A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment For The Requirement For The Degree of Master of Technology in Production Engineering by

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Master of Technology

Production Engineering



Department of Mechanical Engineering

National Institute of Technology Rourkela - 8




Technology In

Production Engineering



Under the guidance of Dr.


I R OU R K E L A~~|

Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering

National Institute of Technology

Rourkela - 8



This is to certify that the thesis entitled, “EFFICIENT HEURISTICS FOR


MAKESPAN” submitted by Mr. ATUL KUMAR SAHU in partial fulfillment of the

requirement for the award of Master of Technology Degree in Mechanical

Engineering with specialization in Production engineering at the National Institute

of Technology, Rourkela (Deemed University) is an authentic work carried out by

him under my supervision and guidance.

To the best of my knowledge, the matter embodied in the thesis has not

been submitted to any other University/ Institute for the award of any degree or


Date: ProfB.B Biswal

Mechanical Engineering Department National Institute of Technology Rourkela-

No thesis is created entirely by an individual, many people have helped to create this
thesis and each of their contribution has been valuable. I express my sincere
gratitude and indebtedness to my thesis supervisor, Dr. B.B.Biswal, for proposing
this area of research, for his kind and valuable guidance in the completion of the
present work. His consistent support and intellectual guidance made me energize
and to innovate new ideas.

I am grateful to Dr. R.K Sahu, Professor and Head, Mechanical Engineering

Department, NIT, Rourkela for his excellent support during my work. I am also
thankful to all the faculty members and staff of Mechanical Engineering
Department, for providing me support and advice in preparing my thesis work.
Last, but not the least I would like to thank my parents and my friends who are
involved directly and indirectly in successful completion of the present work.

Atul Kumar Sahu Roll no.207me205

M.Tech.(Production Engg.)
Mechanical Engineering Department
NIT Rourkela - 769008


Certificate i

Acknowledgement ii

Abstract vi

List of Figures vii

List of Tables viii

CHAPTER 1: Introduction

1.1 Introduction 1

1.2 Sequencing and Scheduling: 2

1.3 Types of Scheduling: 3

1.3.1 Single Machine Scheduling: 3

1.3.2 Flow Shop Scheduling: 3

1.3.3 Job Shop Scheduling : 3

1.6 Significance of Workspace 3

1.5 Parameters of the Workspace 4

1.6 Objective 4

1.7 Organization of the Thesis 5

1.8 Summary 5

CHAPTER 2: Literature Survey

2.1 Introduction 7

2.2 Previous Literatures 7

2.3 Summary 16

CHAPTER 3: Description of Methods:

3.1 Introduction of Sequencing Methods: 18

3.2 Some Methods of Sequencing and Scheduling: 18

3.2.1 Single Machine Scheduling Methods: 18

3.2.2 Flow Shop Scheduling Methods: 18

3.2.3 Job Shop Scheduling Methods: 19

3.3 Performance Measure Used to Decide the Best Optimal Solution: 19

3.4 Assumptions for Solving Scheduling Problems: 19

3.5 Performance Evaluation Criteria for Scheduling Methods: 20

3.6 Goals of Scheduling Methods: 20

3.7 Tools for Scheduling: 21

3.8 Approaches to Scheduling: 21

3.9 Summary: 22

CHAPTER 4: Methods used:

4.1 Introduction: 23

4.2 Methodology: 23

4.3 Problem Statement: 23

4.4 Flow Shop Scheduling: 24

4.5 Flow Shop Scheduling Methods: 24

4.6 General Description: 25

4.7 Main Assumptions: 25

4.8 Three Categories of FSP: 25

4.9 Two-Machine Flow Shop Problem: 26

4.10 Heur

istics for General 3-Machine and 8- jobs Problems: 30

4.10.1 Palmer’s Heuristic Rule: 30

4.10.2 Gupta’s Heuristic Rule: 32

4.10.3 CDS Heuristic Rule: 33

4.10.4 RA Heuristic Rule: 36

4.11 Heur

istics for General 10-Machine and 10- jobs Problems: 38

4.11.1 Gupta’s Heuristic Rule: 39

4.11.2 CDS Heuristic Rule: 41

4.11.3 RA Heuristic Rule: 43

4.11.4 Palmer’s Heuristic Rule: 45

4.12 Heur

istics for General 8-Machine and 10- jobs Problems: 47

4.12.1 Gupta’s Heuristic Rule: 48

4.12.2 CDS Heuristic Rule: 50

4.12.3 RA Heuristic Rule: 52

4.12.4 Palmer’s Heuristic Rule: 54

4.13 Sco

pe of the Present Work: 56

4.14 Summary:

57CHAPTER 5: Result and Discussion : 58

CHAPTER 6: Conclusion and Future Scope: 61

6.1 Conclusion: 62

6.2 Future Scope: 63


In modern manufacturing the trend is the development of Computer Integrated

Manufacturing, CIM technologies which is a computerized integration of

manufacturing activities (Design, Planning, Scheduling and Control) produces right

products at right time to react quickly to the global competitive market demands.

