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1979 JOHNSON Philip USA 2000 KOOLHAAS Rem Netherlands 1 1982 MENDOZA Felipe M.
1980 BARRAGAN Luis Mexico HERZOG Jacques Switzerland 2 1987 LOCSIN Leandro V.
1981 STIRLING James UK DE MEURON Pierre Switzerland 3 1990 FORMOSO Gabriel P.
1982 ROCHE Kevin Ireland 2002 MURCUTT Glenn UK 4 1995 CANCHELA Cesar V.
1983 PEI Ieoh Ming China 2003 UTZON Jørn Denmark 5 1996 MAÑOSA Manuel T.
1984 MEIER Richard USA 2004 HADID Zaha Iraq 6 2000 LAZARO JR. Angel
1985 HOLLIEN Hans Austria 2005 MAYNE Thom USA 7 2003 MAÑOSA Francisco T.
1986 BÖHM Gottfried Germany 2006 Da ROCHA Paolo Mendes Brazil 8 2005 MANAHAN Geronimo V.
1987 TANGE Kenzo Japan 2007 ROGERS Richard Italy 9 2006 FLORENTINO Edilberto F.
NIEMEYER Oscar Brazil 2008 NOUVEL Jean France 10 2009 NUKE Norberto M.
BUNSHAFT Gordon USA 2009 ZUMTHOR Peter Switzerland 11 2013 HONG Froilan L.
1989 GEHRY Frank Canada SEJIMA Kazuyo Japan 12 2014 REYES Yolanda D.
1990 ROSSI Aldo Italy NISHIZAWA Ryue Japan 13 2017 LUIS Prosperidad C.
1991 VENTURI Robert USA 2011 De MOURA Eduardo Souto Portugal
1992 SIZA Alvaro Portugal 2012 SHU Wang China
1993 MAKI Fumihiko Japan 2013 ITO Toyo Japan LIKHA GOLD MEDAL AWARD
1994 de PORTZAMPARC Christian Morocco 2014 BAN Shigeru Japan
The highest distinction to be bestowed upon a fellow, who
1995 ANDO Tadao Japan 2015 OTTO Frei Germany has adhered to the highest standards of professional and
ethical conduct, practiced in excellence and prestige the
1996 MONEO Rafael Spain 2016 ARAVENA, Alejandro Chile architectural profession, has rendered distinguished
1997 FEHN Sverre Norway 2017 ARANDA Rafael, PIGEM Carme, Spain contribution and service to the UAP, and has performed
exceptional achievements and active participation in the
1998 PIANO Renzo Italy VILALTA Ramon concern of the community, government and country.
1999 FOSTER Norman UK


MEDAL PURPOSE Orden ng Pambansang Alagad ng Sining
The laureate receives $100,000 and also a bronze medallion. The bronze medallion To honor a living architect or architects whose built work demonstrates a
awarded to each Laureate of the Pritzker Architecture Prize is based on designs of combination of those qualities of talent, vision, and commitment, who has 1973 NAKPIL Juan F.
Louis Sullivan, famed Chicago architect generally acknowledged as the father of the produced consistent and significant contributions to humanity and the built
1976 ANTONIO Pablo S.
skyscraper. On one side is the name of the prize. On the reverse, three words are environment through the art of architecture.
inscribed, “firmness, commodity and delight,” recalling Roman architect Vitruvius' 1990 LOCSIN Leandro V.
fundamental principles of architecture of firmitas, utilitas, venustas. The international prize, which is awarded each year to a living architect/s for
significant achievement, was established by the Pritzker family of Chicago 2006 SANTOS Ildefonso Jr.
through their Hyatt Foundation in 1979. It is granted annually and is often 2009 MAÑOSA Francisco T.
referred to as “architecture’s Nobel” and “the profession’s highest honor.”
2014 ZARAGOZA Jose Maria
HISTORY OF UAP The UAP has been instrumental in the passing of Republic Act 9266: The
Architect's Law of 2004, effective April 26, 2004. On 22 June 2004, the PRC,
UAP PRESIDENTS (Past & Present) During the Spanish era there were no schools of Architecture in the Philippines. through its Board of Architecture, accredited the UAP as the Integrated and
NO. NAME YEAR The first Filipino recorded architect was Felix Roxas y Arroyo, born circa Accredited Professional Organization of Architects (IAPOA). The new law granted
1820 in Manila, studied in Spain and stayed for many years in England and Filipino architects more definitive rights, benefits and distinction as against other
CH NUKE Norberto M. (Interim) 1975 France. Previous to this, a Filipino could aspire to erect an architectural structure professionals in the construction industry
1 HERRERA Jose V. 1976 through the help of a Maestro de Obras or master builder. The first formal school
for master builders was opened only during the last decade of the 19th century. The United Architects of the Philippines (UAP) was born on December 12,
2 GAITE Ruperto C. 1977-1978 On 14 September 1902, many of the graduates of this school joined the civil 1974 out of the noble vision of unifying the three (3) existing architectural
engineers and surveyors in the country and founded the first professional associations at that time - the Philippine Institute of Architects (PIA), the League
3 MENDOZA Felipe M. 1979-1980 organization of architects and allied professionals ~ the Academia de Arquitectura of Philippine Architects (LPA) and the Association of Philippine Government
4 ARELLANO Otillo A. 1981 y Aguimensura de Filipinos (AAAF). It maintained direct consultation with the Architects (APGA). Through the concerted efforts of the officers and members of
American Institute of Architects (AIA). A year after, its name was changed to the three organizations, the vision officially materialized on March 26, 1975,
5 LOCSIN Leandro V. 1981-1982 Academia de Inginieria, Arquitectura y Agrimensura de Filipinas (AIAAF). In 1904 where the UAP was registered with the Philippines' Securities and Exchange
it founded the first school of Architecture in the Philippines, the Escuela de Commission (SEC). On May 12, 1975, the UAP was granted Certificate No. 001,
6 MAÑOSA Manuel T. 1983-1984
Ingenieria y Arquitectura, which offered five-year courses in Architecture and Civil the first professional organization to be accredited by the Professional Regulation
7 CANCHELA Cesar V. 1985-1986 Engineering. Commission (PRC). The PRC is the central agency of the Philippine Government
charged with the licensing and regulation of professionals and the professions, as
8 HONG Froilan L. 1987-1988 In 1911, the AIAAF was dissolved when the civil engineers withdrew to form their well as the Accredited Professional Organizations (APOs).
9 LAZARO Angel R. Jr. 1989 own professional organization, but not before it has struggled for the passage of
an Engineers and Architects Law. In 1921, the Philippine National Assembly Act
Since its registration, UAP has received many awards, including the highly-
10 ALCORDO Richeto C. 1990-1991 No. 2985 passed, the first enabling law for the practice of the professions of
acclaimed PRC's Most Outstanding Accredited Professional Organization. To
engineering and architecture, defined the unique and separate identities of the
11 MARQUEZ Jaime C. 1992-1994 date, it is still the first and only APO to win the award four times in the Award's
two professions.
eighteen-year history. These were in years 2002, 2007 and 2008 and this year
12 MANGIO Nestor S. 1994 -1996 2011. The award is presented annually to recognize the achievements, services
The profession of Architecture in the Philippines was given its first separate and commitments of the APO to the profession. UAP bested forty two (42) other
13 CUNTAPAY Emmanuel P. 1996-1998
statute on 17 June 1950 with the enactment of Republic Act 545, "An Act to professional organizations, through 12 stringent criteria set for the award.
14 REYES Yolanda D. 1998-2000 Regulate the Practice of Architecture in the Philippines."

