DNS Security
DNS Security
DNS Security
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DNS Security For Dummies®, Infoblox Special Edition
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Publisher’s Acknowledgments
Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following:
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aul Albitz and I wrote the first edition of DNS and BIND way
back in 1992. (Well, actually, we started it about 14 months
before that, so in 1991.) Back then, DNS security wasn’t a
thing. BIND 4.8.3, the version of the BIND DNS server that was
current when we wrote that first edition, had the following secu-
rity features:
The good news for you, dear reader, and for me, is that the little
book you’re holding will help make up for my negligence by pro-
viding you with an overview on the new security mechanisms
in DNS. Rob and Josh know their stuff: They’ve been develop-
ing and delivering courses on DNS and DNS security for my
Foreword iii
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company, Infoblox, for years. They’ll give you an overview of the
most important DNS security technologies and advice on when
you should apply them. (They even generously gave me credit as
a co-author for providing the outline and a little help here and
there.) And with a little further research and effort on your part,
that could lead you to building more secure and more robust DNS
These materials are © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Any dissemination, distribution, or unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.
verybody uses the Internet. The Internet is so intrinsic to
modern life that everyone takes it for granted. However, a
worldwide network of computing power doesn’t just work on
its own. Over the relatively short life of the Internet, many
sophisticated technologies, such as DNS, have grown to make the
convenience that we’ve come to expect from the Internet
Like all titles in the For Dummies series, this book features
easy-access organization. At the beginning of each chapter, you’ll
find a summary of the topics covered, which makes it easy to flip
through and find just the information you’re looking for. Don’t
miss the final chapter featuring ten easy-to-scan techniques for
improving your DNS security.
Introduction 1
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Foolish Assumptions
DNS security isn’t exactly a cocktail party conversation topic,
so we assume that readers of this book have a vested interest in
keeping corporate websites functioning and secure. However, we
tried to write this book so that all people who pick up a copy can
learn something new and interesting that deepens their under-
standing of Internet security.
You can’t write a book like this without making a few assump-
tions, though. For this book, we assume that you’re an experi-
enced user of the Internet. We define most of our terms, but we
do assume you understand the basics of networking like server,
client, and IP address.
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»» Learning what DNS is and where it came
Chapter 1
DNS 101
he amount of data that the Internet contains is growing at
an astronomical pace. A single computer doesn’t hold it all,
of course; this much data must be distributed across count-
less computers all over the world. Even so, with an Internet con-
nection, you can navigate to any file on the Internet as easily as
you find a file on your own hard drive.
What Is DNS?
Although phone books are quickly going out of style, many
people still remember what they are. DNS works very much like
a phone book in that it helps turn names (URLs for resources on
the Internet) into numbers (IP addresses of the computer that
contains the resource).
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DNS History
DNS stands for Domain Name System and is an Internet protocol
that converts human-readable names to IP addresses, changes IP
addresses back to names, and provides easy-to-remember names
for many Internet-based services, such as email.
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FIGURE 1-1: It took only ten years to get from unconnected computers to the
modern DNS we know today.
DNS Structure
DNS distributes responsibility for an ever-growing list of network
device names. It does this by creating a hierarchy of responsibility.
This is often shown with an upside down tree, such as Figure 1-2,
where the root servers are at the top and the leaves (which represent
all the end host nodes on the Internet) are at the bottom. The entire
tree represents the namespace of DNS. Each server that is responsi-
ble for part of the namespace is called a “name server.” Some name
servers just send packets along until they reach an answer.
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The root name servers direct DNS queries to name servers for each
of the top-level domains, which are the main branches just below
it (for example, .com, .net.jp, and .info). Root name servers are
authoritative name servers for DNS’s root zone, which is some-
times written as a single dot (.). Being authoritative for a zone
means being responsible for that domain, except the parts del-
egated to different authoritative name servers.
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The terms master and primary are interchangeable. The data on the
primary server is the only version that a person should ever edit.
