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Review papers
PII: S0022-1694(17)30448-1
Reference: HYDROL 22099
Please cite this article as: Worthington, S.R.H., Soley, R.W.N., Identifying turbulent flow in carbonate aquifers,
Journal of Hydrology (2017), doi:
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Identifying turbulent flow in carbonate aquifers
Worthington Groundwater, 55 Mayfair Avenue, Dundas, Ontario L9H 3K9, Canada; (1) 905-627-1781;
Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure, Copper Beeches, St Kew, Bodmin, Cornwall, PL30
3HB, U.K.
Turbulent flow; Dual porosity; Conceptual model; Carbonate aquifer; Groundwater flooding; Karst
Turbulent flow has a different hydraulic response compared to laminar flow and so it is important to be
able to identify its occurrence in an aquifer, and to predict where it is likely to be found. Turbulent flow is
associated with large apertures and rapid velocities, and these occur most frequently in carbonate aquifers.
Methods for identifying turbulent flow include correlating spring discharge with head variation,
calculating Reynolds numbers from spring discharge and tracer velocity, and plotting the spatial variation
of head differences between high flow and low flow. The probability of turbulent flow increases as a
function of permeability and of spring discharge, and the probability increases in a downgradient
direction in an aquifer. Spring discharge is a key parameter for evaluating the presence of turbulent flow,
which is likely to occur where a spring with a discharge >1 L/s is fed by a single channel. Turbulent flow
appears to be a major contributing factor to the occurrence of groundwater flooding in carbonate aquifers.
1. Introduction
Groundwater models have become an increasingly important part of hydrogeology in the last fifty
years. Traditionally, finite difference and finite element models have only simulated laminar flow, but in
recent years the capability to simulate turbulent flow had been added in programs such as CAVE (Liedl et
al., 2003; Hubinger et al., 2016), MODFLOW DCM (Sun et al., 2005), MODFLOW CFP (Shoemaker et
al., 2008a; Gallegos et al, 2013), KFM (Loper and Chicken, 2011), CTFC (Reimann et al., 2011), DisCo
(de Rooij et al., 2013), MODFLOW NLFP (Mayaud et al., 2015), and MODFLOW USG-Beta (GSI,
2017). The pipe flow model SWMM has also been used to simulate turbulent groundwater flow (Chen
and Goldscheider, 2014). This raises the question of where turbulent flow is likely to be found in aquifers.
The major consequence of the difference between laminar flow and turbulent flow is that the
head/discharge relationship is linear in the former case and non-linear in the latter case. This is relevant to
the calibration of numerical models and is especially relevant to head changes in transient models. In
addition, turbulent flow can mobilize sediment grains and transport them through aquifers, and such
The earliest testing of whether flow in an aquifer is laminar or turbulent was by Darcy (1856). He
considered whether flow to artesian wells and to springs better fitted his non-linear flow law (the Darcy-
Weisbach equation) or his linear flow law (Darcy's law). He concluded that flow to artesian wells fitted
his linear flow law in most cases and that flow to a large spring in a limestone aquifer fitted his non-linear
flow law (Darcy, 1856, p. 137-157, 182-183). The conclusions of Darcy were largely confirmed by later
studies. For instance, Hubbert (1940) showed that turbulent flow is rare in granular aquifers where grain
size is 1 mm or less, and Smith et al. (1976) showed that flow is generally turbulent in the major channels
in carbonate aquifers. The permeability of carbonate aquifers is higher on average than other bedrock
aquifers (Gleeson et al., 2011), so large apertures, rapid groundwater velocities, and thus turbulent flow
are more likely to occur than in other lithologies. Consequently, this paper will focus on carbonate
It has long been known that continuous, large-aperture channels are common in carbonate
aquifers. Caves represent the most striking manifestations of such channels. Some cave passages have
been mapped for distances exceeding 10 km, and tracer tests with velocities exceeding 1 km/d provide
evidence for channels over even longer distances (Worthington, 2015a). Turbulent flow in past conditions
has been deduced from bedform-erosional features and sediments in cave passages (Gale, 1984), and
turbulent flow under current conditions has been deduced from the combination of tracer velocity and
spring discharge (Atkinson, 1977), and from the combination of head measurements and spring discharge
(Bonacci, 2001; Jeannin, 2001; Sepúlveda 2009). Despite such studies, there has been no comprehensive
discussion of the range of different methods for identifying turbulent flow in aquifers, nor of the
likelihood of turbulent flow occurring in a given carbonate aquifer. These issues will be addressed in this
paper. Section 2 outlines the theory and methods used to identify turbulent flow, with examples in Section
The transition between laminar flow and turbulent flow is determined by the dimensionless
