properties, and specify any dependencies
between the properties. Then you save the template and use it as the base for
creating a new connector configuration file.

To create a template in Connector Configurator:

1. Click File>New>Connector-Specific Property Template.
2. The Connector-Specific Property Template dialog box appears.
v Enter a name for the new template in the Name field below Input a New
Template Name. You will see this name again when you open the dialog box
for creating a new configuration file from a template.
v To see the connector-specific property definitions in any template, select that
template’s name in the Template Name display. A list of the property
definitions contained in that template appears in the Template Preview
3. You can use an existing template whose property definitions are similar to
those required by your connector as a starting point for your template. If you
do not see any template that displays the connector-specific properties used by
your connector, you will need to create one.
v If you are planning to modify an existing template, select the name of the
template from the list in the Template Name table below Select the Existing
Template to Modify: Find Template.
v This table displays the names of all currently available templates. You can
also search for a template.

Chapter 3. Configuring the connector 23

Specifying general characteristics
When you click Next to select a template, the Properties - Connector-Specific
Property Template dialog box appears. The dialog box has tabs for General
characteristics of the defined properties and for Value restrictions. The General
display has the following fields:
v General:
Property Type
Property Subtype
Updated Method
v Flags
Standard flags
v Custom Flag

The Property Subtype can be selected when Property Type is a String. It is an

optional value which provides syntax checking when you save the configuration
file. The default is a blank space, and means that the property has not been

After you have made selections for the general characteristics of the property, click
the Value tab.

Specifying values
The Value tab enables you to set the maximum length, the maximum multiple
values, a default value, or a value range for the property. It also allows editable
values. To do so:
1. Click the Value tab. The display panel for Value replaces the display panel for
2. Select the name of the property in the Edit properties display.
3. In the fields for Max Length and Max Multiple Values, enter your values.

To create a new property value:

1. Select the property in the Edit properties list and right-click on it.
2. From the dialog box, select Add.
3. Enter the name of the new property value and click OK. The value appears in
the Value panel on the right.

The Value panel displays a table with three columns:

The Value column shows the value that you entered in the Property Value dialog
box, and any previous values that you created.

The Default Value column allows you to designate any of the values as the

The Value Range shows the range that you entered in the Property Value dialog

After a value has been created and appears in the grid, it can be edited from
within the table display.

To make a change in an existing value in the table, select an entire row by clicking
on the row number. Then right-click in the Value field and click Edit Value.

24 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Setting dependencies
When you have made your changes to the General and Value tabs, click Next. The
Dependencies - Connector-Specific Property Template dialog box appears.

A dependent property is a property that is included in the template and used in

the configuration file only if the value of another property meets a specific
condition. For example, PollQuantity appears in the template only if JMS is the
transport mechanism and DuplicateEventElimination is set to True.
To designate a property as dependent and to set the condition upon which it
depends, do this:
1. In the Available Properties display, select the property that will be made
2. In the Select Property field, use the drop-down menu to select the property
that will hold the conditional value.
3. In the Condition Operator field, select one of the following:
== (equal to)
!= (not equal to)
> (greater than)
< (less than)
>= (greater than or equal to)
<=(less than or equal to)
4. In the Conditional Value field, enter the value that is required in order for the
dependent property to be included in the template.
5. With the dependent property highlighted in the Available Properties display,
click an arrow to move it to the Dependent Property display.
6. Click Finish. Connector Configurator stores the information you have entered
as an XML document, under \data\app in the \bin directory where you have
installed Connector Configurator.

Setting pathnames
Some general rules for setting pathnames are:
v The maximum length of a filename in Windows and UNIX is 255 characters.
v In Windows, the absolute pathname must follow the format
[Drive:][Directory]\filename: for example,
In UNIX the first character should be /.
v Queue names may not have leading or embedded spaces.

Creating a new configuration file

When you create a new configuration file, you must name it and select an
integration broker.
v In the System Manager window, right-click on the Connectors folder and select
Create New Connector. Connector Configurator opens and displays the New
Connector dialog box.
v In stand-alone mode: from Connector Configurator, select File>New>Connector
Configuration. In the New Connector window, enter the name of the new

You also need to select an integration broker. The broker you select determines the
properties that will appear in the configuration file. To select a broker:

Chapter 3. Configuring the connector 25

v In the Integration Broker field, select ICS, WebSphere Message Brokers or WAS
v Complete the remaining fields in the New Connector window, as described later
in this chapter.

Creating a configuration file from a connector-specific

Once a connector-specific template has been created, you can use it to create a
configuration file:
1. Click File>New>Connector Configuration.
2. The New Connector dialog box appears, with the following fields:
v Name
Enter the name of the connector. Names are case-sensitive. The name you
enter must be unique, and must be consistent with the file name for a
connector that is installed on the system.

Important: Connector Configurator does not check the spelling of the name
that you enter. You must ensure that the name is correct.
v System Connectivity
Click ICS or WebSphere Message Brokers or WAS.
v Select Connector-Specific Property Template
Type the name of the template that has been designed for your connector.
The available templates are shown in the Template Name display. When you
select a name in the Template Name display, the Property Template Preview
display shows the connector-specific properties that have been defined in
that template.
Select the template you want to use and click OK.
3. A configuration screen appears for the connector that you are configuring. The
title bar shows the integration broker and connector name. You can fill in all
the field values to complete the definition now, or you can save the file and
complete the fields later.
4. To save the file, click File>Save>To File or File>Save>To Project. To save to a
project, System Manager must be running.
If you save as a file, the Save File Connector dialog box appears. Choose *.cfg
as the file type, verify in the File Name field that the name is spelled correctly
and has the correct case, navigate to the directory where you want to locate the
file, and click Save. The status display in the message panel of Connector
Configurator indicates that the configuration file was successfully created.

Important: The directory path and name that you establish here must match
the connector configuration file path and name that you supply in
the startup file for the connector.
5. To complete the connector definition, enter values in the fields for each of the
tabs of the Connector Configurator window, as described later in this chapter.

Using an existing file

You may have an existing file available in one or more of the following formats:

26 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
v A connector definition file.
This is a text file that lists properties and applicable default values for a specific
connector. Some connectors include such a file in a \repository directory in
their delivery package (the file typically has the extension .txt; for example,
CN_XML.txt for the XML connector).
v An ICS repository file.
Definitions used in a previous ICS implementation of the connector may be
available to you in a repository file that was used in the configuration of that
connector. Such a file typically has the extension .in or .out.
v A previous configuration file for the connector.
Such a file typically has the extension *.cfg.

Although any of these file sources may contain most or all of the connector-specific
properties for your connector, the connector configuration file will not be complete
until you have opened the file and set properties, as described later in this chapter.

To use an existing file to configure a connector, you must open the file in
Connector Configurator, revise the configuration, and then resave the file.

Follow these steps to open a *.txt, *.cfg, or *.in file from a directory:
1. In Connector Configurator, click File>Open>From File.
2. In the Open File Connector dialog box, select one of the following file types to
see the available files:
v Configuration (*.cfg)
v ICS Repository (*.in, *.out)
Choose this option if a repository file was used to configure the connector in
an ICS environment. A repository file may include multiple connector
definitions, all of which will appear when you open the file.
v All files (*.*)
Choose this option if a *.txt file was delivered in the adapter package for
the connector, or if a definition file is available under another extension.
3. In the directory display, navigate to the appropriate connector definition file,
select it, and click Open.

Follow these steps to open a connector configuration from a System Manager

1. Start System Manager. A configuration can be opened from or saved to System
Manager only if System Manager has been started.
2. Start Connector Configurator.
3. Click File>Open>From Project.

Completing a configuration file

When you open a configuration file or a connector from a project, the Connector
Configurator window displays the configuration screen, with the current attributes
and values.

The toolbar has a droplist called Target System that allows you to select the target
operating system for extended validation of the properties. The available options
are: Windows, UNIX, Other (if not Windows or UNIX), and None-no extended
validation (switches off extended validation). The default on startup is Windows.

Chapter 3. Configuring the connector 27

The title of the configuration screen displays the integration broker and connector
name as specified in the file. Make sure you have the correct broker. If not, change
the broker value before you configure the connector. To do so:
1. Under the Standard Properties tab, select the value field for the BrokerType
property. In the drop-down menu, select the value ICS, WMQI, or WAS.
2. The Standard Properties tab will display the connector properties associated
with the selected broker. The table shows Property name, Value, Type and
Subtype (if the Type is a string).
3. You can save the file now or complete the remaining configuration fields, as
described in “Specifying supported business object definitions” on page 30..
4. When you have finished your configuration, click File>Save>To Project or
File>Save>To File.
If you are saving to file, select *.cfg as the extension, select the correct location
for the file and click Save.
If multiple connector configurations are open, click Save All to File to save all
of the configurations to file, or click Save All to Project to save all connector
configurations to a System Manager project.
Before it saves the file, Connector Configurator checks that values have been
set for all required standard properties. If a required standard property is
missing a value, Connector Configurator displays a message that the validation
failed. You must supply a value for the property in order to save the
configuration file.

Setting the configuration file properties

When you create and name a new connector configuration file, or when you open
an existing connector configuration file, Connector Configurator displays a
configuration screen with tabs for the categories of required configuration values.

Connector Configurator requires values for properties in these categories for

connectors running on all brokers:
v Standard Properties
v Connector-specific Properties
v Supported Business Objects
v Trace/Log File values
v Data Handler (applicable for connectors that use JMS messaging with
guaranteed event delivery)

Note: For connectors that use JMS messaging, an additional category may display,
for configuration of data handlers that convert the data to business objects.

For connectors running on ICS, values for these properties are also required:
v Associated Maps
v Resources
v Messaging (where applicable)

Important: Connector Configurator accepts property values in either English or

non-English character sets. However, the names of both standard and
connector-specific properties, and the names of supported business
objects, must use the English character set only.

Standard properties differ from connector-specific properties as follows:

28 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
v Standard properties of a connector are shared by both the application-specific
component of a connector and its broker component. All connectors have the
same set of standard properties. These properties are described in Appendix A of
each adapter guide. You can change some but not all of these values.
v Application-specific properties apply only to the application-specific component
of a connector, that is, the component that interacts directly with the application.
Each connector has application-specific properties that are unique to its
application. Some of these properties provide default values and some do not;
you can modify some of the default values. The installation and configuration
chapters of each adapter guide describe the application-specific properties and
the recommended values.

The fields for Standard Properties and Connector-Specific Properties are

color-coded to show which are configurable:
v A field with a grey background indicates a standard property. You can change
the value but cannot change the name or remove the property.
v A field with a white background indicates an application-specific property. These
properties vary according to the specific needs of the application or connector.
You can change the value and delete these properties.
v Value fields are configurable.
v The Update Method field is displayed for each property. It indicates whether a
component or agent restart is necessary to activate changed values. You cannot
configure this setting.

Setting standard connector properties

To change the value of a standard property:
1. Click in the field whose value you want to set.
2. Either enter a value, or select one from the drop-down menu if it appears.
3. After entering all the values for the standard properties, you can do one of the
v To discard the changes, preserve the original values, and exit Connector
Configurator, click File>Exit (or close the window), and click No when
prompted to save changes.
v To enter values for other categories in Connector Configurator, select the tab
for the category. The values you enter for Standard Properties (or any other
category) are retained when you move to the next category. When you close
the window, you are prompted to either save or discard the values that you
entered in all the categories as a whole.
v To save the revised values, click File>Exit (or close the window) and click
Yes when prompted to save changes. Alternatively, click Save>To File from
either the File menu or the toolbar.

To get more information on a particular standard property, move the mouse over
the entry in the Description column for that property in the Standard Properties
tabbed sheet. If you have Extended Help installed, a Help window will open and
display details of the standard property.

For the location of the Extended Help files, refer to the AdapterHelpName property
in the standard properties appendix.

Chapter 3. Configuring the connector 29

Setting connector-specific configuration properties
For connector-specific configuration properties, you can add or change property
names, configure values, delete a property, and encrypt a property. The default
property length is 255 characters.
1. Right-click in the top left portion of the grid. A pop-up menu bar will appear.
Click Add to add a property. To add a child property, right-click on the parent
row number and click Add child.
2. Enter a value for the property or child property.
3. To encrypt a property, select the Encrypt box.
4. Choose to save or discard changes, as described for “Setting standard connector
properties” on page 29.

The Update Method displayed for each property indicates whether a component or
agent restart is necessary to activate changed values.

Important: Changing a preset application-specific connector property name may

cause a connector to fail. Certain property names may be needed by
the connector to connect to an application or to run properly.

Encryption for connector properties

Application-specific properties can be encrypted by selecting the Encrypt check
box in the Connector-specific Properties window. To decrypt a value, click to clear
the Encrypt check box, enter the correct value in the Verification dialog box, and
click OK. If the entered value is correct, the value is decrypted and displays.

The adapter user guide for each connector contains a list and description of each
property and its default value.

If a property has multiple values, the Encrypt check box will appear for the first
value of the property. When you select Encrypt, all values of the property will be
encrypted. To decrypt multiple values of a property, click to clear the Encrypt
check box for the first value of the property, and then enter the new value in the
Verification dialog box. If the input value is a match, all multiple values will

Update method
Refer to the descriptions of update methods found in the Standard configuration
properties for connectors appendix, under “Configuration property values overview”
on page 302.

Specifying supported business object definitions

Use the Supported Business Objects tab in Connector Configurator to specify the
business objects that the connector will use. You must specify both generic business
objects and application-specific business objects, and you must specify associations
for the maps between the business objects.

Note: Some connectors require that certain business objects be specified as

supported in order to perform event notification or additional configuration
(using meta-objects) with their applications. For more information, see the
Connector Development Guide for C++ or the Connector Development Guide for

30 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
If ICS is your broker
To specify that a business object definition is supported by the connector, or to
change the support settings for an existing business object definition, click the
Supported Business Objects tab and use the following fields.

Business object name: To designate that a business object definition is supported

by the connector, with System Manager running:
1. Click an empty field in the Business Object Name list. A drop list displays,
showing all the business object definitions that exist in the System Manager
2. Click on a business object to add it.
3. Set the Agent Support (described below) for the business object.
4. In the File menu of the Connector Configurator window, click Save to Project.
The revised connector definition, including designated support for the added
business object definition, is saved to an ICL (Integration Component Library)
project in System Manager.

To delete a business object from the supported list:

1. To select a business object field, click the number to the left of the business
2. From the Edit menu of the Connector Configurator window, click Delete Row.
The business object is removed from the list display.
3. From the File menu, click Save to Project.

Deleting a business object from the supported list changes the connector definition
and makes the deleted business object unavailable for use in this implementation
of this connector. It does not affect the connector code, nor does it remove the
business object definition itself from System Manager.

Agent support: If a business object has Agent Support, the system will attempt to
use that business object for delivering data to an application via the connector

Typically, application-specific business objects for a connector are supported by

that connector’s agent, but generic business objects are not.

To indicate that the business object is supported by the connector agent, check the
Agent Support box. The Connector Configurator window does not validate your
Agent Support selections.

Maximum transaction level: The maximum transaction level for a connector is

the highest transaction level that the connector supports.

For most connectors, Best Effort is the only possible choice.

You must restart the server for changes in transaction level to take effect.

If a WebSphere Message Broker is your broker

If you are working in stand-alone mode (not connected to System Manager), you
must enter the business object name manually.

If you have System Manager running, you can select the empty box under the
Business Object Name column in the Supported Business Objects tab. A combo

Chapter 3. Configuring the connector 31

box appears with a list of the business object available from the Integration
Component Library project to which the connector belongs. Select the business
object you want from the list.

The Message Set ID is an optional field for WebSphere Business Integration

Message Broker 5.0, and need not be unique if supplied. However, for WebSphere
MQ Integrator and Integrator Broker 2.1, you must supply a unique ID.

If WAS is your broker

When WebSphere Application Server is selected as your broker type, Connector
Configurator does not require message set IDs. The Supported Business Objects
tab shows a Business Object Name column only for supported business objects.

If you are working in stand-alone mode (not connected to System Manager), you
must enter the business object name manually.

If you have System Manager running, you can select the empty box under the
Business Object Name column in the Supported Business Objects tab. A combo box
appears with a list of the business objects available from the Integration
Component Library project to which the connector belongs. Select the business
object you want from this list.

Associated maps (ICS)

Each connector supports a list of business object definitions and their associated
maps that are currently active in WebSphere InterChange Server. This list appears
when you select the Associated Maps tab.

The list of business objects contains the application-specific business object which
the agent supports and the corresponding generic object that the controller sends
to the subscribing collaboration. The association of a map determines which map
will be used to transform the application-specific business object to the generic
business object or the generic business object to the application-specific business

If you are using maps that are uniquely defined for specific source and destination
business objects, the maps will already be associated with their appropriate
business objects when you open the display, and you will not need (or be able) to
change them.

If more than one map is available for use by a supported business object, you will
need to explicitly bind the business object with the map that it should use.

The Associated Maps tab displays the following fields:

v Business Object Name
These are the business objects supported by this connector, as designated in the
Supported Business Objects tab. If you designate additional business objects
under the Supported Business Objects tab, they will be reflected in this list after
you save the changes by choosing Save to Project from the File menu of the
Connector Configurator window.
v Associated Maps
The display shows all the maps that have been installed to the system for use
with the supported business objects of the connector. The source business object
for each map is shown to the left of the map name, in the Business Object
Name display.

32 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
v Explicit
In some cases, you may need to explicitly bind an associated map.
Explicit binding is required only when more than one map exists for a particular
supported business object. When ICS boots, it tries to automatically bind a map
to each supported business object for each connector. If more than one map
takes as its input the same business object, the server attempts to locate and
bind one map that is the superset of the others.
If there is no map that is the superset of the others, the server will not be able to
bind the business object to a single map, and you will need to set the binding
To explicitly bind a map:
1. In the Explicit column, place a check in the check box for the map you want
to bind.
2. Select the map that you intend to associate with the business object.
3. In the File menu of the Connector Configurator window, click Save to
4. Deploy the project to ICS.
5. Reboot the server for the changes to take effect.

Resources (ICS)
The Resource tab allows you to set a value that determines whether and to what
extent the connector agent will handle multiple processes concurrently, using
connector agent parallelism.

Not all connectors support this feature. If you are running a connector agent that
was designed in Java to be multi-threaded, you are advised not to use this feature,
since it is usually more efficient to use multiple threads than multiple processes.

Messaging (ICS)
The Messaging tab enables you to configure messaging properties. The messaging
properties are available only if you have set MQ as the value of the
DeliveryTransport standard property and ICS as the broker type. These properties
affect how your connector will use queues.

Validating messaging queues

Before you can validate a messaging queue, you must:
v Make sure that WebSphere MQ Series is installed.
v Create a messaging queue with channel and port on the host machine.
v Set up a connection to the host machine.

To validate the queue, use the Validate button to the right of the Messaging Type
and Host Name fields on the Massaging tab.

Security levels (ICS)

You can use the Security tab in Connector Configurator to set various privacy
levels for a message. You can only use this feature when the DeliveryTransport
property is set to JMS.

By default, Privacy is turned off. Check the Privacy box to enable it.

The Keystore Target System Absolute Pathname is:

Chapter 3. Configuring the connector 33

v For Windows:
v For UNIX:

This path and file should be on the same system as the Connector Configurator.

You can use the Browse button at the right only if the target system is the one
currently running. It is greyed out unless Privacy is enabled and the Target System
in the menu bar is set to Windows.

The Message Privacy Level may be set as follows for the three messages categories
(All Messages, All Administrative Messages, and All business Object Messages):
v “” is the default; used when no privacy levels for a message category have been
v none
Not the same as the default: use this to deliberately set a privacy level of none
for a message category.
v integrity
v privacy
v integrity_plus_privacy

The Key Maintenance feature lets you generate, import and export public keys for
the server and adapter.
v When you select Generate Keys, the Generate Keys dialog box appears with the
defaults for the keytool that will generate the keys.
v The keystore value defaults to the value you entered in Keystore Target System
Absolute Pathname on the Security tab.
v When you select OK, the entries are validated, the key certificate is generated
and the output is sent to the Connector Configurator log window.

Before you can import a certificate into the adapter keystore, you must export it
from the server keystore. When you select Export Adapter Public Key, the Export
Adapter Public Key dialog box appears.
v The export certificate defaults to the same value as the keystore, except that the
file extension is <filename>.cer.

When you select Import Adapter Public Key, the Import Adapter Public Key
dialog box appears.
v The import certificate defaults to <ProductDir>\bin\ics.cer (if the file exists on
the system).
v The import Certificate Association should be the server name. If a server is
registered, you can select it from the droplist.

The Adapter Access Control feature is enabled only when the value of
DeliveryTransport is IDL. By default, the adapter logs in with the guest identity. If
the Use guest identity box is not checked, the Adapter Identity and Adapter
Password fields are enabled.

34 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Setting trace/log file values
When you open a connector configuration file or a connector definition file,
Connector Configurator uses the logging and tracing values of that file as default
values. You can change those values in Connector Configurator.

To change the logging and tracing values:

1. Click the Trace/Log Files tab.
2. For either logging or tracing, you can choose to write messages to one or both
of the following:
v To console (STDOUT):
Writes logging or tracing messages to the STDOUT display.

Note: You can only use the STDOUT option from the Trace/Log Files tab for
connectors running on the Windows platform.
v To File:
Writes logging or tracing messages to a file that you specify. To specify the
file, click the directory button (ellipsis), navigate to the preferred location,
provide a file name, and click Save. Logging or tracing message are written
to the file and location that you specify.

Note: Both logging and tracing files are simple text files. You can use the file
extension that you prefer when you set their file names. For tracing
files, however, it is advisable to use the extension .trace rather than
.trc, to avoid confusion with other files that might reside on the
system. For logging files, .log and .txt are typical file extensions.

Data handlers
The data handlers section is available for configuration only if you have designated
a value of JMS for DeliveryTransport and a value of JMS for
ContainerManagedEvents. Not all adapters make use of data handlers.

See the descriptions under ContainerManagedEvents in Appendix A, Standard

Properties, for values to use for these properties. For additional details, see the
Connector Development Guide for C++ or the Connector Development Guide for Java.

Saving your configuration file

When you have finished configuring your connector, save the connector
configuration file. Connector Configurator saves the file in the broker mode that
you selected during configuration. The title bar of Connector Configurator always
displays the broker mode (ICS, WMQI or WAS) that it is currently using.

The file is saved as an XML document. You can save the XML document in three
v From System Manager, as a file with a *.con extension in an Integration
Component Library, or
v In a directory that you specify.
v In stand-alone mode, as a file with a *.cfg extension in a directory folder. By
default, the file is saved to \WebSphereAdapters\bin\Data\App.
v You can also save it to a WebSphere Application Server project if you have set
one up.

Chapter 3. Configuring the connector 35

For details about using projects in System Manager, and for further information
about deployment, see the following implementation guides:
v For ICS: Implementation Guide for WebSphere InterChange Server
v For WebSphere Message Brokers: Implementing Adapters with WebSphere Message
v For WAS: Implementing Adapters with WebSphere Application Server

Changing a configuration file

You can change the integration broker setting for an existing configuration file.
This enables you to use the file as a template for creating a new configuration file,
which can be used with a different broker.

Note: You will need to change other configuration properties as well as the broker
mode property if you switch integration brokers.

To change your broker selection within an existing configuration file (optional):

v Open the existing configuration file in Connector Configurator.
v Select the Standard Properties tab.
v In the BrokerType field of the Standard Properties tab, select the value that is
appropriate for your broker.
When you change the current value, the available tabs and field selections on
the properties screen will immediately change, to show only those tabs and
fields that pertain to the new broker you have selected.

Completing the configuration

After you have created a configuration file for a connector and modified it, make
sure that the connector can locate the configuration file when the connector starts

To do so, open the startup file used for the connector, and verify that the location
and file name used for the connector configuration file match exactly the name you
have given the file and the directory or path where you have placed it.

Using Connector Configurator in a globalized environment

Connector Configurator is globalized and can handle character conversion between
the configuration file and the integration broker. Connector Configurator uses
native encoding. When it writes to the configuration file, it uses UTF-8 encoding.

Connector Configurator supports non-English characters in:

v All value fields
v Log file and trace file path (specified in the Trace/Log files tab)
The drop list for the CharacterEncoding and Locale standard configuration
properties displays only a subset of supported values. To add other values to the
drop list, you must manually modify the \Data\Std\stdConnProps.xml file in the
product directory.

For example, to add the locale en_GB to the list of values for the Locale property,
open the stdConnProps.xml file and add the line in boldface type below:

36 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
<Property name="Locale"
updateMethod="component restart">

Chapter 3. Configuring the connector 37

38 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Chapter 4. Running the connector
This chapter describes how to start up and run the connector component of the
adapter for, and contains the following sections:
v “Starting the connector”
v “Taking advantage of load balancing” on page 40

Important: If you are upgrading versions of the connector, you must replace the
connector Java Archive files (.jar). You also need to upgrade the
connector transport files as well as any business object transports that
you have previously installed. Depending on changes made to the
connector, you may need to load a new copy of the SAPConnector.txt
file into your repository. See the Release Notes for more information.

Starting the connector

A connector must be explicitly started using its connector start-up script. On
Windows systems the startup script should reside in the connector’s runtime

where connName identifies the connector.

On UNIX systems the startup script should reside in the ProductDir/bin directory.

The name of the startup script depends on the operating-system platform, as

Table 3 shows.
Table 3. Startup scripts for a connector
Operating system Startup script
UNIX-based systems connector_manager
Windows start_connName.bat

When the startup script runs, it expects by default to find the configuration file in
the Productdir (see the commands below). This is where you place your
configuration file.

Note: You need a local configuration file if the adapter is using JMS transport.

You can invoke the connector startup script in any of the following ways:
v On Windows systems, from the Start menu
Select Programs>IBM WebSphere Business Integration
Adapters>Adapters>Connectors. By default, the program name is “IBM
WebSphere Business Integration Adapters”. However, it can be customized.
Alternatively, you can create a desktop shortcut to your connector.
v From the command line
– On Windows systems:
start_connName connName brokerName [-cconfigFile ]
– On UNIX-based systems:

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 39

connector_manager -start connName brokerName [-cconfigFile ]
where connName is the name of the connector and brokerName identifies your
integration broker, as follows:
– For WebSphere InterChange Server, specify for brokerName the name of the
ICS instance.
– For WebSphere message brokers (WebSphere MQ Integrator, WebSphere MQ
Integrator Broker, or WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker) or
WebSphere Application Server, specify for brokerName a string that identifies
the broker.

Note: For a WebSphere message broker or WebSphere Application Server on a

Windows system, you must include the -c option followed by the name of
the connector configuration file. For ICS, the -c is optional.
v From Adapter Monitor (available only when the broker is WebSphere
Application Server or InterChange Server), which is launched when you start
System Manager
You can load, activate, deactivate, pause, shutdown or delete a connector using
this tool.
v From System Manager (available for all brokers)
You can load, activate, deactivate, pause, shutdown or delete a connector using
this tool.
v On Windows systems, you can configure the connector to start as a Windows
service. In this case, the connector starts when the Windows system boots (for an
Auto service) or when you start the service through the Windows Services
window (for a Manual service).

For more information on how to start a connector, including the command-line

startup options, refer to one of the following documents:
v For WebSphere InterChange Server, refer to the System Administration Guide.
v For WebSphere message brokers, refer to Implementing Adapters with WebSphere
Message Brokers.
v For WebSphere Application Server, refer to Implementing Adapters with WebSphere
Application Server.

Taking advantage of load balancing

Load balancing at logon increases the efficiency of defined workgroups by:
v Improving performance
v Decreasing consumption of system resources
v Distributing users across available application servers based on requirements for
workgroup service and load sensitivity

Starting the connector with the load balancing feature initiates communication with
the message server specified by the Hostname property. The message server then
finds the application server with the least load. Once this application server is
determined, the message server routes all future RFC communication with the
connector through this one application server. The connector is considered as one
dialog user with the message server.

The load balancing feature works best in an SAP environment where the connector
processes low volumes and the number of users is large. For high volumes
consider connecting directly to one of your larger application servers.

40 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
For information on configuring the connector for load balancing, see the
description of the following connector properties:
v “ApplicationPassword” on page 329
v “ApplicationUserName” on page 329
v “Client” on page 329
v “Group” on page 329
v “Hostname” on page 330
v “InDoubtEvents” on page 330
v “SAPSystemID” on page 332

Chapter 4. Running the connector 41

42 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Chapter 5. Generating business object definitions using
This chapter describes SAPODA, an object discovery agent (ODA), that generates
business object definitions for the adapter for Because the connector
works with objects that are based on IDoc types, BAPIs, RFC-enabled function
modules defined in an SAP system, and SAP tables representing a business
process, SAPODA uses these objects to discover business object requirements
specific to its SAP data source.

Note: Familiarity with IDoc types, BAPIs, RFC-enabled function modules within
an SAP system, and SAP tables can aid in understanding how SAPODA

Important: Business object names like attribute name or verb name, must use only
characters defined in the code set associated with the U. S. English
locale (en_US). For additional information see the Business Object
Development Guide.

This chapter contains the following sections:

v “Installation and usage” on page 43
v “Using SAPODA in Business Object Designer” on page 46
v “After using SAPODA” on page 72

Installation and usage

The following section describes the installation and usage of SAPODA.

Installing SAPODA
To install SAPODA, use Installer for IBM WebSphere Business Integration
Adapters. Follow the instructions in the Implementation Guide for WebSphere
InterChange Server, Implementation Guide for WebSphere Message Brokers, Adapter for
WebSphere MQ Integrator Broker, System Installation Guide for Windows or for Unix.
When the installation is complete, the following files are installed in the product
directory on your system:
v ODA\messages\SAPODAAgent.txt
v ODA\messages\SAPODAAgent_ll_TT.txt (message files specific to a to a
language (_ll)country or territory (_TT))
v ODA\SAP\start_SAPODA.bat (Windows only)
v ODA/SAP/ (UNIX only)

Note: In this document, backslashes (\) are used as the convention for directory
paths. For UNIX installations, substitute slashes (/) for backslashes. All
product path names are relative to the directory where the product is
installed on your system.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 43

Before using SAPODA
This section contains the following sections:
v “Before running SAPODA”
v “Before using SAPODA to create definitions for the ALE or ABAP Extension
v “How to Use SAPODA”

Before running SAPODA

Before you can run SAPODA, you must:
v Have a valid logon ID to the SAP system
v Download the SAP Java API, which SAP calls their Java Connector (SAP JCo).
This step should be performed as part of the connector installation process, and
is described in “Installing the SAP JCo” on page 18.

Before using SAPODA to create definitions for the ALE or ABAP

Extension Module
You can use SAPODA to generate business object definitions for the ABAP
Extension Module and the ALE Module based upon an IDoc (Intermediate
v Extracted to a file
v Defined in the SAP system

Important: Before using SAPODA to generate a business object definition from an

SAP IDoc definition file, you must create the IDoc definition file for
each IDoc type you want supported. This step is required only when
using an extracted IDoc definition file as the template for a business
object definition. For more information, see “Creating the IDoc
definition file” on page 135.

How to Use SAPODA

After installing SAPODA, you must do the following to generate business objects:
1. Launch the ODA.
2. Launch Business Object Designer.
3. Follow a six-step process in Business Object Designer to configure and run the

The following sections describe these steps in detail.

Launching SAPODA
You can launch SAPODA by running the appropriate file:



You configure and run SAPODA using Business Object Designer. Business Object
Designer locates an ODA using the Agent’s host and the port. The Agent’s name is

44 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
specified in the AGENTNAME variable of each script or batch file. The default ODA
name for this connector is SAPODA. For more on ODAs and business object
definitions and how to configure, start and use ODAs, see the IBM WebSphere
Business Object Development Guide.

Working with error and trace message files

Error and trace message files (the default is SAPODAAgent.txt) are located in
\ODA\messages\, which is under the product directory. These files are language and
country or territory specific and use the following naming convention:

Where _ll is the language, and _TT is the country or territory.

For instance, a Chinese mainland file name would be:


The same file name for Taiwan would be:


The Business Object Designer uses this information when selecting a message file.
The default search order is to first look for the locale-specific file that matches the
locale in which the Business Object Designer is running. If that is not found, the
Business Object Designer defaults to the English-US (en_US) version, and finally,
the Business Object Designer looks for the file name without any locale or
language information.

Although not required, if you create multiple instances of the ODA script or batch
file and provide a unique name for each represented ODA, you can have a
message file for each ODA instance. Alternatively, you can have differently named
ODAs use the same message file.

There are two ways to specify a valid message file:

v If you change the name of an ODA and do not create a message file for it, you
must change the name of the message file in Business Object Designer as part of
ODA configuration. Business Object Designer provides a name for the message
file but does not actually create the file. If the file displayed as part of ODA
configuration does not exist, change the value to point to an existing file.
v You can copy the existing message file for a specific ODA, and modify it as
required. Business Object Designer assumes you name each file according to the
naming convention. For example, if the AGENTNAME variable specifies
SAPODA1, the tool assumes that the name of the associated message file is
SAPODA1Agent.txt. Therefore, when Business Object Designer provides the
filename for verification as part of ODA configuration, the filename is based on
the ODA name. Verify that the default message file is named correctly, and
correct it as necessary.

The MessageFile property does not display in the Configure agent properties
window of Business Object Designer if you use the deployment descriptor
odk_dd.xml file that exists in the ODA root directory.

Note: .If a non-English locale is required, the same naming convention is still
applicable; for example, SAPODA1Agent_zh_TW.txt.

Chapter 5. Generating business object definitions using SAPODA 45

Important: Failing to correctly specify the message file’s name when you configure
the ODA causes it to run without messages. For more information on
specifying the message file name, see “Configure initialization
properties” on page 47

During the configuration process, you specify:

v The name of the file into which SAPODA writes error and trace information
v The name of the message file
v The level of tracing, which ranges from 0 to 5.

Table 4 describes the tracing level values.

Table 4. Tracing levels
Trace level Description
0 Logs all errors
1 Traces all entering and exiting messages for method
2 Traces the ODA’s properties and their values
3 Traces the names of all business objects
4 Traces details of all spawned threads
5 v Indicates the ODA initialization values for all of its properties
v Traces a detailed status of each thread that SAPODA spawned
v Traces the business object definition dump

For information on where you configure these values, see “Configure initialization
properties” on page 47.

Using SAPODA in Business Object Designer

This section describes how to use SAPODA in Business Object Designer to
generate business object definitions. For information on launching Business Object
Designer, see the IBM WebSphere InterChange Server Business Object Development

After you launch an ODA, you must launch Business Object Designer to configure
and run it. There are six steps in Business Object Designer to generate a business
object definition using an ODA. Business Object Designer provides a wizard that
guides you through each of these steps.

After starting the ODA, do the following to start the wizard:

1. Open Business Object Designer.
2. From the File menu, select the New Using ODA... submenu.
Business Object Designer displays the first window in the wizard, named Select
Agent. Figure 5 on page 47 illustrates this window.

To select, configure, and run the ODA, follow these steps:

1. “Select the ODA” on page 47.
2. “Configure initialization properties” on page 47.
3. “Expand nodes and select objects” on page 50.
4. “Confirm selection of objects” on page 52.

46 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
5. “Generate the definition” on page 53 and, optionally, “Provide additional
information” on page 54.
6. “Save the definition” on page 71.

Select the ODA

Figure 5 illustrates the first dialog box in Business Object Designer’s six-step
wizard. From this window, select the ODA to run.

Figure 5. Selecting the ODA

To select the ODA:

1. Click the Find Agents button to display all registered or currently running
ODAs in the Located agents field.

Note: If Business Object Designer does not locate your desired ODA, enter the
host and port into their respective fields.
2. Select the desired ODA from the displayed list.

Configure initialization properties

The first time Business Object Designer communicates with SAPODA, it prompts
you to enter a set of initialization properties as shown in Figure 6 on page 48. You
can save these properties in a named profile so that you do not need to re-enter
them each time you use SAPODA. For information on specifying an ODA profile,
see the IBM WebSphere Business Object Development Guide.

Chapter 5. Generating business object definitions using SAPODA 47

Figure 6. Configuring agent properties

Configure the SAPODA properties described in Table 5..

Table 5. SAPODA properties
Property name Property type Description
UserName String SAP logon user name (not required when generating a
definition only from an extracted IDoc definition file)
Password String SAP logon password (not required when generating a definition
only from an extracted IDoc definition file)
Client String SAP logon client number (not required when generating a
definition only from an extracted IDoc definition file)
Language String SAP logon language (not required when generating a definition
only from an extracted IDoc definition file). Default is E for
SystemNumber String SAP system number (not required when generating a definition
only from an extracted IDoc definition file)
ASHostName String Host name of the SAP application server (not required when
generating a definition only from an extracted IDoc definition
RFCTrace True/False boolean RFC tracing for the SAP system. The default value is False.
DefaultBOPrefix String Text that is prepended to the name of the business object to
make it unique. sap_ is the default value.

You can change this later, if required, when Business Object

Designer prompts you for business object specific properties.
MaximumHits String Maximum number of objects returned during a node search.
For more information, see “Expand nodes and select objects” on
page 50.

The possible values that you can select from the drop-down list
are 100 (default) and 50.

48 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Table 5. SAPODA properties (continued)
Property name Property type Description
TraceFileName String Name of the trace file. If the file does not exist, SAPODA
creates it in the \ODA\SAP directory. If the file already exists,
SAPODA appends to it.

SAPODA names the file according to the naming convention.

For example, if the agent is named SAPODA, it generates a trace
file named SAPODAtrace.txt.

Use this property to specify a different name for this file.

Note: The Configure Agent screen does not display this

property if you use the deployment descriptor odk_dd.xml file
that exists in the ODA root directory.
TraceLevel Integer Level of tracing enabled for SAPODA.

For more information on tracing, see “Working with error and

trace message files” on page 45.

Note: The Configure Agent screen does not display this

property if you use the deployment descriptor odk_dd.xml file
that exists in the ODA root directory.
MessageFile String Name of the error and message file.

SAPODA names the file according to the naming convention.

For example, if the agent is named SAPODA, it names the
message file SAPODAAgent.txt. For more information, see
“Working with error and trace message files” on page 45.

Important: The error and message file must be located in the

\ODA\messages directory.

Use this property to verify or specify an existing file.

Note: The Configure Agent screen does not display this

property if you use the deployment descriptor odk_dd.xml file
that exists in the ODA root directory.
ResultSet True/False boolean When set to True, SAPODA generates a wrapper business object
for Information Integrator support.

If you do not want to generate ResultSet objects, set to the

default value of False.
File destination Directory Directory where ODA-generated files (business objects and class
files) are stored. Note that you can explicitly save business
objects to a different directory after the objects have been
generated and placed in this directory.

The default is the Windows default system temp directory. It is

recommended that you change the default setting to the
\connectors\SAP\utilities\generatedfiles directory.

Note: If running SAPODA on the same machine as Business

Object Designer, do not use the directory ODA\SAP as your File
destination. Business Object Designer uses this directory as a
temporary location for remote ODAs.

Important: Correct the name of the message file if the default value displayed in
Business Object Designer represents a non-existent file. If the name is
not correct when you move forward from this dialog box, Business

Chapter 5. Generating business object definitions using SAPODA 49

Object Designer displays an error message in the window from which
the ODA was launched. This message does not popup in Business
Object Designer. Failing to specify a valid message file causes the ODA
to run without messages. For more information, see “Working with
error and trace message files” on page 45.

Expand nodes and select objects

After you configure all properties for SAPODA, Business Object Designer displays
a tree with the following the initial nodes:
v IDoc types—You can:
– browse for extracted IDoc definition files
– select IDocs in the SAP system (Basic IDoc Types and Extension Types)

Note: Extension Types are customer-defined IDoc Types.

v BOR—select objects that represent BAPIs from the SAP application
v RFC—select objects that represent RFC-enabled functions from the SAP
v Dynamic Transaction and Retrieve—select the definitions that represent objects
from the dynamic transaction and dynamic retrieve metadata tables
– HDR—select the tables required to represent an entity for SAP transactions
processed by the Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module

The nodes whose names are preceded by a plus sign (+) are expandable. Click on
them to display more nodes or leaves. SAPODA generates business object
definitions only from leaves.

Figure 7 on page 51 illustrates this dialog box as originally displayed and with
some nodes expanded.

50 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Figure 7. Tree with expanded nodes

When a leaf’s name is displayed in bold type, you can select the leaf as the basis
for its business object to be generated. Use standard Windows procedures to select
multiple leaves. In other words, depress the CTRL key while you use the mouse to
select multiple leaves.

SAPODA uses a polymorphic node type that allows you to associate a flat file with
a node. Initially the node displays without any leaves. You can browse a file
system and select files to add to that node. The node is called polymorphic
because its nature changes from a leaf to a branch when you associate it to one or
more files.

Note that if you expand the RFC node, the following message (Figure 8 on page
52) appears indicating that search results in RFC nodes are cached. This caching
service provides a smaller number of leaf nodes, depending on the search criteria,
and thus enables SAPODA to generate ResultSet and BAPI transaction business
objects more efficiently. Search results are sorted and then displayed. The caching
service runs in the background whenever you start SAPODA and the cached
searches are purged when you end the session. The number of search results that
can be cached is determined by the value of the MaximumHits property set in the
Configure agent properties window, shown in Figure 6 on page 48.

Chapter 5. Generating business object definitions using SAPODA 51

Figure 8. Caching notification

Figure 9 illustrates two ways of limiting the number of leaves that Business Object
Designer returns:
v A context-sensitive menu that allows you to open a window for browsing files.
From this window, you can select which files to associate.
v A wizard that allows you to specify search characters in an object’s name or

Examples of associating files to an IDOC

Example of searching
by RFC function name

Figure 9. Associating a file and entering search criteria

After you have selected all desired leaves for object generation, click the Next
button. For information on how to filter the objects returned, see the Business
Object Development Guide.

Confirm selection of objects

After you identify all the objects to be associated with generated business object
definitions, Business Object Designer displays the dialog box with only the selected
leaves and their node paths. Figure 10 on page 53 illustrates this dialog box.

52 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Figure 10. Confirming selection of nodes and leaves

This window provides the following options:

v To confirm the selection, click Next.
v If the selection is not correct, click Back to return to the previous window and
make the necessary changes. When the selection is correct, click Next.

Generate the definition

After you confirm the selected objects, the next dialog box informs you that
Business Object Designer is generating the definitions.

Figure 11 illustrates this dialog box.

Figure 11. Generating the definition

Chapter 5. Generating business object definitions using SAPODA 53

Provide additional information
SAPODA prompts for additional information. The type of the top-level node (IDoc
types, BOR, RFC, or Dynamic Definitions) determines:
v The set of properties that Business Object Designer displays in the BO Properties
v Whether Business Object Designer displays a second window that prompts you
for additional object generation information.

IDoc Type: Providing additional information

SAPODA displays the BO Properties window to enable you to specify information
required for business objects based on IDoc types. The properties displayed in this
window differ depending on the source of the IDoc (an extracted file or a
definition in the SAP system) and whether the definition is being defined for the
ABAP Extension Module. This section describes the following topics:
v “The BO Properties Window—Common Properties”
v “The BO properties window—Property for IDoc defined in the SAP System”
v “The BO Properties window—Specifying a function module for the ABAP
handler” on page 55

The BO Properties Window—Common Properties: Regardless of whether

SAPODA is generating the business object definition from an IDoc file or an IDoc
defined in the SAP system, the BO Properties window for an IDoc type allows you
to specify or change:
v Prefix information.
The prefix is text prepended to the name of the business object to make it
unique. If you are satisfied with the value you entered for the DefaultBOPrefix
property in the Configure Agent window (Figure 6 on page 48), you do not need
to change the value here.
v Module type
The module type choices are ALE or Extension. Because the ALE and the ABAP
Extension Modules have different requirements for their business object
definitions, it is important to specify which module will be using the business

Note: If there are multiple segments at the top-level of the IDoc, when SAPODA
generates the business object definition for the ABAP Extension Module, it
uses the first IDoc segment to represent the top-level business object.
SAPODA represents the other top-level segments as child business objects.
v UseFieldName
Generate the attribute name from either the SAP field name or the SAP field
description, the default being the SAP field description.

The BO properties window—Property for IDoc defined in the SAP System: In

addition to the prefix and module properties, the BO properties window
representing an IDoc defined in the SAP system also displays the Release property.
You can use this property to identify an earlier version of the IDoc type.

Important: If the earlier version of the IDoc type has fewer segments than the
current version, SAPODA might create a definition with missing
segments or SAPODA might display an error indicating that the
generation of the business object definition was unsuccessful. This
inconsistency is due to different versions of SAP requiring different
API calls.

54 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Figure 12 illustrates the two versions of the BO properties window, one for an
extracted IDoc Type definition file and one for an IDoc defined in the SAP system.

BO properties for an IDoc file

BO properties for
an IDoc file
defined in SAP

Figure 12. Providing additional information for an IDoc type business object

The BO Properties window—Specifying a function module for the ABAP

handler: If you select Extension as the module type, SAPODA prompts whether
you want to enter function module names for any of the default verbs.

By default, when generating a definition for the ABAP Extension Module,

SAPODA specifies the following text for verb application-specific information at
the business object level of the top-level business object:


If you already know the function module names to pass to the ABAP handler,
select Yes at this prompt. SAPODA displays the window illustrated in Figure 13 on
page 56..

Chapter 5. Generating business object definitions using SAPODA 55

Figure 13. Specifying function modules for the ABAP handler

Figure 13 illustrates a BO Properties window in which two function modules have

been specified.

Note: If many IDoc types are in a definition file, the Function module BO
Properties window is provided for each IDoc type in the file. The General
IDoc type BO properties window is provided only once.

After you save the business object definition, the General tab in Business Object
Designer displays the required application-specific information at the business
object level of the topmost business object. Figure 14 illustrates such a window
with the two specified function modules.

Figure 14. Specifying the ABAP handler in Business Object Designer

For more information about the ABAP handler, see “Business object data routing to
ABAP handlers” on page 223.. For more information about application-specific
information required by the ABAP Extension Module, see “Developing business
object definitions using SAPODA” on page 236..

BOR or RFC: Providing additional information

SAPODA creates the following types of objects:
v Single BAPI business objects

56 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
v BAPI transaction top-level business objects
v ResultSet business objects

Single BAPI business objects: When the ResultSet property on the Configure
Agent window is set to False, as illustrated in Figure 6 on page 48, you can use
SAPODA to create a single BAPI transaction business objects or a BAPI transaction
business object that contains multiple BAPI calls. This section provides details
about business objects for Single BAPI calls.

For details about creating business objects for BAPI transactions, see “BAPI
transaction business objects” on page 59. For details about creating business objects
for ResultSets, see “ResultSet business objects” on page 63.

There are two BO Properties windows for a single BAPI object of BOR or RFC
type. The properties displayed in the first window allow you to specify or change:
v Prefix —If you are satisfied with the value you entered for the DefaultBOPrefix
property in the Configure Agent window (Figure 6 on page 48), you do not need
to change the value here.
v Verb —Specify the verb.
v Server Support—If the definition is to be generated for the connector’s RFC
Server Module, specify yes. If the definition is to be generated for the
connector’s BAPI Module, specify no.
v UseFieldName—Generate the attribute name from either the SAP field name or
the SAP field description, the default being the SAP field description.

After you click OK to move forward from the first BO Properties window,
SAPODA gives you the opportunity to reduce the size of the generated definition.
You are prompted whether you want to remove from the definition any attributes
that represent optional parameters. This prompt displays only if there are optional
parameters to remove. Reducing the size of the definition can enhance
performance later when the connector processes instances of the business object.

Figure 15 on page 58 illustrates the properties displayed for a BOR or RFC-type

object and the prompt that displays after you click OK. Note that this prompt
appears for as many individual BAPI calls you select to create single BAPI call

Chapter 5. Generating business object definitions using SAPODA 57


Figure 15. Providing additional information for BOR or RFC business objects

If you click Yes in the prompt illustrated above, the second BO Properties window
displays. You can specify removal of each optional parameter of a BAPI/RFC
interface by changing its Value from Yes (include a corresponding attribute in the
generated definition) to No (do not include an attribute).

If you click No in the prompt illustrated above, the final wizard displays. For more
information, see “Save the definition” on page 71.

Figure 16 Illustrates the second BO properties window.

Optional parameter

Return parameter

Figure 16. Specifying attributes for removal from the definition

Important: A business object definition for a RFC-enabled function beginning with

“Bapi” must have an attribute that represents a business object

58 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
corresponding to a return structure or table. If a definition lacks such
an attribute, an error occurs when its corresponding generated code is
compiled. If you get this compile error, examine the BAPI to determine
if SAP was using a different return structure. In this case, change the
generated Java code to point to the proper parameter.

In addition to the specifications you provide in SAPODA, when you create a

definition for the RFC Server Module, you may want to modify application-specific
information after you save the business object definition. For more information, see
Chapter 15, “Developing business objects for the RFC Server Module,” on page

BAPI transaction business objects: When the ResultSet property on the

Configure Agent window is set to False, as illustrated in Figure 6 on page 48, you
can use SAPODA to create BAPI transaction business objects. BAPI transaction
business objects contain multiple BAPI business objects.

With the ResultSet property on the Configure Agent window set to False, click
Next on this window to proceed to the caching notification window (Figure 27 on
page 64) and then click OK.

Figure 17. Caching notification

Figure 18 illustrates the next window that appears, which allows you to specify the
criteria that SAPODA will use to search for and display BAPI calls. For the
example used in this section, the criteria is all BAPI calls starting with the text

Figure 18. Enter a Search Pattern

After you specify the search criteria on the Enter a Search Pattern window, click
OK to set the criteria. Figure 29 on page 64 illustrates the search results tree with
the RFC node expanded. On this window, select the BAPI calls that SAPODA will
use to create the attributes of the BAPI transaction business object. In this example,
the BAPI calls selected are BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE and

Chapter 5. Generating business object definitions using SAPODA 59

Figure 19. Search results tree expanded for RFC node

Click Next to proceed to the confirmation window, illustrated in Figure 20. The
two BAPI calls selected in Figure 19 are listed.

Figure 20. Confirm source nodes for BAPI calls in the transaction

Click Next on this screen. A message window appears notifying you that you have
selected more than one BAPI call. Click Yes to indicate that your intention is to
create a BAPI transaction business object from these multiple BAPI calls.

60 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Figure 21. Multiple BAPI call selection message

The next screen allows you to apply a prefix and a name to the BAPI transaction
object. In this example, the prefix entered is sap_, and the name for the transaction
object is salesorder_txn. The UseFieldName property determines whether the
attribute name will be generated using the field name in SAP or the field

Figure 22. Assign a prefix and business object name to the transaction

Next, indicate the order in which the selected BAPI calls should be executed when
the transaction object is processed. In this example, the BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE
call is executed first, followed by the BAPI_SALESORDER_CONFIRMDELVRY call. You can
apply a COMMITafter any BAPI you wish to commit within the transaction.
SAPODA assumes a COMMIT as the final step of the transaction.

Chapter 5. Generating business object definitions using SAPODA 61

Figure 23. Assign a BAPI call sequence within the BAPI transaction object

The following message appears for each BAPI call in the sequence that has
optional parameters. Figure 24 illustrates this message for the first BAPI call in the

Figure 24. Optional BAPI call parameters message

Click Yes to pick and choose which optional parameters you want to add as
attributes of the individual BAPI business object that will be contained within the
BAPI transaction object. If you click No, all the optional parameters will be applied
as attributes of the individual BAPI object within the BAPI transaction object.

After you have created BAPI object attributes for each BAPI call within the BAPI
transaction object, the Business Object wizard displays the object tree of the BAPI
transaction object. Figure 25 on page 63 illustrates the Attributes tab for the
sap_salesorder_txn business object created in this example.

62 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Figure 25. Attributes tab for the sap_salesorder_txn business object

Notice the two BAPI call attributes: sap_salesorder_change_txn and

sap_salesorder_confirmdelvry_txn. Each of these attributes contains a single BAPI
call object within the BAPI transaction object wrapper. The
sap_salesorder_change_txn attribute contains a business object that corresponds to
the BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE call, which is executed first in the transaction flow (as
specified in Figure 23 on page 62). The sap_salesorder_confirmdelvry_txn
attribute contains a business object that corresponds to the
BAPI_SALESORDER_CONFIRMDELVRY BAPI call. Notice that the attributes have the
suffix _txn, added by SAPODA. This suffix ensures that business objects created in
previous versions of the connector are not overwritten by new business objects that
might have the same name.

ResultSet business objects: When the ResultSet property on the Configure Agent
window is set to True, as illustrated in Figure 26, SAPODA creates top-level
ResultSet business objects. ResultSet business objects enable Information Integrator
support for DB2.

Figure 26. Configure Agent window with ResultSet property set to True

Click Next on the Configure Agent window and then click OK on the caching
notification window (Figure 27 on page 64).

Chapter 5. Generating business object definitions using SAPODA 63

Figure 27. Caching notification

The next window in the wizard allows you to specify the criteria that SAPODA
will use to search for and display BAPI calls. In this example, the asterisk, which is
a wildcard, indicates that the criteria is all BAPI calls starting with the text

Figure 28. Search criteria for ResultSets

Click OK to set the criteria. Figure 29 illustrates the search results tree with the
RFC node expanded. On this window, select the BAPI calls that SAPODA will use
to create the attributes of the ResultSet business object.

Figure 29. Search results tree expanded for RFC node

64 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
A ResultSet object has two attributes: Query (of type query object), and Result (of
type result object). The Query attribute is typically generated from the GETLIST
BAPI call, while the Result attribute is generated from GETDETAIL BAPI call.

Therefore, as Figure 29 on page 64 illustrates, you select the corresponding BAPI

expanded RFC node. Since the ResultSet property on the Configure Agent
window is set to True, as illustrated in Figure 26 on page 63, you are only
permitted to select two BAPI calls.

Click Next to proceed to the confirmation window, illustrated in Figure 30, which
allows you to confirm the source BAPI calls for the business object’s attributes.

Figure 30. Confirm source nodes for attributes

As Figure 31 on page 66 illustrates, the Business Object wizard requires you to

specify the business object name prefix (in this example, sap_) and the name of the
BAPI ResultSet object (in this example, customer_rs) that SAPODA will apply to
the business object. The UseFieldName property determines whether the attribute
name will be generated using the field name in SAP or the field description.

Chapter 5. Generating business object definitions using SAPODA 65

Figure 31. Provide business object name information

The Business Object wizard also requires you to indicate which BAPI call that you
selected in Figure 29 on page 64 should be used for the Query attribute. From the
drop-down list, select the GETLIST BAPI call, as illustrated in Figure 32. SAPODA
automatically treats the other selected call as the Result attribute of the ResultSet

Figure 32. Specify the Query attribute of the business object

Click OK to proceed to the next window, on which you specify the Query
parameter (primary key) of the Query BAPI you selected in Figure 32. In this
example, the BAPI call is GETLIST.

66 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Figure 33. Select the primary key

If on the previous window, you chose a value that is a table/structure (identified

by T|S), the window that appears next allows you to select a specific field on the
table/structure as the primary key. In this example, the field selected is CUSTOMER.

Figure 34. Select a field on the table/structure

A message window appears indicating the full path of the Query parameter, as
illustrated in Figure 35 on page 68. The path includes the BAPI call parameters
selected in the previous two windows, in this example BAPICUSTOMER_ADDRESSDATA

Chapter 5. Generating business object definitions using SAPODA 67

Figure 35. Notification of Query attribute name

You must also specify the foreign key for the ResultSet object, as illustrated in
Figure 36. The foreign key establishes the relationship between the Query attribute
and Result attribute of the ResultSet object.

Figure 36. Select the foreign key

The Business Object wizard provides a message confirming the full path to the
foreign key, in this case BAPI_CUSTOMER_GETDETAIL.CUSTOMERNO, as illustrated in
Figure 37.

Figure 37. Foreign key path confirmation

The following window indicates that the GETLIST BAPI has optional parameters
and that you can pick and choose from these optional parameters to create
corresponding attributes on the business object. Choosing No, as in this example,
means that the wizard generates business object attributes for all the parameters.

68 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Figure 38. Optional parameters notification for the GETLIST BAPI

The following screen, illustrated in Figure 39, allows you to set property values for
the ResultSet object.

Figure 39. Set property values for the ResultSet object.

The following window indicates that the GETDETAIL BAPI has optional parameters
and that you can pick and choose from these optional parameters to create
corresponding attributes on the business object. Choosing No, as in this example,
means that the wizard generates business object attributes for all the parameters.

Figure 40. Optional parameters notification for the GETDETAIL BAPI

Figure 41 on page 70 illustrates the Attributes tab in Business Object Designer,

which lists the two attributes, BAPI_Query and BAPI_Result, of the ResultSet
business object. You can expand the business object tree to display the hierarchy of
each attribute. Notice that the attributes have the suffix _rs, added by SAPODA.
This suffix ensures that business objects created in previous versions of the

Chapter 5. Generating business object definitions using SAPODA 69

connector are not overwritten by new business objects that might have the same

Figure 41. Attributes tab of the ResultSet object

HDR: Providing additional information

There are two BO Properties window for an HDR table-based object. The property
displayed in the first window allows you to specify or change the business object’s
prefix. If you are satisfied with the value you entered for the DefaultBOPrefix
property in the Configure Agent window (Figure 6 on page 48), you do not need to
change the value here.

Figure 42 Illustrates this window.

Figure 42. Providing additional information for an HDR business object

In addition, only 512 bytes of information from a table can be returned. When a
table returns more than 512 bytes, you will be presented with the dialog found in
Figure 43.. Answering “No” returns attributes (column descriptions) from the
beginning of the table until the 512 byte maximum is reached.

Figure 43. 512 byte warning

Answering “Yes” displays the second BO properties windows noted in Figure 44

on page 71.. The length in bytes for each attribute is provided in the window
description. You can specific the inclusion or exclusion of an attribute for the
business object by toggling its value between “Yes” and “No.”

70 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Figure 44. Size and type of BO properties for an HDR business object

Save the definition

After you provide all required information in the BO Properties dialog box and
click OK, Business Object Designer displays the final dialog box in the wizard.
Here, you can save the definition to the server or to a file, or you can open the
definition for editing in Business Object Designer. For more information, and to
make further modifications, see the Business Object Development Guide.

Figure 45 Illustrates this dialog box.

Figure 45. Saving business object definition

Chapter 5. Generating business object definitions using SAPODA 71

After using SAPODA
The business object definition that SAPODA generates from an IDoc type, BAPIs,
RFC-enabled function modules, or SAP tables representing a business process may
not contain all the information required for the connector to process the business
object. Therefore, after SAPODA finishes generating the definition, you must add
all required information to the definition. Use Business Object Designer to examine
and modify the business object definition, and to reload or copy a revised
definition into the repository.

When saving a business object to the file system for the ALE Module with Business
Object Designer, you need to load the sap_idoccontrol object first. This object is
delivered and not generated by SAPODA but is required before saving the parent
business object to the file system.

