Statutory Construction Reviewer
Statutory Construction Reviewer
Statutory Construction Reviewer
Statutory Construction
STATUTES Manner of referring:2
1. Public Act- passed by Philippine
Introduction Commission and Philippine Legislature
Law- a rule of conduct formulated and made obligatory 2. Commonwealth Act- passed during the
by legitimate power of the state. Commonwealth (1936-1946)
3. Republic Act- passed by Congress of the
Statute- an act of the legislature, as an organized body, Philippines (1946-1972;1987-present)
expressed in the form, and passed according to the 4. Batas Pambansa- passed by Batasang
procedure required to constitute it as part of the law Pambansa
of the land.1
Enacting statutes
According to scope: Legislative power- authority to make laws, and to alter
1. Public- affects the public at large or the whole and repeal them
a. General- applies to the whole state *This is held by the people, in their original, sovereign
and operates upon all people or all and unlimited power. But they have
class; does not omit any subject or vested it in the Congress of the Philippines.3
b. Special- relates to a particular Procedures in passing a law:
persons or things or class or to a *Apart from the provisions in the Constitution
particular community
(Sec. 26 Par. 2, Art. VI)4, each house has its own
c. Local- confined to a specific place or detailed procedures embodied in their Rules (Sec.
16 Par. 3, Art. VI)5.
2. Private- applies to a specific person or subject
According to duration:
1. A bill is introduced by any member of the
1. Permanent- operation is not limited in
Congress, signed by the authors and filed with
duration but continues until repealed
the Secretary of the house. May introduce in
2. Temporary- duration is for a limited period; either house except appropriation, revenue or
ceases upon the happening of an tariff bills, bills authorizing increase of public
event for which it was passed debts, bills of local applications, and private
bills (Sec. 24 Art. VI).6
Other classifications:
2. First reading- Secretary reports the bill for first
According to application: reading:
1. Prospective 2. Retroactive - Reading the title and number of bill
According to operation:
- Referral to appropriate committee for
1. Declaratory study and recommendation
2. Curative - Committee may hold public hearings
3. Mandatory and submit its report and
4. Directory recommendation for Calendar for
5. Substantive second reading
6. Remedial 7. Penal According to form: 3. Second reading- bill shall be read in full with
1. Affirmative the proposed amendments by the committee
2. Negative
1 Presidential Decrees during martial law Congress of the Philippines which shall consist of a Senate and a House of
(Marcos) and Executive Orders during the Representatives, except to the extent reserved to the people by the
revolutionary government (Aquino) are also provision on initiative and referendum.
considered statutes since they were passed
by the president in the exercise of his 4 x x x (2) No bill passed by either House shall become a law unless it has
legislative powers. passed three readings on separate days, and printed copies thereof in its
2 Statutes are serially numbered and has a final form have been distributed to its Members three days before its
name passage, except when the President certifies to the necessity of its
immediate enactment to meet a public calamity or emergency. Upon the
Section 1 (Const). The legislative power last reading of a bill, no amendment thereto
shall be vested in the
5 There are instances where the version of the objections, to the other House by which it shall likewise be
the conference committee is entirely reconsidered, and if approved by two-thirds of all the Members of that
different from those of the two Houses- for House, it shall become a law. In all such cases, the votes of each House shall
it may deal generally with the subject matter be determined by yeas or nays, and the names of the
or precisely to the differences, or even Members voting for or against shall be entered in its Journal. The President
introduce a new provision. However, this is shall communicate his veto of any bill to the House where it originated
still valid for the powers of said committee within thirty days after the date of receipt thereof, otherwise, it shall
are broad. That is why some political become a law as if he had signed it.
scientists call this the Third House
(Philippine Judges Association v. Prado). 7 Casco Phil. Chemical Co., Inc. v. Gimenez
11 Astorga v. Villegas 13Art. 2 (CC). Laws shall take effect after fifteen days following the
completion of their publication in the Official Gazette, unless it is otherwise
12Art. VI Sec. 26 (1). Every bill passed by the provided. This Code shall take effect one year after such publication.
Congress shall embrace only one subject
14Art. 18 (AC) Laws shall take effect after fifteen (15) days following the
which shall be expressed in the title thereof.
xxx completion of their publication in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of
general circulation, unless it is otherwise provided
b. Sec. 3. Administrative *The rule-making power of a public
Orders. - Acts of the President which administrative agency is a delegated legislative
relate to particular aspect of power. It may not use its power to bridge the
governmental operations in pursuance authority to enlarge its power beyond the
of his duties as administrative head scope intended.
shall be promulgated in administrative
orders. *The law passed by the legislature should be:
c. Sec. 4. Proclamations. - Acts of the (1) complete in itself, and (2) should fix a
President fixing a date or declaring a standard, in order for an administrative agency
status or condition of public moment to fill in the details in the execution,
or interest, upon the existence of enforcement and administration of said law.
which the operation of a specific law or
regulation is made to depend, shall be - Administrative rule- promulgating a new
promulgated in proclamations which law with force and effect of a valid law.
shall have the force of an executive - Administrative interpretationsrendering an
order. opinion or giving a
d. Sec. 5. Memorandum Orders. - Acts of statement of policy
the President on matters of
administrative detail or of subordinate *The rules are binding upon the Courts, but the
or temporary interest which only interpretation is not.
concern a particular officer or office of
the Government shall be embodied in 4. Supreme Court rule-making power- the
memorandum orders. Constitution granted the Supreme
e. Sec. 6. Memorandum Circulars. - Acts Court to promulgate its own rules
of the President on matters relating to (Sec. 5 Par. 5, Art. VIII)15
internal administration, which the *Usually procedural only for only the legislative
President desires to bring to the department may create substantive laws.
attention of all or some of the
departments, agencies, bureaus or
5. Local government units- power to enact
offices of the Government, for
information or compliance, shall be
embodied in memorandum circulars.