The productivity of CIM is highly depending upon the scheduling of Flexible

Manufacturing System (FMS). Shorting the make span leads to decreasing

machines idle time which results improvement in CIM productivity. Conventional

methods of solving scheduling problems based on priority rules still result

schedules, sometimes, with significant idle times. To optimize these, this paper

model the problem of a flow shop scheduling with the objective of minimizing the

makes pan. The work proposed here deal with the production planning problem of a

flexible manufacturing system. This paper model the problem of a flow shop

scheduling with the objective of minimizing the makes pan. The objective is to

minimize the make span of batch-processing machines in a flow shop. The

processing times and the sizes of the jobs are known and non-identical. The

machines can process a batch as long as its capacity is not exceeded. The
4.1: Gantt chart for
processing time of a batch is the longest processing time

among all the jobs in that batch. The problem under study
4.2: Gantt chart for
is NP-hard for makespan objective. Consequently,

comparison based on Gupta’s heuristics, RA heuristic’s,

4.3: Gantt chart for
Palmer’s heuristics, CDS heuristics are proposed in this

4.4: Gantt chart for work. Gantt chart was generated to verify the

effectiveness of the proposed approaches.8-Job, 2-

4.5: Gantt chart for Machine Problem by Johnson’s Rule:

4.6: Gantt chart for Job, 2-Machine Problem by Kusiak’s Rule:

4.7: Gantt chart for Job, 3-Machine Problem by Palmer’s Rule:

4.8: Gantt chart for Job, 3-Machine Problem by Gupta’s Rule:

4.9: Gantt chart for Job, 3-Machine Problem by CDS Rule:

4.10: Gantt chart for

4.11: Gantt chart for

4.12: Gantt chart for

4.13: Gantt chart for

4.14: Gantt chart for

8-Job, 3-Machine Problem by RA Rule:

10-Jobs and 10-Machines Problem by Gupta’s Rule: 10-Jobs and 10-

Machines Problem by CDS Rule: 10-Jobs and 10-Machines Problem by

RA Rule:

10-Jobs and 10-Machines Problem by Palmers Rule: 10-Jobs and 8-

Machines Problem by Gupta’s Rule: 10-Jobs and 8-Machines Problem by

CDS Rule:

10-Jobs and 8-Machines Problem by RA Rule:

10-Jobs and 8-Machines Problem by Palmers Rule:4.1: Two-Machine Flow Shop

Problem for Johnson’s Algorithm:

4.2: Two-Machine Flow Shop Problem for Kusiak’s Algorithm:

4.3: Solution by Kusiak’s Algorithm:

4.4: General 3-Machine and 8- Jobs Problems:

4.5: Solution by CDS Algorithm:

4.6: Solution by RA Algorithm:

4.7: 10-Machine and 10- Jobs Flow Shop Problem:

4.8: Solution by CDS Algorithm for 10-Machine and 10- Jobs Problems:

4.9: Solution by RA Algorithm for 10-Machine and 10-Jobs Problems:

4.10: 8-Machine and 10- Jobs Flow Shop Problem:


4.11: Solution by CDS Algorithm for 8-Machine and 10- Jobs Problems:

4.12: Solution by RA Algorithm for 8-Machine and 10- Jobs Problems:

5.1: 3x8 Flow Shop Problem:

5.2: 10x10 Flow Shop Problem:

5.3: 8x10 Flow Shop Problem:



1.1 Introduction:
Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) is an automated manufacturing system which consists of group of automated
machine tools, interconnected with an automated material handling and storage system and controlled by computer to produce
products according to the right schedule. Manufacturing scheduling theory is concerned with the right allocation of machines
to operations over time. FMS scheduling is an activity to select the right future operational program or diagram of an actual
time plan for allocating competitive different demands of different products, delivery dates, by sequencing through different
machines, operations, and routings for the combination of the high flexibility of job shop type with high productivity of flow-
shop type and meeting delivery dates.

FMS Scheduling system is one of the most important information-processing subsystems of CIM system. The productivity
of CIM is highly depending upon the quality of FMS scheduling. The basic work of scheduler is to design an optimal FMS
schedule according to a certain measure of performance, or scheduling criterion. This work focuses on productivity oriented-
make span criteria. Make span is the time length from the starting of the first operation of the first demand to the finishing of
the last operation of the last demand.

The inherent efficiency of a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) combined with additional capabilities, can be harnessed
by developing a suitable production plan. Machine scheduling problems arises in diverse areas such as flexible manufacturing
system, production planning, computer design, logistics, communication etc. A common feature of many of these problems is
that no efficient solution algorithm is known yet for solving it to optimality in polynomial time.

The classical flow shop scheduling problem is one of the most well known scheduling problems. Informally the problem
can be described as follows:

There are set of jobs and a set of machines. Each job consists of chain of operation, each of which needs to be processed
during an uninterrupted time period of a given length on a given machine. Each machine can process at most one operation
at a time. A schedule is an allocation of operations to time intervals of the machines. The problem is to find the schedule of
minimum length. This work try to minimize the make span of batch-processing machines in a flow shop. The processing
times and the sizes of the jobs are known and non-identical. The machines can process a batch as long as its capacity is not
exceeded. The processing time of a batch is the longest processing time among all the jobs in that batch. The problem under
study is NP-hard for makespan objective. Consequently, comparison based on Gupta’s heuristics, RA heuristic’s, Palmer’s
heuristics, CDS heuristics are proposed. Gantt chart was generated to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approaches.

1.2 Sequencing and Scheduling:

Sequencing is a technique to order the jobs in a particular sequence. There are different types of sequencing which are
followed in industries such as first in first out basis, priority basis, job size basis and processing time basis etc. In processing
time basis sequencing for different sequence, we will achieve different processing time. The sequence is adapted which gives
minimum processing time.

Scheduling, we assign a particular time for completing a particular job. The main objective of scheduling is to arrive at a
position where we will get minimum processing time.

1.3 Types of Scheduling:

sically there are three types of scheduling:

1.3.1 Single Machine Schedule:

Here we arrange the order of jobs in a particular machine. We achieve the best result when the jobs are arranged in the
ascending order of their processing time

i. e. the job having least processing time is put first in sequence and processed through the machine and the job having
maximum processing time is put last in sequence.

1.3.2 Flow Shop Scheduling:

It is a typical combinatorial optimization problem, where each job has to go through the processing in each and every
machine on the shop floor. Each machine has same sequence of jobs. The jobs have different processing time for different
machines. So in this case we arrange the jobs in a particular order and get many combinations and we choose that combination
where we get the minimum make span.

