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Spectroscopy: For Grape and Wine Analysis

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for Grape and Wine Analysis

FTIR spectroscopy
can assist the highly
diversified and
tradition-bound wine
Rolene Bauer industry in meeting
product and quality

Hélène Nieuwoudt
Florian F. Bauer
control challenges.
Jens Kossmann
Klaus R. Koch TIR spectroscopy is a nondestructive technique that provides structural
information on molecular features of a large range of compounds. Its main
Kim H. Esbensen advantages are speed, a high degree of automation, medium resolution,
Stellenbosch University and cost-effectiveness. Recent improvements in instrumentation together with ad-
(South Africa) vances in fiber optics and chemometrics have provided an analytical tool that is suitable
for routine qualitative analysis and process control in many industries.
Aalborg University Esbjerg Although FTIR spectroscopy is widely applied in the food industry, acceptance of
(Denmark) this technology in the grape and wine industry has been relatively slow and mainly

© 2008 American Chemical Societ y Ma r c h 1 , 2 0 0 8 / A n a l y t i c a l C h e m i s t r y 1371

restricted to large wineries. Wine making demands constant 14,000–4000 cm−1. Although the mid-IR part of the spec-
product monitoring and requires process control from the trum contains many sharp peaks and is very information-rich,
start of grape ripening until bottling of the finished product. NIR spectra consist of overtones and combination bands. The
Direct spectroscopic measurement is well suited in this context predominant NIR spectral vibration feature is C–H-associated
because it allows for rapid and simultaneous analysis of sev- stretching; this manifests as both C–H combination bands and
eral compounds with minimal sample preparation and reagent C–H overtones and occurs four times between 14,500 and
consumption. Commercially available FTIR instrumentation 3300 cm−1. The closer one approaches the fundamental region,
with versatile and innovative software, designed specifically for the more detailed is the vibrational information.
grape and wine analysis, has recently received much attention. The main advantages of NIR spectroscopy are low absorp-
FTIR spectroscopy is based on the principle that functional tivity and low reflectivity. Low absorptivity allows energy to
groups within a sample will vibrate upon exposure to IR radia- pass easily through samples without rapid attenuation. There-
tion. The distinction between NIR and mid-IR techniques is fore, sample path lengths can be much longer than for mid-IR
diminishing, and the methods are seen as complementary, with analysis (up to 10 cm), permitting analysis of most samples
each spectral region providing unique advantages (1, 2). without the need for sample pretreatment. Low reflectivity al-
lows NIR energy to penetrate beneath the surface of even visu-
ally opaque samples. By contrast, the high reflectivity of UV or
visible light precludes analysis of intact grape berries.
Spectral acquisition with Even though advanced IR technology has been welcomed
multicomponent FT-mid-IR enthusiastically (3) and has led to an almost explosive flurry of
applications in quantitative analysis, one critical factor is still
has received much attention problematic—accuracy. The reliability of the analytical results
is directly proportional to the extent to which the analytical
because of its accuracy, volumes sampled adequately represent the lots from which they
precision, and speed. were taken, be they loads, drums, tanks, vats, reactors, and so
forth. Because sampling rates of 1:10 6 are typical and far from
trivial, representative sampling is critical.

IR techniques Multivariate statistical techniques

Most compounds with covalent bonds absorb specific fre- Much of the modeling of analytical data from wine has been
quencies of radiation in the IR region of the electromagnetic conducted in a univariate manner, typically by examining the
spectrum. Only asymmetric bonds with a dipole moment that response of a single, isolated variable on the overall matrix and
changes as a function of time are capable of absorbing IR ra- ignoring the effects of chemical or physical interactions among
diation, and absorptions characteristic of each type of bond are the large numbers of constituents present in the sample. Since
found in specific small sections of the vibrational IR region. the introduction of modern analytical instrumentation capable
The vibrational IR region is at wavelengths ~2500–25,000 of multivariate responses, food quality control is now often
nm, corresponding to wavenumbers of 4000–400 cm−1. The based on indirect, full-spectrum measurements of the chemi-
simplest types of vibrational motion in a molecular bond are cal and physical properties of a sample. As a result, extremely
the stretching and bending modes, which give rise to funda- large data sets are generated in which essential information
mental absorptions whereby vibrational transitions in mol- may not be readily evident. Univariate methods, such as the
ecules are induced, resulting in transitions from the ground analysis of variance, are of limited use in complex data analysis.
