The Effect of Using Authentic Materials in Teaching

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The Effect Of Using Authentic Materials In

Rashid Hamed Al Azri, Majid Hilal Al-Rashdi
Abstract - Authentic materials are among the most important tools a teacher can and must use in class in order to make his/her teaching go smoothly
and be effective in transmitting the necessary knowledge to all students. In this paper, the writers will discuss the Effect of Using Authentic Materials in
teaching, because a number of studies point out that the use of authentic materials is regarded a useful means to motivate learners, arouse their interest
and expose them to the real language they will face in the real world.

Index Terms: Authentic/Non-Authentic Materials; Authentic Learning; Communicative Approach



The use of authentic materials in EFL classes is not new,
because teachers started using them in the 1970s as a result 2.1 Introduction:
of the spread of the Communicative Language Teaching During the past decades, teaching a foreign language has
Approach. Martinez (2002), defines authentic materials as the gained much more attention in most countries around the
materials which are prepared for native speakers and not world. As a result, searching for appropriate and effective
designed to be used for teaching purposes. Kilickaya (2004) has teaching materials occupies a great space of instructors‘
another definition for authentic materials, which is "exposure to thinking. The purpose of learning a foreign language is to be
real language and use in its own community." Nowadays, able to benefit from using it in the real world, in real situations.
preparing students for real life situations is of utmost concern Therefore, most of the language teachers think whether it is
for English language teachers, especially in EFL classes. enough to teach the language using the course book tasks ,
Therefore, like other teachers around the world, especially in which are regarded artificial because they are designed for
places where English is a foreign language, Omani teachers teaching purposes only, or if they should adopt using authentic
need to adopt effective teaching materials, in order to help materials to scaffold learners' learning process in general and
their students learn English better, as well as prepare them to develop reading skills in particular. Therefore, when teachers
communicate with the outside world. Bacon and Finnemann are concerned with helping their students to develop reading
(1990: 459), state that teachers need to "find ways and means skills, they should think about the methods of teaching being
of exploiting authentic materials in classroom instructions." used and materials being taught to students. Reading tasks
Many researchers state that if students are willing to use should provide learners with a high level of independence
English language sufficiently, they must be exposed to the when reading in a foreign language in a real life context, which
language, exactly as it is used in real life situations by native in turn means, using actual authentic materials. Larsen-
speakers. Nuttall (1996) argues that "authentic texts can be Freeman (2000, 129) states that one of the characteristics of
motivating because they are proof that the language is used communicative language teaching is using authentic materials.
for real-life purpose by real people." Widdowson (1990) and Communicative language teaching approach changes the
Harmer (2001) use the terms ―authentic‖ and ―non-authentic‖ view of syllabus designers toward English subjects, from just a
to distinguish between the two, but the point is not in the language to be learned like other subjects in the school, to a
language materials themselves but rather on their outcomes very important tool of communication inside and outside the
and their effectiveness. These can be measured only by the classroom. Hence, the syllabus designers are advised to take
learners‘ observable and measurable performances. Nunan into account the learners' needs and provide them with the
(1997) mentioned in Widdowson (1990), believes that chance, to be able to communicate the learned language in
exposing learners to authentic materials is indispensable, real situations outside the school walls. Recently, using
because of the rich language input they provide. Exposing authentic materials in teaching English language in ESL
students to such language forms will enable them to cope with classes, gained much attention from teachers. Furthermore,
genuine interaction, whether it is inside or outside the (Kilickaya, 2004) states that nowadays there are a lot of voices
classroom. Researchers claim that when authentic materials suggesting that English language presented to the learners in
are used with the purpose of students‘ learning, students will the classroom, should be authentic in order to enhance
have a sense that the real language for communication is learners' learning process. There are many references to
being learnt, as opposed to classroom language itself. In authentic materials in ELT literature. Debates are still raging
contrast to the design of the text books, authentic materials on why they should or not be included in lessons, and how
are intrinsically more active, interesting and stimulating (Lee, they are to be used or best exploited. Reading such literature,
1995; Little, Devitt & Singleton, 1988; Peacock, 1997; Shei, it is clear that those authors who support the use of authentic
2001). Furthermore, students in Oman are very keen on the material have one idea in common: 'exposure', or in other
originality of things, particularly when the matter is connected words, the benefit students get from being ―exposed‖ to the
with their learning. So, authentic texts will bring them closer to language in authentic materials. Actually there are a lot of
the target language culture, and therefore this will result in linguists, who encourage the use of authentic materials in
them making the learning process overall an even more teaching because of their positive effects on learners.