1.3.3 Job Shop Scheduling:

It is also a typical combinatorial optimization problem, but the difference is that, here all the jobs may or may not get
processed in all the machines in the shop floor i.e. a job may be processed in only one or two machines or a different job may
have to go through the processing in all the machine in order to get completed. Each machine has different sequence of jobs.
So it is a complex web structure and here also we choose that combination of arrangements that will be giving the least make

1.4 Significance of Work:

Establishing the timing of the use of equipment, facilities and human activities in an organization can:

1. Determine the order in which jobs at a work center will be processed.

2. Results in an ordered list of jobs

3. Sequencing is most beneficial when we have constrained capacity (fixed machine set; cannot buy more) and heavily
loaded work centers

4. Lightly loaded work centers = no big deal (excess capacity)

5. Heavily loaded

a) Want to make the best use of available capacity.

b) Want to minimize unused time at each machine as much as possible.

1.5 Parameters of the Work:

1. Average job flow time

a) length of time (from arrival to completion) a job is in the system, on average

b) Lateness

c) average length of time the job will be late (that is, exceed the due date by)

d) Makespan

e) total time to complete all jobs

f) Average number of jobs in the system

g) measure relating to work in process inventory

h) Equals total flow time divided by make span.

1.6 Objective:

1. To deal with the production planning problem of a flexible manufacturing system. I model the problem of a flow shop
scheduling with the objective of minimizing the makespan.

2. To provide a schedule for each job and each machine. Schedule provides the order in which jobs are to be done and it
projects start time of each job at each work center.

3. To select appropriate heuristics approach for the scheduling problem through a comparative study.

4. To solve FMS scheduling problem in a flow-shop environment considering the comparison based on Gupta’s heuristics,
RA heuristic’s,

Palmer’s heuristics, CDS heuristics are proposed. Gantt chart was generated to verify the effectiveness of the proposed

My objective of scheduling can yield:

1. Efficient utilization ...

a) staff

b) equipment

c) facilities

2. Minimization of ...

a) customer waiting time

b) Inventories.

c) Processing time.

1.7 Organization of the thesis:

The thesis describing the present research work covers six chapters. Chapter- II describes several diverse streams of
literature on the optimization of various scheduling problems regarding single machining, flow shop and job shop. Chapter-III
describes the optimization methods of scheduling for the efficient utilization of staff, equipment, facilities utilization with the
objective of minimizing customer waiting time, Inventories, Processing time. Chapter-IV describes various proposed methods
of optimization for flow shop scheduling problem. Chapter-V deals with the results and discussion for the problem. Chapter-VI
concludes with implication and a suggestion for the extension of the study.

1.8 Summary:

Sequencing is a technique to order the jobs in a particular sequence. There are different types of sequencing which are
followed in industries such as first in first out basis, priority basis, job size basis and processing time basis etc. In processing
time basis sequencing for different sequence, we will achieve different processing time. The sequence is adapted which gives
minimum processing time.

By Scheduling, we assign a particular time for completing a particular job. The main objective of scheduling is to arrive at
a position where we will get minimum processing time. The various assignment associated with staff, equipment, facilities
utilization and customer waiting time, Inventories , Processing time minimization are:

1. Need to assign a job to a machine/resource to process it.

2. Loading.

3. Need to decide how many jobs can be assigned to each machine.

4. Scheduling.

5. Need to decide on a starting time for each job at each workstation.

6. Sequencing.

7. Need to order processing of individual jobs at each workstation.

The work associated with staff, equipment, facilities utilization and customer waiting time, Inventories, Processing time
minimization are presented


2.1 Introduction:

Another important consideration is the choice of appropriate criteria for

scheduling. Although the ultimate objective of any enterprise is to maximize the
net present value of the shareholder wealth, this criterion does not easily lend itself
to operational decision-making in scheduling. Some researchers are developing
methodologies which take revenue and cost effects of schedules into consideration.
Researchers and practitioners have so far used operational surrogates that influence
costs and revenues. These include: number of parts tardy, average tardiness,
weighted tardiness, throughput (this is a revenue- influencing surrogate), as well as
average number of parts in the system, machine utilization, and work-in- process
inventory, for example. Analyses of these surrogates indicate that a scheduling
procedure which does well for one criterion is not necessarily the best for some
other. For example, attempts to reduce mean tardiness can lead to an increase in
mean flow time. Minimizing make span can result in higher mean flow time.

2.2 Previous Literatures:

Felix T.S. Chan et.al [1] developed optimization models for solving distributed
FMS scheduling problems subject to maintenance: [Genetic algorithms approach].
The authors have made an attempt to optimize the following things during the
cycle in the work:

a) Allocation of jobs to suitable factories

b) Determination of the corresponding production scheduling in each factory.

Their objective is to maximize the system efficiency by finding an optimal planning
for a better collaboration among various processes. They proposed a genetic
algorithm with dominant genes (GADG) approach to deal with distributed flexible
manufacturing system (FMS) scheduling problems subject to machine maintenance

KedadSidhoum et.al [2] developed optimization models for lower bounds for
the earliness-tardiness scheduling problem on parallel machines with distinct due
dates considering the parallel machine scheduling problem in which the jobs have
distinct due dates with earliness and tardiness. They considered the earliness-
tardiness problem in a parallel machine environment. Their objective is related
with the parallel machine scheduling problem in which the jobs have distinct due
dates with earliness and tardiness costs. The main objective of their model is to
optimize tardiness.

Sharafali et.al [3] developed optimization models for production scheduling in

a flexible manufacturing system under random demand. They considered the
problem of production scheduling in a Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) with
stochastic demand.