where ρ is the density of water, v is groundwater velocity, d is pipe diameter, and µ is the dynamic
viscosity of water. In engineering, the critical Reynolds number that defines the transition from laminar to
turbulent flow is about 2100 for straight pipes and 1000 for openings with parallel walls (Street et al.,
1996, p. 233). In the latter case, d in Equation 1 refers to fracture aperture. In granular aquifers, mean
grain diameter is often used for d, and the critical Reynolds number ranges from 1 to 60 (Shoemaker et
al., 2008a). Natural channels in bedrock aquifers present an intermediate case between smooth, straight
manufactured pipes and the tortuous pathways in granular aquifers and so will have intermediate critical
Reynolds numbers. For instance, measurements have shown that turbulent flow in fractures and channels
can occur at Reynolds numbers well below 1000 (Qian et al., 2005; Shoemaker et al., 2008b; Chen and
Qian, 2009). Figure 1 shows how Reynolds numbers vary as a function of channel aperture and
groundwater velocity.
where Q is discharge, K is hydraulic conductivity, i is hydraulic gradient, and A is the area of the cross-
section through which water flows. Laminar flow in a circular channel can be calculated from the Hagen-
where g is the acceleration due to gravity, and r is the radius of the channel. Equation 3 assumes that flow
is in a smooth pipe, and the calculated apertures are termed hydraulic apertures. Actual apertures will be
somewhat higher because the channel roughness is not factored into Equation 3. Turbulent flow in a
circular channel can be described by the Darcy-Weisbach equation (Ford and Williams, 2007)
where A is the cross-sectional area of the channel and f is the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor.
Straight sections of manufactured pipes typically have friction factors of 0.01 to 0.05, but in
addition there are substantial head losses at bends and changes in cross-section (Street et al., 1996).
Natural channels in carbonate aquifers have much higher friction factors than straight manufactured pipes
because the walls are not smooth and the channels are not straight, and results from several studies
suggest that the geometric mean friction factor is between 1 and 10 (Jeannin, 2001).
Six methods are used here to identify situations where flow in channels is likely to be turbulent.
The first method calculates Reynolds numbers from channel diameter and velocity data (Equation 1). The
remaining five methods use inductive logic, and infer the presence of turbulent flow from water level,
spring discharge, groundwater velocity, cave stream, and suspended sediment data. The six methods are
not exhaustive. Any methods that yield estimates of channel diameter or groundwater velocity can help
define the extent of turbulence. For instance, the attenuation of a temperature signal can be used to
provide an independent estimate of channel diameter (Covington et al., 2012; Birk et al., 2014).
2.2.1 Using tracer tests and spring discharge to determine flow regime
The first way to determine whether channel flow is turbulent is where groundwater velocity has
been determined by a tracer test from a sinking stream to a spring and where spring discharge has also
been measured. Assuming flow in a circular channel, the diameter of the channel can be calculated from
Then the Reynolds number can be calculated using Equation 1. The literature was searched for examples
in carbonate aquifers where both sink to spring tracer velocities and spring discharge have been measured,
and the results were compiled to determine the relationship between spring discharge and Reynolds
The second way is to correlate spring discharge with the head difference between a well and a
spring to determine whether flow in the channel feeding the spring is laminar or turbulent. If flow in an
aquifer is laminar then it can be described by Darcy's law (Eq. 2) if flow is intergranular or by the Hagen-
Poiseuille equation (Eq. 3) if flow is in channels. In both cases there is a linear relationship between
discharge and head difference (Fig. 2a). However, if flow in the channels is turbulent then the head
difference is proportional to the square of the discharge (Eq. 4 and Fig. 2b). In most cases a monitoring
well will not lie directly on a major channel. The response in such an off-channel well will be linear if
flow in the major channel is laminar (Fig. 2c). However, if flow in the major channel is turbulent and flow
in the smaller channels or fractures between the well and the channel is laminar then the relationship
between head difference (h) and discharge is described by summing the head losses
where the terms on the right side of the equation refer to turbulent flow in the main channel or channels
and to laminar flow in the matrix, respectively (Fig. 2d). A more complicated situation occurs where flow
in the main channel is laminar in low-flow conditions and turbulent in high-flow conditions. In this case a
hybrid curve will result, with a break in slope at the point where flow becomes turbulent (Fig. 2e and 2f).
