Chapter 1-5
Chapter 1-5
Chapter 1-5
complications ranging from extreme weather conditions, to work at excessive height and
with limited access. Indeed, the common construction process are well known and
documented, and are accounted for with a number of ways designed to make the work
smarter and safer, as well as to avoid risks while in the construction. As years pass by,
indoors in an industrialized manner so that it will be one of the most efficient and
construction and assembly in lieu for potentially more challenging onsite construction
constructed offsite, stand alone, transported to the site and are then assembled together
onsite to make up a larger structure. Modules are 60% to 90% completed off-site in a
controlled factory environment, and transported and assembled at the final building site.
This can comprise the whole building or equally likely non-core building components
such as rooms, corridors, and common areas with the help of precast component or
extent, with the idea of having greater resultant benefit to the project of creating a
modular building.
A model of triangle of time, cost and quality is needed for the construction to be
successful. Any construction project can achieve all three of the objectives in the triangle,
but not with equal results. For example, if an owner wants high quality and speedy
delivery, then he is expected to pay more. Likewise, if lower cost and faster delivery are
required, the quality will decrease. With that, modular construction has advantages to
each of these pillars based on the modular process as compared to conventional, on-site
through each of these pillars, it should be at least considered, for every construction
project. The question is, why is modular construction not used more prolifically if it
Generally, this study was conducted in order to design and analyse a 4-storey
modular apartment building with the help of computer-aided design and structural
1. Apply the skills and knowledge of the researchers in terms of analyzing and
3. Provide architectural plans, structural plans, and cost estimate with construction
specifications and produce a presentation of the analyzed data and structural plan;
4. Produce a manuscript that will serve as a reference for future studies related to
structure design.
structural behavior and stability. The study helped develop the authors’ ability in
designing and analyzing the plan of a four-story multi-purpose modular building with the
use of this method to make up the building. It can also be used as a guide and reference
The study was conducted at Cavite State University, Indang, Cavite from April
The general scope of the study was to design a plan of a multi-purpose modular
building and provide its structural analysis using modularization as the method. It does
not include the real construction of the said infrastructure, making it only a proposal. This
was also limited to the preparation of architectural plans and structural plans, excluding
electrical, plumbing and waste disposal design of the building. Furthermore, computation
of its cost estimate with construction specification, and evaluation of the stability of the
whole structure were included in the study. An analyzed data was given in the said study.
Definition of Terms
foundation, assembly of all the components and installation of utilities, machineries and
equipment of buildings/structures.
Dead Loads. Gravity loads of constant magnitudes and fixed positions that act
permanently on the structure. Weights of permanent equipment, such as heating and air-
conditioning systems, are usually obtained from the manufacturer (NSCP, 2010).
Live Loads. Loads produced by the use and occupancy of the building or other
structure and do not include dead load, construction load or environmental loads such as
Building Loads. The magnitudes of building design live loads are usually
specified in building codes. Live loads for buildings are usually specified as uniformly
Wind loads. Are produced by the flow of wind around structures. It varies in
proportion to the distance from the base of the structure, peak wind speed, type of terrain,
vertical steel columns and horizontal I-beams, constructed in a rectangular grid to support
the floors, roof and walls of a building which are all attached to the frame.
mechanical and structural system due to the added flexibility of assembly and
Claddings. Materials that are used to apply over another to provide a skin or layer
Gratings. A regularly spaced collection of identical elements and are made from
Modular Building
Based on the study worked by Prajjwal Paudel, Sagar Dulal, Madan Bhandar and
Amit Kumar Tomar, a modular building is constructed by light steel frame to sandwich
panels for the building envelope materials, as a standard module for space series
combination of components, the bolt connection, and the new concept of environmental
protection economic activities in the modular building. The prefabricated components are
brought to the site and erected using building block type construction. Work is never
delayed by curing time or missing materials and can be completed for 30 to 45 working
Further study shows that it can also lower the total cost of the project by 12
percent as compare to the traditionally build house using traditional materials such as
CHB (Concrete Hollow Blocks). It also includes the study on steel structures and pre-
fabricated structures, analysis and research on the quality, strength, environment friendly,
costing and the comparison between the traditional buildings and pre-fabricated
buildings. This aims to introduce and to provide more knowledge about modular house to
educate the market and to address the concern of every sector of the society especially the
depressed areas of the society for a beautiful, stable and affordable shelter.
