Acids, Bases
Acids, Bases
Acids, Bases
1.Which of the following substances can be
crystallised from aqueous solution?
46. How many moles of hydrogen ions are A.BaSO4 B.PbCl2
34. Which of the following substances there in 400 cm3 of sulphuric acid of C.HgSO4 D.(NH4)2CO3
neutralize an acid to produce salt and water concentration 0.6 mol dm-3?-C
only? A.0.6 x 400 mol 2.Which of the following salts reacts with
I.Copper oxide II.Magnesium oxide B.2 x 0.6 x 400 mol hydrochloric acid to produce a white precipitate
III.Sodium hydroxide C. 0.6 X 400 mol which is soluble when heated?
IV.Calcium carbonate 1000 A.Zinc carbonate B.Barium nitrate
A.I ,II B.II ,IV C.I, II , III D.I, II, III , D. 2 X 0.6 X 400 mol C.Sodium sulphate D.Lead(II) chloride
IV 1000
3.2.0 g of sodium hydroxide reacts with excess
35. Which of the following is weak alkali? 47. Which of the following bases reacts with sulphuric acid. What is the mass of sodium
A.Ammonia B.Barium hydroxide hydrochloric acid to form sodium chloride sulphate produced? [Relative atomic mass : H,
C.Sodium hydroxide D.Potassium and water? 1 ; O, 16 ; Na, 23 ; S, 32]
hydroxide A.Copper oxide B.Sodium A.2.86 g B.3.32 g C.3.55 g D.4.12 g
36. Which of the following is a strong acid? C.Sodium carbonate D.Calcium 4.Which of the following salts is most likely to
A.Citric acid B.Nitric acid hydroxide be made by the double decomposition method?
C.Tartaric acid D.Ethanedioic acid A.Zinc nitrate
48. 100 cm3 of 0.5 mol dm-3 hydrochloric B.Copper(II) sulphate
37. Which of the following is true about weak acid is prepared from a 2.0 mol dm-3 standard C.Mercury(I) chloride
acid? hydrochloric acid solution. The total volume D.Ammonium carbonate
I.Most of the organic asid of 2.0 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid which
II.Low concentration of hydrogen ions should be diluted with water is 5.When substance X is heated, a colourless gas
III.Dissociate partially into hydrogen ions in A.20 cm3 B.25 cm3 C.30 cm3 D.35 cm3 is released. It has a pungent smell and bleaches
water purple acidified potassium manganate(VII)
IV.pH is lower than of strong acid with the 49. The concentration of a solution refers to solution. The residue obtained after heating is
same concentration A.the amount of water in a given volume yellow when hot and white when cold.
A.I ,III B.II,IV C.I, II ,III D.I, II, III ,IV of solution Substance X is probably
B.the quantity of solute in a given volume of A.K2CO3 B.ZnCO3
38. Sulphuric acid is a strong acid that solution C.MgCO3 D.CuCO3 not corrosive C.the quantity of oxygen ions in a given
B.does not conduct electricity volume of solution 6.Which of the following salts is found in
C.dissociate partially into hydrogen ions in D.the quantity of hydrogen ions in a given baking powder?
water volume of solution A.Sodium nitrite
D.produces a high concentration of B.Sodium chloride
hydrogen ions 50. Which of the following are bases? C.Sodium benzoate
I.Sodium oxide II.Lead(II) oxide D.Sodium hydrogen carbonate
39. The molarity of an aqueous solution is III.Copper(II) oxide IV.Potassium oxide
defined as the A.I ,III B.II,IV C.I, II , III D.I, II, III ,IV 7.25 cm3 of 2.0 mol dm-3 lead(II) nitrate reacts
A.number of moles of solute present in 1 dm-3 completely with 50 cm3 of 0.1 mol dm-3 sodium
