Triton X-100-1
Triton X-100-1
Triton X-100-1
h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The sedimentation half-times ts of suspensions of polydisperse titania particles in aqueous Triton X-100
Received 17 October 2016 (TX100) solutions with concentrations cTX100 ranging from 0.05 to 250 mM were measured. Three regions
Received in revised form of TX100 concentrations with different settling behavior were observed. In region A, or for cTX100 below
12 December 2016
its cmc (ca. 0.24 mM in water at 25 ◦ C), the ts -values increase with increasing surfactant concentration. In
Accepted 15 December 2016
region B, or for cmc ≤ cTX100 < c ∗∗ , where c ∗∗ was determined to be 30 mM experimentally, the ts -values do
Available online 19 December 2016
not vary with the surfactant concentration. In region C, or for cTX100 ≥ c ∗∗ , as cTX100 increases, the ts -values
increase. In regions A and B, little or no viscosity effect on the sedimentation was observed. By contrast, in
Particle sedimentation
region C, the viscosity of the micellar solution increases with increasing cTX100 and accounts partially for
Depletion effect the slower particle sedimentation rate. The surface densities of adsorbed TX100 molecules on the particle
Triton X-100 micelles surfaces were measured to probe their effects on the steric interactions, which are responsible for the
Titania increase in the ts -values in region A. The maximum adsorbed densities on the particle surfaces, which are
Viscosity presumed to be hydrophilic, were found to be much smaller than those on other hydrophobic surfaces,
as expected. Nonetheless, the adsorbed densities are high enough to induce strong steric interactions in
region B, preventing the particles from agglomerating. In region C, the increase in viscosity slows down
not only the particle sedimentation, but also the particle agglomeration, resulting in an apparently weaker
micellar depletion effect. Our inference is that depletion-induced flocculation in region C is masked by the
high solution viscosity. This inference is supported by several different lines of evidence. First, the once
corrected half-times, tsI , which are the measured half-times divided by the relative viscosities, start to
∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (E.I. Franses).
0927-7757/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Y.-J. Yang et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 516 (2017) 296–304 297
decrease at cTX100 ∼
= 160 mM, suggesting the formation of particle clusters, and reveals a micelle-induced
depletion effect. The twice corrected half-times, tsII , which are tsI divided by the viscosity of the solution
to account for the effect of viscosity on the agglomeration rate, are consistent with these inferences. In
addition, the DLS data support our inference that the clusters in region C are flocs, which can be de-
agglomerated with some mild agitation. A recently published model of agglomeration and sedimentation
(Yang et al., 2016) is used to fit the data for estimating the effective Fuchs-Smoluchowski stability ratio
W for flocculation. W -values are inferred to be over 106 at cTX100 <160 mM, but only ca. 500–1000 at
higher concentrations, supporting the hypothesis of a depletion-induced flocculation that is masked by
the solution viscosity.
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2. Experimental methods
sum of the other interparticle potential energies being stronger for dn = d1 (n)1/df (12)
Y.-J. Yang et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 516 (2017) 296–304 303
determined for SDS molecules. This difference could account for the
worse dispersibility in TX100 molecules as compared to SDS [12].
For concentrations above the cmc (0.24 mM), but below 30 mM
(region B), the half-times remain constant. In this concentration
range, the TX100 micelles affect neither the rates of sedimentation
nor the rates of agglomeration.
At cTX100 ≥ 30 mM (region C), the half-times increase substan-
tially, from 30 to about 140 h at cTX100 = 250 mM, primarily because
of the higher solution viscosity, which increases about 7-fold. For
examining the viscosity effect on the sedimentation quantitatively,
the half-times were corrected by the viscosity ratio of the sus-
pension medium to that of water, and denoted as tsI . These values
remain constant of about 34 h at 30 mM≤ cTX100 < 160 mM. For
Fig. 8. Comparison of the measured sedimentation half-times in region C with the cTX100 ≥ 160 mM, a small decrease in tsI is observed, suggesting
half-times predicted from the agglomeration/sedimentation model with various the formation of agglomerates, which settle faster. We postu-
Fuchs-Smoluchowski stability ratios as indicated. late that the micelle-induced depletion interaction is responsible
for the formation of these clusters, and that these clusters are
d df −3 3 easily reversible agglomerates, or flocs. This depletion effect is
n = 1 = 1 (n)1− df (13) masked, however, by the effect of the solution viscosity, which
not only slows down the sedimentation, but also decreases pro-
The intrinsic sedimentation half-time of a cluster, tsn , is deter- portionally the agglomeration rate. A twice corrected half-time tsII
mined by Stokes law (Eq. (2) with d and replaced by dn and n ). was calculated, for considering the viscosity effect on the parti-
Both tan and tsn depend on the number of monomers n in a given cle agglomeration, by dividing tsI by the viscosity ratio. At these
cluster. As n increases, tan increases, while tsn decreases. When tan concentrations, tsII < tsI , indicating that larger flocs would form and
and tsn are about equal, which should occur for some cluster size would settle faster if there were no viscosity effects. Further, as
n = n∗ , the net or measured sedimentation half-time ts∗ should be cTX100 increases, tsII decreases from 34 h to 2.6 h, suggesting that the
roughly equal to tan∗ and tsn∗ . micelle-induced depletion effects would be much stronger if there
As described, the model cannot be applied to suspensions with were no viscosity effects involved. Besides, the viscosity data are
initially polydisperse sizes, because then a wide range of tan and tsn fairly consistent with the predictions from the Krieger-Dougherty
values are predicted. The actual system contains particles with an equation for hydrated micelles with an intrinsic viscosity of 3.2,
average diameter of 310 nm and a volume fraction of = 0.0025. consistently with oblate spheroidal micelle shape with an axial
As detailed in Section 3.4, the smallest particles in this poly- ratio of 2.0. The spheroidal micelles may induce stronger depletion
disperse system should have a diameter of about 140 nm and a effects than the spherical micelles.