Design Considerations
considered in the analysis of loadbearing wall panels. According to the Precast Concrete
Institute (PCI), the design and structural behaviour of exterior architectural precast
concrete bearing-wall panels is dependent upon the panel shape and configuration, and
Gravity loads and the transfer of these loads to the foundation. Vertical (gravity)
loads are parallel to the plane of the wall at an eccentricity influenced by the geometry of
the wall, location of the load, and manufacturing and erection tolerances.
Magnitude and distribution of lateral loads, both wind and seismic, and the means
for resisting these loads using shear walls and floor diaphragms. Loads in the horizontal
direction may be both parallel to and perpendicular to the plane of the wall. For typical
connecting members into a load path to the lateral force-resisting system, which must be
Connection concepts and types of connections required to resist the various applied
loads. In some cases, local practice may suggest one type of connection over another,
such as the use of bolts rather than welds. All connections need to be accessible and allow
Tolerances required for the structure with regard to production and erection for
both precast concrete units and connections, including tolerances for interfacing of
different materials.
Specific design requirements during the construction that may control designs,
Joints Connection
A wide variety of connection hardware and devices is used in the precast concrete
industry including:
Headed Concrete Anchors (studs) are round bars with an integral head. These are
Reinforcing Bar Couplers are typically proprietary devices for connecting reinforcing
are welded to steel shapes to provide anchorage similar to headed concrete anchors.
Bolts and Threaded Connectors are used in many precast concrete connections. Use
of ASTM A36 or A307 bolts is typical. Use of high-strength ASTM A325 and A490 is
Specialty Inserts are available from many manufacturers of these devices. They
include standard threaded inserts, coil threaded inserts, and slotted inserts that provide for
Bearing Pads are used predominantly for structural applications to support beams,
double tees, and similar components. Use of random fiber-oriented bearing pads (ROF) is
According to Lawson, 2007, there are different types of modules used in modular
sides by transfer of loads to the corner posts. This is achieved by bending of the
deep longitudinal edge beams. The framework of the module is often in the form
of hot rolled steel members, such as Square Hollow Section (SHS) columns and
Parallel Flange Channel (PFC) edge beams, bolted together. A shallower PFC
section may be used to support the ceiling, but in all cases, the combined depth of
the edge beams is greater than for 4-sided modules. The stability of the building
separating walls. For this reason, fully open-ended modules are not often used for
orientating the floor and ceiling joists to run longitudinally, as in Figure 2. The
Open-sided modules
comprise a primary steel framework and the longitudinal edge beams supporting
the floor cassette. These beams are typically 300 to 450 mm deep, depending on
the span, which typically is 5 to 8 m. Some systems use heavy cold formed
sections, and others use hot rolled steel sections, such as PFC. The combined
depth of the edge beams, the ceiling and floor can be as high as 600 to 800 mm.
manufactured with four closed sides to create cellular-type spaces. The maximum
width of the module that is suitable for transportation and installation limits the
cellular space that is provided. The modules are designed for the combined
vertical load of the modules above and in-plane loads due to wind action. As for
beginning with the floor cassette, to which the four wall panels and ceiling panel
are attached. The walls transfer vertical loads and therefore the longitudinal walls
of the upper module are designed to sit on the walls of the module below. An
4-sided volumetric units with openings in their ends for windows and doors. Their
to 3.6 m is the typical internal module width for most applications). The module
length is typically 6 to 10 m.
open sides by introduction of corner and intermediate posts and by using a stiff
continuous edge beam in the floor cassette. The maximum width of opening is
limited by the bending resistance and stiffness of the edge member in the floor
small cross-section, so that they can fit within the wall width.
maximum height of the building, but 6 to 8 storeys can be achieved, as for fully
modular construction. Additional edge beams are required for wider openings; the
beams can be bolted to the posts. Modules can also be re-orientated at the internal
Stair Modules. Modular stairs may be designed as fully modular units and by
their nature, generally comprise landings and half landings with two flights of
Figure 4: Use of mid-side post to provide intermediate support to the side of
a module
stairs. The landings and half landings are supported by longitudinal walls with
modular construction up to 4 storeys in height. For the technical details, the stair
modules rely for their stability on a base and top, which leads to use of a false
landing. The walls may require additional strengthening members at the half and
full-landing positions. The open top and base of the wall may also be strengthened
stairs can be fully or partially finished before delivery to site. SHS posts and
bracing can be introduced in the walls to provide for overall stability. Details of a
typical light steel modular stair system, showing use of a 'false' landing to provide
stability at the roof of the module, are shown in Figure 28. Alternatively, the
framework of the stair module may be made as a primary steel structure, in which
Figure 5: Detail of light steel modular stair system showing use of a “false”
landing to modules
between the modules; and tying action when one module is notionally removed. A
minimum tying force equivalent to half the loaded weight of the module is
• Metallic fascia
• Insulated render
• Board materials.
