AppleSeed D6 RPG
AppleSeed D6 RPG
AppleSeed D6 RPG
Welcome to Olympus
Construction plans for Olympus began in the early 1990s, and now, almost 150 years
later, Olympus is debatably the center of all culture and law in the world. It is a man-
made island, a floating city in every sense of the word. It is located between the Azores
and Canary Islands. Consisting of several arcology complex "mini-cities" over the sub-
tropical island, it is a wonderous place, eons ahead the rest of the world. Using
technology, it is the most advanced, recognized sovereign governing body. It's city
structure is emulated by nearly every other reconstructing nation.
Olympus was designed by some of the greatest minds of the late 20th century, and it
shows. It is almost literally the 'perfect city'. Built on the concept of 'Functional
Simplicity; Structural Complexity', the city is practically a living, breathing organism.
Technology, organic and inorganic, makes the city beautiful. The Arcologies are built to
minimize shadows in the winter, and use fiber optics to provide perfect natural lighting
indoors. The space between the arcologies are damp, bright, and fertile, forming beautiful
parks and gardens. One would think this city to be a perfect utopia...
Olympus has its share of problems. Internal and external conflict threaten the topple the
city at any moment. Racial tension - not the black vs. white, Asian vs. Anglo, native vs.
conqueror conflicts of decades past - is constently on the rise, as the city is populated
primarily by bioroids, with a smaller "immigrant" human minority. Employment,
healthcare, and political rights are at the center of the issue. What's more, many nations
would give anything to see Olympus fail. The most right of Imperial Americana view
Olympus as a communism, and the most left Europe view it as a corrupt police nation,
worse than the old United States ever was. Olympus has even fewer friends in the Middle
East. Terrorism is also a problem. Foreign sponsered black-ops and radicals are
constantly attacking Olympus. There's a large, public "situation" nearly every other
month. If it weren't for the effeciency of Olympus' law enforcement and military, they
might actually be in serious danger.
Facts at a Glance
Population: 1,637,190
Racial Demographocs: 78% Bioroid, 22% Human, <1% Full
Population Below Poverty Level: 0% (!)
Hospitals: 31 (12 catering exclusively to bioroids, 1 to cyborgs)
Arrival in Olympus
The Central Management Bureau
Finding Employment
Law Enforcement
Getting Around
Places of Interest
Arrival in Olympus
Despite being an island nation/state, Olympus is perhaps
the easiest to get to city in the world. Airfare to Olympus
is relatively cheap, and customs is a breeze. For that
matter, it is very easy to apply for "asylum" in Olympus,
almost regardless of where in the world you come from
(so long as you have some talent, skill, or money).
The final (verified) plan of the UPG, Aegis was created to be the perfect peace keeping
mechanism, a machine composed of organic parts, and wasn't truly meant to be a nation.
Its government does not exist to fulfill the will of its citizens, but rather to enforce global
law, maintain the world economy, and protect the human race. But, in a world where
there is no certainties, Olympus is one of the safest, cleanest, and generally nicest places
to live in the world. The CMB has done nothing to discourage the masses that have
flocked to its banner; rather, it encourages it. Still, many on the outside are reluctant to do
The Central Management Bureau is composed of three governing branches, eaching
serving different functions. The Executive Branch, has the executive right (obviously)
and governs external affairs. The Administrative Branch is Olympus' judicial branch and
heads up internal affairs and law, even at the local level. Finally, the Legislative Branch is
Olympus' law making body, and is run by the super-computer GAIA. These branches
exist in a constant balance of power: checks and balances keep any one from becoming
too powerful. The various commitees and organizations within have their own agendas,
and they are in constant conflict with each other. This was the intention of the UPG. The
infighting slows progress and makes government rather 'sterile', but it keeps Olympus
from becoming a distopian city out of the collective consciousnesses of Orwell, Huxley,
and Rand.
The Executive Branch is the most powerful branch of Aegis, the Central Management
Bureau. Run by Bureau Chief Officer Athena, it determines Olympus' foreign policy and
keeps the other branches in line. It consists of two primary groups. The Ministry of
External Affairs is "the brain" of all Olympic policy. While the Administrative branch
technically controls ESWAT, they cannot be deployed out of Olympus without
authorization from the Ministry of External Affairs. The Ministry of External affairs gives
out justice with an iron fist. They are the strong-arm of the CMB, and this has alienated
them from the Legislative branch. While the Legislative branch is "pro-bioroid", and the
Administration is "pro-human", the Executive branch is pro-Olympus. At the end of the
day, they're there to make sure everything doesn't collapse inward on itself.
The FBI is the second division of the Executive Branch, and conspiracy theorists would
whisper that they truly run Olympus. While "FBI" does stand for the Federal Bureau of
Investigations, they can not be equated to the old USA FBI. Instead, they are a sort of
secret police that works from the inside, pruning the tree of corruption through out the
government. There's a fierce rivalry between them and ESWAT (the latter despising the
"gestapo-shit" the FBI pulls). If ESWAT is the greatest unknown para-military force in
the world, FBI agents are their lesser known peers and betters. Despite their gruff nature
and reputation as being bloodthirsty, they have the lowest arrest and operative fatality rate
out of all of the law enforcing organizations. They are extremely independant; they don't
even answer to the Ministry of External Affairs. It should be noted that they are the only
non-law enforcement orientated position in government that does not consist entirely of
bioroid: over 50% of the FBI's operatives are human.
The second most powerful branch of the government is the judicial and internal affairs
department, The Administrative Branch. Unlike similar government models, the power of
the judicial branch outweighs the legislative branch...barely. There power is derived from
the fact that they act as the "local government" of Olympus. They control local
development and the enforcement of CMB policy. They also have control of Olympus'
law enforcement and the elite para-military organization ESWAT. The Branch is headed
up by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which keeps the city itself running on a day to day
basis. They also are responsible for the enforcement of law. The Ministry is headed up by
Chief of State Nike. Nike is on excedingly good terms with Athena, though the exact
nature of their alliance remains to be seen.
ESWAT is the highest of all law enforcing bodies within Olympus, and they also serve as
Olympus' "big stick" in enforcing global policy. ESWAT (Extra Special Weapons And
Tactics). Officially, it is not associated with standard police units, though sometimes their
jurisdictions cross. ESWAT headhunts new agents from other law enforcement bodies and
Badside, putting the rookies through intense training. About 1 in 15 candidates for
ESWAT will make the cut. They are trained in the use of many weapons, as well as land
mate and vehicle operation. They serve as a special forces, and perform the occaisional
black-op. There role isn't restricted to brute first: some of the greatest investigators and
forensics experts work in ESWATS Cyborg Crime Investigation team. ESWAT answers to
the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but resents how the Executive Branch has been using
them in strong-arm diplomacy.
The Legislative Branch is the law making body of Olympus, though of all the powers of
the CMB, it lacks the ability to enforce their initiatives. The Senators that make up the
Parliament are exclusively bioroid; they are made to represent the demographics and
interests of the world proportionately. As demographics change, old bioroids are retired
and new ones are instituted. There are no elections.
The actions of the Parliament are overseen by GAIA, a massive supercomputer that takes
up a good 25000 cubic meters of space in a massive underground complex in the Central
Olympic Arcology. It has the power to call for the "impeachment" of senators, and the
power to veto. Gaia is programmed to absolutely represent the interests of Humanity; it
has vehemently fought against Parliament for this reason on many occasions. A veto by
Gaia can be overuled by the Council of Seven.
The Council of Seven, nicknamed the CPU, is a group of seven first-generation bioroids
that have been around nearly as long as Olympus (that's a really long time). They act as
the "organic balance" on Gaia's scale of justice. They have been made to be extremely
intelligent and moral, and act as advisors to (and components of) Gaia. More importantly,
however, they act as Gaia's contact to the politics of Olympus. They are her eyes and
ears. Their positions haven't made them any friends in the Parliament or in the other
Branches; they have been "put under surveillance for their protection" several times to
keep them from interfacing with Gaia.
Finding Employment
If you want to live in Olympus, you will need to
find a job, and fast. If you're a bioroid, or
headhunted, this won't be a problem. Employment
will be provided for you. Ultimately, you will want
to find your dream job. Your job will provide you
with capital, favors, contacts, and authority. And
hopefully, the effort you have to put into it will be
worth the returns.
Government Work
Federal Bureau of Investigation: The FBI is the highest of the high law enforcement
and investigative bodies and Olympus, and is also a symbol of the Executive
Branch's power. Agents do not apply: they are recruited, and not just anyone makes
the cut. FBI agents are masters of deception, combat, and the shakedown. It's said
that in a gunfight, the FBI Agent is the second one to draw, but always the first to
Rules: The GM may wish to disallow PCs access to the FBI. Both Bioroids and
Humans can become Agents, but obvious full Cyborgs will not generally be
recruited: they're too conspicuous.
Annual Salary Examples
$25,000 Prospective Agent
$30,000 Rookie
$35,000 Detective
$45,000 Chief Officer
$75,000 Team Leader
Law Enforcement
The city of Olympus is virtually crime free: bioroids aren't
programmed to be felons and in general it is a peaceful city. However,
there is the criminal element, and the police are often needed to
protect Olympus from extremists, hostage takers, and itself. Olympus
has several law enforcing bodies, each with various jurisdictions. All
of these organizations are controlled by the Ministry of Internal
Police, Patrolmen, Officers and Detectives function in the same way and serve the same
functions as in the real world. Police have the power to make arrests and enforce the law.
It typically will take 1-5 minutes for the police to respond to any call at any given time at
any place in the city. Police get around by car, bike, motorcycle, and on foot.
Air Police
The Olympian Air Police consists of several squadrons of helicopter, plane, and
hovercraft pilots who act as back up to other law enforcing bodies. They are a subdivision
of the standard law enforcing body, and fall under the same jurisdiction. Air Police
generally are not used except in the most extreme hostage situations, and in hostage and
augmented criminal cases.
SWAT functions as the police strong-arm against hostage takers and violent situations
that need to be diffused quickly. They have a good reputation compared to similar
organizations in other countries, but cannot compare with the likes of GSG-9, GIGN, and
ESWAT. In fact, ESWAT looks down on them as incompetent children. However, the fact
that most ESWAT agents are headhunted from SWAT cannot be overlooked. They are
generally used to suppress the "day-to-day" acts of terrorism that ESWAT does not have
the time for.
The Special Investigations Unit is an organization seperate from the OPD, though it is
still headed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They
are the "FBI" of Olympus (though they should not be
confused with the FBI); they are responsible for
investigating criminal activity that stems outside of
Olympus. They have several subdepartments, each
which investigate and respond to different offenses.
They work to stop smuggling of contraband materials
in and technology out, to fight the drug trade, and to
investigate foreign involvement in local crimes.
ESWAT is Olympus' premier paramilitary group. It serves as the anti-terrorist, cyborg
crime response, and special force branch of the Central Management Bureau. It is not a
police organization in the sense that it is not used to enforce local law: rather, it is used to
enforce international law and to keep peace. E-SWAT is an extremely well trained combat
force, and can easily take on the toughest of opponents with relative ease.
ESWAT operatives are handpicked from SWAT, SIU, badside "immigration candidates",
and, if they get lucky, FBI. Solos and foreign combat personal are often headhunted from
badside and other nations to work on ESWAT. These individuals soon find themselves
working in law enforcement, or in manual labor.
"AGAAIN! FROM THE TAAAHP!" The life of the ESWAT agent becomes his training.
Prospective and veteran operatives alike are put through brutal, strenuous training at
ESWAT's huge arcology in the Central Olympic Block. They train 8 to 10 hours a day,
with little let up. Every possible scenario is simulated, and after they are all simulated,
they do it all over again. No one overspecializes; this breeds weakness. If a character
joins ESWAT, he can expect to be spending most of his time in training, when not on an
operation. While this limits the character's free time, they'll make a lot of buddies (or
enemies) on their team. It's always good to have drinking buddies who are armed (or is
it? *hick*).
Training should most definitely be roleplayed from time to time. This is an excellent tool
by which to teach the rules system to the players without having to worry about death (as
much). It'll make those deadly black ops that much easier. It will also cement the
characters together in a coherent group, and it can be used to create conflict between PCs
and NPCs.
Getting Around
It's a big island, and in the course of a campaign set in Olympus, the characters will be
scrambling all over it. There are many ways to get around inside the arcologies and
between the blocks. Most means are relatively inexpensive and easy to acquire.
Public Transit
Olympus has a large, accurately timed, and cheap metro transit system that runs to all of
the beaches and several arcologies in each of the Blocks. Travel by electro-magnetic
super-conductive monorail is also available. You can get from one side of the island to the
other in 30 minutes by this method.
Places of Interest
Ahh, the places to go and people to see. What follows is a brief listing of various locales
in Olympus worth a second look.