The third way is possible where the location of major channels can be identified from
potentiometric surface maps that show troughs, where the troughs are inferred to coincide with major
channels (Worthington, 2015b). In this case, the discharge in the channels can be calculated from
where Qc is the discharge at any point along a major channel, Bc is the area of the groundwater basin
upgradient from that location, and I is the mean infiltration rate. After calculating discharge in the
channel, the Reynolds number can be calculated from the relationship between discharge and the
Discharge is proportional to hydraulic gradient where flow is laminar (Eq. 3), but is proportional
to the square root of hydraulic gradient where flow is turbulent (Eq. 4). This results in large increase in
head in high-flow conditions close to channels with turbulent flow, and provides the fourth way to
The fifth way to recognize turbulent flow is where cave streams have been mapped and velocity
has been measured. This allows the Reynolds number to be determined using Equation 1. The large
diameters of channels with cave streams (typically 0.5 - 5 m) and the rapid velocities in these streams
(usually >1000 m/d) mean that flow is almost always turbulent (Fig. 1).
The presence of high turbidity at springs provides a sixth indication of turbulent flow. Clastic
sediments become mobilized in both surface streams and in channels in carbonate aquifers when
velocities exceed ~0.2 m/s, although clay and silt may be transported at much lower velocities (Sundborg,
1956). Turbulent flow is a function not only of velocity but also of channel diameter (Equation 1 and Fig.
1), and large channels may have turbulent flow but have velocities that are too low to entrain sediment
(Fig. 1). Consequently, a spring may have low turbidity yet still have turbulent flow.
3.1 Determination of flow regime from tracer test data and spring discharge
Results from 229 tracer tests between sinking streams and springs in 13 countries were compiled
from the literature from studies where both spring discharge and tracer velocity were measured (see Table
S1 in the Supplementary Material). Studies were chosen to represent a wide range of conditions, from
short tracer tests to small springs to traces over tens of kilometres to some very large springs. It is
assumed that flow is through a circular channel with a tortuosity of 1.5, which is the mean measured
tortuosity from a sample of 85 flow paths in caves (Worthington, 2015a). In the case of 95 of the tracer
tests, part or all of the flow path is through a known cave. In all these caves, flow is through a single
channel, although in some cases there is distributary branching to more than one channel close to the
springs. The calculated Reynolds numbers apply to the channel in the downgradient part of the flow path.
There is substantially less flow in upgradient parts of the flow path, associated with smaller channels, so
that Reynolds numbers would be lower. However, discharge at a major sinkpoint was >50% of spring
discharge in 64 of the 229 cases, indicating that the Reynolds number in the upgradient part of the flow
path are in many cases somewhat less but still within the same order of magnitude as values in the
Results show a strong correlation between the Reynolds number and spring discharge (Fig. 3),
In all cases the Reynolds number indicates flow in the turbulent regime. The regression suggests that flow
in the channel upgradient of a spring in a carbonate aquifer is likely to be turbulent where spring
discharge is >1 L/s, assuming that flow to the spring is through a single channel. In many cases, discharge
at the tracer input location was >1 L/s, so that flow was probably turbulent along the whole length of the
Barton Springs are the principal springs that drain a 390 km2 area of the Edwards Aquifer to the
south of Austin, Texas (USA), and have a mean discharge of 1.8 m3/s (BSEACD, 2003; Scanlon et al.,
2003; Smith et al., 2005; Figs. 4 and 5). In addition, there is a contributing zone of 684 km2, and flow
from this area recharges the aquifer by several losing streams. The aquifer is in lower Cretaceous
limestone and dolostone, and tracer testing from the sinking streams has shown that typical groundwater
velocities exceed 1 km/d along the major channels connecting the sinks to Barton Springs (BSEACD,
2003; Smith et al., 2005). Head data from wells show that there is a trough in the potentiometric surface
to the south of Barton Springs, with groundwater flow paths converging on this trough and then flowing