Acoustic Performance. The double layer floor and ceiling, and pairs of
walls, achieve excellent airborne and impact sound reductions. The off-site
manufacture and quality control also ensures that all aspects of the building
physics performance are more reliable. Airborne sound reductions of over 63 dB,
transmissions are also low (< 30 dB). In some applications, a concrete screed can
of the façade or roof (its U-value). Low U-values of 0.2 W/m2°C and excellent
sections. Two 15 mm thick fire resisting plasterboard layers internally plus 100
boards also assist in preventing passage of smoke into the cavity between the
modules. Regular cavity barriers in the form of mineral wool ‘socks’ in metal
terms of the module width and the window size. At corners and brickwork returns,
a variable width cavity may be detailed. Other types of cladding, such as clay tiles
or metallic finishes, have their own dimensional requirements, but generally they
can be designed and manufactured to fit with window dimensions etc. Many types
necessary to install a cover piece over the joints between the modules on site, to
important at the scheme design stage, as the planning grid will be controlled
bricks. Typical dimensions for modular building are illustrated in Table 1.Typical
wall and floor dimensions are illustrated in Figure 38, although actual dimensions
used. External walls are detailed according to the type of cladding. Again, a 300-
mm total wall width may be adopted as a guide for most cladding materials. The
actual width will vary between 200 mm for insulated render and board materials
Internal Walls. Internal walls may be designed for a standard 300 mm face-face
overall width, incorporating the various boards and insulation. The gap between
the walls is a variable, depending on the number and thickness of boards and size
of the wall studs. In practice, most modular systems lead to total wall widths in
Floor Zone. Floors and ceilings in modular construction are deeper than in more
floor and ceiling zone of 300 or 375 mm is feasible in some systems and aligns
with brick coursing. The details of a corner supported module are illustrated in
Figure 7. In most cases, a standard overall floor and ceiling depth of 600 mm may
be used. The gap between the floor and ceiling is a variable depending on the
number of boards and the joist size. Actual dimensions of the modules will be less
than these planning dimensions to allow for gaps (by up to 50 mm for walls, and
modules. SHS provide the highest compressive resistance and may be used as the
corner posts for open-sided modules. However, although these sections are
minimum diameter in the SHS allow bolts to be inserted through end plates to
Attachments between modules are made in both horizontal and vertical directions,
vertical steel columns and horizontal I-beams, constructed in a rectangular grid to support
the floors, roof and walls of a building which are all attached to the frame. The
painted steel components, which are then shipped to the site and simply bolted in place.
This is the preferred method of steel construction, as the bulk of the fabrication can be
done in workshops, with the right machinery, lighting, and work conditions. The size of
the components is governed by the size of the truck or trailer they are shipped in, usually
with a max length of 6m (20ft) for normal trucks or 12m (40ft) for long trailers. Since the
only work to be done at site is lifting the steel members into place (with cranes) and
bolting, the work at site is tremendously fast. Pre-engineered buildings are an example of
bolted steel construction that is designed, fabricated, shipped and erected by one
particularly be taken into account in detail because of their effects on the distribution of
internal forces and on structural deformations Their behavior can be defined depending
on strength, stiffness and deformation capacity. The connections are critical components
connections, which further add to the complexity. The behavior of multi-story modular
construction under lateral loading is still not well-understood because of the complexities
of modular connections.
The modules are attached to each other or to other structural systems to form a
complete modular building. The connections between modules transfer the applied
lateral forces to the group of modules. The connections also ensure the stability and
ensure bending resistance. In lateral loads, it is through the bracing system and
transferred by the corridor the braced system or core. The beams ensure vertical
support to the corridor and provide additional stiffness to improve the rigidity of
longitudinal sides of the open-sided modules. The connection does not ensure
system. Properties of the system are not considered dependent on the modules.