Anemos Arcology Block: Olympus' science arcology, it is where the GAIA super
computer is housed (albeit a quarter mile underground). It also houses the Tartarus
Central Olympic Arcology Block: Olympus' largest arcology block, it consists both of
residential complexes and comercial districts. Most immigrant humans live in this
arcology block; the ratio of human to bioroid is approxamitely 2:3. This, of course, makes
this place a boiling point. Most of the Biocontrol Service Centers are based here.
Suiten Arcology Block: A second Residential and Commercial block, it also houses the
Olympic Port Authority.
ESWAT Headquarters: This building is a massive police structure situated between the
primary arcologies of the Central Olympic and Bezekric Blocks. It houses all aspects of
ESWAT operations. It also contains the massive training facility (partially outdoors) that
ESWAT uses to prepare for it's operations.
The 'Burbs: Between the large arcology blocks are miles and miles of country side, and
expensize housing. The suburbs of olympus are something alot of people aspire for, but
generally only high administrative positions and stuffed shirts can afford them (ESWAT
agents are always in debt...). Still, they are beautiful, and they offer a chage of pace from
the somewhat hectic life of the big arcology cities.
The lessons of the last war were short lived. Within three years, a fourth World War
would errupt. This time, the war is triggered by conflicts between european and asian
powers. The war is a throwback to the imperialistic wars back in the late 1800s. Depleted
nuclear stock and hesitance by the superpowers to use them leads to a drawn out, bloody
landwar in Asia. The war would drag on into a stalemate. The war does fuel the economy,
however, and enormous leaps and bounds are made in technology, science, and medicine.
The war would finally end in 2026, 27 years later, with Japan the victor. A baby boom
would follow, and the true silicon age would begin.
Years of peace, progress, and prosperity would follow, and would last for more than 75
years. It would be an era comparable to the later part of the 20th century. Outright war
would always be occurring, but rarely would super powers become involved in anything
beyond minor skirmishes. Spycraft and black ops ran amuck, however. Conflict in the
middle east was worse than ever, with a new power (Munma) being thrown into the mix.
The last great "war" occurred in 2125, the year the Appleseed Plan was formally
proposed. War was touched off when ethnic differences in Africa sparked mass scale
uprisings, fueling further insurections in newly taken colonial societies after WW3.
Hardliners in The Four Superpowers (Japan, USSR, USA, EC) ended up at war. The war
was "mild" in comparison to previous wars, and only badside was severely affected. It
was quelled by The Central Management Bureau, and they arrose to power as the
international police power.
Life in Badside
Despite reconstruction efforts back in the late 21st century, the majority of the world is
still in ruins, due to the third World War. This land has grown to become collectively
known as Badside. The sky has since cleared, and
radiation is only a problem in the most remote of
regions. The abandoned and shattered urban sprawls
have, in someplaces, begun to loose their foothold over
Mother Nature. Vines, trees, and thick foilage cover
gigantic buildings. Badside is gritty, hard, and shell-
blasted in some areas, and feral in others.
The most significant change is that many countries have been whiped
clean off the map, and those that were not have lost a chunk in them.
With the exception of the middle eastern countries, third world nations have universally
sunk into Badside. The old superpowers have been devistated. Cities and miles of suburbs
and developed country side simply don't exist anymore.
Gameplay Note: Unless a country is mentioned in the provided source material, or you
really need it for your game, assume it doesn't exist anymore. Odds are there will still be
a city or two left in the country, and there may or may not be a provisional government.
The year 2125 split one former Big 4 Superpower, merged another, and put 2 new powers
on the scene. The world is 'ruled' by Aegis, or Central Management Bureau, based on the
artificial island of Olympus. Aegis is a powerful, international law enforcing body and
peace keeping organization backed by the United Nations, but not universally by it's
members. It fulfills the roll the old imperialist era United States did, though it is infinitely
more powerful and less corruptable.
The good ol' USA is no more. With much of their original size lost to the USSR and
Badside, it was finally split by racial tension and the old Conservative vs. Liberal/Left vs.
Right differences, the country was divided in two. The southern states formed Imperial
Americana, a rightwing republic with a conservative desire to return to the days when the
USA spoke loudly and carried a big stick (this has put them on uneasy terms at best with
Olympus). Racial and sexual equality have gone down the toilet in Imperial Americana;
it's a white man's world. The former northern states, nervous of the annexed Canadian
lands of the USSR to the north and the good ol' boys to the south allied themselves with
the USSR, forming the left wing US-Soviet Alliance (USSA).
The middle east is a mess, as always. Israel has remained a strong surviving force, but
has lost much land to the Arabs, including the entirety of Jerusalem. They have an
excellent espianogue network handed down from Mossad, and the backing of France and
the USSA. Syria and Iraq have been wiped off the map. The Arab world has been united
under one banner: The Islamic Republic of Iran. Occupying former Iran, Iraq, Syria, and
Palestine, they are constantly having to put down violent uprisings from nationalists.
Israel is a particularly strong thorn in it's side, as are Iraqi dissadents operating out of
The most astonishing development in the middle east has been the rise of Munma: a new
religion and nation with roots in Islam, traditional Arab customs, Christianity, and
Daoism. Attracting mainly disenfranchised Muslims, Cristians, Jews, and Chinese, it has
grown from cult like origins back in the early 21st century to a major religion and oil
power in the middle east. It has control of the south-eastern land between its enemies of
the Iranian Republic and India. Backed by Imperial Americana, it has become a world
power. They're not as fanatical as most Islamics (though there are radicals), and the
quality of life is generally good in the Munma Holy Republic. However, they are
rumored to have nuclear capabilities, and like Imperial Americana, are on poor terms
with Olympus.
Next to Africa and China, Europe was hit the hardest by the last two wars. With the
exceptions of England, Germany, France, and Russia, the other countries have fallen to
badside, turned into a network of city-states seperated by miles and miles of wasteland.
England has recovered well from WW5 (after fierce rioting), and though it has not been a
world power since the end of WW2, it's technology and pharmeceutical industries have
flourished in the past two years, and the SAS is still top notch. France has prospered more
than any other european country, and is a popular vacation spot for those fortunate
enough to be able to take vacations. A democracy with leftward leanings, it's executive
branch is extremely corrupt and rash, and is opposed by the legislative minority. The
GIGN is a world class hostage-rescue group, and can even compete with ESWAT.
Germany is a strong manufacturing power, though suffers from crippling inflation and
Asia (not counting Japan) has had it rough. Most of the old countries have either been
annexed by the USSA or China or collapsed entirely. India has the same problems that
have plagued them for centuries: backwards caste system, famine, over population,
plague. China is going through a second Tai Pin Rebellion: fundamentalist Christian off-
shoots have lead several violent uprisings against the totalitarian government.
Japan, dominated for decades by the corporate machine, is now the holding the huge
gonglomerate Poseidon. Poseidon, while technically a corporation, controls Japan and is
recognized as a sovereign power by the United Nations and Aegis. Like Olympus,
Poseidon is based on an artificial island south of the Japanese mainland, bearing the same
name as the corporation. Poseidon is a megacorp in every sense of the word: they make
everything from cars to toasters to razors to small arms. They have bought out most of the
other Japanese based corporations, though many left beforehand and set up headquarters
elsewhere (Honda and Seburo, for example). They are on good terms with Olympus and
obey international law, but have a bad habit of selling to anyone who has cash. Poseidon
has several top-secret special ops groups.
The Dice
The system requires players to roll six-sided dice (D6), which represent
a character's attributes and skills. When appropriate, the Game Master
will tell a player to roll a number of dice equal to either the attribute or
skill being used. The player rolls the appropriate number of dice,
counts the number of Successes and tells the GM the result.
Die Roll Result
1,2 Failure
3,4,5,6 Success
Wild Die
Die Roll Result
2 Failure
3,4,5 Success
If the Success Total is higher than the difficulty number (See below),
the character succeeds. If it is lower, the character fails.
The GM could have just as well said that Kreiger got a muscle-cramp
and is -1D to all Dexterity actions for the next 5 rounds, or that he is
stunned for the next round. Anything that makes Kreiger's life a little
more scary.
Boosting the Wild Die: Sometimes a characer will have some slight advantage over
others. It may because of natural abilities, cybernetics, a piece of technology or just
dumb luck. Whatever the reason, in the long run, the character has an edge over others.
In this game, that edge is represented by Boosts. Boosts give the character an increased
chance to reroll the Wild Die. A character with one Boost may reroll the Wild Die when
it comes up a 5 or a 6 on his initial roll only. Subsequent rolls of the Wild Die are treated
Example: Kreiger is wearing Gasium armor, which is lightly powered
and augments the user's Strength and Dexterity, Boosting all rolls made
under either attribute. Kreiger is in a gunfight and attempts to Dodge
(Dexterity skill). He rolls a 1, 3, 4, and 5 on the Wild Die. He gets to
reroll the Wild Die, getting another 5. He does not roll again, and adds
up his successes for 4 successes.
A character with multiple Boosts in the same area may reroll subsequent Wild Die rolls,
once for each Boost. Thus, a character with 2 Boosts in Dexterity can reroll the Wild Die
on a 5 or 6 on his initial roll and the second roll of the Wild Die, but not the third (when
he may only reroll on a 6, as normal).
Note: Boosts are beasts of my own creation, added because I felt there were so many bits of technology
that might give characters advantages. I didn't want to allow characters to just keep adding dice on top of
their attributes, because it would quickly imbalance the game and characters would regularly be
accomplishing impossible tasks. See by Design Notes for more commentary.
Difficulty Numbers
When a character makes an Attribute or Skill check, they are usually
rolling against a difficulty number (Note: I think these difficulty numbers are
two easy! I may recommend increasing them all by one after some playtesting. Let
me know what you think).
Difficulty Description
Anyone with slight skill should be able to do this
Very Easy 1 most of the time. Example: Driving a car in
moderate traffic.
Most characters should be able to do this most
of the time, though there is still a change for
Easy 2
failure. Example: Driving a car in moderate
traffic during a rainstorm.
Requires a fair amount of skill and/or effort.
Most unskilled characters will fail such an
Moderate 3 attempt. Example: Avoiding jaywalkers who
suddenly step in front of your car during a high-
speed chase.
Only highly skilled characters succeed at these
Difficult 4 with any regularity. Example: Driving through
an intersection full of speeding cross traffic.
Even pros have a hard time pulling these
Very attempts off. Example: Steering your car into
Difficult oncoming traffic and avoiding collisions while at
high speeds.
Only the luckiest and most skilled are
Extremely successful. Example: Sharpshooting through a
Diffiult tiny hole in an enemy's body armor at 30
You'd better be skilled and lucky, and even then
it's no guarantee. Example: Successfully
Heroic 7
landing an Olympus Troop Transport (those bee-
like things) when all power has been cut.
Only the most highly skilled and/or
cybernetically enhanced characters will
Unearthly 8 succeed. Example: Jumping from one building
to another (as Briareos does in B1:V1 against
the hit squad in the badlands).
A character must have advanced cybernetics
Legendary 9 and godly skill levels to even think about
accomplishing such a feat. Example:
If the character succeeds, it's not unlikely that
Impossible 10
supernatural forces are at work. Example:
Opposed Rolls
When a character is testing his or her Attributes or Skills against those
of another (PC or NPC), the parties involved make Opposed Rolls. The
one with the highest roll wins.
Character Points
A character may spend his or her Character Points to gain additional
dice during an action. They receive an additional die for each point
spent. A character may spend up to 3 CP's per action or attack, and up
to 5 CP's for any defensive action (Dodging, Strenth rolls versus
damage, etc.). If the die purchased with a CP comes up a 6, the player
may re-roll it and add the new value to the total (as for the Wild Die,
though there is no penalty for rolling a 1, other than it is a Failure).
Chi Points
The world of Appleseed is firmly based in reality (Shirow goes to great
pains to make his machines, politics, and characters realistic), but it is
still a heroic fantasy in which both protagonists and villains alike
perform nearly superhuman feats.
See Characters: Chi for rules about using and regaining Chi.
Effect Value
The difference between the number of Successes a player rolls and the
Difficulty Number is called the Effect Value (EV). EV's are a measure of
how successful a character's attempt has been (or, in some cases, how
dismal the failure turns out). In combat, the character rolls one
additional damage die for EV point. In non-combat actions, EV's can
indicate the speed, grace or ingenuity with which a character
succeeds. See Actions and Combat for more information.
In this chapter:
Advantages and Disadvantages
Choosing Skills
Character Advancement
Badside Scout
Cyborg Mercenary
Government Agent
Mutant Weirdo
Copy the structure from one of the Character Templates above onto a
piece of paper to create your very own character sheet. I will try to
make and post one when I get time, but don't hold your breath!
In Appleseed, a character may either be a normal Human, a Bioroid, a Mutant, Light
Cyborg, or a Full-Body Cyborg. Each Type has particular advantages and disadvantages.
Note that the starting Attribute Dice for characters is higher than it would be for "non-
heroic" non-player characters in the world of Appleseed. Most standard NPC's would
start with fewer attribute dice.
Att. Attribute Adv & Starting
Type Notes
Dice Limits Disadv Skill Dice
1D-4D 2 free 8 Humans are actually a minority in
Human 18 Advantages Olympus, but remain the majority in
the rest of the world.