north to the springs (Scanlon et al., 2003). Such troughs are common in carbonate aquifers, and represent
areas where focused flow has resulted in enhanced dissolution along preferential flow paths and hence
higher permeability (Worthington, 2009). Flow along this trough has been simulated by lines of high-
permeability cells in numerical models of the aquifer (Slade et al., 1985; Scanlon et al., 2003), and Sun et
al. (2005) used MODFLOW-DCM so that turbulent flow in channels could be simulated. The rapid flow
from sinking streams to Barton Springs results in highly variable water quality at Barton Springs (Mahler
Well YD-58-50-216 is 4 km upgradient from Barton Springs, and is close to the groundwater
trough that indicates high permeability in the aquifer (Fig. 4). The relationship between water level in the
well and spring discharge is non-linear (Fig. 6a). Assuming that flow in the main channel is turbulent, and
that flow between the well and the channel is laminar, regression using a second-order polynomial allows
the two components of head loss to be separated. This indicates that most of the head loss is due to
turbulent flow in the main channel (Fig. 6b). Turbulent flow in the main channel is confirmed by the
results from eight tracer tests where the flow is inferred to have passed close to the well along the main
channel leading to Barton Springs (Table 1 and Fig. 4). The channel cross-section and Reynolds number
were calculated using Equations 5 and 1, respectively. The same assumptions were made as for Table S1,
that flow is through a circular channel with a tortuosity of 1.5. Calculated Reynolds numbers in Table 1
are derived from discharges at Barton Springs and so represent conditions in the main channel close to the
springs, and assume that the spring discharge is from a single channel.
Head differences between high flow and low flow represent a second indication of turbulent flow
(Section 2.2.4). The area with the largest head difference between high and low flows is aligned along the
major potentiometric surface trough in the aquifer (Figs. 4 and 5). This suggests that one or more
channels with turbulent flow are aligned along the trough that leads to Barton Springs. Turbulent flow is
also indicated by the combination of spring discharge and tracer velocity data (Table 1). Wells on either
side of the channel have a more muted head response, and this is likely to result from laminar flow
between the well and the channel (Fig. 2d). Head differences in the Barton Springs basin gradually drop
off away the main channel over a distance of several kilometres (Fig. 5). Very little of the area with a
seasonal head change >15 m is within the unconfined zone of the aquifer (Fig. 5). This is expected,
because an increase in flow in the unconfined zone will be buffered to some extent by storage in the
unsaturated matrix as head rises, so head changes will be less than in the confined zone.
Turbulent flow is also indicated by the presence of turbidity and suspended sediment in springs
(Section 2.2.6). Mahler and Lynch (1999) showed that there is a substantial increase in both discharge and
suspended sediment at Barton Springs following major rain events, with suspended sediment maxima
exceeding 20 mg/L.
Cretaceous Chalk outcrops over extensive areas in eastern and southern England, and accounts
for more than half the groundwater utilized in the country (Allen et al., 1997). The hydraulic conductivity
of the matrix (10-9 - 10-8 m/s) is much lower than that of the fractures (10-5 to 10-3 m/s), so the aquifer has
dual porosity characteristics, with almost all transport taking place in the network of interconnected
A series of 28 springs at Havant in Hampshire have a mean discharge of 1.1 m3/s. The springs
drain an area of about 94 km2 of the unconfined Cretaceous Chalk outcrop of the South Downs. To the
south of the recharge area, the aquifer is confined below Paleogene sediments in the Chichester Syncline
(Fig. 7). There are no permanent surface streams on the Chalk outcrop, though there are a series of dry
valleys, some of which are subject to groundwater flooding when the water table rises to the surface in
high-flow periods. Head data from wells in low-flow conditions show that there are three troughs in the
potentiometric surface, with the troughs converging on the springs (Fig. 7). A tracer test from a doline to
the springs gave a velocity of 2.21 km/d over a distance of 5.75 km (Atkinson and Smith, 1974).