For information on modifying a business object definition, see the Business Object
Development Guide. For information on the business object definition that a specific
connector module requires, and the modifications you must make before the
connector can process it, see the appropriate module’s documentation:
v Chapter 22, “Developing business objects for the ABAP Extension Module,” on
page 231
v Chapter 12, “Developing business objects for the ALE Module,” on page 135
v Chapter 9, “Developing business objects for the BAPI Module,” on page 97
v Chapter 15, “Developing business objects for the RFC Server Module,” on page
v Chapter 18, “Developing business objects for the Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve
Module,” on page 179

72 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Chapter 6. Troubleshooting the connector
This chapter describes problems that you may encounter when starting up or
running the connector component of the adapter for

This chapter contains the following sections:

v “Generic troubleshooting”
v “WBI performance tuning and memory management” on page 74
v “Troubleshooting for the ABAP Extension Module” on page 75
v “Troubleshooting for the BAPI Module” on page 78
v “Troubleshooting for the RFC Server Module” on page 79
v “Troubleshooting for the ALE Module” on page 80
v “Troubleshooting the Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module” on page 83
v “Troubleshooting SAPODA” on page 85
v “Getting support” on page 86

Generic troubleshooting
This section describes problems that you may encounter when starting up or
running any module of the adapter. It covers the following troubleshooting areas:
v “Startup problems”
v “Connector dies” on page 74
v “Collaborations not subscribing to business objects (WebSphere InterChange
Server only)” on page 74

Startup problems
The following subsections provide suggestions for common startup problems.

Connector fails to start

If you encounter difficulties when trying to start the connector:
v Check to make sure that the integration broker is up and running.
v Check that the application is running.
v Verify that the standard and connector-specific configuration properties are set
properly. For more information, see Chapter 3, “Configuring the connector,” on
page 21, Appendix E, “Connector-specific configuration properties,” on page 325,
and Chapter 6, “Troubleshooting the connector,” on page 73.

Connector cannot log on to the SAP application

If the connector cannot log on to the SAP application:
v Check that the SAP application is available.
v Check that you have properly set the standard and connector-specific connector
configuration properties. Specifically, check the Sysnr, Client, Hostname, and
Modules properties. For more information, see Chapter 3, “Configuring the
connector,” on page 21, Appendix E, “Connector-specific configuration
properties,” on page 325, and Appendix D, “Standard configuration properties,”
on page 301.
v Verify that the user name and password set up for the connector has the
appropriate level of privileges.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 73

Connector logs on and the session closes
If the connector successfully logs on to the SAP application and then the session
closes immediately, there may be a database problem. Check that PSAPUSER1D and
PSAPUSER1I tablespaces have sufficient space allocated to them. By default, the SAP
system provides minimal space for these two tablespaces. The connector requires
more than the default amount of space. For more information, see “Increasing log
tablespace size” on page 215..

Note: This problem is relevant to all connector modules except the RFC Server

Connector dies
If the connector dies with a message “connection to the SAP application is
lost“or you get an RFC system exception, then you may have a network problem.
Check the short dump for the connector user or the time when the error occurred.
Use the IBM WebSphere BI Station tool or go to transaction ST22. If you still need
more information, check the system log by going to transaction SM21.

Default values are not being set

Default values have been set in a business object but the connector is not picking
up the values. This is a configuration issue. For default values to be used, the
UseDefaults connector property needs to be set to true and each attribute requiring
a default value needs to be marked as required in the business object definition.

Collaborations not subscribing to business objects

(WebSphere InterChange Server only)
If a collaboration is not subscribing to a particular business object on a specified
WebSphere InterChange Server, then:
v Check that the collaboration is configured to subscribe to that particular business
v Verify that the collaboration is running.
v Verify that the map references have the correct business object specified as the
source business object.

Encoding binary data (MQ Integrator Broker only)

For fields with binary data (RAW data type in an SAP system), the adapter will
encode the value for the fields in hexadecimal rather than the more typical base64
encoding in the XML MQ message. In addition, the adapter expects data from a
service call request to be in hexadecimal encoding in the XML MQ message.

WBI performance tuning and memory management

Java Virtual Machines (JVMs) externalize multiple tuning knobs which may be
used to improve WebSphere Business Integration application performance. These
knobs control issues related to garbage collection, heap size, threading, and
locking. Because the ICS server and its components (maps, collaborations) as well
as most of the adapters are written in Java, the performance of the JVM has a
significant impact on the performance delivered by an ICS application.

For a detailed description of performance considerations for WebSphere business

integration, navigate to the IBM software support site and search on ″WBI
performance tuning,″ or consult the following document, which is updated

74 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)

The following URL provides a useful summary of JVM options:

The following URL provides a useful FAQ about the HotSpot Engine:

Troubleshooting for the ABAP Extension Module

This section describes problems that you may encounter when starting up or
running the ABAP Extension Module. It covers three troubleshooting areas:
v “Transport files”
v “Startup problems”
v “Event handling” on page 76
v “Event distribution problem on Microsoft Windows (connector version 4.2.7
only)” on page 76

Transport files
If you get errors when installing the adapter’s transport files for the ABAP
Extension Module:
v Verify that you installed the correct transport files. You must install version 3.x
transport files on an R/3 version 3.x system and version 4.x transport files on an
SAP application running BASIS 4.x to 4.7 and SAP Web AS 6.20. Transport files
are installed in their own directories. For details about the transport files and
their installation directories, see “Connector transport files” on page 210.
v Verify that you installed the transports in the correct order. Some transport files
have dependencies such as existing tables.
For example, one transport file creates a data element for a table and another
transport creates a table for that data element. If the table is not created first, the
system returns an error.
v Verify that the necessary transport files were installed properly. Each transport
file adds specific functionality for the connector.
For more information, see “Connector transport files” on page 210.

Startup problems
If the connector logs in to the SAP application successfully, but the connector’s log
in the SAP application is empty:
v Check that logging is turned on. If logging is turned off, use IBM WebSphere BI
Station to turn it on. By default, logging is set to 1. For more information, see
Chapter 24, “Managing the ABAP Extension Module,” on page 263.
v Check that the connector is logged on to the same machine where you are
viewing the connector log file.
v Check that the Namespace configuration property is set to true. If you have
upgraded to the connector’s namespace from the previous YXR environment, the
connector may still be logging into the YXR environment. If this is the case, set

Chapter 6. Troubleshooting the connector 75

the Namespace configuration property to true. For more information, see the
“Namespace” on page 331 property in the “Connector-specific configuration
properties” on page 325.
v Check that the number range in the connector log is in sync. If you have
upgraded the NumberRange transport number, then number range intervals
may be out of sync. Verify that the number range object number is lower than
the first number in the connector log.
To check the number ranges, go to transaction SNRO and enter /CWLD/LOG in the
Number Range Object field. Click the Number Ranges button, click the Display
Intervals button, and note the number range object number. Open the connector
log and note the number of the first entry. If this number is higher than the
number range object number, then the log entry number in the connector log
needs to be modified to be one number higher. For more information, see
“Verifying number ranges for transport objects” on page 216..

Event distribution problem on Microsoft Windows (connector

version 4.2.7 only)
After upgrading to the IBM CrossWorlds Connector for SAP Version 4.2.7 on
Windows, events remain in the event table and are not picked up and processed
by the connector in the following circumstances:
v You configured event distribution across multiple connectors.
v The connector is running against an SAP system that loaded the
NON-namespace (yxr).

This problem is caused by a change SAP has made in their java API (SAP JCo).

To fix the problem, load a patch transport that changes only the event request and
event return function modules provided by the adapter. Load this patch transport
in 4.0 and 4.5 SAP systems that do not have the namespace (/CWLD/) infrastructure.

Note: The namespace ABAP infrastructure does not have this problem.

Event handling
The following subsections provide suggestions for event handling problems.

ABAP Extension Module is not invoked by subscribing business

If a subscribing business object is not being processed by the ABAP Extension
Module, then:
v Check that the vision connector framework is set to call the ABAP Extension
Module. The Modules property must be set to Extension.
v Check that the connector subscribes to the business object.

Connector is not picking up events

If your connector is not picking up events from the SAP application:
v Check the connector’s event table in the SAP application to see if the event is
queued for your connector.
v In a multiple connector environment, if the event is not queued, make sure there
is an entry in the Event Distribution table (/CWLD/EVT_DIS) for the combination
of your connector and business object. Check to see that this combination is

76 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
If you have multiple connectors subscribed to the same business object, then one
connector might be processing the wrong events. For more information on
distributing events between multiple connectors, see on page 206..
v If you have a lock object for an event in the SAP application, then the SAP
application may not finish processing the save process for that event.
Check the connector’s event table in the SAP application to see if the event has a
status of L (Locked). If the status is L, then you most likely have a problem in
the SAP application and not the connector.
v The connector might have died while processing the event. Check the status of
the event in the connector’s event table in the SAP application. If the status is R
(Retrieved), then the event has not been moved to the archive table. If the
event’s status is R, verify that the event did not make it to the destination.
If the event did not make it to the destination, change the status from R to Q
(Queued). Events with a status of Q are picked up by the connector at the next
poll interval. To change the status from R to Q, go to the event table, select the
event, and then click the Edit button. In the window that appears, change the
Event Status field from R to Q.

Business object fails to process

If a business object fails to process successfully, check the connector log in the SAP
application. Entries for failed events appear in red. Reprocess events using the
reprocessing tool, which enables you to set breakpoints in the code as you step
through the transaction. For more information on reprocessing objects, see
“Reprocessing archived objects” on page 264..

Attention: Do not use the reprocessing tool in a production environment, because

it causes the WebSphere business integration system and the SAP application to be
out of sync.

Deadlock with Event Table

The current event table and the future event table, may encounter a deadlock
situation if there are many events being added at one time. This situation occurs if
the provided indices for the event table are not used because of database tuning.
Tuning normally occurs during off-peak hours when there are few or no events in
the event table. When a database table has no or few entries, it is more efficient not
to use an index for reading the table. To avoid a deadlock situation, exclude the
current event and future event tables when running a database tuning utility.

Large Objects
Large objects may require additional changes to process successfully. ABAP
Extension Module objects are converted to a flat structure before passing the data
to the SAP application or converted from a flat structure when receiving the data
from the SAP application. See “Business object conversion to a flat structure” on
page 220 for more information. This flat structure is held in memory with each
attribute for an object instance being a row in the structure. For each attribute, 373
bytes of data are passed between the connector and the SAP application. The
number of attributes multiplied by 373 gives an approximation of the size of the
flat structure. As well, an instance of the object is also in memory. Therefore, an
object with many child objects (segments) may require a change to the Java heap
size in the startup script for the connector’s Java process in order to avoid an
out-of-memory error.

Chapter 6. Troubleshooting the connector 77

In the start_SAP.bat script, change the -mx128m Java heap size options
parameter default value to a value large enough to handle the flat structure
and the instance of the object. A value larger than the available memory on
the machine running the Java process will also result in an out-of-memory
error. The 128m represents a maximum Java heap size of 128 MB.


The SAP application may also require changes to the ABAP timeout parameter to
process a large object successfully.

Troubleshooting for the BAPI Module

This section describes problems that you may encounter when running the BAPI

Requiest process handling

The following subsections provide suggestions for common request process
handling problems.

BAPI Module is not invoked by subscribing business objects

If a subscribing business object is not being processed by the BAPI Module, then:
v Check that the vision connector framework is set to call the BAPI Module. The
Modules property must be set as follows: Bapi.
v Check that the connector subscribes to the business object.
v Check that any custom business object handler files are in the \bapi\client
directory. If the class file is not in this directory, then the custom business object
handler is not invoked to process the business object. For more information, see
“Using generated business object definitions” on page 105.
v If using a custom business object handler, check that the custom business object
handler name in the business object verb application-specific information is
correct. For more information, see “Business object application-specific
information” on page 166.
v Ensure that when you generated the custom business object handler, you
specified the appropriate verb to match the BAPI. For more information, see
“Using generated business object definitions” on page 105.

Business object fails to process

If a business object fails to process successfully:
v Check that the BAPI you are using has a return business object. The BAPI
Module looks in the return business object for messages with the key e (error) or
a (abort). If the module finds one of these keys, then it notes that the event has
failed. If the BAPI does not have a return business object, make sure you
implement your own error handling.
v Use transaction SE37 to test the BAPI associated with the failed event. This
should enable you to reproduce the failure.
If this does not work, then you may have a problem in the conversion from
internal formats to external formats. Check that you are specifying values in the
correct format. For example, for dates, SAP’s internal format is YYYYMMDD

78 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
and you may be specifying the format MMDDYYYY. This causes the BAPI to
fail, because the specified format is not understood.
v Check that the application-specific information of each attribute is correct. If
these values are not correct, then the BAPI Module does not populate the object
correctly before sending it back to the SAP application.
v Check that the I and E parameters are specified properly. Remember that I
identifies the import parameter and E identifies the export parameter. For more
information, see “Business object fails to process” on page 80.

Connector appears to be polling but events are not being picked

The BAPI Module includes a dummy implementation of the pollForEvents()
method. The connector appears to be polling because it returns a polling message.
The BAPI Module does not support polling, so ignore these messages.

If you want to implement polling for the BAPI Module, you must use the polling
capabilities in the ABAP Extension Module. For more information, see Chapter 19,
“Overview of the ABAP Extension Module,” on page 195..

Troubleshooting for the RFC Server Module

This section describes problems that you may encounter when starting up or
running the RFC Server Module. It covers:
v “Startup problems” on page 73
v “Connector dies” on page 74
v “Event handling” on page 76

Startup problems
If the connector cannot register with the SAP application:
v Check that the SAP application is available.
v Check that you have properly set the standard and connector-specific connector
configuration properties. Specifically, check the gwService,, Hostname,,
RfcProgramId,, and Modules, properties. For more information, see Chapter 3,
“Configuring the connector,” on page 21, Appendix E, “Connector-specific
configuration properties,” on page 325, and Chapter 6, “Troubleshooting the
connector,” on page 73.

Connector dies
If your connector dies, check the following:
v Check that threads are being spawned by the RFC Server Module. Verify that
the NumberOfListeners property is set properly. For more information, see the
“NumberOfListeners” on page 331..
v Verify that the RFC program ID is set up so that the RFC Server Module
registers itself with the SAP Gateway. For more information, see the
“RfcProgramId” on page 331 and “Registering the RFC Server Module with the
SAP gateway” on page 159..

Event handling
The following subsections provide suggestions for common event handling

Chapter 6. Troubleshooting the connector 79

RFC Server Module is not invoked by subscribing business
If a subscribing business object is not being processed by the RFC Server Module,
v Check that the vision connector framework is set to call the RFC Server Module.
The “Modules” on page 330 property must be set as follows: RfcServer.
v Check that the connector subscribes to the business object.
v Check that the SAPODA-generated BAPI-specific business object handler class
file is in the \bapi\server directory. If the class file is not in this directory, then
the BAPI business object handler is not invoked to process the business object.
For more information, see “Using generated business objects and business object
handlers” on page 169..
v Check that the BAPI business object handler name in the business object verb
application-specific information is correct. For more information, see “Business
object fails to process” on page 77.
v Check that the specified verb for your BAPI-specific business object handler is
correct for the type of processing you need. Specifically, make sure that when
you generated the business object handler, you specified the appropriate verb to
match the BAPI. For more information, see “Using generated business objects
and business object handlers” on page 169..

Business object fails to process

If a business object fails to process successfully:
v Check that the BAPI you are using has a return business object. The RFC Server
Module looks in the return business object. for messages with the key e (error)
or a (abort). If the module finds one of these keys, then it notes that the event
has failed. If the BAPI does not have a return business object., make sure you
implement your own error handling.
v Use transaction SE37 to test the BAPI associated with the failed event. This
should enable you to reproduce the failure.
If this does not work, then you may have a problem in the conversion from
internal formats to external formats. Check that you are specifying values in the
correct format. For example, for dates, SAP’s internal format is YYYYMMDD
and you may be specifying the format MMDDYYYY. This causes the BAPI to
fail, because the specified format is not understood.
v Check that the application-specific information of each attribute is correct. If
these values are not correct, then the RFC Server Module does not populate the
object correctly before sending it back to the SAP application.
v Check that the I and E parameters are specified properly. The I parameter
identifies the import parameter and the E parameter identifies the export
parameter. For more information, see “Business object fails to process” on page

Troubleshooting for the ALE Module

This section describes problems that you may encounter when starting up or
running the ALE Module. It covers the following subjects:
v “Startup problems” on page 81
v “Connector is not polling events” on page 81
v “Event handling” on page 81
v “Failure recovery” on page 82
v “Request processing” on page 83

80 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Startup problems
The following subsections provide suggestions for common startup problems.

Connector cannot log on to or register with the SAP application

If the connector cannot log on to or register with the SAP application:
v Check that the SAP application is available.
v Check that you have properly set the standard and connector-specific connector
configuration properties:
– Check that the required WebSphere MQWebSphere MQ queues have been
created and that their corresponding configuration property correctly specifies
their name.
– For request processing, check the Sysnr, Client, Hostname, and Modules
– For event processing, check the gwService, Hostname, RfcProgramId, and
Modules properties.
For more information, see Chapter 3, “Configuring the connector,” on page 21,
Appendix E, “Connector-specific configuration properties,” on page 325, and
Chapter 6, “Troubleshooting the connector,” on page 73.
v Verify that the user name and password set up for the connector has the
appropriate level of privileges.

Connector is not polling events

If your connector is not polling events from the SAP application:
v Check that the verb application-specific information for the desired verb has
been modified to have the correct message type, message code, and message
v Check that the verb AleOutboundVerbs exists and has a list of valid verbs.

Connector appears to be polling but events are not being picked

v Check that the event queues (SAPALE_Event_Queue and SAPALE_Wip_Queue) have
been created correctly and that polling is being done on the event queue.
v Verify that the following are running on your system:
– WebSphere MQ
v Verify that the ALE configuration within the SAP application is correct; for more
information see, Chapter 10, “Overview of the ALE Module,” on page 115.
v Check that the connector has made at lease one poll call; doing so installs the
function modules for event processing.
v Check that a message has been written to the wip queue and has been moved to
the event queue.

Event handling
The connector logs information about successfully processed IDocs in a JMS-MQ
event message (in the queue specified in the SAPALE_Event_Queue configuration
property) to the EventState.log file. This file is located in the directory specified in
the AleEventDir configuration property.

Note: Each event message can contain multiple IDocs, each of which represents a
business object.

Chapter 6. Troubleshooting the connector 81

If the connector goes down before it processes all IDocs in the current event
message, it uses the EventState.log file during recovery to ensure that it sends
each IDoc only once to the integration broker.

Important: The connector does not create the log file automatically the first time it
processes an event. You must create this file for before you run the
connector for the first time.

The format of the log file is:

TID: OS, 1S, 2F, 3U

where <TID> is the current transaction ID being processed, and each number
represents the sequence number of all work units in the event message.

For example, if the connector has successfully processed three of the first four
IDocs in the current event message, the second IDoc failed processing, and the
connector has not yet finished processing the current event message the
EventState.log file might show:
<TID> :: OS, 1F, 2S, 3S

If the connector went down before processing the entire event message, at startup
the connector will use the information in the log file to resume processing the
events in the message at the point where it had stopped processing. The connector
reads the log to get the transaction ID of the event to be recovered, the latest work
unit, and the status of each work unit. Then the connector begins sending to the
integration broker the business objects that represent each IDoc in the event
message with a sequence number greater than the last number in the log file. In
the previous example, the connector will processing the fifth IDoc in the current
event message.

The connector keeps the contents of the log file in memory to enhance
performance. It accesses the file on disk only to update it with a new entry. The
connector reads the log file only at recovery time.

For information on how the connector uses the EventState.log file in the recovery
process, see “Failure recovery.”

Failure recovery
Note: These recovery steps do not apply if a disk failure occurs or if a disk is full.

To recover from failures during event notification, the connector:

1. The connector processes IDocs from the JMS-MQ message in the event queue
(specified in the SAPALE_Event_Queue configuration property). When it
successfully processes a IDoc, the connector logs an entry in the
EventState.log file.
v If none of the work units in the event message fails processing, the connector
moves the event message to the archive queue with an IDocProcessStatus
value of success.
v If any of the work units in the event queue message fails processing, the
connector will move the event message to the archive queue and update the
IDocProcessStatus value of partial.
2. After the connector processes all IDocs in an event message, it clears the
EventState.log file and begins writing entries to it for the next event message.

82 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
3. If the connector goes down before it processes all IDocs in an event message, it
uses the information in EventState.log to determine where to begin processing
during the recovery process. When it comes back up, the connector checks
whether there are any entries in the log file.
v If there are no entries, the connector sends all IDocs in the event message to
the integration broker.
v If there are entries, the connector will use this information to resume
processing an event message at the point where it had stopped processing.
The connector reads the log to get the name of the event message to be
recovered and the latest IDoc sequence number. Then the connector sends to
the integration broker each IDoc in the event message with a sequence
number greater than the last number in the log file. In this example, the
event message is moved to the archive queue and the IDocProcessStatus is
updated according to the status of each work unit in the EventState.log.
Using the log file prevents the connector from sending the same IDoc
multiple times to the integration broker. The connector keeps the log file in
memory to enhance performance. The connector accesses the file on disk
only to update it with a new entry, and reads the log file only at recovery

Note: If there is no IDoc in the event message whose sequence number is

greater than the last number in the log file, the connector went down
after processing the last event but before archiving the event file. In
this case, the event message is moved to the archive queue and the
IDocProcessStatus is updated according to the status of each work
unit in the EventState.log.

Recovery from business object creation errors

If the connector has created only the header portion of the message in the WIP
queue but not the data portion, this procedure will recover the data portion of the
1. Examine the SAP connector log for error messages pertaining to the business
object’s name, message type, or verb.
2. Make the appropriate corrections to the business object definition or the
connector configuration.

Note: Configuration changes may include changes to WebSphere MQ queues.

For more information, see “Prerequisites to running the ALE Module” on
page 121..
3. Restart the connector.

Request processing
If a subscribing business object is not being processed by the ALE Module, then:
v Check that the vision connector framework is set to call the ALE Module. The
Modules property must be set to ALE.
v Check that the connector subscribes to the business object.

Troubleshooting the Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module

This section describes problems that you may encounter when starting up or
running the Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module. It covers the following areas:
v “Error handling and logging” on page 84
v “SQL SELECT fails” on page 85

Chapter 6. Troubleshooting the connector 83

Error handling and logging
The connector logs an error message when it encounters a condition that causes
the retrieval to fail. When such an error occurs, the connector also prints a textual
representation of the failed business object as it was received from the integration
broker. It writes the text to the connector log file or the standard output stream,
depending on its configuration. You can use the text to find the source of the error.

Error types
Table 6 describes the types of tracing messages that the Hierarchical Dynamic
Retrieve Module outputs at each trace level. These messages are in addition to any
tracing messages output by the WebSphere business integration system’s
architecture, such as the Java connector execution wrapper and the WebSphere MQ
message interface.
Table 6. Connector tracing messages
Tracing level Tracing messages
Level 0 Message that identifies the connector version.

No other tracing is done at this level.

Level 1 Function module entry and exit messages. These messages are
written whenever the connector execution thread enters or exits from
a function. The messages help to trace the process flow of the
Level 2 Business object handler messages that contain information such as
the arrays and child business objects that the connector encounters
or retrieves during the processing of a business object
Level 3 v Foreign key processing messages that contain such information as
when the connector has found or has set a foreign key in a
business object
v Messages that provide information about business object
processing. For example, these messages are delivered when the
connector finds a match between business objects, finds a business
object in an array of child business objects, or removes child
business objects during a retrieval.
Level 4 v Application-specific information messages, for example, messages
showing the values returned by the functions that parse the
business object’s application-specific information properties
v Messages that identify when the connector enters or exits a Java
method, which helps trace the process flow of the connector
v SQL statements. At this level and above, the connector prints out
all SQL statements that it executes.
v Changes to an attribute value during a retrieve. At this level and
above, the connector prints out the name of the attribute and its
new value.
Level 5 v Messages that indicate connector initialization, for example,
messages showing the value of each configuration property
retrieved from the integration broker
v Messages that comprise a business object dump
v Messages that comprise a representation of a business object
before the connector begins processing it (displaying its state as
the connector receives it from the integration broker) and after the
connector has completed its processing (displaying its state as the
connector returns it to the integration broker)

84 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Connector message file
Error messages that the connector generates are stored in a message file named
Connector.txt. Each error has an error number followed by the error message. For

SAP Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve module unable to initialize.


SAP Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve module failed to locate...

Fails to call RFC_READ_TABLE

The SAP RFC_READ_TABLE function doesn’t handle character-based data types. The
module may fail while retrieving data if the fields use the following data types:
v INT1
v INT2
v INT4


If a SELECT statement fails, check whether any simple attribute that is marked as
key or is used as a foreign key contains a single quotation mark (’). If so, revise the
business object’s map to convert the single quotation mark (’) to two single
quotation marks (’’).

Troubleshooting SAPODA
There are two known problems you might encounter when using SAPODA:
v SAPODA runs without messages.
If the message file specified for the ODA does not exist, the ODA runs without
messages. This problem is caused during configuration of the ODA when
Business Object Designer displays a default name for the message file. The
default name follows the naming convention:
If the name of the actual message file does not follow this convention and the
default value is not overwritten with the actual value, Business Object Designer
displays an error message in the window from which the ODA was launched.
This message does not pop up in Business Object Designer.
For more information, see“Working with error and trace message files” on page
v On a Windows system, if Business Object Designer cannot find required library
files in the Path environment variable or the files are not on the system, it
displays a CORBA Exception while attempting to get the tree nodes. For
information about these files, see“Before using SAPODA” on page 44..

Chapter 6. Troubleshooting the connector 85

Getting support
This section provides information about using TechNotes when you are

Important information about this product may be available in Technical Support

Technotes and Flashes issued after this document was published. These can be
found on the WebSphere Business Integration Support Web site.

Perform the following steps to access Technotes and Flashes on the WebSphere
Business Integration Support Web site:
1. Go to
2. Select the component area of interest and browse or search the Technotes and
Flashes sections.

86 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Part 2. BAPI Module

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 87

88 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Chapter 7. Overview of the BAPI Module
This chapter introduces the SAP BAPI Module. The BAPI Module enables an
integration broker to send business objects to SAP applications.

BAPIs are SAP’s standardized Business Application Programming Interfaces that

enable third parties to interact with SAP applications. They are implemented as
RFC-enabled function modules for an SAP business object’s methods.

This chapter contains the following sections:

v “BAPI Module components” on page 89
v “How the BAPI Module works” on page 90

Note: A BAPI is an RFC-enabled function in an SAP application. In addition to

BAPIs, the BAPI Module can be used to support any RFC-enabled function.

BAPI Module components

The BAPI Module is a connector module written in Java that supports native BAPI
calls directly to an SAP application. It extends the vision connector framework by
implementing the VisionConnectorAgent and VisionBOHandler classes. The BAPI
Module uses the SAP RFC libraries written in Java and C, which enable external
programs to communicate with an SAP application.

Figure 46 illustrates the overall architecture of the BAPI Module. The BAPI Module
is made up of the connector framework, the connector’s application-specific
component for BAPI, and a single BAPI business object handler to support all
BAPI calls, as well as the SAP RFC Library. In addition to the single BAPI business
object handler provided by the BAPI Module, you can create custom business
object handlers, as described in “Using custom business object handlers” on page

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 89

Vision connector framework

Connector framework and BAPI

BAPI connector component BO handler

init() terminate() pollForEvents()


SAP RFC library

Integration broker

SAP application

SAP gateway


SAP application BAPI


Figure 46. BAPI Module architecture

The BAPI Module components:

v Open an RFC connection to the SAP application using the SAP RFC library and
the SAP Gateway.
v Handle requests from the integration broker and call BAPIs in an SAP
v Terminate connections to the SAP application.

How the BAPI Module works

The BAPI Module implements the init(), terminate(), pollForEvents(), and
doVerbFor() methods. However, the pollForEvents() method is not used because
the BAPI Module supports request operations only.

Initialization and Termination

The init() method opens an RFC connection with the SAP application through the
SAP Gateway. If the connector fails to initialize, it terminates using the
terminate() method. The connector terminates by disconnecting the connection to
the SAP Gateway.

Business object processing

A single implementation of the doVerbFor() method in the vision connector
framework’s business object handler initiates all business object requests. The

90 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
vision business object handler processes all of the business objects passed between
the BAPI Module and the integration broker. In the BAPI Module, a single BAPI
business object handler supports all BAPI calls.

Figure 47 illustrates business object processing for the BAPI Module.

Vision business object handler


BO handler


SAP RFC library

Integration broker

SAP gateway


SAP R/3 application

Figure 47. Business object processing for the BAPI Module

Once invoked by the vision business object handler, the BAPI business object
handler executes in the following manner:
1. Receives the WebSphere business object for SAP from the vision business object
2. Populates the BAPI parameters with business object data.
3. Executes a BAPI call using RFC and passes the BAPI parameters to the SAP
application. The business object handler waits for the business object data to be
4. Receives the business object data (BAPI parameters).
5. Converts the BAPI parameters back to WebSphere business object data.
6. Passes the business object to the Vision business object handler and ultimately
to the integration broker.

Note: If a BAPI Module has a Return Structure or Return Table, the connector
checks for the message types A (abort) and E (error) to determine if the
service call request processed successfully. A message type A or E indicates
that the service call request failed to process. If a BAPI does not have a
Return Structure or Return Table, you must implement your own error
handling. The error message or messages, within the structure or table, are
returned in the return status descriptor.
Chapter 7. Overview of the BAPI Module 91
Supporting BAPIs
The business object generation utility, SAPODA, generates business object
definitions that support BAPIs. SAPODA interprets the interface of a BAPI, maps
its parameters to the business object attributes, and adds the application-specific
information (ASI) for each attribute.

Note: Some BAPIs do not have single field parameters that correspond to simple
attributes in the WebSphere business object. The connector requires every
top-level business object to have a simple attribute that serves as the key
attribute. Therefore, when generating a business object and business object
handler from a BAPI without a single field parameter, SAPODA creates a
key attribute named Dummy_key in the top-level business object, marks it
as the key attribute, and adds dummy_key as the application-specific
information of this attribute. Dummy_key provides the connector with a key
attribute so that it can process the business object. However, the connector
ignores the value of the Dummy_key attribute when modifying application

Supporting BAPI transactions

The connector and SAPODA support SAP BAPI transactions (also referred to as
Logical Units of Work). A BAPI transaction consists of a set of BAPIs that are
executed in a sequence so as to complete the entire transaction. The sequence of
multiple BAPIs is invoked using the same JCo client connection.

To support BAPI transactions, SAPODA generates a top-level business object that

acts as a wrapper of a set of child business objects, each one representing a single
BAPI call in the transaction sequence. The BAPI transaction wrapper object
represents the complete transaction. Each second-level child business object
represents a structure parameter or table parameter of the method. Simple
attributes correspond to the simple parameters of the method.

The BAPI business object handler returns SUCCESS when all the BAPI calls in the
transaction process successfully. The business object handler also provides error
handling in case of failures. If a BAPI call in the transaction fails processing, the
subsequent calls in the transaction terminate and, depending on the error code,

The BAPI interface does not provide a rollback mechanism for transactions. You
can achieve rollback in one of the following ways:
v By terminating all subsequent BAPI calls, thus terminating the transaction before
COMMIT occurs. The connector terminates the transaction when an error is
detected. If there is no intrinsic COMMIT in the BAPIs that are already invoked,
no further steps are required.
v By calling another BAPI that can roll back work that has already been commited
in the case of BAPIs that have an intrinsic COMMIT.

Note that rollback needs to be handled by the business process logic.

For details about the strucutre of BAPI transaction business objects, see Chapter 9,
“Developing business objects for the BAPI Module,” on page 97.

Supporting BAPI ResultSets

The connector and SAPODA provide ResultSet support for DB2 Information
Integrator (DB2 II). SAPODA generates a ResultSet object that is a wrapper

92 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
business object. This object contains two attributes, BAPI_Query and BAPI_Result,
that represent Query BAPI and Result BAPI objects. For details about the structure
of BAPI ResultSet objects, see “Business object structure for BAPI ResultSets” on
page 100.

Chapter 7. Overview of the BAPI Module 93

94 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Chapter 8. Configuring the BAPI Module
This chapter describes how to configure the BAPI Module after you install the
connector. For information on installing the connector, see Chapter 2, “Installing
the connector,” on page 15.

This chapter contains the following sections:

v “BAPI Module directories and files” on page 95
v “BAPI Module configuration properties” on page 95

BAPI Module directories and files

The BAPI Module directory and files are contained in the \connectors\SAP\
directory. Table 7 lists the directory and file used by the BAPI Module.
Table 7. BAPI Module directory and file
Directory/filename Description
\bapi\client Directory containing the runtime files for the
connector. You can copy to this directory any custom
business object handlers you create.
CWSAP.jar Connector class file

BAPI Module configuration properties

You must configure the BAPI Module before it can start operating. To configure the
BAPI Module, set the standard and connector-specific connector configuration
properties. For more information on configuring the connector configuration
properties, see Chapter 3, “Configuring the connector,” on page 21, Appendix E,
“Connector-specific configuration properties,” on page 325, and Appendix D,
“Standard configuration properties,” on page 301..

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 95

96 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Chapter 9. Developing business objects for the BAPI Module
This chapter describes the three kinds of business objects processed by the BAPI
Module: business objects for single BAPI calls, business objects for BAPI
transactions, and BAPI ResultSet objects.

It also discusses how the business object generation utility, SAPODA, generates the
definitions. The chapter assumes you understand how the connector processes
business objects. For more information on business object processing in the BAPI
Module, see Chapter 7, “Overview of the BAPI Module,” on page 89.

This chapter contains the following sections:

v “Business object naming conventions” on page 97
v “Business object structure” on page 98
v “Supported verbs” on page 100
v “Business object attribute properties” on page 100
v “Business object application-specific information” on page 102
v “Using generated business object definitions” on page 105
v “Using custom business object handlers” on page 108

Business object development for the BAPI Module requires configuring

application-specific information at the business object level. A single business
object handler supports all BAPIs. SAPODA uses the SAP application’s native
definitions as a template when generating business object definitions for the
integration broker.

SAP supports many methods that can be mapped to the standard verbs (Create,
Update, Delete, and Retrieve) that the connector supports. You can develop
business objects and business object handlers to support any method used by

Note: SAPODA must have access to the BAPI in an SAP system to retrieve the
BAPI interface.

This chapter describes business objects that support BAPIs; however, the BAPI
Module can be used to support any RFC-enabled function.

Business object naming conventions

A BAPI interface consists of simple, structure, return and table parameters, where:
v Structure, simple, and return (importing) parameters are passed to the BAPI.
v Structure, simple, and return (exporting) parameters are passed from the BAPI.
v Table (exporting/importing) parameters are passed in either direction.

Some BAPIs may not have all of the types of parameters. For example, a BAPI
may have importing and table parameters only.

SAPODA automatically maps the BAPI structure and table parameters to child
business objects, and BAPI simple parameters to the corresponding simple
attribures on WebSphere business objects for SAP as described in Table 8..

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 97

Table 8. Naming conventions: WebSphere business objects for SAP
Business object BAPI interface
Top-level business object BOprefix_BAPIname
Child business object BOprefix_BAPIParameterName
Attribute FieldDescription

Note: The illustrations in this chapter use SAP_ or sap_ as the business object
prefix. You can specify your own meaningful prefix when you create your
business object definitions.

SAPODA guarantees that all attribute names in the business object definition are
unique. If a BAPI has multiple parameters with the same field description,
SAPODA adds a counter as the suffix to the generated attribute name.

When naming an attribute from a BAPI parameter, SAPODA prepends a string to

the attribute name when the changed attribute name:
v Begins with a digit—prepends A_
v Begins with the underscore character (_)—prepends A

Important: You can modify the attribute names at any time after you generate the
business object definition. However, when you modify an attribute
name, do not modify the application-specific information. The
connector uses this information to identify the BAPI parameter to
which the attribute corresponds. For more information on the
application-specific information, see “Attribute-level ASI” on page 103.

Business object structure

The connector supports three kinds of BAPI business objects: business objects for
single BAPI calls, business objects for BAPI transactions, and BAPI ResultSet

Business object structure for single BAPI calls

A business object for a single BAPI call reflects a method on the BAPI interface.
The business object uses the BAPI business object handler to map each business
object attribute to a BAPI parameter. The connector, each business object, and the
BAPI business object handler are metadata-driven. The application-specific
information provided in the metadata of each business object and the business
object handler allows you to add connector support for a new business object and
the business object handler without modifying connector code. Instead:
v The connector uses the verb application-specific information of the top-level
business object to instantiate the appropriate business object handler.
v The business object handler uses the verb ASI to determine the correct BAPI to

The business object handler supports both single- and multiple-cardinality

relationships between business objects.

A business object based on a BAPI can contain no more than two levels of
hierarchy. Therefore, all BAPI simple parameters correspond to attributes of the
top-level business object, and BAPI structure and table parameters correspond to
child business objects.

98 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Table 9. Correspondence between BAPIs and business objects for SAP
BAPI interface parameter WebSphere business object for SAP
Simple field Attribute of the top-level business object
Structure Single-cardinality child business object
Table Multiple-cardinality child business objects

Note: Importing and exporting parameters can be simple field or structure


Figure 48 illustrates the association between a business object and a BAPI. The
figure illustrates a fragment of the sap_bapi_salesorder_createfromdat2 business
object, which corresponds to the BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2 BAPI.

Top-level business object SAP sales order BAPI

sap_bapi_salesorder_createfromdat2 BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2

[Attribute] SALESDOCUMENT (simple field)

ORDER_HEADER_IN (structure)
Name = sap_order_header_in
Type = sap_order_header_in
Cardinality = 1 ORDER_ITEMS_IN (table)

Name = sap_order_items_in
Type = sap_order_items_in
Cardinality = n

Name = Create
AppSpecificInfo = sap.bapi.client.

Child business objects


Name = sap_order_header_in
AppSpecificInfo = IORDER_HEADER_IN:


Name = sap_order_items_in

Figure 48. Mapping between a business object and a BAPI

Business object structure for BAPI transactions

A business object representing a BAPI transaction is a wrapper object that contains
multiple BAPI objects as children. Each individual child BAPI object within the
wrapper BAPI transaction object represents the parameters of a single BAPI call.
Note that SAPODA always adds a suffix of _txn to the BAPI transaction object
names. For example, sap_BAPI_salesorder_txn.

Chapter 9. Developing business objects for the BAPI Module 99

Business object structure for BAPI ResultSets
A business object that represents a BAPI ResultSet is a wrapper object used for
ResultSet support with DB2 Information Integrator. When performing a
RetrieveByContent verb operation, the connector returns an array of multiple
result business objects that match certain selection criteria. The ResultSet wrapper
object corresponds to the array.

The wrapper business object contains two attributes of the object type: BAPI_Query
and BAPI_Result. The BAPI_Query attribute represents the Get List BAPI on the ASI
parameter. For example, bapi=BAPI_CUSTOMER_GETLIST. The BAPI_Result attribute
represents the Get Detail BAPI on the ASI parameter. Note that SAPODA always
adds a suffix of _rs to the name of the child business objects of the BAPI_Query
and BAPI_Result. For example, sap_BAPI_addressdata_rs.

For details about the attribute-level ASI of a BAPI ResultSet object, see
“Attribute-level ASI for BAPI ResultSets” on page 105.

For more information about ResultSet processing, consult the DB2 Information
Integrator documentation.

Supported verbs
The BAPI Module supports the standard verbs (Create, Update, Delete, and
Retrieve) used by the WebSphere business integration system. For each supported
verb, a BAPI can have an associated method. The verb is given meaning by the
BAPI method. In other words, a BAPI call has inherent functionality, independent
of the verb associated with it. Most BAPIs support one of the following operations:
create, retrieve, update, and delete.

Business object attribute properties

The properties of the attributes of a top-level business object differ depending on
whether the attribute represents a simple value, or a child or an array of child
business objects.
v Table 10 lists and describes the properties of simple attributes of a top-level
business object.
v Table 11 lists and describes the attributes that represent a child or array of child
business objects.

SAPODA generates the attribute properties as described in each table.

Table 10. Simple attributes properties: Top-level business object
Property name Description
Name Derived from the description or name of the BAPI parameter.
Type Specifies the type of data. SAPODA sets the value to String.
MaxLength Specifies the field length of the BAPI parameter.
IsKey Specifies whether the attribute is the key. The first simple
attribute of a business object defaults to the key attribute. For a
single BAPI object, SAPODA inserts the Dummy_key attribute as
the first attribute, marks it as the key attribute, and sets
appropriate values. For BAPI transactions and ResultSets,
SAPODA uses the first attribute as the key.
IsForeignKey SAPODA sets the value to false.
IsRequired Specifies whether an attribute must contain a value. SAPODA
sets the value to false.

100 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Table 10. Simple attributes properties: Top-level business object (continued)
Property name Description
AppSpecificInfo Contains the name of the BAPI parameter that corresponds to
the associated attribute. The format is:

For more information on the application-specific information,

see “Business object application-specific information” on page
DefaultValue Specifies the value to assign to this attribute if there is no
run-time value. SAPODA does not set a value for this property.

Table 11 lists and describes the attributes that represent a child or array of child
business objects. SAPODA generates the properties described below.
Table 11. Properties of an attribute that represents a child or children
Property name Description
Name The value is the name of the structure or table parameter. The
format is: BOprefix_BAPIParameterName. Any special
characters that exist in the business object name will be
replaced with an underscore character _.
Type The value is the type of child business object; in other words,
the type is BOprefix_BAPIParameterName.
ContainedObjectVersion SAPODA sets the value to 3.0.0.
Relationship SAPODA sets the value to containment.
IsKey For a BAPI transaction or ResultSet, SAPODA sets the value
of the first attribute to true, and the value of all other
attributes to false.
IsForeignKey SAPODA sets the value to false.
IsRequired Specifies whether an attribute must contain a value. SAPODA
sets the value to false.
AppSpecificInfo Contains the name of the BAPI parameter that corresponds to
the associated attribute. The format is:

For more information on the application-specific information,

see “Attribute-level ASI” on page 103.
Cardinality BAPI structure parameters have single cardinality (1) and
BAPI table parameters have multiple cardinality (n).

Important: Simple attributes can have two special values: CxIgnore and CxBlank.
When a business object is sent to the BAPI Module as a service call
request and the business object has simple attributes set to CxIgnore or
CxBlank, it is as if those attributes are invisible to the BAPI Module.
However, the SAP application initializes such an attribute to its ABAP
data type. The BAPI Module converts all returned blank values to

Initializing attribute values

Every field in SAP has an initial value. When the connector receives a service call
request, the business object handler populates most of the BAPI interface
parameters with the values listed in Table 12 on page 102. The one exception is the
character data type. The business object handler converts a CxIgnore in the
business object attribute to a space in the SAP field. If you want any other value to

Chapter 9. Developing business objects for the BAPI Module 101

be converted to CxIgnore, the component that creates the business object must
perform the conversion. For example, when the WebSphere Inter Change Server is
the integration broker, modify the map to handle this conversion.

Table 12 provides initial values set by the business object handler.

Table 12. Initial field values in SAP
Initial value set by business
Data type Description object handler
C Character space
N Numeric string 000...
D Date (YYYYMMDD) 00000000
T Time (HHMMSS) 000000
X Byte (hexadecimal) X00
I Integer 0
P Packed number 0
F Floating point number 0.0

Business object application-specific information

Application-specific information (ASI) in business object definitions provides the
BAPI Module with application-dependent instructions on how to process business
objects. These instructions are specified at the following levels:
v Business object-level for single BAPI call objects, BAPI transaction objects, and
ResultSet objects
v Verb-level for single BAPI call objects, BAPI transaction objects, and custom
business object handlers (CBOH).
v Attribute-level for the following:
– Simple attributes
– Attributes that represent child objects
– Attributes that represent an array of child objects (ResultSet object)

Business object-level ASI

The business object-level ASI should be set for each type of object as described in
Table 13.
Table 13. Business object-level ASI
Object type Application specific information
Objects representing single BAPI calls type=bapi
Objects representing BAPI transactions type=bapi_txn
Objects representing BAPI ResultSets type=bapi_resultset

Verb-level ASI
The verb-level ASI should be set for each type of object as described in Table 14.
Note that there is no verb ASI for BAPI ResultSet business objects.
Table 14. Verb-level ASI
Object type Verb ASI
Objects representing single BAPI calls verb ASI=NameOfBAPI
Objects representing BAPI transactions verb ASI=NameOfBAPI1;NameOfBAPI2;NameOfBAPI3
Objects representing custom business object handlers CBOH=bapi.client.customBOHandlerName

102 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Backward compatibility for objects representing single BAPI
Note that the connector supports verb ASI formats of business objects from earlier
releases, where the value of the AppSpecific property captures the classname of the
BAPI-specific business object handler (verb ASI= bapi.client.BOHandlerName,
where bapi.client is the WebSphere Business Integration qualifier of the
BAPI-specific business object handler name and BOHandlerName is the name of the
class). You must include the value client before the business object handler name
to identify that the business object handler acts as a client. Note that while the
connector supports these earlier formats, SAPODA does not automatically generate
them and therefore you must explicitly specify them by name in the verb ASI.

For example, if you are supporting the SALES_ORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2 BAPI from an

earlier release, then the application-specific information is as follows:
AppSpecificInfo = bapi.client.sales_order_createfrom dat2

Verb ASI for objects representing custom business object

For custom business object handlers, the verb ASI should be explicitly set (since it
is not generated by SAPODA) and fully qualified with the package name, where
bapi.client represents the package name.

Attribute-level ASI
The connector uses the value of an attribute’s application-specific information to
determine which importing, exporting, and table parameters to use. The value of
this property contains the prefix I (for importing parameters) or E (for exporting
parameters). The prefix indicates whether the attribute value is used to pass data
into or out from the SAP application.

Because structure parameters can be either importing or exporting, they use either
an I or an E before the parameter value. Because table parameters can pass data to
and return data from a BAPI, they can have both I and E parameter values.

Important: Always use a colon (:) separator when you specify parameter values
with I and E. If specifying only an importing value, the colon must
follow the value. If specifying only an exporting value, the colon must
precede the value. If specifying both values, the colon follows the
importing value and precedes the exporting value.

Figure 49 on page 104 illustrates the correspondence between a business object and
an example BAPI named BAPI_EXAMPLE. In the example, the simple attributes
(Attribute_1, Attribute_2, and Attribute_3) specify only an importing or exporting
parameter. The attribute that represents a child business object (Child_1)
corresponds to an exporting structure parameter. The attribute that represents an
array of child business objects (Child_2) corresponds to a table parameter.

Each child business object has a simple attribute that corresponds to a field of the
corresponding structure or table (Attribute_11 and Attribute_14, respectively). You
can find these fields by looking at the details of the BAPI.

Chapter 9. Developing business objects for the BAPI Module 103

WebSphere BAPI business object

[BusinessObjectDefinition] FUNCTION BAPI_EXAMPLE.
Name = Parent_BAPI_BO *"---------------------------------------------------
AppSpecificInfo = *"*"
[Attribute] *" IMPORTING
Name = Attribute_1 *" Field_1 ...
AppSpecificInfo = IField_1: *" Field_3 ...
Name = Attribute_2 *" Field_2 ...
AppSpecificInfo = :EField_2 *" Return ...
Name = Attribute_3 *" Table_7 ...
AppSpecificInfo = IField_3:
Name =Child_1
Type =Child_1
Cardinality = 1
AppSpecificInfo = :Ereturn

Name = Child_2
Type = Child_2
Cardinality = n
AppSpecificInfo = ITable_7:ETable_7

Child_2 (1)

Name = Child_1
AppSpecificInfo = :Ereturn

Name = Attribute_11
ASI = IField_11:EField_11


Name = Child_2
AppSpecificInfo = ITable_7:ETable_7

Name = Attribute_14
AppSpecificInfo = IField_14:EField_14

Figure 49. Correspondence between a business object and an example BAPI

Table 15 identifies the format of the application-specific information for specific

kinds of attributes.
Table 15. AppSpecificInfo format for specific kinds of attributes
AppSpecificInfo Format Attribute Type
IParameterName:EParameterName Simple
ITableName:ETableName Represents a child business object mapped to a table
IStructureName:EStructureName Represents a child business object mapped to a structure

104 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Table 15. AppSpecificInfo format for specific kinds of attributes (continued)
AppSpecificInfo Format Attribute Type
IFieldName:EFieldName Represents an attribute of a child business object mapped to a
field in a table or structure parameter

SAPODA automatically generates the appropriate application-specific information

for the business object definition. It is recommended that you do not change the
parameter names of the generated application-specific information.

Attribute-level ASI for BAPI ResultSets

As explained in “Business object structure for BAPI ResultSets” on page 100, a
BAPI ResultSet is a wrapper object that contains two attributes of the object type:
BAPI_Query and BAPI_Result. BAPI_Query represents the Get List BAPI, while
BAPI_Result represents the Get Detail BAPI. The attribute-level ASI for these two
attributes is described in Table 16.
Table 16. Attribute-level ASI for ResultSets
ResultSet attribute Application-specific information
BAPI_Query bapi=name_Of_GetListBAPI
BAPI_Result key=key_field;bapi=name_Of_GetDetailBAPI

The Key attribute of the BAPI_Result object is identified using the attribute-level
ASI key=name_Of_KeyAttribute. The business object handler uses this information
for performance optimization.

The Foreign Key attribute of the BAPI Result object captures the relationship
between BAPI_Result and BAPI_Query objects. It is identified using the attribute
level ASI FK=BAPI_Query:Name of child object of BAPI_Query that contains the
key attribute:name of key attribute.

For example, FK=Query:sap_addressdata:Customer_number. The BAPI business

object handler uses this information for setting key values from a BAPI query
object into BAPI Result object key attributes, for then retrieving Detail Result
objects for each key.

Using generated business object definitions

Use SAPODA to generate business object definitions for each RFC-enabled function
that you want to support. You can use the generated objects without any
modifications. However, you can manually edit these objects to refine the

After the objects are generated, you must add the business object definition to your
WebSphere business integration system’s runtime environment.
v Use Business Object Designer to copy the business object definition into your

Note: Alternatively, if the WebSphere InterChange Server is the integration

broker, you can use the repos_copy command to load the definition into
the repository.

Important: You can modify the name of the generated business object as well as
the name of its child business objects. To do so, you must edit the

Chapter 9. Developing business objects for the BAPI Module 105

definition as a text file rather than in Business Object Designer. If you
do change a business object’s name, ensure that you also modify all
references to the names that you change.

Note: For BAPIs and RFC-enabled ABAP functions that are developed in a
development namespace, SAPODA removes or replaces ″/″ characters in the
function name with ″_″ when naming the business object definition, .java,
and .class files. SAPODA removes the ″/″ character only when it is the first
character of the name. Although the definition name or file name does not
contain this character, the code still accurately calls the specified function
with its proper name containing the ″/″ characters. Also, when a function
name begins with a digit, SAPODA prepends the name with the string Rfm_.

Tips and tricks

This section describes the following tips and tricks for developing business objects:
v “Multiple business objects contain the same return business object” on page 106
v “Generated business object definition contains unnecessary attributes and child
business objects” on page 107
v “Generated business object names are too long or fail your naming conventions”
on page 107
v “Generated AppSpecificInfo for table parameters specify unnecessary
parameters” on page 107

Multiple business objects contain the same return business

Most BAPIs use the same name for the return object. When SAPODA generates a
business object definition, it creates a child business object to represent this return
object. If multiple business object definitions contain an identically named child
business object, you can add that child business object into the repository only
once, or copy only a single definition file into the repository directory.

To enable multiple business objects to contain the return business object, you must
modify the name of the return business object to be unique for each business

To rename the return business object, modify the definition of each business object
definition that contains it. The definition of the child business object is contained in
the same definition file as its parent.

To rename the child, do the following:

1. Open the definition file for the top-level business object in a text editor.
2. Locate the definition of the BOprefix_return child business object.
3. Change the child’s name to be unique. For example, append a number to the
text (sap_return_2).
4. Change all references in the definition to refer to the newly named child. For
example, change the value of the Type property for every attribute that
represents the child business object.
5. Save the changed definition file.
6. Use System Manager (CSM) to load the newly named child business object into
the repository.

Note: Alternatively, if InterChange Server is the integration broker, you can use
the repos_copy command to load the definition into the repository.

106 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Generated business object definition contains unnecessary
attributes and child business objects
SAPODA interprets all BAPI interface parameters and, for each one, it creates a
corresponding business object attribute or child business object. To increase
performance of business object processing, remove from the business object
definition all attributes and business objects that are not required.

Note: SAPODA facilitates graphically removing all optional attributes and child
business objects before definition generation. For more information, see
Chapter 9, “Developing business objects for the BAPI Module,” on page 97.

To increase performance of business object processing, you can also remove from
the application-specific information all importing and exporting table parameter
values that are not required.

After definition generation, you can use Business Object Designer to manually edit
the business object definition if you require other changes. However, be careful
that you remove only attributes that you absolutely will not be using.

Generated business object names are too long or fail your

naming conventions
SAPODA uses the name of the BAPI function module to generate the name of the
business object definition. You can use a text editor to modify a business object’s

Important: If you do change the name, ensure that you modify all references to
the name as well. However, do not modify the parameter names of the
generated application-specific information.

To change a generated business object’s name:

1. Save the definition to a file.
2. Use a text editor to shorten or change the name.
3. Use System Manager (CSM) to load the newly named child business object into
the repository.

Note: Alternatively, if Interchange Server is the integration broker, you can use
the repos_copy command to load the definition into the repository.

Generated AppSpecificInfo for table parameters specify

unnecessary parameters
Table parameters can be both importing and exporting parameters. If you do not
require importing or exporting of values for a table parameter, you can remove it
from the application-specific information.

For example, for a create operation, if you do not need to return the table data
from the SAP application after the create operation has completed, you can remove
the exporting parameter value (such as Etable name).

For a retrieve operation, you do not need to specify any importing table
parameters. Therefore, you can remove the importing parameter value (such as
Itable name).

Chapter 9. Developing business objects for the BAPI Module 107

Note: You must remove the unneeded value from the AppSpecificInfo of the
attribute in the parent that represents the child as well as from the
AppSpecificInfo at the business-object level of the child business object. Do
not remove the colon (:).

For example, to remove the ETable_7 exporting parameter in Figure 49 on page

104, you would do the following:
1. In the Child_2 attribute of the Top_Level_BusObj business object, change the
attribute’s AppSpecificInfo value to:
2. In the AppSpecificInfo at the business-object level of the Child_2 business
object, change the value to:
3. In the AppSpecificInfo for each attribute of the child business object, using
Attribute_14 as an example, change the value to:

Using custom business object handlers

It is recommended that you use the BAPI business object handler delivered with
the connector as a template (for details, see “Business object processing” on page
90), rather than write your own business object handler. Reasons for using custom
business object handlers include the following:
v Implementing custom error handling.
v Supporting business objects created in an earlier release, rather than regenerating
them in SAPODA of this release. For details about backward compatibility of
business objects, see “Backward compatibility for objects representing single
BAPI calls” on page 103.