state to the lowest-energy excited state. Multivariate analysis, also known as chemometrics, provides a
Although fundamental absorptions or vibrations are visual- means of quantifying constituents that are involved in complex
ized as strong bands or peaks, an IR spectrum is complicated matrix interactions without eliminating matrix interferences.
by the presence of three types of bands: weak overtone, combi- The use of chemometrics for calibration, validation, and com-
nation, and difference bands. Overtones result from molecules parison of main components of wine as determined by IR is
being excited from the ground state to higher-energy states indispensable.
and correspond to multiples of the frequency of the fundamen- Qualitative and quantitative IR spectroscopic methods typi-
tal absorption. Combination bands result from frequencies that cally require multivariate calibration algorithms to model the
are vibrationally coupled, and difference bands result from the spectral response to chemical or physical properties of the cali-
difference between two interacting bands. No two molecules bration samples. Measured frequencies often have to be prepro-
of different structure have exactly the same IR absorption pat- cessed through a series of mathematical procedures, including
tern; thus, the IR spectrum of a pure sample can be described various forms of scaling, corrections, and FT, to yield a suitable
as a molecular fingerprint characteristic of a specific chemical absorbance spectrum. Vibrational bands (peaks) are generally
or biochemical substance. overlapping and may often appear nonspecific and poorly re-
The NIR spectral region lies between the visible and IR solved. The approaches and methodology in chemometrics are
regions of the electromagnetic spectrum and corresponds to described elsewhere (4 –8).

1372 A n a l y t i c a l C h e m i s t r y / Ma r c h 1 , 2 0 0 8
Methods based on multiple linear regression (MLR) relate When PCA is carried out on x variables, the resultant princi-
below: jupiterimages
above: john keith / shutterstock

variations in the selected response (y) to the variations of sev- pal components can be used to predict x in a variant of MLR
eral linearly independent predictors (x) with the purpose of known as principal component regression, in which some of
predicting the dependent response variable (5). The regression the MLR problems have been eliminated.
coefficient expresses the link between variation in the predic- Disjoint PCA modeling by soft independent modeling of
tors and variation in the response. The squared multiple corre- class analogy (SIMCA) focuses on classifying objects into dis-
lation coefficient R 2 is used as a goodness-of-fit measure in the jointed data classes based on the similarities among members
sense that the closer the value is to 1, the better is the predic- of the same data class (a natural group or cluster of objects).
tion for a given validation data set. Both A new sample will be rejected if it is not
R 2 and the root mean square error of similar enough to other members of
prediction (RMSEP) are often used to the class (7). SIMCA classification also
validate a model (5). RMSEP is a mea- enables identification and interpretation
surement of the average difference be- of outlier samples or samples that are
tween predicted and reference response poorly predicted by calibration models.
values at the validation or prediction
stage, and it is expressed in the same Instrumentation
units as the original response values. In IR techniques, absorption intensity is
The most commonly used regression typically plotted against wavenumber or
technique in chemometrics is partial least wavelength (1). Two types of IR spec-
squares regression (PLSR) (5, 7). The trophotometers are commonly used:
technique is based on so-called bilinear dispersive and modern FT instrumenta-
projection, meaning that two sets of tion. A dispersive instrument measures
variables (x, y) are linked to each other spectral points sequentially and records
by means of linear projection models. a spectrum in the desired frequency
Instead of MLR being applied to the domain, whereas the optical pathway
full set of regressors, the information of FT instrumentation produces a com-
carried by the original x variables is pro- plex time-dependent response, called
jected onto a smaller set of latent, uncor- an interferogram, that is essentially the
related variables called PLS components. variation of the absorbed IR intensity as
Because the y data are actively used in a function of time (1). The conventional
estimation of these latent variables in the x space, the first PLS frequency-domain IR spectrum is obtained by mathematically
components will always be the most relevant for predicting y. performing the FT on the interferogram. Compared with the
PLS components point out main associations between x and dispersive device, the FTIR instrument is faster and produces
y internally while optimizing the effective interrelationships spectra with better S/N, which, conveniently, can be manipu-
between x and y data for optimal prediction characteristics. In lated digitally.