Bioroid 19 1D-4D, any No free 10, at Bioroids must undergo Longevity
one Att. may advantages. least 3 treatments every 2 weeks or begin to
be raised to must be in suffer -1D to all attributes until
5D non- treated. When the Bioroid reaches 0D
combat in Constitution, they die.
Mutant 18 1D-5D 3 free 7
Mutants are the products of post-war
toxic exposure, radiation or
should be
experimentation. They are likely a
related to the
kind of Bioroid that does not need
Longevity treatments.
Light 18 1D-4D, but Starts with 8 Typically, these are humans who have
Cyborg may be 2, but must suffered some injuries that required
raised by pay one for cybernetic replacements. Most
chosen each implant common are prosthetic arms,
cybernetics. chosen at implanted eyes, and occasionally
start-up. artificial organs. See Cybernetics for
more information.
Full- 21 1D-7D for None, 6 A Full 'Borg likely had to replace his
body Physical considered human body after a greivous injury
Cyborg Attributes. to have been that nearly killed him. Full 'Borgs
1D-4D for invested in must be registered in Olympus and
Mental cybernetics. require regular, and expensive,
Attributes. maintenance. See Cybernetics for
Futhermore, more information.
'Borgs suffer
-1D to all
rolls. See
Select the Type you wish to play and find the starting Attribute Dice for
your character. At least 1D must be placed in each attribute and no
more than 4D can be assigned to any one attribute for normal
humans. (Note: Dice may not be broken up into 3 "pips", or "+1's",
like they can in the SW RPG). The average for "normal" humans in any
one attribute is 2D. The Attributes are:
Strength: 3D
Dexterity: 4D
Constitution: 3D
Knowledge: 3D
Instincts: 3D
Presence: 2D
Design note: Life nearly everything in this game, Advantages and Disadvantages are completely optional.
My main reason for coming up with them was to give humans some bonuses relative to other Types. They
should never be allowed to imbalance a game and GM's should alter them accordingly.
Acute Senses (1): Boost to any Search or Tracking attempt that
relies on one of the five senses.
Ambidextrous (1): Character may use either hand with equal skill.
Furthermore, the character may weild and shoot two guns at the same
time and only incur a -1D penalty rather than the normal -2D penalty.
Appeal (1): Boosts to all Presence-based skills.
Cat-footed (1): Character is exceptionally light on her feet. This
grants a Boost to the following skills: Stealth and Acrobatics.
Contacts (1-2): Taken at level 1 means the character has some
relatively high contacts that may get information for him from time and
time (sometimes in exchange for favors or cash). At level 2, this
character knows influential people at the highest levels of society who
will occasionally do him a favor.
Egghead (2): This character is an especially able student and can
learn Advanced skills under Knowledge as if they were normal skills.
They must still learn prerequisites.
Flexible (1): Character is exceptionally limber and graceful. Boosts
to Dodge, Martial Arts, Brawl, and Running.
Gearhead (2): This technophile loves all things mechanical. +1D to
Value, Scrounge and Bargain rolls that involve acquiring or appraising
technological items. Furthermore, this Boosts any Mechanics,
Electronics or Computer Ops rolls.
Hawkeye (1): Boosts to rolls that involve firing a weapon or throwing
something (Firearms, Heavy Weapons, Throw).
Intuitive (1): This character knows how to read other people and use
it to her advantage. Boosts to Profile, Con, Persuasion, Bargain and
Iron Will (1): +1D to all Willpower rolls. Furthermore, the strength of
the character's convictions make them more charismatic and gives
Boosts to Persuasion, Perform (Orate only), Bargain and Command.
Lucky (1): Character receives an extra die once per game, to roll as
an additional Wild Die for one action only.
Resources (1-2): At level 1, this character has a sizeable savings
accounts and/or investment portfolio that can be liquidated to equal
several thousands of dollars (10,000 + 1D6 x 10,000). At level 2, this
character has a trust fund and will likely never need to worry about
finding a job--unless the cash dries up, of course (GM's discretion...heh
Stout (1): Boosts to Lifting, Endurance and Resistance tests.
Tree-hugger (1): This character prefers the outdoors and is
especially able in the wilds. Boosts to Survival, Tracking, Climbing, and
Life Sciences rolls.
Wily (1): This character is particularly crafty and her plans often go
off without a hitch. +1D to Tactics rolls when character makes a plan.
Also, +1D to Persuasion and Con rolls when those skills are used to get
information out of someone.
Addiction (1-2): At level 1, you're easily driven to distraction by the
object of your addiction (cigarettes, comic books, etc) and will go out
of your way and sometimes abuse your duties to fulfill it. Can make a
Easy Willpower test to avoid giving in. At level 2, the characters has a
serious problem with a dangerous addiction: drugs, alcohol, gambling,
etc. Once per day the character must make an Very Easy Willpower
test or give in to the addiction. For each day that has pased since the
character last gave in, the difficulty increases by 1 level (Easy on Day
2, Moderate on Day 3, etc.). If the character reaches the Heroic
difficulty and passes, then he has "gone on the wagon" and must only
has an Easy test every day (forever) to avoid sliding back into
addiction. Character points and Chi may be spent to avoid the
Clumsy (2): You basically has two left feet. You trip, you stumble, you
fall on your face. You're a regular Jerry Lewis. When you roll a 1 on the
Wild Die for any Dexterity-based action, you Complicate if you roll a 3,
4, 5 or 6 (rather than just a 6).
Criminal Past (1-2): At level 1, you were a known theif and perhaps
did some jail time. There may still be a few authorities who have some
questions for you...At level 2, you were involved with serious crimes,
perhaps murder, kidnapping or drug smuggling. You've never paid
your debt to society and some Inspector Javert is out there, looking for
you...On the bright side, at level 1 you get a Boost to any Streetwise
roll and at level 2 you get +1D to Streetwise.
Debt (1): You owe a debt of thousands of dollars to someone who is
beginning to run out of patience. You must make payments of
approximately 1000 dollars per month. The debt itself is 1D6x 10,000
Dependent (1): Someone depends on you to take care of them. You
must provide housing, food, clothes and other support. This might be
a child, sick relative or someone else to whom you owe a debt.
Disorganized (1): This character is simply unable to get his act
together. -1D to Business and Tactics rolls. Furthermore, you've
incurred 1D6 x 1000 dollars worth of debt because you never keep
your finances straight.
Dumb (1): You're just not all that bright. -1D to rolls that involve
problem solving, including repair and medical skills.
Grouch (1): You've got a bad attitude, buster. -1D to actions based
on Persuasion or Bargain.
Injury (1-2): At level 1, this character suffers from a chronic, but not
debilitating injury. Examples include a bad back, arthritis, a trick knee,
etc. The injury will flare up when the character Complicates any
Dexterity roll and will result in a -1D to all Dexterity-based tests for
2D6 hours or until treatment is given. At level 2, the injury is more
disabling. It may include having to rely upon crutches or a wheelchair,
a seeing-eye dog, or something similar. The injury cannot be treated
with modern technology for some reason (aside from a full-body
Naive (1): You often believe the first thing that anyone tells you. -2D
to Profile and -1D to Bargain attempts
Phobia (1-2): At level 1, the character is either slightly afraid of
common things (Easy Willpower test when coming across rats, snakes,
blood, etc) or very afraid of very rare things (Difficult Willpower test
when encountering a dead body, a solar eclipse, etc.).
Technophobe (2): This character doesn't care for technology and is
particularly clumsy with it. -1D to actions making use of advanced
technology, such as operating a computer, science skills relying on
complex equipment, piloting a landmate or other modern vehicle, etc.
This is your opportunity to round out the character and provide a
description, background, personality quirks, goals, etc.
Normal characters can move 10 meters per round while walking. With
successful Running rolls, they can increase this value.
Strength/Lifting Bonus
This represents the additional amount of damage a character can do
because of his strength. Take the Strength attribute OR the Lifting skill
and divide by 2, rounding down. This value is added to any damage
rolls resulting from successful Brawling, Martial Arts or Melee Weapons
rolls. Certain armored suits and cybernetic implants may alter this
Body Points
These represent the physical toughness of your character. To get
starting Body Points, roll a number of dice equal to the character's
Strength + Constitution score and consult the table below. Take that
sum and add 10. If a character increases his Strength or Constitution
attribute in the future, he may roll another die. Furthermore, certain
cybernetic enhancements may increase this number.
d Die
of BP's
1,2 4
3,4,5 5
6 6
of BP's
1 3
2 4
3,4,5 5
6 (and
Describe your character: How tall is he? What kind of clothes does
he wear? Does he have any noticeable marks such as tattoos or
scars? Does he have cybernetic implants? Blue hair? Cat-like ears?
Just what kind of freak are you creating, man?
It seems that all of Shirow's characters, even the supporting cast,
have a rich background. They come to Olympus from all over the
world, with vastly different beliefs, experiences and motivations. Give
your character a history. Why has he come to Olympus? Does he have
family? Was he grown in some vat in a dilapidated Shanghai
laboratory? Is there some intrigue in his past he hopes no one will
Is your character a grouch? Is she impulsive, always itching for a
fight, or is she more thoughtful and cautious?
Everyone appears to be in Olympus for a reason, if for none other
than to escape the strife elsewhere in the world. But many have secret
agendas that only come out with time. Does your character have a
personal or professional goal? Is he a spy? A terrorist plant? An
anarchist Luddite?
Starting skills
Find the starting skill dice for your Type. Furthermore, each character
can list 3 additional skills that they take a "0D" under each Attribute.
The character may still perform any other skills under that attribute,
but at a -1D difficulty. There'are two exceptions to this rule:
Many skills have specializations which allow the character to focus
on a certain aspect of the skill. If a specialization is taken, a character
may advance in that specialized aspect of the skill at half the normal
cost of advancement. However, uses of the skill not covered in the
Specialization remain at the base skill level.
Advanced skills:
Some particularly complicated skills require two times the normal
amount of Character Points to allow for Advancement. They also
typically require some other prerequisite skill.
Chi symbolizes the inner strength and resources of a character. It is
usually a manifestation of their heroic qualities. However, ethics and
morals in the world of Appleseed are often murky and highly
subjective. Usually, characters may only gain additional Chi points by
spending the ones they have. This is a bit of a gamble, since they will
not always regain spent points. At the end of each game session, the
GM decides whether the characters regain spent points and if they are
granted additional Chi.
In other D6 games, characters gain Chi/Force/Hero points when they
use existing points to preform heroic actions. In Appleseed, heroism is
often in the eye of the beholder. So, in deciding whether the character
regains the spent Chi point, or is granted an additional one, the GM
should first decide whether the character acted "heroically" within the
character's own personality or code of ethics. At it's most basic level,
good guys should act like good guys and villains should perform
villainy. Note that there is no equivalent to Skeptic or Dark Force
points in this game. Bad guys just act like bad guys, and the players
want to play a jerk, you should let them (though you can certainly
make life more difficult for them in other ways!)
A character may spend up to 2 Chi per round, each doubling the dice
pools of 1 action(See Using Chi).
At the end of each adventure, players will usually be rewarded
Character Points at the end of an adventure by the Game Master. They
may keep these CP's for later use or spend them on learning skills.
So I recommend that GM's consider a "scholarship" program for players who want to start out as physicians
or some other expensive specialist. Perhaps give them some extra dice at character creation to put into
these specialized skills. If it seems that you are imbalancing the game, you can saddle them with deep
debts or other problems as a result of their "higher" education.
Improving attributes
To improve an attribute, a character must spend 15x their current
skill value.
Skill name: Aside from just the skill name, the skill may be designated as (A)dvanced or
(S)pecial. Advanced skills usually require prerequisites and are more difficult in which to
gain levels. Special skills are particular for some other reason, usually because there are
certain rules that apply only to those skills.
Prerequisites: Any skills and their levels that must be attained before the skill in question
may be taken.
Time of Use: Amount of time that passes while the character attempts the skill
(regardless of whether or not it is successful). This can be highly variable and depends on
the GM's discretion. An action that takes 1 round means that it is the only skill the
character can attempt in that round. An action that takes "1 action" can be attempted in
conjunction with as many other actions as the character can perform in one round. Other
attempts may take anywhere from a minute to days (Scrounge, for example). Difficulty
numbers may vary depending on time spent as well.
Difficulty: This gives an approximate Difficulty level to successfully use the skill. GM's
should vary this depening on the situation: including stress, available tools, amount of
time dedicated to the task, familiarity with the situation and other factors.
Description: A (hopefully) brief description of what the skill does includes and other
If a skill is listed by not given any other information, assume that it is available in one of
West End Games' products (probably the Star Wars books, 3rd Edition).
Time Taken: One action.
Specializations: none.
Difficulty: Easy (2)
Brawling covers basic hand-to-hand combat. It is less graceful than Martial Arts, but
can be equally effective. A character will do an amount of damage equal to his Strength
+ 1D per Effect Value.