Similarly, the terms secondary and slave (an unfortunate old term)
are also interchangeable. The secondary server receives informa-
tion only as a copy of the data on the primary server. Nobody
should ever edit the data directly on the secondary server.
Resource Records
Resource records identify the information and/or services associ-
ated with a given domain name.
All resource records use the same format, which we discuss in the
following list:
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For example, consider FQDN www.example.com. In this FQDN,
www is the host name, and example.com is the domain name.
Each word that is separated by the dot character is also known
as a label, so www is a label, example is a label, and com is a label.
A records
A records are the most common record used in DNS. These records
match easily remembered hostnames to the IP addresses of the
resource. Figure 1-3 is a sample A record.
AAAA Records
AAAA records (or quad A, as they are often called) are used to map
hostnames to their IPv6 addresses. Figure 1-4 is a sample quad A
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FIGURE 1-4: The RDATA field in a quad A record contains the IPv6 of the
SOA records
The SOA record, which stands for start of authority records, pro-
vides the querier, including secondary servers and recursive serv-
ers, information about the zone itself, including the master name
server (mname), the responsible party (rname), and timers for how
the zone and its records should be handled.
FIGURE 1-6: This figure shows much of the same information from the RDATA
field in the previous figure, as it appears in the dig tool.
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Other Record types
Other record types include the following:
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application or a machine that has a stub resolver running on it.
Therefore, a web browser is a client, and a laptop or mobile phone
can also be a client.
FIGURE 1-7: Eight queries and answers make up the query path required to
get this client the answer to “What is the IP address of www.example.com?”
Now take a look at the different parts of the query path in Figure 1-7
and break down how the servers use recursion and iteration to move
down the DNS tree and find the answer the client is looking for.
All clients ask recursive queries by default, because clients are usu-
ally not capable of “walking the tree” to chase down the answers
on their own. A name server providing recursion accepts recursive
queries, and fulfills them by executing iterative queries in the back-
ground to track down answers. As a result of processing recursive
queries, recursive name servers build up a rich cache of answers
over time, thus they are also known as caching name servers.
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between iteration and recursion is that iterative queriers must
have the ability to follow referrals, which means they track down
the answer.
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5. The com name servers do not contain www.example.com, but
someone has registered example.com and provided com with
the information for the name servers. The com name server
sends a referral of the NS and A records for example.com.
6. The recursive server caches the records from com and
queries one of the example.com name servers provided in
the referral.
7. The example.com name server returns the answer from the
authoritative zone example.com.
8. The recursive name server caches the answer returned
from the example.com name servers and sends the response
to the client.
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14 DNS Security For Dummies, Infoblox Special Edition
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»» Understanding how DDoS attacks work
Chapter 2
Threats to DNS Security
NS is becoming a more common target of network attacks.
As one of the oldest and most relied-on protocols of the
modern Internet, DNS is the cornerstone to almost all
other services and protocols. This makes DNS an appealing target
to attackers.
DDoS Attacks
There are many types of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks.
You probably see them in the news these days, often accompanied
by a ransom to induce the attacker to stop the DDoS attack. When
it comes to DNS, you can look at specific types of attacks that are
used to overwhelm DNS servers, thus rendering the DNS service
unavailable. When an attack on the DNS is successful, it can bring
an organization to a screeching halt. When a company can’t pub-
lish the addresses for its web and mail servers, business stops.
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The two main attack methodologies you want to look at are ampli-
fication and reflection. While technically two different attack tac-
tics, attackers often combine amplification and reflection attacks.
An amplification attack is a technique where a small query can
trigger a large response, such as querying for a TXT record or a
zone transfer when you haven’t secured zone transfers to only
your trusted sources. By flooding the server with short requests
that require long responses, even a relatively weak computer can
overload a DNS server. The DNS server is so busy doing the heavy
lifting to respond to all these bogus requests that it doesn’t have
time to respond to legitimate ones.