multivariate calibration, a biased regression technique such as Spectral acquisition with multicomponent analytical FT-
PLSR is preferred to classical MLR, because MLR gives rise to mid-IR instrumentation, in particular the WineScan FT120
high variance when regressors are highly correlated. Another (FOSS Electric), has recently received much attention because
weakness associated with MLR is the assumption that errors of its impressive performance in terms of accuracy, precision,
exist only for y. PLSR can establish whether a new test sample and speed of analysis (9–12). WineScan is equipped with a deu-
is similar enough to those used in training. If not, the model terated triglycine sulfate pyroelectric IR detector, and its cali-
should not be used for prediction, which minimizes the likeli- bration software, which is based on PCA and PLSR, has been
hood of applying a regression model to an outlier sample. designed specifically for grape and wine analysis. Measure-
Principal components analysis (PCA), which is the bilin- ments are carried out in liquid flow-through cells equipped
ear modeling method most often used, gives an overview of with two CaF2 windows mounted slightly nonparallel to mini-
the main information in a single multidimensional data table mize internal reflections. Each window has a 10-mm-diam
x (7). The information carried by the original x variables is circle with 2 mm thickness, providing an optical aperture of
projected onto a smaller set of latent variables called principal 88.54 mm 2 and a cell volume of 3.276 μL. A polyethylene tere-
components. Unlike PLS components, principal components phthalate spacer provides a 37 μm optical path length. The in-
are calculated without taking information about y into account terferogram is recorded with an optical resolution of 14 × 2000
(there are no y data for a PCA). Because principal components cm−1 and averaging on the basis of 12 scans. The instrument
are orthogonal to one another, each principal component can is equipped with a HeNe laser (632 nm) and a silicon detector
be interpreted independently. The scores are used to study to track the position of the moving mirror in the interferom-
the interobject relationships in terms of similarities as well as eter. This laser determines not only the resolution but also the
differences, and complementary loadings are also used to de- speed of the interferometer.
tect and interpret interrelationships among different variables. The regression algorithms incorporate absorptions at se-

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Table 1. Validation of FTIR spectroscopy for Calibration and method validation
German wine analysis. During calibration, a model is fitted to the available data in
(Adapted from Ref. 12.) such a way that it describes the data as faithfully as possible.
Validation establishes the accuracy and precision and thus how
Parameter Range Mean R2 RMSEP
well a model will perform for future samples taken from the
Alcohol (vol %) 7.4–14.0 11.4 0.9819 0.16 same population as the calibration samples (7 ). When several
Alcohol (g/L) 58.7–110.7 90 0.9753 1.4 chemical components are to be determined, calibration re-
Sugars quires selection of the most relevant spectral wavelengths first,
Before conversion 1.5–220.8 23.1 0.9978 1.7 followed by informed use of multivariate calibration, typically
PLSR, to optimize the calibration equations for each of the
After conversion 1.5–234.7 23.8 0.9983 1.3
different parameters.
Glucose 0.2–63.5 6.5 0.9957 0.7 An independent set of samples is required to validate the
Fructose 0.0–165.7 14.9 0.9983 1.1 accuracy, precision, and robustness of the calibration model.
Organic acids (g/L) In regression, validation allows for an estimation of the aver-
Total acid 3.72–14.10 6.14 0.9734 0.25 age predicted error in future predictions. The outcome of the
validation stage is generally expressed by RMSEP2. Everything
pH 2.49–3.99 3.37 0.8344 0.12
else being equal, the lowest RMSEP signifies the best predic-
Tartaric acid 0.80–3.30 2 0.4228 0.47 tion of model performance if validated on a test set. Cross-vali-
Malic acid 0.0–6.60 2.3 0.8110 0.63 dation based on the training data set alone invariably leads to
Volatile acid 0.14–1.41 0.44 0.7680 0.09 an estimate of the prediction performance that is overly opti-
Citric acid 0.0–2.30 0.32 0.4875 0.26 mistic and unrealistic (7 ).