Ecker and Gupta [4] developed optimization models for scheduling tasks on a
flexible manufacturing machine to minimize tool change delays. They considered
the problem of scheduling a given set of precedence constraint tasks on a flexible
machine equipped with a tool magazine where each task requires exactly one of the
tools during its execution changing from one tool to another requires a certain
amount of time that depends on the pair of tools being exchanged. They present a
new algorithmic approach for general task precedence relations when it is desired
to sequence the tasks in such a way that the total time required for tool changes is
minimized. The approaches they used are

a) A heuristic algorithm

b) Simulation.

Lia et.al [5] developed efficient composite heuristics models for total flow time
minimization in permutation flow shops considering flow shops with total flow
time. Flow shop scheduling is an important manufacturing system widely existing
in industrial environments. A flow shop can be described as n jobs being processed
on m machines and each job having the same machine order .Thus they proposed a
composite heuristics model to minimize the flow time.

Drstvensek et.al [6] developed a model of data flow in lower CIM levels
considering ,models of production automation based on the idea of five levels CIM
hierarchy where the technological database (TDB) represents a backbone of the
system . Their main objective is to provide a common environment where the
evaluation of a given general order and later composition of work orders, and
designation of production resources could be done automatically under the
operator’s supervision.

Ezedeen Kodeekha,( Department of Production, Informatics, Management and

Control Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Budapest University of Technology
and Economics) [7] developed “A new method of FMS scheduling using
optimization and scheduling”. Conventional methods of solving scheduling
problems such as heuristic methods based on priority rules still result schedules,
sometimes, with significant idle times. To optimize these, the author proposes a
new high quality scheduling method. He uses multi-objective optimization and
simulation method .The method is called “Break and Build Method”, BBM.

Clarence H Martin [8] developed a hybrid genetic algorithm/mathematical
programming approach to the multi-family flow shop scheduling problem with lot
streaming. He developed a new aspect of the problem related with sublots, the size
of sublots and the interleaving of sublots from different jobs in the processing
sequence. His approach allows for quicker movement of items through the
manufacturing facility that is a key element of synchronous manufacturing. Of
course, lot streaming raises new issues such as determining the number of sublots
and their sizes.

Chia and Lee [9] developed the total completion time problem in a
permutation flow shop with a learning effect. The concept of learning process
plays a key role in production environments. Their objective is to minimize the
sum of completion times or flow time .They used the dominance rule and several
lower bounds to speed up the search for the optimal solution.

Koulamas and Kyparisis [10] developed single-machine scheduling with

waiting-time-dependent due dates in which due dates are linear functions of the job
waiting-times. They construct an optimal sequence and assign the optimal due
dates analytically in a single-machine setting when due dates are linear functions
of the job waiting-times and their objective is to minimize the maximum job

Das, et.al [11] developed, Optimization of operation and changeover time for
production planning and scheduling in a flexible manufacturing system and deals
with the production planning problem of a flexible manufacturing system. They
specifically addresses issues of machine loading, tool allocation, and part type
grouping with the objective of developing an operation sequencing technique
capable of optimizing operation time, non-productive tool change times, and
orientation change times when processing a group’s design features

Chen and Lee [12] developed a model for Logistics scheduling with batching
[LSB] and transportation. Their objective is to minimize the sum of weighted job
delivery time and total transportation cost. Since their problem involves not only
the traditional performance measurement, such as weighted completion time, but
also transportation arrangement and cost, key factors in logistics management,.

Poulos and Zografos [13] developed a model for Solving the multi-criteria
time-dependent routing and scheduling problem in a multimodal fixed scheduled
network. Their objective is to present the formulation and algorithmic solution for
the multi-criteria itinerary planning problem that takes into account the
aforementioned features. Their main objective are :

1. formulate the itinerary planning problem as a multi-criteria shortest path

problem with intermediate stops in a multimodal time dependent network,

2. present a decomposition scheme for handling the constraint of visiting

intermediate locations within specified time windows, and

3. Introduce a dynamic programming based algorithm for solving the

individual elementary multi-criteria time-dependent shortest path problems
between any pair of sequential intermediate stops .

In addition, they proved that the Basic Unit of Concurrency (BUC) is a set of the
executed control flows based on the behavioral properties of the net.

Hamania et.al, [14] developed a model for Reactive mode handling of flexible
manufacturing systems. They deal with a new modeling approach for mode
handling of flexible manufacturing systems (FMS). Based on a review of the
modeling methods and the specification formalisms in the existing approaches,

they show that the mutual benefit of functional modeling and synchronous
languages is very convenient for mode handling problem.

Hsu, et.al. [15] developed a model for cyclic scheduling for F.M.S.: Modelling
and evolutionary solving approach. They concern the domain of flexible
manufacturing systems (FMS) and focuses on the scheduling problems
encountered in these systems. They have chosen the cyclic behavior to study this
problem with the objective to reduce its complexity. This cyclic scheduling
problem, whose complexity is NP-hard in the general case, aims to minimize the
work in process (WIP) to satisfy economic constraints. They study the problem of
FMS control by a predictive approach to compute a cyclic and deterministic

Sadykov [16] developed a branch-and-check algorithm for minimizing the

weighted number of late jobs on a single machine with release dates. He consider
the scheduling problem of minimizing the weighted number of late jobs on a single
machine .He proposed a branch-and-check algorithm , where a relaxed integer
programming formulation is solved by branch-and-bound and infeasible solutions
are cut off using infeasibility cuts.

Wu and Zhou [17] developed a model for Stochastic scheduling to minimize

expected maximum lateness. They concerned with the problems in scheduling a set
of jobs associated with random due dates on a single machine so as to minimize the
expected maximum lateness in stochastic environment. This is a difficult problem
and few efforts have been reported on their solution.

