Criminal Justice Research Paper Gun Control
Criminal Justice Research Paper Gun Control
Criminal Justice Research Paper Gun Control
Criminal Justice
Carter Mann
Criminal Justice
Gun Control 2
Criminal Justice
The gun debate is a very complicated and pressing discussion in the United States right
now. Recent mass shootings have brought this topic up even more. Both sides of this issue
believe they are correct and have legitimate reasons for their beliefs. I, like everyone have my
own belief on this topic, but it is always good to test your belief and look at every fact and piece
of information in this situation. It is important to not get emotional on one piece of information;
it is best to look at the entire situation as a whole. Studying history can be very valuable
information in this topic. The topic of guns is very misunderstood in this country.
In this research paper I will cover every aspect of the gun debate. I will briefly explain
what the gun debate is and current laws. The second amendment will be explained and analyzed.
I will explain arguments and solutions for both sides of the debate. I will go over important
information about firearms and many facts and statistics about gun related topics. I will explain
what the National Rifle Association is, what they do and how they are funded. I will then explain
different solutions and what ones should work based on the facts. I will summarize all of the
The gun debate has many different opinions and sides but it is mostly broken up into two
groups. One group, usually people who are more liberal or left leaning want more laws against
guns. The levels of gun control vary; some just want to make background checks a little more
thorough while others want to ban guns completely. Some people want to ban only “assault
rifles” which will be explained later. The other argument is people who are pro-gun or second
amendment are usually more conservative or right leaning. This also has different degrees in
severity. Some want to just keep the gun laws the way they are while others think any form of
gun control is against the constitution. Some may even say you should be able to own a battle
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tank or F-16. A majority of Americans are in the middle and don’t understand or have an opinion
on the gun debate. This is important because these are the voters that will make the decision that
The Second Amendment is a very large aspect of the gun debate because it makes any
gun laws very hard to pass. The Second Amendment was written by the founding fathers to be a
right. Some people view it just as important as the first amendment. The second amendment in
the US constitution is "A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,
the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." This has been interpreted a
few different ways but the main point most lawmakers get is that the founding fathers are saying
guns should not be taken away or restricted. Some people could argue any form of gun control is
illegal. “A well-regulated Militia” is interpreted by people that we have the right to form our own
small private armies. Many people see the second amendment as a safe guard the founding
fathers put in place to defend against a tyrannical government. The second amendment is also for
recreation and personal defense but it is mostly to keep governments from getting out of hand.
Many Americans do not understand gun terminology so here is some description. A semi-
automatic weapon means that one round is fired every time the trigger is pulled. Most guns are
semi-automatic; this includes handguns. Lever action, hammer action, bolt action, and pump
action are all different weapons where one more step needs to be used to fire a round other than
just trigger being pulled. Fully automatic is where rounds will be fired over and over until the
trigger is not pulled anymore or the gun runs out of ammunition. A bump stock is stock
connected to a grip with a spring, it makes a shooter able to shoot quicker by using the recoil to
spring the trigger forward after every shot. An assault-rifle is a very broad term used too often by
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the media to describe weapons. When most people think of an assault rifle, they think of an
M4A1 or AK47 with a large magazine and a pistol grip, they usually also picture these guns to
be fully automatic. Most rifles owned by the public are not fully automatic. There is no correct
definition of an assault rifle because anything used to assault someone could become an assault
object. If a person stabs someone with a knife, it can become an assault knife. Most guns that
look like an “assault rifle” are any other gun that have just maybe been changed a little bit
cosmetically and look a little scarier. A Ruger rifle with a wood stock and iron sights shoots the
same as one with a folding stock, larger magazine, and a sight, the only difference is looks and
feel. Many people say larger magazines should be banned, but magazines are just plastic with a
spring, how do you ban that? Plus, magazines aren’t slow to change anyways. Many people view
banning certain magazines a pointless act that only progresses strict gun control and takes the
rights away from law abiding citizens. Many people do not fully understand how guns work and
are swayed by the media into believing partly false statements. One example of people not
understanding guns is that most people hear the word AR-15 so much that they think AR stand
for assault rifle, it actually stands for ArmaLite rifle. Media organizations need to do a better job
at showing guns from a perspective that isn’t trying to make them as scary as possible.