Note: Brawling and Martial Arts is handled differently in this D6 Legend game than it is in the DC
Universe. As always, GM's and players should go with whichever system they think is best.
Time Take: One action (but GM's may decide to have characters just roll once for an
entire "pitch")
Specializations: Different things climbed: buildings, trees, rock faces.
Difficulty: Moderate (3)
While Climbing covers the actual act of scampering up something, it may also be used
when a character tries to do things like hold on to the hood of a speeding car (the "TJ
Hooker maneuver") or grab on to the struts of a helicopter as it takes off, etc. The
difficulty may be increased if the character is burdened or wearing armor.
Time of Use: 1 action. Note that "big" jumps may require a certain amount of "hang
time." GM's should consider this in modifing difficulties for other actions that are
attempted while the character is in the air.
Specializations: None.
Difficulty: A die result of 3 or higher is a Success. The distance covered depends on the
number of successed gained. See below
Jumping is not really an "academic" skill, but it is a talent that may be cultured
nonetheless. You may notice a somewhat strange progression in the distance covered and
the number of successes. This is because almost anyone can jump at least a little, but
only a few people can really jump far. 9 Successes are about the maximum that an
Olympic jumper could get (assuming they didn't use Wild Dice, Chi or Character Points--
all of which, I think, are illegal at the Olympics)--this assumes a Strength of 4 + Jumping
skill of 6 (World Class) and a getting successes on nearly all the dice. After 9 successes,
the distance increases dramatically. This is because the jumper will only get this far if
aided by technology (cybernetics) or some other "superhuman" means (Chi or Character
I would recommend to GM's that 9 successes be the "maximum" allowed any non-
augmented jumper (this includes the use of Chi and CP's) because the laws of physics and
gravity have to apply somewhere. There is simply no way for a "normal" human to jump
50 feet horizontally!
# Approximate Distance
Success Covered
Horizontal: about 1
1 foot.
Vertical: about 1 foot.
Horitzontal: about 2.5
2 feet.
Vertical: about 3 feet.
Horizontal: about 4
3 feet.
Vertical: about 4 feet.
Horizontal: about 6
4 feet.
Vetical: about 5.5 feet.
Horizontal: about 10
5 feet
Vertical: about 6 feet
Horizontal: about 15
6 feet.
Vertical: about 7 feet
Horizontal: about 20
7 feet.
Vertical: about 8 feet
Horizontal: about 25
8 feet.
Vertical: about 10 feet.
Horizontal: about 30
feet (this is about the
current world record).
Vertical: about 12 feet.
Horizontal: about 40
10 feet.
Vertical: about 15 feet.
Beyond 10 Succeses, a jumper
may only achieve these distances
if aided by technology. Even Chi
and CP's should not be permitted
to carry a jumper this far.
Horizontal: about 75
11 feet
Vertical: about 35 feet.
12 Horizontal: about 100
Vertical: about 50 feet.
Horizontal: about 125
13 feet.
Vertical: about 75 feet.
For each additional success, add
about 25 feet to the result.
Time Taken: 1 action
Specializations: none
Difficulty: Depends upon the weight and bulkiness of the item.
Lifting represents more an innate ability than a learned skill (though you can certainly
learn the "correct" way to lift heavy objects). Difficulty depends on the weight of the
object. The table below indicates the difficulty of lifting a common object of about the
provided weight. Characters will be able to life much more than this amount if they
bench press (approximately 3 x the amount) or do a dead lift (approximately 4x this
Weight of
20 pounds Very Easy (1)
50 pounds Easy (2)
75 pounds Moderate (3)
100 pounds Difficult (4)
150 pounds Very Difficult (5)
200 pounds Heroic (6)
Increase Difficulty by 1 for each
additional 50 pounds
Time Taken: One round
Balancing, Swinging
Acrobatics is used whenever a
character attempts to make an
unusual or difficult maneuver with
her body. A character may attempt an
Acrobatics check if they fall or are
thrown to the ground to roll to her
feet or avoid damage (roll Acrobatics versus the damage. If the Acrobatics roll is higher,
subtract the difference from the damage taken).
Acrobatics may also be used in combat. If a character uses Acrobatics during combat
they can potentially reap one of the following benefits:
Time Taken: One action.
Specializations: none.
Difficulty: Easy (2)
Brawling covers basic hand-to-hand combat. It is less graceful than Martial Arts, but
can be equally effective. A character will do an amount of damage equal to his Strength
+ 1D per Effect Value.
Note: Brawling and Martial Arts is handled differently in this D6 Legend game than it is in the DC
Universe. As always, GM's and players should go with whichever system they think is best.
Time Taken: One round.
Specializations: None.
Dodge is the art of getting out of the way. A character need only make one Dodge roll
per round. The result becomes the base difficulty for anyone shooting or throwing
anything at the character. Thus, if a character makes a Dodge roll and has 4 successes,
enemies will need at least 4 successes to hit the character. The Dodge result replaces the
base difficulty, thus a bad Dodge result can put the character in a worse position than if
he had just stood still. Dodge may also be used to get out of the way of other objects that
are not purposely aimed at the character, such as falling boulders, careening busses or
out-of-control skateboarders.
Time Taken: One round.
Specializations: Particular types of vehicles, such as Motorcyles, Sports cars,
Limosines, etc.
Drive applies to the conduction of commonplace passenger vehicles. It won't do you a
lick of good in a tank...
Fire Weapons [Archaic Weapons/Firearms (Pistols and Rifles)/Light
Artillery/Heavy Artillery/Vehicle Weapons/Remote Weapons]
Time Taken: One round.
Specializations: Particular weapons types. For example, Firearms: Assault Rifle.
When choosing the Fire Weapons skill, the player must choose one of the categories
listed above. The character is considered unskills in all the other categories unless they
too are selected.
Martial Arts
Time Taken: One round.
Specializations: none.
Martial Arts covers the study of unarmed hand-to-hand combat. Many of the
Resuscitated use programs to train in an amalgam of styles. At character creation, the
character receives one special maneuver for each die they place in the skill. When the
character advances with experience, each special move costs an additional 8 CP's (a
character can buy as many as he would like).
A character who strikes with Martial Arts, but without a Special Move, does damage
equal to her Strength +1D per EV. The base to hit with Martial Arts is Moderate (3
Note: Brawling and Martial Arts is handled differently in this D6 Legend game than it is in the DC
Universe. As always, GM's and players should go with whichever system they think is best.
The standard Difficulty for each move is given in parenthesis.
Disarm (D): if the character's attack is successful and not parried or dodged, the
target is disarmed.
Elbow Smash (D)): if successful, attacker may add +1D to the damage roll.
Flip (M): If successful, the attacker throws the target to the ground and does 3D
damage. The target must take an action and an Easy Dex roll to get to his feet.
Flying Kick (VD): If successful, attacker does STR +2D + 2 points of damage. If
she fails, the attacker is off balance and at -1D to all actions in the next round.
Foot Sweep (E): Will trip the target who must take an action and make an Easy
Dex the next round to stand.
Headbutt (E): Can only be used if the attacker is close to the target (grappling,
etc.). Does +1D damage.
Hold/Grapple (M + opposing STR): Once the target has been successfully held,
the attacker must make an opposing Martial Arts versus the target's Martial Arts,
Brawling, of Strength each round to continue to hold them. If the target is held, he
or she cannot attack.
Instant Knockdown (D): If landed successfully, this attack knocks the target to
the ground. The target must spend the next round getting up or suffer multiple
action penalties.
Instant Stand (M): Allows the martial artist to automatically stand up without
taking an additional action.
Instant Stun (D): If successfully landed, this attack stuns the target for one
Multiple Strikes (D): A character can make an additional attack this round doing
STR damage without a penalty for an additional action.
Nerve Punch (VD): If successful, the attack punches a bundle of nerves on the
target and renders a limb unusable for 3D rounds. If the attacker beats the
difficulty number by 15, the target is rendered unconscious for 3D rounds. Note,
this will generally not work against cyborgs!
Power Block (M): A successful Power Block stops an unarmed attack and inflicts
STR damage to the attacker.
Reversal (Opposed STR or Brawl or Martial Arts): Only works while being held
or grappled. If successful, the martial artist breaks free and renders person holding
him or her immobile (see Hold/Grapple above).
Silent Strike (D): If the character sneaks up on a target and also rolls a successful
Silent Strike, the attacker does BDV +1D damage without making a sound.
Spinning/Power Kick (M) STR + 2D damage. If the attack fails, the attacker is
off balance and suffers a -1D to all actions next round.
Shoulder Throw (M): A successful attempt will allow the martial artist to hurl a
target to the ground doing 3D damage. The target must take an action and make
an Easy Dex roll.
Weapon Block (Opposed Martial Arts versus Melee Combat roll): Allows an
unarmed martial artist to parry a weapon used in a melee attack.
Ride horse
Time of Use: One round.
Difficulty: Easy for simple manuevers on well-trained steeds. Difficulty increases for
the orneriness of the beast, complexity of actions attempted, and conditions (weather,
speed traveled, burdens, etc.).
Specialzations: Particular riding styles (Wester, English, Bareback, etc.).
Ride horse includes all the knowledge one needs to train or ride a horse, perform
simple animal husbandry, and prepare and maintain the appropriate tackle.
Time of Use: 1 action.
Specializations: none
Difficulty: Easy. May be increased if there are obstacles or the character is burdened.
Running includes not only the ability to move your feet rapidly, but also of avoiding
objects and stumbling while you are doing so. This skill is essential for all those
characters who hope to be cops and spend their days chasing down perpetrators though
dim alleys and over chain link fences.
Time of Use: 1 action.
Specializations: Particular objects: grenades, spears, shoes.
This covers the hand-eye coordination required to pick something up and hit a target.
Difficulty depends on whether the object was designed to be thrown and range (see
Time of Use: 1 round. Generally not considered an action.
Specializations: Particular forms of exercise: Climbing, Running, Swimming, etc.
Characters must make Endurance checks when they exert themselves physically and
begin to push the limits of their energy. The GM may decide when rolls are appropriate.
For example, if a character is chasing a crook through the streets of Olympys, he will
make a Running roll. If the chase continues for a long time, the GM will ask the
character to make an Endurance roll. If he fails, he will have to stop running to catch his
breath. The difficulty of the rolls should increase with the time of the physical exertion.
Time of Use: 1 round.
Specializations: Particular forms of duress: Drugs, Pain, Gravitational forces (good for
pilots), etc.
Resistance indicates the character's physical resiliency against outside duress, such as
pain or drugs. Furthermore, for when a character rolls to establish his Hit Points, he may
roll Resistance if it is higher than his Constitution. Also, as he may roll an additional die
each time he increases his Resistance skill level (only to the general skill, not
Time of Use: 1 action.
Specializations: None.
When you know how to swim, you generally won't drown. This is a good thing.
Time of Use: 1 action.
Specializations: None.
Willpower represents the strength of the character's mind and ability to resist outside
influences. Characters must make Willpower checks to avoid temptations, fight the
powers of suggestive drugs, and remain conscious when physically weak or in extreme
Time of Use: 1 round to several hours.
Difficulty: Easy. May be increased for particularly obscure or secret bureaucratic
This character has an unfortunately advanced knowledge of how bureaucracies work.
They will know who is in charge of what duties, where paperwork is kept, and what
processes must be followed to get something done in a bureaucratic chain of command.
Every species has its own kind on bureaucracy, and a smart individual can learn how to
use it to his advantage. The nature of the Machines lend them to an almost supremely
bureaucratic structure and division of labor. In the Realworld, characters may use this
skill to discren the various functions, access, security and, perhaps, weaknesses, of the
various robotic castes.
Time of Use: usually ongoing.
Difficulty: Moderate for most matters.
This character knows how economic principles can be best applied to a given
situation. They can organize profit-making ventures, find appropriate contacts, and
recognize needed resources.
Time of Use: 1 round to several hours.
Specializations: Particular areas of study.
Education indicates the depth of the character's academic background. Characters may
make Education checks in areas that require general knowledge, such as Geography,
History, Greek mythology, basic mathematics, etc. This differs from Social Sciences,
Life Sciences and Physical Sciences in that the knowledge is not generally applicable to
real problems in front of the character--it only indicates that the character has a very
general knowledge ("Switzerland is next to Germany, I think. Or is that Sweden...?").
The table below gives a rough idea of what each level in Education represents. Note
that it is not necessary to go to college to have a level 3 or 4 Education, it just means that
the character has invested time in learning on his own (in fact, lots of people who
graduate from college never paid much attention and might only have a level 2
Schooling Equivalent
1 Elementary School
2 High School
3 College
4 Post-graduate studies
5 Advanced studies
6 World reknowned scholar
7 Revolutionary scholar
Time of Use: 1 round to several hours.
Specializations: Particular electronic items: Computers, Landmate electrical systems,
domestic wiring, Cybernetic wiring, etc.