Few published studies have focused on the validation of
Glycerol (g/L) 5.20–27.80 7.85 0.9831 0.47
FT-mid-IR methodology for wines by comparing the predic-
Total phenol (mg/L) 134–2260 570 0.9594 126 tions of wine components with standard reference methods
SO 2 (mg/L) (9, 12–14). These studies typically were calibrated by PLSR.
Total (Tanner–Brunner) 32–588 120 0.7029 41 The model developed by Patz et al. allowed rapid simultane-
Tot al (automated 7–415 86 0.8431 33 ous screening of wine and must (grape juice before and during
photometry) fermentation) for components and physical parameters such as
Free 0–58 20 0.1196 12 alcohol, relative density, extract, sugar-free extract, refraction,
conductivity, glycerol, total phenols, reducing sugars, fructose,
glucose, sucrose, pH, total acidity, individual organic acids,
lected wavenumbers or groups of wavenumbers (also referred and total SO2 (Table 1; 12). Both R 2 statistics and RMSEP
to as filters) to generate a linear equation that best fits refer- values were used to evaluate the calibration model.
ence values in a data set. The most prominent wavenumbers,
at Because calibration assigns a response value, it introduces
which the correlation between the measured absorbance and the need for quantitative classification of the spectra; qualita-
the corresponding reference values for the analyte of interest is tive classification is also needed to distinguish between ad-
the highest, are selected by the software. Although
the whole equate or deviating outlier samples (15). Such classifications
spectral range (929–5011 cm−1) is stored for each calibration arise from the presence of two different structures in a data
sample, filter selection is restricted to the ranges 965–1582, set. One is related to the carrying over of systematic informa-
1698–2006, and 2701–2971 cm−1. The regions 1582–1692 tion from x to y, and it is identified by PLSR during calibra-
and 2971–3627 cm−1 contain strong water absorption bands tion. The other structure is internal to the x space and can be
that prevent energy from passing through the cell. The region identified by using cluster analysis. This internal structure is
from 3627 cm−1 onward is eliminated because it contains very not related solely to the response structure, even though both
little useful information��������������������������������������
. It is possible to access the commer- are based on the spectral data.
cial algorithms and change critical parameters, such as slope, During the building and validation of a PLSR model,
intercept, filters, and regression coefficients, to improve the samples that represent outlier spectral data (x) and samples
accuracy of prediction. that present abnormalities in the response (y) can be identi-
Commercial wine samples can be scanned without sample fied. When an established model is used on new spectra to
preparation, although a filtration step is recommended to make a prediction, samples that present spectral abnormalities
remove particulates. Samples containing CO2 need to be de- can be detected. In other words, information is obtained not
gassed. NIR instrumentation used by the wine industry in- only about the spectra but also about the relationships be-
cludes diode array spectrometers (25,000–9100 cm−1) and the tween the spectra and the response. Therefore, the applicabil-
FOSS NIRSystems 6500 (25,000–4000 cm−1). Spectropho- ity of a PLSR model can be guaranteed only by ensuring that
tometers with a limited wavelength range are preferred because the samples used in the training set are representative of the
they are less expensive and more rugged than traditional scan- calibration scenario and also of the situation pertaining to the
ning monochromator instruments. future prediction application of the model. Esbensen deals in

1374 A n a l y t i c a l C h e m i s t r y / Ma r c h 1 , 2 0 0 8
depth with these critical Table 2. NIR spectroscopy calibration statistics.
modeling and validation
issues (7). RMSECV or
Parameter Sample type Range R2 RPD1 Ref.
