Dairy Cooperatives at A Glance

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Corporate Overview A nnual R eport 2 0 1 6 - 1 7

Dairy Cooperatives at a Glance

Dairy Cooperative Societies TOTAL
(in numbers)@
13,284 63,415 96,206 1,71,062 1,77,314
Region/State 80-81 90-91 00-01 15-16 16-17*
Haryana 505 3,229 3,318 7,157 7,318
Himachal Pradesh 210 288 860 918
Jammu & Kashmir 105 ** 366 366
Punjab 490 5,726 6,823 7,575 7,954 80-81 90-91 00-01 15-16 16-17*
Rajasthan 1,433 4,976 5,900 14,620 15,159
Uttar Pradesh 248 7,880 15,648 22,790 26,149
Uttarakhand 3,941 4,133 NORTH
Regional Total 2,676 22,126 31,977 57,309 61,997
2,676 22,126 31,977 57,309 61,997
Assam 117 125 332 355
Bihar 118 2,060 3,525 19,483 19,837
Jharkhand 60 540
Meghalaya 97 97
Mizoram 37 37 80-81 90-91 00-01 15-16 16-17*

Nagaland 21 74 52 52
Odisha 736 1,412 5,541 5,579
Sikkim 134 174 433 451 EAST
Tripura 73 84 99 100 702 4,364 7,113 29,792 30,878
West Bengal 584 1,223 1,719 3,658 3,830
Regional Total 702 4,364 7,113 29,792 30,878
Chhattisgarh 859 924
Goa 124 166 180 182
80-81 90-91 00-01 15-16 16-17*
Gujarat 4,798 10,056 10,679 18,546 18,595
Madhya Pradesh 441 3,865 4,877 8,371 9,247
Maharashtra $ 718 4,535 16,724 21,671 20,267
Regional Total 5,957 18,580 32,446 49,627 49,215
SOUTH 5,957 18,580 32,446 49,627 49,215
Andhra Pradesh 298 4,766 4,912 3,493 3,537
Karnataka 1,267 5,621 8,516 14,794 15,185
Kerala 1,016 2,781 3,240 3,266
Tamil Nadu 2,384 6,871 8,369 10,986 11,283
Telangana 1,719 1,849
80-81 90-91 00-01 15-16 16-17*
Puducherry 71 92 102 104
Regional Total 3,949 18,345 24,670 34,334 35,224
Grand Total 13,284 63,415 96,206 1,71,062 1,77,314
3,949 18,345 24,670 34,334 35,224

@ Organised (cumulative), includes conventional societies and Taluka unions formed earlier
* Provisional
** Not reported
$ A total of 1,736 DCSs have been liquidated in Maharashtra 80-81 90-91 00-01 15-16 16-17*
Data for Meghalaya, Mizoram, Telangana & Uttarakhand included from 2014-15

72 National Dairy Development Board

Producer Members TOTAL
(in thousands)
1,747 7,482 10,738 15,836 16,282
Region/State 80-81 90-91 00-01 15-16 16-17*
Haryana 39 184 185 305 304
Himachal Pradesh 17 20 36 38
Jammu & Kashmir 2 ** 7 7
Punjab 26 304 370 399 405 80-81 90-91 00-01 15-16 16-17*
Rajasthan 80 340 436 763 783
Uttar Pradesh 18 392 649 878 1086
Uttarakhand 153 159 NORTH
Regional Total 163 1,239 1,660 2,541 2,782
163 1,239 1,660 2,541 2,782
Assam 2 1 16 17
Bihar 3 100 184 1,004 1,054
Jharkhand 1 17
Meghalaya 4 4
Mizoram 1 1 80-81 90-91 00-01 15-16 16-17*

Nagaland 1 3 2 2
Odisha 46 111 281 286
Sikkim 4 5 12 13 EAST
Tripura 4 4 6 6 23 223 422 1,578 1,658
West Bengal 20 66 114 252 259
Regional Total 23 223 422 1,578 1,658
Chhattisgarh 35 37
Goa 12 18 19 19
80-81 90-91 00-01 15-16 16-17*
Gujarat 741 1,612 2,147 3,452 3,456
Madhya Pradesh 24 150 242 321 440
Maharashtra $ 87 840 1,398 1,814 1,719
Regional Total 852 2,614 3,805 5,641 5,670 WEST

SOUTH 852 2,614 3,805 5,641 5,670

Andhra Pradesh 33 561 702 649 651

Karnataka 195 1,013 1,528 2,400 2,463
Kerala 225 637 940 962
Tamil Nadu 481 1,590 1,957 1,923 1,909
Telangana 127 148
80-81 90-91 00-01 15-16 16-17*
Puducherry 17 27 38 38
Regional Total 709 3,406 4,851 6,076 6,172
Grand Total 1,747 7,482 10,738 15,836 16,282
709 3,406 4,851 6,076 6,172

* Provisional
** Not reported
$ A total of 1,736 DCSs have been liquidated in Maharashtra 80-81 90-91 00-01 15-16 16-17*
Data for Meghalaya, Mizoram, Telangana & Uttarakhand included from 2014-15