With Electronics, a character can attempt to understand and repair electrical systems of
all sorts. This includes computers, cybernetics, communications equipment and most
optical equipment. Difficulties may be modified if the character is very familiar with the
particular device of depending on the size (generally, smaller things are more difficult to
Attempt Difficulty
Fixing an alarm clock Very Easy
Installing RAM in a computer Easy
Fixing burned-out wiring in a pair of thermal goggles. Moderate
Re-wiring a standard security system Difficult
Physical interfacing a computer with a secured Very
computer system (physical hacking) Difficult
Engineering (A)
Prerequisites: Mechanics 4D, Electronics 4D, Education 4D, Physical Sciences 4D
Time of Use: 1 round to several minutes.
Specializations: Particular explosives.
Difficulty: Moderate or higher (generally).
A character skilled in Demolitions is able to recognize, build and disarm bombs of all
sorts. It's a very dangerous skill to employ, since failure often results in detonation.
Regardless, it's usually better to attempt to disarm a bomb than just let it sit and go off by
First Aid
Time of Use: 1 round for each Wound Level suffered by patient (it is more difficulty to
help people who are more hurt).
Difficulty: Varies greatly. See Actions & Combat: Healing (First Aid).
Specializations: Tending to various kinds of injuries: bullet wounds; broken bones;
poisoning, etc.
First Aid training gives a character the knowledge to tend to injuries and minor
illnesses (such as nausea and headaches). The character will be familar with using basic
medical supplies, such as bandages and antiseptic, but will not be able to perform surgery
or other complex procedures.
Jury Rig
Time of Use: 1 round to several minutes.
Specializations: Jury-rigging particular objects such as cars, weapons, or computers.
Someone with Jury Rig can fix almost anything, at least for a few minutes. This is the
quick-fix, the hack, that gets something working when it needs to be working. But
without more time and better parts, it won't last long. A Jury-rigged item will continue to
function for 1 hour per Effect Value point. The GM may alter this time table as he sees
fit. Some very broad examples of Jury-rigging and the associated difficulties are given
Time of Use: 1 round.
Difficulty: Easy for knowing basic information. Difficulty increases for understanding
more complex legal regimes or employing legal knowledge ni a professional manner
(trying a case, etc.).
Specializations: Particular areas of the law: Enforcement; Torts, Criminal Law,
Constitutional Law, etc.
With Law, a character understands how legal regimes work and what must be done in
order to comply with those laws. Skilled characters may attempt to use the law to defend
themselves (or others), gain access to information, or have the weight of authority
brought done upon another person (i.e., charging them with a crime). Different countries
and subcultures have different laws. Thus, a character may be very familiar with the laws
of one country and completely ignorant regarding others.
Time of Use: 1 round to several hours.
Specializations: Particular machines: Automobiles, Landmates, Aircraft, etc.
Difficulty: Easy to Moderate for simple, common machines and basic problems.
Increases if the character has never worked on a machine of this type or the machine is
very complex. Difficulty may also increase if the mechanic lacks the proper tools,
manuals, etc.
Mechanics is a catch-all skill that represents a character's ability to understand and
repair mechanical engines and moving parts.
Medicine (A)
Time of Use: 1 round to several hours or days.
Prerequisites: Life Sciences 4D, First Aid 5D, Education 4D
Specializations: Particular areas: Cybernetic medicine, cardiology, optomology, etc.
Difficulty: Depends on action attempted. 1 to render basic aid. 2 to peform advanced
aid (patient has fewer than 1/2 hp's). 3 to perform light surgery. 4 for basic surgery. 5
for invasive surgery (cybernetic implants, etc.) or to diagnosis a rare disorder. 6 for
experimental or novel work.
Special: Though Medicine is under Knowledge, when the skill is taken, it is at 1D (not
the character's Knowledge skill). At 1D will be considered a medic or med student. At
2D, a registered Nurse or an intern. At 3D, a doctor. At 4D, a specialist or experienced
doctor. At 5D and above, the doctor will have a good reputation in the field, perhaps
even be world reknowned.
Medicine represents the whole of medical sciences, from advanced medic procedures,
to surgery, to experimentation and development. When a character uses the Medicine
skill to perform first aid and basic field/emergency procedures (including light surgery), it
is added to the character's First Aid skill. Furthermore, it may be added to Physical
Sciences rolls when performing biological experiments. Finally, it may be added to
Investigation skills when doing a medical research in libraries or with a computer.
When working on cybernetics implanted in a patient, the doctor must have the
Cybernetics skill and make a successful Moderate test for the surgery to be successful.
Time of Use: One to several rounds, depending on the length and complexity of the
course charted.
Difficulty: Easy to Moderate, depending on the information available to the navigator
(charts, compass, current location, etc.).
Specializations: Particular environments: Terrestrial, Acquatic, Subterranean, Outer
Space, etc.
A character skilled in Navigation may use any available information to discren her
current whereabouts and plot the best course to arrive at another location. She can read
maps, instruments, perform necessary calculations, correct for errors, and generally avoid
getting lost. Even without charts and gear, this character may use local cues (such as the
sun or stars) to figure out their location and plot a course of travel.
Time of Use: 1 round.
Difficulty: Easy. Difficulty may be increased if the news items is particularly obscure.
News represents the character's knowledge of current events. Though it may not seem
apparent at first, News is an important skill in the world of Appleseed. Political alliances
and conflicts are regularly springing up, shifting and posing threats to Olympus (and
probably the characters). GM's should ask for News rolls if the character's are trying to
find out information about what's going on in politics or the world for the past 5 or so
years. GM's should be encouraged to mix in changing social and political situations with
the game campaign. It's one of the things that makes Shirow's work stand out so much
from other manga.
At level 1, the character is pretty oblivious or gets most of her news from tabloids. At
2, she has an average grasp of newsworthy events (taxes up, war in the Middle East, it's
raining, etc.). At 3, the person at least listens to the nightly news and files the
information away in their head. At 4, they read the paper every day and talk about
current events. At higher levels, the character makes an effor to be on top of any and all
current events in the world.
Robotics (A)
Time of Use: 1 round to several hours or days.
Difficulty: Moderate (generally), but highly variable depending on the action attempted
(fine tuning of motor skills is much more difficult than simply changing a battery).
Prerequisites: Physical Sciences 4D, Electronics 4D, Mechanics 3D
Robotics covers all the skills required to design, build, and program robots. In
Olympus, there are numerous kinds of robots of varying sophistication. Very simple
robots may perform household chores, provide basic security, or serve to perform simple,
hard labor. More complex robots may have fully functional programs for self-sufficiency
and determination, developing personalities and a sense of self.
Time of Use: 1 action (to several hours, depending on the action).
Specializations: Particular fields of study: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, etc.
Difficulty: Easy, but increased for more complex or obscure scientific theories.
Sciences represents knowledge in fields such as physics, mathematics, chemistry and
Time of Use: 1 round.
Difficulty: Easy. Difficulty may be increased if used in a city unfamiliar to the
Streetwise represents a character's ability to tap into the resources of the darker side of
society. This skill may be used to procure stolen items, contact assassins, or score some
drugs. It may also be used to find more unsavory and supernatural creatures and items.
Time of Use: 1 round.
Specializations: Particular types of forces: Police squads, Commando teams, Freedom
Fighters (Terrorists), etc.
Difficulty: Dependent upon the situation, often as an opposed roll against the leader of
the enemy force.
Tactics is used whenever a commander attempts to guide his troops into battle. It may
also be used to second-guess an opponent and predict means of attack.
Weapons Technology:
Time of Use: 1 round to several hours depending on the action taken.
Weapons Tech refers to one's knowledge of various forms of weaponry and how to
build and/or repair them.
Time of Use: 1 round to several if the character must research the item.
Specializations: particular types of items (jewelry, weapons, technology, texts, etc.)
Difficulty: Easy. GM's should freely modify this difficulty, depnding on the obscurity of
the item.
Value represents the a familiarity with the economic value of things--books, real estate,
collectibles, etc.
Time of Use: 1 round to several hours or days.
Difficulty: Highly variable, depending on the circumstance. Easy for general
background checks and research. Difficult for probing into deep, dark secrets.
Specializations: Particular areas of investigation: crime, forensics, scholarly research,
A character with Investigation has honed her ability to pick up on clues, follow
complex paper-trails, and put together disparate pieces of puzzles. This skill often comes
in handy for routing out criminals, uncovering secret motivations behind business
transactions, and discovering the truth behind long, lost secrets.
Time of Use: 1 round. Can roll for whole "games" or gambling events.
Specializations: Particular games: Poker, Blackjack, etc.
Difficulty: Depends on the game. Generally, Easy for simple games up to Very Difficult
for very complex ones. Can be used as an Opposing Action against other gamblers.
Gambling is quite common in Olympus and the rest of the world. A skill gambler may
make his living just about anywhere with a deck of cards or the roll of the dice.
Time of Use: Depends on difficulty (See below).
Specializations: Detecting certain behavioral patterns such as lying, worry, anger,
apprehension, guilt etc.
With Profile, a character can attempt to size up a target, making educated estimates of
the target's emotional and mental state. The longer the skill user studies her subject, the
greater chance she will draw the appropriate conclusions. The base difficulty is the
target's opposing Willpower check. Additional difficulty modifiers are as follows:
Time of Use: GM's discretion. It depends on
how large the area searched is and what is being
Specializations: None.
Difficulty: Moderate (generally). Depends on
local conditions (lighting, other distracting
stimuli), whether character is purposefully paying
attention, or if special equipment is used. Items
that have been purposefully camoflauged or
otherwise hidden may require an Opposed roll
against the Hide of the person who concealed the
Search represents the character's ability to pick
up on clues, notice little details, and general
alertness to her surroundings.
Time of Use: 1 round.
Specializations: Type of habitat in which
character seeks to be stealth: Forest, Urban,
Aquatic, etc.
With Stealth, a character attempts to move
unnoticed. This skill includes walking silently as
well as hiding in shadows and blending in with a crowd. A character using stealth moves
at half-speed (walking). To move quickly while being stealthy, the character must endure
increased difficulty levels (GM's discretion).
Time of Use: One roll should represent 1 "event."
Specializations: Particular habitats: Forest, Jungle, Urban, Aquatic, Desert, Arctic, etc.
A character with Survival may attempt to endure the rigors of the natural world in a
number of environments and situations. The skill is used when the character must find
food and shelter or take other actions to survive in the wild. Note that Survival only
covers what is needed for substinence. If you want to build a nice house like they have on
Gilligan's Island, you'd better learn Craftsmanship: Carpentry or something
similar...Difficulty levels increase when the character is using Survival not only for
himself but to aid others as well.
Time of Use: 1 round.
Specializations: Tracking in particular habitats: Forest, Jungle, Urban, Desert, Arctic,
Tracking represents the skill of following and catching "prey." This does not include
the ability to kill or trap it (those are different skills). However, the character can pick up
on small traces, estimate how long it has been since the prey was in the area, and make
educated guesses as to the condition of the animal.
Time of Use: 1 round.
Specializations: Bargaining over certain items: weapons, food, ships, etc.
Difficulty: Typically an opposed roll against the other bargaining party.
Bargain represents the character's ability to haggle over just about anything. In the the
markets of Zion, nearly everything is up for sale, and merchants tend to be shrewd.
Without this skill, characters may find themselves much more than they should for goods
and services. The table below gives general outcomes of Bargain "battles": If the winner
is the buyer, reduce the "real price" (GM's discretion) by the Price Multiplier. If the
winner is the seller, inflate the price accordingly.
Winner's Price
Total Multiplier
Successes >
1 x 1.5
2 x 1.75
3 x2
4 x3
5 x4
6 x5
Time of Use: 1 action.
Specializations: Commanding certain types of troops: Infantry, Battleships, Landmate
troops, etc.
Difficulty: Easy to Moderate depending on the situation. Can be easier or hardier
depending on the skill and morale of the troops.
With this skill, a character can manage, direct and mobilize others in a wide variety of
endeavors. She knows how to give clear instructions and inspire obediance and prompt
response. In the heat of battle, an able commander is essential.
Time of Use: 1 action.
Specializations: Certain types of cons: disguise, fast-talking, forgery, etc.
Difficulty: Opponants may make a Willpower or Knowledge opposing roll to rat out a
Conning player.
Con represents a character's ability to bend the truth and slide by on fast-talking. It
also includes other ways of being less than honest--disguise, forgery, etc.
Time of Use: 1 round. Can roll for one whole performace.
Specializations: Particular performance arts: music, acting, visual art, etc.
Difficulty: Moderate. Vary difficulty depending on the quality and intricacy of the art
With Perform, a character can attempt just about any art form. From song-and-dance
to sculpture, the character can express herself and perhaps make a buck or two for the
Time of Use: 1 action.
Specializations: Particular forms of persuasive speech: Seduction, Oration, Debate,
Difficulty: Easy. Targets may make Opposed Willpower rolls to set a Difficulty.
Persuasion measures a character's ability to convice others of just about anything. It
does not include the ability to bark orders (see Command), but rather to debate with
logic, appeal to sympathy, and otherwise verbally convince others to see things the
character's way.