Requirements of validity:17
f. Sec. 7. General or Special Orders.- Acts
and commands of the President in his 1. Not contravene the Constitution or any
capacity as Commander-in-Chief of the statute
Armed Forces of the Philippines shall 2. Not be unfair or oppressive
be issued as general or special orders. 3. Not be partial or discriminatory
4. Not prohibit but may regulate trade
3. Administrative rules and regulations- issued 5. General and consistent with public policy
by administrative or executive offices in 6. Not unreasonable
accordance with, and as authorized by, law
have the force and effect of law or partake the Barangay/Municipal/City/Provincial
nature of the statute Requirement for validity: ordinances
1. Provisions should be germane to the - Passed by majority vote of council
objects and purpose of the law. members
2. Not in contradiction with, but conform to, - Submitted to the mayor (for
the standards that the law prescribes municipal/city), if unacted for 10 days,
3. They be for the sole purpose of carrying considered passed; governor (for
into effect the general province), if unacted for 15 days,
provisions of the law considered passed
- Vetoed ordinance may be passed by a
vote of 2/3 of council members
15x x x (5) Promulgate rules concerning the courts of the same grade, and shall not diminish, increase, or modify
protection and enforcement of substantive rights. Rules of procedure of special courts and quasi-judicial
constitutional rights, pleading, practice, and bodies shall remain effective unless disapproved by the Supreme Court.
procedure in all courts, the admission to the
practice of law, the integrated bar, and legal 16 Local Government Code of 1991
assistance to the under-privileged. Such
rules shall provide a simplified and 17 Lagcao v. Labra
inexpensive procedure for the speedy
disposition of cases, shall be uniform for all
- Subject to review by sustained or will sustain direct injury
sangguniang bayan o
panglunsod/sangguniang panlalawigan 1. Citizen standing- suffered some actual or
- If no action in 30 days, ordinance will threatened injury as a result of the
be presumed consistent with laws allegedly illegal conduct of the government
(Tanada v. Tuvera)
Validity of statutes 2. Taxpayer’s standing- public funds have
been disbursed in alleged contravention of
Presumption of validity the law or Constitution (ITF v. COMELEC)
Basis: Before the legislature passes a bill, it has decided Basis: Expenditure of public funds by an
the measure to be constitutional. And when the officer of the state for the purpose of
President approves the bill, he has been convinced of administering an unconstitutional act
its validity. constitutes a misapplication of such funds
Effect: To justify the nullification of the law, there must 3. Legislator’s standing- when their powers
be clear and equivocal breach of the Constitution, not are impaired; questioning the validity of a
a doubtful and argumentative implication. presidential veto (Ople v. Torres)
4. Transcendental significance- the
*The final authority to declare unconstitutionality is Court has adopted a liberal attitude
the Supreme Court sitting en banc (Sec. 4 Par. 2, (brushing aside technicalities of procedure)
Art. VIII).18 on standing where the petitioner has
shown that an issue has paramount
Judicial Power19 importance to the public (Chavez v. PEA
and AMARI)
1. Judicial power includes the duty of the courts
of justice to settle actual controversies
involving rights which are legally demandable Raised at the earliest possible time
and enforceable - Question must be raised in the pleading,
2. Determine whether or not there has been a complaint, information or petition by the
grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or plaintiff or petitioner or in the answer by
excess of jurisdiction on the part of any branch defendant or respondent.
or instrumentality of the Government.
Requisites: 1. Can be raised in a motion for reconsideration if
1. Actual case and controversy the statute sought to be invalidated was not in
existence when the complaint was filed.20
2. Locus standi
3. Raised at the earliest possible time 2. At any stage of the proceedings in a
4. Lis mota of the case criminal case21
3. Where the determination of the question is
Actual case and controversy necessary to the decision for civil cases22
- There must be a justiciable controversy (can be 4. Where it involves jurisdiction of the court
decided on grounds recognized by the law) below23
Exceptions: Political questions- issues dependent
upon wisdom not the legality of
Lis mota of the case
the law
- The Court may not pass upon the validity of a
statute if it can decide the case on some other
Locus standi grounds
- Legal standing to sue - If the only issue is the a constitutional question
- The person has substantial interest in the case which is unavoidable, the Court should
such that the party has confront the question and decide the case on
the merits
18 x x x(2) All cases involving the concurrence of a majority of the Members who actually took part in the
constitutionality of a treaty, international or deliberations on the issues in the case and voted thereon.
executive agreement, or law, which shall be
heard by the Supreme Court en banc, and 19 Sec. 1, Art. VIII (Const)
all other cases which under the Rules of 20
Alonso v. PNB
Court are required to be heard en banc,
including those involving the 21
San Miguel Brewery v. Magno
constitutionality, application, or operation
of presidential decrees, proclamations, 22 Id
orders, instructions, ordinances, and other
23 26 Id
regulations, shall be decided with the
it and determines the rights of the parties
Test of constitutionality just as if it had no existence
1. Must not contravene the Constitution or any - The decision affects the parties only
statute - No judgment against the statute: opinion of the
2. Must be general and consistent with public court may act as a precedent, but it does not strike
policy out, repeal, supersede, revoke, or
3. Must not be unfair or oppressive annul it
4. Must not be partial or discriminatory
5. Must not be unreasonable Exception: Invalidity Due to Change of Conditions
6. Must not prohibit but may regulate trade Inapplicable to a statute that is declared invalid
because of the change of circumstances affecting its
Grounds for nullification validity (emergency laws). The declaration of their
1. Not within the legislative power to enact nullity should be applied prospectively, and affect only
the parties involved in the case.
2. When it allows something to be done which
the fundamental law condemns or prohibits
Partial Invalidity
3. Vagueness- lacking comprehensible standards
General rule: Where the part of the statute is void
that men of common intelligence must
as repugnant to the Constitution, while another
necessarily guess at its meaning and differ in its
part is valid, the valid portion, if separable from
application Basis:
the invalid, may stand and be enforced
- Violates due process for failure to
(separability clause). Reason: Legislature intended
accord the people fair notice of what
a statute to be effective as a whole and would not
conduct to avoid.
have passed it had it foreseen that some part of it
- Leaves law enforcers unbridled is invalid
discretion in carrying out its provisions Exception: When the parts of the statute are so
and becomes an mutually dependent and connected, as conditions,
arbitrary flexing of the
considerations, inducements, or compensations for
government muscle each other, as to warrant a belief that the
legislature intended them as a whole, the nullity of
Effects of unconstitutionality one part will vitiate the rest.
General rule: An unconstitutional act is not a law,
confers no right, imposes no duties, affords no Effectivity of statutes
protection, creates no office; in legal contemplation,
inoperative as though it had never been passed.
General rule: Statutes continue to be in force until
changed or repealed by the legislature.
*This is also known as the orthodox view. Not only the
parties but all persons are bound by declaration of
*Not changed by change of sovereignty, conquest or
nullity; no one may invoke it nor may the courts be
permitted to apply it
1. For statutes proper, usually 15 days from the
publication in the Official Gazette28 or in a
*The orthodox view is expressed in Art. 7 (CC).24 newspaper of general circulation,29 unless
However, it is not always the case that a law is provided otherwise. But the ruling may seem in
constitutionally faulty per se (i.e., may be valid in its contradiction with the PVB Employees Union v.
general import but invalid in its application to certain Vega, the phrase “unless otherwise provided”
situations). A judicial declaration of nullity may not provided an exception as to the date of
necessarily obliterate all the effects and consequences effectivity of a statute.
of a void act occurring prior to such declaration. A
2. For issuances, rules and regulations, there
situation that is fait accompli
should be a publication30 and filing in the the
may no longer be open for
UP Law Center.31
inquiry, let alone to be
unsettled by a subsequent declaration of nullity of a
Modern view
- The court does not annul or repeal statute if it
violates Constitution; it simply refuses to recognize
24Art. 7 (CC). When the court declares a law former shall be void and the latter shall govern x x x
to be inconsistent with the Constitution, the
3. For ordinances, Sec. 59 of the
Local Government Code shall apply.25
28Art.2 (CC). Laws shall take effect after fifteen days following the
completion of their publication in the Official Gazette, unless it is otherwise
provided. This Code shall take effect one year after such publication.