Rossi and Dini [18] developed Flexible job-shop scheduling with routing
flexibility and separable setup times using ant colony optimization method. They
propose an ant colony optimization-based software system. Their main objective is
to solve FMS scheduling problem in a job-shop environment considering routing
flexibility, sequence-dependent setup and transportation time. Routing flexibility

leads to the problem of flexible (or multiprocessor) job-shop scheduling (FJS)
which extends the classic problem of job-shop scheduling where no alternative
machine is present for processing an operation. They concerns two sub-problems:

1. assignment of each operation to one of the alternative machines

(assignment sub-problem);

2. Ordering of the operations on each assigned machine (sequencing sub

problem), with the aim of optimizing them.

Wang et.al [19] developed FBS-enhanced agent-based dynamic scheduling in

FMS. The main objective is to show the feasibility of the approach and to evaluate
the approach via computational experiments. They propose a multiagent approach
integrated with a filtered-beam- search (FBS)-based heuristic algorithm to study
the dynamic scheduling problem in a FMS shop floor consisting of multiple
manufacturing cells.

Goncalves, et.al [20] developed a genetic algorithm for the resource

constrained multi-project scheduling problem. They presents a genetic algorithm
for the resource constrained multi-project scheduling problem. The chromosome
representation of the problem is based on random keys. They constructed schedules
using a heuristic that builds parameterized active schedules based on priorities,
delay times, and release dates defined by the genetic algorithm with the objective
to optimize the resource constrained multi-project scheduling problem.

Cheng et.al [21] developed a model for Single-machine scheduling of multi-

operation jobs without missing operations to minimize the total completion time.
They consider the problem of scheduling multi-operation jobs on a single machine
to minimize the total completion time. Each job consists of several operations that

belong to different families. In a schedule each family of job operations may be
processed as batches with each batch incurring a set-up time. A job is completed
when all of its operations have been processed. Their objective is to minimize the
total completion time.

Teunter et.al [22] developed a model for Multi-product economic lot

scheduling problem with separate production lines for manufacturing and
remanufacturing. They study the economic lot scheduling problem with two
production sources, manufacturing and remanufacturing, for which operations are
performed on separate, dedicated lines. Their objective is to develop an exact
algorithm for finding the optimal common- cycle-time policy. Their algorithm
combines a search for the optimal cycle time with a mixed integer programming
(MIP) formulation of the problem given a fixed cycle time.

Tang and Gong [23] developed a hybrid two-stage transportation and batch
scheduling problem They study the coordinated scheduling problem of hybrid
batch production on a single batching machine and two-stage transportation
connecting the production, where there is a crane available in the first-stage
transportation that transports jobs from the warehouse to the machine and there is a
vehicle available in the second-stage transportation to deliver jobs from the
machine to the customer. Their objective is to minimize the sum of the make span
and the total setup cost.

Tseng and Liao [24] developed a discrete particle swarm optimization for lot-
streaming flow shop scheduling problem. They consider an n-job, m-machine lot-
streaming problem in a flow shop with equal-size sublots where their objective is
to minimize the total weighted earliness and tardiness.

Chang et.al [25] developed a hybrid genetic algorithm with dominance

properties for single machine scheduling with dependent penalties. They developed

a hybrid genetic algorithm to solve the single machine scheduling problem with the
objective to minimize the weighted sum of earliness and tardiness costs.

Cheng and Lin [26] developed Johnson’s rule, composite jobs and the
relocation problem. They consider two-machine flow shop scheduling with the
objective to minimize make span. Johnson’s rule for solving this problem has been
widely cited in their work. They introduce the concept of composite job, which is
an artificially constructed job with processing times such that it will incur the same
amount of idle time on the second machine as that incurred by a chain of jobs in a
given processing sequence.

Seong-Jong Joo et.al [27] developed a model for Scheduling preventive

maintenance for modular designed components: A dynamic approach. Their
objective is to develop a dynamic approach for scheduling preventive maintenance
at a depot with the limited availability of spare modules and other constraints. They
proposed a backward allocation algorithm and applied it to scheduling the
preventive maintenance of an engine module installed in T-59 advanced jet trainers
in the Republic of Korea Air Force.

He and Hui [28] developed a rule-based genetic algorithm for the scheduling
of single-stage multi-product batch plants with parallel units. They present a
genetic algorithm-based on heuristic rules for large-size SMSP. In their work, the
size of the problems was enlarged, and the problems are first solved by MILP
methods and then a random search (RS) based on heuristic rules has been

Chen and Askin [29] developed a model for Project selection, scheduling and
resource allocation with time dependent returns. They formulate and analyze the
joint problem of project selection and task scheduling. They study the situation
where a manager has many alternative projects to pursue such as developing new
product platforms or technologies, incremental product upgrades, or continuing

education of human resources. Project return is assumed to be a known function of
project completion time. Resources are limited and renewable. Their objective is to
maximize present worth of profit.

Janiak et.al [30] developed a scheduling problem with job values given as a
power function of their completion times. They deals with a problem of scheduling
jobs on the identical parallel machines, where job values are given as a power
function of the job completion times. Minimization of the total loss of job values is
the main objective of their work.

Grzegorz Waligora [31] developed a model named Tabu search for discrete-
continuous scheduling problems with heuristic continuous resource allocation. His
objective is to minimize the make span .He considered problems of scheduling
non-preempt able, independent jobs on parallel identical machines under an
additional continuous renewable resource.

Valls et.al [32] developed skilled workforce scheduling in Service Centre’s.

Their main objective with SWPSP is to quickly obtain a feasible plan of action
satisfying maximum established dates and timetable worker constraints. Secondary
their objectives deal with the urgency levels imposed by the criticality task levels,
to obtain well-balanced worker workloads and an efficient assignment of
specialists to tasks.