Correlation between spring discharge and heads in a well at Idsworth, 5.5 km upgradient from the
springs, shows a linear trend in low-flow conditions (Fig. 8). At higher water levels, the trend becomes
non-linear. This is similar to the situation in Figure 2f, and suggests that the well is not directly on the
main channels that have turbulent flow. It has been found that the highest permeability in the Chalk is
generally along dry valleys (Price et al., 1993). Consequently, one or more channels with turbulent flow
in high-flow conditions are likely to underlie the major dry valley that is about 900 m east of Idsworth
well (Fig. 7). The break in slope in the discharge-head plot suggests that flow in the channels from near
Idsworth Well to the springs is laminar in low-flow conditions, but becomes turbulent when discharge
The velocity used in the calculation is from the tracer test described above, which took place when the
water level at Idsworth well was about 9.6 m above Havant Springs (Atkinson and Smith, 1974). This
corresponds approximately with the inferred transition from laminar to turbulent flow (Fig. 8). Assuming
that the groundwater temperature is 10° C, that the critical Reynolds number is 200-600 (see Section 2),
and that channel tortuosity is 1.5 (Worthington, 2015a), then calculated channel diameters are in the range
from 7 mm to 21 mm. These channel apertures are similar to those seen in downhole images in the Chalk
(Price et al., 1982; Schürch and Buckley, 2002; Maurice et al., 2012), and thus lend credence to the
A well on Broadhalfpenny Down is also situated close to a groundwater trough (Fig. 7), but
provides a contrasting response. Correlation of weekly averages of water levels at the well with discharge
at the springs also shows a nonlinear response (Fig. 9). There were two anomalous data points during the
two weeks when levels rose >10 m, which may be due to a hysteresis effect during rapid water level
changes. The remainder of the data fit two markedly different trends, with the slope of best-fit lines being
much greater at high flow than at low flow (Fig. 9). The change in slope at the Broadhalfpenny Down
The simplest explanation for the changes in slope of the head-discharge plots at the Idsworth and
Broadhalfpenny Down wells is that they represent a change in the aquifer between the respective wells
and Havant Springs from laminar flow to turbulent flow. The transition at Idsworth occurs at a spring
discharge of 0.85 m3/s and at Broadhalfpenny Down it occurs at a spring discharge of 1.63 m3/s. This
suggests that transition to turbulent flow occurs at lower discharges in the downgradient parts of the basin
where channels are expected to be larger than in upgradient parts of the basin. However, the
potentiometric surface troughs associated with the two wells are largely independent (Fig. 7), and an
alternative explanation is that the eastern trough, which passes close to Idsworth well, has larger channels
than the central trough that passes close to Broadhalfpenny Down well. This would explain the transition
There is an increase in the turbidity of Havant Springs following heavy rain (Atkinson and Smith,
There have been many detailed studies of the Mississippian limestone aquifer in the Mammoth
Cave area, Kentucky (USA), where Turnhole Spring is one of the largest springs (Figure 10). A
combination of tracer testing, water level measurements in wells, and mapping of cave streams enabled
the major flow paths in the aquifer to be delineated (Quinlan and Ewers, 1989). It was found that all
major cave streams coincide with troughs in the potentiometric surface. Conversely, the troughs show
The recharge to the limestone area of central Kentucky was determined from the difference in
discharge at two locations along the Green River to be 19.5 L/s/km2 (Hess and White, 1989). Equations 7
and 8 were then applied to calculate the discharge and Reynolds numbers, respectively, along the main
flow paths (Fig. 10). Results show that there are two channels with a Reynolds number greater than
300,000, five channels with values between 100,000 and 300,000, and eleven channels with values
between 30,000 and 100,000. There are also likely to be large numbers of channels with smaller Reynolds
numbers, but still with turbulent flow. However, only a few of these are shown on the map because the
available head data is insufficiently detailed to enable the identification of minor troughs in the
potentiometric surface.