Sec. 18 (AC) Laws shall take effect after fifteen (15) days following the
completion of their publication in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of
general circulation, unless it is otherwise provided
30 Id
31 Sec. 3, Book VII (AC). Filing. - (1) Every agency shall file with the University
of the Philippines Law Center three (3) certified copies of every rule
adopted by it. Rules in force on the date of effectivity of this Code which
are not filed within three (3) months from that date shall not thereafter
be the basis of any sanction against any party or persons.
Art. 13 (CC)
Interpretation- Art of finding the true meaning and *Rules of statutory construction are used to ascertain
sense of any form of words Construction- Drawing legislative intent. But they are not rules of law but
25 Effectivity of Ordinances or Resolutions. government unit concerned not later than five (5) days after approval
(a) Unless otherwise stated in the ordinance thereof.
or the resolution approving the local The text of the ordinance or resolution shall be disseminated and posted in
development plan and public investment Filipino or English and in the language or dialect understood by the majority
program, the same shall take effect after of the people in the local government unit concerned, and the secretary to
ten (10) days from the date a copy thereof is the sanggunian shall record such fact in a book kept for the purpose, stating
posted in a bulletin board at the entrance of the dates of approval and posting.
the provincial capitol or city, municipal, or (c) The gist of all ordinances with penal sanctions shall be published in a
barangay hall, as the case may be, and in at newspaper of general circulation within the province where the local
least two (2) other conspicuous places in the legislative body concerned belongs. In the absence of any newspaper of
local government unit concerned. (b) The general circulation within the province, posting of such ordinances shall be
secretary to the sanggunian concerned shall made in all municipalities and cities of the province where the sanggunian
cause the posting of an ordinance or of origin is situated. (d) In the case of highly urbanized cities, the main
resolution in the bulletin board at the features of the ordinance or resolution duly enacted or adopted shall, in
entrance of the provincial capitol and the addition to being posted, be published once in a local newspaper of general
city, municipal, or barangay hall in at least Conclusions which are in the spirit, though not within the letter of the
two (2) conspicuous places in the local text.
mere axioms of experience, hence, not When to construe
binding nor controlling on the courts.
Condition sine qua non: Before the court may use its
Legislative intent- is the essence of the law. It is the power to construe, there must be ambiguity in the
spirit which gives life to legislative enactment language of the statute. For where there is no
Legislative purpose- reason why a particular statute ambiguity, there is no room for construction, only for
was enacted Legislative meaning- what the law, by its application.
language means
Ambiguity- condition of admitting two or more
*The primary source of legislative intent should be the meanings, of being understood in more than one way,
statute itself. or of referring to two or more things at the same time.
*susceptibility to more than one interpretation
Power to construe
- The duty and power to interpret or construe a More application, less construction
statute or the Constitution belongs to the judiciary - The first and fundamental duty of the court is
(Sec. 4 Par. 2, Art. VIII). to apply the law.
- It is the Court which has the final say as to what the - Construction comes only after there has been a
law means. showing of ambiguity, hence,
application is impossible
Limitations: The Court can only construe an
applicable law in controversies which are ripe for Verba legis (Plain meaning rule)
judicial resolution. Neither moot nor academic - Where the statute is clear, plain and free from
(purpose has become stale or where no practical ambiguity, it must be given its literal meaning
relief can be granted or which can have no practical and applied without interpretation.
effect). Exception: If the issue is “capable of - Where the law speaks in clear and categorical
repetition yet evading review” especially where language, there is no room for interpretation.
public interest requires its resolutions.27 There is only room for application.29
- Law cannot be changed under the guise of
*The legislature has no power to overrule the
interpretation.30 Maxim: index animi sermo
interpretation made by the Court.28
est (speech is the index of intention)
Presumption: The words employed by the
Meaning: The legislature cannot, by law or resolution, legislature in a statute correctly express its
modify or annul the judicial construction without intention or will and preclude the court from
modifying or repealing the very statute which has been construing it differently.
subject of construction.
Silva v. Cabrera
Exceptions: Cabrera wanted to construct an ice plant even if there is an
1. When the Supreme Court reverses itself existing one already owned by petitioner. The case was
2. By amending the Constitution brought to the Public Service Commission, and the agency
3. By enacting a new statute appointed Atty. Espellera to hear the case and receive
evidence. The PSC rendered a decision allowing respondent
to operate.
Held: Where the law is clear, there is only room for
Endencia v. David application. Although the law granted the PSC to appoint an
After a judicial declaration interpreting a constitutional attorney to take testimony of the witnesses if residing
provision that taxing is a form of diminution of salary, distant from Manila, the law is clear that only the
Congress enacted a law to include justices and members of commission can hear, receive evidence, and render a
the judicial body in the scope of taxing power of the decision.
government. Held: Congress cannot, by law, modify an
interpretation of the Constitution
Quijano v. DBP
made by the court. Including the
Petitioner, a veteran, obtained a loan from DBP. He wanted
judicial officers to the scope of
to pay the subsisting obligation through the backpay
taxation is a form of interpretation of the Constitutional
provision against diminution of salaries.
Held: The law is clear, backpay certificate may only be used
to pay for the loan if the subsisting obligation was obtained
27 Pimentel v. Ermita meaning by interpretation and applied it in a decision, this would surely
cause confusion.” (Endencia v. David)
28 29 Cebu Portland Cement v. Municipality of Naga
“If the legislature may declare what a law
means, or what a specific portion of the
30 Crisologo v. Macadaeg
Constitution means, especially after the
courts have in actual case ascertained its
prior to the passage of RA 897. A subsisting People v. Nazario
obligation may only be considered after receipt of the loan, Nazario, a lessee of land used as fishpond, was taxed under a
not on the day of awarding of application (since, there was municipal ordinance. He contended that said ordinance was
still no obligation at that time). vague.