Creating custom business object handlers

If you decide to create a custom business object handler, consider the following
example as a guide for how to code it. Note that SAPODA does not generate the
code for you.
package bapi.client ;

import AppSide_Connector.JavaConnectorUtil;
import CxCommon.BusinessObjectInterface;
import CxCommon.CxMsgFormat;
import CxCommon.CxStatusConstants;
import CxCommon.ReturnStatusDescriptor;

public class Bapi_customer_getlist extends BapiBOHandlerBase implements VisionBOHandlerInterface {

private static VisionConnectorAgent vca = VisionConnectorAgent.getCWSapConnManager();

private IRepository repository = getRepository();
private JCO.Function bapicommit = new JCO.Function(repository.
private int checkBapiReturn = CxStatusConstants.SUCCEED;

public Bapi_customer_getlist()

public int doVerbForVision(BusinessObjectInterface theObj, ReturnStatusDescriptor rtn)


108 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
JCO.Function function = new JCO.Function(repository.getFunctionTemplate("BAPI_CUSTOMER_GETLIST"));

//Default processing to failure

int mReturnCode = CxStatusConstants.FAIL;
JCO.Client theClient = null;

traceMessage(JavaConnectorUtil.LEVEL1, 27025, CxMsgFormat.XRD_INFO, theObj.getName(), theObj.getVerb(),
null, null);

// get defaults and check for required fields for Create and Update only
if ((theObj.getVerb().equalsIgnoreCase("Create")) || (theObj.getVerb().equalsIgnoreCase("Update")))
traceMessage(JavaConnectorUtil.LEVEL4, 27021, CxMsgFormat.XRD_INFO, theObj.getName(),
null, null, null);

// get a new connection to Sap

theClient = this.getClient();

// populate Rfc interface parameters

mReturnCode = doBusObjtoRfcData(theObj, function, function.getImportParameterList(),"I",false);
if (mReturnCode != CxStatusConstants.SUCCEED)
if (theClient != null) vca.releaseClient(theClient);
return CxStatusConstants.FAIL;

// Execute Rfc Call


try {
// After successful RfcCall: check Structure/Table RETURN for Bapi Return Codes E or A that
// indicate failure

// After successful Bapi Call: call BAPI_TRANSACTIOM_COMMIT


} catch (CwBoHandlerProcessingFailed cwpf) {

checkBapiReturn = CxStatusConstants.FAIL;
// Now create CW Business Object
mReturnCode = doRfcDatatoBusObj(theObj, function , function.getExportParameterList(), "E");
if (mReturnCode != CxStatusConstants.SUCCEED || checkBapiReturn != CxStatusConstants.SUCCEED)
if (theClient != null) vca.releaseClient(theClient);
return CxStatusConstants.FAIL;

// Clean up
if (theClient != null) vca.releaseClient(theClient);

// Finally, return success to ICS

traceMessage(JavaConnectorUtil.LEVEL1, 27034, CxMsgFormat.XRD_INFO, theObj.getName(),
null, null, null);
return CxStatusConstants.VALCHANGE;
}//end of try

catch (CxCommon.Exceptions.SetDefaultFailedException sdfe)

if (theClient != null) vca.releaseClient(theClient);
String msg = logMessage(20059, CxMsgFormat.XRD_INFO, theObj.getName(), null, null, null);
return CxStatusConstants.FAIL;
catch (CxCommon.Exceptions.BusObjSpecNameNotFoundException c)
if (theClient != null) vca.releaseClient(theClient);
String msg = logMessage(20059, CxMsgFormat.XRD_INFO, theObj.getName(), null, null, null);
return CxStatusConstants.FAIL;
catch (CwBoHandlerAppResponseTimeout art)
if (theClient != null) vca.releaseClient(theClient);
return CxStatusConstants.APPRESPONSETIMEOUT;
catch (CwBoHandlerProcessingFailed cwpf)

Chapter 9. Developing business objects for the BAPI Module 109

if (theClient != null) vca.releaseClient(theClient);
return CxStatusConstants.FAIL;
catch (Exception e)
if (theClient != null) vca.releaseClient(theClient);
return CxStatusConstants.FAIL;
catch ( OutOfMemoryError merr ){ // CR 30185
String msg = logMessage(23060, JavaConnectorUtil.XRD_ERROR,
"doVerbForVision()", merr.toString(), null, null);
return CxStatusConstants.APPRESPONSETIMEOUT;
catch ( StackOverflowError serr ){ // CR 30185
String msg = logMessage(23060, JavaConnectorUtil.XRD_ERROR,
"doVerbForVision()", serr.toString(), null, null);
return CxStatusConstants.APPRESPONSETIMEOUT;
catch (Throwable ex) {
// 23046 EXception raised in: {1} : ErrorMessage: {2}.
String msg = logMessage(23046, JavaConnectorUtil.XRD_ERROR,
"doVerbForVision()",ex.toString(), null, null);
return CxStatusConstants.FAIL;
}// end of doVerbforVision

public int callBapiCommit(JCO.Client theClient) throws

CwBoHandlerProcessingFailed, CwBoHandlerAppResponseTimeout

int mStatus = CxStatusConstants.FAIL;

try {
traceMessage(JavaConnectorUtil.LEVEL3, 27032, CxMsgFormat.XRD_INFO, null, null, null, null);
catch (JCO.Exception e)
String msg = logMessage(27019, CxMsgFormat.XRD_ERROR, null, null,
null, null);
throw new CwBoHandlerProcessingFailed(msg);
// Read Return
}// end of try
catch (Exception e)
String msg = logMessage(27019, CxMsgFormat.XRD_ERROR, null, null,
null, null);
throw new CwBoHandlerProcessingFailed(e.getMessage());

// Return Success
return CxStatusConstants.SUCCEED;

public void checkBapiRc(JCO.Function function) throws CwBoHandlerProcessingFailed


JCO.ParameterList p = function.getTableParameterList();
catch (CwBoHandlerProcessingFailed cw)
throw cw;
catch (Exception e)
JCO.ParameterList p = function.getExportParameterList();
if (p != null)
String msg = logMessage(27045, CxMsgFormat.XRD_INFO, null,null, null, null);

110 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
throw new CwBoHandlerProcessingFailed(msg);
}//end try
catch (JCO.Exception o)
String msg = logMessage(27045, CxMsgFormat.XRD_INFO, null,null, null, null);
throw new CwBoHandlerProcessingFailed(msg);

}// end of checkBapiRc

public void readBapiRc(JCO.Structure Return) throws CwBoHandlerProcessingFailed

String type = null;
String no = null;
String message = null;
traceMessage(JavaConnectorUtil.LEVEL4, 27033, CxMsgFormat.XRD_INFO, null, null, null, null);
if (Return.getString("TYPE") != null)
// Depending on RETURN ddic structure, number field is either "NUMBER" or "CODE".
no = Return.getString("NUMBER");
catch (JCO.Exception o)
no = Return.getString("CODE");
message = Return.getString("MESSAGE");
type = Return.getString("TYPE");
if ((type.equalsIgnoreCase("A")) || (type.equalsIgnoreCase("E")))
String msg = logMessage(27015, CxMsgFormat.XRD_ERROR, type, no,
message, null);
throw new CwBoHandlerProcessingFailed(msg);
traceMessage(JavaConnectorUtil.LEVEL1, 27016, CxMsgFormat.XRD_INFO,
type, no, message, null);
// If structure Return is empty, it will be assumed that processing was
traceMessage(JavaConnectorUtil.LEVEL1, 27036, CxMsgFormat.XRD_INFO, type, no, message, null);

public void readBapiRc(JCO.Table Return) throws CwBoHandlerProcessingFailed

String type = null;
String no = null;
String message = null;
String msg = null;
String errorMsg = "";
int mStatus = CxStatusConstants.SUCCEED;

traceMessage(JavaConnectorUtil.LEVEL4, 27033, CxMsgFormat.XRD_INFO, null, null, null, null);

for (int i=0; i<Return.getNumRows(); i++)
if (Return.getString("TYPE") != null)
type = Return.getString("TYPE");
// Depending on RETURN ddic structure, number field is either "NUMBER" or "CODE".
no = Return.getString("NUMBER");
catch (JCO.Exception e)
no = Return.getString("CODE");
message = Return.getString("MESSAGE");
}//end if
}//end try
catch (Exception o)
// Could not interprete Return structure ==> Failing event
msg = logMessage(27043, CxMsgFormat.XRD_ERROR, type, no,
message, null);

Chapter 9. Developing business objects for the BAPI Module 111

throw new CwBoHandlerProcessingFailed(msg);
if (type != null)
if ((type.equalsIgnoreCase("A")) || (type.equalsIgnoreCase("E")))
msg = logMessage(27015, CxMsgFormat.XRD_ERROR, type, no,
message, null);
mStatus = CxStatusConstants.FAIL;
}//end if
traceMessage(JavaConnectorUtil.LEVEL1, 27044, CxMsgFormat.XRD_INFO,
type, no, message, null);
}//end if type != null
}//end of for
if (mStatus == CxStatusConstants.FAIL)
logMessage(27046, CxMsgFormat.XRD_ERROR, msg, null, null, null);
throw new CwBoHandlerProcessingFailed(msg);
// If Return is empty, it will be assumed that processing was successful
if (Return.getNumRows() <= 0)
traceMessage(JavaConnectorUtil.LEVEL1, 27036, CxMsgFormat.XRD_INFO, type, no, message, null);
traceMessage(JavaConnectorUtil.LEVEL1, 27011, CxMsgFormat.XRD_INFO, null, null, null, null);
}//end of ReadBapiRc


The following example illustrates a script for compiling the custom BOHandler on
the Windows platform. Note that to run this script, the JDK must be installed on
your machine.
REM @echo off REM

REM init environment

call "%CROSSWORLDS%"\bin\CWODAEnv.bat

REM set classpaths

set WBIA=%CROSSWORLDS%"\lib\WBIA\4.2.0\WBIA.jar
set CWLIB=%CROSSWORLDS%"\lib\CrossWorlds.jar
set JCO_JAR="%CROSSWORLDS%"\ODA\SAP\sapjco.jar

echo classpath = %JCLASSES%

REM compile the BAPI BOHandler passed as argument

javac -verbose -classpath %JCLASSES% %1


Note: The connector provides full-backward compatibility for existing installations

that use generated (non-custom) business object handlers.

112 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Part 3. ALE Module

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 113

114 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Chapter 10. Overview of the ALE Module
This chapter describes the ALE (Application Link Enabling) Module of the
connector for ALE is part of the integration layer within SAP’s
business framework. The ALE Module enables business process integration and
asynchronous data communication between two or more SAP systems or between
SAP and external systems.

This chapter contains the following sections:

v “Overview of ALE technology” on page 115
v “ALE Module components” on page 116

Overview of ALE technology

The ALE Module is best used for objects such as batch objects, that are
asynchronous in nature. It uses push technology that requires a server listening for
events. Processes called registering and installing notify the server about what to
listen to and from whom to expect information. Registering involves using a
program identifier to give the SAP Gateway a communication point with listener
threads (servers). Function module definitions within the server interpret data that
is pushed out of SAP by providing a template for this data.

The ALE Module uses the RFC Server Module for event handling. The ALE
Module uses WebSphere MQ queues for Transaction ID (TID) and IDocs
management. The connector checks for subscriptions when processing the data
from SAP to the connector, resulting in transactions remaining in SAP until the
collaboration is started.
v The integration broker sends a WebSphere Business Integration Adapter business
object for SAP. The business object’s data represents a processing request to the
connector. The connector converts the business object to a table format
compatible with the SAP Intermediate Document (IDoc) format. The connector
uses Remote Function Calls (RFCs) to the ALE interface to pass the IDoc data to
the SAP system.
v The connector receives data representing an application event from SAP in IDoc
table format. It converts the data to a WebSphere Business Integration Adapter
business object for SAP before sending it to the integration broker. The connector
uses RFCs to the ALE Module to receive the data from the ALE interface.

Important: In releases of the connector prior to version 4.8.2, the connector used
collaborations, business objects, and maps to store Transaction IDs
(TIDs) and their status in the repository, and used the local file system
to store IDoc data. Version 4.8.2 of the connector replaces the previous
management of TIDs and IDoc data with the use of WebSphere MQ

Note: Because the ALE Module uses asynchronous communication, it cannot be

used when cross-referencing is required.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 115

ALE Module components
The ALE Module is written in Java and extends the vision connector framework.
The module consists of:
v Connector framework
v Connector’s application-specific component for ALE
v Two ALE business object handler classes (one for event processing and one for
request processing)
v SAP RFC libraries
v SAP SAP JCo connector
v Application-specific component for the RFC Server (used for event processing
The ALE Module uses the RFC Server connector component because the
similarities for event processing both support RFC calls directly from the SAP

SAP delivers the RFC libraries in Java and C. The connector is delivered and run
as a Java archive (JAR) file.

Figure 50 illustrates the architecture of the ALE Module.

Vision connector framework

RFC server Connector framework and

connector component ALE ALE connector component
Event-processing request processing
BO handler init() PollForEvent() Terminate() BO handler
init() terminate()

SAP RFC library

JMS interface queues WebSphere Business
for MQSeries Integration Broker

Listener threads SAP

SAP gateway

Function modules: Function modules:

idoc_inbound_asynchronous SAP system idoc_inbound_asynchronous
inbound_idoc_process inbound_idoc_process

Figure 50. ALE Module architecture

Event processing components

When processing events from SAP, the connector uses the components illustrated
in Figure 50 in the following ways:

116 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
v The vision connector framework starts the RFC Server connector component,
which spawns listener threads. Each listener thread uses the RFC library and the
SAP gateway to register a single handle to the SAP application.
v The listener thread processes events from the SAP application.
An event is the execution of an ABAP function that transfers data to the listener.
The event data sent by SAP may represent one or more such heterogeneous
Each event from SAP is considered a transaction. The connector uses a two-step
process with a Transaction ID (TID) to handle each event, guaranteeing
once-only delivery of data from SAP to the connector.
v WebSphere MQ queues persistently store a JMS-MQ message for each event.
Each JMS-MQ message stores the TID identifying the event, the status of the
TID, the IDoc data associated with the event, and the processing status of the
v The connector’s polling process creates WebSphere business objects from the
stored event message, and sends the business objects to the integration broker.
The connector provides support for large IDoc messages that result in large
business objects.
For more efficient processing performance, the connector breaks up a large IDoc
into smaller parts, each of which is a JMS-MQ message that translates into a
smaller business object. Each of these messages contains a MultiPartMessage
property, that identifies it with the appropriate part of the larger message. For
example, assuming the original larger IDoc is partitioned into 8 JMS-MQ
messages, then the value of the MultiPartMessage property of each part is 1 of
8, 2 of 8, and so on for each message. To associate all the message parts with
one another, the connector sets the CorrelationID header property of each
message part other than the first message to the value of the JMSMessageID
property of the first part. In turn, the CorrelationID property of the first part is
always set to the value of that property in the first JMS-MQ message that
corresponds to the original large IDoc. For details about JMS-MQ message
properties, see Table 19 on page 127.
v The business integration system tracks unprocessed events to handle their
recovery in case the integration broker or the connector goes down. When the
integration broker or the connector is restored, the connector automatically
resubmits these events.

Request processing components

When processing requests from the integration broker, the connector uses the
components illustrated in Figure 50 in the following ways:
v The ALE Module uses the SAP RFC library and the SAP Gateway to open an
RFC connection to the SAP application.
v The ALE request-processing business object handler processes requests from the
integration broker, converting them from business object format to IDoc data
based on the SAP IDoc format:
v For every request sent to the application, the ALE Module persistently stores
Transaction IDs (TIDs) in a TID queue in a JMS-MQ message. The TID
guarantees that the request is delivered once and only once. However, if the
integration broker sends an object that has the same value in the transaction ID
attribute, this object will be processed again. Once an object has been
successfully sent the expectation is that the integration broker will not send the
object again.
v The ALE Module releases the connection to the SAP application.

Chapter 10. Overview of the ALE Module 117

Listener threads
The listener threads do the following:
v Use a program identifier to register with the SAP Gateway.
v Identify to the SAP Gateway the ALE-specific RFC-enabled functions that they
support. These functions are idoc_inbound_asynchronous and
v Receive events from the ALE-specific function.
v Instantiate the event-processing ALE business object handler.

A thread listens continuously in a synchronous manner for events from the

ALE-specific functions that it supports.

Transaction IDs
SAP uses a transaction and its corresponding ID to frame an event, guaranteeing
that each piece of data is delivered once and only once from SAP. SAP sends a
Transaction ID (TID) with the event data. To manage the TIDs centrally for event
and request processing, the connector stores each TID as a JMS-MQ message on a
WebSphere MQ queue. When processing events, it also stores the associated IDoc
data as the message body. The connector stores the TID, TID status, and the IDoc’s
processing status in the message header.

ALE-specific business object handlers

Two ALE-specific business object handlers are provided, one for event processing
and one for request processing.

Event-processing business object handler

A listener thread instantiates the event-processing business object handler, which
does the following:
v Retrieves the RFC event data from SAP.
v Creates a JMS-MQ message to persistently store and manage the transaction ID
that SAP sends with the event.
v Stores the data of the one or more IDocs received from SAP in the JMS-MQ
v Returns a response to the ALE-specific function through the SAP Gateway. The
response indicates that the transaction has been completed.

Request-processing business object handler

The vision connector framework instantiates the ALE request-processing business
object handler, which checks for a value in the TransactionId attribute in the
WebSphere business object for SAP. If this value exists, it continues with the
following steps.
1. Obtains a TID either from the JMS-MQ message or from SAP.
2. Converts the business object data to the IDoc data format defined by the
desired function module interface for the RFC call into SAP.
3. Makes the RFC call to the ALE interface.
4. Updates the status of the TID for this request in the JMS-MQ message.
5. Returns a success response to the integration broker.

Structure of the business object for SAP

A WebSphere business object for SAP represents each IDoc as a parent wrapper
business object that contains two child business objects: a control record business

118 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
object and a data record business object. The control record business object
contains the metadata required by the connector to process the business object. The
data record business object contains the actual business object data to be processed
by the SAP application, and the metadata required for the connector to convert it
to an IDoc structure for the RFC call.

The connector includes a business object definition for the control record. The
definition file, sap_idoccontrol.xsd, is located in the \repository\SAP directory.

The TABNAM attribute in the control record business object indicates which SAP
function module the parent wrapper business object calls:
v A value of EDI_DC40 indicates the idoc_inbound_asynchronous function module,
which the connector uses only for SAP 4x.
v A value of EDI_DC indicates the inbound_idoc_process function module, which is
provided for backward compatibility with SAP 3x.

In addition, the following attributes must have values for SAP to properly process
the object in ALE. These values are based on your ALE configuration:
v Name_of_table_structure
v Client
v Name_of_basic_type
v Logical_message_type
v Partner_type_of_sender
v Partner_number_of_sender
v Partner_type_of_recipient
v Partner_number_of_recipient

The DOCNUM attribute in both business objects establishes the relationship between
the data record business object and the control record business object.

When processing service call requests, the ALE Module can handle multiple IDocs
in a single business object. Before it can do so, however, you must add another
multiple-IDoc wrapper business object around two or more parent wrapper
business objects. This top-level multiple IDoc wrapper business object contains an
attribute that represents an array of parent wrapper business objects. For more
information, see “Parent wrapper business object” on page 139.

The connector includes a business object generation tool, SAPODA. This tool uses
an IDoc definition text file to generate business object definitions for the ALE
Module. For more information on developing business objects for the ALE Module,
see Chapter 12, “Developing business objects for the ALE Module,” on page 135
and Chapter 5, “Generating business object definitions using SAPODA,” on page

Chapter 10. Overview of the ALE Module 119

120 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Chapter 11. Using the ALE Module
This chapter describes the configuration and use of the ALE Module. The
connector component of the adapter for should be installed before
performing the configuration tasks described in this chapter.

For more information on installing the connector, see Appendix A, “Quick Steps,”
on page 281.

This chapter contains the following sections:

v “Prerequisites to running the ALE Module”
v “ALE Module directories and files”
v “Configuring the ALE Module” on page 122
v “Checking the SAP configuration” on page 122
v “Configuring SAP to update IDoc status” on page 123

Prerequisites to running the ALE Module

To enable the connector to store the TID and IDoc data persistently during event
processing, and to store the TIDs persistently during request processing, you must
do the following:
v Verify that the following are installed and running on your system:
– WebSphere MQ (not included)
v For event processing, create the following WebSphere MQ queues, whose names
are specified by the corresponding connector-specific configuration properties:
– Archive (SAPALE_Archive_Queue property)
– Event (SAPALE_Event_Queue property)
– Work-in-Progress (WIP) (SAPALE_Wip_Queue property)
– Errors (SAPALE_Error_Queue property)
– Unsubscribed (SAPALE_UnSubscribed_Queue property)
– TID (SAPtid_Queue property)
For information about how the connector uses these queues, see “Running the
ALE Module” on page 124.
v To use the ALE Module to process large IDocs or IDoc Packets:
– Increase the Maximum Message Length of the WebSphere MQ Queue
Manager and its queues. This length defaults to 4194304 bytes
– Increase the log file size and the number of log files when you create the
Queue Manager
– If Channels are used for the WebSphere MQ Queue Manager, then increase
the Maximum Message Length of the channel
Refer to the WebSphere MQ System Administration publication for more
information on configuring the log files.

ALE Module directories and files

Table 17 on page 122 lists the directories and files used by the ALE Module.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 121

Table 17. ALE Module directories and files
Filename Events Requests Description
sap_idoccontrol.xsd Yes Yes Control record business object definition
file. Located in the \repository\SAP
EventState.log file Yes No Located in the directory specified in the
AleEventDir configuration property, the
connector logs information to this file
about successfully processed IDocs in a
JMS-MQ event message. Note: The
connector does not create the log file
automatically the first time it processes an
event. You must create this file for before
you run the connector for the first time.

Note: In this document backslashes (\) are used as the convention for directory
paths. For UNIX installations, substitute slashes (/) for backslashes (\). All
file pathnames are relative to the directory where the product is installed on
your system.

Configuring the ALE Module

Before you can use the ALE Module, you must:
v Add the module name for the ALE Module to the module’s property. The
module name is ALE.
v To enable event-processing with TID management, you must configure the
appropriate connector-specific properties.
v To cause the connector to update a standard SAP status code after the ALE
Module has retrieved an IDoc for event processing, configure the specific
properties and inbound parameters of the Partner Profile of the Logical System
in SAP to receive the ALEAUD message type. For more information and a full
listing of relevant properties, see “Configuring SAP to update IDoc status” on
page 123.
v Set the remaining required standard and connector-specific configuration
To set the connector configuration properties, use Connector Configurator (if the
connector uses WebSphere MQ Integrator as the integration broker) or
Connector Designer (if the connector uses WebSphere InterChange Server as the
integration broker). For more information on setting the connector configuration
properties, see Chapter 3, “Configuring the connector,” on page 21, Appendix E,
“Connector-specific configuration properties,” on page 325, and Appendix D,
“Standard configuration properties,” on page 301.

Important: Connector polling is required for this module to manage errors

properly when it processes application events. Therefore, do not set the
value of the connector’s PollFrequency property to key or to no. Do not
allow the SAP application to trigger events to the connector until you
have verified that the connector’s log displays the installation of the
required RFC functions.

Checking the SAP configuration

Before running the ALE Module, verify that the SAP system is properly configured
to process business objects:

122 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
v Check that the logical systems are defined and assigned for the SAP system and
external system (transaction code SALE).
v Check that the distribution model has been maintained, and that the required
message types have been added to the model (transaction code BD64).
v Check that there are partner profiles for the logical system or distribution model
(transaction code WE20).

Checking MQ configuration
Verify that message queues are properly configured.

For event processing:

v Check that the SAP application (transaction code SM59) matches the program ID
specified in the RfcProgramId configuration property. For more information on
setting up a TCP/IP port see “Registering the RFC Server Module with the SAP
gateway” on page 159..
v Check that the WIP (SAP_Wip_Queue), Event (SAP_Event_Queue), Error
(SAP_Error_Queue), Unsubscribed(SAP_Unsubscribed_Queue), and Archive queues
(SAP_Archive_Queue) are defined and running in WebSphere MQ.
For request processing, check that the request queue (SAPtid_Queue) is defined and
running in WebSphere MQ.

Configuring SAP to update IDoc status

To cause the connector to update a standard SAP status code after the ALE Module
has retrieved an IDoc for event processing:
v Set the AleUpdateStatus configuration property to true and set values for the
AleSuccessCode and AleFailureCode configuration properties.
v Configure the inbound parameters of the Partner Profile of the Logical System in
SAP to receive the ALEAUD message type.

For more information, see “Updating the IDoc status in SAP” on page 129.

Configuring SAP
Configure the inbound parameters of the partner profile of the logical system to
receive the ALEAUD message type. Set the following properties to the specified
Table 18. Configuring SAP to receive IDoc status
SAP Property Value
Basic Type ALEAUD01
Logical Message Type ALEAUD
Function module IDOC_INPUT_ALEAUD
Process Code AUD1

Setting connector-specific configuration properties

Set the following required connector-specific configuration properties to return
IDoc status:
v “AleUpdateStatus” on page 328
v “AleSuccessCode” on page 328
v “AleFailureCode” on page 329

Chapter 11. Using the ALE Module 123

Set the following required connector-specific configuration properties to process
events and requests:
v “SAPtid_MQChannel” on page 332
v “SAPtid_MQPort” on page 332
v “SAPtid_QueueManager” on page 333
v “SAPtid_QueueManagerHost” on page 333
v “SAPtid_QueueManagerLogin” on page 333
v “SAPtid_QueueManagerPassword” on page 333

You may also set the following optional connector-specific configuration properties:
v “AleSelectiveUpdate” on page 328
v “AleStatusMsgCode” on page 328
v “AleSuccessText” on page 329
v “AleFailureText” on page 329

Connecting to remote queue managers

Set the following required connector-specific configuration properties for remote
queue managers:
v “SAPtid_MQChannel” on page 332
v “SAPtid_MQPort” on page 332
v “SAPtid_QueueManager” on page 333
v “SAPtid_QueueManagerHost” on page 333
v “SAPtid_QueueManagerLogin” on page 333
v “SAPtid_QueueManagerPassword” on page 333

Running the ALE Module

When processing application events, the ALE Module receives events that the SAP
application pushes to the connector. When processing requests, the ALE Module
receives business object requests from the integration broker and sends them to the
SAP application.

Initialization and termination

When processing application events or business object requests, the connector’s
initialization process performs the following tasks:
1. Registers with the SAP Gateway the Program ID specified in the RfcProgramID
connector configuration property. For information on setting the Program ID as
a TCP/IP port see “Registering the RFC Server Module with the SAP gateway”
on page 159..
2. Opens a WebSphere MQ session to the queues configured for the connector.
3. Verifies that the required WebSphere MQ queues for event and request
processing have been created. If they have not been created, the process
terminates the connector.

Because the connector supports multi-threading, when the ALE Module processes
requests from the integration broker, it uses SAP’s Java Connector (SAP JCo)
connection pool of such handles.

Important: When you use the ALE Module to process application events,
connector polling is required to properly initialize the module (to

124 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
install the RFC functions on the server), and for it to properly manage
errors. Therefore, do not set the value of the PollFrequency property to
key or to no. Do not allow the SAP application to trigger events to the
connector until you have verified that the connector’s log displays the
installation of the required RFC functions.

Processing business objects

The ALE Module’s processing of WebSphere business objects for SAP is initiated
either through event processing or request processing.

When business object data is returned from SAP’s Java Connector (SAP JCo) API,
the ALE Module receives values for DATS and TIMS fields in the following
formats: YYYY-MM-DD (the hyphens are included) for the DATS data element, and
HH:mm:ss (the colons are included) for the TIMS data element. The capitalized HH
denotes 24-hour time, and not 12-hour time. When processing events, the ALE
Module changes these formats to fit the 8-character and 6-character maximum size
of their corresponding business object attributes. The connector shortens the length
of the value by removing the hyphens from the date data and the colons from the
time data.

Event processing
Two RFC-enabled functions in an SAP application initiate all event processing for
the ALE Module. The ALE’s business object handler for event processing supports
the functions idoc_inbound_asynchronous and inbound_idoc_process.

When processing events, this business object handler persistently stores business
objects in a WebSphere MQ queue. The connector maintains the Transaction IDs
(TIDs) associated with the RFC call to guarantee that each piece of data is
delivered once and only once.

Important: A single RFC call can send the data for one or more IDocs. Therefore, a
WebSphere MQ queue may contain a JMS-MQ message that represents
multiple IDocs, each of which represents a business object. Each RFC
call is associated with a single TID.

Processing events in the WebSphere MQ queue: Figure 51 on page 126 illustrates

how the ALE Module processes the WebSphere MQ queue.

Chapter 11. Using the ALE Module 125

JMS interface
for MQSeries
ALE MQSeries
event-processing 4 queue
BO handler
2 6

SAP RFC library 7

PollForEvents() ALE
3 data handler

Listener thread 8
1 5
SAP gateway

SAP application


Figure 51. Business object event processing

Business-object event processing for the ALE Module executes in the following
1. An RFC function pushes event data to the SAP Gateway, where a listener
thread picks up events. The thread checks the TID associated with the event to
determine whether a JMS-MQ message exists for the TID:
v If the TID has not been sent previously, the connector continues to 2.
v If the TID has been sent previously, the connector’s behavior depends on the
state of the previous transaction. If TidStatus is CREATED, the connector
removes the IDoc data from the message. If the status is ROLLBACK, the
connector changes the status to CREATED, and if IDoc data exists in the
message, the connector removes the IDoc data from the message. If the status
is EXECUTED, the connector returns control to SAP.
2. The listener thread instantiates the ALE event-processing business object
handler, which retrieves the RFC-interface data from the SAP Gateway.
3. The business object handler formats each transaction into a JMS-MQ message,
which it stores persistently in the queue specified by the SAPALE_Wip_Queue
configuration property.
Each JMS-MQ message represents a single RFC call. Each RFC call can
represent one or more business objects associated with a single TID. The
connector stores the TID in the message’s CorrelationID property, sets the
TidStatus to CREATED, and sets the IDocProcessStatus to unknown. The connector
uses the message body to store IDoc data.
For a large object, the connector breaks up the object into multiple messages so
as to enable more efficient processing. For details about how to enable this
support, see “Event processing components” on page 116 and Table 19 on page
4. After each transaction completes, the connector changes the value of TidStatus
and sends a confirmation back to SAP indicating that the transaction is
complete. After SAP receives the confirmation, it removes the TID and its
associated data from the SAP application.

126 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
If the AleUpdateStatus configuration property evaluates to true, the connector
updates the status of the IDoc in SAP. If it retrieves a packet of IDocs, it
updates the status of all IDocs in the packet. For more information, see
“Updating the IDoc status in SAP” on page 129.
5. The connector moves the JMS-MQ message from the WIP queue to the queue
specified by the SAPALE_Event_Queue configuration property.
6. The ALE Module’s polling thread picks up the event message from the Event
7. The connector instantiates an ALE data handler that will convert the data in the
message body to business objects for posting to the integration broker.
8. The connector attempts to post each business object to the integration broker. If
the integration broker is WebSphere Interchange Server, the connector first
checks if there are subscriptions for the business object. After processing all the
business objects in the message body, the message’s IDocProcessingStatus and
BOProcessingStatus are updated and the message is moved to the queue
specified by the SAPALE_Archive_Queue property. For more information on
IDocProcessingStatus see, “Creating archive messages” and on
BOProcessingStatus see, “Structure of JMS-MQ message for event and archive

The ALE Module uses FIFO (First In, First Out) to maintain the processing order
when reading the messages from the Event queue.

Important: Connector polling is required for this module to manage errors

properly when it processes application events. Therefore, do not set the
value of the connector’s PollFrequency property to key or to no. Do not
allow the SAP application to trigger events to the connector until you
have verified that the connector’s log displays the installation of the
required RFC functions.

Resubmitting events: Events that have been placed in the

SAPALE_Unsubscribed_Queue and the SAPALE_Error_Queue can be resubmitted
using a command line utility (BIA_AleEventUtil.bat for Windows, and for Unix) located in the following directory:
ProductDir/connectors/SAP/utilities/ALEEventUtil/, where ProductDir represents
the directory where the connector is installed. For more information, see “ALE
Module Queue Management utility for event processing” on page 130.

Structure of JMS-MQ message for event and archive processing: Table 19

describes the structure of the message that the connector sends to the Event and
Archive queues.
Table 19. Structure of JMS-MQ message for event and archive processing
JMS Message Header
Property Description
CorrelationId The connector sets the value of this property from the
Transaction ID (TID) sent by SAP.

When breaking up a large IDoc into smaller message parts,

this property identifies to which larger message the part
pertains. The connector sets this value to the JMSMessageID of
the first part in the set. Note that the CorrelationID of the
first part is always that of the first JMS-MQ message
associated with the large IDoc. For details about breaking up
an IDoc into smaller message parts, see “Event processing
components” on page 116.

Chapter 11. Using the ALE Module 127

Table 19. Structure of JMS-MQ message for event and archive processing (continued)
JMS Message Header
Property Description
JMSMessageID The unique ID of the message. When breaking up a large
IDoc into smaller message parts, the connector sets the value
of this property for all parts other than the first one to the
JMSMessageID of the first part. For details about breaking up
an IDoc into smaller message parts, see “Event processing
components” on page 116.
MutliPartMessage When breaking up a large IDoc into smaller message parts,
the connector uses this property to identify the message with
the appropriate part of the larger message. For example,
assuming the original larger IDoc message is partitioned into
8 JMS-MQ messages, then the value of the MultiPartMessage
property of each part is 1 of 8, 2 of 8, and so on for each
message. For details about breaking up an IDoc into smaller
message parts, see “Event processing components” on page
TidStatus Maintains the status of the TID.
IDocProcessStatus Maintains the status of the IDoc object during event
BOProcessingStatus Maintains the status of all IDocs in the message using the
format, <CID> :: <IDoc sequence number><Status symbol>.
Possible status symbols are S for Success, F for fail and U for
unsubscribed. For example “<CID> :: 0S, 1F, 2U“means the
first IDoc was successful, second failed, and third was
unsubscribed for CorrelationId = <CID>.

Table 20 describes the possible values for the IDocProcessStatus property after an
event is moved to the Archive queue.
Table 20. Archive queue values for the IDocProcessStatus message property
property value Event status Description
success Success All business objects in the message have been
posted with no errors.
partial Partial success One or more but not all business objects in the
message have been posted with an error. If the
integration broker is WebSphere Interchange
Server, one or more but not all business objects
in the message have been posted with an error
or are unsubscribed.
unsubscribed Unsubscribed If the integration broker is WebSphere
Interchange Server, all business objects in the
message are unsubscribed.
fail Fail All business objects in the message have been
posted with an error.

Creating archive messages: When the message is moved from the Event queue to
the Archive queue, the IDocProcessingStatus and BOProcessingStatus are updated.
The message body remains unchanged.

For example, assume the connector processes an event message with four IDocs,
each of which it transforms or attempts to transform into a business object, with
the results illustrated in Table 21:

128 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Table 21. Archive message creation
Status of IDoc or business object Resulting archive message
Successfully transforms the first IDoc, and The IDocProcessStatus is updated to success
posts the business object to the integration and the BOProcessingStatus is <CID> :: 0S
Fails to transform the second IDoc into a The IDocProcessStatus is updated to partial
business object and the BOProcessingStatus is <CID> :: 0S,
Successfully transforms the third IDoc, and The IDocProcessStatus is set to partial and
posts the business object to the integration the BOProcessingStatus is <CID> :: 0S, 1F,
broker 2S
Successfully transforms the fourth IDoc, but v The IDocProcessStatus is set to partial and
the business object created is not subscribed the BOProcessingStatus is <CID> :: 0S,
in the integration broker 1F, 2S, 3U
v After processing the last IDoc, moves the
message from the Event queue to the
Archive queue and gives it
IDocProcessStatus of partial and
BOProcessingStatus of <CID> :: 0S, 1F,
2S, 3U

Updating the IDoc status in SAP: To cause the connector to update a standard
SAP status code after the ALE Module has retrieved an IDoc for event processing,
you must:
v Set the AleUpdateStatus configuration property to true and set the value of the
AleSuccessCode and AleFailureCode configuration properties.
v Configure the inbound parameters of the Partner Profile of the Logical System in
SAP to receive the ALEAUD message type.

If AleUpdateStatus evaluates to true, the connector sends the ALEAUD IDoc to SAP
with status code information and descriptive text. The ALEAUD IDoc calls the
IDOC_INPUT_ALEAUD function module. The connector supports sending the following
status codes to this function module:
v IDoc has been completely posted in the business integration system.
The AleSuccessCode connector-specific configuration property can have a value
of 52 or 53. SAP converts this value to 41.
v IDoc cannot be processed in the business integration system.
The AleFailureCode connector-specific configuration property can have a value
of 68. SAP converts this value to 40.

In both of the cases above, the business integration system does not send further
status codes that would indicate further processing.

For information on setting the connector-specific configuration properties that are

required to return IDoc status, see:
v “AleUpdateStatus” on page 328
v “AleSuccessCode” on page 328
v “AleFailureCode” on page 329

For information on setting the connector-specific configuration properties that are

optional to return IDoc status, see:
v “AleSelectiveUpdate” on page 328

Chapter 11. Using the ALE Module 129

v “AleStatusMsgCode” on page 328
v “AleSuccessText” on page 329
v “AleFailureText” on page 329

ALE Module Queue Management utility for event processing

Use this command-line utility for maintenance of MQ queues used by the
WebSphere Business Integration adapter for’s (v. 5.3.2) ALE Module.
The utility resubmits event messages, dumps event messages to a file system for
viewing, and archives messages to a file system.

An IDoc is processed in a unit of work called a transaction. An SAP transaction

containing more than one IDoc is called a transaction packet. The adapter
processes transactions and transaction packets by using an MQ message to hold
the IDoc or IDocs. The adapter converts the IDoc into its corresponding business
object. The ALE Module handles processing of IDocs in a two-step process: SAP to
the adapter, then the adapter to the broker. Exceptions are handled differently for
each step.

For more information about MQ messages, see the WebSphere Business Integration

Processing IDocs from SAP to the adapter: If the adapter detects unsubscribed or
unsupported business objects or raises any exceptions during IDoc transmission,
the adapter will fail the SAP transaction. Failed transactions can be viewed and
resubmitted from SAP transaction SM58. Before resubmitting the transaction,
address the exception:
v Unsupported: add agent support for the business object.
v Unsubscribed: restart the collaboration for the business object.
v Other exceptions: view the adapter logs to determine the exception and make
the necessary correction.
Once this step executes successfully, the transaction with SAP is complete.

Important: To prevent duplicate event delivery, do not resubmit a corrected IDoc

transaction or individual IDoc within a transaction packet.

Processing IDocs from the adapter to the broker: If an MQ message contains a

single business object and is unsubscribed, the MQ message will be moved to the
unsubscribed queue. Each unsubscribed business object within a transaction packet
will persist as its own MQ message on the unsubscribed queue. The original MQ
message remains intact and contains the processing status of the individual IDocs.
Once the transaction packet for the MQ message is completely processed, it is
moved to the archive queue.

Before resubmitting the transaction, address the exception:

v Unsubscribed: restart the collaboration for the business object.
v Other exceptions: view the adapter logs to determine the exception and make
the necessary correction.
After you complete the correction, use the command utility AleEventUtil to move
the MQ message back to the event queue, resubmitting the event.

When an IDoc contains malformed data or contains ’nodata’, the IDoc is moved to
the Error Queue as its own message.

130 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Installing and configuring the ALE Module Queue utility: The ALE Module
Queue utility is packaged with the SAP adapter. When installed, it has the
following directory structure:




Modify the start script file, BIA_AleEventUtil.bat, to capture the following

parameters. To access local queue managers, you need only configure

Variable Description Comments

MQQueueManager Name of the Queue Manager Required parameter.
MQChannel Server connection channel Required for accessing
name remote queue manager.
MQPort Port on which the channel is Required for accessing
listening remote queue manager.
MQHost Host name or IP address on Required for accessing
which the Queue Manager is remote queue manager.
MQUser Valid username on MQHost Required for accessing
remote queue manager.
MQPassword User password Required for accessing
remote queue manager.
Value not encrypted.

Running the MQ management utility: After installing and configuring the utility,
navigate to the directory where the ALE Module Queue Management Utility is
installed. Valid commands for the utility are:

-c <choice> (valid options are [move, archive, dump, replicate])

-i <inputq>

-o <outputq>

-f <outputfile>

-d <date>

-u <unique message ID>

-n <replication count>

Note: When there is an existing file with the same name, the archive command
will raise an exception but the dump command will overwrite the file.

To dump the contents of a message to a file, from a command prompt change to

the directory where the utility is installed and run the following command:

BIA_AleEventUtil -cdump -i<QueueName> -f<OutputFileName>

Chapter 11. Using the ALE Module 131

To move messages from one queue to another, run the following command. This
command will move all the messages in the queue:

BIA_AleEventUtil -cmove -i<FromQueue> -o<ToQueue>

To move a single message, use the additional parameter of MessageIdByte

corresponding to the message ID of the desired message:

BIA_AleEventUtil -cmove -i<FromQueue> -o<ToQueue> -u<MessageIdByte>

To move all the messages equal to or earlier than a specified date, add the Date

BIA_AleEventUtil -cmove -i<FromQueue> -o<ToQueue> -d<date(YYYYMMDD)>

To archive messages from a queue to a file, removing all messages equal to or

earlier than a specified date, use this command:

BIA_AleEventUtil -carchive -i<QueueName> -f<ArchiveFileName>


Request processing
The vision connector framework uses the value of the verb AppSpecificInfo
property of the top-level business object to instantiate the ALE request-processing
business object handler. The doVerbFor() method in the request-processing
business object handler initiates all business object requests.

The business object handler converts the business object data into two tables that
represent the IDoc format and its metadata component, the control record. Once
the data is in IDoc format, the business object handler makes an RFC call to the
appropriate SAP function module: either idoc_inbound_asynchronous or
inbound_idoc_process. Because ALE is asynchronous, the connector does not wait
for a return response.

Important: By default, parent wrapper business objects generated by SAPODA

contain a TransactionId attribute. A value in this attribute causes the
connector to manage TIDs when processing service call requests. If you
do not want TID management for request processing, do not set a
value for this attribute. For more information, see “Parent wrapper
business object” on page 139.

Note: The value of the TransactionId attribute must be a unique identifier. The
value is not the equivalent of a TID in the SAP application. These values are
stored in a table within the JMS_MQ message in the queue specified by the
SAPtid_Queue configuration property.

If the TransactionId attribute does not have a value, the ALE Module sends the
request directly to SAP. If the TransactionId attribute has a value, the ALE Module
does the following:
1. The connector checks whether the JMS-MQ message in the queue specified by
the SAPtid_Queue configuration property has this value.
v If the value of the business object’s TransactionId attribute, ObjectID, does
not exist in the table of the JMS_MQ message, a new entry is created in the
table. ObjectID becomes the key to the table entry. Then the connector
retrieves a new TID from SAP and that TID is assigned to this ObjectID. The
connector also sets the TidStatus for this ObjectID to CREATED
132 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
v If ObjectID does exist in the table, the connector’s behavior depends upon
the TidStatus for this OjbectID. If TidStatus is CREATED, the connector
continues to 2. If TidStatus is ROLLBACK, the connector changes the value to
CREATED, and continues to 2. If TidStatus is EXECUTED, the key is removed and
2. The connector converts the business object to RFC tables and makes an RFC
call to SAP.
v If the call posts successfully, the connector updates the key’s TidStatus to
v If the call fails to post to SAP or raises an exception, the connector updates
the key’s TidStatus to ROLLBACK.
3. After SAP acknowledges receipt of the RFC call, the connector removes the key
from the table, archives the key, and returns a success status to the integration

Archiving: After successfully processing a service call request, the corresponding

entry in the table of the JMS-MQ message in the SAPtid_Queue is removed and
archived to a directory. A file is created in the \ale\request subdirectory for
WINNT or /ale/request for Unix systems. The ale subdirectory is located in the
directory where the adapter is started. The entry that has been removed from the
table will be used to create the new file. The file name will have the following
format: <ObjectID>_<TID><timestamp>.executed where ObjectID is the value from
the TransactionId attribute, TID is the transaction ID from SAP, and timestamp is
the time stamp of when the file was created.

The adapter itself manages the deletion of these archive files using the connector
configuration property ArchiveDays. The value in the connector configuration
property, ArchiveDays, determines the amount of days these archived files will
persist in the ale\request sub-directory. Any files older than the number of days
specified in ArchiveDays will be deleted. If this property is not configured, the
default value for ArchiveDays is seven days. These archive files can also managed
manually by deleting the files yourself.

Resubmitting failed requests: For all failed requests indicated by the integration
broker, check whether an archive file has been created for the request. If the
archive file exists for the Object ID in the request then do not resubmit the request
from the integration broker. Resubmit the request if there is no archive file for that
ObjectID. Ensure the ArchiveDays connector configuration property is set to a
value that will allow for verification of resubmitted requests.

Columns in the table of the JMS WebSphere MQ message for request

processing: Table 22 describes the columns of the JMS-WebSphere MQ message
that the connector gets from the SAPtid_Queue:
Table 22. Columns of JMS-MQ message for request processing
Column name Description
ObjectID The value that is in the TransactionID attribute of the
requested business object. This value is used as the key for
the table
TID The transaction ID obtained from SAP
TidStatus Status of the transaction

Supporting multiple message types for request processing: For request

processing, the same SAP connector instance can handle multiple message types

Chapter 11. Using the ALE Module 133

that refer to the same IDoc type. Whereas event processing sometimes requires a
different business object definition for each message type, request processing lets
you use the same business object definition for multiple message types.

You set the appropriate message type (MESTYP) in the control record object.
Furthermore, the verb has no effect on the message type, thus you can use the
same business object type for different verbs of different message types.

Supporting multiple message types for event processing: For event processing,
you can use the following mechanisms:
v Using the same business object to represent an IDoc type, the verb ASI metadata
is configured with different combinations of MsgType / MsgCode / MsgFunction.
The combination of values specified for each verb should be different. For
example, configure the ASI as follows for the different verbs:
Verb=Create VerbASI : MsgType=ORDERS; MsgCode=MC01;MsgFunction=MF01
Verb=Update VerbASI : MsgType=ORDERS;MsgCode=MC02;MsgFunction=MF02
Verb=Delete VerbASI : MsgType=ORDERS;MsgCode=MC03;MsgFunction=MF03
Note that two different verbs cannot use the same combination of
MsgType/MsgCode/MsgFunction values.
Or, you can have a different message type for each verb:
Verb=Create VerbASI : MsgType=ORDERS;MsgCode=;MsgFunction=
Verb=Update VerbASI : MsgType=ORDCHG;MsgCode=;MsgFunction=
Verb=Delete VerbASI : MsgType=;MsgCode=;MsgFunction=
v If you need to use the same business object and verb combination for different
message types, create copies of the same IDoc type business object with different
names. For example, the business objects sap_orders_05_ORDERS and
sap_orders_05_QUOTES both refer to the same IDoc type definition and are copies
of the same business object. The ASI for each object is configured as follows:
Verb ASI for sap_orders_05_ORDERS
Verb=Create VerbASI : MsgType=ORDERS;MsgCode=;MsgFunction=
Verb ASI for sap_orders_05_QUOTES
Verb=Create VerbASI : MsgType=QUOTES;MsgCode=;MsgFunction=

134 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Chapter 12. Developing business objects for the ALE Module
This chapter describes the business objects required for the ALE Module of the
adapter for It also discusses how the business object generation utility,
SAPODA, generates the definitions. The chapter assumes you are familiar with
how the connector processes business objects. For more information on the ALE
Module, see Chapter 10, “Overview of the ALE Module,” on page 115.

Use SAPODA to generate business object definitions for this module. SAPODA
uses the SAP application’s native IDoc (Intermediate Document) definitions as
templates for business object definitions for the ALE Module. After creating the
definitions, you can use Business Object Designer or a text editor to modify them.
You can use SAPODA to generate business object definitions for the ALE Module
based upon an IDoc:
v Extracted to a file
v Defined in the SAP system

IDocs must adhere to a specific format for SAP to process them correctly.
Therefore, when you develop a business object definition for the ALE Module,
ensure that the definition follows the IDoc Structure as defined in SAP.

For information on using SAPODA, see Chapter 5, “Generating business object

definitions using SAPODA,” on page 43.

This chapter contains the following sections:

v “Creating the IDoc definition file”
v “Business object structure” on page 136
v “Supported verbs” on page 145
v “Processing multiple IDocs with a wrapper business object” on page 147

Creating the IDoc definition file

Before using SAPODA to generate a business object definition from an IDoc
definition file, you must create the IDoc definition file for each IDoc you want to
support. SAPODA uses this file as input. Use transaction WE63 in SAP to create the
IDoc definition file. If you use SAPODA to generate the definition from an IDoc
defined in the SAP system, you do not need to create this IDoc definition file.

Important: You must log on to the SAP system in English to generate business
object definitions from IDoc files. Because SAPODA uses a text field in
the IDoc’s definition to generate attribute names, and because attribute
names must be in English, it is important that you generate definitions
from English-language files.

Creating the IDoc definition file for V.4.6

To create the IDoc definition file for V.4.6:
1. In SAP, select transaction WE63 by entering /oWE63.
2. Deselect the IDoc record types check box.
3. Select the Basic type field check box.
4. In the Basic type field, enter the basic IDoc type.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 135

5. Select the Output From Segment Fields checkbox.
6. Click the Execute icon at the top of the screen. The IDoc definition is displayed
on the screen.
7. Save the definition to a local directory:
a. Select List > Download
b. Click the file type you want to save the definition as.
c. Click the Continue check mark.
d. Enter the pathname of the file you are saving.
e. Click Transfer.

Note: If the business object is based upon IDoc extensions, use the Extended Basic
Types grouping.

Creating the IDoc definition file for V.4.7

To create the IDoc definition file for V.4.7:
1. In SAP, select transaction WE63 by entering /oWE63.
2. Select the Basic type radio button.
3. In the Basic type field, enter the basic IDoc type.
4. Select the Output From Segment Fields checkbox.
5. Select Documentation > Parser (F9).
6. Select System > List > Save > Local File to save the definition to a local

Business object structure

The WebSphere business object for SAP for the ALE Module is made up of a
top-level parent wrapper object and two child objects: the control record object and
the data record object. This section describes the following:
v “Illustration of business object structure”
v “Business object naming conventions” on page 137
v “Parent wrapper business object” on page 139
v “Control record business object” on page 140
v “Data record business object” on page 141

Illustration of business object structure

Figure 52 illustrates the structure of a WebSphere business object for the ALE

136 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Parent wrapper business object


Name = sap_alereq01
Version = 1.1.0
AppSpecificInfo = ALEREQ01

Name = Dummy_Key
IsKey = true

Name = TransactionId

Name = Control_record
Type = sap_idoccontrol
Cardinality = 1

Name = Data_record
Type = sap_alereq01_cwdata
Cardinality = 1

Name = Create
AppSpecificInfo = sap.sapalemodule.VSapALEBOHandler,
Name = AleOutboundVerbs
AppSpecificInfo = Create, Update

Child business objects


Name = Name_of_table_structure
AppSpecificInfo = TABNAM

Name = IDoc_number sap_alereq01_e2aler1001

AppSpecificInfo = DOCNUM
Name = Logical_message_type
MaxLength = 6
AppSpecificInfo = 0+MESTYP
Name = Message_type
Name = sap_alereq01_e2aler1001 MaxLength = 30
Type = sap_alereq01_e2aler1001 AppSpecificInfo = o = 6+MESTYP40
Cardinality = 1 ...

Figure 52. Relationship of WebSphere business objects for SAP and an IDoc

Business object naming conventions

This section describes the following:
v “Standard naming conventions” on page 138
v “Naming conventions for IDoc extensions” on page 139

Chapter 12. Developing business objects for the ALE Module 137
Standard naming conventions
The ALE Module requires its business objects to follow the naming conventions
described in Table 23. SAPODA, which generates all but the control record business
object, derives the business object and attribute names from the IDoc definition in
accordance with these conventions.
Table 23. IBM WebSphere SAP business object naming conventions
IBM WebSphere business object
or attribute Name Type
Parent wrapper business object BOprefix_BasicIDocType n/a
Note: The illustrations in this chapter
use SAP_ or sap_ as the business
object prefix. You can specify your
own meaningful prefix when you
create your business object
Control Record business object Control_record sap_idoccontrol
Data Record business object Data_record BOprefix_BasicIDocType_cwdata
Data Record child business object BOprefix_BasicIDocType_ BOprefix_BasicIDocType_
IDocSegmentName IDocSegmentName
Data Record attribute IDocFieldName or IDoc Field When generating the BOs, the user has
Description the choice to either choose IDoc segment
field names or field descriptions as the
BO attribute names.

Component names in the WebSphere business integration system support only

alphanumeric characters and the underscore character (_). Therefore, when naming
components in a generated business object definition, SAPODA replaces special
characters in the IDoc segment field descriptions or field names with underscore
characters. For example, SAPODA changes the spaces, parentheses, and periods in
the following SAP description to underscores in the corresponding attribute name:
Partner function (e.g. sold-to party, ship-to party)

SAPODA represents the above description in the generated business object

definition as:

SAPODA guarantees that all attribute names in the business object definition are
unique. If an IDoc has multiple fields with the same field descriptions, then
SAPODA adds a counter suffix to the generated attribute name.

When naming an attribute, SAPODA prepends a string to the attribute name when
the changed attribute name:
v Begins with a digit—prepends A_
v Begins with the underscore character (_)—prepends A

Important: You can modify attribute names at any time after you generate the
business object. However, when you modify an attribute name, do not
modify its application-specific information. The connector uses this text
to identify the IDoc field to which the business object attribute
corresponds. For more information, see “Application-specific
information: Data record business object” on page 143.

138 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Naming conventions for IDoc extensions
When SAPODA generates a business object definition based on an IDoc extension,
it uses slightly different naming conventions than those described in “Business
object naming conventions” on page 137. In this case, it includes the extension
name as described in Table 24.
Table 24. Naming Conventions for Idoc extensions
IBM WebSphere business
object or attribute Name Type
Parent wrapper business BOprefix_BasicIDocType_ExtensionName n/a
Control Record business Control_record sap_idoccontrol
Data Record business Data_record BOprefix_BasicIDocType_cwdata
Data Record child business BOprefix_BasicIDocType_ BOprefix_BasicIDocType_
object ExtensionName_IDocSegmentName ExtensionName_IDocSegmentName
Data Record attribute IDocFieldText or IDocFieldName String

For the syntax of AppSpecificInfo property that specifies the extension, see “Parent
wrapper business object.”

Important: When InterChange System is the integration broker, be careful when

you load a business object definition for an IDoc extension into the
repository. You might encounter conflicts if a business object definition
for the basic IDoc Type already exists in the repository and its name
matches the basic IDoc Type plus extension. You must manually
resolve these conflicts.

Parent wrapper business object

The name of the parent wrapper business object is the basic IDoc type prefixed by
a user-defined prefix followed by an underscore (_), for example sap_. The parent
wrapper business object contains four attributes: Dummy_key, Control_record,
Data_record, and TransactionId.

The IDoc top-level object Dummy_key attribute is used to map key fields from the
Control and Data records to the Dummy_key in the top-level object. The connector
handles Dummy_key mapping in the following manner:
1. The attribute level ASI for the Dummy_key attribute is configured as the path of
the attribute from which the value is set. In other words, the attribute level ASI
is set to the path within the business object tree of the attribute that is being
mapped to the top-level object. The delimiter for value pairs is ; (semicolon).
The delimiter for the path to the key attribute from the child is : (colon). The
absolute path should be specified for the foreign key (FK).
For example,
2. If the connector detects multi-cardinality objects in this path, it uses the first
child instance from this container. This is true for all the multi-cardinality
objects wherever they occur in the business object tree.
3. If the ASI is incorrect or if the mapped attribute value is empty, the connector
fails the event and places it in the SAPALE_Error_Queue. This is also the case

Chapter 12. Developing business objects for the ALE Module 139
when the ASI is configured to set the object type value as the Dummy_key.
Note that the Dummy_key attribute can only hold values from simple type

The Control_record and Data_record attributes represent single-cardinality child

business objects.

The type of the Control_record attribute is sap_idoccontrol. This business object

definition is provided with the ALE Module.

The type of the Data_record attribute is BOprefix_BasicIDocType_cwdata. This

business object definition contains one or more child business objects, depending
on the IDoc segment definition of a basic IDoc type from the SAP application.

The value in the TransactionId attribute determines whether the connector

manages TIDs when processing service call requests. If you do not want TID
management for request processing, do not set the value for the TransactionID

The application-specific information of the parent wrapper business object

v The type of IDoc to be created
v The IDoc extension—Set only if the business object is generated from a
customization of a basic IDoc type. For more information on generating the IDoc
definition file, see “Before using SAPODA” on page 44.
v ALE Communication Partner information—Set only if your data requires more
than one Partner type, Partner number, or Partner function.

The AppSpecificInfo property of the parent wrapper object has the following
BasicIDocType [,Ext=ExtensionName
[,Pn=PartnerNumberOfRecipient [,Pt=

Explanation of syntax
Specifies the basic IDoc type
Ext Specifies the extension type
Pn Specifies the Partner number of the recipient
Pt Specifies the Partner type of the recipient
Pf Specifies the Partner function of the recipient

AppSpecificInfo = ALEREQ01,Pn=ALESYS2,Pt=LS,Pf=EL

Control record business object

The ALE Module uses a generic control record business object definition for all
IDocs. It contains a superset of attributes that are present in the 3.x version (SAP
structure EDI_DC) and the 4.x version (SAP structure EDI_DC40) of the control
record. The control record business object definition is provided with the ALE

140 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Module, and must be loaded into the business object repository. Use Business
Object Designer to load the business object into the repository.

Note: Alternatively, if the IBM WebSphere InterChange Server is the integration

broker, you can use the repos_copy command.

Table 25 lists the simple attribute properties of the control record business object.
Table 25. Properties of simple attributes in the control record business object
Property name Description
Name The value of the Name property is the modified value of the
TEXT field in the IDoc definition. SAPODA replaces special
characters (such as periods, slashes, and spaces) with
underscores so that the name contains only alphanumeric
characters and the underscore character (_), as described in
“Business object naming conventions” on page 137
Type Specifies the type of data. SAPODA sets the value to String.
MaxLength SAPODA derives the value of MaxLength from the LENGTH
field in the IDoc definition.
IsKey SAPODA sets this property to true on the first attribute of a
business object.
IsForeignKey SAPODA sets the value to false.
IsRequired The IsRequired property specifies whether an attribute must
contain a value. SAPODA set this property to true only on
the Name_of_table_structure attribute in the control record
AppSpecificInfo SAPODA derives the value from the NAME field in the IDoc
DefaultValue Specifies the value to assign to this attribute if there is no
run-time value. SAPODA does not set a value for this

Important: When an attribute’s value is set to either CxIgnore or CxBlank in the

control record business object, the connector sets the value to a blank
space for the IDoc control record.

Data record business object

An IDoc definition file has information about the structure of the IDoc, the IDoc
segment hierarchy, and the fields that make up the segments. SAPODA uses the
IDoc as input to generate the data record business object and its child business
objects. The number of children depends on the IDoc segment definition of the
basic IDoc type from the SAP application.

The top level of the data record business object corresponds to the basic IDoc type.
This top-level business object contains an attribute that represents a child business
object or an array of child business objects (one for each IDoc segment). The
structure and hierarchy of the child business objects match that of the IDoc
segments in the basic IDoc type.

Generating an IDoc from the system using SAPODA creates the data record object
and its child business objects by making calls into the SAP system itself. Fields
from an IDoc definition file are used in this section to help illustrate how different
properties of a business object are set. Generating an IDoc from the system uses
corresponding fields from the calls made into the SAP system.

Chapter 12. Developing business objects for the ALE Module 141
This section describes:
v “Attributes: Data record business object”
v “Application-specific information: Data record business object” on page 143
v “Illustration of the relationship between business object and IDoc” on page 144

Attributes: Data record business object

Table 26 describes the properties of each simple attribute in the data record
business object. SAPODA generates the properties described below.
Table 26. Simple attributes: data record business object
Property name Description
Name The value of the Name property is the modified value of the
NAME or TEXT field in the IDoc definition. SAPODA replaces
special characters (such as periods, slashes, and spaces) with
underscores so that the name contains only alphanumeric
characters and the underscore character (_), as described in
“Business object naming conventions” on page 137.
Type Specifies the type of data. SAPODA sets the value to String.
MaxLength SAPODA derives the value of MaxLength from the LENGTH
field in the IDoc definition.
IsKey SAPODA sets this property to true on the first attribute in
each business object. For every other attribute, SAPODA sets
the value to false.
IsForeignKey SAPODA sets the value to false.
IsRequired Specifies whether an attribute must contain a value. SAPODA
sets the value to false.
AppSpecificInfo SAPODA sets the value of the AppSpecificInfo property to
the value of the Name field in the IDoc definition prepended
by the offset value and the + character; for example, for a
segment field named SIGN with an offset of 40, it sets the
following value for AppSpecificInfo: 40+SIGNFor more
information, see “Application-specific information: Data
record business object” on page 143.
DefaultValue Specifies the value to assign to this attribute if there is no
run-time value. SAPODA does not set a value for this

Important: Simple attributes in the data record business object can have two
special values: CxIgnore and CxBlank. Simple attributes set to CxIgnore
or CxBlank are represented by blank spaces in the segment data string.
SAP processes these attributes by placing one space character in the
application field.

Table 27 describes the properties of each attribute in the data record business object
that represents a child or array of child business objects. SAPODA generates the
properties described below.
Table 27. Attributes that represent child business objects
Property name Description
Name SAPODA sets the value to
BOprefix_BasicIDocTypeIdocSegmentName; for example,
Type SAPODA sets the value to:
ContainedObjectVersion SAPODA sets the value to 1.0.0.

142 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Table 27. Attributes that represent child business objects (continued)
Property name Description
Relationship SAPODA sets the value to containment.
IsKey SAPODA sets the value to false.
IsForeignKey SAPODA sets the value to false.
IsRequired The IsRequired property specifies whether a child business
object must exist. SAPODA sets the value to false if the
value of the STATUS field for the corresponding segment in
the IDoc definition has a value of OPTIONAL. SAPODA sets
this property to true if the STATUS field in the IDoc
definition has a value of MANDATORY.
AppSpecificInfo The AppSpecificInfo property contains information on the
hierarchy level and minimum and maximum number of
allowed occurrences of a segment. For more information, see
“Application-specific information in attributes that represent
children” on page 144.
Cardinality If the value of the LOOPMAX field in the IDoc definition is 1,
SAPODA sets the value to 1. If the value of LOOPMAX is
greater than 1, SAPODA sets the value to n.