Clearly, the evalua-
tion of calibration models
based on regression statis- Total alcohol (% v/v) Grape spirits 93.7–96.5 0.969 0.08* NA 24
tics alone often presents Methanol (g/L) Grape spirits 0.02–188.8 0.998 0.06* NA 24
an overly optimistic view Acidity
of the predictive abilities
pH Red grape homogenates 3.66–4.26 0.72 0.07 1.4 28
of the model. Ideally, a
pH Intact red grapes NA 0.50 0.08 1.4 NA
calibration model should
allow for the identifica- Phenolic compounds
tion and interpretation Color (mg/g) Red grape homogenates 0.38–1.72 0.90 0.10 4.2 28
of outliers in the sample Color (mg/g) Intact red grapes NA 0.50 0.14 1.9 NA
set and the identification
M3G (mg/L) Red wine ferments ±183 0.81–0.94 17.5–31.5 2.5–4.3 32
of poorly predicted sam-
Pigmented polymers Red wine ferments ±21 0.82–0.94 3.2–26.8 2.1–5.8 32
ples and sample types for (mg/L)
which the model would
Tannins as catechin Red wine ferments ±318 0.7–0.97 49.1–118 1.8–3.0 32
not be suitable (11). Sam- (mg/L)
ples that at first may ap-
pear to be outliers may ac- 1RPD is the ratio of the standard deviation of the calibration data to the standard error of prediction.
tually serve well as samples
to be included in an augmented training data set. The key dissimilarities among them. Fermentation and the maturation
issue for a calibration data set is how representative it is with period have been identified as major sources of variation (11).
respect to the matrix and to future concentration ranges and The fourth challenge relates to concentration limitations—
data structure. FTIR spectroscopy is not suitable for determining concentra-
Because wine samples are highly variable due to origin, tions <0.2 g/L (12). The full potential for quality and produc-
vintage, cultivar, viticulture (vine growing), viniculture (wine tion control has not been realized.
making), and wine style, apparent outliers may turn out to
be legitimate representatives of the data. Nieuwoudt et al. Alcohol content
evaluated PCA as a model for classifying the spectra of outlier Ethanol is produced mainly by Saccharomyces cerevisiae during
samples (11). The authors showed that PCA, in combination alcoholic fermentation and is one of the main components of
with SIMCA, can be used to differentiate between outliers natural wine (6.5–16% v/v) and distillation products. Another
and samples that are poorly predicted by calibration models. source of ethanol in certain styles of wines is fortification with
Understanding the nature of any particular data structure grape-derived spirits, usually distilled at ~96% v/v ethanol.
(i.e., assigning status to the objects as training set, validation A major contaminant in distilled spirits is methanol, which
set, outliers, etc.) is very much a problem-dependent matter. In originates from microbial activity in the raw material used for
general, it is dangerous to rely on automated algorithmic ap- distillation (17). Both ethanol and methanol are therefore rou-
proaches (“blindfold” calibration and validation). tinely monitored during distillation. Fortification is not the
only source of methanol in wine. Methanol may occur in trace
Challenges amounts in natural wine, presumably resulting from enzymatic
Four main challenges are associated with wine analysis by activity during wine making (18).