Held: The law is not vague. The word “owner” should be
Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Limpan Investment construed as to include petitioner. Since the land is owned
The BIR found that respondent had tax deficiencies for more by the government, for he is a mere lessee, it cannot be said
than two years. They brought the case to the Court of Tax that the tax should shouldered by the latter for being the
Appeals where it held that the interest and surcharge should owner. Petitioner, being the operator of the pond, manager
start from period where the decision became final. of the workers, and the one who gets profit from it should
Held: The National Internal Revenue Code clearly stated that be responsible for the tax burden.
in computing the interest and surcharge of the tax
deficiency, it should start from the date of notice and Ursua v. CA
demand. The CTA, therefore, made an error where it fixed a Usua was charged with a case for allegedly using an alias in
new date. claiming a complaint. Since the messenger of his legal
counsel was attending some personal matters, petitioner
People v. Mapa asked for the permission to use the messenger’s name.
Mapa claimed that he was a secret agent of Governor Leviste Later, it was found out that he signed using that
when he was charged for illegal possession of unlicensed messenger’s name. Held: The law penalizing the use of
firearms. aliases should not be construed literally. It should be
Held: Although it was earlier held that secret agents may be interpreted in light of the purpose it serves and the evils it
exempted from possession of firearms since they do the seeks to prevent. Ursua’s use of a fictitious name in a single
work of peace officers, the Revised Administrative Code instance without any sign that he intended to be known by
clearly enumerated those who may be exempted, and secret this name does not fall within the provision of CA 142.
agents were not included.
Supreme Court rulings part of the legal system
Chartered Bank Employees v. Ople Employees of Chartered
Bank complained that they were not paid for the 10-day
Judicial decisions applying or interpreting the laws or
holiday. Employer said that a circular made by Sec. Ople
the Constitution shall form part of the legal system of
clarified that regular employees are presumed to be paid for
the whole year, thereby also counting holidays. Held: The the Philippines.31
Labor Code clearly stated that holidays should be paid by the Maxim: legis interpretato legis vim obtinet (the
employer to regular employees, hence, the circular is invalid. authoritative interpretation of a statute acquires the
Moreover, it was also found out that the computation for force of the law by becoming a part thereof)
the salaries did not include said holidays, hence, the - As of the date of the date of enactment
employer is really liable for said payment. - Interpretation establishes the
contemporaneous legislative intent
Melendres v. COMELEC
Melendres lost to Concepcion in a barangay election. He
stare decisis et non quieta movere
filed an election protest to an MTC. Concepcion filed a
petition to the COMELEC and moved to dismiss it upon - When the Supreme Court has once laid down
knowing that no docket fee was paid. Hence, petitioner a principle of law as applicable to a certain
questioned the jurisdiction of the COMELEC. Held: Payment state of facts, it will adhere to that principle
of docket vests jurisdiction to a court (Gatchalian v. CA). and apply to all future cases where the facts
Non-payment of this means no protest must be given due are substantially the same
course. The COMELEC is right when it dismissed it since its - Assures certainty and stability in the legal
Rules of Procedure provided that protests should be filed 10 system
days after the proclamation; the payment was done 25 days
after said proclamation.
Perfecto v. Meer Held:
31Art. 8 (CC). Judicial decisions applying or shall form a part of the legal system of the Philippines.
interpreting the laws or the Constitution
Held: Although the then prevailing ruling was
People v. Canton People v. Mapa, where secret agents are not anymore
The metal detector beeped when Susan Canton passed considered as peace officer, therefore, not exempted from
through it. Initially she said that it was only money, but the permit to carry firearms, it was non-existent when Licera
lady frisker called her superior. She was brought inside a rest was charged. The then ruling was People v. Macarandang
room and was frisked. Several grams of shabu was found in where the Court interpreted secret agents as peace officers.
her abdominal, genital, and thigh areas. Hence, the latter should apply to this case since Licera relied
Held: Although the Constitution grants the right to privacy, on it in good faith.
the Terry search conducted to her is valid. The arrest
without a warrant was justified since it was only carried out *Only Supreme Court sitting en banc may modify or
upon discovery and recovery of shabu in her as ruled in abandon an established principle of law, not any
People v. Johnson. division (Sec. 4 Par. 3, Art. VIII)32 Exception: If the Court
has stated in a decision not a principle of law but a
DAR v. Sutton mere obiter dictum (a thing said in passing), a division
Respondent inherited a land which they devoted for cattle may validly reject or disregard it.
breeding. Initially they availed of voluntary offer to sell
because of incentives, but withdrew it after the Court
*The Court has the duty to formulate guiding and
promulgated the doctrine exempting agricultural lands used
for poultry and livestock breeding in Luz Farms v. DAR controlling constitutional principles, precepts or
Secretary. Petitioner only granted partial exemption on the doctrines. The power to issue guidelines is not judicial
basis of an administrative order issued. legislation, the Court merely defines what the law is.
Held: The ruling of the Court should be enforced. In its Examples:
interpretation in Luz Farm, it clearly declared the exemption 1. Partylist: Ang Bagong Bayani-OFW Labor Party
of said lands used in poultry and livestock. The v. COMELEC
administrative order providing for a 1:1 ratio is 2. Psychological incapacity: Republic v. CA and
unconstitutional. Although the DAR may issue orders and
regulation, these are subject to judicial review.
3. Anti-subversion: People v. Ferrer
*The interpretation of a statute remains to be part of 4. Rights when arrested: Morales v. Enrile
the legal system until the Supreme Court overrules it
and the new doctrine overruling the old is applied Floresca v. Philex Mining
Several workers of respondent died when the mine
prospectively in favour of parties who relied on it in
collapsed. The petitioners asked for compensation which
good faith.
was given. After learning that there was negligence on the
part of the company, petitioners sued and asked for
*Judicial ruling cannot be given retroactive effect if to damages under the Civil Code.
do so will impair vested rights and the parties relied on Held: There was no judicial legislation when the
it in good faith. Supreme Court held that petitioners can still claim
Maxim: lex prospicit, non respicit (the law looks damages in civil courts even if the Workmen’s
forward, not backward) Compensation Act expressed that its Commission shall
(3) Cases or matters heard by a division and in no case without the concurrence of at least three of such Members.
shall be decided or resolved with the When the required number is not obtained, the case shall be decided en
concurrence of a majority of the Members banc: Provided, that no doctrine or principle of law laid down by the court in
who actually took part in the deliberations a decision rendered en banc or in division may be modified or reversed
on the issues in the case and voted thereon, except by the court sitting en banc.
whole, giving life to all its parts, hence,
Sec. 4 should be seen as an exception to the provision in
Sec. 3.