Application-specific information: Data record business object

This section describes how connector uses the value of the AppSpecificInfo
v “Application-specific information at the business-object Level”
v “Application-specific information in simple attributes”
v “Application-specific information in attributes that represent children” on page

Application-specific information at the business-object Level: The connector

uses the value of the AppSpecificInfo property at the business-object level of the
data record and each of its children to obtain the name of the associated Idoc and
its segments:
v The syntax of the application-specific information on the data record business
object is:
For example, given an IDoc named ALERQ01, SAPODA creates the value of the
AppSpecificInfo property as ALERQ01_CWDATA.
v The value of the application-specific information on the children of the data
record business object is the corresponding segment name. For example, given
IDoc ALERQ01 with two segments named E2ALER1001 and E2ALEQ1, SAPODA
automatically creates the value of the AppSpecificInfo property for the two
child business objects as:
– First child: E2ALER1001
– Second child: E2ALEQ1

Application-specific information in simple attributes: The connector uses the

value of the AppSpecificInfo property of simple attributes to obtain the field name
in SAP and its position (offset) in the data string.

The offset value is the position of the first character of the attribute value in the
data string. The offset value is calculated by subtracting the value in the
BYTE_FIRST value of the first field in the IDoc definition from the BYTE_FIRST

Chapter 12. Developing business objects for the ALE Module 143
value of the given attribute. This value is used with the MaxLength property to
build the data string for the IDoc segment.

The syntax of the AppSpecificInfo property of simple attributes is:


For example, a segment field named SIGN with an offset of 40 has the following
value for AppSpecificInfo:

Application-specific information in attributes that represent children: The

connector uses the value of the AppSpecificInfo property of attributes that
represent a child or array of child business objects to obtain information on the
hierarchy level and minimum and maximum number of allowed occurrences of a
segment. SAPODA sets the AppSpecificInfo property for these attributes by
obtaining information from the LEVEL, LOOPMIN and LOOPMAX fields in the IDoc

Illustration of the relationship between business object and IDoc

Figure 53 illustrates the relationship between the WebSphere data record business
object and the IDoc definition from an SAP application.

144 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Parent wrapper business object


Name = Data_record
Type = sap_e2alereq01_cwdata
Cardinality = 1

IDoc definition

Data record business objects ...

Name = sap_e2alereq01_cwdata BEGIN_IDOC ALEREQ01


Name = sap_e2aler1001
Type = sap_e2aler1001
Cardinality = n

Begin_Segment E2ALER1001
Name = sap_e2aler1001
ASI = E2ALER1001
Level 02
Name = Logical_message_type Text Logical message type
Byte_First 000064
MaxLength = 6 Length 0006
Name = sap_e2aleq1 ...
ASI = 03,1,9999
IsRequired = true ...
Relationship = Containment
Cardinality = n End_Segment

Name = sap_e2aleq1
ASI = E2ALEQ1 Level 03

... Status Mandatory

Loopmin 0001
Loopmax 9999

Figure 53. Relationship Between data record business object and IDoc Definition fields

Supported verbs
Verb support for the ALE Module is limited by the verbs that SAP supports
through its ALE interface. SAPODA generates the Create, Update, Delete, and
Retrieve verbs in the business object definition. Implementation of each verb
requires knowledge of the ALE configuration within SAP.

SAPODA generates the AppSpecificInfo for the verbs and the AleOutboundVerbs
meta-verb on the parent wrapper business object. However, it populates only one
of the parameters of the AppSpecificInfo with values: it specifies the business
object handler to use for service-call request processing. For all other processing,
you must manually modify the business object definition to add or remove specific

Chapter 12. Developing business objects for the ALE Module 145
v When using the business object for event processing, you must specify values
for the following the AppSpecificInfo properties:
– Parent wrapper business object’s verb—specify a value for those parameters
that uniquely identify the verb. Depending on the requirements of your ALE
configuration, specify the message type, message code, and message function.
Make these changes after you import the business object definition into your

Important: SAPODA inserts the AppSpecificInfo value that specifies the

business object handler, which the connector uses only for request
processing. SAPODA does not insert values for the message
parameters. If you are using the ALE Module for event
processing, you must manually add the values for the message
– Parent wrapper business object’s AleOutboundVerbs meta-verb—a
comma-separated list of verbs supported for event processing.
v When using the business object for request processing, you must specify a value
for the following the AppSpecificInfo properties:
– Parent wrapper business object’s verb—specify the package and classname of
the business object handler so that the connector can determine the
appropriate business object handler. SAPODA inserts the following value into
the AppSpecificInfo property of each standard verb: AppSpecificInfo =
– When using a wrapper business object to process multiple IDoc parent
business objects, you must add the package and classname of the business
object handler to the AppSpecificInfo property of each verb in the multiple
IDoc wrapper business object.
For each parent wrapper business object, SAPODA generates the Create,
Retrieve, Update, and Delete verbs. For each of these verbs, it generates the
following AppSpecificInfo values:

AppSpecificInfo property: Parent wrapper verb

The syntax of the AppSpecificInfo property of the parent wrapper business
object’s verb differs depending on whether the business object represents an
application event or a service call request:

Application event syntax


Note: The connector matches the values in the control record with the values
specified in the verb’s AppSpecificInfo property to determine the verb.

Service call request syntax


Explanation of syntax
BOHandler Specifies the request-processing business object handler; the value
defaults to the following: sap.sapalemodule.VSapALEBOHandler
MsgType Specifies the message type configured for the IDoc in ALE
MsgCode Specifies the message code configured for the IDoc in ALE; the

146 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
connector requires a value only if MsgType does not uniquely
identify the verb; however, specify a value if required by your ALE
MsgFunction Specifies the message function configured for the IDoc in ALE; the
connector requires a value only if MsgType and MsgCode do not
uniquely identify the verb; however, specify a value if required by
your ALE configuration

AppSpecificInfo property: Parent wrapper meta-verb

In the AppSpecificInfo property of the parent wrapper business object’s
AleOutboundVerbs verb, specify those verbs the connector should support for
application-event processing, separating verbs with a comma.

Important: SAPODA generates values for the Create, Retrieve, Update, and Delete
verbs. After the definition has been generated, you must manually
delete those verbs that you do not want the connector to support.

The following example instructs the connector to support the Create and Update
verbs for processing application events:
Name = AleOutboundVerbs
AppSpecificInfo = Create, Update

Processing multiple IDocs with a wrapper business object

Note: This section is applicable only to service-call request processing.

When processing multiple IDocs, the ALE Module requires a wrapper business
object as the top-level business object. The multiple IDoc wrapper business object
contains an attribute that represents an array of IDoc parent wrapper business

For each parent wrapper business object, SAPODA generates the Create, Retrieve,
Update, and Delete verbs. For each of these verbs, it generates the following
AppSpecificInfo values:

Figure 54 illustrates the relationship between a top-level wrapper object and it’s
child IDoc business objects.

Chapter 12. Developing business objects for the ALE Module 147
Multiple IDoc wrapper business object


Name = Dummy_key
IsKey = true
AppSpecificInfo = DummyKey

Name = TransactionId
AppSpecificInfo = CrossWorlds TID

Name = sap_alereq01
Type = sap_alereq01
Cardinality = n

Parent wrapper business object


Name =


Name =

Figure 54. Wrapper business object containing child business objects

Multiple IDoc wrapper object example

The following is a sample definition of a multiple IDoc wrapper business object:
Name = sap_alereq01_wrapper
Version = 1.0.0
AppSpecificInfo =

Name = Dummy_key
Type = String
Cardinality = 1
MaxLength = 1
IsKey = true
IsForeignKey = false
IsRequired = true
AppSpecificInfo = DummyKey
DefaultValue =

Name = TransactionId
Type = String
Cardinality = 1
MaxLength = 1
IsKey = false
IsForeignKey = false
IsRequired = false
AppSpecificInfo = CrossWorlds TID
DefaultValue =


148 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Name = sap_alereq01
Type = sap_alereq01
ContainedObjectVersion = 1.0.0
Relationship = Containment
Cardinality = n
MaxLength = 255
IsKey = false
IsForeignKey = false
IsRequired = false
AppSpecificInfo =
DefaultValue =

Name = Create
AppSpecificInfo = sap.sapalemodule.VSapALEBOHandler,MsgType=;MsgCode=;MsgFunction=

Name = Retrieve
AppSpecificInfo = sap.sapalemodule.VSapALEBOHandler,MsgType=;MsgCode=;MsgFunction=

Name = Update
AppSpecificInfo = sap.sapalemodule.VSapALEBOHandler,MsgType=;MsgCode=;MsgFunction=

Name = Delete
AppSpecificInfo = sap.sapalemodule.VSapALEBOHandler,MsgType=;MsgCode=;MsgFunction=

Multiple IDoc wrapper: Attribute that represents the child

business object
Table 28 lists and describes the properties of the attribute that represents the child
business object in the multiple IDoc wrapper business object.
Table 28. Multiple IDoc wrapper: attribute that represents child business object
Property name Description
Name Set the value to the name of the parent business object
generated by SAPODA.
Type Set the value to the name of the parent business object
generated by SAPODA.
ContainedObjectVersion Set the value to 1.0.0.
Relationship A child business object is contained by a parent business
object; therefore, the value is containment.
IsKey Set the value to false.
IsForeignKey Set the value to false.
IsRequired Set the value to false.
AppSpecificInfo This property is not used for the attribute that represents
child business objects in the ALE Module.
Cardinality Set the value of the attribute in the top-level wrapper
business object that represents the IDoc parent business
object to cardinality n.

Chapter 12. Developing business objects for the ALE Module 149
150 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Part 4. RFC Server Module

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 151

152 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Chapter 13. Overview of the RFC Server Module
This chapter introduces the RFC Server Module of the adapter for The
RFC Server Module enables the integration broker to receive business objects from
SAP applications that support RFC calls. It supports all SAP applications that use
RFC-enabled functions by acting as a server to those applications.

This chapter contains the following sections:

v “RFC Server Module components”
v “How the RFC Server Module works” on page 155

RFC Server Module components

The RFC Server Module is a connector module written in Java that supports RFC
calls directly from an SAP application. It extends the Vision Connector Framework
by implementing the VisionConnectorAgent class. The RFC Server Module uses the
SAP RFC libraries that are written in Java and C, which enables external programs
to communicate with an SAP application.

Figure 55 illustrates the overall architecture of the RFC Server Module. The RFC
Server Module is made up of the connector framework, the connector’s
application-specific component for RFC Server, RFC Server-specific business object
handlers, listener threads, and the SAP RFC Library.

Vision connector framework

Connector framework and

RFC server connector component
init() Terminate() PollForEvents() server-specific
BO handler

SAP RFC library

Integration broker

SAP application Listener threads

SAP gateway

SAP application


Figure 55. RFC Server Module architecture

The RFC Server Module components:

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 153

v Spawn listener threads that open handles to the SAP application using the SAP
RFC library and the SAP Gateway. Each listener thread opens a single handle to
the SAP application.
v Process requests from RFC-enabled functions in the SAP application.
v Terminate connections to the SAP application.

Listener threads
Listener threads handle all of the RFC calls between the RFC Server Module and
the SAP application. When the connector starts up, it spawns a configurable
number of listener threads. Each listener thread opens a handle to the SAP

The listener threads:

v Register with the SAP Gateway using a program identifier.
v Identify to the SAP Gateway the RFC-enabled functions that they support.
v Use the first available thread to pick up an event from a supported RFC-enabled
v Instantiate an RFC Server-specific business object handler based on the Server
verb in the corresponding business object, and then retrieve the event data from
the SAP Gateway.
v Populate business objects with RFC event data, and then convert returned
business object data to RFC event data.
v Return a response to the RFC-enabled function through the SAP Gateway.

Note: A thread listens continuously in a synchronous manner for events from

RFC-enabled functions that it supports.

RFC Server-specific business object handlers

The RFC Server-specific business object handlers are unique to each RFC-enabled
function in the SAP application. Each business object handler is instantiated by a
listener thread and invokes an associated business object.

Because the RFC Server Module acts as a server to the SAP application, it “pushes”
or sends events from the SAP application to the integration broker. This behavior is
very different from other modules, which poll the application for events. Because
of this difference, RFC Server-specific business object handlers perform different
tasks from other business object handlers.

Once instantiated, the RFC Server-specific business object handler:

v Retrieves the RFC event data and populates the associated WebSphere business
object for SAP.
v Passes the business object to the integration broker and receives a business
object in return.
The business object handler uses the application-specific information of the
business object’s Server verb to determine which collaboration should process
the business object data.
– When WebSphere InterChange Server is the integration broker, the business
object’s Server verb must specify a valid collaboration. Because a
collaboration cannot explicitly subscribe to an event that is pushed to the
connector, the RFC Server-specific business object handler must determine the
appropriate collaboration, and then instantiate it

154 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
– When a WebSphere message broker is the integration broker, the business
object’s Server verb must contain a dummy value for the collaboration.
v Converts the returned business object data back to RFC event data.
v Returns the RFC event data back to the SAP application.

How the RFC Server Module works

The RFC Server Module implements the init(), terminate(), pollForEvents(),
and process() methods.

This section describes:

v “Initialization and termination” on page 155
v “Business object processing” on page 155
v “Supporting RFC-enabled functions” on page 157

Initialization and termination

The init() method creates a main thread that spawns a configurable number of
listener threads which open a handle to the SAP Gateway. If the connector fails to
initialize, it terminates using the terminate() method. The connector terminates by
disconnecting the connection to the SAP Gateway.

During the initialization process, the RFC Server Module registers with the SAP
Gateway using a specified Program ID. This Program ID must be set using the
RfcProgramID connector configuration property and set up as a TCP/IP port in the
SAP application. For more information on setting up a TCP/IP port, see
“Registering the RFC Server Module with the SAP gateway” on page 159.

Business object processing

All processing of WebSphere business objects for the RFC Server Module is
initiated by an RFC-enabled function in an SAP application. In the RFC Server
Module, an RFC Server-specific business object handler supports only one
RFC-enabled function; therefore, for each supported function in the SAP
application, you must have an associated RFC Server-specific business object
handler. In addition, you must have an associated business object for each RFC
Server-specific business object handler.

Figure 56 illustrates business object processing for the RFC Server Module.

Chapter 13. Overview of the RFC Server Module 155

Integration broker
RFC Server-specific 4
BO handler

SAP RFC library

Listener thread

1 5

SAP gateway

SAP application


Figure 56. Business object processing

Business object processing for the RFC Server Module executes in the following
1. A listener thread picks up a subscribed event from the SAP Gateway and
matches the name of the corresponding RFC-enabled function with an RFC
Server-specific business object handler.
2. The listener thread instantiates the appropriate RFC Server-specific business
object handler based on data from the RFC event on the SAP Gateway, and
then creates an instance of the corresponding business object.
3. The RFC Server-specific business object handler retrieves the RFC interface data
from the SAP Gateway and populates the WebSphere business object for SAP.
4. The RFC Server-specific business object handler passes the business object to
the integration broker. In the RFC Server Module, since SAP makes the
synchronization calls, when a WebSphere message broker is the integration
broker, the RFC Server Module uses SynchronousRequestQueue and
SynchronousResponseQueue to communicate with the WebSphere message
5. The business object handler receives the returned business object from the
integration broker, converts it back to the RFC interface, and then returns it to
the SAP Gateway.

The RFC Server Module uses the SAP Gateway to maintain the processing order of
events and to maintain the status of events. Since the listener threads make
synchronous calls, an event must return to the SAP Gateway before it can be
considered successfully processed.

Note: If an RFC-enabled module has a Return Structure or Return Table, the

connector checks for the message types A (abort) and E (error) to determine
if the event processed successfully. A message type A or E indicates that the
event failed to process. If an RFC-enabled function module does not have a
Return Structure or Return Table, you must implement your own error
handling. The error message or messages, within the structure or table, are
returned in the return status descriptor.

156 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Supporting RFC-enabled functions
The development environment includes a utility, SAPODA, that generates business
object definitions based on an RFC-enabled function. SAPODA interprets the
interface of an RFC-enabled function, maps its interface parameters to the business
object attributes, and adds the application-specific information for each attribute.

For each business object definition, you must generate an associated RFC
Server-specific business object handler, which invokes the corresponding business
object. For more information on developing business objects and RFC
Server-specific business object handlers, see Chapter 15, “Developing business
objects for the RFC Server Module,” on page 161.

Note: Some RFC-enabled functions do not have single field parameters that
correspond to simple attributes in the WebSphere business object. The
connector requires every top-level business object to have a simple attribute
that serves as the key attribute. Therefore, when generating a business object
and business object handler from a RFC-enabled function without a single
field parameter, SAPODA creates a key attribute named Dummy_key in the
top-level business object, marks it as the key attribute, and adds dummy_key
as the application-specific information of this attribute. Dummy_key
provides the connector with a key attribute so that it can process the
business object. However, the connector ignores the value of the
Dummy_key attribute when modifying application data.

Triggering an event
To trigger an event for the RFC Server Module the RFC destination must be
specified for the remote function call. The remote function call can be executed in
two ways: programmatically and using transaction SE37. Programmatically, the
variation of the CALL FUNCTION command that specifies a destination must be
used. The value to specify for the destination is the one that is created to register
the RFC Server Module. See section “Registering the RFC Server Module with the
SAP gateway” for more information. Using transaction SE37, the RFC target system
must match the RFC destination. See section “Registering the RFC Server Module
with the SAP gateway” for more information on creating and registering a RFC
destination for the RFC Server Module.

Chapter 13. Overview of the RFC Server Module 157

158 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Chapter 14. Configuring the RFC Server Module
This chapter describes the configuration of the RFC Server Module and assumes
that all of the necessary files were installed when the adapter for was
installed. For more information on installing the connector, see Appendix A,
“Quick Steps,” on page 281.

This chapter contains the following sections:

v “RFC Server Module directories and files”
v “RFC Server Module configuration properties”
v “Registering the RFC Server Module with the SAP gateway”

RFC Server Module directories and files

The RFC Server Module directory and files are contained in the \connectors\SAP\
directory. Table 29 lists the directory and file used by the RFC Server Module.
Table 29. RFC Server Module directory and file
Directory/filename Description
\bapi\server Directory containing the runtime files for the
connector. All RFC Server-specific BO Handler class
files must be copied into this directory.
CWSAP.jar Connector class file

RFC Server Module configuration properties

You must configure the RFC Server Module before it can start operating. To
configure the RFC Server Module, set the standard and connector-specific
connector configuration properties. For more information on configuring the
connector configuration properties, see Chapter 3, “Configuring the connector,” on
page 21, Appendix E, “Connector-specific configuration properties,” on page 325,
and Appendix D, “Standard configuration properties,” on page 301.

Registering the RFC Server Module with the SAP gateway

During initialization, the RFC Server Module registers with the SAP Gateway. It
uses the value set for the RfcProgramId connector-specific configuration property.
This value must match the value set in the SAP application. You must configure
the SAP application so that the RFC Server Module can create a handle to it.

To register the RFC Server Module as an RFC destination:

1. In the SAP application, go to transaction SM59.
2. Expand the TCP/IP connections directory.
3. Click Create (F8).
4. In the RFC destination field, enter the name of the RFC destination system. It is
recommended that you use RFCSERVER.
5. Set the connection type to T (Start an external program via TCP/IP).
6. Enter a description for the new RFC destination, and then click Save.
7. Click the Registration button for the Activation Type.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 159

8. Set the Program ID. It is recommended that you use the same value as the RFC
destination (RFCSERVER), and then click Enter.

Important: Ensure that the connector-specific configuration property RfcProgramID

is set to the same value as the Program ID value in the SAP
application. If the values do not match, business object processing will

160 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Chapter 15. Developing business objects for the RFC Server
This chapter describes business objects and business object handlers required for
the RFC Server Module. It provides background information and discusses how
the business object generation utility, SAPODA, generates the definitions. The
chapter assumes you are familiar with how the connector processes business
objects. For more information on business object processing in the RFC Server
Module, see Chapter 13, “Overview of the RFC Server Module,” on page 153.

This chapter contains the following sections:

v “Business object naming conventions”
v “Business object structure” on page 162
v “Supported verbs” on page 164
v “Business object attribute properties” on page 164
v “Business object application-specific information” on page 166
v “Using generated business objects and business object handlers” on page 169

Business object development for the RFC Server Module consists of creating an
application-specific business object definition and an associated RFC Server-specific
business object handler for each RFC-enabled function that you want to support.
Because SAPODA uses the SAP application’s native definitions as a template when
generating definitions for each of these, it is recommended that you use SAPODA
to generate these definitions.

Note: SAP supports many methods that can be mapped to the standard verbs
(Create, Update, Delete, and Retrieve) that the connector supports. You can
develop business objects and RFC Server-specific business object handlers to
support any method used by RFC-enabled functions.

Note: Once you have created business objects and RFC Server-specific business
object handlers, you must make sure that you register the RFC Server
Module with the SAP Gateway. For more information, see “Registering the
RFC Server Module with the SAP gateway” on page 159..

Business object naming conventions

An RFC-enabled function interface consists of importing, exporting, and table
parameters, where:
v Importing parameters are passed to the RFC-enabled function
v Exporting parameters are returned from the RFC-enabled function
v Table parameters are passed in either direction

Some RFC-enabled functions may not have all of the types of parameters. For
example, an RFC-enabled function may have importing and table parameters only.

SAPODA automatically maps the RFC-enabled function importing, exporting, and

table parameters to IBM WebSphere attributes as described in Table 30 on page

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 161

Table 30. Naming conventions: WebSphere Business Objects for SAP
Business object Rfc-enabled function interface
Top-level business object BOprefix_FunctionNameNote: The illustrations in
this chapter use SAP_ or sap_ as the business object
prefix. You can specify your own meaningful prefix
when you create your business object definitions.
Attribute Field Description or Field Name
Child business object BOprefix_FunctionParameterName

SAPODA guarantees that all attribute names in the business object definition are
unique. If an RFC-enabled function has multiple parameters with the same field
description, SAPODA adds a counter as the suffix to the generated attribute name.

When naming an attribute from a RFC-enabled function parameter, SAPODA

prepends a string to the attribute name when the changed attribute name:
v Begins with a digit—prepends A_
v Begins with the underscore character (_)—prepends A

Important: You can modify the attribute names at any time after you generate the
business object definition. However, when you modify an attribute
name, do not modify the application-specific information. The
connector uses this information to identify the RFC-enabled function
parameter to which the attribute corresponds. For more information on
the application-specific information, see “AppSpecificInfo for
attributes” on page 167.

Business object structure

The connector uses an RFC Server-specific business object handler to map each
business object attribute to an RFC-enabled function’s parameter. The connector,
each business object, and each RFC Server-specific business object handler are
metadata-driven. The application-specific information provided in the metadata of
each business object and business object handler allows you to add connector
support for a new business object and its handler without modifying connector
code. Instead:
v The connector uses the verb application-specific information of the top-level
business object to instantiate the appropriate RFC Server-specific business object

Important: The RFC Server Module differs from other modules in that it does
not poll SAP for events. Instead, SAP pushes event data to the
connector. Because this module does not use standard polling
procedures, the RFC Server-specific business object handler checks
every business object that represents an event for the name of the
collaboration that will process it. When the WebSphere InterChange
Server is the integration broker, the RFC Server-specific business
object handler uses the value obtained to instantiate the appropriate
collaboration. When WebSphere MQ Integrator is the integration
broker, a dummy value must be provided for the RFC Server-specific
business object handler to process the event successfully.
v The business object handler uses the attribute application-specific information of
each business object to map between each attribute and its parameter.

162 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Each RFC Server-specific business object handler supports both single- and
multiple-cardinality relationships between business objects.

A WebSphere business object based on an RFC-enabled function can contain no

more than two levels of hierarchy. Therefore, all simple parameters correspond to
attributes of the top-level business object, and structure and table parameters
correspond to child business objects.
Table 31. Correspondence between RFC-enabled functions and business objects
RFC-enabled function interface
parameter WebSphere business object for SAP
Simple field Attribute of the top-level business object
Structure Single-cardinality child business object
Table Multiple-cardinality child business objects

Note: Importing and exporting parameters can be simple field or structure


Figure 57 illustrates the association between a WebSphere business object and an

RFC-enabled function, in this instance, a BAPI. The figure illustrates a fragment of
a user-defined sap_bapi_po_create business object, which corresponds to the

Chapter 15. Developing business objects for the RFC Server Module 163
Top-level business object SAP sales order BAPI

sap_bapi_po_create BAPI_PO_CREATE

[Attribute] PURCHASEORDER (simple field)

Name = Purchasing_document_number
PO_HEADER (structure)
Name = sap_po_header
Type = sap_po_header PO_ITEMS (table)
Cardinality = 1

Name = sap_po_items
Type = sap_po_items
Cardinality = n

Name = Server
AppSpecificInfo = sap.bapi.server.

Child business objects


Name = sap_po_header
AppSpecificInfo = IPO_HEADER:


Name = sap_po_items

Figure 57. Mapping between a business object and a BAPI

Supported verbs
The RFC Server Module supports the standard verbs (Create, Update, Delete, and
Retrieve) used by the WebSphere business integration system. For each supported
verb, an RFC-enabled function can have an associated method. Most RFC-enabled
functions support one of the following operations: create, retrieve, update, and

Business object attribute properties

The properties of the attributes of a top-level business object differ depending on
whether the attribute represents a simple value, or a child or an array of child
business objects.
v Table 32 lists and describes the properties of simple attributes of a top-level
business object.

164 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
v Table 33 lists and describes the attributes that represent a child or array of child
business objects.

SAPODA generates the attribute properties as described in each table.

Table 32. Simple attributes: Top-Level business object
Property name Description
Name Derived from the description or name of the RFC-enabled
function parameter. SAPODA replaces special characters
(such as periods, slashes, and spaces) with underscores.
Type Specifies the type of data. SAPODA sets the value to String.
MaxLength Specifies the field length of the RFC-enabled function
IsKey Specifies whether the attribute is the key. The first simple
attribute of a business object defaults to the key attribute.
The connector does not support using an attribute that
represents a child business object or an array of a child
business objects as a key attribute.

Therefore, if the function provides only structure and table

parameters, you must insert a simple attribute as the first
attribute. SAPODA inserts the Dummy_key attribute as the
first attribute, marks it as the key attribute, and sets
appropriate values. Do not modify those values. For more
information, see “Supporting BAPIs” on page 92.
IsForeignKey SAPODA sets the value to false.
IsRequired Specifies whether an attribute must contain a value.
SAPODA sets the value to false.
AppSpecificInfo Contains the name of the RFC-enabled function that
corresponds to the associated attribute. The format is:

For more information on the application-specific

information, see “Business object application-specific
information” on page 166.
Default Value Specifies the value to assign to this attribute if there is no
run-time value. SAPODA does not set a value for this

Table 33 lists and describes the attributes that represent a child or an array of child
business objects. SAPODA generates the properties described in the table below.
Table 33. Properties of an attribute that represents a child or children
Property Name Description
Name The value is the name of the structure or table parameter
name. The format is: BOprefix_FunctionParameterName
Type The value is the type of child business object; in other words,
the type is BOprefix_FunctionParameterName
ContainedObjectVersion SAPODA sets the value to 1.0.0.
Relationship SAPODA sets the value to containment.
IsKey SAPODA sets the value to false.
IsForeignKey SAPODA sets the value to false.
IsRequired Specifies whether an attribute must contain a value. SAPODA
sets the value to false.

Chapter 15. Developing business objects for the RFC Server Module 165
Table 33. Properties of an attribute that represents a child or children (continued)
Property Name Description
AppSpecificInfo Contains the name of the RFC-enabled function parameter
that corresponds to the associated attribute. The format is:

For more information on the application-specific information,

see “Business object application-specific information.”
Cardinality Structure parameters have single cardinality (1) and table
parameters have multiple cardinality (n).

Initializing attribute values

Every field in SAP has an initial value, as listed in Table 34. When the connector
receives an event, the RFC Server-specific business object handler moves these
values from each SAP field to its corresponding business object attribute. The
business object handler retains initial values from SAP with one exception: the
character data type. The business object handler converts a space in the SAP field
to CxIgnore in the business object attribute. If you want any other value to be
converted to CxIgnore, the component that creates the business object must
perform the conversion. For example, when the WebSphere InterChange Server is
the integration broker, modify the map to handle this conversion.
Table 34. Initial field values in SAP
Initial Value Set by business
Data type Description object handler
C Character space
N Numeric string 000...
D Date (YYYMMDD) 00000000
T Time (HHMMSS) 000000
X Byte (hexadecimal) X00
I Integer 0
P Packed number 0
F Floating point number 0.0

Business object application-specific information

Application-specific information in business object definitions provides the RFC
Server Module with application-dependent instructions on how to process business
objects. These instructions are specified at the business-object level, at the attribute
level (both for simple attributes and for attributes that represent a child or array of
child business objects), and for verbs.

AppSpecificInfo for the server verb of the top-level business

The connector uses the value of the Server verb’s application-specific information
in the top-level business object to call the appropriate RFC Server-specific business
object handler and to determine the destination collaboration for event processing.
The value of the AppSpecificInfo property for the Server verb specifies:
v the package and classname for the RFC Server-specific business object handler
v the destination collaboration

The format is as follows:

166 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
AppSpecificInfo = bapi.server.BOHandler;Collab=CollaborationName

where BOHandler is the name of the class and CollaborationName is the name of the
destination collaboration.

SAPODA automatically adds the application-specific information for the Server

verb in top-level business object. For the value of the business object handler’s
classname, it uses the name of the RFC-enabled function. It does not provide a
value for the collaboration name parameter. Therefore, you must manually add the
name of the collaboration.

Important: When WebSphere MQ Integrator is the integration broker, a dummy

value must be provided for the collaboration name parameter. The RFC
Server-specific business object handler requires a value for this
parameter to process the event successfully.

Note: There is a one-to-one relationship between the WebSphere business object

for SAP and the RFC Server-specific business object handler. The business
object handler class files must exist in the \connectors\SAP\bapi\server

Important: You must include the value server before the business object handler
name to identify that the RFC Server-specific business object handler
acts as a server.

For example if you are supporting the BAPI_PO_CREATE RFC-enabled function and
the destination collaboration is called POCollab, then the verb application-specific
information is as follows:
AppSpecificInfo =bapi.server.Bapi_po_create;Collab=POCollab

AppSpecificInfo for attributes

The connector uses the value of an attribute’s application-specific information to
determine which importing, exporting, and table parameters to use. The value of
this property contains the prefix I (for importing parameters) or E (for importing
parameters). The prefix indicates whether the attribute value is used to pass data
into or out from the SAP application.

Because structure parameters can be either importing or exporting, they use either
an I or an E before the parameter value. Because table parameters can pass data to
and return data from a RFC-enabled function, they can have both I and E
parameter values.

Important: Always use a colon (:) separator when you specify parameter values
with I and E. If specifying only an importing value, the colon must
follow the value. If specifying only an exporting value, the colon must
precede the value. If specifying both values, the colon follows the
importing value and precedes the exporting value.

Figure 58 illustrates the mapping between a business object and an example

RFC-enabled function named BAPI_EXAMPLE. In the example, the simple attributes
(Attribute_1, Attribute_2, and Attribute_3) specify only an importing or exporting
parameter. The attribute that represents a child business object (Child_1) maps to
an exporting structure parameter. The attribute that represents an array of child
business objects (Child_2) maps to a table parameter.

Chapter 15. Developing business objects for the RFC Server Module 167
Each child business object has a simple attribute that maps to a field of the
corresponding structure or table (Attribute_11 and Attribute_14, respectively). You
can find these fields by looking at the details of the BAPI.

IBM WebSphere BAPI business object

[BusinessObjectDefinition] FUNCTION BAPI_EXAMPLE.
Name = Top_Level_BusObj *"---------------------------------------------------
AppSpecificInfo = *"*"
[Attribute] *" IMPORTING
Name = Attribute_1 *" Field_1 ...
AppSpecificInfo = IField_1: *" Field_3 ...
Name = Attribute_2 *" Field_2 ...
AppSpecificInfo = :EField_2 *" Return ...
Name = Attribute_3 *" Table_7 ...
AppSpecificInfo = IField_3:
Name =Child_1
Type =Child_1
Cardinality = 1
AppSpecificInfo = :EReturn

Name = Child_2
Type =Child_2
Cardinality = n
AppSpecificInfo = ITable_7:ETable_7

Child_2 (1)

Name = Child_1
AppSpecificInfo = :EReturn

Name = Attribute_11
AppSpecificInfo = ITable_11:ETable_11


Name = Child_2
AppSpecificInfo = ITable_7:ETable_7

Name = Attribute_14
AppSpecificInfo = IField_14:EField_14

Figure 58. Mapping between a business object and an example BAPI

Table 35 identifies the format of the application-specific information for specific

kinds of attributes.
Table 35. AppSpecificInfo format for specific kinds of attributes
AppSpecificInfo format Attribute type
IParameterName:EParameterName Simple
ITableName:ETableName Represents a child business object mapped to a table parameter

168 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Table 35. AppSpecificInfo format for specific kinds of attributes (continued)
AppSpecificInfo format Attribute type
IStructureName:EStructureName Represents a child business object mapped to a structure
IFieldName:EFieldName Represents an attribute of a child business object mapped to a
field in a table or structure parameter

SAPODA automatically generates the appropriate application-specific information

for your business object definition. It is recommended that you do not change the
parameter names of the generated application-specific information.

Using generated business objects and business object handlers

Use SAPODA to generate RFC-enabled function-specific business object definitions
and RFC Server-specific business object handlers for each RFC-enabled function
you want to support. You can use the generated files with minimal modifications.

The only edit you must make is specifying the name of the destination
collaboration in the verb application-specific information of the Server verb.
v When the WebSphere InterChange Server is the integration broker, this
information is required because a collaboration cannot explicitly subscribe to an
event that is pushed to the connector. Therefore, the RFC Server-specific business
object handler must determine the appropriate destination collaboration from the
business object’s metadata, and then instantiate the collaboration.
v When WebSphere MQ Integrator is the integration broker, a dummy value is
required for the RFC Server-specific business object handler to process the event

Important: If the RFC-enabled function that you are using does not contain a
simple field attribute, and SAPODA has created a Dummy_key
attribute as the key attribute, do not modify the values of this attribute.

After the business object definition and its corresponding RFC Server-specific
business object handler are generated, you must add the business object definition
to your WebSphere business integration system’s runtime environment.
v Use Business Object Designer to load the business object definition into your

Note: Alternatively, if the WebSphere InterChange Server is the integration

broker, you can use the repos_copy command to load the definition into
the repository.
v Use a system command to copy the RFC Server-specific business object handler
files to the following directory under the product directory:

The RFC Server-specific business object handler files are:

v RFC-EnabledFunctionName.class

For example, given the BAPI_PO_CREATE RFC-enabled function and a user-specified

prefix of sap_, SAPODA generates the following:

Chapter 15. Developing business objects for the RFC Server Module 169
v sap_bapi_po_create (business object definition that includes all child business
v Bapi_po_create.class

Important: You can modify the name of the generated business object as well as
the name of its child business objects. To do so, you must edit the
definition as a text file rather than in Business Object Designer. If you
do change a business object’s name, ensure that you also modify all
references to the names that you change. Also, if you modify the
names of the generated.class file for the business object handler, you
must maintain the changes for the Server verb application-specific
information for the associated business object.

Note: For RFC-enabled ABAP functions and BAPIs that are developed in a
development namespace, SAPODA removes or replaces ″/″ characters in the
function name with ″_″ when naming the business object definition, .java,
and .class files. SAPODA removes the ″/″ character only when it is the first
character of the name. Although the definition name or file name does not
contain this character, the code still accurately calls the specified function
with its proper name containing the ″/″ characters. Also, when a function
name begins with a digit, SAPODA prepends the name with the string Rfm_.

Tips and tricks

The following are tips and tricks for developing business objects and RFC
Server-specific business object handlers.
v “Multiple business objects contain the same return business object”
v “Generated business object definition contains unnecessary attributes and child
business objects” on page 171
v “Generated business object names are too long or fail your naming conventions”
on page 171
v “Generated AppSpecificInfo for table parameters specify unnecessary
parameters” on page 172

Multiple business objects contain the same return business

Most RFC-enabled functions use the same name for the return object. When
SAPODA generates a business object definition, it creates a child business object to
represent this return object. If multiple business object definitions contain an
identically named child business object, you can add the definition for child
business object into the repository only once.

To enable multiple business objects to contain the return business object, you must
modify the name of the return business object to be unique for each business

To rename the return business object, modify the definition of each business object
definition that contains it. The definition of the child business object is contained in
the same definition file as its parent.

To rename the child, do the following:

1. Open the definition file for the top-level business object in a text editor.
2. Locate the definition of the BOprefix_return child business object.

170 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
3. Change the child’s name to be unique. For example, append a number to the
text (sap_return_2).
4. Change all references in the definition to refer to the newly named child. For
example, change the value of the Type property for every attribute that
represents the child business object.
5. Save the changed definition file.
6. Use Business Object Designer to load the newly named child business object
into the repository.

Note: Alternatively, if the WebSphere InterChange Server is the integration

broker, you can use the repos_copy command to load the definition into
the repository.

Generated business object definition contains unnecessary

attributes and child business objects
SAPODA interprets all RFC-enabled function interface parameters and, for each
one, it creates a corresponding WebSphere business object attribute or child
business object. To increase performance of business object processing, remove all
unneeded attributes and business objects from the business object definition.

Note: SAPODA facilitates graphically removing all optional attributes and child
business objects before definition generation. For more information, see
“Provide additional information” on page 54.

To increase performance of business object processing, you can also remove all
unneeded importing and exporting table parameter values from the
application-specific information.

After definition generation, you can use Business Object Designer to manually edit
the business object definition if you require other changes. However, be careful
that you remove only attributes that you absolutely will not be using.

Generated business object names are too long or fail your

naming conventions
SAPODA uses the name of the RFC-enabled function module to name the
generated business object. You can use a text editor to modify a business object’s

Important: If you do change the name, ensure that you modify all references to
the name as well. However, do not modify the parameter names of the
generated application-specific information.

To change a generated business object’s name:

1. Save the definition to a file.
2. Use a text editor to shorten or change the name.
3. Use Business Object Designer to copy the newly named child business object
into the repository.

Note: Alternatively, if the WebSphere InterChange Server is the integration

broker, you can use the repos_copy command to load the definition into
the repository.

Chapter 15. Developing business objects for the RFC Server Module 171
Generated AppSpecificInfo for table parameters specify
unnecessary parameters
Table parameters can be both importing and exporting parameters. If you do not
require importing or exporting of values for a table parameter, you can remove it
from the application-specific information.

For example, for a create operation, if you do not need to return the table data
from the SAP application after the create operation has completed, you can remove
the exporting parameter value (such as Etable name).

For a retrieve operation, you do not need to specify any importing table
parameters. Therefore, you can remove the importing parameter value (such as
Itable name).

Note: You must remove the unrequired value from the AppSpecificInfo of the
attribute in the parent that represents the child as well as from the
AppSpecificInfo at the business-object level of the child business object. Do
not remove the colon (:).

For example, to remove the ETable_7 exporting parameter in Figure 58, you would
do the following:
1. In the Child_2 attribute of the Top_Level_BusObj business object, change the
attribute’s AppSpecificInfo value to:
2. In the AppSpecificInfo at the business-object level of the Child_2 business
object, change the value to:
3. In the AppSpecificInfo for each attribute of the child business object, using
Attribute_14 as an example, change the value to:

172 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Part 5. Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 173

174 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Chapter 16. Overview of the Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve
This chapter describes the Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve module. The Hierarchical
Dynamic Retrieve Module processes hierarchical or flat business objects. To process
these requests, the connector retrieves data from the SAP application.

This chapter contains the following sections:

v “Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module components”
v “How the connector works” on page 176

Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module components

The Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module is written in Java and extends the
vision connector framework. Because the module does not have its own
application-specific component, it uses the application-specific component for
BAPI. Therefore, the module consists of the connector framework, the
application-specific component for BAPI, the DynRetBOH business object handler,
and the SAP RFC libraries. SAP delivers the RFC libraries in Java and C. The
connector is delivered and runs as a Java archive (JAR) file.

Figure 59 illustrates the architecture of the Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module.

Vision connector framework

Connector framework and

BAPI connector component
Hierarchical dynamic
init() retrieve BO handler

SAP RFC library

WebSphere Business
Integration Broker

SAP gateway


SAP system

Figure 59. Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module architecture

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 175

How the connector works
The connector gets a business object’s processing information from metadata
specified in the business object rather than from information hard-coded into the
connector. To obtain processing information from the business object, the connector
makes assumptions about the following:
v The business object structure
v The relationships between parent and child business objects
v The possible database representations of business objects

For information, see “Processing business objects” on page 10, and Chapter 18,
“Developing business objects for the Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module,” on
page 179.

When the connector receives a request from the integration broker to perform an
application operation, it obtains processing information from the verb specified for
the top-level business object.

The connector processes hierarchical business objects recursively; that is, it

performs the same steps for each child business object until it has processed all
individual business objects.

Note: The term hierarchical business object refers to a complete business object,
including all the child business objects that it contains at any level. The term
individual business object refers to a single business object, independent of
any child business objects it might contain or that contain it. The term
top-level business object refers to the individual business object at the top of
the hierarchy that does not itself have a parent business object.

When the integration broker sends a hierarchical business object with a Retrieve
verb, the connector attempts to return a business object to the integration broker
that exactly matches the current database representation of that business object. In
other words, the value of each simple attribute of every individual business object
that the connector returns matches the value of its corresponding field in the
database. Also, the number of individual business objects in each array of the
returned business object match the number of children in the database for that
array (unless the application-specific information limits the children to a subset).

To perform such a retrieval, the connector uses the primary key values in the
top-level business object to recursively descend through the corresponding data in
the database.

176 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Chapter 17. Configuring the Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve
This chapter describes the configuration of the Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve
Module of the adapter for The SAP connector should be installed
before performing the configuration tasks described in this chapter. For more
information on installing the connector, see Appendix A, “Quick Steps,” on page

This chapter contains the following sections:

v “Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module directories and files”
v “Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module configuration properties”

Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module directories and files

Table 36 lists the directories and files used by the Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve
Table 36. Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module directories and files
Filename Description
CWSAP.jar Connector class file

Note: In this document backslashes (\) are used as the convention for directory
paths. For UNIX installations, substitute slashes (/) for backslashes (\). All
file pathnames are relative to the directory where the product is installed on
your system.

Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module configuration properties

Before you can run the Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module, you must set the
standard and connector-specific configuration properties. At a minimum, you must
add the name of the BAPI Module to the Modules property. The name of the BAPI
Module is Bapi.

The Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module only performs service call requests, so
the business object handler is invoked through the meta-data in the business object
being sent. However, by setting the value of Modules to Bapi, you establish a
connector thread, thus allowing initialization and termination of the connector.
Then, if any issues arise during Hierchical Dynamic Retrieve Module processing,
you can easily shut down the connector by calling the terminate() method on the
running connector thread.

For more information on configuring the connector configuration properties, see

Chapter 3, “Configuring the connector,” on page 21, Appendix E,
“Connector-specific configuration properties,” on page 325, and Appendix D,
“Standard configuration properties,” on page 301.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 177

178 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Chapter 18. Developing business objects for the Hierarchical
Dynamic Retrieve Module
This chapter describes how the Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module processes
business objects and describes the assumptions the connector makes when
retrieving data. You can use this information as a guide to modifying existing
business objects or as suggestions for implementing new ones.

In addition to providing background information on business objects and their

processing, this chapter describes how to develop business objects for the
Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module using SAPODA (an Object Discovery
Agent), which generates business object definitions from tables you specify
graphically. This utility is most useful for creating individual business object
definitions rather than hierarchical business object definitions.

For a description of the Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module, see Chapter 16,
“Overview of the Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module,” on page 175.

This chapter contains the following sections:

v “Business object development utilities”
v “Business object names”
v “Business object structure” on page 180
v “Business object attribute properties” on page 186
v “Business object application-specific information” on page 188
v “Generating business objects” on page 190

Business object development utilities

Business object development for the Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module
requires you to create an application-specific business object definition for each
type of object you want the connector to handle. The adapter for
includes the following:
v The vDynRetBOH business object handler, which the connector uses to retrieve
data from the application

Although you can use Business Object Designer or a text editor to create business
object definitions for the connector, it is recommended that you initially use
SAPODA because it uses the SAP application’s native definitions as a template.

Business object names

SAPODA guarantees that all attribute names in the business object definition are
unique. It derives the names from SAP’s data dictionary by appending the field’s
name and description. When naming an attribute from an SAP table, SAPODA
prepends a string to the attribute name when the changed attribute name:
v Begins with a digit—prepends A_
v Begins with the underscore character (_)—prepends A

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 179

Attention: The attribute names can be modified at any time after the business
object has been generated. Changing the business object’s name or attribute names
does not affect the processing of the business object. However, changing the
application-specific information does affect the processing of the business object,
because the application-specific information identifies the SAP table and column to
which the attribute corresponds.

For more information on the application-specific information, see “Business object

application-specific information” on page 188.

Business object structure

The connector assumes that every individual business object is represented by one
or more database tables, and that each simple attribute (that is, an attribute that
represents a single value, such as a String or Integer or Date) within the business
object is represented by a column in one of those tables. The following situations
are valid:
v The database tables might have more columns than the corresponding
individual business object has simple attributes (that is, some columns in the
database are not represented in the business object). Include in your design only
those columns needed for the business object processing
v The individual business object might have more simple attributes than the
corresponding database tables have columns (that is, some attributes in the
business object are not represented in the database). The attributes that do not
have a representation in the database have no application-specific information
v Due to a restriction in the SAP API, the total number of bytes for all of the
desired columns in each table represented by a single a business object cannot
exceed 512 For more information, see “Handling long data rows” on page 183
v Due to restrictions in the SAP API, runtime HDR modules may not be able to
parse some of the non-character based datatypes. Please refer to
“Troubleshooting the Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module” on page 83

WebSphere business objects for SAP can be flat or hierarchical. All the attributes of
a flat business object are simple and represent a single value.

A hierarchical business object has attributes that represent a single child business
object, an array of child business objects, or a combination of both. In turn, each
child business object can contain a single child business object or an array of
business objects, and so on.

Business object relationships

The Cardinality property of the attribute that represents the child or array
determines the type of relationship between parent and child:
v A single-cardinality relationship occurs when the attribute in the parent
business object represents a child business object with cardinality 1.
v A multiple-cardinality relationship occurs when an attribute in the parent
business object represents an array of child business objects with cardinality n.

The connector does not process a single-cardinality relationship differently from a

multiple-cardinality relationship. However, there is a structural difference in
foreign-key relationships when database tables have single-cardinality or
multiple-cardinality relationships. This difference is important for the following

180 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
v In a single-cardinality relationship, the foreign key is determined by the primary
key in the child referencing a non- key attribute in the parent as its foreign key.
Each child has at least one simple attribute that references a non-primary key
attribute in its parent as a foreign key. Figure 60 provides an example.
v In a multiple-cardinality relationship, the foreign key is determined by the
primary key in the child referencing the primary key attribute in the parent.
Each child has at least one simple attribute that contains the parent’s primary
key as a foreign key. The child has as many foreign-key attributes as the parent
has primary-key attributes. Figure 62 on page 182 provides an example.

In each case, the foreign-key relationship between the parent and child business
objects is specified by the application-specific information of the key attributes of
the child business object. For more information, see “Business object attribute
properties” on page 186 and “Application-Specific information for simple
attributes” on page 188..

Single-cardinality relationship example

Figure 60 provides an example of a simple WebSphere business object developed to
process customer objects in SAP. This example SAP_Customer has a
single-cardinality relationship to the example address object that it contains (the
addr_data[1] attribute has cardinality 1). The primary key attribute (address_id) in
the child business object references a non-primary key (address_id) in the parent
business object.


address_id SAP_Address
addr_data[1] Retrieve
. address_id

Figure 60. Example customer and address relationship

The following SELECT statements and their output illustrate retrieval of data from
the tables represented by the business objects above:


----- ------------- ----------
10254 JOE’S PIZZA 2208



---------- ---- -----

In the example above, each customer (Joe’s Pizza and Larry’s Hardware) has a
single address. If the KUNNR and ADDRNUMBER columns are defined as

Chapter 18. Developing business objects for the Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module 181
primary key constraints for their respective tables, the above structure ensures that
each customer can have only one associated address.

Note: For the sake of simplicity, the illustrations in this document do not display
the application-specific information used by the connector to determine the
tables and fields in the SAP application’s database.

Multiple-cardinality relationship example

Figure 61 illustrates a multiple-cardinality relationship. In the example, ID=ABC is
the simple attribute with the parent’s primary key, and child[n] is the attribute
that represents the array of child business objects.


. Verb OName
. Verb
. OName
. Verb

Figure 61. Multiple-cardinality business object relationship

Figure 62 provides an example of a different WebSphere business object developed

to process customer objects in SAP. This example SAP_Customer has a
multiple-cardinality relationship to the example sales view object that it contains
(the sales_view_data[n] attribute has cardinality n). The primary key attribute
(customer_id) in the child business object references the primary key (customer_id)
in the parent business object.


. SAP_SalesView
. customer_id

Figure 62. Example customer and sales view relationship

The following SELECT statements and their output illustrate retrieval of data from
each of these tables:

----- -------------

182 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)



---------- ----- ----- -----
10254 EURP 01 12
10255 EURP 01 09
10255 USA 01 13
10255 USA 01 14

In this example, Joe’s Pizza has one associated sales view record, whereas Larry’s
Hardware has three associated sales view records. The above structure allows each
customer to have zero or more associated sales view records.

Handling long data rows

SAP’s RFC_READ_TABLE function limits data retrieval to 512 bytes per row of
data. Many SAP tables have more than 512 bytes of data per row. However, most
business objects represent a small subset of all the database fields. Therefore, the
total length of all attributes in a business object rarely exceeds the 512 byte

In those cases that require the connector to retrieve more than 512 bytes of data
from a single database table, the additional fields must be represented in separate
single-cardinality child business objects. For example, if a business object must
represent 1500 bytes of data from a single table, the top-level business object
contains at least two single-cardinality child business objects. Neither the parent
nor either child has attributes whose total length (that is, the sum of their
maximum length) exceeds 512 bytes.

Note: If a business object represents more than one database table, the total length
of the values in the attributes that represent each table cannot exceed 512
bytes. However, this limit does not pertain to the total length of the values
of all attributes. For example, if a business object represents data from the
tables that store information about Customers and CustomerPartners, the
value of those attributes representing Customers cannot exceed 512 bytes,
and the value of those attributes representing CustomerPartners cannot
exceed 512 bytes, but the combined value of these attributes can exceed 512

Business object verb processing

This section outlines the steps the connector takes to handle a business object
request with the Retrieve verb. The connector processes hierarchical business
objects recursively; that is, it performs the same steps for each child business object
until it has processed all individual business objects.

Business object comparison

When processing a retrieval request from the integration broker, the connector tries
to return a business object that matches the current database representation of that
object. In other words:
v The value of each simple attribute in all individual business objects returned to
the integration broker matches the value of its corresponding field in the
v The number of individual business objects in each array of the returned business
object matches the corresponding number of children in the database.

Chapter 18. Developing business objects for the Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module 183
Therefore, when the Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module receives a business
object request with the Retrieve verb, it creates a response business object by
recursively descending the entire object in the application and retrieving the
current database representation. To perform the retrieval, the connector uses the
specified key values in the top-level request business object. Therefore, the
response business object, which contains all the children of that top-level parent,
may have different values for simple attributes and different child business objects
from the request business object.

For example, assume the integration broker passed the following SAP_Customer
business object to the Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module:



address_id SAP_SalesView
sales_view_data[n] customer_id=2345

If, in the current database representation, the array of SAP_SalesView child

business objects contained by SAP_Customer 2345 does not include sales_org A,
the connector’s response business object does not contain that child. Moreover, if
the current database representation of SAP_Customer 2345 includes sales_org D
and sales_org E, the connector includes those children in the response business
object. The business object that the SAP Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module
returns to the integration broker at the end of retrieval is:

184 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)


address_id SAP_SalesView
sales_view_data[n] customer_id=2345

Note: If the connector reads from multiple tables when creating a particular
response business object, the business object does not match a single
database object. Instead, it matches selected fields from the specified tables.

Retrieve Operation
When retrieving a business object, the connector returns a status of either
VALCHANGE if the operation was successful (regardless of whether the operation
caused changes to the business object), or FAIL if the operation failed.

The connector performs the following steps when retrieving a hierarchical business
1. Removes all child business objects from the top-level business object that it
received from the integration broker.
2. Calls the RFC_READ_TABLE function to retrieve the top-level business object
from the database.
The connector uses key values in the request business object to build the SELECT
statement’s WHERE clause. The result of the retrieval causes one of the following
v If the SELECT statement returns one record, the connector continues
processing the children and returns VALCHANGE (regardless of whether any
attribute changed value).
v If the SELECT statement returns no records, indicating that the top-level
business object does not exist in the database, the connector returns
v If the SELECT statement returns more than one record, the connector
continues processing the children and returns VALCHANGE.
3. Recursively retrieves all child business objects (single-cardinality and
The connector calls the RFC_READ_TABLE function, which uses the
appropriate foreign-key values to build the SELECT statement’s WHERE clause.
The connector handles attributes marked as required in the following way:

Chapter 18. Developing business objects for the Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module 185
v If the business object‘s definition specifies that the child is required, the
retrieval must return a record. If not, the connector returns FAIL.
v If the child is not required and the retrieval returns no records, indicating
that the child does not exist in the application, the connector leaves the
parent’s attribute empty.
For each record returned, the connector performs the following actions:
a. Creates a new individual business object of the correct type.
b. Sets all of the current business object’s attributes based on the values in the
returned row.
c. Recursively retrieves all of the current business object’s children.
Attention: If the retrieval of a single-cardinality child returns more than
one record, the connector returns only the first record.
d. Inserts the current business object with all of its children into the
appropriate single-cardinality attribute or array attribute of the parent.

Note: A business object can have attributes that do not correspond to any database
column, such as placeholder attributes. During retrieval, the connector does
not change such attributes in the top-level business object; they remain set to
the values received from the integration broker. The application-specific
information for these attributes must be blank.

Business object attribute properties

Business object architecture defines various properties that apply to attributes. This
section describes how the connector interprets these properties and describes how
to set them when modifying a business object.

Name property
Each business object attribute must have a unique name.

Type property
Each business object attribute must be of type String, or the type of a child
business object or an array of child business objects.

Cardinality property
Each business object attribute has the value of 1 or n in this property. All attributes
that represent a child business object or an array of child business objects also have
a ContainedObjectVersion property (which specifies the child’s version number)
and a Relationship property (which specifies the value Containment).

Max length property

The connector does not use this property.

Key property
At least one simple attribute in each business object must be specified as the key.
To define an attribute as a key, set this property to true.

Important: The connector does not support specifying an attribute that represents
a child business object or an array of child business objects as a key

186 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
If the key property is set to true for a simple attribute, the connector adds that
attribute to the WHERE clause of the SELECT SQL statement that it generates while
processing the business object.

To maximize performance, it is recommended that you provide data for as many

key fields as possible.

To retrieve a child business object or children from an array of business objects, the
connector uses foreign keys in the WHERE clause of the SELECT statement. It does not
use the Key property of attributes in child business objects. For information on
how to specify an attribute in a child business object as a foreign key, see
“Application-Specific information for simple attributes” on page 188.

Foreign key property

The connector does not use this property. The connector obtains foreign-key
information from application-specific information. For more information, see
“Application-Specific information for simple attributes” on page 188.

Required property
The Required property specifies whether an attribute must contain a value.
v If an attribute that represents a child business object or an array of child
business objects is marked as required and the connector fails to retrieve any
child from the application, the retrieve operation fails.
v If a simple attribute is marked as required and the connector fails to retrieve the
corresponding row from the database, the retrieve operation fails. For example,
if the connector reads from multiple tables for a business object and it fails to
retrieve a row for a required simple attribute that represents a value in one of
the tables, the entire retrieve fails.

For information on this property, see “Application-Specific information for simple
attributes” on page 188.

Default value property

This property specifies a default value that the connector uses when generating the
WHERE clause of a SELECT statement. This property is relevant only to simple
attributes that have been specified as key. For example, to cause the connector to
use the default value specified for the Language attribute, you must specify the
Language attribute as key.

Special value for simple attributes

Simple attributes in business objects can have the special value, CxIgnore. When it
receives a business object from the integration broker, the connector ignores all
attributes with a value of CxIgnore. It is as if those attributes were invisible to the

When the connector retrieves data from the database and the SELECT statement
returns a blank value for an attribute, the connector sets the value of that attribute
to CxBlank by default.

Because the connector requires every business object to have at least one key
attribute, make sure that business objects passed to the connector have at least one
primary or foreign key that is not set to CxIgnore.

Chapter 18. Developing business objects for the Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module 187
Business object application-specific information
Application-specific information in business object definitions provides the
connector with application-dependent instructions on how to process business
objects. This information includes:
v The class for the vDynRetBOH business object handler, which is provided in the
application-specific information for the verb of the top-level business object. This
value is identical for all business objects that this module processes.
v Database and query information, which is provided in the application-specific
information for simple attributes. The connector parses this information to
generate SELECT queries.

If you extend or modify an application-specific business object, make sure that the
application-specific information in the business object definition matches the syntax
that the connector expects.

The following sections discuss this functionality in more detail.

Application-specific information for the top-level business

object’s verb
The verb of the top-level business object specifies the class for the vDynRetBOH
business object handler. This application-specific information should always be the

Application-Specific information for simple attributes

The application-specific information for attributes specifies the following
v The name of the corresponding database table
v The name of the corresponding database column
v The foreign key relationship between an attribute in the current business object
and a parent or child business object
v The operand

The application-specific information format consists of four name-value

parameters, each of which includes the parameter name and its value. Each
parameter set is delimited from the next by a colon (:).

The format of attribute application-specific information is shown below. Square

brackets ([ ]) surround an optional parameter. A vertical bar (|) separates the
members of a set of options. Reserve the colon as a delimiter.

Table 37 describes each name-value parameter.

Table 37. Name-value parameters in attribute application-specific information
Parameter Description
TN=TableName The name of the database table
CN=ColumnName The name of the database table column (field)

188 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Table 37. Name-value parameters in attribute application-specific information (continued)
Parameter Description
FK=[..]fk_attribute Name The value of this property depends on whether the foreign-key relationship is
stored in the parent business object or the current business object:
v attributeName—specifies an attribute in the current business object; for more
information, see “Example: Current business object stores the foreign key”
v ..attributeName—specifies an attribute in the parent business object

If an attribute is not a foreign key, do not include this parameter in the

application-specific information.
OP=GT|GE|EQ|NE|LE|LT| LIKE The operand options are:
v GT—Greater Than
v GE—Greater than or Equal to
v EQ—EQual to (default option)
v NE—Not Equal to
v LE—Less than or Equal to
v LT—Less Than
v LIKE—Like

It is recommended that you specify EQ to maximize performance. If no operand

is specified, the connector uses EQ.

The required parameters for each simple attribute are the table name and column
name. The operand defaults to EQ (equals). The following example illustrates the
basic format:

Important: Case is significant when specifying values for these parameters.