Melee Combat
Ranged Combat
Combat Modifiers
GM's can generally decide how much time has passed during the
character's activities. However, in certain situation, such as combat, a
more precise measure of time may be needed. Each segment of
combat is broken into rounds.
Rounds are about 5 seconds long. In general, a character can take one
action per round without accruing penalties.
Characters may act in the order of their Perception scores (from
highest to lowest). A character with a higher Perception may choose to
Hold his Action, letting someone with a lower Perception act first before
he decides what to do.
Unskilled Actions
A character may attempt an action without having dice in the
appropriate skill. If so, she suffers a +1 Difficulty Modifier to the
Multiple Actions in a Round
For every additional action, the character suffers a -1D to all actions
taken that round. Under normal conditions, a character can take a
total number of actions equal to the number of his Dexterity Dice..
Occasionally, a character will need to react to something that has
occurred during a round. If the character has already acted in the
round, the reaction skill is at -1D for being a reaction and -1D for each
action already taken in the round.
If a Reaction Skill is used while defending from an attack, the dice roll
becomes the difficulty the attacker must overcome to be successful,
even if the reaction skill roll is lower than the original difficulty of the
Full Reactions
If the character decides that the only action she will take in a round is
to react, then her Reaction skill roll is attempted with full dice and the
result is added to the attacker's difficulty.
Parry rolls must be made for every attack! Thus, in close combat, if a
character is punched four times, he must either attempt four parries
using his Brawling or Martial Arts skill or be take the damage!
Scale represents the differences between small targets (such as
Characters) and large, fortified structures (such as aircraft carriers and
buildings). When targets of the same size are shooting at each other,
ignore scale modifiers. When targets are of different scales, add the
Dice modifier (presented below) to the rolls as follows:
Lower scale attacking larger scale
o Attacker adds the scale modifier to its attack roll
o The target, if hit, adds the scale modifier to its Strength (or
Body/Hull) roll.
Higher scale attacking lower scale
o Higher scale rolls as normal, but the lower scale target
adds the dice modifier to any Dodge/Evasion roll.
o If successful, the higher scale adds the dice modifier to
damage roll.
Brawling: The standard difficulty to hit with Brawling roll is Easy (2).
Damage is equal to the character's Strength + 1D for every 2
successes above the target value (or every 2 points of Effect Value on
the To Hit roll).
Ranged combat difficulty targets:
Range Difficulty
Easy (2)
Short Moderate (3)
Difficult (4)
Very Difficult
Very Difficult
to Heroic (6-
Advantage Disadvantage
Shooter gets The shooter may potentially hit anyone
+1D to hit and in the direction in which he is pointing
does not suffer the gun (including allies and
any penalties for innocents). If the shooter is trying to
aiming at avoid hitting a friendly target, add 15
multiple targets to the difficulty number to hit. If the
in a round. shooter rolls less than 15 over the
standard difficulty (dependent on
range) , he hits the friendly target as
well. Roll damage normally.
Uses ammunition more quickly.
If the attack is successful, roll one less
die for damage.
Advantage Disadvantage
Shooter does not suffer any Shooting a second weapon
penalties for shooting at counts as an action
more than one target in a (resulting in an additional
round without declaring a -1D to each action in the
"Spraying" action (see round).
Spraying Bullets below).
Both first shots are fired in Shooter suffers an additional
the first segment of the -1D to any shot taken with
round (if one gun is shot his or her "off" hand.
twice, the second shot is
considered to go off in the
last part of the round, after
all other first attacks have
been resolved.
Permits the character to fire If someone using two guns
the maximum number of stops to reload, they must
bullets from both guns in a take an additional action to
round (thus, is a shooter is stow one gun while the
using two pistols which may other is reloaded. There is
fire 3 times in a round, she no additional action if the
can shoot 6 times total in "extra" gun is thrown away.
the round).
A number of factors can affect a character's chances to succeed in
combat. Smoke may obstruct a target, oil on the floor may make
dodging more difficult, etc. Following are a number of modifiers Game
Masters may choose to apply in the game. There are two types of
modifiers: Die Reductions and Difficulty Modifiers. The first results in a
loss from the character's dice pool when he rolls any Attribute or Skill
tests. The second increases the number of successes required in order
for an action to succeed.
Die Reductions:
Difficulty Modifiers:
Called Shots: Attackers can make a "called shot" against a
specific target, such as a particular part of a target's body (a
hand, head, etc) or a small item. Add +1 to the difficulty for a
target 10-50 cm (approximately 3-18 inches) long. Add +4 to the
difficulty for a target 1-10 cm long. Add +8D to the difficulty for
a target less than a centimeter long.
Cover: Provides a target with some protection from detection
and attack. Add the following modifiers to attempts to detect or
hit a target, when appropriate
Very Thick
Poor Light +1
Moonlight +2
Other Modifiers:
Characters can also hide behind objects, such as walls and vehicles,
which provide protection against attack. Add the following modifiers
depending on how much of the target is covered.
t is
covere +1D
covere +2D
covere +4D
Reaming Body
Protection is:
Not seriously
3/4 to all
1/2-3/4 Lightly damaged
1/4-1/2 Heavily damaged
1 point to 1/4
0 Destroyed
on is:
Not Character
seriously is
damaged y
suffers full
Armor: Armor protects the wearer from damage. See the
Equipment section for different armor types.
When an attacker successfully hits his target, he rolls the appropriate
number of dice to designate damage (see the weapons list in the
Equipment section). Ranged weapons do a set amount (e.g. a Heavy
Pistol does 5D damage). Melee weapons do a the bearer's STR +
additional dice for the weapon type + 1D for every 2 EV points.
The targeted character then rolls his Strength dice and adds any armor
value, if armor is worn. If the target's strength roll is greater than the
attacker's roll, the she had resisted the damage. If not, consult the
table below for results:
Body Points
Effect Description
Character suffers a -1D to all skill and
attribute dice for the rest of the
round and the next. If a character
3/4-all Stunned
suffers a number of stuns equal to
her strength, she falls unconscious
for 1d6 minutes.
Characters fall prone and can take no
actions for the rest of the round. The
1/2-3/4 Wounded
character suffers a -1D to all skills
and attributes until healed.
Seriously Falls prone and is in pain. -2D to all
Wounded actions.
1 point to Mortally Falls prone, and heavily dazed and
1/4 Wounded will remain that way until healed.
-3D to all Attribute and Skill checks.
unconscious Unconcious and must make Con or
0 Endurance checks to remain alive
(See below).
or dies.
Characters may choose to wear Armor to provide them with some
protection against damage. The Armor Value of the protection is
deducted from any damage rolls against the character. Every time a
character wearing armor takes damage above his armor, the armor's
value is reduced by 1. Different types of armor are listed in the
Equipment section.
Characters can heal in a variety of ways, but the three most common
methods are natural healing, first aid kits, and medical bays (or
Natural Healing:
A character can heal naturally, but this process is both slower and
riskier than getting medical care. The character must rest a specified
amount of time and then can make a healing roll: the character's full
Strength to see if the character heals.
Healing characters can do virtually nothing but rest. A character who
tried to work, exercise or adventure must subtract -1D from his
Strength when he makes his healing roll. Any character who opts to
"take it easy" and do virtually nothing for twice the necessary time
may add +1D to his Strength to heal.
Strength Roll
Complicates Character loses 10 points.
No Successes Character remains Wounded.
1 Character heals 5 Points.
2 Characterheals 10 points.
3 Character heals 15 points.
4 Character heals 20 points.
5 Character heals 25 points.
A First Aid roll is required to use a First Aid kit (or medpac). The
difficulty depends on the severity of the patient's injury:
If the First Aid roll is successful, the patient heals one level. Stunned
and Wounded characters are fully healed. Wounded Twice are
Wounded. Incapacitated are Wounded Twice. Mortally Wounded are
To use these facilities, a character must have the Medicine (A) skill.
Cybernetics are a very important part of Appleseed. Shirow's worlds are full of human-
machine interfaces. It appears that in the world of Appleseed, humanity and technology
have meshed almost seemlessly--in fact, it is a constant theme in his works. Therefore, it
is very easy to find cybernetic implants in the developed world, particularly Olympus and
Poseidon. Below are some examples of available implants and full-body replacements.
While Shirow's work is full of cybernetics, he actually spends very little time explaining
them. For example, Briareos has a regular Bat-belt of gear packed into him, but we often
don't know it exists until it pops up at an opportune time. So, the cybernetics listed below
are a combination of my best guess from Shirow's work and imports from other gaming
systems. It is a very basic list. I recommend that you find other sources, such as the
game Cyberpunk and it's myriad of sourcebooks, to fill in the gaps. As always, which
cybernetics are available are up to the GM.
Design notes: I've been working on the idea of a D6 Appleseed game for a number of years. One of the
things that always stopped me in my tracks was developing a decent system for using cybernetcs and armor
in a D6 game. Honestly, they never worked very will in the old Star Wars game. Likewise, in other
gaming systems, cybernetics add layer upon layer of new rules, making character creation a very lengthy
process. Finally, they always have the potential of imbalancing the game (every try to play a purely human
Solo in Cyberpunk while surrounded by borged-out comarades?).
I'm mainly concerned with keeping the system easy to use. So, that means some of the "realism" of the
cybernetics will go right out the window. This may seem at odds with Shirow's worlds, in which he takes
great pains to explain the logic behind his creations and to keep them firmly based in reality (in fact, that's
one of my favorite things about his work). However, one thing is clear in Shirow's Appleseed: cybernetics
do not turn their bearer into a superman. It is abundantly clear that cyborgs can be taken down with relative
ease by "normal" characters with the proper skills and equipment. That is the spirit in which I have
developed cybernetics for this game.
Finally, this is a work in progress. I will change it as I playtest. I invite you guys to do the same, and to let
me know what changes you make. If someone has implemented a better system, let me know.
Cybernetic Limbs
Optical Implants
Audal Implants
Artifical Organs
Interface Equipement
Miscellaneous Implants
Full-body Implants
One-stop Shopping
Cybernetics are most often implanted because the person
has suffered a sufficiently grievous injury that replacement
is necessary. With modern medical advances, it is often
possible to regrow lost body parts. However, cloning cells
requires a great deal of time and expense is often not
available to most people. Cybernetics offer a relatively
affordable option.
When a person loses a limb and cannot have it cloned and regrown, they will often get
the limb replaced with a cybernetic prosthetic. In spite of general misconceptions, most
prosthetic limbs are relatively fragile things that do not grant the bearer super strength or
other powers. Because they are usually made with a combination of bio-mechanical,
ceramic, and electronic parts, they can be damaged nearly as easily as someone's real
arm. When a person is fitted with a cybernetic limb they must also "built-up" in other
ways. You can't just attach a chunk of metal to someone's shoulder--it would rip right
out. So, a lattice work of supports are also implanted throughout the torso to provide
additional support.
Cybernetic Arms:
Cybernetic arms come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and quality. They may
sometimes have other devices implanted in them (each arm is considered to have 2
"slots" for additions).
Strength Value: serves as the Strength Attribute when this arm is used.
Dexterity: Approximating the fine motor skills of the human body is not easy. Many of
the cheaper cybernetics out there make no such attempt. But the higher level ones equal
and even surpass human abilities. The Dexterity value applies not only to Dex-based
skills but to all Attribute and Skill checks that require fine motor skills, such as
Mechanics, Electronics, First Aid and Craftsmanship, that are attempted with the
Armor Value: This is the layer of protection that surrounds the cybernetic unit. This is
treated as normal armor and is cumulative with other armor worn over it.
Durability: Represents the amount of damage the prosthetic can take before it will cease
to function.
Cost: initial cost to buy the arm and have it surgically attached at the rating. All costs
are cumulative (Thus an arm with a Strength of 1D and Sensitivity of -3D will cost 6000
Maintenance: cost to keep the arm functioning that must be spent each month. For each
month that passes without maintenance, there is a cumulative 1 in 6 chance that the arm
will malfunction when used. Thus, after 2 months, there is a 2 in 6 chance, etc.
Cybernetic Legs:
Cybernetic legs are almost always installed in pairs. It is difficult to balance a person
with only one articifial leg. If this is the case, the character suffers -1D to all Dexterity
rolls that rely upon movement. The legs may sometimes have other devices implanted in
them (each arm is considered to have 2 "slots" for additions).
Strength Value: serves as the Strength Attribute when this leg is used.
Jumping Bonus: This is added to any jumping rolls that are made.
Dexterity: Approximating the fine motor skills of the human body is not easy. Many of
the cheaper cybernetics out there make no such attempt. But the higher level ones equal
and even surpass human abilities. The Dexterity value applies not only to Dex-based
skills but to all Attribute and Skill checks that require good balance, such as Stealth and
Perform: Dance.
Armor Value: This is the layer of protection that surrounds the cybernetic unit. This is
treated as normal armor and is cumulative with other armor worn over it.
Durability: Represents the amount of damage the prosthetic can take before it will cease
to function.