3. Courts do not pass upon questions of
wisdom, justice or expediency of
legislation. For any shortcoming of a
statute is for the legislative alone to
correct by appropriate enactment.34
35Art. VI Sec. 26(1) Every bill passed by the which shall be expressed in the title thereof. x x x
Congress shall embrace only one subject
Capitalization of letters
Policy of the law
- Aids of low degree; almost have the same
- A construction which would promote the policy
reasons as that of punctuation marks
of the law should be favoured than that would
defeat it
Headnotes of epigraphs
- In a statute of doubtful meaning, giving a
- Index to the contents of the
construction that will promote public
provisions in a section
- Prefix to a section or chapters
of a statute for ready reference
Purpose of the law
- Not entitled to much weight Reason: Not part
- The purpose of the law or the mischief
of the statute, they are mere catchwords of
intended to be removed or suppressed are
36The case also talked about the principle of problem with this is that the specific word came first.
ejusdem generic, where general words 37 Book I, Chapter 4, Sec. 20 (AC). In the interpretation of a law or
cannot be given their generic meaning if administrative issuance promulgated in all official languages, the English text
followed by specific words: (1) managing shall control, unless otherwise specially provided. In case of ambiguity,
head, (2) directors, (3) partners. The omission or other mistake, the other texts may be consulted.
- Legal, scientific, general dictionaries
- Used when statutes do not define the words or
phrases used and the purpose or context in
which the words are employed
- But definitions are not binding to courts
General rule: Dictionaries usually define words
in their natural, plain and ordinary acceptance
and significance Presumption: Lawmakers,
ordinarily untrained philologists and
lexicographers, use words in their common
meaning Exception: When the statute has
defined the words used and/or the legislature
has intended a technical or special legal
meaning to these words.
39 Art. VII, Sec. 23 (Const). The President 40 In NAPOLCOM v. De Guzman, the records of the bicameral conference
shall address the Congress at the opening of committee clearly showed the legislative intent to exclude the PC from the
its regular session. He may also appear INP
before it at any other time. 41 In Civil Code and Revised Penal Code; Constitutional Commission
42In Enrique v. CA, the MSPB law did not to reconcile the conflicting provisions. Only if the repugnancy is
render the CSC law invalid since the two can irreconcilable that we can say that there has been an implied repeal.
be harmonized. The first duty of the court is
Conditions at the time of enactment Presumption: Executive officials are presumed to have
- Physical conditions of the country and the familiarized themselves with all considerations
then circumstances that may affect the pertinent to the meaning and purpose of the law, and
legislative intent to have formed an independent, conscientious and
- The Court should place itself in the situation competent expert opinion (Asturias Sugar Central, Inc.
of the legislature during that time v.
Presumption: Statutes do not operate in a vacuum. Commissioner of Customs)
In enacting a statute, the legislature is presumed to
have taken into account the Reasons:
existing conditions of things at the time of 1. Respect due the government agency or officials
enactment charged with the implementation of the law
b. Using words similar in import to the
A memorandum circular interpreting the National language of an earlier law which has
Internal Revenue Code was release. Following this, ABS-CBN received a practical interpretation
dutifully paid the taxes according to the formula set. A new c. Amending a prior statute
law was passed amending the assailed provision. A new without providing anything which
order was released by the commissioner of internal revenue would restrict, change or nullify the
revoking the earlier circular for being erroneous for lack of previous contemporaneous
legal basis. Because of this, they demanded petitioner to pay construction placed upon it
the deficiencies based on the new formula. Held: Although
d. Appropriating money for the
the government is not estopped to collect taxes because of
mistakes of its collectors, it admits of certain exceptions in officer designated to perform a task
the interest of justice and fair play. The order cannot be pursuant to an interpretation of a
retroactively applied if it will prejudice the taxpayer, statute
especially if the latter has followed it in good faith. e. With notice of a previous construction,
the legislature did not do repudiate it,
Kinds of executive interpretations there is implied acquiescence to, or
1. Interpretation by usage or practice- approval of, an executive or judicial
construction made by an executive officer construction of a statute Exception:
directly called to implement the law (circular, The legislature, in indicating its
directive, regulation, opinions and rulings) construction of a law, cannot limit or
2. Advisory opinions- one made by the restrict the power of the Court.
Secretary of Justice in his capacity as chief legal - It may not make a definition conclusive to a
adviser of the government upon request of statute which defined the term or to other
administrative officials who enforce the law. statutes (City of Manila v. Manila
3. Ruling of quasi-judicial agencies- Remnants Co, Inc)
interpretation handed down in an - It cannot validate a law which violates the
adversary proceeding constitution to prevent an attack of it in
the courts (Endencia v. David) When used:
*The common usage and practice under a statute is of While legislative interpretation is not
great value to its construction. controlling, the Court may resort it to
Maxim: optimus interpres rerum usum (the best clarify ambiguity in the language. Such
interpreter of a law is usage) interpretation is entitled to respect,
- Rules and regulations issued by executive or
administrative officer pursuant to law have the
force and effect of laws.
- The administrative agency has
the power to interpret its own
rules; this will become part of the rules
47 Legaspi v. Mathay 50To be applicable, earlier law must be re-enacted and not merely amended
and the contemporaneous construction must be in the form of regulation to
48 Hilado v. Collector of Internal Revenue implement the law and duly published and not merely administrative ruling
embodied in a letter to a specified individual and not published (Alexander
49 ABS-CBN v. CTA Howden & Co., Ltd. v. Collector of Internal Revenue).
51For an orderly and harmonious necessary to the decision of the case before it. It is a
interpretation and advancement of the law, remark made, or opinion expressed, by a judge in his decision upon a
the court should, when possible keep step cause “by the way,” that is, incidentally, and not directly upon
with other departments (Yra v. Albana). the question before him, or upon a point not necessarily involved in
the determination of the cause, or introduced by way of illustration,
52In case of an agreement between two or analogy or argument (Delta Motors Corp. v. Secretary of
departments- the executive and legislative-
to the meaning of the law, and it devolves
upon the judiciary to give it a deferential
55In Tung Chin Hui v Rufus B. Rodriguez, the Court held that the doctrine
treatment (Bengzon v. Secretary of Justice).
of stare decisis cannot be invoked since there is a new law that took
Art. 8 (CC) effect, hence, the rulings of the previous cases shall no longer apply.
54Opinion express by a court upon
56 Canon 18, Canons of Judicial Ethics
some question of law which is not
ADHERENCE TO, OR DEPARTURE FROM, 5. The law should be applied regardless whether
LANGUAGE OF STATUTE it is unwise, hard or harsh.
6. If the law is clear and free from doubt, it is the
Adherence to the language sworn duty of the court to apply it without fear
or favour, to follow its mandate, and not to
tamper with it.59
Literal meaning, Plain-meaning rule, Verba legis
7. What it decrees must be followed; what it
General rule: The intent of the legislature is found in commands must be obeyed.60
the language of the statute. 8. Where the law is clear, appeals to justice and
equity as to justification to construe
Maxims: it differently are unavailing. 61
- index animi sermo est (speech is the index of
intention) Globe Mackay v. NLRC
- verba legis non est recedendum (from the Private respondent Salazar was found to be close to Saldivar
words of the statute there should be no and, in fact, living with him in an apartment. The latter was
investigated for defrauding petitioner and use of an air-con
without authorization. Because of this, she was suspended
- dura lex sed lex (the law may be harsh, but it is and, later on, dismissed. Held: The suspension is legal.
still the law) However, there was no sufficient evidence for her dismissal.