Tiwari et.al [33] developed a model for scheduling projects with

heterogeneous resources to meet time and quality objectives. Their approach
guides decision-making concerning which workers to cross-train in order to extract
the greatest benefits from worker-flexibility. They demonstrates how the output of
the model can be used to identify bottlenecks (or critical resource skills), and also
demonstrates how cross-training the appropriately skilled groups or individuals can
increase throughput.

P.Y. Fung [34] developed a model for Lower bounds on online deadline
scheduling with preemption penalties. He generalizes and improve results of online
preemptive deadline scheduling with preemption penalties. He consider both the
preemption-restart and the preemption resume models, and give new or improved
lower bounds on the competitive ratio of deterministic online algorithms. In many
cases his proposed bounds are optimal when the job deadlines are tight.

Tang and Zhao [35] developed a model for scheduling a single semicontinuous
batching machine. They address a new problem, called semicontinuous batch
scheduling, which arises in the heating-operation of tube billets in the steel
industry. Each heating furnace can be regarded as a semi continuous batching
machine, which can handle up to C jobs simultaneously. Their objectives are to
schedule jobs on the machine so that the make span and the total completion time
are minimized.

Eren and Guner [36] developed a bicriteria flow shop scheduling problem with
a learning effect. They consider learning effect in a two-machine flow shop. Their
objective is to find a sequence that minimizes a weighted sum of total completion
time and make span.

Wu and Zhou [37] developed a model for Stochastic scheduling to minimize

expected maximum lateness. They concerned with the problems in scheduling a set
of jobs associated with random due dates on a single machine so as to minimize the
expected maximum lateness in stochastic environment. This is a difficult problem
and few efforts have been reported on their solution.

Yang and Geunes [38] developed a predictive-reactive scheduling model on a

single resource with uncertain future jobs. Their objective is to minimize the sum
of expected tardiness cost, schedule disruption cost, and wasted idle time cost.

Mosheiov and Sarig [39] developed a model for Due-date assignment on
uniform machines. Their objective is to find the job schedule and the due-date that
minimize a linear combination of all three (earliness, tardiness and due-date) cost

Biskup and Herrmann [40] developed a model for Single-machine scheduling

against due dates with past-sequence-dependent setup times. Their objective is to
minimize the due date.

Chena et.al [41] developed a model for dense open-shop schedules with
release times. They study open-shop scheduling problems with job release times.
Their objective is to minimize the make span. Dense schedules, easy to construct,
are often used as approximate solutions. Performance ratios of the make spans
from dense schedules and that of the optimal schedule of the problem are used to
evaluate the quality of approximate schedules.

2.3 Summary

Scheduling is an activity to select the right future operational program or diagram of an actual time plan for allocating
competitive different demands of different products, delivery dates, by sequencing through different machines, operations, and
routings for the combination of the high flexibility of job shop type with high productivity of flow-shop type and meeting
delivery dates. The different types of approaches to the Manufacturing scheduling theory have been reported. Here these
approaches show their various advantages and disadvantages to the development of new design problem. Taking the old
approach in to consideration the development of new approaches conceptualized through these literatures.



3.1 Introduction of Sequencing Methods

1. Shortest processing time: select the job having the least processing time

2. Earliest due date: select the job that is due the soonest.

3. First-come, first served: select the job that has been waiting the longest for
this workstation.

4. First-in-system, first-served: select the job that has been in the shop the

5. Slack per remaining operations: select the job with the smallest ratio of
slack to operations remaining to be performed.

3.2 Some Methods for Scheduling and Sequencing

3.2.1 Single machine scheduling methods:

1. Shortest processing time rule(SPT)

2. Earliest due date rule(EDD)

3. Weighted mean flow time method

4. Naughton’s algorithm to minimize the number of tardy jobs

5. Hodgson’s algorithm to minimize tardiness.

3.2.2 Flow shop scheduling methods:

1. Two-Machine Flow-shop Problem

a) Johnson’s Rule

b) Kusiak’s Rule

2. Heuristics for general w-Machine Problems

a) Palmer’s Heuristic Algorithm

b) Gupta’s Heuristic Algorithm

c) CDS Heuristic Algorithm

d) RA Heuristic Algorithm

3.2.3 Job shop scheduling methods:

1. JSP Mathematical / Graph Models

a) Integer Programming Model

b) Linear Programming Model

c) Disjunctive Graph Model

2. Conventional Heuristics for JSP

a) Priority Dispatching Heuristics

b) Shifting Bottleneck Heuristic

c) Randomized Dispatching Heuristics

3.3 Performance Measure Used to Decide the Best Optimal Solution

Average WIP inventory

1. Makespan (total time to finish processing)

2. Due date (lateness, earliness, and tardiness)

3. Machine Utilization

4. Labor Utilization

3.4 Assumptions for Solving Scheduling Problems

1. Set of Jobs to Schedule

a) Typically assume that our set of jobs is fixed

2. Time

a) Need to assume times are known,

b) Usually assume times are fixed and independent of processing order or

activities that take place elsewhere in the factory

c) Quality

d) Assume we never produce a bad part

e) Machines

f) Assume we never have breakdowns.

“Optimal” scheduling methods’ assumptions can be violated in many ways: Variability


a) Setup times

b) Processing times

c) Interruptions

d) Changes in the set of jobs.

3.5 Performance Evaluation Criteria for Scheduling Methods

Choice of sequencing methodology to choose is dependent on the performance

evaluation criteria to be applied:

1. Total job completion time.

2. Avg job completion time.

3. Avg job waiting time.

4. Avg job lateness.

5. Avg number of jobs in the system.

6. Avg number of jobs waiting.

7. Set-up costs.

8. In-process inventory costs.

3.6 Goals of Scheduling Methods

Efficient utilization ...

