15 LUIS Prosperidad C. 2000-2002 For its volunteer works, UAP was chosen in addressing housing problems, urban
From the early 1930's to late 1950's, associations of architects were founded, but degradation, environmental conservation and promotion of volunteerism for socio-
16 SAC Robert S. 2002-2004 only three survived until the early 1970's ~ the Association of Philippine economic development; the UAP was a Regional Nominee to the "Search for
Government Architects (APGA), League of Philippine Architects (LPA), and the Outstanding Volunteers" by the Philippine National Service Coordinating Agency
17 OLONAN Enrique O. 2004-2005 Philippine Institute of Architects (PIA). In June 1973, President Ferdinand E. (PNVSCA) in its celebration of National Volunteer Month last December 2005.
18 FLORENTINO Edric Marco C. 2005-2007 Marcos issued Presidential Decree 223, creating the Professional Regulation PNVSCA takes the lead in advocating and recognizing the contributions of
Commission (PRC) regulating all professions and accrediting only one volunteers to nation-building and international cooperation.
19 ROLDAN Medeliano T. Jr. 2007-2009 organization to represent each profession.
20 LING Ana M. 2009-2010 Last April 2009, in celebration of the Earth Day, the UAP, through its advocacy
The newly integrated organization of architects was called the United Architects of group "Green Architecture Movement", was awarded the 2009 Father Neri Satur
21 MENDOZA Ramon S. 2011-2012 the Philippines (UAP). All 1300 members of the three organizations automatically Award for Environmental Heroism - the only accredited professional organization
became members of the UAP and during its first year, 700 members officially in the Philippines to receive such a prestigious environmental award.
22 ROSAL Rozanno C. 2012-2013
registered for active membership.
23 REGALA Ma. Benita O. 2014-2015
Last November 2010, UAP received its First International Award ~ in Adelaide,
HISANCHA Guillermo H. 2016-2017 On 26 March 1975, the UAP was registered with the Securities and Exchange Australia, the EAROPH 50th Golden Jubilee Award in recognition of the
Commission (SEC) and on 12 May 1975, the PRC issued Certificate No. 001 to organization's substantial contribution to the advancement of Planning,
the UAP as the duly accredited professional organization of architects in the Development and Management of Human Settlements in the Philippines.
Philippines. The organization has been participating in the activities of local
government units, in civic and in related professional fields. The UAP received
many professional awards including the highly acclaimed Excellence Award given As impressive as UAP record is, an even more important metric of our success is
by the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the Most Outstanding the large number of awards and honors earned by our members through the
Professional Organization of the Year awarded by the PRC in 2002. years. We feel privileged to have our members received these honors and