With a 1 Mbps connection, each bot could send the 44 byte query
from the previous example approximately 2,909 times per second.
If the botnet contains 11 bots all doing the same thing, that’s a
total of over 1 gigabytes that the DNS server is supposed to send
out every second of the attack!
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A reflection attack sends queries that look like they came from the
victim of the attack. The response (often a large, amplified answer)
is sent to the victim, who never asked, and the amount of the
response traffic could potentially overwhelm the victim’s network.
Combination attacks
Now the attacker combines the two techniques by spoofing the vic-
tim’s IP address and sending a carefully crafted query that will result
in a large payload. This is a very effective DDoS attack; the authorita-
tive name server provides the amplification, and the recursive name
server provides the reflection. This allows the attacker to attack two
different victims at the same time. It also causes the victim of the
amplification attack to possibly believe he or she was attacked by
the second victim, causing potentially even more mayhem.
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FIGURE 2-1: An amplified reflection attack.
Cache Poisoning
Also known as DNS spoofing, cache poisoning focuses on corrupt-
ing the cached answers on the recursive name servers, either
through software exploits or protocol weaknesses.
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FIGURE 2-2: A cache poisoning attack can land unsuspecting website visitor
on nefarious pages.
foo.example.com 3600 IN A
a.gtld-servers.net. 1540000 IN A ; (bad guy's IP address)
Name servers have been patched against this older cache poison-
ing attack for some time. This was accomplished by requiring DNS
servers not to accept additional data that is unrelated to the origi-
nal query.
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in 2008. The attack Kaminsky discovered takes advantage of
a weakness in the DNS protocol itself. When a recursive name
server makes a query, it sets the value of five fields. If it receives
a response with matching values for these fields, with an answer
to the question that it asked, then it accepts the answer as legiti-
mate, returns it to the client, and stores it in its cache.
As it turns out, four of the fields are easy to figure out and
spoof, so only one field is actually meaningful: the Query ID or
TXID. The Query ID has relatively few possible values, by com-
puter standards. It is a 16-bit number, or a value between 0 and
about 64,000. This makes it possible for an attacker to initiate
an information request, then when the recursive server asks the
next server up the tree, the attacker tries his luck firing a lot of
responses at the recursive name server that look like they came
from that authoritative server. If the attacker gets lucky and
guesses the right query ID, the original server stores the bad data
from the attacker’s bogus response in cache and passes it on if
any other servers ask for it.
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Although malware is typically distributed via web servers, dis-
guised as part of the web content, its foundation is in DNS. Mod-
ern attackers don’t rely on a single, registered domain name such
as malware.not-evil.example.com. Instead, they create a complex
system that automatically registers hundreds or thousands of
domain names on the fly and configures them to point to web
servers that distribute malicious content. Changing their domain
names constantly makes it difficult to block them at a DNS level.
It’s like stealing someone’s car without opening the garage door:
You have to break the car down into small chunks that fit through
the doors and windows, and then rebuild the car outside. Except
in the case of data exfiltration, the malware breaks down files,
sometimes even encrypting each chunk, before sneaking them off
your premises to reassemble.
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Figure 2-3 illustrates a simplified flow of how data exfiltration
works over DNS. The steps in Figure 2-3 go like this:
FIGURE 2-3: DNS tunneling can sneak your passwords into DNS queries that
look like gibberish.
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FIGURE 2-4: Unlike attacks that just cause mayhem, ransomware attacks your
pocketbook directly.
Once the “good guys” discovered this fact, they could address
WannaCry in two different ways.
1. DNS providers could look for queries for that domain name
to identify clients infected with WannaCry.
2. Good guys could register the kill-switch domain name that
told the malware not to ransom data, in effect neutering the
ransomware until the code could be changed to point to
other not-yet-registered domain names.
