Power and Leadership: An Influence Process: Fred C. Lunenburg
Power and Leadership: An Influence Process: Fred C. Lunenburg
Power and Leadership: An Influence Process: Fred C. Lunenburg
Fred C. Lunenburg
Sam Houston State University
Power is the ability to influence others. One of the most influential theories of power
comes from the work of French and Raven, who attempted to determine the sources of
power leaders use to influence others. French and Raven identified five sources of power
that can be grouped into two categories: organizational power (legitimate, reward,
coercive) and personal power (expert and referent). Generally, the personal sources of
power are more strongly related to employees’ job satisfaction, organizational
commitment, and job performance than are the organizational power sources. One source
of organizational power—coercive power—is negatively related to work outcomes.
However, the various sources of power should not be thought of as completely separate
from each other. Sometimes leaders use the sources of power together in varying
combinations depending on the situation. A new concept of power, referred to as
“empowerment,” has become a major strategy for improving work outcomes.
What comes to mind when you think of the term “power”? Does it elicit positive
or negative feelings? In both research and practice, power has been described as a dirty
word. Consider the Enron scandal (McLean & Elkind, 2003). Certainly it is easy to think
of leaders who have used power for unethical or immoral purposes (Brown, 2006; Flynn,
2011; Price, 2009). That said, people who have power, deny it; people who want power,
try not to look like they are seeking it; and those who are good at acquiring it are
secretive about how they got it (Robbins & Judge, 2011).
Great leaders have the following in common: they have a vision to achieve large-
scale ideas that they dream of accomplishing, and they have the personal power to enact
it (Gibson, Ivancevich, Donnelly, & Konopaske, 2012). For example, such business
leaders as the late Steve Jobs of Apple Computer, Bill Gates of Microsoft, Mark
Zuckerberg of Facebook, Jeff Bezos of Amazon.com, Phil Knight of Nike, and Sam
Walton of Wal-Mart had strong visions of the future. They were able to transform their
visions into reality, because they had acquired and used the necessary power to do so.
Great leaders make things happen by utilizing personal power (Pfeffer, 2011).
Power is a natural process in the fabric of organizational life (Haugaard & Clegg,
2012; McClelland & Burnham, 2003). Getting things done requires power (Pfeffer,
2003). Every day, managers in public and private organizations acquire and use power to
accomplish organizational goals. Given that, you need to understand how power is
acquired, know how and when to use it, and be able to anticipate its probable effects. The
concepts of power and leadership are closely linked. Leaders use power as a means of
attaining group goals. By learning how power operates in organizations, you will be
better able to use that knowledge to become a more effective leader. In its simplest terms,
power is the ability to influence someone else (Nelson & Quick, 2012).
Where does power come from? What gives a person or group influence over
others? More than 50 years ago social scientists John French and Bertrand Raven (1959)
proposed five sources of power within organizations: legitimate, reward, coercive, expert,
and referent. Many researchers have studied these five sources of power and searched for
others (Carson & Carson, & Roe, 1993; Finkelstein, 1992; Podsakoff & Schreisheim,
1985). For the most part, French and Raven’s power sources remain intact.
Legitimate Power
Reward Power
Coercive Power
Coercive power is a person’s ability to influence others’ behavior by punishing
them or by creating a perceived threat to do so. For example, employees may comply
with a manager’s directive because of fear or threat of punishment. Typical
organizational punishments include reprimands, undesirable work assignments,
withholding key information, demotion, suspension, or dismissal. Coercive power has
negative side effects and should be used with caution, because it tends to result in
negative feelings toward those who use it.
The availability of coercive power varies from one organization and manager to
another. Most organizations now have clearly defined policies on employee treatment.
Clearly defined rules and procedures that govern how coercive power is used prevent
superiors from using their legitimate power (formal authority) arbitrarily and unethically.
The presence of unions also can weaken coercive power considerably. One need not be in
a position of authority, however, to possess coercive power. Employees also have
coercive power, including the use of sarcasm and fear of rejection, to ensure that team
members conform to group norms. Many organizations rely on the coercive power of
team members to control employee behavior.