It is permissible for simple attributes within a business object to have no value

specified (that is, zero length) for application-specific information fields. The
connector ignores such attributes. This is a convenient way to ensure that the
connector does not process placeholder attributes used to separate adjacent arrays
of child business objects.

If none of the application-specific information in any of a business object’s

attributes provide sufficient information for the connector to build or execute a
query, the connector returns a failure.

Example: Current business object stores the foreign key

Figure 63 on page 190 provides an example of a WebSphere business object with
two foreign keys that reference attributes within the business object. In this case,
the business object represents data in two tables, one containing address data and
the other containing lookup data for state/province and country abbreviations. To
process this data, the connector performs two table reads.

Chapter 18. Developing business objects for the Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module 189

Figure 63. Example: current business object stores the foreign key

Attribute information: Table 38 documents the table name, column name, key,
and foreign-key for each attribute in the example SAP_Address:
Table 38. Description of example business object attributes
Attribute Table name Column name Key Foreign key Default
address_id ADRC ADDRNUMBER true
city ADRC CITY1 false
state ADRC REGION false
country ADRC LAND1 false
language T005U SPRAS true E
fk_country T005U LAND1 false FK=country
fk_state T005U BLAND false FK=state
state_description T005U BEZEI false

Attribute application-specific information: Given the information in Table 38, the

application-specific information for the fk_state attribute is:

The application-specific information for the fk_country attribute is:


SQL Queries: The following SELECT statements illustrate the WHERE clause that the
connector builds to retrieve data from the tables represented by SAP_Address:
BLAND = stateValue

Generating business objects

The WebSphere business integration system provides SAPODA to enable you to
define business objects and the metadata required to support the processing of
those business objects in the SAP application. SAPODA generates business object
definitions from tables you specify graphically. This utility is most useful for
creating individual business object definitions rather than hierarchical business
object definitions. You must manually define the relationships between parent and
child business objects.

Generating business objects: SAPODA

SAPODA generates individual business object definitions for the Hierarchical
Dynamic Retrieve Module. If you use this utility to create hierarchical business
object definitions, you must manually specify the relationships between the
generated parent and child business object definitions.

190 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Note: Table definition anomalies may produce definitions that require manual
changes to fully meet your needs.

Steps to creating a business object definition with SAPODA

To use SAPODA to generate a business object definition for this module:
1. Launch SAPODA.
2. Launch Business Object Designer, which is the utility that facilitates
development of business object definitions, both manually and automatically
(by providing access to ODAs).
3. Follow a six-step process in Business Object Designer to configure and run the
4. Use Business Object Designer to manually modify the generated definition:
v Remove unwanted attributes.

Important: Because the total number of bytes for all columns in each table
represented by a single a business object cannot exceed 512, you
must remove unnecessary attributes whose length causes the
definition to exceed this limit. For more information, see
“Handling long data rows” on page 183.
v If creating a hierarchical business object definition, specify the relationships
between parent and child business objects.
v Remove undesirable anomalies.

For information on using SAPODA, see Chapter 5, “Generating business object

definitions using SAPODA,” on page 43. For information on launching Business
Object Designer and using it to manually modify a business object definition, see
the Business Object Development Guide.

Creating relationships between tables

SAPODA generates a business object definition for every table you specify. When it
completes generating, you can open all tables in Business Object Designer for

To create a hierarchical business object definition from the individual business

object definitions generated by SAPODA, do the following:
1. Determine the table at the top of the hierarchy.
Assume, for example, the top-level business object is SAP_Customer. This
business object has a single key, Customer_KUNNR. SAPODA specifies the
following application-specific information for this attribute:
2. Locate and differentiate every child and grandchild business object.
3. To the top-level business object and to each parent in the hierarchy below it,
add an attribute that represents each child business object or array of child
business objects:
v Specify the name of the child as the type of the attribute.
v Specify containment as the relationship.
v Specify the appropriate cardinality, either 1 or n.
4. To each child business object definition that contains an attribute corresponding
to the key of its parent, specify the foreign-key relationship in the attribute’s
application-specific information.

Chapter 18. Developing business objects for the Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module 191
For example, most business objects that are a direct child of SAP_Customer
contain the Customer_KUNNR attribute. In the application-specific information
for Customer_KUNNR, specify the following:
For information on specifying foreign keys, see Table 37 on page 188.
5. Locate child business object definitions whose corresponding tables do not
contain the key of the parent object. In these definitions, locate a non-key field
in the parent that matches the child’s primary key.
For example, SAP_Customer_ADRC is a second-level business object with no
key the same as its parent’s. SAPODA generates this business object definition
with the Address_number_ADDRNUMBER attribute, which is a non-key field
in SAP_Customer.
In the application-specific information for this attribute, specify the foreign-key
relationship as:

Note: Because SAP changed the name of the ADDNR field used in tables (such
as KNA1) created in SAP Version 3x to ADDRNUMBER in tables (such
as ADRC) created in SAP Version 4x, recognizing the relationship
between these two fields is more challenging.

192 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Part 6. ABAP Extension Module

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 193

194 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Chapter 19. Overview of the ABAP Extension Module
This chapter describes the ABAP Extension Module of the adapter for
The ABAP Extension Module enables an integration broker to send business
objects to and receive events from SAP applications.

This chapter contains the following sections:

v “ABAP Extension Module components”
v “How the ABAP Extension Module works” on page 196

ABAP Extension Module components

The ABAP Extension Module consists of components written in Java and ABAP.
The Java components consist of the connector module and the SAP RFC libraries.
SAP delivers their RFC libraries in Java and C. The ABAP components consists of
various SAP application function modules, database tables, and programs. Some of
these ABAP components are developed and delivered as part of the adapter and
some are native to every SAP installation.

Figure 64 illustrates the overall architecture of the ABAP Extension Module.

DoVerbFor() pollForEvents() Init()

Java Event Event Event
Request Processing Return

SAP RFC library

WebSphere Business
Integration Broker
SAP gateway

Function module: Function module:


Function module: Function module:


ABAP handlers table

Function module:

Figure 64. ABAP Extension Module architecture

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 195

Java components
The connector is delivered and run as a Java Archive (JAR) file. It handles the
event delivery and event business object request processes. The SAP RFC library is
delivered and run as a JAR file as well. It enables external programs to execute
ABAP function modules within an SAP application.

The Java components:

v Open an RFC connection to the SAP application using the SAP RFC library and
the SAP Gateway.
v Handle requests from the integration broker and pass the requests to an ABAP
component of the connector.
v Poll the SAP application for events.

ABAP components
The ABAP components of the connector are function modules, programs, and
database tables. These elements handle the event delivery and business object
request processes initiated by the Java component. The ABAP components are
delivered in connector transport files to be loaded into an SAP application; once
loaded, they run as ABAP repository objects.

The ABAP components:

v Handle business object requests from the Java component by calling the
appropriate function modules designed to handle a particular business object
type and verb.
v Detect, trigger, and store events in the event table.
v Handle event requests and their subsequent return (event status update) from
the Java component.

How the ABAP Extension Module works

Most of the functionality provided by the ABAP Extension Module occurs inside of
the SAP application. For most of the virtual functions that every connector must
implement, there is a corresponding ABAP function module in the SAP
application. However, SAP does not provide ABAP function modules that support
the specific requirements of the init(), doVerbFor(), and pollForEvents()
methods, so these function modules have been developed and delivered as part of
the connector module. While the Java components provide some functionality, the
majority of the processing for these methods is done by the ABAP components in
the SAP application.

Table 39 shows the virtual Java methods that the connector module implements
and their corresponding ABAP components. Keep in mind that this is not a
complete list of the ABAP components used by the connector.
Table 39. Java components and their corresponding ABAP components
Java components ABAP components
getVersion() No implementation required
getBOHandlerForBO No implementation required
terminate() No implementation required

196 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Together, these ABAP function modules are the core of the ABAP Extension
Module. The following sections describe connector initialization, business object
processing, and how the connector handles event notification.

The implemented functions are discussed in the rest of this chapter.

The init() method calls the ABAP function module /CWLD/RFC_LOGON to validate
that the destination SAP application is running and that the RFC library can be
used to execute ABAP function modules. The /CWLD/RFC_LOGON function module is
also called to process all of the in-progress events. All events in the event table that
are marked with a status of event retrieved (status marked as R in the event table)
will be processed based on the InDoubtEvents Connector Property. The default
property value is Ignore. When event distribution is being used only the events
belonging to that particular connector and server with a status of ‘R’ will be
handled according to the connector property. If event distribution is not being used
then all events with a status of ‘R’ will be handled according to the connector
property. If the connector property equals reprocess, these events will be changed
to a status of queued (marked as Q in the event table). When the connector polls
for events, all events of ‘Q’ status will be processed, using /CWLD/RFC_E
VENT_REQUEST function module. If the connector property is equal to
FailOnStartUp, a fatal error is logged within the SAP log and the local log file and
the connector will shut down. An email is also sent notifying the user a fatal error
has occurred. If the connector property is equal to LogError an error is logged
within the SAP log and the local log file. The in-progress events are not processed
and the connector does not shut down. If the connector property is equal to Ignore,
the in-progress events are ignored and the connector polls as if there weren’t any
in-progress events in the event table.

If the function module does not execute successfully, the connector terminates.

Business object processing

All service call requests for SAP are initiated by the doVerbFor() method in the
Java component of the connector module. The connector’s ABAP function module
/CWLD/RFC_DO_VERB_NEXTGEN and an ABAP handler in the ABAP component of the
connector module handle the requests.

Figure 65 on page 198 illustrates business object processing.

Chapter 19. Overview of the ABAP Extension Module 197



SAP RFC library

WebSphere Business
Integration Server
SAP application
SAP gateway

Function module:

Function module: Function module:



Event Event
ABAP handlers table archive

Function module:

Figure 65. Business object processing of doVerbFor()

In the Java component of the connector module, the doVerbFor() method of a
single business object handler implementation handles all of the business object
requests from the integration broker and all business object events from the
pollForEvents() method. In either case, doVerbFor() executes in the following
1. Converts an instance of a WebSphere business object for SAP to a single,
predefined flat structure that contains the business object data.
2. Calls the ABAP function module /CWLD/RFC_DO_VERB_NEXTGEN, passes the
business object data to it, and then waits for business object data to be
3. Converts the returned business object data back into a WebSphere business

The doVerbFor() method passes business object data to function module

/CWLD/RFC_DO_VERB_NEXTGEN and then creates an entirely new business object
structure from the returned business object data.

In the ABAP component of the connector module, the connector’s ABAP function
module /CWLD/RFC_DO_VERB_NEXTGEN is responsible for handling all WebSphere
business object processing in the SAP application. Specifically, it routes business

198 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
object data to the appropriate ABAP handler. In this sense, function module
/CWLD/RFC_DO_VERB_NEXTGEN can be thought of as a business object router. It
executes in the following manner:
1. Receives a business object.
2. Dynamically calls an ABAP handler to process the business object data and
passes the business object data as a parameter.
3. Receives business object data from an ABAP handler and returns it to the
requesting call.

/CWLD/RFC_DO_VERB_NEXTGEN uses ABAP handlers to fulfill each object type and

verb-specific request. /CWLD/RFC_DO_VERB_NEXTGEN uses the value in a business
object’s verb application-specific information to determine which ABAP handler to
call. It also checks for the archive status. /CWLD/RFC_DO_VERB_NEXTGEN can be
thought of as a router from the doVerbFor() method to an ABAP handler.

ABAP handlers
ABAP handlers are unique to the connector module in that they extend the
business object handler functionality from the Java component of the connector
module. ABAP handlers reside in the SAP application as ABAP function modules
and communicate directly with /CWLD/RFC_DO_VERB_NEXTGEN. ABAP handlers are
needed to get business object data into or out of the SAP application database.

Figure 66 illustrates the business object processing components of the ABAP

Extension Module and their relationship to one another. Notice that for a single
business object handler (doVerbFor()) and business object router
(/CWLD/RFC_DO_VERB_NEXTGEN), there are multiple ABAP handlers.

Java doVerbFor()

SAP RFC library

WebSphere Business
Integration Broker

SAP gateway

Business object router:



ABAP handler: ABAP Handler:/ ABAP handler:


ABAP handler:

Figure 66. Adapter-provided business object processing components

Chapter 19. Overview of the ABAP Extension Module 199

ABAP handlers are responsible for adding business object data into the SAP
application database (Create, Update, Delete) or for using the business object data
as the keys to retrieving data from the SAP application database (Retrieve).

The adapter provides generic ABAP handlers. For example, function module
/CWLD/DYNAMIC_TRANSACTION supports flat business objects for Create, Update,
Delete, and Retrieve operations.

The WebSphere business integration system provides a metadata repository and

the adapter provides a generic ABAP handler to support flat business objects. The
adapter also provides an ABAP handler (/CWLD/IDOC_HANDLER) to support
hierarchical business objects; however, you must develop an additional
business-object-specific ABAP handler for each hierarchical business object that you
need to support.

The WebSphere business integration system provides tools that facilitate the
development process. For more information on developing business objects and
ABAP handlers, see Chapter 22, “Developing business objects for the ABAP
Extension Module,” on page 231 and Chapter 5, “Generating business object
definitions using SAPODA,” on page 43.

Event notification
Event notification refers to the collection of processes that notify the connector of
SAP application object events. Notification includes, but is not limited to the type
of the event (object and verb) and the data key required for the external system to
retrieve the associated data.

Figure 67 on page 201 illustrates the event notification process, which uses the
pollForEvents() method.

200 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)

doVerbFor() Event Event Event

Java request processing return

SAP RFC library

WebSphere Business
Integration Server

SAP application
SAP gateway

Function module: Function module:


Function module: Function module:


Event Event
table archive
ABAP handlers table

Function module:

Figure 67. Event notification process

Event notification for the connector consists of two functions:

v “Event polling”
v “Event triggering” on page 204

Event polling
Event polling consists of three functions that are carried out by the
pollForEvents() method:
v “Event request”
v “Event processing” on page 203
v “Event return” on page 203

Note: The roles of these functions are distributed in the Java and ABAP
components. However, the Java component always initiates event polling.

Event request: Event request is the process of polling and retrieving events from
the event table in the SAP application. The event request mechanism of the Java
component has a counterpart function module in the SAP application,
/CWLD/RFC_EVENT_REQUEST. This function retrieves events from the connector’s
ABAP event table, /CWLD/EVT_CUR.

Every triggered event enters the event table with an initial status of prequeued
(status marked as P in the event table) and a default event priority of zero. Before
an event can be processed, its status must be changed to queued (Q in the event
table). The priority of an event must be zero before the connector retrieves the full
object that it represents. For more information on event priority, see on page 206.

Chapter 19. Overview of the ABAP Extension Module 201

The status of an event changes from prequeued to queued if there are no database
locks for the combination of the user who created the event and the event’s key.
After the event has been retrieved from the event table the status of the event is
updated to event retrieved (R in the event table. If locks exist, the status of the
event is set to locked (L in the event table) and the event is requeued. An ABAP
constant, C_MAXIMUM_REQUEUE, defines of the number of times that an event can be
requeued. If the maximum number (defaulted to 100) is attained, then the event is
archived to the event archive table.

Note: Every event with a prequeued or locked status is updated with every poll.
You can run into performance issues when events are triggered in batches.
You can configure the polling frequency using the PollFrequency
configuration property. For more information, see Appendix D, “Standard
configuration properties,” on page 301.

After preprocessing all prequeued events, the ABAP function module

/CWLD/RFC_EVENT_REQUEST selects the events to return to the event request method
in the Java component of the connector module (only events with a status of
queued can be selected). The connector-specific configuration property
PollQuantity (defaulted to 20) determines the maximum number of events
returned for a single poll. For more information, see Appendix A, “Quick Steps,”
on page 281.

The event request mechanism performs the event selection process in two steps:
1. Selects events dedicated to the connector and the integration broker.
Events are dedicated to a specific integration broker in the event distribution
table (/CWLD/EVT_DIS). The name of the integration broker specified in this
table must match the name specified in the shortcut that starts the connector.
For example, the standard shortcut for an SAP connector running on Windows
has the format:
...\start_SAP.bat SAPconnectorName integrationBrokerName -cConfigFileName
When WebSphere MQ Integrator is the integration broker, the WebSphere
business integration system identifies the integration broker specified in the
event distribution table by getting values from the connector’s startup
v The value of the integrationBrokerName parameter links the broker instance
in the startup command to the broker specified in the event distribution

Note: The product’s installation program uses the integration broker name
specified at installation as the value of the integrationBrokerName
parameter in the startup command.
v The value of the ConfigFileName parameter identifies the Queue Manager
and queues configured for the specific WebSphere MQ Integrator instance.
2. If fewer than the maximum number of events have been selected, pulls the
balance from the events that are not configured for event distribution.
For example, if the connector-specific configuration property PollQuantity is
kept at 20 and there are 8 events dedicated to the specific connector and the
integration broker, the mechanism selects 12 additional events.
When WebSphere MQ Integrator is the integration broker and only one Queue
Manager has been configured, the names of the queues must be unique for
each instance of the integration broker. When WebSphere MQ Integrator is the
integration broker and a cluster has been configured, the names of the queues
must be unique for each integration broker within the cluster.

202 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
If desired, you can incorporate the name of the broker (as specified in the
integrationBrokerName parameter of the startup command) or the name of the
connector into the names of the queues. For example, if two brokers are named
WMQI1 and WMQI2, their respective ADMINOUTQUEUEs might be named

Important: If you set up multiple connectors to poll, you must configure every
event to be processed by only one connector. Otherwise the
connector may send duplicate events, or may archive events instead
of retrieving them.

Event processing: The event request function produces an array of events to be

processed from the /CWLD/EVT_CUR event table. It passes these events to the event
processing function, which handles them one at a time in the following manner:
1. Evaluates if the event is in the connector subscription list using the object.verb
If an event is not in the subscription list, sets the status of the event to not
2. Creates a parentObjectOnly.Retrieve business object if an event is in the
subscription list. The event processing function sets the key value in one of the
following ways:
v If the event key value does not contain the |Cx| delimiter, the connector sets
the value of the first key attribute to the value specified in the event key. In
this case, composite keys are treated as singletons and must be interpreted
by the ABAP business object processing function modules.
v If the event key value contains one or more instances of the |Cx| delimiter,
the connector sets the value of each specified attribute to its specified value.
For more information about specifying a composite key for an event, see
“Coding composite keys as name-value pairs” on page 257.
3. Invokes doVerbFor() and passes the business object data to it. Once the
business object is passed, event processing waits for business object data to
4. Updates the status of the event array based on the doVerbFor() processing.
5. Delivers the business object data to the integration broker if the business object
data is successfully retrieved.

Event return: After each event is processed by event request, it is returned to the
SAP application using function module /CWLD/RFC_EVENT_RETURN. This function
module makes a copy of the processed event, adds it to the event archive table
(/CWLD/EVT_ARC), and then deletes the original entry from the event table.

Note: Events with their new status are all updated after each event is processed.

Archived events include successfully processed events, events that were processed
but terminated in an error, and unsubscribed events. Each event has a status that
can indicate one of the following conditions:
v The business object was successfully sent to the integration broker.
v The event produced an unknown Java return code from the connector.
v The event failed in attempting to retrieve data from the SAP application.
v The event timed out because the business object was locked.
v No collaboration subscribes to the event—relevant only when the WebSphere
InterChange Server is the integration broker.

Chapter 19. Overview of the ABAP Extension Module 203

Use the IBM WebSphere BI Station tool in the SAP application to administer the
event archive table. IBM WebSphere BI Station enables an administrator to display
and truncate the archive table and to resubmit events for processing. For more
information about maintaining the archive table and setting up log truncation, see
Chapter 24, “Managing the ABAP Extension Module,” on page 263.

Event triggering
The connector is event-driven. In order to get events out of the SAP application,
you need to implement an event triggering mechanism for each IBM
WebSphere-supported business object. Event triggering for the connector comprises
three functions:
v “Event detection”
v “Event triggering”
v “Event persistence” on page 207

Event detection: Event detection is the process of identifying that an event was
generated in the SAP application. Typically, connectors use database triggers to
detect an event. However, because the SAP application is tightly integrated with
the SAP database, SAP allows very limited access for direct modifications to its
database. Therefore, the event detection mechanisms are implemented in the
application transaction layer above the database.

The commonly uses four mechanisms to detect an event in the SAP application:
v Code enhancements
v Batch programs
v Business Workflow
v Change Pointer

All of these event detection mechanisms support real-time triggering and retrieval
of objects. In addition, code enhancements and batch programs provide
functionality to delay the retrieval of events. An event whose retrieval is delayed is
called a future event. For more information on triggering future events, see “Event

Note: Each event detection mechanism has advantages and disadvantages that
need to be considered when designing and developing a business object
trigger. For more information on implementing an event detection
mechanism, see Chapter 23, “Developing event detection for the ABAP
Extension Module,” on page 251.

Keep in mind that these are only a few examples of event detection mechanisms.
There are many different ways to detect events.

Event triggering: Once an event is identified by one of the event detection

mechanisms, it is triggered using one of the adapter-delivered event triggers.
v /CWLD/ADD_TO_QUEUE—function module that triggers events to the current event
table for immediate processing
v /CWLD/ADD_TO_QUEUE_IN_FUTURE— function module that triggers events to the
future event table to be processed at a later time

Note: Both functions are for real-time triggering. /CWLD/ADD_TO_QUEUE processes

events immediately and /CWLD/ADD_TO_QUEUE processes events at a later time

204 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
If the event will be triggered in real-time, then /CWLD/ADD_TO_QUEUE commits the
event to the current event table (/CWLD/EVT_CUR). Specifically, it adds a row of data
for the object name, verb, and key that represents the event.

Figure 68 illustrates events triggered by /CWLD/ADD_TO_QUEUE.

Function module:

event table


If an event needs to be processed at a future date, then

/CWLD/ADD_TO_QUEUE_IN_FUTURE commits the event to the future event table
(/CWLD/EVT_FUT). Specifically, it adds a row of data for the object name, verb, and
key that represents the event. In addition, it adds a Date row which is read by the
adapter-delivered batch program /CWLD/SUBMIT_FUTURE_EVENTS. This batch program
can be scheduled to retrieve events from the future event table. Once it retrieves an
event, it calls /CWLD/ADD_TO_QUEUE to trigger the event to the current event table.

Note: /CWLD/ADD_TO_QUEUE_IN_FUTURE uses the system date as the current date

when it populates the Date row of the future event table.

Figure 69 illustrates events triggered by /CWLD/ADD_TO_QUEUE_IN_FUTURE.

Function module: Function module:


Current Future
event table Batch program: event table


For more information on triggering events for the future event table, see
Chapter 23, “Developing event detection for the ABAP Extension Module,” on
page 251.

All events are added to the current event table using /CWLD/ADD_TO_QUEUE. In
addition to adding a row of data to the current event table, /CWLD/ADD_TO_QUEUE
can be set up for:
v Event filtering
v Event distribution

Chapter 19. Overview of the ABAP Extension Module 205

v Event priority

Event filtering, event distribution, and event priority are executed as part of the
event trigger and by no other program. They result in either the event’s restriction
(filtering), or modification (event distribution and event prioritization).
Event filtering The event trigger can be used to filter out events
that you do not want added to the event table. The
adapter provides an ABAP include program
to restrict specific events for this purpose.
Event distribution Load balancing can be used to distribute event
processing across multiple connectors allowing you
to process multiple events at the same time. The
event trigger provides this capability through the
event distribution table (/CWLD/EVT_DIS). You can
dedicate business objects to be retrieved by a
specific connector. Also, event distribution can take
a single event and replicate it one or more times
for each subscribed combination of connector and
integration broker.

Attention: If you are using multiple connectors to poll, you must dedicate every
subscribed event to a specific connector. Failure to do so may result in duplicate
events delivered. You must guarantee that there is no dependency between objects
dedicated to different connectors, because this may result in events being delivered
out of sequence.

For example, assume you have a single integration broker named CrossWorlds1
that subscribes to two different business objects, BO_A and BO_B. The BO_A
business object is small and can be retrieved quickly whereas BO_B is large and
takes much longer to retrieve. With two connectors polling, SAP1connector and
SAP2connector, you can set up the event distribution table so that SAP1connector
retrieves BO_A and SAP2connector retrieves BO_B. SAP1connector can
continuously poll small objects of type A, while SAP2connector focuses on the
larger type B objects.

Note: For information on how the WebSphere business integration system

identifies each unique instance of a WebSphere MQ Integrator integration
broker, see “Event request” on page 201.

Important: If the event distribution table is not configured for a specific object,
then each event triggered for that object is available for any
combination of connector and integration broker.
Event priority You can set the event priority for each combination
of business object, connector, and integration
broker by delaying the retrieval of events. An
event’s priority indicates the number of polls that
are needed before the event is picked up for
delivery. For example, if you set the priority of an
event to 10, then the connector polls the event table
ten times before the event is retrieved. Each time
the connector polls, the priority value is reduced
by one until it reaches zero.

206 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
By default, all events are given a priority of zero.
An object’s priority is configured in the same
ABAP table as event distribution.

Figure 70 illustrates the event triggering functionality inside the SAP application.
The events E1, E2, and E3 are received by the event trigger /CWLD/ADD_TO_QUEUE. E1
represents a Customer event and E3 represents an Order event. Event distribution
is set up so that all Customer objects are handled by SAP1connector and all Order
objects are handled by SAP2connector. In this environment, both connectors use
the same integration broker. Because E1 is a Customer object, it is polled by
SAP1connector and because E3 is an Order object, it is polled by SAP2connector.
E2 is an Inventory object that is filtered out by code in the restriction program
/CWLD/TRIGGERING_RESTRICTIONS that restricts inventory objects to a specific

E1 E1 event
Event E1 table
Event Event
detection E2 filtering distribution
mechanism E3
E3 E3



Figure 70. Event priority with function module /CWLD/ADD_TO_QUEUE

Event persistence: Once the event trigger inserts an event into the event table, the
event is committed to the database with its event distribution and event priority
values set. At this time, only polling can modify the event. When the event polling
processes is completed, meaning the event was retrieved from the SAP application
and processed by the Java component of the connector, a copy of the processed
event is added to the event archive table (/CWLD/EVT_ARC). The original event is
then deleted from the event table.

Note: You can resubmit an event from the archive table. Keep in mind that the
event is simply moved to the event table and is not triggered again.
Specifically, it does not pass back through event filtering, event distribution,
and event priority.

Chapter 19. Overview of the ABAP Extension Module 207

208 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Chapter 20. Installing and customizing the ABAP Extension
This chapter describes the installation and customization of the ABAP Extension
Module only and assumes that you have already installed and configured the
connector. For more information on installing and configuring the connector, see
Appendix A, “Quick Steps,” on page 281 and Appendix D, “Standard configuration
properties,” on page 301. Customizing the connector is optional, but

This chapter contains the following sections:

v “Connector transport file installation”
v “Verifying connector transport file installation” on page 213
v “Enabling the SAP application for the connector” on page 214
v “Modifying adapter-delivered ABAP objects” on page 216
v “Preventing event ping-pong” on page 216

All of the components of the connector can be found in the \connectors\SAP

directory for Windows and the /connector/SAPand /bin directories for UNIX. The
transports are installed on an SAP application or database server as described
below in “Connector transport file installation.”

Note: In this document backslashes (\) are used as the convention for directory
paths. For UNIX installations, substitute slashes (/) for backslashes (\). All
file pathnames are relative to the directory where the product is installed on
your system.

Connector transport file installation

The transport files for the adapter for contain a variety of objects, such
as table structures, functions, and data. These development objects must be
imported into your SAP installation to provide specific functionality required by
the ABAP Extension Module.

Each transport file is included in a .zip file. For example, the transport file for the
SAP version 4.x Primary transport is located in the file.

Once the required transport files have been successfully loaded, the business
object-specific transports can be loaded in any order. See the transport note
included in each transport .zip file for detailed information about the transport

Creating the namespace for connector transport installation

Create the namespace for the connector before installing the connector transport
files. This step is mandatory for SAP version 4.0, as some of the transports will fail
if the namespace is not created.

Note: You must create the connector’s namespace prior to modifying one of the
connector’s ABAP objects in any SAP application version 4.x.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 209

Creating the /CWLD/ namespace
1. Open the Workbench Organizer: Tools window (transaction SE03).
2. Expand the Administration menu and double-click on the Display/change
namespaces option.
3. Click the Display->Change button (Ctrl+F1).
4. Click the Continue button to close the Information window.
5. Click the New entries button (F5) and type /CWLD/ in the Namespace field.
6. Select the Namespace role field, expand it (F4) to see options, and then select
Recipient (C).
7. Type CrossWorlds Namespace in the Short text field and type CrossWorlds in the
Owner field. Click the save button (Ctrl+S). If your system is set up to track
customizing changes, you will be prompted for a change request which will
allow you to transport the namespace to another system.

Making the namespace available for modifications

ABAP objects in the connector’s namespace cannot be modified until you make the
Namespace available for modification. To update SAP4.x delivered ABAP objects,
you must have a repair license to modify the objects. Contact IBM technical
support to obtain the license.
1. Open the Workbench Organizer: Tools window (transaction SE03).
2. Expand the Administration menu and double-click on the Display/change
namespaces option.
3. Click the Display->Change button (Ctrl+F1).
4. Click the Continue button to close the Information window.
5. Double-click on /CWLD/ and enter the repair license. Click the Save button
6. Click the Back button (F3) twice, expand the Administration menu and
double-click on the Set system change option.
7. Place a check mark in the Modifiable column of the Namespace row. Click the
Save button (Ctrl+S).

Connector transport files

The connector includes two connector transport files. Modifications required by the
adapter are handled by these connector transport files.

To ensure that all necessary tables are created before the data for those tables is
added, you must install the transports in the order listed. These files can be found
in ProductDir\connectors\SAP\dependencies, where ProductDir represents the
directory where the connector is installed.
Table 40. Connector transport files by version
Version of SAP Transport files
V.4.0, V.4.5, V.4.6 v \connectors\SAP\dependencies\transports_40_45_46\
v \connectors\SAP\dependencies\transports_40_45_46\
V.4.7 v \connectors\SAP\dependencies\transports_47\
v \connectors\SAP\dependencies\transports_47\

The functionality provided by the Primary and Infrastructure files is as follows.

210 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Table 41. Connector transport file functionality
File Functionality
Primary This transport file contains the following elements:
v Development objects, which should be loaded only once into the system. It contains the
number range objects, the development classes, the dynamic transaction declaration
include program as well as the restriction include program, which can be used to make
customer-specific changes to the triggering logic. If you apply this transport file to a
system that already has the connector running on it, the contents of the transport file will
overwrite all objects in the existing environment.
v The four number ranges in their initial state. Reimporting the Primary transport file
initializes your existing number range intervals for the connector. This corrupts the data in
the connector’s log, current event, future event, and archive tables if those tables are not
refreshed before reusing.
Infrastructure This client-independent transport file contains the following elements:
v Objects and functionality that are shared among the request, delivery, development, and
maintenance components. For example, it contains the log and data elements.
v The functionality required to support business object request operations.
v The functionality required to support event delivery operations including event triggering
and event polling.
v The functionality required to support maintenance operations such as displaying the log
statistics and event tables.
v The functionality required to support the development of objects.

Installing connector transport files

The connector transport files make all necessary modifications to SAP by importing
programs and other development objects delivered with the connector. They do not
alter any SAP programs or modify user exits.

Attention: If you are reapplying transports, note that this resets your
environment. Any development done prior to reapplying the transport files will be

In the following instructions, SID refers to the SAP system ID, and
<TransportFileName> refers to the name of the transport file. However, the
characters that make up the transport file name appear in a different order in the
installation directory from the way the name is passed as a parameter to the
various tp commands. In the \usr\sap\trans\cofiles directory, the format of a
transport file name is K9xxxxx.SID, but when the filename is passed as a parameter
it has the format SIDK9xxxxx. For example, the file name K912345.D30 is passed as a
parameter as D30K912345 because D30 is the SID of the source system.

Attention: Do not change the names of the connector transport files.

To install the transports:

1. Log in as the SAP administrator, <SID>adm.
2. Copy the transports to the SAP database server. There are two kinds of
transport files:
a. Copy files that have names beginning in K to the \usr\sap\trans\cofiles
b. Copy the other files to the \usr\sap\trans data directory.
3. Check the connection to the database and determine the path of the tpparam
file by running the tp connect command:

Chapter 20. Installing and customizing the ABAP Extension Module 211
tp connect <SID>
If this command fails, try adding the path of the tpparam file as a second
tp connect <SID> pf = <path of tpparam>
For example, if the SID is P11 and the path of the tpparam file is
\usr\sap\trans\bin\tpparam, the command is:
tp connect P11 pf = \usr\sap\trans\bin\tpparam
If tp connect succeeds when you specify the path of the tpparam file and fails
when you do not, you should specify the optional tpparam path in the
commands described in step 3.
4. Import the transport files in one of the following two ways:
v “Use adapter-delivered commands”
v “Use an SAP transaction code”

Use adapter-delivered commands

In \usr\sap\trans\bin, execute the following commands for each transport, in the
order specified:
tp addtobuffer <TransportFileName> <SID> pf = tpparamFilePath
tp import <TransportFileName> <SID> u023689 CLIENT=<CLIENT#> pf = tpparamFilePath

Use an SAP transaction code

In the Transport Management s system (transaction STMS):
1. Click the Import overview icon (F5).
2. Double-click the appropriate queue to be updated.
3. In the menu bar, click Extras, then click Other requests, and then click Add.
4. Populate the transport request field, and then click the check mark (enter).
5. When the Add Transport Request confirmation window appears, click Yes to
attach the import to the queue.
6. Place the cursor on the transport that was just added.
7. In the menu bar, click Request, and then click Import.
8. Populate the Target client field, and click the check mark to import the
transport file.

You must install the transports in the order listed in “Connector transport file
installation” on page 209.

After the transports are installed, change the development class to follow the
migration path of your development classes. Use IBM WebSphere BI Station
(transaction /n/CWLD/HOME) to do the following:
1. Click the Tools tab, and then click the Transport Layer button.
2. Select the appropriate Transport layer entry, and then click the Save button.

Attention: Any changes you make to development objects that were in the
connector transports should be well documented outside of SAP. Changes can be
overwritten by the next release of transport files. If changes are overwritten, they
must be reapplied manually. For more information on upgrade issues, see
Chapter 25, “Upgrading the ABAP Extension Module,” on page 271.

212 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Verifying connector transport file installation
To verify that the connector transport files are installed properly, you must:
v “Verify that transport files were moved to the SAP application”
v “Verify that SAP generated the objects successfully”

Verify that transport files were moved to the SAP application

To verify that the connector transport files were physically moved into the SAP
application, examine the transport logs in one of the following ways:
v Use the Transport Organizer (transaction SE01)
v Use the Transport Management System graphic interface (transaction STMS)

Using the Transport Organizer (transaction SE01)

To use the transport organizer (transaction SE01):
1. Populate the number field with the name of the transport file.
2. Click Display to see the log.

Using the Transport Management System graphic interface

(transaction STMS)
To use the Transport Management System graphic interface (transaction STMS):
1. Click the Import overview icon (F5).
2. Double-click the appropriate queue.
3. Right-click the transport number, and then select Logs.
4. Examine the log to see if the installation was successful.

Verify that SAP generated the objects successfully

To verify that SAP generated the objects successfully:
1. Go to transaction SE38
2. Enter the program /CWLD/CONSTANTS.
3. Select Source Code, and then click Display.
4. From the Program menu, click Generate.
5. Click Select All, and then click Continue (F2).

This generates all of the adapter programs that include these programs.

If you get the response Programs successfully generated, you can assume that the
transport was successful.

Upgrading the ABAP Extension Module

Upgrading the connector involves installing the latest adapter files and loading the
latest ABAP transport files for the ABAP Extension Module. For additional
upgrade information, see the Implementation Guide for WebSphere MQ Message
Brokers, or, for IBM WebSphere InterChange Server, see the System Installation Guide
for UNIX or for Windows.

It is recommended that you backup your current connector files (for example the
configuration and message files CN_SAP.txt and SAPConnector.txt) before starting.
Before loading the connector definition into the repository, you may want to
remove all supported object references except those you need.

Chapter 20. Installing and customizing the ABAP Extension Module 213
Attention: If you install the latest Primary and Number Range transport files,
you will overwrite your existing number range interval information. Overwriting
the number range intervals may cause existing events and objects to be out of sync
because the number range interval is reset to zero (0).

After you install the latest version of the connector, install the latest ABAP
transport files for the version of SAP you are going to use. Without these, you
cannot transport the existing components of the ABAP Extension Module.
Transport installation is described in “Connector transport file installation” on page
209. Keep in mind that installing new transport files overwrites any modifications
to adapter-delivered code.

Make sure that you use the correct transport files for your environment. For
example, if you are using an SAP version 4.6 environment, install the adapter’s 4.x
transport files. Doing so ensures that any warning or errors you get when you load
your objects are in relation to the SAP version 4.x environment and not anything
else that was brought over from SAP version 3.x. This allows you to resolve
problems that relate to differences in SAP version 4.x.

After you install the latest version of the connector and the latest ABAP transport
files for the version of SAP you are going to use., configure the new connector.

If you are upgrading from the SAP 3.x version of the connector to this version, you
need to configure the new connector-specific configuration properties “Modules”
on page 330 and “Namespace” on page 331. For more information on these
properties, see “Connector-specific configuration properties” on page 325.

Enabling the SAP application for the connector

After installing the connector and configuring the standard and connector-specific
configuration properties, you have the option of modifying the event handling and
logging capabilities for the connector from within the SAP application.

Setting up event distribution

Load balancing distributes event and business object request processing across
multiple connectors. The connector can handle only one transaction at a time.
However, you can process multiple events and business objects at the same time if
you set up multiple connectors to handle specific business objects. For more
information on setting up multiple connectors, see “Installing multiple connectors”
on page 16.

To set up event distribution for multiple connectors:

1. Go to IBM WebSphere BI Station (transaction /n/CWLD/HOME).
2. Click the Configuration tab, and then click the Event Distribution button.
3. Click the New Entries button (F5), and in the New Entries window, enter the
business object name, connector name, and integration broker name.
4. Enter a number in the counter field for each business object. The combination
of the business object and counter provides a unique key for the event
distribution table. The counter can be any number up to six digits.

Note: In a test environment, you may have multiple users testing the same
business object that is subscribed to by multiple connectors. If each user
wants only a certain event for that business object, then you can specify a
user name to differentiate between which event is passed to the combination

214 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
of which connector and which integration broker. In the User (Event Trigger)
field, enter the appropriate user name for the business objects. For
information on how the WebSphere business integration system identifies
each unique instance of a WebSphere MQ Integrator integration broker, see
“Event request” on page 201.

Setting up event filtering

The configuration table in the SAP application cannot accommodate all
modifications. Therefore, the adapter provides an ABAP include program that can
be modified to filter events. This program, /CWLD/TRIGGERING_RESTRICTIONS, is
called from within the event trigger /CWLD/ADD_TO_QUEUE, to enable additional
filtering of events.

Note: You must have developer privileges to make changes because the code
needs to be recompiled.

To view or modify the include program /CWLD/TRIGGERING_RESTRICTIONS:

1. Go to IBM WebSphere BI Station (transaction /n/CWLD/HOME).
2. Click the Configuration tab, and then click the Event Restriction button.

Setting up event priority

You can set the priority of an event to be processed based on its importance. By
setting the priority of each combination of business object, integration broker, and
connector, you can delay a connector’s retrieval of an event. For example, if you set
the priority of an event to 10, the connector polls the event table ten times before
retrieving the event. So, if the connector polls the event table every 5 seconds, the
connector picks up the event after 50 seconds. Each time the connector polls, the
priority value is reduced by one until the event is retrieved and processed.

Note: For information on how the WebSphere business integration system

identifies each unique instance of a WebSphere MQ message broker, see
“Event request” on page 201

To set the priority of an event:

1. Go to IBM WebSphere BI Station (transaction /n/CWLD/HOME).
2. Click the Configuration tab, and then click the Event Distribution button.
3. Fill in the Priority column with a value between 1 and 99 for the appropriate
business object.

Increasing log tablespace size

The connector’s log tables are located, by default, in the tablespace named
PSAPUSER1D, and the indexes are located in tablespace PSAPUSER1I. The PSAPUSER1D
and PSAPUSER1I SAP application tablespaces, which are reserved for customer use,
are typically small. Because of the default size, these tablespaces can fill up quickly,
depending on the level of activity and the logging level of the SAP installation for
the adapter.

To view the current size of these tablespaces, go to transaction DB02, and then
click the Current Sizes button. The volume of events captured by the WebSphere
business integration system determines the size needed for these tablespaces.

If the default sizes are too small, ask the SAP database administrator to modify

Chapter 20. Installing and customizing the ABAP Extension Module 215
Verifying number ranges for transport objects
There are four objects for the WebSphere business integration system that must
have an adequate number range within the SAP application. When the transports
are installed, the following objects and their default number ranges are set:

Verify that the associated number ranges are set correctly. To view the number
1. Go to transaction SNRO.
2. Populate the Object field with the object name (for example, /CWLD/EVT).
3. Click Number Ranges, and then click Intervals.

Attention: If you reinstall the transport files in an installation where events have
already been generated, new events may be created using existing event IDs. To
prevent this problem, turn off logging by going to the Configuration tab in IBM
WebSphere BI Station, and then truncate the log completely before reimporting the
connector transport file. Once the connector transport file has been successfully
loaded, turn logging back on. For more information on truncating the event log,
see “Setting up truncation of the event log” on page 266.

Modifying adapter-delivered ABAP objects

All adapter objects such as tables, function modules, and programs use the product
namespace /CWLD/. If you need to modify adapter-delivered ABAP code, you must
obtain a modification key by contacting IBM technical support.

Preventing event ping-pong

Ping-pong occurs when the successful execution of a request to an application
triggers an event in that application that results in an event being created in the
event table. If the connector is set to poll the event table, it picks up the new event,
sends it back to the original source application, which in turn triggers its own
additional event. This new event in the source application continues the cycle.

Note: When the WebSphere InterChange Server is the integration broker,

collaboration look-up and cross-reference mapping should prevent a
duplicate record from being created in the source application. However, this
additional processing is unnecessary.

To prevent ping-pong with the connector, do the following:

1. Go to IBM WebSphere BI Station (transaction /n/CWLD/HOME).
2. Click the Tools tab, and then click the Config Objects button.
3. Click the New Entries button and enter the following information:
Configuration name—Trigger: NoEventForUser
Text—Prevent triggering for certain users
4. Return to the Configuration Tab in IBM WebSphere BI Station, and then click
the Configuration Values button.
5. Click the New Entries button, and then add an entry for each User Id for which
you want to prevent triggering of events.

216 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
v Configuration Name—Trigger: NoEventForUser
v Counter—Any Number
v Configuration value—User Id (connector name)

Note: Keep in mind that this prevents the connector from triggering events.

Chapter 20. Installing and customizing the ABAP Extension Module 217
218 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Chapter 21. Business object processing in the ABAP
Extension Module
This chapter discusses business object processing for the ABAP Extension Module.
It provides a detailed description of how the connector processes business objects.
The chapter is set up to show the progression of a business object through the Java
and ABAP components of the connector.

This chapter contains the following sections:

v “Business object conversion to a flat structure” on page 220
v “Business object data routing to ABAP handlers” on page 223
v “How ABAP handlers process business object data” on page 224
v “Flat structure conversion to a business object” on page 229

Business object processing for the extension module of the adapter for
is the same for all business objects regardless of the specific native SAP API that is
used. For example, if you develop a business object based on a Call Transaction or
an IDoc, the business object data is processed the same way. The processing is the
same whether a business object is sent into the SAP application as a retrieve
performed as part of event notification or as a business object request. The
business object’s verb also does not change the processing.

Figure 71 illustrates the conversion and processing of an application-specific

business object to a flat structure and then back to an application-specific business
object. Note that the business object data that is passed out of the SAP application
must have the same structure as the data passed in, but the data might not have
the same values.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 219

Application- Application-
Specific Specific
Business Object Business Object

1 4

module BOHandler

WebSphere Business
InterChange Server
Flat Flat
SAP R/3 Structure Structure

Business object router


ABAP handlers

Figure 71. Business object processing

Business object processing consists of four steps. The four steps listed below
correspond to the numbers in Figure 71.
1. The connector converts an application-specific business object into a flat
structure containing business object data and passes the data to the SAP
2. The connector’s function module /CWLD/RFC_DO_VERB_NEXTGEN dynamically
routes the business object data to an ABAP handler.
3. The ABAP handler processes the business object data, generates business object
response data, and returns new business object data to the connector through
4. The connector receives the new business object data, and uses it and the
business object definition of the application-specific business object to create a
new business object to pass to the integration broker.

Business object conversion to a flat structure

As a first step in business object processing, the connector converts a business
object into a flat structure that can be processed in the SAP application. The format
of the flat structure is the same for all types of business objects (such as Call
Transaction-based or IDoc-based business objects). The flat structure is reformatted
data from an application-specific business object. The only difference between the
two forms of data is that the flat structure does not maintain parent and child
business object relationships. Therefore, the connector relies on a set of rules to
create a flat structure.

220 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
When converting a business object into a flat structure, the connector creates a
structure in memory and then populates it with data from the business object. In
doing so, it passes the following data into the SAP application from the business
v Business object name
v Business object application-specific information
v Business object verb
v Business object verb application-specific information
v Attribute name
v Attribute property IsKey
v Attribute property AppText
v Attribute value

Table 42 shows the generic flat structure of a business object. The connector uses
this flat structure when adding the business object data from a WebSphere business
Table 42. Generic flat structure representation of a WebSphere business object for SAP
Field name Data type Length Description
ATTR_NAME CHAR 32 Attribute Name (example, CustomerId)
BLANK1 CHAR 1 Delimiter
ATTR_VALUE CHAR 200 Attribute Value (example, 00000103)
BLANK2 CHAR 1 Delimiter
ISKEY CHAR 1 1= true, 0 = false; attributes only
BLANK3 CHAR 1 Delimiter
ISNEW CHAR 1 1 = BO; 0 = verb or attribute
BLANK4 CHAR 1 Delimiter
PEERS CHAR 6 Indicates number of peers of an array of business
BLANK5 CHAR 1 Delimiter
BLANK6 CHAR 1 Delimiter
APPTEXT CHAR 120 Application-specific information of object, verb or
BLANK7 CHAR 1 Delimiter

Note: The BLANKn field names always contain a single character (CHAR) space
and should never be populated.

In order for the data conversion to work properly, the business object data in the
flat structure must strictly adhere to a set of rules. These rules are defined in this
initial data conversion step:
v Each business object attribute is placed sequentially into a flat structure, where
one row corresponds to one attribute.
v Hierarchical business objects are converted as depth and then breadth.

When the connector populates the flat structure with business object data, the
connector loops through each business object twice, beginning with the top-level
business object.
1. In the first pass, it sets all simple attributes. Each attribute equals one row in
the flat structure.

Chapter 21. Business object processing in the ABAP Extension Module 221
2. In the second pass, it recursively executes the same processing in step 1 for
each child business object.

Attributes that represent child business objects are not included in their parents.
Instead, each child that contains data is created as a complete business object. The
result is a single list of attributes ordered by depth, then breadth.

Figure 72 illustrates the data conversion of a WebSphere business object for SAP
into a flat data structure. The conversion of data always follows the rule of depth
first and then breadth. In the example, the top-level parent business object,
SAP_Order, has two children, SAP_LineItem (1) and SAP_LineItem (2), which are
considered peers. SAP_LineItem (1) has one child business object,

Parent business object

Order number
Customer number Flat structure
SAP_LineItem (2)
Child business object Order number

SAP_LineItem (1) Customer number

Item number SAP_LineItem
Item number
SAP_ScheduleLines (1)

Child business object SAP_ScheduleLines

SAP_ScheduleLines Delivery date

Delivery date Quantity

Item number

SAP_LineItem (2) Material

Item number
SAP_ScheduleLines (null)

Figure 72. Conversion from a business object to a flat structure

It is important to understand the ordering of the business objects and their

attributes when designing a business object definition. The following tables
illustrate the result of the conversion of an WebSphere business object to a flat
structure. Table 43 on page 223 represents a flat structure for a flat business object,
SAP_Material, whose key value is ItemID. In this example, there is no
application-specific information for the business object or any of the attributes.
Table 44 on page 223 represents a flat structure of a hierarchical business object
based on an IDoc Sales Order.

222 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Table 43. Flat business object SAP_Material
BoName SAP_Material 0 1 1 (blank) (blank)
BoVerb Retrieve 0 0 1 (blank) :/CWLD
ItemID 000000000000001179 1 0 1 (blank) (blank)
ShortDesc CxIgnore 0 0 1 (blank) (blank)
ObjectEventID SAP_124 0 0 1 (blank) (blank)

In this example, there is no application-specific information for the business object

or any of the attributes.
Table 44. Hierarchical business object based on an IDoc sales order
BoName SAP_Order 0 1 1 (blank) YXRV4B01
BoVerb Create 0 0 1 (blank) [archive:methods]
Currency USD 0 0 1 (blank) E1EDK01:CURCY
OrderId CxIgnore 1 0 1 (blank) E1EDK01:BELNR
ObjectEventId SAP_124 0 0 1 (blank) E1EDK01:
BoName SAP_LineItem 0 1 2 (blank) Z1XRV40
BoVerb Create 0 0 2 (blank) (blank)
Createdby User1 1 2 (blank) Z1XRV40:ERNAM
ObjectEventId SAP_125 0 0 2 (blank) Z1XRV40:
BoName SAP_ 0 1 1 (blank) E1EDK14
BoVerb Create 0 0 1 (blank) (blank)
Qualifier 001 1 0 1 (blank) Z1XRV40:QUALF
OrganizationId 1000 0 0 1 (blank) E1EDK14:ORGID
ObjectEventId SAP_126 0 0 1 (blank) E1EDK14:
BoName SAP_LineItem 0 1 2 (blank) Z1XRV40
BoVerb Create 0 0 2 (blank) (blank)
Createdby User1 1 0 2 (blank) Z1XRV40:ERNAM
ObjectEventId SAP_127 0 0 2 (blank) Z1XRV40:

The first two rows, BoName and BoVerb, are added by the connector for each
business object. BoName and BoVerb are keywords that cannot be used as business
object attributes.

Business object data routing to ABAP handlers

Once the business object data is converted into a flat structure, the business object
data is passed into SAP memory by calling the adapter’s ABAP function module
business object data; it simply routes it to the appropriate ABAP handler for
further processing. After /CWLD/RFC_DO_VERB_NEXTGEN passes the business object
data to an ABAP handler, it waits for business object data to be returned.

Chapter 21. Business object processing in the ABAP Extension Module 223
Note: Remember that every business object retrieve and request is processed

/CWLD/RFC_DO_VERB_NEXTGEN uses a business object’s verb application-specific

information to determine which ABAP handler processes the business object data.
At runtime, /CWLD/RFC_DO_VERB_NEXTGEN reads the verb application-specific
information and passes the business object data to the specified ABAP handler.

Every ABAP handler must reserve the use of verb application-specific information
for the connector. The format for the verb application-specific information is:

where /CWLD/RFC_DO_VERB_NEXTGEN executes function1, passing function2 and

function3 as parameters. For example, Customer Update and Material Retrieve
execute only function1:

For Create, Update, and Delete verbs, specify:/CWLD/RFC_DYNAMIC_TRANSACTION

For the Retrieve verb, specify:/CWLD/RFC_DYNAMIC_RETRIEVE

One of the ABAP handlers provided by the adapter is function module

/CWLD/IDOC_HANDLER. This ABAP handler reformats the data of the flat structure
into an instance of an IDoc definition and passes that reformatted data to another
ABAP handler written to handle that specific type of IDoc. The following examples
illustrate the use of the IDoc Handler API:

Sales Order Update = :/CWLD/IDOC_HANDLER:Y_XR_ORDER_C2

Sales Order Retrieve = :/CWLD/IDOC_HANDLER:Y_XR_ORDER_C4

In the examples, /CWLD/IDOC_HANDLER is executed and passes the second function

module name as well as the business object data. /CWLD/IDOC_HANDLER executes the
call to the second ABAP handler to pass the business object data in an IDoc format
to the Y_XR_ORDER_C2 or Y_XR_ORDER_C4 function module written specifically to
handle Order objects.

Note: /CWLD/RFC_DO_VERB_NEXTGEN uses the value of function1 only. function2 and

function3 may be used by the ABAP handler.

To dynamically call an ABAP handler, /CWLD/RFC_DO_VERB_NEXTGEN requires the

interface of every ABAP handler to be exactly the same. This enables
/CWLD/RFC_DO_VERB_NEXTGEN to send and receive business object data, as well as a
return code and a return text message to any ABAP handler. For more information
on the functional module interface, see “IBM WebSphere function module
interface” on page 233.

How ABAP handlers process business object data

The function of an ABAP handler is to get business object data into or out of the
SAP application database. When processing business object data, ABAP handlers:
1. Interpret business object data.
2. Integrate data with SAP native APIs.
3. Reformat all data returned from native APIs.

224 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Business object data and ABAP handlers
Every ABAP handler receives business object data in the same format (flat
structure). However, each ABAP handler has specific requirements for business
objects that are determined by the complexity of the WebSphere business object
definition, the native API that SAP provides, and the level of functionality that the
ABAP handler provides. For these reasons, ABAP handlers may interpret business
object data by parsing it into a structure specific to the business object. This
enables the ABAP handler to more easily manipulate the data.

Note: Parsing the data is not required. However, it simplifies the ABAP handler’s
processing of a business object.

The adapter provides several ABAP handlers, such as an IDoc handler. The IDoc
handler leverages SAP’s IDoc technology by providing an ABAP handler to
interpret business object data by reformatting it into an IDoc-based structure for
the ABAP handler to use.

Business object data and SAP native APIs

Once the ABAP handler interprets the business object data, the ABAP handler
must integrate it with the SAP application database. It must manipulate the
business object data to use SAP native APIs such as Call Transaction or ABAP SQL
to get data into or out of the application database.

Create, update, and delete processing

The intent of a Create, Update, or Delete operation is to modify the SAP
application database. While the SAP application database schema for a given
business object defines the structure of the data, the transactions provided by SAP
that modify that data have a much broader scope of influence. As a result, directly
modifying the application database tables of an SAP application can have
disastrous results to the application’s data integrity.

Instead of directly modifying the database tables, SAP provides a flexible ABAP
API (Call Transaction) for Create, Update, and Delete operations. Call Transaction
is SAP-provided functionality for entering data into an SAP application. It
guarantees that the data adheres to SAP’s data model by using the same screens an
online user would use in a transaction. This process is commonly referred to as
screen scraping.

Retrieve processing
If the verb is Retrieve, then the connector uses ABAP SQL statements to retrieve
data from the SAP application database. The business object data provides the keys
for the where clause when pulling data. The difficulty in this methodology of
retrieving data is that the retrieved data must be represented in a format that
represents the business object structure. This is done in the ABAP Handler ABAP

The connector supports the Retrieve processing only with a primary key specified.

Return code and returned business object data

Regardless of the verb of the business object, the connector waits for two types of
v Return code
v Returned business object data (for success only, return code = 0)

Chapter 21. Business object processing in the ABAP Extension Module 225
The ABAP Extension Module uses three different return codes to process business
object data; return code 0, 21, and any non-zero code (other than 21). Set the return
code in the function module interface. For more information on the function
module interface, see “IBM WebSphere function module interface” on page 233.

Return code 0
Return code 0 indicates that the business object was successfully processed and
returns VALCHANGE to the connector infrastructure. If ABAP handler processing
is successful, then the connector expects new business object data that reflects the
operation performed. For example, after a successful Create, the returned business
object is an exact copy of the business object initially sent in, except that the keys
are updated. Similarly, a successful Retrieve results in a fully formed instance of
the business object. However, Create, Update, and Delete operations have different
requirements for returned business objects than do Retrieve operations.

When the IBM WebSphere InterChange Server is the integration broker, the
difference in requirements comes from how the WebSphere business integration
system handles business objects, specifically dynamic cross-referencing of object
IDs during mapping. When the connector returns a business object to IBM
WebSphere InterChange Server after a Create or Update operation, the mapping
infrastructure attempts to update the cross-reference tables with the newly
acquired object ID. This is accomplished by looking up the value of the business
object’s ObjectEventId attribute that was set when the business object was
originally sent to the connector.

To the ABAP handlers, this is significant because the ABAP handlers are
responsible for “stitching” the object IDs into the business object that is returned to
the connector. Typically, this is not an issue for Retrieve operations because there is
no corresponding dynamic cross-referencing. Retrieve operations generate an
entirely new business object that is returned to the connector. This business object
does not have any direct relationship to the structure of the business object
originally sent in.

The business object data returned by the ABAP handler must be in the same flat
structure format as when it was initially passed in to function module
/CWLD/RFC_DO_VERB_NEXTGEN. The ABAP handler needs to send out only simple
type attributes with the following information for each:
v Value
v Peer relationship
v Application-specific information

The attribute name is not required at this point, because the connector uses only
the application-specific information to create a business object from this data.
Identifiers for the beginning and ending of business objects or object type
attributes are not used and should not be added. For example, the BoName and
BoVerb rows are not used in the business object returned from the ABAP handler.
They are initially passed into the ABAP handler only to facilitate processing.

The ABAP handler must adhere to the following set of rules when populating a
flat structure with business object response data representing an WebSphere
business object:
v Send only simple attributes, not object types.
v All attributes must exist in the WebSphere business object definition.
v All attributes must be sent in the order they are listed in the WebSphere
business object definition.
226 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
v No attribute of a child business object can be sent unless at least one attribute is
sent for its parent business object.
v Contained business objects must communicate the number of peers they have.
v Attribute name (field ATTR_NAME) is not required.

Figure 73 illustrates a flat business object (no object type attributes).


Figure 73. Flat business object SAP_Material

Table 45 represents the structure of a flat business object, SAP_Material, whose key
value is ItemID. Notice that field ATTR_NAME is not required, APPTEXT is unique for
each attribute, and because this business object is flat, the PEERS field can be left
Table 45. Flat business object SAP_Material
(blank) 000000000000001179 (blank) (blank) (blank) (blank) ItemId
(blank) Toaster 6000 (blank) (blank) (blank) (blank) ShortDesc
(blank) SAP_124 (blank) (blank) (blank) (blank) ObjectEventId

Figure 74 illustrates a hierarchical business object (containing object types).