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24 DNS Security For Dummies, Infoblox Special Edition
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»» Using response rate limiting to prevent
Chapter 3
DNS Security Solutions
he good guys are not idle in the face of all these threats, of
course. The security community responds quickly to new
kinds of attacks by creating security mechanisms and pro-
tections to keep your systems safe. Even before that, white hat
hackers, or ethical computer security experts, try to penetrate
their own systems so they can uncover weaknesses before attack-
ers have a chance to exploit them.
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RRL basics
If a DDoS attack is like a single doughnut-store customer buying
up all the doughnuts so that no one else can have any, then RRL is
limiting each customer to only one doughnut of each flavor each
day. If each person can buy only one chocolate and one glazed
each day, then the DDoS attack can’t do as much damage.
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Infoblox Advanced DNS
Protection (ADP)
Advanced DNS Protection (ADP) is how Infoblox allows users to
navigate complex RRL configuration through a simplified graphi-
cal interface and apply rules targeted to specific attacks. Since
different attacks have specific DNS traffic patterns, ADP can let
you choose the attacks you want to focus on.
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Pairing ADP with an Infoblox Reporting and Analytics Server adds
visibility to your security (see Figure 3-3). Being able to see attacks
and then adjust on the fly can be as important as stopping them
in many cases — especially against modern attackers willing to
change their attack profiles as soon as they meet resistance.
DNSSEC basics
Take a look at what DNSSEC does and doesn’t provide:
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private, that allows a DNS server to validate that the answer
to a query came from the sender it says it did (in other
words, that the sender wasn’t spoofed) and that the
message content wasn’t changed during transmission. Keys
are used to “sign” zones, meaning to create a cryptographic
representation of the data that can only be turned back with
the other key. This provides both message authentication
and message integrity.
»» DNSSEC is backwards compatible. DNSSEC can be
deployed side-by-side with traditional DNS. If a domain is not
yet DNSSEC-enabled, a DNSSEC-aware name server falls
back to using traditional DNS.
»» DNSSEC doesn’t encrypt traffic. Although DNSSEC uses
both public and private keys, they’re only used for authenti-
cation purposes. Someone eavesdropping on the wire can
still see all the DNS messages in plaintext; it just becomes
nearly impossible to spoof.
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FIGURE 3-4: An example conversation between DNSSEC servers.
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Infoblox DNSSEC
Infoblox provides both DNSSEC validation and zone signing.
One-click signing and validation make this the simplest solution
for managing DNSSEC-signed zones.
After the global settings and DNSSEC are enabled, you can sign
zones with just one click. Figure 3-6 shows how to start signing
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FIGURE 3-6: Signing zones in Infoblox.
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Response Policy Zones
Response policy zones (RPZs) are a way for you to control what
your queriers can and can’t look up using a recursive DNS server.
By understanding the reputation of the servers and services that
clients are querying, you can determine actions to take when the
recursive server receives queries for certain domain names or sees
information in the DNS responses that point to those malicious
RPZ basics
The overall idea of how RPZ works is that you can create poli-
cies for how to handle specific queries (or responses) and choose
which of a number of possible actions to take — like redirecting
the client to an internal security page — and store those policies
in special authoritative zones on your DNS servers. You can also
share these zones by transferring them from DNS server to DNS
RPZs make policy data available in DNS zones. The policy data
is then transferred between servers using conventional DNS
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called rpz.infoblox.com, the policy affecting responses to nasty.
comelook.badsite.net would be attached to the domain name nasty.
comelook.badsite.net.rpz.infoblox.com. In this example, nasty.com-
elook.badsite.net is the site impacted. If all the FQDNs in badsite.net
were bad, the wildcard *.badsite.net.rpz.infoblox.com would catch
all subdomains under badsite.net.