15 LUIS Prosperidad C. 2000-2002 For its volunteer works, UAP was chosen in addressing housing problems, urban
From the early 1930's to late 1950's, associations of architects were founded, but degradation, environmental conservation and promotion of volunteerism for socio-
16 SAC Robert S. 2002-2004 only three survived until the early 1970's ~ the Association of Philippine economic development; the UAP was a Regional Nominee to the "Search for
Government Architects (APGA), League of Philippine Architects (LPA), and the Outstanding Volunteers" by the Philippine National Service Coordinating Agency
17 OLONAN Enrique O. 2004-2005 Philippine Institute of Architects (PIA). In June 1973, President Ferdinand E. (PNVSCA) in its celebration of National Volunteer Month last December 2005.
18 FLORENTINO Edric Marco C. 2005-2007 Marcos issued Presidential Decree 223, creating the Professional Regulation PNVSCA takes the lead in advocating and recognizing the contributions of
Commission (PRC) regulating all professions and accrediting only one volunteers to nation-building and international cooperation.
19 ROLDAN Medeliano T. Jr. 2007-2009 organization to represent each profession.
20 LING Ana M. 2009-2010 Last April 2009, in celebration of the Earth Day, the UAP, through its advocacy
The newly integrated organization of architects was called the United Architects of group "Green Architecture Movement", was awarded the 2009 Father Neri Satur
21 MENDOZA Ramon S. 2011-2012 the Philippines (UAP). All 1300 members of the three organizations automatically Award for Environmental Heroism - the only accredited professional organization
became members of the UAP and during its first year, 700 members officially in the Philippines to receive such a prestigious environmental award.
22 ROSAL Rozanno C. 2012-2013
registered for active membership.
23 REGALA Ma. Benita O. 2014-2015
Last November 2010, UAP received its First International Award ~ in Adelaide,
HISANCHA Guillermo H. 2016-2017 On 26 March 1975, the UAP was registered with the Securities and Exchange Australia, the EAROPH 50th Golden Jubilee Award in recognition of the
Commission (SEC) and on 12 May 1975, the PRC issued Certificate No. 001 to organization's substantial contribution to the advancement of Planning,
the UAP as the duly accredited professional organization of architects in the Development and Management of Human Settlements in the Philippines.
Philippines. The organization has been participating in the activities of local
government units, in civic and in related professional fields. The UAP received
many professional awards including the highly acclaimed Excellence Award given As impressive as UAP record is, an even more important metric of our success is
by the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the Most Outstanding the large number of awards and honors earned by our members through the
Professional Organization of the Year awarded by the PRC in 2002. years. We feel privileged to have our members received these honors and

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