The connection between the frame and the modules must be strong enough to
transfer gravity loads although modules do not bear any loads except their own
gravity loads. A diaphragm system should be taken into account for the
Light steel sections are widely used in modular construction because of their
efficiency and lighter weight. Light steel framing in modular buildings is limited due to
its range of applications; use of hot-rolled steel posts or beams in heavily loaded
The lateral loads are reversible, braces are subjected to both compression and
The braces are designed resisting the horizontal shear in axial compression and tension.
The floors having the diaphragm effect may be identified as horizontal resisting system
against lateral forces. The diaphragm behavior is an important aspect for transferring
A typical story detail of the modular building consists of a set of columns, a floor
and a ceiling framing. A gap between floor beam and ceiling beam, and the diagonal
braces provides lateral stability in modular buildings. Lateral loads are transferred
through the bracing elements via the horizontal connection between the modules and then
designed to allow for the transfer of stress resultants existing in the joint, with due
allowance for second order effects, imperfections and load eccentricities. The
connections must provide strength and continuity of stiffness in both axes of the
welding of base plates of upper module columns to cap plates of lower module
columns in modular building. Cap and base plates are welded on site to each
other. Only the outer faces of the columns can have access to welding in these
consisting of field bolting of clip angles that are shop-welded to the flange of
floor beams. The connections between modules transfer in-plane forces and
edge beam makes some lateral stiffness possible and can provide stability to
modules in low-rise buildings. The connection between edge beams and column
resisting connection can be designed as the main stabilization system for modular
Building portions that are shop assembled prior to shipment to site are commonly
enough to be constructed by anyone. Prefabrication offers the benefits of being less costly
than traditional methods and is more environmentally friendly since no waste is produced
on-site (Benefits of Steel Buildings, 2015). The larger steel buildings require skilled
(Armstrong, 2011).
There are five main types of structural components that make up a steel frame -
and their connections. Tension members are usually found as web and chord members in
trusses and open web steel joists. Ideally tension members carry tensile forces, or pulling
forces, only and its end connections are assumed to be pinned. Pin connections prevent
any moment (rotation) or shear forces from being applied to the member. Compression
members are also considered as columns, struts, or posts. They are vertical members or
web and chord members in trusses and joists that are in compression or being squished.
Bending members are also known as beams, girders, joists, spandrels, purlins, lintels, and
girts. Each of these members have their own structural application, but typically bending
members will carry bending moments and shear forces as primary loads and axial forces
and torsion as secondary loads. Combined force members are commonly known as beam-
columns and are subjected to bending and axial compression. Connections are what bring
the entire building together. They join these members together and must ensure that they
Structural Steel
structural steel shapes. A structural steel shape is a profile, formed with a specific cross
section and following certain standards for chemical composition and mechanical
properties. Structural steel shapes, sizes, composition, strengths, storage practices, etc.,
structural steel is one of the most commonly used materials in commercial and industrial
building construction.
Constructability. Structural steel can be developed into nearly any shape, which
are either bolted or welded together in construction. Structural steel can be erected as
soon as the materials are delivered on site, whereas concrete must be cured at least 1–2
weeks after pouring before construction can continue, making steel a schedule-friendly
construction material.
heated to temperatures seen in a fire scenario, the strength and stiffness of the material is
Corrosion. Steel, when in contact with water, can corrode, creating a potentially
any lifetime corrosion. The steel can be painted, providing water resistance. Also, the fire
resistance material used to envelope steel is commonly water resistant (Chen, 2005).
Mold. With the propagation of mold and mildew in residential buildings, using
steel minimizes these infestations. Mold needs moist, porous material to grow. Steel studs
Structural Load
structures. Assessment of their effects is carried out by the methods of structural analysis.
Excess load or overloading may cause structural failure, and hence such possibility
into the building or other structure, including but not limited to walls, floors, roofs,
ceilings, stairways, built-in partitions, finishes, cladding and other similarly incorporated
architectural and structural items and fixed services equipment, including the weight of
Live Loads. Shall be the maximum loads expected by the intended use or
occupancy but in no case shall be less than the loads required. Live load used in this
study is 6 KPa for stores according to NSCP 2010 Minimum Uniform and Concentrated
Wind load. Horizontal load caused by the movement of air relative to earth. Wind
load is required to be considered in design especially when the heath of the building
exceeds two times the dimension transverse to the exposed wind surface.