The challenges of cave exploration mean that long cave streams have rarely been mapped. In most cases it
is only the segments that are at or above the water table and have an air space that have been explored,
because scuba diving in caves is arduous and dangerous. Logsdon River in Mammoth Cave is an example
of a long cave stream, where the 9.75 km section at the water table has been mapped (Fig 10). Flow
characteristics have been measured by Raeisi et al. (2007) and the channel incorporated in a MODFLOW
model of the aquifer (Worthington, 2009). Occasionally, scuba divers have mapped long underwater
caves, such as the cave system that discharges at Wakulla Springs, Florida, USA. The major passages
have been incorporated in a MODFLOW CFP model of the aquifer, with tracer testing giving additional
information on major flow paths (Loper et al., 2005; Gallegos et al., 2013). Hydraulic characterization of
the major channels feeding a large spring in Switzerland Cave was facilitated by cave mapping, combined
with head and discharge measurements (Jeannin, 2001). The case studies described above illustrate how
data collected in caves has enhanced understanding of flow characteristics in the major channels that are
The presence of high turbidity or suspended sediment is common in carbonate springs, and has been
noted above at Barton Springs (Section 3.2) and at Havant Springs (Section 3.3). Suspended sediment
concentrations increase rapidly as a function of discharge, and during very high flows can reach 1000
mg/L (Newson, 1971; Herman et al., 2008). Turbidity can be measured continuously at springs, and is a
useful proxy for pathogenic bacteria, which is important for springs used as water supplies (Pronk et al.,
2007). However, as noted in Section 2.2, large channels may have turbulent flow but have velocities too
low to entrain sediment. Furthermore, there may be little particulate sediment in springs in pure
carbonates that have only percolation recharge. Consequently, low suspended sediment concentrations in
4 Practical applications
Flooding that occurs as a result of a rise in the water table to the ground surface is termed
groundwater flooding. It has attracted particular attention on the outcrop of the Cretaceous chalk aquifer
in southern England and northern France following extensive flooding in the winter of 2000-2001 (Habets
et al., 2010; Hughes et al., 2011), and also on the outcrop of the Carboniferous limestone in Ireland,
In the groundwater catchment for Havant Springs, there is an area near Idsworth well that
experiences groundwater flooding in high-flow conditions (Fig. 7). The relationship between spring
discharge and heads at Idsworth well is linear at low flows (Fig. 8). If this linear relationship extended to
the highest flows then the head would be 22.1 m above spring elevation at the maximum measured
discharge of 1.956 m3/s. This relationship is shown by the dashed line in Figure 8. Instead, the head-
discharge relationship becomes non-linear at high flows and the maximum head is 31.0 m above spring
elevation. The increase in head of 8.9 m above the calculated linear value is explained by flow becoming
turbulent in the main channels in the aquifer, as described in Section 3.1.2, and provides an explanation
Robins and Finch (2012) summarized the current interpretation of the processes that cause
groundwater floods, but then asked whether some additional processes might be at work. Turbulent flow
is one such process that does not appear to have been previously considered as an explanation for
groundwater flooding. In high-permeability aquifers dominated by fracture flow, of which carbonates are
the prime example, turbulent flow provides a straightforward and logical explanation for the large rises in
Turbulent flow has been implemented in MODFLOW in two distinct ways (Shoemaker et al.,
2008a). Mode 1 of Conduit Flow Process (CFPM1) adds a series of linked cylindrical pipe elements that
are embedded within the porous medium model (e.g., Gallegos et al 2013). Mode 2 of Conduit Flow
Process (CFPM2) represents turbulent flow within a layer in the model (e.g., Shoemaker et al 2008b).
These two modes represent two contrasting ways in which turbulent flow occurs in carbonate aquifers.
The Mississippian limestone aquifer at Mammoth Cave represents the situation where single large
channels are associated with troughs in the potentiometric surface. This provides optimum conditions for
turbulent flow to occur, and as a result it is widespread in the Mammoth Cave aquifer (Fig. 10). This
The Cretaceous Chalk aquifer at Havant (Fig. 7) represents a rather different situation, where
evidence from wells suggests that multiple channels of more modest dimensions are present (Price et al.,
1982; Schürch and Buckley, 2002, Maurice et al., 2012). The smaller size of the channels in the latter
case results in turbulent flow being less common in the Chalk aquifer than in the Mammoth Cave aquifer.
Nevertheless, head-discharge relationships show that turbulent flow is present at high flows in some areas
(Figs. 8 and 9), and may represent a major cause of groundwater flooding. Modelling of flow has shown
that transmissivity in the Chalk commonly varies over more than two orders of magnitude, with higher
values being found beneath valleys, close to large springs, and along the flow paths between losing or
sinking streams and springs (Rushton et al., 1989; Soley et al., 2012). These high-transmissivity areas
have the highest probability of turbulent flow. Televiewer images, flowmeter, and conductivity profiling
have shown that channels tend to be associated with prominent horizons such as the Chalk Rock and
Melbourn Rock, where they appear to form anastomosing preferential flow networks (Schürch and
Buckley, 2002; Maurice et al. 2012; Soley et al., 2012). Such flow could be incorporated in MODFLOW
using CFPM2.
