Tidal Power, Ocean Thermal Energy, & Geothermal Energy Conversion
Tidal Power, Ocean Thermal Energy, & Geothermal Energy Conversion
Tidal Power, Ocean Thermal Energy, & Geothermal Energy Conversion
4.Energy emanated from the sun-ocean system from the mechanism of surface water
evaporation by solar heating i.e. hydrological cycle.
Tidal Power Plants
The periodic rise and fall of the water level of sea which are carried by the action of the sun and moon
on water of the earth is called the 'tide'.
• Tidal energy can furnish a significant portion of all such energies which are renewable in
nature. The large scale up and down movement of sea water represents an unlimited
source of energy. If some part of this vast energy can be converted into electrical energy,
it would be an important source of hydropower.
• The main feature of the tidal cycle is the difference in water surface elevations at the high
tide and at the low tide. If this differential head could be utilized in operating a hydraulic
turbine, the tidal energy could be converted into electrical energy by means of an
attached generator.
Tidal power:
When a basin exists along the shores with high tides, the power in the tide can be
hydroelectrically utilized. This can be realized by having a long dam across the basin and locating
two sets of turbines underneath the dam. As the tide comes in water flows into the basin one set of
turbines. At low tide the water flows out of the basin operating another set of turbines.
Components of Tidal Power Plants
The following are the components of a tidal power plant:
1. The power house.
2. The dam or barrage to form pool or basin.
3. Sluice ways from the basins to the sea and vice versa.
1. Power house: the turbines, electrical generator and other auxiliary equipments are the main
component of a power house
2. Dam or Barrage:The function of dam to form a barrier between the sea and basin or between
one basin and the other in case of multiple basins.
3. Sluice ways: the sluice ways are used either to fill the basin during the high tide or empty
the basin during the low tide, as per operational requirement. These are gate controlled
It is generally convenient to have the power house as well as the sluice-ways in alignment
with the dam.
Classification and Operation of Tidal Power Plants
Tidal power plants are classified as follows:
1. Single basin arrangement
(i) Single ebb-cycle system (ii) Single tide-cycle system
(iii) Double cycle system.
2. Since the turbines have to work on a wide range of head variation (due to variable tide range)
the plant efficiency is affected.
—The first commercial tidal power station in the World was constructed in France in 19' across the
mouth of La Ranee Estuary. It has a high capacity of 240 MW. The avera tidal range at La Ranee is
8.4 m and the dam built across the estuary encloses an area 22 km2.
Wave Energy
Wave energy comes from the interaction between the winds and the surfaces of oceans.
The energy available varies with the size and frequency of waves. It is estimated that about 10 kW
of power is available for every metre width of the wave front.
Wave energy when active is very concentrated; therefore, wave energy conversion into
useful energy can be carried out at high power densities. A large variety of devices (e.g. hydraulic
accumulator wave machine ; high-level reservoir machine ; Dolphin-type wave-power machine ;
Dam-Atoll wave machine) have been developed for harvesting of energy but these are complicated
and fragile in face of gigantic power of ocean storms.
Advantages and Disadvantages:
Following are the advantages and disadvantages of wave energy:
1. It is relatively pollution free.
2. It is a free and renewable energy source.
3. After removal of power, the waves are in placed state.
4. Wave-power devices do not require large land masses.
5. Whenever there is a large wave activity, a string of devices have to be used. The system not
only produces electricity but also protects coast lines from the destructive action of large waves,
minimises erosion and help create artificial harbour.
1. Lack of dependability.
2. Relative scarcity of accessible sites of large wave activity.
3. The construction of conversion devices is relatively complicated.
4. The devices have to withstand enormous power of stormy seas.
5. There are unfavourable economic factors such as large capital investment and costs of
repair, replacement and maintenance.
2. Devices, installed to collect and to transfer wave energy from far off oceans, will have to
with stand adverse weather conditions.
• Uptil now no major development programme for taming wave energy has been carried
but successfully through any country. Small devices are available, however, and are in
limited use as power supplies for buoys and navigational aids. From the engineering
development point of view, wave energy development is not nearly as far long as wind and
tidal energy.
Oscillating Water Columns (OWC)
These devices generate electricity from the wave-driven rise and fall of water in a cylindrical shaft.
The rising and falling water column drives air into and out of the top of the shaft, powering an air-
driven turbine.
The Oscillating Water Column generates electricity in a two step process. As a wave enters
the column, it forces the air in the column up the closed column past a turbine, and increases the
pressure within the column. As the wave retreats, the air is drawn back past the turbine due to the
reduced air pressure on the ocean side of turbine.
Much research is occurring internationally to develop oscillating water columns which require
less stringent siting conditions, including the OSPREY and floating columns, such as the Japanese
Mighty Whale .
Floats or Pitching Devices
These devices generate electricity from the bobbing or pitching action of a floating
object. The object can be mounted to a floating raft or to a device fixed on the ocean floor.
Floating wave energy devices generate electricity through the harmonic motion of the
floating part of the device. In these systems, the devices rise and fall according to the motion of
the wave and electricity is generated through their motion.
1. OTEC-produced electricity at present would cost more than electricity generated from fossil
fuels at their current costs.
2. OTEC plants must be located where a difference of about 20º C occurs year round. Ocean depths
must be available fairly close to shore-based facilities for economic operation. Floating plant
ships could provide more flexibility.
3. No energy company will put money in this project because it only had been tested in a very
small scale.
4. Construction of OTEC plants and lying of pipes in coastal waters may cause localised damage to
reefs and near-shore marine ecosystems.
Geothermal Energy
Geothermal Sources
Five general categories (or kinds) of geothermal resources have been identified:
(1) Hydro thermal convective systems. These
are again sub classified as:
(a) Vapour-dominated or dry steam fields.
(b) Liquid-dominated system or wet steam fields, and
(c) (c) Hot-water fields.
(2) Geopressure resources.
(5) Valcanoes.
Dry Steam Power Plants or Vapour- dominated
•―Dry‖ steam
extracted from natural
As an HDR reservoir is being formed, rock blocks are moved very slightly by the injected water.
These small movements give rise to low frequency stress waves similar to, but much smaller than,
those caused by earthquakes. Microseismic technology has been developed to identify these signals
and locate their points of origin. The data from many such signals provide a picture of the size,
shape, and orientation of the reservoir. With this information in hand, production wells can be
drilled into the reservoir to most efficiently tap the superheated water that has been injected.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Geothermal Energy over Other EnergyForms
Advantages of Geothermal Energy:
1. Geothermal energy is cheaper.
2. It is versatile in its use.
3. It is the least polluting as compared to other conventional energy sources.
4. It is amenable for multiple uses from a single resource.
5. Geothermal power plants have the highest annual load factors of 85 per cent to 90 per cent
compared to 45 per cent to 50 per cent for fossil fuel plants.
6. It delivers greater amount of net energy from its system as compared to other alternative or
conventional systems.
7. Geothermal energy from the earth's interior is almost as inexhaustible as solar or wind
energy, so long as its sources are actively sought and economically tapped.
1. Low overall power production efficiency (about 15% as compared to 35 to 40% for fossil
fuel plants).
2. Drilling operation is noisy.
3. Large areas are needed for exploitation of geo-thermal energy.
4. The withdrawal of large amounts of steam or water from a hydro-thermal reservoir may
result in surface subsidence or settlement.