講師:伍渭文 牧師 (Th.D.)
時間:2013 年 6 月 24~28 日 (一~五) 9:20am – 3:40pm
1. 崇拜與教會生活;崇拜是教會的顯現;心靈誠實的敬拜
2. 崇拜的對話原則;崇拜的獻祭原則
3. 崇拜中的自由與約制;禮序的設計
4. 崇拜與時間;經課的運用;崇拜的禱告和讀經
5. 崇拜與空間;藝術的運用──圖畫、建築、裝置
6. 崇拜中的聖禮──水禮和聖餐、喪禮與婚禮
7. 聖詩的評鑑和歷史
8. 崇拜傳統:聖經作為規管原則的教會崇拜傳統
9. 崇拜傳統:聖經作為規範原則的教會崇拜傳統
1. 參觀崇拜報告。15%
2. 按兩主日的經課(舊約、詩篇、書信、福音書),每一主日寫一篇經文默想(200 字以下)
和禱文(500 字以下)。25%
2. 專文:選擇並得講師同意和課程有關的題目寫一專文;字數:3,000—5,000 字。繳交
1. Webber, Robbert E(韋伯). Worship Old and New ( 崇拜。認古識今 ) 香港宣道出版社,
2. White, James F. Documents of Christian Worship. Descriptive and Interpretive Sources.
Louisville, KY: Westminister/ John Knox Press, 1992.
Selected Bibliography:
Bailey, Albert Edward. The Gospel in Hymns. Backgrounds and Interpretations. New
York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1950.
Bradshaw, Paul F. The Search for the Origins of Christian Worship. Sources and
Methods for the Study of Early Liturgy. Second Edition. Oxford, University Press, 2002
Brunner, Peter. (ET) Worship in the Name of Jesus. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing
House, 1968.
Clarke, W.K. Lowther, ed. Liturgy and Worship. A Companion to the Prayer Books of the
Anglican Communion. London, SPCK, 1981.
Browning, Robert L. and Reed, Roy A. The Sacraments in Religious Education and
Liturgy. Birmingham, AL: Religious Education Press, 1985.
Carson, D. A., Ed. Worship: Adoration and Action. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book
House and Carlisle, UK: Paternoster Press, 1993.
Davies, J. G.. New Perspectives on Worship Today. London: SCM Press, 1978.
Davis, John Jefferson. Worship and the Reality of God. An Evangelical Theology of Real
Presence. Downer Grove, IL: IVP, 2010.
Dawn, Marva J. Reaching Out without Dumbing Down: A Theology of Worship for the
Turn-of-the-Century Culture. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1997.
__________. A Royal ‘Waste” of Time. The Splendor of Worshiping god and Being
Church for the World. Grand Rapids, Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1999.
Drury, John. Painting the Word: Christian Pictures and Their Meanings. New Haven and
London: Yale University Press in association with The National Gallery, London, 1999.
Dunn, James D. G. Did the First Christians Worship Jesus? The New Testament
Evidence. Louisville, KT: Westminster John Knox Press, 2010.
Hahn, Ferdinand. (ET) The Worship of God of the Early Church. Tran. David E. Green
and ed., and intro. John Reumann. Philadelphia, PN: Fortress Press, 1973.
Hislop, D. H. Our Heritage in Public Worship. The Kerr Lectures, 1933. New York:
Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1935.
Jasper, R.C. D. and Cuming, G.J. Prayers of the Eucharist: Early and Reformed. Third
edition, revised and enlarged. Collegeville, MI: The Liturgical Press.
Jones, Cheslyn, Wainwright, Geoffrey, Yarnold, Edward, eds. The Study of Liturgy. New
York: Oxford University Press, 1978.
Kwok, Nai Wang, Ed. (郭乃弘) Christian Worship Revisited (基督教會崇拜重探).Hong
Kong: Hong Kong Christian Institue, 1993.
Lapthrop, Gordon W. Holy Ground: A Liturgical Cosmology. Minneapolis, MN:
Fortress, 2003.
__________.Holy People: A Liturgical Ecclesiology. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress, 2006
__________. Lapthrop, Gordon W. Holy Things: A Liturgical Theology. Minneapolis,
MN: Fortress, 1998.
Law, Ping-leung Daniel. (羅炳良) Perspectives on Church Music II (聖樂綜論 [二]).
Hong Kong: Tien Dao Publishing House, 1995.
___________。 主編。基督教聖樂路向論文集。香港:香港華人基督教聯會, 1999。
Lee, Jeong-ku. Architectural Theology in Korea. Seoul, Korea: Dongyun Publishing
Co., 2011.
Liesch, Barry. The New Worship. Straight Talk on Music and the Church. Grand Rapids,
MI: Baker Books, 1995.
Martin, P. Ralph. Worship in the Early Church. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1983.
__________. The Worship of God. Some Theological, Pastoral, and Practical
Reflections. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1982.
Ng, Esther Yue L (吳羅瑜). In God’s Presence ( 朝見永生神 ) Corporate Worship: Why
and How), ed. Hong Kong: China Graduate School of Theology, 1979.
Pfatteicher, Philip H. Festivals and Commemorations. Handbook to the Calendar in
Lutheran Book of Worship. Minneaspolis, MN: Augsburg Publishing House, 1980.
___________. Liturgical Spirituality. Valley Forge, PN: Trinity Press International, 1997.
Rayburn, Robert G.. O Come, Let Us Worship. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House,
Routley, Erik. Hymns and Human Life. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1959.
__________. Music Leadership in the Church. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 1967.
Sacrosanctum Concilium. (Decree on The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, 4
December, 1963) In Documents of Vatican II. Edited by Austin P. Flannery. New rev. ed.
Grand Rapids, MI:Eerdmans, 1975.
Saliers, Don E. Worship as Theology. Foretaste of Glory Divine. Nashville, TN:
Abingdon Press, 1994.
Shmemann, Alexander. (ET). For the Life of the World. Sacraments and Orthodoxy. New
York: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1973.
Thompson, Bard. Liturgies of the Western Church. Philadelphia, PN: Fortress Press,
Wang, Stephen. (王神蔭). Great Hymns and Hymn Writers ( 聖詩典考 ) . Hong Kong:
Chinese Christian Literature Council, 1977.
Webber, Robbert E(韋伯). Worship Old and New ( 崇拜。認古識今 ) 香港宣道出版社,
Webber, Robert E. Liturgical Evangelism. Worship as Outreach and Nurture.Harrusbury,
PA: Morehouse Publishing, 1986.
Willimon, William H. Worship as Pastoral Care. TN: Nashville, Abingdon Press, 1979.
White, James F. Documents of Christian Worship. Descriptive and Interpretive Sources.
Louisville, KY: Westminister/ John Knox Press, 1992.