Chapter 21. Business object processing in the ABAP Extension Module 227
Parent business object
SAP_Sales order
Order umber
Customer number
SAP LineItem (2)

Child business object

SAP_LineItem (1)
SAP_Organization (1)

Child business object


Child business object

SAP_LineItem (1)
SAP_Organization (1)

Figure 74. Hierarchical business object SAP sales order (IDoc)

Table 46 shows a representation of a flat structure of a hierarchical business object

based on an IDoc Sales Order. Notice that field ATTR_NAME is not required, APPTEXT
is unique for each attribute, and because this business object is hierarchical, the
PEERS field lists the appropriate relationship.
Table 46. Hierarchical business object based on an IDoc sales order
(blank) USD 0 0 1 (blank) E1EDK01:CURCY
(blank) 0000000101 0 0 1 (blank) E1EDK01:BELNR
(blank) SAP_124 0 0 1 (blank) E1EDK01:
(blank) User1 0 0 2 (blank) Z1XRV40:ERNAM
(blank) SAP_125 0 0 2 (blank) Z1XRV40:
(blank) 001 0 0 1 (blank) Z1XRV40:QUALF
(blank) 1000 0 0 1 (blank) E1EDK14:ORGID
(blank) SAP_126 0 0 1 (blank) E1EDK14:
(blank) User1 0 0 2 (blank) Z1XRV40:ERNAM
(blank) SAP_127 0 0 2 (blank) Z1XRV40:

Return code 21
Return code 21 indicates that the business object was successfully processed and
returns SUCCESS to the connector infrastructure. This code returns only success

228 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
and does not return any business object data back to the connector. The
Object-specific IDoc handler that process the business object data returns a return
code of 21 when the business object data is successfully entered into the SAP
application. The return code is passed back to the /CWLD/RFC_DO_VERB_NEXTGEN
function module, which returns success back to the connector. The connector never
receives business object data.

This is useful when passing large objects (such as an IDoc with multiple line items)
and all you want is to know that your business object data was passed to the SAP
application successfully. Performance is greatly improved because you return only
the code and not the business object.

When WebSphere InterChange Server is the integration broker, you should use
return code 21 only when the business object does not require cross-referencing
and when you are simply passing data into the SAP application. Do not use return
code 21 for retrieve operations. Behavior of the SUCCESS return code means that
no business object is returned to the WebSphere InterChange Server for
cross-referencing or further processing.

Non-zero return code

A non-zero return code (other than 21) indicates that the object was not processed
successfully and returns FAIL to the connector. If the ABAP handler returns a
non-zero code (other than 21), then no business object is returned to the connector.

Flat structure conversion to a business object

Once the flat structure has been repopulated with new business object data,
/CWLD/RFC_DO_VERB_NEXTGEN returns the business object data to the calling
connector. Remember that the connector is single-threaded; therefore, it passes only
one business object at a time. The connector must now convert the business object
data from the flat structure into a business object. When processing data in a flat
structure into a business object, the connector must:
1. Initialize the original business object.
2. Transfer the business object data from the flat structure to the business object.
3. Deliver the business object to InterChange Server (connector controller).

Business object initialization

The connector initializes the original business object that it received from the
integration broker before it populates it. When initializing the business object, the
connector sets every attribute in the top-level business object to null. For object
type attributes, this action recursively deletes every contained business object,
leaving only the top-level business object.

How the connector rebuilds a business object

After the connector initializes the original business object, what remains is the
top-level business object containing the business object name and business object
verb, but no attribute value data. The attribute value data must be transferred from
the flat structure from the ABAP handler. The logic for transferring the returned
data is simple, but the data must be transferred in the exact order that the
connector expects it.

The connector matches the application-specific information in the returned data to

an attribute’s application-specific information in the business object definition. The

Chapter 21. Business object processing in the ABAP Extension Module 229
connector attempts to set every attribute that is in the returned business object
data. If any attribute cannot be set, the connector returns FAIL to the connector

In order for the returned data transfer to execute successfully, the connector
expects the following to be true of the returned data:
v It contains only simple attributes, where one row equals one attribute.
v Attributes must exist in the WebSphere business object definition.
v Attributes must be ordered as they are in the WebSphere business object
definition (depth and then breadth).
v An attribute’s application-specific information links its object’s
application-specific information with another value that uniquely identifies the
attribute within the business object’s definition.
v Child attributes must occur after their parent object’s attributes (never before
their parents and never after their grandparents).
v An attribute must communicate its business object’s number of peers.

When the connector rebuilds the application-specific business object, the connector
loops through the business object twice, beginning with the top-level business
1. In the first pass, it sets all simple attributes.
2. In the second pass, it checks if the flat attribute exists in a child object. If it
exists the connector recursively executes the same processing for the child

Attention: If the conversion of a flat structure to a business object fails, the

connector reports a failure to the integration broker. However, the data is already
posted in the SAP application and, therefore, cannot be rolled back at this stage.
While the rules are simple, implementing a complex, hierarchical business object
with many attributes can be difficult to manage.

Once the business object is successfully rebuilt with new business object data, the
connector returns it to the integration broker.

230 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Chapter 22. Developing business objects for the ABAP
Extension Module
This chapter discusses business object development for the ABAP Extension
Module. It provides background information as well as steps for developing
business objects and ABAP handlers. You should be familiar with how the
connector processes business objects.

This chapter contains the following sections:

v “Background information” on page 231
v “Developing business objects using dynamic transaction” on page 236
v “Developing business objects using IDocs” on page 241
v “Calling the ABAP Extension Module and ABAP handler” on page 249

Background information
Business object development for the ABAP Extension Module consists of creating
an application-specific business object definition and an associated ABAP handler
for each verb that you want to support.

To develop an application-specific business object, you must create a business

object definition that supports your business needs. The adapter for
includes tools that facilitate the process of developing business object definitions in
the SAP application. Although you can use Business Object Designer or a text
editor to create business object definitions for the ABAP Extension Module, it is
recommended that you initially use the adapter’s business object development
tools. These tools use the SAP application’s native definitions as a template.

For each application-specific business object definition that you develop, you must
support it by using an adapter-provided ABAP handler or by developing a custom
ABAP handler. The ABAP handler is the mechanism that gets data into and out of
the SAP application database.

Note: The application-specific business object and the ABAP handler rely on each
other’s consistency to pass data into and out of the SAP application.
Therefore, if you change the business object definition, you must also change
the ABAP handler.

An ABAP handler for the connector is implemented as an ABAP function module.

ABAP handlers are one or more function modules that work together to fulfill a
business object request from the business object router /CWLD/RFC_DO_VERB_NEXTGEN.
ABAP handlers are responsible for passing business object data into and out of the
SAP application.

Note: SAP supports many verbs other than those (Create, Retrieve, Update, and
Delete) supported by the WebSphere business integration system. You can
develop an ABAP handler to support any verb.

To develop an ABAP handler, you must understand how the connector gets data
into and out of the SAP application and what form that data takes during this
process. For a high-level description of business object processing, see Chapter 19,

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 231

“Overview of the ABAP Extension Module,” on page 195. For a detailed
description of business object processing, see Chapter 21, “Business object
processing in the ABAP Extension Module,” on page 219.

Note: When you develop business objects, you must make sure that the objects are
added to the connector’s table /CWLD/OBJECTS table in the SAP application. If
they are not, then you will not be able to access the objects for
customization (for example, setting up the object for event distribution).

SAP native APIs

Adapter-provided ABAP handlers use SAP native APIs, which enable ABAP
handlers to pass data into and out of the SAP application. The WebSphere business
integration system has implemented the following native APIs:
v “Call Transaction”
v “Batch data communication (BDC)”
v “Business application programming interface (BAPI)” on page 233

ABAP SQL is SAP’s proprietary version of SQL. It is database- and platform-
independent, so that whatever SQL code you write, you can run it on any database
and platform combination that SAP supports. ABAP SQL is similar in syntax to
other versions of SQL and supports all of the basic database table commands such
as update, insert, modify, select, and delete. For a complete description of ABAP
SQL, its use, syntax and functionality, see your SAP documentation.

Using ABAP SQL, an ABAP handler can modify SAP database tables with business
object data for create, update, and delete operations. It can also use the business
object data in the where clause of an ABAP select statement as the keys.

Note: The WebSphere business integration system never uses ABAP SQL to
modify SAP tables, because this may corrupt the integrity of the database.
The connector uses ABAP SQL only to retrieve data and to modify
adapter-delivered database tables.

Call Transaction
Call Transaction is SAP-provided functionality for entering data into an SAP
system. Call Transaction guarantees that the data adheres to SAP’s data model by
using the same screens an online user sees in a transaction. This process is
commonly referred to as screen scraping. To use Call Transaction, specify the
following types of instructions:
v Initiation—transaction to call
v Navigation—sequence of screens to process
v Mapping—input data that should go into each field on a screen

Initiation is passed as a single value parameter in the Call Transaction call.

Navigation and Mapping instructions are passed in together in a table with a
specific format. This format is usable for invoking Call Transaction for any SAP
transaction. In this format, these instructions are referred to as the BDC data, BDC
table, or BDC session.

Batch data communication (BDC)

Batch Data Communication (BDC) is an instruction set that SAP can follow to
execute a transaction without user intervention. The instructions dictate the

232 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
sequence in which a transaction’s screens are processed and which fields should be
populated with data on which screens. All of the elements of an SAP transaction
that are exposed to an online user have identifications that can be used in a BDC.
The elements are as follows:
v Screens—identified by a program name and screen number
v Input fields—typically identified by the database table and field name to which
it refers
v Commands in the transaction—commands such as save, new items, details, and
exit (identified by a one- to eight-character code)

To get a screen’s BDC identity, place the cursor in any field on the screen. Press F1
for help and then F9 for technical information. The program name and screen
number are listed under Screen Data.

To get an input field’s BDC identity, place the cursor in each field on the screen in
which you want to input data. Press F1 for help and then F9 for technical
information. If there is a box named Field Description for Batch Input, then use the
information in the Screen Field field. If this box does not exist, from the Field Data
box, concatenate the Table Name and Field Name together with a hyphen.

To get a command’s BDC identity, highlight the command in the menu and press
F1 for help. Use the value in the Function field.

Business application programming interface (BAPI)

Use the BAPI Module to support BAPIs. For more information, see Chapter 7,
“Overview of the BAPI Module,” on page 89.

IBM WebSphere function module interface

Every ABAP handler must implement the same function module interface. The
function module interface guarantees that the business object router
/CWLD/RFC_DO_VERB_NEXTGEN can pass business object data to and from ABAP
handlers. The interface is:
*"*"Local interface:

In the importing section of the interface, you can communicate values such as the
ABAP handler name, business object name, and business object.

The exporting section of the interface is used to communicate the results of the
ABAP handler processing. The return code RFCRC parameter is a single field used
to determine the code a connector returns. The possible values are:

RC = 0 (success, VALCHANGE)

Chapter 22. Developing business objects for the ABAP Extension Module 233
RC = 1 (failure, FAIL)

RC = 21 (success, SUCCESS)

The RETURN_TEXT parameter is a 120-character free text field that is written to by

the connector or logged as an error message in the return status descriptor. If the
ABAP handler does not provide a value for this parameter, then
/CWLD/RFC_DO_VERB_NEXTGEN supplies default text depending on the return code.

Note: The exceptions section of the interface defines two exceptions. It is

recommended that you use the exporting parameters instead.

IBM WebSphere ABAP handler APIs

The adapter provides several APIs that facilitate the development of ABAP
handlers for the WebSphere business objects for SAP. These APIs were developed
as “generic” ABAP handlers, because they require only metadata to support
additional business objects of any type. The adapter provides the following ABAP
handler APIs:

The adapter provides a set of tools that support these APIs. For all three ABAP
handler APIs, the tools can be found in IBM WebSphere BI Station (transaction
/n/CWLD/HOME). For more information, see Appendix F, “IBM WebSphere BI Station
support levels,” on page 335. The adapter also provides SAPODA. For more
information, see Chapter 5, “Generating business object definitions using
SAPODA,” on page 43.

The following sections discuss the adapter-provided APIs and gives you steps on
how to use IBM WebSphere BI Station tools and SAPODA to develop business
objects for them.

Important: You must log on to the SAP system in English when using IBM
WebSphere BI Station tools to generate business object definitions or
ABAP handlers. The WebSphere BI Station log is available only in
English. You must also log on to the SAP system in English for the

Business object attribute properties

Business object architecture defines various properties for attributes. This section
describes how the connector interprets several of these properties and describes
how to set them when modifying a business object. Table 47 lists the business
object attribute properties for the ABAP Extension Module.
Table 47. Business object attribute properties for the ABAP Extension Module
Property name Description
Name Each business object attribute must have a unique name.
Type The value is String.
MaxLength This property is not used.
IsKey The first simple attribute of a business object is set as the key
attribute. All key attributes should be of type String. Setting a
child object as a key attribute is not supported.
IsForeignKey This property is not used.

234 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Table 47. Business object attribute properties for the ABAP Extension Module (continued)
Property name Description
IsRequired This property specifies whether an attribute must contain a
AppSpecificInfo The value of this property is different depending on which
ABAP handler supports the business object. The adapter
delivers business object generation tools that automatically
provide this value. If you modify the generated value, the
business object may fail to process properly.
DefaultValue This property specifies the value to assign to this attribute if
there is no run-time value.

Adapter development tools

The adapter provides business object development tools that let you generate a
WebSphere business object definition file from within the SAP application. This
business object definition file directly corresponds to the SAP business process and
API from which it was generated.

Note: When the IBM WebSphere InterChange Server is the integration broker,
verify that your final business object definition file contains the version at
the top. Early versions of the WebSphere InterChange Server require version
text, which is located in the \repository\ReposVersion.txt file under the
product directory. Also verify that the definition includes all of the required
business objects and attributes (including the ObjectEventID attribute).

IBM WebSphere BI Station provides the Inbound Wizard tool.

Important: You must log on to the SAP system in English when using IBM
WebSphere BI Station to generate business object definitions or ABAP
handlers. The WebSphere BI Station log is available only in English.
You must also log on to the SAP system in English for the SAPODA.

Inbound wizard
The Inbound Wizard tool enables you to define business objects and the metadata
required for their processing by recording your actions as you step through an SAP
transaction that supports your required functionality. You do not need to write any
ABAP code nor do you need to know the underlying database schema for the
business object.

The Inbound Wizard generates the data for the Dynamic Transaction table by
recording and interpreting user actions in an SAP transaction. It supports the
definition of flat (non-hierarchical) business objects. In other words, it does not
support business objects that contain child business objects. The Inbound Wizard
can be used as a code generator to facilitate the development of more complex
objects that require static code.

Note: You can manually develop new business objects or modify existing business
objects by adding/modifying entries to the Dynamic Transaction table.

For more information on developing business objects for business object requests,
see “Developing business objects using dynamic transaction” on page 236.

Chapter 22. Developing business objects for the ABAP Extension Module 235
Developing business object definitions using SAPODA
SAPODA enables you to build a WebSphere business object definition based on an
IDoc, or the tables used by Dynamic Retrieve and Dynamic Transaction. For more
information on developing business objects using SAPODA, see Chapter 5,
“Generating business object definitions using SAPODA,” on page 43.

Developing business objects using dynamic transaction

The Dynamic Transaction function module is a mapping tool and dynamic code
generator. It uses SAP’s Call Transaction API to get data into an SAP application.
Also, it stores static definitions of Batch Data Communication (BDC) sessions by
combinations of object and verb. Before the BDC data is passed to a Call
Transaction, the business object attribute values are mapped into the BDC session.
At the completion of the call transaction, the resulting key value is set in the
appropriate value of the business object, and all messages from the call transaction
are logged.

The Dynamic Transaction function module builds a BDC session to do a call

transaction by combining the BDC defined in the Dynamic Transaction table,
/CWLD/WIZ_IN, and the values from the incoming business object. When the
Dynamic Transaction function module is called, the following steps are performed:
1. All entries are retrieved from /CWLD/WIZ_IN, where:
object name = objectName and verb = objectVerb
2. Field input values are mapped from the business object into the BDC session
based on the attribute name.
3. BDC sessions are processed using Call Transaction.
4. Key values are captured, Call Transaction messages are logged, and the key is
set in the business object.

v Data entered on an initial screen may default for all line items and reduce
required line item input.
v Line item overview screens may provide enough input rather than drilling down
to a details screen, which may require additional input.
v Confirmation messages usually do not need to be answered in BDC; for
example, Are you sure you want to save?
v The counter renumbers in increments of 10, for each object and verb
combination, every time you enter and exit the table maintenance in change
v During execution, the Call Transaction uses the user’s settings for date
formatting. Be sure the connector’s user is set up to use a variation of
YYYY-MM-DD date format, because this is the standard date format used by the
WebSphere business integration system. Similarly, change your own user settings
if you want to reprocess the business objects by stepping through the

Composing a BDC session for a business object

Composing a BDC session requires an understanding of an SAP transaction’s
design. An SAP transaction allows the same data to be input in various sequences
and on different screens. Typically each sequence or flow exposes additional
functionality. As a result, certain data validation and input field requirements occur

236 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
on some screens, but not on others. The challenge is to find the sequence that does
what you need with the least amount of effort. A simple BDC session is more
stable than a complex BDC session.

An SAP transaction may behave differently when accessed using the Call
Transaction method in a background process instead of executing online. For
example, different or additional screens may appear or input fields may reside on
screens different from those your online investigation revealed. The discrepancy
occurs because the transaction’s controlling code may dictate different behavior
when executed in the background from that executed online. As a result, your
online test may work when reprocessing a failed object event as you step through
the transaction; however, the connector consistently fails when processing the same
object. If this occurs, modify the BDC so that it processes in the background. If you
modify the BDC, you may encounter cases where the BDC processes in the
background, but fails when processed online.

The BDC you define in the Dynamic Transaction table is static. It cannot react
during the transaction if certain input data causes other screens to pop up or other
fields become mandatory during runtime. Proper investigation of a transaction’s
configuration is important to be able to predict consistent behavior. Experiment
several times with the transaction; repeated behavior can become your guideline.

Once you have determined the screen flow, follow the steps below and document
the information you gather in a spreadsheet.
1. Go to the transaction that supports your object and identify the transaction
2. Identify the BDC elements for the screen and input fields you require.
3. Identify the menu command you need to continue processing to the next
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each screen required.
5. Conclude by noting the command to save the transaction.

Table 48 describes the column names for Dynamic Transaction table /CWLD/WIZ_IN.
Table 48. /CWLD/WIZ_IN table entries for dynamic retrieve
Field name Description When used Technical name
Object name IBM WebSphere business Always OBJ_NAME
object name
Verb Verb (Create, Update, Always OBJ_VERB
Delete, or Retrieve)
Counter Counter Always POSNR
Program Program associated with BDC screen identification PROG_NAME
a screen
Screen number Screen number associated BDC screen identification DYNPRO
with a screen
Start Specifies a new screen BDC screen identification DYNBEGIN
Screen description Free text description of User discretion SCR_DESCR
screen, field, or command
BDC field name BDC input field name BDC input fields FNAM
Field name in business Attribute in the IBM BDC input fields SOURCEFLD
object WebSphere business
object to supply the input

Chapter 22. Developing business objects for the ABAP Extension Module 237
Table 48. /CWLD/WIZ_IN table entries for dynamic retrieve (continued)
Field name Description When used Technical name
Default value A static default value to A value might not always DEFLT_VAL
use if no entry is be passed in and it is
provided in the IBM mandatory for the
WebSphere business transaction
object or if using
BDC_OKCODE, because
it is the command value
SY Field name A dynamic system field to A value is not passed in SYFIELD
be used as a default value or should be determined
(for example: DATUM) by SAP system fields
Return A number between 1 and A business object key RETURNFLD
4, that identifies which attribute that should
system message field receive the key value
returns the key value at
transaction completion
Length Character length from the Relevant only when using LENGTH
zero position of the an attribute that contains
attribute value that a composite value
should be used for input

To define or modify a business object’s metadata (transferring information to

1. Go to IBM WebSphere BI Station (transaction /n/CWLD/HOME).

Important: You must log on to the SAP system in English when using IBM
WebSphere BI Station to generate business object definitions or
ABAP handlers. The WebSphere BI Station log is available only in
2. Click the Development tab.
3. Click the Modify BO Metadata button in the Transaction based - Inbound

Defining the metadata for the business object is simple. For each screen, the first
entry identifies the screen, subsequent entries identify the input fields, and the last
entry must be a command. This grouping repeats for each screen.

Using the Counter column as a line number for discussion, step through the
SAP4_CustomerMaster example.
100 Begin with screen number 100 of program SAPMF02D. This is a new
screen, the first, so it is flagged in the Start column.
110 On screen 110, use the value from the Customer_account_group
attribute in the business object, and add it to the BDC field name
column (the value is RF02D-KT0KD). Specify the default value as
0001. If the Customer_account_group attribute contains CxIgnore,
then the BDC field name column receives the default value 0001
120 The Customer_Account_Number attribute is the key value, so it is
not set during the Call Transaction. SAP assigns the key value
internally and makes it available only after the transaction is
successfully posted. For this reason, leave the BDC field name
column blank, but include an entry in the table because the

238 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Customer_Account_Number attribute must be set with this key
value when it is returned at the conclusion of the Call Transaction.
Also enter the word RETURN in the Program column for
Depending on the transaction, SAP returns the key value in one of
four possible fields: SY-MSGV1, SY-MSGV2, SY-MSGV3 or SY-MSGV4. To
specify that you want the return value set in a particular attribute,
enter a number, 1-4, in the Return column. This number
corresponds to the SY-MSGV# field containing the key value.
130 You are finished entering the necessary values for the first screen,
so enter a command, /00, in the Default Value column to simulate
pressing the Enter key. This takes you to the next transaction
screen. Commands are entered in the screen input field,
BDC_OKCODE, which is where you enter in a transaction code.
140 At this point, you are at the next transaction screen. Enter the
address information. Since it is a new screen, flag it in the Start
column. In this example, the second screen is associated with the
same program as the initial screen, and only the screen number
changed from 100 to 110. This is not always the case.
150 -210 Use the values from the Name_1, Sort_field, City,
P_0_Box_postal_code, Country_key, Language_keys, and
Post_office_box attributes in the business object, and add
corresponding values to the BDC field name column.
220 Similar to line 130, processing for this screen is complete. However,
rather than simply simulating the Enter key, enter the command
value UPDA to save the transaction. This takes you to the next
transaction screen.
230 At this point, you are at the third transaction screen, so flag it in
the Start column. Because your business object does not require
data from this screen, you will complete processing for this screen
in the next line.
240 Similar to line 130, processing for this screen is complete. Enter the
command value /00 to simulate pressing the Enter key. This takes
you to the final transaction screen.
250 At this point, you are at the final transaction screen. Flag it in the
Start column.
260 Similar to lines 150-210. Use the value from the business object
Transport_zone_to_which_or_from_which_the_goods_are_delivered, and
add its corresponding value (KNA1-LZONE) to the BDC field name
270 Similar to line 220, processing for this screen is complete and the
transaction is complete, so enter the command value to save, UPDA.
This is the last action the Call Transaction API receives.
280 The final entry for any business object is always the specification of
the transaction code. The keyword TCODE goes in the Program
column and the transaction code goes in the BDC field name

Chapter 22. Developing business objects for the ABAP Extension Module 239
This completes the definition of the BDC Session for the SAP4_CustomerMaster
business object.

If a call transaction returns an error message when it fails, you could have one of
the common errors described below.
v The SAP application has called a screen that the BDC did not expect, so the SAP
application returns the message, No input available for program XX and
screen YY. If this occurs, add the appropriate entries to the Dynamic Transaction
table to handle the input screen for program XX and screen YY.
v The SAP application is instructed by the BDC to set a field that does not exist.
Most likely, the SAP application executed its own instruction that you did not
explicitly set. As a result, you are on a different screen than you intended. If this
occurs, repeat the instruction and add only the piece that sends you to the
appropriate screen.

Using the inbound wizard for dynamic transaction

The Inbound Wizard records your navigation, actions, and field inputs in a
transaction when you click the first field or change screens. The recorder picks up
every action that occurs, but not everything you see. For example, when the initial
screen first appears, the recorder captures the initial call to the transaction, but not
all of the input fields that appear on that screen. If you want to be able to use an
input field, you must enter some data into that field. Also, even though an input
field may contain default data, that data is not picked up unless it is manually

To create a new WebSphere business object definition:

1. Go to IBM WebSphere BI Station (transaction /n/CWLD/HOME).

Important: You must log on to the SAP system in English when using IBM
WebSphere BI Station to generate business object definitions or
ABAP handlers. The WebSphere BI Station log is available only in
2. On the Development tab, click the Inbound Wizard Button.
3. Enter the following information:
v Business Object Name—Name of the business object type as well as the
name of every instance of the object. If you are creating a new business
object, then enter a new name. It is recommended that you use a simple
name that defines the business object. If you are using an existing business
object, then select it from the drop-down list.
v Verb—Verb supported by the business object.
v Transaction Code—Transaction code for the screen that supports the
necessary functionality performed by the business object. To get the
transaction code for a screen, Click Status from the System menu. The code is
listed in the Transaction field under SAP data.
4. Click Record.
5. Step through the transaction that supports your business object functionality.
Use all necessary fields and screens. When you are finished, save your
6. Choose the components that you want to include as metadata in your business
object. Place your cursor on the component, and then click the Select/Deselect
sub-tree button (F9). By default, all components are selected.
7. Generate a new dynamic object or source code.

240 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
v To generate and insert the metadata for the Dynamic Transaction table, click
the Generate Meta data button (F6). You can generate a WebSphere business
object definition from this data.
v To generate a text file with BDC data and field descriptions, click the
Generate Code in Text File button (F5). You cannot generate a WebSphere
business object definition from this data.

Developing business objects using IDocs

WebSphere business objects for the ABAP Extension Module can be defined in SAP
as an IDoc. IDocs are part of SAP’s EDI solution known as ALE (Application Link
Enabling). Their definitions are stored in SAP’s BOR (Business Object Repository)
and can be accessed globally within an SAP system. This leverages the definition
part of ALE to interpret and parse WebSphere business objects in the SAP
application in preparation for use with an SAP native API. The adapter provides
an IDoc handler that supports business objects developed using IDocs.

IDoc handler consists of two function modules. Other ABAP handlers such as
Dynamic Retrieve and Dynamic Transaction consist of only a single function

/CWLD/RFC_DO_VERB_NEXTGEN passes business object data to IDoc handler

/CWLD/IDOC_HANDLER. This IDoc handler, which is generic to all object types, uses
the business object’s application-specific information to obtain the type of IDoc
specified and to reformat the business object data into the structure of that IDoc.
After it reformats the data, the generic IDoc handler passes the business object data
to an object-specific IDoc handler (based on the combination of the business object
type and its verb), which handles the integration with an SAP native API. After the
object-specific IDoc handler finishes processing the business object data, it returns
the business object data in IDoc format to /CWLD/IDOC_HANDLER. This generic IDoc
handler now converts the business object data back to its original format and
returns it to /CWLD/RFC_DO_VERB_NEXTGEN.

Figure 75 illustrates the basic architecture of IDoc handler.

IDoc handler architecture

Business object router:


IDoc handler:

IDoc handler:
function module

Figure 75. IDoc handler architecture

To use the adapter-provided IDoc handler, you must have an IDoc defined in the
SAP application. Either SAP-delivered or customer-built IDocs can be used.
Because an IDoc definition must mirror the definition of the WebSphere business
object for SAP, the adapter provides SAPODA to generate the WebSphere business
object definition based on an IDoc.
Chapter 22. Developing business objects for the ABAP Extension Module 241
Using SAPODA to generate a business object definition
You can use SAPODA to generate business object definitions for the ABAP
Extension Module based upon an IDoc:
v Extracted as a file
v Defined in the SAP System

Important: You must log on to the SAP system in English to use SAPODA.

When you use SAPODA to generate a business object definition, you can use
Business Object Designer to view and modify the definition. For more information
on using SAPODA, see Chapter 5, “Generating business object definitions using
SAPODA,” on page 43.

After defining the IDoc, create a function module for each verb the business object
must support. Each function should have the following interface to ensure that
/CWLD/IDOC_HANDLER can call it:

IDoc handlers and create, update, and delete verbs

IDoc handlers that support Create, Update, and Delete operations receive business
object data formatted as an IDoc. The role of these operations is to integrate the
business object data with SAP’s Call Transaction API and generate an object key.
Only the object key is passed back through /CWLD/IDOC_HANDLER to the connector,
not the business object data. /CWLD/IDOC_HANDLER stores the business object data in
memory and inserts the object key into the first attribute marked IsKey in the
parent business object. Then, /CWLD/IDOC_HANDLER passes the business object data
back to the connector.

Note: When the WebSphere InterChange Server is the integration broker, it is

critical to maintain the business object data because the mapping
infrastructure requires the preservation of the ObjectEventId for dynamic

The sample code below represents the following flow:

1. Initializes global data.
2. Deconstructs the IDoc into working tables.
v Initializes the target structure with ’/’ (CxIgnore) because not all objects are
sent into the SAP application. Uses the form in /CWLD/INBIDOC_FRMS0.
v Uses the forms in /CWLD/INBIDOC_FRMS0 to transfer data from the IDoc into
internal tables for consistent behavior across objects.
3. Builds the BDC. Uses the forms in /CWLD/INBIDOC_FRMS0 to transfer data from
the internal tables into the BDC table for consistent behavior across objects.
4. Creates a Call Transaction.
5. Captures the object key.

242 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
The following sample code supports SAP Sales Quote Create:
*- Initialize working variables and internal tables

*- I01(MF): Begin IDoc interpretation


*- Interpret IDoc data structure


*- Move IDoc to internal tables


*- Check some of the input fields


*- If key values were missing, exit function


*- E01(MF): No Idoc data lines sent for processing.




*- Build the BDC session for transaction VA21.


*- Call Transaction



*- Capture return code and object key from transaction



The Create logic has two main functions:

v Translates the IDoc Data into manageable data structures
v Executes a Call Transaction

Translating IDOC structure

The first part of the Create logic is the task of translating data in the IDoc structure
into working data structures. To do this, you need to create code similar to the
loop at idoc_data.

case idoc_data-segnam.
when ’ZSQVBAK’. " Header Data
move idoc_data-sdata to zsqvbak.

when ’ZSQVBUK’. " Status Segment

move idoc_data-sdata to zsqvbuk.

Chapter 22. Developing business objects for the ABAP Extension Module 243
when ’ZSQVBP0’. " Partner Header Level
move idoc_data-sdata to zsqvbp0.

when ’ZSQVBAP’. " Item Detail

move idoc_data-sdata to zsqvbap.

when ’ZSQVBA2’. " Item Detail Part 2

move idoc_data-sdata to zsqvba2.

when ’ZSQVBUP’. " Item Status

move idoc_data-sdata to zsqvbup.

when ’ZSQVBKD’. " Commercial data

move idoc_data-sdata to zsqvbkd.

when ’ZSQKONV’. " Condition

move idoc_data-sdata to zsqkonv.

when ’ZSQVBPA’. " Partner Item Level

move idoc_data-sdata to zsqvbpa.



Creating inbound call transaction logic

The second part of the create logic performs the operation of adding data to the
SAP application database. You can use available functionality such as BAPIs and
SAP standard functions or you can use custom-developed Call Transaction
functionality. Keep in mind that if you use the available functionality, it may
change in future releases. It is recommended that you use Call Transactions instead
of writing to the database. Call Transactions allow you to develop custom
functionality, independent of SAP database changes and specific to the scope and
functionality you need.

To pass business object data into SAP, you can generate some of the ABAP code by
using the Inbound Wizard in IBM WebSphere BI Station (transaction
/n/CWLD/HOME), using the SAP BDC recorder, or developing it manually.

The Inbound Wizard records the activity for your create transaction and creates a
text file with the BDC logic. For the Sales Quote example, transaction VA21 is

To record transaction VA21 using Inbound Wizard:

1. Go to IBM WebSphere BI Station (transaction /n/CWLD/HOME).

Important: You must log on to the SAP system in English when using IBM
WebSphere BI Station to generate business object definitions or
ABAP handlers. The WebSphere BI Station log is available only in
2. On the Development tab, click the Inbound Wizard button.
3. Enter the following information:
v Business object name—Name of the business object type as well as the name
of every instance of the object. If you are creating a new business object, then
enter a new name. It is recommended that you use a simple name that
defines the business object. If you are using an existing business object, then
select it from the drop-down list.
v Verb—Verb supported by the business object.

244 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
v Transaction code—Transaction code for the screen that supports the
necessary functionality performed by the business object. To get the
transaction code for a screen, Click Status from the System menu. The code is
listed in the Transaction field under SAP data.
4. Click Record.
5. Step through the transaction that supports your business object functionality.
Use all necessary fields and screens. When you are finished, save your
6. Choose the components that you want to include as metadata in your business
object. Place your cursor on the component, and then click the Select/Deselect
sub-tree button (F9). By default, all components are selected.
7. Generate a new dynamic object or source code.
v To generate and insert the metadata for the Dynamic Transaction table, click
the Generate Meta data button (F6). You can generate a WebSphere business
object definition from this data.
v To generate a text file with BDC data and field descriptions, click the
Generate Code in Text File button (F5). You cannot generate a WebSphere
business object definition from this data.

The following sample code is an excerpt from the first few lines of the generated
BDC session:
* Sales doc. Initial screen Create
perform dynpro_new using ’SAPMV45A’ ’0101’ .

* Sales document type

perform dynpro_set using ’VBAK-AUART’ ’QT’ .

* Distribution channel
perform dynpro_set using ’VBAK-VTWEG’ ’sourcefield’ .

* Division
perform dynpro_set using ’VBAK-SPART’ ’sourcefield’ .

* Function Command
perform dynpro_set using ’BDC_OKCODE’ ’=ENT2’ .

* 4.0: Screen Container for Overview Screens (normal header)

perform dynpro_new using ’SAPMV45A’ ’4001’ .

* Sold-to party
perform dynpro_set using ’KUAGV-KUNNR’ ’238’ .

* Ship-to party
perform dynpro_set using ’KUWEV-KUNNR’ ’238’ .

* Function Command
perform dynpro_set using ’BDC_OKCODE’ ’=KKAU’ .

* 4.0: Screen container for document header screens

perform dynpro_new using ’SAPMV45A’ ’4002’ .

* Date until which bid/quotation is binding (valid-to date)

perform dynpro_set using ’VBAK-BNDDT’ ’20000630’ .

You can also use SAP’s BDC recorder (transaction SHDB). The following sample
code was generated using the BDC recorder:

read dataset dataset into record.

if sy-subrc <> 0. exit. endif.

Chapter 22. Developing business objects for the ABAP Extension Module 245
perform bdc_dynpro using ’SAPMV45A’ ’0101’.
perform bdc_field using ’BDC_CURSOR’
perform bdc_field using ’BDC_OKCODE’
perform bdc_dynpro using ’SAPMV45A’ ’4001’.
perform bdc_field using ’BDC_OKCODE’
perform bdc_field using ’BDC_CURSOR’
perform bdc_field using ’KUAGV-KUNNR’
perform bdc_field using ’KUWEV-KUNNR’

The output from this method does not have the business object comments from the
first method and is less preferable. The advantage using SAP’s BDC recorder is
that it produces an independent method to verify your recording of BDC.

Another method is to generate the BDC manually. This is not an advised approach
for the entire create functionality but rather as a supplement to the previous
methods. It is useful when you need to add logic for additional screens or pop up
boxes that may occur if the input data causes the SAP transaction to produce them.

IDoc handlers and the retrieve verbs

Object-specific IDoc handlers that support the Retrieve verb do not receive
business object data from /CWLD/IDOC_HANDLER. Instead /CWLD/IDOC_HANDLER uses
the OBJECT_KEY_IN parameter of the object-specific IDoc handler function to pass
only the value of the first attribute marked IsKey. It is the object-specific IDoc
handler’s responsibility to use the value of this attribute to retrieve all information
relevant to the instance of the business object using ABAP SQL, and to format that
data in the appropriate IDoc structure.

Note: In cases where the key is composed of multiple fields, the event detection
mechanism (or, when the WebSphere InterChange Server is the integration
broker, the map) concatenates the values of these fields into the first key
attribute of the top-level business object. /CWLD/IDOC_HANDLER takes this
concatenated key and loads it into its OBJECT_KEY_IN parameter. The
object-specific IDoc handler must parse the value of the OBJECT_KEY_IN
parameter into the multiple key fields. To maintain this functionality, it is
important that you do not specify name-value pairs for the key when using

The code fragment below illustrates an object-specific IDoc handler for retrieval of
a Sales Quote. The Sales Quote business object retrieves data from tables VBAK,
VBUK, VBPO, VBAP, VBUP, VBKD, KNOV, and VBPA. The tables follow the hierarchy and
cardinality of IDoc type ZSLSQUOT. The code does the following:
1. Initializes global data.
2. Returns business object data from the SAP application database.
3. Builds an IDoc from the returned data and returns that data to

The code fragment for an object-specific IDoc handler for IDoc type ZSLSQUOT is:
*- Clear the interface structures.
clear: g_text, object_key_out, return_code, return_text, idoc_data.
refresh: idoc_data.

246 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
* If no key value is specified, log it as an error and exit.
if object_key_in is initial or
object_key_in = c_cxignore_const.
perform log_update(/cwld/sapllog) using c_error_log text-e02
space space space.
return_code = 1.
return_text = text-e02.

perform initialize_global_structures.

perform fill_internal_tables.
if not return_code is initial.

* Build Idoc segments from internal tables

perform fill_idoc_inttab.

return_code = 0.
return_text = text-s01.

perform log_update(/cwld/sapllog) using c_information_log text-s01

space space space.

The two most important parameters are OBJECT_KEY_IN for the inbound key and
IDOC_DATA for the outbound data. Note that OBJECT_KEY_IN may be a concatenated
string that represents a multiple key (depending on the conventions you have
defined). The object-specific IDoc handler parses the concatenated value and loads
its parts into the appropriate key fields. To maintain this functionality, it is
important that you do not specify name-value pairs for the key when using

The VBAK table drives the selection criteria for the child tables, so each table is
loaded into working tables. Using the VBAK table, you can retrieve the child tables
with additional keys. So, for the Sales Quote example, the code is as follows:
form fill_internal_tables.

* Get information from VBAK, VBUK, VBAP, VBKD, KONV, VBPA

select single * from vbak

where vbeln = object_key_in.

if sy-subrc <> 0.
perform log_update(/cwld/sapllog) using c_error_log text-e01
object_key_out c_blank c_blank.
return_code = ’1’.
g_text = text-e01.
replace ’&’ with order_number into g_text.
return_text = g_text.


select single * from vbuk

where vbeln = vbak-vbeln.

select * from vbap into table t_vbap

where vbeln = vbak-vbeln.

* Continue for other tables

Chapter 22. Developing business objects for the ABAP Extension Module 247
The following code is used to copy the requested data from the application
database into internal tables and working variables. Then it creates segments that
directly correspond to the WebSphere business object definition and puts them into
the SAP segment structure.

In some cases for close matches on fields between the IDoc type and the working
structure, you can do an ABAP move-corresponding command. In other cases, it is
preferable to manually move fields from the working table to the IDoc type table
because of the relatively few fields to move in comparison to the overall number of
fields in the structure. Simply, it is used to transfer data from the working data
structures into the IDoc structures and then into the flat data field.

The code is:

form fill_idoc_inttab.

perform fill_zsqvbak. " Fill the Sales Quote Header

perform fill_zsqvbuk. " Fill the Sales Quote Status
perform fill_zsqvbap. " Fill Sales Quote Lines


*-- fill the Sales Quote Header

form fill_zsqvbak.

clear idoc_data.
clear zsqvbak.
idoc_data-segnam = ’ZSQVBAK’.

move-corresponding vbak to zsqvbak.

move zsqvbak to idoc_data-sdata.
append idoc_data.

endform. " FILL_ZSQVBAK

*-- fill the Sales Quote Header Status

form fill_zsqvbuk.

clear idoc_data.
clear zsqvbuk.
idoc_data-segnam = ’ZSQVBUK’.

move-corresponding vbuk to zsqvbuk.

move zsqvbuk to idoc_data-sdata.
append idoc_data.

endform. " FILL_ZSQVBAK

*-- fill the Sales Quote Line and the Line Child segments
form fill_zsqvbap.

loop at t_vbap.
clear idoc_data.
clear zsqvbap.
idoc_data-segnam = ’ZSQVBAP’.

move-corresponding t_vbap to zsqvbap.

move zsqvbap to idoc_data-sdata.
append idoc_data.

perform fill_zsqvba2.
perform fill_zsqvbup.
perform fill_zsqvbkd.
perform fill_zsqkonv.
perform fill_zsqvbpa.

248 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)


*-- fill second part of vbap

form fill_zsqvba2.
" etc.

Calling the ABAP Extension Module and ABAP handler

The connector uses the value of the verb application-specific information in a
business object to call the appropriate ABAP handler in the ABAP Extension
Module. To call the appropriate ABAP handler in the ABAP Extension Module,
you can specify the classname for the ABAP Extension Module and must specify
the ABAP handler function module used by the business object. For example, the
verb application-specific information for the Dynamic Transaction ABAP handler
supporting SAP version 4.6 is:
AppSpecificInfo = sap.sapextensionmodule.VSapBoHandler,:/CWLD/DYNAMIC_TRANSACTION

Note: You must uses a comma delimiter between the connector module
(classname) and ABAP handler.

For more information on business object processing for the ABAP Extension
Module, see “Business object processing” on page 197.

Chapter 22. Developing business objects for the ABAP Extension Module 249
250 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Chapter 23. Developing event detection for the ABAP
Extension Module
Event detection is part of the event triggering process in the ABAP component of
the ABAP Extension Module. Every event detection mechanism must call an event
trigger, which takes the detected event and adds it to an event table. For more
information on triggering events, see “Event triggering” on page 204.

This chapter contains the following sections:

v “Designing an event detection mechanism”
v “Implementing an event detection mechanism” on page 255

Designing an event detection mechanism

You can use many different mechanisms to detect events in the SAP application.
An event detection mechanism should have the ability to make a function module
call. The four event detection mechanisms that the connector has implemented are:
v Code enhancement—implemented for a business process (normally a single SAP
transaction) by inserting event detection code at an appropriate point within the
SAP transaction
v Batch program—involves developing an ABAP program containing the criteria
for detecting an event
v Business workflow—uses SAP’s own object-oriented event detection capabilities
v Change pointer—implementing a change pointer mechanism, which is a
variation of business workflow, uses the concept of change documents to detect
changes for a business process

It is important that you determine the appropriate event detection mechanism to

implement for each business object that you develop, because some may not be
available for a particular business process. Technical and functional knowledge of a
particular business process is necessary for each transaction for which you want to
implement event detection.

Review the following implementation considerations when determining which

event detection mechanism to implement for your business process.
Availability Which event detection mechanisms are available
for this business process? This should be one of the
first questions that you consider. Code
enhancement and batch program have high
availability, whereas business workflow and change
pointer do not.
Real-time integration Do events need to be detected synchronously? Do
you need to detect a large number of events at one
time? All mechanisms except batch program are
suitable for real-time integration.
Reliability Are all data changes for this business process
detected when generating an event? Code
Enhancement, Batch Program, and Change Pointer
provide the best control of capturing all events of

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 251

an object. Business Workflow provides limited
reliability. For example, Business Workflow does
not detect an address change during a Vendor
transaction update.
Flexibility Do certain criteria need to be evaluated before an
event is triggered? Does an event need to be
detected at a certain point in the transaction? Code
Enhancement is the most flexible, because you can
insert code at a specific point before event data is
committed. Change Pointer and Batch Program are
moderately flexible, while Business Workflow has
very little flexibility in its implementation.
Upgrade dependency Does an upgrade to the SAP application change the
way an event is detected for this business process?
Typically, this is not known, but business workflow
and change pointer are affected by application
changes the most because they are under SAP’s
Difficulty Is time or level of difficulty an issue? Each
mechanism has its own level of implementation
difficulty. In general, batch program is the easiest.
code enhancement and business workflow are
moderately more difficult, while change pointer is
the most difficult because it requires a more
intimate knowledge of SAP and the business
process being evaluated.
Future events Do you need to be able to capture an event
real-time and then delay its retrieval until a
specified date? For example, an employee record
may be updated today with a change of address
that is effective three weeks from today. In this
case, you may want to capture the event at the
time of the update, but delay its retrieval until the
effective date.

At this point, you should have an idea of the event detection mechanisms that you
need to consider. Use Table 49 as a general guideline in determining which
mechanism can be used for each business process you need to support.
Table 49. Event detection mechanism decision table
Code Business
enhancement Batch program workflow Change pointer
Availability High High Low Low
Real-time integration Yes No Yes Yes
Reliability High High Low Medium
Flexibility High Medium Low Medium
Upgrade dependency Low Low Medium Medium
Difficulty Medium Low Medium High
Future Events Yes Yes No No

A final consideration to note is the development methodology of your site. Perhaps

event detection using only business workflow is the preferred method and code
enhancement cannot be used at all.

252 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Using code enhancement is the recommended approach for event detection
because it is reliable, highly flexible, synchronous, and has high availability. In
contrast, business workflow and change pointer mechanisms are not generally
available for all business processes. Batch program is typically used when real-time
integration is not desired.

Each event detection mechanism has advantages and disadvantages for detecting
an event in a business process. The following sections give more detail about each
of the event detection mechanisms, including the main advantages and
disadvantages of each.

All of the event detection mechanisms support real-time triggering and retrieval of
events. However, only code enhancement and batch program provides the
additional functionality of delayed retrieval. An event specified to be retrieved at a
later date is called a future event.

Code enhancement
Code enhancement is implemented at specific points in the code of an SAP
transaction. By making use of user exits, you can insert event detection code at the
most logical point in a transaction. The event detection code allows for evaluation
of criteria to determine whether an event is generated.

The general strategy of this mechanism is to insert your event detection code when
the data for a transaction is about to be committed to the database.

v Has access to SAP transactional information for the event detection process
v Allows the insertion of event detection code at an appropriate point of a
v Provides synchronous event detection
v Limits the reliance on SAP functionality, so maintenance and enhancements are
v Supports future events

v User exits may not always be in the appropriate location in the transaction
v SAP modification features may be necessary

Batch program
Batch program is useful when a large number of events of the same type (such as
customer orders) need to be triggered, or a business process requires a large
amount of processing time. This mechanism does not require any modifications to
SAP-delivered code; however, you need to use (write) an ABAP program that
evaluates criteria for detecting events.

v Can be implemented for most business processes
v Accurately detects events
v Is easy to implement
v Can be scheduled to run at a specific time if runtime resources are an issue
v Supports future events

Chapter 23. Developing event detection for the ABAP Extension Module 253
v It does not provide synchronous event detection
v SAP transactional information is not available
v State (Create, Update, or Delete) or status changes cannot be detected or may
not be easily detected
v If a background job is created to automate a batch program, an additional task
needs to be maintained and monitored

Business workflow
Business workflow is a cross-application tool within the SAP application that
enables you to integrate business tasks between applications. This tool
supplements the existing business functions of the SAP application. The standard
functions of SAP can be adapted using business workflow to meet the specific
requirements of the desired business function. business workflow uses the Business
Object Repository (BOR), which stores the definitions for each SAP object in the

v Provides synchronous event detection
v Makes use of SAP’s object-oriented business object capability to link the
detection of events to ABAP function modules
v Is easy to implement

v An SAP object does not exist in the SAP BOR for every business process
v The SAP event (such as Created or Deleted) may not exist for the SAP object
v It may not detect all changes in a business process
v It does not always provide the flexibility for detecting events at the proper time
v It depends on SAP-provided functionality, which may change between versions
of SAP

Change pointer
Change pointer is a related feature of business workflow that uses change
documents to detect events. Change documents are created for some business
processes so that all changes for that business process are captured.

v Provides synchronous event detection
v Needs only one SAP modification for an adapter function module to handle all
business processes
v Generally available for the Logistics module
v Has access to SAP change pointer information for the event detection process
v If change documents are already used for a business process, it needs only a
minimal amount of work to detect an event

v It is somewhat flexible, but the event detection placement cannot be changed
since it is done by SAP
v It requires a solid understanding of change documents and the business
workflow environment

254 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
v You must do an SAP modification to turn on the change document flag for an
SAP data element
v Change pointer information in SAP may not be sufficient for the event detection

Implementing an event detection mechanism

After you determine the business process to support (for example, sales quotes or
sales orders), and determine the preferred event detection mechanism, implement
the mechanism for your business process.

Note: When implementing an event detection mechanism, it is a good idea to

support all of the functionality for a business process in one mechanism.
This limits the impact in the SAP application and makes event detection
easier to manage.

The following sections describe the implementation process for the four event
detection mechanisms implemented by the connector. Whenever applicable, an
example is provided along with sample code.

Code enhancement
Code enhancement requires encapsulating a portion of ABAP code in a custom
function module. The event detection code is written as a function module to
ensure that the processing remains separate from the transaction. Any tables or
variables used from the transaction need to be passed to the function module by
value and not by reference.

To minimize the effects of locking a business object when retrieving an event, the
function module typically executes in an update-task mode. To avoid
inconsistencies, do not use update task if the function module is already being
called within a process that is in an update -task mode.

To minimize the impact in the transaction, place the function module within
another include program. Using an include program allows you to make changes
to custom code rather than to SAP code.

The event detection code contains logic that identifies the object for the event. For
example, the sales order transaction handles many types of orders, but only one
order type is required. This logic is in the event detection code. The general
strategy for placing this event detection code is to insert it just before the data is
committed to the database. The function module containing the event detection
code is typically created as a part of the function group for the business object.

To implement Code enhancement for event detection:

v Determine which verbs to support: Create, Update, or Delete. This helps define
which transactions to investigate.
v Determine the business object key for the transaction. This key must be unique
to allow the connector to retrieve the business object from the database. If a
composite key is required, at triggering time you can specify each key attribute
and its corresponding value as a name-value pair. When the business object is
created at polling time, the connector automatically populates the attributes with
their values. For more information, see “Coding composite keys as name-value
pairs” on page 257.

Chapter 23. Developing event detection for the ABAP Extension Module 255
v Check that an SAP-provided user exit in the transaction has all of the
information needed to detect an event. For example, a user exit may not be able
to implement a Delete verb because the business object is removed from the
database prior to that point.
v If a user exit cannot be used, determine the appropriate location for the event
detection code, and then add the event detection code using an SAP
modification. Select a location that has access to the business object key and
other variables used to make the decision.
If you are implementing the future events capability, in addition to adding the
event detection code for future events, contact your Basis administrator to
schedule the adapter-delivered batch program /CWLD/SUBMIT_IN_FUTURE to run
once every day.
v Research a business process by looking for a “commit work statement” in the
code executed by the transaction for the business process. You can use the ABAP
debugger to investigate the value of different attributes at that point.
v Determine the criteria for detecting an event.
v Create the function module containing the event detection code.
v Create the include program and then add it to the transaction’s code. Test all of
the scenarios designed to detect an event.

The following steps describe the process of creating an example SAP sales quote
using the code enhancement event detection mechanism. The code that follows it is
a result of this process.
1. Upon investigation of the SAP sales quote transaction, transaction VA21 is
found to support the desired sales quote creation business process.
2. The sales quote number is determined to be the unique key. The Sales quote
number is stored in table/field VBAK-VBELN.

Note: Because this event uses a single unique key, the code example uses the
OBJKEY parameter to pass the key’s value. For an example of coding an
event that uses a composite key, see “Coding composite keys as
name-value pairs” on page 257.
3. Transaction VA21 has a user exit in the transaction flow as part of the
document save process (Form Userexit_save_document). At this point in the
transaction, the quote number is available when the user exit is executed.
4. The user exit belongs to other business processes, so additional coding is
needed to differentiate a sales quote from other categories of documents.
VBAK-VBTYP is available to determine the document category. A sales quote is
saved in the SAP database with a document category of B.
5. An include statement is added to the user exit that points to the include
6. At this time, the include program and a function module need to be created.

/CWLD/ADD_TO_QUEUE: single key value example

The following code fragment illustrates the function call to the /CWLD/ADD_TO_QUEUE
event trigger (using a single key value).
C_OBJ_ORDER = ‘SAP4_SalesQuote’.
TMP_EVENT = ‘Create’.



256 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)


/CWLD/ADD_TO_QUEUE_IN_FUTURE: single key value example

The following code fragment illustrates the function call to the
/CWLD/ADD_TO_QUEUE_IN_FUTURE event trigger (single key value).


C_OBJ_ORDER = ‘SAP4_SalesQuote’.
TMP_EVENT = ‘Create’.




Coding composite keys as name-value pairs

If an event’s key is composed of multiple fields rather than a single key field, you
can specify the name of each key attribute and its corresponding value. Because
you specify the attribute’s name, the attribute need not be marked as IsKey for the
connector to populate it and use it for retrieval.

If you specify more than one name-value pair, the connector sets the value of
multiple attributes in the business object it creates to retrieve the full object from
the application. If you specify a single name-value pair, the connector sets the
value of the specified attribute rather than the first attribute that is marked IsKey.

Because IDoc handlers do not use name-value pairs, it is important that you not
specify name-value pairs when using /CWLD/IDOC_HANDLER. For more information,
see “IDoc handlers and the retrieve verbs” on page 246.

The following steps describe the process of creating an example SAP sales quote
that uses three fields in its composite key. The code that follows it is a result of this
1. Create a local name_value_pairs internal table based on the structure
(/CWLD/NAME_VALUE_PAIRS) delivered with the adapter. This structure has two
columns: ATTR_NAME and ATTR_VALUE.

Chapter 23. Developing event detection for the ABAP Extension Module 257
2. Before calling the function module /CWLD/ADD_TO_QUEUE or
/CWLD/ADD_TO_QUEUE_IN_FUTURE, write code that adds the names of the key
attributes and their values to your internal table.
3. Change the function module /CWLD/ADD_TO_QUEUE or
v Because you will not be using the OBJKEY parameter to pass the key’s value,
comment out the line for this parameter.
v Because you will be using the NAME_VALUE_PAIRS table to pass the composite
key’s value, add a line for this table.
4. The triggering function automatically formats each event key. The format uses
the following syntax:
attribute The name of the key attribute (not case-sensitive)
value The value of the key attribute (case-sensitive)
|Cx| Terminator for each name-value pair (used even if only one
name-value pair is specified)

The order in which you specify name-value pairs in your code need not match the
order of the attributes in the business object. However, the event fails if you
specify an attribute that does not exist in the business object.

The following code fragment specifies, at the time of triggering, the customer
number, sales organization, and distribution channel in table KNVV as name-value
pairs. Two lines are highlighted in the code for the function module
v The line that passes a value to the OBJKEY parameter (commented out)
v The line that specifies the NAME_VALUE_PAIRS table
DATA: name_value_pairs LIKE /cwld/name_value_pairs OCCURS 5 with header line.

MOVE ’CustomerId’ TO name_value_pairs-attr_name.

MOVE knvv-kunnr TO name_value_pairs-attr_value.
APPEND name_value_pairs.

MOVE ’SalesOrg’ TO name_value_pairs-attr_name.

MOVE knvv-vkorg TO name_value_pairs-attr_value.
APPEND name_value_pairs.

MOVE ’DistributionChannel’ TO name_value_pairs-attr_name.

MOVE knvv-vtweg TO name_value_pairs-attr_value.
APPEND name_value_pairs.
C_OBJ_ORDER = ‘SAP4_SalesQuote’.
TMP_EVENT = ‘Create’.


NAME_VALUE_PAIRS = name_value_pairs

258 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)


Batch program
To implement batch program as an event detection mechanism, you must write an
ABAP program that evaluates database information. If the criteria in the ABAP
program is fulfilled when the program executes, then an event is triggered.

To implement batch program for event detection:

v Determine which verb to support: Create, Update, or Delete.
v Determine the business object key for the transaction. The business object key
must be unique so that the business object can be retrieved from the database. A
composite key may be required. For example, implementing a batch program for
inventory levels of materials at different plants requires the key Material_key +
v Determine the criteria for detecting an event. You should have knowledge of the
database tables associated with a business object.
v Create an ABAP program containing the criteria for generating an event.
v If you are implementing the future events capability, in addition to adding the
event detection code for future events, contact your Basis administrator to
schedule the adapter-delivered batch program /CWLD/SUBMIT_IN_FUTURE to run
once every day.
See “/CWLD/ADD_TO_QUEUE_IN_FUTURE: single key value example” on
page 257 for example code that implements the future events capability.
v Determine if a background job is required to automate the batch program. A
background job is useful if there is an impact on system resources, which makes
it necessary to run the batch program during off-peak hours.

The following steps describe the process of creating a batch program that detects
events for all sales quotes created on today’s date. The code that follows it is a
result of this process.
1. Create is determined to be the supported verb.
2. The quote number is determined to be the unique key used to retrieve the
3. The creation date (VBAK-ERDAT) and the document category (VBAK-VBTYP) need to
be checked.

The following sample code supports the SAP sales quote as a batch program:

tables: vbak.

parameter: d_date like sy-datum default sy-datum.

data: tmp_key like /CWLD/LOG_HEADER-OBJ_KEY,

tmp_event_container like swcont occurs 0.

" retrieve all sales quotes for today’s date

" sales quotes have vbtyp = B
select * from vbak where erdat = d_date
and vbtyp = ’B’.

tmp_key = vbak-vbeln.

Chapter 23. Developing event detection for the ABAP Extension Module 259
OBJ_NAME = ’SAP4_SalesQuote’
OBJKEY = tmp_key
EVENT = ’Create’
RECTYPE = r_rectype
EVENT_CONTAINER = tmp_event_container.

write: / vbak-vbeln.

Business workflow
Business workflow is a set or sequence of logically related business operations. The
processing logic within a workflow detects events. The business workflow event
detection mechanism relies on the SAP Business Object Repository (BOR), which
contains the directory of objects along with their related attributes, methods, and

To implement business workflow for event detection:

v Determine which SAP business object represents the functionality that you need.
Check if the events trigger, start, or end a workflow. You can use the Business
Object Builder (transaction SWO1) to search for the appropriate business object.
v Create a subtype of this SAP business object. A subtype inherits the properties of
the supertype and can be customized for use.
v Activate the events (such as CREATED, CHANGED, and DELETED) for the
business object by customizing the subtype.

The following example of SAP sales quote can be used to implement an event
trigger using business workflow:
1. Search the BOR for the appropriate sales quote business object. A search can be
done using the short description field and the string ’*quot*’. BUS2031
(Customer Quotes) is one of the business objects returned.
2. Upon further investigation of BUS2031, it is determined that the key field is
CustomerQuotation.SalesDocument (VBAK-VBELN).
3. A subtype for BUS2031 is created using the following entries:
Object type—ZMYQUOTE
Name—SAP4 Sales Quote
Description—Example of an SAP 4 Sales Quote Subtype
4. The event detection mechanism is activated by adding an entry to the Event
Linkage table (transaction SWE3). The create event is activated using the
following entries:
Object type—ZMYQUOTE
Receiver type FM—/CWLD/ADD_TO_QUEUE_WF

260 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Note: The Receiver and Receiver type function modules (FM) point to
/CWLD/ADD_TO_QUEUE. The DUMMY function module is used only because
sometimes the SAP application requires that both fields be populated. The
WF function module translates the SAP standard interface to the one used by

The business workflow event detection mechanism is created and active. It is set
up to detect all SAP Customer Quotes that are created.