5. Discussion
One of the main ways to identify turbulent flow is from plots of the head in wells against spring
discharge (Fig. 2). However, the methodology outlined in Section 2.2.2 makes a series of simplifying
assumptions. One is that the aquifer base at the well is below spring elevation, so that if flow at the spring
dropped to zero then the head at the well would be the same as the head at the spring and so the hydraulic
gradient would be zero. This is implicit in Figure 2, and the data in the Edwards aquifer (Fig. 6) and
Chalk aquifer (Fig. 8) provide close approximations to this situation. However, the low-flow heads at the
Broadhalfpenny Down well (Fig. 9) extrapolate to a zero-flow head that is 31.3 m above sea level, or
about 25 m above spring elevation. The well is in the Upper Chalk, the base of which is about 100 m
below sea level at this location (British Geological Survey, 1998). Hence the effective base of the aquifer
is more that 100 m above the base of the formation. This difference occurs because fracture aperture and
fracture frequency decrease with depth in the Chalk, and the effective aquifer is generally the upper 50-60
m of the saturated Chalk (Price et al., 1993). The measured water levels vary from 43 m to 84 m above
sea level (Fig. 9), giving an effective aquifer thickness that ranges from 10 m at low flow to 51 m at high
flow conditions. Thus the effective aquifer thickness at Broadhalfpenny Down accords with the general
A second simplifying assumption in Figures 2e and 2f is that there is an inflection point where
flow in the channel becomes turbulent along its whole length. That seems to be the case for the situation
shown in Figure 8, where the transition is at a spring discharge of about 0.85 m3/s. However, in other
cases there might be a progressive change to turbulent flow along the channel; in this case a plot of the
A third simplifying assumption is that head changes in the aquifer are synchronous. However,
sometimes head changes in the matrix lag head changes in channels (Quinlan and Ewers, 1989; Sauter,
The simplest initial way to evaluate the correlation between spring discharge and head in wells is
to plot them as power functions. The exponent for laminar flow is 1 (Fig. 2a) and the exponent for
turbulent flow in 2 (Fig. 2b). An exponent between 1 and 2 indicates the presence of both laminar and
turbulent flow. For instance, the power function equation for the data in Figure 6a is
The exponent is close to 2 and so indicates that head loss is predominantly due to turbulent flow, and this
is confirmed by splitting the head loss into laminar and turbulent flow components (Fig. 6b). Figure 8
provides a contrasting situation. The power function exponent is 1.38 for the whole data set, indicating
that head loss is predominantly due to laminar flow, which is confirmed in Figure 8.
The Reynolds numbers shown for the Turnhole Spring basin (Fig. 10) represent average values.
There are local variations along cave streams, which may be associated with changes in cross-section,
hydraulic gradient, or whether the channel has an airspace or is below the water table (Lauber et al.,
2014). Furthermore, there may be substantial transient changes due to changes in discharge. For instance,
tracer velocity along a 6 km length of one of the larger channels in Figure 10 showed that velocity varied
from 200 m/d to 11 km/d (Quinlan and Ewers, 1988). Order of magnitude variation in Reynolds numbers
with discharge are also seen the Edwards aquifer (Table 1). Table S1 in the Supplementary Data also
provides a number of instances of the variation in Reynolds number with discharge, with 13 traces
between St Cuthbert’s Swallet and Wookey Hole (#31-43) and 13 traces between Lurgrotte and
6. Conclusions
We have presented six methods that may be used to assess the presence of turbulent flow.
However, in many carbonate aquifers there is a paucity of head data and there are no accessible cave
streams, limiting data collection to springs. Consequently, spring discharge is a key parameter for
evaluating the presence of turbulent flow. If discharge from an aquifer is by seepage at a seepage face
then it is probable that there will be no turbulent flow in the aquifer under natural gradient conditions.