Footings. For the footing, identification of the building loads each of the location
If the loads at the columns are much higher, it will require larger footings. Footings are
typically constructed with concrete. The base of the footing must be on undisturbed soil
and extend to the frost line or bedrock (Brosius, 2001). It may require a soil investigation
to be performed to determine soil characteristics and values. These values are compared
to the loads imposed by the structure and the beams are sized to distribute the loads
evenly. Poured-in-place grade beams will then be placed. Typically, the grade beam is
finished at an elevation even or slightly above the surrounding soil. This allows the
building modules to be pulled onto the prepared foundation then blocked with pre-cast
blocks. The site is prepared by digging trenches at least 12″ deep or below the ground
line, where applicable, placing reinforcement steel and finally pouring minimum 3000 psi
Anchorage. Most modular building construction use a system with steel straps
secured to the frame that transports the structure. These straps are connected to an auger
that is embedded into the soil (Brosius, 2001). The manufacturer's blocking point plan
will provide suggested tie-down locations, which are based on the capacity of the ground
anchors and wind speed design of the building. Proper design and installation of the
anchoring system provide safety and durability through the effective transfer of wind
loads to the ground. A design based on local conditions would be included with the
footing design.
Site Work. The manufacturer will provide instructions for completion of the
building on-site. Other considerations would be the final electrical and plumbing
accordance with the local building code. Proper ventilation will prevent the build-up of
moisture that could affect the durability of the building as well as the indoor air quality
(Brosius, 2001). The area under the building should be elevated enough to prevent the
accumulation of standing water in the crawl space area. All site work, including the
footing and anchorage installation, is under the jurisdiction of the local building
department, who will issue the appropriate permits and perform the installation
the perimeter of the building and could include a basement. Anchorage would be
provided through attachment to the wall (Brosius, 2001). Column supports at the mating
lines would still be required per the manufacturer's recommendations. All other code
All the important data such as formulas in the structural design and cost
estimating of materials were gathered through reading books of National Structural Code
of the Philippines 2015 (NSCP 2015), Reinforced Concrete Design (USD), Simplified
some professional and technical persons who were knowledgeable to the structural design
on the study that was conducted. Other references related to modular building and
Structural Parameters
Dead and live load for minimum uniform and concentrated loads (see Appendix
reduction and bending factor; and modulus of elasticity was obtained from the latest
based on an existing plan of a building. The researchers used the Computer Aided
Drafting Device (CADD) in making and preparing the plans and layouts of the modular
building as well as the development plan of the site. They have also used the Google
modular building through the aid of a computer software commonly known as Structural
Aided Analysis and Design (STAAD PRO v8i SelectSeries5) which provided the shear,
reaction, moment and axial forces. The software helped the researchers to simplify
complex situations and lengthy computations. The most economical section used was
As for the technical information and other considerations in designing was based
on the National Structure Code of the Philippines (NSCP 2015). Other books including
Structural Design
2. Compute the allowable concrete bearing stress fc’. If the base plate is as
large as pedestal, it should have the case of ‘full support area’ and n on
Fa, it is correct.
5. Compute for the required base plate thickness
N−0.59 d B−0.8 bf
m= ; n=
2 2
6. Use the largest value of m or n to compute the cantilever bending moment
Fb=0.75fy. If a unit width in the length m or n is used in the section is
1. The values of ultimate moment (Mu) and ultimate axial load was adopted
from STAAD.
Weight of footing=0.08 Pc
P=Pc+weight of footing
Total load
required area=
Soil Bearing Capacity
e=( Mu
Pu )
Pu 6e
B 2 (
B )
8. Compute depth of footing “d” by punching shear which occurs at a
2 √ f c'
Vc= 1+( βc ) 6
√ f c'
max . q+ min. q
Ave . q=
Vn= ( Actual )
φ bo d
d +¿
L2−( ¿¿ 2 ]
bo d =( d +c )( 4 )( d )
φ bo d
Vc= √ fc ' bd
Vu=∅ Vc
Mu=qu ( L )( x ) ( 2x )
Mu=φb d 2 f c ' ω ( 1−0.59 ω )
ωf c '
ρmin =
0.02 A b fy
Req . Ld=
√ f c'
Where: Ab = area of one bar
13. Actual weight of footing was rechecked by using the following formulas:
1. Given the moment in the STAAD analysis, use the summation of moment
bf 170
< ; compact section , use Fb=0.66 Fy
2 t Fy
bf 170
> ; non−compact section ,use Fb=0.6 Fy
2 t Fy
1. Assume a trial section and note from the table of properties both of the
3. Compute fa,
[ ]
F a = 1−
3 ( )
r Fy
2C c F.S.