Cost: initial cost to buy the arm and have it surgically attached at the rating. All costs
are cumulative (Thus an leg with a Strength of 1D and Dexterity of 3D will cost 15,000
Maintenance: cost to keep the arm functioning that must be spent each month. For each
month that passes without maintenance, there is a cumulative 1 in 6 chance that the leg
will malfunction when used. Thus, after 2 months, there is a 2 in 6 chance, etc.
Standard Implant
Cost: 5000
A standard implant will replace one of the eyes of the person undergoing
the procedure. It will provide the cyborg with standard human vision and
have 2 "slots" in which other options may be fit.
Broad Spectrum
Cost: 5000
A Broad Spectrum option allows the cyborg to see in visual ranges
beyond what the standard human eye can see. This includes seeing Ultraviolet light,
which provides a kind of vision in dark, outdoor conditions. It also increases the bearer's
ability to distinguish between colors, allowing him to discern between different objects
more easily. The bearer gets a Boost in all Seach and Tracking rolls that depend upon
visual cues.
Light Amp
Cost: 2500
Light Amp permits the user to adjust light levels at will. This allows him to see in
very minimal amounts of available light. The optic will also quickly compensate for
flashes of bright light, giving the bearer +2D to Resistance rolls when attempt to avoid
strobe or flash effects that would otherwise render him blinded.
Cost: 5000
With Magnification, the bearer can adjust his lens to either see very small objects (as if
using a microscope) or to magnify objects in the distance (as if using a pair of
binoculars). At standard cost, the optic will magnify small objects by 50x and far away
objects by 10x. The purchaser can seek better optics that will double these values, but at
three times the cost.
Extendable Eye
Cost: 2500
An extendable eye may be stretched out from the bearer's body up to 1.5 meters.
Usually, a cyborg with this option actually has a pair of "bunny ears" (like Briareos).
Otherwise, it's a little disconcerting to see someone's eye come out of the socket and
stretch for over a meter...
Cost: 5000
The camera option permits the bearer to use his eye as a kind of video and still
camera. The information recorded may be broadcast to another location via a tiny
internal modem (note that such transmission can usually be detected and easily traced).
The quality depends on the cost of the optic. At 5000, it's pretty much equivalent to a
standard hand-held video camer. At 15,000 you have professional news quality. At
100,000 you can shoot Citizen Kane II with it.
Computer Link
Cost: 2500
A linked optic can display information transmitted from a computer via an internal
modem or direct link (which is untraceable). This is useful to get a Heads-Up Display of
data, maps, and other important pieces of information.
Weapons Link
Cost: 7500
With this option, the bearer can link a specially prepared weapon (add 10% to the
weapon's cost) directly to his eye. This grants a Boost to all shots with that weapon.
Furthermore, with a round of aiming, the bearer gets an additional +1D to hit (in addition
to the normal +1, so +2 all together).
Standard Implant
Cost: 5000
The standard audal implant provides the bearer with normal human
hearing (perhaps a bit better) and the ability to increase or decrease
volumes at will. This gives the bearer a +1D to Search and Tracking rolls
that depend on sound. A standard implant has 2 "slots" for additional
Comm Link
Cost: 2500
The standard communications link acts like a phone or two-way radio receiver (but
not a transmitter). As such, it is easily intercepted and traced. A secure link will cost
about 10,000 dollars (Difficult Communications rolls to hack it) and fills an additional
slot. A small vocal transmitter can be implanted for an additional 5000 credits (this is not
considered to take up on of the "slots" on the character).
Wide Frequency
Cost: 2500
This upgrade gives the bearer hearing that far exceed normal human ranges. It more
closely resembles that of a dog. The bearer can turn this on and off at will (otherwise
he'd be barking whenever a siren was turned on). The bearer gets +2D to Searching and
Tracking rolls that depend upon sound.
Broadband Receiver
Cost: 2500
With this addition, the character can use the implant to scan all unprotected cellular
and radio waves. This includes a kind of "cyborg-emergency" channel that all cyborgs
(apparently) tune into. Note that most cellular transmissions are protected by some level
of encryption and the bearer of this implant cannot hack those without additional
Quick Translator
Cost: 10,000
The QT must be linked to a personal computer on the person's body. When it is, it will
quickly translate any known human language. Note that the translater is not fullproof and
in its haste it may mistranslate some words (a fun little twist for the sadistic GM). But,
the listener will get at least the gist of the conversation.
Cost: 10,000
The Decrypter option permits the bearer to upload any signals intercepted or directly
heard into a companion computer and attempt to break the code. For the Base cost, this
will act as Security skill of 3D for breaking codes only. For each additional Die, add
5,000 x the new value. Note that this is cumulative. So a 5D decrypter will cost 10,000
(based) + 20,000 (level 4), + 25,000 (level 5). The Decrypter cannot exceed 6D. The
time required to break the encryption depends upon the complexity of the code (GM's
Cost: 2500
With an implanted recorder, the bearer can download any information that is
intercepted or overheard to a memory package kept on the body (or to which the
information is transmitted). The bearer can record 4 hours before having to upload the
information. The recorder's memory can also have music (or other audio) uploaded into
it and played back at the wearer's will.
Aside from the peg-legs and hand-hooks of old sea captains, artifical organs are probably
humanity's oldest form of cybernetics. Despite the war, they have come a long way since
the 20th century. For game purposes, assume that any standard human organ may be
replaced with an equivalent artificial counterpart. Those implants will be fairly
expensive, but will not require great amounts of maintenace. Furthermore, they do not
bestow additional abilities on the bearer. The implants below are those rare items with do
increase the bearer's abilities.
Nerve Amp
Cost: 25,000
This is actually a series of implants which serve to increase the response time and
sensitivity of the bearer's nerves. This results in slightly increased reaction time and
hand-eye coordination. This grants a Boost to all Dexterity-based skills and and the
character acts as if his initiative were 1 die higher.
Muscle Lacing
Cost: 20,000 x new Strength level.
Muscle lacing is a technique in which the surgeon's implant a series of biological and
artificial materials that support and enhance the bearer's strength. The technique is still
being developed and is not fullproof, but it can provide some significant increases. The
costs are cumulative (thus a character going from a natural Strength of 2D to 5D must
pay 3Dx20,00 +4Dx20,000+5Dx20,000 = 240,000 dollars! However, the lacing is not
noticeable with most detectors, unless a close medical exam is done. The Lacing has an
upkeep of 100 dollars per month. If the character's muscles are severely damage by other
means (gunshot wounds, for example), the Lacing will have to be repaired or replaced
(GM's discretion). Finally, the biological materials will disintigrate over time, meaning
the entire system must be rebuilt after 5 years. Lacing cannot be used to upgrade
prosthetic limbs.
Brain Box
Cost: 20,000
With a brain box, the bearer's brain is complete protected from physical damage. It is
wrapped up in an extremely strong layer of metals and ceramics that will resist bullets,
heat, cold and even a lack of oxygen (internal tanks will supply up to 1 hour of oxygen
necessary to keep the brain alive). This is a good thing if the rest of the bearer's body is
There are a wide variety of ways for people to interface with computers and other
technology. The most standard are listed below.
Brain Plug
Cost: 10,000
This interface unit permits the user to plug his
nervous system directly into a computer. It
allows for instaneous transfer of information
from the brain to the computer (and visa versa).
The bearer is still limited by the bounds of
human abilities however. It increases the speed
of all Computer Op/Prog rolls by 50% (a
character can do 2 such actions in a round
without penalty). It also provides a +1D and a
Boost to all such rolls. It also permits
completely secure transactions between the person and the computer. Finally, multiple
bearers may connect to one another through some kind of server-CPU to instantly share
thoughts (as the High Council does).
Note that Brain Plugs are not very common, even in Olympus. This is probably
because standard user-interfaces have advanced so far. It is a fairly invasive procedure
and there needs to be a $50/month upkeep.
Full-body replacements are pretty rare in developed countries,
even Olympus (which probably has the highest per capita Full
Borg population). They only occur when the victim has suffered
such grievous harm that his body is destroyed and full replacement
is the only way he will survive. Even then, he must have friends
in high places (or a large personal fortune) to pay for the
If the Borg is being built at Character Creation, see that section for
appropriate rules. Later in the game, rather than build a full 'borg
from scratch (putting together each componant), consult the table
below and choose the desired value and record the appropriate
cost. Remember to note the monthly maintenance cost!
Next, the standard full borg will have 2 standard optic implants, 2
standard audal implants, a brain plug, a brain box, and all the
various filtration systems. For an additional investment, the Borg
can purchase install up to 8 optical implants and 8 audal implants.
GM's may decide to permit fewer or more slots as appropriate.
If this takes too long, consult the One-Stop Shopping Catelog below.
Strength Value: This replaces the character's former Strength attribute completely. This
value always starts at 1D.
Sensitivity: Approximating the fine motor skills of the human body is not easy. Many
of the cheaper cybernetics out there make no such attempt. But the higher level ones
equal and even surpass human abilities. The Sensitivity modifier applies to all Attribute
and Skill checks that require fine motor skills, such as Mechanics, Electronics,
Craftsmanship and even Martial Arts, that are attempted with the prosthetic.
Constitution Value: This replaces the character's former Constitution attribute
completely. This value always starts at 1D
Jump Bonus: This is added to any jumping rolls that are made.
Armor Value: This is the protective value of the 'Borg's outer shell. It may be layered
with additional armor. This costs 1% of the orginal cost to repair each point which is
Base HP: This replaces the former hit points that the character had. Roll Strength +
Constitution (or Resistance) as normal to add additional HP's.
Adding up the value of various companants can be cumbersome, especially for GM's
trying to come up with 'Borgs on the fly. The table below are intended to facilitate your
cyborg-shopping spree.
The Implant Packages assume that the character has chosen 2 standard implants and fully
outfitted them with options.
Constituents Cost
Combat Weapons Link, Light Amp, Broad
Optics Spectrum, Magnification
Broad Spectrum, Computer Link,
Crook's Optics 20,000
Light Amp, Magnification
Civilian's Camera, Computer Link, Light Amp,
Optics Magnification
Secure Commlink, Wide Frequency,
Combat Audio 20,000
Broadband Receiver
Civilian's Commlink, Broadband Receiver,
Audio Recorder, Wide Frequency
All Filtration systems, Nerve Amp 110,000
Assasin's 220,000 (assuming character went
IFS, Nerve Amp, Muscle Lacing
Internals from 3D to 5D Strength)
All Filtration systems, Brain box,
VIP's Internals 115,000
Brain plug
Melee Weapons
Miscellaneous Gear
I should begin by saying that I know absolutely nothing about guns. Or
explosives. Or knives. Or armored powersuits. And Masamune Shirow
does. Technology, particularly weapons technology plays a big part in
Appleseed. On this page, you'll find an introductory-level list of gear
for an Appleseed game. I've included links to some sites with more
extensive lists as well as gun lists contributed by folks to The Matrix D6
RPG. I will gladly post submissions and corrections if you send them
in. In the end, if there's something missing from this page, or it's just
downright wrong, then do what all good GM's do: make it up!
Damage: This is the standard damage that the weapon can do.
Simply roll the number of dice indicated and add any other modifiers.
Note: the damage system does not follow WEG's D6L standard
system, which is success-based. Here, roll the dice and sum their
value normally to establish the damage done..
Typical Knife
Damage: STR +2 (not +2D, just +2)
Range: 3/10/15 (thrown)
Scale: Character
Skill: Melee Weapons: Knife, Thrown Weapons: Knife
Difficulty: Easy
Concealability: Very Easy
Note: A typical knife can be thrown, but increase the difficulty by 5.
Knives are readily available in most of the world, though some states,
including Olympus, have controls on openly carrying combat knives in
Combat Knife
Damage: STR +1D+1
Scale: Character
Skill: Melee Weapons: Knife (cannot be thrown)
Difficulty: Easy
Concealability: Moderate (length tends to by 1-2 feet.
Note: Knives are readily available in most of the world, though some
states, including Olympus, have controls on openly carrying combat
knives in public.
Scale: Character
Skill: Melee Weapons: Sword
Difficulty: Easy (2)
Concealability: Difficult.
Note: Most developed states have laws against carrying around
swords in public. However, swords are often used in the Badlands
where ammunition for more advanced weaponry are scarce.
Club/Baseball Bat
Scale: Character
Skill: Melee Weapons: Club
Difficulty: Very Easy
Concealability: Moderate
Notes: Clubs are any blunt object made to hit something else hard.
GM's should alter the damage rating depending on the quality of the
club. For example, a broom stick might only do STR + 2 damage while
a crowbar might do STR +2D. Also note that if the object is not very
strong, it will likely break when used as a weapon.
As I said before, the guns listed here are very basic. See the
Ammunition list below for specialized ammo. For much more detailed
lists of firearms, check out Joe's Gun Catalog or Aaron LaBow's
weapons list in PDF or Word 2000 formats. You can use the ranges
given below for the weapons that Joe lists (or the ranges listed by
Holdout Pistol
Damage: 3D
Ammo: 3 to 6.