of water sulphate solution. Which one of the ionic
B.number of moles of solute present in 1
51. Table below shows the pH equations represent the reaction?
dm-3 of the solution values of solutions R, S, T A.Pb 2+ + SO42- → PbSO4
C.number of grams of solute present in 1 dm-3 B.Na+ + NO3- → NaNO3
of the solution
and U. C.Pb2+ + 2SO42- → PbSO4
D.number of molecules of solute present in 1 Solution pH value D.2Pb2+ + SO42- → Pb2SO4
dm-3 of the solution R 12
S 7 8.5.0 cm3 of 0.5 mol dm-3 potassium
40. What gas is produced when an alkali is T 4 chromate(VI) solution was added to each of the
heated with an ammonium salt? U 2 seven test tubes. Various volume of 0.5 mol dm-
A.Oxygen B.Hydrogen lead(II) nitrate solution was added to each test
C.Ammonia D.Carbon dioxide tube 1 cm3 to 7 cm3. The height of precipitates
was recorded. Which of the following graphs
52. Which of the following solutions has the
41. 5.00 g of copper(II) sulphate is dissolved in represent the variation of the height of
lowest number of hydrogen ions?
water to form 500 cm3 solution. Calculate the A 300 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm-3 nitric acid
precipitates to the volume of lead(II) nitrate 16.Which of the following methods is most
added?-C suitable for preparing lead(II) sulphate?
A.PbO + H2SO4 → PbSO4 + H2O
A B.Pb(OH)2 + H2SO4 → PbSO4 + 2H2O
C.Pb(NO3)2 + H2SO4 → PbSO4 + 2HNO3
D.Pb(NO3)2 + Na2SO4 → PbSO4 +
31.Which of the following will produce 38.The salts formed during preparation of
nitrogen dioxide gas when strongly heated? soluble salts contain impurities. These salts can
I Zinc nitrate be purified by a process known as
II Lead(II) nitrate A evaporation
III Sodium nitrate B recrystallisation
IV Copper(II) nitrate C fractional distillation
It is observed that the gas produced explodes
A.I,III B II,IV C.I,II, IV D.I, II,III,IV D reheating and cooling
with a ‘pop’ sound. Based on the observation,
the gas produced is
32.Which of the following chemical equations 39.Sodium hypochloride, NaOCl, is used as a
A.nitrogen B.hydrogen
represent the reaction of heat on lead(II) Afood flavouring Bbleaching agent
C.carbon dioxide D.nitrogen dioxide
nitrate? C.synthetic fertiliser D.Inorganic pesticides
A Pb(NO3)2 → Pb(NO2)2 + O2 35.Which of the following salts is insoluble
B Pb(NO3)2 → Pb + 2NO2 + O2 40.Which of the following gases turns moist
in water?
C 2Pb(NO3)2 → 2PbO + 4NO2 + O2 red litmus paper into blue?
A.BaSO4 B.MgCl2
D 2Pb(NO3)2 → 2PbO + 4NO + 3O2 A.Ammonia B.Sulphur dioxide
C.ZnCO3 D.Pb(NO3)2
C.Nitrogen dioxide D.Hydrogen chloride
(b)Describe how you would prepare 250 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm-3 potassium
hydroxide, from solid potassium hydroxide.Explain your answer.
(Relative atomic mass:H,1; O,16; K,39)
Calculate the molar mass of KOH = 39 + 16 + 1 = 56
250 cm3 1.0 mol dm-3 KOH contains1.0 X 250
mol KOH which is 0.25 X56 = 14.0 g of KOH.
Weight exactly 14.0 g of KOH accurately in weighing bottle
Dissolve 14.0 g of KOH in a little water in a beaker. After that, transfer
the content unto a 250 cm3 voltmetric flask.
Rinse the beaker with distilled water transfer all the contents to a
volumetric flask.
Distilled water is added to the volumetric flask until the calibration
mark. The solution produced is 1.0 mol dm-3 potassium hydroxide.
To prepare a 0.1 mol dm-3 potassium hydroxide solution, 250 cm 3 of 1.0
mol dm-3 potassium hydroxide solution is trasferred to a 250 cm 3 using
Distilled water is added to the volumetric flask until the calibration
[10 marks]
(c)Describe why sodium hydroxide solution and aqueous ammonia of the
same concentration have a different pH value.