1. Staff.

2. Equipment.

3. Facilities.

Minimization of ...

1. Customer waiting time.

2. Inventories.

3. Processing time.

3.7 Tools for Scheduling

Gantt Charts are used as a visual aid for loading and scheduling. The Gantt
schedule can illustrate the relationship between work activities having duration,
events without duration that indicate a significant completion, that represent major
achievements or decision points.

3.8 Approaches to Scheduling

1. Forward scheduling

a) scheduling ahead from a point in time (e.g., now)

b) Useful to answer the question “How long will it take to complete this job?”

2. Backward scheduling

a) scheduling backward from a future due date

b) useful to answer the questions:

> “Can we complete this job in time?”

> “When is the latest we can start this job and still
complete it by the due date?”

3.9 Summary

By Scheduling, we assign a particular time for completing a particular job.

The main objective of scheduling is to arrive at a position where we will get
minimum processing time. Scheduling is the process by which you look at the time
available to you, and plan how you will use it to achieve the goals you have
identified. By using a schedule properly, you can:

1. Understand what you can realistically achieve with your time;

2. Plan to make the best use of the time available;

3. Leave enough time for things you absolutely must do;

4. Preserve contingency time to handle 'the unexpected and

Minimize stress by avoiding over-commitment to others.


4.1 Introduction

Scheduling is the process by which you look at the time available to you, and
plan how you will use it to achieve the goals you have identified. Some priority
rules that are tested for scheduling are FCFS, SPT, LPT, and PR/TR (assign the
highest priority to the part whose proportion of required output is lagging behind
most). Machine utilization and production rate are used as the criteria for evaluating
part input and scheduling procedures.

4.2 Methodology
Manufacturing scheduling theory is concerned with the right allocation of
machines to operations over time. The basic work of scheduler is to design an
optimal FMS schedule according to a certain measure of performance, or scheduling
criterion. This work focuses on productivity oriented-make span criteria. Make span
is the time length from the starting of the first operation of the first demand to the
finishing of the last operation of the last demand.The approach used in this work
were the comparison based on four heuristic algorithm namely Gupta’s algorithm ,
CDS algorithm , RA algorithm and Palmer’s algorithm were proposed. Here the
main objective is to find the efficient heuristics algorithm for minimizing the make
span. In this work hierarchical approach were used to determine the optimal make
span criteria.

4.3 Problem Statement

There is a flow shop scheduling problem in which all the parameters like processing
time, due date, refixturing time, setup time are given. The value of the

make span of batch-processing machines in a flow shop based on comparison of
Gupta’s heuristics, RA heuristic’s, Palmer’s heuristics, CDS heuristics are proposed.
Analytic solutions in all the heuristics are investigated. Gantt chart were generated
to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approaches. Here the heuristics approach
for planning problems are proposed which provides a way to optimize the make
span which is our objective function.

4.4 Flow Shop Scheduling

It is a typical combinatorial optimization problem, where each job has to go

through the processing in each and every machine on the shop floor. Each machine
has same sequence of jobs. The jobs have different processing time for different
machines. So in this case we arrange the jobs in a particular order and get many
combinations and we choose that combination where we get the minimum make

In an m-machine flow shop, there are m stages in series, where there exist one
or more machines at each stage. Each job has to be processed in each of the m
stages in the same order. That is, each job has to be processed first in stage 1, then in
stage 2, and so on. Operation times for each job in different stages may be different.
We classify flow shop problems as:

1. Flow shop (there is one machine at each stage).

2. No-wait flow shop (a succeeding operation starts immediately after the

preceding operation completes).

3. flexible (hybrid) flow shop (more than one machine exist in at least one

4. Assembly flow shop (each job consists of specific operations, each of which
has to be performed on a pre-determined machine of the first stage, and an
assembly operation to be performed on the second stage machine).

4.5 Flow Shop Scheduling Methods

Two-Machine Flow-shop Problem

1. Johnson’s Rule.

2. Kusiak’s Rule.

Heuristics for general m-Machine Problems

1. Palmer’s Heuristic Algorithm.

2. Gupta’s Heuristic Algorithm.

3. CDS Heuristic Algorithm.

4. RA Heuristic Algorithm.

4.6 General Description

1. There are m machines and n jobs.

2. Each job consists of m operations and

a) each operation requires a different machine

3. n jobs have to be processed in the same sequence on m machines.

4. Processing time of job i on machine j is given by t j

a) (i =1
-.. n ; j =1,...,m)

5. Make span: find the sequence of jobs minimizing the maximum flow time.

4.7 Main Assumptions

1. Every job has to be processed on all machines in the order ( j = 1,2,..,m).

2. Every machine processes only one job at a time.

3. Every job is processed on one machine at a time.

4. Operations are not preemptive.

5. Set-up times for the operations are sequence-independent and are included
in the processing times.

Operating sequences of the jobs are the same on every machine, and the common
sequence has to be determined.

4.8 Three Categories of FSP

1. Deterministic flow-shop scheduling problem:

> Assume that fixed processing times of jobs are known.

2. Stochastic flow-shop scheduling problem:

> Assume that processing times vary according to chosen probability


3. Fuzzy flow-shop scheduling problem:

> Assume that a fuzzy due date is assigned to each job to represent
the grade of satisfaction of decision makers for the completion time
of the job.

4.9 Two-Machine Flow Shop Problem:

4.9.1 Johnson’s Rule:

Johnson’s Algorithm:

> An optimal sequence is directly constructed with an adaptation of this

result by a one-pass scanning procedure.

> Let I denote the job list and let S denote the schedule:

Step 1: Let U = {j t,i < fo} and V = {j\tn > ta}

Step 2: Sort jobs in U with non-decreasing order of ti}

Step 3: Sort jobs in V with non-increasing order of ti2

Step 4: An optimal sequence is the ordered set U followed by the

Ordered set V.