Range: 1-5/15/25
Concealability: Very Easy
Damage: 4D
Ammo: 6 (revolver) to 12 (automatic)
Range: 3-10/25/50
ROF: 3 shots per round maximum. No burst.
Concealability: Very Easy
High-powered Handgun
Damage: 5D
Ammo: 6 (revolver) to 12 (automatic).
Range: 3-7/25/50
ROF: 2 shots per round maximum. No burst.
Concealability: Easy (7)
Notes: -1 pip to all "To-Hit" rolls.
Machine Pistol
Damage: 4D (see below)
Ammo: 15
Range: 3-7/15/25
ROF: Single: 3 shots per round. Semi-automatic: 2 bursts of 3 bullets
rendering 5D damage per burst (roll once per burst). -1D on "To-Hit"
rolls in semi-automatic. Full automatic: Can empty the clip in one
round, either spraying (See Spraying in the Combat section) or
Concentrating Fire resulting in +1D to hit and 5D+2 damage.
Concealability: Easy
Submachine Gun
Damage: 5D (see below)
Ammo: 30
Range: 6-10/20/50
ROF: Single: 3 shots per round. Semi-automatic: 2 bursts of 3 bullets
rendering 6D damage per burst (roll once per burst). -1D on "To-Hit"
rolls in semi-automatic. Full automatic: Can empty the clip in one
round, either spraying (See Spraying in the Combat section) or
Concentrating Fire resulting in +1D to hit and 7D damage.
Concealability: Easy
Automatic Rifle
Damage: 7D (see below)
Ammo: 50
Range: 5-20/60/90
ROF: Single: 3 shots per round. Semi-automatic: 2 bursts of 3 bullets
rendering 8D damage per burst (roll once per burst). -1D on "To-Hit"
rolls in semi-automatic. Full automatic: Can empty the clip in one
round, either spraying (See Spraying in the Combat section) or
Concentrating Fire resulting in +1D to hit and 9D damage.
Concealability: Very Difficult.
Pump Shotgun
Damage: 6D (buckshot) / 7D (solid slug)
Ammo: 5
Range: 2-5/10/20
ROF: 2 shots per round maximum.
Concealability: Difficult for full-barrelled shotguns. Moderate for
sawed-off shotguns.
Notes: Sawed-off shotguns with buckshot do 7D damage at Point
Blank range but suffer a -1D cumulative penalty to damage rolls for
every 5 meters beyond the first.
Cyborg Pistol
Damage: 6D
Strength Required: 5D
Ammo: 15
Range: 5-15/50/80
Concealability: Easy (about the size of a normal submachine gun).
Complexity: 1
ROF: Maximum of three shots per found.
Notes: A cyborg pistol is any gun that is too large for a normal human
to lift without some kind of technological aid.
Cyborg Rifle
Damage: 8D
Strength Required: 6D
Ammo: 40
Range: 5-30/80/110
Concealability: Pretty much impossible.
Modifier: The less expensive models have a problem with remaining
stable and make it harder for the gunner to hit her target. Depending
on the quality of the weapon, the user will suffer anywhere from -2D to
0D to Firearms skills.
Complexity: 1
ROF: Single: 3 shots per round. Semi-automatic: 2 bursts of 3 bullets
rendering 8D damage per burst (roll once per burst). -1D on "To-Hit"
rolls in semi-automatic. Full automatic: Can empty the clip in one
round, either spraying (See Spraying in the Combat section) or
Concentrating Fire resulting in +1D to hit and 10D damage.
Notes: This is the standard issue rifle used by most full-body cyborgs
and landmate pilots. The gun can be fit with a variety of options,
including being fit for a weapons link opic, flash dampener, targeting
scope, etc. and can use a wide range of ammunition.
Below is a quick list of special ammunition that will alter the effects of
various firearms. It is neither complete nor very realistic. But, I think
it'll work.
Armor Piercing (AP): AP rounds reduce the target's armor by 1/2 for
purposes of breaking through it (though the Armor still retains its
original value). This means that more damage is done to the structure
of the target (usually the person's hit points). However, AP rounds
reduce a weapon's Damage rating by 1D.
HESH (High-Explosive Squash-Head): HESH rounds are designed
to mess up armor as much as possible but do not pass damage on to
the armor's wearer. HESH rounds do the -2D damage and all damage
is taken by the armor. Thus, a Heavy Pistol will do 3D damage to the
target's armor. Furthermore, the target must make an opposing
Strength roll against the damage roll or be knock to its feet (if it has
feet). Note that if HESH rounds are used on an unarmored target, they
do damage as normal rounds.
Type: Personal clothing.
Scale: Character.
Armor Value: 6
Cost: 20-500 credits, depending on style..
Availability: Easy.
Concealability: Very Easy (but usually unnecessary).
Kevlar Vest
Type: Personal body armor.
Scale: Character.
Armor Value: 18
Cost: $1000
Availability: Common in developed nations, though some place
controls on civilian purchases of armor.
Concealability: Moderate.
Game Notes: Reduces Dexterity-based rolls by 1 die.
Type: Powered Armor
Scale: Character
Strength: 5D with a Boost.
Jumping Bonus: +2D
Dexterity: Operator's Dexterity
Armor Value: 30 / 23 / 16 / 9
(When the AV is reduced to 3/4, the suit will begin to malfunction. The wearer will
suffer -1D to all actions until it reaches 1/2 AV. At that point, the penalty increases to
-2D. Finally, at 1/4AV to 1 point, the wearer will suffer -3D. When the AV reaches 0,
what is left of the armor will freeze up.)
Complexity: 2
Optics: Light Amp, Broad Spectrum, Magnification, Computer Link, Weapons Link,
Thermal Optics, Camera
Communications: Secure Commlink, Broadband Receiver, Direct cable connection,
Vocal: Can be equipped with a loud speaker and translators as necessary.
Cost: Not available to the general public. $75,000-$100,000 on the black market.
Notes: ORCS are used by special forces teams when they need to be more stealthy or
maneuverability than landmates permit. They are powerful units in their own right and
are highly customizable to whatever a particular mission might require.
Computer technology in most of the developed world has far exceeded
the limits of early 21st centuary machines. Olympus, by far, boasts
the most advanced computers, almost all of which have some degree
of artificial intelligence. It has also seemless integrated computer
processing ability with human/bioroid brains.
Coming soon!
Communications Gear
Portable phone
Secure Communicator
Wide-range Scanner
Goggles: Each pair of goggles may have up to 4 options listed under
Cybernetic: Optics.
Survival Gear
Food rations
Water Filtration Unit
Plastic Explosives
Miscellaneous Gear
Grapping line
Sniffer: This device is used to sense if there are biological or
chemical agents in a medium, such as air, water, food or soil. The
device is Very Easy to use and will detect
dangerous, known chemicals and biological
agents automatically. It is about the size of
a pocket calculator.
Coming Soon!
Landmates are operator-piloted armored suits designed
to provide the pilot with superior protection, freedom
of movement and firepower. In Olympus, landmates
are made available to the general public and widely
used by law enforcement and the military. Public
landmates must be registered and cannot be equipped
with heavy armor or weapons. Landmates are still
pretty expensive, but the low end domestic models are
fairly affordable (It's a little like buying a suped up sport motorcyle, according to
Shirow). Repairs on landmates are still relatively expensive, and those citizens that keep
them for private use usually know how to fix their own units. Each part in a landmate is
handmade but may be swapped between similar models.
To use a landmate, the operator must step up into the "cockpit" and fit her arms into the
slave arms in the torso (this is why most landmates appear to have 4 arms). The pilots
legs fit into the thighs of the unit and the pilot's head is usually about in the middle of the
torso. The cockpit is the most heavily armored part of the unit (of course!). Most pilots
wear a thin suit of datafilm, but it is possible to wear a full suit of Gasium armor in the
more advanced combat models.
Combat landmates are engineered for peak effeciency. They are generally not intended
for prolonged use without upkeep. As such, they do not generally carry more than a
couple of extra clips of ammunition. There is a small cargo space in most units, where
the pilot can keep a set of clothes and a small cache of personal equipment (pistol,
communicator, etc.)
Below is a very preliminary list of Landmates. I have not included any built-in weapons,
though many landmates do carry integrated weaponry. It appears that the more
professional landmate designs opt against this, probably to so that the units remain more
easily customizable for each mission.
I will be adding much more soon, but this should be enough to get you started. Please
remember that these need to be playtested. So, tweak as needed!
Strength: Represents the wearer's Strength while in the Landmate.
Jumping Bonus: to be added to all Jump attemps while the LM is worn.
Dexterity: This is the Operator's effective Dexterity while in the LM. Some high-quality
LM's will augment the pilot's abilities. If this value is higher than the pilot's normal skill
levels, those skills are increased to equal this value.
Armor Value: Protective points, as normal armor.
Hit Points: Structural integrity of the suit. When a LM is reduced to 1/4 points or less,
each time it takes damage 1 die worth of those points (1D6) pass to the wearer.
Furthermore, the suit will suffer penalties just as a wounded person would. So at 3/4
points, it reduces all the pilot's rolls by 1D. At 1/2 and less, they are reduced 2D, etc.
When the HP's reach 0, the suit will cease to function and the pilot must roll a 1D6. On a
one, the suit will explode in 5d6 seconds causing 5D6x3 points of damage to anyone
within 2 meters of it.
Complexity: This is added to the base difficulty to repair the LM.
Optics: A list of optical options available to the pilot. See Cybernetics for a more
complete description.
Communications: A list of communications gear loaded into the unit. See Cybernetics
for more information.
Vocal: An vocal hardware and software built into the machine.
Notes: Additional information
about the suit.
Domestic Landmate
Strength: 5D
Jumping Bonus: +1D
Dexterity: Operator's Pilot LM
Armor Value: 20
Hit Points: 45 / 34 / 23 / 12
Complexity: 1
Optics: Light Amp, Magnification
Communications: Comm Link,
Broadband Receiver, Recorder
Vocal: Standard speaker.
Notes: These suits come in a
variety of shapes and sizes and are
now widely available to the public.
Most can be easily modified by a knowledgeable mechanic.
Type: Civilian advanced landmate.
Strength: 7D
Jumping Bonus: +2D
Dexterity: Operator's Pilot LM skill
Armor Value: 35
Hit Points: 65 / 49 / 33 / 17
Complexity: 2
Optics: Computer Link, Thermal Optics, Light Amp, Magnification, Camera, Optical
Extension (2 meters)
Communications: Comm Link, Broadband Receiver, Recorder
Vocal: Built-in Loudspeaker (masks the Pilot's voice).
Notes: This is the standard, civilian model that Deunan purchases early in Book 1. Once
she joins ESWAT, it appears that she upgrades to more advanced models provided by the
Type: Combat landmate.
Strength: 7D
Jumping Bonus: +2D
Dexterity: Operator's Pilot LM skill + Boost
Armor Value: 35
Hit Points: 70 / 53 / 36 / 19
Complexity: 2
Optics: Computer Link, Thermal Optics, Light Amp,
Weapons Link, Magnification, Camera, Radar, Optical
Extension (2 meters)
Communications: Secure Comm Link, Broadband
Receiver, Recorder
Vocal: Built-in Loudspeaker (masks the Pilot's voice).
Options: There is a police light set atop the head
(presumably to make them easier to shoot at...). Likely
they can emit some kind of siren wail as well.
Notes: This is the standard model worn by the rank-and-file beat cops in Olympus (those
on the landmate team, anyway). They are powerful suits, but are not as advanced as the
GUGES-D worn by ESWAT and other special forces.
Type: Advanced combat landmate.
Strength: 8D
Jumping Bonus: +3D
Dexterity: Operator's Pilot LM skill +1D
Armor Value: 40
Hit Points: 75 / 56 / 37 / 18
Complexity: 3
Optics: Computer Link, Broad Spectrum,
Thermal Optics, Light Amp, Weapons Link,
Magnification, Camera, Radar, Optical
Extension (2 meters)
Communications: Secure Comm Link,
Broadband Receiver, Recorder
Vocal: Built-in Loudspeaker (masks the
Pilot's voice)
Options: The GUGES-D may be fit with a
Flight Rig, shown in the color image to the
right. This uses anti-gravity technology to provide the unit with lift and silent thrusters
for propulsion. It is not intended for long flights, but can remain airborne for about 2
hours. It may travel at about 200 mph, or 250 top speed (reduce flight sustainability by
one half). The Rig provides enough power to lift an additional landmate if need be (but
not much more!).
Notes: The GUGES-D appears to be the top-of-the-line landmate in Olympus (and,
therefore, likely the world). It is a highly advanced and complex piece of machinery
engineered for peak performance. As such, it need constance maitenance and is actually
somewhat fragile (the fingers, for example regularly break). The slave-arms are fitted
with operational hands, allowing the pilot to perform fine motor tasks when necessary.
(Personal note: Apologies to any delicate sensibilities that may be offended by Deunan's
little outfit. For some reason, as Appleseed progresses, Deunan's breasts get larger and
her outfits get skimpier...!)