Expert Power
Expert power is a person’s ability to influence others’ behavior because of
recognized knowledge, skills, or abilities. Physicians are acknowledged to have expertise,
special skills, or knowledge and hence expert power. Most people follow their doctor’s
advice. Computer specialists, tax accountants, and economists have power because of
their expertise. Experts have power even when they rank low in the organization’s
Referent Power
A great deal of power people have in organizations comes from the specific jobs
or titles they hold (Greenberg, 2011). In other words, they are able to influence others
because of the formal power associated with their positions. For example, there are
certain powers that the president of the United States has because of the office (e.g.,
signing bills into law, making treaties, declaring war, etc.). These remain vested in the
position and are available to anyone who holds it. When the president’s term expires,
they transfer to the new office-holder.
A true leader is able to influence others and modify behavior via legitimate and
referent power. President Carter had a noble vision about the United States, as well as the
world, but he could not coalesce groups or people to achieve his goals; the whole country
suffered. Presidents Truman and Johnson used their position (or office or power)
effectively and were much better able to manipulate groups and people to achieve their
ends. Presidents Kennedy, Reagan, and Clinton relied on personal persuasion and were
able to sway the nation as a whole, as well as Congress, business, and labor, by charisma
and communication. President Roosevelt effectively used both position and personality.
Presidents Bush 41 and 43 and Obama’s leadership tends to coincide with the Truman-
Johnson model.
Figure 1 summarizes the relationship between power, influence, and leadership.
The key to this framework is that leadership as an influence process is a function of the
elements of the leader’s sources of power and the degree of acceptance with the interests
and needs of the subordinates. In the figure, sources of power are divided into personal
and organizational. Legitimate, reward, and coercive powers are organizational and are
part of the leader’s job. Policies and procedures prescribe them. Expert and referent
powers are personal and emanate from a leader’s personality.
Organizational Power
Legitimate Behavior
Reward Performance
Coercive Task Completion
Job Satisfaction
Personal Power
Leader Subordinate
One review of several studies that examined the sources of power concluded the
following (Pfeffer, 1993):
1. Legitimate power can be depended on initially, but continued reliance on it may
create dissatisfaction, resistance, and frustration among employees; if legitimate
power does not coincide with expert power, there may be negative effects on
productivity; and dependence on legitimate power may lead to only minimum
compliance while increasing resistance.
2. Reward power can directly influence the frequency of employee-performance
behaviors in the short run. Prolonged use of reward power can lead to a dependent
relationship in which subordinates feel manipulated and become dissatisfied.
advice is that you can achieve ultimate power by giving it to the people who work for
you. Tracy says that power operates under the same principle as love: The more you give
to others, the more you receive in return. Also, she suggests that leaders can maximize
their own power and their opportunities for success by enabling the employees they
supervise also to achieve their own sense of power and success (Tracy, 2001).
Today, many organizations are recommending a flattening of the pyramid. These
leaders are beginning to see the need to involve organization members at all levels in
making decisions and solving problems. Real power, according to Tracy, flows from the
bottom up, rather than from the top down “… If you are successful in giving your people
power, they will surely lift you on their shoulders to heights of power and success you
never dreamed possible…” (Tracy, 1990, 2).
Diane Tracy follows up her view of empowerment with practical suggestions on
how to achieve a redistribution of power. She recommends ten steps to empowerment
(Tracy, 1991):
Power is the ability to influence others. One of the most influential theories of
power comes from the work of French and Raven, who attempted to determine the
sources of power leaders use to influence others. French and Raven identified five
sources of power that can be grouped into two categories: organizational power
(legitimate, reward, coercive) and personal power (expert and referent). Generally, the
personal sources of power are more strongly related to employees’ job satisfaction,
organizational commitment, and job performance than are the organizational power
sources. One source of organizational power—coercive power—is negatively related to
work outcomes. However, the various sources of power should not be thought of as
completely separate from each other. Sometimes leaders use them together in varying
combinations depending on the situation. A new concept of power, referred to as
“empowerment,” has become a major strategy for improving work outcomes.
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