F . S .= +
r () ()
3 8 C c 8 C 3c
P fa
f a= ; , the allowable stress by using a column formula.
A Fa
4. Multiply fa, found in the third step by the area of the column cross section.
Cm=0.6−0.4 ( ) M2
1.03 x 10
F e' =
KL 2
( )r
Concrete Works
proportion to be used.
Main Reinforcement
3. Determine the total number of cut bars for all the footing of the same
Steel Components
The steel beam, steel column, bolts and other steel components will be
estimated through direct counting method. The number of each components will be based
according to the plan. The cost of each components will be based on their price on the
The technical information such as dead loads, live loads, seismic load, and
uniform load for floor depending on its function, wind load and load combination used
were taken from the National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP 2015).
The gathered data includes the criteria based on the computation of beams, floor
joists, steel columns, and concrete column footings. The following data were considered:
specified yield strength of reinforcements was Fy=275 MPa for column footings;
specified minimum yield stress of structural steel was Fy=250 MPa for steel columns,
steel beams, floor joists; specified compressive strength of concrete was fc’=21 MPa; the
unit weight of concrete was γ=2400 kg/m3; the soil bearing capacity used was 150 kPa;
the reduction factor was ϕ=0.90 for bending and ϕ=0.85 for shear; and the modulus of
Simplified Steel Design and design projects of former civil engineering students were
The Structural Aided Analysis and Design (STAAD pro v8i SELECTseries5)
software was used to determine the factored axial load (Pu), ultimate shear (Vu) and
ultimate moment (Mu) which were used in designing the section of structural members.
Development Plan
To visualize the development plan, the authors included building perspective (see
Appendix Figure 1) and the development plan of the main building of the four-storey
modular building.
Included in the architectural plans were module arrangement plans (see Appendix
Figure 4-7), floor plans (see Appendix Figures 8-11), roof plans (see Appendix Figure
12), elevations (see Appendix Figures 13-16), and section (see Appendix Figure 17) of
Structural plan includes structural frames which were used in design analysis and
foundation plan. The details of beam, column, footing and floor joist were also prepared.
part is the most critical that carried most the load. The building floor framing layout was
parameters were cross reference to the National Building Code of the Philippines.
The preparation of architectural plan and detailed plans of structural members was
done through Computer Aided Drafting Device (CADD) and Google Sketch Up.
The analysis of individual structural members was obtained with the aid of
STAAD software and the results of the members was taken. Based on the analysis output,
safe sections and needed reinforcement were determined and the result is stated below.
Design of beam. The design of tie beam member no. 6742 with a length of 12
meters and the section was found as compact. The allowable and actual stress was
computed, and the section used was W12 x65 Steel. For the design of mid beam, the
section obtained was the same with tie beam, that was W12 x 65 Steel. The section
obtained for both top and roof beam was the same and the section used was W8 x 48
The section obtained for floor joists spaced 300 mm on centers was LC
The section obtained for ceiling joists spaced 300 mm on centers was LC LR
Design of column. The columns were designed on ultimate moment and shear
taken from STAAD Analysis Results. The effective length factor used was 1.0 conform
with the AISC specifications where both ends are pin-connected (rotation free and
translation fixed).
The column was designed and determined to have a large axial load and small
moment. The slenderness ratio was computed and said to be an intermediate column. The
design of column having a height of 3 meters, the ultimate axial load was 333.009 kN and
the ultimate moment was 95.87 kNm. The section obtained was 300 mm x 300 mm and
Design of footing. The footing was designed on ultimate moment and shear taken
from STAAD Analysis Results. Clear concrete covering used for footing was 75 mm
greater than the minimum covering stated in section 407.8 of NSCP 2010. Allowable soil
The footing at support 1 was designed isolated square footing. The section
obtained was 1.2 m x 1.2 m x 0.3 m with ultimate axial load of 20.583 kN and ultimate
moment of 21.817 kN.m. and was a reinforced with 9-16 mm diameter bars both ways.
