Bramha Yagnam Procedure

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The passage describes the procedure for performing Brahma Yagnam which is an oblation offered to satisfy Devas, Rishis and Pithrus.

The procedure involves chanting mantras from the four Vedas, chanting additional mantras if known, cleaning hands with water while chanting mantras, and performing Deva-Rishi-Pithru Tharpanam.

The steps include offering water to various Devas while chanting their names and cleaning hands, offering to their families as well.


Face East ….. “Shuklam baradaram….” Followed by pranayamam “om Bhoo…”
Mamopatha samastha duritha kshya dwara sri Parameshwara preethyartham Brahma Yagnam
karishye. Brahma yagnena Yakshye.

Chant and clean the hands with water

Vidhyudasi paapmanam vidhya me paapmanam amruthath Sathya mupaime

Om Bhooo tatsa vithurvarenyam

Om Bhuva Bhargo devasya Dheemahi
Ogum suva Dhiyo yona prachodayath
Om Bhooo Tatsa vithurvarenyam Bhargo devasya dheemahi
Om Bhuva Dhiyo yona prachodayath
Ogum Suva Tatsa vithurvarenyam Bhargo devasya Dheemahi Dhiyo
yona prachothayath

Chant Vedic manthras, Each from One Veda, Rig,Yajur, Sama and Atharva.
Om Agnimeele purohitham Yagnasya Dheva mruthvijam, hotharam Rathna
Om Ishe Twoje Thwa vayavasthapayavastha Devo vassavitha prarpayathu
sreshtathamaya karmane
Om Agna Aayahi veethaye grunano havyadathaye, ni hotha sadhsi bharhishi
Om sanno devirabheeshtaya Aapo peethaye sam yorabhisravanthu na

After this recite if possible vedic manthras that you know like Rudram, Chamakam etc
Sprinkle water round the head by reciting
Sathyam Thapa sradhayam juhomi
Recite three times with folded hands

Om namo brahmane namosthwagnaye nama pruthwyai nama oshadheebhya namo

vaache namo vaachaspathaye namo vishnave bruhathe karomi.

8.Clean the hands again with water by reciting “vrushtirasi vruschame paapmanamamruthath

Do aachamanam
Chant “shuklam baradaram….”

Do Pranayamam, “om Bhoo…”

Mamopatha samastha duritha kshaya dwara sri parameshwra preethyartham deva-rishi-pithru
tharpanam karishye.

Touch water and clean your hands

Do deva tharpanam through the tip of fingers
1.Bramodaya ye deva thaan devaan tharpayami
2.Sarvaan devaan tharpayami
Sarva deva ganaan tharpayami
4.Sarva deva pathnis tharapayami
5.Sarva deva ganapathnis tharpayami

13, Do rishi tharpanam by wearing yagnopaveetha as garland and pouring out water from the
liitle finger
1,Krishna dwaipayanaya ye rishaya thaan rishin tharpayami
Sarvaan risheen tharpayami
3.Sarva rishi ganaan tharpayami
Sarve rishi pathnis tharpayami
5,Sarva rishi gana pathnistharpayami
Prajapathim kanda rishim tharpayami
Somam kanda rishim tharpayami
Agnim kanda rishim tharpayami
Put the Yagnopaveetham in normal fashion and pour water from the tips of fingers.
Viswan devan kanda rishin tharpayami
Samihithir devatha upanishada tharpayami
Yagnigir devatha upanishada tharpayami
12.Varuneer devatha upanishada tharpayami
Put the Yagnopaveetham and pour water by towards the left
Havyavaham tharpayami
14.Viswaan devaan kanda rishin tharpayaami
Pour water by the bottom of the palm towards self
15.Brahmanam swayambhuvam tharpayami
16.Viswan devan kandarishin tharpayami
17.Arunan kandarishin tharpayami
Put the Yagnopaveetham in normal fashion and pour water from the tips of fingers
18.Sadasaspathim tharpayami
19.Rig vedam tharpayami
20.Yajur Vedam tharpayami
Sama Vedam tharpayami
Atharvana Vedam tharpayami
Ithihasa puranam tharpayami
Kalpam tharpayami

14.Only those who have lost their father (others go to step 15)do Pithru tharpanam wearing
the yagnopaveetham on the right shoulder pouring water between the thumb. And index
1.Soma pithruman yamo angiraswan agni kavyavahana ithyadaya ye
thaan pithrun tharpayami,

Sarvaan pithrun tharpayami

Sarva pithru ganan tharpayami
Sarva pithru pathnistharpayami
Sarva pithru ganapanthnistharpayami

6.oorjam vahanthi amrutham grutham paya keelaalam parisruyatham

swadaastha tharpayatha me pithrun trupyatha, trupyatha, trupyatha
7.Aabrahma sthambha paryantham jagat trupyathu

15.Put the yagnopaveetha in the normal fashion

Pour water saying Om That sat Brahmarpanamasthu
And then do aachamanam.
Brahma yagnam(sacrifice to Brahma) is the oblation offered to satisfy Devas, Rishis(sages)
and Pithrus(ancestors).

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