Current gun laws vary slightly depending on the state, but most states are pretty
consistent. Every state except Vermont allows a conceal carry permit but some states are harder
than others to receive a conceal permit, some states can deny a conceal carry permit for reasons
other than the standard permit requirements. Fully automatic weapons do exist in the United
States but they are very expensive and hard to get. All legal fully automatic weapons have to be
made before 1986 and require extensive training to legally own. Some weapons can be easily
converted to fully automatic with a little bit of tweaking but it is illegal to modify weapons to be
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fully automatic. One legal method that some people consider makes a weapon fully automatic is
a bump stock. These are currently in a big debate right now because the Las Vegas shooter used
a bump stock. The reason a bump stock is legal, is because it doesn’t actually modify the firing
of the gun, it only is a cosmetic feature to a gun. Every state requires a background check if
purchased by a licensed gun dealer. If the gun is not sold by a licensed gun dealer, a background
check doesn’t always have to be done depending on the state. So it is possible to legally purchase
The NRA is a major gun lobbying group that pays for politician’s campaigns, works with
gun manufactures, hosts gun events, and debates for less gun restrictions. Many people say the
NRA is evil and say the NRA is responsible for the deaths in mass shootings. Many people say
many of these shootings wouldn’t have happened if the NRA hadn’t let gun laws go through. I
personally think it is very odd to blame an organization or an object for murder. When a person
drives drunk and kills someone do we blame the car or the alcohol? No, we blame the person for
making a poor decision. When someone is murdered by a knife we don’t call for knife control,
we blame the person who used the knife. The NRA is not an organization that is ran by just a few
rich people, it has many members who donate. An NRA spokesperson named Colion Noir said in
a recent NRA video that people donate to help voice their opinions. The NRA is a means for
Here are some basic statistics about guns and gun violence. There are over 300 million
guns in this country, almost as many guns as people. You will hear a lot on the news about how
30,000 people die a year from gun violence, but they will never break this number down. Around
two thirds of these deaths are suicides. Suicides are tragic but I don’t believe any gun regulations
would prevent these. If a person wants to take their own life, they will find a way. We are now
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down to 10,000 gun deaths, a lot of these are accidental. These are also tragic but gun regulations
also wouldn’t prevent many of these, also many of these accidental deaths are with hand guns.
Now when you look at the gun murders, a large majority are with hand guns and a large majority
are in inner cities between gangs. Only a small percentage of gun murders are with rifles and
only a small percentage of rifle murders are with “Assault rifles.” Only a very small amount of
gun murders are done in a mass shooting but these mass shooting cover 99% of the news
coverage. A lot of the news coverage makes it sound like people are being murdered by AR15s
all over the place, when really these numbers say otherwise. Many people only like to focus on
the bad that guns do, they never talk about when someone with a conceal carry permit stops a
crime. My favorite quote by the president of the NRA is “the only this that stops a bad guy with
In conclusion, I believe that the facts show that gun control wouldn’t solve anything and
is just going to make things worse. Many people who want more gun control actually want to
just ban guns. Even if passing a law banning guns was possible, it wouldn’t work because how
do you round up 300 million guns peacefully? It is very easy for criminals to get guns illegally; it
only disarms law abiding citizens. Many gun right advocates say criminals don’t follow laws so
why should we pass gun laws? Then anti-gun politicians say “then why do we have any law?” I
believe gun laws are different because there should be nothing criminal about owning a gun, only
certain things done with a gun are criminal, and we have laws against these things. There are a
few things we can do to help prevent gun violence. The number one thing I recommend we do is
to spread awareness about guns and how to use them. We need to try to keep people from being
afraid of guns. We need to encourage people to take conceal firearm classes and to carry,
especially teachers. The whole gun debate can be very confusing, but when you look at the
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numbers and facts, it is very obvious that gun control doesn’t work and that the second
Garfield, L. (2018, February 24). Australia has eliminated mass shootings - here's what the US
can learn. Retrieved March 06, 2018, from
Haskins, I. J. (2017, October 13). Opinion: Why strict gun control will never work in U.S.
Retrieved March 06, 2018, from
26 States Don't Test Your Shooting Skills Before Issuing a Concealed Carry Permit. (2017, April
17). Retrieved April 03, 2018, from
Strasser, R. (2017, June 05). Second Amendment. Retrieved April 04, 2018, from