The footing at support 2 was designed isolated footing. The section obtained was
1.6 m x 1.6 m x 0.3 m with ultimate axial load of 80.416 kN and ultimate moment of
37.551 kN.m and was a reinforced with 12-16 mm diameter bars both ways.
For the actual construction, the technical specification detailed and scheduled in
the study was recommended to use. This was based on design computation analysis and
economically acceptable that would not impair and sacrifice that strength of the building.
Design of connection. For the beam to column connection, the ultimate axial load
of 231.164 kN and the ultimate moment of 248.503 kN-m was considered. The area of
angle plate was computed, and the section used was BA 100 x 100 x 8. The number of
bolts used in the angle plate was 4 -25mm. For the column to column connection, the
ultimate axial load and ultimate moment was based on the columns and the angle plate
Design of baseplate and anchor bolts. The computation of the base plate and
anchor bolts of both the interior and exterior footing was based on the ultimate axial load
and ultimate moment of the steel columns. For the exterior footing, the dimension
obtained based on the loads applied was 415 mm x 215 mm x 15 mm baseplate punch 6 –
25 mm f holes and shop weld plate to column for field erection. It was also checked in
safety for the actual and allowable bearing pressure. For the interior footing, it was
floor area of 762 m2 on the ground floor, second floor, third floor and fourth floor (see
The architectural plans were composed of perspective, floor plans, elevations, and
the schedule of doors and windows. Electrical and plumbing plans were excluded in the
The architectural plan of the buildings was drawn using Computer Aided Drafting
Device (CADD), while the other member analysis was computed manually.
Technical information was taken from the National Structural Code of the
Inc., (ASEP) Handbook. Architectural design considerations were taken through research
and observation of some existing modular building structures within Cavite. Design
project of former civil engineering students was also used as reference in design
building code and steel design computation. In designing the structural member of the
four - storey multi-purpose modular building, a design criteria was considered such as
specified yield strength of non-pre-stressed reinforcement was Fy=275 MPa for beams,
columns, slabs and column footings; specified minimum yield stress of structural steel
was Fy=275 MPa; specified compressive strength of concrete was fc’=21 MPa; the unit
weight of concrete was γ=2400 kg/m3; the soil bearing capacity used was 150 kPa; the
reduction factor was ϕ=0.90 for bending and ϕ=0.85 for shear; and the modulus of
Tie beams obtained a section of 304.8 mm x 304.8 mm and was reinforced at start
support with 2-16 mm diameter steel bar at the top and 2-16 mm bar diameter for
anchorage, at end support with 2-16 mm diameter steel bar at the top and 2-16 mm bar
diameter for anchorage, and at middle span with 2-16 mm diameter steel bar at the
bottom and 2-16 mm diameter bar for anchorage. Roof beam obtained section of W 8 x
48 (Wide Flange).
Isolated footing 1 obtained a section of 1.2 m x 1.2 m x 0.3 m and was reinforced
with 9-16 mm diameter bars both ways. Isolated footing 2 obtained a section of 1.6 m x
1.6 m x 0.3 m and was reinforced with 12-16 mm diameter bars both ways.
Based on the study conducted, it was found out that using modular construction
has many advantages compared to traditional construction considering the quality of the
products used to make up the module and its standard specifications. The design of the
modular building also affects the computation of the load distribution as it was designed
The structural design of the project was done following the procedures for steel
building design and other requirements as per NSCP 2015 standards. Based on the
gathered information, study and investigation, the researchers concluded that the
development and design of the project follow all proper guidelines and procedures in the
Structural Aided Analysis and Design software and Computer Aided Drafting
software are a great help in analyzing the structural member of the building and
accomplishing the architectural and structural details of the building as well as the site
Based on the studies and computations done, it can be concluded that all the
sections and materials used in the project are safe and economical.
To conclude, the design project will be a better alternative that is good for the
environment and useful enough that will produce a building that meets the client’s needs
within the limitations of government regulations and market standards. Furthermore, the
conduct of the study enhances the knowledge of the authors regarding this type of
construction system and the field of works of civil engineering such as structural and
Based on the result of the study, the authors recommend a more detailed and
comprehensive analysis and design of the modular building including the per module
It is suggested that the design project be used for its future implementation and to
for its rapid construction and ranges from medium to high rise buildings and is an