Consider an 8-job problem :( 8-job, 2-machine)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Table 4.1: Two-Machine Flow-shop Problem for Johnson’s Algorithm: 8
Job i
t, 1 5 2 1 7 6 3 7 5

ti 2 2 6 2 5 6 7 2 1

The solution constructed as follows:

Step 1: Job sets U= {2, 3, 6} and V= {1, 4, 5, 7, 8}

Step 2: Sort jobs in U as follows:

Job i : 3 26

t, 1 : 1 2 3

Step 3: Sort jobs in V as follows:

Job i : 5 4 7 1 8 ti 2 :


Step 4: An optimal sequence is {3, 2, 6, 5, 4, 7, 1, 8}

Figure 4.1 Gantt chart for 8-job, 2-machine problem by Johnson’s Rule:

4.9.2 Kusiak’s Rule:

Kusiak’s Algorithm:

Step 1: Set k = 1, l = n

Step 2: For each operation, store the shortest processing time
andcorresponding machine number.

Step 3: Sort the resulting list, including the triplets “Operation number

/processing time/machine number” in increasing value of processing time.

Step 4: For each entry in the sorted list:

If machine number is 1, then

(i) set the corresponding operation number in position k,

(ii) Set k = k + 1


(i) set the corresponding operation number in position k,

(ii) Set l = l - 1


Step 5: Stop if the entire list of operations has been

exhausted. Consider an 8-job problem :( 8-job, 2-machine)

l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Table 4.2: Two-Machine Flow-shop Problem for Kusiak’s Algorithm:
Job i
ti i 5 2 l 7 6 3 7 5

ti 2 2 6 2 5 6 7 2 l
Table 4.3: Solution by Kusiak’s Algorithm:
The solution constructed as follows:


1 1


An optimal sequence is {3, 2, 6, 5, 4, 7, 1, 8}

Figure 4.2 Gantt chart for 8-job, 2-machine problem by Kusiak’s Rule

1. Palmer’s Heuristic Algorithm.

2. Gupta’s Heuristic Algorithm.

3. CDS Heuristic Algorithm.

4. RA Heuristic Algorithm.

4.10.1 Palmer’s Heuristic Rule:

Algorithm: Palmer’s Heuristic:

Procedure: Palmer’s Heuristic Input: job list i,

machine m;

Output: schedule S; begin

for i = 1 to n

for j =1 to

Calculates s,= st + (2j-m-1)tj ; // step 1:

Permutation schedule is constructed by sequencing the jobs in

Non-increasing order of st such as: Si > Si ^ . .. ^ Si ; // step 2: end

Output optimal sequence is obtained as schedule S; // step 3:

Table 4.4: General 3-Machine and 8- jobs Problems:
Consider an 8-job problem :( 8-job, 3-machine):
Job i 3 4 5 7
1 2 6 8

ti i 5 7 3 7 5
2 1 6

ti 2 2 6 2 5 6 7 2 1

ti 3 3 4 2 6 1 5 4 7

The solution constructed as follows:

Step 2: set the slope index si for job i as:

s1 = -10 + 6 = -4 s2 = -4 + 8 = 4 s3 = -2 +12 = 10 s4 = -14 + 4 = -10 s5 =-

12 + 2 = -10

6 = -6 + 10 = 4
Step 3: jobs are sequenced according
-14 8 -6
7= + = s3 > s2 > s6 > s8 > s1 > s7 > s4 > s5
s8 =-10 + 14 = 4 10 > 4 > 4 > 4 >-4 >-6 >-10 >-10

Algorithm: Gupta’s Heuristic:

Figure 4.3 Gantt chart for 8-job, 3-machine problem by Palmer’s Heuristic Rule:

Procedure: Gupta’s Heuristic Input: job list i, machine m; 1

Output: schedule S; begin

for i = 1 to n for k = 1 to m-1 if tu < Urn then



e, = -1;

calculate s,= e, /min{tik + ti;k+1}; // step 1: end

permutation schedule is constructed by sequencing the jobs in Non-increasing order of s, such as: sij

— s,2 — ... — s,n// step 2: end

Output optimal sequence is obtained as schedule S. // step 3: end .

Consider the above 8-job and 3-machine problem:

The solution constructed as follows:step 1: set the slope index sifor job i as:

min{7,5} nin{12,7} =-0.143
s = —1 =-0.2 1
2 =- 6 nin{10,12}
= =01
= 0.125 -1
3 =■min{8,10} min{9,6} -0.166
= 0.333 1
4 =- min{3,8
nin{6 8} 0.166
Step 2: jobs are sequenced
= -0.143according:
3 > S
8 > S
2 > S
6 > S
4 > S
> s > s1
0.333 > 0.166 > 0.125 > 0.1 > -0.143 > -0.143 > -0.166 > -0.2 Step 3
output optimal sequence is {3, 8, 2, 6, 4, 5, 7, 1

Figure 4.4 Gantt chart for 8-job, 3-machine problem by Gupta’s Heuristic Rule:

4.10.3 CDS Heuristic Rule: Algorithm: CDS Heuristic:

Procedure: CDS Heuristic Input: job list I, machine m;

Output: schedule S;


for i = 1 to n for

j =1 to m-1

til til + tij ,

for j=m to 2;
t t
i2 i2 + tij ;


calculate U = {i| ti1’ < ti2’} and V = {z'ltj^’ > ti2’}; // step 1 sort jobs in U

with non-decreasing order of ti1’; // step 2 sort jobs in V with non-increasing

order of ti2 ’; // step 3 Output optimal sequence is obtained as schedule S by

U and V // step 4 end

Consider the above 8-job and 3-machine problem:

The solution constructed as follows:
p 2:

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