volume fraction of ∼ = 0.0001. Hence, we consider two simpler, The dispersibility in aqueous TX100 solutions is better than in
and monodisperse, suspensions for estimating the overall agglom- pure water but worse than in aqueous SDS solutions [12], in which
eration/sedimentation behavior and the sedimentation half-times the particles are dispersed well. Their initial hydrodynamic diame-
of the actual system: (a) an initially monodisperse system of hard ters in all regions are 310 ± 100 nm, slightly larger than the primary
spheres with a diameter d1 = 310 nm and a particle volume fraction particle sizes, obtained from SEM. In region B, the particles settle
1 = 0.002; (b) an initially monodisperse system of d1 = 140 nm with little or no agglomeration, but they undergo some coagulation
and 1 = 0.0001. In our previous study, we concluded that the sed- after settling out, probably because of the much higher particle con-
imentation time is mainly controlled by the smallest particles [12]. centration in the sediment. In part of region C, for cTX100 < 160 mM,
Therefore, case (b) seems to be the most relevant for our data. the suspensions are stable against coagulation and flocculation. For
The model predictions of the half-times for various values of the cTX100 ≥ 160 mM, the particles undergo some flocculation, but no
stability ratio are shown in Fig. 8. For 20 mM ≤ cTX100 < 160 mM, coagulation.
the data fit the predictions fairly well for a stability ratio W ≥ 106 , The new model of agglomeration and sedimentation [30]
implying low and insignificant rates of agglomeration. For cTX100 ≥ has been applied for estimating the possible effective Fuchs-
160 mM, the W -values that fit the data are much lower, about Smoluchowski stability ratio W against flocculation for region C. By
100–500, suggesting that agglomeration occurs at a faster rate. fitting the sedimentation half-times to the model, the data are con-
Depletion attractive interactions should therefore be responsible sistent with a large stability ratio W above 106 for cTX100 < 160 mM,
for the reduction of W , since evidently the micelle concentration but a much smaller value, around 100–500, better describes the
should not alter significantly the vdW attractive interactions and data at the higher concentrations. Since the vdW attractive inter-
possible electrostatic interactions between the particles. actions and the possible electrostatic repulsive interaction should
vary little with the micelle concentration, the lower stability ratio
6. Conclusions should be due to additional depletion attractive interactions, which
depend strongly on the surfactant concentration. The depletion
The sedimentation half-times ts of titania particles with diam- effect is hidden, or masked, by the effects of the viscosity of the
eters of 280 ± 100 nm increase, from 1 to ca. 30 h, with TX100 suspension medium. The higher viscosities at the higher micelle
concentrations up to the cmc (region A). This results from the concentrations not only decrease the sedimentation rate, but also
increasing surfactant adsorption, which may produce steric repul- slow down the depletion-induced agglomeration process, which
sive interactions that prevent the particles from agglomerating. would otherwise have accelerated the sedimentation.
The adsorbed densities of TX100 molecules on the hydrophilic
particle surfaces are much smaller than those on hydrophobic
surfaces [5,31,44], probably because the TX100 molecules lay flat Acknowledgements
on hydrophilic surfaces instead of forming close-packed mono-
layer structures. Furthermore, the maximum surface density of the This work was supported by Hewlett-Packard (Palo Alto, CA) and
TX100 molecules on titania surfaces is 17 times smaller than the one a graduate Bilsland Fellowship from Purdue University. The authors
304 Y.-J. Yang et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 516 (2017) 296–304
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