Change pointer
Change pointer uses change documents and is one of the more challenging event
detection mechanisms to implement. SAP’s Business Object Repository (BOR) is
used as well as Application Link Enabled (ALE) technology. A change document
always refers to a business document object having at least one database table
assigned to it. If the data element in a table is marked as requiring a change
document and the table is assigned to a business document object, then a change
in value of the field defined by the data element generates a change document.
The changes are captured in tables CDHDR and CDPOS and are used for event

To implement change pointer for event detection:

v Activate the global Change pointers flag in transaction BD61.
v Change the SAP function module CHANGE_POINTERS_CREATE to include the
function module call to /CWLD/EVENT_FROM_CHANGE_POINTR.
v Determine which verbs to support: Create, Update, or Delete.
v Check if the SAP business process (transaction) utilizes change documents:
– In the Environment menu for the transaction, does a Change function exist?
How about when you click Go To, and then click Statistics?
– If you change data in the transaction, is there a new entry in table CDHDR that
reflects the change?
– In the database tables associated with a transaction, do any of the data
elements have the Change Document flag set?
If the answer is Yes to any of these questions, the transaction uses change
v Determine if the data elements that set the Change Document flag capture all of
the information needed to detect an event. Changing the Change Document flag
is not recommended because it changes an SAP-delivered object.
v Determine the business object key for the transaction. The business object key
must be unique so that the business object can be retrieved from the database. A
composite key may be required. This is normally table/field CDHDR-OBJECTID.
v Determine the criteria for detecting an event. Use table/field CDHDR-OBJECTCLAS
as the main differentiator. CDPOS-TABNAME may also be used to detect the event.
v Update function module /CWLD/EVENT_FROM_CHANGE_POINTR with the logic to
detect the event.

The following example of an SAP sales quote can be used to implement an event
trigger using change pointer:
1. Update is determined to be the supported verb. Investigating the sales quote
create transaction shows that the Create verb is not detected through this
2. When performing the checks of the business for sales quote:

Chapter 23. Developing event detection for the ABAP Extension Module 261
v The Change function is available from the Environment menu in transaction
v Making a change to a sales quote results in a new entry in table CDHDR.
v Looking at table VBAP, the field ZMENG has the Change Document flag set.
3. No evaluation of data elements was done for this example.
4. The sales quote number is determined to be the unique key in CDHDR-OBJECTID.
5. CDHDR-OBJECTCLAS has a value of VERKBELEG, which is the main differentiator.
Only sales quotes should be picked up. The code checks the TCODE field in the
header table, but a proper lookup should be done in the VBAK table.

The following sample code is added to /CWLD/EVENT_FROM_CHANGE_POINTR:

data: skey like /cwld/log_header-obj_key,
s_event like swetypecou-event,
r_genrectype like swetypecou-rectype,
r_rectype like swetypecou-rectype,
t_event_container like swcont occurs 1 with header line.

" Quick check. Should check document category (VBTYP) in VBAK.

check header-tcode = ’VA22’.

" Event detection has started

perform log_create using c_log_normal c_blank
c_event_from_change_pointer c_blank.

" Set the primary key

skey = header-objectid.

" Set the verb

s_event = c_update_event.

" Log adding the event to the queue

perform log_update using c_information_log text-i44
’SAP4_SalesQuote’ s_event skey.

" Event detection has finished.

perform log_update using c_finished_log c_blank
c_blank c_blank c_blank.

call function ’/CWLD/ADD_TO_QUEUE’

obj_name = ’SAP4_SalesQuote’
objkey = skey
event = s_event
generic_rectype = r_genrectype
rectype = r_rectype
event_container = t_event_container
others = 1.

262 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Chapter 24. Managing the ABAP Extension Module
The IBM WebSphere BI Station tool (transaction /n/CWLD/HOME) enables you to
maintain the adapter for for event processing. You can also use this
tool to maintain the connection to the SAP application. You can view the connector
log file and the SAP Gateway Service connections. Also, you can reprocess
archived objects from the connector log, view events waiting to be processed,
schedule specific events to be processed at a later time, and resubmit and delete
events from the archive table.

This chapter contains the following sections:

v “Managing the connector log file”
v “Displaying the log”
v “Reprocessing archived objects” on page 264
v “Maintaining the event queue” on page 268
v “Maintaining the archive table” on page 268

Managing the connector log file

The connector log in the SAP application displays in reverse chronological order all
events and errors that relate to the connector, such as Create or Update operations,
or events that arrive in the event queue. The log file lists the date, time, and event
for each log entry. The log file is a good source to start troubleshooting problems.

Setting log options

You can set the global and user settings to the level of detail you want logged in
the connector log file, as well as the number of entries and type of data you want
displayed. To set the connector logging levels using IBM WebSphere BI Station,
click the Configuration tab, and then select from level 0 - 3 under Logging Level.

The four levels of logging are as follows:

v 0 — Off
v 1 — Log only warnings and errors
v 2 — Log every event with minimal information
v 3 — Log each event in detail, including every attribute of every business object

Note: Logging level 0 is not recommended. Logging level 1 is recommended for a

production system. Logging level 3 is recommended for a development or
debugging system.

Displaying the log

To view recently processed objects and details associated with them, display the
connector log. To display the connector log in the SAP application:
1. Go to IBM WebSphere BI Station (transaction /n/CWLD/HOME).
2. Click the Management tab, and then click the Log button.

Log entries display the date, time, and event. Entries are color-coded:

green—indicates a successful event

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 263

yellow—indicates a warning message

red—indicates an error

white— indicates an archived object

Magenta (SAP application GUI versions previous to 4.6) or orange (SAP

application GUI version 4.6 and later) entries provide information on the beginning
and end of the event. Click on any arrow to link to SAP’s display transaction for
that business object.

Filtering log details

You can change the amount of detail that is displayed about each event. To change
the display level, click the More Details or Fewer Details button depending on the
level of detail desired.

If the amount of data displayed is more than you currently need, narrow the
information displayed. For example, you can view business objects by user, name,
date, or log entry number.
1. Click the Filter Data button.
2. Populate the appropriate fields to filter the log file.
3. Click Filter.

In the Configuration tab, you can set user settings for the number of log entries to
display at one time and the default logging display level.

Reprocessing archived objects

You can reprocess failed or archived objects from the connector log file. Failed
objects are objects in SAP that fail to process successfully. Archived objects are
objects that you configure to be archived without processing. In either case, you
can manually step through the object by setting breakpoints in specific locations of
the code. For Dynamic Transaction and IDoc objects only, you can step through the
screens for the transaction.

The breakpoints can be set before the:

v Function module /CWLD/RFC_DO_VERB_NEXTGEN is called
v First function module executes
v Main processing step executes
The placement of the breakpoint is different depending on the type of object.
– Dynamic Retrieve—Before the Select statement
– Dynamic Transaction—Before the Call Transaction statement
– IDoc—Before the IDoc function module is called
– BAPI— Before the BAPI-Wrapper function module is called

Dynamic Transaction and IDoc objects use call transactions; therefore you can view
the screen processing for these objects. You have the option of viewing:
v All screens
v Only the screens with errors
v None of the screens

Dynamic Retrieve and BAPI objects do not use screen processing.

264 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Configuring an object to be archived
By default, ABAP Extension Module business objects that have no archive option
(A, X, or N) specified in their verb’s application-specific information are archived in
case of failures. In other words, when processing yields return codes other than 0
or 21, the business objects are archived in the /cwld/obj_arc_h and
/cwld/obj_arc_i tables.

Important: Because these archive tables grow, they must have their contents
deleted or archived periodically to prevent impacting overall database

Altering the archiving behavior is accomplished at the business object’s verb level;
that is, for each business object, the archiving activity can vary by verb. To specify
how an object is archived, use the following syntax in the verb’s
application-specific information:
AppSpecificInfo = connectormodule.class, ArchiveParameter: ABAPhandler

where ArchiveParameter:
A Archives the object when it first enters the SAP application.
N Suppresses object archiving. Even in the case of failure, the object is not
X Archives the object immediately. The log is updated with a warning
message stating that processing ended. A success code is returned to the
connector, so that the requesting integration broker processes successfully.

You can specify more than one parameter at a time. The A and X archive
parameters add an entry in the log table with a link to the reprocessing tool in
IBM WebSphere BI Station. The status of the archived object is entered in the line
below the entry for the archived business object.

The following example archives a Dynamic Transaction object and adds a entry in
the log table.
AppSpecificInfo = sap.sapextensionmodule.VSapBOHandler,

The following example archives an IDoc object, SAP4_Order Create, when it enters
the SAP application, and then stops the processing of the object.
AppSpecificInfo = sap.sapextensionmodule.VSapBOHandler,

Note: In your production environments, use only the N parameter for business
objects and all their verbs. When WebSphere InterChange Server is the
integration broker, you should only use System Manager to reprocess and
resubmit business objects; you should not use the IBM WebSphere BI Station
reprocessing tools in your SAP application. When a WebSphere MQ message
broker is the integration broker, events that fail in the Connector Framework
are moved to the FaultQueue, where they should be handled by the MQ
message flow.

Using the reprocessing tool

The Reprocessing Tool enables you to reprocess WebSphere business objects for
SAP using the ABAP Debugger.

Attention: This tool should be used in a development environment only.

Chapter 24. Managing the ABAP Extension Module 265

v During development and testing, you can specify that certain business objects
are archived as they arrive into the SAP application, and then process these
business objects using the ABAP Debugger.
v You can reprocess the same business object as many times as you want. A
business object is always available for reprocessing until it is deleted.

To reprocess archived objects:

1. Go to the connector’s log in the SAP application.
2. Double-click the archived object entry.
The “CW reprocess objects from archive tables” window appears. Its Archived
Object Number field is populated with the object number.
3. Click the Set Breakpoint check boxes for the breakpoints that you want to set.
You can set multiple breakpoints if needed.
4. For objects that use Call Transaction, you can select the screen processing
5. Click Execute (F8).
The ABAP Debugger is invoked with the archived object.
6. Use the ABAP Debugger to step through the object.

To manually access the Reprocessing Tool in IBM WebSphere BI Station, from the
Tools tab click Reprocess Object. Enter the appropriate values in the fields

Deleting archived objects

You can delete archived objects from the SAP application using the
adapter-provided Delete Archive Objects tool. This tool enables you to delete
archived objects manually. Once you have deleted an archived object, the object’s
entry in the connector log is updated with the new status. The object is physically
deleted and only the status of the object is kept for reference.

To delete an archived object using IBM WebSphere BI Station (transaction

1. From the Maintenance tab, click the Del Object Archive button.
2. Specify the objects to be deleted. You can delete objects based on the following:
v Archive number
v Object name
v User (connector name)
v Creation date
v Status
3. Click Execute (F8).

To schedule an archive object program to delete objects automatically, contact your

Basis administrator and schedule report /CWLD/DELETE_OBJECT_ARCHIVE. This report
can be scheduled to run as a background process.

Setting up truncation of the event log

SAP keeps an event log of the connector’s activity. This log can, over time, take up
a lot of disk space. To save disk space, you can set this log to automatically
truncate. When you set automatic truncation, by default SAP prints the truncated
entries to the default printer of the user who sets up the job. Therefore, you may
also want to control the print options.

266 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
To truncate the log manually:
1. Go to IBM WebSphere BI Station (transaction /n/CWLD/HOME).
2. Click the Maintenance tab.
3. In the Online section, click Delete Log.
4. Populate the applicable fields.
5. Click the Execute button (F8).

To schedule the automatic truncation of the event log, set up the truncation
options, and contact your Basis administrator to schedule report /CWLD/DELETE_LOG.

Important: It is recommended that you run this report on a regular Basis.

Monitoring the SAP gateway service connections

You can monitor the SAP gateway service connections between the connector and
the SAP application. Each entry displays information such as connector host name,
user name, and connection status.

To monitor the SAP Gateway Service connections:

1. Go to IBM WebSphere BI Station (transaction /n/CWLD/HOME).
2. Click the Management tab, and then click Gateway.
3. Click on a server name to view more details.

Shutting down the connector

The way to stop a connector depends on the way that the connector was started,
as follows:
v If you started the connector from the command line, with its connector startup
– On Windows systems, invoking the startup script creates a separate “console”
window for the connector. In this window, type “Q” and press Enter to stop
the connector.
– On UNIX-based systems, connectors run in the background so they have no
separate window. Instead, run the following command to stop the connector:
connector_manager_connName -stop
where connName is the name of the connector.
v From Adapter Monitor (WebSphere Business Integration Adapters product only),
which is launched when you start System Manager
You can load, activate, deactivate, pause, shutdown or delete a connector using
this tool.
v From System Monitor (WebSphere InterChange Server product only)
You can load, activate, deactivate, pause, shutdown or delete a connector using
this tool.
v On Windows systems, you can configure the connector to start as a Windows
service. In this case, the connector stops when the Windows system shuts down.

Chapter 24. Managing the ABAP Extension Module 267

Maintaining the event queue
You can check the outgoing current event queue for events that have not been
processed by the connector.
1. Go to IBM WebSphere BI Station (transaction /n/CWLD/HOME).
2. Click the Management tab, and then click Current Events.
3. Click the Execute button (F8) to display the current event queue.

To limit the number of event entries that are displayed, populate the applicable
fields in the Current Event Selection section. For example, to limit the displayed
entries for a particular business object, enter a business object name in the Object
Name field. If you do not know the exact syntax for the business object name, click
the Object Name field, click the arrow button (F4), and then select the appropriate
business object name.

To see more information about an event, double-click an event field. Under normal
conditions, events are picked up every few seconds. If an event is displayed, it has
not been processed by the connector. This may indicate that the connector is not

The following is a list of the possible event status values for the event queue:

P — Prequeued When an event is triggered, the status is initially set to prequeue (P),
since it has not yet been determined whether the business object is
L — Locked When a user creates or updates a business object in SAP, a lock is
placed against that business object. Once the business object has been
committed to the database, SAP removes the lock. If an event is
triggered while a business object is locked, the event remains in the
event queue with status locked (L) until the lock has been removed.
Q — Queued When the business object is no longer locked, the status changes to
queued (Q), and the event is ready to be picked up by the connector.
The event remains in this status until a confirmation of a retrieval is
R — Retrieved When the business object is retrieved it is marked with an R in the
event queue. The event remains in the queue until the event has been

Maintaining the archive table

Using the IBM WebSphere BI Station tool, you can display the archive table and
determine the status of archived events. In the table, you can identify events that
need to be resubmitted for polling when an integration broker subscribes to them.

To display the archive table:

1. Go to IBM WebSphere BI Station (transaction /n/CWLD/HOME).
2. Click the Management tab, and then click Archived Events.
3. Click the Execute button (F8) to display the archive queue.

To limit the number of archive entries that are displayed, populate the applicable
fields in the Archived Event Selection section. For example, to limit the displayed
entries for a particular business object, enter a business object name in the Object

268 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Name field. If you do not know the exact syntax for the business object name, click
the Object Name field, click the arrow button, and then select the appropriate
business object name.

To see more information about an event, double-click an event field. The following
is a list of the possible event status values for the archive table:

0 — Success The connector successfully processed the event and sent the
business object to the integration broker.
1 — Error in SAP The connector encountered an error while retrieving the
business object within SAP for this event.
2— Not Subscribed No integration broker was subscribed to the combination of the
business object and verb for this event.
3— Error in Java The connector encountered an error during one of the following:
v Receiving the business object from SAP
v Converting the SAP business object to a WebSphere business
object for SAP
v Inserting the business object into the message queue
4 — Max requeued The event was requeued more than the maximum times
specified by the requeued constant, c_maximum_requeue (usually
100). An event is requeued if its business object is locked.
5 — Multiple Event Some business objects have single events in the event table that
cause multiple events to be created at the time of retrieval. The
original single event does not create a business object and is
therefore archived using this event status.
6— Event Deleted A user manually deleted the event from the event table.

Resubmitting events from the archive table

You can resubmit events from the archive table to the event queue for reprocessing.
Depending on how you want to handle the events in the archive table, you have
the option of resubmitting a single event or multiple events. Keep in mind that
resubmitting events only moves the events from the archive table to the event table
and therefore the events do not pass through event distribution, event restriction,
or event priority. Follow these steps from the Archived Events window:
1. Click the Execute button (F8) to display the archive queue.
2. Select the events to be resubmitted.
3. Click the Resubmit button, or from the Archive Entry menu, click Resubmit

A status message displays. You can display the connector log to view the event
and its new status.

Deleting events from the archive table

You can delete archive events manually or schedule them to be deleted

To delete archive events manually:

1. Go to IBM WebSphere BI Station (transaction /n/CWLD/HOME)
2. Click the Maintenance tab.
3. In the Online section, click Delete Event Archive.
4. Populate the applicable fields.
5. Click the Execute button (F8).

Chapter 24. Managing the ABAP Extension Module 269

To schedule automatic deletion of archive events, contact your Basis administrator
and schedule report /CWLD/TRUN_EVENT_ARCHIVE_TAB.

270 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Chapter 25. Upgrading the ABAP Extension Module
This chapter describes the upgrade process for the ABAP Extension Module. It
assumes that you are not modifying the repository definitions for the connector or
any objects unless explicitly stated to do so. This chapter focuses on the ABAP
components of the connector.

This chapter contains the following sections:

v “Upgrading within a new version of SAP R/3”
v “Upgrading ABAP handlers” on page 272
v “Upgrade considerations” on page 274

When upgrading, you must have the latest ABAP Extension Module components
for your version of SAP. The goal of the upgrade process is to get your ABAP
handler development to work with the latest ABAP Extension Module components.

Upgrading the ABAP Extension Module can be described in two distinct scenarios:
v Upgrading an SAP system that contains adapter-provided ABAP handlers
For example, you may be running an SAP version 4.0 system that you want to
upgrade to SAP version 4.6. After you upgrade the SAP system, you must
upgrade the adapter environment. For details on upgrading the adapter
environment in a new version of SAP, see “Upgrading within a new version of
SAP R/3.”
v Implementing an adapter-provided ABAP handler for an object that supports an
older version of SAP
For example, you may be using the connector that supports the SAP version 4.6
application and want to use the Material object that supports SAP version 4.0 or
4.5. To use this Material object, you need to upgrade it to your SAP version 4.6
system. For details on how to upgrade an object to a newer version of SAP, see
“Upgrading ABAP handlers” on page 272.

Upgrading within a new version of SAP R/3

The upgrade process for the SAP R/3 application does not modify any of the
adapter’s ABAP development, but it may modify the SAP R/3 application so that
some of the adapter’s ABAP development does not work properly.

This section describes how to upgrade the adapter’s ABAP development in an

upgraded SAP R/3 application. Before you can upgrade the adapter, you must
have already upgraded your SAP R/3 application.

To upgrade the adapter’s ABAP development:

1. Install the latest ABAP Extension Module transport files for the correct version
of the SAP R/3 application.
You must install the correct version-specific transport files. For details on
installing these transport files, see “Connector transport file installation” on
page 209.
2. Compile all programs and resolve syntax errors associated with the ABAP

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 271

The easiest way to find syntax errors is to generate each function group
associated with each object and fix the errors one at time. Repeat this process
until all function groups compile successfully. Be sure to generate any other
programs such as triggering programs that are not associated with a function
group. Be aware that minor updates may need to be made to your ABAP
triggering programs after applying the required new transports to upgrade the
If you are upgrading to SAP R/3 version 4.x, note that the 4.x ABAP handlers
use the product namespace /CWLD/. For special considerations for upgrading to
the connector supporting SAP R/3 version 4.x, see “Connector for SAP R/3” on
page 274.
3. Test the new environment and make modifications as needed.
Only a full system test enables you to work out any problems with the
upgrade. Test your event detection mechanisms by running the appropriate
transaction or program and sending business objects to the SAP system. Use
the connector’s log within the SAP system to help identify other issues.

Upgrading ABAP handlers

Upgrading ABAP handlers has two steps.
1. Resolve any compilation errors that may arise when introducing your ABAP
handlers into an environment with a different version of the ABAP Extension
2. Evaluate the functionality that the business object provides in the newer SAP
R/3 version. For example, the business object may operate properly but may
not return the right information; or maybe the business object no longer
functions because SAP has changed the screens for the Call Transaction.

This section details the processes of the first step, such as packaging the business
object’s ABAP handler and providing guidelines for possible compilation conflict
points. The second step is not addressed in this section. See Chapter 22,
“Developing business objects for the ABAP Extension Module,” on page 231 for
more information on extending the functionality of your objects.

Attention: Once you upgrade a business object, it is considered custom work

even it was originally developed by IBM.

Upgrade ABAP handlers when:

v You want to use a previously implemented IBM-delivered SAP R/3 business
object in a later version of SAP R/3. For example, you may have already
implemented a Customer business object in your SAP R/3 version 3.x system
that does not exist in the 4.6 system.
v You want to use an adapter-provided SAP R/3 business object that supports an
SAP R/3 version other than the version that you need. For example, you may
want to use the adapter-provided Material business object for SAP R/3 version
3.x in your SAP R/3 version 4.6 system.

Essentially the upgrade procedure is the same. The only difference is that
upgrading a previously implemented business object requires you to package the
business object into a transport file as the second step.

Note: If you have business objects in SAP R/3 version 4.6 that do not take
advantage of the IBM product namespace, you need to upgrade those
business objects to the namespace.

272 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
To upgrade an adapter-provided ABAP handler from one SAP R/3 version to
1. Verify that the latest version of the ABAP Extension Module transport files for
your version of SAP R/3 are installed.
2. Package existing business objects into transport files. Note that if you are
upgrading a business object that has not been modified for your
implementation, skip to step 3, because you should be able to use the original
transport that was loaded.
Use the adapter-delivered transport files as templates for what should be
included for each business object. This may include function groups, IDoc
definitions, and Dynamic Retrieve and Dynamic Transaction data.
v Include any additional programs and custom work.
Custom work done in the ABAP component of the connector needs to be
manually applied to the new SAP R/3 ABAP component of the connector.
For example, you need to manually apply any changes to adapter-delivered
ABAP handlers such as IDoc Handler or Dynamic Transaction.
v Check to see if changes were made to program
/CWLD/TRIGGERING_RESTRICTIONS. This program is intended for customer
If changes were made, you can avoid conflicts by downloading the custom
work as text files, not as transport files, for use as a reference.
v Release the transports and note the transport numbers. The Basis
administrator needs this information to load the objects in the new SAP R/3
3. For IDocs in an SAP R/3 version 3.x system only, capture the structure and
segment definitions of the IDocs and then manually re-create them in the new
If you do not have an SAP R/3 version 3.x environment and IDocs, then skip
this step.
4. Install the business object transport files. You should have your local Basis
administrator install the transports for the business objects you packaged in
step 1.
The Basis administrator should use all of the override codes available for the
transport. This forces the business objects into the environment even if there are
compilation errors. Before importing the business objects, the Basis
administrator should know that you may encounter inconsistencies during the
import process.
v If you packaged existing business objects in step 2, then install these
transport files.
v If you are using non-implemented business objects, then simply install the
latest transport file for the business object that you want to use. You must
install the correct version-specific transport files.
5. Compile all programs and resolve syntax errors associated with the ABAP
The easiest way to find syntax errors is to generate each function group
associated with each business object and fix the errors one at time. Repeat this
process until all function groups compile successfully. Be sure to generate any
other programs, such as triggering programs, that are not associated with a
function group. Be aware that minor updates may need to be made to your
ABAP triggering programs after applying the required new transports to
upgrade the adapter.

Chapter 25. Upgrading the ABAP Extension Module 273

If you are upgrading to SAP R/3 version 4.x, note that the 4.x ABAP handlers
use the IBM product namespace /CWLD/. For special considerations for
upgrading to the connector supporting SAP R/3 version 4.x, see “Connector for
SAP R/3.”
6. Apply the event detection mechanisms.
For user exits, the precise location may be different now. Search for key SAP
lines of code to make a best approximation.
7. Test the new environment and make modifications as needed.
Only a full system test enables you to work out any problems with the
upgrade. Test your event detection mechanisms by running the appropriate
transaction or program and sending business objects to the SAP system. Use
the connector’s log within the SAP system to help identify other issues.

Upgrade considerations
The following sections provide reference information for the upgrade scenarios.
This reference information is provided to help with the upgrade process for the
connector for SAP R/3 version 4.6 and IDocs.

Connector for SAP R/3

The connector for SAP R/3 version 4.x uses the IBM product namespace /CWLD/;
the following guidelines facilitate the effort to make your ABAP handlers work in
this renamed environment. See Chapter 21, “Business object processing in the
ABAP Extension Module,” on page 219 for more information on how business
objects are processed and for background information for developing objects.

Business objects that use dynamic retrieve or dynamic

The functionality for converting transaction-based (Dynamic Retrieve and Dynamic
Transaction) type business objects is provided through IBM WebSphere BI Station.
The business object can be downloaded to a text file from IBM WebSphere BI
Station in the old system and then uploaded to the new tables using IBM
WebSphere BI Station in the new system. Do this from the Tools tab using the
Object MetaData option.

Keep the following in mind:

v The Long Text Declarations for transaction-based Dynamic Retrieve need to be
manually entered into the new table.
v The Table Declarations for transaction based Dynamic Retrieve need to be
manually ported from the old include program to the new tables declaration
include program.

Business objects that use IDoc or BAPI handlers and custom

You must redirect SAP R/3 version 4.x business objects that begin with Y* to the
IBM product /CWLD/ namespace. Only the names have changed. SAP’s “where used
list” functionality greatly facilitates the search for all of the references that need to
be changed. Following is a list of the most common references that need to be
changed. Test to ensure your search is complete.

Table 50 on page 275 shows the changes for the /CWLD/ namespace naming
convention. The parameter lists do not require changes.

274 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Table 50. Namespace object name changes
Old name New name
Interface parameters of the function modules
Changes normally in the TOP include of the business object function group
Data elements
Table structures
Program referenced in the LOG_UPDATE perform statement
Triggering function modules (the parameter lists do not require changes)

Additional IBM WebSphere ABAP components

In addition to upgrading the custom objects and custom work, you must:
v Upgrade any ABAP code from the old event restriction program to the new
event restriction program.
v Manually upgrade all configuration objects and configuration values from the
old tables to the new tables.
v Upgrade any event distribution entries from the old table to the new table.
v Upgrade the log object links from the old table to the new table.

Give special consideration to production sites that already have events in the
existing SAP R/3 version 4.x event tables. The transfer of these events from the
existing event table to the new event table should be coordinated with IBM
technical support.

Packaging and re-creating IDocs

This section applies to IBM WebSphere SAP R/3 version 3.x business objects only.

Because you cannot transport IDoc objects from SAP R/3 version 3.x, you must
manually re-create them in the new SAP R/3 system. To do this, you need to:
v Capture the IDoc structure and segment definitions
v Manually re-create the IDocs

Capture the IDoc structure and segment definitions

To capture the most useful representation of an IDoc, capture the overall structure
that identifies all of the segments, and then capture business object definitions for
each segment. Once you have a clear representation of the IDoc, you can use it to
manually re-create it in the new system.

If you have access to the old and new systems, you can simply copy and paste the
business objects between the systems. However, if both systems are not available,

Chapter 25. Upgrading the ABAP Extension Module 275

then you should record the IDoc and segment definitions outside of the SAP
system for reference. Although this is optional, it is strongly recommended that
you record the definitions.

To download the most useful representations of the IDocs and the segment
definitions, first download the overall structure of the IDoc, and then download
the IDoc segment definitions.

Downloading the overall IDoc structure: To download the overall IDoc structure:
1. Go to the Develop IDocs Type screen (transaction WE30).
2. Enter an IDoc object name, and then click Display (F7).
3. Expand the IDoc structure so that all segments are visible.
a. Download a text version of the structure.
b. From the System menu, click List, click Save, and then click Local File.
c. Accept the default option unconverted, and then click Enter.
The file is downloaded as a text file and can be viewed in any text editor.
d. Specify the location to download the file, and then click Transfer.

Downloading the segment definitions: You can download only one segment
definition at a time. Repeat the following steps for each segment. To download a
segment definition:
1. Go to transaction SE11 and enter the segment name.
2. From the Dictionary Object menu, click Print.
Make sure the Table Structure box is checked.
3. Deselect the Print immediately checkbox, check the new spool request check
box, and then click Continue.
4. Go to the Spool Request Selection screen (transaction SP01) to view the print
5. Click Execute, select the checkbox next to the request, and then click Display
6. Convert the data to a downloadable format.
a. From the Goto menu, click List Display.
b. Download a text version of the segment. From the System menu, point to
List, point to Save, and then click Local File.
c. Accept the default option unconverted, and click Enter.
The file is downloaded as a text file and can be viewed in any text editor.
d. Specify the location to download the file, and then click Transfer.

Once you have represented the object using text files, you can import them into a
spreadsheet application to set up the object hierarchy. This facilitates the creation of
IDoc segments, because you can cut and paste the fields directly into the segment
editor in the SAP application.

Manually re-create the IDocs

Once you have a representation of the IDoc, you must manually re-create it in the
new system. The SAP R/3 version 4.x environment uses different tables to store
IDoc type and segment definitions than does SAP R/3 version 3.x. As a result, you
must use SAP’s tools to redefine the IDoc definitions to update the proper tables.
There are two steps to this process:
v Re-create the segment definitions using the Develop Segments screen
(transaction WE31).

276 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
v Re-create the IDoc type and assign all of the segments to it.

A common error message encountered when re-creating segments by assigning the

SAP R/3 version 3.x data element to the new segment field is Invalid data
element. SAP replaced many of the SAP R/3 version 3.x data elements with data
elements that have an underscore followed by the letter D (_D) at the end of the
SAP R/3 version 3.x name. For example, CHARG in SAP R/3 version 3.x is Batch
Number for the data element and is replaced in SAP R/3 version 4.x with

If a data element does not exist in the new form, find a new form in the SAP R/3
version 4.x system. The data element must have the same type and length as the
original in SAP R/3 version 3.x system. The description does not affect processing
and is visible only in the log.

Attention: Do not rename the IDoc, segments, or segment fields because there is
a direct relationship between the IDoc definition and the IBM WebSphere business
object repository. In addition, the ABAP functions used to process the IDoc also
rely on these names.

Chapter 25. Upgrading the ABAP Extension Module 277

278 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Part 7. Appendixes

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 279

280 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Appendix A. Quick Steps
This appendix supplements information contained in the Adapter for
User Guide. It is not intended to replace the information in the user guide.

Note: The quick steps presented here are intended for the adapter running
standalone with one of the WebSphere message brokers or WebSphere
Application Server as the integration broker.

Before you begin these steps, you must:

v Install a WebSphere message broker or WebSphere Application Server as your
v Install the SAP JCo API. The SAP JCo is available for download from SAP’s
website at You must have an SAPNet
account to access the SAP JCo (if you do not already have one, contact your
local SAP Basis administrator). Add these files to the ProductDir\ODA\SAP and
ProductDir\connectors\SAP directories, where ProductDir represents the
directory where the connector is installed.
v Install the JDK.
v Install WebSphere Business Integration Adapter runtime environment (adapter
v Configure standard MQ queues.

As you follow these quick steps, you can create your own business objects or use
the sample business objects provided. The samples are available in the
ProductDir\connectors\SAP\samples directory, where ProductDir represents the
directory where the connector is installed.

Common configuration properties

The following tables list configuration properties that must be maintained for the
WebSphere message broker. Create the SAP configuration file using CN_SAP.txt.
This file is located in ProductDir\repository\SAP. Open the file using Connector
Table 51. Standard configuration properties
Property name Default Value Value Needed
ApplicationName none SAPConnector
BrokerType ICS WMQI

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 281

Table 51. Standard configuration properties (continued)
Property name Default Value Value Needed
MessageFileName SAPConnector.txt SAPCONNECTOR.TXT
RepositoryDirectory ProductDir\repository <location of business object
Jms.MessageBrokerName crossworlds.queue.manager <Queue Manager name>
AgentTraceLevel 0 5

Table 52. Connector-specific properties

Property Name Default Value Value Needed
ApplicationPassword SOFTWARE <password for SAP
ApplicationUserName CROSSWORLDS <username for SAP
Client none <Client number>
Hostname none <SAP application server

Quick steps for the BAPI Module

Before configuring the BAPI Module, configure the following connector-specific

Property Name Default Value Value Needed

Modules none BAPI

Generating a business object in the BAPI Module

To generate a business object for the BAPI Module:
1. Start SAPODA.
2. Start the business object designer.
3. In the business object designer, choose File > New. The wizard starts.

282 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Figure 76. Business Object Wizard—Select Agent

4. Select Configure Discovery:

a. Enter the host address for the machine where Discovery is running.
b. Choose Add Host.
c. Choose OK.
5. Choose Find Agents.
a. Highlight Agent. Choose Next.
b. Populate the values for UserName, Password, Client, SystemNumber,
ASHostName, and FileDestination. Save the profile.
6. In Step 3 of the wizard, expand the RFC node.
a. Right-click Search By Name.
b. Type bapi_customer_getdetail.
c. Highlight bapi_customer_getdetail.
d. Choose Next.

Appendix A. Quick Steps 283

Figure 77. Business Object Wizard—Select Source

7. Choose Next.
8. Set Verb to Retrieve, and Server Support to No. Choose OK.
9. In Agent SAPODA Notification, choose No.
10. Open the business object in a separate window. Save the generated business
object specification to the location you specified in the Repository Directory
standard property value.

Configuring the BAPI Module

After you have generated a business object, continue configuring the BAPI Module
by adding the parent object name to the Supported Business Object section of the
configuration file.

Preparing the BAPI Module for testing

To set up the BAPI Module for testing, use Port Connector:
1. Copy the SAP configuration file. Rename the copied file portconnector.cfg.
2. Open portconnector.cfg in Connector Configurator.
3. Change the following properties in the Standard tab:
v ApplicationName to PortConnector
4. Save changes. Close portconnector.cfg.
5. Open sapconnector.cfg.
6. Save the change. Start

Testing the BAPI Module

To test the BAPI Module:
1. Open Test Connector.

284 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Figure 78. Test Connector

2. Choose File > Create/Select Profile.

3. Choose File > New Profile.

Figure 79. Test Connector—New Profile

4. Select Browse.
a. Locate portconnector.cfg. Choose Open.
b. For Connector Name, enter PortConnector.
c. For Broker Type, enter WMQI.
d. Choose OK.
5. Highlight PortConnector. Choose OK.
6. Choose File > Connect.

Appendix A. Quick Steps 285

7. Create a Business Object Instance:
a. For BO Type select SAP_BAPI_customer_getdetail.
b. Choose Create.
c. Enter New Object. Choose OK.
8. Change the Verb to Retrieve. Populate Customer_to_be_required with an
existing customer.
9. Choose Request > Send.
10. Check the log file for a success message.

Quick steps for the RFC Server Module

Before configuring the RFC Module, configure the following connector-specific

Property Name Default Value Value Needed

Modules none Rfcserver
RfcProgramId CWLDSERVER <ProgramId registered in SAP
transaction sm59>

Generating a business object in the RFC Server Module

To generate a business object for the RFC Module:
1. Start SAPODA.
2. Start the business object designer.
3. In the business object designer, choose File > New. The wizard starts.
4. Select Configure Discovery:
a. Enter the host address for the machine where Discovery is running.
b. Choose Add Host.
c. Choose OK.
5. In Step 3 of the wizard, expand the RFC node.
a. Right-click Search By Name.
b. Type bapi_customer_getdetail.
c. Highlight bapi_customer_getdetail.
d. Choose Next.
6. Choose Next.
7. Set the Verb to Retrieve and Server Support to No. Choose OK.
8. In Agent SAPODA Notification, choose No.
9. Open the business object in a separate window. Choose General > Set Collab =
10. Save the generated business object specification to the location you specified
in the Repository Directory standard property value.

Configuring the RFC Server Module

After you have generated a business object, continue configuring the RFC Server
1. Add the parent object name to the Supported Business Object section of the
configuration file.

286 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
2. Copy the generated BOHandler .class file from the definition specified in the
ODA configuration properties to %CROSSWORLD%\connectors\SAP\rfc\client.

Creating a profile for the SAP server

To create a profile for the SAP server:
1. Open SAP Logon.
2. Choose New.
3. Populate the following fields, then choose OK:

Description Hostname of server

Application server Hostname of server
System Number 00
Description Hostname is standard. Enter a description
of your choice.

4. Double-click to open the profile you just created.

5. Enter your username and password. Choose Transaction > Type /nse37.
Function Builder opens.
6. For Function Module, input bapi_customer_getdetail. Choose Funtion Module
>Test > Single Test.
7. For the RFC target system, use the value for Rfcprogramid you set in the
connector-specific properties. Also populate the following fields:

Field Example
Customer Number 0000000001

Testing the RFC server Module

To set up the BAPI Module for testing, use Port Connector:
1. Copy the SAP configuration file. Rename the copied file portconnector.cfg.
2. Open portconnector.cfg in Connector Configurator.
3. Change the following properties in the Standard tab:
v ApplicationName to PortConnector
Save the changes and close the window.
4. Open sapconnector.cfg.
6. Start the connector. Choose Function Module > Execute.
7. In Test Connector, find the object in BO Request List. Highlight the object, and
choose Request > Reply > Success.
8. Check the log for a success message.

Appendix A. Quick Steps 287

Quick steps for the ALE Module
Before you configure the ALE Module, create the following persistent WebSphere
MQ queues:
v SAPtid_Queue
v SAPtid_QueueManager
v SAPALE_Event_Queue
v SAPALE_Wip_Queue
v SAPALE_Archive_Queue
v SAPALE_UnSubscribed_Queue
v SAPALE_Error_Queue
Refer to the WebSphere MQ documentation for information on creating MQ

Next, configure the following connector-specific properties:

Property Name Default Value Value Needed

Modules none Ale
AleEventDir none ProductDir\connectors\SAP\ale
SAPtid_QueueManager none <Queue Manager name>
SAPtid_Queue none <Queue name>
SAPALE_Event_Queue none <Event Queue name>
SAPALE_Wip_Queue none <WIP Queue name>
SAPALE_Archive_Queue none <Archive Queue name>
SAPALE_UnSubscribed_Queue none <UnSubscribed Queue name>
SAPALE_Error_Queue none <Error Queue name>
RfcProgramId none <Program ID name defined in SAP
Transaction sm59>
NumberOfListeners 1 1 (for single-threaded)

For remote WebSphere Queues, also configure the following properties:

Property Name Default Value Value Needed

SAPtid_QueueManagerLogin none <Queue Manager login>
SAPtid_QueueManagerPassword none <Queue Manager password>
SAPtid_QueueManagerHost none <Queue Manager host>
SAPtid_MQPort none <MQ port>
SAPtid_MQChannel none <MQ channel>

Generating a business object in the ALE Module

To generate a business object in the ALE Module:
1. Start SAPODA.
2. Start the business object designer.
3. In the business object designer, choose File > New. The wizard starts.
4. Select Configure Discovery:

288 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
a. Enter the host address for the machine where Discovery is running.
b. Choose Add Host.
c. Choose OK.
5. In Step 3 of the wizard, expand IDoc Types.
a. Expand Generate From System.
b. Expand Basic IDoc Types.
c. Right-click Select by Name...
d. Select Search for Items...
e. Type orders03. Choose OK.
6. Highlight ORDERS03. Choose Next.
7. Choose Next.
8. Choose OK. The business object generates.
9. Select ″Save a copy of business object definitions to a separate file″ and select
″Open new business object definition to a separate window″. Choose Finish.

Editing the business object

To edit the business object:
1. Choose the General tab.
2. Change Create Application-specific information message type to MsgType =
3. Open ProductDir\repository\SAP\BO_SAPIDocControl.txt and save it to the
Repository directory.
4. Add the parent object name to the Supported Business Objects section of the
configuration file.
5. Register the RFC Server Module with the SAP Gateway, using SAP transaction
6. Ensure the following:
v That the logical systems are defined and assigned for the SAP system and
external system (SALE).
v That the distribution model has been maintained and that the required
message types have been added to the model (transaction code BD64).
v That there are partner profiles for the logical systems or distribution model
(transaction code WE20).
v That there are ports defined for the logical systems or distribution model
(transaction code WE21).

Preparing the ALE Module for testing

To set up the ALE Module for testing, use Port Connector:
1. Copy the SAP configuration file. Rename the copied file portconnector.cfg.
2. Open portconnector.cfg in Connector Configurator.
3. Change the following properties in the Standard tab:
v ApplicationName to PortConnector
4. Save changes. Close portconnector.cfg.
5. Open sapconnector.cfg.
6. Save the change. Start

Appendix A. Quick Steps 289

Testing request processing for the ALE Module
To test the ALE Module:
1. Open Test Connector.
2. Choose File > Create/Select Profile.
3. Choose File > New Profile.
4. Select Browse.
a. Choose Open.
b. For Connector Name, enter PortConnector.
c. For Broker Type, enter WMQI.
d. Choose OK.
5. Highlight PortConnector. Choose OK.
6. Choose File > Connect.
7. Create a business object instance:
a. For BO Type, select sap_order03.
b. Choose Create.
c. In Enter Name, type new object. Choose OK.
8. Change the verb to Create.
9. Right-click Control Record. Choose Add Instance.
10. Expand Control Record. Populate these fields:
v IDoc_number
v Sender_port
v Partner_number_of_sender
v Receiver_port
v Partner_number_of_recipient
v Client
v SAP_Release
11. Start the connector.
12. In Test Connector, choose Request > Send. Check the log for a success

Testing event processing in the ALE Module

To test event processing in the ALE Module:
1. Go to transaction we19, Test Tool for IDoc processing.
2. Populate the field with an existing IDoc. Choose IDoc > Create.
3. Choose StandardOutboundProcessing to send an IDoc to the test connector.
4. In the pop-up window, choose the check mark.
5. To verify that the IDoc was sent from SAP, check the connector log
file for a success message. If the event exists in transaction sm58, then it was
not sent correctly.
6. View the message that was sent to the SAPALE_Archive_Queue to verify that the
ProcessingStatus was successful. If you do not see a success message, check the
SAPALE_Error_Queue to see if a failure occurred.

290 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Quick steps for the HDR Module
Before configuring the HDR Module, configure the following connector-specific

Property Name Default Value Value Needed

Modules none BAPI

Generating a business object in the HDR Module

To generate a business object in the HDR Module:
1. Start SAPODA.
2. Start the business object designer.
3. In the business object designer, choose File > New. The wizard starts.
4. Select Configure Discovery:
a. Enter the host address for the machine where Discovery is running.
b. Choose Add Host.
c. Choose OK.
5. In Step 3 of the wizard, expand the Dynamic Definitions.
a. Expand HDR.
b. Right-click Search by Name.... Choose Search for Items.
c. Type kna1. Choose OK.
d. Highlight kna1. Choose Next.
e. Choose Next.
f. Choose OK.
6. In Notification, choose No.
7. Select ″Open new business object definition to a separate window″. Choose
8. Save the new business object to the Repository directory.

Preparing the HDR Module for testing

To set up the HDR Module for testing, use Port Connector:
1. Copy the SAP configuration file. Rename the copied file portconnector.cfg.
2. Open portconnector.cfg in Connector Configurator.
3. Change the following properties in the Standard tab:
v ApplicationName to PortConnector
4. Save changes.
5. Open sapconnector.cfg.
7. Save the change.

Testing the HDR Module

To test the HDR Module:
1. Open Test Connector.
2. In Business Object Type, select SAP_kna1. Choose Create.

Appendix A. Quick Steps 291

3. In Enter Name, type new object. Choose OK.
4. Change the verb to Retrieve.
5. Populate customer_number_KUNNR with an existing SAP customer number. The
number must be 10 digits long, for example: 0000000001.
6. Choose Request > Send.
7. Check the log file for a success message.

292 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Appendix B. Common event infrastructure
WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation includes the Common Event
Infrastructure Server Application, which is required for Common Event
Infrastructure to operate. The WebSphere Application Server Foundation can be
installed on any system (it does not have to be the same machine on which the
adapter is installed.)

The WebSphere Application Server Application Client includes the libraries

required for interaction between the adapter and the Common Event Infrastructure
Server Application. You must install WebSphere Application Server Application
Client on the same system on which you install the adapter. The adapter connects
to the WebSphere Application Server (within the WebSphere Business Integration
Server Foundation) by means of a configurable URL.

Common Event Infrastructure support is available using any integration broker

supported with this release.

Required software
In addition to the software prerequisites required for the adapter, you must have
the following installed for Common Event Infrastructure to operate:
v WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation 5.1.1
v WebSphere Application Server Application Client 5.0.2, 5.1, or 5.1.1.
(WebSphere Application Server Application Client 5.1.1 is provided with
WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation 5.1.1. )

Note: Common Event Infrastructure is not supported on any HP-UX or Linux


Enabling Common Event Infrastructure

Common Event Infrastructure functionality is enabled with the standard properties
CommonEventInfrastructure and CommonEventInfrastructureContextURL, configured
with Connector Configurator. By default, Common Event Infrastructure is not
enabled. The CommonEventInfrastructureContextURL property enables you to
configure the URL of the Common Event Infrastructure server.(Refer to the
“Standard Properties” appendix of this document for more information.)

Obtaining Common Event Infrastructure adapter events

If Common Event Infrastructure is enabled, the adapter generates Common Event
Infrastructure events that map to the following adapter events:
v Starting the adapter
v Stopping the adapter
v An application response to a timeout from the adapter agent
v Any doVerbFor call issued from the adapter agent
v A gotApplEvent call from the adapter agent
For another application (the “consumer application”) to receive the Common Event
Infrastructure events generated by the adapter, the application must use the

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 293

Common Event Infrastructure event catalog to determine the definitions of
appropriate events and their properties. The events must be defined in the event
catalog for the consumer application to be able to consume the sending
application’s events.

The “Common Event Infrastructure event catalog definitions” appendix of this

document contains XML format metadata showing, for WebSphere Business
Information adapters, the event descriptors and properties the consumer
application should search for.

For more information

For more information about Common Event Infrastructure, refer to the Common
Event Infrastructure information in the WebSphere Business Integration Server
Foundation documentation, available at the following URL:

For sample XML metadata showing the adapter-generated event descriptors and
properties a consumer application should search for, refer to“Common Event
Infrastructure event catalog definitions.”

Common Event Infrastructure event catalog definitions

The Common Event Infrastructure event catalog contains event definitions that can
be queried by other applications. The following are event definition samples, using
XML metadata, for typical adapter events. If you are writing another application,
your application can use event catalog interfaces to query against the event
definition. For more information about event definitions and how to query them,
refer to the Common Event Infrastructure documentation that is available from the
online IBM WebSphere Server Foundation Information Center.

For WebSphere Business Integration adapters, the extended data elements that
need to be defined in the event catalog are the keys of the business object. Each
business object key requires an event definition. So for any given adapter, various
events such as start adapter, stop adapter, timeout adapter, and any doVerbFor
event (create, update, or delete, for example) must have a corresponding event
definition in the event catalog.

The following sections contain examples of the XML metadata for start adapter,
stop adapter, and event request or delivery.

XML format for “start adapter” metadata

<eventDefinition name="startADAPTER"
<property name =”creationTime" //Comment: example value would be
required="true" />
<property name="globalInstanceId" //Comment: Automatically generated
by Common Event Infrastructure
<property name="sequenceNumber" //Comment: Source defined number
for messages to be sent/sorted logically
<property name="version" //Comment: Version of the event

294 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
<property name="sourceComponentId"
<property name="application" //Comment: The name#version of the
source application generating the event. Example is "SampleConnector#3.0.0"
path="sourceComponentId/application" required="false"/>
<property name="component" //Comment: This will be the name#version
of the source component.
<property name="componentIdType" //Comment: specifies the format
and meaning of the component
<property name="executionEnvironment"
//Comment: Identifies the environment the application is running
in...example is "Windows 2000#5.0"
required="false" />
<property name="location" //Comment: The value of this is the
server name...example is "WQMI"
<property name="locationType" //Comment specifies the format and
meaning of the location
<property name="subComponent" //Comment:further distinction
of the logical component
<property name="componentType" //Comment: well-defined name
used to characterize all instances of this component
<property name="situation" //Comment: Defines the type of
situation that caused the event to be reported
<property name="categoryName=" //Comment: Specifies the type
of situation for the event
<property name="situationType" //Comment: Specifies the type
of situation and disposition of the event
<property name="reasoningScope" //Comment: Specifies the scope
of the impact of the event
<property name="successDisposition" //Comment: Specifies the
success of event
permittedValue="UNSUCCESSFUL" />
<property name="situationQualifier" //Comment: Specifies the
situation qualifiers for this event

Appendix B. Common event infrastructure 295

permittedValue="START_COMPLETED" />

XML format for ″stop adapter″ metadata

The metadata for “stop adapter” is the same as that for “start adapter” with the
following exceptions:
v The default value for the categoryName property is StopSituation:
<property name="categoryName="
//Comment: Specifies the type
of situation for the event
v The permitted values for the situationQualifier property differ and are as
follows for “stop adapter”:
<property name="situationQualifier"
//Comment: Specifies the situation qualifiers for this event

XML format for “timeout adapter” metadata

The metadata for “timeout adapter” is the same as that for “start adapter” and
“stop adapter” with the following exceptions:
v The default value for the categoryName property is ConnectSituation:
<property name="categoryName="
//Comment: Specifies the type
of situation for the event
v The permitted values for the situationQualifier property differ and are as
follows for “timeout adapter”:
<property name="situationQualifier" //Comment: Specifies
the situation qualifiers for this event

296 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
XML format for ″request″ or ″delivery″ metadata
At the end of this XML format are the extended data elements. The extended data
elements for adapter request and delivery events represent data from the business
object being processed. This data includes the name of the business object, the key
(foreign or local) for the business object, and business objects that are children of
parent business objects. The children business objects are then broken down into
the same data as the parent (name, key, and any children business objects). This
data is represented in an extended data element of the event definition. This data
will change depending on which business object, which keys, and which child
business objects are being processed. The extended data in this event definition is
just an example and represents a business object named Employee with a key
EmployeeId and a child business object EmployeeAddress with a key EmployeeId.
This pattern could continue for as much data as exists for the particular business
<eventDefinition name="createEmployee" //Comment: This
extension name is always the business object verb followed by the business
object name
<property name ="creationTime" //Comment: example value would be
required="true" />
<property name="globalInstanceId" //Comment: Automatically generated
by Common Event Infrastructure
<property name="localInstanceId" //Comment: Value is business
object verb+business object name+#+app name+ business object identifier
<property name="sequenceNumber" //Comment: Source defined number
for messages to be sent/sorted logically
<property name="version" //Comment: Version of the event...value is
set to 1.0.1
<property name="sourceComponentId"
<property name="application" //Comment: The name#version of the
source application generating the event...example is
<property name="component" //Comment: This will be the name#version
of the source component.
<property name="componentIdType" //Comment: specifies the format
and meaning of the component
<property name="executionEnvironment" //Comment: Identifies the
environment#version the app is running in...example is "Windows 2000#5.0"
required="false" />
<property name="instanceId" //Comment: Value is business object
verb+business object name+#+app name+ business object identifier
<property name="location" //Comment: The value of this is the
server name...example is "WQMI"

Appendix B. Common event infrastructure 297

<property name="locationType" //Comment specifies the format and
meaning of the location
<property name="subComponent" //Comment:further distinction of the
logical component-in this case the value is the name of the business
<property name="componentType" //Comment: well-defined name used
to characterize all instances of this component
<property name="situation" //Comment: Defines the type of
situation that caused the event to be reported
<property name="categoryName" //Comment: Specifies the type
of situation for the event
permittedValue="OtherSituation" />
<property name="situationType" //Comment: Specifies the type
of situation and disposition of the event
<property name="reasoningScope" //Comment: Specifies the scope
of the impact of the event
<property name="successDisposition" //Comment: Specifies the
success of event
permittedValue="UNSUCCESSFUL" />
<extendedDataElements name="Employee" //Comment: name of business
object itself
<children name="EmployeeId"
type="string"/> //Comment: type is one of the
permitted values within Common Event Infrastructure documentation
<children name="EmployeeAddress"
<children name="EmployeeId"

298 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Appendix C. Application response measurement
This adapter is compatible with the Application Response Measurement
application programming interface (API), an API that allows applications to be
managed for availability, service level agreements, and capacity planning. An
ARM-instrumented application can participate in IBM Tivoli Monitoring for
Transaction Performance, allowing collection and review of data concerning
transaction metrics.

Application Response Measurement instrumentation support

This adapter is compatible with the Application Response Measurement
application programming interface (API), an API that allows applications to be
managed for availability, service level agreements, and capacity planning. An
ARM-instrumented application can participate in IBM Tivoli Monitoring for
Transaction Performance, allowing collection and review of data concerning
transaction metrics.

Required software
In addition to the software prerequisites required for the adapter, you must have
the following installed for ARM to operate:
v WebSphere Application Server 5.0.1 (contains the IBM Tivoli Monitoring for
Transaction Performance server). This does not have to be installed on the same
system as the adapter.
v IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Transaction Performance v. 5.2 Fixpack 1. This must
be installed on the same system on which the adapter is installed and
configured to point to the system on which the IBM Tivoli Monitoring for
Transaction Performance server resides.
Application Response Measurement support is available using any integration
broker supported with this release.

Note: Application Response Measurement instrumentation is supported on all

operating systems supported with this IBM WebSphere Business Integration
Adapters release except HP-UX (any version) and Red Hat Linux 3.0.

Enabling Application Response Measurement

ARM instrumentation is enabled via by setting the standard property
TivoliMonitorTransactionPerformance in Connector Configurator to “True.” By
default ARM support is not enabled. (Refer to the ″Standard Properties″ appendix
of this document for more information.)

Transaction monitoring
When ARM is enabled, the transactions that are monitored are service events and
event deliveries. The transaction is measured from the start of a service request or
event delivery to the end of the service request or event delivery. The name of the
transaction displayed on the Tivoli Monitoring for Transaction Performance console
will start with either SERVICE REQUEST or EVENT DELIVERY. The next part of the
name will be the business object verb (such as CREATE, RETRIEVE, UPDATE or DELETE).
The final part of the name will be the business object name such as “EMPLOYEE.”

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 299

For example, the name of a transaction for an event delivery for creation of an
employee might be EVENT DELIVERY CREATE EMPLOYEE. Another might be SERVICE

The following metrics are collected by default for each type of service request or
event delivery:
v Minimum transaction time
v Maximum transaction time
v Average transaction time
v Total transaction runs

You (or the system administrator of the WebSphere Application Server) can select
which of these metrics to display, for which adapter events, by configuring
Discovery Policies and Listener Policies for particular transactions from within the
Tivoli Monitoring for Transaction Performance console. (Refer to “For more

For more information

Refer to the IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Transaction Performance documentation for
more information. In particular, refer to the IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Transaction
Performance User’s Guide for information about monitoring and managing the
metrics generated by the adapter.

300 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Appendix D. Standard configuration properties
This appendix describes the standard configuration properties for the connector
component of WebSphere Business Integration adapters. The information covers
connectors running with the following integration brokers:
v WebSphere InterChange Server (ICS)
v WebSphere MQ Integrator, WebSphere MQ Integrator Broker, and WebSphere
Business Integration Message Broker, collectively referred to as the WebSphere
Message Brokers (and shown as WMQI in the Connector Configurator).
v Information Integrator (II)
v WebSphere Application Server (WAS)

If your adapter supports DB2 Information Integrator, use the WMQI options and
the DB2 II standard properties (see the Notes column in Table 53 on page 303.)

The properties you set for the adapter depend on which integration broker you
use. You choose the integration broker using Connector Configurator. After you
choose the broker, Connector Configurator lists the standard properties you must
configure for the adapter.

For information about properties specific to this connector, see the relevant section
in this guide.

New properties
These standard properties have been added in this release:
v AdapterHelpName
v BiDi.Application
v BiDi.Broker
v BiDi.Metadata
v BiDi.Transformation
v CommonEventInfrastructure
v CommonEventInfrastructureContextURL
v ControllerEventSequencing
v jms.ListenerConcurrency
v jms.TransportOptimized
v ResultsSetEnabled
v ResultsSetSize
v TivoliTransactionMonitorPerformance

Standard connector properties overview

Connectors have two types of configuration properties:
v Standard configuration properties, which are used by the framework
v Application, or connector-specific, configuration properties, which are used by
the agent

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 301

These properties determine the adapter framework and the agent run-time

This section describes how to start Connector Configurator and describes

characteristics common to all properties. For information on configuration
properties specific to a connector, see its adapter user guide.

Starting Connector Configurator

You configure connector properties from Connector Configurator, which you access
from System Manager. For more information on using Connector Configurator,
refer to the sections on Connector Configurator in this guide.

Connector Configurator and System Manager run only on the Windows system. If
you are running the connector on a UNIX system, you must have a Windows
machine with these tools installed.

To set connector properties for a connector that runs on UNIX, you must start up
System Manager on the Windows machine, connect to the UNIX integration broker,
and bring up Connector Configurator for the connector.

Configuration property values overview

The connector uses the following order to determine a property’s value:
1. Default
2. Repository (valid only if WebSphere InterChange Server (ICS) is the integration
3. Local configuration file
4. Command line

The default length of a property field is 255 characters. There is no limit on the
length of a STRING property type. The length of an INTEGER type is determined
by the server on which the adapter is running.

A connector obtains its configuration values at startup. If you change the value of
one or more connector properties during a run-time session, the property’s update
method determines how the change takes effect.

The update characteristics of a property, that is, how and when a change to the
connector properties takes effect, depend on the nature of the property.

There are four update methods for standard connector properties:

v Dynamic
The new value takes effect immediately after the change is saved in System
Manager. However, if the connector is in stand-alone mode (independently of
System Manager), for example, if it is running with one of the WebSphere
message brokers, you can change properties only through the configuration file.
In this case, a dynamic update is not possible.
v Agent restart (ICS only)
The new value takes effect only after you stop and restart the connector agent.
v Component restart
The new value takes effect only after the connector is stopped and then restarted
in System Manager. You do not need to stop and restart the agent or the server

302 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
v System restart
The new value takes effect only after you stop and restart the connector agent
and the server.

To determine how a specific property is updated, refer to the Update Method

column in the Connector Configurator window, or see the Update Method column
in Table 53 on page 303.

There are three locations in which a standard property can reside. Some properties
can reside in more than one location.
v ReposController
The property resides in the connector controller and is effective only there. If
you change the value on the agent side, it does not affect the controller.
v ReposAgent
The property resides in the agent and is effective only there. A local
configuration can override this value, depending on the property.
v LocalConfig
The property resides in the configuration file for the connector and can act only
through the configuration file. The controller cannot change the value of the
property, and is not aware of changes made to the configuration file unless the
system is redeployed to update the controller explicitly.

Standard properties quick-reference

Table 53 provides a quick-reference to the standard connector configuration
properties. Not all connectors require all of these properties, and property settings
may differ from integration broker to integration broker.

See the section following the table for a description of each property.