Conversely, if an aquifer discharges via springs with flows > 1 L/s then turbulent flow close to the spring
is likely if flow is through a single channel (Fig. 9). However, flow may be through multiple channels, in
which case the transition to turbulent flow will occur at much larger spring discharges than 1 L/s (Section
The probability of turbulent flow increases in a downgradient direction, and is most likely to
occur close to springs (Fig. 10). Its probability also increases as a function of spring discharge and of
permeability. Consequently, gauging of springs and identification of areas in an aquifer with high
permeability provides an indication of the distribution of turbulent flow in aquifers. Turbulent flow is
associated with much larger rises in head than laminar flow, and may be a major factor in groundwater
We thank Alison Matthews of the Environment Agency for making available the data for Havant Springs
and Idsworth well, and for helpful comments on an earlier version of the manuscript. We also thank three
anonymous reviewers for their helpful suggestions. This research did not receive any specific grant from
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at ?????
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Figure captions
Figure 1. Groundwater velocity as a function of channel diameter, showing the range of laminar
and turbulent flow regimes, assuming transition from laminar to turbulent flow at Reynolds
numbers (R) between 100 and 1000 (modified after Sundborg, 1956).
Figure 2. Head (h) as a function of spring discharge (Q) for different well locations and different
combinations of laminar and turbulent flow.
Figure 3. Reynolds numbers for 229 channels between sinking streams and springs (see Table 1
in Supplementary data for details).
Figure 4. Low-flow heads and seasonal changes in heads in the aquifer that discharges at Barton
Springs, Texas, USA (modified from BSEACD, 2003, and Hunt et al., 2007)
Figure 5. West to east section in the Barton Springs catchment, along the line A-B shown on
Figure 3 (modified from Hunt et al., 2007)
Figure 6. Correlation between the head in well YD-58-50-216 and discharge at Barton Springs, 4
km downgradient from the well, showing data points (left) and split into two components (right).
Based on data from the U.S. Geological Survey and Texas Water Development Board
Figure 7. Catchment for Havant Springs, Hampshire, England, showing three major troughs in
the potentiometric surface (modified from Day, 1964; Atkinson and Smith, 1974; Environment
Agency, 2017)
Figure 8. Correlation between discharge at Havant Springs and water levels at the Idsworth well
(data from Environment Agency, 2014)
Figure 9. Correlation between average weekly discharge at Havant Springs and head in the well
at Broadhalfpenny Down between January 2000 and August 2002 (head data from Lee et al.,
2006; discharge data from Environment Agency, 2014)
Figure 10. Reynolds numbers for the major channels in the Turnhole Spring groundwater basin,
Kentucky, USA (adapted from potentiometric surface map by Quinlan and Ewers, 1989).
Table 1 - Details of eight tracer tests from sinking streams to Barton Springs (tracer and discharge
data from BSEACD, 2003).
Green River Green River
Turnhole Spring Canada
L study area
134 Mexico
h=0.0128Q + 31.3
0.5 1 1.5 2
Discharge at Havant Springs (m3/s)
30 h=4.53Q2+7.47Q
Head at well (m above spring elevation)
10 extrapolation of
linear trend
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Discharge at springs (m3/s)
0 2 km
50.95°N 76
er S
50.85°N yncli
of sp
1.05°W 0.95°W
h = 1.865Qx2
turbulent flow
10 10 in channel
h = 0.574Q
laminar flow
5 5
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Discharge (m3/s) Discharge (m3/s)
recharge zone confined zone
Elevation (metres above sea level)
300 maximum
head difference
Edwards aquifer
high-flow heads
low-flow heads
0 0 5 km
Well YD-58-50-216 Co
5 Tracer injection number in Table 1 lor
Tracer injection location o
Flow path traced to Barton Springs
Barton Springs
Low-flow heads (m asl)
>15 m seasonal change in head 189
>30 m seasonal change in head
Updip limit of recharge zone 165
Updip limit of confined zone
Updip limit of saline zone
Line of section AB shown in Fig. 4
0 4 km 30.2oN
A potentiometric
surface 1
poorly defined B
- few wells
2 8
3 97.9oW 97.8oW
known channel
presumed channel
Reynolds number
R = 239,000 Q0.602
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Spring discharge (m3/s)
a Laminar flow b Turbulent flow
Channel well Channel well
0 0
0 Spring discharge 0 Spring discharge
0 0
0 Spring discharge 0 Spring discharge
h=aQ2 h=aQ2+bQ
0 0
0 Spring discharge 0 Spring discharge
lam turbulent
Groundwater velocity (m/d)
1000 ro
ur R=
bu 00
laminar 10 t
0.1 1 10 100
Channel diameter (mm)