enjoyable and thus, motivating. According to Carter & Nunan (2001, p. 68) authentic materials
are the kind of "texts" that are not designed for "teaching"


aims. Peacock (1997) defines authentic materials as the hand, using less authentic materials with our learners, may
materials that have been produced to fulfill some social lead to less practice in the real world. According to Hedge
purposes in the language community. While Nunan (1999), (2000) the notion of authenticity, came to the surface in
has another definition for authentic materials, which is: association with communicative approach in language
―spoken or written materials, which are not intended for use in teaching in the 1970-s. Defining authenticity is not an easy
teaching‖. On his part, Widdowson (1990) believes that matter. Therefore, there are various differences among writers,
"authentic" would be the materials designed for native regarding the definition of this term. According to Tatsuki
speakers of English, and used in the classrooms in a way (2006) "authenticity, is taken as being synonymous with
similar to the one it was designed for. Authentic materials may genuineness, realness, truthfulness, validity, reliability… of
be written or spoken. For example, a radio news report was materials." Furthermore, MacDonald et al. (2006) state that ―if
brought into the class, so students discuss the report on a correspondence occurs between the texts used by teachers
pollution in the city where learners live. Other examples of in the classrooms and kinds of texts used in the real world, in
authentic materials are newspapers, magazines, posters, etc. this case, these texts can be regarded authentic‖. Mishan
Kelly, Kelly, Offner & Vorland (2002) believes that authentic (2005), states that there are three approaches which are
materials are a useful means, to bridge the gap between regarded as the basis for the term authenticity in language
classroom and the real world. Researchers have proven that teaching. These are communicative, materials-focused and
the language taught in the classroom must be linked to its humanistic approaches. Communicative approach: in this
functions in the real world. In addition, Richards (2001) states approach, the focus is on communication from both sides - the
that the language which the learners are engaged with in learning process and the teaching methods.
classroom, must represent the language used in the real 1. Materials-focused approach: the learning in this
world. approach is text-centered.
2. Humanistic approach: this approach emphasizes the
Definition of Authentic Material: unity of learners' feelings and the learning process.
This section will go through some of the common definitions of
the term "authentic materials", from the point of view of the Widdowson (1996, p. 67) states that teaching "real English as
following writers: it functions in contextually appropriate ways, needs to refer
to… how people who have the language as an L1 actually put
1. Herrington and Oliver (2000) suggested a new it, to communicative use." Furthermore, Dunlop (1981), states
pedagogical term, called "authentic learning". This that because being able to read authentic materials is
term is directly related to the students' real life and important for learners, teachers have to use more of this type
prepares them to face and deal with real world of materials in the classrooms. Otte (2006, p. 56) believes that
situations. learners need to "practice using authentic language
2. According to Herod (2002) authentic learning themselves, in order to be better prepared to deal with
'materials and activities' are designed to imitate the authentic language in the real world." According to Brown and
real world situations. Eskenzai (2004), by using textbooks alone, learners will not be
3. Nunan (1988) defines authentic materials as the exposed to the real language, as it is used in the real world.
materials "which have been produced for purposes
other than to teach language". 2.3 Types of Authenticity:
4. Jordan (1997) defines authentic texts as the ones According to Breen (1985) there are four types of authenticity.
which are not designed for pedagogical aims. These are: text authenticity, learner authenticity, task
5. Jacobson et al (2003, p. 1) sees authentic materials authenticity and authenticity of the classroom. These types are
as printed materials, which are used in classrooms in discussed below: Authenticity of text: refers to the authentic
the same way they would be used in real life. qualities of a text. Authentic texts in the context of language
6. In other words, Stubbs (1996) defines authentic texts learning, means any source of information used to help
as "actual, attested, and such that they have real learners to develop an authentic understanding.