FTIR. First, the similarity among IR absorption profiles— Clearly, a need exists for fast and reliable methods for de-
wine samples are chemically very similar and so are many of its termining ethanol and methanol content. Total alcohol is
components that are routinely measured. The second challenge traditionally measured by densitometry, with the assumption
is interferences, due mainly to the dominating absorption of that the major component is ethanol. Methanol is commonly
ethanol and water in the mid-IR region. Two wavenumber measured by GC. Although the application of NIR in finished
regions, 2970–3620 and 1550–1710 cm−1, contribute consid- wine has been limited because of the lack of success in obtain-
erable noise in spectra and are associated with the absorbance ing reliable calibrations, determination of alcohol with NIR is
of water (11). Other interfering compounds may be present in relatively simple (19–21). The OH bond in ethanol produces
high concentrations, such as reducing sugar and organic acids a NIR band that is easily distinguished from the OH band
(16). Interferences are compensated for by multiple-wavenum- produced by water, and ethanol is easily distinguished from
ber measurements and by subtraction of the water signal. methanol (22, 23). Grape spirits, which are a relatively simple
The third challenge relates to the presence of outlier sam- matrix, are even more amenable to NIR calibration (24). PLSR
ples. Because of the high degree of variation in wine samples, models allow for almost perfect correlation between reference
calibration requires a large number of samples with important values and NIR spectra of grape spirits for both total alcohol

Ma r c h 1 , 2 0 0 8 / A n a l y t i c a l C h e m i s t r y 1375
and methanol (Table 2). Mid-IR has also been successfully displayed a linear correlation with both total acidity and pH as
used to quantify total alcohol, because the data are gener- given by PLSR modulation (12). For individual organic acids,
ally easier to interpret than the corresponding NIR spectral reasonable correlations were obtained for malate and volatile
regions (12). acidity. The calibration model did not allow for quantification
of tartrate and citrate. On the other hand, close to 100% re-
Total soluble solids covery has been obtained for tartrate when wine samples were
The soluble solids in unfermented musts and wines are mainly spiked with different organic acids (30, 31). Samples used for
sugars (90%), in particular glucose and fructose. Tradition- calibration in the cited recovery studies did not include late-
ally measured with a refractometer, they provide an indication harvest wines; in the German study, the wine samples covered
of grape maturity and signal the optimal time for harvest- a broad range of sugar concentrations.
ing. Both NIR and mid-IR show potential as alternatives to Organic acids and sugars have a carbonyl group in common
refractometry. and also share C–O and OH IR bands, unlike ethanol and
MLR combined with PCA displayed a linear correlation glycerol. As a result, sugar may interfere with the quantifica-
between NIR spectra and the sugar content of must (25). tion of organic acids. Analysis of individual organic acids may
Comparatively, mid-IR displayed superior predictive capabil- be further complicated by spectroscopic interferences arising
ity (12, 26). Over a broad concentration range, almost per- from similarities between IR spectra of organic acids them-
fect correlation was obtained between reference values and selves, especially if these analytes are present in concentrations
PLSR-modulated spectra representing total sugar (fructose close to the detection limit. Interferences can be reduced by
and glucose; Table 1). Calibration of total sugars in dry wines the careful choice of absorbance filters. The vibrational bands
may be complicated by the presence of high concentrations of most relevant to the calibration of individual organic acids are
organic acids with similar IR absorption bands (C=O, C–O, the C=O stretch of carboxylic acid (±1720 cm−1) for total acid-
and OH). Better recovery is expected in sweeter wines because ity, tartrate, and malate; the OH bend of the carboxylic acid
the sugar-to-organic-acid ratio is higher (16). Prediction was (±1400 cm−1) for citrate; and the CH3 bend (±1375 cm−1) for
nevertheless compromised at >20 g/L total sugar (12). Sucrose volatile acidity (31). The C=O stretch is of less importance
absorbs strongly in the mid-IR, and although this sugar is not when calibrating for organic acids present in low concentra-
expected to be present in “still” wines, recently bottled spar- tions (lactate, citrate, and volatile acidity) because interfering
kling wines may contain measurable amounts of unfermented sugars display absorption bands in the same IR region.
sucrose. Because of the structural similarity between sucrose
and its monosaccharides, glucose and fructose, separation of Glycerol
the respective spectral responses is complicated. Glycerol is a major component of wine (2–15 g/L), and its de-
termination at various stages of the wine-making process pro-
Acidity vides quality control information. Patz et al. used mid-IR with
The assessment of grape and grape juice quality usually in- PLSR to quantify glycerol from a variety of German wines
cludes an assessment of acidity (27). The main organic acids in (12). Nieuwoudt et al. developed a PLS-based glycerol calibra-
wine are tartrate (~1.5–4.0 g/L), malate (~0–4.0 g/L), lactate tion model for South African wine (reducing sugar content
(~0.1–3.0 g/L), acetate (>0.2 g/L measured as volatile acid- <30 g/L, alcohol content >8% v/v; 11). The model provided
ity), citrate (~0–0.5 g/L), and in some cases, succinate (0–2 satisfactory predictive ability and was suitable for quantifica-
g/L). Thus, acidity is generally measured in terms of both to- tion purposes.