- hoc quidem perquam durum est, sed ital ex Hence, following the provision of the law, she was unjustly
scripta est (it is exceedingly hard but so removed and is entitled to reinstatement and payment of
the law is written) Reasons: back wages. The principle of “strained relations” cannot be
- A statute, being the will of the legislature, accepted since her job as systems analyst is not one
characterized as a position of trust. Loss of confidence
should be applied in exactly the way the
cannot also be accepted since it must rest upon a valid basis.
legislature has expressed itself clearly in the
The report made by the company’s internal auditor is one-
law. sided because Saldivar has already resigned, depriving him
- The duty of the court is limited to inquiring into opportunity to defend himself.
the legislative intent and, once this is
determined, to making said intent effective. Cecileville Realty & Service Corp. v. CA Petitioner owned a
parcel of land while private respondent Pascual occupied a
Phrases: portion of it. Despite several demands, Pascual did not
1. What is not clearly provided in the law cannot vacate the land. Held: The defense that Pascual was just
be extended to those matters outside its helping his mother, a tenant, in cultivating the lands cannot
be accepted. The law is clear, only the tenant, and not his
relatives, can demand for a home lot suitable for dwelling.
2. Where the statute is clear, plain, and free from
ambiguity, it must be given its literal meaning, RCBC v. IAC
applied without attempted interpretation and BF Homes filed a petition for rehabilitation and suspension
must be taken to mean exactly as what it says. of payments with the SEC. RCBC, as a creditor, requested the
3. Where the law is clear and free from doubt and sheriff to extra-judicially foreclose its real estate mortgage.
ambiguity, there is no room for construction or Despite the ongoing case in the SEC, RCBC filed an action for
interpretation. mandamus to
compel the sheriff to execute a certificate of sale in its name.
4. Courts must administer the law, not as they
Later on, SEC appointed a management committee to assist
think it ought to be but as they
BF Homes with the rehabilitation/liquidation.
find it and without regard to Held: Even if it would seem logical that suspension should
consequences. 58 succeed the application for rehabilitation, the law is clear.
57 Baranda v. Gustillo
60 PNB v. Bitulok Sawmill, Inc.
58 For whether a statute is wise or expedient
61For equity is available only in the absence of law and not its replacement.
is not for the courts to determine (Director
of Lands v. Abaya). Equity is described as justice outside legality, which simply means that it
cannot supplant although it may supplement the law. Aequitas nunquam
Go v. Anti-Chinese League of the contravenit legis. Equity never acts in contravention of justice (Aguila v. CFI
Philippines Batangas).
67 73 Sanciangco v. Rono
Griffin v. Greene
68 74 Salenillas v. CA
Demafiles v. COMELEC
70 76 People v. Duque
Santillon v. Miranda
86 90 People v. Buenviaje
Ligot v. Mathay
91 De Ponce v. Sagario
87 Enrique Yuchengco, Inc. v. Velayo
- A general word should not be given a does not distinguish, courts should not
restricted meaning where no restriction is distinguish) Presumption: The legislature made
indicated no classification in the use of a general word or
- If a word in a statute has both restricted and expression
general meaning, the general must prevail over Exception: Where there are facts or circumstances
the restricted unless the nature of the subject showing that the legislature
matter or the context in which it is employed intended a distinction or qualification
clearly indicates that the limited sense is intended
Exception: If the word is given a different or restricted Ramirez v. CA
meaning Private respondent allegedly insulted and humiliated
Maxims: generalia verba sunt generaliter petitioner in a manner offensive to her dignity and
intelligenda (what is generally spoken shall be personality. Because of this, she instituted a civil case for
generally understood) generale dictum generaliter damages where she presented a verbatim transcript of the
event because she recorded said conversation. With this,
est interpretandum (a general statement is
private respondent filed a criminal case against Ramirez for
understood in a general sense) violating the antiwiretapping act or RA 4200. Petitioner
contended that she is exempted since she was a party to the
People v. Santiago conversation.
Santiago was accused of libel for besmirching the name of Held: The law clearly provided that “any person” not
then Mayor Arsenio Lacson with malicious intent. He authorized by all parties to any private communication is
contended that it was only oral defamation, in which, action liable. It did not make any distinction whether or not a
has already prescribed. Held: Amplifier, used by defendant, person to be penalized should or should not be a party to
is not similar to radio. The latter involves transmission of the conversation. Hence, even a person, party to a
electromagnetic waves without wires, while the former uses conversation, records it without the others’ knowledge is
a conducting wire intervening between the transmitter and considered a violator.
the receiver. Radio cannot be then interpreted to include
amplifier. And using the associated words, it should be Commercial or trade meaning
construed as to be characterized with permanence.
- Words and phrases, which are common use among
merchants and traders, acquire trade or
*Progressive interpretation
commercial meanings which are generally accepted
- Generic term should include not only peculiar in the community in which they have common use
conditions obtaining at the time of its
- Hence, the understanding of the trader determines
enactment but those that may normally arise
the construction to be given
- Usually applicable to tariff laws and laws of
- Apply to all cases that come within the terms commerce
and its general purpose and policy, existing Exception: Legislative intent to the contrary Examples:
subsequent to its passage
1. “Dispose of” is to sell95
- Keeps legislation from becoming ephemeral
2. “Gross value in money” is gross selling price96
and transitory
92 96
Geotina v. CA San Miguel Corp. v. Municipal Council of Mandaue
93 97
Lo Cham v. Ocampo Krivenko v. Register of Deeds
Rura v. Lopena
104 People v. Ferrer
Krivenko v. Register of Deeds
105 People v. Nazario
102 Luzon Stevedoring Co. v. Natividad
103 Santulan v. Executive Secretary
108 110
Nera v. Garcia Heras Teehankee v. Director of Prisons
116 117
Maddumba v. Ozaeta Republic v. Reyes
120 Arabay, Inc. v CFI Zamboanga 124 San Miguel Corp. v. Avelino
Construing statutes in pari materia Ask the Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. SC Johnson Respondent
question: Does the later act was obliged to pay their parent company royalties based on
impliedly amended or repealed a percentage of net sales. It is also subjected to 25%
withholding tax on royalty payments. They filed for refund to
the earlier statute?