authentic instances of use." - Authenticity of learners: refers to the ability of learners to
7. According to Carter & Nunan (2001, p. 68) authentic interpret the meaning present in the text like the native
materials are "ordinary texts not produced specifically speakers do in the real world.
for language teaching purposes." - Authenticity of the tasks: refers to the chosen tasks
provided for the learners to be engaged in an authentic
2.2. Authenticity: communication and authentic aims for learning.
According to Rost (2005) authenticity is one of the terms which - Authenticity of the classroom: the most important role of
researchers talk about questionably. Kilickaya (2004), states the classroom is to enable the learners to experience "public
that authenticity has been put under deep discussion by many and interpersonal sharing of content of language learning, the
researchers. As a result, they came up with different definitions sharing of problems with such content, and revealing of the
for this problematic term. Defining 'authenticity' is a vital most effective means and strategies to overcome such
element for both materials designers and language teachers, problems." Breen (1985, p. 67).
who are willing to employ authenticity in language teaching in
EFL classrooms. There were a number of studies engaged 2.4 The use of Authentic Materials in the EFL
with studying authenticity and the use of authentic materials in classroom:
EFL classes. For many researchers, authenticity is very Using inappropriate teaching materials makes learners face
significant, because it prepares the learners for the real world difficulties in learning a foreign language. Learners need to be
situations in terms of using the target language. On the other motivated to succeed in learning any language. Therefore,


teaching materials must be motivating and raise learners' a chance to be involved in 'approximate' practice of the
interest. If teaching materials are not interesting and language and behaviors they might need beyond the
motivating, learners will learn nothing. In order to help learners classroom.
learn better, a lot of researchers suggest using authentic
materials (AM). The use of AM in teaching has come under - 'pedagogic': this type 'stimulates interned process of
discussion since the 1970-s. Many researchers study the acquisition' only without getting the learners to practice
impact of this kind of materials on learners. Using authentic the skill that might be needed in the real world. This
materials particularly in teaching language in classrooms has type is represented in the course books used by
been effective over the past decades. Many researchers shed teachers in the class. Therefore, using authentic
more light on the usefulness of authentic materials to support materials is necessary for learners to be prepared for
language learning and teaching (Guariento and Morley, 2001; dealing with real world situations. Here, it is the
Paltridge, 2001; Shrum and Glisan, 2000). Most of them state teachers' role to choose suitable authentic tasks to
that this kind of materials help increase the learners motivation support learners' learning. Teachers need some criteria
towards reading.For instance, (Otte, 2006 and Thanajaro, to lighten their path, to be able to choose the tasks the
2000) noticed that learners' self-satisfaction and motivation learners will benefit from.
showed improvement after employing authentic texts in the
classroom. Authentic materials help motivate learners learn According to McGrath (2002) there are eight criteria to be
the language by making them feel that they are learning the considered when choosing appropriate authentic texts. These
'real' language (Guariento & Morely, 2001). Whereas Hyland are: (1) Relevance to course book and learners' needs, (2)
(2003, p. 94) states that one of the most important advantages Topic interest, (3) Cultural fitness, (4) Logistical
of using authentic materials is that it increases learners' considerations, (5) Cognitive demands, (6) Linguistic
motivation and reflects positively on the learning process. In demands, (7) Quality and (8) Exploitability. There are three
other words, students learn the language better when we as main criteria used to choose and access texts to be used in
teachers use authentic materials as a teaching aid. the classroom: "suitability of the content, exploitability and
Furthermore, as it was already mentioned before, it was readability." (Nuttal, in Sacha n.d.) Suitability is regarded as
concluded that authentic materials are helpful in developing the most important one, because it means that reading
learners' reading skills. "Without the use of authentic materials materials must arouse the learners' interest, meet their needs
while exposing learners to EFL situations, it is difficult to and motivate them. Exploitability stands for the way in which
anticipate how the learner will perform in the real situations." the text is used to develop the reading competence of
Tirth (n.d.) Peacock (1997) cited in Richards (2001), mentions learners, while readability refers to the difficulty and complexity
several reasons for using authentic materials in the classroom. of a text. The reading text must not contain too difficult or
These are: (1) they prepare learners for real life, (2) they meet demanding words and structures. It must also suit the learners'
learners' needs, (3) they affect learners‘ motivation positively, level of English. Otherwise, it might de-motivate the learners
(4) they encourage teachers to adopt effective teaching and have a negative effect. Berardo (2006), states that two
methods and (5) they present authentic information about more important criteria must also be taken into account by
culture. Authentic materials therefore, help learners realize the teachers when selecting authentic materials, which are: variety
relationship between the language presented in the classroom and presentation. Using different types of texts helps to make
and the language used in real world situations. From his side, the reading tasks more interesting. Also, presenting the
Genhard (1996) believes that authentic materials materials in an authentic context is a key element to attract
"contextualize" the language learning. In addition, authentic learners‘ attention and interest. That means using colored
materials help to bridge the gap between the language being pictures, diagrams, photos, etc. Some teachers might argue
taught in the classroom and the language used by real people that they cannot teach only using authentic materials and
in real situations in the real world. ignore the assigned tasks (non-authentic) in the course book.