tal titratable acid and the pH of the wine. Similarly, a calibration model for late-harvest wines (alcohol
A diode array spectroscopic instrument (25,000–9000 >11.6% v/v) was established with a prediction error of 0.65 g/L.
cm−1) has been evaluated as an alternative method to rapidly The majority of variation (>85%) in glycerol content of differ-
predict pH in red grapes (28). The visible, NIR, and vis + NIR ent wines was correlated to the use of absorbance filters in the
regions were compared by applying PLSR statistics. The pos- range 1229–929 cm−1, which incorporates the C–O stretch
sibility of extending NIR technology to intact berry samples bands of glycerol. PCA cluster analysis suggested a subdivision
was also explored in this study. NIR radiation easily passes of samples according to alcohol and sugar content to obtain
through berry and liquid samples and may potentially permit calibration models that display acceptable prediction accura-
the analysis of whole grape berries. However, calibration sta- cies. Furthermore, young wines and wines in different stages
tistics obtained in the NIR region were less than satisfactory of fermentation displayed great variation when compared with
(Table 2). On the other hand, good results were obtained bottled wine and should therefore be carefully monitored for
when homogenized grapes were analyzed in the visible region. prediction accuracy.
The values obtained correspond well to the predictive capabil-
ity of expensive scanning monochromator instruments (29). Phenolic compounds
Comparative studies between NIR and mid-IR in the analysis Phenolic compounds contribute to both the color and the
of grape homogenates suggest that mid-IR has superior predic- organoleptic properties of red wine, in particular mouth feel
tive capability for pH (26). (27). The color in red wine mainly originates from grape-
With various finished German wines, FT-mid-IR spectra derived anthocyanins, such as malvidine-3-glucoside (M3G),

1376 A n a l y t i c a l C h e m i s t r y / Ma r c h 1 , 2 0 0 8
which are converted into pigmented polymers during fermen- methods for SO2 quantification would be beneficial. Although
tation and aging. Condensed flavanoid tannins, such as cat- little useful information is obtained for sulfides from the IR
echin and epicathecin, are mainly responsible for astringency. spectrum, S–O compounds display several strong bands in
Nonvolatile phenolic acids are precursors of volatile phenols, the region 1000–650 cm−1, and S=O compounds display sev-
which contribute to the aroma in wine. The structure of wine eral characteristic stretches in the region 1375–1050 cm−1 (1).
phenolics varies significantly as wine ages in the tank, the bar- When sulfuric acid is added to wine, it entirely dissociates to
rel, and the bottle. sulfate ions with S=O absorption bands at 1150–1050 cm−1;
Methods for determining phenolics are generally based this region is particularly useful because no other functionality
on colorimetric or chromatographic techniques, in particu- is measured here (16). As a result, recovery of sulfate ions pres-
lar HPLC. These techniques require sample preparation and ent at <1 g/L is better than for other compounds at the same
chemical manipulations that make them time-consuming, la- concentration levels (total sugars in dry wines).
borious, and costly, and these analyses are limited to simple Mounting consumer demand for safe alternatives to chemi-
and short polymeric molecules. Visible and NIR spectrosco- cal preservatives such as SO2 has led to a decrease in the quan-
pies (25,000–4000 cm−1) show promise for the simultaneous tities added to must and wine, often <0.1 g/L (35–38). SO2
determination of M3G, pigmented
polymers, and tannin in ferment-
ing must and wine samples repre-
senting different red varieties and
vintages (32). The specificity of
cross-evaluated PLS calibrations is
not optimal because of inconsis-
tencies arising from the many color
changes that occur during fermen-
tation (Table 2). Color changes are
governed by different oxidation,
condensation, polymerization, and
precipitation reactions. PCA re-
vealed the spectral regions with
the highest correlations: 540 nm (dominated by color pig- concentrations in finished wines may therefore be close to the
ments; 28) and 2200–2300 nm (dominated by tannins; 33). FT-mid-IR detection limit (0.2 g/L). It was therefore not un-
Although NIR allows for better color prediction than mid-IR, expected to find that data validated against standard references
the best prediction was obtained when the spectral regions methods allowed only for the qualitative screening of total SO2
were combined (23, 26). FTIR spectroscopy may potentially and not its quantification (12). Furthermore, reference results
be extended to monitor fermentations qualitatively in terms of for free SO2 displayed no correlation to spectral data. The low
their phenolic content. If successful, FTIR should allow better performance was most probably due to SO2 concentrations in
process control during maturation of the finished wine (23). these wines being close to (total SO2 <0.6 g/L) or below (free
SO2 <0.1 g/L) the detection limit of FT-mid-IR (Table 1).