the BIR for overpaying arguing that a preferential rate of
General rule: A statute will not be construed as 10% should apply to them. Respondent court ruled in favour
repealing a prior act on the same subject. In case of
doubt, it will be resolved against implied
128 Lacson v. Roque 131 Commissioner of Customs v. Superior Gas & Equipment Co.
129 Id at 135
of SC Johnson saying that the RP-US Tax Treaty
is related to the RP-West Germany Tax Treaty. Lichauco & Co. v. Apostol
Held: The two treaties are not in pari materia. This is Petitioner wanted to import draft and bovine cattle for the
because the German Tax Treaty expressly allows crediting manufacture of serum from Pnom-Pehn. But respondent did
against German income and corporation tax unlike with that not admit the cattles. Held: Sec. 1770 of the Administrative
of the US. The US does not have a similar matching credit Code has not been repealed by Act No. 3052. Unless there is
scheme and no commitment on the grantee to give some an irreconcilable repugnancy, there can be no implied
form of tax relief to the grantor. Thus, the “most favoured repeal. Sec. 1770 (AC) deals with a special contingency (any
nation” preferential tax rate should not apply. animal from which the Department Head declares
that a dangerous communicable disease prevails in a foreign
Statutes in pari materia country) not subject to Act No. 3052, amending sec. 1762
1. General and special statutes (permitting a draft or bovine cattle for the manufacture of
2. Reference statutes
3. Supplemental statutes
Butuan Sawmill v. City of Butuan
4. Reenacted statutes The City of Butuan, acting on its charter RA 523 in 1950,
5. Adopted statutes passed an ordinance taxing businesses engaging electric
light, heat and power. Butuan Sawmill, which was given a
1. General and special statutes legislative franchise by virtue of RA 399 in 1949, disputed the
constitutionality of the taxing ordinance because it impairs
the obligation of contract. Held: Although the charter of
General statute- applies to all people of the state
Butuan was approved later than the grant of franchise, the
or to all of a particular class of persons in the state
latter was special and the former general. The charter gave
with equal force132 taxing power to Butuan but businesses of electric light, heart
- embraces a class of subjects or and power should serve as exemptions. Also, the Local
places and does not omit any subject or place Autonomy Act did not authorize Butuan to tax the franchised
naturally belonging to such business since it would result to double taxation because a
class133 franchise tax is already paid.
132 US v. Serapio
135 Lichauco & Sons v. Apostol
133 Valera v. Tuason
136 Manila Railroad Co. v. Rafferty
134 Id at 140
3. Supplemental statutes Held: Congress did not expand the scope of
- Intended to supply deficiencies in an existing the exemption to include instrumentalities or agencies
statute and to add, to complete, or extend of
the government-owned and controlled corporations.
the statute without changing or modifying its
original text
The reproduction of the source of exemption in Sec.
40(a) of PD 464 (Real Property Tax Code) in the Local
4. Reenacted statutes
Government Code excluded the GOCCs.
- The provisions of an earlier statute are reproduced
in the same or substantially the same words
- Two statutes with a parallel scope, purpose and 5. Adopted statute
terminology should, each in its own field, have a - A statute patterned after, or copied from a
like interpretation, unless in particular instances statute of a foreign country - In construing
there is something peculiar in the question under adopted statutes, the court must take into
consideration, or dissimilar in the terms of the act consideration: o construction of the law by the
relation to it, requiring a different conclusion courts of the country from which it is taken, o
- If a statute has been construed by the court of last law itself o practices under it
resort and the same is re-enacted, the legislature Exception: construction given to the statute
may be regarded as adopting such construction subsequent to its adoption, but it has persuasive
(adoption of contemporaneous construction) effect
- Applies only when the statute is capable of the
construction given to it when the construction has Banas v. CA
become a settled rule of conduct Banas sold a land to Ayala Investment for P2,308,770.
- Reenactment may also be done by reference In the Deed of Sale, it was agreed that he shall be paid
in instalment for four years. On the same day, he
discounted the promissory note with Ayala. He was issued
ESSO Standard Eastern v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue 9 checks all dated with that day drawn against BPI. In
Petitioner asked for refund for overpaid taxes arising from the first year, he reported P461,754 as his
the disallowance of the margin fees paid to the Central Bank
on its profits to its New York head office. They claim that
income, and a uniform income of P230,877 for the
margin fees are taxes, hence, should be deductible from
succeeding years. He was charged for tax evasion but
ESSO’s gross income under Sec.
applied for tax amnesty under PD 1740. He filed for
30(c) of the NIRC.
another tax amnesty under PD 1840. But he still
Held: The margin fee was not a re-enacted statute of a
insisted that he was paid in instalment. Held: To avail of
revenue measure. It is in keeping with the police power of
the tax amnesty, there should be a disclosure of untaxed
the State to discourage imports and encourage exports. It
income. When he discounted the check, he lost his
cannot also be considered as a necessary expense deductible
entitlement of payment through instalment since he
to the net income because it is paid to its head office as a
immediately received cash. The law was adopted from
separate income, and not as an appropriate and helpful in
the US where it held that an
the development of the business. Tax exemptions are strictly
instalment obligation discounted at a bank, it would
construed against the taxpayer.
Martinez v. CA
- Exceptions should be strictly but reasonably
Martinez was charged with libel as a result of the alleged construed, and extends only so far as their
derogatory imputations against then VicePresident Laurel in language fairly warrants
his article. After the DOJ Secretary issued an opinion that - Provisos should be strictly construed since the
said article was not libellous, the prosecutor was directed to legislature sets forth in the general enactment its
cause the dismissal of the information filed. Laurel appealed. policy and only those exempted
Martinez moved to dismiss the appeal on the ground that no
by the proviso should be freed from the
appeal lies from the dismissal of a criminal case. Held:
Petition is denied since the procedural recourse of Laurel operation of the statute
was correct. The order of dismissal was a final order, hence
nothing more could be done in tbe lower court. What was
required was the trial judge’s own Statutes liberally construed
judgment and not that of the
opinion of the DOJ secretary. The
1. General social legislation
dismissal order, being a violation of
2. Grant of power to local governments
Resins, Inc. v. Auditor General 144
Sec. 3 Art. XVI (Const). The State may not be sued without its consent.
Alliance of Government Workers v.
Minister of Labor and 145 Compana General de Tabacos de Filipinas v. Government
Sec. 25 Art. II (Const). The State shall
ensure the autonomy of local governments.
- This is because of the
goal of the probation
to give first-hand
MANDATORY AND DIRECTORY STATUTES Prohibition; that something be not done, leaving
the person concerned no choice on the matter
Mandatory statutes except to obey154
Positive- Commands that something be done, or - acts executed against the provisions of
performed in a particular way Negative- mandatory or prohibitory laws
153 Cabunilas v. CA
154 Brehn v. Republic
shall be void155 Alcala is qualified by being a former Filipino
citizen who wished to adopt her younger brother Joseph.