In this case, Foppoli (2006) suggests that teachers can teach
2.5 Types of Authentic Materials: the assigned tasks in the course book, use authentic materials
Teaching materials are a very essential part of teaching and to support and enhance students' learning.
learning a foreign language. These days, the resources for
teaching materials are available for everybody. The internet is 2.7 Arguments In Favor of Authentic Materials:
regarded as a very important and rich source for authentic Most researchers realize the role of authentic materials in
materials. Genhard (1996) classified authentic materials into language teaching. They believe that authentic materials
three categories as follows: scaffold learners' learning of a target language more
sufficiently (Guariento & Morley, 2001; Wilcox & Oaks, 1999;
1. Authentic listening materials, such as radio news, Weyers, 1999). They state that using authentic materials has
cartoons, songs, etc. linguistic and non-linguistic advantages, which are:
2. Authentic visual materials, such as street signs,
magazines and newspapers pictures, post cards, etc. 2.7.1 Linguistic Advantages:
3. Authentic printed materials, such as sports reports, Going through some empirical studies conducted concerning
newspapers, restaurant menus, train tickets, etc. the effectiveness of authentic materials, it is obvious that
authentic materials had a positive effect on learners'
2.6 Selecting Authentic Materials: achievement. For instance, Otte (2006) studied the effect of
Nunan (1989) divides communicative classroom tasks into two aural authentic texts on listening comprehension skills of a
categories. These are: number of students involved in a study at a university in USA.
- 'real world': this type of task provides the learners with He noticed that authentic materials developed the students'


listening comprehension skills and their motivation as well. In 2.7.3 Arguments against the Use of Authentic Materials:
addition, it‘s a fact that a number of researchers have Although a lot of researchers argue that authentic materials
confirmed the role of authentic materials in developing reading have made a noticeable contribution in foreign language
skills through introducing learners to new vocabulary and teaching and learning, there are some scholars who are
expressions. Harmer (1994) states that authentic material has against the use of this kind of materials claiming that they
positive effects on learners, in that it: (1) helps learners to have no value. For instance, Kilickaya (2004) claims that
produce better language. (2) helps learners to acquire the authentic materials add a burden on teachers, as they may
language faster (3) makes learners more confident to deal with contain difficult vocabulary and structures which need more
real life situations.Furthermore, (Philips and Shettlsworth, effort to be simplified and explained, in order to make them
1978; Clarke 1989; Peacock 1997, cited in Richards, 2001) appropriate for their learners. Mihwa (1994) found that the
regard authentic materials useful in language teaching, for the level of reading comprehension of weak ESL learners was not
following reasons: (1) they expose learners to real language; affected by the text, regardless of its type, authentic or non-
(2) they are more related to learners' needs; (3) they have a authentic. In addition, Kienbaum et al. (1986) state that there
positive effect on learners' motivation; (4) they bring cultural are no significant differences in learners' performance:
information to the students‘ attention. They encourage between learners using authentic materials and others who
teachers to adopt creative teaching approach. "Authentic texts use traditional materials. Furthermore, it is a challenging issue
can be motivating, because they are a proof that the language for teachers to search for suitable authentic materials to
is used for real-life purposes by real people." (Nuttall 1996, p. design tasks for their learners. Miller (2005) also states that
172) Although the authentic materials play an important role in authentic materials are "too difficult and time consuming to
supporting students' learning of a foreign language by giving select, edit and prepare." In addition, Martinez (2002) argues
them an opportunity to deal with situations similar to the real that authentic materials are regarded too culturally biased and
world situations outside the classroom, there are many difficult to comprehend by learners in the classroom.He also