Sodium hydroxide is a strong alkali that undergoes complete
dissociation in aqueous solution. However, ammonia is a weak
alkali that undergoes partial dissociation only. The concentration
of hydroxide ion in sodium hydroxide ion in sodium hydroxide is
thus bigger than that in ammonia. Therefore, the pH value of
sodium hydroxide is higher than ammonia.
[5 marks]
1. An experiment is carried out to study the relationship between the
concentrations of H+ ions and the pH value of sulphuric acid solutions.
Record the pH value of six nitric acid solutions with concentrations of 0.08
mol dm-3, 0.06mol dm-3, 0.04mol dm-3, 0.03mol dm-3, 0.02mol dm-3,
0.01mol dm-3 using pH meter. The diagram below shows the corresponding
pH value and the concentrations of the nitric acid.
[3 marks]
(e)Based on the graph you have drawn, find the pH value of a 0.05 mol dm -3
nitric acid solution.
The pH value of a 0.05 mol dm-3 nitric acid is 1.1
[3 marks]
(a)Give the variables involved in the experiment:
(i) Manipulated variable: Concentration of nitric acid solution 2.The table below shows the data obtained in a
[1 mark]
(ii) Responding variable: pH values
titration experiment.
[1 mark] Titration No. 1 2 3
(iii) Fixed variable: Controlled variable: Type of acid used Initial burette reading(cm3) 5.00 5.00 5.00
[1 mark] Final burette reading(cm3) 29.96 29.06 30.00
(b)What is the hypothesis for this experiment? Volume of H2SO4 acid used 24.96 25.06 26.00
The higher the concentration of H+ ions, the lower the pH value. In this experiment, 0.25 mol dm-3 sodium hydroxide solution is titrated with
[3 marks] dilute sulphuric acid using methyl orange as indicator. This experiment is
(c)Record the results of the experiment. Construct a table in your answer. carried out three times.
Concentration of H+ ions 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 (a)Draw a labelled diagram to show the set up of the apparatus used in this
(mol dm-3) experiment.
pH value 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.8 16) (a)
[3 marks]
(d)Draw a graph of pH value versus concentration of H+ ions on graph
[3 marks]
(b)Give the hypothesis.
When the sodium hydroxide solution is completely neutralized by
sulphuric acid, the colour of methyl orange indicator will changed from
yellow to orange.
[1 mark]
(c)State all the variables in this experiment.
Manipulated variable: Volume of dilute sulphuric acid
Responding variable: Colour of methyl orange indicator
Fixed variable: Volume of sodium hydroxide solution.
[3 marks]
(d)Explain the initial colour change when sodium hydroxide solution is
titrated with sulphuric acid until the end point is reached.
The methyl orange indicator changed colour from yellow to orange
when the end point is reached.
[2 marks]
(e)Give the conclusion for this experiment.
The conclusion in this experiment is, the colour of methyl orange
indicator in NaOH solution will changed to orange when the NaOH
solution is completely neutralized by an acid solution.
[1 mark]
Manipulated variable: Types of reagent.
Responding variable: Formation of precipitate and evolution of gases
Controlled variable: Magnesium and carbonate ions
(d) Procedure:
A qualitative analysis is carried out based on the hypothesis stated to
confirm the presence of magnesium and carbonate ions in magnesium
There are three meant things in performing the qualitative analysis.
There are analytical procedure, precautions and quantity of substances
Test the gas released using lime The filtrate solution is colourless.
water. The mixture is filtered.
The filtrate obtained is used for
two test.
(i) To 1 cm3 of the filtrate, sodium (i) The white precipitate insoluble
hydroxide is added until in in excess NaOH solution is
excess. formed.
(ii) To 1 cm3 of the filtrate, (ii) White precipitate insoluble in
ammonia hydroxide is added excess aqueous ammonia solution
until is excess. is formed.
Based on the experiment above, Substance Y is a magnesium carbonate.
[17 marks]