Sulfur dioxide
Sulfite (<1 g/L) is routinely added to grape must and wine to Sensory properties
restrict the growth of indigenous yeast and bacteria and to act Many studies have focused on the contribution of volatile
as an antioxidant (25, 34). At wine pH 3–4, sulfite predomi- compounds to wine aroma (39). These compounds originate
nates as “free SO2”, consisting mainly of HSO3− and a small from the grape berry, the metabolism of yeast and bacteria,
proportion of SO2·H 2O and SO32− present in equilibrium. oak wood extraction, and chemical reactions during processing
Certain yeast strains produce significant amounts of SO2 dur- and storage. Traditionally, volatile compounds are analyzed
ing alcoholic fermentation. Free SO2, especially HSO3−, binds by GC/MS, a technique that is expensive and time-consum-
with carbonyl compounds in wine to form what is known ing. Its success in predicting sensory characteristics has been
as “bound SO2” and has weak antimicrobial properties. The limited because of the lack of knowledge regarding the aroma
bound and free forms are routinely measured during all stages composition of wines. Recent developments in MS-based elec-
of the wine-making process, because of the fluctuating equi- tronic-nose instruments (MS-eNose) allow headspace charac-
librium between free and bound SO2 and the difference in terization of different food and beverage products (40).
their properties. Chemometrics combined with IR and MS-eNose make it
Given the health risks associated with sulfites, the total possible to obtain a fingerprint of a sample matrix in terms of
amount of SO2 in finished wines is strictly regulated. How- its volatile components (41, 42). Still, such an approach does
ever, free SO2 is generally maintained at >30 mg/L to prevent not readily link a particular characteristic, such as a sensory
microbial spoilage. Correct SO2 usage is clearly one of the attribute, to one or more individual compounds. Although
most important practices in wine making, and fast, reliable aromatic compounds are often present in concentrations be-

Ma r c h 1 , 2 0 0 8 / A n a l y t i c a l C h e m i s t r y 1377
low the detection limit of FTIR, many nonvolatile posed by both the spectrometer and CE instrumenta-
compounds related to wine flavor are present at higher tion (56). Such technologies promise to separate and
concentrations and offer possibilities for objective qual- identify a wide range of analytes at the picogram level
ity grading by FTIR (23). Nonvolatile compounds can in the near future.
also play a more indirect role in wine by reacting with
volatiles, chemically, physically, or in a perceptual man- Rolene Bauer and Hélène Nieuwoudt are researchers at
ner, to alter flavor and aroma (43). Furthermore, grape precur- Stellenbosch University (South Africa). Bauer’s research interests
sors such as glycoconjugates give rise to volatile components include oenology and biopolymers. Nieuwoudt’s research focuses on
during wine making (44). FT-mid-IR has been successful in application of FTIR to wine. Florian F. Bauer, Jens Kossmann, Klaus R.
measuring individual glycoconjugates in Muscadet grapes (45). Koch, and Kim H. Esbensen are professors at Stellenbosch University
Glycoconjugates are also characteristic of a given grape variety. and Aalborg University Esbjerg (Denmark). Bauer’s research con-
Quantification of such precursors could therefore be a useful cerns fermentation and cellular and molecular biology of wine yeast.
index to determine not only grape quality but also optimal Kossmann is interested in plant biotechnology and biopolymers. Koch
maturity of grapes and varietal origin. focuses on acylaroylthiourea chemistry and platinum group metals
chemistry. Esbensen’s research concerns multivariate data analysis.
Identification of microbial strains Address correspondence about this article to Rolene Bauer at rkrit@
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