difficulties that hinder the use of such materials by teachers. adds concerning the cultural effect, that "authentic texts from
Teachers might say that they cannot depend only on authentic one culture may give a false impression to students from
materials in teaching Reading. Nunan (1999), states that another, unless they are presented in an authentic context
teachers cannot depend only on authentic materials for which makes it clear precisely what they exemplify." Kilickaya
teaching in the classroom. Therefore, they can use both: (2004) believes that using authentic materials with weak
authentic and artificial (non-authentic) materials, because learners frustrate and de-motivate them, because they lack the
learners need to get accustomed to both types. required skills and vocabulary to deal with presented text,
successfully. Guariento and Morley (2001, p. 347) assert "At
2.7.2 Non-linguistic Advantages: lower levels… the use of authentic texts may not only prevent
Besides the linguistic advantages, authentic materials have learners from responding in meaningful ways, but can also
some non-linguistic advantages, too. Researchers such as lead them to feel frustrated, confused and… de-motivated." In
Gilmore (2007) and Sherman (2003) believe that authentic conclusion and after having revised the related literature, we
materials have a strong positive effect on motivation. can claim that the advantages of using authentic materials in
Motivation is regarded as the key element in the success of teaching learners in ESL classrooms outweigh the
learning in general, and in learning languages in particular. For disadvantages. Therefore, teachers should consider them
his part, Kilickaya (2004) states that using authentic materials seriously as a successful aid in teaching a foreign language.
helps increase learners' motivation for learning a language,
because they feel that they are practicing a real language 2. At which level(s) Can Authentic Materials Be
used beyond the classroom. In addition, some empirical Used?
studies conducted by Thanajaro (2000) and Otte (2006), Although using authentic materials in teaching a foreign
concluded that authentic materials have a positive effect on language is recommended by many researchers, we should
learners' motivation and encourage them to learn better. ask ourselves whether it is appropriate for all students at all
Berardo (2006) experienced using authentic materials and levels. One important point is that when using authentic
notices that they contributed in increasing his learners' materials, we must bear in mind the learners' level. This is vital
motivation and he himself, likes using them. Sherman (2003), to obtain the highest level of benefit from using authentic
mentions that the importance of authentic materials reside in materials in the classroom. In other words, if the materials are
the fact that "it is a window into culture." Finally, Garcia (1991) beyond the learners' ability or level, it might lead to de-
claims that using authentic reading materials helps to improve motivation and discourage learners from learning the target
the learners' cultural awareness. To conclude, it is obvious language. Kim (2000) and Kilickaya (2004) state that authentic
from the previously mentioned arguments that authentic materials can be used with advanced and intermediate level
materials have a positive contribution in the field of language learners only. Other researchers such as Miller (2005) and
teaching and learning. Hence, it merits to be adopted by McNeil (1994) have another view. They believe that authentic
language teachers to enhance their learners' learning materials can be used even with lower level learners. Teachers
progress. When teachers decide to use authentic materials in must be aware that they can only benefit from the use of
the classroom they "need to have a clear pedagogic goal in authentic materials, on one condition: that is, if they are used
mind: what precisely they want students to learn from these in the classroom in the same context that they were designed
materials." (Senior 2005, p. 71) One more point to be stated for, in the real world. Taylor (1994) mentions that: "a text can
here is that learners will learn better and benefit from the use only be truly authentic in the context for which it was originally
of authentic materials, if they get sufficient support from written."


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interest and expose them to real language they will face in the A teacher self-development and methodology. Ann arbor: the
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