Note: In the Notes column in Table 53, the phrase “RepositoryDirectory is set to
<REMOTE>” indicates that the broker is InterChange Server. When the
broker is WMQI or WAS, the repository directory is set to
Table 53. Summary of standard configuration properties
Property name Possible values Default value method Notes
AdapterHelpName One of the valid Template name, if valid, Component Supported regional
subdirectories in or blank field restart settings.
<ProductDir>\bin\Data Include chs_chn,
\App\Help\ that cht_twn, deu_deu,
contains a valid esn_esp, fra_fra,
<RegionalSetting> ita_ita, jpn_jpn,
directory kor_kor, ptb_bra,
and enu_usa (default).
AdminInQueue Valid JMS queue name <CONNECTORNAME> Component This property is valid
/ADMININQUEUE restart only when the value
of DeliveryTransport
is JMS
AdminOutQueue Valid JMS queue name <CONNECTORNAME> Component This property is valid
/ADMINOUTQUEUE restart only when the value
of DeliveryTransport
is JMS

Appendix D. Standard configuration properties 303

Table 53. Summary of standard configuration properties (continued)
Property name Possible values Default value method Notes
AgentConnections 1 through 4 1 Component This property is valid
restart only when the value
of DeliveryTransport
is MQ or IDL, the value
of Repository Directory
is set to <REMOTE>
and the value of
BrokerType is ICS.
AgentTraceLevel 0 through 5 0 Dynamic
if broker is
ApplicationName Application name The value specified for Component
the connector restart
application name
BiDi.Application Any valid combination ILYNN (five letters) Component This property is valid
of these bidirectional restart only if the value
attributes: of BiDi.Transforma tion
is true
1st letter: I,V
2nd letter: L,R
3rd letter: Y, N
4th letter: S, N
5th letter: H, C, N
BiDi.Broker Any valid combination ILYNN (five letters) Component This property is valid
of these bidirectional restart only if the value of
attributes: BiDi.Transformation
is true. If the value of
1st letter: I,V BrokerType is
2nd letter: L,R ICS, the property
3rd letter: Y, N is read-only.
4th letter: S, N
5th letter: H, C, N
BiDi.Metadata Any valid combination ILYNN (five letters) Component This property is valid
of these bidirectional restart only if the value of
attributes: BiDi.Transformation
is true.
1st letter: I,V
2nd letter: L,R
3rd letter: Y, N
4th letter: S, N
5th letter: H, C, N
BiDi.Transformation true or false false Component This property is valid
restart only if the value of
BrokerType is
not WAS
BrokerType ICS, WMQI, WAS ICS Component
CharacterEncoding Any supported code. ascii7 Component This property is valid
The list shows this subset: restart only for C++ connectors.
ascii7, ascii8, SJIS,
Cp949, GBK, Big5,
Cp297, Cp273, Cp280,
Cp284, Cp037, Cp437

304 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Table 53. Summary of standard configuration properties (continued)
Property name Possible values Default value method Notes
CommonEventInfrastruc true or false false Component
ture restart
CommonEventInfrastruc A URL string, for No default value. Component This property is valid
tureURL example, restart only if the value of
corbaloc:iiop: CommonEvent
host:2809. Infrastructure is true.
ConcurrentEventTrig 1 through 32,767 1 Component This property is valid
geredFlows restart only if the value of
is set to <REMOTE>
and the value of
BrokerType is ICS.
ContainerManagedEvents Blank or JMS Blank Component This property is valid
restart only when the value
of Delivery Transport
is JMS.
ControllerEventSequenc true or false true Dynamic This property is valid
ing only if the value of
Repository Directory
is set to <REMOTE>
and the value of
BrokerType is ICS.
ControllerStoreAndFor true or false true Dynamic This property is valid
wardMode only if the value of
Repository Directory
is set to <REMOTE>
and the value of
BrokerType is ICS.
ControllerTraceLevel 0 through 5 0 Dynamic This property is valid
only if the value of
is set to <REMOTE>
and the value of
BrokerType is ICS.
DeliveryQueue Any valid JMS <CONNECTORNAME> Component This property is valid
queue name /DELIVERYQUEUE restart only when the value
of Delivery Transport
is JMS.
DeliveryTransport MQ, IDL, or JMS IDL when the value of Component If the value of
RepositoryDirectory is restart RepositoryDirectory is
<REMOTE>, otherwise not <REMOTE>,
JMS the only valid value for
this property is JMS.
DuplicateEventElimina true or false false Component This property is valid
tion restart only if the value of
DeliveryTransport is JMS.
EnableOidForFlowMoni true or false false Component This property is valid
toring restart only if the value of
BrokerType is ICS.
FaultQueue Any valid queue name. <CONNECTORNAME> Component This property is
/FAULTQUEUE restart valid only if the value
of DeliveryTransport
is JMS.
jms.FactoryClassName CxCommon.Messaging.jms CxCommon.Messaging. Component This property is
.IBMMQSeriesFactory, jms.IBMMQSeriesFactory restart valid only if the value
CxCommon.Messaging of DeliveryTransport
.jms.SonicMQFactory, is JMS.
or any Java class name

Appendix D. Standard configuration properties 305

Table 53. Summary of standard configuration properties (continued)
Property name Possible values Default value method Notes
jms.ListenerConcurrency 1 through 32767 1 Component This property is
restart valid only if the value of
is true.
jms.MessageBrokerName If the value of crossworlds.queue. Component This property is valid
jms.FactoryClassName manager restart only if the value of
is IBM, use DeliveryTransport
crossworlds.queue. is JMS
manager. .
jms.NumConcurrent Positive integer 10 Component This property is valid
Requests restart only if the value of
is JMS
jms.Password Any valid password Component This property is valid
restart only if the value of
is JMS
jms.TransportOptimized true or false false Component This property is valid
restart only if the value of
is JMS and the value of
BrokerType is ICS.
jms.UserName Any valid name Component This property is valid
restart only if the value of
Delivery Transport is JMS.
JvmMaxHeapSize Heap size in megabytes 128m Component This property is valid
restart only if the value of
Repository Directory
is set to <REMOTE>
and the value of
BrokerType is ICS.
JvmMaxNativeStackSize Size of stack in kilobytes 128k Component This property is valid
restart only if the value of
Repository Directory
is set to <REMOTE>
and the value of
BrokerType is ICS.
JvmMinHeapSize Heap size in megabytes 1m Component This property is valid
restart only if the value of
Repository Directory
is set to <REMOTE>
and the value of
BrokerType is ICS.
ListenerConcurrency 1 through 100 1 Component This property is valid
restart only if the value of
DeliveryTransport is MQ.
Locale This is a subset of the en_US Component
supported locales: restart
en_US, ja_JP, ko_KR,
zh_CN, zh_TW, fr_FR,
de_DE, it_IT,
es_ES, pt_BR

306 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Table 53. Summary of standard configuration properties (continued)
Property name Possible values Default value method Notes
LogAtInterchangeEnd true or false false Component This property is valid
restart only if the value of
Repository Directory
is set to <REMOTE>
and the value of
BrokerType is ICS.
MaxEventCapacity 1 through 2147483647 2147483647 Dynamic This property is valid
only if the value of
Repository Directory
is set to <REMOTE>
and the value of
BrokerType is ICS.
MessageFileName Valid file name InterchangeSystem.txt Component
MonitorQueue Any valid queue name <CONNECTORNAME> Component This property is valid
/MONITORQUEUE restart only if the value of
is true and
has no value.
OADAutoRestartAgent true or false false Dynamic This property is valid
only if the value of
Repository Directory
is set to <REMOTE>
and the value of
BrokerType is ICS.
OADMaxNumRetry A positive integer 1000 Dynamic This property is valid
only if the value of
Repository Directory
is set to <REMOTE>
and the value of
BrokerType is ICS.
OADRetryTimeInterval A positive integer 10 Dynamic This property is valid
in minutes only if the value of
Repository Directory
is set to <REMOTE>
and the value of
BrokerType is ICS.
PollEndTime HH = 0 through 23 HH:MM Component
MM = 0 through 59 restart
PollFrequency A positive integer 10000 Dynamic
(in milliseconds) if broker is
PollQuantity 1 through 500 1 Agent restart This property is valid
only if the value of
is JMS.
PollStartTime HH = 0 through 23 HH:MM Component
MM = 0 through 59 restart
RepositoryDirectory <REMOTE> if the broker For ICS, the value is set Agent restart
is ICS; otherwise any to <REMOTE>
valid local directory.
For WMQI and WAS,
the value is

Appendix D. Standard configuration properties 307

Table 53. Summary of standard configuration properties (continued)
Property name Possible values Default value method Notes
RequestQueue Valid JMS queue name <CONNECTORNAME> Component This property is valid
/REQUESTQUEUE restart only if the value of
is JMS
ResponseQueue Valid JMS queue name <CONNECTORNAME> Component This property is valid
/RESPONSEQUEUE restart only if the value of
DeliveryTransport is JMS.
RestartRetryCount 0 through 99 3 Dynamic
if ICS;
RestartRetryInterval A value in minutes 1 Dynamic
from 1 through if ICS;
2147483647 otherwise
ResultsSetEnabled true or false false Component Used only by connectors
restart that support DB2II.

This property is valid

only if the value of
is JMS, and the value of
BrokerType is WMQI.
ResultsSetSize Positive integer 0 (means the results Component Used only by connectors
set size is unlimited) restart that support DB2II.

This property is valid

only if the value of
is true.
RHF2MessageDomain mrm or xml mrm Component This property is valid
restart only if the value
of DeliveryTransport
is JMS and the value of
WireFormat is CwXML.
SourceQueue Any valid WebSphere <CONNECTORNAME> Agent restart This property is valid
MQ queue name /SOURCEQUEUE only if the value of
is JMS.
SynchronousRequest Any valid queue name. <CONNECTORNAME> Component This property is valid
Queue /SYNCHRONOUSREQUEST restart only if the value
QUEUE of DeliveryTransport
is JMS.
SynchronousRequest 0 to any number 0 Component This property is valid
Timeout (milliseconds) restart only if the value
of DeliveryTransport
is JMS.
SynchronousResponse Any valid queue name <CONNECTORNAME> Component This property is valid
Queue /SYNCHRONOUSRESPONSE restart only if the value
QUEUE of DeliveryTransport
is JMS.
TivoliMonitorTransaction true or false false Component
Performance restart

308 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Table 53. Summary of standard configuration properties (continued)
Property name Possible values Default value method Notes
WireFormat CwXML or CwBO CwXML Agent restart The value of this
property must be CwXML
if the value
of RepositoryDirectory
is not set to <REMOTE>.
The value must
be CwBO if the value of
RepositoryDirectory is set
to <REMOTE>.
WsifSynchronousRequest 0 to any number 0 Component This property is valid
Timeout (milliseconds) restart only if the value of
BrokerType is WAS.
XMLNameSpaceFormat short or long short Agent restart This property is valid
only if the value of
BrokerType is

Standard properties
This section describes the standard connector configuration properties.

The AdapterHelpName property is the name of a directory in which
connector-specific extended help files are located. The directory must be located in
<ProductDir>\bin\Data\App\Help and must contain at least the language
directory enu_usa. It may contain other directories according to locale.

The default value is the template name if it is valid, or it is blank.

The AdminInQueue property specifies the queue that is used by the integration
broker to send administrative messages to the connector.


The AdminOutQueue property specifies the queue that is used by the connector to
send administrative messages to the integration broker.


The AgentConnections property controls the number of ORB (Object Request
Broker) connections opened when the ORB initializes.

It is valid only if the value of the RepositoryDirectory is set to <REMOTE> and the
value of the DeliveryTransport property is MQ or IDL.

The default value of this property is 1.

Appendix D. Standard configuration properties 309

The AgentTraceLevel property sets the level of trace messages for the
application-specific component. The connector delivers all trace messages
applicable at the tracing level set and lower.

The default value is 0.

The ApplicationName property uniquely identifies the name of the connector
application. This name is used by the system administrator to monitor the
integration environment. This property must have a value before you can run the

The default is the name of the connector.

The BiDi.Application property specifies the bidirectional format for data coming
from an external application into the adapter in the form of any business object
supported by this adapter. The property defines the bidirectional attributes of the
application data. These attributes are:
v Type of text: implicit or visual (I or V)
v Text direction: left-to-right or right-to-left (L or R)
v Symmetric swapping: on or off (Y or N)
v Shaping (Arabic): on or off (S or N)
v Numerical shaping (Arabic): Hindi, contextual, or nominal (H, C, or N)

This property is valid only if the BiDi.Transformation property value is set to true.

The default value is ILYNN (implicit, left-to-right, on, off, nominal).

The BiDi.Broker property specifies the bidirectional format for data sent from the
adapter to the integration broker in the form of any supported business object. It
defines the bidirectional attributes of the data, which are as listed under
BiDi.Application above.

This property is valid only if the BiDi.Transformation property value is set to true.
If the BrokerType property is ICS, the property value is read-only.

The default value is ILYNN (implicit, left-to-right, on, off, nominal).

The BiDi.Metadata property defines the bidirectional format or attributes for the
metadata, which is used by the connector to establish and maintain a link to the
external application. The attribute settings are specific to each adapter using the
bidirectional capabilities. If your adapter supports bidirectional processing, refer to
section on adapter-specific properties for more information.

This property is valid only if the BiDi.Transformation property value is set to true.

The default value is ILYNN (implicit, left-to-right, on, off, nominal).

310 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
The BiDi.Transformation property defines whether the system performs a
bidirectional transformation at run time.

If the property value is set to true, the BiDi.Application, BiDi.Broker, and

BiDi.Metadata properties are available. If the property value is set to false, they
are hidden.

The default value is false.

The BrokerType property identifies the integration broker type that you are using.
The possible values are ICS, WMQI (for WMQI, WMQIB or WBIMB), or WAS.

The CharacterEncoding property specifies the character code set used to map from
a character (such as a letter of the alphabet, a numeric representation, or a
punctuation mark) to a numeric value.

Note: Java-based connectors do not use this property. C++ connectors use the
value ascii7 for this property.

By default, only a subset of supported character encodings is displayed. To add

other supported values to the list, you must manually modify the
\Data\Std\stdConnProps.xml file in the product directory (<ProductDir>). For
more information, see the Connector Configurator appendix in this guide.

The Common Event Infrastructure (CEI) is a simple event management function
handling generated events. The CommonEventInfrastructure property specifies
whether the CEI should be invoked at run time.

The default value is false.

The CommonEventInfrastructureContextURL is used to gain access to the WAS
server that executes the Common Event Infrastructure (CEI) server application.
This property specifies the URL to be used.

This property is valid only if the value of CommonEventInfrastructure is set to


The default value is a blank field.

The ConcurrentEventTriggeredFlows property determines how many business
objects can be concurrently processed by the connector for event delivery. You set
the value of this attribute to the number of business objects that are mapped and
delivered concurrently. For example, if you set the value of this property to 5, five
business objects are processed concurrently.

Setting this property to a value greater than 1 allows a connector for a source
application to map multiple event business objects at the same time and deliver

Appendix D. Standard configuration properties 311

them to multiple collaboration instances simultaneously. This speeds delivery of
business objects to the integration broker, particularly if the business objects use
complex maps. Increasing the arrival rate of business objects to collaborations can
improve overall performance in the system.

To implement concurrent processing for an entire flow (from a source application

to a destination application), the following properties must configured:
v The collaboration must be configured to use multiple threads by setting its
Maximum number of concurrent events property high enough to use multiple
v The destination application’s application-specific component must be configured
to process requests concurrently. That is, it must be multithreaded, or it must be
able to use connector agent parallelism and be configured for multiple processes.
The Parallel Process Degree configuration property must be set to a value larger
than 1.

The ConcurrentEventTriggeredFlows property has no effect on connector polling,

which is single-threaded and is performed serially.

This property is valid only if the value of the RepositoryDirectory property is set
to <REMOTE>.

The default value is 1.

The ContainerManagedEvents property allows a JMS-enabled connector with a
JMS event store to provide guaranteed event delivery, in which an event is
removed from the source queue and placed on the destination queue as one JMS

When this property is set to JMS, the following properties must also be set to
enable guaranteed event delivery:
v PollQuantity = 1 to 500
v SourceQueue = /SOURCEQUEUE

You must also configure a data handler with the MimeType and DHClass (data
handler class) properties. You can also add DataHandlerConfigMOName (the
meta-object name, which is optional). To set those values, use the Data Handler
tab in Connector Configurator.

Although these properties are adapter-specific, here are some example values:
v MimeType = text\xml
v DHClass = com.crossworlds.DataHandlers.text.xml
v DataHandlerConfigMOName = MO_DataHandler_Default

The fields for these values in the Data Handler tab are displayed only if you have
set the ContainerManagedEvents property to the value JMS.

Note: When ContainerManagedEvents is set to JMS, the connector does not call its
pollForEvents() method, thereby disabling that method’s functionality.

The ContainerManagedEvents property is valid only if the value of the

DeliveryTransport property is set to JMS.

312 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
There is no default value.

The ControllerEventSequencing property enables event sequencing in the connector

This property is valid only if the value of the RepositoryDirectory property is set
to set to <REMOTE> (BrokerType is ICS).

The default value is true.

The ControllerStoreAndForwardMode property sets the behavior of the connector
controller after it detects that the destination application-specific component is

If this property is set to true and the destination application-specific component is

unavailable when an event reaches ICS, the connector controller blocks the request
to the application-specific component. When the application-specific component
becomes operational, the controller forwards the request to it.

However, if the destination application’s application-specific component becomes

unavailable after the connector controller forwards a service call request to it, the
connector controller fails the request.

If this property is set to false, the connector controller begins failing all service
call requests as soon as it detects that the destination application-specific
component is unavailable.

This property is valid only if the value of the RepositoryDirectory property is set
to <REMOTE> (the value of the BrokerType property is ICS).

The default value is true.

The ControllerTraceLevel property sets the level of trace messages for the
connector controller.

This property is valid only if the value of the RepositoryDirectory property is set
to set to <REMOTE>.

The default value is 0.

The DeliveryQueue property defines the queue that is used by the connector to
send business objects to the integration broker.

This property is valid only if the value of the DeliveryTransport property is set to


Appendix D. Standard configuration properties 313

The DeliveryTransport property specifies the transport mechanism for the delivery
of events. Possible values are MQ for WebSphere MQ, IDL for CORBA IIOP, or JMS
for Java Messaging Service.
v If the value of the RepositoryDirectory property is set to <REMOTE>, the value
of the DeliveryTransport property can be MQ, IDL, or JMS, and the default is IDL.
v If the value of the RepositoryDirectory property is a local directory, the value
can be only JMS.

The connector sends service-call requests and administrative messages over

CORBA IIOP if the value of the RepositoryDirectory property is MQ or IDL.

The default value is JMS.

WebSphere MQ and IDL

Use WebSphere MQ rather than IDL for event delivery transport, unless you must
have only one product. WebSphere MQ offers the following advantages over IDL:
v Asynchronous communication:
WebSphere MQ allows the application-specific component to poll and
persistently store events even when the server is not available.
v Server side performance:
WebSphere MQ provides faster performance on the server side. In optimized
mode, WebSphere MQ stores only the pointer to an event in the repository
database, while the actual event remains in the WebSphere MQ queue. This
prevents writing potentially large events to the repository database.
v Agent side performance:
WebSphere MQ provides faster performance on the application-specific
component side. Using WebSphere MQ, the connector polling thread picks up an
event, places it in the connector queue, then picks up the next event. This is
faster than IDL, which requires the connector polling thread to pick up an event,
go across the network into the server process, store the event persistently in the
repository database, then pick up the next event.

The JMS transport mechanism enables communication between the connector and
client connector framework using Java Messaging Service (JMS).

If you select JMS as the delivery transport, additional JMS properties such as
jms.MessageBrokerName, jms.FactoryClassName, jms.Password, and jms.UserName
are listed in Connector Configurator. The properties jms.MessageBrokerName and
jms.FactoryClassName are required for this transport.

There may be a memory limitation if you use the JMS transport mechanism for a
connector in the following environment:
v AIX 5.0
v WebSphere MQ
v ICS is the integration broker

In this environment, you may experience difficulty starting both the connector
controller (on the server side) and the connector (on the client side) due to memory
use within the WebSphere MQ client. If your installation uses less than 768MB of
process heap size, set the following variable and property:
v Set the LDR_CNTRL environment variable in the script.

314 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
This script is located in the \bin directory below the product directory
(<ProductDir>). Using a text editor, add the following line as the first line in the script:
export LDR_CNTRL=MAXDATA=0x30000000
This line restricts heap memory usage to a maximum of 768 MB (3 segments *
256 MB). If the process memory grows larger than this limit, page swapping can
occur, which can adversely affect the performance of your system.
v Set the value of the IPCCBaseAddress property to 11 or 12. For more
information on this property, see the System Installation Guide for UNIX.

When the value of this property is true, a JMS-enabled connector can ensure that
duplicate events are not delivered to the delivery queue. To use this feature, during
connector development, the connector must have a unique event identifier set as
the business object ObjectEventId attribute in the application-specific code.

Note: When the value of this property is true, the MonitorQueue property must
be enabled to provide guaranteed event delivery.

The default value is false.

When the value of this property is true, the adapter runtime will mark the
incoming ObjectEventID as a foreign key for flow monitoring.

This property is only valid if the BrokerType property is set to ICS.

The default value is false.

If the connector experiences an error while processing a message, it moves the
message (and a status indicator and description of the problem) to the queue
specified in the FaultQueue property.

The default value is <CONNECTORNAME>/FAULTQUEUE.

The jms.FactoryClassName property specifies the class name to instantiate for a
JMS provider. This property must be set if the value of the DeliveryTransport
property is JMS.

The default is CxCommon.Messaging.jms.IBMMQSeriesFactory.

The jms.ListenerConcurrency property specifies the number of concurrent listeners
for the JMS controller. It specifies the number of threads that fetch and process
messages concurrently within a controller.

This property is valid only if the value of the jms.OptimizedTransport property is


The default value is 1.

Appendix D. Standard configuration properties 315

The jms.MessageBrokerName specifies the broker name to use for the JMS
provider. You must set this connector property if you specify JMS as the delivery
transport mechanism (in the DeliveryTransport property).

When you connect to a remote message broker, this property requires the following
QueueMgrName is the name of the queue manager.
Channel is the channel used by the client.
HostName is the name of the machine where the queue manager is to reside.
PortNumberis the port number used by the queue manager for listening

For example:
jms.MessageBrokerName = WBIMB.Queue.Manager:CHANNEL1:RemoteMachine:1456

The default value is crossworlds.queue.manager. Use the default when connecting

to a local message broker.

The jms.NumConcurrentRequests property specifies the maximum number of
concurrent service call requests that can be sent to a connector at the same time.
Once that maximum is reached, new service calls are blocked and must wait for
another request to complete before proceeding.

The default value is 10.

The jms.Password property specifies the password for the JMS provider. A value
for this property is optional.

There is no default value.

The jms.TransportOptimized property determines if the WIP (work in progress) is
optimized. You must have a WebSphere MQ provider to optimize the WIP. For
optimized WIP to operate, the messaging provider must be able to:
1. Read a message without taking it off the queue
2. Delete a message with a specific ID without transferring the entire message to
the receiver’s memory space
3. Read a message by using a specific ID (needed for recovery purposes)
4. Track the point at which events that have not been read appear.

The JMS APIs cannot be used for optimized WIP because they do not meet
conditions 2 and 4 above, but the MQ Java APIs meet all four conditions, and
hence are required for optimized WIP.

This property is valid only if the value of DeliveryTransport is JMS and the value of
BrokerType is ICS.

The default value is false.

316 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
the jms.UserName property specifies the user name for the JMS provider. A value
for this property is optional.

There is no default value.

The JvmMaxHeapSize property specifies the maximum heap size for the agent (in

This property is valid only if the value for the RepositoryDirectory property is set
to <REMOTE>.

The default value is 128m.

The JvmMaxNativeStackSize property specifies the maximum native stack size for
the agent (in kilobytes).

This property is valid only if the value for the RepositoryDirectory property is set
to <REMOTE>.

The default value is 128k.

The JvmMinHeapSize property specifies the minimum heap size for the agent (in

This property is valid only if the value for the RepositoryDirectory property is set
to <REMOTE>.

The default value is 1m.

The ListenerConcurrency property supports multithreading in WebSphere MQ
Listener when ICS is the integration broker. It enables batch writing of multiple
events to the database, thereby improving system performance.

This property valid only with connectors that use MQ transport. The value of the
DeliveryTransport property must be MQ.

The default value is 1.

The Locale property specifies the language code, country or territory, and,
optionally, the associated character code set. The value of this property determines
cultural conventions such as collation and sort order of data, date and time
formats, and the symbols used in monetary specifications.

A locale name has the following format:


Appendix D. Standard configuration properties 317

ll is a two-character language code (in lowercase letters)
TT is a two-letter country or territory code (in uppercase letters)
codeset is the name of the associated character code set (may be optional).

By default, only a subset of supported locales are listed. To add other supported
values to the list, you modify the \Data\Std\stdConnProps.xml file in the
<ProductDir>\bin directory. For more information, refer to the Connector
Configurator appendix in this guide.

If the connector has not been internationalized, the only valid value for this
property is en_US. To determine whether a specific connector has been globalized,
refer to the user guide for that adapter.

The default value is en_US.

The LogAtInterchangeEnd property specifies whether to log errors to the log
destination of the integration broker.

Logging to the log destination also turns on e-mail notification, which generates
e-mail messages for the recipient specified as the value of MESSAGE_RECIPIENT
in the InterchangeSystem.cfg file when errors or fatal errors occur. For example,
when a connector loses its connection to the application, if the value of
LogAtInterChangeEnd is true, an e-mail message is sent to the specified message

This property is valid only if the value of the RespositoryDirectory property is set
to <REMOTE> (the value of BrokerType is ICS).

The default value is false.

The MaxEventCapacity property specifies maximum number of events in the
controller buffer. This property is used by the flow control feature.

This property is valid only if the value of the RespositoryDirectory property is set
to <REMOTE> (the value of BrokerType is ICS).

The value can be a positive integer between 1 and 2147483647.

The default value is 2147483647.

The MessageFileName property specifies the name of the connector message file.
The standard location for the message file is \connectors\messages in the product
directory. Specify the message file name in an absolute path if the message file is
not located in the standard location.

If a connector message file does not exist, the connector uses

InterchangeSystem.txt as the message file. This file is located in the product

318 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Note: To determine whether a connector has its own message file, see the
individual adapter user guide.

The default value is InterchangeSystem.txt.

The MonitorQueue property specifies the logical queue that the connector uses to
monitor duplicate events.

It is valid only if the value of the DeliveryTransport property is JMS and the value
of the DuplicateEventElimination is true.


the OADAutoRestartAgent property specifies whether the connector uses the
automatic and remote restart feature. This feature uses the WebSphere
MQ-triggered Object Activation Daemon (OAD) to restart the connector after an
abnormal shutdown, or to start a remote connector from System Monitor.

This property must be set to true to enable the automatic and remote restart
feature. For information on how to configure the WebSphere MQ-triggered OAD
feature. see the Installation Guide for Windows or for UNIX.

This property is valid only if the value of the RespositoryDirectory property is set
to <REMOTE> (the value of BrokerType is ICS).

The default value is false.

The OADMaxNumRetry property specifies the maximum number of times that the
WebSphere MQ-triggered Object Activation Daemon (OAD) automatically attempts
to restart the connector after an abnormal shutdown. The OADAutoRestartAgent
property must be set to true for this property to take effect.

This property is valid only if the value of the RespositoryDirectory property is set
to <REMOTE> (the value of BrokerType is ICS).

The default value is 1000.

The OADRetryTimeInterval property specifies the number of minutes in the
retry-time interval for the WebSphere MQ-triggered Object Activation Daemon
(OAD). If the connector agent does not restart within this retry-time interval, the
connector controller asks the OAD to restart the connector agent again. The OAD
repeats this retry process as many times as specified by the OADMaxNumRetry
property. The OADAutoRestartAgent property must be set to true for this
property to take effect.

This property is valid only if the value of the RespositoryDirectory property is set
to <REMOTE> (the value of BrokerType is ICS).

The default value is 10.

Appendix D. Standard configuration properties 319

The PollEndTime property specifies the time to stop polling the event queue. The
format is HH:MM, where HH is 0 through 23 hours, and MM represents 0 through 59

You must provide a valid value for this property. The default value is HH:MM
without a value, and it must be changed.

If the adapter runtime detects:

v PollStartTime set and PollEndTime not set, or
v PollEndTime set and PollStartTime not set
it will poll using the value configured for the PollFrequency property.

The PollFrequency property specifies the amount of time (in milliseconds) between
the end of one polling action and the start of the next polling action. This is not
the interval between polling actions. Rather, the logic is as follows:
v Poll to obtain the number of objects specified by the value of the PollQuantity
v Process these objects. For some connectors, this may be partly done on separate
threads, which execute asynchronously to the next polling action.
v Delay for the interval specified by the PollFrequency property.
v Repeat the cycle.

The following values are valid for this property:

v The number of milliseconds between polling actions (a positive integer).
v The word no, which causes the connector not to poll. Enter the word in
v The word key, which causes the connector to poll only when you type the letter
p in the connector Command Prompt window. Enter the word in lowercase.

The default is 10000.

Important: Some connectors have restrictions on the use of this property. Where
they exist, these restrictions are documented in the chapter on
installing and configuring the adapter.

The PollQuantity property designates the number of items from the application
that the connector polls for. If the adapter has a connector-specific property for
setting the poll quantity, the value set in the connector-specific property overrides
the standard property value.

This property is valid only if the value of the DeliveryTransport property is JMS,
and the ContainerManagedEvents property has a value.

An e-mail message is also considered an event. The connector actions are as

follows when it is polled for e-mail.
v When it is polled once, the connector detects the body of the message, which it
reads as an attachment. Since no data handler was specified for this mime type,
it will then ignore the message.

320 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
v The connector processes the first BO attachment. The data handler is available
for this MIME type, so it sends the business object to Visual Test Connector.
v When it is polled for the second time, the connector processes the second BO
attachment. The data handler is available for this MIME type, so it sends the
business object to Visual Test Connector.
v Once it is accepted, the third BO attachment should be transmitted.

The PollStartTime property specifies the time to start polling the event queue. The
format is HH:MM, where HH is 0 through 23 hours, and MM represents 0 through 59

You must provide a valid value for this property. The default value is HH:MM
without a value, and it must be changed.

If the adapter runtime detects:

v PollStartTime set and PollEndTime not set, or
v PollEndTime set and PollStartTime not set
it will poll using the value configured for the PollFrequency property.

The RepositoryDirectory property is the location of the repository from which the
connector reads the XML schema documents that store the metadata for business
object definitions.

If the integration broker is ICS, this value must be set to set to <REMOTE>
because the connector obtains this information from the InterChange Server

When the integration broker is a WebSphere message broker or WAS, this value is
set to <ProductDir>\repository by default. However, it may be set to any valid
directory name.

The RequestQueue property specifies the queue that is used by the integration
broker to send business objects to the connector.

This property is valid only if the value of the DeliveryTransport property is JMS.


The ResponseQueue property specifies the JMS response queue, which delivers a
response message from the connector framework to the integration broker. When
the integration broker is ICS, the server sends the request and waits for a response
message in the JMS response queue.

This property is valid only if the value of the DeliveryTransport property is JMS.


Appendix D. Standard configuration properties 321

The RestartRetryCount property specifies the number of times the connector
attempts to restart itself. When this property is used for a connector that is
connected in parallel, it specifies the number of times the master connector
application-specific component attempts to restart the client connector
application-specific component.

The default value is 3.

The RestartRetryInterval property specifies the interval in minutes at which the
connector attempts to restart itself. When this property is used for a connector that
is linked in parallel, it specifies the interval at which the master connector
application-specific component attempts to restart the client connector
application-specific component.

Possible values for the property range from 1 through 2147483647.

The default value is 1.

The ResultsSetEnabled property enables or disables results set support when
Information Integrator is active. This property can be used only if the adapter
supports DB2 Information Integrator.

This property is valid only if the value of the DeliveryTransport property is JMS,
and the value of BrokerType is WMQI.

The default value is false.

The ResultsSetSize property defines the maximum number of business objects that
can be returned to Information Integrator. This property can be used only if the
adapter supports DB2 Information Integrator.

This property is valid only if the value of the ResultsSetEnabled property is true.

The default value is 0. This means that the size of the results set is unlimited.

The RHF2MessageDomain property allows you to configure the value of the field
domain name in the JMS header. When data is sent to a WebSphere message
broker over JMS transport, the adapter framework writes JMS header information,
with a domain name and a fixed value of mrm. A configurable domain name lets
you track how the WebSphere message broker processes the message data.

This is an example header:


This property is valid only if the value of BrokerType is WMQI or WAS. Also, it is
valid only if the value of the DeliveryTransport property is JMS, and the value of
the WireFormat property is CwXML.

322 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Possible values are mrm and xml. The default value is mrm.

The SourceQueue property designates the JMS source queue for the connector
framework in support of guaranteed event delivery for JMS-enabled connectors
that use a JMS event store. For further information, see “ContainerManagedEvents”
on page 312.

This property is valid only if the value of DeliveryTransport is JMS, and a value for
ContainerManagedEvents is specified.


The SynchronousRequestQueue property delivers request messages that require a
synchronous response from the connector framework to the broker. This queue is
necessary only if the connector uses synchronous execution. With synchronous
execution, the connector framework sends a message to the synchronous request
queue and waits for a response from the broker on the synchronous response
queue. The response message sent to the connector has a correlation ID that
matches the ID of the original message.

This property is valid only if the value of DeliveryTransport is JMS.


The SynchronousRequestTimeout property specifies the time in milliseconds that
the connector waits for a response to a synchronous request. If the response is not
received within the specified time, the connector moves the original synchronous
request message (and error message) to the fault queue.

This property is valid only if the value of DeliveryTransport is JMS.

The default value is 0.

The SynchronousResponseQueue property delivers response messages in reply to a
synchronous request from the broker to the connector framework. This queue is
necessary only if the connector uses synchronous execution.

This property is valid only if the value of DeliveryTransport is JMS.


The TivoliMonitorTransactionPerformance property specifies whether IBM Tivoli
Monitoring for Transaction Performance (ITMTP) is invoked at run time.

The default value is false.

The WireFormat property specifies the message format on the transport:

Appendix D. Standard configuration properties 323

v If the value of the RepositoryDirectory property is a local directory, the value is
v If the value of the RepositoryDirectory property is a remote directory, the value
is CwBO.

The WsifSynchronousRequestTimeout property specifies the time in milliseconds
that the connector waits for a response to a synchronous request. If the response is
not received within the specified time, the connector moves the original
synchronous request message (and an error message) to the fault queue.

This property is valid only if the value of BrokerType is WAS.

The default value is 0.

The XMLNameSpaceFormat property specifies short or long namespaces in the
XML format of business object definitions.

This property is valid only if the value of BrokerType is set to WMQI or WAS.

The default value is short.

324 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Appendix E. Connector-specific configuration properties
Connectors have two kinds of configuration properties: Connector-specific
configuration properties, and standard configuration properties. This appendix
describes the properties that are specific to the connector for For
information about using Connector Configurator, see Chapter 3, “Configuring the
connector,” on page 21.

Standard configuration properties provide information that all connectors use. See
Appendix D, “Standard configuration properties,” on page 301 for documentation
of these properties. Note that several of the standard configuration properties have
unique issues for the connector for SAP, as described in Table 54.
Table 54. Property information specific to this connector
Property Note
CharacterEncoding The connector does not use this property.
Locale Because this connector has been internationalized, you can
change the value of this property. See release notes for the
adapter to determine currently supported locales.
PollFrequency If using the RFC Server Module or the ALE Module for event
processing, do not set this property’s value to key or to no.
Setting the value to key or no prevents the connector from
instantiating these modules at startup.

You must provide a value for the ApplicationName configuration property before
running the connector.

Connector-specific configuration properties

Connector-specific configuration properties provide information needed by the
connector at runtime. Connector-specific properties also provide a way of changing
static information or logic within the connector framework and the connector’s
application-specific component without having to recode and rebuild the connector.

Table 55 is a quick reference for the connector-specific configuration properties. The

modules column contains a list of the connector modules that use the associated
Table 55. Quick reference for connector-specific configuration properties
Name Possible values Default value Modules
ABAPDebug true or false false ABAP Extension
AleEventDir path ALE
AleUpdateStatus true or false false ALE
AleSelectiveUpdate IDocType:MessageType ALE
AleStatusMsgCode MessageCode ALE
AleSuccessCode 52 or 53 52 ALE
AleFailureCode 68 or 58 68 ALE
AleSuccessText SuccessText ALE
AleFailureText FailureText ALE
ApplicationPassword SOFTWARE All

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 325

Table 55. Quick reference for connector-specific configuration properties (continued)
Name Possible values Default value Modules
ApplicationUserName CROSSWORLDS All
ArchiveDays ALE
Client All
Group any valid name of the logon All
group that represents a group of
application servers
gwService Gateway server identifier sapgw00 RFC Server ALE
Hostname IP-address or server-name All
InDoubtEvents Reprocess, FailOnStartUp, Ignore ABAP Extension
LogError or Ignore
Language E All
MaxNumberOfConnections 2 ABAP Extension,
ALE (request
processing only),
Modules ModuleName All
Namespace true or false true ABAP Extension
NumberOfListeners any positive integer 1 RFC Server,

PollQuantity any positive integer 20 ABAP Extension,

RefreshLogonCycle true true All
RfcProgramId program ID CWLDSERVER RFC Server,
RfcTraceOn true or false false All
SAPALE_Archive_Queue any valid WebSphere MQ ALE
queue name
SAPALE_Event_Queue any valid WebSphere MQ ALE
queue name
SAPALE_Wip_Queue any valid WebSphere MQ ALE
queue name
SAPSystemID logical name of the SAP System All
SAPtid_MQChannel any valid MQ channel ALE
SAPtid_MQPort any valid MQ port ALE
SAPtid_Queue any valid MQ queue name ALE (request
processing only)
SAPtid_QueueManager any valid MQ queue manager ALE
SAPtid_QueueManagerHost any valid MQ queue manager ALE
host name
SAPtid_QueueManagerLogin any valid MQ queue manager ALE
login name
SAPtid_QueueManagerPassword any valid MQ queue manager ALE
Sysnr system-number 00 All
DateTimeFormat nothing or legacy All
TransIdCollabName No longer supported
UpdateIDocStatus true or false True ALE
IDocSuccessCode 12 ALE
IDocFailureCode 11 ALE
IDocSuccessText Dispatched Okay ALE

326 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Table 55. Quick reference for connector-specific configuration properties (continued)
Name Possible values Default value Modules
IDocFailureText Dispatch failed ALE
UseDefaults true or false false ABAP Extension

Specifies whether the connector invokes the ABAP Debugger for the appropriate
function module when the connector begins processing a business object. When
this property is set to true, the connector opens the ABAP Debugger for the
following connector modules:
v ABAP Extension—when processing events out of SAP and service call requests
into SAP
v BAPI—only when processing service call requests into SAP
v Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve—when processing service call requests into SAP

The connector invokes the ABAP Debugger only if you have:

v Changed the default value of the “ApplicationUserName” on page 329
configuration property from CROSSWORLDS to a Dialog user with proper user
v Set the ABAPDebug property to true.

Note: You can add breakpoints only after the debugger opens.

Important: This property should always be set to false in a production


The default value is false.

Specifies the location of the root directory (\ale) for the event directory used by
the ALE Module to log and recover events. When the connector starts for the first
time, if it does not find the root directory in the directory from which the
connector is started, it creates it and the event subdirectory:
v If the path is specified in this property, it uses that path to create the directory.
v If no path is specified, it creates the root directory in the directory from which
the connector is started.

For example, if your connector is located in \connectors\SapConnector1 (within the

product directory), the connector creates the following directory:

If you are not in the connector’s directory when you start the connector for
the first time, the connector creates the root directory in the directory from
which you start the connector regardless of the value of this property.

For more information, see Chapter 10, “Overview of the ALE Module,” on page

Appendix E. Connector-specific configuration properties 327

The default value is:



Specifies whether an audit trail is required for all message types. This property
must be set to true to cause the connector to update a standard SAP status code
after the ALE Module has retrieved an IDoc object for event processing.

For more information, see Chapter 10, “Overview of the ALE Module,” on page

The default value is false.

Specifies which IDocType and MessageType combinations are to be updated when
the connector is configured to update a standard SAP status code. You can define
values for this property only if AleUpdateStatus has been set to true.

The syntax for this property is:

IDocType:MessageType[,IDocType:MessageType [,...]]

where a colon (:) delimiter separates each IDocType and MessageType, and a
comma (,) delimiter separates entries in a set. The example below illustrates two
sets. In the example, MATMAS03 and DEBMAS03 are the IDocs, and MATMAS and DEBMAS
are the message types:

For more information, see Chapter 10, “Overview of the ALE Module,” on page

If required, specifies the message code to use when the connector posts the ALEAUD
Message IDoc (ALEAUD01). Configure this message code in the receiving Partner
Profile. You can set a value for this property only if AleUpdateStatus has been set
to true.

For more information, see “Configuring SAP to update IDoc status” on page 123.

Specifies the success status code for Application Document Posted. You must
specify a value for this property (52 or 53) to cause the connector to update the
SAP success status code after the ALE Module has retrieved an IDoc object for
event processing. SAP converts this value to status 41 (Application Document
Created in Receiving System).

328 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
For more information, see Chapter 10, “Overview of the ALE Module,” on page

Specifies the status code for dispatch failure. You must specify a value for this
property (68 or 58) to cause the connector to update the SAP failure status code
after the ALE Module has retrieved an IDoc object for event processing. SAP
converts this value to 40.

For more information, see Chapter 10, “Overview of the ALE Module,” on page

Specifies the descriptive text for successful Application Document Posted.
Specifying a value for this property is optional, even when you set
AleUpdateStatus to true.

For more information, see Chapter 10, “Overview of the ALE Module,” on page

Specifies the descriptive text for dispatch failure. Specifying a value for this
property is optional, even when you set AleUpdateStatus to true.

For more information, see Chapter 10, “Overview of the ALE Module,” on page

Password for the connector’s user account on the SAP application. The default is

Name of the connector’s user account on the SAP application. The default is

The ArchiveDays connector configuration property determines the number of days
after which TIDManagement files should be deleted from the request directory. The
default value maintained internally is seven days. You can also specify partial day
values, for example 1.234.

Client number under which the connector logs in, often 100.

When configuring the connector for load balancing, specifies the name of the logon
group that represents a group of application servers. For more information, see
“Taking advantage of load balancing” on page 40.

Appendix E. Connector-specific configuration properties 329

Gateway server identifier; often sapgw00. The 00 is the system number of the server
running the SAP Gateway (usually an application server) and may not be 00 if you
have more than one. The default is sapgw00.

When configuring the connector for load balancing, specifies the name of the
message server. When configuring the connector to run without load balancing,
specifies the IP address or the name of the application server that the connector
logs in to. In both cases, the connector assumes that the name of the gateway host
is the same as the value specified for this property.

InDoubtEvents describes how to handle in-progress events in the events table.
Reprocess reprocesses the in-progress events in the events table. FailOnStartup
will shut down the connector and log a fatal error when in-progress events are
found. LogError logs an error notifying that in-progress events are in the event
table. Ignore, ignore the in-progress events.

Language in which the connector logs in. The default is E, for English.

The maximum number of concurrent interactions possible between the connector
and the SAP application. These interactions include polling for events and
handling service call requests. Only the ABAP Extension, BAPI, and ALE Modules
use this property. The ALE Module uses this property only for service call requests.

Because each interaction uses a dialog process on the SAP application server, the
number of connections cannot exceed the number of dialog processes available. For
more information, see “Processing multiple concurrent interactions” on page 11.

If no value is specified for this property, the connector uses the default value of 2.

Identifies the module used by the connector to carry out the init(),
pollForEvents(), and Terminate() requests. Specifically, it specifies the connector
module used by the Vision Connector framework. Specify multiple connector
modules by separating each value with a comma. Do not add spaces.

The supported connector modules and the syntax to specify them is as follows:

ABAP Extension Module—Extension

ALE Module—ALE

BAPI Module—Bapi

RFC Server Module—RfcServer

330 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Specifies whether or not the connector uses the ABAP components defined in the
connector’s namespace /CWLD/. The value must be set to true in order for the
connector to use the ABAP components defined in the namespace. The default is

Specifies the number of listener threads that are created when the connector is
initialized. A listener thread can handle one request at a time. Each listener thread
handles a single event at a time; therefore, if you have multiple listener threads,
the connector can handle multiple events concurrently. The default is 1.

It is recommended that you have no more listener threads than the available work
processes in SAP.

Defines the maximum number of events picked up for a single poll. The default is

Specifies whether all resources are to be freed for an SAP client connection. The
default is false.

Identification that the connector registers in the SAP Gateway so that the listener
threads can process events from RFC-enabled functions. This value must match the
Program ID registered in the SAP application (transaction SM59). The default is

For more information on configuring the Program ID in the SAP application, see
“Registering the RFC Server Module with the SAP gateway” on page 159.

Specifies whether or not to generate a text file detailing the RFC activity for each
listener thread. You can specify a value of true or false. A value of true activates
tracing, which generates a text file. It is recommended that you use these text files
in a development environment only, because the files can grow rapidly. The default
is false.

Specifies the WebSphere MQ queue that archives TIDs and IDoc data after the ALE
Module has finished processing events. For more information, see Chapter 10,
“Overview of the ALE Module,” on page 115.

There is no default value.

Specifies the WebSphere MQ queue that stores TIDs and IDoc data during the ALE
Module’s processing of events. For more information, see Chapter 10, “Overview of
the ALE Module,” on page 115.

There is no default value.

Appendix E. Connector-specific configuration properties 331

Specifies the WebSphere MQ work-in-progress (wip) queue that holds TIDs and
IDoc data while the ALE Module builds the MQ message for the event queue.
After the connector receives all data for an event, it moves the data in this queue
to the SAPALE_Event_Queue. For more information, see Chapter 10, “Overview of the
ALE Module,” on page 115.

There is no default value.

Defines a queue to handle MQ messages that fail between the WIP Queue and the
Event Queue. For more information, see Chapter 10, “Overview of the ALE
Module,” on page 115.

Defines a queue to collect unsubscribed IDoc objects. Unsubscribed IDoc objects
previously were placed in the Archive queue. These messages can be resubmitted
using the event management utility. The connector now checks for subscriptions
when processing the data from SAP to the connector, resulting in transactions
remaining in SAP until the collaboration is started. For more information, see
Chapter 10, “Overview of the ALE Module,” on page 115.

When configuring the connector for load balancing, specifies the logical name of
the SAP system, which is also known as R3name. For more information, see “Taking
advantage of load balancing” on page 40.

Specifies the Client channel for the WebSphere MQ queue manager. For more
information, see Chapter 10, “Overview of the ALE Module,” on page 115.

There is no default value.

Specifies the port used to communicate with the WebSphere MQ queue manager
that handles the queues for the ALE Module. For more information, see
Chapter 10, “Overview of the ALE Module,” on page 115.

There is no default value.

Specifies the WebSphere MQ queue on which messages containing the TID and
TID status reside. This property is used by the ALE Module only when processing
requests. For more information, see Chapter 10, “Overview of the ALE Module,”
on page 115.

There is no default value.

332 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Name of the WebSphere MQ queue manager for the queues that store TIDs and
IDoc data. This property is used by the ALE Module to process events and
requests. For more information, see Chapter 10, “Overview of the ALE Module,”
on page 115.

There is no default value.

Name of the host where the WebSphere MQ queue manager resides. This property
is used by the ALE Module to process events and requests. For more information,
see Chapter 10, “Overview of the ALE Module,” on page 115.

There is no default value.

User name to log into the WebSphere MQ queue manager. This property is used
by the ALE Module to process events and requests. For more information, see
Chapter 10, “Overview of the ALE Module,” on page 115.

There is no default value.

Password for the user who logs into the WebSphere MQ queue manager. This
property is used by the ALE Module to process events and requests. For more
information, see Chapter 10, “Overview of the ALE Module,” on page 115.

There is no default value.

System number of the application server. The value is a two-digit number, often 00.
The default is 00.

Preserves the delimiters provided with DATE and TIME field values. If set to Legacy,
the connector will preserve the delimiters for DATE and TIME fields. Otherwise, the
delimiters will be removed and the value’s length will conform to the attribute
defined length.

Important: The connector no longer supports this property.

States whether or not an audit trail is required for all message types.

The standard IDoc status code for dispatched okay.

The standard IDoc status code for dispatched failure.

Appendix E. Connector-specific configuration properties 333

The IDoc status message text associated with the IDocSuccessCode for dispatched

The IDoc status message text associated with the IDocFailureCode for dispatched

On a Create or Update operation, if UseDefaults is set to true, the adapter
framework for the integration broker, checks whether a valid value or a default
value is provided for each business object attribute marked as required. If a value
is provided, the Create or Update operation succeeds. If the parameter is set to
false, the connector checks only for a valid value and causes the Create or Update
operation to fail if it is not provided. The default is false.

334 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Appendix F. IBM WebSphere BI Station support levels
This appendix lists all of the IBM WebSphere BI Station tools and identifies the
environment in which they are supported. The tools are supported in either a
development environment only or in both a production and development

Important: The output of these tools is the responsibility of the user.IBM does not
support the use of Development tools in a production environment.

This chapter contains the following sections:

v “Development tab”
v “Tools tab”
v “Management tab” on page 336
v “Configuration tab” on page 336
v “Troubleshooting tab” on page 336

IBM WebSphere BI Station can be accessed using transaction /n/CWLD/HOME in the

SAP application. It is divided into tabs that have buttons for accessing different
tools. The tables in this appendix identify the support levels of each of these tools.

Development tab
The Development tab contains tools for development only. Table 56 lists the
available tools.
Table 56. Development tabs
Development and
Section Button Development only production
Transaction Based -Inbound
Inbound Wizard X
Modify BO Meta Data X
Transaction Based - Outbound—Flat
Modify BO Meta Data X
Modify Long Text X

Tools tab
The Tools tab contains tools for development only. Table 57 lists the available tools.
Table 57. Tools tab
Development and
Section Button Development only production
Config objects X
Configuration values X
Transport layer X
Log object links X
Delete object X
Object metadata X

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 335

Table 57. Tools tab (continued)
Development and
Section Button Development only production
Reprocess object X

Management tab
The Management tab contains tools for development and production. Table 58 lists
the available tools.
Table 58. Management tab
Development and
Section Button Development only production
Log X
Gateway X
Event queues
Current events X
Future events X
Archived events X
Delete Event queue X
Delete Event archive X
Delete log X
Del Obj archive X

Configuration tab
The Management tab contains tools for development only as well as development
and production. Table 59 lists the available tools.
Table 59. Configuration tab
Development and
Section Button Development only production
Global Settings
Configuration values X
Event Distribution X
Event restriction X
Logging level X
User Settings X

Troubleshooting tab
The Troubleshooting tab contains tools for development and production. Table 60
lists the available tools.
Table 60. Troubleshooting tab
Development and
Section Button Development only production
Local Tools
Short dump X
Customer Support

336 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Table 60. Troubleshooting tab (continued)
Development and
Section Button Development only production
Log X
Short dump X
Event restriction X
CrossWorlds config X
Object metadata X

Appendix F. IBM WebSphere BI Station support levels 337

338 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
A Archived objects (continued)
reprocessing 264
ABAP Extension Module 197, 223, 267 Archiving
ABAP components 196
ABAP handlers 199
and Do_Verb_Nextgen 198
and doVerbFor() 198 B
and pollForEvents() 200 BAPI business objects 57
archiving 266 BAPI Module 90
business object conversion 220 business object development 97, 161
business object development 231 business object naming conventions 97, 161
business object processing 219 components 89
calling 249 configuration 95
components 195 files 95
enabling 214 how it works 90
event notification 200 initialization 90
how it works 196 quick steps 282
initialization 197 supported verbs 100
Java components 196 troubleshooting 78
managing the connector log file 263 verb application-specific text 103, 166
troubleshooting 75 BAPI transactions 59
upgrading 213, 271 Batch program.
verb application-specific text 249 See Event detection mechanism
ABAP handlers 199 BDC session, for Dynamic Transaction 236
business object data reformatting 225 Bidirectional data 5, 6
create processing 225 BOHandler
data routing 223 calling 103
delete processing 225 broker compatibility 3
development APIs 234 Business object data
flat structure conversion 229 and ABAP handlers 225
processing business object data 224 and SAP Native APIs 225
retrieve processing 225 reformatting 225
update processing 225 routing 223
ABAP objects, modifying 216 Business Object Designer 46
ALE Module Business object development
configuring 122 ABAP Extension Module overview 231
directories and files 121 ABAP Handler APIs 234
event processing 116 BAPI Module overview 97, 161
overview 115 BAPI ResultSets 100
quick steps 288 BAPI transactions 99
request processing 117 Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module 179
resubmitting events 127 Inbound Wizard overview 235
running 121, 124 Outbound Wizard overview 235
supported verbs 145 single BAPI calls 98
supporting multiple message types for request tools 235
processing 133, 134 using Dynamic Transaction 236
troubleshooting 80 using IDocs 241
Application Response Measurement instrumentation, support Business object naming conventions
for 299 BAPI Module 97, 161
Architecture of the connector 8 Business object processing 90, 155, 197
Archive object program ABAP Extension Module 197, 219
automatic deletion 266 BAPI Module 90
Archive objects deleting automatically 266 conversion to flat structure 229
Archive table RFC Server Module 155
automatic deletion 270 Business objects
deleting events 269 BAPI transactions 59
event resubmission 269 hierarchical 176
maintaining 268 ResultSet 63
Archived objects single BAPI calls 57
configuring 265 Business workflow.
deleting 266 See Event detection mechanism

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004 339

Caching search results 51 Error files 45
Call Transaction logic, creating 244 Error handling 84
Change pointer. Event
See Event detection mechanism detection 204
Code enhancement. distribution 214
See Event detection mechanism filtering 206, 215
Common Event Infrastructure notification 200
event catalog 294 persistence 207
metadata 294 polling 201
Configuration properties priority 206, 215
connector-specific 325 request 201
Configure Agent Properties window 47 return 203
Configuring trigger 204
BAPI Module 95 Event archive table.
objects for archiving 265 See Archive table
Connections, multiple 14 event catalog, for Common Event Infrastructure 294
Connector Event detection mechanism
architecture 8 designing 251
enabling the application for the ABAP Extension implementing
Module 214 batch program 259
Connector components business workflow 260
ABAP Extension Module 195 change pointer 261
BAPI Module 89 code enhancement 255
RFC Server Module 153 future events for Batch Program 259
Vision Connector Framework 8 future events for Code Enhancement 256
Connector log file overview
displaying 263 batch program 253
managing 263 business workflow 254
setting options 263 change pointer 254
truncating the event log 266 code enhancement 253
Connector manager script 18 Event detection.
Connector properties 281, 325 See Event detection mechanism
Module 177 Event distribution, setting up 214
Connector transport files Event filtering, setting up 215
installing 209, 211 Event log
overview 209 automatic truncation 267
troubleshooting 75 Event notification
verifying installation 213 ABAP Extension Module 200
CPIC user account 5 event polling 201
Create processing event triggering 204
ABAP handlers 225 Event polling
and IDoc Handlers 242 event request 201
Current event queue. event return 203
See Event queue Event priority, setting up 215
Event queue
maintaining 268
D Event resubmission, from archive table 269
Event trigger
Data routing, ABAP Handler 223
event filtering 206
DB2 Information Integrator support 63
Event triggering 204
Delete processing
event detection 204
ABAP handlers 225
event persistence 207
and IDoc Handlers 242
event priority 206
Deleting, archived objects 266
event trigger 204
Deployment descriptor file 45, 49
Developing business objects.
deleting from archive table 269, 270
See Business object development
truncating the event log 267
Dynamic Transaction
composing a BDC session 236
developing business objects 236
tips 236 F
using Inbound Wizard 240 Flat structure, business object conversion 220
Function module interface, CrossWorlds 233
Future events
implementing 256

340 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
Gateway service. Naming conventions
See SAP Gateway service See Business object naming conventions
Naming conventions.
See Business object naming conventions
H Number ranges, verifying 216
Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module
configuration properties 177
developing business objects 179 O
overview 175 odk_dd.xml file
quick steps 291 See Deployment desciptor file
troubleshooting 83 Outbound Wizard
vDynRetBOH business object handler 179 overview 235
ABAP Extension Module 195
I ABAP Extension Module business object development 231
BAPI Module 89
IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Transaction Performance 6, 299
BAPI Module business object development 97, 161
IBM WebSphere BI Station
Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module business object
support levels 335
development 179
IDoc Handlers
RFC Server Module 153
and create processing 242
and delete processing 242
and retrieve processing 246
and update processing 242 P
architecture 241 Ping-pong, preventing 216
object-specific 246 Properties
translating data structures 243 business object 186
IDocs properties,
creating definition file 135 See Connector properties
creating inbound logic 244
developing business objects 241
multiple IDoc wrapper 148, 149
processing multiple IDocs 147
Reprocessing, archived objects 264
Inbound Wizard
for Dynamic Transaction 240
events from archive table 269
overview 235
ResultSet business objects 63
Information Integrator support 63
Retrieve processing
Initializing the ABAP Extension Module 197
ABAP handlers 225
Initializing the BAPI Module 90
and IDoc Handlers 246
Initializing the RFC Server Module 155
Return code
non-zero 229
connector transport files 209
return code 0 226
Java Connector (JCo) 5, 16, 19
return code 21 228
Java Connector (JCO) 44
RFC Server Module 155
multiple connectors 16
components 153
configuration 159
files 159
how it works 155
J initialization 155
Java Connector (JCo) 5, 16, 19, 44 listener threads 154
JMS-MQ message structure 127 quick steps 286
supported verbs 164
troubleshooting 79
Log file.
See Connector log file S
Log, increasing tablespace size 215 SAP gateway service connections 267
SAP Gateway service, monitoring connections 267
M See Java Connector
SAP Native APIs
monitoring, of transactions 6, 299
Multiple connections 14
Batch Data Communication (BDC) 232
Multiple IDoc wrapper 148, 149
Call Transaction 232
CrossWorlds implemented 232

Index 341
SAP Native APIs, and business object data 225 WebSphere MQ 3
Business Object Designer 46
Configure Agent Properties window 47
configuring agent properties 48
error and trace message files 45
installing 43
starting the ODA 44
troubleshooting 85
using 44
connector manager 18
Search results
caching 51
Single BAPI calls 57

TechNotes 86
Tivoli Monitoring for Transaction Performance 6, 299
Trace message files 45
Trace messages 84
transaction monitoring 6, 299
Transport files.
See Connector transport files
Troubleshooting 73
ABAP Extension Module 75
ALE Module 80
BAPI Module 78
event handing 76
Hierarchical Dynamic Retrieve Module 83
RFC Server Module 79
startup problems 75
WBI memory management 74
WBI performance tuning 74
Truncating, event log 266

Unicode support 5
Unprocessed events, checking the event queue 268
Update processing
ABAP handlers 225
and IDoc Handlers 242
ABAP Extension Module 271

Verb application-specific text
ABAP Extension Module 249
ABAP handlers 224
BAPI Module 103, 166
ALEI Module support 145
BAPI Module support 100
Retrieve 176
RFC Server support 164
Vision Connector Framework 8

WebSphere Application Server 3
WebSphere InterChange Server 3

342 Adapter for User Guide (for BASIS 4.0–4.6, SAP Web AS 6.20)
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