But, Art. 185 (FC) orders a mandatory joint adoption for
Directory statutes
spouses. As such, adoption cannot be granted since her
1. permissive or discretionary in nature and merely husband has disqualifications. But, they may still adopt the
outlines the act to be done in such a way that no minor according to the rules on inter-country adoption.
injury can result from ignoring it or that its purpose
can be accomplished in a manner other than that Bunye v. Escareal
prescribed and will have substantially the same Several officials of Muntinlupa were issued a preventive
result suspension by the Sandiganbayan. This is in connection with
2. statute which merely operates to confer discretion the alleged forcible taking of the New Alabang Public
upon a person, namely, to act according to the Market. Defendants claimed that Muntinlupa Government
dictates of his own judgment and conscience, and has a 25-year lease contract with them, and their own
not controlled by the cooperative introduced improvements.
Held: Sec. 13 of the RA 3019 clearly provided that public
judgment and conscience of others
officials charged shall be suspended from office. Even if
there would be massive vacancies in several offices in
How to determine Muntinlupa, a preventive suspension must still be issued.
162 Gafor v. COMELEC courts, and three months for all other lower courts. See also Sec. 7. Art.
IX(A). Each Commission shall decide by a majority vote of all its Members,
163Aguila v. Genato any case or matter brought before it within sixty days from the date of its
164Sec. 15(1) Art. VIII (Const). All cases or submission for decision or resolution.
matters filed after the effectivity of this
165 Philippine Association of Free Labor Unions v. Secretary of Labor
Constitution must be decided or resolved
within twenty-four months from date of
166 Dimson v. Elepano
submission for the Supreme Court, and,
unless reduced by the Supreme Court,
twelve months for all lower collegiate
4. Statutes substantive in nature
5. Statutes affecting vested rights
6. Statutes affecting obligations of contract
PROSPECTIVE AND RETROACTIVE STATUTES 7. Repealing and amendatory acts
Prospective statutes
- Operates upon facts or transactions that occur Retroactive statutes
after the statute takes effect
- One that looks and applies to the future167 1. Procedural
- Indicated by the words “hereafter,” “thereafter,” 2. Curative
“from and after the passing of this Act,” “shall have 3. Police power legislations
been made,” “from and 4. Statutes relating to prescription
after,” “shall.” 5. Statutes relating to appeals
Retroactive statutes
- Takes away or impairs vested rights acquired under
existing laws, creates new obligation, imposes a
new duty or attaches a new disability in respect to
transactions already past
- But a statute is not made retroactive because it
draws on antecedent facts for its operation or part
of the requirements for its application is drawn
from a time antedating its passage168
- The constitution does not prohibit the enactment
of a retroactive statute which does not impair
obligations of contract or divest
rights that have become vested
167 169Art. 4 (CC). Laws shall have no retroactive effect, unless the contrary is
Laceste v. Santos
168 Camacho v. Court of Industrial Relation
Estrada v. Caeda
175 Government v. Gale
171 Garcia Valdez v. Tuason
176 Erectors, Inc. v. NLRC
172 Art. 2 (CC), as amended by EO 200
177 People v. Lim
173 Parras v. Land Registration Commission
178 Government v. Agoncillo
174 Rillaroza v. Arciaga 179 Mecano v. COA
Code of 1987 repealed the RAC, and the same
section from which Mecano based his action has not been - But implied repeals are not favoured since the
reproduced. presumption is against inconsistency or
Held: The later code did not cover not attempted to cover
the entire subject matter. There are several matters treated
Presumption: The legislature knows the existing laws
in the old Code that are not found in the new one. The fact
that a later law may relate to the same subject matter is in the subject and could not have enacted
insufficient to cause an implied repeal since it may just be inconsistent or conflicting statutes. Exception: There
cumulative of the prior legislation. is an irreconcilable repugnancy
Villegas v. Subido
Effects of repeal
After the retirement of the Asst. City Treasurer, Civil Service
Commissioner Subido authorized Jose Gloria to assume the
1. Renders inoperative as of the date the
position. Mayor Villegas ordered Gloria to refrain from repealing act takes effect. It is a declaration
exercising his duties since the appointment power is lodged that the repealed statute is invalid from the
with him under the Decentralization Act. During the date of enactment
pendency of the case, the President nominated Gloria and 2. But it does not undo the consequences of the
was duly confirmed. operation of the statute while in force, unless
Held: The City Charter of Manil gave the President the power directly expressed by the language or necessary
to appoint the Asst. City Treasurer. The Revised implications. It cannot render illegal what was
Administrative Code (RAC) only allowed appointment of
legal before
employees by local officials, and not officers. The Charter is
considered as an exception to the general rule found in the 3. Cannot oust jurisdiction from a court, nor
RAC. render its decision void
4. Defeats all actions and proceedings still
CEPALCO v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue Petitioner pending which arose from the repealed statute
was granted a franchise in 1961 to maintain an electric light, since an appellate court will dispose of a
heat and power system in Cagayan de Oro. It was question according to the law
successively amended to include other municipalities. Later, prevailing at the time of rendition of the
the Local Tax Code was enacted empowering local appealed judgment
government units to impose new taxes. CEPALCO refused to
5. Does not destroy or impair vested rights under
pay the additional tax to the province of Misamis Oriental
the statute prior its repeal. Rights accrued and
claiming that its franchise expressly provided that it would
only pay 3% from its gross earnings.
vested while a statute is in force survives
Held: The Local Tax Code is more general in scope and repeal
application, while the franchise grant to CEPALCO is specific. 6. It will not affect the terms of contract entered
into by parties on the basis of the repealed law.
1. Implied repeal by revision or codification And will apply even if one of the contracting
- Legislative intent is shown by enactment of parties is the government.181
a statute revising or codifying the former 7. It does not preclude collection of taxes under
laws on the whole subject matter the repealed law
- Legislative declaration that whatever is 8. But will deprive the court of its jurisdiction if a
embraced in the new statute shall prevail penal law is repealed since the act is not
and whatever is excluded shall be anymore considered criminal
discarded 9. Repeal of a municipal charter destroys all
offices under it, and puts an end to the
2. Repeal by re-enactment functions of an incumbent, except those saved
- A re-enacted statute of the by the charter
whole subject matter, if 10. Simultaneous repeal and re-enactment does
complete and comprehensive is not affect the rights and liabilities accrued
regarded as the whole law on the subject. under the original statute since the re-
- When a specific section of a prior act by enactment simply neutralizes the repeal
providing that it should be read as follows, 11. A law which expressly repeals a prior law is
then quote the amended provisions, what repealed, the first law shall not be
is not included in the revived unless expressly stated
re-enactment is deemed repealed