QNAME trigger
The QNAME trigger operates on the NAME field of a query. A
wildcard format can block a site and all subdomains — for example,
*.badguys.com. The QNAME trigger should follow the full query
and response cycle, including iteration, if required. The recursive
server must follow the delegation hierarchy related to processing
name server (NS) resource records and corresponding A and AAAA
IP trigger
The IP trigger matches on the IPv4 or IPv6 address in the RDATA
field of resource records in a DNS response. This is useful when
you know the IP address is bad, no matter what its name might
be. For example, if the known bad IP address is, and the
client queried for example.com MX record, if the answer contains, then the answer is blocked from the client.
Client IP trigger
The client IP trigger matches on the source IP address of the cli-
ent initiating a query. Since it matches a specific client IP address,
it is very targeted and is very effective when used to block hosts
that are known to be compromised. It can send all queries from a
single client to a remediation server, for example.
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NSDNAME trigger
The NSDNAME trigger matches the name of the authoritative
name server found during recursion. This is an extremely pow-
erful trigger targeting an entire DNS name server. This trigger
affects all the domains served by the name server. Since the
NSDNAME trigger works during recursion, this trigger must be
used with extreme caution and only when an entire name server
is known to be malicious.
NSIP trigger
The NSIP trigger matches the IP addresses in IPv4 A records and
IPv6 AAAA records corresponding to name server records associ-
ated with domains (glue records). It checks these against NSD-
NAME policy records, which protects against name servers with
multiple or changing names. The NSIP trigger can block a name
server and all the domain names it serves.
RPZ responses
Once a trigger matches a record in a response policy zone, you can
take one of the four following policy actions:
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If this section is of specific interest to you, much of the material
is from an Infoblox training course on RPZ. You can learn more
at https://www.infoblox.com/support/infoblox-education-
services/ or email startlearning@infoblox.com.
FIGURE 3-8: Infoblox provides simple wizards that allow you to create your
own Response Policy Zones.
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»» Malware feed: Protects against known malicious threats
that can take control of your system.
»» Ransomware feed: Protects against attacks that encrypt
your data until you pay the attacker to decrypt it.
»» Bogon feed: Protects against bogons, bogus IP addresses,
which are commonly the source addresses of DDoS attacks.
Many ISPs and end-user firewalls filter and block bogons,
because they have no legitimate use, and usually are the
result of accidental or malicious misconfiguration.
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FIGURE 3-10: Infoblox Security Portal allows you to self-administer your RPZ
Feed data through the Infoblox secure web portal.
FIGURE 3-11: The Infoblox Security allows you to manage all aspects of the
feeds your Grid requires.
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»» Hardening DNS infrastructure
»» Ensuring resiliency
Chapter 4
Ten Keys to Improving
DNS Security
ow that you know the bases, this chapter discusses ten
actions you should put high on your priority list to protect
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»» You have to apply time-consuming updates manually, and
that means downtime for maintenance windows. People
have a bad habit of putting off downtime, which is even
worse, because the servers are vulnerable to the attacks that
the updates would have protected against.
That’s why keeping your DNS server software updated with the
current software versions and security updates is a job that you
can never permanently cross off your to-do list. Whether you find
a dedicated appliance that applies updates for you or have to apply
updates manually, you simply must stay on top of it.
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Avoid Single Points of Failure
A single point of failure is a part of your network that, if it stops
working, shuts down the entire process. Eliminating single points
of failure throughout any system or network is a basic principle of
secure, resilient design.
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Use Threat Intelligence
Threat intelligence is information about your network’s weak-
est points and the most likely attacks you are likely to receive.
You can use this information to make decisions and set priorities
about how to protect your company.
As your network grows, even keeping visibility into everything
becomes a challenge. With an enterprise-grade IP Address Man-
agement (IPAM) solution, you can consolidate information about
your core network infrastructure into one comprehensive and
authoritative database. This solution lets you see your entire net-
work topology, including:
»» Network assets
»» IP addresses and switch ports
»» Virtual local area networks (VLANs)
»» Usernames
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Automate Security Tasks
whenever Possible
Tasks that you can automate with DNS security software include
many common scenarios:
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