Corporate Overview A nnual R eport 2 0 1 6 - 1 7

Milk Procurement TOTAL

(in thousand kilograms per day)#
2,562 9,702 16,504 42,557 42,845
Region/State 80-81 90-91 00-01 15-16 16-17*
Haryana 33 94 276 450 449
Himachal Pradesh 14 24 57 64
Jammu & Kashmir 11 ** 12 18
Punjab 75 394 912 1,392 1,482 80-81 90-91 00-01 15-16 16-17*
Rajasthan 138 364 887 2,602 2,569
Uttar Pradesh 64 382 791 322 351
Uttarakhand 173 182 NORTH
Regional Total 310 1,259 2,890 5,009 5,114
310 1,259 2,890 5,009 5,114
Assam 4 3 22 26
Bihar 3 95 330 1,726 1,565
Jharkhand 61 87
Meghalaya 11 12
Mizoram 7 5 80-81 90-91 00-01 15-16 16-17*

Nagaland 1 3 3 3
Odisha 41 94 526 501
Sikkim 4 7 27 33 EAST
Tripura 3 1 5 5 34 200 642 2,547 2,398
West Bengal 31 52 204 160 160
Regional Total 34 200 642 2,547 2,398
Chhattisgarh 74 77
Goa 16 32 66 66
80-81 90-91 00-01 15-16 16-17*
Gujarat 1,344 3,102 4,567 17,481 18,203
Madhya Pradesh 68 256 319 1,029 887
Maharashtra 165 1,872 2,979 3,646 3,404
Regional Total 1,577 5,246 7,897 22,296 22,637 WEST

SOUTH 1,577 5,246 7,897 22,296 22,637

Andhra Pradesh 79 763 879 1,332 1,352

Karnataka 261 917 1,887 6,480 6,549
Kerala 185 646 1,099 1,068
Tamil Nadu 301 1,106 1,618 3,040 2,998
Telangana 712 677
80-81 90-91 00-01 15-16 16-17*
Puducherry 26 45 43 52
Regional Total 641 2,997 5,075 12,705 12,696
Grand Total 2,562 9,702 16,504 42,557 42,845
641 2,997 5,075 12,705 12,696

# Includes outside State operations

* Provisional
** Not reported
Gujarat’s total milk procurement in 2016-17 includes 2,453 TKgPD from outside the State.
In 2015-16, the corresponding figure was 2,643 TKGPD. 80-81 90-91 00-01 15-16 16-17*
Data for Meghalaya, Mizoram, Telangana & Uttarakhand included from 2014-15.

74 National Dairy Development Board

Liquid Milk Marketing TOTAL
(in thousand litres per day)#
2,783 8,046 13,363 32,128 33,080
Region/State 80-81 90-91 00-01 15-16 16-17*
Haryana 2 80 108 335 323
Himachal Pradesh 15 20 23 27
Jammu & Kashmir 9 ** 14 19
Punjab 7 139 420 965 956 80-81 90-91 00-01 15-16 16-17*
Rajasthan 12 136 540 2,084 2,132
Uttar Pradesh 1 326 436 689 814
Uttarakhand 146 150 NORTH
Delhi 697 1,051 1,524 6,032 6,165
719 1,756 3,048 10,288 10,587
Regional Total 719 1,756 3,048 10,288 10,587
Assam 10 7 42 47
Bihar 8 111 324 880 1,008
Jharkhand 339 360
Meghalaya 12 12 80-81 90-91 00-01 15-16 16-17*

Mizoram 6 5
Nagaland 1 4 4 3
Odisha 65 98 406 413 EAST
Sikkim 5 7 31 35 308 750 1,314 2,916 3,147
Tripura 6 7 11 11
West Bengal 17 26 27 28 33
Kolkata 283 526 840 1,158 1,219
Regional Total 308 750 1,314 2,916 3,147
80-81 90-91 00-01 15-16 16-17*
Chhattisgarh 132 157
Goa 36 83 83 81
Gujarat 210 1,052 1,905 4,749 4,917
Madhya Pradesh 39 279 244 795 832 WEST

Maharashtra 18 363 1,178 2,686 2,826 1,217 2,787 4,800 10,229 10,629

Mumbai 950 1,057 1,390 1,784 1,815

Regional Total 1,217 2,787 4,800 10,229 10,629
Andhra Pradesh 19 552 733 1,139 1,196
Karnataka 166 889 1,501 3,344 3,257
80-81 90-91 00-01 15-16 16-17*
Kerala 223 640 1,264 1,308
Tamil Nadu 109 405 559 988 980
Telangana 790 801
Puducherry 22 43 99 100
Chennai 245 662 725 1,071 1,076 539 2,753 4,201 8,695 8,718

Regional Total 539 2,753 4,201 8,695 8,718

Grand Total 2,783 8,046 13,363 32,128 33,080

# Includes Metro Dairies and outside State operations

* Provisional
** Not reported
Gujarat’s total milk marketing in 2016-17 including outside the State stands at 11,319 TLPD.
In 2015-16, the corresponding figure was 10,835 TLPD. 80-81 90-91 00-01 15-16 16-17*
Data for Meghalaya, Mizoram, Telangana & Uttarakhand included from 2014-15


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